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1043122 No. 1043122 ID: e7c7d3

22 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1043240 ID: 9457b7

Tobak, female.
No. 1043241 ID: fce62b

Formican, male.
No. 1043242 ID: 7588ee

sex: Female
body: Generic-mammalian
No. 1043244 ID: 12b116

cutebold or icorynth
No. 1043245 ID: 708905

Female tobak
Extra tall if possible
No. 1043246 ID: 15c72a

No. 1043247 ID: e5709d

Female Tobak
Enhanced knockers
No. 1043250 ID: f373c9

Female Tobak for sure
(Enhance Knockers :V)
(Maybe Enhance Tall too)
(Definitely Enhance Fluffy)
No. 1043308 ID: 9bef3e

Male Tobak
No. 1043310 ID: c11296

An aquatic body would be useful like a diving bird.
No. 1043325 ID: f0bf00

female cutebold
No. 1043404 ID: 84d56e

Male Cutebold
No. 1043413 ID: ae4094

female tobak
No. 1043590 ID: 3120d8

Since we are at it, can we recall what our original gender and species was yet?
Also, what happens if the body we pick becomes damaged or we want a new one?
No. 1043757 ID: e7c7d3
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> Tobak
> Female
You have chosen to be a tobak female, tall and fluffy. Thankfully, the body manufactory was kind enough to provide some complimentary goggles from the bright sun.
>what happens if the body we pick becomes damaged or we want a new one?
Hopefully, warranty should allow you to get a new body printed should your current one get too damaged. You can also get an insurance policy once that expires. Getting a new body outside of that would be cash out of pocket and a trip to the planetary capital.

You stand on a small platform at the transport depot. The shuttle delivering yourself and various goods has already departed and heading back to the main colony of the planet. You take a moment to gather yourself, not only for the enormity of your situation setting in but also you’re not entirely used to your new body. You swear it still has that new product smell.

Still, you are finally here! A new home, a new hope, a new life. You left quite a bit behind to become a pioneer in the stellar wilderness, and you’re going to make the most of it!

You’re not entirely sure where your new homestead is, but it’s location should be marked in your cellcom. In your immediate vicinity is the transport depot. Along with the small platform and some concrete launch pads there are several storage containers of various sizes. There seems to be some basic automation to organize them, but it seems everything else needs to be handled manually. No one has come by yet to deal with the latest shipment as robotic arms move and shuttle the latest supplies about the yard. Just off the platform behind you is your new impulse scooter that you negotiated for. Doesn’t have near the personality that your precious Scoot-Scoot did, but you’re also certain that it’ll have actual fuel efficiency. Further away, following a crude path, is a many domed structure, quite bubbly in shape. That must be the main hub for this shiny new town. You don’t think it even has a proper name yet. Entirely guessing but you suppose that’s where the offices, living quarters, workshops, and maybe even a canteen, of everyone that isn’t a homesteader is living. At the very least, it’s you’re best bet at meeting others until there’s enough resources to spread out a bit more.

So what do you want to do?:
Head straight for your homestead
Check out the hub
No. 1043758 ID: d12415

Do a silly dance.
No. 1043761 ID: 073e7b

Go home, unpack your bags!
No. 1043766 ID: 9da85d

Explore around, get aquianted with the place and your neighbours. We can settle in our new house in the evening.

And make a mental note to learn Braille and other improved blind-reading systems. We will be spending a lot of time on the surface and that is a problem for a tobak.
No. 1043777 ID: 7c0da2

Look at the storage container and see if there is one you can carry. Then deliver it to its owner to introduce yourself to your new neighbors.
No. 1043797 ID: 15c72a

Oh good idea. We've got a scooter so delivery is a job we can immediately start doing.
No. 1046315 ID: e7c7d3
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>Do a silly dance.
Unfortunately, the animator died of a heart attack after the battle with the Black Beast of Aaaaargh and we can’t afford a new one.
>Try to deliver a storage container.
You hop off the platform and gauge the containers for potential delivery. Walking around the yard for a bit, you find that mostly cargo containers, chunks of materials that would require a forklift, and hitched trailers. You do manage to find one giant box that might be holding mail, but alas you have no means to access it. If you had the right access codes you could even get the auto-yardmaster to bring the contents to you but you suspect those are only really given to the intended recipients or public servant.

