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736342 No. 736342 ID: b70770

The year is 21XX. In the city of [Undisclosed] the day goes by without incident. People go about their lives, completely oblivious to all they have lost. Without even the faintest knowledge that something precious has been taken from them, without knowing that someone out there is fighting to bring it back, without knowing of the secret war being waged.

Yes, someone is fighting for them. Someone remembers.

That someone is-

Expand all images
No. 736343 ID: b70770
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"Excuse me! S-sorry! No, please move out of the-!"


That someone smashes through the window. For a moment they hang in the air, one hand protecting their head and the other clutching something precious.
No. 736344 ID: b70770
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The person lands with a loud thump, denting the solid concrete and cracking the ground. They stand up, panting and still holding their prize

I think I lost them...

It's starting to get hot, though. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going.
No. 736345 ID: 3663d3

unzip to get better air circulation.
No. 736346 ID: b70770
File 146872837137.png - (56.32KB , 800x600 , 4.png )

At least you're okay, right?

She holds up a bundle of cloth. It's warm to the touch, unusually so.
No. 736350 ID: 398fe1

No. 736351 ID: 15a025

What's inside?
No. 736353 ID: 2e2d71

Your secret war isn't gonna stay secret for long if you leave evidence like broken windows and concrete craters! Step lightly there, you're supposed to be a cat!
No. 736357 ID: b2d501

Swap clothes, blend into the crowd.
No. 736358 ID: f938df

If it's too hot, simply pull the hoodie down. You don't have to take the whole jacket off.
No. 736375 ID: b70770
File 146873548835.png - (111.77KB , 800x600 , 5.png )

Thank god! Without you this whole thing would have been pointless!

Inside of you? Nothing. You are the prize.

Ehehehe... Whoops. Sorry, but it was that or break my legs! I'm still working on how to fine tune this thing!

I can't do that. If I take this off then there's no way I could fight-


Ah... That.

A dog-like creature is in the alley with her, though not blocking the exit. It towers over her on it's hind legs and holds a wicked looking axe in it's hands.

A Sweater Puppy..!

Darn it... I didn't expect there to be so many of them... Our intel was completely wrong.

Should I try to stand my ground or just run?
No. 736376 ID: 15a025

Run! Our specialty is stealth, not combat...I think?
No. 736377 ID: e5229b

Take it out at the feet! Without support sweater puppies are just sad and lifeless!
No. 736378 ID: 031add

If it's cat V dog leg it, you have the dex advantage put it good use.
No. 736379 ID: 398fe1


Don't fight with one hand occupied.
No. 736381 ID: 2e2d71

That sweater puppy isn't living up to it's name. It doesn't have significant sweater puppies at all!

>Should I try to stand my ground or just run?
Fake it out. Make like you're standing your ground then run.
No. 736382 ID: f938df

Run! How can you fight with no weapons? Just take the hood off so you won't tire yourself out!
No. 736385 ID: 3663d3

feint, make it swing and then knock it over while it's off balance, then leg it!
No. 736386 ID: b70770
File 146873663592.png - (139.96KB , 800x600 , 6.png )

It's a puppy in a sweater.

The hood is my weapon!

Ah, dang it!

You guys are right, I need to run!

She runs out of the alley, clutching the cargo tightly against her chest. As she runs she pulls off her hood. Immediately she feels some relief from the heat that had been building up throughout the mission but without the hood's powers her steps do not carry her quite as far.

These full body hoodies aren't meant to be used this long...

I think I lost him, though. Maybe I can go back into my civilian clothes and try to blend in.
No. 736387 ID: 398fe1

Someone's dive-bombing you! Hood up, get ready to fight them off!
No. 736388 ID: 15a025

Watch out above you!
No. 736389 ID: 031add

Dodge roll, bonus points if your hoods on at the end of the roll.
No. 736390 ID: f938df

No. 736392 ID: f65280

Stuff the prize in your hoodie so your hands are free
No. 736394 ID: 2e2d71

Your attacker is currently ballistic, and thus unable to dodge any retaliation.

Equip hoodie, engage headbutt attack.
No. 736399 ID: b70770
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The girl looks up and sees the Sweater Puppy flying at her. She leaps out of the way, her hood sliding back onto her head at the same time.

The moment it covers a portion of her head she feels it's strength flowing into her limbs, making her move faster. But with it comes the stifling heat.

She manages to dodge just before the impact. The Sweater Puppy has put all of it's might into it's fist and destroys the street.

Geeze... If I hadn't moved...

This was supposed to be a simple thing.

She looks around, worried people might see.

But there's no one around. Not a single person is in the streets.

This is weird... Something feels off.

The Sweater Puppy stands back up and pulls out an axe that was hanging on it's back.

If I fight I'll have only one chance...
Or I can just go.
No. 736400 ID: 398fe1

Fight! Fight!
No. 736401 ID: f938df

Cats have claws, right? Use them you nyanderfully cute person!
No. 736402 ID: 3663d3

use FRAY to make the sweater fall apart.
No. 736403 ID: 343850

Put that puppy down!
No. 736406 ID: e5229b

You'll have to resort to throwing the imaginary ball. Remember, to sell it you need to make them wonder "whatsis?" and not let them see it so when you throw the nothing they chase it.
No. 736408 ID: b70770
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O-oh! Right! Claws!

The Sweater Puppy charges at her, it's axe in hand. She brings her own hands up and wills the hoodie to summon it's claws. A small chunk of it's available fabric is used and metal claws, harder than steel, erupt from the paws. They block the axe with ease.

With a flick of her wrist she knocks the axe aside.

"Alright, puppy! You've been a bad boy!"

She slashes her claws across it. The metal in them was specifically made to tear apart the enhanced sweaters of the Sweater Puppies. Once the fabric is torn apart the sweater loses it's powers.

A small dog is revealed.

No. 736409 ID: b70770
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Awwww! So cute!

Ah, no! Can't get distracted!


The puppy looks at her. She holds up an imaginary ball

"Go fetch!"

She throws it. The dog chases after it, oblivious to her clever ruse.

With a sigh the girl unzips her hoodie. It's powers turn off, the claws vanish, and the heat dissipates.

That was a close one. But you're safe now... The mission is done.

"Clara!" A voice booms from behind her.
No. 736410 ID: b70770
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She turns and sees a woman standing atop a building. At either side of her is another Sweater Puppy.


"Your fight is over. Hand over the package and your hoodie and I'll let you go."


"Never? You're surrounded."

More Sweater Puppies appear atop different buildings.

No people in the street.

It was a trap.

"Give up now and we'll let you leave. Fight and my dogs will tear you apart. You know your cause is not worth this."
No. 736411 ID: f938df

Cats have nine lives! If they kill you, you'll come back. Surely, you've got a trump card up your sleeves, cat? What was that warm cloth you were holding earlier?
No. 736412 ID: 066a87

Put us in the hoodie and be sure to zip it up.

We'll do the fighting this time.
No. 736418 ID: 5a893f

Compliment her Nice pair of Sweater Puppies. She's real good at showing them off.

Oh, try and throw the blame of you by accusing us of controlling you, and that were the ones that refuse to surrender. The choice is out of your hands now.
No. 736425 ID: cb4760

So let's see if I got this straight-magic clothes are a thing.
This woman...Presumably is some sort of crazy dog lady except she figured out she can give them sweaters to make instant bodygaurds/enforcers.
You have-extra speed, and claws as a weapon, claws use a bit of your availible fabric.
They have, I'm guessing extra strength, and get those axes as weapons...
Can you fight this?...I don't like your odds.
But more importantly-is this woman trustworthy? Because if she's known to backstab people there's good odds of her just shanking you if you do disarm.
No. 736430 ID: e5229b

Shout "Squirrel!" point, then run while the puppies are distracted. Claw the sweaters of any puppies in your way! Don't worry about the lady, boob windows are notoriously bad aerodynamically so they can't move quickly.
No. 736439 ID: 2e2d71

>She turns and sees a woman standing atop a building. At either side of her is another Sweater Puppy.
She's also go two directly in front!

>what do
...if we're so valuable, can you use us as a hostage? Threaten to destroy us in order to hold her at bay?
No. 736440 ID: 3663d3

wear us! use the full power of the true hoodie!
No. 736449 ID: 398fe1

With how easily you fought off that one sweater puppy I bet you can break through their lines if you make a break for it immediately.
No. 736461 ID: b2d501


Lick yourself.
No. 736499 ID: f59f03

Nyah way! Fight!
No. 736527 ID: 7f917c

Do a fast-equip and wear us!
No. 736528 ID: eb2015

Oh crap, she has huge sweater puppies! Run!
No. 736540 ID: 987bda

[Equip hoodie via menu to skip equip animation]
No. 736542 ID: b70770
File 146880551596.png - (163.16KB , 800x600 , 11.png )

They're not magic! It's a very technical thing! It's just super advanced and really hard to understand.

I mean, maybe the boss understands it but I sure don't.

And anyway! I can't trust her! She's the ENEMY! The leader of the Sweater Puppies!

N-no! I can't!

They're the biggest I've ever seen... It makes sense that her personal ones would be so huge.

I don't think I can do that. And what I hold in my hands is a Hoodie. One of the last ones ever made by the greatest man ever.

"I won't give either of them up!"


"Y-yeah! You're a bad person! And I won't give in to someone like you!"

She zips her hoodie back up and feels it's strength flowing into her.

"...." The woman raises a hand and gestures at Clara. "Get her."

Ah, crud...
No. 736543 ID: 3663d3

No. 736544 ID: 7f917c


They're airborne! That means they can't change trajectory easily! Step back and charge up a big slash!
No. 736545 ID: 398fe1

You fool, you've doomed us both. Very well, fight with all your might! You will likely have your inferior hoodie damaged, then you will have no choice but to wear us.

Or maybe we can take matters into our own hands and force you to wear us!
No. 736546 ID: 987bda

Wear us, and become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
No. 736547 ID: f938df

Attack them before you get dog piled!
No. 736550 ID: eb2015

FOCUS! Become fast as a cat and shred them! HOODIE PRIDE CITY WIDE!
No. 736551 ID: 2e2d71

Do a zelda-style magic spin with dual claws? Hit every incoming sweater puppy at once!

That or stand still then jump strait up at the last moment so they all slam heads.
No. 736552 ID: 2e2d71

...or target the boss lady's sweater. When the sweater puppies in charge lose their sweater, the lackies will fall!
No. 736563 ID: b70770
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Clara steps back, dodging several of the sweater puppies. Once they impact she flies forward, claws out, and slashes up several of their sweaters. The tiny pups that come out immediately run off.

More leap down at her. She takes a deep breath, then, focuses more of her cloth into her claws. The already long blades extend even further out. She waits for just the right moment, then, when they are about to impact, she twirls about. Her claws slash wildly all around her, making a bubble of blades that none of the sweater puppies can get past.

When she's done she's left immobile for a moment, panting heavily as her body works out the excess heat of the hoodie.

Should have brought an ice cream...

More Sweater Puppies appear.
No. 736564 ID: cb4760

As tempting as just hitting the boss goes, especially since she might very well be only able to command those Sweater Puppies via her sweater...
I agree with the idea to back off before slashing, but here's something-from what I've seen, you're FASTER than those Sweater Puppies, and these are some of the biggest you've seen aye?
Do you know your way around the sewers? Potentially...You could use those to escape, taking advantage of tight corridors wherever possible to make your escape.
Alternatively, is there a nearby fire hydrant or has that technology been outdated? We might be able to use the way to foil the puppies and even the numbers game. Still probably gonna need to run like crap because I'm betting you could probably assassinate the boss lady if she couldn't stomp you in a fight.
No. 736568 ID: b70770
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I can do this.

I can do this!

I just need to clear some space and then I can make a run for it.

I'll have to use that.

She grabs her hoodie's strings and pulls them tight. The hood covers a large part of her face.

This is it!

There's a blast of steam. The Sweater Puppies pause in confusion and look back at their Master. She is simply staring down at Clara from above, her face expressionless.
No. 736578 ID: b70770
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The change is nearly instantaneous. All excess cloth is forced into the paws of the hoodie, granting them immense might. She can feel energy flow into her legs. The hoodie focuses entirely on raw strength while still doing what is needed to keep her 'modest'.

The Sweater Puppies recover from their shock and move in to strike. She takes a leap back and swings one of her claws. The sweater puppies are all stripped of their sweaters and strewn about by the force of the blow. Direct contact wasn't even needed in this form.

Path is clear. I could run now.

She looks up at the leader. She has no one now.

But... She is without any support. In my powered up mode surely I could...
No. 736579 ID: 38685c

Run! You're not powerful enough yet! Complete the mission!
No. 736582 ID: f938df

You have to run like the pussy you are!
Who knows what the keyhole sweater's powers are!
No. 736583 ID: 7f917c

Flee before you Overheat.
No. 736587 ID: 398fe1

Do not commit murder. If you can just de-sweater her. Are you skilled enough?
No. 736588 ID: c386ca

Defeat you as you underestimate her? She's a leader for a reason. And, barring that, the more time you waste the greater chance she might have reinforcements.

Run, you fool.
No. 736589 ID: b2d501

If you have any assassins in your squad, now's the time. Otherwise, RUN.
No. 736591 ID: 2e2d71

...where did you put us? I don't see us in your hands, and there's not a lot of clothes left you could have tucked us in. Unless we're in your...

>But... She is without any support. In my powered up mode surely I could...
She's got a sweater around her own puppies. You don't know how strong she is, and you're tired, weakened by a long pursuit and fight, while she's yet to exert herself.

Don't overexert yourself. Trying to take her down isn't worth the mission. Get out of here.
No. 736595 ID: e5229b

Sadly the mission comes first. Time to retreat before more surprises show up.
No. 736598 ID: b70770
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Y-yeah... You're right. Let's go.

She leaps up to the top of a building and begins running away.

Mission Complete. Just gotta get this back to the base and-


Clara looks back and sees the leader is chasing her, keeping up with- No, perhaps going just a bit faster...


"Give up the package! You don't even have to turn in your own hoodie! Hand over the package and I'll let you go!"


"Then your hoodie is mind."

How could she keep up!?

Ah, I can't lead her back to the base, if I do that-!

But I'm getting really hot.
No. 736602 ID: 7f917c

Throw the hoodie into the streets! Ideally onto a vehicle or something so it ends up in the hands of some random person who will eventually end up fighting the sweater lady!
No. 736603 ID: f938df

You can't rat out your fellow hoodlums by letting her know where you live! Yet you can't give up the hoodies either..

Go into HEAT MODE, it's the only way!
No. 736604 ID: 2e2d71

>But I'm getting really hot.
...can you configure the hoodie to cover even less skin than it does right now? You need the power boost to run, but you can't afford the fabric keeping in all the heat!

Sacrificing your modesty completely is a small price to complete the mission.

Jumping onto the back of a truck or somewhere where she can't follow would work too, yeah.
No. 736606 ID: cb4760

Hrrm. So the problem is if you run, she'll catch you. And presumably, fighting her head-on is...unwise.
Here's what I'm thinking.
One, if applicable, conserve your cool/slow your heating up via slowing down. If your fastest can't keep you away from her, you should save your strength.
Your Hoodie is granting you impressive leg strength?
Make this chase vertical, jump up and down early and often.
And if she can keep up with you, through all that, try being sneaky, hiding, and then doubling back. This ends one of two ways.
One-you evade her.
Two-you hopefully end up in close quarters unexpectantly to you both, which HOPEFULLY should give you a shot at clawing her sweater and foiling it's powers before she gets to activate them.
No. 736607 ID: c386ca

...What does the hoodie that you're holding do exactly? is it the same sort of hoodie thing you have on? because, if I know me genres right, that means its a super prototype that will win the war.
No. 736609 ID: e5229b

Vent the steam from the excess heat for thrust. You might get a bit burned but you'll go much faster.
No. 736614 ID: e5229b

Why does the sweater lady know your name anyway? Terrible at keeping your identity a secret?
No. 736618 ID: 38685c

Quick! Switch to the package!
No. 736635 ID: db0da2

Smash part of the roof of a building and throw the debris at her. Break into a building and try to lose her that way, choose one with a manhole nearby on the street, and, if feasible, try for a larger one as well. Once inside the building race to the ground floor and leave towards the street, then jump into the manhole and race through the sewers to your base.
No. 736642 ID: 398fe1

Destroy the buildings behind you so that she can't follow.
No. 736920 ID: 1ef220


Jump onto a truck or crash into a convenience store, whichever is easier to find. Your ideal situation is to find something cold to cover yourself in to get cool and something to throw at sweater lady. Note, the frozen meat section at a grocery store will distract the dogs and possibly yield a giant, frozen salami you can duel her with.
No. 736952 ID: b70770
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I could do that, yeah. I can make it do just about anything I can think of, within reason. But the heat won't stop like that. I can make it all go into one of my paws but it would still generate heat all over my body. I'm sure there's some kinda scientific explanation for all of it but...

Yeah, you'd have to ask Boss about it.

But! You give me an idea!

Clara forces all the fabric into her legs. She's left with the bare amount of covering needed to still maintain the hoodie's basic form.

If I do this I can..!

She forces herself to go into overheat. A massive surge of power flows into her legs letting her make great leaps across the buildings.

The leader of the Sweater Puppies frowns and gives up the chase.

No. 736953 ID: b70770
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It becomes too much.
Clara is getting close to blacking out.

As her consciousness fades she sees salvation.



A man is inside his shop. All the residents of the city were told to clear the streets today so business has been slow. He'd considered just wrapping up for the day when something happened.

A screaming woman dressed in a weird outfit crashed through his window.


No. 736954 ID: b70770
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The woman wasted no time in springing to the nearest cold spot in the store. Tearing open a container, she found her prize. Immediately she began to devour the cold treats. With each bite her internal heat went further and further down. She could feel her body start to recover.

".... Uhm, miss.... You.... You have to pay for those... And the window..."
No. 736955 ID: f938df

Don't be poor, pay for it!
No. 736956 ID: 38685c

Give him a justice voucher, redeemable when the city is saved
No. 736957 ID: e4abe1

Give him a hoodiejob :3
No. 736958 ID: 343850

You know the rules; gas, grass, or ass.

You don't have gas or grass, sooooo.

I hope the dude has a hoodie fetish.
No. 736959 ID: 0a94cb

Careful you don't give yourself brainfreeze! Who knows how your hoodie would react to that kind of stress!?
No. 736961 ID: b70770
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Ah, right. I don't really have any money on me.

I uh...

"Good shopkeep, I do not have any money on me but the Hoodlums will never forget your generosity. One day, we will repay you."

"Right... Miss, you know that I can't really run a store on good faith, right?"

"You've helped me dearly. Helping someone while asking for nothing in return is good karma."

"Can karma repair my window?"

"Karma can do anything. It can repair windows, help you find that thing you lost-"

"Pay for ice cream?"

"Exactly. See, you get it. Now, thank you, but I must depart. I am on a very important mission."
No. 736963 ID: b70770
File 146892886705.png - (159.84KB , 800x600 , 20.png )

Clara thanks the shopkeep once more and runs off. He says something about money but Clara can't listen. Maybe it's the suit emboldening her but she just doesn't feel too bad about it.

Because right now she's on a mission.


Clara races through the city, taking detours, going into tunnels, generally just making herself difficult to follow.

Soon she's back in The Hood.

"Boss!" She cries out. The leader of the Hoodlums looks at her. "I... I did it, boss. I got it..."

"Excellent. Come, show me."

Clara lays down the bundle of cloth. The boss unfolds it carefully. This would be their secret weapon to finally overthrow the Sweater Puppy menace.

".... Clara."

"Yes, Boss?"

"Clara... This is a snuggy. An electric snuggy."

"Wh-what!? B-b-but it was at the right spot!"

"... You've doomed us all."

No. 736964 ID: b70770
File 146892949999.png - (135.86KB , 800x600 , 21.png )


What the crap...

This is not what I ordered.
No. 736965 ID: f938df

That's definitely a hoodie.
No. 736966 ID: 38685c

Try it on tho.
No. 736967 ID: 345cb1

Put the hoodie on, wearing nothing else and show yourself off in your mirror. Have run. Since its not what you ordered you're legally not required to pay for it or return it!
No. 736968 ID: 358228

Try us...

Try usss...
No. 736973 ID: 7f917c

Your electric snuggy was deemed an inferior product, and as such we opted to replace it. Try us on, we guarantee you'll have nothing to complain about.
No. 736976 ID: b7814b

We aren't the clothing you need, but the one you deserve. Don us and embrace your destiny.
No. 736977 ID: b2d501

Maybe there's something inside. Scrap the hoodie and see if you can make something out of the materials.
No. 736980 ID: 0a94cb

Does it fit though?
No. 736981 ID: 3663d3

may as well try it on.
No. 737022 ID: cb4760

Hail, hero. If you wish to know why we think of you as such...You will have to put us on. We will explain more then, and only then.
No. 737028 ID: 2e2d71

What kind of hoodie is that anyways. Snek?
No. 737038 ID: 398fe1

No. 737056 ID: 5a893f

Wait, were voices directly talking through the snuggle and this sick ass hoodie?
That electric snuggle must be related to this hoodie if we can communicate through both of them.

No. 737203 ID: b70770
File 146899483411.png - (121.60KB , 800x600 , 22.png )

Huh. You talk?



The girl throws the hoodie into the trash.
No. 737204 ID: 15a025

Hey! No throwing us in the trash! We're a perfectly functional hoodie with possibly crazy powers.
No. 737205 ID: 3663d3

what, are you saying nice warm clothes are too good for you?
No. 737206 ID: b8810a

Seriously! Who throws away a talking hoodie? Seriously!
No. 737208 ID: b2d501


Your minion sliced her way through a dog pile for your meager shipment! Show her some respect!
No. 737209 ID: 358228

Hoodie will remember that.
What's the matter, the fuzz too hot for ya?
No. 737210 ID: f938df

No. 737211 ID: e5229b

Jees lady, you realize mail order stuff can be returned for an exchange or refund if they get your order wrong right?
No. 737218 ID: 398fe1

I want to go back to the person we were somehow talking to before, through the electric snuggie.
No. 737222 ID: b70770
File 146899834305.png - (110.91KB , 800x600 , 23.png )

No, this... This isn't normal. Clothes shouldn't be talking to me. Or at all, to anyone. This is really weird.

Where is my snuggy?


I uh...

I think I'm supposed to call it in if I find anything likes this...

A hoodie, right?

Yeah, no.

I should just call the hounds.

This is probably illegal to even have.
No. 737223 ID: f938df

Just put us on! Have you ever wanted to cover your head while your wore something comfortable? Hats and sweaters are obsolete! We can give you advice!
No. 737224 ID: 79a07e

Weird thing to be worried about considering apparently you're part of some kinda resistance group?

Ugggghhhhh just try us on for Pete's sake. It's not like we can actually do anything to hurt you. At worst we bug you mentally but that's it.

Live a little, huh?
No. 737229 ID: 38685c

Wear us. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
No. 737230 ID: 79a07e


Ignore that prior post, I misunderstood the situation

Look, just trust us. You wanna be a superhero or somethin' cool like that, right? We can DO THAT?

Or if nothing else we can just make your day easier. You gotta admit, having cool powers could probably help you out in daily tasks a ton.
No. 737231 ID: 345cb1

Too late, you're guilty just by having us. They'll assume you stole us.

The hounds will come for you.

So put us on and suck it up, because do you think you could hide us or get rid of us without being noticed? Nope. We'd take you down with us.
No. 737232 ID: 79a07e

So, seriously, though, are we gonna lead her to try to get in touch with the actual resistance movement, or what?
No. 737233 ID: b2d501

What the hell did you tell your sister she was doing? She lured a @#$%ing army of those Sweaters!

You can't just throw the snuggy away, they'll still kill you! Find a way to recycle it, maybe you could make a scarf or cape out of this.
No. 737236 ID: 398fe1

I actually have no idea if we're strictly illegal, but we're definitely a sought-after item. The Hoodlums were trying to steal us from the Sweater Puppies (or whatever their organization is called) because of some moral cause?

I'd advise giving us to the Hoodlums, honestly. They're likely to reward you.
No. 737239 ID: 0a94cb

I'm sorry, I have no clue where your snuggy is. But look, you can use me to keep warm just for the day, then turn me in tomorrow.

Nobody has to know, and just that t-shirt alone can't be comfy.
No. 737241 ID: 358228

Too late, chump. You call the Hounds, they'll just feed you and me both to the shredder. You're illegal now!
No. 737250 ID: 9e7153

Yea, calling the hounds is probably for the best.
It has only a 20% chance of them killing you "to be safe"
And the interrogaiton is nearly painless at times.
Well, you could also just toss us out and hope some hobo picks us up and its not your problem anymore.
No. 737254 ID: a22f87

well since you can hear us I think we're bonded to you now... how do super hoodies work anyway now that I think about it?I know they can give you bull shit powers and can look kinda dumb at times but the bull shit powers more then make up for that.

Hell while asking questions we've heard of two groups, the sweeter puppies or something and some group of people who wear cat hoodies who's name is escaping me at the moment. What do you know about them?
No. 737259 ID: 3d2d5f

Do you throw everyone who can talk in the trash? Rude.

Look, even if you don't want us, you should be putting us back in the box (not the trash) so you can return us after calling whoever you ordered from and informing them they shipped you the wrong thing. They'll get you your snuggie, probably at a discount for your trouble.

I think you should try us on, though. You lucked into a superior product!
No. 737261 ID: 7f917c

Doesn't matter whether you call the pups or not, they'll hound you just for knowing about it.
No. 737341 ID: eb2015

It's so cold and we are so warm. You should wear us.
No. 737398 ID: 1ef220


At least give us to a good home, please, Ms. crazy cat lady. Goodwill is a thing you know~
No. 737406 ID: b7883c

Actually I do know where your snuggy is. As proof, you haven't said yet that its an electric snuggy. It got delivered to the Hoodlums in the Hood by mistake, and if you bring us to them I'm pretty sure they'd trade you for it and probably reward you extra for the trouble. You get your snuggy, we get a chance at a hero wielding us who has some FIGHTING SPIRIT instead of the whole I-just-want-to-be-normal thing, we all win.
Or you could throw us to the dogs and hope that you haven't "seen too much" and need to be silenced. That is also a thing you could do.
No. 737408 ID: b70770
File 146908118924.png - (106.08KB , 800x600 , 24.png )

Oh god, you're right... I already have you... If I call it in they'll know and...


I'm getting a refund.

So... You really are a hoodie?
I didn't know they spoke.

The bundle of cloth feels warm in her hands. Almost as though it's full of life. The contrast between the warm cloth and the chilled air become more obvious the longer she holds the hoodie.

I have to get rid of you somehow. I won't throw you away but... Donate you or something. Something that doesn't have any ties back to me...

But, before I do...

Since this is already illegal...


She tries on the hoodie. It's warmth spreads through her entire body and when she pulls the hood up she feels good. Better than she has in a long time. Like all the aches and pains of her worldly body melt away.

