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File 173267742640.png - (357.71KB , 500x500 , Moving Out Cover.png )
1100423 No. 1100423 ID: 89a43f

Moving Out is a horror roguelike quest about getting the hell out of the house. It will contain themes of dehumanization, abusive places, agoraphobia, isolation, and the upward struggle of recovery. Associated content warnings may include transformative body horror, gore, self harm, imprisonment, and unreality.
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No. 1100425 ID: 89a43f
File 173267748029.png - (506.78KB , 1000x772 , Moving Out 1.png )

YOU wake screaming.

YOUR chest is raw. It takes YOU a moment to realize it is whole, uninjured, that the warm, wet feeling of blood and meat escaping YOUR chest is nothing but a particularly vivid memory.

YOU always wake unharmed. Even YOUR clothes are whole again, new as the day YOU first wore them.
No. 1100426 ID: 89a43f
File 173267750948.png - (607.15KB , 1000x772 , Moving Out 2.png )

YOU scratch another tally into the wall. At one point, this helped YOU to keep time. Now, YOUR failed attempts at escape have been too numerous for anything but the cold drywall to bother tracking. This is little more than mindless ritual now. A vain attempt to convince YOURSELF that, if only in this miniscule way, what YOU are doing here matters. It changes something.
No. 1100427 ID: 89a43f
File 173267754639.png - (472.00KB , 1000x772 , Moving Out 3.png )

YOU have always lived in the house YOU live in. YOU have been trying to leave for a long time, although it’s impossible to count the days even with the assistance of YOUR tally marks. Every time YOU have tried to leave, YOU have been met with incredible pain and suffering. This has become more of an inconvenience than anything else, as YOU also appear to be unable to die.
YOU think dying might be the kinder option, to be completely honest.
No. 1100428 ID: 89a43f
File 173267759303.png - (470.46KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 4.png )

YOU sit up, dangling YOUR legs over the edge of YOUR bed, and survey YOUR room.

It isn’t a large room, but it’s not a small one either. YOU’VE seen rooms much larger, and much smaller ones too, although YOU guess the smallest ones would have been better classified as closets. The walls of YOUR room are covered in a drab, gray wallpaper. The carpet is gray too. There are no windows, and only one door. A stand fan and a radiator keep you warm or cool enough as the weather demands.

YOUR desk is nothing impressive- it’s the kind of thing YOU imagine YOU can buy in bulk from an office supplier. YOU’VE never been to an office supplier, but YOU imagine this is the kind of thing they would sell. YOUR desk chair is the same- not comfortable, but not uncomfortable. On YOUR desk sits a small pile of boxes and YOUR laptop computer.

There are more boxes on the floor of YOUR room, making it a bit difficult to get around. On the wall opposite YOUR desk hangs a mirror. On the walls are YOUR tally marks, as well as a pinned up motivational poster.

YOU’RE still struggling to catch YOUR breath. It would probably not be advisable to start another attempt so soon after YOUR last death. What will YOU do?

>Examine LAPTOP
>Examine BOXES
>Examine MIRROR
>Examine DOOR
>Something Else
No. 1100431 ID: 71fafc

Examine the stain on the side of YOUR table. After that, examine the boxes.
No. 1100432 ID: 273c18

What do you mean by "incredible pain and suffering"? Does something attack you, or does it come from nowhere?
No. 1100435 ID: bae5f3

examine LAPTOP. Do YOU even get internet down here?
No. 1100436 ID: eb0a9c

Open up them boxes, time to see what items we start with this run.
Speaking of which, have you tried upgrading your room somehow? Some way to improve the luck and starting items you get for future runs, so it doesn't feel increasingly hopeless.
No. 1100439 ID: 6c233e

Examine boxes, anything good?
No. 1100441 ID: 1fa2ef

examine boxes, let's see what other equipment we have to escape with
No. 1100450 ID: c5529d

how did YOU get inside and stuck in this house?
No. 1100452 ID: 10bc9b

we love BOXES!! we do not love the ominous stain on the corner of your desk! (look at it anyway)

does EVERYTHING reset every time? like, when we open these boxes and dig around, are they gonna be the exact same stuff they've always been prior to every attempt? if so, we gotta start finding the parameters of what is and isn't permanently changeable -- after all, your tally marks don't reset, so there's some kind of line here.
No. 1100455 ID: 441914

Oof, this feels uncomfortably metaphorical, perhaps of personal experience? Let us know if you need to talk, eh? Or need sb to call the cops for you, haha?

