Gypsy Giggling Breeze
Matvey's orders are as follows:
/\/\- Enjoy his vacation. See the sights. Meet people, including an affable vacationing Doonongaes named Tree Tender. Taste the local cuisine. Find magic food still wholly dominates mundane.
/\/\- Wistfully depart from Italy by Tuesday and return to Istanbul. Bring back chintzy souvenirs for everyone.
/\/\- Throw himself into training for upcoming match against the Transcendant gladiator that challenged him. Take himself out of sniping practice, hopefully temporarily but likely for a long while. Hone swordsmanship with Shuhadaku Zayin's guidance; attempt to ignore his garrulous methods. Seek out dojos with Ito's help in order to pit your lack of form against established sword styles for development. Visit Das Bones' regularly for advice.
/\/\- Attend to officer duties as per normal, but pass along the various mission reports, communications, and other accessory paper work to Svetlana.
/\/\- Begin a training program for all of the employees at the company with a focus on teamwork, the development of group tactics, unit cohesion, and coordinating the increasingly disparate power sets present within the company. Use traditional military experience, Black Army training, and your personal set of leadership abilities to develop the program. Schedule it in lieu of chakra training when Go Ping has left. Render it mandatory.
/\/\- Ensure the payment for the recently completed jobs (the ambulance mission [$55,000] and Ibruhem vampire bounty hunt mission [35,000]) has come through and that the company and mercenaries involved are paid. Sort out between any of the brothers you can reach what exactly the pay for the Hobgoblin job long since completed is and make sure it gets out to those who worked on the mission.
/\/\- Make house purchases. Buy tools and supplies for construction and home repair, good ones. Expand the mundane security system. Get a bigger, better, more durable bed. Swap out the wood burning stove for an electric or gas stove. Buy a good sound system and music library. Start filling the actual library with books, consult Zhenya to see what she'd like stocked. Purchase fun stuff, like a pinball machine and pool table.
/\/\- Take Ohotnik to socialize with the puppies the couple that breeds kangals has. Try to make idle conversation with them, keeping up the ruse that Ohotnik is simply an impressive kangal crossbreed. Note this is becoming harder as he keeps getting bigger but is still puppy-shaped.
/\/\- Ask Svetlana if she would be willing to teach Zhenya and yourself how to cook in your decidedly old fashioned kitchen in your new home. After she accepts spend a couple pleasant evenings learning how to make edible things. Unfairly compare her baking to Cookie Lady.
Iosef's orders are as follows:
I- Visit Johan throughout the week, wonder if he's even getting close to the end of his list of unstable rituals he's going to test on you. Haha, probably not.
I- These eating contests are starting to get boring; he's hit most of the big ones in the city already, maybe it's time to step it up. Ask around the company and be told by Gianni there's this place called Bonzi's that has some eating challenges, decide to scope it out. See an ogre eating a child-sized pile of meat on first arrival: decide this is perfect.
I- Successfully be lazy and avoid having to train with Go Ping in favor of Honey Boo Boo viewing.
I- Catch Ivan making an outing, ask him what's going on, learn he's going to the zoo and decide to join him. The walking from place to place seems annoying and you start to wonder if it's worth it when you could just see animals on that one television channel that has that show about bigfoot, get a chance to pet a big cat, totally worth it.
I- Keep heavy weapons skills sharp. Check that all the heavy weapons you're familiar with are properly maintained and take the Gatmalite out for practice. Fail to report ammunition usage to Satai or Svetlana.
I- Be lazy, hang out in new spot inside the workshop where Davgon and Gianni work. Enjoy delicious snacks and watch all the mind rotting television he can. Ponder if he could fit a minifridge in there for maximum lazy man efficiency. ...Yeah, he probably could.
I- When Rostislav is free ask him if he can get Adib to give you some lessons on how to do hand to hand combat, maybe it'll let you make better use of that soul quirk you got that you almost forgot about. Get okayed by Rostislav: wonder when he should bug the Adib guy.
Titus' orders are as follows:
T- Stay on that guard job; it's been pretty quiet on his shifts.
T- Keep working on incorporating the upgrades Armin suggested into gloves. To that end, and since the taser gloves are a very economical design at present (around 5-8 grand per pair for the basic package), he's making a handful of other mk.IVs.
T- Consider and plan a mk.V design that would incorporate the tree (and spirit) of a certain dryad into the design. Wires mimicking a human nervous design have some resemblance to a tree's branches, and the exterior would be made of her wood. Also consider making a whole suit out of this stuff. A heavy rubber/kevlar bodysuit would be kinda uncomfortable, but useful if electrified.
T- He's been working as an assistant instructor of Sambo over at Crash Course for a little while now. Hang with Hans (the Sambo guy) and Hafaz's group. They're a pretty friendly bunch for ex-military. Go out for beers, pay his own way without buying more than a round every now and then.
T- On the 10th, there's a world-traveling BJJ guy coming to hang out with the Corvos Academy team. He basically swings by to kick the asses of the locals in local tournaments and then heads off for another country the next day or two. He sounds like a hoot. Attempt to convince him to spend the night in a palatial mansion in the heart of Istanbul in exchange for a few pointers. Claim to follow his blog; he probably loves fans.
Igor's orders are as follows:
(Iggy)-Ask around for decent black market weapons dealers and purchase a Milkor MGL-140 ($2000), 50 smoke(white)($2000), 100 practice tracers($4000), and 100 HEDP($6000). Be pleased with purchases, yet still unable to shake discomfort with more modern technological contrivances. Find self irrationally thinking a cartoon-style fuse bomb would be better.
(Iggy)-Exhaustively study every one of the rituals SB was generous enough to provide and begin testing their effects. While practicing, get offer from Gianni to make minor modification to his wrists so that he can bloodlet more efficiently. Mull over proposal.
(Iggy)-Take time every day to get used to his new shadow and spirit sight and see what he can... see. Damn shadows and soul stuff-keeps moving too much. Someone should nail that stuff down so it's not so distracting... or rivet it.
(Iggy)-Continue work on personal armor. Render it testbed of new SB rituals.
(Iggy)- Oh shit, Armas ordered him to make modular plate armor for the employees! ...Wait, that sounds fun. And it'd let him demo stuff for the next rendition of the golem armor! Great success!
(Iggy)- Due to a combination of naiveté, prodigiously magical booze served by Bonzi courtesy of Labombard's money, end up very drunk… long story short, get betrothed to a dwarf from the Dimirken Clan. Igor's got some 'splaining to do!
(Iggy)- Acquire Marriage Debt (One step below Blood Debt, two steps below Life Debt, three steps below Clan Debt, the greatest Debt one can owe a dwarf) to Herata Kheazai, for interfering enough in fallout of betrothal to let Dimirken Head learn who Igor's boss is before killing Igor to prevent impending dishonor of his daughter.
(Iggy)-Try to make hummingbird a... Matroyska doll set that looks like him and can hold liquid between the shells? Uh, okay this definitely bears practicing for.
Svetlana's orders are as follows:
{S}-Standing order: give generic giftbaskets to people on their birthdays, on behalf of the company.
{S}-Be extremely thankful when Satai wakes up. No notes, no contact lists, and that work load; how does the man even do his job? Feel like he's cheating upon learning that he doesn't sleep.
{S}-Attempt closer collaboration with Satai.
{S}-Put together standard corporate NDA for company, submit to superiors for approval. Learn from Satai that magically binding contracts are a thing-wonder if that would be better.
{S}-Update her wardrobe since her things are somewhat worn out, out of date, and not in the local style. $2500 budgeted.
{S}-Begin to incorporate scarves into the outfits she wears, where appropriate, so that HB has somewhere to sit comfortably. And out of sight, though she doesn't mention this to him.
{S}-Make a little nest for HB attached to a clothes hanger so it is mobile. She is decent at crochet, has yarn, and time to experiment. A double-layer to hold shape better, possibly around a metal wire frame if the shape wont hold, with raw cotton worked into the inner layer for extra comfort. HB is pleased.
{S}-Attempt brewing more highly caffeinated coffee for HB. Call Andrei for advice and instructions, he has a reputation for this kind of thing after all. Quietly admonish self against falling to her mild caffeine addiction. Contemplate getting a Turkish press, having heard one can make excessively caffeinated beverages with such a device.
{S}-Search online for a 1974 Dnepr MT-9 650cc motorcycle and find a seller in Romania offering a restoration project with almost all of its original parts and a number of spares for $900. Buy it immediately and pay $235 to have it shipped to the mansion within the week.
{S}-Ask more approachable co-workers for help with chakra training after Go Ping leaves. Still find the entire notion of 'harnessing one's chakras' a bit baffling.
{S}-Be assigned duty of working with Satai as appropriate to draw data from AORB threat database. Longterm project.
{S}-Be made aware of Smiling One's website, provided Armas' login, and be told to find a decent price on one (1) Cyclops eye. Be provided analysis of prior cost for acquiring a pair.
Vlad's orders are as follows:
\/-Shoot an email home to father and grandfather, see how they're doing. On getting a suspicious response, realize he got drunk and forgot to tell them the night he meant to let them know he was, in fact, alive, contrary to Chugainov's report. Whoops. Send pics as proof of liveliness.
\/-Go out shopping and pick up a nice Saint Barbara medallion to wear. Saint of people who work with things that go boom, can't hurt to have a little token of insurance. Give no fucks to the ribbing over having acquired a mundane charm-boom is boom.
\/-Think back to the alcohol-seeking rampage incident. ...Yeah, that was kind of a fuck-up, shouldn't have gone to such extremes. Also Camella is scary. Attempt one week of sobriety as penance, inform tiny Italian commissar of possible erratic behavior during that time.
\/-Remind self this does not prevent STOCKING UP on booze for later consumption afterward.
\/-Distract self from lack of alcohol with funny cat videos on the internet or finding a gym to work out at. Or maybe downloading more gunsmithing books/trolling gun boards.
\/-Make it one hour into sobriety before caving.
\/-Try not to get into too much more trouble.
Satai's orders are as follows:
$- Continue mentalist training with Shadowbro until he declares it complete; then wake up. Be thankful for new Mentalist mentor-in-a-locket.
$- Check on/with the armory, Stacey, Svetlana, Verusha, and company friends to determine any events and changes during absence. ...Iosef's been helping himself to heavy weaponry and munitions without logging anything.
$- Relentlessly train mentalism up to the limit of what is possible while still acting normal outwardly.
$- Offer to remove traumatic or otherwise unwanted memories from other members of the company, both for their mental health and for weaponization. Get initial response from Feodor towards this end.
$- Investigate Labombard's mind if/when asked.
$- Seize additional opportunities for money which present themselves.
$- Seize additional opportunities for lore which present themselves.
