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File 173318646973.png - (281.09KB , 524x524 , sketch1733185855111.png )
143057 No. 143057 ID: 89a43f

Discussion thread for Moving Out

Main thread here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1100423.html

For more scattered thoughts that don't make it to this thread, along with the other things I work on, consider following me on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/quietcrysis.bsky.social

Otherwise, any questions or comments about the quest that live outside its fictional universe live here. I might also post some related art, who knows.
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No. 143058 ID: 89a43f
File 173318665263.png - (598.35KB , 775x1000 , a571bd81-eab7-4199-ab29-0f9fb1f5ef19.png )

Drawing YOU is kind of addictive. Very shaped.

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