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991458 No. 991458 ID: 2451c3

This quest is NSFW.

Thread one: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/694230.html

Thread two: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/714858.html

Thread three: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/743976.html

Thread four: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/771470.html

Thread five:

Thread six:

Thread seven: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/880264.html

Thread eight: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/913803.html
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No. 991459 ID: 2451c3
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Huh. You're still on your back, and your naughty bits aren't on display. You even still have your blanket! This can only mean one thing: It's still the middle of the night.

As you try to fall back to sleep, you find yourself plagued by the most random of thoughts:

When Mr. Ilan used LIFE MAGIC to separate your dragon mind from your mortal mind, he had to 'fill in the gaps', creating the rest of your personality from scratch.

In that process, he could have nudged you in any number of directions. In the end, you became kind, silly, and a bit dominant. Just a tad.

What if, instead, he made you... really cool?
No. 991460 ID: 2451c3
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That's not quite what you meant.

Apparently you literally hatched cool in this fictional universe. Every dragon egg comes with a leather jacket and spiked wrist-wear, you see. You're so grown up you don't even have baby proportions.

"Oh my gosh!" Mom would exclaim. "Our baby kicks ass!"

"Hell yeah she does!" Dad would reply. "She's just like us!"

"Sure! Us!"

Ilan would still leave you with your foster parents, hoping they could give you a normal, mortal life. Of course, this time he almost definitely bit off more than he can swallow (snakes don't chew).

The real you became KIND, A BIT SILLY, and SOMEWHAT DOMINANT. This version of you uh, I guess became COLD, A BIT DISTANT, and EXTREMELY DOMINANT.

For the sake of compatibility, you'll assume this Ceri has the same abilities as you: Powerful POLYMORPH and middling PORTAL, INVISIBILITY, and TELEPORT magic.
No. 991461 ID: 2451c3
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Oh okay we're doing this scene too I guess.

"So what's going on in here? You two fuckin' or something?" You'd ask.

"L-language, Ceri!" your father would reply.

"Says the guy with his dick out."

In the real world, your parents would first learn of your incredible magical prowess when you assumed they were in trouble and POLYMORPHED into a PROTO-DRAGON-FORM (PDF), a precursor to your current FAUX DRAGON FORM (FDF).

The forms are named thusly because they're not actual dragons, just you faking it with POLYMORPH.

But, uh, this 'cool' version of you doesn't look like she gives a shit? So maybe we should just move on.
No. 991462 ID: 2451c3
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In a desperate bid to get to the point where you're an adult wearing sexy punk-girl outfits, you skip ahead.

A bully shoves tries to shove you but thrusts her arms through some portals 'cause you ain't got time for this shit. She was saying some nonsense about flat chests but who cares.

The bully, Daatra, who in real life was befriended by you and is now your BIG SISTER <3 <3 <3 is instead completely baffled at how freaking overpowered you are.

"Yeah, I have tits. What of it?" You'd say, giving between 0 and 0.000001 fucks.

"Lizards don't have breasts! It's... unnatural!" Daatra would reply, mostly in keeping with her real self.

"Who cares? If I wanna have tits, I'm gonna POLYMORPH some fuckin' tits. You don't have to get all jealous-- only the mammals really care."


"What's with that look? Oh shit, you crushin' on some fluffy boy?"

"Hsss--! No! This has nothing to do with that!"

"Fuck girl, you shoulda said something! I'll hook you up. Where is he? Let's show him your hips."

"W-why are you helping me??" The suddenly very blushy snake-girl asks.

"Cause I'm bored. And you seem like a cool person to add to my GANG," the cool (punk?) you replies.

Ah, so instead of a HOARD of DRAGON ROMANCE, Punk Ceri has a GANG of .... BEING IN A GANG. Something tells you the primary gang activity is 'playing video games'.

Some things don't change in any universe.

You'd walk past Daatra, making way for the exit. "Look, if you wanna hang out after I hook you up, whatever. But I ain't wasting my time getting into petty fights. I got homework to ignore and a history class to skip. Now come on, let's find you something hot to wear."

"Hssss You think you can tell me what to do!?"

"Yeah. Currently doing so."

"That's... Hey, wait! F-fine! I'll go with you!"

Both versions of you would befriend the bully, and both versions of you would keep up the lie that your chest is the result of POLYMORPH. In reality, your breasts are part of your mortal body. The consensus is the dragon inside you corrupted Ilan's LIFE-MAGIC to give them to you.

Maybe it hoped to stress you out so it could break free? Too bad for it, you grew (eheh) to love them as a part of you.
No. 991463 ID: 2451c3
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Welp, you've spent long enough thinking about this weird alternate you that you can't fall asleep.

Aauuuggghh, curse you, Cool Ceri! I need to be well-rested!

You're not sure why, exactly, but there's a nagging feeling in the back of your mind. It's as if there's some MAJOR PROJECT waiting for you, and this entire mental exercise is a desperate attempt to buy time because it's NOT QUITE READY YET.

But sitting here thinking about past events with a 'cool' filter would get old in a hurry, wouldn't it? Nobody wants to sit through a giant RECAP, or some BORING FILLER.

But what to do?

Ah, of course! You'll have an adventure! Something exciting! Something PLOT RELEVANT!

you use some glue to repair the crumbling fourth wall.
No. 991464 ID: 2451c3
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You sit up, reminding everyone why they put up with your rambly narration and distracted writing stop being meta Ceri.

Speaking of PREVIOUSLY-ENHANCED KNOCKERS, You run your hands along your bountiful mounds, taking a moment to get a handle (heh) on their shape. A real feel (heheh) for how they've changed over the course of your adventure.

It's only been a couple days since your DAMAGED SEAL caused some changes to your form, so you're not quite used to things yet. One of the more noticable changes is your breasts feel much heftier than they used to. Softer and... fuller.

It's strange. Such a thing should make you unhappy. They make you less like a dragon, less like a reptilian for goodness sakes!

And yet, there's a part of you that feels overjoyed at how soft and natural they've become. Something deep within you feels... happy.


And not just for lewd reasons!!

Anyway. As nice as this feels it's time to get to work on that whole 'plot-relevant adventure' thing.

A few ideas come to mind. There's certainly a few things worth looking into! But the only way to decide which one to pursue is to once again submit to the will of your FAITHFUL NEURONS.

Hello, Neurons! Since your last decision came a whole nine hours ago, it's time to once again remind yourself how VOTING works to the chagrin of archive readers (last meta joke i promise).

You have two votes. You can use your PRIMARY or FIRST vote on the thing you want most! Your SECONDARY or ...SECOND vote can then go towards the thing you want SECOND MOST. If your FIRST vote went to something that few others voted for, your SECOND vote springs into action, boosting the remaining options!

If you can't be bothered voting two whole times, you can simply choose one option. It'll be counted as a PRIMARY VOTE.

Okay! There are two decisions to make here. Firstly...

What adventure do you go on?

A: The Rumors of the Northern Cave.
Rumors have been going around that someone's living in a cave north of your town! Could it be a dragon? Well, probably not. You hope not. But the only way to know is to check it out!

B: The Secret of Secrets
That secret room in the mall... just what's in there? Is there a safe way to get inside? Only way to know is to sneak in and find out...

C: The Naturals, a Cult(?) of your Making.
Siphon likely learned from miss Tempest where they hold their meetings. Maybe there's something there you can discover. Naturally step one would be waking her up and asking. What could go wrong?

D: Just relax and let your imagination run wild.
This Punk Ceri thing is fun to think about. Why not stay here and go into MORE DETAIL about her story? Especially once we get to her... romantic escapades...

Staying home would let you take great enjoyment in those scenes...~

What will you choose? Vote away, faithful NEURONS!

...Wait! There's another important decision to make! Here, take another set of PRIMARY and SECONDARY votes. Spend two up there, and two below!

What outfit should you wear on your adventure? Let's not worry about what happens if D wins.

X: The Outfit of Destiny.
The classic adventuring outfit, giving you decent support and letting others enjoy your cleavage~

Y: A silken, slightly form-fitting nightgown.
You're literally running around at night. Why not do so in comfort?

Z: Outfit?
No. 991468 ID: 3edd0d

B, D and Z (spice it up with sleeves and stockings only :V) X
No. 991469 ID: 7ed0fe

Primary B and Z, secondary A and X
You are running around late at night... I doubt there's many townsfolk out and about to see you running around au naturel!
No. 991470 ID: 0fae41

B/d, Z/y. The nightgown might be hardest to draw, but it's worth it. Then again, it might be time for nude sneaking adventure 2.
Who or what could be hiding something in the mall? How old is that place, anyway? And why does Gulketi lose control of his disguise when he's fluffy?
No. 991472 ID: 0bfc71

D, A
X, Z
No. 991473 ID: 9a2966

A, B and X

Onwards! To ADVENTURE!
No. 991474 ID: b74a2f

A, D, and X
No. 991475 ID: 031458

or D...

just z o.o
No. 991476 ID: 0bcfd9

Mystery caves of dragons you say...
A, X, Z with >>991468
No. 991477 ID: 566c32

A and C both seem tempting for different reasons.

Whatever we do, though, let's do it with Z. Any excuse or opportunity to be naked is a good one.
No. 991478 ID: e85a08

D/b; Z/y
No. 991479 ID: be3107

A and X,Z
No. 991480 ID: ecb66f

A, c - this naturals thing is fun, but if there's a possible dragon gotta investigate that first

X - adventure calls and you must answer appropriately attired
No. 991481 ID: b1b4f3

A, b
won't the Naturals be asleep anyway?
Y, x
did you not learn your lesson the last time you tried streaking?
No. 991482 ID: 67ceb6

A and C
Classic outfit can never go wrong stylishly! X
No. 991484 ID: 3fd119

B, c: It might be dangerous to sneak out into the middle of the night and go after a possible dragon. You're already overpowered as it is, how strong would an older and more experienced dragon be?

Z, y: Nobody's going to be wandering around outside, why not add some fun to your adventure! It'll make you more stealthy if you need to sneak into anywhere, too!
No. 991485 ID: 75efdc

Always go see dragons A,B or X,Z
No. 991486 ID: 736b7e

A, B, X
No. 991495 ID: f8fa51


Spike up Z a little with some thigh-highs :P
No. 991496 ID: a97209

D then A; Z then X.
No. 991498 ID: e7848c

Clearly, that gang is not full of your hoard. It's your crew. Ever considered a motorized bicycle? One that looks really cool?
No. 991507 ID: a9af05


No. 991516 ID: 2aa5f0


No. 991517 ID: 5b0071

Primary A/X
Secondary C/Z :33
No. 991520 ID: 1670bc

Z with sleeves and stockings/X
No. 991521 ID: 094652

A, C
Y, X
No. 991525 ID: d44835

Primary A, secondary D. Weren't you going to train with Skif to fight together before you went to the cave? And didn't that cave get speculated to have something to do with your alien friends' missing friend?

Primary Y, secondary Z. Practice being a stylish sexy seductress out of a sort-of-classy story about mystery and intrigue!
No. 991526 ID: 36784c

Ceri! We’ve missed you! Even though it’s only been 9 hours, that was still long enough for us to miss you!

B , d

>outfit vote
Y , x
No. 991527 ID: e8ae37

Primary A/X
Secondary B/Y
No. 991552 ID: c09f5e

No. 991553 ID: e51896

B, C
Z, Y
No. 991568 ID: 537f67

Delinquent, Back to the mall

Zero clothes, Your nightgown
No. 991570 ID: cdabe3


No. 991571 ID: 2c7a4b

A; X, Z
No. 991585 ID: 164e20

C, D
Z, Y
No. 991608 ID: 7d34cd

Dragon Ball Z


>why they put up with your rambly narration and distracted writing
I will have you know that I enjoy this just as much, if not more so than the fanservice.
No. 991616 ID: d25524

Most definitely D.
Some A for dragun.

Y and d.

Its the middle of the night, in your own home.
i think sweatpants are justified.
No. 991625 ID: 2be85e

C: I think we been avoiding those naturalists long enough
B: The mall is pretty entertaining tho...

Z: Because there should be no shame in who we are!
No. 991626 ID: ef6063

A, X
No. 991630 ID: 88dbb5

C, A and X, Y Gotta present!
No. 991639 ID: 864e49

Primary B,Z
Secondary C,X
No. 991657 ID: 2748b3

Hmmm, I'm gonna vote C, then A. With the (lack of outfit) being Z, gotta blend in with the naturals!
No. 991696 ID: 894419

A, X.
No. 991720 ID: 080f52

A, Z. You could pack your destiny outfit wherever you go in dragon storage in case of needing to suddenly be formal.
No. 991759 ID: 9fad0d

AC and Z
No. 991773 ID: 745eba

C or A, and Z, but seconding with some stockings and sleeves/arm warmers
No. 991776 ID: 2451c3
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A tie.

After all this time, you come back to a tie.

Are you freaking kidding me.

Okay. Okay. You're very experienced at handling this exact thing.

First thing's first. The choice of adventure isn't a tie. You're going to explore the cave. How exciting!

But the decision of what to wear... for like the 50 billion million bazillionth time, you're evenly split between two options. At this rate you'll run out of funny ways to react.

What to do...

Well, the LEOTARD part of the OUTFIT OF DESTINY could probably use a wash, yeah? You've almost certainly um... leaked a bit onto the crotch area.

So naturally the thing to do is to toss it in with the laundry and wear the still clean parts of the suit! No need to even think about any potential consequences of this decision let's just go go go!
No. 991777 ID: 2451c3
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Yep! This is fine!

your boobs are gonna slip out so often...

Going without 'support' will be... fun. Especially if you have to run, and especially with things as sensitive as they are now.

But... part of you can't help but smile at the thought. There's something so real about that, something that wasn't there with your old body. Something polymorphers often 'conveniently' forget. It may seem strange, but the discomfort is, in its own way, comforting to you.

that said you'd obviously prefer watching someone else bounce around you know someone completely random just spitballing here kharadra. ooh, or miss tempest! siphon with her three pairs all moving at different rates...


what were you talking about again?

>Ceri! We’ve missed you! Even though it’s only been 9 hours, that was still long enough for us to miss you!
Ah, but you're always with me, dear neurons!

>Clearly, that gang is not full of your hoard. It's your crew. Ever considered a motorized bicycle? One that looks really cool?
Punk Ceri is too cool to hear your SUGGESTIONS. She's gonna do whatever the hell she wants, maaaan.

>I will have you know that I enjoy this just as much, if not more so than the fanservice.
Aww, you're just saying that cause you're part of my brain!

but thanks

>Weren't you going to train with Skif to fight together before you went to the cave? And didn't that cave get speculated to have something to do with your alien friends' missing friend?
This is not where PRINCE CHEI is being kept. PRINCE CHEI, likely captured by a dragon, is far to the south-west. This cave is just north of town.

going after prince chei right now would be suicide.
No. 991778 ID: 2451c3
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SPEAKING OF WHICH. The cave's rumored to house a dragon. But if you remember right, UNITY's sensor-computer-science-whatevers didn't pick up any HIGH-ENERGY READINGS from it. The odds of a dragon being there are very low.

Besides, you're 90% sure the 'dragon' everyone's been seeing is Gulketi.

But let's not take unnecessary risks. You'll need to stay cautious, and... you shouldn't go alone.

With that in mind, there's one more thing to decide before returning to 'The Adventures of Punk Ceri and the Thinly-veiled Recap'. You're gonna need someone to travel with! A safety-net! A foil for your antics!

A partner! And... oh! A side-kick! Every good adventuring party has at least three people!

four would be too much to draw.

It's settled! But who will you go bother in the middle of the night to go on a random-ass adventure at fuck-o'clock in the morning?

First, let's choose your PARTNER.

A: Skif
A solid choice for those wanting to take no chances. He's trained in combat, and can 'smell' magic much better than you can 'sense' it. What better use for your DRAGON KNIGHT than this?

B: Siphon
Skilled at going unseen, she can find (and neutralize?) danger long before you even realize there's a threat. A good complement to your INVISIBILITY.

C: Outissa
You don't know much about your platonic friend beyond the fact that she's a Good Girl and can't talk. Maybe this is a good chance to learn more?

D: Gulketi
Fight dragon with Dragon! I mean amtsvane! Gulketi is BIG. What more is there to say? He can also be sneaky with the use of his ketza form! His magic is probably more stable than it used to be...

E: Eezeryh
She'll certainly be well-equipped for the job! Good for when you want to forget about balance and throw a giant pile of SCIENCE at the problem.

Next, let's decide on a SIDEKICK!

F: Venntrodai
Venn mentioned being familiar with nearby caves. He would be a good choice that would reveal the MAP of the cave and any points of interest within. A good choice to maintain continuity!

G: Saint Dook
He's a huntsman, right? He'd have some good survival knowledge and tracking skills! Pairing him with Skif would be... interesting. And he and Siphon might have something going on...

H: Penny
I mean, who better to fill the row of 'adorable animal mascot'? W-wait, I'm not saying kabolds are...!

I: Tempest
You don't know much about her or her abilities yet. But two mostly-naked ladies on a night out is bound to lead to some... shenanigans~

Choose a PRIMARY and SECONDARY option for your PARTNER, then choose a PRIMARY and SECONDARY option for your SIDEKICK!
No. 991779 ID: 3edd0d

B, A and G, H
No. 991782 ID: 05da7c

D and G!
That stands for Gulketi and Dook! In that order.

Secondaries: E and F.
No. 991783 ID: 0fae41

Gulketi, he's very accommodating about these things, and if he's the source of the rumors maybe he can explain what he's been up to... Secondary Siphon, a fellow shenanigan lover.
For sidekick, I/f. I'm not sure Venn's a good idea to keep associating with, but you can't deny the utility.
No. 991787 ID: 4854ef

Primary: E and F
Secondary B and H
No. 991788 ID: 5ee86b

Primary A, G! Secondary D, F! And everybody should be wearing just as little if not even less so, for adventure and fun! And motivation to stay extra stealthy. It will be great training!
No. 991789 ID: 894419

A, F.
No. 991791 ID: 031458

C I! Girls night out! What could go wrong?

D H, though, is also tempting. You could polymorph smol. ADORABLE CUDDLE CREW.
No. 991793 ID: cdabe3

B/d, G/i
No. 991794 ID: b74a2f

Primaries - A, G
Secondaries - E, H
No. 991798 ID: fa2754

Like all three of you girls are
Based on nothing but pure utility. You'll learn something this way.

We really need to see what Outissa can do!
No. 991799 ID: 7f1230

Primary A,E
Secondary H,I
No. 991800 ID: 0bcfd9

A, E
Sidekicks... G, F
No. 991805 ID: a9af05


No. 991808 ID: e85a08


No. 991810 ID: 0bfc71

A, B

No. 991812 ID: eb1c48

E,C / I,F
No. 991815 ID: be3107

Rival duo to show off who can tame whatever beast the bestest A, G
No. 991821 ID: 0d6409

BD (ayy lmao das ur alter ego)
No. 991822 ID: 913231

D, a
F, l

Good choices. Though they are all good choices, really.
No. 991825 ID: 736b7e

D, E
H, I
No. 991829 ID: 2aa5f0


No. 991835 ID: f8fa51

Ca, Hi

You still need to get to know Outissa better!
No. 991837 ID: 2b3343

E, C
G, H
No. 991838 ID: 75efdc

Primary:A, G

You should also try convincing your party coming along to follow suit in your wardrobe style. Like a bonding exercise!
No. 991841 ID: 2748b3

My vote is for B, I for primary votes, because why go for 2 mostly naked ladies when you can go for 3. Secondary... gonna say D, F
No. 991865 ID: 36784c

If you’re gonna complain, then go put on one of your bras.

A , b

F , h

Also, the best way to wake up is to have something cold. You can probably get away with sneaking a few bites of ice cream before you go gather your party.
No. 991868 ID: d06171

Primary C/H
Secondary A/I

That’s a great idea! You should totally wear a tie!
No. 991869 ID: 9d2b4b

B, E and H, I
No. 991870 ID: c09f5e

A, D
G, F

>Besides, you're 90% sure the 'dragon' everyone's been seeing is Gulketi.
So you think there's a 10% chance it's a fire dragon with an inverse STATS and DISPOSITION?
No. 991871 ID: 2c7a4b

A or e and G
No. 991883 ID: 864e49

Primary D,F - for character lore
Secondary C,G - for shenanigans

Oh who am I kidding it's all for shenanigans.
And character lore.
No. 991893 ID: 2be85e

No. 991895 ID: b62fae

A, d, and G, I.
No. 991896 ID: f28519

D and H
No. 991902 ID: 857b49

1. Primary B (maybe we can talk more spacetime stuff).
Secondary A

2. Primary H
Secondary I
No. 991927 ID: 3fd119

E, secondary b, and
F, secondary i.

We definitely want to bring Venn for this, and Eezeryh probably has all sorts of science scanners you could use. Alternatively just bring some people along to have fun on your underdressed adventures.
No. 991930 ID: 0160a2

B B B B and B also B maybe c

if we are going for team naked I the F
No. 991931 ID: 080f52

A, G
No. 991942 ID: 5b0071

B/H for Sneaking Mission primary
C/I for team-building exercise!
No. 991949 ID: ef6063

A or E, G
No. 991957 ID: d44835

Partner A, d.
Sidekick G, h.

I want to see the Skif and Dook combo! Though it's a pity you can't take a partner choice as a sidekick choice. Gulketi seems like he'd make a pretty good fill of the sidekick roll!
No. 991969 ID: 7ed0fe

Partner: Primary C, secondary B
I'm gonna sit the Sidekick vote out due to conflicts of interest
No. 991976 ID: 88dbb5

A, D and G A Duke, Knight, and Queen party! RPG ahoy!
No. 991983 ID: 67ceb6

G, A

>>991957 A Gulketi sidekick seems cute some day...
No. 992052 ID: 7cda1d

Primary: D and I
Secondary: A and F
No. 992128 ID: c53a0a

A, B (there is something i want to tell her)
F, I
No. 992142 ID: 2d6532

E , A

F , I... Tempest.

Srry I always looks like so many characters.
No. 992232 ID: 2451c3
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>Also, the best way to wake up is to have something cold. You can probably get away with sneaking a few bites of ice cream before you go gather your party.

>If you’re gonna complain, then go put on one of your bras.
Too late you're already out eating ice-cream there's no going back.

weird how arbitrary the order these get responded to can be, huh?

Besides, you're not really complaining. If anything, you're starting to appreciate both how good you had it with your original body, and how 'artificial' your original body actually felt.

...Which is a weird thing to realize, considering this body is also not the 'true' you...

>So you think there's a 10% chance it's a fire dragon with an inverse STATS and DISPOSITION?
D-does that give you TYPE advantage??

Inverse STATS would make a dragon with high VIGOR and low MAGIC, which is weird to even think about. You'd probably kick their ass even as a mortal, though. Magic OP plz don't nerf.

As you eat delicious ICE CREAM, unsure if you're happy or sad at the thought of this going straight to your thighs, your mind begins to wander...
No. 992233 ID: 2451c3
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A worried Mom greets a dreadfully late Punk Ceri at the door. Ceri stayed out Jumping Daatra into her GANG. Since Daatra was the first person to join said GANG, the best trial she could come up with was to challenge her at a game of 'WALK, MAN', the ill-fated portable version of 'JUMP, MAN!'.

The game doubled as a CD-player, making it hilariously expensive. Guess Punk Ceri's rich in this universe? Now you're even more jealous of her cool lifestyle.

