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File 138226323689.jpg - (2.55MB , 1280x1480 , FA_BOW_Fanart_Thread_XI_Seekers_of_Leeches_Tgchan.jpg )
76929 No. 76929 ID: 55c4cf


Be Radula.
Previous Threads:
>>480 >>1118 >>314015 >>316577 >>319035
>>328203 >>336257 >>341621 >>46018 >>56436
Expand all images
No. 76930 ID: b0d8a0

This image is
No. 76932 ID: fd4c5e

CongRADULAtions on the fantastic image
No. 76933 ID: 0006f5

you just gotta Dew it™
No. 76942 ID: c23ab0

I can't bethlieve how bad all these Radula puns are.
No. 76943 ID: 5535c8

No. 76955 ID: 57a559

Dracula vs. Radula terrible pun rap battle should be GO!

Also, finally Beth get some erotic fanart action. It was only Dale before, right?
No. 76983 ID: 251fda

they get gRADULAlly worse as they go
No. 77000 ID: c32908

3-4 lewd Dales and 1 lewd Radula.
No. 77001 ID: e511a3

I suddenly have am unexplainable craving for mountain dew.
No. 77002 ID: 5acad3


All according to plan-aria

Came out great Chi! Almost as great as the refeshing taste of MtDew tm now in radical Gushin Granny flavor!
No. 77028 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138258832695.png - (1.95MB , 3000x3000 , saulannafinal.png )

COMPETENCY: Master Torture

Saulanna and Wordblood, as a late birthday gift for Jukashi.

I don't know if the eyes are the right colour, but whatever.
No. 77029 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138258837322.png - (2.21MB , 2000x2500 , bonus.png )

And a bonus, just for fun.
No. 77030 ID: bd48c5

Well, she is a Lunar. And how many Lunars get the chance to achieve the greatest dream of all Lunars? The ability to GO FUCK ONE'S SELF.
No. 77031 ID: 6216b0
File 138260249459.png - (193.33KB , 890x659 , asdfkjgshteytmndh.png )

If Book of Worms was in a science fiction setting.
No. 77038 ID: 47a120

is this masturbation?
Also, under some interpretations WB and Saulanna are the parents of our little lady time. So she is heartbroken that her parents are fucking.
No. 77046 ID: d2b9fe

Good luck qualifying that as sex, masturbation, or incest.

Or trying to figure out to what extent Kairosa's reaction is dismay at being left out, at realizing she's mostly incapable of participating, or catching her parents going at it.
No. 77050 ID: 8ab426
File 138264787249.png - (398.29KB , 1200x1800 , fanfic.png )

Saitenen from Soulsworn and Modesty from Humility.

Saitenen is struggling against his newer opponents, but perhaps this victory will give him the edge he needs?
No. 77051 ID: d2b9fe

>fighting Modesty
>he's still fully clothed
I don't understand.
No. 77052 ID: b386b4


Maybe it's because they're doing it inside her. That is very rude.

Thanks, LimeBreaker!
No. 77054 ID: 8ab426


He's an anime man with like 9 belts per piece of clothing. She just doesn't have enough uses/day
No. 77277 ID: 02304e
File 138316581648.png - (519.93KB , 1000x700 , fishy.png )

from Dungeon of sin
No. 77321 ID: ba8629
File 138325586669.jpg - (141.43KB , 1100x920 , jetstream_lyan.jpg )

Lyan from Halting State
No. 77326 ID: cf16c8
File 138326868322.png - (195.51KB , 1100x900 , rec-loseuagin.png )

dis is my otp recluse and waiter from unnatural erection http://tgchan.org/wiki/Unnatural_Selection
like dis if u cry evry time
No. 77415 ID: ba8629
File 138359680518.jpg - (64.37KB , 1200x1200 , penji tozzle.jpg )

Someone asked for a Penji Tozzle.
No. 77418 ID: 2f4b71

From the thumbnail, I thought he was rocking out with a keytar.
No. 77432 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138370304620.png - (725.13KB , 1200x1500 , kensuyata4.png )

Late night Kensuyata tentacle porn doodle.

Kensuyata from Lucid's Island of Onigashima.
No. 77433 ID: 5acad3
File 138371129446.jpg - (63.70KB , 600x600 , bookbros.jpg )

Radlua + Blind Librarian = Book bros for lyfe.

Hey kids read a book!

Or answer to unknowable eldrich forces, the likes of which mortals cannot comprehend.

>>77031 Holy crap, how have I not noticed this? That looks awesome Whaat!
No. 77473 ID: d7c198
File 138388393582.png - (279.22KB , 800x596 , Leslie-R_Tozol_Time_sm.png )

Let's take this fanart thread up to XI!
No. 77475 ID: d7c198


From Battle Quest.

Left to right are Kaselir (grabby!), Ota (boobs!), Reya (fluffeh!) and Baj (doofus!). Why a wet-t party? They have no idea, it seemed like a good idea at the time!
No. 77478 ID: 7bbaae

No. 77536 ID: 1da384
File 138412252237.png - (214.84KB , 1000x700 , udtygfxcfs.png )

I told you anon, I told you...
No. 77541 ID: 6216b0
File 138413163198.png - (29.43KB , 1024x613 , predator.png )

Sci-fi Beth(From book of worms but made more sciencefictiony) is running away from a Tozol(From Tozol quest which is Sci-fi).

The joke is that Beth is a rabbit and the Tozol is a space weasel. http://youtu.be/HNbqvqf3-14[/spoiler]
No. 77547 ID: 7bacb9

No. 77551 ID: ba8629

"Your backpack radio is full of flatworms!"
"Oh shit get it off!"
No. 77645 ID: 80e21a

No. 77663 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138449284313.png - (1.21MB , 1100x1500 , goodra.png )

Something something gooey hugs.
No. 77672 ID: 572553

No. 77785 ID: 6216b0
File 138485193582.png - (192.45KB , 776x931 , story006.png )

Hinzes' scattered awareness snaps into focus. She doesn't know where she is, or how she got here. The last thing she remembers is the strange light emitted by 'the boss'.

It is very dark. She is resting against some manner of cold, hard surface. She appears to be restrained at several places.

Hinzes from Seal's quest called Unraveled.
No. 77786 ID: 8b9215

Simply amazing.
No. 77928 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138518238316.png - (965.73KB , 2500x1000 , oken.png )

tiny deer commission for LonelyWorld.
No. 78022 ID: 60675d
File 138548868524.png - (169.14KB , 1000x700 , i have no idea how the quest or the protagonist ar.png )

a fanart for the last cinnamon quest, quite funny, keep up the good work!
No. 78035 ID: d92f71
File 138550682699.png - (38.92KB , 800x800 , bueno.png )

bluecat is best waifu
No. 78046 ID: c23ab0


Aww yeah
No. 78048 ID: 5a5dd4
File 138553713383.png - (190.27KB , 1400x1000 , bluekat.png )

Does bluecat even have a name?
No. 78049 ID: 60675d

that's pretty fucking rad, now my fanart look shitty as hell...meh, I'll make another then
No. 78060 ID: 5bf190
File 138560116333.png - (610.59KB , 1000x900 , scellorprankstranners.png )

Gift art for LonelyWorld.

One of the consequences of having a group mind, even if it's not entirely in direct control, is that the scellor can end up doing things, on a large and well-organized scale, that are kind of... whimsical.

In this case, a complicated scheme involving an astranian colony world, third party traders, and a specially developed fabric that is only opaque to most of the visible light spectrum.
No. 78065 ID: 57a559

goatman and sir Astranian Ridder on the left randomly hung

more news at 11.
No. 78070 ID: d315b1

These words do not go together.
No. 78073 ID: d92f71
File 138561407645.png - (49.87KB , 1600x800 , cat rainbow.png )

I will not be satisfied until this thread is filled with monochromatic pussy
No. 78074 ID: ba8629

Dat sheep.
No. 78075 ID: 5612af

Chick on the left with the black eyes for protaganist of the next quest.
No. 78076 ID: 96c896

I presume the Scellor are wearing the special clothing themselves just for the fun of it.
No. 78080 ID: 53548a

That sheep has something on her mind.
No. 78081 ID: 4a20fa

I am amused by the half-blind mole-ish critter's confusion as to the sudden change of crowd tone.
No. 78098 ID: e1609c

wait, is that digger?
No. 78106 ID: 53548a

That's a mole, not a wombat. Important difference. One yells at you for resetting your game, the other yells at you for putting magic stuff near her tunnels.
No. 78129 ID: 761017
File 138579811211.jpg - (856.00KB , 1920x1081 , wombats and moles.jpg )

I'm pretty sure that's a wombat this time?
No. 78143 ID: 1ebf90

Mole vs. Wombat? The large digging claws of the character in question suggest she could be either, but the blunter muzzle and lack of large, prominent whiskers suggests she is more wombat-like.
The thing to remember, however, is that she is neither. She is an Astranian. They only *look* like earthly animals.
No. 78359 ID: 0f6bd5
File 138659375465.png - (303.15KB , 1000x700 , blue.png )

since the first one i drew was a bit too halfassed, here bluecat again!
No. 78376 ID: f3bb85

It's very cute.
No. 78393 ID: 54197c
File 138676716464.png - (145.32KB , 907x1170 , DirectorPolo.png )

Possible future where Polo founds her own espionage branch, the Neumono Superspy Agency, Made possible only because of those new fangled self jammer modules.

May try to improve it later, might not.
No. 78396 ID: fd6ae9

Hey, nice design on the uniform. I like it how it looks like a streamlimed / less ostentatious version of her dress uniform. Makes sense for a more practical stealth branch, or something Polo might have designed herself (or had designed) more in line with her own sensibilities.
No. 78557 ID: 67bfa9
File 138742230257.png - (549.96KB , 819x819 , RoqanFestive.png )

Roqan from Riarda Legends

in honor of Riarda's return, it's like christmas come early!
No. 78613 ID: 04f9b8


Hung yes; randomly, no!

Depending on how long the species has possessed sapience, intelligent beings will trend towards selection for pleasurable mating, among other factors. Even in a monogamous species, a pair will mate more often the more they enjoy each other, and thus stand greater chances of producing offspring. Intelligent species also need more space for the overlarge braincases of their babies to pass through, so greater girth is essential for the males to keep up with the females' needs. This is why humans have such appreciable genitalia when compared to the other apes.

In addition, most astranian subspecies seem to be digitigrade bipeds! As a consequence of this, they would require more muscle mass around the backside. Since that area is also a convenient spot for fat deposits on the upright frame, it likely adds up to considerable junk in the trunk. And so, the more booty to plunder, the longer the male's reach needs to be to work around and achieve the same depth! That's why creatures like horses and donkeys have such emblematic generosity.

No. 78629 ID: 5eb919
File 138773432215.jpg - (35.63KB , 1200x800 , nanolove.jpg )

an itty bitty anart for nanoquest
No. 78638 ID: 67bfa9


this is Canonically average Astranian "member" size
No. 78639 ID: e11575


That seems pretty sizeable, proportional to the torso.
No. 78703 ID: 1f8505
File 138794996252.png - (25.15KB , 463x559 , Santa Wheelbot.png )

"A Murphy Ecks-mas to all! And tube all a grid night!"
No. 78710 ID: 5eb919
File 138800958662.jpg - (57.36KB , 1111x800 , Sarahcute.jpg )

merry christmas guys!
No. 78757 ID: 457920
File 138829359104.png - (802.27KB , 1400x1000 , gianthivefamilyphoto.png )

A lot of people have jobs that demand they travel, hither and yon all year. During the holiday season, it's nice to be able to get back home and get together with the people you're close to.
No. 78772 ID: 9cd8ad

All of your big group shots continue to be the best thing ever.
No. 78773 ID: 9b57d3

Oh hey, I didn't know there was a green member of the hive. Another adoption, like the grey one?
No. 78774 ID: 39615a


My addition. I figured, eventually, gianthive would probably pick up other ex-predator-broken neumono once they had one, and maybe a rogue or two who just wanted to belong to any hive they could and had no other preference. So, in polokoaverse, that's how it is.
No. 78775 ID: 9b57d3

Well it certainly is a super adorable growing family!
No. 78777 ID: 67bfa9
File 138838082316.png - (112.15KB , 567x734 , StrannerBeth.png )

Beth from Book of worms as an Astranian

happy belated birthday Toxoglossa!
No. 78872 ID: 970494
File 138880292013.png - (401.62KB , 1012x735 , divenudes.png )

speaking of group shots
very not safe for work

I'm putting this here since more nsfw stuff ends up here than in the questdis thread itself
No. 78892 ID: 7bbaae

Those tits look weird. Maybe it's the big nipples/areolae.
No. 78894 ID: 590fbd
File 138888387257.png - (399.04KB , 1012x735 , divenudesreversi.png )

I might as well post this equally nsfw derivative of mine here too, then. Only my own speculation, of course, so scorn it at will. Anyone who feels their fantasies disturbed can feel free to wipe away offending sections and draw in their own preferences.

