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351988 No. 351988 ID: cb3704

One week later, during one of Avalon's dark, starless nights...
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No. 356396 ID: 35e1a0

hey, maybe she can see whatever it is that has been bugging you? have her just see if any of your creatures seem wrong or something.
No. 356398 ID: 3fd4fb

>"Try planting it somewhere. Maybe you'll understand the beauty in life that maintains itself."
That's completely the wrong line of logic to take; she's not going to suddenly change her mind on that point because of one sample organism. The flower was not to encourage her once again to do things your way, but to encourage her to expand and innovate her thoughts- look at this world; it's blank and empty. The flower was an opportunity to get her to fill it with intricate things of her own, instead of just having an empty plain with herself and one or two other things on it. She's a god; even if she wants to maintain everything herself, she has the mental capacity to maintain what, tens of thousands of objects simultaneously? More? Convince her that it's good to build more complex and intricate things than she has so far, and eventually she might decide that maintaining them manually is too much work and decide to build some right.

And if she doesn't, at least she'll be growing and her world becoming less boring.
No. 356405 ID: 3ec596
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Maybe I'm just not the kinda god who laughs a lot.


I tell her that. Well, the parts that don't make me sound manipulative anyway.

:faden: "No wAY, I like thiNGS SImple."

It's quite possible that she's opposing me because she's just wired herself up to oppose me all the time. I regret the day I taught her the expression "no way".


:aldaren: "Say, there's been something bothering me lately. It feels like there are some things on Avalon that I can't see or hear, but I have this nagging feeling that somethings invisible to me is there..."

:faden: "No wAY!" Ugh, she said it again. "I thOUGht you and me cOULd see eveRYTHing in our worLDS! WhAT If therE'S Something invISIBLe in heRE TOO? WHAT If tHEY HURT My cHILDREn!?"

I spend a minute calming Faden out of her childlike hysteria. It's probably this naive side of her that makes me adore and not be annoyed by her.

:faden: "Are you sURE There's someTHIng tHERE? YOu know I hATE Going to yoUR Realm siNCE You puT THat airloCK THere."

She can't stay here in Fasern and 'grow' through the airlock into my plane, because to open a portal into my plane, you have to shut down the portal to Fasern. She basically has to be mortal and vulnerable to visit Avalon, and like me, she hates being like that. How to convince her?
No. 356407 ID: 1aba78

This is important. You have domain over the airlock. Just temporarily alter it so she can come through.
No. 356411 ID: d4155c

Well, she has learned to behave a bit so giving her immortality like Char has would be helpful. Maybe showing her a few magic spells if she promises to behave. With the way she is, wind, protection and healing would be handy for her.

Either way, she learned to behave, so as long as she doesn't hurt the creatures or interrupt the zaki,(she can watch them if she wants.) she can see everything to give us a hand in figuring out whats going on.
No. 356414 ID: 1854db

Well now that Faden understands things a little better, we can make another airlock facing the other direction, so that she can visit us without risk of things going through that she doesn't want to.
No. 356424 ID: f70e5e

we should defiantly do something to let faden visit safely. especially if we think there might be something dangerous going on in our world.
No. 356425 ID: 3ec596
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I don't think she can. After all, the creatures here cast magic using their internal pool of mana, whereas Faden doesn't have anything like that.


I don't understand what you mean by "other direction". It's just a place that can open portals to my and Faden's planes but not both at once.

:aldaren: "I'll allow you to cross through both portals. This could be very important."

:faden: "Oh. ThANK You!"
No. 356426 ID: 3ec596
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One hour later...

:faden: "...No, thESE CReaturES are alL NOrmal. You mUST Be imAGIning thinGS."

Oh well, it was worth a try.

:faden: "I'M GOIng bacK. I'm tIREd of seeiNG THIngs huRTIng each oTHEr."
No. 356427 ID: 3ec596
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:faden: "SEE You latER DAd!"

Aaaannnd she's gone.

...So, I'll be checking on Char next?
No. 356428 ID: 35e1a0

No. 356436 ID: d97c6d

Hypothetical situation time. Pretend for a moment that there are creatures in the void that are exempt from certain laws of reality. What could one, hypothetically, do if it were to latch onto Faden, aka miss "I'm going to directly apply life energy to my creations without worrying about the risks", and travel with her to her world?

Anyway, go try to contact the Professor again before visiting Char. You can check if the gap in the tunnel between universes has been taken care of while you're at it.
No. 356437 ID: 1aba78

Okay. Okay. This is a bit terrible. Like, if 'a bit' means 'very much'. We really need Limbo help. Go Limbo. Be the guy that calls them five times in a row because maybe they're there and they just didn't answer the first time.
No. 356442 ID: e4003e

Whats on her back there?
No. 356443 ID: 1854db

That's one of the invisible between-worlds creatures.

