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712785 No. 712785 ID: 8d2d5e

After a near-death encounter, a confrontation with a villain, and a magical displacement, I took shelter in a mountainhome cave for the night.

I expected many possibilities.
Expand all images
No. 712787 ID: 8d2d5e
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But I can't honestly say a high-class get-together of posh orcs was one of them.

>"Please, come right in, help yourself to the hors' d'oeuvres! You must have traveled far -- and lucky us, that you'd end up at our humble little party."
No. 712789 ID: 38685c

help yourself to some horse devours
shmooze a lil
No. 712790 ID: 5399f0

Speak of travelling far, where are we?
No. 712791 ID: 171c6c

Well, you're a prince.
This is your scene, man.
Get to it.
No. 712792 ID: 5f0170

That poster in the back looks like a stylized Nedynvor.
No. 712794 ID: 1f8505

Consume hors d'oeuvres, hide a few in your coat.
No. 712795 ID: 99a64d

Ask what was up with the toothy dude in the robes. Go ahead and devour some whores.
No. 712796 ID: 8d2d5e
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I decide I may as well help myself to the proffered food. It's an impressive spread -- light snacks, juicy, herb-garnished roasts, and even sweets, both baked and boiled.

>"I do hope Pierre wasn't too rough with you. We told him to keep an eye out for stragglers tonight. The last few affairs have been so drab people have tried to sneak away -- fearing, perhaps, to catch their death of boredom!"

I smile politely back.
>"Oh, but please, forgive me. Where ARE my manners? I am Umberto Muda. And you are...?"
No. 712797 ID: 211d83

Bond. James Bond.
No. 712798 ID: f02a77

You think these Orcs would get decidedly non-posh if they learn we're the long lost/dead son of an overthrown & murdered royal family?

I say we risk it and just tell the truth.
No. 712799 ID: 1cebc8

"The last guest you would ever expect."
No. 712801 ID: 5ff7c7

Muschio Malto, glad to make your acquaintance. May I ask the occasion? And, if I may, since we did travel quite far and feel quite turned around; where are we?


Definitely reminds me of Ashedel.
No. 712802 ID: 99a64d

These people live in a mountain with little to no outside contact. Introduce yourself as Muschio Malto.
No. 712804 ID: 880337

I hope you still haven't forgotten the rules of formal court,

"No apologies necessary, I am Muschio Malto. I must say I am quite happy we have found you. Me and my companion have had quite a journey."

Or at least something along those lines, let's be polite and courteous. After we have wined and dined and enjoyed some conversation, let's ask Umberto where exactly we are and find a way of getting back home.
No. 712805 ID: 5ec36c

Shake the fellow's hand.
"Muschio Malto, pleased to make your acquaintance. I must admit I am at a slight disadvantage, what's the occasion for this fine get-together."
No. 712818 ID: 5f0170

Perhaps it's a good idea to mention your status as Prince of North Piacevole. This crowd seems like it would appreciate royalty such as yourself.
No. 712834 ID: 15fae4

50-50 chance these orcs either really love the malto family or have a huge vendetta so you'll probably either get a lot of help or get jumped and thrown in the dungeon if you mention your name what you wanna do
No. 712852 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Prince Muschio Malto."
>"Prince! Well! I'm terribly sorry -- I'm not familiar with the name -- but it is an honor and a privilege to meet you! Welcome to our humble celebration."

"Tell me, what's the occasion?"
>"Oh, well! Supposedly it's a celebration of our people's victory over the Elven invaders, but that's what they say every time. I think it's obvious they just wanted an excuse to throw another party, and well, here we all are, like clockwork."
No. 712855 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 712856 ID: 1f8505


Back away slowly.
No. 712857 ID: 8d2d5e
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The two men throw themselves at each other and begin brawling on the floor.

Nobody seems to pay it any attention.
No. 712858 ID: 38685c

Eat more horse devours. Look for someone who seems interesting.
No. 712859 ID: 171c6c

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please! There's enough of me to go around!"
No. 712861 ID: 5ad4a7

So, high class orcs, but still orcs.

Ask someone about Tela Cruz.
No. 712862 ID: 8d2d5e
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>"Pardon me... Prince Malto?"
No. 712864 ID: 8d2d5e
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>"My name is Moira.
>Moira Mondegreen."

>"I can't say I ever expected a foreign dignitary to show up to one of my parties -- unannounced, I might add. I do respect your panache."
No. 712865 ID: 5f0170

No. 712866 ID: 1f8505


"Well ma'am, I've had an evening of unannounced events."
No. 712867 ID: 171c6c

Compliment her horns!
Say her veil is pretty!
Admire her dress!
THIS >>712865
No. 712871 ID: 38685c

Stare at her stonking great tits.
No. 712873 ID: 880337

Bow politely if you feel it is appropriate, greet her as you have the others around you. Also, if you are feeling ballsy, place a bet on one of the combatants brawling right now. Also ask the orcs if they know Arabella, we could gain favor with the orcish court.
No. 712874 ID: 8d2d5e
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I am quite capable of not staring at a woman's bosom during a social gathering, no matter how ample it may be. This is not the first time I've encountered dresses so dangerously trimmed.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Mondegreen."
>"I assure you, the pleasure is mine."
No. 712876 ID: 38685c

say hi to muda or winston, whichever one won.
No. 712878 ID: f56624

"To be frankly honest, I found my way here by mistake. I'm quite lost, could you tell me where we are?"
No. 712881 ID: 5ad4a7

Oh hi Winston.
No. 712887 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 712888 ID: 8d2d5e
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>Do you mind if we share a few words?"
No. 712890 ID: 8d2d5e
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>"I'll try not to take up too much of your time."
No. 712891 ID: 5f0170


Orcs grow teeth back pretty quickly, right?
No. 712892 ID: 1f8505


"You are a mighty strong lady."
No. 712893 ID: 15c085

Find yourself aroused by this violent, voluptuous woman.
No. 712894 ID: 7c3d65

I think it would be wise to acquiesce her request.
No. 712904 ID: 5ad4a7

Bye Winston.

Say she has proven her right to speak with you.
No. 712906 ID: f4989a

Yes. Yes she can have a few words with us.
No. 712908 ID: 38685c

Muschio I am afraid you're not durable enough to participate in orcish politics.
No. 712933 ID: 73c49c

"of course my lady"
No. 712934 ID: 5ff7c7

"Certainly I don't mind. Forgive me if I seem a little hesitant: I was quite a younger man when last I attended a function like this one, and I can see that you may have a few traditions here that I'm not be fully familiar with."
No. 712939 ID: 3d2d5f

How's your magic nerd holding up in this social situation? Are there high class orcs fighting for her attention too?
No. 712961 ID: 1cebc8

Okay, who the hell tried to uplift these mercenaries?

... Wait, where's Npoa?
No. 712980 ID: c66656

What is it with you and mercenaries?
No. 713209 ID: 059981

I think like any other orc clan, their rule is based on might makes right.

You're probably looking at one of the stronger orcs here if she has the authority to throw these parties. Try not to get on her bad side.
No. 713594 ID: 8d2d5e
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Evidently Orcish high society is not quite what I'm familiar with. Then again, the parallels are not entirely foreign to me.

"You certainly have my attention, Miss Mondegreen."

>"Prince Muschio, I had heard rumors the Malto line had resurfaced. I'm pleased to see the rumors were true. Your father was a great man, and these lands lost a great ruler when he was dethroned."
No. 713604 ID: cbd7dc

Damn, how do we feel about dad again? We like him, right?

"I miss him dearly. He was a wonderful father to myself and to our people."
No. 713631 ID: e0c8b5

Well I'm glad to know she thinks so fondly of your father. But what are her opinions about the Czar? And has she by any chance met with the pretender yet? She seems like one who could be on his list.
No. 713649 ID: 1cebc8

Ask Mondegreen about the current troubles in her nation. Is there anything you can do to help? Maybe mobilize a few legions, hire some engineers, build farmland and a means to control the local smoke?

Seriously, what's with the volcano effect?
No. 713654 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Thank you. I miss him dearly. Did you know my father?"

>"Not personally. But many know his legacy. Inroads to peace and prosperity are not easily ignored. It's rare the leader that leads wolves to become shepherds, war being as profitable as it is."

>"I won't waste your time, Prince, as I'm sure yours, like mine, is quite valuable.
>I would like to propose a partnership."
She turns, beckoning me away from the party hall.
>"Come with me, Prince. Let us continue somewhere private."
No. 713656 ID: 5f0170

Follow her, but let's be cautious here. I'm sure you're well aware that the dealings that go on in the back rooms of high society parties are every bit as dangerous as what you'd find in the seediest taverns, if not moreso.
No. 713665 ID: 5ec36c

Impending serious business at a party, knock back that goblet boss, and follow her.
No. 713669 ID: 1cebc8

Grab Npoa

and a few appetizers.
No. 713670 ID: 1f8505


Follow Miss Mondegreen. Pay attention to your surroundings in case a quick get-away is required.
No. 713671 ID: d5e88c

Keep the sprite by you, just incase you need some magic back up
No. 713675 ID: e0c8b5

This could be interesting, so far the only orc we know is Bella, I'm interested to see if their is some connection. Let's put on our diplomacy faces here. Follow Miss Mondegreen and see about what kind of partnership she has in mind.

(Why do I get the feeling the deal she will propose is she will aid us to regain our kingdom and beat the Czar if we marry her?)
No. 713701 ID: 99a64d

There's always the possibility this is a trap, but if it is you're already neck deep in it, so there's no use worrying about it now. Take a big gulp of the ol' liquid courage and follow her.
No. 713706 ID: 933a61

Be prepared for a sudden bed.
No. 713779 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Of course. Let me grab my friend--"

>"Privately, if you please, Prince.
>I would like to keep this exchange between you and me until we have something more solid between us."

"I'm not sure that's a necessary precaution."
>"Prince, I did not get to where I am by being careless."
No. 713780 ID: 5f0170

See if you can at least catch what Npoa is doing at a glance before following Mondegreen.
No. 713781 ID: 5ad4a7

Muschio, I think sex might be part of the negotiations.
No. 713782 ID: 99a64d

Yeah whatever, let's just skip to the part where she fucks and/or kil us, or (god forbid) actually talks buisness.
No. 713783 ID: 8d2d5e
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Very well. I acquiesce and leave Npoa behind.

"Erisol! I must attend to business for a minute. Will you be all right?"
>"I'm fine! You go on!
>So anyway, there I was, still trying to tell him how magic works, when all of a sudden the biggest ogre you ever saw comes out of the forest..."
No. 713784 ID: 5ad4a7

Npoa pls
No. 713785 ID: 15fae4


Npoa is cute! CUTE!
No. 713786 ID: 1f8505

Ready yourself for possible sexy times.
No. 713793 ID: d13e12

I believe it is safe to claim we're about to have a serious discussion...then be seduced. IN that order. So bring your A Game to the discussion, then be wary when she starts seduction. You MAY not want to go for it. What is the Orc stance on sex again? If you bed her, does that make you her husband? Because if it does, then we're fucked in the BAD way.
No. 713801 ID: 8d2d5e
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Miss Mondegreen leads me into a darkened room, perhaps a study, decorated with lavishly painted portraits and festooned in ornate trim.

>"I understand your trepidation. But believe me, Prince. If I wanted to kill you to further my own power, I wouldn't do it in private."

>"I'd have done it in front of everyone. So they knew it was me."
No. 713802 ID: 5ad4a7

Yeah that thought had occurred to you as well.
No. 713803 ID: a6453b

...Yes? From what we've seen of her society, that seems like it would be rather obvious. Also, that painter was seriously understating it in the cleavage department.
No. 713807 ID: 252878

Thank you for your understanding, Miss Mondegreen. Since the losses my family suffered, I have had to learn to be... cautious. Though, at the same time, I had hoped my attempts to regain my family's holdings and stature had been subtle enough that there was yet little to gain from violence against myself from one such as you. It would earn the favor of my father's enemies, of course, but I would have assumed that any of your people would care little for them, given their... backwards attitudes.
No. 713808 ID: 628856

Stand up straight man! Let's see some of that princely valor at work!

"Quite so, I would do the same but I doubt you have brought me back only to enjoy my company? Why have you brought me back here?"
No. 713844 ID: c663cc


Brace for Snu Snu :3
No. 713846 ID: 1cebc8

Ask about her family. That painting she has, is that her daughter or her 20 years ago?

The important matter is that all the potential farmland areas around the mountain, which could easily be conquered by a small military and held due to geographical and technological factors, are now acres of ash-choked garbage disposal grounds. If that isn't an actual volcano then what the hell are they generating?
No. 713889 ID: 628856

Sorry to double post but something just occurred to me. Especially at your idea kome,

Remember Arabella? I always thought that it was an oddly regal name for an Orc... and if that is her daughter in the painting...
Well some food for thought anyway
No. 713924 ID: d13e12

It is best to make sure we're not about to be accidentally sucked into a royal consummation by some bullsh*t Orc law.
No. 713925 ID: d13e12

Oh and can we turn on some lights? I hate not being able to see things to warn about.
No. 713937 ID: 553ab9

Perhaps it's as >>713846 says, and that that orc in the picture is from a time long gone.

Acquire as to the purpose for this meeting.
I very much doubt that the title would have been so blunt and straightforward that we're actually just going to fuck the Orc and that will be it.
I suspect that the outcome of this expedition will not be related in any way to a sexual rendezvous.
No. 713938 ID: d5e88c

Who knows, maybe they are related and Arabella sent word back about her "adventures"
No. 713940 ID: 252878

Don't ask people if they know each other or are related just because they're orcs, that's racist!
No. 713941 ID: 553ab9

>Says the one assuming that orcs are a race of man
wow dude that's so speciesist, like have some respect for orckind
No. 713942 ID: 252878


Haven't you ever heard of half-orcs, buddy? If you can reliably produce viable hybrid offspring then you're the same species dude, that's science facts.
No. 713944 ID: 553ab9

>horses and mules are the same species
>lions and tigers are the same species
>Chachalaca and grouse are the same species

never has a half-orc been proven to be fertile
No. 713979 ID: 8d2d5e
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She paces the room. I straighten myself up to look presentable.
"Miss Mondegreen, if I believed there was even a chance you might make an attempt on my life, I wouldn't have followed you back here."

>"Good. You're perceptive. Well so am I."
She turns to me.
>"I can arrange transport home for you in the morning. You must be tired. After all, Tela Cruz is a very long way from here."
No. 713980 ID: 5ad4a7

Don't let on about the blink. Tell her it would be most agreeable to have transportation back home, but it's not Tela Cruz.
No. 713981 ID: 628856

Wait, how does she even know we came from Tela Cruz? Npoa, maybe? There are a lot of sprites there, so maybe she assumes that because Npoa is a Sprite we came from there? Inquire further.
No. 714009 ID: d5e88c

How much does she really know? And how does she know it, being so far away?
No. 714021 ID: 1f8505


"Well... this just raises further questions."
No. 714037 ID: 8d2d5e
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"I don't believe I mentioned Tela Cruz."

>"You didn't have to. I had a pretty firm suspicion, but I think you've just confirmed it.
>Prince, you've made a powerful enemy in the Czar. Your journey home won't be easy. Let an old woman do you a favor."
She reaches out, deliberately making physical contact.

>"Of course, I didn't call you back here just to offer you a ride home. I'd like to propose a partnership. I'm sure you would appreciate access to my impressive assets, and in return, you can give me something no Orc can."
No. 714041 ID: 1cebc8

Details first. What can she offer, and what does she expect?
No. 714048 ID: 5ad4a7

Would you mind being more specific? Let's write out an agreement on paper if this is going to be an alliance.
No. 714049 ID: 99a64d

I'd like to access her assets if you know what I mean. :y

But yeah, ask her for clarification, we'll probably agree to whatever it is, but she could stand to stop being so needlessly vague.
No. 714051 ID: f24380

Give her the dick
No. 714052 ID: e0c8b5

"What do you you propose?"
No. 714053 ID: 8d2d5e
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"You have my attention."
>"So I noticed."
"What sort of partnership do you intend?"

She puts her sizeable arm around my shoulder. I can't tell if she's pressing down on purpose, but I do my best not to buckle.
>"I offer information, my little Prince.
>A woman of my stature does not get to where she is without making powerful friends along the way. And I hope to add you to that list."
"Go on."
>"I know everyone worth knowing. I'm connected, and anyone to whom I'm not connected, my connections are connected. It's my business to be stay informed. And I suspect for an up-and-coming, ambitious young man such as yourself, information could be a very valuable asset. You're smart, you're willing, and I can tell you're not afraid of a challenge. But as yet, you lack the intel, the clout, for a political push. You need a friend, Prince."

She smirks toothily, fluttering her thick eyelashes.
>"You need me."
No. 714055 ID: 1f8505


"Sounds good... but what would you require in return?"
No. 714060 ID: 5ad4a7

>you need me
Careful, Muschio. Don't let her play herself up too much. She hasn't named any names, nor has she said how you are supposed to get this information while you are not here.
No. 714063 ID: db4177

"I consider my allies to be my dearest and greatest advantages, Miss Mondegreen, and I would be most honored and fortunate to count you among their number, I'm certain. Rest assured I would be willing to go to the greatest lengths to prove worthy of having your sizeable assets at hand, saving only, of course, any that would do harm to those with whom I have already exchanged loyalties."

"If you would forgive a young fugitive prince who has learned some caution, however... you have demonstrated your knowledge of me and my past most amply, and you seem knowledgeable, but I still can't help but wonder how much you know that I would make use of. Perhaps you could give a small... sample, of something I would like to know? As demonstration of what the future might bring."
No. 714066 ID: b33a0b


This sounds good
No. 714067 ID: d5e88c

And how would I know you wouldn't sell my secrets off to the highest bidder as well?
No. 714069 ID: 99a64d

"And what would you ask for in return?"

This is looking to be quite the stroke of good luck, intel is one of our weaker points. But be wary, I have the feeling that there's some sort of catch.
No. 714074 ID: 8d2d5e
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"How do I know you won't just sell my own information to the highest bidder?"

>"Little Prince, you're more valuable to me alive. You have something I want -- and I don't see that changing."

"A tempting offer. So what do you seek in return?"

>"The same thing everyone who deals in information seeks, my little Prince.

>"You are no King yet, Malto. But with your ambition, one day, it may be so.
>And should that day come, I want a piece of that pie.
>You're building a Kingdom. And I want to get in early."
No. 714077 ID: f0e552

Crusader Kings has trained us for this. Give her a barony or a place on your royal council or something
No. 714079 ID: 1cebc8

The ambition is burning through her eyeballs, but she's playing it simple: invest early.

You'll want her support to keep most of your allies alive, she might become a problem but probably less so then Tela Cruz.

Ask her how she intends to forge this alliance.

If she says sex then tell her about Arabella.
No. 714080 ID: 1f8505


This sounds reasonable.
No. 714082 ID: db4177

"I see. Of course, there are several noble houses in the kingdom I intend to reclaim; traitors to my father, who profited by our downfall. When I retake the throne, it will be a matter of practicality for them to be removed from power, and a harsh lesson about the value of loyalty taught, in the process. There will be quite the power vacuum, and a need to fill that void with people who are... experienced, and wise."

... Say, Muschio, have you ever heard of crossbreed children between orcs and your own kind? I had a brief thought that maybe she was going to ask you to promise to marry someone. If there was no possibility of producing an heir, of course, that would be impossible.
No. 714086 ID: 8d2d5e
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"I see. In the wake of my ascension, I imagine there will be a power vacuum, and many positions for wise and powerful allies to occupy. A barony, perhaps?"

>"Let's not put anything to paper just yet. We can decide on the specifics down the line. Besides, it pays to be cautious. If the Czar kills you, it wouldn't do for him to know I was feeding you information.
>I have my fingers in a lot of pies.
>For now, our partnership will be unofficial. But I expect mutual aid should be a simple enough trade, for now. You can call on me if you need, and I suspect you may hear from me, from time to time."
No. 714088 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Forgive me, but I must ask: Why play such a long game? You're not guaranteed anything, should I fail."

