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177882 No. 177882 ID: d1210a

[ First Thread: http://www3.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/83524.html ]
[ Second Thread: http://www3.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/142119.html ]
[ Third Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/156884.html ]

[ Discussion Thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/316616.html ]


.................................................................PERSPECTIVE SHIFT.................................................................

In a place where the physical is immaterial and nothing is to be seen, voices speak.

>"So, after all the comments about how deplorable my losing an apprentice and cats-paw army both were, you end up trumping me, by losing TWO apprentices and TWO armies.... Oh, and you lost access to two outposts, and all the materials within. Now, who is it that needs to spend more time preparing and monitoring their minions?"
"I admit I did not take your warnings to heart, and this is my reward for that over-confidence. Now, can we move past your incessant need to delight in my every error? This is clearly a larger issue than we had surmised."
>"Oh, so now you agree that we need to deal with this, rather than brushing my earlier warnings off? My, how magnanimous of you, to become concerned only when your own holdings are threatened."
"Enough Eisenhardt. You heard Dulu's report the same as I."
>"...True enough. ...Speaking of Dulu, what are you going to do with his Soul?"
"He has been a loyal servant to us both since we hired him, and his hate for his killer has added some rather interesting tones and gradients to the complexity of his Soul. In fact, I think I might-"
>"How many times must I tell you I have no interest in Soul Magic? The abridged version, if you can manage that, I have no interest in being a student to you."
"...Suffice to say, I have plans for him. But beyond that.... who is this 'Mordre'? I have never heard of a mage by that name, nor has anyone I contacted in the Mortal Coil."
>"You know as well as I they do not know everything."
"Yes, but a mage that found a Soul Grave, devised a means to control it without his presence being required.... oh, and did I mention, Dulu reported that the Soul Grave is now capable of crafting short lived constructs forged of Soulfire."
>"...Did you confirm his report? The golem had far less advanced enchantments when it slew my apprentice."
>"..Of course you verified it. Well, we already knew that this was a threat we had to deal with, so how does this change anything?"
"We need to re-prioritize. Until we deal with this mage, this 'Mordre,' I suspect we shall continue to suffer setbacks. Or do you disagree?"
>"....Heh...heheh... HAH! Oh, count me in, I find myself in possession of a great deal of frustration, and I would rather enjoy the chance to work off some stress.... on a metal foe mayhap? But how do you plan to find the mage himself? The Soul Grave is not the only resource at his disposal."
"Let's say that Dulu had a rather interesting revelation, and that once he is corporeal again, he has every confidence he can track down this obstacle to it's source."
>"Always with the secrets.... so, the Soul Grave itself is mine to deal with, then?"
"....As you wish, but do try to leave it relatively intact, you-"
>"Yes, yes, I know how valuable a Soul Grave is, I shall try to not break it TOO badly.... Well.... this should be fun."

.................................................................PERSPECTIVE SHIFT: MORDRE.................................................................

[DAY 80]

The journey back to Kyogrock Arcanoworks is uneventful, a thankful change of pace, and most of the journey is spent running the Premen through more language drills to put them ever closer to becoming bilingual as we march. We reach Berluut with several hours of light left, and continue onwards to the north, picking up our pace, to reach the Arcanoworks a little less than an hour after the sun sets. Spying our return, the gates are thrown open by the militia.... with Ugrokk and Jojo both waiting to welcome us back within the well-lit interior of the Arcanoworks, torches now cut and fitted into the previously empty slots for them about the area, providing ample light even at night.

While Jojo looks fatigued, Ugrokk is quite the opposite, his color much improved and no longer favoring his wounded side. I also note the leathers he wears under his breastplate have been repaired, with only the warped metal of his cuirass to leave evidence he was ever wounded. Oggroth immediately begins babbling to the two of them with a second hand tale of my struggle against Dulu, Balboa and the rebels, and of the glory and spoils alike I gained. While Ugrokk seems to share Oggroth the Mountain's sentiments in being regretful he missed such an exchange, Jojo seems more curious about the corpse I carry. I explain my desire to restore the skin to wholeness, and Balboa's body drifts out of my hand, floating alongside Jojo as he wanders off, muttering that he'll see what he can do.

I approach the central tower of the Arcanoworks, and carefully place the rest of my spoils upon the ground neatly. As Arkus becomes visible making his way down the stares to meet me, I appraise what I brought:

-A warped Skyfall cannon with intact runes
-Dulu's morphic staff
-15 Blood-Togas
-1 Blood-Cloak
-14 runed swords
-1 heavily runed cleaver with lightning engravings
-~70 pounds of Blood Iron
-Balboa's backpack (unsearched)
-Six hand-cannons (All 108 functional hand-cannons now in your possession)

As the Premen continue to banter outside the tower, Arkus makes his way to my side, carefully stepping around Moss Withermane, the newly titled wood creature that has been following me, to make a report.

"Right, well, I think I have a pretty solid grasp of what kind of texts are where in this tower, so I should be able to finally answer whether we have something on 'subject x' or whatnot.... ah, and so far, I've been able to figure out the locations of two leyline junctions not too far from here, where World Motes would be likely to appear. There's one almost straight north, about two days distant, and one that looks to be about a half day south of Trekel ....Oh hey, what’s all this stuff?"

"The spoils of war. I desire their workings to be deciphered."

"Uh, sure thing... which thing do you want me to look at first? I mean, if I try to experiment with all of this, it could take a whole lot longer to have results, so if there is a particular item or two you really want to know about right now, let me know so I can prioritize them."

Before I can respond, Derkin pushes past the Premen outside the tower, and makes his own report, after warily stepping wide about Moss, who promptly starts to follow him with it's tongue of roots hanging out of it's beak. As Derkin continues to walk away from Moss, he speaks.

"...Okay, so I've been looking through the militia like you asked, seeking other... creative, I guess, individuals who could be part of a.... 'problem solving' group... what did you call them, special operations or summat? Anyway, surprise surprise, Ulzrick is looking like the best candidate by a fair margin, even if his stamina is currently shit., I can’t fault that bugger’s mind, a right crafty one, him... though there are two others, a woman named Ellorika, and a guy named Vespinto who both look promising, just not AS promising.... other than that, no one has yet seemed all that remarkable. Anyway, I've been giving them some lessons in leadership, a couple bouts of more advanced sparring, all that, and they seem to be doing well. So.... what do you want me to do with them, just keep teaching them how to lead and fight better?"

Now that I am back within the walls of my home, I once more find myself with a plethora of events to manage.... and with the State warmage Densly having warned me that representatives of the Azelhaedran State will come not just to Trepany, but also to the Arcanoworks to 'assess us', as he phrased it, I imagine I should firmly iron out what tasks are most important to see undertaken, if I want to ensure their completion before the inevitable arrival of said State representatives.

Which of my spoils from the recent fight should I have Arkus look at first (refer to list of spoils in this post)?
What questions should I ask Derkin about the three special ops candidates, and what should I suggest for their training?
Beyond that, what else should I do?
946 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 185503 ID: d92260

Why in gods name would you give her one of Gavrock's Relics, they damn near cost us half our spending money! Plus we don't even know what she can DO besides swing around on imaginary grapple points. The rest of the deal I'm fine with, but don't give away our investment, dude. Science and technology working together will open new paths towards greatneaa, and the relics of Gavrock will provide the first step for further delvinga into magitech.
No. 185504 ID: 88a091

It was 110 marks for a return boat-trip. 200 marks is not going to be enough for an assassination. Several thousand would probably be more suited.
No. 185510 ID: d3dfb8

You could probably have any ol' joe assassinated for 50 marks, a possible archmage? 200 isnt enough
No. 185521 ID: 6164e0

[You are ze crazy man, ze anti-golem cannon vas not at any time fired at ze Small Tomb captain, or otherwise involved in ze limb-loss therein. Ze limb loss was due to ze blades of ze launcher, und as such, Ozmand’s soul was uninvolved. It has at no point malfunctioned. Again, ze crazy, crazy man. Zis has been a public service announcement, from ze Sigmund Freud, who cautions you to carefully read ze posts, before ze theories are to be being made.]

”Ah, but that is two questions Ellayia, I could not answer both. But further, I would rather gain knowledge, Not Weinsho’s indirect death. Perhaps you could spy on him?”

“Ah, rather do the deed yourself? Gah, I bet you want his blood or his soul or his skin or SOMETHING, you mage types have some downright creepy things you do…. Well, spying? Okay, I could work with that. But if the opportunity presented itself, you would pay more for the assassination, yes?”

”Of course, but my primary concern is still information, So I would not encourage reckless acts: Strike ONLY if you can be sure of his death.”