They don't seem any weirder-looking than the characters themselves are. Less so, even. There are a lot of weird tits in real life.
No. 78902 ID: cf16c8

A+ good derivative.
No. 78903 ID: 970494

Of the group only Coriander and maybe Arabella really have big areolas though
No. 78905 ID: 4a20fa

Hah, Finesse's sideways gaze.
No. 78921 ID: ba8629
File 138901125693.png - (70.38KB , 500x3480 , SOTWcomic.png )

I made a comic about Static on the Wire.
No. 78922 ID: beeca1

No. 78927 ID: 627d94

I managed to keep it together until Monica, at which point I lost it.

That's great.
No. 78931 ID: cf16c8
File 138903693015.png - (767.55KB , 1220x850 , FenVsLancePart2.png )

Warning: Gay dicks, non-consensual, non-canon.
Continuation of >>78842 , Fen and Lance from CheeQuest Intermission 3 by Lagotrope. http://tgchan.org/wiki/CheeQuest
No. 78932 ID: cf16c8
File 138903693732.png - (1.01MB , 1220x850 , FenVsLancePart3.png )

Warning: Gay dicks, non-consensual, non-canon.
No. 78933 ID: 4a20fa

It is a great comic and you should feel great.
No. 78944 ID: 34cbef
File 138906229764.png - (30.83KB , 710x578 , sarahfanart.png )

sarah of junequest, and maybe a humble outfit suggestion
No. 78945 ID: 1f8505


Maybe if the UTR June had an ambient temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit...
No. 78946 ID: 34cbef


make it so, bossman
No. 78947 ID: df41f8

I'm framing this
No. 78948 ID: f0418c

Why would anyone advanced enough to make a spaceship still be using Fahrenheit?
No. 78949 ID: d2995c

Nothing is beyond people who give their control room a glass window into space :V
No. 78951 ID: df41f8

i've been giggling @ this for hours
im dying
No. 78953 ID: 5cc5ee
File 138910995808.png - (1.19MB , 1875x1650 , polo_done.png )

intermission 1-4
No. 78954 ID: 3dd384

this picture is adorable but there's something weird about giant in it. it was hard for me to recognize her but comparing her in this picture to her in three stripes intermission I can't figure out what's different.

maybe it's the eyes. maybe it's just that dastrica is messing with my sense of scale.
No. 78955 ID: 7bbaae

Well her ears are a bit smaller.
No. 78968 ID: 34cbef
File 138914493227.png - (78.54KB , 1128x1604 , tattoosilhouettes.png )

personal fanart and spoilers for buoyant reality
No. 78969 ID: 53ba34

really belongs in a discussion thread or draw thread.
No. 78975 ID: 34cbef
File 138917959522.png - (19.25KB , 668x391 , lagotropefanart.png )

well fine, here's some fanart then
No. 78977 ID: 77f364

Monica here looks about a hundred times more cheerful than in the quest itself.

Thanks for the good laugh!
No. 78981 ID: 5fd94e


Clearly Chirps is a fan of his own works....making this fanart....I think
No. 78984 ID: 9cd8ad

I am enjoying both of these things, thank you both very much.
No. 78988 ID: f44ca3

I have to say Chirps that you have managed to capture the essence of the characters here. Very impressive.
No. 79169 ID: 53548a
File 139020252156.png - (176.98KB , 972x600 , humility-export.png )

You know, for a tool of the god Humility, Modesty shows an awful lot of skin. Look at those bare arms. Scandalous.
No. 79170 ID: 53548a

holy shit this is AMAZING
No. 79206 ID: f9bd44
File 139050171558.jpg - (79.62KB , 1111x800 , familybunny.jpg )

The drugged up bunnygirl from family business
requested in a stream, thanks starburst for it
No. 79215 ID: 2a1897
File 139053013268.png - (119.95KB , 800x500 , MM1.png )


HeroQuestRena is great, yo.
No. 79216 ID: 0b90a3
File 139053993362.jpg - (78.51KB , 653x800 , minesbigger.jpg )

We does not engage in meaningless, machismo driven contests of "genitalia waving". Our claw tentacle is of perfectly adequate size.
No. 79221 ID: 13ef94
File 139058854179.png - (93.73KB , 500x900 , Dale.png )

Cuz foxes are cool
No. 79223 ID: 57a559

Oh god are you telling me whenever Radula injects someone with venom he's ejaculating inside of their brains?
No. 79225 ID: 9ddf68

a whole new meaning to the term "dirty thoughts"
No. 79237 ID: 2a1897
File 139062132317.png - (186.82KB , 700x900 , MMS.png )

More MM+.
No. 79241 ID: 13ef94
File 139064449145.png - (196.24KB , 500x1000 , Mereba and Jess.png )

No. 79242 ID: 13ef94
File 139064449923.png - (116.26KB , 500x700 , Princess Slushi.png )

No. 79243 ID: 67bfa9

Awesome! sulshi wishes she looked that good!
No. 79244 ID: a87e3a

Is it Sulshi or Slushi?
No. 79246 ID: 67bfa9

her actual name is Sulshi, but Slushi sounds pretty cute
No. 79259 ID: 13ef94


Dang it as always i have mispronounced name... stupid me :P
No. 79261 ID: bfbe79
File 139071102049.png - (735.63KB , 1920x1080 , Frillsby and Gallsby Measure Up text all.png )

Frillsby & Gallsby from their hit new eponymous EP by LawyerDog. This is canon, so that's my excuse, or something.
No. 79263 ID: cf16c8

The laws of fanart dictate that all fanart is canon and porn fanart is double canon. t. hanks 4 fanart
No. 79273 ID: 44b350
File 139080642970.png - (21.90KB , 750x750 , boagaxlynd.png )

>Lynd seduce Boaga
No. 79274 ID: 13ef94
File 139082199948.png - (172.77KB , 1000x1000 , Harpy.png )

No. 79294 ID: a87e3a

I really like this.
No. 79297 ID: d83734


I'm an ogre and I'm deeply offended by this.
No. 79308 ID: d489ff

It's very cute!
No. 79311 ID: 13ef94
File 139094136983.png - (169.65KB , 800x900 , Penji.png )

No. 79312 ID: 13ef94
File 139094261910.png - (125.86KB , 600x600 , Veles.png )

No. 79320 ID: bfbe79

Hey no worries. This is tg, and sometimes ugly is beautiful.

Except not ogres.
No. 79322 ID: ba8629

Ooooh. This looks nice.
No. 79358 ID: 13ef94
File 139109594325.png - (120.93KB , 600x900 , Deem fin col.png )

Deem :D the clay girl
No. 79360 ID: d489ff

So cute! You missed the frowny frowny eyebrows though.
No. 79383 ID: 2a1897
File 139116282661.png - (547.88KB , 900x1150 , pringles.png )

You know, I could try to explain things here, but I think it's more fun if I don't.

Pringle Guard Quest is Larro's abomination.
No. 79432 ID: 13ef94
File 139134026515.png - (137.38KB , 1000x800 , Emily.png )

Emily fanart
No. 79433 ID: f351db


I hope you know how ridiculously awesome your fanart consistently is.
No. 79443 ID: 77f364

No. 79456 ID: cae712
File 139143885402.png - (7.95KB , 200x400 , Onapinup.png )

Have some Ona
No. 79467 ID: 7e0def
File 139148362793.png - (279.45KB , 734x712 , Biting Fetish.png )

No. 79484 ID: 757f30
File 139154532080.png - (731.16KB , 1600x1200 , sarahbondage.png )

since anon failed to update in time... :D
No. 79486 ID: 757f30
File 139154772624.png - (540.76KB , 1600x1200 , sarahbondage.png )

:3 more!
too lewd to not spoiler
No. 79487 ID: 757f30
File 139155053036.png - (947.62KB , 1600x1200 , cacti.png )

Wheelbot sez: "I have been upgraded with stress-relieving attachments for your good health!" ^_^
No. 79492 ID: 379075


I am amused by your implied assertion that robo-buttsex is less lewd than what you spoiler-blocked. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am amused.
No. 79496 ID: 757f30

I may have forgot to spoiler it...
No. 79511 ID: cf16c8
File 139167344434.jpg - (231.63KB , 1280x880 , AlisonRecSnooze.jpg )

Alison and Recluse taking a Recsnooze.
No. 79547 ID: 13ef94
File 139179629988.png - (174.76KB , 600x1200 , Sarah Hanchett.png )

Dr. Sarah Hanchett from June Quest
No. 79548 ID: 757f30

Neat! Your stuff look pretty great!
No. 79549 ID: 1f8505


You colored it! :D
No. 79575 ID: 53548a
File 139193866181.png - (73.16KB , 600x600 , jukashi abyssal clipped 2.png )

Here is a naked transparent Abyssal Exalted. Why would you need a naked transparent Abyssal Exalted? I don't know, but it was quite easy to make, so here you go.
No. 79590 ID: 264af5
File 139199845785.jpg - (90.56KB , 1000x900 , buttbold sika.jpg )

more buttbolds
No. 79644 ID: 0b90a3
File 139216429002.jpg - (48.25KB , 432x600 , gallsby.jpg )

Everyone's favorite smash-playing, giant-clawed, crime-fighting, lizard/shark/canid thing.
No. 79645 ID: cf16c8

Rad as heck, thanks for the fanart!
No. 79669 ID: ce566c
File 139224851850.png - (201.97KB , 1227x1374 , f&g1.png )

giant claws more like GAYant claws
No. 79670 ID: cf16c8

whoa gayant claws that's extremely offensive i am almost as offended as i am thankful for this rad fanart!!!
No. 79679 ID: 2a1897
File 139227061216.png - (254.56KB , 500x1000 , MGS.png )

More Hero Quest Rena fanart.

MGS is the best magical girl.
No. 79680 ID: 2a1897
File 139227069349.gif - (1.25MB , 500x2100 , bloons.gif )

And Balloon Man is the most grimdark hero.

Dude has a dark and troubled past, obviously.
No. 79760 ID: 2a1897
File 139263963932.png - (263.27KB , 650x550 , deemtits2.png )

Something something Deem experimenting with potions.
No. 79761 ID: 13ef94
File 139264129749.png - (181.61KB , 1000x1300 , Ring.png )

Quick sketch of Ring
No. 79774 ID: 45aeb1
File 139272475112.png - (580.23KB , 1393x1457 , Penji.png )

A friend got me reading Tozolquest so I might as well add my contribution to the ridiculously huge stack of fanart.
No. 79784 ID: ba8629

Always appreciated.

Hmm. Penji when she was Saon, mayhap?
No. 79799 ID: 45aeb1


I wasn't really thinking one way or the other when I was drawing it. I believe my internal check-list was 1) four ears and 2) grumpy face. The armour was a three second result of me procrastinating about drawing bodies.
No. 79810 ID: ea4a7d

:3 Nice potion!
No. 79825 ID: fa203a
File 139311783005.png - (848.27KB , 931x1200 , queenofblood.png )

Looking at old Conan the Barbarian comic covers does things to your mind.
No. 79828 ID: 3dd384

walk into yo lair like "I got some big lobes"
No. 79829 ID: a87e3a

This is fantastic and so are you.
No. 79836 ID: ba8629

Fuck yes. This is awesome.
No. 79837 ID: 4a20fa

No. 79839 ID: 1ab2ad


You should look at comic book covers more often. v: That is highly amusing.
No. 79870 ID: 5de84c
File 139324330256.png - (551.25KB , 1400x1050 , elena.png )

big boobed elf chick form junequest
No. 79937 ID: 8750b6
File 139355764554.png - (14.11KB , 750x750 , scalene.png )

I drew a snake.
No. 79992 ID: 7f3c8e
File 139380563173.png - (682.19KB , 966x1091 , Chemical Comics Cover.png )

How peculiar and I'd just found enough inspiration to finish this piece too, so I may as well post it.