$-Be caught by Armas: Be informed that he should work with Igor to design next edition of Golem Armor to include embedded camera hardpoints and transmitters-both for intelligence gathering, and funny video capture. Be more concerned with the first reason, no matter what Armas says. Be told that he's expected to give this more attention than he gave the tank issue.
$- Keep a close eye on newly reported (Last Spelling) contention amongst Leprechaun populations-seems something's going on there, even if they're not talking about it. Maybe a change of leadership?
$- Finish off a certain job which was interrupted by unconsciousness. Find it immensely easier to complete with rudimentary mind-reading at his command. Who would have guessed.
$- Get more information on Placid from the company members; meet him and talk after learning no one has anything negative to say about Placid that has actual substance.
$- Get back to quartermaster duties; get more ammo and make purchases as requested.
$- Spend what time can be spared making contacts/picking up magical women (whichever, really).
Grisha Orders:
G- Enjoy the hell out of new body and powers; quickly become the most adored person in company/town even when not present. Find dreams that involve the people around her slowly becoming alien little critters she can't understand-or make understand her-strange but funny, and brush them off.
G- Have fun of all sorts with Lev. Lev's opinion only tangientally enters into the equation for funtimes.
G- Ensure that the townspeople and company get along really well; make friends with everyone and smooth over all problems with magic and money. Find self doing this to 'clean up' after Vlad somewhat often.
G- Teach some townie ladies sexy footwork tricks when bored. Laugh at how much more interesting this makes the town bars.
G- Learn more about pain from Anguisher. Ow, but informative!
G- When not working, go on random independent explorations of relatively close parts of Italy; seek out opportunities to make friends and stretch magical muscles. ...Huh, doesn't seem to find anyone. Wierd-doesn't everyone else practically trip over magic stuff even when they don't want to?
G- During Sake visits (wow he can fly fast!) have amoral fun of the prankish sort.
>Bagga's orders are as follows:
>: Found out about a fist oriented fighting school called Limber Larry's Beef Beater in the meat packing district. Considering it is Ibruhem turf, he'll wait until he has a buddy and hopefully some charms to prevent commands to his blood.
>: Decide to participate in the fight club Adib went to. Apparently Adib put in a good word for him! Yay! What can possibly go wrong?
>: Make sure the two rogue hunting missions are done this week. Be wholly oblivious to the knowing smirks of the older members of the company at this assertion!
>: Keep up the vamp training and Ito training. Unsurprisingly, getting a proper handle on his blood's magic without official tutelage continues to be immensely time-consuming relative to results-who knew?
>: Try to find ways to make the ibruhem training simpler. Maybe feet tapping or drumming fingers? Have to look into it. ...End up learning even MORE ways to trip, stumble and in general make a fool of self in the name of training. Have zero evidence this is better than the existing methods.
>: Try to talk to Armas or one of the higher ups about the garden idea. Be told to do something impressive with a plant first, and THEN they'll listen: No, buying a magic plant that's nearly impossible to mis-care for doesn't count. Lame adults!
>: Make sure to visit his Lizard friend for the foot working training they agreed upon. Meet with Lyzzyrd Skyzzyrd in Sewers to this effect. Continue to be shocked by fact that he doesn't soak up magical knowledge like a sponge.... what? He needs craptons of actual physical strength and superior response-time to actually use what he's learning here? Man, that almost sounds like montage rules don't mean shit here!
Feodor's orders are as follows:
*With his usual conversational partners – Lyubov, Matvey, and Satai – busy, on vacation, and comatose, Feodor spends extra time hanging out with Davgon and other housemates.
*Disappointed with his performance when sparring against Go Ping, Feodor continues experimenting with the squid.
*Feodor returns to the sewers to make another purchase from the resident goblin merchant. He buys a book that he can't read.
*Secret arena trip, sh don't tell anybody!
*Feodor remembers Dmitrii's birthday and sends him a half a dozen bottles of vodka and some black-market painkillers as a gift.
*Feodor's anatomy training with Gianni and Ivanovich continues. This week's lessons: magic sex organs, and may god have mercy on his soul.
*Finnigan's clinic is busy as usual with gunshots and stab wounds. Mrs K returns for her procedures, and Feodor asks Satai for some help investigating her curse.
Rostislav's orders are as follows:
*Having calmed down after last shift's “Domina incident”, Rostislav decides to get his puppies under control. By bringing them to work and having Radu curse them, naturally. The evil puppy is cursed to be unable to express its hate without permission and the lazy puppy is cursed to not be on fire. Evil puppy hates this: Lazy puppy sleeps through the procedure, and doesn't seem to notice-or care. Not sure which.
*Secret arena trip. That Feodor's pretty fun, hah!
*When he hears about Dmitrii's birthday from Feodor, Rostislav uses his prostitute connections to organise the kind of party Dmitrii would enjoy (if you know what I mean) over in Italy.
*Finish the guard job.
Ivan's orders are as follows:
*Ivan continues meditating alone, still trying to 'aim' at his soul. He's helped by his new ability to see souls' positions.
*With Matvey on vacation, Satai unconscious, and Nikifor in Italy, Ivan has a lonely time on the range, trying to keep the sniper group going as the only sniper present. Well, at least Hillevi's there-she may be throwing ice, but she's doing it at ranges in the miles, and with pinpoint precision: close enough to sniping.
*Working and training at Ito's takes up a lot of time, but it's balanced by not being forced to undergo six hours of chakra training a day. Ivan uses some of that free time to work on his jukenjitsu form. Eyes boss the few times he sees the guy use it: Looks like he's got all sorts of other stuff in his version. Mull over trying to pick up some of that.
*Ivan continues his bulletmaking operation, finishing off the rest of the silver he bought. He leaves a note asking the currently insensate Satai to contact a specialist in magic ammunition so that they can be further improved.
*Ivan decides to relax and go to the zoo. On his way out of the mansion, he's met by an inquisitive Iosef, and the pair go together. Patting a derpy litigon is the highlight of his week, though that insistently busybody crow is annoying.
*Ivan spends some time getting some park pocket-realm rest. His suspicion over the fact he's found it and not yet seen any other entities there continues to wane.
*Be assigned duty to learn how to lipread by Boss when he runs into Ivan at a café.
Lyubov's orders are as follows:
L*~Forgiveness Sunday is a good day to apologize for things. Do so in person when possible, and otherwise by phone. Get it taken care of before the lessons with Armas and Gianni.
L*~Throughout the week get in as many lessons with Armas, Placid, and Dávgon as time and schedules permit. [40 hours]
L*~Contact Ito’s tax assessor, ask for a referral to a good lawyer. Initiate the patent process for the magnetic array designs. ($2,000) [4 hours]
L*~Make contact with the nonprofits that have been founded by Tesla fans (The Tesla Foundation, Tesla Inventor’s Club, Tesla Society). Start the process of networking with them via e-mails and phone calls. [4 hours]
L*~Ask Hillevi to make some liquid nitrogen and show her and Placid how to make their own ice cream (the gourmet method where you mix it with heavy cream and flavoring). Realize shortly thereafter as they fill a room with magical ice cream that this was likely a mistake. [4 hours]
L*~Buy a 3D printer and play with it a bit ($22,000). Convert the micro-matryoshka electromagnet array design into a format the 3D printer can read. 60 micron thick stacked loops will ensure much more powerful magnetic fields, though it will require a week-long build time for all the arrays required to make the next iteration of the plasma wing. At least the build can run on its own, mostly. [24 hours]
L*~Work with Dávgon and Mom on the Divine creature and Monster Anatomy research and compilation project. [24 hours]
L*~Continue the research into Armas’s past as time permits. [4 hours]
L*~Think about how Sake has, on multiple occasions, complained about being tired all day because of using all his stored healing magic not long after sunrise. Conclude that the reasonable solution is to trap sunlight from the sunrise so that Sake can meet the required conditions to re-charge his body whenever he wants.
L*~Discover through published research that a number of researchers in India have figured out how to use ferrofluids, oleic acid compounds, and magnetic trapping to catch photons. Collaborate with Feodor (he has way more chemistry experience) to help duplicate the experiments and modify them to be useful for catching sunlight. Build light concentrators (ordered parabolic mirrors on constructed frames, $400 each) which direct light into the entrapment device, which can be triggered by dropping the magnetic field. The prototype runs on wall power, has a battery backup, and is about the size of a microwave oven. ($8,000 to $15,000 in parts, lab equipment, and reagents). [8 hours total, Feodor’s part takes 4 hours]
L*~Once the prototype (using completely mundane parts) is proven to work, get Armas to have Sake exhaust himself during one of the sessions with Stacey and Silja. Then ambush the sleepy weasel with the prototype! Hopefully this will go a long way toward making him feel less upset with her. ...After recieving weaselly buttslap to the face, conclude he does in fact feel less upset.
L*~Visit the magic electronics shop, learn that magic superconductors are based on pure metals and use the Super concept to work at room temperature. Useful, but expensive and dangerous to work with. Ones based on mundane principles and combined with ever-ice spell effects exist but are only superior to what is mundanely available because they don’t need active refrigeration. They’re actually more brittle and harder to work with than the best mundane products. Oddly enough, no one seems to sell a product based on phonon manipulation. [2 hours]
Zhenya's orders are as follows:
-Enjoy the week off with Matvey
-Get in lots of sight-seeing, including a pistol factory if time allows! ...It does, woohoo!
-While drunk have a conversation with Ohotnik about how huge he's going to be when he finishes growing. Find Ohotnik's silent contemplation of this topic sagely, up until he starts gnawing on a hind leg. Give scratchies. Receive licks.
-Swimming's not your strongest suite but it, and surfing, is still quite fun. Though it's a bit wierd to see a dog's way better at surfing than she is.
-Give her friends calls to check on how they're doing later in the week (Lyubov, Sake, Svetlana, Duke). With worry note that Duke describes himself as being bored.
-Ask Matvey/NNS to please examine the fire gun from the arena to determine its functions. Something something devil-bullet demiplane somethine something ammo regeneration something something no idea how to check ammo count. ...Huh. Whatever, fun pistol!
-Pick out souvenirs for everyone! Nothing too opulent, budget of no more than $600 a person. Except Duke, pick up a nice handle of magic booze for him (no more than $10,000).
As Lyubov's leg stirs over my midsection in a manner I find quite enjoyable, I find my first thoughts of the day to be sexual. But not quite in so straightforward of a manner as might be assumed-no, I'm thinking about something I technically did once, and the Gianni's own area of expertise.
Again, not that direct. Sake, that weasel wine I drank when we bonded-does that amplify existing magics, or does it grant wholly new branches or school of magic?
[Sake]"It just amplifies, why-oh! Oh oh oh, you're actually following up on that!"
