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File 154464714911.png - (272.58KB , 800x600 , title.png )
913803 No. 913803 ID: 395c02

This quest is sometimes NSFW.

Thread one: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/694230.html

Thread two: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/714858.html

Thread three: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/743976.html

Thread four: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/771470.html

Thread five:

Thread six:

Thread seven: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/880264.html
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No. 913804 ID: 395c02

Youtube version: https://youtu.be/lgPbTqpLIbg
No. 913805 ID: 395c02
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Another nightmare. Another reminder that you're just a shell keeping a monster at bay. Of what will befall everyone you know and love should you fail.


Something tugs at your mind, a memory from a dream's dream. You choose to ignore it.

I... yeah. It was just a bad dream.
No. 913806 ID: 395c02
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You get dressed and ready yourself to tackle the new day. Dadtra informs you that your Big Sister's already left to take care of some things, so maybe you'll run into her later.

Today's the PICNIC OF DOOM wherein Mom, by her insistence, will be hosting a picnic for you and your new friends. Could be a good idea to visit the UNDERWATER BASE and prep your hoard for the upcoming battle. And by that you mean asking them not to say anything blushy because your dad would die he'd just die.

Hopefully you can convince them to be on their best behavior. They're representing your Hoard of Dragon Romance, after all.
No. 913808 ID: 395c02
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=--Day 3-4: Morning--=
Your body is a little worn out from exertion. Might want to avoid pushing yourself too hard physically today.

Your stress is recovering but still pretty high. You need to stop having Big Dramatic Segments!

You actually have a lot of time to kill before the picnic, which is set early in the afternoon. Is there anything you'd want to do before heading to the UNDERWATER BASE? Hmm... Augh, making decisions is hard!

This is where your faithful neurons come in. Armed with the power to vote twice, they shall help you decide.


Hello? Neurons? Do you need a recap of how decisions are made? Okay! QUICK RECAP!

You have two votes: A PRIMARY VOTE and a SECONDARY VOTE. Simply use the PRIMARY VOTE on the thing you most want to happen, and your SECONDARY VOTE on the thing you'd want second most. Simple! But don't be confusing, dear neurons. Make it obvious which vote is which!

You may also ask to see a STAT SCREEN at any time, as well as converse with our draconian hero, or use a D-BUR... ah. Can't do that one anymore.

Armed with the power of DECISION MAKING, go forth and do your thing!

What will you do?
-A: Hang out with your hoard. Why not spend a little extra time with them rather than showing up last minute?
-B: Practice magic. You're a powerful magic user, but what if you were more powerful?
-C: Seek a little 'stress relief'. Keeping your TILDE low might help avoid any spaghetti spilling later, and lower your STRESS. The details can be decided in a bit.
-D: Play around with your D-WINGS. You haven't actually done much experimenting with them, and they are the only known way to release pent-up DRAGON ENERGY.
-E: Visit your parents. Never hurts to say hi!
No. 913809 ID: 6fd723

Primary A, secondary D.
We've got a lot on our mind, and it's a good idea to get any unknowns and uncertainties out of the way. Make sure your friends know what is and isn't cool to do before you have your big get together! See if you can fiddle around with your D-WINGS at the same time! Strut a little and find out exactly what they can do at the same time.
No. 913810 ID: 6c5a99

Hm... can't you combine C with another option? B or D, for example. I'd go for D, I bet you could scratch your weird exhibitionist unofficial semi-kink by D-Winging it up somewhere high and tending to yourself on top of a tall building or an inaccessible ledge of a mountainside or something. I mean, not many people besides yourself can fly around here, can they? Even the birds. If they did you'd probably all have, like, airspace laws and stuff that would have come up before. Right? So it's the perfect crime! Just relaxing yourself under the blue sky and the sun. It'd basically be topless sunbathing. Just bottomless as well. And doing... things. That way, you'd release two pent-up things at once!

So yeah my vote is for C+D. But if you want a second preference in case of boring single-lette answers, than just D, because besides wanting to keep your D low you also just had a nightmare and flying might make you feel better.
No. 913811 ID: 65c9b9

do you really think you are just a shell? aren't you a thinking being and if there is thought that must mean you exist you are no mere shell you are you, you just have a dragon in you that wants to be out of its prison that it did nothing wrong to be in. If you were merely the seal holding the dragon back then wouldn't you become less smart as the seal breaks apart? if anything you are two minds in the same body just one has a bit more control for now. Eventually you two will have to work things out don't you think.
you should F try to meditate and calm down for the battle ahead. (maybe try talking with your innerself)
or you know B a giant.
No. 913813 ID: f5d2df

D, E
No. 913814 ID: b1b4f3

Primary C, secondary A.
You can just turn your wings on while at the base, no matter what you're doing there.
No. 913816 ID: 91ee5f

Primary: A

Secondary: D

You should go inform your friends of the situation and beg ask them to be on their best behavior in front of your parents.

You can mess around with your D-Wings in the privacy of the underwater base.

While you’re here at Daatra’s house, check to see if Dadtra made breakfast for you. If he did, then eat breakfast before you leave. And make sure you pack up all of your belongings so that you don’t leave anything at here by accident!
No. 913817 ID: 16dcc7

No. 913819 ID: b2d037

Ah Mistress, Perhaps you can knock two birds with one stone? Visiting your dear friends for preparations and, *ahem*, getting anything out of your systems.

Primary A Secondary C
No. 913822 ID: a62780

Primary A
Secondary D

best coordinate with your hoard, let them know what to expect as well as, y'know, just enjoying their company for it's own sake.

for real though those D-wings are so cool and glowy, maybe you could even use the effect for other things than wings?
No. 913823 ID: 758ff3

Hell yeah, let's FLYYYYY (D)
No. 913828 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary E

Secondary B
No. 913829 ID: f5c3b8

Lets do the opposite of that restrictive nightmare and be free in the air, D. or E
No. 913831 ID: 757ccd

B, we gotta learn how to be big without D-Burst assistance!
A, also maybe beg Siphon to please play along this one time.
No. 913833 ID: c53193

CPS your parents that the night over was alright and that you're safe.

Then fly D into space the sky! See how your town looks from above.
Secondary E.
No. 913834 ID: ad51b8

Primary: D

Secondary: A
No. 913835 ID: 2a7417

B, d. Can your D-wings do things other than fly?
No. 913839 ID: 094652

Primary B, Secondary D. Recap your powers, good recall and timing more than makes up for a used energy tank.

Also, SDG4 cartoons. And a How To Basicallyerm on spaghetti that leads into messy throwing sex stars.
No. 913856 ID: eeb7d9

A, because if not, you wont have enough time to explain how important it is to behave in the picnic.
D, you can use them while you go to see your friends.

No. 913860 ID: f0354b

No. 913880 ID: 080aaf

Primary: B huuuuuge!
Secondary: D-stress.
No. 913887 ID: 3674e7

Primary: B
Practice we need it to (maybe) fight dragons and/or riders in the future (if we are found out by the dragon riders or if the trip to find your friend goes bad (if the dragon there attacks) its always good to have practice in our magics).

Secondary: D
If we spend some time getting the hang of our wings and master its control maybe we'll get better control over our dragon magic lessening the chances of going berserk if the seal breaks.
No. 913888 ID: 2202fb

Yeah boy we're back!

That wasnt a nightmare. If you thought it was, then you need to reflect on it more. You and the dragon are one being. The dragon isnt just a separate consciousness somewhere inside you. You are in bondage right now because you cant control your power after growing up with it suppressed. To be free would for now be to release it and risk losing your sanity to the sudden influx of immense power. Thus you remain bound and "safe" until such a time where you are taught how to control the power.

Wow, so i think you shouldnt worry so much about the fact that you fuck your friends, and more on the fact that Holy Fuck They Are Fucking Aliens What The Fuck Are Your Parents Going To ThinkYourDadIsGoingToFuckingImplodeIntoABlackHoleAndDestroyTheUniverse. Just saying.

Why "dragon romance?" I mean, do you really have a romantic interest in any of them? It seems more like a platonic love (which is totally fine), but maybe a better name would be "Hoard of Friendship" or if you want to bundle the romantic and the platonic, then maybe "Hoard of Love" or "Hoard of Family" or maybe "Dragonkin"


no no no, she isnt a separate being. I think that is what this is specifically pointing out. Her powers (and possibly urges and instincts) are being suppressed, but the mind is not. She is the dragon and the dragon is her. Sealing parts of her wouldnt create a second mind. Ceri just chooses to view her and the dragon as separate so as to avoid the scary reality that if everything is released, she herself will be the one that goes mad with power and destroys everything rather than "the dragon."

I vote

And lets try to not fall into any huge tangents or it is going to be 2100 before we get to next week.

jk, love you Slinko

No. 913889 ID: 4294c6

No. 913895 ID: 80d19e

Primary A Might as well get things out of the way. Plus it helps make sure they have plenty of time to prepare as well as yourself.

Secondary C Better get all the stress out that you can to get your mind clear and centered. Plus starting the day feeling better after a nightmare would help the rest of the day run smoother.
No. 913896 ID: 3d4d8f

Oh, I like the idea to CPS your parents instead.
D or B
No. 913899 ID: bdb209

Primary C
secondary D
No. 913902 ID: d6afc2

Primary: D
Secondary: b
No. 913903 ID: 864e49

As graceful as always.
C. Maybe with DOOK
No. 913966 ID: cb22c8

Primary A, secondary D.
No. 913968 ID: a8d0bc

I would have to say B.
There is no such thing as too much magic.
No. 913970 ID: 96819d

Destress yourself and your D with your wings
No. 914001 ID: 395c02
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Explore your weird energy-wings, or visit your dear companions? Both options sound pretty good, though that dream pushes you to the latter. Maybe you can sorta do both? Eezeryh might be able to help you experiment, at least.

Should you fly there with your mighty D-WINGS? ...Nah, people might see you and then they'll know you're a dragon and you'll cover the town in spaghetti as you try to explain your way out of it and oh no how about you just walk.


Your mind wanders.

>You and the dragon are one being. The dragon isnt just a separate consciousness somewhere inside you
Dreams normally fade away when you wake up, but this one's still vivid in your mind. Something called you a 'shell'. But why? It's not like you're literally empty. When Euia sealed away everything 'dragon' about you, he filled in the void that remained with life-magic. He made you into a full and complete person.

...But are you? Both you and the dragon within are two parts of a single whole. If merged together, would the dragon parts of you replace the parts made from Euia's life-magic? What becomes of the memories, thoughts, and feelings stored there? Would you still remember everyone?

Would you still care about them?


No, you'll stress yourself out thinking like this. You need to trust Euia to have a plan. Focus on not breaking anything further for now.

>CPS your parents that the night over was alright and that you're safe.
For some reason you really want to talk to Mom.
No. 914002 ID: 395c02
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:DRCPS_ceri_neutral: "Mom? Mom, are you there?"

:DRCPS_myra_shocked_blush: "Oh gods-- Ceri? Where!?"

:DRCPS_ceri_worried_smiling: "Did you forget I could do this?"

:DRCPS_myra_shocked_smiling_blush: "Oh! A portaaal! Nnice to hear from youu!"

That's weird.

:DRCPS_ceri_neutral: "Where's Dad?"

:DRCPS_myra_worried_smiling_blush: "Ohh, he's ah... busy."

:DRCPS_myra_annoyed_blush: "And should take a breeaak for a bit."

:DRCPS_ceri_worried: "Are you... okay, Mom?"

:DRCPS_myra_shocked_smiling_blush: "O-of courssSse! What did you need, sweety?"

Did you hear giggling?

:DRCPS_ceri_smiling: "Um... just letting you know I'm okay! I'll be hanging out with my friends for a while if you don't mind."

:DRCPS_myra_shocked_smiling_blush: "Perfect!"

:DRCPS_myra_worried_smiling_blush: "I mean, how nice! We'll seEee you later for the picnic! I'm aaAah... just psyching myself up for it."

:DRCPS_ceri_neutral_lookaway_blush: "I'm going to acknowledge that and close the portal and not think about anything."

:DRCPS_myra_worried_smiling_blush: "Yes please do that. Love yoouuh gods..."

Mom must be working hard! Haha...
No. 914003 ID: 395c02
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You make it to the lake and... hmm. Your magic is stronger now, and you're quite familiar with the base's location after swimming down to it so many times. Maybe you can just... open a portal to it? It might use a bit of MP, but you have such a huge pool of magical energy it's barely worth mentioning anymore.

On the other hand, swimming down normally means not taking the risk that you'll miss. Though you add the risk of someone finding your stuff and taking it like big ol jerks. But wait, don't they have a submarine? Augh, you're not sure how rude it'd be to CPS someone who's still asleep.

What will you do?

-A: Portal directly to the base. You got this.
-B: Use CPS to ask someone to bring up the submarine. Did Eezee build it when you weren't looking?
-C: Swim to the base. You'll need to hide your stuff somewhere, unless you want them to get wet!

Ah, that third option has two ways to go about it. This calls for a SUB-VOTE. These can be voted on alongside your PRIMARY and SECONDARY votes, even if you didn't choose C with either one. Sub votes almost always use X and Y as letters.

-X: Swim in AQUATIC FORM. Gosh, remember this form?
-Y: Swim in FAUX DRAGON FORM. Water Dragons also have gills, naturally.
No. 914005 ID: 6fd723

Primary A, Secondary C, Tertiary Y
Don't be afraid to flex a little! Magic is cool and great and it definitely wouldn't hurt to try, right? Maybe take a peek through the portal. Make sure you aren't gonna pop out into solid rock.

But if you gotta swim, dragon it up a bit! Have some fun with it. Take your mind off of anything and everything to do with the call with mom.
No. 914007 ID: 080aaf

C, B, Y. Let it get wet! If your super special polymorpher suit shrinks in the wash, I guess you'll just have to too.
No. 914008 ID: 65c9b9

B. the Eez is probably awake on a coffee high talk to her. A second, this will likely end in a massage robot.
X. show us the new designs slinko!!!
No. 914009 ID: 65c9b9

oh and remember to open a portal and get Arlo (an egg) for The Eez to do stuff with from the freezer.
No. 914010 ID: a62780

C + X: Swim in AQUATIC FORM, cut loose and enjoy some relaxing, therapeutic swimming.
No. 914011 ID: 4294c6

C/X, but also portal your stuff back home.
No. 914012 ID: 91ee5f

>Called mom during sex with dad.
Hahahahaha! XD

Primary: A

Secondary: C , X

If you end up swimming, then it’s a good thing you’ve got your polymorph friendly clothes on! No need to worry about destroying them, since they’re meant to change shape with you! And you’ve been in your dragon form a lot recently, why not give it a break and use your Aquatic Form instead?
No. 914013 ID: 757ccd

A, I am pretty sure you've got this.

C, can you use your D-Wings to swim? Might be worth trying. Dragon form too, because dragon form is fun.
No. 914015 ID: b1b4f3

Primary A, secondary C/X.

Also I think you should get a waterproof bag next time you go shopping. This kind of decision happens too often!!!
No. 914019 ID: 575ec0

The worst that will happen if you miss is you get wet when water GUSHES FORTH FROM THE PORTAL.
Sounds fun.

No. 914029 ID: a9af05

This makes sense.
No. 914032 ID: e8f63b

Use the CPS to verify the target area, if it sounds like it's underwater, try again.
Portal in when confident.
No. 914061 ID: 864e49

if not
No. 914063 ID: a8d0bc

>>914003 A.
You're skilled enough for it but maybe use one of those handy dandy visual/audio portals first, to make sure you aren't going to teleport yourself somewhere underwater, or in a place you definitely shouldn't be.
and also to avoid telefragging someone on accident even though i'm not sure we can do that without the death portal thing
No. 914074 ID: 80d19e

Primary B and Secondary A. However rather than just doing one or the other combine them! Use the portals to call ahead and let everyone know your coming. After all its just polite to call ahead/knock before you go into someones house right?
No. 914096 ID: 83bf07

Now this a bright idea, Mistress!
No. 914099 ID: b1b4f3

Hey... Ceri has a type of portal that only lets light and sound through. She could use that to scout a portal location before going through herself!
No. 914108 ID: 2202fb

Even if she didnt, as long as she made the portal up-down (down from land to water) the pressure should keep the water from flowing out should she miss. Ofc, she might still end up accidentally portalsplicing someone, something, or even one of the exterior walls of the base (which would then flood the base). Maybe if we went home and grabbed a Ziploc® Brand zip-lock bag to put our stuff in, we could then swim down there with it without getting it all wet.
No. 914111 ID: b1b4f3

Portals go both ways. The water pressure down there would push it into the top side.
No. 914117 ID: 2202fb

Wouldn't the water stay in the lake bc the portal would be from a higher source (like sticking a hose in the water nozzle up with the other end face down above it; a siphon but in reverse)? Or do you mean the portals are double sided?
No. 914127 ID: eeb7d9

C and X. Take your time, relax, swim and let the water flush your worries away.... until you enter that sex dungeon and go full Spaghetti or sex hungry dragon, because come on, is basically that most of the time YOU are there.
No. 914129 ID: 094652

Work on polymorphing until the ship picks up on your magical radiation.

Be the motorboat.
No. 914146 ID: b1b4f3

If it were a tube stuck down there, the force of gravity on the water in the tube would counteract the pressure from the bottom of the tube. However, we don't have a tube. We have a portal, which will have no water between the two openings. It's a simple matter of pressure difference in this case: think of it like a porthole in a ship.
No. 914158 ID: 09126a

primary A, secondary C
No. 914190 ID: cb22c8

Primary C, secondary A. Pick X either way, even if you don't swim. Aquatic form's cool!
No. 914329 ID: 395c02
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Ah! Of course! If you use CPS (which uses your unique light-and-sound portals) to double check, you can keep correcting yourself until you're on-target!

Now then. Once again you find yourself within the UNDERWATER...

Ah, that's right. This place has a name now, doesn't it?


Okay. Time to see a scientist about magic.
No. 914330 ID: 395c02
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"You want me to what?"

"Science my D! I've had a long, hard time dealing with it!"
No. 914331 ID: 395c02
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"W-wait! My wings! I meant my D-wings!!!"


"Please do."



You unleash your wings in desperation! "T-these! Don't you want to know how they work!?"

"...Okay fine. Stand down, bot."


The Eez muses, "Still some kinks to work out with that one."

"Ya think!?"
No. 914332 ID: 395c02
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Eezeryh pokes a science thingy. "...Yeah, these readings seem consistent with the other large sources of energy we've found."

"I already knew they were dragon magic. Anything else you can tell me?"

"Well, the more fun way to science is to try things at random and see what happens. So why don't you try some things while I scan you?"

"...Are... you gonna give me anything in specific to do?"

"You're the leader."

Uh... maybe you'll just try whatever sounds good? You can't think of any specific choices, so maybe you'll just Do whatever comes to mind.

So! What should you try to do with your D-WINGS?
No. 914333 ID: 2a7417

Use some polymorph magic with your D out!
Bap Eezee in the face with them.
Get naked. For science. It'll do something. Maybe.
No. 914334 ID: 757ccd

Time for wing-hugs
No. 914337 ID: daffb0

See how well you can move them! They've looked like they're just a fancy energy shape vaguely floating in a vaguely wing-like shape. Can you move them like you would wings? Can you move them NOT like wings, just reshaping their energy into other shapes? Maybe start with other wing forms, like big fairy butterfly wings, or Skif's?... If that doesn't work in your natural form, if you shapeshifted into a member of Skif's race, would your D-wing manifestation look like their wings then? Can you D-wing at all while shapeshifted?

Try all those things.
No. 914339 ID: b1b4f3

The Eez's tilde is low enough to be less than tolerant of your sexual advances, I see.

Well first try the thing they're most used for. Fly! A little bit, there's not a lot of room here.
Then try changing their shape? See if you can make bird wings instead of batlike wings.
Make them brighter?
Change the color? How about a deeper shade of blue first, then green, then red.
Channel magic through them, like electricity?
Try to make them invisible?
Make them BIGGER? Smaller?
No. 914341 ID: 65c9b9

let siphon pick something.
No. 914342 ID: 0c3c2c

Attempt to nibble them. Then attempt to give hugs with them.
No. 914346 ID: a9af05

Give hugs with wings.

Touch wings with your hand to see what they feel like. Are they solid or do things pass through them?
No. 914348 ID: ad51b8

see if the wings can actually interact with things or just phase through everything.

See if you can't change their shape and size. Like turning them into an extra pair of arms or change them to feathered wings, maybe see if you can't change their color something along those lines. I mean you can shape shift already and change size so you should be able to do the same to the magic wings right?

If you cant turn them into arms or something see how much control you have over them by doing increasingly changeling task. Start simple with just picking something up and putting it down to see if you can and to see if you can control how much pressure you apply to picking things up, then try throwing it in the air and catching it as it falls to test your magic hand eye coordination, then keep going until you have them do things like typing on a computer or cat's cradle just to see how much control you have over them.
No. 914352 ID: 094652

Turn them into giant breasts.
Secrete chocolate ice cream.
Make funny animal noises.