Anyway, even Punk Ceri is no match for Daatra when it comes to video games.

"Ceri, why'd you stay out so late?? We were worried sick!" Mom would ask as she approached.

"Had to jump someone into my GANG."

"What? Wait-- did you make a friend!? That's so cute!!!"

Punk Ceri would roll her eyes so hard they'd fall into another universe.

"My little baby, being a punk and making friends. Just like her mother!"

"Ay, about that. Why am I so different from you? Why do I got tits and other lizards don't?"

"Well, sweetie, you see, when the BIRDACTAL..."

"I know I'm adopted, Mom."

"Oh. Uh. Here, read the letter the magic snake left when he gave your egg to us."
No. 992234 ID: 2451c3
File 161627534742.png - (98.79KB , 800x600 , 1628.png )

"Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Okay. So wait, I'm a dragon or something?"



No. 992235 ID: 2451c3
File 161627535016.png - (225.65KB , 800x600 , 1629.png )

During that AU flashback, you've assembled your TEAM! Ah, to watch the two of them struggle to win the affection of their queen! Their chivalrous ways are sure to delight!


That's odd.

Rather than bantering back and forth in their usual manner, they're just standing there awkwardly while trying to avoid eye-contact with each other.

"Did... Did I miss something?" you ask.

"I don't wanna talk about it," they both say at the same time.


Maybe a joke will lighten the mood.

"What, did Mr. Dook accidentally hit on Skif's mom or something?"

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT." they both say more forcefully.

What the hell did you miss???

"R-right. Well, I notice that while I'm properly dressed for this adventure..."

"Fantastic choice in attire, my lady!" Saint dook says, immediately breaking the awkwardness in the air.

"Regality befitting a queen! No-- a dragon queen!" Skif responds, catering to your desire to DRAGON-ify everything.

"Hmhmm~" you reply. "But you two are... let's say 'overdressed' for the occasion~ Surely you're not intending to outshine your mistress~?"

They both look at each other.
No. 992236 ID: 2451c3
File 161627535440.png - (221.75KB , 800x600 , 1630.png )

Ah, to watch them scramble so~!

:skiftalk_chrival: "Really? Your pants? Such indecency is ill-fitting a knight!"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "Ah, but a true knight knows how to cater to the desires of their mistress, and Lady Ceri is clearly implying we match her bottomless approach!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "Perhaps! But you will notice she is also going without a top!

:saintduketalk_chrival: "My good sir, while she doesn't have a shirt, the most enticing aspects of her chest remain woefully covered up!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "A shame for sure, Sir Duke! But it's quite clear her intention is to deliver a delightful tease, not give everything away right at the beginning! We would do well to mind her example and leave the audience wanting more!"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "Audience? Good sir, there is no hono(u)r in breaking the fourth..."

:saintduketalk_blushu: "Wait, are you mad because your junk is internal?"

:skiftalk_moreshocked: "T-that has nothing to do with it!!"

This is the best decision you've ever made.

weird that sir dukington knows that about skif...

You should probably solve this dilemma of theirs.

To avoid breaking the voting engine again, let's keep it simple. You have ONE VOTE to use here:

X: Pants, off!
Let the bottomless adventure commence!

Y: Shirts, off!
Let no nipples be soft in this cool night air!

Z: As you are, gentlemen.
Skif topless, Duke bottomless. Best of both worlds~

It's also time to decide how you want to prepare for the adventure. For REASONS there isn't enough time to do everything! Use your PRIMARY and SECONDARY votes well!

A: Double check for dragons on UNITY's main computer.
Let's be extra sure there actually isn't a DRAGON in that cave. Maybe it has some additional layout information as well? You'll need to avoid waking the others.

B: Gather some quick supplies!
You can probably solve everything with magic (even your weak FIRE MAGIC will work in lieu of a torch), but it never hurts to be prepared.

C: Finally use your D'eggs to make the boys a Mommy Meal!
You laid some eggs recently, and they might go bad if you don't use them! Nothing like a good meal to start the adventure with...~

D: Make sure everyone's nice and relaxed by releasing some 'tension'.
Can't have the boys all pent up! They could use a good massage, maybe some YOGA and MEDITATION.

...What? You thought I meant something else?

Well, that's up to you~
No. 992239 ID: 0fae41

Y, C/d.
No. 992241 ID: 5ee86b

If we vote for X and Y in equal measure, will The Power of Compromise make them naked or fully clothed? Also, X. Then D! Always good to stretch before a big outing. Secondary B!
No. 992244 ID: eb1c48

No. 992245 ID: e51896

This, both X, and Y

A, B
No. 992247 ID: 88dbb5

They must show resolve! By being at least pantsless! That's training somehow, right?
B, c X,Y
No. 992248 ID: 736b7e

D Primary; do some cuddling to get warm before heading out into the night.
A Secondary
No. 992249 ID: f8fa51


Let's not force them to dress up in ways they don't want to.
No. 992261 ID: cdabe3

Z, D/c
No. 992262 ID: 0bfc71

B, D, X
No. 992265 ID: 36784c

>unsure if you're happy or sad at the thought of this going straight to your thighs
You’re happy about it.


C , b
No. 992300 ID: 529620


Man... I'm proud of all you. Other quests get all skittish when it comes to some fun exhibition stuff but you guys actually do it. Freaken proud.
No. 992304 ID: b74a2f

Primary B
Secondary D
No. 992322 ID: 9a2966

C, b!
No. 992325 ID: 0bcfd9

D, b
X, y

No. 992357 ID: e7848c


Can you just imagine sauntering through town with your two boys having their muscles on display? With you of course leading both of them on your journey to power adventure?
No. 992359 ID: 3edd0d

B, d and Y
No. 992363 ID: c09f5e

Oth, what hath my shitposting awakened?

>D-does that give you TYPE advantage??
Be thankful your nerd ass ain't grass, cause she definitely gonna mow it. If she sees you. Which she can't because she's you. What's she gonna do? Hop from an AU to ambush you in a cave? For what?
This may be rushing your imagination. As the saying goes, don't think about it.

C, B
You should make up for exposing your people's vulnerabilities. Good thing you're not so proud to have issues openly displaying your affection to your friends, like some sort of cheap tsundere.
...or you could just kit them out.
No. 992366 ID: be3107

D, B, X
There's a fun test somewhere for both of them without pants Im sure!
No. 992381 ID: ade4a2

Primary Y/D

Secondary Y/C
No. 992391 ID: 864e49

No. 992414 ID: 2c8bb6


What do: Secret option E: just go already. Adventure waits for nobody.
No. 992418 ID: 094652

Clothes Swapping, and not in the same slots
No. 992428 ID: f9464a

I think you should be happy!


Primary: C
Secondary: B
No. 992429 ID: 031458

D: Make ME a "sandwich"
Secondary C
No. 992434 ID: 75efdc

D, B
No. 992438 ID: 67ceb6

B, X
No. 992540 ID: 7ed0fe

Primary A, secondary B
No. 992543 ID: 2c7a4b

B, A,
No. 992567 ID: 080f52

D, C Lets stretch their our legs.
No. 992571 ID: 5b0071

Z and B or C
No. 992580 ID: ef6063

B, C X
No. 992588 ID: 3fd119

X; A, secondary b.
No. 992655 ID: f9464a


Primary: C. You can't adventure on an empty stomach!

Secondary: A. It's probably a good idea to double check things.
No. 992752 ID: 75ba56

Z, B
No. 992810 ID: 5f3276

Primary: Z, B
Secondary: X, A
No. 992813 ID: 2451c3
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>Good thing you're not so proud to have issues openly displaying your affection to your friends, like some sort of cheap tsundere.

Let's be thankful your AU counterpart chose 'punk' instead.

>Man... I'm proud of all you. Other quests get all skittish when it comes to some fun exhibition stuff but you guys actually do it. Freaken proud.
This is the uncompromising power of nudity in full force!

Partial force. Since none of us are fully nude.


>If we vote for X and Y in equal measure, will The Power of Compromise make them naked or fully clothed?
Stop gaming the system!

"We should probably obtain some proper spelunking gear in case we need it," you say.

"Uh, but all the stores are closed," Skif points out. "Why don't we just see what we have at home?"

"Addressing our mistress so casually...!" Sir Duke reacts, looking almost comically surprised.

"Knight I am to Ceri, but I'm also her friend. I've known her all my life," Skif says. "Which means I know enough to realize I have to ensure she doesn't literally actually consider breaking into the mall."

"I-I wasn't gonna have a vote on that!" you protest, even though you were totally gonna have a vote on that.

Skif offers a long dramatic sigh. "Oh Ceri, just what am I gonna do with you?"

"Shower me in affection!" you insist.

"Maybe... if you're a good girl."

"I-I didn't give you permission to flip the power dynamic!!"


Saint Duke seems momentarily thoughtful, as if considering something. His eyes dart back and forth between the two of you.

"Ah, I truly do have much to make up for," he finally says.

You consider asking him what he means, but you're losing precious time standing here doing nothing!

"All right, everyone!" you announce. "Let's grab some supplies and meet back here!"

"Yes, mistress!" "Right away, my queen!" The two respond at the same time.

"sir skif, does this mean she intends to let us decide our own state of dress?"

"not sure. i totally had her pegged as making that decision for us."

"heehee, pegged."


No. 992814 ID: 2451c3
File 161654430631.png - (269.64KB , 800x600 , 1632.png )

"AHEM! I just remembered! I've decided you two are going to be BOTTOMLESS for this adventure!

:saintduketalk_happy: "A wise decision as always, my lady!"

:skiftalk_moreshocked: "How'd you even do that!? I didn't feel them come off! Ceri you betrayed me!!!"

:ceritalk_smug: "Hmhmhmm~ Betray? You know the only person I work for is myself."

:skiftalk_neutral: "You know that's not true. I've seen your SELF vs COMP bar."


:skiftalk_happy: "Defunct or not, it clearly indicated how selfless you are~!"

:saintduketalk_smile: "Tis true! There's no denying your kind and generous heart! When I saw how hard you worked helping Miss Kharadra, I felt that generosity flow through me too!"

:skiftalk_happy: "Believe it or not, it's not just her assets that motivate us. You make us all want to be better people. No self-serving person could ever accomplish that!"

:ceritalk_shocked: "Am-- am I losing this discussion??"

:ceritalk_morewat: "FINE! M-maybe I wasn't actually going to make you do anything! Doesn't mean you had to call me out like that!"

:skiftalk_happy: "A proper knight makes sure to keep his queen on her toes."

:ceritalk_defeated: "I already walk on my toes..."

Skif lowers his pants, giving you a wink. Seems he intended to do this the whole time and was just...

...teasing you...


You need to put him in Momrantine!!!

In high spirits, the three of you depart to gather some supplies from your respective homes. Ropes? Bombs? It's ours, my friend, because we already had that shit at home.

that won't age well

Your mind wanders as you collect supplies...
No. 992815 ID: 2451c3
File 161654430982.png - (119.78KB , 800x600 , 1633.png )

Punk Ceri would deal with the wickedly uncool news that she was a DRAGON, a race of demi-gods that locked themselves away from the world long ago.

Her lifelong friend, Skif, would have taken the news well... on the surface. But she'd have known the gears were turning in his head.

But as she'd ponder about Dragons, and the perception that they're evil and uncool, she'd realize something.

Is being a dragon uncool, really? What if they were actually, you know, really fuckin' cool? Then she'd be really fuckin' cool! Maybe this wasn't a curse, but a blessing in disguise!

The more she'd think about it, the more it'd make sense. Even if they weren't cool by default, someone as powerful as a dragon could choose to be cool. or nice if they were lame. A dragon Ceri could be as cool as she wanted, and nobody could fuckin' stop her.

She would get really excited at the thought, grinning for just a second before coughing and resuming her cool expression.

You, as Real Ceri, can't help but smile while imagining that. Even Punk Ceri is still Ceri.
No. 992816 ID: 2451c3
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The three of you meet north of town. Beyond is a grand forest.

"So what did we all bring?" you ask.


Time to decide what everyone brought! Don't worry about how that works! VOTE FOR AS MANY CHOICES AS YOU WANT! Be aware: The amount of items brought will depend on the RATIO of votes. The more things you vote for, the less influence your vote will have overall. Three is a good number to use for a good mix of voting power vs amount of things chosen.

A: Rope!
Always useful for climbing! But do keep in mind you have PORTAL MAGIC.

B: Bombs!
What-- you were just kidding about that! Where'd you get those!?

:saintduketalk_blushu: "F-from Siphon... who got them from Eezeryh..."

Sigh. Who knows, maybe they'll come in handy. Not like you have EXPLOSION MAGIC yet

C: Weapons! and Armor!
If you run into some kind of GREAT B-- MONSTER, these could be useful in fighting it, maybe? Obviously you won't wear the armor unless needed for obvious reasons~

besides, your HYBRID REPTILIAN/DRAGON SCALES have better defense.

D: Vibrators!
What-- again!? SIPHON!!!!!!

E: Pickaxe!
For digging through rock! Will this even come up? Digging is more that other quest's thing. Still, it could be fun to watch the boys work up a sweat...~

F: Lanterns!
Your FIRE MAGIC is pretty poor, so this could improve your ability to see at a distance. Of course, you won't train your FIRE if you don't use it!

G: First aid!
Your ARMO(u)R is very high, meaning it's damn-near impossible for you to get hurt. But the same can't be said for Sir Duke and Sir Skif. A shame there's no HEALING MAGIC, huh? well there's life-magic i guess but that's forbidden also you don't know how to use it

H: A whip!

No comment.

"Right! This should do!" you say, leaving things vague for voting reasons. "Let's get to it!"

"Um. Are you sure we can make it all the way to the cave before morning?" Skif asks.

"I guess it's a tall ask for us to just walk there, huh..."

Using ONE VOTE, how will the gang get to the NORTHERN CAVE in short order?

X: Portals!
This will drain a lot of MP, but it's fast, easy, and safe.

Y: Dragon form!
Using your D-WINGS might sound scary after you damaged your stat screen running after Daatra, but if you don't use any DRAGON ENERGY, you'll put yourself in danger of an overflow. Also you don't know how much D you have because you broke that stat entirely.

This isn't stressful at all!

Doing this would bleed a lot of DRAGON ENERGY, which could be a good idea or not!

Z: Carry Saint Duke and fly with Skif!
Using a smaller amount of D, you can use your D-WINGS in normal form to lift Saint Duke into the air. Skif can already fly, thanks to those wings he sometimes but not always gets drawn with.

Hmm? Polymorph into a giant bird (concerned dolphin to come later)? You're not very good at flying as a bird, so the added power of D-WINGS is the only way you'll manage to lift Saint Duke safely.

you promise you'll go back to making one decision per update soon.
No. 992817 ID: b1b4f3


Z/y. Burn that D. If you feel like you're going to overstrain yourself you can just stop.
No. 992818 ID: 3edd0d

A, B, F

Duke's arrows could be tied to the rope for climbing around if he shoots strong hopefully.

That's why you should carry him so he's kept ready! Z
No. 992819 ID: 031458



Tooootaly not suggesting you take stuff to be dominated with while choosing a method that will utterly exhaust you
No. 992820 ID: 736b7e

A, D and G. Get to practicing that fire magic!

Y because gotta do more dragon
No. 992821 ID: 0fae41

Bombs and a whip!
No. 992823 ID: b74a2f

C, A, Z
No. 992824 ID: 5f3276

A/B/H; solid list of supplies. Plus, you need to train fire so no lanterns!
Z; listen to your heritage! Take to the skies and (force) let your friends to join you there!

Ceri, your Punk AU has a sick poster. Steal it’
No. 992825 ID: 0bfc71

Bombs. and G, A, Z
No. 992849 ID: 1d042d

Judging from the state of their crotch area, it doesnt seem like they are too... "excited" to go on this mission if you know what I mean. We should probably fix that asap.

A, D, H

(Have your partners "wear" the roap)

No. 992850 ID: 7f1230

G; just in case
No. 992855 ID: 5b0071

and Z
No. 992857 ID: 88dbb5

Mmmmm, bombs! B, Z
Could be bombs that just, explode the clothes off things in a cartoony fashion!
No. 992859 ID: d44835

A, because rope is useful for many things besides climbing; F, but only as a backup to the magic and the convenience of your companions; and G, because it's sensible!

As for how to get where you're going... why fly at all? I vote for, uhhhh W, where you make yourself very large and thereby the distance will be shorter to you and you can walk, carrying your companions. You might cause cryptid rumours from people seeing your giant shadow in the distance, but if they're giant sexy naked lady shaped cryptid rumours, they'll probably be dismissed. It'll also help you practice the magics you need for getting huge.
No. 992860 ID: 0bcfd9

B, G, Z
First-aid lets you go nuts with explosions, right?
No. 992873 ID: 6093e4

A & H because ;)

and Z
No. 992878 ID: be3107

Bring your GBA! Z.
No. 992894 ID: c09f5e

A, G
If you seeking to expand your MAGIC toolkit, you might as well look out for ways to maintain or improve your VIGOR, like rock climbing. Just to keep you vigilant, mind you. You'd see little gains as an adult; You weren't into any gyms growing up.

As fun as these fantasies are (try to keep having them they're fun and adventure-relevant if I'm right), don't forget to be confident in who you are now. You may not be a PUNK, but you're a much more lovable archetype: the MAGICAL GIRL.
No. 992895 ID: 67ceb6

G, A, B, and Z
No. 992902 ID: fa2754

Rope could come in handy with some subtle lightning and the nice buzzing of a toy..
No. 992911 ID: f4cc93

C, we know Skif has this and it can prove more useful than just ceremonial looks. F, G and maybe some Ds with your H. Oh Siphon~

No. 992912 ID: f8fa51


You don't have to use the lantern if you bring it, but it'll be a good backup in case your fire magic turns out not to be enough.
No. 992922 ID: 7992ee


No. 992941 ID: 36784c

C , F , G

No. 992961 ID: 0989bc

C. You totally raided your dad's stash of firearms that he keeps.

X. Cuz overloading seems to move the plot in interesting directions so lets do that.
No. 992962 ID: a447ec

Yes, just H.
I'm really curious to know if a large proportion of H votes would lead to a larger amount of whips, or just one whip that has a comical amount of length to it.
No. 992964 ID: ef6063

B, G, A, Z
No. 992971 ID: a9af05

>How'd you even do that!? I didn't feel them come off!
Ceri, do you have a hidden Pickpocket stat? Because if you do, then I think it's safe to say that you maxed out that stat.

Also, be careful with how you use this skill of yours. You don't want to give anyone the wrong idea and think you're a thief!


No. 993024 ID: 2c7a4b

No. 993094 ID: 3fd119

B, D, G, and Y for good measure.
No. 993308 ID: 529620


"Ropes? Bombs? It's ours, my friend, because we already had that shit at home."
10/10 would bring rupees again
No. 993409 ID: 2451c3
File 161688829011.png - (204.31KB , 800x600 , 1635.png )

No cave adventure's complete without an overly complicated STAT SCREEN!

What? It's showing actual numbers for once? Oh gods we're all doomed.

I-it'll be fine. Technically, numbers were used the entire time! They were just hidden! Speaking of numbers, you notice something odd about those HP totals.

:ceritalk_neutral: Why are you two hurt? Did something happen?

:skiftalk_moreshocked: STILL NOT TALKING ABOUT IT.

:ceritalk_defeated: I can just ask Siphon what happened, you know.

:saintduketalk_shocked: H-how did you know she had that information!

:ceritalk_gentle: It's generally a safe bet.

:skiftalk_stressed: Okay okay you caught us! Sir Duke and I sparred a bit. We used Eezeryh's new COMBAT CHAMBER.

:ceritalk_neutral: Huh. Is it safe?

:saintduketalk_shocked: I-it still has some kinks to work out. Also nothing else happened.

:skiftalk_shocked: Yep. Nothing else at all.

Your eyes narrow a bit. The most suspicious thing of all is how much they're cooperating.

But you trust they'll tell you when they feel comfortable doing so. No need to push it.

A combat chamber, huh? It sounds like it'd be a lot of fun seeing how well your magic handles a sparring situation, but... with your damaged seal, something about the idea makes you feel uneasy...

A problem for later. For now-- oh hey, Saint Duke has MP!

:ceritalk_smile: I didn't know you could use magic!

:saintduketalk_smile: Ah, yes! I've some skill with ICE MAGIC, my lady!

:skiftalk_chrival: 'Some'.

:saintduketalk_chrival: It's not very chivalrous to degrade a knight's magical prowess!

:skiftalk_chrival: Nor is it chivalrous to lead with your weaker school of magic!

:saintduketalk_shocked: H-how can you tell!? Did our match truly reveal that much about me??

:skiftalk_neutral: I can 'smell' magic. But why hide your main skill?

:saintduketalk_blushu: I-I didn't want Mistress Ceri to live in fear that I would abuse my powers for perverted aims!

:ceritalk_confused: What, you know INVISIBILITY or something?

:saintduketalk_shocked: I-I would never abuse such a power to rid you of your privacy, milady!!!

:ceritalk_gentle: I wouldn't worry about that.
No. 993410 ID: 2451c3
File 161688829838.png - (206.17KB , 800x600 , 1636.png )

:ceritalk_smile: You can already see my vagina, see? Especially if I lift my tummy up a bit!


:ceritalk_happy: Thanks I think! My boobies tend to steal the show, so it's nice to be complicated on other features!

>Judging from the state of their crotch area, it doesnt seem like they are too... "excited" to go on this mission if you know what I mean. We should probably fix that asap.

there was a reason you made sure to show some nipple as well...~

>Ceri, do you have a hidden Pickpocket stat? Because if you do, then I think it's safe to say that you maxed out that stat.
Pickpocket runs off MIND which you have a buttload of. Or something!? You're much too honest a person to ever try that, though.

Ahem. While Sir Duke... cools off a bit, you finally get around to checking your INVENTORY.

:ceritalk_smile: Let's see. We brought two ROPES, two FIRST-AID KITS, one BOMB, and...

:ceritalk_blushu: A whip!?

:saintduketalk_blushu: S-Siphon must have snuck that into my pack!

:ceritalk_defeated: Just what have you two been getting up to...?

:saintduketalk_blushu: W-worry not about that, my lady!

:skiftalk_happy: How about you take Siphon, and leave Lady Ceri to me~?

:saintduketalk_chrival: A good knight shares their wealth with others, Sir Skif.

:skiftalk_chrival: Perhaps so, but it's important to appreciate what you have, Sir Duke.

:saintduketalk_chrival: Indeed! And the greatest prize of all--

:ceritalk_annoyed: A-hem.

:saintduketalk_shocked: N-not to imply either of you belong to us!

:ceritalk_annoyed: Seriously, you two. You have the wrong mindset.

:ceritalk_smug: It's you who belong to me. Get it right~

or maybe we all belong to siphon...

:skiftalk_shocked: Wait, are...

:saintduketalk_shocked: Are we just pieces of meat!?

:ceritalk_lookaway_noanim: ....

:ceritalk_happy: Let's get going!
No. 993411 ID: 2451c3
File 161688830688.png - (244.11KB , 800x600 , 1637.png )

"A-are you sure this is safe!?" Duke asks, his voice quivering slightly as his boner from before nopes the hell out.


"M-mistress Ceri!"

"Heehee, I could certainly get used to seeing you quiver in my presence~"


"...But in a different context. Hey, don't worry! I polymorphed a bit more muscle into my arms, so I'm not having any issues carrying you!"

