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559869 No. 559869 ID: 24eceb

Part One and Two: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/115831.html
Part Three: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/233143.html
Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Critical_Failure
Discussion: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/79275.html

>My name is Zilee.

>I used to live in the village of Picitaru atop Karaku mountain until one day, when I was out huntinh, a god fell from the sky and smashed Picitaru under its mighty frame.
>The people most dear to me in this world are all dead.
10 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 560016 ID: 24eceb

please refrain from starting out-of-character arguments in this thread.
No. 560019 ID: 24eceb
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We're attempting to learn what's going on here. This information will help us survive, and could help you in the future. It's a calculated risk, unfortunately. If you did not wish to accompany A and B, you would have had to fight or evade them (and I'm not confident you would emerge whole or victorious in a conflict with these demons, outnumbered as you are), and you then would need to continue to avoid further attempts by their masters to retrieve us, while remaining ignorant of the larger situation. That would be a significant disadvantage.

At the very least, A and B seem to have a vested interest in our survival, and don't seem interested in harming you. But if we cease to cooperate, they may have no problem harming you, or taking us from you by force. (You've already seen how little value A seems to place on your life).

So for the moment, it's safest to cooperate, and learn everything we can, until we can take some useful action.

>Yes, yes, all right, I know that. Still feels like I'm walking into a trap. It may be the best course of action we have, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

eh, just keep your guard up and we'll be fine. And remember A may be a bit of a bitch but she's a hell of a shot and uh Not to sure what B can do But he's still one more body between you and harm so that's good.

>This sounds wise.

Quick question how much ammo do you have left for your rifle, or relic or I-forget-what-you-called-it

>I have 48 bolts in my sacred weapon and one spare 50-bolt-clip in my bag.

stay near B. his arms look tough so he would be good in a melee. only reason that would happen is if the enemy is immune to bullets. in which case being alone would be a bad idea.

>Yes, I would hate to repeat the encounter inside the travel god avatar.

Hey, hey! Don't cry, sure that god fell out of the sky and obliterated your family, but at least you have one thing now you didn't before: A gun!

the hell are you talking about, she had the gun for about 7 years now. She's a damn good shot as well

Hmmm? Oh, did I say gun? I meant a funky god-machine in your forehead.

>Are you feeling quite all right, Little Machine God? You are being confusing again.

I think that was our role in our previous body. The flying machine. We were the mind- the aspect of it that made decisions. We thought for it, controlled it, moved the parts of it we could. And when we lost our body, we blindly tried to find another. Yours was already occupied, of course. Because you are not an empty avatar waiting for the mind of a god to occupy it- you are a person with a mind of your own.

That is not our role any longer, however. We're not in control- you are. Our position is to advise. And to try and repay the debt we owe you for the losses we inadvertently inflicted on you. You're our responsibility, now.

>I suppose that sounds sensible. But I'm fairly sure, B told it differently. It seemed like he was surprised I was still in control.

>As we are discussing this, A has taken to the rooftops. I continue walking with B in awkward silence.


[B]["We're headed for that tower over there. Do you see it?"]
>"I thought we were going downard."
[B]["We are. The tower connects several levels of the complex. Some of them are below us."]

>I can't say I relish the thought of-

[A]["AMBUSH! B! Protect our interests!"]
No. 560020 ID: 24eceb
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[B]["Stay behind me, Zilee!"]
>What to do? I could surely take cover behind B and let him take the brunt of the attack. I could also try to fight more cooperatively to shield him from harm.
>Or is there another tactic I am forgetting?
No. 560021 ID: 53ba34

you have a ranged weapon. peek around B and let off a shot at the one with a gun of their own.
No. 560025 ID: 9ddf68

well let the melee guys duke it out and you can help if he looks like he needs it, it will also give you an idea on what he can do in a fight so if we ever need to fight the guy we know what to expect.

Just focus on dealing with the ranged units for now since I'm not to sure B can deal with them effectively unless he has some kind of beam weapon on him or something and the ranged ones can still hurt you even if you are behind B.
No. 560032 ID: 88960e

>But I'm fairly sure, B told it differently. It seemed like he was surprised I was still in control.
You're right. Our situation is not what he expected. I do not know if that is because he was given incomplete information, or if their are gods who can take bodies completely for themselves.

>what do
You can stay back, but cover for him. Did you ever mix ranged support with melee in your village?

Basic idea is he's covering you by being in front, but you're covering him by shooting the other things so they can't fight or target him effectively. A coordinated effort is better than lettting one bear the brunt.
No. 560039 ID: 53ba34

check discussion thread
No. 560140 ID: 6aee1d

Inform B of your intentions of blasting the armed demon so he doesn't get in the way of your shot or try to charge it.
No. 560261 ID: 24eceb
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you have a ranged weapon. peek around B and let off a shot at the one with a gun of their own.

well let the melee guys duke it out and you can help if he looks like he needs it, it will also give you an idea on what he can do in a fight so if we ever need to fight the guy we know what to expect.

Just focus on dealing with the ranged units for now since I'm not to sure B can deal with them effectively unless he has some kind of beam weapon on him or something and the ranged ones can still hurt you even if you are behind B.

You can stay back, but cover for him. Did you ever mix ranged support with melee in your village?

Basic idea is he's covering you by being in front, but you're covering him by shooting the other things so they can't fight or target him effectively. A coordinated effort is better than lettting one bear the brunt.

>Right! I immediately kick off to the right.

Inform B of your intentions of blasting the armed demon so he doesn't get in the way of your shot or try to charge it.

>"I'm taking the one with the gun!"
[Klick! BOOM!]
>That was CLOSE! And it looks like there's another one behind that corner over there!
No. 560263 ID: 24eceb
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>All right! Safely in cover behind B!
>I aim and fire.
No. 560264 ID: 24eceb
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>Another one in the doorway! Oh gods, I think B's in serious trouble!
[A]["B, YOU IDIOT!"]
>Gah w-why is that thing so FAST?!
No. 560268 ID: 53ba34

snap shot! don't bother aiming just fire in it's general direction, full auto if you have to. if you can't get there in time then just intercept the knife with your gun. we will try something too
[emergency shutdown nearby units]
No. 560270 ID: 4a75fa

Yeah, this what you want to do.

Assuming that it goes down, next priority is shooting the last one in the door ASAP.
No. 560273 ID: 9ddf68

not sure if you could pull this off or not but it looks like that think is going to try to stab you instead of slash, when he goes for the kill roll towards him and try knock out on of his legs to slow him down or at least trip him up, then keep on firing till he goes down.

Don't think we have to worry about the corner one seeing as A is going after that guy with a vengeance.
No. 560277 ID: 6aee1d

Can your rifle be switched to fully automatic? Because now would be a good time to do so and just unload to the guy trying to stab you.
No. 560309 ID: 9ddf68

think I see another one in the alleyway across the street from the one that just shot B, Deal with your guy first and if you can see a guy there shoot the crap out of him as well and maybe point it out for A as well.
No. 560730 ID: 24eceb
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snap shot! don't bother aiming just fire in it's general direction, full auto if you have to. if you can't get there in time then just intercept the knife with your gun.

Yeah, this what you want to do.

not sure if you could pull this off or not but it looks like that think is going to try to stab you instead of slash, when he goes for the kill roll towards him and try knock out on of his legs to slow him down or at least trip him up, then keep on firing till he goes down.

Can your rifle be switched to fully automatic? Because now would be a good time to do so and just unload to the guy trying to stab you.

