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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
386 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1102621 ID: 6c233e

A) If she seems down you should see if there's anything you can do to help. cause you're friends
No. 1102630 ID: 11f6ea

It seems like either she catched feels or she is feeling sad beacuse she cant find more friends perhaps mom was being shitty?
No. 1102641 ID: cb76eb

A, you are the bold one after all.
No. 1102676 ID: 11f6ea

A yeah jess has few limits beyond being a good manipulator
No. 1102688 ID: f1368b
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>A, be bold
Jess has a sneaking suspicion that Bella caught feelings, probably for Henry. Some people just aren’t cut out for casual sex with an ex. Better check and make sure her hunch is right before they really get into things.

The next morning, she stashes the collar in her underwear drawer and puts on one of her more spunky outfits to get in the mood. Henry still gives her an extra helping of eggs and chorizo and she carefully cleans and sets out the toys she’s hoping to use on Becca.

The dog arrives on time, mid afternoon. Now that Jess is paying attention, the poor girl does seem to be forcing herself to respond to small talk while they play a few rounds of cards. She’s a lifeless lump even when Jess gives her a few teasing squeezes on her stomach and upper arms.

“Becca, can you come with me for a sec? I want to show you what I’m planning for today.” Jess keeps her voice bright and inviting and successfully lures the dog up the stairs to the bedroom, away from Henry.
No. 1102689 ID: f1368b
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“Here hun, do these toys look okay? You can test the vibrator on your hand to see how strong it is.” Once Becca’s distracted, Jess sits next to her on the mattress and puts an arm around her round shoulders.

“You been doin’ alright lately? I know nursing is really hard on Henry sometimes. Any luck meeting a nice guy?”

“Work is fine. I’m still…I’m still pretty lonely though.”

“Come over to our place more then! We love having you, Henry thinks you’re darling, he’s really glad you’re his friend.”

Bingo. Becca’s face crumples and her nose quivers. Jess doesn’t give her a chance to recover.

“Becca, what’s wrong? What did I say?”

“No, you didn’t do anything–I’m a bad person, I’m so stupid–” Becca buries her face in her paws and makes tiny, cute hiccuping sobs. “I don’t know why I let myself g-get close again, he doesn’t love me and even if he did I’d be ruining your beautiful marriage. You two really get each other and I shouldn’t be selfish and wish I had what you have. I’m r-really sorry. I’m awful. I was selfish, looking forward to today, I mean, you got everything ready and now you probably don’t want me here anymore.”

A. Reassure her and continue as planned
B. It’d probably be best if they stopped hooking up
No. 1102695 ID: 90b21b

B) She needs help. Clinging on to your husband probably isn't that help.

Get her in touch with a therapist, help her pay for five years in advance.
No. 1102699 ID: cb76eb

Revel in your power for a moment. You have what someone else wants. Hold.
Execute the plan. You were going to take the lead role tonight anyways. Henry will be the extra hands while you play. Maybe this will be the last time for a little while you see Becca.
No. 1102701 ID: 9b76c6

A. Sharing is caring. And if he did get feelings for her, you'd just cut her off. Might even turn you on when you'd do that.
No. 1102710 ID: e61200

I would say B), but to simply , tell her what is best won't do.

Becca must face her lower instincts and judge if she wants to embrace or reject them.

Tell her how your marriage isn't perfect, confide in her. Tell her how you are much like the Spy from Team Fortress 2, hiding your true nature, yet also remorseless of it, and ask her whether she wants to be a cheeky, no good TF2 mercenary, or a nice Mercy from Overwatch.
No. 1102711 ID: 0db8d3

A) Play this right and you can own her.
No. 1102720 ID: 11f6ea

Support that is true
A) make sure she knows she is a god dog
No. 1102732 ID: 0c1b3f

A) tell her she's not a bad dog for wanting to be loved. Then show her just how desirable she is.
No. 1102761 ID: d58817


I agree that this is an opportunity. Use it to console and reassure, and establish yourself as caring and trustworthy. We definitely still want her here; that hasn't changed. It's definitely not wrong to want a loving and supportive relationship; you might be able to provide one right now, and help her feel more at ease alone with you.

Have you considered, Becca might not mind if you want to act a little manly around her? If she's more into men than women, she might appreciate it. Thinking long-term, if you can ever get her to yourself (Henry doesn't have to know), this might provide an outlet for some of your urges that Henry would rather stay distant from.
No. 1102769 ID: 773313


Hiding things from Henry is a bad idea!
No. 1102791 ID: 61d71b

It'll be fiiiiine.
No. 1102854 ID: f1368b
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>A, seize the opportunity
Unlike Henry, Jess doesn’t need to ‘do the right thing’ to feel good about herself. While it’d probably be better for Becca’s mental health if they took a step back from their arrangement, Jess hungers for her turn with the pooch. She’ll still be a kind and supportive friend, of course, she’s not an asshole.

Jess rubs Becca’s back until the dog’s sobs die down into wet sniffles. “It’s okay Becca, I don’t think you’re a bad person at all. Everyone wants to be loved. We can’t help how we feel about other people, and I’m not the kind of wife that gets jealous about that sort of thing.”

Not entirely true, if Henry reciprocated Jess would be kinda pissed. Becca doesn’t need to know that though.

