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237799 No. 237799 ID: 4ba7ca

We climb through the narrow passage. The screams of the creature vanish behind us, but I still don't have the heart to turn around or to utter a peep.

In this darkness I cannot make out a single feature of the tunnel and only because of the creaking of its metal plates, I know , that the girl is still in front of me.
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No. 246931 ID: e31d52

I see a key on the body!
No. 246967 ID: d6483a

God, what the hell happened to that poor fellow?

Snatch the keys and, as much as I hate to suggest this, dive into the heads to hide. Even if it's a friendly coming our way we don't want to surprise them in the dark (is case they have a weapon). Best to just hide.
No. 247073 ID: 6550ad

Get the key and dive into the pile of heads, yes.
No. 247075 ID: 1854db

Put the body back in the safe, then hide.
No. 247127 ID: 6d1860
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I can't cram the body into the safe in this short time, so I just grab the key and crawl back between the heads. The steps are louder now. They seem to come from the other side of the wall of skulls.
Some wet heavy objects are dropped on the floor and the visitor leaves, loudly scratching the doorframe during the process. I can hear some of the heads shifting above me, before it is quiet again.
No. 247137 ID: 6d1860
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When I'm sure to be alone again, I climb back out. Somehow I have to get to the other side of the heads. I probably have to climb, although this won't be easy with my broken leg.
No. 247140 ID: 1854db

Stack stuff to aid in climbing.
No. 247153 ID: 6550ad

See if you can find stuff around you that can be used to help you with the climbing. Like, see if you can move the table the body is strapped at.

I guess that that fails, you could release the body from the table and pile it up, along with the corpse that was in the safe on top of the heads, to make a DISGUSTING CORPSE PILE aid you climbing up.
No. 247254 ID: fd6d7e

eat your way through
No. 247519 ID: 3fef4a
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Although I must have great talent in standing on the corpse piles of my slain foes, I am glad to see, that I am able to move the tables. You just can't stack every corpse you find along your way and then stand on top of the disgusting corpse pile. They have to be your sworn enemies or else you're just impolite.

There are two tables only one occupied. I'm going to use the empty one for my cunning escape plan. Climbing over the heads should now be managable.
No. 247527 ID: 93e8e3

Excellent. Dragging this table probably made a lot of sound, though - pause for a moment and listen to see if anyone is coming before climbing over.
No. 247528 ID: 1854db

Awesome. Let's continue on... unless there's something we haven't inspected? I think we've pretty thoroughly combed over the place.

Oh, a good thing to do would be to wait for a second before climbing over the heads. Don't want to run into Tall Dark and Monstrous.
No. 247532 ID: 0695c9


Now that you mention it, we havent had a look at those test tubes. Im not sure if they'd be any help to us, though. Unless one was a strong acid, or food.
No. 247552 ID: 3fef4a
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The test tubes are all clean and empty. They must be storing the chemicals somewhere else.

I guess if there's nothing else to do here, I'll climb back now.
No. 247555 ID: 1854db

Erm. If the thing next to the trash can is the computer, what's the thing to the right of the monitor? For that matter, what's that thing in the upper-left? There's a triangle symbol and a box on top of the shelves.
No. 247558 ID: 93e8e3

No. 247565 ID: 2563d4

Let's skedaddle. Isabel is in mortal peril!
No. 247822 ID: 01247d
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There are some machines standing on the table, but we don't have the time to examine them. We have to save Isabel.

I climb back to the room I came from. Should I head straight back? Or is there something you think I should investigate prior to my return?
No. 247865 ID: 93e8e3

Straight back up.
No. 247878 ID: 7daa45

We could try the number pad, if our friend thought to write that passcode down we might as well see what's in there while we can. We could look inside rather than going in, if possible, so we would be close to the vent.

It could lead to Isabel, and if Happiness is waiting in there it's not like it could fit in the vent.

