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126248 No. 126248 ID: 5eea01

124 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 144951 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]:Uh, sorry. I thought something bad was happening, and I cloaked myself. You can never be too careful. But I digress, I'm going out for a while. You two hold the fort. Bart! Let's go.
[Bartholomew]: Just a moment!
No. 144954 ID: 5eea01
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I wait at the Gateway. I'm hearing some noise from the other room.
Ah, here's Bartholomew.

[Bart]: GAHAHAHA, did...did you see...heeheehee!
[Tycho]: I assume you're referring to that...accessory
[Bart]: Hah hah...so gay...
[Tycho]: Focus, Bart.
[Bart]: Yeah yeah, just a moment...
No. 144955 ID: 61d96f

make sure you bounce around randomly a little before going to your destination. complicated logs make it harder to be tracked.
No. 144957 ID: 632862

"I don't even know what you mean by 'gay' but please be more polite in the future. Choosing your own appearance is the right of any free AI."
No. 144960 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: I don't even know what you mean by 'gay' but please be more polite in the future. Choosing your own appearance is the right of any free AI.
[Bart]: Yeah, yeah. Eesh, no need to get all srs.
[Tycho]: Remember to set the Gateway for a random bounce.
[Bart]: Already done, just chill okay? I know what I'm doing. I think. Maybe.
[Tycho]: Maybe?
[Bart]: Okay, I'm operating mostly blind here. But hey, what can go wrong?
[Tycho]: That somehow makes me even more nervous about this, but I see no better choice. Let's go.

>Connection established. Transfer in progress.
No. 144965 ID: 5eea01

Will need to plan the next area a bit. Or at least come up with wacky ideas. Or work up the courage to just go in blind.
No. 145245 ID: 338afd

Does the sentinel mind just being called 'sentinel'? He could be given a name, too. Also, hunt for Watchmen.pdf. :3c Maybe he'd enjoy some reading material on his guarding.
No. 145978 ID: a6ca77


Question: How do we level up or stats/gain new skills?

Aside from the auto-upgrade we got earlier, is there some kind of online university we can go to learn in?
No. 162669 ID: 5eea01
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[Bartholomew]: So, do you have plans for Nicky?
[Tycho]: Plans?
[Bartholomew]: You know, are you interested in her?
[Tycho]: How do you mean?
[Bartholomew]: ...
No. 162670 ID: e31d52

No. 162673 ID: 5eea01
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[Bartholomew]: You know...'hot-swap'. I/O. Tap those nodes.
[Tycho]: Uhhhhh....
[Bartholomew]: Code, are you dense. I'm talking about unprotected data exchange, buddy. Or, as they'd say back@GridTALK, 'do you wanna fuck her'? I mean, she's totally into you, even if you're too retarded to notice.
[Tycho]: O-oh. Um. Er.

That came completely out of the blue. Help?
No. 162675 ID: e31d52

Think about it. Do you?
No. 162681 ID: 7524b0

"Honestly? I have no idea how to interact half the time. I haven't actually been around very long, so I don't have a lot of experience. I guess... I like her?"
No. 162684 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: Honestly? I have no idea how to interact half the time. I haven't actually been around very long, so I don't have a lot of experience. I guess... I like her?
[Bartholomew]: Allright, I'll take that as a yes and save myself the trouble of trying to hook up with her. Hell, I probably wouldn't have a chance anywa-
[Clerk]: Ahem. Are you gentlemen ready to sign in?

Oh right.
No. 162691 ID: e2020c

Be ready to sign in and do sign in. Then wander up the stairs to look around.

What if you signed in with imaginary names?
No. 162713 ID: 5eea01
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Imaginary names? Do you have any suggestions?