“It’s up to you if you want to tell Henry, or I can tell him when you’re not here.”

“Y-you should tell him later. I feel really ashamed.” A fresh round of little sobs shakes Becca’s body.
No. 1102855 ID: f1368b
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Jess gets up to bring Becca a fistful of tissues from the bathroom. She gently swabs at Becca’s damp muzzle with a steady touch.

“That’s okay too. Once you’re back home, I want you to sit with yourself and think about today. I guarantee Henry won’t hold this against you, and knowing that we’re both fine with how you feel, you can explore where your fear is coming from. I know this isn’t a traditional relationship so you might have more things to process, but you can take as much time as you need.”

Becca nods weakly, shoulders still slumped.

“Once you feel ready I can call him here and we can have some fun, just like we planned.” Jess promises.

“O-Okay. I need a few more m-minutes. Um, what were you planning to do with the toys, exactly?”
No. 1102871 ID: cb76eb

You're going to make her feel like the good girl she is. (Tame her.)
No. 1102876 ID: d58817

Is this her first time using toys? Maybe offer her a chance to explore with them on you, before Henry gets here. It'll be a nice moment for just the girls.
No. 1102882 ID: 386038

Also getting her nice and ready now need Henry to seal the deal and get her back to our table again and again, slowly ramp up to what jess does
No. 1102886 ID: 6c233e

Tell her to just relax and leave it all up to you~
No. 1102977 ID: f1368b
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>Start slow and let Becca relax
“I’m going to let you get comfortable, you can take off your hoodie, pants, and bra and lie down on the bed.”

Becca hesitates before obeying, exposing her soft golden belly, wet panties, and tits. She’s still sniffling and Jess gives her a few gentle pets before twisting to seat herself between the dog’s calves.

“Have you used a dildo or a vibrator before?”

Becca blushes a little and nods.

“Okay, great, I’m going to warm you up with my hands and then introduce the toys slowly. We don’t even have to wait for Henry, if you want.”

“I want him here!” Becca shoots up onto her elbows. “What–what will he do?”

“Lie on the bed next to you, hold your hand, kiss, whatever you feel like, he’s taking the support role for today.”

The talk of sweet intimacy makes Becca blush harder than when Jess was promising to fuck her, and the dog slowly sinks back down. “You can–you should ask him to come.”

“Of course honey, I’m sure he’s wondering what we’ve been up to.”
No. 1102978 ID: f1368b
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Henry arrives upstairs none the wiser, and quickly slots himself next to Becca at Jess’s instruction.

The fox busies herself between Becca’s thighs and occasionally pauses to admire the view of heaving fur, a lolling tongue, and floppy ears. Becca mostly keeps her eyes closed and snout tucked against Henry’s chest, even muffles her moans in his fur, much to the gratitude of their unaware neighbors. After Jess works three orgasms out Becca, she lies down next to her so they form a big fluffy canine pile.

>Becca mental health check (50% + 10% chance of success by being gentle): Result hidden
The pooch has the glow of someone who got a good fucking, and Jess gives her a kiss on the cheek before saying bye. That went well, hopefully Becca can keep it together this time.

>A few days later…
Jess dons her usual makeup and takes off her collar in preparation for DnD with the fags. She’s already invited them to the houseparty, which is coming up in another month, but should she tell them about Henry’s finger before they get a chance to see it for themselves? It might be good to handle the fallout in a secure environment instead of around Henry’s pals. Easier to keep their stories straight too.
No. 1102979 ID: 0db8d3

Normally I would say breach the subject early but honestly...

Nah. Wait.
This'll go over WAY better if Henry is actually around. In this case it's probably better to spread the "freak" between both of you, instead of risking your friends assuming it's all on you.
No. 1102997 ID: d58817

What would you tell them? Surely you and Henry have figured out your cover story for now. I agree that there's no point in raising the issue early; let people ask, you don't have to volunteer the information.

...Unless you think anyone would react violently to seeing a hand with an amputated finger? Only if you think it would spare a friend some grief you know is coming would I recommend raising the issue early.
No. 1103002 ID: dc6b72

Whats the worry Jess our friends seem like a very permissable bunch on baseline morality that to the average creature is dubiouse, applied inconsistently or just amoral but its completely fine if worded right under a "live let live" sort of system, Main issue is them blaming Henry they seem to dislike him for limiting you in anyway even if you are doing what you want throwing doubt on your autonomy but only in one direction. Somehow need to convince them he is not manipulating you and you are not manipulating him if they know you that well.
No. 1103003 ID: dc6b72

Its a very unusual finger to lose it usually starts at the edges working in so it would need to be a good lark
Thats a excited pupper is it just me or is she rounder? Is she "prettying" herself up to Henry's tastes never realized she was blond dont know why but imagined her redish
No. 1103053 ID: f1368b
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>Don’t tell them yet
Jess can see how it’d go better if Henry was around to speak on his own behalf, so she decides to wait for one of her friends to bring it up at the party. She would have told them most of the truth, that Henry cut off his finger during his honeymoon, maybe embellish by adding she jerked off with it even though she didn’t, just for the cool factor. They’ve never heard the excuse Henry tells his coworker and parents, which is that he had an accident while scuba diving at the resort, so she’s sure they’d have believed her.