…Wait, so when the Kyrppa Peiko mind made my body throw a wind blast with my dick-
[Sake]"Yeah, you've got a natural affinity for phallomancy!"
I do!? That's amazing! Oh, I am totally going to ask Gianni all about-
>[SB]"If you go down that path, you may find me so disgusted by your chosen magical vocation that I'd elect to rate mutual destruction over being associated with a phallomancer. You have many avenues of magic that you've already explored and found competence of a sort in-there is no reason to invest in such a horrid and disrespectful school of magic."
…Okay, I'm going to let this drop-for now-but you know that some day or other, I am TOTALLY learning this, right?
>[SB]"Become well known enough and respected enough that such a black mark against you does not render you a laughing stock any would be loath to associate with, and I may reconsider my stance."
Fine, I'll get crazy famous first. Just don't forget what you said-you aren't going to be a stick-in-the-mud on this forever, else I may decide that trolling myself is indeed a worthwhile investment of time and energy.
>[SB]"…And neither of us want that. Very well-I shall not forget."
With that avenue of fun denied to me for the moment, I focus on a different form of hedonism-the acquisition of grossly decadent toys I can show off. To wit, I pull out the report Satai provided me days ago, for where to acquire a pair of Rolls-Royce Phantoms, as well as contacts for speedy interior remodeling so both can be clad in my favorite color beneath their sleek black exteriors.
>[SB]"I still don't know if I should take it as proof positive Orange is a superior color, or be concerned that your baseless enjoyment of that particular shade is so great that despite no longer having your organic inefficiencies I still covet the color myself."
The former and you know it! Now… let's see, private car dealer contact number… name's…. okay, his last name is Smythe, so I'm not even going to risk mutilating that first name. And… ah-ha, preface the call by mentioning I know 'The Asitane's Owner and have seen his scale collection'. Pretty clear message there-show I know what's what in the broad sense for the magical community, and associate myself with a VIP. Right, that's straight forward. Let's give him a ring…. after getting out of bed. Lyubov murmurs and promptly rolls herself into a cocoon with the newly freed sheets in my absence. After using fleshcrafting to get rid of my morning breath, I pick up my phone to make a call. I clear my throat, shaking some cobwebs off my persuasive panache before a man with a rusty-sounding voice speaks in a paradoxically oily tone.
>[Mr. Smythe]"Who is this?"
>[MMM,MMMM Trait auto-activated!]
"Mr. Smythe, I was given this number after several enjoyable conversations with the Asitane's Owner, all of which afforded me the opportunity to see his most impressive collection of scales."
There's a momentary hiss of a sharp intake of air-oh, I got his attention there.
>[Mr. Smythe]"I… see. Well, I do believe I'll still need some way to reference you, mister…?"
"Mr. Laine."
I pick up the second pause too. Seems he's heard of me-I can work with that.
>[Mr. Smythe]"Understood. Well, Mr. Laine, I have one final question before we can get to business: How… private.. is your phone?"
"Private enough I'd feel comfortable talking about, well, just about anything. Does that assuage any concerns for you?"
>[Mr. Smythe]"It does indeed. Well, Mr. Laine, what kind of vehicles are you looking to promptly and discreetly acquire?"
"A pair of Rolls-Royce Phantoms, black-I don't care what their interior looks like, I fully plan to refurbish them-in fact, I believe you would have a strong sense of who I'll be contacting for that."
>[Mr. Smythe]"The Greek… yes, his shop does impeccable-and oh-so-critically discreet-work. Yes, I'll be certain to send your purchases to him…. So, two Phantoms-does the year or specific variant matter?
"Do you have the Centenary Collection-"
>[Mr. Smythe]"Spirit Of Ecstasy Phantoms? Certainly, I do."
"With Starlight headliners?"
>[Mr. Smythe]"Indeed."
"Well then, I think we have the makings of a deal here."
>[Mr. Smythe]"All that's left is to discuss payment, I believe."
>[MMM,MMMM Trait auto-activated!]
Long story short, Mr. Smythe ends up a bit confused at how he ended up happily accepting $900k for two phantoms of my choosing, complete with aftermarket body replacement-sure, bulletproof car bodies and glass don't mean THAT much in my line of work-but that should make for a far sturdier base for subsequent magical enhancement. I even manage to convince the man to personally foot the bill for the retooling of the car's interiors to my preferred shade… and learn I should have my pair of new vehicles ready in two weeks.
BUSINESS FUNDS: -$900,000.00 $9,672,864.00
After putting the phone down, and finding myself immensely pleased ordering such expensive commodities was rendered far easier than it should have been with the aid of a silver tongue, I chuckle while throwing on an orange robe, and plodding down to Dávgon's workshop. There's a question I want to answer, after having considered the function I've been serving for my Familiar and brothers alike. Despite the early hour, I find Dávgon hard at work, carefully monitoring and influencing the Kudoku jars as the refinement process of the existing champions I ensouled continues apace. On my entry, he carefully puts down his tools before turning to face me.
>[Dávgon]"Yes? If you're here to check on progress, the insects are coming along nicely at acclimatizing to their fabricated souls and coming into harmony with them appreciable to what they'd experience with a natural soul. It shouldn't be long before they start manifesting genuine soul quirks indicative of their own preferences-and after that they'll be fully matured souls."
"And at that point, they'll be about as flexible as is initially feasible, and we can look at actual purposes for excessively toxic, survival-paragon ensouled bugs."
"Great to hear-but not what I came here for-not this time, at least. I've been thinking about magical batteries, and have been wondering about a possible offshoot of that school of crafting: Soul Batteries. Do you know much about them, and the laws concerning them?"
>[Dávgon]"I do. Ask, and I shall answer as best I can."
"Excellent. Well, I'm curious if it's even legal to make Soul Batteries, first off-"
>[Dávgon]"It is, provided you don't convert an existing soul into one without a Contract giving you total ownership of said soul. Making them from 'scratch', or from pieces of one's own soul or a willing other's soul are perfectly allowable."
"Is that so? That's reassuring to know-so, my methods for making a battery are A-OK, so long as I'm making them from myself-or a willing other."
"And then, to make sure I'm not operating under grossly inaccurate assumptions-exactly what IS a soul battery? Is it just a mindless well of soul energy, like what HB, SB and Sake can tap, or is it something else?"
>[Dávgon]"No, that's accurate enough: Effectively, if you made a Soul Battery from yourself, it would be a Mindless, Bodyless piece of Soul bereft of initiative or intelligence-raw existential power. And since it's soul-"
"I can slap bindings on it as I will."
>[Dávgon]"Correct. The only problem is time: Reshaping and refining a fragment of soul into a stable battery, even for you, would still take a day-the method, at least the ones I know of, all require you to start at dusk, and finish at dawn."
"Well now that is a wrinkle in my plan. …Still, it's readily doable for me, even if the timeframes are irritating. I'm assuming the process is hands on enough I wouldn't have much chance to multitask?"
>[Dávgon]"That is correct. On the plus side, given your abilities it's doubtful you are even capable of outputting lackluster soul batteries without consciously trying to do so."
"Hm… good to know. Thanks for clearing that up, Dávgon. I'll leave you to your work. …Actually, do you have more insects you'd like me to ensoul?"
>[Dávgon]"No… however, I would like you to look at how all of the souls you already crafted have been developing, in detail, and attempt to engorge their Soul Capacity: They have more than enough Soul Coherence to withstand it."
"Sure, I have a few hours."
I completely miss breakfast (and run into lunch) getting the souls 'pumped up', but everyone seems to have managed in my absence.
As I quickly sauté some unnecessarily magical stir fry to munch on, I recall that I owe Johan an apology on behalf of the company… thanks to, primarily, Bagga. So after I have my snack, I promptly stalk out of the kitchen, get dressed, hunt down Bagga, grab the runty vampire by the scruff and, before I can make it out the door, Lyubov foists a plate of pumpkin bread on me-made by the Cookie Lady specifically for Johan. Armed as best as possible for my 'mission', I march out the door, on my way to the Demonologists-and have Bagga go completely limp in my hands. …Right, sunlight. I walk back inside, shove him in the biosuit that makes him Gloom-sized that the kid somehow thought I didn't know about, re-pick him up, and go back outside. Throughout it all, he seems a bit nonplussed, and can't really offer any input until we're several blocks into the trip.
>[Bagga]"…Um, Mr. Laine, sir… why are you carrying-"
"You were an idiot, I'm shaming you for it. Enjoy having people stare at you on the way over."
>[Bagga]"Won't… won't they stare at you too?"
"Goblin footwork kid. They barely notice me-and the few that do don't bother me. Why, you not liking the attention?"
>[Bagga]"I'm not wearing clothes!"
"Sure you are-just inside the biosuit."
He makes a few more squawking noises and complaints on the way, but since he seems to grasp how important of a business contact Johan is, he's not getting heated about it. Frankly, he's taking this better than I'd expect a teenager to take it-but then, he can't really BE a kid anymore. If a public shaming helps him realize it… well, I'm man enough to provide it.
For completely unrelated reasons Sake Snickers from around my neck.
We reach Johan's shop, and on entering I toss Bagga onto the ground before the Demonologist, still holding the plate of pumpkin bread in my off hand.
“Johan. I understand one of my men was rude. He wants to apologize.”
When Johan's gaze goes from me to Bagga and the kid doesn't immediately start apologizing, I nudge him with my foot by way of prompting him.
>[Bagga]"Oh! Um yes, I'm very sorry Mr. Johan, I-"
>[Johan]"Did you bring him the whole way here in your hand… in that suit?"
The smile I give Johan at the question isn't QUITE feral. While nodding-just to really make it clear-I offer forth the plate of food, following amusement with indulgence.
“I brought you a little something as well, to make it clear my company appreciates the business relationship we have with you.”
Johan, his face inscrutable even as I can sense the joviality that now wells in his soul at the thought of the insulting kid being shamed, tries a bite of pumpkin bread-and stops, staring at his hand while images most nostalgic flash across his soul, of long-past times when his mother would bake just that product for him. …Yeah, Lyubov came through there. Looking up from the plate of food, he offers me a rare smile.
>[Johan]"…Apology accepted."
"All right."
I turn to Bagga.
"Okay kid-you can head back. I got business to discuss with him."
The vampire opens his mouth-or his biosuit's mouth, at least-closes it, shakily nods and darts out the door. The moment he's gone Johan guffaws.
>[Johan]"Aaaah… yeah, don't think he'll be forgetting how that went for him. ..Heheh, thanks for that-I needed a good joke, I think."
"So no harm done?"
>[Johan]"Water under the bridge. ..Where'd you get this bread?"
"Trade secret."
>[Johan]"Oh I'll find out one way or another… so? What's the business you wanted to discuss?"
