Bright Peach Dust
Not sure it's wise, given my ability to commit time, to roll another character, but I can't resist making them. Here's a character concept, phrased in a more wordy and less eloquent way than I would like, looking for more succinct revisions and necessary changes, from anyone who wants to pitch in or help out. Obviously not urgent at this point, given I don't have a free slot, but I wanted to throw it out there while I had everything in mind.
Name: Bulgruf, Many Woman
Race: Half-giant/Goliath the sterile offspiring brithed from a giant, with the genes of another, smaller elvenoid mixed in. Going for a Hagrid kinda vibe here, and angling towards some sort of "powerful build" type racial trait for access to bigger lifting loads and larger tools.
Class: Soldier. Pretty self explanatory
Higher Ambition: Atone for her sins by making art that betters the world; essentially, it cannot be art for the sake of art, and cannot be art simply for her, or done because she likes it or wants admiration; it has to be art created out of altruistic intention, for the viewing of others, that has the possibility to change the way a passerby is thinking, at least to a degree. It can be sold, but it cannot be created with profit being the only motive, it can help her gain status, but cannot be created only to gain status, etc.
Lower Ambition: An unabiding love for dogs. Also pretty self explanatory. Not sure if it would extend to wolves or other canines, or how it might be appropriate to react if say a pack of rabid dogs attacked her, or if something like the devil dog Vos encountered were to become hostile towards her.
Phobia: Afraid of her past mingling with her present. Ex: Running into past colleagues or victims, and fearing they will interact with allies or others who know her, afraid of someone she doesn't know possessing knowledge of her that is unreasonable for a stranger to know, afraid they might share said knowledge with others she knows even if the stranger has no ill will and hasn't indicated they would do anything, or even if they swear they wouldn't tell, etc; however, her diceminating the information about herself to others would not cause fear. Similarly to how one might feel if they chose to share nude photographs with an individual, vs knowing someone possesses nude photographs of you and might at any moment decide to share them against your wishes, or that someone you know might see nudes of you that someone else posted a long time ago. It's not about just anyone seeing them, more so about people you know right now, and about choices in the past coming back to haunt or affect your present.
Mutation: Any food that isn't raw acts as a local anesthetic, and provides little nutritional value, but is otherwise harmless; conversely, she is readily able to digest raw food, and gains abnormally high nutritional value from said foods, even foods that one could not normally digest for useful nutrition, such as a echidna milk or woody flowers, despite still needing the same amount of calories
Supernatural Vulnerability: Doing "evil deeds" temporarily causes her soul to age, leading to detrimental physical and spiritual effects. The more heinous her deed, the longer she is "aged", and the worse the effects are, causing symptoms ranging from general weakening of the body and soul, to severe arthritis and physical impairment, to the near total loss of all physical senses, memory, mental faculties, and ability to act in general. It cannot outright kill her, but can obviously put her in such a state that she cannot care for herself. I'm imaging timelines not extending past a month for any deed evil enough that she could feasibly commit it in this game, although something like committing large scale genocide or a similar atrocity would lead to essentially being in a vegetative state for year, most normal "evil acts" would be on the time from of hours to days, so as to keep play at least somewhat accessible in the case of triggering her vulnerability.
Innate Power: An ability to conjure and trade abnormal, worthless items with creatures that would not normally be capable of understanding barter, in exchange for mundane favors. For example: Bulgruf meets a wolf out in the woods; she offers to give it a trinket if it tells her where the nearest source of water is. In her possession, a piece of pumice, shaped in the vague likeness of a pile of noodles, with an inch of twine dangling from it appears. If the wolf accepts her gift, something that is has no value to it, she then knows where the nearest source of water is. Not sure how to refine that down, but the basic goal is that it's an agreement the creature can say yes or no to, the materials can't be kept by her or her companions, or profited off of in any way, they are not pre-existing, and the trade goods should be artistic in nature, and not at all something an animal would normally want. Mechanically, I was thinking it could affect anything with an intelligence score, but nothing smart enough to comprehend language. So it wouldn't work on undead or insects, but it would work on something like rats or wild animals. I just like the idea of a huge woman trading tiny crude pieces of art with forest animals in exchange for favors. The more I'm reading through it though and trying to explain the concept, the more it sounds like it's just a weird way to phrase "can requisition favors from animals". Maybe I could instead change it from being spontaneous to requiring art she's made?