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In memory of Flyin' Black Jackson
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File 126681574290.png - (16.77KB , 292x443 , 1.png )
137017 No. 137017 ID: f609ed

-You wake up in some kind of hospital laboratory, wearing nothing but a black beanie, a hospital gown, a hospital band, and those silly hospital booties-
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No. 138378 ID: 3416ec


D'aaawww. :3
No. 138564 ID: 2cbe3e

Let's really whip those animals into a cleaning crew! Start micromanaging all the animals to be the most efficient!
No. 138576 ID: 950529

No. 138603 ID: f609ed
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"Hey animal friends! Help me get some stuff to make a weapon!"
-The animals somehow understand you and run off to find some shit to make a weapon.
>Ah you're done sweeping? Time to dust!
-Jenny hands you a shitty feather duster.-
No. 138605 ID: 81e500

You heard her, get to the dusting!
Like a boss.
No. 138608 ID: 8ecfd4

Make a solemn vow infront of the gods of your ancestors that you will have vengence on that bitch. By pissing in her drink.
No. 138610 ID: 3416ec


Forest Animal Friends are awesome.

Pick up that duster and get to dustin'.
No. 138614 ID: 81e500

Why? It's not like she's done anything any other boss wouldn't do.
She's been a bit rude, yeah, but you just met her.
And yeah, she's working you a bit hard, but she just hired you under the table, no questions asked, with no paperwork or anything.
Save pissing in her drink for if she shafts you on pay.
No. 138620 ID: 445c48

Don french maid outfit and get dusting.
No. 138627 ID: f609ed
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-Oh good you got to dusti- what the fuck are you wearing? Where are you even getting these fucking costumes? Whatever. Don't forget that spider web, third shelf. You wonder what you'll get paid and when those stupid woodland animals come back. You begin to hum a song to keep your mood up.-
"..Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read-a my pooooookerfaaaaaace"
-Really. Really.-
No. 138630 ID: 701a19

You're also fucking her around pretty hardcore. I'd be pissed if somebody asked me for a job and then pulled Cinderella shit when I told them what they would be doing.

Relax about her.
No. 138731 ID: 3416ec


Is... is that a LEGO set?

We must get this somehow.
No. 139061 ID: 11df9c

Save up your money.
Screw a weapon, get Legos.
Use Legos to make bodyarmor and an assault rifle.
No. 139062 ID: 2cbe3e


See if you can grab the end of your foot and still dust.
No. 139128 ID: f609ed
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-Oh holy fuck the animals came through. I'm not sure where you can hide it though. Well now you can rob a bank or a store or get revenge on Billy- Wait what's that say on the shotgun...-
"Thank you, woodland creatures"
No. 139129 ID: 8ecfd4

Fuck YEAH! Woodland creatures fucking rock!

Ok now you have a non sucky weapon. Time to blow this fucking joint and get on with the mystery of the map. Get a map and cross reference with the one you found earlier.
No. 139130 ID: a85626


fckin awesome

eat your heart out Snow White

time to kick some ass
No. 139131 ID: 9ac487

Take a closer look at the signature on the bottom of the shotgun, theirs no telling who may be looking for their lost shotgun...
No. 139134 ID: 8ecfd4

If they want it back we will give it back to them... atleast the bullets.
No. 139140 ID: f609ed
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-I... uh... fuck. Well I'm not sure if they killed him or were able to sneak it while he wasn't looking, but he'll be one pissed off hillbilly if he finds out we have it. What should we do? We've finished all the work Jenny had for us.-
No. 139142 ID: 8ecfd4

To an 24/7 library for map cross referencing and stuff. You have a mystery map with a mystery to solve.
No. 139145 ID: 3416ec

We now have the means defend ourselves while we find out why we were in a hospital laboratory!

Anyways, collect monies from cashier for a jorb well done, then head back to the hospital.
No. 139150 ID: f609ed
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>Well, kid, ya did a great job so I'll give ya a Jackson. If ya ever needa 'nother job, just come back 'round here.
"Thank you, Jenny!"
>No prob, kid.
-Sweet. a 20 and a shotgun. Let's hit the library, though I still don't know where you're going to hide that thing.-
No. 139151 ID: 701a19

Well that's obvious.

No. 139153 ID: 8ecfd4

Hid it in your baggy pants or something. Or have it ut in the open to show everyone what a badass motherfucker you are.
No. 139154 ID: f609ed

-I mean the shotgun.-
No. 139156 ID: 701a19

Don't worry about it. Just roll a 20 and nobody will notice it.
Just trust us, this is the way the world works.
No. 139159 ID: 3416ec

Can't you like, store it in Hammerspace or your Inventory or something?
No. 139166 ID: f609ed
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-Well we're at the library now. We should probably invest in a purse or a backpack. Right now the only inventory you have are you tiny short pockets.-
No. 139167 ID: 3416ec


Or a duffel bag.

Any sporting goods stores around?
No. 139169 ID: 8ecfd4

Go in and ask around for help on figuring out what the map you have depicts.
No. 139174 ID: f609ed
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-Well that's uh... convenient. Let's get a super cute backpack!-
No. 139178 ID: 3416ec

Super cute? Pfft. Get a regular ol' durable duffel bag.
No. 139179 ID: 8ecfd4

Get both.
No. 139180 ID: d56ac0

Compromise, get a super-cute duffel bag.
No. 139467 ID: f609ed
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-Alright, so we have 20 dollars, a map, and a shotgun. We still have to pay for this duffel bag, just hope "Sally" doesn't look in it. The duffel bag is 15 dollars, on sale-
No. 139474 ID: 5a9e00

too cute!~
No. 139503 ID: 3416ec


Okay, fine. Go with the cute duffel bag. Just buy it and stow that noob tube away.
No. 139566 ID: 021ae3

Go catch some pogeymanz
No. 139604 ID: f609ed
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-Like, seriously? You could be researching your map, you could be shooting shit with your shot gun, you could be exploring the town, but you want to catch pokeymans? It's your choice I guess..-
No. 139605 ID: 950529

shoot a stray dog then stuff its heart in the pokeball
No. 139611 ID: 8ae1fe

Ok, lets go back to getting serious before this derails.

Map. What could we make of it? Nothing? Do we know anything about reading maps? Well, I know >.>;

I'd say our first stop is the library's map room.
No. 139612 ID: abd8f5

No. 139624 ID: 934ef5

Lets combine all these activities with pokemon hunting. Consult map, explore town, and when you find a pokemon put your gun to its head and tell it to get in the fucking ball.
No. 139741 ID: 11df9c

You are wise.
No. 139769 ID: f609ed
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-This is a weird map. Where do you suppose we are?-
No. 139773 ID: 11df9c

You seem to be in SimCity.
I suppose that's fitting, because you're gonna take this town like a hurricane!
Like a boss.
No. 139776 ID: 8ae1fe

Yeah, but WHERE in SimCity?

To the library!
No. 140588 ID: 021ae3
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Find a Kangaskhan, take it's baby.
And give it a cute little ribbon and a pouch thing to carry it in!
No. 140614 ID: d1a025

Find "Captain Hero"
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