Indeed - are we able to bring items back into the room? Can we return at all, aside from death? Perhaps we could sacrifice a few runs to stockpile the best items for one megarun.
No. 1100457 ID: 89a43f

I want to keep OOC to a minimum on this thread for Ambience reasons but just so everyone's clear- no, Moving Out is not directly autobiographical. Nor is it exactly about interpersonal abuse as much as it is the unhealthy relationship a person can have with a place. Fundamentally, Moving Out is a haunted house story, and while I can't say it's NOT informed by my own experiences with mental illness and agoraphobia, it's not like. A cry for help or anything like that. I'm good! I'm just a horror artist.
No. 1100460 ID: 441914

Ok! Just felt like I should check. Onwards!
No. 1100487 ID: 89a43f
File 173277599996.png - (458.52KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 5.png )

>Examine STAINS

There are two stains in YOUR room. The first is up here, on the wall. It’s new. YOU don’t know what the deal with this is- maybe moisture damage? It looks like it’s coming from the floor above YOU.
No. 1100488 ID: 89a43f
File 173277602902.png - (1.17MB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 6.png )

YOU don’t like thinking about or looking at this one.
No. 1100489 ID: 89a43f
File 173277607322.png - (582.60KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 7.png )

>examine LAPTOP. Do YOU even get internet down here?

This is YOUR laptop computer. YOU use it to talk to YOUR friend. It has never had any cables, and there are no outlets in YOUR room. Using the laptop, YOU can connect to the internet. Many of the other features don’t seem to work, though.

>What do you mean by "incredible pain and suffering"? Does something attack you, or does it come from nowhere?

It’s different every time. This place abhors consistency- the moment YOU think YOU’VE become comfortable, IT changes the format.

>how did YOU get inside and stuck in this house?

YOU have always lived here. YOU think YOU were born here.
No. 1100490 ID: 89a43f
File 173277613750.png - (588.03KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 8.png )

>Examine BOXES

These boxes contain YOUR belongings. YOU packed them up when YOU decided to move out, and haven’t seen any reason to unpack them. Now, of course, YOU know bringing the boxes with YOU was a naive pipe dream- YOU can’t even get YOURSELF out of here. There used to be more boxes. YOU don’t know where they go.

>have you tried upgrading your room somehow?

YOU don’t see the point. YOU’RE trying to leave. YOU did put up the poster of the cat in a vague attempt to keep YOUR own spirits up, but it doesn’t really make YOU feel better.

The boxes contain mostly clothing. Some miscellaneous art supplies are in here too, with some rolled up posters, a stuffed animal or two, an ancient game console with no games, YOUR old diary, and YOUR leftover packing supplies (strapping tape, bubble wrap, and newspaper.)

>does EVERYTHING reset every time? like, when we open these boxes and dig around, are they gonna be the exact same stuff they've always been prior to every attempt? if so, we gotta start finding the parameters of what is and isn't permanently changeable -- after all, your tally marks don't reset, so there's some kind of line here.

Everything on YOUR person usually resets when YOU die. Sometimes, items YOU were carrying return with YOU to YOUR room. As for the room itself, changes YOU make to it stay. YOUR tallies, the stain, the carving on the door and YOUR packed boxes were all changes YOU made. Sometimes, though, the house makes changes of ITS own.