>Rolling is a good plan, but towards it?! I quickly tap the autofire button and throw myself backwards instead.

we will try something too
---emergency shutdown nearby units---
>>>ERROR! Undefined Command



>One down!
No. 560731 ID: 24eceb
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Assuming that it goes down, next priority is shooting the last one in the door ASAP.

Don't think we have to worry about the corner one seeing as A is going after that guy with a vengeance.

>There's still the one behind the corner!
No. 560732 ID: 24eceb
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>Whew... That was quite the fight.

[B]["A... Could you..."]
[A]["Be still! I got you."]
No. 560733 ID: 24eceb
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[A]["We'll have to take a break until you can walk on your own. Be thankful I'm not leaving you here."]
[B]["I would love to see you explain the loss of your entire unit."]
[A]["As long as I get the job done..."]

> A break serves me just right. You don't fight demons like this every day.
No. 560734 ID: 4a75fa

>You don't fight demons like this every day.
I would hope not. That was too close for comfort.

How are you doing for ammunition, after that? ...were any of those things using projectile weapons that would allow you to resupply, or were they all energy-based?
No. 560735 ID: 53ba34

ask about taking the weapons from the downed units. perhaps some will be compatible with your gun, if not then you will at least have other guns if you run out.

do you still have some food left? suggest you eat if you do.
No. 560746 ID: 0d8a94

what's your ammo count now? might be a good idea to pick up some of these guy's weapons, incase we need to us another gun if something happens to your sacred weapon or maybe even whatever it was that one guy tried to stab you with incase you get into another situation like when the mutant grabbed you.
No. 560763 ID: 24eceb
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I would hope not. That was too close for comfort.
>Yes. You see, this is why we usually don't venture into the Earthtree. The demons down here are simply stronger than they are around Karaku Mountain.

How are you doing for ammunition, after that?

what's your ammo count now?

>39 bolts inside the sacred weapon. One additional clip.

ask about taking the weapons from the downed units. perhaps some will be compatible with your gun, if not then you will at least have other guns if you run out.

...were any of those things using projectile weapons that would allow you to resupply, or were they all energy-based?

might be a good idea to pick up some of these guy's weapons, incase we need to us another gun if something happens to your sacred weapon or maybe even whatever it was that one guy tried to stab you with incase you get into another situation like when the mutant grabbed you.

>Oh I would definitely like to avoid such situations in the future.
>"Do you mind if I look through the demons' belongings?"
[A]["... Knock yourself out."]
[B]["That means 'Go ahead'."]

>I take the knife of the demon that slashed B. It has two buttons on it. I wager those are what makes the thing go all 'kashhiiiiinggg'.
>The pistol of the demon I shot first is intact. It appears to use different bolts than the ones I have...
>The other weapons are broken. The one of the demon in the alley was pierced by my bolt and the one of the demon in the door must have taken the brunt of A's attack. The pistol of the demon she shot on the rooftop is somehow gone. maybe she took it?
>Anyway, the sacred weapon of the alleydemon yields a clip with 48 bolts.
No. 560764 ID: 24eceb
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do you still have some food left? suggest you eat if you do.

>I am rather hungry, now that you mention it.


>This silence is awkward.
No. 560766 ID: 53ba34

ask if there is an avatar of the chip giver god nearby to give the bodies to.
No. 560769 ID: d90d89

ask what those things were and why'd they attack us? Also maybe ask if they know what the knife does and I mean besides stabbing things, I mean is it super heated to let the user cut things easier or what, and maybe if they know what the buttons do.
No. 560831 ID: c04e3e

Ask A and B how long have they being doing this kind of work as a roundabout way of asking their ages.
No. 560842 ID: 24eceb
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ask if there is an avatar of the chip giver god nearby to give the bodies to.

>Now there's a thought!
>"Excuse me, do you know if there is an avatar of the Chip Giver God nearby?"
[B]["A what?"]
>"Um... You don't know the Chip Giver God? You make sacrifices for him and he gives you chips?"
[B]["I don't think-"]
[A]["She asking for a garbage disposal unit, B."]
[B]["Oh! Well, I'm afraid neither of us is sufficiently familiar with this place to asnwer that. I only passed through. Have you been here before, A?"]
[A]["I don't see what cleaning this place up is going to matter anyway. It's a mess and in the time you clean up this street, someone's gonna die in that street over there."]
[B]["Now don't go and walk over her beliefs."]

ask what those things were and why'd they attack us?

>"Do you know who those demons were?"
[B]["They were likely the servants of Cybermedical, which is... a similar entity to OIT."]
>"Why'd they want us dead?"
[B]["I don't know. It is likely they thought us to be intruders."]
>"Intruding on what?"
[B]["Uuuhh... A? You got a clue?"]
[A]["They probably used to do illicit research here."]
>"What does that mean?"
[B]["They did horrible things to people."]

Also maybe ask if they know what the knife does and I mean besides stabbing things, I mean is it super heated to let the user cut things easier or what, and maybe if they know what the buttons do.

>"So about that knife..."
[B]["Don't remind me..."]
[B]["no, no, go ahead and ask. Just a... figure of speech."]
>"What do you think the buttons do?"
[B]["I'm no weapons expert, but..."]
[A]["It's a warp-blade. The buttons both do the same thing, namely create a warp-field around the blade, utilising negative-mass-particles and science you couldn't even begin to comprehend, garbage collector."]
[B]["Ah... why don't you just assume I said that and put it in more polite terms?"]
>"All right, but... what does a... warp-field do?"
[A]["Short answer: Cut things a lot more durable than you."]
>"I see."

>I don't like A. Not surpirising, really. She's just a demon after all.

Ask A and B how long have they being doing this kind of work as a roundabout way of asking their ages.

>"So how long have you been doing this kind of work? Retrieval unit?"
[B]["To be quite honest, this is my very first mission in the retrieval business."]
[A]["Shows, doesn't it? No fucking idea what he's got those claws for, if he's too dumb to use them."]
[B]["Like it's my fault I'm horribly ill-prepared for this. I was never meant to be a soldier."]
[A]["Well tough shit. OIT doesn't need anything but soldiers these days."]
[B]["So as you can probably see, A has been doing this for long enough to feel like she's all that."]
[A]["I am. Too bad I have to work with total amateurs!"]
>"How long have you been doing this, A?"
[A]["About 45k hours. Retrieval, that is. Used to be a peacekeeper before that."]
[B]["Seriously? Wow, you're old."]
No. 560843 ID: 4a75fa

>I don't like A. Not surprising, really. She's just a demon after all.
Her unpleasantness doesn't come from being a demon. It comes from her condescending attitude, cynicism, and complete disregard for other people.

I think these two have proves that at least some demons are people. At least, they think and act and talk like people. I mean sure, they look different, and they come from someplace different, and they serve something different, but strip all that away and they're acting like people.

>45k hours
Although I guess five years of thankless retrieval missions and watching all her allies die around her might go a ways to explaining her attitude.

So a knife that will cut though almost anything? That's useful. Does it have a battery or energy source that can be depleted?
No. 560858 ID: 24eceb

Oooooops, that should have been 450k. my bad.
No. 560860 ID: d90d89

so what did B do before he became a retrieval operative, and what did A have to keep the peace from?
No. 560861 ID: 4a75fa

Ah. 51 years, then.
No. 560869 ID: 24eceb
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Her unpleasantness doesn't come from being a demon. It comes from her condescending attitude, cynicism, and complete disregard for other people.

>Aren't all these things true BECAUSE she is a demon.

I think these two have proves that at least some demons are people. At least, they think and act and talk like people. I mean sure, they look different, and they come from someplace different, and they serve something different, but strip all that away and they're acting like people.

