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1038066 No. 1038066 ID: 629f2e

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3A: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038059.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


[Monday, Two and a Half Years Ago]
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No. 1038067 ID: 629f2e
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Weird Kid: “You must think me a fool if you expect to blend in with a disguise like that.”
Me: “...Disguise? Like... my shirt?”
Weird Kid: “All of it! This human-like form you’ve taken on. You may have fooled the others, but I won’t fall for it!”
Me: “...Sorry, I don’t really understand.”

I’m meeting a lot of new people today. At first, everyone was super interested in me, and asking questions about why I look the way I do. Most of them stopped once I told them what dad said, but this kid has been staring at me all day. I’m sure of it, I was staring back. I was so busy staring at him staring at me that I forgot to pay attention to the lesson! Hopefully there won’t be a quiz soon.

He’d waited until lunch to approach me, which seems like a bad plan. My mouth can’t be full of food and words at the same time. Even when I’m not eating though, I can’t understand what he’s saying. That makes it hard to respond...

Weird Kid: “The sudden arrival, the bizarre appearance, it’s all evidence of a greater truth. One so simple that it almost seems a waste of my talents to deduce.”
Weird Kid: “Paranormal Activity! We’ve been invaded by alien spies looking to study our society for weaknesses! The precursor to a full-scale invasion!”
Me: “...Aliens? Those are people from other planets, right?”
Weird Kid: “Playing ignorant are you?”
Me: “...No...? I’m still eating. I’ll play during recess.”

I take a bite of sloppy joe to make my point. Somehow, I get the feeling he isn’t satisfied with my answer.

Weird Kid: “If you won’t tell me what you are, then I’ll pry the answers out of you myself.”
Me: “I’m... me? I’m just Human.
Weird Kid: “Hmph, so be it. You may be able to lie with your words, but once I acquire actual evidence you’ll have to tell me the truth!”
Me: “I thought I was already telling you the truth? Was I supposed to say a different one?”
Weird Kid: “Admit that you’re an alien!”
Me: “...I mean... I don’t think that’s right. How would I know if I was?”
Weird Kid: “*tch tch tch* You play the role of an ignoramus well. Only a high caliber spy could feign such naivete!”

Uh oh, he’s using big words I don’t know. How am I supposed to respond now?
No. 1038068 ID: 629f2e
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Thankfully, another kid sits at our table and responds for me. I remember him from class, I think his name was... Jesse? Yeah, I think that sounds right.

Jesse: “Hey Jhonen, maybe don’t give the new kid so much trouble? Just because he looks a little different doesn’t mean he’s some sort of monster.”
Jhonen: “I’m well aware of that, Roger.

Oh, not Jesse then. Wow, I was way off!

Jhonen: “No, I doubt that this creature is a supernatural beast of sorts. It’s more natural to assume he came from the stars, and is putting on an act.”
Roger: “...I think that assumption is the most unnatural thing I’ve witnessed today.”
Jhonen: “N-Nonsense! He has a Tail!”
Me: “...It’s a birth defect.”
Jhonen: “He has No Hair! Not even eyebrows!”
Me: “...I have a condition.”
Jhonen: “And what even is that Nose!?”
Me: “...A nose? I don’t know how to answer that one.”
Goofy Kid: “Don’t you mean you don’t nose how to answer?”
No. 1038070 ID: 629f2e
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The conversation momentarily goes dead at the interruption from the other kid at our table. Neither Roger or Jhonen respond, staring at him silently.

Goofy Kid: “...Yeesh, those expressions are as sweet as booger. What, don’t want me to riff on that thing you use to sniff?”
Me: “...Are those jokes?”
Goofy Kid: “You nose it!”
Me: “Oh... Then why aren’t they funny?”

Roger and Jhonen both laugh. Huh, guess it just took them a minute to get it. I wonder if this kid will explain it to me- Oh wait, he’s walking away and looking dejected. I’ll ask him later.

The others don’t waste any time getting back to business.

Jhonen: “Roger, surely a boy of your competence can see through this shoddy veil. This obviously warrants investigation!”
Roger: “Okay fine! He looks a little strange- no offense Franklin.”
Me: “None taken.”
Roger: “-but think of it this way: If Franklin is Obviously not human, then why haven’t any of the teachers done something about it?”
Roger: “They wouldn’t let a space alien come to school with the rest of us, would they?”

Jhonen opens his mouth to say something, but I think he forgot the part where words were supposed to leave. He just says quiet, eventually shutting his jaw and giving Roger a rude look.

Roger: “...You don’t have to be sour that I had a point. I’m just saying you should treat Franklin like anyone else.”
Roger: “You’d like that better, wouldn’t you?”
Franklin: “...I dunno.”
Roger: “...Uh, you probably would. Trust me.”
Franklin: “Oh. Okay then... So-”
Jhonen: “Ah-ha! I’ve figured it out! Your riddle is solved!”

Wow, he recovered fast. I thought he was just gonna stay pouty for the rest of the day, or at least a few minutes. That’s good for him.
No. 1038071 ID: 629f2e
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Jhonen: “Obviously his disguise casts a Veil of Normalcy, tuned to work only against the fully-developed brains of adults! The veil makes them accept Franklin’s eccentric elements as ordinary.”
Jhonen: “Your less-developed minds and my impossibly great mental acuity put us out of the range of effect! Thus, we can see the truth.”
Roger: “...”
Jhonen: “Speechless? You admit defeat then?”
Roger: “I don’t even know how I’m supposed to respond to that.”
Jhonen: “Then victory is mine! Franklin is an alien!”
Roger: “Still no! Give it a rest already!”

I’m pretty sure Jhonen is winning the argument. Does that mean I’m an alien? I’ll have to figure out if that’s bad if I am. Though Roger does seem pretty sure I’m not...

Obviously I can’t remember if anyone ever told me I was. Dad didn’t mention it yesterday, and after that... It’s too fuzzy to say. I’d rather be a demon, that seems a lot easier. You just drink blood or eat sacrifices, and do the thing that the person who summoned you wants. What are aliens even supposed to do?

...Wait, what are humans supposed to do? Hmm...

Oh, Roger is leaving. Did he win the argument? I wasn’t paying attention. Jhonen seems disappointed though. Guess Roger did win. Human I am then!

Jhonen: “They’ll see... I’ll make them all see.”
Jhonen: “The Truth is going to come out whether you like it or not!”
No. 1038076 ID: 629f2e
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...-lin. Franklin?

Lillian: “Franklin! Geez, took you long enough.”
Me: “...Huh?”

I’m lying on the couch in my living room. That’s weird. I normally sleep in my bed, not here. Why did I...?

...Ugh, I’m forgetting something again. Let me retrace my steps.

Everybody calls me Franklin, or sometimes The Alien, or other times... no wait, I think that’s it. Wait- if I start from there I’ll be thinking here forever. I just need to remember why I’m here.

So before this... I was with Albert, I think. We were going to have a sleepover here, so I had to tell dad that he was coming, which I did. And then... Something with Lemmy, which was weird because I don’t remember him being invited...

Lillian: “Franklin?”

Oh! Right, I need to say something.

Me: “...Lillian? Did I forget about inviting you?”
Lillian: “Nah, I just invited myself. That a problem?”
Me: “Oh, okay. That’s good, I’m happy you’re here... Did Lemmy do that too?”
Lillian: “Sort of. Look, before that- what happened earlier? Albert and Lemmy said you Passed Out all of a sudden.”
Me: “I did?”

Well that explains why I didn’t remember falling asleep here. It raises another question, but that’s still progress!

Me: “Why did I do that?”
Lillian: “You tell me man.”
Me: “...I was hoping you knew.”
Lillian: “Wasn’t here when it happened. Only person who was was Lemmy, and he’s clueless too. Just said you clonked out right after seeing him.”
Me: “Oh yeah... That would be kind of surprising. Wasn’t he missing?”
Lillian: “Well, consider him found now.”

She sighs and shakes her head. I feel a little bad that I don’t have a better answer, but I can’t help my memory being bad. I’m used to it.

Lillian: “Hey, does your dad keep any good snacks in the kitchen?”
Me: “There should be chips and chocolate kisses in the pantry.”
Lillian: “Correction, there were chips and chocolate kisses in the pantry. Until now.”

As she quickly walks off, she suddenly pauses mid-step.

Lillian: “Uh, you might want to check on your dad by the way. He came by earlier and started screaming about some weird stuff.”
Me: “He screams a lot. Did you know what it was about?”
Lillian: “Something something Home Invasion? I dunno, it was weird and sudden.”

That definitely sounded like dad alright. Lots of shouting, but not a lot of explaining. Hopefully it was a good scream, and not one that leads to the destruction of a household appliance and a new deadly weapon sitting around the house until it spontaneously combusts. He still hasn’t replaced the dishwasher...

Lillian leaves to gorge herself, leaving me to think about what I wanna do next. Albert and Lemmy have gotta be around here somewhere, and dad is probably in his lab. Maybe I should talk to one of them? But who?

No. 1038079 ID: afe7de

Dad first, need to remember if he okayed your friends staying, and if not, what normal tactics you use to ask for... well... anything?

Maybe take a look around while you do, get your bearings, try really really hard to remember why you passed out?
No. 1038084 ID: e51896

So, did you find yourself in hide-and-seek?


Go see Albert and Lenny. We probably want to calm them down and let them know you're okay.
No. 1038094 ID: 7b75ea

... Dude, you have hair, now.

Also, maybe come to terms with the idea that you probably aren't entirely human. Being an alien is dumb, though. You know why Jhonen thought that, of course, because he isn't you. Aliens are generally on a mission, with ulterior motives, and you Know you don't have those. At the very least, you aren't a spy.

What are you, though? Jhonen's a biology wiz, and enough of that has probably rubbed off for you to recognize that your biology is far from that of a normal human child.
No. 1038097 ID: 8483cf

> Thankfully, another kid sits at our table and responds for me. I remember him from class, I think his name was... Jesse? Yeah, I think that sounds right.

Franklin immediately most relatable kid here

Wait why do I have hair AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

Wait, we're chill. Uh


Okay now that that's out of the way, go find Albert and thank him for being such a swell human who respects boundaries.
No. 1038119 ID: 84cd4c

Hair? ...Hair! Okay. That's... new.

Maybe grab a snack for yourself on the way, or maybe not? Might be too distracting.

It might not be the bestest idea in the world, but you could find Albert and Lemmy, and talk to them on the way to your Dad who may or may not be having some sort of crisis and/or usual scientific shenaniganery.
No. 1038642 ID: 629f2e
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> Hair? ...Hair! Okay. That's... new
> ...Dude, you have hair, now
> Wait why do you have hair, aaaaaaaaaahhh

Me: “Huh? What’s wrong with my hai- …Oh yeah.”

I’m bald. Not sure how I keep forgetting that. If I’m not thinking about it though, then I’ll end up expecting to feel hair when I touch my head.

No. 1038643 ID: 629f2e
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Me: “Wait, Who said that?”
No. 1038645 ID: 629f2e
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> Maybe take a look around, get your bearings, and try really really hard to remember why you passed out?

I keep turning around, but there’s no obvious source for the voices. I’m alone in the room, and it doesn’t really feel like there’s a direction it’s coming from.

Me: “Is somebody there? Who is it?”

> Dad first, need to remember if he okayed your friends staying, and if not, what normal tactics you use to ask for... well... anything?

Me: “Tactics? ...If I need something I just ask him, and he said that Albert could stay over.”

I poke my fingers in my ears, trying to block the sound out. I thought it might help me figure out where it’s coming from, but it doesn’t do anything. Almost like the words are coming from my head. That can’t be it though, because I’m not thinking about them. The words just happen without me trying to come up with them.

...Maybe it’s my sub-conch-us? Thoughts that just happen without me thinking them.

> Go see Albert and Lemmy. We probably want to calm them down and let them know you're okay
> Go find Albert and thank him for being such a swell human who respects boundaries
> You could find Albert and Lemmy, and talk to them on the way to your Dad who may or may not be having some sort of crisis and/or usual scientific shenaniganery

Huh. That’s weird.

I was actually thinking that I should talk to Dad first, but the voices are all saying I should go to Albert and Lemmy instead. Maybe they aren’t just me then? My sub-conch-us can’t disagree with me, can it?

Oh wait, if it’s not me then I have to say something in response. It’s impolite not to.

Me: “I dunno. I do want to let them know I’m okay, but dad might blow up the house depending on what kind of mood he’s in. I really think that I should take care of that first.”
Me: “You’re right that Albert does respect boundaries better than Lemmy though. He asked for permission before coming.”
Me: “...Actually, Lillian didn’t ask either. Huh.”
Me: “Maybe I should thank Albert for that...”

> Maybe come to terms with the idea that you probably aren't entirely human. Being an alien is dumb, though. You know why Jhonen thought that, of course, because he isn't you. Aliens are generally on a mission, with ulterior motives, and you know you don't have those. At the very least, you aren't a spy.
> What are you, though?

That kind of came out of nowhere. That’s fine though, everybody asks something like this at least once.

Me: “...I’m a human. I’m just a not-normal one.”
Me: “Mom and dad are both humans, so it’d be pretty impossible for me to end up being something else. Even Jhonen believed that.”
Me: “...He just accused mom and dad of being aliens too whenever we talked about it.”
Me: “I don’t think they are though.”
No. 1038646 ID: 629f2e
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Hmm, the voices distracted me, but now that I think about it I probably could have talked to dad or Lemmy by now given how long I’ve been talking to them. I don’t understand the voices well enough to know if they’re a top priority, so maybe this is fine.

Maybe dad would know? I already need to talk to him, so maybe I can ask about-

Me: “AAAAHH- oh hi Dad.”

I turn around to see dad looking a bit crazy. Uh oh, he’s definitely in one of Those moods.

Dr. Dad: “My greatest creation, this is it! Our home is under attack, we’ll fight to our last breaths!”
Dr. Dad: “Your sleepover has been Compromised! By allowing one child in we’ve let at least two more secure entry! And those are only the ones I’ve seen, there may be even more elsewhere…”
Me: “Oh yeah, Lillian and Lemmy came-”
Dr. Dad: They saw the open doors and took their chance to take over our household! Not on my watch!”

He whips out his pistol and drops some sort of ray gun in my hands. Darn, I think this used to be the toaster. I can still sort of see the handle you push down to make toast.

Dr. Dad: “You’re too old for real guns, so this is simply a heat ray. Use it to vaporize the uninvited guests.”
Dr. Dad: “Which one is Albert again? I’ll make sure to spare the one you invited, at least until we can prove that he had no hand in this raid.”

I’d really like it if dad didn’t kill any of my friends. I have to say something to stop him.
No. 1038648 ID: 15c72a

Quick, tell him they're all invited! It's fine, they're not intruders or anything.

Oh you can hear us directly. We're Tammy's friends, don't worry we're here to help. Oh, hey, this means we can tell you all the stuff the other kids found out but don't know to share... Uh, I won't, because I'm new, I don't know as much as the others.

...does that heat ray really work?
No. 1038652 ID: afe7de

We're spirits or something! At least according to Temmie... And Landi... And Dotti... And uhh well a lot of people/kin! Hi! I always thought we were just text on a screen but whatever!

let us know later when you wanna hear juicy gossip and info we found out that for some reason everyone is clutching to their chests instead of sharing with everyone! Though I get the feeling you already knew most of the stuff we know. At least most of the like social dynamic stuff, you seem observant.

For now just do what you were gonna do, not that you need our permission or anything!
No. 1038665 ID: 84cd4c

Oh, you can hear us? People usually can't. Um... Apologies for the intrusion, yeah.
...There's a lot I want to say, but... it seems pretty distracting. Let's save most of it for later when you've got time, yeah?

We can hear what you're thinking (you don't have to talk), but not anyone else- (besides Clive currently, he might not be able to hear us either. People usually don't hear "us", just the ...ideas.)
...So it's possible people might think you're... unwell, or even "crazy" by acknowledging us. Sorry about that.

More importantly, your Dad- Um... he seems pretty eccentric!

He... might accept it if you tell him you forgot to mention you invited the others, maybe.
That's just a suggestion, though.
No. 1038671 ID: e51896

First, no need to speak out loud to talk to us, we can hear your thoughts just fine. please don't speak out loud when you talk to us. People might start getting suspicious.

As others said, Temmie sent us. She called us "spirits" and has been sending us to help Roger, and then Albert and now Clive and you... (now that I think about it, was it Temmie who directed us to Roger?) They couldn't hear us directly, but we did influence them to help them out with their problems. That said... it's probably best not to let your dad know about us, but you can tell Albert and Lilian later, we'll even help provide proof by telling them what we witnessed when talking to Albert.

But yeah.

This feels more like a game he wants to play with you and your friends, and not actually wants to kill them... buuuut, I don't know your dad so... Maybe remind him that if we kill Lilian and Lemmy, their parents might get upset with him and you, and they'll sue him, and then you both would have to go on the lam... which is weird because sheep are too itchy to ride.

After your done with your dad, I want to test some things now that you can hear us.
No. 1038673 ID: 8483cf

Wait what? Violence isn't very scientific. Wouldn't Dad rather we keep them alive so we can use them as a control group for what happens to people we DON'T vaporize?
No. 1038684 ID: c1d4af

I know how to distract dad! Repeat after me:

"My greatest creation? Hey, dad, did you put me together in the lab?"
No. 1038708 ID: 7b75ea

Yeah, if you aren't a normal human, then this is the most logical conclusion, assuming you are your dad's "creation" and he himself is human. We can conclude that you were created, not born... at least, this current iteration was. Your phantom hair seems to imply you did have a life before whatever this current existence is, though.
No. 1039124 ID: 629f2e
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> First, no need to speak out loud to talk to us, we can hear your thoughts just fine. Please don't speak out loud when you talk to us. People might start getting suspicious.
> We can hear what you're thinking (you don't have to talk), but not anyone else- (besides Clive currently, he might not be able to hear us either. People usually don't hear "us", just the ...ideas.)

So I just have to think for you to hear? That’s convenient... and weird. I haven’t heard of anything like that before.

> We're spirits or something! At least according to Temmie...
> As others said, Temmie sent us. She called us "spirits" and has been sending us to help Roger, and then Albert and now Clive and you...

Oh! I know what those are! Spirits are the lingering souls of the deceased, unable to move onto the next life for some reason. Like they might have unfinished business, or be cursed, or are waiting on someone important to die so that they can go together, etc.

...Wait, aren’t there evil spirits too? How do I know you aren’t evil?

I guess that friends of Temmie probably wouldn’t be evil. But what if you guys are secretly only acquaintances!? I could imagine Temmie having evil acquaintances.

> Wait what? Violence isn't very scientific. Wouldn't Dad rather we keep them alive so we can use them as a control group for what happens to people we DON'T vaporize?

Violence is actually incredibly scientific. Dad has a pretty nice lecture about it, which goes over how all the best weapons have their roots in science. I don’t think that argument would stop him.

> This feels more like a game he wants to play with you and your friends, and not actually wants to kill them... buuuut, I don't know your dad so...

...He’s being serious about this... I think. He’s always really protective about the morgue, which is why I usually don’t bring people over that often, and never without warning him.

Dr. Dad: “...Junior, do I need to repeat myself?”
Franklin: “Huh?”
Dr. Dad: “Albert! Who? Tell me which one to not shoot!”

Oh right! I got Distracted and forgot to say something!

I do that more often than I should. Don’t worry, that wasn’t because of you, it’s just a common problem for me. Now, what was I gonna say again?
No. 1039125 ID: 629f2e
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> Quick, tell him they're all invited! It's fine, they're not intruders or anything.
> He... might accept it if you tell him you forgot to mention you invited the others, maybe.

Oh, that’s right! Thank you.

Franklin: “Um, dad? None of the kids here are intruders, everyone was invited.”
Dr. Dad: “I’m afraid that the math doesn’t check out on that. Earlier, you requested that I authorize a Single child besides yourself to enter our home. I have since then counted Three.
Franklin: “Well, at the time, I only knew that Albert wanted to come-”
Dr. Dad: “Confirmation! Only one was allotted.”
Franklin: “...But the others were invited.”
Franklin: “Albert invited Lillian, and...”

Wait, should I say Lemmy’s name? I’m not really sure what’s going on with him, but Mrs. Chamberlane said he was missing this morning. I found him, but should I be telling people about that yet?

Hmmmm... I’ll just say a different one for now. I don’t think dad will notice, he’s pretty bad with names. I’m pretty sure that’s why he named me after himself, so that he couldn’t forget it. What’s a real sounding name you can say...?

Franklin: “...Jordan invited himself, I guess?”
Dr. Dad: “They lack the authority to permit visitors!”
Franklin: “Um... Yeah, that’s true. I think the idea was that they were bringing them here to get me to ask you if they could stay.’
Franklin: “But I fell asleep early and couldn’t tell you about them.”
Dr. Dad: “So, it was nothing more than a simple misunderstanding? You’re certain of this? There is not a shred of doubt in your mind?”
Franklin: “...Yes?”
Dr. Dad: “...Very well then. I request my experimental heat ray back then, and will place a temporary hold on the order to end these children’s lives.”

> ...does that heat ray really work?

Impossible to say without testing it. In your experience, dad is great at making devices that burst into flames upon use or lack of use. That sounds almost like what you’d want from a heat ray. Still, you would prefer not to be holding this for longer than you have to.

You hand dad back the potential disaster device. He slides it into the inner pocket of his lab coat.

Dr. Dad: “Now then, regarding your guests, are you requesting all three to stay the night?”
Franklin: “...If that’s okay.”
Dr. Dad: “As long as they’re aware of all the House Rules, and stay out of Restricted Areas, then I see no issue.”
Dr. Dad: “However, I will permit no higher number of guests than this! If I see one more unexpected child, then the reason had better be that we are under attack for real.”
Dr. Dad: “If that isn’t the cause, and you have instead allowed yet more children over, I will amputate your legs and force you to crawl to school for the rest of the week.”
Franklin: “Okay. I promise not to let any more people inside.”
No. 1039126 ID: 629f2e
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> I know how to distract dad! Repeat after me: "My greatest creation? Hey, dad, did you put me together in the lab?"
> Yeah, if you aren't a normal human, then this is the most logical conclusion, assuming you are your dad's "creation" and he himself is human. We can conclude that you were created, not born...

...I think that’s just an affectionate nickname he likes to call me. He does it a lot. I guess I could ask though, if you spirits think it means something else.

Franklin: “Hey dad? Why do you call me your ‘greatest creation’?”
Dr. Dad: “Because you are.”
Franklin: “Huh... so, how did you make me?”
Dr. Dad: “Now that is quite the exhilarating story, you see-”

He pauses, staring at me. He squints, reconsidering what he’s about to say.

Dr. Dad: “...Right, perhaps that’s not an appropriate story for you. Why don’t you ask again when you’re a bit older?”
Franklin: “Okay...”
Franklin: “...I’m a few seconds older now. Is that enough?”
Dr. Dad: “How about we circle back to this when you’re... let’s say Fourteen, okay?”
Franklin: “Oh, okay...”
Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “...Wait.”

I realize the issue too late, as he’s hastily walking away. That’s suspicious, he seemed really uncomfortable with the idea of explaining that to me. Could it be... Is there some horrible secret about my creation!?

...Actually, now that I think about it, most parents get weird when you talk to them about where kids come from, so maybe this is normal? Either way, it’s not a very satisfying answer.

Still, I don’t think I was created in the lab. It’s more likely that Mom gave birth to me, just like most other kids. After all, she wouldn’t be my mom if she didn’t, right?


Oh yeah, I should go let Albert and Lemmy know that I’m okay.
No. 1039127 ID: 629f2e
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The kitchen is packed. Lillian, true to her word, has a tin of chips in her arms that she’s munching away at. Albert apparently found his way into the fridge. Leftover steak is more of a meal than a snack, but you understand that he’s probably hungry, and choose not to stare as he gnaws on a chunk. Lemmy somehow managed to get a few of the chocolate kisses before Lillian found them, and is periodically popping them in his mouth. There’s a decent collection of foil wrappers beside him.

Lillian: “So, no worries about your dad killing us or anything?”
Franklin: “No, I think he’s good now. Unless anybody else is coming over.”
Albert: “I can’t think of anyone who would. For their sake and yours, I would turn them away at the door.”
Lemmy: “Or the window, if they come in like how I did.”
Franklin: “...Right.”

I still have no idea why he’s here. Albert must have picked up on my confusion, because he quickly fills me in.

Albert: “I had a nice long talk with Lemmy while you were out, and I was able to drag a few answers out.”
Albert: “Apparently, his parents were discussing the option of Early Graduation, and he decided to flee home when they settled in favor of doing so.”
Lemmy: “Hey, can you blame me? Elementary school is boring enough, I’d have to be high to think high school would be any better!”

He chuckles, but his heart isn’t in it. It’s sad to think that his own parents would put him through something like that. He might not know the full extent of what early graduation means yet, but even the basic idea of just being separated from your friends and living at school is bad enough I think.

We still don’t really know the full extent either actually, just that it’s probably bad and not the thing it sounds like it is.

Lemmy: “See, you totally get it! So there shouldn’t be any issue if I keep hiding out here, right? I’d do the same for you if the situation was reversed.”
Franklin: “...I don’t mind.”
Lemmy: “Then there’s no problem! No need to keep talking about this any further, right Al?”

He goes to pat Albert on the back, but Albert just pushes him away with his cane.

Albert: “...Don’t call me Al.”
Albert: “And it’s not that simple. While I understand where you’re coming from, your disappearance may cause issues for the rest of us. The threat of an Early Curfew has already been floated.”
Albert: “It goes without saying that that would hinder our investigation significantly. And that doesn’t even touch upon what may happen to Franklin if you’re discovered here.”
Lemmy: “...Investigation? Starting to feel like I skipped a few chapters.”

Albert, as usual, had some really good points. But Lemmy wasn’t wrong either. He just didn’t want to graduate. I completely understand that, because I don’t want to either (although that would mean I get to be with Jhonen again. I guess that part would be good).

Lillian: “Eh, it’d be a pretty big jerk move to kick him out, but if keeping him here could get in the way of figuring out what Phillip has gotten dragged into...”
Lemmy: “Et tu, brute?”
Albert: “It’s just something we need to consider. I’m not going to say that we should turn you in immediately.”
Albert: “...Franklin is taking the greatest risk by housing you. I’ll defer to him for the moment on whether the potential consequences are acceptable or not.”

...Huh. Albert doesn’t usually ask for my opinion on anything really important, that’s rare. I wonder if he’s trying to improve his behavior after what happened earlier today. That’s really nice of him.

Still, what do I think? I don’t want anything bad to happen to Lemmy, but it’d be bad if we couldn’t investigate at all. Plus, dad might kill him if he finds him in the house outside of the sleepover.

No. 1039132 ID: 8483cf

>...Wait, aren’t there evil spirits too? How do I know you aren’t evil?

That's a very suspicious question. How do you know YOU aren't evil?

As for what to do with Lemmy, Dad was very clear: no more than three kids, make sure they know the House Rules, and stay out of Restricted Areas.

Dad said nothing about how LONG "Jordan" could stay.

Also, Lemmy, your name is Jordan now.

To repeat, since you get DISTRACTED a lot...

1. Tell the guests the HOUSE RULES
2. Tell the guests which areas are RESTRICTED AREAS
3. Lemmy is now JORDAN
No. 1039136 ID: e51896

Is there a shack, or shed, or tomb we can hide Lemmy in? Your dad or anyone doesn't go in the graveyard often, does he? Only for whenever someone needs to be buried, and lawn maintenance right? We can't throw Lemmy under the bus like that for the investigation... figuratively speaking, not Literally, Franklin. But he can't keep hiding in this morgue, sooner or later he's going to be spotted. He can stay in there after the sleepover as well. We'll just need to feed him

And as far as investigation goes, if early curfew happens, we might need to consider sneaking out at night instead of most of the afternoon after school and take naps beforehand. as we continue investigating during the day, adults might start getting suspicious...

I also want to test something. Sorry if I repeat myself. Just answer my questions:

can you hear me? if so how do I sound?
can you hear me? if so how do I sound?
can you hear me? if so how do I sound?
can you hear me? if so how do I sound?
can you hear me? if so how do I sound?
No. 1039137 ID: 7b75ea

We're less "spirits of your dead people" and more "otherworldly spirits from beyond your reality."

But yeah, >>1039132 got the main points down.

Meanwhile... You acknowledge that you are not a normal human, correct? Yet both your parents are normal humans, as far as you can tell. That has very interesting implications... namely, that you probably started out as a "normal" human, but something changed along the way. The chances of you being spliced with something not human are actually pretty plausible, huh?
No. 1039175 ID: 84cd4c

Although we're sent by Temmie to help, maybe "friends" is a stretch. We don't really know what their end goal is, but I assume it's for things to go... "better". Whatever that might mean.

(Adding onto what the other spirit said, can you hear this?)
...By the way, are you able to differentiate us from each other? Is that something you'd even want? Dunno if it'd help organize thoughts.

But, yes! Rules! Restricted Areas!
Although "Jordan" is welcome, it's unclear how long that'll last. Dad might, I don't know, recognize him.
No. 1039176 ID: 84cd4c

...Also, bonus afterthought, you can put this on the backburner, or if you feel like it, you could probably ask Albert if he recalls thinking differently these past few days. We were helping him earlier, but it's unlikely that he heard "us".

I dunno if you're still thinking about asking people about us, but I'm not sure you'd get a serious answer from anyone other than Temmie.
No. 1039184 ID: e5709d

>Spirits are the lingering souls of the deceased, unable to move onto the next life for some reason.
Honestly, I'm still here because of a combination of fear and resentment. We saw what the 'goddess of life and death' does to souls, and we were the ones lucky enough to escape. If the majority of souls weren't unconscious and/or powerless, we'd see a massive riot!

>How do I know you aren’t evil?
You don't. Welcome to Hell.

Your dad needs a hobby.

>Could it be... Is there some horrible secret about my creation!?
After what he just did, I can't rule that out.
But we can give you a watered-down version of what is known as 'the talk'. Long story short, females generally grow babies inside them and then expel them out. But to do that, they first need genetic material, usually from a male. This is done through a simple process where both species conjoin to combine two specialized cells in their bodies to form a single, brand-new cell, which multiplies until it forms a micro-baby, known as a fetus. The reason why adults don't tell children this is because the actual process is highly addictive, and if you grow addicted at an early age, it can drive you completely and permanently insane.

Whatever. Investigate.
No. 1039631 ID: 629f2e
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> How do you know we aren’t evil? You don't. Welcome to Hell.

That’s where you’d go if you were evil. I don’t think Cattenom is hell, we have a beach here. Hell doesn’t have beaches. With all the fire, the sand would turn into glass.

> That's a very suspicious question. How do you know YOU aren't evil?

Because I don’t do bad things, or want to do bad things? Wait, but what if the things I think are good are actually bad? Has that ever happened? Can you be evil by accident?

I can’t remember any of my friends or dad ever correcting me about evil behavior, but what if they’re evil too! What if my morality is all based on what evil people say is actually good???

...This isn’t a fun hypothetical, I’m gonna stop thinking about it.

> Although we're sent by Temmie to help, maybe "friends" is a stretch. We don't really know what her end goal is, but I assume it's for things to go... "better". Whatever that might mean.

I always thought of Temmie as more of a wise old mentor than a villain, the kind you see in stories, so her end goal is probably good. Though she isn’t very old I guess. She’s younger than me! And is she really wise? If I could see the future, that wouldn’t suddenly make me wise, would it? Maybe Temmie is secretly really dumb, but she hides it well because she can see the future.

> Is there a shack, or shed, or tomb we can hide Lemmy in? Your dad or anyone doesn't go in the graveyard often, does he? Only for whenever someone needs to be buried, and lawn maintenance right?

We do have a shed out back, but it isn’t really a good one. It’s small, filled with a bunch of tools already, and the roof leaks when it rains like tonight. I think if I told him to stay in it, he’d just go find someone else to stay with. If he was really going to graduate, then I don’t think I should. He needs protection, and I can’t think of many other places where he might get it.

> Dad said nothing about how LONG "Jordan" could stay. Also, Lemmy, your name is Jordan now.

Oooh, if Jhonen was here, I think he would be proud of me if I argued Suh-man-ticks to let Lemmy stay here for longer. That’s clever. I would have to make sure to tell dad about my cleverness before he thinks the sleepover is done though. Letting Lemmy get discovered and vaporized before I can explain would be unclever.

> Although "Jordan" is welcome, it's unclear how long that'll last. Dad might, I don't know, recognize him.

I’ve never brought Lemmy over before, so I think it’s more likely that dad learns “Jordan”’s name before he recognizes Jordan as Lemmy. Even that would be unlikely. I’m pretty sure he still doesn’t know Roger’s name, even though I had him over once before.

Okay, I think I know how I want to deal with Lemmy.

Franklin: “...Lemmy can stay here for as long as he needs to.”
Lemmy: “Nice! Guess The Alien’s got a touch of humanity in him after all!”
Franklin: “...I’m entirely human.”

> You acknowledge that you are not a normal human, correct? Yet both your parents are normal humans, as far as you can tell. That has very interesting implications... namely, that you probably started out as a "normal" human, but something changed along the way. The chances of you being spliced with something not human are actually pretty plausible, huh?

...I mean, that’s a little more believable than me not being human at all, but I don’t know if normalcy is genetic. If it was, wouldn’t all weird people have weird parents? And then wouldn’t their parents be weird, and their parents be weird, and so on until the very first parents?

And if Everyone is weird, then being weird is Normal! So I guess that would make me normal too, which can’t be right because I’m me...

...Oh! It’s like how Lillian’s parents weren’t twins, but she and Phillip are. There are just things like that which happen when you make babies.

> But we can give you a watered-down version of what is known as 'the talk'. Long story short, females generally grow babies inside them-

Jhonen already told me about that stuff. Dads put seeds inside of moms, and the moms nourish them until they come out as tiny babies. He was curious if my species was born like that, or if I was hatched from an egg like a bird. I just told him it was whichever humans do, which is the first apparently.

His mom sent me home when she heard me ask about how dads make seeds. He got grounded for that, though I’m not sure why.
No. 1039632 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “...Oh, your name is Jordan now though.”
Lemmy: “Huh?”
Franklin: “I wasn’t sure if dad would know that Lemmy went missing. So I called you Jordan to be safe.”
Lemmy: “Awww, couldn’t have even made it something funny sounding? Like Amanda Hugginkiss, or I.P. Freely!
Albert: “Amanda is a girl’s name, and what kind of first name is I.P.?”
Lemmy: “The one that could have been mine!”
Franklin: “...Sorry, I wasn’t thinking about comedy. I just said the first one I thought of.”
Lemmy: “Yeesh, in that case, I guess I’m just lucky I’m not the Third Franklin in this house.”

> ...By the way, are you able to differentiate us from each other? Is that something you'd even want?

...Kind of? You all have different voices, but they’re a little hard to tell apart. I can usually tell when one voice stops and another starts, but I’m not entirely sure if any of you have spoken more than once yet.

> Make sure they know the House Rules, and stay out of Restricted Areas.
> But, yes! Rules! Restricted Areas!

Franklin: “Oh, dad wanted me to tell you all the house rules.”
Albert: “That much is fine, as long as it won’t take too long.”
Franklin: “There are only a few, I think.”
Lillian: “...Hopefully none about raiding the kitchen, right? Else we’re all in trouble already.”
Franklin: “I don’t think there is? Let’s see...”
Franklin: “No digging up coffins, no burying bodies without marking where you put them, no corpses in the kitchen…”

I pause. All of them are giving me pretty clear looks of Confusion.

Franklin: “...What?”
Albert: “Franklin, why? Just why?”
Franklin: “...Because the kitchen is where we make food, and corpses are full of bacteria and bad stuff that-”
Albert: “That’s not- *sigh* Lillian?”
Lillian: “I’ve got it. Franklin, why are you telling us all this stuff that we’re never gonna do?”
Franklin: “...Because they’re the house rules. Dad thinks it’s important everyone knows them.”
Lillian: “...Okay. But why?
Franklin: “...Because sometimes there are corpses here? It is a morgue.”

Now that they point it out... These issues practically never come up for anyone except dad actually. Maybe we need to come up with some more general rules...?

Albert: “Fine. Are there any rules that don’t involve corpses?”
Franklin: “Ummm... Oh yeah, there is one! Stay out of the Restricted Areas. That means dad’s lab, and...”

I point at the door down the hallway.

Franklin: “That’s Mom’s Room. Never open that door.”
Lillian: “Wait, what?”
Franklin: “Well, she’s really sick right now, so dad has her in Quarantine.
Franklin: “He’s worried that visitors will make her even sicker, so that door stays closed until she’s feeling better. It’s very important.”
Lemmy: “Uh...”
Albert: “...”

The others share some weird looks, seeming worried about something. I choose not to think about it. Albert starts to say something, but I turn around and walk away, not listening. I have to use the bathroom, and Albert’s questions require too much thought to answer before going. That’s what I tell myself.
No. 1039633 ID: 629f2e
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I pass by the door to mom’s bedroom on my way to the bathroom. It’s still Shut, just like always...

I haven’t Seen her in a long time, and all my memories of her are kind of fuzzy... It’s nice to know she’s here though, resting on the other side.

Well, I think she’s resting. For all I know she actually can’t sleep and is rolling around in bed miserably. She can’t tell me, so I just have to hope for the best.

She’s going to get better though, dad promised. I’ll see her again soon. I just have to wait.

Just... have to keep Waiting...

No. 1039635 ID: 629f2e
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No. 1039636 ID: 629f2e
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...My mind must be getting less reliable everyday. Making up weird memories like that.

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 50/100]

No. 1039637 ID: 8483cf

You're a suprisingly insightful kid, Franklin. Quarantine is usually only for people who are infectious.

You're thinking of a germ-free zone for people with compromised immune systems. However, people with compromised immune systems still need to eat.

When you have a moment, think about how much food you've been bringing in. Is it enough for one grown person, one kid and one sick person?
No. 1039639 ID: 7b75ea

... Lemmy was in "mom's room."

Go to the bathroom. Then ask him where he was hiding before you found him.
No. 1039642 ID: e51896

I recommend checking the dis thread and discussing theories there before posting here so we don't risk raising Franklin's fear level

Yes, you are very insightful. Don't woorry, Franklin, your mind is actually pretty reliable. You Just need some time to relax a bit and organize your thoughts. Thinking about food amount is a good thought exercise.

But ummm... also, think happy thoughts for a moment, Franklin. remember doing anything fun recently? count the tiles on the bathroom floor while your in there.

As much as I want to, lets not right now. I have the same thought as you, but lets be patient with Franklin on this. he's at 50 fear after all
No. 1039645 ID: e51896

Also, Franklin, I think you should ask your friends if they want to spend some time playing (board games, toys) or watching tv for now. I think after today, everyone could use a break to relax a bit. (hopefully lower everyone's fear to some degree). Bring whatever games or toys you have to your friends. It's a sleepover after all!
No. 1039650 ID: e5709d

>And if Everyone is weird, then being weird is Normal!
Normality requires the aggregate sum of all normalcy in the world.
Everyone in this localized area being weird does not automatically mean that everyone in the world must be just as weird.
Your town is infected. We're infected. You're infected.
Booga booga booga.

>Jhonen already told me about that stuff. Dads put seeds inside of moms, and the moms nourish them until they come out as tiny babies.
Oh, good. You missed the part where one of the seeds needs to hit an egg inside the mom to merge into a proper seed, called a STEM cell. Actually, it's not considered vulgar to watch videos of stem cells multiplying, we could-
>He was curious if my species was born like that, or if I was hatched from an egg like a bird.
Uh... I don't think you should listen to Jhonen for medical advice. Ever.
I wish I could say he's just schizophrenic but after what we've seen, we can't rule out him being something more than human. Ugh.

Quarantine is a topic we've been forced to learn for the past eighteen @#$%ing months. Really, if your mother caught a rare, obscure disease from one of the many corpses your parents sift through for a living, then it's probably for the best that you physically stay far, far away from them both. If the disease spreads, people could die.
But there's one thing that bugs me. Why hasn't your dad let you talk to your mom on the phone? No biological disease in human history has been known to transmit electronically. I... don't think she's awake.

...This had better not be what I think it is. We can't take too many Karens barging in and shutting this network down.

>What do
Deep breaths. Think about the structure of reality and how you'd expect it to apply to the town. Compare large models that are not as influenced by individual humans.
Then screw all that and play a kemonomimi dating sim you borrowed from your teen friends.
No. 1039663 ID: 84cd4c

>...but I’m not entirely sure if any of you have spoken more than once yet.
We have! You seem to be getting kind of used to it.

>And if Everyone is weird, then being weird is Normal!
Yep! Everyone's weird- it's just that whenever a large group of people form, (a society, let's say) then what's weird to them is only the extremest weird of weirds! What's "weird" about you is undetectable to you, because everyone's normal is dependent on the individual.
Jhonen's kind of weird, and he probes into what he thinks is weird about you, that is to say, he thinks that you're so weird you can't be human.
I bet you could egg Jhonen on into helping you with something later by stoking his curiosity.
don't think about how Very Bad Things happened to him don't think about it don't think abou-

>Then ask him where he was hiding before you found him.
To be honest, I think you should Wait on this, Franklin. If you're worried about forgetting to ask later, we can always remind you.
Also, maybe ask Dad around the same time later if you can talk to Mom. Preferably before confronting Jordan. Surely that's possible without "Seeing" her.

...But, right now, it might be best to prioritizing having a good time while you guys have the time to spare. What kind of nonsense do you think Jhonen would bring up right now? It might liven things up!
No. 1040325 ID: 629f2e
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> ...Lemmy was in "mom's room."

Impossible. Nobody’s allowed in mom’s room but mom, so he couldn’t have gone in.

> Ask him where he was hiding before you found him.

I don’t need to. He may have been hiding somewhere, or he might not have. Wherever he was, I was so surprised that he was here at all that I must have fainted. Where it happened doesn’t matter, I think.

> When you have a moment, think about how much food you've been bringing in. Is it enough for one grown person, one kid and one sick person?

...I don’t understand. I don’t bring food from anywhere. Not even from home to school, as I like school lunches more.

Are you asking if we have enough in the house to feed all three of us? I mean, I think so. Dad feeds mom most of the time, and he buys groceries, so he’s the one who would know for sure. I only cook for mom when he asks me to. I don’t get to bring it in though, just leave it by her door. The plate will always be empty the next time I check!

> Yes, you are very insightful. Don't worry, Franklin, your mind is actually pretty reliable. You Just need some time to relax a bit and organize your thoughts.

No, my brain isn’t reliable at all, but it’s nice of you to say that.

Because you recommended it, I take a little extra time washing my hands to think about how things are. And then I think about how things were. And then I think about something totally different and unrelated...

...And eventually I hear knocks on the door, breaking me out of my trance. I don’t know how long I was thinking for, but my hands are feeling pruney from being under the water. Probably too long. I turn off the faucet.

> But ummm... also, think happy thoughts for a moment, Franklin. Remember doing anything fun recently? Count the tiles on the bathroom floor while you’re in there.

I met Enid recently. That was fun, Enid is nice. I wonder if we’re friends yet?

...I had a fun dream when I fell unconscious. That was nice too.

And of course there are my friends here, and plenty of fun to be had with them.

I choose not to count tiles in the bathroom, and I feel like I’m having a great time not doing that. Though I can’t prove that doing it wouldn’t have been fun too, even if it sounded pretty boring.

I’m glad I did this, it makes me feel a little better.

Franklin has taken a moment to relax, losing 1 Fear.

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 49/100]

When I finally open the door, Lillian is there, still looking concerned over something.

Lillian: “Hey Franklin, how are ya feelin’?”
Franklin: “I’m fine. I feel better now.”
Lillian: “Good, that’s good... Hey, you don’t gotta talk about it if you don’t wanna, but you kind of left in a hurry in the middle of our chat.

Did I? I thought the conversation was over, and that it was okay to leave. I guess that was rude of me, my bad.

Franklin: “...I wasn’t feeling good. I didn’t vomit though, so I’m fine, I think. Sorry for worrying you.”
Lillian: “That’s okay... Look, that thing you said before, about your mom, it was kind of confusing since-”
Franklin: “Don’t go into her room.”
Lillian: “That’s the thing, her room is-”
Franklin: “Over there.”
Lillian: “You told us already, but Franklin-”
Franklin: “Can we play a game?”
Franklin: “We’ve been investigating all day. I want to do something fun.”
Lillian: “...”
Franklin: “...Please?”

She sighs, muttering something to herself. It’s nothing important.


Lillian: “Sure, let’s play. Got any good ones?”
Franklin: “A few! Um... Let me grab a few, and then we can pick one.”

I turn around and rush off to my bedroom, but hesitate around the corner when I hear some quiet voices. When I stop to listen, I realize it’s Albert and Lemmy talking to Lillian. That was fast! They must have been... really close already to get to her that quickly. I wonder what they’re talking about.

Albert: “... -questions. He’s Deflecting.
Lemmy: “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, y’know?”
Lillian: “Yeah, I know, but just drop it for now. He doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s his business. He’ll let us know when he’s ready.”
Albert: “We can’t just-”
Lillian: “Just leave it! It’s late, and we’re all tired. At least save it for tomorrow. Okay?”


I should go get those games already...
No. 1040326 ID: 629f2e
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The sleepover was a lot of fun. We played games, told scary stories, made stupid snacks in the kitchen (Lemmy’s peanut butter and potato chip sandwiches were actually a hit with all of us, but is it really a stupid snack if it tastes great?), and then we all went to sleep. Albert took my bed, because he was hurt and we all agreed he needed it most; Lemmy took the loveseat; and Lillian and I shared the couch. I had so much fun that, even when I fell asleep, I was still playing games in my dreams. It was the perfect way to end the night.

Sleepovers are nice. I think we all really needed a night to relax. It’s a shame Roger and Enid couldn’t be here. ...And Clive too, I guess. We’re not really friends yet, and he’s still kind of scary, but I bet he could use a break too. Maybe I can invite everyone over next time?

...Although, it wouldn’t really be Everybody. Not without Phillip, Rodney... Jhonen.

Everyone wants those guys back, and I do too. That’s why we have to work hard and investigate. I’ll give it my best!


...Well... I might actually have Something Else going on today that’s unrelated, so maybe I won’t get much done until tomorrow. But once tomorrow comes, I’ll be giving one-hundred-ten percent to this investigation!
No. 1040327 ID: 629f2e
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When we leave for school, Albert tries to ask me about mom again. I don’t really have anything else to tell him, so I just don’t speak at all. That does not make him happy. I guess I should have thought of something better.

Class is boring, but lunch is nice. I get to talk to all my friends (who haven't graduated) there. Even if we’re mostly just gonna talk about investigation stuff. It’s better because we’re doing it together.

And Roger is here this time! No baseball today I guess.

...He seems uncomfortable. Oh, I think it’s because Clive is here. Did anybody tell him we were working together now? Guess not, if that look of surprise is anything to go off of.

We get to talking about yesterday, and then about the nuclear plant that I know I’ve heard about somewhere, and that topic is going on for a while, I’m not totally following. And it doesn’t help at all when you voices start talking.

> Normality requires the aggregate sum of all normalcy in the world. Everyone in this localized area being weird does not automatically mean that everyone in the world must be just as weird.

So wait, is everyone in Cattenom weird? Have I never met a normal person in my life? I wonder what they’d be like, normal people...

Hmmm... I guess I wouldn’t even know where to start guessing in that case. If all I’ve ever known were weird people, then what could I base a guess about what normal people on?

> Jhonen's kind of weird, and he probes into what he thinks is weird about you, that is to say, he thinks that you're so weird you can't be human.

I have heard other kids call Jhonen weird. But if they’re weird too, then why point it out? Maybe he’s weird by weirdness standards? Is that a thing? What if weird means something different to people who only know other weird people? Like what we call weird would be super weird to the not weirds out there.

Oh! Maybe that’s the trick. It’s a term that changes based on who you ask. Like how an inch might seem tall to an ant, but would be small to a human. Weirdness is relative!

> Uh... I don't think you should listen to Jhonen for medical advice. Ever.

He’s actually really smart about medical stuff! His parents are both doctors, so it makes sense. He taught me everything he knows, and I picked up at least a tenth of it all, so now I’m almost kind of decent too I think.

> Also, maybe ask Dad around the same time later if you can talk to Mom.

Oh, I talk to mom all the time actually. She just can’t talk back. She’s Mute, can’t say a thing.

I always worry that I might be annoying her, but I’d rather bother her a little than leave her bored and lonely a lot. Being sick for a long time is... Lonely, I think. She probably wants the company, and it lets me keep her caught up about my life and my friends, so she won’t have to catch up when she finally feels better.

Lillian: “Hold on, that’s true, but is that really how we want to spend today?”

Oh! I wasn’t following completely, but that’s a change in topic I think. We were just talking about going down to the nuclear plant and investigating there. I should pay closer attention.

Lillian: “...C’mon, it’s obvious isn’t it?”
Lillian: “We should go spring Phillip and the others from that high school prison already! We know it’s shady, why do we need to dig up proof it’s even shadier?”
Roger: “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not yet, I mean.”
Albert: “Ditto.”

The two rejections knock the wind out of her sails a little. She turns to me, clearly hoping for some support.

Franklin: “I’d love to go hang out with Jhonen at the high school too, but I can’t.”
Lillian: “Whaaaat, even you’re against it, Franklin? I really thought I’d have you on my side here.”
Franklin: “...Huh? Oh, I agree with you. I want to get Jhonen, and Phillip, and Rodney back already, but I can’t. Just like how I can’t go to the nuclear plant either.”
Roger: “Wait really? Why not?”

It occurs to me only now that I failed to mention this to anyone beforehand. Whoops.

Franklin: “I have a Playdate with Temmie after school.”
Lillian: “Wait, what? Since when!?”
Franklin: “...Yesterday. She asked me to come over during recess.”

I was very popular during recess yesterday. First Temmie invited me to play with her today, and then Albert came by and asked to stay the night. It was a little weird for Albert to ask about that, but I feel like it’s way weirder for Temmie. We basically Never interact ever. I’m sure she’s a nice girl, us speaking just doesn’t happen naturally, and we aren’t in any of the same friend groups that would bring us together like Albert and I are.

Actually, I don’t think Temmie is in Any friendgroup at all. I never see her at the field, or around town. The only times I do are when she’s out shopping with her dad. I guess she likes staying at home. Considering I used to do it until I was around 8, and Enid did it up until a few days ago, I guess that isn’t really too weird here. Some kids like being home.

...I actually like going out though. I wonder why I used to stay inside all the time? I’m sure dad told me the reason at some point, but I forgot it.