>Meet some neighbours
For now, you’ll just hop on to your shiny new ride and head to the hub. Your new scooter seems to be a KingFisher L... 60? Definitely in the L series. You give it a quick walk around, appreciating all gloss and chrome before all the dust and bugs get to it. Sitting on it, you pull out your key and give it a turn, suddenly feeling the familiar thrum of the impulse thruster beneath you. With a smirk and feeling as badass as one can on a scooter, you head off! Alien vegetation whips by you as you travel on the dirt road. Most of the hills and dips seem to be covered in some sort of stocky grass, perhaps more like reeds or canes. The occasional smattering of colour pokes through, flowers you presume, but you can’t define any sort of characteristics at this distance or speed. The other main type of plant around here seems to have very large broad leaves. While it’s hard to say, some of these leaves may be larger than you.
No. 1046316 ID: e7c7d3
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In short time, you arrive to the colony. The domes themselves seem to be unmarked as to their purposes, but thankfully, before you wandered around too aimlessly, some helpful souls directed you towards the Mall. While most facilities are meant more for the internal residents, the mall has been set up for more general enjoyment. Seeming to be your best option, you head over on in to the particular domed structure.

Inside, you find many more, smaller, structures encapsulated within the dome. Various bays set up to look like traditional storefronts as the translucent ceiling lets in a soft light. Even from the entrance, you can tell it’s mostly empty. It’s pointedly silent and you can see several bays that contain nothing but a single vending machine. You can, however, see that there are at least two places that have set up shop: Scrub’s General Store & Shipping, and The Jazz Whaler. The latter of which sporting a salty sea captain on a saxophone, though either it’s closed at the moment or it has some heavily tinted windows. Scrub’s is definitely open with someone keeping busy behind the counter.

Outside of those two shops, there’s also apparently some administrative offices and a “repository” set up.

And of course, on some round benching with clearly plastic plants in the middle, sits a cutebold who seems to be bobbing and swaying to some tune in their head.

What should we do?
Check out Scrub’s
See if the Jazz Whaler is truly closed
Head to the administrative offices
See what the repository is
Introduce yourself to the cutebold
No. 1046317 ID: fce62b

Obviously you need to check on the Jazz Whaler.
No. 1046319 ID: 708905

Boring but practical option: check in with admin
No. 1046321 ID: 5e16c7

Invite yourself into the Jazz Whaler.
No. 1046333 ID: 810687

Who can resis jazz and whaling?
No. 1046675 ID: e7c7d3
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>Check out the Jazz Whaler
You head further into the mall and approach The Jazz Whaler. On closer inspection, the windows do seem to be tinted but it still seems like little light is in the shop itself. A quick look and you find no store hours or even a simple open/closed sign. Left with no other options you give the door a push and find that it is indeed unlocked, an electronic bell chiming as you enter. However, you find yourself in an unlit restaurant, with the only light coming from a bright backroom. Presently, a figure quickly fills the door way, blocking most of the light coming out.

“Ah!” he blurts, “We’re closed right now. Come back later, kay?”
“Sorry, but I didn’t know,” you apologize. There were no signs or anything.”
“It’s fine. It’s fine, you must be new. Welcome! I’d love to serve you, but there’s still plenty of work we must do before evening crowd, kay? But when you come back, I can give you a free sample of fried-tuber and dip. Kay?”
“That does sound tasty, thanks” You say, trying to hide the fact that you’re not sure if it actually sounds tasty.
“Good! If anything else, just ask, kay?”

Do you have any other questions for this fellow?
Where else do you want to go after this?
Go to Scrub’s
Go to administration
Go to the repository
Actually, it’s about time to head to your actual homestead
No. 1046676 ID: 15c72a

Ah, right. I guess we can go check in at admin?
No. 1046677 ID: fec07f

Admin can hopefully fill us in on what we're actually meant to be doing right now
No. 1046684 ID: a7a180

Lot of open real estate here... Is there a farmer's market for selling whatever it is we're out here to produce? How much is it for a space of our own?
Go to admin after.
No. 1046736 ID: e4fc31

Ask who lives around and what people do around here in both work and in passtimes.

Also, tell him you have trouble recalling your original identity, ask him if that's normal.