"I'm more concerned with those strange magicks coming out of your back!"

"Oh! That's..."

"Ceri has TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAGIC," Skif says, floating up to meet you. "You can do some pretty surprising things when you control PORTAL, INVISIBILITY, and TELEPORT."

"Oh, I see!" Duke says. "Of course mistress Ceri wouldn't be content with simple hovering!"

You hesitate. You don't like lying...

"That's right!" Skif says. "it's a COMBO SPELL, using TELEPORT to move light around, to..."

Skif please don't over-explain how it works even I don't know how that'd be possible.

"Well, it's a bit beyond me," he thankfully admits. "But what better way to show her regal air?"

"Ah, to be held by such a refined woman...!" Duke says, swooning so hard you almost drop him. Totally safe!

Thanks, Skif. You'll tell Sir Duke the truth eventually, but not... not here. Not yet.

"oh shit wait i could have just described it as one of eezeryh's inventions," Skif whispers.

"...What?" Duke--

"HEY OKAY LET'S GO ALREADY I CAN'T HOLD HIM FOREVER!" you broadcast over any thoughts going on through his head.

"Y-yes, of course! Onward, my lady!" Skif says.

Despite the conversation, the trip goes without issue. As you use your D-WINGS, you feel a pressure give way to relief, a feeling that's difficult to describe. Something doesn't hurt, which tells you your D-ENERGY is in a better state now.

You enter the cave...
No. 993412 ID: 2451c3
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"Hard to see," Skif says.

"I-I'm doing my best!" you protest!" I only got FIRE MAGIC a little bit ago! B-besides, this tiny flame means my MP won't be drained much!"

"Haha, I guess that's true."

A few steps in and you hardly need magic at all to see something you've never seen before.

"The hell is that?" Skif asks.

"It almost looks like a plant, kind of," you say.

Saint Duke bends down, giving full view of his weasel hiney. "There's a bunch of clocks here. Very strange... they're all a few minutes off from each other."

"It'd probably be weirder if they were in sync," you say. "Clocks aren't exactly perfect."

"Ah, true..."

As you and Skif step closer to the glowy plant-thing, you halt in your tracks as you sense something... familiar.

Skif's eyes widen as he likely smells the same thing you're feeling.

This is life-magic.

You can't just leave the life-plant-thing alone. If this is LIFE-MAGIC, you need to learn as much as you can about what you're up against. What will you do? Use your PRIMARY and SECONDARY votes to decide.

A: Have Skif move closer to inspect the LIFE-PLANT.
Skif is a Galeacoma. Beyond their ability to smell magic, they are naturally a bit resistant to magic.

B: Investigate the LIFE-PLANT yourself.
You can also sense magic in your own unique way, and you're very resistant to magic. You recall a time Gulketi's malfunctioning magic affected Skif, but didn't affect you.

C: Use the WHIP to tear the plant apart.
Do you know how to use a whip? This is a good time to learn!

D: Saint Duke offers to throw his knife at it.
A knife? Duke's WEAPON could cut a piece off of the plant, giving you something smaller and potentially safer to examine. If he doesn't straight up miss, of course. What was his SPEED, again?

E: Throw the bomb at it!!!
An explosive option!
No. 993414 ID: e51896

Primary A: Let Skiff look at it.

Secondary D

Don't you dare go near that plant, it may mess with your seal. I'm against B and C
No. 993416 ID: 0fae41

B! and maybe e if you really, really had to. But get in there and wrestle that vine, Ceri!
Hmm. Could time magic be afoot?
No. 993417 ID: 3edd0d

Knife! D, A
No. 993421 ID: e7848c

Always go with knives.
skif works too I guess
No. 993422 ID: 2748b3

If in doubt, poke the mystery thing! Primary B, secondary A!
No. 993423 ID: 736b7e

B, D
No. 993424 ID: 88dbb5

D, b Does Duke shoot knives like arrows?
No. 993426 ID: b1b4f3


Is it possible for us to just... not investigate the plant?
No. 993427 ID: 031458


FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE is it's own treasure!
No. 993428 ID: b74a2f

D, B
No. 993438 ID: e85a08

No. 993439 ID: 75efdc


No. 993443 ID: 9a2966

>Are we just pieces of meat!?
Technically, yes? But the flavor matters.

Metaphorically speaking.

The metaphor is that at some point you will be eaten out.

Or you will be eating out. Enjoying a delicious meal. Like spaghetti.

Which is not meat, but we're still in metaphor-land. I think.


A, d!

Let our noble knights do some work, for once.
No. 993445 ID: 0989bc

No. 993452 ID: cdabe3

No. 993482 ID: 5b0071

A or B
violence doesn't seem like a good first step
No. 993494 ID: c09f5e

A, B

You did have an existential crisis the last time you got involved. But if you can't hang behind your knight, well... Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
No. 993516 ID: f8fa51

No. 993520 ID: 3a3c64

Primary C
Secondary A
No. 993545 ID: f9464a

Primary A

Secondary B
No. 993555 ID: 36784c

>it's nice to be complimented on other features!
You have lovely thighs and a cute tail!

>Are we just pieces of meat!?
Says the guy that was treating you as some kinda prized object to be won in a contest.

A , b
No. 993558 ID: 0bfc71

D, b
No. 993569 ID: a447ec

Try cautiously approaching and cutting some off. It might work as ketza repellent in spite of the slightly turquoise glow.
No. 993659 ID: 7cda1d

B, a
No. 993742 ID: f3f534

>Compliment other features
You have a cute tummy!

>What do?
Primary A

Secondary B
No. 993862 ID: f9464a

You have hypnotic hips and an amazing ass!
No. 993863 ID: 2451c3
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>Don't you dare go near that plant, it may mess with your seal.
If it was any other type of magic, this would be a no-brainer.


It's the type of magic Euia, Mr. Ilan, used to 'create' you. The type of magic used to create your SEAL, holding back the dragon within.

For you especially, it's the most dangerous school of magic to be around.

But your legs refuse to take you away. Your eyes dare not even blink.

What makes you different from this plant? You're both creations. You were both born of LIFE-MAGIC. In a strange way, this plant could be considered your kin.

And something about it feels so...

No. 993864 ID: 2451c3
File 161714431798.png - (244.71KB , 800x600 , 1640.png )

Euia would stare down Punk Ceri as she'd demand to know more about her dragon parents. A flick of his tongue and a shimmer in his magical limbs would betray his hesitation despite his stern demeanor.

"There is a reason Life-Magic is forbidden, child. With sufficient power, one could do some truly horrible things with the power to create and manipulate life itself."

"So my parents did some bad shit with it? That'd explain my punk attitude," Punk-Attitude-Ceri would say.

"No, I'm pretty sure you got that from your adopted mother."

"Heh. True. Now come on, old man. Tell me what awesome crimes they committed!"

"I would not describe their crimes as 'awesome', child. The dragons sentenced them to nonexistence for what they wrought."

"Right. Gonna be any less vague about that?"

"It'd be better if you didn't know, for your own good."

"goddammit i'm so tired of being told that"

"There are many who would wish to harm you. Even I am no saint, child. I believed it assinine to punish an unborn child for her parent's sins, but my actions were largely for your father's sake. Despite his crimes, I owed him a great debt."

Euia would examine his magical limbs. "After all, he taught me everything I know."

"'Kay. So how about teaching me Life-Magic so I can defend myself then?"

"I won't live long enough to do that."

"So, what-- Life-Magic is like calculus?"

The snake would emit hissing noises akin to laughter, something Real Ceri struggled to get him to do. But Real Ceri did hug him so she totally wins.

"Perhaps I'd compare it more to Holomorphic Harmonic Analysis."

you have no idea what that is you just heard someone say it once then they started sobbing uncontrollably

Punk Ceri's eyes would widen. "Dragon-Jesus!"


Real Ceri would never have the guts to make that joke. You're in awe at the sheer audacity.
No. 993865 ID: 2451c3
File 161714432458.png - (242.06KB , 800x600 , 1641.png )

Mr. Ilan would try to give you a FLIGHT FORM, since bird won in this universe, but his attempts to give you a flat chest would end in failure. Real Ceri would take a moment to reflect on how 'modest' her original body was. Look! Her nipples still point up a bit! Not like the larger, softer chest you have now.

Hmm? No, no. You don't want to go back to that. Real Ceri's got something pretty damn good going on. Right, GB and CD~?

so soft~

"It seems your dragon magic fought me to the bitter end," Mr. Ilan would say, interrupting Boobie Time.

"That's 'cause I happen to agree with it. How can I consider piercing my nips if I don't have any? Tits are amazing, man. More than that, they're part of my style."

Euia's surprise would not be well hidden. "But... but you're less aerodynamic!"

"Who gives a shit? If I need more speed, I can just do this."
No. 993866 ID: 2451c3
File 161714432947.png - (241.95KB , 800x600 , 1642.png )

And like magic, her comparatively modest breasts would give way to flatness. Except this wasn't POLYMORPH; This was an alternate form!

"See? Don't need to waste any fuckin' MP, either."

"I don't understand," Euia would say. "You shouldn't have this power. This control."

"I dunno man, you keep saying dragons are hot shit. Pretty much guarantees I'd be the best bitch around."

"One I managed to underestimate..."

What an exciting cliff-hanger! But why did your mind wander like that? Better start paying attention to what Real Ceri's doing.
No. 993867 ID: 2451c3
File 161714433726.png - (275.91KB , 800x600 , 1643.png )

Godsdammit you grabbed the plant without thinking about it.


Well, nothing bad seems to be happening. Things that hurt: 0

you feel momentarily bad for teasing people with that

This plant doesn't look to be intended as a weapon. It seems like an ordinary everyday plant, if you ignore all the ominous glowing. That rules out it being a biological LIFE-MAGIC weapon. This plant is probably like the clocks Sir Duke found... experiments.

That has some worrying implications.

"Are you okay!?" Skif asks.

"Why wouldn't she be, Sir Skif? Even if it had thorns, her scales look quite tough!"

"We just said that plant was LIFE-MAGIC!"

"Life-what?" Sir Duke asks.

"What do you mean 'life-what'?? It's the most forbidden school of magic! Didn't you learn about it in school!?"


"Surely a knight as educated as yourself... wait."

Skif realizes the same thing you do.

"Mr. Ilan taught us about it for a reason," you say. "Reasons that should be pretty obvious by now."

:saintduketalk_shocked: "Lady Ceri, I implore you to explain what you're talking about! F-for Skif's sake!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "You're the one who doesn't know what it is!"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "A-a true knight is ever willing to learn new things!"

"Okay fine", Skif says, ending the bout disappointingly early. "Life magic is..."

As Skif explains the forbidden art, you remain transfixed on the plant. You don't have Life-Magic, but could you coax your inner dragon to like, loan you some?

Hmm. It'd probably be easier to ask for WATER MAGIC from the WATER DRAGON inside you. Even though dragons can use every school of magic, they are strongest with their main element.

This seems dangerous, for sure. But if you are somehow able to use LIFE-MAGIC, you could repair your own seal, buying some much-needed time. And WATER MAGIC is sure to come in handy. Assuming anything actually happens.

There are two PATHS ahead. Your PRIMARY VOTE acts as a PATH vote as well. Your SECONDARY VOTE can still be used to pick another option in the PATH you chose, or to pick an option in the opposite PATH (in case your chosen path loses).

[Path of the plant...]

A: Attempt to LIFE-MAGIC the plant.
Will anything even happen?

B: Attempt to WATER-MAGIC the plant.
Having 7 schools of magic is cool, but no other mortal can use water! This would make you (more) unique!

C: Wrap the plant around you!
Time for a fashion statement!

D: Consume the plant.
What would happen...?

[Path of caution...]

E: Leave the plant alone and continue exploring.
Let's just move on... carefully.

F: Use Saint Duke's knife to bring a sample with you.
Maybe Eezeryh can study it later?
No. 993869 ID: 0fae41

D/f. D is for DRAGON, and sometimes DUMBASS but today is definitely a DRAGON day!
No. 993870 ID: 88dbb5

A, F
No. 993871 ID: 736b7e

A, B
No. 993873 ID: b1b4f3

Too risky to mess with the plant. Also, I don't want to see what happens if Eezeryh figures out life-magic.
If you do mess with the plant, at least do it in some way that approximates a "seal". Taking things out of you and shoving it at the plant is not seal-like at all. Neither is eating it, putting it inside you. Wrapping it around you is much more symbolic of containment.

E, c.
No. 993876 ID: 031458

What's the worst that can happen.
Surely the best idea, one that will in no way be regretted!

f is fine to I guess.
No. 993877 ID: 0bfc71

Oh dragon what will you do?
A, F, if nothing else carrying a chunk could be a backup light source here.
No. 993878 ID: 2748b3

D primary, F secondary. The part of my brain that encourages caution and the part of my brain that encourages dumb but fun ideas are fighting, and if it wasn't for the option to eat the plant then maybe caution would've won.

What's the worst that could happen from nibbling a highly magical plant?
No. 993881 ID: 3edd0d

F, A
No. 993882 ID: e5ae92

F, c
No. 993889 ID: cdabe3

The obvious choice is G, use it to relieve some stress~ the life magic will only enhance the sensation!

Or use dook’s knife if you’re too worried
No. 993891 ID: 67ceb6

Life-magic surely won't cause not-life right? A,F
If there's any time to practice any amount, testing on a plant seems like a good experiment on the fly.
No. 993909 ID: 7bd48e

D, A

I think we're all being way too over cautious over life magic.
No. 993910 ID: b74a2f

Primary A, secondary E
No. 993919 ID: 5b0071

E / b
No. 993923 ID: 7f1230

D, eating the plant would increase your life magic, and all your life magic modifications are beneficial... right?
f, you should take a sample regardless, possibly show to Euia instead.
No. 993925 ID: 0bcfd9

A, F
Perform life or save for later life-ing
No. 993968 ID: f8fa51

No. 994025 ID: e6f507

D. A.
No. 994029 ID: 36784c

E , c
No. 994041 ID: a3f415

Primary A
Secondary B
No. 994043 ID: fa2754

F, c
Always go with knife!
He could even cut out a few vines for some tribal outfit!
No. 994544 ID: 2451c3
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You consider your options. Euia warned against doing anything 'dragon-like', as it could aggravate your SEAL situation. You've done a less than stellar job at not being DOMINANT, a key thing you were warned against.

But each time the seal took damage, it wasn't because you 'felt dominant'. Rather, it was one action or another that weakened the vital cage surrounding your inner dragon.

...Surely you'd never consider something so obviously dangerous as literally trying to conjure LIFE-MAGIC from the very thing that could destroy everything you love if it broke free, right?. To do so would be insanity. Absolute madness.

You're smarter than that.


No, I have to know for sure.

This plant... it feels subtly different from the Life-Magic used by Euia. It's hard to describe, but it feels... rougher? Less refined.

It was created by a novice.
No. 994545 ID: 2451c3
File 161742123303.png - (129.06KB , 800x600 , 1645.png )

Focus... try to use Life-Magic. Make the plant grow, just a tiny bit.

"Uh, what are you trying to do?" Skif asks.

"Sir Skif! She's clearly trying to concentrate!" Saint Duke replies to a question not directed at him.

"I'm trying to see if I can use Life-Magic!" you answer, since the question was directed at you.

"What!?" came an unexpectedly earnest surprise from Saint Duke. "But you guys just said it was forbidden!"

"It does seem pretty dangerous, considering your..." he glances at Sir Duke. "...Problem."

"Yeah, I didn't expect this to win the vote. Normally my NEURONS are way, way more careful than this."

"Huh. Weird."

"Neurons??" Saint duduk asks. "You can exert that level of control over your own mind?? Is that a Life-Magic thing!?"

"If only you knew how little I want to think about that question," you say. Hard enough dealing with knowing that part of your mind was fabricated. Thinking about the specifics never puts you in a good headspace.

As if sensing my tension, Sir Duke doesn't press the matter. I continue to focus on the plant.

Come on...


Did it twitch?
No. 994546 ID: 2451c3
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Before you can process what happened, the plant crumbles to dust around you.

Saint Dook yelps in surprise. "My lady! You killed the plant somehow!"

"What did you try to do, Ceri?" Skif asks.

"I-I don't know. Did you 'smell' anything going on?" you ask, deciding to put your choice of partners to good use.

"Let's see. The LIFE-MAGIC in that plant had a kinda 'sour taste' to it. It wasn't very stable, I don't think. It almost smelled like... I guess ritual magic?"

Saint Dook's confusion grows with each line of dialog. "Smelling? Tasting? My good sir, magic is not breakfast cereal!"

"Didn't Siphon put you through a training course or something?" you ask.

"Of course! But what does that have to do with me knowing about your weird powers?"

Always be specific, Ceri!

so she really did avoid telling your secrets...

"I got it," Skif says. "Okay, my race is called Galeacoma, and we can..."

While Skif once again catches poor Saint Dook up on your quirky magical gimmicks, you notice a tunnel leading deeper into the cave.

Ritual Life-Magic, huh? That's a concerning thought. But... it makes sense. Almost all mortal magic originally existed in RITUAL form, something you're sure PUNK CERI will touch on later. There's not likely to be any mortals who can use it natively, Euia aside.

"All right, let's get moving," you say.

"Also we don't have buttholes," Skif finishes.

Extreme confusion overtakes Saint Dook's face. "But.. but how do you..."

"Ahem," you... ahem.

"R-right! Coming, mistress!"

"R-right behind you, Ceri!"
No. 994547 ID: 2451c3
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The tunnel seems to shrink as you travel through it, until the three of you are fairly cramped together. Eventually you can't stand anymore and have to crawl.

"Whew... how are the two of you doing back there?" you ask.

"T-the view... it's wonderful..."

"You're kinda in the way of my view," Skif says.

"A good knight knows when to-- don't stare at me!"

"You give me little choice, Sir Duke!"

'View'? What are they talking...


You lifted your tail out of habit, didn't you.

You instinctively lower it, prompting the sound of legitimate agony and disappointment from Saint Dook behind you. He's such an over-actor!


You know, this would be a pretty intimate spot to take a short 'rest'... Maybe break in Sir Duke, who you've yet to actually do anything with...~

What will you do?

[Path of cramped spaces...]

A: Skif on one end, Saint dook on the other~.

With space at a premium, having one in front and one in back is a powerful combo. Ah, to taste and feel them...

B: Lay back and see how well the two of them can please their mistress.
Do work yourself? That's what the hoard's for~

C: Please one with your breasts while sitting on the other.
You're a bit surprised you made it this far without a titty-fuck scene, actually. You're well equipped for that.

D: Try out a CUSTOM POSE.
Write your own ideas for a custom pose! A vote for D is a vote for the most popular CUSTOM POSE. Feel free to show support for someone's idea!

[Path of continuing to have no sex in a sex quest...]

E: Just move to the next room.
Your TILDE is only at like, 25%. Oh god more numbers.

F: Move forward, but tease the boys as you do~
Get them nice and ready for when you do bed them...~

G: Have one of them get in front so you get a view.
Your own Tilde needs a good workout!

Guest art by AQR!!
No. 994548 ID: ef6063

A, F
No. 994551 ID: 0bfc71

Primary A, secondary F
No. 994554 ID: 88dbb5

Powerful combos for a to-be-powerful dragon! A
Or a subtle power move in teasing them... F
No. 994555 ID: e7848c

B, a
By fate you WILL lewd your horde!
No. 994557 ID: b74a2f

An opportunity to feel out the newest member here is a good bonding moment as any!
No. 994558 ID: 0fae41

No. 994559 ID: cdabe3

Primary A, secondary G

You know, if one of them had to go in front, they’d have to squeeze by you first~...
No. 994560 ID: 5cc67d

A primary G secondary.

Gotta have something to look at too.
No. 994562 ID: 4854ef

Primary C, secondary B!
No. 994564 ID: 645f57

A, b
No. 994565 ID: 3edd0d

A, F
Who's to say you can't tease while things happen? Just fluster Duke witih him behind :3.

Also be sure they're under less cloth for maximum feel... ing?
No. 994570 ID: e85a08

Primary F, secondary D: B but with ropes involved to make you even more of a plaything.
No. 994575 ID: 921468

F. B.
No. 994578 ID: f8fa51


Now you know what kind of view you're giving the others, you can keep doing that. Just, you know, on purpose this time.
No. 994587 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 994594 ID: be3107

No. 994601 ID: 864e49

Oh how many options would open up if only you could do anal. PUNK CERI probably can.

D: You<-Duke<-Skif Choo choo all aboar-wait didn't he say he wasn't bi?
Shit, ok new idea both in one hole, have Duke lie on his back, have Skif fluff him while you slowly inch back over him, give him a taste of both downstairs and upstairs and then kiss him deeply as the two of them go to work on you.

C: Skif finally gets to enjoy those bad girls while Duke finally gets to experience his mistress.
No. 994604 ID: 736b7e

No. 994613 ID: 0fae41

Say, I wonder if you and/or Punk Ceri can use transdimensional magic to meet up and make out.
No. 994627 ID: 3a3c64

Primary G, Secondary F
No. 994631 ID: 5b0071

A or C
No. 994786 ID: 5ee86b

Seconding! A,F, and less clothes for the boys to ensure MAXIMUM FEELING!
No. 994803 ID: 094652

EConomic bust size
No. 994862 ID: 529620

No. 994899 ID: 8349ee

No. 995092 ID: ae723c
File 161775939030.png - (187.06KB , 800x600 , 1648.png )

That's odd. For a second there you thought sex actually won a vote for like the first time in your entire life.

You double check.

You rub your eyes, and check again.

Holy shit it really did win. Guess it's the apocalypse.

Wonder why you're suddenly so into the idea. Where's your TILDE at, anyway?
No. 995093 ID: ae723c
File 161775939455.png - (122.92KB , 800x600 , 1649.png )

Ah. Yeah, that'd do it.

>Say, I wonder if you and/or Punk Ceri can use transdimensional magic to meet up and make out.
Punk Ceri is just someone you're making up in your head. Also T-D MAGIC doesn't work that way! You could imagine making out with her, but wouldn't that be weird??? ... ... ... ... ...

"Alright boys, clothes off~ It's time to take a... break~"

"H-here?" Skif asks. "In this cramped tunnel?"

"Skif, my good sir," Duke says more forcefully than usual, "Now is not the time to question our mistress!"

"Listen to your chrival~" you say, flicking out your tongue even though you're not a snake-like reptilian.

"I just thought, you know, we were investigating this spooky cave... it just doesn't seem--"

"DUDE." Saint yells, breaking his chivalrous character.

Looking around, you realize the specific position you have in mind would be a bit difficult to pull off here. You glance further down a tunnel, and see a spot where things open up just a bit-- enough so to allow the boys to stand.

You beckon the boys to follow. Skif is still a bit uncertain about this, clearly expecting as you had for the sex vote to lose again. You think sexy thoughts as you move, trying to ensure you're ready for a smooth 'entry'.

"I just... here? Now?" Skif says, reluctance in his voice as he starts to realize just what he's arguing against.

Once you make it to a roomier spot, you remove the top half of the OUTFIT OF DESTINY. Since that was also the only half you were wearing, you find yourself completely exposed.

"Nevermind I'm immediately convinced," Skif says.

"Good boy~" you coo. "Now get in front of me. I wanna feel you both...~"

"Not gonna try for another Ceri sandwich?"

