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File 131000609109.png - (33.33KB , 800x600 , Sigma.png )
322631 No. 322631 ID: 7c9849


It's finished...

It's finally finished...

What was declared "impossible", "dangerous" and "foolish", is now turning REAL.

After all these years of work, after all i've lost... It's all worth it, i know it is.
71 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 324173 ID: 0bd0b0

Summon an axe so you can hack the door open.
No. 324176 ID: 5f70a1
File 131023605656.png - (68.97KB , 700x800 , Sigmaa13d.png )

No luck at my attempts to make a crowbar but...

Will this work?
No. 324178 ID: dec215

Now all you need is a Katana

Or maybe a penis cannon
No. 324179 ID: 0bd0b0

Yeah I guess it should work. Try to wedge the axe between the doors and go from there. Maybe after you have made some progress, spawn something long and flat.
No. 324180 ID: 1854db

Try hacking at the door.
No. 324181 ID: 0d095c

Summon a GUN


Or an ordinary War Hammer.
No. 324182 ID: e1a6cb

can you do a bazooka?
No. 324183 ID: 0d095c

Maybe he's the T1000, and can only do Simple weapons
No. 324235 ID: 2fea24
File 131024607799.jpg - (11.12KB , 600x600 , look_at_that_sexy_bastard.jpg )

Summon one of these.

Alternatively, try a huge warhammer.
No. 324237 ID: 5f70a1
File 131024632929.png - (41.19KB , 800x600 , Sigma12e.png )

No. 324238 ID: 5f70a1
File 131024638259.png - (40.34KB , 900x600 , Sigma14.png )


In no time i break the thing down, im in a new room now, lucky day.
No. 324240 ID: 0bd0b0

I think there is a limit to what Sigma can make. Crowbar was off limits, but axe wasn't so I guess it is a very thin line. Or there may be a cooldown for it. Wouldn't hurt to test your limits, Sigma.
No. 324251 ID: 5f70a1
File 131024679513.png - (66.79KB , 700x800 , Sigmaa14.png )

I actually agree with that.

This place seems kinda nice for practicing what i can do.
No. 324258 ID: 1854db

Hey, there's stuff! Check out the stuff.
No. 324259 ID: dec215

Maul that rope(?)
And play with it like a cat!
No. 324261 ID: 1902b5

loot and examine the things on the tables and open the lockers forcibly without checking if they're even locked.
No. 324265 ID: cd63e9

we know you can make edged weapons, lets see if there are size limits, try making the Norimitsu Ôdachi (http://japantrip.tripod.com/nodachi/norimitsu.html)
No. 324266 ID: 2fea24

So you get more than object at a time.

Try to make something more complex--a shild strapped to your arm.
No. 324369 ID: 679e7a

So far you've made two weapons and been unable to make a tool. Let's test a few hypotheses. Try to make a quarterstaff (a weapon without a blade), then try a pair of shears (a tool with blades). See if you can unmake a weapon; that'd be handy if someone stole your weapon. Finally, make a small weapon (a shuriken, say) and, presuming that's successful, see how many you can make before you start feeling tired or it doesn't work or you fill half the room or something.
No. 324621 ID: 367666
File 131032168672.png - (76.27KB , 700x800 , Sigmaa15.png )


I try making that, didnt work, but i managed to make a Katana intsead.


Didn't work either.


Allright, i managed to make the staff thingie, couldn't make the shears, though.

I already "unmade" the knives, they sort of dissapeared when i didn't need them anymore.

I try making the shurikens but no luck.

I just realized how awesome this really is.
No. 324622 ID: 367666
File 131032173147.png - (63.24KB , 1000x600 , Sigma15b.png )

As for the stuff on the table.