Do give a wave to the little cutebold before you enter the administration.
No. 1048471 ID: e7c7d3
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You decide not to bother this fellow much further, but there are one or two things you still want to ask.
>Where do we sell what we produce?
“Ah, I think Scrub got a business deal for shipping that stuff. Even gave him a silly hat he is proud of. Unless you’re selling direct to customer like me, you go through him to sell stuff, kay?”
>How much is a stall here?
“Free until more move in and there’s more demand then supply, kay? Admin wants to encourage business more than rent right now.”
>What do people do around here?
“Ah, we all have rotating shifts to keep the compound operational. Maintenance, hydroponics, printing, sleeping, paperwork. We do it all, kay? Now that some things are established, we get specialty shifts for the occupations that we actually want. Not much room for hobbies, and even then it didn’t extend much beyond one’s living quarter. But now that I have opened pub, people can add drinking to list of hobbies.”
>Trouble remembering identity, is that normal?
“You were data-stasis? No idea, I was a popsicle, kay? Went through a government program and those politicians don’t really trust that sort of thing. They subsidized the competitor and so that’s who I went with, kay?”
That’s about all that came to mind, so you thank the man and leave his quiet shop. The cutebold seems to have moved on.
No. 1048472 ID: e7c7d3
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>Head to admin
You decide to move on to checking out the admin offices. They don’t seem to be set up in the mall proper as you meander through following the signs. At the edge of the dome, though, you come across some double glass doors with a placard on them saying “ADMINISTRATION.” naturally, you open them and walk on in. You actually enter a hallway of sorts, it seems this office connects to one of the other areas as well. Before you can contemplate as to where you’re headed, a peppy voice squeaks from a side entrance,
“Hello? Did someone come in? The office is open if you need anything!” Guided by the voice, you move towards the open doorway to see who was calling. The room does seem to be an office of sorts, complete with filing cabinets and uncomfortable lighting. At the centre sits a formican behind a desk and on a chair clearly not meant for someone her size.
“Hello hello!” she chirps. “I don’t think I’ve seen your face around here before? You must be one of the new homesteaders! So nice to see even more of you come in. Oh but where are my manners? I’m Gneiss Formica, administrator here for Colony AC04-R13-Q3-S106! A mouthful, I know, but don’t worry! You only need to know that for official papers and I handle all that. And what may I call you?”
You inform her that your name is Gull and that you don’t know much beyond that. In fact, you were hoping that maybe someone in authority would help with that.
“Oh, that is definitely within my power!” As soon as you had mentioned your name, one of her free hands was typing it into her computer. “The Homesteader Initiative is a bit of a vague thing, at least as far as colonization programs go. At the face of it, it’s incentivizing people to migrate by giving them a large swath of land and the freedom to do whatever they want with it. Now as to what that is, that honestly is 100% up to you! You could farm, you could start up a fishing operation, you could build an amusement park! Why, you could even – GAAAAAAAASP” She makes the last sound like someone destroying a whistle. “I just realized! We can fully register and file your land while you’re here. The past several times I’ve had to hunt down the other homesteaders and badger them over it. Oh I’m so glad you came in! Just give me a moment to bring things up onto my screen.”

Paperwork. Oh joy.

“Alright! So which land is yours?
No. 1048473 ID: e7c7d3
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“First off, there’s A.) Vista Views! Good, solid land with a hell of a view. The local geology really likes to make mesas and plateaus, so there’s plenty to go around. The land may end up being a bit unwieldy for expansive projects though. It also has a spring, which would be a boon for any agriculture. For other projects, you’ll definitely have space and solid ground if you want to build on, or in, the property.
No. 1048474 ID: e7c7d3
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“Then, we have B.) Coast-side Acres! Who doesn’t love an ocean view? Excellent opportunities for fishing operations and potential ease for transportation. Be warned, as you may have seen on the brochure, this planet has extreme tides. We’re talking about ranges measured in kilometres. Real nuts. So if you intend to get into the water, have a plan on how you’ll get out well before hand. But besides all that, this area has excellent soil and is probably the most adaptable to your needs.
No. 1048475 ID: e7c7d3
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“Finally, there’s C.) Rolling Range! Lots of gentle hills and meadows covered in this world’s grass-equivalent. Pastoral and romantic! Now obviously, I do need to address the giant hole in the property. As mentioned, this planet experiences extreme tides. This tends to riddle most land masses with extensive network of ocean caves and tunnels. Like cheese! As such, sink holes are fairly common, connecting to this ocean tunnel network. This does open up opportunities for deep excavations when the tide is low and some relaxing fishing when the tide is high. Just remember, have a plan on how you’ll get out if you go in. Otherwise, an excellent property to raise livestock.”
No. 1048477 ID: a7a180

A. Hey, want to head to the Jazz Whaler when they're open? You deserve a break from all the paperwork once in a while, Gneiss.
No. 1048481 ID: 15c72a

C. Tobaks and caves go together like bread and butter.
No. 1048511 ID: e5709d

B) Most Mega-Cities are born on the coastlines. Once you get some automated nets and a water purifier up and running, this place will pay for itself.
No. 1048518 ID: 708905

