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363647 No. 363647 ID: 767fea

I wake up in a white room that smells like smoke. There's some woman typing on a bunch of holo screens. She sees I'm awake and looks at me.

"You're up! We didn't think you'd wake up again."


"Please lay back down, this is going to come as a bit of a shock. We... Accidentally deleted all your memories.. And powers.."

"... Huh..?"
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No. 365827 ID: 453e62

yeah we found some things. should head to the room now.
also i warned not to look through her stuff.
No. 365932 ID: a43214

"Not like we could have any way of knowing what was yours, could we?"
No. 365957 ID: ddc511

Not only gutless and hypocrite, you're a pervert too? Whatever.

Apologize profusely. Your curiosity, and perversion, took the best of you. Now, you have the opportunity to throw a ruse here. Say you were curious about her. Maidenly blush, timidly flatter her taste for lingerie. Finally, call her on a date. I kid you not.

It seems that Dee knows more about your old self than what she shows on the surface. She kept your belongings safe and allowed you to reclaim them, after all. A little alcohol and some seduction may break this Ice Queen facade of hers.

Before I forget. There is a medical label for the Anti Radiation Pills? Something that indicates its duration, modes of use and side effects?
No. 365961 ID: 453e62

>call someone a pervert
>tell them to seduce someone
No. 366071 ID: 6e44d2

I like you.
No. 366122 ID: e85cf5
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>Maidenly blush, timidly flatter her taste for lingerie. Finally, call her on a date. I kid you not.

W-what..? N-no.. I can't just...

>A little alcohol and some seduction may break this Ice Queen facade of hers.

Sh-shut up...

"It's uh... N-not like I could have known it was yours or anything..."

"Yeah right. Well you wanna see your room?"

"Uh, yeah sure.."

>Dee leads her down the hall and opens a door to a empty room

"Told ya it was gutted. You can look through it but I doubt you'll find anything."
No. 366124 ID: 1854db

Enhance your vision so you can check for secret panels and stuff.
No. 366125 ID: 453e62

yeah right under the monitor.
No. 366127 ID: e85cf5
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>Enhance your vision so you can check for secret panels and stuff.

Oh hey, I sense something..

"Well I'm going back downstairs. Good luck finding whatever the hell you're looking for I guess.."
No. 366129 ID: 1854db

Tell her okay, and then get a closer look at the stuff you're sensing.
No. 366130 ID: 40cb26

Tell her to wait a minute, ask why there would be a mark on the wall. Explain that you enhanced your vision. She might be able to help us make sense of it.

Also is that thing on the wall there a monitor or a window or what?
No. 366131 ID: e85cf5
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>Tell her to wait a minute, ask why there would be a mark on the wall.

She already left..

>J presses against the spots she say. The walls open up to reveal a crawlspace with a Odd Mask inside it. The one under the telescreen has a Locked Box in it.
No. 366132 ID: 453e62

fuck no, if it's hidden then we didn't want anyone to find it. let her leave then check that out.
No. 366134 ID: 453e62

attempt to open or remove lockbox. then check out thing in crawlspace.
No. 366139 ID: 8d3fa5

open the Locked Box
No. 366151 ID: a43214

(locked how?) Check mask for [key]. Wear mask. Use enhanced senses on box. Check other belongings for [key]. etc. etc.

Possibly equip mask, look in mirror, [enhance memories].
No. 366152 ID: ddc511

There is a medical label for the Anti Radiation Pills!? Unless you want to be a guinea pig!

The Box, password or lock?
No. 366310 ID: ddc511

Wait a moment... The reason for you to get so embarrassed... You actually pondered and liked that idea? There! You really are a pervert!
No. 366322 ID: 453e62

no, it's just hard to NOT think of something if you have the idea pumped directly into your head. seriously you seem obsessed with making J a pervert.
No. 366325 ID: ddc511

No. 366366 ID: 1854db

Definitely try on the mask. Take the box, and... hmm. I'd say we should try picking it with enhanced senses. We'll need a lockpick though.
No. 366433 ID: 20f620

Doesn't that make you the pervert?