Try to cast magic THROUGH your wings.
No. 914353 ID: 4294c6

Do something hard to draw.
No. 914355 ID: 06fdc0

Do jumping jacks! Many jumping jacks!
No. 914357 ID: 3674e7

First see how big they can get then see if you can combine them to make a form of dragon energy shield.
No. 914359 ID: 080aaf

See if your other spells are powered up in relation to the wings somehow. Then (briefly) turn on the anti-magic field that made you start melting into goop to see how it reacts. Finally, get a wing massage from the security bot (not with bullets).
No. 914370 ID: e7848c

Flight! Use your portals to effectively have unlimited room (for the possibility of falling) with your D-wings. Good luck, Mistress!
No. 914396 ID: 2202fb

Open the door

Get on the floor

Everybody walk the dinosaur
No. 914399 ID: 2202fb

Actually, open up two large portals that face each other (one going into the other; recursive) and fly through them. Try to break some airspeed records.
No. 914400 ID: 2202fb

Oh, the flight thing was suggested already.

Still, lets go for speed. See if you can break the sound barrier.
No. 914434 ID: eeb7d9

Yeah, see how fast you can fly!
No. 914463 ID: a62780

I suppose an easy one is to see you can change their size or shape, maybe brightness and colour? try making them look like Eezeryh's limbs, since you've got an easy visual reference in front of you.

Can they touch solid stuff? the wings and maybe the flight itself is very magic based, so maybe they're otherwise ethereal? if not, try bapping stuff with them.
No. 914507 ID: cb22c8

Go poke her with them.
No. 914528 ID: 395c02
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>Do something hard to draw.
Your attempts to draw a GIANT BIRD AND CONCERNED DOLPHIN comic with your D-WINGS end in utter failure.

Eezeryh pokes her device. "Congratulations, you've proven that energy can't pick up pencils. I'm not even being sarcastic right now-- I half expected to cross out another law of physics because of 'magic'."

"Magic's against the law where you come from!?"

"No, I-- nevermind. What's strange about this is that your wings don't affect the pencil at all. No heat, no electrical burns, nothing at all to indicate a massive source of energy just passed through it."

>Get naked. For science. It'll do something. Maybe.
You're in no hurry to see how your 65% defense stands up to bullets.

>Time for wing-hugs
"What if I try... this!"
No. 914529 ID: 395c02
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Eezee Peezee emits strange alien noises. "On one hand: why. On the other hand, you first instinct was to immediately experiment on the closest person, so I can't be mad. You might just have an aptitude for science!"

"Heehee. Do you feel anything?"

"No, nothing."

"I'm going to try something."

You withdraw your wings and move to have one just barely penetrate Eezeryh's claw. Okay... Fly!


They refuse to engage...? That shouldn't...

Okay. Magic was 'encoded' into mortals a long time ago, to make it so they didn't need to set up a Ritual every time they wanted to do a thing. A lot of the weirdness of magic stems from this-- those of the past agreed on what each type of magic would do, and the rules it would follow.

But dragons are magic incarnate-- their magic just is. So why are your wings acting as if they have a deliberate safeguard put on them? Did Euia seriously have that much foresight? Or do they refuse to engage because you don't want to hurt Eezeryh?

Hmm. You phase a wing through the pencil again. Maybe if you... well actually trying to fly would be a bad idea. But what if you try to hover?
No. 914530 ID: 395c02
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"Having some balance issues?"


"Ah, memories. I remember making my first anti-grav jetpack. Obviously I was a natural and got used to it immediately, but I could see how someone less mentally inclined might struggle~"

"BeeEeing smart doeeeEesn't make you gooOooOod at flyyYyying!" you protest.

"Being smart makes you good at everything."

You crash into the wall. "Ow... even magic?"

"Trust me. If I could use magic, your dragon whatever would be naught but parlor tricks to me~"
No. 914531 ID: 395c02
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You try out a few more things.

>See how well you can move them!
They act more or less like wings in the ways you can move them. You try to make them larger, but you feel something strain and pull back. You don't want to push things too hard.

>Change the color?
...You can't.

>Channel magic through them, like electricity?

You stop. This is too risky.

>Actually, open up two large portals that face each other (one going into the other; recursive) and fly through them. Try to break some airspeed records.
Oh! Maybe you can get away with flying down here!


You're slower than you were when you flew after Daatra the other day, but even without a D-BURST you've got some pretty good speed with these! Certainly faster than you can fly as a bird (partly because you're not super great at it).

"Not bad," The Eez says. "I'm clocking you at nearly 30 meters per second."

Without even thinking about it, you will your wings to slow your speed and bring you to a stop.

"Is that a lot?" you ask.

"It's about 110 kilometers per hour. Not very impressive to someone like me, but don't let that stop you from being proud of yourself!"

>First see how big they can get then see if you can combine them to make a form of dragon energy shield.
Try as you might, you can't change their overall shape. Maybe the ability to do so is locked in your other half, or maybe they stand as proof of how little control you have over your dragon self.

Your experiments are halted by a strange muffled sound coming from the next room.

What in the...?
No. 914532 ID: 395c02
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"So hey! That's enough experimenting for today, don't you think? Don't want to go too nuts doing science!"

"That doesn't sound like you."

"Look even I know there's only so much science you can do before you hurt yourself. How about you go visit someone else!? Or maybe we could-- ah! The plans for repairing the ship! We could do that!"


"Or-- oh! That egg you left me! Didn't you want to hear my analysis? I found some really interesting things about it!"

The way you see it, there are two PATHs you could take here. You could 'fall' for Eezeryh's bluff and give her a bit of privacy, or you could get to the bottom of what has her riled up all of a sudden.

To choose a path, your neurons need only use their PRIMARY VOTE on an option within the path of their choice. Since only one path can be chosen, all PRIMARY VOTES in the losing path are discarded. Because of this, it can be a good idea to use your SECONDARY VOTE to pick an option in the other path, so you have a say even in defeat.

Sometimes the same option appears in both paths. This is usually because the PATH itself affects the context of the option. For instance, a HUG could be lewd in one path, or friendly in another.

Got it? Okay! What will you do?

[Path of privacy...]
Curiosity killed the dragon, or something. You'll take Eezee's hint.

-A: Check on your egg. What did she find?
-B: Check out the ship's map/repairs. Maybe you can help?
-C: Visit another hoard member. Who do you visit?

[Path of curiosity...]
Just what is she trying to hide?? She needs to trust you the way you (mostly) trust her!

-D: Insist on trying a few more things. What do you experiment with?
-E: Stand there and stare at her. You're SOMEWHAT DOMINANT, remember?
-F: Ask what she'll offer to make you leave. Tilde optional.
No. 914535 ID: 757ccd

E. We've got to be better about this dominant thing, so use this opportunity to learn more about Eezeryh (and possibly some of the other crew members~)!

A. See what she has to say about the egg if we aren't going to press her.
No. 914537 ID: 3d4d8f

See what she found A, D
No. 914538 ID: 65c9b9

Arlo primary.
D secondary open a portal to the next room and see whats inside we could maybe find a magic book she is tearing apart!
No. 914539 ID: 575ec0

E! - And make this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Face as you do!

Secondary A tho. If people wanna be over nice.
No. 914540 ID: f5d2df

No. 914541 ID: daffb0

Primary A! Secondary D, try shapeshifting and seeing if you can still bring your wings out. For the purpose of distracting Eez from distracting you, try shapeshifting into things she's attracted to! You'll have to guess. Maybe play warmer-colder with her reactions.

Don't take the staring dominant path, please, you're still supposed to be avoiding dominant behaviour, remember?
No. 914542 ID: 2a7417

E/a. Give her the patented Blue Steel stare.
No. 914543 ID: f5c3b8

Alright, we'll take the hint. If you do try something, can you make them glow super bright on command? A, D
No. 914544 ID: a9af05

Primary E

Secondary A

Don't forget that you need to tell everyone about your parents coming to the lake to meet them and have a picnic!

So if whoever is making that noise is one of the others, then you need to go in there so that you can tell everyone at once!
No. 914545 ID: eeb7d9

A and E. Don't push it too much, but she is being so bad at distracting you that is just impossible not to be curious. If she was a GENIUS, she would be better at acting natural.
No. 914546 ID: 4294c6

Don't be nosy. She doesn't dig up your spaghetti.
>Primary A, Secondary B
No. 914548 ID: ad51b8

Primary A

Secondary D
No. 914549 ID: 452213

Finding compromises is part of being a leader, isn't it? Although, you could check on Arlo..

Primary A, secondary
Good luck!
No. 914552 ID: 91ee5f

Primary E: Stand there and stare at her. Tell her that if she’s as smart as she claims she is, then she should know that what she’s doing is the exact opposite of how she’s supposed to act if she doesn’t want you to see something. Because what she’s doing now is just making you want to see what she’s hiding!

Secondary A: Check on your egg. Tell her that even though she’s obviously hiding something, you’re going to be a good friend and not bug her about it. Then tell her that you’d like to know what she found out about your egg!
No. 914562 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary: E

Secondary: B
No. 914570 ID: 094652

E because she has low charisma.
A because you want to know what new wonders come out of your vagina.
No. 914573 ID: 080aaf

Primary: D. Test the anti-magic field's passive effect to see if it works on this too.
Also, stick your wings through the walls. Can you feel the water on the other side, pressing down all around you with enormous strength, waiting for the slightest chink in the armor to rush in and dRAG THIS CREW TO DAVY JONES' LOCKER okay deep breaths now.
Secondary: B. You may not be as big as Gulketi, but if they need heavy lifting you're the big boss!
No. 914591 ID: 80d19e

E I mean while everyone has their secrets, you guys need to be open with each other if you guys are supposed to stick together as a horde or romance/friends.

A it will be interesting to see any results from the tests. Wonder what they will show.
No. 914592 ID: 06fdc0

primary E

secondary A
No. 914593 ID: 864e49

Eezeryh there better not be a person held against their will on the other side of that door.

Secondary A.
No. 914594 ID: 758ff3

We need eggcellent results A
No. 914595 ID: 3c3e35

Gotta keep the science up! A
Secondary D
No. 914599 ID: bab143

It occurs to me we never asked about that mammal in the tube with her stuff did we.

Im FAR to curious not to say A but that doesnt mean we can grill her for info afterward. So then E i guess.
No. 914613 ID: 90c523

Yeah why not, listen to what she has. A, secondary D
No. 914614 ID: 96819d

Primary A, secondary D
No. 914616 ID: 72f06d

A primary, if we knew more about the biology of a dragon, it could lend some insight into how to unlock these powers.
E secondary, be sure to make skeptical face for maximum Hmmmmm-age.
No. 914618 ID: b67388

Primary E, secondary A
No. 914622 ID: 745eba

Primary A, secondary D
No. 914670 ID: d6afc2

First a few sesonds of E, then A
No. 914671 ID: cb22c8

E: Just keep staring, even after she breaks down and concedes.
Secondary F, just to see how she'd even respond.
No. 914674 ID: 3674e7

No mater what we choose we can always just sneakily use CPS to find out about the room and what's inside. So I choose:
Primary A and Secondary E.
No. 914675 ID: a11eb8

Oh yeah, does the map have any new findings? B
No. 914680 ID: 2202fb


Call her out and have her explain, but then do something else.
No. 914742 ID: daa216

E. Easily E. A as a backup
No. 914747 ID: d45644

did any more magic points or beacons happen on the map since we saw it? B
No. 914748 ID: de6d84

A, B
No. 914789 ID: 395c02
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"...So how's my egg doing."

"oh thank science."

You were so, so tempted to keep that up until something happened, but by the slimmest of margins you decide against it. As much as you want to be SOMEWHAT DOMINANT, a certain snake warned you against acting too... dragon-y.
No. 914790 ID: 395c02
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"So! What have you figured out?" you ask.

"Well, as you might expect, it's unfertilized."


Augh, why does that disappoint you? You're too young to be a dragon mom!!! Also you hadn't had sex early enough for those eggs to have been-- Euia made you infertile.

You don't know if you should blame hormones, the dragon inside you, or both.

Eezeryh looks back at you. "We'd have to get to know each other better if you want me to change that."

"Didn't we already have sex?"

"Moving on, there are no signs of cell division... but there's nonetheless a lot of nutrients and even hints of--"

"Careful! Giving too many specific details opens the door for someone proving us wrong!"



The Eez sighs. Like, a lot. "Basically, this egg has some of that 'dragon energy' of yours, more than I would expect from something so barren."

"So I'm a reptilian who lays... legit dragon eggs? No wonder they're so big they make me orgasm!"

No. 914791 ID: 395c02
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"Are you imagining it!? Me laying eggs while I climax over and over~??"

"Only as a curiosity about your biology."


"What 'ah-hah'!? There's no 'ah-hah' to this!!"

"But look how riled up you're getting! My lady doth protest too much!"

"My scientific mind won't be tempted by your rampant lewdness!"

"Of course! Please continue talking to me about my orgasm eggs."

Salazzarine noises. "Lucky for you I want to show off more than I want to call the robot. Now then. There's some genetic code missing from the egg."

"I mean, it's not fertilized..."

"More than just that. It's missing a key sequence that would cause cell division even in a fertilized egg."

"Ilan's doing, I suspect..."
No. 914792 ID: 395c02
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Eezeryh brings up your realistic portrait of Euia. "This 'Ilan' of yours... What was his deal, again? I wasn't listening last time you mentioned it."

"Weren't listening-- augh. To recap, he uses LIFE-MAGIC. It's... kind of a forbidden type of magic."

"Hmph. Closed-minded beings always standing in the way of progress."

"I mean, maybe... but I can understand why. Life-magic affects life directly. It's not temporary, like POLYMORPH. It makes permanent changes to your very essence."

"Whoa, really!?" Does she sound excited...? "Er-- I mean, how interesting. Can you use this 'life-magic'? I'd love to gain an intense understanding of the methods..."

You shrug. "I probably can as a dragon? But not as my current self, no."

"Ah yes. Something about Dragons using all types of magic? How the hell'd they lose a war with the ability to change life?"

"Dragon-riders basically cheated by gaining their trust then enslaving them. By the time the Dragons knew what was happening, the Riders had enough of them enthralled to put up a catastrophic fight."

"So they ran away."

"I guess."

"Hmm. When I get this ship flying, We should pay these so-called 'Dragon Lands' a visit."

"About that... they kiiiiiiinda want to kill me on sight. My parents did something so bad they want to punish me for it too I guess??"

"Wonderful. They sound like jerks."

"My parents or the dragons?"

No. 914793 ID: 395c02
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So your d'eggs are actual dragon eggs, just with a part removed? ...They take after their mother.

"So if I um, mated with a dragon, would my eggs...?"

"Who knows. I wouldn't think so, but your 'dragons' just love breaking rules."

So maybe. You try not to think too hard about grasping a big, strong dragon in your mighty talons and thrusting...

...Hmm? Do you hear a shower running?

-A: Investigate shower.
-B: Continue conversation. What do you talk about?
-C: Sneakily check out the room Eezeryh was hiding from you with a portal. So curious!
-D: See if Gulketi will let you live out this fantasy you just had. ~
No. 914794 ID: 465a14

Primary c, secondary c.
No. 914796 ID: 65c9b9

D primary, c secondary
No. 914798 ID: a74034

Primary A, secondary D
No. 914799 ID: 3d4d8f

Portal peek C
Secondary B, but just continue to make the face
No. 914800 ID: 757ccd

C. We gotta know~

D. Gulketi seems to be a fun guy to be around~
No. 914801 ID: 80d19e

Primary D, Secondary C Don't know if you can get your growth up enough for Gulketi but it would be fun to try!
No. 914802 ID: b1b4f3

Primary B, tell her about the picnic.

Secondary A.
No. 914803 ID: 96819d

This, tell her about the picnic B
No. 914804 ID: 23c164

Primary B, secondary C. I wonder what her tilde level is at.
No. 914805 ID: e51896

while we are at it, lets talk about the seal. Maybe she can fix it with her sciency stuff?

Secondary: C
No. 914806 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary C.

Secondary B about the sequence and why it's notable other than being sterile.
No. 914807 ID: f5d2df

No. 914808 ID: bddb0f


B, picnic and the possibility of you 'passing on' some Dragon Magic to others by serving them a healthy breakfast of D'egg.

Secondary A.
No. 914810 ID: ba56e6

Primary D, secondary b
No. 914812 ID: daffb0

Primary D because you'll need your arousal under control later for the picnic, secondary A, but toss Eez here a reminder about the picnic just in case she forgot because she seems like the type.
No. 914817 ID: f5c3b8

B, C Picnic reminder, and since we've taken the hint, portal sneak.
No. 914828 ID: e85a08

D/c tilde ahoy
No. 914832 ID: 575ec0

Primary D. Secondary also D.
No. 914840 ID: 91ee5f

Primary B: Continue conversation. Tell her about the picnic!

Secondary A: Investigate shower. I wonder who that is?
No. 914841 ID: 315e5f

primary D secondary ALSO D YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT
No. 914843 ID: 864e49

C, this is an invasion of privacy and a breach of trust don't do it!

Primary A
Secondary D
No. 914844 ID: 758ff3

Portal curiosity! C, B
No. 914856 ID: 83bf07

A perfect chance to greet a friend. Maybe relax and take a shower yourself! Perhaps Cash in on the opportunity to sneak a peek into that room..

Primary A, secondary C
No. 914887 ID: a9af05

No. 914926 ID: ae9bd9


I mean, if you want to know, just strongarm. You have her under your thumb (or into your cunt, i mean srsly, it is ridiculous how manipulative you can be when you let it do the thinking) already so it shouldnt be too difficult. Anyway, moving on, if you run out of topics, ask about guns. See if you two could go to the ship's firing range. It could be a good bonding activity!
No. 914971 ID: 080aaf

C/d. Opportunity doesn't knock!
No. 914985 ID: eeb7d9

A. Because now it's obvious.
B. Because there is more about it, right?
No. 915748 ID: 79eaac

A, C

Because investigating the shower is definitely less invasive than the room. Totally.
I don't have a sex in water fetish.
At all.

Don't judge me.
No. 915754 ID: 395c02
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"Hey! Speaking of my eggs..."

"Yes! Sure! Let's drone on more about things that came out of you!"

"We could talk about things going into me if you'd prefer!"

A deep, heavy sigh from The Eez. "Just say whatever you were going to say."

"If someone was to eat one of my eggs, would they gain a healthy dose of Dragon Magic??"

"Hmm. Ah. Oh! Ohoho! Another use for the Scientific Method!"


Eezeryh reaches for a sparkler, but there isn't one. "Nng... W-well! The best way to answer that question is experimentation!"

"So you're volunteering to eat my egg?"

"No-- I'm volunteering someone else to eat your egg! But not this one. It's been sitting out."

"Well, I have some at... actually, I think Outissa ate one already. We should go get her and--"
No. 915755 ID: 395c02
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"I wouldn't worry about her."


"She's fine."


No. Don't read too much into it. It's just your imagination. Just ignore it and move the topic along.

"Putting fun shenanigans aside for a moment, I have something a little more serious to ask," the no-fun-allowed-dragoness called You asks.

"Yes, of course I'll take over as leader. Took you long enough to realize only one of us has the brains to lead these losers!"

"I-I have brains! But I meant... Mr. Ilan's seal to keep my dragon self in check is maybe breaking a little bit? I was wondering if there was a science thing you could do to help."

"Obviously. Nothing is beyond the power of science!"
No. 915756 ID: 395c02
File 154630308108.png - (149.35KB , 800x600 , 1496.png )

"Huh. This is beyond the power of science."


"I forgot magic breaks all the rules, okay? All I'm getting from these readings is that your horns are emitting a lot of energy, but I can't tell if they're the source or just a conduit. I also don't see anything that would indicate a 'seal', except... hmm."

"What is it?"

"There's some garbage data here, in your brain."

"That... could that be it?"

"I wouldn't rule anything out anymore, but I can't really do anything with this..."

"I see... Let's try something else. Remember the ANTI-MAGIC FIELD GENERATOR that suppressed my magic? If... if I was a hundred... a thousand times stronger, would it still work?"

"Anti-whatnow? Oh, the cloaking device. Yeah, rather than masking light, it tries to mask 'magic' itself."

"So the goop was me being covered in my own magic?"

"It's a little more complicated than that, but sort of."
No. 915757 ID: 395c02
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Eezeryh brings up the HD Remix of the video feed from your epic battle with her robot. "Remember this moment?"

"Yeah. I tried to use my DRAGON BREATH ability I probably have. I expected water, what with the water dragon, but it was raw energy?"

"There are so many problems with using water as a breath weapon. But nevermind that-- notice how it's managing to bulge outward?"

"hehe you said" "That means that there was enough energy or magic there to strain against it. Ten times stronger and it'd have broken free, to say nothing of a hundred or a thousand."

The dragon's ultimate attack, merging all of their magical prowess into a single beam... The history books implied the result was an elemental blast based on the type of dragon, but as I look back at myself... it really is raw magic. Do all dragons work this way, or...

There's no way to know for sure. It's entirely possible that what you're looking at isn't a breath-weapon, but your old body's approximation of one. After all, the dragon before you isn't the real you. It too is an approximation.

"So you're saying the field can't contain a more powerful source of magic?" you ask.

