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1055459 No. 1055459 ID: 15a025

421 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1086724 ID: cdd83a

The copy machine obviously. Dont even need to open the folder. Just put the folder in the copy machine and then copy it!

Only thing we need after is some paste. Got any in the office?
No. 1086732 ID: 8f9bc4

That's a good idea and in no way going to result in disaster when we get the files mixed up ourselves.
No. 1086749 ID: 2f41db

It IS a good idea.
Haaang on. That wasnt an otter pun, was it?
Couldnt be.
In case of deersaster.
No. 1086752 ID: 031458

Wood, Jungle
No. 1091798 ID: 15a025
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>Get some blank folders and write "Do Not File" on them. It probably won't work but at least you'll have some decoys.

Grace: “Hm, but what if we fall victim to our own decoys Flynn? It’s been tough enough for me to hang onto the real one today!”

>Right click, copy, paste?

She puts her mouse on the folder and right clicks it, but nothing happens.

Grace: “Honestly, I’m surprised that didn’t do anything.”
No. 1091799 ID: 15a025
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>The copy machine obviously. Dont even need to open the folder. Just put the folder in the copy machine and then copy it!

Grace: “A-a what?”

You mention again, to try copying it with a copy machine.

Grace: “I’m sorry, when you say copy machine. What do you mean?”

You stand stunned, asking if she really doesn’t understand what you mean by a copy machine.

Grace: “Okay, I’m sure I’ve heard someone mention a ‘copy machine’ before. I’m just not sure what exactly that is?”

You specify that a copy machine is something you can put in a paper document, push a button or two, and out will come copies of that paper document, also on paper.

Grace: “Oh, silly. That’s called a Derox™, Flynn.”

You groan and just grab the folder.
No. 1091800 ID: 15a025
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You attempt to make a copy Derox™ of the DO NOT FILE folder. However an error message pops up:

This action cannot be completed because the file is already in use.
No. 1091801 ID: 273c18

Haha I knew it. The folder contains the world itself. You can't file it, and you can't look inside it, because to do either thing would cause a recursive loop.

How does it feel to carry the weight of the world?
Anyway yeah we can't make a backup. I am interested in finding out where it came from though. Let's research the origin of the universe!
No. 1091803 ID: 5ebd37

Bah, those error messages never know what they're talking about. Keep hitting retry until it complies.
No. 1091804 ID: c5529d

I mean, if you think about it, the name of this quest is called DO NOT FILE, and it literally says DO NOT FILE on the folder we are not supposed to file... soooooo, yeah, it's probably literally the entire quest in this folder.
No. 1091805 ID: 9f8647

Oh no it’s a recursive picture of a deer on a computer!
No. 1091806 ID: 8f9bc4

Do you really want to make a backup since that would mean two files you must not file?

What you need to find out is why that otter was ordered to destroy it. Who wants it gone, why, and how do you stop them? Their agent while passionate was just a worker like you with a directive to destroy the file. Who gave the directive? If they can't shield their identity by sending workers to do their dirty work, then you might be able to learn something more about this mystery.

And maybe don't mention this to Grace, but something is wrong with her too. Why didn't she want the dinner to end? Just because you're such a hottie? Didn't want to go back to work? Why was the dinner so limited and disjointed, in ways that surprised her? She seemed desperate, in ways not even she understood herself. Who is resetting, and what's in the darkness behind Grace's smile?
No. 1091807 ID: 15a025
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>Keep hitting retry until it complies.
>>Keep hitting retry until it complies.
>>>Keep hitting retry until it complies.
>>>>Keep hitting retry until it complies.
>>>>>Keep hitting retry until it complies.
>>>>>>Keep hitting retry until it complies.

O-oh. You might have broke the dialog box now. Hourglass is spinning…

Better just leave that be for now.
No. 1091808 ID: 15a025
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>Haha I knew it. The folder contains the world itself.
>How does it feel to carry the weight of the world?

If you knew this job would entail protecting the very fabric and well being of the world, you would have asked for a higher starting wage. Concerning everything might exist only because it’s inside a slim filing folder.

>I am interested in finding out where it came from though. Let's research the origin of the universe!
>What you need to find out is why that otter was ordered to destroy it. Who wants it gone, why, and how do you stop them

Grace: “Whoa whoa whoa, that’s a lot to take in, and still a bit hard to believe… How would we even go about researching any of that? We can’t just open the folder and take a look. We’re not allowed to.”