Enid: “So, it’s just going to be the Five of us going to the nuclear plant then?”
Roger: “Not exactly. If Franklin’s going to Temmie’s place, then somebody should go with him.”
Enid: “But, he’ll be with Temmie, won’t he?”
Roger: “For however long their playdate is. Afterwards it might just be him, and Franklin doesn’t really do well on his own.”
Franklin: “Would I actually be alone if I still have the voices in my head.”
Albert: “If you mean your own thoughts, then yes. And if you mean literally anything else, then all the more reason you require a chaperone.”
Franklin: “...That’s fair.”
Enid: “Wait, Franklin’s older than me though, and my dad used to let me stay home alone. Shouldn’t he be fine by himself.”
Roger: “He has a bad habit of spacing out and getting lost if nobody is there to snap him back to reality.”
Franklin: “That was over a year ago. I got over that habit. Now I just stay still when I’m getting really deep into my thoughts, that way I can’t wander away.”
Franklin: “Although, sometimes I forget to Stop thinking, and I’ll be in one place for over an hour.”
Enid: “...Okay, I see the problem.”

I’m in complete agreement about me following the buddy system. I get a lot more done when it isn’t just me getting lost in thought and forgetting to do all the things I was planning on doing. Plus, it lets me hang out with my friends! I’m really lucky that they’re all nice enough to put up with me like this.

Albert: “So who wants to skip out on the plant to stay with Franklin? It won’t be me.”

...Most of the time. Actually, Albert put up with me for a whole sleepover, so he gets a pass.
No. 1040328 ID: 629f2e
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Enid: “I could do it. To be honest, I don’t really wanna go to the nuclear plant. It sounds kind of... Scary?
Enid: “I’d much rather play with Franklin. But, I know I didn’t help any yesterday, so it’s fine if you’d rather have me there.”
Lillian: “Hey, this stuff is all scary and weird. Nobody’ll blame you if you don’t wanna deal with it.”
Roger: “Yeah, Lill’s right. You should take things at your own pace.”
Enid: “Really, I’m fine. If you want me to come to the plant, then I can handle it.”
Lillian: “Well I’m fine chilling out with Franklin too. If we really are set on doing the nuclear plant and not, like, busting Phillip and the others out of high school that is.”
Roger: “I’d also be up for spending time with Franklin. It should be his choice though. He chooses who to ask, and they can say no like Albert did if they aren’t interested.”
Lillian: “Seems fair to me.”

So I have to choose then? That’s tricky. All of them would be fun to spend time with, buuuuuuut...

Well, I think Roger mostly just wants to Avoid Clive, which isn’t really good? He really needs to get used to being around him. Also, the others could use his leadership. He’s great at keeping everyone happy and working together, so I feel like I’d be wasting him if I took him with me. All my friends make me happy.

Even though Lillian isn’t asking questions like Albert, I can tell that she’s still Worried about me for some reason. I don’t know why, I feel fine. There would be an awkward atmosphere if I bring her now. Also, I spent most of yesterday with her already, so there’s that. Also also, if the plans change any, and the others are going to high school instead of the nuclear plant, then I’ll have to change my plans around her wanting to do that instead.

And then there’s Enid, who seems like she should be the right answer. It’d be a good chance to get to know her better, and I like spending time with her. She was even in my dreams playing games with me, so it’s obvious that my brain likes her. It’s just...

Well, when we were going to the field the other day, and I was showing her all the spots where Jhonen injected me with something or pulled blood out of me on my arm, I pulled my sleeve back too far, and I think she caught a glance of Something. I don’t wanna talk about it, but it’s hard to lie about something so easy to prove. I’m worried she’s gonna start asking questions if we’re alone.

...Huh, now that I think about it, we forgot to talk about someone in this discussion. What are we gonna do with Lemmy? I didn’t get a chance to tell dad that he’d be staying this morning, so he’s hiding out in my room until I come back. If he wore a Disguise, I guess he could come with me. But he probably wouldn’t even need one if he went to the nuclear plant with the others. At least, not while they were there.

Ugh, there’s so much to think about, what should I do?
No. 1040336 ID: 8483cf

Hang out with Lillian. The group needs Enid's sanity.

Maybe get a disguise kit from Mr. Snyder's Toy Store?

Also, how exactly do you talk with Mom? Like, hang out by her door and just talk? Has she ever written a letter back? Maybe you should give her some pen and paper.
No. 1040351 ID: e51896

how about you say lets wait until Clive votes.

If he doesn't say anything or chooses nuclear power plant, take Lilian.

If he votes to go to the highschool and everyone goes there, take Enid with you since I think Lilian really wants to go to the high school.

as for disguise with Lemmy, the only thing I can think about is your ghost costume from Halloween... might be suspicious tho... hmm. maybe we can make an excuse we're playing ghost hunting at Temmie if anyone asks, and Lemmy should stay quiet and say he's someone else if anyone asks. Might think of a different idea later

Also, didn't Roger get a gas mask for christmas? maybe he can bring that with him to the power plant if they go.
No. 1040354 ID: 84cd4c

If you're wondering about the 'fear' comment, that's a thing we're keeping track of, I guess.
Luckily, all of your choices are at pretty low to no fear.

It sounds like your choice is between Lillian and Enid, honestly- and while a part of me does want to suggest Enid, Lillian's probably the better option here. The Awkwardness is just a temporary thing, I think!
You should probably choose depending on where everyone's going, like the other spirit said.
If you end up having to bring Enid, you can always fall back on us.

As for Lemmy, I'm unsure whether he should be brought along by either you or the others- and a disguise is a good first idea, but his... flamboyantly jokester personality is very recognizable. Getting him to drop that might be difficult, but having him act a part that sounds fun, probably less so.
Like, Italian mob boss or something? I don't know.

Maybe the others have a better idea for a disguise? You could ask them, but I don't know if Clive or Enid are on board the "Hide Lemmy" train, so... that's a gamble, I'd say.
No. 1040363 ID: 7b75ea

I... doubt that. There's nothing actually Physical ensuring you Can't enter Mom's room, right? Just a Rule that says you Shouldn't - one that Lemmy wasn't aware of until after the sleepover started.

Simply being surprised to see him wouldn't be enough to make you Faint, I think. But if Lemmy appeared from a place you thought inconceivable? Especially if the room's contents weren't what you were expecting?

Come to think of it, you've never gotten definitive Proof that your mom was ever behind that door, have you? Simply Ignoring the Truth Lemmy inadvertently showed you won't make the Fear just go away, Franklin.

But if it's too much to consider... this doesn't necessarily mean your mom doesn't Exist. Perhaps she's simply not where dad Claimed she was? There was Another Room your dad forbade you from entering, isn't there?

I say go with Enid. If she has questions, you need to address them at some point. What is this Something, by the way? Spirits are dying to know, and it's not like we can do too much with this juicy info.

If someone raises an objection to going to the power plant over the high school... there's actually a pretty decent point against it.

Namely: "Wait, if we know the high school isn't what it looks like, how do we know the graduating kids are being taken there at all?"
No. 1040371 ID: 0838d6

> Chaperone
So I'm gonna be in the minority here and say bring Albert with you to chaperone. He wanted to hang out yesterday, which is weird, but he's also been hurting, which you saw. Rather then have him stress and injure himself, have him come with you on a playdate!

Yeah you might have to deal with some weird questions, but Jhonen likely gave you the weirdest and hardest hitting ones of all time, so this'll be nothing!

Also I like someone else's idea of writing letters to your mom because if she's mute, and she obveously was part of the process of teaching you to write/read, and she's sick, that'll be a nice way to talk to her!

Also Albert's smart and can help with figuring out how to let Lemmy come out in plain sight!
No. 1040374 ID: 84cd4c

Albert already refused, remember?
No. 1040377 ID: 0838d6

Rip, reading comprehension fail. Then Lilian because I want Enid to go with the group, she has like 0 fear
No. 1040420 ID: a2d88b

I think picking Lillian is a bad idea: Those exploring the forest are likely to need The Athlete. That leaves Roger or Enid.

Enid, who had an education different from the rest, might have the best chances of having some knowledge prove unexpectedly useful at the power plant.

That makes Roger the best choice.
No. 1040617 ID: e51896

Franklin, do me a favor, can you please thank Clive for giving Albert his lunch?
Let him know his brother will be okay, his optimism attitude will see him through.
No. 1040780 ID: 629f2e
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> How about you say ‘Let's wait until Clive votes.’

Good point, the remaining votes could change where we end up going. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to wait a little bit.

Unfortunately, Clive doesn’t really say anything. He just sits there frowning like usual, or maybe even more than that. I give him a window to try and speak up, but if he doesn’t want to then he’s probably not going to. I should say something before the others think I’m spacing out. I’m really not this time!

> Hang out with Lillian. The group needs Enid's sanity.
> If he doesn't say anything or chooses nuclear power plant, take Lilian.
> It sounds like your choice is between Lillian and Enid, honestly- and while a part of me does want to suggest Enid, Lillian's probably the better option here. The Awkwardness is just a temporary thing, I think!

Huh. A LOT of you guys want Lillian. That’s understandable though, Lillian’s always been popular. That’s why everyone plays games with her.

It’ll be awkward, but that’s okay. Lillian’s still my friend, so I don’t mind facing a little bit of awkwardness with her. And I don’t think Temmie will mind her showing up either.

> So I'm gonna be in the minority here and say bring Albert with you to chaperone. He wanted to hang out yesterday, which is weird, but he's also been hurting, which you saw. Rather than have him stress and injure himself, have him come with you on a playdate!
> Albert already refused, remember?
> Rip, listening comprehension fail. Then Lilian because I want Enid to go with the group, she has like 0 fear

If it makes you feel better, I don’t think Albert would have been my choice even if he was an option. Not that I don’t like hanging out with him, he’s my friend too. He’s just a little... Well, he gets upset when he doesn’t understand something, and it’s hard for him to just drop it. I don’t think he understands me at all, and that’s really frustrating to him. Albert likes control, and mysteries kind of get in the way of that.

He’s kind of like Jhonen’s opposite. Jhonen always gets excited when he can’t figure something out, because discovering a mystery means you’ve taken the first step towards making a discovery.

I already got asked a lot of questions by Albert this morning, and I don’t think my response to them would be much different now than it was back then, which means he’d get frustrated and we’d have a bad time. So, not a great choice for either of us.

> I say go with Enid. If she has questions, you need to address them at some point.

I do want to spend time with her, but I also really don’t want to talk about that.

> What is this Something, by the way? Spirits are dying to know, and it's not like we can do too much with this juicy info.

I’m not supposed to tell anyone about it, and I think that includes you guys. If I was the only person you could talk to, then maybe, but I’m not. You said you were with Roger, and then Albert, and now Clive and me, so you could still tell him. Plus there’s Temmie, who...

Wait, Temmie can see the future, so wouldn’t she already know? Hmmm...

Okay, putting her aside, the only people who know are mom, dad, and Jhonen, and I didn’t even tell Jhonen about it. He kind of just found out by mistake. I don’t think any of my friends would tell anyone if I told them, but talking about it just makes me really uncomfortable.

> I think picking Lillian is a bad idea: Those exploring the forest are likely to need The Athlete. That leaves Roger or Enid. Enid, who had an education different from the rest, might have the best chances of having some knowledge prove unexpectedly useful at the power plant. That makes Roger the best choice.

Roger may or may not be the best choice, but I think you made a good point about Enid.

Okay, I think I know who I want to pick.
No. 1040781 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “I think I want Lillian to come with me. Is that okay?”
Lillian: “Course it is! I already said I’d be fine with it.”
Enid: “Like I said, I’m fine with going to the plant instead.”
Roger: “It’ll be nice to be right there when we find something instead of hearing about it after the fact this time.”

Everyone seems to be okay with this setup. That’s good to hear. Sometimes people will say that something is fine, but then actually complain when it happens.

Like when an adult tells you not to make an ugly face because it might stick, they don’t want to hear that you’d be fine with your face remaining that way. They really just want you to stop making that weird face.

Albert: “Then I believe that’s settled. Now-”
Franklin: “Um, wait a minute. What about Lemmy?”
Roger: “...Oh yeah, right. You guys said you found him at the morgue. So he’s still there, isn’t he?”
Lillian: “We could always just leave him.”
Franklin: “...If we do that, then I definitely need to warn dad in advance.”
Franklin: “Otherwise he might get shot.”
Enid: “Please say that you’re joking.”

I stare at Enid. I think she gets the seriousness of my statement without me saying anything.

> As for Lemmy, I'm unsure whether he should be brought along by either you or the others- and a disguise is a good first idea, but his... flamboyantly jokester personality is very recognizable. Getting him to drop that might be difficult, but having him act a part that sounds fun, probably less so.

That’s true, he’s got a pretty distinct personality. We’ll have to make sure he can be a little less him before taking him anywhere.

> Also Albert's smart and can help with figuring out how to let Lemmy come out in plain sight!

Franklin: “What do you think, Albert?
Albert: “Bringing him to the nuclear plant wouldn’t be a terrible idea. We aren’t expecting to see anybody there, so the risk of getting caught is slim.”
Albert: “...But he’s incredibly annoying, so I’m fully against bringing him.”
Lillian: “Yeah, the puns are kind of a pain.”
Roger: “He can’t just walk around town with Franklin though. He’s supposed to be missing, remember?”
Albert: “Not without a disguise at least.”

> As for disguise with Lemmy, the only thing I can think about is your ghost costume from Halloween... might be suspicious tho... hmm. maybe we can make an excuse we're playing ghost hunting at Temmie if anyone asks, and Lemmy should stay quiet and say he's someone else if anyone asks. Might think of a different idea later
> Maybe get a disguise kit from Mr. Snyder's Toy Store?

No the ghost idea won’t work. That’s my costume. People will think he’s me, and then they’ll think I’m an Impostor. But Mr. Snyder does sell other costumes.

Franklin: “Maybe we could buy him a Halloween costume from the Play&Pay?”
Roger: “Walking around with a vampire would stand out even more than just bringing Lemmy as he is.”
Roger: “Although Jhonen might get magnetically ripped out of the high school and straight to your location if an alien and vampire are walking down the street together.”
Franklin: “...I wasn’t planning to put on an alien costume.”

His unimpressed expression meets my grin. I know what he means, I’m just being cheeky.
No. 1040782 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian: “...Hey wait, Roger, you still got that Costume Trunk back at your place?”
Roger: “Oh yeah, I do! It’s mainly just hats and coats in there, but there are a couple goggles and masks at least.”
Franklin: “...Who would we be disguising him as with that stuff though?”
Roger: “That’s... a good question.”

Enid: “As long as he isn’t obviously Lemmy, I think that should be fine, right?”
Lillian: “But we gotta have a cover if anyone asks who he actually is, right?”
Franklin: “We have one. He’s Jordan, remember?”

It’s not a very fleshed out cover story, but we can hash out the details with him later.

Lillian: “Oh yeah... Alright, I think that could work. As long as we don’t bring him to his parents or anyone else who’d immediately recognize him.”

> Franklin, do me a favor, can you please thank Clive for giving Albert his lunch? Let him know his brother will be okay, his optimistic attitude will see him through.

I look over to Clive to relay the message, only to stare at nothing.

Weird. I never even noticed him leave. I wonder when he left…?

Lillian: “Hey, Franklin?”
Franklin: “Hm?”
Lillian: “Since we’re gonna be the ones getting stuck with Lemmy, when do you want to swing by and grab him? You want to go straight to Temmie’s, or stop by your place first?”
Lillian: “They’re kind of on the opposite sides of town, so probably best to know where we’re going before school gets out.”

That’s true. Temmie’s home is to the South, while mine is to the North. It’d be more convenient to grab Lemmy first then, right? I can’t think of any reason why I shouldn’t, except maybe that it could be rude to make Temmie wait. But Temmie can see the future, so she probably knows exactly when I’ll come over.

No. 1040783 ID: e51896

Go to Temmie first. She might be able to give some advice
No. 1040786 ID: 8483cf

Surprise Temmie by showing up earlier than you planned to- which is, you didn't plan to, so by showing up, you show up infinitely earlier.

Also lalalalalalala Temmie you can't hear this
No. 1040798 ID: a2d88b

Where does Roger live? We need to grab some disguise before we pick up lemmy either way.
No. 1040801 ID: 84cd4c

Ah, man, Clive dipped... Or did he? I dunno if it's smart to bring attention to it or not, but if he's still around, then...

I think you should really double check with everyone where they plan on going before going yourselves, honestly.

Anyways, looks like I'm going against the grain here! I personally think that you should go get Lemmy first, since he's the unknown variable here, whereas Temmie is quite thoroughly established as waiting for you.

Although... Dumb idea: You could potentially see if Lillian's up for checking in with Temmie first while you deal with the Lemmy situation. Can't really do the opposite, simply 'Because Dad'.

Slightly less dumb idea: If the group's going to the Power Plant (Much to Clive's disappointment, I think...) they're going south anyways. They can probably afford the time loss of saying hi to Temmie as well. Who knows, she might have something important to tell them.

Sidenote: She probably doesn't expect this outcome either. That's why it's fun.
...Unless she hears everything you and the others hear? Dunno. Potentially wasted thought.
No. 1040877 ID: 84cd4c

Just to be sure, I think I'll double down that you should make sure Clive's around before moving onto where everyone's going.
No. 1040902 ID: 84cd4c

Ah, he left.
...Give him the space, I guess.
No. 1041427 ID: 629f2e
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> Where does Roger live? We need to grab some disguise before we pick up lemmy either way.

He’s in the homes close to the school, the townhouses not too far from here.

...Oh but his house is past the morgue. So to get to Lemmy first, we have to go to Roger’s, and then backtrack to my home. Maybe that’s not super convenient after all... If we came from Temmie’s, then we could go straight to Roger’s house and then to the morgue, no backtracking.

> Ah, man, Clive dipped... Or did he? I dunno if it's smart to bring attention to it or not, but if he's still around, then...
> Ah, he left. ...Give him the space, I guess.

Franklin: “...Hey Lillian, when did Clive leave?”
Lillian: “Huh?”

She mimics what you did, looking over to where he once was.

Lillian: “Huh... Don’t know. That kid’s slippery.”
Enid: “It was no more than a minute ago. I watched him get up and go.”
Franklin: “I must have been in my head instead of in my eyes when it happened.”

> Anyways, looks like I'm going against the grain here! I personally think that you should go get Lemmy first, since he's the unknown variable here, whereas Temmie is quite thoroughly established as waiting for you.
> Go to Temmie first. She might be able to give some advice
> Surprise Temmie by showing up earlier than you planned to- which is, you didn't plan to, so by showing up, you show up infinitely earlier.

Franklin: “...I think we should go to Temmie first. She did say after school.”
Franklin: “She can see the future, but she didn’t say ‘after you pick up Lemmy’. So she probably expects us to go straight there.”
Lillian: “...Wow. Just hit me, but Temmie told us Lemmy’d be at the morgue, and he actually was there.”
Lillian: “Does that mean she actually can see the future?”
Albert: “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. According to Clive, Rodney was certain that Temmie has some form of power, but future sight isn’t it.”
Roger: “Really? What else would it be?”
Franklin: “...Well, she can talk to Spirits. Maybe they’re telling her about the future?”

Surprisingly, Albert doesn’t completely disagree, only shrugging in response. Is that the answer? Are you guys telling Temmie what’ll happen?

...Wait, I can hear you too. Can you guys tell me what the future holds?

As I’m pondering that, the bell rings. Our discussion time was up.
No. 1041428 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian and I say our goodbyes to the others as they’re grouping up by the gates. We start walking through the forest straight towards Temmie’s house on the other side of town.

It’s a little weird that we can’t just walk there with her, since we’re going to the same place. I asked her about it during recess but all she said was:

“I think it would be better for The Alien to enjoy his walk instead of joining me. I never get to, and I wouldn’t want to share that with him.”

I think I know what she was talking about. Some of the younger kids have their parents pick them up, and Temmie is one of them. Sure enough, when class was letting out I saw Temmie leaving with a very dad-looking-dad. We stayed behind to talk to the others and make sure everyone was on the same page.

Lillian: “Any clue why Temmie wanted to hang out? I didn’t think you two were close.”
Franklin: “...I dunno. Future reasons?”
Lillian: “Maybe. But that just sounds like more investigation junk. Was kind of hoping it actually would just be a break, y’know?”
Lillian: “I mean, I definitely want to get Phillip back, as soon as possible. But it’d be nice if it’d just happen without all this Work.
Franklin: “Yeah... But when it’s done, we can take a big break I think.”
Lillian: “Phillip can do my chores for the next week, he’ll owe me one!”
Franklin: “He’ll probably be too busy setting up his next session of that game you guys play that I don’t really get.”
Lillian: “Crud, you’re right. We won’t see him for a whole week while he holes up in his bed writing character sheets for seventy-billion random characters!”
Franklin: “I won’t be free until Jhonen makes up for lost time on all the experiments he wants to run on me.”
Lillian: “I think you’re being pretty optimistic if you think a week will be enough to calm him down.”

The casual conversation was nice. We didn’t get too much of this yesterday, with Lillian being in an awful mood. And then at the sleepover she was kind of tense for a lot of it. It’s good to see her more relaxed after that awful day.

Lillian: “...”

...Aw crud.

Lillian: “Hey, Franklin?”
Franklin: “...Yes?”
Lillian: “I’ve never actually met your mom. Is she crazy, like your dad?”
Franklin: “I’m sure that if she’s crazy, it’s in her own way.”
Lillian: “Oh yeah? What’s that like?”
Franklin: “Um... I dunno. She’s sick, so I don’t get to see her.”
Lillian: “I don’t mean right now. She hasn’t always been sick, right? What was she like before then?”
Franklin: “Hmmm...”

Before mom was sick. That was...


Franklin: “...”
Lillian: “Uh, Franklin?”
Franklin: “I dunno... She hasn’t been sick forever I guess, but...”

My head hurts. I’m trying to remember what she was like, but it’s hard. She’s been sick as far as I can remember clearly, but I know that she wasn’t in the fuzzier parts of my memory.

Franklin: “Mom was... nice?”
Lillian: “Are you asking me?”
Franklin: “...No? Maybe?”
Franklin: “I dunno. She’s been sick for so long, all the memories from when she was healthy must have Spilled Out.
Franklin: “I think she was nice though. Maybe... she had some weird interests? And... she used to stay home and watch over me.”
Franklin: “Those were... Happy memories. I’m... actually sure about it.”
Lillian: “I want you to know that I was really trying to shoot you a softball there. Nice and easy question.”
Franklin: “Oh. Thank you for trying?”
Lillian: “...I worry about you.”

She’s probably right to. I’m sort of a mess.
No. 1041429 ID: 629f2e
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As we reach the Field, a few kids who had been walking the same path change course to start playing. I see Able plant himself in a sunspot and lie down, as well as the Cortez brothers having a spirited debate about a character from a comic I’ve never read while kicking a ball around.

Lillian is just oozing with temptation to join their game, so I grab her hand to keep her on course. Temmie is waiting for us. There will be time to play games later.

Passing through the park does not help her temptation at all.

Eventually however, we arrive at the houses on the Southern side of town. I’m immediately struck with the realization that I have not been here at all in the past few days. Judging by Lillian’s reaction, she hasn’t either.

Hearing “The Anderson house burnt down” and seeing the wreckage of a destroyed home are completely different experiences. Honestly, it was in better shape than I thought. The house was still standing if nothing else. We could probably go inside still, but I don’t think that’d be a very good idea. It seems like the kind of thing where even trying it will get adults to yell at you for a while.

Lillian: “...Enid has it worse than any of us, doesn’t she?”
Franklin: “What do you mean?”
Lillian: “Well, you lost your friend, and I lost my brother, but they’re both still Alive. They’re just not here.
Lillian: “But Enid’s dad is Dead. No matter how much we investigate, she’s not going to save him. There’s no taking that back.”
Franklin: “...Yeah.”

Living in a morgue, death is something you get acquainted with. People die. It’s part of life, the last part of it. Dad doesn’t think that it’s something awful, just that it’s a thing that happens. Neither good nor evil.

...I think he might be wrong about that part. Death is actually Terrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

No. 1041430 ID: 629f2e
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We both take a moment to reflect before walking away from the house, towards the Butler household.

I’m expecting Temmie to be waiting at the door, so that she can open it before I can even knock and say “I’ve been expecting you”. I think I may be spending too much time with show-offs though, because it’s just her dad who answers.

Mr. Butler: “Ah, we’ve been expecting you.”

...Well, I was close.

Mr. Butler: “Oh wait, there are two of you? Temmie only mentioned Franklin coming over.”
Lillian: “Franklin can’t be left alone, so I was walking him over here.”
Mr. Butler: “I see. So will you be staying then?”
Temmie: “She will Not be.”

Mr. Butler steps back to reveal his daughter had appeared behind him.

Lillian: “Huh?”
Temmie: “Apologies, but I wanted to play with Franklin, and my game is only two-players.”
Lillian: “Franklin, didn’t you tell her I was coming over during recess?”

Hmm... I’m pretty sure that I Did tell Temmie. Even if I didn’t you guys would have told her about Lillian, right? So she definitely should have known. So why didn’t she say anything then?

...Uh oh, she’s giving me a look. She wants something from me, but I’m totally confused. What should I say?
No. 1041432 ID: 7b75ea

Pretty sure Temmie is stating a future, not professing surprise. She may have known Lillian is coming, but also knows that she Won't be staying.

And if it's not that, then Temmie just seems to think it's important that you two meet Alone together. Maybe explain to Lillian that when Temmie states something, it's usually best to just play along, even if you think it's not correct.
No. 1041434 ID: e51896

>Hmm... I’m pretty sure that I Did tell Temmie. Even if I didn’t you guys would have told her about Lillian, right? So she definitely should have known. So why didn’t she say anything then?

Well, we didn't see you talk to her... but that probably doesn't mean it didn't happen. We must have time skipped... or to make things simpler for you, we must have went dormant and fallen asleep from the time you left the cafeteria to when you went to the school gate after school. Just like how we didn't talk to you from the end of yesterday, to the time you left for school today...

And well... while it is true we talk to Temmie, we only really talk to her like, before her bed time. Otherwise, we're normally sent to stick with one, or this case, two people to help them.

But maybe Temmie has a different kind of spirit she talks to? Who knows...

Well, in that case, Whisper to Lilian, and ask her to go to Roger's place and get a costume for Lemmy. Should save time that way. You'll both meet up at the morgue after you both are finished.

and... I know you guys call each other by nicknames, like you're "the alien", Roger is "the artist" (maybe soon to be known as "the batter")... Ask Temmie if she knows who "The Storyteller" is once you're alone with her. You might not know, but it's a name we spirits are familiar with. Just want to see her reaction out of morbid curiosity.
No. 1041436 ID: 84cd4c

> Hearing “The Anderson house burnt down” and seeing the wreckage of a destroyed home are completely different experiences.
I'm... incredibly thankful we didn't end up bringing Enid. Her Fear probably would have skyrocketed. Wait, it still might if the group comes by. That's a bit worrying.

> “She will Not be (staying).”
> Why didn’t she say anything then?
Well, if my intuition is right, I think this just means that whatever Temmie has to say, she doesn't want Lillian hearing about it. At the very least, you've arrived safe and sound.

The "Game" being "Two Player" might mean that whatever activity that will be occurring isn't possible for Lillian to participate in, which may or may not have something to do with being able to hear our voices.
(...Wait a minute. I just lost The Game... Please ignore this.)

Take the hint and go with the flow, I guess. You could also say "She isn't staying for long, anyways-" which is a safe middle ground between the point of Lillian coming along and Temmie's declaration.

If Lillian's against leaving early, you can bring up that you aren't alone now, so it should be fine. Plus, there's stuff to take care of, right?
She could also join in on that game we passed by, if she feels like she's missing out on the festivities.
No. 1041437 ID: e51896

While I still think we should split from Lilian for now... if she REALLY wants to come in, if just for a tiny moment, maybe quietly ask if she has 25 cents to get her fortune read by Temmie. Just a thought, but I think just letting Lilian take care of getting a costume while you finish your playtime with Temmie will be best for now.
No. 1042091 ID: 629f2e
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> Well, in that case, Whisper to Lilian, and ask her to go to Roger's place and get a costume for Lemmy. Should save time that way. You'll both meet up at the morgue after you both are finished.

That’s only going to work if you can get Temmie to walk me home. If I have to go alone, then doesn’t that defeat the point of bringing Lillian with me in the first place?

> Take the hint and go with the flow, I guess. You could also say "She isn't staying for long, anyways-" which is a safe middle ground between the point of Lillian coming along and Temmie's declaration.
> Pretty sure Temmie is stating a future, not professing surprise. She may have known Lillian is coming, but also knows that she Won't be staying.

...Isn’t that the same thing? She can’t leave before I do, so she’s going to be here for however long I am.

> And if it's not that, then Temmie just seems to think it's important that you two meet Alone together. Maybe explain to Lillian that when Temmie states something, it's usually best to just play along, even if you think it's not correct.

Wait, so which is it? Do I make Lillian Go, or tell her to Play Along?

Making her leave doesn’t sound right, but... I guess if most of you are saying it, then maybe I’m just... wrong? I have to say something, so...

Franklin: “She-”

I can barely get that one word out before Temmie shoots me a look of frustration. Her face is just screaming “wrong answer” at me, so I stop talking.

Lillian: “...Franklin?”
Franklin: “Huh? ...Oh, I guess... I dunno-”

Temmie silently sighs, before speaking up.

Temmie: “Forgive me, but the error is mine I think. Franklin may have mentioned you, but I was distracted and wasn’t listening closely when he said it.”
Mr. Butler: “Well, maybe you can play a different game then? One that the three of you can enjoy together.”
Temmie: “No. I don’t want to.”
Mr. Butler: “Ah, Tem sweetheart? You can see how Lillian will feel left out if you don’t adjust to fit her in, right? It’s a little bit rude.”
Temmie: “I invited Franklin to play this game. I won’t play anything else.”
Lillian: “Whatever. Could’a said something sooner since you knew I’d be here. See the future my butt...
Lillian: “Guess I’ll just watch you guys play. Real thrilling stuff.”
Temmie: “It’s very unfortunate that this is the case, but it cannot be helped that you are here now.”

Temmie steps out, and shakes Lillian’s hand.

Temmie: “I’m very sorry for not considering your presence. You are free to watch television in the living room while Franklin and I play. I promise not to keep you waiting for too long.”
Temmie: “You don’t mind, do you?”

There’s a moment where Lillian’s annoyed, before something visibly clicks for her all at once. Maybe she can explain whatever it is to me, I’m still confused.

Lillian: “Yeah... That’s fine by me. Just don’t take too long, okay?”
Temmie: “It’s a promise.”
Mr. Butler: “...As long as everybody’s happy.”
Temmie: “Franklin, come with me.”
Franklin: “Oh, okay.”
No. 1042093 ID: 629f2e
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She grabs my hand and starts walking me upstairs. I hear Lillian walk inside, and Mr. Butler follows right behind me. As we reach some doors, Temmie gestures for me to step inside one. It looks like a mostly normal bedroom, save a big salt circle on the floor.

When I turn back, Temmie is still outside talking to her father.

Mr. Butler: “You know the rules, right? The door stays open, no whispering, no drawing-”
Temmie: “I know, I know... Can I play with him now?”
Mr. Butler: “Of course sweetie. You have fun!”

Temmie smiles in a way that looks fake, and steps inside. I hear her dad start to move, and then... stop. He didn’t walk anywhere, he just sits down by the open door. In fact, I can still see him, watching me watch him.

Franklin: “...”
Mr. Butler: “...”

I give him a wave. He waves back.


...This is really awkward.

Temmie: “Ignore him. His presence is nothing more than a distraction.”
Franklin: “Okay, but is he gonna-”
Temmie: “He will be there the whole time. Get used to it.”
Franklin: “Oh. Why?”
Temmie: “Because his heart just breaks if he’s away from me for any amount of time. He’s so fragile.”
Franklin: “Really? ...How come I’ve never seen him at school then?”
Temmie: “Are you sure you’ve never seen him there?”

I’m almost certain that I haven’t seen him around school, but almost certain means not actually certain, so I guess it’s possible he was there somewhere.

> I know you guys call each other by nicknames, like you're "the alien", Roger is "the artist" (maybe soon to be known as "the batter")... Ask Temmie if she knows who "The Storyteller" is once you're alone with her. You might not know, but it's a name we spirits are familiar with. Just want to see her reaction out of morbid curiosity.

I look back at her dad, still there. We aren’t really alone yet, so I’ll have to wait on that one.
No. 1042094 ID: 629f2e
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Temmie: “Don’t worry about him. Let’s begin our game.”
Franklin: “Okay. So what did you want to play?”
Temmie: “Golem.

...I have no idea what that game is, or even what the word means.

Franklin: “...What’s a golem?”
Temmie: “A golem is like a robot, except instead of science they’re powered by arcane forces. I’m a witch, and I want you to be my golem for this game.”
Franklin: “What do golems do?”
Temmie: “Whatever they are told to do.”
Franklin: “...Is this a trick to make me do your chores?”
Temmie: “It is not. May we begin.”
Franklin: “Alright. So what do I do first?”
Temmie: “Why don’t I use my Mystical Powers to control you first. Come up with your own orders, keep them to yourself, and I’ll tell you whether or not to follow them.”
Temmie: “Naturally, I’ll know what they are and choose appropriately.”

She winks at me as she says it. It seems like I’m going to have to get creative for this game.

Let’s see... What could I do first?
No. 1042097 ID: 8483cf

The orders are "we're gonna play Monopoly now."

Proceed to forget about Golem, which is really just an excuse to play Monopoly
No. 1042099 ID: e5709d

Let's mess with this control freak.
Load up the following orders into your stack:

Enhance Knockers
Devour Greyzone
Make Dancypants Mad At You
What Does The Fox Say
Meme Nuke

No, I'm not going to tell you what they mean.
No. 1042103 ID: e51896

Oh wait, I think I get it now!
This is Temmie's sneaky way of giving us advice on what to do without her dad listening in. She'll hear us spirits tell you what to do in your head, and we can follow them based off of what she says to help your cause! But we will also have to give some silly orders too so we're not just sitting there and hearing Temmie say "yes" or "no" all the time to our questions and make her father suspicious, like thinking "should I pet this plush toy" along with thinking of questions like what to do with Lemmy, or what place to hide him or something.

I'll think this over for a bit.
No. 1042105 ID: 84cd4c

Hmm. I have a feeling that we just had a denseheaded moment caused by overthinking. I still feel like we missed something important.

>What could I do first?
Escape! The salt is a mortal danger for us! ...I kid, it probably isn't. Spirits and slugs aren't the same thing, right?
However, I imagine it's not there entirely just for show, though. To my knowledge, it's often seen as a "Spiritual Warding Barrier" of sorts? Something like that.


>Play Monopoly
And get salt all over the board???

My two suggestions are;
"Can you hear us?" - which is regrettably, not an order-
followed by 'Do something you wouldn't do' -- such as, say, revealing your neck. If Temmie says yes to this and doesn't respect your boundary here, then something's gone terribly wrong. Thankfully, with the pretext of this being a game, and her dad watching, you can just say no and move on.

...That's a lot of words. Sorry.
No. 1042106 ID: bbb04b

Order: "Hop up and down."
Order: "Punch me."
Order: "Move Lemmy elsewhere today."
Order: "Get a disguise for Lemmy from the store."
Order: "Do a little jig."
Order: "Get a disguise for Lemmy from Roger's house."
Order: "Break into the highschool."
Order: "Break into the recycling center."
Order: "Hug one of my plushies."
Order: "Hug me."
Order(?): "Can ANY of the adults be trusted?"
Order: "Sing a song."
Order: "Look into your father's lab."
Order: "Play patty-cake with me."
No. 1042140 ID: 2ca3ce


Yeah these two get it, use this opportunity to ask about stuff you wanted to do but maybe were worried about.

so the obveous ones about breaking in are "orders" you should have.

One order you should do is ask her dad if he wants to play too, she'll likely say no, but he's there and it'd be certainly in your wheelhouse to ask him to play even if Temmie's being weird rn.

And I mean I guess this is Temmie's way of like letting us know stuff while you can also hear, so uh Hey Temmie, of our friends, who should we spend more time with?

Order: Spend time with Albert
Order: Spend time with Enid
Order: Spend time with Lillian
Order: Spend time with no one
Order: Spend time with Clive
Order: Spend time with your mom?

I have no idea if this'll work but yknow, spaghetti and the wall and all that
No. 1042570 ID: e51896

Oh yeah, should probably give you fake commands for the questions we ask Temmie, sooooo

Order: "Move Lemmy elsewhere today." hop on one foot if yes
Order: "Get a disguise for Lemmy from the store." Somersault if yes
Order: "Get a disguise for Lemmy from Roger's house." Try to tuck your head into your turtleneck, like Fred Flinstone sometimes does if yes
Order: "Break into the highschool." Burp if yes
Order: "Break into the recycling center." Give Temmie a high five if yes
Order(?): "Can ANY of the adults be trusted?" Grab Temmie's blanket and cover yourself with it if yes
Order: "Look into your father's lab." turn off the light if yes
Order: Spend time with Albert, stick out your tongue if yes
Order: Spend time with Enid, rest your head on Temmie's pillow if yes
Order: Spend time with Lillian, brush Temmie's hair if yes
Order: Spend time with no one, make a plush toy dance if yes
Order: Spend time with Clive, yell if yes
Order: Spend time with your mom? uhhhh, lets not ask that one, but if you must ask, then shake like your shivering if yes
No. 1043019 ID: 629f2e
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> The orders are "we're gonna play Monopoly now." Proceed to forget about Golem, which is really just an excuse to play Monopoly

That seems kind of rude. Temmie was really insistent that we play Golem, so I don’t think she’d want me to change the game like that. At least not on the very first command. Maybe later, when we’re bored of Golem.

Temmie: “Hmmm, I see. Yes, I think that I will reject that order. Think of something better than that next time.”
Franklin: “Huh? Did you really hear that?”
Temmie: “Of course I did! My mystical powers allow me to see into your soul.”
Franklin: “Wow... What’s it look like?”
Temmie: “It’s... indescribable.”

I try to imagine what a soul would look like. Her description sounds right. I guess I kind of knew she had powers already, since you guys told me she could talk to you, so maybe that isn’t very surprising at all.

Wait, do I have powers? I can talk to you, that’s kind of a power, right? Or would being able to talk to me be a power for you guys?


> One order you should do is ask her dad if he wants to play too, she'll likely say no, but he's there and it'd be certainly in your wheelhouse to ask him to play even if Temmie's being weird rn.

Temmie: “No.

There’s a clear disgust in that “no”. I don’t wanna fight it at all. Sorry Temmie’s dad, but you don’t get to play. Besides, if we could have three players, I would have invited Lillian first.

> Oh wait, I think I get it now! This is Temmie's sneaky way of giving us advice on what to do without her dad listening in. She'll hear us spirits tell you what to do in your head, and we can follow them based off of what she says to help your cause!
> Yeah these two get it, use this opportunity to ask about stuff you wanted to do but maybe were worried about.

Is that why we’re playing this? If she wanted to answer questions without her dad hearing though, why wouldn’t she just do it at school? Maybe he really is there and I haven’t been paying enough attention...

Also, doesn’t she usually charge people to ask questions? I have my allowance, but I would have brought a lot more if I knew this is what we were gonna be doing.

>But we will also have to give some silly orders too so we're not just sitting there and hearing Temmie say "yes" or "no" all the time to our questions and make her father suspicious, like thinking "should I pet this plush toy" along with thinking of questions like what to do with Lemmy, or what place to hide him or something.
> Oh yeah, should probably give you fake commands for the questions we ask Temmie

Okay... I think I follow.

So you’re going to say a question and an order, and then Temmie will answer the question, and I do the order if the answer is yes? That doesn’t sound too complicated. It could even be fun!

> “Can you hear us?”
> “Hop up and down.”

Temmie: “I see... Yes. I approve of this one. Please perform your task, golem!”

Not wanting to disappoint, I start bouncing in place. Up and down and up and down... Temmie smiles, so I must have done the right thing.

That confirms it without a doubt: Temmie can definitely hear you.

> "Break into the highschool.”
> "Sing a song."

Temmie: “Hmm. You can’t really do that alone.”

Huh? Of course I can- Oh. The highschool part, not the singing.

Franklin: “I... guess not.”
Temmie: “No, I think you would need at least Five other kids for that.”

That’s her way of saying to bring everyone I think. Guess I won’t be going there with just Lillian and Lemmy today. I wasn’t planning to, but it definitely isn’t happening now.

> “Break into the recycling center.”
> "Hug one of my plushies."

Temmie shrugs.

Temmie: “If you want to, then go ahead.”

Hmm. So it’s yes, but only kind of? I only have to do it if I want to, so that means I don’t Have to? I’m not entirely sure how I feel about visiting the recycling center, but I actually would like to hug one of her toys. She has a lot of good ones, nice and soft, lots of pretty designs.

I pick up a small flower character in glasses and squeeze it tightly. It’s nice...

> “Can ANY of the adults be trusted?”
> "Punch me."

Temmie’s expression seems strongly conflicted on this one.

Temmie: “...I don’t like that order at all.”
Franklin: “So... No?”
Temmie: “...Just think of a different one.”

...I don’t know if the answer was just no because she didn’t want to get punched, or because the answer is really no.
No. 1043025 ID: 629f2e
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> “Look into your father's lab.”
> "Play patty-cake with me."

Wait, neither of those are questions. You gave the lab one first though, so is the question “Should I look in my dad’s lab”? If so, I already know the answer: I Can’t. I’m not allowed to go in there, it’s a Restricted Area at home. Dad would bury me alive, wait for me to untomb myself, and then ground me if I broke that rule.

Temmie: “...When you’re ready.”
Franklin: “Huh?”

What does that mean? When I’m ready... I’m not the issue here, it’s just one of dad’s rules.

Temmie holds up her hands, beckoning me forward. I hesitate, because I can’t agree with her answer. In the end, I approach her anyway. I don’t want to just be standing here and making her dad suspicious. I put my hands up and clap them against Temmie’s as ordered.

Even as we finish, I don’t know what to think about it. So I decide to stop thinking about it and just move on.

> “Get a disguise for Lemmy from Roger's house.”
> “Try to tuck your head into your turtleneck, like Fred Flinstone”

Weren’t we already going to do that?

Temmie just nods, so I pull my turtleneck over my head.

> Hey Temmie, of our friends, who should we spend more time with?
> “Spend time with Albert”
> “Give Temmie a high five if yes”

> “Spend time with Enid”
> “Rest your head on Temmie's pillow if yes”

> “Spend time with Lillian”
> “Brush Temmie's hair if yes”

> “Spend time with Clive”
> “Yell if yes”

Temmie: “You’re thinking about too many at once, aren’t you?”
Franklin: “Ah, sorry. Are any of those good though?”
Temmie: “Well... None of them are bad.
Temmie: “Do whichever one you liked the most. That is my order.”

...Wait, do I do the action that I liked the most, or spend time with whoever I want to then? Hmm... I guess I’m going to be spending time with Lillian, she’s cool. But should I pick somebody else since I already spent yesterday and now today with her? Enid is nice also, I really would like to hang out with her since we haven’t had a chance to yet. I haven’t spent any time with Clive either though, because he’s scary, but also he’s part of our group now so maybe I should? And what about Albert? He was at my sleepover last night, but we really didn’t spend much time alone except when we went to Lillian’s house. But should I prioritize hanging out with Enid, because I’ve known her for the least amount of time?

...I can’t choose. Maybe we should just have another sleepover, with everybody over this time. Would dad let me have two in a row? I’ve never tried to ask for that, so it’s not impossible...

Temmie: “...I don’t remember any of those orders being “do nothing”.”
Franklin: “...Huh? Oh! Right, the game.”
Franklin: “...What order was I doing again?”

> “Spend time with your mom?”
> "Hug me."

No, that would make her get sicker. Definitely not doing that one.

Temmie: “Forget the last bunch. Just do the one you thought of now.”
Franklin: “...Oh. I can’t do that.”
Temmie: “Yes you can. It’s easy.”
Franklin: “I mean... It’s easy to do, but I shouldn’t do it.”
Temmie: “I’m sure that’s not true.”
Franklin: “No, it is. That’s a bad order, and I don’t want to do it.”
Temmie: “...”
Mr. Butler: “Why don’t you move on to a different order now, Tem?”
Temmie: “No. I think that’s enough Golem for now. Let’s play something else.”

She sounds disappointed, but when I meet her gaze it just looks... Sad? Like she feels bad for me. I guess that’s understandable, with mom being sick and all.

Mr. Butler: “Want to grab your other friend for this next game?”
Temmie: “No, I don’t think Lillian would like it. I’ll leave her to whatever she’s watching, and send Franklin back to her when we’re done.”
Mr. Butler: “Well, as long as you’re being considerate-”
No. 1043026 ID: 629f2e
File 166241537595.png - (150.84KB , 500x500 , 192.png )


He’s interrupted mid-sentence as the sound of glass breaking erupts from downstairs.

Mr. Butler: “The hell!? What was that!?”
No. 1043027 ID: 629f2e
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Pretty quickly for a large guy, Mr. Butler gets up and starts to race towards the staircase. I move to follow, but Temmie holds me back.

Temmie: “Shhhhh.
Temmie: “That should buy us a minute. Let’s talk for real now.”
No. 1043034 ID: 8483cf

Real talk time. What on earth is going on with graduation, and what have other spirits told Temmie? What role does Temmie's dad have in keeping the secret?
No. 1043035 ID: 84cd4c

As curious as I am to what happened down there, we'll know soon enough.
No. 1043087 ID: 0838d6

So I know we can't just directly ask Temmie for the answer, otherwise she'd have already told us. So instead, is there something you can do to help us convince Franklin that there are some things he should investigate even if he innately feels uncomfortable about it.

It appears he has some sort of mental block towards... certain topics, blatantly rejecting our advances due to inborn *rules*, when opening a door could reveal a lot to assist us in the overarching mystery and save the most lives.

Also, its heavily implied, at least from how other people talk, that certain events have occured that Franklin doesen't know about or refuses to believe are real, and I don't want to hurt or break franklin, but I do want to help him and also help the other kids.

(and also help Jhonen)
No. 1043224 ID: 96f15a

Fortune telling time? I dont think Franklin can afford it though.
Franklin's fear skyrocketed last night. Before he considers doing the thing he doesnt want to do from that order, or answer hard questions, what can he do to ease his fears, and ease him in those directions...

I will say, respect for Lilian for tackling this issue carefully and patiently.
No. 1043225 ID: 96f15a

Also, is there anything you want to say about Clive, Temmie?
No. 1043389 ID: 629f2e
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> Real talk time.
> As curious as I am to what happened down there, we'll know soon enough.
> Fortune telling time? I don’t think Franklin can afford it though.

Temmie: “Don’t worry. I won’t ask for quarters this time.”
Franklin: “Really? Why not?”
Temmie: “Sorry, but we don’t have time. He’ll realize he left us alone soon, so we have to do this quickly.”

There’s something different about the way she’s talking now. It’s more... Honest? Before, she was kind of talking in a way she normally doesn’t. It really emphasizes how much it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off the atmosphere with her dad leaving.

She thinks this is urgent though, so I’ll try not to slow things down. I nod in agreement, and she continues.

Temmie: “I’m going to offer you a Deal.
Franklin: “...Like, a discount?”
Temmie: “No. It’s more along the lines of a Promise.
Temmie: “I need a favor from you, something that I am incapable of doing by myself. I’m fine for now, but I’ll need this from you in a few days.”
Temmie: “If you promise to keep up your end when it matters, then I will let you ask me Two Questions right here and now.”
Franklin: “Two... Um, what do you need?”

Temmie tilts her head down, smiling sadly to herself.

Temmie: “In the final act of your story, I will have already spent what little usefulness I could offer to you and your friends. At that time, I will have Nothing left to give.”
Temmie: “I’d like you to promise that no matter how little help I can be, or how much time it will cost you at a Critical Juncture, you will still come back for me at the end.”

At the end? The end of what?

Franklin: “I... don’t really understand.”
Temmie: “You will when it matters. So, will you agree to my terms?”

She extends her hand out to me. I’m glad that she thinks I’ll get it eventually, because I really don’t right now.

It’s definitely something important, and I can tell that this was hard for her to ask from how she’s acting. Maybe she’s like Albert, and isn’t good at asking for help? I never have that problem, probably because I need help all the time! Even if I don’t know what it’s for, I have a good feeling that this is the right answer. I shake her hand.

Franklin: “Okay. I don’t mind helping you.”
Temmie: “...Thank you.”

She finally looks back up, wearing a happier smile than a moment ago.

Temmie: “Now then, what will you ask of me?”
Franklin: “Oh... I didn’t think of anything.”
Temmie: “You don’t need to put too much thought into it. I’m sure that you’ve carried a few questions in your mind for some time now. Simply ask, and I will guide you towards the answers.”

Something that I’ve been wondering for a long time? Hmm...

Franklin: “Hmm...”
Franklin: “...Mmmnnnnn”
Temmie: “...I don’t mean to rush you, but time is of the essence here-”
Franklin: “Oh! I’ve got one!”
Franklin: “Can you tell me about Judy? How come nobody else remembers her? I’m sure she was around before?”

Her grin widens, and she begins chuckling lightly.

Temmie: “I had a feeling that was what you were going to ask.”
Franklin: “Don’t you mean a premonition?”
Temmie: “Not really. Just a strong hunch.”
Temmie: “I know all about the person you speak of, and I know the answer to your question.”
Franklin: “You do? Wow! So then-”
Temmie: “Sorry, but I won’t say.”
Franklin: “Oh...”

That is... very disappointing.

Franklin: “Wait, then why did you tell me to ask questions if you weren’t going to answer them?”
Temmie: “There’s a reason. I can’t tell you outright, and you would never accept the truth even if I did. I can, however, give you the tools to learn for yourself.”
Franklin: “Oh. Ohhh, are you going to give a cryptic Fortune?
Temmie: “See? You learn quickly, so this will be more than enough for you.”
No. 1043391 ID: 629f2e
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She takes a deep breath, and suddenly I’m giving her my full attention. Not that I was ignoring her before, but the tone in her voice just demands that I listen really close.

“I request your full attention. Should the Alien from another world wish to find what he’s lost, he will have to remember these words well.”

“In the opening act, only two had read the script. In act two, the plot was deduced, and the number who knew became three. Now in the third act, the number has dropped to two once more. It is up to you to raise this number any higher.”

“Your Faith has many times been misplaced, and yet I will ask you to carry it once more. All roads will lead you back to me, yet the journey will change in many ways.”

“Three guides stand at the start of each road, each showing their worst faces as you examine them. Shall you follow the Self-Centered, the Unreliable, or the Blind?

“One stares so deeply inward that they stray from the path laid out for you. Perhaps you are more the guide than the follower to them.”

“Another has never been one you could trust, always seeming to lead you astray. You will question who they truly are, and eventually come to know throughout your quest.”

“The last sees no path at all, but intuits the way forward based on assumptions and insights. To you, this option seems new, but in truth you have unknowingly trusted their guidance before.”

“Eventually, the show will end, the curtains will fall, and the actors will drop the charade. Strive not to get lost in the performance, lest you find yourself unable to face reality when the story concludes.

“This is the Past, the Present, and the Future as I have seen it.”