"Oh my, no. You were already pretty close to the limit of what it can actually mask, so going beyond that is guaranteed to fail in explosive ways. ... Let's try it!"

"N-no! How about instead of explosions, you tell me if you could maybe enhance the ANT-- uh. Let's call it the AFG. Could it be improved to be able to contain a shitload of dragon power?"

Eezeryh claws at the air where a sparkler would go if she had one. "...Well. What I'll say is that if literally anyone in the universe could pull it off, you're looking at her. Challenge Accepted!"

You feel a weight lift from your shoulders. If your seal breaks before Euia returns, there's some chance Eezeryh could save everyone! You're not going to gamble on that, of course, but it's nice to know that even in defeat... there's hope.

"Thanks," you say. "Well, with that out of the way, I guess I should go ahead and talk about the picnic."
No. 915758 ID: 395c02
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"Picnic!" Siphon says excitedly while ...


"S-Saint Duke!?"

He avoids your glance, looking a bit sheepish.

"Why are you both wet? And naked??"

"We had to get clean for the picnic, silly!" Siphon says as Duke blushes even more.

"Did... did you both shower at the same time?"


Duke blushes lots. "M-mistress Siphon had some very good points about how I should be um, initiated into the hoard. I could not simply allow a fair maiden to lie alone and in need!"

"I... you two...?"


That.. but...

You hear a door slide open-- the door leading to Eezee's lab!?
No. 915759 ID: 395c02
File 154630309756.png - (115.84KB , 800x600 , 1499.png )

Outissa smiles at you and waves and she's without her scarf.

But that means-- but-- Outissa-- Eezeryh-- Siphon-- Duke--
No. 915760 ID: 395c02
File 154630310378.png - (167.53KB , 800x600 , 1500.png )

You've downvoted lewd choices so often everyone started having sex without you!

[...Path of ~...]
-A: GULKETI. Time to take the biggest person here and assert your somewhat-dominance!!!
-B: YOU FOUR, ON ME, RIGHT NOW. You're the one with unmet needs!!!
-C: I'LL GET MINE AND YOU HAVE TO WATCH. Make them watch as you tend to your own needs!!!

[...Path of unmet desires...]
Gonna ignore the irony, are ya? Ah well, it's not like you intended to be the sole partner of everyone.
-D: Gather everyone to discuss picnic. You have more important things to worry about.
-E: Ask for the juicy details of these budding relationships! Was there blushu? Tell me there was!
-F: Ask Outissa if she's a dragon now. By which you mean ask if your d'egg affected her at all.
No. 915762 ID: cb22c8

D, if you don't talk about the picnic you're going to forget about it and then they'll start talking about space!
Secondary C, if you want more attention you have to make your needs clear!
No. 915764 ID: 080aaf

D/a. You can't help it that you're a busy dragon with lots of plates to juggle. Siphon and Gulketi were wise enough to know that for lewd to happen, they need to bring the lewds to you instead of waiting at the bottom of a lake for you to come back!
No. 915765 ID: ccf3c2

Eh. Let's keep this 'not gettin' it on' trainwreck rolling. Because it can't possibly end poorly - I mean, the sex gets better the longer you abstain. Total and absolute truth. (Gently) break Gulketi in the evening, after a long hard day of wantin' it bad.

Primary: F - Otissa durgon??? Because science and the knowing of things.

Secondary: E - Blushus?!?! Because they're bonding and it's cute!
No. 915766 ID: 4ef273

Primary C, secondary D
No. 915768 ID: b1b4f3

Primary A. I mean cmon.

Secondary D and E. Why can't you do both
No. 915770 ID: 8f6858


No. 915771 ID: 395c02

Primary A, secondary D. Obviously.
No. 915772 ID: 96819d

A, D
No. 915773 ID: 3d4d8f

May as well. A, D
No. 915775 ID: 90f3c0

B, D
No. 915776 ID: 0c3c2c


A because I want to see you and Dragon Gulketi going at it and it would be super cute.
No. 915778 ID: a9af05

Primary D

Secondary F

Both of these are the most important things right now!
No. 915779 ID: 4854ef

Glory to this!

No. 915781 ID: e51896

secondary C


why not both D and C?
No. 915782 ID: daffb0

A and D, dear.
No. 915785 ID: 1a89d4

B! or e I guess...
No. 915787 ID: 65c9b9

A. thats the only way 100% no sacrifices GULKETTI NEEDS LOVE TOO!
No. 915788 ID: f5c3b8

D, A/ Should maybe talk about the thing.
No. 915799 ID: eeb7d9

Oh come on, don't be such a babe. Remember, you are not that kind of dragon, you can let them share with each other, they don't belong to you, you know.
D, this is, after all why you are here.
E, i bet there is some interesting bonding stories in there!
No. 915803 ID: e7848c

M-Misstress! You look distressed! M-maybe.. we could help you with that? O-or we can plan for the picnic!

(Primary B, Secondary D)
No. 915804 ID: 094652

Primary B because tilde must die before you make a Mario of yourself at the spaghetti fair.
Secondary D because the spaghetti fair is socially dangerous and you should have at least three escape plans.
No. 915806 ID: 950480

A, then D.
No. 915812 ID: 3c3e35

Well I guess since we have the shot now, D, secondary A
No. 915813 ID: 758ff3

You gotta talk about the picnic while it's an option! D, A since the thought's on your mind
No. 915815 ID: f5a3f7

D gimme dat D
No. 915817 ID: 90c523

Relieve yourself some for the picnic, A
No. 915819 ID: a11eb8

This would help.
No. 915823 ID: 91ee5f

>You've downvoted lewd choices so often everyone started having sex without you!
Is it really that surprising? You’re such an influence on them that they probably would’ve had sex with each other, even if you didn’t downvote the previous lewd choices!

Primary D: Gather everyone to discuss picnic. This is why you came here in the first place!

Also, you forgot to ask mom to bring some ice cream to the picnic! You’ve gotta have a dessert of some kind! Maybe someone here has something?

Secondary F: Ask Outissa if she's a dragon now. You’ve gotta see if eating your eggs do anything. That way you’ll know what to expect when you use the other eggs in the fridge at your house to make something for Skif, like you’ve been planning to do!
No. 915827 ID: f5d2df

A, D
No. 915829 ID: 80d19e

A ALL THE WAY It will be a great time to really put your size growth spell to the test! Plus it would be hilarious to just flood the base (assuming you two can fit)

D After you get you some, then you can talk to everyone else about the picnic later.
No. 915832 ID: 080aaf

Whoops I misread that name, A/d all the way
No. 915844 ID: 3181a5

Fuckit I'm doing this!
Primary D then A.
Secondary F then A.

Wonder how long its been since Gulketi was with someone his own size, someone he didn't have to be gentle with ~~
No. 915872 ID: 575ec0

All the A.
When's the last time Gulketi had someone his size?
Maybe he'll start coming back for more.
Secondarily, D. Seems like a good idea.
No. 915879 ID: 2202fb

Cunt punt urself. Focus.

Then F. We need empirical data!
No. 915944 ID: 92681e

Secondary: D
No. 915952 ID: b0eafe

F, because we must have all the knowledge of D that we can.
B, but ask politely! No being too dominant! Down Ceri! Down!

Down the floor, specifically, so Duke can get in you while Outissa gets on you.
No. 915953 ID: 4000fb

Lets stay with the D
No. 915963 ID: d45644

get those tildes clear! B
No. 915964 ID: de6d84

No. 916002 ID: ad684d

D or secondary B
No. 916662 ID: 395c02
File 154689841796.png - (115.52KB , 800x600 , 1501.png )


No. 916663 ID: 395c02
File 154689842055.gif - (108.21KB , 900x600 , 1502.gif )

No. 916664 ID: 395c02
File 154689842499.png - (68.68KB , 800x600 , 1503.png )

"This is perfect actually! Gulketi! Your dragoness needs you!"


"Like, sexually!"

"...Oh! This is pretty convenient, then. Normally it takes me a while to get, well... in the mood. Unless I'm a ketza, I guess."

"Yes! Now lie there while I shove-- hmm."
No. 916665 ID: 395c02
File 154689842971.png - (178.47KB , 800x600 , 1504.png )

You think back to your encounter with the lizard couple, and the night you laid your eggs with Skif.

They way they looked at each other... the way he looked at you...

There's more to this.

True romance doesn't come from shoving your parts at other parts. You need to take things slow. Learn what your partner enjoys. Tell them your pleasures. Make love as equals who enjoy each others' company as much if not more than the act itself.

"Gulketi, is there anything you're ah... into? I know this is all pretty sudden and all but I wanna do things right this time."

"Ah, I guess you'd still be kinda new to this. Sure, I can teach you a few things."

"You won't get like, soft while doing this, will you?"

"Amtsvane do nothing quickly, it's fine. also that's not how amtsvane work."

Step one might be learning how amtsvane work.
No. 916666 ID: 395c02
File 154689843359.png - (82.87KB , 900x600 , 1505.png )

"Okay! You probably already know about Tilde."

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Well! During sex it's like, a difficulty meter kinda? You can make things easier on yourself by getting your partner properly 'in the mood' before getting started. You know-- making out and foreplay and stuff."

In this case it looks like Gulketi's ready to go, while you could use a little work. Ah, but that DAMAGE concerns you. Without the barrier...

...Actually, isn't it fine? Euia put that there to help you cope with feeling really fucking horny. It was a huge problem when you were in the um, 'heat' of your egg cycle, especially with the dragon d'egging things along.

You still feel more randy than you normally do this early in your cycle, but it's nowhere near the problem it was. In the right context, having a high tilde is perfectly safe. Just make sure you 'take care of things' if it starts getting in the way of you functioning!

"So! What might be new to you are the stats below TILDE: ENJOYMENT (that's the heart) and O (that's the O). I probably don't have to tell you what O means."

Yep. Max O to orgasm.

"But! Enjoyment is the big one!"

Ah yes, the stat you ignored so hard one would almost think you made it up just now.

"Enjoyment shows how much your partner's enjoying being with you, and you with them. Obviously you could just focus on O and have an okay time, but if you communicate with your partner, do the things they really like, you'll have a more sensual experience. The O feels nicer, too!"

Enjoyment... for there to be more to sex more than two parts rubbing together. If you did well there, you imagine it would improve your BOND with your partner(s).

Their enjoyment probably takes priority over yours, but... you want to enjoy yourself too, right? Communicate with them about what you both like and... who knows? Maybe you'll find brand new things you enjoy!

like you need orgasming to be any easier...
No. 916667 ID: 395c02
File 154689844059.png - (141.12KB , 800x600 , 1506.png )

"Okay! So step one of communication! Do you prefer females or males? Or like, something else?" you ask. "Or uh... should I grow big? Be a dragon? Try to do things as normal tiny me?"

"I'm okay with whatever!"


Gulketi's the tutorial, isn't he.

All right then! Time to make some initial decisions!

-X: Be female. This is how you see yourself, after all.
-Y: Be male. You love many things. Exercise equipment, girls kissing... boys kissing.

[...Path of the large...]
Gulketi is insanely huge, but you can come pretty close to matching him. Hey, this would be a decent time to practice GIANT GROWTH! But which form...
-A: Max size (faux) dragon form! Similar to the last time you got with the big guy as a big guy!
-B: Max size normal form! You, but huge!
-C: Max size Aqua form! This place is water-tight, right?
-D: Max size amtsvane! Your polymorph is so insanely good you can literally do this now.

[...Path of the smol...]
You'll embrace the added challenge of pleasing this gentle giant with your tiny, tiny self! Though you could try one of your other tiny selfs...
-E: Tiny size (faux) dragon form! This is larger than your normal form, but nothing compared to Gulketi.
-F: Tiny size normal form! Just rid yourself of the OUTFIT OF DESTINY and go to town.
-G: Tiny size aquatic form! Male or female, there's no lack of lubrication.
-H: Tiny size ...amtsvane. Uh...
No. 916668 ID: 4ef273

X, primary C, secondary G
No. 916669 ID: 3d4d8f

X; B, H
No. 916670 ID: b1b4f3

Primary X,D because the equipment matches. Learn how Amtsvane breed!
Secondary Y,G.

What about the fantasy you had up here though? >>914793
Gulketi can shapeshift too, why not ask if he'd like to live out your daydream.
No. 916671 ID: 080aaf

D, h, X! Amtsvane amtsvane amtsvane. And an amtsvane with tits. You haven't seen a female so you probably wouldn't know about the lack of tits anyway. Using your Giant Growth is a good way to burn your unknown amount of D right now.
No. 916673 ID: d2baf2

X, F
No. 916674 ID: f5d2df

X, B, H
No. 916676 ID: f5c3b8

Practice of the growth spell seems good. Let's try your normal self and work from there (or be really amused at a small amtsvane). X, B, H
No. 916677 ID: 8f6858

X, D Amtsvanes seem fun and we haven't been one yet~~

H for secondary because it would be really funny~
No. 916678 ID: cb22c8

X, primary C, secondary G
No. 916679 ID: a62780


Test out Big Ceri powers
No. 916682 ID: 758ff3

No. 916683 ID: 61b5e1

As fun as tiny is, Gulketi hasn't had a proper megafuck in a while so you should help him out.

Oh, and make the biggest mess possible~ brb popcorn

No. 916684 ID: bfb318

Y, C
No. 916685 ID: 61b5e1

Also if you amtsvane then boob it up, you know you want to.
No. 916686 ID: 575ec0

X, A

secondarily, X, D would be neat, too.
No. 916687 ID: 8d23f0

X primary C secondary H
No. 916688 ID: 8d23f0

flood Gulketi's face by sitting on it in aqua form.
No. 916689 ID: 3c3e35

Feeling this.
No. 916691 ID: 2202fb

Got a question. Do you really want this to be romantic? Do you really want to get romantically involved with all of your friends, or do you just want to be able to have a quick fling and save the romancing for Skiff?

Seems like this could be a turning point (as you said, it is the tutorial) so you might want to iron this out before you dive in cooch first.
No. 916696 ID: ad51b8

X, C, D
No. 916701 ID: a9af05

X: Be female

Primary B , Secondary A

No. 916703 ID: 3674e7

X, D
No. 916705 ID: 1a89d4

X, H, B! Because tiny amtsvane is adorable and size difference is a thing too
No. 916708 ID: daffb0

X, B, F.

If this is the tutorial, let's not make it complicated! Let's have both of you be as you as you can be. Except size because making yourself larger would just be more convenient, less dangerous and good practice.
No. 916710 ID: 41b88a

X, A, H
Dragon domination war! Or let him play out his macro mating fantasy.
No. 916712 ID: ccb66b

X, primary C, secondary G. You're still mostly you rather than trying to completely change, but the form might help out taking him.
No. 916713 ID: 0c3c2c


...or Secondary Y E
No. 916724 ID: 91ee5f

Wait, how the fuck did that door do that?!

X: Be female. Stick with what you know!

Primary B: Max size normal form!

Secondary A: Max size (faux) dragon form!

Just make sure you take your clothes off before you turn giant! They were made to grow with you, but I don’t think they can grow that big!
No. 916746 ID: 7fafab

C, G
"I like it when you're wet."
-Rich Evans

'n' remember, Ceri - no being too dominant!
It's time for love and affection, not skin/skin ropeburn!
No. 916747 ID: 80d19e

X, and A then if you go smol go G. Yer gonna need the lube.
No. 916750 ID: 864e49

Remember that you don't need to be dominant all the time, make this is about him not you.

No Wait Maximum Size SIPHON Form!
No. 916753 ID: 90c523

B you
No. 916755 ID: 675d1d

No. 916762 ID: 8848bd

wait dont you need to D-burst to use the Giant Growth spell? And isnt your D-burst broken right now? That limits your size growth to regular polymorph, which isnt much compared to Gulketi.

X: D, H i guess
No. 916771 ID: 83bf07

Mistress has an aquatic form? We must witness it!
X, C
Amtsvane D(ragon sized) boobs.. AD-boobs.
X, H
I'll get some towels!
No. 916791 ID: a62780

I somehow totally forgot Aqua form was an option when I made my choice >>916679
I change my Primary to X: C
and shift my initial choice of X: B to my secondary.
No. 916792 ID: eeb7d9

No. 916794 ID: d8f1e9

Hyouge! X, Primary B, Secondary F
No. 916795 ID: d45644

I think he'll like a big partner at least B, A otherwise
No. 916797 ID: 87bb36

X primary B secondary F
No. 916810 ID: e85a08

X, A/e derg
No. 916825 ID: 4dc321

Y, A
No. 917126 ID: 395c02
File 154718320164.png - (122.28KB , 800x600 , 1507.png )

>What about the fantasy you had [wherein you dom a dragon?]
That would be one of your KINKS! Find a partner who's into being dominated, and the two of you will gain a lot of ENJOYMENT really fast!

But! What if you took it a step further? You could just shove a helpless dragon inside you and call it a day, or you can make him beg his mistress for such a privilege...~

>Got a question. Do you really want this to be romantic? Do you really want to get romantically involved with all of your friends, or do you just want to be able to have a quick fling and save the romancing for Skiff?
Your HOARD OF DRAGON ROMANCE... well, like, it's kinda in the name?

You hope to form meaningful bonds with everyone, so long as they'll have you. Skif will always have a special place in your heart for being your CHILDHOOD FRIEND and the one you shared your first time with, but your heart is vast, a dragon's heart with the dragon's share of love to offer.

It doesn't need to be romantic love, either. Some of your hoard members may become deep friends (with benefits) rather than mates.

>'n' remember, Ceri - no being too dominant!
It's all about not letting the dragon take over. You'll be fine being SOMEWHAT DOMINANT, so long as you show restraint and don't reach the point where mortal dominance gives way to dragon dominance.

You don't want to be too PARANOID... maybe your mind and body will give some kind of WARNING that lets you know to pull back? Just make sure not to ignore such a warning!

>wait dont you need to D-burst to use the Giant Growth spell? And isnt your D-burst broken right now?
Technically no, but... that's a good point.

GIANT GROWTH merges all three sub-schools of TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAGIC with POLYMORPH. Last time, you used a D-BURST to enhance your magical abilities such that you could easily treat TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAGIC as a single entity. But even without a D-BURST you still have those schools. You could, in theory, pull this off without it.

Time to give it a shot!
No. 917127 ID: 395c02
File 154718320687.gif - (257.33KB , 800x600 , 1508.gif )

You increase your size to the standard 30 foot limit! Okay. Now to go past the mortal limit without using dragon magic. How hard could it be? GIANT GROWTH's originally designed for mortals!

Okay... Just gotta focus on INVISIBILITY, TELEPORTATION, and PORTALS as if they were a single entity...

Control your magic without trying to force it...


No. 917128 ID: 395c02
File 154718321501.gif - (244.86KB , 800x600 , 1509.gif )

...Gnnh! You can't do it.

Your POLYMORPH is well beyond that of mortals, but when it comes to TRANSDIMENSIONAL you're average at best. Dang... are you really locked out of GIANT GROWTH until Euia gets back?

...No... you were close. Painfully so. PORTAL and TELE were in your grasp-- the problem is INVISIBILITY. You need to improve it to stand a chance of pulling this off. You make a note to train it when you get a chance.

Well! 30 feet will probably be fine! Things might be a bit tight, but you can make it work. You used a lot of MP on this experiment, but your incredible POLYMORPH prowess ensures you have plenty of time.

"Okay! Time to get this party going!"

No. 917129 ID: 395c02
File 154718322337.png - (247.19KB , 800x600 , 1510.png )

"My, my~ I can't wait to get my mouth around these~"

Gulketi squirms in response.

"Yes, just lie there and let mama Ceri do her thing~"

"B-before you get started I should um warn you that amtsvane have a lot of STAMINA."

"Silly boy. I'm a dragon!"

"Like, a lot of stamina."

Okay maybe you don't have a LOT a lot of stamina. Yours is actually kind of average, due to very low VIM but high D. For dragon. Or determination. Or being too stubborn to admit you're tired.

One of 'em.

You note the time... 9:50am. The picnic is at 1pm. You should be fine, but if you want time to talk to everyone you probably shouldn't let this go past noon.
No. 917130 ID: 395c02
File 154718324860.gif - (1.53MB , 800x600 , 1511.gif )

Ceri x Gulketi
Bond: 21
Leader: Ceri
Leader stamina: 30

Your APPEAL gives you insight into Gulketi's preferences and sensitive areas.

-He can function both as a DOM and a SUB, liking both a decent amount.
-He has low SENSITIVITY. He will gain O slowly.
-He has a lot of STAMINA. You won't tire him out easily.
-There is at least one thing he COMPLETELY ADORES! (6 hearts)
-Your APPEAL is too low to uncover any of Gulketi's KINKS.

Someone's enjoyment is rated by filling in 1-5 hearts. All empty hearts means you don't know yet. Some people have Specific Things that really set them off. Those will fill the 6th GOLDEN HEART.

That's all you can discern for now. You'll need to explore and communicate with your partner to learn what they're into. Communication is important!

Let's get started.
No. 917131 ID: 395c02
File 154718325924.png - (67.53KB , 800x600 , 1512.png )

Gulketi looks at you expectantly. He's been nothing but patient, but his eyes cry for action. He glances at your mouth, then your hands. Not the parts of you people normally stare at, you admit.

