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File 155868339560.gif - (1.32MB , 560x354 , first.gif )
933892 No. 933892 ID: f7fe08

Congratulations young lady, and welcome to the Cherub Safety scouts. A thrilling summer ripe with science, fun, and most importantly safety awaits you here in Cerebrum City.
Expand all images
No. 933893 ID: f7fe08
File 155868349370.gif - (82.30KB , 560x346 , paper.gif )

Armed with a smile, a load of charisma, and a couple o’ snacks your future adventure is waiting just around the corner for you…
No. 933895 ID: f7fe08
File 155868360975.gif - (1.23MB , 560x354 , firstn.gif )

...Any second now...
No. 933896 ID: b1b4f3

Oh boy, fun! I love fun!

Use your cellphone to call someone to find out what's gone wrong.
No. 933898 ID: a12187

Go procure more snacks. You'll have to leave the train station though.
No. 933899 ID: 977456

Just tough it out! There is no determination like Grim Determination!
No. 933902 ID: e8f59c

Is there still a station attendant around? Maybe you can their help and get a taxi or something.
No. 933904 ID: 4fd492

This quest looks very promising.

If you have not already partaken of the snacks, do so. Adventures, safe or not, simply cannot be undertaken on an empty stomach. Once you have gotten yon snack on, search around for a station attendant and find out what's afoot. Why is your train so late?
No. 933905 ID: 609feb

I think we just arrived in Cerebrum City and are waiting for a 'Scout Master?' to come pick us up?

Eat a Snack, so you have Energy enough to Find and definitely not harass a Security Guard.

Also, we are not lost, we know we are exactly where we are.
No. 933909 ID: c914a9

Oh boy, this is gonna be good. I love this art style so much!

Okay, so, SCIENCE was mentioned. I'm assuming that has to do with the adventure?

Either way, don't WAIT for the adventure to come to you. You should GO FIND the adventure! It's not just going to walk up to you any moment now! Go find it. SAFELY. Wherever it may be.

Also, any reason why it's called Cerebrum City? Maybe that will give us a clue to where the real adventure is?
No. 933912 ID: 0fae41

Hail a cab. The very responsible adult at your destination can pay the driver.
No. 933914 ID: 5eea70

yeah nobody's coming

did your mom get scammed or something jeez

take stock of your inventory and what we know I guess, since this is now an urban survival situation
No. 933915 ID: 3ed3c3

Ok, so clearly staying out in the dark alone like this isn't fun or safe. Is there a place nearby where you can get help? Preferably a place that's well lit and populated.
No. 933916 ID: 2202fb

>safety scouts
We are going to end up hit by a car/train, arent we?
No. 933927 ID: ea82cb

Do you know where you need to go? Gotta get moving if you do.
No. 933931 ID: 094652

First thing to learn about safety:
Safety is inversely proportional to the velocity of an object. Which relates to everything ever.
Nothing is absolutely safe. Get used to it.

Second thing to learn about safety:
The more blind faith you have in anything, the more it's gonna hurt when lack of maintenance causes an intricate and devastating malfunction.
KISS - Keep It Simple And Safe, (brought to you by NASA, the people who turned the Cold War into an expensive existential crisis)

Third thing to learn about safety:
Be efficient, be polite, have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
No. 933943 ID: 19de2e

Ugh, cant be safe here. Gotta cell phone?
No. 933965 ID: c0641d


IMPORTANT: Make sure you never step too close to the edge of the platform.

STEP 1: If you have a phone, call your parent or legal guardian and update them on your current status.

STEP 2: If there's a snack machine, and you have the means to use it, do that; don't let yourself go hungry!

STEP 3: If there's a station attendant, talk to them and ascertain if there's a waiting room you can sleep in.

STEP 4: If there isn't an official safe place to stay nearby, but you know an address in the city you can get in contact with, see about securing public transportation there.

IMPORTANT: Even if these last two steps don't pan out, remember this helpful Don't Panic™ tip: The process of ascertaining your surroundings can potentially reveal new solutions you otherwise wouldn't have noticed!
No. 933971 ID: e95cec

In descending order of importance, according to viability:
1. Phone somebody.
2. Find attendant.
3. Do you know an address or phone number?
4. Cops will (theoretically) take care of you until your guardian can be found (and reprimanded).
No. 933983 ID: f2320a

support you know what you are doing
No. 934112 ID: f7fe08
File 155892057589.gif - (131.23KB , 560x429 , station.gif )

Taking some quick bites out of some of our precious snack stash, we wander around the station to see if we can find any sort of attendant who can help, without much luck…
No. 934113 ID: f7fe08
File 155892062303.gif - (836.64KB , 560x305 , MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.gif )

Out of any other options, we decide to call our mom only to be greeted by a familiar yet dispassionate voice.
No. 934114 ID: f7fe08
File 155892065123.gif - (584.50KB , 560x378 , breif case.gif )

“Hello. you’ve reached the number of Dr. McCarthy I’m sorry but I’m unable to answer the phone at the moment, but please leave your name, number and a brief message after the tone and I’ll make sure to contact you as soon as possible...”
No. 934115 ID: f7fe08
File 155892070174.gif - (2.02MB , 560x332 , station2.gif )

No. 934117 ID: b5fb67

Aw, that's sad. :(

At least find some place nearby that's out of the rain. It's not safe to catch a cold.
No. 934118 ID: ad51b8

"nobody came to pick me up"

so do you know where she lives? Cause at this point you might need to start hoofing it.
No. 934120 ID: b1b4f3

Time to go indoors.
No. 934121 ID: 007141

welp, time to raise hell until someone finds us. Got a lighter? Arson usually works!
No. 934122 ID: b2623b

yeah!! :(
No. 934123 ID: e51896

crude. And it's raining too. but at least it isn't thunder and lightning... yet.

guess we'll call the police or something. Is this considered an emergency enough to call 911?
No. 934130 ID: c0641d

If you find yourself lost in the city under hostile conditions, remember your BDSM:

Bearings: Are you truly lost? Hopefully not. Any good scout should at least be able to examine their surroundings and observe identifying landmarks such as street signs and government buildings. Train and bus stations might even provide a map of the immediate area.

Direction: Do you have a particular destination in mind? If you can ascertain how to move yourself to your ultimate goal, and it seems feasible to do either on foot or preferably with public transportation - Remember your travel money! - then you should see about reaching there under your own power. Don’t forget to use your umbrella.

Shelter: If you can’t reach your intended destination, your next priority should be protection from the elements and personal security. If you’re expecting somebody, you shouldn’t move too far - if you’re at a train station, for instance, see if there’s a sitting room connected off the platform; these are designed for hapless passengers caught out in the rain like yourself.

Mr. Neighborhood Officer: If even basic shelter that makes you feel safe can’t be found, try determining the location of a police kiosk or station. Even if it turns out you aren’t allowed to stay the night there, your friendly neighborhood officers should be able to help out with your predicament. (You can even stop your search if you find a patrol car. If an officer isn’t already present within, they’re likely in a nearby eatery.)
No. 934134 ID: b5d6fa

I hate that you managed to make that acronym make sense in that way.
No. 934137 ID: 977456

Rats make great insanity buffers when you need someone to talk to. Try talking to one! Ask for local landmarks and discuss your plans. They also provide emergency supplies! Just remember that your Strange Meat Pyramid needs a solid foundation. Ensure at least two of: Freshly harvested, cooked black, eject stomach contents.
No. 934142 ID: 94e3ab

Follow the instructions and say your name, your phone's number and that you're still waiting at [name of this station] at [this time,] Rosey never showed up to pick you up, you need a pickup soon and you love her (your mom.)

Alright, first, find shelter out of the rain, preferably still up on station platform. If this is a mass transit station then you'll want to stay up here to possibly take a train to nearer your mom's place. If you go to street level then you'd have to pay to get back up to the platform and you don't have any money, right?

Next, do you know where your mom's place is? What about her work place? Do you know the general layout of this city? If no to all those, then you'll need a phone book and a city map. Hopefully your mom is listed in there, either her home or her workplace. A phone book should be any phone booths or you could borrow one from a store owner. It may even have a city map printed in it as well. The station may have a city map too, or at least a transit map.

A phone book will also list the police station addresses and phone numbers as well as the city emergency and non-emergency numbers. This isn't a 911 level situation, so don't call that (yet.) One option would be calling the nearest police station or the police non-emergency number and explaining your situation and asking for help.

A second option, if you can't walk to your mom's place or use mass transit to get close enough to walk, is to call a taxi. It's not a good option 'cause I presume you don't have money and the cabbie will be expecting to be paid once you reach your destination and be angry if you don't. If you're lucky your mom will be there to pay. If not then the cabbie will either lock the car doors on you and trap you, chase you down, or sic the cops on you. For now record the number of a couple taxi companies for possible use later.
No. 934145 ID: 6a6c99

Honestly I think you'd want to call the police next, as long as they aren't corrupt you can count on them to at least get you out of the rain, and help you contact whomever. You might even get a meal outta it. Child Abandonment is a crime and it ain't safe for you to be out here alone.
No. 934153 ID: ea82cb

Time to give up and head back.

Or start walking towards the people who don't care, your choice.
No. 934288 ID: f2320a

i just love it, it just works
No. 934289 ID: 50d492

Try to not cry. You are a big girl, so you should not cry.
No. 934290 ID: d76ea8

"I'm Dead." *click*

Our thematic sense tells us your mom will be no help.

Our Safety Sense should tell us that we shouldn't stand around in the rain, without appropriate rain attire.

I suggest running and screeming.
Make you're situation obviouse so the right people can help you.

Also, keep BDSM in mind.
No. 934301 ID: 9876c4

What's the worst that can happen?

Let's find out.
No. 934420 ID: 6be6a5
File 155920398702.gif - (1.94MB , 560x320 , runner.gif )

Before leaving a quick message for our absent mother, with BDSM in mind we desperately make our way through the storm crying aimlessly into rain hoping anyone other than overly curious rats would hear our pleas.
No. 934421 ID: 6be6a5
File 155920403460.gif - (538.51KB , 441x560 , stair way.gif )

Soaked to the bone, and assaulted with the stench of dirty wet fur. We find refuge in one of the station’s stair cases. Now would be a good time to call the police.
No. 934422 ID: 6be6a5
File 155920406445.gif - (563.24KB , 560x408 , decisions decisions.gif )

But wait what was that? Something down there very un- rodent like just moved! But back in the rain, it sounds like someone is coming. Maybe our cries weren’t in vain?
No. 934428 ID: 0fae41

Who's that up the stairs?
There's a lot of rats around. Maybe the thing at the bottom of the stairs is their mama. You don't want to disturb a mother ROUS.
No. 934439 ID: ea82cb

Check up the stairs. If it's danger, retreat into the loving arms of all your rodent friends and run underground. The rats will protect you.
No. 934446 ID: aa9f2b

is that a slime?
No. 934447 ID: e51896

Children should not talk to strangers. Call the police to let them know where you are.
No. 934448 ID: 53cdab

This. Inform the police you're a kid left alone in the station as your pickup didn't come.
No. 934456 ID: b1b4f3

Stay put, continue the call.
No. 934461 ID: 9876c4

>Now would be a good time to call the police.

How'd you get Sting's home number, anyway?
No. 934462 ID: c0641d

It doesn't sound like this is the sort of station to have an attendant. Be wary of strangers and continue calling the police: "Hello? I'm at {STATION NAME}. My name is {NAME} and I came on the {ETA} train. Someone was supposed to pick me up but it's really late now and it's really scary around where I am."

Other than this, as long as the un-ratlike being is posing a clear and present danger, you should be safe on the stairs; it works for the rats. Remember not to let any of them get too close in the meantime (and don't touch any surfaces here except for your soles, just to be safe). If they are a clear and present danger, you have a head start on them; remember not to just blindly run, though! Splatty Patty doesn't look where she's going and takes a dive off a raised walkway.
No. 934469 ID: 977456

Remember, Shelter! The rain will make you cold and then you will get sick and die. Go into the station. Summon your rodent minions to run with you and distract/confuse the thing on the stairs until you have passed it.
No. 934475 ID: 12d426

Oh shit, what if this is the start of the zombie apocalypse?
No. 934484 ID: 977456

>zombie apocalypse
What? A world with zombies and blobs? How would that even- *flashback to Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead* -carry on...
The art is amazing, evocative like crazy.
No. 934488 ID: 5bdd53

Get a good look before you back away. Might be someone who's fallen down, and a safety scout ought to help people like that, right?
No. 934495 ID: 094652

Call the police, ask for help, but also ask for the recommended way to call a taxi.

I'm waiting for the quest to go Don't Starve: 1980
No. 934521 ID: c0641d

*isn't posing a clear and present danger

No. 934575 ID: 1ed92d

Call the Police immediately and politely request an escort.
No. 934587 ID: f7fe08
File 155936381860.gif - (98.82KB , 560x379 , shhh.gif )

We dial for the police while cautiously creeping our way down the rat’s stairwell. Putting us closer to investigate whatever that thing at the bottom is and to put some distance between us and the stranger outside.

Our mysterious rat infested blob emits high pitched noises of pleasure???? As we approach it.
No. 934588 ID: f7fe08
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Amidst our discovery a voice rings in our ear “Hello. You’ve reached the CCPD...”
No. 934590 ID: b1b4f3

Well first off tell them where you are. Then explain you were supposed to be picked up at the train station but nobody came and ask if they can send a car to pick you up?

Is that a gun? Well you're on the phone with the police, maybe you should describe what you're seeing.
No. 934594 ID: 094652

"CCPD? My Safety Scout'Structor is on the ground and covered in rats. Also, there is a gun. Why is my Safety Scout'Structor issued a gun."
No. 934597 ID: dbc7e6

This looks like a dart gun. It's possible she was tranqed.
No. 934598 ID: 0fae41

Is that the Rosey you remember? And what's that toy gun for?
...No kill?
No. 934601 ID: bb78f2

Watch out these rats are packing heat and they already have a victim!
No. 934602 ID: 3ed3c3

State your name, then calmly and clearly inform the officer that you are an unattended minor requesting an escort, then tell them where to find you.
No. 934605 ID: 5bdd53

One thing at a time. Turn around to make sure you have an eye on that stranger, and then tell the police you found an unconscious lady and you're all by yourself. Don't wanna get grabbed from behind.
No. 934607 ID: c0641d

... I think I see what happened here. She doesn't seem distressed, so either she tranq'd herself with improper gun safety or just overslept.

"Hello? I'm at {STATION} and my name is {NAME}. I arrived on the {Time} train and a senior Cherub Safety scout was supposed to pick me up, but it's nighttime out now. Actually, I think I just found her at the bottom of the station stairs. She looks unconscious and surrounded by rats? A possible cause might be what appears to be a tranquilizer gun on the ground next to her. Please advise." Try shooing the rats while keeping an eye out behind you, but don't get too aggressive lest they attack. If you're successful, try gently shaking her.
No. 934631 ID: 977456

)loot safety gun
)loot safety hat
)loot safety lady
)loot rat
)loot rat
)loot red thing
)enter subway
No. 934635 ID: 7fb87a

That's Rosey laying there, isn't it?
No. 934642 ID: b0b724

No. 934645 ID: 21fb4d

Before anything else, say your location. Emergency Call Operatores are trained to send police as sson as they get an address.

Then, "I found a dead body and im being followed!" *click*

Acquire Gun, acquire hat.
Take cover behind the body and prepare to shoot. In self defence of course.
No. 934646 ID: 9876c4

Perform safety dance.

(You can dance if you want to)
No. 934654 ID: f2320a

"Hello? I'm at {STATION} and my name is {NAME}. I arrived on the {Time} train and a senior Cherub Safety scout was supposed to pick me up, but it's nighttime out now. Actually, I think I just found her at the bottom of the station stairs. She looks unconscious and surrounded by rats? A possible cause might be what appears to be a tranquilizer gun on the ground next to her. Please advise." Try shooing the rats while keeping an eye out behind you, but don't get too aggressive lest they attack. If you're successful, try gently shaking her.
yeah this is kind of perfect
No. 934667 ID: 2202fb

Lets not hurt the rats. Rats are a safety scout's best friend.

Just ask safety scout ubermensch Frau Von Raus.
No. 934822 ID: f7fe08
File 155965218702.gif - (941.00KB , 560x419 , kicku.gif )

Like a true safety scout we hastily hurry to tactfully revive our seemingly fallen comrade. Unsure about the situation at hand we alert the CCPD of our situation/location, and arm ourselves with her tranquilizer gun

But more importantly we take her hat
No. 934823 ID: f7fe08
File 155965244539.gif - (2.71MB , 505x560 , freak.gif )

dreary from her rest the girl rises from her slumber.

"Hey wh-"


"Did you take my hat?!"
No. 934825 ID: c0641d

Make sure you tell the nice dispatch attendant that it's a false alarm and not to send anybody.

"You still have a rat on your head." Reequip your own hat and hand Rosey's stuff back to her. "You dropped these. Senior scout Rosey, I presume?" Don't forget to put on your best 'not amused' pout so that she hopefully gets the message you're too polite to say out loud.
No. 934826 ID: 977456

"There was a rat under your hat. Do you want it* back?"
*: attempt to convey the impression that "it" refers to the rat instead of the hat.
No. 934828 ID: 8d4593

Look her in the eyes.
Totally deadpan:
No. 934829 ID: 8346a9

there's still a rat on your head you know
No. 934831 ID: 0fae41

You already have something equipped in your head region!
No. 934832 ID: 9876c4

Why deny, when we could deflect?
No. 934834 ID: 094652

>Did you take my hat?
"If I did, then what's that on your head:P
Sooo... Can we go to camp now?"
No. 934835 ID: b0b724

"Of course not, can't you feel that it's still there?"

