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26933 No. 26933 ID: 6136db

It hurts...

So cold...
228 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 31306 ID: 98dab8

put his hand in warm water!
No. 31310 ID: 01383e

steal the sign!
No. 31326 ID: 6136db
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That thing is dug in deep. I'd need a shovel.

Again, I don't have warm water, or any water. I'd have to fetch some from the town.

First off, that's a hat, not his hair. I'll just move the hat. And there's no mud around, just dry dirt and grass.
Ok, hiding the rifle (one of those English ones that father bought a few years back).
I'll tie his bootlaces tog-
No. 31327 ID: 01383e

did you finish?

if so, get away. laugh.
No. 31328 ID: bffa2a


Run away in crab like gait and shout woopwoopwoop. Mayby you should come back tomorrow.
No. 31334 ID: f98e0b

You hid his gun, right?
Let's see, unarmed mortal or vampire? Who'd win in a fight?
No. 31335 ID: bffa2a


Not fighting anyone in open streets or killing them just because we wanted to do a prank.
No. 31337 ID: 01383e

yeah, we're just runnin' off. go as fast as you can around to the other side of the facility, and climb up. he won't know what happened
No. 31360 ID: 6136db
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>"Huh I isn't sleepink I swear! I was only restink eyes. Please don't be puttink me back in latr-"
>"Oh, it's you", he said with a mighty jawn. "Добрый вечер, boyarovich. What are you doing out so late?"

He's barely awake. I doubt he'll remember any of this tomorrow. Or five minutes from now.

Run away? You sure? He doesn't seem that threatening to me.

Yeah I'm pretty sure I could take him, but
I'd rather not have it come to that.
No. 31363 ID: bffa2a


Hepetetete- Scorchio! Would he kindly let us trough please were in a bit of hurry. Yosef, official business really boring, go to sleep.
No. 31493 ID: 6136db
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"Would you kindly open the gate? Official business. In a hurry."
>"Da da, am openink." YAWN "Is shame you is missink the funeral. Was very lovely. The boyar even brought in a catholic priest for it."

Great, he's digging out the keys.
No. 31522 ID: 01383e


Also, running away is an ESSENTIAL part of the prankster's gambit, and adds to the comedic value. While you're running, you can laugh harder.
No. 31537 ID: 6136db
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Ah. Szekel. Looks like the mist is rising.
The mansion is pretty much on the opposite side from here. Should I go straight through the center or circle around the west side? It's a longer route but I'm less likely to run into people there.
No. 31540 ID: bffa2a


You're supposed to be dead and they can't all be as sleepy as the guard. Circle around.
No. 32013 ID: 484e70

Why don't you try if you have powers turning into a bat? Flying over city would be easy way to avoid bypassers. Maybe it works if you concentrate hard enough?
No. 32027 ID: 6136db
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Right. I'll take the long way.

Concentrate hard enough on the what now? You'll have to give me a bit more than that to go on. Besides, I don't think the street is the best place to experiment. Should I find somewhere secluded to try it out?

Hmm. The light's gone out. Must be the damp.
No. 32033 ID: bffa2a


There haven't been any problems with thieves in the inner court have there? They like dark alleyways. Walk on but try to be aware of your surroundings.
No. 32437 ID: 6136db
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Inner court? We're just inside the town.
I've heard that there is the occasional burglary or mugging. Especially here in the west side. I'm sure it's nothing serious.
No. 32438 ID: bffa2a


Oh sorry, it's just how these things are usually laid out. Lots of hovels and taverns for the proletariat on the outskirts of town. Inner city that houses the upper middle class is the one walled off and then there's the aristocracy behind another wall or just their mansion walls. I guess this is a town that's seen a lot of action. I'm not distracting you am I? Keep aware.
No. 32439 ID: 15b56e

There's a man in the alley to your left. He's probably trying to mug you.
No. 32445 ID: 6136db
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Ah, the proletariat. Marx has some nice ideas I guess, but I don't think they'll catch on. The -48 revolutions didn't fare too well.

But yeah, the wall goes around most of the town. Only some of the factory storehouses are outside. I suppose the town has seen it's share of "action" even if we're not all that close to the Ottoman border.

And no, you're not distr-
>"'ello there guv, got a light?"
Oh no.
No. 32447 ID: 15b56e

Tell him that backing off would be a wise decision if he values his life.
No. 32448 ID: 448a65


"No, and I haven't got any money either, so unless you want an unnecessary fight on your hands.."
No. 32450 ID: 6136db
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"No, and I don't have any money either, so backing off might be best thing to do now. If you value your life."
>"E-ey, guv, don't get all riled up now."
No. 32456 ID: 448a65


Well, how about you put that nasty looking blade away and we speak to each other all civilised, like.

If you do, I won't be tempted to shoot you with this pistol I have concealed under my robe. (bluff)
No. 32457 ID: 0d5afc
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Lookin' good mang
No. 32464 ID: 01383e

"no need to get all riled up"

You know, you're right. gimme some of what you're smokin', and we'll go find a light

+1 intoxicated bandit servant?
No. 32468 ID: bffa2a


Ready your own knife under that dashing cape. "Nice teeth." I hope this one has both of it's arms. Awkward I tell you.
No. 32474 ID: 6136db
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"Well, how about you put that nasty looking blade away and we speak to each other all civilised, like."
Heh, he looks a little disturbed at my reaction. I guess this isn't how things usually go.
>"Ey easy now there guv. It's a nice night and were all mates ere, aight?"