>"Because this is an opportunity."

She turns away, breathing deeply.
>"Your father made great progress for our people, and many others. One day, we hoped to be seen by the humans and elves and all the others as just as strong, just as worthy of rule. That we would hold the land, not be driven from it.

>My little Prince, I am a very big fish in a very small pond. I hold sway here, but this court is far removed from the seats of true power in the land. There has never been an Orc in the high court of men."
No. 714090 ID: 5f0170

What a noble goal. Let's make it happen.
No. 714091 ID: 8d2d5e
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She whirls, gesturing.
>"Well, I intend to be the first.

>And with a Malto back on the throne, that's a possibility again.

>You open the gates to us lesser races, get me a spot at the front of the line, and I'll see that my friends and my connections become yours."
No. 714092 ID: 163674

Very obvious betrayal plot here - back away.
No. 714096 ID: 99a64d

Look at the ambition in those eyes! That sincerity! How could you possibly deny such pure emotion? She is somewhat like you in that way. You can use that passion and that drive. She's clearly quite competent, surely you could make use of a subordinate such as this? Yes, she would make a most vigorous underling indeed.

Not really. The continent might be forced to accept an orcish baroness, but she knows as well as we do that an orc queen would be unseated in an instant.
No. 714098 ID: f56624

"This sounds reasonable. Some way of assuring absolute loyalty is required though, I'm a bit wary of betrayal entering my life again."
No. 714100 ID: 1f8505


Let's keep her at arm's length for now.
No. 714101 ID: 1cebc8

If she wants the front of the line then she'll have to show the other factions that she REALLY wants it. You need an army NOW, and if she shows up to the warzone, bashes in a thousand heads, and lets her army take on the other 99,000 mooks, every other faction leader will realize a serious need to step aside or risk skull fractures.

Equal rights does not mean giving more money to the breadwinners is unfair. But you're not sure what it means. Stay sharp, she's reeling you in.
No. 714102 ID: db4177


Nonsense. She has nothing to benefit from a betrayal at this point. All we need is to become a strong and capable ruler who cares for those who show him their loyalty... and who crushes those who would dare think to insult his friends, allies or subjects. Just as we have been planning to be, all along. It is a balance that will need to be played, keeping one's subjects happy while not letting any of them become powerful enough to think they can take the throne, but it is one we'll have to play anyway. And we know that this women is no friend of the usurper.

To be honest, we have as yet only a few candidates to join our side in positions of leadership, once we become king. A cunning woman with subtle connections and powerful warriors at her command will surely be a boon. Besides... if she does end up being less than trustworthy, we may need a more... disposable ally at some point. Someone who can do the dirtier deeds and take the blame.

Only if she shows lack of proper loyalty, of course.

Muschio, tell her that you intend to have none but your closest friends at your side when you become king. Only a few of those will be suitable for leadership - in fact, you may have some work convincing them - and none yet have shown the same... admirable ambition she has displayed. You look forward to becoming friends with her.
No. 714105 ID: 5ad4a7

You know, she hasn't said exactly what sort of information she has to sell. How do we know she's worth the promise of royalty?
No. 714109 ID: 5ad4a7

...then again I guess it's her job to demonstrate her usefulness. If all we're giving her is a promise of some sort of land in the end, we can simply say that her given position will depend on how useful she really is.
No. 714110 ID: e0c8b5

Her ambition does show a great willingness to help our cause. It may be good to look into this further. But how do we know we can trust her? Ambition we can admire, but loyalty and trust must be earned.
No. 714120 ID: 5f0170


You could say that that's why we're leaving the exact reward she's getting open for later. The more helpful she is, the greater a reward she'll reap.
No. 714121 ID: 8d2d5e
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"You understand, Miss Mondegreen, that ambition is a double-edged thing to find in one's allies."
>"You're worried I have plans for the throne myself. Well, you should be. It's only reasonable to be suspect, especially after your family was unseated.
>Prince, your presence on the throne is all that would keep the world tolerating any authority I could seek. By the time the world is ready for an Orc at the top, I will be long-dead. I'm ambitious, but not unrealistic. I need you to be the public face; your death would be my own downfall. So our fates are tied."

"Trust is not easily given in this day."
>"Then it's fortunate you don't have to trust me much yet. By the time you take the throne, I hope I will have proved the strength of our partnership. Until then, you're more than welcome to keep me at arm's length."

"And how do I know your information and connections are even worth the investment?"
No. 714124 ID: 8d2d5e
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>"Let's try observation, first.

>You're missing your hand, evidently by misadventure or combat -- I'll take the latter -- so you're not averse to fighting. But it's a crippling wound, so you're obviously not as good at it as you should be. It's fresh, and dressed, but not fully tended, which means you haven't had the time to truly rest -- so whoever gave it to you is still alive.
>Your arrival was clearly unplanned, and your small entourage suggests urgency. You risked entry to the nearest sign of civilization without preparation, so you're fleeing, rather than pursuing. Given your friend is a sprite, I'd guessed, quite accurately it seems, that you're fresh from Tela Cruz.
>Which means you've made an enemy of Czar Bomba, and since he's not a swordfighter, it was one of his mercenaries who took your hand.
>And since we're not on the way from Tela Cruz to anyplace at all, you've come here quite by mistake, probably magic, and will need to return home at first light."

She pauses, looking me over.

>"I think I have that right."
No. 714129 ID: 1f8505

"Well miss, you are incredibly perceptive and intelligent. We shall be in touch should the need arise. Shall we head back out to the party?"
No. 714131 ID: 2bd7b6

That's certainly a respectable goal
No. 714134 ID: d13e12

Well if royalty doesn't work out I think she could have a nice, cozy spot as an investigator. That was INSANELY good.
No. 714138 ID: 1cebc8

"3.5/4, half wrong on the wound; Npoa fended the assassin off at Tela Cruz, but I had to amputate the hand because of the curse he gave me weeks ago. You're saying you can smell my weeks-old necrolysis and it's still as fresh as regular flesh? Weird.

In any case, don't sell me out. The Czar has LOST his marbles, and if he wins he'll set off that ritual he's been obsessing over."
No. 714141 ID: 5ad4a7

She's good. Let's be friends.
No. 714148 ID: 8d2d5e
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There may indeed be something to her.

"I admit, I'm impressed.
However, you're wrong about the hand. It was magic that took it from me, not a blade."
>"I see. Then that means it was the Pretender's doing. I don't imagine you'd still be standing if it was the Czar's magic that hit you."

She straightens up, putting her hands on her enormous hips.

>"Well, how about a free taste, then? As a show of good faith. Before we move on to further business.
>If you've got one question that needs immediate answering, one bit of intelligence that needs filling, I'll have your answer -- if not now, then soon.
>Have you anything to ask?"
No. 714151 ID: f56624

"Know anyone capable of getting me a new hand?"
No. 714152 ID: 5ad4a7

...what about the thing they're trying to get? Ask why the Czar wants it.
No. 714154 ID: 5f0170


Yeah, this seems like the most pressing question.
No. 714155 ID: 2bd7b6

Who killed my parents and why?
No. 714160 ID: d13e12

What is...anti-magic? And how can I beat it?
No. 714161 ID: 4501f8

She could be a very powerful ally. And having a friendship with another race will work now and in the long run.
No. 714174 ID: 99a64d

It was the revolutionaries, they did it because they were mad about taxes and our father's kind treatment of non-Volto. They may have been assisted by the knight's blades, but Muschio doesn't know about that.

>>714152 is our most immediate concern, but >>714151 would be nice to know as well.
No. 714190 ID: 5ec36c

I think we need to find out the Czar's objective, and the relevance of the trinket to that objective.
The Czar himself still wrongly assumes we've figured it out and are denying the plan's fruition on purpose.
No. 714199 ID: 628856

Question 1, what does the Czar want, and how am I involved.

Question 2, How does one beat anti magic, or how might I acquire knowledge of defeating it.

Question 3, How would you propose retaking my home of Inizare Cita?

And finally question 4, can you do anything for my hand (or lack thereof?)
No. 714206 ID: d5e88c

How do I beat Czar?
No. 714213 ID: c6ac0d

Ask her if she thinks she can handle your gigantic Malto schlong.

Take off your pants and strike a sexy pose too.
No. 714277 ID: 8e8223

For the immediate concern: "How can I divert the Czar from assaulting my allies near his lands, until I can deal with him permanently?"

Alternately: "What would the Czar want with a bone amulet about this size and shape?" [outline it with your finger]

The answer to the latter question may also answer the former, with thought, or it may not.
No. 714386 ID: 094ad7

I second the motion to inquire further about the amulet. If there's one crucial bit of information we need, it's that.
No. 714476 ID: 081940

What can you tell me of the Czar and his Pretender?
No. 714515 ID: 8d2d5e

I swear to god, weaver.
>Erisol Npoa
>piNE aerosol
No. 714529 ID: 627d61

I think you mean Hcaelb.
No. 715080 ID: e17c5c


Ask her if she knows of any weaknesses the Pretender might have, or perhaps if she knows any weaknesses his sprite armies have that you could exploit. One will help take a powerful foe off the board, one will more immediately help protect our people. It's up to you what you ask, boss, but I recommend something that we can use in combat.

On another note entirely, if you feel confident in our ability to beat the Pretender and the Czar's forces, you could ask her if she knows of anywhere we could refine our skill with the sword- even minor, long-term improvements there would be valuable. Your track record for fights to serious injuries hasn't exactly been stellar, boss.
No. 715338 ID: 444675

who the hell are you?
she knows much more of we than we of her

act with trepidation, Muschio
No. 715841 ID: 8d2d5e
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You're right. I should remain focused on my goals, and right now, surviving the Czar is my biggest goal.

"Czar Anolei Bomba. He was tight-lipped about the particulars of his goal. What does he want, and how am I involved?"

>"Well, I know something about that. Word is he's searching for some kind of old artifact -- deeply magical, enough that he needed a city full of sprites for some reason or another."

"I know of the artifact he's seeking, but not its function or power."

>"That much, I'm afraid, I don't know. I can only assume it will further his power somehow. He's put a lot of effort into finding it."
She stops, considering for a moment.
>"I may not know, myself, but before you leave tomorrow, I'll put you in touch with a scholar friend of mine. Background in relics. Hopefully he'll be able to dig up something more definitive on this artifact."
No. 715846 ID: 69e4c4

Possibly describe to her what the emblem looks like; maybe she might recognize it on description alone?
No. 715855 ID: 76ca4e

I think it's time we do the sex. You know, to consummate the alliance.
No. 715871 ID: 1cebc8

Time for bed.


Just play one game of the latest Tabletop Warzone Simulators, Army ratings 2500 Versus 1500 plus 20-turn win artifact.
No. 715888 ID: b0371a

Shake hands and thank her for her assistance. let's view her as an equal for now. Also express gratitude for her generous hospitality.
No. 715905 ID: 69e4c4

Do we return to the festivities?
I want to see the pompous orcs in a full-out brawl
No. 716393 ID: 444675

hows about we familiarize ourselves since we're gonna be long friends now? y'know...
No. 719638 ID: 355d3a

Let's check up on Ten Npoa. We don't want her spreading too much fairy tales about our feats, do we?

I'm also now curious as to how old Moira is. I'm sure you know a way to indirectly inquire about that? How many heirs she has, perhaps? Come to think of it, how long do orcs live compared to voltos?
No. 719746 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Well! Thank you very much for your help. I'll be in touch. I think I shall return to the festivities for the remainder of the night."

>"NOT so fast.
>We have an agreement. And to honor it, I've done something for you.
>Now you have to do something for me."
No. 719747 ID: 6d2df6

No. 719751 ID: 3d2d5f

I must admit, I expected you to hold that chit over my head for longer than that before cashing it in.

What would you ask of me?
No. 719752 ID: 15fae4


it's sex right
she wants dick
No. 719754 ID: 4d7c27

Pardon me, madam, but you just said "a free taste", "as a show of good faith", prior to me asking that question, AFTER which we would "move on to further business". It was hardly even a minute ago. Of course I wish to show good faith in return, as well as going on to said further business, but it's hardly good faith if you're telling me I now owe a debt for something you presented as a gift.
No. 719761 ID: 736e5d

>inb4 she tells us to use that silver tongue of ours for something other than worming our way out of responsibilities
No. 719763 ID: 861db5

Hmm. It's either sex or she has some task for us. My guess is that she wants to go get someone or something. So it is either Bella (her daughter my guess) or someone else. The third option is she wants us to kill someone that is threatening her own power.
No. 719791 ID: 771f28

"A bargain made that shall be honored, but what would you request of me at _this_ time? My recent escapades have left me with few possessions upon me from which a suitable barter could be made."
No. 719793 ID: 595d54

"A free taste? A show of good faith? I think not."

No. 719826 ID: 1cebc8

Do what? The monkey? I've only got one hand and a raving nutcase, if it's information you want just ask already.
No. 719842 ID: 1f8505


"Well that didn't take very long. What do you want?"
No. 719890 ID: 01804b

"You've been very helpful and frankly - you are quite dangerous and there's very little that you couldn't physically force me into doing."

"No need for that, of course! I'd be happy to help a lovely - and helpful - lady."
No. 719928 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Pardon me for noticing, Miss Mondegreen, but you did just say you were offering a token as a show of good faith -- explicitly not made in exchange. By your own words I owe you nothing."

>"Very astute. You're right, of course.
>Which is why what I'm about to propose is to our mutual benefit, and should entice you regardless of our new relation."

I'm not sure I like that smile.
>"There's someone I'd like you to meet. A very influential figure around here. The most influential, in fact. My hopes are such that you may be able to help me, and we will both ingratiate ourselves with our venerable host. In so doing our power and influence will grow, you will make yet another powerful ally, and I, for one, will finally stake my claim in this little mountainhome.
>Everyone wins, more connections are fostered, and power is shared all around.

>...Besides, if you want a ride home tomorrow morning, you'll need this meeting regardless."
No. 719929 ID: 35151f

why not, sure
what we doin then?
No. 719939 ID: 15fae4


oh man we're about to meet some crazy orc pagan god i bet some weird ritual shit is gonna go on

let's do it
No. 719946 ID: 395bfc

Let's make this happen. Is this some kind of huge dragon or whatever?
No. 719970 ID: 57d655

Maybe her "host" isn't all that happy with Miss Mondegreen claim. It seems she expect you to negotiate for her, or even trick this creature into abandon their home.
On the bright side we are possible about to be introduce to a powerful future member of a little gang.
No. 720001 ID: 08ed3a

"If there is no other means of getting home without this persons help, so be it then. I shall meet with them tomorrow morning."
No. 720053 ID: 7fbbbf

Well Boss if it's going to happen either way we might as well do so to our benefit.

"Very well, is there anything I should know concerning this individual and our meeting?"
No. 720058 ID: 1cebc8

The obvious guess would be the local giant dragon that's fueling the volcano, but that's too stereotypical.

... Twenty Questions?
No. 720124 ID: d102c0

Oh shit, we're gonna have to fuck a dragon.

tell Lil'Mush not to let you down.
No. 720600 ID: 4f6a59

Whatever it is, kill it and graft it's hand onto your stump. It can only make you stronger. Or give you a blood infection.
No. 722712 ID: 94aba3

Onward yung bull!
No. 723551 ID: 8d2d5e
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"Very well. It seems my only option regardless."

She claps her hands loudly and nods, turning to the door.

"Who exactly are we going to see?"

>"Our Dragon, obviously."
No. 723552 ID: 094652

... UGH.

Get some elemental armor first.
No. 723553 ID: 33dd75

Yes, I saw your entrance hall. I was wondering as to their name or history, in case I'd heard of them before.
No. 723564 ID: 5ad4a7

No. 723574 ID: a075ba

Fortune favors the bold tonight, it would seem.
No. 723580 ID: 54cbaf

"Well that explains the dimensions of the entrance hall... Lead on, there's no sense waiting."
So have we dealt with dragons before? if not, it might be worth checking to see if there's no arbitrary etiquette in place we'd be in danger of hilariously breaching.
No. 723581 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 723582 ID: a22f87

...so what did we miss?
No. 723585 ID: 13ac27

Whoa, what happend to you?
No. 723587 ID: 8d2d5e
File 146336900517.gif - (9.54KB , 800x600 , 1576.gif )

No. 723588 ID: 3663d3

blood is still dripping, meaning she hasn't run out yet, medic!
No. 723596 ID: 170b7f

Ona are you shitfaced again?
No. 723597 ID: 5ad4a7


No. 723599 ID: 595d54

Blood also drips because of gravity, sometimes. If it's just a constant drip, her pulse's stopped and she's dead. If it's in spurts, her heart's still beating.
No. 723600 ID: 4501f8

Are you okay? Can you move?
No. 723601 ID: 15fae4


ona better be just fucked up and not dying or i'm gonna be so mad
No. 723602 ID: 4501f8

Crap! She's bleeding from her head!
No. 723604 ID: 094652

... Is the room on fire?
No. 723606 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 723607 ID: 4501f8

Come on, get it together. You can do it!
No. 723608 ID: 15fae4


wake up ona
No. 723610 ID: 8d2d5e
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ha ha

what are you doing
No. 723611 ID: 094652


Ona, this is important: IS THE ROOM ON FIRE?
No. 723612 ID: 4501f8

Trying to help you, you don't look well. Are you hurt?
No. 723613 ID: 15fae4


bitch get up
No. 723614 ID: 13ac27

Why is the room covered in blood...
No. 723617 ID: 5ad4a7

Ona why is everything red? What is that dripping on the wall behind you?
No. 723618 ID: 33dd75

The boss? He got in trouble, escaped with a random teleport, trying hard to get back here quick. As for us, right now we're talking to you. Are you ok?

Come on, Ona, you'd know better than us. You're a doctor, right? You deal in... medicine...

ona are you high
No. 723622 ID: 8d2d5e
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oh no
it's not on fire

it's just reaaallyy warm ha ha

emmy said it's not a sauna but what does she know
she's made of fire

apparently that means she can't drink either

the wine lasts longer when you don't gotta share it anyway
No. 723624 ID: 33dd75

Ona she is totally right, it's not a sauna.

Unless you have steam. You need to get some water so you can throw some on there now and then. Saunas also have a strict towels and/or swimsuits dress code. You are really being shockingly lax here, Ona.
No. 723626 ID: a22f87

so why are you drinking next to the furnace then? Also what's happen since we've been gone?
No. 723627 ID: 2bd7b6

You look dehydrated, get some water Ona
No. 723628 ID: 4501f8

Oh you're just buzzed. That's a relief, we thought you were in danger. What lead you in this situation?
No. 723629 ID: 35151f

be careful it doesnt become one of those sex things, Ona
No. 723631 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 723632 ID: 8d2d5e
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they found another dead girl
No. 723634 ID: 4501f8

And hung over. Try to get some water, Ona. It'll likely help the headache.
No. 723635 ID: 4501f8

Oh.... Is that why you're drinking?
No. 723639 ID: 5ad4a7

Are the wounds the same?
No. 723640 ID: a22f87

ah... so we still have to watch out for... that. Sorry to hear that kid.
No. 723646 ID: 8d2d5e
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Same as last time.

Wounds around the face, breasts, legs. Clean cuts.
I guess the good news is all the really vile stuff is postmortem. There's poison in them. Special kind. Easy to miss. Tizzy helped me spot it. She's the one who found the body.
Only the lightest bruising around the wrists.

Whoever this guy is, he hits them with that first. They fall asleep fast, then they don't wake up. He waits until they're dead to start cutting. So at least they don't feel anything.

What the fuck.
What kind of a person would do this.
No. 723662 ID: 094652

Surgeon, duh. Wait, do you know what a surgeon is?