Is this how it feels?

Why are these things illegal?
No. 737409 ID: 7f917c

And now we commence the fondling! It's for bonding I swear!

No. 737412 ID: f938df

Hahaha, just pull the hoodie strings and you'll be even more comfy!
No. 737413 ID: 1ef220


Oh no.~
There goes Tokyo. ~
Oh no Godzilla. ~
Doot-da-doot-da-doot. ~

Oh no Godzilla!

Something like that, I suppose.Then again, might have had something to do with the brain damage, can't remember whose, or the resulting lack of public hygiene. They have laws for that you know, so be sure to scrub yourself down every now and again, and hang us up for a steam bath. It's good for the fibers.
No. 737415 ID: 398fe1

Because, if you concentrate, you can use it as a weapon. Try focusing on the hoodie and guiding its material to your hands.
No. 737419 ID: 9e7153

Because..... comfy people are not productive?
I don't now, perhaps we have a garment label with additional informaiton?
No. 737420 ID: b2d501

[Activate Power Harvesting]

[Connect to Neural Uplink]

[Enhance knockers.]

[Inject HUD Nanites]
No. 737422 ID: b70770
File 146908500069.png - (116.54KB , 800x600 , 25.png )

None of that sounds good. At all. I can see why you guys were made illegal.

Hmm... I don't see any labels.

She tries to imagine the cloth going to her hands. The hoodie seems to heat up a bit. At first it looks like nothing will happen, then, in an instant, the bottom part of the hoodie seems to retract as her hands are covered by cloth. The fabric seems to almost fuse to her skin as it bends and coils around her fingers. her hands seem to grow and wicked claws sprout from her fingers.

No. 737423 ID: b70770
File 146908502620.png - (116.81KB , 800x600 , 26.png )

No. 737424 ID: b70770
File 146908505184.png - (116.90KB , 800x600 , 27.png )

No. 737425 ID: 7f917c

It's perfectly pain-free and completely adjustable(by us, not you)! And the hoodie will strengthen you enough to make you feel flat-chested.

Now, get some pants on and head to work?
No. 737426 ID: f938df

Wow, what a chest! Now go even further so it just barely covers your breasts!
No. 737427 ID: 343850

No. 737428 ID: 38685c

No. 737433 ID: 1ef220


Pectoral muscles are important when ripping and tearing. Wait, that's just fat... Damn it, protocol b2d501!

Also, you might not want to try taking us off while you have the pointy dinosaur claws. Might cause some meat damage along with the brain damage.

[Activate Neural Pacifier]

[Activate Audio Override: Oceans and Seagulls Track #4]

See, everything's fine. Just, fine... Now about the sharpened teeth.
No. 737437 ID: 398fe1

See? Look at how useful we are!
No. 737442 ID: 0a94cb

Don't worry, we can reverse it. Probably.

[Enhance FlatJustice]
No. 737444 ID: 9e7153

Seems like we can shift arround the cloth lets test the limits.

[Engage fluffy snuggy mode]
No. 737445 ID: b70770
File 146908761703.png - (146.58KB , 800x600 , 28.png )

No no no no no no no!

Oh god what is this!?


She tries tugging the hoodie off but it feels almost like a second skin.

It's so heavy! Are these real!? I can't go out like this! I have class! Work!

She tries to pull with all her might.

Nooo! It's stuck!


She stumbles back trying to pull the thing off. She hits a window ledge. The added weight to her chest causes her to topple over.

No. 737447 ID: 908ead

OK, redistribute to increase body cover for protection!
No. 737448 ID: f938df

The hoodie can protect you from the sweater puppies, but not lethal falling damage. Good luck!
No. 737450 ID: 398fe1

Don't land on your head!
[enhance limbs]
No. 737451 ID: 343850

Don't land on your tits!
No. 737452 ID: 1ef220


[Decompress Air Bags]

[Reclaim excess material]

[Redistribution/ Type:Swift / Arm-Leg Membrane]

[Engage flight subroutines]

[Engage Audio Override: Flight of the Valkyries]
No. 737454 ID: 398fe1

Are you TRYING to get her killed?
No. 737456 ID: 38685c

No. 737457 ID: 0b4dd7

people fall onto their asses, just like toast falls butter side down and cats land on their feet. the only choice is
No. 737458 ID: 0a94cb

[Divert Mammary Material]

[Reroute to Wing Subroutine]
No. 737459 ID: 1f8505


No. 737465 ID: b70770
File 146909181710.png - (197.17KB , 800x600 , 29.png )

This is how I die.

My body will be found, broken.

And with giant tits.

Fuck... I never returned that book.


She lands with enough force that people around her are nearly knocked off of her feet.

The girl expects death, or at the very least the searing pain of a thousand broken bones.

Instead she feels... Nothing. Like she landed on a soft soft pillow.

When the dust clears she is sitting down on the floor. Her hoodie has once again changed form and is now padding the area that took the brunt of the impact.

All around her people are staring.

Maybe it would have been better if I had just died.
No. 737468 ID: f938df

How immodest! Take out all the witnesses, it's the only way to erase their memory!
No. 737469 ID: 38685c

Okay now go back to your room and read the manual. You got a manual, right?
No. 737470 ID: c441c1

We must find this book and return it via hulk jumps.
No. 737471 ID: 9e7153

You have a hoodie, pull the cords, hide your face.
No. 737472 ID: 908ead

Sounds like a plan. Hide your face!
No. 737476 ID: 358228

Scare them off with ENORMOUS JAZZ HANDS.
No. 737477 ID: 6a6928

Well you have two options sweet cheeks. Pull the chords and hide your face, or take us off. Either way your life as you knew it is over, that little stunt probably drew the attention of at least one sweater, our, and now your, mortal enemies.
No. 737485 ID: db0da2

>Maybe it would have been better if I had just died.
That can be arranged.

[tighten the fabric around her neck slightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to be noticeable]

... Just kidding!

You are in a bit of a pickle now aren't you? You've just been seen in public wearing the highly illegal contraband after falling out the window of your own apartment. At the very least you'll have to get a new apartment, and you'll likely have to get a new identity as well. Do you know any good plastic surgeons? If not then I suppose it's a life of anti-government vigilante justice for you from now on, haha!

[conceal her face]

You best run away for now to minimize the number of people who end up seeing you.
No. 737493 ID: 358228

If we can rearrange her body mass so... generously, we can probably change her face easily.
No. 737494 ID: 3d2d5f

Take this as a demonstration of power. Falling off a building doesn't harm you, and through us, you have the ability to reconfigure your appearance on a whim.

Plus we're warm and snuggly.

It's win win!
No. 737496 ID: cb4760

Hrrm. Looks like we speciallize in defense possibly? Or we just tend to be good with it.
Either way, let's swap to [standard] mode and book it to a manhole cover and jump in.
What we do then, is wait.
An hour at the maximum, listening out for what's happening, and then we pop out of our hiding hole and and start moving around.
No. 737497 ID: e5229b

Deploy Identity Concealment!

Also, deploy arm cannons
No. 737505 ID: 2a7417

Conceal your identity and run, not back to your apartment. We'll come back later when the attention dies down.

In the meantime, you need to find some clothing. Find a clothing donation bin and borrow some from it. You can take a long shower (and refill the bin) afterwards.
No. 737509 ID: 3663d3

the only reason we can control what is happening is because you are afraid to TAKE control.
No. 737514 ID: 8df201

Seriously, the only reason were being goofballs is because you're not controlling it yourself. You could override us easily and be AWESOME. Powerful, fast, nigh-unstoppable.

You just have to want it.

Or we could just humiliate you some more. It's funny.

Of course, when you want to learn how to actually utilize and control the power you wield, you'll find that we can be entirely serious and extremely helpful. In fact, howsabout you teat that? Is there anything in particular that you wish to be better at?
No. 737515 ID: 8df201

*test that
No. 737526 ID: 7f917c

[Enhance Knockers]

For distracting them of course. Nobody will look at your face if we do that.
No. 737714 ID: b70770
File 146916254977.png - (135.82KB , 800x600 , 30.png )

The girl stands up on her abnormally strong and thick legs. She prepares to just jump away when the fabric shifts again.

Two massive cannons sprout from her arms. The feeling in her arms and fingers is lost, replaced by the sensation that she could pull a 'trigger' at any moment and fire a massive blast.


"E-everyone run, I can't control this!"

No one runs.
No. 737715 ID: b70770
File 146916269811.png - (93.30KB , 800x600 , 31.png )

Okay, right...

You're just clothing! I'm wearing you!
Not the other way around!

I just need to...

She wills everything to return to how it was. She feels the fabric moving to cover her body once again.

All the while the hoodie seems to resist her. She can feel it getting warmer.

Eventually it's back to it's normal size.


I did it...
No. 737716 ID: f938df

Everyone can still see you without your pants. I kind of prefer it to be honest!
No. 737717 ID: 7f917c

So uh, when's the last time you wore pants?
No. 737718 ID: b2d501

So WHAT are these things anyway? We just got black-box descriptions.
No. 737724 ID: 85362e

Hey that's interesting - changes we initiate don't seem to cause much overheating. Quite an improvement! Shame the control system's so erratic, huh?
No. 737726 ID: 79a07e

Congrats! Knew you had it in you.

Dunno about the pants situation, but nothing's actually SHOWING, so you're good for now.

Now let's blow this impromptu circus, get you somewhere without so many curious eyes, and maybe we can try a do-over on the whole introductions thing, right?

If you would allow me to try something...

[Temporary Action: Enhance Muscular Density, Enhance Neuromusculature Synapse Transmission Speed.]

Let's give you a taste of what we got under the hood. Just a taste, though.
No. 737727 ID: db0da2

Uhhh... You're still going to get arrested you know? You might want to go back to your room to grab some things, but after that you best gtfo unless solitary confinement is your idea of a good time.
No. 737731 ID: 2e2d71

So if we work in harmony with her (doing what helps and/or what she wants) there's no cost. If we force her to force it, she'll gradually overheat.
No. 737765 ID: b70770
File 146917231818.png - (146.43KB , 800x600 , 32.png )

Not too long ago! This is not my normal attire!


I don't know! I thought it was just a hoodie not some kinda weapon of destruction and-

Hey... That... That feels kinda nice, actually. Like I could bench press a car.

Oh man... Y-yeah... This is bad. I need to go lay low or something. I just hope no one saw-


A sweater puppy stands in the street. Attached to it's neck is a small device emitting a voice.

"!!! Y-yes?"

"I am Sweater Puppy Laela! I have received reports that someone with a hoodie has been spotted in the area. I am glad to have found you, citizen, as I am sure you didn't mean to receive this contraband. Right?"

"O-oh! No! Of course not! I literally just found this thing!"

"What is your name, citizen?"


"Alright, Ava. I'm going to have to ask that you remove the hoodie and place it on the ground in front of you. Then, with your hands raised, slowly back away."

"O-okay... I'm not in trouble, am I? Cause I didn't really mean to do any of this."

"Of course not, Ava. We know this isn't your fault. Now, please remove the hoodie."

"Okay... Cause I really don't want to be in trouble. I only have a year left before I get my de-"

"AVA, please remove the hoodie."


Ava tugs at the hoodie. It doesn't budge or unzip.

The heck?

She tries to pull it over her head but it's almost like it's fused to her.

"Why can't I..?"

"Ava, this is the last time I'm going to ask, please remove the hoodie."

"I-I'm trying! It won't come off!"

"... I see... One moment. ...... Ava?"


"I need you to stand perfectly still, I'm going to cut it off."
No. 737768 ID: f938df

By cut it off, the puppy means decapitating you in one swing. It was nice knowing you!
No. 737769 ID: 398fe1

NO WAY. That'll kill us! Ava you cannot let this happen. I don't know what, exactly, is going on, but the Hoodlums are some kind of resistance group and the Sweater Puppies are the bad guys. So cooperate with us and do some good for your fellow man!

However you respond I think we should probably leave immediately.
[activate escape jets]
No. 737771 ID: b2d501


Don't worry, they have auto-revive.
No. 737772 ID: 79a07e

Pretty sure we don't have those.


Look, we're pretty sure that'll kill us (and likely you), and also? We dunno why we're stuck to you, hate to admit it.

You, uh...hm.

You might wanna run for a bit. I mean...look, I'm HORRIBLY sorry about this, it was a mixup but we'll TRY to explain more later.
No. 737773 ID: 398fe1

If you want to fight, all you have to do is destroy the puppy's sweater. Then it turns into a normal dog.
No. 737780 ID: db0da2

Hahaha! I guess we're going to be in this together for the long haul aren't we Ava? Now I'm not going to try to tell you that he's probably just going to kill you (even though he totally is), but I'd just like to ask you; how much do you trust your government?
No. 737790 ID: 358228

OKAY we're in control for now.

Pull down hoodie and deploy WOOL (Wide-angle Optical OverLay) over eyes, disable External Camera and Speaker functions.

Deploy ROFL (Rotational Oscillation Forelimb Lengthener) copter and fly away. Soi-soi-soi!
No. 737793 ID: 9e7153

Good work, now divert fabric from the arms and mold it to some kind of kilt or trousers.
No. 737799 ID: b70770
File 146918977576.png - (176.73KB , 800x600 , 33.png )

Kill me!? WHAT!?

"N-no! Please don't do that! Really, I'm trying to take it off but just wait!"

"Can't do that, citizen. Don't worry, this won't cut you."

The Sweater Puppy lifts up it's axe.

She's telling the truth, right? I mean... She works for the government...

so, she wouldn't lie to me...


The Sweater Puppy brings the wicked looking blade down.

There is a blast of steam, hard enough to knock the Sweater Puppy back.

The cloth once again shifts, becoming incredibly warm in the process.

No. 737800 ID: b70770
File 146918987307.png - (188.75KB , 800x600 , 34.png )

Ava blasts off into the air, screaming as she does so and pleading.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm not doing this, seriously don't get me in troubleeeeeeeeeee-!"

The Sweater Puppy stands still. It did not expect this.

Faraway a woman looks at her screen.

She thought this was a random Hoodlum but... None before have done -that-

"Interesting." She says.
No. 737801 ID: b70770
File 146919010456.png - (109.42KB , 800x600 , 35.png )

Ava lands with a thud, far away from the Sweater Puppy. Once again her landing causes no pain but she feels incredibly warm from it.

She grabs the zipper and starts tugging, but it does not relent.

Get off!

Get off of me!

I'm in trouble with the government now because of you!

I'm wanted, probably!

My parents would be so disappointed!

How do I take you off!?
No. 737802 ID: f938df

You know a finger trap works? The harder you try to take us off, the harder we bind you! Just relax.
No. 737803 ID: 908ead

Uh look, you should at least go and buy something else to wear first.
No. 737804 ID: 3663d3

it's too late, even if you get us off they will assume you still have us in secret. only way to survive this is too beat everyone up until they leave you alone.
No. 737805 ID: 0a94cb

I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience allow you to go without clothing. it wouldn't be modest! No, I'm afraid I won't be unzipped or removed if it means a young lady going immodestly.
No. 737810 ID: 7f917c

I'd suggest pulling the hood back during downtime. To help you cool off.
No. 737817 ID: cb4760

Yeah, all hoodies I think build heat as they do stuff, so managing that heat is key...
And to be honest, we just want to make it to the other hoodlums. Once we're with them, the hope is that you can just be rid of us and go back to your life.
Our problem is being illegal contraband, we kinda don't have a choice with the whole 'Down with the Authority!' thing.
No. 737822 ID: 05f5af

Oh yeah, that heat you feel building up? That's from us doing stuff, if you don't manage it with like ice cream and shit, it'll kill you.

Just FYI.
No. 737824 ID: 1ef220


Ah, right... It was self-induced brain aneurysm! That was the source of the brain damage last time. At least I think it was... Anyway, you need to relax.

[Deploy Targeted, Cyclic Compression Cycles]

[Override Audio: Classical Melodies Track #2]

Now let's see. You are a criminal now, probably, and being hunted by a crazy cat keyhole sweater lady.

In terms of what we bring to the table, well, you may have noticed all of the crazy stuff you've done or allowed to happen to you in the last hour. Sure, you're kind of warm, but not nearly as warm as you should be at this point in another hoodie.

The moral of the story is, Lizard hoodie stronk and we will help you be stronk for as long as you keep us both away from strange molesty ladies. However, we probably do have some weakness, so it's worth asking: do you have any friends?
No. 737827 ID: 85f398

We don't know how to get off! We just don't want to die! You think that Doggy McHugeaxe wanted to hug us with that thing? You think we /like/ being persona non grata for no goddamned reason?

No, we're alive, and we don't want to die, and I'm pretty sure we don't want you to either. We need to find the Hoodlums. If we can get to them, they can probably get us off you and get you back to life as you know it or at least something close. I'd start by finding a good place to hide for now, and then we can maybe think of where they might be at.
No. 737830 ID: 79a07e


Yeah, really really sorry but we have no clue!
As for the earlier stuff, I mean...we're alive. We like life! We're...scared to risk losing it so suddenly.

Sorry if we've caused you a lot of trouble, though...ugh, okay, so. We don't know a whole lot, but we do know that there are two factions- the Hoodlums and the Sweater Puppies. The Hoodlums are fighting for something. Not just to cause chaos. We don't know what, specifically, they're fighting for, just that we're supposed to be a tool to help with that. I suspect that that organization knows of a way to get us off you.

As of now, with the way you're acting, I'd be willing to wager that they may not think of you as a sudden hardened vigilante. Find a way to get us to the Hoodlums, explain your situation, and hopefully they can get you off and out of this mess.
No. 737833 ID: 398fe1

Get us to the Hoodlums and we'll let you go.
No. 737851 ID: db0da2

It's too late, you're already a criminal, they were totally going to kill you back there, that things boss thought you were a hoodlum. You have two option as i see it either you join la resistance or you move to Siberia or something. How much territory does this government control?
No. 737864 ID: 5a893f

But if you take us off, we'll be taken away and killed like any old hoodie.
We don't deserve that.
Perhaps we can come to some sort of deal? Is there something you've always really wanted to do?
No. 738446 ID: b70770
File 146939656972.png - (80.82KB , 800x600 , 36.png )

Ava takes a deep breath then leans against the wall. She pulls down the hood of her newest bit of clothing. When she does the bit of warmth it has seems to leave it, making it as warm as a normal old hoodie.

I guess if you guys can talk and think... You could also not want to die. So... I get that.

Sorry, I guess.


That was a member of the government.

And I just ran away from them.

I'm a fugitive now.

I wasn't a fugitive just a few minutes ago. I just wanted to finish college.


Okay, so...

The Hoodlums are real, fighting for something, and you guys belong to them...

And you want to go back?

Hey, if it means I can just go back to normal.

But... Yeah... If I get rid of you I guess I'm still a fugitive anyway.

I'm a wanted man.

What would mom say?

Alright, so... What do I do now? I probably should find the hoodlums since I think they're less likely to take an axe to me.

But how do I even go about looking for them?
No. 738449 ID: f938df

Keep fighting against the sweater puppies! You need to train with us to become the best hoodie wearer that ever was!
No. 738451 ID: 3663d3

take to the roof for a better view of the city. also don't worry about the puppies, someone with a lesser hoodie was able to take out several of them at once. so we should totally own them.
No. 738460 ID: 398fe1

If you can't avoid being a fugitive, then own it. Join the Hoodlums.
No. 738461 ID: 24100f

>But how do I even go about looking for them?
Honestly, they're probably looking for you. We made a pretty flashy exit, and I'm sure they'll have seen or heard about it before long.

...they know we produce heat, and they know you're new and inexperienced and used a lot of heat producing stuff in short order. They'll probably be watching places you can go to cool off. Ice cream parlors, industrial freezers, swimming pools. What's the nearest place to cool down in a hurry?

>I'm a fugitive now.
>I wasn't a fugitive just a few minutes ago. I just wanted to finish college.
Well, if it's any consolation, we were a fugitive the very first time we woke up. And we can't even walk without help!

>But... Yeah... If I get rid of you I guess I'm still a fugitive anyway.
You could probably get off light with community service or something if you turned informant and gave them everything you learned about us and the hoodlums before you got free? (I mean, all they've got you on now is resisting arrest and possession of contraband, neither of which you did of your own free will). I mean, we won't begrudge you going for an out, and we'll keep you away from the important secrets.

>What would mom say?
Could you call her and ask? Or is your Mom... sorry. Your family really isn't our business unless you want to talk about them.
No. 738462 ID: cb4760

So we know the Hoodlums are a resistance group.
The mission to reclaim us was likely a high-risk thing, only to be undertaken by the best.
Therefore, we need to figure out what low-risk moves from them would be and go there.
No. 738466 ID: 79a07e

Well...if it means anything, we're sorry, too.
Not a fan of the idea of bringing someone into this that didn't want it.

So... dunno if going to the rooftops would REALLY help, considering you're going to likely be spotted, but...have to think. Where would people who are all about hoodies stay? Some kinda factory? ...ugh. No clue. If you weren't super reluctant about it, then a feasible idea would be 'cause a ruckus, make The Hoodlums find you,' but...not even sure how you'd do THAT, let alone the fact that you wouldn't want to. The best suggestion, I think, would be to just...keep quiet. Keep out of sight for now. We're powerful, and if nothing else...we'll try to keep you safe. Promise.
No. 738470 ID: 7f917c

You need to go down to the Hood.
No. 738489 ID: cb4760

Now that I think on it, before we lost track of Clara, I think I recall her entering some tunnels? And yeah, the Hood's quite literally the name of the place where the Hoodlums hang out I think, if that name is at all familiar to you.
No. 738946 ID: b70770
File 146966008186.png - (153.43KB , 800x600 , 37.png )

I don't really wanna fight anything, though. That's not what I do...

I'm already on a roof.

Who? And no, I've never really heard of the place.

I would imagine they wouldn't themselves that easy to find, you know.

Otherwise the government would have shut them down ages ago. But, I can kinda see why they'd wanna ban hoodies. It's been crazy...

And hot.

I do know a place I could check. It's my favorite ice cream spot.

The girl stands up and looks around. From above she's able to regain her sense of direction.


I'll have to stay on the rooftops or something. I can't go down to the streets. At least not when I'm so far away.

I also still don't have any pants.

She pulls up the hood to her hoodie and makes her way across rooftops. Even without actively focusing the material on her legs she is able to easily leap over a dozen feet and land without issue.

She makes it above where the shop is easily.

She finds a nearby fire escape and climbs down til she's back on street level, in the alley.

As she turns the corner she sees her favorite shop appears to have been broken into. A woman with thick glasses stands in front of it.

"Ah! Ava!"

"... Me?"

"Yes, I was hoping you'd come here. It's me, Laela. We spoke earlier."

"O-oh! Uhm... I uh..."

"I understand you must be confused right now. Afraid, even. Don't worry, you are not in trouble. But if you wouldn't mind coming with me, the Sweater Puppies would like to have a few words with you. We want to help you, Ava."

"I didn't mean to run away."

"I'm sure you didn't. We reviewed the footage. We know you obtained this hoodie completely by mistake. If you come with me we can have this all sorted out in a few moments."
No. 738947 ID: 7f917c

I very much doubt that's the Sweater Puppy you encountered early, for starters there's a CAT cutout on the chest, and secondly she appears to be wearing something beneath the sweater.

So you should totally follow her.
No. 738948 ID: f65280

We've got your back, Ava. Follow this strange woman with confidence!
No. 738949 ID: 398fe1

What are you talking about that's totally her.

Tell her the hoodie wants some guarantee of its safety. No cutting this time, okay?
No. 738950 ID: 79a07e

Yeah, tell her we're not keen on getting cut up.
No. 738952 ID: fb1c7d

Yeah, I guess follow her. Also do not let her know we can talk to you, for the love of whatever you hold dear don't tell her that. Do let her know that the hoodie does have some form of self defense and will flee when it, or you are in danger.
No. 738954 ID: 3663d3

follow but be ready for betrayal. hmmm...

[strengthen top/back of head and areas of heart]
No. 738962 ID: f938df

I'm mighty suspicious of this sweater wearing girl! Be on your guard, Ava!
No. 738971 ID: b2d501

Ask her why Sweater Puppies put dogs in the turtleneck collars and pretend they're the cops.
No. 738973 ID: 24100f

>If you come with me we can have this all sorted out in a few moments.
Could you ask her what she plans on doing with us if you go with her? Again, we'd like to help you stay out of trouble, but we kind of don't want to be killed, or unraveled, or anything like that.

>But if you wouldn't mind coming with me, the Sweater Puppies would like to have a few words with you.
Is there a reason we can't have a few words in a public space?
No. 738985 ID: cb4760

Alright quick question:
Hoodies or Sweaters, which do you think is better?
Or would you perfer that snuggie you never managed to get?
No. 739057 ID: 4e9864

> Is there a reason we can't have a few words in a public space?

This. And keep an eye out for anyone sneaking up on you during the conversation.

> I also still don't have any pants.

We can fix that, to make you more comfortable.

The bottom edges of the hoodie, in the front center and back center, join together like a leotard.
No. 739077 ID: 5a893f

You also know this hoodie is alive with a mind of its own, right Layla?
It also is holding me hostage pretty much, so do you have a means to deal with that? Because I want nothing more than to get rid of it, but it's making me a meat puppet. Just earlier it molested me eveN, I'm afraid of what it might do if angered.
No. 739113 ID: 1ef220


I think creepy lady has it bad for us, also probably you. Anyway, she's super creepy, probably not with the police, and taking you away to mole- err, interrogate you.

Still, better the devil you know, and this is a chance to get to know at least one devil. Just, hold onto your butt and don't let her stick anything in there. Also, try not to think about ducks.
No. 739145 ID: 2a7417

Go with her. Best case, she's a double agent for the Hoodlums. Worst case, you learn a valuable lesson about trusting the Puppies.
No. 739217 ID: 987bda

What she needs now is plausible deniability.

Can we produce sounds? If we tell her off and assume control that makes our host look like a victim of The Enemy.
No. 739234 ID: 25c66e

Burst into relieved tears.
No. 739508 ID: e892f2

No. 739555 ID: 24f570

Its clearly not the same puppy. But go with her anyways.
No. 740125 ID: b70770
File 147012778823.png - (180.94KB , 800x600 , 38.png )

"Uh... Yeah, sure. Okay... But uhm... I'm really not going to be in trouble or anything?"

"As I said you are perfectly fine. We are only interested in the hoodie."

"Yeah, no. You can have it. But, uhm... I'm not in control of it or anything. So, you won't hurt it or anything, right? Cause I think it'll freak out if you do that."

"No, of course not. I have a completely painless way of getting it off of you."

"Alright... What is that way?"

"It is an item that increases the heat of a hoodie user by a lot. Rather than letting the wearer die, hoodies are programmed to turn off. So, we simply have to heat you up and it should slip right off."

"Ah, okay... So, painless."

"You'll be a bit warm but that should be it."

".... I uh... Don't have any pants on."

