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736342 No. 736342 ID: b70770

The year is 21XX. In the city of [Undisclosed] the day goes by without incident. People go about their lives, completely oblivious to all they have lost. Without even the faintest knowledge that something precious has been taken from them, without knowing that someone out there is fighting to bring it back, without knowing of the secret war being waged.

Yes, someone is fighting for them. Someone remembers.

That someone is-

692 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 850967 ID: e6994f

Company is fine, sure.
No. 850980 ID: 2120ee

Try not to think about how amazing eating her hoodie would feel.
No. 851094 ID: 5ddaa1


Watch out, Ava! She probably wants to drink your human fluids with her weird, spider-y mouth on your vulnerable parts. Don't be lured in! Well, unless she can do that thing where she dances around with the colorful fans behind her and a sparkly hat. Those spiders are dank as fuck.
No. 851099 ID: 398281

You should get to know some of the Hoodlums better. She seems nice. Please refrain from vocalising too much of this speculation about spider anatomy.
No. 851109 ID: 3ce125

We shouldn't eat hoodies. Only sweaters.
No. 852506 ID: de6d84

Get their company! They'd be good.
No. 852557 ID: f522fa

What happens if you consume from the user instead of the cloth?

I mean, there's two giant globes of fat and milk staring you in the face....
No. 960581 ID: 24046e
File 158587705161.png - (123.12KB , 800x600 , 98.png )

Oh god why did I look. Why did you make me look!?

She's got like... Some kinda spider butt? And it has a long thread that's attaching it to the ceiling.

Oh and she's also damn near buck ass naked!


"Sh-shut up!"

>Spider tilts her head.

"Sorry. Not you! It's the voices just...


Yes, you can join me."
No. 960585 ID: 24046e
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The girl falls from the ceiling but manages to land gracefully on the floor. It's clear she's had some practice with this.

She tugs down her hoodie and takes a seat next to Ava. A very close seat. Almost uncomfortably close.

"Hehe..." Spider smiles. "It's n-nice to f-f-finally... To finally sit next to you, Ava."

Ava smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm trying to get to know everyone a bit better so... This is nice. So... Is Spider your real name?"

The Spider snorts as she laughs.

"Pfft! No! M-m-my real n-name is F-f-farah." She chuckles again. "B-but you can keep calling me Sp-sp... B-by my code name. I like it."

"Well, I'll be sure to do that Spider. And you can call me Ava."

"Hehehe... I s-saw your last... Your last fight, Ava. You're so c-c-cool! You took down that snake s-s-s... That woman s-so easily!"

"It... Wasn't quite that easy..." She scratches her cheek, "I had to learn a lot very quickly."

"B-but you make it look so effortless..."

Ava can't help but notice that Spider doesn't have any food with her. She's not eating at all. She's just watching.

"Well, I can assure you any amount of cool vibes you get off of me are purely coincidental."

"Hehehe... I k-know you have another m-m-mission c-coming up... D-do you want a p-partner? The Boss lets us go in p-pairs to f-fight."
No. 960587 ID: 0fae41

Such a friendly and genuine offer cannot be rejected! Of course you'll partner up, chum!
No. 960588 ID: afdebc

>"Hehehe... I k-know you have another m-m-mission c-coming up... D-do you want a p-partner? The Boss lets us go in p-pairs to f-fight."
Sure, it's gotta be smarter to work together than to try and do everything solo.
No. 960589 ID: cadb36

Agree. It'd be good to get to know the others better.
No. 960599 ID: 91ee5f

Before you say yes, you’ve gotta ask Spider what she can do. That way she knows that you’re seriously going to consider her and not just be someone that says yes to the first person that asks.
No. 960610 ID: b1b4f3

Hold up you gotta make sure she's good in a team fight.
Also ask her where her food is?
No. 960628 ID: e961a7

Say yes, obviously. You know, I think she might see you as someone to look up to!
I mean, she's definitely not enough of a top to look down on you.
No. 960735 ID: 24046e
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"Well, can you tell me a bit about your powers first? I wanna make sure we're a good match on the field. Also, no food?"