"I wanted to know what options you can bring to the table, for enhancing metal armor grafted to a golem."
>[Johan]"A war golem?"
>[Johan]"Well, I can do several things, but most of them are along the same vein. I'll go ahead and start with the least expensive options, and work my way up. First option is infusing the metal with Demonic or Devilish taint, in the form of blood-this would let the war golem be percieved as a fellow demonic being to demons and devils, as well as making it more resistant to harm from demonic origins. Outside of masking and resistance of such a specific nature though, there is no benefit. The next option would be burning devil bones atop the armor in a ritual to infuse supernatural strength into the metal-this is a more universal resilience, but does make the armor more readily detectable to demons. The next option would be to reduce a demon into an oil that would then be applied to the armor before it is blood treated, rendering the armor invisible and poisonous to demons, while making it able to inspire fear in non-demonic entities. Lastly, I can infuse devil souls into the armor and then soul bind the armor to the war golem it's grafted to, rendering the golem massively resistant to any attempt at stealing Ownership, as well as allowing the war golem's passive magical abilities, whatever they may be, to apply to the armor itself. Each of the four potential avenues of enhancement come with price tiering based on quality of ingredients and rituals as per normal. If you want a more detailed breakdown, I'd need to see what you want enhanced."
"I see… you've given me something to think on. Just for a ballpark, say money's irrelevant: How durable could you render basic steel armor?"
>[Johan]"As magically unassailable as a locked demiplane, fatally poisonous and undetectable to devils and demons alike, treated as living flesh by the war golem, and as resilient as First Grade Mithril."
"Hm… I see. Thank you for the summary Johan-I may well have a rather large project soon."
The old man merely nods, enjoying his Pumpkin bread. Rather than even attempt small talk, I simply nod to him, and make my way out the door. Just as I'm about to make my way home, he calls out a final comment.
>[Johan]"Word of advice: Enhance the metal itself as much as you plan to, before you look at ritual options."
"I'll keep that in mind."
I'm only a few feet out the door when Sake uncoils from my neck and soars off to points unknown, clearly intent on adventure. On the walk home I entertain myself with Attention Sensing and being unseen in a crowd-and spot Ivan out and about. …Well, he's out: He's currently just sitting at a café, watching the crowds pass by. Curious, I take a seat next to him, and quirk an eyebrow his way. He gets the hint.
>[Ivan]"….Watching mannerisms."
"Of the general populace? Why?"
>[Ivan]"…Gloom used to."
"And so you're… what, taking over his hobby?"
>[Ivan]"….Infiltration technique is important."
"That's certainly true-but be honest, how much are you picking up just watching?"
>[Ivan]"…Not much."
"Let me take a stab in the dark here-you're lacking context for a great deal of what you see, right?"
He takes a sip from his mug, swishing it about his mouth before answering.
>[Ivan]"…Seems that way."
"If I may suggest-lip reading. It's wholly mundane, so no one can detect you'd know what they say out of audible range unless they could get in your mind and see you have the knowledge."
>[Ivan]"…It could work."
"Indeed. Should I take that as an admission the topic of study interests you, and you will pursue it?"
"Then let me know when you feel competent at the art-I may have some highly profitable business for you."
Like buying a copy of the knowledge to implant in my Allview souls.
My only answer from the Russian is a nod-and I leave the soul-eyed one to his afternoon meal.
Right as I reach the mansion, I detect Sake's soul inbound-and by the sheer spiritual amusement he's sporting he's got something fun to blab about. I hold the door open for him as he swoops in, and promptly get bombarded with snicker-filled words… and leaves.
…No, specific leaves-clover leaves.
>[Sake]"Hey! I'm finally getting a handle on Ramidreju innate magic-you know, outside the rubmagic stuff-and I totally need your help with some fun tricks! I wanna reinvest luck in these four leaf clovers, so we can use them as Luck Charms!"
"Why wouldn't they already have luck in them?"
>[Sake]"Because everyone knows they're lucky, and some people got stuff setup so they can siphon luck out of known lucky items-before anyone can even use them! So, we gotta build our own-and I figured re-lucking something that was already lucky once, is way better than lucking something that was never lucky at all!"
"…Is that just a guess, or-"
>[Sake]"Nah-remagicked stuff is usually better than once-magicked! So, gonna help me?"
"How exactly can I help?"
>[Sake]"I need some of your blood so I can bath in it, get Ramidreju luck in it, then I'll soak the clovers in that, and sleep on them for seven days! That'll put the luck back in, and it'll probably stick!"
"So you just need my blood?"
>[Sake]"Well, I'm gonna use a bunch of your bleedoff soul energy to do all this, but you already give me that. Wanna watch?"
"Yes-I won't deny that Luck Magic is something I'm quite interested in. Will I be able to see the process?"
>[Sake]"Um… not unless you change your binding so that you can only sense luck magic inside of souls, and not just souls in general, I think."
I look to HB on my shoulder, knowing how he feels about me picking non-regenerative orientations.
>[HB]"…How long will the initial ritual take?"
>[Sake]"Hm… two hours?"
>[HB]"I find this tolerable."
…Aaaaand binding changed to exactly that as I promptly slice open my hand and fill a cooking pot with my blood. What follows is decidedly fascinating to me-for one, I learn that Sake's fur is hydrophobic specifically to blood, and with my binding switched, I see… something… a glimmer of glitter and pizzazz, flash made substance venting from the weasel's fur and into the swirling crimson fluid, building slowly, with every wiggle imparting just a bit more of this nebulous something that I have to assume is luck. After a quarter hour of thorough bathing Sake hauls himself out, careful not to spill any of the charged sanguine fluids, and tosses in his harvest of several dozen four leaf clovers. From there, Sake promptly starts desiccating the pot with a slow-moving wind manipulation, reducing the pot's contents more and more, until only a ruddy paste is left atop the impacted leaves. From there, Sake meticulously licks up the paste, one by one revealing the now browned leaves, looking particularly plump-and infused with that same almost-sparkle that I now know to be spiritual luck, concentrated from the liters of fluid that had originally housed it. Interestingly, licking them clean seems to increase the luck in them-perhaps some is being transmitted through Sake's saliva? Finally, with each and every leaf cleaned, Sake gathers them all up, drops them in his personalized sleeping donut, curls up…. and goes to sleep.
I'll go ahead and assume the ritual's over now-and I switch my binding back to regeneration rather promptly.
>[SB]"I find it curious how much like cooking that was."
Yeah-I had assumed rituals had some common themes to them, but… based on this, I have to reassess that. There's commonalities, sure, but few in terms of specifics. The similarities are more in the need for input, either in components, actions, environmental effects or something like that, along with… let's call it programming, in the form of runes, specific methods of using components, spoken chants, what have you. …It's less of a branch of magic, like, say, Fire Manipulation, and more an entire school of it.
>[SB]"Agreed. It seems similar to Chakra in that respect.""
Yeah-absolutely massively broad, and unlikely to ever be fully mastered unless I've got a few dragons in my pocket or something equally ridiculous.
I help myself to a cup of coffee in the kitchen, pour HB a saucer of energy drink, and ponder Ritual magic in general, wondering just what I'd want to specialize in, to get appreciable returns for study. Eventually giving that up as a wash thanks to my lack of a concrete purpose with the magic just yet, I decide to check in with Sometimes Merchant-he wanted to talk to me about a few things, as I recall. Popping down into the sewers, I'm accosted rather immediately by my 'favorite' Goblin. Interestingly, his mask isn't sporting an indulgent or smug look today.
>[SM]"Do I need to remind you of my already stated wish to eschew work for or associated with the higher powers?"
What is he-
>[RRRRRR Trait activated]
"Just because Lyubov's associated with Tesla doesn't mean I do his bidding, or otherwise act in his name. Or is such an indirect link as that an issue? If so, I'd have to question why Ogrimmir's influence on me is acceptable, but this is not."
The fitful glow of his ever burning halo flickers-and the pensive-looking mask shifts into a more normal grin.
>[SM]"So long as you retain that view, then there's no issue."
"Good to know. And the actual reason you wanted to speak to me?"
>[SM]"Two things: First, a query as to whether we can strike a Bargain. …Do you know anything about who let out an ever-expanding Hydra deep beneath the surface?"
"I wish I could say I did, as I imagine you'd value that information."
>[SM]"…Indeed. Well, if your awareness of the topic changes, do let me know. The second topic… a potential contract, one with a rather vast award: A complete imprint of my tribe's awareness of Goblinic practices: Wyld Goblin Footwork, Ventriloquism, Dark-Wearing, Trap-Making, Charm-Crafting, Cooking, Tracking, Animal Husbandry and Martial Arts. All said and done, several millennia worth of learning in the arts of the most… discreet… species of goblin."
"I say that's a hell of an offer and we both know it. Now what's so desirable you'd offer something like that?"
>[SM]"We wish you to slay the Meat Circus for us, with an item of our making."
"…To be absolutely clear, so there's no chance of miscommunication-"
>[SM]"Of course."
"You're asking if I'll take a contract to use a Goblin weapon to strike down Meat Circus, onetime piece of Amen, current integral part of SugarSkull's Arena, itself owned by a collection of Dragons, thereby crippling the arena and earning said Dragon's-and SugarSkull's ire, alongside the entire no doubt massive audience and competitors of the Arena?"
>[SM]"Hence why we offer the sum total of our Tribe's knowledge. And we both know that if you can orchestrate the assassination discreetly, the primary risk-that of vengeance after the fact-will be a nonissue."
I rub my chin at that. It's a stupidly dangerous offer even for me, but that payment…
"Hypothetically speaking, say I accept the contract: Would there be a timeframe?"
>[SM]"Within two fortnights."
"Mm-hm. And would I get any backup, like you provided for that Hobgoblin job?"
>[SM]"We would be willing to invest thirteen goblins in providing a distraction, but no direct aid, no."
"And this weapon-how easily would it kill Meat Circus?"
>[SM]"You are wondering if assassination is possible, or if the killing would be a battle? The weapon will slay Meat Circus in a single strike-but this must be delivered inside of the circus-not to the exterior."
"So if I wanted to be stealthy about it, I'd need a way to get back out wholly undetected, from a dying demi-plane entity… hm."
>[SM]"I can tell you're quite conflicted-you have time, yet, to consider the offer. Just know that if you accept, you will have to finish the mission-once the weapon is in your hands you cannot renege."
"…Got it. That it?"
>[SM]"For business? Yes. Beyond that-I was wondering if you would like to watch some of our tribesman in their efforts to integrate your teachings on modern weapons into our preferred combat styles?"
"…Would my pay be anything beyond my own learning of your new style by observation?"
"…Sure, let's see what they've been working on."