"I dunno. I had mixed feelings about that. Besides, I have another idea~"
No. 995094 ID: ae723c
File 161775939787.png - (314.95KB , 800x600 , 1650.png )

Skif's reluctance vanishes the moment you feel him in your mouth. You look back to saint and wiggle your butt a bit, enticing him to join the fun.

Skif moans softly as you slide your tongue around his member. Your experience has taught you how to keep your teeth out of the way, giving him quite a pleasurable experience~

You move your head, sliding his manhood in and out of your mouth. You expect him to grab onto your shoulders, but he seems to be holding his arms out awkwardly, as if considering something.

...You soon realize there's nothing happening behind you.

You pull away from Skif, causing him to whimper slightly. "Sir Duke? Are you gonna..."

"I-I didn't w-want to make a-assumptions!" he says. You can tell it's taking every fiber of his being to remain where he is.

You huff out of frustration. "How big a hint do you need!? Get over here and fuck your mistress." You demand.

"Y-y-y-y-yes ma'am!!!"
No. 995095 ID: ae723c
File 161775940197.png - (470.89KB , 931x732 , 1651.png )

There's a familiar yet unique feeling as Sir Duke timidly enters you. He feels so different from the rugged design of Skif, or the smooth tentacles of Gulketi. He's warm... each twitch revealing how desperate he is to fill you with his seed. Perhaps it's only his chilvary that gives him the strength to hold back.

What the--! Skif has grabbed your horns! You didn't... mmm... ok fine...

You begin to slide back and forth, taking in Duke as Skif slides out, and vice versa. As you find your rhythm, you feel your breasts seek out a rhythm of their own. Their larger, softer nature makes their movements larger, and you definitely feel them. It's a bit embarrassing; You almost feel like some kind of cow.

And yet, their movements, and the soft jiggling of your tummy and buttocks, reveal just how soft you are. You feel... feminine. Beautiful.

You moan slightly, the act eliciting a similar sound in Skif. Seems he likes the extra vibrations~

Saint Duke is breathing heavily. He's twitching so much, struggling not to orgasm before his lady is fully satisfied. Perhaps he could teach Skif a thing or two after all!

Skif, for his part, also hasn't filled you yet. He's been training well~


Mmm... This is nice. To have them both under your spell... to feel them fighting their own desires for the sake of your own...

It's... so nice... and....mmm....mnnnaahhmmmm...~

"Don't stop..." you begcommand.

Familiar contractions fills your walls as pleasure wells up inside you. As if finally getting permission, the boys don't hold back anymore, and fill you till you fear you will burst. There's so much warmth... so much love...~

Panting heavily, you share a knowing look with the boys.

This was just round one.

But just how should you spice it up for round two? You think on the items you brought with you. There's a few new things you could try with them...~

[Path of... Bonding]

A: Utilize the ROPE.
Haven't really given bondage a go yet...~

B: Utilize the WHIP.
Ah, the combination of pain and pleasure~

C: First-aid kits means you can scratch them up a bit!
Ah, leaving love marks~

there's no way to use the bomb here.

[Path of the positions]

D: Time to use GB and CD.
Can you make them orgasm with your boobs...?

E: Receive oral love.
They sure made a mess... time for them to clean it up~

F: Let the boys decide what to do next.
What ideas do 'the boys' come up with?
No. 995097 ID: 0fae41

>there's no way to use the bomb here.
That's coward talk. Use portal magic to drop it at a safe distance while still hearing it and get off with a BANG.
No. 995098 ID: 3edd0d

Position Power! PP?
D, C
No. 995100 ID: 9f4fe4

D for some tiddy action.
No. 995102 ID: 79be20

[F] primary (you need to keep up that not-too-dominance!), [A] secondary. Though why not combine the two...?

Not to interrupt, by the way, but, are you just a little taller than your boys than usual? That's fun, you should keep some size difference play in mind for your loyal lads later. And not worry about the implications of seeming a little taller and noticing how small the tunnel is directly after that life magic plant poofed in your hands, at least until after you've finished enjoying yourselves.
No. 995114 ID: e7848c

Those are the battle scars every warrior strives for. Don't deny them the honor of that. Don't your knights deserve to bear your mark? Grace them with that. They'll thank you for it.
No. 995115 ID: be3107

Surround yourself in Cute Furry... Boyness.
D, C
No. 995127 ID: cdabe3

C, d
No. 995138 ID: 88dbb5

C, d
No. 995162 ID: f8fa51

A, let them tie you up.
f, let them decide what to do next.
No. 995165 ID: 9a2966

E, a
No. 995192 ID: 0cb682

No. 995194 ID: 2c7a4b

Primary C
Secondary D
No. 995199 ID: 7cfa4c

Use the bomb anyway.
No. 995203 ID: ef6063

C or D
No. 995206 ID: 864e49

F, 2 boiz 1 hole
D, fuckable nipNO!
No. 995207 ID: 3d5d68

C all the way, draw a little blood then kiss them better
No. 995228 ID: 5b0071

F or D
who knows F might become D
No. 995236 ID: 1ca7c2

D, and why not throw in some breast expansion as well?
No. 995242 ID: 67ceb6

C], otherwise D
Try marks from just a good old "accidentally" too hard hug.
No. 995243 ID: 75efdc

C, F
No. 995289 ID: b74a2f

No. 995344 ID: c09f5e

D, A
No. 995357 ID: 094652

Enhance knockers so large that they flood the whole passage, gently crushing the boys between your inconveniently inflated life rafts until they scream the safe word!
No. 995363 ID: 36784c

F , d
No. 995366 ID: 0bfc71

Let's C some LOVE MARKS from... rough huggin?
Alternatively D
No. 995463 ID: a9af05

No. 995469 ID: b38fab

No. 995500 ID: 8d4bb7

F, d
No. 995796 ID: 2be85e

Man that's Hot [b]A/F[b/]
No. 995798 ID: 1bef97

C, E
No. 995952 ID: 2451c3
File 161831726535.png - (311.07KB , 800x600 , 1652.png )

While everyone recovers and you wait to tell the boys they are far from finished, you think about Punk Ceri some more. Oh! She's at the part where Euia spooked you for no damn reason!

"Barriers are bullshit," she'd huff, not being remotely spooked the way you were.

Mr. Ilan would explain the reason you've known Skif all your life. He was the 'backup plan', should your INNER DRAGON ever break free. He would use the ENSLAVEMENT RITUAL to try and control the dragon, forming an unbreakable pair between DRAGON and RIDER.

Mr. Ilan's Dragon friend insisted on this contingency plan in exchange for helping Euia get you out of the DRAGON LANDS, which exist behind the DRAGON BARRIER that separates them from the mortals.

...Are you paying attention? Oh dear, surely you aren't skipping all this important recap just to get to the good part, right?

Anyway, Real Ceri (that's you!) would ultimately decide to look into the history of the ENSLAVEMENT RITUAL, discovering it's a corrupted form of the FRIENDSHIP RITUAL which bonded a dragon with not a DRAGON RIDER, but a DRAGON KNIGHT.
No. 995953 ID: 2451c3
File 161831726814.png - (202.38KB , 800x700 , 1653.png )

Punk Ceri would have other ideas.

"If I use the ritual you'd be my slave, right?"

"M-mistress, please! I-I don't think it works that way!"

"Hmm, maybe not. How about you be my slave anyway~"


"Maybe I can make you cum with just my foot~ Ah, to watch you squirm helplessly beneath me..."

"B-but I want to be inside you again! L-like our first time..."

Punk Ceri enjoys making Not-So-Punk Skif whimper. "Maybe if you can withstand my foot, I'll let you taste paradise again. Then, if you do a really good job, I'll let you feel paradise as well~"

"O-oh gosh...!"

Real Ceri likes the way Punk Ceri thinks.
No. 995954 ID: 2451c3
File 161831727165.png - (341.46KB , 800x600 , 1654.png )

You grasp Saint Dook with your claws as you pull his body intimately close to your own.

"There's something that needs to be made clear," you purr.

"Siphon might play with you from time to time, but you're my toy...~"

"M-m-mistress..." Duke whimpers.

"Perhaps I should leave a dr--"


"A normal reptilian mark on you...~"


"M-mistress... Siphon and I..."

"Siphon will get hers soon~ But for now, I want to see how long you can last inside me~"

The TILDE levels are through the roof.

Skif huffs behind you. "Probably shouldn't kill him if you wanna continue exploring the cave."

Oh dear, is he jealous? Normally he's fine with... ah, it's because it's Saint Duke, his chrival. How interesting~

"I wonder if you can cum just by watching us~" You muse aloud.

"F-from you and--!" Skif's attempt to look disgusted is betrayed by his rising erection at the thought.

"n...no sossig..." Saint Duke says weakly. So he doesn't swing that way? There goes 5 really hot ideas you had.

"Don't you dare focus on anyone but me," you demand. "Focus as I bring you both pain and... pleasure~"

He opens his mouth to speak, but is stopped by your kiss. You thrust your tongue inside his mouth, giving him a preview of just what a dragon's tongue is capable of.

Your soft stomach feels something press against it, revealing the end to his refractory period. Now, what to do next...
No. 995955 ID: 2451c3
File 161831727468.png - (166.53KB , 800x600 , 1655.png )

>Enhance knockers so large that they flood the whole passage
No. 995956 ID: 2451c3
File 161831727857.png - (368.99KB , 800x600 , 1656.png )

"Don't you dare move a muscle~" you demand as you position yourself on top of Saint Duke, sliding him inside you.

Skif sits nearby, clearly intending to follow through with your earlier musing. Just who can last longer, you wonder...?

You dig into Saint Dook's back, forcing him to hold the both of you up with his arms. He seems to strain slightly. Have you really been having too much ice-cream lately??

Oh well~ Sir Duke will simply have to endure it if he wants to enjoy the tenderness said icecream has provided you.

You slide your hips up and down, slowly at first as your juices begin to cover his manhood, then more quickly as he becomes nice and lubricated. Your soft tummy and softer breasts press tightly against him, allowing you to move without worrying about making your tender chest uncomfortable.

Your claws continue grasping tightly onto his back as you continue to hold him close to you, adding mark after mark on his body. He is yours, now.

Saint duke moans slightly as you feel a familiar twitch inside you.

Ah-ah-ah~ Not yet~

You slow down, keeping his orgasm just out of reach. He whimpers, to which you respond by kissing him. You slide your tongue around his mouth, tasting of him as you continue varying your speed so he never quite reaches climax.

"My lady... please..." Saint Dook begs.

"No, my pet. You can't cum until your chrival does~"

"Ah--! Please! N-not... with him...!"

"A true knight... will sacrifice all for her..." Skif struggles to say between moans. "Even...mmnnn... pride..."

Alas, poor Duke... forced into simultaneous pleasure with your nemesis for the sake of your queen. It's so... delicious...~


Your body demands you speed up. You're... so close... but Sir Duke can't take much more. His arms begin to wobble, finally hitting their limit. You show him some mercy by lifting yourself up a bit. You move your arms back some, hoping a glimpse of your bountiful chest will give Skif some extra... motivation.

Ah... mmnn... damn you, Skif... cum already... I want... I want to...

A bestial urge overpowers you as you dig your claws into Saint Dook's back once more. You can't take it anymore.

You speed up... it's so good... so warm...

He's twitching... he's close... but so are you...

"My... My lady... I..."


The warmth wells up inside you as you grasp onto Duke as tightly as possible, sharing your orgasm with his. Your fluids mix together inside you, making him a part of you. The two of you lay panting as you notice Skif finally reach his own climax.

"Hah... hah... I won..." Skif says.

You consider strangling him. He made you put off your own orgasm just to beat Sir Duke!? He dares put his chivalry above the pleasure of his mistress!?

Huff... that's... he's...!

You pant heavily.

[Path of the queen...]

A: Drain Skif dry for his insolence!

How many more times can he cum? Let's find out~

B: Demand he use his mouth to get at least one more orgasm out of you!
For his hubris, he shall taste both of you and of Duke~

C: Time for some incredible orgasm denial action.
Turnabout is fair play. He won't climax until he's reduced to begging.

[Path of rest...]

D: Your wary muscles need a massage!

Skif can make up for his crimes by giving his queen some much-needed attention.

E: Let's just rest for now.
You're completely exhausted. Need to regain strength and continue exploring. Maybe have one of those heartfelt discussions while resting.
No. 995957 ID: cdabe3

oh no no no don’t make this a separate choice, deny skif and then drain him dry
No. 995958 ID: 71ebb4

A, of course. You shouldn't hang around here for that long, but knightly training still needs to be maintained.
No. 995962 ID: 88dbb5

A, D
No. 995964 ID: 3edd0d

A, E
No. 995970 ID: 88de73

No. 995972 ID: 36784c

D , e
No. 995973 ID: 7f1230

B,D (A and B can be done at the same time)
No. 995975 ID: 0bfc71

A, e
No. 995976 ID: b74a2f

A would lead into E, right?
No. 996002 ID: c48caa

D, b
Best he learned his place or you'll teach it to him.
No. 996018 ID: 5b0071

D / E
you ARE in a cave fairly far from home, after all.. might get awkward if whatever's in this cave shows up in the middle of hijinks
No. 996030 ID: 9a2966

D, e
No. 996031 ID: b38fab

A, E
No. 996049 ID: 864e49

I'm concerned that poser punk Ceri is a bad influence on you. Skif and Duke are people not property.
No. 996051 ID: f8fa51

No. 996053 ID: 67ceb6

Primary A
Secondary E
No. 996112 ID: d034b1

A and C, they go so well together~
No. 996214 ID: a9af05


You're in dangerous territory, so you shouldn't get too distracted with having fun. Also be nicer to the boys.
No. 996218 ID: 031458

Skif and Duke need to know they are people AND property. Yours, specifically.
No. 996726 ID: 2451c3
File 161876451634.gif - (79.03KB , 800x600 , 1657.gif )

>oh no no no don’t make this a separate choice, deny skif and then drain him dry
Now this is a tempting proposition~

>I'm concerned that poser punk Ceri is a bad influence on you. Skif and Duke are people not property.
Aww, they know you're not being serious when you say things like that. It's just a fun bit of roleplay between you and the others! Well, Skif knows that. Duke might not yet.

Punk Ceri, on the other hand, is probably a bit more sincere.

That said, maybe you should take it a bit easier on them...

>Best he learned his place or you'll teach it to him.
Or not!?

>Also be nicer to the boys.
Which is it, neurons!?


Argh! Fine! Your INCREDIBLE KINDNESS wins again!

You open your mouth to very quickly and succinctly explain to the boys that you didn't mean it.

"Oh um by the way when I said that stuff about owning you two I was just roleplaying I don't actually think I own you or anything I just like our little thing where I'm a big queen slash dragon and you two are my knights slash slaves but in reality I care about you all deeply and would move ground and sky to make you happy just so you know okay I mean maybe I'm sorta the leader I guess even if Eezeryh doesn't agree and Siphon might also be leader but don't worry about that but I still value your opinions on things and if you need anything of me you just gotta ask and I'll do what I can!" you spaghetti. Did you say succinctly before? That was a mistake.

Skif gives you the look a mother would give a child who thinks they're saying some universe-brain shit but are actually talking about how blue the sky is.

Sook Dook seems too exhausted to give you a look at all, but weakly offers a thumbs-up. W... would he have been okay being your literal slave???

Sir Duke, you must stand up for yourself more! Siphon will destroy you otherwise!

unless she's secretly a sub, you guess. wouldn't that be a twist and a half

"My lady, you know I am wholly devoted to you," Skif says. "Even in situations like this where it's clear that the knight has risen victorious...~"

He... he's teasing you!

That little...!

"Do you remember our safe word?" you ask flatly.

"Hmm? 'Pineapple', right? ...Why?"

"While I stress again that this is all just roleplay... I think you're gonna need it."

No. 996727 ID: 2451c3
File 161876451941.png - (372.20KB , 913x645 , 1658.png )

You position yourself such that you can support your weight better than you could with Saint Dook. Your conscious demands you be a little less hard on the boys, after all.

"As much as I love how soft I am, it's a little uncomfortable when my chests flops around a whole lot," you say.

"Want me to hold them in place, then~?" Skif teases.

"Exactly~" you say, calling his bluff.

"Ah--! I'd be glad to, but I might not be able to hold back as long, feeling your ample bosom in my hands...!"

"That's the idea~" You coo. "Let's see just how many orgasms you still have in you."

Skif swallows hard. You glance back to see his face constantly shifting between sheer joy and abstract terror. Is this a reference? Maybe.

You slide your body up and down, bringing his sizable equipment in and out of you. Your arms and legs are already worn down, but it's nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of POLYMORPH infusion.

Despite Skif's best efforts, your breasts slide around in his hands, their heft demanding they break free. Your tummy is moving a lot, too. You blush slightly, feeling... ample. Feminine.

Your juices begin to cover his lap, making you both glad and slightly disappointed you're continuing to ignore the possibility of having sex while in AQUATIC FORM.

You feel Skif's penis twitch inside you, though your own orgasm is still a ways off. Before long, he moans loudly as he fills you with his seed. Just as he warned, he can't last nearly as long when he feels you in his hands.

You keep moving, causing him to squeak. "H-hang on...!" he pleads.

You halt for a moment, still wanting to be less hard on him. But after a moment you realize he hasn't uttered the Safe Word.

So you continue moving. You feel him soften for just a moment, before his dick regains its powerful erection. Even if he's not able to come yet, it appears his body wants more. Good~

You speed up a bit, causing Skif to squirm beneath you. "Ah... C-Ceri..."

His body slows. Even with you supporting your own weight, it's clear he's getting worn out. Time for a new position.
No. 996728 ID: 2451c3
File 161876452205.png - (317.67KB , 800x600 , 1659.png )

You let him lie back while you straddle him, supporting your entire weight yourself. You guide him back in, causing him to gasp slightly.

You give your leg muscles a little more polymorphic strength, then start sliding up and down. Your tits are moving so much without Skif's support...!

As if reading your mind, Skif grasps Concerned Dolphin with his hand, feeling your perky hard nipple between his finger and thumb. He squeezes slightly, sending shivers down your back.

"Ceri...hah... you're so beautiful... so...hnnmm... perfect....~"

In the background you hear Saint Duke weakly say, "I agree! And your vagina is heavenly!"

"It... hff... it really is," Skif says.

Yes... worship this body... Every curve... every bit of it giving way to touch... as you draw Skif deeper and deeper inside you...

The service proves too much for poor Skif, who climaxes yet again. Once more you wait for the safe word, and once more it never comes. In that case, it's time to go for three~

He writhes beneath you, clearly approaching his limit but not wanting things to stop just yet. It has been a while since the two of you last did this.

Like, two whole days!

"Surely my knight... isn't defeated so...easily~" you tease between breaths

"A... True knight... never..." Skif tries to say, his lungs as demanding of air as yours.

You slide up and down his member once more as he continues wiggling cutely.


At this... Mmmm.... at this rate... you'll.... mmmmnnn...~

You can't lose toooOOOo~ himmmMmmmm....

As your own orgasm is just centimeters away, you feel Skif twitch weakly inside you. He fills you to bursting, pushing you over the top. "Skif... Skiiiiiimmmmnnnnn~!"

You collapse on top of him, exhausted. Skif too pants heavily. You've milked your knight dry, for sure. Not that you're in any shape to continue either.


Hmm. You got to have sex for once, and it's been about three images so far, right? If you understand the tropes of your life correctly...
No. 996729 ID: 2451c3
File 161876452453.png - (154.34KB , 800x600 , 1660.png )

"What the hell's going on in here!?"

There it is.

A stranger literally showed up in the middle of hijinx.

Well, at the end technically but--

"Who the hell are you kids!?" the stranger demands.

You try to get a closer look. A mammalian, perhaps? If you're not mistaken, they're a...

(Single vote)
X: Male, sossig-holder
Y: Female, bean-haver
Z: It's Complicated.

What will you do? (primary/secondary voting applies)

A: Answer honestly.
A group of three investigating rumors about this cave! You just got um... distracted. So you're studying forbidden magic or something?

B: Answer... kinda? honestly?
We're just a group of three who decided to have a little fun in a cramped cave! Avoid mentioning that you have a rough idea what's going on in here.

C: Portal out of there!
None of you are in any condition to deal with this right now!

D: Invite him to join you~
Surely they're pent up, being in a cave all alone (probably).

E: Battlestations!
Get the boys to take up arms menacingly! If nothing else, it might scare the stranger into answering your questions.
No. 996730 ID: 3edd0d

X, B, D
No. 996731 ID: c48caa

Hey If they're hostile, Duke might have recovered enough to at least be battle ready.
No. 996732 ID: 841ff7

No. 996733 ID: 88dbb5

D, B, X Is it time for a triple round :3x
No. 996734 ID: a9af05


No. 996735 ID: 0fae41

Y, A/b.
No. 996736 ID: 0bfc71

A, B
No. 996737 ID: be3107

It's okay nobody does harm post coitus right?
X, D, A
No. 996738 ID: e51896

No. 996742 ID: 5f8c94

Also, what are YOU doing here. It's a fucking cave! You are very fucking deep in it! (Like Skif is right now) Why there is always people when you are FUCKING?!
No. 996743 ID: 072e13

D, X
No. 996751 ID: f0e7f8

Y,D. Let Skif have some fun with her.
No. 996752 ID: f0e7f8

Y and B,D.
No. 996753 ID: 933c00

No. 996758 ID: 36784c

>You try to get a closer look. A mammalian, perhaps? If you're not mistaken, they're a...
Z: It's Complicated. They’re both a sossig-holder and a bean-haver!

But how are you able to know this? The only way this is possible is because they aren’t wearing pants! Just like you!

>What will you do?
B , a
No. 996759 ID: b2f4b1

Y, A and D
No. 996760 ID: 2c7a4b

X and D or a
No. 996761 ID: 094652

No. 996764 ID: f30b59

No. 996765 ID: 67ceb6

Quick, give them big eyes and bend forward with your chest, this can't go wrong!
D, A, X
No. 996767 ID: 9568c0

Y AND D. I think is his turn with a cute gal.
No. 996769 ID: 864e49

Z: I feel we don't have enough complicated characters. Also life magic.

No. 996771 ID: 75efdc

Use your fire to show off your features as they approach. An easy way to quell their caution you mean no harm!
Primary: A
Secondary: B
No. 996772 ID: 031458

Hey you!
You heron in on this or what?
You can poly up some strength and stamina. Ooh, an excuse to use aqua form!
No. 996774 ID: b74a2f

X, A and B
No. 996775 ID: c285f1

YD, "Hi there cutey, wanna fuck?"
No. 996777 ID: 5b0071

No. 996778 ID: ca1e01

Mmm, YAD.
No. 996779 ID: c65445

Mmm, YAD.
No. 996781 ID: ef6063

X, B, D
No. 996782 ID: d09be1

X b a
No. 996792 ID: 9a2966

Y - cuz it'll even out our group's gender ratio
B - okay, we should probably figure out what's going on here
d - or should we
No. 996798 ID: 0e1661

X, A, D
No. 996803 ID: c65445

Y and D, I bet she has big tits.
No. 996805 ID: be9cac

Hybrid C and E
Portal out, have those with clothing and such get dressed, then portal back in (Ideally the portal out, get dressed, and portal back would take place during a batman scene change sound).

If you are feeling tired, just briefly polymorph some larger nostrils, lungs, arteries, and veins and a stronger heart to get rid of all of that lactic acid quicker.