>Is there a chance they’ll react with violence?
Naw, it’s not really their business so no reason for them to get that upset.

>They seem like the accepting sort
In terms of leftist realms of thought, yes? Real life mutilation goes into internet infighting territory. Jess might act flippant but she’d really rather her friends didn’t cut her off over this.

She pastes on a toothy grin and finds herself the first person to arrive at Terrence’s place. The tanuki has a lovingly crafted cardboard mecha on the table, with a special codpiece cockpit for Jess’s character.
No. 1103055 ID: f1368b
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She sits down and contemplates the sheets and dice that have guided years of their life at this point. With Kai moving out of state for their residency they’ll need to find a third player, or, God forbid, get into Magic the Gathering instead.

Idle mindless chit chat with Terrence until Sophie and Kai arrive, this time laden with hot bags of fried chicken and soft fries.

What does Jess do for this session?
A. Play studious (that cockpit isn’t going to man itself)
B. Play detached (listen to what’s going on with everyone)
No. 1103062 ID: 40fb51

Do the things for why you probably care about them at all but listen some and be the sneaky fox you are with the plan
No. 1103063 ID: 40fb51

Funny thing about that boat story of losing the finger my boss sons friend had a accident of the same sort beacuse some jackass kid drove to close he did not lose one finger he lost all fingers so parents are probably relieved for Henry only losing one
No. 1103070 ID: 3750e5

Grind out those good guy points before you test your friendship
No. 1103088 ID: 0db8d3

This isn't the Internet. These are friends you've known irl for years.
Stop overthinking this.
Be the best damn "Cock" in Cockpit the world's ever seen!
No. 1103096 ID: a7a180

Maybe you should listen in on how everyone's doing.
No. 1103130 ID: f1368b
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>A, play the role
Bartholomew the barbarian bison wipes the sweat off his forehead and steps back to look at the assembled colossus standing in the city square. His party traveled the land for months in search of the five pieces of this ancient mage creation, two arms, two legs, and a stout torso, in the hopes that they could use its might to defeat the evil dragon Krog. Made of enchanted metal and wood, the machine wields a sword as wide as Bartholomew’s own prodigious height. More than a match for any vice bloated reptilian beast! His heart pounds in anticipation of battle.

He was skeptical at first of relying on some old wizard junk, but he’s learned through his friends, a druid and warlock respectively, that those stuffy nerds worked with honest steel and blood warriors who made sure the machine would link with the pilots inside and he’s eager to try it for for the first time.

He dons the special skintight suit they found in the torso piece and rides the special shute at the base of one enormous foot to the first control hatch that rests at pelvis level. Bartholomew settles into the leather seat and touches the runes along the walls for the activation sequence.

No. 1103131 ID: f1368b
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Jess can tell Terrence is thrilled she’s participating well today, and even Sophie and Kai step back to give her a chance to flex her acting skills. In another life, she would have liked to be a big beefy guy, stout strength, broad gut. She still finds that kind of guy really hot, she’ll have to be patient and wait for Henry to age into beardom.

Visions swim behind Bartholomew’s dark eyelids, and he finds himself standing in the village square, looking down at the roofs of the homes and businesses. Carefully, so as not to step on the crowd of spectators, he strides toward the edge of town and starts the journey to the dragon’s lair in the nearby mountains.

Despite the mech’s immense bulk, its footsteps are light and leave no wounds in the fields. Maybe those wizards were smarter than he first thought.

Krog doesn’t wait to be ambushed among his treasure in his cave. Bartholomew watches as a great dark shadow rises from the mountains and flies to meet him. He draws his sword and waits.

The great red-scaled beast lands hard, sending tufts of sod flying. This is the first time their team has seen Krog up close and in the daylight, and Bartholomew notes the dragon’s kind of hot. Well hold on now, maybe all this ransacking and devastation has been one big misunderstanding.

A. Slay the enemy dragon!
B. Lay that rather hunky and well-endowed dragon!
No. 1103138 ID: e63af1

Slay the dragon('s ass)
No. 1103140 ID: 6c233e

B) grapple him into submission
No. 1103142 ID: 2923f5

A. Is that bit of narration yours or the DM’s?
No. 1103147 ID: 40fb51

With jess i sort of expected a combo of A and B
No. 1103150 ID: d93dd7

A then B, or rather NonCon B
No. 1103155 ID: 7c1f1c


If we're flexing our acting chops, commit to the role; let's not bleed. There's a mission that requires manly violence, so don't pull any punches. If there's enough of him left by the time he's subdued, then maybe he can be good for one last thing before we put him down for good.
No. 1103178 ID: f1368b
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>Combination A and B
Jess slaps her palms on the table, making the pencils and dice jump. “Terrence! I would like to do a balmos on the dragon.”

“Beg pardon?”

“Remember, it’s that Thai artist I showed you who does the noncon bara doujins. Fully colored and shaded art you could eat! What an iconic, unmatched legend.”

“Ah, yes, I remember.” Terrence shuffles his papers in a feeble attempt to buy time. “I’ll give you and Krog normal odds on your saving throws if you’re going for psychic attacks. What specific actions do you want to take?”

Mentally linked in the mech with his comrades, Bartholomew is able to draw on the druid’s magic and casts Animal Friendship and Aura of Vitality. Sadly, there’s no spell to give the mech musky pits and he instead strikes a sensual pose to show off his impressive bulge and armored pectorals.

