Mauve Singing Belle
Follow the instructions and say your name, your phone's number and that you're still waiting at [name of this station] at [this time,] Rosey never showed up to pick you up, you need a pickup soon and you love her (your mom.)
Alright, first, find shelter out of the rain, preferably still up on station platform. If this is a mass transit station then you'll want to stay up here to possibly take a train to nearer your mom's place. If you go to street level then you'd have to pay to get back up to the platform and you don't have any money, right?
Next, do you know where your mom's place is? What about her work place? Do you know the general layout of this city? If no to all those, then you'll need a phone book and a city map. Hopefully your mom is listed in there, either her home or her workplace. A phone book should be any phone booths or you could borrow one from a store owner. It may even have a city map printed in it as well. The station may have a city map too, or at least a transit map.
A phone book will also list the police station addresses and phone numbers as well as the city emergency and non-emergency numbers. This isn't a 911 level situation, so don't call that (yet.) One option would be calling the nearest police station or the police non-emergency number and explaining your situation and asking for help.
A second option, if you can't walk to your mom's place or use mass transit to get close enough to walk, is to call a taxi. It's not a good option 'cause I presume you don't have money and the cabbie will be expecting to be paid once you reach your destination and be angry if you don't. If you're lucky your mom will be there to pay. If not then the cabbie will either lock the car doors on you and trap you, chase you down, or sic the cops on you. For now record the number of a couple taxi companies for possible use later.