You make a good point
No. 1048519 ID: a2d88b

I like A a lot, but >>1048481 makes a powerful case for C.
No. 1056700 ID: e7c7d3
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>C.) Rolling Range
You tell Gneiss that you were given the deed to Rolling Ranges, you think. It seemed like the natural choice. Most the plots of land would be about working on the surface where the sun would be a consistent problem for your tobak eyes. This plot though, the hole just opened up a lot more underground endeavours.
“Ooooh, that does make sense! Smart thinking!” She says, inputting your information into the computer. She does toss several more, rather mundane, questions, but most of your time is just waiting patiently as she whirls through forms and codes. The fact that she’s humming a simple tune during the whole ordeal tells you she genuinely likes her job.
“And there! Sorry for the wait, we’re all done here.” She turns to you, folds both pairs of hands, and gives you the sunniest smile you’ve seen. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
>Ask if they want to go get dinner
You briefly shake your head and get out your seat before hesitating. Gneiss gives you a quizzical look as you think how to formulate your words. You ask if she, when she has some free time or is on a break, would like to go together to the Jazz Whaler.
“Go to the- wait, like on a date!?” She gasps as wonderment fills her face. “Oh holy shit, we can do that now.”
Could they not before?
“Yes and no,” She explains. “People certainly have gotten together for sexual relief, but actual romantic opportunities didn’t really exist. Imagine dating your coworker but the only place to take them was on a tour of the factory floor where you both worked.”
You could definitely see how that’d put a hamper on things, but you’re also curious as to what her answer is.
“Oh, the answer is a definite yes!” She says, “But unfortunately, I’m busy for the next few evenings with distillation duty. I’ll just contact you when’s a good time. That sound okay?”
You nod and give her a cheery farewell, exiting the office and trying your best to calm your fast beating heart.
No. 1056701 ID: e7c7d3
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Leaving the administration section, you gather yourself and check the time. As far as you can tell, you still have plenty of day left but ultimately decide it’s probably time to finally check out your new home. There’s still plenty to explore, but you’ll have plenty of time in the coming days to get to it.

It doesn’t take long to get to your plot of land, the journey was nice enough, and you come across the anemic building that is your new house. It appears to be just a steel frame with a, hopefully, durable material vacuum-sealed over it. You weren’t expecting a country cottage, but this is a bit startling utilitarian. It does seem to mean that windows are limited, so it shouldn’t be difficult to adjust the lighting to your eyes.
Beside it is a sizable cargo container with the passcode taped to the front. Very secure, but you guess there’s not a lot of porch thieves on the frontier.
No. 1056702 ID: e7c7d3
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You enter the building, sorry, your home. As expected, it’s sparse but the fact that there’s some furnishings is a bit of a pleasant surprise. You do a quick tour of the place and take stock of what you have.
First off, there’s a quite empty living room with just a small table and a stool for it. Attached is the kitchen with a decent sized fridge, some hot plates and a standard sink. Cupboard space is at a bit of a premium. Then there’s the bedroom, it currently only possesses a cot but there is room for at least a dresser or of the sort. There is a small closet attached. Across from that is the bathroom. Not surprisingly, it does have a toilet and a sink. For washing it’s just a shower but that should be more of enough. Accessed from the outside there’s the utility closet containing the water heater, furnace/AC, generator and some other valves and knobs. On the other side of your house is what appears to be a shed. Filled with the promised tools, seeds, and spare items.
Finally, there’s the shipping container. You input the written code and it opens with a hiss. To your surprise it’s more furniture! Part of the settlement package? A gift from the colony? Not sure but you won’t complain.

Place up to four more pieces of furniture
New furniture may be placed outside and current furniture may be upgraded instead.
No. 1056721 ID: f8083d

If nothing else, we're going to need a little more in-house storage.

For starters, a shelves-and-coathanger-rack kit for the bedroom closet. Next, we have some prime wall space next to the utility closet and between the bedroom and shed. You'd probably want one to be a computer desk, the other a cupboard.

And... perhaps additional seating? Either if you plan to receive people, or don't want to drag the seat around between the table and computer.
No. 1056736 ID: 15c72a

A dresser for the bedroom. A desk for the main room. A chair/stool for the desk. And a set of shelves for the main room, for general storage.
No. 1057804 ID: b57fea

I don't know where we're gonna put it, but we need a spinny office chair.
No. 1073068 ID: 60841b
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with permission from Doomsby; THREAD HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY ROAWAY! the story of the quest will now go in the direction of suggestions which sound the most fun/interesting to draw. This will be short but if all goes well, the thread will reach a satisfying conclusion! Retcons or changes can happen wherever, and I am open to expanding the setting to whatever species/critters people may want.

I insert some shelves with drawers and a coat hanger rack as well as a dresser in the bedroom closet - which was a cozy place to begin with but now it's even cozier! I can't help but feel like these empty clothes drawers and coat hangers are missing something though. Come to think of it - I don't have any clothes besides the ones on my back.

I get a computer desk, which even came with a computer. It fits perfectly in the little alcove on the other side of the bedroom closet. I hook the computer up to this planet's internet (or intranet, seeing as how local most of the traffic will be) allowing me to access all types of... I'm not sure actually. games? music? movies? I didn't install a TV so this'll have to do for now.

I get a spinny office chair to complete the desk, not that I plan on having guests but because it spins and looks more comfortable than that other chair. this baby probably has a bit of mileage left on it, a few hundred spins at the very least.

I make sure all the lights are off and take of my goggles to test out my dark vision, and admire my handy work. With the goggles off, I can't help but notice that the world looks so much more colorful. And look! Cyan! Almost everything is in my favorite color!
No. 1073069 ID: 60841b
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I lay down on the bed, with my back to the sheets and my head facing the pitch black ceiling (which I can see perfectly) I get the feeling I can get used to this body, even if I have to lay on this bed diagnally so my feet don't poke off the edge. also can't help but notice my head scraping the door frames when I moved the furniture in. Also these jeans are a little tight.