Anyway we gotta find out if she's our contact. Grill her for info.
No. 935041 ID: f7fe08
File 155990323188.gif - (383.32KB , 497x560 , hats.gif )

Uh uh…Hat? What? This is obviously our hat. Can’t she feel her's on her head? Besides! We got a couple questions for her! Is she Rosey? And why didn’t she pick us up we waited all day for her, and would like to go to camp now.
No. 935043 ID: f7fe08
File 155990361391.gif - (1.33MB , 560x332 , rose int.gif )

"Really…? Your hat huh? And that’s probably your tranquilizer too, right? Anyways…"

"Yea I’m Rosey-er...Rose just Rose. Don’t call me Rosey that’s really annoying. We can go to your camp soon, But there’s something I gotta take care of first. I was in the middle of something really important you know."
No. 935044 ID: f7fe08
File 155990381915.gif - (234.87KB , 803x938 , squeak squad.gif )

"Although i am a bit sick of all these nasty rats tho."
No. 935049 ID: 0fae41

Would these rats have anything to do with the reason you're here?
If not, you should probably head further into the station so you don't have to bother with the vermimancer at the top of the stairs.
No. 935051 ID: c0641d

"There's one on your head." Give the nice senior officer her stuff back. "Um... What were you in the middle of? Resting to save your strength? For the record, I was supposed to be picked up hours ago."

... Who's that at the top of those stairs? Maybe point it out to her if they seem suspicious.
No. 935052 ID: 0a7f21

Point out the rat on her had and once she's done freaking out about it, give her back her tranquilizer gun. Make her ask for the hat.
No. 935053 ID: 0fae41

You're still on the phone, by the way. You should probably tell them nevermind, you found an adult.
No. 935054 ID: 6a6c99

Just want to say the art in this is delightful. Its amazing you are doing each panel so quickly
No. 935096 ID: f2320a

No. 935118 ID: b0b724

The rats seem friendly enough if they were just hanging out and not eating you, considering how long you must have been napping. Anyway, do your thing and let's go, I'm tired.
No. 935165 ID: e95cec

Do mention that the police are probably on their way. And/or call them back and call them off or something.
No. 935181 ID: 1ed92d

The rats are our friends. Ask her what she's doing since we spent an entire day waiting for her and LITERALLY SPENT AN ENTIRE DAY WAITING WHAT THE HELL WE ARE A SMALL CHILD.
No. 935213 ID: 977456

"Fear not these delightful creatures. They are mine, and I... their God-, Queen! Kneel before our glorious presence that I might gift mercy upon your pitiful hide!"
No. 935625 ID: f7fe08
File 156045061152.gif - (592.83KB , 733x812 , angery.gif )

We hand Rose back her tranquilizer gun. Trying our best not to sound too aggravated with her, we restate the fact that we’ve been waiting ALL DAY IN THE RAIN!! for her to pick us up.

“I KNOW!” Rose nearly hisses at us before calming herself.
No. 935626 ID: f7fe08
File 156045110723.gif - (2.12MB , 719x499 , train wait.gif )

“I was on my way to get you ON TIME!...But everyone at the station had to be evacuated when some sort of creature began attacking passengers."

"So as a CCPD ranger I went to go take a quick peak. When i found the thing it was a little bit too much for me to take on my own so i had to run. Those little creeps are probably just scouting til their boss shows up again."

Rose explains
No. 935627 ID: b1b4f3

So wait, the station was evacuated, and you stood there alone all that time with a monster on the loose? Weird that it didn't attack you.

...so who's that at the top of the stairs then? Maybe we should get going.
No. 935628 ID: f7fe08
File 156045159579.gif - (207.28KB , 560x431 , problemo.gif )

Boss? "Like that thing up there?"
We ask

"HOLY FUCK! That's a lot of rats!"
Rose exclaims

"Y-yea, exactly like that. Lets get outta' here."
Rose stammers before making a hasty retreat further into the tunnels.
No. 935629 ID: f7fe08
File 156045208420.png - (1.53MB , 8008x4426 , world 1-2.png )

"Shit shit shit, why can't I just have a normal summer like everyone else...shit!"
Rose fumes under her breath. Before regaining her fragile composure.

"Ok kid, you want camp? Camp starts now. We gotta capture whatever it is causing this. But i got 2 rules; Rule 1, Don't die. I'll get in trouble if you do. Rule 2, Don't let me die, cause if you do i'll come back and kill you. Then you'd be breaking Rule 1."
No. 935630 ID: f7fe08
File 156045243365.gif - (141.33KB , 473x560 , weps.gif )

Rose says flinging the contents of her coat open.

"what type of badge you want to earn today? Marksmanship? Martial Arts? or how about Physical Fitness?"
She says while advertising the various pieces of equipment on her
No. 935631 ID: 0fae41

Pick sword, ditch wand
Let's learn Martial Arts. I want to know kung fu!
No. 935633 ID: b1b4f3

Alright sure martial arts. Seems like a good way to take out a swarm.
No. 935646 ID: 9876c4

1.Grab rats
2. Shoot rats
3.Run from...rats?

Gee I wonder. Plus we've already got the gun.
No. 935649 ID: 094652

Marksmanship - We need to take out the swarm without exhausting ourselves. Shoot the leaders and the pack will lose cohesion, which means less rats will be obsessed with you.
No. 935651 ID: f2320a

Physical Fitness its not the best idea to run into danger its better to run away
No. 935660 ID: ad51b8

No. 935677 ID: 0cf16f

Marksmanship! Pew pew!
No. 935693 ID: 790132

Martial Arts.
I get the vague feeling there is a tiny violent beast shackled within us and I wish to unleash it.
No. 935697 ID: 2202fb

4. Animal Befriending
No. 935709 ID: c0641d

"Depends; is that the only gun, and do you think we'd be better off if you had it as opposed to using your hands? I think I'm best built for marksmanship out of those three, so I might want that badge, but if you're specialized as some expert markswoman and there's no spare, I'll gladly take martial arts instead."
No. 935729 ID: 3ed3c3

Pop pop.
No. 935745 ID: 977456

Democracy Badge! Nobody is safe in a war-zone so safety must begin with the stable transition of power to those most worthy. Clearly we need to sway the rats into overthrowing their corrupt dictator and engaging in diplomacy with the neighbouring governments, especially ours! Start by introducing them to the concept of trade-unions. Nothing says determined, industrious, and talented populace at the bottom of the class-struggle quite like the humble rat. I fancy that they are always on-call, have no minimum wage, no job security, and no health-care, it should be the easiest of sales!

Or martial arts. Martial arts is always fun.
No. 935754 ID: 277bef

Let us charge into battle with an army of loyal( and adorable) rats! Our enemies will learn to fear our friends and us by extension!

But if we can’t do that then i choose marksmanship to hold us over until we may claim our rightful place as queen of the rats.
No. 935763 ID: 2e6cfa

Physical Fitness

The other two comes from this. Besides no one wants to be obese.
No. 935799 ID: 9876c4

>Besides no one wants to be obese.
The rats do. That's their endgame.
No. 935800 ID: 753ba7

...Why must we capture it? The right move here would be to call the authorities about a severe rat infestation, and leave so that they may handle the rats and capture it. They're likely better equipped for this.

Unless, of course, the rats and that leader did something to Rose while she was sleeping. After all, it is odd that she did not mention how she fell asleep. And now she's pushing you to the rats by suggesting using a tranq with less ammo than there are rats or martial arts designed for combating humans, not rats.
No. 935830 ID: 0a7f21

Is she offering you a weapon?

Surely she doesn't have a small girl sized club in that jacket, which would be the ideal weapon for dealing with rats.

... she's not offering you the tranq gun is she?
No. 935845 ID: b0b724

Martial Arts!
No. 935903 ID: 8346a9

No. 935905 ID: e51896

Martial arts

Marksmanship is good, but if we run out of bullets, we're basically defenseless.
No. 936055 ID: 21c498

Kung Fu is all about self defense and safety, let's go chop some boards in half with our bare hands!

Do a Karate Dance to show skill and preparedness to get the Martial Arts Badge.
No. 936392 ID: f7fe08
File 156096694281.gif - (2.02MB , 688x519 , aed.gif )

“Authorities? I guess I’m the authorities now, huh?”

Rose briefly ponders before reaching into her pockets

“Now you take this and protect yourself with your “””” martial art skills ”””” while find a way to take out these things’ boss. Consider this your first camp activity“

Rose says pulling out what appears to be a tiny bag with a glove attached to it.
No. 936396 ID: f7fe08
File 156096700237.gif - (1.15MB , 750x475 , ponch.gif )

“Try not to lick it, scratch your nose, touch anything electronic, or get wet…ter. You might fry yourself.”

She explains half-jokingly.

With a quick flip of a switch followed by a loud beep the device powers sending a quick jolt through our body.
No. 936397 ID: f7fe08
File 156096704762.gif - (709.99KB , 542x657 , power.gif )

The power..…Power LITERALLY surges from our fun-sized fingertips throughout our body. But the sound of a million tiny feet storming our way cuts our power daydream short. Now we have to come up with a plan. Should we go hide and let Rose handle the problem, join her in the fight, or support from afar?
No. 936406 ID: 3ed3c3

Let's fight!
No. 936407 ID: c49ece

You'll need a way to make that into an area of effect weapon by lighting up a third rail or something, shocking rats one at a time is not feasible.
No. 936408 ID: 977456

Locate fire-hose. Improvise flame- thunder-thrower.
No. 936409 ID: 094652

This is a sewer and you have a giant electric glove.

Problem is, there are either few acceptable conductive zones, or you're currently in one. Look around and see if you can release a valve to spray water at the rats (and not yourself or Rose). Follow up with a thundershock at the puddles.
No. 936414 ID: 0fae41

Support from afar. Throw electrified rats into the mob to spread the shock! (which practically just means picking on stragglers without getting overwhelmed, but if she thinks she's doing something then more power to her, pun intended.)
No. 936416 ID: 9876c4

You could do a lot of damage with a wet floor and a tire or Rubberized bench to stand on, actually.

Individual zaps isn't terribly efficient though.
No. 936422 ID: c49ece

Almost forgot, remember to turn it to the correct voltage first.
No. 936459 ID: 0a7f21

When someone hands you a shock glove, you find something you can punch with it.

Take the lead as if nothing was the matter with you being handed a dangerous weapon and asked to fight organized rats. Pretend you are a super hero and raise your gloved fist to the air in a heroic pose.
No. 936508 ID: b0b724

Unfortunately a glove makes for a bad ranged weapon, so direct fighting it is. Though there's a lot of potential to shocking puddles and staying back, it's the boss we need to confront and take down. So identifying the boss is the first step. After that we need to get the boss down to us, preferably with a few good shocks in to weaken them. Rose should be the final blow with the tranq.
No. 936528 ID: 1ed92d

Uhm, well. The rats honestly seem to like you so.... maybe we can just move away from them calmly?
No. 936542 ID: 21bd50

I agree with this. I still don't see the rats as an enemy.
No. 936543 ID: e51896

No. 936552 ID: b0b724

They are probably an unwilling tool of the true enemy, if anything. The less rats are harmed trying to take out the boss, the better.
No. 936676 ID: 0a7f21

I just noticed the voltage range on this thing.

55000V is not incapacitating. It'd kill and cook anyone hit with it.
No. 936682 ID: b0b724

Voltage isn't what's lethal in electricity. Someone with a pacemaker or heart condition would be in danger but otherwise it's amps that do damage.
No. 936737 ID: 0a7f21

Do you know how electricity works?

Current (measured in amps) is voltage divided by resistance. Human body is estimated to have about about 100000 ohms of resistance if you haven't broken the skin, and 100 mA of current is enough to be fatal to people. That 550 mA would be pretty much guaranteed fatal.

Your first deadly weapon! Do NOT shock yourself with it.
No. 936754 ID: 055cbc

That is a perfectly standard taser voltage. Tasers use 50,000 volts to arc and make initial contact, then drop to a less fatal level once the circuit is closed. Whether the glove does that by default remains to be seen.
No. 936803 ID: 21c498

Feild Medic! Let's be a Field Medic!
According to the Jeniva Convention, you cannot shoot a field medic.

Let's work as support/heals/recovery.

Healing Hand - Recovery move
Buddhist Palm Strike - Defense/Attack move
No. 936805 ID: 9876c4

>you cannot shoot a field medic.
This usually isn't a problem when fighting Rodentia, who are not signatories anyway.
No. 936881 ID: b0b724

Especially American rodents, who didn't bother to rat-ify them.
No. 936883 ID: 977456

>American rodents
A... merry... can? Of what nature be this tin and by what circumstance does it come to such gaiety?
No. 937173 ID: f7fe08
File 156145158567.gif - (1.15MB , 492x560 , ono.gif )

Despite our burning desire to rough-house some rodents, it’s probably best if we stay back like Rose said. Although that doesn’t mean we can’t still help her.
No. 937174 ID: f7fe08
File 156145217198.gif - (1.43MB , 1125x864 , freak and mighty.gif )

"b-b-b-big... tha-that's a big..."

Rose wheezes between panicked breaths. Frozen in fear on the verge of fainting she stands bug eyed as the grotesque duo (and posse) creep towards their newfound meals.
No. 937175 ID: f7fe08
File 156145225330.gif - (497.00KB , 560x493 , thonk.gif )

There’s no time to waste gotta find something…anything we can use to help and quick! Before Rose and more importantly our martial arts badge! become a-
No. 937176 ID: f7fe08
File 156145239573.gif - (178.39KB , 481x560 , ring ring.gif )

*brrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!* *brrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!* *brrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!*

Our phone obnoxiously wails.
No. 937177 ID: 977456

Hold up a finger and ask them to wait while you get this.
No. 937178 ID: b0b724

Wait the rat steed reacted to the call. Start waving it from side to side, see if it follows the sound or is repelled by it. Either way you could use that to get it into place for whatever plan is chosen.

That said, the phone won't ring forever so you should probably answer it this time. If we want to use it for a trap, we can have Rose call it when we have a plan after the call.

Oh, and the psychic rat on top is the target, of course. Maybe Rose would feel better if she knew that all you have to do is take out one tiny little rat and it'll be over! (Lying to calm people down is a great rescue skill to have!)
No. 937179 ID: ad51b8

if fight brakes out, use pipes and other water making objects to make puddles, use shock glove to shock everything in puddles, make sure both you and rose are not in puddles that you are shocking.
No. 937183 ID: 9876c4

Can we turn that sprinkler on? We can't reach, but maybe theres a fire alarm somewhere.

We probably can talk and look at the same time.
No. 937193 ID: 0fae41

Answer phone, then pull fire alarm.
No. 937200 ID: 989a71

I hate to rain on your idea but sprinklers are not linked up to pull stations
No. 937212 ID: 4ffd17

that weird brainy rat on top of the big scary rat is obviously the real boss.
shoulda gone for marksmanship.
No. 937214 ID: 0fae41

What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the fire alarm.
No. 937215 ID: 9876c4


although sometimes it's da giant rat that makes all of da rules.
No. 937226 ID: b0b724

This is only the first enemy. Surely there'll be more punch-weak enemies eventually.
No. 937227 ID: 094652

>Rat King and his midget friend
I'm going to call them Oliver and Wilbur.
DO NOT KILL WILBUR FIRST, there's a nonzero chance that Oliver will go berserk and thrash at the nearest non-rat he can find, which could include you.

>What do
Looks like Oliver is attracted to your phone. Throw it into the swarm to buy yourself some time.
No. 937232 ID: f2320a

Lets see if we can talk with them they have not been hostile yet and that rat looks smart
No. 937233 ID: 977456

Not Pinky?
No. 937265 ID: 6a6c99

That big rat has an ear tag, these aren't just mutant rats, these are manufactured mutant rats.
No. 937269 ID: f2320a

What ever happens we dont initiate the hostility they have not been agressive to us
No. 937716 ID: f7fe08
File 156189607052.gif - (4.76MB , 560x384 , shocking.gif )

Trying our best not to appear hostile we take a break from our rodent themed chaos to answer the phone for a quick second; we’re greeted with a familiar yet distorted voice.

“Sw̴e̸e̷t̴i̷e̷ ̶i̸s̴ ̵t̴h̵a̶t̷ ̷y̴o̵u̷?̴ ̷i̶ ̶g̸o̸t̴ ̷y̸o̶u̷r̶ ̶c̶a̵l̶l̴ ̶e̵a̸r̴l̴i̵e̵r̵ ̵a̸r̷e̴ ̶y̷o̵u̸ ̴o̴k̷!̷?̸ ̴w̵h̶e̴r̶e̸'̶s̴ ̵R̶o̷s̸e̶y̵?”
No. 937717 ID: f7fe08
File 156189638128.gif - (2.62MB , 590x569 , boom.gif )

What sounds like a mini firework show interrupts our call and leaves us phone-less.

And that little light show has only made the situation worse, now the rats seem aggressively riled by our phone's explosion.
No. 937718 ID: a451fc

Now that's what I call a "burner". Is there a smoke detector? Hold the fire up to one and make sure to stay out of the water somehow.
No. 937731 ID: 9876c4

Hurl burner phone at brain rat.
No. 937743 ID: b0b724

Seems like the best option
No. 937754 ID: 0fae41

Throw your Galaxy S5 at the big guy.
No. 937757 ID: b5fb67

Get ready to strike at the Brain Rat, but only if they make a hostile action against us.
No. 937768 ID: d19549

What if it's not the fire or the explosion, but the radio waves that are agitating the rats? Brain rat is communicating with the rats somehow, so the cell signal may be messing whatever it is up, and vice versa for the phone static.

Either way, using the fire to set off the sprinklers will make the zappy glove way more powerful.

Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?
No. 937771 ID: 977456

Why stay out of the water? It is not as though she are not already being electrocuted. You can even see her hair-bones.
No. 937775 ID: eb1fcc

"Yo, sorry, zappymitts got my phone. Lil guy with the big brain up there, you're not about to go hostile right? This ain't gonna be some x-files monster of the week nonsense, is it?"
No. 937776 ID: eb1fcc

also wow, we're durable. Did we really not feel any of that?
No. 938134 ID: 21c498

No. 938148 ID: 8d26c4

Out of curiosity, do you have hair bones?
No. 938179 ID: 790132

(I kinda hope this 'oddly durable' thing remains a thing even if just for a joke.)
No. 938938 ID: f7fe08
File 156298156542.gif - (3.71MB , 700x559 , fire starter.gif )

Gotta use the phone to get the sprinklers onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....Annnnnnd…Uh-oh!
No. 938939 ID: f7fe08
File 156298162846.gif - (2.45MB , 766x424 , dark world.gif )

No. 938941 ID: f7fe08
File 156298166701.gif - (432.87KB , 560x497 , dark rat.gif )

No. 938942 ID: f7fe08
File 156298178165.gif - (1.65MB , 672x785 , transisto.gif )

No. 938944 ID: f7fe08
File 156298206681.gif - (3.18MB , 488x560 , darkmine.gif )

Well that went sour fast. We can’t see anything and it sounds like something heavy quickly skittered away. Whatever it is we chuck our phone in its direction as a last ditch effort. In return we’re greeted with a satisfyingly meaty thud, and the cry of whatever we hit.

But our tiny victory is cut short by the feeling of something pinching us something…everywhere feels like our skin is being pinched and prodded by tiny claws and teeth.

Gotta do something fast about or vision problem.
No. 938945 ID: 3ed3c3

Tell Rose she has to get off the ground.
With the floor all wet, we can use the electricity in the glove to fry all the rats at once.
No. 938946 ID: 0fae41

Look around for something metal to arc electricity off of. If that electricity's doing its job, biting you hurts them more than it hurts you.
No. 938947 ID: 094652

If I'm reading your tech right, the rats can't bite you without zapping themselves to death, but they CAN bite you. And now they can push heavy stuff on top of you. Make yourself as low priority as you can.

Also why is Rose not using her other gear?
No. 939000 ID: 977456

Aim for the largest set of eyes, jump at them, pull them out, and eat them. That is how you gain the Field Rations badge!
No. 939001 ID: b5fb67

Thunderpunch the ground! Make sure you are not on the ground when you Thunderpunch it!
No. 939023 ID: 9876c4

>5 Gif FUN update
Are you...Quest Jesus?
No. 939024 ID: 3d1dd5

Safety lighter in one hand (you do have one of those right?), puddle punch in the other!
No. 939032 ID: ce39da

Yeah, might want to warn Rosa before you do this.
No. 940102 ID: f7fe08
File 156386621626.gif - (3.85MB , 524x560 , puncho.gif )

Only one way out of this it seems. Before making our move we warn Rose to get herself off the ground.

"Wait wait wait what are you!-"
No. 940104 ID: f7fe08
File 156386639761.gif - (4.07MB , 479x560 , transisto2.gif )

"Are you trying to get me killed?!"
Rose screams in terror.
No. 940105 ID: f7fe08
File 156386677520.gif - (2.36MB , 423x560 , kill.gif )

In almost an instant it seems over with. But there's one more loose end. The thing on the ground in front of us.

The thing responsible for us not being at camp, for us and our snacks being soaked, and for our phone being blown up.

What do we do to this thing?
No. 940106 ID: 977456

Get a sock out of your case, put rat in sock, tie sock closed. When safe to do so, one must acquire evidence of any potential toxins or diseases that victims may have been exposed to. It facilitates an accurate diagnosis by medical professionals!

Also perform first-aid on the other rat-friends.
No. 940107 ID: b5fb67

Crush that rat under your heel.
No. 940108 ID: b1b4f3

No. 940110 ID: 0fae41

Finishing Move: Third Rail
No. 940113 ID: 094652

Zap the brain rat a few more times to make sure it's unconscious. Then find something to restrain the rat, keep its jaws from closing, etc.

Don't kill it yet. Let the scientists study it and find new methods of dealing with these brain rats.

You're a SCOUT. Scouts pioneer for new information to make the rest of their country a safer place. That includes research of beasts and fauna.
No. 940127 ID: 2202fb

I think we should do this.
No. 940129 ID: 3d1dd5

These gifs are still amazing.

I feel a bit bad about killing a helpless creature, even if it is a psychic mutant rat that tried to have us nibbled to death. Maybe I'm just too soft though.
No. 940131 ID: eb1fcc

befriend Brain!
No. 940133 ID: 842ac4

Brain rat is now your trophy. I thought it was bigger than you though.

Maybe Rose has a cage for it or something?
No. 940143 ID: 8d26c4

I agree, we should befriend Brain. Keep in mind that this may make you a very violent Pinky.
No. 940156 ID: ef5d58

In regards to matters of safety...well, it would be both safe to exterminate this thing, AND capture it to investigate the source of the malady that caused it in the first place.

...damnit, we're a Safety Scout! We must be safe! And just leaving a potential issue to fester is Not Safe.

...But violence is fun!

Gah, capture it for now. Like the above poster said, we'll be the very violent Pinky to his Brain. Sort of.
No. 940157 ID: ef5d58

Also, is a Disthread possible?
No. 940161 ID: f2320a

are we even sure it was trying to kill us but it looks smart lets not kill it it could possibly be talked too like ask where it came from?
No. 940162 ID: 531f99

Offer your non gloved hand as a peace offering.
No. 940204 ID: 3ed3c3

Secure the offending rodent for future study.
No. 940222 ID: 44b1b5

Ask Rose really fast: “Kill or capture?!” She’s the expert. Also, when able, give her a look that says we’re ignoring the fact that she was well along hightailing it out of there and abandoning us down here if she’s good with ignoring how our reckless snap decision would have ended with her electrocuted if she hadn’t been doing that.
No. 940235 ID: 842ac4

Surely a well equipped lady like Rose will have a cage or something to put it in.
No. 940236 ID: c49ece

Capture Rat. No sense doing something you can't undo, and also you can spook Rose with it if she gets more annoying. Remember to turn down/off your glove so nobody gets hurt.
No. 940248 ID: 3551c0

Give it a snack and cuddles. We killed all of its family and friends, so now we're responsible for his safety.
No. 940305 ID: 9876c4

Keep it warm and safe until it's time for our vivisection badge.
No. 940310 ID: 9cf530

Keep the rat. Might be better/cleaner to give him as a cat snack than killing him now.
No. 940372 ID: d6afc2

grab rat
grab hat
put rat on your head
put hat un your headrat
No. 940375 ID: 977456

Did you SEE what happened to the last person to have that thing on their head? The impossible length? The numerous limbs? The clearly-spontaneously-generated ear-tag? Do you seriously want that?!?
Because that all sounds awesome. +1!
No. 940383 ID: 1ed92d

Pick up the creature. Analyze it for emotional state, possible intention and threat.

If it becomes hostile, destroy it utterly. Otherwise resume journey home with suspect acquired. We must know why it was engaging in hostile activities.
No. 940929 ID: f7fe08
File 156450982645.gif - (1.70MB , 560x481 , look around.gif )

“Th-That actually worked…I thought we…um good job.”

Rose mumbles stupefied, before noticing our interest in the brainy rat.
No. 940931 ID: f7fe08
File 156451009065.gif - (147.61KB , 560x423 , hahaha time for rat.gif )

“You want to keep it?! But its! It tried to-! Whatever I don’t care I just want to go home…”

“First things first, give me that glove I don’t want you shocking yourself (or me, mostly me), we can put that brain rat in this hat.”

She sighs while carefully scooping the rat into our “””borrowed””” hat.

"Don't tell anyone I let you keep that."
No. 940932 ID: f7fe08
File 156451073114.gif - (188.38KB , 688x660 , jodwjo.gif )

With our newly acquired psychic rat in hand we make our way back toward the exit, hopefully we can make it to camp

“Lets get going, maybe we can catch a bus back ho-“Rose urges, before losing her train of thought upon seeing a woman atop stairs.

“Hello? Is everything alright?” she calls out before approaching us with a flurry of questions.
“Are you the ones who called? Is this your phone…Are you the ones who threw it at me?” she continues sounding mildly annoyed, eyeing our rat hat suspiciously.

"Call? I didn't call anyone..." Rose, responds shifting her gaze over to us.

"Then it was probably you then, is everything alright?" The woman says switching her attention to us.
No. 940955 ID: f9ba2f

"yeah, we handled it mostly. you should call in humane animal services though, that was a LOT of rats swarming us and those guys can bite through concrete."
No. 941040 ID: 0fae41

Sorry, didn't see you in the dark...
It's okay now. The rats aren't bothering us, and we have adult supervision now. Are you the police?
No. 941041 ID: 977456

"Did you notice a giant mouse with a thousand legs?"
No. 941042 ID: 0a7f21

Hmm, go to the safety of a proper authority figure, or go with Ms Irresponsible here and have some great and possibly violent adventures.

Honestly it's not even a choice, despite a rocky start it's clear this woman is going to let you play with dangerous toys and do things other adults would balk at. You aren't dumb, you'll come out ok. Downplay it, say you found your ride they were just really, really, really, really really late.
No. 941057 ID: 094652

"Just take me home. Please."
No. 941156 ID: 5fbe31

"It's about time you showed up! Do you know how many times I could have DIED?! You are a very irresponsible- er-- what are you? A cop? A nurse?"
No. 941240 ID: ae8ec4

Relay to her us being lost, and the whole fuck ton of rats.
No. 941516 ID: a34b8a
File 156506082114.gif - (360.62KB , 532x750 , explain game.gif )

We explain everything to the woman especially the rat problem we faced during our ti-

“Rats?” she interrupts us mid-sentence

“Never mind that’s not important right now, I’m with the CCPD and you girls look like you’ve had a rough night, There’s bandages and disinfectant in my car.” She says gesturing us to come with her.

“Lets go.” Rose softly urges us following the woman’s invitation.
No. 941517 ID: a34b8a
File 156506149995.gif - (943.84KB , 560x516 , car ride 2.gif )


“First things first. Please make sure to clean your hands, you have no idea where those rats could have been”

The woman instructs us struggling to talk over the car's radio with her monotone voice.

"Guessing by your clothing you're a cherub scout? and you're her guardian angel?" She asks gesturing toward the two of us.
No. 941518 ID: a34b8a
File 156506268619.gif - (434.97KB , 560x365 , car ride 3.gif )

"Y-yes ma'am...I was going to pick her up but got a little sidetracked." Rose whimpers in response.

"Well cadet, uhmm."

"Well Cadet Rose we all make mistakes, but be sure nothing like this ever happens again." The woman poorly disguising the malice in her voice.

In almost in instant the stern angry woman before us converts into a cheery almost mother-like figure in her demeanor as she switches her attention to us.

"I'm just relived both of you are ok, this isn't exactly the nicest city." She continues
No. 941519 ID: a34b8a
File 156506314232.gif - (3.98MB , 560x348 , car ride.gif )

"You've been awfully quiet since we left the metro, sweetie, I don't think I caught your name, what was it again?"
She asks

"You two are probably getting tired of me asking all these questions, you probably have a couple of your own, right?"
No. 941520 ID: a34b8a

(Oh yeah forgot to say our mom's last name has already been confirmed to be McCarthy so that's our last name too.)
No. 941527 ID: 23294b

Bonnie. I feel it fits her hair.
No. 941530 ID: 9876c4

Wammy Tiles
Cleopatra McCarthy
No. 941539 ID: a451fc

I like Bonnie
No. 941543 ID: 3ed3c3

Bonita McCarthy, but everyone calls us Bonnie for short.
No. 941547 ID: c571e8

Can we get another phone? We were on the phone with mother when this all went bad and she is probably very worried still.
No. 941548 ID: 094652

How about Maxxie McCarthy?
No. 941549 ID: 3d1dd5

What's up with the rats being so aggressive?
No. 941550 ID: b5fb67

Bonnie McCarthy sounds pretty good.
No. 941552 ID: 0fae41

So, what are we going to do at safety camp? Are we gonna fight more rat kings? Do bad people make the monsters or are they just a force of nature? When's lunch?
No. 941560 ID: b5bc34


Is this a common occurrence for a safety scout? I had assumed it was like, emt training.
No. 941572 ID: 75d1c4

Why does the CCPD travel around in a Hummer Limo? Police should be in police cars!
No. 941624 ID: 977456

Martha Mcarthay
No. 943024 ID: a34b8a
File 156621816284.gif - (857.76KB , 560x454 , snack wrap.gif )

As we tell the woman our name her once stone faced expression, explodes almost cartoonishly with shock and jubilation.
No. 943025 ID: a34b8a
File 156621847161.gif - (2.72MB , 560x373 , excite.gif )

“McCarthy?!” She loudly interrupts

“You must be Latoy-uhhm…Vermillion’s girl! Last I saw you, you were just a little baby.” she nearly hollers in excitement before regaining her veil of stoicism.

“I didn’t know you were coming here.” She finishes before inquiring about our other questions.
No. 943026 ID: a34b8a
File 156621887563.gif - (3.05MB , 560x458 , Illustration3.gif )

>What’s up with the rats being so aggressive.
>Is this a common occurrence for a safety scout? I had assumed it was like, emt training.
>Are we gonna fight more rat kings?
>So, what are we going to do at safety camp?

“Our job here at the CCPD is to keep the city’s peoples and its properties safe. While that does often include medical aid, it also includes rescue, protection and rehabilitation. But your job as a safety scout is to learn and have fun, you don't need to worry about anything else.”
No. 943027 ID: a34b8a
File 156621902781.gif - (2.86MB , 560x423 , underwawa.gif )

>Do bad people make the monsters or are they just a force of nature?

Bad people don’t make monsters, Cerebrum city is a city of unshackled science and [i]unfortunately[i/] accidents often happen. Those rats probably got their disgusting little paws in something dangerous.”
No. 943028 ID: a34b8a
File 156621944272.gif - (2.24MB , 560x395 , water drain.gif )

>Why does the CCPD travel around in a Hummer Limo?

“They don’t. This is only reserved for special occasions, or me . Any other work that we do is often accompanied by the appropriate vehicle, be it land air or sea.
No. 943030 ID: a34b8a
File 156622004047.gif - (6.18MB , 508x560 , elevate.gif )

A million more questions rattle around in our head but before we have time to ask. The woman's "assistant", nearly shoves us out of the elevator.

"I apologize about the sudden departure,but i'm running a bit late for an important meeting. It was a pleasure meeting you Cadet....Rosie, and Bonnie. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us."

she says struggling to speak through the closing elevator doors before leaving the two of us in an almost silent lobby.
No. 943032 ID: a34b8a
File 156622031354.png - (1.70MB , 5630x2362 , peepee poo poo.png )

Aside from the snoring from whomever is "manning" the front desk the place seems almost abandoned

"So...Welcome to camp kid." Rose Says cautiously

"It's still a bit early, do you still wanna call your mom? Sleep? or how about Breakfast?"
No. 943033 ID: 9876c4

No. 943035 ID: ce39da

"Is it morning already? Uh... I want to get this little guy processed. Make sure it's safe to keep him. I don't wanna wake up absorbed or something. Maybe call my mom to let her know I'm okay. Then sleep."
No. 943037 ID: b5bc34

Mom needs to be told I'm not dead because that's apparently a possibility and then I should probably sleep. Long, cold, wet night after all.
No. 943047 ID: 094652

>Bad people don’t make monsters
That is the most ridiculous thing I've read this week. Keep yourself alert for more bull.

>What do
Call your mother and ask her why CCPD is so weird.
Then order a fritatta with lots of veggies and a milkshake with fruits. And maybe one fried chicken strip for dessert.
No. 943049 ID: 125c76

Consume the Breakfast! For it is the most important of all activities!

Inquire about rat food and a leash for our little friend, (Proposed name) Rat-Thoney Bighead.
No. 943055 ID: 3ed3c3

To all.
Give food and phone, then direct to bed.
No. 943056 ID: b5fb67

Holy dang, this place is a fortress.

Let's sleep first and then have a rousing breakfast of fruits and pancakes.
No. 943110 ID: f2320a

Thats a cute name and a leash would be good
No. 943160 ID: 0fae41

I think the front desk lady has sleeping covered. Let's call mom.
No. 943856 ID: 965b25
File 156717725788.gif - (1.01MB , 782x402 , phoner.gif )

Lets call our mom first, she’s probably worried to death about us.

“alright” Rose agrees
“we can use the phone right here, I’m sure sleeping beauty wouldn’t mind.” She says gesturing to the front desk’s phone.

While waiting for the phone to ring we ask Rose about our rat friend Rat-thoney.
“You named it?! (I was kind of hoping you’d forget about it and throw it away or something…)” Rose responds

“You just can’t walk around with that thing on a leash like a dog! Animals aren’t really allowed here, I can get you a cage, and you can keep it in your room or something but you can’t tell ANYONE about this, or we’ll both get into trouble.”

After a handful of slow rings from the phone we’re greeted with a familiar yet stern “HELLO?” immediately after we echo the greeting, the voice on the other end of the phone immediately erupts into a flurry.


“what’s she saying?” Rose ask
No. 943862 ID: 9876c4

"She's relieved at my safety."
No. 943865 ID: 1fe52b

"Ya know, fussing over me, worried about my safety, the usual mom thing."
No. 943866 ID: 3ed3c3

"Nothing unusual. Say, you guys have good health insurance, right?"
No. 943867 ID: 094652

Your mom's reaction is... weirdly appropriate.

But hang up and let her simmer down, or let Rose take the call.
No. 943869 ID: ce39da

"Mom, mom! Yes, it's me, I'm fine! Rosie's here, we're at headquarters now. Rosie got attacked by a monster down in the station underground and couldn't contact anyone for help, so that's why she was so late, but it's fine! She made it, eventually!"
No. 943883 ID: e7dcb0

"She was worried."