>The keyword being acting. I can feel people. Demons feel like nothing. These two feel like empty husks play-acting as people. And the way they talk... I couldn't even understand that until you came along.

Although I guess 51 years of thankless retrieval missions and watching all her allies die around her might go a ways to explaining her attitude.

>I... you think she's like me? Though maybe even worse off than me, even...
>I need to think about this.

So a knife that will cut though almost anything? That's useful. Does it have a battery or energy source that can be depleted?
>Not that I can see...

so what did B do before he became a retrieval operative, and what did A have to keep the peace from?

>"What did you do before you became a... retireval op-e-ra-tive, B?"
[B]["I used to be a diplomat of sorts. That was before the OIT saw fit to replace my hands with claws that can't even hold a wine glass without breaking it. Believe it or not, I used to be rather handsome, too."]
[A]["When the OIT decided that diplomacy was no longer a reasonable strategy, he was retrofitted for combat and added to my team as some kind of living shield and he can't even do that right."]
[B]["You'll be glad I'm here when we find someone to negotiate with."]
>"And you, A? What did you keep the peace from?"
[A]["The name 'peacekeeper' is rather misleading. It implies there was ever any peace to be kept. Since my creation the complex has always been a battlefield."]
>"When was that? Your creation, that is."
[A]["Oh wouldn't you like to know?"]
>"... Yes?"
[A]["Shut up, garbage collector."]
[B]["Please don't take it personally, Zilee. She's always like this."]
No. 560872 ID: 53ba34

before we connected to you, we couldn't understand you when you talked ether.

anyway, explain that 'garbage collection' gives you plenty of chips to give to the great giver god to get food and stuff. it may not seem like much, but when you can trade something that is otherwise useless for food, it's a great deal.
No. 560876 ID: 9ddf68

huh, so B was retrofitted with the claws after he was made. I kinda figured he was originally made for a more people friendly role seeing as he looks mostly human, has a suit, and always tries to be polite when addressing others. I figured he was either some kind of secretary, yes man, or a flight attended or driver seeing as OIT seems to be (or was) a transportation focused company.

So B who were OIT trying to negotiate with and why'd they give up on it? Also what did OIT do back before everything went to shit?
No. 560934 ID: 4a75fa

>I can feel people. Demons feel like nothing.
Oh, wait. Your people have some kind of empathic sense? You actually feel each others' presence? Interesting. Vanilla humans couldn't do that.

Do we feel like anything? Are we people?

I would say that just because you can't feel them, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there. It's an old philosophical problem, actually. How can you prove other people are people?

He's not trained for combat, then. We'll have to take that into account in the event of future conflict, then. The reason that was so close was we made incorrect assumptions.

...it's a good thing you chose to support him. It probably would have much worse for him if you'd chosen the other option.

Still, his talking to people hasn't been completely useless. It worked with us.
No. 561026 ID: 24eceb
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Oh, wait. Your people have some kind of empathic sense? You actually feel each others' presence? Interesting. Vanilla humans couldn't do that.

>That sounds like a confusing existence.

Do we feel like anything? Are we people?

before we connected to you, we couldn't understand you when you talked ether.

>That's different isn't it? You're a god.

I would say that just because you can't feel them, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there. It's an old philosophical problem, actually. How can you prove other people are people?

>I never really thought about it, because I never met any people that didn't feel like people. I suppose since gods don'T feel like people are actually superiour to us, it could mean that demons can be people even though they don't feel like people? That's a weird thought.

huh, so B was retrofitted with the claws after he was made. I kinda figured he was originally made for a more people friendly role seeing as he looks mostly human, has a suit, and always tries to be polite when addressing others. I figured he was either some kind of secretary, yes man, or a flight attended or driver seeing as OIT seems to be (or was) a transportation focused company.

>I wonder why a driver would need to be a diplomat. Anyway, yes it seems he's not nearly as tough as he looks.

He's not trained for combat, then. We'll have to take that into account in the event of future conflict, then. The reason that was so close was we made incorrect assumptions.

>I know, right? I really thought he was going to make a difference in the fight.

...it's a good thing you chose to support him. It probably would have much worse for him if you'd chosen the other option.

>Did I choose that? Wasn't it your idea?

Still, his talking to people hasn't been completely useless. It worked with us.

>Indeed. Now that I think about it... had he started a fight, I probably would have killed him... And then A would have blasted the heck out of me.

anyway, explain that 'garbage collection' gives you plenty of chips to give to the great giver god to get food and stuff. it may not seem like much, but when you can trade something that is otherwise useless for food, it's a great deal.

>"Well, 'garbage collection' gives me chips, which I can sacrifice to the great Giver God in exchange for food and supplies! I'd trade useless corpses for food."
[A]["You know, it's eerie how you sometimes jump back to previous topics during a conversation."]
[B]["I assume that's the influence of the Core Ai."]
[A]["Hm... Chips, eh? And you can buy things with those?"]
>"Uh, yes."
[A]["All right, I'll go look for a GDU. You look out for B, you hear?"]

>A takes off with her weapon.

So B who were OIT trying to negotiate with and why'd they give up on it?

>"So, B... Who were the OIT trying to negotiate with? Why'd they give up on it."

[B]["Well, they were trying to secure alliances to more effectively fight back against the spreading chaos. This was rather hard, because the OIT were in a state of... cold war with the other major factions in the area. Does that mean anything to you?"]
>"Not really?"
[B]["Well an alliance is..."]
>"I know that. I am more confused by 'Cold War'."
[B]["Oh, pardon. Well it's a serious conflict between two groups that is without or with a minimum amount of actual violent confrontation."]
>"Ah, okay. Carry on."
[B]["Well, some of these conflicts had persisted for long years... I think. my memory is rather hazy. In the end the OIT must have decided that it wasn't worth the trouble. And I was deactivated."]

Also what did OIT do back before everything went to shit?

>"What did the OIT do before everything went to... shit?"
[B]["Well... They mostly provided the transportation of people and cargo in exchange for money... uh... chips, if you will? They also kept a paramilitary unit alled the "Security and Protection Services" to protect their interests against the competition. I am not QUITE clear on what exactly happened between then and now, but things have gotten REALLY bad and now it appears that the SPS has grown to unspeakable size."]
No. 561028 ID: e9e331

wait, how the hell did a company manage to get enough power to gain a paramilitary group, I'd thought governments or something would step in and stop them from building there own army. Also, what are these other companies that OIT is competing against and what are there Paramilitary groups like compared to the SPS?

I also take it that both you and A are part of the SPS.
No. 561029 ID: 53ba34

ask what he thinks they need us, the ai core, for. is OIT unable to make more? or do we contain high ranked credentials that will allow us to tell lower systems to stop being so glitched up?
No. 561031 ID: 4a75fa

>Did I choose that? Wasn't it your idea?
As I recall it was one of your two ideas. And while that was the one we advised you to go with, you still chose to follow through with it.

We could get into how much you're thinking for yourself, or how much you're deferring to us. In the end though, that's not a question we can answer for you. All I can really say is that even following what someone else says is a choice. No one can really make your choices for you.

>jumping all over the place
>I assume that's the influence of the Core Ai
Haha, yes. We're a little scatterbrained. Feel free to edit, if you need to.

>Cold War
Tends to happen when an all out war would devastate both sides. Sort of a prolonged standoff.
No. 561172 ID: 24eceb
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As I recall it was one of your two ideas. And while that was the one we advised you to go with, you still chose to follow through with it.