For this sextorial, you'll go ahead and take his hint. Hands or mouth, which would he like more...?

What will you use?
[vote for 1 option]
-X: Your mouth.
-Y: Your hands.

Use where on Gulketi's body?
[Vote for as many options as you want! Events will be weighted based on popularity.]
-A: Mouth.
-B: Chest.
-C: Stomach.
-D: Hands.
-E: Feet.
-F: Genitals.
-G: Inner thighs.

Be aware of some possible COMBOs. Example: Mouth on Mouth equals kissing.
No. 917133 ID: 1a89d4

Y, D for the Forbidden Handholding technique! None could possibly resist such a powerful move.
No. 917135 ID: 8d23f0

Y: D,E,c
No. 917137 ID: 80caf3

X, F A
No. 917140 ID: b1b4f3

Sensitive areas huh? Looks like a heatmap. I'm going to guess he likes footrubs and/or belly rubs.

Y for starters.
C,E,G. Let's touch all the highlighted bits!
No. 917143 ID: 80d19e

Y and C
No. 917156 ID: 2202fb


We gotta get all those easter eggs and hidden combos!

Alternatively, use up up down down left right left right b a.
No. 917163 ID: 0c3c2c


G, F, C... And D because handholding is cute.
No. 917164 ID: e51896

Z: other (your feet), F: Genitals. (footjob)


XA (kisses)
No. 917167 ID: 094652

X, C, F Classic Stalk and Suck
No. 917168 ID: 3d4d8f

X, A, F
No. 917170 ID: f5d2df

X, G, F
No. 917171 ID: 83bf07

Ah, Mistress.. You know his sensitive spots! Now you have to get them all worked up!

X, C
Here's an idea for you; You have the free limbs, use them! Rub his belly, but with that same motion you can grind against him with your soft thighs. You could even position your dragon peets to rest against his inner thighs. That's three areas of attack! Good luck!
No. 917174 ID: 080aaf

X, A, D. Be aware he has four more slightly more manageable tentacles hidden away somewhere.
No. 917185 ID: 92b963

X, hands.
No. 917193 ID: 2202fb

Y is hands, X is mouth
No. 917197 ID: cb22c8

Y, D for ~holding hands~, G for actually getting the job done.
No. 917201 ID: 91ee5f

>What will you use?
Y: Your hands.

>Use where on Gulketi's body?
C: Stomach.
E: Feet.
G: Inner thighs.

No. 917204 ID: 864e49


A: Mouth.
B: Chest.
C: Stomach.
F: Genitals.
Kiss and lick your way down to one shaft.

E: Feet.
G: Inner thighs.
F: Genitals.
Then kiss and lick your way up to the other.

Gulketi can use his hands to do whatever he wants to~
No. 917206 ID: 74c159

Use X, start at E, go up to G!
No. 917207 ID: 8d23f0

REMEMBER TO ask Gulketi how things feel as you do them
No. 917209 ID: 2202fb

Yes! Make sure that the hand-holding isn't too lewd! (~w~)
No. 917221 ID: daffb0

Kink Sleuthing! Gulketi seemed to have a pretty easy time getting off during the orgy. He got worked up as a ketza, so no help there as to what got him so aroused, but he DID go off pretty easily after he transformed. That seemed to be partly Siphon's work... she probably knows his kinks. And thinking back... she seemed to be going at him with her hands, down near the base. If he does like hands, that would be an advantage for Siphon, which might help explain why those two are so especially close...

So: Y, then F just for a moment down near the base to see his reaction. Then D for handholding and maybe using your hands to guide his to touch you. He's already horny, so he doesn't need too much physical foreplay, more emotional foreplay! That means talk to him. Thank him again for helping out with Kharadra, and use that to lead into something about... uh, showing your appreciation.

>not enough invisibility
Goodness gracious, why is invisibility so important? Why is it presented as equivalent to portals and shapeshifting, when they seem so much more useful for so many more things? Why does it even count as transdimensional magic? What part does invisibility play in defying normal magic's limits? There has to be more to it, right? Ceri, please make a note to go over invisibility with Eezee.
No. 917240 ID: a9af05

No. 917266 ID: e85a08

Y A for that sensual dentistry
No. 917268 ID: 7fafab

my bad pls no boolee
No. 917386 ID: 2202fb

*bullies you*
No. 917401 ID: 758ff3

Multitask! X,A,F
No. 917449 ID: 61b5e1

Yeah sure be adorable. YD
No. 917626 ID: 79eaac

No. 917627 ID: 4535dc


Ceridwen: give Smerg a hug
No. 917658 ID: 79eaac

I mean, I won't refuse dragon tiddy hugs.
No. 917659 ID: eeb7d9

I like this. Head pets are the best!
No. 917660 ID: 91ee5f

You’re gonna motorboat Ceri, aren’t you?
No. 917664 ID: 3c3e35

...Duo sensations? B, F
No. 917666 ID: ccb66b

In no special order:
Y: E, F, G.
He's liked rubbing before and it's a nice way to start out.
No. 917694 ID: 7fafab

I mean, hugs and affection are my fetish - that's just a bonus.
'n' you sayin' you wouldn't?
I'd definitely be down to fuck them tiddies, too.
No. 917835 ID: 395c02
File 154756904171.png - (158.74KB , 800x600 , 1513.png )

You run your HANDS along what is probably Gulketi's stomach. It feels... different. alien. Your small but determined hands apply pressure as you sensually massage him up and down.


"Mm~ you like that~?"

"A-amtsvane-sized mood."


You catch his tail twitching behind you. There's no doubt about it: Gulketi really enjoys massages. Like, a whole lot. More than you'd expect.

After a couple minutes, you decide to move on... but Gulketi stops you. "Keep going. Amtsvane require a lot of work."

"Hey! I'm the one doing the topping! .................but yeah okay."

You continue your movements. Ten minutes pass, but he's still begging for more...! I-it wasn't this hard last time!! Did his ketza form do something, or is Siphon just that good??

No, you won't give up! You push yourself to continue.







Finally, Gulketi gives you the signal to move on.
No. 917836 ID: 395c02
File 154756904688.png - (190.49KB , 800x600 , 1514.png )

Given the size difference, you decide to get a bit creative and handle one tendril with your hands while your tail services another.

You run your hands along the chosen tendril, feeling its smooth texture rub against the softer scales that make up your hands. You can only imagine the pleasure he must be feeling-- enough so that if he were to randomly draw this scene as it took place, he would be so distracted that he'd, I dunno, draw on the sketch layer or something.

That's how good he must feel right now.

"You can use more pressure than that."

...What? Really? Guess he would be less tender here than a mammal...

You oblige him, applying more effort as you slide your hands around.

"...Little more."

Seriously!? Okay... you press harder. Makes sense, you guess. At max POLYMORPH you're still a good bit smaller than him.

His breathing starts to become labored. His eyes stare at you with a hunger and intensity that could rival your own.

Yes...! Be consumed by the everlasting pleasure of a dragon! You don't even care if you walk away unsatisfied, you will make him cum.
No. 917837 ID: 395c02
File 154756905244.png - (158.97KB , 800x600 , 1515.png )

Fuck it! Mouth only lost by a couple votes so you throw that in too!! You lick, rub, tail-rub, everything in a final gambit to show this alien the powerful pleasures of this potent... person!

Your tail might be dead but don't worry about it.


Yes... yes! This is it!



Any second!




"An amtsvane."

Gulketi continues to squirm and moan, his body gyrating in time to your movements. But though he inches closer to the inevitable climax, you're not able to get him there before your hands and tail decide they don't want to play anymore.

You dare not push yourself any harder for fear of any consequences... is this it? Is this the best you can do?

No. There's one more option. A technique spoken of only in legend. An action so lewd, you'd double censor it if you could!

No. 917838 ID: 395c02
File 154756905711.png - (171.54KB , 800x600 , 1516.png )





"I just thought--"


You enjoyed it, at least... But now you're frustrated. Your TILDE is too low to handle how difficult this is being. At least you got a moment to recover some stamina.
No. 917839 ID: 395c02
File 154756906230.png - (133.17KB , 800x600 , 1517.png )

As if reading your mind, Gulketi suddenly puts his hands around you!

"You did well. Better than most who aren't Siphon. But now it's my turn~"

You're caught completely off-guard both by the sudden shift and by him actually using a tilde in his dialog.

"Do you want to cum before... or during~?"

"B-both!?" you squeak in a very un-dragon-like and timid way. With a single action Gulketi has become the dominating one...!

He grins at you with like a million teeth. "Tell me what you like~"

oh geez

What should you ask Gulketi to use?
[vote 1]
-X: Hands
-Y: Tongues
-Z: Tendrils. I-it turns out they are prehensile.

Where on your body? Since you're you, you know what you like and can narrow the choices slightly.
[Vote as many as you want]
-A: Mouth
-B: Breasts
-C: Stomach
-D: Feet
-E: Genitals
-F: Buttocks

[Ceri does not like anal, so F won't go that route.]
No. 917841 ID: 3d4d8f

Test their prehensileness! Z, A, E
No. 917844 ID: eeb7d9

Z, because: Go alien tendrils!

B, You were given those for a reason!
No. 917845 ID: e51896

Y, D
No. 917847 ID: f5d2df

Z, A, B, E
No. 917849 ID: a9af05

>What should he use?
X: Hands

>Where should he use them?
B, C and D
No. 917851 ID: f5c3b8

Massage combo! X, B, E
No. 917861 ID: 080aaf

Y, B/C/E
No. 917865 ID: 4294c6

Spank me, Daddy.
No. 917867 ID: 80d19e

Z,A,B,E Prehensile you say? Let's see what all we can get them to do!
No. 917879 ID: eceda8

Z,A,E, m'yes
No. 917884 ID: e85a08

X F and tail if that's an option
No. 917886 ID: 8d23f0

Y, A-E. big
No. 917890 ID: ad51b8

Y, E, F

Z, B
No. 917893 ID: daffb0

Y, with A (kisses!) moving down B to C to E. Just get him all down your front, there.
No. 917894 ID: 0c3c2c


No. 917896 ID: 91ee5f

>hand holding
>lowered Gulketi‘s Enjoyment and O meters
Ceri, you fool! That’s the opposite of what you want!

You should’ve gone for his feet and attempted a tickle attack!

>What should you ask Gulketi to use?
X: Hands

>Where on your body?
B: Breasts
C: Stomach
D: Feet

Go for an almost full body massage!
No. 917950 ID: 7fafab

get some big attention for your equally-sized tiddy

also, I will not be denied: Have HIM give you headpets
No. 917955 ID: f4ca25

No. 917961 ID: 3c3e35

X, A, B
No. 917974 ID: 2202fb

Holy shit, look at that hand-holding tilde increase (Ceri's)! It was (relatively) huge!

Ceri is one dirty dirty girl
No. 917981 ID: 864e49


-A: Mouth
-B: Breasts
-C: Stomach
-D: Feet
-E: Genitals
-F: Buttocks
Just the whole body!

Use me as you please~
No. 918006 ID: 7fafab

Utterly fucking filthy
No. 918035 ID: caf1de

use his dicks one in the mouth and one down below
have them meat in the middle
No. 918048 ID: cb22c8

X, E
No. 918089 ID: 7ffabc

that ain't how that works
No. 918098 ID: 2202fb

unless you use the other hole, but ya, Ceri doesnt like doing that.
No. 918100 ID: 575ec0

Why not polymorph a second vagina?
No. 918109 ID: b1b4f3

That's slightly more possible without killing the person but I don't think we're using Furry Porn Logic in this quest.
No. 918121 ID: cffc8e

X, B
No. 918163 ID: 395c02
File 154781849252.gif - (367.96KB , 800x600 , 1518.gif )

H-he caught you off-guard, but you've no intention to go full sub. You grin right back at him. "Why don't you show me just what these tendrils of yours can do~?"
No. 918164 ID: 395c02
File 154781849733.gif - (508.05KB , 800x600 , 1519.gif )

"Ah--!" you suddenly cry as he gently pushes you back and starts massaging your D-BOOBS!

Despite his size (and the appendages of choice), he's able to apply just the right amount of pressure as he runs his tendrils across your chest.

"They move so much~"

"T-that's what happens when you m-massage them around like that." He must be used to Siphon.

You're still not used to how weird this feels, with the changes the seal caused to your body. He's not quite able to drive you crazy the way Skif can, but all things considered this... this is nice...

This keeps up for a couple minutes until he suddenly pulls a tendril back. Is he finally getting tired?


You feel something sliding up your leg, teasing your inner thighs as it encroaches on your most sensitive area!

"I-I don't know if I'm readyyYYY~!"
No. 918165 ID: 395c02
File 154781850150.png - (174.79KB , 900x600 , 1520.png )

You braced yourself for entry, but instead he's... oh... oh gosh... rubbing your...

ah... that's... sensitive...

A-and now he's rubbing your chest...again... both...at the same... mmmnnnnhhh~

Both at once...

It's too much...

so nice...

so good...

He motions for you to adjust your body, and you happily, happily oblige.
No. 918166 ID: 395c02
File 154781850462.png - (151.53KB , 800x600 , 1521.png )

He goes in... there's no pain this time... feels so good...

...so full...

feel his... heartbeat... mmm... nnmmmhh...

You're completely overcome as he rubs your sensitive breasts while sliding and wiggling inside you.

The least dragon-like sound ever escapes your mouth as you climax. "Mnnaaaaahhhhnnn~...!"

he's still going...

ah... again... so soon... ah... you're cumming agahhnnn~...

You're... panting now... he's still...

He moves a tendril away from your chest and--! H-he places it in your mouth!
No. 918167 ID: 395c02
File 154781850704.png - (168.94KB , 800x600 , 1522.png )

You lose the ability to think, losing yourself completely to passion. Thankfully, the narrative is kind enough to take over for you.

You feel the familiar throbs inside you. Soon after, his seed flows into you at both ends. There's so much, and the intense feelings of being filled so completely cause you to orgasm one last time, mixing your juices with his.
No. 918168 ID: 395c02
File 154781851355.gif - (1.76MB , 800x600 , 1523.gif )

You try to sit up but end up collapsing on his stomach. You... you meant to have a third phase... but you can't move...

"Are you um, okay?" Gulketi asks, returning to his usual demeanor.


"Oh geez."

Gulketi lightly pats you on the head. You feel your BOND with him deepen, boosted by your mutual high ENJOYMENT. You've also gained some insight into what Gulketi enjoys! And that a lot of foreplay is needed for this guy.

Now you're... gonna spend a moment not moving... thinking about what to do next...

[normal PRIMARY/SECONDARY voting continues from here]
-A: Pillow talk and cuddles. Could be a good time to ask about Gulketi's past...
-B: To the showers! You need to get cleaned up so you can get back to business.
-C: Get dressed without showering. ....
-D: Skip getting dressed and showering and gather everyone as you are. ..................
No. 918169 ID: 3d4d8f

Never not cuddle. A, B
No. 918170 ID: f5d2df

B, A
No. 918171 ID: 4854ef

No. 918172 ID: 8d23f0

A and B at the same time primary B. you might need him to carry you to the showers anyway...
No. 918173 ID: 83bf07

Mistress, let me tell you about how relaxing a hot shower can be with the right partner..

B, a
No. 918175 ID: 91ee5f

Primary: A: Pillow talk and cuddles. You should never say no to cuddling! Plus, it would be nice to know a little more about him.

Secondary: B: To the showers! You can’t meet with everyone to talk to them about the picnic while smelling like you just had sex!

And even if you do talk with everyone before taking a shower, you should at least make sure you shower sometime before your parents get here! Because you really don’t want to smell like you just had sex when they get here!
No. 918178 ID: 575ec0

A -> B
No. 918182 ID: 7ffabc

A, B
Snugs are hot as sex tbh
No. 918187 ID: 75c493

A then B
need time to recover
No. 918190 ID: eeb7d9

A and B, MOAR bonding!
Then get ready to have a serious talk about the picnic, and for that you have to be showered.
No. 918193 ID: 080aaf

B/a. For science.
No. 918202 ID: 2202fb

@gul, dickslap her awake, she cant sleep, there are happenings approaching! Get her some covfefe stat! Espresso shots!
No. 918216 ID: 0c3c2c


It's only polite.
No. 918217 ID: 56cd40

Um, Ceridwen, im concerned. You didn't look good for a slight moment there. Were you okay?
No. 918220 ID: 80caf3

No. 918222 ID: a9af05

Primary A You cuddle him real good!

Secondary B You are a stinky dragon!
No. 918231 ID: b1b4f3

Primary A, secondary B, and check the time.
No. 918247 ID: 56cd40

Idea, why not both A and B at the same time, but instead of a shower, make it a bath. Bathtime cuddles.
No. 918346 ID: 864e49

A of course.

Then C!
No. 918495 ID: 395c02
File 154809282098.png - (138.55KB , 800x600 , 1523.png )

You get nice and comfortable, shrinking slightly so you can feel Gulketi's hands around your body. You definitely want to shower before the picnic, you decide, but there's no rush to do it right away.

"That was... intense," you say.

"Yeah. Not a lot of people who aren't amtsvane or Siphon can get me that far without some serious help or me doing all the work."

"Wait, so the first time we...?"

"That time maaaybe had some help from me spending time as a ketza. Also Siphon."

"You've known her a long time, huh?"

"Mhm. Her and Eezeryh."

"Been such a short while for us. There's so much about you guys I still don't know."

"I'm a little surprised things escalated as quickly as they did, honestly."

"I was having... dragon problems. And egg problems. Lady lizard problems?"

"I think I get it. Something about this world..."

"Hmm? Hey, don't just trail off!"

"Sorry. It's done something to us. Made us feel... more lustful? Me, at least. It's hard to tell with Siphon, and Eezeryh... well, she now blushes more than never, so there's that."

"Weird. I'd have noticed if there was ambient magic in the air or something... did The Eez explain what was going on?"

"Heehee, 'The Eez'. Maybe don't say that in front of her. But, uh... we don't know anything about it other than the fact that there's a lot of energy on this planet."

"And it makes you horny??"

He blushes slightly. "T-that, and it gave me these new powers. Magic, I guess."

"Siphon mentioned Prince Chei trying and failing to use magic. Did you guys really not have any magic before coming here?"

"Not really."

"...Did anyone?"

There's a long pause. "Not... in the way you understand it, no."

"But why wouldn't they give you magic...?"

"Huh? Who's 'they?'"

"Did I forget to mention it? There's a reason I was shocked but not that shocked to learn you were aliens, you know."

"to us you're the alien... Uh, I'm not sure I follow."

"When I had a moment off-screen, I started to connect the dots..."
No. 918496 ID: 395c02
File 154809282358.png - (162.73KB , 800x600 , 1524.png )

"Over the years I've read a lot of books trying to learn more about what I am. One in particular was a very old religious book which talked about how we were created. For the most part it didn't say anything new, but..."

"Mind giving me a small recap on what the 'old' is before you continue?"

"Oh um, the gods of old created the world and all the life on it. First they made the plants and animals, then the first mortals."

"And the dragons?

"They were made last, to act as guardians for the gods' creations. That's why Dragons are sort of demigods in their own right, full of incredible power with which to carry out their duty. Except... they aren't doing that so much anymore."

"Not since the war or whatever?"

"Yeah. Anyway, this old book mostly talked about that stuff, but then it mentioned something new. Or old, I guess. It claimed we weren't the only world the gods made. There were others, with their own life and their own guardians."


"Since nothing else mentioned anything like this, I shrugged it off as a random person's whimsical musings. If there were really other worlds, we'd have found them by now, I thought. Wasn't even worth narrating about."
No. 918497 ID: 395c02
File 154809282633.png - (120.16KB , 800x600 , 1525.png )

"But then! You guys showed up! Suddenly those musings didn't seem so whimsical! I had too much going on to really think about it at the time, but now that things have calmed down I'm super excited to think about what other worlds the gods have created! What if there are more adorable creatures like your ketzas?? I'd need to polymorph more arms to hug them all!"

"That's a pretty good mental image."

"Right??? But yeah, equal parts excitement and confusion. Why wouldn't the gods give you magic like they gave us?"
No. 918498 ID: 395c02
File 154809282928.png - (105.05KB , 800x600 , 1526.png )

No. 918499 ID: 395c02
File 154809283291.png - (107.36KB , 800x600 , 1527.png )

"Maybe they wanted to see how far we'd get on our own."

"They'd be so proud! You made all this stuff and also a space ship without using magic??? That's really impressive! We haven't done any of that and we have magic!"

"I mean, there's less reason to innovate when you have an easy solution to most of your problems. It makes sense."

"Oh. I guess so, huh?"

He smiles at you. "You did manage to come up with video games, so you've got the important stuff covered, at least."

"What about you?" you ask.


"What do your books say about the gods? Do they mention dragons? What are your dragons like??"

While waiting for Gulketi to answer, you take a moment to appreciate how good today's being so far. Great sex and a feeling of excitement instead of anxiety!

>Picnic of doom
Excitement instead of anxiety.

Gulketi looks lost in thought for a moment. "Uh, well... there was never much of a consensus on the uh, details. But we didn't really have dragons, um..."