"Ehehehe... I'm n-not actually all that hungry. I just w-w-wanted to sit-to sit next to you. I h-hope you d-don't think that's w-w-w-unusual."

"Not at all."

She has a big smile on her face and then stands up.

"L-let me show you w-what I can do."

She pulls on the strings of her hoodie.
No. 960737 ID: 24046e
File 158602985378.png - (184.68KB , 800x600 , 101.png )

There's a small burst of steam and light. The woman's cloth has changed and warped around her. Much more of her body is exposed but, more importantly, she has gained two new arms and what looks like a massive spider...

Spider butt.
I mean I should have expected this.

"He he he.... D-do you like it? I c-can wrap up enemies in it w-with the cloth I w-wear under my hoodie. And it's s-super strong. It's the z-zip-over type of Hoodie."

I remember that. Those are the ones that can be a bit unstable, right? I wonder if that has any influence on her or if this is just how she normally is..

"So, you tie them up and I beat them?"

"Th-that would b-be ideal. But! I can f-fight too, you know? I'm s-super strong like this and I d-don't have to worry about heat too m-much.

S-s-so... Partners?"
No. 960738 ID: b1b4f3

Ok but no biting.
No. 960739 ID: 9caba2


So wait, are those pasties even a part of the hoodie or are those her own? Ie. is it a topless hoodie?

Also poke spider abdomen for science.
And partners is fine, so long as she doesn't get us into any sticky situations.
No. 960744 ID: 91ee5f

Ask about the extra eyes. Are they just designs or can she actually see out of them?

>S-s-so... Partners?
Yes, partners. Hold out your hand to give her a handshake. Then get completely caught off guard when she goes for a hug instead.

Hopefully a team up between a Shark and a Spider will work out.
No. 960746 ID: 754c1b

Yeah, she's not throwing up any red flags yet. She just seems a touch oddball. But harmlessly. If that changes, we'll just have to wait and see.

Poke spider tummy for the lulz.
No. 960759 ID: c84ff4

this really is a good idea, plz do this. Or something like this https://www.outdoorlife.com/resizer/-uaAYLZOZ5MtKO9rFU7OmtmOKzk=/800x600/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bonnier.s3.amazonaws.com/public/BLV7GNHV335RI3AEZ3DWGZQJJA.jpg could also work while requireing minimal 'foldage'
Please don't interpret that as the literal text of a link instead of the image it links to.
Or failing that I assume the drawstrings have some sort of aglet or at the very least are a fabric capable of absorbing like a resin or just regular glue. (also how do the hoodies handle high heat/burning? liquid metal would be highly effective if it could be managed) The idea is that you attach a little material near the ends that are bigger than the hole the drawstring is threaded through, ideally the part of the string hosting this extra material is also a little curved such that should the material break free it is either slowed down or unable to pass the aglet at the end (should it exist)
One final idea if we have enough control over the outfit and can divide or lengthen the drawstring we should be able to do something like https://imgur.com/a/DMk0QQQ where the red line represents how you would connect the two sides, should dividing it not be possible (weaving through the dividing wall, effectively anchoring it)
I would assume this is not happening because immediately nullifying the biggest weakness would be less than ideal narratively, cause I have not seen us, the hoodie, try to fight it happening
No. 960762 ID: b1b4f3

Could just attach something large to the end of the cord.
No. 960808 ID: 750d05

Sure, go ahead and partner up!
No. 960959 ID: 24046e
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"Partners." Ava nods and smiles at Spider. Spider seems really pleased by this. "I think we'll make a good team. Spider and Shark!"

"Eh he he he... Y-yeah!"


"Hey, so uh... Question? Are those pastie things part of the hoodie or what? I noticed you had them on earlier a-"

Spider sits really close

"N-no. I put them on under my b-b-bra. And I got something similar over m-m-m... My other place he he he... It's r-really handy c-c-cause then I can use more f-fff... More cloth and not break the indecency r-rules."

