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1043122 No. 1043122 ID: e7c7d3

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No. 1073083 ID: 918cdb

Let's check out the local lake, see what people do for fun there.
Maybe also the caves and caverns, since that'll likely be a fun tobak hangout.
No. 1073084 ID: f14228

Is it low tide yet? You could find some local caves, do a deep excavation excursion (remember to map your way and extract in time!). Maybe you'll even find signs of those rumored ruins!

You're kinda built for spelunking, after all.
No. 1073089 ID: bd281c

Learn to hunt, come up with a reason to stop by that cute Formican’s office often.
No. 1073090 ID: fb8a42

Let's go fishing! Fishing is hunting, but chiller.
No. 1073127 ID: 82842b

(Slightly Soggy) Caves sound neat, for sure...

What sort of gear would you need though?
No. 1073131 ID: e5709d

Wait, does the community have backups of their brains stored in the capital? That should be a priority if you're all pushed to do something high-risk high-reward.

Anyways time to hunt some wild animals and domesticate the orphaned cubs!
No. 1073142 ID: 063e19

Yes lets look for a bounty hunter office.
No. 1073218 ID: 60841b
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>Go try to find some local wildlife. Maybe search up on the computer if they're tasty and/or legal to hunt
>hunt some wild animals and domesticate the orphaned cubs!
Hunting? sounds cool, I can get something good to sell or eat. Domestication? sure, I don't mind having a cute pet around. Just hope it isn't too much work. Fishing? The tug is my drug. The computer isn't very informative on most subjects, as most developing Internets are.

>(Slightly Soggy) Caves sound neat, for sure
>Is it low tide yet? You could find some local caves, do a deep excavation excursion
I look in the massive hole in the middle of my property, and it doesn't look like it's filled with the tide yet. How long are the days on this planet exactly? Looking in, I can see some kind of red stuff mixed in to the rock, must me some type of ore. I wonder if the caves are creepy or wet. On closer inspection, they are indeed wet. But who knows what's down there. Maybe some ancient alien ruins oooooh.

>What sort of gear would you need though
For mining, I'd say a helmet at least. It's hard to believe that I'm a subterranean species with a height like mine. I could also use some rope and picks for getting around and collecting samples.

>Wait, does the community have backups of their brains stored in the capital?
I'm not sure about the specifics but I'm leaning towards a 'yes with strings attached' kind of deal. Better not risk it.

>look for a bounty hunter office.
Now that sounds cool. Gull the bounty hunter has a good sound to it. The frontier sounds like the kind of place you would find outlaws so who's to say I can't play cowboy.
No. 1073219 ID: 60841b
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I go to the equipment depot to see if I can procure equipment for mining, hunting or fishing. Inside is one of those things, an Icky Rynth. He wears an eye patch and looks like he works here.

>"Hey. You're new. Clearly."
"Hey there! got some equipment for me?"
>"Depends. Yes. Anything specific?"
"Do you have any equipment I can use for hunting some of the wild life? additionally, I'd like some stuff to help with spelunking. I'm also thinking of fishing later, so I might need to get a rod and bait. got all of that?"
>"Yeah. I guess."
"Good!... uh... will that cost anything?"
>"If keeping. If borrowing? nah. Don't lose."
Clearly he isn't the chatty type - which is fine and all but I want to learn more about what I'm allowed to take with me.
"Great! So... Is there someone else who works here? maybe someone who can... speak a bit more on the specifics."
"Eheh... Well, I'm Gull! remember the name because I might come in a few times!"
>"Latch. Take stuff. One type."
No. 1073221 ID: a7a180

Spelunking gear first!
No. 1073222 ID: 462d8c

Take the spelunking gear for now
No. 1073228 ID: 82842b

>they are indeed wet.
Who knows, maybe there's such a thing as Creepy AND Wet? Spooky Depths only know...

And maybe Evil Cults, wonder if any cults (with loot) are down there?

Perhaps even the fabled MYSTERIOUS CAVES below that???

>One type.
Spelunking gear.
(Dont forget the Snacks, and to compliment his Huge Ears)
No. 1073229 ID: f14228

It be Tobak-ing time. Get that spelunk gear.

Ask Latch about when the tide's due to come in and its usual cycle. That should be specific enough. Or if he's still reticent, check the intranet before you set off. Can also check the intranet what that red ore might be - or if there's other stuff of particular interest you might run across down there.
No. 1073230 ID: e5709d

Ask if there's a queue prepared for city expansion and if you can get in on that.
No. 1073233 ID: 273c18

No. 1073252 ID: 60841b
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>Ask Latch about when the tide's due to come in and its usual cycle
>"So Latch, do you know when the tide's supposed to come in? you would be more familiar with the usual cycle than I am."
It helps no one to be reductive.
"Is there a queue prepared for city expansion? know if you can get in on that?
>"I'd know?"
"Worth a shot at least."
He shrugs.

