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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
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No. 1098817 ID: 1795ad
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Her words are cut off as Mirelle tackles her mid-air.
No. 1098818 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle has the woman pinned down between her thighs. She squeezes them hard, their intense strength causing constant constriction damage. If it wasn't for the sheer amount of anti-fire defense that the Dungeon Master has she would have been burned by the attack.

Mirelle laughs and squeezes. Mary can see the Dungeon Master's life bar begin to dip.

"Haha! Take that! I knew you'd jump up! You can't dodge a strike in mid-air, can ya? Now, come on! Beg for mercy! Do it and I might consider letting you go!"


"What was that? Speak up!"

"I... Said....


". . ."

Mirelle has no idea what to do now.
No. 1098819 ID: 1effd3

*dial-up internet sounds*
No. 1098820 ID: 5b2941

...you heard the lady. Harder it is.
No. 1098821 ID: 4beab8


Warrior, now's your chance!
No. 1098822 ID: 2b4438

Go harder. Crush her with those thighs. Suffocate her with her magma slime pussy til she taps out. Suggestively have her work the totally not first DM's dildo. Or make totally not first dm choke on a magma cock instead. She's gotta dominate and be lewd about it. This is AFTER DARK after all.
No. 1098823 ID: 273c18

Go on.
No. 1098824 ID: a7a180

Start jackhammering her against the ground too with your hips. Really shake her up.
No. 1098825 ID: 2be447

Crush OGDM skull like OGDMelon. A warrior's death!
No. 1098826 ID: 7102e3

You heard the lady.
No. 1098827 ID: a10c74

Well something is going to pop
No. 1098828 ID: 273c18

Oh! Try out other submission grapples!
No. 1098829 ID: 80ce16

You heard the woman. Squeeze her harder. And grind your muff right up on her nose.
No. 1098830 ID: b2a866

Ay warrior. Reboot that thing that helps you think. Isn't that what you've been expecting? No need for hesitation. Get freaky. Magmarock. Magmacock. Its the show that counts, isn't it?
No. 1099142 ID: 1795ad
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>...you heard the lady. Harder it is.

>Go harder. Crush her with those thighs. Suffocate her with her magma slime pussy til she taps out

>Start jackhammering her against the ground too with your hips. Really shake her up.

>Crush OGDM skull like OGDMelon. A warrior's death!

>You heard the woman. Squeeze her harder. And grind your muff right up on her nose.

>Ay warrior. Reboot that thing that helps you think. Isn't that what you've been expecting? No need for hesitation. Get freaky. Magmarock. Magmacock. Its the show that counts, isn't it?

. . . . . .
No. 1099146 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle is able to regain control of herself. She grins and tries her best to be at her toughest. It's really hard to do that when she's grinding her (covered) slime groin against the woman. She continues to squeeze with her powerful thighs. The DM is taking damage but all she can do is flail under the powerful grapple.

Or maybe she's not really trying at all?

"Heh. C'mon. Just submit. Slap your hand against the ground a few times and I'll consider it defeat."

The slime reaches back and grabs the codpiece. She squeezes it, strokes it, and finally gets a grunt out of the DM.

"Oh, did I finally manage to really hurt you? Ha! Good! Give in and become my consort! I'll rule this place and you can be by my side and take care of all the boring shit like paperwork and stuff!"

"Mrph..." The DM says.

Mirelle flushes. The grumbling sent some pleasant sensations through her. It encourages her to wriggle her hips a bit more, to squeeze harder, both with her thighs and with her hand. She is rewarded with another grunt from the DM.

No. 1099147 ID: 1795ad
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"Just submit to me. You know you want to. I can feel your breath on my. Your body trembling! You can see how strong I am, you know I'm the right choice.




Mirelle feels a small jolt of pleasure as the DM writhes beneath her, pressing her increasingly red face against the slime's most sensitive (not including the core) place. Then, she feels the woman's entire body tense up.

And release.

Her hand feels warm.

No. 1099149 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle lifts her stone gauntlet to see that it is -covered- in a sticky fluid. She screams.

"Ew! EW EW EW EW! You were ENJOYING that!? How the fuck did that even come out, that isn't even a real dick!"
No. 1099150 ID: 1795ad
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"My class works in mysterious ways," says a -very- satisfied looking DM.