Anyway, J, check out the crawlspace and mask. Enhance your senses while you do so.
No. 366435 ID: ddc511

No doubt about it! With great pride, if I may say! As such, I'm very well qualified to recognize those similar in nature! But enough of myself! This story is about another pervert! Focus, guys! Focus!
No. 366436 ID: 453e62

no, you are just implanting perverted thoughts into her head.
No. 366437 ID: ddc511

No. 367510 ID: 9da432
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You're all perverts.
Anyway the mask fits perfectly over my face. It's made out of a really cool see-through plastic.

The box is locked and I can't get it open even with Enhanced Strength.
No. 367511 ID: 453e62

fiddle around with the mask, maybe it has vision modes or something.
No. 367525 ID: 55f0cc

Focus. The feel of using this mask, the image of this mask over your face, the vision of the world through this mask. Any of this brings any memory? In addition, the mask has some command or compartment? Something that can hold a key or display the way to one? Finally, what's the color of your panties!? DOHOHOHO!!
No. 367541 ID: 453e62

dude, seriously. you already know, you are just asking to try and piss her off. i don't know how long you have been here but pissing off someone who can just ditch us whenever is just dumb. so knock off the perverted shit.
No. 367543 ID: 55f0cc

The color of her panties... This information is not included in my database.

Anyway, it would be interesting to dispense her only allies, a possible link with her past or future, an artifact with mysterious MND powers.
No. 367554 ID: 6a5a08
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Get a marker and draw this symbol on the mask.
No. 367563 ID: 6c8396

Do This
No. 367586 ID: b0326b

No. 367732 ID: 784dcc

No, this.
\ /
No. 367739 ID: aebc1f

no wait, better yet this

No. 367740 ID: 453e62

yes, this symbol has a meaning to it.
No. 367741 ID: 55f0cc

Suddenly, I feel like the most educated and refined gentleman.
No. 367742 ID: 786012

inb4 everyone in this world knows Styx.
More than that, everyone knows and fears Styx.
Even more, everyone knows and fears Styx, who just happens to be visiting Lae for a cup of tea right now.

We should also ask Lae if he knows a Lilith.
No. 367744 ID: 784dcc

That didn't come out right. Fox-face.
No. 367771 ID: ac6c03

Very nice mask, what does anything about it's shape seem familiar?
No. 368208 ID: 252e1b


What kind of lock? Pin and tumbler? Combination? Something else?

Tell me the type of lock, and I'll tell you how to defeat it.
No. 368393 ID: 2dff97


more like yohohoho.
No. 370486 ID: 0ee607
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Okay you guys are giving me a bigger headache then Emril was..

And don't think I won't put you on time out. Yes you're helpful but at the same time not.

Now I don't know what kind of lock the box has and I don't have anything to write on the mask with.
No. 370487 ID: 453e62

okay, leave the secret compartments open, we don't need them anymore. and let's go someplace else. let's check into our new place.
No. 370488 ID: 0ee607
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I don't -have- a place.
That's why you had me walking around the city.

You know. Checking out places and stuff.
Cause I'm homeless still.
No. 370489 ID: a2fa74

Close them, since we don't want people to know there were compartments there in the first place.

Can you show us the lock with enhanced perception?
No. 370490 ID: 6a5a08

Obtain cardboard box and marker.
No. 370495 ID: b6edd6

>Yes you're helpful but at the same time not.
Story of our life*.

*Such as it is, being an enchanted item and all
No. 370498 ID: 453e62

bluh, i ment check out housing areas, sorry. let's start on the outermost ring and work our way inward.
No. 370609 ID: a30b71

You didn't put the mask, nor tried to recall more memories! Get with the scheduled already!

Anyway, go hit on Dee. This is the only logical sequence of events. I'm deadly serious here.
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