No. 79993 ID: d9d1e5

what wonderfully lewd horrors !
No. 80029 ID: 0b90a3
File 139405861002.jpg - (54.97KB , 406x600 , yams.jpg )

>"Where'ya want me to put this cake?"
Happy birthdawg LD
No. 80197 ID: 92abdd
File 139474131336.png - (739.47KB , 1600x1200 , sarahknot.png )

Ohohohohohohoh looks who was latein his update schedule? yes it was anon44 :3
Really NSFW
No. 80199 ID: 92abdd
File 139474836693.png - (1.00MB , 1200x800 , sarahdemonss.png )

No. 80237 ID: b3dd38
File 139493621973.png - (99.60KB , 800x600 , Sprite3.png )

"Hey look! We're lost, and that's... the NAKED truth! Haha!"
No. 80254 ID: cfd4b3
File 139514742850.png - (566.38KB , 1400x1050 , emily.png )

Emily:" Thank you Overlord for the fingers, but...
It's a bit hard to keep my balance..."
No. 80281 ID: d33150
File 139532116003.png - (284.27KB , 1071x801 , Nero.png )

Nero got her first fanart today!
No. 80287 ID: a1480f
File 139536558754.png - (406.42KB , 1362x918 , Babil.png )

The confusion of language, the gateway of god, and what came from that place where the worm doth not die.
No. 80329 ID: de59d6
File 139569792970.jpg - (87.38KB , 300x600 , bleah38.jpg )

No. 80331 ID: 0b90a3
File 139570084343.jpg - (102.27KB , 738x800 , tozzol.jpg )

Toxx did a tozzle, fer test.

>>80329 hell yeah! thanks man!

Made this my desktop background because its so awesome.
No. 80334 ID: 4a20fa

That's pretty sweet.
No. 80344 ID: ba8629

Oh man. That is excellent. The hole in the helmet looks so appropriately melty. Thank you.
No. 80345 ID: 2e8b76
File 139574717498.png - (339.01KB , 1000x800 , 3.png )

Penelope from Static on the wire
No. 80437 ID: 7203a0
File 139611609050.jpg - (140.21KB , 700x600 , bleah48.jpg )

Ring from FloozyWholesome Quest
No. 80439 ID: e1609c
File 139611932818.png - (18.82KB , 700x600 , color it.png )

and here's a colored version because its a saturday and I'm bored easily
No. 80471 ID: ba8629
File 139627454419.jpg - (405.94KB , 1920x1080 , polokoa_vs_venji.jpg )

"Come meet swords with me and meet your own mortality!/
Listen well, you pigs in human clothing, and submit to that reality!"

"Enough of your fancy words! I'm gonna take your rhymes and your hive and your lofty ambitions and crush every last one of them!

I finally get it. Putting on a Dreamworm means becoming one with it. That's what it means to master wearing them! Isn't that right, Roz?!"
No. 80481 ID: e1609c

Polojoa WOULD be kiryuin though
god dammit test
No. 80483 ID: d470e9

No. 80495 ID: f290a2

oh my god test you're absolved of not updating for so long
No. 80505 ID: ed6622

updating WHAT? After is dead and Tozol finished, yeesh
No. 80506 ID: d0e0a2

Battle Quest. Test still has the tozol's turn to finish in that.
No. 80512 ID: cee89f

...That's still going?! =D
No. 80516 ID: 012266

in theory
No. 80545 ID: 7203a0
File 139660692301.jpg - (123.76KB , 800x600 , bleah50.jpg )

No. 80586 ID: 2627e0
File 139681054667.jpg - (65.04KB , 323x395 , bleah52.jpg )

No. 80587 ID: cee89f

Theory's more than I had two weeks ago, I'll take it.
No. 80618 ID: f290a2

whoa neat!
No. 80630 ID: 1fd549
File 139690512980.jpg - (88.37KB , 300x600 , bleah54.jpg )

No. 80637 ID: e1609c
File 139691392744.png - (17.69KB , 300x600 , oken.png )

for some reason whenever I get bored and am too lazy to draw I get really into coloring radial sketches.
No. 80643 ID: d1c4c9
File 139692083864.jpg - (88.81KB , 400x500 , bleah56.jpg )

A pain in the neck
No. 80644 ID: d1c4c9
File 139693034217.jpg - (93.14KB , 400x500 , bleah57.jpg )

Oh no, Pelendina Zane has been captured by the enemy and has been stripped of her armor and weapons and bound! How ever shall she escape!
No. 80645 ID: 4fc6cd
File 139696071767.jpg - (90.37KB , 700x400 , bleah58.jpg )

Sniper Polo
No. 80647 ID: e1609c
File 139699401907.png - (2.89KB , 160x480 , ggbig.png )

gg's space adventure looks pretty promising
No. 80660 ID: cf16c8
File 139709099706.png - (122.96KB , 800x800 , 6-89.png )

Joke updates
No. 80661 ID: cf16c8
File 139709100806.png - (16.93KB , 800x800 , SSF7-72.png )

No. 80662 ID: 8dbc01

dude, this looks awesome, thank you so much!!
No. 80682 ID: e1609c
File 139715308371.png - (54.35KB , 1600x1600 , okenbig.png )

no problem, mate.
Also, unrelated the the response, but here's a nervous oken who is completely uncomfortable with what has to be done.
No. 80684 ID: f93bc2
File 139715938618.png - (75.80KB , 400x400 , LW1.png )

We all know what LonelyWorld's quests are really about.
No. 80689 ID: 1fd549
File 139717799030.jpg - (180.98KB , 700x600 , bleah62.jpg )

Ever since the Scellor psychic attack, Commander-Ritualist Ekia had the constant urge she was forgetting something.
No. 80698 ID: ff4d3c
File 139719677773.jpg - (93.84KB , 600x500 , bleah63.jpg )

No. 80738 ID: 448f44
File 139737470144.jpg - (43.80KB , 300x400 , bleah66.jpg )

Sleeping Sarah for Ficus
No. 80739 ID: a5b739
File 139737471773.jpg - (44.25KB , 300x400 , bleah67.jpg )

For ashe.
No. 80749 ID: 1f8505


No. 80750 ID: 1257bf


A single tilde.

By itself.

Is this what has come to pass?
No. 80751 ID: 2fc3e9

No. 80790 ID: ba8629
File 139745136808.png - (15.01KB , 600x600 , Lagotrope.png )

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
No. 80794 ID: 1f8505


Sorry. What I meant to say was:

Thank you~
No. 80811 ID: f93bc2
File rynhshasn.swf - (1.00MB , 600x550 )

fanart it's here
No. 80817 ID: 99624f


I laughed a bit.
No. 80818 ID: 8dbc01
File 139752571646.png - (363.07KB , 700x600 , les.png )

i'm in love with a cartoon cat
No. 80820 ID: 472da3
File 139753031491.jpg - (48.06KB , 491x448 , fatty dingdong.jpg )

No. 80858 ID: 41075c
File 139762466916.png - (274.51KB , 800x597 , FortuneSaibah.png )

HEY GNOLL MY DUDES COULD TOTALLY KICK YOUR DUDES ASSESwait hold on it doesn't look like it's going well
No. 80859 ID: a5b2e6

Which is odd because Les isn't a cat.
No. 80864 ID: 638532
File 139764054949.jpg - (94.00KB , 400x700 , bleah71.jpg )

The will of the tree is pleased.
No. 80866 ID: 13ef94
File 139764142367.png - (88.24KB , 500x700 , nelis.png )

No. 80875 ID: c4f634

Oh you guyz!! u make me feel all kawaii and stuff thanks guyz! =D
No. 80910 ID: 30489f
File 139778602236.png - (813.61KB , 952x1500 , asdfkjhadslfjadsfkld.png )


It was funnier in my head :/
No. 80916 ID: 2c6ff1

I have no idea what's going on in this image.
No. 80917 ID: 30489f

Yea I figured the joke would be to obscure to make much sense
No. 80918 ID: 0ee153

Is that Zalgo? Zalgo is obscure now?
No. 80919 ID: ca0da5

That being Zalgo doesn't explain what's going on in the comic though.
No. 80933 ID: 8d6fb9
File 139780595883.jpg - (88.64KB , 400x800 , blub1.jpg )

Lonelyworld requested Zjaha getting involuntarily undressed.
No. 80934 ID: c86472
File 139780606059.jpg - (84.33KB , 400x800 , blub2.jpg )

Part B
No. 80935 ID: 1fd549

1. Tozol meets Radula
2. Tozol places hand on Radula's head copies his mind.
4. Tozol speaks a world rendering word.
No. 80937 ID: 4a20fa

It's vinetits, not a tozol. (Not enough ears, for starters.)
No. 80938 ID: 52a564
File 139781223352.png - (125.53KB , 650x900 , 2014-04-18_02-00-36.png )

Hello here is more Zjaha fanart because she is so cute
No. 80953 ID: f93bc2
File shouterss.swf - (802.40KB , 360x270 )

If this isn't the next update in Shouters I'm gonna be super disappointed.
No. 80980 ID: 3b2373
File 139795341106.jpg - (148.58KB , 1000x800 , gonnaeatyourface.jpg )

No. 81138 ID: 8750b6
File 139828217303.png - (16.36KB , 750x750 , planets.png )

Even a grump like Astral should realize how much FUN planets could be.

I mean, you could wobble yourself a bit and send 'em all over the place and change their atmospheres and stuff it'd be so cool.
No. 81147 ID: e1609c

that is ILLEGALLY cute
No. 81266 ID: 1806c0
File 139853647871.jpg - (260.73KB , 800x800 , blub17.jpg )

No. 81267 ID: e1609c

No. 81299 ID: 52e832
File 139864102003.jpg - (78.30KB , 300x1000 , blub19.jpg )

Ace pilot Oken finds herself in a bind
No. 81312 ID: c4dca3
File 139872042967.jpg - (124.10KB , 400x400 , blub18.jpg )

No. 81313 ID: 9a511f
File 139872046079.jpg - (52.91KB , 200x500 , blub20.jpg )

Microbikini sundress Sarah
No. 81317 ID: 1f8505
File 139872455714.jpg - (28.68KB , 200x500 , radial_sarah_dress.jpg )


This is the correct version.
No. 81355 ID: ca65e6

Lolori is not a quest character. That belongs in your drawthread.
No. 81364 ID: aef453

That sounds like a call for Trout and Hat to team up and start Loloriquest to me!
No. 81376 ID: 8750b6

why on earth would I ever do that
No. 81411 ID: 81fe27

>why on earth would I ever do that
you heard it here first folks!