My guess is, someone's taking samples to breed or construct his custom-made sex slave. If he's using bioengineering technology, he could cut the flesh open (haphazardly since the target is dead), and take out choice pieces that can be grown in specialized chemical tanks.

My guess is that he only takes a small sample because he can't carry the bodies with him for some reason but also doesn't want anyone to realize that he's actually taking souvenirs from his kills.
No. 723664 ID: 5ad4a7

The murders started when the army men came. Have any of them been wandering off?
No. 723670 ID: 33dd75

Huh. Are you sure there's no kind of magic that would involve things like that? If he's knocking them out first before going to town like that, there has to be a purpose besides sadism. Maybe some sort of demon or spirit or something that demands blood be let in specific ways from specific body parts?
No. 723689 ID: d14190

Honestly our list of enemies is pretty high. It could be someone working with the czar or it could be someone else entirely. I doubt it's the pretender, he just kills, he doesn't maim and torture. Are any of the fangs still active? I can see one of them doing this.

As for you Ona get out of the heat, it may be warm in the forge but we need you at your best, go sleep it off.
No. 723690 ID: 7b7ab3

A sick, twisted, awful person who will get what they deserve.
Can you move? You're not hurt, are you?
No. 723694 ID: 5ad4a7

Wait, access to poison, and clean cuts... do the army men have medical staff on hand? We might be looking for a mad doctor.

Haha, ironic, huh? A good witch doctor trying to find an evil medical doctor.
No. 723773 ID: 4cb60e

We can help. We WILL help. But first you must tell us; what did we miss? Anything that happened since Muschio left.
The big man is fine, btw. We are not sure about Dompag.
No. 723786 ID: 65936e

perhaps a mad cultist, a deviant, some surgery-addicted doctor? who knows.
sometimes people are just sick of the mind.

no matter the motive, it's still wrong and needs to be stopped, that's all that matters... anything we can do?
No. 723788 ID: 4cb60e

Oh shit. I just had a thought.
The chapter name hints that we will probably have sex with someone.
The orc lady was a distraction. We will have to fuck the DRAGON.

....umm, you didn't hear anything, Ona, right? Great. Just crawl towards your bedroom.
No. 723792 ID: d14190

I doubt it. My friend, let me let you in on a little secret, all of
Divequests chapter names are named after songs. So more than likely it was a song that fit what was going on at the time.
No. 723898 ID: dfdb1e

As far as we know the first body was found by Hookdon's forces, assuming there weren't more victims we just didn't knew about the local murders started a small time before they arrive. We can assume the responsible is either an outsider we know nothing about, or one of us.
It's easy to accuse one faceless men in the middle of an army, and to be fair at this point it could be anyone, but what if this wolf in sheep's clothing is closer than we think? Not long before the first victim be found our gang got two new additions: mister Heebie-jeebies and Pendle.
I know you are not a fan of Wes, and we don't know much about him, but I'm not convinced he have the necessary skills and time between his work and his new girlfriend. On the other hand, what if our bug friend isn't as squeamish as he claim to be? Mister know all is probable familiar with poisons from his political background, is capable of planing and conceal incriminating evidences, and probable have sharp appendices on his exoskeleton.
Now, it would be very stupid for someone with an orb fragment to try to do this kind of crime knowing we can see their actions at random, so unless one of them are abusing the plot mechanics you can discard everything I just said.
On a side note my narrative sense is telling me Ona will get close to the killer, closer than she want to.
No. 723929 ID: 35151f

my plot senses are going "wowjust give her a heart attack then ay"

nah though, it'd be wise to invest in a stunning weapon of some description if you can.
No. 724136 ID: 511dbd

Well, I don't think we can solve a mystery off of this information alone, but let's analyze what we already know:

Clean cuts: rules out a clawed animal attack. Attacker used a bladed weapon.

Mutilations made post mortem: The murders are being done for ritualistic/recreational purposes, not for hunting or sustenance. Another thing to consider may be that they are being done for attention. Considering how close they are to the compound, it may be that they're being used as bait. If you plan to investigate further, come with backup.

Presence of poison: Infer on the delivery method, was it found inside the cuts, was there a syringe mark, or was it perhaps ingested? All of which imply that the murderer is an assassin or apothecary of some sort, but did the victim die of organ failure from the poison first? Poisoned blades would imply a brutal assassination where the poison is meant to finish what the blades did not, but if it was the poison that killed them before the cutting started then it could mean that the killer showed some relative mercy with a relatively less brutal death, and puts more suspicion on the mutilations being for show.

Victim: was this woman like the last? The previous woman had all her personal belongings, which rules out a robbery, and was alone traveler, which suggests that if it was by an assassin that it was not done because of her status or political power.

Location: Is the new body closer or farther away than the last? If farther away, it could be that they are trying to get you to go deeper into the woods, like a trail of breadcrumbs made of corpses.

If you plan to investigate, I suggest that you request some soldiers to retrieve the body for you and have Dompag or whoever's keeping the door to keep a close eye on the soldiers who leave it there at the door. This whole thing is showing signs of being bait, possibly to lure you and other members of Muschio's compound out and away from the lair or to distract certain defenses, which is why I would not suggest sending Dompag or one of our own to retrieve the body. Considering that the Czar employs a formidable and experienced assassin, this would be a likely response to the troop reinforcements and tightened security.

I sense that this is a trap. Get somebody else to retrieve the body if possible. Considering how unhelpful the soldiers have been with this, you shouldn't hold your breath on it. If you can't get them to do it, see if any of the remaining Denlings are still around. If so, ask if they can retrieve the body. If nothing works, perhaps it is just best to let it rot in the woods.
No. 724340 ID: 444675

can you give a report or do you need to sober up first?
No. 724379 ID: 01277e

Wait, Another?
Who was the first?
No. 725449 ID: 8d2d5e

check previous threads
No. 725454 ID: 8d2d5e
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Yeah. Yeah, I'm up.

What's to report. Tislomer, Ashedel, and Finesse all got home safely. No sign of an attack or a siege yet. Dompag and Geppa are still holding at Salamander Tower, fortifying or whatever. Czar's men and his masked friend haven't made themselves known.
I know with everything looming I shouldn't be drinking but hell with it. I drank anyway.
Easier to not worry about how we might die before morning.
No. 725455 ID: 8d2d5e
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Tislomer found the body. She wasn't happy about it. But she's hard to keep down. Babs got her mind off it and she bounced back quick.
Finesse has been stoic and in command. She's pretty good at keeping things together.
Ashedel's been tending to everyone, and keeping us on alert. With Dompag gone she's our muscle, in case the humans outside can't keep us safe. She's a good officer.

Wes didn't seem phased by any of this. I don't know where he is right now. Not here, anyway.

Pendle, though... God.
Poor guy's in pieces.
No. 725458 ID: 237eb2

And Emmy? Where is she at? How is pendle holding up? We'll go talk to him in a minute and make sure he is okay.
No. 725461 ID: 15fae4


drink some water and get your head in the game you fine shortstack the story arc is advancing and that means you need to be alert
No. 725464 ID: 4cb60e

Hmm... This makes me suspect Wes... And Pendle.

Let's start with visiting the kobolds.
No. 725469 ID: 094652

It occurs to me that Muschio is negotiating for a ride back home

on a freaking DRAGON.

We're going to need some kind of landing pad. Adding an aerial base might give the Vault an advantage.

I suggest a tower and a landing airstrip, something that can house a few griffons.
No. 725471 ID: 15fae4


you've really outdone yourself this time Kome


Why would our own goons be serial killers?
No. 725492 ID: dfdb1e

You know, Wes and Pendle didn't had shards when the first victim died and knew we would be busy with the boss when the second occurred. If it is one of our guys those two got a window of opportunity.
I suppose if we were talking with Pendle I would be pointing out a certain witch that may or may not have ritualistic reasons to do this, more free time than most around here and experience on keeping things hidden from us. The only problem would be this voluntary investigation would be calling attention for crimes that would otherwise goes unnoticed, making you a very unlikely suspect.
No. 725494 ID: a9fcd0

Both of their reactions are perfectly reasonable.
Pendle is a sheltered aristocrat with a background in history, lore and strategics. A wimp.
As for Wes, he's covered wars, you know.
No. 725614 ID: 444675

prolly won't be the last corpse the man has to see
what were you gonna do next?
No. 725711 ID: 99a64d

Looks like things are really starting to heat up aren't they? Well, this murder mystery business isn't really our priority right now, so it's best not to dwell on it. Better to focus on the possible impending deaths of you and all of your coworkers! Ask around, see if there's anything you can do to help fortify.
No. 726137 ID: 635a61

Why were you drinking in the forge room? Alcohol is flammable.
That seems just a little irresponsible.

Besides, I took it that you would look for a more "burning herb" type of stress-relief
No. 726139 ID: cdd954


Wine isn't very flammable unless that's some crazy-ass wine
No. 726711 ID: 9578a8

Something I haven't heard anyone suggest is the possibility of a connection between the two victims themselves. (Other than the fact that they are both female and have been cut cleanly, postmortem after being poisoned)

Do the girls share visual similarities?

If there is a pattern, then it might be possible to predict who the next victim might be, or possibly even find the murderer themselves.
No. 726743 ID: 853caa

That is a great point, did the women share any similarities? What was their race even? I'm assuming human but that is only because we haven't actually seen the corpses yet. But if we can find some similarities between the victims aside from their injuries, we can maybe prevent another killing.
No. 726767 ID: dfdb1e

I'm not saying Officer Hyde is racist, but it's somewhat unlikely that he would refer to a non human simply as "a young woman". She probable is either human or elf for her race be considered normal enough in his culture to the point it doesn't even need to be mentioned.
No. 726784 ID: 98e5f0

Were they both hookers?

Cuz if they were, then that's ok and none of you are in any danger, since hooker killers rarely target anything else, and we don't have any hookers in our team.

No. 727057 ID: ec61b0

Where was this body found cause this could give us an idea on the killers location and point of orign. Also i agree with 726711 any similarties?
No. 727138 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 727139 ID: 35151f

oh hey pendle
whatup my boy
No. 727140 ID: 094652

Going for the [Staring Contest] world record, eh?

You're SAFE, Pendle. Calm DOWN. What can you tell us about the second corpse?
No. 727141 ID: 1f8505


How ya doing, Pendle?
No. 727142 ID: 8d2d5e
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No. 727143 ID: 398fe1

Are you okay?
No. 727145 ID: 008615

Rough time of it bud? Let's just take a deep breath maybe get a glass of water. We have a few questions and we need everyone to be sober and sane enough to answer.

Firstly, where was this body located? And secondly did it share any similarities with the first victim other than the modus oparandi of our killer?
No. 727146 ID: ec5d91

It looks like you're dealing with serious trauma.

Would you like help?
No. 727149 ID: 094652

Pendle, get some water and a pastry. Speaking of which, do you have any pastry recipes to share?

We're trying to figure this out. It's possible that the killer was trying to take samples of his victims' flesh and brains, but we don't have enough information.
No. 727153 ID: 93fb12

Oh, gee, traumatize the guy some more, why don't you?
No. 727154 ID: dfdb1e

Why are you so affected by this? Sure it suck that serial killer exist, but it have very little to do with us. We don't match the victims and don't know them, we aren't responsible for local crime fighting and doing voluntary isn't our bigger concern right now, and on top of that we live in a fortification surrounded by soldiers. You are safe where you are and isn't failing any responsibility.
No. 727181 ID: 0e4e94

Come on, pastries aren't THAT bad
No. 727192 ID: f79b01

wow we are jackasses
No. 727229 ID: 1f8505


Talk to us, Pendle. What's bothering you?
No. 727331 ID: 8d2d5e
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Yes. Of course yes right good everything's fine hello.
Hello good afternoon. I'm fine. It's all fine. A psychotic murderer is about and stalking around our home and an army of magical sprites may descend on us at any moment to turn us to electric ash and I can't stop thinking about the smell of death but everything is fine it's fine chin up Pendle old fellow look on the bright side no need to fear.
No. 727334 ID: 5f0170

At least you have a literal army to protect you.
No. 727340 ID: 398fe1

The murderer is targeting women, and there's a large group of armed men outside to protect you, and there's traps inside. If you're that worried, why not help shore up some of the defenses?
No. 727341 ID: 094652

If you're worried, then DO something. Is there anything you can do to fortify the Vault? How about fortifications for our local army? You're the smart guy, Pendle, so start thinking.
No. 727344 ID: 5b33cc

Relax, we have a strong force outside to defend you with reinforcements moments away and we'll deal with the murderer so you can just stay inside and relax.
Once the Odds are up and running again you can have them build you, Wes and Ona rooms and then have Babs furnish them. A little project to take your and their minds off things.
No. 727355 ID: 008615

Fear is what gives us courage, Pendle. But we need you to help us. So try and calm down, and collect yourself. Can you do anything to help arm the people outside? Or in the vault? Your are a great metallurgist so we'll need you and Wes to help, your job is to collect and find as much usable ore as possible for Wes and Emmy to make into weapons. Collect yourself, steel yourself (pun intended), we have a war to fight and a murderer to bring to justice.
No. 727410 ID: dfdb1e

Of course there many reasons to be afraid, but you can't let fear paralyze you. We are surrounded by danger, that is why everyone in this operation need to be more threatening than our enemies. That includes you.
So let's talk about what made you so scary. Elaborate on what the problem is, what you want to happen and how we can make that happen. Maybe once we decide to do something about you will feel less afraid.

On an unrelated note I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to show anger toward us. I was afraid you could be the type to hide discontentment behind polite flattery.
No. 727416 ID: ce861e

While true, these are not immediate issues. Fretting over the worst is just going to cause a cycle of worry, it's a potent paralytic. You need to take action so as to give yourself a distraction.

We're here to talk to if you need it, but you might be better served walking the halls and getting some interaction with your comrades.
No. 727469 ID: 0e4e94

I concur, nothing quite eases the mind as well as talking to others.
No. 728726 ID: 12e880

Hey, by chance do you happen to know anything about dragons? Muschio is about to have to negotiate with one.
No. 728780 ID: 99a64d

Look mate, murders are tragic, but tragic stuff happens all the time, in fact, dozens of people are probably being murdered at this very moment. But you really can't have a mental breakdown at every bad thing that happens in the world, you have to save it for the things that directly affect you. Like the magical army coming to murder you. Sitting around here freaking out won't help anyone, least of all you. Aren't you a strategist or something? Shouldn't you be making plans? Or is that still our job? It's fine to be afraid or unsettled, it is not fine to sit around grasping the back of your head and making yourself feel worse about stuff you have no control over or else could be actively working on at this very moment.
No. 728934 ID: 94da30

Get drugs to cope from Ona
No. 728952 ID: 15fae4


psychedelics are not good for a time like this
look at the poor guy, he'd be locked in a cerebral, catatonic state for some potentially very important hours
No. 731078 ID: 4f6a59

Accept your fear. It is real and it is happening. Accept it, open yourself up to it, and let it flow through you. It's all through you, and once you accept it, you can divide out that common denominator, and experience yourself as though there were no fear at all, letting it merely happen in the background of your mind.
No. 733212 ID: 8dc286

Don't you worry pendle, old buddy, old pal. The prince might be returning with some help quite soon, some dragon-shaped help.
No. 733778 ID: 0ce66d


Look, Pendle, here's the thing. If you let the stress get to you, the worst might happen. If you try to keep it out of your mind, focus on your work, and get shit the fuck done, I promise you, PROMISE YOU, that this will end okay. We haven't steered these people wrong yet, and we've been doing this a while. So- get up, get going. I'd say stiff upper lip, but I don't think that's exactly optional for you. Keep calm and carry on, okay pal?
No. 738807 ID: 315280

There is an army outside chill dawg
No. 740451 ID: 767de8

Tell us Pendle - was it you?
No. 741574 ID: 0e4e94

Come on Pendle. It probably been, what, two seconds for you, but for us it feels like two months. Speak your mind.

Better yet, live, become animate, just don't sit there and die.
No. 744676 ID: 4b9322

Pendle, my bug brother. You need to go find Ona and see if she'll let you dip into her stash. Of drugs.
No. 747431 ID: 960f86

its chill, tgweaver wont abandon us...
No. 748081 ID: b7bf44

I think Wes has been somewhat suspicious all this time. We need to take a look at him.
No. 755142 ID: 04d785

Well moping about is not going to do any good! Can't you try and help prepare for the attack or something?
Just get up and go talk to someone, you all need to work together instead of being alone and depressed!
No. 1070526 ID: 46e818
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Hello, readers.

I apologize for breaking the fourth wall. As of this post, DiveQuest has been on hiatus for several years since the last update.

In order to bring everyone up to speed -- new and old readers, as well as myself -- I'm going to have our hero give us a brief recap of the story so far.
If you haven't, I still recommend reading the entire story up to this point. But if you're eager to jump in or just need a quick reminder of where we were and what we were doing, let's all get back on the same page together.

And my apologies for the long wait.

Now, let's begin.
No. 1070527 ID: 46e818
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My name is Muschio Malto. And I was Prince, heir to a great Kingdom.
But when I was but a child, unrest swept through the lands, and my parents were put to death by rebels, who stole my throne, my kingdom, my birthright.

I escaped alive, and lived in quiet secrecy, plotting my revenge.
No. 1070528 ID: 46e818
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Years passed and my time came. I ventured into a nearby mountain dungeon and killed its ruler, Red Fang, then claimed it as a base of operations from which to mount my evil campaign for power.
No. 1070529 ID: 46e818
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From the nearby woodlands, I recruited my first allies:

Finesse, a skilled and adaptable goblin tinkerer. Loyal. Clever. With her help I established a Monster Portal, which can turn special artifacts into summoned minions.
(I have learned since that Finesse believes she is in love with me, and am doing my best to suppress this impulse until she loses interest.)

Tislomer, a bright-eyed kobold huntress and herbalist, to supply food and medicine.

Babrakus, a kobold of few words, trained as a carpenter and farmer.
No. 1070530 ID: 46e818
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Here, I reflect on the nature of my mind, and of my connection with my minions.

Behold The Orb of Infinite Psyche: a magic artifact bound to my mind, my very soul.
By way of a curse, my mind has been fractured into a thousand pieces, and those pieces cast into this crystal sphere.

These fragments are YOU -- separate but whole. So it is you I must ask for decisions and advice when others need only ponder within. I hope that you will continue to guide me.

Shards can be given to my minions as well, allowing you to guide them, communicate with them, and even see via their perception. I cannot talk to them directly, but you can relay messages between us instantly and across any distance.
No. 1070531 ID: 46e818
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Soon, I liberated a nearby keep. A freed prisoner, Commander Coriander Salamander, quickly assumed control and renamed it Salamander Tower.

She and I forged an alliance, and I recruited Ashedel, a tough and competent aid to help manage and recruit staff.
No. 1070532 ID: 46e818
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Using the Monster Portal, we added three small creatures called Odds to our forces. Their magic prowess allows them to carve through stone like dough, and with them, I began to rebuild the interior of my stronghold, temporarily named The Vault, into any shape I desired.
No. 1070533 ID: 46e818
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But running a dungeon of monsters attracts heroes.

While entertaining Arabella, an orcess from Salamander Tower, we were attacked by an armed adventurer. Together we slew him, but Babrakus sustained injuries.

This was a wake-up call for further defenses, and Ashedel located and recruited an enormous ogre named Dompag for muscle. His jovial patience helped to tame Geppa, a troubled she-gnoll who would join us later.
No. 1070534 ID: 46e818
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One night, after an accidental poisoning, I went on a soul-searching journey.

I ran into a childhood friend, Sir Ridder Ritari, and through our discussions, I resolved to cast off my aspirations of evil, and dedicate myself purely to the pursuit of power.