I go for the spelunking gear, it's time I got down to my roots! I put on the gear and get into the new outfit. I make sure to pick a helmet in my color and I'm roaring to go!

I compliment his ears and leave. He seems indifferent.

I look to the intranet and see a helpful diagram that tells me more. It appears that midday is the best time if one wishes to travel around sea level or below. It turns out that having two moons really complicates the math, glad I didn't have to do it. I also try to search up what the red ore is but it's fairly inconclusive. Signs point to it having a high iron content - but guesses range from cinnabar to a type of quartz. Or a new mineral entirely - in which case I get to name it!

With everything prepared and ready to go, I venture down into the caverns. I notice a recess in the rock which dips up and down again, preventing any rising water from flooding the caves. while fortunate, it means I need to go spelunking at specific times or else I'd get blocked out - or in.

Once inside, I take my goggles off and can see with perfect vision once more. It's like the room is fully lit! I'm so unused to things not casting shadows, but it's nice to see everything.

The cave is wide and open, and I can immediately see various points of interest
-to my right is a little creature sleeping in some kind of nest. It notices me but doesn't seem troubled by my presence, going back to sleep. behind it is some kind of aqua colored ore and a cave going off to a place I can't see.
-below me is a mother lode of that red stuff! I sure hope it's not bad for me to be near it. at the farthest end of the cave, I see a perfectly smooth wall - quite unnatural looking. perhaps ruins lay on the other side!
-to my left is a hot spring full of steaming pink water. It's not acid or anything, just water like on the surface with a softer tone. If my shower wasn't working, maybe I could bathe in it. I also notice some loose green gemstones by the water.
No. 1073253 ID: fb8a42

Drink the water. What could go wrong?
No. 1073255 ID: 462d8c

Chip away at the aqua ore. It's the closest to cyan
No. 1073256 ID: 273c18

>tunnel floods, blocking the tunnel, restricting access
Fixed by buying some scuba gear. Though maybe not worth spending on at the moment, you can always do other things on the farm while the tunnel's flooded.
Collect the gemstones. Gather a small sample of red ore to test if it's safe to mine. Collect a sample of the pink water as well, to see what's causing the color (and if it's safe to drink) See how close you can get to the creature before it gets annoyed at you. Explore further to the right.
No. 1073257 ID: b57fea

Always drink river water! Its good for you!
No. 1073259 ID: 28248f

Inspect creechur
No. 1073261 ID: 3bac2f

Spunker gear so you can see what’s all on (and under) your land.
No. 1073262 ID: 82842b

>Green Gems and Red Ore
Grab a sample of each for further investigation later, it'll be easier to come back later once you know what's valuable or not, than carrying a whole bunch at once.

Investigate small gap near the Nest and then...
>smooth wall
Poke around the wall, see if you can find any hidden switches or such.

Do you know how to fight/have anything for defense too, by chance?
No. 1073265 ID: e5709d

Leave a piece of food for the little guy.

See those green crystals? Grab them.
No. 1073267 ID: 7900d9

Looks like some ferrous-blooded creature got crushed by a cave-in. Be cautious.
No. 1073272 ID: a7a180

Take samples of the red and green ore, then take a dip in the pool!
No. 1073274 ID: 60841b
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>Drink the water. What could go wrong?
Tastes watery - but refreshing. must be infused with minerals.

>Collect a sample of the pink water as well, to see what's causing the color (and if it's safe to drink)
Whoops already drank it. I can't see anything wrong with bottling some up to get it tested though.

>Chip away at the aqua ore. It's the closest to cyan
It is close to cyan. suspiciously. Must collect a sample to investigate further. I pick out a piece and it's very brittle to my surprise. I try holding up a piece, only for it crumble in my fingers. I bottle it up, maybe I can sell it as sand.

>See how close you can get to the creature before it gets annoyed at you
Even as I was practically standing above it to collect the aqua mineral samples, it was practically unbothered. Very curious! Does this animal not have any natural predators, or sense of self preservation?

>Leave a piece of food for the little guy.
I would, if I had any! I've not got much in the way of food actually, my fridge only has MRE's and ice trays. Need to get groceries...

>Inspect creechur
As I do, it would appear to want to inspect me as well! It harmlessly hops into my shoulders and starts eyeballing me. I get a closer look at it to see that it has what appears to be feather like appendages, but I don't believe it to be any sort of avian or of mammalian origin. On closer inspection, the squared off 'feathers' look closer to paper-like leaves. it's also worth noting that it weighs practically nothing.

I didn't see anything about this online, so that'd make me the discoverer! looks like I need to give its species a name, as well as come up with a name for this little guy.

