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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
Expand all images
No. 1098851 ID: c1a22b
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This quest needs a bit of an explanation before we get into it because of the subject matter.
Gather ‘round and listen to my tale.

If you’ve been around questden for a while you’ll know I like making quests that use new systems to tell a story about new things, basically always trying to keep it novel for myself. As it happens I started visiting 4chan in early 2024 for Hazbin Hotel leaks and of course that turned into exploring other boards besides /co/ for loose dopamine.

I had the usual tippler realization that I was sick of the site a month or so ago, but back in August, surveying the alternative hentai board gave me a genius idea. Why not run a quest about some of the less palatable kinks (primarily ryona and what it overlaps like peril, master/slave, rape, etc.)? I haven’t seen much of that on modern, post-edge questden, apart from Lascivious Labyrinth by Kaktus, which still doesn’t lean into what I consider dark or cruel. I’m reformed from my multi-questing ways so it’s taken until the end of Shonen Quest to actually launch.

What I’m trying to do here is run a quest where suggestors get to advise/egg on the abuser in an intimate relationship. Think Guk’s Story by Baron but in the modern era with that sardonic realism poisoned tippler touch. A controlled fictional story where you get to explore the platonic ideal of a bastard. The people love a good power fantasy.

If that doesn’t sound appealing, no problem at all! Click the ‘hide thread’ button and forget about it until the next quest rolls around.

Honestly I’m sure people will suggest things that squick me out, but that’s how it is being a QM and a human on the big wide web. Please still respect your fellows, even if they’re into things you aren’t.
No. 1098852 ID: c1a22b
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Instead of a character creator, what we have here is the preliminary ruleset that I thought up for the quest. For this first update, please respond with any questions, comments, or concerns. Once the rules are settled, I’ll stick to them until the end.


1. Unless it’s a A/B/C choice, at least one suggestion per update has to include a recommendation to do something shitty (subjective, QM opinion). Henry will do everything suggested that is feasible and he can rationalize.

2. If no one tells Henry to do something shitty, POV will permanently switch to Jess and the QM will take the role of making Henry abusive.

3. Henry starts as a well-adjusted liberal young wolf and won’t immediately become overtly abusive. Suggestions with added rationalization are much more likely to be accepted and changing Henry’s perspective on Jess is also effective. There are also some things he’s just not into, like child porn and snuff.

4. Don’t use real slurs, but name-calling and 4chan type rhetoric are ok.

5. Henry and Jess live on a modern earth analog where mundane physical reality applies.

6. If you have a question about what’s acceptable to suggest, ask in the discussion thread.
No. 1098853 ID: 3ee96b

Are you sure this is what you want?
No. 1098855 ID: 52f3c5

What is "Ryona"? I know I could just look it up on Urban Dictionary, but I feel like it's obscure enough to be worth defining in this thread.

Given the subject matter, and how niche it may be, it is smart to have a plan in mind for the event that the audience doesn't deliver what you're looking for (not suggesting cruelty for Henry), but do you have a plan for if engagement craters early as a result of the subject matter?

What do you think the appeal of this quest will or should be? I'm sure a good chunk of people have engaged with stories that feature darker content at some point, be it an isekai anime that mistreats its female cast with willful abandon, an angst-ridden fanfic in which the world continually beats down on a character until they get the chance to enact thoroughly painful revenge, or anything in-between. Follow-up: What do you decidedly NOT want the appeal of this fic to be?

With the plan in mind to start from well-adjusted and only mildly shitty and going towards undeniably abusive, are you sure the rule of requiring at least some shittiness in every single suggestion won't be too limiting early on?

Are you going to provide Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss spoilers, as 4Chan would? I just don't see why we should read your quest, when 4Chan apparently has this type of content andHazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss spoilers. /s
No. 1098857 ID: eb0a9c

Tippler I think this may be a toxic idea
No. 1098859 ID: 2c5eb4

tippler, this is a bad idea.
No. 1098860 ID: 4ca19f

Beside the negativity, I think this won't play out how in a satisfactory way. Either this will escalate too fast with every update having to do something fucked up, or it could be normal suggestions with calling her a slur tagged on.
I hope you understand what I mean.
No. 1098862 ID: 355e44

subject matter aside, aren't you setting out the ending before you even begin? Seems kinda railroady. I mean if we have to suggest the character do something shitty then the story can only really go in one direction.

Maaaaaybe try something as extreme as this on Eka's Portal or something. I think you'll need a more specific audience than seems to hang here.

No shame in having dark fantasies, but even I would say this sounds like... a lot.
No. 1098863 ID: 0db8d3

I like the idea but I think you're going about it backwards.

Abusive behavior usually comes from *somewhere*. Unprocessed childhood trauma, substance abuse, a lack of emotional control caused by life long suppression, projection of ones own insecurities, a fundamental inability to communicate, mutual lack of respect, One-sided Codependence, sadistic glee, narcissism, sociopathy, psychopathy, and much much more.

For this to work we need characters we can really understand. We need to know where they're coming from. What's the abusers petty justification? What triggered this behavior in the short term? What in their past makes them like this?

Plus, there's different kinds of abuse. A cry-bully can cause just as much distress as a violent substance abuser in the right situation. /quest/ has made abusive characters both by accident and on purpose before. We're more than capable of playing the part, but we need a direction, or else were just gonna come up with someone generically mean.
No. 1098865 ID: 940726

If you want us to play along with an evil character, then a mandatory amount of nonspecific "bad deeds" isn't a good way of doing that. Having to meet a quota is too artificial, and too obviously forced. It doesn't help us get into the mindset of the character we're supposed to be playing.

Instead, think about why he would act the way you want him to act. How does he think and feel? What motivates him to handle his feelings a certain way? When and why does he make the choices that further your story instead of the choices a good, rational person would make? If you want to mechanically encourage bad decisions, build your mechanics around the personality flaws that drive those decisions.

From the other direction, what should we as players be trying to accomplish? The idea of giving deliberately bad advice every update to avoid an enforced loss condition is, as I said, not very engaging. It only affects those who aren't comfortable with the story's premise, while anyone who was interested in playing that out post-by-post would be turned off by the arbitrary quota, and even more so by the possible failure state. It would help the players' interest if there was at least a general idea of what we might want to work towards, and possibly what might qualify as an "end" to the story aside from simply "losing" somehow.
No. 1098867 ID: 453dd9

Sounds like something you'd get better results from on 4chan.
No. 1098868 ID: f2320a

Qst it would probably be banned but perhaps /trash/ as anything is allowed there
No. 1098881 ID: f1368b
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Yes. If the people had been willing, I would have run the quest and seen where it took us.

‘Ryona’ from what I understand is a fetish for physical and/or psychological torment. The physical aspect seems to be more common since the /d/ thread is mostly full of anime girls getting punched in the stomach, which doesn’t interest me. The appeal of this quest would be mostly the psychological aspect with some physical on the side. I like exploring the human capacity for violence in fiction.

Not every suggestion needs to have something shitty! That seems to be a common misinterpretation. Rule #1 states that ONE suggestion per update has to have something shitty, so most readers could hypothetically tell Henry to do good things with no consequence. As long as there’s a singular instigator, the Henry POV would continue.

I appreciate the input and will not be continuing with the quest as planned. As I stated over in the discussion thread, seeing that kome wasn’t on board was my wake up call because I have seen that lad suggest some proper fucked up stuff.

It would have been a pretty depressing quest, wouldn’t it?

I’m way too liberal and thin-skinned for 4chan and it appears slightly too violent for questden. The tippler struggle.

Ah, this is my error in putting the cart before the horse so to speak. If I had started off the quest without explaining things I’m sure there would have been more interest but I didn’t want to get heat for it later when things got dark. I think there were plenty of ways the quest could have ended even with the original framework so I disagree with the railroad argument.
No. 1098883 ID: f1368b
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So where does that leave us? Well I’d still like to run a NSFW quest since it’s been a while since I did one, but I can’t continue with the Henry/Jess paradigm without either limiting suggests to be nice (which I would find boring since I’ve already done that in This isn’t working), or allowing anything and pretty much ending up in the same place as the original premise since I’ve primed everyone’s brains.

That’s why I’m asking YOU, dear suggestors. What would you want to see from a NSFW quest that has taboo kinks treated realistically? Is such a thing possible on modern questden? If not, what would you want to see from a more generic NSFW quest?
No. 1098884 ID: dd3fe0

Taboo kinks treated realistically? Consensual bloodplay, knifeplay, impactplay, medicalplay, etc. Stuff where they do care for each other, but are doing things that are physically problematic. Past the bounds of SSC, into things that are within but stertch the limits of RACK.
No. 1098885 ID: 440e29

Conan/Mad Max world barbarian overlord on a quest to gather a harem, but treat it seriously?

I think this would give players a more appealing toxically masculine power fantasy with a more interesting background plot for engagement, and also allow you to explore those themes.
No. 1098902 ID: eb0a9c

Extremely weird and abhorrent forms of sex, but done with consent and safety measures.
Higher 'levels' add supernatural magics into the mix.
No. 1098904 ID: 355e44

As long as its consensual, exploring the extremes of sexuality is fine.
No. 1098913 ID: fa3034

Now that's an idea. This fucked up couple is unapologeticly horny on main. Annoyingly in love with each other. They will make you uncomfortable with their PDA. They're one call away from ending up on a list. They've been cover to cover on the karma sutra, now they're looking in to deeper, darker inspirations. Exhibitionism is only the tip of this iceberg.
No. 1098915 ID: f2320a

I wish to destroy her slim figure by sabotaging a diet a quest for booty tiddy and tummy
No. 1098918 ID: 0db8d3

Hmm... What if...

1) Allow suggestions for both.
2) The character's personality, desires, and mood have a stronger effect on suggestion outcomes than usual.
3) The relationship is toxic af and they're abusive as shit to eachother, but in potentially different ways.

Would it change the premise too much if this was a two sided dumpster fire of a relationship?
No. 1098923 ID: 1de1ba

Destroy her figure by getting her pregnant instead
No. 1098925 ID: ff1274

I'm generally against toxicity and nonconsent. Consent but edgy seems interesting, it isn't often done...
No. 1098926 ID: ff1274

in fiction I mean
No. 1098938 ID: f1368b
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Thank you all for the responses, here are the new rules. Henry and Jess will survive to quest after all! Their story will begin proper on Friday.


1. Henry and Jess are freaks in love. They’re much more extreme than the average person, but will only do acts that both consent to. Basically you can suggest ANYTHING, but you might need to explain the appeal to the other partner and agree to do something they want in return to convince them.

2. The readers act from Henry’s POV to start, but this can change between time skips.

3. Henry and Jess live on a modern earth analog where mundane physical reality applies.
No. 1098952 ID: 940726

Now I regret not replying sooner.

That's not what I said. I was talking about the rules you listed. The rule of "suggest something evil every update, or immediately lose" is what I was calling forced and unsatisfying.

If you want to mechanically encourage cruel actions, it's better to have mechanics that portray a cruel mind that finds satisfaction in its behavior. For instance, the main character could have something like a "pride" stat that increases when he asserts himself at others' expense, and is diminished when he's insulted or forced to compromise, with lower values making other actions harder due to frustration. That would give players a reason to suggest bad things that would give him a sense of satisfaction.

That's just one example I came up with.

I would have liked to help you come up with ideas, but there's an important thing to consider before we could give the best advice.

What interests you about your quest?

If I knew what sort of thing you wanted to do with the quest you were making, then I'd know what sort ideas would help you do it.

Some of us were actually interested in the original premise. A few people were telling you to throw out the entire concept and do something completely different instead, but you shouldn't have to. You could just write a thread for people who like what you like.

You said something about wanting to explore the human capacity for violence and cruelty in fiction. I say if that's what you want, then go for it. This is all just roleplaying on an image board; we don't need to do a two-layer roleplay about roleplaying when all the bad stuff is already a layer away from reality.

All that said, there is one thing I'll advise against. You briefly mentioned the main character's political views in the first few posts. That sort of thing is better off avoided. Allusions to real life politics fall outside the "fiction shouldn't be judged like reality" principle.

Also, if you're interested in the protagonist being evil, thed I'd suggest establishing him as at least a little bit evil to start, so we'll know what kind of person he's supposed to eventually be. Then it's not like he's becoming a different character, and more like he's growing further into the traits he already has.

I reiterate my previous sentiments. This doesn't sound like the story you said you wanted to tell. You were intending to write a story about corruption and cruelty, and if that's what you're personally interested in, I say do it. Those of us with the same interests will come to play along.
No. 1098959 ID: 27fceb

The two of them want to partake in the upcoming No Nut November challenge, this includes in not having sex. They really want to torture themselves.
No. 1098960 ID: eb0a9c

This. Start with this, and ramp it up from there.
No. 1098961 ID: 3f0e42

They're allowed to have sex, just not cum.
No. 1098962 ID: 4aa252

I don't think this would have necessarily been a bad idea, just one that might not be the most pleasant reas for some.

exploring the perspective of abusers is a good artistic tradition and even getting a bit sexual about it is just another framing for it, especially given the narrative habits of authors like FRACTAL or more popular media like Bojack.

Ultimately, I see no issue with this, provided you're willing to flex your muscle on the framing. there's a certain kind of grim erotic language that works well for this kind of thing, intentionally highlighting the worst parts of the thoughts happening. I say charge ahead with your original pitch, and only bail if you feel it losing control.
No. 1098965 ID: 2f41db

Id have still read the original pitch but probably not suggested.
sad as it is i get invested in characters and develop pathalogical urge to seek a good end.

So, i was off thinking about anthropomorphic animal fetishes.

Petplay: wolves that feel the urge to wear a collar and be the bestest boy/girl for their beloved master. Theyd do ANYthing for master!

Predplay: considered a little speciesist, but involves parties dressing as prey/pred species different to their own and exaggerating behaviours. Some biting necessary.

Cluckoldry : enthusiastic sex while watched by a chicken. Eye contact with the chicken must be maintained at all times.

Shearing : fur removal for bdsm reasons and skin feel fetish. Humiliation and public shaming in most extreme cases. Some enjoy the thrill of being partly shorn in public beneath their clothing. A fetish that requires commitment as wearing covering clothing after an extreme session can be troublesome.
Note: occasionally grouped in with this, fleshies are more of a dedicated lifestyle than this. Some even have skinsuits.

Dogging : nuff said. Dog ears optional

Catfighting: nuff said. Cat ears mandatory.
No. 1098974 ID: dd3fe0

So feral-play/biteplay/atavist-play. You pretend to be like the quadruped animals in your distant evolutionary past, for sexual excitement. If you can get to a super-immediate, scent-focused, nonverbal state of mind somehow (mild drug use of the right kind? meditation? some sort of more mundane fetish play to alter your state of mind?), and have suuuuper rough sex with lots of scentplay and growling and barking and howling and nibbling and licking and friendly biting. If there's specific positions that are associated with this idea, do those. Ideally done outside.
No. 1098978 ID: 578f3f
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Okay, I've got a couple of ideas for how to improve this quest, whle not drifting too far apart from its spirit.

Option 1: Henry suffers from incontinence due to his poor diet of spicy enchiladas and hot cofee.

If the suggestors don't make Henry do something shitty by the end of an update, the DM (Diaphragm Movement) will take control of Henry for the rest of the quest and the suggestors will take control of the enchiladas.

Things will start off moderately okay as Henry only just begins to develop his poor dietary habits, but things will get proggresively shittier until the end of the quest when he finally clogs the toilet (and blames it on Jess).
No. 1098980 ID: eb0a9c

Okay I think I get how we can make this comedic light-abuse
Henry and Jess attempt No-Nut November (Type: sex is allowed, no orgasms)
But Henry accidentally fed them long-lasting aphrodisiacs and they blame each other
What's more important: their sanity, or their pride? Will they prefer the humiliation of prematurely nutting over a month of petty arguments?
No. 1098981 ID: 578f3f
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Option 2: This. Just this.

Yeah, I'll delete these posts if they are unwelcome, I just taught it was funny.
No. 1098992 ID: eb0a9c

I want some
No. 1099003 ID: f1368b
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>4 months after the wedding
Henry rolls over in bed to stare at his wife’s empty pillow with a groan. It’s late and he’s done with his shifts for the week, but it’s DnD night which means Jess is out with her friends rolling dice and pretending to be medieval adventurers for who knows how much longer. He sighs, and then sighs louder and longer for theatrical effect. Clutching his own pillow is no substitute for snuggling his wife to fall asleep.
No. 1099004 ID: f1368b
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After waiting a few more minutes in the hope that his exhausted body will defeat his active mind, Henry grumbles and switches on a light. He’ll get up and wait for Jess rather than stewing in bed.

What should Henry do while he waits?
No. 1099005 ID: 3210bb

Work on your erotic fanfiction manuscript.
No. 1099006 ID: 3ee96b

Shave his beard. He let it grow too long.
No. 1099012 ID: 0db8d3

If Jess can pretend to be adventurer than so can you, damn it!

Wear bedsheets as cape. Pretend to be heroic hairless monkey Knight.
Kill monsters! Save people from dragons! Drink concerning amounts of alcohol! Get bad bitches!
No. 1099013 ID: a728bc

Put on a bathrobe, make the bed, and a snack to share. Jess is interested in roleplay, perhaps coming up with ways to engage with that would be a mild distraction.
No. 1099014 ID: 85b721

Maybe start doing some exercises? That'll help him get to sleep for sure!
No. 1099020 ID: 5e0ed0

Workout, take a shower and use that body wash she likes so much. Maybe fighting off vampires will get her in a bitey mood.
No. 1099021 ID: eb0a9c

Torture himself with aphrodesiacs.
No. 1099022 ID: 856057

Why not work on your own DND character?
No. 1099023 ID: dd3fe0


Do you know what edition she's playing? What level? Anything which might help you join the game?

Erotic roleplay and D&D don't have a whole lot in common...
No. 1099027 ID: 355e44

wander the internet, maybe plan some erotic roleplay for Jess. Look out for rabbitholes
No. 1099036 ID: 2f41db

Tidy up ya slob.

Maybe search for some information on this hobby of hers.
Its good to show an interest.
Search "Adult Roleplay".
That should give you some ideas.
No. 1099042 ID: a7a180

Says you.
No. 1099097 ID: f1368b
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>Work out
That’s the last thing Henry wants to do, but it’ll definitely help. He shuffles to the living room to retrieve his yoga mat and attempts pilates from memory, half-heartedly lying on the ground and doing leg lifts until his eyes leak from the pain.

Anything high impact would bother the neighbors, who have already complained about all the other late night noises, so he finishes the impromptu routine with some yoga poses, has a drink of water, and heads to the bathroom.

>Shower and groom
Henry hits his pits and junk with that smokey bodywash Jess likes, then examines himself closely in the mirror for any errant fur. A quick brush and he’s the picture of a handsome, fit wolf.
No. 1099098 ID: f1368b
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Jess still isn’t home. Henry pounds the laminate counter with his fist in masculine agony then takes a seat at his small desk in the bedroom, clad in a burgundy bathrobe. The second bedroom in the apartment is set up as Jess’ office for her stay at home job. He doesn’t need the extra space since he only has a laptop.