Turns out… they've been working on quite a bit. I-and HB in triplicate-watch them use guns in a manner I find ingenious-they hide from the Attention that their gunfire draws, rather than using silencers. Careful observation only tells me that it's an evolved form of Attention avoidance-
>[RRRRRR Trait activated]
Until I realize I'm looking at the external version of Attention avoidance that goblin footwork provides. I'll need to test it thoroughly myself sometime to be certain, but… I think they're disassociating themselves from the shot's sound on some magical level, and it lets them simply not be detected as the originator of the shot. That said… since they're still standing where the gunfire comes from, a canny mind that actually is familiar with firearms will know that, detection or no, the shots came from a specific direction-and return fire doesn't explicitly need a detected foe to work. HB agrees with my assessment, and we mull over potential ways to move to most economically get out of the danger zone after successfully shunting shot-attention… only to have SM interrupt our internal conversation.
>[SM]"You've been watching them for hours now-so? Whatever your current thoughts on the implementation would be considered fair payment for the viewing."
"…I think that it's a great external use of Attention-diversion, but I think that the footwork is being neglected too much, and will lead to reflexive return fire still being a threat."
The Merchant cups his hand, nodding at the squad that's been demonstrating for us in a shadowed room of nebulous proportions, who all promptly fade from sight and perception.
>[SM]"…I see. Yes, that makes sense-in fact, I find that council valuable enough I must make an admission to balance the scales: I, and most of the older magical community, still have trouble thinking about what kind of weapon a firearm IS, on the field of battle. Yes… one truly doesn't need skill to be dangerous with it-a phrase with two meanings, and I fear I neglected the less-known of the two."
The shadows around us reverberate with a chuckle as my Soul Shadow's presence swaddles us all.
>[SB]"Indeed-It's not that they are just easy for the untrained to be dangerous with, but that they present danger to a skilled fighter OUTSIDE of purposeful, competent use, and that must be warded against as well."
HB perks up at that.
>[HB]"Truly? I had not considered this, due to the woefully slow speed of the attacks 'guns' generate. But… magic can accelerate them, can it not? I give you my thanks, Shadowed Soul."
>[SB]"While your appreciation is noted, it is the Goblin's reaction that I am interested in."
>[SM]"Indeed-and I'm happy to note that since I came to this realization and alluded to it prior to your comment, I owe you nothing."
>[SB]"Oh, I'm well aware. Does that conclude your business with us for the moment?"
>[SM]"It does. Shall I return you to beside Amen?"
"Not quite yet. I assume you've verified the information I provided about Chugainov by this point."
>[SM]"Ah, the dear general… yes, we have, though regrettably Jidkova is now dead and irrevocable unusable, rather than simply isolated and distrusted. A pity."
"Which doesn't change the fact that-"
>[SM]"We owe you something of value in turn for it on confirmation, yes. Do you have a field of reward in mind?"
"I happen to be looking for a skilled and discreet memory manipulated talented at copying and safely installing memories and skills. What can you do for me in that category?"
The mask flickers speculatively, the flames as hesitant as the eventually offered answer.
>[SM]"…I believe the only fair trade I can offer, given that, is to offer you the name of an imminently helpful and… cheerful… individual quite prodigal in the realm of Mind Manipulation-a first generation bloodliner by the name of Katz Obermensch. He is not interested in making money, but rather copying-solely for personal use-new memories and skills. So long as you do not have anything you refuse to let a… tight lipped individual possess without the intention to vend or gift, then Katz could fulfill your needs gratis, provided they are regularly new to him."
"And if I do ask him to move primarily things he knows?"
>[SM]"He will grow bored and eventually refuse. He will not reject future proposals out of hand, however."
SM hands me a slip of paper with a phone number on it."
>[SM]"I am required to ask you not bandy his name about widely-he prefers to not be notorious. Is that acceptable?"
"That is agreeable."
And just like that I'm back home, and a glance at the sky shows it deep into the dark of night. Smirking at the free seed of growth for Attention-Sense and it's applications I got out of that, I wonder about the second truly massive job placed on my plate, as I head in and get some sleep.
MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 2011
PERSONAL FUNDS: $3,233,660.00
BUSINESS FUNDS: $9,672,864.00
CASH: $0.00
Again dude, HB cannot yet make time-dilated soul-bubble worlds or anything of the sort-he can just make soul bubbles, that's it.
I wake up to find Lyubov getting out of bed to head out for a jog-seems she got thoroughly hooked on those early morning runs thanks to Camella, and I wave goodbye to her before getting ready for the day. I find that, interestingly, it's not the new goblinic practices awaiting investigation for potential application I want to look into-no, it's something far simpler, and broader. I've heard of and seen Zhenya trying to learn of Strength from Duke-and I've seen the results. I know that, whether she fully grasps it or not, the man is teaching her the foundations of Conceptual Strength Manipulation, such as he knows it-and that's something I'm very interested in. Were I to couple that with truly overcharged chakra… I wonder, I wonder, just how much strength would I have?
>[IT]"A dangerous, dangerous, dangerous amount. The realm of Conceptual manipulation is vast-and perilous for far more reasons than you might suspect. As to what those manifold, oft-hidden reasons might be? Well… I am, after all, the working of a Trickster God: How would I be living up to old Rabbit's way if I simply told you?"
I grab a bottle of Pheonix-heart infused vodka from the still in Vlad's room while I mull over-and discard-the warning. The realm of Conceptual magic is too.. too powerful, to likely to let me strive for the heights of dragons for me to discard for a vague warning. As I make my way through the house to Duke's current haunt, I can't shake the sense of laughter coming from the gun at my side.
On finding Duke lounging on a sofa and watching K-1 reruns and constantly heckling the fighting, I toss him the filled cup as I sit down beside him.
"You appreciate to the point discourse, yeah?"
"I'm looking to learn how to use Conceptual Strength, and think I could take… proper lessons in it, unlike Zhenya-who, by the way, I appreciate the baby gloves on."
Mid-guzzle of the gallon container I lofted his way, Duke shoots me an uncharacteristically appraising eye.
>[Duke]"Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but you are the guy giving house and booze for my use-you know that it's more than just brain damage, learning a Concept, right?"
I shrug with a lax grin on my face at his not-quite concern.
"I already brute force learned the Concept of Today, and applied it to my Soulbinding."
A wide grin spreads lips over equally wide teeth as Duke's visage goes positively predatory.
>[Duke]"Well now… if you're willing to spend a fuckton of time regenerating from and during my lessons… yeah, I'll give teaching you my tricks of Strength a shot."
I already know what's coming when I see him move to drain the last of the bottle.
"Though I'd prefer to not unduly damage the house in the process."
He pauses at that-I head off whatever that frown building on his face precipitates.
"I'm thinking different venue. You got a place in mind, or would 'in the woods' be good enough for you?"
With a final swallow he finishes the brew and sets to thinking.
>[Duke]"…Mm. Owner's pretty big on keeping magic quiet, and to teach you proper, I'm gonna be… loud. So… fuck, let's go to the Undersewers, plenty of big enough places, with no one to hide from. …Where should we-"
>[HB]"I know of several locations where beings of considerable might could privately spar in the Undersewers."
Before I can think about how many questions I have about that statement, Duke claps his hands and gets up.
>[Duke]"Right then, let's go to whichever's closest."
>[HB]"I believe that Duke will need to carry my giant, if you wish to make good time-it is a considerable distance to even the closest, for those not blessed with wings and aerial swiftness."
>[SB]"Or… I could just shadowport the both of you. I've determined that Duke's hail enough I can move him without causing actual damage with my current ability, and I've…. been around the dark. Are you thinking of the canyone beside Enkidu's Necropolis?"
>[HB]"The same-it has no occupants at the moment."
>[Duke]"Hah, a ride through the Dark? Let's do it!"
Shadow rises about the both of us-
We arrive in an underground grand canyon, the walls sable and softly glowing with an inner light, the air murky, as if forever fogged, with the towering walls of the canyon miles apart. It is an underground wasteland, quiet and desolate-
Duke displays his appreciation for it with a pleased roar before turning to me.
>[Duke]"Well kid, wussy lessons or real, the method's the same-I'm going to beat my understanding into you, and make your body understand what it means to be strong. You ready?"
He doesn't wait for a response before charging my way. Instinctively, I ply Overcharged Reinforcement, Hummer's Momentum and Dunter Footwork to throw myself away from the coming blow-only to see Duke frowning at me, his momentum halted as suddenly as it began.
>[Duke]"Learning's no place for that sissy dodging shit-you get beat with, and you rage out with Strength to learn it-you don't run away from it!"
"That would be easier to accommodate if I could actually see your real strikes coming."
>[Duke]"Wha… ah. The Glamor. Sure, I can do that. …Heh, not like anyone'll see."
The man that has almost always looked like an aged, tanned caucasion with dignified grey hair swept back and matching his white suit plucks something from his chest… and transforms. An aquiline nose becomes a repeatedly broken mass of gnarled, bulbous flesh. A svelte jaw becomes ponderous and primal. A graceful neck bulges like a bull's-and hair blackens darker than shadow, spreading rampantly across the formerly clean jaw. Everywhere, the body bulges, ditching dignity and aesthetic for muscle, for power, for strength and raw force. A discarded charm is tossed to Hummingbird, as Duke, now finally visible as Li Kui, the Iron Ox, the Black Whirlwind hefts his pair of axes and smiles at me.
>[Li Kui]"Aaaah…."
His breath does not steam, nor does smoke come from his mouth-instead, a foreboding sense of weight, of Attention compressed into something new wafts from his mouth, shaking the magical vapors whizzing across the room.
>[Li Kui]"Okay. Now-lesson time. And don't you be a bitch and dodge-you can take it."
What follows….
Is pain.
>[GAMBLER'S GRIM GUTS advances into the level four trait GAMBLER's GRIM GUTSY GUMPTION!]
>[GGGG now allows Armas to rapidly adapt to any form of pain at unnatural speed-no form of mundane torture can effect him, and any static forms of pain will fade from distracting him within one minute, and can only incapacitate him for a handful of seconds! Magically induced pain can still breach this if specialized.]
Immense amounts of pain that redefine how I view the notion of agony.
>[GGGGG allows Armas to acclimatize to curse pain and magical pain as well-and provided enough time, any magically induced pain placed by something less potent than a dragon will eventually fade to fully ignorable levels!]
I don't come close to actually fighting Duke-no, what I did, what I was there for, was to have 'Strength' beaten into me… and having been subjected to it, I think I understand, at least in part, why. Between the endless regeneration from body-crushing damage, I got a glimpse of it-a sense of what's beyond the horizon, past 'all my strength'…. and in it, I see a shadow of that same… something… I've come to recognize within 'Today'. I can't quite tell just WHAT it is yet-but it's there, and I can detect it in every blow that Duke strikes me with, every casual time he drives fist through bone, flesh and stone alike. But after a four hour session as brutal as anything I've every even dreamt of, something that disabused me of the last of my silly human views on pain's importance, I know that there's definitely something to learn here.