We could get into how much you're thinking for yourself, or how much you're deferring to us. In the end though, that's not a question we can answer for you. All I can really say is that even following what someone else says is a choice. No one can really make your choices for you.

>I must say that sometimes I find it hard to distinguish your thoughts from mine, little machine god. It's not exactly pleasant.

Haha, yes. We're a little scatterbrained. Feel free to edit, if you need to.

>Oh I wouldn't presume. You're a god and you're relying on me to make your will known to the world.

Tends to happen when an all out war would devastate both sides. Sort of a prolonged standoff.

>We had one of those I think. Years ago, when a nomadic tribe moved through the karaku mountain area and took our prey.

wait, how the hell did a company manage to get enough power to gain a paramilitary group, I'd thought governments or something would step in and stop them from building there own army.

>... I'll just ask exactly that...
>"Wait, how the hell did a company manage to get enough power to gain a paramilitary group? I'd thought governments or something would step in and stop them from building their own army."
[B]["Hm... As far as I remember there was no government to speak of. The OIT and its fellows rather made their own rules. But there were some... guidelines that had to be respected at all times... I'm afraid my memories were heavily edited at some point. But there was probably some kind of regulatory agency involved."]

Also, what are these other companies that OIT is competing against and what are there Paramilitary groups like compared to the SPS?

>"Also, what are these other companies that OIT is competing against and what are there Paramilitary groups like compared to the SPS?"
[B]["Wish I could answer that more clearly... There were Cybermedical... Postco... Well, honestly I think the SPS were pretty much the standard. At least I always assumed that. I have no idea what the status of those organisations are nowadays. They've probably fallen into chaos as well."]

I also take it that both you and A are part of the SPS.

>"I also take it that both you and A are part of the SPS."
[B]["I suppose so. Nobody officially told me that and the modern command-structures of the OIT mystify me, but seeing how the OIT are completely militarising themself, the distinction between SPS and the rest becomes less and less meaningful."]

ask what he thinks they need us, the ai core, for. is OIT unable to make more? or do we contain high ranked credentials that will allow us to tell lower systems to stop being so glitched up?

>"What do you think the OIT need the uh... AI-Core for? Are the OIT unable to make more? Or does it contain high-ranked cre- damnit. Can it stop the lower systems from being all glitvhed up?"
[B]["I was never told. I apologise for being less than helpful about these things. I sincerely hope that the AI Core will enable the OIT to bring some order into all this madness."]
No. 561173 ID: d90d89

heh, sounds like OIT stopped caring about whatever it was they where orginally trying to do and are now trying to set things up so they can take over everything, like they're tired to of waiting for there masters to return and decided it would be better if they ran everything instead.

But what could one little damaged AI even do for them? I mean if we weren't even smart enough to refuel what help could we really be?
No. 561175 ID: d6c045

Honestly, what the OIT probably wants is the database with all the information on it...

Which was destroyed in the crash. Given that we can no longer translate anything... still, we are capable of translating from a cyborg to full synthetics...

Given her "unnecessary" systems and unused bodily functions I can only assume she was human at one point. I suspect synthetics are too used to looking at coding than physical shape.
No. 561183 ID: 9ddf68

ask B how common are us AIs are?

... Also looking back at things why did C attack us when we first meet, I mean both B and A seem to have enough of a personality to think things through but C just charged us like a mad bull... with claws.
No. 561192 ID: 24eceb
File 139172763027.png - (319.98KB , 1000x750 , 019.png )

heh, sounds like OIT stopped caring about whatever it was they where orginally trying to do and are now trying to set things up so they can take over everything, like they're tired to of waiting for there masters to return and decided it would be better if they ran everything instead.

>Sounds like it. Nt sure if that's good or bad. Depends on what they're planning in the long run.

But what could one little damaged AI even do for them? I mean if we weren't even smart enough to refuel what help could we really be?

>Oh don't put yourself down. Maybe there just wasn't anything for you to eat.
>... Which begs the question how you are functioning right now.

Honestly, what the OIT probably wants is the database with all the information on it...

Which was destroyed in the crash. Given that we can no longer translate anything...

>Should I tell him that?

still, we are capable of translating from a cyborg to full synthetics...

Given her "unnecessary" systems and unused bodily functions I can only assume she was human at one point. I suspect synthetics are too used to looking at coding than physical shape.

>Are you talking about me? I'm pretty sure I was never a 'human'. I never had any... ports in my nether regions and I am pretty sure I was created at full size and capability. Well okay I still learned after that, but I was never an incomplete tiny human. Did I get that right?

ask B how common are us AIs are?

>"How common are such AIs?"
[B]["Pretty common. Ais are in pretty much every machine that needs to perform complex functions on its own. The thing is, that most AIs I have ever encountered were completely insane. That is probably the reason why everything is so screwed. The entire complex is built around automated infrastructure. Automated Infrastructure works on the basis of countless artificial intelligences with certain jobs. And most of them are completely off their rockers."]

>Is he saying that the gods are crazy?

... Also looking back at things why did C attack us when we first meet, I mean both B and A seem to have enough of a personality to think things through but C just charged us like a mad bull... with claws.

>"B... A and you seem to have enough of a personality to think things through..."
[B]["Uh... Thanks for saying so."]
>"Yeah... Why did C charge at me like a mad bullet."
[B]["Bullet? Ah well... Same problem, at its core. There a sort of contagious madness going around. Maybe C caught it. Maybehe just went mad over years of chaos and strife. Maybe he was created with a malfunctioning brain. A can probably tell you more... Speak of the devil..."]
>"The Dev-"


No. 561193 ID: 24eceb
File 139172764231.png - (270.52KB , 1000x750 , 020.png )

[A]["I have found a GDU. It's not far off. Let's gather some corpses so Zilee can work her magic!"]
[B]["You sure are in high spirits all of a sudden."]
No. 561206 ID: 9ddf68

maybe she's glad something is going right for once?

Alright you have a better idea what to do now then we do so you do what comes natural and we'll just watch

But I think I just found a reason why OIT wants us, if this madness is contagious maybe OIT are looking for a pure AI that hasn't had a chance to meet a crazy AI yet, and Space is pretty barren, and maybe we knew about the sickness so we didn't' try to refuel because we were afraid we'd catch the sickness as well. Still not sure what they hope to do with us though. I mean the only thing I can think of why they want us is either because they're hoping if they can find an uncorrupted AI they could try and copy it and make more uncorrupted AIs to help then run things (and in an automated world that is very useful) or maybe they're hoping to find a cure through us... either by using us as a template or by making us go crazy ourselves to see how AIs go nuts so they know better on how to treat it. (Sigh) it really sucks not having the full puzzle to look at.
No. 561252 ID: 53ba34

she probably found something she wants that is worth the chips.

for power we probably are just using your bio-electric field. anything alive generates one.

also what the other ment by human is you were a clone, made from a template that was taken froma huamn, then had the machine bits added after growing, then you came out of the birther god.

you have a flesh brain, while we, A and B have machine brains. this is why you people aren't insane, brains are more adaptable then hardware.
No. 561254 ID: 4a75fa

>hard to distinguish your thoughts from mine, unpleasant
I apologize. We could, uh, take a break at some point. That is, quiet down and let you think your own thoughts in your own head for a while.

>Which begs the question how you are functioning right now.
Maybe we don't need much energy when we don't have a big metal body to power.

Or maybe we're borrowing from you?

>Should I tell him that?
...no. I don't think so. We don't know for certain that the information is lost beyond all retrieval, or that the information is the only reason we're valuable to them. But it's not worth the risk of suddenly making ourselves useless. That could be dangerous.