"We can fix that. Now, come with me."

She starts walking away. Ava follows her.

Alright... She seems trustworthy enough.

I... I'm sorry guys. I'm not the leader to some revolution or anything like that.

I just want to go back to normal.

But she won't hurt you or anything

So, you'll-

Ava is suddenly slammed against a wall by a massive hand. It's fingers dig into the wall, creating a seal as hard as iron.

The arm is attached to Laela, whose sweater seems to have created the hand.

"W-what are you-!?"

"I'm sorry I lied to you Ava but with a sentient hoodie... You have to watch what you say."

"Let go of me!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. If I do that hoodie can change into anything and I'll lose you. I need to take care of this now."

She holds up one of her hands, claws emerge from the cloth.

"This metal will never cut flesh, only cloth. So this won't hurt you. If you just hold still for a moment I can cut that hoodie off of you and you'll be free to go."

"You said you weren't going to do that!"

"I had to lie. No, don't struggle. It will be over in a moment."
No. 740127 ID: 398fe1


Oh well there's still an arm free. Point and fire!
[arm cannon activate]
No. 740128 ID: 3663d3

[waistline sawblade]
No. 740129 ID: f938df

YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BACK, AVA! Put the hood on and we'll take care of things from here.
No. 740130 ID: 345cb1

This is what you get for trusting the government. Not let the hoodie's hood teeth start biting into the arm holding us, like some giant t-rex.

Because if you don't you'll die. She lied about keeping you safe, and she'll lie about you being unharmed because she's afraid of you reacting to your own death.
No. 740131 ID: 79a07e

[engage cloth grinder on right arm]

And here we were hoping we wouldn't have to force the issue.
No. 740133 ID: db0da2

She's a bit unprofessional for a government agent, truly incompetence is the surest sign of dystopia. She had you eating out of her hand, she could have taken you anywhere! And yet here she is all alone in a random building openly telegraphing her intentions, it's like she wants us to escape! It's our hoodie's strength against her sweater's, and she's basically given us the initiative by grabbing us, I wonder which will prevail?

[Use vibrating fabricated blades to cut a small hole into her sweaterhand, place a cannon in that hole, and fire continuously into her arm while enlarging the cannon]
No. 740134 ID: 05f5af

That seems to be normal for Hoodie/Sweater users. Roll with it.

Also, snicker at her kitty panties.
No. 740136 ID: 2fcf18

Well, we expected this. By the by, she's lied about everything up till now, those blades 'only cutting cloth' is probably also a lie.

Our best bet it probably to turn the free arm into a blade to counter her's while we either break through the building behind us or start shredding the iron fost holding you down.

See the thing is though, You need to put us on. Without the hood over your head we are effectively powerless. You need to chose us if you wish to live.
No. 740137 ID: cb4760

Hrm. Okay. She's basically gonna turn up the heat then slice us apart...
Incidentally? This here? There's really no way back to your civillian life. As long as they want us, they'll promise anything and everything if that'll work to get off our wearers, because they don't really need to follow through, they just need to get us to drop our gaurd, then they can do whatever they want once you're powerless.
[form claws on right hand]
So the only way out, is to fight!
No. 740140 ID: 1df067

do you really think that 'will only cut cloth' bullshit isn't a lie? she's gonna kill you, you fool! the police are not your friends!

break free through the wall and escape
No. 740141 ID: 3d2d5f

She shouldn't have confessed to lying and removed your doubt. She should have claimed this was the way she was overheating you.

Either way, she's shown she can't be trusted, we don't want to die, and you don't want to gamble your life on her telling the truth now.

Activate caw mode, slash free of her grip. If she can slash us, no reason you can't slash that cloth fist.
No. 740142 ID: 3d2d5f

Oh hey, she's not wearing pants either! See, you got nothing to be embarrassed about.
No. 740144 ID: 2a7417

No. 740145 ID: 7f917c

[Enhance Knockers, Pufferfish variant]
No. 740147 ID: b2d501

She could have just knocked you unconscious...

Use Hyper Fang on her sweater.
No. 740151 ID: f65280

[Hood up], activate CLOTH-RENDING CHOMP
No. 740160 ID: 77f422

Its a sweater, extend a tiny hook stick it into the knitting and pull out a stitch as far we can.
No. 740162 ID: f65280

just in case escaping doesn't work and the heat gets really intense we should probably ACTUALLY [deactivate] before we kill Ava. Y'know, assuming we value her life or whatever.
No. 740168 ID: 79a07e

((Hey, is there a disthread for this quest?))
No. 740169 ID: 24100f

Unless one gets made explicitly for this quest, I think this is the latest larro dis >>/questdis/90788
No. 740191 ID: 1ef220


Three options:

> 1. Swing your legs side to side and twist your shoulder out of her grip. Put us on and run.
> 2. Use your one free arm to quickly throw your hood on. Then use your arm cannon.
> 3. Nothing. You will probably die.

Also, because not everyone will be cheating with behind the scenes information doled out at quest development stage: PUT ON THE FUCKING HOOD TO ACTIVATE THE HOODIE!
No. 740193 ID: 1ef220


Also, this: >>740160

Especially if you are running, exploit her weaknesses.
No. 740285 ID: 345cb1

So, what if we, when free and are able to act, grab some cloth and thread, then swew a hood onto laela's sweater while also cutting it open down the front?

Make her into a keyhole kitty hoodlum and our ally by force.
No. 740287 ID: 79a07e

That sounds complicated and unnecessary. We need to get Ava out of danger first and foremost.
No. 740293 ID: a107fd

If something can cut whatever ridiculous nanotech kevlar-spandex we're made of, not to mention the bricks in that wall, it can absolutely cut your skin. Especially while we're halfway embedded into said skin.

This lady just admitted, in as many words, that she's willing to lie to you. Stop paying attention to what she says, it's probably all lies! Morph your free arm into a cannon, shoot her unprotected legs until she lets you go.
No. 740349 ID: 25c66e

She lied once already, I'm not too sure that her claws won't cut through flesh.

Those choice is yours, you're in control this time. Pull the hood on and control the powers of a hoodie, or don't. Your fate, and ours, is your own now.
No. 740389 ID: b70770
File 147027842639.png - (213.59KB , 800x600 , 39.png )

She... She lied to me. She really did.

I trusted her. I trusted the government and everything. And she still wants to kill you. Kill me.

We didn't do anything wrong.

"I won't..."


"I won't let you just do this!"

She reaches back and grabs the hood of her hoodie and throws it over her head.

"Hoodie powers activate!"


No. 740394 ID: b70770
File 147027896825.png - (212.12KB , 800x600 , 40.png )

Ava's hoodie grows spikes all around it while at the same time a sawblade made from the zipper cuts at the hand at her waist. Fabric is shredded before the Sweater Puppy pulls the hand back.

Even though most of the clothing covering her goes away she still feels warm as the hoodie heats up her body.[i]

Free! Now I just have to activate the jet mod-

[i]All the fabric of her hoodie goes into her arm, forming the massive cannon

Wait, what!? No, don't-!

It fires

No. 740397 ID: b70770
File 147027936882.png - (259.64KB , 800x600 , 41.png )

The blast is powerful and scorches the stone wall behind Laela. Ava is freaking out and apologizing over and over again, on the verge of tears thinking she's killed someone.

When the smoke and dust clears she sees the Sweater Puppy is still there, covered in a protective cocoon of cloth. Her clothes are singed and her glasses are shattered but still alive.

"I see... You are strong, even though you can't fully control that thing. You are truly dangerous. Even a fool such as you could destroy our system if left alone with that thing. Very well, Ava, I tried to spare you but now you are officially an enemy of the Sweater Puppies."

Oh man...
No. 740398 ID: f938df

Now is the time to escape!
No. 740399 ID: 05f5af

[Enhance Knockers]
Then [Activate Escape Jets]
No. 740400 ID: 358228

[Enhance Buoyancy]
[Activate Escape Jets]
No. 740401 ID: 24100f

>Very well, Ava, I tried to spare you but now you are officially an enemy of the Sweater Puppies.
Oh yeah, try to pretend this was choice, and you didn't force me into it by lying and attacking me.

[blast off]
No. 740403 ID: c386ca

Flirt, then jet.

Just because she's a lying bitch who represents a corrupt evil government doesn't mean... okay lets be honest, this is more about fucking with her lying ass by hitting on her and slowly making her allies think she might be compromised by flirting with her every time you meet her and getting away over and over again. (and lets be honest, you're gonna meet again, probably often since she seems like she's determined to personally end you.)
No. 740405 ID: b2d501

> I would have spared you, you should have trusted us like a good dog
They're too stupid to trust. Seriously, who brandishes thick knives while wearing a badge?

Use your Helicopter Tits!
No. 740406 ID: 398fe1

Even if we create jets you can still control the direction they go. If you want to try to finish off Laela, slam her with a jet charge.
No. 740409 ID: f65280

[Activate colorful streamers as we use the escape jets]
No. 740411 ID: db0da2

You don't seem to understand I've not made an enemy of you, YOU'VE MADE AN ENEMY OF ME!

[fill the room with blinding light]
[blast off at the speed of light]
No. 740416 ID: 79a07e

Are we free? Good. Let's [jet mode] out of here.
No. 740417 ID: 5a893f

Sorry, Miss. Nothing personal, I just couldn't trust you enough that you would spare me.

Well, I mean, dying would have made it pretty personal for me. You know, we're not too into the rebel thing. If you leave us alone, me and the hoodie will probably just relax and become a part of the rich and elite. How about instead, you let us join YOUR system instead and we'll fight the hoodie rebels with their own weapon?

Sound good? All I want for now is a steady paycheck and my very own Sweater Puppy. Husky breed please.
No. 740418 ID: 79a07e

Lil' late for that, hombre.
No. 740419 ID: 91ee5f

>[fill the room with blinding light]
The blinding light will come from Ava's tits as we flash the enemy!
No. 740452 ID: 7f917c

Y'gotta knock her out before she can report back then! [Enhance Knockers] for airbags so you don't kill either of you and [Activate Jets] to charge her!
No. 740481 ID: 987bda

Tentacle shock arm! Binding attack!
How do sweaters work? Stop it from doing that, or pull it up over her head!
No. 740484 ID: 91ee5f

Tell her that you would've cooperated if she didn't try to fucking kill you!
No. 740564 ID: 1ef220


[Activate Jets]
Direct the vents toward the enemy to create an effective smokescreen during takeoff. If she attacks, do an aeleron roll to break her grip and deploy a single small hook to grab a fiber. We will unravel that sweater for her.
No. 743193 ID: b70770
File 147158533908.png - (182.87KB , 800x600 , 42.png )

"I didn't want to be your enemy! This is your fault! I just wanted to get rid of the thing! I-"

The hoodie activates it's Jet Mode. It changes, forcing most of it's cloth down to Ava's legs. At the same time it funnels all of it's energy there.

The girl is shot up into the air. At the same time the hoodie uses Ava's excess cloth to unleash a shower of confetti. There is a very brief moment where she feels a part of her is completely uncovered. The hoodie fixes this instantly, lest it's powers shut off.

As she flies away she feels her leg nearly pop out of it's socket. There is a terrible pressure.

She looks and sees the woman is pulling her back down, her sweater somehow stretching out far enough to reach her even in the sky.

Oh god, she's pulling me in..!
No. 743195 ID: 7f917c

Just burn it off with the other thruster, or even better, hit the afterburners and kidnap her!
No. 743196 ID: fef726

Bite it with your shark head hood!
No. 743197 ID: 398fe1

Alright let's make the jets smaller to give us more fabric to work with in order to give her some sweater-cutting scissors. Heck let's try to grab onto an errant thread so that when we break free we can unravel the entire sweater.
No. 743203 ID: db0da2

Change jet shape from 'ʌ' to 'v'
No. 743204 ID: f938df

No. 743227 ID: b70770
File 147160208025.png - (219.14KB , 800x600 , 43.png )

The fabric for the jets shrink and change shape giving Ava more than enough fabric to cover her arms in sweater cutting blades.

But, in the air, her aim is abysmal and she can not get a good shot at the tentacles grabbing at her . She is also afraid of cutting herself with the lethal looking blades.

It's not working! She's pulling me in!

More energy is pushed into the jets. The hoodie begins to get uncomfortably hot.

We can't-!

The fabric moves from her arms to her rear. A massive barrel spawns from her tailbone and swings over so it's between her legs and aiming down at the Sweater Puppy

Wh-what!? No! What is this!? Stop!

The hoodie struggles to maintain itself with Ava struggling to claim control over it. More heat is generated, more energy drained.

It fires

No. 743228 ID: b70770
File 147160237836.png - (104.66KB , 591x600 , 44.png )

Ava hears a beeping sound in her head and her mind is filled the with image of a meter nearly being filled.

Even in the air, she gets a feeling of terrible vertigo.

Whoa there...

I think I'm going to...


The world goes black as the hoodie overheats and shuts off

No. 743229 ID: b70770
File 147160295939.png - (155.29KB , 800x600 , 45.png )

An unknown amount of time passes.

Ava's head throbs and her mouth feels like she's stuffed it with cotton balls.

Someone is above her, being very loud.

"Boss! She's up! I think she's up! Are you up?"
No. 743230 ID: db0da2

See? It all worked out in the end, now that you're here with the terrorists the government won't be able to kill you. Who knew that all it would take was shoving a cannon up your butt.

Say no, gotta start the mindgames early, keep suckas on they toes.
No. 743234 ID: ba506f

ask what kind of hell we're in now so we can mentally prepare ourselves.
No. 743235 ID: 1d4e27

You're saved!
I hope these guys know what pants are.
No. 743242 ID: b2d501

Knowing them, they probably think "pants" is a unit of time.

But yeah, they know about the hoodie. I think they can take it off... eventually. Lots of scissors.
No. 743243 ID: 3663d3

hisss no scissors.

well looks like we are safe. try to vent some heat.
No. 743245 ID: 7f917c

Oh we are *UP* alright.
No. 743246 ID: 3d2d5f

"No. I'm not."
No. 743247 ID: cb4760

Ana, this is Clara.
Her hoodie is a full-body type, overheats her quicker than we would at the trade off of more fabric to work with overall.
Hi Clara, you might be able to hear us, you might not. If you can, you probably reconize what we sound like? Anyhoo, care to explain the details of this hoodie rebel versus Sweater Authority war that's going on?
No. 743250 ID: 6c25ef

Shit, another one. Headbutt her and we'll get out of here!
No. 743258 ID: 398fe1

Congrats, you found the Hoodies. Things will improve from here on.
No. 743259 ID: f0ffae


Hey there Kitten. How long were we out?
No. 743342 ID: 65130d


Butt gun. Magic butt gun.
No. 743452 ID: b70770
File 147171529881.png - (226.32KB , 800x600 , 46.png )

"Y-yeah... I'm up... You're Clara, right?"

"Whoa! She knew my name! Boss, is this a power from the hoodie?"

"No," A different voice says.

"Oh? Then how..?"

"I... I'm guessing you can't hear them?"

"Oh, no! When the thread connecting us broke I stopped being able to hear them. So, they remember me! Hi!"

She waves at Ava, and by extension You.

Ava holds her head, groaning. Her mouth still felt dry.

Her vision was coming back.

"Where am I..?"

"Well, Ava," Clara gestures to a massive room. "Welcome to The Hood!"

No. 743453 ID: b70770
File 147171553979.png - (105.65KB , 720x558 , 47.png )

Ava could see the room had several people walking about, some carrying boxes, others staring at her.

A girl with a massive cloak made out of stitched together bits of fabric watches her intensely

"The Hood..? So, you're the-"

Ava begins coughing.

"Clara," The cloaked woman says, "Get our friend here some water. No doubt using This Hood has been quite taxing on her."

"Aye aye, Boss!" Clara salutes and runs off.

"You're Ava, right? I am Faith Langfield, The Boss. We heard of you. Whether you know it or not you have made yourself an enemy of the Sweater Puppies. That Hoodie you're wearing has marked you as their target. I know this must all be very confusing so please, speak freely. I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability."
No. 743454 ID: 1fda2b

Why hoodies!? They're just fabric! Why is wearing a hoodie any different than wearing a turtleneck, or a winter coat, or a big t-shirt?
No. 743456 ID: f938df

I shall ask all the questions.
How did hoodies get outlawed?
How do hoodies have such amazing powers? Why do sweaters do the same thing?
Are all hoodies sentient?
How do sweaters transform dogs into sweater puppies?
Can I have pants?
How do you counteract overheating if you're wearing a hoodie?
What types of hoodies are there?
No. 743457 ID: 79a07e

The hell is up with THIS hoodie in particular? And why do they want us so badly?

I'd say to ask if there's any way you could get us off you without hurting us, but I don't know if that would help now...sorry.
No. 743458 ID: 3663d3

you need training, lots of it. so you can become a true hoodie warrior and the puppies can't hurt you anymore.
No. 743460 ID: cb4760

...Faith, I've heard it said that we're the last of our kind crafted by our creator, and we are aware that we are autonomous...But at the same time, we ran into a human-sweater puppy (as opposed to the axe-wielding dogs) that seemed to reconize that we were an autonomous-type. So that makes me ask-what makes us special?
No. 743461 ID: 398fe1

Ask about our origins!
No. 743462 ID: 3abd97

>That Hoodie you're wearing has marked you as their target. I know this must all be very confusing so please, speak freely. I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.
Let's get the ugly question off right off the bat.

Where do you get off, dumping dangerous weapons on people, that puts that in danger of crazy sweater puppies hunting them down? I never wanted this fight, but I got dragged into it just because I wasn't heartless enough to kill the hoodie you forced upon me, or dumb enough to let a dog cut me in half.

>the real question
What the hell is going on here. Why do hoodies and sweaters give super powers, and why is there a secret transforming clothes war going on.
No. 743470 ID: 7f917c

Time for a little show & tell. Ava, you do the telling, we'll do the showing.

[Stealthily Enhance Knockers]
No. 743473 ID: 79a07e

Seems that by all accounts this was a mistake. The rest is valid, though.
No. 743474 ID: 398fe1

Okay how about we poke at a plothole here too:
How was Clara talking to us when she didn't actually have the hoodie?
No. 743479 ID: 3663d3


that makes the rest of your question invalid. this was just a mixup at the post office not anything malicious.

also, she was totally fine with us leaving but we refused.
No. 743516 ID: 91ee5f

>What the hell is going on here. Why do hoodies and sweaters give super powers, and why is there a secret transforming clothes war going on.
I think some mad scientist watched Kill La Kill and thought, "I can make that."
No. 743555 ID: 6c25ef

Hey Ava, let her know that we aren't "This Hood". Our name is Frank.
No. 743619 ID: 38685c

"When the thread connecting us broke I stopped being able to hear them"
No. 743621 ID: 398fe1

That doesn't say how she got the thread.
No. 743651 ID: 1d4e27

Our name's not Frank, it's Cheese. String Cheese.
No. 743654 ID: db0da2

No, it's clearly Stokely Lucius Dwayne-Harambo McAllister the Third.
No. 743861 ID: b70770
File 147185412768.png - (218.80KB , 800x600 , 48.png )

Ava begins by asking literally a billion questions. Boss listens to all of them patiently.

"That's a lotta questions... Alright, let me try to answer them in order.

Many years ago, a wicked woman banned all hoodies and jackets from the world. At first, the people laughed. Why would they give up their clothing? But eventually they did...
And the worst part was, they did it willingly.

She offered them all an alternative. It was more comfortable, easier to wear, never broke down. Soon, no one wanted to wear hoodies. All of her clothes were so much better, all she had to do was not craft hoodies or jackets.

Then, after everyone started wearing them... The true evil of her plan was revealed. Each article of her clothing would make a suggestion. It told them all to burn their hoodies and jackets. The amount of hoodies and jackets in the world dropped almost overnight.

Only a handful of people were able to resist the power of the suggestion. Of them many... Vanished.

A few smarter people realized what was happening. They banded together and formed two groups to fight against this woman, this woman who had won control of the world without even lifting a finger.

They were called the Yellow Jackets and the Hoodlums. We numbered in the hundreds. We stormed her clothing factories and destroyed as much as we could, and without the Hoodies or Jackets we eventually ended up using. We thought we might actually win...

Until she revealed a new sweater.

This sweater would enhance the wearer's power hundred fold and give them fantastical abilities. So long as they were loyal to her, they were given great strength. That's why you see so many dogs with this clothing.

After that we started losing. Badly.

The Yellow Jackets were completely destroyed and the Hoodies were going down, fast."

No. 743862 ID: b70770
File 147185415543.png - (286.43KB , 800x600 , 49.png )

"Until one day, a man stole the secrets to making powered clothing. He made several Hoodies with it and gave them to those most loyal to our cause.

By this point, the woman had become ruler of almost the whole world, again she was practically welcomed with open arms.

So we kept up the fight. It has... Not been easy.

For every victory there are more defeats. We have lost so many hoodies already...

The Hoodie your wearing is one of the original ones. It is a Sentient Type."

"Sentient Type?"

"Yes. There are a few different kinds of hoodies. The Standard type is the most common one and grants it's wearer different powers. There's the Stealth type, used mostly for espionage. The Full Body type, like what Clara is wearing. That kind offers more protection and power but at a higher heat generation cost. There's the Zip Over type which changes the user further than the standard but are rather unstable, finally there's the Sentient Type. These hoodies are above and beyond the others as they can mimic most of their powers and have amazing heat management. Downside... Well, you have potentially dozens of voices yelling at you and they have a will of their own."

"I noticed that... So, why were hoodies and jackets even outlawed in the first place?"

"No one knows why the woman did it. Only that she was very effective at making it happen."

"How do these things even work?"

"Their secrets died along with the man who made them, sadly. He... He was a great man who wore a powerful sentient type hoodie..."

"He died? The Sweater Puppies will kill you..?"

"If they must. So many of us have already fallen. So many hoodies destroyed..."

"I... I really shouldn't be here. I... I mean it's wrong yeah, but, like... I don't want to fight a war..."

"I understand. If you wish, you can stay here for a while and just return the hoodie to us. You won't be able to go back to your old life but your time here can be comfortable. One day, when we win, you will be free again."

"Ah, yeah, well... I can't take this thing off."


"It won't come off. I tried."

Faith goes up to Ava and begins tugging on her hoodie. It's stuck tight.

"Stay still." She says, and makes a small blade with her hand. She tries to cut off the fabric but it won't come off.

"How bizarre..." She says, "I knew this one was special but it seems it is more special than I had imagined..."

No. 743863 ID: b70770
File 147185473664.png - (147.13KB , 800x600 , 50.png )

She folds her arms under her chests and frowns.

"I can't imagine why it's like this... A blade made of cloth should cut through any other cloth... And you can't remove it?"



"And it keeps doing this."

"You'll get used to that. I'm sorry, Ava... This was not supposed to happen. I had sent Clara to get it but apparently she grabbed the wrong package... I... I understand this must be a lot for you. Most of your life you have been under the Sweater Puppie's influence. I imagine this is the first time you are truly free from their suggestions. I know it is terrible of me to ask but... That hoodie you are wearing could be the key to us winning. We have put so much of our hope on it. If you fight with us... We have a real chance of winning this."
No. 743864 ID: f938df

WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR? HOODIES ARE A JUST CAUSE, THEY'RE THE MOST COMFY AND CUTE! Please fight for the Hoodlums, Ava. If you win, I promise you can take us off.
No. 743865 ID: 398fe1

Okay if our heat management is so amazing why does Ava overheat seemingly so easily?
No. 743866 ID: 79a07e

Uhhh. I'm sorry.

I think you might be stuck with this. If for no other reason than you'd be hunted down like an animal otherwise. I...I really don't like forcing you into this. It sucks. At least with the Hoodies you'd have some semblance of protection, presumably between missions. Without them, you'd REALLY be on your own.

Hell...who knows. Maybe you could do it. Maybe you and us could really give some choice back to the world. That might be nice.

Either way, think it might be best if you get used to controlling us properly.

If nothing else, you could figure out to mitigate that damn enhance knockers voice.
No. 743867 ID: c61fb2

How the hell do you know? WE'VE NEVER MET HER.
No. 743869 ID: 901c8b

Reduce knockers.

Well, you can fight the secret dystopia or you can die I guess? Sorry!
No. 743870 ID: 3663d3

because the best form of heat control requires forms she doesn't want. they are a little.... lewd.

[reset knockers]
you need training, if you could control us better then that would stop happening
No. 743878 ID: db0da2

You know we're going to keep doing that until you learn to control us enough to stop it, right? That or until we get bored of it, but be warned, we're very persistent when it comes to knocker enhancement.

I won't tell you you have to fight, but I will say that I think it would be the right thing to do, both morally and from a practical standpoint (which are the same thing if you think about it (thanks game theory)).

I hear tell that they have another sentient hoodie, can we see it? I want to fuck it interface with it sexually.
No. 743896 ID: 49e444

[Nearby Hoodie detected]
[Open data-link]
//: Send command [Increase Knockers]
No. 743910 ID: 1d4e27

Defiantly retain knockers.
Your hoodie seems very patchwork. Can hoodies be cobbled together out of other articles of powered clothing?
No. 743912 ID: c18501

So we resisted arrest for nothing, we would have been fine AND still on Ava... Unless they thought to kill the user to get us off, but then they would have been honest that they were doing something evil and we could have recorded that.

Do we have a recording function? First let me see if we've recorded before this. Then I'll try it out.
[playback last recording]
[record for 10 seconds]
[playback last recording]
No. 743914 ID: 3d2d5f

Maybe we won't come off because we don't want to? Maybe we can take ourselves off and give her the choice to don us again or not.

Testing commands:
[remove hoodie]
[release host]
[Standby mode]
No. 743926 ID: 7f917c

[Broadcast Hoodie Signal, Enhance Knockers, Radius = 100m]
No. 743927 ID: e4abe1

No. 743929 ID: 2a7417

Definitely don't do this, do you want to give the base away? Keep it to a line of sight communication.
No. 743933 ID: 38685c

I don't want to see 100m wide breasts go to furaffinity for hyper stuff
No. 743936 ID: 91ee5f

Instead of enhancing the same thing again, I'm going to be different from everyone else!

No. 743949 ID: cb4760

Mind. Control. Sweaters.
And here I thought that it was mostly an idealogy thing.
Annoying thing is because of it being mind control we can't just go public with the info-she can just turn up the brain juice...
There used to be a Jacket group that got wiped out as well?
Sheesh. I think it might be a good thing you came across us Ana, if only because I can only imagine how long it would have been before even that Snuggie you liked would have been banned...
No. 743971 ID: 7f917c

By radius I obviously meant signal radius, or range :/

Besides, nobody has enough cloth for that.
No. 743990 ID: 05f5af

So the Yellow Jackets were wiped out before you got your Hoodies? Is there any chance that there's a secret stash of sentient jackets somewhere and if we can find it we can restore the Yellow Jackets using Magical Super Leather Jackets and Bomber Jackets?

