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900061 No. 900061 ID: f7b510

The sun burns high in the sky. Cracking the land with it's blistering heat. The way is vast and unchanging. Seemingly never ending in almost all directions.

Why would you be here? What drives someone to a place like this? Madness? Insanity? Who are you?
472 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 969556 ID: ba56e6

The Driver does not forget a fare, hers' or another's. The oil to repay the Angler must be settled first.

Remember to always lend an ear to passengers. Gather your Skald and hear his words.
No. 969561 ID: e7c7d3

Take up the Kitten's offer. The oil can't be that hard to sell, but getting a guide to the Hauler might be a one time thing.
No. 969570 ID: 9876c4

The cat's favor only go so far. Let's sell the oil, then do the rest on our own power.
No. 969572 ID: dbc0ce

Oil is important right now.
No. 969621 ID: 12b116

oil is top priority
No. 969651 ID: 5877dc

Getting a ride has priority over selling the oil. We have plenty of stuff to trade so in the worst case, we simply do another trade to get another favor from the Kitten. We have plenty of time to trade the oil, but only so much before the races start.
No. 969656 ID: e51896

I realize something,

Should we warn these people about how we spotted a group of weirdo warriors lead by someone named Enginehead and how they are gojng to ride their doom-train to destroy and steal everything in their path? Seems like kind of a huge deal
No. 969869 ID: 5b93d3

Beware the dangled bait. Pay your debt first.
No. 970053 ID: e9da1f

Getting the boat motor from the Anglerbf is a solid plan. Let's try not to stir up too much worry about Enginehead until after we get our sick new ride put together. Even if it means collecting parts individually
No. 970218 ID: ea1fff

Get the Hauler involved after selling the oil. We need to get the resources for the boat engine from angler. If we need to we can just use our rewards from winning the races to pay back the angler
No. 971664 ID: cf6ac3
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>>Should you mention the weird warriors and possible doom at the hands of the Enginehead's barbaric hoard and impending roadwar?
The answer is maybe... You know it's coming. There's probably no stopping it. The setback with the landslide will leave them scrambling for a while. Maybe long enough to get your car and go out past The Dune, like what the Skald mentioned. If you stir up worries, will it affect your ability to land a set of wheels?

Kitten calms you after a moment, as you still have yet to witness the miracle.

A few more minutes pass as chanting begins to erupt from the crowd, and suddenly what the seapriest said was true. The earth shakes as an eruption of water from a pipe below the dock issues forth it's rapture. Carrying along denizens of the deep.

[b]"At last! The ocean's bounty! Rejoice as a new set of the mothersea's chosen joins us, from within her watery-womb! Dip your buckets, children. Drink deep of her love."

The chanting continues well after the seapriests announce open season. Those with vessels of clay or glass or metal scoop their full from the brinepool. Avoidant of the critters that make it their home.

It astounds you. Free water?! Even salty muck can be purposed to something drinkable with a bit of effort, and these priests re just giving it away. No matter, as at the moment you have a canister of clean aqua-pura ready to drink. As much as you are into free things you don't really have much space to spare for additional water just yet.

You follow kitten after her praises to the ceremony begin to settle. As the crowd begins to disperse save for the most devout, you follow her through cramped village streets, stepping over drunks and cripples as you make your way to her destination.

You pass by several buildings of note on your way. Namely the Tyresmith, a Hookah lounge, and a Grill. In each of those locations you can see work or business being carried out as a fit worker stacks tyres, and the smith works on wheels for wagons or bikes. Fitting them with repurposed or patched tyres at an electro-powered machine, and smoke-addled people partake in drink in a nondescript longhut of earthen construction.

Kitten: "Our ancestors in their wisdom left us these artefacts so we could survive. Find new meaning in the vastness of our timescapes. The Seaking hid them well."

You: "..."

Kitten: "It is true. Through them, we are granted the gifts of the once-sea. The words of the Oceanman still ring true. The water is safe if our hearts remain pure."

You approach a clearing in the village in which a tent-bazaar is quickly filling with folks going about their business. Scents from the Hookahbar mingle with that of animals and exotic goods. A robed man offers trade of beasts out in front of a large covered wagon, and a watertower stands beyond the bazaar. A smoke stack pours charcoal fumes out the top.

You yawn and rub your eyes, but you continue forth. Following her into the crowded place. Ever-mindful of quickfingered urchins.
No. 971665 ID: cf6ac3
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Dodging around shouting traders and their haggling merchants, you make your way into the depths of the bazaar. Where you find scavenger merchants hawking their wares from a before-time, and nomad tradesmen sell their handmade or exotic goods. Weaponsellers trade around knives, swords, and crossbows to wastelanders. Even small bits of technology looks to be traded here, though much of their purposes are lost on you, being cobbled together from ancient parts and detritus.

Kitten leads you before a large successful-looking merchant. His tired eyes betray a past of success and wealth. He stands behind a counter bareing valuable spices. A rare commodity in the wasteland indeed. How long ago has it been since you had food spiced with more than just seasalt?

Nomad Merchant: "Ah. Kitten. Your debt I presume?"

Kitten: "This traderat. She has goods for sale. High quality Fish-oil. She is looking to make deal."

He peeks down over you and your pullcart.

Nomad Merchant: "I see. What is it you are looking for, Fish-o? Have a target price?"

Glancing around his stall, you can see it has many plastic containers of clean water. Barrels containing it are sorted all throughout.

You: "I do. I am looking for glass vessels. Phials, bottles, jars, anything. I also need welding wire and goon. Twenty gallons of the stuff."

Nomad Merchant: "Is that so?..." He slowly pulls from his headdress with his trunk, an inkpen, which he uses to scribble notes in a paper journal. This man must be pretty well-off.

Nomad Merchant: "Our glassblowers can make bottles to your specifications. I will charge you a quarter-gallon per piece. Five gallons for a spool of welding wire, and for your 'Goon' I can source you some of our wine. Price for that is a gallon-to-gallon basis.

You think for a moment. This seems like it was a pretty good call on Kitten's part. It sounds like this merchant is ready to purchase your full stock. You estimate you have around a 50-55 gallon drum of high octane fishoil. Is it worth that much?

You: "What else ya got? Car parts?"

Nomad Merchant: "Hmmn... We do have some... Boat parts mostly, but we do have this." He points to a large rusty muffler pinned on a wall behind him.

Nomad Merchant: "Two gallons. If you throw in two gallons more of water to sweeten the deal, then I have more. Trade the drum, Fish-o, and I'll give to you some choice parts. Any dune-eater would be jealous."

You squint a moment.

Nomad Merchant: "Shop around if you choose. Djinn, even sell it yourself if you can, but This is a fine deal I am offering. Even with those priests ruining the market, I can still offer you these excellent prices."

Kitten mostly stands there silently, trying to avoid everyone's gaze.

If you so chose, you could check out any of the other buildings, or maybe try to trade by hand. Parting it out. You yawn, as your day is catching up to you. Seems like they have a lot of goods for sale. A high variety if you are looking for something. Alternatively, you could try to seek out people who might be interested. The Angler did say it was good for nibbles. Maybe the hookah bar or grill might be interested? You do also have a bag of green you could trade, and all your other trade-goods. Though he DID say to trade the oil for as much as you could. This could be it. You want to find a way to win that first race, So hell, maybe you could even score yourself a mount here.
No. 971668 ID: e7c7d3

We might be able to get goon elsewhere for cheaper. This doesn't seem like a merchant who sells the cheapest consumables. Still, with just ten gallons we can get the spool of wire and 20 glass bottles.