(I MAY have recently burned down the town where I had spent my exiled years, but the record should note it was mostly by accident.)
No. 1070535 ID: 46e818
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On returning from my wandering, I found that Finesse had led the others to stealthily kidnap Princess Vittima Rimontaggio, the daughter of the usurper king who took my throne.

She awaits her fate in my dungeon, though I am in no great rush.
No. 1070536 ID: 46e818
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Again we were attacked, this time by a masked thief casting spells. He was here to steal a bone amulet I had taken when I slew Red Fang, though I do not yet understand its significance.

Tislomer intervened before the man could escape, retrieving the amulet but being grievously injured in the process. She was stabilized but physically disfigured, though kept in good spirits by Babrakus, and the two began a budding romantic relationship.
No. 1070537 ID: 46e818
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Our leads on the amulet and the thief produced nothing. However, we were able to recruit a young kepling girl, one Marjani "Ona" Openda, a learned witch doctor and cursebreaker.

With her magics, Tislomer was soon healed.
No. 1070538 ID: 46e818
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I traveled to the Red Mesas during their civil war, making contact with their Matriarch, Queen K'miele, who I had encountered in my wanderings. She and her husband, Patriarch Mehmed, were eager to end the conflict.

But as I tried to broker a treaty, we were attacked by an assassin, the same masked fiend from before!

I drove him off in a grisly showdown, which the leaders leveraged into peace. The united Mesas pledged us their allegiance, but my left hand, badly injured in the fight, had to be medically amputated.
No. 1070539 ID: 46e818
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The Mesas sent two of their officers into my command as thanks:

Pendle Khaneh, a bugfolk scholar and war strategist, and Wes Fumo, a legendary ratfolk blacksmith.

We returned home only to be intercepted by a large group of paladins, who declared I was evil and must be destroyed. We were saved only by the intervention of Rungord Hookdon, the young human prince of Dorada, with whom I have a complicated history.

The paladins relented, not yet willing to risk war with his father, and Hookdon returned home, leaving us with a deployment of 30 or so trained soldiers as defense in the meantime.
No. 1070540 ID: 46e818
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I took Dompag and Geppa to investigate rumors of political turmoil in the port city of Tela Cruz, and stopped at Salamander Tower along the way. There, the tower was assaulted by a scouting party of magical sprites, a strange race to find in number. Our forces repelled them, but I became convinced they had been sent by the Czar of Tela Cruz, a furtive man named Anolei Bomba.

Leaving my two followers with Coriander to secure the tower, I pressed on to the port.
No. 1070541 ID: 46e818
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Sneaking into the city, I found its entire population had somehow been magically transmogrified into sprites by its Czar, for reasons I still do not fully understand.

Czar Bomba knew I was coming. A man of potent magical ability, with a great carved icon in his throne room that revealed he had a connection to my mysterious bone amulet! I was not able to glean further information, as this confrontation quickly turned violent, and the Czar attempted to kill me.
No. 1070542 ID: 46e818
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Bomba summoned his mercenary, a familiar masked man, to finish me off. At last I learned that this dangerous individual, a spellblade called The Pretender, was in the Czar's employ all along.

I was able to survive his lethal magics with the help of a friendly sprite who calls herself Princess Erisol N'poa. Her surprisingly potent sorceries also provided us a quick, unplanned exit from Tela Cruz, but we now found ourselves lost in the wilderness, many miles away.
No. 1070543 ID: 46e818
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Seeking shelter at the nearest sign of civilization, N'poa and I arrived at a mountainhome where we were received by surprisingly posh orcs.

It was here I met Lady Moira Mondegreen, a fearsome woman who has offered me her many connections and talents as spymaster, in exchange for my patronage when I ascend to the throne. Truthfully, she intimidates me, but she will make a better ally than an enemy.

She has also offered, as first gesture of goodwill, to connect me with a scholar who may be able to shed light on the mysteries of the bone amulet that now seems so important.
No. 1070544 ID: 46e818
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And that, my dear fragments of self, is where I find myself now.
A mysterious amulet, a crazed Czar, and a burgeoning army.

My guarded but powerful new ally wishes to introduce me to the "host", the resident dragon of the mountainhome, who may provide me swift passage home.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Ian Hyde of the human troops from Dorada has warned us of the gruesome deaths of several peasants in the area, which Ona suspects is the work of a crazed killer. In my absence, my minions have become embroiled in a grisly mystery.

Much to do, and little time. I feel threats closing in from all sides, and I must return home swiftly so that I may take proper action and set things right.

I, Prince Muschio Malto, must protect my people.
With your help.
No. 1070545 ID: 46e818
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And now, we return to our Quest.
No. 1070546 ID: 46e818
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Yes. Yes, fine, of course, you're all right in your words of consolation and encouragement.

The truth is there's no sense waiting around any longer. There's too much to be done in the face of these dire times.
I'll speak to the others, make sure everyone stays vigilant. Perhaps we can speak to Sergeant Ian Hyde again, of the soldiers that Prince Hookdon left with us. They're here to defend, and I certainly don't believe anyone here is safe at the moment.

I will... do my best. But I confess, I'm not a man of any great willpower. Hopefully, going forward, we can avoid such things.

I just need to avoid upsetting myself further, and things may just be all right.
No. 1070547 ID: 6f4d8e

You got this Pendle, do what you can to help raise defenses around the lair. If you have any strategic knowledge about where to place them that would help. I also advise you use those diplomatic skills to start immediately messaging our allies about our situation. The more help the better.
No. 1070548 ID: 46e818
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Yes, it's true. I have strategic training, and though wartime defenses are quite distinct from protecting against a single murderous interloper, I'm already sure my knowledge on the topic is applicable.

I should retire to my temporary room for a time. Rest my heart, perhaps draw up some plans for what to do next.

That might alleviate this stress.
No. 1070549 ID: 46e818
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>"Hey Pendle, there you are! Perfect. I'm still sobering up. Can you come along again and take a look at the newest victim with me?"
No. 1070550 ID: 67f460

Right on, we'll be standing by if you need help. In the meantime we should move on to another of our compatriots or back to Prince Muschio.
No. 1070551 ID: a7a180

I'm sure you're sufficiently observant to help her but the time dedicated to this task versus the time spent recovering from this task is a net loss. Delegate.
No. 1070552 ID: 4d8b77

Is there anything to actually be gained by having you observe the bodies like this, though? Politics usually doesn't get this close to bodies, even in the bloodiest courts, right? It might be cowardice to get someone else to do it, but bravery isn't necessarily very practical. Maybe someone with some experience chopping people up would be a better pick for co-mortician? Too bad Geppa is still away.
No. 1070553 ID: 273c18

Maybe you can shield your eyes while we look.
No. 1070554 ID: d4a43f

Unless your company is to comfort Ona so that she isn't examining a mutilated corpse alone, decline. Otherwise, I don't think you being there will be of much help.
No. 1070555 ID: 654f5c

If you DO look at the body, maybe squeeze the pressure point on your wrists a little so you don't immediately throw up over it. Last thing Ona needs right now.
No. 1070556 ID: c58889

Damn comedic timing...

Good point. Pendle you're no use if you are at risk of another panic attack. Delegate to someone who knows more than you do.
No. 1070557 ID: ce619a

Ask her why she wants you to see a dead body and whether or not you can give your opinion on the matter without having to look at mangled corpses
No. 1070558 ID: e5709d

Heads up, Pendle: something... happened to us in the interval between our last visit and we may be even weirder than usual.
Let's just say it, uh... it's good to see you again.

Tell you what, throw us over to Ona and we'll rate the body on a 'meh-to-hurl' scale.
No. 1070559 ID: 05fc82

an analytical mind is need for this case.
No. 1070560 ID: eb7ce4

ask for something that might help calm the nerves? Ona's bound to have something to use, even if only temporarily
No. 1070562 ID: 7c5beb

Go with her even if you can't lend much expertise to the case. If you want to deal in war and command the respect of your subordinates, let it not be said that you are too squeamish to see a corpse.
No. 1070563 ID: fda55b

Better plan, why don’t WE go look at the body? We go with Ona to examine and make judgements while Pendle does what he needs to.
No. 1070564 ID: 05fc82

Her still sobering up might affect our perception. We need fresh eyes.
No. 1070566 ID: dd3b88

Sorry Pendleton, duty does in fact call. Gotta get an analytical mind on this while it’s fresh.
No. 1070574 ID: 8f9bc4

DiveQuest let's fucking goooooooo
No. 1070578 ID: 93d066

As a strategist, you see the possibility that the murderer is a plot from an enemy to discombobulate the defenses of the base, lowering the readiness and morale?
No. 1070592 ID: da0be0

That's a good point >>1070578 warfare of attrition and siege is fought in many different ways.
Farmers, the local people are distraught. The stationed soldiers are on edge. And inside the base the allies are restless and stressed.
Indeed, there's a psycho on the loose. But one could speculate that is a "for hire" one.
No. 1070596 ID: c2bdff

I kinda get the feeling you're going to be seeing a lot more bodies in this company of beings my dude. Gotta get used to it sooner or later.

That said, easing into this would be a bit better than jumping head first and continually being overwhelmed and fainting.
No. 1070598 ID: 7ede17

It's Back!!!!
No. 1070603 ID: ef8abc

Be honest with her - seeing bodies makes you queasy, and maybe it's better if someone else goes, while you stay and write down a recap of all we know about the victims, maybe with a map of where they were found. Your analytical mind is more suited to that than to field observation.
No. 1070614 ID: 46e818
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"Miss Openda... If you need my company to assuage your own uneasiness in such a situation, I will oblige you. But otherwise, I do not believe I will be much assistance. I am uncomfortable around scenes of violence, and I fear that another bloody sight of such magnitude will only--"

>"What? Wait wait, I sent Wes ahead. He didn't tell you?"

"I haven't seen Mr. Fumo. Tell me what?

>"This one -- she's still alive!"
No. 1070615 ID: 46e818
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No. 1070616 ID: 273c18

Alright, this should be fine. Let's go.
No. 1070617 ID: 654f5c


Well, shit. Looks like you're goin' in. Steel yourself anyhow, Pendle -- no telling what condition she's in.
No. 1070618 ID: ce619a

>killer on the loose
>one of your allies is missing
No. 1070619 ID: d4a43f

Alright, Pendle, ask yourself which of these makes you more uneasy: the thought that you're going to see someone maimed and in pain but still alive; or the thought that there's someone maimed, in pain, still alive, whom you can help but stood by.

The former might make you lose your lunch (if you had any). The latter might become something you regret for years to come.

Go see the girl.
No. 1070620 ID: db56ab

Alright let's go see the girl

Side note: WHERE IS WES????
No. 1070621 ID: dc13c4

In a stressful situation like this, it is important not to be stressed out. Try to compose yourself at this kind of moment as these cool heads prevail. Best of luck!
No. 1070623 ID: 87e33c

Probably do this while she looks at the body because I M P O R T A N T
No. 1070625 ID: a7a180

Body first! They may not be alive much longer.
No. 1070626 ID: e5709d

Oh wait that meme didn't come out until-

Hey, don't forget we're a magical suite of communications relays! You go check on the girl, and we'll
[Switch to Wes]
No. 1070628 ID: 443b73

Good point.
No. 1070636 ID: 46e818
File 169283667718.png - (15.84KB , 800x600 , 1593.png )

"What do you mean?? I thought-- didn't you say-- was she not poisoned??"

>"She was! But the butcher stuff only happens after they die, and she didn't die! Some of the soldiers found her while on patrol -- probably interrupted things before the awful thing could be finished."

"Is she going to live??"

>"I gave her something for the pain. Hopefully she can hold on until Tislomer gets back and can whip her up an antidote. She was delirious, but now she's out."

"She was conscious?! Did she say anything?? Any clues?"

>"I think she said 'spider' a few times. 'The spider'? I thought we were looking for a person, because of the clean cuts and the punctures, but now I'm not so sure."
No. 1070637 ID: a7a180

Both? Maybe it's both.
No. 1070640 ID: 654f5c


If that's the case you should absolutely go with her to watch the victim.

Also yeah, where the hell even IS Wes if he didn't show...
No. 1070641 ID: a001ce

Oh hell, she might have been about to be EATEN! Maybe anyay. If it's spiders like I'm thinking of, then paralyze with venom and then- But then there's slashing damage..

Are dealing with something like a Drider? A half-human/elf and half-spider Monster?. Definitely a venomous hunting spider type. Either way they're careful enough to cover their tracks. Lets go check in with the poor girl.
No. 1070643 ID: ce619a

Maybe it's an alias for a serial killer?
Try asking around or having someone else ask around if any criminals in the region have a spider related nickname.
Barring that, do any kinds of giant spiders or spider-like creatures exist in the world that could make clean cuts? Might be worth asking about that, too.
No. 1070644 ID: 4d8b77

If this victim is human as well, it almost certainly isn't an animal, unless there is a massive number of human women passing through Timore Woodlands recently for some reason.
No. 1070645 ID: ce619a

That's a good point
What other info do we have on the victims? Race, age, where they live, etc.
No. 1070646 ID: e5709d

Could be looking for an asshole with back augmentations that give them extra limbs. But I think it's more likely this asshole poisons their victims by throwing poisonous spiders over their face.
No. 1070647 ID: 46e818
File 169283917602.png - (11.74KB , 800x600 , 1594.png )

>"This girl was a kobold, though. Might have been something lost in translation? But I swear she kept saying 'spider'."

"Miss Openda, think carefully. Was Sergeant Hyde with the patrol group when they found her?

>"I don't know. I don't... think so? No. No-- Babrakus was, though. Said he wanted to help make sure the area was safe when Tislomer got home."

"Where is the girl now?"

>"Hyde put her in one of his tents, outside. He's keeping an eye on her."
No. 1070648 ID: 46e818
File 169283919391.png - (9.11KB , 800x600 , 1595.png )

No. 1070649 ID: 46e818
File 169283920897.png - (8.74KB , 800x600 , 1596.png )

I have a terrible feeling about this.
No. 1070650 ID: 46e818
File 169283924796.png - (16.07KB , 800x600 , 1597.png )

"Come with me, quickly! There's no time to lose."

>"Whoa! All right, jeez, I'm coming!"
No. 1070654 ID: 1ab976

We’re following your lead on this one Pendle!
No. 1070655 ID: 8f9bc4

Hyde is a human, right?

No. 1070657 ID: ce619a

>Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Hope he's not, otherwise the relationship with the soldiers guarding the base is about to get very strained if he is.
Normal ol' psychotic soldiers killing randos for kicks then getting called out on it would be a way worse situation than just one dude with a case of the weres getting tattled on.
No. 1070661 ID: 93d066

Thats it!
Time for a roll call!
No. 1070667 ID: d4a43f


Hyde is human. He's also been the one to report the first dead body.
Moreover, another thing of notice is how insistent he is that his platoon cannot get involved in anything regarding the murders:

We shouldn't presume guilt simply because he's a human, but we should be on our guard around him.

Resuscitating this girl, however, is important, because so far she's the only person who had first-hand experience with the sicko and lived.
No. 1070679 ID: 635eea

Grab a weapon or something to defend yourself with on your way out!
No. 1070680 ID: 635eea

Preferably something you can keep concealed.
No. 1070683 ID: 4d8b77

If he was really killing these women, wouldn't he have them buried as soon as possible? It's both less suspicious and less incriminating.
No. 1070687 ID: 635eea

Unless he wanted them found...
No. 1070690 ID: 8f9bc4


Wouldn't be the first time a cop tried to bully his way into power by creating his own crimes.


Wouldn't be the first time something took the appearance of a human, or replaced a human in order to make the humans look bad. He could definitely be a bad human using spiders, rather than the un...comfortable alternative. Or he could be the next victim, right now. Either way find him and the currently dying victim posthaste!
No. 1070694 ID: 46e818
File 169290482921.png - (15.84KB , 800x600 , 1598.png )

>"There we are, I'm ready."


>"I hope you didn't mind the wait."

"Oh -- no, thank you. Feels like no time has passed at all."

>"Then this is it, little Prince. Beyond these doors waits perhaps most important introduction of your royal career. I hope you're prepared."
No. 1070699 ID: 1ab976

No. 1070700 ID: cc1388

steel yourself, sire. how much do we know about dragons?
No. 1070704 ID: 8f9bc4

Do you have any spinach in your teeth? This is very important. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPINACH
No. 1070705 ID: d4a43f

Surreptitiously straighten your coat.
No. 1070707 ID: 1a35ec

Did you remember to bring your homework?? Do you have your pants on???
No. 1070708 ID: 4d8b77

Don't laugh if it's the size of a cat or something Muschio.
No. 1070713 ID: ce619a

Stay away from the front and tail. Watch for deep breaths. Don't get knocked into the whelps.
Use more dots.
No. 1070714 ID: a7a180

Kick in that door and swagger in with all the confidence of a rising conqueror.
No. 1070715 ID: 05fc82

Is it too late to ask any of the others if they know any important facts about dragons?
No. 1070718 ID: 46e818
File 169291976494.png - (15.31KB , 800x600 , 1599.png )

"I shall do my best. Are there any specific rules of etiquette I should practice in the court of a dragon?"

>"Our dragon is a being of great propriety and manners, but any experience in royal society should have you more than prepared. She demands no particularly unique savoir faire, though I would avoid bringing any attention to her breath. Beyond that, just be as polite and deferential as possible. Never speak over her, never challenge her. Her Old Name was Peldraig Sundershield, the Ancient Warlord. But that's between you and I -- now she goes by Sadie Hart, so be sure to use that. Oh, and she doesn't like titles, so don't call her or yourself anything but your name."

"...the dragon's name is Sadie?"

>"For god's sake, focus, Prince. Remember she could incinerate us both in a second and use our bones for toothpicks. Are you ready or aren't you?"
No. 1070719 ID: 1ab976

> be polite and respectful
> don’t mention her breath
> don’t talk over her or interrupt
> no titles
> Call her Sadie

Got it.
No. 1070720 ID: 654f5c


Shouldn't be too hard. Just be courteous and casual. Treat it like you're being introduced to a friend-of-a-friend (if said friend-of-a-friend were a dragon).
No. 1070721 ID: ce619a

>Her Old Name was Peldraig Sundershield, the Ancient Warlord.
Oh great, she's a dwarf fortress megabeast.
No. 1070722 ID: 05fc82

The Malto family never fucked with dragons in the past right?
No. 1070723 ID: 4f675d

Does "Lady" count as a title? Now taking bets that she falls head over heels for the Volto
No. 1070724 ID: 8f9bc4

Sadraig. Got it.
No. 1070728 ID: e5709d

Welp, time to switch from Anarchy to Democracy.

So, in the event that you are barbequed to death I just wanted you to know that I had you crowned an honorary emperor of the Rezan Imperium. Uh, quest complete. Technically.

Let her make the first move. Get a look at the environment and we'll try to crunch psychology on what approach you should really take.
No. 1070732 ID: 46e818
File 169292502993.png - (24.42KB , 800x600 , 1600.png )

"Yes, I'm ready. My training in courtly manners should serve adequately."

>"Remember, little Prince, this meeting reflects on us both. Measure your words."

"I understand the severity of it, Lady Mondegreen. I won't embarrass you."

She nods, and, with a great strain even for her impressive physique, hauls open the towering stone door that lays at the end of the hall.
Beyond, a hollow cavern of immense proportions stretches into smoky darkness.
No. 1070733 ID: 96f669

Continue onward, if miss Sadie is busy might want to give her a few minutes, unless she was expecting you
No. 1070735 ID: 654f5c


Hmm, smoke. Maybe call out to her before you can come close. Just to be on the safe side.
No. 1070736 ID: ce619a

Plant your feet wide, put your hands to your hips and take a long hearty whiff of some that dank cave smoke
No. 1070739 ID: ce619a

Furthering the "no attention to her breath" rule: Do NOT mention it at all, even if turns out to be actually very pleasant.
Whether it's bad or good, no talking of it or reacting to it in anyway. No coughing, no gagging, no sniffing, not even compliments.
Bear through it and ignore it, no matter what it is.
No. 1070741 ID: 3a16f1

>Lady Mondegreen
If the dragon hates titles, then youd better not risk using "Lady". Make sure you only call her Mondegreen (or whatever her first name is) while in the presence of the dragon.
No. 1070742 ID: a7a180

Just keep going until the floor stops being floor.
No. 1070743 ID: e5709d

It begins here. Sadie's spies will be measuring your every move. You need to impress them.