Strangely enough, it's Duke himself who stops the lesson the moment he notices I have a headache even after regenerating-and says I should wait a few days before the next lesson. SB brings us back to the mansion after assuring me he and HB will take care of the many splatters and parts of my body I left behind. So, having showered and re-dressed myself, and with an empty Summer bloodline… I decide to follow up on that Roc Hunting idea, because it's awesome, and will see my Summer Line fully recharged. I thank Duke-now once more disguised-for the lesson, and start preparing. Let's see….
Roc1:---II can't say that I found an actual nest with multiple Rocs, since my Allview Souls (Shall I call them Viewers?) can't get too close. Seems even with concerted effort, the best my Viewers can do is determine which thunderstorms have Rocs in them-not the number, the specific location, or spiritual information. I'd either need to give them all massively inflated spiritual perception-the likes of which would rupture their souls as is-or build some sort of electrical ward-piercing function into the Allview. Point is, I'm not getting more detailed information than 'Rocs over yonder!'
Roc2:--- I'll want a Soul Guise that's appropriate for hunting… so, not just 'Don't notice me', but a variant that wouldn't feel like prey. After all, it seems safe to assume at least some magical critters mask their presence spiritually-and I don't want to overlap with them and get attacked. So… I'm thinking 'patch of dirty hail in the storm', what with the nearest storm sector containing Rocs being in an area where it's snowing and hailing. It's not perfect, not at all-but for something they won't even be able to properly notice, it should be good enough to close the distance.
Roc3:---It's pretty much guaranteed they'll be in the air-they're in stormclouds, and while the nearest identified 'nest' is in a mountainous region, weather reports don't put the cloud coverage's bottom near enough to the peaks to matter. So I'm going to, effectively… be riding Sake. Good thing he's got energy to spare. Speaking of Sake, I'll probably want to abuse his magic tripping shenaniganery-I imagine abruptly being upside down is bad for Rocs just like it is for most anything else. …Fuckall chance to do shadow-pinning: Midair, there's nothing to cast the shadow on, and the ground's far too distant for long range pinning.
Roc4:---Since even the closest will take hours to reach by Sakeflight, there's no real way I can bring Hillevi (Sake's told me she's far too heavy for him to lift), so no freezing the thunderstorm funtimes. A pity, but it looks like this job's mine and my brothers, and no one elses. ..Well, HB can come too.
Roc4:---I'm not knowledgeable about Rocs, not enough to actually bait them-so this will be a good old fashion 'locate, kill and retrieve' hunting trip, no staking out a trap with bait or anything like that. Which is good, as that can get pretty time consuming.
With my four critical details about how I'll approach the hunt figured out, I recheck my Viewer's findings, note the nearest storm's slowly drifting away, relative to Istanbul, and decide there's no time like the present.
"Oy, Sake!"
A green blur flies into the room as I strap Iron Trick and the Mere to my person. HB, as ever sitting on my tie's knot, simply watches in silence.
>[Sake]"Yeah yeah, what's going on?"
"You could fly me, right?"
>[Sake]"Oh totally!"
"Great-we're going Roc hunting."
>[Sake]"Ooooh, right now?"
"You know it. You coming HB?"
There is a burst of wind from wings far too tiny for the deed, as a glittering bit of brilliance hums out a reply.
>[HB]"You seek to best and claim those of avian descent that dance in the sky's wrath and have the boldest calls of all…"
A sense of not-heat… no, the idea of heat colors the air about my throat as the diminutive figure atop my tie picks his meaning with care.
>[HB]"…I would lose my claim to having the heart of a true warrior, if I dared refuse such an invitation as this. Onward then, to battle, and glory amidst the tempestuous hunting ground of our foes!"
I would have prepared more after that-double checked plans, maybe tried to finagle a way to bring a cow as bait or something-but honestly, having a hummingbird give a psych-up speech, however brief, is enough for me: We're gone with the wind.
With Sake wrapped about my waist like a belt, the four of us(Sake, Hummingbird, Iron Trick and myself) swiftly ascend to the skies and make haste to the north-north-east, to a storm some ninety miles out with exactly the weather we need, and Allview consistently pinging as being near certain to have Rocs. I find, on arrival, that being unshielded in a raging thunderstorm stuffed with hail and rampaging rain several thousand miles above the surface is a bit stiffer conditions than I had really anticipated-makes sense, since I didn't sit down and pull a Satai before heading out. Still, compared to… well, just about anything I've had to deal with recently I ended up labelling 'bad'… it's hardly a problem. Ignoring the stinging, the cold, the biting chill and all, my Soul Guise proves no issue to maintain. And yet, even with myself fully occluded and enduring of the weather, my search is hardly easy-or swift. The storm is, simply put, massive-and the Rocs aren't to be found in the heart, as I'd initially anticipated. What's most interesting is that while I can detect the Roc's souls-both of them-I simply can't get a stable read on them. Their souls appear for the barest instant, and flicker away long before even a second passes, leaving me to wait for their next appearance. It takes hours, but I eventually find out why they've been so uncannily difficult to pin down: They come with the lightning. It's HB who makes the discovery, with one of the many probe bodies he scattered through the storm, though he is ashamed he didn't capture it. What he saw proves fascinating: The Rocs appear within the lightning bolt's body, and on the bolt's disintegration explode into the thunder's rumbling wave, washing over the land. It seems that their cry truly is thunder-and when so uttering it, they become the very sound they roar. While the new detail of Roc Physiology and Magical nature is fascinating, it reveals the task of capturing them as genuinely challenging-something that seems to endlessly please the Hummingbird. He is more helpful, more willing to take action than I have ever seen throughout the entirety of this hunting trip-and eventually, his efforts yield fruit. For tireless huors he swarms the storm with hummingbirds, pushing his will to its limits without a single hint of complaint or hesitation. One of his many bodies is at ground zero for a lightning bolt, and one of the Roc's manifests nearly on top of it. Though destroyed in the process, the hummingbird body manages to puncture the Roc's shoulder, the unexpected wound cancelling it's cry before it's fully formed, knocking it whole and soul-sensible out of the now vanishing finger of lightning. No longer riding the storm's most flash attributes, the bird, the size of a full-sized airplane, shakes feathers of ball lightning loose-that whiz with unnatural precision around the bird. A shield of electrical harm, malleable to it's will as it may be…. prove inadequate. Before I can get close enough with Sake to assist, HB has brought his entire swarm to the defensive Roc… and a war of attrition was fought with great alacrity. By the time I arrive, the remaining seventeen hummingbirds are flying an orbit around a slowly plummeting body…. and the storm around us begins to break up.
When SB confirms Whaitiri's ready (and that she can't tap my soul runoff to boost the ritual), I plunge the mere into the Roc's heart, the corpse and the remaining soulstuff within being fed to the Maori Cannibal Goddess. She chants in a tongue most certainly alien to Te Reo and nonsensical to my understanding as the roc's body is consumed by the gem-veined blade. As the last feather is sucked in Whaitiri's chanting, singing out of the blade, reaches its crescendo, my mouth opening of its own accord. I roar out!
And bring the thunder.
Gain some familiarity with it to explore indirect applications down the line!
Pleased with the ritual's simplicity and directly observable reward, my throat now capable of creating ear-shattering roars, thundering screams and shattering glass/knocking things over with pressure waves, I watch the storm dissolve around us. The Hummingbird refuses to admit to being let down that we never were able to track down the other Roc we sometimes detected-it seems it left with the storm. With day having turned to night hours ago during our long search, Sake flies me home, HB reabsorbing his clones en route.
On our return, I note that Titus is in today-it must be his off day for guard duty at the Zosimus compound. Seeing him diligently tinkering with new renditions of his ever-evolving gauntlets, I blink at the spiritual shadow imprinted on the many gems on his table. Recalling his mention of meeting some form of Lightning Entity in the park, and the imprint itself feeling shocking, I decide my interest has been piqued enough I'm looking to arrange a meeting. I sidle up to the man in utter silence, and wait until he's not handling something easily broken.
Predictably, Titus starts, his fingers twitching enough one of the shaped pieces of nomex falls to the workbench beneath his hands. He manages to offer a passable smile when he turns to me.
>[Titus]"…Mr. Laine. Can I help you with something?"
"Indeed you can Titus. I've found myself looking to arrange a meeting with Karganya-for myself, and Lyubov, if she's amenable to it."
I can feel the sudden tension in his soul as he works to choose his words carefully.
>[Titus]"…Sir, you are aware that Lyubov's the Witch Saint of a God of Electricity, and that Kar… the Lightning Spirit is, well, made of Lightning?"
"You're saying she'd be worried about what Lyubov might do to her? …Hm, not knowing Lyubov I could see how the Spirit would come to that conclusion. Can't fault it either-simple self preservation. Okay-is there a specific protocol for the spirit's kind, in regards to how her concerns could be alleyed, and the meeting be rendered permissable? I'm fairly certain it'd be mutually beneficial to all."
>[Titus]"I can certain bring it up to her and see what the options are."
"That's all I need. Let me know how that goes, okay?"
>[Titus]"I will."
I Item Sense the complete sets of gauntlets as of yet assembled at his workstation.
"And solid work there-they're feeling more along the lines of professionally crafted magic items now."
He blinks at the unexpected complement, mouth working for a moment before he glances sheepishly at his work.
>[Titus]"They… they are? I had hoped, but… that's good to-"
When he turns around I'm out of his field of view, having idly decided to Goblin Step my way out of the room.
Have to have a little fun, after all.
Next, I have a chat with Svetlana, and explain to her the access we've acquired to AORB's threat databases. Once I've made it clear it's effectively like a compendium of dangerous critters with useful information, she seems wholly onboard with the project I give her, of perusing the database and working with Satai to beef up the companies personal threat database. It helps that it's really just data compilation and acquisition, stuff she's more familiar with than the majority of the magical stuff she's been subjected to. I imagine she finds the notion of this project comforting, in a way-and her soul lends credence to my theory. I tell her to see what they have on the Triads, Mafia, Neonazis, Istanbul-based Vampire Dynasties, Were Tribes and Bloodline Houses, as well as the Wyld Goblins. Past there… she can look up whatever threats she deems most appropriate. I also introduce her to Smiling One's website, and give her a brief overview of the fact I'm putting together a techno-organic mobile defensive unit, and I currently need a Cyclops' Eye to finish the project. While she views the site's overall theme a bit askance, she seems on board with the idea of getting parts for a home defense unit. …Ah, creative phrasing: I love it.