>Is he saying that the gods are crazy?
Sounds like. Some of them, at least. I suppose it's a risk when you've been around long enough. We're a little odd ourselves.

>You sure are in high spirits all of a sudden
Makes me half wonder if there's something wrong with the Giver God she found. Or maybe she's just being sarcastic. Hard to tell. I suppose we'll see.
No. 561483 ID: 0b6df3

she probably just realized the full implication of being able to turn corpses into chips, it is not that odd for a carer solider to be happy after she realized she can resupply after every fight.
No. 561844 ID: 24eceb
File 139204881295.png - (340.88KB , 1000x750 , 021.png )

maybe she's glad something is going right for once?

she probably found something she wants that is worth the chips.

she probably just realized the full implication of being able to turn corpses into chips, it is not that odd for a carer solider to be happy after she realized she can resupply after every fight.

>Makes sense. The gifts of the Great Giver God are wondrous indeed.

Makes me half wonder if there's something wrong with the Giver God she found. Or maybe she's just being sarcastic. Hard to tell. I suppose we'll see.

>You think she's gonna play some kind of prank?

for power we probably are just using your bio-electric field. anything alive generates one.

Maybe we don't need much energy when we don't have a big metal body to power.

Or maybe we're borrowing from you?

>Well even if that's the case, I haven't noticed feeling weaker or anything so far. So it should all be good.

also what the other ment by human is you were a clone, made from a template that was taken froma huamn, then had the machine bits added after growing, then you came out of the birther god.

>Huh. I had always been of the mind that the birther god simply pieced us together. Of course not even Tellars ever saw it happen.

you have a flesh brain, while we, A and B have machine brains. this is why you people aren't insane, brains are more adaptable then hardware.

>So you think that... madness thing only works on machine brains? We better keep close watch on you, then, little machine god.

But I think I just found a reason why OIT wants us, if this madness is contagious maybe OIT are looking for a pure AI that hasn't had a chance to meet a crazy AI yet, and Space is pretty barren, and maybe we knew about the sickness so we didn't' try to refuel because we were afraid we'd catch the sickness as well. Still not sure what they hope to do with us though. I mean the only thing I can think of why they want us is either because they're hoping if they can find an uncorrupted AI they could try and copy it and make more uncorrupted AIs to help then run things (and in an automated world that is very useful) or maybe they're hoping to find a cure through us... either by using us as a template or by making us go crazy ourselves to see how AIs go nuts so they know better on how to treat it. (Sigh) it really sucks not having the full puzzle to look at.

>Y-yes. I don't really understand, but yes I wish we knew more.

...no. I don't think so. We don't know for certain that the information is lost beyond all retrieval, or that the information is the only reason we're valuable to them. But it's not worth the risk of suddenly making ourselves useless. That could be dangerous.

>I was thinking the same. better not be too forthcoming with information.

Alright you have a better idea what to do now then we do so you do what comes natural and we'll just watch.

>Well, A has it right. We need to gather up the corpses and get them to the Chip Giver God.
[A]["Can you walk?"]
[B]["Yes, the tape appears to have done its job."]
[A]["Let's go then. We'd best not lose any more time."]

Sounds like. Some of them, at least. I suppose it's a risk when you've been around long enough. We're a little odd ourselves.

>This is most distressing. If the gods are insane, what hope is there for this world? If I found my new village, what good does it do if it's just smashed again by insane gods?
No. 561854 ID: 15c145

well we don't know if they are insane or not, that's one of the reasons we're going with these 2 so we can try and find out what is going on.

But I really don't think you'll be unlucky enough to have a god land on you again, I mean have you ever heard of a god falling from the sky before us? But for now all we can do is keep moving forward otherwise we'll never get anywhere. So onwards towards the Great Giver God to turn these things into cash.
No. 561855 ID: 53ba34

that is why we need to get to OIT. if there are more still in the air, maybe we can talk to them and tell them to come down, they may not trust anyone but another system with the same type number.
No. 561881 ID: 4a75fa

>the birther god simply pieced us together
Well, the pieces would have had to come from somewhere. Your basic appearance is human. Whatever built you, and the demons too, for that matter, at least knew what they looked like. Possibly had access to parts, as well.

>If the gods are insane, what hope is there for this world? If I found my new village, what good does it do if it's just smashed again by insane gods?
Honestly? We do not know. A good part of the reason we went along with a and b (besides tactical understanding) is the chance to better understand what is happening in this world. What is wrong. Understanding a problem is the first to dealing with it. To correcting it, hopefully.

I'm sorry we can't offer anything more concrete than that. You're right that a new village might be at as much risk as the old. Life is about finding a way, though. Continuing, striving for something, even though you know that all things one day end.
No. 564144 ID: 4207a5
File 139326453298.png - (284.54KB , 1000x750 , 022.png )

well we don't know if they are insane or not, that's one of the reasons we're going with these 2 so we can try and find out what is going on.

Honestly? We do not know. A good part of the reason we went along with a and b (besides tactical understanding) is the chance to better understand what is happening in this world. What is wrong. Understanding a problem is the first to dealing with it. To correcting it, hopefully.

>I really hope the situation is not quite that bad. I suppose we will have to see. I have to wonder though. What could we possibly do to fix something as big as an insane god?

I'm sorry we can't offer anything more concrete than that. You're right that a new village might be at as much risk as the old. Life is about finding a way, though. Continuing, striving for something, even though you know that all things one day end.

But I really don't think you'll be unlucky enough to have a god land on you again, I mean have you ever heard of a god falling from the sky before us? But for now all we can do is keep moving forward otherwise we'll never get anywhere. So onwards towards the Great Giver God to turn these things into cash.

It's ture that I never heard of something like that before. But if it is possible, it suggests that it's probable, too, doesn't it?
>But you're right. No use dwelling on it. We need to see where all this will get us.

that is why we need to get to OIT. if there are more still in the air, maybe we can talk to them and tell them to come down, they may not trust anyone but another system with the same type number.

>Oh you think that's possible? And OIT can get you up there into the air to talk to the other gods?

Well, the pieces would have had to come from somewhere. Your basic appearance is human. Whatever built you, and the demons too, for that matter, at least knew what they looked like. Possibly had access to parts, as well.

>So... humans are machines, too? I mean if you can take them apart and use their parts for other things...

>Anyway, we have reached the Avatar of the Chip Giver God. This one is a lot bigger than the one we had in Picitaru, but it feels right. We put down the bodies.

[A]["And now?"]
No. 564145 ID: 4207a5
File 139326456058.png - (347.12KB , 1000x750 , 023.png )

>All right... positive thoughts toward the Chip Giver God. A sacrifice for him, as he is ever hungry.
>>>Implant-Activity. A signal is sent. Breaking down Code... FAILURE - No connection to Cryptography-Database

[A]["Uh, what are y-"]
No. 564146 ID: 4207a5
File 139326457803.png - (294.54KB , 1000x750 , 024.png )

[A]["Woah. How did you DO that?"]
>"It's a secret."
[B]["And I sincerely doubt that you could make it work even if you knew."]
[A]["Nonsense. Zilee, tell me how you do it!"]