Also, if you go for menacing, since you don't have any real clothing or armor or anything, polymorph some armored plates (skyrim dragon-style) over your torso.
No. 996806 ID: f8fa51

No. 996807 ID: e85a08

Y; B/d
No. 996808 ID: 8b1e35

No. 996810 ID: e48fbb

D, B, Y.
No. 996814 ID: 5ee86b

X, B, D!
No. 996821 ID: c6f558

B, a
No. 996823 ID: c59817

B and D
No. 996825 ID: b53b82

Their tail looks furry, could they be a cute furry boy? X, A, D
No. 996841 ID: 12c279

Z-B-A! (sounds like a game-console)
No. 996844 ID: cdabe3

Z, D, A
No. 996855 ID: b79f34


A, D
No. 996859 ID: 37d948

Y, and a combination of D and E, you two have a sex battle!
No. 996868 ID: 71ebb4

B, C
No. 996869 ID: 9b67a0

No. 996872 ID: 214808

B, d
No. 996884 ID: e85a08

I'll change my vote to sex battle. Y; E/d but take up the whip and ropes sensually instead.
No. 996905 ID: 9aaeef

Yes, you two have a sex battle against her
No. 996912 ID: 5fc3a0

D, E - Gotta have a "sword" fight
No. 996913 ID: 19ea25

D, B
No. 996923 ID: 031458

I am intrigued at the prospect of this "Sex Battle"
No. 996934 ID: a9af05

>Z: It's Complicated. They’re both a sossig-holder and a bean-haver!
Someone having both sets of equipment is something we haven't had before.

I'd like to change my vote for the gender to support this one.
No. 996939 ID: 7ed0fe

Primary B, secondary A
No. 997000 ID: c0746b

Are you ready for a new realm of full feeling, Ceri~
No. 997002 ID: 7f1230

Z (feminine with both- someone's been altering things with life magic)
D&E (supporting a sex battle)
No. 997029 ID: f8a83a

z a b
No. 997270 ID: 3fd119

E, a; Y seems like fun~
No. 997277 ID: 6eb32b

X, e, d
No. 997362 ID: 59b6dd

No. 997383 ID: 2451c3
File 161920489924.png - (215.02KB , 800x600 , 1661.png )

You begin to seriously wonder if you hit your head on the way to bed last night.

Once overly cautious and afraid to try anything new, your NEURONS are once again insisting you throw caution into the wind and do something crazy and fun.

Imagine! Having fun in the (generally) light-hearted story of your life!

Perhaps they are keenly aware that you currently have a fuckload of Plo(u)t Armo(u)r due to the MAJOR PROJECT you're essentially killing time for?

Maybe, but you'll happily follow their wisdom nonetheless! With all the EMOTION and DRAMA you've been through, it's nice to have some time to just be silly and enjoy yourself without constant fear of the CONSEQUENCES.

>Why there is always people when you are FUCKING?!
Right!?!?!? It's so annoying!

Still, this does give you the opportunity to charm some information out of this stranger. But first you need to wear down his guard.

"I think it should be obvious what's going on here~" you say with the most alluring voice you can manage. You quickly check your APPEAL, and... whoa. Over the course of your adventure you've risen it to a pretty impressive 7.8!

The mortal cap on most stats is 10, you see. The reason is... ah, you don't care about that.


If the cap is 10, why is your POLYMORPH 11.8, you ask?

Punk Ceri is too busy being cool to do a scene about it, but your POLYMORPH has surpassed the mortal limit. That's one of the hidden facts about you-- because you're actually a dragon, none of your stats properly cap.

Ah, but let's not dwell on FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE any longer. We've more important things to deal with. In fact, this could be a good opportunity to train your APPEAL with a good ol SEX BATTLE! Step one is to get this stranger interested in sex.
No. 997384 ID: 2451c3
File 161920490123.png - (229.14KB , 800x600 , 1662.png )

"And where else would we expect some privacy than a cave far from town?" you ask, bending forward so gravity can bring the full... weight~ of your chest to bear. You light a small flame with your tail, pointing it forward slightly to really highlight your curves.

"S-so you're thrill-seekers." The stranger says, lowering their guard slightly. "That would explain your... creative use of polymorph."

That intent stare, and a growing bulge around the waist... looks like the stranger has a sossig! Just barely, though. By like one vote. Uh, which means you guessed right obviously since your neurons couldn't possibly have any effect on reality.


Anyway, your high APPEAL gives you insight into his mood and desires! You notice his TILDE rising as his eyes trace over your naked body. You do your best to hide your exhaustion, making a few subtle polymorphs to increase your oxygen intake and rejuvenate your tired muscles slightly.

"Interested in joining us, cutey? I've worn these two down, as you can see. Alas, not many can tame a... reptilian such as myself~"

"Me? With a... lizard? Surely you jest!" the stranger defiantly says.
No. 997385 ID: 2451c3
File 161920490418.png - (195.35KB , 800x600 , 1663.png )

Oh dear~ Looks like his body isn't agreeing with his mouth~

Through your high APPEAL, you're able to get a good idea of where his TILDE is at. It's already so full...!

"You're quite well equipped, aren't you~?" you hum.

"Ugh. I knew I should have masturbated today."

"Ooh, so you're a bit pent up? Why don't you put it to good use and fill me to bursting~"

"D-don't get the wrong idea, lizard! You just... kind of remind me of someone I knew at the docks. My penis is simply... yearning for her touch."

You trace a finger around your nipple. "Well, since she isn't here, perhaps you could fill that desire another way~"

He briefly lowers his hand, as if about to give his dick the touch it so desperately desires, but he immediately pulls back.

"I obviously know polymorph," you say. "If you described her, I bet I could fulfill that fantasy of yours~"

"She was really str-- no. No no no that'd be... I couldn't..."
No. 997386 ID: 2451c3
File 161920490790.png - (211.33KB , 800x600 , 1664.png )

Hmm~ He's definitely struggling to keep his composure. With the right approach, you're sure you could easily have him wrapped around your finger.

What will you do?

A: Continue flirting and posing.
You're getting through to him, you just need to keep posing alluringly and making the artist cry.

B: Begin touching yourself invitingly.
Show him just what he risks missing out on.

C: Reveal your FAIRLY LONG TONGUE, then crawl towards him enticingly
Nobody can resist a DRAGON blowjob.

D: His guard is lowered. This is a good time to seek information!
Time to ask him about that plot thing you were doing before all the sex started happening!

Also: Do you switch forms? (One vote)

X: Stay in current form.
Regular Ceri best Ceri.

It might be too weird to try to literally turn into whoever he had a crush on, but you bet they're aquatic,
since many dock-working reptilians are.

Z: ...What happens if you turn into your mom?
There's no way... right? Your mom's like 50! reptilians take a long time to show their age btw
No. 997387 ID: be3107

Pose information sexily outta him!
A, X
No. 997388 ID: b1b4f3

Really strong? Yeah it was your mom.

No. 997389 ID: c48caa

Bc, Y
Because why? Because you can.
No. 997390 ID: 0e1661

A, c

No. 997391 ID: 0bfc71

A and D
X Regular Ceri with some toned muscle to experiment? Think about how people at gym looked for ideas!
No. 997392 ID: 56d126

No. 997394 ID: ef6063

Strong-form Ceri! X, A, C
No. 997395 ID: 51a7eb

He likes strong girls, so supporting toned Ceri
X, Ac
No. 997396 ID: cdabe3

No. 997405 ID: 9a2966

D, b - Plot! Or not?

Y - Turn even more alluring!
No. 997406 ID: 6c19fd

B D, X
No. 997407 ID: 3edd0d

X, A Get a nice toned Ceri form goin'
No. 997410 ID: 71ebb4

B, A, and X.

Despite his mental reaction, he does seem to have a distaste for lizards. I know it's not a given choice so unlikely, but you could oblige him by turning into something fluffier. It would be interesting to see more alternative versions of you! How would you look as one of your two knights' races, for example? I know you can't do the metal bits on Skif's, but you could get close enough probably, and they're so fancy. Or just do Duke's for something simpler.
No. 997412 ID: b74a2f

Primary A, secondary C, X
No. 997414 ID: 0fae41

A/c, Z.
No. 997415 ID: f8fa51

Yeah, you could try mimicking his race, if that's his problem. Otherwise, X, stay in current form.

He's still holding himself back, so I wouldn't say his guard is quite down yet. Let's fix that: C/a.
No. 997420 ID: bdbde3

A, X, also bully him about his crush on your mom.
No. 997441 ID: e85a08

B/a; X: Stronk Ceri
No. 997479 ID: 2eaccc

Z, B
No. 997480 ID: 75efdc

Let's see a strong Ceri! X, A, C
No. 997501 ID: 6aa685

A,Z also chance to tease Skif and practice be8ng as cool as your mom
No. 997507 ID: 2aa5f0

Z, A
No. 997509 ID: a9af05



>he does seem to have a distaste for lizards.
>Yeah, you could try mimicking his race, if that's his problem.
Where does it suggest that he hates lizards? That's not what's going on at all!

We're a group of complete strangers that showed up and had sex in the cave that he's living in. He's hesitant because he doesn't know who we are, not because of what our race is!
No. 997606 ID: 864e49

No. 997637 ID: 5b0071


... tho what are the odds this complete stranger has hots for your mom?
No. 997659 ID: 3a3c64

Primary D
Secondary Y
No. 997666 ID: 36784c

>Once overly cautious and afraid to try anything new, your NEURONS are once again insisting you throw caution into the wind and do something crazy and fun.
No, we’re still being overly cautious. The options we chose were the ones we considered to be the least dangerous without running away or getting into a fight.

A , b

X: Stay in current form. Because Regular Unpolymorphed Ceri is best Ceri! (And a Buff Ceri would need to be a separate vote, since there isn’t an option for Ceri polymorphing herself without turning into her mom.)
No. 997692 ID: f3f534

I agree with and support all of this!
No. 997705 ID: 2bf606

A, Z~
No. 997888 ID: 0a6d15

A, X but play hot and cold with getting a bit beefier. Think of the gym equipment, Ceri!
No. 997911 ID: 7d52b0

B X.

Tell him that, despite what he might think, your figure is, actually, your true form. The REAL deal. And that if he doesn't belive you, he is more that welcome to "inspect" you, and try to see if this is polymorph or not. He just has to come and touch~
No. 997912 ID: 7d52b0

Also, we are VERY cautious. We have all the tools to defend ourselves. Our magic is full and our senses sahrp! YOUR senses, that is, we are part of you after all... I he tries something, we will reduce him inmidietly!

We will reduce him either way if he wants a piece of you either way~
No. 998348 ID: 2451c3
File 161973847306.png - (214.27KB , 800x600 , 1665.png )

You polymorph a bit of muscle to your arms as you bring GB up to your mouth and softly suckle on your hard, pointed nipple. You moan slightly as ecstasy fills your body, causing you to slide your other hand to your still-hungry 'bean'.

"Mmm... so... this crush of yours... "

"I-it's not a crush! My feelings are... more..." he bites his lower lip as his hand inches closer to his eager erection.

"Was she aquatic, perhaps~?" You massage GB, as if coaxing it to lactate. "Do you desire to run your hands along her smooth hide~?"


"Mmm... maybe she has fins on her head... and... ah~.... gills on her neck...?"


His breathing intensifies.

No. 998349 ID: 2451c3
File 161973847724.png - (199.49KB , 800x600 , 1666.png )

"She isn't like that at all."

What!? You completely misread that!

You suddenly feel really dumb. Why would Mom be the one he's crushing on? She stopped working at the docks a retconned 20-something years ago so she could raise you! 20-something years is a long freaking time to hold a crush, you know!

although many romance novels in your room imply otherwise...

The only saving grace is that you didn't decide to polymorph into her. There's no telling how awkward that would have been!


He takes a cautious step towards you. "You're an intriguing one, lizard. Women aren't normally so... desperate around me. Are you in heat, perhaps? Do you guys have that?"

"We very much do, especially when we're full of eggs, desperate to collect...mmm... seed..."

So this is the first time you've hit on someone like this and you're trying very hard to be a little cliche but not too cliche. Not sure how well it's working. Thankfully APPEAL doesn't affect how well you're written, just how effective your (cliche?) words are on others.

"I see. Still, this feels like a trap. Perhaps you intend to do to me what you did to those two?" he asks.

"Per-- Maybe, but would that be so bad~?"

"Hmph. The temptress asks an unanswerable question."

"But enough about me~" you say. "Why have you felt the need to intrude on our passionate love-making~?"

"Y-you're the ones intruding! This is my base! I mean-- I'm exploring this cave!"

Oops, he let something slip~!
No. 998350 ID: 2451c3
File 161973848020.png - (196.03KB , 800x600 , 1667.png )

You scoot over to a nearby rock and give him a good view of everything your body has to offer.

"So this is your home? That explains the very pretty plant near the entrance. Makes the cave feel like home~"

"Er... yes. I'm a botanist. I made that plant with botany."

"Ooh~! So you can make all kinds of pretty flowers~! I'd love for a big, strong man to shower me with bouquets~!" This is so painful.

"W-well... the plants I 'grow' are certainly... unique. Maybe I could... show you... sometime..."

Oho, he's enchanted! Even if he's not into reptilians, your sexy soft body is overpoweringly alluring!


(what a callback)

"I'd love to hear all about your plants. Especially if you have any... sensual ones~"
No. 998351 ID: 2451c3
File 161973848458.png - (190.24KB , 800x600 , 1668.png )

The stranger sits back, sliding his robe aside and revealing a monster erection. "Now, now. As much as I might want to pounce on your strangely alluring lizard body, I think it's time you prove to me you're a good little girl~"

The same pose...!? Is this a counter-play!?

"Come on," he says, "Enjoy your meal. And if you do a good job, maybe I'll tell you all about my... 'botany'."

Aha! Soon he'll tell you everything about WAIT A MINUTE HE'S TRYING TO BE THE DOM THAT'S ILLEGAL.

This Sex Battle just entered HARD MODE! Can you truly be the sub he seems to want? Or can you switch things around, rising as the one true SOMEWHAT-DOMINANT SOMEWHAT-DRAGON?

You could play his little game, and try to lower his guard even further. But would he be so enamored after an orgasm? And you can't probe him for information with his dick in your mouth...

What will you do?

[Path of the mouth...]

A: Give him some oral love~
Try to be a sub. His guard's starting to lower!

B: Bring him to the brink of orgasm, then pull away at the last moment.
Ruin his orgasm for daring to order a dragon around.

C: Rub your tongue all over his member, but don't give him the satisfaction of an orgasm just yet.
Step one to getting information is to make him so desperate he practically begs to tell you everything.

[Path of the tease...]

D: Insist he services you first. With his tongue on your slit.
A girl has needs too, and neither Skif nor Duke have given you a good licking today!

E: Establish your dominance by laying right here while he worships your body with his hands~
He's the desperate one, here. If he wants anything from you, he has to earn it~

F: Feel his erection with your hands instead of your mouth.
You've not really done a hand job yet... could this be good appeal practice? If this wins, the votes in path of the mouth will determine the type of orgasm you give him, so make sure to use your SECONDARY VOTEs!
No. 998354 ID: b1b4f3

Ceri are you actually gonna have sex with this dude who you just met and also is probably practicing FORBIDDEN MAGIC?

Well, C.
No. 998356 ID: 0fae41

E/c. You could if you had two mouths.
No. 998358 ID: c48caa

He's bold to try and tame the dragon while her knights are right there. Buy them time to recover so you three can overload this dude.
No. 998361 ID: 0bfc71

A, e You always have the sudden-dom option of remembering and teasing sharp teeth for extra fun on the way.
No. 998362 ID: 736b7e

E, D
Didn't we need dom practice or something? Is there a better place to practice than some kind of dom sparring match?
No. 998363 ID: 031458

(G): Titjob.
Rub his member with those ample breasts, with an occasional visit from that tongue of yours.
Much more exciting than a handjob, but allows more control and intimacy than a standard blowjob.
Your mouth and eyes remain largely free to observe and tease at his every motion and response.
No. 998364 ID: 775775

No. 998365 ID: 68df2c

You are only young once...

MMMM go with C.

Also, check on your mates over there, i bet Skif is not that out of it yet and playing fool. Not know about Duke.
No. 998366 ID: 3edd0d

No. 998367 ID: 71ebb4

I will also support a G like your cup size (?) titjob. He seems to like softness. But if restricted solely to the presented options, then C and F.
No. 998370 ID: b74a2f

Primary E, secondary A
No. 998439 ID: e7a555

Primary E, Secondary B
No. 998451 ID: cdabe3

No. 998470 ID: f8fa51

No. 998473 ID: 2eaccc

A, B and make sure the boys are watching~
No. 998483 ID: 0e1661

E There's one obvious area to lure him getting handsy...
No. 998484 ID: ef6063

No. 998503 ID: a9af05

No. 998531 ID: 5b0071

No. 998635 ID: 4734c9

Don't bang someone you just met, Ceri!
No. 998637 ID: 9a2966

C, d
No. 998638 ID: 36784c

E , d
No. 998740 ID: f9464a

Primary: E. He's gotta earn what he wants from you!

Secondary: D. He's gotta use his tongue to pleasure you.
No. 998947 ID: ccb66b

F primary, feel him up and learn a little bit about using your hands. Sure it might not be the most enticing you could do, but that inexperience might play into keeping his guard down.
C secondary, either-or on some nice licking or teasing him even more with your hand. All the teasing might get him to retaliate in kind, but that's just part of the fun isn't it?
G seems like a lot of fun as another not-yet-come up possibility if the option is there, but if not then what's presented is good. Saving your cleavage-virginity for a more romantic occasion maybe.
No. 999014 ID: 2451c3
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>Ceri are you actually gonna have sex with this dude who you just met and also is probably practicing FORBIDDEN MAGIC?
Ah, nice to have you back, Voice of Reason. You were strangely absent for a while there, hmm?

But worry not~ This is all going to plan.

"Oh, but I am a good girl~" you say. "I've been so good that my poor little body has grown wary from the affection I've provided my companions. My tired muscles could sure use a... massage~"

His smile fades slightly. "Now I know this is a trap."

"Suit yourself! I'll just close my eyes and take a little nap, then..."

After a long pause, you hear the shuffling of cloth. Have you over-played your hand? You dare not take a peek and risk revealing your bluff.

You wouldn't have to wonder long, as you soon feel the warm touch of hands upon your breasts.
No. 999015 ID: 2451c3
File 162024806460.png - (154.32KB , 800x600 , 1670.png )

"You're tits are so fucking huge," he says.

"I'm quite aware~" you respond. Imagine the look on his face if he ever saw Kharadra...

"Gods, I just wanna ram my... tell you what. I'll massage your weary muscles... if you'll let me feel those huge-as titties around my dick. Then I don't have to worry about your pussy claiming me as it claimed them."

My, he's got quite the filthy mouth. This suits you fine, as you never intended on going 'all the way' with someone you just met (for once).

"Mmm...~ A deal~" you say.
No. 999016 ID: 2451c3
File 162024806734.png - (152.04KB , 800x600 , 1671.png )

You lay back as he slides his hands across your body, applying gentle pressure as he goes. You can't help but notice he's spending far longer on your chest than anywhere else, but with their increased sensitivity you aren't in a hurry to complain.

"Gods... you're a lizard. Why... why are you so... I wanna fill you to bursting. I wanna..."

You response is a soft moan as his hands once again brush the sides of your boobs.

"I know how you feel~" you say. "Sometimes it's all I can do to keep from sucking my own nipples... feeling my soft tummy beneath my fingers... until they linger downwards, towards my desperate and sensitive areas...~"

Polymorpher's dilemma in a nutshell.

"Your scales... your plates... they're so much softer than they look..."

You notice a subtle movement in the corner of your eye. Excellent.

"Ahnmm...~ That's much better. My chest is yours to use as you see fit~"
No. 999017 ID: 2451c3
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And that's all the coaxing he needs. He maneuvers his penis between your breasts, then presses them together such that his manhood is completely engulfed.

Hmm~ Good.

"Gods... you're so fucking..." he mutters as he begins sliding himself in and out of your mighty cleavage.


You're not getting anything out of this, huh? Guess this is one of those selfless acts a lover offers their partner. the ones bountiful enough to do so, at least...

He closes his eyes, completely entranced in the act. You don't even need to check his TILDE to know his guard is completely down.

"Fuck... I'm... I'm gonna..."

Oh, so soon~?
No. 999018 ID: 2451c3
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"Ha! Gotcha!"

I think not, good sir~

"Gah! No! Noooo my orgasm!!!! I knew it was a trap!!! This is the third time in a row listening to my dick got me in trouble!!!!!
No. 999019 ID: 2451c3
File 162024807816.png - (234.63KB , 800x600 , 1674.png )

"Good work, Skif!" you say. Good thing you brought that ROPE!

"How-- how did you plan this!?" the stranger demands. "I kept my eye on you the whole time!"

"Hmm~ You kept your eye on my tits the whole time. But even if you had watched my mouth..."

"You wouldn't have caught on to the plan," Skif says.

"Bullshit!" He objects. "I hate when stories pretend the protagonist had this elaborate scheme when mere moments ago they had no idea what they were doing!"

"You have a point," you say. "There's no way we could have set this up while you were focused on me..."

Skif tugs the rope tighter. "...But we didn't have to."

You share a knowing look with Skif. Over the years, the two of you had gone over several plans for handling dragon riders. Ways you could work together to outsmart one, even if you had no way of communicating with each other.

It's kind of exciting to finally get to put one of those ideas to work!

Naturally, there's a version where Skif's the 'bait', for trapping those who prefer sossig.

you think about that one sometimes at night...

"I-I won't tell you anything!" he insists. "E-even if you torture me!"

Skif lets out a laugh. "Oh? Assuming we want information instead of money? Brave of you to play with your cards face-up like that."

"....!! I don't know anything!"

What will you do?

A: Keep him on the edge of orgasm until he talks!
Do so by... X: Softly touching/licking his penis or Y: Making him watch you and Skif go another round.

B: Make him lead you guys to his secret base.
Let's see what he's hiding! Also we need to wake up poor Duke...

C: Call in backup!
Who would be good at getting information out of him...? (Name with most support wins)

D: Spook him with your powerful magical displays!
Doesn't always have to be sex. You can be pretty spooky when you want to be! Probably. You've never actually tried before.
No. 999020 ID: 0fae41

D/b. Even the mortal limit of polymorph can make you into an intimidatingly big gal.
No. 999021 ID: 775775

A, x
No. 999023 ID: 736b7e

D, B
No. 999025 ID: 3edd0d

We have the edge! A, X, and B
You could knock him out (and off) once he leads us to his place~
No. 999026 ID: cdabe3

No. 999027 ID: b74a2f

A with X
No. 999029 ID: 30a19c

You’re on a roll and I have far more faith in you being sexy awesome than scary awesome. Besides, it’s more APPEAL training isn’t it? You’ve taught someone the joy of Dragon Tits - now here comes the revelation of Dragon Tongue!

AX, b
No. 999030 ID: 429ff6

Primary D, Secondary Y

He’s cavorting with life magic; show him what that means. Polymorph, Portals, everything you know in the most showy-show-off-ness you can pull off. Hell, it’ll prob wake Duke up, so just go all out for a sec
No. 999032 ID: 0bfc71

Give him a nice touch, nobody can resist your allure!
A, X
No. 999033 ID: f8fa51

No. 999034 ID: b1b4f3

Ah, if only Mr Elan were available...