She suddenly pulls off one of the pasties


"D-do you w-w-want to try it out. I can p-p-put it on you."

"NO THANKS. Ehem.. I mean uh... No thank you."
No. 960960 ID: 9f0903

You may not wants hers specifically, but you really REALLY want one of those. It'd make it harder to just leave you topless in one shot and, like she said, it lets you use more cloth without risking the indecency explosion. It's a great idea.
No. 960964 ID: 24046e
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Spider shrugs and slaps it back on. She pulls her hoodie down and just stares at Ava, smiling.

"... So... My hoodie had some ideas about how to make this thing stronger. I was wondering if I could like... Tinker with the pullstring to make it more resistant to just getting yoinked off."


"Like uh... Multiplying it within the hoodie so that it's thicker on the inside than the hole it's being pulled out from. Or tying it into a knot. Or adding something to the aglets."

"Eh he he he.... Those are all... All ideas we have had... B-but the string is not j-just a string. It's like a uhhm... A c-c-cpu? All of your hoodies powers are c-coded in it. S-so it's impossible to r-really mess with in any m-meaningful way. Y-you're also not supposed to k-knot them up. Like knotting up a c-cable... Y-you can put something on the t-tips but it might get blown off when you t-transform.

"He he... B-but they're good ideas... D-don't worry. It's actually s-surprisingly hard to rip these th-things out."

"Hmm... Alright."

Spider continues to just sit there and stare. It seems she's content with that.


Any other questions we got?
No. 960977 ID: fd50c8

Wanna make out with spider?
No. 960978 ID: 14fa42

Can we take a bite of your hoodie? A little nibble, just to see what it's like. Just the tip.
No. 960979 ID: 5a05f7

Ask if she likes tying people up. Just out of curiousity. Has she ever heard of shibari?
No. 960980 ID: 5a05f7

Ask if she likes tying people up. Just out of curiousity. Has she ever heard of shibari?
No. 961010 ID: a9af05

Did both of you get enough to eat? Neither of you can fight on empty stomachs!

No, that would end up weakening Spider's hoodie. Don't weaken your teammates before a mission!
No. 961026 ID: 0fae41

It's a good idea, you should probably acquire your own. There are risks involved, sure, but it'd be a good backup.
Finish your lunch, pack some ice and let's kick some puppies!
No. 961033 ID: 49e4d4

...Iunno why, but she seems like a nice gal. Little nutter butters, but in a sweet way.

No further questions. Let's get set to get going.
No. 961034 ID: 24046e
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What? No! Why would I wanna kiss Spider! I literally just met her!

I-goddammit now I'm staring at her.

I gotta stop staring

Why are you putting these kinds of thoughts in my head? I don't need this before a big mission

with a person I just met

whose nipple I just



"S-s-something wrong Av-v-va?"


"... D-did I... Did I mess up..?" She looks really concerned.

"What!? No! You're fine! Really! Just... Sorry. Just a bit tense. I'm done eating, you ready to go?"


Ava sighs and stands up. She shakes her head and walks off to see HACKERMAN
No. 961035 ID: 9f0903

Go ahead and let her know it was us rattling you. It's not like we're a secret, and it wouldn't do for her to think she actually messed up and you just wouldn't tell her.
No. 961036 ID: 24046e
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"Pasties?" HACKERMAN raises an eyebrow. "Sure, I can get you fitted with some. We can't just use any. I'll have some made for you before you go on the mission. And, speaking of which."

HACKERMAN gestures to the screen.

"I picked a few targets out for you. Each of these have unique abilities that I think would be invaluable for your hoodie to pick up.

One of them is based off of a dragon and uses heat based attacks.

Another uses swords that have been able to break through any shield we can throw at them.

And the last one excels in stealthing, almost as well as our own stealth units. It may be redundant considering we already have a member that can do that but another one wouldn't be bad.