Let her vent for a bit and break in with an "I'm okay." Tell her about the monster attack that Rose was "busying delaying" but she got to you on time to help you stop the attack.
No. 943897 ID: 1fd9ec

"She's glad I'm safe."

Can't even be mad, that's probably how my mom would act in similar situations, too. Good to know she loves you and it was all just unfortunate coincidence.
No. 943989 ID: f3c77f

“I’m fine, I found rose napping nearby and I’ll make sure to whip her into shape don’t you worry. She’ll be a true CCPD ranger by the time I’m done with her!”
No. 944109 ID: 2a2f85

"Mom. Did you check the caller ID to see where I'm calling from?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Rose was late due to having to deal with a situation."

"Also, sorry about the dropped call earlier. My phone exploded because I forgot to take off the AED gauntlet. But the fire did help me set off the water sprinklers, so that's good!"
No. 944111 ID: e51896

Give Rose the phone.
No. 944168 ID: eb1fcc

this one. God, PLEASE this one
No. 944219 ID: e51896

After hearing your mom call Rose a whore, ask mom what a "whore" is.
No. 944223 ID: ce39da

OOF. Yeah, this might be a good way to snap her out of her tirade, make her realize just what exactly has been coming out of her mouth and into her daughter's ears.
No. 944414 ID: 965b25
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"She's happy i'm safe." we tell Rose waiting for our mom to simmer down a bit.

Seems like she's a bit quieter now maybe we can tell h-
No. 944417 ID: 965b25
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"...She's probably little busy..." Rose comments

"We still got time for some food or a nap if you'd prefer."
She adds.

Both options seem enticing we haven't had any sleep all night or a real meal other than our snacks at the station.

Things are starting to look up from the chaos last night. We even got to learn a new word. "whore" we're not entirely sure what it means but mom said it so it's probably a good one!

Despite all these positive things we can't shake the feeling that something is going to disrupt our newfound tranquility.
No. 944418 ID: 9876c4

Oho, why not whore ourselves to some pancakes?
No. 944419 ID: b1b4f3

Sleep first, food later.
No. 944423 ID: 094652

Drink a supplement milkshake, sleep, then pancakes.
No. 944426 ID: 0fae41

Whore down some pancakes!
No. 944436 ID: b2949b

Pancakes are best eaten AFTER you wake from sleep.

Sleep first.
No. 944442 ID: 2a2f85

Get some sleep first. We’re exhausted.

Before we go to bed, though, ask Rose what “Whore” means.
No. 944443 ID: 2a2f85

Also, love how Mom’s icon is vibrating in rage and motherly concern.
No. 944445 ID: f3c77f

Hey rose, is there some kinda bunker here or nearby?
Just askin for a friend.
You’re that friend.
Get to safety.
No. 944447 ID: 3ed3c3

Oh, boy.
Ok, so, we need a plan to handle mom. The first thing she should see upon arriving is her daughter, so sleep is going to have to wait a bit longer. The priority is calming her down and reassuring her that everything is alright and that she doesn't need to maim or murder anyone on her daughter's behalf.
Rose should be singularly absent when that meeting occurs. She's liable to suffer an ignominious, painful fate otherwise.
No. 944454 ID: ce39da

That line implies that we do have some time. Being awake and alert is more important than eating a big meal. Ask Rosa where the vending machines are and be prepared to eat and walk as soon as your nap is over with.
No. 944596 ID: b5fb67


Power nap, then a wagon fulla pamcakes.
No. 944640 ID: c49ece

Food first. It's important!
No. 944717 ID: acfea1

After a night like this, the only thing you should be eating before bed is t̺̙͈̟̼̪͞h҉̘͕̮̪̝̩͜e̟̮͓͖̩͇̮ ̵̳̥̤͇̥̠̤f̰̺̮̜̘͚̙l͓̻̹̺̣̺͘͜e̮̣̝͙̕s͎̮̣̜͡ͅh̴̺̞͖̲͚̰̙̠̀ ̘͉̩̲̮̦̦o͏͇͍̗̦͓̫́f̧̳̬̘ ̢̳̝̥̜̰̣̰̬f̡̺̬̣͍̘̗̕a̕͏̵̠͖̺̖l̸҉̦͓̦̱̩̠̰l̰͈͔͜e̸͏͎̟͙̞͇̣ͅn҉̶̱̦͇ ̦̤̞͡͝a̦͞n̡̻̦̭̖g͓̀͢͜e̴̦̮̟l̡̝̝͟͞s̖̪͡͝

go to bed
No. 945279 ID: 469be6
File 156877421385.gif - (355.65KB , 560x337 , room.gif )

We tell Rose that a little bit of shut eye would be nice; we can always get something to eat later.
“Right” she agrees
“I’m pooped too…”

Rose leads us down the hall to what seems to be our room.

“Get into your pj’s” she says while reluctantly taking Rat-Thoney away, only to return with a cage soon after.

“Remember our deal right? You don’t let A N Y O N E know about last night or your little pet, and you get to keep him. Just put keep it under your bed or something” She preaches before handing us our rat friend.

“If you need anything my room is directly across the hall…goodnight kiddo’ see you in a couple hours.”
No. 945280 ID: 469be6
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There’s something we HAVE to know!

What does “w h o r e” mean? We heard our mom say it over the phone when talking about Rose.
No. 945281 ID: 469be6
File 156877433377.gif - (866.13KB , 560x436 , whore.gif )

“Whor-WHAT! Your mom said!...”

“go to bed kid.” Rose mumbles before grumpily stumbling off.
No. 945282 ID: 469be6
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It seems our curious question still remains answerless. Oh well at least we can finally get our much needed beauty sleep...
No. 945283 ID: 469be6
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No. 945284 ID: 469be6
File 156877449812.gif - (344.98KB , 560x362 , m spy3.gif )

or not...
No. 945285 ID: 094652

"Is bin' long day, talk when my brain work."
No. 945286 ID: b1b4f3

Can I help you?
No. 945287 ID: 977456

Hug at maximum velocity.
No. 945288 ID: 3ed3c3

No. 945289 ID: 9876c4

What are you supposed to be, some kind of whore?
No. 945294 ID: e51896

I love this because of the naivety of our character saying it.
No. 945295 ID: 10c408

seconding this.
No. 945297 ID: 0e2ebe

Hi, don't look at my rat.
No. 945310 ID: 8e55b7

Less talky, more sleepy.
No. 945380 ID: 2a2f85

No. 945567 ID: 1ed92d

Ask her politely why she's not sleeping since the day has been long and exhausting.
No. 945579 ID: acea35

It is probably nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep.
No. 945582 ID: 965b25
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Groggily we muster up what little remaining brain power we have left to converse with this other girl.
“Not, brain...work...talk, morning sleep...”
No. 945583 ID: 965b25
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No. 945584 ID: 965b25
File 156918032682.gif - (66.56KB , 560x312 , uh2.gif )

No. 945585 ID: 965b25
File 156918036250.gif - (106.67KB , 560x312 , uh.gif )

No. 945586 ID: 965b25
File 156918049038.gif - (165.68KB , 380x560 , WHAT.gif )

That came out absolutely FLAWLESS! Our new “”””””friend””””” is absolutely speechless. Surely she was flabbergasted by our eloquence.
No. 945587 ID: 965b25
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Finally with no more introductions or interruptions the rest we so desperately ne…

“~Rise and shine ladies!~ we got a long day ahead of us.”
An unfamiliarly militaristic voice greets us.
No. 945588 ID: 965b25
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A somewhat intimidating woman makes her way into our room. Where’s Rose? This lady is old! Not Rose old, not mom old, this lady is like Mrs. Carpenter from 2nd grade old!

“Ms. Zwart.” (You obnoxious brat) the woman calls out addressing the other girl
“Your sister’s here for you.”

The other girl giddily gathers up a couple of bags before shooting out of the room like it was christmas morning. Before she fully exits of our sight you could have sworn that she gave us a really quick and nasty leer.

“Ms. McCarthy.” (Jesus this kid looks awful, why’d I hafta get stuck with the ugly one) the woman says before kneeling next to our bedside.
“You may call me Ms. Scarlet, I’ll be your guardian for today since your previous one proved to be....incompetent…”.

What would you like to do today? We could go to the museum, to the beach, or perhaps camping even. It’s up to you” (please for the love of god, don’t pick anything stupid.) she says trying her best to sound sincere

Something seems peculiar to you, perhaps it's due to your lack of sleep. But you could have sworn that you’re hearing that woman’s voice twice. But the 2nd voice is saying something different??
No. 945590 ID: 3ed3c3

"Ms. Scarlet, while I would love to do any number of fun and enriching activities today, yesterday was one of the most tiring and trying days of my short, young life. I was left unattended for most of the day, exposed to inclement weather, spent time in an unsanitary subway station, had an encounter with some unfriendly animal life, and operated unsafe electrical equipment. If it's not too much trouble, I think it would do me well to take the day to recuperate."
No. 945593 ID: 9876c4


Where's Rosie? Can we talk to her?
No. 945597 ID: 8d4593

Who you calling ugly?
Wherever we go, I'm gonna need some caffeine first.
No. 945600 ID: b1b4f3

i wanna sleep
No. 945601 ID: dd2711

"Depends if I'm allowed to run the whole day on caffeinated drinks"
No. 945609 ID: e7dcb0

The mouse is paying dividends already! Our secret goal will be to find cheese and mouse appropriate food.

Our main goal is to ask her what she thinks is stupid so we don't pick that one.
No. 945619 ID: 977456

We'd like to warn visit Miss Rose!
No. 945621 ID: 9691f3

Find some fruit and candy. The whole thing about cheese is actually a myth.

Try starting with this, while warning about your Mom, who's in a state of agitation that she'll take it out on anyone.
No. 945628 ID: 1ed92d

"I just got in one minute ago. I cannot do daily activities as I have now been awake for more than twenty four hours."
No. 945634 ID: b5fb67


"Want sleep. Go away."
No. 945654 ID: ce39da

“Mrff... Me’n Rosie both had the longest day yesterday, an’ I just got a literal minute of sleep just now. Singular. D’we have’ta go... ou... zzz...”
No. 945688 ID: c571e8

notice that the light in the window has moved substantially from where it was when you first went to sleep. Despair that morning has come and this camp lady is not obligated to let you sleep, and explaining to her why she should allow it jeopardizes keeping our rat friend.
No. 945698 ID: 5d13f5

No one's supposed to KNOW about rat friend. Especially not her.
No. 945705 ID: 977456

Yeah... ixnay on the @->
No. 945721 ID: e51896

wait, hearing her voice twice with the second saying something completely different. I'm wondering: did we somehow gain the ability to hear her thoughts, or read her mind? spooky.
No. 945728 ID: b1b4f3

It's the rat doing it. Obviously.
No. 945730 ID: c571e8

that's.. what I said? Explaining to her why she should let us sleep risks questions we don't want and also goes against agreement >>945279
No. 945731 ID: c2f1f6

Your pet rat may be giving you telepathic powers. Don't react, don't let anyone know! That's too damn cool to let slip through your fingers. Remember to feed and care for your pet.

Is ten more minutes of sleep an option? Five, Final Offer. Maybe breakfast first, then the museum. That sounds low-impact enough. Where's Rose by the way?
No. 945751 ID: 094652

"I punched a rat yesterday. So can we go to the clowder cage? I wanna pet all the kitties. All day. And chase all the running kitties. Yes. All the running kitties."
No. 945755 ID: f274b0

Support we could Ad in something like with me resting quite literally 1 minute of the recommended 8 after the trying day and night
No. 945822 ID: 0a7f21

Aww, we should ask what happened to Rose. Sure she was wildly irresponsible, but she also let her play with potentially fatally dangerous weaponry.
No. 945824 ID: 9876c4

And she'll have a hard time lying to us due to our 'condition'.
No. 945891 ID: 965b25
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We inform the woman what happened last night, making sure to leave out any rodent or “shocking” details.

“I know what happened last night.” (that's why I'm here and not that idiot.)

“Tell you what…” Ms. Scarlet mumbles while digging through the bag. “I'll give you another choice. You can stay here and sleep in the nurse’s orrrrrrr... you can take this only half tho it will make you feel better.”(at least for a couple of hours) She advertises while handing us a small candy looking thing.

“Or if you really don’t want to go out, I can take you to the nurse’s to rest up, you can’t stay in here we have to clean your room.” (unless you want to be burned by chemicals)

“What about Rosie? Can we see her?” We ask

“Rosie...? Oh Miss. Atkins (That idiot…) Right after you decide we’ll go and wake her up too. I’m responsible for her as well (I'm going to have to keep them both on a short leash it seems)”
No. 945892 ID: 965b25
File 156955261646.gif - (597.76KB , 560x560 , oooh.gif )

The decision is ours, journey outside with the power of this candy or rest at the nurses.
No. 945894 ID: 9876c4

If you can't trust Strangers with Candy, why even bother in this world?

Let's take the ride and take our chances.
No. 945895 ID: 8d4593

Hmmm... Meth... or Sleep?
or Sleep...
An age old question really...

Make like the Kennedys and pop that meth. Half now half later when you start coming down.

Don't forget to thank her for the drugs.
No. 945896 ID: 0a7f21

Such a young age to be starting with drugs.

Of course take the pill. New experiences are fun!
No. 945897 ID: 977456

Sharing is caring! Let our pet rat have some. But remember! Dosage scales with mass, try like, just a couple granules, heavily diluted and administered over an extended period...
No. 945899 ID: 0fae41

Take your Benetrope to grow up big and strong!
No. 945912 ID: 3ed3c3

Pop the pill.
When mom finds out they've been drugging you along with all the other shit, she's going to go fucking feral, and it's going to be hilarious.
No. 945913 ID: 094652

Offer her the other half.

More sleep, your brain needs time to process the new psychic powers from Brain.
No. 945916 ID: e51896

Sleep. No drugs. It might cause a weird side effect to our telepathy and rot the brain or something.

Plus, sleep is healthier.
No. 945917 ID: b1b4f3

I am worried the rat will be killed by the cleaning chemicals or found by whoever cleans the room. I wonder if there's a way to prevent that? Might have to find another hiding spot for it.
No. 945921 ID: 1ed92d

What was that? Take the entire pill? Sure, that's a great idea!
No. 945929 ID: b17fad

We're all about safety, so get some real sleep.
We'll need a way to smuggle our pet out of the room though.
No. 945935 ID: 2a2f85

Take the drug. That way we can tell mom all about it later when she asks us what happened.

Also, take Rat-Thoney with us by hiding him under our hat (after we clean him with a TON of soap and water).
No. 946019 ID: c2f1f6

Ask if you should be eating this on an empty stomach.
No. 946607 ID: ac43db
File 157038530217.gif - (718.72KB , 531x560 , hidden.gif )

Sleep....Sleep sounds like the safe choice now. We tell Ms. Scarlet that we’d rather sleep then take our chances on some pill.
“If that’s what you want” (Makes my life a lot easier) She agrees, as she takes back the pill and stuffs it into one of her pockets.

Slowly she rises from our bedside letting out a slight grunt “I’ll go get Ms. Atkins, I doubt she got much sleep either. After that we can go grab some breakfast and head down to the Sick bay together.” She explains before exiting the room.

Now’s the time to act! Ignoring the obvious scolding going on outside of our room, we hide Rat-Thoney the best way any kid our age would. Just in time too soon after the door opens to reveal not only Ms. Scarlet but Rose as well. “Are you ready to g-” Ms. Scarlet says before pausing to give us a suspicious glare. (Is that? I...I Really don’t give a shit.) “Let's go” she stalely continues.
No. 946608 ID: ac43db
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Before heading to the sick bay Ms. Scarlet takes us by the Galley to pick up some breakfast. It may have something to do with the fact that we haven’t eaten since yesterday, but the food tastes great despite the fact that it looks like its older than anyone at our table. Without drawing too much notice to ourselves we make sure to sneak a few morsels to our rodent companion.
No. 946609 ID: ac43db
File 157038572730.gif - (944.21KB , 2000x1116 , wait.gif )

Finally filled, Ms. Scarlet guides us over to the sick bay’s overly luxurious lobby. The abundance of prissy aromas and lounge like music make it seem more like a spa than a hospital’s waiting room. “I’m going to check you two in.” Ms. Scarlet says before making her way to the front counter.

Not too long after Rose awkwardly begins to ask. “Hey kid...since like last night… do you feel like...funny? Like kinda dif...oh never mind it’s silly.” (I’m just sleepy is all...keep dozing off....just sleepy.) “I’m gonna go sit down.” (I’m going to sit, I will Sit! Will I Sit? sit…) she moans before slowly shuffling over to the closest chair.

Oh well it probably wasn’t too important. Hopefully we can find something orrrrr someone to entertain ourselves for the time being. We probably Ms. Scarlet seems to have her hands tied dealing with the friendly yet seemingly incompetent receptionist.

We could go talk to Rose some more, or see what those two sciency looking ladies are talking about. Maybe see what’s up with that weird girl, or that big lady by the window. We'll probably have time to talk to at least 2 of them.

(I miscounted but I already drew the pics so fuck it)
No. 946610 ID: e7dcb0

Window and sad
No. 946611 ID: acfea1

Find out what's wrong with Rose!
No. 946612 ID: 0fae41

Talk to the two ladies! The girl behind the counter will still be there, unless she vibrates through the floor or something.
No. 946613 ID: 49e4d4

What's with the weird sad girl on the left? Let's try to make her feel better.
No. 946614 ID: 977456

Think at Rose: "Can you also suddenly hear thoughts?"
No. 946618 ID: 2a2f85

I'll vote for "Girl with tongue sticking out" and "Large Redhead Girl".
No. 946619 ID: 9876c4

I too see the value of frecklefriends.
No. 946623 ID: d5a6bc

Freckle girl and Redhead
No. 946631 ID: ce39da

Let's save that conversation for when Rose isn't sleep-deprived.