"What? Oh. Oooohh. That makes sense."
No. 918500 ID: 395c02
File 154809283503.png - (96.27KB , 800x600 , 1528.png )

"...It does?"

"Of course! Giving you dragon guardians would defeat the purpose of seeing what you could do on your own, right?"

"Uh, yeah...?"

"But enough about gods and dragons for now. Tell me about yourself!"


"After we have sex you have to talk about yourself! It's a tradition i made up literally just now and you've already gotten two free passes. Time to pay up!"

"I... Sure, I guess. Uh. What do you want to know?"

Sadly, you don't have time to ask him literally everything. You have to prepare for the picnic, after all. But maybe you can make this a reoccurring thing, another step in forming BONDs with your hoard members? Sex and lore, the two things a dragon adores most!

What topic do you focus on?
-A: The adventures he had with Prince Chei.
-B: What he did while separated from Chei on your world.
-C: What Amtsvane are like.
-D: What his kinks are.

(You may also offer specific things to ask, which will be used depending on story flow and topic chosen)
No. 918501 ID: 465a14

Primary C, secondary D.
No. 918502 ID: 80caf3

B, C
No. 918503 ID: c920f6

Primary C, secondary B!
No. 918504 ID: 8d23f0

A. ask about if he ever seduced any giant women.
No. 918508 ID: 7dc36a

A, C

That's not the worst thing to ask. He'd be a pretty decent lover if he ever put his mind to it.
No. 918511 ID: a9af05

Primary C

Secondary A

Also ask him how he gets through small doors on the ship? Specifically, how did he get through small doors on the ship before he got the ability to turn into a tiny ketza?
No. 918515 ID: c1df6d

It's time to learn about your partners, yeah? Enjoy the peace, mistress!
C, a
No. 918519 ID: 080aaf

C or b. Everything about amtsvane is fascinating, from their history to their physiology.
How did it go with gulketi quest you big palooka
No. 918520 ID: 80d19e

C Let's learn a bit more about what amtsvanes are like!
No. 918521 ID: 575ec0

A is also good
No. 918523 ID: 417401

A, C

Ask about the stuff you're less likely to find out in the course of your ongoing interactions.
No. 918524 ID: 0c3c2c


No. 918539 ID: ad51b8

C, A
No. 918566 ID: 498ed0

C, B
No. 918570 ID: 91ee5f

Primary C: What Amtsvane are like. Let’s learn more about the giant friendly alien and his species!

Secondary A: The adventures he had with Prince Chei. What kind of leader was Prince Chei?

Also, make sure you finish shrinking. You don’t want to use up all of your MP and not have any left over for the rest of the day, do you?
No. 918581 ID: 79eaac

>"Sex and lore, the two things a dragon adores most!"
Finally, a woman who understands me.

A, C
I wish to hear of their shenanigans.
No. 918585 ID: caf1de

tell him the story of seeing Prince Chei dick when you were like 7
No. 918588 ID: 91ee5f

And then Skif knocked him the fuck out when he tried to boop snoots with Chei! XD
No. 918660 ID: f5a3f7

No. 918673 ID: f5d2df

B, D
No. 918677 ID: 864e49

E Lets hear about his home world.
No. 918679 ID: f5c3b8

What was a big dude like you doing anyway? B
No. 918897 ID: 395c02
File 154837064304.png - (120.32KB , 800x600 , 1529.png )

"Have you ever been with someone more your size? Or will I be the first once I master GIANT GROWTH?"

"Heh, well, I did hit it off a bit with someone else who was... closer to my size. Not really any other amtsvane, outside of fooling around a little, but..."

"There's other giant things out there besides amtsvane??"

"There's a couple types of giant things! Some of which you might not want to actually meet."

"So how did it go? With this notsvane? Was it... r o m a n t i c ?"

"I won't lie; it was pretty great. I hope I get to see her again someday."

"Oh no! She's not here on this world somewhere?"

"Nah. She wanted to take some time to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Long story short, she was part of a faction we were having... disagreements... with."

Oh dear, a story of war and romance! Just add dragons and you'll basically get the greatest story ever.

He smiles again. "But I must have had a pretty good argument, because I was able to talk her into reconsidering her choices."

"I hope you see her again someday! She can join my hoard!"

"Careful, it might become her hoard if you do that."

"No way! Eventually I'll be my real self which is probably as big as you if not bigger! I'll totally be the dominating giant dragon thing!"

His only response is a chuckle.
No. 918898 ID: 395c02
File 154837064671.png - (90.06KB , 800x600 , 1530.png )

"Speaking of big, how do you handle doors? Or did, I guess, since you can turn into a ketza now."

"Most ships and facilities are built to handle us, or at least have areas that can. One of the perks of being a core species in the superculture, I guess."


"Uh, imagine a really, really big pile-- hoard? of alien nations which all have the same general, uh... background, and stuff, occupying most of a galaxy."

"Oh wow, that sounds amazing!"

"I guess. Anyway, the few times it did come up, I just made my own door."

For the first time in ages, you feel the same childlike wonder and excitement you felt when you were first learning about dragons. Other gods, other worlds... there's so much out there! You could spend days just asking questions about this superthingy and other big aliens and and and oh gosh keep it together ceri you're on a time budget keep it simple

"Tell me about amtsvane!"
No. 918899 ID: 395c02
File 154837064994.png - (109.10KB , 800x600 , 1531.png )

"Uh, let's see... For starters, you can tell I'm male because I have two headspines. Females only have one. They're also generally darker in color, except for the hands and feet."

"Oh! For me it's the boobs that tend to give it away."

"A surprising number of species have that specific tell!"

"I'm a bit of a weird case though. For most reptilians, you tell based on more subtle differences. Or by looking into their eyes."

"Lashes give it away every time, yeah. Uh, what else. I guess other species can find our mating practices weird."

"'Cause you have two dicks?"

Uh. No, our females are equipped to handle that. It's more that male and female amtsvane don't, uh, spend as much time together as you might expect."

"What?? That sounds so lonely!" You'd need so many band-aids for all those broken hearts!

"It's not! It's more like... So, other species might have really strong bonds between the parents of their children. And we do have those bonds, but for us the core family unit is between two same-sex life partners."


"Yeah! So two male amtsvane might have children with other female amtsvane, but they'd raise the male children themselves, while the females would raise the female children with their respective life partners. As you might be able to guess, we're largely bisexual."

"There's people who aren't bisexual?"

"Maybe not as much around here. What else... we can inject venom through our fangs?"

"Like a Daatra???" oh she's not bisexual there's one

"Uh... Oh! Kinda? Doesn't come up a lot."

"I guess it wouldn't when you could just step on someone."

"I try to avoid doing that!"

"So you eat meat, I take it? Uh... how are you not starving to death."
No. 918900 ID: 395c02
File 154837065299.png - (88.63KB , 800x600 , 1532.png )

"Our metabolism is pretty slow in general. But I've found the whole 'turn into a ketza' thing pretty useful for taking care of that."

"But polymorph doesn't-- you still need the same amount of food!"

"Getting an amtsvane amount of food is pretty easy when everyone wants to feed the cute fluffy thing."

"i should try that"

"The hard part is convincing them not to keep you as a pet."

"...Maybe not, then." Too many dragons are already someone's 'pet'.

You spend a little more time recovering from your recent endeavor and snuggling with the surprisingly chill and cuddly amtsvane. It's hard to imagine he's the same person as the tiny excitable ketza you first met.

Polymorph doesn't directly affect the mind; You're always 'you' regardless of form. But the physical changes can have indirect effects. A bird is able to move more quickly than a reptilian, so your reflexes and energy get a boost.

Still, the differences shouldn't be so dramatic...

"So uh, any idea why you act so excitable as a ketza?"

"It. Uh."
No. 918901 ID: 395c02
File 154837065485.png - (86.19KB , 800x600 , 1533.png )

"it's kinda fun."

Ah. Living vicariously through other forms is something you fully understand.

"Well, I should probably get cleaned up and back to my own size."

"Uuuhh... will you be okay shrinking down? I sorta, uh..."

"Hehehe~ Don't worry about that. Whatever's inside me shrinks alongside me. It's the closest you get to 'polymorph other'."

"So if you ate someone..."

"They'd die."


You return to your normal size! Time to head to the shower and...
No. 918902 ID: 395c02
File 154837065749.png - (118.17KB , 800x600 , 1534.png )

No. 918903 ID: 395c02
File 154837066097.png - (189.55KB , 800x600 , 1535.png )

"Sup :3"


-A: Silently walk past her as if nothing's out of the ordinary.
-B: Ask if she liked the show or has tips for improvement.
-C: For the sake of fairness, insist she tell you what she's been doing with Saint Dookdook.
-D: Fluster Saint Dook by telling him he's next.

Do you return Siphon's two vibrators to her (again)? [vote 1]
-X: No.
-Y: Yes.
-Z: Yes, but only one of them (Y and Z both count as 'yes' votes).

No. 918904 ID: 465a14

Primary DZ, secondary DZ.
No. 918906 ID: 1a89d4

D, c, Y!
No. 918907 ID: 8d23f0

C primary, D secondary, warn him about your mom being hot he seems to fluster easily. X, thats our ranged ammo!
No. 918908 ID: c920f6

No. 918909 ID: befa5f

Oh yeah, you did have to return those.
A, D, Y Wink at him on the way back.
No. 918910 ID: 575ec0

D, Z is acceptable.

It'll set up a whole day's worth of teasing.
Is he coming to the picnic?
No. 918911 ID: 0c3c2c


Secondary [D]

No. 918912 ID: b1b4f3

B, D
No. 918916 ID: 2202fb

Ask Gul what Siphon is and what their culture is like.
No. 918917 ID: f5c3b8

D is too good to pass up! Y
No. 918918 ID: 91ee5f

>What do?
Primary A: Silently walk past her as if nothing's out of the ordinary. It’s Siphon. You’d think something was wrong if she wasn’t watching and eating a bowl of popcorn.

Make sure you at least ask which way to go for you to get to the showers. Also grab some of her popcorn and eat it on your way out the door.

Secondary C: For the sake of fairness, insist she tell you what she's been doing with Saint Dookdook. What has she been up to with him since we last saw both of them?

>Do you return Siphon's two vibrators to her (again)?
Y: Yes.

“Siphon, please stop leaving your things in my backpack.”
No. 918922 ID: eeb7d9

A-Y lmao.
No. 918924 ID: 3674e7

B, D, Z
No. 918925 ID: 06fdc0

B, secondary D, Z
No. 918926 ID: 758ff3

D and Y, A as secondary
No. 918932 ID: e85a08

A/d, Z
No. 918934 ID: 06fdc0

Also, compliment Dook on dem thicc hips
No. 918941 ID: f5a3f7

D, X
No. 918949 ID: 864e49

No. 918953 ID: 3c3e35

Own it, in a... dominant walk? A, Y
No. 918956 ID: 7dc36a

B, C, Y, as in be the nerd here and swap hot tips for future love-making and cuddles as you return her stuff.
No. 918957 ID: 80d19e

B, C, D Then let's go with Y Though its not like Siphon will just "let" you give them back to her to be honest.
No. 918960 ID: 90c523

A, Y
No. 918963 ID: caf1de

only if there are images
else B
cause learning is fun

Tell dook you'll give him a ride after the picnic

No. 918991 ID: 79eaac

D, B

Fluster that ferret
No. 918993 ID: d8f1e9

This sounds amusing
No. 918994 ID: f5d2df

No. 918998 ID: 83bf07

*Internally AAAAAAAs*
No. 919002 ID: a9af05

All of this.

And make sure you sway your hips in a sexy way as you're walking out.
No. 919070 ID: 8edac9

C and Y
No. 919230 ID: a9af05

Also, when you get your clothes, make sure all of them are still there. Just in case someone did something like taking your panties and/or bra when you weren't looking.
No. 919246 ID: 2202fb

Did we have them to begin with?
No. 919271 ID: a013f2

Clothes are for the weak, anyway.
No. 919275 ID: 91ee5f

Yes, Ceri came to the underwater base with her clothes on. She took them off when she was getting ready to have sex with Gulketi.
No. 919287 ID: 2202fb

i meant panties and bra specifically
No. 919398 ID: 79eaac

damn I never realized how T H I C C Duke Dook is
No. 919413 ID: a9af05

Not as thicc as Daatra! Because, as long as Ceri isn't polymorphed to be thiccer, Daatra will always be the Queen of Thicc!
No. 919415 ID: 395c02
File 154881750055.png - (120.99KB , 800x600 , 1536.png )

"Actually keep them this time, okay?"

"You sure? They're loads of fun! And decent as ammunition!"

"I'm sure. Even if I wanted to... experiment... it wouldn't be where my parents could hear."

"Really? You know they probably have--"

"no no stop I literally don't want to think about that"

":3 Okay~"

You grab your backpack and clothes. "Be careful with that one, Saint Duke. Don't let her drain you too much..."
No. 919416 ID: 395c02
File 154881750380.png - (187.81KB , 900x600 , 1537.png )

"...Because you're next~"

"oh gosh"

You confidently walk off, adding a little swing to your step for the others to enjoy.

"10/10 would save from a wild animal again"

Yes... save...
No. 919417 ID: 395c02
File 154881750664.png - (115.40KB , 800x600 , 1538.png )

Upon entering the shower room, you immediately discover that it lacks in the vital equipment required to ensure privacy. Who built this place??

"Oh goodness," you say as you realize you're also not alone in here.


"S-sorry! Am I interrupting?"

Outissa shakes her blurry head. Wait, what are you worried about? It's not like she wears clothes anyway, scarf aside. She motions you in, seemingly inviting you to join her.

You hesitate, years of mammalian sensibilities still baked into your mind, but push that feeling to the back of your mind and head towards a random shower lack-of-stall.

Hmm? Outissa seems to want you to use the one next to her.

Oh! Maybe noxans shower together? This could be an important bonding experience with your new friend!

But what to talk about...? Oh, you could ask the question on everyone's mind! Mostly yours!
No. 919418 ID: 395c02
File 154881750927.png - (190.89KB , 800x600 , 1539.png )

"So you and Eezeryh, huh?"

"Chirp!?" Outissa frantically waves her hands.

"Hehehe. No, I get it. She takes a little getting used to, but there's a sweetheart in there somewhere. I think it's cute!"

"??? ...!!!"

"I hope you're getting along with everyone. I know things have been kinda sudden and spur of the moment. A lot of things in my life are like that. The past two weeks have felt more like two years!"


"Are you enjoying the scarf I gave you?"

She nods fervently.

"That's good!"
No. 919419 ID: 395c02
File 154881751218.png - (163.38KB , 800x600 , 1540.png )

"If you need any other clothes or anything, don't hesitate... to..."

She's... staring? But why would-- ah.

"Yeah, when you're my size, it's important to clean underneath. I guess this is the first time you've seen me naked in this form, huh?"

She shakes her head.

"Oh right, on the mountain. Well, don't worry. I don't mind if people see me in the nude. i kind of enjoy it actually but i shouldn't say that to someone as sweet and innocent as you"



A few moments pass silently.

"...You know, I never really took the time to ask how you felt. About me being a dragon and everything, I mean. I probably shouldn't assume you even believe me about it, but-- hmm?"

Outissa puts a hand on your shoulder. She motions for you to look at the digital screen used to set up the shower. It had fogged over, and she seems intent on taking advantage of this.
No. 919420 ID: 395c02
File 154881751539.png - (102.62KB , 800x600 , 1541.png )

"You... heart...? Oh! You love dragons! That's a huge relief!"


"Maybe you can be my +1 for when I remember to check out the Dragon Fan Club!"


"Hehe, I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself. But I'm glad you're ok with me, and that you're doing well here. We should hang out soon! There's lots of neat places in town I could show you."

Outissa smiles at you while making more arcane gestures. Hopefully you'll find some time over the next week and a half to take your new friend on a playdate.

You finish cleaning yourself off, making sure to get everywhere! You could swear you hear another chirp as you take care of the area Gulketi left most in need of cleaning, but that's probably a coincidence.
No. 919421 ID: 395c02
File 154881751813.png - (115.77KB , 800x600 , 1542.png )

Tadaa~! Nice and clean!

Everything's still here-- not sure why you felt the need to point that out.

Also for no reason, you remind yourself that the OUTFIT OF DESTINY needs no bra. There's support built in! It's less comfy than the COMFY BRA, and less supportive than the DRAGON SPORTS BRA, but it's a fantastic middle-of-the-road option for general use. Kharadra's handiwork is ever impressive.

It also doesn't really need panties, though you could wear some anyway if you wanted.

There's time enough to do one last thing before you need to go ahead and gather everyone for the big picnic briefing. What should you do?

-A: Discuss the ship with Eezeryh. This could be a good time to learn its layout!
-B: Talk with the DRAGON FAN. Gotta get up to speed with what Siphon told them.
-C: CPS Skif to check up on him. The Communication Portal System is made for such situations!
-D: Spend a moment collecting your thoughts. Time to recap-- er, go over everything that's happened.
-E: Just relax. You'll kill a bit of time doing nothing, skipping ahead to the PICNIC BRIEFING.
No. 919422 ID: 465a14

Primary A, secondary A.
No. 919423 ID: 6fd723

Primary C, secondary A. Info, info! always helpful.
No. 919424 ID: 080aaf

A/c. Who doesn't love cutaway diagrams? This is quite possibly the most luxurious escape pod I've ever heard of.
No. 919425 ID: cb22c8

Primary A, secondary B.
No. 919426 ID: b1b4f3

Primary B, secondary A.
No. 919433 ID: 91ee5f

Primary B: Talk with the DRAGON FAN. Gotta learn they’re name. And also find out if they’re actually made out of slime or something, since they claimed to have made their armor out of their own slime.

Secondary A: Discuss the ship with Eezeryh. Learn the layout of the ship so that you don’t get lost! That would be embarrassing!
No. 919434 ID: 91ee5f

*Gotta learn their name.

Stupid autocorrect.
No. 919437 ID: 465a14

Oh, and for those interested- the signs Outissa makes in the relevant panels are 'nothing', and then 'hot' in the panel after that.
No. 919440 ID: 2202fb

Shoot dildo guns with siphon
No. 919441 ID: 8d23f0

E, A
No. 919447 ID: 80d19e

Primary C Secondary B Probably best to double check with Skif make sure nothing has come up on his end. You have everyone else in the ship after all so best to keep in touch about the picnic with those who arn't staying here.
No. 919453 ID: a2cac9

>You love dragons
you dumbass, that's not dragons in general, that's you personally. that was a confession.
No. 919456 ID: caf1de

which dragon fan? the one from the last thread?
didn't we just ignore her? is she here?

B sure why not
No. 919458 ID: 7dc36a

B, C
No. 919459 ID: 83bf07

One should always learn of their observers! Especially ones who claim to have knowledge of dragons..
B, d
No. 919462 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary A, Secondary e.
No. 919478 ID: 864e49

Primary C
The picnic is with his family too right, so lets form a battle plan.

Secondary B
There's probably not enough time to get to no much about them or the Fan Club but we gotta start somewhere.

As much as I want more spaceship/alien lore this would've meant Slinko would have had to draw floor plans or rooms and backgrounds that would've had to stay somewhat consistent.
No. 919481 ID: 91ee5f

>The picnic is with his family too right, so lets form a battle plan.
I thought we were having a cookout on D-Day with Skif and his family next week and this picnic is only for Ceri’s new alien friends? That’s what it says on the calendar here: >>913808 .
No. 919511 ID: 79eaac

C, A
Though I would like to add in an F: More Duke Dook teasing. Grope that thicc ferret
No. 919595 ID: befa5f

No. 919602 ID: f5d2df

A, D
No. 919629 ID: a9af05

All of this
No. 919632 ID: e51896


Actually, see if you can portal him in here or something.
No. 919633 ID: 2fe26a

Primary F: tease the duke, secondary A. But when you said he was next, were you going to let him be the bigger man this time, or were you going to be the same size as with Gulketi?
No. 919634 ID: f5c3b8

Probably should be familiar with the place more A, C
No. 919899 ID: 68e25b

A: discuss with the Eez

So this probably isn’t an appetizing thought so soon after three pleasure boosted orgasms in a row, but maybe consider leaving a Sperm Sample .
To see if the same genetic damage is there. It is a different kind of sex cell. Ilan may have only countered what would be natural for your body, not what you would make your body do.

For science, totally.
No. 919900 ID: 094652

A - See if you can cobble something up for the picnic. You never know.
No. 920022 ID: 395c02
File 154932481550.png - (145.53KB , 800x600 , 1543.png )

"Okay! I think I'm finally ready to learn about what you've been doing with the place! For starters, I notice you moved where this computer thingy is."

"People kept barging into my room to use it."


"Siphon. Where were you, anyway? You suddenly ran off."

"Oh uh. Felt like visiting with Gulketi."

"I wasn't aware visiting Gulketi required you to storm off in such a determined way."

"I take my visits very seriously."