Slouch back and do occasional stretching exercises. Casually make a verbal tally of your subordinates and come up with plans on your next move. Ramble a little about the Czar's madness and if you can find some way to treat the sprites. They seem better this way, you'll say, but they deserve mental health checks to ensure they're not being enslaved by the vapid happiness.

And try to invent something for them posh uruks. Present it at the meeting.

And whatever you do, pretend we don't exist. We'll fast-forward to after you make it to the encounter.
No. 1070745 ID: 93d066

They are creatures of great power and intellect that see other creatures as lesser and as a mean to achieve wealth and power. They are known to be able to change form, so size may be irrelevant.
No. 1070746 ID: d3e473

And whatever you do, NEVER take from their hoard
No. 1070748 ID: 93d066

So true, also be mindful, their hoard can take many forms. Gold, Grimoires, works of art, you name it. If they fixate on it they'll hoard it and that goes for individuals too.

So be really careful of of how you navigate this coming conversation, for all we know Moira may as well be "Article #33 subsection Thicc"
No. 1070783 ID: 46e818
File 169299869574.png - (17.61KB , 800x600 , 1601.png )

I notice that the far end of this chamber is open to the sky. What I took for the darkness of the cave is the smoke-obscured night sky.

As we head deeper into the cavern, Lady Mondegreen pulls a small bell from beneath a nearby brazier and rings it. I assume she's announcing our approach to the dragon.
No. 1070784 ID: 46e818
File 169299875055.png - (13.46KB , 800x600 , 1602.png )

We arrive at least before a sloping, smoothed stone formation.
No. 1070785 ID: 46e818
File 169299882908.png - (16.29KB , 800x600 , 1603.png )

A thin, wisping jet of white flame shoots into the air with a hissing sound.

A moment later, a voice -- deep, rumbling, and coarse as gravel. The ground beneath me seems to tremble.

No. 1070786 ID: 654f5c


Let's be succinct and direct. She seems like someone who prefers not to have her time wasted.
No. 1070787 ID: e5709d

"I am Muschio Malto, co-founder of the Rezan Empire. And you are Sadie Hart, former yoga musician turned giant dragon, prophesied to slay an Elder God. The time has come. Will you answer the call?"
No. 1070788 ID: d4a43f

Wait, what's proper manners here? Are we supposed to know her name already, or are we supposed to wait for her to introduce herself?

I guess our first goal was to get acquainted, so let's start with that?

Give Moira a few seconds in case she wants to take over, then say: "Greetings, Sadie. My name is Muschio. I come from the Grand Kingdom of North Piacevole, which I am in the process of reclaiming. I am here to pay my respects."

Let's not open too verbosely.
No. 1070789 ID: 443b73

Wide hips...

Give your most polite salutations to the mystical creature.
No. 1070790 ID: 93d066

Cordial but to the point
No. 1070791 ID: ce619a

>Gaze that is clearly not on the bell
Hold off on wishing for the failure of that tailory until after this meeting, if you would.

...but afterwards please do continue wishing very hard.
No. 1070792 ID: 46e818
File 169300083271.png - (10.09KB , 800x600 , 1604.png )

"My most respectful greetings to you this evening, Sadie Hart. I am Muschio Malto, a guest of Moira Mondegreen.
I am waging a campaign for power in the low realm of Man and for recent misfortune, I would humbly request your assistance returning home."
No. 1070794 ID: 46e818
File 169300098272.png - (15.17KB , 800x600 , 1605.png )

The great dragon stirs, raising a towering silhouette against the sky.

>"And why should I help you?"
No. 1070795 ID: a7a180

You might know some useful information pertaining to the troublesome Anolei Bomba (Do not call him Czar) and since you're from around there you and your forces would very happily act as a buffer for his machinations.
No. 1070796 ID: 93d066

> "It may not be much. But for extending me aid in my time of need, I would be always grateful and in your debt."
No. 1070797 ID: 654f5c


A good idea would be to find if she wants something, similar to Mondegreen. I doubt their goals are shared, but Sadie might need motivation of some kind to get her on your side.
No. 1070798 ID: e0a0b2

Romance the dragon
No. 1070799 ID: d4a43f

Do not the dragon.
No. 1070800 ID: 46e818
File 169300423619.png - (10.26KB , 800x600 , 1606.png )

"Alas, I know there is little I could offer that would possibly merit your interest, but if there is anything you desire that it is within my power to give, you have but to ask."

>"Your offer is a favor?"

"I know it is a pittance in exchange for your grand transport, but--"

>"'Transport'? I'm not giving you a ride."
No. 1070802 ID: 46e818
File 169300440558.png - (20.97KB , 800x600 , 1607.png )

>"No, Muschio, I'm not a cart for you to ride home. What you're getting is a bigger package. You're getting a chance to announce yourself with my presence.
>When you arrive at your little home astride a dragon, everyone's going to notice. Everyone's going to talk.
>They'll say, Muschio has a dragon's favor! They'll say he has power, he has reach!

>This is more than transport. This is your chance to make an entrance only a slim margin of living creatures ever have.
>You're going to catch a lot of attention, good and bad. And I hope you're ready for all that entails.

>I'm not a steed. I'm not a ride, Muschio. I'm a fucking statement to the world, punctuated with cindersmoke and printed in blackpowder burns.
No. 1070804 ID: a7a180

Wait to see that she's finished, then: It is an honor for which you will be greatly indebted.
No. 1070805 ID: 8f9bc4

Assistance?! You meant respects! Why didn't you say respects!

It—it was her idea!! *frantic pointing*


Apologize for your presumption. Explain that what you meant was you are here to present your case, after which you feel it will be in her best interests that you get on home. Tell her about your thus far successful campaign to recover your father's throne, and your alliance with the united Mesas. That strange forces are brewing of which she may find of interest, with a whole city transmogrified into a flying portable electromagical nuke for no reason you can fathom. That mystery is why you've been stranded out here, and it seems like something we all might want to be solved sooner than later. Conclude by saying you are in her debt simply for giving you the time to tell your tale, and should you be successful you hope that your kingdom could live in accord with Sadie and her needs, and with the needs of the kind woman who has brought you here to promise a mutual alliance, and a better treatment of her people in what little empire you manage to forge.

And by all the gods do NOT tell her that you killed a dragon to secure your base of operations. You did think of that before coming here before her; it didn't just occur to you this very moment, did it?!
No. 1070806 ID: 4d8b77

It seems like this has already been decided, then. This is a test to see if you know you're own worth, Muschio. Which makes it kind of a shame that you've moved on from being The Devil, because I'm not even sure you know what Muschio Malto is worth right now.
No. 1070807 ID: ce619a

Express surprise that the "transport" was to be her and say it's out of the question as you'd never denigrate such a beauty by having her act as a ferry for lesser races.

No. 1070809 ID: 654f5c


I guess ask yourself: are you ready to make a statement?
No. 1070813 ID: d4a43f

It might just be dark here, but I'm not seeing much in the way of wings? (don't actually say that)

Go full deference mode and politely inquire whether she already has an idea of what return favor she desires.
No. 1070814 ID: dc13c4

I don't know she might seem like too high-maintenance to maintain. The true power move would be to not care about her worth.
No. 1070815 ID: e5709d

And you have something just as grand to offer right now: a network connection.
I found information on a human woman named Sadie Hart in our psyche network. She's a former songstress and a yoga instructor - put simply, a 'stretchy bard'.
It's no coincidence that she chose that name. She's somehow connected to a human from another world. A fan, or something more? She'll be interested in knowing more, which means you have the intel needed to entice her into connecting with us.
No. 1070816 ID: c57e31

I see one potential flaw in this but it may be best to withhold this, but if her assessment is right in that is riding in on a dragon would set us up as someone with status, that would paint a target on HER back as well us. It would signal that the not only true prince has returned but he has a dragon in his corner. And some of hers have already pledged allegiance. By joining us, she becomes a target for the current regime.
No. 1070819 ID: 46e818

>It's no coincidence
actually it, is
now please stop with this nonsense already
No. 1070820 ID: 956e15

You can offer them the same thing you're offering mondegreene. Aligning herself with a future king and one quickly rising in power. Any sapient being would have to be a fool to not see the benefits of allying with the ruling class present or future. Don't word it exactly that way, but make the point clear. You have worth, own it.
No. 1070825 ID: 443b73


Apologize for not realizing the magnitude of your request. Ask for a chance to earn her favor, to learn what she value so you can find a proper gift worth of her approval.
After all, if you gonna appear to have gained a dragon's support better to actually have it.
No. 1070911 ID: 08d793

Perhaps you should delay such a shift of status. Should the Czar get word he'll likely accelerate his plans. Wild idea here. Offer her the amulet that the Czar desires. She'll be far better protection than your few forces will be against the likes of the masked yin-yang.
No. 1070913 ID: 967173

"Ha HA! Sadie, thank you. You've expanded my mind. You know, I've been so many desperate scrambles for survival lately, I've forgotten to keep my eyes always on the horizon. I'm a rightful heir to royalty, not some escaped felon. Please, forgive my momentary shortsightedness.

"Yes, of course, making an entrance on the back of a dragon as fearsome and wondrous as yourself will do great things for my image. Not only am I prepared, I'm eager to step into that light.

"Now that we know what we're bargaining for here, I would like to make you a better offer. Tell me, Sadie: what are you after?"
No. 1070914 ID: dc4bad

She is very much right.
More than just a trip home this is going to mark an escalation; it would never have been a secret thing, you have the ear of many allies but are watched closely by your foes, your return will be borne witness by at minimum the Czar (he is frustratingly well informed on our motions, possibly by way of magic), the paladins and Hookdon's men. Nevermind the numberless skygazers between here and the Vault.

Taking this route means you are no longer going to be seen just as an exile in charge of a cave full of misfits, you will be seen as a major player.
You need to be able and willing to fulfil the promise of such a return.

I think this is going to catapult you into full-on war, so you better capitalize the moment's momentum to get yourself an army. Hopefully that situation in the Timore woodlands is about ready for you to make a play for.

also, super happy to see you & this back
No. 1070915 ID: 93d066

Take a knee and state that never in your wildest dreams you dared fathom that she would be providing transport herself.

That you only aspired for her to grace you with means for save passage trough earth and sea. A couple of fast steeds, a competent driver and a light cart. Nothing more.

For her to grant you such a boon is magnanimous indeed. For that, you'll go the length that is required, but you are not going to be a pretentious fool and call the price to be paid, if she already has one in mind.
No. 1070916 ID: 273c18

Tell her you were thinking more along the lines of a more... accurate teleport spell than the last one you used, or maybe some other form of transport that could get you there within a few days. Though, if there is something she desires that would be worth her personal assistance, you might be able to get it. You have many connections and resources at your disposal.

Hey Muschio did you ever talk to that scholar about the bone amulet?
No. 1070924 ID: ebae20

Imagine showing up riding a fucking dragon to Tela Cruz and just messing up the Czar
No. 1070929 ID: f6a008

>Use dragon to defeat hostile
...Strategic genius. His assets are likely out of place, so hitting him with speed and surprise might create an even bigger splash. Former Prince shows up with Drago and crushes local powerhouse.
No. 1070930 ID: ce619a

That's not a bad idea. The czar seems to be the lynch pin for that place what with the entire populous transformed into sprites, so whether they transform back or not if he's killed, whoever kills the czar would have control over Tela Cruz. Either from the gratitude of it's citizens or vacant obedience if they stay sprites.

Informing Sadie of this so she could take over the place and have the city become our ally would accomplish the objective of removing it's support for Piacevole.

If Sadie's unwilling to do so because a dragon ruling a city would paint a target on her, Muschio could volunteer to act as a figurehead for the city, claiming credit for killing the czar as a conquering hero, while Sadie makes the actual ruling decisions for it behind the scenes.
No. 1070941 ID: 46e818
File 169308533018.png - (19.89KB , 800x600 , 1608.png )

>"And before you ask, no, I'm not going to go rampaging around and burning your enemies for you. There's no price you could pay that would warrant my intervention on that scale. The affairs of men bore me. I care not which king sits on which throne in which territory. The only territory I care for is mine, and I do not need your help to rewrite those boundaries.

>You see, Muschio, entertaining your request here is just a whim for me. I will take a boon, if I so desire, and you will get a show of my unbridled power. And I have so much power to show. Greater men than you have crumbled before me, and not for the last time.

>I don't know what I want from you. Not yet. But if I choose to entertain you, then when the time comes, I will ask. That's how this is going to work. You get what you want, and I get to decide what I want.
No. 1070942 ID: 46e818
File 169308534601.png - (17.42KB , 800x600 , 1609.png )

>"So the only real questions are whether your petty little life can entertain me...

>And -- bigger question -- if you can stand what I bring to such a bargain in the first place.

>Well, Muschio? I am willing to entertain your bargain. Can you even handle what you're asking for?
No. 1070943 ID: 46e818
File 169308536055.png - (14.86KB , 800x600 , 1610.png )

No. 1070944 ID: 654f5c


I know, right?
No. 1070945 ID: 654f5c


Also, she seems less interested in political power, and more interested in the personal. Mull it over. Without the throne, what are you? What boon would you provide?
No. 1070946 ID: a7a180

Actions speak louder than words.
No. 1070947 ID: e5709d

...And everyone wonders why true [CENSORED]-males wear skirts.
Hold up the orb, boop her snoot. We will show her the COSMOS.
No. 1070948 ID: d4a43f

So, we're getting a big favor from and handing a blank cheque to an entity for whom our life and the lives of all we hold dear are playthings. That's a great risk.

But you didn't get to where you are by playing it safe. He who never takes risks never gets to drink champagne.

We are ready to handle it. It's a deal.
No. 1070949 ID: 967173

"Oh I assure you, I'm more than prepared for what comes next.

"Tell me, have you ever experienced psychological infinity? This is the orb of infinite psyche. In it are the endless tides of many voices. If you touch the orb, you may commune with them directly, see what they see, hear what they speak... It is a rather innervating experience. Do you care to see for yourself?"
No. 1070950 ID: c57e31


Fuck it.

We bring a marriage proposal.
No. 1070953 ID: cc1388

we should take care not to over-extend ourselves. it isnt necessary to get us involved in this; not yet anyways. if we need to up the ante, then we can offer up knowledge of the orb.

for now, i think we can get away with simply acquiescing to the dragons desires. she thinks highly of her power and status, and im sure weve got plenty of earnest flattery to spare. accept the offer, sire, and make your gratitude well heard.
No. 1070954 ID: 46e818
File 169308899632.png - (14.61KB , 800x600 , 1611.png )

No. 1070955 ID: 46e818
File 169308903052.png - (15.11KB , 800x600 , 1612.png )

No. 1070956 ID: 654f5c


Hide it. Hide it. Hide it.
No. 1070957 ID: c57e31

Can you really blame us Moira…?

Let’s offer what we got. And hey if we’re feeling ballsy, why NOT offer a marriage proposal? Our territory her becomes her territory if we win.
No. 1070958 ID: 8f9bc4

Well that's... a way to propose to a lady.

It certainly is a way.

Definitely a way. Um.
No. 1070960 ID: d4a43f

Ah, crap. I was hoping Moira wouldn't notice.

Snap out of it, and hope the dragon is amused and takes this is as a compliment.
No. 1070961 ID: 4dca67

What would be more rude.
Adjusting your pants while still facing her or turning around to do it and talk to her over your shoulder?
No. 1070967 ID: ce619a

Well, she's not interested in playing games of political intrigue with us and only cares for personal amusement, so-
Mustering all of the charisma and charm you can possible call upon, sincerely and earnestly express your unbridled feelings of awe, admiration and attraction for her and...

No. 1070968 ID: a7a180

...Oh, perhaps we should hide our attention to detail. This is why we should wear a cap, or at least a codpiece!
No. 1070969 ID: d4a43f

While there's a good chance it might entertain Sadie - not physiologically, of course, but in a "oh that's cute" way - there' more than one powerful woman in the room.

And the other said this meeting reflects on both of us. Let's not embarass a power-hungry schemer and make her regret thinking we're worth investing in.
No. 1070970 ID: 724fba

Take a knee, humbly accept. Promise her that she will be entertained. And "interesting times" are bound to come.
No. 1070977 ID: 34a1b1

I don't think Muschio's hard on here is necessarily misplaced. His love of powerful women aside, that vaguely reads like an innuendo that she's going to do this little favor and show up for a booty call at some later date as payment.
No. 1070979 ID: e5709d

"Excuse me, my brain was blown open by the sheer force of the internet.
Before you kill me... would you like to try some?"
No. 1070980 ID: 1a35ec

Don't do anything! It's dark, it's smokey, you're aimed right at her, so with foreshortening and all, she probably hasn't noticed. Just hiss back that you're doing your best and uhhh try tense your muscles in your legs and arms to make the blood move somewhere else.

Anyway, assert that the favor you offer is a favor from YOU. Show a little bit of backbone (you need to show a different bone anyway). Agree - "I will give whatever you ask of me" - but put strength on ME. Make it clear you will not sell others to her whims without their say-so. As for 'can you handle me'... answer: "I already aspire to some day handle a kingdom, but I am willing to set my heights higher still."
No. 1070986 ID: ebae20

No. 1070990 ID: 93d066

Second this
No. 1070991 ID: 635eea

Guess we have new goal to add to the list.

We must, somehow, become a dragon.
No. 1070992 ID: a07d78

Well, here's my first attempt at amusing your fine self. What is your romantic status?
No. 1070993 ID: 4d8b77

That's not going down any time soon, so just work around it. Definitely a power move, honestly.
No. 1070995 ID: dc4bad

Just, don't acknowledge that and focus on responding to her. (with any luck she finds it amusing, with good luck perhaps she's flattered, with astronomical fortune she may be into it)

There's only answering in the affirmative; to balk now would mean a truly incredible regret for the rest of your days.

Well Sadie, if it amuses, let us shake the world below and see how it rattles.
No. 1070999 ID: f2320a

well you brought attention to it >>1070955 now just get harder but it cant really extend more due to the pants constraints
No. 1071011 ID: 46e818
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"A thousand pardons, Sadie. I had no idea the mode of transport in question was to be a position of such immensity -- I assumed we would simply arrange a cart with your blessing.
But now that I know what this deal entails, I am all the more committed to it. It would be my greatest honor to be so glorified in your presence. I am ready, more than ready, to receive this blessing.

And I would abide by your offer, to dutifully give anything that is mine to give for such a privilege. I enter such a debt unflinchingly, and whatever favor you wish to call, I will answer."
No. 1071012 ID: 46e818
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>"ANY favor? You must be some kind of fucking fool, to make so broad a promise. What if I were to come back in a year and demand to have your firstborn?"

"I wish that you would."
No. 1071013 ID: 46e818
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>"I don't get -- that joke went over my head."