Yep! This is what true freedom is all about. I can do whatever I want from here on out. Meet new people, do new things, anything is possible.
No. 1073081 ID: 462d8c

Go try to find some local wildlife. Maybe search up on the computer if they're tasty and/or legal to hunt
No. 1073083 ID: 918cdb

Let's check out the local lake, see what people do for fun there.
Maybe also the caves and caverns, since that'll likely be a fun tobak hangout.
No. 1073084 ID: f14228

Is it low tide yet? You could find some local caves, do a deep excavation excursion (remember to map your way and extract in time!). Maybe you'll even find signs of those rumored ruins!

You're kinda built for spelunking, after all.
No. 1073089 ID: bd281c

Learn to hunt, come up with a reason to stop by that cute Formican’s office often.
No. 1073090 ID: fb8a42

Let's go fishing! Fishing is hunting, but chiller.
No. 1073127 ID: 82842b

(Slightly Soggy) Caves sound neat, for sure...

What sort of gear would you need though?
No. 1073131 ID: e5709d

Wait, does the community have backups of their brains stored in the capital? That should be a priority if you're all pushed to do something high-risk high-reward.

Anyways time to hunt some wild animals and domesticate the orphaned cubs!
No. 1073142 ID: 063e19

Yes lets look for a bounty hunter office.
No. 1073218 ID: 60841b
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>Go try to find some local wildlife. Maybe search up on the computer if they're tasty and/or legal to hunt
>hunt some wild animals and domesticate the orphaned cubs!
Hunting? sounds cool, I can get something good to sell or eat. Domestication? sure, I don't mind having a cute pet around. Just hope it isn't too much work. Fishing? The tug is my drug. The computer isn't very informative on most subjects, as most developing Internets are.

>(Slightly Soggy) Caves sound neat, for sure
>Is it low tide yet? You could find some local caves, do a deep excavation excursion
I look in the massive hole in the middle of my property, and it doesn't look like it's filled with the tide yet. How long are the days on this planet exactly? Looking in, I can see some kind of red stuff mixed in to the rock, must me some type of ore. I wonder if the caves are creepy or wet. On closer inspection, they are indeed wet. But who knows what's down there. Maybe some ancient alien ruins oooooh.

>What sort of gear would you need though
For mining, I'd say a helmet at least. It's hard to believe that I'm a subterranean species with a height like mine. I could also use some rope and picks for getting around and collecting samples.

>Wait, does the community have backups of their brains stored in the capital?
I'm not sure about the specifics but I'm leaning towards a 'yes with strings attached' kind of deal. Better not risk it.

>look for a bounty hunter office.
Now that sounds cool. Gull the bounty hunter has a good sound to it. The frontier sounds like the kind of place you would find outlaws so who's to say I can't play cowboy.
No. 1073219 ID: 60841b
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I go to the equipment depot to see if I can procure equipment for mining, hunting or fishing. Inside is one of those things, an Icky Rynth. He wears an eye patch and looks like he works here.

>"Hey. You're new. Clearly."
"Hey there! got some equipment for me?"
>"Depends. Yes. Anything specific?"
"Do you have any equipment I can use for hunting some of the wild life? additionally, I'd like some stuff to help with spelunking. I'm also thinking of fishing later, so I might need to get a rod and bait. got all of that?"
>"Yeah. I guess."
"Good!... uh... will that cost anything?"
>"If keeping. If borrowing? nah. Don't lose."
Clearly he isn't the chatty type - which is fine and all but I want to learn more about what I'm allowed to take with me.
"Great! So... Is there someone else who works here? maybe someone who can... speak a bit more on the specifics."
"Eheh... Well, I'm Gull! remember the name because I might come in a few times!"
>"Latch. Take stuff. One type."
No. 1073221 ID: a7a180

Spelunking gear first!
No. 1073222 ID: 462d8c

Take the spelunking gear for now
No. 1073228 ID: 82842b

>they are indeed wet.
Who knows, maybe there's such a thing as Creepy AND Wet? Spooky Depths only know...

And maybe Evil Cults, wonder if any cults (with loot) are down there?

Perhaps even the fabled MYSTERIOUS CAVES below that???

>One type.
Spelunking gear.
(Dont forget the Snacks, and to compliment his Huge Ears)
No. 1073229 ID: f14228

It be Tobak-ing time. Get that spelunk gear.