I've had my hand on it since that guy showed up.

"Do you a cigarette on you?"
"Pass me one."
No. 32476 ID: 15b56e

Another one approaches. Behind you, near the fence. Associates? Regardless, prepare to retaliate with extreme vengeance.
No. 32478 ID: bffa2a


Another one behind you, ignore it for a moment. Lean in for the cigarette and slash his throat out, we need to even the odds quickly. They may be common thugs but they still are dangerous.
No. 32479 ID: 01383e

yes, and use extreme friendliness to buy more time to prepare. Ask for directions!
No. 32491 ID: 6136db
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"You know what's the quickest route to hell?" I asked as I reached for the cigarette.
"Through me."
No. 32494 ID: 01383e


you hungry enough to go for the other one, or are you just gonna kill it?
No. 32497 ID: bffa2a


I stand corrected, you're in no danger at all. Apparently you're one of the more dangerous subtypes, if only it was more easy to find out what type. And did you just swipe that mans head off with your bare hands? Oops, no witnesses, do as you please to the second one. Just be fast before the neighborhood starts to take intrest. Shame about the condition we are leaving our victims so far. If someone in this town has the brains and the knowledge they are going to put the clues together.
No. 36221 ID: 6136db
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Hmm. I just fed on Lucia, so I'm not really hungry. I could, I guess, but he's not really all that appetizing.

Oh. You're probably right. I should be more discreet in the future.

Heh, the little worm is too scared to even scream. You think I should kill him?
No. 36222 ID: 01383e

I say you kidnap him, get him drunk, take his pants, and dump him outside of the bar, unconscious.

it's even BETTER than no witnesses!
No. 36227 ID: 007a2e


Grab him and hoist him up face to face, ask him "Now...About that light..."

Kill, loot, rinse, repeat. Petty criminals get no sympathy from you!
No. 36229 ID: bffa2a


You want a sniveling coward for a human servant? I guess you could scare him to service but those types have a bad habit of growing a spine in the most inopportune moments. There certainly are some positives. Ask it's name and if it wants to live?
No. 36236 ID: 789c25

... I would have just killed him, but that's a great idea.

Politely invite him to come have a drink with you.
No. 36238 ID: bffa2a


Let's make him hide the body of his friend first. We can play with our toy after and see if it's useful.
No. 36239 ID: 961ddb

Add opium to the mix if you can, too!
No. 36898 ID: 6136db
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>"Oh god oh god, please don't kill me, I didn' mean anythin I swear! Kind sir, keep away, AAH!"


Yeah I guess hiding the body is job number one.
"Do you have a name, worm?"
>"B-Boyd, sir. I-"
"Do you want to die here?"
>"N-no sir, please don'-"
"You're working for me now. Cross me an I'll hang you by your own entrails, y'hear?"
>"Y-yes sir. I wouldn' do somethin like tha, honest."
"Good. You'll start by hiding that body over there. And after that... we're going to have a drink."

I sound... just like father.


I could get used to this.

I'll keep these in mind, in case he turns out unreliable. Did I do all right? You think he'll cause me trouble?
No. 36910 ID: bffa2a


Of course he will, it will be just as easy for our enemies to scare him to cooperate as it was for us. But lacking a subject devoted to us out of adoration and loyalty it will have to do. Keep him scared enough not to even think of talking about your existence and make small promises of power if he performs his duties admirably. If he turns out to be an idiot he's worth nothing, dispose.
No. 41976 ID: e2020c

Most people have a tedency to cause trouble. This tedency grows in nerve breaking situations. Those who don't cause trouble either can't or have guts and smarts. Use him once and dispose, unless he shows unnatural capabilities.
No. 52456 ID: 18212a
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"You did well."
>"T-thanks boss. And t-thanks for the drink."
"What's the matter? You haven't touched it. Is it not to your liking?"
>"I-it's not that. What'cha gonna do to me boss?"
Yes. What to do with him.
Turns out he's not a complete idiot. He disposed of the corpse quite admirably.
Oh and this is Hog's Head. The local bottle 'n tap. The dead feller had a few coins on him, so this drink's on him.

>"I mean, are you gonna kill me too?"

No. 52458 ID: f98e0b

Vampire spaaaawn
No. 52498 ID: 18212a
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So you think I should turn him into a vampire?
I wonder...

I'll have to think on this a bit more.
Did I ever tell you about my family?
No. 53563 ID: 18212a
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Ah, the family.
Here's a picture.

On the left there is Dederich. He's the second oldest. The favorite son. He's the captain of the guard nowadays. Must make father so proud. Bah.
He's a barely literate idiot who just swings swords around all day. But hey, someone has to fulfill expectations.

On the right is Jal. He's not quite as bad as Dederich, but, well... he is a little too much into his cups. And women.
Oh all right, he's a lecherous drunkard. He's not too discriminate either.

That's father, in the center. Bartholomeus Szekely. I never did live up to his expectations, preferring books and quiet study to hunting and war and other "duties of men". He... well.

Right there near the bottom is Rose. She's six now.

>"You are, aren't you?"
>"You are gonna kill me."
"Oh hush. Nobody's killing you. Not yet anyway."
No. 53583 ID: bffa2a

We might need some eyes for daytime. He fits the bill. If he proves loyal we can give him power eventually but now his worth lies in his mortality. If only he could keep his big gob shut and stay smart.

>Offer job in exchange for life. Big prizes follow.
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