I vote for the girl leaning against the counter that you failed to take note of. She seems like someone who has an easy time blending into the background, huh? I wonder how she'd react to us noticing her?
No. 946637 ID: 977456

The Large Red seems to have a mini-me. They might impose some manner of social thing upon us.
No. 946664 ID: e51896

Red head, and tongue woman
No. 946852 ID: 965b25
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For a brief moment we try to psychically link with Rose to see what’s wrong but no matter how much we try we get no results.
No. 946853 ID: 965b25
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Anyways, lets see whats up with that, sad looking girl.
We approach her but she seems to not even notice us at first, in order to get her attention we greet her with a simple “Hi.”
“..oh..OH?! Uhm h-hi.” (I almost thought she was Molly, how long is she going to be in there for anyways?) the girl stammers.
Awkwardly she continues “uhm...do-do you need anyshing?” (Why is she staring at me?! Why do kids always stare it's sooooo weird!)
No. 946856 ID: acfea1

"You look nice. What's your name? I'm Bonnie."
No. 946859 ID: 1f2742

We stare because we haven't developed the shame that forces adults to look away, or the inferiority complexes, or gotten used to lacking intimacy.

We just wanted to say hi because you look cool but sad, and who is Molly?
No. 946865 ID: e51896

Careful, Don't say Molly's name. The woman only thought Molly's name and didn't say it out loud. If she knew Bonnie could read minds, that could cause problems

But we can tell her we thought she looked sad and wanted to see whats wrong
No. 946867 ID: 9876c4

This one, and maybe add a complement about her teeth.
No. 946868 ID: e40171

"I like your freckles...and you looked sad. I wanted to cheer you up!"

Don't mention Molly. That was mental.
No. 946913 ID: c2f1f6

Be polite! Don't let them know what you know!
Hi, I'm Bonnie, what's your name?
when she answers, ask if she's sick.
No. 946980 ID: 015bf2

Tiredly ramble away.

She looks cute, almost as cute as Ra... THONEY, a friend of yours. Why is she at the doc's? You're here cuz' you were up almost all of last night figh-heeem, getting back home and now you'd like to sleep. Is her couch soft? She's practically sinking into it, so it must be. You could sleep on that couch. But you don't think you're supposed to. Are there soft beds inside the nurse's office? Oh and hi, your name is Bonnie, what's her name?
No. 947213 ID: 965b25
File 157120475436.gif - (147.18KB , 594x510 , womp womp womp.gif )

We bombard the poor woman with a plethora of sleep deprived ramblings and questions “ My name’s Bonnie! We like your freckles! Do you like Ra-uh mats! We like your teeth! Why are you sad! Are you sick?!...is the couch soft…?” are just a few of the dozen questions we spew at the woman before giving her a moment to respond.

“Uhmh thank you..?” (what's with… this kid? why is she saying we?! Is she...OH! She’s probably “special...”) “My name is Mildred...and im not sick (though i think i have a cold) I’m just waiting for my sister she had a slight fever yesterday… so i’m just wai-”
No. 947215 ID: 965b25
File 157120491395.gif - (528.30KB , 560x457 , umh.gif )

With a sigh of relief, Mildred seems to spot something in the distance (thank god, now i can just leave, and this girl can bother someone else.) “Oh there she is!”
No. 947216 ID: 965b25
File 157120496692.gif - (79.05KB , 560x416 , sher.gif )

“Hey Molly. Uh Molly..? Is this a friend of yours?” (pleeeeaaaaasssseeee I just want to leave!) Mildred ask from the background.

Heyyyyyyyy don’t we know her from somewhere?
No. 947220 ID: b1b4f3

Yeah it's that girl from the room with the beds. Say hello again and introduce yourself.
No. 947222 ID: 094652

"So... what did we learn about bugging little girls who need their beauty rest?"
No. 947223 ID: 9876c4

...We know what we must do.

But let's not lead with it, give her time to compose herself first.
No. 947238 ID: ce39da

“Hi! You’re uh... the girl I called... Oh yeah! Funny, I dunno even what that word means, but mommy used it to describe a lady in charge so it’s gotta be cool, so don’t worry if you dunno what it means, I feel like you assumed bad stuff, heehee. You’re cool...”
No. 947244 ID: 0a7f21

Hug her. And then introduce yourself. And then call her whore again.

In your sleep deprived ramble, of course.

We really should've just taken the drugs.
No. 947250 ID: e51896

Bonnie was so sleep deprived, she doesn't remember meeting Molly at all. "Hi, I don't think we've met before and this is the first time I've seen you. I'm Bonnie!"
No. 947252 ID: 1ed92d

Say hi to Mildred, apologize for making a bad impression last night.

Talk slow, she already hates your guts, but you want to publicly get the moral high ground in being socially attacked immediately after your introduction. This will gain public sympathy and taint Mildred's attempts to spread poisonous rumors.

...I mean, she might be nice to you if you apologize as well, but you know what they say about pessimism: It means you'll always be pleasantly surprised if things DON'T go the worst possible way.
No. 947262 ID: 7517c3

I think maybe we called her a bad word and should apologize for it, unless it wasn't and she was just so happy she had to leave. Or both!
No. 947263 ID: 3ed3c3

"I'll be honest and tell you that I have no idea what that word means. I'm sorry if I offended you, and I'm sorry if I disturbed you before. In my defense, I hadn't slept at all, I wasn't thinking clearly, and I had just had one of the most upsetting and dangerous days of my life. I know you don't know me as we've only just met, but I'd like to be your friend, and It'd be just awful if we started on bad terms. May we please start again?"
No. 947271 ID: 9876c4

This is what I'm talkin' about.
No. 947279 ID: acfea1

Woah good one Bonnie
No. 947627 ID: 977456

Compliment her hair.
No. 947894 ID: 965b25
File 157214844038.gif - (814.09KB , 560x527 , explain game 2.gif )

It’s that girl we called a-oh….oh yeah! We better apologize. Trying our hardest to control our tongue and not call her a whore again methodically we say “Hi! You’re uh... the girl I called... Oh yeah! Funny, I dunno even what that word me-“

“Shut up! You’re annoying!”
Molly barks cutting us off
No. 947895 ID: 965b25
File 157214852741.gif - (495.15KB , 560x560 , poke poke.gif )

Trying her hardest to not fully explode, she continues “You’re Mean! You're RUDE! And I don’t like you! I don’t like your dumb mouse and! And! And…”


“SHUT UP!” She hisses before preparing to launch her second wave of insults.
No. 947897 ID: acfea1

We're in a room full of potentially sympathetic adults! Time to cry! Cry like a baby!
No. 947898 ID: 3ed3c3

"I'm trying to apologize to you and explain myself while you're yelling at me and poking me, which hurts. Please stop."
No. 947903 ID: 9876c4

Look, we feel horrrr-rible about the whole thing?

Let's just start over.
No. 947904 ID: b1b4f3

Poke back.
No. 947905 ID: 977456

"Did you eat fish last night?"
No. 947906 ID: 18b0ae

"Huh, ok."
Just go interact with another adult. Dealing with the consequences of our actions like a mature kid don't sound cool. Not at all.
No. 947908 ID: b5fb67


Ignore insults by collapsing onto the ground in exhaustion and passing out.
No. 947911 ID: c9c450

Exactly what the situation calls for
No. 947969 ID: e51896

I wouldn't collapse asleep, because then we would miss the opportunity to talk to one more person (narration said we have time to talk to two people in the room. Of course, unless Molly counts as the second person, go ahead and collapse, lol)

>>947904 yes! innocently boop Molly's nose.
No. 948188 ID: 0a7f21

Poke her nose. Not hard, she's crouched down and thus in range, index finger, right on the snout.
No. 948190 ID: d5a6bc

Rub noses with her
No. 948191 ID: fd2d31

pimpsmack that whore 'till she knows her place.
No. 948462 ID: 0a7f21

Why can't we read HER thoughts?
No. 948463 ID: 719d94

She may interrupt you, but just agree with her. I mean, she's right. Just in the past day or so you've done plenty of mean and rude things! And she's well within her rights to dislike you.

Listen to her patiently, and if she ever lets you get a word in, just agree with her. Nobody knows how to react if they're insulting you and you just calmly back them up on it.
No. 948473 ID: ce39da

Combining some suggestions:
"Yup, correct! You'll probably like me a lot better when I'm awake. Boop!"
No. 948525 ID: 094652

Begin to cry but realize you used up the last fumes of your stamina and fall unconscious.
No. 948631 ID: 965b25
File 157275780993.gif - (1.04MB , 560x560 , boop.gif )

We…we gotta…her nose…


As we slip into an early rest, we feel Molly’s arms catch us before we hit the ground. Some panicked gibberish can be heard but that doesn’t concern us, not now. Goodnight.
No. 948633 ID: 965b25
File 157275806651.gif - (643.14KB , 560x501 , wait 2.gif )

I find myself awoken by the harsh lights of the overly sterilized medical room. A harsh knocking echoes in the back of my head much fainter than that dreadful night before.

I take a quick glance across the room to see if I’m alone.

“yep it’s just me” I sight to myself

We Rose now.
No. 948635 ID: b1b4f3

What's that in the duffel bag?
No. 948636 ID: 9876c4

Attend to your vibrating blue dot.
No. 948637 ID: af1a4b

Be suddenly overcome with an overwhelming sense of dread and impending doom for seemingly no reason.
Shrug it off and look at the flashing light.
No. 948638 ID: e29ced

I'm not sure there *is* such a thing as "overly medicalized" when your entire organization looks like a mix of Girl Scouts and nurses.
No. 948639 ID: 397e4a

Become once again grumpy after remembering y-you were called a whore by that kids mom.
No. 948640 ID: 977456

>Search vase
No. 948641 ID: 094652

Throw vase.
No. 948644 ID: 2ba9d1

Look for water or Tylenol, surely they would have left some out
No. 948647 ID: e51896

steal remains of broken vase in the bag so no one notices.

ok not really. Just open and check inside the bag. Be careful not to let the cat out of it.
No. 949161 ID: 965b25
File 157337012055.gif - (1.02MB , 560x560 , woahg.gif )

The feeling of dread, like something really really bad is about to happen creeps back onto me and the queasiness from earlier returns. And like that its gone again, leaving you with an uneasiness in your head and stomach.
No. 949162 ID: 965b25
File 157337033707.gif - (711.91KB , 694x844 , pot look.gif )

I take a quick second to recollect myself and try not to throw up again

That pot? Something about it piques my interest so I decide to take a look inside,hmm something squishy?! Something warm...It’s…Surprise!!! a rat
No. 949163 ID: 965b25
File 157337054149.gif - (1.87MB , 560x501 , eek!.gif )

EW EW EW oh my god EW. It touched me!!! what the hell! I thought I was rat free! How’d it get here! WHY IS IT HERE!?! And shoot ...the vase…
No. 949164 ID: 965b25
File 157337088539.gif - (700.40KB , 560x413 , fuck.gif )

To only make matters worse it sounds like someone heard me break that vase. A ferocious woman's roars can be heard from directly outside the door.

I gotta think fast...what am I gonna do about mickey fucking mouse over there! What about the vase!
No. 949170 ID: 3ed3c3

The rat actually seems pretty tame, so you should be able to just move it out of the way and hide it. That or scare it off.
The shards can be hidden under the bed for now. You can figure out what to do about them later.
As for the "ferocious woman," I imagine it's your newest recruit's mother come to teach you a thing or two about proper childcare. With her fists. Good luck with sorting that out.
No. 949171 ID: 094652

> Rat
I think she likes you! Stop panicking.

> Mother
Scratch that, you may panic now.

Okay, you need to distract her from her rage long enough to have a conversation... hm...

Got an idea; pretend you sleep in the nude and act embarrassed with the blanket.
No. 949175 ID: 9876c4

No. 949176 ID: 0fae41

Hide it down your shirt. You couldn't possibly get more jittery right now.
No. 949177 ID: 977456

Rats like burrows? Try opening your bag so it has somewhere to hide. "Out of sight, out of mind" and all that.
No. 949179 ID: ed37dc

The rat in a pile of broken shards, the commotion behind the door... Is there gonna be a fire? Grab the rat, hide it in your bag, and check the blinking thing in there while you’re at it. Someone freaking out at the rat and being way too liberal about extermination, and whatever that mysterious blinking object is... those are the only two remotely viable causes of fire that we can see and affect at the moment. If both are tended to, and nobody is bursting through the door, pick up the bag and exit; if this fire(?) is going to start outside our range of control, the least we can do is not stay in a room with just one exit.
No. 949209 ID: e51896

blame the rat for the broken vase.
No. 949247 ID: 0bb011

Negotiate with the rat to help you hide in exchange for helping us hide.
No. 949248 ID: 0bb011

>help us hide in exchange for helping us hide


>help us hide in exchange for us letting him live with us in safety as a pet.
No. 949254 ID: d5a6bc

Grab the rat and escape through the window
No. 950140 ID: 965b25
File 157453024017.gif - (781.94KB , 560x430 , rat rat rat.gif )


That nasty ass rat is taken care of at least, hopefully it doesn't poop in my bag...
No. 950141 ID: 965b25
File 157453066035.gif - (109.88KB , 454x560 , recording.gif )

I find the source of the blinking, seems like someone left us a message.

"It's probably that old lady calling to bitch at me some more..."

I think sweeping the remains of the pot under the bed.

The person at the door seems a bit impatient, their knocking, with quite some some force and agitation. It sounds like the door could collapse any second now.
No. 950144 ID: 2a2f85

Face your doom bravely, Rosey. We’ll remember you fondly.

Open the door.
No. 950238 ID: e51896

>Open the door.
Get on the floor.
No. 950276 ID: ce39da

Sweep up the remains of the vase and throw them out before answering. Or if there's no time, simply stand close enough to the door that the person standing on the other side won't notice. Make sure to force your way out before they can force their way in.
No. 950364 ID: 965b25
File 157466606493.gif - (157.18KB , 478x560 , she.gif )

Well...It seems like there's little left to do other than open let whoever that is in….With my breath held I creak the door open only to have it violently swung open, soon after.

That’s not who...?
"it's about fucking time." the woman says under not so hushed breath.

“Atkins?” she asks more clearly, before rudely inviting herself in.
No. 950366 ID: 965b25
File 157466687955.gif - (433.05KB , 560x560 , ood.gif )

“You’re Atkins right!? she asserts more aggressively
“Yes” I mumble in response, perplexed by the situation.

“Good...SAPPHIRE!! GET IN HERE!” She screeches like a banshee.

“Yes Ms. B!.Coming Ms. B” The behemoth of a woman cheerfully responds while making her way into the room. (She even throws us a cute little wave :) )
No. 950368 ID: 965b25
File 157466736441.gif - (208.21KB , 560x513 , sit.gif )

“Take a seat” the woman orders gesturing to our bed, snapping her fingers then taking a seat on...her...?????

“I understand that you had an eventful night yesterday. A peculiar rodent filled night...You can call me Blanche, Atkins. I work on [/i]personnel management[i], for the director, and I have a few questions for you. This won’t take long if you cooperate.”

First question, what is your name...not rose...Not your working name… your legal name, your real name.”
No. 950369 ID: 3ed3c3

Best to be as honest as possible. Jut be aware that this could go badly if you let the wrong thing slip.
No. 950370 ID: e51896

Your name is Connie
No. 950371 ID: 977456

No. 950373 ID: 9876c4

No. 950386 ID: 56076d

Connie Atkins
No. 950409 ID: 821bea

No. 950421 ID: 094652

No. 950443 ID: 49e4d4


It's not really a good name which is why we prefer Rose/Atkins.
No. 950477 ID: 0a7f21

Vera. Her names is Vera Atkins.
No. 950481 ID: 948998

No. 950490 ID: 965b25
File 157491850551.gif - (174.98KB , 518x560 , ppp.gif )

"Esme?!" She blurts.

"Really your name is Esme!...Jesus Christ!" The woman rudely exclaims holding back her laughter.

"I'd Rather be called Rose too with a name like that...Anyways Esme...last night you were tasked , with picking up one of the um..Cherub scouts, and you were reportedly attacked by rats.."

"Did you happen to see anything Wrong with the rats? Did any of them make contact with you?"
No. 950493 ID: 9876c4

One was big, multilegged, with its ear tagged. Clearly someone's pet project.

They seemed more like they wanted to eat us.
No. 950496 ID: 2aa5f0

well for one they were a lot of them, not like just a bunch in on place but a swarm large enough to cover the walls, ceiling, and most of the floor. Then there were two others that really stood out. One was enormous, and I'm talking about the literal size of a bear in height with a long, legged tail that made it almost the size of a bus in length. their was also a smaller more normal sized rat but it's head was twice as large as a normal rats and it had three eyes.
No. 950498 ID: b1b4f3

Yeah there was a big one that seemed to be leading the rest.
No. 950499 ID: 3ed3c3

An outright alarming number of rats all gathering around a huge, fucked up looking one.
Other than that, nothing to report. The kid pulled some fancy move with her equipment and some sprinklers, but that's all that really happened.
No. 950500 ID: 094652

"One of them was leading the other rats, but we shocked the swarm good.

No claw marks, but I did come into constant contact with the ground the rats... walked on." *shudder*
No. 950503 ID: 56076d

Play (or be) dumb.

Well yes, they're rats. Of course they look wrong.

(involuntary shudder, as if something was crawling up your back)

And not... really? They're icky mickeys, if she gets your drift, so you did your level best not to touch them. Or talk to them, if that's what she meant by contact??? You don't believe you got bit or anything. In that regard, you actually came out of it better than your charge, who was scratched some.