>S-should I? I kind of don't want to. it might anger the gods, if I teach our sacred rituals to Demons. On the other hand, I'm rather more afraid of A, since she's right behind me and has a huge gun.
No. 564147 ID: e0fa20

Even Garbage disposal bots have their secrets~ But I suspect even if you DID explain it to her she wouldn't fully get it, hehe~
No. 564148 ID: 53ba34

actually it's rather simple and it IS impossible for her to do it. one of the metal bits in your head emits a signal when you think good thoughts about the gods, they can probably talk to the great giver god but your people, aka the 'garbage collectors', are the only ones that can send a signal the chip-giver god will accept. we can hear the signal too, but it sounds like random noise to us because only the chip-giver god cares about it, only it can understand it.

anyway, say "one of my implants emits the proper signal automatically when i think about the chip-giver. the little god can hear it too, but cannot understand it."
No. 564149 ID: 2eb13c


Tell her "It uses a hard-coded encryption line created specifically by the GDU coupled with a learned handshake protocol. Even if I simply told you, it wouldn't work-or more likely, attack."
No. 564151 ID: e9e331

my question is why is she suddenly interested in us other then as something that needs to be protected and dropped off. I mean before she found this place she didn't even like to speak more then 2 words to you, now she's trying to be your best friend.

But yeah, Just say something like it took you awhile before you were taught how to do this and you'd find it kinda unfair if A just learned in a day.
No. 564157 ID: 4a75fa

>So... humans are machines, too?
That's... another complicated philosophical problem.

>I kind of don't want to. it might anger the gods, if I teach our sacred rituals to Demons.
Most appreciate the conversion of heretics more than they worry about keeping their devotion secret.

I see no harm in explaining what you do to her. I'd warn her in advance that you're not sure if the ritual will work. Even if she has the right thoughts and actions, it may not work if she doesn't have the right hardware for the god to hear.
No. 564677 ID: 4207a5
File 139359936094.png - (479.22KB , 1000x750 , 025.png )

That's... another complicated philosophical problem.
>I see. Another time, then.

Most appreciate the conversion of heretics more than they worry about keeping their devotion secret.

actually it's rather simple and it IS impossible for her to do it. one of the metal bits in your head emits a signal when you think good thoughts about the gods, they can probably talk to the great giver god but your people, aka the 'garbage collectors', are the only ones that can send a signal the chip-giver god will accept. we can hear the signal too, but it sounds like random noise to us because only the chip-giver god cares about it, only it can understand it.
>Oh so our communication with the gods is accomplished with a specialised organ, then?

my question is why is she suddenly interested in us other then as something that needs to be protected and dropped off. I mean before she found this place she didn't even like to speak more then 2 words to you, now she's trying to be your best friend.
>Maybe she's after the chips, too? Then again if she doesn't have the prayer organ, can she even use them?

Even Garbage disposal bots have their secrets~ But I suspect even if you DID explain it to her she wouldn't fully get it, hehe~

But yeah, Just say something like it took you awhile before you were taught how to do this and you'd find it kinda unfair if A just learned in a day.

>Yeah I'm not fully comfortable with explaining this stuff to outsiders. Or explaining it at all. I'm no Priest.

I see no harm in explaining what you do to her. I'd warn her in advance that you're not sure if the ritual will work. Even if she has the right thoughts and actions, it may not work if she doesn't have the right hardware for the god to hear.

Tell her "It uses a hard-coded encryption line created specifically by the GDU coupled with a learned handshake protocol. Even if I simply told you, it wouldn't work-or more likely, attack."

anyway, say "one of my implants emits the proper signal automatically when i think about the chip-giver. the little god can hear it too, but cannot understand it."

>... Sometimes you confuse me little machine god. But I suppose... more of yu are in favour of telling her, so I suppose I will.

>"One of my... implants emits the proper signal automatically when i think about the chip-giver. The little machine god can hear it too, but cannot understand it. It uses a hard-coded en-cryp-tion line created specifically by the GDU coupled with a learned handshake protocol... Even if I simply told you, it wouldn't work-or more likely, attack."
[A]["Do you ever think for yourself?"]
[B]["Let it go, A. You can't learn this."]
[B]["Don'T take it personally, Zilee. She's just frustrated, that's all. What now?"]
>"We throw them in there."
[B]["That's quite the drop."]
>"I'm surprised, too. Our Chip Giver God only had a pretty small sacrificial chamber. This must be a particularly hungry one."
[A]["All right, less talking, more throwing corpses into the hole!"]


>Whew. That's all of them...
No. 564678 ID: 4207a5
File 139359938212.png - (200.25KB , 1000x750 , 026.png )

>These symbols... I can read them? Synthetic what?
[Ding! Ding! Ding!]
>The Chip Giver God has spat three chips into the bowl.
>Thank you Chip Giver God.
No. 564679 ID: 4207a5
File 139359939426.png - (323.70KB , 1000x750 , 027.png )

[A]["Hey let me see those."]
[A]["You're gonna share that, aren't you?"]
No. 564687 ID: fe76b3

"only if you can tell us where we can spend them."

You got 3000 chips just hand off one to the other guys and keep one for yourself. They did help out after all and they are still armed so I like the thought of not pissing them off.

But yeah things to ask would be where is somewhere you can spend these and why she is so interested in them? I mean you and your people need them because you guys have to look out for yourselves, but I would have thought that OIT would be responsible for equipping there solders in the field.

Oh and about the whole "telling you yes and no at the same time thing" that's just us thinking so sorry about that.
No. 564690 ID: 4a75fa

>I see. Another time, then.
Well, if we want to be literal- humans were organic machines. They're composed of materials that make up parts, and these parts are interconnected in a complex system that is dependent on energy for continued function.

But the word "machine" comes with certain connotations. Machines aren't really thought of as alive, or as people. They're something made by people. People are (or at least they like to think of themselves as) more than the simple sum of their parts.

It gets more complicated when humanity didn't know (or disagreed) about their own origins, if they were created or not (and what that meant). And when you throw artificial people and minds into the mix- ones that we know for sure were built by others. The ideas and the language there aren't well sorted out.

Ah, a non-believer. Well, a negative term for a non-believer. Maybe more correctly, someone who believes something contrary or 'wrong'. I was rather flippantly referring to A.

>Oh so our communication with the gods is accomplished with a specialised organ, then?
Yeah. One A and B likely lack, since they weren't designed to work with the chip-giver god. It's possible that organ also allows for some person to person communication- maybe that's why none of the demons feels like people to you.

...if A were to try and it did work though, that would be interesting. It might imply dormant capabilities, or the ability to adapt and repurpose.

>I'm no Priest
If and when you start a new village, wouldn't you have to be? There's be no one else to teach the new people.

>You're gonna share that, aren't you?
If you wish. You did help me collect the sacrifices.
No. 564691 ID: 53ba34

Synthetic life, aka things created by a birther god. it may surprise you but 'demons' come from a birther too.

the size of the chip-giver is actually based on how much stuff it needed to handle, so before everything broke down there was ether a LOT more stuff around here to give it, or it handled a larger area. fruits of the earth, as you say.

anyway, ask where a great giver is to even give the chips to. and yes, 'A' killed some so it is only fair she gets some of the chips.
No. 564695 ID: fd5c20

Do your primitive altruistic ancestors proud and share the chips equally.
No. 564707 ID: 4207a5
File 139360954029.png - (374.63KB , 1000x750 , 028.png )

Oh and about the whole "telling you yes and no at the same time thing" that's just us thinking so sorry about that.

>Oh I think I'll manage.

Well, if we want to be literal- humans were organic machines. They're composed of materials that make up parts, and these parts are interconnected in a complex system that is dependent on energy for continued function.

But the word "machine" comes with certain connotations. Machines aren't really thought of as alive, or as people. They're something made by people. People are (or at least they like to think of themselves as) more than the simple sum of their parts.