No. 1043392 ID: 629f2e
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I don’t get any of it yet, and I don’t think I’m supposed to, but that all sounded really cool! I have shivers. That was a really good one.

Franklin has lost 3 Fear. He feels oddly relaxed from the spooky fortune.

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 46/100]

Franklin: “So, when I understand what that means, it’ll help me figure out what is going on with Judy?”
Temmie: “At the end of your journey, most of your questions should be answered.”
Franklin: “Most?
Temmie: “The world is full of mysteries. Not all of them wish to be solved.”

Temmie: “Our time is running out. What is your second question?”
Franklin: “Huh? Oh, right. Hmm..-”
Temmie: “We really don’t have that much time. May I make a suggestion?”
Temmie: “Consult with the spirits of Cattenom, and ask their opinions. Then go with whatever sounds best to you.”
Franklin: “That could work. They have a lot of interesting things to say.”

> What on earth is going on with graduation, and what have other spirits told Temmie? What role does Temmie's dad have in keeping the secret?

Temmie: “To the spirits, please keep in mind: I cannot give you direct answers. The larger the question you ask, the less clear the path to uncovering the truth will be.”

> So I know we can't just directly ask Temmie for the answer, otherwise she'd have already told us. So instead, is there something you can do to help us convince Franklin that there are some things he should investigate even if he innately feels uncomfortable about it.
> Franklin's fear skyrocketed last night. Before he considers doing the thing he doesn't want to do from that order, or answer hard questions, what can he do to ease his fears, and ease him in those directions...

Temmie: “You get one question. Will you use it to learn how best to guide Franklin?”

Well, you heard her. Think of something we should ask that isn’t too big, but would probably still be good to know.
No. 1043395 ID: 5499f4

Sure, I'll double down, either how to guide franklin, or how to help improve his focus. Though if someone else has a good idea I'll hop onto that train.

I feel like our major goals with each kid has been to help them *START* to grow past their major insecurities or the things holding them back.

Dunno if we did a good job with Roger, but I think we did okay with Albert.
No. 1043399 ID: 816d0b

I don't have a question to suggest; but when it comes to guides, I recommend the self-centered.
No. 1043605 ID: 84cd4c

I'm very thankful for how time works here. I was sure to be very thorough.
I have a couple suggestions. Given the grab bag of a selection, fellow spirits- I think you should comment on them. "For" or "Against" is faster, but some of these may require actual discussion.

Narrow it down for Franklin, since they're short on time, unlike us.
I've sorted it from top to bottom based on how important I think they might be.

-What is the connection between the Anderson Incident and the Nicolas Incident? (I have a hunch, but... Who knows. Also probably doesn't answer the 'Who'.)

-How can we guide Clive better? (I'm genuinely worried that we're not doing enough for him, so this is... valid. I think we're doing good with Franklin.)

-Who is in the most Danger? (This is like, immediately useful- as in Clive POV useful. However, it doesn't elucidate any mysteries.)
(I'd actually like to see how much Danger each person is individually, but... that feels like, overpowered? Hard to convey.)

-Temmie... what was the cost for gifting Franklin Hearing? (. . .)
(I hope you can feel the weight behind this stare you can't see.)

-How's Jolene? (If nothing sounds appealing, this is a throwaway question- the reasoning being we've only heard that she's sick and nothing else recently. Speaking extra frankly, we've invested a fair bit into her wellbeing, so it'd be nice to see her get her opportunity to shine where no one else can.)

-What Clive said to Rodney that night. (I'm against this, since it would distract Franklin, but... Genuinely useful.)

-Which Adults secretly oppose the High School? (Actually worded as a question- unhelpful if answer is 'none of them'.)

-About Jhonen (This is a sad question that only brings regret. I know I've laid the option out, but... Don't do it.)

Less Important(?)
-About Daniel Chamberlane, The Musician (??????)

-Mittens (...We can talk about this later, right?)

-About The Seer of Eyes (This might be something only Franklin can learn and understand, but is unlikely to be helpful.)
No. 1043633 ID: 8483cf

I can make an educated guess that either Albert or Clive are in the most danger, with Albert being slightly higher. Mainly because Albert straight-up asked his dad about graduation, and who knows what he remembers, even when drugged up? Second, because he's been dodging his mom and eating "her" food. Clive is just acting suspicious, but Albert is actively acting against his parents, so we don't need to ask this question to know the answer.

I say that "what is the connection between the Anderson Incident and the Nicolas Incident?" is the best choice. Asking about connections allows Temmie to use allegories and similies that are more on-point than a normal fortune. Who knows, maybe she'll tell us a fable with characters oddly familiar but totally not people we know.
No. 1044312 ID: 629f2e
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> I don't have a question to suggest; but when it comes to guides, I recommend the self-centered.

Wait, was I supposed to read that fortune as it was said? Aren’t there some kind of hidden layers or something to it, the stuff she said meaning something else?

I don’t know who the “Self-Centered” one is. Even if you want me to, I can't really go along with it unless you figure it out.

> Sure, I'll double down, either how to guide Franklin, or how to help improve his focus. Though if someone else has a good idea I'll hop onto that train.

Ooh, improving my focus would be pretty nice. I bet my friends would appreciate-

Temmie: “I can’t help you with your focus. That’s sort of a mental issue, and I’m not any kind of brain doctor. Sorry, I dunno how you’d make that better.”
Franklin: “Oh.”

Darn, that would have been nice.

> How can we guide Clive better?
> Temmie... what was the cost for gifting Franklin Hearing?
> Who is in the most Danger?
> I can make an educated guess that either Albert or Clive are in the most danger, with Albert being slightly higher. Mainly because Albert straight-up asked his dad about graduation, and who knows what he remembers, even when drugged up?

Okay, we really need to decide. Can any of you agree on a question?

> What is the connection between the Anderson Incident and the Nicolas Incident?
> I say that "what is the connection between the Anderson Incident and the Nicolas Incident?" is the best choice. Asking about connections allows Temmie to use allegories and similes that are more on-point than a normal fortune. Who knows, maybe she'll tell us a fable with characters oddly familiar but totally not people we know.

Franklin: “Um... okay. I want to ask that one.”
Temmie: “Enid and Albert’s fathers? Interesting...”
Franklin: “Is that good? Can you tell me something about them?”
Temmie: “I may have something you’ll find interesting. Listen closely.”

“Regarding the black sheep and the philanthropist, you would be hard pressed finding two individuals in circumstances more Different. One reviled and at the lowest point of his existence, another loved by all and secretly blessed with the greatest joy life has to offer. And yet in the end, both meet with the same fate.”

“You ask the relation, and so that is what I tell. On the same day, two men had attempts made on their lives, by ones seeking Revenge. One, punished for sins they unknowingly supported, and the other for a betrayal that they willfully chose to enact.”

“The Genius shall come face to face with the truth of his father’s deeds on his own, your assistance does not factor. Regarding The Miracle’s father, those responsible intend to see his secrets buried. If you wish to know more, then few are better suited than you to investigate.”

“This is the Past, the Present, and the Future as I have seen it.”

It was shorter than the last, and equally tough to understand. Unfortunately, I don’t get any opportunity to ask questions, as the silence which had followed her fortune was broken all too quickly. Footsteps were rapidly coming up the stairs, far too loud to be Lillian’s.

Temmie: “Take this.”

She shoves a plush toy into my hands. I think it’s a Raggedy Andy, as it looks like one I’ve seen commercials for. The toy she’s holding is some sort of action figure in a trenchcoat, but its head was missing. As the steps stop ascending, she whispers one more command.
No. 1044313 ID: 629f2e
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Temmie: “Play along.
Temmie: “Bleh! My head! My blood! The blood pours everywhere! All the people get covered in it!”
Franklin: “...Oh no! The blood is supposed to be on the inside, not the out. Very bad!”

Temmie’s dad bursts into the doorway, panting for breath. You both pause, turning towards him.

Temmie: “Oh, I was wondering when you’d come back.”
Mr. Butler: “Why weren’t you following me!?”
Temmie: “Didn’t wanna.”
Mr. Butler: “You- We’ve- You can’t just- I-”
Temmie: “You didn’t say I had to follow you, and I didn’t want to go with you, so I just stayed here and played with Franklin.”
Franklin: “...I am Franklin.”
Mr. Butler: “...Sweetie, we’ve been over this. You Know you’re not supposed to be alone with anyone.”
Temmie: “Why not? It’s just Franklin.”
Franklin: “...I am just Franklin.”

If I just keep agreeing with whatever she says, I can’t mess up my part this time. Right?

Mr. Butler: “You know why! I know that you know better than this. You can’t-”
Temmie: “What was the noise by the way?”
Mr. Butler: “Huh?”
Franklin: “I also want to know what the noise was.”
Temmie: “It could have been somebody breaking in to hurt you, and me, and maybe Franklin too. It could happen. A lot of awful things have, Recently.
Temmie: “If it was something safe, you could have called me down. You didn’t though, so I wasn’t sure.”
Mr. Butler: “...It was nothing, just a broken window. Some kid must have picked a bad spot to play catch.”
Temmie: “That’s good. I’m really happy that it wasn’t some bad people that were coming in to hurt us.”
Mr. Butler: “Yeah, same...”

He seems a little calmer, but things are still tense. He- oh, yep, he’s definitely looking at me. I stare back at him.

Mr. Butler: “...What were you playing while I was gone?”
Franklin: “This game.”
Mr. Butler: “What’s it called?”

Oh no! Improvisation! I messed this up last time, what should I say?

Franklin: “...Andy.”
Mr. Butler: “What?’
Temmie: “What?
Franklin: “...We didn’t come up with a name for the game at the start, so I just named it. Andy.”
Franklin: “...Oh, because that’s the name of this character, I think.”
Temmie: “His name is whatever you want it to be.”
Franklin: “I like Andy.”
Temmie: “Then it’s Andy.”
Mr. Butler: “...”

Mr. Butler takes a deep breath, before exhaling. There’s a feeling of relief, as the tension seems to die down. Mostly.
No. 1044314 ID: 629f2e
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Mr. Butler: “Alright, well I’m gonna need to get that window fixed, so I’m sorry to say that this visit will have to end early.”
Temmie: “Okay. Thank you for coming over, Franklin.”
Franklin: “Thanks for inviting me.”

Unexpectedly, she wraps her arms around me in a tight Hug. I hadn’t really taken her to be so affectionate, but it feels pretty natural. It’s not forced, like how she talks to her dad.

Mr. Butler: “Hey hey hey, is something happening here? Do I need to start coming down hard as a father on this?”
Temmie: “Maybe you do. Maybe I’ve fallen head over heels in Love. What are you gonna do about it.”
Mr. Butler: “Well, it’s a good thing his father’s a mortician if that’s the case...”

Not liking the direction this conversation is going, I break away and quickly say my goodbyes to Temmie, before quickly getting out of there. Lillian is waiting downstairs by the door.

Lillian: “You done?”
Franklin: “Finished playing, and finished being threatened. We can leave.”
Lillian: “Wait, what?”

Lillian finds my near-death experience funny as I explain it to her on our way out. It made for some nice light conversation while we’re still in range of Mr. Butler. The conversation is more open once we get outside, walking away from the house towards Roger’s. Didn’t want to say anything while he was listening, since Temmie only started really talking once he was gone.

Franklin: “...So, what did you do while you were waiting?”
Lillian: “Smashed a window.”
Franklin: “Ohhhhhhhhh...”
Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “Wait, what?”
No. 1044333 ID: eb15a3

Check your pockets, franklin. I think Temmie put something in your pocket in the middle of that hug.
No. 1044345 ID: 8483cf

Did the window deserve it?
No. 1044350 ID: 22eda9

Checking your pockets wouldn't hurt.

I'm assuming that smashing the window was part of Temmie's plan, otherwise she wouldn't have had time for real talk™. I'm not sure if that means Lillian was in on it all along, or only when you got there... well, who knows.

Personally, I wouldn't dwell on it further than that, because that sorta thing would just feed into my trust issues. Don't grow up like me, Franklin.

I kind of want to take a crack at the fortunes, but I think it'd be better to hear your uninfluenced opinion on what they might mean.
...It's fine to include Lillian in on the theorizing, since she's done it before (without really knowing it was a fortune, I guess-) but maybe save that for like, either during the walk or sometime after where you two can't be heard, since it might raise people's suspicion.
No. 1044415 ID: 398700

Wait on this until you're a bit further from the house, I don't trust Temmie's dad not to spy on us as we leave.
No. 1044432 ID: 22eda9

Ditto. If he's got eyes in the back of his head, he probably has binoculars for them too.
>“Really? ...How come I’ve never seen him at school then?”
>“Are you sure you’ve never seen him there?”
No. 1044859 ID: 629f2e
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> Did the window deserve it?
> I'm assuming that smashing the window was part of Temmie's plan, otherwise she wouldn't have had time for real talk™. I'm not sure if that means Lillian was in on it all along, or only when you got there... well, who knows.

Oh, I guess that would make the most sense. But if Lillian knew she was supposed to do it, then why didn’t she tell me? I would have had more time to think about my questions if she did.

> Personally, I wouldn't dwell on it further than that, because that sorta thing would just feed into my trust issues.

I feel like I should at least ask. She just told me that she did it, so she must be okay with talking about it.

Franklin: “Why did you do that?”
Lillian: “Temmie asked me to.”
Franklin: “I thought you were gonna say that... So then, why didn’t you tell me about it before?”
Lillian: “I never had the chance. You were up in her room already.”
Franklin: “...Huh?”
Lillian: “Look, just check out this note she gave me.”

She holds a small piece of paper out to you. It has five simple sentences written in colored pencil really badly. Either Temmie’s handwriting is awful, or she couldn’t just write this in a normal way.

Wait 5 minutes
Go to backyard
Smash kitchen window
Run inside
Play innocent

Lillian: “She palmed it to me when we shook hands. Guess she really Did know I was coming, despite all that junk she said.”
Lillian: “I figured that there was some half-decent reason to the whole act, so I just went along and did what the note wanted.”
Franklin: “...Ohhh. That explains a lot, I think.”
Franklin: “If I have it right, Temmie wanted a distraction so that her dad would leave us alone, so we could talk without him hearing.”
Lillian: “I knew it! He was freaked out about the window, but the second he realized you guys weren’t there he forgot all about it and sprinted back upstairs!”

He definitely seemed upset that we were alone. Well, not like Angry, that doesn’t sound right. It was more like... Worried? He was shouting, but not really at Temmie or me for the most part. It was like, he wasn’t mad that Temmie did something she shouldn’t, but was just scared that it happened?

I kind of get it, and I kind of don’t. On the one hand, Temmie helped with our investigation. He’s an adult, so he probably wouldn’t like that. Is that why he watches her so much?

On the other hand though, she answered in a Temmie way, where she put the answers into riddles. The same thing she does at school, which she does openly.

...Then again, she probably isn’t getting many super serious questions from most kids, so maybe her parents don’t mind that? It’s just a lot to think about.
No. 1044860 ID: 629f2e
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> Checking your pockets wouldn't hurt.
> Check your pockets, franklin. I think Temmie put something in your pocket in the middle of that hug.

She did?

> Wait on this until you're a bit further from the house, I don't trust Temmie's dad not to spy on us as we leave.
> Ditto. If he's got eyes in the back of his head, he probably has binoculars for them too.

Ohhh, good point. Let’s get completely out of sight first.

Lillian: “So we’re heading to Roger’s to pick up that disguise for Lemmy, right? Wanna cut through the forest again?”
Franklin: “Hmm... Actually, can we go around? I like the beach road more.”
Lillian: “Fiiiine. Probably for the best. I don’t think I have the strength to not jump in if I see Martino and Floyd kicking that ball around. I’m not made of stone Franklin!”
Franklin: “We’ll be able to play normally e. Sooner or later, I think.”
Lillian: “I know. I’d just prefer sooner...”

I wait until the house is completely out of sight to put my hands in my pockets. My fingers brush against something! It’s... It’s...

...It’s just pants. There’s Nothing in them. Did I lose it, or was it really just a hug?
No. 1044861 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian: “So, what’d Temmie want to talk about anyways?”
Franklin: “Well... She let me ask for fortunes, and instead of paying with quarters she wanted me to promise something.”
Lillian: “What did she want?”
Franklin: “To not be Abandoned during the final act of my story.”
Lillian: “...The what?”
Franklin: “I dunno. Maybe the end of our investigation? Or right before I die? My story could be my whole life, like a biography.”
Lillian: “Let’s say investigation. I don’t wanna think about dying soon enough for that to come up.”
Franklin: “...Also, she mentioned that helping her might waste time at a critical juncture.
Lillian: “I’ve got another “what” coming your way. What’s a juncture?”

I shrug, having never heard the word before in my entire life, I think. That’s an Albert question, somebody remind me to ask him later. Or tell me what the word means if you’ve heard it.

Lillian: “Temmie’s pretty freaky, but in a cool way. And her fortunes did help us out yesterday. It wouldn’t be right to abandon her, promise or not.”
Franklin: “I agree.”
Lillian: “So what about those fortunes then? What’d you ask?”

It’s hard to remember exactly what Temmie said for them, but I repeat the fortunes as best as I can. Accidentally changing a word might change the meaning if I’m not careful!

Lillian: “You asked about Judy? Didn’t we already explain that she doesn’t exist?”
Franklin: “...I know it doesn’t make sense, but Temmie said she knew about her.”
Lillian: “That... That still doesn’t make sense. And nothing in that fortune made it clear.”
Franklin: “I don’t really understand it either. But... I want to understand, so that’s why I asked.”
Lillian: “...Y’know, I actually think I get the first bit at least.”

“...only two had read the script... the number who knew became three... the number has dropped to two once more.”

Lillian: “If it’s talking about Judy, then maybe it’s about how you and Temmie are the only two who know about her.”
Lillian: “Then, let’s say Jhonen found something out too, and he was the third. Since he graduated, it becomes just you two again.”

The numbers do add up if you think of it that way. But something seems off about that explanation.

Franklin: “...How would Jhonen find out about Judy though?”
Lillian: “Well... you know her, so maybe he found something while trying to look into you?”
Franklin: “Also, what’s that last point about “the end of the show” and “not getting lost” if it’s just about Judy?”
Lillian: “...I dunno! These fortunes are really dumb.”
Lillian: “I feel like I’m on the right track. Maybe I’ve just got the Topic wrong or something?”
Lillian: “I like my reasoning with Jhonen though, it’s gotta be something like that. What else could it mean?”
Franklin: “...Something else?”
Lillian: “I mean, yeah, maybe. I’m just gonna keep thinking it’s my thing though.”

I don’t think we’re going to get anything out of that one right now. Lillian agrees, and the conversation moves on to the other fortune.

Lillian: “That’s... pretty random. Why were you asking about Anderson and Albert’s dad?”
Franklin: “A voice in my head told me to.”
Lillian: “You mean your brain?”
Franklin: “No.”
Lillian: “...Anyways. What do you think that one means?”
Franklin: “Hmm... She said that I was better suited to investigate Enid’s dad, and that his secrets were gonna be buried...”
Franklin: “So maybe... I should look around back home at the Morgue?
Lillian: “Yeah... Yeah I think that makes sense! Alright, we got something out of that one. Nice!”
Lillian: “...How many of these are just gonna be “go look around Franklin’s house”?”
Franklin: “...Rule of three?”

We reach Roger’s house, and as expected there’s a bag containing articles of clothing by the door. I walk up and take it, before coming back to Lillian.

Franklin: “So, what do you want to do after we get this to Lemmy?”
Lillian: “...Not sure anything I Want to do is actually a good answer.”
Franklin: “Hmm... What should we do then?”
Lillian: “Investigate probably. The others went to the plant, so maybe we should... Check out the high school?”
Franklin: “...Temmie told me not to do that without everyone.
Lillian: “Of course she did... Fine, do you have any ideas then?”

That’s a good question. Cattenom isn’t a big town, but there are still plenty of places we could go. I guess it depends on what we want to figure out. We should still talk it over, and with Lemmy too since he’ll be with us, but we need ideas first.

Hmm... What do we want to find out, and what are some places we could go...?
No. 1044863 ID: 8483cf

Check out the graveyard and see how many tombstones there are for people who died IMMEDIATELY after graduating high school.
No. 1044869 ID: 22eda9

For the sake of convenience and a refresher, I will now recount the fortune in full. After all, you were concerned about misremembering something.

>'Should the Alien from another world wish to find what he’s lost, he will have to remember these words well.'
The 'another world part' aside, I believe this to mean that you are missing memories, but it's still possible to reclaim them.

>'In the opening act, only two had read the script. In act two, the plot was deduced, and the number who knew became three. Now in the third act, the number has dropped to two once more. It is up to you to raise this number any higher.'
I think Lillian's right about the topic being wrong- if it were simply remembering Judy, the starting number would probably be more than two. I also think she's right about Jhonen being a part of the count- and we can take this a step further by adding that it probably has to do with what he found out and confronted you about on Sunday.

To refresh your memory, an excerpt as retold by Bec;
>"I know the Truth! You need to see what I uncovered, it finally all makes sense! All the pieces fit!"
>An adult listened in, and this is speculated to be the reason for his graduation.
>"he claimed to know Franklin’s True Nature, and demanded his Immediate Arrest.

In other words... your existence, things you don't want to talk about, the... scar, Judy, and your mom, and more that are hard to get into right now, are all probably relevant- and worse, Jhonen considered some part of it to be on the level of a Crime. However, that's merely Jhonen's perspective.

My guess is that the people who read the script refers to your Dad and Temmie, with Jhonen being the third. I'm not sure on the topic, but it might be more like "The Disappearance of Judy." or "Franklin's True Nature." Assuming that Jhonen is one of the three, then at least one of the many things Jhonen said the last time you saw him is directly related to the Topic.
I feel like that's half right, anyways.

I still respect your boundaries regarding your privacy, but I think it's important to note that
-A: We're on a couple different time limits (Albert's Fortune, Temmie's Request, and also...)
-B: Eventually, we'll be gone from your head, and likely in someone else's. Likely, they won't be able to hear us, so we can't really tell anyone anything you don't want told. If they unexpectedly can, I think that me and the other spirits can agree to keep a secret until you're ready.
-C: If it's important, we could be missing something vital when thinking things through.

...That said, don't feel pressured to tell us everything right now. Work your way up to it.

Now, the rest of the fortunes.
>'Your Faith has many times been misplaced, and yet I will ask you to carry it once more. All roads will lead you back to me, yet the journey will change in many ways.'
This seems to imply that right now, there are three Main Choices to go about further investigation which is directly important to solving this mystery, all of which are presented by the guides.

>Hmm... What do we want to find out, and what are some places we could go...?
(Dad's Laboratory)
(Recycling Center?)
(????? North of Highschool?) By the way, do you know what's up there? We don't.
(The Anderson House?) Potentially Risky

>'Three guides stand at the start of each road, each showing their worst faces as you examine them. Shall you follow the Self-Centered, the Unreliable, or the Blind?'
>'One stares so deeply inward that they stray from the path laid out for you. Perhaps you are more the guide than the follower to them.'
>'Another has never been one you could trust, always seeming to lead you astray. You will question who they truly are, and eventually come to know throughout your quest.'
>'The last sees no path at all, but intuits the way forward based on assumptions and insights. To you, this option seems new, but in truth you have unknowingly trusted their guidance before.'
I think at least one of these guides is Lemmy... maybe...

>'Eventually, the show will end, the curtains will fall, and the actors will drop the charade. Strive not to get lost in the performance, lest you find yourself unable to face reality when the story concludes.'
This is the Past, the Present, and the Future as Temmie has seen it.

My interpretation is... there's a heavy emphasis on an "Act" being played here, and that it applies to the whole fortune- to the point that perhaps even the Guides are Actors, for the sake of leading you to the conclusion. The Act is done not out of ill will, but instead because they have forseen a hard to accept truth that you will have to face eventually. I think Lillian ...might(?) understand if you mention this.
No. 1044897 ID: 0838d6

I like most of what is said here and think that if you talk about it with Lillian and then get her updated opinion on which of these three locations to go to, that that would be a good place to start for your investigation today.

Personally I lean towards Dad's laboratory because
A. Its your dad
B. We are here *with you* *right now*

And I think having us to help with hard truths specifically related to you, while we are here is kind of what we're meant to do. Since we've slowly helped the others take steps to improve themselves, why not take the same approach here?

Though my conjecture is that you're literally from another world, not as a literal alien, but as in you lived a whole other life and you're so forgetful, mixing things up because there was a whole other you that experienced events, maybe not with the same characters, but certainly still in cattenom. And now you're this Franklin, with a bunch of strange memories and thoughts, fogetful because too much is crammed in there or you're suffering from ptsd, though that's just a theory.

Also does a cat and a very tall tree ring any bells?
No. 1044920 ID: 22eda9

I forgot something...
>“I’ve got another “what” coming your way. What’s a juncture?”
A Juncture is typically, an important point that connects two different events in time, or places- for example, a bridge is a juncture, which can also be used as a metaphor.

The Critical Juncture, or Bridge in this case, will coincide with just before the end of our time with you during an important situation, likely brought about by either your investigation, or the other group's investigation of the Nuclear Power Plant.

It's possible that it won't be possible to handle the situation as best as possible while also keeping your promise, but this kind of has "Bad things will happen to Temmie" vibe if you leave her behind.
That said, it might not hurt to let other people know before you come across the bridge at the end of your journey.

...Not a literal bridge, though. I think.
No. 1045555 ID: 629f2e
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> Check out the graveyard and see how many tombstones there are for people who died IMMEDIATELY after graduating high school.
> Personally I lean towards Dad's laboratory

I’m not supposed to go in my dad's lab, but the Graveyard is fine. That’s just our backyard.

Franklin: “There might be clues at the morgue.”
Lillian: “Well yeah, but aren’t you banned from any of the rooms that’d give us real answers?”
Franklin: “Maybe, but I am allowed to play in the yard.”
Franklin: “All of the graves have dates on them, right? Maybe we can find something out by checking them.”
Franklin: “Like... What if a lot of them are the same age?”
Lillian: “Or what if some of them have names of kids we know should have graduated? That’d be definitive proof that they’re doing crazy bad stuff there!”
Lillian: “Good suggestion dude, we gotta check it out.”
Franklin: “...Plus, we’re already here.”

You motion to the morgue, which has already come into view as you walk and talk. Just a short walk at this point. As the gate comes up, you walk ahead slightly to open it for Lillian. You heard somewhere that it’s polite.

Lillian: “What’s even the point of a huge gate if you don’t lock it?”
Franklin: “Well we lock it at night. Lemmy still got in anyways though, so I guess it doesn’t do that much.”
Franklin: “...It looks nice though, don’t you think?”
Lillian: “Eh, I guess so. Fits the creepy vibe.”

You both trudge up the hill to your front door, when Lillian brings up a worthwhile question.

Lillian: “Is your dad home right now?”
Franklin: “...I dunno. He usually is when I come home from school, but not always.”
Lillian: “You don’t think he’ll get suspicious of us looking around the graveyard, do you?”
Franklin: “Probably not. He’d be cooped up in either his lab, bedroom, or maybe the bathroom if he tried to revolutionize cooking again.”
Lillian: “I’d rather he just not be here. Then we can look wherever we want, no limitations! Right?”
Franklin: “...”

You knock on the door. If dad is home, then he’ll answer. If he isn’t, then Lemmy will, because dad wouldn’t knock to be let in. It’s a good way to figure out what’s going on before even getting inside.

There’s some movement at the window, someone peeking to see who is here, and then finally the door opens.
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Lillian: “...What and why?”
Lemmy: “It’s my disguise. Y’know, in case the doc comes home and I can’t hide in time. I’m Franklin.”
Franklin: “Wait, but I’m Franklin.”
Lemmy: “Hey, I’m willing to share. As long as I’m anyone but Lemmy. That kid’s supposed to be going to high school, absolutely terrible identity to have.”
Franklin: “...I don’t think I want to share my identity. Is that selfish?”
Lillian: “He’s just joking around. Right?
Lemmy: “This is a joke, yes.”
Lemmy: “I mean, come on, there’s no passing for That.

He motions at me, in a way that feels vaguely insulting. Maybe it’s because he called me a “that”. I’m not a thing, I’m a me.

Lemmy: “Not without a razor at least. But Frankl-in-y I’m not giving myself a haircut for a bit.”
Lemmy: “That’s a lie, I’d totally commit, but I just couldn’t find a razor around here.”

A haircut? What is he-

-Oh right, still Bald. Why do I keep forgetting that?

Lillian: “Already starting to regret giving you freedom, but we got you a costume to try on anyways.”
Lemmy: “Aw sweet! What is it?”

I hand the bag over, and he pops into the bathroom to change. Shortly afterwards, he comes out dressed in a postman’s uniform. Not like one I’ve ever seen an actual mailman wear, but it kind of looks like the ones I’ve seen in book illustrations.

Lemmy: “Nice! Definitely beats being Franklin.”
Franklin: “...I feel like that’s insulting to me.”
Lemmy: “Nah, it looks better on you.”
Lemmy: “Honestly, with the hat I feel like I’m pretending to be Roger. Maybe if I lean into it, I won’t draw too much attention.”

He laughs at his own words. Lillian and I are silent.

Lillian: “It’s with great joy that I get to tell you to shut up and knock it off with the puns. You’re gonna give yourself away with them.”
Lemmy: “Shoot, good point. But how am I supposed to avoid a good pun-chline?
Lillian: “You could stop setting them up for starters. Otherwise I’m gonna pun-ch you.”
No. 1045564 ID: 629f2e
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As Lillian starts to fill him in on what we did after school, I start listening more to what the spirits are saying.

> The 'another world part' aside, I believe this to mean that you are missing memories, but it's still possible to reclaim them.

Well that’s not too surprising. Or, maybe the part about reclaiming them is? I lose thoughts all the time, but I don’t always find them.

> Though my conjecture is that you're literally from another world, not as a literal alien, but as in you lived a whole other life and you're so forgetful, mixing things up because there was a whole other you that experienced events, maybe not with the same characters, but certainly still in cattenom.

...I guess Temmie did say “Alien from Another World”, but you can never take her fortunes completely literally like that. There are too many metaphors and stuff that mean things other than what they say.

What other world could I be from? Cattenom is in this world, so that means I was only here, doesn’t it? Do other worlds have other Cattenoms and different people inside of them? That kind of sounds like something Jhonen would suggest.

Though I guess that would explain the Judy thing. If she came from the other world, then that’s why nobody from this one knows her. Maybe there is something there...

> And now you're this Franklin, with a bunch of strange memories and thoughts, forgetful because too much is crammed in there or you're suffering from ptsd, though that's just a theory.

Wait, was I a Different Franklin in the other world? Now I really don’t understand this theory.

I’ll try to keep an eye out for anything that supports it, and you can try to make it sound better if you want also. But for now, I’m just gonna put it with all of Jhonen’s guesses on what I am that I can remember.

> Also does a cat and a very tall tree ring any bells?

There are a lot of tall trees here. Even if you told me how tall you meant, it’d be hard to find the one you mean.

A Cat though? I’ve heard of those. They’re fluffy, and they have long tails, and they’re cute, right? I like them. Petting them feels good.

...Wait, petting them feels good? I just thought that, like it was something I’m sure of, but I don’t remember petting any cats. Saying it feels right though, so I guess I must have. I just forgot when I did.

>I think Lillian's right about the topic being wrong- if it were simply remembering Judy, the starting number would probably be more than two. I also think she's right about Jhonen being a part of the count- and we can take this a step further by adding that it probably has to do with what he found out and confronted you about on Sunday.

...I’ve been thinking. Back on Sunday, when Jhonen was chasing me around town, something about it felt kind of... off. I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying, because he never said stuff that made sense during the chase, and it sounded like all of the other stuff he always said. It would only ever come together after he caught me, since I could ask for him to explain while he ran his highly invasive scientific experiments on me.

Do you think he found something important? Maybe he was saying something that mattered, and I was being dumb by not listening. I feel a little bad if that’s the case.

> In other words... your existence, things you don't want to talk about, the... scar, Judy, and your mom, and more that are hard to get into right now, are all probably relevant- and worse, Jhonen considered some part of it to be on the level of a Crime. However, that's merely Jhonen's perspective.


> I still respect your boundaries regarding your privacy, but I think it's important to note that
>[ *Various points* ]
>...That said, don't feel pressured to tell us everything right now. Work your way up to it.

...You... do make some good points. And if you understand what’s going on, then you can probably help me understand what’s going on, so it’s better if I tell you stuff than if I don’t. But...

...You said not to feel pressured to do it, so I won’t. I won’t answer anything that makes me Uncomfortable, unless I want to. So... if you have questions, ask them, and I’ll decide what I answer.

For now though, Lemmy and Lillian look like they’ve finished.

Lemmy: “So you’re just gonna head out and start peekin’ at the numbers on graves?”
Lillian: “And names.”
Lemmy: “That idea sucks more than a professional straw tester.”
Lemmy: “Why would the people behind this junk print anything even remotely Incriminating on them? It’s not like kids can’t just wander in here and start reading.”
Lillian: “...Yeah but, who knows? We might still find something out by looking. It’s not like we have any better ideas.”
Lemmy: “If you want to check anything out, why not the doc’s lab? He was there all day, up until he shouted something about groceries and left.”

Lillian pauses, and I can feel her glance at me. She seems concerned about something.

Franklin: “Dad’s lab is a Restricted Area. We aren’t allowed inside.”
Lemmy: “Why would we need to be allowed inside? He isn’t here, let’s just go in.”
Franklin: “...That... It makes sense, but...”
Lillian: “You okay with that dude?”

Honestly, something about it felt wrong. What they were saying made sense, and it wasn’t like we hadn’t done other things you weren’t allowed to do while investigating (break into school, break a window, etc.), so what made this different?

Just because a restricted area doesn’t mean we can’t go inside. Right?

No. 1045593 ID: 8483cf

Question time!

First: What is your favorite color? Did it ever change?

Second: If something as important to you as your favorite color ever changed, then do you remember anything even MORE important ever changing than that?

Third: If important things can change, have you considered that rules are made up of important things that can ALSO change?

Fourth: What is more important to you: following rules you sort of remember a reason for, or reclaiming even MORE important memories?

If the answer to question four is the memories, I think you don't need our convincing to know what needs to be done about visiting Dad's Lab.
No. 1045620 ID: 0838d6

I have some questions, feel free to pick any to answer.

Is there a reason beyond you were told not to, to not go into any of those places?

Can we look at a photo of your mom, preferably a family photo?

Is there a window on the outside of the house that looks into your mom's room and have you tried looking into it before? (I assume curtains are blocking it anyway, but yknow)

Does your mom ever use the bathroom or have you ever heard her use it, if she's sick that would definitely happen.

Is there something that could harm you or your friends if they entered the lab?

What were you told to do in the case of an emergency and your dad wasn't responding to your attempts to get him out of his lab?

Do you have a favorite toy or food? And what is it?
No. 1045711 ID: 22eda9

>Do other worlds have other Cattenoms and different people inside of them?
I can actually answer this; Yes! The Cattenom I know of exists in a place called France, although its own nuclear power plant is still operational. "Our" Cattenom is an entirely different one from the one you know of today. Curious, isn't it? This is an instance of what would be called "Parallel Universe Theory" - except, more than just theory in this case. I'm not sure this is very useful right now, but it might be a topic your Dad would be more than willing to talk about.

I wonder if there's a deeper meaning to you and your dad having the same name.

>Jhonen's Guesses
How many do you remember, anyways? I'm sure he tried explaining some of them- and if he figured something out, then at least one of them was on the right track... maybe??

>...Wait, petting them feels good?
Yep. From what we can tell, in theory, there once was a cat you knew named Mittens. That memory we saw... you seemed pretty stressed out, honestly.

>Don't feel pressured.
...Yeah, I guess we are being a bit forward about this. If you can work through it while we're with you, great.
If not, then at least our decision to guide Albert not to look at your secret is still being upheld in some way.

>Checking Graves for Names
Not a bad idea, there's sure to be something interesting to see there. It might be kinda sad, or worse, though.

>Just because it's a restricted area doesn’t mean we can’t go inside. Right?
I mean, just because you're told you 'can't' doesn't mean it's not possible, but there's likely to be some sort of consequence to the act, like all things have. The several "wrongs" committed thus far have all had varying degrees of understandable reasons to them. The question, I suppose, is whether or not you trust your Dad not to lie to you- which is a difficult question since it seems and feels like all adults are in on the 'high school' thing. Considering your Dad's "Mad Scientist" disposition, I find it hard to believe he doesn't know something about the Cattenom Nuclear Plant, which seems to be somehow deeply important.

I'll present a few good and bad points of investigating Dad's Laboratory.
-Your investigation is basically guaranteed to find something, even if you only look a little.
-According to Lemmy, this is your best opportunity (questionable) - considering our time limit, it "could" be your last chance.
-If you choose to, you'll probably have good evidence whether your Dad is being honest with you or not.
-Choosing this gets people to stop asking, and if things go wrong, you can say "I told you so!" (A little bad too)
-Blatantly breaks your Dad's rules.
-Unknown amount of time to get groceries... (How long ago was that, Lemmy? Do you know how long it usually takes Dad?)
-The contents of the lab could be dangerous, if the Heat Ray he gave you earlier is actually effective. (???)
-Once you know the knowledge, you won't be able to un-know.

The majority might all be saying you should, but it should honestly be up to you.

How do you feel about Demons? I know, weird question, but you've said something before about them that's quite unusual compared to what other people feel about them. If I recall correctly, Judy liked the Occult?

...I'm not sure how I'd feel if we ended up finding out Judy was fictional, like a character from Game Night or something.

By the way, does your Mom have a name, or some sort of title she's referred to as (ex; Roger the Artist/Batter, etc)? I don't think we've ever heard anything like that mentioned yet.

I'm curious what Lemmy's been up to. Has he just been hiding, or... has he also been investigating? He might have seen something, whether that's for better or worse.
No. 1046380 ID: 629f2e
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> Is there a reason beyond ‘you were told not to’, to not go into any of those places?

Well... For mom’s room, it’s because I could get her sick of course. I want her to be better, so I’m gonna respect the rules and not go in there. For the lab, maybe it’s because dad has science stuff out, and it’s all delicate? That’s a good reason not to mess with any of it I think.

I’m not sure about dad’s bedroom though. Maybe he keeps other science stuff in there? Or maybe something else that I could mess up if I touched? ...I guess compared to the others, maybe that one was just for convenience. You know, so that I wouldn’t bother him in there or anything like that.

> The several "wrongs" committed thus far have all had varying degrees of understandable reasons to them. The question, I suppose, is whether or not you trust your Dad not to lie to you- which is a difficult question since it seems and feels like all adults are in on the 'high school' thing.

Well, that’s true I guess. But... dad never told me about high school, so he Didn’t lie about it! It was all the other adults who did, and I guess the other kids who told me what they were told, but they were just repeating what they thought was true.

I don’t think dad would Lie to me. He might not tell me everything, but that doesn’t make him a liar. He taught me most of what I know, so it’d be really bad if I couldn’t trust him at all.

> Is there something that could harm you or your friends if they entered the lab?

There’s always something harmful somewhere in the house. There could be one in the lab. We should keep an eye out for something like that. Unless it pokes out eyes.

> What were you told to do in the case of an emergency and your dad wasn't responding to your attempts to get him out of his lab?

In the several emergency plans dad has plans for, none fit those conditions. If I can’t get him out of the bathroom though, I know that securing toilet paper is the first step. That’s probably what I’d start with if I couldn’t get him out of the lab I think.

Lillian: “Franklin?”
Franklin: “...It’s... fine. We can go in, as long as we’re careful.”
Lillian: “Great! Let’s check it out from top to bottom then.”
Lemmy: “Let’s quit blabbing and get to labbing!”

Yeah... This is fine. We’re going into a restricted area, but it’s okay. It’s no different from any other rules we’ve broken while investigating.

Just because dad says it’s restricted... doesn’t mean you Can’t go inside.

No. 1046381 ID: 629f2e
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...It’s Possible...

Franklin considers something very unpleasant, gaining 4 Fear.

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 50/100]
[Lillian: 18/100]
[Lemmy: 39/100]

No. 1046382 ID: 629f2e
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Lemmy leads the way, very eager to investigate. Probably because he’s been sitting around all day with nothing to do. School may be boring, but doing nothing is somehow even worse.

Lemmy: “So what does your dad even do down there?”
Franklin: “Well, when people die he has to examine the bodies and take notes on them. If there’s anything weird he might tell the police about it. Then he prepares them to be buried.”
Lillian: “What’s there to prepare? He’s just putting them in a hole, isn’t he?”
Franklin: “Well he has to measure them for their coffin, and remove anything they’re holding like their wallets so that he can give them to the families...”
Franklin: “Oh, and then he runs Experiments on them.”
Lillian: “That took a turn.”
Franklin: “And when nobody is dying, he gets bored and takes bodies out of the ground to experiment on.”
Lemmy: “That sounds like a sick bird, because there’s no way it isn’t ill-eagle.
Franklin: “It makes sense. The bodies are buried on the morgue, and he owns it, so technically after a while they become his property. Right?”
Lillian: “...”
Lillian: “That sounds wrong, but I don’t know why it is.”

> Can we look at a photo of your mom, preferably a family photo?

I don’t remember seeing any family photos of all three of us, but... I actually have seen a picture of dad and mom together. He showed it to me once when I asked what she looked like.

It’s upstairs though, so I’ll have to show you guys after we finish checking around dad’s lab. Remind me to do it so that I don’t forget please.

> By the way, does your Mom have a name, or some sort of title she's referred to as (ex; Roger the Artist/Batter, etc)? I don't think we've ever heard anything like that mentioned yet.

Everyone has a name. Hers is... Um, it started with an E– Elizabeth! That was it.

She doesn’t have any sort of title or nickname, only kids have those.

> Is there a window on the outside of the house that looks into your mom's room and have you tried looking into it before? (I assume curtains are blocking it anyway, but yknow)

No, I don’t think there is. There’s one in the living room and one in the kitchen, and one in the dining room. None in mom’s room though. That’s probably good, since it’d need to stay closed anyways for the quarantine.

> Does your mom ever use the bathroom or have you ever heard her use it, if she's sick that would definitely happen.

Ew. That’s gross.

We stop, Lemmy and Lillian staring at the door. Without second guessing our choice, Lemmy pushes it open. The air inside is cold, but we each step inside.

The room is very... what’s that word Jhonen uses about his parents? Clinical? There’s little more than what is needed for dad to do his job. On the furthest wall from the door is a 2x4 line of freezers. One appears open, but you can’t see anything inside.

There’s a metal table in the room’s center with something atop it, covered by a large white cloth with red stains that I don’t think will ever fully wash out.

Aside from that, there are a few cabinets, drawers, and two sinks. Probably for washing your hands or other tools.

Lillian: “Ugh! It reeks!”
Franklin: “It does?”
Lemmy: “You don’t smell that!? Don’t you nose what we’re talking about?”
Franklin: “...Oh. Yeah, that’s just what dead people smell like.”
Franklin: “I guess I’m used to it. Dad always smells like this when he’s been working all day.”
Lillian: “Franklin, you’ve definitely come to class a few times smelling not much better than this. There are some smells you should not get used to.”
Franklin: “I forget to shower sometimes! I usually remember...”
Lillian: “Do you remember last month when none of us wanted to sit with you, and Jhonen threw up on his tray?”

I yank my turtleneck over my face in embarrassment. I usually don’t mind when people point out that I’m weird, because I don’t mind my head or my tail. My Musk is different though, I never want to think about it.

Dad worked around so much stink in his life that I inherited the stench when I was born. I have to shower in the morning and evening if I don’t wanna gross my friends out.

Franklin: “...Please don’t remind me.”
Lillian: “I’m just teasing! You’re alright most of the time.”
Lemmy: “Hey... You guys seeing that?”
No. 1046383 ID: 629f2e
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He extends a finger, pointing at the covered table. They both tense up, while you’re mostly just relieved at the change in topic.

Lemmy: “...Not many things that could be, right?”
Lillian: “...A dead person.”
Lemmy: “Yeah, but... Who?”

She doesn’t respond, just staring at it from a distance.

Who could it be? Well, it looks too tall to be a kid, and even if it wasn’t I don’t know any kids who have died recently. It has to be an adult, I think. So thinking about adults who recently died...

Franklin: “...Enid’s Dad?
Lillian: “Yeah... Makes sense. This would be where the body would wind up, wouldn’t it?”
Lemmy: “Frederick Anderson... That’s him.”

Just to be sure, I walk up to the bed and pull the sheet back. The body underneath is covered in severe burns, almost unrecognizable like this. Although, since I never knew what Mr. Anderson looked like, I can actually recognize him as someone that I don’t recognize pretty easily.

He died in a house fire, so burns make sense. Plus, he doesn’t smell rotten yet, so it’s not an older corpse. This is Mr. Anderson alright.

Franklin: “Okay, it’s definitely him. He’s all burnt up.”
Lillian: “...”
Lemmy: “...”

I look up. Lillian and Lemmy are both staring at me with looks of horror.

Franklin: “...What?”
Lemmy: “...O-Oh wow! I ordered my corpse m-medium rare, not well-done... Heh...”
Franklin: “Is everything okay guys? He’s just dead, I’m pretty sure of it.”

I put a hand on his charred neck. Yep, there’s no pulse, it’s just a corpse.

Lillian: “Why are you touching it!?!?
Franklin: “...I was just making sure. Is something wrong?”
Lillian: “Dude! Dead guy!”
Franklin: “...Have you never seen a dead body?”
Lillian & Lemmy: “No!
Franklin: “Oh. Well, they can’t do anything. They’re dead.”

What’s the big deal about corpses? I’ve helped dad bring them into the house all the time. We set them on a moving bed together, and then he wheels them away into the lab. Or sometimes he tells me to help re-bury them when he’s done testing.

Now I’m wondering if I should keep touching the body. Lillian and Lemmy might be too grossed out to come in if I keep going, but aren’t we supposed to check everything?

Then again, Lemmy said that dad left for groceries, but he didn’t mention how long ago that was. We’ll have to leave when he gets back, so maybe we won’t get to check Everything. We should focus on what’s important, whatever that would be here...

No. 1046384 ID: e51896

Thank goodness we decided not to bring Enid. I don't know how her little heart would take this.

Also, you're desensitized to seeing dead bodies, Franklin, meaning you've been around them so much that it doesn't bother you. Lilian and Lemmy are not, that's why they're freaking out. It's actually really creepy to be around a dead body if you're not used to it.

Two things, you said he takes notes on the dead bodies, and he holds the departed's belongings to give to their families later... see if you can find those, we might get clues about Enid's dad.

And do you might know what might be in those 2x4 line of freezers usually? with one of them open, your dad must have taken something cold out of there and forgot to close it (don't close it though, we're trying to keep things the way it is). I'm trying to figure out what you would put in those freezers usually at a morgue. organs?
No. 1046385 ID: 8483cf

Agreed that it's time to check the notes on Enid's Dad's Corpse.

The freezers are prrrrobably related to specimen samples of tissue or fluids at regular morgues. Lab kits need to be kept cool to avoid degradation, too. Here? All bets are off.

Don't touch the corpses, they're dead, they're not going to get up and walk away, they don't have enough coffee for that.

I vote to check the freezer and the drawers.
No. 1046386 ID: 8483cf

Also, if possible, count the number and names of corpses in any logbooks that have come in over the last year, and compare that to graduation records vs. actual deaths.
No. 1046422 ID: 0838d6

For clarification, no, they don't normally see or smell dead bodies, it typically makes others feel uncomfortable. You've just seen them a lot and become numb to it

Check the notes, don't look at/over the corpse or poke at it more, and even cover it back up so others don't feel uncomfortable. The notes should be good enough since your dad seems the meticulous type.

I think the others will just roam around the space, maybe look at records like >>1046386 stated, and then you should leave, just to be safe. Maybe even consider having someone stand guard at the front door for your dad (with the door open) and make a big old loud noise to let you know that dad's coming if you dont finish before he comes back. (probably Lilian) and you can come up with an excuse for wanting to snag *something* from your room with your pal (whatever you called lemmy) but forgot and got distracted (which is very on brand).

Also, consider just flat out asking your dad about graduation, you said he doesen't lie to you, and he should know you want to see Jhonen and are upset about it, to the point of hanging out with someone you normally wouldn't (lemmy)
No. 1046521 ID: 22eda9

>Mom's room doesn't have windows
Could we see the door to her room later? It's fine if you don't go in, but...
Well, anyway, if we have time to remind you, along with the photo, of course.

...How long has she been sick for?
I can't for certain say any hard facts on the longest recorded time someone has spent with an illness or sickness since these aren't generally publicized unless the patient survives, but the longest recent case I've heard of is 16 months of our latest outbreak- or in other words, about 1.3 years.

...Oh, wait. I suppose we've gone over that already. Um... How long have you been going to school for? Two and a Half Years, was it?

...Sorry, this train of thought's kinda...
...If I knew that I might not get better, I'd probably want to see my son at least once.

>Her name's Elizabeth.
Nice! You remembered something. Maybe we can keep this on a roll. Um... do you remember what kind of things she liked?
...Does Dad ever talk about her beyond her being sick?

>Only kids have titles.
What? So kids just lose them when they become adults?
I mean sure, they get "Jobs", and that's sort of a title, but... I guess it's a little different. Snyder the Toy Store Owner... Mrs. Fitzsimmons the... Receptionist? Nurse? Huh. I guess so.

Did Mom- er, Elizabeth have a Job?

>What’s the big deal about corpses?
People don't generally see them. After all, they're used to only seeing what they were before; living beings. It's generally considered disrespectful to mess with things that were alive before they stopped being that way beyond putting them to rest.

>The bodies are buried on the morgue, and he owns it, so technically after a while they become his property. Right?
Well... yes and no. According to law, A Corpse Cannot Become Property. There are generally many objections to operating on the dead for the reasons I mentioned before. "That's my (insert familial connection)! How dare you, you- mutilate and slander what's left of their sanctity!" and so on.

For example, Enid would probably be pretty upset if she saw you poking (exaggeration, you're just getting the non-existent pulse) what used to be her dad, someone she and many others respected a lot, regardless of "Mortician's Rights" or how important it may be to the investigation.

I believe she would appreciate it very much if you left Mr. Anderson be, regardless if she found out about it or not. Similar to people respecting your privacy about... Y'know.

Actions have consequences.
That said, it should still be fine to look (not touch) and see if anything "unusual" was left on the body.

It'd be better if you could find any Notes or Records on Mr. Anderson- but I think it might be more important to look for info on other... former patients.

>Maybe even consider having someone stand guard at the front door.
But who? Lillian's probably got the faster reflexes and attention, but at the same time, I'm not sure I trust Lemmy to not touch potentially dangerous things or stuff that would be noticed by Dad.

...Maybe suggest it and see how they feel about "Guard Duty"?