We might not be able to come back here to try it again, since the passage is blocked and Happiness is hanging around.
No. 247880 ID: 1854db

Check the blood trail in the other room real quick. The monster just deposited a head so that corpse is old now.
No. 247910 ID: c37cd8

I'd like to see that room, but... Are you capable of running back to the vent in your current condition, Herbert?
No. 247988 ID: d090ad
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I don't think I really am able run anywhere, but I should be able to get back to the vent before anything happens as long as I just peek through into the rooms. Carefully I sneak through the hallway.

I stretch myself to reach the number pad.
No. 247989 ID: d090ad
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The door slides open. It's even colder in here than in the other rooms.
No. 247992 ID: 1854db

How the hell did that head get in here? First, look up to make sure nothing's about to ambush you. Second, get some food packs. Third, check the other room real quick.
No. 248052 ID: 3c9435

Yes, make sure there isnt anything in there to kill you and stuff as many food packs as possible into your bag. Dont take your eyes off that head or the door. Check the cupboards afterward, and get the hell out of there.
No. 248366 ID: 011b60
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I take as many food packs as my bag can carry, while cautiously watching the single severe head.

The cupboard is closed, but with the help of the keys we just found I am able to open it. It's filled with vials containing various chemicals.
No. 248409 ID: 011b60
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I walk back to investigate the other room.
No. 248410 ID: 011b60
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The blood-trail vanishes in the darkness behind the broken glass.
No. 248412 ID: 5c4201

think we are done here, let's head back.
No. 248415 ID: c1dba4

Can to get a closer look at the cmputer mointor and the broken glass. See if there is any residue runnig off of it.
No. 248435 ID: 011b60
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I don't want to go into this room any further than necessary. If something would surprise me in here, I wouldn't be able to return to the vents fast enough. Also nothing appears to have changed since we've last been here, except for the blood trail.

I glance to the monitors, that still show he same rooms. For a short moment there seems to be a movment on the one, showing the hall behind me. I whirl around but nothing is here.

Maybe my nerves were playing a trick on me and all I saw was my own movement caught by the surveillance camera. Maybe it would be best to head straight back before somehing bad happens.
No. 248437 ID: 2563d4

Yes. You have the keys, you also have food. Return. Maybe close the keypad door first if it will so that anything on a mindless rampage won't trash the place.
No. 248452 ID: 93e8e3

Let's get out of here.
No. 248478 ID: 011b60
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I crawl back through the vents as fast as I can. The flashlight dies after the first half, but the way is simple enough to find it in the dark.

I arrive at the corridor. The once closed door is now slightly ajar and the assistants voice wispers to me from gloomy room behind it "Finally. Hurry up and come in here."
No. 248479 ID: 1854db

Enter yon door.
No. 248483 ID: e38e27

Tell her you found the keys and give them to her, and offer her a food pack. Dont give more than one or two for now, though.
No. 248513 ID: 011b60
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I enter the room and the door slams behind me.

>"Do you have the keys?"

"Yes, and I also have something to eat if you want."

>"No. Just give me the keys and we'll be out here in a few minutes."
No. 248514 ID: 5c4201

awwwwwww fuck nuggets. she isn't herself anymore. there is a ... chunk in front of the book case behind you. calm reach into the back pack and instead of the keys grab a food and then swiftly throw it into it's face.
No. 248515 ID: 1854db

Out of here? Like, out of the facility? But we need to find Isabel!

What's that thing on the floor over there? Also ask how she knew where the corpse was.
No. 248533 ID: fd409f

Protest that Isabel is still in there, but dont do anything too violent or drastic. Ask her why she's in this room.
No. 248538 ID: 011b60
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"Out of here? But we have to find Isabel first."

>"Yes that's what I meant. Give me the key and we'll find your friend in no time."

"Why are you in this room?" I ask.

>"You took a long time. It's not safe to just wait in the gangway."

Slowly I take my bag and pretend to search for the key, while tightly grabbing one of the food rations, ready to throw it, in case she tries to attack me.

"I was wondering," I say, as I slowly take off my bag and pretend to search for the key, while tightly grabbing one of the food rations, ready to throw it, in case she tries to attack me,"how did you know where exactly the corpse was anyway?"

>"... well... that's because... I just assumed it would be where the accident had taken place."