"No! That-! That's dumb! You're dumb-!"
No. 1099151 ID: 1795ad
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"You know what, fuck it! I'm gonna CRUSH your stupid dumb stupid skull! Then I'm gonna make that OTHER girl my consort! She seems like she's less crazy!"

"Ha. Go ahead man, I already got what I wanted."

No. 1099152 ID: 1795ad
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Her words are cut short when a giant metal club is forced through her torso and cracks her core into pieces.

"... Well... Damn."

Mirelle, unable to maintain her form without the core, melts into a pile of magma slime. She curses her rotten luck with her dying breath.
No. 1099153 ID: 1795ad
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The Warrior pulls her club from the remains of Mirelle. She seems pleased with the victory but still quite flustered from viewing the 'fight'.

"I... Sorry if you uh... Didn't want me to help. Just... She was distracted and her back was wide open..."

"Nah, you're good. Goddamn, I haven't came like that in YEARS. This dungeon is the -best-."

"O-okay. Uh... Question, though... Is that like... Actually a real dick or..? Like, how did you...?"

"I came with the dick in my heart, not the dick on my groin. That's how."

"I... I see..."

Well, they actually beat Mirelle easily. I didn't really expect that. I guess she's not really suited for things that aren't combat related...

It was certainly an interesting scene, though.

Now that she's defeated I guess we should determine what happens -when- a princess goes down. In battle.

What kind of loot, plot beats, etc.
No. 1099154 ID: 5b2941

>we should determine what happens -when- a princess goes down. In battle.
I feel like the immediate area should start getting a bit corrupted. Not -too- much, just enough to see that shit is getting fucked.
No. 1099155 ID: a7a180

DM just can't get off unless somebody's dying, huh?

Well there's one less contender for the throne, which probably stirs the others into more aggressive fighting. The next heir they visit should be getting attacked by one of the others. One of the remaining princesses offers an alliance, and another one swears vengeance. (If they just keep killing them, the last two probably team up against them, not wanting to be next.) Could these dangerous new foes be an asset in the civil war? Or another contender vying to be on top?
No. 1099156 ID: 1effd3

"The Chaos begins to seep from the lava, turning burns into corruption."

Item: Shattered Heart of Fire; "Seemingly no use as of now, perhaps it's useful elsewhere?"
No. 1099157 ID: 4beab8


The recruit slimes, seeing their champion fallen, could either become aggressive or flee in terror. I recommend aggression with a touch of corruption, maybe bringing in gravity slime as a ringer with the intent of capturing the pair for proper punishment. If overwhelming slime forces prevail, they incarcerate the two. They can then be rescued by one of the princesses directly.

If they make their getaway despite the interference, just leave both of their tokens at the gatehouse to the training area, both remaining princesses seeking to entice the duo to come to their abode for potential courtship.
No. 1099158 ID: a7a180

Oh, and loot:
Mirelle's Spicy Spats: Gird your loins with the scent of sulfur and the strength of Slimecrown's hottest warrior. If you rub your thighs together, you can set fire to your attacks!
No. 1099159 ID: 4beab8


Loot Drop:
> Cinders of Ambition: The broken shards of the would-be Flame Empress' Heart still smolder with an unmistakeable intensity and perhaps a longing. Perhaps Magnus will know best how to harness it.

This can be used to upgrade a flame element item or craft a new item entirely we can debate. If used for an upgrade:
> Relevant Effect ++
> Corruption +++
No. 1099164 ID: 660f7a

All their possessions are briefly available to the taking, giving the had ventures a few seconds to grab something until the other princesses take over.

IF the adventurers had pledged themselves to a princess, their chosen slime would gain control of the territory, soldiers, etc. But since they're officially neutral atm, the area either goes to a random princess, or whomever the adventurers are NOT planning to support.
No. 1099173 ID: 80ce16

Obviously she comes back as a minislime version of herself, to serve as a combat pet and/or onahole
No. 1099176 ID: a10c74

Flavour text
You've heard of Thunder-thighs, now prepare yourself for Magma-Thighs!
Some kind of stort plot about taking the shattered Core of the fallen princesses to make a barrier yo hold back the corruption in place of their mother since she's gone Awal
No. 1099187 ID: 310a5a

Slime princess in a jar. Collect them all!
No. 1100663 ID: 0faf25
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The group gets some LOOT.

Mirelle's Spicy Spats: Gird your loins with the scent of sulfur and the strength of Slimecrown's hottest warrior. If you rub your thighs together, you can set fire to your attacks!