“Ah yes, the fearsome Krog, we finally meet! Your impressive brawn is no match for magical steel and the power of friendship. I’ll give you one chance to beg for your life before I dispatch you, wretched beast.”

No. 1103179 ID: f1368b
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>Krog comprehension check: Failure
There’s a clatter as Terrence rolls dice behind his DM shield. “Let’s see, your flirting efforts are ineffective and the dragon thinks this is a normal heroic monologue.”


“There’s still time, the villain needs to monologue too.”

Krog snorts a dismissive cloud of smoke. “Heroes come and go, yet only I remain. You do seem better prepared than most mortals, but your fate is still sealed. Brace yourself.”

Those massive thighs bunch in preparation for a full-body pounce and Bartholomew mashes every potentially sex related druid spell on his imaginary console in an attempt to convey his intentions.

>Krog second comprehension check: Success
The leap never comes as the dragon lets out a throaty laugh. “Oh this is interesting! Do you think to seduce me like some cheap kobold whore? You would have more luck submitting to me, your superior.”

A. Throw the sword away and kneel at Krog’s feet (all according to keikaku)
B. Sheath the sword and assert dominance with raw strength
No. 1103180 ID: 0db8d3


A kobold whore knows their place! But fret not, dragon. You will yet learn your natural place in this world. I shall train you to worship me!
No. 1103181 ID: c36543

Are gripping him by his asshole? Hooking our fingers to get a grip? Or is he uncut
Rolls prospective
"How much foreskin does he have?"
How freaky is the wrestling going to get?
No. 1103184 ID: 21b8ab

Assert dominance via mech wrestlemania.
No. 1103189 ID: 6c233e

No. 1103193 ID: cb76eb

Lower their guard. Strike true with a sweet grapple when they least expect it. Claim your prize.
No. 1103256 ID: f1368b
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Bartholomew casually sheathes his giant sword with a harsh shriek of metal. “Fret not dragon, I will show you your rightful place under my might! No matter how indestructible you have seemed so far, there’s always a chance of being humbled!”

He shifts into a comfortable grappling pose and circles Krog. The dragon glares at him, slitted eyes narrowed.

>Strength check: Success
The mech makes the first move, springing forward on its unnaturally light feet. Bartholomew gets a good hold on Krog’s thick neck and squeezes hard to cut off the dragon’s fire.

>Dick check: Failure
With his free hand, Bartholomew pats around to try and find Krog’s bulge. Hard to tell what’s what under all these hard scales, and while he’s distracted Krog gets his tail around one leg and pulls him off balance.

Ah, the classic table turn. Bartholomew catches Krog’s claws as he goes for a slash and they find themselves locked chest to chest, the mech’s back to the ground.

No. 1103257 ID: f1368b
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>Constitution check: Failure
Which wizard’s idea was it to put a true to life, tactile interface in the codpiece of a giant mech? Bartholomew gasps as Krog grinds against him, literally pushing a ton of dragon against the metal shell protecting his fleshy bison body. Not to mention that smell, hot musk and clean fire with a hint of old iron. His head swims and his arms falter.

“Ah yes, here we are, as expected. Stop struggling and become my thrall and I will bring you great pleasure.” Krog purrs.

Jess ponders this extremely difficult decision. They’d probably be kidnapped and get to do fun dragon dungeon stuff if she says yes, but the mech and therefore months of hard work will be compromised.

A. Seems like a pretty good deal, get corrupted by lust
B. Use his mental might to resist!
No. 1103261 ID: cb76eb

But only to use the sexy dungeon on the dragon.
No. 1103263 ID: df0eb5

B) we always fight never give up it makes sex more violent thus better in Jess opinion its not noncon if you give up
No. 1103264 ID: 6c233e

B) "Its your turn on the bottom Krog! In the name of the people I claim that ass!"
No. 1103298 ID: 012630


Barbarians aren't famed for having much mental might, but I think Bartholemew would at least try to resist the dragon's beguilement.

How are the other players taking this, though? We don't want to be railroading them into something that wouldn't be fun for them.
No. 1103397 ID: f1368b
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>Further assess the metagame
Sophie and Kai have been vibing and enjoying the food while she and Terrence engage in their intense, psychosexual roleplay. Time to consult her fellow players to see if she’s been railroading too much.

“What do you guys think?” Jess asks. “Have I been throwing too much? Is Bartholomew being annoyingly horny?”

“I don’t think you really had a choice, Terrence made him big and evil and buff, after all. It’d be out of character if Bartholomew didn’t try to flirt. And what’s Terrence going to do, kill all of us for having fun?” Sophie takes a big bite of crispy tender smothered in teriyaki sauce.

Played like a fiddle! Jess does feel better about herself after checking in and she returns focus to the game.
No. 1103398 ID: f1368b
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>B, resist
Barbarians are not known for their mental might, but fighting back makes the potential loss all the more tantalizing. All of the smug ‘Of course there was no way a puny mortal could have defeated a mighty dragon’ with the edge of knowing there could be a very real consequence, depending on the rolls.

“Can we help Bartholomew with the mental check since we’re all linked right now? I don’t think I find Krog very attractive.” Kai asks.