No. 999035 ID: 0e1661

X, A, B
No. 999037 ID: 8143c7


Spook him with sexy magic.
Or sexy polymorph, but spooky.
Spooky polymorph, but sexy?!?
No. 999038 ID: a9af05

No. 999043 ID: c48caa

C, ax
Call in Daatra or Siphon.
Or you could keep giving your ~ a workout~
No. 999045 ID: d7d91d

No. 999046 ID: be3107

B, A, X
No. 999049 ID: 03d401

D spooky polymorph time!
No. 999051 ID: 031458


B is ok too
No. 999092 ID: 36784c

>This is the third time in a row listening to my dick got me in trouble!!!!!
Oh really? Come on, tell us how your dick got you in trouble those other times!

AX , b
No. 999096 ID: fa88b3

A, X!
No. 999156 ID: 864e49

No. 999163 ID: 094652

D, transform into multiple disturbing sexual fetishes simultaneously and force him to watch until he caves.
No. 999216 ID: 5b0071

A/x or D
No. 999421 ID: 5cf237

Do this
No. 999481 ID: e22e69

A, y - in front of him IN DRAGON FORM!

If we wanna convince him dragons aren't bad, we shouldn't go for intimidation. Doing anything sexual directly to him at this point would be also be highly questionable given that you have him tied up against his will, so the obvious solution is having Skif bang you in dragon form to show just how lovely dragons are.
No. 999488 ID: 36784c

He doesn’t know that we’re a dragon! Why would we tell him something that we’re keeping a secret?!
No. 999495 ID: e22e69

wait I thought he was a dragon hunter
did I misinterpret something
do I have stupid
No. 999497 ID: f8fa51

There's been lots of internal monologue relating to dragons (because Ceri bases half her personality around being a dragon at this point) but the last time the word "dragon" was said out-loud was before this man entered the room.

No. 999507 ID: 36784c

No, he’s just some random guy that lives in this cave for some reason (which might be an illegal reason). He thinks we’re a bunch of kids that came here to have sex in a cave away from town and thinks that Ceri is a lizard that’s really good with polymorph.

The plan that Skif and Ceri just used to catch him was meant for catching dragon hunters, but it can also be used to capture regular people like this guy.
No. 999762 ID: e22e69

Oh, my bad.
No. 999926 ID: 2451c3
File 162087518327.png - (199.80KB , 800x600 , 1675.png )

"Let's start with something you do know~" you say, motioning your intentions to Skif. "So this is the third time your dick got you in trouble, hmm? I'm awfully curious about those other two times."

"That-- that's personal!"

"Ah, but we were already getting quite personal with each other, weren't we?"


>If we wanna convince him dragons aren't bad, we shouldn't go for intimidation.
Hmm... while you generally want to improve how people view dragons, there's probably not much to gain by preaching to this guy in particular.
Could be worth it if he were a DRAGON-RIDER, but you're pretty sure he's just some guy practicing FORBIDDEN MAGIC. A Dragon-Rider wouldn't have fallen for your charms so easily. They probably take a course or something on avoiding the advances of inexplicably-breasted reptilians!
You know, because dragons are always polymorphing themselves into sexy reptilians that randomly have boobs.

maybe you're projecting a little bit...
If he were a dragon rider, that'd certainly be concerning. Though they wouldn't immediately realize your secret the way a dragon would, they have ways of detecting a dragon in disguise. Your main saving grace is that they're looking for POLYMORPHED dragons, and you're... something else entirely.

But you digress.
No. 999927 ID: 2451c3
File 162087518668.png - (334.34KB , 800x600 , 1676.png )

Wanting to get back to the Good Part, you sit beside the stranger, making sure he has a good view of your supple body. You place a hand on your weighty breast as you reach towards his nether region. In his shock he had begun to go soft, a process now in full reverse.

You help it along a little by rubbing it softly with your fingertips, eliciting an audible gasp from your prisoner.

"Come on... why don't you tell me alll about your misadventures~" you coo.

"Y-you... you won't fool me again, vile temptress!"

Your only response is to continue to rub. You feel a soft twitch.

"F-fuck... I... I'm..."

As you notice the pressure build up within him, you move your hand away.

"...! N-no... not again...!"

"So, those misadventures~"

"I-I can't!"

Rub... rub...


And pull away...

"Ghh---!!! Fine! Fuck! I-I fucked a bitch who stole my money! And then... I-I..."


"I paid for a prostitute, alright!? I was lonely! And then she also stole my money!"

"So you think I'm going to rob you?" you ask.

"It's basic pattern recognition!"

"Hmmhmm~ Luckily for you, that pattern breaks with me. Money isn't what I want... I want knowledge~"

"I-I don't know all that much! I swear!"

"Tell me about your... flowers. Are you really growing them with water and sunlight alone? Hard thing to manage inside a cave, I'd bet."

"T-there's types of plants that grow in caves, you know!"
No. 999928 ID: 2451c3
File 162087518984.png - (249.68KB , 800x600 , 1677.png )

Feeling his dick starting to soften, you decide to rub it a big harder. Not letting him go soft on your watch. Not until he spits out what you pretty much already know.

"Gh... fff... Yes... Let me..."

You slow down.

"No... please...

"Come on. Tell me what's really going on~"

"I... I can't..."

Rub... rub...

"No... I can't..."

Rub rub rub...

"Mercy... I'm gonna..."

"Then cum for me~"

"Thank you... ah... NNn...I'm...!"
No. 999929 ID: 2451c3
File 162087519387.png - (316.14KB , 800x600 , 1678.png )

"Just kidding!" you say as you proceed with the cruelest act of your entire adventure.

"No! No! Let me cum! I can't! I can't!!"

"Only if you're a good boy~"

"Fine! You win! Gods! I-I study Life-Magic! I-I use it to grow plants! H-honest!"

You position yourself so your head is right next to his crotch. "And the watches? Why did we see those near the entrance?"

"!!! No! Please! I-I can't say!"
No. 999930 ID: 2451c3
File 162087519528.png - (204.04KB , 800x600 , 1679.png )

You bring your mouth closer to his twitching, desperate cock. You run your tongue along the bottom of his shaft as you bring just the tip into your gaping mouth.

You kinda can't talk like this. Skif has your back, though.

"Man, I bet you'd love to fill her mouth with cum huh?" he asks.

"Please... I'm... I'm so close... gods... I just want... I want..."

"Just a few more words, and you can fill that pretty mouth with aaaallll that pent-up seed."

In his eyes you can see the last of his resistance break.

"I... I'm not alone... my friend... studies time magic... together... we were going to... rule the world... or at least a small town..."

"Good boy," Skif says.

"Please..." he begs, so desperate to cum he can't even worry about what he just revealed.

"Sorry, buddy. Not up to me. That's up to my mistress."

"Aa... Mis... Mistress..."

In the background, you hear a faint voice coming from Saint Dook: gods, i wish that were me

You'll have to keep that in mind for later...

Now then. His friend's learning Time Magic, hmm? You've read about it before, the ability to slow down time itself... or at least everyone's perception of time. Much like Life-Magic, it was deemed too dangerous and forbidden from mortal use. Even some dragons are reluctant to use either school of magic, feeling they're OP enough without them.

"And where are the two of you studying these... forbidden arts?" you ask.

"Ghn... just...down the tunnel..."

Oh. You probably could have just kept going a bit longer and found it, huh? Oh well, you now have everything this one has to offer. But... what to do with him?

[Path of Mercy...]
Give him his desperate release...

A: ...With your tongue.
B: ...With your hands.
C: ...With Skif's tongue.

[Path of the Queen...]
D: Let him cum, but ruin his orgasm.
E: We're done here. He can find relief on his own time.

What will you do next? (One vote)

X: Leave him tied up, go inspect this 'hideout' of his.
Y: Bring him with you to check out the hideout.
Z: Take him back to town, let the police handle him.

No. 999934 ID: 0fae41

E/a, X.
No. 999935 ID: 3edd0d

A, Y
The other 2 can keep an on him while we head on over.
No. 999937 ID: 71ebb4

A! No Queen path please. Then Y, though I'd really want an option to continue rewarding him a little bit more for being obedient. Maybe bringing him along will give him a chance to recover and then you can be nice to him. It sounds like maybe someone should do some work to repair his opinion of women in general.
No. 999939 ID: be3107

A, Y
No. 999940 ID: e7848c


Good boys get rewards, but justice will prevail
No. 999943 ID: cdabe3

A, Y
No. 999944 ID: 3a3c64

Primary D
Secondary Y
No. 999951 ID: adbc55

C, Y
No. 999955 ID: 19ea25

C, Y
No. 999957 ID: f8fa51

A/c: We should keep our promises. Good boys get their reward.

X: We can always untie him or take him to the police after we've seen what he's been up to.
No. 999959 ID: b1b4f3

If his buddy shows up and unties him while you're not watching him, it'll be trouble. These two really do need to be put in prison.
No. 999961 ID: 864e49

A, kiss him afterwards.
No. 999978 ID: 422cea

A. Roll back that foreskin and go to town.
No. 999990 ID: 9a2966

A, c - It's what this all has been leading up to, after all. Tell him he's been a good boy, and good boys get rewarded. Just ask Duke and Skif, your LOYAL KNIGHTS! Maybe if he played his cards right he could become a fine COURT WIZARD one day, hmm?

Though... an idea. Could you and Skif FRENCH KISS around his COCK and BOTH use your TONGUES to get him off while you're at it? That'd definitely be a muzzles-only thing. Exotic, even! Use your SMARTS to figure out if it'd work, practically speaking, perhaps with a little POLYMORPH on your end. If not, just go with main plan!

Oh, and do make sure to clean him up all good and nice~

And then yourself. Get back in your clothes and gear and imperiously tell him that you DISAPPROVE of his PLAN to CONQUER THE WORLD (OR A TOWN) using FORBIDDEN MAGICS. Certainly YOUR town!


... but you're not going to take him to the TOWN GUARDSME- uh, the police. You want to talk to him and his friend and ask where they got this harebrained idea from - or the RESEARCH MATERIALS for that matter! YOU couldn't find anything in practically EVERY LIBRARY you've been to!

Uh, you mean. LIFE MAGIC and TIME MAGIC isn't something anyone can just pick up to your EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE - you only know about them because you had a SERIOUSLY GOOD SERIOUS MAGIC TEACHER who was VERY EXPLICIT on the DANGERS. So you know very well that he and his friend could HURT THEMSELVES (OR OTHERS) by pursuing these magics. And do so well BEFORE they'd get to any awes- SILLY 'conquer the world' stage!

(Though consider that you ARE impressed he managed to successfully cultivate the plants. And if they ARE gifted enough to be messing about with the Forbidden stuff, you kind of want to introduce them to your magic teacher so they can be put on a less risky path. Or maybe get them collaborating with a certain SCIENTIST interested in experimenting with magic...)

Ah well. Your COMPASSION strikes again.

Shift gear, say hi, introduce yourself as Ceridwen and state that it's, well, a pleasure to meet him and sorry for the whole orgasm denial thing, but, uh, well, he kind of let his dick get him in trouble again, yup. What's his name? And why's he so keen on conquering the world anyway?
No. 999993 ID: 9b2889

MMMMM fuck it: C and Y. This will be fun!
No. 999999 ID: 9b2889

Hell even better, put both Skif and your mouth and take the load.
No. 1000005 ID: eb1fcc

in honor of a legendary Get, it must be done.
No. 1000027 ID: 75efdc

B, Y
No. 1000044 ID: 4734c9

E, X
He can cum if nothing bad happens to you in the process
No. 1000047 ID: 3fd119

E, secondary a; Y. Let's parade him around a little like this while we go get some information...
No. 1000056 ID: f3f534

No. 1000102 ID: 9e265f

E, Y

>Even some dragons are reluctant to use either school of magic, feeling they're OP enough without them.
And how the flying fuck do you know that? If I recall correctly, you have never talked to any dragons before.
No. 1000103 ID: e51896

E, Y
No. 1000119 ID: 5b0071

No. 1000138 ID: 864e49

It has been decided!
No. 1001144 ID: ccb66b

A+C and Y. Make out around him to finish him off.
No. 1001163 ID: 70926e

E y
No. 1001293 ID: 2451c3
File 162165409888.png - (110.49KB , 800x600 , 1680.png )

>And how the flying fuck do you know [that some dragons are reluctant to use TIME MAGIC]? If I recall correctly, you have never talked to any dragons before.


Why do I know that? I can't know that.

You decide to drop this line of thinking immediately.

...No, I...
No. 1001294 ID: 2451c3
File 162165410142.png - (175.04KB , 800x600 , 1681.png )

"...Euia. Is the dragon inside me another person? Is that... the 'real' me? Am I real?..."

"...I sealed away parts of your mind, the parts that make you 'dragon'..."

"...Changes of form. Changes of mind..."

"...I wanted to give you a normal life..."

"...The dragon inside me. Does it contain memories? Is that why dragons punish children for the crimes of their parents?..."

"...Your biological parents infused you with some of their knowledge..."

"...They intended for you to pick up where they left off..."

"...I sealed them away with everything else..."

That's right...

The reason I knew Mr. Ilan's first name, something no mortal should know.

I have memories I shouldn't have. Memories forced upon me by my dragon parents. Memories hidden away beneath the seal.

The seal is cracked. Weak. It has begun to fail. That's why my body changed. The dreams I've been having recently... they are memories beginning to break through.

You fool. Put away these thoughts and focus on the current situation.

The current...?
No. 1001295 ID: 2451c3
File 162165410412.png - (253.40KB , 800x600 , 1682.png )

"Um, mistress?" Skif says, avoiding your name. "Now hardly seems like the time to be lost in thought."

"Ah... sorry."

That's right... it's time to deal with this naughty boy.

Someone who knows about LIFE-MAGIC could be useful to have around, but you don't want to add criminals to your HOARD. Besides, Mr. Ilan is bringing back someone that can teach you everything you need to know about that particular school of magic.

That said, it wouldn't hurt to 'borrow' some of their research and get a head start. You're especially interested in learning about TIME MAGIC, a class of spell that can't be cast natively by mortal or...


You forgot what you were about to say.

Anyway. You are a kind and compassionate person. Though you've no intention of dealing with these criminals longer than you have to, you can't find it in your heart to deny this person his 'reward' for all the help he's given you...
No. 1001296 ID: 2451c3
File 162165410768.png - (197.95KB , 800x600 , 1683.png )

For a moment you consider bringing Skif into this, but you decide to do something much easier to draw. You wrap your tongue around his throbbing penis, polymorphing some extra length to do so. There's something oddly nostalgic about this.

You bring him into your mouth. You feel every twitch, every heartbeat as his dam threatens to burst open. You wonder, would he cum without you doing anything more? You know from polymorphic ...experimentation... that it leads to a 'ruined orgasm'. One that is both relief and a desperate lack thereof.

Again your kindness wins out and you begin to slide your tongue around as you slide your mouth up and down Mmm~ Not long now, is it~?
No. 1001297 ID: 2451c3
File 162165411046.png - (197.99KB , 800x600 , 1684.png )

It proves too much, and he fills your mouth nearly to bursting.

Normally you'd take the seed within you, but you're not going to give him that level of satisfaction. You're offering him a mercy, not a legitimate romantic interlude. You spit his seed onto the nearby ground. He looks momentarily disappointed, then a look of horror fills his eyes.
No. 1001298 ID: 2451c3
File 162165411369.png - (200.51KB , 800x600 , 1685.png )

"Oh fuck! Post-nut clarity! I did a bad!"

"Starting to feel regret~?" you ask teasingly.


"hmmhmm~ That's what happens when you cross a... uh... normal reptilian."

"OH GODS SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME wait why did you phrase it like that"

"don't worry about it Hey! Saint Dook! You okay?"

He weakly offers a thumbs-up. "M-my lady... I have survived our passionate love-making! I am ready to tend to your needs once more!"

"A true knight knows to avoid self-sacrifice so he can continue to serve his queen," Skif mutters.

You pat Skif on the head. You're not sure he can tell. "Now, now. Let's follow that tunnel and see what this wayward magician's been up to."

The three of you get cleaned up and dressed. Then you look around wondering where your pants went. Then you remember and go 'oh right'.
No. 1001299 ID: 2451c3
File 162165411721.png - (200.11KB , 800x600 , 1686.png )

You make your way through the tunnel, which soon opens up to reveal their 'base of operations'. Looks like the other person is here. There's various items about, and some weird markings drawn on the floor.

She looks to be a short mammalian female, roughly the size of a kabold. Much to your surprise, her chest appears to be about average-size. Maybe you've been spending too much time around polymorphers.

The lady criminal slowly turns your way. "Finally. Did you figure out what that noise-- oh."

"They... I..." the man-dy criminal stammers. "I fucked up again!"

Her eyes fall on you. "Gods damn it. You let this bitch charm you, didn't you? That's the third time your dick's gotten you in trouble!"

"I know!" you and the stranger say at the same time. Teehee!

"Fiiiiine. I'll take care of it. Like always."

"How do you propose to do that?" Skif asks. "We outnumber you considerably."

"Yes!" Duke says. "Give up your criminal ways and join us in pursuit of justice and righteousness!"

"Tempting offer," she admits, "But I think not."

She suddenly leaps towards a pile of items on the floor. Suddenly you realize the purpose of the floor-markings!

No. 1001300 ID: 2451c3
File 162165412068.png - (281.06KB , 800x600 , 1687.png )

A bright flash fills the room as everything around you slows to a crawl. It's as if time itself struggles to flow. There's no doubt that this is a TIME MAGIC ritual. But what is its exact purpose? For once... you're not entirely sure.

You glance around. Skif, warrior instincts strong as ever, was halted mid-pounce. Looks like Saint Dook's reflexes aren't much worse, as he has a knife readied and his hand looks as if he was about to use magic.

The female stands up, dusts herself off, then walks around the slowly-approaching Skif. The effect on time doesn't seem to be affecting her.

Ah, so that's how the ritual works. It slows down everyone but the user, allowing the caster to act at incredible speed relative to the world around them.

But you can see all of this. And... you think you can still move, too. Oh hey, it's like that one popular story! ...This isn't the time for that.

You seem to be resistant to this, as you are vs most magic. Mr. Ilan's attempt to seal your dragon-self away didn't go completely as he intended. Some aspects of your real self remain with you, even in this form.

That's one theory behind you having breasts, and it's likely why you share some of the same incredible defense a dragon has. This has become more noticeable as your seal has weakened.

There's no way for her to know any of that, so you have the initiative. There's multiple things you could do, though you get the feeling PORTAL MAGIC won't be reliable with time being slowed such as it is.

What will you do?

A: Wave hi and tell her she's the one trapped here with you.
There's a risk of revealing your draconic nature to her, but it's not like she knows who you are, right? Either way, this would definitely put the fear of the gods/dragons in her and cause her to do whatever you say or answer any question you ask.

Do you polymorph into FAUX DRAGON FORM for extra flair? X: No. Y: Yes.

B: Remain still until you get a good moment to tackle her.
Nothing like the element of surprise! If you do it right, she might not even realize what happened, much less puzzle out your true nature.

C: Go invisible.
She'll be utterly confused why you 'vanished', no doubt. Maybe she'll believe her ritual malfunctioned? This could be a way to minimize the risk of revealing what you are.

D: Teleport behind her and say 'nothing personal, kid.'
Uh, presumably you'd then use the other ROPE to tie her up. There's a risk of her figuring out your secret, but will you ever get another chance to use that line...?
No. 1001301 ID: 775775

A and X, C
Slowly grow your wings out then say hello! Turning into a big dragon is an expected result, but people-sized opposition is much more intimidating especially when combined with your wings looking godly with you.
No. 1001304 ID: 0fae41

D, A/x: Go big but stay reptilian, not draconic. No one will ever believe her!
No. 1001306 ID: 0bfc71

I like this heavenly dragon idea
No. 1001316 ID: c48caa

B, c
Subdue her and break the ritual.
No. 1001319 ID: cdabe3

B, d
No. 1001320 ID: 3edd0d

A, B, and X
No. 1001321 ID: 96c896

D, c.
I really wanna see that line used.
No. 1001327 ID: cc7d1d

C primary, B secondary. Criminals studying forbidden magic are not people you want to trust to not abuse secrets they learn!
No. 1001329 ID: b74a2f

B, A, X
No. 1001331 ID: 094652

B/C (wait until she gets close and suddenly 'cease'), then put her in a chokehold and smoosh her underneath your rounded fat!
No. 1001343 ID: 6c85e8

No. 1001358 ID: f8fa51

No. 1001377 ID: 36784c

>everyone but Ceri and the bad lady have been slowed down.
I thought Skif‘s race could resist magic? I guess Time Magic is too powerful for him to resist.

>What do?
C , b
No. 1001482 ID: c8a2f4


so D, A
No. 1001698 ID: 2be85e

No. 1001704 ID: 9a2966

C, b should do it, I think. She'll be momentarily distracted by you disappearing, so it's less likely she'll try to put the hurt on your companions.
No. 1001705 ID: 031458

D is too good to pass up!

C will work too.
No. 1001707 ID: a9af05

No. 1002121 ID: 4734c9

D, A X

No B - it'll be obvious that you're not affected by the time magic.
I doubt you've practiced "strategic polymorphing to make it appear as if you're not breathing".
D will have much of the effect of A.
No. 1002360 ID: ff9f30
File 162260060661.png - (259.55KB , 800x600 , 1688.png )

>I thought Skif's race could resist magic?
Your memory sure is spotty lately. You'd almost think it's been a year since your last adventure.

Skif doesn't resist magic the way you do. Remember when you met Gulketi? He tried (maybe accidentally?) to use PSYCHIC MAGIC on you and Skif. Gulketi easily convinced Skif he wasn't a dragon, but you were unaffected.

That said, there's something going on with galeacoma, if not all DRAGON RIDERS. When you had sex the first time, something deep within you instinctively reached out to Skif... and something within him reached right back.

Mr. Ilan gave the impression that such a thing would wound or kill a mortal, but Skif came out of it fine...

Thankfully that hasn't happened since, even with your seal weakening over time.

Still, maybe there's something about dragons that galeacoma do resist...? But RITUAL TIME MAGIC is a mortal creation (as far as you know), thus he's hit like everyone else.

>I doubt you've practiced "strategic polymorphing to make it appear as if you're not breathing".
When would that ever come up!??!

Okay yes it's coming up right now but come on who could have predicted this?????
No. 1002361 ID: ff9f30
File 162260060969.png - (200.75KB , 800x600 , 1689.png )

"What the hell do I even do here," the tiny lady wonders aloud. "I don't want to kill them... maybe I could tie them up? Ugh, I knew we should have brought ROPE."

She steps forward, examining the situation. Come on, just a bit closer...

"Ah, of course. I untie the dumbass and use that rope. That'd take care of one, but what about the other two...? Argh, this spell only lasts for a minute."

You wonder why she's wasting time talking, then. It's not like time comes to a halt every time someone talks to themself.


"Whatever, one thing at a time," she says as she begins to pass you. Yes... almost time to pounce...!

Wait... if you jump her, she'll likely realize the truth. Hmm... Maybe you should knock her over with a kick first? Then it becomes plausible that you tackled her after being unfrozen.

It's not in your nature to kick people... part of you feels guilty at the thought. But this isn't the time to let COMPASSION overwhelm you...!