Eezerryh waves a claw dismissively. "Okay cool also you're super wrong about what me and Outissa were doing I was just helping her adjust to the translation device but she got tired and decided to use my bed to take a nap and I knew what you'd be thinking in that perverted mind of yours especially with the pose she opted to sleep in seriously how does one fall asleep like that even I with all my knowledge struggle to understand it but anyway I didn't want you to see her and start getting ideas because I know how your mind works."

"Isn't spilling spaghetti my thing?" you ask.

"I'm not spilling anything! I just wanted to make sure you didn't misunderstand."

"I dunno, you seemed awfully..."

"Sure of what I'm saying, yes. Now let's move on to literally any other topic."

"Fine~ So about the ship!"
No. 920023 ID: 395c02
File 154932481818.png - (159.87KB , 800x600 , 1544.png )

Eezeryh directs you to the screen, where she brings up... a map! Finally!

"As I've probably said before, this ship used to be the shuttle-craft of the Mirror of Arx."

"The what?"

"The ship we were originally on. Now then. I was able to do quite a bit with the SHAPEMETAL making up what we're now apparently calling 'Starship Unity'. And then... okay I probably need to remind you what shapemetal is."

"I remember! Uh but just in case, tell me anyway."

"Shapemetal can be molded into just about any shape. Pretty simple, really. The tech behind it is rather advanced, but obviously no big deal for me to figure out."


"Yes. As you can see, I've managed to make rooms for everyone to sleep in, as well as a shower. I've had to move some stuff around, which is why things might look a bit different to what you saw before."

"Nice lampshade! Also the shower has no stalls."

"Why would you need stalls?"

You raise a finger as you prepare to respond before realizing she has a good point. Why would you need stalls? Here of all places is where you should feel the most free to be nude!

"Nevermind," you say.

"Right. Anyway, when I originally converted this place to an UNDERWATER BASE I had to make some... sacrifices, notably from the engines. The ship can't fly in its current state."
No. 920024 ID: 395c02
File 154932482179.png - (159.08KB , 800x600 , 1545.png )

"As useful as shapemetal is, there's not enough to keep all the amazing changes I made while also restoring the engines to working order. To make this ship fly again will require the power of science to apply conventional materials to what we have."

"Is that a bottle of glu--"

"No!! It's more complicated and amazing than that!"

"Amazing? I dunno, you're not really selling it without the sparklers."

"I'll send Siphon back to the mall later okay just bear with me."

"Heehee, okay~"

"Anyway! You don't need to worry about gathering materials or anything. I just need a little while to get everything ready."

"Let me guess: It's going to take exactly a week and a half."


"I mean, that's the logical narrative place to put--"

"It'll be ready when it's ready! There's also some rooms I left empty, figuring you'd want to use them for something."

"There's actually not a lot to work with, since I probably want some of those rooms to hold my expanding hoard."

"There's more people?"

"At least two more! Maybe! I dunno for sure but I uh feel it in my dragon gut. Why don't we merge the TESTING CHAMBER with your room and make more space?"

"No way! I need that space for all my science!"

"Surely the great Eezeryh could figure out how to fit it all into one room~"

"SSshsssrrsrrhhrr... Fine. I'll see what I can do. For now, why don't you decide on what to do with the current rooms?"

"Hmm. I don't want to spend a lot of time thinking on this right now. I need to gather everyone for the meeting."

"Alright, just one room then. We can figure out the rest after I, of course, solve the space issue flawlessly."

"Sounds good to me!"
No. 920025 ID: 395c02
File 154932482484.png - (152.45KB , 800x600 , 1546.png )

Eezeryh pokes a few buttons. "If you're going to turn the upper rooms into bedrooms, why don't we start here? I'll send out an announcement while you think on that."

The Eez grabs a mic, and you hear her asking for all hands to report to the Main Room. According to the map, that's... here. yeah that makes sense

Now, what to do with this room...
-A: A spa room!
-B: A gaming room!
-C: A room for practicing magic in!
-D: A garden!
-E: An awesome tactical room full of blinking lights!
-F: A gym!
-G: A propaganda center communication room!

No. 920028 ID: 465a14

Primary C, secondary F.
No. 920029 ID: 2202fb

Tactical Room! What Tactics!? I Don't Know!!
No. 920030 ID: ad51b8

I just love how the glue bottle looks like it's stuck to her arm from this angle

No. 920032 ID: 1a89d4

F, b, but also any room could be E with the application of blinking lights for decoration. Let's have blinking lights in the room regardless of what wins!
No. 920034 ID: 2202fb

So a Tactical Gym!
No. 920038 ID: 4ef273

Primary F. It'd be handy to be able to train whenever you wanted, and to be able to do some... alternative exercise routines without worrying about the entire town watching!
Secondary A. Doesn't the ship already have a massage bot? Might as well put it to work!
No. 920040 ID: 8d23f0

Primary F, mix secondary C and (E the lights only) in there though.
No. 920048 ID: 7fafab

C, F
I don't think anyone here can be trusted with a garden.
No. 920049 ID: befa5f

Handy, C
No. 920051 ID: f5d2df

C, B
No. 920078 ID: a9af05

Primary C

Secondary A

No. 920095 ID: 080aaf

C, a. You're going to need as much room as Gulketi for a magic practice room! It's probably wise to keep it separate from the rest of Eezeryh's science though.
No. 920107 ID: 91ee5f

Primary C: A room for practicing magic in! A safe place to practice Giant Growth and Dragon Magic, without having to worry about being seen by someone would be great!

Secondary A: A spa room! A nice relaxing area to melt away your stress. But seriously, have you seen your stress meter lately? You should do something about that.

Ask Eezeryh if she needs help getting that glue off of her hand?

Then ask if she has anymore of that “bird-juice” you used that one time? Because your mom seemed awfully interested in trying it ( >>/questarch/810606 ) after you explained what it does ( >>/questarch/810604 ) .
No. 920127 ID: 83bf07

See if your crew has any magic absorbing sheets! I hear those were popular years ago!

C, e
No. 920173 ID: bcc41d

G! Secondary F.
No. 920185 ID: eeb7d9

C and A.
No. 920433 ID: 395c02
File 154967442981.png - (137.50KB , 800x600 , 1547.png )

"It'd be nice to have a nice safe area to practice magic in. How about setting this room up for that?"

Adding this room will reduce the amount of TIME you take practicing magic (since you don't need to find a secluded area), and will expand the number of hoard members you can choose to practice with.

You make a mental note to go over the advantages each room type has before letting your faithful neurons vote next time.

But given Eezeryh's opinions on magic, maybe you should upsell this idea a bit. "Oh! And you could add a bunch of science machines to analyze everyone's abilities and do science stuff! Imagine how amazing you'll be once you have all that knowledge!"

"Why are you working so hard to impress... You're still reading too much into me and Outissa!"


"Why else would you use your choice on something so appealing!? Don't get me wrong, it's only natural for everyone to strive to win my approval, but not under such incredibly false pretenses!"

"Wow you're defending this hard."

"Cause... you keep bringing it up!"

"I literally didn't this time!!!"

"You were thinking it."

"Even if I was, which I wasn't, that's not relevant!"

"Everything is relevant in science. Look, just go sit in that box and give your speech or whatever."

"A box? Seriously? I'm a dragon, not a cat."
No. 920434 ID: 395c02
File 154967443257.png - (294.50KB , 800x600 , 1548.png )


You might be both.

"Ceri! nice box by the way, i'm a little jealous"

"Oh! Skif! I haven't seen you in like a day, which is practically forever at the pace we're going! thanks i think it suits me"

"Yeah, I had to check some things. Mom's still acting weird, and Dad reminded me about his ability to smell INVISIBILITY for some reason."

"That is weird. Why would... oh. Oh!"


"I... maybe had an idea on how I'm going to practice invisibility later. But don't worry about it for now~"

"I'm learning to always 'worry about it' around you."

"That's probably wise. Now come here~"
No. 920435 ID: 395c02
File 154967443525.png - (97.48KB , 800x600 , 1549.png )

Dragon kissies~!

"So I noticed he is here," Skif says once the kissies reach a natural end.

"He? ...Saint Duke." Skif's chrival. "Yeah, Siphon decided to bring him here I guess?"

"I'm worried about letting her bring people in at random..."

"You might have a point," you admit. "While convenient for meta reasons, her doing that hinders our story's ability to be immersive."


"I'll talk to Siphon about it. I think we can trust Saint Duke, though."

"Surely you're not falling for his charm--! I could charm the pants off him!"

"I don't think he swings that way. I mean uh-- don't let jealousy get in the way of your righteous mission, my dear knight. He's clearly a ranged attacker, meaning he'd be in the back row. Your slot in my party is safe~"

"You've been playing too much Dragon Adventure!, haven't you."

"Not as much as I'd like. But yeah, maybe I should be playing fewer video games if I want to lose this belly."

"whoa haha hey let's not be hasty now video games are an important part of life."

"Maybe~ Oh! speaking of Siphon, I should ask her and possibly Gulketi to wear a shirt, just to avoid any..."
No. 920436 ID: 395c02
File 154967443855.gif - (96.54KB , 800x600 , 1550.gif )


Siphon beams. "Got that covered~!"

Gulketza is also way too happy about this. "Yeah! And I helped!"

You sigh. "I... Sure. Okay."

"Do you want your matching outfit now or later~?" Siphon asks.



"Later is fine."


Time to change the subject like right now. "Also, Siphon, I noticed you recruited Saint Duke?" you ask.

"It's not my fault he's so charming~ But don't worry! I didn't tell him any of your secrets~"

"...You, of all people, fell victim to his charm?"

"I like charm :3"

"Right. Well, I was considering inviting him myself so I guess it's fine. Especially if you didn't tell him any of my... secrets. But um please talk to me first before inviting anyone else, okay?"


You try to pinky-swear, but you're two pinkies short. One quick polymorph later and the promise is sealed by the power of four pinkies. technically the ring finger but don't worry about it.

The others start to show up. You need to decide what you go over. There's not enough time to touch on everything, so you should think on what to prioritize.

What should be the key talking point?
-A: Not hitting on Mom and Dad.
-B: What not to talk about.
-C: How to be super charming to your parents.
-D: The importance of calling you 'mistress'.
-E: How you're a great leader and your parents shouldn't kill themselves worrying about you!

No. 920437 ID: 465a14

Primary A, secondary D.
No. 920438 ID: 080aaf

C/b. The best way to be charming to Ceri's parents is by hitting on them.
No. 920439 ID: ad51b8

No. 920440 ID: 2735ca

B primary just for the topic of your dad still being sensitive about you being a grown woman with needs. And also possibly sensitive in his fingers. When they are holding a gun. Pointed at someone who could conceivably emotionally hurt you.

You know what in fact generally speaking maybe hold off on the romance reveals for now, your parents are open-minded and all but they might still be a little old-fashioned on the "and how long again have you known these people?" aspect of it.

And uuuh E because them worrying about you is probably the biggest thing you want locked down.
No. 920441 ID: a9af05

>But yeah, maybe I should be playing fewer video games if I want to lose this belly.
Why? Your belly makes you more huggable! You don't want to lose your hugability, do you?

I think wearing pants, instead of underwear would make this less awkward looking.

>What to talk about?
Primary A

Secondary B

No. 920442 ID: 575ec0

You already spaghettied all over them, so no matter what this is going to be AWKWARD.
The best case scenario will just be to weather the storm and make sure your parent's like your friends.
No. 920445 ID: 91ee5f

>But yeah, maybe I should be playing fewer video games if I want to lose this belly.
Or maybe if you played more video games, you would’ve been able to beat Daatra last night!

.....also I agree with what >>920441 said about being huggable.

Pants instead of underpants would be better.

Unless those are going to be used as swimwear. That would also be acceptable, since we’ll be next to the lake and people may want to go swimming.

>What should be the key talking point?
Primary A: Not hitting on Mom and Dad. That would make things even more awkward!

Secondary C: How to be super charming to your parents. You want your new friends to show your parents that you’re not hanging with the wrong crowd and doing drugs or something. Just don’t be too charming, otherwise it’ll turn into hitting on your parents!
No. 920447 ID: 8d23f0

Primary D, Secondary C
No. 920455 ID: 2202fb


(I want lotsa b to happen)
No. 920462 ID: b1b4f3

B, A.
No. 920472 ID: 7fafab

A, B
Let's keep things simple.
No. 920475 ID: 75c493

B/A for sure
No. 920488 ID: 96aa63

We won't let you down, Mistress!

B, d
No. 920490 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary A

Secondary C
No. 920509 ID: eeb7d9

B, all the way, your Dad is worse than you when dealing with topics that causes stress. AND if you have time, A.
No. 920533 ID: 864e49

-B: What not to talk about.

Secondary E but with less about you being the leader and more about how they have nothing to worry about.

F: new rule, spaceship is now clothing optional.
No. 920555 ID: 91ee5f

Also, before I forget.

>Mom's still acting weird
Tell Skif not to worry about it. Your mom and dad told you that his mom has acted weird like this before but your mom set her straight by beating her up. So if his mom continues to act weird, your mom will beat the weirdness out of her!
No. 920575 ID: 7fafab

As if anyone acted like clothing was required in the first place.
No. 920603 ID: cb22c8

B, secondary A. Definitely focus on having them keep the suspicious space stuff secret.
No. 920614 ID: 094652

Primary B Secondary E.
No. 920916 ID: 395c02
File 155002847015.png - (79.91KB , 800x600 , 1551.png )

>The best way to be charming to Ceri's parents is by hitting on them.
That's only mostly true!

B-but you'd still rather they didn't!

>Your belly makes you more huggable!
You were just teasing Skif... mostly~

>You already spaghettied all over them, so no matter what this is going to be AWKWARD.
Yeah, this whole situation is a bit...

It'll be fine. Everything will be fine.

"Any chance I can convince either of you to wear pants?"

":3" says Siphon.

":3" says Gulketi.

":(" says your brain.

top notch writing
No. 920917 ID: 395c02
File 155002847379.png - (111.85KB , 800x600 , 1552.png )

>Tell Skif not to worry about it.
"Oh before I forget. Skif, my dear knight, try not to worry too much about your parents, okay? According to my mom, they've acted weird in the past but Mom made it better by beating up your mom."

Skif gestures towards both your houses. "So you're saying your mom can beat up my mom?"


"That was a rhetorical question."

>new rule, spaceship is now clothing optional.
About that.

You wait for everyone to finish gathering, then clear your giant throat and begin to speak.
No. 920918 ID: 395c02
File 155002847667.png - (211.65KB , 800x600 , 1553.png )

"So as you all should know but I'll remind you anyway in case you forgot or something, my mom asked-- insisted that we all have a nice picnic together. Also I may have spilled the spaghetti a bit on what's going on between all of us.

"That said, my mom is very strong and my dad very... protective. Don't get on their bad side! Seriously, if a dragon did show up looking for me we'd be having its eggs for breakfast the next day."

duke's voice: "dragon...? why would a dragon be looking for her?"

siphon's voice: "isn't it obvious? any dragon would want to be dommed by a sexy 'mortal'~"

duke's voice: "hmm! i for one would not mind being that sexy mortal..."

skif's voice: "if we ever find a 'real dragon', i'll be sure to give them your address."

"...Uh. Anyway, I think it'd be best if we focused a bit on what not to talk about, for all our sakes. For one thing, maybe downplay the nature of our... relationship. They kinda have an idea of what's going on, what with the spaghetti thing, but they maybe don't need to know the details of how we 'express' our kinship.

"This goes for some more than others of course! I wouldn't presume to call us more than good friends, Outissa!"
No. 920919 ID: 395c02
File 155002847918.gif - (44.11KB , 800x600 , 1554.gif )

Looks like Outissa appreciates you taking things slow with her!
No. 920920 ID: 395c02
File 155002848272.png - (154.51KB , 800x600 , 1555.png )

"But yeah, don't talk about any of the um, lewd stuff. And don't mention this base. Not... not yet. I can't really lie to my parents, so I'll have to admit everything if they ask. Don't give them a reason to ask! Help me get through this and I'll reward you all with ice cream!"

the eez: "that's our reward for dealing with this nonsense??"

gulketi: "looks like it!"

the eez: "fine. but only if i can get a cake instead. cake is scientifically proven to be the superior food."

siphon: [citation needed]

saint duke: "how do you keep doing that??"

siphon: "secrets~"

saint duke: "i shall guard your secrets with my life, my lady!"

skif: "dammit i don't know siphon well enough to compete with you on this. you win this one..."

duke: "and i shall win many more!"

skif: "we'll see, little ferret."

the eez: "ferret? is that canon?"

everyone who isn't eez: "don't worry about it"

No. 920921 ID: 395c02
File 155002848659.png - (188.71KB , 800x600 , 1556.png )

"Guys, this is serious! A picnic with my parents is no laughing matter!"

Gulketi looks ridiculous in that outfit. Oh also he says this: "Come on, even I'm not that worried about it."

"Do you... normally worry about it?" you ask.

"Oh my, yes! Well, not 'it' specifically. Just... things."

"That's worrying."

"I know!"

You sigh. "Does everyone generally understand what I'm saying? Just try not to tell them too much about what's going on here. I'll eventually tell them everything! But I want to do it a bit at a time. Dad in particular is still adjusting to me being a grown woman, with womanly desires and needs."

You pause for a moment. "Also he has a lot of guns."

Everyone's reactions are about as you'd expect.

"Side note, a certain galeacoma has reminded me that some people apparently find my mom kinda sexy."

skif: "she started it!!!"

"So uh. Don't hit on my parents."

siphon: "no promises!"

"Yes Promises! I need you to actually really promise not to do that!"

gulketi: "just put a hand over our mouths if we start saying too much."

That sounds difficult to implement, but you'll... keep it in mind as an option.

Outissa's been making hand gestures this whole time. You don't know what they mean, but wanted to take a moment to include her in the narrative.

"So in general: Don't talk too much about dragons, or anything lewd, or mention STARSHIP UNITY (that's this place's name)."

saint duke: "starship...?"

siphon: "it swims in space!"

saint duke: "that's a thing???"

the eez: "can you please not break this one's mind."

siphon: "~"

saint duke: "?????????"

Yeah, the 'put hand over their mouths' idea is sounding really good right now.

"Just... please try to behave, okay? For me? For us?"

Skif, speaking louder this time: "Of course, my queen!"

Saint Duke: "Always, mistress!"
No. 920922 ID: 395c02
File 155002848964.png - (169.52KB , 800x600 , 1557.png )



Hey, dragon inside me. Promise to get me out of this situation if I let you out right now?


On second thought, I don't think I want to know what your idea of 'getting me out of this situation' is.

S i g h.

For better or worse, you're just about out of time. You grab your clothes and return to your normal form (walking around outside as a dragon would maybe be a bit self-defeating). You hope everyone understands what not to say, even if they're enjoying teasing you a bit beforehand...

So! How are you gonna go about starting this chain of insanity?

-A: Meet your parents alone first. You want to give them a bit of a talk, just to be safe. This could lessen their... surprise, but they might also immediately start thinking you're hiding something.
-B: Meet your parents with everyone. If you act natural and start with introductions, it might make them (specifically dad) feel calmer. Maybe. Or maybe not.
-C: Have Gulketi meet them first. Cute fluffy things are really good at calming people down.
No. 920924 ID: 465a14

Primary and secondary C.
No. 920926 ID: b1b4f3

No. 920927 ID: 8d23f0

No. 920931 ID: 61b5e1

No. 920933 ID: e51896


but it wasn't your choice to send him, he went off on his own to greet them without your input.
No. 920934 ID: eeb7d9

As long as hi is ok with it, let the fluffy boy do the presentations. C is good for me!

I bet the dragon you would just make everyone stay put, threateningly, like your mom when she is angry. Actually, your mom could be a dragon and i wouldn't be surprised.
No. 920935 ID: 91ee5f

>Help me get through this and I'll reward you all with ice cream!
Uh, Ceri? Do you even have enough money to buy that much ice cream? Or are you hoping your parents brought some for the picnic? Spaghetti and ice cream sounds nice.

>"fine. but only if i can get a cake instead. cake is scientifically proven to be the superior food."
Lies and slander! The cake is a lie!

Although, I’m willing to compromise by combining both to get an ice cream cake.

>Yeah, the 'put hand over their mouths' idea is sounding really good right now.
You don’t have enough hands to do that. And polymorphing enough hands to do that would eat up too much MP.

>chrivalry intensifies

>So! How are you gonna go about starting this chain of insanity?
Take a good look at both your Stress Meter and your Energy Meter. Prepare for both of them to be in the red when the picnic is done.

>Choose something already!
B: Meet your parents with everyone. No reason to put it off any longer. Get introductions out of the way and go from there.
No. 920937 ID: 79b0d5

Primary C.
Secondary B.
No. 920939 ID: 864e49


Secondary B ut introduce Gulketi first.
No. 920940 ID: 2202fb

Fuck it, B

cuz shit cant get worse.
No. 920942 ID: 80d19e

Primary B, Secondary A
No. 920943 ID: e7848c

"Rules of nature" plays in the background
No. 920946 ID: 094652

Wow. You managed to make her lenslid twitch, eyes wide open. Wait, has anyone on the internet posted that before?