YOUR heart rate has slowed a bit, but YOU still don’t feel ready to leave the room. YOU can pick up some supplies, but YOU only have so much room in YOUR pockets. Currently, YOU are carrying nothing.

>Take GLUE
>Examine ____
>Talk to FRIEND
No. 1100491 ID: 273c18

>no point in upgrading
On the contrary, doing so might help you move out, by increasing morale or even boosting your personal power somehow.

Use the paint to cover the stain on your desk. Out of sight, out of mind.
No. 1100493 ID: eb0a9c

Ooh, I'm thinking shortcut. Find a way to cut open that vulnerability and turn it into a trapdoor, it might let you skip rooms on future runs.

>YOU don’t see the point. YOU’RE trying to leave.
If at first you don't succeed, try again with better starting conditions. You keep losing, but have you made better progress each time? If not, maybe it's time to prepare a head start.

>Sometimes you retain items, but anything you take with you is not guaranteed to respawn in your room
Got it. Play this like an extraction shooter.
Stop trying to make a beeline for the exit on every run. Spend a few runs gathering loot and returning to your room. Stock up, gather intel, and when the time is right, take on a milestone. The first thing you need to learn is how to use what you have; you may have had the key to escaping on you in a previous run and never even realized it.

Okay, first up, write about the voices in your head.
Then try to draw a thing. Each run, paint over your old paintings until you make one you think could do okay at a gala.

Head out, bring nothing this time. Remember, start out gathering loot.
No. 1100499 ID: 441914

Most of these seem like good ideas. Cutting into the room above could go either way - you might get a new exit, but you might also let Somethings into your room.
No. 1100501 ID: 6c233e

Paint something nice over the desk corner to calm your mind.
No. 1100502 ID: bae5f3

take DIARY. What did YOU last write in there?
No. 1100503 ID: 8f9bc4


> YOU don’t see the point. YOU’RE trying to leave. YOU did put up the poster of the cat in a vague attempt to keep YOUR own spirits up, but it doesn’t really make YOU feel better.

This place changes things. That kills YOU. That stops YOU from moving out. Yet the poster is still there. Why?

What it says doesn't matter. Even if it said "let go and fall," YOU were still the one who put it there. That means YOU can change things too. The only question is what to change that will give YOU a sorely needed advantage.

Is YOUR friend there? Maybe YOU need to talk to them.
No. 1100504 ID: 56db77

TALK to friend
No. 1100538 ID: 7c0da2

If you intend to do a looting run, take the STRAPPING TAPE and an EMPTY BOX to carry stuff back.
If you don't, I'm not sure what could end up being useful. How do your escape attempts usually go ?
No. 1100544 ID: 56db77

No. 1100626 ID: 89a43f
File 173310130374.png - (475.48KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 9.png )


Oh no. This is cringe. YOU were much younger when YOU wrote this. It says:

Dear Diary,

FUCK THIS!!!!!!!!!!! This house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE, and I can’t stay here a MINUTE LONGER.

(The words “Minute” and “Longer” are underlined at least five times.)

When I get out of here, I won’t even look back. I’ll steal a car or something. I’ll drive until there’s no more road left. Whatever it takes to NEVER SEE THIS PLACE AGAIN. That’ll show IT. Then, IT’LL regret everything. I HOPE IT WISHES I WAS NEVER BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…YOU haven’t written in this since YOU decided to move out. YOU guess that was a longer time ago than YOU thought.

YOU put the diary down. Carrying this feels like bad luck.


YOU take the box and put the strapping tape inside. This will slow YOU down, but YOU’LL be able to carry more.


This could be potentially useful, but YOU’RE not a hundred percent sure what would happen if YOU did it. YOUR bedroom is generally fairly stable- YOU’VE never seen anything in it move or change while YOU’RE in it. YOU’RE not sure if carving into the room above would extend that property to the connected room, locking them together and giving YOU more space… or if it would destroy what little stability YOUR room has.

