Orange Feather Butterfly
As I mentioned in the normal thread, here is an extensive list of reasons why I believe we should not try to kick spit out of the game as soon as possible, in no particular order.
reason #1: we've been spending available healing like mad and haven't been keeping track of what's even left for further prolonged combat, which will likely happen at the current rate. (Crunk's exact health is a complete and worrying unknown since he isn't our tcp)
reason #2: though we've got several TCP's positioned inside spit's house without duress so far, we don't know where the exit is.
reason #3: we don't know what and where the traps are between the current room and the exit.
reason #4A: there might not even BE an exit yet. Spit could have very easily and deliberately made solid walls for her entire fortress and intended to add an exit later, which she can't do anymore.
reason 4B: if there is an exit, I would not be surprised if there's some form of non-trap bullshit added to it as well to prevent leaving.
reason 5: the rest of spit's TCP's aren't going to stay away forever. And at some point raw is no longer going to be stunned.
reason 6: while we do have reinforcements en-route, it's going to take time for them to arrive at spit's base to help with things.
reason number 7: we don't have eyes on writhe or raw at the moment and seeing as how writhe was carrying Marvel...
reason #8: we don't know which of spit's TCP's was the weapon type that shot down Seaspray to begin with. (We know it's not writhe and it seemingly isn't hark. it might be raw? so many questions.)
reason #9: Seaspray has had something injected into her that's affecting her health and we don't know what it does exactly, only that it's likely going to be horrible.
reason #10: eastwood's drug operation is underway, but needs a lot more time to stockpile enough results to truly tilt the odds in our favor enough to secure victory
reason #11 hark flipping isn't a done deal just yet.
reason 12: even after reinforcements arrive, we might lack necessary stuffs to incapacitate all of her remaining tcp's, be it health, ammo, healing, other forms of supplies or morale. And that's not accounting for dealing with the traps still inside.
reason 13: Escorting the wounded and friendlies away from spit's base is paramount to this entire rescue operation. Writhe can't fit into any of our vehicles until we make a new one capable of doing so.
reason #15 Wax said he'd pull his punches but if his tcp's aren't chilling at home doing nothing then someone in the alliance might get their base raided in a moment.
reason #16A: IF, somehow, we did knock out and restrain all of spit's tcp's we still have to convince them to go rogue. that's going to take awhile to do and we're not really setup for it just yet.
reason 16B: if we did have all of spit's remaining tcp's restrained, the fastest way to kick her out of the game would be to execute the remainder. I don't believe I need to elaborate on how terrible doing so would be.
reason 17: spit's captured tcp, chops, being out of her base prevents her from making anything. That doesn't apply to the alliance whose tcp's are still in base, or other forms of non-god crafting, which is a colossal advantage that only increases with time (eastwood, eastwood, eastwood)
reason 18: the current tcp's inside spit's base aren't very durable compared to the reinforcements coming, so finding the exit and trying to avoid getting into pitched fights with spit's remaining tcp's while disarming traps would be huge.
..and that's all I got. I'm sure a lot of these reasons are going to change and/or no longer be applicable to the current state of things but despite the conflict conditions of the game having been set, we are still aiming to eliminate Spit by way of rogue tcp's, rather than blood soaked victory.
There's nothing stopping us from carefully managing an extraction out of spit's fuck off fort, taking the wounded and the potential turn coats with us and leaving spit hobbled. (manpower cut in half, tcp's out of base prevents creating things)
Obviously this would be a slight stalemate since we didn't force her out of the game but so what? we've got momentum and she can't make things. She, or maybe even Wax, will probably try and counterattack at some point but if we stay vigilant, let eastwood's tcp's keep making incapcitating drugs and don't overplay our hand, we will win.