Loloriquest IN SPACE!!
No. 81412 ID: 0ee153

You pleb, he clearly meant he'd do it underground.
No. 81527 ID: 7b3f2a
File 139957752277.jpg - (142.73KB , 1446x1246 , 0.jpg )

In irc was mentioned the lack of lewd posted in the fanart thread, I'm fixing this mistake now!
No. 81547 ID: 1f8505


This literally made me retch.
No. 81548 ID: 7b3f2a

then I will do more, until you update :3
No. 81601 ID: ba8629
File 139981145039.png - (155.90KB , 700x800 , polokoa.png )

No. 81617 ID: e1609c

It looks like sarah is getting plenty of milk, yes.
No. 81631 ID: 1f8505


You are terrible.
No. 81652 ID: 0bd34b
File 139997108944.png - (131.94KB , 900x800 , NathanSpringerFin.png )

Centipedes in vaginas are more likely than Nathan Springer is okay with.
No. 81655 ID: e1609c

well that was expedient
No. 81671 ID: 4a20fa

No. 81729 ID: e1609c
File 140028286083.png - (78.37KB , 465x765 , colored.png )

PanPan drew a thing, then I got bored and colored it.
Sarah, from JuneQuest, though if you dont know that you are beyond filthy-casual level.
She's really pale because I am bad at colours, WHOOPS
No. 81730 ID: 1f8505


She needs to get out in the sun more. :V
No. 81731 ID: 9a281a

This is what happens when you're trapped inside a broken spaceship with only artificial lighting, forever.
No. 81783 ID: d80674
File 140057977203.jpg - (75.66KB , 300x600 , blub29.jpg )

Sarah in a dress
No. 81791 ID: 1f8505


No. 81810 ID: 0bd34b
File 140066379432.png - (496.48KB , 1200x940 , AggeiaVsHatkalFin.png )

Aggeia about to chuck oil on a Hat'kal and light it on fire. Wearing clothes would be dangerous in this situation.
No. 81814 ID: 6e85c8

Oh man, she is gonna fuck some shit up
No. 81882 ID: 0bd34b
File 140089297941.png - (233.64KB , 1280x950 , Diego.png )

Diego has something besides a satellite framework for Nate to finish this time (it's his dick.)
No. 81976 ID: e1609c
File 140120383480.png - (3.74KB , 235x395 , chootbig.png )

shit shit SHIT I forgot the tail
No. 81978 ID: e1609c
File 140120701913.png - (1.35KB , 47x79 , choot.png )

shaded because minecraft modding is always a hassle and I needed to waste time
No. 81985 ID: 390bc8
File 140123937492.jpg - (106.91KB , 697x928 , tozzle ota.jpg )

No. 82041 ID: 189a54
File 140149174090.jpg - (296.36KB , 1024x768 , Crypto.jpg )

Exceptionally lazy doodles for everyone's favorite guy with a headache.
No. 82087 ID: 6f52cb
File 140174326234.png - (147.08KB , 1044x788 , 1LfQHnL.png )

Sarah in a dress
No. 82088 ID: 6f52cb

Anon44 is never satisfied

) Anon44: :D
) PuddOmega: got you scared for a second, right?
) Anon44: You did
(11:09:03 PM) Anon44: But she's gonna get cold without pants
) PuddOmega: :3
) PuddOmega: now i fell the urge to answer you
) Anon44: D:
No. 82089 ID: 70eeda

What's under the sweater then?
No. 82090 ID: 0ee153

Probably Sarah.
No. 82103 ID: 1f8505


Hee hee.
No. 82109 ID: 70eeda

I'm not so sure. I need proof.
No. 82159 ID: c12703
File 140203204396.png - (241.84KB , 1000x1200 , whisper.png )

F-art for Whisper's Ascent
No. 82165 ID: 6e85c8


No. 82172 ID: e1609c

No. 82190 ID: 0bd34b
File 140210971538.png - (265.33KB , 645x900 , SterlingDick.png )

[17:05:38] Love_Drifter: everyone should draw a fanart this weekend it will be fanart weekend
Sterling from Beyond by Cuoqet. http://tgchan.org/wiki/Beyond
No. 82191 ID: be9d53

For being such a hardass, he's quite good at this lewd thing !
No. 82205 ID: e6f437
File 140215274336.png - (34.58KB , 1000x700 , Corna.png )

Hok from Asteroid quest.
No. 82222 ID: dc4b80

So if Hok steals a plant is that theft or kidnapping?
No. 82229 ID: 0b90a3
File 140218297591.png - (210.64KB , 800x771 , lester.png )

Ladies! Please, control yourselves!

Lester from THE SHOUTERS http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/566250.html
No one can resist a skinny dude covered in bugs. NO ONE.
No. 82232 ID: d470e9
File 140218486865.png - (167.87KB , 800x800 , 3Place4Life.png )

There's probably at least a couple people who will get this.
No. 82239 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140219876741.png - (130.50KB , 683x683 , HippyBirthday.png )

Really late Birthday pic for Lucid

Kensuyatta and Zane are measuring hip size to find out who is superios
No. 82245 ID: c7a241

But relative or absolute size?
No. 82246 ID: 8751a1

Kensuyatta needs to eat more!
She is even thinner than Zane... while having 1.7 times the height..
No. 82248 ID: 68cad8
File 140224243088.png - (80.37KB , 719x974 , wholesome pantsu copy.png )

No. 82251 ID: 13ef94
File 140225121454.png - (211.58KB , 500x1000 , Survivor.png )

Something about overall simplicity makes it work for me :D
No. 82252 ID: 189a54

oh my gaaaaaaaawd :O
No. 82253 ID: 7f9410

Inaccurate. Ring does not wear underwear.
No. 82255 ID: ca0da5

It's called fan-service.
No. 82257 ID: 7f9410

There's something amusing about ADDING clothing being fanservice.
No. 82258 ID: e776df
File 140226146854.png - (331.94KB , 930x630 , Cult Round.png )

It could be worse Nathan, you could actually be in space... with the clowns.

You doon't want clowns do you?
No. 82285 ID: 14faaf

Think you could get her to wear a burqa for me?
No. 82291 ID: 0b90a3

Nathan Springer slips on the banana peel!
Nathan Springer slips on the banana peel!
Nathan Springer slips on the banana peel!

Oh, man that's awesome allotter. Now that I think about it, CoW is kind of shaping up like a round of SS13: paranoia, hallucinations, possible space anomalies, mysterious figures. No clowns yet though.

No. 82348 ID: e1609c
File 140253016628.png - (8.56KB , 400x480 , sharkbraidhuge.png )

hey look I actually drew a thing for fanart week
Jaya, from the already-fairly-impressive flesh tenants.
No. 82358 ID: 0bd34b
File 140256011539.png - (252.77KB , 670x900 , BajOriatDick.png )

Baj Oriat from Battle Quest. http://tgchan.org/wiki/Battle_Quest

Equipment just gets in the way of punching things until they're no longer things, the true art of battle.
No. 82360 ID: ba8629

Fucking things. Think they're so great.

Those are some fine swooshy ears. Yes that's what I noticed.
No. 82366 ID: e1609c
File 140258995573.png - (8.29KB , 400x480 , sharkbraidhuge.png )

Arm layer was placed wrong, whoopsies
No. 82416 ID: 0bd34b
File 140273337196.png - (319.90KB , 1100x900 , JiroShow.png )

Jiro from Unnatural Selection by Lagotrope. http://tgchan.org/wiki/Unnatural_Selection

'Chief goes up to Jiro's room.

"Hello, Jiro."
>"You're going to make me stop playing the flute, aren't you?"'
No. 82508 ID: 410c24
File 140289448411.png - (258.30KB , 600x457 , Kork and Rikek.png )

Polo, it's like you're not even trying to be the special-est tiny little neumono anymore.

Still beats 3rd place, though.
No. 82530 ID: 4fe51c
File 140297048769.jpg - (41.79KB , 471x801 , 2014-06-16 20;49;21.jpg )

I figured my first post here as "me" would be something relating to my own quest, but it seems that's not to be the case.

Have a Dallum from Damned. I may or may not go back to do color or touch ups.
No. 82541 ID: df793f
File 140303253253.png - (22.83KB , 668x622 , wholesome.png )

it's like the author of this quest wanted me to make fanart. that update's cute face
No. 82542 ID: 189a54

It'd be cool to see this colored! :D
No. 82550 ID: 1f8505


No. 82553 ID: fbb357


I'd be fine doing that. Is he actually ghost white with shiny black limbs or is that just an abstraction to make drawing updates easier?
No. 82554 ID: ca0da5

I think it's just how Ramos (Host) sees people who aren't Limited. All of the bandits had black skin, aside from their heads and wound marks.
No. 82561 ID: 189a54

Nah, it's just the way I decided to represent people since I suck at drawing people regularly xD Draw/color him how you like, I'm interested to see how guys imagine they'd look if I wasn't so terrible at stuff :P
No. 82578 ID: 6e85c8
File 140315112668.png - (170.50KB , 622x800 , Shouterganda.png )

Pet Catte, comrade!
No. 82581 ID: d470e9

Once silent bio armor comes around, she'll have nothing.
No. 82596 ID: ac14c0

Not true! She can still lie with her empathy, which cannot be replicated with a simple suit.
No. 82601 ID: 6a0d09


And it looks like there'll be plenty of opportunities in the future for her secondary profession: Rokoa wrangling.
No. 82627 ID: 61da19
File 140323968182.png - (80.71KB , 470x600 , Capture.png )

i drew this while heavily medicated after a surgery

i may have done badly
No. 82630 ID: ca0da5

That's >>/quest/579488 right? Style actually looks just like f4ea0d's. (Why doesn't this artist have a tag augh)
No. 82631 ID: ac14c0

That's Cirr, obviously.
No. 82635 ID: befc95

No. 82637 ID: e69b8c
File 140328111779.png - (2.73MB , 992x1383 , ji.png )

Jasper from Not Mom's Fault.

(Third and fourth arm may not be available in all jurisdictions.)
No. 82644 ID: 61da19
File 140329473417.png - (83.87KB , 470x600 , shescuteokay.png )

Cirr recommended some changes

No. 82649 ID: ac14c0

Interesting medium there.
No. 82662 ID: 6e1234
File 140332570455.png - (885.59KB , 1125x1350 , polokoa rapper pic.png )

I originally was going to pretty this up a lot more with some nice clean lineart and whatnot, but I was getting real tired of looking at it and couldn't bear to draw those chains again.

But anyway I hope you enjoy some fanart of a fan quest.
No. 82663 ID: 6e1234
File 140332576293.png - (257.60KB , 1125x1350 , polokoa rapper nekkid pic.png )

also naked sketch if anyone wanted that
No. 82664 ID: 5575ca

This is amazing, simply amazing
No. 82667 ID: 16903a

J. H. Christ! That face is terrifying. Can you put sunglasses on her?
No. 82671 ID: 26b3b2


That's great! And, yeah, the chains. How did you think I felt about them?
No. 82674 ID: c5f6d2

So... much... hair.
She also doesn't have a pink and red outfit yet I thought, but I expect that at some point soon enough she'll figure out some dang magic power that will fulfill those needs one way or another.
No. 82676 ID: a36601

What's this made out of? Some parts of it look like different colored/textured papers put together, some of it looks just normal colored. Really cool overall.
No. 82700 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140341805093.png - (348.98KB , 683x683 , ZjahaGG.png )

space babes from awesome space babe quest
No. 82701 ID: c3ad33

i'm in love omg
No. 82715 ID: 3dd384

It's on rough paper but most of the color and fabric-y pattern stuff were done digitally.
No. 82726 ID: e1609c
File 140347746550.png - (10.28KB , 640x640 , torybig.png )

whoop figured it out nevermind
No. 82727 ID: e1609c
File 140347781861.png - (10.24KB , 640x640 , tory2.png )

IRC just told me this didnt look as good as the first so here's that then I guess
No. 82803 ID: 6e1234
File 140358974066.png - (254.63KB , 1125x1350 , polokoa rapper nekkid pic with sunglasses.png )

Thanks so much!

I'm glad you like it! And ugh yeah I feel your pain, currently making a note to self to never include chains in a character design

yeah sure, that good?
No. 82807 ID: 5e3970

well, its not as terrifying as it was.

Also i never said anything about how FUCKING EPIC >>82662 is.
No. 82820 ID: 6e1234

well there's probably a reason why she has to wear her sunglasses as a "courtesy to others"

and thank you!
No. 82859 ID: 6e85c8
File 140366578090.png - (609.08KB , 1200x1200 , ITQBlanketless.png )

Uncensored version of the whisper/Rynh ITQ imagination post thanks to folks
No. 82862 ID: 0b90a3
File 140366748980.png - (79.00KB , 257x600 , loretta.png )

No. 82864 ID: c3ad33

!!!!!!!!!! the best thing that has ever happened !!!!!!!!!!
No. 82865 ID: 0acb3a

I'm having flashbacks to Hotline Miami.

...I don't suppose Fractal wrote that too, did they?
No. 82904 ID: bac58f
File 140372193952.png - (22.89KB , 800x600 , lester.png )

No. 82914 ID: d8a627

Okay, that made me laugh. Lester and Lester, enjoying a cold one while watching whatever TV program they watch.
No. 82998 ID: 18da89
File 140390587629.png - (33.19KB , 900x900 , ringtentacles.png )

"Oh no you caught me~ Without using your hands!"