Though it sounds like if we just deal through him,(and go back to grab some water from the priests,) then we can get some good car parts too. I say agree to the whole shebang, even the wine, and try to barter for a mount as well.
No. 971675 ID: 6e6f32

Let's Disect what just went down.

The trader preempted Kitten, recognizing her and mentioning "Her Debt", without being told why it was she was here. She either works for him and does this regularly, or is indebted to him.

The trader then asked questions find out what the oil was worth To you instead of letting you know what it's actually worth.

He then offered Custom Made Glass when you literally just asked for Any old glass vessel.
Let us also realize that he offered Custom Blown Glass of Any specification for One quarter the price of fucking hooch.
Blowing glass take special skills, equipment, but most importantly Fuel. Lot's of it.
I don't see an industrial glass blowing facility behind him. So either he possesses a lost tech power source, or he's lying. Considering that he is a merchant and not a king, It's probably the latter.
Also considering that pre-fall glass was cheap, common, and doesn't decay, it's almost a certainty that some Scaver around here is drowning in bottles.

He did not specify the size of the welding wire spool. You should deffo inspect it first and shop around.

Wine's quality and price varies wildly. Just ask random people on the street what they drink and who they get it from. Don't trust the word of anyone selling it. You'll find the right guy eventually.

Aaaaand a muffler. A shitty, rusty muffler. Not only do you personally have no need for it, as you need all the horsepower you can get out of your future ride, but in that condition it probably wont improve fuel efficiency anyway. It's trash. Literal Trash.

This is insulting. Move on. Don't blow up on him, even if he deserves it. The welding wire could be a specialty item, and if he's the only one who has it, better not get on his bad side.

Kitten got a free fish out of you, it seems. It may be worth pulling her aside privatly and asking why she's working with this guy, though.
No. 971678 ID: ba56e6

Agreed, get the wire and 20 glass bottles. We could look for cheaper booze, maybe a mount for the races, from other vendors. If nothing else comes up trade this guy for the goon.

If we get goon from him that leaves us about 20 gallons to work with finding a mount. Maybe more if we find cheeper goon.
No. 971720 ID: 9876c4

Maybe we could race for this guy, and split the take in exchange for a better deal. Lots of money to be made...
No. 971721 ID: 4286b4

You need to remember that Kitten gave us a choice to take us to the Hauler instead. So while she may have a debt with this merchant, I don't think she's getting any favors for taking us here. However, I do think you're right in terms that this deal being somewhat unfavorable to us. As was written, this merchant seems to be well-off, and this would only be the case if the merchant often made good deals. Good deals for him, not for his customers.

Anyway, I'd first ask this merchant what sort of debt this cat holds with him. And then tell him that the deal doesn't sound great. The wine specifically, unless it was a really high quality wine, I don't think it would trade at 1:1 to the fish oil.

But, eh, I don't wanna get too greedy here. Tell the merchant that your offer is all your fish oil for the welding wire, 20 gallons of wine, 80 glass bottles, the muffler, a choice part, and forgiving the Kitten's debt.
No. 971742 ID: d63ea8

I spy an adjustable wrench as well, how much does it cost?

I'd say that we should probably sell as much as we can today so long as we can get a decent price.
No. 971743 ID: 16fd81

That she would take us to the hauler doesn't mean much. She may have stuck around and offered to bring us here for another fish for all we know. Maybe she works with or owes a lot of people. Who knows? We sure don't. We barely just met her.
No. 972541 ID: f005d3
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You take a moment to look over your trade-goods and think. It might not be as good a deal as you initially thought. What exactly is the oil worth to him that he offers you these prices?

You: "I gotta lotta good Oil here. Let me see what kind of wine you've got on offer."

He nods slowly

Nomad Merchant: "A sample? Of course..."

He stands up so you can get a good look at his size Seems like he is crosslegged behind the stand there. He heads behind a tent to fetch a bottle.

In the mean-time you can get a word with Kitten.

You: "Debt? What kind of debt?"
Kitten: "I owe the sandsmen life. Without his resources, I would be without leg and arm. Now I can feed myself. Someday I get new arm." She says, motioning her empty sleeve.

Seems like it is an arm and a leg in debt. Might take a lot to repay them.

She sees you thinking

Kitten: "Worry not for my sake. I am crafty. I repay." You don't think you were too keen on paying someone else's debt in most cases. Especially with another person's goods anyway.

The elephant returns baring a clay jug, and a spool of welding wire. Looks complete and of fair enough quality that you'd probably use it for autobody work if you had it.

He begins to pour you a small sample of the wine. To which you scent and taste. Though your tastebuds are weathered and blunted, you taste hints of wood and fruit. This wine is of exceptional quality for the wasteland, like most of the goods created by these crafty people. This is a far cry from anything you'd come close to calling "Goon".

After you taste it he looks at you expectantly. You begin to turn and walk away.

Kitten: "You are going to let her walk? I saw the oil. Is good."

Nomad Merchant: "Hush Kitten. You know the deal gypsy. I'll have my boy dig up those Choice Parts for when you return. Then you make up your mind."


You set your pace throughout the bazaar. Looking through people's stalls and letting others merchants know what you're selling. Your first destination is the desert cultist who has been shouting about her beasts for sale.

Bug Acolyte: "Behold. Beasts of burden, beasts of speed! Wanna-be racers, workers, travelers? Come trade! Limited time offers! We are practically giving them away! Ride one off the lot today!"

You: "I have fish oil. How much?"

Bug Acolyte: "I have Camels! Cadillacs of the desert! Light on your money pouch for refueling, with no emission control! Ride through eternal sand-sea in style! Efficient, stable, with a medium payload! Comes in one or two hump trim levels! I offer... for thirty gallons of your oil... Thirty five for two hump.

For mutant Emu? What a deal! A real sandspeeder! With your frame, and a light payload? You'd be leaving your pursuits in the dust in no time! Live fast, eat fast, die quick with these 'beauts! Twenty gallons. For... Erm... a less mutant Emu, I offer Twenty five. This one produces eggs!

Burdenbeasts are valuable. They are mighty, strong, and have oodles of torque. Carry all your goods with ease! Also thirty gallons."

*Sniff* "I-I'll trade for half that stash you got..."

The bug is chipper and ready to sell.

You nod, and continue on. Sounds expensive, but you never expected a mount to be cheap.


Some Scavver: "Oh yeah. I'm just drownin' in bottles. Gottem outda' whazwoo. Ifya need bottles, I'm yer man."

"Gimme yer bottle'o pop'n five gallon's o' yer oil, n' Ill setcha up with..."

You tap your foot impatiently.


You: "With no cracks?"

Some Scavver: "Ya drive-a hard bargain ya tradergypsy-types..."

You: "I'll think about it."


Finally, a short trudge brings you back to a drunk you saw before. An old vet of some water war.

You: "Where can I get some cheap drink?"

Drunk: "Jus n' thar, lass..."

You thank him and pull open the curtain to reveal the hookah lounge. A hyena sits at a bar, and the sounds of a simple two stringed twang ring out. The voices of a few patrons enjoying their smoke and drinks in discussion of some description. the bartender waves you over.

Bartender: "Ah! What'll I getya! here fer drink or smoke?"

You: "I'm here for goon. Heard you can get me some of the cheap stuff."

Bartender: "You heard right. Good deals. Whatya got to trade? I'm low on sweets."

You: "I need twenty gallons of goon. I'll pay you two gallons of fish oil for twenty gallons of goon."