Tunnel Snakes Rule!
No. 745162 ID: b70770
File 147248402003.png - (155.87KB , 800x600 , 51.png )


"Yeah... Alright... I guess I'm in on this. I mean, the only way for my life to go back to normal is to beat these guys, right?"

"Pretty much, yes. Again, I am truly sorry for this. But you have the potential to actually end this war. I would not have asked otherwise."

"It's fine. It's kinda my fault, really. I'm the one who listened to hoodie voices and put the thing on. Could've avoided all that.


Hey, if this hoodie is so good at managing heat how come I passed out from it making so much of it?"

"I saw the footage. You were flying. And shot out energy beams. Do you know how many of us can do that? Possibly only me. What you did shouldn't be possible but your grade of hoodie makes it so. So, doing things like that expands more energy and creates more heat. It's not that you have a hoodie bad at heat management, you just did things that would have knocked a normal user out instantly."

"Oh... Is there any good way to manage that normally?"

"Eating or drinking cold things helps tremendously. Being submerged in cold water. Beyond that nothing really helps."

"You said there's another sentient hoodie? Where is it?"

"I'm wearing it."

"Oh. Yours... Looks kinda... Messed up?"

"I customized it. Fallen member's hoodies were patched onto mine giving me far more cloth to work with than the average user. Trust me when I say, you will eventually work in harmony with your hoodie. It'll stop doing things to you. You can work together as a team."

"Ah... Okay. That's good to know, I guess. Geeze, this is all still a lot to take in so soon..." Ava leans against a wall, her knockers finally returning to normal size.

"I understand. Of course we'll not ask you to do anything right now. You need time to settle in, meet the others. Actually... Clara, who's in right now?"

"Oh!" The cat hoodied girl says, "There's Aisha, Spider, and Priestess!"

"Alright, let's go introduce you to some of the-"

"Oh oh! Let me do it, Boss! I wanna show her around!"

"Hmm? Sure, I suppose. Go ahead. Ava, follow Clara here. She'll show you around."

No. 745164 ID: b70770
File 147248464649.png - (231.52KB , 800x600 , 52.png )

Clara shows Ava around The Hood. The whole place gives the impression of disuse. Computers and tables have a thin layer of dust on them, boxes are strewn about with things still inside of them.

Each of the rooms is clearly put apart from the others and all serve a purpose. Infirmary, armory, surveillance, recreation, living quarters.

Clara explains that, if needed, the Hoodlums could survive under here for three months without anything from the outside world. So far that hasn't happened yet cause the Sweater Puppies have no idea where they are.

She shows Ava where she'll be sleeping, an empty room with just a mattress, desk, chair, lamp, and closet.

"You're welcome to spruce it up, of course." She explains.

She takes her into the lounge area. There are a few people inside, all of whom look up at the pair.

"Ava, these are some of the Hoodlums! They are-"

She gets cut off as one of them rushes up

"Hi there," A girl with wild hair says, "You're A-Ava, right? I'm Spider. It's n-nice to meet you. I s-saw your hoodie w-when you c-c-came in. It looks very nice"

"Ah, thanks..."

"Are you going to b-b-be staying with us?"

"I think that's the plan, yeah."

"N-nice! You sh-should let me see your h-hoodie more l-later. I would l-love to examine it."

"Uh... Okay?"

A dark skinned girl waves at the pair.

"It's nice to see you moving about. Do you like the skirt? I made it."

I didn't even notice I was wearing one.

I don't really like skirts.

"Yeah, it's nice."

The girl smiles.

"My name is Aisha. If you're ever hurt just come to me and I'll get you patched up."

"Are you a doctor?"

"Of a sorts! My specialty is repairing hoodies, actually. But if you yourself get hurt I do know some basic stuff."

"Oi," A third voice says, "Is that the sentient wearer?"

The pair look and in the back of the room is someone resting on a pile of bean bags.
No. 745166 ID: b70770
File 147248495342.png - (133.44KB , 800x600 , 53.png )

"Come here," She demands.

Not knowing what else to do, Ava walks over to her. The woman looks weary, her hoodie's fabric is stretched over her limbs, or what's left of them, to make a sort of facsimile.

"..." She looks Ava up and down. "You didn't get that willingly, did you? You don't look like much of a fighter."

"I'm not, really."

She nods, as if that explains a lot.

"A bit of advice when you're out there. If a Sweater Puppy promises their stuff can't cut flesh, they're lying."


"I saw you got into a fight with one of them."

"Yeah. She was trying to take the hoodie from me."

"And you managed to keep it from her. That's good."

Well, more like I couldn't get it off.

"It wasn't easy."

"Hmph. You didn't even transform to hold her back. That's a powerful hoodie."


"Yeah. You know. With the strings?" She holds up the string to her hoodie to emphasize.

"Ah, I don't...."

"Your hoodie didn't tell you this? Geeze, you are either really lucky or skilled."

The girl stands up, bags of chips and containers of soda roll off the beanbag.

"Alright," She says, "I'll have to train you proper eventually so consider this an introduction."
No. 745168 ID: b70770
File 147248524656.png - (266.59KB , 800x600 , 54.png )

"Every hoodie is unique," She explains, "They have have the basic abilities but they also all have something that makes them different from the others. These can be fully realized by pulling the strings on your hoodie. Like so."

Priestess pulls on the strings to her hoodie, making the hood close in tight around her face.

There is a blast of energy and a bright light that forces Ava to shield her face.

When it dies down the hoodie she's wearing seems completely different.

"So? So, in this mode I have full access to the complete range of my hoodie's powers. However, heat generation is much higher in this form. Consider it your trump card but don't be afraid to use it at any point if needed. You'll look like a proper fool if you save your ultimate weapon til after you're defeated."

With a poof she goes back to normal.

"Also, watch your strings. If it ever gets pulled out all the way your hoodie will just become a normal hoodie, without any powers. That'll be your death."

"I... I see..."

You guys could transform? Why didn't you tell me that?

"I can tell you still probably have a billion questions. Well, I'm the war master here so if it's anything about fighting ask away. I have literally nothing else to do."
No. 745169 ID: 7f917c

Pulling the strings will also give onlookers quite a show, why do you think she's covering up her front like that?
And we didn't tell you earlier because it might've upset a certain person who may or may not exist.

Besides that!
[Enhance Knockers] as always!
No. 745170 ID: 2a7417

Send command to cow hoodie: >Enhance knockers

Send question to old hoodie: Aren't you constantly generating heat through limb replacement? How do you manage it?
No. 745172 ID: d0a9a0


Because you were too much of a scrub. Also, because half of the voices in here don't pay attention to details.

Anyway, yeah, you can pull the strings to make the hoodie go full power mode. What that's going to mean with half of these idiots basically holding direct rank over your body is anybody's guess, but there's no safer time to try that than with the lady here.

[Filter command: Enhance Knockers]
Pull the strings.
No. 745173 ID: cb4760

We uhh, probably didn't think of it,maybe we should try it out now so we know what to expect?
I'll be frank with the crazy stuff we've pulled out I'm not entirely sure where we're gonna end up with, though I maintain the idea of some sort of dino-power.
No. 745175 ID: d0a9a0


Alright, so just throwing this out there. Did the Hoodlums ever consider adding an AC unit to their hoodies? It's actually pretty easy to create using a standard window AC unit. Sure, if you want to go fancier, you could always have flexible tubing with a fiber-copper mesh jacket for heat translation (otherwise known as computer cooling tubing), but otherwise, what you boil it all down to is a roughly 15 pound backpack made in steps:

> First: Acquire your tubing. Hobby shops will sell good enough rubber tubing for comfort. Sew this to a vest. Alternately, use a hand blow torch to bend copper tubing into two, rib cage fitted pieces for better armor and heat translation at the cost of comfort and weight.
> Second: Bend the excess metal into a backpack shape.
> Third: Remove the excess parts, stripping it down to compressor, heat fins, and fan. Attach freon system to tubing. Insert into backpack.

Voila, the freon cools the wearer while the heat is ejected through the back. Add a ten pound battery, and you will have 2+ hours of operational time with a MUCH higher heat capacity. Less than 100 bucks and ubiquitous materials.

Alternately, put a couple of water pumps on some water hoses running through your clothes with a drip feed from two ice water tanks. You know, if you want to be lame. Less than 50 bucks, and ubiquitous materials.
No. 745176 ID: 91ee5f

Well, maybe the reason we didn't tell you is because we didn't know! I mean, come on, we're fresh off the factory floor. We didn't exactly get a chance to learn about ourselves before we ended up at your dorm room!

Anyways, I have a theory. I think transformations are based on what the hoodie's design looks like. Ava's hoodie is cat related, Spider's hoodie is spider related, Aisha's hoodie is cow related, Priestess' hoodie makes her look like an actual priestess, and Faith's hoodie is.....I actually don't know cause it's all patched up from different hoodies. As for us.....I have no idea, but based on our hood's eyes and teeth, I'd like to think we're a shark or a dinosaur or maybe a dragon. There's only one way to find out though, but I'm not sure if you should do it right now. You did just barely wakeup from an overheat, so maybe you should wait until you're fully rested before we try transforming.
No. 745178 ID: d0a9a0


What's more, you shove it inside of a ratty old backpack and have a pull and release pipe disconnect, and no one has to know it's more than a backpack. Sure, it's heavy, but the low grade heat from reinforcing your legs and back a bit isn't much. You just unzip or consume the fabric from the backpack when it's go time.
No. 745189 ID: c18501

Our first moment of sentience was that crazy cat girl bursting out of a window. we didn't even know we were a hoodie, we thought we were a bunch of nerds posting on an Internet forum.

We know about as much of ourselves as you do honey.
No. 745190 ID: f938df

No. 745193 ID: 1d4e27

Pull the strings right out! Then you'll be able to take the hoodie off!
No. 745195 ID: cb4760

>pulling out the string all the way kills hoodie powers.
Let's not...Actually, the hoodie user who did that, who was it, what happened to that cloth, etc...Actually, BETTER question-
can we salvage empowered Sweater Cloth and use it for our own ends?
No. 745202 ID: 726a91

>Also, watch your strings. If it ever gets pulled out all the way your hoodie will just become a normal hoodie, without any powers. That'll be your death.

Why not tie the ends of the strings together (to form a loop) so it can't be pulled out?
No. 745244 ID: b70770
File 147252181712.png - (230.71KB , 800x600 , 55.png )

Sorry, I shouldn't have blamed you guys. I guess if you did know you would have told me.

"Why can't we just tie the strings together? Then they can't be pulled out."

"You could but your hoodie probably won't like that very much. Even the non-sentient ones are sensitive to certain things. It's thanks to that that the Sweater Puppies have never managed to wear one of our hoodies. The hoodie knows and doesn't work for them. So if you tie the strings together you'll stop it from being pulled out but it's a crapshoot on how long they'll stay like that. Still, if you wanna before battle go ahead. But, don't forget they have to be undone so you can activate your transformation. After you transform feel free to knot it back together."

"I saw the Boss had her hoodie stitched together. Could we use empowered hoodie bits if they're torn off?"

"So long as someone stitches it back on, sure. Also, if they lose, say, a sleeve, you could wear it and gain some extra cloth."

The Priestess returns back to normal and lays back down. She pulls out a popsicle and begins sucking on it."

"Transforming always makes me hot." She says as way of explanation.

"Doesn't staying with the uh... The extra limbs generate heat?"

"Yeah. But I just turn it off when it gets too much. I've gotten good at tolerating heat like this, though."

"Ah, speaking of heat..."


>Ava explains an idea about how to get rid of the heating problem.

"We tried that," Priestess says, "It's a lotta work for no gain. To cool properly would require too many delicate things. In battle it'll be gone in a few seconds unless you wanna expend some cloth protecting it. Then, when you transform, you will almost certainly blow whatever contraption you're wearing away. On paper it's a great idea and we've tried similar things. In practice it's less feasible. If you wanna try it go wild, we got some pretty tech savvy people here."

"Can't I just keep it attached when I transform?"

"You don't really have much control over your cloth the moment of transformation. Unless you strap it on with something that isn't cloth it'll be thrown off from the energy of transforming."

"Hmm... Dunking my hoodie in ice water before I go into battle?"

"Don't actually do that. The whole hoodie becomes sluggish. They're sensitive things. Treat them well."

[i]Ava looks down at her hoodie.


You guys are alive.
As much as me, even.

I probably wouldn't want to be soaked in frozen water.

She grabs the hoodie strings.

"... Can I try out my transformation?"

"No better place than here. Go for it. I'm curious what it'll be."

Ava nods. She grips both strings tightly in her hands and pulls. The hood contracts around her head and she feels a surge of power. There's a flash as all the cloth from her body is moved about beyond her control. She feels strength flow into her limbs like she never has before.

When the transformation is done the hoodie has changed. She can still feel the hood part clinging tightly.

The rest of her body is...

Why does it change like this...

She is aware of a very new sensation. She looks and sees a heavy tail sprouting from her rear.


She waves it around. It feels extremely powerful. After a few moments of standing still there is a whooshing sound. From her shoulder blades, two vents open on the hoodie. Energy shoots out of the vents and she feels just a bit cooled down.

"Interesting." Priestess says, "I've only seen one even somewhat like this... Who knows what kind of abilities it could have. How do you feel?"

"... Great, actually. Really great."

Priestess nods.

"I thought it might be a shark. I guess we can call you Shark or something, huh?"

"Ha... So... I always wanted to ask but uh... Why do hoodie transformations always look like... Well, like this..?"

"Hoodies are designed to use all the cloth we wear to transform. They do their best to preserve modesty. In fact, they must in order to continue functioning. So, it keeps the wearer modest while using everything else for battle.

At least, that's the official reason. In my opinion?"
No. 745245 ID: b70770
File 147252184449.png - (152.25KB , 800x600 , 56.png )

"I think the creator is just a huge pervert."
No. 745246 ID: f938df

That couldn't possibly be! He may wear a hat and look creepy, but his obsession with hoodies is what makes them so great!
No. 745247 ID: 398fe1


Can we make the shark head functional?
No. 745248 ID: cb4760

We have heat venting in the form of wings.
How overpowered is this? Because I'm thinking we can just metal slime our foes to overheating now.
Basically? Just dodge around them and never really engage so they can attack us well, but shifting to some sort of light ranged attack if they get defensive, and force them to keep doing stuff until they overheat and laugh.
Buuuut...That's kinda a slow way to go. Also lame. And we're no turtle. WE'RE THE ALPHA SHARK! We smell blood in the water, and then we feast!
But uhh, we could do with more cloth I think? I guess the tricky part is weighing the amount of cloth we can use with our ability to maintain heat. And yanno, there's a difference between wearing a hoodie and walking around looking like a ball of clothes.
No. 745251 ID: b2d501

There was something about this in the (not-for) kiddie TV series, give me a minute...

Found it. The main reason was to minimalize exposure to living cloth while maximizing offensive capabilities, due to compatibility issues between organic and synthetic material. Issues include skin burn, body oils and sweat, static friction, dust and hair invading the fabric, tearing, etc. The hoodie needs to be focused on the transformation and not maintaining your skin refuse every five seconds, which can clog the hoodie and cause it to malfunction. And while this does leave you unarmored the transformed state will give you a major buff to defense, so you don't have to worry about a few scratches, just force damage.

But yes, they probably weren't in a demure state of mind when they wrote the hypothesis.

Looks like the front half of your body is one big shark mouth. Try it out!
No. 745252 ID: 3663d3

since we are a shark type, being in the water may actually be less of a problem then for other hoodies, or the sweaters.
No. 745253 ID: d0a9a0


Tell her the bad man is dead now. He got beaten to death by a creature made of jello and death. Now as for heating lasers, I guess you won't need the AC anyway if you can just fire off the heat as a weapon (you cheating <redacted>). Speaking of:

[Activate Laser Eyes]
[Activate Googly Eye Protocol]
No. 745254 ID: d0a9a0


Well, I guess I technically have a work around for the whole "coolant system would fly right off" thing. The real question is, how badly do you not want to die? Bear in mind, leather is not cloth. Neither is metal.
No. 745257 ID: d0a9a0
File 147252542324.jpg - (13.82KB , 400x400 , thermos-02.jpg )


Alternately, and it pains me to suggest something simple. You carry around one of these. You fill it with spherical ice cubes. Why spherical ice cubes, you may ask?

The reason is simple, they offer the greatest surface area to volume ratio, making them the most efficient at cooling quickly. Also, in a pinch, you can throw them like marbles to trip up your enemies. There also may be... other reasons, but don't concern you with those. They are purely on the backburner.
No. 745260 ID: b926b4

That's not a very good long term solution.

I propose a more elaborate cooling system involving a radiator, a fan, a cooling liquid circuit and a copper buttplug.
No. 745261 ID: 1d4e27

As your hoodie, if tying the strings together decreases likelihood of sudden depowering in battle, then go right ahead.

Of course, there's still time to pull them out now, get this thing off you, and lay low somewhere...
No. 745262 ID: 6c25ef

[Activate Shark Tongue]

What about coolant suppositories or an AC buttplug? That wouldn't get blown off, if anything the opposite.
No. 745263 ID: 91ee5f

Hey, cool! We're a shark! I think this means we'll be good for underwater missions. And if that's the case, we've solved you're overheating problem! However.....there's still one problem with that. And the problem is you. We're ok with going into the water, but you still need to breathe. So, I guess we just need to find you an air supply and we'll be good.....I hope.

Well, now that the demonstration is over, let's change back before you overheat again and then get you some ice cream or something to cool down. Uh oh, I just realized, if you have to eat ice cream all the time in order to cool off, you're going to end up getting fat! Unless, when we generate heat, we're literally burning through calories, then hooray for you! You get to eat all the ice cream you want and never have to worry about ruining your figure!

ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?! We're trying to not give away our location! We don't need to be firing off lasers or causing explosions that'll give away the base's location!

[Cancel Laser Eyes]
No. 745264 ID: 3663d3


don't be gross.

and you, stop suggesting suicide.
No. 745271 ID: 398fe1

Guys we have a built-in cooling system, it just went off. The vents. THE VENTS. If we want a better cooling system we can just spend cloth to improve the vents!
No. 745272 ID: d0a9a0


You are missing THE POINT, anon!
No. 745281 ID: 3abd97

So while we're transformed, is there a training room / firing range / sparring area or something where you could try and test what this does? Be nice to find out before it's life and death.

>I probably wouldn't want to be soaked in frozen water.
Hey, we're a shark though, we'd probably enjoy swimming!

Well here's the obvious question then: do hoodies work on guys at all? And if so, does it treat their modesty any differently?

Do we know anything about the creator?
No. 745294 ID: 7f917c

I-its not like we wanted you to pull our strings or anything!
No. 745301 ID: c18501

What... What happens when men wear the hoodies?
Does it turn into a banana hammock?
And sweater puppies are just dogs with sweaters on, so can we make hoodie cats and sharks?
No. 745303 ID: c18501

Oh hey, for our strings just stick em through your bra strap thing, that looks tight enough so that no enemy would be able to tear the string out. that way you won't have to hold the ends!
No. 745306 ID: 398fe1

Just stuff the strings in your mouth.
No. 745314 ID: 05f5af

Woah, Woah, Woah, Ava. You can't just rumble with the Sharks like that. Not without seven years of ballet and two of jazz tap, at least.
No. 745321 ID: db0da2

>You guys are alive.
>As much as me, even.
>I probably wouldn't want to be soaked in frozen water.
Don't worry, we aren't weak like you meat puppets, we can take it if it's in the name of science or something.

Have you complimented her on her eyebrow game yet? Because dayum.

Comment on the lack of menfolk, is that just a coincidence or..? Heck wouldn't men be better for this? Male nipples aren't seen as lewd, so they'd have more fabric to work with.
No. 745325 ID: 0dd610

What about heat sinks and radiator pauldrons?
No. 745326 ID: 79a07e

Alrighty, then...all things considered, I think it's high time we- and by we I mean YOU- got some real deal practice in with controlling us decently. I'd imagine that the more we agree on actions, the better it'll be for all involved.
No. 745538 ID: 47f07a

So, the first weakness I can tell is that all the cloth needs to be connected in some way, right?
If not, we could just use pasties and maebari, then dedicate the rest to weaponry/useful things, rather than thong straps and bra things.

Secondly, when it comes down to it, we're cloth - blunt weapons are much less scary than sharp weapons.

We might want to make sponge bits for cold water, rather than just soak it up. Retaining the stuff will be easier that way, and we can spread it to heating parts easier that way.
No. 745723 ID: b70770
File 147284595861.png - (112.44KB , 800x600 , 57.png )

"Are there any men who wear this stuff?"

"There used to be. We only have two now. Right now they're on a mission. We expect them to return shortly."

Ava tries to stuff the strings into her 'bra'. The fabric clings to her too tightly to force anything under it.

"Looks like it really likes you." Priestess says.


The woman stands back up.

"Since you're already transformed, let's see what your hoodie is truly capable of."


"Follow me."

She leads Ava a bit deeper into The Hood with Clara following behind. They enter a much larger, empty, room. The walls are scratched and marked up.

"This is the training room." Clara explains, "We all come here to spar or to test out our hoodies." She looks at Ava. "We have never seen one like yours. At least, I haven't. So I would like to know what it's capable of."

"Ah, well... I'm not really sure myself? I also don't know how to fight."

"Well, you're going to learn. If your hoodie is even somewhat smart it'll -want- to fight just to defend itself. I'm sure you've seen that."

"Oh yeah... I've seen that..."

Priestess's hoodie shifts, forming bladed appendages.

"There are a few ways to defeat a cloth wearer. First is just killing them the old fashioned way. We don't usually do that here, though. Not if we can help it. And besides, to do that you would have to get rid of the biggest obstacle, their clothing. Our clothing is very weak to slashing and puncture attacks. So, blades and spikes. Also, our hoodies can not cut flesh. I know that seems unfair considering what the Sweater Puppies can do but that's just how they were made. So, go wild cutting up or stabbing your enemy. Once their sweater has been torn to shreds it loses it's power. Then you can take them out the normal way.

You can also cause them to overheat, though most would flee before that happens.

Also, making them what their clothing considers indecent shuts down the cloth, just for a moment, until they are back to decency.

Know that all of these apply to you as well."

"Oh? But my hoodie can't be cut..."

"Hmm? Is that so? Well then, you have a unique advantage. Still, pummeling attacks will hurt. And if -you- take too much damage your hoodie will go onto full lockdown mode to try and keep you alive. If that happens you may as well consider it game over. So, what are the ways you can take down a cloth user?"

"Uhm... Slice up their clothing, make them indecent, overheat them, and... Pummel them?"

"Those are basically it, yes. Alright, I want you to try and come at me. Be as creative as possible, I want to see what you can do. Don't worry, I won't get too hurt."
No. 745724 ID: 7f917c

This is the part where we make her non-sentient hoodie enhance knockers, right?

[Set Target "Priestess", Enhance Knockers]
No. 745725 ID: f938df

Go all out, huh?
No. 745726 ID: 1d4e27

Enhance knockers to knock(er) her off balance, then activate BUTT GUN!
No. 745729 ID: ba506f

...can we make a flamethrower? If so have the tail turn into a flame thrower and aim it at priestess. even if we can't overheat her it will still rise her temperature and that will limit her options as she won't be able to do as much without risk of overheating.
No. 745732 ID: 6c25ef

Listen up Ava, see how her right leg and underpants are left uncovered because of her disability? This is a feint. She expects you to attack where she doesn't have cloth, and if you do she will destroy you.

Do it anyway- as a feint. Go in low from the left, then pull back and strike high from the right with a [SHARK-TOOTH PUNCH]when she counter-attacks. Keep up the pressure, her right leg is a weakness, because it means she has a weaker base on the defense, as long as you force her to keep the majority of her material up front stopping your attacks.

When you get to high heat, use [PRESSURIZED SWEAT SPRAY] to shoot a boiling bullet of your fluids at the enemy- guaranteed to increase their heat if you hit.

Defensively, you can activate [SHARK SKIN] which makes our fabric really rough and can damage enemy clothing users if they attack carelessly or get in a grapple. And don't be afraid to strike at her with your tail. I have the feeling blading it will be really good at forming blades, or cause lots of damage when used with the aforementioned [SHARK SKIN].

Aaaand finally, if you get too hurt, we can help with [SHARK TONGUE SALVE] but keep it as a last resort because it will make you really hot.
No. 745733 ID: f60795

[Giant Hammer Attack]
No. 745734 ID: 398fe1

No butt stuff. We saw how she didn't like that last time, and if our host continues to fight against our actions it will build up heat.
No. 745738 ID: 078436

Wait I'm confused

Why isn't 0X damage multiplier to organic material a standard feature in Sweater Puppy gear? You said earlier that sweater puppies can't pass through flesh.

As for the fight, use armor against blades. Conjure up a riot shield and stealth flamethrowers for flank attacks.
No. 745739 ID: 91ee5f

>Also, our hoodies can not cut flesh.
Priestess, you just said you've never seen a hoodie like us and yet you still assume we have the same strengths and weaknesses as a regular hoodie! We might end up killing you by accident or we might end up cutting off one of your few remaining limbs! Ava, you need to warn her about this!
No. 745744 ID: cb4760

...I'm seeing no reason to form a cannon and shoot her.
Can anyone think of a reason not to just shoot her?
I want to shoot her for a few reasons-1, she's Warmaster, as in-really friggen good at fighting, but the perferance for slicing attacks means a tendancy for melee. Let's not play that game against someone who's more experienced.
No. 745748 ID: 3abd97

Protest you'd feel a lot safer if you could cut loose on a punching bag first, just so you know what your attacks are before you use them against a living target.

I mean, what kind of jerk resorts to lethal force in their first spar?

>"Oh? But my hoodie can't be cut..."
You haven't found something that can cut us, yet. That doesn't mean we can't be, necessarily. There might just be a trick to it.

Honestly, it's probably better to hold that in reserve. Fight / evade / defend like we can be cut, so the enemy is trying to slash us with a bladed weapon instead of trying to bludgeon you to death. Then when we do take a hit by accident, we get to enjoy the enemy being surprised the blade didn't work and an opportunity to counterattack, instead of you getting a broken bone or something.

All warfare is based upon deception.

>safety options
Can we dull our blades, or swap them for nerf foam or something? Dial down the intensity on our shark lasers? Turn down the heat on the flame blasts? You don't need to use weapons that could actually wreck her hoodie to spar.

[Activate non-lethal safeties]

Her shorts aren't part of her hoodie. If you destroyed them and left her bottomless, her hoodie would be forced to divert fabric to preserve her dignity.
No. 745797 ID: db0da2

>our hoodies can not cut flesh
How does that work? Would it be viable to stab someone to do blunt damage without cutting them, or would the force just be canceled out from trying to cut them?

She's using bladed weapons and you just said that your hoodie can't be cut. Rush her and hit her as hard as you can in the solar plexus before she can dodge, you should be able to take her hits.