Commission for Typo/Teedash. That's one of his amtsvane things in there!
No. 83120 ID: e1609c
File 140409679793.png - (8.03KB , 530x800 , rabbit 2.png )

Sad rabbit quest is very good
also I managed to get ahold of a temporary hard drive, I still need to get the original's repairs done but here's this in the meantime
No. 83121 ID: e1609c
File 140409682332.png - (11.35KB , 640x800 , rabite big.png )

Alternate happy goodtimes version
No. 83136 ID: 0bd34b
File 140412922525.png - (253.73KB , 900x880 , No Johns Final.png )

Paris has misunderstood what "No Johns" means for Smash Bros.
Characters from Loretta Quest http://tgchan.org/wiki/Loretta_quest
No. 83149 ID: 6b7ea4

holy shit. that ulric face is the best ulric face.
i rlly dig this, thanks a lot man!!
No. 83201 ID: 7a71e4
File 140425838784.png - (6.60KB , 600x400 , loretta fanart.png )

A black and white thing I just sort of made.
Probably has the least amount of effort put in, out of all the work here.
No. 83219 ID: e1609c
File 140427569572.png - (502.32KB , 1600x1200 , neumanny.png )

Hes a SUPER COOLGUY he goes around space killing the badguy's but he has a DARK SECRET: his dad is the POLOS BROTHER!! and also polos brother fucked sonic makind SONIC THE DAD TO
No. 83263 ID: 6e1234
File 140435854077.png - (284.48KB , 1250x1200 , polo butt.png )

found a sketch I forgot I drew so I prettied it up
No. 83356 ID: d722f3
File 140462147875.png - (102.52KB , 521x501 , katja and hyena.png )

i really want these two to be friends but for some reason the only way of portraying friendship that i could think of was posing with matching sunglasses
No. 83358 ID: ef7fd2
File 140462203966.png - (6.12KB , 1000x1000 , FITAN POSE BIG.png )

wow, the fanart thread actually got bumped to page 2.
Let's remedy that with some art-experiment stuff for Sunset hill!
Specifically, a somewhat-poorly-posed FIGHTAN STANCE that has now gone through three different posts. whee.
No. 83359 ID: 50338d

They wanted to be friends so bad they went and invented sunglasses to do it.
No. 83360 ID: d722f3

friendship transcends the laws of time and space
No. 83361 ID: ef7fd2
File 140462705568.png - (12.36KB , 1000x1000 , littebunbig.png )

Littlebun got big.
No. 83364 ID: f25381

Together they fight crime!
No. 83365 ID: 723d9f
File 140463729278.jpg - (42.36KB , 700x700 , neumono2.jpg )

A friend asked for a picture of a dancing neumono and/or a neumono wearing bioarmor, therefore fanart.
No. 83370 ID: df793f
File 140466924067.png - (17.95KB , 430x561 , lorrettafanart.png )

i made a more grungy loretta for that loretta quest
No. 83380 ID: 6b7ea4

duuuuuuude!!! <3 <3 <3
No. 83382 ID: 3562af
File 140469098366.png - (100.26KB , 569x624 , loretta and paris.png )

No. 83383 ID: 6b7ea4
File 140469569641.png - (830.09KB , 1000x920 , anon44lowres.png )

commish for anon44!
No. 83393 ID: 1f8505


No. 83430 ID: ef7fd2
File 140477569487.png - (983B , 16x32 , hashidosh.png )

made a hashi-doshmaster for chigui as thanks for both patience on a commision and also as thanks for helping me fix my computer sound
No. 83431 ID: ef7fd2
File 140477571598.png - (4.10KB , 500x1000 , hashidosh.png )

and the big boy version
No. 83433 ID: 55c4cf

Thank you, it is cute pixel Hashidoi.
(You really didn't need to do that tho.)
No. 83435 ID: ef7fd2

these take me absurdly little time and effort to make and keep me in practice, I'll probably do a billion more between now and the end of the year
No. 83444 ID: ab400e
File 140482163717.png - (841.07KB , 800x1000 , thousand yard stare.png )

ADVENTUREQUEEEEEEEEST http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/581196.html

...there. there is a reason all my quest art is cell shading and paintbucket filling. and that reason is look what monstrosity happens otherwise.
No. 83457 ID: 054e30

Kinda looks like he has a biker 'stache.
No. 83531 ID: 0ee153

It looks really nice, but isn't she missing her beauty mark?
No. 83532 ID: ef7fd2

no, its there, it just looks like shading because I kind of gave up trying to get it positioned in a way that's both noticeable and not silly looking.
No. 83533 ID: ef7fd2
File 140511315010.png - (4.38KB , 500x1000 , polyphema2big.png )

regardless, I just realized I posted the wrong version where she isnt holding her wine glass whoops
No. 83534 ID: d8a627

Wasn't her beauty mark originally just above the lock of hair? I was actually going to point that out but then you deleted the post.
No. 83535 ID: ef7fd2
File 140511479525.png - (4.38KB , 500x1000 , polyphema2big.png )

It was, I moved it a pixel right in this version so people could see what I meant about it looking goofy but forgot about it. Here's the original.
No. 83770 ID: 53548a
File 140572586089.png - (39.64KB , 600x500 , bwongggg.png )

This dream shit is getting too complicated.
No. 83771 ID: 2fd516

That's a good idea, actually...
No. 83781 ID: 7e38be
File 140574080239.png - (43.87KB , 1000x1000 , bangles.png )

No. 83822 ID: 53548a
File 140580827985.png - (34.63KB , 940x1000 , hip_to_be_square_(fixed).png )

"Hey Nate! You like Huey Lewis and the News?"

It was rather difficult to reupload this
No. 83964 ID: a8aa2a
File 140599108062.png - (799.06KB , 1200x1000 , rokoapygmies.png )

Encounter with a hive of neumono pygmies?


Normal kids' day out with auntie Rokoa?
No. 83967 ID: 2fd516

Considering the lack of blood on her hands I'd say the latter.
No. 83969 ID: 53548a

>pygmy neumono
You're playing a dangerous game you don't fully understand.
No. 83974 ID: d8a627

Isn't Polo already a Pygmy?
...Anyways Rokoa pretty much said it herself that this happened with a bunch of the kids at her hive, except for the tribal appearance. WOuldn't surprise me if the daycare had a tribal theme going on, though.
No. 84103 ID: 4a20fa
File 140623470967.png - (70.19KB , 640x480 , vespa-mandarinia-japonica.png )

The real reason Doug doesn't ever open his eyes.
No. 84205 ID: 557bac
File 140650052471.png - (337.87KB , 800x569 , librarians.png )

Book buddies!
No. 84207 ID: 557bac

aw man that's awesome!
That's the thing about wasps, when there's a wasp in the room, it does whatever it damn well pleases.
No. 84248 ID: 55c4cf

beginning to suspect that people really like Librarian.
No. 84250 ID: 88fe3d

It's probably for her massive tracts of... land. She does seem to be some kind of royalty, after all. They're very rich.
No. 84280 ID: 256d52
File 140665308521.png - (20.31KB , 650x750 , y_hal-lo_there_sev_three.png )

>We are our own worst cockblock. Why is 73 so bad at talking to girls!?
I fixed him. Sev-Three is super-suave now. He'll have to fend off the ladies with a stick.
No. 84283 ID: 903ad7

Lmao the stool
This is amazing!
No. 84360 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140686377432.png - (324.31KB , 826x840 , WelcomeToTheGraveyard.png )

D-041 cried out "Nooo please don't leave me!"

But Rynh kept running, Rynh knew it was to late, they'de already gotten the poor robot, Rynh could only save herself now.

super late birthday pic for gnoll.
No. 84361 ID: 53548a

No. 84366 ID: 265534

This is basically how it happens.
No. 84371 ID: 0bd34b
File 140690971339.png - (185.53KB , 600x900 , Ruy Dick.png )

">Maybe... this will do as payment?"
Ruy from the quest Vector by someone who might want to remain anonymous? http://tgchan.org/wiki/Vector
No. 84376 ID: 53548a

But since his nose is purple, wouldn't his dick be too?

That's what BiteQuest taught me, anyway.
No. 84379 ID: 0bd34b

I think that's false way more than it's true.
No. 84396 ID: 4a20fa
File 140701297310.png - (181.43KB , 1024x768 , grin-vs-grin.png )

>Jesus, how strong do you have to be to shatter a knife one handed!

Just strong enough.
No. 84397 ID: 53ba34

No. 84405 ID: 61da19
File 140703820087.png - (596.69KB , 800x700 , giant tozol vs neumono.png )

A giant tozol and neumono in epic hand-holding combat!!

I tried using perspective lines, and some landscape references. This image took a ...long time.
No. 84407 ID: 6ebaa2

They both look great!
The buildings with only two windows on each site for each floor look strange, though...
No. 84410 ID: 2db2eb

Wwwwhy is the new spoiler image the tharsia disthread header image?
No. 84411 ID: ef7fd2

Nevermind that, as it turns out mobile was just being weird about images again!
No. 84418 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140711786476.png - (633.38KB , 826x840 , Shadran.png )

just a spur of the moment thing
No. 84419 ID: ba8629

Woah! Thank you very much.
No. 84431 ID: e06dcb
File 140714024404.png - (43.80KB , 450x600 , BPI14D.png )

Captain BIGGER PENIS IN 14 DAYS FOR FREE from Bigger Penis Quest
No. 84432 ID: ef7fd2
File 140714267138.png - (2.22KB , 320x400 , tinysev2.png )

This should probably go here
I doodled a sev to fill my daily draw quota
No. 84442 ID: 0d8ff4

The legend lives on.
No. 84446 ID: 186341

i love it
reported for spam
No. 84450 ID: 186341

O also obv I love this too
No. 84523 ID: 96dbd5
File 140743648377.jpg - (1.79MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_20140807_135527.jpg )

I drew a 73-6 while in a meeting
No. 84527 ID: 96dbd5
File 140744401695.jpg - (1.58MB , 2448x3264 , image.jpg )

I wasn't satisfied with just sev.
No. 84528 ID: f3828d

Now that's fan art!
No. 84530 ID: e3aff6

Being drawn in secret during a corporate event seems rather fitting for SotW art.
No. 84545 ID: ed08a7

Aaaah these are amazing
So sneaky of u
No. 84552 ID: 7ad3f7

Actually it wasn't a corporate meeting just a Quaker one.>>84545
No. 84553 ID: 7ad3f7
File 140751785565.jpg - (2.34MB , 2448x3264 , IMG_20140808_131152.jpg )

On a rollllllll
No. 84594 ID: 405ad8
File 140765193281.jpg - (72.21KB , 300x500 , blub46.jpg )

No. 84642 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140795462208.png - (80.39KB , 413x420 , JennaFoxglove.png )

Jenna Foxglove, adorable librarian from "Ouroboros Parable"
No. 84648 ID: 5d5c08

d'awww, thanks! She looks lovely.
No. 84745 ID: 66b87b
File 140828068560.png - (176.32KB , 600x700 , yer a wizard harry.png )

confusingly titled quest is thrill
yer a witch, gartrut
No. 84746 ID: 6daee9
File 140829140985.jpg - (92.27KB , 400x500 , blub55.jpg )

Typo> ...sazgvao tripping over his own feet while probably flailing his arms or something...
No. 84748 ID: 7d6cc9
File 140829481811.jpg - (278.31KB , 1300x900 , blub56.jpg )

No. 84795 ID: cb3af8
File 140854533530.jpg - (110.45KB , 300x800 , blub71.jpg )

No. 84847 ID: 103949
File 140880146533.jpg - (111.73KB , 400x700 , blub78.jpg )

No. 84852 ID: d8a627

Say, who are these two characters, Radial?
That's Zaifa in the middle, right?
No. 84854 ID: 1109e7

The male is story seeker, the female was another kobold.

The middle is Peck.
No. 84879 ID: 6e7636
File 140886077365.png - (12.43KB , 512x512 , BEES.png )

No. 84881 ID: d8a627

This is the best.
For those wondering what it is:
Not an outright explanation but explaining things always ruins the fun~
No. 84904 ID: 557bac


That's totally rad and absolutely perfect!
No. 84938 ID: 64228d
File 140899419754.jpg - (131.51KB , 400x600 , blub81.jpg )

No. 84942 ID: 1f8505


Yardwork never looked so adorable~
No. 84947 ID: f65450
File 140907221821.jpg - (107.95KB , 300x600 , blub82.jpg )

Bangles pantsed
No. 84962 ID: a45efc
File 140917032910.jpg - (96.29KB , 629x559 , DirectorPolo.jpg )

With all the movie talk in Lago's ITQ thread, I felt like drawing Polo as the "Guest" Director,

However I am not usually one to use shading with colors, or draw chairs well with any consistency. I think I'll be sticking to line art whenever I draw again.