>Consider just flat out asking your Dad about Graduation.
...You could also ask Dad about Mom again. Maybe something different than usual, but what...?
If you do get a chance to ask him things, maybe also consider asking him about "The Tree Incident" while... preparing yourself for a potentially (hopefully not) painful story.
No. 1046926 ID: 629f2e
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> For clarification, no, they don't normally see or smell dead bodies, it typically makes others feel uncomfortable. You've just seen them a lot and become numb to it.
> You're desensitized to seeing dead bodies, Franklin, meaning you've been around them so much that it doesn't bother you. Lilian and Lemmy are not, that's why they're freaking out. It's actually really creepy to be around a dead body if you're not used to it.

I guess there aren’t many opportunities to see corpses when you don’t live in a morgue. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, they kind of scared me too when I was younger. I had nightmares where they came to life and hurt me. Then dad helped me understand that dead things typically stay dead, and that corpses would never be able to do that because they’re just objects, not people.

And then I stopped having those nightmares.

> Thank goodness we decided not to bring Enid. I don't know how her little heart would take this.
> Enid would probably be pretty upset if she saw you poking what used to be her dad, someone she and many others respected a lot, regardless of "Mortician's Rights" or how important it may be to the investigation.

Do you think so? I don’t want to upset her, she’s nice. I didn’t think she’d care about a body that isn’t her dad anymore. I’ll stop before I do something worse.

Gently, I take the blanket and drape it back over the body.

Franklin: “Is that better?”
Lillian: “Much.”
Lemmy: “Just don’t touch me until you wash those hands.”

They seem comfortable enough to come in at least, both slowly crossing through the doorway.

> Maybe even consider having someone stand guard at the front door for your dad (with the door open) and make a big old loud noise to let you know that dad's coming if you dont finish before he comes back
> But who? Lillian's probably got the faster reflexes and attention, but at the same time, I'm not sure I trust Lemmy to not touch potentially dangerous things or stuff that would be noticed by Dad. ...Maybe suggest it and see how they feel about "Guard Duty"?

Franklin: “Hold on. Dad usually doesn’t notice much when he’s in here.”
Franklin: “...That could just be because he’s him, but what if it’s hard to hear things in here?”
Lemmy: “Oh yeah. He could come home and we wouldn’t know.”
Lillian: “One of us should stand guard outside.”
Lemmy: “Not it. Done plenty of standing around and twiddling my thumbs for one day already.”
Lillian: “Fine. Me or Franklin then.”

She turns to look at me. Her eyes narrow, as she slowly shakes her head.

Lillian: “Yeah, it’s gonna be me. Sorry Franklin, but I don’t trust your attention span.”
Franklin: “It’s pretty bad.”

With a nod of understanding, she steps back out and waits, staring in and watching us.

...This is the second time I’ve left Lillian to stay outside while I get to do something. Next time, I’m letting her do the thing, no matter what. ...Unless she doesn’t want to.

Now, where to look first...
No. 1046927 ID: 629f2e
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> Two things, you said he takes notes on the dead bodies, and he holds the departed's belongings to give to their families later... see if you can find those, we might get clues about Enid's dad.
> Agreed that it's time to check the notes on Enid's Dad's Corpse.
> Check the notes... The notes should be good enough since your dad seems the meticulous type.
> It'd be better if you could find any Notes or Records on Mr. Anderson- but I think it might be more important to look for info on other... former patients.

Wow. If all of you say that, it must be a good idea.

Let’s see... Ah, there’s a clipboard sitting on the countertop. If dad was working before he left, that’s probably it.

Lemmy spots it too, and we both approach it together. He picks it up and starts reading, before suddenly tossing it back.

Lemmy: “I can’t understand any of this.”
Franklin: “What do you mean?”
Lemmy: “It’s too much Medical Jargon! I can’t make sense of what it’s saying.”
Franklin: “...May I see?”

He slides it over, and I take the clipboard into my hands. I start to read, and–


I blink, rubbing my tired eyes. What just happened?

One second I was trying to read what was on this page, and the next I was... really really bored. Did my body assume I was trying to sleep? Was it just that Boring and incomprehensible? I think it may have been!

Just to be sure, I check again, being careful to try and follow what it’s saying. I don’t get much more out of it than I did in the first read. One word does stand out to me though.

Franklin: “Cranium. That means head, right?”
Lemmy: “Huh? Yeah, why? Does it say something about his noggin?”
Franklin: “The cranium’s integrity... That’s the only part I kind of understand.”
Lemmy: “Let me see that again.”

I hand it back, pointing out the section. He squints at it closely. Then he looks at me. And then back to the page. And then back at me. And then back to the page– this continues for a bit.

Finally, he lets out a long sigh.

Lemmy: “Alright, you can go poke at his head to try and figure out what’s wrong with him.”
Franklin: “Oh. I don’t know if I should...”
Lemmy: “Why not? You were just doing it a few minutes ago. Has all your courage departed?
Franklin: “No. But it might be disrespectful to Enid.”
Lillian: “Also it’s really gross.”
Franklin: “...That part is debatable.”
Lemmy: “Hey, I don’t want to miff the stiff’s kid, but the chart says there’s Something worth mentioning about his head.”
Lemmy: “We could grab a dictionary and try to work this out, but that’d take too long, and it’s boring, and I don’t want to. So just check him out while our time remains.
Lillian: “You’re reaching really far for jokes that aren’t worth it.”
Lemmy: “Jeez, everyone’s a critic.”

I hesitate. He has a point, but so did you guys. Should I do it or not? I don’t know if I can trust my own judgment, since I didn’t even know it was wrong in the first place. How can I judge whether it’s fine in this case to do it anyways?

Wanting a third opinion, I turn to Lillian. She frowns, before giving her thoughts.

Lillian: “...Ugh, fine. It’s not like you didn’t already touch it. We’ll apologize to Enid later.”
No. 1046928 ID: 629f2e
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With that settled, I move over to the body and pull the sheet back. Lemmy takes that as a good time to start checking the Freezers. He probably just wants an excuse to not look over here, even though he keeps stealing glances. Curiosity is weird like that. Even when you know you don’t like something, it still makes you want to check it out.

With a little more hesitance than before, I run my hands over his head. The skin is gross and charred, some of it sticks to my hands. Not too much, I don’t think dad will notice the difference or anything. Nothing stands out to me until I start carefully feeling the sides. Something shifts.

Franklin: “Huh? What’s... Hmm...?”
Lillian: “Did you find it?”
Franklin: “Maybe? I think... Yeah, his skull is Broken here. The bones are shifting when I rub them.”
Lemmy: “Gross. What’s that tell us though?”
Franklin: “...”

I’m not sure what it means, but this is probably the cranium thing that the notes mentioned. That is all we need from this. As I go to pull back the cover though, I notice something on his chest.

It’s hard to see among all the burned flesh, but there’s a weak part of the skin around his left nipple. It’s small, but it looks almost like two parts Fused together. It isn’t even whole, as there’s a tear in it.

I put my finger on it, prodding gently so that it doesn’t break. Then I put it through the hole. It goes in all the way to the knuckle, before touching what I think is a bone. It’s Deep.

Franklin: “...Huh.”
Lillian: “What’s that huh about now? What did you find?”
Franklin: “...I think he was Stabbed.
Lemmy: “Excuse me?”
Franklin: “...It’s hard to tell, because the fire kind of melted the skin together, but there’s a hole in the chest.”
Lillian: “...Alright forget this. Lemmy, take over guard duty. I’m gonna take a look at this.”
Lemmy: “Well I’m sure not gonna. Your funeral, or, his I guess.”
Lillian: “You get one more corpse pun before I start punching you.”
Lemmy: “Ooh, better make it a good one then.”

Hesitantly, she walks over, clearly not wanting to stare at the body in front of her. Slowly though, her gaze shifts down at it. She’s looking VERY grossed out.

Lillian: “Can you show me?”

I point out the two spots I noticed, the stab and the head wound. As soon as I’m finished, she quickly looks away and steps back. It seems like now would be a perfect time to re-cover the body, so I do. She voices her thoughts as I’m washing my hands.

Lillian: “So... A guy who died in a fire has a broken head. I could see that, dude might have panicked and smashed into stuff while trying to put himself out.”
Lemmy: “That stab wound’s a hole other story though, right? Add that in, and it sounds kind of like a Killing. And not the kind that my jokes get.”
Lillian: “Yeah, because this one actually happened.”
Lemmy: “HA! Man, we got a burn victim in the room and somehow I feel the most roasted.”
Franklin: “...Does Enid know?”
Lillian: “...I dunno. We need to tell her though.”
Franklin: “...”

...Somehow, I don’t think she’ll be too surprised.

Lillian: “Right, let’s finish checking around here. Hey, Lemmy! Anything in the freezers?”
Lemmy: “I opened one and there was another body in it. Then I stopped looking.”
Lillian: “Yeah, I think I’m gonna pass on that. The other cabinets and drawers then.”

Lillian and I give the rest of the room a quick once-over. I even check the freezers to confirm that most of them have bodies. I think these must be the ones he has prepped for experimentation.
No. 1046929 ID: 629f2e
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> If possible, count the number and names of corpses in any logbooks that have come in over the last year, and compare that to graduation records vs. actual deaths.

“Possible” it is not, because we don’t have a logbook.

The rest of the room doesn’t reveal much. It’s mostly just equipment or work-in-progress experiments that I helpfully warn Lillian not to touch as they might explode. No other documents.

Lillian: “Guess this isn’t where he keeps his records.”
Lemmy: “Think they’re in his bedroom? We’ve still got free reign of the place, so we can go check.”
Lillian: “Hmm... That alright with you, Franklin?”
Franklin: “...Yeah, I don’t mind. Dad would probably be more upset over us going into his lab than his bedroom, so his potential anger is as high as it’s going to be.”
Lillian: “Then that’s the plan. Come on, the sooner we get out of this place the better. Even putting aside the stench and creepiness, it’s just freezing in here!”
Franklin: “I like the cold. It’s comfortable.”

I yawn. I really wish my bedroom could be nice and chilly like this. Or even colder! I just want to freeze in a big block of ice when I sleep, and then thaw out for school in the morning. That’d be the best.

It’s a shame I’m not allowed to touch the thermostat. Although, we have been breaking the rules recently. Hmmmmm...

> Also, consider just flat out asking your dad about graduation, you said he doesn't lie to you, and he should know you want to see Jhonen and are upset about it

I guess that’s something I could try out. Maybe he’ll tell me a bunch of stuff we’ve been trying to figure out! I’d be pretty disappointed if he just gave me the same lie the rest of the kids in town were told.

> Nice! You remembered something. Maybe we can keep this on a roll. Um... do you remember what kind of things she liked?

...I think she liked... Me? Cooking food for me... playing games with me... I kind of remember having a mom like that when she was healthy...

> ...Does Dad ever talk about her beyond her being sick?

...Sometimes he tells me stories about her. I’m not in most of them though, his are from before he had kids. That’s the exciting part of being an adult apparently.

Mom was... um, a Foreigner, and she and dad married so that she could live here. Apparently being a foreigner makes it hard to find love, and she thought that dad seemed attainable, which dad always laughs when he explains. So they got together, did a bunch of stuff, and then I was born. She got sick sometime afterwards, but I can’t really remember that. It was a while ago.

I missed a lot of the small details, but that’s all the important stuff I think. Everything dad told me about her.


Why doesn’t any of it sound right?
No. 1046931 ID: 8483cf

Tough to remember, I know, but did any of the wounds indicate that the attacker was significantly stronger than Enid's dad? It takes a lot of force to break a skull. Was it broken in multiple places, or just one major point of impact?

Also, Franklin, you're significantly more observant than you give yourself credit for. Maybe we can jump start that mental fog and get you to be a super genius like your dad!

Are you eating enough veggies?
No. 1046934 ID: 22eda9

>...Objects, not people.
I mean... it's technically right, but treating it as a mere object is disrespectful to the "object" and its dignity. Plus, if they're actually still alive when you're treating them like an object due to misdiagnosis, and they rise from their apparent "death", then it might be kind of awkward.

While I think your Dad did a relatively good job of dealing with your fears, I'm not sure that mindset is good emotionally. It might further alienate people from you if say, someone else were to die and you felt nothing.
(I really hope nobody does actually die.)
You shouldn't need this advice, but in the absolute worst case scenario you do... be sure to be mindful of how other people feel.

Also, make sure to clean your hands before you leave.

>It’s a shame I’m not allowed to touch the thermostat. Although...
Dads always seem to know when you touch the thermostat. It's like a weird super power (exaggeration)
I do have a couple of counterpoints unrelated to that, though. It could be either related to the temperature the experiments are kept at, or otherwise your mom. Low enough temperatures are enough to give people colds.

Incidentally, is there a specific temperature you prefer?

>About Mom
That all sounds past tense from before she got sick...

>Before he had kids.
Kids? ...Plural? If that's to be believed, you... might have had siblings at some point?
That reminds me, wasn't there was a vague theory that Judy was your sister? Not necessarily true, though.
Um... Hmm. Maybe ask Dad about Judy...? Even if she wasn't family, it stands to reason that he might have known her.
No. 1046938 ID: e51896


Ah, so the one that was already open and empty must have probably been Enid's father's freezer I guess? well, make sure you close the freezers you examined, but keep the empty freezer open since it was already open when you got here.

Also, don't touch the thermostat please, and WASH THOSE HANDS!

>I yawn. I really wish my bedroom could be nice and chilly like this. Or even colder! I just want to freeze in a big block of ice when I sleep, and then thaw out for school in the morning. That’d be the best.

That... doesn't really feel very comfortable... I don't think people would want to feel chilly to help them fall asleep, especially if they can get sick from the cold I think... Now that I think about it, do you sleep with a blanket covering you? Do you ever feel sick or get a cold?

Do you... remember ever being frozen solid at one point in your life?
No. 1046951 ID: 525219

Yeah, stay away from the thermostat, this thing is trouble waiting to happen.
No. 1046967 ID: e4ccf1

Waitwaitwait, I was probably hasty about the thermostat! DO lower the temperature BUT JUST THIS ONCE! For a couple of reasons:

First off, you comfort from the cold for whatever we might do next is probably going to be pretty important.

Second, I'm not sure how well your poker face is when it comes to lying to your father, or anyone else, but if you start looking guilty about something, we can use the Thermostat as a scapegoat instead of you going into forbidden areas. Changing the temperature is a lot more minor thing to get in trouble for over snooping around in forbidden areas

gonna give a little more of my reasoning in the discussion thread
No. 1048020 ID: 629f2e
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> That all sounds past tense from before she got sick...

Well, that’s because it is. It’s stuff I was told about her that happened in the past. That’s all I know really. She hasn’t done much recently, on account of being sick and all.

...But it’s also just stories. Dad Told me all that stuff, I didn’t Remember it or anything.

> Franklin, you're significantly more observant than you give yourself credit for. Maybe we can jump start that mental fog and get you to be a super genius like your dad!

That’s a little hard to imagine, but I’d like that. I’d just be happy if I could be as smart as my friends though. Being a genius is hard work. That’s why Albert always seems tired, and weak, and hungry. Well, that or he’s not getting enough nutrition. Probably both. He rarely ever brings lunch from home, even though he usually can't eat most of the school lunch. And it’s not like he isn’t hungry, he eats a lot when there’s a lot that he can eat.

> That... doesn't really feel very comfortable... I don't think people would want to feel chilly to help them fall asleep, especially if they can get sick from the cold I think... Now that I think about it, do you sleep with a blanket covering you? Do you ever feel sick or get a cold?

I do use a blanket when I sleep, because that keeps out monsters. Everybody knows that. I just use a thin one, and I turn the fan in my room on high before I go to bed. That always puts me right to sleep, it’s so nice.

> Do you... remember ever being frozen solid at one point in your life?

...No? That’s a weird question, not many people have been frozen I think.

Or... maybe it’s not, and I just don’t understand. When it gets cold, sometimes I feel like my body is slowing down. Maybe that’s my blood freezing in my body, and if it gets much colder I’ll freeze solid! Our bodies are 90% water, aren’t they? There’s some science to that guess.

> Dads always seem to know when you touch the thermostat. It's like a weird super power (exaggeration)
> Yeah, stay away from the thermostat, this thing is trouble waiting to happen.

Yeah, as much as I like the cold, that’s probably a good idea.

> Kids? ...Plural? If that's to be believed, you... might have had siblings at some point?

...I dunno. I don’t remember anything like that, it’s just been me and dad for as far as I can recall. If I go back to the fuzzy times though... Hmm...

No, it’s pretty much the same back then, just Flipped. It was always just me and mom I think. I guess dad was busy back then.
> That reminds me, wasn't there a vague theory that Judy was your sister? Not necessarily true, though. Um... Hmm. Maybe ask Dad about Judy...? Even if she wasn't family, it stands to reason that he might have known her.

...What do you mean was? If I had a sister, wouldn’t she still be my sister now? Unless something happened to her and she became a corpse.

Hmm... I do know more corpses than most kids though. That would explain why only I know her.

...Nope, I’m pretty sure I knew her alive, so that’s not it.

> While I think your Dad did a relatively good job of dealing with your fears, I'm not sure that mindset is good emotionally. It might further alienate people from you if say, someone else were to die and you felt nothing.

I’d absolutely feel something if somebody died! Because... they would be Gone, and that would be very sad. Just because the body stops being them doesn’t mean it isn’t sad. In fact, that’s sort of why it is.
No. 1048021 ID: 629f2e
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After a short walk up the staircase, dad’s room is right in front of us. Lillian and Lemmy both stand back, letting me do the honors. Nervously, with the awful thought of dad coming home and seeing us at any moment, I grab the knob and push open the door.

Inside is...

It’s just a Normal Room. Huh. I feel like I was expecting more.

Lillian: “Jackpot! Look!”

She thrusts a finger towards a desk towards the side of the room, as well as a number of Binders on the shelf above it.

Lemmy: “Well that was easy.”
Lillian: “Come on, those all look pretty full, so we don’t have time to waste.”
Franklin: “...Do we need to set a guard again?”
Lillian: “Nah, we’ll be fine. We’ll have so much warning if your dad comes home, since he’d have to come up the stairs to catch us in here.”
Lemmy: “Unless we’ve gone deaf from being around so much death.”

She slugs him in the shoulder. Looks like she’s hit her pun threshold for the time being.

Lillian: “There are at least Ten binders here. Let’s just figure out which the latest ones are and go from there.”
Franklin: “...What are we looking for again?”
Lillian: “Any sort of info that can help us. Like, see if you can find the names of anyone we know graduated.”
Lillian: “Leo, Lorenzon, Wally, anybody!”
Franklin: “...Who?”
Lemmy: “Right, you haven’t been around for as long. Well, you could always check for the recent graduates. Rodney, Jhonen, Ph-”
Lillian: “What’s That supposed to mean!?”

He withers under her sudden intensity. It was a bad suggestion on Lemmy’s part, Lillian is still worried about Phillip. The last thing she wants is to imagine him dead. I don’t like that thought either...

Lemmy: “N-Nothing!”
Lillian: “Good. It’s way too soon for us to think those guys have bit the dust. Got that?”
Lemmy: “Perfectly clear!”
Lillian: “Hey, Franklin? Lemmy and I are gonna check these files. Why don’t you try to look around somewhere else? Check the closet or the bed or something.”
Lillian: “You’re a bit less likely to catch the names we’re looking for, so we’d have to double check the ones you read anyways.”
Franklin: “That makes sense.”
No. 1048022 ID: 629f2e
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Actually, there is something I wanted to find, and I think I see it already. I walk over to one of the walls, and stare up at a framed image.

That’s my dad and Mom!

This was taken on their wedding night, so I wasn’t there yet. I like to think she hasn’t changed any, and still looks as beautiful and not old as she did then. Though, given how much older dad has gotten, that’s probably not realistic.

...I wish I remembered her better. I have so many nice feelings and vague recollections, but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t remember a real interaction with her.

I try once more, diving as deep into my head as I can to try and pull something. Maybe staring at her will spark something? It’s kind of a long shot, but–
No. 1048023 ID: 629f2e
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Me: “*Cough!*”

I don’t get it. My head is super warm to the touch, but I keep wanting to put on more and more blankets? Wouldn’t it make more sense to dunk my head in ice instead? Why do I feel cold if I feel warm? Bodies are stupid.

I guess it’s kind of nice not going to school. I wonder if anybody there misses me? Probably not Jesse. Jesse is mean.

I wish he’d be my friend though. Is that weird? He isn’t mean to his friends, just me I think. So if I was friends with him, then he’d stop being mean.

Me: “*COUGH!* *COUGH!* Owwww...”

My throat hurts. It feels like there are cuts in it. I just wanna drink medicine and feel good, but instead I had to drink strawberry gross flavored medicine and still feel bad. If it wasn’t going to do anything, I should have just drank something good instead.

My door creaks open, as a familiar face peeks through.

Mom: “Hey, you still awake?”
Me: “Mm-hmm.”
No. 1048024 ID: 629f2e
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I smile at her, as she comes in with a bowl of something steamy on a tray.

Mom: “Here, this should make you feel better. It’s an ancient ritual passed down by generations.”
Me: “Did you have to sacrifice anything alive to make it?”
Mom: “An innocent chicken gave its life for this concoction.”
Me: “Good. It wouldn’t be a very good ritual if just any chicken would do. We have standards.”
Mom: “See? You get it. Now eat up and feel better so that I can have the house to myself again.”

She sets the tray down on my lap and gets up to leave. I grab her by the back of her shirt.

Me: “Kiss first.”
Mom: “We only have enough of that concoction stocked up for one of us to be sick. Can’t take your germs right now.”
Me: “Just on the head?”

She rolls her eyes, but does it anyway. It’s warm, which feels good for reasons I already decided were dumb and backwards.

Mom: “Seriously, start feeling better already. Can’t be good to miss this much school, as awesome as it probably feels.”

She gives me one more smile, leaving me feeling warmer than I did before she came. Probably because of the steam from the soup, but I like to think love was part of it.


...Huh. That was... Familiar.
No. 1048027 ID: 59c1f2

That's... odd.

Franklin, didn't you tell us earlier your mom was... mute? If it was true that she was mute, then In your memory, how was she was able to speak with you clearly like she did?
No. 1048157 ID: 8483cf

Yeah, this doesn't line up with it.

Wait, if Mom is sick, shouldn't she be getting the Ritual too? Time to find some chickens!
No. 1048584 ID: 629f2e
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> That's... odd.

> Franklin, didn't you tell us earlier your mom was... mute? If it was true that she was mute, then In your memory, how was she able to speak with you clearly like she did?


...Huh? What do you...?

I heard her really clearly in my memory though. She said a lot of sweet things to make me feel nice, just like she always did. She can totally talk.

...But... She’s mute. Dad said so. That’s why she can’t say anything back when I talk to her through the door. But, if that’s true, then I shouldn’t remember her talking. I do though.


Maybe it’s me? My memories are unreliable, so maybe...

No. I don’t want to doubt a nice memory like that. That happened, I won’t accept that it didn’t. Plus, I’m sure that’s how mom always was before she got sick. It feels too familiar, I’m sure of it.

So... If my memory was real, then... Mom isn’t mute.

But if mom isn’t mute... and dad told me that she was...

Then... Dad Lied?


No. Wait, that’s not it. Something still wouldn’t make sense in that case. I talked to mom a lot while she was recovering, but she Never said anything back. She could talk in my memory, but maybe something happened that made it so she can’t talk Anymore? If that were true, then dad wouldn’t be a liar, my memory wouldn’t be wrong, and everything would make sense.

I mean... I don’t remember anything that could have caused that, but there are lots of things I don’t remember. It could have even happened while I was at school or playing outside, so there’d be no reason for me to remember it. Really, I think that makes more sense than the alternative, doesn’t it? After all, why would dad even want to lie about something like that?
No. 1048585 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian: “What the–!?

I blink, snapping out of my thoughts. Good timing, that topic was over. Nothing else to think about there.

Lemmy: “What? Find something?”
Lillian: “That’s... No. Is this a joke or something? Hey, Franklin, did your dad slip a gag binder in with the rest?”
Franklin: “I don’t know if he did. Is something wrong?”
Lillian: “Literally every word written in this binder.”
Lemmy: “Awww lucky! The two I’ve been through were all just Autopsy Reports. I would have died of boredom reading them, but I forced myself not to since that’d just add another to the pile.”
Lemmy: “So what kind of screwed up junk did you find?”
Lillian: “It’s like...”

She glances back down at the binder, and then back at me. The look on her face is uncertain, like she can’t decide what to do.

Lillian: “...Okay, wait. Franklin, do you remember when we were talking about your mom earlier?”
Franklin: “Um... Oh! On the way to Temmie’s house. I remember that.”
Lemmy: “Well that’s totally off topic. I’m just gonna read that while you have this chat, okay?”
Lillian: “Yeah, fine. Keep it to yourself though.”

She picks it up and flips to a page, before shoving it into Lemmy’s chest. I also want to know what it says, but I get the feeling Lillian’s building it up for a reason. I’ll let her do her thing first.

Lillian: “Franklin, I asked you what your mom was like, and you couldn’t really give me a straight answer.”
Lillian: “I get that you’re going through something, but I need a straightforward answer here.”
Lillian: “Why don’t you remember her?”
Franklin: “...Because my memory is bad?”
Lillian: “Is that really it?”
Franklin: “...Hmm...”

Is there something wrong with that answer? My memory Is bad.

Maybe she’s wondering if there’s some other reason I don’t remember my mom well. I guess there kind of is, but that might go into stuff I’m not supposed to talk about.

...I did say I’d tell you guys more about myself, as long as I was comfortable with it. To be honest, I’m not totally sure about you guys... But I know Lillian, and if I ask her not to tell anyone, then she won’t. She’s a good friend.
No. 1048586 ID: 629f2e
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Without saying a word (so that Lemmy doesn’t hear), I motion to the door. We step out of the room together.

Franklin: “...Um, I guess there’s one other reason.”
Lillian: “So it isn’t just bad memory.”
Franklin: “Well, it sort of is? But there’s a reason my memory is bad, which makes it the reason that I don’t remember mom well too.”
Lillian: “...I just thought you were born that way.”
Franklin: “Well, I don’t remember what I was like when I was born, so that could be true also.”
Franklin: “...”
Lillian: “Hey, don’t space out on me before the important bits.”
Franklin: “...Oh, sorry. Um...”
Franklin: “...A while back, I had an Accident. Not like wetting the bed or something, but the kind where you get hurt.”
Lillian: “Shoot, really?”
Franklin: “Mm-hmm. I don’t really remember it though. Everything before that is either fuzzy, or just not there.”
Lillian: “Wait wait, when did this happen?”
Franklin: “Hmmm... It was before I started going to school. I think... a Week before then?”

I double check my memory, and that feels right. I remember recovering at home for about a week, give or take a day, and then dad was sending me off for my first day of school.

Lillian doesn’t seem too shocked, clearly considering something. I’m starting to think that the file she was reading had something to do with me. She hasn’t told me what was in it, and she started asking questions about me after reading it. I think that makes sense. What did it say though?

Lillian: “So... What happened to you?”
Franklin: “I lost my head.”
Lillian: “...You mean, you lost your mind?”
Franklin: “That too. The whole thing came right off!”
Lillian: “I... what?”
Franklin: “Yeah, I was running around the house too fast, bumped a wall while turning, and my whole head Came Off.
Franklin: “Dad put it back on, but when it came off a bunch of important stuff spilled out the neck hole. Blood, brains, and Memories.
Franklin: “The carpet absorbed most of it, and that’s why we have hardwood floors now.”

Oh. She’s making that face now. The one that means “you are saying insane things, Franklin”. I wonder where I lost her?

Lillian: “That’s... Franklin, that’s just not possible.”
Franklin: “Why not?”
Lillian: “Because if your head came off, you’d just... die. You wouldn’t come back afterwards.”
Franklin: “...But I did.”
Lillian: “Look, I don’t think your dad is telling the truth about what really caused your memory problems.”
Franklin: “...But... That happened. I’m sure of it.”
Lillian: “I thought you didn’t remember.”
Franklin: “I don’t, but...”

My hands grip the collar of my turtleneck tightly. This is deep into the “not supposed to talk about it” territory. Also, it’s just kind of... Creepy. I don’t want her to see it.

Franklin: “...Promise not to tell anyone.”
Lillian: “About wh– Y’know what, doesn’t matter. Promise.
Franklin: “...”
No. 1048587 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “This is why I’m sure.”
No. 1048601 ID: 22eda9

Franklin, I think I understand why you're the only one in Cattenom we can talk to directly. You Died. We're Dead. (I guess?) However, you're still alive after dying because of your Dad's quick thinking; people are still conscious while beheaded... for about 30 seconds or so.

I do have some bad news to come with this revelation, however; a Grave Message (Sorry for the Lemmyism) so to speak- when we were guiding Albert, he was given a foretelling by a Seer (aka: Not Temmie);
“Within 48 hours, you will scream with terror as your friend is Beheaded before your eyes.”
It might be possible to avoid, but if it isn't...

Regardless of how things turn out for you and your Dad relations, I think it's safe to say that he still cares about you. If he's lied about something, it's probably to keep you safe- whether that be literally or emotionally.

That being said, I recommend that you either;
A: Have your Dad check up on your neck
B: See if he's up for accompanying you for the rest of the day. (Awkward as it may be, I don't think anyone else is capable of even attempting to reattach your head a second time.)

...Also, I'd like to suggest you really double down on making sure neither of them say anything about it. That does include Lemmy, just in case.
Maybe tell Albert the next chance you get though, so he can put forward whatever countermeasures he thinks would help.
No. 1048609 ID: 8483cf

>>“Yeah, I was running around the house too fast, bumped a wall while turning, and my whole head Came Off.”

First off that's HARD CORE DUDE

I've taken some pretty nasty corners and my head never came off. Are you sure that's how it happened?

Well, no need to go into too many details. Just saying that maybe this isn't, physiologically, how that happened. Unless your house has guillotines just hanging around, the wound type is inconsistent with the scar.
No. 1048936 ID: e51896

>Franklin, I think I understand why you're the only one in Cattenom we can talk to directly. You Died. We're Dead. (I guess?) However, you're still alive after dying

Temmie can hear us too though.
Also, I'm not going to jump to conclusions just yet Whether Franklin died or not.

And hmmm... I don't know if we should talk to Dad just yet or have him accompany franklin for the rest of the day until we get more answers.

Anyways, a couple of my two cents: maybe that is why you have a cool lizard tail! just like how your head possibly got reattached, maybe you're dad attached a lizard tail onto you for some reason, and that nose of yours... it does look different than it does from your memories.

And I'm starting to wonder if this binder Lillian has is what Jhonen was chasing you about before he was sent away... which means he had been snooping in unauthorized places... but then again maybe not...

No. 1048965 ID: e51896


I just realized something, Franklin, and I'd like to get your thoughts to make sure we got facts straight: You told Lilian that you had your accident the week BEFORE you started school...

yet in that memory of your mom you had, your mom told you to get better from your sickness so you can get back to school, which means you may have actually HAVE been to school BEFORE your accident, even though you just stated you started school the week AFTER your accident.

Of course, maybe your mom got sick sometime AFTER your accident and after you started school, but that doesn't seem... possible.

As you stated, your mom got sick a looooong time ago, long enough for you to not remember her clearly. and I think you'd probably remember her a lot more than just a silhouette as you did in that memory if she took care of your sickness AFTER your accident and sometime after you started school and met Roger and the gang... after all, that was only two and a half years ago... and you'd really should still be able to keep new memories of what she looked like clearly if she took care of you AFTER your accident since you didn't lose your head and lose your memories again after your accident... yet your memories of what she looked like was still foggy... which is why I'm thinking that memory took place BEFORE your accident


I think I recommend you having a sit down with Lilian and get yourself comfortable before continuing your conversation with Lilian. Maybe grab a pillow or a soft toy you really like.

And then, Talk to Lilian about your memories of your mother, like this recent one you had, and talk about the confusing contradictions I mentioned like your mom not being mute, and the time period of when you actually started school. Your memories may be unreliable like you said, but I think they're more reliable than you think, and your friends will help straighten things out for you to make them more clearer. They care about you after all, and they want to help you. You just have to believe in them, I think you do too, you trusted Lilian enough to show her your scars after all.
No. 1049114 ID: 22eda9

...Hopefully there's enough time for that.
No. 1049370 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian’s response is... Subdued. She’s surprised, but not as much as I had expected. That seals it, the binder was definitely something about me. About this.

Lillian: “...Can I?”

She has her arm up. I nod. Slowly, she traces the scar around my neck with her fingers. It kind of tickles.

Lillian: “Okay. This is... Real.
Lillian: “Thank you for showing me this. I don’t know if I’d be able to accept it otherwise. Hard not to when it’s right in front of me.”
Franklin: “It’s okay if you know. I trust you.”
Franklin: “So... You believe me now?”
Lillian: “Oh I’ve always believed in you. What you should be asking is: Do I buy the story your dad told you?”
Franklin: “...Well... Do you?”

She sighs.

Lillian: “Well, I guess in a way I can say I believe your dad. Just not how you want me to.”
Franklin: “I’m not following.”

She nods back towards the door.

Lillian: “There’s something I think you should read. Uh, pull that up if you don’t want Lemmy to see it.”

I really don’t want that. I don’t know if there are any good neck or scar puns, but if I ever hear them then I’ll never be able to stop thinking about them whenever I think of this, and I think about this A Lot. I can’t risk hearing them.

Lillian reaches for the doorknob, but freezes midway. She clenches her hand, before turning back to me.

Lillian: “Look, this is... a lot. It really needs to be prefaced.”
Lillian: “Franklin, I want to tell you something that I think is going to freak you out.”
Franklin: “...You want to freak me out?”
Lillian: “No! It’s just Unavoidable!
Franklin: “Oh. Okay.”
Lillian: “...Listen, I don’t have to tell you if you don’t want to hear it. I won’t force you to face something like That.
Franklin: “Why would I not want to know?”
Lillian: “See, now that’s a great question. Problem is, I have no clue what’s going through your mind, but you were happy not knowing before.”
Franklin: “I was? ...I don’t remember that.”
Lillian: “Really? Are you Sure about that?”
Franklin: “...”

I don’t say yes.

Lillian: “...Yeah, thought so.”
Franklin: “...”
Lillian: “Franklin, be real with me. Last night, when you got home after you came to my place with Albert, what happened?”
Lillian: “You ran into Lemmy, and then you passed out, right?”
Franklin: “Yes.”
Lillian: “So, Where did you find Lemmy?”
Franklin: “...”
No. 1049385 ID: 629f2e
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Where did I find Lemmy?

I came home, and I sat down on the couch. I was tired from all the walking and wanted to rest. Then I heard something. In retrospect, I guess it was probably him.

The sound surprised me, so I got up and walked towards it. It was coming from... somewhere I hadn’t heard noise from in the past. The last place I would ever think to check for an intruder.

I saw the doorknob move, which wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a door that I wasn’t supposed to see open, but then I thought about what it could mean. Maybe it was a miracle? I thought I was witnessing something incredible, and that things were going to get better. After all everything that had been going on, I thought something like that would have been a nice balance.

But, then the door opened, and... What was behind it was...

Franklin: “...I think...”
Franklin: “Maybe... I Misunderstood something.”
Lillian: “Misunderstood what?”
Franklin: “...I don’t know... I guess it goes pretty deep. I don’t even understand what it is that I don’t understand.”
Franklin: “Isn’t that scary?”
Lillian: “Hey, Franklin, it’s going to be okay.”
Franklin: “Huh? It’s going to be? So, it isn’t right now?”
Franklin: “...I’m more lost than I thought.”
No. 1049386 ID: 629f2e
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She says something, but I don’t hear it. My head feels light...

I can see things moving. The door to dad's room opens, and suddenly my face gets buried in something soft. A bedsheet? I’m kind of numb, so I don’t really feel it. Lillian is talking again, and I think Lemmy is too? Their voices sound so far away though...

...It feels like my body isn’t mine.

Franklin is dissociating. +10 Fear

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 60/100]

No. 1049387 ID: 629f2e
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???: “Hey... Hey, Wake Up kiddo.”

I moan, letting out a powerful yawn before blinking my eyes open. It's still dark out, but there’s a lamp turned on in the room. Dad is standing next to me, looking unhappy.

Dad: “What are you doing out here this late?”
Me: “...Sleeping?”
Dad: “On the couch?”
Me: “The wha–? *yawn*”

I sit up, still feeling groggy. Sure enough, this isn’t my room. Why did I fall asleep here of all places? A quick turn to my side quickly reminds me what’s going on. I see the Board sitting out right where I left it, and all the Pieces in place.

Me: “Oh. I was waiting for you to come home so that we could play.”
Dad: “Waiting– It’s past midnight! You should have been in bed hours ago– Where’s your sister?”
Me: “...Sleeping?”
Dad: “And why didn’t you follow her example?”
Me: “...Because... you said we could play tonight.”

That’s right. I’ve been waiting to play this game ever since my birthday, but I wanna do it with my whole family. This was supposed to be the night. Dad promised he’d come home early.

Dad: “When did I say that?”
Me: “Last week, when you said that you’d come home early to–”
Dad: “Ah, that. No, you misunderstood me. It should have been obvious hours ago that I didn’t mean tonight.”
Dad: “Your mother and I had a gathering at Brian’s to attend. Have to keep my constituents happy if you like your nice warm dinners. Did your sister cook something nice for the both of you?”

She did, but I don’t answer his question. I’m too focused on what he said before. Did I really misunderstand him?

But... I remember that he said “This Sunday” back then, which is today. He said it! I’m sure he said it. He said he’d play tonight!

Me: “...You said tonight.”
Dad: “Hmm?”
Me: “Last Sunday, you said we’d play this–”
Dad: “For god’s sake, are you too much of a baby to accept when you’re wrong? Have I failed you as a father that badly? Were you raised to never admit to being wrong?”
Me: “N-No. But–”
Dad: “But what? Are you saying that I Lied to you or not?”
Me: “No, I’m not saying–”
Dad: “Then if I said what I meant, then that means you Heard me wrong, didn’t you?”
Me: “I... I...”

My mind goes blank.

I feel stupid for even speaking, why would I call my own dad a liar like that? It’s so gross... I just want to get out of this conversation now.

Me: “...Sorry.”
Dad: “See? That’s all it takes. Now, why don’t you clean this up, and we can talk about playing it later, okay?”
Me: “Okay...”
Dad: “I think I should have a night off next week. Why don’t we set a date tomorrow morning, before I go to work? Promise.”
Me: “Okay.”

He’s usually asleep when I get up for school. If I wake him up, he’ll get mad. He probably doesn’t actually mean morning, I’d be stupid if I assumed he did.

He tussles my hair and kisses me on the head.

Dad: “Night champ. I love you.”
Me: “Love you too.”

I start putting the pieces back in their bags. I guess it should have been obvious that this wasn’t going to happen once Judy went to bed. She’d put a curse on me if I woke her up.

...We’ll get to play another night. He promised after all! Dad... wouldn’t break his promises.

That’s right. He wouldn’t...

I guess... I really did Misunderstand.

No. 1049388 ID: 629f2e
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> …

> I just realized something, Franklin, and I'd like to get your thoughts to make sure we got facts straight: You told Lilian that you had your accident the week BEFORE you started school...

> Yet in that memory of your mom you had, your mom told you to get better from your sickness so you can get back to school, which means you may have actually HAVE been to school BEFORE your accident, even though you just started school the week AFTER your accident.

...None of it makes sense. The more I try to piece it all together, the more I run into contradictions like this.

I don’t want my memories of mom to be wrong, but everything falls apart when I try to accept them.

> I think I recommend sit down and get yourself comfortable before continuing your conversation with Lilian.

Lillian... Lillian!

I sit up quickly, before getting woozy and laying back down. I can hear her talking again, a lot clearer than before.

Lillian: “Franklin!”
Lemmy: “Finally! Yeesh, you picked a good time to go deadweight on us. We’d be dead if we had to wait any longer for you.”
Franklin: “...What happened?”
Lillian: “You worked yourself up and passed out.”
Lemmy: “Again! How many times am I gonna have to watch you collapse?”
Franklin: “Oh... When did we move to my room?”

Last I remember we had been in dad’s room, but now I’m lying on my own bed.

Lillian: “Your dad got back, so we dragged you over here quickly. He hasn’t come upstairs yet, but better safe than sorry.”
Franklin: “Oh...”
Lillian: “...Are you feeling okay?”
Franklin: “...I feel better?”

> I've taken some pretty nasty corners and my head never came off. Are you sure that's how it happened?

I dunno. It made sense to me at the time, but now...

If nothing else, it sounds believable. Limbs are easy to pull off if you put enough force in. That was how Jhonen found out about my scars.

> I do have some bad news to come with this revelation, however; a Grave Message (Sorry for the Lemmyism) so to speak- when we were guiding Albert, he was given a foretelling by a Seer (aka: Not Temmie);

> “Within 48 hours, you will scream with terror as your friend is Beheaded before your eyes.”

> It might be possible to avoid, but if it isn't...

That’s... very bad sounding. Is it supposed to be me? I don’t want it to be, but it’s not much better if it’s one of our other friends either. I am the only kid in town whose lost his head at least once already, I think.

I hope it’s not as bad as it sounds, because it sounds really bad.

> Regardless of how things turn out for you and your Dad relations, I think it's safe to say that he still cares about you. If he's lied about something, it's probably to keep you safe- whether that be literally or emotionally.

...If dad lied to me... then how can I believe whatever reason he gives for why he lied?

Obviously, I can’t tell when he’s telling me the truth or not. I wouldn’t be having all these problems if I could. That’s why this is all so troubling.

> Talk to Lilian about your memories of your mother, like this recent one you had, and talk about the confusing contradictions I mentioned like your mom not being mute, and the time period of when you actually started school. Your memories may be unreliable like you said, but I think they're more reliable than you think, and your friends will help straighten things out for you to make them more clearer. They care about you after all, and they want to help you.

...I think... I may have been trying not to ask them before. I guess I could have asked Lemmy where I found him whenever I wanted to clear things up. I didn’t though. I was scared of what he’d say.

Not dealing with my memories hasn’t really worked out for me so far. If I’m gonna feel so much dread by thinking about the worst possibilities, then maybe I’d be better off learning the truth once and for all. After all, I can dread it forever, but I can only have it confirmed once. Then it can’t hurt me anymore!

> Franklin, I think I understand why you're the only one in Cattenom we can talk to directly.

> You Died.

...But I’m still alive. What are you talking about?

> People are still conscious while beheaded... for about 30 seconds or so.

Okay? So Dad is a really good doctor then. That doesn’t mean I Died, it means that dad works quickly.

I appreciate all of the ideas you guys are tossing out, but I don’t think you thought that one through. People who die stay dead. Even if your heart stops and a doctor restarts it, that isn’t really death. It’s just one part of you not working and then starting back up. Dead is when it all stops, and there’s nothing more to you. There’s no coming back from that.

...I can figure out which theory ended up being right if I just talk to one person... maybe. I still don’t know exactly what was in that binder.
No. 1049390 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “...Lil–”

A roar from downstairs interrupts me, sending a shiver down my spine.

Dad: “JUNIOR! I demand your presence in the living room!”

Uh oh, that did not sound like a happy shout.

I quickly hop out of bed. The others look nervous, so I quickly assure them that it’ll probably be fine maybe. It doesn’t do much, but I don’t have any more time. I rush downstairs, meeting my dad in the living room. He has a very irritated expression, but I’m not sure why.

Franklin: “Hi dad.”
Dad: “Junior, do we need a refresher on the rules of this household?”
Franklin: “...I didn’t put any corpses in the kitchen.”
Dad: “Ah, so you do remember them. Then allow me to pose a different question to you.”


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I did do that.
No. 1049394 ID: 8483cf

>Not dealing with my memories hasn’t really worked out for me so far. If I’m gonna feel so much dread by thinking about the worst possibilities, then maybe I’d be better off learning the truth once and for all. After all, I can dread it forever, but I can only have it confirmed once. Then it can’t hurt me anymore!

This is actually very important. Don’t ask Dad about it, though. He might say you MISUNDERSTOOD even having a sister, and that’s bad. Be careful bringing this up with your dad.

You have a sister!!!

…Had a sister?

Where is she now? This is a big question.

What else have you misunderstood? Can you pull that thread? For example, do you remember what board game you wanted to play? Did your sister ever play it with you?

Oh yeah by the way yes you did desecrate the lab, but that was all. DO NOT TELL HIM YOU LET GUESTS IN.
No. 1049398 ID: e51896

Apologize for not washing your hands.
I think that is the most Franklin answer i can think of.
No. 1049402 ID: 15c72a

Tell him what parts of the lab you touched, so he can clean them.
No. 1049439 ID: 22eda9

>I guess it should have been obvious that this wasn’t going to happen once Judy went to bed. She’d put a curse on me if I woke her up.
...Judy? There's only so many people with that name, so surely it's her, right?
Sounds like the 'sister' theory was... right?

If Dad seems like he's not going to answer questions, you can at least still see what kind of reaction he makes upon saying Judy's name, for example.

Asking about Graduation now could be awkward, but I don't know how much time we have left.

We might need to head back to get Temmie soon.

>Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I did do that.
Luckily, you didn't mess with the temperature! He would probably have been harder to talk to if you did.
...But yes, you totally did do that. I'm not sure the others' hands were clean, either, but for the sake of covering for them, let's say that was also you.

You definitely don't have guests over, and even if you did, they had nothing to do with entering the Lab.


...This isn't a suggestion I'd like to make, but...
You could say you were looking for Judy. It could backfire horribly, and I want to believe she's alive.

If Judy is in fact, dead, and is in fact, your sister, this would probably deal a high amount of emotional damage to your Dad.
I'm not saying I wish that upon either of you, but it could distract him if you need it.
No. 1049440 ID: 22eda9

...However, if Judy merely Graduated, then this might strike your Dad as a very strange thing to say.

It might not be safe to jump to conclusions like this, so maybe just keep the thought on hand.
No. 1049448 ID: a2d88b

Franklin, your dad lied.

Not necessarily when he told you you could play together: Back then, he was merely stating his plans.

But when things didn't go according to plan, he failed to phone home to warn you, then lied to you to cover that up, probably because he can't admit to being at fault.
No. 1050199 ID: 629f2e
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> Yes.

> Oh yeah by the way yes you did desecrate the lab, but that was all. DO NOT TELL HIM YOU LET GUESTS IN.

> Apologize for not washing your hands.

Franklin: “...Yes, I went into the lab. Sorry for not washing my hands.”
Dad: “Confession! You admit that you flagrantly broke one of the most important rules of this house!”
Franklin: “I do.”
Dad: “Have you any defense for your actions?”
Franklin: “...”

I don’t think saying the real reason would be a good idea, so I need a made up one.

> You could say you were looking for Judy.

Franklin: “I was looking for Judy.
Dad: “What, were you playing hide and seek with a friend? Did you fail to inform them of the room’s status of being restricted?”
Franklin: “No... I just didn’t know where she was.”
Dad: “And you suspected she might be in my laboratory why?
Franklin: “...Well... I figured she’d be in this house, and it was the only room I hadn’t checked besides yours and mom’s bedrooms.”
Dad: “Why would your friend be Here?
Franklin: “Not my friend. Judy.”
Dad: “Junior, you’re saying that name like I’m supposed to know who it is. I believe that I’ve been very clear regarding how well I remember the names of all you kids.”
Dad: “That is to say that I never actually bother learning them, and so I never will.”

Does he really not know? Maybe having a bad memory really is genetic, he has to remember Judy.

> Sounds like the 'sister' theory was... right

I haven’t had much time to really sit with the realization, but that last memory when I wasn’t feeling well finally made it clear why I keep thinking about Judy so much. She’s my Big Sister! It feels obvious saying it now, but I really couldn’t remember at all before.

...She’s probably Graduated. In fact, she should be 18 by now if my memory is right, so she should have gotten out of high school. Maybe I can use this topic to move into talking about all that stuff with dad. I want to know what he’ll say about it.

Franklin: “...I’m talking about my big sister.”
Dad: “...”
Dad: “Have you forged my signature on an adoption form without my permission?”
Franklin: “...I don’t think so?”
Dad: “Then I feel confident in saying that you are and have always been an Only Child. I’m uncertain where this delusion of yours originates, but it is a clear fiction.”

No. 1050200 ID: 629f2e
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Again, I’m going through what little I remember and what I’ve been told, and none of it makes sense when put together.

Judy is my sister according to what I recall, but what dad is saying is that she doesn’t even exist. There isn’t an explanation that makes both of these true. Even if there was, it’s not the only one.

Why did I remember school and interacting with other kids in that memory where I was sick and mom was taking care of me? I didn’t start going to school until after the accident, and mom was healthy before then, according to dad.

Mom is Mute and can’t talk, and that’s why she’s never responded when I talk to her through her door, according to dad.

Even though I remember... I’m not allowed to open that door, because mom is recovering from her illness in there, according to dad.

...My memories aren’t... good. I don’t put a lot of weight into them, even when I really want to believe they’re right. My head is just too untrustworthy to believe in it over anyone else. If it was just my memories versus dad’s word... I’d probably believe in him.

But it isn’t. Temmie told me that Judy exists. That’s real, and I don’t have to believe in myself to know it’s true. I can believe in her, and I do. But if that’s true...

Then... Dad is Lying.

...About a Lot of things, I think.
No. 1050201 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “...Oh. Sorry, I got Confused. I thought I had a sister.”
Dad: “How did you come to such a highly incorrect conclusion?”
Franklin: “...Ummm... I dunno. How do we think about any of the things we think of?”
Franklin: “I’m sorry I went into the lab. I was really worried about Judy, and I wanted to be sure she was okay. Knowing she doesn’t exist feels better, because that means it’s all okay.”
Dad: “You can’t be invading the restricted areas of this morgue every time you delude yourself into believing something crazy.”
Dad: “With how common that is, the rules may as well not exist.”
Franklin: “I promise not to do it again. Unless I forget that I promised not to. I’m sorry if that happens.”
Dad: “...”
Dad: “Alright. But the next time this happens, I’ll rip out your arms and stick needles underneath your fingernails.”
Franklin: “That sounds incredibly painful. I don’t want needles under my fingernails...”
Dad: “That’s what makes it an excellent deterrent.”

Looking satisfied, dad walks back to his lab and shuts the door behind him, leaving me standing in the living room by myself.

...I didn’t even bother asking about graduation. He was just going to lie about it, just like all the other stuff he’s said.

No. 1050202 ID: 629f2e
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I head back upstairs to my bedroom. The others are still there.

Lillian: “Everything okay?”
Franklin: “It’s fine.”
Lemmy: “Really? I could have sworn you were about to get some nasty punishment with how he was yelling. How am I supposed to make a pun if there was no punishment?”
Franklin: “...I’m sure you’ll find a way.”
Franklin: “...Lillian?”
Lillian: “I know, I know. You wanna hear that stuff I was gonna show you earlier, don’t you?”

I nod. She seems hesitant, probably because I freaked out earlier. I appreciate the concern, but I also really want to know what she read.

Lemmy: “I still think it sounds like a joke without a punchline. Wouldn’t put much stock into it being true.”
Lillian: “It’s True. I’m sure of it.”
Lemmy: “...Uh, okay?”