Your heart's racing. You try to stay calm. Just wait for the right moment...
No. 1002362 ID: ff9f30
File 162260061264.png - (277.14KB , 800x600 , 1690.png )

She pauses, then stares right at you...!

You hold your breath... augh... your low VIM limits how long you can do this!

"Fuckin' polymorphers. Think they can grow a giant set of tits and have men grovel beneath their feet."

It's not your fault that's been pretty much exactly what's been happening!

"Hmph. If you're gonna go through that trouble, you could at least polymorph away that fat belly of yours."

omg that's so mean

You're not sure you can hold your breath much longer. Would she turn away already!?

"The hell kind of reptilian are you, anyway? You don't match any of the species around here..."


"Whatever. I don't have time to waste worrying about it."


As your lungs catch fire in their desperation for oxygen, she finally moves behind you. This is it...!
No. 1002363 ID: ff9f30
File 162260061525.png - (196.13KB , 800x600 , 1691.png )

You quickly tackle her from behind! She lets out a squeak that would be adorable in any other circumstance, and frankly is kinda cute regardless. You quickly TELEPORT a meter away from her, ensuring she won't realize what happened.

The moment she's past the edge of the ritual circle, you feel the flow of time return to normal around you. Duke and Skif follow through on their actions before looking around in utter confusion.

The polymorphing you did during sex combined with this teleport brings your MP down to 169 out of 180. Nice.

most of that was spent just on the teleport, because your polymorph is goddamn overpowered.

"Fuck! I thought I had more time!"

Heehee. If only she knew what really happened. granted she was real close to doing your job for you with all that monologuing

Speaking of which. You're now a meter away, making Saint Duke the closest. She's pretty close to her partner in crime, so you better act fast!

What will you do?

A: Have Sir Duke handle the lady criminal, while Skif secures the male criminal.
Make this a real team effort!

B: Spend like 30 more MP opening a portal underneath the criminals so they land right in front of you.
The surprise alone should buy enough time to grab the female while keeping the male secure. Then the boys can grab something to tie her up with.

C: Still kinda wanna teleport behind her and say the line, TBH.
Hehehe... nothing personal...

D: Have Duke grab the lady, then scare them both with a monstrous display of your D-WINGS!
Scared straight, perhaps they'll think again before doing a crime.
No. 1002364 ID: ff9f30

:cheihahawhat: (Sorry for the slow updates! As many of you know, I'm working on a MAJOR PROJECT, juggling it and this quest. I intended to let the art quality slip a bit, but then Ceri had a mountain of sex!

I tend to up the art quality a bit for those scenes, which caused me to get a bit behind on the MAJOR PROJECT. But things should go more smoothly now. I'll try for 2 a week, but until the PROJECT is in a more final state I can only really promise 1 a week. Last week should be the only week I end up missing entirely.

I appreciate your patience, and I hope you'll find it all worth the wait!)
No. 1002365 ID: 775775

D, B
No. 1002367 ID: 0fae41

No. 1002370 ID: fa88b3

C, B! Then if you need something to tie her up with then the boys can use their clothes for maximum naked times. Maybe even triple dick think trouble boy's shirt too.
No. 1002371 ID: 3edd0d

B, D
No. 1002374 ID: cdabe3

No. 1002378 ID: cc7d1d

Silly Ceri, everyone knows that the time spent talking during a time stop doesn't count against the duration! How else are people supposed to deliver exposition? Also something about minimal movement using up less of the time stop energy or such probably.

B, A.
No. 1002379 ID: 96c896

C, a.
No. 1002387 ID: 36784c

I’ve got an idea!

Primary C, but make sure you teleport on top of her! That way you’ll end up sitting on her back and have her pinned under you! Then you can say the line to her!

Secondary B
No. 1002390 ID: f8fa51


You are overpowered enough to do this all yourself, and I can't think of any reason you need to conserve your MP... but it would be nice to let the boys be the heroes for a bit.
No. 1002397 ID: 5b0071

A or b
No need to show your hand (or wings) yet.
No. 1002398 ID: 19ea25

A, D

Though you keep calling them criminals, given how many laws you've broken intentionally or unintentionally you are technically a criminal too.
No. 1002399 ID: 4734c9

C, B
No. 1002412 ID: c48caa

There's always time to be really cool.
No. 1002530 ID: 99ca7b

It's almost as if .... time stopped ;)

No. 1002533 ID: a9af05


>teleport on top of her! That way you’ll end up sitting on her back and have her pinned under you!
No. 1002538 ID: c09f5e

D, A

It's more impulsive than rational, but does noone here want to show off the D?
No. 1002895 ID: 9ffe87


Also no more sex for a while. We don't want to break Slin- err, I mean God... or reality... or something...

I am also craving me some plot development
No. 1002951 ID: c3e059

Prime C. Second A.
No. 1003067 ID: ff9f30
File 162334783643.png - (110.22KB , 800x600 , 1692.png )


"Nothing personal, kid."

No. 1003068 ID: ff9f30
File 162334783951.png - (232.39KB , 800x600 , 1693.png )


Skif and Sir Duke look back at you in surprise.

"I took care of the bad guy~!" you say cheerfully.

"How!?" is Skif's response. "It's only been a second!"

"Truly our mistress shines with bountiful prowess!" Saint Duke says.

The female baddie grunts below you "FfFffff...fuck... you're... so fucking heavy!! Get off me, fatass!!!"

You recoil slightly. "F-fatass?? I'm--"

Your words are interrupted.
No. 1003069 ID: ff9f30
File 162334784367.png - (250.29KB , 800x600 , 1694.png )

"Truly a bold move to insult our mistress."

"A bold and foolish move."

"To insult her is to insult the very concept of beauty."

"A crime unimaginable to gods and mortals alike."

"So just this once, we shall put aside our differences."

"And fight for our common goal."

"To defend and protect our lady's hono(u)r."

"Thus we offer you our one and only warning."

"Dare you expel further excrement from your mouth..."
No. 1003070 ID: ff9f30
File 162334784655.png - (233.50KB , 800x600 , 1695.png )

"...You shall answer to our blades."

No. 1003071 ID: ff9f30
File 162334784908.png - (254.75KB , 800x600 , 1696.png )

"Fuck it. I give up."

Nice! A complete and utter victory!

You direct Skif to keep hold of the male while Sir Duke finds something to tie the female up with. He eventually finds some cloth, and uses his MIGHTY KNIFE to cut it into long strips.
No. 1003072 ID: ff9f30
File 162334785275.png - (119.05KB , 800x600 , 1697.png )

"Damn it all. I should have listened to my parents," the male says.

"You should have listened to me, you idiot!" the female sneers.

"True. You've only made things worse for me twice."

"Yes. One less time than your dick."

"It's just simple math, really."

:ceritalk_wat: "...."

'Kay, then. Time for questions.

"Why do all this?" you ask. "Why learn the forbidden arts? You two could have done something sensible, like opening a clothing store at the mall."

"That's the worst idea I've ever heard," the female says.

kharadra will remember this.

The male sighs deeply. "I was only half-lying before. I really did want to make lovely flowers. Specifically, to make the prettiest flower of all, f-for the prettiest girl I..."

The female cuts him off. "THAT BITCH AT THE HARBO(U)R!?"


"That's fo(u)r times listening to your dick got you in trouble!"

"I-I can't help it! There must be something in the water! And you saw how hot she was!"

You rub your temples. "Why not just get her a regular flower, then?"

"Are you kidding, man?? Anyone can pick a random flower! But only I would have the power to create them!"

You'd not wager much on the longevity of said flower, considering how easily the Life-Magic plant from earlier crumbled in your hand.

Euia Ilan explained to you that it takes years upon years to gain even a meager amount of skill in Life-Magic. He implied that he's like, super duper old, and that's how he got as good as he has. This guy really had no chance.

Then again, Euia works with innate magic, not rituals. Who could say how difficult this RITUAL form of Life-Magic would be? Until now you'd never have guessed such a thing were even possible. It offers many implications, not all of them good.

...But, perhaps, a potential option for more easily maintaining your DRAGON SEAL...
No. 1003073 ID: ff9f30
File 162334785593.png - (148.75KB , 800x600 , 1698.png )

You turn to the woman. "What about you?"

"Hmph. Expecting me to blab my life story like some kind of cartoon villain. This is real life, child."

"Aww...! But I'm really curious!"

You give her the best puppy-dragon eyes you can muster.

"I didn't realize how right I was to call you 'child'. Gods."

You hold strong.

"Fine! Whatever! There's no big revelation, okay? I wanted to control time. Who doesn't?"

"I don't!" you respond indicatively.

"An easy thing to say now, but if you truly had the chance to change the flow of time, I bet you'd take it in a heartbeat. Maybe you just want more time to do homework. Maybe you want a precious few more seconds with a loved one before they pass. Eventually, somehow, some way, you'd hunger for the power to stop the one thing guaranteeing we all die one day."

This bitch trying to 'holier than thou' you? You've already done so much in just a few days-- if anything time's already passing much too slowly for you!

Still, TIME MAGIC is a strange one for sure. Deep-rooted memories tell you that it only exists in RITUAL form. With that in mind, it hardly seems very powerful. You can't set up circles in combat very easily, and the time spent gathering materials to use it could... be spent doing the thing you wanted more time for in the first place.

You shrug. "For all it's supposed power, it sure didn't save you from us."

"Grrr... I have no idea what went wrong. I made sure to spend exactly 45 seconds talking aloud-- I should have had plenty of time to escape!

"Messing with time must have ruined your perception of it," you quirk.

"Hmph. I must have gotten some of the details wrong. The irony is I was working on testing it before you showed up! Argh-- I would have gotten away with it if not for you kids and your nudity!"

Your mind suddenly thinks of the Paniy fruit, a sweet melon known for hanging very, very low from its tree. Ah, to pluck such a delicious and low-hanging morsel...

Your thoughts are interrupted by Skif. "So what do we do with all the shit lying around here?"

Oh right forbidden magic research.

He continues, "We shouldn't leave it behind, lest someone discover it and become tempted by these forbidden arts.


[Path of the gathering of magic...]

A: Bring it all to Unity Base, for further study.
Since Eezeryh finally believes magic is real, maybe she could learn something that would ultimately help you heal your SEAL?

B: Bring it to the police, for them to deal with.
Maybe you'll get an article about how you're the town hero!

C: Bring it all to your room, for private study.
LIFE and TIME magic are too dangerous to trust to anyone else, but they could be powerful tools for a DRAGON trying to hide from other DRAGONS.

[Path of the destruction of magic...]

D: Destroy it all.
Remember that BOMB you brought? This is a good use for it. This stuff is too dangerous for anyone to have, including... yourself.

You also wonder if you should ask the two any questions before bringing them to the police...
No. 1003074 ID: 3edd0d

No. 1003085 ID: dec3ed

I am between A and A. No ofence, but you tend to make disasters with dangerous things in your hands. Then again, Eezeryh is not mutch better, but at least she has more chances of avoinding an explosion.

I don't know how competent are the police in your town, given everyone has such an easy time doing inappropriate things in public, they don't seem to do a great job. But, maybe, with these kind of things, are more competent.
No. 1003086 ID: dec3ed

Between A and B
No. 1003088 ID: c81c09

A - Let's be honest; destroying it would be a waste, the police won't know what to do with it and if you take it to your place it'll for sure get discovered.

Unity base is at least well hidden and well defended.
Having an energetic genius working on decoding the mysteries of it can't hurt your efforts either.
No. 1003093 ID: 031458


Hmm. So the truth comes out. The take over the town thing was a means to an end birthed from a lack of planning and supply. The females true intent is immortality. The man is driven by love.

The man might just seek other methods of wooing his crush... The woman though...
Her hubris knows no bounds.
A short stay with the state won't deter her. (And if we take the lab stuff it WILL be short.)
Time magic has incredible potential. Imagine if she tattooed a circle on herself that returned her 24 hours in the past if she was killed. Imagine a ritual that de-aged your body. Such powers would put one just shy of godhood.
A mistake in developing those magics could be catastrophic.

Letting her live, even in police custody, endangers us all. There may be another way though...

You could take them and thier equipment back to base... Eezeryh would probably come to appreciate another scientific mind around, and they would probably appreciate not having to take over a town or live in a cave to pursue thier goals.
Also, if dangerous magic research is going to take place, might as well have it happen in a controlled environment...
And under you.
No. 1003096 ID: 19ea25

C, A
No. 1003099 ID: ecd116

A primary & a variation of c secondary where instead of keeping it all in your room you take it all to the lab first but you get copys of documents and notes made plus if possible some spares copy of equipment or just find/buy your own to take to your home so you can practice/research it on your own time
what to ask them? would they want to come to Unity Base to do their life/time magic albeit under a watchful eye at all times so nothing illegal and/or were to go horribly wrong if that were to happened, it will beat facing jail time or worst, do they got somethings here we should take to the base as well plus is there people here we don't know about that maybe are hiding here in this cave with you? who and what is the name of this girl at the harbo(u)r that guy was talking about bringing a flower to ? and why are you saying/sounding (u) like that? lastly what your opinion about dragons and how much do you know of them and their magic?
No. 1003100 ID: c09f5e

B, A

You don't hoard knowledge, silly. Get your name in the papers, and maybe you'd get a nice interview by someone cute. Good PR is how Dragons are so well-known*, you know.
*For Evil, but you can change that.
No. 1003101 ID: cdabe3

A, c
No. 1003102 ID: 0bfc71

C, B
No. 1003109 ID: 0fae41

You don't get this far without study materials. Who or what showed you how to do this much?
No. 1003110 ID: fe91ca

C, A
No. 1003111 ID: a9af05

Primary B: Bring it to the police, for them to deal with.
They're going to need it as evidence in order to arrest these guys, when you bring them in.

Secondary D: Destroy it all.
Let's be honest, it'd be better to destroy it all and not worry about someone else finding it.
No. 1003112 ID: 775775

C, D
No. 1003113 ID: 02c722

A, c
No. 1003115 ID: 094652

A - There's been no turning back from the pursuit of mad science ever since you allied with space aliens with kaiju, anti-magic, and paradox hammerspace.

Learning time will develop your space abilities further.
No. 1003170 ID: 9ffe87

A. obviously
(or C. I guess, but how tf will we hide all of that from our parents, or failing that, how will we convince them that we aren't going off the deep end and not turn it all into the police themselves?)

Time magic seems cool, but if you think about it, you could royally fuck up things too if you aren't careful. You know, you go back in time and kill the wrong butterfly in the past and suddenly Dragon Hitler has taken over the world in the present.

I suppose if studied, it could have some useful outlets if used responsibly (assuming time lords don't show up to apprehend us for meddling). For now, we (meaning the Eez) should experiment on it in very controlled environments (meaning the ship). Idk if anything could come out of it, but the quest for knowledge in a responsible manner should never be stopped (although time shenanigans sort of reminds me of what Siphon told us at the picnic. She may be interested.).
No. 1003178 ID: 96c896


It's not actually that dangerous. They planned to take over the town or whatever, but I don't see that happening with ritual magic. It's localized, and she only had 1 minute of frozen time, that's not enough to do many nefarious deeds. Though, I suppose if you could extend that frozen time enough it would be pretty easy to do something like rob a store undetected. Still, an extended takeover is impossible, since it's a *very* limited resource. At best you'd have to bluff, make people think you have as much of it as you need. As for Life Magic, well, maybe you could make some creatures to fight for you, but it would be a slow buildup and then if your army is depleted it'd take too much time to replenish your numbers.
However, you're still underestimating time magic. Optimally, you spend time preparing the ritual during a low urgency timeframe, then get that time back by using the ritual during a high urgency timeframe. Moving your spare time to a point where you need it most. That's useful!

Eezeryh is an alien, she's not subject to this world's laws anyway. Plus if you move everything to your room that's SUPER SUS. And you don't have enough room in your room to hold ritual circles.
That said, you're going to have to establish strict rules on what she can do with it, and if she wants to act outside the rules she has to get permission from you *and* everyone else in the Unity group. Even ritual-based Life Magic can probably be used to change living creatures irreversibly, and she'll probably be tempted to give herself extra arms or something. If anything went wrong...
No. 1003187 ID: 4734c9

"Yo tell me who the fine lass at the docks is"
No. 1003191 ID: 736b7e

No. 1003215 ID: 5b0071

we can't just bring a bomb along and not use it. the narrative demands it
No. 1003226 ID: 5fdf1e

A,C. Bringing them to the cops is too much attention on you, and it's a waste to destroy it all!
No. 1003231 ID: 36784c

Primary D
I don't trust Eezeryh with any of this stuff. You ask a mad scientist to do something, she'll do it and do something secret behind your back! And that secret thing may end up being dangerous to everyone!

Not only that, but Eezeryh has absolutely no security to prevent anyone from tampering with anything, as proven by Siphon repeatedly tampering with all of Eezeryh's things. Imagine how bad things will be if Siphon messes with any of this as one of her little "pranks" on Eezeryh!

Secondary C
You can hold onto this stuff and hand it over to Mr. Ilan, since he's most likely got a way to properly dispose of all of this stuff.
No. 1003249 ID: 6c5f9b

B. Your options for how to deal with these two are basically turning them in, letting them go, kidnapping them or murderize them. The only reasonable choice is turning them in, and the police will definitely ask where their illegal magic schtuffs are.
No. 1003531 ID: ff9f30
File 162396014970.png - (136.62KB , 800x600 , 1699.png )

:drcps_ceri_neutral: "...So basically, I need you to take all the books and journals we found at the northern cave and bring it to Unity Base for future study. That make sense?"

:drsiphonmgs1: "Okay~! I'll make Eezeryh help me carry stuff!"

:drcps_ceri_smiling: "Heehee... You sure she'd be willing to do that?"

:drsiphonmgs1: "I just have to rub her softly for a bit then tell her she has to help me to get more rubs~"

:drcps_ceri_worried_smiling: "Is she even into that?"


:drcps_ceri_neutral_lookaway_blush: "R-right..."

:drcps_ceri_smiling: "Well, thanks for your help! I need to help the boys deal with the criminals now."

:drcps_ceri_worried: "Sorry if I woke you up."

:drsiphonmgs1: "It's okay I was already awake!"

:drcps_ceri_worried: "...Are you getting enough sleep at night?"

:drsiphonmgs2: "...."

:drcps_ceri_worried: "And what's that buzzing sound?"

:drsiphonmgs1: "Okay Bye~!"

*Click even though this isn't a phone.*

Hmm. You may need to have a discussion with the others about healthy sleeping habits. Not that you can really talk, considering you had this entire adventure at fuck-oclock in the morning.
No. 1003532 ID: ff9f30
File 162396015347.png - (148.19KB , 800x600 , 1700.png )

And now for these two...

>No ofence, but you tend to make disasters with dangerous things in your hands.
Harsh but fair.

>Hmm. So the truth comes out. The take over the town thing was a means to an end birthed from a lack of planning and supply. The females true intent is immortality. The man is driven by love.
Sure, people say they want to take over the world, but it's always something else driving their actions in the end. Possible exception for Eezeryh.

>Time magic has incredible potential. Imagine if she tattooed a circle on herself that returned her 24 hours in the past if she was killed. Imagine a ritual that de-aged your body. Such powers would put one just shy of godhood.
A scary thought! Long Life can already be obtained with LIFE-MAGIC, but Mr. Ilan explained that even that has limits. Your magic weakens over time, and nothing can restore it to full. Eventually you lack the magic to sustain yourself, and that's kinda it.

You want to believe that Time Magic can't go backwards in time... if only because that ability would surely have led to a much less peaceful world than the one you live in. One ruled by an all-powerful dictator, perhaps.

If you assume that's true, then Time Magic probably can't turn back the clock on age, either.

...But who knows for sure? All you really know about Time Magic is what little you read about it in the COMBINATION MAGIC BOOK, and snippets of implanted memories in the back of your mind.

>You could take them and thier equipment back to base... Eezeryh would probably come to appreciate another scientific mind around, and they would probably appreciate not having to take over a town or live in a cave to pursue thier goals.
You struggle to find a non-meta way to say 'no' to this. 'We're already straining the limit on how many characters you can have while maintaining a coherent plot'? No... 'It'd be way too many people to draw'? Nope...


You don't wanna.

>You don't hoard knowledge, silly. Get your name in the papers, and maybe you'd get a nice interview by someone cute. Good PR is how Dragons are so well-known*, you know.
Punk Ceri is napping right now, but the short recap is this: You need to keep your head down or dragons will find and murder you. That means no getting famous or answering questions! Even if they're really cute!

>I don't trust Eezeryh with any of this stuff. You ask a mad scientist to do something, she'll do it and do something secret behind your back! And that secret thing may end up being dangerous to everyone!
Y-you didn't consider this!


Uh... i-it'll probably be fine. Eezeryh barely believes in magic as-is, and you already proved you can best her robots when you fought off her SECURITY ROBOT while unable to use any magic.

That plus your high resistance to magic should ensure that you'd be able to prevent Eezeryh doing too much with the knowledge, even if she cared enough to bother reading it.

Siphon is a little more concerning, if only because she'll happily take advantage of your lewd weaknesses...!

But she seems happy with her life. She doesn't strike you as someone all that interested in gaining power.

Unity Base is probably the safest place for this stuff for now.
No. 1003533 ID: ff9f30
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After (reluctantly) recovering your LEOTARD and the boys' pants, the three of you escort the criminals to the police station. You explain the situation to the vaguely-disinterested officer. He promises to look into it, and calls out another officer to take custody of the two criminals.

You worry for a moment that having Siphon secure most of the 'evidence' would lead to these two going free, but the male breaks down and confesses to everything. Then, in yelling at the male for being unbelievably stupid, the female ends up confessing everything too.

Hopefully a few years of community service and mandatory classes on 'why you shouldn't study forbidden magic you idiot' will set them straight. You want to believe they'll be rehabilitated. Maybe the male will better himself enough that his crush likes him back??

Either way, that's MISSION COMPLETE!

Now, just what are your plans for the FORBIDDEN LORE being sent to Unity Base?

Hmm. For now, you'll just have Siphon store them in a safe place. You'd rather wait for Mr. Ilan to get back before studying them too much, just in case his dragon friend is able to solve your problems and make it so you don't even need to consider some dusty rituals.

But if that doesn't work out, you'll be glad you have a plan "B".

Okay. Time to get out of here.
No. 1003534 ID: ff9f30
File 162396016098.png - (190.28KB , 800x600 , 1702.png )

"Well, that was a heck of a trip, huh?" you say.

Saint Duke beams. "Beautiful and exciting! My mistress is truly an angel sent by the gods!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "Do you proclaim ownership over said angel, Sir Duke?"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "I am proclaiming myself only a faithful follower, Good Sir! A true knight knows his place is by her side!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "A position I have zealously held for many years now! I'm a knight of experience!"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "And I am a knight of passion!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "As a proper knight, you'll find I've plenty of both!"

:saintduketalk_chrival: "Fear not, Good Sir, for I am quick to make up for lost time!"

:skiftalk_chrival: "You're certainly quick to orgasm, if our previous outing is any indication!"

:saintduketalk_shocked: "T-that's hitting below the belt!"

:skiftalk_grin: "All's fair in love and war, my good knight."

:ceritalk_defeated: "Neither of you answered my question..."

Guess the truce is over.

Haha, boys will be boys, you guess. Even though you probably could have solo'd that adventure, the two of them certainly made it a lot more fun.