Bartender: "Hmmn... Buying for a party? I can do that..."

You: "I'll be back."
No. 972548 ID: f005d3
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You begin your return back to the Nomad Merchant.

You've done some investigating of your own, and you think you could score pretty good deals on your missing supplies. All that is left is the welding wire, which you can trade for there.

You are doing the math of how much oil all of those deals would cost you before you come upon the merchant's stall ahead. Looks like he has new things set upon his counter. A young catboy is unpacking a box.

Nomad Merchant: "Ah, hello there. You've returned at a good moment. I have here some choice goods."

Choice indeed. There is lengths of electric wire in good condition here, fuses, a couple spark plugs that don't look overused. A couple boat parts including a length of rope, and a ship's wheel. An oil lantern, While they are unpacking you place that huge adjustable monkey wrench you saw near a pile onto the counter as well.

Nomad Merchant: "And the main event..."

The catboy struggles to put a huge turbo-charger onto the table here. You sweat.

Nomad Merchant: "The muffler did not impress you, but maybe this? This power-snail is fine and strong. Largest we've seen. Out of a powerful truck. With this, no matter your ride, any Dune-eater would go green."

Looks like some huge diesel truck is missing it's turbo. You reckon you could pull some serious boost from a thing like that. With the proper set-up.

Nomad Merchant: "Do all your oil deal through me, and you can have everything here."

Seems like he wants you to trade your oil for his wine, wire, and glass, and he would throw all this in as a bonus.
No. 972553 ID: ba56e6

Hm. That mutant emu sounds like it would be just the ticket for the races if you were a more experienced beast rider instead of a driver. How good are you at steering animals?

Do you happen to know what they're a cultist to?
No. 972615 ID: e7c7d3

So we've got better deals of goon and bottles outside of the merchant. The wire though we'd have to get from him.

If we go purely through the merchant, we can get 20 galleons of wine, the wire, and a whopping 100 bottles. Plus the turbo, fuse, spark plugs, lantern, monkey wrench, and ship wheel

Outside the merchant, we would still need to grab the wire from him, the 20 gallons of goon, 40 bottles,, a less mutant emu, and still have 8 gallons for other things.
(If I did all my math right.)

The bottle guy technically has a better deal, but if we really can get 100 bottles from the merchant, then that's a better goal. Plus we get a lot of goods for fixing up a car.

I say we take the merchants deal
No. 972616 ID: 9876c4

Ultimately we're in a race against time, and we need all the contacts we can get, so I agree.

I'm not saying this is a trustworthy fellow, but his influence could probably prove useful.
No. 972619 ID: ba56e6

You've convinced me. I am in agreement.
No. 972717 ID: ff6f52

I'm convinced as well. It's obviously not a great deal, but we can get these parts too? Hopefully the Angler wouldn't be too cross that we weren't able to get absolutely the best deal we could. Maybe he'd think we are doing this for ourself? Guess all we need is a car to put the engine he promised us into
No. 972746 ID: 5b93d3

>Do all your oil deal through me, and you can have everything here
He wants us to trade through him, not just with him. He may take a cut, be we can let him handle haggling for the bottles and Goon while we just offload all our oil easy-peasey.
No. 972926 ID: 4286b4

Yes, I think this would be the smartest thing to do.

Basically, we tell him about the other merchants selling the mounts, the goon and the bottles. Then we tell him that, if he went there and haggled with them for us, he could take the difference he makes with haggling as his own profit.

So like >>972615 said, we'd be getting a mount, 20 gallons of goon, around 40 bottles and the wire. But because we would be doing the deal through him, we'd still get all of these bonus parts. Who knows, maybe he'd even haggle us a better mount.
No. 973058 ID: 83c82f
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You: “I can do my business elsewhere. There are traders who can get me better deals on the goods I am looking for.”

Nomad Merchant: “That is true. My goods are better quality. Top glass, top wine… Top parts…”

You have to agree, it is pretty tempting. That settles it.

You: “I’ll do my business through you. If you can get me a better deal on the bottles. There’s those smoke acolytes who are selling mounts. I want to get one of those Emus.”

Nomad Merchant: “That isn’t part of our deal, gypsy… If you want to purchase one of those creatures, we would need to adjust our negotiation.”

You: “See what you can do. I need as many bottles as I can get, all the wine, the wire… Everything I said. I’m against the clock here. If you can get me a quick mount, I’ll race for you.”

He tilts his head. Placing weights on a scale, measuring some bright red spice.

You: “Split the take. Lots of money to be made. Lots of trade.”

Nomad Merchant: “Eh? You don’t strike me as much of a rider… Besides. We already have a racer. Born to a tribe of beastmasters. Last year’s runner-up. You think you could do better than a natural-born cavalier on a sandstreaker?”

You: “If I beat this Beastmaster, you sponsor me. I need parts. Good ones, mate.”

He strokes his trunk in thought

Nomad Merchant: “I see… You have plans, yes? To build a ride? Become the priest’s champion?”

You: “If their reward will help me reach my goal.”

Right around now the silent cat begins to speak. Tying herself new underwear from a length of spare cloth.

Kitten: ”That beastmaster is just the runner-up… The current champions are a team… Never been beat.”

You tilt your ears at that. Whiskers twitch.

Nomad Merchant: “No one said we needed to beat them. Not that it’s an option. Runner-up gets a fine reward every year. Along with our wagers? More than worth the investment to even come to this desolate place.

Kitten: The first race of the series begins the end of next week. I seen. Many new contestants this geyser-cycle. Warriors, scavengers. Dangerous. Some with combustion. Beastmaster is not sure thing.”

She obviously has her nose to the ground with workings of the town. Looks like Kitten has this merchant’s ear in these matters.

Kitten: ”Perhaps a new driver is good investment. A crazy-eyed warrior who can do what is needed to get what she wants” She glances at you from under her hat’s brim.

You wait for his response. Obviously, he is thinking of how to best protect his investments. Racers mounted on the backs of beasts, even on mutant creatures would have a hard time competing against combustion vehicles.

Nomad Merchant: “These times are changing… I will offer you a chance, Fisho. Beat the Beastmaster in the first race in the series, and we can sponsor you. We split the keep of these races. I cannot offer you anything else until you can prove you can beat our racer. I will haggle with the Acolytes for a mount. Though I am unsure how many bottles I will be able to provide afterwards.”

The conversation pauses for a moment. The sounds of the bazaar echo around you. Only one thing is on your mind.

You: “Who are these champions?”

Kitten: ”They are Dune-eaters. Technowarriors from beyond the sandsea. Drive their ride. The Doom Buggy. An all-terrain vehicle powered by artefact of the lost age. A nuclear engine. Even the seaking could not hide it’s awesome power. Like a dragon it flies over the salt.

That is a tough one… That would normally be in a category all to it’s self, but they race it alongside tribals on bird-back?

Nomad Merchant: “Don’t worry about them. If you even beat the Beastmaster, we will make profit.”

Nomad Merchant: “Meanwhile, our deal is at hand. I will need time to have all the goods prepared and consolidated. You should find yourself bedding here in the village. I will leave you two gallons of oil for such a thing. You have water too, right? Should be more than enough to find lodging. That Tavern-ship always has space. Even at this time of year. Or stay with Kitten.”

She shifts a bit on her robotic leg.

You do feel tired… It’s been a long few days. Maybe something to eat and drink, and a safe place to sleep might do you well. You could probably find lodging anywhere you want with your oil and water. At least you’ve finally lightened your load.