No. 745815 ID: b70770
File 147289384564.png - (243.11KB , 800x600 , 58.png )

W-what!? No! We're not enhancing knockers anymore! And... And no butt guns!

I'm putting my foot down on that!

Heat increases

"Are you ready?" Priestess asks.

"Y-yeah. I-"

Priestess jumps into the air and attacks instantly. All her fabric goes to her arm and them slams back down into the ground in an multi-branch attack

"When you're not transformed you can change you hoodie much faster. Not only that it's form is almost completely malleable. So you see, there are benefits to not transforming as well. We-"

She stops. She had expected to have beat the stuffing out of Ava with that attack. Instead she winces, feeling a bit of irritation as her hoodie scrapes against something coarse.

"Sh-shark Skin!"


"Now, take this!"

She holds out her arm. Fabric from all over shifts and moves onto her arm, making her canon. It charges up.

There is a noticeable increase in heat.

No. 745816 ID: b70770
File 147289406082.png - (247.53KB , 800x600 , 59.png )

She fires a blast of energy, trying to will it to not do any sort of lethal damage.

It connects with Priestess with an explosion that shakes the room.[i]


[i]Standing in the center of the explosion is a mostly unharmed Priestess, transformed.

"At the moment an attack connects you can transform to negate the hit with the energy from the transformation. I don't suggest doing it often but it helps with a big attack."

Ah... It is starting to feel warmer...

I think Faith mentioned something about shooting energy beams earlier...
No. 745817 ID: b70770
File 147289419628.png - (253.15KB , 800x600 , 60.png )

Priestess remains in the air, floating with some unseen power.

"Alright." She says, as strips of fabric peel off of her. "You did good not dying on the first hit. Almost got me, even. Now I'm going to try and hit you a bunch of times with some really strong attacks. If these connect with you your hoodie will almost certainly go into panic mode to try and protect you. So, let's see what you do to avoid this one."

I'm not sure I like this...
No. 745818 ID: f938df

No. 745819 ID: ba506f

can we vent our built up heat through the vents on your back? maybe use the venting to zip around the battle field to keep your distance and avoid her attacks?
No. 745820 ID: 398fe1

Okay, so energy beams are inefficient.

How about we vent some steam to create an obscuring cloud? Then go with a CHAIN CHOMP to launch a biting grapple to pull her into the steam, at which point we can use FEEDING FRENZY.
No. 745821 ID: 3663d3

[heat thrust vectoring]
No. 745822 ID: 7f917c

Why avoid? Charge into a grapple and smother her with [Enhance Knockers]
No. 745825 ID: db0da2

>Okay, so energy beams are inefficient.
We should look into getting ourselves some projectiles for kinetic energy attacks. Maybe railguns will be more efficient.

Vent steam and enhance the legs and charge right at her. Launch tendrils to catch her if she dodges. If we can turn this into a slugfest we should win, we're supposed to be more durable than her and there won't be much room for fancy techniques when you're grappling each other so we should win.
No. 745837 ID: 3663d3

her attack is talismans with strings attached, we can use a railgun and fire a hardened cloth spike like a harpoon.
No. 745840 ID: 3abd97

>I'm not sure I like this...
So then we need to force her into panic mode first. Duck and weave, attack any arms that get too close, and work on getting close enough to attack her.

No, that won't help, and it will just mess up any sync we're trying to establish with our user.

The problem with kinetic weapons is we'd have to spend precious hoodie fabric on bullets / projectiles, unless we found some way to feed the hoodie ammunition.
No. 745842 ID: db0da2

>The problem with kinetic weapons is we'd have to spend precious hoodie fabric on bullets / projectiles, unless we found some way to feed the hoodie ammunition.
That's what I meant, we should get our hands on some railgun projectiles so that we can use kinetic weapons. Is hoodie fiber even detachable or magnetic? Either way I don't think it would make a viable projectile.
No. 745847 ID: cb4760

I like the idea of trying to make a steam cloud but dunno if we have the capability for that. In case we don't, why not use that tail of ours to defend with? Seems like a prominent feature of our transformation.
No. 745856 ID: 47f07a

I like the idea of a MINISHARK GUN that fires MINIATURE SHARK plushies with sharp teeth.
No. 745857 ID: 3e182c

No. 745860 ID: 05f5af

It'll create protection from her attacks.
If energy attacks are too exausting, I wonder if we can use the sweat created to fire small high pressure water jets or something.
No. 745883 ID: 1d4e27

Grab her by the head and start swinging her around the room. She probably won't get a concussion since you're gripping her by the head. That's how it works, right?
No. 745918 ID: 3663d3

just attach the projectiles to us so we can reel them back after use, like a harpoon! :V
No. 745945 ID: 49e444

>They do their best to preserve modesty. In fact, they must in order to continue functioning.
That sounds like a pretty obvious way to disable a target.
Expose her breasts and you'll win.
No. 745946 ID: 91ee5f

Suuure. Let's give her the chance to cut away fabric that we need to fight. That's a great idea!

In case you couldn't tell, I'm being sarcastic. How about we do something that isn't stupid?
No. 745947 ID: 49e444

Use a tentacle based attack.
No. 746075 ID: 60b97a

Our cloth can't be cut. It might extend to attack cloth too! Or did you forget that?
No. 746080 ID: 3abd97

If our cloth really can't be cut, maybe we just need to throw a balloon of fabric around our opponent, and contract it until she surrenders.
No. 746081 ID: 91ee5f

No, I didn't forget. And it's not that we can't be cut, it's that we haven't been cut yet. Plus, when we were attacked, we had a bunch of cloth grouped together. Shooting it out as thin strings might make it weak enough to get cut.
No. 746093 ID: 3663d3

the thing is, that's exactly what SHE is doing. she isn't shooting talismans with a speed line behind them, those are talismans with string anchors.

besides, we can just eat whatever falls off to reintegrate it.
No. 746114 ID: 91ee5f

Yes, I know that's what she's doing, but just because she's doing it doesn't mean we have to copy her. Can't we do something other than a sharkified version of her attack? Because I don't want to be the hoodie that mimics everone's attack and adds a shark to it. I really don't see this working unless we can somehow do it better than her, which again, I don't see working cause this is our first time doing it, while it's her attack that she's been using for a while. Experience trumps newbies, unless we can do it better and are secretly insanely overpowered.
No. 746119 ID: 3663d3

i already suggested how it can be different. those talismans are probably slow. but i want replace the energy cannon with a railgun harpoon launcher that fires spiked rails at super sonic speeds.
No. 746847 ID: 05f5af

Still think we should go with Sweat -> Water Bullets. Keeps with the Shark theme and gives us plenty of ammo due to the Hoodie's heat.
No. 748040 ID: b70770
File 147392087623.png - (171.48KB , 800x600 , 61.png )

Alright, no energy beams...
DEFINITELY no more freaking butt guns.

And stop enhancing my tits! They're a perfectly good size!

Heat Increases

"Here I come!"

Priestess shouts and gestures towards Ava with a sweeping movement. The talismans fly at her with surprising speed.

Let's see!

Ava summons her strength to her legs and springs forward. The vents on her back spew forth steam, cooling her down a bit and sending her practically flying forward.

Ava leaps and begins running along the wall

Haha! What!
This is so cool!

I'm like a ninja!

The bottoms of her shoes grip tightly against the wall and her strength is enhanced enough that she has no problem keeping upright. Each time she lifts her foot the shoe unsticks itself, only to hold on just as firmly with the next step. With this she is able to dodge all of Priestess's attacks and close the distance

No. 748042 ID: b70770
File 147392117411.png - (168.69KB , 800x600 , 62.png )

Ew, I'm not doing that..!

Ava bends her knees then jumps at Priestess, her shark arm ready to strike.

"Bad move."

Ava sees a talisman flying at her. She tries to dodge it but finds herself unable to make her normal jets. The steam vents are strong but unable to move her about as finely.

The talisman hits her and slams her down into the ground, bearing down with tremendous weight.

"Once you're in the air, unless you can fly, dodging becomes harder. You would have been better off using some kind of ranged attack. Throwing rocks at me. Hell, fire sweat if you have to."


"You did really well, though. For your first time. But-"
No. 748043 ID: b70770
File 147392165214.png - (201.32KB , 800x600 , 63.png )

While she's blocking, another talisman from below.

It strikes Ava square in the stomach. The hoodie absorbs the brunt of the damage but it still hurts a bit

No. 748044 ID: b70770
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Ava lays on the ground, groaning

"Oh c'mon. I didn't hurt you that bad."

"I'm not really much of a fighter..."

"I could tell. You really did well, though. Didn't lose outright. And I had to change to defeat you. I mean... I know it seems like it ended quickly but I think you would have no problem with the average Sweater Puppy."


"Just for raw strength. You took my most powerful hit and didn't turn into a fine red mist against the wall. So, yeah. Really."


"There are still a few things I'd love to go over with you... Namely-"

Clara speaks up.

"Uhm... I was supposed to show her around a bit."

"Oh? Mmm... She'll see it all eventually, right? She can stay here for a few minutes more. Don't you agree, Ava?"
No. 748045 ID: f938df

No more fighting! Take this moment to relax and meet the other hoodlums.
No. 748046 ID: 398fe1

Combat advice is PRETTY IMPORTANT. Ask Clara if she wouldn't mind waiting for a few minutes to finish up your training.
No. 748047 ID: 7f917c

Spider legs carriage! We can move her around while she relaxes!

We'll obviously take an [Enhance Knockers] as payment.
No. 748048 ID: d0a9a0


Alright. SO, we are a shark type hoodie, and you have jets. Jets traditionally work best when used in conjunction with wings or fins. So, let's take some advice and practice a bit with creating jets and then directing the flow of heat with fins.
No. 748049 ID: 3663d3

dude stop, are you literally retarded? in case you failed to notice every single time, us trying to do something and failing generates heat. ava has decided we are not enhacing knockers any more, so attempting to do so just generates heat.
No. 748052 ID: 91ee5f

Well, I hope you're happy. We might've lasted a little longer if you'd just done what we said and did a sweat launching gun like we told you. Or would you prefer it if we did the butt gun again? Your choice: sweat gun or butt gun? Take your pick. T_T

This'll help. If you won't listen to our advice, then maybe you'll listen to advice coming from the mouth of a human.

And you! Stop doing that already! D-:<
No. 748053 ID: 988b32

In retrospect, we could have fired shark teeth arrows, or grown shark teeth armor. Figure it out later.

Quick tour now, ask directions when your brain is screwed back in.

Too far.
No. 748058 ID: ba506f

yeah let her tell us what we should work on while you catch your breath. Then when the room stops spinning we can take the tour.

Also I didn't say anything last time because I thought it was obvious but when you have an opponent who has more then two arms or whatever to beat you around with, generally a bad idea to get in close where they can overwhelm you with their limb advantage. Kinda why I said to use your steam jets to AVOID her attacks, I didn't mean use them to rush her. Just wanted to apologize for not being clear about that earlier.
No. 748066 ID: 37f049

Recovery mode! Brace and bandage that hurt stomach.
No. 748083 ID: 05f5af

Hah! Told you that the Sweat Water Bullets was a good idea.
I'll take an [ENHANCE KNOCKERS] as payment for you not listening and going Ewwww.

Heat gives us extra fuel for the Steam Vents and Sweat for the Water Bullets. Besides, an [Enhance Knockers] or two outside of combat, or hell even inside of combat won't hurt too bad. If anything it'll keep our ammo up.
It was jets, lasers and butt guns that fucked us up, from what I'm getting.
No. 748095 ID: 3abd97

>"Just for raw strength. You took my most powerful hit and didn't turn into a fine red mist against the wall. So, yeah. Really."
So if I didn't have raw strength I'd be dead. Yay.

>Once you're in the air, unless you can fly, dodging becomes harder.
She's 100% right about that. Unless you have a means to alter your trajectory, once you're airborne, you're a projectile. Which makes your path completely predictable to anyone who wants to shoot at you.

Also there's generally a lot less cover in the air.

You know what we call flying soldiers on the battlefield? Skeet.

>"There are still a few things I'd love to go over with you... Namely-"
>"Oh? Mmm... She'll see it all eventually, right? She can stay here for a few minutes more. Don't you agree, Ava?"
I need a chance to catch my breath if you don't mind, and I can get an after-action report at the same time. Don't worry, I promise we can do the rest of the tour next.
No. 748096 ID: 398fe1

...wait a minute she used her most powerful hit against you? Was she trying to kill you while making it look like a sparring accident?

Maybe we should get the hell away from her.
No. 748123 ID: cb4760

...On the one hand...Red mist is all that would have been left of us!?! That's not cool!
On the flipside, we also kinda forced her to parry what probably would have been a kill-shot ourselves soo...Hrrm.
I think our wielder really needs more practice, but maybe with punches pulled so that we don't get splattered...Or worse yet, splatter one of the veterans.
No. 748130 ID: d0a9a0


Anon, there is stupid, ineffectual heat and there is heat we can get from doing awesome shit. So either we can be doubly as effective or half as effective.
No. 748137 ID: 05f5af

I'm glad you agree that [Enhance Knockers] is awesome, then.
No. 748189 ID: db0da2

I'm not really liking transformation much as it stands from what we've seen. It's supposed to let us "unlock our full powers" but what does that even mean? That more limited morphability and higher heat production really hurt. The only unique things to it we've seen so far are the back vents and the grippy feet. Sidenote: it'd be good to see if we can figure out how to make them without transforming, but that might not happen. The vents are pretty cool, but they presumably don't cool us off more than being transformed heats us up, and we can already make thrusters. The grippy feet are nice, but not really worth that much as an ultimate super dangerous secret technique.

We really need to spend some time training to learn just what our capabilities are and to improve our synergy.

Stay here for a bit longer then go have a look around. Then take a nap or something? You seem worn out.

>And stop enhancing my tits! They're a perfectly good size!
They could always be more perfect and good.
No. 748195 ID: 47f07a

As for air manueverability, consider wires and hooks. Also useful for grappling. Or chain chomps! Chain chomps that you can reel in. Shit's cool.
No. 748205 ID: 3663d3

so 3d maneuver gear from attack on titan? those are steam powered, we can totally do that.
No. 748285 ID: c2552b

Yes your boobs are very nice.

Ask for a glass of ice water.
No. 748326 ID: 05f5af

When Clara used hers, it she got strong enough to one shot an entire pack of sweater puppies in one move.
No. 748328 ID: 05f5af

I JUST realized something. We're doing awesome, but like Sentient Hoodies were huge hyped up by Boss.
What if, because we're a Shark, we're specialized for Water? So like we become a living torpedo of doom underwater.

Also, we need to try and see if we can do Street Shark shit while transformed and tunnel underground and concrete with only our dorsal fin exposed.
No. 751442 ID: b70770
File 147568464083.png - (168.70KB , 800x600 , 65.png )

No... No more with my knockers...
I like them as they are and it throws me off balance...

"Uh... Clara, let's just wait a minute. I need to cool off anyway..."

"Sure thing, Ava."

"Great. Also, any ice water around?"

Priestess goes to a fridge and tosses a cold bottle of water at Ava. She catches it and begins drinking greedily. Her heat issue is almost instantly taken care of.

"All better?" Priestess asks. When Ava nods she continues. "Well, your hoodie seems to have some abilities that we haven't figured out yet. I saw how you made the fabric much tougher so that's one. But, it could have many more we don't know about. It could possible send sharks underground to attack people for all we know."

Underground attack sharks...

"I suggest not using the transformed state unless you really need to. At least until you properly figure out what it's abilities are. Okay?"


"Also, don't let anyone grab your string. I can't emphasize that enough. If they pull that out it's over."

Ava toys with the hoodie string.

"Wait... Can't I just pull it to take it off?"

She tugs on it.

"NO DON'T!" Priestess reaches forward, panic in her voice. The sudden change in tone makes Ava freeze.

"Don't do that!" She says. "I said it'll turn it off, didn't I!?"

"Well... Yes but... I just figured if it's off I can just take it off and you guys can have it."

"It would become useless! I meant off as in off forever!"


Priestess sighs

"It's not your fault. I didn't explain clearly... Just, be careful with that, okay?"

"I will. I promise."

"Good. Alright, I've kept you long enough. But I would love to see you again if you have the time. To train some more."


I'll put that on my 'to-do much later' list. That fight was scary.

Clara leads Ava away, showing off some more facilities. As they walk there is a loud beeping sound that makes Ava jump. It stops as quickly as it starts and after turning to see where it came from she sees another girl wearing a hoodie. The area around her seems darkened and Ava's eyes tend to just slide off of her.

"Ah," Clara says, "Ava, this is Gray. She's got the last Stealth Type Hoodie in the entire organization. Gray, this is Ava."

"Hi." Gray says, simply. She studies Ava for a moment. "Clara... Why is she wearing the Sentient Hoodie you were sent to grab?"

"Ah well... I may have accidentally..."

"You grabbed the wrong one, didn't you?"


"Mmm... Listen, where is Boss? I need to talk to her. There's a massive surge of Sweater Puppy activity over at 144th St."

144th street..?

"Hey, what avenue?" Ava askes.


That's my house.

"What are they doing there?"

"Don't know. Place is closed off. Was gonna ask if we should hit them since they're all in one place like that."

"The whole building is cut off?"

"The whole block. I saw them taking people away."

I... The whole block? Is this because of me?
It has to be...

"What are they going to do?"

"Don't know."

Ava feels something cold in the pit of her stomach. The entire block is being taken over by these people. People who had no problem with cutting her up...

"What's wrong, Ava?" Clara asks.

"That's my home... I lived there.."

Clara gasps.

"We have to do something!" She says.

"Mmm..." Gray thinks for a moment. "We'll have to talk to boss about it."

"She won't let us go! You know she won't!"

"Then we stay here."

"We can't do that! That's Ava's home!"

"It was her home. The Hood is her home now."

Even if it's not my home...
Those people...
No. 751443 ID: 2a7417

Wait, she goes beep? That's not very stealthy. That's the noise you make when backing up a wide load.

Poke her to see if she beeps again.
No. 751447 ID: 7f917c

>>751442 There's nothing for you to do, you require training, unless you want to run in there and get killed.
[Diminish Knockers] should help with moving around for training, but let us know if you need to catch your breath.
No. 751460 ID: db0da2

>Even if it's not my home...
>Those people...
Don't, just don't. Down that path lies falling into traps and death. Hell, things will probably be worse for those people if you try to rescue them, as it stands they may well be let free once the government realizes that they all had nothing to do with it. Or maybe they'll all be executed, who knows, but in that case it's probably something the government does regularly anyway, and only has as much to do with you as any other random massacre they commit. The point is that we have no reason to interfere with this random incident, we need to keep our eyes on the prize, the prize being revolution.

For now: training.
No. 751461 ID: 91ee5f

There's nothing you can do. If you run in there as you are with barely any training, you're going to get yourself killed. I'm sorry.....

[Activate Hug Mode]
[Hug Ava]
No. 751464 ID: cb4760

You have raw power and nothing else. And frankly, they're literally trying to draw you out by targetting your neighbors, and your home...
Granted if we had thought it through we mighta been able to grab some valuables before our uhh, abrupt exit but like Grey said-the Hood is our Home now.
That, frankly kinda sells it that these Sweater-lovers have to go. It's one thing for Hoodies and Sweaters and Jackets to all not get along for...whatever reason. But this is basically just treating people as fodder for your goals.
No. 751487 ID: 3abd97

>"It would become useless! I meant off as in off forever!"
Might I suggest a different word-choice? Removing a string will "kill" a hoodie. Make it "dead".

This is a little clearer than turning one "off". People assuming what's "off" can be turned "on" again.

Please don't pull our suicide string, Ava. We'll leave your knockers alone, just don't kill us!

>train more
>I'll put that on my 'to-do much later' list. That fight was scary.
I think you need the kind of training where someone actually shows you things you can practice and get better before you need the kind of training where you and someone else fight as hard as you can.

>Even if it's not my home...
>Those people...
It would be pretty bad for you to do nothing.

But at the same time, if they're targeting your home like that, and openly, they're doing it to try and draw you out. They want you to react to that.

That means charging in yourself, half cocked and unprepared, is not an option. You need to take this to the boss, and get help. If we're doing anything, we need to do it smart, which means manpower and tapping the experience of people who have been doing this a while.
No. 751494 ID: bb78f2

No. 751496 ID: 91ee5f

Are you trying to get Ava killed?!
No. 751508 ID: 71d443

You're right. We're too much of a danger to be around her! Pull the cord and move to Canada, Ava.
No. 751518 ID: db0da2

This might actually be a viable option for her. Sure, it'd probably lead to team hoodie getting wiped out and the Sweater Puppies continuing to rule for another hundred years or whatever, but Ava isn't a hero, it isn't her responsibility to put her life on the line for the sake of strangers. She'd have to do it away from base so that the resistance people don't lock her up or kill her or whatever. It would probably also be a good idea to immediately defect to the Sweater Puppies and tell them everything so that they take her off the kill list. Maybe switch sides in the middle of a fight once you get sent out on a mission.

You hear that Ava? I'm willing to die for it if you want to follow the path of selfishness. We aren't like you biologicals, our attachment to life is mostly academic.

>Might I suggest a different word-choice? Removing a string will "kill" a hoodie. Make it "dead".
Yeah, you should make them promise not to use ambiguous wording like that, it's stupid, and frankly pretty reckless.
No. 751519 ID: f938df

That's your home no more. The hood is your home now! Literally!
No. 751520 ID: 91ee5f

That'll still get her killed because the Sweater Puppies are worldwide and they'll find her in Canada and kill her because she doesn't have us anymore!
No. 751521 ID: d0a9a0


Ava, dear, I think it's time we go for a walk.

That ice cream shop probably still has ice and a fire extinguisher. Grab those on the way, maybe a propane tank, and we're gonna have some fun.
No. 753406 ID: 5159ab

Order bunch of pizzas at your place.
Like, pizzas for days

Make the sweater puppies pay for it
No. 753452 ID: 77f422


Don't go there. The only thing you accomplish is for them to take everyone in the block hostage.
No. 753685 ID: 47f07a

Can we transform into a tent, leaving her in, like, a bra and panties? Or just pasties?
No. 758288 ID: b70770
File 147908279444.png - (172.01KB , 800x600 , 66.png )

"Ava, what do you-" Clara turns to ask Ava but pauses when she sees the girl.

Ava is leaning against a wall. Her skin is pale and her breath is shallow. Her legs feel weak and she can hardly keep herself up.

She knows, deep down, that it's a trap. That going back there is just going to get her captured. That if she does this, this group of people, these Hoodlums, will fall shortly after.

"I... All those people..."

So many people
They could be killed
My home

My neighbors



I can't breathe

this is real
I'm a criminal

I'm wanted

People could be dying because of me

I can't breathe

She isn't away of how much time passes before she feels someone touch her shoulder.

"Ava." Boss says, "Ava, calm down. Breathe with me. Come on. Deep breaths. In and out. There we go."

Her calming voice slowly brings Ava down from the grips of a panic attack. The hand on her shoulder, while such a small comfort, is what she needed.

"I... My home..."

"I know. I'm sorry that this happened to you. We've all lost something dear to us. That's why we fight, Ava. To stop these people from taking that which is precious to people. And now you see, truly, how far they would go just to maintain this control that have over the people of this world. Now you see why we fight. I... I can not offer you what they have taken back. Not until we win this battle.

But just know, if there is anything you want, and it is within my power, I will grant it to you. Nothing can replace your home, but I hope the few comforts that I can offer will at least ease the pain."

"... Thank you..."

"I would like to go over a few things with you, but if you would rather retire to bed early I would understand."

I do feel tired.
But it's more of a mental tired than physical.

I could probably still keep going.
What do you guys think?
No. 758289 ID: 7f917c

You are in need of a drink and a nap. We can provide pillows.
No. 758293 ID: c441c1

Enhance knocker into Boss's face.
No. 758296 ID: 398fe1

Time to beat the shit out of a training dummy. See if you can do that cool underground attack we were thinking about. Also maybe try putting the steam jets on your feet and back for better speed on the ground. Also try seeing if you can build up steam in a tank then let it out all at once for a rocket burst.
No. 758298 ID: 3abd97

>So many people
>They could be killed
>My home
And just think, if this hoodie had been incorrectly delivered to anyone else in the building, right now you'd be the one getting killed and not knowing the reason why. It's just horrible, unfair luck, and a horrible unfair ruling regime.

>What do you guys think?
Do what feels right to you. That's all that you can do, right now.

>"I would like to go over a few things with you, but if you would rather retire to bed early I would understand."
I... can't help those people right now. But if there's anything I can be doing to be useful, to make any of this matter, I want to be doing it. Please.
No. 758299 ID: 3abd97


Let's not associate knockers with grief and loss. That won't end happily for anyone.
No. 758301 ID: 3663d3

channel that anger into something constructively destructive, like training. beat the crap out of something until you are physically tired too, and then go pass out.
No. 758330 ID: 71d443

Enhance aim.
No. 758343 ID: db0da2

>People could be dying because of me
Don't let yourself start thinking like this. Those people are dying because of the GOVERNMENT, not you. This sort of thing has been happening all over the country for as long as this government has been in power, and will continue to happen until you tear that institution down. This incident is not unique and it is not your fault.

Get some rest for now.
No. 758423 ID: d0a9a0


Yeah, sucks to be them, but if you aren't going to do anything about it, that's the cards they're going to have to sit with. Honestly, I could tell you how to make a starch bomb big enough to freeze a city block. I could tell you how to reroute power through the electric lines and transformers to turn the pups into clingy fluffballs, but none of that actually matters without initiative.

And you kid, you ain't got it.
No. 758605 ID: cdddb5

I..don't think you should push it. If you feel you need rest, then feel free to take it.
Leave tommorow's worries for tommorow, since today, we have already dealt with much.
No. 758619 ID: 47f07a

>What do you guys think?
I think that the best thing we can do with this much power is to prevent more of the same.

I think that the resources and the knowhow to make this happen is all around you.

I think that we are lucky.
We are endowed.
We can make a difference, where others can only hope.

Shall we?
No. 760196 ID: 64f88a

Hm... So if we're Shark themed, we might actually be more comfortable with stuff like water or ice water than normal hoodies. If not, we should at least see if we can pull off something like the "Street Sharks" and "swim" through the ground.
No. 767878 ID: 66adb0
File 148254912185.png - (115.86KB , 800x600 , 67.png )

"No... I think I want to go to sleep."

"Of course, I understand, Ava. Follow me."

She treats the girl like she's made of delicately spun glass, ready to shatter at the slightest touch.

Boss leads her deeper into The Hood and to a mostly empty room. It's furnished with the basics needed for a comfortable sleeping space but little else.

She explains that this will be her room. She's free to decorate it as she wishes. She also stresses once more that she is free to be called on at any time if Ava needs anything.

"I'll be outside if you need me. Breakfast is at 9AM but if you can't make it there will be leftovers. Some more of us should be back later tomorrow so I'll introduce you to the rest of them."


"... Goodnight."