>"Ha ha! Ah, me as well! Please forgive him, he's an ambitious man but a poor humorist."
No. 1071014 ID: e5709d

She's distracted!
Poke her with the Orb! We'll bribe her with the riches of an entire galaxy!
No. 1071015 ID: c57e31

“I would raise you to the level of queen and beyond if given the chance…”
No. 1071016 ID: ce619a
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lol Moira is not happy about this

But seriously, if you don't seal the deal with wooing this dragon then Sadie won't be the only one you have to worry about rendering you into mulch in the immediate future.
No. 1071019 ID: fe38e1

This moght be a bit off-topic, but regarding the Kobold victim saying spider... Maybe she said something that only *sounds* like the word spider... Like "Spy, there"?
No. 1071022 ID: fe38e1

Before you let your genitalia do the thinking and/or talking abd make marriage proposals, contemplate whether a coupling and/or romance between yourself and a dragon is even remotely feasible, safe or possible in any meaningful way. Is there a
historical precedent for such a relationship that isn't the subject of an erotic novel? Do dragons even understand romance?
No. 1071023 ID: a7a180

Keep your head down and ask forgiveness for the misplaced humor. The excitement of the opportunity just gives you a funny feeling - I mean, makes you feel funny, ha ha.
No. 1071025 ID: d4a43f

Of course it's not feasible. Nothing about this whim is even remotely workable.

Come on, Muschio. Flex your brain muscles, we need the blood there at the moment.
No. 1071026 ID: fe38e1

Pull yourself together. If she can smell fear, she can most certainly also smell your... Excitement, which will either offend her or allow her to play you as a fool of a pawn.
No. 1071027 ID: cc1388

*focus*, malto! focus! weve been presented with the opportunity of a lifetime, and shes blowing it! i mean-- YOU! *you* are blowing it!

this encounter is another test; another measure of character. that which you should be plenty familiar with by now. the gathering of all our allies, both within the mountain home and without. coriander to hookdon, solving the crisis of the red-mesas. weve been SO thorough in our progress, weve earned the unique ire of anolei, who is at this very moment growing to threaten the entire realm with conquest. and YOU need to deal with it, otherwise youll be in a ditch and rimontaggio will remain on the throne. securing sadie and mondegreen as allies is our utmost priority for the grander goal of reclaiming what is rightfully ours. your little FRIEND is making that very difficult for us! so bite down and keep it in your PANTS, sire

gather yourself. show some backbone! make it very clear just how well you understand whats at stake, and what your word is worth. promise you will make this worth sadies time, and moiras trust. this friendship shall be good business for all of us, and you have the portfolio to prove it
No. 1071029 ID: 4d8b77

Eh, she'll figure that out 3 in the morning two weeks from now, don't sweat it.
No. 1071033 ID: 7b65e9

"In fact, were you to ask for my firstborn right this instant, i'd be elated"
No. 1071034 ID: 967173

Oh my god WHAT. Why did you make such an extreme promise? Muschio get it together homie! Collect yourself. Say you were so taken by her charms, you lost yourself for a moment. Surely there is a reasonable boon you could grant in exchange for what she offers.
No. 1071036 ID: 8f9bc4


ooohhhhh lord
No. 1071042 ID: 654f5c


Jeez, steady yourself man! Dial it back a notch!
No. 1071048 ID: 890083

Huh, she has made the implication that we get to set limits upon her terms. Since she failed to get the joke you implied, loopholes may be a thing, though that may go south if she does not accept the malicious compliance. Holyshootyoujustoutsmartedadragoninthebestway - oh. Or to go balls deep, say that it would appear she can be fooled.
No. 1071058 ID: 7b388c

If you'd like to hear the punchline, request you have my firstborn now. Without a doubt you'll enjoy the "joke", I'm sure you will be more than satisfied. Should you 'desire' being amused. Lots of pleasure to be had with this reversal. (FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD SO GET 'AMUSING'! Plus there's the thread title...)
No. 1071070 ID: 34a1b1

Oh Muschio. Just... hit back with innuendo. Imply that you are already at her mercy, or rather in her debt for her hospitality as such a terrific and powerful creature, and then double down on the "firstborn" with a vague implication that such a duty would be your pleasure as a gentleman.
No. 1071071 ID: 34a1b1

Oh, and some general advice for dealing with this kind of dragon, they are used to everyone around them being terrified of them at all times. You need to walk the line of maintaining that fake politeness that terrified servants use, acknowledge she is utterly in charge, while making it clear you are in fact completely unafraid.

Afraid would be boring for her. You're only bargaining chip here is amusement. Being bold about your desire will only help, but don't cross the line!
No. 1071073 ID: ef8abc

By the way, one more specific thing that might interest Sadie for her hoard is that weird skull amulet the Czar and the Pretender seemed to be after - as long as you're clear with her on the "dangerous people want this" aspect. It's not like you had a big use for it yourself.
No. 1071074 ID: cc1388

IF sadie were even interested in it, i see two problems giving it to her. one, the amulet itself may be the key to stopping whatever the czar is up to, so we shouldnt lose direct access to it. and two, it paints a big target on sadies back. im not sure the czar is powerful enough to go toe to toe with a dragon, but id rather we didnt find out
No. 1071075 ID: ef8abc

I agree those are issues, but
1) The main reason Muschio cares about the Czar is that the Czar sent his henchman to get the amulet back. Once he's rid of that, the two basically can go back to ignoring each other.
2) As long as Sadie knows a target is getting painted on her back, that's up to her.

I think it's a topic worth bringing up with her at least, if only because she might know what the heck that thing is and what it can be used for; and as it's something valuable but that Muschio doesn't really need right now, seems like the perfect gift for a dragon.
No. 1071078 ID: ce619a

The reason we care about the Czar is that he's the ruler of an area that is indirectly economically helping our ultimate target of Piacevole

>As for Tela Cruz, this flourishing port city provides not only a strategic location to sever river access for Piacevole AND launch a naval front, it is also another massive trade hub that like the Red Mesas would provide great income and cripple that of Piacevole."

In short, we're going to have to deal with the Czar at one point.
But that's all irrelevant with what's currently going on as Sadie has explicitly said she has no interest in playing games of political intrigue with us.
No. 1071091 ID: 46e818
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No. No, you're right. There's too much at stake here, too much that could be asked for or sacrificed. This is a great boon to receive but I cannot allow any... present factors to override my decisionmaking.
No. 1071092 ID: 46e818
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>"So then, the terms are struck. I will grant you the glory of my presence among the world and ferry you back to your home so fast your head will spin. In return, you owe me a favor I may claim later, of any magnitude I may decide. Do you swear it?"

"I so swear."
No. 1071093 ID: e5709d

Seal the pact upon the Orb.
No. 1071094 ID: 46e818
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>"No. Let's make it two."


>"You'll owe me two favors. Anything I choose.

>I mean, you're here already. If you say no, that would be disrespecting me. And I can just kill you in one second anyway. You're kind of fucked anyway, aren't you? So let's say you'll owe me two favors."


>"Damn. All right. Well -- fine. Consider it sealed. At first light, I'll bring you back to wherever it is you need to go, faster than you've ever been. And you'll owe me twice, whenever I eventually decide what it is I want."
No. 1071097 ID: f2320a

In that case touch my ball so we keep in contact
No. 1071098 ID: d4a43f

Now she's just taking the piss. Alright, no backsies now, let's hope she doesn't ruin our life for fun.
No. 1071099 ID: 3f3d5c

> Damn. All right. Well -- fine.
Was she expecting us to back out? Or maybe she's wondering just how much she could have gotten us on the hook for. Either way, it's too late for second guessing ourselves or overthinking it, we're gonna ride a dragon!


No. 1071100 ID: 3f3d5c

Third date!
No. 1071101 ID: 654f5c


Sounds like a deal then! Hell, two favors? That's like, one less than I thought you'd owe.

Also I wonder how exactly you ride her -- does she carry you? Do you sit on her back?
No. 1071102 ID: cc1388

sadie is going to give you a ride. there will be bodily contact.

do not get a boner. you *cannot* get a boner. it is absolutely mission critical that you do not get a boner while riding on ms hart. why are you sweating, stop sweating. do not get a boner
No. 1071104 ID: 902f09

Time to ride a dragon...!

Let's keep our mind of the gutter if we can at that thought...
No. 1071106 ID: ce619a

I've been on team seduce this whole time, but considering how we now owe multiple favors to her she is absolutely going to be a long term part of our life. So, taking it slow with this relationship isn't a bad idea.

Once we are given the task to fulfill one of the favors that will be the chance to really woo her.
No. 1071110 ID: 34a1b1

Oh, quit fighting it. Sadie was being proper for Moira's sake. She wouldn't have gone immediately to "have your firstborn" otherwise.

Being proper is fine and all, but the dragon is sharper than to not notice if Moira did. I'm sure the amusement of the little bird man with a raging hard-on for the dragon who would literally crush him is the only reason she asked for a second favor. Boner away Muschio.

Seriously though, the need for a second favor tells me she has something else in mind too, something Muschio can provide that isn't throwing a hotdog into a cavern.
No. 1071113 ID: 29a9ea

She also might just really dislike the idea of going outside the cave. Her territory as she said. Or she just hates getting involved with politics. Either way she let that slip from her "proper" persona for a reason - does she *desire* questioning her motives?
No. 1071119 ID: 93d066

Her becomings seem unmalicious. Nevertheless, she seems to have an unrealized idea of what she wants, so from this point on you'll do good to remember that you swore on 1 mostly unrestricted boon and merely agreed on providing a second.

She could have leaned in on her overwhelmingly powerful negotiation position and simply stated the terms and make it so or make you dead.

From this, we could deduce that she is transparent on her intentions and do not seek to exploit you, but just use you in two particular ways she hasn't decided yet.

For now, in order to be proactive and gain further favor, you could do things that will help your cause and appeal the Sadie's ego. Like for example adding the visage of the Dragon to your coat of arms. That would clearly send a message to your enemies and allies.
No. 1071129 ID: 006510

hey, wait! don’t forget to grab erisol before you go!
No. 1071131 ID: 4d8b77

Okay, this spinelessness is far beyond basic simping now. This has to be mind control of some sort.
No. 1071132 ID: ce619a

What part of
>Beyond that, just be as polite and deferential as possible. Never speak over her, never challenge her.
did you not understand?

But with her disappointed reaction to total deference and a lack of being challenged, I'm wondering if Moira set us up.
No. 1071136 ID: cc1388

i dont think moira has much reason to deceive us, if shes being honest about her intentions. should she really want an early seat on the new malto council, its in her best interest for us to win sadies favour.

that said, maybe sadie is just disappointed we passed her test. maybe she wanted us to give her a good reason to get ourselves burnt to a crisp? maybe shes really bored of everyone rolling over for her, unbeknownst to moira?
No. 1071138 ID: d4a43f

I have a sneaking suspicion this awe-struck mood we've suddently hit has to do with the smoke Sadie doused us in just before that. I have a similar suspicion neither Sadie nor Moira are aware of this effect. It might be specific to voltos. It might be that Sadie just has a good poker face.

But anyhow, this isn't very actionable. It's not like we can clear the boner smoke out of her cave, and Moira specifically instructed us not to call attention to the dragon's breath. I'm just waiting for us to leave the meeting so we can observe Muschio's behavior.
No. 1071200 ID: 46e818
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>"Well, with that settled, I should take my friend back to his entourage and make preparations for the morning. Thank you for your time, as always, Sadie."

>"Oh yeah, no prob Moira girl."

>"Please come with me if you will, Muschio. We have to get your things in order."

"An honor and a pleasure meeting you!"
No. 1071201 ID: 46e818
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Lady Mondegreen guides me out of the grand cavern and back to one of the side chambers, currently darkened and empty for the party.

>"Well, little Prince, that was a... truly bizarre showing. I am measuring my words at the moment, because things concluded agreeably, but you very nearly made a fool of us both. I have never had reason to suspect this sort of behavior from you. Please do not make me doubt our relationship this immediately."

...What is she so angry about?

"I have done as you requested and secured an agreeable deal with our host, I don't see what cause you have for alarm."
No. 1071202 ID: b497b6

... Muschio you were at full mast. Like completely tenting in your pants. It was pretty noticeable. It's... Not necessarily something you want to see in political leaders, no one wants to see the king's junk on display.
No. 1071203 ID: ce619a

Moria's angry because you couldn't physically contain your attraction to Sadie.
If you want this partnership to work out with Moira you should inform her of why you find Sadie attractive. She might be able to give some further insight into Sadie's desires and goals.

And, you know... find out if Sadie is single.
No. 1071204 ID: 87e33c

"It would be disrespectful to not have been aroused by that situation! A powerful woman, taking charge, demanding favors, willing to let me ride her to make a powerful statement, how could I not prostrate myself as such?"
No. 1071206 ID: a7a180

She’s not jealous, is she?
No. 1071207 ID: 443b73

>why you find Sadie attractive
You mean her avalanche of innuendos?
No. 1071208 ID: 3ed3c3

Dude, you walked into a lady's house, dick fully erect, and said you wanted a favor.
Contextualize that.
No. 1071211 ID: 93d066

Indeed, what could've made her so upset?
Just in case, to cover all bases, you can say something along the lines of:

"I'm terribly sorry Lady Moira, Indeed the fumes in the cave made me a bit light-headed, but I thought It may be related to Lady Sadie's breath, so considered better not to mention it."

But I must point out, specially now, that our destinies are intertwined. That the bizarre; the ludicrous and the macabre manifest themselves around me. So you're in for the ride of your life."

>Meta : We must remeber that the name of this chapter is "Sex and dying in high society" Let us hope one doesn't lead to the other.
No. 1071212 ID: e5709d

Ladies don't like erections in non-sexual situations. They especially do not like those who self-worship their erections at any time. It's that simple.
Now, the problem is that Moira is taking this too seriously and assumes that all situations with dragons are non-sexual.

"I'm the one who has to perform two favors, not you."
No. 1071213 ID: 8f9bc4

Ladies can—with all due respects—deal with it if Lord Muschio finds another lady's advances more alluring than hers.

If anything, Lady Mondegreen is the one raising doubt in your relationship. Her warning to be excessively polite and defferent was what got you in a position that you had to promise the dragon not one, but two favors as she proved of very thrilling impropriety and lack of manners. Had you been prepared for a more informal exchange, you might have, maybe, quite possibly not pledged your firstborn child to her... twice. And it was Lady Mondegreen's idea to ride the dragon back in the first place!

Muschio ...probably should not voice his objections, until he's no longer alone with an orc woman who can rip him limb from limb.
No. 1071235 ID: d4a43f

Find a balcony or something, breathe some fresh air. Maybe that'll clear your mind a bit. Also, find Erisol. In no particular order.

No, Moira is in the right here. It won't do to affiliate yourself politically with a leader whose strategic decision-making seems to be directed by his dick. Earlier we made a first impression of someone who knows tact and manners, and just now we've destroyed that impression.
No. 1071236 ID: 4d8b77

Definitely get some fresh air. Oh, and it's probably a little early for this, but since she might pop at any time, watch out for Erisol referring to herself a 'Princess' anywhere near Sadie. That's a ticking time bomb for sure.
No. 1071239 ID: 46e818
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>Muschio ...probably should not voice his objections, until he's no longer alone with an orc woman who can rip him limb from limb.
Objections? What objections?
Everything went swimmingly.

I have just been offered a chance to make a spectacular and fiery impression on the entire region's political stage, I have made a powerful ally in a potential spymaster, and I've gained the opportunity for not one but two future exchanges with a dragoness who has agreed to give me expedient passage home at a time when I most need it -- may I remind you that the Czar's army of sprites could be marching on the Vault as we speak!

No, the encounter went perfectly.
No. 1071240 ID: 46e818
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And this time I will not brook any reprimands! I heard a great many voices encouraging and echoing my interest in Sadie, so I know many facets of my mind are united in this.

Smoke? Fresh air? Perish it!
It was her poise, her form, her figure that enthralled me! Curvaceous, feminine, powerful! And that face -- such elegant beauty the great Volto poets would write sonnets for it! Such graceful age marks her countenance. Such a perfectly long face!

I know she is far above my station, and that it is only a fool's hope that she might one day be mine, but what has a man to cling to in these times, if not his dreams?

As for the favors... come, what could she ask of me that I would not give willingly? She has no interest in politics, so she would not ask me to turn over the kingdom I have striven so hard for. What then? My riches? Gladly. My blood? Take it! My love? Eternal. I would be both a king and a slave, if I must.

She did not strike me as spiteful, regardless. I doubt she should be cruel in her askings, but only time will tell.
For now, I suppose all I can do is impatiently pass the time until dawn, worrying for the safety of my people.
No. 1071241 ID: 967173

Muschio is a man who knows what he wants! I respect that.
No. 1071243 ID: ce619a
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>Muschio right now
No. 1071248 ID: e5709d

...Muschio, you may have just handed us and anything from the trinket that could summon an elder god to an interstellar empire to an apathetic dragon.
You were not kidding when you said that love is a disease. You have fallen into its thrall and it is pathetic that you obsess over that loser. She is no goddess, she's a flimsy, flat-chested, deformed, apathetic, arrogant, and most importantly sociopathic fop who dishonorably altered the contract right after you agreed to her terms.
You shame your lineage by simping for that [censored]. You shame your future empire by risking the elevation of that Caligulan Bathory to a position where she can wreak havoc on entire solar systems.
Shame on you, Muschio.
Pull yourself together and will your obsession to rot unto dust.
No. 1071249 ID: 1ab976

And yet she is by far the greatest woman we have seen that so closely echoes our own journey. Are we not on the same road as her? She may be a few miles more down the road than us, but her journey echoes ours. You are correct in that we must aim higher, but I see no reason we cannot bring her along once our shadow overtakes her. On that day, she will come to us.There is also a distinct difference between love and admiration. Love is a curse yes, and it is the killer of ambition; and our ambitions have not fallen yet, not by a long shot. And besides, all great emperors may have an empress to warm his bed. For the time being, let her simply be a muse to our ambition.

And also, I don’t recall him actually agreeing to giving her any artifact. So… Perhaps YOU need to have your priorities checked? It’s unclear what her “favor” is even going to be. I think perhaps even she herself may yet not know. By the time she does know what she wants we be in a position we can refused or bargain from a position of strength.
No. 1071250 ID: 7b65e9

And what if she asks your followers? Your friends, by now.
It's unlikely, of course, but I want you to consider the question.
No. 1071251 ID: ef8abc

Maybe you're happy with how things went with Sadie, but Moira doesn't seem very happy with it, and you should pay attention to that:

1) She knows way more about Sadie than you do, and you may be missing some important information. What would you do if Sadie shows up at your dungeon and ask you to hand over Finesse so she can eat her? Moira knows if that's the kind of stuff Sadie would ask for, for all you know she eats an orc a week and has previously been complaining about how she'd like to taste something different.

2) Regardless of the source of Moira's reaction, you want to stay in good terms with her, she's a useful ally and has proved quite helpful so far.
No. 1071252 ID: 9d665d

Be careful what you wish for, I guess. The favors could be anything, ranging from the absurd, to the impossible/deadly, to the enraging/tragic. What if she asked you to kill someone you're politically allied/reliant on due to a minor grudge? Or asked you to help achieve the affections of another lover? Or to help her trim her nails right when an army is threatening to destroy your kingdom?

You're right in that she doesn't care about politics, meaning she doesn't care about politics that BENEFIT you, either. The favor may be minor, or monumental, or may cause you to make a difficult or painful choice.
No. 1071253 ID: dc4bad

Ah, some cynical voices are good to hear if not to necessarily embrace. I'm not one of them though, here's to hoping you might one day enter some form of partnership with Sadie down the line.

Anyway, if you don't think you'll need any guidance for the moment we could go check back in on the Vault.
No. 1071254 ID: 9d665d

Now that your fate is inexplicably tied to Sadie, deman-uhh,request you know or learn EVERYTHING there is to know about her (as a dragon, as a person, etc), like any creepily obsessed stalker might. Particularly of any past history (grudges, lovers, enemies...) or favors of hers. Might as well try to predict what favors she might make or who you will now have to consider a mortal enemy, and who is untouchable due to being a friend/ally of Sadie.
No. 1071255 ID: 9d665d

Let us hope you don't go down in history as 'Muschio, the dragon-fucker' or similar unfavorable reputations. Or that your servants who are mentally linked to you don't learn about this, as you'll never hear the end of it.
No. 1071256 ID: 4d8b77

There is no way that everyone connected to the orb is not affected by such a powerful reaction, which is probably great for the people currently interviewing the surviving victim of a serial killer.
No. 1071257 ID: 144ecb

Muschio's affection for Sadie may end up moot if it turns out she's a lesbian.
No. 1071259 ID: 34a1b1

So, Muschio, now that we agree that Sadie is a beautiful woman and worthy of your affection, that creates a new, if not terribly urgent problem to deal with.