Grace: “Learning about it’s origin would be interesting, but I’d rather stay away from any more fishy otter business as well, Flynn. Rather not poke the bee’s nest as they say.”
No. 1091809 ID: 273c18

What would she suggest we do instead?
No. 1091811 ID: 5ebd37

We should at least get a fake label to put over the "do not file", get few other folders to go with it. If we can't get it safely filed away we can at least hide it in plain sight.
No. 1091812 ID: 2f41db

You're not allowed.
Are we?

I am a little worried you holding it open will be like an ark of the covenant thing from indeerana jones, but im also curious.
No. 1091813 ID: 4c750c

NO! Changing the labeling of the Do Not File folder AT ALL could cause confusion later! Hard enough to keep track of it as is! (I would say it could also drastically change reality to just RENAME it, but that’s probably the file INSIDE the folder. Mayyybe try relabeling the folder to Cheese Louise for JUST A FEW SECONDS to see what happens. Switch it back after.)
No. 1091817 ID: 8f9bc4

Unfortunately it seems like fishy otter business won't stay away from us, not as long as we have the file. Learning its origin might help though, if it has an origin. Who gave the file to you, Grace?

Maybe we should start with a morning coffee.
No. 1095339 ID: 15a025
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>We should at least get a fake label to put over the "do not file", get few other folders to go with it. If we can't get it safely filed away we can at least hide it in plain sight.
Grace: “What if I get it mixed up with the other files and file it away by mistake?”

>You're not allowed. Buuuut.... Are we?
Grace: “No, under no circumstances am I allowed to let anyone access its contents. Not even myself.”

>Mayyybe try relabeling the folder to Cheese Louise for JUST A FEW SECONDS to see what happens.
Grace: “You mess with that folder and I’ll fold you like a chair, Flynn!”

>Learning its origin might help though, if it has an origin. Who gave the file to you, Grace?
Grace: “Oh that’s an easy one. Mr. Vamoose assigned this one to me. Might have lucked out, heard another secretary got assigned some file about a disgruntled cervine spouse.”
No. 1095340 ID: 15a025
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Grace: “Hey, wait. Where’d the file go-oh yikes!”

You ask what’s wrong?

Grace: “I don’t know how, but it looks like it fell off my desk into the trash bin. Guess that’s what I get for not keeping an eye on it.”
No. 1095341 ID: 15a025
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>What would she suggest we do instead?
Grace: “Stay here with me. Stay and be my assistant Fl-.”

The world around you freezes and giant pop up blocks your view.

New critical updates are available for your system. A system restart is required to install these updates. The system updater will automatically initiate in one hour. All users will be logged out, please save and close out of any documents you are working on before then. If you are ready to update now, please click update. If not, click Notify Me Later.”
No. 1095342 ID: 273c18

Notify Me Later.
Let's get that file out of the trash bin first...
No. 1095345 ID: 44c167

Have to get your affairs in order first.
And get those files out of the trash, taking care that if anything has slipped out you tuck it back in without looking at it.
No. 1095347 ID: eb0a9c

Restore everything in the bin, then hit Restart Now. We've been putting this system restore off long enough.
Hopefully the jury-rigged repair job will last long enough for an outside branch to supply an uncorrupted backup...
No. 1095349 ID: 273c18

What is that TIND file?
No. 1095352 ID: c5529d

notify later, we gotta get the file out of the trash, and maybe see what else we can take out of the trash. If she managed to put the do not file folder in the trash, she may have accidentally put other important things she wasn't supposed to in the trash without realizing
No. 1095356 ID: c5529d

Just thought of something, we already shredded a lot of trash earlier today, which means whatever this stuff is in the trash is trash that was put in after we shredded that stuff. So yeah, another reason to look through that and find anything else that's important (along with the file we shouldn't file of course)
No. 1095365 ID: 8f9bc4

Ugh, this update better not be installing ads
No. 1095370 ID: c5529d

or AI that spies on us
No. 1095372 ID: 2f41db

Quickly! Restore the Entire trash bin
You need to beat the update clock!
No. 1095374 ID: 8f9bc4


I'm afraid that ship has already sailed.
No. 1095533 ID: 15a025
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>Notify Me Later.
No time to update! You gotta save these files first.