“Great idea, I’ll allow it.”

>Power of friendship check: Failure
Bartholomew tries to seek shelter in the chaste minds of his companions, but he can’t hide from heavy, primal arousal. His arms go limp and he lets Krog dig his claws into the joints in the mech’s neck. He has no choice but to submit in the face of such majesty.

Terrence rolls some dice for damage which Jess dutifully marks on her form as Sophie and Kai take over decision making. She reaches for her share of the grub and leans back in her folding chair.

A. Contemplate masculinity
B. Contemplate something else related to gender and sexuality (suggest)
No. 1103401 ID: cb76eb

Who did you want to be before Henry?
No. 1103423 ID: df0eb5

B) would Henry fuck Terrance? Like terrance is non-op female bodied with the chest bumps (if i am not mistaken or its just moobs) and built like a slightly squished cylinder so his type, but would the name Terrance cause enough of a reaction to turn him off? Like just dressing "manly" is not enough with becca dressing like a old man or a collage kid, but when i Jess mentioning being manly and sex was enough to cause a reaction nearly as strong as eating his flesh in the other direction, So like a femboy would not work on him if he knows even slightly most likely, then its the fact i prefer Men on both being and fucking, could i Love Henry still if he was a girl? With a name like Henrietta or Helena? Or..... Gurtrud.. Gurt like yogurt for a nickname.. would i feel like he does now would it be painful enough to cause pleasure?
No. 1103424 ID: 0db8d3

Glorious though it was, time is dulling the joy Henry's finger gesture once brought you. Being in a constantly dominant position at home helped but now that that's no longer the case... Is a handful of hours every couple weeks here at the DnD table really enough time for you to be... You?
Top that with how much more feminine you're becoming especially with the upcoming kid thing... Like sure that's all novel and exciting but what happens when the novelty wears off? You'll run out of exciting new things you can do both healthily and regularly eventually. Then what? There will come a time when you'll need to "man up" or go crazy. You can't suppress who you are forever. Henry seems like he isn't into anything even remotely dude-related. Will he find you unattractive then? Though you do have time still. Maybe you could ease him into appreciating the masculine form somehow?
No. 1103486 ID: f1368b
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Jess chews the same fry until it’s greasy paste on her tongue and thinks back to her transition, before she met Henry on the apps and they started officially dating. She was definitely rocking the edgy dyke look, which along with the Team Fortress 2 fascination somehow hadn’t been enough to scare the wolf away. BDSM came up early, they found out they were compatible, and the rest was history.

The only thing that remains from that time is she still has a huskier voice from the T and her fellow queer friends. Otherwise, it’s like it never happened.

>Would Henry fuck Terrence since the tanuki is non-op?
No, Henry knows Terrence is a guy.

>Would Jess still like Henry if he became a woman?
Probably, as long as they kept regularly banging.
No. 1103487 ID: f1368b
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She wants lat muscles and big shoulders! She wants to cut her hair, fuck Becca with the strap, unseal Henry’s skin and drink his blood. She wants Mahan and Victor to see her as one of the boys. Roleplaying as a big, buff dude in Terrence’s apartment for a few hours a week isn’t enough to satisfy her in the face of all the other restrictions.

Of course there’s a difference between having a desire and acting on it–she’s not going to become a serial killer anytime soon and she’s not going to push Henry on a hard limit that he’s repeatedly expressed no interest in changing. The problem is that the repression is getting harder to fetishize and becoming annoying instead. Add that to playing the longer term submissive role right now and she’s about boiling over. Kids would make the feeling worse, she’s sure.

Something has to change while staying within the paradigm of their marriage. She’ll tell Henry when she gets home from DnD if he’s not already asleep.
A. Stop wearing the collar and gaining weight
B. Delay having kids by at least a couple years
C. Other (suggest)
No. 1103489 ID: 90b21b

A) I think the collar-play might worsen over time, and your husband shouldn't be the one to decide your body weight. Start with this.
No. 1103490 ID: cb76eb

A immediately.
B in the long term
No. 1103495 ID: 0db8d3

Honestly I don't think either of those thoughts go far enough, but you obviously can't do both.

Instead why don't you demand more in both cases and give Henry the option between them?
Either no collar, no weight gain, and you occupy a permanently more dominant position in the relationship. Pregnancy is no joke. If you're going to accept such massive commitment and permanently feminizing changes to your body then you Need control elsewhere.
You delay having kids for a few years and you bulk up in muscle in the meantime. Henry wants you plus sized and squishy? Fine. But there's going to be fucking Steel beneath. He wants you to sub? Fine, so long as the lizard part of your brain knows you could snap him like a twig any time.

Yes, Henry will be upset. Yes, such rapid change of plans and open view of your thoughts is going to make him anxious, but it has to be done.

*Ahem* Also you just growled under your breath and raised your hackles in front of your friends. Might wanna play that off.
No. 1103498 ID: e78460

I feel as though suddenly going back on your decision after you already went through the trouble of doing stuff like planning for a new house is really selfish, no? You already said you would do it. Don't go back on your word outta nowhere. Especially when leaving it for later just brings up the possibility of health issues.