>Do some light web research on aphrodisiacs
Henry isn’t surprised, but he’s still a little disappointed. There isn’t any scientific proof that aphrodisiacs work outside of the placebo effect.

>Think about DnD
It’s not that he doesn’t like DnD, Henry’s played through a whole campaign with his buddies before and he’d be down to do it again. There’s a couple reasons he doesn’t ask Jess to join her game. First of all, it’s good that his wonderful wife has her own life and hobbies! Henry would hate to impose on her alone time, and they have trouble keeping their hands off each other which would mess with the chaste gamer vibe.

And it’s also just, ugh, Jess’ friends don’t really like him. He’s pretty sure Sophie thinks he’s toxic at best and abusive at worst. They’ve been extra worried since the wedding, which they were invited to and attended thanks to Henry’s infinite benevolence. Better to stay home and let them coo over Jess like she’s too dumb to make her own choices than cause drama.

Should Henry:
A. Ponder more about Jess’ friends and why they don’t like him
B. Focus on his erotic manuscript about his feeder fetish
C. Plan a sexy roleplay scenario for later (suggest)
No. 1099102 ID: dd3fe0

A. Did they stumble upon your private fetish life? That stuff isn't generally for sharing with people outside the scene... And it shouldn't impact either of your all's public behavior. Or did they see evidence of impact play or something that you thought clothes and fur would cover up?
No. 1099104 ID: dd3fe0


Or maybe they found a draft of your feeder fetish manuscript? You keep that in text because, well, obesity lowers lifespan, and you want as much time with Jess as possible.
No. 1099110 ID: a7a180

A. I think option B might provide a clue!
No. 1099111 ID: 2f41db

Its time to put on your robe and wizard hat.
No. 1099113 ID: 856057

No. 1099115 ID: fa3034

Hype yourself up with a little bit of fantasy yourself. Imaging her character is back from her adventure, her loving and patient husband (you) is going to lavish her. Make her the most attended woman in the world and give her all the reasons to stay home with you. Hopefully Jess will be back in time to finish you off for real.
No. 1099162 ID: f1368b
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Writing would take too much brainpower and while Henry’s tempted to tie a sheet around his shoulders and pretend to be a great wizard, he settles for some emotional processing. He puts one foot up against the desk and leans back in his chair to stare at the ceiling.

Okay, if he’s being honest he gets why Sophie has such a grudge against him. Jess’ crew is mostly queer and Jess was pretty set on transitioning before she met him, even had a prescription for T and was thinking about top surgery. To someone who didn’t understand their dynamic, it might seem like Henry forced her to stay a woman. He’d think that people who were pretty kinky themselves would understand it’s more complicated than that, but guess not!

And if he also happens to find the idea of feminizing his wife with cute short skirts and lingerie and claw polish the hottest thing in the world then that’s fucking awesome. He couldn’t be happier.
No. 1099163 ID: f1368b
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Henry’s interrupted from his musings by the sound of the front door. He bolts upright and charges out of the bedroom to pull Jess into a hug before she can even take off her boots.

She smells like pepperoni pizza and dark beer and Henry sways with sudden exhaustion. Jess reaches her hand up to scratch between his ears.

“Aw, didja miss me so much you couldn’t sleep? Sorry honey.” she says, in her bright drawl.

“I always miss you. ‘S true I’m r-really tired though.” Henry stretches his jaw muscles to their limit and yawns.

“Let’s go to bed and I’ll take care of breakfast.” Jess smooches Henry on the cheek and dislodges him so she can finally kick off her shoes.

With his head resting on wife boobs, Henry quickly falls asleep. What’s his plan for his time off tomorrow?
No. 1099167 ID: dd3fe0

Hmmmm. Genderplay in sex. Maybe you could lean into the roleplay of different gender roles for sexual fun? As long as you're actively swapping around gender roles from time to time. You know she'd be hot in any gender presentation she chooses to show, and you are comfortable enough to enjoy anything she might want to throw at you along those lines!
No. 1099174 ID: 355e44

Hang out with Jess and talk about if you should shake things up in the bedroom, try something new.
No. 1099179 ID: fa3034

You've been putting off organizing The Toys in the closet. Need to bust them out, wipe them down and put them in a more accessible spot. Maybe under the bed or in one of your nightstands. Try playing some music to not get immediately distracted when you go through them.
No. 1099180 ID: eb0a9c

Ask Jess if she would like to be intersex
Then spend the rest of the day making potato salad
No. 1099181 ID: dd3fe0


I thought you're only that if you're born loke that, do you mean some other term?
No. 1099182 ID: 9b76c6

Plan to get revenge on her for leaving you alone on that evening. After all, it's HER fault that you couldn't sleep.
No. 1099183 ID: 6b5826


Uhhh... by what, a tickle-play scene? Enough tickling can be painful...
No. 1099184 ID: 0db8d3

With enough sewing material and a large freezer on the basement, anything's possible.
No. 1099219 ID: 578f3f

Put on your grandma costume, mister wolf.
She can be the woodsman.
No. 1099237 ID: 2f41db

I still say the classics.
Wizard hat.
Cast level 3 eroticism then meditate to regain mana.
Ham it up.
Get a laugh out of her.
Then tell her youve got a 16 in charisma as you move in and say "roll for initiative"
No. 1099243 ID: 683397

the start of a long awaited period of orgasm denial to drive jess absolutely nuts is what. got one of those fancy edging belts and everything.
No. 1099245 ID: f1368b
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Henry stretches his arms and legs to spread like a starfish over the whole bed as he slowly wakes up. Hmmm, what should he do today?

>Sex as a wizard or medieval king
He already passed on this idea yesterday.

>Sex with Jess while she’s in a masculine role
No way! The idea makes Henry’s fur bristle with distaste and anxiety. He strictly likes women, bonus points if they’re dolled up. They talked about this before the wedding, and Jess is going to stay a woman or they won’t stick together.

Divorce is the single most stressful thought Henry could have to start his day. He throws on a t-shirt and sweatpants and hurries into the kitchen, where Jess is frying eggs and bacon in a pink apron and nothing else. She shakes her butt at him and frowns when she sees his anxious face.
No. 1099246 ID: f1368b
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She turns off the stove and quickly plates the food before taking Henry to the dining table. “What’s up? You look stressed.”

“I’m overthinking things again, sorry. You–you’re happy with this, right? With us?”

“Um, yeah? I think life’s been great since we got married, pretty much the same as when we were living together before.”

Henry takes a deep breath and inhales a whole fried egg, which makes him feel a bit better. “Okay, okay, great, I just wanted to check. I’m going to go through our toys and cook up a scene for us to do later.”

Jess’ eyes sparkle with excitement and she teases him through the rest of breakfast by eating an extra helping of thick cut bacon dripping with grease.

>Sex in the dominant role
Henry wants to do something related to orgasm denial and a bit of tickle torture for this scene. Suggest specifics and any sex toys Henry should use.
No. 1099249 ID: 856057

> tickle torture

Bring out... the CHICKEN!

Specifically, a plush toy chicken with real feathers that you bought just for tickle stuff. A pecker for your pecker!
No. 1099263 ID: fe12b4

try out that tickle gun you made by removing the heating element from an old blow dryer and attaching soft streamers to its nozzle
No. 1099264 ID: eb0a9c

Voodoo sex dolls
Uses a combination of sensors to detect the exact pressure your parts put in, which are then transmitted to the recipient vibrator/fleshlight underwear to do the dirty. It even accounts for handjobs thanks to specialized independent 'keys' that push based on where the toy is being touched.
No. 1099266 ID: 9b76c6

Handcuff her limbs to the bed while you improvise a DnD game between her legs. One that involves figures (maybe a dragon in a form of a vibrator) battling on/with her nethers. A painfully slow DnD game. That should teach her a lesson about leaving you alone to play DnD.
No. 1099282 ID: 355e44

A blindfold and simple restraints, to amp up the anticipation of when and where the next tickle will come. Tie their feet together and their hands over their head so they can get squirmy.
No. 1099290 ID: f1368b
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>Restraints, blindfold, dragon vibrator, tickle blow gun, chicken plush
Henry gets everything laid out on the bedside table, double checking to make sure the toys are clean and still have battery. He doesn’t even have to fetch Jess before she sticks her head in the door to see what he’s doing, tail wagging with anticipation. They’ve done enough crazy stuff that this is relatively mundane, so to keep the suspense Henry only gives a basic explanation of what he’s planning. At most it’ll take an hour and Jess’ll give him feedback if she’s not enjoying something.

“You ready?” he asks.

“Yeah! Is this a ‘sir’ scene?”

“That’s right. Take off your clothes and get on the bed, arms up.”

After Jess complies, Henry handcuffs her wrists to the metal bars of the headboard, ties the blindfold over her face, and sits himself between her legs. He pushes her knees open to expose her fluffy mound and slit. God, he’s already hard in his sweatpants but he’s not going to worry about that for a while.

Jess squirms and tests her bindings. “What am I being punished for, sir?”

“You abandoned your husband last night for hours to play DnD with your friends. Aren’t you supposed to be a loyal little housewife? If I didn’t keep you tied to the bed all day I bet you’d be slutting yourself out again. Be a good girl and I might show you mercy later.”

Of course it’s all pillow talk, imagine trying to sustain a one income household and a kidnapped sex slave in this economy, not to mention the logistical nightmare of food and bathroom breaks. Henry still finds it therapeutic to say.

He turns on the dragon, which has two branches like a rabbit vibrator but with a rougher scaly texture. Jess quivers as he slowly inserts it into her cunt so that the upper head rests over her clit. It’s on the lowest setting, for now.

“Keep that inside you the whole time, unless you’re about to come.”

“Yes sir.”

No. 1099291 ID: f1368b
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With everything in place, Henry lets the fox’s legs fall closed and picks up the feathery fake chicken and an invention of his own making, a modified blow dryer with attached streamers. He’s found Jess is most ticklish where she has the least fur, like her nose, nipples, and feet pads. There’s also the old fashioned method of using his hands to squeeze her thighs and stomach as a last resort, because once he starts groping her he’s not going to stop.

Henry gets to work. First he warms Jess up with light tickles all over her body, then he puts the blower to work to tickle her toes until she starts giggling. A quick switch to the chicken and a hand between her quivering legs to increase the vibrations makes her squeal. After working her with the bundle of feathers a bit longer, with special attention to her tits, Jess yelps and he hears the sound of the toy change as it slips out.

“Were you close or did you lose control?” he asks. The answer doesn’t really matter, part of the fun of putting the sub in an unwinnable situation.

“Unnnnnhhhh both?”

Henry scoffs and puts down the chicken to grab the vibrator and slowly fuck it in and out of his wife. “Do you think you deserve to come after such a poor performance? Your whore hole is too sloppy to even keep toys inside.”

“Sooooorry sir.” Jess slurs. She’s grinning with her tongue sticking out. “I’m such a baaaaad girl.”

Henry shudders with affection and finally pulls off his pants and boxers to hunch over Jess and stroke his cock. She whines and tries to hook her legs around his hips to draw him closer.

Should Henry give Jess her release? Where should he come in/on her? Jess is on hormonal birth control and there’s no risk of pregnancy.

No. 1099292 ID: eb0a9c

Plap Plap Plap
No. 1099294 ID: 9b76c6

Nah, just shove it down her mouth. Be rough. Leave her lying there after you're done.
No. 1099301 ID: 355e44

Aye, have her suck you off and then you can concentrate on draaaaaging her own release out.
No. 1099309 ID: 4e436a

cum inside her while grunting something about her being a sow?
No. 1099312 ID: 80d92f

Cum in her, but leave her denied, and edge her as it drips out. She's gotta earn it.
No. 1099326 ID: 25fb94


She should get her release, but it should be draaggggggeeeed out
No. 1099333 ID: 86b0bf

Our skinny little sow. Would dirty talk like that be racist its still hot would be funny
No. 1099367 ID: f1368b
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>Shove his dick in her mouth
Tempting, but without careful discussion beforehand Henry isn’t going to risk it. His parents are already skeptical of the story about what happened to his finger during the honeymoon and he doesn’t want to give them more reasons to worry about him.

>Fuck her pussy
Ah, the old classic. He’ll have to go slow to make sure Jess doesn’t get off since she’s right on the edge. If he’s feeling generous afterwards he’ll finger her creampied hole for a nice, dragged out orgasm.

Henry surreptitiously checks the time and turns off the vibrator, which makes Jess whine again in complaint. He pets her boobs and chest fluff with one hand to settle her, and lines himself up with her wet hole with the other. It’s a battle not to thrust hard into that wet heat, especially when Jess is digging her heels into his back and yowling.

No. 1099368 ID: f1368b
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>Call her a sow
While pig people do exist, the delicious animal does too, and Henry loves the idea of Jess swelling up with pups in general. He doesn’t think it’s insensitive to say and Jess likes degradation.

He does little micro thrusts and avoids grinding against her sensitive spots. Okay, yeah, he can get off like this, especially if he starts talking.

“You like that? Want me to knock you up like a dirty sow? It’ll be so hot when your little belly and ass swell up. You better not come until I say you can, spoiled slut, you haven’t earned it yet–”

Jess does that thing where she squeezes all her pelvic muscles as hard as she can and Henry cuts off his own words with a grunt, rocking his hips. Once his brain has resolidified, he pulls out and admires the way his spend starts to leak, white against pink.

“Can I please come, sir?” Jess asks meekly.

While it’d be fun to leave her unsatisfied and get jumped in the apartment later, Jess did a good job lasting this long and Henry’s feeling happy fuzzy. He drags his thumb over her swollen clit and plunges three fingers into her at once, pumping his hand fast. His perfect wife wails in ecstasy and clamps her thighs over his wrist while her own hands wrench against the handcuffs, making the metal bar rattle. She relaxes soon afterwards with a deep, contented sigh.

What should Henry do for aftercare?
No. 1099369 ID: eb0a9c

Untie, snuggle, talk about childhoods.
No. 1099380 ID: 0ea7a8

Kiss the shit out of your wife, dude. Passively massage her wrists for a little bit to make sure she's not too sore.
No. 1099399 ID: 355e44

Cuddle cuddle cuddle. But don't untie her yet. See how long until she says something, just to be a tease.
No. 1099401 ID: 6b996d

Untie, double check circulation, cuddle, tell her how much you love her.

Pets and scritches. That feels amazing with fur.
No. 1099413 ID: 379266

Massage wrist and untied some cuddles and critches with a belly rub but no sleeping need to cram a extra large dinner into her
No. 1099416 ID: 25fb94


Can we not actually do the feeder kink? That one is best left in text, because of the whole 'early grave' thing.
No. 1099445 ID: f1368b
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>Take off the handcuffs and blindfold
Henry carefully unlatches the cuffs and releases Jess’ wrists. It’s hard to tell through the fur if she got bruised, but he tenderly rubs the flesh just in case. Jess pulls the blindfold off herself with her newly freed hands and clings to Henry’s chest and smears her face against the front of his t-shirt like she’s trying to burrow through his ribs.

“You did so good.” Henry tells her. “Anything hurt?”

“Naw, you went easy on me.”

He leans in to kiss her, plants little licks over her wet muzzle and moves his mouth up to her sensitive ears. She laughs and wraps her arms around Henry’s hips to pull him closer. They cuddle and smooch until they lapse into gazing into each other’s eyes.

“You know, if you want to talk about having kids or fattening me up, I’m down to negotiate.” Jess murmurs.

“Damn, kids? I thought you said you weren’t interested. And I don’t want to give you health problems or anything by making you eat too much, most of the fetish stuff I write about is more extreme than what’s practical.”
No. 1099446 ID: f1368b
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“Well, yes, that’s why we’d negotiate, maybe 20 pounds would be my upper limit and I’d want to work it off eventually without bulking up because I know you hate that. Kids should wait ‘till we have our own place but we can think about it.”

Henry puts his hands on Jess’s fuzzy belly and pets it absently as his mind whirls at the possibilities. His tail thumps against the bed with unrestrainable excitement. Kids! He’s a little scared about what the price could be but he never thought Jess would even consider it.

>Consider his childhood
Nothing in particular sticks out, cartoons where ladies got tied up by villains were always exciting, though he didn’t read into it until puberty. School was whatever, sports were fun, he leaned geeky jock and took a pretty girl to prom. That was all way before he met Jess.

He yawns and Jess drags him upright to put his clothes on and get a drink of water before he can fall asleep.

The evening is full of exciting possibilities. Henry loves his weekends.

A. Cook a rich dinner and negotiate with Jess about weight gain (Henry will drop it if this isn’t picked)

B. Go out and watch sports on TV with the lads
No. 1099447 ID: 25fb94

C. Maybe look into exotic forms of extreme BDSM play -- namely: Breath Control, Blood Play, Needles/Medical play (including exotic stuff like Wartenburg Pinweel, Suction Cupping, Dermal Punches, Skin Staplers, Sutures, small amounts of liquid nitrogen [like is used on warts], Saline injections to temporarily raise the flesh, etc. -- of course with shaving the parts of the body to be played on), Fire Play, E-Stim (and the myriad tools for that!), CN-C, Knifeplay, etc. etc.
No. 1099448 ID: 25fb94


Possibly there's one or two that REALLY gets you going? But which ones.... hmmm, check the internet for inspiration... Holy shit, is that someone with feathers as ersatz wings sewn into the skin of their back?!
No. 1099449 ID: fa3034

B is for the boys
No. 1099450 ID: 355e44

B) and what lads wouldn't have some cheeky banter about their love lives? Egg each other on to more extreme play?
No. 1099461 ID: 25fb94


Well, you could categorize BDSM by four levels of extremity: light (bondage, sensory play, spanking, roleplay), intermediate (restraints and more advanced rope bondage, moderate impact play, more intense dominance and submission in power exchanges, waxplay), advanced (heavy impact play that leaves lasting marks or bruises, mild breathplay, some level of medical play, degredation play, some mild consensual nonconsent, very mild electrostim), and extreme edgeplay (more realistic consensual nonconsent, bloodplay and cutting, fireplay, more extreme medical play, electrostimulation at higher voltages). So it's possible the guys might be a kinkster group that discusses things?
No. 1099462 ID: 23cf5d

A. I mean, as long as its under control and what you both want right?
No. 1099466 ID: a7a180

B. Sports!
No. 1099486 ID: 96b799

A. Cook a rich dinner and negotiate with Jess about weight gain (Henry will drop it if this isn’t picked)
MILF architecture time and also a nice comfy dinner to show affection beacuse we are jealous of her being away
No. 1099487 ID: f2320a

Also abkut B feels a bit weird if i am being honest we where jelouse and worried about her hanging with her friends who are not happy with her life choices, and we seem to have this day commited to her, us going to hang with our friends feels un-selfaware
No. 1099488 ID: f2320a

A. Cook a rich dinner and negotiate with Jess about weight gain (Henry will drop it if this isn’t picked)

I like big butts an´ I can not lie.
You otha brothas can´t deny.
That when a girl walks in wit´ a itty bitty waist an´
A round thing in yo´ face. You get SPRUNG.