>Inspect nest
rather than being built or placed, the nest looks like it grew there naturally. It seems to be some kind of plant, accompanying or perhaps working in symbiosis with the creature.

>Take samples of the red and green ores.
Easy enough. Picking up a few green gemstones was simple as most were loose. The red ore on the other hand took a bit more work, it seems harder than the rock around it and is heavier to boot.

>then take a dip in the pool!
I would love to, but I don't want to get my only clothes wet. I don't want to go in naked either because this creature is watching... I might need some kind of suit for swimming.
No. 1073275 ID: a7a180

Why should the creature's presence bother you? It's naked already.
No. 1073276 ID: 2aa5f0

well since the little guy's feather look like they're made of paper why not call it a mache as in paper mache. Would suggest piñata with all the colorful plumage but that might encourage people to try and hit these guys and they seem far too friendly to deserve that.
No. 1073277 ID: 708905

I propose we name this creature: The false-feathered minidragon
No. 1073278 ID: 82842b

>Name Creechur
"Pinata Drakeling"?
No. 1073279 ID: fb8a42

“Pleasant Piñata, Please Protect”
No. 1073290 ID: 462d8c

Hmm, since it seems somewhat plant-based maybe it sees you as some sort of means of seed dispersal? Being friendly and riding along until it finds a good spot it wouldn'tve found on its own.

Either way, Pinata is a decent name. Maybe check the cave spot you couldn't see before now
No. 1073299 ID: 273c18

>name new species?
Well you should really talk to an etymologist first... It does have a striking resemblance to a pinata though doesn't it?
"Cave-dwelling Pinata" seems fine for now.

Nudge it with your hand to see if you can get some tactile information. Does it have a smell? Maybe wipe your claws clean first, though I can't imagine it would nest so close to a toxic mineral.

Should probably explore deeper next.
No. 1073301 ID: f14228

Well that's a friendly-curious little plant-avian. How about calling it for a Peppy Mâché? Could also give it a personal name on top of the species one.

See if it's interested in anything you got on you.

Then check out the oddly smooth wall. Maybe you can bust it down, or glean something from it. Any markings?
No. 1073331 ID: 60841b
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>Why should the creature's presence bother you? It's naked already.
I could always fix that but cutting some holes in a sock to put its arms and legs through.

>See if it's interested in anything you got on you.
It seems curious, but doesn't want anything from me. How odd.

>Then check out the oddly smooth wall. Maybe you can bust it down, or glean something from it. Any markings?
I could but it down, but I sense that it might take a long time. As for markings, there seems to be a faint pattern on an otherwise smooth surface.

I could call it a pinata, but I don't want to encourage people to hurt the poor things! Thinking about it more though, they do take on a bit of a dragon-ish appearance. Maybe a paper drake? could be neat. Or I can call it a cave pinata if I'm feeling on the nose. I think I'll call him Mache, if I see him here again.

>Does it have a smell
Metallic. How odd.

I try to get a better look in to the cave off to the side, but it looks like I'm too big to fit. I can widen it using my current equipment, but that might take all night.

I decide to conclude my exploratory spelunking campaign to see if I can quickly get this stuff looked at. I gather up all the samples I can and make my way out. As I do the creature follows but eventually loses interest.

Making my way in the mineral exchange, I notice that the guy at the counter is one of those lizard things. A Pommy. I hand over all my samples to see what he makes of them.

>"These all came from your property? Seems promising. The red mineral I can identify right away though, We've seen deposits of it all around the place. The name we've given it is Red Graftonite, and it has high contents of iron, manganese and calcium, all stuff we have uses for around here."
"That must mean it's worth a bunch!"
>"Well, it's not super valuable unless you have a lot of it. There's a company working on railway infrastructure using a lot of those components, so I'd say it's always selling so long as we're always buying."
"What about this other stuff?"
>"The liquid looks like water. Is there something special about it?"
"It came from springs in a cave. Might have something special in it maybe. Think it grants powers?"
>"I have my doubts. I'll test it anyway. same goes for the powder and the gemstones. And as a side note - I don't think the gemstones are something we're readily accepting here. They looks pretty, but I doubt they have any use beyond that."
"How long will it take to come back with results?"
>"At the end of the day at the latest, tomorrow at the earliest."
"Do I get to name it if-"
>"Yes, but please pick something sensible."
"Hm. What can I get for the Graftonite?"
>"Typically we go by the ton. but with the quality of what you have here... 20 COL. Enough to buy a nice meal I suppose."
That brings our total to 520 COL! We're ROLLING in it!
>"Bring me more of that any time, I'm prepared to pay good money for anything of that quality or better."
No. 1073333 ID: a7a180

That's fine, that means you can use the gemstones to make pretty decorations. You can keep prospecting for this ore, but it seems just selling the raw stuff isn't very efficient. Maybe smithing it into tools yourself would be better. In the meantime, fishing will fill your belly and your wallet!
No. 1073339 ID: 3bac2f

Hmm, pomi sure are short. Anyways if you got time left in the day you could trade in your mining gear for fishing gear and see if the hole has flooded yet. See what kind of fish you can nab from your backyard and all of that.
No. 1073341 ID: 0b594e

Time to fish! Do we have any information on what kinds of fish we might find?
No. 1073342 ID: 273c18

Oh, get a camera so you can take a picture of the creature. Paper drake does sound like a nice name...