It gets more complicated when humanity didn't know (or disagreed) about their own origins, if they were created or not (and what that meant). And when you throw artificial people and minds into the mix- ones that we know for sure were built by others. The ideas and the language there aren't well sorted out.

>Sounds complicated. And you must be coming from far away. Because I've never heard of anything like this. Many machines are alive, aren't they? YOU are alive.

Synthetic life, aka things created by a birther god. it may surprise you but 'demons' come from a birther too.

>Well that is to be expected. Dark Birther Gods creating abomination after abomination...

Ah, a non-believer. Well, a negative term for a non-believer. Maybe more correctly, someone who believes something contrary or 'wrong'. I was rather flippantly referring to A.

>Hm, yes she is a non-believer, I reckon. She seems to think of the gods as nothing more than objects. Is this what you were talking about? machines not being considered alive?

Yeah. One A and B likely lack, since they weren't designed to work with the chip-giver god. It's possible that organ also allows for some person to person communication- maybe that's why none of the demons feels like people to you.

>Because they lack the organ that makes people seem like people! That makes so much sense!

...if A were to try and it did work though, that would be interesting. It might imply dormant capabilities, or the ability to adapt and repurpose.

>Uh... I suppose?

If and when you start a new village, wouldn't you have to be? There's be no one else to teach the new people.

>Well I'd go to Picitaku first and ask Cutin to teach me. Make sure I'm doing it right, you know?

the size of the chip-giver is actually based on how much stuff it needed to handle, so before everything broke down there was ether a LOT more stuff around here to give it, or it handled a larger area. fruits of the earth, as you say.

>It makes sense. The Earthtree is a vast and dangerous place full of fruit-of-the-earth... The Chip Giver could stuff himself down here, so his avatars would need to be able to handle it, yes?

You got 3000 chips just hand off one to the other guys and keep one for yourself. They did help out after all and they are still armed so I like the thought of not pissing them off.

If you wish. You did help me collect the sacrifices.

and yes, 'A' killed some so it is only fair she gets some of the chips.

Do your primitive altruistic ancestors proud and share the chips equally.

>"If you wish. You did help me collect the sacrifices."
[A]["Don't mind if I do."]
>"You take one as well, B."
[B]["Oh no, I can't accept that. I didn't do anything except stand in the way and waste our resources."]
>"You drew the fire. Now take it!"
[B]["If you insist... Thank you."]
[A]["Hah! Yes, thank you, indeed. Never had one this valuable!"]

anyway, ask where a great giver is to even give the chips to.

But yeah things to ask would be where is somewhere you can spend these and why she is so interested in them? I mean you and your people need them because you guys have to look out for yourselves, but I would have thought that OIT would be responsible for equipping there solders in the field.

>"Do you know a great Giver God we could give them to?"
[A]["Hm? What?"]
>She's entranced...
[B]["If I understand correctly, you are looking to spend the chips, yes? I don't know any... giver gods in this area, but I remember seeing one a few levels below. It's right on the path, but a quite a hike away."]
>"If I may ask, why do you need these anyway? Me and my people need them to survive, but the OIT should be responsible for equipping you, right?"
[A]["In theory. And yes, I did get my rifle from them. They also gave us some nano-tape, but that's about it. Considering the threats we face, our supplies are sorely lacking. So you can imagine that we're quite pleased with being able to restock on our own now."]
>"You haven't seen an avatar of the great giver God either, have you?"
[A]["No. We could look around for one, but I'm not sure if the risk is worth the reward. Then again, it's always nice having more medical supplies."]

>Sure would. What do you think, little machine god?
No. 564719 ID: 4a75fa

>Many machines are alive, aren't they? YOU are alive.
Well, yes. But your weapon is a machine, and it isn't. What separates a non-living machine from a living-machine? At what point do machines stop being things and become people?

>Is this what you were talking about? machines not being considered alive?
Yeah. OIT seems to regard its creatures more as tools than people. Not surprising that she's influenced by that mindset.

>what do
I'd agree that attempting to gain more supplies would be useful. Looking around might be a risk, but no more than traveling through unsecured territory anyways. If you look around or continue on, either way you run the risk of encountering enemies.
No. 564739 ID: 9ddf68

well if you three are going to come across a gift-giver along the way I don't see to much of a point of going out of your way to find another one and put yourselves in further harm for something you might not even find.

I say just keep going along the path and since A is likely going to be running around on the roof tops looking out for people who are trying to kill us just ask if she can keep her eyes open for chip-giver and great-giver gods along the way. I mean we're likely to come across some more before we reach the great-giver-god B was talking about and we'd still be on course. Mostly just trying to keep a simple path for us to follow back incase we have to run once we get to OIT. Also on that note start identifying landmarks.
No. 564759 ID: 53ba34

keep an eye out for any signs that seem to point towards one, but don't go out of your way.
No. 565060 ID: 4207a5
File 139387030594.png - (399.58KB , 1000x750 , 029.png )

Well, yes. But your weapon is a machine, and it isn't. What separates a non-living machine from a living-machine? At what point do machines stop being things and become people?
>Well there's a big divide between people and things anyway, because things don't feel like people. The question is rather... When does a machine stop being a thing and becomes a demon?
>Then again, you appear to be of the mind that demons are people as well and I find it hard to argue with you. This matter sems to be complicated.

Yeah. OIT seems to regard its creatures more as tools than people. Not surprising that she's influenced by that mindset.
>She's probably from far away as well.

I'd agree that attempting to gain more supplies would be useful. Looking around might be a risk, but no more than traveling through unsecured territory anyways. If you look around or continue on, either way you run the risk of encountering enemies.
>But if we spend extra time looking for things, that risk gets worse doesn't it?

well if you three are going to come across a gift-giver along the way I don't see to much of a point of going out of your way to find another one and put yourselves in further harm for something you might not even find.

keep an eye out for any signs that seem to point towards one, but don't go out of your way.


I say just keep going along the path and since A is likely going to be running around on the roof tops looking out for people who are trying to kill us just ask if she can keep her eyes open for chip-giver and great-giver gods along the way. I mean we're likely to come across some more before we reach the great-giver-god B was talking about and we'd still be on course.

>"A? Could you keep your eyes peeled for an avatar of the great Giver God, please?"
[A]["Was planning on that anyway."]

Mostly just trying to keep a simple path for us to follow back incase we have to run once we get to OIT. Also on that note start identifying landmarks.

>I have a pretty good sense of orientation and so far the path hasn't been particularly hard to follow. I will make sure to remember it well.

[A]["All right here we are, folks. Down these stairs."]
[B]["Yes, of course."]
No. 565061 ID: 4207a5
File 139387035380.png - (426.87KB , 1000x750 , 030.png )

>"Oh. This is going to take a while, isn't it?"
[B]["I am afraid so. We need to get to the bottom of this complex and the elevator hasn't been working in a long time."]
[A]["Not likely to get fixed soon either."]
>Oh bother

Thank you all so much for playing.
No. 565063 ID: a26197

so how many floors are we talking about here?
No. 565065 ID: 4a75fa

That's okay. Elevators are sort of death traps anyways. Way too easy to get ambushed or trapped.
No. 565073 ID: 2f4b71

>so how many floors are we talking about here?
If two digit constrained with tens replaced by letters after 9, it's 102 floors.
If hex, that's 162 floors.
If letters are simply appended to numerals (for both digits), it's 362 floors.
If it's just the shaft designation, then who knows?
No. 565290 ID: 4207a5
File 139402868486.png - (367.90KB , 1000x750 , 00.png )

>"Hey, A? How many more floors?"
[A]["Come on, Zilee, don't you get soft on me. It's still a ways."]
[B]["We've only recently made the half-way point, Zilee. It's about 1300 more floors."]