And as more motivation for the extremer bdsm crowd means a ass that can take more of a impact and lashing like a gladiator beacuse its a non vital tissue that makes her even more feminine looking
No. 1099489 ID: f2320a

There is a negotiation from this vote anyways and she basically already set a upper limit so its not to crazy. would be neat if she negotiated body goals like stamina training on us cardio or strenght so henry can man handle jess lift her up and bend her over more easily
No. 1099502 ID: eb0a9c

B) Esports.
No. 1099510 ID: f1368b
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>Think about extreme medical kink, blood play, knife play etc.
Oh that’s what Jess is super into, Henry’s not as passionate because he has to do it for his job, but he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end so it works out for Jess to get her domination fix and he knows how to keep things neat and hygienic. Speaking of which, that’s a whole ‘nother reason not to have a sex slave, Henry’s had to clean enough bedpans and assist with sponge baths for a lifetime.

>Think about a plumper wife
Hnnnnnrgggghhhh. God, he’d be able to hit her way harder depending on how the weight was distributed. It’s so tempting, but at the same time he’d rather focus on the bigger picture of keeping Jess’ friends happy and potential, eventual children. Pregnancy will get the same result since Jess will get all sorts of food cravings, he can be patient. Time to start looking at starter homes online.

>B, watch sports with the lads
Jess isn’t the only one with a healthy social life outside of family and work! Henry texts his friends asking to hang out and then putters around the apartment washing dishes and folding laundry while smooching Jess whenever the opportunity presents itself. Once there’s a consensus in the group chat, he lets Jess know where he’s going and puts on some proper clothes and heads downstairs to the building’s first floor garage.

Describe Henry’s three dude pals. They can be any kind of anthropomorphic animal.
No. 1099512 ID: fa3034

Your partners in crime include the gym rat betta fish with the dad bod, your kestrel former co-worker who's the definition of a short king and your red-eye crocodile skink college buddy who you're only half sure isn't a vampire.
No. 1099515 ID: 355e44

a chic, tall secretary bird who's cool and collected.
a schlubby, shaggy boar who likes sports.
and a short otter who styles himself as something he calls "neo-beatnik"
No. 1099523 ID: 0db8d3

A short, overly cute, overly angry pika named Mahan. Curses entirely too much and talks to his friends like their total pieces of shit. Is the first one to start screaming at the TV during a football game. Hates being picked up. Hates being reminded that his name is ironic. Real head cook of the restaurant energy (Which makes sense because he is indeed the cook at the pace across the street from Henry's work.) Knows entirely too much about sports, old movies, and gnarly Indy horror flix and often won't shut up about it. Despite his assholish exterior he's a big softie inside, and a real bro to boot. You could call him drunk, at 3 am, on a weekday, an hour out of town, not knowing exactly where you were, and he'll come get you even if he'll be cussing you out the whole time. Becomes a thrilling mix of explosively angry and huggy when drunk. Has a wife and 5 kids with more on the way. Wife is a true unicorn. Perfect in every way, to the extent that you wouldn't believe she existed if you hadn't met her. Handles him, wrangles the kids, and regularly pulls miracles out of her ass on a regular basis. You're pretty sure she's done one of those Disney songs with woodland creatures before, but I'm real life. How he ended up with her is anyone's guess. Plays a mean game of hold'em and is generally down for whatever granted he has the time.
No. 1099528 ID: eb0a9c

A frog whose great grandpa was a famous actor. Unfortunately, each generation had moderately less acting talent, and your friend's kind of a narcissistic nut, but with (healthy) severe self-esteem issues because he refuses to deny his lack of talent. He works in construction, and is close to being promoted to foreman. The problem is, he's frequently trying to make himself delusional as a method of strengthening his inner self, but you and your other friends think he needs to pursue a different passion before he throws himself off the deep end - he doesn't want to listen to that part.
He changes first names every week. His last name is Bearstuffing.

A fishing cat named Jo. He seems to be keeping secrets from you, but you don't really care. He works as a fitness trainer and openly moonlights as a male prostitute, so you're not sure what else he could be hiding that's more embarrassing than that. Still, you don't think he could be a foreign spy, he keeps stuttering whenever someone tries to point out all the weird stuff he does and blathers in some weird accent.

A Hippo-Lion Hybrid named Bob. Or was it Ken? Anyway, what's unique about this guy is that you can never fully remember him. Sometimes you swear he was more Hippo than Lion, other times you wonder when he got all those tattoos only to discover he has none. You're never quite sure who he is, only that he looooves betting. He will bet on anything if his 'day went well', and sometimes he'll make a bet he's guaranteed to lose as a 'legal present' to his buddies. You like this dude. Now if only you could remember enough to figure out what kind of present to give back.
No. 1099531 ID: 1b30b0

Hmmmm what about dog chick a shlubby wideset stoat beermonger that was basically one of the frat boys in school and collage hair that hides the eyes wears backwards baseball cap, hoodies sweat pants and those sleeveless wife-beaters.
We need a sitcom gender balance
No. 1099542 ID: f2320a

Basically one of da bozs but a chick need the potential to make jess as equally jelous as henry is and a reflection of herself before she meet henry
No. 1099546 ID: 9b76c6

Victor Blackwell, a crow hitman. He likes hanging out with Henry and telling him about the last few people he put under.
No. 1099549 ID: 25fb94


Let's not make him an actual hitman. Let's instead make him a writer. He supports Henry i writing extreme things -- after all, he makes a living writing extreme stories.
No. 1099556 ID: f2320a

Would be funny if he is a hitman in the sense of his books being hits and just likes to dramatically retell or workshop them in Pov
No. 1099587 ID: f1368b
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>Guaranteed pick: Victor the crow writer
>Randomly selected friend #2: Mahan the angry pika (single)
>Randomly selected friend #3: Becca the dog
Becca is one of the boys, despite being a cis girl, and also Henry’s college ex, which means their interactions are a bit awkward especially when Henry starts gushing about kink, which Becca was never interested in. He met Mahan at the restaurant where the pika works, which is still the best diner within walking distance of the hospital, and looped him into the crew.

They usually meet at Victor’s house in the suburbs since the crow has posh enough parents to afford a mortgage even when he works as a novelist. Mahan’s beat up junker is already parked in front of the curb when Henry pulls up with a crunch of wheels on late fall leaves. He turns the key but stays in the car for a moment, nine fingers tapping the faux leather steering wheel.

Is he overthinking this? There’s a part of him that misses Jess no matter where she is, and he’s sure she doesn’t feel the same. She loves him, definitely, but she’s not obsessed, which by all means should be a good thing except it makes Henry feel a tiny bit resentful that her brain isn’t wired that way. Ugh, he should figure his stupid feelings out before he gets more insecure and causes a scene. It’s been an anxious couple of days.
No. 1099588 ID: f1368b
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Right now he should relax with his friends, try to take his mind off of things with gossip and the absolute state Mahan will work himself into over sports. Henry gives the steering wheel a resounding thump and heaves himself out of the car into the cold air. Since he has a built-in fur coat, he’s only wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals, which clash pleasantly with Victor’s casual outfit, a blue dress shirt and crisp white slacks that the crow reveals when he opens the front door.

“A pleasure as always, Henry. I have appetizers and drinks in preparation for our evening.” The crow inclines his head toward the granite countertop kitchen.

“Great. Good to see you, man. How’s the newest manuscript going?”

“The first draft is done so this is my informal celebration party. You’re welcome to my nicer liquor before Mahan drinks it all. Becca has told me she’ll be a little late.”

What does Henry want to talk about tonight? How much should he drink?
No. 1099589 ID: eb0a9c

Admit your insecurity about how controlling you're starting to get, and that you don't want to become a bad person who hurts their wife. Get ^&*(-faced and stay the night.
No. 1099591 ID: 25fb94

Thoughts aren't actions. It's okay to have dark thoughts. You just have to not let them rule you. Resolve to work with your wife to find an outlet for these dark thoughts. Some roleplay perhaps?
No. 1099592 ID: 25fb94

Get moderately drunk
No. 1099593 ID: f2320a

Yep its just the insane peeps who have no control over there urges and act on every dark impulse and we are totally sane and not just hanging on by a thread for conveniance sake while channeling it into our writing, also like can just be constructive about it with cooking dinner, making deserts, sex, massages, gifts, intrest in her day to day, explore every weird and impulsive urge your wife has in her tweaky brain like how she would like to get hit or was willing to gain 20 pounds beacuse we called her our sow once
No. 1099596 ID: cb76eb

Afford yourself one (1) really nice drink you can sip on for a while. You'll still want to get home to your warm bed. For now, talk about cool hobbies and how stupid people ruin them. Like archery or modifying cars. You've seen too many people come through the hospitals because they're dummies.
No. 1099607 ID: 355e44

Just enough for a buzz.
Start off with talk about the roleplaying scene these days.
No. 1099701 ID: f1368b
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>Two drinks for a buzz
Enough to feel it but Henry’ll be totally sober by the time he needs to drive home to his wife and warm bed, and there’s no risk he’ll say something he regrets.

>Thoughts aren’t actions
True, but they still make him feel guilty and bad. He’ll talk to his pals about it and see what they have to say.

Henry pours himself a glass of the fanciest bourbon he can find and helps himself to one of those big round ice cubes from the freezer before loading a plate up with chips and dip and heading to the living room. Mahan grunts at him in greeting from the armchair before returning laser focus to the unfolding baseball game, in position to leap to his feet and rail at the coaches, the umpires, rude customers at the diner, and the wider world at a moment’s notice. Victor comes to join Henry on the brown leather couch soon after.

>Bring up dark roleplay as a way to segue into feelings
Henry waits for a lull in the action, otherwise he risks getting cussed out by the prickly pika. “Hey, you guys ever think about stuff, I dunno, like doing something really stupid and impulsive?”

“You’ll have to be more specific.” Victor says absently.

“Okay, okay, you know how people do freaky roleplay or chase each other through the woods, kind of to let the beast out, y’know? To act on those dark urges we all have.”

“Are we talking about people or are we talking about you?”

Henry groans and downs his drink. “Yes I’m talking about me but it’s a general thought. Like, what do you do when you don’t have an outlet, or you have an outlet but for some reason it still feels like you’re getting filled up with poison? I don’t want to actually do something fucked up.”

“Then don’t, dumbass.” Mahan drains his own booze and stands up to get a refill.

“Maybe you can do some introspection and try to understand where these feelings are coming from.” Victor suggests. “Are they caused by anger and fear? Stress at your job?”

“Well…I don’t know. It’s stupid, but I guess I’ve been kind of scared that Jess is going to leave me or something.” Henry grips his glass extra tight. One of his knuckles pops.

“Has she given you any indication that she’s unhappy?”

“No. It’s been the same as always, good. Really good.”

“Hm, that’s interesting. I’d be happy to talk about it one on one later.”

Mahan returns to mutter vague threats at the flatscreen and soon after the gonging doorbell signals Becca’s arrival. Henry fills up on snacks and starts to feel a little more relaxed as the bourbon warms his body.
No. 1099702 ID: f1368b
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They’re just getting to the interesting part of the game at the top of the eighth inning when Victor picks up the remote and mutes the TV. Henry waits for Mahan to eviscerate the crow on the spot, but the pika stays silent and watches Victor as if waiting for something.

“In line with our earlier topic of conversation, I’ve been worried about your seemingly impulsive decision to amputate your ring finger in the name of love, Henry. I appreciate you telling us the truth about the injury, and at the time I wanted to give you time to heal and process before I shared my opinion, but now I’d like to say my piece.” the bird says.

“What is this, an intervention? It was just a bit of kinky fun.” Henry chuckles nervously at his own joke and then blanches at the somber expressions on his friend’s faces.

“Look Henry.” Mahan puts his glass on the coffee table, suddenly completely sober and with far more gentleness and care than usual, a sure sign that something has gone terribly wrong. “I’m divorced. I’m not trying to claim any highground like some smug, self-righteous bastard. I’m just tellin’ you what I think, and I think that cutting off a finger for a lady, even if they’re your wife, is batshit fucking crazy and Becca and Victor agree with me. It’s great that you have a girl who’s fun in bed, but we don’t want you to get carried away and do something permanent you’ll regret. Kinda fucked that if you two don’t work out, she can go back to normal but you’re never getting that finger fixed.”

“Well put.” Victor adds.

Henry tries to meet Becca’s eye, but she’s very interested in the ragged knees of her jeans and seems to be attempting to sink into the couch cushions to vanish from the conversation. His body prickles with awkward adrenaline. It’s a good thing he didn’t tell them the full story because they would think Jess was crazy and he’d walk out if there was any slander against his beloved wife.

How should he reply?
No. 1099709 ID: 23cf5d

Aren't they projecting a bit because of the bitterness of divorce here? Like you said earlier Jess isn't showing any signs of wanting to leave you and you're trying your best to hopefully make this marriage last, what you were worried about is your own impulses, not the battlescars of your matrimony, nonetheless inquire about what they're suggesting you to do then, should you leave your wife just because you pushed things a bit too far once? Should you dial back the kinkiness and risk possibly losing the drive of your relationship?
No. 1099710 ID: cb76eb

It really wasn't that big of a deal, you often forget about it until you're looking directly at it or someone mentions it. You moved on and so should they.
No. 1099711 ID: eb0a9c

Your friends have a point; do you want to love Jess, or your own egotistic desire to try and prove you love her through creepy self-destructive rituals that she might dislike you for?
No. 1099712 ID: 355e44

She was set to transition until she met you, essentially giving up that body for you. Giving up a portion of your body in return makes a sort of twisted sense. But a tangible reality outweighs a mere possible future, so perhaps your anxiety stems from going too far, an intensity she can't match and might flee from.

is what you can say to throw them off the scent. You know what really went down.
No. 1099714 ID: a3165d

"We can be nervous that she will continue down that path as it cant be changed making our own sacrifice invalid and meaningless, her hanging with her friends who are still in that crowd could possibly push her down that road again, beacuse honestly they are not happy with what jess did we think or well know?" "So i stay awake nervous like she will not return like i am the wife of a fisherman waiting at the shore for his return not knowing if i am a widow, then we have intensive sex and she goads me on subtly picking up on the slightest word choice i use knowing my every desire those i dont know and i must match that energy, BUT that brings us to happy news Jess has agreed to having kids when we get our own place, something i imagine she would never actually do with her background and what she has said earlier
No. 1099792 ID: f1368b
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“Give me a second to put my answer together.” Henry tells his friends. They all nod and he drops his gaze to his hands.

>It really wasn’t that big of a deal
He can remember the searing pain of the scalpel as Jess sliced through his skin and tendons like it was yesterday. There wasn’t much blood because of the tourniquet at his wrist, and Jess stitched the loose skin together with a sterile needle and sutures before she gnawed at his shaved finger until her wet teeth reached bone. He leaned his face against the resort hotel bathroom counter and watched, hazy with endorphins as his radiant wife consumed that piece of him with the enthusiasm of a starving wolf.

His friends would see right through any lie that he thought the amputation was a mistake. Henry is a terrible bluffer, scientifically proven by monthly poker night.

>They have a point, it’s self-destructive
Is it worse than Jess giving up her transition for him? He wanted to do it, even though it hurt a lot and was scary. That’s part of the masochistic appeal after all, and Jess said it was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for her, in her whole life. It’s a good memory, one that makes him feel devoted and loyal. Makes typing a pain though, who knew a single finger on his nondominant hand was actually useful for some things.
No. 1099793 ID: f1368b
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“It already happened. What do you want me to do about it?” Henry asks.

“Don’t do anything like it again.” Victor suggests. “Resist these harmful impulses. Aren’t you afraid that Jess will leave you? Radical acts like this may scare her away.”

His mouth twists with a barely stifled giggle. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“What’s so funny? You even takin’ this seriously?” Mahan barks.

“I am! I appreciate you guys telling me you care, really! I’ll try to be better, it’s true that it’s partially why divorce would be so scary since I gave something extra tangible up for her. Sometimes things get really intense between us, y’know. Earlier today we were having this awesome scene where she was picking up on my energy really well and she even agreed to think about having kids!”

Henry beams at his friends, who don’t respond to his attempt to lighten the mood. “What? Do you guys not like the idea?”

“Figure your shit out before you bring more freaks into the world.” Mahan grumbles. “Victor, turn the game back on.”

Another awkward situation successfully defused. Henry’s back is sweaty when he lets himself relax into the couch to the sounds of the excited announcers.

How does he finish the evening?
A. Linger after the game and chat with Becca
B. Go home right away
No. 1099797 ID: cb76eb

A, because anything else would strengthen their stance about you, more.

Go for the flawless transition of thanking Becca for still getting worried about you. She's a good friend. Past, present, or future. You hope that doesn't change.
No. 1099802 ID: d5b0e6

A) pointless if we go immedietly away
No. 1099814 ID: 23cf5d

A. And prepare yourself mentally, hoping she doesn't go full-on scent hound about this and calls your earlier display for what it was, she was your ex and probably knows you better than anyone else here. Try not to spill the beans about what actually transpired that night, before her, or the others start hating your wife or you.
No. 1099835 ID: 355e44

A) have to get better at bluffing if you're going to continue this lifestyle.
No. 1099842 ID: f1368b
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He hasn’t had a chance to properly talk to Becca yet and he wants to hear her take on things. It’ll be good practice for keeping his story straight too.

Thankfully, Mahan’s favored team wins and the pika settles into the armchair for a chat with Victor about the crow’s new book, which is a perfect opportunity to follow Becca into the kitchen when she goes to get more snacks.

She still has her soft figure and round stomach, mostly hidden under her ragged college hoodie. Henry ogles for a respectable few seconds before leaning casually against the fridge.

“Hey I appreciate you guys looking out for me. Victor and Mahan are the loud ones so I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any of your insights.”

She doesn’t look him in the eye. “I’ve been praying for you.”

“Cool.” Henry gives her a strong thumbs up and a couple of finger guns for good measure. He has nothing against religion, it’s part of hospital life and brings people a lot of comfort. Better do another thumbs up to make sure Becca really understands his approval.
No. 1099843 ID: f1368b
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His ex smiles a little at his antics, before dropping her gaze again. “I know you wouldn’t do anything that your partner didn’t like. You were always really respectful even though we didn’t want the same things.”

“Thanks for saying that.”

“But…doesn’t that mean Jess wanted you to cut off your finger?”

Damage control, damage control! “Uhhhh, I dunno. She wasn’t against it.”

Becca shakes her head, ears flopping with the motion. “I’m not trying to say anything bad about either of you, but maybe you encourage each other too much. Someone has to be responsible.”

Ouch, now he feels even more like he’s being scolded. One more thumbs up to show Becca that Henry’s a good, responsible listener before he changes the subject.

“How’ve things been with you?”

“Oh. Well.” Becca sighs. “I’ve been trying to find more friends who are my age and also, y’know, women. People at church are older than what I’m looking for and it sucks trying to meet people over apps and stuff.”

What else does Henry say to Becca and the others before he goes home?
No. 1099876 ID: cb76eb

We need a more social venue next time. How about a sports bar that offers axe throwing. Or paintball (This way they're less inclined to bring up the heavy subjects and there's greater chance for Becca to socialize.)
No. 1099892 ID: 6c233e

Well hey, maybe she would have some luck looking for an RP group. that's a good way to meet people.