Alright now that we've done a little bit of prospecting, let's examine the potential for planting things on the property. What kind of seeds are available?
No. 1073343 ID: 9e0893

Maybe before we start going off on various tangents we can do the responsible thing and get started on farming. The sooner we plant those crops, the sooner we can harvest.
Besides, fishing can wait for when the tide rises.
Speaking of the tide, we should make it a daily habit to log the water level. That way we can turn it over for data collection and we get a better sense of when the tides will rise.
No. 1073504 ID: 60841b
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>Hmm, pomi sure are short
This guy is shorter than me for sure, but it doesn't help that his desk is recessed into the ground.

>Time to farm
>Time to fish.
Both sound reasonable to me, I just don't expect either to be as straightforward as spelunking. I do need to borrow equipment, and the only way to do that is if I return the equipment I already borrowed first. I could do that, but I can't in good faith return everything while it's dirty - others gotta use this stuff too! I take a quick trip to a laundromat (seems I don't own my own washing machine yet.) and relax while I wait for this stuff to get clean.

>What kind of seeds are available?
Nothing exotic, I have some varieties of potatoes, beets and corn seeds - as well as strange other worldly crops I don't recognize. I wonder what's in season?

>Oh, get a camera so you can take a picture of the creature
I'll make sure to do that.

>make it a daily habit to log the water level
might take a bit of work but that seems like a good idea.

I look around and see a few interesting characters here and there. I see one of those moth things with fishing gear. A sex. there's one of those rabbit things working the counter. A new moenoe. Also that guy from the equipment storage place is here too, I guess he has to do laundry as well. I don't know how much time there is left in the day but it looks like it's starting to get darker.
No. 1073505 ID: 60841b
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I notice that the back of the store has some apparel on display, and a doorway which seems to connect to the Goth Topic next door. maybe I should get some clothes shopping out of the way while I'm here? I can also see plenty of people in there to interact with. Networking might even be beneficial at this point - nobody frontiers alone after all.

Maybe after I make enough friends I could throw a party? Aha! That's it! If I throw a successful party, that's how I'll know I've made it!

----------Quest Objective - throw a party----------

no wait, I couldn't throw a party in my tiny house! I'd need an extension - make it at least twice as big! I need to find materials - and a builder.

I don't even have a TV yet - or a couch! how lame... I need an acceptable amount of furniture and entertainment for guests!

And what about the food? I couldn't have guests going hungry! And no way am I going to buy bland stuff like those MRE's, I'd need to make my own produce, or catch stuff myself!

And after all that's done, I need guests to invite! I wonder how many I could get?

could I do all that in a couple of months? lets find out. I will ascend from Gull the tobak to Gull the party animal!
No. 1073506 ID: a7a180

You have enough for small functions. Start small by inviting Gneiss over to hang sometime.
You absolutely need to buy new clothes, you only have one set! That neumono's got a good fashion sense and is close to your size, ask her advice on brands.
No. 1073507 ID: 322af8

Find a way to set fire to the goth topic. Needs to be done to keep the vampires away.
No. 1073508 ID: 3bac2f

Well you do have that date with the administrator coming up so getting some nice clothes for that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

As for the party idea, if you can get yourself a grill and a good stereo you could have it in the form of a cookout, he’ll find a projector and you could us the side of your house as a tv for some movies or video games if you can grab a gaming console as well… and probably some folding chairs and a table as well.
No. 1073509 ID: 2bee2c

Your house is small, but your garden is gigantic (enormous sinkhole aside).

Garden Party
No. 1073524 ID: 82842b

>Goth Topic
Plunder store for Sick Drip, bring out your Inner Evil.

>Find a way to set fire to the goth topic.
No. 1073634 ID: 918cdb

>Goth Topic.

Maybe we should aproach the Sect. She seems sociable and fashion-oriented, might have a good idea on where to get furniture nd decorations for our house. Give a friendly wave to Latch as you pass by him.
No. 1073890 ID: 273c18

Well, you probably want to make a few friends so you're not inviting a bunch of strangers. Try talking to the moth. You were thinking of taking up fishing, ask for tips!
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