No. 1103499 ID: 23cf5d

Seconding this. Relationships are about concessions too.
Henry wore the collar for a while, did what you said and was fair game for most of it.
He also agreed to a lot of what you asked of him and even accepted some of your choices, reciprocating would be fair in some way.
Compromising seem like the calm and proper thing to do, talking is necessary in any relationship and you should start with that before any harsh decision making, ask him how he would feel about any of it is a good first step, telling him your worries is a good second one, and compromising is generally the third.
And if it doesn't work out then, well, come down to ultimatums.
No. 1103522 ID: 23e077

You physically cant get fundimentally larger shoulders, women still have lats and are you not already cutting your hair as short as it gets without shaving it flat or going bald? What hair cut is left that you want.
Are you focusing on impossible goals or attainable goals and you did have that period of shocking and training Henry even if he does not like the pain unlike you just to make you happy. do you go back on your mutual agreements out of nowhere.
perhaps he needs to be rougher with sex he has been oddly soft and cuddly since before the house like you did not even nip his dick so he could be rough with you.
Being submissive was not a issue for you when drowning in dragon dick musk so domiance is perhaps not the issue?
C) Henry has been to soft with the sex its not like before the house its barely using shock collar or spanking us he has been extremely cuddly more so after you used the shock collar on him.
No. 1103523 ID: 23e077

You also want the acceptance of Henrys friends Mahan and Victor as you want to be treated as one of the boys like Becca that one may solve itself when you start hanging with them.
And did you not want the collar on yourself Jess for the pain originally like that robber roleplay
No. 1103524 ID: 23e077

Oh and the fucking becca with a strap on is easy thing to do hardest part is convincing Becca to doing anal or oral if anything
No. 1103548 ID: f2320a

C) do whats solvable and not likely to crash your relationship,
1.Fucking Rebecca with a strap-on or double ended dildo would work well, you where planning to do that anyways and it would not be a non-negotiable thing for Henry. you where the one who wanted the collar and actually liked being shocked so not seeing the issue there beyond him not using it right.
2.You could use Becca as a proxy to preserve your own body while keeping your Hubby happy use her, like if you want to shoot up having kids by a few years you could have her womb instead if Henry does not want to wait while you get to be more manly, same for everything else
No. 1103596 ID: f1368b
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>A/C, talk with Henry before making any play changing decisions
Yeah, and she’s finally going to ask him to get over his dumb strap-on and muscle phobias. It’s been almost two years being married and she’s been perfect, he shouldn’t have any reason to doubt her! Jess wants to ask for looser restrictions on the submission too, she likes the pain of the shocks and the general free use and pet play, but she’d be a lot more chill if she could actually cum and didn’t have to eat triple portions every day. Does that mean it’s unfair to Henry after he went through four more months of the collar and restrictions? Maybe! Sooooooooo what!

>She’s making noise
Jess realizes she has her hackles raised and teeth bared, growling not at all quietly. She stops and tries to laugh it off in the face of three sets of concerned eyes.

“You good?” Sophie asks.

“Haha, yeah, sorry, it’s nothing to do with you guys. I just haven’t had an orgasm in a while and it’s getting to me more than I thought it would. Henry’s going to be real smug that I’m giving up so early.”

“Is there anything else in your marriage that’s…bothering you?”

“I mean, duh, there’s always stuff, nothing’s perfect. I’m going to go home tonight and talk to him about it.”

Sophie nods. “You should if it’s pissing you off this much.”
No. 1103597 ID: f1368b
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Jess keeps a low profile for the rest of the night, alternating between blinding anger and embarrassment at losing her cool like that.

>Henry awake check: Success
She’s still running hot when she gets home and sees that the lights are still on. Great, she can confront him right away.

It makes her just a tiny bit more mad to see that he has her dog bowl with a helping of strawberry cake set out. To Henry’s credit, he keeps his hands to himself when he sees her face after she comes stomping into the living room.

“The current sex stuff isn’t working for me. I don’t want to blow up at you, but I’ve been getting frustrated.” Jess waves her hand behind her at the kitchen in general.

“Oh, okay.” Henry pulls his legs up on the couch cushion. “What part?”

Jess paces as she rants, tail thrashing. Once she stops, Henry waits a few seconds before he responds.

“I’m really sorry honey. I’ve been asking a lot of you recently.”

“There’s nothing wrong with asking–I should have said something sooner and it wouldn’t have built up this much.” Jess mutters.

“I’ll check more in the future, okay? You don’t have to endure anything to impress me. I love you no matter what.”

Jess slumps into the sofa next to her husband, suddenly feeling tired and pathetic. The secret rests heavy in her gut.

A. Confess
B. No, that’ll make things worse
No. 1103611 ID: 0db8d3

Henry will get WAY more weird if you slowly go crazy. Plus, don't you deserve to be happy?
No. 1103612 ID: 5c26dd

What secrets can remain in your gut, do you feel like you are not enough or good enough.
B) lets not blow our emotional Load directly but definetly tell him you want orgasms he will not make fun of you like you worried even if you where smug about beating him in orgasm denial
No. 1103624 ID: d58817


I'm still not sure how this is a secret. Henry knows he interrupted your transition. He knew this about you when you decided to tie the knot. And if it's not working out, it's not working out; best to get things straight now than after the kids show up.
No. 1103626 ID: 763871

Like what secrets can possibly be left? beyond a restating or a deep self loathing or just the fears she seemed to have for henry possibly making fun or being smug he outlasted her in orgasm denial
No. 1103634 ID: 6c233e

A) if you keep holding it in it will just build resentment, until it tears the two of you apart.
No. 1103652 ID: f1368b
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She can’t hold on to the fact that she’s a man forever. It’ll eat away at her insides and come out, potentially at a much worse time when they already have kids or something. Henry deserves to know, even if it hurts him.