Removed: Drum of Fish Oil

Added: Jug of Fish Oil (2 Gallons)
Box of Choice Parts and welding wire

No. 973079 ID: 6931f1

The vehicles do have a weakness tho. Sabotage~
But how could we get to the Doom Buggy unnoticed? Hmm.

I'm pretty sure staying with Kitten would be cheaper than the Tavern-ship, so that should be a good choice. Assuming she's fine with it heh. What's the bird up to tho?
No. 973085 ID: df76b1

We don't need the best accommodations. Something flat and warm would do nicely. I'd rather spend most of that remaining fuel on rations for the trip there and back again.
No. 973101 ID: 6e6f32

Hmm... I wonder if we could take or break a critical part of The Doom Buggy.
Messing with the nuclear core is a fools errand, but... It probably has special parts to make the core useful for a racing vehicle, though without knowing the individual nature of the core it's impossible to speculate.

One thing is certain though: It's gonna have a super high quality custom transmission.
The core will behave differently than and likely operate outside of the normal ranges typical of a combustion engine. Stock part's likely won't be able to efficiently transmit that power to the ground. I bet our trader friend here could get us a pretty penny for it though.
No. 973188 ID: ba56e6

True. Any part we break besides the nuclear core would be almost impossible to replace.

Ask if Kitten would be fine with you staying with her. And make sure to check what the Skald is up to.
No. 973309 ID: 389f51

I'd like to see what the SKALD is up to before making a decision. Staying with kitten sounds cute, I wonder what her home is like
No. 976435 ID: 764f9e
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>>Vehicles do have a weakness, sabotage
>>Taking or breaking a critical part of The Doom Buggy

You might not be entirely above sabotage if it means you can win, but if these guys are serious racers with a ride like that, they probably take precautions. You yourself aren’t averse from boobytrapping your own ride to protect it from others, but in turn you’re pretty good about spotting security systems.

You: “Is The Doom Buggy in the village? Can I see it?”

Kitten: ”They are not. The technowarriors arrive the day of the events and only stay long enough to claim their prizes. It feels as though the races are just a formality to collect the treasures of the sea and add them to their swag bag.

You think for a moment. They obviously have some way to tell when the races start, but arriving the day of? Maybe it could give you a chance to scout the competition

You: “How about the beastmaster? Is he in town?”

Kitten: ”Yes, but the visiting tribes follow tradition. They stay on the outskirts or in the outquarters where they are amongst those of their ilk. Away from the eyes of the sea.”

You expected about as much. Its harder to sabotage a creature anyway, but you’ve got time to prepare for the race… Maybe it’s about time to hunker down. You’ve been standing about the bazaar for some time now, and many of the visitors seem to be finishing up their transactions and heading out.

You: “You don’t mind if I bunk with you?”


She nods her head softly

You: “… I think I’d like to visit The Mississippi Queen. Maybe grab some grub. See how someone’s doing.”

Kitten: ”I can accompany”
No. 976439 ID: 764f9e
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You go for a walk across the village. Mind filled with thoughts of that nuclear vehicle, and it's mysterious core... The packed salty earth soft against your feet, padding through the well-trod village streets. You see many people returning from the brine pool with their vessels full of the salty water. It seems like the ritual had been successful, as the boardwalk above the village seems to be lit by electric lights in celebration.

You near the large steamship. The Mississippi Queen. There are several armed guards keeping out riffraff, but they look you up and down, and allow you through with little hassle. You climb the creaky wooden stairs to it’s deck. There you can clearly hear the turning of the massive engines within. That must be what is providing power for the few electrics and machines you have spotted in several places around judging by the multitude of wires exiting the ship.

When you enter in through the heavy door, the room is bathed in the soft glow of ‘lectrics, and oil lamps. The warmth of steam and the various heat sources help make this place part sweat lounge, by the feel of things. The tavern itself isn’t as busy as you expected. Likely everyone is still counting their gains from tonight’s ceremony. Wires are fed through cracks or holes in the various decks, and there are still some figures around the bar.

A drunken possum, obviously a seacultist by the smell of brine and the fishhook piercings,

Some mercenary-looking wastelander types, a frustratingly tall rabbit server-girl who dresses like the nomads from before, and a few simply dressed tribals who look to be of different groups. They speak amongst themselves at a table in the corner.

You note there doesn’t seem to be a barman present right now, but there is a ladder that is leaned against the smokestack of the ship that leads to the decks below and above.

Finally, the Skald seems to be playing a set on a slightly raised stage. The thunder of their music seemingly lessened by the chatter of the various people here. They don’t even look up to you. Likely in their songtrance.

Before you make your way inside, the rabbit shouts down the ladder. “I need another round of seascum and a pickled nipper!” That’s when you hear a rougher voice return from below “Aye! On it!” They say, ascending the ladder.

You suppose this place is manned after all. Kitten stands patiently besides you near the entrance.

There are people coming and going. Most everyone must have wealth of one form or another, or else they wouldn’t be coming to an establishment like this.
No. 976444 ID: ba56e6

Servers hear a lot of things, and the view is nice. Find a table and see if you can chat her up until Skald is finished.
No. 976499 ID: 4286b4

Talk to the bunny and order some food.
No. 976500 ID: e7c7d3

No. 976549 ID: 2be85e

Perhaps offer to buy kitten a drink. There help was appreciated.
No. 977270 ID: fe18e3
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Scanning the room, you feel a bit of a rumble in your stomach. It’s been since your time with the Angler that you last ate so you take some steps towards the bar. Kitten follows behind. Damn you could go for some seafood.

That what ascends is a wet and steaming exotic form. Hottub down in the bilge? At first you mistook her for a serpent like the priestess. Obviously with a good look at her, that was a mistaken assumption. Fish don’t have jugs like those… But you think she might have caught you staring.

Dragoness: “‘Ello… See something you like? When did we start serving teens?”

You: “What! I’m older than you!” you feel

Dragoness: “O-oh! Welcome to the Queen… My mistake…” She stretches her neck to examine you. “Lass? I’m Maurea. Call me Leah. Proprietor.”

You cross your arms. Hopefully not pouting. She looks at Kitten who nods in greeting. They’re probably familiar.

Maurea: “What’ll I get you two today?” She says, scooping a frothy beverage from a blue barrel using a ladle. It glows with seaweed pods.

With a sigh you pull out your remaining clawfish

You: “Cook this for me. I’ll pay.” Her eyes light up and she licks her lip with a long wet tongue.

Maurea: “The… fishos in town?”

You: … “Just been doing some trading.”

Maurea: “Hmmn. Those seapriests must be happy. Everyone loves somethin’a lil fishy.” She says with a little (long) smile. Spearing a miniature nipper for the next strong drink she fixes.

Maurea: “That all?”

You: “…Two grogs”
No. 977271 ID: fe18e3
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You leave your clawfish with her. She begins stepping down into the sauna of the engine room. Likely to go sit in some boiling water with your clawfish.

Taking kitten and your two drinks, you find an open booth. Not as good a view of the whole room as you would have liked, but you take what you can get.

Kitten: ”The madam is very influential. She has elevated position because her origin.”

You: “So. You know her?” You say, taking a sip of grog. It’s bitter and weak, but it will get you good.

Kitten: ”Yes. Though, she is well known around town. Most desired bachelorette. Pearl of the sea. In fact, she has the most pearls of anyone.”

Kitten: ”She is known for teaching many of the sandsmen the tongue, and her serving girls are top picks.”

The two of you sit and listen, trying to exchange words over the Skald’s thunderous riffs, but mostly resign to a quiet drink. Don’t think Kitten is much of a talker any way. She has a small voice.

