Noon Desire
"That was my reaction too, yeah."
"D-don't lie, Skif!"
"I'm afraid It's quite true, mistress Ceri!" Saint Duke says. "I am one such example, for I only like beans!"
"But... but the scenarios I had planned out for you both...! T-the tender way I imagined you holding each other!"
"Forgive me, milady! Those scenarios must remain in the realm of imagination!"
Your dreams are shattered. You don't know if you can go on, living in a world where not everyone is bi-sexual. It goes against everything you know, every...
Why are you freaking out? Dad and Daatra aren't bisexual either. There's also Tempest, who made her love of beans but not sossig clear. You feel a bit silly for reacting so strongly just now.
don't even worry about why you skipped over mom
Crisis averted by thinking about it for literally one second, you continue walking. Sir Duke continues his conversation.
"I've not spent much time with Mr. Gulketi, but he seems pretty cool!"
"Do you know his... secret?"
"Siphon explained it to me! But it was still rather surprising to see in person!"
"He big."
"He so big! Strangely, I hadn't seen any of the others at the base."
"The others?" you ask.
"Miss Tempest and Mr. Venn!"
"Ah, right. You'd have met them at the PICNIC OF DOOM."
Skif giggles. "You're always so dramatic with naming, Ceri."
"It was a very dramatic picnic!" you say dramatically. "Anyway, those two don't know about Unity Base, so don't tell them if you do end up talking to them! I have the most to hide, so I'd like to be on top of who does or doesn't know certain things."
"Most to hide, my lady...?" Saint Duke asks.
Skif interrupts again. "A lady is entitled to her secrets! Any knight worth their salt knows that!"
Sir Duke recoils. "Ah! R-right! F-forgive me for prying!!!"
"I-it's okay," you say. "Maybe I'll tell you some things soon, just maybe not while walking home."
The three of you walk in silence for a bit, before Sir Duke speaks up again.
"You live kinda out-of-the-way, huh?"
"Yeeep. That's one reason I used to be so good at Footsockball."
Saint Duke opens his mouth, but hesitates. "...Actually, let's talk about that later." He glances at Skif.
Strange. Maybe he has some BACKSTORY he wants to share next time you're alone?
After walking a bit further, the three of you finally make it home.
"Okay, you need to be kinda quiet so we don't wake my parents. It's fuck-oclock in the morning, after all."
"We shall be as mice!!!" Saint duke says loudly.
"Fear not, milady. I'll keep him in check," Skif whispers quietly.