Love Glory
"I was directing you to what I judged the easiest and most direct method of learning, not claiming that was the only way. Aliens also love, but it is not as easy to experience."
If you're going to go on trying to explain in words, then:
"Explaining love in words is difficult, partly because there are different theoretical models, and partly because of how many other concepts you must understand first in order to understand the explanation. There are also multiple concepts to which "love" refers to. I assume you're speaking of romantic love, in which case there is a relatively popular theory that "true romantic love" sits at the convergence of three other factors: intimacy, affection, and desire. Do you understand those three concepts?"
If they don't:
"Intimacy is state of knowing and understanding someone deeply, and being known and understood by them in turn. A person with whom you are intimate knows and is aware of things about you that you normally conceal from other people, and you ideally are in the same state regarding them. It is a state of mutually knowing, and having experienced, each others' strengths and weaknesses, prides and embarrassments, and many other details. When the relationship is a positive one, intimacy implies deep trust and comfort. It is possible for people who are hostile to each other to be intimate, however. There are different levels and forms of intimacy. Sexual interactions are often referred to as "physical intimacy", but is not always linked to emotional or intellectual intimacy."
"Desire generally refers to physical, sexual desire, but that is an oversimplification. Any way by which another person can give you pleasure can stand for having desire for them. You might find them beautiful, or amusing, or intellectually stimulating, or soothing, or any number of other things, in addition to or in place of their ability to give you physical pleasure."
"Affection, finally, may be difficult for me to explain to you. The simplest way I can state it is that affection towards someone is the state of wanting to help them, to soothe their pains, to assist them in their desires and to give them things they like. There are many ways in which affection can come about, and as I am not familiar with how you think I am not sure which of those ways may work for you. The most rational and mercenary explanation of affection is the desire to provide someone else with things they like so that they will remain near you and provide you with things you like. As with all emotions, however, it manifests as a desire in itself rather than a conscious chain of logic. There are other explanations."
"According to the theory, a person with whom you are intimate, who you are affectionate towards, who provides something you desire, and who reflects all of these back onto you, is someone with whom you are experiencing romantic love. There are some objections to the theory, but there aren't any other theories that lack objections."
"Whether you can experience it yourself is another question, and I would have to understand you better. Let's start with the basics: Have you ever become deeply accustomed to someone? That is, so used to their presence and influence on you that it became automatic to think and act with them factored into your planning, so that conversely when they were absent you experienced a sense of difficulty, frustration and loss?"