Soon, the server wench arrives. The rabbit is staring at the large clawfish, watching her footing so as not to spill such a meal. When she deposits it, you take the opportunity to strike up a conversation. Maybe squeeze some info you’re after.

You: “How long have you been working here?”

Rabbit: “I’m sorry. Every water season we come. I take work here. Maybe, ten years? Since I was small, I have worked for Missus Maurea-Leah. Learned very much from her!”

You: “You must hear a lot then. Know a lot of people.” You say, pulling your screwdriver out of your sack. Cracking off a claw to set for Kitten who sweats at the sight.

You: “Know anywhere I can score some wheels?”

Rabbit: “Wheels?” She tilts her head, almost drooling at the sight of you dipping a fork into the succulent flesh of the crawfish.

Rabbit: “The tyresmith? Some of the traders have bye-cycles and carts they make.”

You: “I mean a car, longlegs. You gotta know some people who’ve got combustion.” Cracking the shell.

Rabbit: “N-no.. S-sorry I mean, there’s the Dune eaters, and the the shogun’s tribe… sometimes a wastelander signs up to the races with a mobile. Every driver who comes to The Queen pays for much; and sometimes the other clans have motorbikes and trucks they maintain, but every year theres less.”

Kitten: ”There’s also the Hauler.” She interjects, knocking back a quick gulp of grog.

Rabbit: “Yes… Former loyal customer. The Hauler hasn’t paid tab in a while, I don’t think business is good. Madam Maurea-Leah said the hauler still owes her ten sessions of our special massages.” she says blushing, wiping down your greasy table with a cloth to appear busy in front of the dragoness.

Rabbit: “They say The Hauler drinks on the other side of town now.”

You: “Come on, you don’t know any other racers? Surely someone owns that bug I saw outside.” You say, mouth full of clawfish. Using some fishoil as a dipping sauce. He was right. Good for the nibbles!

Rabbit: “Yes… Actually, warrior braves from the mountain tribes arrived in the village a day ago. They sold several vehicles around, but I don’t think most of them are in town anymore. Nomad clans took them apart for spare parts, the bug was among those sold.”

Bull: “Cottontail! Bring me and my comrade here another scum!” says a raucous mercenary type from the booth behind you. Probably watching her tail twitching from the scent and sight of your meal

Rabbit: “B-back to work…”
No. 977272 ID: fe18e3
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Almost in a flash, the set ends when a fresh bottle of drink is placed on the skald’s instrumentwrap. They hop off the stage, and nearly down it all in one single pull. Suddenly, their vision is fixed upon you. Uh oh.

Skald: “Oh-ho-ho. ‘Lo! Driver! I knew you’d arrive!” They say, coming upon your table in what feels like only one stride. Taking a seat besides Kitten who is caught by surprise “We’ll take three sea scum, and a bottle of goon!” they say, holding aloft The Sign to the server.

Kitten: “Driver? Do you know this skald?”

Skald: “Of course she does. She and I are fate bound. Destinies intersect in many different consciousness.” They say, emptying their bottle.

Wait a second… Something is strange. You know something is missing…

You: “Skald… Where is your sword?”

Skald: “I pawned it.”

They say, having pulled a mug of drink off a passing serving platter.

You: “Pawned it?! Have you fried your dome?”

Skald: “Of course not. I heard there was races. I’ve wagered the funds from my Oathblade on you.”

You: “How could you be so sure? What makes you think I’m going to try to race?”

They only look at you, bemused. Grrr, this idiot. A wanderer needs their weapon. Just giving it away like that? Risking it? It’s not your problem, but it kind of ticks you off for some reason.

Skald: “Come on Driver. In what realm do you avoid such a tantalizing drive. A roadwarrior like yourself cannot hope to fail at smoking these flotsam riffraff.”

Skald: “Besides. I know groups looking for drivers! This is the place to find work, There’s many!” Says the skald, and almost on cue, a group has formed by your table.

An eagle tribesman, a dreadhead dog, and a wild eyes badger.

Badger: “Ahhh!! Would you look at lil-miss psychagypsy ‘ere!” He says, picking up one of the legs of your lobster and sucking it dry.

Badger: “Gonna buy us a round too?” your eyebrow twitches.

Badger: “What was it this greasy bard said?” He leans to the birdman

Bird: “She fancies herself a racer.”

Badger: “Just ‘cuz ya got some money you think you got what it takes to win the races eh merchant?! Better drop out before ya began, rat. We’ve got Emu, and racers, and gas; and now a buggy?! No chance you’ll beat us! Hahaha!”

What the hell?!
No. 977284 ID: 864e49

"First; touch my food again and we're gonna have trouble. Second; what you got is shit, do you even have anyone that can drive that buggy? And how well?"
No. 977307 ID: ba56e6

Seems cocky. Wonder if you can win that buggy in a wager.
No. 977322 ID: df76b1

Hard to keep up a decent speed, with your gums flapping that much.

Keep your hand off my plate or I'll chop it off and have it grilled.
No. 977324 ID: 6e6f32

The eagle in the back shares your eyes. Speak to them instead.
You keep her out of trouble until the race, ya'hear?
No. 977438 ID: 1e01b2

Easy. We dealt with those kinds of braggarts in the past. Point your shotgun at him And tell him to shove off. You don't have Nothing worth a buggy to wager but maybe he'd might. don't tell him you plan on building a car to race, it's better if they think they've got the advantage.

In either case intimidation is a good way to get what you want. Maybe during the race we can claim that buggy or it's parts
No. 977440 ID: 4286b4

He who laughs last, laughs best. But yeah, see if you can find out where their confidences comes from.
No. 977863 ID: 4e85d4

Block his hand with your trusty flathead. You're not looking to get in a fight with braggers showing off their wealth. Rich boy racing teams only get so far. Try and see if their bravado is warranted. I don't think we should do any asskicking just yet though.
No. 978003 ID: 260849
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Badger: "Best stay in your lane... Don't wanna end up hur-"

You slam your screwdriver into the table before his grabby hand got any closer.

You: "Call yourself a racer? Hard to keep up a decent speed, with your gums flapping that much." You shoot him a piercing glare.

You: "Keep your hand off my plate! or I'll chop it off and have it grilled."

Dreadhead Dog: "Feisty... Wanna hang out?"

The badger just laughs

Badger: "I call myself whatever I wanna! You might have good taste, but from the looksa things, thats all ya got!"

You: "Oh yeah? So you think having some wheels is all you need to win?" You ask. The skald drinks quite loudly at this.

Badger: "Pretty damn close!!"
No. 978004 ID: 260849
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Eagle: "What he means. We traded for the only working 'wheels' suitable for racing in this village. The wasters and sandsmen on backs of beast stand only a slim chance on their very best day."

Badger: "Yeah! See? Whaddaya got? Camel? Emu? Crossbow? You're gonna get blasted outta the water, chump. Give up!"

He looks to his companions

Badger: "In fact! I'd bet every bullet in my belt she doesn't even make it to the starting line."

You: "What the hell is giving you so much confidence! You think your shitty beetle is that hot? Who's driving it? You?!" You stand up, squeaking a protest.

Badger: "Haha yeah! I'm the driver! I kill too! You're so outmatched you don't even believe. So I think we'll see what happens then!"

You: "I bet you a lobster dinner I wipe the sand with your mug and strip your bug for parts."

Badger: "Now THAT'S the spirit! I'll take that bet! I'll be aiming' for ya come race day! Toodles!"