With that done, I go to the Khorobrova I'm far more acquainted with, intent on some sexytimes-to find she's got an alternative idea for the night that I can't help but find intriguing… or at least, I eventually do.
[Lyubov] “So. I have been talking to Silja, and I told her about an outing I had with Placid, out to the modern museum. And um. We talked about him, some, and his abilities. She was very impressed, and wondered if it would be ok if she could meet him, and get his help with... finishing.“
Awakening Silja… it's a goal I can't just brush off, no matter where I hear it.
"Hm. Yes... I can see how that could work. You really think she'd be okay with that? He is a bit... inhuman."
[Lyubov]"She asked, which is a big thing for her all in itself. She is not used to being assertive at all. I did tell her that she would need to know exactly what she would like from him. He is only a month old now. She sort of seemed, uh. Hesitant, initially, about that. I get the feeling she tried hard to not be a burden in her first life. But I made it pretty clear she has to be explicit about what she wants if she gets help from Placid. And she's been thinking it over, anyway."
"Wow. Well, if she's for it, then yes, we should look into that. ...I'd still want to get her a bit more development though-I don't know if you can sense it, but her body is still... crying out, I suppose, for nourishment. Plus, we'll need to find out what Placid needs to finish this-not to mention concretely nailing down exactly what she wants to ask for is probably going to take her time. But yeah, I completely endorse this when both parties are ready to avoid unfortunate miscommunication."
[Lyubov]“I... uh. Will get a whole bunch of magazines and anatomy books and stuff for her to look at. So she can be sure she gets what she wants for looks. The rest, the way all the magic in her flesh manifests and ends up being put to use, that will depend on how her development finalizes, right?"
"I believe so. Spiritual reincarnation from and into a vessel like that... well, I'm afraid I don't have much experience with it. ...But, as interesting as that is, that is not at all relevant to why we can't have a very fun night right now, so..."
I find my attempts to get at the sexytimes I sought stymied, my hands brushed aside-as Lyubov gets to her really topic.
[Lyubov]"Oh! Wait. I know you stood Gianni up for a good reason last night and all, but, when I went to talk to him about it and make sure he wasn't offended by us bailing at the last minute, he mentioned that. Uh- wow you're grabby tonight- that he could help me... um. Get familiar again with my chakras."
…'Stood up'. Yes, I suppose that's right-even though I only did so because a certain brother promised mutual suicide if I investigated things like that.
>[SB]"Indeed I did-and the threat still stnads."
I let my hands stall out as I process what Lyubov just said, not just the start of it.
"As in you could actually use them again?"
[Lyubov]"Yeah. He and Dávgon talked about me a bit and my chakra issue came up apparently- well, anyway, Gianni's pretty sure if he just... manipulated... each chakra gate's seat in my body, he'd be able to show me what changed, and then I could just, you know. Adapt what I've learned already, to my new format. But. Uh... he'd need to... get grabby."
I wiggle my fingers enthusiastically.
"And you're thinking if someone's gotta be grabby..."
[Lyubov]"Mmm. Yeah. And... also, this is kind of something you'd enjoy anyway. I mean, you brought up the idea of doing something sort of like this in front of everyone last month. And, I'll get to watch what you're doing. I've got a good handle on reading what you- ah… Gianni's all-mortal magic is like a foreign language to me right now."
"And if I'm the channel for that magic, it gets switched to divine..."
[Lyubov]"That's what I mean!"
I lower my hands, bow my head, and make another head bow as well with a bit of fleshcrafting prowess. There, now I can focus.
"Okay, shall we then?"
[Lyubov]"Yeah. He said he'd wait a bit tonight to see what we decide on. So we can catch him right now."
Turns out Gianni's already heard about SB's promise-from SB himself, I can only assume-and doesn't even bring up the missed lesson. Instead, the three of us sequester ourselves in the soundproofed room, as Gianni lays his hands on me, I lay my hands on Lyubov… and a bit of bodily puppetry takes place. I intake Gianni's magical signals, parse them through my own magic, and put them into motion. My hands move, caress and glide-and I feel the tendrils of magic spiking from my fingertips to tease about her chakras in tune with GIanni's own salacious but informative dialogue. It seems there's been a bevy of small but, cumulatively, important changes to her chakras thanks to the Witchification, and Gianni walks her through the every detail of the difference through me. It takes a few hours, actually, to go over them all-but by the end, Lyubov's ecstatic: She's fully regained her old chakra competence in her new form. Perhaps it is because of this change, then, that she's so keen on her very first suggestion, the moment we leave Gianni's room-while I'm still mulling over what I learned about identifying chakras in other's bodies and interacting with them via Fleshcrafting. Seeing no one else up and about-and presuming them all off at Ito's by their absence-I decide that her suggestion has merit, and we head off to see Ito's after a brief conversation.
[Lyubov] "Thank you for helping with that. I learned an awful lot during that, about myself and my chakra gates, and about how you and Gianni formed that conduit for channeling his efforts into you. And... I am pretty certain I could copy that now. So, uh, I'd really like to try it, and I think I know something we can do that will give it a test, and make up for things with Ito. Since, um. You did send most of Old Master's instructors away to Italy."
Funny how she still calls him Old Master. She’s grown leaps and bounds in the two months since I first heard her use that title for Ito, though in our way, all of us have.
"What, you want to tweak his gates?"
[Lyubov] "Yeah, and... maybe finish what Sake started? I mean, he is in much better shape now, but, couldn't you. You know. Make him like he's your age? That way he'd be able to keep up with the student overload he's got right now. If I channeled for you, I'd learn from it, and he'd benefit just the same."
"Channeling FOR me would bloat up your magic real fast though. On the other hand, if you... I guess programmed me? Yeah, programmed me to provide the fleshcrafting, I could do it, effectively at your will. But that doesn't grant you the necessary knowledge of how to do the fleshcrafting...This seems a bit like a catch-22. Thoughts?"
[Lyubov] "I need a way to bleed off some of the energy I've got... but I've got my actual chakras again, not just the divine emulation of the reinforcement orientation. If I can get an orientation up that's expensive to run, and that pushes my gates... I don't know. It would depend on if I could do it and bleed off energy at least as fast as it accumulates... Right? I think that's right, anyway."
"That could take quite a bit of time. Why don't you just watch me Fleshcraft Ito this time, and then you can try your hand at the programming thing for someone else, later. Otherwise, you have to learn new ways to use chakra, and that'd be even more time consuming."
She gives it some serious consideration. I can see how she’s torn well before she verbalizes it.
[Lyubov] "Well, that's fine too. I just. Um. Want to try out what I'm learning and everything, but yeah, I can't just let that be a reason to throw caution to the wind. It's just I noticed I learned a lot more in a lot more detail from being involved in that conduit you and Gianni set up. Maybe there's some way to have the best of both sides, where I can be part of just your intent, while you push the majority of your power through a direct connection to Ito. Like, you guiding me guide you, I guess?"
Maybe it’s because we just finished a multi-hour session where I got to grope her openly in front of someone else, but a rather naughty thought strikes. I can't help but leer a bit.
"Well, if you were stuck reeeeaaal close to me, you'd probably read the spiritual radiation I've got going on, and pick up the spellwork in more detail from that."
At first she seems like she’d go for it, and then the full meaning of what I’m implying strikes her.
[Lyubov] "I- um. Wait. What are you- you're not-“
I leer a little more at her.
[Lyubov] “-you are! In front of Ito!? No, nope! No way!"
"Damn. Worth a shot."
[Lyubov] "He wouldn't go for it, never mind me! He'd just kick us out."
"Fine. Observation for later practice it is, then?"
[Lyubov] "I think so. Unless Ito doesn't want me present. In which case... I'll just miss out, I guess. I’ll get dressed and we’ll go."
I guess she feels that keeping good relations with Ito is worth sacrificing a learning opportunity, if he wouldn’t be comfortable with it.
I continue to review what I learned from Gianni tonight while she gets changed, and it isn’t long before we’re moseying along to Ito’s dojo. We arrive just as the night students are getting ready to go home. We say a few very brief hellos, and approach Ito as he packs away training gear for the night. Lyubov launches right into her spiel.
Interestingly, when we arrive at the Gym… no one's there-at least, none of the Russians. Ito spots us promptly, and with the gregarious energy that has possessed him ever since Sake's rubbing, he decisively pauses the lesson he's giving the fledgling vampires, Iskander and the rest, and jogs over to us. Before he can open his mouth, Lyubov starts babbling.
[Lyubov] "Hello Ito! I know it's just about the time you wrap up everything for the night and all, but Armas and I did a thing where he helped me with my chakras and we got to talking and I thought that you could benefit from something like that too. And then we talked some more and we thought maybe you could get, uh, everything done so that you'd have a body that's just as good as when you were my age and, uh. Armas could do that if you want, and if it's OK with you I'd really like to observe while he does so, so I can learn what he's doing and be able to do it in the future myself, for myself and others and yeah. What do you think?"
Ito's face takes on that look I knew best from when he was fully an old man, his youth-inspired exuberance stifled in the face of Lyubov's onslaught.
>[Ito]"...You offer more youth?"
[Lyubov] "Yeah."
His eyes sparkle with... not mirth, but anticipation. He grabs both of our arms, and promptly drags us to another room before sliding the door shut.
>[Ito]"What must I do for this to happen?"
I shrug affably at him.
"Well, just give me skin contact, and a bit of your time... and hold still."
The process is time consuming for me-and with all my attempts thus far at comprehensive fleshcrafting alteration to others, I have to focus wholly on the task. I pick principles I learned from rehashing the Kudoku bugs to better handle their new souls, the alterations I've learned to make in claiming flesh golems, my endless experience at healing myself-all of it swirls together as I continue to target aged cells and render them more vigorous than they already are, shaving bit after bit of age's weight off of Ito. I couldn't quite say how long, exactly, I'm at it-but when I'm done, Lyubov joins me in running an appraising eye over a now thirty-something year old Ito, who looks reverently at genuinely unwrinkled, hardy flesh. With him now physically back in his prime in addition to his literal lifetime of fitness, there's no denying he now looks like a paragon of healthy living-which strikes at odds with how swiftly he grabs a bottle of sake and offers us some dozen odd shots worth of cheer and thanks. Seems whatever irritation he may or may not have had about the reduction in accessible military instructors isn't bothering him a whit anymore-and I make no secret of how happy I am for him. After watching his lessons-and how readily he's terrorizing vampires-every one of them, no matter that some are most certainly not quite so fledgling-with nothing more than chakra, experience, and gumption.
Lyubov and I head back to the mansion after giving Ito the gift of even more youthful vigor-and seriously questioning if this was a good idea-and find….