Dude if you can, stop her and cover her with ice to trap whatever it is. She should be able to just move out of the ice afterwards. Then we can note by the absence of ice in a certain location that there is an invisible thing there.
No. 356444 ID: d49627

That would not work. Aldaren can't aim at what he can't see, and freezing Faden would end badly.

(And you are assuming the creature is using visual invisibility rather than attention invisibility.)
No. 356456 ID: d4155c

Crap crap crap crap CRAP! Ok, time for one last test to see if there is a way to see things. Before Faden leaves, show her one spell since she's never seen magic before. This spell will be very simple, a showering of glowing dust. Perfectly harmless, but it will stick for a bit. This may allow us to actually see it and deal with it.

After that, a quick check on Char. We need status reports and how good or bad things are going. Remember, he is just as likely to have gotten hit by one of those things and it's best to know all the problems before going to Limbo.
No. 356472 ID: f70e5e

oh bloody hell. whatever that thing on fadne's back is its invisible to gods like you or faden. I think we can see it because as semi separate parts of you we perceive things just a little bit differently. I know we sound crazy but this is very bad.

>>356456 use this idea. though if you can seal the portal so something on fadens back can't get though that would be a good idea.
No. 356515 ID: 6af537

Why do you think so? That's the beauty of both weapons of mass destruction and area-effect spells: you don't need to aim to land a hit.

1. Tell Faden to fully come through the portal and not to attempt anything to obstruct you.
2. Encase her in a sphere of the most strong material you can imagine, then flash-freeze everything around her.
Actions up to this point must be conducted ASAP. She must not be allowed to return to her dimension. Remember, the intruder is supposed to be a zombifying agent; just imagine what a zombie-Faden will be capable of and willing to do.
Another idea (to replace freezing): spear the creature with needles of that same material as the sphere, which (needles) can grow from the sphere inwards. Be careful not to hit Faden, but the needles have to be strong, the distance between them must be very little, and as little space as possible must be left un-speared.

3. Move the Fadenball to a new demiplane, in which both you and her are invincible, but only you can do anything else. You can be there with her to reassure her.
4. Realitysplosion time. You can ask her to do it.
No. 356517 ID: 1aba78

Okay, no. What makes you think this is a "zombifying agent"? All we've seen in our universe is a sombrero slime with something that appeared to be growing out of it and the worm thing that the captain slime ate. That's very little to go on. We've had no evidence that they are actually a problem, they just look really evil.

I'm part of the group that is freaking out about this and wants to stop them, but that suggestion is like throwing a bomb on a mosquito. We need to find out what they are first.

(Finally, and a little unrelated, I wouldn't be surprised if the invisibility is so complete that all the suggested chaos would appear completely normal to Aldaren, regardless of its actual effect on the worm thing or how it looks to us.)
No. 356518 ID: 35e1a0

also, al, if you think you are just being paranoid then you aren't being paranoid ENOUGH.
No. 356520 ID: d4155c

Let's avoid bringing out the nukes first. Right now we need a sample. They are basically evading a god and I think we should figure out why. Besides, with a captive one, we can make anti black bugs or find out how bad they are.

Still, as I said before; After that, we check on Char. We have no idea how his situation is and he may need us.
No. 356530 ID: 6af537

>What makes you think this is a "zombifying agent"?
Huh. It appears that all I was going from was the comment in >>355586, about the "Zombrero slime". Okay, scratch the zombie theme.

But still, an entity with an unknown purpose and the means to evage godly attention is unsettling. I propose we at least isolate it in a reinforced demiplane. And by reinforced I mean in every way imaginable: multiple layers of material containment, thicker than usual interplanar walls, and a continuously nuked demiplane surrounding this one. If it tries to escape, we must destroy it; it's too much of a risk not to.
Meanwhile, contacting Professor is bumped to top priority.
No. 356531 ID: 6af537

Oh, and add time freeze to the reinforcement list.
No. 356533 ID: d4155c

Thats all well and good if we are dealing with one, but from the looks of it, there are multiple ones. We can't just make a demi plane for this thing. It's main advantage seems to be invisibility and getting pass barriers so a demi plane, powerful or not may be a bad idea. However, they aren't strong if a captain slime can eat them quickly so all we need to do is find a way to see them, squish them, and find a way to protect our creations.
No. 356536 ID: b67897
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She 'ungrew' through the portals in the airlock and snapped back into her realm in an instant. I can't do anything else about this for now... Should I check on the portal to Limbo or just go have a look at Char?
No. 356537 ID: d4155c

Crap... ok, can't do much. Check up on Char followed by checking up on Limbo.
No. 356538 ID: 6af537

Lock the portals. Lock the Airlock. Fadenplane is effectively under quarantine.