[A]["!! Hold up a moment! what's that?"]
>"What's what?"
No. 565291 ID: 4207a5
File 139402869691.png - (283.33KB , 1000x750 , 01.png )

[A]["In there. Do you see it? A materialisation site."]
[B]["You're right. And it looks fresh."]
[A]["This could be a problem."]

>Do you know what they're talking about, Little machine God?
No. 565292 ID: 53ba34

in the doorway, looks like the walls and floor were gouged out. something was teleported to that spot. teleporting usually means the user has a LOT of energy.
No. 565297 ID: e9e331

looks like whatever caused those holes in the wall and floor isn't something normal. Ask if it's anything we need to watch out for?
No. 565300 ID: 4a75fa

>about 1300 floors is halfway
...which means the total is about 2600 floors, and if we assume 3 meters a story, that puts you about 4 kilometers underground right now, with about another 4 to go. Long way to walk. And, we don't know the elevation you started at, so we don't know if you passed the base of the mountain, yet.

>Do you know what they're talking about, Little machine God?
I think a 'materialization site' would be the end point of a teleport. A place where someone of something appeared out of thin air, sent from somewhere else. You can see the damage to the walls and the floors there, where it happened.

This would be worrisome because teleporting mass from one location to another takes a lot of energy. That isn't done lightly. Which means someone who can afford to pay that price had an interest in getting something here very fast. So there's an agent of that power somewhere nearby, likely with some objective it considers high-priority. That's potentially dangerous to us.

I would ask A and C if they know who would have the resources to have materialized something here. Or if they know of anything in the area that might be worth such a foray.
No. 565333 ID: 4207a5
File 139404992193.png - (344.27KB , 1000x750 , 02.png )

in the doorway, looks like the walls and floor were gouged out. something was teleported to that spot.

I think a 'materialization site' would be the end point of a teleport. A place where someone of something appeared out of thin air, sent from somewhere else. You can see the damage to the walls and the floors there, where it happened.

>That's possible? Sounds crazy.

teleporting usually means the user has a LOT of energy.

This would be worrisome because teleporting mass from one location to another takes a lot of energy. That isn't done lightly. Which means someone who can afford to pay that price had an interest in getting something here very fast. So there's an agent of that power somewhere nearby, likely with some objective it considers high-priority. That's potentially dangerous to us.

>That IS worrisome!

looks like whatever caused those holes in the wall and floor isn't something normal. Ask if it's anything we need to watch out for?

I would ask A and C if they know who would have the resources to have materialized something here. Or if they know of anything in the area that might be worth such a foray.

>"Does that mean someone teleported here? THose craters, I mean?"
[A]["Close, but not exactly. How do I explain this... Basically, the walls here are made of something we call 'smart materials'. They are made of teeny tiny robots which can be programmed to act like certain materials. It's pretty popular for any kind of construction because you can create power-conduits, doorways or even new walls and floors on the fly. The problem is that they're hackable and if someone knows howhack them and how to supply the vast energies needed for a transformation, they can materialise all kinds of thing depending on the quality of the smart material."]

>I think I actually understood that, though it sounds pretty unbelievable.

>"Do you know who might have the resources for this? Or why they would attempt it in the first place?"
[A]["I've seen a few materialisations before, but I never figured out who actually caused them. Every single time the product was some crazed monstrosity. maybe whoever is doing it has already fallen to the chaos."]
[B]["Problem is, that smart materials have the potential to self-replicate and can be incredibly durable, so while it doesn't look like whatever was materialised here was particularly big, it might have grown in the meantime."]
>"Sounds dangerous."
[A]["Only because it is. But don't you worry. My rifle makes short work of even that kind of opponent."]
[B]["Oh shit! A! Watch-"]
No. 565334 ID: 4207a5
File 139404994636.png - (337.64KB , 1000x750 , 03.png )

[B]["- out!"]
No. 565335 ID: 4207a5
File 139404996516.png - (298.92KB , 1000x750 , 04.png )

No. 565336 ID: 4207a5
File 139404997467.png - (413.93KB , 1000x750 , 05.png )

No. 565337 ID: 4207a5
File 139404998280.png - (264.49KB , 1000x750 , 06.png )

No. 565340 ID: e9e331

crap, look behind you to make sure nothing else is about to jump you and then go down and see if you can help her.
No. 565341 ID: 88960e

Oh geeze. Pretty good chance A's dead or seriously injured after that. And her rifle fell down the shaft.

Weapon up, watch to see what's there when the smoke clears, after glancing behind you to make sure there aren't more comming. We don't know I'd A survived that, or if the creature blew itself up in that attack.
No. 565357 ID: 53ba34

[put all smart material in a 100 meter radius into standby]
No. 565364 ID: 9ddf68

I can't tell if that cloud is an explosion or just a dust cloud picked up by crazy bot and A crashing into the wall. If it's the latter I suggest helping her. just make sure you aim your shots and only use single round fire as to not hit A by mistake.
No. 567889 ID: 4207a5
File 139603386479.png - (256.01KB , 1000x750 , 07.png )

[put all smart material in a 100 meter radius into standby]

>>>ERROR! Undefined Command

Oh geeze. Pretty good chance A's dead or seriously injured after that. And her rifle fell down the shaft.

>I'd hate to be in her shoes right now at any rate.

Weapon up, watch to see what's there when the smoke clears, after glancing behind you to make sure there aren't more comming. We don't know I'd A survived that, or if the creature blew itself up in that attack.

crap, look behind you to make sure nothing else is about to jump you and then go down and see if you can help her.

>Good idea!
>Looks clear!

I can't tell if that cloud is an explosion or just a dust cloud picked up by crazy bot and A crashing into the wall. If it's the latter I suggest helping her. just make sure you aim your shots and only use single round fire as to not hit A by mistake.

>It's probably just dust, but it does seem to be illuminated from inside by something.
No. 567890 ID: 4207a5
File 139603390598.png - (311.98KB , 1000x750 , 08.png )

>B has reached the bottom of the stair. I'm not sure if I should follow him. Might be a bit hard to shoot it from this far, but I would hate to be forced into a melee with that thing. I'll just try to see what happens for now.
No. 567891 ID: 4207a5
File 139603391876.png - (515.81KB , 1000x750 , 09.png )



>I think I heard something.
No. 567892 ID: 4207a5
File 139603394108.png - (259.84KB , 1000x750 , 10.png )

[Fwooooooo BANG!]


>Okay, really now... I can't see anything. Should I go in there? Or play it safe up here?
No. 567901 ID: 53ba34

you need to get in there, regardless of the danger they can just fight behind the wall.

[list commands]
No. 567913 ID: 9ddf68

huh, I'm noticing a door that's one story off the ground in there and the door is slightly to the right and above B. Think it would be possible for you to super jump to it and provide cover fire from the second story in that room? if not uhh lets see here
[form latter under the doors in stair well on floor 66E] I mean in >>565337 she looks to be on floor 67E and they're heading down so I think I got that right. Oh and if you're wondering what I'm doing I'm seeing if I can mess with the smart material or not. never hurts to try
No. 567917 ID: 88960e

[ping nearby compatible systems, request status]

Well, A's alive , at least.

Realistically, you need to get close enough to have line of sight on something, if you're going to shoot it. I think that's a risk you have to take. Besides, doing nothing and letting them get killed is a significant risk in and of itself.
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