Either way, YOU can’t do that with the craft knife. YOU would need a much larger knife, or maybe a saw. And even then, it would be difficult.
No. 1100627 ID: 89a43f
File 173310135388.png - (1.17MB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 10.png )

>Paint over STAIN

…YOU couldn’t figure out how to match the color, so YOU just got funky with it.

Doing this took a long time, and stressed YOU out, but YOU will no longer accumulate stress by looking at the stain. So maybe it’s worth it.
No. 1100628 ID: 89a43f
File 173310139959.png - (629.29KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 11.png )


YOU hug the round stuffed ladybug as tightly as YOU can. Its stuffing has been compressed over the years, so it doesn’t put up much resistance. YOU think this thing had a name once. YOU don’t really remember it.

YOU heal a little bit of stress for hugging something soft. YOU consider the merits of bringing it with YOU.
No. 1100630 ID: 89a43f
File 173310161249.png - (678.01KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 12.png )

>Talk to FRIEND

YOU open the chat client on YOUR computer. YOU already have a message waiting for YOU from YANNA. YOU don’t know how long this message has been waiting for YOU.

YANNA: Hey you!

SHE types it in lowercase. When SHE says it, it feels like a term of endearment, and not the only form of address YOU have ever known.

It takes a minute or two for HER to reply.

YANNA: Sorry, lol, were you out? Hope I didn’t bother you.
YOU: I was. But it’s okay.
YOU: I’m sorry I didn’t reply.
YOU: Did YOU want to talk about something?
YANNA: It wasn’t urgent haha. I just wanted to check in.

YOU pause.

YOU: Check in?
YANNA: Yeah well, like.
YANNA: It seems like you’ve been away more lately?
YANNA: I get worried when I don’t hear from you.
YANNA: Given everything we’ve talked about.

YOU aren’t sure how to respond to that. YOU don’t want YANNA to worry. YANNA worrying will do nothing to help YOU, and it’ll make HER upset.

What to do?

>Say _____
>Take _____
>Examine _____
No. 1100631 ID: 273c18

Tell her you're working on moving out, but it's harder than you expected. You're not going to give up though. You'll win someday.
No. 1100635 ID: 441914

That seems right. Also, do not take the ladybug, at least not until the intended final run (maybe not even then) ; you might lose it and that would suck. If you lose something, how often does it show up again?
No. 1100675 ID: 71fafc

Loving this so far. The ability to set a highly tense scene happening in a small, unnassuming space is as rare as it is valued.

How much does SHE know about the situation with the house? How much do YOU feel YOU can tell HER without thinking YOU are making it all up?

Tell HER that YOU tried leaving but were denied again, but YOU are feeling things will be different soon. YOU are becoming more capable and self-sufficient as of late.
Next, ask HER about how SHE'S been doing and what is it like where SHE lives.
No. 1100689 ID: 89a43f
File 173318652798.png - (281.09KB , 524x524 , sketch1733185855111.png )

I have no idea if people will want to use this, but I went ahead and made a discussion thread. Find it here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/143057.html
No. 1100729 ID: 7c0da2

YOU should reassure YANNA, or at least try to, and chat a bit before leaving YOUR room. Who is SHE, and how much does she know about YOUR situation ? How much can YOU tell HER ?

Also, I just noticed, YOU got really long nails (or at least YOU do on YOUR left index finger), is there a reason for that ?
No. 1100743 ID: 6c233e

play it off as just dealing with problems around the house, chores and the like. Then distract by asking how things are going with her.
No. 1101132 ID: 89a43f
File 173395653301.png - (580.16KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 13.png )

>What does YANNA know?

YOU’VE technically told YANNA everything. YOU think HER life must be much different from YOURS- SHE knows, but SHE doesn’t really understand. SHE thinks YOU’RE speaking in metaphor, or… something else. SHE worries more when YOU’RE direct with HER.

YOU don’t really blame HER. SHE would be right to worry about YOU. It’s just that worrying does nothing for YOU.

>Reassure YANNA.