Check up on Char, then to Limbo ASAP.
No. 356545 ID: 1aba78

A bit moot to quarantine her from us when it was us that infected her in the first place! But if you're that worried.

I could go either way, so I guess check on Char first!
No. 356547 ID: 6af537

Yes, but if whatever it is hasn't multiplied while being here then it's now locked in Fasern. Better keep it that way.

Oh, anyone else think we should warn Faden?
No. 356654 ID: d4155c

Etole, you are assuming only one came here. We already saw one get eaten so that means more than one got in. Second, we now know where one is. We can't do anything yet, but we don't have to worry. Hopefully her divinity will make the creature ineffective against her. Hell, a atmosphere of iodine may harm it.

Right now though, we need damage control and crisis prevention here. The zaki are in a critical junction and char may need us. Remember, the insects showed up during the time Faden was being trained. Zeon has basically went super fast during that time. If there is any chance of a bug nest, it's on Zeon.

After that, we go to limbo and check on professor. He may know something. These things look like centipedes and for some reason, centipede were one of the first things Alderan knew about.

By the way, if the bugs can go past barriers, then the Zaki need us big time. Especially since their city is in a barrier.
No. 356662 ID: d49627

We should put something in front of the dimension-tear-portal, to block it off or at least have proof when something comes through.
Could we have a large rock float in that place?
No. 356681 ID: 1854db

Wait a minute. Let's look back again at what happened when the portal opened and let the thing into our universe. Look at the AIR on the planet. Track suspicious absences of air where there should be some, or unexplained disturbances as if something invisible were falling through the air.

If you can't see something directly, look for evidence that it was there.
No. 356687 ID: d4155c

We could make a slime barrier or patch for the hole, we know the bugs can't withstand it so it can stem their flow. However, I think we should not look at the past again. It's going to eat up time and we are more than likely going to run into them. Though checking the air flow may work when we do see them.

Either way, we shouldn't dawdle too much. The sooner we figure out how Char and the Zaki are doing, the sooner we see the Professor and the sooner we can figure out how to deal with them from there.

However, we may just have to focus on making sturdier creatures that can handle these bugs. If so, I can likely create some guardians and 'angels' to help us there.
No. 356694 ID: 1854db

Eat up time? We have all the time in the world. We can freeze time, in fact.
No. 356878 ID: 1aba78

>>356681 >>356694
Man, while I'd love to be able to get Aldaren to see these things, we already know these bugs don't play by the rules. It's already impossible enough by the established reality for anything to be in the universe undetected. It doesn't seem like that much of a stretch for the air around it to appear unaffected, or if we went into emergency mode and froze time I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't actually stop them.

I think we should focus on Char and Limbo, instead of looking for things when there's "nothing there".
No. 356997 ID: 84b916

We could always freeze time and just... watch, for a while. See if the void-creatures are doing anything.
I know that the rules of our reality don't apply to them, which means that once we freeze time we can look to see if anything has been changed from save state 1 to save state 2.
No. 356998 ID: 84b916

If we are lucky, these may be entirely non-interactive beings. Imagine a world existing in tandem with our own, but on an entirely different set of dimensions, neither world able to perceive or interact with the other.
No. 357000 ID: d4155c

Yeah... no. Let's not. At all. You seem to forget three key things: We can only affect areas we have influence in, Faden's realm doesn't have our influence, and Faden is bugged. We wait and focus, we lose her.

Time magic is great and all, but when dealing with multiple key spots, it's spotty at best. Hell, 'save data' may not be possible. If these things can work through stopped time, we may cause a glitch if we turn it back.

So yeah. No time shenanigans UNTIL we know what they are.
No. 357003 ID: 1854db

Looking back through time is not the same thing as turning back time.

Also you're not suggesting we even spend our time trying to help Faden. You're suggesting we check up on guys that we have no real reason to worry about (mostly because barely any time has passed) What are you trying to accomplish exactly?
No. 357004 ID: d4155c

Ok, first off we really don't know how much time truly passed. Second, a bug managed to get on Faden easily. Do you REALLY want to risk that there is no bugs on Char or the Zaki? We check for bugs on them, we make sure Char is alright, and then we go to Limbo where a god of KNOWLEDGE would be. You know, the guy who made us? He may actually have knowledge on this.

Not only that, but Limbo is connected to that path with the hole in it. The one where the bugs seem to come from?

I'd rather go for things that can at least fulfill secondary objectives while working on the primary than test something we are not sure of and risk it.
No. 357005 ID: 35e1a0

we can do all of those things at the same time. al is GODm he can look back in time while checking the zaki and char all at the same time!
No. 357006 ID: 1854db

You're saying to check for bugs, while also saying not to check for bugs in any method I just proposed. What the christ?
No. 357007 ID: d4155c

No we can't do everything at once. If we could, then a lot of things could be done in a heartbeat. Heck, Aldaren could have just kept doing the past site this entire time if he could. Heck, if we could, then why didn't we split half our attention on Faden and half on Char and Zeon during the time skip? We may be god but we aren't that skilled at it.