She looks right at me. I guess some of the stuff I told her about is what’s making her certain.

Lillian: “...There’s no good way to say this, so I’m just gonna blurt it out. Try to stay calm, okay?”
Franklin: “...I can only promise to try–”
Lillian: “You Died.



...Wait, that one spirit was right!?
No. 1050203 ID: 8483cf

I'm gonna backtrack a little bit. Dad didn't even flinch when we said "Judy" the first time. Maybe we're genuinely confused?

Perhaps death did a number on your head after all. But still, Dad is super suspicious about the whole "Mom is mute and quarantined, trust me."

This is all very confusing.
No. 1050208 ID: 15c72a

So you died, then were brought back to life via experimental science? And due to having been dead for a while, your memories were damaged? Or maybe... ask if they operated on your brain.

Do you remember Judy ever calling you by name?
No. 1050218 ID: 22eda9

I'm... hmm. It feels nice to see my hunches being right, but the other spirit's right, we should backpedal a bit.
Dad had seemingly no reaction whatsoever, which is... odd.

>Maybe we're genuinely confused?
With a situation as complex as Franklin's, it would be weirder if we weren't wrong or confused about something, what's important is trying to work through it.

So... in my opinion, I'm not sure I think Franklin's Dad was lying in this situation, because I'd rather not believe that he's so heartless as to forget his own daughter's name.
At the same time, I don't want to disregard Franklin's memories.

Normally, this would present a pretty serious contradiction, and I believe that contradiction is the key, rather than a "It's one or the other" situation.

Seeing as I've had a few good hunches, I'd like to the idea out there that maybe "Franklin is actually from another world" - or so to speak that "Franklin has memories from two different worlds."
This is obviously a really out there idea, but it doesn't feel that unconvincing. I'm not sure how that would really work though...
Not sure Lillian or Lemmy would buy it though.

An alternative theory I have is that Franklin's Dad somehow genuinely erased his own memories as an alternative method to deal with/avoid grief.
While it might sound more plausible to you all, I'm not really sure I truly believe this theory.

...Granted, all of what I'm saying here is more relevant to Franklin's Dad remembering Judy, and not necessarily Franklin's Mom, which is a separate issue that still needs to be looked into. No amount of theorizing is going to un-schrodinger the cat-box.

On that note... Franklin, do you think you're ready?
No. 1050219 ID: 15c72a

(I think it's more likely that Franklin has brain parts from a different kid. Just like he's clearly got other foreign parts on his body. I don't want to give Franklin an obvious way to walk back his newfound realization that his Dad is a liar, though. He's definitely lying about Franklin's mother. Mostly because the room his mother is supposed to be inside... is a closet.)
No. 1050319 ID: 22eda9

(Right, I was trying to clarify, but maybe it wasn't clear enough.)

Even if he's not lying about Judy, who definitely exists/existed somewhere - just maybe not this world ((sequel foreshadowing?)) he's for sure still lying about something.
It's hard to find someone in this Cattenom who isn't lying or hiding some kind of secret, so surely your Dad is no exception, Franklin.
...Yes, even you, even Enid. Everyone has their reasons.

Also, idle thought, but maybe the memory Dad is a different Dad...
No. 1050747 ID: 22eda9

This is kind of random, but does the word Perpetuity hold any meaning to you, Franklin?
It's the title of a story still being told.

It might be a bit of an archaic word, but in essence the dictionary meaning of the word is along the lines of "The state of remaining the same."
I'm curious what the others in Cattenom think of it, and it might be a key to understanding the mysteries of the town.
No. 1051276 ID: e51896

Whoa, if this doctor dad is a different dad, then that means you have two dads, Franklin. Cool. Not a lot of people get two dads.

Probably means Doctor dad hasn't lied to you, just revived you after your death in your previous world... or maybe we should say previous "life", and he genuinely has no ideas of your past life. To be fair, he did call you his "greatest creation" earlier. So, really, your doctor dad didn't lie after all.

He just didn't want to tell you he revived you because he doesn't think you're ready to handle it yet. He did promise he'd tell you when you were older, like fourteen years old. And after we saw you faint a couple times, yeah... I can believe his concerns of telling you too soon.

Bottom line, Franklin, as far as Doctor Dad goes, even if he is a second dad, I think he still cares deeply about you and had not lied to you about Judy, just genuinely didn't know about her because he never met her.

this is all my speculation though. You should probably have a talk with doctor dad later. For now, lets continue speaking with Lilian.
No. 1051345 ID: 629f2e
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> Franklin, do you think you're ready?

I don’t know, but I don’t want to turn back now.

Franklin: “...But I’m alive, aren’t I?”
Lillian: “Now. You’re alive now.
Franklin: “...I’m confused.”
Lillian: “Yeah, it’s confusing. Just try to stay with me.”

> So you died, then were brought back to life via experimental science? And due to having been dead for a while, your memories were damaged?

Wait, maybe that’s it. Didn’t that other spirit say before that you can live without your head for a bit? Maybe that’s what she means!

Franklin: “Do you mean that when I lost my head, I was dead for a little, and then dad made me better?”
Lemmy: “Wait, what?”

Ah! I forgot he was here and just blurted that out!’

Lillian: “No, I don’t. In fact, that whole story is probably Bogus.
Franklin: “...But, I showed... That doesn’t make sense though.”
Lillian: “It’s like I said, you died. It just... wasn’t as Recent as you think.”

I slowly take a seat on the edge of my bed. I don’t trust my legs not to give out from underneath me if I keep standing.

She takes a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts to explain this bizarre premise.

Lillian: “...Remember what you told me, about your memory and where it kind of stops?
Lemmy: “Seriously, what are you–”
Lillian: “Shut up for a minute; and if you interrupt with even a single pun, I will throw you out that window before you can finish it.”
Lemmy: “Lemmy will be quiet now.”

She turns back to me.

Lillian: “...Franklin, I don’t think your memory stops where it does because you were hurt. It’s the opposite. That was when you got better.”
Lillian: “It’s when you were Born. Or, Reborn. Re– It’s where you came back to life.
No. 1051346 ID: 629f2e
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Wait, but that doesn’t make sense either. If I didn’t have my accident, then how would I have died?

> I'd like to put the idea out there that maybe "Franklin is actually from another world" - or so to speak that "Franklin has memories from two different worlds."
> Probably means Doctor dad hasn't lied to you, just revived you after your death in your previous world... or maybe we should say previous "life", and he genuinely has no ideas of your past life.

A past life? I don’t remember ever being anything other than Me though. I’ve always been me! Even in the memories I only kind of remember.

Franklin: “...Wait, how did that happen though? Dead people don’t come back to life. Dad said... I don’t think it is a thing that happens.”
Lillian: “Not on its own. Give a mortician enough time and scientific knowhow though, and he might try some freaky stuff.”
Franklin: “Dad you mean?”
Lillian: “That binder I read described the whole process. He Stitched your body together from different pieces, and then he blasted it with electricity until you started kicking again.”
Lillian: “He probably fried your brain in the process, and that’s why you can’t remember stuff from before–”
Franklin: “No, I don’t think that’s it.”

You didn’t mean to interrupt, but the words simply found their way to your mouth. She stops, but soon frowns.

Lillian: “I’m not lying to you dude, just–”
Franklin: “Ah... Sorry, that isn’t what I meant. Um...”
Franklin: “When your brain isn’t being fed blood, it starts to go bad. Even just fifteen seconds without your heart pumping can cause brain damage.”
Franklin: “So... If all of that is true... That would be why I can’t remember stuff well. I think.”

I think I need a minute to process this.

Lillian wouldn’t lie to me. I know she wouldn’t, I have to hold on to that belief or else I won’t have anything left to be sure about. So if she said that’s what the binder said, then it is.

That was dad’s binder in his room that I wasn’t supposed to read. It was pretty much just for him. There’s no reason why he would lie to himself. He’s too smart, he’d see right through it.

So, if Lillian is telling the truth, and dad is also telling the truth...


Franklin: “I Died...
Lillian: “...Yeah. Are you gonna be okay?”
Franklin: “Maybe? There’s something I still don’t get though.”
Lillian: “Okay. What’s that?”
Franklin: “Who am I?”
Lillian: “You’re still you. Same as before.”
Franklin: “That’s not true though. I can’t be Franklin Stein, because I only got that name from dad. It was his–”
Lemmy: “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoooooaaa! Ex-cuse me!? Say that again?”
No. 1051347 ID: 629f2e
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Lemmy’s eyes had gone wide, and he was trembling where he stood. Lillian didn’t seem to get why any more than I did.

Franklin: “...I can’t be Franklin Stein–”
Lemmy: “Stop. One more time.”
Franklin: “I... can’t be Franklin Stein–”

He burst into raucous laughter. After a moment Lillian’s eyes go equally wide, before scrunching into a fierce glare that I can only assume was aimed at reality itself.

Lillian: “Oh Goddamnit!
Franklin: “You can’t say that–!”
Lillian: “Franklin, tell me we haven’t been out here uncovering the secret truth to your creation, while your last name has been Stein this whole time.”
Franklin: “...But it is.”
Lillian: “I’m going to punch you now. Look. Look at what you’ve allowed.”

She motions to Lemmy, who is literally rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter. I know dad can tune the rest of the world out while he’s in his lab, but this is definitely pushing the volume threshold.

Lillian: “Look at how happy you’ve made him. You’re a monster.”
Lemmy: “Guy, wait, no seriously– No no no, it’s so much better than just the surface-level pun.”
Lemmy: “Look look– Franklin, what’s your dad’s name?”
Franklin: “Franklin Stein.”
Lemmy: “And he’s a doctor, which makes him–”
Franklin: “Dr. Franklin Stein.”

He tries to keep going, but he keeps interrupting himself to laugh.

Lemmy: “And– *wheeze* –he created you, right? So– So that makes– You’d be.”
Lillian: “Just say it you awful awful person.”
Lemmy: “D-Don’t get it confused... You’re not Franklin Stein, you’re Franklin Stein’s Monster!

He collapses back into an even greater uproar than before. At this rate, I’m genuinely worried that he’s going to lose his voice.

Franklin: “...I’m not a monster.”
Lillian: “Don’t take him too seriously. He just found out Christmas and his birthday are apparently both today, and he’s milking it for all it’s worth.”

I have enough sense to realize she doesn’t mean that literally before asking.

Franklin: “...Lillian?”
Lillian: “Yes?”
Franklin: “Who was I before I died? And... am I still that person?”
Lillian: “...I don’t know.”
Lillian: “Look, you’re still... You. This doesn’t change anything, not about that at least.”
Franklin: “...I’m me...”

Me: “...But I don’t know who that is.”
No. 1051348 ID: 629f2e
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> Do you remember Judy ever calling you by name?

I don’t... I don’t know. I’m trying, but everything around her is still vague.

> Also, idle thought, but maybe the memory Dad is a different Dad...

I guess he would be, wouldn’t he? If those memories are before I was brought back, then those things happened to a different boy with a different family. That means a different dad.

And Judy... she was my sister back then. So now she’s...


Wait, where does she fall in this?

Lillian: “When you’re ready, we can go.”
Me: “Huh? Go where?”
Lillian: “Nnnnno idea. But we’re supposed to keep investigating, aren’t we?”
Me: “Mm-hmm.”
Lillian: “Well, where can we go to do that?”

That... was a good question. Where do we go from here? I guess it depends on what we’re trying to figure out. Different places will have different answers, right?

So... What’s our top priority?

For me... I think it’s a little selfish, but I really want to know more about Myself. Like, what my name is actually, or what happened to Judy, or even just how I died! There’s still so much I don’t understand about it all. Maybe I can come up with somewhere to check if I give it some more thought?

I think Lillian is more concerned about Phillip still, which makes sense. Lemmy’s probably worried about himself too, so they’d both want to check out stuff that might give us clues about Graduation. I’m sure they can come up with something.

And then there’s you guys. You... Um...

Okay, I don’t know what you guys really want exactly. You’re very helpful though, and maybe you have Your Own Ideas about where we should go? Some advice could be nice.

We probably don’t have enough time to do everything. It’s been Two Hours since school ended, and while the sun isn’t going down yet, it should start too soon. I think we can make it to about two, maybe three other locations before curfew. Depends on how much time we spend walking.

What should we do...?
No. 1051351 ID: 15c72a

If Dr. Stein isn't your real dad, that would mean that your real mother shouldn't be here. She's somewhere else!
There's no reason to be scared of that door, Franklin.
No. 1051353 ID: 8483cf

Go for the door!
No. 1051356 ID: e51896

Well, I can think of a few ideas.

maybe either ask Lilian when those records were dated, then head to the library to check for any newspapers around that date and check the obituaries for any kids that died that might look or sound familiar to you

check the graveyard for any tombstones with familiar names that might be your own.

or maybe... this might sound crazy but... what if you asked doctor dad himself? If we do this, it's probably going to take very careful ways of wording things in order for doctor dad to tell us some information... and without getting in trouble. But I have this feeling that it is possible. This option can give us more information about your past, and Graduation. But like I said, getting Doctor Dad to spill the beans I think will be tricky, but I do not think it'll be impossible. Like I said, he probably kept things secret from you because he was worried about how you'd react, but you seemed to have reacted fine to what Lilian told you about your revival.

those are the only three ideas I have so far. I'm Leaning towards talking to your dad personally because I think you'll be able to handle it, but I Might think of more ideas later.


Hey Franklin, also, I just realized. This means you have 2 BIRTHDAYS each year!
No. 1051357 ID: e51896

And I'm going to say, lets not visit mom right now, even if Temmie told us to. I really don't think Franklin is ready for that until he gets more information. His fear level is pretty high right now after all.
No. 1051384 ID: 22eda9

>Dr. Franklin Stein and Franklin Stein Jr.
Okay, I gotta give this one to Lemmy, that's pretty culturally significant for us as well, to an amusing degree.

So, if I'm being perfectly honest, I do feel like you're pretty close to figuring everything out- however, the fortune you received more or less stated as much that you wouldn't have enough time to figure it all out. I don't know if you'll have more time later when this is all over, but it feels like you have enough to work off of, potentially even without us.

See if you can nab a notebook and some paper for organizing your thoughts for the future, about yourself, and so on. I'm sure it'll help you a lot when we're gone.

The other group just reached the Abandoned Plant (hopefully unseen by Aiden) - if that turns out to be relevant to Graduation, it might be redundant to look for more now. If not though, then you guys will have to find a new lead somehow.

>What We Want?
I don't know about the others, but what I hope for you guys in Cattenom is a combination of Safety and Growth. What that means for everyone is a little different.
Sure, the Graduation thing is... worrying, but to me, that's personally secondary.

With Roger, we learned of Cattenom in a safe environment. We might have been able to help him more if things were different. We helped him reach a Compromise at least.

For Albert, we managed his Pain, his Mysteries, and helped him Reconcile with Lillian.

For Clive... well, we're struggling alongside him and his troubles, I guess. I don't know if he can heal the rift that's been made between him and the others, or if he'll be safe, if his secret will remain hidden. I worry about a lot with him, and I don't know what's best for him. I just wish he'd be more Vocal about his opinions, I guess.

For You, I'd say we Guided your Disorganized Thoughts- for those grounded in 'reality', many of the unusual things about your life are hard enough to comprehend or demystify with Cattenom's common sense/logic that often they may well just shrug it off as merely another 'Franklin Mystery:tm:' or 'Something clearly impossible' and move on.

Personally, I'd like you to make a Decision on Whether or not you're going to visit your Mom. (Your Second Mom?)
I say Decision, because at this point, I think I'm fine with you just simply saying "No" because I'm honestly worried that doing so would irreparably effect you negatively if things were as horribly wrong as the many signs have been pointing to be the case.
If you're still not sure, I would suggest asking Lemmy if he thinks you should or not.

Also, I'm still worried about your Neck.

Location Ideas (from most to least strongly suggested);
-Dad (Probably still willing to talk.)
-Your Idea
-Lemmy's Idea
-Lillian's Idea
-Mom's Room
-??? (Search for info on Jhonen)
-Try to Re-Decipher Temmie's Fortune with Us, Lemmy and Lillian (not a place, but likely takes one's worth of time.)
-Call it Quits and head to Temmie's Early. (Meeting up with everyone else sooner may be a good thing, it might not. We don't know.)

If there's only time to go to two or three locations, one of those has to be Temmie's, right?
No. 1051430 ID: 22eda9

To be specific, the point about Temmie isn't something I'm sure about.
"You'll know when" - ...But we don't yet.
I wonder if something's coming that all of Cattenom will be aware of soon.
No. 1052255 ID: 629f2e
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> Hey Franklin, also, I just realized. This means you have 2 BIRTHDAYS each year!

Does being resurrected count as being born? Maybe I have one birthday and one re-birthday.

...Wait, I have to figure out when I was originally born before I can celebrate both. My friends would definitely help me figure it out if they knew bonus cake was on the line.

> The other group just reached the Abandoned Plant (hopefully unseen by Aiden) - if that turns out to be relevant to Graduation, it might be redundant to look for more now. If not though, then you guys will have to find a new lead somehow.

Aiden? Were we concerned about him? I don’t remember anyone mentioning him during all the graduation talk.

He’s a bit like Temmie in that he doesn’t get out of the house very much. I’ve at least seen him in the field and park though, usually on the weekends. I think it’s because he has a lot of chores to help out with at home.

I’ve played with him a few times during recess, and he seemed nice. Maybe a bit sensitive, but I dunno if he’d tattle on us to anyone.

> Maybe ask Lilian when those records were dated, then head to the library to check for any newspapers around that date, or obituaries for any kids that died that might look or sound familiar to you

I try asking Lillian about the dates, but she doesn’t have a good answer.

Lemmy: “Did you check out any of the pages after the experiment ones?”
Lillian: “Not really.”
Lemmy: “They were observations on Franklin’s development, but they didn’t really have dates either. They just listed how many days after the experiment they were.”
Lemmy: “Also, you were apparently really bad at names for like the first month.”
Me: “That makes sense, I guess. I had to learn all new ones.”
Lemmy: “Yeah, no need to be lame and blame the shame of not knowing names on ya.”
Me: “...I feel like there’s a joke there, but the only part I understood is that you were rhyming.”
Lemmy: “Well as much as I’d like to bring it to a punchline, I have a feeling that if I do the dame will maim. Someone should tame her.”

Lillian doesn’t hit him, but the look she shoots definitely isn’t kind.

> If Dr. Stein isn't your real dad, that would mean that your real mother shouldn't be here. She's somewhere else!

Yeah... I kind of realized that too. Even if there is someone in that room, she wouldn’t be the mom from my memories, right?

If there isn’t... Then Lillian and Lemmy are right, and... so is my memory.

> There's no reason to be scared of that door, Franklin.
> Go for the door!
> Personally, I'd like you to make a Decision on Whether or not you're going to visit your Mom. (Your Second Mom?)

I already know what to expect. I should just get it over with, shouldn’t I? It’s never going to get any easier than this, and even now it’s pretty tough. I’ve wanted to open that door for so long, but dad made it really clear I never could.

And I’m about to open it anyways.

...If there really is someone on the other side despite everything, I’m going to feel really bad about this. And then very confused about how to feel about them.

Me: “...I’m gonna go downstairs.”
Lillian: “Want us to come with, or should we wait here?”
Me: “You can come. I just want to check something.”-
Lemmy: “Is it the Closet? It’s the Closet isn’t it? Y’know the door in the living room that leads to the Closet, and not a bedroom like you said yesterday?”

He ducks to the side, avoiding the slap from Lillian. He’s learning.

Me: “...That is what I wanted to do, yes.”
Lemmy: “Okay, that’s what I thought. Looks like my guess was the closet-st!
Lillian: “It’s not even a good pun! I wouldn’t like it if it was, but that’s just awful.”
Lemmy: “Aw, I was hoping you’d a-door that one.”

They keep bickering as we go downstairs. Dad doesn’t leave his lab, which is good. He’d stop me if he knew what I was doing.

I step into the living room and see it. Same place as always, and shut as per usual.

Me: “...You guys promise there... really isn’t anything on the other side of this?”
Lemmy: “I was sleeping in there for like, three hours. If there was actually a bed, my neck wouldn’t have felt so stiff last night.”
Lillian: “Your dad lied about a bunch of stuff. This is just one more thing.”
Me: “...I’m opening the door.”

I grab the handle, and slowly pull it open...
No. 1052256 ID: 629f2e
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...I open my eyes.

And it’s just a closet.

Me: “...I forgot how I’m supposed to feel about this. Is this a good outcome, should I be happy?”
Lillian: “I dunno, happy?”
Me: “I mean, I don’t have a sick mom in here, which is nice. I hated my mom being sick, it was really sad. But now I don’t know if I even have a mom, which is also sad?”
Me: “My emotions haven’t really caught up enough for me to start feeling them.”
Lillian: “Preaching to the choir. Who knows what we’re supposed to be feeling about all this?
Lemmy: “...”
Lemmy: “I feel hungry.”

He walks off into the kitchen, leaving me and Lillian by the closet. After double checking to make sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing, I shut the door.

Then, I take a deep breath... and let it out...
No. 1052257 ID: 629f2e
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Me: “Okay. This is fine, I think.”
Lillian: “Really?”
Me: “Well... My mom isn’t Here like I thought she was. And my dad isn’t actually my dad.”
Me: “But my mom and dad are Somewhere, so I just have to find them now. That makes sense, right?”
Lillian: “Yeah... I mean, if you were buried here, then your family is probably still in the area, right?”
Me: “That’s what I think. And if I can find them, then I can ask them questions.”
Me: “Like what my real name is, or how I died, where Judy is, and if they’re part of the graduation thing going on here.”
Me: “...I’m kind of hoping they aren’t. I definitely remember Judy being older than you need to be to graduate, so maybe they’re against it?”

Huh. Maybe Judy stays inside all day so that nobody can come and force her to go to high school. That could explain why nobody’s seen her! But that’s just a theory.

> This might sound crazy but... what if you asked doctor dad himself? He probably kept things secret from you because he was worried about how you'd react, but you seemed to have reacted fine to what Lilian told you about your revival.

...How can I believe anything he says when everything he told me before were lies? I want to hear the truth from him, but what if he’s honest and I think he’s telling another lie? Or what if he lies, and I fall for it again? I don't know if I can trust him anymore... He didn’t even tell me my name, unless it was also Franklin before I died. I guess that isn’t impossible.

What do you guys think? Should I try talking to Dad? If not, then I’m gonna have to come up with something myself to learn more about my past.
No. 1052267 ID: e51896

WAIT! Before we decide whether to speak with Dr. Dad or not... I really want to know WHY he lied about your mom not being in here. I really see no reason as to why he had the need to lie about her being here and sick when she wasn't other than keeping you out of this particular closet. Personally, I think he is hiding something from you in this closet... I think we should investigate the closet while we still can, and more importantly, those two boxes up there. Ask Lilian to give you a boost to get those boxes if you can't reach them, then quickly bring them to your room to look at.

And ultimately, as far as your father goes, let's not jump to conclusions just yet, I hate misunderstandings after all. Keep in mind these are my speculations, but There are some things to take into consideration as to why he might have lied to you, and some of those reasons might be due to him genuinely not knowing, and him being worried about how you might take the news.

for him genuinely not knowing, it could be that he really doesn't know your real name. He probably just picked up some random dead body parts, and put them together to make you. Maybe he never paid attention to the details of your past, just wanted to revive a body... maybe he wanted a son or daughter but couldn't after he lost his wife (assuming she's dead since we don't see her around, there was that picture of her after all, so we know your second mom existed) So he revived you instead to be your son? So he probably wouldn't be able to tell you your real name if he never took the time to learn about the person your brain belonged to.

As for him worrying about how you might react, it's like I said before, you did faint a couple of times after you discovered Lemmy in that closet, and fainted again when you were asked where you found Lemmy by Lilian. Maybe that's one of the reasons why dr. dad didn't want to tell you this stuff about your reincarnation until you were fourteen, because he feared you would of fainted about hearing how you were revived and stuff, and not see him as your father. He was worried you wouldn't be able to handle the truth.

I kind of think of it like... for example, there are some kids that get adopted at an early age, and they don't know they were adopted into a different family. so they are lead to believe that their parents that adopted them are their biological, or real parents so that can have an enjoyable childhood without feeling like they may have been rejected by their real parents. But when the child is older and at an age where they are wiser, and more understanding, like when dr. dad was planning on telling you when you were older, that is probably when they are ready to be told they are adopted, so they can better process the information and be more understanding. Telling them when they're younger would probably make the adopted child sad, thinking their parents doesn't love them and left them to be adopted, or shun their adopted parents because they are not their real parents or something. It might be kind of like that with Dr. Dad. He probably wanted you to have a peaceful childhood and not have you worry about this confusion until you were ready to process it.

BUT, even this is a reason as to why, and his intentions may have been seen as good from his perspective thinking it would help you live a normal childhood, it was the wrong way for him to handle it. He really should have told you earlier and not wait until you're older, and you should be mad at him for that. However, I can understand where he's coming from. But keep in mind he has been taking care of you for this long, so maybe he does have love for you as a father figure, even if he's kinda bad at being a father and is insecure.

So yeah, ultimately, check those boxes, and anything else that might be in the closet. Depending what we might find, we'll determine whether we are ready to talk to dad or not.
No. 1052276 ID: e51896

Also, I'm starting to wonder if the stuff in this closet actually belongs to your second mother, and if dr. dad is preserving her memory keeping her stuff in here. If that is the case, then in a way, a part of your second mom was indeed in here, just in spirit and memory.

If that's the case, maybe we should leave the boxes alone, and go straight to speaking with dad. But... then again, maybe there would be a clue to help us in those boxes?

I'll leave it to the others to decide whether to check the boxes or not. If we don't, then yeah, go talk to dad.

(if we speak with dad, we can start by offering to help with whatever he is working on in the lab)
No. 1052277 ID: 8483cf

I'm going to say yes, talk to Dad, but only AFTER you journal all your realizations on paper, and give them to someone you trust to keep them safe.

Writing ideas down almost always helps ferret out more details and draw better conclusions.

First and foremost, Dad has respect for the scientific method. He's a jerk sometimes, and doesn't relate well to people, but his respect for facts and reasoned determinations is unquestionable. Having a well-thought-out set of facts and determinations (and hypotheses) will earn his respect, and he'll have fewer reasons to conceal the truth from you, if you've figured out more than half on your own. I'm just ballparking that 50% number, but I think we passed that point right after Dad made us reconsider whether we had a sister after dying.

The second reason for the journal is so, just in case things go bad and we forget everything again, we have a way to re-learn everything quickly. If our mind fog is because of something Dad's done (worst case) or is part of why we're not dead-dead (best case), then this is just common sense.

We don't have all the pieces yet, but this will help.
No. 1052279 ID: 5f4c71

There's another interesting question: If this is just a small closet, what occupies the space where your mom's room supposedly was? Is there a secret room in the house?
No. 1052306 ID: 15c72a

That's a big fat no to talking to Dad. He just threatened to rip off your arms.
No. 1052354 ID: e51896

Here is another idea if we decide not to talk to dad

What if we sneaked into Jhonen's house? he apparently discovered something about you before he graduated. The adults probably got rid of the evidence, but Knowing him, he probably hid some stuff before he was captured. The hard part would be trying to get IN his house, especially if we want to sneak in. But if Jhonen was able to sneak into your home before, so can you.

Another idea would be to probably see how Jolene is doing, find out why she was out in the rain. I'm not sure if she is back home, or still in the hospital though. Bec said she brought her there while the only info we got from the teacher was that she was sick...
No. 1052500 ID: 22eda9

I think I'm personally against looking in the boxes- although if just opening the closet was bad for preserving whatever was in there, that's been a done deal since Lemmy crashed by. That aside, I think it would make Dad genuinely livid.

In terms of Graduation, I feel like understanding more about Pastlin instead of Franklin and his current family is... potentially dangerous?

My hypothesis is... that Dad, like Franklin here, also has some trauma. Enough to pursue the art of resurrection- the means meeting the ends to bring back his wife.

Dad might be overjoyed to hear that you remember memories from your brain's past life at best (if he's got Mom's brain preserved somewhere), dismiss it as more nonsense, or at worst... I can think of two different outcomes, one being that he tells you the truth and it wrecks you emotionally (I could be wrong about that part) or that he Graduates you.

Franklin, could you ...give Lillian a brief rundown on how you've been remembering things that happened to "someone else" (aka still you, 'cause it's your brain) in a Graduation-Fear free life, and then her opinion on talking to Dad?

I like these ideas, but I'm not sure when the best time for them would be.
No. 1052529 ID: 22eda9

I feel like I'm honestly pulling at straws here with the
>"Wants to resurrect his wife"
thought, but I've been surprisingly pretty on track with a lot of this stuff so far, so maybe this isn't too far off the mark.

I could still be wrong though, and this so called mad-scie- sorry, doctor, is a lot better at moving on than would be ...stereotypically expected.

Also, just throwing out the idea again, but, Franklin- make sure you share more of what you're thinking with... well, not us, you already do that (for now), but everyone else.
It's tricky trying to figure out that filter, what's fine to say, what's not fine to say, what you don't want to say, what you're willing to. Never really gets easier.

I'm sure of how often it's been happening since we're in your headspace too, but all this thinking sometimes makes you halt in place, but what I do know is that at least some of your friends get worried when you do that, regardless of whether they're used to it or not.
While it might take a while for both you and them to get used to the new level of... chattiness, as it were, not sorting through all your thoughts alone will likely help.

That's probably why we were able to be as helpful as we have been to you.
No. 1052536 ID: 38349b


> Sees someone present a Jhonen centric option

Listen we have to pick this now, we're in THE pov for this with THE guy who spent the most time with Jhonen, if anyone can know where his hidden knowledge may have been overlooked at, it's you.

At the very minimum, you can use the excuse of having *forgotten* jhonen had graduated and that you left some stuff over, thinking you'd play and it was weird you hadnt seen him.

Yes it's a little sus, but you're LITERALLY the guy to pull this off.
No. 1052541 ID: c58093

Very good point. I think Franklin can pull that off. Im sure Jhonen has stolen his stuff before, so just saying you've come to see Jhonen, and wanted to search his room to get some stuff back can work. Might have some info on Graduation too since i think whatever he found out about you was something that got him graduated. We can even have Lilian distract his parents, or break a window again if it comes to it.

Hopefully his parents didnt take all the evidence, but I think Jhonen might have some hidden places he's keeping evidence that even his parents doesnt know of.

i also realize there is plenty of time to talk to your dad when you get back home from Jhonen's place. So yeah, I'll change my vote to visiting Jhonen's house and see if we can get a little more information on yourself, and whatever the adults are hiding, and then see dr. Dad after our visit.

If we can sneak in without having to speak to his parents though, that's be ideal too.
No. 1052964 ID: 629f2e
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> WAIT! Before we decide whether to speak with Dr. Dad or not... I really want to know WHY he lied about your mom not being in here.

I hadn’t thought about why he did it, but now that I have I’m not sure. Maybe he just keeps lying to me because he’s a liar.

> I really see no reason as to why he had the need to lie about her being here and sick when she wasn't other than keeping you out of this particular closet.

You think so? If he just wanted me to stay out though, couldn’t he have just locked the door? All his story did was make me want to see it open at some point, I don’t think that’s the effect he wanted.

> I think we should investigate the closet while we still can, and more importantly, those two boxes up there.

> I'm starting to wonder if the stuff in this closet actually belongs to your second mother, and if dr. dad is preserving her memory by keeping her stuff in here.

...I don’t think I have a second mother.

I just had the one, and then dad... well, The Doctor just made me think she was in here. Even if that picture of him and his wife is real, I’ve never actually seen her. She’s not actually my mom, just what I Thought my mom looked like.

...I think. If the doctor is actually my dad, then I guess she would be my mom still. I guess it would make sense for him to put me back together if I was his son and something bad happened to me. I do kind of hope that’s the case, because it’s a little easier then. I’d still just be Franklin, instead of not knowing who I am.

I don’t know if the stuff in this closet is hers or not, but that doesn’t seem important to me. All I can see without looking closer are a number of jackets, dresses, lab coats, and even a couple fancy shirts. Just to be sure though, I check one of the boxes on the floor.

The box is much lighter than expected, and I quickly realize why. It’s empty. There’s a hole at the bottom of it.

...Oh, there’s also a hole in the floor, at least a few feet deep. I think the doctor was keeping some of his Inventions in here.

> I'm going to say yes, talk to Dad, but only AFTER you journal all your realizations on paper, and give them to someone you trust to keep them safe. Writing ideas down almost always helps ferret out more details and draw better conclusions.

That’s not a bad idea. I think my friends have suggested I keep a diary to help me remember things before, but I never did for some reason. Probably because I forgot.

I shut the closet door and turn to Lillian.

Me: “I want to go write some things down, so that I don’t forget them.”
Lillian: “You could always just tell me. I can usually remember important junk.”
Me: “That’s true... But I think I should still write them.”
Lillian: “If you say so.”

I grab a notebook out of my room and start writing on it, just going in whatever order feels right.

I had a sister named Judy.

My mom was nice and made me feel safe.

I misunderstood dad a lot.

I died.

Everything before dying is fuzzy and hard to remember.

The doctor brought me back from the dead.

My scars are from when he put me together.

My name probably isn’t Franklin Stein.

My mom isn’t sick in the closet.

The doctor probably isn’t my dad, and his wife probably isn’t my mom.

Is that it? It doesn’t feel like everything. What else...?

Aren’t there other things about Judy that I just kind of know? Not anything I remember happening, but things that are just there when I think about her? I try writing that.

Judy was 15 three years ago.

Judy has long black hair, wears dark clothes, and likes the occult.

Temmie knows about Judy.

I blink, surprised at my own hand for writing that last tidbit. It’s true, Temmie gave me a fortune about Judy, so she has to understand something, right?

But if Temmie gets her fortunes from you guys, doesn’t that mean You know about her too? Can you tell me whatever you told her?

Oh well, I think that’s enough for now. I take the paper and put it in my pocket for later.
No. 1052965 ID: 629f2e
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> Another idea would be to probably see how Jolene is doing, find out why she was out in the rain. I'm not sure if she is back home, or still in the hospital though. Bec said she brought her there while the only info we got from the teacher was that she was sick...

That’s something we could probably do later. I know Jolene lives in the apartment block like Albert, but I dunno which one she stays in. If she’s still at the hospital though, I should be able to see her easily enough.

I don’t know if now’s a good time, but remind me to stop by later if there’s time.

> What if we sneaked into Jhonen's house? he apparently discovered something about you before he graduated. The adults probably got rid of the evidence, but Knowing him, he probably hid some stuff before he was captured.

Jhonen’s House? I hadn’t thought of that, but...

Jhonen did a Lot of experiments on me. I don’t understand a lot of it, but I always remember him saying how weird my whole body was. I guess I have a better idea why that is now, but I know where he kept all of that stuff in his room. If he found out anything else... It could still be there!

And you said he discovered something? I guess Lillian may have been right with her guess about that fortune earlier then.

Come to think about it, he was saying some weird stuff the last time I saw him. Not too weird, I don’t want to bring up how weird the meaning of weird is again, but... I just mean that the things he was shouting were a little different than normal. Just a little. It could be nothing I think, but maybe it’s Something?

I still want to talk to da- the doctor, but maybe it’d be better to do that later? He’s lied to me already, and I believed him because I didn’t know better. If I can figure out as much as I can about myself, then maybe I’ll be able to tell if he does it again.

I walk back over to the others, who are still discussing places we could go. If I’m going to say anything, it’s now or never.

Me: “...Do you think we could go to Jhonen’s house?

They pause, turning to look at me.

Me: “I think... Jhonen figured something out before he graduated. Something about me. If we go over, I think we could find out what it was.”
Lemmy: “Ehhhh don’t freak out, but I don’t think it’s worth visiting The Freak’s place.”
Me: “Really? Why not?”
Lemmy: “I get that it’s important to you, but that’s ‘cuz you’re focused on your past or whatever. I dunno, I’m only vaguely following your personal journey.”
Lemmy: “Finding out who your real dad is or whatever doesn’t really change anything for the rest of us. Unless you know some way that your past connects to graduation?”

I look over at Lillian to see how she feels, and her expression is conflicted. It makes sense, she wants to rescue Phillip, and this doesn’t really help with that, but she probably wants to help me too. If I don’t come up with some way it connects, I think she’ll side with Lemmy on this.

What part of my past can tell us something about graduation?

Me: “...It Connects.
Lemmy: “It does?”
Me: “...My sister Judy was fifteen years-old in my memories. But she was still at home with me, mom, and dad. She Didn’t Graduate.
Me: “So... If I can find out more about her, like Temmie said I can today, then we should find out something about graduation also. Like, why it didn’t apply to her.”
Me: “...I’m pretty sure.”

Lemmy opens his mouth, but pauses to consider what you just said. Lillian finally decides to speak up.

Lillian: “Y’know, Jhonen looks into a bunch of crazy mystery junk. Most of it is crazy fake sounding, but... Technically, he was on the right track with Franklin.”
Lillian: “He might have better instincts than we gave him credit for.”
Lemmy: “I mean, saying Franklin is weird isn’t an award-winning theory. Besides, his reasoning for why was way off.”
Lillian: “That’s true... Still, it’s not impossible that he may have looked into graduation. If we can find something about it in his place, that’d be worth a visit, wouldn’t it?”
Lemmy: “Hmmm...”
No. 1052967 ID: 629f2e
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Lemmy: “Yeah, I guess it would be.”

After about five or six minutes of walking, Lemmy finally chimes in with that remark

Me: “What would be?”
Lemmy: “Investigating Jhonen’s. It could definitely be worth it.”
Me: “...Huh?”
Lillian: “Lemmy, that conversation ended a long time ago.”
Lemmy: “I know, but if they ever novelize what we’ve been through, then I’ve set up a perfect scene transition. You’re welcome future editors!”

I stare at Lemmy, slowly blinking twice, before shaking my head and accepting that I simply do not understand what he is talking about. Lillian doesn’t treat it like it’s anything important though, so I’m probably fine.

More importantly, we’d made it to Jhonen’s house. His parents usually aren’t home at this time, but I try knocking anyways.

...Not even a peep of movement from inside. They are out.

Lillian: “Any chance Jhonen gave you a spare key?”
Me: “I don’t think so.”
Lillian: “Well, then this was a bust. Sorry, maybe we can swing by later?”
Lemmy: “We could probably check if any of the windows are unlocked first. Not bragging, but I’m pretty much an expert on breaking in now.”
Me: “Really? Do you have a plan for if they’re all locked?”
Lemmy: “Yes!”
Lillian: “Is the plan giving up?”
Lemmy: “Yes!”

She sighs. Slowly, we start circling the building to test out every ground floor window. We have to be sneaky and keep a lookout to make sure nobody sees us trying to break in, but thankfully I don’t think anybody notices us. Though I do catch Rosie from class heading towards the clearing.

The two in the front are shut, as are the ones in the back. There is one last ray of hope though.

Lemmy: “Yeah there’s no way any of us are fitting through that.”

The back door had a Pet Door installed! Jhonen doesn’t have a pet, but according to him his parents had one before he was born. They must have put off removing it for a while.

Lillian shoves her arm through it, but can’t squeeze past her shoulder. It’s the same for Lemmy and me. Unfortunately, it’s too low for us to reach the door’s lock either.

Lillian: “Maybe if we had a long stick or something...?”
Lemmy: “I think this has the kind of lock where it’s a small twisty thing in the middle of the sphere. Even with something like that, it’d be a pretty sticky situation.”
Lillian: “Less puns, more solutions.”
Me: “Hmm... Oh! I have an idea.”

The words leave my mouth before I process my idea, and I regret saying them afterwards. The others look at me expectantly.

Me: “...I think I can reach it with my arm.”
Lillian: “You already tried that, didn’t you?”
Me: “Only with one. If I use Both arms, I think I can make it.”

She blinks, as I start rolling up one of my sleeves. I quickly peek around to make sure there definitely isn’t anyone else watching before I pull the sleeve past my scar. No point hiding it from Lillian and Lemmy, they already know. Lillian’s even seen the neck one already, which is a lot worse looking I think.

Lillian: “...How would that– That wouldn’t extend your Reach though. How would using both–”
No. 1052968 ID: 629f2e
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I rip my arm off.

Suddenly, Lillian and Lemmy start screaming VERY loudly! What happened to Stealth?
No. 1052969 ID: a320af

It's because you ripped your arm off! That's why they're screaming! Normal people don't do that! You're scaring them!
No. 1052975 ID: e51896

*deep breaths*

Jeez! I almost fainted! Franklin, people having their limbs removed severely hurts people that haven't been revived and stitched back together and doesn't feel much pain like you have, and is really gruesome, Thank goodness you aren't bleeding out, or this could have gone a lot worse.

Man, just how much fear points did Lilian and Lemmy get from that?! In any case, just open the door with your arm quick before the screaming attracts attention!
No. 1052976 ID: 8483cf

That's highly unusual, an arm coming off. Does your dad have rigorous engineering standards? Presumably it wasn't designed to come off. Is it sewn in with cardboard? Cardboard derivatives?
No. 1052978 ID: e51896

Oh, and this is going to sound lame, but in order to calm Lemmy down a little to stop the screaming and avoid attention, you'll need to make a dumb pun. Say something like "what? I thought you guys needed a hand getting in." Yeah it's a lame joke, and I'm cringing over it, but it's better to have Lemmy laughing than screaming. Might also get Lilian angered enough to calm down a little too over that pun and getting Lemmy to laugh annoyingly.
No. 1052979 ID: 22eda9

'Watch out! He's armed!'

...Hooh, boy. Just, uh, make sure to warn people the next time you do that. Typically when people's parts come undone, they have to tear the still active muscles which would feel the full pain of what you just did. Even though it's not their arm, they probably imagined that pain.

You can't, like, do that with your eyes, can you? That'd be really weird, pulling it out to look around a corner.

...Please don't try that.
No. 1052986 ID: a2d88b

Oh yes, a lame pun is the best idea now.
No. 1053808 ID: 629f2e
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You too? Did I do something wrong?

> It's because you ripped your arm off! That's why they're screaming! Normal people don't do that! You're scaring them!

...But I’m not normal?

I know that This isn’t normal, but I kind of thought we covered this already. I mean, Lillian said that my body was stitched together, so shouldn’t pulling limbs off make sense? I mean, they’re only held on by stitches, she said so herself.

> Does your dad have rigorous engineering standards? Presumably it wasn't designed to come off.

No. No he does not.

My arm comes off about once a month at least. Sometimes more when Jhonen wants to run tests on them, he thinks it’s cool. The first time he saw it happen was actually an accident. He cuffed me, and I was trying really hard to pull away, but my arm didn’t follow.

And then he passed out. Okay, I guess maybe I should have expected some sort of negative reaction here, but I really thought it wasn’t a surprise now.

> This is going to sound lame, but in order to calm Lemmy down a little to stop the screaming and avoid attention, you'll need to make a dumb pun.

Me: “Oh, watch out. I’m armed.

I make finger guns with my dismembered hand, like I see Lemmy do sometimes. Can’t do both, holding the arm with the other one.

Lemmy stops screaming, making a weird face. That’s progress, right? Lillian’s voice just gradually lowers, until she’s not screaming with her voice at least. Her face still feels like it’s screaming, if that makes sense.

I pause those thoughts, as I swear I hear something a few yards over. A gate opening up maybe? That could be someone wanting to check up on all the screaming. That would be bad, I think. Right? Stealth was definitely supposed to be a part of this.

They shouldn’t be able to follow us inside unless it’s the Horvitzes, right? It probably isn’t them, so heading in seems like a good idea. I stick my dismembered arm through the pet door, reach up, and unlock it. The door opens easily after that, so I wave the others through.

Me: “Come on, let’s go inside.”
Lemmy: “...Okay?”
Lillian: “Yeah, let’s... do that.”

They slowly hobble in behind me, and I shut the door. Hopefully that wasn’t too frightening for them.

You notice that Lillian and Lemmy were a bit shaken by your prior dissociation, resulting in previously unnoticed Fear gain
[Lillian is a little on edge]
They both seem slightly traumatized by your sudden limb removal. +10 Fear for Lemmy, +5 for Lillian
[Lemmy’s smile is looking a lot more forced]

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 60/100]
[Lillian: 28/100]
[Lemmy: 54/100]

No. 1053809 ID: 629f2e
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Me: “...Are you guys okay?”
Lillian: “Are we– Are you!?
Me: “I think so.”
Lemmy: “Franklin, I gotta hand it to you, this is weird even by your standards.”
Me: “This is normal for me actually. Here, can you hold this?”

I hold my arm out to Lillian, who just stares at it for a few seconds. Eventually she takes it, letting me dig through my shirt and pull out my First-Aid Kit.

Lemmy: “Uh, I think you’re gonna need a little more than a bandage for that.”
Me: “That’s okay. I have more than just bandages.”

I give him a thumbs up, unconsciously trying to do so with both hands. Lillian screams again, dropping my arm. I wince when it hits the floor, rubbing the nub it connects to.

Lillian: “It moved!?”
Me: “...Yes? You’ve seen it move before.”
Lillian: “That was you– You can move it when it’s not attached!?”
Me: “Well, yeah. It’s still My arm, why wouldn’t I be able to?”

I make it wave from the ground to demonstrate. Both of them take a step back. Weird.

I set the limb on the dining room table. I’ve done this here plenty of times, so nothing about this really feels unnatural. From my first-aid kit, I take out a needle and thread.

Me: “This is going to take a minute. Do you want to watch, or–”
Lemmy: “I’m not gonna believe any part of this actually happened unless I watch it all.”
Lillian: “Yeah, I couldn’t look away if I wanted to.”

Well if they insist. I poke the arm into myself, letting out a small “ow” as I start reconnecting the limb.

It’s honestly a pretty boring process, just doing the same motion over and over again. I’m a little out of practice doing it solo too. Usually Jhonen helps me put it back, and we’ll watch cartoons while he holds it for me.

...Thinking about that actually gets me a little sad. I miss not having to explain stuff to him. He was Used to me, even the parts of me that I don’t even show most others. Having someone like that felt nice...
No. 1053810 ID: 629f2e
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I pause mid-stitch. That had been the front door.

I turn to the others, who are frozen in place as well. Lillian holds a finger to her lips, silently telling us to be quiet.

We wait...





And then... nothing.

After about a minute, Lillian slowly approaches the window to peek outside.

Lillian: “I think they left.”
Lemmy: “phew! Get a look at who it was?”
Lillian: “Probably just a neighbor who heard the noise.”
Lillian: “As long as nobody saw us come in, we probably don’t need to worry? ...Keep an eye out when we leave though.”
Lemmy: “I’m fine with going out the back when we do. It worked fine coming in.”

I stand up, flexing my re-stitched arm.

Me: “Alright, I’m done. Do you want to see Jhonen’s room?”
Lemmy: “No.”
Me: “...”
Lemmy: “...We can go anyways though.”
No. 1053811 ID: 629f2e
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I lead the way, being the only one who has ever been up to Jhonen’s bedroom apparently. The others approach the door warily, unconvinced that Jhonen wouldn’t set some sort of weird boobie trap out of fear of his research being stolen. I assure them that his mom made him take down the net, which does not put smiles on either of their faces.

Jhonen’s room is... kind of a Mess to be honest. Not like when kids just leave stuff on the floor, he isn’t lazy. It’s more that he just has way too much stuff in here.

Every surface in the room is covered in evidence he’s collected. Vials of fluid, bags of DNA, sketches of creatures you’ve never before seen, rolls of film, books he uses for research, etc. It’s a lot to store all in one place.

Lillian: “...Starting to regret coming here. How are we going to find anything in all this junk?”
Me: “Hmm... I’ve been here a lot. Maybe I can just tell you which areas look like they’ve changed? Like if he’s added onto them, or has been moving things around.”
Lemmy: “I’m guessing if it’s caked in dust, that’s a sign we can ignore it.”
Me: “Unless it’s a dust sample, then yes.”

I do a quick sweep of the place, looking at all of his various spots.

Let’s see... He’s changed out the clues on his Peg Board, which is usually a sign that he’s been trying to solve something. Trying to make sense of the various bits and pieces he’s hung up can be tough however. The Samples he’s taken from me are in a different place than they usually are. His Bed doesn’t look made, which is unusual for him. And finally, it looks like one of his Shelves is a lot emptier than it used to be.

Where should we start? Also, is there anything I can have Lillian and Lemmy check for themselves? They haven’t been here like I have, so I think they might miss some things.

We’re not really on a time limit, but if we’re here for too long then eventually Jhonen’s mom and dad will come home. We should try to be out of here before they arrive.
No. 1053817 ID: e51896


hmm... his bed being unmade probably means that he had to leave somewhere in a hurry and didn't have time to make his bed... maybe in a rush to try and find you last Sunday probably? Maybe he found out he was going to be graduated soon, and was running from the people who captured him and had him graduate early? Do you know if he said anything about somebody coming after him when he was chasing you that day?

Or maybe anything about where you might find something important before he was captured, like any evidence he's hiding?

I think having Lilian look into the peg board will be best while you investigate other things might be best, she'll understand this stuff more than just having to try to find stuff since she'll have no clue what changed and what didn't when investigating.

Let her borrow your notepad and pen so she can take notes or draw pictures of what she is looking at so that if there is stuff she doesn't understand, she can show it to the group, or us later.

As for what you and Lemmy should do... I'll get back to you on that soon. Maybe somebody will come up with an idea.
No. 1053819 ID: 22eda9

To be honest, with Lemmy, I feel like we don't have a good read on him or what his talents/things he likes being good at are. (Other than maybe puns and/or being potentially the center of attention.)
It makes it hard to factor him into plans, as much as I hate to admit it...

Although, he did find out about the Closet by pure chance, so maybe it's best to just have him search for "Secrets" - mainly closed or intentionally obscured things.
A part of me vaguely considered having him think up a funny story, which maybe he still could, but I think the alternative here is seeing if he can decipher any of the Drawings.

I think I agree on having Lillian look at the Conspiracy Board- that way we can get caught up to speed once we get to it with some thought behind what it might mean.

Franklin, I think you're probably the only one who's going to understand any of the DNA samples (which I'm honestly very curious about, and may prove to be helpful in discovering more about you) - but it's probably good to do a quick sweep of everything.

I'm unsure how important it is that the Bed and Shelves get checked. The Bed seems... self explanatory, but I guess maaaaybe it wouldn't hurt to move the sheets to see if there's something there?

Also, what's normally on the Shelves?
No. 1053821 ID: a2d88b

Check the shelves to see if you can piece together which books are missing.
Have Lillian and Lemmy check the peg board, as it looks like the one item that doesn't need external knowledge.
No. 1053826 ID: 8483cf

I highly disagree with asking Lillian to look at the peg board. She’s not known for her brilliant deductive reasoning. If Albert was here, absolutely have him there, but for now, we need to have someone able to draw quick connections between unrelated items- a skill set related to punning. I vote Lemmy examine the board and give him a chance to prove his stuff.