You should reward them somehow...

A: Use the eggs you laid to make them a Mommy Meal!
Something tells you this might be your last opportunity to do this before the eggs go bad! Maybe you'll cook while wearing just an apron~

B: Bring them to your room for one last round of passion~
Any ideas on how to spice things up for this go~?

C: Head to the LAKE OF DOOM (canon name) for some relaxing romantic scenery!
After all that excitement, why not take a moment to relax, talk, and bond?

D: Find a private spot to experience some DRAGON romance.
And by that you mean it's time for them to 'experience' your FAUX DRAGON FORM~
No. 1003536 ID: cdabe3


Also compliment dook on his quick trigger, it really shows how much he enjoys your company~
No. 1003537 ID: 3edd0d

B Clearly you should take the evolution of your adventuring "outfit" today~
No. 1003539 ID: c48caa

D, b
We were in the middle of bonding with our knights before mystery and crimes happened! Think about getting back to that. The boys worshipping your every scale, bowing at your greatness, quivering under your.. attention.
No. 1003543 ID: 0e1661

Dress them up in minimal knightly outfits to let them commit to their queen! Or something silly like everyone wearing stockings.
No. 1003545 ID: 736b7e

D, C
No. 1003549 ID: 0bfc71

Reward those Boys!
No. 1003552 ID: f8fa51

No. 1003555 ID: 96c896

A, d.
No. 1003556 ID: b74a2f

B good to them?
No. 1003557 ID: 05e505

D or B
everyone did some good work out there, last round of fun to cap off the adventure
No. 1003559 ID: 9a2966

Reward your loyal knights for their nightly assistance~

A - With a hearty (heart-beating, naked) eggfast! You mean, breakfast!

(Also, are we SURE there are NO side effects to eating DRAGON eggs? Even if they are life-magic generated faux ones, they still originated from, well, uh, inside you, with all that entails.)

Alternative reward: d
No. 1003561 ID: a9af05

No. 1003562 ID: be3107

B, also uh mind your folks unless they sleep heavy at fuck-o'-clock
No. 1003563 ID: 031458


Thems good eggs
No. 1003565 ID: ef6063

B Hey the comfort of your room means more space to try less-cramped positions!
No. 1003569 ID: 0fae41

D/c. The lake is also a good place to fuck, as proven many times in the past. I wonder if your giant form left any craters while getting railed.
No. 1003570 ID: 4734c9

D, B
No. 1003571 ID: 775775

B - In a room full of outfits, what's the least you can wear for appeal? :3c
No. 1003572 ID: 5fdf1e

B, D
No. 1003580 ID: 36784c

A , b

This is probably the only chance you’re going to get to make a meal with your eggs! You’re not gonna lay anymore for a while, so you might as well do it now!
No. 1003581 ID: e85a08

No. 1003588 ID: d7d91d

bake A eggs!
No. 1003589 ID: 75efdc

B, A

A good meal after good times will make for a good pre-start to the day!
No. 1003590 ID: 3a0940

B, C
No. 1003643 ID: 43bfc0

I think we've had plenty of lewd adventures for today. Let's do something relaxing. C/a
No. 1003649 ID: 094652

A - You've filled your romance quota. Time to fill your magic practice quota.
No. 1003726 ID: 5b0071

No. 1003764 ID: ecd116

A primary & d secondary. so the eggs won't go to waste and to see if you can cook and prepared them in your faux dragon form. especially with cooking tools if you are able to use them effectively in that state.
No. 1003823 ID: 050aa0

B, A
No. 1003929 ID: 2325d6

D / A

Protein for the boys, so they can handle all that D.

Also because letting the eggs go bad seems like a waste.

why do I now want to know how many dragon eggs it takes to bake a cake?
No. 1003931 ID: 348e5a

Resume interrupted Bonding! And then amiel A meal after to get back some energy~
No. 1004087 ID: f3f534

A: Use the eggs you laid to make them a Mommy Meal!
Let's have a victory meal to celebrate catching the bad guys!

Try to be quiet. It's still really early in the morning and your parents are still sleeping.
No. 1004178 ID: ff9f30
File 162466264710.png - (188.53KB , 800x600 , 1703.png )

Surprising nobody at this point, you're undecided on if you'd rather make the boys a Mommy Meal, or take them to your room for a good bit of 'fun'.

Let's see. Normally, the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times this happens you try to find a way to do both options. But doing that here would make a huge mess of your room!

Oh well. You did just have way more sex than usual, so maybe you'll start with the meal and see where things go from there? The night is young, after all!

you say despite the night being as old as it can get since it's nearly sunrise

>Also, are we SURE there are NO side effects to eating DRAGON eggs? Even if they are life-magic generated faux ones, they still originated from, well, uh, inside you, with all that entails.
They're reptilian eggs! You're pretty sure it's fine because you accidentally fed an egg to Outissa the other day, and so far she seems... fine??

>Try to be quiet. It's still really early in the morning and your parents are still sleeping.
Very true.

"So are you boys hungry~?" you ask.

"I've a hero's appetite!" Saint says excitedly.

Skif nods. "This much I can agree with. A good meal is... wait. Ceri, where are you going with this...?"

Uh oh-- Skif read you like a book!

"Look, all I'm saying is I have a wonderful idea for how to reward you two, and it involves food!"


"Including lots of stuff!"

Saint Duke scoffs at Skif. "To be incredulous about a divine offering from our queen is hardly befitting a knight!"

Skif huffs in response. "I suppose it's only proper for a knight to share that which he helped lay."

Duke raises an eyebrow. "What... does that even mean?"

"Oh, nothing~" Skif says. "Let's go enjoy the motherly meal coming our way."

No. 1004179 ID: ff9f30
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Leaving Duke's question hanging in the air, you lead the two of them on the path towards your home, making conversation as you go.

"So, Mr. Duke, you've gotten to know Siphon pretty well, huh?"

Skif shoots you a look. He must be jealous you started with the wsl.

Saint Duke blushes. "W-what can I say? Siphon is a very... convincing lady!"

"She definitely enjoys herself," you say. "She does have a soft spot, too, if you can get her to show it."

"She has lots of soft spots!" Duke says.

"That... that too. Have you gotten along well with the others?"

"Well, Miss Eezeryh has proven to be quite a rival!"

"Oh? Skif's not your only one?"

Saint Dook shakes his head. "Sir Skif is my CHRIVAL, but Miss Eezeryh is my RIVAL!"

"Very straightforward," you muse.

He rubs the back of his head. "Well, maybe not RIVALS exactly, but she called on me to help her test the COMBAT CHAMBER after..."

Skif and Saint Dook glance at each other. "...the incident."

This again. "When the hell did you even have time to do that?" you ask.

"Well, after I had a total Bro Moment with Skif, she emerged from the water and asked-- nay, demanded one of us remain to help her with testing!"

"And I won the game of rock-paper-scissors," Skif says with a smirk.

"M-mistress Ceri didn't need to hear that part!"

You stop walking and look back at Duke. "Wait-- If you did that and then went on this adventure with me... when was the last time you slept?"

"Worry not, mistress!" Is Duke's only reply.

"R-right. Did you mingle with any of the others?"

"Less so! Miss Outissa seemed nice enough, though I feel she has less interest in me than in certain others."


Skif interrupts. "Ceri, this might shock you, but people actually exist who only like beans or sossig."
No. 1004180 ID: ff9f30
File 162466265310.png - (128.81KB , 800x600 , 1705.png )


"That was my reaction too, yeah."

"D-don't lie, Skif!"

"I'm afraid It's quite true, mistress Ceri!" Saint Duke says. "I am one such example, for I only like beans!"

"But... but the scenarios I had planned out for you both...! T-the tender way I imagined you holding each other!"

"Forgive me, milady! Those scenarios must remain in the realm of imagination!"

Your dreams are shattered. You don't know if you can go on, living in a world where not everyone is bi-sexual. It goes against everything you know, every...


Why are you freaking out? Dad and Daatra aren't bisexual either. There's also Tempest, who made her love of beans but not sossig clear. You feel a bit silly for reacting so strongly just now.

don't even worry about why you skipped over mom

Crisis averted by thinking about it for literally one second, you continue walking. Sir Duke continues his conversation.

"I've not spent much time with Mr. Gulketi, but he seems pretty cool!"

"Do you know his... secret?"

"Siphon explained it to me! But it was still rather surprising to see in person!"

"He big."

"He so big! Strangely, I hadn't seen any of the others at the base."

"The others?" you ask.

"Miss Tempest and Mr. Venn!"

"Ah, right. You'd have met them at the PICNIC OF DOOM."

Skif giggles. "You're always so dramatic with naming, Ceri."

"It was a very dramatic picnic!" you say dramatically. "Anyway, those two don't know about Unity Base, so don't tell them if you do end up talking to them! I have the most to hide, so I'd like to be on top of who does or doesn't know certain things."

"Most to hide, my lady...?" Saint Duke asks.


Skif interrupts again. "A lady is entitled to her secrets! Any knight worth their salt knows that!"

Sir Duke recoils. "Ah! R-right! F-forgive me for prying!!!"

"I-it's okay," you say. "Maybe I'll tell you some things soon, just maybe not while walking home."

The three of you walk in silence for a bit, before Sir Duke speaks up again.

"You live kinda out-of-the-way, huh?"

"Yeeep. That's one reason I used to be so good at Footsockball."

Saint Duke opens his mouth, but hesitates. "...Actually, let's talk about that later." He glances at Skif.

Strange. Maybe he has some BACKSTORY he wants to share next time you're alone?

After walking a bit further, the three of you finally make it home.

"Okay, you need to be kinda quiet so we don't wake my parents. It's fuck-oclock in the morning, after all."

"We shall be as mice!!!" Saint duke says loudly.

"Fear not, milady. I'll keep him in check," Skif whispers quietly.
No. 1004181 ID: ff9f30
File 162466265687.png - (158.97KB , 800x600 , 1706.png )

You direct the boys to take a seat in the kitchen.

"This is a lovely home!" Saint Duke says. "It's very roomy!"

"Oh, that's mostly thanks to convenient camera angles," you reply. "The living room is literally right past that wall."
No. 1004182 ID: ff9f30
File 162466265829.png - (160.60KB , 800x600 , 1707.png )

"Oh! So it is!"

"I just assumed that was a hair that got stuck on the screen," Skif says.



"Anyway, you two wait here. I gotta get 'properly dressed' before I start cooking!"

Saint Dook looks at you quizzically. "But aren't you already--"

Noticing Skif's death-glare, The Duke puts two and two together. "Oh! Y-yes! W-we shall hold down the fort While you get 'properly dressed'!"

Hmm. Just what kind of meal are you going to make, anyway?

X: Pancakes!
A hearty breakfast meal with a hint of Ceri.

Y: A cake!
This was your original idea, and while it's early in the morning... when isn't a good time for cake?

Z: Ceri-over-Easy
Hey! No you're-- oh! You mean-- right. Hahaha. What stronger message to send than to have them eat your eggs directly?
No. 1004183 ID: ff9f30
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You enter your room and disrobe, deciding not to go on another tirade on how hot you find yourself (for now) as you glance at the mirror.

Trying to stay focused, you look through your closet. Was it always on this side of the room? Don't worry about that-- this is the canon side from now on.

Let's see... you've collected quite a few outfits, but a couple stand out in particular: The almighty SERIOUS BUSINESS SUIT, and an outfit you haven't gotten to wear yet: the BIRDS-LOVE BRA and associated panty. You remember them being extremely comfy!

Of course, you could just wear an apron and nothing else, the ultimate in sexy cookwear.

Failing that, there's always the option to go all natural, naturally.

What'll it be?

A sexy outfit showing the world that you're prepared for business!

Styled after Kharadra's favorite outfit, these are very comfortable and leave little to the imagination.

C: Just an apron.
Embrace the power of side-boob! And if you lift your tail...

D: Just the scales on your body.
When in doubt, go naked!
No. 1004184 ID: b74a2f

Y and D! Cake IS always good!
No. 1004185 ID: 0fae41

Z, C. It's all fun and games until you get hot egg on yourself!
No. 1004186 ID: cdabe3

Z, and wear an apron!! Good for cooking safety and looking sexy~
No. 1004187 ID: be3107

D and Y
No. 1004188 ID: 96c896

Y, C.
No. 1004190 ID: 34ec3f

No. 1004191 ID: 36784c

Y: A cake!


Even if you guys are quiet, the smell of food might wake up your parents. And if they walk in and see you in only an apron or completely naked in front of two boys, your poor father might have a heart attack!

So for your father’s sake, wear something that covers up your private bits!
No. 1004192 ID: bedb60

Z and C
implications and a hot outfit, what's not to like?
No. 1004193 ID: 0e1661

Cake and cake... Y, D
No. 1004198 ID: fa88b3

Y and D! All natural au naturel to go with all natural Ceri egg cake! And it's only fair if the boys bare their all for their Queen, yes? What better way to lay bare their wholehearted enjoyment than to lay bare themselves also? It makes perfect sense, really. Also cakes allow for extra fun during the baking portion and shameless icing jokes. Everybody wins!
No. 1004199 ID: 775775

It's home, let's get super comfy. D, y
No. 1004201 ID: 0bfc71

Y, D
No. 1004208 ID: 5fdf1e

X, for it is breakfasting hour. And C, a classic! The maximum sexy you can achieve while still having some emergency measure in case either of your parents show up, that being walk away while staying awkwardly facing them.
No. 1004212 ID: 75efdc

Cake is a good way to spend egg on something extravagent! Y, D
No. 1004214 ID: 99ca7b

Z: Make breakfast omelettes!

C: And don't burn yourself while you're at it!
No. 1004215 ID: c1fc44

No. 1004217 ID: f8fa51

X & C.

Sometimes something is sexier than nothing.
No. 1004222 ID: c48caa


Your mom seems like a light sleeper. Be prepared to greet her before you get to far into the cooking.
No. 1004227 ID: 5b0071

Duke might not get the hint too quickly, otherwise..
No. 1004229 ID: ef6063

Y, D
No. 1004230 ID: a5b23d

Z, D
Lets spend the entire day naked for once.
No. 1004234 ID: 3edd0d

Bake a cake to awake
Y, D
No. 1004251 ID: 529620

No. 1004254 ID: 094652


And an alien brainsucker hat prop!
No. 1004295 ID: a9af05

Y: A cake. and B: The Bird Love Bra and Panties.
No. 1004297 ID: 031458

X and C

b is fine too...
No. 1004299 ID: 348e5a

Y and D!
No. 1004302 ID: 693119

X and C. Panqueques rule and so does side boob!
No. 1004309 ID: 50b34a

No. 1004335 ID: c09f5e

B:Bra and Y:Cake

Shame you're not jumping out of it, but the reverse works too.
No. 1004357 ID: 3a0940

Y, D
No. 1004507 ID: 4734c9

Z, B

Eggs for food, bra + panties for clothes. If you go in just an apron or nude, you're asking for one of your parents to walk in.
No. 1004512 ID: f24ab3

X d
No. 1004514 ID: 7ed0fe

Primary X and C, Secondary Y and D
Surely a certain bird has given you a taste of the power of naked apron, even if hers is a little more revealing than yours!
No. 1004894 ID: ff9f30
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Outfit? Who said anything about an outfit??

It's not like you're running around town or anything, so clearly the best choice is to wear nothing but your scales!

Thinking about it, you decide to stick to your original plan and bake a cake! This lets you share it with the others, too! Yes, soon all shall taste of you and... uh... hopefully like it.

>if [your parents] walk in and see you in only an apron or completely naked in front of two boys, your poor father might have a heart attack!
Nah, reptilian families are naked around each other all the time. It's mostly mammals that get weird about it. And you sometimes.

Heck, remember the incident with Mom and Skif? That was...

...Okay, maybe it would be a little weird to have them find you nude around two mammals. But Mom started it! That's what she gets for being a bad (good?) influence on you!!!

Hell, you half-expect mom to wake up early and walk in naked herself in a modern repeat of a classic scene. Or maybe not since you just called it. Surely the gods aren't so cruel as to change things just to make you wrong, right...?

You re-enter the kitchen and softly exclaim, "Okay! All ready to go!"

Upon seeing you and your complete lack of clothing, Skif opens his mouth to say something.

Then he thinks better of it.

Then he forgets to continue thinking better of it.

"Ceri, are you sure--"
No. 1004895 ID: ff9f30
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Heehee, the sheer amount of daggers Saint Duke's starting into Skif.

:skiftalk_stressed: "N-nevermind. Good outfit choice!"

:saintduketalk_happy: "A wonderful decision, my lady!"

:ceritalk_smug: "Yes, breathe in my raw sexual appeal! My round and soft..."

:ceri_lookaway: "Actually, probably shouldn't if we wanna get anything done."

:skiftalk_happy: "We could just 'play around' some more! I'd hate for a certain person to be the last one you 'spent time' with today."

:saintduketalk_smile: "He who cums last, cums hardest!"

:ceritalk_smug: "Sir Duke has a point. The best results come (hehe) after I've brought your desires to their breaking point...~"

:skiftalk_shocked: "S-such cruelty!"

:saintduketalk_shocked: "I-I have to remain strong...!"

:ceritalk_happy: "Hang in there! I believe in you!"

You bring out the ol' cookbook, 'Mommy Meals for busy and sometimes lustful mothers!'

Time to get to work!
No. 1004896 ID: ff9f30
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"Let's see,I need to squeeze and massage one breast until the milk begins to-- oops! Wrong type of 'mommy meal'!"

You glance back to see a very excited dook. "I think you have the correct meal, mistress!"

"Very brave of you to make that joke," Skif says. "You know how they get when you start mentioning milk."

"They who?" you ask.

You both look around for a camera to stare into.

You don't find one, so you both look at Saint Duke instead. He looks away awkwardly, "W-what? I-I think it would be lovely!"

You giggle a bit. "Sorry, but even if I polymorphed myself some working glands, any 'milk' I added would be less than permanent."

"You know they're gonna ask you to try anyway," Skif says.

"Shhh we can't make the same joke twice."

Bracing yourself for a bunch of very excited neurons, you flip through the book to find the section for reptilian eggs. Ah, here we go!
No. 1004897 ID: ff9f30
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Disappointing everyone, you add some regular-ass milk, straight from the teat of an animal you feel oddly compelled not to name at this moment.


You make sure to lift your tail up as you mix the ingredients together. Wouldn't want it getting in the way of anything~

Maybe you'll wiggle your butt a little, too. Ah~ Saint Duke gasped softly. You'll never grow tired of wielding this kind of power and confidence with your body~

Oh dear, the tildes are really flowing now! That always happens when you're all teasy and naked~

You hum to yourself as you work, taking a moment to notice the boys are completely silent. You sneak a quick portal to see behind you and-- holy shit that is a good view.


Nothing will get done if all three of you gawk at the naked reptilian/dragon!!!

That's you, Ceri! You! Break free of this trance!

Whew. Okay. Time to have a little fun while getting things together~
No. 1004898 ID: ff9f30
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:ceritalk_happy: "Oops~! Dropped my spoon~"

:saintduketalk_shocked: "S-so big...!"

:skiftalk_shocked: "So heavy...!"

:ceritalk_happy: "There~!"

:ceritalk_defeated: "...Now I have to wash it. I did not think this through."


:ceritalk_happy: "Oops~! Got some water on myself!"

:saintduketalk_blushu: "Truly I have been blessed by the gods to see true beauty!"

:skiftalk_shocked: "You got to see Kharadra!?"

:saintduketalk_blushu: "I-I'm afraid you have the wrong impression!"

:saintduketalk_happy: "Besides, as lovely as Miss Kharadra is, none can hold a candle to Mistress Ceri!"

:skiftalk_happy: "Right you are, Good Sir. Kharadra lacks a certain tenderness that only our lady herself can offer!"

:ceri_blushusmile: "Gosh... you guys... I'm supposed to be making you blush, not the other way around."
No. 1004899 ID: ff9f30
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You slide the cake-to-be into the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes. You briefly wonder if the existence of both the sketched and finished lines on the same layer is a bad omen. Or... does this mean Siphon's here!?

P-probably not.

You lean down nice and slowly to peer into the oven. "Now we wait!"

:saintduketalk_blushu: "S-so much of a good thing. I fear my nethers threaten to turn blue...!"

:skiftalk_happy: "Hang in there, Good Sir! The best is yet to come!"

:skiftalk_grin: "Or don't, and leave Ceri all to me~"

:saintduketalk_shocked: "What!? Never!!!"


Not much to do but wait. How should you pass the time?

A: Naked video games!
You've had a couple of fantasies about Skif trying to beat a video game while you make it increasingly difficult on him. Making it a competition with Saint Duke would only make it all the better...!

B: Converse with the boys while idly playing with your tits.
You do this one a lot without even thinking about it. Daatra would always comment on it because of course she would. The boys would probably enjoy it quite a bit more than she did!

C: Spend the time thinking about Punk Ceri's adventures.
Remember when we were doing this? This could be a good chance to finish the recap (with a twist)! Maybe give her a leather-filled sex scene, too~

You can also think about some topics to discuss with the boys, in case you do end up feeling conversational.
No. 1004900 ID: 0bfc71

A - Not a conversation topic, but make them feel at home and relaxed by having both of them out of their clothes. Nude video games harkens back to the old days of naked sport, so it's the most raw competition possible!
No. 1004901 ID: cdabe3

Wait, start up a competitive video game between the two boys, and idly fondle your tits while they play! See who can win in that contest of wills~
No. 1004902 ID: 3edd0d

No. 1004903 ID: 1a16a3


But realize that while Punk Ceri is cool and all, wonder if you think the way you think about how perfect she is kind of makes her out to be a... Mary Sue? Wheres her flaws and the trials she overcame that made her the cool punk to begin with? The drama?! You went through some trials and sadness that made you stronger, but punk ceri didnt... so...

Does the flaws you have and hardships youve overcome make you cooler and more relatable than littke miss perfect Punk Ceri?
No. 1004904 ID: 5fdf1e

I told you the only reason I brought it up was to try game the system for cash on which topic you are at the age to be thinking about your financial future, Ceri, any jobs you have an eye on? further targeted education maybe? yes it is an awkward line of thought. revenge!

B, and I think since the mood has already been hornified, perhaps you should try being an attentive mistress/good liege lady and hear more of your boys/vassals' desires, see if maybe there aren't some more they'd like to try that haven't come up? Or for a more serious topic perhaps you'd like to lead into that dragon + rider training you were once planning to do with Skif, perhaps Duke can help. Secondary choice A.
No. 1004905 ID: 7ed0fe

Primary A, secondary B
Videogames are extra comfy and extra fun when you're naked! Probably!
No. 1004906 ID: c48caa

What better way to test your knights' focus and ability to shut out distractions? Test if the rumor of 'only being able to think with one head at a time' is true.
No. 1004908 ID: e85a08

No. 1004910 ID: 775775

A, b
No. 1004911 ID: 0fae41

Have you ever baked a cake, then polymorphed smaller so there'd be ten times as much cake to eat..? Anyway, A/b.
No. 1004913 ID: fa88b3

A! The perfect time for joystick playing time. Of either kind! If it's a competition, maybe the loser has to also go naked! Or clothed.
No. 1004914 ID: 031458

a is fine too I guess
No. 1004915 ID: 5b9c5a

A, can't think of anything to talk about that isnt you being naked.
No. 1004918 ID: f8fa51

No. 1004921 ID: b74a2f