Red Ginger Cascade
Seductress: "But I appeared at city in ruins, The pleasuroids were destroying everything. I then discovered that Professor Soulsworn had placed a bomb on my back. I was able to escape destruction, but the Terrash Warp gate was not."
Verto: "He wanted to make sure the pleasuroids could not return."
Seductress: "How did you get here? without the Terrash gate, the professor's gate would have become unreliable at best!"
Verto: "I arrived on this planetoid after touching the unstable warp gate.
Seductress: "You touched the gate knowing it was unstable? knowing that it could destroy you?"
Verto: "Yes"
Seductress: "That sounds like an incredibly dangerous and foolish thing to do Verto, and not at all like you."
Verto: "It is an action I performed, thus it is like me."
Seductress: "why would you do such a thing?"
The bomb, strapped to Seductress' back. It is remembered in the visual logs