Having more than enough fire loot, the Dungeon Master graciously gives the pair to the Warrior. She equips them and moves her legs around.

"You don't think it makes my legs stand out too much, do you?"

"I think it makes your legs stand out the -perfect- amount. You look great. I would absoltely dive face first between those thighs and die happpy from the flames."

"Geez... I... Thanks???"

They also get the:

Cinders of Ambition: The broken shards of the would be Flame Queens' heart still smolder. Perhaps this can be used somewhere?

"Well," The Warrior pockets the item, "I guess that's one down, two to go?"

"Three. We still have the actual heir." The Dungeon Master nods. She's so good at lore.

"Oh, right! So, then-" As she speaks the ground begins to rumble.
No. 1100668 ID: 0faf25
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The Archer slimes emerge from the ground, all of them pissed off and with arrows aimed at the group. Mirelle is gone, and with it her hold on the land has begun to crumble. It will soon collapse and turn into primordial slime, waiting for a new royal hand to shape it. The Warrior brings up her club.

"Alright, you take the 50 on the left, and I'll take the 50 on the right!"

"I have a better idea!" The Dungeon Master counters. And then she flees.

No. 1100672 ID: 0faf25
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Elsewhere, the Mycologist and Ashley are getting ready to part ways. Mary missed most of what happened but it's clear that they both had a good time. The Mycologist is re-equipping his gear. Among his items is a new one. A gift from Ashley.

Elder Tree Sap: Roots of the ancient tree run far and deep through Slimecrown, an unending battle of attrition waged over centuries speaking of a subtle but unmistakable tenacity as they have drunk deep of the power and memories of this place.

Grants a massive boost to stamina to the drinker.

"Well... I hope to see you again, Ashley."

"Same to you." The satisfied plant replies, "And I hope that our next meeting is equally as enjoyable."

Their light flirtations makes the Mycologist flush. He feels something stir within him, a longing to spend just another moment of bliss with the plant.

But, there was work to do. He was certain his teammates were working hard to defeat the princess. While this was a more lewd dungeon, there was still much to be done beyond bedding people.

No. 1100673 ID: 0faf25
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His hard working teammates make themselves known shortly after he leaves the makeshift love den. The door to Mirelle's old chambers blast open and the two fly out. The Dungeon Master is cackling while the Warrior is busy eating dirt. A flurry of arrows follows shortly behind them and a pool of both magma and normal slime sizzles and burbles out.

"Hm. Maybe I should have stayed inside."
No. 1100674 ID: 0faf25
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"Yo." He holds up his hand as he approaches the group. They're already plucking the arrows from their bodies and patching themselves up.

"Mycologist! You look like a man who just stuck his noodle in a gender ambiguous plant!"

"Hm. Well, first of all, Ashley is a hermaprhodite. It's actually quite common among-"

"Did you stick it in them or did they pork your booty?"

"I-! You can't just ask such things!"

"Sounds like someone's embarrassed that their boi-spot got prodded til they-"


"Wow! Good for you! Didn't know you had it in you! Me? I got jacked off by a princess while I had my face between her thighs. Good times. Shame Warrior had to kill her like that..."

Warrior pouts.

"We're supposed to beat them-!" She protests.

"But what if we had a cute tomboy flame princess following us around giving us ALL handjobs! I bet you want one, you ain't had any fun this whole dungeon run so far!"

Warrior just grumbles in reply. It's clear that, while the fighting was fun, her only lewd encounter wasn't exactly one she desired. Probably because it involved her drowning.

The Dungeon Master pats her back.

"Don't worry, Warrior. I promise we'll get you laid before this is over."

"I don't care about that..." She weakly protests. But she feels her heart thud a bit faster. Maybe the lewd rune was having a small effect on her?

The group approaches the next area together.

So You Think You Can Slime, leading to Sophie's chambers.

Oh boy. Have we decided what we're doing with this one?
No. 1100676 ID: 1effd3

Hmm lets see... Stripper dancing is kinda obvious but no.
I don't have many ideas except maybe Sophie being surprizingly heavy with her massive tits and just slowly crushing the party under the wieght.
No. 1100679 ID: 5b2941

the problem isn't so much what so much as who. SYTYCS was Curi's joint. Can we do some sort of Curi's ghost or something like that?
It'd be nice if we could give her a role to play, she can't be happy with how we wrote her out of the plot like this.
No. 1100683 ID: 861ceb

>"Don't worry, Warrior. I promise we'll get you laid before this is over."