In the corner of my eyes I see a crumbled piece of paper lying on the floor in front of the bookcase.
No. 248539 ID: 1854db

Eh, hand over the keys. Then check out the paper.
No. 248542 ID: 1854db

Oh, and tell her that there was a pile of severed heads you had to work your way past to get to where the body was, so the monster was apparently using it as a nest or something.

Also say it was not perfectly safe and we're not happy that she told us it was.
No. 248544 ID: 5c4201

tell her to stand aside and let a gentleman unlock the door.
No. 248547 ID: fd409f

That's a good idea, suggest you unlock the door so the kind lady wont get jumped by anything.
And ask why the corpse was in a safe.
No. 248554 ID: 5c4201

also, when she talks again watch her mouth. if it doesn't move then she it absolutely evil now.
No. 248564 ID: 011b60
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I watch her closely as she slowly approaches me, but I can't find anything strange about her. "This was dangerous. You send me right into the monsters nest. I had to climb over severed heads and retrieve the corpse from inside a safe. Why did you tell me this was harmless?"

>"How should I know all that? I'm just a simple lab assistant. I thought you just had to get inside and grab the key."

"Well, maybe I should open the door instead of you. Just in case there's any danger behind it. It is my duty as a gentleman to protect a young lady such as you." I say, while taking a step back.

>"You're currently not in the condition to face any danger."
She holds her hand towards me.
>"Just give me the key and everything will be ok."
No. 248567 ID: 5c4201

get that table between you two.
No. 248572 ID: 1854db

...why is everyone being so paranoid? Remember last time you did something like this? You thought Isabel was 'being controlled by darkness' and it turned out she was just scared of the MONSTER.

Right now I would suggest just handing over the key and inspecting the piece of paper. What's she gonna do, stab you with the key? It's not like we're giving her our knife!
No. 248610 ID: d4cdb7

It could be because of the dim lighting, the ominous bloody table, the paper in the corner and the face she was making when we first entered.

Either way, might as well give her the key.
No. 248615 ID: 1854db


See if any of the keys fit your mask before you give them to her.
No. 248625 ID: d4cdb7

No, hand her the keys and ask if she thinks any fit your mask. We dont want to seem any more suspicious around her or she might freak out.
No. 248933 ID: d07dc3
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I take out the key and before I'm even able to have a closer look on it, she grabs it out of my hands. She turns around and starts walking to a table in one of the room's dark corners.

"Hey, do you think one of the keys might open my mask?" I ask.

>"What? ... No, no. I don't think so."
She doesn't even look up as she answers me.
>"We can't be bothered with trivialities now anyway. I'm going to make some final preparations. Be ready for departure in a few moments."
No. 248936 ID: d07dc3
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She starts working something in the back of the room. I unfold the crumbled piece of paper. It's some kind of list.
>'Test 2.33 - failure - both subjects eliminated; Test 2.34 - failure - both subjects eliminated;...'
It goes on like. The only variations are the two last entries.
>'Test 6.35 - success - subject and avatar stable, increase of mental responses ; Test 6.36 - due to the stolen data, selftest will be preponed to tomorrow.'
No. 248949 ID: 1854db

I wonder if test 6.35 is you? It sounds like 6.36 created the Monster due to someone doing the... whatever on THEMSELVES. Crazy fucker.

Inspect the trash can then see if you can find out what the lady's doing with those keys.
No. 248962 ID: 629808

We've got eyes dont we? We can watch her while you check the place out.
No. 248988 ID: d07dc3
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I can't see exactly what she's doing. It seems as if she's gathering some stuff she's stored back there.

Just in case something strange happens you should have an eye on her.

I examine the trashcan. It's filled with a lot of other documents. All of them have been torn to shreds, but I doubt I would have understood what was written on them anyway.
No. 249001 ID: 9c59c9

Wait, why the fuck is that poster bleeding?
No. 249025 ID: c4f34d

shit, yeah look at that.
No. 249047 ID: d07dc3
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The old cellotape breaks away from the wall almost instantly as I touch the poster, revealing what's behind it.
No. 249052 ID: 9c59c9

I think I speak for all of us when I say FFFFFFUUUUUCK.
Also, not to be an alarmist, but we ain't watching her right now. Replace poster, turn around.
No. 249062 ID: 7b475b

Turn around, be ready for anything. And I mean ANYTHING.
No. 249063 ID: 8851fd

god dammit, i TOLD you that something was wrong, but the rest of you thought everything was all a-okay!
No. 249099 ID: 1854db

Get the knife out, turn around and find out what she's doing.