Jess rests her head on the back of the couch. “I’ve been lying to you for a long time.”

Henry tenses and she hears him start to pant, telltale signs that he’s freaking out. She pushes forward anyway.

“I detransitioned for us, but I’m still a man. I’m fine dressing and looking like a woman but I know you’re not gay, so that’s kind of a big deal. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I still want to stay married if you want to, but I understand if you’d like a divorce. I’m sorry for not being honest with you when we got engaged, we were good for each other and I didn’t want to let that go.”

The panting gets louder and she glances over at Henry, who has his face in his hands. There’s an inescapable twinge of satisfaction in hurting him like this.

She gets a bit worried when he doesn’t respond. It sounds like he’s crying.

“Hun, you can think about it and talk to me when you’re ready. I can sleep on the couch tonight if you want..?” she offers. “I don’t want you to hurt your back.”

Henry lets out a pained moan of affirmation and stands to jog up the stairs to the bedroom.

Well, it’s going to be awkward when she has to go up there to brush her teeth. She sits in the lamplight and taps her fingers on her leg. That kind of sucked but she feels a lot lighter. Once she packs the cake away she can get the spare sheets and make a bed and jerk off and fall asleep.
No. 1103653 ID: f1368b
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>22 months after the wedding
Henry hasn’t slept a full night in weeks, and he can feel it starting to take its toll on his soft, stupid, brain. One night after DnD, Jess turned from his loving, perfect wife into an awkward roommate, and he misses her–him(?) terribly. They haven’t had sex or kissed or even cuddled since then.

He oozes out of bed and onto the floor, facedown. His stomach gurgles in protest of his self-inflicted kitchen slash communal space avoidance.

He’s the one keeping them apart with his stupid preferences. Why was he dumb enough to think that the fox didn’t want to be a man? He’d heard of people detransitioning, of course, so it didn’t seem impossible. Did he delude himself because of their chemistry and hot sex? God, what a mess.

They still have the housewarming party in a couple days and he’s not sure if he can bear having to act like nothing’s wrong. Becca has been texting him short replies saying she’s been really busy, so he can’t talk to her about it.

Who does he go to for advice?
A. Victor
B. Mahan
C. His parents
No. 1103671 ID: 23cf5d

As much as calling your friends will make you feel better about things, probably cheer you up, and they would probably agree with your points of view since they're your friends, calling your parents is probably for the best.
As embarrassing as it may sound to call them when something goes wrong as an adult, given the limited fan of choices offered, they are likely the most knowledgeable on the subject of married relationships on behalf of the fact that they withheld one for so long, unlike Mahan, or even worse Victor.
Also they supported you all the way to this point and will provide the most constructive opinions on the matter.
No. 1103677 ID: 0db8d3

If his stories are anything to go by, ain't no one fumbled a wife as hard as Mahan. He's been there, done that.

Hop over, get some beers in you, and tell him what's up. He'll set you straight before you end up doing or saying something you can't undo.
No. 1103686 ID: 6c233e

A) Victor seems the most level headed of the friends. And lets face it, this is not a situation most of the older generation are equipped to give advice on.
No. 1103691 ID: ae1b68

D. Probably time to start looking into either couples therapy or a divorce
No. 1103692 ID: 763871

C) probably least likely to just suck your dick metaphorically to make you feel better and have means to arrange for counseling just hope its not the typical story of taking only the wives side. Like we knew she detransitioned for us and liked feeling like a man but for her to admit it like that, like we are not good enough for her anymore so cold and dead in tone.
Got my support on secret D)
E) secret option Becca consoule in her emotionally as it feels like she would not make fun of you or say told you so.
B) thats fair he got experience and knows what he did wrong as hindsight is a powerful ability
No. 1103736 ID: cb76eb

We've had our fun living the lie, now it's time to face the truth. You were happy despite the fact that this whole time you were married to a man. Honestly, what's changed?
No. 1103753 ID: a94bed

Its whats going to change everything bodily if jess goes through with the earlier plan. there is nothing to being a man other then having a diffrent baseline body proportions and genitals.
Also notice how well Jess has been filling out? Menstruation being thicker and hormones pumping can Jess have been unknowingly or knowingly been starving/malnutritioning to be more "Manly" in proportions?
No. 1103759 ID: c006d6

Probably all the stuff she would do if she actually tried to go forward. That means no children, for one, despite him clearly wanting them.

If Henry was 'married to a man', he wouldn't have been planning for children. She just pulled a switcheroo on him after agreeing to all the stuff. It's funny, in the end Jess was the one that became abusive.
No. 1103768 ID: f2320a

For greater irony is that if he was more abusive during the sex and roleplay she would be happy enough to not have this breakdown of the relationship but also whats to be expected she was the one who ate a finger and henry was willing to do it
No. 1103775 ID: f1368b
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>Think about the big D
Henry groans into the carpet with all the enthusiasm of a beached whale. This is as bad as he ever imagined! He doesn’t know the extent to which Jess wants to transition but he feels terrible that he kept the fox from happiness. Maybe it would be best if they separated, even though they’re both on the townhouse lease and modern dating is hell. He doesn’t think Jess would try to screw him over in court, probably…The fox did say he wanted to stay married though.