“Well well well, would you look at that, a reasonable assassination attempt, have you done this before? Eh, whatever. No disguising the fact orders like those are preferential to me… ah, I guess that’d make for a discount, if I want to stay fair in my business dealings… ugh, hate being fair, soooo boring! Hmm… Okay, got any general ideas of where to look for the guy? Last I heard, Weinsho had fallen off the face of the earth oh.. ‘bout two years ago. No more public appearances, didn’t attend functions or anything. Given that, the trail is probably going to be right proper cold by now. So, if you want me to get to spying faster…. And knock more off the price for making my job easier… mind giving me your thoughts on where I should start looking for Weinsho? Or anything I’d need to know about him, in terms of stalking him, or potentially trying to end him?”

As I consider the possible merits of attempting to hire Ellayia to hunt down more mages skins for me, I think of what I may know about Weinsho, and what information I could offer. Concurrently, I also think of how I could explain the need for unbroken skins in any way that would not attract her further curiosity, if such a thing is possible. But most importantly, I think about what kind of prices I should quote to her, for assorted jobs. I recal a mark being roughly the equivalent of a head of cattle in worth, and that Verther, the Duran bandit king, had a bounty of 500 marks on his head, and I sincerely doubt Weinsho could be classified in the same range of threat or challenge. For a moment I consider offering 200 marks and one of the Twins of Gavrock, but I find myself immediately second guessing the very notion. Hmm…

What should I say? Where could I point Ellayia to for beginning investigation into Weinsho?
Further, what kind of rewards should I offer her for Weinsho’s death, unbroken skin, or information on his actions [If using gems as rewards, please recall gems can vary wildly in size, so classify gem reward in carats]?
No. 185523 ID: 427807

hmm, true. Either she can physically change her form, or she has devices for that, could be connected to the many small tools she always carries with her. Perhaps we should ask her what those are about?

Also, she may possibly not be dulu, but i still don't entirely trust her...
No. 185524 ID: d8aeff

how about 500 marks and a useful magical item if the archmage is dead within a year. if she can bring both proof of Weinshos death and his notes/books within the next year she can have the marks, a bunch of magic items(mini-golem cannon, blood toga, ect.) and some rubies too. if she accept warn her of his possible metal, blood and soul detecting powers. if we have some left give her a bit of that anti magic metal (black steel?) to use for stealth and defence.
No. 185530 ID: d8aeff

> how about 500 marks and a useful magical item for spying on Weinsho. if she can kill Weinsho and mabey grab his notes/books she can have the marks, a bunch of magic items(mini-golem cannon, blood toga, ect.) and some rubies too. if she accept warn her of his possible metal, blood and soul detecting powers. if we have some left give her a bit of that anti magic metal (black steel?) to use for stealth and defence. as for location tell her about the mage one of our scouts spotted in the forrest after killing the would be bandit king.

changed to this after seeing your post Bob.
No. 185531 ID: d3dfb8

Alas, I appear to be strapped for time. If you are interested in helping me resolve my little issue with Weinsho meet me at the Kyogrock Arcanoworks in the Azelhaedran State.
I assume you will be the one lying prone on a rooftop.
No. 185535 ID: e31d52

>Or anything I’d need to know about him, in terms of stalking him, or potentially trying to end him?
"First of all, he can sense blood and iron, and manipulate it with ease. I do not doubt he could pull the very blood from thy veins, the dagger from thy hands. It is my suggestion that conventional methods may prove impossible, young lady."
No. 185538 ID: 2c678f

Ah right. Reread the post, the AGC was reloaded and a AVB launched in the same sentence, got my wires crossed.

And lol.
No. 185539 ID: e31d52

Going to post prices for mage skins in the /disc/ thread. one moment.
No. 185541 ID: 07fd71

yeah, this. we should get moving, and probably stop offering to pay people money we don't actually have to spare.
No. 185546 ID: e31d52

Part of me wanted to offer an amount that was large but not impossible, then kill her when she brings us Dulu and the skin, for blood iron and a hero soul, and say she died to an unfortunate accident.

But that'd be mean.
No. 185549 ID: d3dfb8

On one hand we are a sentient being that condemns others souls to a horrific burning end in a soulfire furnace.

On the other hand...

ok, well even with the whole soul grave thing going that doesn't mean our word isn't good.
No. 185559 ID: d8aeff


2 things, if we want an empire were going to need a trust worthy word. and while we are running low on coin at the moment it does not mean we will be pennyless when it comes time to pay her.
No. 185632 ID: 24f7a7

And a pointless loss or resources. We have a semi-nice assassin/scout who we should be ahble to hire with ease. THis is not something you kill because you want the money back. This is somethign you make money to get.
No. 185680 ID: 6164e0

My thoughts turn to the mage Ugrokk saw in the woods, and I wonder if this might be Weinsho. Coupling that with what memories I pulled from Balboa and Daobo each when I consumed their souls, I try to put together a general picture of what Weinsho may be capable of….
”Hm, well of Weinsho’s capabilities, I know him to have command over Blood magic, Able to sense you the same as I, And quite capable of pulling blood from your veins, Should he detect you. Conventional methods could prove impossible, And it is for that reason I suggest spying instead. In any event, I believe that the forests of Duras, Near the city of Hletwa, would be the best place to start, I believe the recent bandit trouble there to originate with Weinsho.”

“Ho-hummm….. Well, alright, a decent starting place. And your emphasis on safety has been noted. Now, let’s talk price, unless you want to keep this hypothetical.”

”500 marks and a magic weapon of your choosing, Should you return with useful information on Weinsho. Further, if you can manage to kill him, well…. Suffice to say I will reward you most handsomely.”

“Hm… 500’s a fair bit, and a magic trinket from someone with Soul Graves and whatnot sounds rather nice, along with the implicit association I get with you, for further business, so there’s that too… buuuuuut nah, from how you phrased this Weinsho, he sounds like a real tricky customer, and for someone like that I think a bit more would be required for me to take the job. Now, since you went to the trouble of telling me all this, I’ll agree to not say a word to Weinsho, or seek employment from him… well, unless he has me by some ‘serve me or die suffering’ type dealie, you know how mages can be sometimes, there’s always SOMEONE who mucks about with mind control and other stuff like that…. Anyway, you’ll have to do better to get my interest.

”Sadly, I am operating under several time constraints, So I cannot stay to negotiate or communicate as I’d like. As such, if you still have an interest in me, or this job, Come seek me out at the Kyogrock Arcanoworks, In the Azelhaedran State, I’m sure you’ll find me.”

“Aw, no more time to chat now? Ooookaaaay… But yes, I’d say chances are good you’ll manage to run into me in the near future. …Ah, and if you think I am going to simply run off to signify the end of the conversation, gueeeess again! I feel like a nap, so…. Yeah, have fun hauling crates.”

I walk away from the docks, back into Jezebel’s shop, ad once more carefully stack contraptions about my body, magnetizing them to my form as appropriate, and work my way back out to the ship for even more careful unloading, as this time Jezebel comes with me, fussing over the placement of her every object. Considerable daylight is lost as dusk draws ever nearer, but thankfully meeting Jezebel’s exacting needs for securing and stacking her materials and equipment takes long enough that I hear a familiar voice crack across the length of the dock, many flinching away from it’s sheer volume.

“Hah-hah, it seems you found further transportation, how very MARVELOUS!! …Oh-ho, and it seems lady Jezebel has decided to-“
>”Oh can it you loud mouth, there’s no need to be that audible, or for you to try to shatter our eardrums!”
“Ah, my apologies lady Jeze-“
>”And stop calling me ‘Lady’ Jezebel, I don’t have a noble title, nor an interest in one, so you will refer to me as MISS Jezebel.”
“…WELL, Donwick Dregas, may I introduce miss Jezebel, a capable inventor who also seems to be accepting work with Mordre.”

As Keddic dumps Jezebel on Dregas to deal with, I take a moment to bring him up to speed on how we are getting back to the mainland. With everyone here, we actually manage to get both ships into the water, Fragellus’ ship bearing Keddic, Moss, Myself and my personal items, while the Storm Bitch carries Jezebel, her ten tons of equipment, Lord Dregas and Geodiaz the clay golem. We are quickly forced to sail at night as the sun vanishes shortly after leaving port, but between the two ship captains, they maage to maintain a steady course back to the mainland. During the trip, I consume the last of my metal rations, reforging the Anti-Golem Cannon, incorporating the designs I saw at Dimmond’s workshop. The process is slow, and takes the entirety of the darkened hours of the trip, but I find myself visually stimulated by watching the miles high, seemingly endless wall of viciously turbulent stormclouds wreathed in perpetual lightning that dominate the seas any distance from land. By the time we reach the port, I finish my modifications, and set to offloading Jezebel’s goods along with Keddic and Dregas with Geodiaz. The Storm Bitch rather curiously sets back off to see the moment our last piece of cargo is off, and Fragellus tips his hat to us as he makes his own way below deck, likely seeking sleep at this relatively late hour.