>"I don't care about that..."
wait, isn't she wearing cursed armor that's is actually just a slime girl who's groping and pleasuring her this whole time?

Also for "so you think you can slime" instead of matching the dance moves you could have it be matching Kama sutra positions... and as a joke since curi is suppose to be indisposed right now (I think) we could replace her with miss bloops. She IS the oldest slime her after all, she probably knows a thing or two.
No. 1100686 ID: a7a180

Sophie's wing looks like Halloween several weeks past its expiration date. She's churned up the earth to dredge as many assets as she can from it, turning up buried skeletons, moldering mimics, and enough mud to make her a mammoth magical matron, whose chest is big and dense enough to crush the whole party at once if they wound up underneath! She's slowed by the mass but a high defense means she can tank the blows. Unless you were to find her weak spots, you could get mired in this morass for a while.

As for the dance hall itself, the offshoot of Curi remains here, lifeless and abandoned next to a small pile of offerings. It's eerily quiet, save for the wind and distant echoes of Music Slime singing to Sophie. The music box is supposed to trigger a miniboss here, bringing the offshoot to life with an extra rune for one last dance.
No. 1100687 ID: 660f7a

>Oh boy. Have we decided what we're doing with this one?
Nope. They can go through it without any obstacles...

a) They could have to participate in a pole dancing competition
b) Have to resist the charms of strip dancer slimes while finding the correct pole to climb out of the place and proceed
No. 1100696 ID: 4beab8


The main hall is empty and silent as a grave. The way through to Sophie's domain is thoroughly locked with a notice that the younger slimes are resting beyond.

As they grow closer to Curi's podium, the music box begins to play a haunting melody. Letting the tune play out to its end triggers the summon of the secret boss, Curi who has been modified with a Soul rune.

She likely won't speak, adding to the mystery of her unearthly appearance, and she also likely won't fight at full power for the group's sake.
No. 1100697 ID: 4beab8


The ridiculous and impractically epic version would be that the concert hall transforms with the power of Curi's magic, the soul rune allowing her to phase into the walls of the chamber as illusions flood through them, painting a picture of Slimecrown past with a lone queen standing behind an army of slimes.

The party, wreathed in darkness, must approach the queen to end this, battling through waves of slime warriors created by Curi. However, for each slime they slay, the world grows darker and the queen shines brighter, growing ever more powerful as she absorbs the essence of her fallen kin.

Then, as Curi herself finally enters the fray, maybe styled more to look like Primordial Bloops, the party has one final confrontation for the fate of Slimecrown. The party's win condition is to damage Curi badly enough to where she uses her final attack, a massive flood of water that sends them spiraling down into the depths before the chamber fades back into reality, the music stopping as some epic loot drops.

Musical score goes from a light, almost triumphant battle anthem which grows progressively darker and more haunting as the party makes progress. Finally, it breaks away into a full blown elegy when the queen takes the stage.
No. 1100702 ID: 80ce16

No. 1100713 ID: 8df77d

No. 1100744 ID: a55b8e

Whatever we go for we need Light Slime and Dark Slime cage dancing on opposite sides of the hall creating a strobe effect.
No. 1100746 ID: a0bd01

We should make Sophie goth if that's the case.
No. 1100804 ID: da3ac7

Hmmm...maybe without Curi to control the rhythm, it's gone quite chaotic, the music slimes just "randomly" barking out various notes - essentially that techno/edm/whatever it's called at raves that are one step from an orgy? - and a few chaos-infused Light and Dark slimes are there just enjoying the madness...and increasing their numbers. Maybe one or two trying to get at the princess. The party wants through, the revelers want the party, and they're not shy about it. The Chaos-touched slimes are getting a neat strobing effect going, making it harder to fight to balance out that they're physically not the toughest slimes. Maybe ten slimes tops, and they need to be either destroyed or "satisfied" in order to get through. Just enough to make it a good speed bump without making it an enormous ordeal. Sophie, of course, is keeping that door locked TIGHT until the slimes aren't a threat anymore.
No. 1100807 ID: da3ac7

To be clear, I know that Chaos isn't really supposed to be the big bad in this one, but I thought it might be good to have at least one reminder of WHY Slimecrown absolutely needs a queen, and maybe a hint towards what the final challenge is going to be, if we use some kind of Chaotic echo of Curi or something similar for the last big fight?
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