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File 134077884817.png - (324.21KB , 1000x862 , ChaserGame.png )
426648 No. 426648 ID: 84185f

You Are The Chaser

Posses your victim and KILL as much people as possible in a short time.
The clock starts ticking on your first kill.
Take out targets to earn extra points.
And most of all have fun!!
180 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 435910 ID: a7a256

Here it comes!
No. 435925 ID: 84185f

okay don't know why it wont open...
No. 435927 ID: 84185f
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[Chop]-Why should we stop? Our host is as good as dead so preserving his life is no longer a concern. All that is left is to make more kills to earn more points for our sadistic game~

[Twi]-Nnnooo! Th-this is Horrible, Please Don't!!

>Chop bites down on the sword, grinding the blade between his teeth.

[Chop]-I'm loving our horror... Your fear, it's intoxicating~

>The chaser grins defiantly with the blade tearing through his mouth. Twilight stares in shock.

[Derpy]-Special delivery for Twilight~


>The arcane swords vanishes and leaves a aftertaste of friendship in your mouth

>Target Indirectly Killed [+2clicks]

Heh... Looks like she really came through for me...
No. 435928 ID: 84185f

okay fixed it
No. 435930 ID: 37aa84

We don't have much time left, search the Library maybe Spike's hanging around or perhaps this is where Apple Bloom ran after Scootaloo started chocking. If noponies in the library we should make our final vote for whether or not we want to make Derpy our last kill, which I think we should do.
No. 435932 ID: d4f55f


I don't think we should kill the Derpster, she likes the Chaser, and has absolutely no problem killing all her friends to make him happy.

Even if the Chaser leaves, we could ask Derpy to finish them all off, for it would make us happy.
No. 435965 ID: b85f8c

Is there anypony around? How strong are you in your weakened state?

Maybe you can kill spike. Or just get roasted to a cinder by him.
No. 435966 ID: 4066b9

We should write a message for Rainbow Dash since I doubt we got any more time to kill another target.

To Rainbow Dash,

I liked how you so desperately tried to save Scootaloo even though she was already dead, pumping her stone cold chest with all your might, trying to force air into her lungs even though it was useless. You know why? I poisoned her. You never had a chance of saving her, unlike so many of your other friends. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight. You could have saved them. But you didn't. You just stood there fiddling about with a foal's corpse. Is that your fetish?

Still know that because you let so many die due to your betrayal, you'll be a good host for me. Who knows? Maybe you'll come to enjoy it like Chop Suey here does.

-The Chaser.

I'd like to give Derpy a choice. Would she like to be our last victim, or continue our legacy by having the Chaser passed onto her, or if she'd like to do it on her own, or nothing. It's the only way to reward such a wonderful assistant.
No. 435998 ID: 6e44d2

We should try for Spike, if we can.
No. 436081 ID: a87f15

I hear dragon's blood makes a great incense. Would be fun to know if it's true.~
No. 436093 ID: b26bd8

this is perfect. as the element of loyalty, maximum mindfuck will be had.

we need to kill spike.just charge into the library screaming about how twilight is dead because he didn't save her. snap his neck.or throw him down the stairs, depending on where you find him.
No. 436551 ID: 6025e3

Well we can keep Chops body going until the end. Activate Chaservision and head for the next target at full speed. Just go for full shock effect. Burst in like a berserk zombie, bite their faces off and cut them open.

Derpy seems to be having a nose bleed. Maybe this is all too exciting for her? A romantic double suicide at the end could finish the game nicely.
No. 436598 ID: 37aa84

The blood appears to be coming from above her nose rather than from the nostril so I think it's just a smear from when she kissed the inside of Chop's empty eye socket after we took out Pinkie.
No. 436666 ID: 0521d2
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>Chop marches into the library

[Spike]-Twilight? D-did you get him?

[Chop]-Not quite~

>The chaster hurls his knife at spike just as he tries to run, pining his tail to the ground

[Spike]-AAahhh!! Pl-please... Please don't kill me... I'm juts a baby dragon.

[Chop]-Spike... I killed Twilight and I killed your beloved Rarity...

[Derpy]-make him messy~

[Chop]-Now listen here scribe... You're gonna write a letter for me before I kill you...

[Spike]-N... No I won't...

>Chop steps on the knife


[derpy]-Mess him up~

[Chop]-If you do, I'll kill you quick end send you to where Rarity is~

[Spike]-Okay okay!! I'll do it, please don't hurt me...

>The chaser brings about a scroll and quill and has Spike write our message.


>Chop nails the other knife into his head

[Derpy]-Messy mess~

>Derpy pummels the dragons corps under her hoofs making a mess of things

Hhmmnn... just about out of time... so... what do we do with derpy~?
No. 436668 ID: 886a4d

Tell her your about to leave. Do she want to make one last mess... together? Hold the knife to her throat to make things clear.
No. 436674 ID: 37aa84

Approach Derpy, grab her and give her a deep passionate kiss then without breaking it jam the knife in her heart just as time runs out. That'll give the guard a curious crime scene.
No. 436676 ID: b85f8c

Whatever, so long as I don't have to look at ponies fucking. Ugh.
No. 436678 ID: 37aa84

Suddenly dieing in the middle would totally ruin the romance anyway.
No. 436704 ID: 5a5118

Posses her.
No. 436706 ID: bd5edb

> What do we do with Derpy?
Until now we just had to tell you how to kill and cause terror, you never had this kind of question before. What do you want to do?
No. 436804 ID: b26bd8

While these are nice ideas, I kind of want to leave her alive. So she can relate this story in person to poor dear Celestia. You know she is going to want to know why her precious friends are dead, it will be better to let her hear it from a first person perspective.
No. 436928 ID: 37aa84

I just thought of something is that book Twilight read about us sitting somewhere we can easily find it? Maybe we should make a little addendum to it like scrawl 'The Chaser cannot be stopped' with some of our blood on the page for somepony to find.
No. 437232 ID: 0521d2
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Keehee I'm totally doing that!!