Try hanging back from conversation. Look like their words have sunk in and you have a lot to think about.
No. 1099925 ID: 7ef587

Perfect better then the hit or miss of apps and such not sure there is a friend app just hook up apps so pretty much the only thing to do is like get a hobby or doing a fun activity so you can meet people the hobby itself should be the goal even if its nice to meet people that share it.

also the chubby wife considerations and respectful ogle is interesting as it reflects perhaps his lingering desires from his relationship with Becca our B Dawg
No. 1099945 ID: 578f3f

Have you considered joining pilgrimages or missionary work? You find lots of young people there who are passionate for religion and are looking for others to bond with.
Ooh! You could even join the YWCA! You can hang out with all the girls!

But anyway, if you want to me to learn to be less obsessed with my wife and my dangerous kinks, I'm going to need some solid pointers on how to start changing.
No. 1099989 ID: f1368b
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>Can Becca do missionary work?
Henry would rather Becca stay in town for his own entirely selfish reasons.

>Can she join the YWCA?
Uh, isn’t that more for survivors of domestic violence? Maybe she could meet people by volunteering. When he makes the suggestion, Becca gives it a half-hearted shrug and says she’ll look into it.

>Suggest an ax throwing sports bar or paintball for the next activity
Once they’re back in the living room, Henry mostly hangs back from the conversation until it’s time to propose ideas for their next get together. Mahan grumbles about the cost but agrees that it sounds fun.

>Think about how to improve
On the drive home, Henry moves the wheel and pedals on autopilot, thoughts elsewhere. His friends were right, he needs to change, even if that means saying no to Jess more. Hopefully that’ll also make his own violent thoughts quiet down.
No. 1099991 ID: f1368b
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>1 year after the wedding
Jess scrolls through the list of properties that the realtor emailed them this week, comfortable in her home office with a hot mug of black tea and work on the second monitor. Since it’s the height of summer, plenty of buyers and sellers are scouring the market, and the few places they’ve put offers on have gone with someone else.

It’s part of the process, stressful and exciting. Kind of like keeping her secret that would make a mess of their marriage if Henry found out.

Once she goes through the list and drains her mug, she stands and stretches, shaking out her tail to its full fluffy glory. Slow day at work, only two meetings, both in the afternoon. Is there anything she can do to spice things up? Henry’s at the hospital so it’s just her in the apartment.
No. 1099997 ID: 8b3a5f

Thinking about homes has got you thinking about the perfect tub you could do some heavy ice play with. Like, him dicking you back to healthy body temps. For now, you make do but soon enough you gotta be more worried about ergonomics of fucking. Might be too late in the day to get a big order of ice for the tub..
No. 1100001 ID: f2320a

Tail plug and ears furband as he called us his sow basically perhaps dress up or act the part so he goes hogwild fucking the breath out of our lungs biting our neck last time he was really gentle and asking if i was okay after so little
No. 1100021 ID: fe12b4

try out that nogasm toy, see if you can't figure out the calibration for it so you're nice and head empty.
No. 1100025 ID: 23cf5d

Could also do something that Henry specifically would enjoy that'd still be fun to try.
Foodplay? Foodplay! Got any whipped cream and strawberries laying around?
No. 1100035 ID: d58817

Well, it would be impolite to allow a secret, especially such an important secret, to cross your mind and not dwell on it a moment. If it's that exciting, then it might be the perfect thing to help bring a note of interest to the afternoon, and might suggest a direction in which to take things further.
No. 1100041 ID: 9b76c6

Time to check your OnlyFoxes account.
No. 1100072 ID: f2320a

>Selfish reasons
wait is he planning/wishing/horny for a threesome or does he just feel lonely without her around?
No. 1100156 ID: 578f3f

>Big secret.

You know he will find out eventually, right? Better tell him next time he's in a really good mood than have him call you out in 5 years or so.

That being said,

>How to spice things up.
>Height of summer.

Oooh we can also go the beach, if it's nearby!

Or make some flower crowns for the occassion! I hear white roses are best.

Oh, you mean spicing the "evening."

Um.. same advice, really.
No. 1100162 ID: f1368b
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>Mull over scene ideas for when Henry comes home
Poor guy’s usually pretty wiped after a 12 hour shift, but it’s good to brainstorm ahead of time for his four day weekends. Hmmm…Maybe something with temperature play or some feral action? She’s been itching for something more intense lately, Henry’s been noticeably gentle since he didn’t take her offer to negotiate on some feeding and weight gain. Guess he’s still shy about some things.

>Think about Henry’s friends
He’s been doing lots of fun activities with them, which is great! Jess has tagged along a couple times, like when they did laser tag and trivia night. Becca is cute, she can see why Henry would like her. It’s especially endearing when the dog acts all shy and embarrassed when Jess starts cracking lewd jokes, she wouldn’t mind getting to know her better.

>Consider her big secret
Jess rinses her mug in the kitchen sink and watches the water swirl down the drain. It’s not a very complicated secret, but it does make her feel a little guilty sometimes. If Henry weren’t both resolutely straight and a stalwart queer ally, it wouldn’t even matter.

She’s a man. She’s been a man since before she met Henry. Doesn’t matter if she dresses femme or takes dick like no tomorrow or uses she/her pronouns. She’s a guy. And Henry doesn’t like guys.

Luckily no one he’d believe is going to tell him. A harmless omission to take to the grave.
No. 1100163 ID: f1368b
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>Options for solo entertainment during a dull day of work
Nothing better to do than edge herself while looking at porn! That desperate, brainless, horniness isn’t going to manifest itself.

Jess finds a nice big wand vibrator to set on her ergonomic chair and grind her clit against while she surfs the web. There’s this really good conditioning kink fic that she likes to revisit from time to time, sadly she doesn’t think it’d be feasible to try being a mindbroken sex slave in real life since they both have to work. Ooo, or she could see how the amateur porn they filmed and posted a month ago is doing, reading the comments and watching other non-professional stuff always gets her going. It could also be a classic guro day, but then she might get so turned on she cums.

What will Jess focus on?
A. Conditioning/hypnotism erotica
B. Amateur porn videos
C. Blood and guts, fictional depictions or otherwise
No. 1100166 ID: cb76eb

Imagine your big bad wolf husband coming home to his favorite little sleeve, right where he left you. Ready and waiting. When he says the magic words..
No. 1100168 ID: eb0a9c

C) Overly complex animation movies about science experiments made of huge globules of guts and viscera forming into naked big-boobied wolfen warriors called Boobans.
The developer is both a genius and an outcast.
No. 1100170 ID: 6c233e

A) Wouldn't it be nice to condition Henry, make him more into however you really want to present yourself?
No. 1100173 ID: 23cf5d

A. Sound like a good option to get in the mood.
No. 1100175 ID: 054938

ChinGeese OSHA animated recreations of hilarious bizarre accidents used in safety videos and education but in a compliation to a few video platform personalities laughing at the insanity and commenting "what was he supposed to do?", Spatans or something one of them is called. Sure it has no blood but i guess it would be funny and horny for her?
No. 1100184 ID: d58817

B) See what the people are into, and what they want more of. That should help kick-start some ideas of your own.

That isn't much of a secret, though, is it? He knew you were going to transition before the wedding, and it's something you must have come to a mutual decision on before going through with it.
No. 1100216 ID: f1368b
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>It’s not much of a secret
That’s the spirit, no reason to feel guilty about keeping something that silly to herself. Sure she lied to Henry that she was a woman so they could get married, but she’s playing the part perfectly. He doesn’t have any reason to be upset.

>A, mind control and its adjacent kinks
Sometimes Jess has trouble suspending her disbelief with this sort of fetish, which seems to boil down to making people do things they wouldn’t normally do, but with less viscerality than the usual bodice ripping noncon. Like, okay, she gets that it’s about the giving and taking of control, which is always appealing, but her stupid brain can’t help being a smartass about the existence of hypnotism which really just seems like an aspect of meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Does she still want to try a shock collar on herself or Henry? Yeah. But she’s not expecting it to fundamentally change their habits or personalities.
No. 1100217 ID: f1368b
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Okay, whatever, focus! Jess pulls up a few tabs of promising stories. There’s an author who really likes the feminization of transmen, which is cool and hot if it weren’t for that damn hypnotism crutch. The aforementioned conditioning fic leans on the psychology of positive and negative reinforcement, and is in general much more cohesively written, so she starts with that.

Jess doesn’t keep total focus on the porn, going back and forth between emails and chapters while idly rubbing herself on the vibrator. She takes a picture of her tits and pussy to send to Henry when she gets to the part of the story with piercings and lymph fluid.

It’s low effort to resist cumming by the time she needs to be put together for her meetings. Once work’s done, she wanders into the kitchen to make some pasta and wait for her husband to come home.

A. Ask Henry if she can get nipple piercings
B. Ask Henry if she can try conditioning him with a shock collar
No. 1100219 ID: 9d5b6d

No. 1100225 ID: 6c233e

B) a collar for your good boy
No. 1100227 ID: cb76eb

If only so he has to sit on his hands for while while you recover. He'll be ravenous once you're clear
No. 1100233 ID: eb0a9c

B but shock collars on both of you and only a limited number of shocks per day
No. 1100236 ID: d58817

B; discipline is always becoming. he's given you a deep pledge of lifelong loyalty; this should only serve to deepen that bond.
No. 1100334 ID: f1368b
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>B, a collar for a good boy
Oh yes, Henry would look really hot on his knees with two metal prongs digging into the back of his neck. He has great pain tolerance so she might be able to shock him at some of the higher settings until he squirms and yelps and begs for mercy. They’ve tased each other before and as long as she avoids anything over his chest it shouldn’t be too dangerous, but they’ll do some testing before ramping it up.

Jess keeps the meatballs and sauce warm on the stove as she passes the time with sordid fantasies until her reverie is broken by the sound of the doorknob turning. She bolts to her feet to hurry to the door, practically bouncing with excitement when Henry smothers her in a hug.

After half an hour to let him unwind and eat, Jess can’t contain her wicked grin and Henry laughs.

“Did you have any fun ideas today at work, babe?”
No. 1100336 ID: f1368b
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“Yes! I was thinking of some heavier electroplay with a shock collar, you know, like the ones they use for training dogs. Longer term, basically whenever we’re both home.”

“For me or for you?”

“You, if that sounds okay we can give it a test run some time. I want to discipline you.”

“Hmmm.” Henry scrapes together the dregs of his sauce and broken noodles while he thinks. “What exactly are you disciplining me for? I like to think I’m pretty good about doing my chores and being responsible and putting the toilet seat down.”

“And you’re great at sex.”

“Why thank you, ma’am.”

It’s a fair point. What behaviors should Jess try to dissuade or enforce in Henry? She doesn’t want to give him more anxiety or an aversion to her.
No. 1100338 ID: 23cf5d

Maybe that's a perfect situation you could twist to feel more 'you' out of it?
How about, making him call you 'sir' for a change.
If you think you'd be able to get that to work for you both and have him agree to it of course.
Like a fun, hot way to get some more self-affirmation out of the situation maybe?
No. 1100344 ID: 25fb94

Not just Sir. Part of the point of the whole dominant and submissive thing is the vibe where the sub inevitably does things wrong because they can't read your mind and you use that as an escuse to enjoyably punish them. So SOMETIMES it's Sir sometimes it's Ma'am sometimes it's Master and you give him lots of arbitrary and degrading tasks but only ones that are intimate and directly associated with intimacy of your person.
No. 1100345 ID: eb0a9c

Basically, when he starts manipulating you in a way that makes you feel pushed to do something dangerous or risky, even if he isn't overtly ordering you, shock him.
Also, condition him to abstain from fapping until 18 hours of consciousness have passed or sex. Make his balls bloat enough for you to enjoy.
No. 1100351 ID: 6c233e

Use it for stamina training. How long can he hold out, with a shock as the punishment if he cums too soon.
No. 1100356 ID: d58817

Discipline like this is about behavior modification. The best way to use it is to assign certain stimuli with resulting behaviors, issuing a reward ("Good boy," stimulation to pleasant bits, a taste of his favorite part of you) for compliance, and issuing punishments (a shock, in this case) for punishing non-compliance.

What behaviors do you want to train into him? If there's anything specific he does that you don't like, or that you think he should do differently, that could be a good use-case for this sort of training. Does he grab your rear or chest the wrong way sometimes? Shock, and issue a correction. He'll learn to avoid the unpleasant touches, and instead grab you the way you like. Is he not aggressive enough during oral sex? Shock, and let him know what he should be doing with his lips and tongue. He'll figure it out through trial, error, and your guidance.

If nothing comes to mind, posture training is an easy first step. Outline some positions you think would be useful or hot (lying down spread-eagled, sitting on wide-open knees with hands on head, all fours with tail flagged and rear in the air, for example), give them a name ("Rug," "Show Off," "Dogging," for example), and teach him that if he doesn't take the pose as soon as you issue the command, he's in for a bad time.

Remember, for maximum effectiveness, give out rewards for compliance! Punishment-only training builds mostly fear, and I'm not sure that's exactly what you're going for, here. Rewards help temper that by inspiring affection and duty for correct behavior.
No. 1100385 ID: b14ada

Need the condition him into actually finishing his steam library
No. 1100390 ID: 8252bf


And his orphaned stories!!
No. 1100396 ID: f2320a

guess it would be more for conditioning yourself jess then anything, and you would probably just get horny from the pain
No. 1100406 ID: f1368b
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>Ask him to only cum when given permission
Standard chastity stuff, Henry readily agrees. Jess is looking forward to seeing him desperate with need because she’s going to deny him for as long as possible. All in the name of building his stamina, of course.

>Mix positive and negative reinforcement
Good idea, it’ll make the whole experiment more effective and less likely to cause unproductive fear. He’ll get treats like praise, a footjob, or a chance to play with her tits at regular intervals.

>Ask him to call her ‘sir’
Henry grimaces. “No, I don’t want to do that. I can call you mistress or ma’am.”

Jess immediately feels flaming hot guilt in her stomach and chest. “Yeah, of course.”
No. 1100407 ID: f1368b
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>Use the scene as motivation for Henry to finish his games library and writing
“You can play in the living room while I watch, but you can write on your own. I want to read it when you’re done! I like your stories and you said there’s people online who want you to work on them too.” Jess says, eager to move on from the ‘sir’ misstep.

“Oh, yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I didn’t realize you liked it that much, since, y’know, feeder stuff isn’t really your thing.” Now Henry’s the one acting bashful.

“You’re a super good writer, really, you have good sentence structure and all of your characters are unique and I’ve read a lot of fanfic so I know what I’m talking about.”

Jess grins as Henry melts and wags his tail at the praise. “I’ll order the collar online and it’ll be here by the weekend and we can both try it on and figure out the settings and then when you’re ready to start we can start.”

“Yes ma’am!”

“Such a good boy deserves a reward, don’t you think?”

Henry bats his eyelashes and arches his spine in a playful attempt to look coy, until he breaks character with a huge yawn. “Something quick though, I’m really tired. Had to move a big patient four times today and my back feels funny.”

A. Blowjob special (no teeth)
B. Ride him
C. Something else (suggest)
No. 1100408 ID: 6c233e

Aw, poor guy. How about a nice massage, with a happy ending~
No. 1100433 ID: eb0a9c

You monster
No. 1100434 ID: eb0a9c

B) Down your birth control pills, because you're going to need them for the torrent you're stuffing into your dam!
No. 1100448 ID: d58817

> Positive and negative reinforcement

If it weren't so closely related to the subject matter of the quest, I wouldn't raise this point of pedantry, but I feel compelled to given the presence of conditioning in the subject matter proper.

Technically, "negative reinforcement" can be either a reward or a punishment, administered by taking something away or making something stop; "positive reinforcement" can be either a reward or a punishment administered by giving something or making something happen. If you play an annoying alarm, but then stop playing it when the subject displays the desired behavior, that's a "negative reward." If you play groovin' music, but then drop the jam when the subject displays an undesired behavior, that's a "negative punishment." It's "positive" when you introduce something new; giving candy for good behavior and spanking for bad behavior are "positive reward" and "positive punishment," respectively.

End pedantry.

I like the idea of a massage. Could we slip it into a bedtime routine? Wash him in the shower for the full soapland experience?
No. 1100456 ID: 23cf5d

C) Up one for the massage idea, and anything that comes thereafter, good boys deserve their pets.
No. 1100513 ID: f1368b
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>Conditioning terminology
Jess senses the atheist ghost of pigeon B. F. Skinner weeping a single tear at her pop-psychology language. She did get a liberal degree in college, so she’s aware enough to be a little ashamed of her intellectual treason.

>C, a pleasant massage
“I’ll rub your back after you get ready for bed, hun. We’ll be nice and relaxed and hopefully it’ll help you sleep.”

“Awesome, that sounds great.” Henry takes the plates and moves toward the sink. Jess rises to help him load the dishes into the half-full washer before meandering over to the couch to pick away at some cross-stitching. She bought a kit on a whim a couple weeks ago and she’s determined to finish it, even though it’s pretty bland.

Once Henry’s in his boxers stretched out like a wolf shaped rug on their bed, she hops on his butt and rubs his tight muscles from above while he groans dramatically into his pillow. Jess isn’t trained in massage or anything but she has the sense to avoid the spine and start slow. After twenty minutes she dismounts and Henry flips around to spoon. He doesn’t make any move to take his dick out, so Jess lets him be.
No. 1100514 ID: f1368b
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>The next day
It’s another boring day at work, but this time she has research to do on the best and safest remote shock collars. Before Jess knows it, she’s finalized an order for one of the pricier brands and it’s time to get ready for her weekly DnD session. She showers and puts on her makeup and a flowy sleeveless dress.

Who are Jess's friends? Sophie the rabbit is already accounted for. Everyone is some flavor of queer.
No. 1100517 ID: eb0a9c

Ghar'kradish, the intersex lamia.
Enjoys watching people squirm when their political party loses.
Does not like talking about their family.
Has shared her sausage with every member of the group. Stopped doing this when one of them bit her, and she doesn't know which.
No. 1100518 ID: 3ef011

Kai the side-striped jackel. Non-binary, went to school for pathology but thinking about going back for nephrology. Plan is stalled as they recently fell out of their polycue. Figuring themselves out now.
No. 1100521 ID: 6c233e

Marn, nonbinary pangolin. Probably ace, but they like to be coy about their sexuality. Has the largest collection of vintage roleplaying books any of their friends have seen.
No. 1100523 ID: c5529d

Tara, a human female, she was released from prison recently for crimes after doing her time. Has good horror stories she has witnessed and took part of in prison. Loves to make dark jokes, but is overall friendly to her friends, even if she has a criminal record and be a bit sketchy at times.
No. 1100526 ID: 71fafc

Terrance the Trans-continental train.

Armando the bisexual armadillo. Keeps tries to hook up with Marn. Always fails.
No. 1100531 ID: f2320a

>"Terrance" the Trans Tanuki have not had the surgery yet but have had a train run on them obsessed with transformers, feel out of a relationship after the night of there marriage where there partner got to discover the opposite of the set of genitals expected, the lie by omission due to fear of lossing there partner in the first place
No. 1100567 ID: fe12b4

Timothy Slitterman, an amusingly sleazy lizard who turned their passion for freaking people out into their sexuality somewhere in their 20s. Big into electronics and DIY.

