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File 172952064602.png - (108.63KB , 500x500 , p0.png )
1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
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No. 1098851 ID: c1a22b
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This quest needs a bit of an explanation before we get into it because of the subject matter.
Gather ‘round and listen to my tale.

If you’ve been around questden for a while you’ll know I like making quests that use new systems to tell a story about new things, basically always trying to keep it novel for myself. As it happens I started visiting 4chan in early 2024 for Hazbin Hotel leaks and of course that turned into exploring other boards besides /co/ for loose dopamine.

I had the usual tippler realization that I was sick of the site a month or so ago, but back in August, surveying the alternative hentai board gave me a genius idea. Why not run a quest about some of the less palatable kinks (primarily ryona and what it overlaps like peril, master/slave, rape, etc.)? I haven’t seen much of that on modern, post-edge questden, apart from Lascivious Labyrinth by Kaktus, which still doesn’t lean into what I consider dark or cruel. I’m reformed from my multi-questing ways so it’s taken until the end of Shonen Quest to actually launch.

What I’m trying to do here is run a quest where suggestors get to advise/egg on the abuser in an intimate relationship. Think Guk’s Story by Baron but in the modern era with that sardonic realism poisoned tippler touch. A controlled fictional story where you get to explore the platonic ideal of a bastard. The people love a good power fantasy.

If that doesn’t sound appealing, no problem at all! Click the ‘hide thread’ button and forget about it until the next quest rolls around.

Honestly I’m sure people will suggest things that squick me out, but that’s how it is being a QM and a human on the big wide web. Please still respect your fellows, even if they’re into things you aren’t.
No. 1098852 ID: c1a22b
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Instead of a character creator, what we have here is the preliminary ruleset that I thought up for the quest. For this first update, please respond with any questions, comments, or concerns. Once the rules are settled, I’ll stick to them until the end.


1. Unless it’s a A/B/C choice, at least one suggestion per update has to include a recommendation to do something shitty (subjective, QM opinion). Henry will do everything suggested that is feasible and he can rationalize.

2. If no one tells Henry to do something shitty, POV will permanently switch to Jess and the QM will take the role of making Henry abusive.

3. Henry starts as a well-adjusted liberal young wolf and won’t immediately become overtly abusive. Suggestions with added rationalization are much more likely to be accepted and changing Henry’s perspective on Jess is also effective. There are also some things he’s just not into, like child porn and snuff.

4. Don’t use real slurs, but name-calling and 4chan type rhetoric are ok.

5. Henry and Jess live on a modern earth analog where mundane physical reality applies.

6. If you have a question about what’s acceptable to suggest, ask in the discussion thread.
No. 1098853 ID: 3ee96b

Are you sure this is what you want?
No. 1098855 ID: 52f3c5

What is "Ryona"? I know I could just look it up on Urban Dictionary, but I feel like it's obscure enough to be worth defining in this thread.

Given the subject matter, and how niche it may be, it is smart to have a plan in mind for the event that the audience doesn't deliver what you're looking for (not suggesting cruelty for Henry), but do you have a plan for if engagement craters early as a result of the subject matter?

What do you think the appeal of this quest will or should be? I'm sure a good chunk of people have engaged with stories that feature darker content at some point, be it an isekai anime that mistreats its female cast with willful abandon, an angst-ridden fanfic in which the world continually beats down on a character until they get the chance to enact thoroughly painful revenge, or anything in-between. Follow-up: What do you decidedly NOT want the appeal of this fic to be?

With the plan in mind to start from well-adjusted and only mildly shitty and going towards undeniably abusive, are you sure the rule of requiring at least some shittiness in every single suggestion won't be too limiting early on?

Are you going to provide Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss spoilers, as 4Chan would? I just don't see why we should read your quest, when 4Chan apparently has this type of content andHazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss spoilers. /s
No. 1098857 ID: eb0a9c

Tippler I think this may be a toxic idea
No. 1098859 ID: 2c5eb4

tippler, this is a bad idea.
No. 1098860 ID: 4ca19f

Beside the negativity, I think this won't play out how in a satisfactory way. Either this will escalate too fast with every update having to do something fucked up, or it could be normal suggestions with calling her a slur tagged on.
I hope you understand what I mean.
No. 1098862 ID: 355e44

subject matter aside, aren't you setting out the ending before you even begin? Seems kinda railroady. I mean if we have to suggest the character do something shitty then the story can only really go in one direction.

Maaaaaybe try something as extreme as this on Eka's Portal or something. I think you'll need a more specific audience than seems to hang here.

No shame in having dark fantasies, but even I would say this sounds like... a lot.
No. 1098863 ID: 0db8d3

I like the idea but I think you're going about it backwards.

Abusive behavior usually comes from *somewhere*. Unprocessed childhood trauma, substance abuse, a lack of emotional control caused by life long suppression, projection of ones own insecurities, a fundamental inability to communicate, mutual lack of respect, One-sided Codependence, sadistic glee, narcissism, sociopathy, psychopathy, and much much more.

For this to work we need characters we can really understand. We need to know where they're coming from. What's the abusers petty justification? What triggered this behavior in the short term? What in their past makes them like this?

Plus, there's different kinds of abuse. A cry-bully can cause just as much distress as a violent substance abuser in the right situation. /quest/ has made abusive characters both by accident and on purpose before. We're more than capable of playing the part, but we need a direction, or else were just gonna come up with someone generically mean.
No. 1098865 ID: 940726

If you want us to play along with an evil character, then a mandatory amount of nonspecific "bad deeds" isn't a good way of doing that. Having to meet a quota is too artificial, and too obviously forced. It doesn't help us get into the mindset of the character we're supposed to be playing.

Instead, think about why he would act the way you want him to act. How does he think and feel? What motivates him to handle his feelings a certain way? When and why does he make the choices that further your story instead of the choices a good, rational person would make? If you want to mechanically encourage bad decisions, build your mechanics around the personality flaws that drive those decisions.

From the other direction, what should we as players be trying to accomplish? The idea of giving deliberately bad advice every update to avoid an enforced loss condition is, as I said, not very engaging. It only affects those who aren't comfortable with the story's premise, while anyone who was interested in playing that out post-by-post would be turned off by the arbitrary quota, and even more so by the possible failure state. It would help the players' interest if there was at least a general idea of what we might want to work towards, and possibly what might qualify as an "end" to the story aside from simply "losing" somehow.
No. 1098867 ID: 453dd9

Sounds like something you'd get better results from on 4chan.

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