Sandy Wind
You get up and do a cursory, old-fashioned look and listen.
You can hear sounds coming from behind the fridges like the clatter of mess tins. There doesn't seem to be activity in the room you are nor an obvious exit, though there could be some horrific void monster in one of the fridges, just maybe.
Also, your Chi is mad Focused yo, whatever that means. (Focus Regeneration is working.)
Your inventory consists of :
Ornate Rifle, which you are holding.
Business Suit, which you are wearing.
Chem Set, with two small Batteries in reserve.
Filter Mask, with one Breathing Filter in reserve.
Data Injector, Pants Scarf, Magnetic Bar, Metal Cable, Arcana Deck, Fine Pick, a peculiar Ball Maze keychain, a tank of Mixed Air, and a Carrying Pack.
This is certainly more than you remember having previously. The Chem Set is definitely Balth's, among other things.
Lords, the last you spoke with Foxtits was way back at the R.Pasuvaise Medicine building. The events since then is quite an expanse to close if ever.