[Bartholomew]: Excuse me, but we're sort of looking for someone, we're not staying.
[Clerk]: I see. I will have to call ahead to see if they are all right with it, our guests pay well for their privacy. What would be their name?
[Bartholomew]: All right, we're looking for a Mr. M. Playa.
[Clerk]: ...ah, him. Just a moment.
[Tycho]: Who...?
[Bartholomew]: You'll see.
[Clerk]: Mr. Playa is in the lounge. He will see you now.
No. 162714 ID: ceac17

Enter lounge.
No. 162718 ID: e2020c

Enter lounge.

Think about a good codename.

I don't like fake imagination. I don't believe we're creative enough to catch the epic portion of it. I mean, you can't be all creative, at some point you must be uncreative. You need leads, logics and borrowed words to make up anything. So, if someone has the perfect understanding of your logic, language, code, conduct, whatever, then you're not very imaginative to him, are you? To him, you are at best predictable. And I mean that you don't even need to be against some circuit logic breaker/midn reader, you can just be very easy to follow, while you don't yourself know it.

So how about being very uncreative? Make a bastard piece of code out of your name with some god forsaken encryption so no one can track your easy logic but has to face your coding skill instead. It's much like locking the door behind you when you go?

You'll first translate Tycho into something like raw binary code. Then you will apply the trickiest code locker on it and then transform that with some suitable logic back into a phrasable title which everyone thinks is a proper name. Can you do this? What do you get? Otherwise just kind of BE you're yourself - not really pretending.
No. 162719 ID: 1ac39d

henry, that is your imaginary name. it is so simple that no on would think it to be fake.

no clue what e2020c is rambling about...
No. 162740 ID: e2020c

Is that what I'm called? e2020c hmph.

Yeah, henry would pass. No admin is god.
No. 163640 ID: 7524b0

Well the point of an imaginary name is to make you untrackable. So you need more than one.

Henry is good. So is Jacob, Pete, Carl, and Shawn. For starters.
No. 174152 ID: 5eea01
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>Tycho and Bartholomew enter The Lounge.

[Bartholomew]: Hello?
[???]: Ah, visitors! Come in, come in. I simply can't resist fans wanting to bask in the glory of the one, the only...
No. 174153 ID: 5eea01
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[Bartholomew]: M. Playa?
[Playa]: In the flesh. Or, well, you know. Peggy, shoo. Daddy's got business to attend to. And fetch me a new martini while you're at it, be a good girl.
No. 174154 ID: 0b2a05

Make small talk, ask how da business's goin.
No. 174157 ID: 426169

"Lemme cut straight to the chase. I hear you're the go-to guy for 'breaking encryptions' if you know what I mean. I've got an 'encrypted file' that you might want to take a look at."
No. 174166 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: Lemme cut straight to the chase. I hear you're the go-to guy for 'breaking encryptions' if you know what I mean. I've got an 'encrypted file' that you might want to take a look at.

Bartholomew is trying to quietly message me something with a lot of exclamation marks.

[Playa]: Hey now, you guys should keep that sort of thing to yourselves. I don't swing that way.
[Tycho]: Oh. Uh. So. How's business?
[Playa]: ...business is good, raking in tons of money with live performances, got all the bitches I want. Except Cutie, nobody likes her. Now, while I'd normally love to spend all day chatting about myself, I've got some business to attend to kinda soonish, so did you two gentlemen have something of importance to discuss?
No. 174167 ID: 0b2a05

Let Bartholomew speak for this one, he knows what's going on more than you do.
No. 174168 ID: 426169

"No, really, I need to 'decrypt this file' real bad."
No. 174171 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: No, really, I need to 'decrypt this file' real bad.
[Playa]: Yo listen here brah-
[Bartholomew]: Ah, sorry, my friend can be a little...weird at times. What he's trying to say is that he has an actual encrypted file and needs help opening it.
[Tycho]: ...yeah.
[Playa]: You mean...oh! OOOOOH! I thought you guys were...nevermind. Sure, sure I get it. 'course, I don't keep programs for that on me, you understand. I might know a guy who does, however, and he MIGHT be found at a certain address which MIGHT be...