[The Anti-Golem Cannon holds six total shots at full capacity, and can regenerate shots in empty cylinders simultaneously! Max repeat fire speed: unknown. In all other formats equal to prior iteration of cannon.]

Okay, we are back on the mainland, and all together, late at night in a busy port town, with most of the larger buildings still lit.

What should I look for, and what should I do?
No. 185682 ID: e31d52

Tell Keddic that you MUST hurry back to meet the state official, give him moneys to buy a cart for all our new crap, and ZOOM!
No. 185688 ID: dcd7da

We are definitely gonna need more than a cart... how about hiring a caravan?

I do believe that between Keddic and Jezebel, this stuff can get done. If Keddic wants to come with us (and I can appreciate that) just tell moss to lead Jez and the others to you when everything is ready... and give him a pat before you go.
No. 185689 ID: 275a5d

"I must make haste, lest the State inspectors arrive at the Arcanoworks before myself. And that would simply not do.

*Count out half our remaining funds*

Keddic, do you believe you can arrange transportation for the cargo with this, and lead our good compatriots to the facility?

Between yourself and Lord Dregas' Geodiaz, I believe safety will be little issue."
No. 185703 ID: 24f7a7

Note: We are now good-ish Megatron. This is awesome. Note-to-self: Find Soundwave. Kill Starscream.

ANyway, durnign the boat ride we should bring Keddic up to date on everything that happened. The mob boss, the assassin, and the payments giving to us and made to the assassin.

When we get to port, we should first make sure that everything offloads properly and there hasn't been a killing on the Storm Bitch. Then we should take everything important: The Twins of Gavrock, the Sword of Diozagrath, and the two items made by Antoledo Gialgorra, the unknown Relic of Gavrock. Tell Keddic that he will be leading everyone else back, as we simply must get back before the State repesentive. Tell him not to mind the girl, and try and to work some good will into her and some resepct to her elders. Give him a good have to 3/4 of the funds to pay for a caravan/wagon back, whichever is easiest, while we book it back to get home as quick as we damn well can.
No. 185706 ID: 903f16


Let's have Keddic hire a caravan to haul the supplies like suggested above. We can charge off to the base with Moss while he and our golem operator follow the caravan.

While we run we should remark at how profitable our trip to the islands was. We gained several magical items, upgraded our cannon, transformed our entire form into a high quality steel, acquired a clay golem, and potentially made two valuable allies (Gialgorra and The Assassin).
No. 185708 ID: 24f7a7

Are...we telling this to Moss? I mean, nto to sound like an insentive ass to the little guy, but I don't think he really cares.
No. 185711 ID: 903f16

Not really, just more or less to ourselves. Probably should have said think to our self rather than remark. Either way that part really doesn't matter.
No. 185715 ID: dcd7da

Great, now we need some "Moss doesn't care" fan art too. Good going man >.>
No. 185744 ID: 6164e0

”Well, as I still have to receive those State officials, I think I shall have to head along ahead back to the Arcanoworks. Keddic, could you take care of securing a caravan to move all this? Between you and Dregas, I doubt you’ll need protection, So only transportation should be needed, yes?”

“Hah, should be no issue at all! Who knows, we may catch up to you, depending on how much you sleep on the route back.”

[BAG O’ GOLD given to Keddic, who now possesses the 473 Marks Mordre still had on hand.]

”I’ve managed to get this to home on the Arcanoworks even without my attendance, So I believe I may make just as good of time on the way back as we did coming here. “

I make some brief farewells to my new hires, and set out, trekking into the night. Moss lopes along contentedly beside me, periodically leaping forth, snapping at the air in play. I continue to run in silence, amused by Moss’ antics as we race ever East.

[DAY 88]

As the day slowly dawns, I ruminate aloud about my recent gains, deciding on a whim to confide in Moss.

”I must admit this recent venture to have been quite profitable. Besides gaining this improvement to my Anti-Golem cannon, I was reforged in a superior alloy, able to gain a runed clay golem, And a golem operator with a lordly upbringing to boot, As well as an inventor along with her entire shop’s worth of trinkets. I have gained a magical sword of some potency, and these pistols of Gavrock. Oh, and there is the comraderie I established with Gialgorra, A man with rather considerable resources at his disposal… All in all, a most rewarding venture indeed.”

I see Moss’ eyes, softly glowing in the night, affix themselves on me even as he runs, the creature directing a Unicode stare in my direction, as if questioning why I would even presume to think Moss cares, even in the slightest, about such matters. After all, for a being who seems to have had the issue of hunger completely solved, what could bother Moss in it’s day to day life? An interesting thought. The rest of the day passes in peaceful travel, bounding across the land without anything occurring, and soon enough it is night once again, though I pay the change in lighting no mind, and simply continue to run, all of my Magnetomancy still directed inwards to irk every bit of speed out of myself as possible… but with Diozagrath’s sword about, the going is somewhat hard, as I find myself overbalanced. I note my speed is somewhat dulled thanks to this misbalance. The day ends as I continue to ponder this dilemma, as I sense tin beneath the ground and tear forth some metal to consume (In my haste to travel, I had neglected to procure more supplies, a pity). Now, I am fed, and have some thirteen more pounds of metal, I should be fine for another 50 or more hours of optimal function. I resume travel, Moss relieved to once more be in motion.

[DAY 89]

Moss and I re-enter the Cursed lands about Mosmordre’s ruins, but nothing seems to give us issue, and the day transitions through morning, noon and on into night without incident as I nibble at the tin I harvested.

[DAY 90]
[-1 Soul monthly upkeep. Souls remaining: 549 Minimum: 12]

Mid-day Moss and I exit the lands blighted by the Curse, but not before I manage to snag another dozen pounds of copper, now fully supplied for the rest of the trip back to the Arcanoworks. For variety, I try mixing the tin and copper, but otherwise the day is uneventful, spent unceasingly traveling the same as those before. It is some time after dusk when we enter Duran land, a fact I am thankful for with their laws against Soul Graves. …I wonder if I shall ever be caught in one of my frequent excursions across their land…

[DAY 91]

Late morning I reach the Azelhaedran state, cutting a more direct route back to the Arcanoworks in an effort to offset the loss in speed due to Diozagrath’s rather weighty cleaver, still cradled in the Sable Executioner. It is nearly midnight when Moss and I finally arrive at the front gates of Kyogrock Arcanoworks, already opening at the hands of the Militia within…. Among which I note many new faces. ….Could those new recruits I had asked for finally arrive? Hmm…. I note several sparing curious looks at me, and realize they are only now seeing my altered form, different enough from it prior incarnation to warrant notice.

I do not see any of my lieutenants, though considering the hour that is not surprising. Well, either way, I am home, and Keddic shall be arriving at some point with the rest of my spoils from this venture.

What should I do, should I seek someone out to speak to, or should I wait until morning? [Currently almost midnight.]
No. 185745 ID: e31d52

Do something. Lack of activity is a bad idea when we do not tire.

Ask Moss to go get Arkus. This is prime time to speak privately with him. Something I want to tell him.

I'll put it here for the time being.

"Arkus, it has been a long time since we have met. In that time you have served me admirably. As I understand it, it is customary to exchange gifts on the date of one's birth in the year. Now, I do not know your birth, so please excuse my presumption, but I daresay you have been born anew as a result of our time together. With that in mind... I have a gift for you. Keddic will be arriving in some time with a large amount of goods. Within these goods are a package of arcane books from someone I helped save, of the Mortal Coil. They are yours now, Arkus."

Pause akwardly.

"Happy, er, birthday, my servant."

Shooting for SOAP here.
No. 185755 ID: c00244
File 127529183911.png - (49.71KB , 529x494 , mordresword.png )

We got slowed down because we spent days carrying around our sword in hand? Argh.

Please implement the bracket-sheath design as described in >>/questdis/326193; make general modifications as necessary to retain torso movement. This last is probably a useless gesture, but put little spikes on the catches so that anyone climbing them will slash up their hand.
No. 185756 ID: 1ac39d

wait... the sword itself is none magnetic but you could wrap a magnetic metal around the handle and hilt enabling you to just magnetize it to yourself.
No. 185759 ID: 427807

Haha this is awesome!
Also, didn't we ask him to chop wood with his magic axe, hoping is would randomly do something? Lets see if it actually did

We should do some mundane activity after to pass time until the premen are up, and discuss with them the changes to come. Also, find derkin and ask for an update.
No. 185762 ID: 445c48

I think we got him to chop dat wood not for anything random but just to bulk him up.
No. 185766 ID: 275a5d

Something like this, but there is no need to force Arkus awake when we left him with a pretty busy schedule. Let the man sleep.