Lillian can check around the bed for signs of a hasty exit or struggle.

Franklin needs to examine the shelf. He’s the most familiar with the room, so ONLY he will be able to determine what’s missing.
No. 1053827 ID: 38349b

Franklin - The peg board, you knew him best, interacted with him the most, and probably know what's in his head better than anyone else

Lillian - Shelves, if there's anything of value, notes or otherwise I think Lillian can handle it like she did with the book earlier

Lemmy - Look at the samples, get bored and grossed out and then lay on the bed, only to discover something purely by chance. At least that's my read on how Lemmy works lmao
No. 1053836 ID: bbb04b

> Cork Board
Lillian and Lemmy are both iffy people to assign to this one, but considering you know Jhonen had an Epiphany the day he graduated, noting it down is absolutely vital. Heck, considering that someone already knows that Someone was here, there's not much reason for us not to just Take It on our way out. Do see if fast-thinker, faster-talker Lemmy can try to make sense of it, in the meantime.

> Bed
If Jhonen was in a hurry, I somehow doubt he'd just lie down in bed only to hit the ground running the next day. (I mean, unless his ultimate conclusion came to him in a dream or something.)

... Do you know if Jhonen kept anything under or around his bed or mattress or pillow? It's honestly likely he either hid something in the mess before he left, or someone tried to search that area already. Maybe have Lillian tackle that.

> Shelves and Samples
Do you remember what was supposed to be on those shelves? If anyone would know, it's you. Maybe also check the samples to see if there's anything new there, or anything missing that you can recall.
No. 1054243 ID: 629f2e
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> To be honest, with Lemmy, I feel like we don't have a good read on him or what his talents/things he likes being good at are. (Other than maybe puns and/or being potentially the center of attention.)

If it makes you feel better, that’s about all I really know about him too. We don’t spend much time together.

> I think having Lilian look into the peg board while you investigate other things will be best.
> I think I agree on having Lillian look at the Conspiracy Board- that way we can get caught up to speed once we get to it with some thought behind what it might mean.
> I vote Lemmy examine the board and give him a chance to prove his stuff.
> Have Lillian and Lemmy check the peg board, as it looks like the one item that doesn't need external knowledge.

A few of you disagree, but most of you are for having Lillian and Lemmy look at the board. I know from experience that I usually need the meaning of what’s on it explained for me to understand, so I’m inclined to agree.

Me: “Can you two look at Jhonen’s conspiracy board? It could tell us what he was looking into the day he graduated.”
Lillian: “Can do.”
Lemmy: “You’re really gonna make us try and get in Jhonen’s head. That’s just cruel.”
Lillian: “Quit whining, it beats digging through the rest of this junk.”

They approach the board, while you head deeper into the room. Okay, since they’re both on that, what should I check out?

Hmm... Since those two are busy, I should probably at least give everything a glance.

> Also, what's normally on the Shelves?
> Do you remember what was supposed to be on those shelves? If anyone would know, it's you.

So many things. I don’t even know where to start. I don’t remember anything from that side of the room really having to do with Me at least. It was more a mishmash of other things he’d been looking into.

He had some plaster molds of footprints that he swore belonged to the mythical big-footmoth woman, a few newspaper articles that had “proof” of aliens (as well as a few funny comic strips), a bottle of bear repellant, and a drawing of a human/cow hybrid that he insisted was real. All of that is gone now.

Hmm... Nope, I can’t identify any real pattern in what’s missing, save for them being in generally the same location.

> ...Do you know if Jhonen kept anything under or around his bed or mattress or pillow?

No, just normal bed stuff normally.

> If Jhonen was in a hurry, I somehow doubt he'd just lie down in bed only to hit the ground running the next day.
> I'm unsure how important it is that the Bed and Shelves get checked. The Bed seems... self explanatory, but I guess maaaaybe it wouldn't hurt to move the sheets to see if there's something there?

A quick peek wouldn’t hurt.

I lift the nice warm quilt up to see what’s hiding beneath, and am met with... Nothing!

Well that’s a little disappointing. Oh well, I doubt there’s anything else here. I do wonder why it’s like this though. Did he not get a chance to make his bed?

He definitely should have, right. I mean, he was at school the morning he was taken, right? That means he was here in the morning. I guess that means he just forgot? Something must have Distracted him. Something he found out maybe?
No. 1054244 ID: 629f2e
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> Franklin, I think you're probably the only one who's going to understand any of the DNA samples (which I'm honestly very curious about, and may prove to be helpful in discovering more about you)
> Maybe also check the samples to see if there's anything new there, or anything missing that you can recall.

In the end, I feel like I can get the most out of spending time on the samples, a point that you guys seem to... well, not agree with. You were all pretty split on what I should focus on, but if not the peg board, then this seems like the next best option.

Jhonen has taken a lot of these samples from me over the past couple years, something about not having a good way to store them, and needing to update his collection frequently. He has a small mini-fridge for some, but it gets packed quickly. Several other vials are sitting out openly, but they’re at least sealed shut.

If I’m looking for something specific, then I guess... I want to learn something new about myself? He should have some notes here, as I know he writes things down. Where does he keep them...?

It takes a bit of searching, but I find the notebook I’ve seen him writing in before. Next, I should probably check out the samples for myself too. He’s taken all sorts of different types, but there are a few he keeps repeating. Those are Blood Samples, Skin Samples, and Urine Samples.

...Those last ones are gross.

If these samples were related to what he found out, he would have kept the most important ones in his fridge. I open it up, and check out each sample type.

Urine... Yep, that’s pee. I don’t have anything to add there.

Skin. Well it’s... It’s definitely flecks of skin. Okay, I’m starting to think this is a waste of time.

How about blood? It looks about the same as ever, Sludgy and gross. Normal for me, but not quite the same as other kids’.

Thankfully, Jhonen always has a control sample (taken from himself) on hand for comparison. I pick up one of my blood samples and hold it up next to his. The difference is clear as day. His sloshes around in the vial when I move it, like a liquid is supposed to. Mine is more like... Have you spirits ever seen wet sand? Well it’s kind of like that.

My blood is weird, but it’s pretty convenient for me, I think. Actually, Jhonen thought it. He pointed out that when my arms came off, if my blood was all sloshy and normal, it’d spill out fast and I’d die.

...Though I guess if that happened, dad would just bring me back. I would probably forget everything all over again though, which wouldn’t be fun.

...Oh, I’m getting lost in thought! I was going to check Jhonen’s notes, right? What do they say?
No. 1054245 ID: 629f2e
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I quickly flip to the last few pages with anything filled in, not wanting to waste time. A recent breakthrough means These are the pages that should matter.

Observations of Biological Anomaly “Franklin” - DNA Sample Analysis #62

Blood Sample #35

Observations (Taken within a minute of being drawn): “As with previous samples, Franklin’s blood demonstrates abnormal traits unlike any found in the rest of humanity. This includes presenting as a semi-solid slurry when drawn and properly stored, and rapid clotting upon exposure to air. “

Analysis: “No further conclusions at this time.”

Urine Sample #46

Observations: “Tests show abnormal chemicals present in the sample. Results similar to several prior tests.”

Analysis: “As concluded previously, these results have been proven to be caused by simple over the counter pain medication. Reminder to retrieve urine samples prior to any testing that requires removal of limb.”

Skin Sample #14


I blink. Aside from Observation and Analysis being in the same place as in other sections, I can’t make out most of these results. Much of the text is scratched out and scribbled over, as if he couldn’t agree with his own conclusions and kept going back and forth while writing.

There is one word that breaks free from this mess though. The space around it is erased, as if he wanted it to break free of the noise. There are no scribbles over it, so this was likely the conclusion he’d landed on.


...What could that mean?
No. 1054246 ID: 629f2e
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No other page seems to have an answer unfortunately, so it seemed that was all I’d be getting from this. Since Jhonen isn’t here, I decide to stuff the notebook in my shirt for now. I don’t think his parents will notice it’s gone, and it’s fine if they do since nobody should know we were here.

Having finished with that, I decide to check on the others.

Me: “Hi, how is it going for you two?”
Lillian: “Not amazing. This whole board is utter nonsense. Look.”

She starts pointing at a few images.

Lillian: “This is just a drawing of you as an alien, and there are pictures and a few newspaper articles that are trying to push that narrative, which we already know is wrong.”
Lemmy: “Right, you’re not an alien, just a living dead kid.”
Me: “Yeah... That’s been there for a while now.”
Lillian: “And then this side is something about Temmie, and it involves cows wearing wigs or something dumb like that, and this definitely isn’t gonna help us.”
Lemmy: “Unless we need milk to go with our cookies. Then it might be worth looking into this.”
Lillian: “No matter how much we try to work it out, it just looks like a bunch of stupid drawings that make it seem like he wasn’t onto squat.”

That seems weird. There were definitely a few different images up than last time, so this should show us what Jhonen figured out. The more I stare at it though, the less sure I am of that. Maybe... he Didn’t reach any big conclusions?

Lemmy: “...I think it’s the first thing I said.”
Lillian: “Huh?”
Me: “Wait, first from when? Like the first time we met?”
Lillian: “Probably when we first started staring at this board.”
Lemmy: “Ooh, you didn’t hear it before? That means I get to make the pun again!”
Lillian: “Fine, but only because I already forgot it.”
Lemmy: “What kind of kid would obsessively journal what they’re thinking of for everyone to see? One with a bad case of diary-ah!
Me: “...”
Lillian: “...”
Lemmy: “...”
Me: “...Gross.”
Lemmy: “Yeah yeah, anywho the point was: This is Weird.
Lillian: “Jhonen was weird.”
Lemmy: “Nooo, Jhonen was obsessive and believed in weird junk. None of that explains why he’d just put a board of thoughts up for anyone to come in and read.”
Lemmy: “I mean, does that really sound like him? Sure, he loved to show off, but he was also pretty paranoid.”
Lillian: “Pretty sure he was just wary about You, after the eighth or so time you convinced him that a mythical creature was lurking in Cattenom.”
Lemmy: “Well you got me there~!”

He sticks out his tongue with an expression that just screams “ain’t I a stinker”.

Lemmy: “For real though, I’m not sure I buy this board.”
Me: “Well... It isn’t really a diary though. It’s more like... a Tool?
Me: “Jhonen would use this to organize his thoughts. Sometimes he pulls things off, so it wouldn’t really be a good place to record his thoughts, right?”

Lemmy makes a face, looking at the board skeptically. He isn’t convinced.

Lemmy: “...Alright. That’s important, right? Let’s say he does exactly what you describe.”
Lemmy: “What if I’m still right about this?”
No. 1054247 ID: 629f2e
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The last part is barely a mumble, as he walks forward and puts his hand on the board. He rubs it lightly, squinting at the material. I’m about to ask what he’s doing, but Lillian stops me, convinced he’s onto something.

Lemmy: “...You need a board to put things together, but nobody wants to leave all their thoughts out for anyone to see.
Lemmy: “How do you do both...?

His hand moves towards the Edge, then over it. It stops. His eyes go wide, as a smirk creeps across his face.

Lemmy: “...Heh. Ha ha ha hah ha! That’s Clever!
Me: “What is?”
Lemmy: “Look! It’s thick! Thick!

He points wildly at the sides of the board in a fit of laughter. I look to Lillian, wondering if she gets it– Nope, just as confused.

Lillian: “Okay, now do you want to explain in a way that makes sense?
Lemmy: “Are you kidding me? You’d better not, that’s my job! Really though, do you need me to explain it? It’s thick!”
Lillian: “Why do you keep saying that?”
Lemmy: “Because it’s Too Thick!

She raises an eyebrow, and opens her mouth like she’s about to ask for further explanation again.

And then she closes it. She turns to look back at the board, throwing her hand onto the side of it.

Lillian: “...Oh my gosh.”
Me: “What?”
Lillian: “Franklin, there are Two boards here.”
Me: “...Huh?”
Lillian: “Hey, Lemmy, help me flip this around. We gotta see the other side of this.”
Lemmy: “Fine by me. I was getting board of staring at this one.”

I stand back, perplexed at what’s happening. Two boards...

...He never told me about there being another one. How many times have I been here? How many times has he ran over his theories with me? All that time... He wasn’t lying to me, right?

We’re friends, so he wouldn’t... I th– I want to think that. But... I was already wrong about dad.

...Am I being dumb for Doubting my friend, or for Believing in him?
No. 1054256 ID: 15c72a

>why put his thoughts in plain view?
A paranoid person would leave a diversion in plain sight, and hide away the "real theory". Which seems to be exactly what's going on here.

>is it dumb to doubt or believe?
He was your friend. You were right to believe him. In fact, maybe you should have believed in him more; maybe you should have realized his front-facing silly theory was fake. At any rate, he was keeping his real theory a secret from everyone, for both his safety and his friends'. After all, he got taken due to getting too close to the truth... anyone else who knew would be in danger as well.
No. 1054278 ID: 22eda9

I don't think Jhonen was lying to you, he just didn't tell you. That doesn't mean he wanted you to know, and it's fair for people to keep secrets.

What if it's something that would permanently change the dynamic of your friendship? Would he risk that? Does he care about you as a friend, or just for your secrets?
...I think it's fine to believe what you want to, just... keep an open mind.

You're not dumb for believing him. That's like saying that those who get tricked are at fault for being naive. If it's possible, I want you to continue to believe in him.

You're not dumb for doubting him either, though. It might be a bit mean to him, though.

Also, be sure to make it look like the board wasn't touched when you're done if it's possible, because if he was onto something then you definitely don't want the adults knowing.

Either that, or if the graduation was anything to go by, it's something the adults don't want people knowing, that they already know.

...In any case, Jhonen seems to have been very thorough about looking into you, so...
I guess, be prepared for your life to change dramatically once you see whatever's there.
No. 1054299 ID: f8083d

Boards are good for organizing your thoughts, but they're also good for explaining them. Jhonen would use the private board for the former, the public board for the latter.
No. 1054366 ID: e51896

>Lemmy finding the second pegboard

I think we found Lemmy's skills: deductive reasoning, and good at being perceptive.


Hmmm, well, to answer that question, Franklin, let me put things in perspective for you.

From what I've seen, You have been real good friends with Lilian, Roger, and Albert for a very long time, just like you were with Jhonen. With how long you've been friends with them, I believe you put a lot of trust in them too, correct?

And yet... just like how Jhonen lied and kept this peg board a secret from you for so long, you too have held a deep secret away from your own friends and lied to them about it too for so long, until recently when you told Lilian about it...

Your neck scar and your easily detachable limbs.

And even then, you only revealed it because the circumstance of the situation called for you to do it, and because you felt ready to reveal the truth to them when previously, you stated you didn't want to because it would creep her out. Ask yourself this too: if you never accidentally removed your arm in front of Jhonen that day, would you have ever told him about that secret, along with your neck scar?

I also remember yesterday, Albert asked about your neck, and you lied to him when you said you didn't have a scar on your neck behind your turtleneck, with fear in your eyes, while trying to hide your head under your turtleneck to make sure the scars stay hidden.

And I want you to know something, Albert RESPECTS your secret. Even though he pushed for you to reveal your scars, he in the end dropped it. And when you fainted yesterday night, Albert was given the perfect opportunity to lower your turtleneck to see your scars.

But... he ultimately decided NOT to do that out of respect and value of his friendship with you, despite the strong urge he had to reveal your secret for himself. You can ask Lemmy about it too, he was there to witness Albert fight the urge, and not do it.

So really, I think as a friend, you should respect why your friends keep the secrets they want to keep private from you and others, and understand why they might lie about certain things when you yourself have lied and kept secrets in the past from your friends too.

Food for thought too, what if this secret pegboard was what Jhonen was trying to tell you about before he was taken away, as he knew he was going to graduate and needed you to find the truth?

>I would probably forget everything all over again though, which wouldn’t be fun.

Before you split off from Lilian and Lemmy for the day, give them your notes you wrote, and Jhonen's diary, just in case. Not now, just later


For now, ask Lilian if you can hold her hand, for comfort. I have a feeling what you might find from that second peg board might be pretty serious.
No. 1054463 ID: 8483cf


I’m not sure the adults are fully aware of the scope of Jhonen’s investigations. Odds are high he was picked up for something he uncovered, but I have a strong suspicion that the adults haven’t done serious digging into this room yet, mainly because of the biohazards in the fridge. That would be the first thing to get disposed of in the event of a coverup.

So the idea here for use isn’t to cover up Jhonen’s investigation, but to cover up that we’ve stumbled upon Jhonen’s investigation. Don’t leave traces that we were here, and if that’s unavoidable, make it seem like the traces were left by Jhonen himself. So that means studiously replacing the board when we’re done.

The good news is that whatever we find behind it is likely a secret that the adults don’t know Jhonen has stumbled upon, meaning that if this room ever gets cleaned up, we’ll know they know about Jhonen’s investigation, but they don’t know we know they know.

> Am I being dumb for Doubting my friend, or for Believing in him?

No, you’re not dumb. People always have secrets, and sometimes they’re kept for good reasons. Like keeping you from being swept up in this.
No. 1054949 ID: 629f2e
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> I don't think Jhonen was lying to you, he just didn't tell you. That doesn't mean he wanted you to know, and it's fair for people to keep secrets.

I don’t mind if there were things Jhonen didn’t want to tell me. He can have his secrets, that isn’t the part that bothers me.

Where I’m confused is that he made me think the board in front was real. He would always tell me about his budding theories, and when we were in here he’d point as pieces of evidence he’d collected on it. So what I’m wondering is... Was there any truth to any of that? What if he Never believed in any of that stuff?

...Jhonen didn’t tell me everything. How much of what he did tell me can I still believe though?

> I also remember yesterday, Albert asked about your neck, and you lied to him when you said you didn't have a scar on your neck behind your turtleneck, with fear in your eyes, while trying to hide your head under your turtleneck to make sure the scars stay hidden.

Th-That’s not the same. Dad told me that I’m not supposed to tell people about my scars, and I don’t like thinking about them. They make me uncomfortable.

> He was your friend. You were right to believe him. In fact, maybe you should have believed in him more; maybe you should have realized his front-facing silly theory was fake.

So... It’s my fault for not knowing when I was being lied to? Then that means it’s my fault for thinking mom was in that closet for so long too. Or for thinking I was actually the doctor’s son, right?

That doesn’t feel right to me. If you tell a lie, it should be your fault that people believe something that isn’t true.

> No, you’re not dumb. People always have secrets, and sometimes they’re kept for good reasons. Like keeping you from being swept up in this.

I guess we’ll see if that’s true once we know what “this” actually is.
No. 1054950 ID: 629f2e
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Lemmy and Lillian manage to get the board off the wall, and flip it around for us to look at. The immediate subjects are obvious, but nobody says anything. We’re all just taking it in. Lillian ends up putting what I was thinking into words.

Lillian: “This makes a lot more sense.”

Unlike the other side, where the connections involve making massive leaps that only Jhonen really understands, this side was different. The connections were more... Coherent? Like, I can tell there’s a point to it, even if I’d need to really read it to understand what that point is.

It should be relieving, but instead it just makes me frown. I’m counting this as a point towards Jhonen being a liar.

Lemmy: “Oh my gosh, it’s about Franklin? Who could have possibly seen this coming? I mean, personally, I’m shocked.”
Me: “Really? Isn’t this why–”
Lillian: “Sarcasm.”
Me: “Oh.”
Lillian: “I think it’s a little surprising though. You’re not actually at the center of it all, your dad is.”

She was right. While drawings of us both were both on the board, his was the one in the center. A lot of the lines connected back to the Doctor, not me.

Lemmy: “It looks like there are three main splits. How’s about I look at the center, Franklin takes left, and you take the right, Lillian?”
Lillian: “Yeah, okay.”
Me: “Um, so I should look at this one...?”

The others are already reading through the notes and images on their sides. Mine is shorter, but I shouldn’t waste time. I’m not the fastest reader, I could still wind up finishing last if I don’t get to it.

I trace the string from my father down to what looks like a drawing of the Morgue. That much makes sense, it’s where he lives. I live there too though, so shouldn’t it also connect to me?

Well... Maybe this is more about how dad works there, instead of being about how he lives there. I guess that makes sense then.

There are a couple of notes connecting to it with text scribbled in Jhonen’s terrible handwriting.

“Exterior Analysis: Claim of additional full room connected to living room is dubious at best.”

“Bedridden for over a year, never visits hospital?”

Bedridden? Is this about the things I told him about Mom? It sounds like he didn’t believe them. That’s actually a point towards him being honest though, he always claimed that the stuff about my mom wasn’t what it seemed. In his words:

Jhonen: “Obviously your mom isn’t some normal human, because then YOU wouldn’t be an abnormal alien! That whole explanation is therefore HIGHLY suspect!”

The reasoning here isn’t exactly the same, but it’s the idea is the same at least.

The drawing of the morgue connects to a printed photograph of what looks like a Grave. Did he take this in our backyard? I don’t remember letting him in there with a camera.

There’s a note scribbled underneath it.

“No name engraved. Grass hasn’t grown back fully, indicating the plot is more recent.”

Honestly, I don’t recognize the grave, but the photo makes it clear why that is. It seems to be in the corner of the yard, in an area blocked off by a hedge. It’s almost deliberately placed Out of Sight.

...Which really raises the question of how Jhonen got this picture. I’m convinced he probably climbed the fence and let himself in. I want to say something about how he shouldn’t do that... but we’re standing in his bedroom right now.

On the topic of invading privacy, the final image in this line is much worse at that. He didn’t really dig it up, did he?

“Cadaver dressed in a wedding dress and ring. Height and presumed build matches with evidence, probable match for Elizabeth Stein.”

He did! That’s... We might have to talk about that! I feel like that shouldn’t be okay.

I guess this confirms one thing though: The woman from the picture did exist. She probably isn’t my mom, and the stories dad told me might not be true, but she was a real person. And now she’s gone now.

That’s sad. Not really for me, I never knew her. I guess it’s sad for dad. He had somebody he really loved, and she died. I wouldn’t want to know what that feels like.

Maybe that’s why he’s been lying about her? He could be so sad that he just doesn’t want to accept that she’s really gone, and pretending she’s still around is how he copes with the loss. That would make me feel better. It would mean he didn’t lie to hurt me or anything, but because the truth was too painful.

I don’t think that’s true, but it would be nice if it was.

That’s all that was on my side. I inform the others, who launch into explanations of their lines.

Lemmy: “So apparently, your dad has got something going on with Aiden’s dad.”
Lillian: “You mean Mr. Sheppard? The farmer?”
Lemmy: “Eeyup.”
Lillian: “Okay, what though? And why is it so important that Jhonen was looking into it?”
Lemmy: “Ee I Ee I dOn’t know the full extent. The two had some kind of Exchange going on it looks like.”
Lemmy: “There’s a picture of Mr. Sheppard walking up to the morgue here, and a few notes about him bringing his Truck when he did.”
Lemmy: “Apparently that implies he needed to carry something there or back. No explanation on what though.”
Lillian: “Maybe dead farm animals? Franklin’s dad is apparently big on messing with corpses, he could be doing experiments on them or something.”
Me: “...Can you not describe the way I was made like as “messing with corpses”? Something about that makes me feel... bad.”
Lillian: “Er, sorry. You know what I mean.”

Lemmy taps the board to get our attention back, and points at an image.

Lemmy: “The end of this line has a picture of Sheppard’s truck at the High School, so we might actually get something out of looking into this.”
Lillian: “We should keep it in mind, that’s for sure.”
Me: “Did your side have anything Lillian?”
Lillian: “Nah, I was missing a piece I think.”
Me: “Huh?”

She taps a drawing of me, as well as a newspaper page it connects to.

Lillian: “There’s a piece missing from this paper, and nothing else from it matters.”
Me: “...I was in the paper?”
Lillian: “I think so. If it’s the section I think it is at least.”
Lemmy: “What, the Obituaries?
Lillian: “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.”
Me: “What is an obituary?”
Lillian: “The part of a paper where they talk about recent deaths. You wanted to know what your name is supposed to be, right?”
Me: “...Oh! So if it said something about a kid dying, that could be me? And they’d use my name before the doctor told me it was Franklin Stein?”
Lemmy: “Who knows? Maybe your name was Franklin Stein back then too? Mournful over the loss of you, his son, the doc brought you back good as new.”
Me: “You really think so!?”
Lemmy: “No.”
Me: “Oh...”

I deflate a little bit. Lillian slaps him harder than usual. I’m glad she did this time. He got my hopes up for a second.

Lillian: “Don’t tease Franklin about that.”
Lemmy: “Just trying to bring some levity. Laughter’s the best medicine! The doc’s probably got some whopper jokes if he can bring back the dead.”
Lemmy: “Maybe he even knows why the chicken crossed the road?”
Me: “...Why would a chicken cross the road?”
Lemmy: “To get to the other side.

I blink. He said it like a joke, but I don't get it. Not even a little bit, it just sounds like a statement of fact.

Lillian swings again, but he dodges. This is going to break out into a fight if we don’t move on.

Me: “Um, so why is there a picture of Temmie here?”

I point to a line coming off the paper. She blinks, scratching her head.

Lillian: “Hard to say. The stuff that’s written doesn’t seem like it involves her, unless The Freak sees a connection that I don’t.”
Lemmy: “One of her family members probably bit it on the same day. Like a grandparent or something.”
Lemmy: “It could have even been the same cause of death if it was an accident or a virus going around that did it. It’d make sense to put her on then, right?”
Lillian: “Hm... Yeah, maybe.”
Me: “Was there anything else?”

She pauses, scanning the board again. After a second, she nods.

Lillian: “Just one: Jhonen Knew you died.”
Me: “...Oh.”
Lemmy: “Feeeeeeeellls like the obituary clue covered that already.”
Lillian: “Yeah, but I wanted there are really no doubts about it. He has a write-up on your anatomy here where he concludes you’re some kind of zombie or flesh golem.”
Lillian: “Plus, we’re just Guessing it’s an obituary. It makes sense, but y’know, still some doubt there.”
Me: “...”

He knew. Jhonen was Sure that I died.

Every time we talked, he told me all about his theories. The ways he was going to prove that I really was an Alien.

...Did he actually believe any of that? When did he figure out the truth? Maybe That was what he was going to tell me on the day he graduated.
No. 1054951 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian: “...So does this actually tell us anything?”
Lemmy: “I’unno, Franklin?”
Me: “Hmmm...”
Me: “...”

Frowning, he mimes winding me up like a toy, muttering about how fast these things run out. I choose not to treat it as an insult.

Lillian: “Maybe we should review a little. Do you remember why we came here?”
Me: “...Because finding out about Judy might tell us about graduation. So... we wanted to find out about my past, and Jhonen figured something out about me before he graduated.”
Lillian: “Right! So what did Jhonen figure out? This board should tell us, right?”
Me: “...That I died?”
Lemmy: “Eh, that’s not really what this board is focused on though. It’s just one branch. There, but not the biggest deal.”
Lillian: “It’s surprising that Franklin isn’t at the center of it. Our Franklin.”

She shuts down Lemmy’s comment before he can make it. He sticks his tongue out.

Lemmy: “Well maybe he was onto Franklin’s dad for something? The guy is pretty sketchy, and this board just proves it all the more.”
Me: “...”
Me: “What did he say?”
Lemmy: “Huh?”
Me: “Back then, I remember... I was listening. I didn’t give it much thought, but I heard it. What was it...?”

Back then, while I was hiding down the alley, somebody had stopped to listen to Jhonen. What did Jhonen tell him?
No. 1054952 ID: 629f2e
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Jhonen: “You don’t understand his True Nature! He’s committed crimes against humanity itself!”
Jhonen: “He can’t be allowed to operate freely! Do you understand what horrors he’s getting up to every second that passes?”
Jhonen: “We don’t have time for an investigation! I have the Proof, we should arrest him posthaste!”

Me: “Jhonen seemed... Kind of Desperate. And he wanted me arrested?”
Lillian: “Really? But there’s nothing here that says you did anything wrong.”
Me: “But he said... I mean, I thought that’s what he meant.”
Me: “But, now that you mention it...”

Jhonen: “Franklin Stein needs to be brought to justice. If you give me a chance, I promise I can show you I’m right.”

Me: “He knew all of this... So he should have known that my name isn’t actually Franklin Stein.”
Me: “Which means he was talking about...”

I had Misunderstood him. Even after he had been taken, I still hadn’t realized what he’d wanted to tell me. I didn’t see how desperate he was to make me listen.

Jhonen: “Stop running! You need to hear this, I’ve finally pieced it all together! I know the Truth!
Jhonen: “You need to see what I uncovered! This is important, slow down! Or at least don’t go home! Please, don’t go home!”

Me: “...I think Jhonen wanted to Warn me about the Doctor.”
Lillian: “Yeah. That makes more sense than the alternative. He found out that your dad was actually some crazy dude messing with corpses, and wanted to keep you safe.”
Lemmy: “Well that’s surprisingly decent of the kid who tried to dismember you in the middle of class last year.”
Lemmy: “...Which, looking back, wouldn’t have been as bad as it sounded then.”
Me: “It still would have hurt...”
Lemmy: “Anywho, what now? It’s neat to figure that out, but it doesn’t–”
No. 1054953 ID: 629f2e
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We all freeze at the sound. It wasn’t against the door of this room, but sounded like it was coming from downstairs. The Front Door again.

Had the neighbor returned? It seemed weird that they’d go away and then come back after so long. Maybe it was something unrelated? Like a kid who forgot Jhonen graduated who wanted to see him?

We stay silent and wait, not wanting to let anyone know there are people inside.




There’s sounds, almost like people talking. It’s too muffled to make out the words though.

Lemmy tiptoes across the room, and slowly opens the window. The words are a lot clearer through it than the walls and floors.

Woman: “Well?”
Man: “It sounds like the family isn’t home. Are you absolutely certain you heard something?”

Lemmy’s eyes go wide at the man’s voice. I’d ask why, but if we can hear them, then they can hear us.

Woman: “There were children screaming here, I just know it! Go inside and look for yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Man: “Can do.”

Lemmy closes the window, just a little harder than I feel like he should have.

Lemmy: (Whispering) “We need to hide!
Lillian: (Whispering) “Who was that?
Lemmy: (Whispering) “It’s My stupid dad! He’s a cop, he’s going to come inside and search for intruders.
Me: “...Aren’t we intruders?
Lemmy: “Exactly!
Lillian: “Forget hiding, let’s get out of here!

Run, hide, both options sounded better than staying here. We can’t do both though, so we need to make a choice. There are plenty of spots in this room or other rooms of the house we could hide if that’s what we want. And there’s always the back door if we want to get out, or maybe the window? We’re only on the second floor.

Also... Is it okay to leave Jhonen’s board like this? Turning it back will take time, which we don’t have a lot of it sounds like.
No. 1054954 ID: e51896

Something tells me... you shouldn't go back home, Franklin, Jhonen was warning you not to do that. That said, we'll probably need to find you a place to hide. We'll think more about that later.

There is something I remember Lemmy doing a couple nights ago, he used his blanket, or bedsheets as a way to escape from his bedroom, using them as a rope. He can set that up, and you guys can escape that way easily. The only thing is that they will know somebody was in here after seeing the bedsheet rope hanging from the window, but they won't know who.

If it takes time for Lemmy to set up that escape route, then go ahead and set the pegboard back in position, but if Lemmy finishes before you can put the pegboard back, then just escape. Have Lilian help Lemmy if she can help set the escape route faster,

so basically, Lemmy and Lilian works on tying the bedsheets from the bed to out the window, while you try and put the pegboard back in place, but be prepared to escape immediately as soon as Lemmy finishes the escape route, even if you don't manage to hide the pegboard in time. It would be great if we can escape without them knowing we know about the secret pegboard, but don't feel too bad if you can't. Not all missions can be a complete success.
No. 1054956 ID: e51896

Oh, and if you manage to escape, and you need to figure out where to go next, let's make our next stop to see Jolene, just to see how she is doing. You asked us to remind you to do that if we have time.
No. 1054957 ID: f8083d

Escaping sounds like the best idea for now. But if you can't hide the secret pegboard behind the public one again fast enough, then take it. Since hostiles don't know it exists, they won't notice it's missing.
No. 1054959 ID: 22eda9

Don't bother moving the pegboard back, it'd take less time to just unpin what's on it and take it with you. (Plus, moving it would probably make noise in the panic you guys are in.)
If you're not confident about how many you can remove, just grab the important ones- Doctor, Franklin, and ESPECIALLY Mr. Sheppard.
From what I can understand right this moment, he's the "Legs" of this whole operation. I... don't know if that analogy makes much sense, but my point is that he could be just as important if not more important than the Doctor's role in this whole Graduation Conspiracy... assuming it's connected.
It's a small town. It probably is.

The more you leave on the board, the more they'll have to be able to piece together, and that's a risk you'll have to decide on your own.
If you leave the ripped obituary, it's likely they can find that article easily, and the house, grave and corpse are also self explanatory.

I don't want to gamble on the possibility Lemmy's Dad won't search thoroughly, so I'm voting on Escape.
While it was Lillian's idea, I think Lemmy should take the lead on it while she assists, since he's already succeeded in escaping his parents.

I feel like it's a bit early to mention that, but, yes. Also worth considering Temmie if this or something immediately happens is 'the sign'.
No. 1054961 ID: e51896

Actually, yeah, that's a better idea. just removing the pics and putting them in your pockets will be much faster. And don't worry about them getting wrinkled or damaged or anything, you all already saw what we needed to seen. It's more important that the adults don't see WHAT was discovered from the peg board. The Mr. Anderson stuff is the most important stuff to remove especially.
No. 1055020 ID: 87e33c

Okay, so I have a really stupid plan.

Lillian should escape with a bedsheet wrapped around her, making noise as she hops out the window, she can do it easy and distract them. Though you gotta trust that she can get away and lose her tail.

You and Lemmy take the important notes and then hide, if Lillian's distracting enough, then you'll be able to take the rest of the evidence, flip the board over, and leave with no one on your tail, and with no lingering evidence even if they find the stuff on the back of the board.

Getting caught would be a problem though.

I only think we should do this if others like my dumb plan

My less stupid plan is basically >>1054959
Go escape, grab stuff from the board but dont bother hiding it, have franklin flop out the window and lose some limbs your friends have to carry, yknow, the comedic exit!
No. 1055079 ID: e51896

I just thought of a some things regarding the peg board after doing a lot of thinking since we're removing pictures:

Call it a hunch, but what if we DON'T remove the pictures on the left side? (the section talking about Dr. Franklin Stein's wife)? From what it looks like, with him hiding his wife's grave with it being unmarked and in the corner of the yard behind a hedge, he doesn't seem to be only hiding her death just from you, Franklin, but from everyone.

I have a feeling if the adults need to see anything from the pegboard, it's gotta be that one. Jhonen knew the doctor was doing really sketchy things, and if the adults find out about his wife's death that he seems to be hiding from the world, something tells me he'll get justice served to him like Jhonen was hoping for, or at least some kind of punishment.

And as for the right side, if we can only remove a few things on the right side, definetly remove Temmie's picture. Something tells me they shouldn't see her on that peg board. She's been implying she is going to be in danger, and while it might be unavoidable, I would rather it not be worse than it is going to be.

So that said, I think as far what we should remove in order: definitely the middle section first, that should be the top priority out of everything here to remove (the stuff about Mr. Sheppard), then the right side talking about proof of you being a "zombie" (if you don't have time to remove everything from the right side, remove Temmie's picture, I don't think it will be a good idea to leave her picture there) and then leave the left side talking about Franklin Stein's wife alone.

Leave immediately as soon as Lemmy and Lilian finishes the escape route, no matter if you finish removing the pictures or not. Take what you can.
No. 1055125 ID: 8483cf

I vote ESCAPE. No need to conceal too much; the priority here is a clean getaway.

There’s nothing I can say here that hasn’t been said already, except…

When this spirit says “lose her tail” that doesn’t mean what you think it means.
No. 1055255 ID: 629f2e
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> Escaping sounds like the best idea for now.

All the spirits seem to agree with that, and I do too.

> There is something I remember Lemmy doing a couple nights ago, he used his blanket, or bedsheets as a way to escape from his bedroom, using them as a rope. He can set that up, and you guys can escape that way easily.

Me: “Can we go out the window?
Lillian: “What, you want to jump?
Lemmy: “Nah, we could Climb. At least, we’ll be able to in a minute. Hope these are long enough...

He rushes over to the bed and starts ripping off its sheets. From downstairs, you can hear the front door being opened. This had better work, because you probably won’t have the time to try anything else.

Lillian tiptoes over to Lemmy to try and help speed things along. You’re a bit more focused on the board, still sitting out with all of the pictures visible. It’s too late to put this back, you’d make a lot of noise trying.

> Don't bother moving the pegboard back, it'd take less time to just unpin what's on it and take it with you.

Oh! That’s a good idea, I can do that.

On your suggestions, I start pulling pictures and notes off the board, stuffing them in my shirt and pockets. I start with all the ones about me of course, and then move on toward the middle. As I approach the ones on the left though...

> Call it a hunch, but what if we DON'T remove the pictures on the left side? Jhonen knew the doctor was doing really sketchy things, and if the adults find out about his wife's death that he seems to be hiding from the world, something tells me he'll get justice served to him like Jhonen was hoping for, or at least some kind of punishment.

Huh. I hadn’t really thought about it like that. I guess there wouldn’t be any harm in it, it’s not like that side has anything to do with me. It wouldn’t be incriminating to leave it up.

...Do I Want the Doctor to get justice though? I mean, I’m definitely mad that he lied to me, I wish he didn’t do that. But the other thing he did was bring me back to life, which is... Good? I mean, I like living, so I figure making that happen has to be good in some way, right? Was it something he did because it was good though, or for some other reason?

I don’t know what happened with mo– the Doctor’s wife, but if he did something bad to her I think letting others know would be good. And if he didn’t do anything wrong, then these pictures shouldn’t reveal anything bad for him, right?

Lemmy: “Alright, I think that’s good.
Lillian: “And this will hold us?
Lemmy: “Probably. Franklin, come on!

Creak. Creak.

The staircase creaks as heavy footsteps slowly climb it.

Lemmy doesn’t wait for a reply, grabbing the sheet and jumping. There’s a moment of anticipation, as the makeshift rope suddenly takes his full weight. The bed shifts a few inches, but otherwise... It holds.

Lillian: “Come on, we have to move!”

Lemmy shimmies down quickly to make space for Lillian to climb on. I look back at the door, listening as the footsteps get nearer and nearer. I’m next.

As I grip the fabric, a realization suddenly hits me.

This isn’t going to be Fast enough.

The steps were approaching too quickly, and Lillian still hadn’t climbed down far enough for me to climb out myself. By the time Lemmy’s dad arrives, he’ll probably see me climbing out the window. I’ll be caught.

If I can’t either slow him down, or find a faster way out of here...
No. 1055256 ID: 629f2e
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> Okay, so I have a really stupid plan.

No. 1055257 ID: 629f2e
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I bite into my turtleneck to stop myself from screaming, as various limbs Rocket off my body from the impact. My head feels fuzzy, and my ears are ringing. This was not a great idea.

Lemmy: “AA–”

Lillian throws a hand over his mouth, pointing up at the window you’d just escaped.

Lillian: “Terror later! Grab him and hide!”

I’m too focused on the incredible amount of pain I’m feeling to move. Damage report! How does everything feel?

Head: Still attached, but it feels a little looser than I’d like. Check the stitches later. Feels bad.
Left arm: I think it landed on a bush? If I wiggle it around, it should get buried deeper inside and be hidden. Feels terrible.
Right arm: Oh, I still have that one actually. That’s nice. Just a little bit sore.
Left leg: Still caught in my pant leg. Feels terrible.
Right leg: That one went flying, but I can still see it. Feels extra terrible, like it landed weird after getting launched.

I point out the limbs I can see to Lemmy, while Lillian grabs my torso and carries me out of sight from the window. Not too far, as we don’t want to be caught running away.

From your hiding spot around the corner, you all watch Lemmy’s dad pop his head out of the window. He looks all around for any sign of you, during which you duck back out of sight. Eventually he pulls the sheets back inside and closes it.

After waiting about five seconds, Lemmy and Lillian decide to book it, with only a quick detour to figure out how to carry you and run at the same time. That and grabbing your last limb, wrestling the arm out of the bush.

It takes a bit of experimentation, but eventually you end on Lillian holding you like a bride, Lemmy carrying your legs on both shoulders, and you holding your arm with the still-attached one. It’s... very awkward to move like this. It works though!

Lillian suggests heading back to the morgue, given that it’s close by and that I need someplace private to sew myself back up. It’s not like we can just walk around town with me in pieces after all. Lemmy and I both agree, so we make our way back while avoiding any path where we might run into people.

We have to be very careful about that. It’d be bad if we started to accrue any Suspicion after all.

...I wonder if we should have hidden the fact we were there better than we did?
No. 1055258 ID: 629f2e
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You didn’t clean up after yourselves, making it known that there was a break-in. Suspicion of every child in town has increased by varied amounts.

Franklin is heavily suspected due to his friendship with Jhonen and the clues left on the board, earning a whopping +15 Suspicion

Lillian is barely considered a suspect, +4 Suspicion

Lemmy is also a prime suspect due to the escape method and his current missing status, +15 Suspicion

Party Suspicion Levels:
[Franklin: 50/100]
[Lillian: 9/100]
[Lemmy: 67/100]

No. 1055259 ID: 629f2e
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Lemmy: “Sew, what now?”
Me: “Sew me now, please.”

With a shrug, Lemmy takes the needle and gives me a hand. The whole arm actually!

...I’m not as good at sewing with my right arm, and the legs are hard to do in the back. It’s not like I can ask Lillian for help with that either, since I have to take my pants off to do those. Showing girls your underwear is rude, except when adults do it in private. Then it’s love.

Lemmy: “As always, I’m leaving my fans in stitches!”
Lillian: “Seriously, what is your obsession with puns?”
Lemmy: “What? I’ve always liked punchlines.”
Lillian: “Actual jokes have punchlines. Puns don’t.”
Lemmy: “Sure they do! Whenever I share an amazing pun, people line up to punch me!”

That one actually gets a chuckle out of her. One of the first he’s gotten all day.

Lillian: “See? That’s what I’m talking about. Real joke, real laugh. Do more of that.”
Lillian: “Or y’know, stop trying to be funny all the time, either works.”
Lemmy: “Well one of those is definitely never happening.”
Lemmy: “Annnnnd done! How’s the arm now?”

I twist it around, checking for any loose threads. It feels a bit tender still, but it’s actually really well done.

Me: “It’s perfect, I think.”
Lemmy: “Therefore, you are.”
Me: “Huh?”
Lemmy: “Just pointing out that you say “I think” a lot.”
Lemmy: “It’s pretty much your catchphrase.”
Lillian: “He’s right you know. You do say it about a thousand times a day or so.”
Me: “...I don’t think that’s right.”

Lemmy laughs at your response. You aren’t sure why, you said that you didn’t think. That’s completely different!

The atmosphere in the room was pretty light, despite everything we’d been through today. Maybe it’s the excitement of having just barely escaped that’s keeping the mood like this? Whatever it was, it made me feel really good. I hope Roger and the others are feeling the same right now.

Lemmy: “Seriously though, are we going anywhere else today?”
Lillian: “Good question. The only real lead I think we can follow up on is the farm, and I’m all for that.”
Lillian: “If Mr. Sheppard has a direct connection to the high school, we might really find something big out by going there!”
Lemmy: “Makes sense to me.

> Let's make our next stop to see Jolene, just to see how she is doing. You asked us to remind you to do that if we have time.

Me: “The hospital would be on the way to the farm, right?”
Lemmy: “Not if you take the scenic route and walk all around the planet to reach it.”
Me: “Do you think we could visit JoJo? She’s sick, isn’t she?”

There’s a pause, as the others consider this. Lemmy is the first to respond.

Lemmy: “Nnnnnope. Not doing that.”
Lillian: “Hey, she may be a wad, but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure she’s still alive.”
Lillian: “It’s JoJo. Who else is really going to care?”
Lemmy: “That’s all fine and dandy, but I can’t go to the hospital. My Mom works there, remember?”

Ohhh, that’s right. Lemmy’s mom is a receptionist at the hospital.It would be hard to drop by without being seen by her.

Lillian: “Oh yeah. The disguise probably wouldn’t fool her, would it?”
Lemmy: “Probably not.”
Lillian: “I guess you could just wait outside? Or hey, maybe you could stay here while we head out.
Lemmy: “Man, that sounds boring though...”

Lillian has a point, we really don’t need to take Lemmy with us if it’d make things tougher. But do you really want to leave him here? It’d be bad if the Doctor caught him, he’d definitely be killed and experimented on. Although, if the experiment includes raising the dead, then it wouldn’t be a total disaster at least... Should you bring him or not?

Also, should you stop at the hospital on the way To the farm, or on the way Back from it? It probably doesn’t matter which order you go with, but it’s still worth deciding.
No. 1055262 ID: 8483cf

I don’t like Lemmy. I do, however, like Lemmy’s keen eye for detail. He’s a hack comic but has a gift for the paper trail, so I say as much as it pains me to do so, let’s bring him. As for his mother, that’s a risk, but hear me out: Lemmy knows the building much, much better than we do (probably even better than Albert, who isn’t here), so he’ll know how to get in, which doors are unguarded/don’t have keys, and how to avoid running into his mom. Worst case scenario, he ducks into a broom closet and gets to practice his Broom Closet Ending comic routine until we pick him up again.

Let’s go there when we’re on our way to the farm. Best to get the higher-risk stuff out of the way first.
No. 1055279 ID: e51896

I think I'm more for keeping him hidden here for now

Lemmy has been doing a good job at hiding, especially from someone like your dad, and he's pretty perceptive at finding stuff, and good at making quick getaways when he needs to. Plus, I think with him here instead of with us, there could be potential that he could witness something interesting while he's hiding here while you and Lilian go to the farm. Cover more ground that way. I trust he'll stay safe here.

as for when you should go to the hospital, well it depends, if we don't take Lemmy, then we should go before going to the farm, since his mother won't spot him.
If we do take him, then go after the investigation of the farm. it might be late enough for his mother to go home and we can see Jo without worrying about his mother.
No. 1055297 ID: bbb04b

Okay, I'm officially invoking your privilege as someone who can physically hear us outright telling you stuff you aren't supposed to know: There is no better time to investigate the farm than right freaking now.

Take Lemmy. Decide whether to bring him to the hospital or not later, in case circumstances change.
No. 1055339 ID: 87e33c

That's only if events are concurrent, I assume that the time passing is similar in both groups, probably offset by a few minutes.

But yeah, uh, now would probably be a good time for that, though we'd probably also give you a headsup on leaving early because things aren't suuuuper great on the other group. Fun fact, they found a dead body.
No. 1055350 ID: ea8c3c

Please Hand over the evidence you gathered from Jhonen's place to Lilian now. Let her pocket them. I believe after that search for Jhonen's place, it'll be wise if Lilian held on to them for you in case you get questioned. Your notes too.
No. 1055359 ID: 87e33c

absolutely seconding this
No. 1055813 ID: 629f2e
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> Okay, I'm officially invoking your privilege as someone who can physically hear us outright telling you stuff you aren't supposed to know:

Wait a minute, there’s stuff I’m not supposed to know? Why not? Who says I’m not supposed to know those things?

> There is no better time to investigate the farm than right freaking now.

Huh. That’s very convenient.

I guess that means we shouldn’t stop at the hospital first then, right? Now is Now, not after visiting JoJo. I may not know why now is such a good time, but I don’t want to waste the chance if it is.

Please don’t let me forget to visit her. I’ll feel really bad if I forget.

> Take Lemmy. Decide whether to bring him to the hospital or not later, in case circumstances change.
> I don’t like Lemmy. I do, however, like Lemmy’s keen eye for detail. He’s a hack comic but has a gift for the paper trail, so I say as much as it pains me to do so, let’s bring him.

Hmm... If we stop at the hospital on the way back, then that means we could just send Lemmy back here when we go inside. Assuming here is where we’re coming back to. We did this time, because I really needed to restitch myself, and it was close, but I don’t know if this is where we’ll go afterwards. I mean, I have to sleep here, so I will at some point. But as for where we’ll meet up with Roger and the others, um...

...What was I thinking about?

Oh yeah, Lemmy. Uhh, maybe sending him off on his own wouldn’t be great now that I think about it. He’s supposed to be blending in with us, which he can’t really do alone.

...Actually, that brings up another question.

Me: “What are we gonna do at the farm?”
Lillian: “What do you mean?”
Me: “Well... We’re going there, but are we going to try and sneak in like we did at Jhonen’s house?”
Me: “Wouldn’t that be kind of Hard? Sneaking around without getting noticed there.”

Lillian blinks. Once, then twice, and then three times. About ten seconds of not saying a word.

Lillian: “...Huh.”
Lemmy: “What do you mean “huh”!? Did you seriously not think it through at all?”
Lillian: “I just– er– no, not really.”

She hangs her head and sighs.

Lillian: “Look, I’m no good at this. One of you two figure it out.”
Lemmy: “Ooh, I have an idea!”
Lemmy: “What if one of us walks up to the door and tries to distract whoever is there, while one of us sneaks around and tries to dig up clues?”
Lemmy: “That way we can Interrogate Aiden or John for more information, while also finding anything they’ve got Hidden.
Lillian: “That’s... Huh.”
Me: “I think that sounds good. Don’t you, Lillian?”
Lillian: “Yeah. Sorry, I’m just dealing with the revelation that between us three, Lemmy is the smart one.”
Lemmy: “Obviously. Comedy is a thinking man’s hobby, and I’m as witty as they come!”
Lillian: “...It’s a tough pill to swallow.”
No. 1055814 ID: 629f2e
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> Please Hand over the evidence you gathered from Jhonen's place to Lilian now. I believe after that search for Jhonen's place, it'll be wise if Lilian held on to them for you in case you get questioned.

I don’t think that’ll work. Lillian doesn’t have as many pockets as I do, and stuff falls out of hers all the time. Plus, we’re walking together. If either of us get told to show what’s in our pockets, wouldn’t the other be told to also? I can’t think of many reasons it’d only happen to me.

But you’re right that I don’t want to show anybody that I have all this stuff. Instead of just handing it over, I think it’d be best to put it in my room for now. I have an ultra secret hiding place that nobody else knows about in there: Under my bed! Nobody would think to look there!

After dropping my things off, we’re ready to head out to the farm! The trip there is... a bit slow. Mostly because of something Lillian insisted on.

Me: “I really can walk just fine. You don’t have to do this.”
Lillian: “Dude, they were literally just off your body. You’re giving them a minute to recover, end of story.”

The piggyback ride was happening, end of story.

As we pass through the clearing, we iron out a few more details.

Lillian: “So, I can distract anyone inside, but what if some of them are out doing farmwork? Tending to the fields or taking care of the animals? Junk like that.”
Lemmy: “My plan is to hope that isn’t the case, because it would be really inconvenient if it was.”
Lillian: “...”
Me: “We should be fine. This is apparently the best time to be doing this.”
Lemmy: “Well it is pretty late in the day. It’s starting to get dark, maybe you’re right. Would they really be out there at this hour?”

