Gale Swirl
Baod reminds them that Mirage is, in fact, a GREAT BEAST who went out of his way to save their city. As if snapping out of a dream, the Princess bows her head and thanks Mirage profusely. When Baod relays Mirage's inquiries about the Queen, the Princess says she will definitely serve in her stead, should Mirage ask that of her.
Baod, Mirage, and the Princess talk back and forth. There are a few choices for Mirage to make - in all of them, though, Kya'tor comes under his territory.
Kya'tor could send him tribute, in the form of SERVANTS, GOODS, and whatever else Mirage might require.
He could live in Kya'tor, and rule there as King.
He could also leave Kya'tor empty-handed, but that seems silly after doing all that work. He could think of other options, as well...He just needs to decide how to handle Kya'tor.