Ask Latch about when the tide's due to come in and its usual cycle. That should be specific enough. Or if he's still reticent, check the intranet before you set off. Can also check the intranet what that red ore might be - or if there's other stuff of particular interest you might run across down there.
No. 1073230 ID: e5709d

Ask if there's a queue prepared for city expansion and if you can get in on that.
No. 1073233 ID: 273c18

No. 1073252 ID: 60841b
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>Ask Latch about when the tide's due to come in and its usual cycle
>"So Latch, do you know when the tide's supposed to come in? you would be more familiar with the usual cycle than I am."
It helps no one to be reductive.
"Is there a queue prepared for city expansion? know if you can get in on that?
>"I'd know?"
"Worth a shot at least."
He shrugs.

I go for the spelunking gear, it's time I got down to my roots! I put on the gear and get into the new outfit. I make sure to pick a helmet in my color and I'm roaring to go!

I compliment his ears and leave. He seems indifferent.

I look to the intranet and see a helpful diagram that tells me more. It appears that midday is the best time if one wishes to travel around sea level or below. It turns out that having two moons really complicates the math, glad I didn't have to do it. I also try to search up what the red ore is but it's fairly inconclusive. Signs point to it having a high iron content - but guesses range from cinnabar to a type of quartz. Or a new mineral entirely - in which case I get to name it!

With everything prepared and ready to go, I venture down into the caverns. I notice a recess in the rock which dips up and down again, preventing any rising water from flooding the caves. while fortunate, it means I need to go spelunking at specific times or else I'd get blocked out - or in.

Once inside, I take my goggles off and can see with perfect vision once more. It's like the room is fully lit! I'm so unused to things not casting shadows, but it's nice to see everything.

The cave is wide and open, and I can immediately see various points of interest
-to my right is a little creature sleeping in some kind of nest. It notices me but doesn't seem troubled by my presence, going back to sleep. behind it is some kind of aqua colored ore and a cave going off to a place I can't see.
-below me is a mother lode of that red stuff! I sure hope it's not bad for me to be near it. at the farthest end of the cave, I see a perfectly smooth wall - quite unnatural looking. perhaps ruins lay on the other side!
-to my left is a hot spring full of steaming pink water. It's not acid or anything, just water like on the surface with a softer tone. If my shower wasn't working, maybe I could bathe in it. I also notice some loose green gemstones by the water.
No. 1073253 ID: fb8a42

Drink the water. What could go wrong?
No. 1073255 ID: 462d8c

Chip away at the aqua ore. It's the closest to cyan
No. 1073256 ID: 273c18

>tunnel floods, blocking the tunnel, restricting access
Fixed by buying some scuba gear. Though maybe not worth spending on at the moment, you can always do other things on the farm while the tunnel's flooded.
Collect the gemstones. Gather a small sample of red ore to test if it's safe to mine. Collect a sample of the pink water as well, to see what's causing the color (and if it's safe to drink) See how close you can get to the creature before it gets annoyed at you. Explore further to the right.
No. 1073257 ID: b57fea

Always drink river water! Its good for you!
No. 1073259 ID: 28248f

Inspect creechur
No. 1073261 ID: 3bac2f

Spunker gear so you can see what’s all on (and under) your land.
No. 1073262 ID: 82842b

>Green Gems and Red Ore
Grab a sample of each for further investigation later, it'll be easier to come back later once you know what's valuable or not, than carrying a whole bunch at once.

Investigate small gap near the Nest and then...
>smooth wall
Poke around the wall, see if you can find any hidden switches or such.

Do you know how to fight/have anything for defense too, by chance?
No. 1073265 ID: e5709d

Leave a piece of food for the little guy.

See those green crystals? Grab them.
No. 1073267 ID: 7900d9

Looks like some ferrous-blooded creature got crushed by a cave-in. Be cautious.
No. 1073272 ID: a7a180

Take samples of the red and green ore, then take a dip in the pool!
No. 1073274 ID: 60841b
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>Drink the water. What could go wrong?
Tastes watery - but refreshing. must be infused with minerals.

>Collect a sample of the pink water as well, to see what's causing the color (and if it's safe to drink)
Whoops already drank it. I can't see anything wrong with bottling some up to get it tested though.

>Chip away at the aqua ore. It's the closest to cyan
It is close to cyan. suspiciously. Must collect a sample to investigate further. I pick out a piece and it's very brittle to my surprise. I try holding up a piece, only for it crumble in my fingers. I bottle it up, maybe I can sell it as sand.

>See how close you can get to the creature before it gets annoyed at you
Even as I was practically standing above it to collect the aqua mineral samples, it was practically unbothered. Very curious! Does this animal not have any natural predators, or sense of self preservation?

>Leave a piece of food for the little guy.
I would, if I had any! I've not got much in the way of food actually, my fridge only has MRE's and ice trays. Need to get groceries...

>Inspect creechur
As I do, it would appear to want to inspect me as well! It harmlessly hops into my shoulders and starts eyeballing me. I get a closer look at it to see that it has what appears to be feather like appendages, but I don't believe it to be any sort of avian or of mammalian origin. On closer inspection, the squared off 'feathers' look closer to paper-like leaves. it's also worth noting that it weighs practically nothing.

