Harmony Desire
Yell at Ik that how dare she imply she doesn't know how you feel. Your parents are gone too, you barely even have the gift of hope that they may be just slaves. So many of your friends, dead by these people. Does she think you haven't been hurt? Doesn't she think you just give no shits about the people you love? How dare Ik. How. Dare. Ik. The child card can only go so far and this is a moment you need to vent your concerns like a hurt adult to her, and don't hold back because she'll get hurt or cry. No more skipping around the bush because she's a child.
"Someone has to pay for what they did to Waihlin? Really Ik? IS that what Waihlin or your parents taught you, that when misjustice is done, someone, ANY one, has to pay? I am not some sadistic peepin' fuck, unlike you. I do not want that memory, slicing someone's head off, in my mind. I have no clue of this cat man's direct involvement. He can't tell his side with the language barrier. He might just be some dumbass teenager that was just following his scumbag father around with his tribe as they took people captive and got left behind, or he could really be a slave wrangler, who the peep knows. Whatever, I am not going to be ANYTHING like them and stick some stranger's head on a pike out of some pathetic desire for vengeance. That is NOT how us peeps are. Ik, do you even comprehend what that is? Life is to be RESPECTED, no matter what happens."