Also, I am suggesting we check for the bugs/bug related stuff while we also check on them. You want to mainly look for bugs only which is what I am against. You also want to multi-task which I am for, but using a means that does not seem to work. So if celestial multitasking won't work, why don't we do it the old fashion way by searching for bugs in the Zaki culture and on Char while we check up on him? Same with Limbo and the professor. The hole is on the way to the professor, why not take a quick look to see if it gets worse.
No. 357008 ID: 84b916

>No we can't do everything at once. If we could, then a lot of things could be done in a heartbeat.
That's why I support doing a time-freeze and check for alterations between screen capture A and screen capture B five meta-minutes later, see if the bugs are interacting with anything at all.
No. 357568 ID: 35e1a0

it's because faden is on the other side of the airlock, which, you know, cuts us off from whatever door is closed.
No. 357583 ID: a98f5c

Jesus christ guys, these things don't play by the rules! It's the same reason I don't think looking for fucking minute air disturbances or freezing them would work. Because Aldaren would stare empirical traces in the face and say "no, nothing's wrong about this, this is how it should be." It's like the arrow in FedEx's logo – it's not "there" per se, but we can 'see' it because we can see how it forms out of what's around it. If Aldaren was able to detect the worm's effects, he'd be able to "see" it in the same way. Yet every time we've seen the worm, he can't see ANYTHING off about it. He's not so stupid as to just pass over things like unexplainable air changes.

After looking through time at the portal and the slimes on the galleo and seeing absolutely nothing off, and after looking at all those sombrero slimes, I'm more than convinced that Aldaren simply cannot perceive them. Directly, indirectly, anything. To him, they don't exist.

Go check on Char. All this other hubbub about ice and shiny magic shit and time and air is pointless.
No. 357638 ID: d4155c

Couldn't say it better myself. In the mean time, I'll make some 'angels' for us to help us. We are more than likely going to have a lot of searching and protecting in the future, so these should help. Also, just in case char needs a few reinforcements.

Now, I am basing them on the Zaki, so they won't require the long species training we needed for the Zaki and could allow for easier communication with our first sentients if need be.

Guardian Type: Gaou
Taking the first form of the Zaki, we are going to modify a bit for combat. Instead of the standard copper and iron, their outer shells will be steel and their muscles strengthened for better fighting prowess and speed. They would not be as strong as Char by any means, but they would definitely be a step above the average Zaki. In terms of natural abilities, they can be natural swords men, but also give them a strong wire that can be produced from their arm/wrist that can be used to tie up or immobilize their target(Like how a spider can produce silk I believe, though keep it compact).

Simply put for cosmetics, a 'warrior' build of the zaki, spikes on the shoulders, a horn that is smaller than Char's and paint them blue with a red eye. If possible, for each one when we make, use the memories of the bravest and most honorable zaki for their minds. Like a reward for be such good protectors, they become greater protectors. A inbred sense of honor and duty can also help them avoid being corrupt as well.

Observation/Support Angel: Domi
This design is more for a scout magic user to serve as a means for us to focus on our main task while they search. Compared to the Gaou, the Domi are more modern in their looks. They have the cross slit for their pupil to allow better scanning abilities along with greater eyesight. Their body is different from the Zaki too. While the Zaki's shell is more like armor, the Domi's shell looks more like robes. Seamless, with better maneuverability and dexterity than the average zaki, they would also be magically gifted(larger mana pool, better at using the mana he has, ect). For natural abilities, how about some levitation so they can move unheeded? Perhaps limited flight? Also, a gem on their chest that can produce a brilliant light to stun and blind culprits and trouble makers?

Cosmetically, slightly bulky 'robe like' shell, black with red trim on the edges, the helm looks like a rigid hood with the cross shaped slit for the red eye. The chest gem is green. In terms of personalities, dead zaki who were wise, respectable and intelligent should work. Sense of respect and wisdom if needed for the mind.

For both, natural affinity with fire with a stronger fire resistance. Remember, we want the best examples of zaki kind(both in skill and morals) for these guys and to have them up to date on the zaki culture and knowledge so they don't seem like cave men. Though any zaki who were good friends and allies of Char that fit should be given priority if he needs back up(I think he might like to have his friends beside him in his time of need). Maybe upgrade Char's shell to Zeonite for all around better improvements if possible.

However, we should see how Char is doing FIRST before spitting these guys out. Don't want to let his moment be out shined completely after all.
No. 357730 ID: e4003e

loving the Gaou idea.
No. 361366 ID: ad9578

We Should Do This
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