"Ah, excellent, now that everyones awake, I need a report on the current state of affairs."

To Arkus:

"Now, as you'll recall, I do believe we had something of an agreement. In my little venture, I managed to acquire more than a few goods and services, one of which is meant specifically for you. Piecing together what little knowledge can be managed from random tomes has been a rather tedious affair, I can imagine, so I've managed to acquire a text or two from one Mage Wendelin, specifically of the sort designed to train Mortal Coil wizards in some of the aspects of the arts. I thought you would like such.

Oh, but, as per the agreement made in good faith for those texts, do keep our good mages' name to yourself."
No. 185767 ID: 275a5d

To Derkin:

"How goes the training of the recruits, specifically Ulzrick, Ellorika, and Vespinto?"

To Jojo:

"Any luck with the matter I asked you about?"

In general:

"We will need to make sure there is some space cleared within the Arcanoworks for an engineer and inventor whose services I procured. Some 10 tonnes of incoming equipment, all told.

Additionally, I've been ruminating on the problem of establishing a sustained line of income. Arkus, how long do you think it would take before we were set to manufacture weapons like the ones found when we first took the works? And Jojo, I don't suspect Lorgk would be averse to my request, but just in case, would Mordreden be willing to establish a trade with the Arcanoworks - rubies in exchange for weaponry and such?"
No. 185825 ID: 24f7a7

Remember: It -is- midnight. I don't know if we should ham it up too too much, because, you know, sleeping.
No. 185898 ID: 427807

which is why the plan is to wait until morning, THEN interact
No. 185922 ID: 275a5d

Indeed, which is why I suggested waiting. In the meantime, inspect the grounds. find out what changes have been wrought.
No. 185925 ID: 24f7a7

I actually just read >>185745 and went 'this is a bad idea'. I didn't get a chance to read anything else as it was also midnight for me to and, you know, sleep.

Anyway, I think we should greet our militia that opened the door, ask if the state inspector has been around and then, tell them to be quiet about us having arrived. Ask them if they have any cotton or fluff we could borrow and, as I doubt they would have some we could just use, sigh then run out to the trees. Scrounge up a snowy white beard - or just a beard - and a red cone - or just a large cone. Come morning, act as Father Christmas. "HOHOHO! I have come bearing gifts! Arkus! Come here, I have books to give you! Hohoh..." WHen anyone asks about -their- present...act down cast and sigh and fidget. "I seem to have forgotton...erm. It is mostly large magical items and an impressive haul of technological equiptment. I did get you a enginner and inventor and another Golem User, ah...hah...yes. Forgive me, it's winter time here and I felt in the mood."
No. 185933 ID: 445c48

This is extremely silly!
No. 185937 ID: 07fd71

What is this I don't even
No. 185939 ID: 275a5d

We don't have the items with us, is the problem
No. 185941 ID: 24f7a7

I thought we did. Well, even hammier! 'I...seem to have forgotten all of the intresting items. I brought a sword!"
No. 185948 ID: 275a5d

That just seems like getting everyones hopes up, then bringing them down.
No. 185950 ID: 24f7a7

Yeah, you're right. Sorry, just silly 'you know what would make a great ham' thought. If we -do- have anything other then our sword on us, it might be good but if not...yeah, lets just check to make sure the State inspector hasn't been around, and see what work has been done and how everyone is holding up. Introduce ourselves as quietly as we can as the mage Mordre and that we've upgraded ourselves.
No. 185967 ID: a9e486

I sorta agree with your original idea better. That way if state inspectors are there you can catch them off guard and if they aren't you can have some delightful surprises for your friends. At least some despite not having everything with you.
No. 185968 ID: dcd7da

No. 185977 ID: db42d1

In less capital letters and less, you know, demanding. Because we've already gotten one unicode stare and not more then a week ago. Anyway, lets not pester Arkus too much as we, well, gave him more then a full plate when we left. Give him some time off, I'd guess, and look at what Arkus has finished since we've been away.
I'm personally more intrested in how the roads are coming and if the station has been built up any or not.
No. 185991 ID: d1210a
File 127534463781.jpg - (28.85KB , 330x400 , Arcanoworks Gains Blacksmithing.jpg )

[Since the caravan may not arrive for some time, putting this on hold until the documents are in Mordre's hand]

I consider myself a fool as a simple set of blocks and bracket-sheaths come to mind as a minimalist and simply formed all-metal carrying method for Diozagrath's cleaver. I start rebuilding my form, confident in finishing the relatively simple modifications as I consume the last bit of foraged resources. I estimate this shall take me no longer than thirty minutes, to make the necessary modification to the largely immovable mass of my upper chest, avoiding the interlocked plates about my lower torso for, unsurprisingly, torsion. Soon I should have a balanced method of keeping Diozagrath's Cleaver on my personage, without occupying one of my limbs constantly.

I motion to the men to resume their duties, as I walk a short circuit of the Arcanoworks, several changes evidencing themselves:

--Outside the wall, on either side of the gate is a stable and guardhouse alike, now staffed with some dozen personnel each that I can see, lights still kindled. The wood for these stables came from where once a shantytown was built against the wall. Now, nothing is in direct contact with the walls of the keep, the ground clear of obstruction.
--The five fields inside are finally showing results, several crops starting to grow quite readily, and the five stone buildings show filled beds nearly everywhere I look. All said and done, I spot a total of two hundred eighty individuals, either through windows or on active duty, and I feel certain there are more. My numbers seem to have swelled considerably..... and so shall my food needs.
--Which thankfully do not seem to be an issue. Within the walls, a wooden warehouse has likewise been assembled from the deconstructed shantytown, and is stocked with food I am told is from Shellik, Trepany and Glenston. There is little danger of starvation here, and the wells have been providing water without end.
--I note the walls and five sentry towers about the Arcanoworks to now be staffed with three dozen personnel, each armed with a hand-cannon. I also note the sentry tower opposite of the gates to now have a newly restored Skyfall Cannon sitting within, and a dozen metal shells stacked on either side of it, four soldiers about it at any given time.

[DAY 92]

I content myself with these discoveries and stop moving in the early morning hours, and wait for dawn to come, and with it the waking of those I need to speak with. Sure enough, as the day begins I find Derkin come to peer at me suspiciously, before promptly nodding and darting off. A few minutes later, Derkin, Oggroth, Ugrokk, Oggroth, Jojo, Ulzrick and two other militia members, I presume Ellorika and Vespinto, all make their way to stand before me. Arkus seems to still be inside the tower at the moment... Hm, I shall leave telling him for later, as information about Wendelin's gift is to be treated as confidential, if I am to honor our arrangement. Once everyone forms up, I give them brief explanation, to expect Keddic in the near future with both an inventor and a golem operator (golem included). I do not mention the caravan will bring Mage Wendelin's pack, filled with instructions and explanations of runework, and instead ask if the State inspectors have arrived. After hearing they have not, I am informed of the changes to the Arcanoworks, and I take note of the information I had not already deduced.

--The Arcanoworks now has a permanent staff of 340 Personnel, But only 100 of them have had more than a few weeks of training in martial craft. Derkin has been working on it with some of those that remained after the bulk of the 60 loaned militia left. The Arcanoworks staff is now comprised of people drawn from Trepany, Trekel, Glenston, Shellik and several refugees, and are all in their early adult years, with no preexisting impairments, as far as I can tell. They are apparently mine to keep, happy to work for a mage (Again I am grateful for the choice to come to a land that honors mages and to enact a persona of heroism, as it is paying off in spades), a bed and steady food. As it is, they still are not asking for pay, which considering the relatively easy work, the quality of living conditions they found, and the amount of local fame I seem to be acquiring, it is not all that surprising.

--five of the new personnel had pre-existing experience with blacksmithing, and have restored the smithing equipment and facilities within the central tower to functionality, the first floor now cleared of books (I am told they were moved to a higher floor), and only the crucible of 1,500 gallons of morphic fluid accompanies the metalworking equipment. A full three forges are worked into the walls, apparently having been behind some of the book-cases. No one is sure where the smoke goes, as nothing emanates from the tower when the use them. Likewise, even though they are open staircases, the sound of smithing does not pass the first floor, or escape the tower, though again they are not sure how this came to be.

--An exceedingly strange individual stopped by, calling himself Magnum Bang The Human Dynamo, Annihilator Of Armies, Smasher Of Sieges, Cracker Of Castles stopped by, demanding to know if there were any disasters or currently active battles he could attend to. Even stranger, he left without issue or comment or issue when told there was nothing pressing in the immediate area. This was two days ago.