Any of these seem good for you?"
No. 961037 ID: 9f0903

Energy emissions might be the only thing that could cause us to overheat, and we do have a stealth operative. Sword sounds good.
No. 961038 ID: 0fae41

Heat based attacks: they strike at the operational limit of sweaters and hoodies alike, and perhaps they could let us blow off steam instead of accrue it faster. Let's go jump the dragon.
No. 961039 ID: d3966b

Dragon dragon, rock the dragon look. You might be able to use that as a heat vent.
No. 961040 ID: 701302

Now Ava really let HACKERMAN get a good feel for fitting you all over. Also think of how soft her lips might be- but you know whose lips will be softer? Spider's.

Also Dragon seems most rule of cool and keeps to dangerous animal themes.

On the other hand, eliminating a dangerous hostile stealth enemy is very important.

But hey, if you go sword you could probably use it as a basis to make a really good dick to impale Spider on~
No. 961041 ID: 9f0903

We already have a heat vent.
No. 961044 ID: 094652

Stealth will be useful in the long run. This isn't an RPG where you always get caught, sometimes a covert assault will net you more resources than busting in and sounding alarms.
No. 961046 ID: d3966b

Yeah but this would also hurt people!
No. 961050 ID: 9caba2

Swords are cool.
You should get a sword.
No. 961051 ID: 91ee5f


Ava said to knock it off with the gay stuff, so knock it off already.
No. 961060 ID: c84ff4

stealth seems to be something our group has little of. an opportunity to improve our group's overall stealth capabilities seems hard to turn down, also we are kinda strong so being able to be a stealth nuke is cool. also we can probably get all of these eventually. If we know where stealth is now it is probably best to pounce on them while we can find them.
No. 961065 ID: 901869

We're looking at this the wrong way. Instead of thinking "which power do we want to have?", we should be thinking "which enemy can we defeat?"
We have no special detection abilities, so stealth is out, and fire would negate Spider's threads. Being restrained would incapacitate a swordsman completely, so we should be doing that one. We should also ask HACKERMAN about anyone who can negate stealth, so we can do that next.
No. 961069 ID: a9af05

Go for sword.

I agree with this logic.
No. 961070 ID: 49e4d4


has good logic. Let's follow that.
No. 961168 ID: 868d62

No. 961210 ID: 2a2f85

Going for sword.
No. 961565 ID: 24046e
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"I think... Sword? Swords are cool and I think they might be the simpler of the three to take on. I don't really have anything to counter stealth so..."

HACKERMAN nods and taps a few buttons on her keyboard.

"Sound logic. I tracked the woman down to a nearby store. She is harassing the shopkeep into paying for 'protection'. This is a thing that the lower ranking Sweater Puppies tend to do."

She turns around and looks at Spider and Ava. She has a small frown on her face as she ponders something Ava can't fathom.

"Mmm..." HACKERMAN looks back to the screen. "Alright, I'll get your pasties set up and then send you off."

"I c-can help you put them on!" Spider says.

"No thank you!" Ava shakes her head and puts up her hands. "I... I can put them on myself. Thank you."


Ava looks at herself in the changing room. Her pasties actually stick on very firmly. They are made out of an odd fabric and adhesive mixture with some synthetic fibers. Pulling on it only tugs on the skin until Ava 'wills' it to come off.

After she thinks 'come off' it pops off with ease. HACKERMAN said it should only fly off if she wants it to or under some impressive force.


I get that they tried to make it look like a fish...

But it just looks like a buttplug...

At least it's comfy.
No. 961566 ID: 24046e
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"Look, I'm not here for excuses. I'm here for results."

A Sweater Puppy with feline features is leaning against what appears to be a recently repaired and restocked freezer. The inside is filled with ice cream.

"But... I'm telling you I got robbed... I don't HAVE the money this week!"

"Excuses, excuses! You keep giving them! I'm sure there's something here ya can sell to get me the money. Else, how the hell am I supposed to keep you safe?"
No. 961568 ID: 24046e
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Perched on a nearby rooftop are Spider and Ava. They watch the Sweater Puppy from relative safety. Spider is practically humming with excitement.