Dreadhead dog: "Bro..."

You're a little heated and it looks like they've done what they wanted to you, and might be leaving.

What next? Anything even worth it?
No. 978009 ID: ce39da

While they're still in earshot: "They can't be that tough if they're scared enough to try and actually talk down their competition!"
No. 978010 ID: 4286b4

Hmm. If the Hauler owes the owner of this place a lot of money, then perhaps we could make some sort of a deal with Maurea. To pay the Hauler a visit and obtain "collateral", until the Hauler pays his tab. The collateral would, of course, have wheels, which we could use in the race.
No. 978452 ID: 260849
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You sigh with an audible groan. Those guys pissed you off. No wonder you never try to relate to civilization...

Not that you knew it still existed.

You: "What blowhards... They can't be that tough if they try and actually talk down their competition!"

You see the badger and dreadhead look back at you with some kind of sly grin. Like they expect nothing from you at all. You're plenty tuckered out that you just dig back into your clawfish. Enjoying the meaty tail while passersby watch on drooling.

The voices in your head are mostly silent now, so you take it mostly into your own hands. Not like anyone cares if you live or die anyway.

You: "You know what? To hell with it. I'll try this race. Whatever it actually means. Shouldn't be too hard... No scum sucking would-be pedestrian wasteland roadkill matters to me. Not that I stand much to lose, unlike you, Skald. Right cunts those wasters are. Can't wait to see them struggle for grip out on the salt." You say, lifting up your mug of seascum. Not sure if your choice of words are your own or just parroted from staying that time with the Angler. Either case you knock back that mug of seascum that the long legged hare wench finally brought to your table.

Skald: "Hark... The Driver finally sparks a taste for the races, ey? Nay, a taste for dishing punishment? Lay the heat on thick, She may."

Kitten: "Did you really bet your sword on her? Before even signing up? Is the road warrior that good?"

Skald: "In the sagas 'tis told. High octane crazy eyes. Blood and guts? Thats what she spills on the pave', and on the reg. Only she and the devil knows her skill. For she races him. Even to this day."

You try to glug the salty drink down as best you can. Its viscous. Strands of seaweed and kelp stop it from sliding easily down your throat but it gives you something interesting to chew on.

Kitten: "Then... She needs a car... But to get one in a week? One ready for the salt? Unheard of... Buying that Emu is quite a purchase.. She may have wealth, but that would be mad. Even those wastelanders paid a warlord's ransom to net their rides."

Skald: "Ohoho... Just witness, dear kitten... Somehow? She gets it done. Matters not whenst. That Driver finds her wheels. No matter the Devil's bargain she takes."

You slam the mug on the table. A bit of a woozy feeling setting in. Even if it was barely stronger than a grog, your frame is small, and working overtime with such a rich meal and drink.

You know what you can do to get some funds here in this barter town.

You scamper over to the bar, where Leah is fanning herself with one hand, counting a pile a glittering pearls in another. Depositing them into a flask at her side.

You: "Maurea? I have a proposition."

Maurea: "Call me Leah!" She says, corking her flask of pearls. Dipping her finger into a vat of tar-like soup to taste. "What kind of deal do you have for me today, acting Fisho?"

You: "I know of the Hauler's debt. I can pay them a visit and get you some collateral until they satisfy you."

Maurea: "Hmph! Sounds ideal for me... What will you be getting out of it?"

You: "Does it matter?" you say. Offering your payment for the drinks and the meal in the form of a tall cup or two of fish oil. She eyeballs you with a pearl-like glittering view.

Maurea: "I suppose it doesn't... They are said to be preparing for a big haul tomorrow. Something like that could readily pay back the funds owed. If you wish to help me? Make sure the payment for the haul is directed towards me. I will lead you a favour." She says whipping her tail around behind her in such a way that it cracks at the air.

You: "What's the catch?"

Maurea: "You can't let the Hauler know you are under my employ until after all the deals are done and they are coming back with payment. Do everything you can! Play up the helpless hitch-hiker role if you need. If the Hauler knows you are working for me, so help me Poseidon, I won't see a single doubloon of this haul. Do this? I'll pay you the difference~"

She runs her long wet tongue between her many needle-like teeth.

Might be worth it. Accept? Any caveats or should we get a place to stay? Or else where, and what?
No. 978453 ID: e51896

Remember what the eel said, "beware of promises of shortcuts"

Decline the offer.
No. 978508 ID: 845d55

I think we skipped the easy route of just straight up trading the oil for the car. Instead I think we should take her up on that.

We have a good in to get with the Hauler without having to worry about if we can race at all since I think we might have secured at least an Emu. Might as well see what's up there with this next haul. If we don't manage to get Maurea her payment we can just say we couldn't do it.

Tell her you accept. Let's join the haul, but tonight let's get another quick round and head to Kitten's place. I think we have more buying power than we think. The Skald is staying here right?
No. 978509 ID: 6c227a

nothing about that task sounds like a shortcut. It sounds pretty complicated actually.

Let me get this straight. We need to get the returning payment from whatever shipment is going out tomorrow to show up at Leah's place, and we shouldn't let anyone know that we are working for her until after the trade is complete. So what, hijack the returning payment and forcing them at gunpoint to pay off their tab?
No. 978525 ID: d909cb

Hmm, this complicates things. If we need to steal stuff in our own name, it means that after the job is done, the Hauler's gonna be mad at us instead of Leah heh. Assuming there is someone to blame. Actually I don't know what this whole hauling business is about. What is being hauled and how we could easily redirect it. Some more info on the time and place would be useful to know. Also, I thought this would be a way to obtain means of racing, but if it's only money, I'm not sure if we need it.

That's some fancy clothes that the dragoness is wearing... Accept. I know what I'm gonna be asking as a reward hehe.

As far as the place to stay goes, I don't really care. We were gonna stay with Kitten, but perhaps Leah can offer something fancier in return for us doing this job.
No. 978528 ID: ba56e6

Let's do it. Might only be step one, but one step before the other.

I think the shortcut was blowing our fish oil on getting a vehicle, and not paying back the Angler with what he asked for.
No. 978535 ID: 364bad

It seems like climbing our way to 8 cylinders might be tough. Let's tell Leah we can try to pull it off. But that doesn't mean it's a promise, it doesn't seem like she's strapped for cash either.

I think we should pay the hauler a visit tomorrow, Kitten might be a bit more receptive to taking us there after her quick chat with the Skald too

Get your compatriots some more beer and stumble home with kitten.

Are you sure... The driver never struck me as gay
No. 978543 ID: d909cb

Nah, I just want Leah's clothes. After all, there is much utility to fishnets... 😏 Could bring them back as a gift for the Angler if nothing else.
No. 978845 ID: 7dbd5b

Snuggle up with kitten as long asher sounds don't hurt that bad. Then in the morning have her take us to the hauler to see what we're dealing with. Playing the hitchhiker role might be easier if we can learn where they're going. Are we any good at acting? It's about the same as being good at lying
No. 979254 ID: 260849
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You eyeball Maurea, thinking about possible rewards. This dragoness is pitching a tall order. If this job doesn't go right, it might end up with you coachjacking someone well known in this village at gunpoint.

You: "I'll take you up on the offer, but can't offer promises."

Maurea: "Great! I am glad to hear it-"

You: "If I can manage it, I'll deliver it. Just make sure you have your payments ready."

Looking back at the table, you can see the Skald and Kitten looking back towards you.

You: ... "I'll take another round of sea scum for the table."

She grins. Needle teeth on display again.