Also these psychic dog-sharks are kinda fun to draw.
No. 84973 ID: 59295a

It'd much more appropriate for me to post my fan art here. >.>
No. 84974 ID: 59295a
File 140919482808.jpg - (58.70KB , 450x600 , SukebanKensu.jpg )

Boss girl Kensuyata! 'Cuz I pushed it off the front page within hours by posting FNAF smut comics.
No. 84977 ID: ccd544

>Boss girl Kensuyata!
You've made it very easy to imagine her as CEO, or fast food shift manager.
No. 84982 ID: 2f2fc2


really? did it happen here?
No. 84985 ID: 9dd1ee
File 140926932419.png - (242.02KB , 826x840 , GearWolf.png )

The hero TGchan deserves, but not the one it needs right now
No. 84986 ID: 1f8505


No. 84999 ID: 1f8505
File 140936343935.png - (313.97KB , 2000x1529 , Nem_Fanart.png )

Nem discovers the disadvantages of going without underpants.
No. 85000 ID: 9dd1ee

uh oh! Nem should be more careful
No. 85001 ID: 0ee153

Yeah, having leaves attracted to your crotch sounds pretty unpleasant.
No. 85005 ID: 3009b4
File 140940816444.jpg - (623.34KB , 2000x1800 , Nem is annoyed at TGChan.jpg )

Nem is annoyed at TGChan. She'd like to demonstrate how she'd actually look in a wind without her drawers, and add that she had a very good reason for losing them.
No. 85025 ID: 064407
File 140949598195.png - (102.70KB , 500x500 , Donkey Quest.png )

Donkey Quest fanart, because why not?
No. 85028 ID: 3009b4

I had no idea that Donkey was done by a new author -- the artwork is incredibly sharp and stylistically it's like it was done by a veteran. Good stuff!
No. 85078 ID: 91faee
File 140975099572.jpg - (101.97KB , 900x300 , blub86.jpg )

<Reginald_Cuftbert> Draw ysabel laying back on a fancy, embroidered and cushioned bench with tuxedo-clad, tall, dusky-skinned men feeding her grapes, fanning her and rubbing her feet.
No. 85080 ID: 094283

>no men with grapes
lazy lazy
No. 85081 ID: 7b3083

Lack of information on what they look like, or placement means they get left out
No. 85108 ID: 263fff
File 140994273976.png - (286.11KB , 787x1123 , 01.png )

Bangles wearing a maid uniform, maybe she has found a new job?
No. 85116 ID: 59295a
File 140996077197.jpg - (94.10KB , 500x800 , RAT-FACE!.jpg )

Rat-face is coming of age and therefore her master is there to show her the ropes! Big ol' black ropes!
No. 85117 ID: 59295a

Yeah, I know! I accidentally made it lopsided.
No. 85123 ID: e06dcb
File 141000783001.png - (106.77KB , 500x800 , Nemain.png )

No. 85124 ID: e06dcb
File 141000993480.png - (83.95KB , 500x800 , Scarlett.png )

Scarlett form Slavery quest
No. 85125 ID: 3009b4

Aw hell, you draw Nem better than I do. Except don't forget the freckles; it's part of Nem's Youthful Freckles trope.
No. 85143 ID: fb0f12
File 141008294849.png - (36.87KB , 281x316 , ScarletHappyyy.png )

I'm so happy people love Scarlett so keep up the fan art for her ^^
No. 85150 ID: 3009b4

@Sombermann -- your sketch of Nem is fantastic and sadly better than my own sketches of her. I showed it to some people and while all were impressed a couple of them were curious as to your gender. Personally, I'm pretty gender blind but my brother noted something interesting so if you don't mind I'd like to know for scientific purposes, in relation to how a female character is presented in fan art based on gender of the artist.
No. 85184 ID: e06dcb

Well my nick name is SomberMANN not SomberWOMANN. So do the math.
No. 85223 ID: f2cf24

Granted, but it could have been a last name and my brother's wife meet him online using a major alias. Two people were convinced you had to be a woman when they saw the Been piece.
No. 85224 ID: f2cf24

That should have read male alias. Stupid autocorrect.
No. 85280 ID: 0bd34b
File 141047969913.png - (251.38KB , 1000x1000 , Red Fang Color.png )

Red Fang from DiveQuest by Weaver. http://tgchan.org/wiki/DiveQuest

"You know Red Fang is an awfully strange name. How did-"

>"NO MORE TALK, BOY! Taste my blade!"

No. 85281 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141050245394.png - (352.83KB , 908x680 , TozolFight.png )

Late birthday art for Testpattern
No. 85282 ID: ba8629

Frikkin' sweet. I like the balance in the dynamic poses.

Thank you.
No. 85358 ID: 59295a
File 141086624550.jpg - (143.28KB , 600x600 , Level 90 nrd.jpg )

Kensuyata: "Guys, check out my badass Level 90 Pandaren rogue. Such a kickin' transmog too!"

Filthypally: "Hey, y'know, I don't want to pry or anything, but shouldn't you be doing something right now. Like, I don't know, something quest related?"

Kensuyata: "Dude, calm down. It's gonna' take a little while before I get my legendary cloak, okay?"

But, what DOES she do in here down time. She plays WoW duh!
No. 85359 ID: e6e219


Hey can you help me grind a alt up through some heroics? I swear its not a excuse to stare at your butt all day while you kill mobs for me.
No. 85401 ID: 829dea

"The gods of Olympus have abandoned me!"
No. 85409 ID: 53548a

Sounds like a perfect day.
No. 85451 ID: 557bac
File 141109273219.png - (151.99KB , 463x700 , creeplife.png )

Creepy bros gonna stick together, be weird together, exchange creep stories, maybe catch a peep show.

Life's short,
Creep hard,
Creep life.
No. 85459 ID: bb78f2

One's a charitable ephebophile, the other a manipulative sociopath who doesn't comprehend the meaning of reality that you almost can't blame for being what he is.

Tune in, this Halloween, just to see how insane their shenanigans can get. Right on TGTV, 9 o'clock thursday night. Bring a night light, it's going to be a scream.
No. 85496 ID: 239110
File 141125501139.png - (379.28KB , 1028x1200 , Ewe.png )

Miss Ewelinda, from Lilac.
No. 85578 ID: 256d52
File 141147692013.png - (106.59KB , 460x2640 , fcc_maaaaaaaan.png )

Y'know, I was saving this for a time when I'd be able to catch a live Hero Quest Rena thread over on /tg. That time can never come now but it is a good pain.

Rest in peace FCC Man. You were an inspiration to us all.
No. 85587 ID: 8f7720

It's beautiful and perfect.
No. 85641 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141161410498.png - (178.06KB , 537x680 , PuddBday.png )

Super Late birthday thing for PuddOmega
No. 85659 ID: 25dcbf
File 141170291260.png - (577.24KB , 1000x2278 , ASOBI WA OWARI DA.png )

Rokoa being Shen makes way more sense, but whatever. Rokoa!Iori is just too funny of a mental image to pass up.
No. 85720 ID: 219868
File 141201193995.png - (170.19KB , 700x600 , nem.png )

No. 85724 ID: 4747a1

No. 85752 ID: 30c8d7

so DAMN CUTE!!!!! Thanks LW!
No. 85755 ID: 3009b4

It's lovely!
No. 85840 ID: bdbd22
File 141256895672.png - (1.03MB , 1200x1300 , polo coffee cake.png )

Polo enjoying some coffee cake C:
No. 85843 ID: f99558
File 141258949342.png - (120.53KB , 800x600 , meh.png )

Mall Quest

...looking through the glass... faceless (headless) beauty
No. 85844 ID: 8de3c7
File 141259300093.png - (123.43KB , 600x700 , bunt8.png )

<starburst982> http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/src/138872436182.png draw alice sucking dick
No. 85845 ID: fe4bfc


Awww this is one of the only pictures of Polo where she looks happy doing something. I love it.
No. 85846 ID: 219868
File 141261053934.png - (297.11KB , 512x339 , inktober 1 2.png )

i have a some catchup to do on inktober, but here's penelope and sev for days 1 and 2!

my dad said sev looks like an angry s'more
No. 85847 ID: 59295a

Oh man... I really like the set up for this picture, it's very cute!
No. 85878 ID: 645a90

who else
No. 85885 ID: f705f9
File 141275573036.png - (79.62KB , 400x700 , bunt12.png )

<PuddOmega> draw her pouring tea on a cup
No. 85908 ID: 4f539d

No. 85909 ID: 4f539d
File 141287798846.jpg - (41.74KB , 787x786 , lumeicursed.jpg )

(Requested by starburst: Lumei cursed with boobs)

Lumei decided to put on a surprisingly well preserved dress she found in a old chest full of mouldy clothes
No. 85911 ID: 4f004c

I can just imagine Stasrubis's response...
No. 85926 ID: 436cdc
File 141291726546.png - (2.83KB , 320x500 , primabig.png )

This started as a simple warmup and I got carried away, WHOOOOOPS
Prima, from the so-far fantastic Prima's First Adventure!
No. 85927 ID: 436cdc
File 141291737591.png - (2.86KB , 320x500 , primanudebig.png )

and the obligatory saucy version
No. 85930 ID: 436cdc
File 141291795450.png - (2.86KB , 320x500 , primanudebig.png )

Fun fact, I'm horribly colorblind.
No. 85944 ID: 59295a

No. 85945 ID: 59295a
File 141294080525.jpg - (84.62KB , 800x800 , Zeeke Meguca.jpg )

Become meguca, Zeeke.
No. 85949 ID: f99558

fabulous O-O
No. 85962 ID: 9ddf68

I'd love to hear the get rich quick story behind this one. Oh was this the witch doctor incident that we've heard about?
No. 85969 ID: 436cdc
File 141297409899.png - (1.24KB , 64x64 , kaktud.png )

I've not read many of his quests, but since he's the only other pixelartist on the site I feel I should give him a thing.
That, and he's feelin' left out of the fanart loop.
No. 85972 ID: 3009b4
File 141298008097.jpg - (223.56KB , 800x600 , Skeleton Jelly Mermaid for Pudd.jpg )

For PuddOmega, from Necro's Story Time
No. 85980 ID: 53f127

OMG I love this! (And the saucy version is pretty hot too <3) You really captured her attitude I think.
No. 85988 ID: 65a774

Oh hey, nice tiny cactus silhouette. Thank you for the pixel art, man.

…also, is it just me or does those orange eyes make him look “EVIL!!!”?
No. 85993 ID: 4f004c

You are the villain, Kaktus. It is you. I think he was going for an All Hallows Eve approach, since that holiday is coming up.
No. 86015 ID: 37b639
File 141315145304.png - (27.34KB , 520x390 , LQ.png )

casually throws this here
No. 86021 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141315601931.png - (144.88KB , 474x907 , Buisness Sarah.png )

Sarah's first day at the office
No. 86032 ID: 40af90
File 141319311880.png - (35.75KB , 200x500 , bunt14.png )

Anon44 asked for Sarah in a business suit
No. 86042 ID: 13d5ea

thank you! i love this style c:
No. 86068 ID: 436cdc
File 141326764698.png - (3.79KB , 640x640 , delightfulgirlbig.png )

The promising new quest about the homicidal delightful little skinthief young lady.
No. 86101 ID: 09615f
File 141338223235.png - (19.44KB , 800x600 , Thejob.png )

Happy Gnolloweenie
No. 86103 ID: 436cdc

No. 86107 ID: 915fb7
File 141340486464.png - (268.98KB , 1173x1200 , Legion.png )

It has come to my ears that there are not enough dicks in /questdis/, so I'm going to try to fix that.