There's a red metal box and a Gun.
No. 324624 ID: 0bd0b0

Open the box. If it is locked try to shoot it open with the gun or make a skeleton key. A gun is useful so take it with you.
No. 324634 ID: 4a53a3

take the gun. try to make a gun yourself. then try to make bullets for it.

make a dagger with high mechanical advantage and use it to open the box.

inspect the things in other table.
No. 324683 ID: 679e7a


Don't shoot the box open; there's a good chance of a ricochet or damaging the contents. I second prying the box open with a dagger, but first check if it's even locked; it'd be embarrassing to make that mistake. It'd also be good to check if you can make ranged weapons; if you can't copy the gun, try for a crossbow and some bolts.

Apparently there's a lower size limit on weapons you can make. Try making progressively shorter knives to figure out what the lower bound is. Then maybe try progressively bigger weapons; I dunno if you have the physique to swing around some Cloud Strife slab of metal, but you might want a polearm at some point.
No. 324707 ID: 0d095c

Hmmm.... Try making a Chain Sword, to see if you can do moving parts, or a Mono Molecule-Edge Knife, to see if you can do seemingly impossible things.

Also, curse your creator for his ridiculous ideas of what matter you can and cannot instantaneously manifest. I mean, if you could spontaneously create nuclear warheads I could see why he'd make you, but knives? That's hardly useful. Bloody Mad Scientists...
No. 325154 ID: 18d16f
File 131043153333.png - (70.22KB , 800x900 , Sigma16.png )

Seems i can also make guns... but there's something that feels weird about the gun i made, but i feel nothing with the other one.
And i can't make bullets either.


That's as small as they get.

Dammit, i can't make moving stuff either.

Im starting to feel that there wasn't much effort put in making me.
No. 325155 ID: 18d16f
File 131043159018.png - (175.54KB , 900x800 , Sigma16b.png )

The box is open, theres some weird bluegreen thingie and a piece of paper with something written on it.
No. 325158 ID: 0d095c

Summon a breaching charge. Also, EAT THE BLUEGREEN THINGIE. Memorize the phone number/address combo
No. 325159 ID: 1854db

Examine the blue-green thing. What is it made out of? Does it seem like a battery or a tool?

Grab the paper and the... thing. Then check out the other glowy object in the back.
No. 325167 ID: 173944

No. 325169 ID: 453e62

thingy could be more super power or death juice, so let's hold off testing until we have more then a guess.
No. 325170 ID: 0d095c

I had a brilliant idea! You are a weapon. SUMMON ANOTHER YOU!
No. 325182 ID: 60228c

Grab the blue green thing.
Eat it.
Also, this >>325170
No. 326351 ID: 6576eb
File 131067339173.png - (50.36KB , 800x600 , SigmaIsaBitTired.png )

Allright, listen, one thing is guiding me to victory, another thing is just telling me to do stupid shit.

Im not going to eat some glowy thing even tough you tell me to, not without bread or mustard, i actually know what bread and mustard are.

Im taking them with me for now.
No. 326352 ID: 6576eb
File 131067343691.png - (50.32KB , 800x600 , SigmaIsaBitTired2.png )


Attempting to make a clone............................................

Woop, green light.
No. 326356 ID: 0d7a83

Quick, check your ass for clones!
No. 326359 ID: ad2505

go look at the other stuff already then.
No. 327559 ID: d45e20

hokay, you can do guns, so moving parts are go.
mebe power is next.
make a taser, then try a chainsaw.
themono-edge blade is a good idea.
No. 327672 ID: 5aac32

Try out those guns to make sure they work.
No. 327679 ID: d84db5

What does the paper thing says? Maybe it's important.
No. 328615 ID: 9c515e
File 131119331903.png - (42.50KB , 900x600 , Sigma14b.png )

Playing with myself further will have to wait!

I hear something on the other room, if there even is one.

"...Dammit, this one is locked shut!"

"Shit, must be the lab, and i heard an explosion."

"Maybe the poor bastard did the dirty job for us and killed himself."

"Good but we still gotta find that... damn thing, how was it called?"

"Just look for something blue and green, you moron."

I hear footsteps going away, and someone fiddling with some keypad on the other side of the door.
No. 328616 ID: 3ad09f

Be ready to fight
No. 328617 ID: 1854db

So they're here to kill you and take that thingy.