Oh no! Were the rats carrying rabies? She should get checked up by medical! Oh wait. She is...
No. 950512 ID: 0909be

>>950496 best be honest
No. 950569 ID: 965b25
File 157511772229.gif - (116.38KB , 560x537 , question.gif )

I give an honest summary of what happened last night, the disgusting horde, the weird big and brain rat, and -

"Wait, you saw a rat with a weird head you say?" The woman interrupts.

Dropping her lackadaisical facade the woman's expression shifts to a more stern gaze, revealing the true intentions of this conversation.

"Do you happen to know where that little brain rat might have gone?" she prys.
No. 950570 ID: 094652

"It got into a hat. I'm not going near that thing, or the subway, until you deal with it."
No. 950571 ID: 56076d

Last you saw it, it was... being taken care of. By someone, who you care not to name, for reasons.

(internal screaming intensifies)
No. 950574 ID: 49e4d4

"Not sure. I wasn't all there cognitively after the kid pulled the impromptu mass shock treatment. That was about the limit of what I could deal with that night."

Reminder that we had a deal with the kid and she wanted to keep the rat around.
No. 950575 ID: 49e4d4

Why would you implicate yourself in keeping a secret that she obviously wants to know? She's not going to be nice about it and will probably fire us.
No. 950581 ID: b1b4f3

I dunno.
No. 950584 ID: 9876c4

Let's make a deal that will keep bonnie from getting in trouble.
That said, we don't want this happening again.
No. 950586 ID: 3ed3c3

"I can honestly tell you that it is, in fact, in the possession of this organization, and that it is receiving the best care we can provide at this time."
No. 950588 ID: ce39da

You need to commit to either >>950574 or just being honest; going halfway here will end in disaster.

In the meantime, where’s that smoke coming from?
No. 950589 ID: 2202fb

Very good question. She wasn't smoking.


I say throw the girl under the bus. You don't like rats anyway.
No. 950616 ID: 9876c4

She was. See her introduction and her atop her beast of burden.
No. 950691 ID: e51896


No. 950720 ID: 3f5995

"fuck if i know my dude" your mistake led to this anyway, least you could do is make it up to the kid and let her keep her creepy pet
No. 950727 ID: eb1fcc

bros before hoes, esme

that kid saved your ass, don't rat her out for having a creepy pet rat
No. 950827 ID: 965b25
File 157540663570.gif - (425.24KB , 560x419 , uhhhhhhhhh.gif )

Clumsily My words stammer out fumbling over one another, whatever cool facade we could keep is readily loss to our unease.

“I...I don’t know ...the...the...Bonnie…”
I desperately peep.
No. 950828 ID: 965b25
File 157540691897.gif - (376.75KB , 560x431 , mad.gif )

The woman’s face contorts into a furious twisted version of its former self as she shoots over to me with frightening speeds.

“YOU DON’T KNOW?!" she practically screams in my face.
No. 950829 ID: 965b25
File 157540700094.gif - (180.75KB , 560x411 , beep boop.gif )

"...some little girl..." she ponders aloud distracted by the blinking thing on her waist.
No. 950830 ID: 965b25
File 157540725190.gif - (115.71KB , 415x560 , secret.gif )

The woman hastily makes her way towards the door only stopping to confront her giantess cohort.

“Where are we going Miss B? Are we going on another trip?!”
The large girl asks gleefully

I’M. going to deal with a pest YOU are going to stay here with our friend Esme...try to clear up her memory a bit.”
She says placing something into Sapphire’s hand before exiting.

“Sure thing Miss. B! I'll do my best” sapphire cheerfully exclaims to a closed door
No. 950831 ID: 965b25
File 157540728689.gif - (93.06KB , 415x560 , oh.gif )

No. 950832 ID: 3ed3c3

OKAY OKAY before the rough stuff gets started just tell her that you were going for routine pickup for the girl when some weird shit started going down in the subway. You went to check it out when you got knocked out. The girl showed up, woke you up, then all the shit with the rats happened. The girl beat the rats, then took the big-brained with her as a pet. So it's probably still with the girl, and there's no reason fo any maiming or mauling.
No. 950834 ID: e8c08d

Let's wait for her to show her hand, before we spill ours.
No. 950843 ID: 9876c4

Im sure she'll be nice. She seems nice.

But in case she isn't, the floor was recently filled with makeshift knives, and you would fit under the bed.
No. 950846 ID: 094652

You need to find a way to convince her to stay in that corner and listen to whatever wire you feed her.

Talk about the rats, but try to keep the conversation away from the head rat.
No. 950854 ID: b1b4f3

They didn't buy your story. Best to confess.
No. 950868 ID: e51896

smile back.
No. 950873 ID: 2202fb

Kind of a reverse Mr. Bubbles sorta thing going on here.
No. 951156 ID: 7f39c5

"wow, you have really nice teeth."

don't realize how weird that is to say until exactly three seconds after you've said it
No. 951171 ID: 977456

>>951156 Oh yeah! The Red Riding Hood approach is golden! + alloftheones!
This lady is very intimidating in appearance, but we know nothing of their personality other than being used as a seat. She probably either has a strong sense of hierarchy, in which case you're doomed, is highly submissive, so just asking should be enough, or is heavily conditioned, in which case you could try to figure out what stimuli signal her masters and duplicate it, and you will want to know if they are brainwashing people too, or growing giant slaves somewhere...

So ask her to be polite, and watch for any arbitrary responses.
No. 951278 ID: 2ba9d1

Any way to get a message out to any of your superiors before you get... whatever she's planning to do?

Also uh, this doesn't seem like the kind of environment conducive to being a Scout? Normally you don't want adults going around like walking HR violations.
No. 951394 ID: 150b05

oh my god do this lmao
No. 951601 ID: 965b25
File 157636085361.gif - (310.37KB , 560x560 , smile.gif )

AlRiGhT COoL, tHiS Is OkAy! GREAT! We just have to stay calm! COOL! CALM, SAY SOMETHING UHH UHHH….
“I-I L-L-LiKe YoUR’e SmiLe.”
I desperately squeak nearly choking on every letter.

My awkward flattering is seemingly met with far greater awkward silence, as Sapphire takes an uncomfortable amount of time contemplating our compliment.
No. 951602 ID: 965b25
File 157636090390.gif - (367.60KB , 688x496 , OwO.gif )

Cheerfully she skips over to us and takes a seat uncomfortably close.
“I...I really like your hair! It’s really uhmm uh...pretty! I wish I was goldy topped like you.” She compliments.
No. 951603 ID: 965b25
File 157636105802.gif - (948.39KB , 560x336 , thonk.gif )

“Ms. B said you’d be mean and rude. But you’re nice. <I> I like you :)))))) </i>” she cheerily continues.

And there's the queasiness again... She seems nice, maybe we can just leave or call Scarlet or we cou-

"Maybe I'll only have to rough you up a teeny bit :3."

No. 951617 ID: b1b4f3

Like I said, you should confess. Also tell her you're feeling a little weird.
No. 951618 ID: 3ed3c3

It's definitely time to come clean.
However, at the very least, ask what's going to happen to the girl. She's an innocent in whatever this is. All she wanted was to have fun and make friends, and so far that hasn't been going so well.
No. 951645 ID: 094652

How inclined are you towards sexual means of resolving this? I expect she'll be flexible towards coitus-versions of roughhousing.

If not, then keep dodging the questions as long as you can, until you can find a way out or she's called back.
No. 951652 ID: 977456

Keep her talking, there has to be a way out of this.
"Oh! Are you good at roughing people up?"
No. 951657 ID: e51896

Hey, um, not to alarm anything but... Do you feel something itchy on your back?
No. 951658 ID: d5a6bc

Think hard about rats in your mouth and puke!
She probably wouldn't hit a sick girl.
No. 951709 ID: 2a2f85

"I-i mean, you've got fantastic hair yourself, y'know?! The flower hairclip looks good on you. Every time I try doing anything more then a ponytail scrunchie, I look like a nine year old..."
No. 951719 ID: efcb9a

"Please don't rough me up, I'm really allergic, when I get roughed up I get all those nasty black and blue splotches..."
No. 951729 ID: 32ef34

This. Keep trying to find a way out of this. Don't give in until you've got no other choice, something fishy is going on (and just, really shitty). Plus you owe it to the girl to try to keep her safe from this kind of threat.
No. 952075 ID: 8163dc

Flirt with the giant woman, and while doing that to distract her, search for a way to remove yourself from this situation.(Or don't if you're into giant girls,)
No. 952091 ID: 965b25
File 157712849435.gif - (180.99KB , 367x560 , ratuggh.gif )

Gotta buy some time somehow.

"I-i mean, you've got fantastic hair yourself, (OW) y'know?! The flower hair clip(OW OW!) looks good on you." (OW!)

What the fuck is scratching me!?
No. 952092 ID: 965b25
File 157712855660.gif - (51.30KB , 434x560 , rat bastard.gif )

No. 952093 ID: 965b25
File 157712881868.gif - (123.98KB , 420x560 , haha.gif )

"Ha I-is that a r-rat...? are you holding a rat?! that's kinda gross..."

Sapphire nervously states
No. 952094 ID: ff814b

Pause for a beat, look down at your hand, flip the fuck out and "accidentally" throw rat in her direction.
No. 952096 ID: ce39da

That little mental tirade you went on just then? Again, but out loud this time. Maybe with a few WTFs thrown in for good measure.
No. 952098 ID: 977456

Well the obvious is to use the rat as a distraction and make a break for it, but we can do better, right? I mean, we maybe want to continue working here? And chase scenes are for people who enjoy exercise?
Let's go for faux-hypnosis. Try interrogating her in the process of pretending to try to figure out what to do with the rat. You are a sweet innocent child who could never harm an animal, so you need somewhere to put it. Has she worked here long enough to know where some sealed containers are? Get her to go get something, then make a break for it when there are no witnesses.
No. 952100 ID: a506f7

No no no. Keep the rat.
No. 952103 ID: 3ed3c3

Something about these rats is off.
They don't look like gross subway rats.
They look like lab rats.
Look at how they react to being picked up and handled. No freaking out, no biting or clawing. Just calmly allowing themselves to be picked up and carried.
Feral rats don't behave so calmly when handled.
No. 952105 ID: 9876c4

This is my go to.

Whoever wins, we do too. Grab bag and relocate somewhere else.
No. 952107 ID: 32ef34

Hold the rat, and use it as a shield to push Sapphire away from the door and then make a break for it.

Has a point, these rats seem weirdly chill so keeping it is, unfortunately for you, a good idea. Also, if the first part works, it's Sapphire repellent.
No. 952113 ID: d5a6bc

Make sure to apologize for throwing/shoving a rat at Sapphire. She's seems nice enough, so no reason to be too mean.
No. 952115 ID: 2a2f85

*Whimper* ohgodohgodohgod IT'S TOUCHING MEEEEEE!!!

(Shenannigans happen while rat hangs on for dear life)

Seriously, though, don't be too mean to Sapphire... She's like a puppy in the body of a 7 foot amazon.
No. 952116 ID: 977456

Consider being kind to rodentia-chan too. This intervention might have just prevented a terribly polite leg-breaking.
No. 952118 ID: e51896

dont throw mouse at her, she might get super powers

also, that cassette is beeping faster than usual, isn't it? should we answer it?
No. 952166 ID: 094652

Throw it at her and scream "KILL IT"
No. 952170 ID: 0fae41

But which one are you giving the order to?

Just hold onto the rat and ask for a second while you answer your cassette.
No. 952183 ID: 8163dc

It is oddly well groomed, Agreed.
also it's kinda cute.
I vote we name this one Mr/mrs. Snowball
No. 952199 ID: 49e4d4

Now I have this imagine in my head of Sapphire gentle cradling her leg like 'So sorry, really, I'll be quick about it- would you care for a drink beforehand? Something to bite down on?'
No. 952215 ID: f8ba45

be nice to rodentia-chan AND to sapphire
say "i dont know, i just got scratched by this thing!!! what do i do?"
No. 952337 ID: a34b8a
File 157769028283.gif - (131.31KB , 560x464 , oh nooooo.gif )

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooooo"
I cry in faux terror

"This nasty, disease ridden creature snuck onto my back and startled me!"

I feign trying my best to sound convincing whilst hurling the rat towards sapphire.
No. 952338 ID: a34b8a
File 157769032689.gif - (1.88MB , 374x560 , rat rat rat.gif )

No. 952340 ID: a34b8a
File 157769079134.gif - (2.51MB , 552x560 , karma.gif )

"Sweet sweet revenge" I snicker softly to myself

With my two biggest nuisances scaring the shit out of each other I race to grab my bag and ooof this thing is way heavier than it looks.

Did I...Did I even have a bag?

Oh well! I gotta get moving before she calms down. Gotta see who left me a message too.
No. 952342 ID: 977456

Get to a bathroom and get yourself presentable... and disguised.
No. 952370 ID: ce5424

>opens up bag
>it’s full of rats
>karma part 2 happens
No. 952376 ID: e7c7d3

Loot the bag.

Man, what have you done that has earned you the ire of everyone around here?
No. 952458 ID: 3ed3c3

Put some distance between you and that spectacle first. Then check your device and search the bag.
No. 952531 ID: a34b8a
File 157793068166.gif - (48.81KB , 560x361 , bathroom.gif )

Gotta get away from her, gotta find somewhere safe to look at this stuff.

The restroom sounds like a good place to lay low for a little while.
No. 952536 ID: a34b8a
File 157793111401.gif - (134.56KB , 560x367 , bathroom look.gif )

With a little bit of privacy in the restroom I take a second to look over most of the stuff in this bag.

Probably best to disguise myself, don't want to risk another run in with Ms. Dumb and smiley again.
No. 952539 ID: a34b8a
File 157793121799.gif - (79.31KB , 626x325 , weapn.gif )

Junk! It's a bunch of junk! (and that dumb rat I threw in earlier, EW.)

Although...maybe some of these clothes can help out... and I think i've seen this stuff in a training video somewhere...
No. 952547 ID: ce39da

If you only take one piece of non-clothing equipment, take the fire extinguisher. You (sort of?) know what you'll need it for. If the cross badges aren't used for anything beyond identification, and yours isn't among them, leave them. Left item looks like... mace? Maybe? Make that last priority in gear to take along if you're forced to make a choice.

For clothes, take the hooded poncho; it's the most likely to be fire-retardant. Wear the hood down unless you like looking suspicious.
No. 952567 ID: 977456

Red pants, red shirt, and red riding hood. That rain coat will go far in obscuring your identity, but walk with purpose so nobody stops to think about the giant lump of red.
No. 952571 ID: 10c408

Oh for goodness sake the first place she'll check IS the restroom.

Get in a stall, either leave the seat + cover up or put them both down and then stand on the toilet before you start getting stuff out of the bag.

This way, if she comes in here to see where you've got, she can't as easily determine if you are occupying a stall by looking at your footwear.
No. 952573 ID: 094652

Bikini + Jacket
Pistol + Scan thing
Into a stall for multiple reasons.
No. 952575 ID: 3ce8ff

Obviously just bikini and heels, but for serious, this: >>952567
the gun looking things looks neat, and easy enough to conceal.
Why are we expecting fire again?
No. 952584 ID: ce39da

Something-something rat precognition? It predicted the dropped vase and someone at the door.
No. 952615 ID: 3ce8ff

you are right fire extinguisher it is then! (and gun if possible, I would say)
No. 952762 ID: a34b8a
File 157820148787.gif - (2.02MB , 560x424 , hammer time.gif )

That bad feeling rings in the back of my head .leeeeeets take that hammer....and the tranquilizer gun, too! Just to be safe...
No. 952763 ID: a34b8a
File 157820160528.gif - (1.35MB , 560x412 , sk sk sk an i oop an i oop.gif )


Now for a disguise! The poncho and red pants should do wonders! Sapphire will never find me looking like this.

Hmm...I should probably lay low in one of the stalls in case she decides to come here to-
No. 952767 ID: b1b4f3

Did you just turn invisible? Your reflection disappeared.

Act casual.
No. 952783 ID: d5a6bc

Don't say anything and just wait
No. 952785 ID: 9876c4

She looks thirsty for a nice glass of vitamin T.
No. 952794 ID: 3ce8ff

a rat is present not in the bag, might be related
No. 952802 ID: 3ed3c3

Well! Fancy meeting her here!
I would like to state that while it was your responsibility to retrieve the child, it is also your responsibility to protect the city and its citizens. The fact that you were incapacitated by a horde of belligerent vermin isn't your fault.
No. 952811 ID: 2a2f85

Welp. You're dead now. Just accept your fate and hope she'll let you die painlessly.
No. 952825 ID: ce39da

Stay entirely still using a combination of nerves of steel and absolute terror.
No. 952934 ID: 504d6e

She only knows your voice, not your face or anything else. Just stay quiet and calmly walk out the room.
No. 952967 ID: a34b8a
File 157840665601.gif - (473.21KB , 560x441 , pokerface.gif )

(Keep calm, Keep calm Keep Calm, she probably dosen't know w-who I am, a-and maybe i'm invisible maybe she Won't see me haha...hahahhahahahahahaha oh god...)

Like butter she smoothly slides over to us with an unwavering gaze.

She chimes in remarkably cheery voice.

"I'm sorry for staring, but...do we know each other? You look awfully familiar, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it."
No. 952976 ID: 3ce8ff

>do we know each other?
not really (probably best not to lie here in case she is faking, you don't really know her) but let's do our best not to volunteer our name.
"I don't think so" Ideally with a puzzled look.
No. 952977 ID: 9876c4

I'm just gonna say it. She might be our ticket out of this mess.