Legion, from Necroquest.
No. 86113 ID: 68b897

How lewd! Thanks Starit|
No. 86121 ID: f99558
File 141349579466.png - (101.40KB , 800x600 , Chip.png )

Chip the Fox from FifTH Quest.
No. 86122 ID: 915fb7
File 141350080201.png - (543.43KB , 1009x1200 , Conspiracy of dicks.png )

More dicks!

Morgan tells Nate that he needs something more than an identification to get into the compound.
No. 86123 ID: 0d6ff7

I feel so accomplished and grateful. Great work, it catches Chip's original anxiety.
No. 86135 ID: 8b533b

Why doesn't the bug have a dick, clearly subconscious psychological manifestations should be getting in on all this charged emotional Freudian stuff.
No. 86138 ID: 2f2fc2


No. 86141 ID: 4f004c

For all you know, the bug DOES have one, it's just hanging flacidly on Morgan's back.
No. 86145 ID: e25717
File 141358882097.png - (200.58KB , 1200x1155 , ffuck.png )

More Frillsby & Gallsby fanarts

Obviously the most sensible action when your buddy is passed out on the couch.
No. 86159 ID: 0bd34b

Lewd as heck A++ gj Starit
No. 86170 ID: e25717
File 141367494905.png - (355.02KB , 1200x1200 , Wilbur.png )

Wilbur, from Loretta Quest, being an efficient butler to Ulric.

Sorry if the colors are off.
No. 86172 ID: d90668


I suddenly want to change my vote in the quest to this.
No. 86180 ID: 2f2fc2

Im ok with this
No. 86182 ID: 642fdf
File 141375578996.png - (377.12KB , 1200x760 , KexSex.png )

Kexluk, from Story Seeker, proving that you can relax while showing off.
No. 86189 ID: d90668


Seeing as Kexluk is so big this picture needs Story in it somewhere.

You know for scale.
No. 86195 ID: 436cdc
File 141378655156.gif - (62.92KB , 640x640 , chin wizardbig.gif )

So I was reading Chin Wizard Pheonix Wright quest, right? And I go "WOW will you LOOKIT DEM SIDEBURNS! I should DRAW THOSE!" right?
Then I thought "Hey, what if I made it ANIMATED? can't take me TOO long, right?"
and here's the messed up part: it DIDN'T!
This took like fifteen minutes tops, and it actually looks half decent!
Maybe I'll go back and shade it later, but here's this thing of wizard detective man callin' someone out!
No. 86196 ID: 436cdc
File 141378746278.gif - (70.66KB , 640x640 , chin wizardbig.gif )

And here it is with a background and a few missing pixels along the back of the head added in so you can actually SEE this thing
No. 86206 ID: 642fdf
File 141384670093.png - (561.85KB , 1155x1200 , Mei.png )

Meyeri, from Lilac

Fancy dresses are cool and all, but they can be a bit impractical for certain species.
No. 86209 ID: 4f004c

Wait, I'm lazy and despite finding the cast page can't seem to find anything official on it: Is Meyeri officially a hermaphrodite, or do they just prefer the term "They," and that use inspired the artwork?
...Also, you give them a more anatomically correct appearing member but not Keklux? Man, does not sit well with my fanon, but oh well.
No. 86211 ID: 602cd8

Although I am not knowledgeable about what precisely goes on in Meyeri's pants or pant-equivalents, the contents of Kexluk's groin are decided by his human half, not his lizard half. Half apologies to those who prefer lizard dicks.
No. 86213 ID: 40c185

i saw this just now and got a big dumb grin on my face. the little eye beam, his smug little smile, the finger wag, the whole thing is just great. thanks!
No. 86214 ID: 4f004c

Oh, okay.
No. 86215 ID: d90668


But if Kexluk does not have two dicks how is he supposed to bone Zirkala and Story at the same time? I am going to have to rewrite my epic fan fiction now Lagotrope!
No. 86216 ID: 2fd516

Meyeri was chosen to be a hermaphrodite during chargen. I doubt that's how big their dick is though.
No. 86218 ID: 55c4cf


Meyeri is an intersex character with dual genitals. The protagonists except Further were community created.

That is actually how large Meyeri is, Starit talked to me to make sure it was canon. (confetti)
No. 86219 ID: d90668


Oh man can you imagine the awkwardness of getting accidentally turned on in public if you had something like that?

But having a giant prehensile penis would be awesome. I would totally use it to pick up stuff and feed myself chips while watching tv.
No. 86221 ID: 2fd516

But... how do you even use a dick that big?
No. 86222 ID: 436cdc

Ha, glad you dig it man!
I was pretty happy with how it came out too
No. 86223 ID: 4f004c

I think Orcas naturally have large penises because ocean currents can pull them apart from their partners, but I don't feel particularly compelled to check the legitimacy of that theory.
No. 86234 ID: 0d8ff4

Human dicks are the best dicks, regardless of what they're on.
No. 86238 ID: 436cdc

I disagree, on the merit they are goofy little flesh-mushrooms.
No. 86240 ID: 888a93

The question of superior dick is always: is the topography prurient?
No. 86248 ID: 0d8ff4

I posit to you that all dicks are goofy little flesh mushrooms as mushrooms come in a vast array of shapes and sizes.

This is hopefully always the case.
No. 86317 ID: a75d9e
File 141427705466.png - (116.88KB , 923x693 , nans.png )

No. 86318 ID: a75d9e
File 141427712104.png - (68.81KB , 386x442 , Sweet Child.png )

No. 86320 ID: f99558

Two words "SPOT ON" :D
No. 86429 ID: a19cd5
File 141448881791.png - (2.91KB , 256x256 , ridder.png )

I couldn't sleep and drew this.
Ridder, from knight's blades, a quest I sorely wish I'd been around to take part in.
RIP Reaver
No. 86434 ID: f99558
File 141450626210.png - (66.88KB , 400x800 , Pan.png )

Pan from PanQuest.
No. 86435 ID: f99558
File 141450629886.png - (94.24KB , 400x800 , Clara.png )

Clara form Survivors
No. 86436 ID: 1413c8

Woah what woah what what what fanart?!

You're a peach! I love it!
No. 86439 ID: 3009b4


Awww thanks! Wow, Pan looks so unimpressed.
No. 86440 ID: 3009b4


I really like this one.
No. 86451 ID: a75d9e
File 141459936127.png - (155.10KB , 445x449 , Prim.png )

Shitty phone cam pic but my digital lineart's worse sooo
No. 86452 ID: 3009b4

Still pretty.
No. 86546 ID: 3009b4
File 141498516405.jpg - (116.65KB , 381x600 , Sarah for Anon.jpg )

Here's Sarah for Anon44 in a way I think he'd want her to be - in a sweater and striped panties.
No. 86599 ID: 53f127
File 141514963175.png - (100.36KB , 627x800 , rollback.png )

I fell instantly in love with Marie from Rollback's character design and had to draw her. She is SOOO COOL!
No. 86606 ID: 2fd516

Wow that is a pretty dang cool design.
No. 86611 ID: f99558
File 141518152803.png - (77.10KB , 500x500 , Nate Springer.png )

Been attmepting to draw in different style

Nate Springer form "A Conspiracy of Wasps" :D
No. 86612 ID: ac3f4f
File 141518468591.gif - (78.93KB , 360x270 , Lupa.gif )

After sharing a bottle of vodka with Cyrus, Lupa decides to finally truly relax with her friends.
No. 86616 ID: defceb

Ohhhh, is this why you asked for a detail shot before? I love it!
No. 86617 ID: 53f127

Yeah but in the end I just couldn't wait. I'll probably do another one of her soon (sooner if we ever get to see a detailed full body shot) :3
No. 86619 ID: 2fba35
File 141525126022.png - (366.55KB , 1460x1528 , dicbut.png )

my first fanart for my first quest as seen here http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/600413.html
No. 86620 ID: 0eaf76
File 141525142027.png - (27.28KB , 900x1200 , snake butt.png )

Alison for Lago-senpai
No. 86621 ID: 0eaf76
File 141525148029.png - (26.27KB , 949x1134 , harpy.png )

also harpy for Lime-senpai
No. 86622 ID: 7653f7
File 141525655613.png - (20.80KB , 600x900 , bunt27.png )

No. 86623 ID: 5bdf01
File 141525771737.png - (11.19KB , 400x400 , bunt28.png )

Becca in a towel out of a hot tub
No. 86624 ID: 0eaf76
File 141525912175.png - (22.28KB , 588x1061 , sweater girl.png )

No. 86625 ID: 0eaf76
File 141525916955.png - (21.12KB , 615x1038 , fish princess.png )

fish princess from dungeon of sin
No. 86627 ID: 3009b4

Damn, gotta learn how to do hips like you!
No. 86640 ID: f48180

dat Sarah!
No. 86642 ID: 1f8505


Striped pantsu~
No. 86659 ID: 256d52
File 141543714795.png - (17.88KB , 600x800 , sarah_june_quest.png )

June is a pretty cool guy. She fights zombies and doesn't afraid of anything.
No. 86665 ID: 1f8505


Totes adorable. :)
No. 86677 ID: 2fba35
File 141551083594.png - (0.99MB , 1050x510 , fan smut.png )

i drew explicit cartoon smut for felixquest http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/596262.html
luck be a cuntboy tonight
No. 86683 ID: 53f127

Haha omg Crowkor's face. I love it!
No. 86685 ID: 53f127

The more I look at it, the more there is to discover. Prima doing "the Shocker," the hints of cellulite on her butt (which actually serve to emphasize her sexuality, rather than detract from it), Felix pulling his hair. Everything OwO
No. 86691 ID: 33ebb3

:3c yay~
as a big girl, i felt an irresistible urge to draw some actual ass.

also Felix accidentally looks like moe szhilak so :V there's also that
ps that mulan quote you did on my quest made me laugh for 5 minutes
No. 86692 ID: 53f127
File 141556635715.png - (104.88KB , 600x600 , Snakecharmer.png )

I've got fanart for you coming up right after I post this Snakecharmer fanart for Riotmode.
No. 86699 ID: a19cd5

oh DANG, apples! That's friggen sweet! Thanks, yo!
No. 86723 ID: be904f
File 141562988923.png - (88.28KB , 500x500 , bunt31.png )

No. 86724 ID: 53f127
File 141564445736.png - (302.76KB , 800x800 , Shades Coolio fanart.png )

The coolest prince from Usurper Princess.
No. 86727 ID: 33ebb3

>soft screaming
I love gogurt you don't understand
>consider making roller blades canon
*u* <3 i luff u
No. 86729 ID: 53f127
File 141565798853.gif - (448.66KB , 600x600 , Enhance Knockers.gif )

Sorry not sorry, Marie
No. 86745 ID: defceb

I like it! :D

Never change, Apples. Also now she looks like part of the Futa Force at the end.
No. 86758 ID: 53f127

If only the Futa Force's uniforms were so snappy. I love the assless jodhpurs <3
No. 86759 ID: f52ee5
File 141573776226.jpg - (33.32KB , 500x365 , tumblr_mu63zmWu1h1reu4pbo1_500.jpg )

there were no candy...
No. 86762 ID: b00646
File 141575509542.png - (502.24KB , 2000x1300 , bunt36.png )

No. 86793 ID: 362992

Back from hiatus 2 say this is ver cool
No. 86794 ID: a19cd5
File 141590889577.png - (3.42KB , 640x640 , jirabig.png )

Jira, from Shackles!
No. 86800 ID: a19cd5
File 141592875534.png - (5.09KB , 640x890 , emybig.png )

Hey look, a crazy cute crazylady
Emy, from the quest bout stealin' dem pantaloons to attain divine godhood or whatever!
No. 86851 ID: 557bac
File 141611213463.png - (157.33KB , 566x800 , paris.png )

Paris from Loretta quest http://tgchan.org/wiki/Loretta_quest
No. 86887 ID: 2a1897
File 141617258088.png - (485.07KB , 700x1100 , alicehips.png )

All of the semi-cannibalism is going to Alice's hips. Being a horrible monster is hard and nobody understands.
No. 86889 ID: 149efc

This for some reason remind me of "million dollar baby" movie.
No. 86909 ID: b00646
File 141621265922.png - (8.15KB , 300x500 , bunt39.png )

<Anon44> Draw Nem
<Anon44> Skipping along happily
No. 86966 ID: 256d52

Oh my goooosh that looks amazing.

clothing damage rpg
No. 86968 ID: fdb2bd
File 141649606596.jpg - (114.49KB , 1180x1179 , best fungus.jpg )

The will of the tree says~ You wont walk out of this room with your legs~
No. 86979 ID: a863b2
File 141653833533.jpg - (410.21KB , 1200x1200 , Loretta Line Miami.jpg )

Paris, stop.