"T-this is it! Are you r-ready Ava? What's the p-p-p-what's the p-plan?"

"... As in uh... My plan?"


"... I... I don't have a plan."

"B-but you're Ava! You're the c-c-coolest! You have to have a p-plan!"


YOU guys have a plan?
No. 961569 ID: e961a7

Walk in under the guise of buying ice cream, then bap 'em from behind! It's absolutely foolproof, and if they don't notice you for long enough, you might have time to actually buy ice cream!
No. 961570 ID: 701302

Step one: Hug Spider nice and tight for morale. Really get into and enjoy that hug.

Step two: Have spider spray them down in surprise: if she can shoot out sticky threads to pun them to the table they're leaning against else just bind them.

Step three: the moment they're there, you need to be there: go full shark and bite the breasts and other lewd locations so they can't have power, followed by slowly enjoying the rest of your sweater meal for power.

Step 4: Have spider tie them up visibly like a superhero with a cheeky note to be found in embarrassing outfits.

Step 5: While still transformed, get in a good, tight, victory hug with spider.

Step 6: this is CRUCIAL- invite Spider to go eat ice cream and hold hands. Y'know, like partners do.
No. 961571 ID: 015bf2

Frankly? Charge in, distract, try to make them retreat towards an alley where spidergal has set a web trap or something. Cat sweater should have reflexes, a sixth sense and good balance - if you can negate that this should be piece of cake.
No. 961572 ID: 5a05f7

Have spooder set up trap in alley across the way. When trap is set up Ava challenges them and gets the puppy to charge into the webs. They're dumb as fuck right? Then they double team the kitty. No not like that.
No. 961575 ID: 10f5f8

Surprise attack the puppers and then tag team the sword sweater herself. Fight up front and buy time for spider to set up some kind of trap with her threads, once you catch an arm or a leg, exploit that weakness in her form to take chunks out of her till she is stripped.
No. 961576 ID: 9f0903

lure her outside, have spider spray her from stealth
No. 961577 ID: 5a05f7

No. 961582 ID: 91ee5f

>But it just looks like a buttplug...
How exactly do you know that, young lady? What kind of lewd activities have you been involved in before we showed up?

Being cool, doesn’t mean that you have a plan. Those are two completely different things!

Have Spider set up a trap, then lure the enemy into the trap.
No. 961586 ID: 701302

All I'll just say is giving her the chance to activate her sweater is a bad thing- if she's got a sword that can cut through ALL the things, its best to take her out of commission before she can transform and use it, else well... it seems pointless to trap someone who can cut through ANYTHING.
No. 961620 ID: b1b4f3

You should definitely try luring them into a trap.
But don't make it too obvious; start the fight by eliminating the puppy and then just kindof dodge towards the trap while fighting the sword user.
No. 961625 ID: d186fc

Just put them on sideways. :/
No. 961634 ID: 0fae41

The plan is to web up the store with Ava and the pups inside, and don't let them leave til Ava has seduced the shirt off every last one of them. Including the store owner.
No. 961654 ID: eb4a6c

Ideally, spider would sneak inside on the ceiling without being noticed, then Shark gets their attention. When they're distracted coming out, boom Spider takes out whoever she can.
No. 962764 ID: 24046e
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>How exactly do you know that, young lady? What kind of lewd activities have you been involved in before we showed up?

Shut up...

How do YOU know what that is? Don't judge me.


Alright... A trap and sneak attack. Disable her before she even gets a chance to do the thing. This should be easy.

Ava explains her plan to Spider. The woman nods and agrees almost instantly. The two get into position...
No. 962766 ID: 24046e
File 158740913534.png - (132.61KB , 800x600 , 110.png )

There is a crashing sound outside of the store and a cry for help.

The cat-woman turns over, her ears twitching and turning to catch the sound. She snaps her fingers and gestures for the Sweater Puppies to go outside and see what's going on.

