Yellow Calling Water
> By making a V with your fingers and lewdly Waggling your tongue through the V
... I am -never- doing that.
> Mary, she’s your direct subordinate and doesn’t really have other job prospects. If you’re going to initiate something, you’d better have an HR construct first, minimum.
I don't think there's... Actually, hold on.
Mary turns to speak to the First Demonologist. She keeps her voice a bit down so that Dungeoneer can't hear.
"Excuse me, do you have a moment?"
"Mm?" The woman raises an eyebrow and leans in.
"... Are uh... Are these guys able to give consent and whatnot? The constructs, I mean."
I can't believe I am having this conversation, what have I stumbled into.
". . . Are you asking me about the ethics of fucking one of my long deceased friend's echoes?"
"I suppose I am."
The Demonologist stares at Mary for a moment. It's impossible to tell what the woman is thinking, her expression doesn't seem to change. She looks back at the screen and the fighting.
"Hm. That you are even worried about this is... Well, it seldom happens. The constructs are not people in the way you and I are. But there is still something there. Something that deserves as much validation as any other person.
You are more than their boss. You created them. They will live and die at your whim. And that can raise questions as to whether or not it is ethical to proposition them. Do you turn down what your creator asks of you? We'd given this much thought ourselves when we put the system in place. They are designed to be as helpful as possible to a fledgling or experienced dungeon master.
However, constructs turn down that which they are incapable or unwilling to do. They are eager to please but still have lines they refuse to cross. They can even unsummon themselves if they get pushed too far. This was made to prevent people from being cruel to them.
I suppose, what I'm really trying to say is, ask them as you would any other person. If they want to, they will. If they don't want to, they won't. And if you try to force it... Well, there are consequences that have put in place.
Dungeoneer, however, has been staring at you for some time. I think she would find it more than agreeable. With that in mind, I'm going to speaking to some of the demons here. You have an interesting collection." And with that, she departs.