Ribbon Tulip
You do realize that no matter how you try to switch up our focus, the collective thoughts in the Orb will inevitably question you about your sudden boobologist interests, right?
Well this voice, for one, will try to stay focused instead of trying to question your titscinations, and instead suggest to ask the Commander about the Czar, especially regarding his possible motivation for staging an attack right now - if his forward intelligence was good, why wait for you to strengthen the garrison?
Also, breasts, boobs, knockers, fun bags, hooters, dirty pillows, milk sacks, ta-ta's, melons, gazungas, flesh pumpkins, sweater meat, nipple backstops, big bobblin' boobly oobly ooblies, two moons and a tractor beam, bosoms, melons, milk factories, busts, funbags, knockers, ballistics, jugs, nipples, jubblies, STONKING GREAT TITS! *shakes fist*