--Roads now extend cleanly from the gates and on into the forest, reclaiming old merchant paths. Thus far it has reached Shellik, who had been working from their end as well. After travel between the two places got markedly faster, the other roads have had construction increased, but no other places are directly connected yet, as every town labors to extend roads towards their neighbors. It is expected that Trepany will have an direct road running past Shellik and on to the Arcanoworks in the next two or three days. People have been noted as starting to prepare for the coming roads, getting ready for more prolific trading.

--The four Premen sent to bring Verther's skin to Kyorto then journey to Mordreden have returned, builder and shaman both with them, who are introduced to me as Bokk the Maker and Krump the Shaman, who have been eagerly awaiting my return, after all that they have seen and heard from the other Premen here.
[Premen forces restored to full fighting force + 2! [25 total]]

As the reports on the capabilities of the Arcanoworks in general conclude, I start addressing individual people, giving orders and seeking updates alike.

""Derkin, how goes the training of the recruits, specifically Ulzrick, Ellorika, and Vespinto there?"

"Pretty well, actually. Ellorika here's been doing superb at the pep-talk, inspiring people thing, pretty good at getting your blood up, a useful trait in a leader. Pretty good at direct martial craft... not so much on the sneaky stuff. Vespinto's a mad fine hand with... well, anything with an edge, really, the lad has a knack. He can stay hidden, and can irk information out of people.... but not so hot at the field tactics. Ulzrick here, pssh I swear he can get anywhere, guy most have a collapsible chest or something, but anyway the sneakiest of the lot, despite being the biggest. He's got a good grasp of tactics, and he fights creatively, always a useful thing.... but he just isn't that good at talking with lots of people, so leadership is out. Boy lies like a natural, though, so hey, there's that. ...Yeah, I'd say that's all I got to comment on about them right now, training's only really just begun, all that."

"And you, Jojo? Any luck with either matter I asked you about?"

"...Human has gift, and Jojo wonders how Mordre knew, Souldreaming is exceedingly rare. But learning has begun, Ulzrick has learned of how to master own dreams, is learning of the craft. ...And as to the other matter, it was not possible, it remains broken."

"I see. Well, we will need to make sure there is some space cleared, Within the Arcanoworks for the engineer/inventor whose services I procured. Some 10 tonnes of incoming equipment, all told. Additionally, I've been ruminating on the problem of establishing a sustained line of income. Jojo, I don't suspect Lorgk would be averse to my request, but just in case, would Mordreden be willing to establish a trade with the Arcanoworks - rubies in exchange for weaponry and such?"

As people nod and depart to see to getting a new place readied, Jojo informs me that he has already spoken to Lorgk through Souldreaming about the marvelous weapons here, and Lorgk would be more than willing to trade for them, as well as send down the accumulated rubies pledged to Mordre since the last time they were collected. Good news indeed.

I make my way into the central tower, noting people already at work, trying to pound and repair every piece of armor they can, the mass of broken equipment from the shantytowns now slowly being restored to use. ....If they all became functional, I could well armor all my new soldiers in full metal, much of it steel of some grade or other.... interesting. I wave to the workers to resume their work as I trundle past, moving up the thankfully massive staircase. Sure enough, as I reach the second floor the his of bellows and clang of hammers fades to nothing, and I find Arkus at work, ordering about dozens of people, all carrying books as he continues to write... until he spots me. At that, he jumps up, already babbling.

"Ah, there you are! I got the Skyfall cannon fixed, and figured out that literally all it needs to work are prepared cannon shells with the complementing rune built into them, just drop them in and they immediately fire, more a mortar than a cannon. Ah, once we get the smithy downstairs up to snuff we might be able to make another cannon, not sure hey what are you made of, what's that sword, and what happened to the cannon?"

"I made augmentations, you can ask the details later. Arkus, how long do you think it would take before we were set up, Capable of manufacturing weapons like the hand-cannons, Or the morphic fluid itself for sustained crafting?

"Ah, as to the morphic fluids... not really, I still have no clue on that. BUT, as to the hand-cannons, yes, yes we could with enough steel, actually, we've only got six of the incomplete hand-cannons yet un-assembled, it's currently just an issue of time, as it's still new stuff, need training, blah blah. Oh, and speaking of training, I assume you wanted me to get a sense of the axe's heft and balancing, which I did get. Because otherwise all I got out of that was wasted time, personally, though in fairness it did give me time to run over ideas, I sometimes try to do too many things at once back to your comment about production, are you planning to go into business? Ah, might want to make crappier versions of the guns for sale to others.... plus crappier's easier to make, which would let us get more experience, as currently we have zero experience building a hand-cannon from scratch, only finishing partially constructed ones, and... it is going to be rather draining, even with the staff and axe both to act as amplifiers, to do the enchanting part required to finalize the runes."

I am about to say more when a runner dashes up the stairs, and shouts out to us.



What should I do?
No. 186000 ID: 275a5d

Sweet christ, we cut that close.
No. 186001 ID: db42d1

Magnum Bang The Human Dynamo, Annihilator Of Armies, Smasher Of Sieges, Cracker Of Castles MUST BE FOUND!

Anyway, tell Bokk and Krump that will will tell them in detail later what we wish of them but for now, just study and gain as much knowledge to help the the premen at Mordreden. Now we must go meet the state inspector. Bound over there! "GREETINGS! Come along sir, come along, much to show you and far to little time to do it! I hope you've eaten, as I have yet to train anyone to be gourmet level chefs yet, hah! Where would you like to start? Just come along, you can witness a small city developing in the loving arms of the this Kyogrock Arcanoworks. The healthy backs, hearts and minds of at least four towns toil away with such contentedness!"

And as a note: I wanna be there when the six guns get made - Balboa The Butcher soul might interact with them in some manner and I would like that.
No. 186003 ID: 275a5d

"Well, it seems I made it just in time. We'll discuss matters in more detail later. Come with me.

Our key concern now is maintaining full control of the Arcanoworks without any major confrontation with the state. Any ideas?"
No. 186004 ID: 6834bc

Tell Arkus that there's still a lot left to talk about, but you've got to go meet the State Army and play nice with them.

Then, you know, go meet the State Army and play nice with them.
No. 186005 ID: a594b9

Let's go out to meet the State representatives. Also, tell Arkus that he can spend less time training with the axe now. Just enough to keep him familiar with it.

We should probably begin making crappy guns to sell, yes. As well as trying to get that door open, and determining how to produce more Morphic metal.
No. 186009 ID: db42d1

As a note, crappy guns don't go to Mordreden. THey get good guns. Crappy guns go to other people and civilians.
No. 186010 ID: 275a5d

Considering Mordreden's military strength is basically translatable to OUR military strength, I agree.
No. 186015 ID: 9f9960

I'm not so sure. The Spanish tried to do something similar to the Apache and Commanche as a way to keep them from causing so much trouble. In the end, the Apache would take the broken guns to a local gunsmith or such somewhere other than the Spanish and have them repaired. My fear since we're not dealing with wandering nomadic peoples like the apache and instead with a established nation with their own weapons already, we should use the cheaper, simpler guns but be aware that if we can make it and sell it that they can too, if not outright out design our top secret stuff.
No. 186016 ID: 903f16


Well we've had these men trained pretty well from the looks of things. The place is neat and tidy so that's good. First impressions should be positive at how tight of a ship we're running here.

Can't just rely on how the place looks though, have our militia get ready for the arrival. Tell them to stand at attention officials walk near and in general be respectful as possible. Spread the word by having Derkin and his trainees tell the outposts and word should spread quickly enough.

Motion to Arkus to follow us and as we move down to the enterance to the Arcanoworks nod to Oggroth and Ugrokk as well to accompany us. Then greet the representatives eagerly and offer them a tour.
No. 186020 ID: db42d1

Oh damn. Erm, ask if the miltila knows any dress drills or not. Those would be very good to use to impress.
No. 186025 ID: d8aeff

not a lot we can do other than warn our people to be on our best behavior and try to be affable
No. 186035 ID: d1210a
File 127535091116.jpg - (268.70KB , 650x919 , Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas.jpg )

I make note of this Magnum Bang that stopped by, as he seems like the type of individual I would benefit from tracking down.... A most curious and lengthy title he left. In any event that is a matter for the future, as I fly down the stairs [figuratively, to clarify] while telling Arkus we shall resume this conversation later, but for now to follow me. Hm, so little time...

Once I get outside, I quickly grab a passing Premen, and tell them to inform Bokk and Krump I'll speak with them soon, but for now to stay in place, while I deal with the state representatives on their arrival.