And that's that you are about... I dunno, six feet tall? If you want to see to the needs of a dragon, you are going to need some serious magic backing you up. Giant potion? Maybe something that will temporarily make you powerfully strong and durable?
No. 1071267 ID: 8f9bc4

Just be careful about Moira. Not saying she was setting you up for failure, but if she was misunderstanding Sadie's wants and nature, it could have led to disaster. These orcs are quite enthralled with her, and that can work against the lady dragon's favor.

Anyway, hurry home and I trust you'll find they've defended themselves valiantly against any onslaughts of massive sprite swarms, and they're certainly are not completely falling apart because of a single serial killer working in their midst.
No. 1071270 ID: 273c18

You should explain your feelings to the orc. She can tell you if you have a chance of wooing the dragon.
No. 1071272 ID: d4a43f

And if magic fails us, the combined engineering expertise of our minions can surely aid us. Perhaps we can construct some sort of large mechanical contraption in our own shape...
Mecha-Muschio, the Mellifluous Man-Whore.
No. 1071276 ID: 1a35ec

Ok Muschio we maybe needed to ask you to do this earlier but how about you ask for a moment of privacy somewhere, then physically... reflect on your admiration for this lady, with the assistance of madame palm. Then please consider your diplomatic showing, here. Or if not that then please still do it before you begin your journey.
No. 1071279 ID: 46e818
File 169342629497.png - (10.31KB , 800x600 , 1623.png )

Love? Don't mention love.
I just find Sadie to be an incredibly alluring and attractive individual. I have no more romantic intention for this ravishingly beautiful dragoness than I do for Ashedel.

Hm. And while it is a long way off, at some point, I will need to sire some children if I intend to secure the stability of my lineage. I've never bothered to learn if there's any record of dragons and Volto having viable offspring, but it would surely give my progeny a leg up to be half dragon, wouldn't you agree?

Still, my focus should be on the immediate situation. The Vault, and my people in it, are still in grave danger.
Perhaps I should've asked Sadie if a more immediate trip home were feasible. Perhaps I still should.
Well, they can handle themselves for one night, even in the face of these threats, I'm sure. I'm sure?
No. 1071281 ID: 46e818
File 169342683518.png - (13.02KB , 800x600 , 1624.png )

You're right, though, perhaps I should make sure things are still agreeable with my new ally.

"Apologies for making you worry, but I'm satisfied with the results of our dealing. I hope I didn't cause too much friction."

>"Nothing damaged, I suppose, little Prince. If you're happy with the outcome, then we can call it a successful introduction. For her part, our host seemed amused, which is good.
>I didn't expect your sudden and pronounced interest, however. That doesn't seem like you, but I suppose we all have our vices. And after all, you are still an impulsive young man."

"I beg your pardon."

>"Oh, not that men get any better about such things as they age. Just that you're still but eighteen-- no, nineteen now, isn't it?"

"Almost twenty."

>"Yes, well, my point's been made. Just try to avoid propositioning on first introductions, in the future."
No. 1071284 ID: 654f5c


Wise advice. Use some impulse control and stow the bardly impulses next time you see a powerful cone and/or taper, Muschio.

...Although I can't say I blame you.
No. 1071285 ID: 8f9bc4

> propositioning on first introductions

That's... one way to interpret your willingness to grant her your firstborn child. You can assure Moira that if you ever did want to profess your love for such a woman as Sadie, it would be much more dramatic, explosive and grand. You don't do things by half measures, and that was a mere slip of the tongue. Won't happen again. Probably. Maybe. Possibly.
No. 1071286 ID: ce619a

>That doesn't seem like you, but I suppose we all have our vices. And after all, you are still an impulsive young man.
You SERIOUSLY need to let Moira know why you find Sadie to be attractive. If for no other reason than to remind her that her host is an incredibly attractive and powerful lady that would have no end to her supply of suitors should she choose to entertain gentlemen more often.
But most of all, Moira thinking less of you is going to hurt diplomacy with her and may encourage her to undermine you.

Also, only 19? Damn, no wonder you have such a low opinion of the concept of love, you're still just a kid.
On an unrelated note: How do you feel about sheep's wool?
No. 1071287 ID: 273c18

Second introductions then.
No. 1071289 ID: d4a43f

Depends, though. How long is an average Volto's lifespan?

Let's try some small talk.
"How old was the first man to propose to you, lady Moira?"
No. 1071290 ID: e5709d

You specifically said "My love? Eternal". You're losing yourself.

Jeez, you're only 20? What is this, a Shonen Anime? (action comedy play, but stupider)

I intend to tell Finesse about your draconic hard-on. She deserves to know. Even if she gets even angrier than Gyoji.

May as well drop the bombshell: "BTW I got Arabella pregnant. Nymph's Jinx, I got consent from her and her commander."
No. 1071291 ID: f3769a

Holy crap, you're only 19? Huh.

Anyway, let's save propositioning Sadie for something like that until we are certainly in with her and we have a better position(dirty pun not intended). Ask Moira what she is reading.
No. 1071293 ID: 46e818
File 169343481868.png - (12.25KB , 800x600 , 1625.png )

>"Now, as to the information you requested.
>Before I proceed, we should establish a way to communicate. Given your recent activities and the coordinated -- seemingly unprompted -- movements of your troops, I'm led to believe you have access to some rapid, possibly magic method of communication. It would benefit us both if we had a reliable way of keeping in touch after you leave."

Hm. I suppose it's not surprising even Mondegreen doesn't know about the Orb.
No. 1071294 ID: a7a180

Well, show it to her!
I suppose it's better than contacting Sadie directly - romance is more fun if you don't know what the other person's thinking.
No. 1071295 ID: 654f5c


Hmm. The orb. Well, if she knows what it does, then she might as well know what it is.
No. 1071296 ID: 0e6838

"You are correct, and I would gladly oblige Moia, but this may be hard to do unless you have a reasonably reasonably sized hammer and chisel. And even then, the risk to my mental person would be... quite literally shattered unless we are not careful."
No. 1071297 ID: d4a43f

Tell her about the blessing and the curse that is us. Offer a shard, but not before a fair warning that getting us out might be trickier than implanting us. We need full consent here.
No. 1071298 ID: 46e818
File 169343604604.png - (11.28KB , 800x600 , 1626.png )

Very well, I suppose it would benefit us both if she knew the full truth. Or near enough to it that she may perform her duties to me.

I produce the Orb of Infinite Psyche.

"This orb is the source of it. A self-healing crystal that allows... a sort of telepathy. Instant across any range, but a bit hard to aim at times. One need only touch a piece of it to access the communications. I have taken to fitting my minions with a tiny sliver each, inserted beneath the skin, so as to always remain in contact."

>"My my, Prince. You truly are full of surprises. A very fascinating and powerful artifact.
>Guard it well, I imagine it would be valuable in any hands. I would certainly make great use of it in my work -- an entire network of eyes reporting to me in an instant. Ah, to imagine."
No. 1071300 ID: 46e818
File 169343623486.png - (10.29KB , 800x600 , 1627.png )

>"However, I'm not so easily sold on the idea of an implant that lets you see my comings and goings. I am, after all, a woman who values privacy.

>Instead, perhaps we can set up a communication time? Give me a shard to keep safe and once a day, at a specific time of our scheduling, I'll hold it. If I don't hear from you in a few minutes, I will assume no news. Otherwise, we can spend that window catching up."


>"Alternately, perhaps you can take one of my more trusted underlings into your little web, and I'll have them report to me while still granting me a bit of personal discretion.
>Your choice, Prince. That is, of course, assuming you trust me enough to leave a fragment in my possession to begin with."
No. 1071301 ID: a7a180

Is she cute?
I would feel safer with a shard entrusted to one of your coterie directly than sitting loose, even in a safe.
No. 1071302 ID: 273c18

The latter. That will allow some measure of contacting them in case of emergency, and the other way around.
No. 1071303 ID: ce619a

Hmmm, you know...
Letting Moira in on our "orb network" might not be the best of ideas. All our minions are one thing, but Moira is not subservient to us and we don't know all her goals and allegiances, so it's very risky to give her a shard. If she were to turn over that info, or even the shard itself, to the wrong forces, willingly or otherwise, countermeasures against the orb could be made. Which could leave our forces in the dark or, at worst, leave you catatonic.

If you're going to do so, question and test her thoroughly to make sure she's completely on our side, willing to hold the orb's powers secret AND could handle, um... "us" being in her head.
Because you know damn well we're going to be talking to her about those gargantuan melons she be holding hostage in her bodice.
No. 1071304 ID: 767f42

Let's give her a temporary trial. Let her hold the orb for a second and lets see what we can find out. See if its something she would even want or delegate to one of her underlings.
No. 1071305 ID: 831c0e

Are we going to get the questdis thread back as well?
No. 1071306 ID: d4a43f

Tch. Alright, let's go for an underling. The way I see it:

- Unimplanted shard.
Pros: instant, convenient, discrete.
Cons: can be separated from Moira by force or by persuasion, compromising our entire communication network.

- Underling.
Pros: +1 minion! Probably.
Cons: Longer time to communicate, one more person who knows the contents of our exchange. Will most likely spy on us for Moira.
No. 1071307 ID: 46e818
File 169343739943.png - (12.91KB , 800x600 , 1628.png )

"Very well. I suppose implanting the shard to one of your loyal underlings would be best. It would spare you the invasion of privacy the orb can bring -- I confess it sometimes peeks in unbidden. It would also allow for immediate alerts, should anything come up that needs addressing sooner than our once-a-day schedule.
I trust you to pick a suitable intermediary. I keep a few shards on me at most times, so I'll leave one for you before I depart."

>"Most agreeable. I'll pick someone I'd trust to relay the most private information. I have quite a lot of such people in my line of work, as you might imagine."
No. 1071308 ID: 46e818
File 169343751863.png - (13.79KB , 800x600 , 1629.png )

>"Now then, to business.
>I've found the information you asked for. I don't think I have knowledge on that trinket of yours, the one the Czar seems so interested in.
>However, I do have someone who'll know more. Just two problems."

"Two? Do tell."

>"Well, we're assuming the trinket has some magical significance, so your best bet would be Kivas Sun. Symbologist, demonologist, a lifelong scholar of the occult and arcane."

"I sense this is where problem one comes in."
>"Problem one is Sun she died in mysterious circumstances some 11 months ago."
No. 1071311 ID: 46e818
File 169343755949.png - (13.28KB , 800x600 , 1630.png )

>"Your best remaining option, then, is her protégé, Leonid Travask. And there lies problem two.
>Leonid has been quite a nomad of late, moving all across the continent. He has a tricky habit of changing his name, too, so tracking him down might be a challenge. But give me some time and I'll put some feelers out. I should have his current name and location for you within a week's time, likely far less."

"I see. Do you have leads already?"

>"Some. My sources say he was seen passing a small town in the east, and his last used alias is Pendle Khaneh."
No. 1071312 ID: 767f42

Ah. How convenient! Shall we go back to Pendle then?
No. 1071313 ID: a7a180

Well! I certainly hope he doesn't withhold important information about this artifact when we show it to him.
No. 1071314 ID: d4a43f

She's growning on me. If we don't interact with Finesse for much longer, I just might start simping for Moira in the meantime.

It is settled then. We have until next dawn to gift the shard, so it's not terribly urgent, but still probably worth waking someone up for.
No. 1071315 ID: 46e818

I'm happy to report the questdis thread is now active again.
No. 1071316 ID: 93d066

The sphere can be indeed intrusive, but it can be repelled by the will of the interlocutor. It would be good to let her hold the orb, so she can measure the scope of the Orb's potential and can advise you accordingly.
No. 1071317 ID: ce619a

Before we get too excited about having him in our employ and changing over to him, we might want to ask Moira for more info on Leonid/Pendle. Find out if he works for anyone other than us. Make sure he's not a double agent or something like that.
No. 1071341 ID: 971739

Moi's very knowledgeable about stuff so it would be a good idea to her see us and add her 2 cents.

>Them tiddies
No. 1071351 ID: 7298bc

make a conscious effort NOT to say this out loud.
No. 1071360 ID: 7b65e9

Am I the only one going full blown paranoia right now?
I knew he wasn't clear!
No. 1071361 ID: 46e818
File 169349389241.png - (14.23KB , 800x600 , 1631.png )

"What a small world! I do believe I know Khaneh already. We met in the Red Mesas."
>"Excellent, that saves me the trouble. He could have traveled north. My attention was more on the civil war there."

"Does he have any foreign loyalties? Any suspicions?"
>"Not that I'm aware of, but Travask wasn't a person of any special interest to me so I didn't do much digging. Why?"
"Just keeping myself informed."

>"And we're sure this is the same man? Pendle could be someone else's name he took as an alias. The man I'm thinking of is tall, slight, a bit nervous. Wears a pince-nez."
No. 1071362 ID: 1ab976

That’s our guy alright.

So let’s discuss which minion of hers is gonna get chipped. Which ones does she trust the most to get a job done?
No. 1071363 ID: e966d8

Well, let's address the obvious. The Khaneh we know is bugfolk. Does this track?
No. 1071364 ID: 654f5c


Hmm. Might explain his prior nervousness, although it's sounding like he's always been like this. That is, if it is him.
No. 1071366 ID: 46e818
File 169349715307.png - (11.42KB , 800x600 , 1632.png )

"Yes, that sounds like our man. But to be certain, he's a bugfolk, right?"

>So it seems we aren't thinking of the same man after all. Or you've got to work on your math."
No. 1071368 ID: d32499

It's either a freakishly weird coincidence or OUR Pendle may know Leonid Travask. Perhaps they met at some scholarly event/meet-up and Leonid just started using Pendles name?
No. 1071369 ID: 654f5c


Damn. Knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. Wondering if it's a bit of a leap to assume Pendle knows him/a little more info than Mondegreen does?
No. 1071370 ID: 46e818

We can't count out species-changing magic. We've seen it before, and if there's anyone who'd be a likely suspect for that, it's a magic expert who's trying to hide his identity.
No. 1071371 ID: fe38e1

A case of identity theft, maybe, from either the apprentice copying the bugfolk, or the bugfolk copying the apprentice? Or perhaps Pendle is a shapeshifter, illusionist or master of disguise to complement their changing of aliases?
No. 1071372 ID: 46e818
File 169349916770.png - (10.78KB , 800x600 , 1633.png )

"What do you mean, my math?"

>"Well, the Pendle Khaneh I'm talking about isn't a bugfolk.
>Bugfolk only have six limbs."
No. 1071373 ID: 93d066
File 169350057565.png - (16.32KB , 226x140 , Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11-33-18 DiveQuest 24.png )

Normally one would think that the Pendle we know only have six limbs, but truth be told, we have never seen him naked.
No. 1071374 ID: 93d066

>Course of action:
Time if of the essence here, so have Moira and yourself touch the orb and ask "Pendle" some questions.
No. 1071376 ID: e966d8

Then perhaps, our Pendle is the "original" whose identity Leonid assumed for his travels.

In any case, any info as to his whereabouts from Moira would be most appreciated.
No. 1071378 ID: 635eea

Ah! A spy master and entomologist, lovely.
Barring an in-depth discussion on the minutiae of taxonomy, our man has antennae and a chitinous outer shell, does that description match?
No. 1071381 ID: ce619a

Our Pendle was in the middle of a murder investigation last we checked, with the latest victim (who barely survived) talking of a "spider." This seems to ring some bells for Pendle who immediately rushed off to see the living victim.

Might be jumping to conclusions here, but Leonid might already be in the area of our dungeon. Unfortunately that would also make him a sadistic butchering murderer.
No. 1071382 ID: dae182

I suggest we head back over to Pendle's POV as soon as we can then.
No. 1071383 ID: 7b65e9

Only six limbs...
Assuming he's got more?
Does the term spider send any other voice here in paranoid fits or is it just me?
No. 1071385 ID: eb7ce4

wait so if these musing are correct that means
if we want answers for the weird trinket that the sprite transforming king wants so badly, we have to:
1.find the other "pendle" who is known to be a nomad
2. deal with him being a potential serial killer
3. find a way to incapacitate him or else we lose the potential knowledge
that or we have to find his dead master
damn, we got ourselves a Hannibal Lecter situation here, but with trinkets instead of finding another serial killer here, if im not wrong
No. 1071386 ID: 654f5c


Uh oh.

Is it too late to ask for that ride now?
No. 1071387 ID: 273c18

"only"? How many limbs does the other Pendle have?
No. 1071388 ID: a7a180

We need to tell Pendle to strip down and appraise our amulet, right now.
No. 1071391 ID: 8f9bc4

Of course. It's so obvious what the answer was all along.

The killer is Pendleton's vengeful, vicious ex-girlfriend!
No. 1071409 ID: b9546f

No. 1071410 ID: ebae20

Ask her if Pendle happens to be a spider. I get the feeling this 'Pendle" has been harming girls near your camp.
No. 1071412 ID: e5709d

...Guys. What the hell.
[Switch to Oona]
No. 1071413 ID: 7b65e9


Then Dompag, make them get back ASAP with Geppa so there's some muscle if need be.

Hell, let's make an entire team alert tour so they all know what's up.
No. 1071421 ID: 46e818
File 169360948014.png - (7.88KB , 800x600 , 1634.png )

"Excuse me, I have to go."

>"Prince, what's--"

"I have to go now."
No. 1071422 ID: 46e818
File 169360960032.png - (12.64KB , 800x600 , 1635.png )

"There's no time to explain! I need that ride now, not at first light!
Have your men bring Erisol and bring her to the dragon's chamber immediately!"

I'm sending you off to Pendle! I expect answers!

>"PRINCE, do NOT--"

No. 1071423 ID: 46e818
File 169360969481.png - (10.80KB , 800x600 , 1636.png )

Huh? Yeah we're still just guarding the tower. It's pretty boring to--

What? The tall nerd with the glasses? No, he's not here, did you miss again? Maybe he's asleep or something.
No. 1071424 ID: 7b65e9

Oona is in grave danger!
Channel your inner Grey Fang and MOVE right now!
No. 1071425 ID: e5709d

Multiple sussy bakas!

Wes, Hyde, and even Pendle have been suspected of using complex enchantments to hide a combat form for serial killing! That, or it followed one of them. We don't know how many perpetrators there are but there's at least one arachnid-based enemy!

Gear up, incapacitate anyone you see, and we'll sort out the mind games when everyone is tied up.
No. 1071426 ID: 635eea

He said he was sending us to Pendle! Does Pendle have the capability of rejecting the connection from the orb? Is that normal? I don't think that's normal.
No. 1071427 ID: 15531d

Get a move on guys! Shit is about to go down back at HQ, Pendle and our allies are in danger!
No. 1071428 ID: cc1388

geppa, theres an eight armed guy killing people near the base. he might be disguised as pendle. cant jump to them, so they might be knocked out or dead. how fast can you and dompag get back to the vault?

can we jump to anyone else nearby?
No. 1071429 ID: 93d066

You should grovel if you must. But if our presumption that Sadie wants, above all, to be entertained. Then sell her the idea that she can be part of solving the best murder mystery of the decade.

At least the dragon is bound to find the idea interesting.
No. 1071430 ID: 46e818
File 169361795686.png - (15.41KB , 800x600 , 1637.png )

What?! No, get back to the Vault!

>"Prince at least tell me what's going on!"