We have reason to believe her daughter may come to harm due to last night's events.
No. 952979 ID: d0059f

No. 952983 ID: ce39da

Don't talk out loud; she knows you by your voice. Don't say anything more than an "uh-uh" grunt as you shake your head and start washing your hands.
No. 952988 ID: b1b4f3

Just shake your head and walk out, or go into a stall.
No. 952992 ID: 977456

You don't want to stand out. You don't want to attract attention. Just do what everyone else does upon seeing her coming: Scream and Run away!
No. 953008 ID: eb1fcc

"Can we do this somewhere else?"
No. 953079 ID: a34b8a
File 157855582852.png - (191.31KB , 2000x2000 , room door.png )

“I-I d-d-d-don’t think ssssssso.”
I squeak out partially suffocating on my own fear.
No. 953080 ID: a34b8a
File 157855608116.gif - (2.35MB , 560x399 , panic mode.gif )

“No?. hmm that's really odd. Maybe its just me.” OHHHHHH! I know what it is its your hair! It looks a lot like a young lady's that i was supposed to "meet", now what was her name...? Rosie??? Rosalina? oh yeah ROSE!. You wouldn't happen to know her would you little miss stranger?
She merrily, teases.
No. 953084 ID: 977456

Combat? Lolno. Wait? Futile. Flee? Blocked. Parley? ehh...
Haughty? Aheh. Sly? ... Nice? Too late. Meek? ... Abusive? Meep!

Either try to turn them against each other or Get Smol! I vote for Smolness! If you just become tiny enough none of these giants will be able to reach you, and you can hide under the furniture!
No. 953085 ID: 7ebbf9

Assume the safe surrender position.
No. 953088 ID: ce39da

“I’ve heard that name thrown around here, yeah. I think you want room [ROOM # YOU WERE IN]. Strange, I overheard something about a fire, too, but I can’t even seem to find it... Great, now I need to pee - excuse me for a moment.”
No. 953094 ID: 3ce8ff

does the tranq gun have a clip of more than one dart? if so that might be the fastest plan...
No. 953095 ID: 9876c4

The creature in front of you will try to protect Bonnie. The creature behind will act in opposition to this.

Redirect attention so that the titans clash, and you can slip away.
No. 953468 ID: a34b8a
File 157905518279.gif - (691.42KB , 560x203 , shoot.gif )

Protecting Bonnie and yourself from whatever Sapphire plans to do takes first priority.

"Now seems like a good time to use this"
I think as I hastily whipping out the tranquilizer gun.

With panicked speed and surprising accuracy i spin around and POP! one of the darts fly right into the red headed giantess.

"M-m-m... B... Mis..."
She faintly murmurs in protest before collapsing to the floor.
No. 953469 ID: a34b8a
File 157905573558.gif - (160.12KB , 521x560 , what the fuck.gif )

That's one problem out of the way at least...

Before I have any time to revel in my minuet victory. The other issue demands my attention, violently grabbing my wrist and shouting at me.

She yells in a panicked frenzy
No. 953471 ID: 3ed3c3

Protected your child. That woman and the other she came in with have something unpleasant in store for her, and the longer we waste time here, the more danger she's in. So let go and follow along if you want to save your kid.
No. 953476 ID: b1b4f3

It's a tranq gun, relax. Also that lady was going to try to beat you up.
No. 953478 ID: 9876c4

Look, ma'am, you're very scary, and we've been less then perfect in the past, but we're trying to make up for it.

There's some bad people after your daughter, and that was one of them.
No. 953486 ID: 10c408

"She's after your daughter, me and then you in that order. Now she gets to sleep for awhile."
No. 953493 ID: c8b0fa

You can explain everything perfectly if she doesn't beat the shit out of you in the next five minutes.
No. 953507 ID: 100a46

"Self defense, she and her boss have a beating quota for every employee they meet. That includes the little girl I'm supposed to be supervising.

I don't know how she's still working here, either. Let's leave."
No. 953765 ID: a34b8a
File 157932141109.gif - (2.30MB , 560x459 , last resort.gif )

“I-It’s a just a tranq gun! I’m trying to protect Bonnie!”

I cry out, in an attempt to convince her not to shatter my face.
No. 953766 ID: a34b8a
File 157932162025.gif - (521.01KB , 544x560 , explain game revengance.gif )

Cautiously relinquishing her grasp, the mom asks
“What?! Protect her from what!?!”

(oh god there's that feeling again...)
Without a moment’s hesitation I try my best to explain the situation.
“Look, ma'am, you're very scary, and we've been less then perfect in the past, but we're trying to make up for it.
There's some bad people after your daughter, and that w-”

The feeling of something crawling up my throat, stops my words dead in their tracks.
No. 953768 ID: a34b8a
File 157932171877.gif - (99.46KB , 560x315 , cant shake this.gif )

Why do I suddenly feel paralyzed, Why do I feel so woozy?! Why can't I shake this feeling...
No. 953769 ID: a34b8a
File 157932174106.gif - (781.07KB , 560x451 , whoopsie daisy.gif )

...That something bad is going to happen.
No. 953771 ID: 977456

Oh! Is that money on the ground? Grab it! Nope, it was old toilet paper, which might explain that bad feeling... may as well stand up really quickly, with the back of your head at roughly giant-mutant-chin height.
No. 953782 ID: 094652

No. 953783 ID: 10c408

Those're your precious instincts talking. They are telling you to DOOODGE.
No. 953785 ID: 9876c4

Hit the little panic button in your soul.
No. 953787 ID: 977456

Saaaay... what are the odds that you possess a heretofore unknown ability to spontaneously teleport?
No. 953788 ID: 3ed3c3

No. 953809 ID: e51896

Bonnie's mom will take care of her. Don't worry. her paternal instincts will kick into overdrive after hearing her daughter is in danger of these people.
No. 953870 ID: eb1fcc

(then take a hammer to the taco)
No. 954285 ID: a9aa27
File 157986175340.gif - (3.11MB , 560x389 , gaul 1.gif )

My instincts are going fucking nuts! Everything in my body freezes and without the thought even crossing my mind my knees instantly buckle dropping me to the floor.

In a panicked frenzy I roll to grab my hammer and swing as hard as I can at the thing that used to be sapphire.
No. 954286 ID: a9aa27
File 157986205899.gif - (1.94MB , 656x353 , gaul 2.gif )

Nothing! I'm pushing with all my might and it's still futile. Effortlessly the behemoth holds back everything I got grinning as if it's mocking how worthless I am.
No. 954287 ID: a9aa27
File 157986293532.gif - (1.60MB , 560x252 , gaul 3.gif )


Bonnie's mom screams leaping over me to sock "Sapphire" in the face.

An all to familiar feeling floods the forefront of my thoughts as someone else has to put themselves in harms way to fix another problem my pathetic self caused...
No. 954288 ID: a9aa27
File 157986501262.gif - (3.82MB , 560x281 , GAUL 4.gif )

I'm scared out of my mind

I'm paralyzed

All I can do is sit here like a coward while someone trying to protect me gets hurt! I'm just a worthless burden to everyone! I HATE how afraid I am! I HATE how I just cause problems for everyone! I HATE how weak I am! I Hate how I needed a child to stand up for me! I Hate how stupid I am! A coward like me should just run away, that'd probably be better for everyone. I hate...I hate me.
No. 954290 ID: dbd72b

Shut out that voice. Or better yet, do something about it.

It doesn't look like the extinguisher went off. And Sapphire's distracted beating up Bonnie's mom. Even if you aren't strong enough to hurt that drugged up mutant, blowing it in her face should distract her long enough to get you guys out of there.

It's not glorious and it's not final, but you can do it, and it'll save someone. You're better than you think.
No. 954292 ID: 7ebbf9

You've got to hate something by the end of this. Stand up and fight!
No. 954297 ID: ce39da

Then run, and get more help; neither of you should have to face this thing without backup. But you first need to give the mom a fighting chance in the meantime; use the tranq gun again, as much as you can. (Only take the shot if it's clear, like if mom goes down, or if you put the behemoth between the two of you.)
No. 954298 ID: 10c408

You can run and let them fight. BUT. If you do this. The winner is going to come for you. And it will most likely be Sapphire still hopped up on whatever made her into.. this.

Or, you can help. You can't match her physical strength, but she's a giant sized thing in a tiny room. Go low and take your hammer with you, start hitting her in the back of the knees.
No. 954324 ID: e51896

You have another rat in the bag, take it out and throw that rat at the crazy hulking woman.
No. 954336 ID: 3ed3c3

You hate your fear and hesitation. You hate being indecisive. Now's your chance to change it.
If you do nothing, this woman, who could have left you to your fate yet chose to help you, could die, and her child, who also saved you, could be next.
Do you want to insult them by doing nothing? Do you want to insult yourself so grievously? You're better than that.
No. 954340 ID: 015bf2

Hey, RESCUE RANGER. Your COURAGE called and there's a FIRE in the BELLY OF THE BEAST.

No. 954349 ID: 094652

Focus, Rose. This is what your mindless rage is for.

Take your gun and shoot them both until they stop moving.
No. 954370 ID: 977456

>I hate...I hate me.
Give in to your hate, let it flow through you. Good! Your hate has made you powerful! Unleash that power upon your enemies.
No. 954416 ID: f44558

then DO SOMETHING about your fear! become a person you dont care! now! by HITTING SAPHIRE IN THE FACE WITH THAT HAMMER!
No. 955040 ID: 4e4eb0

Deep breath. Everyone gets scared, but what makes you a rescue ranger is being able to act DESPITE that fear. Give Sapphire a face full of Kindle Killer, Bonnie's mom needs a rescue ranger right now.
No. 955284 ID: 965b25
File 158068204736.gif - (189.57KB , 560x392 , scaredy cat.gif )

My entire body is shivering uncontrollably. My stomach feels like its doing gymnastics, and I’m practically blind with can’t the fog of tears in my eyes...but I guess that's a good thing...
No. 955285 ID: 965b25
File 158068251928.gif - (1.66MB , 308x560 , gigigiig.gif )

Because I REALLY don’t want to see what i'm doing.
No. 955286 ID: 965b25
File 158068264392.gif - (1.01MB , 560x560 , premonition.gif )

Oh no…

That feeling is back...
No. 955288 ID: 3ed3c3

Watch out for her right as she's got a mean punch.
She might try to grab you, so keep out of arms' reach.
You need to vent the pressure in your hammer.
No. 955290 ID: 5656e4

Counter the premonition by using the hammer on her fist, break her hand and arm.
No. 955291 ID: 015bf2

Your psi's going to be in the danger zone in a moment. Big Sapph's going to right hook you in the stomach, let you hurk your guts out, then pick you up.

Reverse the favor. Sidestep her blow (left, out of her swing) and swing swang ding dang all that steam into her tumtum.

Oh, and you can see the future now.
No. 955508 ID: f2320a

that sounds perfectly logical
No. 955550 ID: 46c631

Oh and side step at the end. I suspect she'll hork up something nasty.
No. 956315 ID: 965b25
File 158174796324.gif - (1.39MB , 560x363 , sauwing.gif )

"Her right arm!"

My gut shouts to me. With no hesitation I sidestep the behemoth's punch and with clenched eyes I blindly swing the hammer in protest.
No. 956316 ID: 965b25
File 158174938551.gif - (409.02KB , 560x331 , kill.gif )

With sapphire crumpled to the floor my feeling of weakness is replaced with something else, my body is still shaking but not with fear...

now before me lies the person who threatened me, tried to hurt me and the kid too. I'm frozen again, but this time in thought.

what should i do with this person
No. 956317 ID: 0fae41

They look hurt. Apply anesthesia. (head bop)
No. 956318 ID: 801ba1

Tranq her again.
No. 956320 ID: b1b4f3

Tranq her again, make sure she's properly asleep this time. Then call for security and an ambulance.
No. 956324 ID: 3ed3c3

The temptation to eliminate an opponent, especially a vicious and tenacious one, can be overwhelming.
Resist the bloodthirst. It will not serve you in this instance. Tranquilize Sapphire, then attend to the other woman.
You have other matters that require your attention.
No. 956325 ID: 49e4d4

...she's basically just an attack dog. She doesn't know anything but what her master taught her.

Tranq her, get her medical assistance if feasible, and let's keep moving.
No. 956326 ID: 0750dd

I just had a thought. Those teeth... is she a rat?
No. 956327 ID: 49e4d4

Eeeeeeh doubtful. Likely just bucktoothed, which has long been visual shorthand for simpleminded.
No. 956328 ID: 0750dd

I think I get it. After she took that pill she started to turn more and more rat. There is even a frame where she looks pure rat. I wonder if that pill she took was something based on mutant rat dna.
No. 956353 ID: ce39da

She became resistant to tranqs, but I doubt any human, modified or otherwise, could become immune to them. Send her back to nap-town and get mom to some help.
No. 956389 ID: 13059a

tranq the shit out of her with the same quantity used for a rabid elephant.
No. 956403 ID: dbd72b

She's the tool, not the user. Adding another tranq to the pile.
"... don't make me regret this."
Double dose. She can take it.
No. 956408 ID: 2a2f85

Tranq her again. It's her boss that's the problem, not her. Hopefully, she'll understand if (when) she sees us again

After she's out again, see if she has a communicator (and any more pills) on her, then call up medical on it for pickup without saying anything. They'll probably trace it back to the bathroom and find her.
No. 956443 ID: 5b6843

"ya done?"
No. 956763 ID: 965b25
File 158213391885.gif - (186.58KB , 560x310 , parooz.gif )

A little tranquilizer should put her down...a little more...a little- There!

With Sapphire dazing off I cautiously see what equipment she may have on her especially those pills.

On her I find a communicator not unlike my own, except this one is littered with childish stickers and writing on the back.

and a pill bottle

What're these like workout pulls?
No. 956764 ID: e7c7d3

Any medical info on the pill packaging?
No. 956768 ID: 3ae299

After we check the writing on the phone in case it’s important somehow, remove two pills from the pill bottle and pocket them for research, then put the bottle back in Sapphire’s pocket. Then check to see if Bonnie’s mom is doing okay, and get her ambulatory if she’s able. If you can, then we call up medical services for Sapphire on her communicator with a note warning them about what she’s taken.
No. 956772 ID: ce39da

Help Bonnie's mom get out of there and to a doctor. (Tell them someone else is injured in the ladies' room, too.)
No. 957423 ID: 965b25
File 158278931869.gif - (139.85KB , 560x374 , gribbly goo.gif )

The back of the pill bottle doesn't reveal too much info either. A buncha' medical gobbly goo and chemicals.

pocketing a couple of these and bringing them to someone who knows more about this should help tho.

And the back end of the communicator shows a return to label, a real sloppy one at that.
No. 957424 ID: 965b25
File 158278949838.gif - (437.67KB , 560x408 , ring ringer.gif )


I better call for help, someone, maybe an ER team can come help Bonnie's mom and Sapphire. I'll tell them the whereabouts then split before its too late.
No. 957425 ID: 965b25
File 158278966041.gif - (89.80KB , 421x560 , room.gif )

Down a few hallways and a couple corridors elsewhere. A patient pest makes its ambitious move.
No. 957426 ID: 965b25
File 158278986270.gif - (152.15KB , 560x325 , pediatris.gif )

"I do not know how, but by a miracle I've managed to not only endure but thrive in the monsters' pristine caves."
No. 957428 ID: 965b25
File 158279051152.gif - (143.43KB , 447x560 , SS bonnie.gif )

"This tiny lighting wielding monster that abducted me from my home is now under my control. With its powers under my command I may be able to assemble any brethren also trapped within these caverns."

You get to play as the rat that makes the rules.
No. 957429 ID: e51896

Lets see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into

Remember the time that despite this monster captured you, it gave you the most tasty sweetest food you ever had earlier today. Wonder what that is all about.

look around the area, see what we are working with.
No. 957432 ID: 977456

Get some concealment. A cap with some little eyeholes cut in it if we can't think of something better.
No. 957439 ID: cdabe3

i think you mean that we're da giant dat makes all da rulez
No. 957445 ID: fd5772

Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.

Check the room for a map. We need to find out where we are and where we can go before we make any big plans.
No. 957460 ID: 9876c4

We should give serious thought to a rat cafe.

But not serving rats, only hamburgers.
No. 957465 ID: 015bf2

Go for a walkabout, search for your lost kin.

Let the 'frorest of hair hide you while you move.
No. 957472 ID: 51db3a


We should seriously consider becoming a chef.
No. 957484 ID: 977456

We really need our side-kick back. Taking over the world just isn't any fun alone.
No. 957956 ID: 965b25
File 158337027734.gif - (213.43KB , 496x560 , thinker.gif )

Destroying this monster would be no use to us, we plan to harness its lightning powers for ourselves. But for the time being we need a plan.

Food? Of course if anything will attract our brethren it's food, besides we are a tad peckish....
No. 957957 ID: 965b25
File 158337051618.gif - (142.00KB , 560x291 , on the prowl.gif )

After pilfering some concealment from the other slumbering monsterlings we begin our search for some delicious...ahh sh-
No. 957959 ID: 965b25
File 158337067429.gif - (90.40KB , 560x397 , what the.gif )

-redded cheese! we've been spotted!! This monster looks bigger than the others! How did it see through my disguise.

Slowly the hefty monster approaches us, we gotta think fast, no time to panic gotta think of some way out of this.
No. 957960 ID: 0fae41

Stand on two legs in order to make yourself appear larger.
No. 957976 ID: e2f5cc

This, and remember the creature will likely try and communicate with it's kind, and once it does you must respond in the same way, since the thing would surely greet another before asking odd questions, and you can usually greet someone with the same word(s)! It's flawless plan, really.
No. 957978 ID: 977456

It is larger than the others, and your sneak skill automatically failed against it, therefore it must be a boss monster, thus it must have a weak point which may be hit for massive damage. Look for any distinctive markings that might indicate such.
No. 957981 ID: e51896

>>957976 Support
based off of our limited knowledge of these monster's language, whenever one monster finishes talking to the second monster, the second monster tends to respond with the word "OK" most of the time.