I check the area, finding the land to have been well cared for, and with only minutes left until the State force arrives, according to the sentries, any major action now would never have time to be completed. And so I wait, Arkus alongside me, as the rest of the Arcanoworks continues to work, some tending the fields, some sparring, others patrolling, but everyone working, partly to show industry... and partly because I expect to get sufficient use out of followers. It is not long that I must wait, before a man in pale gray armor, runed and dotted with gems, walks through the gates at the head of a small group of honor guards, some two dozen in number. Judging by the faces of the sentries looking beyond our walls, this is not at all the total forces brought with this individual.

Any soldiers to my name as the state forces approach turn and salute the state forces, barring those with completely full hands, and I see some surprised smiles amongst those following the one in pale gray runed and gemmed armor. On his face, I see nothing through his visor.

While I view his approach with some trepidation, the armored man seems unperturbed, opening his helmet as he grinds the point of his sword into the ground, coming to a stop before Arkus, Moss and myself [When did that creature get alongside me?]. Without pause, he begins speaking in a clear, carrying voice, and though I see him scanning the grounds with a scowl threatened from the start, he seems to find nothing to object to immediately.

"Salutations, I am Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas, Warmage. I have come here both to relieve Warmage Densly of command and take residence in the reclaimed outpost, and to assess you. I was told you are the Mage Mordre, and in addition to possessing a Soul Grave, you devised some means of controlling it at range. I find myself skeptical of this claim, and of the reasoning behind your actions. However, as you removed the bandit presence here, and according to Densly were a 'vital aid' in besting the nearby collection of rebels, the state has ordered me to assess you, rather than simply interrogate or evict you from state property for squatting. As I am to potentially be your 'neighbor', I was chosen to perform your inspection. So, provide answer to the following, and I shall have more questions beyond them:

-What is your purpose in having come to the Azelhaedran State?
-Why did you take up residency in this outpost, and what have you done with it?
-What is the nature of the reports I have heard of 'giant soldiers' being seen in your vicinity?
-What do you know about the Republic of Trepany?
-And what was meant by your earlier comment to Densly about a Core Being?"

Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas simply regards me as he stops his tirade, awaiting my any and every answer.... he did not even give me time to introduce myself, am I to do that in addition to answering his queries? Hmm...

What should I say?
No. 186057 ID: e31d52

>-What is your purpose in having come to the Azelhaedran State?
Firstly to help with the reclaimance of order here. As a mage, it pains me to see such a place overrun as it is with lawlessness. Secondly, to gain feild data for the long distance program, as it still has some issues to work out. Notably, with cats.

>-Why did you take up residency in this outpost, and what have you done with it?
Because I claimed it from the lawless prescence that was here before, and leaving it be would invite bandits to take it. I've merely made it a small base of operations, research, and training for the forces I have accumulated thus far. I should note I would be happy to house any State officials and their men, for we all work for the same goal, yes?

>-What is the nature of the reports I have heard of 'giant soldiers' being seen in your vicinity?
You speak of my faithful alchemical soldiers, most likely my two best Uggroth and Oggroth. If you like I can introduce them, though I warn that their handle on our language is shaky at best.

>-What do you know about the Republic of Trepany?
A small town I helped free some time ago. I helped them get their feet under them and the name changing was part of that. If you take issue with it, tell them, not I. I am not in charge of them.

>-And what was meant by your earlier comment to Densly about a Core Being?"
Oh, that! It seems that one of the major lawless factions managed to summon a Core Being some ways from here... *point* roughly that direction. If you like, after you are done with your inspection, I will show you the scene and the area around it. I myself am quite perplexed towards the matter and what to do with it, and was hoping a chance would come to remedy it or at least let someone know.

Lastly, my name is Mordre Argus Forgeram, and I am captaining this golem from the safe area I have wrought in the ruins of Mosmordre. If you would like a tour of the Arcanoworks, please, ask Arkus, my apprentice, or Derkin, my personal assistant and trusted ally. Either way, I am glad to finally meet one of the State officials at long last, and I so dearly hope we can work together on reclaiming this land in the name of law and order.
No. 186059 ID: db42d1

>What is your purpose in having come to the Azelhaedran State?
"Test data, test data, test data. You have no idea how hard it is to test a Soul Grave when it's just standing around waiting to be used. Almost as bad as a gargoyle, eh? Ha!"

>Why did you take up residency in this outpost, and what have you done with it?
"Why, because I didn't want it befouled by squatters, more bandits, or yet more so-called mages for hire. Bastard wasn't even a mage! Bah! And him working with that...heh. Calling up a Core Being for what? Wait until I get my hands on him...Mhm? What was that?"

>What is the nature of the reports I have heard of 'giant soldiers' being seen in your vicinity?
"Oh, you mean them?" Gesture to Premen! "Or Keddic will be along shortly...well, a week depending on how irate Jezebel is." Cough, shake our head. "If you mean these chaps here, they are my warriors. As well as the art of Golem Control, known only to myself, I dabble in alchmey and as you can see, this great warriors were my...how would I put it...well honor guard migth be the correct term. They were to see that this Golem fell to no harm - Haha! I see how foolish that was now! - and to provide support to it. I...They have other uses of which I am less willing to speak about. Perhaphs in private? But...yes, yes, ahem. If you meant Sir Keddic Harksburton the 4th, well he is a mountian of a man, and a man after my own heart. He trained soldiers for The republic of...oh, what was it's old name, it keeps slipping my mind. Well, trained the Milita you see here, along with one of my men, and the Guard of Trepany."

>What do you know about the Republic of Trepany?
"Not much, other then they wish protection and freedom as the next man, and they are why I routed the villains from this state property, as you so delightfully put it."

>And what was meant by your earlier comment to Densly about a Core Being?"
"Humph! Fine, I will show you. Come along Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas. You will see just what a unskilled, uncaring hand does to a land out of spite and greed. You may not feel it - lords I hope you don't - but you may see the deformations in the land. It is a beast of terrible power that will slay countless lives of this State if left...heh...to put it as one would speak of a cancerous growth, surgically removed."
No. 186061 ID: 1ac39d

we should give this guy as much truth as we can.

- i saw the plight of the people have decided to make it a better place.
- it was simply the one we ran into that wasn't broken and have only put it into order
- large men from the very far north, they are large and powerful, but honorable.
-[forgot this one]
- i have found a core being in a larval phase. still trapped within the earth but trying to get free.
No. 186063 ID: db42d1

>Mordre Argus Forgeram
I...I kinda like. I don't know if Mordre should be our first or last name but...I kinda like.
No. 186065 ID: a594b9

The 'Republic of Trepany' name, as Keddick informed us, was simply a name change. There was no intention of it actually being a Republic. Just something to inspire the people, that sort of thing.

Let us not speak of 'Mage Mordre's physical location. It should remain secret.
No. 186066 ID: 275a5d

The second I saw his picture, I knew he was a self-righteous prick.

"I see you are not one for pleasantries. As you wish.

Let me see, now, which to answer first. Well, my reasons for coming to the State are several. One was to conduct field testing of my Golem in a location where such...rigorous trials might do some good.

As for the outpost, I required a facility with which operate from in this territory, and a rebel controlled outpost seemed a better choice than most. I wrested it's control from another insurgent group allied with the one staving off Sir Densly's forces. They had been extorting money and supplies from the nearby undefended villages.

Linking with that, one of those villages was the aforementioned Republic of Trepany. A good town of good people with no ill will towards the State that I've seen, just a desire to keep their loved ones and possessions safe, and beyond that I don't know what you could want to know.

For what I've done with the outpost, well, established basic levels of trade between it and neighboring villages, begun construction of a road system, housing for displaced peoples, furtherance of some key items of research interest, and training local militia and my own men.

Linking with THAT, the Giant soldiers mentioned likely refer to these fine fellows. Alchemically enhanced tribals under my supervision and authority. They pose little to no threat to anything I don't direct them to.

As for the Core Being, some of the insurgents here seem to be led by an Opposing mage by the name of Weinsho. A group of his apprentices attempted some manner of ritual, I've yet to divine WHAT, and summoned a CORE BEING into a farmhouse. I had it buried, and have been working from my facilities to ensure that it doesn't break out - a difficult thing to do when it starts tapping hidden leylines to fuel it's growth, I assure you.

Now, how about a tour? Your men must be tired from the long march, and as long as theres no trouble, with your permission they might like a rest, and meanwhile you can examine the local changes you asked about personally."
No. 186069 ID: 4b0770


I think we should just stick with the name of mage modre. Giving ourselves a fancy name that we have not used before and will easily forget is unwise.
No. 186077 ID: c00244

>I am captaining this golem from the safe area I have wrought in the ruins of Mosmordre
Do not specify where we are piloting the golem from.
No. 186082 ID: db42d1

If we use this, no mentioning Weinsho. Remember, he is a war hero and pointing fingers at a war hero in front of a, ahem, Lord Brigadier General might...be a bad idea.

