Mystery Prancer
I ask Enrad about the what the voices say
Enrad: "many things, they tell us; the furres will never let you live, they will come for you, in the darkness, you cannot hide, they will find you and all your people will die"
Hoft: "DAMN STRAIT! you guys are psyco bastard, your just asking to get nuked from orbit!"
Oken:"Mint can you disable this vehicle, so the pinkos can't take"
Mint: "dissable it? HAH, I could turn it into proximity bomb, No Pinko'll steal it then
>the characters can only carry a limited amount of heavy items, Oken can carry 8, Hoft: 12, Mint: 4, Enrad: 4 (Enrad can use a metalarm as a crutch),
>Mint will need 5 robot gizmos, wires, Prince, space suit, a spanner, in order to fix Prince
>availible supplies (grouped items count as 1): Raygun(4 shots), SpaceCompass, spanner, spacesuit, Prince, battery(ammo clip), medkit(no bandages), vegRations(5), vegRations(5), vegRations(5), water Cantines(full), combat knife, combat knife, combat knife, stunRifle(48 shots), revolver(5 shots), tazer(50 charges), books(2), metalPlate, metalPlate, metalPlate, metalPlate, metalPlate, metalPlate, metalPlate, tread, wheels(6), metalArm, metal bits(10), metal bits(10), robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, robotgizmo, wires, donutBox(empty), meatRations(5), meatRations(5), meatRations(5), meatRations(5), meatRations(5), meatRations(5), handLaser(20 shots), handLaser(20 shots), rapidLaser(broken), antimatterCannon(5 shots), fireAxe, machete, (I may have forgotten some things)
>pack well, it is unlikely they will have time for a second trip