YOU: I’M busy with the move. Sorry.
YANNA: Right. The move. Any progress?
YOU: More progress than the last time I tried. I think things are going to be different soon.
YANNA: That’s good, I think.
YOU: I still have a lot to do, though, sorry.

YOU remember YOUR plan.

YOU: Chores. And things.
YANNA: Chores and things.
YOU: Yeah.
YANNA: You’ve been doing chores and things for a long time, buddy.


YOU: …Yeah.
No. 1101133 ID: 89a43f
File 173395659266.png - (652.39KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 14.png )

>Examine LONG NAILS.

Are they long? They’ve always been this way. YOU think.

>Put down LADYBUG

YOU really don’t want to lose this. YOU put it in a box YOU don’t intend to take with YOU.

>Ask YANNA about HER life.

YOU: How are things with YOU?
YANNA: Oh, uh… okay. I got a new job.

SHE got a new job in the time since YOU’VE talked last? That’s not good. It must have been a long time.

YOU: Oh. Congratulations!
YOU: Still retail?
YANNA: Oh, no, actually. I’m putting retail behind me and officially becoming an office drone.
YOU: Congratulations.
YOU: …Or I’m sorry to hear that.
YOU: Whichever applies.
YANNA: I think this is good for me actually haha. It’s, like, an admin assistant thing.
YOU: What does the company do?
YANNA: Uh, I don’t really know, to be honest. Something data-related. I just take appointments and make coffee, so I guess it doesn’t really matter if I understand the company.
YOU: Bet it pays better than retail, though.
YANNA: Dude. I have health insurance.
YOU: Get out of town.
YANNA: Dental AND vision.

YOU don’t actually know what health insurance is, but that sounds nice. YOU don’t think YOU’VE ever been to a doctor. Although YOU don’t think YOU want to know what the house thinks a doctor does.

YANNA: Hey, look, I gtg.
YANNA: My lunch is almost over
YOU: Employed bastard.
YANNA: Talk later, okay?
YOU: Yeah! Yeah, for sure.
YANNA: I’m serious. Don’t make me wait like a month to hear from you again.
YOU: …I’ll try.

YANNA logs off. YOU close the laptop.

YOUR heart rate has returned to its resting rhythm. What to do now?

>Take _____
>Examine _____
>Leave ROOM
No. 1101144 ID: 6c233e

YOU don't really have anything worth bringing along. It would be good to go on a supply run.

How do things usually go on a run? Can YOU reenter YOUR room after YOU leave? Do things happen all at once or does it ramp up?
No. 1101145 ID: 273c18

Alright let's get this show on the road. Leave room. Don't take anything this time.
No. 1101157 ID: eb0a9c

In the future, you need to secure this laptop - or find newer technology to store in your room. Keep customizing your gear; like the others said, it seems what you personalize is harder for The House to control directly. Making art might be the only way to keep certain things relatively static, kind of important if The House decides to screw with you and delete your progress.

Alright, time for a milk run. Remember: go shopping, come right back, and paint on whatever you need to keep.
No. 1101185 ID: 2620c6

yep, let's just get to it. start the counter boys, run 1 underway
No. 1101346 ID: 89a43f
File 173445675257.png - (834.36KB , 1000x775 , 89a5e362-afae-46c6-8b5c-24708d4713de.png )

>Leave ROOM

Let’s go.

YOUR starting inventory contains:



YOU can go back into YOUR room whenever YOU want, if YOU can find YOUR way back to it. YOU can also quickly return to YOUR room from anywhere in the house by dying, but sometimes this means parts of YOUR inventory will not return with YOU.

In YOUR experience, the house usually will not try to kill YOU unless it’s YOUR express intention to leave. As this is a supply run, YOU don’t expect outright hostility, unless YOU do something the house interprets as breaking the rules.