I think this is more a case of her being inherently bad, not being taken over by something! Sheesh. If you had just said not to trust her I might've been a little more cooperative.
No. 249131 ID: 7b475b

Dont let her see the knife, though.
No. 249189 ID: fd6d7e

Can't be helped. You were always a sucker for a pretty face!
No. 249350 ID: 675305
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I spin around grabbing my knife. But my hands stay empty. Damned, now I remember. I've lost the knife when I fell and broke my leg. Now my manliness is the only reliable defense left.

>"Could you come over here for a moment. There's something I have to do before we depart."
she says, her back still turned towards me.
No. 249354 ID: 7232f7

This is a horror fakeout if I ever saw one.

Tell her "sure thing friend" and head right on over.
No. 249356 ID: cc851c

Say "Just a moment!" and sneak out through the door.
No. 249357 ID: 1854db

I support sneaking away. Let's see if we can get that knife back.
No. 249372 ID: 675305
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"Just a moment."

I grab you and sneak to the door. I press against it as hard as I can, but it doesn't move.

>"Where are you going? I've closed the door. We don't want any monster to come in here, do we. Now come here. Your bandage needs to be fixed or you'll bleed to death before we can reach the exit. I can help you. I'm a doctor after all."
No. 249373 ID: 701a19

Grab your leg
"Sorry, my broken leg is having muscle spasms so I can't walk right now. What do you need, though?"
No. 249375 ID: cc851c

Suggest flipping on the lights, as the dark has you understandably on edge.
No. 249376 ID: 1854db

Examine the bookcase. Maybe we can get the door behind it to open.
No. 249425 ID: 675305
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"Sorry, my broken leg won't let me walk at the moment. What do you want me to help you with?" I ask and try to move silently to the door behind the bookcase.

>"All I want to do is to treat your wounds. I have the proper materials right here. Also your leg appears to be working fine. You can't really sneak if your splint clicks with every step. Is there something wrong?"

"Well I'm just a little nervous in this dark room. Can't we turn on a brighter light?"

>"I'm sorry."
she says
>"I'm afraid I damaged the cables when I broke open the doors electric lock. But there's no reason to be nervous. I trusted you earlier, can't you trust me now? We don't have time for mutual mistrust, we have to treat your wounds and then head straight for the exit."
No. 249430 ID: 701a19

"Sorry, dark places make me paranoid. I'm not one to fear the dark, but I've met some violently malicious shadows. Also, if you want the truth, some of them are shape-shifters, so I can't tell if you are you or an impostor wearing your skin."
No. 249445 ID: 1854db

Ask her where all the blood came from.
No. 249449 ID: 675305
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"Sorry, dark places make me paranoid. I'm not one to fear the dark, but I've met some violently malicious shadows. Also, if you want the truth, some of them are shape-shifters, so I can't tell if you are you or an impostor wearing your skin. There are other things that turn me suspicious. Where did the blood come from for example?"

>"Listen! The blood was already here when I entered this room. I worked down here and I know that there are no such things as shapeshifters. That's something they didn't invent yet. But I can understand that you don't want to believe me. I can understand that this place drives you mad and paranoid."
She stocks for a moment and I can see her shivering.
>"This whole place makes you see monster everywhere you look, but you can't give in to this fear. The monster down here don't have to betray you. They're faster and stronger. If they want to kill you they'll just do it. You can't face them alone. Currently I am your only friend down here. I only want to help you because I might need your help to escape again. PLEASE! TRUST ME!"
No. 249454 ID: 1854db

Grab us and try the door behind the bookcase.