The three of you enjoy your last drinks. The clawfish gone by now. As you stand up to stumble with kitten to her home, the skald pipes up.

Skald: "Driver... I know you take not to my advice easily. Thou, I havth felt your desperation. The call of the road is heavy. Should you need, I'vth sojourned myself quarters here. There may yet be those in need of drivers."

You: "Yeahnah. Like I said mate. I'm gonna get my ride one way or another. The Rider can wait, and I've got a lead now. If it doesn't work out, maybe we'll see each other here."

Skald: "Until the races then... Or misfortune?" They hold up the sign of rock before climbing the ladder to their quarters.

You are lead by kitten out of The Mississippi Queen. Luckily she has her walking staff, because carrying this cart and your goods makes it hard to keep her on balance. You think one of her legs is likely shorter than the other with her long drunken steps.

She leads you down a filthy but quiet street somewhere near a wall of the village. You pass by few other seafolk, but notice the state of many homes and buildings. Even to the standards of the wasteland these days, it doesn't seem quite nice here.

Kitten: "Apologies. My home is modest. I rent my heater from the sandsmen, and have no lantern oil."

Eh, it can't be that bad. It seems like most buildings are constructed of mud brick or ancient boats and their parts, or shipping containers.

Until you head down an alley behind a small store and domicile and see it. partially hidden in plain sight, a wooden dinghy with a piece of metal laid on it as it's door. You try not to pay attention to the strangers smoking in another alley.

You: "It looks... Cozy."

She doesn't say anything
No. 979257 ID: 260849
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You: "Does the Skald seem clingy to you? It's like they don't know the way of things."

Kitten: "Skald seems mysterious. Trusting of you."

You twist a couple loose screws, trying to fix the timing in Kitten's gear access.

Her home is modest. She owns an empty oil lamp from the nomads she is indebted to. You poured a bit of oil in it (to see what you were working on), and lit it with your mysterious lighter that still somehow, despite the years, contains fuel. The cat winces when you probe too deeply with your tool.

Kitten: "Driving? Mechanics? Cybernetics? Your skills are esoteric... Those skills are nearly lost this age as you know. Maybe that is why The Skald trusts you."

You: "I'm not so sure... They have a strange way of talking. The music from that devilish instrument rubs me wrong."

Kitten: "I find the stories of the ancients fulfilling. They almost fill a void I feel I am missing, and fill it with tales of bloodshed and woe, but also of life and action. Times before mine. They bet their oathblade on you..."

shrugging, you use some of your fish oil to dab a few drops on her gear and actuator joints.

Kitten: "It has been two cycles since I had maintenance done... The mekanican charges much for service."

You: "No problem. It's a piece, alright, but she's solid."

She winces again when you close the access port at her shoulder connection.

Kitten "It's true then... You wish to race those wastelanders? Word is the badger killed the men ahead of him in line to purchase that buggy from the mountainkin. That after the race they seek to become Duneeaters. Search for treasures hidden by the Seaking. Past the Dune, and maybe even sandsea."

You: ...

Kitten: "The Hauler is said to have a ride you know... That might be what they're planning to haul. That, or crude water, past the lip of salt. To trade with the mountain people, or the witch in her scrap-palace. It is said the sea priests granted that privilege. I cannot imagine what else they can afford to haul. No one hires haulers anymore. Too expensive. No use. Traders and nomads use caravans. Strapping to backs of beasts, and men. More efficient. Cheaper. They don't burn fuel."

You: "No one tries to jack them? What if someone pulled a drive-by? No emu can keep up with a high revving car, or bike. There's no raiders?"

Kitten: "Of course there are bandits and raiders, but after the waterwars, almost none have that kind of power. Now it is mostly raids on backs of beasts, or on foot. There are sharpshooters every now, and then... But Kamikrazies on motorback? Riding in steel cars? That's myth. The roadwars ended. This is why the Hauler lacks work. There is no need for gearjammers or their rigs strong enough to pull tonnage, able to knock others to the deep. The time of road warriors is past.


You sit in silence a moment. Kitten lives in ditch under a dinghy, but even without the heat on it is not freezing cold. You consider cooking something using her hat as a wok, but you think against it. You've already eaten an enormous meal, and shared with her. Best not over-do it. You're going to be doing some travel soon after all.

You yawn with a stretch. Kitten takes that as a sign, and uses her claw to reach up and pinch out the flame of the oil lamp.

You: "Do you ever take that off? Can't be comfortable"

Kitten: "Just the leg... It is hard to sleep with it on, and the joints pinch my fur at night."

You: "What about the arm? I imagine it's the same."

Kitten: "I am not sure if I take it off that someone would put it back on for me, or be off with it for themselves."

You: "... I'll put it back on for you in the morning."

Kitten: "... Very well..."

She unlatches her leg and sets it to the side. You grip the cold steel of her arm and give it a twist. Freeing it, and setting it there as well. The ground of her home is canvas and a rough rug, but you share what remains of your cape as a pillow, and use your towel toga as a blanket.

It's a tight fit, but you don't take up much space. The two of you drift off into a sleep. She doesn't seem to mind the sting of her wounds and burns so much when you brush them, on accident or not. Maybe the warmth you share makes up for it.


How do we sleep? Or how should you prepare for the morning? You think you have the plan for the Hauler mostly worked out, but sometime tomorrow you also have to pick up your goods for the Angler. Maybe they could hold them for you until your return?

If you need anything as well, you still have the majority of your oil and water to trade for should this hitchhiker plot call for anything you lack.
No. 979259 ID: 6e6f32

Sleep comes easily, but is perhaps not as restful as one would like.
Troubled dreams fueled by the days events and shaped by bedtime conversation.

The Skald trusts us because he recognizes that we are not like anyone else. Our speech, our mannerisms, our knowledge. They are ancient. Just like us.
Flashes of the past haunt us this night. Immortality... or something akin to it. Many would think it a gift. In truth, it was a curse. To live is to suffer. To be able to forget the greatest gift the gods bestowed upon us. Yet, sometimes the gods are cruel. Sometimes, we still remember that fateful day; the day the world ended.
No. 979261 ID: ba56e6

Start to feel some curiosity in this Hauler. He is like you, one of the old roads, of wheels and fire. Maybe you will find a kindred spirit.
No. 979324 ID: 0fb221

Cuddle the cat and comfort each other. In the morning after your disturbed dreams, ask kitten to take you there to the hauler. We know a rough direction they're going so we can use that to act our hitchhiker role. Ask her to tell the elephant to hold onto your goods until you return from the trip, that you still plan on racing for the reward come the next race
No. 979334 ID: 0fb221

The myth of the roadwarriors can't be over yet... You just fought a warlord and his enormous doomtrain!!! Maybe this village hasn't know struggle in a long time. Let's fix that. See if we can convince the hauler we are the same. Earn their trust. Tell kitten to teach us more of their ride
No. 979341 ID: d909cb

Sleep in an impossible position.

Don't have any ideas about other stuff.
No. 979381 ID: f2320a

Hmm we need to fatten up we will starve fast if we stay this skinny
No. 980734 ID: 3d5218
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Sleep is easy for you. It has been a long day, but you accomplished much. You lie besides the kitten, wishing more of your nights can be shared warm like this. You drift away, but alas. It is not as restful as you would have liked.

Troubled dreams. Fueled by the day’s events and shaped by the night’s conversations. That Skald. They trust you. Why? Why us?