If Pendle won't work, I'm sending you to Ona!
No. 1071431 ID: 46e818
File 169361804059.png - (17.02KB , 800x600 , 1638.png )

Hi! Me an' Ash and Finnie are almost home! We're going as fast as we can! Maybe another ten minutes?

I'm not Ona, is she okay? I'll um, I'm not really sure how this works! Do you want me to try sending you again?
No. 1071432 ID: a7a180

No need, just run faster!
No. 1071435 ID: 1ab976

No. 1071436 ID: ce619a

Does Embraddeus have a shard? Can we be sent to her?
No. 1071437 ID: 0fbdcd

Can we not target Ona because she's... not alive? Hope not.

We need to channel her inner wavelengths.

No. 1071439 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1071440 ID: 93d066

Send us post haste to Babrakus, Fuomo (Embraddeus?) any in or near the base is good.
No. 1071441 ID: b5fe30
File 169362640281.gif - (1.01KB , 158x134 , 126457630953.gif )

Run Muschio Run!!
No. 1071449 ID: ce619a

If no one at home is available then switch to Ash
No. 1071465 ID: 93035e

Indeed, if nothing else, she can fly to the needed location.
No. 1071466 ID: 46e818
File 169369397115.png - (25.56KB , 800x600 , 1639.png )

What?! Where's Ona, then??

"I must have that flight immediately!"

>"Ha, couldn't hold your excitement?"

"If you care to know I'll explain on the way, but this may be a matter of life and death! Can we be on our way as soon as my companion arrives?"

>"Well, I wasn't really doing anything right now anyway, so-- yeah, why not."

I'm sending you to Babrakus then! Find Pendle, immediately!
No. 1071467 ID: 46e818
File 169369403584.png - (15.88KB , 800x600 , 1640.png )


Hello. Been a while.

No, I haven't seen Ona and Pendle.
No. 1071469 ID: 46e818
File 169369413694.png - (15.30KB , 800x600 , 1641.png )

>"Those two? I s-s-s-sssaw 'em running off p-past the th-the f-f-ff the south fields like, ten minutes ago. I thought they were g-going to check out the new b--b-b-barracks or ss-something.
No. 1071471 ID: cc1388

the killer seems to be active, and everyone seems unable to send us to pendle and ona. thats why were trying to find them. so head south with haste! and take wes with you, its dangerous to be alone right now.
No. 1071472 ID: e5709d

Listen to me very carefully:
Everyone is sus. Including you.
You need to ask Wes what his last orders were. If he doesn't say that Oona told him to get Pendle, knock him out. Otherwise, ask why he forgot.
I gave Geppa and Donpag orders to incapacitate everyone. When they arrive, order everyone to sit down and raise all their non-locomotive appendages. They may be forced to knock a few people out.
No. 1071474 ID: ce619a

Go to Hyde's camp and look for them immediately. Pendle seemed to have a lead on the murders and went to see the last victim in a rush. They may be in danger.

The murderer might be some kind of spider creature or person, so watch out for anything like that. It might also be disguised. Be on guard around everyone and be prepared to fight.
No. 1071475 ID: 273c18

AFTER THEM! It's possible that Pendle is the killer. Have either of you two seen him without his robe on? Is it possible he has eight limbs, and is a spider?
No. 1071484 ID: ebae20

>Couldn't hold your excitement?
She fucking saw
No. 1071490 ID: 0fbdcd

Babs, you're a hunter, right?

Head towards the soldiers encampment, that's where Ona and Pendle went... but do it with a modicum of stealth. We don't know for certain anything bad has happened yet and it'd be a bad boss look to go throwing accusations immediately.
No. 1071493 ID: dc4bad

nah Tislomer is the hunter

still, Babrakus start heading over there quick like and keep an eye out for any multi-legged beasties just in case.

(Incidentally I don't think our Pendle is this spider/killer, or Wes. No way either of them were so well enmeshed in mesa society as to be sent as representatives while also leading some serial killer double life)
Hyde seems the obvious suspect, but if he is the killer he's making some insane decisions.
No. 1071496 ID: 1ab976

Why does Wes look freaked out?
No. 1071497 ID: 1ab976

Why does Wes look freaked out?
No. 1071499 ID: 4dca67

We never asked Moria what kind of 'mysterious circumstances' Kivas Sun died under.
Double back and ask her if they matched the kind of butcheries that are happening locally. Then double double back to Sadie if they do.
No. 1071501 ID: 46e818
File 169371464234.png - (14.68KB , 800x600 , 1642.png )

"We're going to the tents then!"
>"No!! Not the human barracks, the one you're building!"

Okay we're off!
No. 1071502 ID: 46e818
File 169371465602.png - (9.40KB , 800x600 , 1643.png )

Wow. That guy's really fast.
No. 1071503 ID: ce619a

Doesn't he always looked freaked out?
No. 1071504 ID: 654f5c


No. 1071505 ID: 273c18

Might want to switch to him then.
No. 1071507 ID: 9f6274

Agreed! Babrakus follow behind!
No. 1071531 ID: ce619a

Yell to Wes telling him to slow down so you can stick together. Going alone isn't the greatest idea, especially heading into a camp of human warriors while running on all fours.
No. 1071533 ID: 93d066

No. 1071539 ID: 539159

That's just his default state.
No. 1071542 ID: 46e818
File 169377929258.png - (10.32KB , 800x600 , 1644.png )

There it is. The external barracks Babrakus and me have been working on. It's still under construction but we're done for the day so we just left it for now.

Babrakus is falling behind even more. Can't slow down.
No. 1071543 ID: 46e818
File 169377944654.png - (8.72KB , 800x600 , 1645.png )

Someone's definitely inside. I can hear... quiet talking, I think? Whispering?

If someone's in trouble I don't want to just sit around, every second could count. But I won't be any help if I die too, I guess. I've been in some scraps before, and I am pretty fit from being a smith, but I'm still only one rat.

I don't know. What do I do? Do I go in? Or do I wait for Babrakus?
Better decide quick. It sounded urgent.
No. 1071544 ID: 654f5c


Wait for Barbakus. You need some back up for this.
No. 1071547 ID: 15f2de

No. 1071548 ID: 4dca67

If you climbed the ladder propped up against the side, would you be able to peek down in there or did you finish the roof?
No. 1071558 ID: 93d066

Open the quickly and jump back, if ANYTHING threatens you, RUN to Barbacus and reassess.
No. 1071559 ID: 93d066

*the door
No. 1071562 ID: ce619a

Open the door without going in, look from there, if there's any threats then lure away back to Babrakus for backup
If you see only a downed ally, don't rush in. It might be a trap.
No. 1071564 ID: 46e818
File 169378523106.png - (9.12KB , 800x600 , 1646.png )

Okay. I'll check it out first.

I open the door carefully.
No. 1071565 ID: 46e818
File 169378531240.gif - (48.07KB , 800x600 , 1647.gif )

>"Oh? Here already.

>My apologies. I didn't mean to cause such a hassle.

>But as you can see, I'm afraid I have... something of a bad habit."

No. 1071566 ID: 654f5c


No. 1071567 ID: 1ab976

Headbutt, tackle, do something to incapacitate him!
No. 1071568 ID: 539159

Wes, whatever you do, don't let him bite you.

If you can, distract him away and avoid combat altogether until you outnumber him; others are on the way, including the heavy-hitters.
No. 1071570 ID: ce619a

First off: BACK OFF
He's got some kind of ability to paralyze people. Maybe a bite, could be poisoned blades or needles. Watch for throwing weapons, too. Stay at distance, find a melee weapon, maybe throw stuff at him and don't let him touch you.
Distract him and kite him around until Babrakus can assist.

We need him alive. Disable him, but don't kill him. But also make sure he can't go anywhere for awhile. Break some limbs.
And if Ona's hurt-

Break all of them.
No. 1071572 ID: 315b2a

ask him why he's doing this. DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN, AND KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.
I don't actually care about what he has to say, we just need to stall until Babrakus arrives.
No. 1071574 ID: 4dca67

Would it be too late to consider a twelve step program?
No. 1071576 ID: ce619a

We could also play this card:

Talk to "Pendle," refer to him as Leonid Travask and inform him that Muschio has allied himself with a dragon and a horde of orcs who know who he is and have given us info on everything about him. Muschio is also currently riding on the back of said dragon on his way back to the Vault.
Tell him he should be very aware of the telepathic communication network we all have and that all local forces have been alerted to who he is, what he is and where he is. There's no world were he escapes from this, so he should surrender immediately. There will be a lot less limb breaking if he does.
No. 1071577 ID: e5709d

Joke's on him, we brought a dragon.

Your main objective is to keep him stalled and away from Oona until reinforcements arrive. She might be the only one who can develop a counter-agent to the poison, so if he injects any more to keep her incapacitated then she's dead and so is anyone who gets blighted.

"So, uh... the orb wants to have a chat. Says it's disappointed you didn't admit what you were. I mean, we kept Geppa. You remember Geppa, right? The angry woman who's overly protective of Donpag even though they barely know each other? She was even hungrier than you are, and we still kept her around. And now you've gone and molested Oona, and now they - ok, wow, jeez, stop, STOP! That's gross! Why would you- ew! EW OKAY NO YOU KNOW WHAT?! Pendle! Just @#$%ing leave. How about that? Please, for your sake, gods these voices are insane you are SO lucky you can't hear this right now."
No. 1071580 ID: ce619a


lol get dunked on spider boy

[You know, assuming he didn't remove it]

fork over the big tiddy witch doctor and no one's gotta pull your legs off
No. 1071581 ID: 539159

I've always been under the impression that nobody can hear us unless we're directly passed to them? There doesn't seem to be a 'broadcast' feature.
No. 1071583 ID: ce619a

We were with/in Babrakus when we informed him of everything, yet Wes somehow knew it all, too despite Bab not telling him
So, I'm assuming there's a proximity thing going on with it.
No. 1071584 ID: 635eea

Is the ladder close enough for you to block the doorway with it?

Stay calm, but act confused and afraid. Ask him vague questions about his motives and reasoning, see if you can get him to distract himself, he seems the talkative type.

You don't need to beat him right now, you just need to buy a little time.

Send us back to babrakus so we can get him to find another way in and take him by surprise.
No. 1071591 ID: 93d066

>>1071570 >this!
Keep him talking, make time for Barbacus to come.
No. 1071592 ID: dc4bad

Yup, here already and with cavalry on the way.
So let's be nice and chill and intelligent about all this, stand down. We so long as Ona is okay then we really will only want to talk.

Yes this, keep him in sight, keep him talking, and keep a safe distance.
This is a good time for you to stay twitchy Wes, he's sneaky enough to have been getting away with this for a while, oh and if he's got some spider traits like venom then he might have others like wall-climbing.

And webs, be wary of a tripwire or deadfall inside the doorway.
No. 1071593 ID: ebae20

Pendle seemed genuinely upset before. I don't think he's in control of his actions. I think Pendle has someone, or something taking control of his body. Perhaps triggered by seeing blood. Maybe a multiple personality?
No. 1071595 ID: 006510

No. 1071596 ID: ce619a

This guy is also an expert in magical stuff, right? He might know some magic spells so be careful of that, too.
No. 1071597 ID: 8f9bc4

I think he might be talking to us, not Wes.

He's making this way too obvious. Something's wrong. More wrong than uh, everything I mean.

Do all that uh, stuff everyone else said, and whatever you do, do not run away screaming at the top of your lungs that Pendle's gone mad!
No. 1071600 ID: 361de4

No. 1071602 ID: 273c18

Lure him away from Ona, and towards Babrakus.
No. 1071608 ID: 995874

Awww look at this silly little prankster always doing something crazy. Ask him if he needs some help...like jail. You know for all the parnks that he has pulled.
No. 1071616 ID: 0fbdcd

This is gonna be a controversial take, but we should NOT freak out immediately. We are evil, after all. If this guy's utility is significant enough, a few oopsie whoopsie doopsies with the locals can be ignored.

Unfortunately, he started whoopsie doopsieing before we were able to use him for anything so that's hard to say.

Also, our own minions are off-limits. If he's actually done anything to Oda yet we're gonna need you to feed him his own antennae, Wes.
No. 1071619 ID: 7b65e9

Oh I'm sure he'll be nearly as useful without his poisonous fang.
For that matter, does he really need arms as well?
We're after his knowledge right? He doesn't needto be able to feed himself.
No. 1071620 ID: cc1388

have you read the prince? the book on how to be an evil political tyrant? working with evil others doesnt math out, cause theyre evil. youre just asking to be betrayed and/or killed in your sleep. our prince might say hes evil, but thats all talk. the goal is to reclaim the throne, and trying to side with a freak who kills people would only hinder us. theyre a direct threat to our friends, and they need to be stopped.
No. 1071621 ID: 945bea

Might be nothing, but the Pendle we initially saw with Ona didn't have his pince-nez glasses on him. They could have just been in a robe pocket though.

This guy is freaky and definitely has lethal things on hand. But he also didn't have much time to prepare, this time. Lure out is best option, otherwise just run. Backup will be here soon hopefully
No. 1071622 ID: 7b65e9


If he manages to betray anyone with his arms pulled out, I'd honestly be impressed.
No. 1071623 ID: 9e0893

Didn't we resolve to not do unnecessary evil and stay true to our real goal of regaining the throne a while back?

Either way, as he is now he's dangerous. Back off and try to pick up anything that you can defend yourself with. It's a construction site, so maybe a wood plank or a brick? Even better if you can find a hammer.
No. 1071627 ID: 46e818
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Keep him away from the girl and don't get bit.
I can do that.

"B-backup's coming. Th-th-thirty soldiers and more, not far. You're caught. I-i-it's over, Khaneh."

>"Is that my name?"

"J-jj-j-just g-give up. You're caught. It's over."
No. 1071629 ID: 46e818
File 169386494984.png - (12.30KB , 800x600 , 1649.png )

>"Yes... perhaps this trail has ended, too. Had to run out eventually."

"Come out. G-gggive yours-s-self up."

>"Let's finish up here first."


>"She's already got the bite. A big one. And the kobold won't be here with the antidote quick enough. Just a matter of time, now."

"S-she's on her way."

>"Why not let us finish this? Come now. It's already over for everyone here. One last work of art."
No. 1071633 ID: 654f5c


The second he gets close enough, swing that hammer directly into his crotch. Hard as you can. Then when he reacts, bring it down on his head -- try for the teeth if you can.

Pound the bastard into shape.
No. 1071634 ID: 1ab976

We have no other options, attack him. Use your hammer nail him in the crotch.
No. 1071635 ID: d4a43f

Ah, do we have a phychotic artist situation?
Keep him talking.

"Art? What kind of art is there in suffering?"
No. 1071637 ID: ce619a

>"Is that my name?"
>"Why not let us finish this?
Huh. That's weird.
This guy might have multiple personalities, or judging by the runes on his chest he might be possessed. Try calling him "Leonid Travask." If he doesn't identify as that, then use the name "Kivas Sun"

Next, tell him Ona's not some random passerby we can wave off, she's a member of Muschio's forces. "You hurt her and we hurt you-"

If the turd tries to go back to Ona, go berserk on his ass. But remember, we need him alive. Go low, break his knees.
No. 1071640 ID: 006510

get us to tisolmer for like 2 seconds, we need to alert her that she needs to be prepared to heal another person *quick*, but not to come until the threat is detained. also, keep him talking until babrakus arrives, *then* hammer to the crotch.
No. 1071641 ID: 273c18

"Artists suffer for their art, not the other way around."
No. 1071642 ID: e5709d

"I just want you to know that your mindless simping of an incomplete rutting animal is in no way hardcore or courageous.
And you're not touching that canvas, you lazy amateur. Pablo's a better artist than you."

I don't care how you do it, get him to contact us and we'll do the rest.
No. 1071643 ID: 4d8b77

Watch out, looks like he might have something concealed in his lowest set of arms.
No. 1071644 ID: 7b65e9

Do you still have that steady hand of yours?
Because it's time to use it, and with prejudice.
No. 1071645 ID: 8f9bc4


Are those runes, or scars, or are those his chiseled pecs because he shaved away all the fuzz on his carapace right around his chest?

Either way, creepy city!
No. 1071652 ID: 995874

Ok this guy is really sick, lets just try to distract him until other don't come here.
No. 1071657 ID: 0fbdcd

Alright. Seems like a mad artist sort of situation here.

Keep him talking. You were a favorite of the royals at the Mesa, right? You should know some artsy bullshit to talk about, and you're an artist yourself, kinda. Critique technique and methods.

If you think he's distracted enough, walk very slowly into the room while you do this. Your goal is to keep him bragging about himself long enough for backup to arrive or for you to hammer him in the middle of the thorax. We don't want to kill him, yet.
No. 1071664 ID: 46e818
File 169387407886.png - (5.70KB , 800x600 , 1650.png )

"You so m-much as move and I'll c-crack you open like a ff-fff-fucking crab leg."

>"Gracious me, such violent talk. Well if you won't let us finish, how about we all just go our separate ways, hm? It would be much nicer to get one more before the end, but we can part peacefully if you really won't have it.
>Here, your master can even have his little piece of crystal back. It was easy enough to remove."
No. 1071665 ID: 46e818
File 169387432307.png - (9.38KB , 800x600 , 1651.png )

Okay, with the info you've given me, I'm going out on a limb.

"And Leonid Travask? Is that what happened to him? He just left?
And Kivas Sun?"

>"My my. You know my past work? I'm impressed, Mr. Fumo. And here I thought you had no taste at all.
>Or is that Muschio in there, speaking through him? Either way, it doesn't matter, I suppose. It's nice to be appreciated.
>Second try's not bad. I really thought Travask would go the distance. I confess, the poison tooth has been a boon."
No. 1071669 ID: 9f6274

“So what kind of artist are you? Because all I see is someone sick and depraved. And don’t give me the bullshit about being ‘unable to see the true beauty’ in it. You’re just a freak playing pretend.”
No. 1071670 ID: 53560f

Just need to buy more time, he clearly like to talk about his work so ask him what happened with the last victim. Keep him talking until Geppa can get here and use him like a stress ball.
No. 1071671 ID: ce619a

Welp, this sounds like demonic possession alright.

Sound like it jumped from Kivas Sun, a demonologist we needed to identify an amulet, to his apprentice Leonid Travask.

In that case: Fuck.
Looks like we're back to square one on that amulet if all the people we need are dead/possessed.
No. 1071675 ID: 1a35ec

Hoooold on. He's talking like... is someone possessing him? Like... sort of like what we do with the crystal, but more overt? Maybe I'm crazy and seeing things here, seeing too much importance in him acting so unconcerned, talking about part of his body like it's a tool he picked up somewhere. The way he says 'Muschio in there' when everyone should be thinking of us as separate from Muschio by now. Maybe even an emphasis on 'his' little crystal?

Why would it be only us, after all? We can only suggest, but if we gave someone a larger piece? If we came from a more aggressive mind?
No. 1071676 ID: e5709d

Time for a few comedically nonsensical shots in the dark to keep him interested and possibly stunned!
"Is that what you call impressive? Digging out your own flesh because you're afraid of a little splinter in your remote-controlled battleframe. Oh, what a strong and courageous example of the Yishic you are, using your Karved puppets to mutilate civilians because you've been dishonored by the fact that every sane person you've ever met has rejected your advances. And as much as I'd love to mean that sarcastically, I really can't find any respect for Clan Yish to treat you and your offended egomaniacial pretzel of a family tree as little more than the muscle-headed bureaucrats of a rape empire that begged their way into interdimensional transit just so they could escape their many enemies. But that's par for the course for you, isn't it; your 'beloved leaders' have less coherent wisdom than your gorods."
No. 1071677 ID: 93d066

Ask him questions, keep him talking.
Why do you need to create this "art"?
Whats your real name Pendle? Leonid?
Did make "art" out of "Kivas Sun"?
No. 1071680 ID: 831c0e