So whenever a monster talks to our monster, have our monster always respond with "OK". It is absolutely foolproof, and it should lower suspicion. pure genius

but yeah, we should also stand up on two legs to make our monster look bigger
No. 957988 ID: 094652

>What do
Since you can't act natural, act unnatural! Children love to play around after all.
No. 958039 ID: 8163dc

Make the lightening child snore, So they'll assume it's sleep walking.
No. 958084 ID: 965b25
File 158347487601.gif - (120.17KB , 443x560 , power.gif )

Where stealth failed perhaps intimidation will succeed. We rise against the large monster with hopes of making our monster appear all the more powerful.
No. 958085 ID: c7b947
File 158347536741.gif - (767.40KB , 560x388 , target locked.gif )

It worked!

Foolishly the behemoth kneels before the might of our monster. In it's monster tongue it tries to bargain with us, probably to beg... But this may be the perfect opportunity to test our new lightning powers.
No. 958086 ID: 3ce8ff

or we could NOT do the lightning powers. lightning powers leave behind bodies that other monsters get real vengeful about. when this monster pauses it's tongue you should have your monster either nod or shake it's head. with nodding being preferred.
No. 958087 ID: e51896

Right, lightning power... how does that work again? Ummmmm...

boop nose?
No. 958088 ID: b1b4f3

Touch her face.
No. 958090 ID: 0fae41

Yes, the creature channeled it though its hands before. Boop the snoot.
No. 958096 ID: 8163dc

Yes, establish dominance via nose touch, then go seek vittles.
No. 958116 ID: ce39da

Did you mean 'victuals?' If so, I whole-heartedly concur.

*Googles it* Huh, it's an alternate spelling.

Carry on! BOOP!
No. 958915 ID: 0da76e

hug the monster, obtain an ally
No. 958921 ID: bc774b

This is very good, your foes tremble Before you. clearly, your next step is to test you new power by slaying this lesser monster. Raise your vessels hands and (hug) shock the red one to death with your "unlimited power"
No. 959388 ID: a34b8a
File 158477021436.gif - (102.86KB , 560x560 , boop II.gif )

Somewhere on the face will be perfect to test our new power! We fire the monsterling's finger towards the behemoth's snout and....nothing?!
No. 959389 ID: a34b8a
File 158477034005.gif - (1.89MB , 560x474 , bonnie vs ruby.gif )

Perhaps the monster's gracious size is making things difficult. A full body assault should subdue the beast. NO NO NO why isn't it working DIE MONSTER! Why are we unable to get these powers to bend to our whim!?
No. 959403 ID: 094652

Just grip like that until she passes out.
No. 959414 ID: 9876c4

Sing her the song of your people.
No. 959420 ID: 22d5ad

Why stop there? Lets kill this one to keep them from alerting the others when they wake up.
No. 959425 ID: 015bf2

This one might be bigger and stronger, immune to damage. Possess her instead.

Oho. Indeed, why not possess them both? The big one can give piggybacks to the smaller one.
No. 959975 ID: a34b8a
File 158545266579.gif - (131.21KB , 560x560 , wuzzat.gif )

Lightning Powers or not we will slay this monster! Tightening our grip on the monster’s face in hopes of stifling its breathing. With victory so close the behemoth displays its true strength ripping our monsterling from its fa-
No. 959976 ID: a34b8a
File 158545274225.gif - (579.36KB , 560x524 , removal.gif )

“Alright that's enough of that.” (What’s with this kid, she's strong as hell.) The doctor lady says slightly frustrated

“If you're feeling better I can call your counselor and have her pick you up.” The doctor lady says before gently placing us on the ground and directing us back to the resting area to lay back down.
No. 959977 ID: a34b8a
File 158545284401.gif - (773.82KB , 560x350 , spy.gif )

As odd as the situation seems we do feel wayyyyy better after that nap, but a little hungry tho. We got a specific craving for burgers despite not liking them too much. (brother?). But a lot of questions still remain, how did we get over there? And where did this hat come from?

(Brother there may have been a small mixup in our plans)
Who is that lady talking to the doctor lady? Why does she have a picture of me? Thats not Rosie or Ms. Scarlet.

And who's that talking to me...?
No. 959983 ID: e7c7d3

Brush your hair, it's a serious rat's nest
No. 959984 ID: d63ea8

Where's Rat-Thoney?
Quick try to locate your little friend!
No. 959988 ID: e51896

Is your rat friend trying to talk to you?
No. 959991 ID: 3ed3c3

Whoever it is, you don't want to deal with her or anything she's bringing with her. You have had the most hellacious time of your young life, and you owe it to yourself to simply walk away. Duck out and go find something to eat, preferably a place with a crowd you can lose yourself in.
No. 959993 ID: 977456

Yikes, tough morning. Better get your ablutions done and some Sugar Blast Cereal to wake you up.
No. 961251 ID: a34b8a
File 158645451425.gif - (139.74KB , 560x397 , rat talk.gif )

Whatever that blue lady wants the big doctor lady really disagrees with, tho it’s none of our business, besides there's a a bowl of sugar Blast cereal somewhere with our name on it.

(Brother? That monster is staring at us…)
(don’t mind it, it’s under my command brother, now what do you mean there was a mistake?)
(We did regroup at the monster from last moon)
(we may have followed the wrong one, the one with the golden fur.)

After a brief search we locate Rat-Thoney, oh? It looks like he found a friend! Another pet for us! We grab the two of them, putting them in the safest place possible (our hair) and begin our search for sugary goodness.
No. 961252 ID: a34b8a
File 158645454027.gif - (141.88KB , 560x320 , froze.gif )

No. 961253 ID: a34b8a
File 158645459208.gif - (390.18KB , 560x462 , hole.gif )

No. 961254 ID: a34b8a
File 158645492284.gif - (197.52KB , 560x411 , buster.gif )

We take the back door out to the hall, wait was that even a door? Who put this hole in the wall? Oh well cereal time
No. 961256 ID: a34b8a
File 158645533985.gif - (403.37KB , 560x560 , huh.gif )

We meander around the halls for a bit until we find a sign but...The words on the sign look all fuzzy for some reason. Where the heck are we gonna find cereal in this big building.
No. 961258 ID: 6c227a

when in doubt, left is right. go left.
No. 961259 ID: 015bf2

No. 961260 ID: 3ed3c3

Left is just as good as anything. The world is round, so it's not like it matters.
No. 961296 ID: d63ea8

Left is probably the best choice. Going right will lead us to a possible conflict.
No. 961312 ID: 49e4d4

...how did...

WHY did...


Just keep walking. We'll run into something that smells good sooner or later and that'll tell you where to go.
No. 961353 ID: ce39da

Down? Which direction is down? Back the way we're facing away from?
No. 961361 ID: e51896

Cafeteria is downward. Jump through the floor with your strength.

(Fun fact: rats have poor blurry vision. Just like how Bonnie now has blurry vision. Maybe Bonnie might be becoming one of them?)
No. 963116 ID: a34b8a
File 158759706192.gif - (28.96KB , 560x335 , lab journey.gif )

Left! Food is always left! We make our journey left until we find a door with scribbles similar to the ones on the wall.

Looks tough to get into, to get in we may need a key.
No. 963117 ID: a34b8a
File 158759708519.gif - (143.79KB , 415x560 , key.gif )

Luckily we found a key..
No. 963120 ID: a34b8a
File 158759719685.gif - (305.04KB , 560x304 , lab.gif )

(“what's that?”)
(“a monster?”)
(“another monster?!”)
(“its smaller than the others”)
(“is it a baby?”)
(“look brother’s back!”)
(“he’s back!”)
(“we’re saved!”)

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute, this...this isn't cereal
No. 963123 ID: d63ea8

No it's not cereal, but it looks like you might've found a whole bunch of friends for Rat-Thoney.
No. 963125 ID: e7c7d3

Let curiosity take over. Switches! Buttons! All need to be flipped and pressed
No. 963146 ID: 094652

Grab your siblings and run, don't look at the experiments, they're not sane anymore!
No. 963155 ID: f2320a

Look like our pall has some new friends
No. 963195 ID: 49e4d4

...Yeah, no, this is interesting but you need some cereal in you to process this.
No. 963213 ID: 977456

Agreed, ask them where cereal is.
No. 963216 ID: e51896

Cool, lets drop Rat-Thoney off here to hang out with his friends so he doesn't get board, and continue our quest for cereal and milk.
No. 963217 ID: 0fae41

Look for a big red muffin button.
No. 963251 ID: ce39da

Correct; this is not cereal. Back out and try a different path.
No. 963255 ID: 015bf2

Ho boy! A pet store!
No. 965487 ID: a34b8a
File 158881878208.gif - (227.54KB , 560x560 , gigabrained.gif )

Gee this sure is a tough decision rats… or cereal...rats… or cereal…or…maybe a better idea…
No. 965489 ID: a34b8a
File 158881887528.gif - (812.25KB , 560x399 , zaxx.gif )

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you have defeated me!"
No. 965490 ID: a34b8a
File 158881893205.gif - (1.02MB , 560x399 , cpt.gif )

"The answer is quite simple really Zaxx, I started my day out with a hearty breakfast of Galactic Sugar Blaster’s (TM)"
No. 965491 ID: a34b8a
File 158881899313.gif - (2.60MB , 560x399 , cereal.gif )

"With its out of this world marshmallows and delicious colorful flavors made from real fruits like, cherry, orange and even pineapple. My Sugar Blaster cereal is an irresistible snack or breakfast for any aspiring space adventurer."
No. 965492 ID: a34b8a
File 158881910518.gif - (2.71MB , 560x399 , cerea2l.gif )

"CURSE YOU CAPTAIN HELIOS! and curse your Galactic Sugar Blaster Cereal! (TM)"
No. 965495 ID: a34b8a
File 158881933173.gif - (55.53KB , 560x411 , rat breakfast.gif )

“Remember future space adventurers, ask your parents about Galactic Sugar Blasters(TM). Find adventure in the cereal aisle”

("When do we get to go home?")
("What is this monster doing?")
("Should we kill it?")
("No it saved us...and it has powers according to my brother.")
("It has terrible taste in television tho..")
No. 965496 ID: a34b8a
File 158881958675.gif - (86.94KB , 560x403 , nani.gif )

with our newly freed furry friends we munch and crunch on sugary goodness. After a clean getaway to the kitchen.

Although, it seems our cereal social seems to have been rudely interrupted by some persistent pursuer at the door.
No. 965499 ID: 015bf2

Best. Breakfast. Evar.

Be oblivious to the newcomer while you eat, pet and groom.
No. 965580 ID: 12b116

No. 965581 ID: e7c7d3

Identify intruder, one does not simply interrupt such high-concept television
No. 966210 ID: b5fb67

Wait until you can identify the intruder before siccing ratfriends on them.

Then resume watching Saturday morning cartoons!
No. 966221 ID: adc5ae

Oh, your eyes turned red, like a rat.
No. 966700 ID: a34b8a
File 158952272473.gif - (222.37KB , 560x497 , huh.gif )

Making sure to make our selves obvious to the intruder, we try to identify who it is while sneaking in glances at the TV.
No. 966701 ID: a34b8a
File 158952303646.gif - (44.30KB , 560x506 , oh no.gif )

"Hello young lady!"
The woman in white cheers to us.

(she keeps squinting at me, her vision must be effected, but she was able to tell I was here despite this....)

"Bonnie? wasn't it? you've been really busy haven't you? do you mind if we take a moment to talk?"

she continues
No. 966702 ID: a34b8a
File 158952347992.gif - (34.02KB , 560x317 , oh no no.gif )

(I-Its her!)
(The monster lied!)
(It's going to get us killed)
(Brother was wrong!!)

"I heard your mom was coming over, I haven't seen Vermillion in quite some time. She's an dear old friend of mine you know."

(She looks just like her too...)

The woman says softly as she cautiously inches closer to us.
No. 966705 ID: adb916

The 'monster' knows (almost) nothing.
No. 966706 ID: 9876c4

"What kind of Cereal do you like best?"
No. 966707 ID: b1b4f3

Introduce her to your pet rats.
No. 966708 ID: 49e4d4

Squint at that last line. She doesn't seem like the kinda person Mom would be friends with. You always imagined they'd be louder. Kinda like her.

"I got breakfast. And rats. While I was looking for breakfast. They're pretty neat."
No. 966711 ID: 094652

Calm your minions down! Tell them to slowly sneak their way around while you distract 'her'. You'll regroup at the monster's nest later.
No. 966760 ID: 2a2f85

Eye her warily while we pet the cat sized rat sitting in our lap.

"Friend of my mom? Maybe. You certainly don't seem to be a friend to these guys here. What'd you do to them that'd make them this scared of you?"
No. 966763 ID: de551a

Hold up, this is one of those Stranger Danger moments where someone pretends to know your mom, but is actually not in order to hurt you, isnt it? Remember your safety lessons from buddy bunny, DONT TALK TO STRAGERS. Tell her you are not supposed to talk to strangers and run if you have to while yelling stranger danger
No. 966788 ID: ed763f

Sure. Can we talk about why the rats recognize you?
No. 966867 ID: a34b8a
File 158968778111.gif - (142.94KB , 560x360 , rat gang rat gang.gif )

"Is that sugar blasters you got there?" the woman nonchalantly chatters.

"I used to love those, but they're much too sweet for me now." she jokingly rambles creeping closer with every word that escapes her lips.

Trying our best to comfort our furry friends we suspiciously question the woman on why the rats seem to be afraid of her.
No. 966868 ID: a34b8a
File 158968781081.gif - (224.72KB , 426x560 , intro.gif )

"Oh pardon me how rude! I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm a scientist, or I guess I'm a little more than that now...I'm the director of this organization."

"My name is Dr. White, but all my friends just call me Grace, and we're all friends here...right Bonnie?"

She says while slowly reaching into her coat.
No. 966869 ID: a34b8a
File 158968785267.gif - (389.46KB , 508x560 , rat rat rat.gif )

"Your little friends were part of an long ongoing project of ours...but we got the results we were looking for."

"We used to be interested in your little brainy friend, but now...we're much more interested in you Bonnie...how do you feel?"
No. 966871 ID: e51896

Remember your safety lessons as a Cherub Safety scouts, don't talk to and stay away from strangers.
No. 966874 ID: 2a2f85

Distract her while some of the larger rats get ready to dogpile her.
>"Say, Dr. White... You ever see a movie called The Secret of NIMH?"
No. 966879 ID: 3ed3c3

No. 966882 ID: d63ea8

((This feels appropriate, albeit a bit on the nose.))

"Like a Lab-rat."
No. 966883 ID: 0fae41

Like you want to see your mom right now.
No. 966886 ID: 9876c4

...Pretty Ratical
No. 966911 ID: ed763f

Tell her to please keep her distance.

Kinda mad. I didn't get any sleep, and the grownups all keep wandering off, and I thought safety scouts PROTECTED from this sort of thing, and I'm not making any new friends and I wanna talk to my mom.
No. 968252 ID: a34b8a
File 159064676492.gif - (1.03MB , 414x560 , old phot.gif )

We tell the doctor how frustrated we are with camp so far and demand that we see our mom.

“I'm sorry you feel that way sweetie but don’t worry, we’ll go and see her right after our chat” She coos as she pulls a piece of paper out of her coat.

(no one told you to grab the subway rat, break out of the nurse office and cause hundred, thousands of dollars in structural and equipment damage…)
No. 968253 ID: a34b8a
File 159064688448.gif - (210.59KB , 560x497 , huhhh.gif )

“That’s a picture of your mother and I 9 maybe 10? Years back. Before she retired of course.”
She serenades as she slowly slides a photograph over to us.

“Here at the CCPD we not only deal with medical emergencies and disasters. But we also deal with these things we like to call Hazards. They can come in many forms, animals, people even plants, they possess very dangerous abilities that can harm themselves or others.”
No. 968254 ID: a34b8a
File 159064698246.gif - (217.54KB , 560x283 , hazzards.gif )

“Our job is to contain the spread of hazards be it through treatment, research or….extermination. Your little rat friends were helping us do research on the subject but they’ve seem to have spread their influence over to you.With our research compromised due to you destroying that lab it seems we have two options."
No. 968255 ID: a34b8a
File 159064711210.gif - (133.82KB , 560x347 , bonnie.gif )

"Either exterminate your furry friends and start our research over...or you stay here and enjoy camp to help us continue our project.”
No. 968256 ID: d186fc

kill a bitch
No. 968257 ID: adb916

Hah! They have underestimated our intellect!
No. 968258 ID: b1b4f3

That's not a real choice, but working with them could be fun. Tell them you will help them, so long as they treat you fairly, and you'll keep the rats from doing any more damage. You will accept payment in the form of delicious food.
No. 968260 ID: 015bf2

The rats are Hazards? Nobody ever told you that - and she COULD HAVE, after the underground, 'member?

But why? You mean, they're pretty cuddly and weak. Sure, they bit and scratched you a bit in the underground, but once you showed them who's boss they calmed down and these have been cuddly angels since. You donno. They seem pretty nice when you treat them nice?

... did they try treating them nice?

And you... kind of didn't mean to break stuff! You just accidentally'd. Stuff breaks real easy around here for some reason. Ugh, and since when did you need glasses? You need glasses.

Annnyway... okay! You kind of don't want the rats 'xtermied, cuz' that sounds bad even if they did give you 'fluenza - xplains why you felt so crummy earlier - and you CAME here for summer camp anyway. So it's not like you got other plans?

... say, since she dudn't tell you in the first place. What causes Hazards 'n how d'you know what a Hazard is?
No. 968263 ID: 094652

Screw the slave trade.

No. 968267 ID: f2320a

Well that explains that smily freak of nature
No. 968268 ID: f2320a

She looks nothing like the picture and i cant mention a warning sign she is not doing like the distracting while slowly creeping towards us, saying she is a friend of our mom she is scaring animals, subtly threatening language, reaching into her coat probably for a gun or syringe to inject into us, the dumbed down way she is talking
No. 968269 ID: 9876c4