>Ugh, this update better not be installing ads
Time freezes again as a series of ads pop and start flashing. UGH.
No, no, no, close out, not interested, do not show this pop up again…
No. 1095534 ID: 15a025
File 172308244975.png - (22.98KB , 500x500 , 45.png )

>Let's get that file out of the trash bin first...
>she may have accidentally put other important things she wasn't supposed to in the trash without realizing

You ask Grace to pull all those files out of the bin.

Grace: “Sure.”

There’s three folders on her desk now. “DO NOT FILE, T.I.N.D, and The”. The “the” folder had another word, but it’s been sharpied out. You ask if she can look into the TIND folder.

Grace: “Hm…oh! Now I’m remembering what this folder is. It’s an oldie. It was the details about a couple that got trapped in dungeon out in the middle of nowhere. Sadly that one ended up going cold. ”
No. 1095535 ID: 15a025
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Grace: “I don’t want the same thing to happen to us Flynn. M-Our… shift is almost over for the day. I'd love to do something with you before we punch out for the day. I'm open to suggestions."
No. 1095538 ID: 5c5db2

You know Grace, there was something that has been bothering me

At the very start of our job, the folder we were supposed to not file said "top secret" on it. >>1055461

But after we asked you to clean your desk and you put it in your desk, and then later put it back on your table under the pen container, the folder suddenly said "do not" >>1055661 >>1056240

Ummmm... hate to ask but, is that the folder we were supposed to protect, or have we been protecting the wrong folder this whole time? If it isnt the folder we were supposed to protect, where is the folder labeled "top secret"? Still in your desk?
No. 1095540 ID: 273c18

Well first put the actual trash back in the bin.

Then let's go make out in the janitor's closet.
No. 1095543 ID: 44c167

Boot up the Microsoft Entertainment Pack and play co-op Taipei
No. 1095553 ID: cd10d0

Wait, was that Graces photo we shredded in that ad? How'd they get it???
No. 1095554 ID: 8f9bc4

How about a nice romantic trip to a dungeon out in the middle of nowhere? What could possibly go wrong?
No. 1095557 ID: 2f41db

Check out the rack on him!

I mean, ugh. How crass.

We could get coffee and do some office foraging.
Thats where we find abandoned or unguarded food items to sustain ourselves in this harsh environment.
The best part is it only requires minimal amounts of larceny!
No. 1097572 ID: ab46e9

Honestly, fun seems to be at a premium here. So let's try just something between us. How about we raid the fridge for whatever food we got and I'll tell you a funny story about how I ended up buying 15 different plush dolls for my mom by accident. It involves a paint bucket, a chicken, and a entire freaking cheese wheel.
No. 1101140 ID: b6ea64
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>the folder we were supposed to not file said "top secret" on it
>But after we asked you to clean your desk and you put it in your desk, and then later put it back on your table under the pen container, the folder suddenly said "do not"

Grace: “Oh, this folder?”

She pulls out another folder

Grace: “This folder came with it. Had my instructions and other details for the job. Anything I haven’t shared with you already has to stay secret, sorry.”

>Wait, was that Graces photo we shredded in that ad?
Couldn’t have been, that doe had such a long neck.

>We could get coffee and do some office foraging.
>How about we raid the fridge for whatever food we got

Grace: “You mean like, eating up all the leftovers?”

She pauses for a moment.

Grace: “We have to hurry before someone else gets to it!”
No. 1101142 ID: b6ea64
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She quickly rushes you off into the kitchen. An actual kitchen this time, not a candlelit closet.

Before you realize it, there’s coffee and a half eaten cake on the table. You go to reach for the cake but Grace taps your hoof away.

Grace: “Uhn-ah! You gotta have your lunch first before dessert Flynn!”

She drops two mystery brown bags onto the table as well, eyeing them both up pretty intensely.

Grace: “Which mystery bag do you want?”
No. 1101143 ID: 460ec7

*Points at Grace* you. youre my bag, baybee *blush blush*

But also, crumpled up bag
No. 1101146 ID: 6c233e

pick the crumpled bag of grease.
No. 1101147 ID: 273c18

Crumple bag!
No. 1101150 ID: 4c750c

Crumple bag please!
No. 1101190 ID: 8f9bc4

We've seen Indiana Jones. We know it's the crumpled up bag.
No. 1101193 ID: 3ac599

I think you mean...
Indiana Doe
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