That's funny. Sneak over in front of the door and ready your katana. Then slice him in half when the door opens.
No. 328618 ID: 0d7a83

Lock n' load.
No. 328620 ID: 35e1a0

put the blue-green thing in your inventory.
No. 328621 ID: 1fcac4

hide the bluegreen thing.
No. 329685 ID: 71b452
File 131138364177.png - (41.80KB , 900x600 , Sigma14bb.png )

Im starting to like you guys.

He's still fiddling with the keypad

"Shit man, fuck it! hey, dukie!"

"Fuck you want!?."

"Did you bring the Fuckin 'Mite?."

"Still in the car, i tought you brought it!."

"Fuck, outta my way im gettin it myself, you keep lookin for it."

"Why do we have to do this boo'shit.?"

"Money, asshole."

Then some fuckin steps goin' away

Shit, it's catchy.
No. 329701 ID: 35e1a0

slice the door off. then lay blade on the dude's neck that is outside. and tell him "scream and you die"
No. 329748 ID: 1854db

Damn. They're gonna blow up the door. There's no standing near it when that happens.

I guess we're gonna have to open it ourselves.
No. 330586 ID: 2e5ac0

No. 332469 ID: 3ad09f

hide somewhere.
No. 332530 ID: 0d095c

They've got Thermite. Hide in the cupboard. When they come in, burst out like the Kool Aid man and blow them away with guns. Or swords. Or SWORDGUNS.
No. 334199 ID: a43505
File 131205111355.png - (41.41KB , 900x600 , Sigma14bbb.png )

Im not hiding.

I dont know if i'll be able to tear the whole thing down with just this katana, im not the hulk, and i can't create exlposives either, i would have probably crapped a grenade if i could.

Dammit if only there was a damn ventilation shaft around here! and i actually know what a ventilation shaft is.
No. 334254 ID: 1854db

Sounds like we need something else. Check the other items here. What's the glowing thing?
No. 334390 ID: 3ad09f

Try opening the red chest.
No. 337370 ID: ffe69f
File 131267798733.png - (86.74KB , 800x600 , Sigma16c.png )


Some sort of... canister of glowy shit or something, i don't think its just some normal lamp.


Already did, there was a Derp and a Herp inside.
No. 337373 ID: 35e1a0

sounds explosive. put it up against the door and then back away and shoot it.
No. 337375 ID: fa741b

Open the closets next to you, see if there's anything good in them.
No. 337388 ID: 3ad09f

Try opening the glowy lantern. See if it contains something special.

well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!
No. 337473 ID: 7ef948

take everything and go to the previous room.
No. 337776 ID: eba49f

I think I second going to the previous room. The rubble would be better cover than the benches both for ambushing and for shooting.

Also, for stuff to test, try making a whip (technically a weapon but can also be used as a rope, and also tests non-metal materials) and a knife with an extremely wide blade (to test if you can summon distorted items, and to use as a mirror for looking around corners).
No. 340957 ID: 4a98ea
File 131361843601.png - (131.71KB , 1000x700 , Sigmaa16.png )

I can't belive im doing this...

Making a whip didn't work, im afraid i may have weaponile disfunction.

Are you completely sure you're of "infinite psyche" or something?
No. 340964 ID: 975d8c


More like infinite stupidness. But hey even a idiot get a good idea now and then right?
No. 340965 ID: 35e1a0

some of us are pretty smart, some are dumbasses. infinite as in there are a lot of us, not infinite smartness.
you got the blue-green thing? that is what they want, so it must be important.
No. 344056 ID: acdb21
File 131475024508.png - (101.57KB , 800x600 , Sigma17.png )

[[i am terribly sorry for slow updates, many things happening IRL]]


Guess i'll need to get used to hearing dumb ideas out of you.

1 minute passed and it's kinda quiet out there.
No. 344087 ID: c7b6c2

Entertain yourself, I guess. So you can make pretty much any melee weapon, right?