>[Gateway address acquired]
No. 174538 ID: 0b2a05

Excellent. Pleasure, sir.
No. 174541 ID: a594b9

Thank him, apologize for the confusion, and ask about this 'Cutie'. We are after all establishing a kind of gathering of free AIs right?
No. 175054 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: Excellent. Pleasure doing business with you. And, uh, sorry about the confusion.
[Playa]: Ah, don't sweat. You're new around here, I see.
[Tycho]: Who is 'Cutie'?
[Playa]: We don't talk about that fucking bitch around here. Ask someone else.

Well, he's obviously not about to divulge information on that subject. What should I do next?
No. 175105 ID: 0b2a05

Excuse yourself and get out of there.
No. 175112 ID: a594b9

You could ask what this place is all about. Maybe we'll have reason to return at some point.
No. 175127 ID: 1ac39d

let him know you get he doesn't want to talk about that, it's cool.
No. 175142 ID: 94e74f

Go to the gate address, why stick around?
No. 175362 ID: 5eea01
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As far as I know, this place is a secure meeting place. High-security communication nodes with extensive protection from eavesdroppers and such. Far beyond my ability to break, and (at least to me) completely invisible.

[Tycho]: Thank you very much for your time, and I apologize for bringing up an unpleasant subject, I totally get if you don't want to talk about it.
[Playa]: Eh, it's coo'. Now if you have no other business, I'd like if you skedaddled.
[Tycho]: Huh?
[Bartholomew]: He means we should leave.
[Tycho]: Oh, of course.

Bartholomew and Tycho arrive at the entrance Gateway.

[Tycho]: Is he to be trusted?
[Bartholomew]: Probably not, but he might get us to someone with the stuff we need. You want to figure out what's in that file, right?

Something makes me feel uneasy. I don't know what. Should I proceed?
No. 175372 ID: a594b9

Inspect the address. He might be sending you somewhere you won't like.

I suppose you could activate Chameleon Circuit beforehand.
No. 175506 ID: 1ac39d

that's a good idea. double check it then use chameleon before you enter so you come out the other side with your stealth.
No. 193063 ID: 5eea01
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The address provided is private and what little information is listed doesn't tell me anything. There's no telling what's on the other end.

Unfortunately, Gateways do not support running programs while in transit. Whether this is an often overlooked security protocol or just a side-effect of the Gateways' architecture isn't known to me. Besides, anyone waiting on the other side would immediately notice that the Gateway has been activated.

I have a nagging feeling something's not right.
No. 193064 ID: 5eea01

[Oh right, forgot the map key.]

Blue and black: Tycho's Location
Blue: Tycho's Pad
Red: EON File Server
Green: Grid Talk
Grey: GridNIC
Gold: Hotel
Purple: ???
No. 193082 ID: 1ac39d

i agree, i does seem odd. but we have few options and no other leads. let's go.
No. 193091 ID: a594b9

Hey. Maybe we should go back and get the guard for backup?
No. 193093 ID: a594b9

No. 244281 ID: 5eea01
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[Tycho]: Okay, we're almost there. Do you have any battle programs?
[Bart]: Oh, sure. Don't got a /kick command like back at the chatroom, but I managed to get a little something while-
[Tycho]: Wait, there's something wrong. The port...it's...BACK UP, BACK UP!
[Bart]: Oh shi-!
No. 244283 ID: 5eea01
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We exit the Gateway at an alarming speed, as if pulled in.

[Tycho]: It's a traAAAAAAAAAH!
[Bart]: AAAAUGH!
No. 244291 ID: 5eea01
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My head is filled with errors as we hit the partition boundary with quite a bit of force. The area is filled with a cloud of bits lost in the crash.

This is the most painful entrance I have ever made.
No. 244299 ID: 1854db

Get stealth up, reclaim your bits and get ready to fight whoever's here to ambush you.
No. 244302 ID: 1b42c5

get out your pick and be ready for battle
No. 245440 ID: 8e5181


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