>A, Victor
This is not a problem that the older generation is equipped to deal with, and his parents would turn it into questions about his finger anyway. Victor has processed all kinds of dramatic hypothetical scenarios in his mystery books, no doubt the crow can think his way around this prickly problem.

Mind made up, Henry fumbles for his phone and texts the bird asking to come over with the offer to bring breakfast pastries. He stays on the floor until he gets an affirmative reply, then slithers into his clothes and takes the car to the suburbs.
No. 1103776 ID: f1368b
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“It’s just–I thought we were going to have kids and a-a family. Everything was going so well.” Henry sobs.

He’s sitting on the leather couch, spewing crumbs as he alternates between the sweet comfort of the food and Victor’s placid listening face. He crams the last of the Pain au Chocolat in his mouth as he cries.

“I don’t want a d-divorce, but if he really wants to be masculine I won’t be attracted to him anymore and we’ll never have sex again and that’s saaaaaaaaad.”

“It does sound sad.”

“I dunno man, what should I do? We have that party soon and it’ll be awkward since we’re not even talking.”

“Well, from what you’ve told me about Jess’s friends, I’d like to remind you that Mahan thinks being transgender is a mental illness.” Victor says lightly.

“Oh. O-oh?”

“And you know he can be quite outspoken about his beliefs.” The crow sips his cup of tea while the cogs in Henry’s brain switch gears. “So I think you have a perfect excuse to cancel the housewarming party on account of incompatible political stances. As for Jess, you can have your usual negotiations about what you and he would like to do going forward, regarding sex and children. If it doesn’t sound like you’ll be happy together, you can initiate the divorce. There’s also the matter of him breaking your trust, which will be hard to heal from. Again, a good topic for discussion.”

Seems like solid advice. What topics does Henry want to bring up with Jess when the wolf gets home?

A. Cancel the party
B. No, then everyone will know something is wrong
No. 1103777 ID: cd8b22

Uh, probably how she's kinda bailing on just about everything you built? Your plans to have kids and stuff? You literally gave her your finger. But now she goes "Nuh uh fuck you"

Well, if she's not gonna play ball there's no point for a party. At that point you should probably look into getting a divorce lawyer so she doesn't eat your whole future too.
No. 1103778 ID: cf3f73

A. It's the best option for everyone. It may raise some concerns at the time, but that's not the end of the world. It's not like they'd be wrong, as you are going through a major relationship shake-up right now. Their broad assumptions would be right.

Your friends knowing that you're going through a difficult situation isn't a problem. They're your friends, it's okay to show some weakness around them.

Nobody wants to attend an awkward housewarming that shakes everyone's faith in your relationship. It wouldn't be fair to them, and it wouldn't be fair to you or Jess. Call it off, reschedule it, just do what you gotta do so that you can sit down with Jess and talk without the added stress of outside judgment.
No. 1103780 ID: 4e436a

Cancel the party, talk with your parents, ask Jess about couples therapy, and if Jess isn't willing to go, find a divorce lawyer, and start making plans for if things go south with the separation. That's not to say that they will go south, but it's better to be prepared than not. Make sure your finances are in order, make sure your passwords are all private, and find a support group amongst your friends.

Marriage is a partnership. Mistakes have clearly been made, and in the future, you'll know to do better, but for now, you have to make sure the bonds of matrimony don't become an anchor around your neck. The road may be long and painful, but you will find a woman who loves you one day when you're ready to start again.
No. 1103784 ID: 0db8d3


Because hold on a minute.
You two haven't really talked about this yet. Jess may still identify as a man, but besides not being into the force feeding and the collar stuff, you two haven't actually talked about what this changes in your relationship in a practical sense. You just immediately assumed the worst, freaked out, and have spent the last several days moping.

Y'all still love eachother. Surely there's room to negotiate a situation where you're both happy. Maybe he can split his time between genders? Maybe you can meet in the middle and learn to love tomboys? Something else? Come to think of it, Jess never shot down the pregnancy idea despite all this...
No. 1103785 ID: eac4bc

B) no canceling now is sort of just to late and this point and the party will give you a excuse to talk with Jess and see how she acts will Jess hsve fully gone into crisis mide with hair cuts and new clothes?
No. 1103786 ID: eac4bc

Also its a HORRIBLE thing to use Mahan as a scapegoat to shift the blame onto for why the party is canceled so shortly before it would happen on account of his political beliefs out of nowhere is not a thing you do to a friend it would be like what Jess did to us but worse as it would not even be about Mahan
No. 1103787 ID: 3937ba


Cancel the party if there won't be a house to keep warm. It might be too late already, but you might as well make sure. You can deal with Mahan separately, if need be.
No. 1103796 ID: f2320a

B) best to endure and not give up.

So topics to talk with jess about ideas guys and gals?
It feels weird in a way that Victor is calling Jess he and him its like that feeling like he is siding with jess when he is not at all really.
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