The moment I open the mansion's door, I'm bombarded by the soul of a wolf wrought of rage and violence, chained, shackled to a human soul that buckles under it's terrible weight-and at the same time, the person is… at peace with their burden, in a strangely captivating fashion he's accepted it so well the weight doesn't bother him as it should-rather, the soul has the illusion of oppression by the shackled wolf. Blinking at the influx of new spiritual data, I hear Lyubov giggling-and spot a naked Labombard on one of the many sofas in the Foyer, a note in Satai's handwriting literally stapled to his forhead. I tear it off the snoozing man's face, idly noting how swiftly the injuring closes-it's near instantaneous-and read Satai's 'report':
Armas: Labombard has quite an appetite (est. 8 tons of food consumed, stocks depleted) but was generous in revelry (speak w/Igor re: marital status if interested). Please make clear whether we will need to feed him regularly so I can increase our food deliveries accordingly.
…Well then.
I glance at Lyubov, still giggling even as she yawns, before shrugging, and deciding I'll deal with it tomorrow. It's time for sleep.
TUESDAY, MARCH 8th, 2011
PERSONAL FUNDS: $3,233,660.00
BUSINESS FUNDS: $9,672,864.00
CASH: $0.00
After waking up, I get dressed and call the few Russians not out on missions to the foyer-where Labombard is no longer passed out, I'll need to track him down and follow up at some point-and pose an idea that I woke up to, one that's rattled about my braincase and needs an outlet. Simply put: I propose building backup bodies for everyone, as a personal fleshcrafting project. Unsurprisingly they're initially wary of the idea for a slew of reasons-but that's not the point. What matters is, I convinced enough of them that this is worth serious consideration they'll bandy the idea with their coworkers until it's no longer so strikingly strange to them-so when I ask them again, later… well, I'm confident they'll be interested.
After my groundwork for making the Minions more able to survive… well, death, I head over to Gianni's room, the sighting of one of Satai's RC contraptions inpsiring an interesting set of ideas. On seeing me enter he pulls out a pair of chairs, has a seat, and waits. I begin without preamble, the moment I've joined him.
"I'm curious about perceptual organs, both how they could be implanted in the Golem without overloading a possessor with sensory data, and how they could feed into technological transmitters for creating recordings. Additionally, I want to know if you know of ways to integrate video cameras and assorted conventional sensors into the golem's sensory network."
The easy grin on his face fades a bit as the developing lustful leer in his eye fades at the thought of a complex question. He's silent for a time, idly drumming fingers on his knee, before he responds.
>[GiaGia]"Well. I think that, while I don't actually know much of anything in either of the latter two fields, I do know enough about integrating wholly organic organs to a sensory grid and minimizing extraneous data for a pilot. But that's not at all enough to answer your question."
He cups his chin pensively, a frown tugging at his cheeks.
>[GiaGia]"Although… I do believe I could acquire the necessary knowledge-I know a fleshcrafter that owes me a favor or two, who could put me in touch with a legitimate expert I could get some new memories from. …That said, I'll still need to expend an appreciable amount of capital. So I'd need funding, and time-but I could provide exactly what you need."
"Interesting. How much?"
>[GiaGia]"One hundred thousand dollars should be enough-a trifle to you, as I understand it."
"Sold-when do you expect to know what I need?"
>[GiaGia]"I would venture a week, no more."
The man gets his money-
BUSINESS FUNDS: -$100,000.00 $9,572,864.00
And I can't help but note Dávgon eyeing the process, a question unasked nestled within his soul. Upon staring at him in question, he voices the thoughts that drove his interest.
>[Dávgon]"If we're discussing improvements possible only with funding, I've been talking with Gianni, and we can render these Kudoku bugs as living, reusable charms that we could then embed within the War Golem for a myriad of highly useful effects, that, coupled with the rest of the golem as-is, could finish pushing it into the realm of full combat readiness."
"Is that so?"
>[GiaGia]"My only comment into this little discussion is that little Dávgon here's been very busy plotting out possibilities-I suggest lending him an ear, at the very least."
"Noted. Dávgon-a bit more detail, if you please."
>[Dávgon]"A brief list of possible uses for such ensouled living charms: Charms that target curses and remove them from the host body through their efforts, charms that await specific schools of magic to be used against the golem only to absorb that magic and funnel it towards further fueling the golem. Charms to accelerate the rate of injury repair. Charms to sacrifice themselves as area-specific protections for sensitive parts-for example, charms that would die before the storage tank could rupture, giving it layered durability. Charms that act as network nodes for possessors, filtering incoming data and prioritizing stimulous-or even partially automating the control process above and beyond simple possession experience placed in the soul seed."
"Well you've definitely got my attention with that. But what do you need to do that?"
>[Dávgon]"A bevy of Spirit Shaman and Sami tools specific to soul manipulation, several ritualist tools for handling flesh alteration by spiritual means, a few persistent charms, and some new tomes on general magic theory specific to the purpose of making living charms. All told, I estimate I would need some two million dollars, US, to make all the acquisitions."
It's a decent chunk… but considering how much I've already sunk into the War Golem…
The man gets his money, amidst a rare moment of emotionality out of the man, where his eyes light up with childlike glee at the thought of all the things he'll soon be able to do.
BUSINESS FUNDS: -$2,000,000.00 $7,572,864.00
>> 471294
After spending some time talking with him about his potential project options after resupplying on my dime, I put in a call to Abloec… by summoning. The old Einher spirit shows up promptly, and I explain that I've got the golem ready for testing, if he can put up with a magically imposed non-disclosure agreement. He puts… quite a bit less thought into it than I'd expected before accepting-and soon enough, Placide's imposed a binding to that effect on Abloec's soul (A process I watched VERY closely), and the ancient, immensely bearded spirit whistles appreciatively at the Golem's current form.
>[Abloec]"I was wondering if the non-disclosure was just a bluff to make this sound more impressive, a way to trick me into giving feedback on a piss-poor project… I see that's not the case. You've done quite a bit of work on this thing, haven't you."
"It's a hobby."
>[Abloec]"Mm… getting hard to tell the disparate parts involve apart now-that's some solid blending you've got going on here. Bet I'm only detecting half or less of what all's even in it. Soul Seed looks sturdy as a central processor, too-I bet it'd be safe for human piloting pretty quickly, with some good initial data."
"Which is where you come in. Do you mind making this first piloting largely diagnostic?"
>[Abloec]"Not a problem-and good to hear you weren't willing to just let me run around and maybe break it thanks to an unforeseen glitch. You need other evaluators here, or are the flesh and soulcrafters with you all you planned?"
"No, I think we're good-if you would be so kind."
What follows is every bit as pleasing, as informative, as it is eerie. I watch a an expert of possession take command of a vastly complex entity I'm intimately familiar with the workings of, and imprint much off of how possession is supposed to work. I watch flesh shift and flow in minute yet manifold ways, passive fleshcrafting enhancing a being's ability past its existing limits, and wonder at how I could grant that to golems I take over from other external fleshcrafters. But most eye-catchingly of all… I see the golem in motion, at last. I see those massive thews on three sets of arms flex and heave, I see racer's legs flex and test the ground, I see a massive tail flicking to and fro, I see it's three heads peer about, their maws letting hooked tongues idly flick free. To see the being move as if alive and self aware is on a fundamental level unsettling even to me-and I know, instinctively, that I've irrevocably fallen in love with my project's promise. There's no way I'll even entertain the notion of stopping this halfway, now that I've seen that it's very operation makes a human mind knee-jerk fear it wholly separate of it's otherworldly physique. Even beneath it's armor, the terrible weight of magic and it's distorted flow of time make it a genuine monster.
Thanking Abloec for his time several hours later, I exit the golem room while making an immediate beeline for the foyer: I can detect Labombard's soul around and about, and I'd very much like to get that explanation. On the way, Amen stops me, briefly, to deliver a card into my hands.
>[Amen]"This was provided by a representative of the Dwarven Dimirken Clan, and addressed to this one's master."
Frowning at that, I open the letter….
To the Master of the group known as the Company of Laine,
I am Letel Dimirken, son of Fulgrim Dimirken, son of Harden Dimirken, current head of the Dimirken Clan. I am writing to you in regards to one of your underlings, whose name I understand to be Igor, and my youngest daughter, Patere Dimirken.
Yeah this isn't starting well.
A series of unfortunate events came to a confluence when your underling stumbled into a betrothal negotiation ceremony that was taking place, and was publically witnessed accepting a betrothal offer from my daughter by members of both my clan, those of three other Clans, as well as assorted members of the magical community, including Sir Bonzi, the Leprechaun. This culminated in your underling taking part in the aforementioned ceremony and finalizing it on his own behalf, to thereafter reject it, claiming ignorance, and shamed my Clan in front of all those present, and in that action damaged my daughter's honor. Once wiser heads realized the mistake both she and he had made, he was graciously granted temporary Gold Brother status by the Kheazai clan, so that I would not be honor bound to kill him as soon as I saw him. Our code dictates that his life should be forfeit for this insult regardless… unless you, as his Master, can come to an agreement regarding the handling of this matter with me. To that end, I respectfully request that we meet at your earliest convenience, at the establishment owned by Sir Bonzi, to discuss what shall be done. I am obligated to retain possession of your man until such time as we've resolved the issue his actions created.
-Letel Dimirken, Clan Head of the Dimirken.
Let your chisel be swift and sure
Welp. Igor's been having some fun, it seems. At least my reputation kept that from going COMPLETELY south for him. …Focusing once more on the fact that Lammies in the house-and I would really like an explanation for the missing food. I come to a stop before him… and notice his attire. He's clad in racing stripe and flame-decal equipped… lederhosen. I feel… I feel a bit jealous, actually. Like he's stealing my thunder.
I blink that distraction away and simply stare at him patiently, knowing he knows I'm there. As I expected, soon enough he speaks.
>[Labombard]"I would like to wholly blame the esteemed Li Kui for my masticatory indiscretions, but frankly even so I don't doubt I consumed a considerable amount of wealth, judging by the appreciable shift in total magic in my body."
"You did eat quite a great deal, yes."
>[Labombard]"I will note that I'm not inclined to eat anywhere near that much except in those rare cases my metabolism is genuinely overwhelmed by magical liquor."
>[Labombard]"And, outside of the party I through for your minions last night, I would like to offer you my services, gratis, until such time as I've paid off the debt I incurred through my action. Does this strike you as fair, Mister American?"
A nigh-unkillable, expertly capable superbruiser of a merc, working for free until I say otherwise….
What do I say to Labombard's offer?
What do I do with the rest of the day?
What's my plan regarding Igor's situation?
And what about the next few days?
[I would really appreciate it if there was an attempt at being more cohesive with suggestions-it's hard to hit such a wide range of possible ideas, and my only other option is mass ignoring suggestions.]