How about a length of chain? Those are good for beatings.
No. 344207 ID: e9a282

You sure you're alone in there?
No. 345312 ID: 3ad09f

Wanna dance?
No. 345317 ID: 1854db

Where's the smoke coming from?
No. 345444 ID: dec215

Get your smoke detector and find where it's coming from. (The smoke, of course)
No. 345704 ID: 7fd0c8
File 131525309662.png - (179.37KB , 800x900 , Sigma18.png )


I love how you guys make me create all these weapons yet i am HIDING in a bunch of rubble.


No, sir.


A fire, maybe left from the explosion.

another minute just passed and i hear no explosion, who the hell where these people anyhow?
No. 345728 ID: 3ad09f

Throw something at them.
No. 345729 ID: 35e1a0

we aren't HIDING, we are laying an ambush.
No. 345730 ID: eba49f

It takes more powers than just weapon creation to not get shot in a straight up fight with enemies who have guns.
No. 347301 ID: dec215

Use yer think-pan to sum up your adventure so far.
No. 351306 ID: fa71bf
File 131666585137.png - (86.93KB , 800x600 , Sigma19.png )


Okay... there was an explosion, i was born, for some reason i know how to talk and all the basic shat, i can make weapons out of me body, it seems someone wants me dead and...

I think, maybe you guys are my-
No. 351308 ID: fa71bf
File 131666592823.png - (65.85KB , 1000x869 , Sigma19b.png )


there's some BANG sounds coming out of there, loud stuff.

"Come on come on!"




No. 351311 ID: 3ad09f

Go investigate it or something.
No. 351323 ID: b6edd6

Ok, I guess you should go next to the door and listen at it.
No. 351928 ID: f96de7

Get near the door, try to hear something.
No. 351982 ID: 1854db

How about we... OPEN the door.
No. 351987 ID: cb3704


now you're talking crazy. open? a door?
No. 354518 ID: 8828fe
File 131749561281.png - (48.67KB , 998x800 , Sigma20.png )


Nothing, not a sound...

...wait i think i hear something!
No. 354519 ID: 8828fe
File 131749564350.png - (38.21KB , 998x800 , sigma20b.png )

No. 354520 ID: 8828fe
File 131749566189.png - (40.83KB , 900x600 , sigma20c.png )

No. 354521 ID: f96de7

There's blood in there. Go investigate. With a weapon in hand of course.
No. 354522 ID: 35e1a0

take the glowing canister if you need a light.
No. 354523 ID: 3ad09f

investigate the area.
No. 369301 ID: cdb8cb

Oh lord they blew themselves up.
No. 369355 ID: 123de4
File 132286628088.png - (44.33KB , 800x600 , SigmaStepOnBlood.png )

just trying something new on the artstyle here, dont mind me

Yeeeeeah doubt this is Blood, it looks like it, but it's weird, all sticky and stuff.
No. 369356 ID: 123de4
File 132286640237.png - (29.42KB , 800x600 , Simgainthedark.png )

I take the glowing canister and go through the door, i end up in a dark room, and this Canister doesn't help that much.
No. 369360 ID: 1854db

Dang, we need a flashli- oh wait, look for a light switch first.
No. 369368 ID: 453e62

see if you can engage night vision mode or something. be able to see in the dark makes sense for you to have.
No. 369574 ID: cdb8cb

Lick the stuff. It might be strawberry jelly!
No. 370701 ID: 08b2b9

Slash the air and kill all hidden enemies LIKE A BOSS.
No. 372683 ID: d19263
File 132399730659.png - (33.49KB , 800x600 , Sigma22a.png )

No night vision here, but i found the light switch, turning this on should proove only usefull
No. 372684 ID: d19263
File 132399733364.png - (22.22KB , 800x600 , Sigma22b.png )

the shit?
No. 372693 ID: 1854db

The thing! It took your thing? Where did it go?
No. 372767 ID: e3aff6

It looked like a tentacle. If you can't see anything in the room it is probably a giant octopus-monster that has color changed to blend into the room. Back out the door while throwing some knives to your front-left.
No. 373343 ID: 5ab712

Turn it off again, see if it returns to your hand.

If not, then oh well.
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