>Who's on first
I say, let them meet Siphon first. Your parents are smart, they'll be on guard if you send in a fluffy chirping birb as a relaxing distraction.
No. 920947 ID: caf1de

"Despistachio" plays in the foreground
No. 920950 ID: 080aaf

C and more C.
If you plan to just slap your hands over everyone's mouths to keep things secret you're going to need a lot more hands.
No. 920954 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary E

Secondary G
No. 920959 ID: a9af05

>Help me get through this and I'll reward you all with ice cream!
You better have enough money to make good on that promise!

Although, at the rate Skif and Saint Duke are competing with each other, they may end up giving you their money to help you pay for all of the ice cream you promised. Which would be nice, but I don't think your high Compassion Stat would allow you to take their money.

>Dad has a lot of guns.
The question is: How many did he bring with him to the picnic?

.....also is your dad legally allowed to own that many guns? If so, what kind of job does he have that would allow him to own that many guns?

>So! How are you gonna go about starting this chain of insanity?

Don't hide your new friends from your parents!
No. 920964 ID: 0c3c2c

Primary B
Secondary C
No. 920966 ID: befa5f

B Lets get it over with.
No. 920969 ID: 8f6858

Primary C, Secondary A
No. 920977 ID: 2202fb

>So! How are you gonna go about starting this chain of insanity?

Smoke a blunt.
No. 920987 ID: 79eaac

B, C
No. 920993 ID: e22bec

i say combine B and C, also, an idea to possibly help you with the seal? not sure exactly how it works, but perhaps spending some time each day meditation might slowly reverse some of the damage?
No. 921017 ID: 75c493

unlike your dragon seals, this is one band aid you have to just rip off.
No. 921412 ID: 395c02
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>Uh, Ceri? Do you even have enough money to buy that much ice cream? Or are you hoping your parents brought some for the picnic? Spaghetti and ice cream sounds nice.
It might be both.

>You better have enough money to make good on that promise!
A tub of ice-cream isn't that expensive. and you're sure gulketi will understand it not being a swimming pool...

>I say, let them meet Siphon first.
Hah! Hahaha!

>If you plan to just slap your hands over everyone's mouths to keep things secret you're going to need a lot more hands.
You just need to put your faith in your friends not to say anything the shouldn't!

let's see, you have enough MP to make 10 hands for...

>The question is: How many [guns] did [dad] bring with him to the picnic?
Definitely not all of them... but also possibly more than zero of them.

Anyway. Maybe it's best to just get this over with and introduce everyone all at once. One ride in Eezeryh's submarine invention later, and everyone is at the surface. The Eez sends it back down, and the seven of you await your fate.

It isn't long until you see figures in the distance. You recognize them as your parents, and time slows down so much it takes 30 threads for them to walk the rest of the way here.

This is it.

It's time for the PICNIC OF DOOM to finally begin.
No. 921413 ID: 395c02
File 155027419047.png - (180.03KB , 800x600 , 1559.png )

"We're heeeerrreeee~!"

no come back heart i need you to live

Your giant ears hear dad mutter: "oh gods there's so many why are there so many"

mom mutters back: "calm down, dear, i'm sure she hasn't had sex with all of them."

dad: "haha...yeah, y-you're probably right."

She's not entirely wrong... yet...

"Goodness! You have so many friends, Ceri! Good thing I made extra!" mom says. "There should be food enough for everyone! But first thing's first. I'm Myra, Ceri's mom. And this is Sheriim, her dad. We're pleased to meet you!"

Dad tries to say something, but his voice squeaks.

Mom pats him gently on the back. "Ceri, why don't you introduce us one at a time? That'll make it easier on Da-- uh, I mean to say we should have proper introductions before digging in."

You do your best to hide your panic level. "Oh! Good thinking!"

"Yes," Dad says.

"Very." you agree.

"Quite," Dad agrees to your agreeing.

"Indeed," you agree to his agreement that you both are, in fact, agreeing.

Mom narrows her eyes at you two. "Stop stalling."

"Sorry"sorry" you say at the same time.

It'll be okay, Ceri. Just introduce everyone, have a nice picnic, and get back to the 20 plot threads hanging in the air. These are your parents, and they've shown time and time again that they're behind you 100%. Neither of them are out to sabotage you, or otherwise make things more uncomfortable. Try to look forward to the tasty meal mom made for everyone.
No. 921414 ID: 395c02
File 155027419391.png - (133.23KB , 800x600 , 1560.png )

No. 921415 ID: 395c02
File 155027420577.png - (174.37KB , 800x600 , 1561.png )

No. 921417 ID: 080aaf

So mom, this is Gulketi! He may look small, but he has a big... alternate form.
No. 921418 ID: 395c02

(Please give me a week or so to finish the Main Event!)
No. 921420 ID: 8f6858

Make sure mom and dad get an opportunity to touch Gulketi. Fluff cures all.
No. 921425 ID: 4a90b6

I hope they made lots'a spaghetti!

*heh heghm* I mean, introduce Gulketi first. His disarming personality should get some positive prejudice for when the rest of your friends are judge- I mean introduced.

(Did you pat Siphon down to make sure she isn't packing any sex toys? Because if you didn't, I guaranty she is.)
No. 921429 ID: ad51b8

well to save time I suggest you introduce Gulketi and the rest of the ship's crew at once. Say you ran into Gulketi and siphon and through them we introduced to the rest of the gang. Right now you're helping them out as they're looking for an old friend of theirs who lives in the area and they asked you for help since you're a local. Been hanging out with them for awhile so what started out as just a random act of kindness (and a plot hook) kinda turned into a few friendships.

The rest you can introduce as you met them.
No. 921441 ID: a9af05

Go ahead and introduce everyone!

Take your time! If you need longer than that, then we won't mind waiting longer than a week or so!
No. 921444 ID: 06fdc0

hi mom hi dad these are my friends and i definitely haven't had debauched orgies with everyone here with multiple partners and intermixing love juices oh no siree

i still have to fuck dook duke
No. 921451 ID: b1b4f3

Ceri has had sex with barely half of them, even.
No. 921456 ID: 7fafab

Let's go in order of least to most questionable.

"This very good boy Duke, this is shapeshifting fuzzball Gulketi, this is mute fuzzball Outissa, this is cryptic mouse Siphon, and this is mad alien scientist Eez. Please direct all questions to me first to avoid spontaneous and undesired artillery strikes of spaghetti."
No. 921516 ID: e22bec

I second Smerg in terms of the order, ease your folks into the Sheogorathian madness that is your circle of friends.
No. 921577 ID: eeb7d9

Do NOT think of what you will be eating. DO NOT!
No. 922364 ID: 75c493

Time to own your decisions and devour your shame.
No. 922658 ID: cc6465

Ceri, the best way to prevent yourself from saying things you don't want to say (aka "spilling your spaghetti"), is to stuff your mouth full of spaghetti (the food)! You're too compassionate to try speaking with your mouth full! It's the perfect plan!

So just remember that if you're about to say something you don't want to say, shove some food in your mouth and you won't say anything!
No. 925506 ID: 395c02

video version: Picnic.mp4
youtube (stuck at 480p): https://youtu.be/FzHp_ONyObw
Z,X,SPACE: Talk to NPC
Hold SPACE to fast forward
P or ESCAPE to pause the text
M to mute music
Arrow keys to move
No. 925507 ID: 395c02
File 155241728359.png - (244.07KB , 800x600 , 1562.png )

A picnic. A fun, fun picnic.

But you cannot continue your story yet. There is a choice yet to be made.

A duduk and a hand. Did one meet the other? Or were all secrets laid bare?

Which PATH does your heart lead you down?

-A: Ceri prevented Siphon from spilling the beans
-B: Ceri allowed Siphon to continue talking. And talking. and talking.
No. 925509 ID: 61b5e1

Beans~ 🐾
No. 925510 ID: 465a14

B, both primary and secondary if applicable.
No. 925511 ID: 080aaf

A. Hoard the knowledge!
No. 925513 ID: 1ed92d

Primary: B

Secondary: There is no secondary, only B
No. 925514 ID: 8d23f0

No. 925516 ID: 094652

Beans, beans, beans, tiddly, beans, beans, beans
A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to eat was nothing but cups of pea,
along came a girl by the name of Vaylute Shox, and she invented a wonderful dish and she made it out of stalks!
She must have been a wizard or a duchess or a queen,
and to her praises, we shall always sing,
look what she done for us, she's filled us up with glee,
[] bless Vaylute Shox, the girl who invented beans, beans, beans, tiddly, beans, beans, beans.
The Dancin' 'Bold, the Huggin' Neu, the Dragoon's Hole as well,
one thing you can be sure of, it's Shoxxie's beans they sell,
So all ye lords and ladies, at a hundred-o-clock ye stop,
for ten short seconds, remember Vaylute Shox.
One, two, three, ten...
She must have been a wizard or a duchess or a queen,
and to her praises, we shall always sing,
look what she done for us, she's filled us up with glee,
[] bless Vaylute Shox, the girl who invented beans, beans, beans, tiddly, beans, beans, beans.
A barrel of oil, a sack of seeds, you boil it in a wok,
The kind of combination, to drive the room amok,
Thirteen ounce a day will keep away the yips,
It's only thirty-two credits, and two thousand in tips.
One, two, three, ten...
She must have been a wizard or a duchess or a queen,
and to her praises, we shall always sing,
look what she done for us, she's filled us up with glee,
[] bless Vaylute Shox, the girl who invented beans, beans, beans, tiddly, beans, beans, beans, tiddly, beans, beans, beans.
[] bless Vaylute Shox!
(I cannibalized The Charlie Mops song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzYof5GjhQ8)
No. 925517 ID: eeb7d9

B, best friends should trust each other with not fucking things up.
No. 925518 ID: 6f764d

B. Find Sky. Remember something that didn't happen. Travel in search of something that you are sure existed but don't know any more. Rip apart their machinations.
No. 925524 ID: d5f094


A path of beans spilt, on this day I walk.
No lies told, despite the parent's shock.

Lore deep and detailed, explored most thoroughly.
And bond strengthened, with Siphon most assuredly.

Now shall you commence, with dread in your heart.
This meal of doom, you cannot escape your part.
No. 925527 ID: 8b182d

B is the only path.

In fact, let us destroy path A. It should not even be considered an option at this point.
No. 925538 ID: 2202fb


So there are several things to unpack, but thats fine since i took notes.

First: Dad seemed to find the fluff oddly sexual, and that continued as he shamelessly suggested Ciri improve, which is definitely something for Ciri to mull over.

Next: Tf are the bushes? They slipped that they are kobolds, but what tf are they doing here (and inside bushes)? Speaking of party crashers, why is the dragon guy and the tea girl here? Tea girl seemed like a decent addition to the hoard. It also just occurred to me that we dont definitively know armor dude's gender since they are covered in armor.

Thirdly: You guys have computers but you dont have planes? If you can get Dad on a leash (Consult his handler. Mom may even be able to surrender his guns to Eez to keep in the ship's armory) for everyone's safety, maybe he, with the help of the Eez, could make an aeroplane. You also need to learn about nukes (for safety and appreciating the gravity of what they mean) since you apparently have some at the bottom of your lake.

Lastly: Mom should probably get in on the whole thing. Even if you arent into actually doing stuff with her, she seems to want in, plus it would be nice to have someone you can talk freely with. Just make a point to not be around when she is busy.

Before the picnic ends, lets see if we can give the parents a tour of the ship. I mean, they know about it, and them thinking it is fake is probably a bad idea in the long-run.
No. 925539 ID: 79eaac

B, because the longer one goes without telling the truth, the worse the repercussions become.
No. 925541 ID: 575ec0


But not just any B.

No. 925542 ID: b1b4f3

Oooooh, where did you get THAT from?
No. 925543 ID: 06fdc0

yes, b

slinko... what's going on?
No. 925549 ID: 2202fb

Went back and looked at this. This is very very important and it kinda shows that Syphon isnt actually (fully) omniscient, just altered somewhat. And even more importantly, that Ceri is also starting to be altered either by exposure or by something behind the curtain.

Now good god, we need a wiki to keep all of this shit straight and idek who would have enough knowledge to actually create one. I know I dont.
No. 925551 ID: 2202fb


hey, just to clear the air, is this choice a hidden switch for the tone of this quest going forward? It seems like it could be; with the choices of A, normal (how it has been), B, darker, or B+ grimdark. This choice will most likely drastically change how Ceri views the characters and things in general. I mean, she is kind of naive, and that lore dump was pretty dark, and the last bit even darker.

If this is the case, while it wont change my choice of all ahead full, it may change other people's choices.
No. 925558 ID: b1b4f3

You mean like... THIS ONE?
No. 925563 ID: 2202fb

No, not like that one.
No. 925568 ID: 2202fb

Sorry, i meant all of the lore of the various races shared by several quests and quest authors. It is rather confusing.
No. 925569 ID: afdebc

The wiki's for that too. Anyone wants to document quest lore, that's where it goes. For quest races specifically:

No. 925573 ID: 91ee5f

>Which PATH does your heart lead you down?

Because she only spilled the beans about her backstory. She never spilled any beans about what you didn’t want your parents to know about, Ceri. She’s being such a good friend!

Also, I’m pretty sure that’s Penny that kept showing up in all those bushes.

.....what do you mean “who is Penny?” You know who she is! She’s the tiny psychic Kabold you met at the gym and told you about “tail day” ( >>/questarch/895787 )!

Anyways, enough about that, let’s eat!
No. 925574 ID: 2202fb

Nifty, but there are quite a few relevant races missing.
No. 925575 ID: e7270e

B, let the space out~
No. 925579 ID: 4ef273

A. They do know about the shirts, though!
No. 925591 ID: 745eba

I'm honestly not sure whether that all was even real or not but B
No. 925601 ID: 83bf07

Is.. is Siphon okay?

B.. Reluctantly.
No. 925603 ID: bcc41d

A Because Ceridwen gets to learn valuable lessons about her parents!

Like how mom likes big boats and dadghetti can't lie.
No. 925604 ID: ab1fe9

A. I'm certain Ceri wants to and should know all about Siphon's story, but this picnic is not the time. Especially not before eating! The spaghetti will get cold and/or everyone will starve!!

Also I think Slinko already expressed that this quest's story has become more complicated than it was planned to be and I think we should pick the option that makes it more likely/more fun to run smoothly.
No. 925606 ID: 4854ef

Well it'd be rude to interrupt
No. 925607 ID: c8452a


It wasn't even innuendo. Outissa literally said she'd eat both Ceri and her mom out and only the latter had any idea. Too many points in spaghetti, not enough points in perception. But hey, that translator will eventually be finished, so I suppose there's hope. Someday.
No. 925614 ID: 2202fb

mom was pretty interested in the peoplehoard. Regardless of this choice, i wouldnt be surprised if mom tries to get involved with things here without ceri knowing.
No. 925617 ID: 7dc36a

A, for this:
No. 925628 ID: 395c02
File 155250462633.gif - (109.01KB , 200x150 , no.gif )

No. 925643 ID: 1ed92d

Awwww. Poor thing. You don't remember anything like that, but we do. You should probably try to remember what happened at the mall when you decided to absorb that odd barrier and then experienced missing time.
No. 925646 ID: b970b2

B Beans are meant to be spilled eventually, otherwise you get some kind of bean overload or something. ZJJ5Ball8Q if that's even a sub-option. What happened, happened. Or did it?
No. 925652 ID: a9af05


Only you didn't allow it, you were just too slow in getting your hand over Siphon's mouth!

So, Ceri, this means that you need to improve your reflexes. And the best way to do that is to play more video games!

But you can get to that later, right now it's time to eat some spaghetti! And possibly some ice cream if your parents brought any with them to share with everyone!

She's probably interested in that "bird juice" Ceri mentioned earlier.
No. 925655 ID: adb0d6

No. 925668 ID: 2202fb

I highly doubt it is limited to bird juice.
No. 925677 ID: 7dc36a

Doesn't change my answer cause it obs not canon (yet), but...

You could develop the urge to look into TIME MAGIC. If direct physical time travel is too much (understandable for too many reasons), you could limit yourself to just sending information to yourself across your timeline(s).
No. 925708 ID: b1b4f3

No. 925725 ID: 7fafab

It's not incest if it's gay OwO
No. 925744 ID: 4e9aae

Vote B

Because "The more you know" memes, "knowledge is powah", and all that.

Also, as Harry Dresden could attest, withholding mission-critical information often has unforseen consequences. Usually bad ones. And the second problem is that the holder of knowledge, unless especially sagacious, doesn't know which piece of info can gain "mission-critical" status at what point.
(Did I just combine two pop-cultural references?...)

So yeah. Let's broaden the horizons a bit.

Though option A also revealed some pretty neat character- and world-building, so I'm actually torn about this choice. Then again, Ceri has a lifetime of opportunities to learn about her parents' secrets at some later point, so I think it's no great loss in the grander scheme of things.

The dialogue beyond the password-protected section was pretty... quantum-solipsistic, if I may say so. Got me thinking.
No. 925752 ID: f07f0b

So what if... we go with B+ but Siphon summarizes A for Ceri in front of the parents to see if she remembers it. If this happens, I suggest that while she wont remember it, she will feel like remembering it is on the tip of her tongue; like she remembers remembering it.
No. 925753 ID: f07f0b

or the same info could just come out during the picnic. I mean, Siphon cant stay depressed the whole time.
No. 925760 ID: befa5f

Weaponize bean spillage A
No. 926066 ID: d305fe

B of course!
I also talked 10 times to every bush, but only half of them did answer...

When asked for a password, I did the best of my guessing skills! But "password", "spaghetti" and "123456" didn't work, so I was at a loss...
Thanks for >>925628 ! ^^

No. 926098 ID: 92681e

B,in its depressing and altering entirety. The full truth, un-censured by powers beyond comprehension.
No. 926255 ID: 395c02
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As your parents get things set up, you find yourself looking to Siphon. You don't say anything, but maybe you don't have to.

"Go on," she says, smiling her usual smile. "Your life doesn't need to be more complicated right now, does it? We can talk about Sky some other time."


The hint of sadness in her eyes fades as her face takes on her usual mischievous look. "Right now, we have to 'eat outwardly with your mom'~"

"Yeah I-- you were listening in on that!?"


"no no stop you're right dumb question dumb question let's just okay yeah"


What happened still sticks in the back of your mind, but Siphon's right. Not here. Not now.

Maybe you'll mention it to Euia when he returns. If time magic was somehow involved, he'd be the one to know about it.


No. 926256 ID: 395c02
File 155295747364.png - (150.90KB , 800x600 , 1563.png )

Your thoughts are interrupted by your mother's cheerful voice. "Come on, everyone! Picnic time~!"

All things considered, that went fairly well. You now know a lot more about Siphon and the other Aliens. Better yet, you learned it without causing a major catastrophe. Your parents seem to think of it as nothing more than roleplay.

Imagine their faces when they learn the truth.
No. 926257 ID: 395c02
File 155295747588.png - (135.73KB , 800x600 , 1564.png )

As you watch your hoard gather, you try to distract yourself with other thoughts.

>Dad seemed to find the fluff oddly sexual
You were hoping for better thoughts. Look, Dad just really likes petting things. It might be hard to believe, but people blush for reasons other than Tilde!

>[what] are the bushes?
You're like, 98% sure the bush kabold was Penny. Hiding or not, that constant stream of PSYCHIC MAGIC is a dead giveaway.

>Mom should probably get in on the whole thing.

>You guys have computers but you dont have planes?

>Before the picnic ends, lets see if we can give the parents a tour of the ship.
That would very much get in the way of them assuming everyone was just roleplaying.

You relax a little with that thought. Maybe you don't have to worry too much about what is and isn't said now.

...Unless they start talking about the lewd stuff. For Dad's sake, you can't let that happen!

Speaking of which yep your mighty chest broke free of the overshirt's constraints again.
No. 926258 ID: 395c02
File 155295747894.png - (142.85KB , 800x600 , 1565.png )

You're starting to feel silly adjusting it all the time. Maybe you should let GB and CD get the attention they're clearly demanding? Or maybe Kharadra has tips on...

...Hmm? The Dragon Fan and the totally-not-topless Itkiaki are glancing over here. You see no sign of the kabold, but... should you invite them too? You don't know them super well yet, but this could give you a chance to befriend them and eventually extract more info about the DRAGON FAN CLUB and THE NATURALS.

Invite them to join you?
X: No.
Y: Yes.

You also think about topics of conversation to start with. You remind yourself that you have a PRIMARY and SECONDARY vote for some reason.