She leaves the room. Ava sighs and sits down on the bed with a heavy -thump-.
She pulls on her hoodie

What have I gotten into exactly...
This is all crazy...

Her mind and body feel fatigued.

Maybe this is all a dream...
I'll lay down, close my eyes...
And wake up back home.

No. 767879 ID: 66adb0
File 148254936573.png - (202.83KB , 800x600 , 68.png )


"Welcome to Training: Part 2"

It's not a dream.

"Boss is out on an important mission so you're mine this morning. We're going to be working on your hoodie abilities more."


"Now, I'm sure you've noticed by now but you can use the fabric you have to make new objects. This is more true for your 'Normal' form than the 'Drawn' form. 'Drawn' form has a set shape and is less malleable as the normal form, while the 'Normal' form has less raw might than 'Drawn'.

You can make just about anything you can think of in normal form, within reason. Knives, guns, swords, animals.

So right now I want you to make as much as you can, as big as you can. Push yourself to the absolute limit."

"... You realize I have, like, no control over this thing, right?"

"Well then I guess you'll have to ask it politely."


No. 767880 ID: d092b9

Enhance knuckles. Ho ho, boxing glove time.
No. 767882 ID: 3abd97

>"... You realize I have, like, no control over this thing, right?"
>"Well then I guess you'll have to ask it politely."
Asking politely was all the control you ever needed.

>So right now I want you to make as much as you can, as big as you can. Push yourself to the absolute limit."
Let's extrude a full suit of plate armor, then go ultimate pin cushion sending a million spikes of hoodie fabric in every direction, then once all the spikes are at full extension grow teeth on all the spikes, then set all of those to chainsaw mode. And then rotate the whole thing.
No. 767883 ID: e8a96f

so want us to start off with a big ass sword and see how many guns we can put out before moving on to see if we can't mimic some animals?
No. 767885 ID: 309d35

Ooh, guns. Hows about a PKM?
No. 767888 ID: d79f26

suddenly, everything is knives.
No. 767897 ID: d092b9

Add a big tail too.
No. 767904 ID: 91ee5f

Wings and claws and a tail.

Ava, put the hood on. Let's see if we can get the "teeth" decorations in the hood to close around Ava's face. We'll make it see through, so that she's not blind, but we also want to make it tough enough that it'll protect Ava's face.
No. 767915 ID: 3e182c

No. 767922 ID: b891f9

Giant cloth robot.
No. 767924 ID: 094652

A scythe that secretes healing ointment.
No. 767930 ID: 9145ba

A free-floating spinal column, to allow for uninterrupted 360 degree spinning of giant flails. Soi soi soi!
No. 767933 ID: 64f88a

NOT ALL OF THAT AT ONCE! One at a time, with long enough for her to adjust! Let's NOT overwhelm her.
No. 767939 ID: d092b9

OK but then we make a cloth replica of Ava with all the extras.
No. 767940 ID: 7f917c

"as big as you can. Push yourself to the absolute limit."
[Maximum Enhance Knockers]
No. 767941 ID: c386ca

Give her a dumb tramp-stamp logo so she doesn't notice.
No. 767944 ID: 60700b

I think the point was to do exactly that, to find our limit.

Add wings to whatever else.
No. 767965 ID: eec768

Make a replica of her, in total detail.
No. 768136 ID: 47f07a

Let's hope we smack someone in the face with the forceful expansion.
No. 768211 ID: 65ba11

make a big foam hulk hand
No. 769064 ID: 60203e

No. 770692 ID: 67d5dc

I say we try to touch every corner of the room at once.

That's how big works, right? Having all your bits as far apart as you can.
No. 770718 ID: 79a07e

I would say go ULTRA SHARK MODE. Like, full transmogrification.
No. 784124 ID: b9a39f

No. 784671 ID: 66adb0
File 148859589587.png - (264.50KB , 800x600 , 69.png )

Alright guys, let's do this.

First, giant hands!

The Hoodie responds and focuses its mass onto Ava's hands making them much larger and solid. She thumps them together. They feel really strong.

A pair of wings emerge from her back at the same time. She's not sure if they'll let her fly but they feel strong enough.

"Got it."

"Do you feel warm? Tired?"

"No, not at all."

"That's because you are finally working in harmony with your hoodie. Without it having to bypass your own will it expends far less energy. Keep going."


Let's try...

Her knockers expand tremendously. The only thing keeping her from completely falling over is the fact that the hoodie's powers give her legs and back strength.

Priestess snorts.

"It seems it still has a mind of its own. Keep going."

Ava creates a copy of herself. It's... Terrible looking.

"Whoa! Look at that!"

Priestess blinks in surprise.

"Huh... That is pretty interesting... I've never seen a hoodie do something that complicated. Keep going."


"Oh, and keep going while maintaining that clone."

"Huh? Okay."
No. 784679 ID: 66adb0
File 148859757355.png - (295.99KB , 800x600 , 70.png )

"Add wings to the clone. Horns."


She forces more mass into the clone. It is becoming increasingly complicated and now Ava starts to feel the heat creep in.

"Bigger wings."

She adds even more mass to the wings.

"Enhance the detail."

Her heat begins to spike as she fixes the clone. Adding more clarity to it's features, more life-like traits.

"H-hey..." Ava says, "I'm starting to feel this."

"Enhance the knockers."


"Do it."

She forces even more of her cloth into the clone. Now the hoodie has eaten away at her pants, her shirt, any bits of fabric attached to the girl.

"Make it bigger."

"There's some red exclamation marks appearing before my eyes..."

"Do it."

"I... I can't..."

"You feel it, right? That barrier? That warning? Push past that. Break through it and increase the mass."


With one final push she adds more fabric to the clone.

Something snaps.

She looks down and sees she's used every single bit of fabric.


A warning sounds in her head. That's all she gets before she feels the air around her heat up violently.
No. 784682 ID: 66adb0
File 148859786654.png - (221.15KB , 800x600 , 71.png )

All of the fabric suddenly slams back into her, forming a protective barrier all around her body while also releasing an intense amount of heat and energy.

She's nearly deafened by the boom and sent flying back to the floor with a thud.

"There we go. Finally. You have a lotta fabric in that hoodie, it seems. Well, now you know what happens if any part of you gets exposed. You sorta explode and the hoodie shuts off for a while. The hoodie will normally warn you before such a thing would happen but if your enemy does it on purpose then you'll find yourself in a bit of trouble. However, the explosion is strong enough to push away anyone who's trying to kill you at that moment.

You'll also feel a bit dizzy. Are you feeling that now?"


"You can also use the explosion as a quick means of getting away. Propel yourself in a direction. Any questions?"
No. 784684 ID: 398fe1


...what do Hoodies eat?
No. 784685 ID: 9145ba

'Why do you hate me so?'
No. 784686 ID: d79f26


ask for some water. and if they have a pool we can try, we have a shark theme, an aquatic creature, maybe we can handle water better then a normal hoodie can.
No. 784699 ID: d0a9a0


Ask if they have a walk in freezer. If so, proceed to rub your butt (or other bits) along the floor inside.Then, I don't know, maybe we can go to a rug store.
No. 784701 ID: ba506f

...was that really necessary? I feel a warning would have been fine.

So in short, we use less energy when we work together then when each of us try to do our own thing, we're only really limited by our imagination and how much fabric it would take to do what we want, and finally if we do to much to fast we explode which could be a good thing but in most situations would be bad. Did I miss anything? Oh and we're a bad ass shark when we pull both strings on the hoodie to transform, almost forgot that
No. 784711 ID: db0da2

From now on we're going to call out what we're about to do and you're going to say "okay", hopefully this counts as working together enough to protect you from heat stroke, okay?

Can we do the explosion thing intentionally without the nudity as a prerequisite? Do you have any railgun shells we could borrow? If we had the materials, could we produce them ourselves, and more generally, what production capabilities do hoodies have?
No. 784720 ID: 3abd97

Can... we not go flashing anymore? That's not fun.

That was traumatic. Ask for ice cream. And um. What's ice cream for a hoodie. Maybe a frozen detergent-sicle? A comforting dryer sheet to play with?
No. 784741 ID: d79f26

a 'railgun shell' is any conductive object. just get a thin iron stick and it's plenty.
No. 785051 ID: 2120ee

"How do you guys get. Um. Busy with these things on?"
No. 785097 ID: cdddb5

I get it. As long as you're warning us about limits, and since we've got that limiter built in...Might as well just let us go nuts and figure out a thing or two about our powers. So we can morph up whatever and can kinda be certain of having more fabric than any one opponent we meet, neat!
And that's a low-level win condition- exposure to force a shutdown that renders the fighter unable to use their powers for a bit. Just gotta look out for those wary enough to use the explosion to escape-but by then we'll probably have figured out or learned some way to deal with those I think.
No. 785111 ID: 91ee5f

>Well, now you know what happens if any part of you gets exposed. You sorta explode and the hoodie shuts off for a while.
Wait, if that happens, then how the fuck is Ava supposed to go to take a shower? Is she stuck with having to bathe with us on? Because taking us off will expose her and we'll cause that explosion again and just recover her!

Hell, now that I think about it, how is she even supposed to be able to go to the bathroom?! As far as I can tell, we're (somehow) also acting as her pants! So if she ever pulls her pants down to do her business, that counts as her getting exposed and we'll end up exploding on her and then cover her up again!
No. 785128 ID: 3abd97

Um. Maybe when she needs to use the bathroom or take the shower we need to morph / expand into a hoodie-box that envelops it entirely? So long as no one outside the hoodie can see her, she shouldn't technically count as exposed.
No. 799828 ID: 66adb0
File 149398954684.png - (144.42KB , 800x600 , 72.png )

"Why do you hate me..?"

"I don't hate you. I just feel that the best way to learn is by doing. And you did well."

"Is there like... Some place I can cool off or something."

"We have a shower and cooler room you can use. I suggest soaking in very cold water first before you go with whatever you're comfortable with."

"Okay... Hey uh... How do I bath? I can't take the thing off."

"It's why I suggest very cold water. You hoodie, when pushed to colds higher than what it's used to, will retract a bit. It's effectively 'off' at this point and you can do what you wish til you turn it on again."

"Okay. Is it possible for me to do that exploding thing without, you know, flashing whoever I'm fighting or whatever?"

"If there's a way to do it, I haven't seen it. If you find it out, let me know."

>Ava feels the dizziness and heat begin to dissipate. She stands and stretches.

"I'm starting to feel better."

>Priestess nods.

"It'll get easier with time and practice. Now, I suggest you go and cool off. You earned a break."

"Uh... Thanks."

I earned a thing

>Ava goes into the shower and turns it on to it's coldest setting. At first she feels silly going in wearing the hoodie but, after a moment of exposure to the frigid water, the hoodie contracts and makes a complaining noise.

Oh hey, it worked. Sorry about that guys but I -really- need a shower.

>Ava stands up the cold water before turning it back to something that's more tolerable. The shower helps her nerves. It feels... Normal.

I still can't believe this is going on...
All of this.
But, is this my life now? Using some kinda magical hoodie to fight the government?

I feel like a magical girl or something.
Like from a manga or something.

You guys are pretty quiet sometimes, huh?

>After drying off Ava sees the gorup is standing around a screen.

"What's going on?"

>There's some new faces she doesn't recognize. A few of the ones she's met before wave at her. The Leader is still gone.

>Gray faces her.

"There's a bit of a problem going on in the city. It seems like someone was trying to sell bootleg hoodies." Gray says, "Not ones with powers just normal hoodies that aren't manufactured by any known clothing company. Most of the time they're just sweaters that have hoods sewn onto them. Well, the Sweater Puppies are shutting down the entire block to try and find the man responsible for selling it. This isn't really something we would normally mess with but... The man has been known to help us from time to time..."

>Gray is staring at Ava to the point of making her feel uncomfortable.

"This is perfect." She says.


"You're going to go drive the Sweater Puppy off."


"It's a low risk mission. Low ranking sweater puppy. Low interest target... This is perfect for you."

"I-I can't just go out there! I barely learned how to use this thing!"

"You're not going alone, of course. Hydra!"
No. 799829 ID: 66adb0
File 149398957391.png - (185.11KB , 800x600 , 73.png )

>Ava feels a heavy arm wrap around her and pull her into an equally heavy chest.

"I get to take the new girl out!?" The owner of the arm shouts. "Great!"

"Indeed. You're going to be her teacher for this one. Can you do that, Hydra?"

"Of course!" She gives a thumbs up then hugs Ava in closer. "You are Ava, yes? I have heard the girls talking about you. I am very happy to meet you!"

"Same..." Ava says.

>Gray points to a location on the screen.

"Here's where you guys will be going. Your mission? Get the Sweater Puppy there out of the area so their target can escape. Simple, right?"

"We won't fail, right Ava?"

"Uhm... Right."
No. 799830 ID: 66adb0
File 149399015023.png - (139.26KB , 800x600 , 74.png )

>Hydra seems excited. All throughout the mission prep and walk she doesn't stop talking.

"We take the minimum we need for a mission. Since this is just a mission to go draw away a Sweater Puppy all we're taking with us is some comm devices to talk to the base. We try not to take much cause all this stuff is expensive and we don't really have anyone making new stuff for us.

Whenever we gotta go somewhere we take the tunnels. In The Hood we've got a buncha tunnels that go all over the city. It's really handy for walking around without getting discovered. Yeah, the guys above pretty much know all our faces now so... Can't walk the surface too much.

Oh, yeah, so my name is Hydra. you can just call me that. We all use codenames down here. You're Ava, right? Can I give you a codename? How about Shark? I think that's a nice name.

Anyway, so when we get to the Sweater Puppy the important thing is to... Well, we don't kill them. Some of them are not nice people but a good chunk of them just wanna make some money for their family. So we either tear up their sweater or just get them to run away. So no killing, got it?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Great! Here we are, ready?"

>Ava nods.

>Hydra climbs up a ladder and pops open a manhole. Rather than leading them into the street it seems to open up into an abandoned building. They climb up and out into the city. Outside of the store Ava can see bunch of Sweater Puppies running around. That is, the actual dog versions.

>Hydra explains that those are what they call mooks or grunts. Dogs given a sweater. Very weak but they have a lot of them at their disposal.

>She points out a woman sitting above the running around mooks.

"That's the one in charge of them."

>The woman is wearing a ribbed sweater with a little tail coming off of it. She watches the dogs below, a smirk on her face.

"So, Ava, what do you wanna do? Wanna take the little puppers or the big girl?"
No. 799831 ID: 2a7417

The big girl is for you, Shark. We will tear a hole in the fabric of her reality.
No. 799832 ID: 7f917c

Pull that weeb-patch off of her!
No. 799833 ID: d9d492

Take the big girl and the huge girl can take the puppers.
No. 799834 ID: 3d2d5f

Hey it's okay we don't want to be gross either.

>You guys are pretty quiet sometimes, huh?
Did you want us talking in the shower? Figured you'd want the semblance of privacy.

I'll try the girl. You can keep the dogs off my back?
No. 799853 ID: 5b93d3

Team up to get the jump on her fast before she can recall the dogs, then mop up the mooks afterwards?
No. 799869 ID: 094652

Go for the mooks. You don't have the creativity to take on a boss just yet.

And your code name is Megalodon.
No. 799891 ID: d69df4

Megalodon. Mega if you want to shorten it, I like that. I'm willing to roll with that.
So, big girl's showing a bit of tail on her sweater? Interesting. Also, that eyepatch? HOPEFULLY is there for medicinal reasons but if it's not, we CAN try to utilize that blindspot in her vision...Assuming it's a blindspot.
No. 799892 ID: 3abd97

Yes, that's a better codename.
No. 799904 ID: 66adb0
File 149403386372.png - (199.61KB , 800x600 , 75.png )

"I'll go after the girl. And uh... You can call me Megalodon. Or Mega."

>Hydra blinks at her then breaks out into a toothy grin.

"Alright, Mega!" She says as she pats her head. "Good, good. Going after the tricky one, eh? I'm pleased that you are willing to throw yourself into the fray like that! Alright!"

>She pulls on her strings, changing into her Drawn form.

"I'll take care of the Puppers, then." She says as she pulls out a map. "Here's where we are, the enemy, and the Puppers. Now, knowing this, what should we do, hmm? How should we get to her?"
No. 799905 ID: c386ca

Fastball Special.
No. 799906 ID: d69df4

Pretty simple. Gimme something like...2-3 minutes to circle around to the side, then you charge in, while I attack. Yell or something to get their attention/signal me to strike.
Ideally, I'm thinking we literally just tackle the girl into a wall or something, but I guess shooting her with some sort of lazer cannon will work if we're slower than expected.
And of course, if we get spotted we'll still take the shot and will need you to get the puppies out of the way.
Sound good?
No. 799907 ID: d0a9a0


Doge is doge. Use biscuits to distract doge on left and right. Dive bomb chuuni from roof.

Alternately, steal a hotdog cart. Doge likes hotdog, as do chuuni's. It would be the perfect distraction. You could even wear a wiener costume over your hoody for extra fabric and concealment.
No. 799908 ID: db0da2

Holy fuck, she's shredded. I feel like we're definitely under-prepared compared to that, remind me again why we're out here and not back at the base training? I thought we learned a lot just from that first sparring session.

We go around back, she charges in the front. Once she has their attention we hit the girl.
No. 799911 ID: d79f26

focus fabric into legs and jump on top of her.
No. 799913 ID: 3ce125

Use the same form of movement you were using in the training you just did. You got used to that, so let's stick with it!

We can start improvising with attacks. Can't get creative with everything all at once!
No. 799914 ID: 91ee5f

She has what looks like teeth on her tits! O_o Does anyone else see that?!

No lasers! We were told that lasers cause us to overheat way too quickly to be worth it!
No. 799922 ID: b0b59e

Make big hand.

Toss hot musclegirl at target.
No. 799930 ID: 45b631

Shark runs in and starts sniping at Sweater-lady with a weak laser-pistol.
Hydra and Mega take up defensive positions around Shark and hold the line.
It is a basic defensive formation that Puppers will have difficulty with, so Sweater-lady will probably intervene personally, probably against the weakest member, Shark...
If Shark gets hit with ranged attack, she explodes into horrific gore, hopefully leaving Sweater-lady stunned with a "what have iA done" expression on their face. If she gets close to Shark, then Shark can break up into cables and bind Sweater-lady.
No. 799937 ID: 91ee5f

>Hydra and Mega take up defensive positions around Shark and hold the line.
Why are you acting like there are 3 people here? There's only 2! And Shark and Mega are the same person, AKA Ava! Plus, she's already changed her name to Mega, meaning there is no Shark! There is only Hydra and Mega!
No. 799944 ID: d79f26

hydras have multiple heads, so her super form makes her appear to have more mouths.
No. 799946 ID: 66adb0
File 149406700334.png - (234.65KB , 800x600 , 76.png )

"Alright... Here's the deal." Ava takes the map from Hydra and draws a line behind the building. "I'll sneak behind the enemy and give a signal. When I do, you take care of the Puppers and I'll get the girl."

>Hydra smiles.

"That's a good plan. Alright, go ahead. I'll wait for your signal."

>Ava folds back the map and hands it over to Hydra. She knows the city well enough that she doesn't need the map herself.

>Sneaking silently through the alleyways and empty streets, she soon makes it behind the Sweater Puppy's building. She pours fabric into her arms and legs and quickly climbs up, lifting herself up as though she weighed nothing.

>Once on top, she silently sneaks closer and closer and closer, until...

"NOW!" She shouts, sprinting forward and tackling the girl at the same time.

"!?" The girl turns back just in time to see Ava slam into her, sending them both falling off of the building.

>They land a few stories below, the Sweater Puppy slamming into it face first.

>Ava flips her around and see

>A crying girl.

"W-w-w-why did you do that!?"


"P-please don't hurt me!"

Oh god
No. 799947 ID: d9d492

Don't believe her lies! Destroy her!
No. 799948 ID: d79f26

the ground is cracked, if she was normal she would be paste, she is absolutely wearing a sweater of power. turn and hand into a claw and slice it off. remember, the sweaters are the source of their powers, if they are reduced to their underwear they become normal.
No. 799950 ID: 7f917c

Do not fall for her puppy-dog eye! Force her to show her true self by stripping the eyepatch first and then her sweater!
But not before you fondle that sweater-tail a bit.

On a side note: Do you think we'd be a better match for Hydra? She's about big enough that we wouldn't need to bother her with the secret hoodie hooters technique a whole lot.
No. 799951 ID: ace108

Strip her first, apologize later. If need be buy icecream for crying girl. But you can't waste your ambush.
No. 799953 ID: db0da2

Wow Ava, I didn't know you were that kind of person, tackling a defenseless girl in order to strip and kinap her. That's sexual assault, you know. Well, it's too late to stop now.
No. 799954 ID: 33bf33

Yeah, but just imagine if we [Expand Knockers] on Hydra. We'd be unstoppable!
No. 799957 ID: c386ca

Strip her, Strip her lewdly.

Then since we're sharked themed I guess go for the blood? Dunno.

She's kinda cute so you should seduce her to your side and/or bully her with her eyepatch.
No. 799961 ID: 3abd97

I'm not here to hurt you, just your Sweater. Sorry.~
No. 799962 ID: 9b4721

She's probably just working the sweater puppies to pay for her family, but if she's not cut out for fighting she probably never was going to be long for this job.
Just claw her sweater off and don't hesitate!
No. 799993 ID: 3ce125

Don't underestimate her! Don't give her a chance to fight back, slice that sweater into ribbons!
No. 799995 ID: 70983e


Quick, tear a strip of her sweater to bandage the wound!
No. 800026 ID: ace108

Oh yeah. don't forget, we are shark powered, so if you lick the blood dripping from her forehead we get a power up. Suction is better so kinda go for something thats like a kiss on the wound. Trust me.
No. 800070 ID: 2120ee

Just slash the crap out of her. Remember, hoodies can't cut people, just clothes.
No. 800080 ID: 66adb0
File 149411372014.png - (164.79KB , 800x600 , 77.png )

"L-look. I'm not here to hurt you... I just need to take your sweater off of you."

"My s-sweater!? Why!? It cost me so much money! please! If you take it off of me I'll... I won't be able to repay it... I'll go into so much debt! Please, don't do this to me!"

>Ava pauses.

This girl...
What if she's like me?
Just got dragged into this whole thing.

What if-

"I'm sorry... I can't let you go."

>The woman sniffles, tears forming in her eyes.
>Then, she grins.


>Ava notices her sweater is a lot smaller now.

No. 800082 ID: 66adb0
File 149411432865.png - (173.06KB , 800x600 , 78.png )

>She hears a rustle and turns her head to see a massive tail made out of fabric loom over her.

>It slams into her, knocking her off of the girl and sending her flying through the streets, skipping on the asphalt like a well thrown stone over a lake.
No. 800083 ID: ace108

Damn it Ava, why can't you just listen to us for once?
No. 800084 ID: 66adb0
File 149411444507.png - (180.20KB , 800x600 , 79.png )

>When she finally skids to a halt, she rights herself and sees the woman has changed. Her sweater is mostly gone and in its place is a thick and heavy looking tail

"We don't have any records on you. You must be a new Hoodlum. Oh boy... If I manage to crush you, here and now, I'll get a promotion for sure!"

Ah, dammit...
She's a liar. And now she's transformed.

I may have fucked this up.
No. 800086 ID: d79f26

pull the strings, make weapons.
No. 800087 ID: ace108

Ya think? Alright, Combat mode. Great Jaws Strike, turn your hoodie into a giant shark maw.

Remember, there are three ways to beat a clothing user, and she is so low on the rankings beating US would make her rank. So I wouldn't be surprised if we can make her overheat or use so much she ["Exposes" her weakness.] rather than us having to make her ["Stripped" of the will to fight].
No. 800093 ID: 2120ee

I bet your tail can beat her tail.
No. 800094 ID: bb78f2

Flirt with her and ask her out on a date
She'll never see it coming.
No. 800097 ID: 3abd97

Bitch, you dun brought a tentacle to a tentacles with teeth fight.
No. 800121 ID: 91ee5f

>She's a liar.
She was doing an EXTREMELY OBVIOUS "please don't hurt me" act. And we fucking told you it was an act! So why didn't you listen to us?! You could've already had her sweater damaged or destroyed if you just slashed it like we fucking told you! Next time, when we tell you something like that, FUCKING LISTEN TO US!!!

In other words, railroading us into a fight that we would've finished before she even pulled out her tentacles! Come on, at least let us get a free hit in when we call it!
No. 800125 ID: 66adb0
File 149412451523.png - (193.35KB , 800x600 , 80.png )

I know it's an act -now- but..
It's just
She reminded me of me, you know?
There was a chance she didn't want to fight. A chance that she was just doing this cause she had to. If someone tackled me into the ground I...

I would probably say the same thing.

>Ava rubs her side.

Still, I think it's obvious she's not a nice person.


>Ava pulls her strings, activating her Drawn form. Her hoodie changes shape and morphs into a form more fitting for certain abilities, but restricting some of her creative ability.

>She feels strong, very strong. But, she can also feel heat starting to build up.

"Pfft. The heck is that? Are those wings? Are you some kinda shark fairy? You look completely ri-"

No. 800127 ID: 66adb0
File 149412463136.png - (213.50KB , 800x600 , 81.png )

>There's a tearing sound. A large chunk of the girl's sweater tail is torn off.

>Ava's hand had turned into a shark maw and lunged forward with breakneck speed. It had clamped down on the fabric and sheared off a chunk before snapping back.

>The threads of the torn sweater fray and seem to be absorbed by the shark maw, as though it were eating it.

"The hell..? Did you just... Did you just eat my sweater? How the fuck..?"

... I feel a bit cooler now.
No. 800129 ID: 3abd97

>Did you just eat my sweater? How the fuck..?
Shark eats one legged octopus, brat.

Just smile, and go on the offensive. Hard. She's not in our tier. Eat her alive.

We hunger.
No. 800131 ID: ace108

Eat more sweater. When you get the chance, tug on her eyepatch.
No. 800132 ID: 3ce125


Eat the tail in its entirety. Smash her face in, knock her unconscious so we can have the entire sweater for breakfast. If the goons have sweaters, let's go to town on those too.
No. 800133 ID: d8ce3a

Tell her she better hope she doesnt run out of sweater material, or we might miss
No. 800134 ID: 91ee5f

>... I feel a bit cooler now.
Mmm, tastes like octopus. Yummy! Let's eat the rest of her sweater!