As a note, we could express intrest in what kind of war-magic he uses.
No. 186140 ID: 57fe99

Hmmm, You guys apparently don't understand the concept of 'saying only enough' >.>
man, I swear you would tell everyone we meet our life story and where all our money is, given the chance.

In any case, you should invite him and his honour guard into a chamber where you may converse in comfort and privacy.
"Before I answer your questions General, I would like to invite you to continue this conversation inside where you and your men may rest and perhaps have some refreshments. I would think it rude that I be the only one conversing in comfort now."
No. 186153 ID: db42d1

There -is- a reason our wife held the purse strings, remember?
No. 186164 ID: d1210a

"I see you are not one for pleasantries. As you wish. Let me see, now, which to answer first. Well, my reasons for coming to the State are several. One was to conduct field testing of my Golem in a location where such... Rigorous trials might do some good, such as removing lawlessness."

"Clarify that. I am here for an official assessment, I'd prefer you speak clearly on your intentions, so there is no confusion on the matter.

"I have several combat-based tests to run, Concerning the function of my Soul Grave interface, As well as testing the golem's innate capabilities, And I chose a place where bandits, rogues, And other ne'erdowells could be found aplenty. Does that clarify the issue, Lord Quinton?"


"Well, as for the outpost, I required a facility with which operate from in this territory, And a rebel controlled outpost seemed a better choice than most, and have been busy restoring the place. I wrested it's control from another insurgent group allied with the one staving off Sir Densly's forces. They had been extorting money and supplies from the nearby undefended villages."

"Which villages?"

"To my knowledge, Glenston and Shellik both were forced to supply them under threat, Though I do not know yet if that is the whole of it, or if other towns were under their control as well. Linking with that, one of those villages was the aforementioned Republic of Trepany. A good town of good people with no ill will towards the State that I've seen, Just a desire to keep their loved ones and possessions safe, And beyond that I don't know what you could want to know."

"So you did not take part in their naming?"

"Oh no, they already bore that name when I arrived."

"I see. Carry on."

For what I've done with the outpost, well, established basic levels of trade, Between it and neighboring villages, begun construction of a road system, Housing for displaced peoples, and been attending to the training of local militia."

"These individuals here are conscripts?"

"No, my understanding is they came of their own free will, Seeking a better life for themselves, and desirous of a mage to follow, As I understand it such is something of a prerogative about here."

"It is, and it is well that I see no obvious evidence of abusing that trust of the people. The giant soldiers, what about them?"

"Ah, them. The 'Giant soldiers' mentioned likely refer to these fine fellows, alchemically enhanced tribals under my supervision and authority, With a few of their number more augmented than others. They pose little to no threat to anything I don't direct them to, as no harm has come to their sapience, So really, think of them as over-sized soldiers, more than anything else."

"So you claim responsibility for their actions, that shall be noted. And the Core Being?"

"A group of incompetent dabblers in magic attempted some manner of ritual, I've yet to divine the specifics of what they sought as much of their work was destroyed, And the fools managed to summon a CORE BEING into a farmhouse. I had it buried, and have been working from my facilities to ensure that it doesn't break out - A difficult thing to do when it starts tapping hidden leylines to fuel it's growth, I assure you."

"Where is this Core Being?"

"In an earth mound occupying a field north of Trekel"

"You said the Core Being is tapping leylines, explain what you mean."

"Well, it is trapped in a cellar, restricted in the same manner most Core Beings are, Needing someone to allow it entrance to the surface world, But it seems to be using the blood of those that summoned it, Connected with a particularly deep-running leyline, to power premature growth. It seems to be trying to fully manifest around the cellar it is trapped in, And thus bypass the restrictions it normally is bound by."

"I shall send men to verify your claim. If it is as you say, we have a severe problem."

Finally I see the piercing gaze of Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas crumble, worry creasing his brow. It would seem underneath his arrogance, he does have concern for the state and it's citizenry, an important thing to take note of. I take advantage of his moment of silent contemplation, and try to steer the conversation by my own hand.

"Now, how about a tour? Your men must be tired from the long march, and as long as there's no trouble, with your permission they might like a rest, and meanwhile you can examine the local changes, Those that you asked about personally."

"You offer my freedom to inspect this facility myself?"

"Of course."

"Very well. My guards shall stay by my side,
So I must reject your offer of rest for them
But your cooperation is noted.
I shall need no guide, I know what I wish to check."

For a time, Quinton busies himself with touring the warehouse and five buildings within the walls of the Arcanoworks, running into the Premen already engaged in their morning sparring, and stops for a while to observe as Oggroth takes the field, contesting against some eight other Premen barehanded. Finally completing his circuit, Quinton returns to standing before me, and inclines his head towards Arkus.

"Your apprentice?"

"As you say."

"Mm-hm. And what about this thing?" Quinton queries, indicating Moss, still attentively sitting at my side.

What should I say?
No. 186171 ID: e31d52

>"Mm-hm. And what about this thing?"
Rest a hand gently on Moss's head.
"At the cost of sounding like a schoolboy, it followed me home. I'm looking into what it is precisely, but it does no harm and it is friendly. You're free to guess as to its identity, but I assure you it will bring you no harm. Right, Moss?"
No. 186173 ID: a594b9

"Ah, that is a creature I found in the forest, consuming World energy... I have sated its hunger using an item I found in my travels and it seems to have become very attached to me through this golem, and loyal. Even when not under my supervision it has been very amiable... I believe it to be harmless to the general populace, and intend to study it further when my field tests are done."
No. 186175 ID: 1ac39d

world motes to be specific.
No. 186177 ID: db42d1

"Now now, Lord..erm...Brigadier Gen - ahem. Yes. Now now, if I may call you that, Quinton you'll hurt his feelings. He is Moss." Rub Moss's head. "He is...a uniqueness I found while investigating these lands. Harmless, I assure you, and so...well, I wouldnt' call him cute, but he does remind me of my Mauser. Come along, He doesn't bite. Anyway, you wish to visit the Core Being? Please, let us go soon. As a mage, I must deal with this beast quickly." Pat our revolver.
No. 186184 ID: 4b0770


Let's not give out information that we don't have to. If he asks about moss' diet, then we can decide what to say.
No. 186185 ID: ddc46d

This!!! We need to reestablish ourselves as in charge of everything and this works perfectly.
No. 186191 ID: 427807

How do we know for certain it is a male? haha...
but other then that, do it!
No. 186196 ID: e30176

I like this one.
No. 186225 ID: d1210a

"At the cost of sounding like a schoolboy, it followed me home. And I'd appreciate it if you did not call Moss 'that thing', I've found Moss to be a loyal follower and companion.... Even if I still do not fully understand WHAT Moss is."

"You do not know what this 'Moss' is?"

"Not currently, no, though I assume Moss to be related to World Motes, And the magic of leylines in general, based on what I have seen. Either way, Moss has been completely harmless, And I doubt it could prove much risk. Now, unless the State has fixed the problem itself, there is still the issue of the Core Being, So what say we move to deal with it presently? I have some ideas of how to remove it's connection to the deep running leyline, And I am eager to test them."

"That will not be necessary. The State shall be taking over handling this particular incident. ....Well, your story corroborates that which we heard from the other villages and Densly's report.... alright, you shall retain rights to use the outpost here as a staging grounds, on the provision that I, as a representative of the state, can call upon you and your forces for assistance in further military actions within state borders. Do you find this acceptable?"

"Would that categorize me as a vassal or member of the State military?"

"You would be treated as a vassal, largely left to your own devices, but with any State orders you receive through me or any other official representative superseding your own machinations. This is a non-negotiable part of retaining ownership of this outpost, this was made very clear by those who assigned your assessment to me. Further, if you have any more questions, now would be the time to ask, unless you are willing to travel to the outpost I am taking control of to request an audience."

What should I say, should I accept Lord Quinton's offer?
And do I have any questions for him, either as a high-ranking State military officer, or as a State official?
No. 186245 ID: db42d1

Firstly, can we oversee the...excising of the Core Being? "I desperately wish to help in anyway I can. I already attempted some brief...surgery on it not more then a week ago. I know it is a bit much, but I would want to help in anyway I can and if I couldn't help, then to watch to try and learn what do do, should I ever meet another foul creature in my journeys."

Second: Ask him if there is anything we may immediately do. "Lord Brigadier General. Ah, there surely must be a shorter title I can call you. Lord Delevas? Quinton, if it's not too informal? Either way, is there any...ahem... assistance in further military actions within state borders that we may provide? Or if non-military action is desired, is there anything we may investigate when I continue with my...how did you put it? Machinations? Or even being given the state command of letting you and your men have a rest here before you continue on? Or maybe you would rather spar with My Mountain, Oggroth?"