-A: Talk about you and Daatra being sisters now. Let's focus on something exciting!
-B: Have everyone share something about themselves. Let's learn even more backstory stuff!
-C: Ask Mom about boats. Why is this an option? Why would you do that??
-D: Get everyone's opinion on dragons. Just so we're on the same page here.
-E: Remain quiet and let the others talk about whatever.
No. 926259 ID: 465a14

Primary XA, secondary XB.
No. 926260 ID: ad51b8


...so how long until Ceri's folks start being up the baby stories?
No. 926261 ID: 1ed92d


Primary C

No. 926262 ID: bcc41d

YB, with secondary YE.
No. 926263 ID: 8d23f0

Y. primary E, secondary C.
lets find out what other people want to talk about for once :D
No. 926264 ID: befa5f

X, A, B; tell some excitement again!
No. 926268 ID: f5d2df

X, E
No. 926270 ID: d72da2

YB, seconds on YE
No. 926271 ID: f5c3b8

Become a bush eavesdropper for fun X, E
No. 926273 ID: 7dc36a

B with D as an excuse.
No. 926275 ID: 080aaf

X, E/b. If your dad has to deny the presence of dragons one more time, he's going to turn into one out of sheer fluster. Penny's going to invite herself anyway. And what would Kharadra think if you invited another shopkeeper you hardly knew to a family function before her?
I'm curious to hear what most of them would bring up themselves in conversation. Like taxes! Or science. Let them do the talking.
No. 926278 ID: 115a35


B primary, E secondary.
No. 926279 ID: 06fdc0

look at the puppy-dog eyes


primary A

secondary D

joke option C :3
No. 926280 ID: 094652

No. 926281 ID: ecd116

Y and D.

having more info about things and knowledge shared is always useful.
No. 926282 ID: 758ff3

Let's see what they do. X,E,A
No. 926283 ID: 7b7db2

No. 926289 ID: 91ee5f

>Speaking of which yep your mighty chest broke free of the overshirt's constraints again.
Just ignore that for now. You should be fine as long as your undershirt is covering your boobs.

>...Hmm? The Dragon Fan and the totally-not-topless Itkiaki are glancing over here.
>Invite them to join you?
Y: Yes.

And learn their names already!

>You also think about topics of conversation to start with.
Primary E: Remain quiet and let the others talk about whatever.

Secondary B: Have everyone share something about themselves.

No. 926296 ID: 2202fb

Y (tho idk about the dragon guy cuz they are kinda creepy)


Secondary B
No. 926304 ID: e7848c

Aren't you the type of dragon that welcomes all? Besides, pretty sure if you don't get that Dragon fan something to drink he's going to pass out. Coffee bird can fix that real quick!
Y, A
Y, B
No. 926305 ID: d8f1e9

See what they do? X, E, A as secondary
No. 926317 ID: 80d19e

Y,A,B Let's share some good news for a change. Plus let's let everyone else have a turn to talk, make them seem more normal without you trying to corral them.
No. 926319 ID: c8452a

Y and maybe give a quick primer on the kobold's ability and how she can't control it but it's mostly positive. If you find her.
Primary A
Secondary C
No. 926325 ID: eeb7d9


No. 926330 ID: 4854ef

Primary C
Secondary B
No. 926339 ID: 72d7d1

B, with A as our turn
No. 926351 ID: e85a08

No. 926355 ID: a9af05

Y: Yes.

There's no reason to not invite them.

>Conversation topics?
Primary E

It will be interesting to see what everyone will say.

Secondary B

Let's learn more about everyone!
No. 926361 ID: 417401

Y - Primary E, Secondary A

The more the merrier!
Also some extra non-alien/non-slept-with folks in the mix might keep the conversation on (comparatively) safer subjects.
No. 926467 ID: caf1de

y welcome aboard

No. 926546 ID: 7fafab

B, D
No. 926656 ID: 4e9aae


As for the topics, E.
Let's see where this goes.

In case it goes south, shotgun the conversation by C, to catch Mom off-guard, then, if necessary, hijack/refocus stuff with A. Just brainstorming, not really secondary vote(s).

For once, leave enough spaghetti for the others, Ceri. You can always munch on extra ice-cream, if Mom and Dad have thought to bring some to the picnic.
No. 926691 ID: 864e49

Y and don't forget penny.

Where's the option to inform your parents that yes they are allowed to have sex with anyone they've met here. Yes that includes Skiff.

ok fine
Primary B
Secondary E
No. 926703 ID: 395c02
File 155320928046.png - (60.53KB , 800x600 , 1566.png )

You're kinda worn out after the stress of introductions and that weird thing with Siphon. Maybe you'll just... sit back see what happens?

Man, this is like, really submissive. The seal should just be like 'wow this is so submissive i'm going to fix myself right now'. Ceri the Ultimate Sub, laying back and letting the story have its way with her.


That's a weird mental image. not saying it's bad... just weird...

...They're still glancing over here.

Okay, fine. You excuse yourself and mosey all the way across the map while secretly wishing you had a run button.
No. 926704 ID: 395c02
File 155320928380.png - (208.07KB , 800x600 , 1567.png )

"You're welcome to join us if you'd um, like," you say.

"Glorious! You have the generosity of a dragon!"

"*Peep~!* I'll take good notes!"

"please don't"

>And learn their names already!
"Oh! We should probably stop putting it off. My name's Ceridwen! Call me Ceri! What's your names?"

The Itkiaki puffs up lots. "I'm Tempest! And I don't know if I said this last time, but your boobers look fantastic, hun!"

Huh? Oh. You only have one job, overshirt!!

Wait. Why do you care if GB and CD are on display? dammit ralians get out of my head

Ahem. "T-thanks. They took a lot of practice? To make?"

"*Cheep~!* Totally worth it though!"

Is she complimenting your skills as a polymorpher, or is she...? maybe it's both?

The Dragon Fan takes notice of your conversation. "Ah! Another example of fine polymorph!"

Wuh oh. You recognize that look. You consider warning the poor birb about the Dragon Fan's questionable grasp on personal space.
No. 926705 ID: 395c02
File 155320928636.png - (218.81KB , 800x600 , 1568.png )



Dragon Fan's voice emits from the dirt, slightly muffled. "Ah! You're only into females! I'm learning so much today!"

"Are you uh, okay?" you ask.

"My armor keeps me safe! Also I'm Venn! Technically Venntrodai but only my parents call me that."

"You like girls, huh?" you ask Miss Tempest.

"All about the beans, *cheepeep~*"



D-Does that mean Itkiaki have vaginas??? You never really thought to ask one. Do they work like reptilians, where different sub-species go one way or the other? So many lore-specific sexy questions!

Later, Ceri. Later. "Well um, feel free to join us Miss Tempest, and..."

The now-named Dragon Fan dusts themselves off. "Technically Mister, but you don't need to be so formal!" Ah, so he's a male. "Just call me Venn!"

"*Cheep~* Just Tempest is fine, too~"

"R-right!" you say. "I'll be heading back now. Join if you want!"

They follow you, signalling their interest.
No. 926706 ID: 395c02
File 155320928902.png - (135.82KB , 800x600 , 1569.png )

As you approach the picnic, Venn seems to notice Skif.

"Oh!!!!" he cries out excitedly.

"Look out Skif!" you yell. "He's about to--"
No. 926707 ID: 395c02
File 155320929211.png - (165.87KB , 800x600 , 1570.png )



That's... new.

"You okay, Skif?" you ask.

"Yeah. This is probably the first time in history anyone's willingly headbutt a galeacoma. Accidentally, sure, but on purpose...? Uh, what about him? You okay, sir?"


"Jury's out," you reply.

Everyone gets situated. Everyone shares a bit of small-talk while you sit back quietly. Things seem to be going okay so far. Maybe you do worry too much over nothing.

Dad claps his hands, likely to get everyone's attention. "So!"

Mom chuckles. "Careful, dear. You don't want to summon you-know-who."
No. 926708 ID: 395c02
File 155320929550.png - (151.25KB , 800x600 , 1571.png )

"...So! Who wants to look at my baby girl's baby pictures and hear amusing stories about her childhood!?"

oh gods

You worried so much about your friends saying the wrong thing that you left yourself open to the most embarrassing attack of all: a doting father's affection.

You make a list of everyone who says 'I do!' so you can properly punish them later.


Yep. Gonna have to punish literally everyone. even miss outissa's nodding like a bunch

S-still, maybe it won't be so bad. It could endear everyone to you. Or it could be super embarrassing. And you did decide you'd sit back...

What will you do?
-A: Immediately object! No! Something else!
-B: Stay silent, get super flustered and blush tons. That second part isn't so much a 'choice'...
-C: Offer to help Dad act out the stories by polymorphing into your child self. WHAT?
-D: Sneak away. Y-you'll watch from over there. Way over there.
No. 926711 ID: 080aaf

C or a. All or nothing!
No. 926712 ID: befa5f

Show off your handstanding skills instead A
No. 926713 ID: 094652

... Wait, he's being nostalgic. Your protective neurons have hundreds of sex scenes of him and Myra repressed for just such an occasion.

C, but make sure you include all the times you caught them "counting to seix" - That ought to shut him up.
No. 926715 ID: b1b4f3

No. 926716 ID: d88fe2

A, secondary B.
No. 926717 ID: f5d2df

A, D
No. 926722 ID: 8d23f0

D, B
No. 926723 ID: f5c3b8

Sure, try this; worst case messing up, it's still a distraction. D as backup.
No. 926724 ID: e7848c

... Is that a foot sock ball trophy picture?
No. 926726 ID: be08b5

B, it is the only way
No. 926727 ID: ab1fe9

B, I say! Sit back and let the story have its way! Isn't that relaxing...?

A as backup, though.
No. 926728 ID: 575ec0

If thier gonna laugh thier gonna laugh WITH you Damnit!
No. 926729 ID: ecd116

first C. to show confidences and that you are not too embarrassed about it.
if not B so you can try to show a calm face and let your dad as well as your mom if she want to join in to have their moment in the spotlight as parents for these kind of things.
No. 926730 ID: 1ed92d

Primary [C]

Secondary [B]
No. 926731 ID: 758ff3

A tease your parents about the time they counted to six in those photos.
No. 926733 ID: 7b7db2

slip awaaay. D, A
No. 926739 ID: 4e9aae

>C, but make sure you include all the times you caught them "counting to six"

This sounds incredibly amusing, and potentially a very effective counter. I cast that as primary vote, too.

Secondary vote, B. George Clooney didn't survive The Perfect Storm, but a dragon can succeed where mere mortals would fail.
No. 926749 ID: a9af05

Primary B You're gonna get so embarrassed, your entire body will be blushing! You can practice turning invisible in order to hide your blush!

Secondary C If this is going to happen, then make sure they laugh with you instead of at you!
No. 926755 ID: 7eed49

C or B
Your participation gives you little control
No. 926767 ID: eceda8

Gotta go C this one...
No. 926768 ID: e85a08


No. 926771 ID: 2202fb

Primary C (but why is this an option?)

Secondary D
No. 926773 ID: c8452a

Primary E : Eat the pictures

Secondary A
No. 926774 ID: 80d19e

B and C for hilarity
No. 926778 ID: e948d8


Take it like the quasi-gendered semi-dragon you are. Which is to say; realize that this will only make those around you more endeared to you. Child stories are great.
No. 926780 ID: d8f1e9

No. 926783 ID: 4294c6

Bah, these are already visible in the first thread. Tell us some embarrassing stories we haven't seen.
No. 926787 ID: 06fdc0

A and B! Ceri, if there was any time to panic, that time is now!
No. 926791 ID: 864e49

You forgot Penny :(

Oh god what if he accidentally lets slip your a dragon!
A Quick distract him with talk about sex. Like giving your friends and parents permission to fuck each other.

B Or maybe just let it happen and have faith in Dad.
Also >>926778
No. 926800 ID: 91ee5f

Yes, this gives me an idea!

Ceri, you need to polymorph some metal onto your head and headbutt Skif! It’s the ultimate way to bond with him! Or if you can’t make metal, then just make the scales on your head super hard.

>embarrassing child stories!
If you have food in your mouth, this is when you’re supposed to choke on it from being surprised by this turn of events!

>What do?
Primary B: Stay silent, get super flustered and blush tons. And like >>926749 said, your entire body is going to blush from how ! So you can use this opportunity to practice invisibility to hide your blush!

Secondary C: Offer to help Dad act out the stories by polymorphing into your child self.

Never choose A! You will hurt your father’s feelings! Don’t make him cry!
No. 926802 ID: 4ef273

Primary B, secondary D!
No. 926803 ID: 3c3e35

Give him the ol' Ayyy!
No. 926805 ID: d6afc2

C, but mention the counting to seix thing at least once.
No. 926806 ID: e51896

Primary D
Secondary A

I'm all for revealing secrets, but come on, we can't reveal ALL OUR SECRETS!
No. 926811 ID: caf1de

especially the time you asked to join in
when that doesn't work run for the hills
No. 926815 ID: 7fafab

B, D
C'mon lass, you can handle this.
No. 926823 ID: b3df03

No. 926838 ID: eeb7d9

B, don't be a sissy Ceri. Children are like that, full of embarrassing moments but in the end, the most inocent and pure. Think of it like this: you can remember the point when you didn't have so many responsabilities and everithing was all joy and games.
No. 926853 ID: de6d84

Well, time for invisibility practice. D, A
No. 926989 ID: 395c02
File 155338606224.png - (155.24KB , 800x600 , 1572.png )

"Haha hey hang on wow okay we don't need to be sharing that stuff!" you object.

"Aww, but you were so cute! I even have some nobody's seen yet!"
No. 926990 ID: 395c02
File 155338606516.png - (148.81KB , 800x600 , 1573.png )

"Fine," you say. "Tell them about the time I caught you two 'counting to six'."

"On second thought, one should never dwell in the past," Dad says as he sheepishly pockets the EMBARRASSING PHOTOS.

You catch a glimmer of pride in Mom's eyes, likely because you used the power of teasing to get out of a sticky situation rather than getting flustered and flailing about.

...It was then you remembered who you were dealing with.

"Okay," Mom says.
No. 926991 ID: 395c02
File 155338606845.png - (186.10KB , 800x600 , 1574.png )

"I'll tell you all about it~"

"What!?" Dad says.

"WHAT!?" you say even louder.

"Listen carefully, kids! You might learn a few things~"

"aaaaaaa can we go back to the baby picture thing"

"We could, but isn't this much more fun~?"

"Ooh I love stories~" Siphon says. Of course this would make her feel better.

Eezeryh objects. "I don't see how this has anything to do with-- ow! Outissa, why are you jabbing me!?"

Venn mutters, "I'm quite curious how you handle the tendency for aquatic females to..."

Your brain refuses to listen to the rest of that sentence.

In fact, your brain's starting to shut off completely. You might need to resort to more primitive methods of keeping track of who's talking. Yes, you'll pretend this is Dragon Adventure and everyone has, oh, portraits or something. Yes.

Games make you happy.
No. 926992 ID: 395c02
File 155338607127.png - (178.95KB , 800x600 , 1575.png )

:myratalk_smile: So there we were, having spent just two hours getting little Ceri to fall asleep.

:sheriimtalk_happy: It was a new record!

:myratalk_smile: Yes, so we found ourselves having a little more time and energy than usual.

:sheriimtalk_defeated: ...You're really going to tell this.

:myratalk_siphon: Unless Ceri really prefers we share those photos...

:ceritalk_blushu: I just held a vote in my mind and it was a tie. Again.

:ceritalk_defeated: Gonna fall back on my previous decision to sub the hell out of the story.

:myratalk_siphon: Heehee~! I always wanted to be the cool mom!

:sheriimtalk_shocked: T-there's other ways of being cool, you know!

:myratalk_defeated: And you'll be the boring dad as always.

:sheriimtalk_defeated: M-Myra...

:sheriimtalk_annoyed: No! I-I'll be the cool dad! I'll... I'll help you tell it!

:myratalk_shocked: What? Really!?

:ceritalk_veryshocked: WHAT!?!?

:ceritalk_morewat: Dad you were literally my only ally in this!!!!!

:sheriimtalk_blushu: I don't much like the thought of this...

:sheriimtalk_annoyed: B-but I have to accept that you're an adult now! And more importantly, I have to be
the cool dad

:ceritalk_morewat: This is literally the worst time to have this character-defining moment.

:myratalk_siphon: Now where was I~
No. 926993 ID: 395c02
File 155338607446.png - (117.43KB , 800x600 , 1576.png )

:myratalk_stressed: So just when things were getting good, our dear baby Ceri showed up. We ah, calmly explained that we were playing a game where you count to six.

:gulketzatalk_neutral: I like counting.

:skiftalk_shocked: Counting to six...?

:saintduketalk_blushu: W-why that number specifically...?

:myratalk_annoyed: Because someone almost let it slip what we were actually up to.

:sheriimtalk_shocked: I-I was caught off guard!

:myratalk_smile: Anyway, we hugged Ceri and sent her back to bed.

:myratalk_siphon: Once we were sure she was asleep, the real fun began! My egg-cycle's skipping ahead just thinking about--
No. 926994 ID: 395c02
File 155338607608.png - (24.23KB , 651x426 , 1577.png )

:myratalk_handed: Mmph mmph!?

:ceritalk_blushu: Okay! Good story! Now we know all about it!

:siphontalk_siphon: Come on, Ceri~ Let them finish~

:tissatalk_blushusmile: Chirp!

:ceritalk_wat: ....

:skiftalk_stressed: H-haha, let's not embarrass Ceri too much, guys.

:skiftalk_happy: Miss Myra can tell us when she's not around!

:ceritalk_morewat: THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE HERE SKIF.

:venntalk_excited: Today has been a treasure-trove of discovery!

:tissatalk_blushusmile: <Chirp~>

:sheriimtalk_smile: I'm just happy to not be the one freaking out for once.

:siphontalk_happy: Maybe we should all share our fun times! Sharing is fun!

:ceritalk_defeated: Yeah, this is much more how I expected this to go.

What will you do?
-A: Allow Mom to continue. You did say you'd sit back and listen...
-B: Go with Siphon's idea of everyone sharing sexy moments. You get the feeling your world will become heavily simplified and easy to draw if you go this path!
-C: Remind everyone that the food is getting cold. Yes! Eating quietly! Wait, what was the meal, again...?
No. 926995 ID: 080aaf

No. 926996 ID: be08b5

B, secondary A
No. 926997 ID: 8d23f0

B. Punish Dad for his insolence in trying to become cool by making you embarrassed.
No. 927000 ID: b1b4f3

B, you're all adults here. Even if you don't want to hear about your parents counting to six, you shouldn't mind your friends talking about it. You might even get Dad back on your side if your friends start talking about YOUR escapades.
Also maybe you'll learn something. Get that APPEAL up.
No. 927001 ID: befa5f

A, C
No. 927004 ID: 1ed92d

Primary [A]
Secondary [B]
No. 927005 ID: ab1fe9

C. Secondary A. Although with Siphon spilling her backstory earlier, it's probable the food is already cold.
No. 927006 ID: 80d19e

A and C
No. 927034 ID: 2202fb

A. and then B. cuz the two dont really seem mutually exclusive.
No. 927066 ID: cb22c8

Primary B, secondary A.
Obviously the rules for B are: if someone doesn't want to share, someone else gets to answer for them~
No. 927067 ID: f5d2df

A, and C
No. 927068 ID: 7fafab

B, A
Your friends are a buncha degenerates, and your parents are horny fucks - it won't be any weirder.
No. 927069 ID: 83bf07

B, c
Lay back, enjoy the spaghetti so much that you tune out the outside voices.
No. 927072 ID: eeb7d9

A. Ah, to hell with it, let her tell her story, it wouldn't be fair for to not tell her spicy stories of everyone else will.
No. 927073 ID: 575ec0

Ah lord. A.... A is your only hope!
Siphon can only make things worse.
No. 927074 ID: f69623

Primary B, secondary C
No. 927077 ID: 130f18

Whatever you do, avoid picturing your dad's dick.
No. 927078 ID: 91ee5f

Primary A: Allow Mom to continue. Part of being an adult is realizing that you can’t control everything. Just sit back and let your mother continue.

Think of it like this: If you let your mom continue, you might get a few ideas on different things you could do in bed with Skif later. If ya know what I mean! ( 0.=.< ) ~ <3

Secondary C: Remind everyone that the food is getting cold. Your mom worked hard to make all of that spaghetti! It would be a shame to let it all go to waste!

And you can just eat while your mom is talking. You can multitask by listening and eating, right?
No. 927079 ID: 864e49

A and retell the story from you perspective in more explicit detail and end it with "and that's the first time I saw my dads throbbing dick".
B You start with the story of your first orgy.

Penny god dammit.
No. 927080 ID: f5c3b8

May as well let her continue. A
No. 927082 ID: b4133c

B primary, A secondary.

Siphon seems to have far more tact than she lets on. I'm sure she won't recount anything irredeemably embarrassing... I'm marginally convinced that she probably won't do anything horribly embarrassing.
No. 927083 ID: 758ff3

Well shit, mom's sorta got this. A, C for backup.
No. 927084 ID: 6f764d

No. 927105 ID: 58b4f3

Prime A

Sec C
No. 927112 ID: 2202fb


if we go A or B
Ceri, realize that you are being immature (covering mouths and freaking out) and it is somewhat unbecoming. Just grin and bear it. Your dad is.
No. 927128 ID: 4e9aae


Second on this. Primary B, Secondary C.

Just sit back, enjoy the spaghetti (or rather, if there's ice-cream by any chance, save that one first from imminent meltdown), and think even happier thoughts than videogames.

...No, wait, that could go wrong in a number of ways...
No. 927134 ID: 91ee5f

>(or rather, if there's ice-cream by any chance, save that one first from imminent meltdown)
Yeah! Save the ice cream by eating it before it melts!
No. 927136 ID: b1b4f3

Don't spoil your dinner Ceri.