I didn't see anything about this online, so that'd make me the discoverer! looks like I need to give its species a name, as well as come up with a name for this little guy.

>Inspect nest
rather than being built or placed, the nest looks like it grew there naturally. It seems to be some kind of plant, accompanying or perhaps working in symbiosis with the creature.

>Take samples of the red and green ores.
Easy enough. Picking up a few green gemstones was simple as most were loose. The red ore on the other hand took a bit more work, it seems harder than the rock around it and is heavier to boot.

>then take a dip in the pool!
I would love to, but I don't want to get my only clothes wet. I don't want to go in naked either because this creature is watching... I might need some kind of suit for swimming.
No. 1073275 ID: a7a180

Why should the creature's presence bother you? It's naked already.
No. 1073276 ID: 2aa5f0

well since the little guy's feather look like they're made of paper why not call it a mache as in paper mache. Would suggest piñata with all the colorful plumage but that might encourage people to try and hit these guys and they seem far too friendly to deserve that.
No. 1073277 ID: 708905

I propose we name this creature: The false-feathered minidragon
No. 1073278 ID: 82842b

>Name Creechur
"Pinata Drakeling"?
No. 1073279 ID: fb8a42

“Pleasant Piñata, Please Protect”
No. 1073290 ID: 462d8c

Hmm, since it seems somewhat plant-based maybe it sees you as some sort of means of seed dispersal? Being friendly and riding along until it finds a good spot it wouldn'tve found on its own.

Either way, Pinata is a decent name. Maybe check the cave spot you couldn't see before now
No. 1073299 ID: 273c18

>name new species?
Well you should really talk to an etymologist first... It does have a striking resemblance to a pinata though doesn't it?
"Cave-dwelling Pinata" seems fine for now.

Nudge it with your hand to see if you can get some tactile information. Does it have a smell? Maybe wipe your claws clean first, though I can't imagine it would nest so close to a toxic mineral.

Should probably explore deeper next.
No. 1073301 ID: f14228

Well that's a friendly-curious little plant-avian. How about calling it for a Peppy Mâché? Could also give it a personal name on top of the species one.

See if it's interested in anything you got on you.

Then check out the oddly smooth wall. Maybe you can bust it down, or glean something from it. Any markings?
No. 1073331 ID: 60841b
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>Why should the creature's presence bother you? It's naked already.
I could always fix that but cutting some holes in a sock to put its arms and legs through.

>See if it's interested in anything you got on you.
It seems curious, but doesn't want anything from me. How odd.

>Then check out the oddly smooth wall. Maybe you can bust it down, or glean something from it. Any markings?
I could but it down, but I sense that it might take a long time. As for markings, there seems to be a faint pattern on an otherwise smooth surface.

I could call it a pinata, but I don't want to encourage people to hurt the poor things! Thinking about it more though, they do take on a bit of a dragon-ish appearance. Maybe a paper drake? could be neat. Or I can call it a cave pinata if I'm feeling on the nose. I think I'll call him Mache, if I see him here again.

>Does it have a smell
Metallic. How odd.

I try to get a better look in to the cave off to the side, but it looks like I'm too big to fit. I can widen it using my current equipment, but that might take all night.

I decide to conclude my exploratory spelunking campaign to see if I can quickly get this stuff looked at. I gather up all the samples I can and make my way out. As I do the creature follows but eventually loses interest.

Making my way in the mineral exchange, I notice that the guy at the counter is one of those lizard things. A Pommy. I hand over all my samples to see what he makes of them.

>"These all came from your property? Seems promising. The red mineral I can identify right away though, We've seen deposits of it all around the place. The name we've given it is Red Graftonite, and it has high contents of iron, manganese and calcium, all stuff we have uses for around here."
"That must mean it's worth a bunch!"
>"Well, it's not super valuable unless you have a lot of it. There's a company working on railway infrastructure using a lot of those components, so I'd say it's always selling so long as we're always buying."
"What about this other stuff?"
>"The liquid looks like water. Is there something special about it?"
"It came from springs in a cave. Might have something special in it maybe. Think it grants powers?"
>"I have my doubts. I'll test it anyway. same goes for the powder and the gemstones. And as a side note - I don't think the gemstones are something we're readily accepting here. They looks pretty, but I doubt they have any use beyond that."
"How long will it take to come back with results?"
>"At the end of the day at the latest, tomorrow at the earliest."
"Do I get to name it if-"
>"Yes, but please pick something sensible."
"Hm. What can I get for the Graftonite?"
>"Typically we go by the ton. but with the quality of what you have here... 20 COL. Enough to buy a nice meal I suppose."
That brings our total to 520 COL! We're ROLLING in it!
>"Bring me more of that any time, I'm prepared to pay good money for anything of that quality or better."
No. 1073333 ID: a7a180