... you know I haven't though about that... I guess I don't really know...

[Fumby]-You know, You've been a very good chaser and I enjoyed this session very much, so I'll let you choose the ending: Bad ending, Good ending, happy ending, or true ending?
No. 437233 ID: 1d084b

Nice boat ending.
No. 437237 ID: c6a739

After much deliberation, happy ending.
No. 437238 ID: 997ce7

True ending. If it gets outvoted, happy ending is my second choice.
No. 437239 ID: ee1425

True ending
No. 437240 ID: 1963d1

In order of preference:
1. True
2. Bad
3. Good
4. Happy
No. 437243 ID: b9d767

True Ending.
No. 437244 ID: 842d23

The good true happy bad ending.
No. 437281 ID: b85f8c

True ending.
No. 437284 ID: bdb3f8

whichever ending involves derpy continuing the good work.
No. 437293 ID: b7169d

True ending
No. 437307 ID: 77f3f5

The ending that we turn Derpy into our demon lieutenant as we torment the souls that we killed in Pony Hell.

If we can't get that, then true or bad ending is fine.
No. 437320 ID: 37aa84

I don't know which I prefer, the choices aren't very descriptive so I'm not quite sure what I'm choosing. Is the bad ending the one where we kill Derpy or the one where we leave her to continue our rampage? Is it considered a happy ending if we die together in some kind of romantic way that would look really creepy considering how many ponies we killed beforehoof? What even counts as the true ending, is that the ending that is considered canon for the sequel regardless of what ending we get while playing? I'll vote for whichever ending is closest to my suggestion back at >>436674.
No. 437343 ID: b26bd8

I must know. true ending. or, if not, happy ending, bad ending and good ending, in that order.
No. 437352 ID: 48f315

No. 437366 ID: dc4a44

The truth
No. 437855 ID: 0521d2
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-True ending-

>The chaser slowly trots over to derpy.

[Chop]-Well Ditsy... I'm just about out of time.

[Derpy]-Was it fun?

[Chop]-It was... But I've got one more pony to make messy...


>DitsyDoo puckers up her lips and stretches out her neck. Chop follows up with a kiss, her warm lips and tongue feel like fire compared to Chops body, as it grows colder and colder...

[Derpy]-*Pant~pant* Slowly...

[Chop]-You wanna feel it?

>Chop tenderly glides his knife to Derpy's throat, blood pours out of her mouth and into chops. they kiss until Ditsy can't hold up any more and falls to the ground...

[Derpy]-I... I got my muffin...

What dos she mean by muffin? Such a strange filly...

>The chaser lies down on the dieing pony and kisses her cheek... As the timer runs out, the chasers lust for murder leaves his body and chop succumbs to his late death...
No. 437856 ID: 0521d2
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-Game over-
No. 437870 ID: 886a4d

Ooh, lets check our score. Derpy killed the two targets and we got 6-7 others (Depends on if Dash saved that filly or not). Not great, still not a bad run for our first time.
No. 437875 ID: 0521d2
File 134377332137.gif - (339.17KB , 800x600 , epilogue.gif )

-Animated wait for next page-
No. 437904 ID: 0521d2
File 134377936524.jpg - (136.24KB , 800x600 , The end.jpg )


Scootaloo: 1p
First Kill +50%
Filly kill: +100%
Saved: -100%
Sum: 1.5p

Rise: 1p

Sweetybell: 1p
Filly Kill: +100%
Rarity: 1p
Trauma: +50%
Sum: 4.5

Fluttershy: 1p
Target kill: +100%
Indirect kill: -50%
Sum: 1.5p

Pinkypie: 1p
Trauma: +50%
Sum: 1.5p

Twilight sparkle: 1p
Target kill: +100%
Team kill: +50%
Sum: 2.5p

Spike: 1p

Derpy: 1p
Passionate kill: +100%
Sum: 2p

Sub Total: 15.5p
Balance: +0.5p
Total: 16p

Points can be spent in the item mall under /questdiscussion

Thank you for playing~
No. 437925 ID: 1d084b

Perhaps I enjoyed this a bit too much. Oh, who am I kidding!
No. 437928 ID: b85f8c

An acceptable ending!

I'm not seeing an item mall.
No. 437937 ID: 0521d2

sorry for the delay
No. 437941 ID: 6395a4

warm and fuzzy.
No. 437943 ID: 6e44d2


Let's start a new game!
No. 437945 ID: 0521d2

Talk it over with another author, I've got my own plans for quests~
No. 438103 ID: 828cc7
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Goodjob was a fun bloodfest
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