Currently dresses up like a robot with a display on their jacket so they can jumpscare pedestrians with cringe memes, like some kind of erotic teletubby.
No. 1100575 ID: f1368b
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>Guaranteed friend: Sophie the rabbit
>Randomly selected friend #2: Kai the jackal
>Randomly selected friend #3: Terrence the tanuki
Kai’s been struggling a bit with medical school, they’re at the end of their gap year and have to get back on the grind this fall except now they’re having second thoughts about whether they want to be a doctor at all. Med school loans don’t really encourage people to back out though, and between that and relationship troubles they’ve been having a rough time. It’s a bit of a downer every time Jess talks to them, to be honest, but she sympathizes and tries to give supportive advice. Sometimes people just need time to figure shit out.

Terrence is the DM running the game who has not so subtly been trying to slip magic mechs into the main conflict. Jess met him when they were both getting into the drag king community and he’s been cool to talk with about being non-op since the tanuki isn’t interested in top or bottom surgery despite it being a point of conflict with his partners in the past. He hosts game night in his little apartment with the roommate Jess has seen a handful of times in multiple years, but they all chip in for food and booze.
No. 1100576 ID: f1368b
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Despite everyone’s quirks, what’s important is that they all show up for DnD on time and if someone needs to reschedule they give warning in advance. It’s not the longest trip but it’s through peak downtown traffic and Jess gets antsy when she sees too many people driving like shit.

Sophie is standing there in the visitors parking lot having a joint when Jess backs into the last spot. The rabbit leans against a blocky concrete pillar supporting the building’s brutalist overhang, the only respite from the baking summer sun. Her freshly dyed pink bangs match her tube top.

A. Join her and share the weed
B. Go on ahead
No. 1100577 ID: d71f53

Unwind from the traffic stress
No. 1100580 ID: 6c233e

A) just chillin
No. 1100581 ID: 71fafc

A. Remind Sophie the Devil's lettuce is bad for her. You'll have to smoke it all to keep her healthy.

Then give her a friendly pat on the shoulder and talk about how much the things she hates suck and the things loves are cool.
No. 1100592 ID: 23cf5d

A bsolutely should partake.
No. 1100640 ID: f1368b
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>A, partake
They don’t keep weed in the apartment because high Henry is positive that the hospital is going to drug test him and steal his wife and send him to jail and make his teeth fall out, and the delayed effect of edibles never appealed to Jess. An opportunistic joint at a concert or a play party? Hell yeah, but that’s about the extent of her marijuana use nowadays. Her younger self would be so disappointed.

“Hey girl, mind sharing?”

“Sure.” Sophie takes a long drag and passes the tightly packed blunt over to Jess. Her nostrils flare at the pleasantly pungent odor and she enjoys the itch in her throat as she pulls smoke into her lungs.

“What d’ya think Terrence has cooked up for us today? Last time we were in combat for three hours so I hope we get some cute NPCs to flirt with.”

Jess is playing as a bara bison barbarian, for the culture. When he’s not cleaving foes or working out, he’s on the prowl for dad bods.
No. 1100641 ID: f1368b
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“I’m hoping he gets the plot moving again. If Kai goes back to school and you buy a house we’ll probably miss a lot of sessions.” Sophie grumbles.

Jess snorts and passes the joint back to her friend. “l’ll always have time for you guys, even if we have kids.”

“Yeah, why do you think that’s a good idea again? Sorry for being blunt, but it could permanently damage your body and if you eventually want to divorce it’ll make things that much more complicated. There’s the huge cost, the loss of freedom, these are all things you’ve told me you’ve worried about before, you were sure you’d never want kids.”

How does Jess respond?
No. 1100642 ID: c16f97

It's a combination of things. For starters, you grow more confident in the permanence of your marriage over time. As you and Henry get a clearer image of what the other wants and where your boundaries lay, it becomes easier to imagine your relationship as a permanent fixture. And when the thought of being left is removed, some ideas that you once rebuked seem to carry a charm you'd never before noticed.
No. 1100671 ID: 0db8d3

Kinda hard to explain, honestly.
There's a big difference between just thinking about it hypothetically and actually like being there.

Honestly the idea's grown on me.
It's weird though. What scares me most now isn't the risks or the worries about time or being responsible for a life or whatever.
It's just... It's pretty much a commitment to play tradwife for like... Ever. I dunno if I can deal with that...

Though Henry did agree to wear a shock collar recently... I was thinking that I could covertly condition him to appreciate the masculine form. I think I could deal if I could get fucking ripped afterwards. And who knows, that could be just the beginning. It's only a matter of time before I get him to call me 'sir'! And then? Sky's the limit.
No. 1100699 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, now your friend's being subversive.

Even if your marriage goes bad one day, children are not some extension of their parents. There are ways to raise a child as a single parent - and you'd hope that your friends would support you in that, that's the key takeaway here. Henry's an important part of your life, but he's not the center of your universe, and you want to add to that.

Also, you're seriously considering adoption. Would make more sense; go find a kid who has gotten the short end of the stick and see if you can lend a hand.

Ultimately, this is still pretty far away. Ideally, you'd want to build up a nest egg so large that even getting divorced, fired, and blacklisted from the market will still allow you to raise a kid comfortably. Basically, you want to try after all of the above normal problems Sophie mentioned are covered with contingency plans.
No. 1100708 ID: 23cf5d

What permanent damage? It's not like you're a pristine good that needs to be preserved forever and ever for the ideal person, which, by the way, might just be Henry, who happens to want this. Sounds like just an excuse to disapprove of your marriage.
As of kids, well, maybe you're ready?... perhaps?... You're totally mature enough to raise another you!
No. 1100717 ID: d58817

Well, you know, you aren't actually saying you've thrown away your protection and you're already trying, you're just thinking about it, just keeping your mind open. You both agree that the cost is a real issue, and that you still need to pay off your school debt and find a place of your own before you really need to make a hard decision. But it's something he really wants, and you love him, and it would be really nice to do it for him--with him, if you decide it's something you want to pursue.

But the marriage isn't at risk of falling apart. You've been very happy together, and expect to stay happy together. And that mitigates the sting of the loss of freedom; you want to spend the rest of your life to him, so kids wouldn't make you much more tied down than you would already be. You trust Henry to stick with you--he's proven his loyalty and dedication. You're confident that you're both in it for the long haul. It's a big commitment, yeah, but it would be a part of the commitment you've already sworn to share the rest of your lives with each other.

It would probably be good for any prospective kids, too. Henry's loyal and hard-working, and he wants to be a dad; he'd probably be good at it! You know any family with him as part of the foundation is built on solid ground. Raising kids is hard, but you know that you won't be alone in raising them, and that with his support, the kids aren't going to want for attention or any necessity.

You don't need to say out loud to Sophie that the one thing that could cause the marriage to start to unravel is far less likely to be a dealbreaker if a kid's involved. For one, having a baby is about the least manly thing you can do, and you'll be able to play that as a trump card if he ever has doubts. And even if your relationship does start to sour (not that it would), a kid with him would probably make him less likely to walk. His loyalty wouldn't allow it, and his commitment to raising the kids in a stable family would trump a desire to leave.
No. 1100723 ID: e8b04c

Would not Jess get horny at the thought of damaging there body "i am going to damage it either way"
No. 1100728 ID: 23cf5d

Try not to get too hot and bothered at the idea (But totally do because you're a freak)
No. 1100764 ID: f1368b
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“Those reasons are all still true, I’d say. It’s hard to explain, but I kinda trust Henry more now? I wouldn’t have married him if I didn’t love him, but he’s really shown that he’s reliable. We’re happy and I think this crazy thing we have is going to last. Having kids is still a long way away since we have to get our own place first, but like yeah, I kinda feel ready?”

Sophie sighs. “You do both have your shit together, weirdly enough.”

>Get horny at the thought of pregnancy complications
“And if I’m lucky I’ll have a c-section. Can you imagine getting cut open like that? I don’t want an epidural so I’ll probably see and feel everything and it’ll scar. Otherwise I can ask for the husband stitch.” Jess nudges Sophie, feral grin plastered on her face. The rabbit rolls her eyes, used her friend’s blasphemy.

“Okay, and I promise this is the last time I’ll bother you about this, but what about the fact that you’re a guy? Men can have kids and everything but you’re going to be stuck in the societal mom role.”

>Get horny at the thought of playing tradwife forever
“Sophie, you gotta stop dirty talking me while I’m high.” Jess complains. “I’m married, for cryin’ out loud. Also, and this isn’t the reason I want kids, it’s a bonus, it’ll make Henry feel more secure cause he still worries about that too. Don’t need him psyching himself out.”

The joint is down to a finger singing nub and Jess scrapes the refuse against the concrete with the heel of her sandals before tossing it in the trash. She gives Sophie a meek, hopeful side-eye as they take the stairs to Terrence’s apartment, which the rabbit returns with a small smile. Seems like they’ve reached an understanding.
No. 1100765 ID: f1368b
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Terrence welcomes them into his crowded but well organized vanilla candle scented abode, and they take their seats at the round plastic folding table already set up with painted figures and the meticulously hand drawn map. Kai is a little late, but redeems themself by bringing the pizza, cheese for them and meat lovers for everyone else. After inhaling a slice of greasy goodness, Jess leans back in her chair and pops the tab on a can of beer with a muffled burp.

What does Jess do for this session?
A. Play studious (talk more with Terrence)
B. Play detached (talk more with Kai)
C. Play horny (talk more with Sophie)
No. 1100766 ID: cb76eb

No. 1100769 ID: 6c233e

No. 1100774 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1100779 ID: ef6d0c

C, but I still wanna interact with the other friends tho.

I need to see how far Jess' horny hole goes. It almost feels like horny is some sort of coping mechanism for her.
No. 1100780 ID: f58fa5


Kai looks like a traumatized chihuahua about to bolt and I'm starting to get worried about our poor lanky friend.
No. 1100828 ID: f1368b
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>Is her sadism and masochism some kind of coping mechanism?
Hm, well her parents are divorced and Jess doesn’t talk to either of them much anymore. Apart from that, there’s no big traumatic event she can point to as instigating her BDSM instincts or transness. The world is a scary place full of pain, injustice, and existential dread, and she figures it’s better to accept those things rather than hide from them, so in a way it could be a coping mechanism for being alive. People like doing things that give them the happy chemicals and that happens to be kink for Jess.

>B, talk to Kai
The striped jackal seems more stressed than usual, which is saying something. Jess absently acts through the dangling treats of loot, town shops with armor upgrades, and even the barkeep with the big gut and bushy beard to have a quiet conversation with her friend on the side.

“Hey Kai, how’s it going? You hangin’ in there?”

Kai looks up from their character sheet. “No. Marn texted me again and I didn’t want to talk to them but I still have feelings that I don’t know how to process so I just feel scared that no one will ever love me or get me again and it sucks.”
No. 1100829 ID: f1368b
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“Breakups are the worst. We all like you and think you’re cool though. You don’t need romance to have self-worth.”

“I know, I know. That kinda makes me feel more guilty because I’ve been such a sad sack of shit lately. I wish I could fast forward to the end of school, and then fast forward again to the end of residency because that’ll be a pain.” They rub their forehead with a lean hand. “I wanted to be a doctor to help people, but the healthcare system is so messed up that it seems pointless. Also I don’t want to spend my life researching some disease only for people to not think it even exists.”

Jess has some second-hand knowledge of this since Henry sometimes complains about crazy patients and everyone knows about the markups for medical pricing.

What can she do to help?
A. Advise Kai to change careers
B. Invite Kai to come talk to Henry about love and medicine
C. Other (suggest)
No. 1100830 ID: 7277d0

B. Like doctors do, refer to their more specialized colleagues. Refocus on the game. You're here to have fun.
No. 1100831 ID: eb0a9c

C) Tell Marn to try out some new things for a while, take a break from routine. Maybe there's a solution out there.
No. 1100874 ID: d4d7d9

C. Admit to Kai that you understand feeling lost and scared, and even sometimes you wonder if the path you took towards happiness is going to be right. Then remind him that just like you had to accept you're never going to EVER be a guy in ANYONE'S EYES EVER because you LIED TO YOUR HUSBAND ABOUT A MAJOR PART OF YOURSELF, everyone has to sacrifice something for lurv.

Also my dude, please just get help and consider if you really love the situation you're in.
No. 1100890 ID: 6c233e

B) maybe Henry could get them some hands on experience. Get a real feel for the work, see if they could live with it.
No. 1100934 ID: 71fafc

C. Seek out and devour the entire board of directors of the local private healthcare company. The time comes for the meek to inherit the Earth! (And would be very fitting thematical for Jess' increasing mental instability)


Or we could encourage Kai to hold onto the love of both people and healthcare. The system being stacked against genuine altruism doesn't mean there is no room for them.
Join a non-profit; inform the patients of the loopholes and fine prints in their insurances; make sure the anesthesia lasts until the end of the surgery!

Oh, and tell Kai that if Marn were truly sorry, that pan-golin would curl up and rolly-rolly-roll around.
Kai always loved the rolly-rolly-rolly.
No. 1100955 ID: f1368b
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>Consider B
It’d be nice to share the emotional labor of constant reassurances, but a frisson of guilt up her spine makes Jess pause. Her friends haven’t seen Henry since the wedding and Kai would definitely notice his missing finger. Combine that with their knowledge that she’s a rabid freak of a guy and any contact between parties suddenly shoots up her internal risk ranking into the ‘avoid at all costs’ category. Whew, okay, no problem, good thing she realized before she promised Kai anything. They can continue with the current holding pattern without issue.

>C, encourage them and offer to talk to Marn
“Even though things are shitty, you can still hold onto your love for people and desire to help, Kai. There’s always a need for doctors all over the world, there’s nonprofits and aid organizations that could use your talents. Also, I’ve made a choice you all thought was crazy and I’m happy, if you follow your heart I really believe it’ll work out.”

Kai gives a feeble shrug.

“Marn needs to give you time to process your breakup, I’m gonna talk to them and tell ‘em to chill, if that’s okay with you.”

“I don’t know…”

“I’ll be nice about it, I promise. You take care of yourself, okay? Get outside and go on some nature walks to change up your routine.”
No. 1100956 ID: f1368b
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When Kai finally nods, Jess pats them on the back and tries to refocus on the game. She’ll shoot a text to Marn later. It’ll be a little awkward since she mostly knows the pangolin through Kai, but she can keep it short and professional.

Terence and Sophie probably overheard most of that, but they don’t comment. The tanuki seems happy to have their full attention and does indeed introduce the next piece of the lore on their mission to assemble the giant hollow golem of legends.

When she gets home, Henry has managed to fall asleep. Jess sneaks around the bedroom as quietly as possible until she’s ready to crawl into bed.

>A few days later
Jess drowses on the sofa after lunch, cheap embroidery hoop dangling from her fingers, when the sound of a cursory knock on the door makes her leap to her feet. The shock collar is finally here! Henry comes running to unpack the small cardboard box with her, and they kneel side by side on the carpet to reverently handle the straps and electronics. She’s dying to try it on, but they’re supposed to leave and do an escape room with Henry’s friends in half an hour.

A. The collar can wait, go socialize!
B. Stay home to test it on herself
No. 1100985 ID: 6c233e

A) its an incentive to escape the escape room.

Although... if you wore it under your clothes on a low setting and had Henry give you a little jolt every time you get a puzzle wrong, that would make the activity more exciting eh? No, you shouldn't, his friends would notice. So tempting though.
No. 1100987 ID: cb76eb

Anything good is worth waiting for. This just means both of you will be on point figuring out the escape room.
No. 1100994 ID: eb0a9c

B) And remember to hold onto your controller for Henry. It's time to disprove most of mutually-assured destruction for fun and sex!
No. 1101001 ID: f2320a

C) both wear the collar and socialize.
Either she will get turned on by this so its used as reward or its just pain
No. 1101030 ID: d58817


I don't think it's a good idea to wear a shocker out for your first time. Calibrate it and see how your body reacts before escalating to something in public.

Moreover, you want to be good as your word, and it's wrong to ditch your friends. You'll have plenty of time afterwards to electrocute each other. Just remember that it's probably best yo avoid actually wearing it around the neck, your brain is right there, and it can be dangerous.
No. 1101078 ID: 23cf5d

+1 for 'Y not both?' Sounds thrilling doesn't it?
No. 1101083 ID: f1368b
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>Why not both?
There’s one collar and one remote, which rests heavy in her palm. Jess feels hot under her fur, tingles around her neck. How would those straps feel as they tightened around her throat? The metal nodes pinching her trachea or resting on her spine, threatening pain at any moment? Devastating anticipation. She wants it so bad.

“Henry, we could charge the battery for thirty minutes and then I can put it on and it’ll make the escape room more exciting. We can keep it on the low setting.” She nuzzles into his shoulder and wraps her tail around his butt. “Pretty pretty please?”

For a moment it looks like he’s going to grin and tease and wrestle her to the ground, but instead his brow furrows and he tongues his left canine tooth. “I dunno babe, it’d be kinda bold to play with it in front of my friends?”

“But we’ve done lots worse in public! Remember when we got caught having sex in that bar bathroom? Or when you walked me on a leash at the park?”

She’s alarmed to see Henry shake his head firmly, jaw set in a stubborn frown. “No, let’s wait until we’re home. You can be a good girl and stay patient.”
No. 1101084 ID: f1368b
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She’s still worked up and a little mad when she gets in the passenger’s seat of their car. What’s come over Henry recently? He’s gotten–well not boring, not yet, but kind of disappointingly reasonable! There’s nothing wrong with saying he doesn’t want to do something, of course, she just wasn’t expecting him to turn her down. Grrr…

They show up at the escape room where the chipper theater kid of a teenage host hands out consent forms and feeds the tip of their credit cards into the slutty crevice of a handheld reader. Jess eyes the other three adult bodies in close proximity as they file into the spaceship themed set, which apparently is the toughest puzzle in the building. She feels like being a brat right now.

Who will Jess flirt with in retaliation?
A. Becca the dog
B. Mahan the pika
C. Victor the crow
No. 1101096 ID: 6c233e

C) Victor seems level headed, which would make him fun to fluster.
No. 1101098 ID: eb0a9c

This is a bad idea Jess please stop
No. 1101099 ID: cb76eb

As fun as it would be to corrupt the church girl, now is the time to ruffle some feathers.
No. 1101101 ID: 6b70f6

The crow exudes an aura of boring...
The pika... From what you've heard, Henry seems to respect him. He'll screw this up via bro code.

That dog girl though...

A: Becca!
No. 1101103 ID: 23cf5d

If we're gonna be a brat to make a point better aim for where it hurts the most to get Henry to notice.
No. 1101110 ID: d58817


Even if you're not trying to get Henry's goat, you probably have a lot of ammunition you could use to tease Becca.
No. 1101138 ID: 25fb94


No. 1101191 ID: f1368b
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The sensible part of her brain is telling Jess not to be petty, and she compromises by deciding to focus on Becca instead of one of the guys. Henry won’t feel as insecure this way, it’s less likely to be taken as sexual harassment, and she’s been looking for an excuse to tease the good little church girl. The perfect crime in the guise of sisterhood.