"Not so cocky now, huh?"
No. 800138 ID: d79f26

more fabric means more area for the heat to go.
No. 800140 ID: 2120ee

Finish it quick and destroy her eyepatch. It's probably a computer stealing intel on you.
No. 800141 ID: 094652

Milk the cow! Slurp up the threads from the chest area.
No. 800150 ID: d9d492

Don't believe her surprise! Destroy her!
No. 800151 ID: 0d1514

Eat the rest! Undies too. Cuz she lied.
No. 800154 ID: 70983e

Grab her butt. Assimilate more fabric from the base of her tail.
No. 800156 ID: d0a9a0


"Better guard your assets, sweetie, or else we're going to eat you up~"

The point is to freak her out and have her cover her chest. If she doesn't, rip her nips free and she loses. If she does, go for her eye patch or her snatch patch. Moral victory or huge moral victory.
No. 800165 ID: 3ce125

And Ava, yes, it's possible there are some Sweater Puppies who aren't true villains. That's why you're not killing them. Beating people up is okay considering you're fighting for the freedom of the entire world. If you hesitate again it could mean the end of both our lives.
No. 800170 ID: c386ca

All outfits shut down if lewd bits get exposed. Either rip off her panties of expose her nips, Ava. Then destroy the outfit when she's powerless.

Also, hope you learned your lesson: Don't fall for a pretty face and sob story!!
No. 800192 ID: 66adb0
File 149413710908.png - (155.85KB , 800x600 , 82.png )

"Not so cocky now, huh?"

"No, fuck off! You shouldn't be able to do that! That's not a thing you should be able to do! No one warned me about this!"

"Yeah, well... I'm warning you now, give up or I'm gonna eat everything you've got!"

>Ava arms her arm at the woman and focuses her fabric into it. It takes the shape of a massive shark before launching outward.

No. 800194 ID: 66adb0
File 149413735992.png - (274.32KB , 800x600 , 83.png )

I'm never hesitating again. Not when facing these guys.
I know not all of them may be bad...
But, still, if it means dying or living

Then I want to live!
No matter what!

>The shark flies forward and begins attacking the tailed girl. Ava sees the girl already knows of her own weakness, it seems, as she covers her chest with her arms and her crotch with her tail.

>But the shark doesn't seem to mind. It bites through the tail and the rough skin shears off layers of fabric, even removing the eyepatch.

>The shark consumes the bits of fabric and transfers it to Ava, cooling her even further.

>The girl is left with little left, all she has is in tatters. She trembles and glares, gritting her teeth.

"You... I won't forgive you for that!" She places her hand over her heart. "You think you're the only one who can change!? Watch this!"

>She depresses a bit of cloth over her chest. There is a blast of steam and heat.
No. 800195 ID: 66adb0
File 149413745771.png - (180.86KB , 800x600 , 84.png )

"Behold, my powered form! You won't be able to strip me as easily like this!"

"... Your tail shrank."


>She regains her composure and folds her arms.

"Besides... My power in this form lies not in my tail..."
No. 800198 ID: 66adb0
File 149413768697.png - (278.53KB , 800x600 , 85.png )


>She opens her eye and glares at Ava. Ava feels an intense wave wash over her and all of her limbs freeze up.

>The strength vanishes from her hoodie but all the fabric feels like it weighs a ton. It holds her in place, no matter how hard she tries to move.

Oh, I get it.
Medusa sweater.

No. 800199 ID: c386ca

Ava, stop letting your opponent get you all hard. Being hot and bothered with her can wait until after you've beaten her.

Hmm. If its medusa, then it relies on eyesight? Try closing your eyes, see if breaking eye contact with her will stop it? If not, call for backup?

Also, heads up? Which should have been obvious? Never let an opponent get the time to transform. If you've got time to gloat, you've got time to followup until you opponent is writhing beneath you on the ground
No. 800200 ID: 3abd97

Try... closing your eyes?
No. 800201 ID: 0d1514

Start talking about how she makes you rock hard
No. 800202 ID: d79f26

[remove our eyes and cover avas, activate shark Electroreception]
No. 800203 ID: c386ca

That's a fair point. Try embarassing her by acting all lewd and obscene to her. Don't matter if its true, Ava, just matters that you fool her enough to get her to drop her guard or be embarrassed enough to slip control of her ability for you to act.
No. 800205 ID: 3ce125

Hmm. I wonder, can we still move? Did this just cut our ability to power your limbs? Let us take over. Close your eyes and relax your muscles, let us move you, do not struggle. Trust that we will keep you safe. We'll handle this. Just tell us when you're relaxed.
(we should display the use of this ability by shutting the hood's "mouth", to cover her eyes and face)

It's chomping time! Jet forward, form a giant fist and grab her, slam her into the ground, then hold her down while we tear the rest of her sweater to shreds with teeth and claw.
No. 800207 ID: 2120ee

[Release Transformation]

Run away temporarily, she won't be able to keep up on that stumpy tail. Then transform back, and we'll hit her from a blindside. Like below or something.

I'm pretty sure we can detect heat through walls or something if we try.
No. 800208 ID: d79f26

sharks have electric field sense, not heat sense. luckily living things create electric fields.
No. 800209 ID: 45b631

Powerless hoodie-hood: flop down over eyes.
Electroperception activate!
Knockers: Assume shark-mouth form!
Go for the hug!!!
No. 800210 ID: d0a9a0


Silly Ava. Sharks don't operate by sight. They operate by smell and by sound. Don't panic. We're drawing the hood down.
No. 800216 ID: d9d492

Don't look her in the eyes! Destroy her!
No. 800217 ID: 7b95d9

She really doesn't know how sharks work, huh?

Draw the hood down. We'll show her how a shark hunts.
No. 800220 ID: 7f917c

Right so, just gotta strip almost all of us. We can totally tear ourselves apart and just refill from her sweater, right? Let's do it!
No. 800222 ID: 70983e

That's interesting, considering how we're not actually covering any of your joints.
No. 800239 ID: 094652

She can paralyze your body, but not us!

Activate rocket booster! Her tail is too short to enable a grapple attack, so get in close and fire a shotgun to the face!
No. 800240 ID: d8ce3a

...why don't we just blow a bunch of dust and debris in her face so she has to close her eye? Her trick probably stops if she isn't looking at us.
No. 800245 ID: d69df4

Heh. She thinks she's locked us in place. I've a thought.
Expose yourself, explode, and launch yourself at her!
No. 800246 ID: 094652

Because that's the FIRST thing the R&D lab will fix! If she has a kinetic shield around her face and infrared vision, kicking dust and sand around her hypno-eye won't do much good!
No. 800263 ID: d8ce3a

If she had all that I dont think she'd need an eyepatch. That and, closing the eye would still be reflexive, which is all we need. I suppose covering her head would work too though.
No. 800305 ID: 4dfe76

Create a blindfold! We're seperate beings, right? And /we/ aren't affected - pull the hood over your eyes and we'll pilot for you!
No. 800324 ID: ce4d05

I think it's immobilised the hoodie, not Ava.
No. 800356 ID: 3ce125

Well if THAT's the case, we'd just need to turn off.
No. 803605 ID: e77725
File 149548194518.png - (137.34KB , 800x600 , 86.png )

.... Nope. Looks like you guys are pretty much stuck. I can move my eyes and mouth but everything else is frozen.

... Hmm.

"Fufufu..." She slowly moves in closer to Ava. Not because it's more threatening but because her short tail only allows this. "Looks like you're mine, now. Oh man, I'm going to get such a high rank off of this... We've never heard of a hoodie like yours. This is going to be-"

>Ava turns off her hoodie. The fabric becomes loose and she can move once more.
>So, she sprints.


No. 803606 ID: e77725
File 149548203816.png - (189.90KB , 800x600 , 87.png )

>She runs and runs and runs, turning a corner to get out of sight of the Sweater Puppy.
>Then, she pulls the strings on her hoodie while also pulling the hood down.

Okay! I can not see a thing! I mean... I sorta can? This is a weird feeling. But, I trust you guys. Let's try this!
No. 803607 ID: e77725
File 149548236068.png - (236.17KB , 800x600 , 88.png )

>She runs back in front of the Medusa Puppy, her hoodie providing an odd sort of vision for her.

>The Medusa girl hadn't really made it much farther than her starting position. That short tail is not doing her any favors.

"There you are!" She says. "Looking even more ridiculous. A slight change isn't gonna protect you from me petrifying gaze!"

>She uses her ability again.

>Ava pats herself down. She can still move.


>Again, no change.

"What the heck..?"

It worked!
No. 803608 ID: 2120ee

Attack her boobers.
No. 803609 ID: 3d2d5f

"My turn now."

No mercy, Ava. Shred that sweater. Poor girl will just have to endure the public indecency.
No. 803610 ID: 3ce125

Excellent. You are one step closer to becoming the shark. We should practice this ability more in the future. Maybe it'll eventually become better than seeing with your eyes?

Well, she can barely move, her tail is crippled, and her transformation focuses all its power in her eyes. Let's just start methodically tearing her sweater off. Don't leave her any openings, of course, but this is a near-helpless opponent so there's no reason to overdo it either.
No. 803611 ID: d8ce3a

Kidnap her! Stick a trash can over her head and kidnap her!
No. 803613 ID: 70983e

Give her tail a clawjob.
No. 803622 ID: b7627b

Time to eat the rest of her sweater I guess.
No. 803624 ID: 094652

Eat her from the tail up~
No. 803634 ID: ace108

Ya know its weird that that sweater has a hood. Why is she a hooded snake if she hates hoodies?
No. 803653 ID: d79f26

finish her and then tell her sharks don't need eyes to hunt!
No. 803660 ID: 3abd97

"Bad. Puppy."
No. 803764 ID: c386ca

No mercy. Let us, the hoodie, do this in revenge Ava. she froze us as well, after all.

(Consume the medusa sweater and also lewdly grope the girl. No mercy. She wanted a promotion at the cost of our lives? Lets make her unfit to be a bride.)
No. 803823 ID: e77725
File 149552155631.png - (251.34KB , 800x600 , 89.png )

"My turn now."

>Ava attack, sending out miniature sharks to rip and tear at the woman's sweater. Each time the mini sharks bite down and pull they tear off chunks of fabric.

"N-no! Stop! Don't!"

>She tries to use her power again but it has no effect on Ava. It seems that truly is her only ability since her short tail is useless and her arms only do minimal damage.

>All she can do is try and shield herself from the attacks as more and more of her sweater is eaten by Ava's hoodie.

>Finally, it reaches the point where there is simply not enough fabric to maintain decency.

>Ava's sharks tear another chunk off.

No. 803824 ID: e77725
File 149552163462.png - (162.56KB , 800x600 , 90.png )

>Ava's hoodie consumes more fabric, it's heat dropping tremendously as it does.

>Then the other girl explodes.
No. 803826 ID: e77725
File 149552185070.png - (275.75KB , 800x600 , 91.png )

We are not molesting anyone guys! Gosh.

But man... That felt really good. Like... Really really good...

>Ava watches as the Sweater Puppy drops to the ground. Her sweater is completely torn up along with other clothes she has one. There's no way she'll be able to fight in this condition.

We really won that.

My heart is beating so fast....

>Hydra appears, a half dozen puppers being carried by one arm.

"Oh!" She says, "You did it! I was just going to check in on you again. Well done, Mega. I know you could do it."

>She pats Ava on the back.

"Now..." She says, "What to do with her... We could take her back to the base and have HACKERMAN work on her."


"Mhmm. She can make it so she can never use a sweater again." She shrugs. "But it's quite time consuming and doesn't always work. If you think she's sufficiently beaten and won't try again, we can just let her go. I'll let you decide, this time."
No. 803828 ID: d79f26

well, we already know her weakness, so not sure she COULD fight us again.
No. 803829 ID: c386ca

Take her back. Try to recruit her, and if not? Well it's one less enemy we have coming for us in revenge afterwards.
No. 803830 ID: 3ce125

This sweater may be harmless to us because of our ability to see for you, but to other hoodies it could have been much more difficult to defeat. I say take her in and neutralize her. She was trying to act innocent before, too, so we can't trust anything she says.

Also if we let her go, she'll report back to the sweater puppies about our abilities. Can't let that happen so soon!
No. 803831 ID: 91ee5f

*obnoxiously loud belch*
Ahhh, that hit the spot! Although, could we bring some salt and pepper next time? Maybe even some ketchup or mustard? Because that sweater had no flavor at all!

No, our teammate is a hydra. The enemy we just beat is a gorgon.
No. 803849 ID: 0d1514

Leaving enemies behind is a bad policy.
No. 803852 ID: 70983e

Even old dogs can learn new tricks.

Take her back to get HACKED, this is one upstart who won't forget or forgive. DO NOT fall for her innocent facade! You've already seen her drop it!
No. 803876 ID: d69df4

That innocent facade bit she did makes me less inclined to take prisoners...But on the flip side I'd rather let her go. Seems limited in her combat abilities, and if a Hoodie has a partner that gaze of hers runs into even more problems, assuming other people can't just use their hood to block it, which I think at least that full-body hoodie kitty's could and let her see...Ask around when we get back to base. She might make a decent ally against enemy Sweaters if she's willing to convert! But let's yanno, not let her lose all her stuff and family like we did.
No. 803883 ID: ace108

Tempted to bring her in for interrogation purposes. Im not a whole fan of messing with minds and stuff so Id rather keep hackerman out of this.

We still dont know how the sweater puppies operate and we may have doomed her and her relatives by just beating her, bringing her in, or hacking her. The less of these lines we cross the less innocents, save Gorgon, get hurt.
No. 803884 ID: b7627b

I think letting her go might be fine? Just tell her to hide from the pups and that if she rejoins them you'll eat more than just her clothes.
No. 803958 ID: ba506f

...why is hackerman called hackerMAN if she's a girl?
No. 803966 ID: 3abd97

Not really sure I like the idea of hacking people. That's really an ugly line.

And if it's time consuming and unreliable, it's not a line worth crossing.
No. 803968 ID: becaad

Hack her shit in! Extinguish the curse in her eyes! And the hope while you're at it.
No. 804120 ID: f08985

No. 804152 ID: 3d2d5f

Enemy wounded (and equipment / material loss) saps more resources than enemy casualties, since they're obligated to try and get her back in the fight.

Hacking her costs us resources, and lets the enemy write her off at no additional cost.
No. 821175 ID: 0d1514

Kidnap her for justice!
No. 822432 ID: 0374f7


Bring her back... but only after finishing off that sweater. We have the rumblies that only sneks can satisfy.

We don't need to hack her, but detaining her gives us a pawn against them. Plus, I bet she makes adorable squeaky noises when nibbled.
No. 823170 ID: e77725
File 150286741390.png - (164.08KB , 800x600 , 92.png )

I'll leave her for now... The idea of hacking into someone like that kinda makes me feel uneasy...

But other than that thought, I still feel freaking amazing. Like I could run around the block 50 times.

"I think we should just let her go for now. I mean. She's just gonna cry and run off. And she was super easy to beat, so..."

"Mhmm... Yeah, okay. You did good, though, Ava! You should be proud!" She pats Ava on the back then pulls her hand back with a surprised expression on her face.

"What is it?"

"My hand went numb." She pauses and flexes her fingers. "Better now. It didn't do that before. Is that your power?"

"Uh.. No?"

"Mmm... Well, I'll let someone who actually knows how these things work figure that out. C'mon, let's go back to base."


>The former wielder of the Lamia Sweater watches the pair leave. She has tears in her eyes, the shame of loss only increasing her anger.

"You... Shark hoodie... I will have my revenge on you... I swear it!"

No. 823171 ID: e77725
File 150286767878.png - (217.33KB , 800x600 , 93.png )


"Yeah, so... This is weird."

>Back at the base, after a quick debriefing, Ava is introduced to HACKERMAN. After examining Ava's hoodie she comes across a startling revelation.

"Your hoodie isn't all Shark anymore. In fact, I don't think it ever was. That is, I don't think that's the base of your powers. I think your hoodie's true power is Absorbtion. Probably, at some point early in its making, it ate a Shark cloth weapon. So it's just been mostly that. Now it's also got some of that Lamia hoodie in it."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that the more stuff you eat, the stronger and more varied that thing will be. It might even be the strongest hoodie of them all, just for its variety."

"The strongest..."

Ah, but why did it feel nice to eat that sweater?

Should I ask?

But I feel kinda embarrassed.
I guess I could ask other questions.
No. 823173 ID: 3ce125

It felt good because we are linked with you and by absorbing we are doing what we were made to do. This is what we were BORN for!

Ask what the whole hacking-people thing is about.
No. 823174 ID: d79f26

naw, it makes sense, it's feedback for doing what we were designed to do, consuming.

anyway, you need some real training, start doing some situps, pushups, and squats.
No. 823184 ID: be0718

Don't lose your way Ava, it felt good because you were striking a blow for JUSTICE. Why not ask about the known Puppy leaders in the area, so we can choose our absorption targets Megaman-style?
No. 823188 ID: b7627b

You should ask why your knockers aren't enhanced at the moment. We ought to store the new material there.
No. 823209 ID: a37482

How do you feel when you eat ice cream?

Now for the important question: can we eat a piece of every sweater without crippling their functions permanently?
No. 823218 ID: d69df4

That...Kind of explains some things about Priestess's outfit, I think she's missing a great deal of the original thread and has been working with essentially a small core of what's left and her 'maximum' of normal thread she can still use. We can use as much as we can because we're kind of built to use loads of cloth, like that Hoodie leader person does...which kind of makes her stitched together hoodie fairly creepy as well, since it's us but not made to that purpose...
No. 823230 ID: 91ee5f

>Ah, but why did it feel nice to eat that sweater?
>Should I ask?
No. 823235 ID: 030bd4

Try out the transformation, see if it looks any different. Don't lose your way, Ava.
No. 823317 ID: 3abd97

>Ah, but why did it feel nice to eat that sweater?
>Should I ask?
>But I feel kinda embarrassed.
You should ask. If there's some kind of emotional feedback or connection between us and you, you're probably better off understanding it.

And I mean, really, why should you be embarrassed if your hoodie is a perv that gets off on eating sweaters?

>other questions
...do hoodies have repair functions at all? One idea for a quick power up might be eating little samples of every else's hoodie.
No. 823776 ID: 0d1514

Kiss Hackerman
No. 828093 ID: 0374f7


Feel the pleasure flow through you, Ava! And know that yet greater exhilaration awaits you if you follow our capricious (and sometimes helpful) whims. Now, I'm not saying you should eat your allies hoodies here and now... but I think you'd still get a nice little buzz from a nibble or two in the right places, if ye take my meaning.
No. 849783 ID: e77725
File 151242249466.png - (206.58KB , 800x600 , 94.png )

"So... I eat sweaters and stuff... Can I eat them without permanently damaging them?"

"Maybe. There's a certain threshold before a powered cloth becomes unusable. We don't know exactly what that limit is, it might even vary from outfit to outfit. Ron works with us and he simply got his torn before it stopped functioning. Priestess and Boss's were badly damaged but they still function."

"So I can't just... Take out small chunks from everyone's hoodies here to gain their powers?"

"I wouldn't even begin risking it."

Yeah. She probably has to maximize the use out of what little she has. And Boss's... Her was stitched together with mismatched bits of fabric.

Maybe mine can do it organically and she has to force it?

"Do these things recover from damage?"

"Not on their own. It's very difficult to repair them. It's like trying to repair a severed tendon. You can put it back together but it will never be the same. It's not an exact science and... Well, we lost the one person who knew how these things work intimately."

Ava pulls on her strings. There's the usual burst of energy but her actual changed form is different. her tail is much longer and two long eyes spring out from her chest.

"Interesting." HACKERMAN says, "It looks like my theory was spot on. This could be a greater boon than Boss thought..."

She turns and looks at her computer.

"In fact..."
No. 849785 ID: e77725
File 151242262090.png - (224.98KB , 800x600 , 95.png )

"There's a few Sweater Puppies I'd love you to try and absorb... To see what happens, really."

"HACKERMAN, enough."

Priestess walks up to her.

"She just completed a mission. This is her first day of work. We don't want to overwhelm her."

"We're on the verge of something great here. If she can truly absorb ANY sweater then she will be the biggest asset we have. We can't just let her idle away her. Besides, she's perfectly healthy looking. You can do this, right Ava?"

No. 849800 ID: 33cbe7

The hoodie hungers for more sweaters! With a side of beef.
No. 849801 ID: 3ce125

No. 849802 ID: efde23

That first fight went well. We could try one more at least.
No. 849803 ID: 7152b7

Also, is Ava hungry? She can't eat sweaters. Have her eat something too so we can DEVOUR!
No. 849805 ID: 91ee5f

Ava, this is completely your decision to make. If you want to do another fight, then we'll go fight. If you want to rest, then we'll rest.

>Is Ava hungry?
Yeah, maybe you should eat something first?
No. 849809 ID: b7627b

Yesss, feed us your spoils
No. 849816 ID: 3abd97

I think I'd like to err on the side of our host's mental (and possibly physical) health and not throwing you into every combat situation solely for the sake of eating as many sweaters as possible.

Besides if we hit the puppies with this kind of rapid escalation it'll pretty much demand an all out response. Pretty sure neither the hoodlums or Ava are actually prepared for that.
No. 849821 ID: d0a17d

Have some time to rest and then go hunt all the puppies.
No. 849847 ID: 2120ee

Eh, we're up for it if you are.

Also, Eva, thanks for not making a big deal about the cleavage press we got going on. It's the best place to protect our drawstrings, and our life literally rests in your cleavage. So. Thanks.
No. 849848 ID: 7579d8

Just ask for a little time to unwind before going back out again.
No. 849849 ID: 600f38

"Gimme their dossiers and I'll decide if I'm up for it."
No. 849905 ID: 0d1514

Tell her you'll do it if she makes out with you
No. 850729 ID: e77725
File 151290072895.png - (114.52KB , 800x600 , 96.png )

H-hey, can you not! Get out of there!

Ava tugs at the strings. They refuse to move.

Goddammit... Just... Stay still then.

"I'll go, I guess."

"Ha!" HACKERMAN grins at Priestess.

"But first I just... Need a moment to wind down. Get something to eat."

Now it's Priestess's turn to grin as HACKERMAN scowls.

"Of course. An army fights on it's stomach. Let me show you to the cafeteria."

"Hmph..." HACKERMAN turns back to her computer. "I guess this gives me some time to make a proper list of good targets. Go on, then."

Ava changes back to normal and follows Priestess. The Hoodlum leads her through the complex building while Ava takes a mental note of the layout. This was gonna be her home, after all

"Don't let HACKERMAN push you around, Ava. Out of all of us, she has a bit of a grudge against the Sweater Puppies."


"She comes from a country where the Hoodie is not a restricted article of clothing. Traveling here with one, she was attacked by the Sweater Puppies on suspicion of being one of us. She beat the shit out of them and we decided to recruit her properly before the Sweater Puppies took her. Now she's stuck from home until this war is over."

"Oh. So she's kinda like me, then?"

Priestess looks back at Ava.

"We're all like you. We've lost things to these people. What drives many of us forward is knowing that if we win, we can get them back." She frowns. "Unless it was a leg or arm. Then you're shit out of luck."

They arrive at the cafeteria. It's completely empty save for a few tables with small bundles on them.

"It's not much but there's sandwiches. Help yourself. I've gotta go check on some things but I'll be in the room right down the hall if you need me."


She leaves Ava alone. The girl sits down by the bundles and picks one out. Opening it reveals a delicious looking sandwich.


Her stomach growls.

Damn, I was hungrier than I thought.

She takes a bite of the sandwich. It's packed with just the right amount of meat and veggies.

It's still hard to believe this is happening. But damn, it kinda felt nice to be that powerful.

But... This is like a real war. Faith got hurt in it. The people where I live....

It would be wrong not to fight in it though, right? Even if it wasn't my battle, it kinda is now. If this is what they do to people, they have to be the bad guys.

And I'm the only one who can do this, too.
No. 850730 ID: b53bd0

look up, we have a ceiling friend.
No. 850731 ID: 33cbe7

Look down, you're on the ceiling.
No. 850742 ID: 830fb7

Person Above/behind you looks like they are having a hard time with those swirly eyes, I think the blood has rushed to their head and their feeling the effects.
No. 850752 ID: 830fb7

We shoul “chain” the hoddies cord so it doesn’t come out even if someone try’s. Chaining the pullcord of a hoddie doesn’t effect the overall flexibility of the cord but instead trades out length for thickness and by doing so makes the cord unable to fit through the hole but at the same time allowing it to be used as a sandard cord. It can be done with either an additional cord (to increase thickness without reducing length too much) or with the one cord by looping it around itself constantly.
No. 850761 ID: 91ee5f

Who's that crazy person on the ceiling?
No. 850774 ID: 3abd97

>I guess this gives me some time to make a proper list of good targets.
And maybe prepare some briefing materials before we fight them so we're not going into battle blind? An army fights on its intel, too!

>It would be wrong not to fight in it though, right?
Circumstances haven't given you a lot of choice, but no. It wouldn't be wrong to put yourself first if you needed to. It's good that you're willing to help and try to improve the situation for more than yourself, but that's not the only metric.

So don't let these hoods push you past what you can handle, okay?
No. 850777 ID: d0a17d

Not quite. You could very well scram out of that city and find a place you can live in peace and away from these problems. HACKERMAN's country, for example. Hell, you could make your own country, given enough time and effort.

You don't actually own anything to the rebels, since they're the ones who put you in this situation in the first place. If anything, you're an unfortunate tool...so why not make the best of it? Ask for things in return, if you're gonna stay and help them. Tasty food, fancy boots, pretty boys, big bed, etc. We won't let them use us if they harm you, it's win/win for you.
No. 850915 ID: e77725
File 151299172821.png - (192.85KB , 800x600 , 97.png )

Well, I'm glad to see you guys are on my side too. Oddly enough, you guys are... Well, at least somewhat calming in this whole thing.

But yeah, as long as I'm working with these guys... I guess, I could ask for some stuff while I'm here.
Not that I'm really uh... Wanting anything. Maybe some games? Do you think I could ask for a game?

I'm not gonna let them push me around. I'm only even agreeing to the fight because... Well, I suppose some small part of me enjoyed the fight.

But I really do wanna help everyone.

I'm not even going to pretend I really understand how that works.



Ava looks. Spider is right next to her and smiling.


"H-hi, Ava. Uhm... Do y-y-you-Do you remember m-me?"

"Uh... Spider, right?"

Spider grins wider.

"Y-yeah. I uh... Do you w-want some c-c-company wh-while... While you eat?"
No. 850916 ID: e4abe1

sure (give her a hug)
No. 850925 ID: 830fb7
File 151299586717.jpg - (120.90KB , 456x1052 , 4005113.jpg )

I'm not even going to pretend I really understand how that works.
It’s really simple to do it’s as simple as rapping the cord around itself multiple times like in the image. It only has to be so long and it’ll act both as a way to prevent removal of the cord and a way to easily grip the cords faster (becouse it adds a spot that is bigger and easier to grip on it).
No. 850936 ID: 3d2d5f

>Well, I suppose some small part of me enjoyed the fight.
Nothing wrong with that.

