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File 173318646973.png - (281.09KB , 524x524 , sketch1733185855111.png )
143057 No. 143057 ID: 89a43f

Discussion thread for Moving Out

Main thread here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1100423.html

For more scattered thoughts that don't make it to this thread, along with the other things I work on, consider following me on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/quietcrysis.bsky.social

Otherwise, any questions or comments about the quest that live outside its fictional universe live here. I might also post some related art, who knows.
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No. 143058 ID: 89a43f
File 173318665263.png - (598.35KB , 775x1000 , a571bd81-eab7-4199-ab29-0f9fb1f5ef19.png )

Drawing YOU is kind of addictive. Very shaped.
No. 143164 ID: 30d522

Just wanted to test out making a comment here before committing to the main thread. This looks like 4chan in the formatting but I've never used that site before lol.

Anyways, assuming this works as I hope, I wanted to let you know that this is a REALLY interesting idea and I cant wait to see where it goes! Interactive storytelling is always so fun, and this premise is especially captivating. Have you written other works of horror before or is this your first project?
No. 143166 ID: 89a43f

Thank you so much! To answer your question, I've definitely written things that at least contained horror elements (I have previous quests on this website that either were outright horror or just had the elements, but I don't feel especially confident pointing people at my old work, it has a lot of flaws). Most recently I ran an ARG which had a lot in common with my quest writing and also contained a lot of those elements, although I would describe that project as more "dark fantasy" than anything else.

Which is all to say "yes and no." I'm not usually able to resist including horror elements in my work, but I think this is the first project that I would consider firmly within the genre that I've done in a long time, and definitely the only one I'd feel happy about pointing people at, haha.
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