Paris, what are you doing?

Do you like hurting other people?
No. 86985 ID: 1444df
File 141657047913.png - (36.56KB , 675x900 , DSC04696.png )

Pantsu from PantyRaid
No. 86986 ID: 1444df
File 141657051966.png - (41.60KB , 600x800 , DSC04697.png )

Pantsu from PantyRaid

all credit goes to my sis... (she did these two)
No. 86987 ID: 047a0e


Ohhhh my god these are amazing ;-; she looks so damn cool holy buckets. THANK YOU SO MUCH! They really do look super amazing ! Like damn, all the little details!
No. 86989 ID: 987d42
File 141658604575.jpg - (0.97MB , 1536x2048 , image.jpg )

Felix from Futa Quest
No. 87006 ID: e878df

Sombermann, what kind of quests do you let your sis read!? is she at least older?
No. 87022 ID: 57ab47
File 141669028064.jpg - (249.27KB , 1137x1108 , image.jpg )

Prima of the Futa Force!
No. 87027 ID: 15589a
File 141670317433.jpg - (454.84KB , 788x1426 , 002.jpg )

Dexter from Imitation Glass Flowers; kinda wanted to try him out. I'm on a pencil drawing roll right now.
No. 87030 ID: b00646
File 141671430782.png - (18.60KB , 700x800 , bunt41.png )

<Onion> draw my sheep
<Onion> Radial: literally just a pink leotard and a tutu and ballerina shoes
No. 87045 ID: 53f127

He is always so adorable ^_^

Magical semen powers, ACTIVATE!
No. 87057 ID: 0bd34b
File 141679670917.png - (129.52KB , 720x1000 , Zeke\'s deke gray.png )

Ezekial Blackwood from To Guard and To Protect by Orion http://tgchan.org/wiki/To_Guard_and_To_Protect
No. 87058 ID: 0eaf76


Already more porn than any of my other quests. Incredible.

Also this is a really great picture! Thanks so much!
No. 87091 ID: 3c67fa
File 141686172989.png - (76.12KB , 530x800 , talia.png )

Talia from Panty Raid
No. 87094 ID: 0eaf76


Ahhh! She's so cute! Love the little skull~ Thank you!
No. 87176 ID: a19cd5
File 141708541193.png - (4.34KB , 640x800 , chop.png )

So chop's loincloth-thing is apparently made of leather, a material that is very fun to draw for me.
No. 87177 ID: 3ec38a
File 141708617884.jpg - (278.78KB , 1225x1303 , image.jpg )

Here's the cutiepatootie from 8-12.
No. 87178 ID: 95a470
File 141709196256.png - (113.43KB , 800x600 , Karaskul.png )

No. 87179 ID: 1444df
File 141709323166.png - (100.19KB , 600x1000 , Flycatcher.png )

No. 87180 ID: 9b35bd

No. 87208 ID: 77e8df
File 141713604426.jpg - (454.39KB , 1152x1852 , image.jpg )

>"I've been alone and talking to myself for so long I've gone crazy!"
No. 87219 ID: 3ec38a
File 141716272583.jpg - (451.29KB , 1428x1624 , image.jpg )

??? from Wisp

I'll stop taking shitty phone pics when I get home, promise.
No. 87248 ID: 256d52
File 141725481052.png - (32.87KB , 640x1240 , vaisi_stretch.png )

Do you think Vaisi is neat? I think Vaisi is neat. Sure she's a crazy murderer the school keeps locked up, but think how happy she'll be when she gets her arms back.

From Larro's Magical Academy Quest over on /tg/
No. 87250 ID: 2c9ab5
File 141726042614.jpg - (138.10KB , 600x700 , FLEX.jpg )

Mandragora from Mandragora adventure
No. 87251 ID: be01e1
File 141726060037.jpg - (155.93KB , 1046x966 , mandragora.jpg )

No. 87289 ID: 2a1897
File 141740238722.png - (0.99MB , 1300x2000 , horrorporn3.png )

Whoops, I guess I can post this here too.

Flora is from Larro’s Magical Academy Quest on /tg/.
No. 87302 ID: 46d72f
File 141744034138.png - (88.46KB , 800x500 , talia 3.png )

Talia from Panty Raid the visual novel...
No. 87315 ID: bd1075

Holy shit we need more of stuff like this. VN styled drawings are always cool
No. 87364 ID: e31d46
File 141761850520.png - (7.69KB , 364x513 , tali.png )

a quick Raidin' Panties doodle
No. 87366 ID: 1a57d2


BABY!!! Ah she's so cute in your style! Wow! Love the way you did her face and clothes eeee thank you! *save'd*
No. 87450 ID: 6b7ea4

TOXO!!!! this looks amazing, thank you!
No. 87451 ID: 6b7ea4

oh, and i just caught this one, too! this is funny bc i actually also drew a hot line miami crossover with another one of my quest characters: >>/questdis/85277

great minds think alike i guess!! hehe
No. 87460 ID: 6b7ea4
File 141779688218.jpg - (1.73MB , 2448x3264 , image.jpg )

recent SOtW updates doing a stellar job of reminding me that my schoolgirl crush on sev is alive and kicking
No. 87461 ID: 6b7ea4
File 141779767010.jpg - (1.89MB , 2448x3264 , image.jpg )

oh and i hopped this train too
No. 87490 ID: e30e12

Hachi Machi what a lookah
tyvm Fractal!!
No. 87514 ID: 0eaf76


Amaaazing :3 She looks great in your style! Ooo! Thanks!
No. 87516 ID: 2a1897
File 141790292251.png - (449.50KB , 1200x800 , gazer4.png )

no regrets.
No. 87519 ID: 256d52

You have nothing to regret.
No. 87550 ID: 557bac
File 141800529750.png - (167.60KB , 700x700 , panty.png )

Glory to Pantsu, long may she reign
No. 87552 ID: 7df277
File 141801173036.jpg - (544.54KB , 1024x1024 , Crius and Sarah.jpg )

Got a commission to draw Sarah meeting my Lamia character, Crius
No. 87559 ID: 9ec55f
File 141803433497.png - (100.35KB , 600x900 , Stargazer.png )

No. 87561 ID: cbea77
File 141803768013.jpg - (131.30KB , 787x786 , 0necroquest.jpg )

What Reggie probably looks like, word of god says the protagonist of Lupa are actually human, so :3
No. 87562 ID: 7e38be


10/10 would resist arrest
No. 87567 ID: cbea77

No. 87570 ID: 256d52

It must be so hard to maintain a good weights routine when you don't have arms most of the time.

That's just too cute!
No. 87571 ID: b73460

that's terrible form! bad space abomination!
No. 87596 ID: e30e12
File 141812226050.png - (16.61KB , 960x540 , Meeting.png )

The two orange and grey cyberpunk protagonists gather to compare dystopian digs.
73-6 from Static on the Wire
Maroon from Maroon Quest
No. 87629 ID: 6b7ea4
File 141813914379.png - (25.15KB , 600x600 , lovelive.png )

there is clearly only one appropriate way to respond to this
No. 87634 ID: e30e12

This was indeed the rational and appropriate response
No. 87734 ID: 9ec55f
File 141843798114.png - (57.31KB , 400x500 , WEnrad.png )

No. 87738 ID: a19cd5
File 141844055775.png - (2.43KB , 480x480 , mandragora.png )

A good quest about a silly plant-man-thing
No. 87743 ID: a19cd5
File 141844240923.png - (12.59KB , 600x600 , misotus.png )

Technically this isnt fanart but I need to stick it SOMEWHERE
No. 87770 ID: 9d9089
File 141850328826.jpg - (172.79KB , 787x786 , 0necroquest.jpg )

A chibi For Onion as Xmas present
No. 87774 ID: 9dd1ee

aw sweet, looks rad!
No. 87781 ID: defceb
File 141853475275.png - (289.25KB , 1000x600 , HailCyclops.png )

No. 87783 ID: fe0d44

Oh God this is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much!
No. 87795 ID: 5f6c91
File 141856540984.png - (96.55KB , 500x500 , Rise of the Cyclops.png )

One may question Doctor Madman's sanity, but not his loyalty.
No. 87796 ID: 4a20fa

No. 87797 ID: b00646
File 141856836659.png - (122.80KB , 600x600 , bunt57.png )

<Arhra> Draw Hin blacksmithing
No. 87798 ID: b00646
File 141856840428.png - (20.43KB , 700x600 , bunt58.png )

<IndonesianGentleman> Radial: then... I request an emotional scene between James Baxter and Millie from Ouroboros.
<IndonesianGentleman> or, you could draw them as the two main characters of The Professional
<IndonesianGentleman> http://imageserver.moviepilot.com/abi-toll-19b50b3c-2c03-454c-b0ce-dc61f1bf9408.png
No. 87803 ID: d09e6e
File 141857179646.png - (172.58KB , 900x955 , voicedbyChuckMcCann.png )

Pinky from Panty Raid by Orion. http://tgchan.org/wiki/Panty_Raid
No. 87804 ID: 53f127

This is canon.
No. 87879 ID: 557bac
File 141870464796.png - (147.81KB , 572x700 , rq1.png )

I realized today that Ive never drawn any Rubyquest fanart.

Happy birthday Weaver
No. 87888 ID: 4a20fa

Perfect expression for Tom.
No. 87891 ID: a19cd5
File 141872575112.png - (7.18KB , 1280x640 , DUEL.png )

4 brom
No. 87933 ID: 2a1897
File 141879209821.png - (383.46KB , 1100x1200 , wiggletongue.png )

Magical Academy Quest. Vendal. Tongue.
No. 87966 ID: defceb
File 141889418125.png - (135.12KB , 700x1000 , MeccaShiva.png )

Can't we all just get along?
No. 88170 ID: b00646
File 141931974924.png - (265.88KB , 600x1000 , bunt72.png )

Combination of a bunch of irc suggestions.
No. 88171 ID: a19cd5

No. 88172 ID: b00646
File 141933040587.png - (67.71KB , 500x500 , bunt73.png )

No. 88180 ID: 742b4a

It occurs to me that she could easily cosplay as a silent hill mannequin.
No. 88185 ID: b00646
File 141936513052.png - (142.89KB , 700x800 , bunt77.png )

Tiny deers for Lonelyworld
No. 88186 ID: 6b7ea4
File 141936622673.png - (98.75KB , 800x800 , imogen.png )

all hail the mighty and powerful wizard
No. 88191 ID: 337362

Yaaaas she's adorable
No. 88197 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141937319266.png - (152.70KB , 490x502 , Aleks.png )

Aleks from Panty Raid

Merry Christmas Onion!
No. 88217 ID: 4f6456

Ahhh thsi si so adorable and realistic!!! thank you!

(it didn't even ross my mind to check in for 8-12 fanart I'm so sorry I just saw it now)
No. 88240 ID: 6e1234
File 141949251906.png - (208.07KB , 650x750 , festive polo.png )

merry christmas or something
No. 88242 ID: 602cd8

Yes this is a good and appropriate expression on christmas Polo.

Thank you!
No. 88243 ID: 6e1234


No problem!

Glad you like it!
No. 88255 ID: b00646
File 141954142442.png - (96.23KB , 600x400 , bunt84.png )

No. 88256 ID: b00646
File 141954143522.png - (112.99KB , 400x700 , bunt83.png )

No. 88257 ID: b00646
File 141954144613.png - (138.02KB , 400x800 , bunt81.png )

No. 88258 ID: b00646
File 141954261224.png - (87.62KB , 200x800 , bunt85.png )

No. 88263 ID: b00646
File 141955377831.png - (122.62KB , 400x600 , bunt88.png )

No. 88264 ID: 1f8505


No. 88268 ID: acd64c
File 141957021938.png - (20.50KB , 1000x1000 , Wizard Debate.png )

The council of Wizards convening to discuss the topic of who amongst them is the most competent.

The meeting would ultimately be adjourned before a conclusive answer could be unanimously agreed upon.