We’d have our answer soon enough. Once we’re out of the clearing, it’s just a short walk before the farm comes into view. I’ve only ever come around here once, when the class had a small field trip to see the animals. Cows are big and stupid, pigs are fat and delicious, and chickens poop eggs.

And All of them smell awful. Even I could tell, and my sense of smell isn’t that great.

Lillian sets me down, and we all scope out the area. Nobody was visible in the front yard, which was a good sign.

Lemmy: “Alright, here’s the deal. I’ll sneak around to the barnhouse, while Franklin can take the shed.”
Me: “Shed?
Lemmy: “It’s near the barn, further back in. I’ll point it out when we’re over there. Don’t shed any tears, but you probably won’t see any animals there.”

Oh, that actually is a little disappointing. Oh well, they weren’t what we came here for.

Lemmy: “When you’re done, meetup right back here. It’s out of sight of the house.”
Lillian: “Shouldn’t we check that too?”
Lemmy: “If they aren’t in the fields, then they’re probably inside. Unless you want to schedule a playdate with Aiden, we won’t be able to look there.”

So we just needed to check one area each. That doesn’t sound too difficult.
No. 1055815 ID: 629f2e
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Lillian offers me a fistbump before she goes, passing through the gate and walking up to the house in the center of the clearing. There’s sound by the door for a while, until it finally goes quiet. We peek around the corner, seeing that she’s made it inside.

Lemmy: “Follow me.”
Me: “Okay.”

We climb over the fence, and make a mad dash across the field, eyes trained on the window to make sure nobody looks out and sees us. Not a single shadow of a person appears within it, as we curve around towards the barn.

Me: “This isn’t really sneaky at all, is it?”
Lemmy: “What are you talking about? Can anyone see us?”
Me: “Well, nobody is looking at us.”
Lemmy: “Exactly! Stealth.
Me: “...I think you’re using that word wrong.”

He presses his body up against the barn, peering around it in the direction we just came from. I stand there staring at him. There’s nobody there still.

Lemmy: “Alright, see that?”

He points, and I finally see a small building not too far away. It’s Bigger than I expected when he said it was a shed. It’s like... Well, it’s bigger than a living room at least.

Lemmy: “That’s the toolshed. You take that, I’ll take the animal-filled barn. If I see anyone, I’ll hide myself and let them find you, so that I can get away.”
Me: “Got it– wait, what?”
Lemmy: “Break!”

He makes multiple unnecessary movements before throwing himself inside the barn, leaving me standing there alone.

...Hopefully that last part of his plan was a joke.

Not wanting to waste time, I finally let myself into the shed.

The first thing that stands out to me: It’s surprisingly Cold. For a moment I think it’s because the roof is blocking out the sun, but then I remember that most houses have roofs and aren’t cold like this. It’s not cold like a room with air conditioning, but more like when you leave the fridge open in the kitchen, and you start shivering while trying to pick out something to eat. Does that make sense?

This was definitely a place where the Sheppards were storing things. There are Crates all along the walls, and various boxes and strewn about tools in the back. There are even a couple that are just sitting out, like they hadn’t been put away properly.

There’s a Table in the middle of the room with stuff on it, which I think is for woodwork. There’s wood shavings all around the floor of the room, plus some weird stains that I think are varnish.
No. 1055816 ID: 629f2e
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Huh... As I’m looking at that table, I notice something weird on it.

...Isn’t this type of knife supposed to be in the kitchen? There’s Varnish all over its blade.
No. 1055819 ID: 8483cf

Franklin, are you sure it's Varnish? You should be fairly familiar with, ah, not-varnish substances on knives.

Get out. Now. If you see Lillian, tell her to report back what she saw.

No need for you to personally investigate. Have Lillian check the crates.
No. 1055820 ID: e51896

A random thought, I'm quite certain whatever Anderson is doing is pretty heinous, and I think we'll need to put a temporary stop to it as we do future investigations to prevent more Very Bad Things from happening for a while.

He drives a truck, yes? we should probably put holes in his tires before we leave if we have time to delay more bad stuff happening, at least for a little while. That said, grab a few nails for when we are ready to damage his tires, or find a tool that is sharp.

Not that knife you're holding though.
No. 1055821 ID: 22eda9

Honestly, my paranoia is reaching such heights that I'm not sure my advice will be of much help unless there's a "right now" emergency.
Speaking of paranoia, don't forget your promise with Temmie.

Consider searching for the source of the cold? This might be the only chance to see if anything other than animal meats are being stored.

And as "silly" as it may sound, please do the same as Lemmy did when it comes to hiding yourself when looking around corners/into other rooms- this place gives off massive "Do Not Get Caught Here" vibes.
No. 1055829 ID: dee951

Dude that's a meat cleaver. Haven't you ever seen a traditional small town butcher at work? Even when that tool is used for it's appropriate, intended use, a red substance on it is probably some sort of blood.
No. 1055831 ID: 22eda9

Oh, right- this might be a really bad time for this thought, but Franklin; What do you think the Doctor's goal is with his research and experiments? If you have a guess for it, anyways.

I know we touched on it possibly being bringing his wife back, but something about that doesn't sit quite right with me.
Not sure how to explain it, but... it's like this kind of feeling that he'd have to admit that she's "dead" in order to have a goal of "bringing her back".
No. 1055835 ID: 15c72a

>the goal?
Immortality, clearly. Transplanting an adult's head onto a child's body.
No. 1055848 ID: 57d213

Make mental list of what tools are being used there, look for other items or details of note and please open the crates.
No. 1056136 ID: 629f2e
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> Franklin, are you sure it's Varnish? You should be fairly familiar with, ah, not-varnish substances on knives.
> Dude that's a meat cleaver. Haven't you ever seen a traditional small town butcher at work? Even when that tool is used for it's appropriate, intended use, a red substance on it is probably some sort of blood.

Blood? Now that you mention it... It does have that look and smell to it. I just didn’t expect to find a bloody cleaver out here.

...Why is there a bloody cleaver here?

> Get out. Now.

I run back to the door and peek out. As far as I can tell, it isn’t like anyone is coming. Nobody should know I’m here, so I don’t see why I should leave.

> No need for you to personally investigate. Have Lillian check the crates.

But I’m already here, and Lillian is already distracting the Sheppards. We both agreed that I’d do this part, so why should I leave it to her?

...Is something wrong?

> I'm quite certain whatever Anderson is doing is pretty heinous, and I think we'll need to put a temporary stop to it as we do future investigations to prevent more Very Bad Things from happening for a while.

...Um... Isn’t that Good?

I mean, not that he’s doing bad stuff, that’s bad. But if he’s doing it here, then isn’t that what we’re here for?

If you mean it’s Dangerous to be here, then that is a problem. Like if there were boobie traps or something, or if the Sheppards were coming. Let me know if that happens, I should run or hide if it does.

You all seem worried, so I’ll try to be careful. If I Need to leave, just let me know. If there’s something here though, I’d really like to find it. We really need more clues to go on to learn what’s happening at the high school.

> This might be a really bad time for this thought, but Franklin; What do you think the Doctor's goal is with his research and experiments?

All of them, or just the ones that involve me? If you mean him bringing me back, I don’t really know why he did it. I’m not sure I could even guess.

> I know we touched on it possibly being bringing his wife back, but something about that doesn't sit quite right with me. Not sure how to explain it, but... it's like this kind of feeling that he'd have to admit that she's "dead" in order to have a goal of "bringing her back".

Oh! That could be it. Then maybe that would make me a Test for how to do that?

As for not admitting why she’s dead... Maybe it’s because he can bring her back? If dead is dead, and dead people don’t come back, then she’s not dead until it’s impossible for her to be alive again. It could be his way of not giving up on her. That would be kind of sweet, wouldn’t it?

> Immortality, clearly. Transplanting an adult's head onto a child's body.

...Why not just use another adult’s body?

Wait, was my head an adult’s head before?
No. 1056137 ID: 629f2e
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> Consider searching for the source of the cold? This might be the only chance to see if anything other than animal meats are being stored.

Hmm... If I feel around for it, it’s coming from near the Crates. Mainly the ones along the right wall. It’s definitely not coming from the crates themselves, maybe the wall? There might be a vent on it or something. The air is as cold as a Refrigerator.

Speaking of the crates, there are a lot of these. Like, I want to say twenty something on this wall. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to look through them all. Unless any of them stand out or something.

> Make mental list of what tools are being used there, look for other items or details of note and please open the crates.

Okay, that’s a little easier to start with. I start looking around, taking stock of all the equipment.

There’s that cleaver I saw before, some rakes, those tiny hand-sized shovels people garden with, regular shovels, an axe, a... thing used for gardening that I don’t know the name of, some other tools that I don’t recognize at all...

As I’m walking around the back of the room, I notice something draped over one of the tools. I move it to see, and yep, it’s another rake. What about the thing that was on it?

It’s... a Jacket. Just a small black jacket. Child-sized.

...This is Jhonen’s. It’s the exact same color and size of the one he used to wear.

There’s one way to be sure though. I bury my hand in its pocket, and– yup. Handcuffs. This has to be his.

I pull the cuffs out, and something else falls out as I do.

Me: “Huh?”

I pick it up. It’s a scrap of paper, and it looks... Torn.

Me: “This is... This is what he was going to show me, isn’t it?”

Setting the rest down, I walk closer to the light and try to read it closely. One word is clear at the very top of the scrap.


Our guess was right. Then... this really is going to be about who I used to be. It’ll have my name! My real one!

Deep breaths... This is it. I’m going to have an answer.

Alright... What does the rest of it say?

No. 1056138 ID: 629f2e
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Jordan Butler, 8, of Cattenom North Carolina passed away on Thursday, November 7th, 1969. The community’s heart goes out to the Butler family. Lynn, Peter, and Judy are in all of our thoughts and prayers, as they face the loss of their youngest.”
No. 1056139 ID: 629f2e
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That was it. Jordan. My name was Jordan Butler.

I... had an answer.

Me: “Jordan... Jordan.”

The words found a familiar spot in my mind. It was like... If you lost your favorite toy, and found it years later. Just holding it brings you back to when you used to play with it all the time. That’s what the name felt like to me.

Jordan. That was who I really was. Not Franklin, this was the real me.



Right? I mean, it’s definitely what they used to call me in my fuzzy memories. So that’s my name.

...But... Is it really? I don’t remember being Jordan. I only have bits and pieces, without any of the details to help me make sense of them. Conversations with mom and dad, vague memories about Judy, and these random flashes of Familiarity. That isn’t the same as remembering all of it.

Did I like being Jordan? More than being Franklin even?

Did I have friends, hobbies, or any sort of interests? Did I have dreams for the future?

...Is Jordan me, or do I just have his body? Would I even be him if I remembered it all, or am I just... too different to be him now?

I don’t know.


Um... I’m kind of in the middle of something, but... Something else popped into my mind.

Why is this here? This is Jhonen’s jacket, and he went to the high school, not the farm. There’s definitely a connection between them, sure, but why would this be here? It’s not like him to just leave it.

If they took it, then why did they do that? What was the point?

...Was Jhonen ever Here?
No. 1056141 ID: 15c72a

This is where he died.
No. 1056144 ID: e5709d

If they can resurrect the dead, they can transplant young body parts to old bodies and vice versa.

>What's the connection between the High School and the Farm?
... You already know, Franklin.
You already know.
No. 1056154 ID: 7e3937

Isn't... Temmie's last name Butler?
No. 1056155 ID: 22eda9

Well, that explains things with Temmie, uh- partially.
In a messed up way, you're family. Try not to think too hard about Judy just yet.

I do have some unfortunate news about your revelation; Currently, Lemmy is "Jordan." If he gets caught and is referred to by that name, things could get really problematic... if they haven't already. We don't know who does or doesn't know that name. How people will react to it.

>What about Jhonen, and the connection between the School and the Farm?
I would like to remind you of Temmie's fortune; that you wouldn't be able to fully answer all your questions. I've thought multiple times that we've uncovered all we had time to find, only to be proven wrong- but now I think we're truly reaching that threshold.

There might still be something to be found here, but I feel like you only have about one more "action" before something happens that requires you leave.
In my opinion, you should go before it comes to that.
What do you think, fellow spirits?
No. 1056174 ID: 3ec724

I agree that Franklin- and I’m calling you Franklin, Franklin- should leave immediately after taking one last quick look around. I doubt you’ll have any flashes of Familiarity here.

At least you have confirmation you aren’t an adult head. So that’s nice.

As for the Butlers, I guess you might be Temmie’s… uncle? The math checks out about right. It could be useful, but for the most part I think it’ll be most handy for understanding Temmie’s cryptic mumblings.

I’m not going to determine anything about Jhonen, because I’m not a jerk.

Let’s get to the hospital, and try to keep your wits about you. I don’t think Franklin should do anything significant at all for the rest of today- this is a HUGE thing he’s just found out, and it’s very SCARY.
No. 1056300 ID: 87e33c

>> 1056141
Please no

There's no need to look inside the crates, once you describe the room to your friends, they'll understand the implications and help fill you in. I would suggest doing that AFTER you leave the farm though. Get Lemmy, get Lillian, and head to the hospital early.

On your way out, I think the most important thing to keep track of is a *large vehicle* we need to know what they're using to transport these crates, if it's a recycling truck/garbage truck that would be useful to know, if it's an unmarked van or large trailer that would also be useful to note.

> Why is this here?
I know it's hard, but please leave the coat (but not the obituary) and do not think about this for right now, any guesses from us to you in this moment in this room that could distract you may cause you to get caught and I think it would be smarter to find what you can and get out.

> Butler
Neat, so you were in the past related to Temmie, weird, but cool nonetheless.
No. 1056507 ID: 96112b

There is yet another thing that's wrong about this.

This news article says you died at the end of 1969. That was years ago.

But everybody says we are still somewhere in the 1960s.
What is going with that?
No. 1056515 ID: 22eda9

There's a possibility that has to do with whatever significance the word Perpetuity has with Cattenom. Recursive time loop, potentially? Seems a bit out there of an idea, much easier to suggest that it's part of whatever conspiracy the adults are, by choice, perpetuating.

Franklin, if you get the chance later, see what the others think of the word. It might seem random, but I promise it's important.
Bluntly speaking, "Perpetuity" is apparently the name of the story of Cattenom.
If you're not really sure what all that means, we don't either.
No. 1056873 ID: 629f2e
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> ...Butler? Well, that explains things with Temmie, uh- partially. In a messed up way, you're family. Try not to think too hard about Judy just yet.
> Isn't... Temmie's last name Butler?

That’s not what I was ask- wait. Now that you mention it...

Butler. Jordan Butler...

...You’re right! That is Temmie’s last name, isn’t it? Does that make her my... um...

> As for the Butlers, I guess you might be Temmie’s... uncle? The math checks out about right.

Uncle? That can’t be right, can it? Your uncle is your mom or dad’s brother, so that would make one of her parents my siblings, wouldn’t it? My only sibling was Judy, and she’s... I mean, I don’t think Temmie’s mom is Judy. Judy didn’t have kids, did she?

...No, I don’t think she did.

> There is yet another thing that's wrong about this. This news article says you died at the end of 1969. That was years ago. But everybody says we are still somewhere in the 1960s.

...What are you talking about? I mean, 1969 was years ago, but...

Isn’t it 1971?

Because I remember it being 1969, and we’ve had two Christmases since then. So, it’s only two years after that.

Ah-! Wait, I just realized the problem. The obituary said that I died in November of 1969, but it was around Spring when I started going to school after that.

So... I was actually dead for a few months then, wasn’t I? Wow, that’s a pretty long time to not be alive. Or, if not dead, maybe my mind hadn’t caught up with my body yet? I could have been alive without being conscious. Whichever it is I obviously woulddn’t be able to remember it. What’s important is that what I thought was 1969 should have really been 1970.

So it’s really 1972!


Wait, what was I– Jhonen’s jacket! Right. I need to figure out why this is here.

> There might still be something to be found here, but I feel like you only have about one more "action" before something happens that requires you leave.

Huh? Is someone coming? Or, can you spirits tell the future somehow?

If I still have time to do stuff before I can go, then I want to look around a little more. There could be things I’ve missed, especially in all these crates. I haven’t even touched them.

> I agree that Franklin- and I’m calling you Franklin, Franklin- should leave immediately after taking one last quick look around. I doubt you’ll have any flashes of Familiarity here. I’m not going to determine anything about Jhonen, because I’m not a jerk.

Okay, so you don’t think there’s anything to find. But, we can’t know that without looking, can we? There’s a lot I haven’t looked at still, and this isn’t going to be an easy place to come back to. Shouldn’t we be more thorough?

> There's no need to look inside the crates, once you describe the room to your friends, they'll understand the implications and help fill you in.

They’ll fill me in on what? Implications? So it’s something that the stuff I already found should tell me?

Why don’t you just tell me if you know? Then I would know too, and I wouldn’t need to look. Or I could just check for myself, and then I’d understand what you’re all talking about. Right now I don’t... I don’t get it yet. What does this stuff mean? Why is Jhonen’s jacket here? Why would he be here? What is in these crates?

> ... You already know, Franklin. You already know.

No I don’t! I’m sorry if I should, but I don’t! Apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t. I really want to, but seeing this jacket doesn’t tell me anything more than “Jhonen might have been here”. If there’s something else, then... I don’t know.

Why are you telling me to leave? You aren’t saying that I’m in danger, that someone’s coming. You’re just saying to go. It’s like... you don’t want me to know.

...I don’t like it. That’s what the Doctor did to me. He didn’t want me to understand anything about who I really was, or where I came from. And now that I know he was lying, I... I can’t trust him anymore. There’s still so many things I have to re-examine, because all I know is what he told me.

I don’t want you guys to be like him. I don’t want Anyone to be like that. But I know some people are, because he was.


I can trust what I See. People can say a lot of things, but proof is something that’s real. That’s why I can be sure “mom” wasn’t in that closet, and that the Doctor really is a liar. I saw those things for myself.

So... if I want to know what you won’t tell me...
No. 1056874 ID: 629f2e
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Jhonen: “It’s Inconceivable...

He pokes another finger, and I make it twitch for him. He jerks back less this time. The first twitch had made him drop it, so he was making good progress from that.

Me: “No it isn’t. It’s an arm.”
Jhonen: “Did you steal that one from Lemmy?”
Me: “...Did I tell it right?”
Jhonen: “Well you didn’t get a laugh, so about as well as he does.”
Jhonen: “This might hurt, I’m about to touch the bone.”

I brace for pain, but it never comes. He cautiously taps at the bone that connects my arm to my shoulder, while looking back at me smugly.

Jhonen: “Hmph, if your human disguise wasn’t already pathetic, this would be the final straw.”
Jhonen: “Real bodies don’t come apart! And you definitely wouldn’t be able to control it while it’s detached. This is clearly a remote-controlled prop!”
Jhonen: “I suspect that dissection would reveal your brain to send out radio waves, which allow you to control your body without the need of a central nervous system.”
Me: “...I don’t know what that means?”
Jhonen: “Excellent! Your report on human biology remains inconclusive! There’s still plenty of time before a full-scale invasion!”

That part I understood. He says stuff like that all the time, things like how I’m an alien sent to Earth to scout out this planet for my race. Then I usually point out that we’re both the same race, white, so he should know what I know.

Then he stops me when I bring up kids like Louie and Martino, who are different races. Something about him being worried that I’ll end up learning racism. I feel like Lillian’s more likely to teach me that, but only if Roger plays along.

Actually, that’s just how our last conversation went. Most of them go off into different weird directions. The only thing that’s usually the same is that we never really reach a clear answer. It’s nice, because it always leaves us something to talk about.

Jhonen: “It’s all coming together... Why create a body with detachable limbs? It ties straight into the lack of a central nervous system. There’s one clear answer...”
Jhonen: “Contraband! You hide it inside your body and smuggle it wherever you want!”
Jhonen: “I finally have it figured out. You aren’t just a scout, but a Thief! You intend to rob planet Earth of its most valuable resources!”
Me: “What are those?”
Jhonen: “Books, obviously. Without our knowledge, we’ll devolve back into cavemen.”

Are there even enough caves for all of us to start living in them?

No. 1056875 ID: 629f2e
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My shoulder starts to twitch in a very bad feeling way.

Me: “Um, can I put that back on?”
Jhonen: “Right now? I had more experiments I wanted to run.”
Me: “Well, it’s starting to hurt. It usually does that after fifteen minutes. A lot. Dad says that it’ll spoil if I don’t put it back quick enough.”

He grimaces, quickly handing me back my own arm. I reach over to grab my first-aid kit, but his hand gets there first. He takes out a needle and thread.

Jhonen: “Sewing one-handed can’t be easy, even with artificial limbs. It’ll be faster to let me.”
Me: “Oh. If you want to.”

I hold my arm in place, as he begins to sew. He winces whenever he sees me wince, which makes it like seeing my own winces in a way.

Jhonen: “Ideally in the future, you should bring up concerns such as time limits Before we encroach upon them.”
Me: “Okay. I think we have more time before anything really bad happens though.”
Jhonen: “Are you harmed?”
Me: “I... don’t feel great?”
Jhonen: “And it was highly avoidable! So let’s endeavor to avoid it next time, lest I get accused of “inhumane” treatment.”
Me: “You are human.”
Jhonen: “Correct! And since you aren’t, it’s important that I set the bar high regarding how great humans are. Can’t let us be seen as weak or cruel if it might get us invaded.”

He has a proud smile when he says that. Not like he was thinking he’s better than me, but more of a noble one. I can’t really explain it, but it makes me smile in response.

I barely notice when he finishes my arm. Just sitting here and just talking to him... it was comfortable.

No. 1056876 ID: 629f2e
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> This is where he died.
No. 1056877 ID: 629f2e
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Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 90/100]

No. 1056878 ID: e51896

It's okay to cry. Let it all out.

If it helps, please remember Temmie's hug. She knew this would potentially happen, and she wanted to comfort you beforehand.
No. 1056879 ID: e193f6

It’s okay, just think of the head as something you’ve seen before a thousand times in your… dad(?)’s basement.

Okay yeah this is pretty messed up. Let it all out.
No. 1056899 ID: 15c72a

His soul shall go on to do great things, Franklin... in his next life. He'll even remember you, a little.
No. 1056920 ID: 22eda9

...I'm so sorry, Franklin.

I know that this is probably a horrible thing to say right now, but...

Panic later, Escape now.

We're still responsible for Lemmy and Lillian, okay?

I'm sure you want to tell them, and I think it's right to let them know, but there's a time and place for it. If your panic hasn't alarmed anyone yet, then theirs might.

I can't think of anything more impactful than this to be a "Sign"- meaning it's probably time to visit Temmie.
No. 1056936 ID: 96112b

Put it back.

Close the crate tight.

Leave. Make sure the shed's door is closed.

Run to where we were supposed to meet the others.

Everything else, we do after.
No. 1057187 ID: 629f2e
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> ItzokyTocRiLtalout

> OkYyhhiTsSPttymsedup

> ImssRyfrAnkln

...Huh? Sorry, I... Huh?




I’m not breathing, or maybe I’m breathing too much? I don’t know. My chest hurts, but I can’t feel–


That’s not important. I should do something about this. I can’t just be holding this head all day, so maybe I should put it ba–


...The others are probably waiting on me. I should leave and tell them what I f–


No. 1057188 ID: 629f2e
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> PnIclTrEScaypnOw

> hSSSolshLgooontoodgRtthngsFrankn.InnisnXtlfhllleevenmEmbyoolitTle

...I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. You’re saying stuff, but I can’t really make it out. I think... You want me to leave?

That’s right... I’m supposed to go to the Hospital after this, I remember. We came here to find clues that something was going on. I did. That means it’s time to go there. It’s really not that hard to understand, I should have needed a reminder.

Sorry, I guess I lost track of my senses for a minute, didn’t I? I was just... Shocked?




I should go now.

And so I take off in a sprint, wasting no time to get away. Far far away from this Awful place filled with Awful things.

I blink, and I’m passing the barn.

I blink, and I’m at the fence.

I blink, and I’m running back towards town.

I ignore the pounding in my chest, banging like a drum loudly in my ears. If it goes any faster, it might explode. All that’d happen then is that I’d die. That’s fine, isn’t it? Everybody dies. I’ll just be one of the only people to say he did it twice. Maybe the Doctor will bring me back, and I’ll die a third time. Maybe he can give me a new name, and a new life, and I can make new friends. The idea is scary, but maybe it’d be better that way.

When I think about it, everything got worse when I started asking questions, or pointing out things that were wrong. Before that, I had a mom, a dad, and even a best friend who needed my help. And now... I don’t.

Maybe that’s why I’m not waiting for Lillian. She’s my friend, someone who really cares about me.

I don’t want to question that. I’m running out of people to lose.

I’m tired... But not because of that actually.

Oh, it must be because I was running so quickly. My lungs are pumping air as hard as they can, but I’m breathing out more than I’m breathing in. I must have been doing that for a while, I feel lightheaded.

I just... need to Breathe.



No. 1057190 ID: 629f2e
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???: “Seriously? Already?”

I flinch. He was close. Just a little more, and maybe...

I lunge for him, but he takes a step back. I end up falling on my face, still huffing and puffing.

???: “Are you even trying?”
Me: “huff... y-yes.”
???: “Hey, who tagged Jordan last?”

Another kid owns up to it. I pick myself off the ground, still trying to catch my breath.

???: “Let’s set a new rule: Nobody is allowed to tag Jordan anymore, okay?”
???: “He’s too slow. The game is basically over once he’s It.”
Me: “huff... huff... I-I’m fine! I c-can– huff –keep going, J-Jesse.”
Jesse: “So? It doesn’t matter if you keep running when you don’t catch anybody.”
Jesse: “Also, you look like you’re gonna hurl. Are you seriously gonna puke again?”
Me: “...N-No I’m–”

I twitch, covering my mouth quickly. He may have been right about that part.
No. 1057192 ID: 629f2e
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Jesse: “You were already out sick the last two weeks. The teacher thinks you're faking it to get out of schoolwork.”
Me: “I’m– huff –not...”
Danny: “Hey, Jesse’s right. This game you should stay out of this, you don’t look okay.”
Danny: “Yeah, why don’t you sit down for a bit?”
Jesse: “Come on! Recess is almost over, just leave him. Danny, you’re It, since you tagged him last.”
Danny: “Aw, what? No fair!”
Me: “W-Wait... huff...

I want to follow them, but I’m past my limit. With a retch, my lunch comes up the same way it came in. I can hear kids around me calling it gross, but only barely. Everything felt fuzzy.

???: “...Jordan? Do you...nurse...
Me: “...Huh......?

It’s the last thing I remember before waking up somewhere else.

No. 1057194 ID: 629f2e
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I wake up somewhere else.

I’m... on a bed. Definitely not mine though. It’s stiffer, and the air in the room is a lot more sterile than my bedroom at home. Almost like dad’s lab, but without the smells that are usually in it.

...This is the Hospital? Did I overexert myself and pass out? Why didn’t I–

Oh. Right.

I wasn’t really in a good headspace before... It’s probably good that I was completely out, so that I couldn’t say anything stupid when I arrived. It’s okay though, I’m feeling... I’m– I’m more in control now. It’s not better, but it’s something.

...What am I even supposed to do now?
No. 1057196 ID: 15c72a

Oh great. This isn't the best place to be in right now. Lots of adults around, and I think we can safely assume that every adult in town is in on the secret. ESPECIALLY the medical staff, because, well, a cursory examination of your body speaks volumes. Don't volunteer any information.

...I'm not sure what our endgame is here. How are we going to stop it? Simple sabotage? A group escape attempt? Create a big enough disaster that they HAVE to call in help from outside? ...even if we contact the outside world, it's possible they won't want to stop it.
No. 1057202 ID: 3e0a01

Jesse... or was that Danny? kind of looked like Phillip... or Lillian.... didn't he? Maybe they're the same? Maybe Lillian or phillip had a past life with you as Jesse/Danny, and you as Jordan?

Now that I think about it, you did mistake Roger as Jesse, and that kid had similar hair to him, just darker, so maybe the darker haired kid was Jesse, currently Roger and Danny was the lighter haired kid, currently Phillip/Lillian?

uh, anyway, you saw something scary, ran away, and overexerted yourself. but you're safe for now. Maybe you should take a rest... or maybe find Jojo? Yeah find Jojo. She might appreciate a visitor, even if she doesnt show it.

And i have a feeling you'll appreciate her company, just have a chat with her
No. 1057204 ID: e7848d

Agreed that we should go find JoJo.

Let's take a breather and just calm down for a bit. Franklin opening his mouth around an adult right now won't lead to anything good.

As much as I hate to say it, Louie and Lillian are in a much better headspace to handle things at the hospital right now. Trust that they're handling things while we act as a distraction just by being ourselves. Franklin is good at that.
No. 1057206 ID: 38349b

I would like to politely, but firmly, inform you, now that you are lucid, as to why I was requesting you to leave the space and not see the body, since you are upset that we are not being fully transparent, allow me to be clearer.

We can tell approximately how stable your mental state is, or how [terrified] you are, and where the point of no return is. Yours is the highest out of all of your friends at the moment, and my intent was for you to not witness it and be pushed as far as it is.

Unfortunately, at this point, if you find out any other big massive, mind-breaking revelations, or get terrified, or caught, or worse, we can all but gurantee that something [bad] will happen to you. Also losing your mental state is pretty bad as well.

If you know any meditation techniques or ways to rest, or calm your mind, not just being absent like normal, but *recovering*, you should probably do that at some point in the future.

I have no opinion on if you should check on Jojo.
No. 1057220 ID: 22eda9

Just... focus on what you can do right now, alright? Don't push yourself too hard. You've accomplished a lot, these last few days.

Since we're talking about Fear levels, we might as well specifically tell you the current values last seen;
Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 90/100] (For reference, you were at 60 earlier. For further perspective on how much a unit of fear is, around or just before the Promise/Misunderstanding memory was about 10 fear.)
[Clive: 55/100]
[Lemmy: 54/100]
[Albert: 50/100]
[‘Bec: 36/100]
[Roger: 29/100]
[Lillian: 28/100]
[Enid: 17/100] (Previously at 54, greatly reduced thanks to Saihu. Consider seeing him if you have time, if you think the result can be trusted- or if you think it's worth it even if you don't trust it.)
No. 1057239 ID: 6eafc2

Waaaaaait a minute.

Im going through that line of thinking concerning past lives, and i may have figured something out that you might want to hear, Franklin. I want you to take a moment to rest and reflect on what you learned so far as i go through this with you for a moment

So, if you, Roger, and Lillian/Phillip had a past life as Jordan, Jesse, and Danny, that stands to reason that a kid in your town may have had a past life as your past life's sister Judy as well, right?

Now if you take that obituary you found earlier and compare your past life's last name Butler with someone in town currently, that could mean...

Franklin, I believe I figured out where Judy is, or rather... who she is... and that person even told you she knew exactly who Judy was too, and would explain why she hugged you earlier...

It's Temmie! Temmie used to be Judy

further proof for people who read Crystal Spire quest, there was a character named Francis who had a spirit parasite companion named [Judith] which sounded similar to Judy's name, and she looked so much like Temmie
No. 1057381 ID: 22eda9


No. 1058404 ID: 629f2e
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> Oh great. This isn't the best place to be in right now. Lots of adults around, and I think we can safely assume that every adult in town is in on the secret. ESPECIALLY the medical staff, because, well, a cursory examination of your body speaks volumes. Don't volunteer any information.

They all know? In that case... Why would they need to check my body? Wouldn’t that be useless, since they already know what they’d find?

Unless you mean the secret about... Jhonen, and the farm... I guess it’s good that I don’t understand it, because that means I can’t accidentally say too much about it. I’ll be careful around the adults though.

> ...I'm not sure what our endgame is here. How are we going to stop it?

I don’t know. I don’t even understand what It is.

> I would like to politely, but firmly, inform you, now that you are lucid, as to why I was requesting you to leave the space and not see the body, since you are upset that we are not being fully transparent, allow me to be clearer. We can tell approximately how stable your mental state is, or how [terrified] you are, and where the point of no return is. Yours is the highest out of all of your friends at the moment, and my intent was for you to not witness it and be pushed as far as it is.

You were just trying to protect me, because you knew I’d be upset with what I saw?

Well you weren’t wrong. It was upsetting to see that Jhonen was– that he’s... I-I don’t think I’m ready to think about that, sorry.

Still... You tried to stop me from finding out about it. If I had just told Lillian and Lemmy what I found, they wouldn’t have told me either, would they? Lemmy might try, but Lillian wouldn’t want to hurt me either. Just like you guys.

...Jhonen was My best friend. Shouldn’t I have a right to know the bad things that happen to him, even if it hurts?

Why do other people keep deciding what I should or shouldn’t know?

> Jesse... or was that Danny? kind of looked like Phillip... or Lillian.... didn't he? Maybe they're the same? Maybe Lillian or phillip had a past life with you as Jesse/Danny, and you as Jordan?

> Now that I think about it, you did mistake Roger as Jesse, and that kid had similar hair to him, just darker, so maybe the darker haired kid was Jesse, currently Roger and Danny was the lighter haired kid, currently Phillip/Lillian?

...I did think it was odd. Jesse and Roger look similar, but Danny was the splitting image of Lillian/Phillip (those two look exactly the same, I’m not sure which of them to say here). Was I remembering them correctly? Isn’t it possible that my mind just connected my friends to kids I couldn’t remember the faces of?

If it’s real, then... How? Why? And how come I’m the only one with, in retrospect, super obvious signs of being brought back? Nobody else can pull off their limbs. They don’t have weird memory problems, at least I think they don’t... The point is, I’m weird because I died and came back. If everyone did, why aren’t I normal?

And why would everyone I know get changed in just a few months anyways? I wasn’t dead for that long, so... so...


I don’t actually know that, do I?

When I learned I died in November, I just assumed that waking up in Spring meant that months had passed. And they did! I’m not wrong about that. It’s just...

I was assuming that I woke up in Spring, the year after I died. The year was just an assumption though. What if I was dead for longer? It could be literally any number of years after I died that I finally woke back up. One, two, ten, ten hundred...

I stop, realizing that I’m on the verge of another freak out.

Party Fear Levels:
[Franklin: 92/100]

No. 1058406 ID: 629f2e
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The important part was: Things can be very different, since a lot of time could have passed. Maybe they really are the same. It wouldn’t make complete sense, but it wouldn’t completely not make sense either.

If that’s really the case though... doesn’t that mean everyone who was brought back would have Died at some point?

What could have happened to them?

> Waaaaaait a minute. Im going through that line of thinking concerning past lives, and i may have figured something out that you might want to hear, Franklin. I want you to take a moment to rest and reflect on what you learned so far as i go through this with you for a moment

Rest? But I just woke up.

> If you know any meditation techniques or ways to rest, or calm your mind, not just being absent like normal, but *recovering*, you should probably do that at some point in the future.

A good meal, a good night’s sleep, and a good time with friends are the keys to happiness. I read that in a book, so it’s probably true.

Passing out wasn’t really good sleep, but I can at least do the other two later. If the Doctor was too distracted to make dinner, I know how to make pigs in a blanket and fish sticks. I wonder if he’ll let me have a sleepover two nights in a row. I haven’t tried asking before, so it’s not impossible for him to be okay with it.

> So, if you, Roger, and Lillian/Phillip had a past life as Jordan, Jesse, and Danny, that stands to reason that a kid in your town may have had a past life as your past life's sister Judy as well, right? Now if you take that obituary you found earlier and compare your past life's last name Butler with someone in town currently, that could mean...

> It's Temmie! Temmie used to be Judy


Temmie... is... Judy?

Temmie...... is–


I look over, at the window beside me, drawn by the soft sound of raindrops. A small sprinkle had begun.

I stare out, really taking in the view. A forest flush with trees sat on the other side of a flowing river. I could see middle schoolers coming out from the tree line, likely from that creek I’ve heard that some of them like to hang out at. Gray clouds blanket the sky, no longer blocking the sun, as it was well on its way below the treeline. Night was coming quickly, it might even be after curfew already. No, maybe not that late, but close.

Judy: “Hey, c’mon, don’t ignore me.”
No. 1058407 ID: 629f2e
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I blink. Had I stopped paying attention again?

Me: “Sorry. ‘M sleepy.”
Judy: “You’re the one who insisted on staying up, dork.”
Me: “...They said they’d visit me every day. I didn’t want to miss them.”
Judy: “They already broke that one yesterday.”

That’s not fair. Dad had a super important meeting yesterday, and one of the teachers called out so mom had to grade a bunch of papers and was tired. Yesterday was an exception, that’s all.

Me: “...I guess today’s an exception too.”
Judy: “Jordan, they don’t make exceptions, they make empty promises. They just say whatever they want, and only follow-through if they want to.”

I wince. That wasn’t true, they definitely cared a lot. It’s just that sometimes... things come up. Especially with mom and dad. They’re really important, so a lot of people need them. They can’t always be there when I want them to be.

Judy: “...Look, don’t worry about them. Check this out!”

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a funny looking book. It had a latch on it, and the cover looked funny, like it was stitched together piece by piece.

Judy: “The writing in this one is so funky, like it’s not even in a language humans are supposed to understand. This journal is definitely cursed.”
Me: “With cool curses?”
Judy: “The coolest! This thing reeks of the dark arts.”
Me: “Cool.’
Judy: “I’ve been cutting class to read it over, and I think I’m starting to break the code. See, it’s kind of like...”

She holds up a page of symbols to me, pointing at it like she was going to explain. She has her mouth open, but slowly closes it after a few seconds.

Judy: “Huh... Well, I can’t really explain it, but just trust me. The longer you read it, the more it starts to make sense.”
Me: “Where did you get it?”
Judy: “Heck if I remember. Do you know how many books there are in my room right now?”
Judy: “Library ones; all the ones from my collection; books from our attic and the attics of any neighbors, friends, people who leave their front doors open...”
Judy: “I’m pretty sure I could open up a library in my bedroom at this point.”
Me: “Wow, I can’t even imagine doing that much.”
Judy: “It helps when they’re interesting books instead of the stuff school assigns.”
Me: “Maybe. You don’t have to work so hard though. Even if I die, you can always just move onto studying necromancy, right?”
Judy: “Yeeeeaaahhh, but that’s so much more of a hassle. It involves sacrifices, and blood rituals, and you might still come back without a soul...”
Judy: “It’s a solid plan b, but for now I’d like to keep my focus on fixing you when there’s less wrong.”

I smile. She’s way more focused on this than I’d like, and yet it makes me really happy. I don’t want her to stop visiting, although it wouldn’t be bad if she was doing more fun things at home either. It almost feels like I’m giving her homework, even though I never told her to do all that research.

With all of her knowledge though, this disease will be history in no time! Then she can stop worrying, and we can go home and do more fun things together. Dad said that we could play that board game he got me for my birthday the night I get out of here. He’s going to drop everything for that, he promised.

Mom hasn’t said much to me. Other than the day I was admitted, she’s only visited once. It was the day after... I don’t remember what it was called, but mom came by during that. She didn’t come in or say anything, just stared at me from the doorway. I probably looked pretty bad, because that was how I felt.

Then she left. Maybe next time she’ll say hi at least. Assuming there is a next time...


Judy: “Hey, Jordan, you’re spacing out again.”
Me: “Huh? Oh, sorry, were you saying something?”
Judy: “...You’ve been doing that more often recently.”
Me: “Sorry. I’m just tired.”
Judy: “Jordan, you were like this yesterday too. In the afternoon.
Me: “Oh. Sorry. I don’t know why I’m so tired...”
Judy: “Hey, it’s fine. You’re... You’re going to be okay.”
Me: “...Promise?

Her face scrunches up with pain. I frown. Is it really that bad?

I brace myself for the worst, only for her to nod slowly.

Judy: “Promise. You’re gonna be okay.”
Judy: “Just give me a little more time with this journal, and I figure you’ll be going back to school by the end of the month. No biting it until then, alright?”
Me: “No chewing. Understood.”
Judy: “Not what I mean, but I like the spirit.”
Me: “That’s the important part. Even if the body breaks, my spirit is still healthy, right?”

I expect her to be happy that I remembered all the stuff she’s told me about spirits and souls, but she doesn’t smile at all.

Judy: “...It’s gonna be okay, alright Jordan?”
Me: “I know.”
Judy: “You’re gonna be fine. Somehow...”
No. 1058408 ID: 629f2e
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Judy: “It’s a Promise.

I try to stand up too quickly, and end up tripping over the side of the bed. I have to lie there for a minute just catching my breath. If my brain was a puzzle, it felt like the biggest piece had just fallen into place.

Temmie is Judy. Of course she is!

They both like occult stuff. They’re both Butlers. They both cared about me! That’s why Temmie hugged me earlier, she really was just being affectionate, just like Judy was.

And that fortune, didn’t she say something about herself in it? How did it go?

“All roads will lead you back to me, yet the journey will change in many ways.”

It’s so obvious in retrospect. The fortune was about Judy, and if she is Judy then we’d naturally wind up coming back to her after we figure that out.

After we...



I look back at the window, watching the rain come down for a few seconds. I start to feel guilty as I think about it.

I completely abandoned Lillian, and Lemmy too. It wasn’t on purpose, but I probably worried them a lot when I did that. And they aren’t here, which means they might not know that I’m here. Did they even see me leave? What if they think something happened to me?

Ugh. I messed things up pretty badly, didn’t I? I hope they’re okay. Maybe I should check on them first... wherever they are.

> Maybe you should take a rest... or maybe find Jojo? Yeah find Jojo. She might appreciate a visitor, even if she doesnt show it.

> Agreed that we should go find JoJo.

Oh. Right, we came here to see her. I kind of forgot about that with everything else in my head. We are still here, so I guess we could stop by and check on JoJo.

...It’s selfish, but I want to see Temmie. Now that I know the truth, I just... I have so many things I want to ask her. Would it be wrong to ignore everyone else and go straight there?
No. 1058410 ID: 188e95

First things first: you can’t blame yourself for “messing up” or “abandoning” Lillian and Lemmy. They’ll completely understand that you’re going through some extremely stressful stuff, and Lillian knows what it’s like to suffer through that. Maybe Lemmy does (or doesn’t) too, but of all Lemmy’s massive, massive faults, he’s not caustic or overbearing like a certain spiky-haired friend of ours. They won’t feel bad or blame you for taking the time you need to focus and recover.

Speaking of recovery, I still think it’s important to go see JoJo.

Think back to the flashback you just had. How good did it feel to get a visit from Judy after you were admitted, when even your own mom wasn’t dropping by?

This is what memories are there for: they help us make better decisions now, for other people, that we wouldn’t have made if we don’t have them.

Use all your memories, Franklin. Especially the ones where you’re being called Jordan.
No. 1058412 ID: 273c18

>Why would they need to check my body?
No, I mean, if they didn't know, then examining you would reveal the secret, so there's no way the people in charge would allow medical staff near you if they didn't already know.

Hmm, this means she must be keeping away from Dr. Stein, or adults in general. Who in town knows what she looks like, and what her last name is?

>go straight to Temmie?
Hmm. Well, one problem with that is you may be under observation now. Didn't you collapse in a suspicious place?
No. 1058415 ID: e51896

I want to see Temmie too. But at the moment, we did get some insight that she is being kept a close eye on by her father and he might actually suspicious of her after she took that opportunity to speak with you alone instead of going downstairs with her father after their window broke... talking to her is going to be difficult and might risk her and you getting in trouble.

From what I remember though, she does have one trick up her sleeve to escape him, but she said she is saving that opportunity for later and I'm not too sure if she will need that opportunity to speak to you or use that for another reason. She's also taking the time to monitor a situation of her own, from what I remember her saying. Not sure what...

if we do decide to see her, we might need to figure out how, and I'm not sure how we can do this right now. But rest assured, Temmie did say that the roads will lead you back to her after all, so maybe just have patience for now?

Plus, I think you need to take time to relax first like that other spirit said. You did have a pretty bad day today, and Jojo had a really bad day too yesterday too. So visiting her like how Judy visited you might raise some of her spirits. You don't need to ask Jojo what happened, or get information from her, you already learned a lot of things today. Just tell her you wanted to check up on her after you heard she was sick...

Who knows, maybe Lilian will be there too? she was planning on coming to see Jojo as well later, so there is a possibility you might just run into her.


And Franklin, always remember Judy's promise... you're going to be okay. Keep that to heart, no matter what happens from this point on, even if things become hopeless, alright?

You've come very far, and have matured a little. Earlier you said your memory was unreliable, but it turned out to be a lot more trustworthy than you gave it credit for. All you needed was to take the time to think things over, with help from your friends.
No. 1058417 ID: 22eda9

>Why do other people keep deciding what I should or shouldn’t know?
Well, either it'd be bad for them if you knew something, or it's because it'd be bad for you. The former's more selfish than the latter, and generally the latter is what us and your friends have stuck to. I hope.
The worries of "Can they handle it?" "Is it right?" "When is the right time?" "Do they deserve to face the consequences of that knowledge?" and more make that kind of thing so much harder to determine.
For example, is it right for Enid to know her father was likely killed? Certainly.
But is now the right time? When she has more to worry about? When she's... relatively stable right now? She might be able to handle it at her current Fear. But maybe it's unnecessary digging at old wounds. There isn't an answer to Who or Why (just speculation), or "What am I supposed to do with this information/these feelings?"

>Any number of years... + Reincarnations(?)
I think... I'm starting to understand, but I'm not sure where it fits in with the current Cattenom's situation. This is all so complicated.

I'm not sure if this kind of hypothesis is right to share, but... I'm starting to think that people who die in Cattenom don't fully die. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

>Would it be wrong to ignore everyone else and go straight there?
I think if you can, you should. If not, check on Jojo first.
No. 1058418 ID: 273c18

Oh right let me answer this question.
>Why do other people keep deciding what I should or shouldn’t know?
Because they have more experience than you, are older than you, they think they know what's best for you. They want to avoid their own mistakes, shield you from harm, etc, but that can backfire too. Excessively sheltering or coddling someone can negatively affect their psyche.

Personally I think it would've been better to TELL you what you were likely to find, and warn you that it would be much worse to look at directly than to know by implication. To explain what harm it could do to you, rather than shroud you in ignorance and steer you away.
No. 1059047 ID: 629f2e
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> “Why do other people keep deciding what I should or shouldn’t know?” Because they have more experience than you, are older than you, they think they know what's best for you. They want to avoid their own mistakes, shield you from harm, etc, but that can backfire too. Excessively sheltering or coddling someone can negatively affect their psyche.

> The worries of "Can they handle it?" "Is it right?" "When is the right time?" "Do they deserve to face the consequences of that knowledge?" and more make that kind of thing so much harder to determine. For example, is it right for Enid to know her father was likely killed? Certainly. But is now the right time? When she has more to worry about? When she's... relatively stable right now? She might be able to handle it at her current Fear. But maybe it's unnecessary digging at old wounds.

With everything else happening, I forgot about Enid’s dad. What are we going to tell her when we meet again?

Well... If she’s really not in a good place, I guess I’d wait for her to calm down first. I want to tell her as soon as possible though. She should know what happened. It was her dad, none of us were close to him like she was. We don’t know what that information will do to her, but holding it back because we’re scared it could hurt wouldn’t be right.

That and I feel like she has her Suspicions already.

Enid: “Adults Lie all the time. Even Giovanni lied to us when we asked him about Jhonen.”
Enid: “Why wouldn’t they lie about this too?”

It’s just a feeling I have. I don’t think any of us have really talked to her about the house fire, or what she thinks about it. We don’t want to upset her, but maybe she’d feel better talking about it. Something to think about.

Anyways, I would be honest with Enid, and I’d want my friends to do the same for me.

> First things first: you can’t blame yourself for “messing up” or “abandoning” Lillian and Lemmy. They’ll completely understand that you’re going through some extremely stressful stuff, and Lillian knows what it’s like to suffer through that. They won’t feel bad or blame you for taking the time you need to focus and recover.

I still wish I hadn’t left how I did, but I’ll try not to feel too guilty about it.

> Speaking of recovery, I still think it’s important to go see JoJo. Think back to the flashback you just had. How good did it feel to get a visit from Judy after you were admitted, when even your own mom wasn’t dropping by?

...It can be lonely, staying by yourself in a room like this without anyone to talk to or play with. Lonely, boring, and weirdly draining. You’d think it’d feel great to rest that much, but it doesn’t.

I still want to visit Temmie, but... I’ll check on JoJo first. I’m here after all.

> This is what memories are there for: they help us make better decisions now, for other people, that we wouldn’t have made if we didn't have them. Use all your memories, Franklin. Especially the ones where you’re being called Jordan.

I may not have all of Jordan’s memories, but the ones that I do have made me look at things Differently. I don’t know if I can even get back in the headspace I was in before I had them, and that was just today! Or, I guess it started yesterday...?

I wish I had the rest, but who knows how different things would seem then?
No. 1059048 ID: 629f2e
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I don’t run into any of the doctors while leaving my room. I try to walk quietly, peeking into every room in the hallways I’m in. The third door ends up being right. I hear her voice come through as soon as I crack it.

JoJo: “Who’s there?”

I let myself in, shutting the door behind me. She doesn’t look good, but then she is sick. Her hair is a mess, her face seems tired, and they have more blankets on her than there were in my bed.

JoJo: “You? What do you want?”
Me: “To see if you’re feeling better.”
JoJo: “Why?”
Me: “Because I was worried?”
JoJo: “Yeah, see, that was implied. Why though? It’s not like we’re friends.”
Me: “Well, I guess that’s true...”
Me: “...I thought it would be sad if nobody visited you, and you were all alone here.”
JoJo: “Oh great, a Pity visit. Awesome, this day just keeps getting better and better.”
Me: “Really?”

Not really, judging by the glare she shoots me. Maybe I should change the topic.

Me: “So... Did something happen to you?”
JoJo: “I got sick. That something enough?”
Me: “Sort of. Is it serious?”
JoJo: “...Just a cold.”
Me: “Then why are you here? Don’t most kids just stay home when it’s a cold or fever?”

She lets out a scornful laugh.

JoJo: “Whatever. I’m fine. You can leave.”
Me: “...Um, have your parents stopped by to visit, maybe?”
JoJo: “What? Planning to grill them next? Make them explain how I wound up here?”
Me: “No. I was just wondering if anyone else had come yet.”
JoJo: “...No, they haven’t. Satisfied?”

Good question. I really just wanted to check in, and she seems to be her usual self. Her usual abrasive self. That’s... good?

Me: “I guess so. It’s nice that you’re doing well.”
JoJo: “It was better before you showed up, but whatever.”
Me: “Should I go then?”
JoJo: “What do you think?”

I think that’s a yes.

I turn around to leave, getting as far as stepping out of the room, when I hear her call back.

JoJo: “Wait.”
JoJo: “...Have you seen ‘Bec?
Me: “...Hmm...”

It takes me a minute to place that name, but I remember Albert saying it while we were talking about yesterday. I don’t know what she looks like though.