>> They recognize that we are not like anyone else. Our speech, our mannerisms, our knowledge and skills. They are ancient. Just like us

It is not often you speak to others, to be sure. You don’t try to mask anything. It’s just that it never comes up. Why spend time talking about pointless things. Surely though someone as perceptive as Kitten must have picked up that we aren’t common.

This night, like many, flashes of the past haunt your dreams. They have become more frequent with the loss of your car. Without wheels to harry you ever-forward, you feel it catching back up to you.

Immortality? or something akin to it. No. That can’t be it you don’t think. It’s no gift. A curse that far few deserve. Because only the waking nightmare of reality can give you something to pull you away. From your thoughts, your feelings… Sometimes, you still remember. The day your world ended.

You awake with a start

Food. You have food. You should eat while you still have it.

Your mind calms as you start the furnace and begin to fry up the last of your Seatucka. The longfish fried in the Angler’s oil. Only a light layer is enough.

Kitten: ”I take it you didn’t sleep well.”

You: …

Kitten: ”I did. That arm is heavy and makes my back sore.”

You give the sizzling fish a turn.

Kitten: ”I heard your whimpering. You talk in your sleep.”

You: “…This is a fine furnace.”

Kitten: “Thank you. I am renting it from the sandsmen.”

You grab your tin can and serve yourself some chunks of longfish. Then you grab a the bowl next to the drinking jar and offer Kitten a helping.

You: “I’ll need your help. I will go check on the goods this morning at the bazaar, but I will need you to have them hold them there until I return.”

you say, holding out the bowl.

Kitten: ”Maurea’s bargain? I can show you the Hauler’s lot in the after.” She looks at the bowl and gulps.

Kitten: “... Please would you reattach my arm before we go...”
No. 980735 ID: 3d5218
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The two of you return to the Bazaar where currently it has already begun to fill for the morning’s trade. You note the elephantine merchant is not at his stall. Instead, his boy helper is there looking after it.

Boy: “Ah! There you are fisho! The boss said to show you these when you got here. He’s out negotiating with the oil drum. We should have your glass by the day’s end!”

He leads you behind the stand a short ways past a couple screens where you see a pair of large amphora. Uncorking it confirms it as the wine the two of you negotiated before. You sneak a cup.

Then the boy returns leading a large but lean Emu mount. It looks angry and fierce, but it doesn’t seem much trouble as it is pulled by him. Maybe they managed a good deal.

Boy: “She’s an egg layer for sure. The Acolytes mentioned she’s fast, but they will say anything to make a sale. They’re having a saddle brought over this evening.”

A fine bird, but she’s menacing. It would take you a while to get used to such an abrasive personality. Maybe a bit like your own.

Kitten says she will watch your investments for you. Somehow that gives you a bit of relief.

You leave the village. Heading out beyond it’s earthen metal walls to a lot shown to you by Kitten. It lies behind one of the old ship hulls, and nestled between ancient buoys. An ancient heavy snub-nosed truck. It looks old and rusty, but well looked after. It rides high, and it is attached to a covered wagon rear end crafted by natives. Smaller than what you would normally see for a truck that size. Seems like it is nearly finished being loaded up. You hear a swift curse from the front end. An open toolbox sits on the ground next to a broad figure.
No. 980736 ID: 3d5218
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You approach. You smell the scent of cigarette smoke and crude ale. They seem elbow deep in the engine bay.

Hauler: “Damned piece…”

You: “She’s solid. What are you running? Diesel?”

Hauler: “Yeeeeup. Just replaced a glow plug, and fuel filter… I can burn whatever I want in this mother-sucker! Diesel, Crude, Coal powder? Easy. I don’t dare run gas anyhow.” Said before taking a drag from a dart.

You: “Yeah, why’s that? Hard to find these days?”

You pass up a spanner. They receive it.

After a couple turns of an unseen bolt, she looks down at you and you look back a bit nervously. Hand on the bonnet.

Hauler: “You know what they say. Six in a row, you’re ready to tow. Eight in a V? You sit to pee.”

She grins and shuts the bonnet.
No. 980737 ID: 3d5218
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She looks familiar. You think you might have seen her before in the old longhouse by the bazaar where you were looking for goon prices. She wears a greasy shirt stained from working on this truck, and her arm has a deep scar. Hair covers her eyes and it’s tough to tell what she’s really feeling behind that big black-lipped Hyena smile.

Her debt must be because she must be used to a certain lifestyle. It’s not often you see people who have eaten this well these days. Or those who can afford to feed a smoke habit.

Hauler: “See anything you like?” She smirks

You: “Yeah, your truck looks good. Is there room for another? Heard you were heading up for mountain country, and I need to get out of town.”

Hauler: “You’ve got good taste! Her name’s Betty. Been keepin’er goin’ fer a long time! Don’t mind her state… A bit down on her luck, but as strong as ever.”

She thinks a moment

Hauler: “I’ve been known… To take hitch-hikers once in a while… You look like a pretty sorry excuse, but I’m a lil’ old fashioned. Do you know the "Rules of The Road?" No one rides for free!” She laughs hard. The kind of laugh only a hyena could have.
No. 980738 ID: 3d5218
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Uh oh… You're deeply familiar with this tradition… You don’t really want to have ton give up any of these resources, they’re pretty precious to you after all.

Hauler: “So what’ll it be!”

>Or ass

You sweat
No. 980739 ID: cdabe3

No. 980740 ID: df76b1

Do we still have Grass? That'd be easiest.
No. 980741 ID: 322af8

As long as we have grass that might be the best option.
No. 980742 ID: 6f7a5a

give grass
No. 980744 ID: 11f77a

Grassy grass grass
No. 980752 ID: 6e6f32

Eh. You could do worse.
Ass could be fun.
No. 980756 ID: b1b4f3

No. 980758 ID: e2f5cc

She has a christmas tree for pubes. How could you possibly say no to that.
No. 980761 ID: 2a15f0

trade your clothing for a ride
No. 980770 ID: 598c94


Because we're a stingy ass. And because, hot damn, this woman is probably one of the few that loves her ride as you do yours, so it's not that bad. You can tell her that, while you do have some grass, the smell that Betty's giving off is making you greasier than the hyena after hugging the engine.
No. 980772 ID: 094652

Try the ass first. If it don't work go for grass.
No. 980776 ID: d5786c

Have some adventure and gain some new experiences, go ass.
No. 980781 ID: ba56e6

If you still have some grass, you could spare. Maybe the ass can come later.
No. 980789 ID: 1ec87e

Ass. Time to see if Hyenas live up to their reputation.
No. 980826 ID: f2320a

Would prefer actual dick
No. 980842 ID: f505e7

ass i have to know now
No. 980844 ID: 8b253a

Gotta be grass. Can't let our tight rat butt get got by a hyena girl unless it's by force
No. 980848 ID: 2c115a

Step on the grass.
No. 980849 ID: 864e49

The Grass is a limited resource, ass is not.
Also could possibly make her more comfortable around us if we share some grass afterwards. Or during!
No. 980880 ID: 9867c7

You're one to talk ASS of hat.

I think we should offer grass or maybe a gallon of our gas. If she pushes maybe we can give her a driving handy. We got some wheels to get so some sacrifices can be made.
No. 980889 ID: 864e49

No. 981106 ID: 586e0a

I want to trade grass. Maybe after she finds out our ass is too small for her anyway. We can play it off as 'here take my grass' and see if she takes the deal
No. 983477 ID: 15a025

I say offer up some grass.
No. 983488 ID: 7ccd0c

What if we offered a little ass and a little grass?
Wouldn't that make things more enjoyable for everyone?
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