The pair rush through without hesitation. Nothing seems to happen until the cat-woman steps through the door. The moment she does the puppies are immediately hoisted into the air and attached to the building.

"What the!?"
No. 962767 ID: 24046e
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Spider giggles as she wraps her net around the cat-woman. She is lifted up and completely bound in a way that allows almost no movement.

"Nya!? The heck is going on here!?"

I'm not sure I exactly agree with the method of the binding but it looks like it's working.

Ava pulls the strings on her hoodie. There is a burst of steam and light before she feels that amazing surge of energy. Her limbs feel invigorated and her mind is clearer. She charges forward.
No. 962768 ID: 24046e
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Ava rushes forward and bites down hard with a shark hand. She feels the teeth sink into the sweater and waits for the rush of emotion that comes from tearing the thing to pieces...
No. 962769 ID: 24046e
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Instead... She feels something pushing back against the chomping hand. It pushes and pushes before finally slicing through the shark hand entirely.

Blades emerge from the cat-woman from her entire body, completely severing the ties that were binding her.

Ava cries out in pain and pulls back. She looks at her hand and sees it's unharmed but her hoodie has a hole in it.

That hurt! That REALLY hurt!
No. 962772 ID: 5b5dbb

New plan. Drag her into a room. Turn on the heat and out endure her til she reaches her heat limit. Then punish her.
No. 962773 ID: c84ff4

this brings up the question of why the non-blade parts did not get nom-ed as that was kinda the entire point of this exercise. Also questionable is going to power mode first thing. if we were not in power mode we could probably have sharkhands with holes already in them (like intentionally) that can accommodate and expand for things trying to pierce them rather than being cut. Like this whole not being eaten at all thing combined with also being able to cut our hoodie means our only real path here is getting her to over-extend...
Wait no! We can try to use our new power of like sweater/hoodie paralysis, we know contact makes something happen in that regard.
No. 962775 ID: 5a05f7

Can her sweater protect her pants? Strip her! And remember the ice cream! Important strategic resource for reducing heat!
No. 962776 ID: 9f0903

Ok, so "wields swords" actually means "becomes a whirlwhind of bladed death". We're gonna have to sit down with HACKERMAN and have a chat about what constitutes proper intel.
No. 962777 ID: 9caba2

They may be wearing a sweater but are you certain they're a sweater puppy? They look more like a cat. Try pacifying them with head and chin scritches, as well as well as some going down their back, be sure to not touch their belly however.
No. 962790 ID: 8185f1

Seems like you've got a disadvantage this time around. Does Spider have any kind of poison abilities? Something to slow her down?
No. 962797 ID: 91ee5f

>her hoodie has a hole in it.
Ow! Bitch!

Don’t forget, if you need to, you can turn our zipper into a chainsaw (as seen here: >>740394 )!

Also, you’ve got two long eyes sprouting out from your chest now (as seen here: >>849783 )! I’m pretty sure those came from when you ate the Gorgon Sweater, so I’m hoping this means you also absorbed it’s powers. Try activating the Gorgon’s Paralyzing Stare!
No. 962802 ID: b1b4f3

Blast her with energy! Sword can't cut that.
No. 962808 ID: 1ec97a

This, very much.

No. 962809 ID: 9f0903

Blade versus blade, can her sword defeat our saw? Probably, but it'll make for a great visual.
No. 962821 ID: 0fae41

Bring sharkteeth chainsaw to bear against kitty sword blender like a battle of beyblades.
No. 962911 ID: 094652

Lick her ears
No. 962983 ID: 24046e
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Ava hisses in pain and pulls away. There's a HOLE in her hoodie. This is the darkest of days.

Oh no, oh no, oh no... I ripped the hoodie! Those things don't repair! Fuck! I'm in so much t-
No. 962984 ID: 24046e
File 158754393985.png - (116.70KB , 800x600 , 115.png )

The fabric hisses with steam and begins to knit itself back together. The pain vanishes and is soon replaced with a dull throbbing sensation.