Third, how would we know who to take orders from? "Pardon my curiosity. I just, well, become curious when I think. Odd, I know, but there you have it. Just well, wondering how I would know if a stranger riding up to the Outpost - the Kyogrock Arcanoworks as I call them - is actually an official representative of the state?"

And lastly, a very basic question: Where will he be stationed? "Anyway, before you go, fi I do want audience with you...where should I go? I don't quite know these lands as well as I should, so simply 'The Next Outpost' strikes me as rather confusing."

And, bob, does this now mean that we are a high-ranking State military officer and a State official? If so, I'd like to ask him what our title would be.

And to everyone else: Should we ask about how to get into the top room? I'm a little wary, but I don't think it wouldn't hurt to ask.
No. 186259 ID: a594b9

We should accept that offer. Being a vassal is not so big a sacrifice in return for keeping such a valuable outpost.
No. 186262 ID: db42d1

It's actually a very good increase. Now we will be working closer with the state. The easiest way to bring something down is from the inside.
No. 186265 ID: 275a5d


Haha, clever opportunistic bastards. They remind me of ourelves. 'He wants the outpost, we want help clearing the rebellion.'

"A few questions, then: Should my services be requested, am I to undertake these operations alone, or in conjunction with genuine State Military forces?

Also, am I to be at all privy to what attempts are made to contain the Core Being? It is a matter that gravely concerns me as well since...well, Outpost or no, I imagine things would not go well for those here should it end up freed. If nothing else, my golems sensory abilities are useful in tracking it's progress.

Finally...this is more a request, really, but as an individual who clearly knows about this outposts layout: Do you know how to gain access to the locked floor of the facility?"
No. 186269 ID: 275a5d

We were going to clear the whole place anyways, why not?

Also, ask if there is any sort of grace period before you can expect the first requests for assistance.
No. 186275 ID: e31d52

"Good, good. Well, at the very least, I'll have more resources to claim... Oh, I forgot to mention. These outlaws, would claiming their blood, souls, and skins be legal to help with the fueling and augmentation of this golem if I slay them under your orders? I would hate to offend the state's sensibilities."
No. 186283 ID: 275a5d

I don't think we have to ask, just not be obvious about it.

I honestly can't imagine someone just going "sure, you can harvest their bodies" without being freaked right the hell out, and we've got a good thing going with Quinton here.
No. 186291 ID: 445c48

We should also ask where his outpost will be.
No. 186292 ID: 275a5d

It's the outpost Densly was attacking.
No. 186293 ID: 445c48

oh right duh, sorry about that.

It's late.
No. 186294 ID: db42d1

Are we sure about that? I thought Quinton would have said if that was the case rather then leaving us guessing. And he did imply it was a bit of a distance away, not less then a day's walk.
No. 186298 ID: d1210a

"Forgive me, but I have already worked on this particular issue, And would like to see the issue resolved, see it through to the end, You know how it goes."

"As much as your enthusiasm is appreciated, that will not be happening. Despite your thus far acceptable record of aiding the State, you are not beholden to us, nor are you well known enough to our administration to be trusted with such an issue. Trust must be earned, not simply given freely, if it is to have any substance. If the issue is still not resolved at a later point when you have gained such trust from the State, your offer of assistance may be accepted, but that is currently an impossibility."

"How would I know someone to be a true State representative, Bringing me official orders and not an opportunist?"

"Any State representative cleared to bypass my own command to directly give you orders would be able to verify their service to the state by a dagger on their personage made of bone and crystal, with a symbol of a sword and gem-topped staff within a crown with peaks reminiscent of roofing. The daggers I speak of would be completely and incontrovertibly unassailable, fully immune to any form of magical manipulation or even detection. Anyone lacking such a knife would not have the appropriate clearances to dispatch direct orders to you."

""A few questions, then: Should my services be requested, Am I to undertake these operations alone, Or in conjunction with genuine State Military forces?"

"While it is conceivable there may be commands made wherein you will be acting alone, unless otherwise noted any military action you participate in would be a joint military venture with other state forces, most likely my own."

"Also, am I to be at all privy to what attempts are made to contain the Core Being? It is a matter that gravely concerns me as well since...well, Outpost or no, I imagine things would not go well for those here should it end up freed. If nothing else, my golems sensory abilities are useful in tracking it's progress."

"You may eventually be made privy to what actions we take on that front, but for now it is the State's concern alone, with several specialists already sent for. If the situation changes, and you are given access to knowledge concerning the subject or commanded to aid us, you will be informed."

"Finally...this is more of a personal request, really, But as an individual who clearly knows about this outposts layout: Do you know how to gain access to the locked floor of the facility?"

"Ah, the key for this outpost is missing, then?"


"I shall take that as a yes. The door you cannot surpass, if it is in fact the one on the top floor of this central tower here, does not actually lead anywhere: Instead, opening it with the appropriate key and supply of magic allows the bearer of the key to create a new floor of the tower. All of the six tower-based outposts in the State follow this protocol. I shall make mention in my report that you do not possess a working key. If at some point you prove sufficiently valuable to the State, a new key will be issued to you, in addition to documentation of what kind of magic is required to successfully activate this function."

Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas glances about, the earlier suspicion on his face more muted now.

"Well, I have several matters to attend to, and I believe I have gathered sufficient data on you for an initial appraisal by the State. Mage Mordre, if you have any further questions, now would be the time."

What should I say or do?
No. 186299 ID: 275a5d


I submit the following:


>Salutations, I am Lord Brigadier General Quinton Delevas, Warmage. I have come here both to relieve Warmage Densly of command and take residence in the reclaimed outpost
No. 186301 ID: 275a5d

"Hmm, well, not so much a question as a fair warning: While my golem IS still undergoing combat tests here, there may be times I must have it and a minor number of my forces leave the region for a small time to see to other important matters. I imagine you would wish for me to send messengers to alert you when this is the case, then?"
No. 186305 ID: 445c48

>Instead, opening it with the appropriate key and supply of magic allows the bearer of the key to create a new floor of the tower.

Ok that's pretty badass.
No. 186307 ID: db42d1

Wow, it is late.
No. 186310 ID: db42d1

So nothing we can immediately do for the state and Are we offically state officals?
No. 186314 ID: db42d1

Oh, one other question: What do the keys -look- like?
No. 186317 ID: db42d1

The 'Is there anything we can do' using this:
> "Lord Brigadier General. Ah, there surely must be a shorter title I can call you. Lord Delevas? Quinton, if it's not too informal? Either way, is there any...ahem... assistance in further military actions within state borders that we may provide? Or if non-military action is desired, is there anything we may investigate when I continue with my...how did you put it? Machinations?"

Yeah, it is really late so I'm probably posting like a fool with these. Please forgive that.
No. 186323 ID: d1210a

[There is a reason the Azelhaedran State, prior to it's fall to it's current state, was the go-to nation for magic research amongst those allied against Mosmordre.]

"What do these keys look like?"

"They are opaque like any conventional metal, but in terms of coloration, could be more easily compared to a prism, their tones constantly shifting relative to any light source. Further, World and Will magic will be sensed within the key, if one looks carefully enough."

"So nothing we can immediately do for the state?"

"I was only ordered to assess you, so yes, no current orders for you."

"And are we officially State.. officials?"

"No, you are provisional state forces now. This means that at any time the State can choose to rescind it's permission to you, but otherwise your deduction is correct, you are effectively a Mage in service of the state, partly in a military function."

"Hmm, well, not so much a question as a fair warning: While my golem IS still undergoing combat tests here, there may be times I must have it and a minor number of my forces... Leave the region for a small time to see to other important matters. I imagine you would wish for me to send messengers to alert you when this is the case, then?"

"So long as you do not have conflicting State orders preventing such ventures, that is acceptable, but if at any time we come to give you orders and find you not present without having forewarned us of your coming absence, there will be repercussions."

Lord brigadier general Quinton Delevas, warmage now in charge of the nearby State outpost, nods to me as he begins to turn away, his attentive guards moving as one to continue warding him from harm.

"Well, if that is everything, I shall take my leave. ...It was interesting to meet you, Mage Mordre, and I feel confident you shall be seeing more of me, and State officials as a whole, in the near future. Good day."

With no further comment, Quinton leaves, and as I move to the gates of the Arcanoworks to watch his departure, I see the scale of the army he brought with him, thousands of armed and armored men, all bearing the heraldry of the state, who slowly form up and follow the general in his march south, after he and his guards remount the horses they left outside in the recently constructed stables.

So, I have weathered the visit of State forces, and gained some form of approval in the eyes of the Azelhaedran State. ...But there are still many problems to deal with....

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