Ginger Blossom
Okay, I sent some bots to scout around the area.
>If you say you've got tons of energy from that void generator you could build a device that turns massive amounts of pure energy into physical matter. You could generate platinum, gold, iron, titanium, anything you wanted. And an omni-assembler that can produce parts of any shape and material. Energy/time/material tradoffs are up to you to decide.
The problem is, that void-generator has it's limits. I have set it to 860 MW. I won't go over that, because then the chance for something very, very bad happening increases.
Creating matter is not very easy. I can do, and I have done it, but void-reactor is not safe or even powerful enough to perform such operations.
For example, to create 1 kg of matter, I would need 9ยท10^16 J ( basically 90 000 000 000 000 000 joules)!