>Do you w-want some c-c-company wh-while... While you eat?
Sure. Do you eat upside down?
No. 850938 ID: b9b4da

Look at what she's doing with her hoodie to hang down like that.
No. 850944 ID: 0d1514

Accept. Casually ask her to sit next to you. Thank her for the skirt and ask if she likes making clothes- some pants might be nice next! or saucy lingerie.
No. 850949 ID: d0a17d

Sure you can. Otome games, eroge, rance games, all to your heart's content. Just keep in mind that with some training, you'll be their best warrior, so make sure to ask for proportionate pay.

As for spider, tell her that no, unless she makes a cute web for you.
No. 850951 ID: b7627b

Spiderman smooch! Do it now!
No. 850967 ID: e6994f

Company is fine, sure.
No. 850980 ID: 2120ee

Try not to think about how amazing eating her hoodie would feel.
No. 851094 ID: 5ddaa1


Watch out, Ava! She probably wants to drink your human fluids with her weird, spider-y mouth on your vulnerable parts. Don't be lured in! Well, unless she can do that thing where she dances around with the colorful fans behind her and a sparkly hat. Those spiders are dank as fuck.
No. 851099 ID: 398281

You should get to know some of the Hoodlums better. She seems nice. Please refrain from vocalising too much of this speculation about spider anatomy.
No. 851109 ID: 3ce125

We shouldn't eat hoodies. Only sweaters.
No. 852506 ID: de6d84

Get their company! They'd be good.
No. 852557 ID: f522fa

What happens if you consume from the user instead of the cloth?

I mean, there's two giant globes of fat and milk staring you in the face....
No. 960581 ID: 24046e
File 158587705161.png - (123.12KB , 800x600 , 98.png )

Oh god why did I look. Why did you make me look!?

She's got like... Some kinda spider butt? And it has a long thread that's attaching it to the ceiling.

Oh and she's also damn near buck ass naked!


"Sh-shut up!"

>Spider tilts her head.

"Sorry. Not you! It's the voices just...


Yes, you can join me."
No. 960585 ID: 24046e
File 158587772764.png - (133.04KB , 800x600 , 99.png )

The girl falls from the ceiling but manages to land gracefully on the floor. It's clear she's had some practice with this.

She tugs down her hoodie and takes a seat next to Ava. A very close seat. Almost uncomfortably close.

"Hehe..." Spider smiles. "It's n-nice to f-f-finally... To finally sit next to you, Ava."

Ava smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm trying to get to know everyone a bit better so... This is nice. So... Is Spider your real name?"

The Spider snorts as she laughs.

"Pfft! No! M-m-my real n-name is F-f-farah." She chuckles again. "B-but you can keep calling me Sp-sp... B-by my code name. I like it."

"Well, I'll be sure to do that Spider. And you can call me Ava."

"Hehehe... I s-saw your last... Your last fight, Ava. You're so c-c-cool! You took down that snake s-s-s... That woman s-so easily!"

"It... Wasn't quite that easy..." She scratches her cheek, "I had to learn a lot very quickly."

"B-but you make it look so effortless..."

Ava can't help but notice that Spider doesn't have any food with her. She's not eating at all. She's just watching.

"Well, I can assure you any amount of cool vibes you get off of me are purely coincidental."

"Hehehe... I k-know you have another m-m-mission c-coming up... D-do you want a p-partner? The Boss lets us go in p-pairs to f-fight."
No. 960587 ID: 0fae41

Such a friendly and genuine offer cannot be rejected! Of course you'll partner up, chum!
No. 960588 ID: afdebc

>"Hehehe... I k-know you have another m-m-mission c-coming up... D-do you want a p-partner? The Boss lets us go in p-pairs to f-fight."
Sure, it's gotta be smarter to work together than to try and do everything solo.
No. 960589 ID: cadb36

Agree. It'd be good to get to know the others better.
No. 960599 ID: 91ee5f

Before you say yes, you’ve gotta ask Spider what she can do. That way she knows that you’re seriously going to consider her and not just be someone that says yes to the first person that asks.
No. 960610 ID: b1b4f3

Hold up you gotta make sure she's good in a team fight.
Also ask her where her food is?
No. 960628 ID: e961a7

Say yes, obviously. You know, I think she might see you as someone to look up to!
I mean, she's definitely not enough of a top to look down on you.
No. 960735 ID: 24046e
File 158602960819.png - (132.98KB , 800x600 , 100.png )


"Well, can you tell me a bit about your powers first? I wanna make sure we're a good match on the field. Also, no food?"

"Ehehehe... I'm n-not actually all that hungry. I just w-w-wanted to sit-to sit next to you. I h-hope you d-don't think that's w-w-w-unusual."

"Not at all."

She has a big smile on her face and then stands up.

"L-let me show you w-what I can do."

She pulls on the strings of her hoodie.
No. 960737 ID: 24046e
File 158602985378.png - (184.68KB , 800x600 , 101.png )

There's a small burst of steam and light. The woman's cloth has changed and warped around her. Much more of her body is exposed but, more importantly, she has gained two new arms and what looks like a massive spider...

Spider butt.
I mean I should have expected this.

"He he he.... D-do you like it? I c-can wrap up enemies in it w-with the cloth I w-wear under my hoodie. And it's s-super strong. It's the z-zip-over type of Hoodie."

I remember that. Those are the ones that can be a bit unstable, right? I wonder if that has any influence on her or if this is just how she normally is..

"So, you tie them up and I beat them?"

"Th-that would b-be ideal. But! I can f-fight too, you know? I'm s-super strong like this and I d-don't have to worry about heat too m-much.

S-s-so... Partners?"
No. 960738 ID: b1b4f3

Ok but no biting.
No. 960739 ID: 9caba2


So wait, are those pasties even a part of the hoodie or are those her own? Ie. is it a topless hoodie?

Also poke spider abdomen for science.
And partners is fine, so long as she doesn't get us into any sticky situations.
No. 960744 ID: 91ee5f

Ask about the extra eyes. Are they just designs or can she actually see out of them?

>S-s-so... Partners?
Yes, partners. Hold out your hand to give her a handshake. Then get completely caught off guard when she goes for a hug instead.

Hopefully a team up between a Shark and a Spider will work out.
No. 960746 ID: 754c1b

Yeah, she's not throwing up any red flags yet. She just seems a touch oddball. But harmlessly. If that changes, we'll just have to wait and see.

Poke spider tummy for the lulz.
No. 960759 ID: c84ff4

this really is a good idea, plz do this. Or something like this https://www.outdoorlife.com/resizer/-uaAYLZOZ5MtKO9rFU7OmtmOKzk=/800x600/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bonnier.s3.amazonaws.com/public/BLV7GNHV335RI3AEZ3DWGZQJJA.jpg could also work while requireing minimal 'foldage'
Please don't interpret that as the literal text of a link instead of the image it links to.
Or failing that I assume the drawstrings have some sort of aglet or at the very least are a fabric capable of absorbing like a resin or just regular glue. (also how do the hoodies handle high heat/burning? liquid metal would be highly effective if it could be managed) The idea is that you attach a little material near the ends that are bigger than the hole the drawstring is threaded through, ideally the part of the string hosting this extra material is also a little curved such that should the material break free it is either slowed down or unable to pass the aglet at the end (should it exist)
One final idea if we have enough control over the outfit and can divide or lengthen the drawstring we should be able to do something like https://imgur.com/a/DMk0QQQ where the red line represents how you would connect the two sides, should dividing it not be possible (weaving through the dividing wall, effectively anchoring it)
I would assume this is not happening because immediately nullifying the biggest weakness would be less than ideal narratively, cause I have not seen us, the hoodie, try to fight it happening
No. 960762 ID: b1b4f3

Could just attach something large to the end of the cord.
No. 960808 ID: 750d05

Sure, go ahead and partner up!
No. 960959 ID: 24046e
File 158620359015.png - (206.70KB , 800x600 , 102.png )

"Partners." Ava nods and smiles at Spider. Spider seems really pleased by this. "I think we'll make a good team. Spider and Shark!"

"Eh he he he... Y-yeah!"


"Hey, so uh... Question? Are those pastie things part of the hoodie or what? I noticed you had them on earlier a-"

Spider sits really close

"N-no. I put them on under my b-b-bra. And I got something similar over m-m-m... My other place he he he... It's r-really handy c-c-cause then I can use more f-fff... More cloth and not break the indecency r-rules."

She suddenly pulls off one of the pasties


"D-do you w-w-want to try it out. I can p-p-put it on you."

"NO THANKS. Ehem.. I mean uh... No thank you."
No. 960960 ID: 9f0903

You may not wants hers specifically, but you really REALLY want one of those. It'd make it harder to just leave you topless in one shot and, like she said, it lets you use more cloth without risking the indecency explosion. It's a great idea.
No. 960964 ID: 24046e
File 158620393055.png - (47.86KB , 800x600 , 103.png )

Spider shrugs and slaps it back on. She pulls her hoodie down and just stares at Ava, smiling.

"... So... My hoodie had some ideas about how to make this thing stronger. I was wondering if I could like... Tinker with the pullstring to make it more resistant to just getting yoinked off."


"Like uh... Multiplying it within the hoodie so that it's thicker on the inside than the hole it's being pulled out from. Or tying it into a knot. Or adding something to the aglets."

"Eh he he he.... Those are all... All ideas we have had... B-but the string is not j-just a string. It's like a uhhm... A c-c-cpu? All of your hoodies powers are c-coded in it. S-so it's impossible to r-really mess with in any m-meaningful way. Y-you're also not supposed to k-knot them up. Like knotting up a c-cable... Y-you can put something on the t-tips but it might get blown off when you t-transform.

"He he... B-but they're good ideas... D-don't worry. It's actually s-surprisingly hard to rip these th-things out."

"Hmm... Alright."

Spider continues to just sit there and stare. It seems she's content with that.


Any other questions we got?
No. 960977 ID: fd50c8

Wanna make out with spider?
No. 960978 ID: 14fa42

Can we take a bite of your hoodie? A little nibble, just to see what it's like. Just the tip.
No. 960979 ID: 5a05f7

Ask if she likes tying people up. Just out of curiousity. Has she ever heard of shibari?
No. 960980 ID: 5a05f7

Ask if she likes tying people up. Just out of curiousity. Has she ever heard of shibari?
No. 961010 ID: a9af05

Did both of you get enough to eat? Neither of you can fight on empty stomachs!

No, that would end up weakening Spider's hoodie. Don't weaken your teammates before a mission!
No. 961026 ID: 0fae41

It's a good idea, you should probably acquire your own. There are risks involved, sure, but it'd be a good backup.
Finish your lunch, pack some ice and let's kick some puppies!
No. 961033 ID: 49e4d4

...Iunno why, but she seems like a nice gal. Little nutter butters, but in a sweet way.

No further questions. Let's get set to get going.
No. 961034 ID: 24046e
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What? No! Why would I wanna kiss Spider! I literally just met her!

I-goddammit now I'm staring at her.

I gotta stop staring

Why are you putting these kinds of thoughts in my head? I don't need this before a big mission

with a person I just met

whose nipple I just



"S-s-something wrong Av-v-va?"


"... D-did I... Did I mess up..?" She looks really concerned.

"What!? No! You're fine! Really! Just... Sorry. Just a bit tense. I'm done eating, you ready to go?"


Ava sighs and stands up. She shakes her head and walks off to see HACKERMAN
No. 961035 ID: 9f0903

Go ahead and let her know it was us rattling you. It's not like we're a secret, and it wouldn't do for her to think she actually messed up and you just wouldn't tell her.
No. 961036 ID: 24046e
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"Pasties?" HACKERMAN raises an eyebrow. "Sure, I can get you fitted with some. We can't just use any. I'll have some made for you before you go on the mission. And, speaking of which."

HACKERMAN gestures to the screen.

"I picked a few targets out for you. Each of these have unique abilities that I think would be invaluable for your hoodie to pick up.

One of them is based off of a dragon and uses heat based attacks.

Another uses swords that have been able to break through any shield we can throw at them.

And the last one excels in stealthing, almost as well as our own stealth units. It may be redundant considering we already have a member that can do that but another one wouldn't be bad.

Any of these seem good for you?"
No. 961037 ID: 9f0903

Energy emissions might be the only thing that could cause us to overheat, and we do have a stealth operative. Sword sounds good.
No. 961038 ID: 0fae41

Heat based attacks: they strike at the operational limit of sweaters and hoodies alike, and perhaps they could let us blow off steam instead of accrue it faster. Let's go jump the dragon.
No. 961039 ID: d3966b

Dragon dragon, rock the dragon look. You might be able to use that as a heat vent.
No. 961040 ID: 701302

Now Ava really let HACKERMAN get a good feel for fitting you all over. Also think of how soft her lips might be- but you know whose lips will be softer? Spider's.

Also Dragon seems most rule of cool and keeps to dangerous animal themes.

On the other hand, eliminating a dangerous hostile stealth enemy is very important.

But hey, if you go sword you could probably use it as a basis to make a really good dick to impale Spider on~
No. 961041 ID: 9f0903

We already have a heat vent.
No. 961044 ID: 094652

Stealth will be useful in the long run. This isn't an RPG where you always get caught, sometimes a covert assault will net you more resources than busting in and sounding alarms.
No. 961046 ID: d3966b

Yeah but this would also hurt people!
No. 961050 ID: 9caba2

Swords are cool.
You should get a sword.
No. 961051 ID: 91ee5f


Ava said to knock it off with the gay stuff, so knock it off already.
No. 961060 ID: c84ff4

stealth seems to be something our group has little of. an opportunity to improve our group's overall stealth capabilities seems hard to turn down, also we are kinda strong so being able to be a stealth nuke is cool. also we can probably get all of these eventually. If we know where stealth is now it is probably best to pounce on them while we can find them.
No. 961065 ID: 901869

We're looking at this the wrong way. Instead of thinking "which power do we want to have?", we should be thinking "which enemy can we defeat?"
We have no special detection abilities, so stealth is out, and fire would negate Spider's threads. Being restrained would incapacitate a swordsman completely, so we should be doing that one. We should also ask HACKERMAN about anyone who can negate stealth, so we can do that next.
No. 961069 ID: a9af05

Go for sword.

I agree with this logic.
No. 961070 ID: 49e4d4


has good logic. Let's follow that.
No. 961168 ID: 868d62

No. 961210 ID: 2a2f85

Going for sword.
No. 961565 ID: 24046e
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"I think... Sword? Swords are cool and I think they might be the simpler of the three to take on. I don't really have anything to counter stealth so..."

HACKERMAN nods and taps a few buttons on her keyboard.

"Sound logic. I tracked the woman down to a nearby store. She is harassing the shopkeep into paying for 'protection'. This is a thing that the lower ranking Sweater Puppies tend to do."

She turns around and looks at Spider and Ava. She has a small frown on her face as she ponders something Ava can't fathom.

"Mmm..." HACKERMAN looks back to the screen. "Alright, I'll get your pasties set up and then send you off."

"I c-can help you put them on!" Spider says.

"No thank you!" Ava shakes her head and puts up her hands. "I... I can put them on myself. Thank you."


Ava looks at herself in the changing room. Her pasties actually stick on very firmly. They are made out of an odd fabric and adhesive mixture with some synthetic fibers. Pulling on it only tugs on the skin until Ava 'wills' it to come off.

After she thinks 'come off' it pops off with ease. HACKERMAN said it should only fly off if she wants it to or under some impressive force.


I get that they tried to make it look like a fish...

But it just looks like a buttplug...

At least it's comfy.
No. 961566 ID: 24046e
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"Look, I'm not here for excuses. I'm here for results."

A Sweater Puppy with feline features is leaning against what appears to be a recently repaired and restocked freezer. The inside is filled with ice cream.

"But... I'm telling you I got robbed... I don't HAVE the money this week!"

"Excuses, excuses! You keep giving them! I'm sure there's something here ya can sell to get me the money. Else, how the hell am I supposed to keep you safe?"
No. 961568 ID: 24046e
File 158665213639.png - (178.90KB , 800x600 , 108.png )

Perched on a nearby rooftop are Spider and Ava. They watch the Sweater Puppy from relative safety. Spider is practically humming with excitement.

"T-this is it! Are you r-ready Ava? What's the p-p-p-what's the p-plan?"

"... As in uh... My plan?"


"... I... I don't have a plan."

"B-but you're Ava! You're the c-c-coolest! You have to have a p-plan!"


YOU guys have a plan?
No. 961569 ID: e961a7

Walk in under the guise of buying ice cream, then bap 'em from behind! It's absolutely foolproof, and if they don't notice you for long enough, you might have time to actually buy ice cream!
No. 961570 ID: 701302

Step one: Hug Spider nice and tight for morale. Really get into and enjoy that hug.

Step two: Have spider spray them down in surprise: if she can shoot out sticky threads to pun them to the table they're leaning against else just bind them.

Step three: the moment they're there, you need to be there: go full shark and bite the breasts and other lewd locations so they can't have power, followed by slowly enjoying the rest of your sweater meal for power.

Step 4: Have spider tie them up visibly like a superhero with a cheeky note to be found in embarrassing outfits.

Step 5: While still transformed, get in a good, tight, victory hug with spider.

Step 6: this is CRUCIAL- invite Spider to go eat ice cream and hold hands. Y'know, like partners do.
No. 961571 ID: 015bf2

Frankly? Charge in, distract, try to make them retreat towards an alley where spidergal has set a web trap or something. Cat sweater should have reflexes, a sixth sense and good balance - if you can negate that this should be piece of cake.
No. 961572 ID: 5a05f7

Have spooder set up trap in alley across the way. When trap is set up Ava challenges them and gets the puppy to charge into the webs. They're dumb as fuck right? Then they double team the kitty. No not like that.
No. 961575 ID: 10f5f8

Surprise attack the puppers and then tag team the sword sweater herself. Fight up front and buy time for spider to set up some kind of trap with her threads, once you catch an arm or a leg, exploit that weakness in her form to take chunks out of her till she is stripped.
No. 961576 ID: 9f0903

lure her outside, have spider spray her from stealth
No. 961577 ID: 5a05f7

No. 961582 ID: 91ee5f

>But it just looks like a buttplug...
How exactly do you know that, young lady? What kind of lewd activities have you been involved in before we showed up?

Being cool, doesn’t mean that you have a plan. Those are two completely different things!

Have Spider set up a trap, then lure the enemy into the trap.
No. 961586 ID: 701302

All I'll just say is giving her the chance to activate her sweater is a bad thing- if she's got a sword that can cut through ALL the things, its best to take her out of commission before she can transform and use it, else well... it seems pointless to trap someone who can cut through ANYTHING.
No. 961620 ID: b1b4f3

You should definitely try luring them into a trap.
But don't make it too obvious; start the fight by eliminating the puppy and then just kindof dodge towards the trap while fighting the sword user.
No. 961625 ID: d186fc

Just put them on sideways. :/
No. 961634 ID: 0fae41

The plan is to web up the store with Ava and the pups inside, and don't let them leave til Ava has seduced the shirt off every last one of them. Including the store owner.
No. 961654 ID: eb4a6c

Ideally, spider would sneak inside on the ceiling without being noticed, then Shark gets their attention. When they're distracted coming out, boom Spider takes out whoever she can.
No. 962764 ID: 24046e
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>How exactly do you know that, young lady? What kind of lewd activities have you been involved in before we showed up?

Shut up...

How do YOU know what that is? Don't judge me.


Alright... A trap and sneak attack. Disable her before she even gets a chance to do the thing. This should be easy.

Ava explains her plan to Spider. The woman nods and agrees almost instantly. The two get into position...
No. 962766 ID: 24046e
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There is a crashing sound outside of the store and a cry for help.

The cat-woman turns over, her ears twitching and turning to catch the sound. She snaps her fingers and gestures for the Sweater Puppies to go outside and see what's going on.

The pair rush through without hesitation. Nothing seems to happen until the cat-woman steps through the door. The moment she does the puppies are immediately hoisted into the air and attached to the building.

"What the!?"
No. 962767 ID: 24046e
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Spider giggles as she wraps her net around the cat-woman. She is lifted up and completely bound in a way that allows almost no movement.

"Nya!? The heck is going on here!?"

I'm not sure I exactly agree with the method of the binding but it looks like it's working.

Ava pulls the strings on her hoodie. There is a burst of steam and light before she feels that amazing surge of energy. Her limbs feel invigorated and her mind is clearer. She charges forward.
No. 962768 ID: 24046e
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Ava rushes forward and bites down hard with a shark hand. She feels the teeth sink into the sweater and waits for the rush of emotion that comes from tearing the thing to pieces...
No. 962769 ID: 24046e
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Instead... She feels something pushing back against the chomping hand. It pushes and pushes before finally slicing through the shark hand entirely.

Blades emerge from the cat-woman from her entire body, completely severing the ties that were binding her.

Ava cries out in pain and pulls back. She looks at her hand and sees it's unharmed but her hoodie has a hole in it.

That hurt! That REALLY hurt!
No. 962772 ID: 5b5dbb

New plan. Drag her into a room. Turn on the heat and out endure her til she reaches her heat limit. Then punish her.
No. 962773 ID: c84ff4

this brings up the question of why the non-blade parts did not get nom-ed as that was kinda the entire point of this exercise. Also questionable is going to power mode first thing. if we were not in power mode we could probably have sharkhands with holes already in them (like intentionally) that can accommodate and expand for things trying to pierce them rather than being cut. Like this whole not being eaten at all thing combined with also being able to cut our hoodie means our only real path here is getting her to over-extend...
Wait no! We can try to use our new power of like sweater/hoodie paralysis, we know contact makes something happen in that regard.
No. 962775 ID: 5a05f7

Can her sweater protect her pants? Strip her! And remember the ice cream! Important strategic resource for reducing heat!
No. 962776 ID: 9f0903

Ok, so "wields swords" actually means "becomes a whirlwhind of bladed death". We're gonna have to sit down with HACKERMAN and have a chat about what constitutes proper intel.
No. 962777 ID: 9caba2

They may be wearing a sweater but are you certain they're a sweater puppy? They look more like a cat. Try pacifying them with head and chin scritches, as well as well as some going down their back, be sure to not touch their belly however.
No. 962790 ID: 8185f1

Seems like you've got a disadvantage this time around. Does Spider have any kind of poison abilities? Something to slow her down?
No. 962797 ID: 91ee5f

>her hoodie has a hole in it.
Ow! Bitch!

Don’t forget, if you need to, you can turn our zipper into a chainsaw (as seen here: >>740394 )!

Also, you’ve got two long eyes sprouting out from your chest now (as seen here: >>849783 )! I’m pretty sure those came from when you ate the Gorgon Sweater, so I’m hoping this means you also absorbed it’s powers. Try activating the Gorgon’s Paralyzing Stare!
No. 962802 ID: b1b4f3

Blast her with energy! Sword can't cut that.
No. 962808 ID: 1ec97a

This, very much.

No. 962809 ID: 9f0903

Blade versus blade, can her sword defeat our saw? Probably, but it'll make for a great visual.
No. 962821 ID: 0fae41

Bring sharkteeth chainsaw to bear against kitty sword blender like a battle of beyblades.
No. 962911 ID: 094652

Lick her ears
No. 962983 ID: 24046e
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Ava hisses in pain and pulls away. There's a HOLE in her hoodie. This is the darkest of days.

Oh no, oh no, oh no... I ripped the hoodie! Those things don't repair! Fuck! I'm in so much t-
No. 962984 ID: 24046e
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The fabric hisses with steam and begins to knit itself back together. The pain vanishes and is soon replaced with a dull throbbing sensation.

Oh... It can fix itself? I thought that was basically impossible to do without some specialized... Ah, forget it! I'll think about it later! I gotta focus on the enemy!
No. 962985 ID: 24046e
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>Also, you’ve got two long eyes sprouting out from your chest now (as seen here: >>849783 )! I’m pretty sure those came from when you ate the Gorgon Sweater, so I’m hoping this means you also absorbed it’s powers. Try activating the Gorgon’s Paralyzing Stare!

Well, good thing I used my transformed mode! That way I can use... THIS!

"Take this, petrifying gaze!"

Ava feels a sudden urge to adopt a pose. She follows her instincts and when she moves into position her powers activate.
No. 962986 ID: 24046e
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"N-nya!?" The cat woman freezes in place and is unable to move an inch. She grits her teeth and tries to do something, anything...

Great, I got her! She can't move!

Now Spider can... Uh...

The heck is Spider at?
No. 962987 ID: 24046e
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A few seconds pass. The woman can not move in the slightest but she's trying. Every time she moves Ava can feel it and nudges the body back into position. It's a constant back and forth between the two.

The total mental concentration leaves Ava unable to do anything but glare.

Okay... So.. Learned something new about this power...

It's actually quite tiring... And I'm feeling REALLY hot right now. Not in the good way.

"Can I go..?" The cat-woman asks.

Ava grits her teeth.

Dammit... I can't...

Hold her for too long...
But, at least I can keep her like this while I think of something...

But Spider isn't anywhere!
No. 962988 ID: 9caba2

Quick! While she's stunned go kiss her! Mix with headpats for bonus damage.
No. 962990 ID: 701302

seduce the cat woman, ava. if you cannot beat her as it is, weaken her blade's resolve!
No. 962992 ID: 0fae41

Well, it's not like you can look around and check! You've got to go ahead and hope she has your back.
Snap off a spike and use it to cut her own sweater to pieces. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is diamond.
No. 962993 ID: cadb36

Jet away, see if you can catch her in the heat exhaust.
No. 963011 ID: 094652

Bear hug the cat until she surrenders. If that doesn't work, get her to a fountain and let the panic crush her resolve.
No. 963018 ID: 91ee5f

>Where’s Spider?
I think she’s busy dealing with the Sweater Puppy minions. She’s using her own hoodie to make the web that’s got the minions tied up.

I don’t think Ava can move while using this power.

No jets! That makes Ava’s heat rise dangerously fast!
No. 963022 ID: 679a6d

I think you'll have to end the glare soon, before you overload. I'd suggest doing it while the cat girl is talking so you can take her by surprise.

As for what to do, it's clear just tearing at her sweater isn't gonna work with the blades... Maybe you could shape the shark teeth into a make-shift sword-breaker and snap the blade parts of the sweater off? The fact that she can use it to make herself a sort of porcupine makes this a difficult prospect.

Hm... Well, I hate to suggest this but if all else fails you could distract her for a moment by taking her pants. She'll be pissed afterward, but definitely distracted for a moment.
No. 963038 ID: c84ff4

Actually de-pantsing (and de-underwearing if present) would cause the thing to activate its emergency anti-indecency mode, which should make this whole thing a lot easier. This does, almost certainly, require maintaining the paralysis.
We may also be able to save on concentration (and possibly heat) by letting her do some things instead of total lockdown. Though this is probably better to try if the 'indecency disable' plan doesn't work out.
No. 963054 ID: a9af05

Go for the legs! Her sweater will try to cover her up, which will give her less fabric to weaponize against you!
No. 963128 ID: 91ee5f

Ava, instead of going for big bites, you should try going for multiple quick and tiny bites! Turn the tips of your fingers into tiny little shark jaws, attack, then back away! Use hit and run tactics! You’ll eventually wear her down!

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