Sun Bubbles
“I believe I will spectate for now, thank you.” Mr. Ochre smiles and puts his book aside: a small volume titled Languages of the Wild Age.
“Okay, let us know if you want in!” Casey runs back to the pitch, tossing the ball to Delilah as she re-enters her team square.
Mr. Ochre sizes up the teams. On one side Gabe, Delilah, Miki and Raithe. Mr. Ochre mentally assigns them to Team Red. Making up the other team is Casey, Kol, Caleb, and Nixxy: Team Blue.
The spectator thinks back to his school days, remembering a few rules. He recalls that a player is out when they are hit by a throw, and the ball goes “dead”, or contacts the ground. If the ball is caught and held, then the thrower is then out. If a player is hit and then the ball is caught, the thrower is then out.
Mr. Ochre recalls being fairly good at the game: his slight build making him hard to hit and being able to read his opponent’s tactics based off of his body language as well as his unique experience of color. Sadly, his throwing and catching ability was underwhelming, even at a young age; resulting in him usually being the last member of a team and an easy victim for more callous opponents. A certain part of him never fully recovered, leaving him with an instinctual full-body cringe at the sight of an incoming dodgeball.
Nixxy bounds with glee, ”A wager? To bare the skin? Such fun! Are we game?”
“Uh, I mean, I suppose I’m in.” Caleb scratches his chin, “But if we’re playing for stakes, are we playing for real then?”
“With magic? I suppose.” Casey shrugs, “But no using portals inside the boundaries, Gabe. I don’t want you cutting someone accidentally.”
“Yeah that’s fair,” Gabe nods.
“Uh, can I still play even though I don’t wear clothes?” Raithe twists in the air a little self consciously.
“Don’t worry about it, dear!” Miki waves at him reassuringly.
Currently its red’s turn, Delilah has the ball and can pass to another member or throw.