Jess sidles up to Becca who’s hanging back from the clue searching action. “Hey Becca, how’s it going? You seeing anyone lately?”

“Um.” Becca does that nervous side eye that shows off the clean chewy whites of her sclera. “No, not really. Same issue I have with finding friends, all of that was a lot easier in college.”

“Oh yeah, when you were shacking it up with Henry.” Jess waggles her eyebrows and chuckles. “Well I think that those prospective Christian boys are missing out, you’re a catch.”

“I really don’t think that’s true.”

An opening! Jess pats Becca on the back with stern encouragement. “That’s bullshit. You’re so pretty–no, you’re drop dead hot and have your life together and believe in love and feeding the poor and stuff. What about bird boy over here?”
No. 1101192 ID: f1368b
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“I-I think Victor’s a nice guy but he’s never shown any interest in me.” Becca admits.

Jess sneaks deeper into Becca’s space where she can smell a subtle coconut conditioner and vanilla chapstick. For the record, she’s bi and doesn’t mind a threesome once in a while. Of course they wouldn’t be able to get as kinky with some hapless vanilla girl like Becca, but it’s nice to mix things up.

“You said it’s been a long time, maybe you need a bit more practice taking the lead. Modern problems need modern solutions! Sometimes the girl needs to initiate.” Jess says.

The dog doesn’t move away even as she fidgets and blushes. Henry glances at them and gives Jess a sneaky thumbs up. Ha! She can’t even be mad that he’s onboard, that’s the pervert she remembers.

How does Jess seduce Becca?
No. 1101207 ID: eb0a9c

TF2 memes
No. 1101208 ID: 8d6a54

Oh that's gay...
Of course! Bloody brilliant!
*demoman sings "money" by pink floyd on the backrground*
No. 1101212 ID: cbc1fe

Thats part of the appeal corrupting the person and vicariously living your fetishes through another person or your husbands but also she is blushing already? And perhaps hubby think you are just being friendly when in actuallity you are loaning his genitals to use on someone else
No. 1101214 ID: 23cf5d

The best way to reach into someone's heart is through the power of comedy.
Also Henry is taking this way too well, which isn't going according to plan...
Good thing marital life has prepared you for both those things!
Time to pull out all the most embarrassingly funny anecdotes about Henry you built up over the years!
No. 1101216 ID: 71fafc

Ah, truly!

Only through petty embarrasment shall you bond with your prospective ladyfriend.
Air out that shameful laundry, this will swoon her for sure!
No. 1101233 ID: f1368b
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>She’s blushing already?
It’s probably from the adrenaline of having Jess so close and the topic of discussion rather than physical attraction. Jess is hot stuff but not that hot. Any mild mannered, touch starved nerd would get flustered.

>Seduce via tf2 memes and funny Henry moments
A bit of an odd choice, but it’ll definitely help to avoid suspicion of any secret sex schemes. Jess releases Becca and fishes out her phone.

“Hey, do you know about the 2007 multiplayer first-person shooter Team Fortress 2?”

“Uh. No? Does this still have to do with taking the lead?”

“Yes.” Jess says firmly. “Geeky girls are in. When I met Henry I showed him my favorite Source Filmmaker videos and he was so intrigued he had to find out more. Here we are, happily married. Watch the pinnacle of characterization and comedy ‘Meet the Spy’ right now.”

“You’re trying to tell me to be myself.” Becca states. She’s starting to reestablish her personal bubble in furtive micromovements.

Jess sighs. Better return to normalcy before Becca loses all respect for her. “Yes, it’s good to be passionate about your hobbies. Even when you’re bad at them! Henry tried to buy a smoker for our balcony a few months ago and we set off the whole building’s fire alarm. He had to sell it online.”
No. 1101234 ID: f1368b
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“And the pulled pork turned out dry.” Henry adds tearfully, as he moves to fiddle with one of the many combination locks among the chrome painted cabinets. No one’s commented on the lack of participation from 40% of the team, but Jess should help soon if they want to finish within the time limit.

She goes for one more pat on the back. “Why don’t you come over to our apartment some time to hang out? It’s easier to talk when we don’t have to escape from a compromised spaceship.”

Becca smiles, which is very cute on her soft doggy face. “Sure, that’d be great.”

They have to ask for a few hints from the teenager but they manage to punch in the final door code and escape with their pride before they run out of imaginary oxygen. On the ride home, Henry squeezes her thigh at a stop light.

“You’re not still mad at me are you?”

“No.” Jess admits. “I still wish I could have worn the collar though.”

“There’s plenty of time for that tonight. I want to have fun with you before I’m not allowed to come.” Henry rubs his big paw up her leg and she shivers with excitement.

What does Jess ask for during the scene this evening? She’ll be wearing the shock collar.
No. 1101256 ID: 6c233e

Roleplay? The captured thief scenario is always fun.
No. 1101317 ID: f2320a

would she just desire violence of being choked and shocked
No. 1101318 ID: f1368b
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>Captured thief scenario
They practice with the shocks beforehand and work up to the point where Jess could bite her own tongue or lips by accident while bantering, which sets the limit for today. Then Henry grabs her from behind and lashes Jess to her own computer chair with his belt and wheels her to the interrogation corner in their bedroom.

Jess puts an angry, defensive look on her face and gets into character. “Let me go man! What the hell are you doing? It was an accident!”

“An accident?” Henry splutters. “You broke into my apartment! I saw you going through my wife’s things!”

“You’re crazy.” Jess sniffs. “Let me go right now and I won’t call the cops on you for kidnapping me over a simple mistake. It’s not a good look to have a woman tied up in your bedroom.”
No. 1101319 ID: f1368b
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Henry sighs and takes out the collar remote and waves it in the air. “See this? I’m going to shock you whenever you lie about what happened and we’ll see how long it takes for you to behave.”

Jess gives her captor a cheeky grin. “Oh I’m so scared. Next you’re gonna threaten to take all my clothes off. That won’t make your wife ask any questions at all.”

The collar plays a high tone before it zaps her, sending unbreakable muscle tension up her neck and across her shoulders. It’s sustained for a couple seconds and she hisses with relief when it stops.

“Maybe I should take your clothes off. Make sure you haven’t hidden anything valuable.” Henry puffs. He’s getting worked up, Jess can tell.

What’s her mid game roleplay strategy?
A. Continue to DARVO
B. Concede and try to negotiate via sexual favors
C. Other (suggest)
No. 1101328 ID: 253c2f

A, just a little bit more. If you piss yourself, all the more reason to get naked.
No. 1101336 ID: 23cf5d

B, If he's getting worked up, so are you, this is what you deserved after all.
No. 1101337 ID: d58817


This is a win-win. It's good for you; you push Henry's buttons, and make him rougher when he finally takes you, as well as getting to enjoy the feeling of the shocks building on each other, making your nerves and muscles sore in a new way. It also gives you the satisfaction of knowing you put up a good fight, and that you're not a total wimp. You're the captive in this situation, but that doesn't mean you can't still be as tough a guy as you can manage.
No. 1101338 ID: eb0a9c

If a cop or a strung-up wannabe hero (or, y'know, both) looked through your window, you'd draw violent attention.

You need to make the scenario more surreal. You're not practicing to be spies, you're trying to sex.

C) Get flustered and try to achieve a hands-free orgasm, or at least approach that so Henry can get grabby and set you off.
No. 1101339 ID: 6c233e

A) If you keep holding out this poor homeowner will get just so frustrated, there's no telling what he'll do to you~
No. 1101340 ID: 0db8d3

C: Escalate. Do your best to trick Henry to lean in close to you, then bite him. Hard.
Savor the taste of his blood. Talk mad shit. See if you can make him actually retaliate. Blur the lines between reality and roleplay until you forget yourselves.
No. 1101345 ID: b4cd2d

A. There wouldn't BE any thieves if you had voted for someone who'd solve the socio-economic divide, mister! This is your choices coming back to haunt you!
No. 1101377 ID: 23cf5d

Changing my previous B vote for this, let's see how far you can push his buttons.
No. 1101378 ID: 4b704a

Surely the way to go!
No. 1101380 ID: f1368b
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Played straight CNC here, skip this update if that’s not your thing

>A, stay combative
Yes, frustrate Henry enough and he’ll finally get aggressive! Play the tough guy, all testosterone and machismo, pick at her husband’s little insecurities about wanting to be a good person. This is her favorite level of realism for play, when her flesh is churning with adrenaline and pain in a way that’ll leave Jess sore tomorrow.

She sneers at Henry. “Is that all you got? You’re a bully, trying to control people with pain. Typical man. I bet your wife will leave you after she finds out what a piece of shit you are.”

The next jolt might have made Jess piss herself if she hadn’t used the bathroom beforehand, and Henry puts down the remote and reaches for her chest while she’s still processing the deep ache. She kicks at his shoulders, deliberately avoiding his face as he wrestles her against the back of the chair while he tries to rip off her top. Once he tears the shitty synthetic fabric Jess takes the opportunity to snap her jaws shut on the nearest piece of his forearm.

“Fuck!” Henry barks. The wolf gets his paw in her hair for leverage to pull himself free before Jess can get a secure grip. He follows up with a cuff across her snout before tugging on her shorts and panties. Jess gives him a little help by subtly lifting her hips, she likes those shorts and doesn’t want the elastic ruined.
No. 1101381 ID: f1368b
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”Oh great, a brute and a rapist.” she puffs, once she’s exposed and Henry’s trailing his fingers up and down her snatch.

“Big talk, you’re the one who’s making a mess. You’re soaked.”

“Yeah yeah, keep trying to make yourself feel better, rapist. You learn your moves from porn?”

This time Henry does look slightly, genuinely pained. Ah okay, time to ease up on the name-calling. She doesn’t have time to get a word in before he shocks her again, hard. Jess muffles a scream in her raw throat and jerks her bound hands against the hard plastic ridges of the chair in an attempt to flee.

“I’m going to shock you while I fuck you and I bet you’ll still get off you fucking whore.” Henry growls. “Let’s see you talk back after that.”

Henry unties and manhandles Jess so that her tear soaked cheeks are rubbing against the comforter with each forceful thrust from behind. He shocks her the moment she starts cumming and she feels herself clamp down on him through her delirium, fuzzy and soaring, vaguely aware when Henry goes soft and pulls himself out of her to collapse in the recently vacated chair.

What does Jess do for aftercare?
No. 1101382 ID: 807cfe

Sit put and probe him to see how he's feeling, and what he wants right now. Ask if you went too far, what parts he did or didn't like, and if he's feeling okay with how it all went. Figure out what he wants before getting up and doing anything.
No. 1101386 ID: cb76eb

Let's start with the thank yous and affirmations. A towel and some water would be appreciated. Maybe watch a Disney movie before bed?
No. 1101387 ID: eb0a9c

Ride him until your butt gives out
No. 1101388 ID: 6c233e

Can she do more than twitch in a heap?

Some massaging of stiff muscles and joints is probably in order.
No. 1101389 ID: 0db8d3

You don't get your moves from just *any* porn; You get them from that [I]good shit[/].
No. 1101392 ID: 7c1f1c

First, take the collar off. Let's not leave room for accidents, playtime is over.

Sit with him in the chair, and be close. Touch him gently, and offer kisses. I think some "thank you"s would help reinforce that he's done something good for you, and that you genuinely enjoy and want more of it--mention specific things he did that you found satisfying. I think it's best to ask if he wants anything before getting it for him; it'll help him feel more in control, and help signal that you're not being combative anymore. I would wait until after that to start breaking things down, and reviewing what you and he liked or didn't like. It's best to do that after you've recovered a little, and have some mental fortitude to spare.
No. 1101396 ID: 90c735

Be a dork and lick his fresh new arm holes.
No. 1101397 ID: 23cf5d

Bite wounds can be surprisingly dangerous if they become infected, time for some TLC, get the bandages and alcohol and don't forget to smooch the pain away, and remind him how much you appreciate him.
Also maybe ask him what he'd like to do next?
No. 1101428 ID: f1368b
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>Put herself back together
Her limbs twitch as Jess swims against the blankets until she’s mostly upright. She unlatches the shock collar and rubs at her wrists, groaning under her breath. The fur between her thighs is a wet, sticky mess. That was a fucking good one.

>See how Henry is doing and check the bite
Jess slides off the bed to lean against the side of her chair and observe the rise and fall of her husband’s fluffy chest. He doesn’t resist, eyes closed, as she leans down to examine his forearm. No blood or puncture wounds, but he might have a bruise. Terribly disappointing, but no one’s perfect. It’s always harder to pierce the skin when there’s a thick layer of fur on top.

She pets his head and scratches his ears until his breathing slows down. He looks over at her and leans in for several kisses.

>Talk to him
“How you doin’ honey? How’s your arm?”

“Great and good.” He yawns and stays in the chair, blinking peacefully. “How was it for you?”

“I loved it, I really felt immersed and the shocks were the right level of brain scrambly. Thanks for doing this with me, you just stay there and I’ll get water and a towel.”

After they’re both cleaned up, they lounge on the couch together while TV plays in the background until it’s time for bed.
No. 1101429 ID: f1368b
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>18 months after the wedding
Henry chews on the side of his right pointer finger, where he’s worn a rough callus under the patchy fur over the last few months, as he examines the printed pictures of carefully staged interiors laid out before him. They didn’t have any luck getting a house in summer and fall and he’s starting to get desperate. It’s the American dream! He wants a perfect grassy lawn and thick creampies in his fertile wife, dammit!

Ok, that last part may be because he’s had four orgasms in half a year. When Henry’s brain isn’t occupied he finds himself daydreaming about plump flesh. Great for adult writing fuel, bad for longterm sanity. God, he misses the pre-collar era, even though it’s been plenty fun playing with it on. He’s not ready to admit defeat quite yet though.

Anyway, he needs to focus. They toured this house for the second time earlier today and they both like it. It’s about 2,000 sq ft and needs some work but they have the money for the down payment and interest rates could be worse. It’s in the burbs closer to Victor so Henry’s commute will be more annoying but it’s a decent location overall.

A. Buy this house before someone else does!
B. Wait for something better
No. 1101431 ID: 807cfe

If you and your wife both like it, and there are no major issues to stop you, then buy it!
No. 1101433 ID: cb76eb

You can always find a closer job.
No. 1101437 ID: f2320a

C) need to actually see the house so you are not being fucked over being sold a white elephant.
Also if the cooming need has been that bad perhaps wife should do something
No. 1101442 ID: d58817


It sounds like this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. It's a bit of a risk if you don't have much back, but if you're confident in your job stability, then take the opportunity. Fat creampies, big, fat ones.

What's the training like? It sounds like she's got you good if you're not even trying to sneak anything on the sly.
No. 1101451 ID: 9290f9

I'd say wait.
"Needs some work" means "There are twice as many hidden issues that you can't see."

At the very least get a private home inspector to give it a look over.
No. 1101457 ID: 23cf5d

Seconding this, impulsively buying something is doomed to end up creating more issues in the long run, and if you don't have enough to buy the perfect house, you definitely don't have enough to pay for repairs.
No. 1101476 ID: f2320a

its what they dont mention is the kidder like the oil pump axle my dad brought that supposed to be like a flat head screw but is sort of drilled in the middle except for some passing mention to avoid legal trouble
No. 1101510 ID: f1368b
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>Tie, default to B
Henry doesn’t feel comfortable buying this house. If he’s already seen a few issues, there’s bound to be a ton of problems the owner isn’t telling them about, and he can’t get a proper professional inspection done until they’ve made an offer. He’d regret this impulsive decision for the rest of his life if it turned out badly! Better to wait for something better.

He sighs and collects the papers into a pile on the corner of his desk before going to find Jess in her office.

>What’s training been like?
Nothing too different from the usual day to day. Jess taught him some all-fours poses to hold when she gives the signal, he’s been eating pussy like a champ, and he finished a big chunk of his video game backlog. He wears the collar when he’s home and only gets shocked hard when he really messes up, like by coming or being rebellious.
No. 1101511 ID: f1368b
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He kneels on the rug next to Jess and waits for her to finish the email she’s working on.

“What’s up?”

“I don’t think I want to make an offer on the house. It’s nice on the outside but there’s too many problems.”

He watches her trace her snout with a dark blue painted claw. “Anything in particular?”

“It’s my strong masculine instincts.” Henry explains. “I could smell the asbestos they were hiding in the attic.”

Jess laughs. “I mean, it was an older house, so who knows. We’ll keep looking.”
He stays by her feet, waiting for a dismissal. Instead, Jess checks her phone and suddenly sits up straight.

“Oh, Becca wants to come over to hang out today. I’ve been meaning to ask, you want to fuck her, right? We can have a threesome if we convince her that it won’t magically turn her into a bad person. You’d get special orgasm privileges if it happens.”

A. Yes! All according to plan.
B. Compelling idea, dear wife, but Becca is just a hot, platonic friend.
No. 1101516 ID: 0db8d3

Careful though, "Yes" is loaded. Reply In an affirmative that does not acknowledge her entire statement.

Something like...
I would very much enjoy such a threesome. You spoil me, my most beautiful and intelligent wife.
*Tense up your body so you start to vibrate, begin to foam at the mouth, and then, shooting up into a dramatic standing position with your arms and head raised high scream:*
No. 1101518 ID: eb0a9c

A) But only if Jess has been plowing her.
No. 1101519 ID: cb76eb

No. 1101523 ID: 807cfe

It's gotta be A, sounds too fun to deny the idea.
No. 1101524 ID: 6c233e

A) As long as Jess has a plan to play it off as a joke if Becca doesn't go for it.
No. 1101531 ID: 23cf5d

Is Jess asking you about having funtime with your soft best friend slash past love you respectfully still steal glances at to this day, consensually with your kinky wife on board in a mutual agreement?
Someone needs to pinch you, because this is a christmas miracle!
No. 1101560 ID: b8457b


Yes, you want to fuck her, she's always been a fun lay. If you're too excited about it, though, you might get shocked. It should be Jess's idea, though; I assume they have the rapport at this point, and Becca will be more receptive to the idea if it comes from her. It might even pay to play up a sense of disinterest the moment of; "Really? Me? Well, if you're sure..."

Uunless, of course, you want to do something crazy, like blindfold Becca and tell her that it's Jess using a toy when it's actually Henry.
No. 1101578 ID: f1368b
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>A, but don’t show too much excitement
“Sounds fun.”

Jess raises an eyebrow. “Just fun?”

“Sounds like a Christmas miracle to have two gorgeous, beloved women at the same time. You spoil me, my most esteemed wife.” Henry says regally. “But my friendship with Becca is of utmost importance and I hope you have a plan for if things go awry.”

“Well let’s see, I think she’s picked up on my flirting so she shouldn’t be surprised at the proposal–if sex happens there’s potential post coital regret, catching feelings, you could knock her up by accident and then fall into delusions of a harmonious hypothetical polycule, we could be too rough for her taste, who knows.”