Me: “I don’t think so? Is she coming over?”
JoJo: “The doc said that she... Look, I just figured she might drop by.”
Me: “Did you want her to?”
JoJo: “Beats seeing your ugly mug.”
Me: “...”
JoJo: “Whatever. She probably has other things going on.”
Me: “...If I see her, I could ask her to stop by and visit.”
JoJo: “Huh? Who told you to do something like that–!?”
No. 1059049 ID: 629f2e
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A cough from behind me interrupts the conversation. I startle slightly, turning around to see one of the doctors standing there. It isn’t just any doctor, but Mr. Horvitz.

Mr. Horvitz: “I see you’re awake. Feeling better?”
Me: “Er– Yes sir.”
Mr. Horvitz: “Splendid. If that’s the case, then you’re free to go. It’s nearly curfew, so you should hurry if you want to make it home.”
Me: “Okay...”

Part of me wants to say something. This is Jhonen’s dad, which means it’s his fault Jhonen graduated. His fault that Jhonen’s head was–

I stop myself. If I say anything, I’ll just mess up. I know I will, I’ll say everything that I shouldn’t and get in trouble. I don’t want to do that, so I keep my anger on a leash. For now at least.

Before I go, I give JoJo a small wave. She doesn’t wave back or say anything.
No. 1059050 ID: 629f2e
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It’s not long after that I’m standing at the door to the hospital, watching the rain come down as the last bit of sunlight is fading away.

> I want to see Temmie too. But at the moment, we did get some insight that she is being kept a close eye on by her father and he might actually suspicious of her after she took that opportunity to speak with you alone instead of going downstairs with her father after their window broke... talking to her is going to be difficult and might risk her and you getting in trouble.

...If that wasn’t what I was supposed to do, then she would have said that, wouldn’t she? Her fortune said that it would come back to her, not that we’d talk tomorrow.

> From what I remember though, she does have one trick up her sleeve to escape him, but she said she is saving that opportunity for later and I'm not too sure if she will need that opportunity to speak to you or use that for another reason.

This is later, so that could mean now! I bet if I go to her house, she’ll be waiting for me!

...I’m going to go see her. I’m sorry, but I can’t just wait and do it tomorrow. It has to be tonight. I’m not going to be able to get any sleep if I can’t get some sort of explanation out of her for... everything.

The only thing I’m willing to delay my visit for are my friends. I don’t know if they’re still out there or if they went home. If they’re looking for me, I might make them all late for curfew. But even if they’re out there, there are so many places they could be, and it’s dark, and raining...

...Which should it be? Temmie, or Lemmy and Lillian?
No. 1059053 ID: bc3539

Temmie can speak with spirits and has some limited foresight, so whatever you end up doing, Franklin, she'll likely be prepared in one form or another.

You know who doesn't have that ability? Your friend, Lillian. And that kid Lemmy.

You should go find Lillian and Lemmy and make sure they don't get in trouble for trying to find you after curfew. It's been a bad day for SUSPICION by adults of y'all, let's not make it worse.
No. 1059057 ID: e51896

I'm not sure what to pick right now, but I think there is a couple things to keep in mind,

Temmie's fortunes can be metaphorical, and not literal. with that in mind, when she said the journey would lead you back to her, it could actually mean that she was the answer to the journey you were going out to seek, leading you back to her as the answer. That said, what she explained could be literal, or it could have been metaphorical.

And also, I remember her saying that at the end of your journey, only most of your questions will be answered, not everything. Whether you see her or not, I do not think you are going to get answers to everything like you want. But remember that you did get most of answers you were seeking from this investigation, the big one being who Judy was, and who your friends may have used to be.

I'll think over my answer a little more, but I thought I'd explain what I'm thinking right now for context. I'm right now leaning towards seeing Temmie since we have no idea where Lemmy and Lilian are, and there could be a chance we won't find them, unless you guys had planned a meeting place to catch up with everyone else like Roger and Albert.
No. 1059072 ID: 22eda9

When you're lost, it's always good to review. Shall we re-examine the promise and fortune?

>“I need a favor from you, something that I am incapable of doing by myself. I’m fine for now, but I’ll need this from you in a few days.
If Temmie was fine, what would cause her to not be fine? A few days is also... kind of vague, but is at least two?
>“If you promise to keep up your end when it matters, then I will let you ask me Two Questions right here and now."
>“In the final act of your story, I will have already spent what little usefulness I could offer to you and your friends. At that time, I will have Nothing left to give.”
She emphasized Nothing. No fortunes, no protection, no suggestions. I'm uncertain of what would cause that either.
>“I’d like you to promise that no matter how little help I can be, or how much time it will cost you at a Critical Juncture, you will still come back for me at the end.”
How critical is the current choice? This could be it, unless it's related to Group B (Clive/etc).

>"You learn quickly, so this will be more than enough for you.”
...At the end of the day, she believed you would know when the time would come.

If you say it's now, then that's all there is to it.

(fortune minimized due to redundancy/space, use Ctrl+F if reference necessary.)
>“In the opening act..."
If we assume that Jhonen deduced the "plot"... then, who are the other two? Franklin Sr. and Mr. Sheppard? ...I'm not confident in that answer.
>“Three guides stand at the start of each road..."
>“One stares so deeply inward... Perhaps you are more the guide than the follower.”
>“Another has never been one you could trust... You will question who they truly are, and eventually come to know throughout your quest.”
>“The last sees no path at all..."
I'm uncertain who the three guides are still.

>“Eventually, the show will end, the curtains will fall, and the actors will drop the charade. Strive not to get lost in the performance, lest you find yourself unable to face reality when the story concludes.
I'm wondering if this 'end' and the "end" Temmie mentioned before the fortune are one and the same. If they are... is the act, the charade- still going?

If you're going to Temmie, I'd suggest seeing if there's anyone around on the way to her that you trust to deliver a message to Lillian. That way they know you're okay.
No. 1059073 ID: 22eda9

Actually, wait, would there even be anyone out this late that would do that? I doubt it. Um...

...You could... check in with one of the doctors to have them place a call for you? Maybe have them call Lillian's parents?
Actually... damn, I don't know.
No. 1059097 ID: 22eda9

>"Even Giovanni lied to us when we asked him about Jhonen."


...He knew? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he falls under the "was made to stay quiet" category, but...

Hmm. Maybe don't ask the doctors to call.
No. 1060141 ID: 629f2e
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> You should go find Lillian and Lemmy and make sure they don't get in trouble for trying to find you after curfew. It's been a bad day for SUSPICION by adults of y'all, let's not make it worse.

> I'm right now leaning towards seeing Temmie since we have no idea where Lemmy and Lilian are, and there could be a chance we won't find them, unless you guys had planned a meeting place to catch up with everyone else like Roger and Albert.

Those are both good points. We didn’t decide on where to meet up after our investigation, and even if we had, Lillian and Lemmy might still be looking for me.

> Temmie's fortunes can be metaphorical, and not literal. With that in mind, when she said the journey would lead you back to her, it could actually mean that she was the answer to the journey you were going out to seek, leading you back to her as the answer. That said, what she explained could be literal, or it could have been metaphorical.

I guess that makes sense, even if it’s confusing...

If it’s literal, then I need to go see her. If it was metaphorical, then I don’t need to... right? Even if it was just a metaphor though, that doesn’t change the conclusion, does it? Temmie is still Judy. Even if she wasn’t telling me to visit, it still makes me want to. I have so many questions for her... I guess it wouldn’t need to be Tonight then, but...

...What if she graduates tomorrow? Or what if she goes missing, or gets sick, or Dies?

Terrible things keep happening in town, and I don’t know that she’ll be around tomorrow. Something bad could happen to me, and then I wouldn’t be here tomorrow! What if this is my only chance?

...There are things I need to know.

Mrs. Fitzsimmons: “Heading out?”

I turn back to the Lemmy’s mom, who is watching me from the check-in desk.

Me: “Mhmm.”
Mrs. Fitzsimmons: “Well stay safe! And walk fast, it looks like the rain is picking up.”
Me: “Okay.”

She returns to reading a book she’d been holding after that. Her missing son didn’t seem to bother her at all, a fact which bothers me more than it should. I bury the emotion, not wanting to consider it anymore.

I don’t have an umbrella, so I just let the water run over me as I step outside. I’ll be soaked by the time I make it home, even if I cut through the forest.

Temmie’s house isn’t far, only a short walk down the sidewalk really. With minimal lighting and the downpour though, it’s a slow trek. I have to be careful not to get spun around and wind up lost, which is easy to do when my mind is racing like it is now. There are so many things I want to ask, just trying to choose between them all feels impossible.

> Shall we re-examine the promise and fortune?

We can try that. It’d make for a nice break.

> “I’m fine for now, but I’ll need this from you in a few days.” If Temmie was fine, what would cause her to not be fine? A few days is also... kind of vague, but is at least two?

> “In the final act of your story, I will have already spent what little usefulness I could offer to you and your friends. At that time, I will have Nothing left to give.” She emphasized Nothing. No fortunes, no protection, no suggestions. I'm uncertain of what would cause that either.

> ...At the end of the day, she believed you would know when the time would come. If you say it's now, then that's all there is to it.

...It isn’t tonight. I mean, it hasn’t been any days since that fortune, and she said it would be a few before she needed any. Plus, I’m going to her right now because she Does have something she can help me with. She can answer my questions, or at least I hope she can.

If I’ll know when the time comes, then I don’t have to wonder about when it’ll be. It’s not like I have to study to be ready.

> If we assume that Jhonen deduced the "plot"... then, who are the other two? Franklin Sr. and Mr. Sheppard? ...I'm not confident in that answer.

Lillian had a good point earlier though. Temmie knows about all of this, so shouldn’t she count as one of the people who read the script? Whatever it’s actually referring to, she has to count, right? She wouldn’t be able to make a fortune out of it if she didn’t understand, right? So maybe it’s Jhonen, Temmie, and the Doctor? I guess that still depends on what the “plot” is.

> I'm uncertain who the three guides are still.

The only one I might know is the one that I’m supposed to “come to know”. It feels like that could be either Temmie or Me. We did find out a lot about me after all, and this whole investigation ended with figuring out that Judy was Temmie. So we sort of came to know about me and her.

That’s just what I think though, and I still don’t know who the other two would have been. Maybe that’s something I can ask Temmie to explain?
No. 1060142 ID: 629f2e
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I see a figure off in the distance, standing on the street. The rain pours down their umbrella, almost like a halo around them. My breath catches in my throat.

Judy...? But how–

She glances towards me, but then averts her gaze back up. She’s looking at...
No. 1060143 ID: 629f2e
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No. 1060144 ID: 629f2e
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How did I not recognize it before, I was here just this afternoon!

All of the pieces fall into place, just how I remember them. It’s like a building built straight out of my memories. The living room window I’d rush up to whenever the ice-cream man passed by, the yard I liked to play games in with Mittens, even that massive tree I remember getting stuck in once.

It’s all there, just how it was before... Nothing has changed...

...But that’s not really true, is it?

I turn back to her, looking more closely this time.

Me: “You’re...”
???: “And so the number who’ve read the script returns to three.”
Me: “...”
No. 1060146 ID: 629f2e
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Temmie: “It’s been a long day, hasn’t it, Jordan?”

My mind goes blank, as I struggle to find my voice. I had so many questions, but What did I actually want to ask her?
No. 1060151 ID: e5709d

mommom momomo momomo momomo moo mm momm momm / omoo ooo mmo / oo mo mom mom omoo / oo m / ommmmo / moo mmmm mo o / mo oo / mm / mmm mo omoo mm om oom mommom / omom mmo mom momm / mm om o ooo / mo / ommm mo momm momm / mmo om omm m mom / mmmm m mom / mmo oo ommm mom m momm momm mo momomo
No. 1060154 ID: 273c18

How long has it been since you died? Where are your parents? Do they know about what's going on here, or that you were raised from the dead?
No. 1060155 ID: 273c18

No. 1060161 ID: 22eda9

You know most of the "what" of everything that led up to this point, and the "how" is... complicated, but not unguessable.
So, here's a couple of simple suggestions.

- Why did things turn out this way?

- What should I even do now?

- The spirits say happy April Fools. What are they talking about? It's neither April nor the First...?

There might be something more important to ask, but I think you should just appreciate that this possibility came to be.
Welcome home.
No. 1060223 ID: 38349b

I think probably the most pressing question is "Why aren't the parents stopping us from dying, why are they just okay with us dying"

Psychologically people typically get a sunk-cost fallacy with something they've invested into a lot, for example, kids.

They spend money on food, time raising, pay rent, etc, and while some of them seem *uncomfortable* with graduation *vaguely* it seems most everyone is in on it.

That or "is everyone just a clone or getting cloned from eachother" because honestly that's where my theory is leaning, that they clone or brain transplant or something people, since you're literally jordan put in another body right?

Uh, actually, franklin, stupid question, but what's your earliest memory? like can you remember anything from before you were 7 or something, do you sort of just remember being in elementary school, or remember anything before that?
No. 1060247 ID: e51896

you know what I'm thinking?

Temmie, or rather Judy has probably been waiting so very long to see Jordan again, and for Franklin to remember her... I think while answering questions is important, I think it is more important to let her enjoy your company as her long lost brother in this little reunion, even if you don't remember the full details.

If it was me, I'd probably give her a hug immediatly, and tell her thanks for not breaking her promise that you would be okay while you were sick in the hospital bed, because despite dying from cancer probably you got better and are alive. Also I would assure her you won't break your promise and let her know you and your friends will come back for her near the end when she needs you guys accordingly to her fortune.

Keep in mind too that as far as questions go, Temmie can hear our questions, so you don't need to repeat what we want to ask her.

I'd guess I'd ask her if she still has that journal she was researching back then, but only if it has something to do with everything that has been going on.
No. 1061117 ID: 96112b

Why are children comming back from death? Why looking different and to new parents?

Why didn't Jordan come back, all those years before?
No. 1063074 ID: 8f9bc4

I don't know what to ask you Temmie. I can only wish to free you from your curse of knowledge. No one should have to live as if life were a story already written. Enjoy meeting your brother I suppose, and may something happen that you did not anticipate.

Oh, you don't have to tell her that Franklin. She can hear us.
No. 1063087 ID: 3bb1fe

1. Would you rather call me Jordan or Franklin, going forward?

2. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? Or for that matter, at all?

3. Will the cycle ever end?
No. 1065972 ID: 629f2e
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The spirits around us speak fervently, almost drowning out my voice when I respond.

Me: “Yeah, I guess it has been. It feels like forever ago that we had our playdate.”
Temmie: “I can imagine.”

She laughs, in a quiet, casual sort of way. It’s nice, but I think we both know it can’t last.

Temmie: “...So, I’m sure you have questions.”

I slowly nod.

Me: “I think... I Understand? Most of it- or, at least some...? Even if I don’t know Why it’s like this, or How.
Temmie: “And you want me to fill in the gaps?”
Me: “...”

I came here for answers, she isn’t wrong. But... Now that I’m here, the questions I was going to ask feel... Less important? Like, I want to know them, but it’s not the big question I want to ask.

Temmie: “Hmm, it seems They want it at least.”

She definitely isn’t wrong. You guys are being pretty loud about it, even though she can already hear you when you talk normally.

Temmie: “Why don’t I speak to them first? Quiet them down a bit.”
Me: “...Okay.”

She claps her hands together, suddenly bringing order to your scattered voices. It’s almost like she lined you up, as the questions come one after another.

> How long has it been since you died?

She frowns, shaking her head.

Temmie: “In what way am I dead? Am I not still here, in the flesh? I reject this framing.”
Me: “But just because you’re alive now, doesn’t mean that you were before.”

She takes pause at that, rubbing her chin. Then she shakes her head again.

Temmie: “For the sake of an answer, I’ll reassign the “you” to Jordan here. How long has it been since Jordan died?”
Temmie: “Time is an odd concept. Everybody wants more, and yet when you have enough of it, it loses all meaning.”

There’s a beat of silence, and then another.

Me: “...That isn’t really an answer.”
Temmie: “No, it isn’t. Both you and they would prefer a number, wouldn’t you?”
Me: “Yes?”
Temmie: “Let’s see... Either I don’t know, and thus cannot tell you; or I do know, but am choosing not to tell you.”
Temmie: “Or perhaps it’s both? I do not know, and I am choosing not to answer.”
Temmie: “You may choose what you feel to be true.”

I’m not sure how to interpret an answer like that, and before I can question it further, she’s moving on to the next question.

> Where are your parents? Do they know about what's going on here, or that you were raised from the dead?

Temmie: “...Do not worry yourself with that.”

I hadn’t been worried before...

> Why aren't the parents stopping us from dying? Why are they just okay with us dying?

Temmie: “Does a broken clock not seem to function as it should, if you only check it at the time its hands point to?”
Me: “What?”
Temmie: “What does it mean to die, truly? If death is an Ending, then is a continued story not a sign of its absence?”
Me: “Are... you talking about what happened to me? That I’m still alive?”
Temmie: “I have nothing more to say here.”
Me: “But, what about Jhonen. He’s... His story isn’t continuing, is it? Why didn’t his parents stop him from dying?”
Temmie: “...”

Her face tightens up with visible frustration. She opens her mouth, but flinches without speaking a word. She glares down at the floor, shaking her head.

Temmie: “I have nothing more to say.”

> Is everyone just a clone or getting cloned from each other?

Temmie: “...”

She rubs her chin thoughtfully, clearly considering something. Eventually she shakes her head.

Temmie: “That would be telling, wouldn’t it?”
Me: “What would? Is that spirit right?”
Temmie: “To different degrees, yes and no. Does that help?”
Me: “Not really.”
Temmie: “Hmm... I have nothing more to add, unfortunately.”

> Why are children coming back from death? Why do they look different, and why are they going to new parents?

Temmie: “I ask you again: What does it mean to die?”
Temmie: “If my soul lingers on, am I Living, regardless of the body it inhabits? What if the body lives, yet the soul is damaged or even wholly different? Am I my body, my soul, or the combination?”
Temmie: “To tell you the truth, however you may answer this, the dead stay dead as far as I am concerned.”
Temmie: “Hmm... Though, it would be silly not to bring up the exception in front of me.”

I stare at her with utter confusion. How can she be saying that? She’s... She should know that isn’t true, right?

> Why did things turn out this way?

> Why didn't Jordan come back, all those years before?

Temmie: “Because of choices made outside of our control. We didn’t Choose for Jordan to be used as an experiment, or for all other suspect happenings in this town to take place.”
Temmie: “We’re just kids. We don’t have power here.”

> Would you rather call him Jordan or Franklin, going forward?

She looks at me for a moment, suddenly seeming abashed.

Temmie: “That isn’t my place to say, really. I will call him as he wishes, although I was assuming he’d prefer Jordan.”
Temmie: “One is the name he was given, and the other is simply sloth on the mortician’s end.”
Temmie: “Have I chosen incorrectly?”

That was a great question. I haven’t really resolved most of my feelings about being Jordan yet, so the idea of being called that...

Franklin: “...Can you call me Franklin? Just... for now?”
Temmie: “If that’s what you’d prefer, Franklin.”

I nod. That felt better. It’s not just the name The Doctor made me use, it’s what all my friends call me too. It feels... right. I don’t know if I should keep using it, but I’m not ready to change. Too much has changed already, I just want to keep this one thing the way it was. Just for a little longer.

Temmie: “So, Franklin... Do you know what you want to ask?”
Franklin: “...I have a question. But it... isn’t for Temmie.”
Franklin: “There’s something I want to ask Judy.
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I wince, as her expression falls.

Temmie: “Franklin–”
Franklin: “I know that you’re her! I... I pieced it together. It makes sense!”
Franklin: “You both know about occult stuff. You both live here, just like I did. You both... You look a lot like each other!”
Temmie: “Franklin...”
Franklin: “You even said I’d be back here when I was looking for Judy. That no matter how I got there, looking into Judy would bring me back to you. It’s because you’re her... Isn’t it?”
Franklin: “It makes sense. Please. I just want this to make sense.”

There’s no sound but the rain falling around us. I look at her, begging for her to just agree with me. Just tell me I’m right. Please.

Temmie: “...Explain it.”
Franklin: “Huh?”
Temmie: “If it makes sense, then you should be able to explain it, right? How am I here? Why am I not the same as you remember.”
Temmie: “Can you do that?”
Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “You... You’re just like me. You died, and you were brought back. That’s why you’re different.”
Temmie: “By who?”
Franklin: “Mom and dad?”
Temmie: “Can they do that? The Doctor was a mortician who experimented on corpses, but my parents aren’t doctors.”
Temmie: “Mom is a principal, and Dad stays at home to watch over me. And before that he was just a politician. Neither of them would know how to do that.”
Franklin: “Th-Then The Doctor helped them do it!”
Temmie: “When was that? I’m six now, but I remember being five, and four, and the rest. Nobody at school says that I suddenly appeared.”
Temmie: “So, was it six years ago?”
Franklin: “Yes? Or- no? I don’t...”

If he could make Temmie six years ago, and nobody thinks she’s weird, then why would I come out so weird two and a half years ago? Did he want me to be like that, or could it have been a rush job? Is it my fault?

No, that doesn’t make sense. Jordan wasn’t like this, and The Doctor didn’t want me to know anything about where I came from. It would have been easier to make me normal, so that I wouldn’t have questions.

But that’s the point she’s trying to make, isn’t it? When I try to put the pieces together like this, they don’t match.

Franklin: “It... doesn’t make sense. I can’t explain it.”
Franklin: “Which means... It isn’t true, is it?”
Temmie: “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to see her, but...”
Temmie: “Judy Died, Franklin. She’s been gone for a long time.”
Franklin: “...Then why do you know her?”

Her smile is small and sad.
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Temmie: “You weren’t completely wrong. Judy is someone very important to me.”
Franklin: “Is she... your sister? Or, your mom?”
Temmie: “No- or at least- those labels mean nothing to me. We do share blood, if that is what you're wondering. In that way, I guess it wouldn’t be wrong to call me your sister.”
Temmie: “My connection to Judy however is more... Spiritual. I owe much of what I am to her.”
Temmie: “My awareness of the spirits surrounding us was once hers. I inherited what she once had. Well–”
Temmie: “–No. Let’s not complicate it further. I doubt I could explain that anyways...”
Temmie: “Judy passed her gift on, and I received it. That’s my connection.”

I want to object and say that Judy never had any sort of power like that, but I can’t muster my resolve there. Maybe it’s because I’m scared to peek further and learn that she did, and just didn’t tell me. I go with a different question.

Franklin: “Why did you get her powers?”

She laughs bitterly.

Temmie: “I’ve asked myself that question a lot.”
Temmie: “...To be honest, I kind of Hate her.”
Franklin: “Because... you don’t want to hear spirits?”
Temmie: “It’s not worth the price. Maybe she thought it was, or maybe she just didn’t understand, but she made her decision.”
Temmie: “I never had a choice though. Judy made a pact, and I inherited her terms. That isn’t her fault, but... It doesn’t feel fair.”
Franklin: “What is the price?”
Temmie: “...”

For a moment, her eyes seem to glaze over, as she stares up towards nothing.

Temmie: “...”
Franklin: “Temmie?”
Temmie: “Sorry, just... It’s not fun to think about what I can’t have. You probably know what that feels like, don’t you?”
Franklin: “I guess I do.”
Temmie: “I’ll tell you. You have enough mysteries and questions on your plate as is. I won’t leave you with another.”
Temmie: “It’s... Isolation within the Infinite.
Franklin: “...Um?”
Temmie: “Hmm... Think of it like: I’ve been dealt a full deck, but I’m not allowed to play with it. All I can do is watch everyone else. Explain the rules, teach others to play, moderate...”
Temmie: “But I can never be a player. Not like you, or Clive, or Albert, or Roger. You get to play your cards, strategize with the other players, change how it all ends.”
Temmie: “I’ll never have that. It’s branded too deep into my soul, and I’ll be carrying it with me for eternity.”
Temmie: “This is all there is for me. Now and forever...”

...If there’s a right response to what all she said right there, I haven’t found it. I want to tell her that it’s going to be alright, but we both know that I don’t know that.

Franklin: “...I’m sorry.”
Temmie: “No, I’m sorry. This isn’t anything new, yet I’m still wasting time whining about my own problems.”
Temmie: “You came looking for your own answers and I keep going off on tangents. You said you had a question for Judy?”

I slowly nod, wondering whether it’s even worth asking her at this point. It’s... so much smaller than everything she was talking about.

Temmie: “What was it? I can’t promise anything, but I may be able to tell you how Judy would have answered.”
Franklin: “Really?”
Temmie: “As I said, I make no promise.”

I take a deep breath. Dragging every memory I have of Jordan and his family to the front of my head, I try to focus on the feelings one more time. The way he felt about them, the way they felt about him.

Jordan Loved all of them. Judy, Mom, Dad... And they all loved him back. That’s what my memories tell me. Even if I know it isn’t really true.

Focusing on that... I know deep down that I have to ask it, no matter what. I have to know for sure.
No. 1065975 ID: 629f2e
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Franklin: “Did Judy actually care about me, or was all of that just a Lie?

Temmie blinks twice, before making a face I’ve never seen her make. It’s a mixture of shock and utter confusion.

Temmie: “What...? Why are you asking that? Why would it be fake?”
Franklin: “I don’t know. But... it could have been, couldn’t it?”
Temmie: “...Franklin, I don’t understand, and that’s very rare for me.”
Franklin: “It’s just...”
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Franklin: “I’m kind of realizing, the more I learn about myself, that pretty much everybody I care about lies to me.”
Franklin: “The Doctor lied about where I came from, why I’m like this, where my mom was... pretty much everything really.”
Franklin: “Then Mom even existing turned out to be a lie.”
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Franklin: “...My Friends have been keeping things from me that they don’t think I’m ready for. The Spirits do it too.”
Franklin: “...Jhonen never told me he was looking into dad. He wanted to tell me when he found something, but he didn't mention it before.”
Franklin: “Jordan’s Parents... They lied all the time. When they promised they’d do things, or acted like they cared about him... None of that was true.”
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Franklin: “It just seems like... if everybody is lying, it would be weirder if Judy wasn’t, right?”
Franklin: “So... Was any of it real? Did Judy actually care about me, or not?”
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Temmie: “...”
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Temmie: “Judy never really got over your death.”
Temmie: “She was obsessed with finding a way to save you, even before you departed. Everything else became an afterthought.”
Temmie: “After you died, she never stopped searching for answers. In the end, she sacrificed Everything for that goal.”
Temmie: “Wishes like that, the kind that you’re willing to give up anything for... When you cast them out into the universe, sometimes you get a Response.
Temmie: “...I know that you’ve been exposed to a lot of hard truths recently, and it probably feels like you can’t even trust your own judgment anymore.”
Temmie: “But I promise that the way you remember your sister was Real. No lies. No misunderstandings.”
Temmie: “She loves you. And she always will.”
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Franklin: “It wasn’t a lie?”
Franklin: “It was real... She cared.”
Franklin: “...”
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Franklin: “...”
Temmie: “Franklin?”
Franklin: “...”
Temmie: “Wasn’t that what you wanted to hear?”
Franklin: “It was.”
Temmie: “Then... what’s wrong?”
Franklin: “...”
Franklin: “She’s gone.”
Temmie: “...”
Franklin: “I didn’t want it to be a lie. I wanted it to be real, and it was!”
Franklin: “She really loved me.”
Franklin: “...But Judy isn’t here anymore.”
Franklin: “She isn’t anywhere.”
Temmie: “...”
Franklin: “I miss her.
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I don’t know how long she lets me hold her. When she pulls away, she stays beside me on the floor, silently trying to protect us from the rain.

I can see her wanting to say something. It’s written all over her face. It isn’t long before her thoughts come right out.

Temmie: “Sorry, but I can’t offer much comfort. She would have known what to say, but I don’t. I barely talk to kids...”
Temmie: “This probably isn’t the right thing to say right now, but... have you changed your mind?”
Franklin: “What?”
Temmie: “Before, you were mad at the Spirits for withholding information. You said you’d prefer a harsh truth over a pleasant lie.”
Temmie: “Do you still think that? Would you still put Enid through the same, knowing how it feels?”

Earlier, I probably would have said yes. I was annoyed at how much I didn’t know, and I didn’t think it was right to let anyone else feel that way. But now, I have my answers. Was it really worth it though? Could I honestly say Enid should go through the same thing I did?

I need a minute. Just some time to sit with that question and really think it over. It takes a few passes before I have any idea of what to say.

Franklin: “...I’m Sad.
Franklin: “Finding out about Judy didn’t make me happy at all. My sister is dead, I was dead, my best friend is dead too... This whole investigation was awful.”
Franklin: “...But it was awful before I looked into this stuff too. I was scared and confused, and it was hurting me. It’s kind of like I traded one bad feeling for another.”
Franklin: “I was confused because nothing made sense, and now I’m sad that it does. But I don’t think I’ll be sad forever.”
Franklin: “And it feels right to be sad. All this time my sister has been dead, I never even knew. I never cried for her like I should have. That doesn’t feel right to me.”
Franklin: “I’m Happy that I know what happened to her. I needed this... even if it hurts.”

In the end, my position hadn’t changed. I still want Enid to know about her dad, even if it might hurt her. Temmie seems pleased with my answer.

Temmie: “That’s a healthy way of looking at it.”
Franklin: “Thank you.”
Temmie: “I wasn’t sure how you’d take this earlier. I could easily imagine the outcomes where this was all too much for you to bear.”
Franklin: “It did sort of feel that way at times. But now...”

Party Fear Levels:
Franklin: [40/100]

Franklin: “It’s not as scary as it was before.”

The way she lights up makes it hard not to smile back.

Temmie: “...Well, that’s that.”
Franklin: “Huh?”

She offers me a hand, helping me stand.

Temmie: “I have to go now.”
Franklin: “Already? I feel like there were still a lot of questions I should ask though.”
Franklin: “Like, what do Jesse and Roger, or Danny and Phillip and Lillian have to do with each other? I know you’re sort of connected to Judy without being her, but...”
Franklin: “Um, to be honest I still don’t get that either. You were kind of vague about your connection.”
Franklin: “And all that other stuff. Like why Jhonen died and got his head cut off, or what’s going on with graduation, or even just how long it’s been since I’ve died.”
Temmie: “There’s really no point in asking questions like that. I would never be able to answer.”
Temmie: “Those are the Rules I’m bound to. I can nudge you in the right direction, but I can’t outright tell you anything of importance.”
Franklin: “Oh, right... Um, sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Temmie: “Survive. Find the truth, and march towards your happy ending. I cannot change the outcome, but I may share in its results.”
Temmie: “And when the time comes... Keep your Promise.

Temmie: “In the final act of your story, I will have already spent what little usefulness I could offer to you and your friends. At that time, I will have Nothing left to give.”
Temmie: “I’d like you to promise that no matter how little help I can be, or how much time it will cost you at a Critical Juncture, you will still come back for me at the end.”

Franklin: “Okay. I can do that, I think.”

She twirls her umbrella and turns around.

Temmie: “That’s all I’ll ask.”
Franklin: “Thanks for everything! If you want, tomorrow we can play during recess together.”

She pauses, turning back to look me in the eyes one last time.

Temmie: “I would prefer it if we didn’t meet again. At least not until The End.

She didn’t turn back after that. She just kept walking, off towards her home. My old home.
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And in the end, I’m all Alone.

I had my answers. There are still lingering questions, but none of them are about me anymore. At least, none of the ones that could be solved by investigating. There are still some things I need to figure out about myself, but I sort of just need to sit down and think about those.

...I can’t stay here. Not only is it definitely Curfew by now, but there are things I need to do, people I need to see. I have to find my friends, and... do something.

I don’t know. Maybe we can figure it out together, or maybe you guys have some ideas. I don’t even know what to think about first. Dad, Jhonen, having Lemmy sleepover again, meeting up with the others who went to the nuclear plant...

I’m going to start walking towards home, hopefully avoiding any adults and maybe finding some of my friends. While I do that, can you guys give me some ideas on what I should do moving forward? Um, not necessarily stuff that I need to do right now or even tonight. It could be stuff for tomorrow or later. I just need some Ideas to think on, now that I’m done looking into myself.
No. 1065988 ID: 77626a

I think right now a big idea to fixate on is... pragmatism.

What we can do to assure the future we want for ourselves, to arrange things such that we have the highest chance of victory and the lowest chance of losing that which we want to keep.

That's somewhat how us spirits tend to look at the world, what we try to guide towards. And, as per that last discussion, I'll try to keep honest even with the reservations I have at sharing the following information.

For starters, right now your friends are in danger. Rushing in to help would achieve little though, as the danger is in the form of a farmer with a shotgun.

We need to figure out a way to A: quickly obtain some kind of weapon or safeguard against that gun, B: a way to quickly get to the power plant, and C: a way to incapacitate, distract, or orchestrate an escape for your friends.

There is also a hard timer on this, and not just the immediate danger of the man with the gun.

Something, we do not know what, is about to happen at that power plant. I doubt we can find out what that is before it does though, which worries me given the potential it could be a radioactive incident.

Curfew is immaterial right now, mortal dangers are at play.
No. 1065991 ID: b6ec4d

I'd like to clarify that 3A and 3B's events are not happening concurrently at this time. The most recent event to take place with Clive's group, as of this 3B update, is not simply the last update posted in 3A. At this point in time, Franklin is at least 4 hours ahead of his friends at the plant, owing to the lopsided update schedules, and pacing of each thread.

You can still recommend he go to the plant and find his friends if you'd like. Just know that currently, nobody at the plant in 3A is breaking curfew to be there.
No. 1065993 ID: e51896

I don't know if it is happening right now, or if it already happened, but I think time is weird between guiding Franklin and guiding Clive. I think while we are guiding Clive, we're actually in the past, while guiding Franklin, we are in the future, or in this case, the present. I don't think rushing into the power plant now is going to solve anything if it already happened. But, I do think Franklin may need to look into protecting himself and his friends in the future. That said, don't go to the plant.

Immediate future:
As you walk home, you're most likely going to need to mentally prepare for yourself for your father when you get home, not because you'll get in trouble for coming home late, but I think if he was easily able to figure out that you went into his lab, he'll figure out you snooped in his closet. We'll guide you if it comes to that if you need us to (if we're still together at that time, I think our time with you is running out)

Also, tonight, write everything important you learned about down like you have been doing, and keep doing that moving forward. It's helped you a great deal to remember and organize your thoughts, and it might help someone else in the future if you all fail your objective and they stumble upon it.

tomorrow future:
Also, I hate to say it, but I think under your bed is not a good hiding space for those evidence we found, sorry to say. That's like, the first place I would look if I was looking for something, and probably one of the first places you would look when you play hide and seek with your friends. I think it would be best to give it to one of your friends, one of whom isn't under heavy suspicion. I want to say hand them over to Lilian when you get the chance tomorrow after you show everyone. her suspicion is pretty low, and we're not sure how much of a suspect to everyone else they will be if they return from the nuclear power plant.

I also think you need to tell the rest of your friends in the investigation team about your limbs and head being attachable (not Bec though, she sells secrets) because, well, I know you want to keep it private, but if your head were to pop off before you tell them, they are not going to realize you're not dead and just need to get your head back on. After all, yesterday, as we told you already, Albert was told in a prophetic dream that he will witness one of his friends getting beheaded. If it's you (which I hope it is as it would mean no one died), your friends will just be able to get you patched right back up after Albert starts screaming. And no, I don't think it's Jhonen because it's something Albert will witness happening before his eyes

And yes. Tell Enid about her father. Try to be delicate with her about it and don't be blunt. I'm not sure if we'll be guiding Enid or Lilian in the future, but if we guide Enid, we'll help her through it.

What else... oh yeah, tell everyone about the promise you made to Temmie. If you don't make it out of this alive, we need to make sure one of your friends will fulfill that promise for you.

far future moving forward:
You're probably going to witness and learn a lot more scary stuff in the future, maybe stuff you'd prefer were kept secret even if it is important that you know. But I want you to know one thing, it won't rain forever. There may be storms now, but the sun will rise, and maybe you'll get a rainbow. much like this rain right now.
No. 1065996 ID: e5709d

It's all about having time when you need it, and giving away time when you don't. And the problem is we can't @#$%ing do that on command. So, better to have it and not need it.

D'aw, I'm sure you'll get a chance to be the star if you wait long enough! It's a big multiverse. And you've got enough time to wait for your improbable opportunity.
...Or if your existence gets intolerable you could just walk into the Warp without a Gellar Field. I don't think it's a good idea, but it is an option.

Franklin, we... we've seen what happens when children break.
It's not pretty. Millions die.

I err towards the side of truth. But truth hurts.
Enough hurt and you can permanently stunt a person's ability to decide what they believe.

In the same way that an addiction to lying in an adult can cause suffering, a glut of truth without the time and support to process it can drive a kid mad.

But we can give you little bites of the big stuff.

You're living proof of one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. Unfortunately, if you try to show everyone your neck scar, pretty much all of America is going to respond with "oh that's nice, which anime are you cosplaying?" (The rest of the world will call you a dumbass American rube.)
From here on, one of your priorities should be to gather evidence, stuff that others can't just tell off. Try to get enough medical documentation that a relatively skilled neurosurgeon can replicate what your dad bumbled through.
Riches, power, and the ability to save others past death's door. What's not to like?
No. 1066066 ID: 8f9bc4


It's probably better than dying, because you can do more things this way, but it's definitely not perfect. It would be a big discovery maybe, but there are a lot of things going on here that would be too. Temmie can see the future, sort of. That's a great scientific discovery! There's also that nuclear thing out of town, that might have great discoveries that also have problems. And "what is graduation" would be a discovery.

Maybe some discoveries aren't... good. What your new dad did to you seems like a great discovery, but there might be a reason it isn't being done all over the world. For now, it doesn't have to be a bad or a great discovery, just... you.
No. 1066180 ID: 22eda9

>While I do that, can you guys give me some ideas on what I should do moving forward? ...I just need some Ideas to think on, now that I’m done looking into myself.

1: Continued Information Collecting.
You have experience with this now. As a goal, why not try seeing how many families there are in town? It might unexpectedly come in handy later. You could also spend some time cross referencing graves- although I would refrain from asking about the people who died unless you come across something... unusual.

2: Catch Jolene up to speed.
Someone's gotta do it eventually, right? It doesn't have to be you, but the sooner she's on board, the better.
3: Louie & Others?

I think it would be a good idea to gauge the reactions of other kids who haven't been dragged into the conspiracy yet, to see if they would be worth trusting with the truth, or if they would end up causing more trouble to the things you care about. It might be hard to gauge effectively, but having a general idea is better than none.

4: The Conspiracy behind Enid's Dad.
It would be wise to learn more before figuring out what to say to Enid.
You were ready to face yourself, but... is Enid?
Check in with Louie, or better, Saihu, to find out more about what kind of he gave her, and what they think about her mental state. (Note: Also talk with Albert about it if possible.)

5: Northeast ??? Area...
A while back, we got shown a map of the town. There's an unknown area of town (at least to us spirits) really close to your house, that we know nothing about from our time with all of you. I can't confirm that it's... important, but what isn't these days?
Since it's close to home, it shouldn't be hard to find out at least a little about it.

6: Prep/Stockpile.
Who knows what the future might bring? It wouldn't hurt to start putting together kits for various situations, although it might bring some unwanted attention.
No. 1066192 ID: 1ffa85

I’ll start with the obvious and say “don’t do anything on your own tonight, and have a weird excuse ready for Dad at home because Dad believes weird excuses more readily than he does regular ones.”

Don’t go to the power plant. What happens there, happens there. We’ll need to deal with the fallout at home, and be in a position to either hide our friends from a pursuing madman (long story) or give them cover for their parents tomorrow by setting up a totally-a-sleepover-and-not-a-safehouse. So I recommend prepping and stockpiling, but only to the extent that we can actually carry our stuff around. We gotta have a single “go bag” for one of us if SUSPICION gets too high. If more than one of our friends are tripping the suspicion scales, that’s going to be enough for a search party if both of them flee into the woods, so we gotta have alternative options.

As much as it pains me to do so, let’s grab Lemmy and set up another sleepover. Lemmy can also provide a second set of eyes regarding the conspiracy with Enid’s dad. I’m not quite sure what’s going on, and we as spirits haven’t uncovered too much, so we need all the help we can get. Also isn’t it super weird that Jordan is also Lemmy? We can form a secret society of Jordans, and he can give up the terrible curse that is BEING LEMMY.

Also damn dude just take a minute to chill, this is some heavy emotional haymakers you took.
No. 1066556 ID: e51896

>Before, you were mad at the Spirits for withholding information. You said you’d prefer a harsh truth over a pleasant lie.

>In the end, my position hadn’t changed. I still want Enid to know about her dad, even if it might hurt her. Temmie seems pleased with my answer.

... alright... Franklin, you're right, it is wrong of us to keep secrets and withhold information from you, even if it was harsh. You're a lot stronger at handling the bad information that was thrown at you than most, and I think you've grown up a lot after today. I wanted to apologize for what we did, and I think at this point it's wrong to keep this last bit of information from you,

Truth is, there was one more secret we are keeping from you, and I was wanting to keep silent about it as I didn't know how it would effect your relationship with us, and I am honestly scared to confess this because it might make you hate us, but in the end, just as we helped and taught you some things, you taught US that it is more wrong to keep secrets from a friend that needs to hear it, and I think it's better you heard this information from us before you find out other ways so that you can use the info I'll give you to process what you want to do next, and even if you never would have found out, it's still something that needs to be heard.

It concerns Jhonen's death. You were probably wondering HOW we knew Jhonen was there in the first place and dead after you found the cleaver, and while it is true that Mr. Sheppherd killed Jhonen, there was more to it than that, and, well... it involves us...

You know how we've been guiding you? Before we helped you, we began with assisting Roger on researching graduation a couple days ago, unable to hear us, but still able to be influenced by what we thought were the right choices. but when he was forced to take up baseball practice, Temmie called us over and had us guide your friend Albert instead in Roger's place. but, that came with a price... In order for the transfer from Roger to Albert happen, Temmie said we had to make a payment, one which involved having bad things happen to either Lemmy, or Jolene. The majority votes of us spirits chose Lemmy, and as a result, his parents decided he needed to graduate, causing him to run away and hide at your place. And while we did help Albert make amends with Lilian and become more thoughtful towards others feelings, we paid the price of having Lemmy's parents deciding to graduate Lemmy.

But then yesterday, Temmie called us away from Albert, and this time had to transfer us from Albert to both Clive, and you... however, just like Lemmy, it came with another price... in order to help guide you to find the truth about your past, and your best friend, it had to come with the price of very bad things happening to someone, and Temmie had us choose between either Lilian's brother Phillip to suffer, or... your best friend Jhonen.

It was a very tough choice for us to make, and we were even split between who would have to take the sacrifice, but in the end, the majority of the spirits chose Jhonen. It was a choice even Temmie was saddened when we looked into her eyes.

I'm not sure if it was the right decision, but we did what we did, and it'd be wrong of us to not face the consequences of our decisions. I only hope you can forgive us for that choice, but if you don't want to forgive us because of our role in Jhonen's death, we'll understand. But know that there were spirits that actually chose Phillip over Jhonen

If anything, I'm not even sure if the choice of having bad things happening between two people even mattered, because even though we chose Lemmy to suffer bad things happening to him, bad things still happened to Jolene regardless, probably even suffered worse than Lemmy, as she's sick in the hospital. It makes me wonder, and worry if that means that even though we chose Jhonen over Philip, it didn't matter, and Philip would still suffer very bad things regardless of what we picked and the choice was just an illusion. Illusion or not, we still chose Jhonen to suffer, and it is a guilt that the spirits who chose him have to bear. But I think it's the right thing to at least let you know.

I will ask Temmie if these choices she had us choose was an illusion when we see her again after we finish guiding you, but for now, I just think it is important for you to have this information and draw your own conclusions on your opinion on us and everything around you. If there's anything we can do to make this up for you, we'll try our best to fulfill it. But with that, I can only say I'm sorry, and to keep pressing forward with your friends. As Temmie said, May we change the past, the present, and our futures with these gifts.
No. 1069884 ID: 4481aa
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> As you walk home, you're most likely going to need to mentally prepare yourself for your father. If he was easily able to figure out that you went into his lab, he'll figure out you snooped in his closet.

> Have a weird excuse ready for Dad at home because Dad believes weird excuses more readily than he does regular ones.

He’s not my dad. Other than that part, you’re right. If I don’t think about what I’m gonna tell him, then I might accidentally reveal that I know things I’m not supposed to. That would be bad.

He probably won’t ask where I was, but... The doctors might tell him that I was at the hospital. If that happens, maybe I can say that I got really tired playing with Lillian, and was too far away from home to rest there. I’ve played plenty of games with Lillian that end with me having to lie on the floor for a while. She has too much energy sometimes.

What about a weird excuse, what works for that? Something creative? Hmmmm...

“Sorry I’m late, but the Ghost of Christmas Past needed directions to JoJo, so I brought him to the hospital she’s staying at. I thought that I would have more time, but apparently being around the Past doesn’t stop the Present from happening. I still think he should have brought me home before curfew, since that was in the past. Although, I guess me not being on time was also in the past, and changing it would change the present and future, which is outside of what he can control?”

...Hmm. Maybe that’s too creative. Also, my head hurts now.

> You're living proof of one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. Try to get enough medical documentation that a relatively skilled neurosurgeon can replicate what your dad bumbled through. Riches, power, and the ability to save others past death's door. What's not to like?

I don’t know, but it definitely feels like there’s something Not to like in there. Maybe just the idea of this happening to more people? Getting brought back to life caused me a lot of bad feelings.

Then again, I don’t really want to be dead. A lot of other people probably don’t want to be dead either. And what about people who are sad about other people being dead?

I’m sad that Jhonen isn’t with us anymore. Does that mean it’d be Right for me to bring him back, like The Doctor did for me? It would mean he’d be alive, which would make me happy I guess, but would he be okay with it? I’m sure he didn’t want to die either, but he’d probably have a much stronger opinion on this than I do. He’s always certain about stuff, that’s just the kind of person he is.

...I’ll bring it up with my friends later. I’m sure they’d be able to explain why it’s bad, or why it isn’t.

> I also think you need to tell the rest of your friends in the investigation team about your limbs and head being attachable (not Bec though, she sells secrets). If your head were to pop off before you tell them, they won’t realize you're not dead and just need to get your head back on.

You know, I Assume my head comes off, since it has stitches like my arms and legs. I actually haven’t tried it though. The Doctor scared me off trying by telling me I’d lose my memories if I did. There is a chance that I’m still normal in that way, and that taking my head off will kill me. That would be sad.

> Albert was told in a prophetic dream that he will witness one of his friends getting beheaded.

Hmm... If it means nobody else will lose their heads, I guess I could try and demonstrate for him.

> Franklin, we... we've seen what happens when children break. It's not pretty. I err towards the side of truth. But truth hurts. Enough hurt and you can permanently stunt a person's ability to decide what they believe.

In the same way that an addiction to lying in an adult can cause suffering, a glut of truth without the time and support to process it can drive a kid mad. But we can give you little bites of the big stuff.

...You might be right about that. I was only barely able to handle everything I learned, and I was only getting pieces at a time. If Temmie had told me the whole thing when I visited her after school, I don’t know if I would have been able to believe her. Even if I did, with just how much it is...

I guess if you put it like that, I can see your side of things a little better. It wasn’t just that you didn’t want me to know stuff. You wanted to pace it out, and make it go down as easy as it could.

It may not have always been right, but I won’t be mad at you if you were trying your best.

> I wanted to apologize for what we did, and I think at this point it's wrong to keep this last bit of information from you. In order to help guide you find the truth about your past, and your best friend, it had to come with the price of Very Bad Things happening to someone.

Temmie had us choose between either Lilian's brother Phillip to suffer, or... your best friend Jhonen.

It was a very tough choice for us to make, and we were even split between who would have to take the sacrifice, but in the end, the majority of the spirits chose Jhonen. It was a choice even Temmie was saddened when we looked into her eyes.

I'm not sure if it was the right decision, but we did what we did, and it'd be wrong of us to not face the consequences of our decisions.


I stop walking. This one... I need my whole brain to process it.

So then, if Jhonen was alive, Phillip would... Not? Wait– but does that mean Phillip is still alive? You picked Jhonen, and he died, so did Phillip get to Live?

So, because of your choice, Jhonen is dead, and Phillip is alive.

That’s... such a Relief!

I had thought... If that’s what happened to one kid who graduated, then it could have been the same with the others. I wasn’t sure how Lillian would take that. Or worse, Clive. I wasn’t even sure if I could handle that. Phillip was my friend too! And even if I don’t spend a lot of time with him, I want to say Rodney is my friend. If they’re okay, then that’s so much better than it could have been.

They’re alive... We can still save them.

...Some of them...


I understand why you wouldn’t want to tell me that. Jhonen was my best friend. Of course I’m sad, and maybe a little mad that you would just choose him like that. He didn’t deserve to Die!

But... neither did Phillip. It never should have been a Choice.

But it was. I don’t know if it’s Temmie’s fault that it was. I hope it wasn’t. But, I don’t think she’s the reason either of them were in that situation. Even if she made you choose, it was the adults who made them Graduate, right? And it was them who took his head off too.

I don’t want to say that you should have chosen Phillip. That wouldn’t be less sad, it would just be worse for someone other than me. I don’t want that, but I don’t want this either.

...If I had been in your position, I don’t know if I would have been able to choose. If I did, then I probably would have regretted it, no matter which I picked.

It’s terrible that this happened at all, but the others are alive. Our quest isn’t pointless, as we can still save them.
No. 1069885 ID: 4481aa
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> When you get home...

> Tomorrow...

It’s a bit hard to keep every suggestion you make in mind, but I listen as best I can as you run through them. If it’s really important, then I’m sure you guys will remind me later.

I’m shaken out of writing that mental checklist when I notice something up ahead of me. It’s on the sidewalk, and it– They are coming towards me. I start to worry that it’s an adult, who will want to know why I’m out this late. Is it too late to hide? If I see them, then they can probably see me too.

As they get closer, I realize that they aren’t much bigger than me. Another kid? They freeze in place for a moment, before breaking into a sprint straight towards me. My panic flares up again. It’s wasted though. I realize that as soon as they’re close enough to make out who it is.

The moment I finish processing that, I realize that they’re tackling me.

Lillian: “Franklin!
Franklin: “L-Lillian!”
Lillian: “You’re okay! I thought– We couldn’t find you and– Oh god, don’t ever scare me like that again!”

I won’t get the chance to, if she doesn’t free me from this bear hug. Somehow, I think I’ll still be able to die from lack of oxygen just like anybody else.

Franklin: “Sorry. I didn’t mean to ditch you. I wasn’t thinking.”
Lillian: “You can’t just leave like that. I don’t want anybody else to leave for the rest of my life. Once is enough.”
Franklin: “Sorry. Not gonna do that again.”
Lillian: “Good. Oh, and that reminds me!”

She finally lets me go, but only so that she can grab me by the shoulders and start shaking me.”
No. 1069886 ID: 4481aa
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Franklin: “Sort of? It’s something like