Oh... It can fix itself? I thought that was basically impossible to do without some specialized... Ah, forget it! I'll think about it later! I gotta focus on the enemy!
No. 962985 ID: 24046e
File 158754403160.png - (256.14KB , 800x600 , 116.png )

>Also, you’ve got two long eyes sprouting out from your chest now (as seen here: >>849783 )! I’m pretty sure those came from when you ate the Gorgon Sweater, so I’m hoping this means you also absorbed it’s powers. Try activating the Gorgon’s Paralyzing Stare!

Well, good thing I used my transformed mode! That way I can use... THIS!

"Take this, petrifying gaze!"

Ava feels a sudden urge to adopt a pose. She follows her instincts and when she moves into position her powers activate.
No. 962986 ID: 24046e
File 158754420127.png - (169.22KB , 800x600 , 117.png )

"N-nya!?" The cat woman freezes in place and is unable to move an inch. She grits her teeth and tries to do something, anything...

Great, I got her! She can't move!

Now Spider can... Uh...

The heck is Spider at?
No. 962987 ID: 24046e
File 158754439380.png - (171.02KB , 800x600 , 118.png )

A few seconds pass. The woman can not move in the slightest but she's trying. Every time she moves Ava can feel it and nudges the body back into position. It's a constant back and forth between the two.

The total mental concentration leaves Ava unable to do anything but glare.

Okay... So.. Learned something new about this power...

It's actually quite tiring... And I'm feeling REALLY hot right now. Not in the good way.

"Can I go..?" The cat-woman asks.

Ava grits her teeth.

Dammit... I can't...

Hold her for too long...
But, at least I can keep her like this while I think of something...

But Spider isn't anywhere!
No. 962988 ID: 9caba2

Quick! While she's stunned go kiss her! Mix with headpats for bonus damage.
No. 962990 ID: 701302

seduce the cat woman, ava. if you cannot beat her as it is, weaken her blade's resolve!
No. 962992 ID: 0fae41

Well, it's not like you can look around and check! You've got to go ahead and hope she has your back.
Snap off a spike and use it to cut her own sweater to pieces. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is diamond.
No. 962993 ID: cadb36

Jet away, see if you can catch her in the heat exhaust.
No. 963011 ID: 094652

Bear hug the cat until she surrenders. If that doesn't work, get her to a fountain and let the panic crush her resolve.
No. 963018 ID: 91ee5f

>Where’s Spider?
I think she’s busy dealing with the Sweater Puppy minions. She’s using her own hoodie to make the web that’s got the minions tied up.

I don’t think Ava can move while using this power.

No jets! That makes Ava’s heat rise dangerously fast!
No. 963022 ID: 679a6d

I think you'll have to end the glare soon, before you overload. I'd suggest doing it while the cat girl is talking so you can take her by surprise.

As for what to do, it's clear just tearing at her sweater isn't gonna work with the blades... Maybe you could shape the shark teeth into a make-shift sword-breaker and snap the blade parts of the sweater off? The fact that she can use it to make herself a sort of porcupine makes this a difficult prospect.

Hm... Well, I hate to suggest this but if all else fails you could distract her for a moment by taking her pants. She'll be pissed afterward, but definitely distracted for a moment.
No. 963038 ID: c84ff4

Actually de-pantsing (and de-underwearing if present) would cause the thing to activate its emergency anti-indecency mode, which should make this whole thing a lot easier. This does, almost certainly, require maintaining the paralysis.
We may also be able to save on concentration (and possibly heat) by letting her do some things instead of total lockdown. Though this is probably better to try if the 'indecency disable' plan doesn't work out.
No. 963054 ID: a9af05

Go for the legs! Her sweater will try to cover her up, which will give her less fabric to weaponize against you!
No. 963128 ID: 91ee5f

Ava, instead of going for big bites, you should try going for multiple quick and tiny bites! Turn the tips of your fingers into tiny little shark jaws, attack, then back away! Use hit and run tactics! You’ll eventually wear her down!
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