“I’m not that sentimental.” Henry grumbles, and then jumps when the shock tone plays, though there isn’t any actual followup.

“Best to be prepared for the worst, darlin’. She’ll be here in a couple hours and we’re going to make cookies, all three of us. We should act normal, so take some time without the collar.”
No. 1101580 ID: f1368b
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Henry does as he’s told. After securing the shock collar in its box he puts on some real clothes instead of just wearing his bathrobe over boxers and makes sure his fur is presentable.

Ah Becca, soft, sweet, morally upstanding Becca. Though he’d like to think he’s above sentimentality, he can see himself fooling around with her a lot more than once, with Jess present and consenting, of course. It wouldn’t work as his sole relationship because of their kink differences, but God is that dog hot.

And while he doesn’t want Jess to be in a masculine role normally, there’s also the appeal of his wife topping another woman. Corrupting her with pleasure and all that. No strap-ons allowed on his watch though! Any girl on girl action is going to be hand and mouth powered.

Jess texts him the recipes and Henry memorizes them as he paces the living room until there’s a timid knock on the door. How does he seduce Becca?
No. 1101583 ID: 6c233e

Charm, looking good in a sweater, and innuendos. Is the kneady girl ready to heat things up in the kitchen?
No. 1101602 ID: 82546d

How did he seduce her in the first place actually? His good boy thats baaadd energy perhaps that subtle fix me allure
No. 1101609 ID: 7b91f1

Wear the shock to showcase your solidarity towards dogs and their brutal oppression.

Reasure her you'd never own a dog. Unprompted.
Adressing the issue before she even asks will prove her your sincerity.
No. 1101615 ID: cb76eb

Time to bust out some of that old knowledge. Favorite foods, favorite drinks and such. Lots of sincere attention and goofy smiles that won her over the first time.
No. 1101616 ID: eb0a9c

Wear fake boobs
No. 1101629 ID: f1368b
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>Wear fake boobs
>Compare Becca to a pet dog
Sadly, this is not the time for crossdressing or bringing up the fantasy of keeping a sex slave.

>Wear the collar
Henry is under direct orders from Jess not to wear the collar, which he fully supports since he doesn’t want Becca and therefore Victor and Mahan getting on his ass about it.

>Charm with that good boy who’s bad energy
>Bust out the college nostalgia
>Be attentive and warm
That’s the stuff! Henry knows he’s rocking his sweater, and nursing hasn’t worn down his great physique and cute face yet. And ah, those stressful school years crushed under the same heavy workload, he and Becca bonded over late night instant ramen and study parties plenty of times until they ended up in each other’s pants.
No. 1101630 ID: f1368b
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Henry gets the door and welcomes Becca into the kitchen after the pooch takes off her slushy boots. She’s wearing a lumpy wool sweater, possibly handmade, and Henry asks her questions about it while he gets all of the ingredients on the counter. A quick wife check shows Jess is hanging back and letting him lead, and Henry keeps the stream of conversation flowing naturally until the first batch of cookies is assembled and they’re just waiting for the oven to preheat.

Henry decides to bring up the sex question now since the vibe seems good. “Hey Becca, you know us, we’re kind of big perverts. Me and Jess have talked about it and we want to extend a formal invitation to you to have a threeway, but only if you feel comfortable with the idea.”

As expected, Becca blushes pink and fiddles with her sweater. “Oh! Um, I don’t know, I think you’re both attractive but I don’t want to get between your marriage or make things awkward between us.”

Jess comes from behind with the interception, putting her hands on Becca’s hips. Henry’s surprised at how well Becca takes the touch, have they been this handsy before? “We don’t want that either, honey. We don’t have to go all the way, you can see how you’re feeling after some cuddling and you can even take the lead and tell us what to do.”

Becca looks up at Henry, who gives her a kind smile, and then nods. “Let’s finish the cookies then we can see.” she says, voice firm.

A. Volunteer to cuddle with Becca first
B. Let Jess and Becca get even more touchy feely
No. 1101631 ID: c9fd77

A) Cuddles and feeding her cookies
No. 1101632 ID: ab1d98

Let her get comfortable with familiar territory. Then Jess can work in tandem with you to work this dog over.
No. 1101633 ID: 6c233e

No. 1101644 ID: b8457b


Jess has been in the driver's seat so far in this reconquista, and I think it's probably a safe play to let her take things the rest of the way. You can work your way in by cuddling Jess, when the time is right, and from there, you can start touching Becca a little more. That might also provide some reassurance that she's not intruding.
No. 1101646 ID: eb0a9c

B) This is why she's letting you plow Becca
let her do this it's so hot and you know it
No. 1101715 ID: f1368b
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>A, feed her cookies
While watching Jess and Becca go at it sounds hot, dwelling on college memories made Henry nostalgic too, and he wants to indulge in some light feederism. The first batch of snickerdoodles comes out of the oven and once they’re cool enough to keep their shape, Jess assumes control of cooking duty while he and Becca take a plate to the couch.

He carefully picks up a warm cluster of fat and sugar and takes a huge bite. Becca leans into his lap and finishes the cookie, lips brushing his fingers. Instant boner. He’s regretting the trim slacks over comfy sweatpants now.

Becca notices, because she’s always been an attentive lady, and opens her mouth for another cookie while kneading Henry’s thighs. He hangs on every sound of her chewing, hand going to pet her head as she swallows.

“You like that a lot, huh? I remember you always said nice things about my weight.” Becca leans into the petting and sighs. “I’ve kind of given up trying to get skinny but my mom still gives me a hard time about it.”

“She should leave you alone.” Henry says firmly. “You have my permission to eat as much tasty stuff as you want and if it makes you softer and cuter then that’s awesome.”
No. 1101716 ID: f1368b
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Becca checks behind her on what Jess is doing and the fox gives her a big toothy smile over a tray of peanut butter chocolate chip. The dog’s practically in Henry’s lap now, and she puts her hands on his shoulders before she meets his eyes.

“Can we kiss?”


She tastes like cinnamon sugar and Henry sighs into her soft tongue. The sweater is a tough, unforgiving garment, and Henry slips his hands under the hem to fondle Becca’s stomach.

“Here, it’s too hot anyway…” Becca tugs at the thick wool and with Henry’s help gets it over her head. She tosses it to the floor and leans back in.

They’re mostly naked and horizontal by the time Jess waltzes over to join them. Henry takes his mouth off Becca’s breasts and sits up at attention immediately.

“You two seem like you’re havin’ fun, make some room.” she pats Henry until he lifts Becca up so she can sit and put the dog’s head in her lap. She toys with Becca’s ears and starts murmuring filthy encouragement.

How does Henry get Becca off?
No. 1101719 ID: cb76eb

Time for dinner, Henry. Make sure to have a hand on her belly and fupa for that petting and praise.
No. 1101721 ID: 69e532

Honestly a thing that works for both sets of genitals is gentle preassure around the pelvic region low at the base sort of feeling the pelvic bone bracing the genitals then massaging up and down doing small circles sort of makes orgasms easier while not on its own pushing over the edge
No. 1101723 ID: b8457b

Word on the street is that he's eating pussy like a champ. I agree, this is a great time to put his training to the test. I assume we'll even be able to do a before-and-after comparison this way.
No. 1101730 ID: f2320a

Also cant forget we have our cumming privileges now so probably going hogwild inside her filling our pie with cream
No. 1101737 ID: 6c233e

Becca shouldn't be the only one to get a tasty treat. Lick that honeypot.
No. 1101775 ID: f1368b
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>Play with her belly and eat her out
Henry has literally trained for this. He drapes himself over the armrest so that his snout is resting in the perfect position to press his tongue into Becca’s worn, off-white panties. She shivers and starts to whine as he takes both hands and massages around her pelvic bones where her thighs connect to her torso with small steady circles before squeezing her fupa and sliding his snout between cloth and damp, musky flesh.

Henry shows off a bit as he dives in with his long, flat tongue. Compared to his coordination and stamina in college, current Henry is an Olympic athlete of the munch. His ears listen intently for any feedback from Becca or orders from Jess as he works his mouth in consistent, firm motions. Gets a few fingers in there to support the licking and flicking. The most important things are patience in finding out what Becca likes the most and persistence in doing it until she comes.

Becca has a smaller clit than Jess, and she responds beautifully to extra attention there, writhing and clamping her plump thighs around his head as she whimpers and comes. Henry slows, but doesn’t completely stop until Jess gives him the order to surface.

No. 1101776 ID: f1368b
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>Fill her with cream
"Such a good boy.” his wife drawls. “How ya feelin’ Becca? Mind if Henry fills you up next?”

“Unnnnhhhh, yeah, give me a second.”

>Condom integrity check (87% chance of success for average use): Success
Unprotected sex when he doesn’t know what Becca is doing for birth control is a big no-no. Henry takes the break as an opportunity to go to the bedroom and get a condom, which he carefully rolls onto his dick, then applies a pump of lube for low friction action.

It’s a good thing he’s already primed Becca because the moment he presses in he has to take a fortifying breath. Oh fuck it’s been so long since he got to come, he has to think about emptying bedpans or he’s going to blow into that plush velvety heat. Thankfully, this time he has Jess helping. The fox pinches and tugs at Becca’s squishy tits as he slowly picks up speed until the dog howls once more. He hunches over and gives a few good thrusts before he’s spilling his brains out.

“I can’t believe we actually did that.” Becca pants. “Wow. Er, I hope I didn’t make a mess, it’s been a while…”

“You were perfect, honey.” Jess says firmly.

>Feelings avoidance check: Success
Henry squints down at Becca as he carefully takes off the condom and ties it shut. She’s still a radiant maternity goddess that he wants to stuff with fast food and melted ice cream until she can’t move, but he doesn’t think he’s in love or anything. Jess is still his one and only.

What does Henry say to conclude the visit?
No. 1101781 ID: 6c233e

Becca's an amazing woman, soft and warm inside and out. She's going to find someone who appreciates her one of these days, and make them the luckiest person in the world.
No. 1101782 ID: cb76eb

She's always welcome to visit, weather fooling around or not. It's good to have friends. Plus you can help her with connecting to new friends.
No. 1101784 ID: f2320a

Like to keep doing this your wife approves so why not live out your collage dreams she can be third thing Jess and you agreed would be to much to be yourselves, close to loving her but not "love" love, closer then a friend but less then wife more emotional closeness to a pet but you also fuck her.

Say something about how wonderful if she visits more often but first either fucking wife ontop of Becca as they kiss and cuddle or aftercare where we all cuddle, eat cookies watching a movie
No. 1101812 ID: b8457b

The main priority should be to keep her on the hook. You want to be able to do this again, and with any luck, to do more more frequently.

Praise her, tell her what a good dog she is, and say that you hope she can drop by more often. Suggest some chaste activity you can do together the three of you--more baking, watching a movie, doing a jigsaw, something you know she likes from your time together previously--and send her on her way with a kiss to the cheek.
No. 1101847 ID: f1368b
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>Keep her hooked
Henry really wants to do this again and he makes sure Becca is comfortable and has lots of water and fresh cookies as she puts her clothes back on and cuddles with Jess on the couch.

“You’re always welcome to come here as long as you want, Becca. It doesn’t have to be for sex, me and Jess really love hanging out with you. Maybe you can even meet some of Jess’s friends, they’re not your usual crowd but they’re all cool.” Henry says. “Hey, I remember you like jigsaw puzzles, let’s start a 1,000 piece one on the coffee table and we can work on it when you want to chill.”

>Becca feelings avoidance check: Result hidden
“Sounds great.” Becca smiles. She seems much more relaxed after two orgasms and they chill and chat, hands in each other’s fur, until she says she needs to go. Henry hurries to prepare a plastic wrapped plate of cookies for the dog to take home.
No. 1101848 ID: f1368b
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Once the apartment door shuts, Henry waits a respectful couple of seconds for Becca to make it out of earshot before he grabs Jess and kisses her hungrily.

“That was so hot. It was fucking amazing.” he mumbles into her gleeful smile. “Please let me fuck her again, mistress.”

“I need a turn first. You were a very good boy today, darling. We sat around a bit, did you have time to process? Any potential regrets?”

“No, no I think I’m good. I still like her as a friend, of course, but after we fucked I kind of thought about her as a sex pet. Does that make sense? Like I want to make sure she’s satisfied and happy because I’m a good owner.”

“Makes sense, she’s got subby energy. Once you’re ready, put your collar back on and help me with the dishes.”

What does Henry focus on for the next few weeks?
A. House hunting
B. Submission to Jess
C. Time with Becca
No. 1101857 ID: b8457b


This moves us closer to multiple life goals at once. By finding a place to call our own, we're that much closer to a litter with Jess. And this leaves Jess free to pursue Becca, giving her the turn she asked for, and letting us be close to getting inside her again.
No. 1101859 ID: cb76eb

We love the grind. Plus you might get rewarded.
No. 1101869 ID: f2320a

A) but also we should get the shock collar on wife as it was intended for herself and is more pleasurable for her
No. 1101895 ID: f1368b
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>A, full steam ahead!
The fantasy of Jess with a pregnant belly, pups running around his feet, and smoking meat on their very own porch is too sweet to ignore. Henry must mobilize all of his worldly experience and financial acumen to secure a property and achieve his dreams. As a bonus, Jess will be a lot more relaxed once they’ve settled the search.

Henry begins by contacting their realtor to express his great urgency. She’s been nice, if a little pushy, for the whole process, and she’s thrilled to hear that he wants to visit every new build even vaguely near their budget. He and Jess spend their weekends driving across the city, chasing their realtor’s long, scaly tail.
No. 1101896 ID: f1368b
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Three possibilities pop up at around the same time. They’ve visited them all and it’s time to make a final choice. Henry chews his fingers bloody as he deliberates.

1. A 1,500 sq ft townhouse close to the hospital. Relatively cheap, but would get crowded with more than a couple kids.

2. A 4,000 sq ft house in a new development a ways away from the city. Henry’s commute will be about 40 minutes each way, but the yard is huge and it’s affordable.

3. A fully modernized and remodeled 3,000 sq ft house in the suburbs. Convenient location with a modest yard, but Henry would need to ask for a loan from his parents for the down payment.

None have any major hidden issues. Which property does Henry choose?
No. 1101906 ID: b8457b

I say (3), but provisionally.

What's your timeline for having kids, and what's the timeline for paying back your folks? You should probably have only the bank to worry about before you put buns in ovens, and if it would take long enough to pay back your folks
that your window for bringing kids into the world is significantly diminished, then it's probably not worth it.

Otherwise, saving nearly an hour and a half of your life every day adds up quick, especially when that's time you could be spending with the kids. Being there for them is more important than giving them a bigger playground. The only reason I think it might not be worth it is if the loan prevents you from having as many kids as you want.
No. 1101917 ID: 23cf5d

2 sounds pretty good actually, largest option, affordable, owe nothing to no one like a bright shining example of an adult that have their life figured to a T, and what's an hour in a day anyways? Sure it adds up to a substantial amount of time in a life, but you can totally make it up by living a bit faster in your daily routine.
And if it gets too irritating or inconvenient for some reasons, it's not like you don't have a few years ahead to make new plans and swap places.
No. 1101921 ID: eb0a9c

1) Seems like the obvious choice. Quick access to a hospital means you don't have to worry about medical issues with good insurance. Kids these days aren't exactly the spacious type, so just buy them some high-end computers and encourage tinkering over running ragged around an empty room.
No. 1101941 ID: a7a180

2 sounds pretty good, that commute isn't the worst thing ever.
No. 1101947 ID: c11961

3) but provisional we need to look into how long it would take to pay the loan beacuse 40 minutes everyday doing nothing ads up thats about a hour not home or doing your wife depending on the job also means waking up earlier then there is a hour back everyday so you lose about 2 to 3 hours roughy everyday driving
No. 1101956 ID: 6c233e

1) that time with the kids instead of commuting will add up. And who can afford more than a few kids these days anyway.
No. 1101965 ID: d4d7d9

1) The good news about it being cheaper and closer to your job is that you can always save up any money you didn't dunk into the house and put it towards a bigger and better place down the line. Your first house is likely not going to be your last house, and it'll be awhile before you manage to have enough kids to warrant it being a problem.
No. 1102029 ID: f1368b
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>The townhouse
There’s great appeal in the convenience and price of the townhouse. In terms of location it’ll be easy to keep visiting with their city dwelling friends and vice versa, even without considering the work commute. On the money side, Henry’s wary of what asking for financial help from his parents would look like, they just visited for the holidays and his mom is still pestering him about his finger.

Mind made up, Henry sits at his desk and loudly grieves the loss of his dream yard, with much sighing and wailing and gnashing of teeth. It won’t be fun living life under the thumb of an HOA at the whims of potentially shitty same-wall neighbors, but they can decide to upgrade later in life. Surely the housing economy won’t go to even worse shit? They can fit a couple kids in there, and that might be all they can afford anyway.
No. 1102031 ID: f1368b
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Jess is elated when Henry tells her his choice, which makes his heart sing. She leaps out of her chair and jumps bodily into his arms and they spin around in her office, giggling with joy.

“This is so exciting, hun! Let’s tell the realtor right now–depending on when everything gets settled we’ll need to work out what we’re doing for the apartment lease and how we’re going to move everything–”

The next few weeks are a firehose of first-time home buyer jitters. There’s the earnest money, the inspection, wiring the hefty down payment that could be secretly a scam and ruin their finances forever, and finally, signing his life over for a 30-year loan. Jesus, in thirty years he’ll be an old wolf!

Jess keeps him on a tight leash sexually and he’s chomping at the bit by the time they’ve moved the last bit of furniture and handed over the apartment keys to their landlord.

How does Henry convey to Jess that he really wants to get her pregnant now?
No. 1102033 ID: cb76eb

Calmly and collectively inform her that shock collar or not, you'll be tying the proverbial knot like the dog you are.
No. 1102035 ID: b8457b

Tell her! Walk her into the new place and say that you're eager to get started on your family together, maybe after feeling her up a bit and doing some preparatory grinding. If the collar is an issue, maybe ask permission, maybe say that this is gonna be worth getting shocked for...!
No. 1102036 ID: eb0a9c

Restrain yourself until you make a million. You have it good, so try to prepare for up to four children at once.

And first, go to the orphanage. See if you can find a kid you like.
No. 1102042 ID: 6c233e

Good boys and good wifes that buy a house together deserve pups. But more seriously, its time to bring their love to fruition.
No. 1102079 ID: f1368b
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>Tell her!
Henry waits until their first weekend in the new place, tucked under the covers with his wife’s warm body next to his before he brings it up again. He’s wearing the collar and when he swallows he can feel the prongs against his throat.

“Jess, you remember when you said we could talk about having kids once we got our own place? I’ve been thinking about that a lot.”

“Yeah?” Jess presses against him so he can feel her small breasts against his side. “You want to start trying?”

“We can build up our savings a little first, but then definitely.” He grinds against her in turn, ignoring the mental warnings to be demure and obedient in case he gets a shock. “Good little wives like you deserve to be filled with pups.”

The collar doesn’t chirp but he can feel himself sweating.
No. 1102080 ID: f1368b
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Jess pulls back slightly. “Do you still want to be submissive during this or are you ready for something else?”

