Smooth Candy
>You'll have to excuse my tendency to jump onto cliche's but if this woman is legit, then I'm a monkey's uncle. We could probably find a pawn shop in the city selling swords for 20 gold and we'll have spent 90% of our money on a possibly crappy short sword just 'cause.
It's illegal to sell swords to civilians here, if you'll remember. So she is not, in the law's eyes at least, legit. And we could not purchase a sword in any establishment that was.
>I wasn't just being a prick either -- Notice how we gave her our story, making it perfectly obvious that we were putting ourselves in great peril. Her concern was to foist an overpriced weapon onto us, regardless of how much we had to spend. She literally would have us go to die with nothing but a sword, so long as she could lighten our pockets first.
Except everything we've said to her has been in the process of bartering. She has no reason to believe you're honest.
So that invalidates most of your problems with her, though honestly it looks like you just disliked her because she, as people normally do in markets, started high and let us haggle a bit.
>Her tactics are so transparent it'd be hilarious if not for the people actually wanting to get that sword at any cost.
Her "tactics" are entirely normal things that people do when making a deal, yes. I don't know what's amusing about that, but feel free to laugh, because nobody wants that sword "at any cost", merely at a fair cost. A sword is a pretty useful thing on an adventure, after all.
Even if none of this were true, and your initial reaction of hating her for no damn reason were actually fair and justified, we still shouldn't be threatening to call the cops on the girl.
>Dickishness justified, as far as I'm concerned.
No. Fuck you.
Now on an entirely different note...
>How far can we make it on 13 gold anyway?
Well we got a week's worth of food on 15. If the pricing is proportioned equivalently to my RL situation, we should be able to get everything for 13 just fine. Considering we're in the middle of a desert, though, that's probably not the case, and we'll have a bit of coin left over. If so, we should hang on to that and use it to by cloth if we need to work to raise money in the future.