That's fine, that means you can use the gemstones to make pretty decorations. You can keep prospecting for this ore, but it seems just selling the raw stuff isn't very efficient. Maybe smithing it into tools yourself would be better. In the meantime, fishing will fill your belly and your wallet!
No. 1073339 ID: 3bac2f

Hmm, pomi sure are short. Anyways if you got time left in the day you could trade in your mining gear for fishing gear and see if the hole has flooded yet. See what kind of fish you can nab from your backyard and all of that.
No. 1073341 ID: 0b594e

Time to fish! Do we have any information on what kinds of fish we might find?
No. 1073342 ID: 273c18

Oh, get a camera so you can take a picture of the creature. Paper drake does sound like a nice name...

Alright now that we've done a little bit of prospecting, let's examine the potential for planting things on the property. What kind of seeds are available?
No. 1073343 ID: 9e0893

Maybe before we start going off on various tangents we can do the responsible thing and get started on farming. The sooner we plant those crops, the sooner we can harvest.
Besides, fishing can wait for when the tide rises.
Speaking of the tide, we should make it a daily habit to log the water level. That way we can turn it over for data collection and we get a better sense of when the tides will rise.
No. 1073504 ID: 60841b
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>Hmm, pomi sure are short
This guy is shorter than me for sure, but it doesn't help that his desk is recessed into the ground.

>Time to farm
>Time to fish.
Both sound reasonable to me, I just don't expect either to be as straightforward as spelunking. I do need to borrow equipment, and the only way to do that is if I return the equipment I already borrowed first. I could do that, but I can't in good faith return everything while it's dirty - others gotta use this stuff too! I take a quick trip to a laundromat (seems I don't own my own washing machine yet.) and relax while I wait for this stuff to get clean.

>What kind of seeds are available?
Nothing exotic, I have some varieties of potatoes, beets and corn seeds - as well as strange other worldly crops I don't recognize. I wonder what's in season?

>Oh, get a camera so you can take a picture of the creature
I'll make sure to do that.

>make it a daily habit to log the water level
might take a bit of work but that seems like a good idea.

I look around and see a few interesting characters here and there. I see one of those moth things with fishing gear. A sex. there's one of those rabbit things working the counter. A new moenoe. Also that guy from the equipment storage place is here too, I guess he has to do laundry as well. I don't know how much time there is left in the day but it looks like it's starting to get darker.
No. 1073505 ID: 60841b
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I notice that the back of the store has some apparel on display, and a doorway which seems to connect to the Goth Topic next door. maybe I should get some clothes shopping out of the way while I'm here? I can also see plenty of people in there to interact with. Networking might even be beneficial at this point - nobody frontiers alone after all.

Maybe after I make enough friends I could throw a party? Aha! That's it! If I throw a successful party, that's how I'll know I've made it!

----------Quest Objective - throw a party----------

no wait, I couldn't throw a party in my tiny house! I'd need an extension - make it at least twice as big! I need to find materials - and a builder.

I don't even have a TV yet - or a couch! how lame... I need an acceptable amount of furniture and entertainment for guests!

And what about the food? I couldn't have guests going hungry! And no way am I going to buy bland stuff like those MRE's, I'd need to make my own produce, or catch stuff myself!

And after all that's done, I need guests to invite! I wonder how many I could get?

could I do all that in a couple of months? lets find out. I will ascend from Gull the tobak to Gull the party animal!
No. 1073506 ID: a7a180

You have enough for small functions. Start small by inviting Gneiss over to hang sometime.
You absolutely need to buy new clothes, you only have one set! That neumono's got a good fashion sense and is close to your size, ask her advice on brands.
No. 1073507 ID: 322af8

Find a way to set fire to the goth topic. Needs to be done to keep the vampires away.
No. 1073508 ID: 3bac2f

Well you do have that date with the administrator coming up so getting some nice clothes for that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

As for the party idea, if you can get yourself a grill and a good stereo you could have it in the form of a cookout, he’ll find a projector and you could us the side of your house as a tv for some movies or video games if you can grab a gaming console as well… and probably some folding chairs and a table as well.
No. 1073509 ID: 2bee2c

Your house is small, but your garden is gigantic (enormous sinkhole aside).

Garden Party
No. 1073524 ID: 82842b

>Goth Topic
Plunder store for Sick Drip, bring out your Inner Evil.

>Find a way to set fire to the goth topic.
No. 1073634 ID: 918cdb

>Goth Topic.

Maybe we should aproach the Sect. She seems sociable and fashion-oriented, might have a good idea on where to get furniture nd decorations for our house. Give a friendly wave to Latch as you pass by him.
No. 1073890 ID: 273c18

Well, you probably want to make a few friends so you're not inviting a bunch of strangers. Try talking to the moth. You were thinking of taking up fishing, ask for tips!
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