Henry considers this for a few seconds. It’s been fun, but not something he wants to focus on super long term. “I’m done with the collar.” he says.

Jess shifts and sits up in the dark. “Can I take it off of you?”

“Yes please.”

His wife’s delicate fingers feel around his neck for the slightly worn straps and sets him free. It’s a surprisingly big relief and he feels his shoulders relax into his pillow.

“What do you want to do with this? I don’t mind taking a turn, or if you’re sick of it we can put it in the toy collection for later.” Jess murmurs.

A. Have Jess wear the collar and start conditioning her
B. Put the collar to rest except for notable occasions
No. 1102081 ID: 0a3acc

No. 1102082 ID: 807cfe

A, Try some role swapping.
No. 1102083 ID: cb76eb

It won't be too long before it comes out again. Role reverse the first roleplay you two did with it.
No. 1102086 ID: 6c233e

A) turnabout is fair play. plus if you have kids it will be hard to find time for it.
No. 1102093 ID: 19865b

A) and she will enjoy it more, will be positive reinforcement for her probably
No. 1102097 ID: b8457b


It's probably not a good idea to shock her while she's pregnant, so get while the getting is good.
No. 1102133 ID: f1368b
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>A, play hard while they still can
Henry doesn’t want to shock Jess while she’s pregnant and he’s eager for a chance to swap the roles and be in charge, so that means the collar stays in play.

“You should put it on right now.” he says huskily. “Pass me the remote after.”

“Yes sir.” Jess secures the straps around her neck and then gives him the remote from her bedside table. He’s not actually going to shock her while they’re sleeping, since that seems like an asshole thing to do, but he likes the heft of the hunk of plastic in his paw. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Not since the captured thief roleplay.

“We can talk about the details tomorrow morning, I’m t-tired.” Jess yawns. “Don’t want to get too excited and not sleep.”

She flops on her side and wriggles down into the warm blankets, tugging on his hand until Henry joins her.
No. 1102134 ID: f1368b
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The next morning he wakes up early and makes French toast for breakfast in their shiny new kitchen with soapstone countertops. Jess takes her time in the shower and wanders in with her fur still damp. Henry greets her with two slices of toast with maple syrup and juicy orange slices.

She’s wearing the collar and one of his sweaters, which frames her neck nicely. What does Henry want to train Jess to do while she’s wearing the collar? What behavior should he reinforce?
No. 1102136 ID: cb76eb

She's going to be eating real good for a while. She must.
No. 1102145 ID: 90b21b

Train the ability to suppress addiction to carbs, make her concentrate on every nutrient she takes.

Then make her imagine having a thick dick and plowing you.
No. 1102152 ID: f2320a

what does that mean? i mean the first part. second part i get its conditioning as a reward mechanism
No. 1102159 ID: 865982

You'd think that having a whole 'breeding sow' thing would be a pretty obvious cross between the things you're trying to do.
No. 1102183 ID: f2320a

either a sort of dehumanizting pet play that is more cattleplay to make henry horny with chubby wife, getting weighted measured and graded and be scary and violent enough for Jess to be horny and henry slight venting over being a sub for so long while satisfying her urges.

or just stepfordian wife materials because Henry like his girls girly and because its mentally tortures Jess enough that she would love it, with how she talked about how horny she gets from potential complications or non-confirming her gender, that its like pain but not physical and this makes her horny..... fuck this pain to pleasure thing both feeling the pain and pleasure from it or only pleasure sometimes is some hellraiser logic.

anyways Stepfordian would allow for some more showing her of to family and friends while keeping her in enough pain to keep her happy possibly?
No. 1102185 ID: 0db8d3

Make her needier.

Train her to feel uncomfortable with attention from people besides yourself. Reward her constantly and with praise whenever she's putting attention and effort into you. Punish for putting the same into her friends, family, or anyone else.
It might be worth it to invest in a "bug" for the collar so you can decide which conversations are punishable while you're not around. Such public punishments would be very minor, of course. It's not the pain that's important, but the consistency of the punishment.
No. 1102201 ID: f1368b
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>Make her needier
“Okay, first things first is you don’t get to come unless I give you permission, and I’m not going to give it very often.” Henry says, in his assertive dom voice.

“Figures. Turnabout is fair play and I had a great time torturing you.”

Henry will have to work smart on that one, Jess can definitely outlast him in the denial department.

>Increase her food intake
“I’m going to make you eat more, gradually, so you plump up. Does the 20 pound limit still work?”

“Hmm, yeah okay, that’s a good one, but you have to do the cooking on your days off. If we’re saving money I don’t want to get takeout.” Jess says.

“That’s fair. You’ll eat on the floor from a dog bowl. I’d get a trough but those are too big for what we need.”

Jess gives him a razor sharp smile. “Want me to oink?”

“Yes, actually. We can do more nonverbal play where I treat you like livestock I’m raising. A prized breeding sow.”
No. 1102202 ID: f1368b
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>Make Jess more feminine
See, Henry would be cool if Jess were a trans girl. That would make overt feminization more fun, emphasize the contrast between desire and reason that’s the heart of kink. Right now it’s a bit uncomfortable to think about asking for it directly, partially because Jess already does a great job dolling herself up and he doesn’t want her to think it’s not enough.

“I’m going to shock you when you talk back or challenge my authority as the man of the house.” he says instead.

“Oh yeah, gotta love the patriarchy. Boo feminism, my place is serving my husband with my holes.” Her delivery is so nonchalant and if Henry didn’t know her better he’d think she was being sarcastic.

>Show her off to her friends
>Have her be the submissive stepford wife in public
Jess scrunches her snout. “Yeah, I dunno about that. They might run into you eventually but I’d rather Sophie and Kai not see your hand for as long as possible. It’s not like how it is with your parents, who don’t really have a clue, and you can’t explain it away like you did with your friends. Eh, but then they’d probably feel sorry for you instead of disliking you, so it’s your call. I could probably talk them out of cutting me off.”

She mops up the leftover syrup with her last bit of bread and pops the sweet morsel in her mouth. “And I reserve the right to fuck Becca the next time she comes over looking to score.”

A. Invite Jess’s friends to the housewarming party
B. Maintain distance

1. Have Jess be a little piggy today
2. Do a different scene (suggest)
No. 1102203 ID: 90b21b

A) Offer to give them remotes. Not the 'complete control' kind, but the kind that can be triggered every hour and get locked out in a week.

2) Do surreal performance art to throw Jess' friends off.
No. 1102212 ID: f2320a

How surreal are we speaking Cuil scale Theory of unreality? Or Scream the 4th wave feminists musical of interperative African dance theory? Or are we doing BurialGoods in d minor as its done by a female and male pair of poetry
No. 1102222 ID: 3e8516

A. Nervous lanky jackal interacting with chunky cranky pika and bookworm hawk would so much fun!

2. A pivotal discussion at nightime where Henry tries to come to terms with Jessie's trans identity and she forms a plan to ameliorate her sadistic and mutilating kinks.
No. 1102277 ID: 903183

Feels like one of those conversations that go nowhere due to the uncertainty her fetishes presents on selfworth and the promise of something fixing the situation that is more then uncertain if it really changes anything beyond needing medication against brittle bones and infections
No. 1102282 ID: b4cd2d

This is story has animals that act like people, maybe it also has like mental health especialists that act act competently.
No. 1102304 ID: f1368b
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“Let’s invite your friends to our housewarming party in the spring, Jess. You can practice what you’re going to say before that and I’m sure it’ll work out. My friends think I’m a weirdo but they know what we do is all cool and consensual.” Henry says.

“What, they’re really cool with it? The cannibalism and everything?”

“Well they don’t know that part and we don’t have to tell them. In fact, I’m ordering you not to tell them.”

>2, talk with Jess about her sadism and trans identity
Jess isn’t trans anymore and there isn’t anything Henry wants to explore or encourage there. The thought of allowing masculine traits still makes him uncomfortable. The fox’s sadism and mutilation fetish, on the other hand, could use some clarification since Henry’s not going to volunteer for any more amputations.

“I wanted to make sure you knew that I’m setting a boundary on future medical stuff. I don’t want to do anything that would require stitches, for either of us.”

Jess doesn’t hide her disappointment: her ears droop a little and she loses her cocky grin. “Ah, yeah, that’s reasonable. I still really appreciate the finger, you don’t have to do anything to impress me, y’know.”

“I know, and I don’t regret it either. I just think it would be smart to avoid the publicly obvious, higher risk stuff going forward.”

Jess still seems downcast, so Henry hurries to give her a hug. “Let’s have a cozy day at home, okay? We don’t have to play hard while you’re getting used to the collar.”
No. 1102305 ID: f1368b
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>21 months after the wedding
Jess holds her menstrual cup up to her nose and takes a few sniffs. Definitely a heavier flow even though she’s still on the pill, all that extra food she’s been eating must have given her uterine lining a boost. Speaking of food, she can smell the lasagna Henry’s got in the oven over her urine and the wolf’s woody shampoo. Even though she’s still full from lunch, she’s excited for dinner.

Back to more pressing matters. Panties around her ankles and dress hiked up around her growing hips as she sits on the toilet, Jess considers the slippery silicone vessel and the bloody, snot-like blobs within. Fleshy bits, dregs of tissue, her natural vaginal slime. Verrrry tempting.

A. Have a little taste (it’s sanitary, especially compared to drinking piss or eating ass)
B. “Jess, ask yourself, would a normal person eat their period discharge?”
No. 1102307 ID: 903183

Huh i guess Jess was just malnurished if she is growing this well, guess Henry is happy with the measurements and grading
No. 1102322 ID: cb76eb

We're not animals. We have technology.
Put that shit in between two planes of glass and examine the gritty details.
No. 1102323 ID: 6c233e

A) if you want to why not? You're hardly going to give yourself a disease.
No. 1102331 ID: 943dc4

Reminds me of a story of a autistic guys girlfriend examining his sperm with a microscope and getting horny from it
No. 1102407 ID: f1368b
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>Tie, default to A
With no microscope in the bathroom to examine her fluids through, Jess decides a hands-on approach is necessary. She tucks her dress securely into her waist and uses her claws to pinch a particularly viscous lump out of the cup. It’s soft, gooey, and still warm from her body. She touches her tongue to the mass. About what she was expecting, mostly blood with sour musk undertones. Jess gives a few chews to see if that changes the flavor profile at all, but it stays not terribly interesting.

Satisfied with the experiment, Jess dumps the cup, wipes, and flushes, before washing and reinserting the device, frowning until she gets it resting at a place that’s comfortable.
No. 1102408 ID: f1368b
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>How has the weight gain been going?
It’s nice not having to worry about what she eats and giving that responsibility to Henry instead. She’s gained about 12 pounds in two months and hasn’t orgasmed once. Submission comes easy when Henry’s proved himself trustworthy, even though she’s still a little disappointed he won’t cut her.

She reaches the kitchen and kneels on her big pink cushion in front of her food bowl. Henry gives her a big smile and comes over to take her breasts out of her dress for a quick grope.

“How’s my good girl? We have some time before the food’s ready. Here–”

Henry unzips his pants and takes out his soft dick. His movements are confident as he puts a hand in her fur and pulls her head forward.

A. Bite! BITE!!!!!!
B. Blowjob special (no teeth)
No. 1102409 ID: c5529d

No. 1102410 ID: 4e436a

B good lord do not bite his dock off
No. 1102416 ID: 25fb94

No. 1102430 ID: 6c233e

A) just a nip, just enough to get a punishment for the naughty girl
No. 1102432 ID: d58817


But yes, just enough to get put in your place.
No. 1102439 ID: e2687f

B)No bite but nibble on foreskin
Guess she is bloodthirsty
No. 1102442 ID: cb76eb

Exactly this
No. 1102448 ID: 90b21b

Blow into his anus like a balloon. Bad dog, both of you:P
No. 1102468 ID: a7a180

B. She’s not going to be able to restrain herself to a gentle nibble.
No. 1102548 ID: f1368b
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To her alarm, she kind of doesn’t want to sink her teeth into the offered spongy flesh. They’ve had an ongoing agreement since before they got married that Henry has to ask nicely for blowjobs or Jess will bite, a rule which supersedes all existing play. There’s no way Henry forgot, so why is he putting his dick in danger? It’s a nice dick, honestly would be a shame if someone bit it off.

Jess doesn’t have much time to grapple with this existential crisis before Henry’s silky smooth foreskin is brushing past her lips. He has a firm grip on her scalp, firmer than usual, so he probably expects her to try and bite so he can yank himself away and punish her afterwards.

Instead, she works his shaft with her tongue, letting saliva build up in her mouth and spill over her lips. Jess whimpers a little and opens her mouth wider to allow Henry access to the back of her tongue. She’s not great at deepthroating and she glucks and drools when Henry bumps against her gag reflex. He doesn’t force himself in so she stays passive.

Henry seems just as surprised as Jess is that his experiment turned into an actual blowjob. “Good girl! Very good girl, use your hands, that’s it…”

No. 1102549 ID: f1368b
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Jess can hear Henry panting hard right before he pulls out and gives her a facial. She closes her eyes and rests her jaw while he pets her head, still kneeling on her cushion. The kitchen smells like warm cheese and tomatoes as she waits for Henry to bring a wet towel and wipe her face.

“Wow, okay, uh–” Henry balls up the towel, stands, and considers her. “I think my good girl deserves a reward. Do you want a reward, baby?”

Her brain feels fuzzy and Jess yawns and shakes her head. She has a good denial streak going and they’re going to eat soon anyway. Henry rubs behind her ears before going to check on the food.

Becca’s coming over tomorrow for a hot threesome, which is exciting. The dog’s been visiting for casual puzzle time about once every two weeks and in Jess’s professional opinion the sweet thing is due to get fingerblasted.

She’s restless that evening after three big pieces of salty fatty carby goodness. Is there anything Jess wants to talk with Henry about before bed?
No. 1102551 ID: cb76eb

He should let you bite the meat of this thigh. Uninterrupted for three seconds. As a sweet treat for the blow job. Post bite, discuss sexy plans for Becca.
No. 1102571 ID: 6c233e

Have a discussion about weather you're losing yourselves in all this roleplay.
No. 1102607 ID: f1368b
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>Discuss the non-bite
Jess closes her book as Henry slides into bed next to her. “Hey, I’m kind of wondering why I didn’t bite you earlier.”

“Me too, honestly. Not that I’m mad or anything, I really liked the blowjob. I would have tugged myself away if I felt teeth.”

“And what if you hadn’t been fast enough?”

“Well…I probably would have called a yellow or a red if you were biting super hard.” Henry puts a hand on her hip and wiggles himself closer so they’re chest to chest.

Jess is silent, unsure of how to respond. If she bit, she’d want to use the full power of her jaw, but they agreed not to hurt each other too badly, which means no hard chomps on other parts of Henry’s body either. Do they need to revise the rule?

“I don’t want you to feel like you have to fight. I know you’re strong. You don’t have to prove yourself to me.” says Henry quietly.

Jess chooses not to take offense at that comment, which would be the insecure thing to do. “Yeah. Next time I’ll show you my teeth if I’m feeling feisty and we don’t have to worry about an accident.”

>Are they losing themselves in the roleplay?
Naw, it’s just having fun. Real life responsibilities always come first and at the end of the day they’re just a stereotypical young couple in the states. Flesh and blood like everyone else.
No. 1102608 ID: f1368b
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>Discuss plans for Becca
“Do you think Becca would be ok if I used some of my basic toys tomorrow? You can hold her while I do most of the work tomorrow, we can do it on the bed instead of the couch.”

“Not the multicolored monster cocks.” Henry clarifies.

“No, not those, just a wand and maybe a normal dildo.”

“Yeah, sounds good. Y’know, I think she’s kind of been more depressed recently. When she’s not smiling she just looks really sad.”

“Huh? Why? I thought she liked hanging out?”

Henry shrugs. “I dunno. Maybe you can figure it out tomorrow since I don’t want to make her self-conscious by asking.”

Jess isn’t planning to wear the shock collar tomorrow.
A. Be direct, ask Becca what’s bothering her
B. Stick to careful observation
No. 1102621 ID: 6c233e

A) If she seems down you should see if there's anything you can do to help. cause you're friends
No. 1102630 ID: 11f6ea

It seems like either she catched feels or she is feeling sad beacuse she cant find more friends perhaps mom was being shitty?
No. 1102641 ID: cb76eb

A, you are the bold one after all.
No. 1102676 ID: 11f6ea

A yeah jess has few limits beyond being a good manipulator
No. 1102688 ID: f1368b
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>A, be bold
Jess has a sneaking suspicion that Bella caught feelings, probably for Henry. Some people just aren’t cut out for casual sex with an ex. Better check and make sure her hunch is right before they really get into things.

The next morning, she stashes the collar in her underwear drawer and puts on one of her more spunky outfits to get in the mood. Henry still gives her an extra helping of eggs and chorizo and she carefully cleans and sets out the toys she’s hoping to use on Becca.

The dog arrives on time, mid afternoon. Now that Jess is paying attention, the poor girl does seem to be forcing herself to respond to small talk while they play a few rounds of cards. She’s a lifeless lump even when Jess gives her a few teasing squeezes on her stomach and upper arms.

“Becca, can you come with me for a sec? I want to show you what I’m planning for today.” Jess keeps her voice bright and inviting and successfully lures the dog up the stairs to the bedroom, away from Henry.
No. 1102689 ID: f1368b
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“Here hun, do these toys look okay? You can test the vibrator on your hand to see how strong it is.” Once Becca’s distracted, Jess sits next to her on the mattress and puts an arm around her round shoulders.

“You been doin’ alright lately? I know nursing is really hard on Henry sometimes. Any luck meeting a nice guy?”

“Work is fine. I’m still…I’m still pretty lonely though.”

“Come over to our place more then! We love having you, Henry thinks you’re darling, he’s really glad you’re his friend.”

Bingo. Becca’s face crumples and her nose quivers. Jess doesn’t give her a chance to recover.

“Becca, what’s wrong? What did I say?”

“No, you didn’t do anything–I’m a bad person, I’m so stupid–” Becca buries her face in her paws and makes tiny, cute hiccuping sobs. “I don’t know why I let myself g-get close again, he doesn’t love me and even if he did I’d be ruining your beautiful marriage. You two really get each other and I shouldn’t be selfish and wish I had what you have. I’m r-really sorry. I’m awful. I was selfish, looking forward to today, I mean, you got everything ready and now you probably don’t want me here anymore.”

A. Reassure her and continue as planned
B. It’d probably be best if they stopped hooking up
No. 1102695 ID: 90b21b

B) She needs help. Clinging on to your husband probably isn't that help.

Get her in touch with a therapist, help her pay for five years in advance.
No. 1102699 ID: cb76eb

Revel in your power for a moment. You have what someone else wants. Hold.
Execute the plan. You were going to take the lead role tonight anyways. Henry will be the extra hands while you play. Maybe this will be the last time for a little while you see Becca.
No. 1102701 ID: 9b76c6

A. Sharing is caring. And if he did get feelings for her, you'd just cut her off. Might even turn you on when you'd do that.

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