Ask her to come into the light if all she wants to do is fix the bandage. She doesn't need us to come to her.
No. 249459 ID: 5018f7

Just trust her.
No. 249505 ID: bf88fc

She's the only one who can help you.
No. 249506 ID: 24a9bd

Tell her if your leg needs bandaging, her legs work fine, can't she come to you so you don't lose more blood?
No. 249529 ID: fd6d7e

OK you're considering distrusting her while trapped in a room by her design and otherwise helpless to her devilish machinations. There was a dire warning left not to trust her, but the one who left it has given you no more reason to trust him than this lab assistant has given you to trust her. Notice they both said they're your only friend. I say trust her, with your knife out. You can't take much more betrayal since you're nearly as un-ambulatory as we are. Tell her we're all scared right now and the best thing to do is just calm down and take things carefully.
No. 249624 ID: 2563d4

The last time you thought someone helpful was turning against you you dragged them out in front of our grinning friend and ended up poisoning them hiding in a barrel.

Hobble forth already.
No. 249632 ID: e04dc8
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"Well, we're all a bit scared. Why don't you come over to me. It's brighter here and you don't have trouble walking."

She stands there a moment before she answers.

>"Ok... I was just a bit grossed out by the blood there. I'll come to you, just wait a moment while I gather the things I've prepared."

There's a moment of silnce before she carries on.

" There's one thing I'm wondering about though. Why are you asking me all this stuff the whole time? You're much more intelligent than the others. A bit too intelligent. You should just be a dumb little puppet with a memory span of some hours. What makes you ask all those questions?"
No. 249637 ID: e9f6d1

well, those are separate. when we met you you showed you were already intelligent. just we are helping give direction to you.
so tell her "i don't know, was just self aware one day i guess, and remember waiting in my cell for many days. but the one asking he questions is my friend here."
No. 249661 ID: 40cb26

Don't give up too much on that, just say you don't know why you are the way you are.
No. 249662 ID: 1854db

Better stuff us into your pack and play dumb. She might take us from you. Also I'm pretty sure you said you had memories from a long ways back, before you got us.
No. 249688 ID: a5038a

uuh, is she putting eyes on her face? What is that?
No. 249693 ID: 1854db

Glasses, silly. She wasn't wearing any before though. Strange.
No. 249697 ID: 701a19

"I have vague impressions of the past.
I used to be... something. A person, I think.

I have another friend around here. She's some kind of... dog person, I guess. She got poisoned, and somebody kidnapped her while I was trying to get supplies to help her. I hope she's ok..."
No. 249848 ID: 3f3745
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My memory contains indeed far more than the last two hours and my intellect was always far above standard. I strain my thoughts to see how far into the past i can see. I remember growing up in the french monastery as an orphan with a mysterious past ostracised by the other children, who were afraid of my superhuman intelligence and strenght. I remember how I went out into a world full of adventure and learned about my royal heritage. And I remember the hate in the eyes of my evil brother when he threw me into his dungeon, where I had to battle terrible monster to save both you and Isabel many a time.

But it would be the best not to tell her too much and not to tell her about you. I don't want to put you into danger.

"I have vague impressions of the past.
I used to be... something. A person, I think. I don't know why, but I have been this way as long as I can remember."

She turns around and steps closer.
>"...Interesting. It's as if there's a part acting as an advisor inside your brain. Something that tells you what to do and which questions to ask, who to trust and when to flee... something they searched for all this time..."
No. 249849 ID: 3f3745
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>"I wonder if I could find this part..."
No. 249851 ID: f5d873

"even if you do you wont be able to use the knowledge you gained. the monster will kill you and you will have earned nothing.
No. 249859 ID: 3f3745
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No. 249877 ID: 2563d4

Well, the good news is that she probably didn't cut up Herbert, since that blood is the wrong colour!

No. 250020 ID: a68470

He bleeds black, so lets hope.
No. 250031 ID: 701a19

"If a full team of scientists couldn't do it after this much time in a controlled laboratory setting then I really doubt you could do so here and now. Patience.
Oh, I've got a friend named Isabel. She was poisoned, then kidnapped, and I'm worried about her. Any idea where she might have been taken?"
No. 250053 ID: bf88fc

Noo crazy lady, noo!
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