YOU don’t know what the rules are, and YOU’VE begun to get the impression that IT doesn’t, either.
No. 1101347 ID: 89a43f
File 173445681847.png - (693.13KB , 1000x775 , 5886f288-e682-42bd-b2ce-cc371b0799e5.png )

YOU are in a darkened hallway. There are no visible light fixtures, nor can YOU see any switch with which to turn them on. The floor underneath YOUR feet is covered with wall-to-wall carpet, the color of which YOU cannot make out in the dark, but assume is probably charcoal gray. The carpet feels slightly damp against the bottom of YOUR socks. When YOU lift YOUR feet to check, the liquid does not leave a stain.

The hallway continues for about thirty feet before branching off to the left at a right angle. On the far wall facing YOU is a door. The door is similar to the one that leads to YOUR room, although it is visibly newer and less damaged. From behind the door, YOU can hear a loud, rhythmic clicking sound. Every minute or so, the clicking stops, silence hangs in the air for two to three seconds, and then it resumes.

What now?

>Open DOOR
>Turn LEFT and continue down HALLWAY
No. 1101348 ID: 6c233e

Well take a peek. Unless that's a sound that has accompanied death in previous runs.
No. 1101349 ID: 80c73b

Normally I'd say "heavens, no", but if the house is less likely to try to kill you this time around, maybe it's worth it.

Have you ever seen an exit?
No. 1101360 ID: af1580

take a peek!
No. 1101361 ID: eb0a9c

Use the tape, create a unique glyph on the door, then leave.
No. 1101363 ID: 30d522

Definitely open the door and check out what's making that noise. As far as it seems, YOU are the only one in this place. If YOU can find evidence of someone (or someTHING) else here, that might either be good news or bad, but regardless it's good to know.

Have YOU ever seen other means of egress other than doors? Are there any windows in this house?
No. 1101406 ID: 56db77

Open the door a crack and peek inside
No. 1101843 ID: d4d7d9

I'd say take a peek, unless you expressly know this sound means something bad for you.

By the way, do you live with anyone besides the House? Do you have parents, or roommates?
No. 1101850 ID: 89a43f
File 173579255982.png - (514.12KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 15.png )

>Has this sound accompanied death before?

YOU’VE died so many times, it’s nearly impossible to draw any real connections. The house’s whim is… difficult to predict. YOU’RE not sure YOU can identify this one.

>Have YOU ever seen an exit?

No. The only thing keeping YOU going is the belief that there must be one. Somewhere. If there are things outside of this place, and YOU know there are through YANNA, then there has to be a way out of the house. YOU… just haven’t found it yet.

>Does the house have windows/means of egress besides doors?

YOU’VE never seen any windows, at least not any that lead outside the house. The rest is semantic. What qualifies as a door?

>Do YOU have parents? Roommates?

God, YOU hope not. The last time YOU had parents was awful. YOU’RE not looking to repeat the experience.
No. 1101851 ID: 89a43f
File 173579259708.png - (370.50KB , 1000x775 , Moving Out 16.png )

>Open DOOR

The noise is certainly louder in here. It sounds vaguely… mechanical. YOU can’t see very well- it’s even darker in this room than in the hallway. The only light source is a soft glow from deeper in the room. It’s not enough to see by from YOUR position, but…
No. 1101852 ID: 89a43f
File 173579262912.gif - (257.60KB , 1000x775 , Taktak6.gif )

Maybe if YOU moved closer?

>Move closer to LIGHT
>Feel around in DARK
>Leave ROOM
No. 1101854 ID: 273c18

Looks like someone pressing the A key repeatedly. There's a light switch. Go ahead and flick it. If you don't like what you see, turn it back off then leave and close the door.
No. 1101858 ID: 6c233e

Yes, flick the lights, see if there's anything worth taking, and leave if not.
No. 1101863 ID: eb0a9c

Ask the entity if they want something, then get out.
No. 1102025 ID: 80d65e

It's likely be best to feel in the dark and find a source of light. If this fellow is hostile, YOU are going to be in trouble.
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