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152304 No. 152304 ID: 950529

Synopsis: Knight-errant Ridder looks for a way to redeem his failure and comes across the wrongdoings of an evil force. Gathering unique individuals to help him, he is preparing himself for an inevitable battle. But more trouble awaits! Assassins, holy armies, romance and moms are all bumps in the road. And how will things go now Ridder met his long lost friend Muschio?

Ties in with DiveQuest.

TGchanwiki article: http://www1.tgchan.org/wiki/Knight_blades
Reading guide: http://www1.tgchan.org/wiki/Crossover_Guide
IRC channel: #rubyquest @ rizon.net

Level of dedication: High/Very High. All previous chapters must be read. Information is plenty and will be referenced and may have to be crossreferenced. All in all, it's a big project, especially with the DiveQuest tie in. Beware!
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No. 200343 ID: 701a19


Ridder, he has lived a harsh life. Fear and mistreatment have made him paranoid and bitter, and such emotions have led him to mistakes that he deeply regrets.
It is plainly obvious that he is confessing to you because he feels lost and alone, and is in need of direction. More than that, he is desperately seeking a moral compass to guide him. You need a cause to champion, he needs somebody who is clearheaded enough and strong enough in will to give him stability and guidance in the murky waters he trolls.

Aside from that, I think you need to tell him of the Knight Blades. Not, however, your parents' involvement. Yet.
No. 200344 ID: 2a421d

We of course have to tell him that 'we' were unaware of this and are wary of the Blades ourselves.

Our mother just telling us this is in fact part of the reason we have been practically an emotionally wrecked invalid for the past few days.
No. 200350 ID: a7a85a


This is a good point.

Actually Muschio's health is a concern. I'm not sure how much trauma we want to add.
No. 200351 ID: 22730c


"You'll always be my best friend."
No. 200353 ID: 1a99f0

It might not be a good idea right now to let Muschio know that your family is partially responsible for the fall of his kingdom and the death of his family. Though he did just admit to being the great evil that you've been hunting, so it can be sharing and caring time. Either way, he isn't being hostile about this, and his actual actions are far less terrible than you previously thought.
No. 200391 ID: 49182e

No. 200400 ID: f4e4f9

You should probably clarify that it wasn't really a poison per se...no need to go into too many details though.

After all, if he received the poison meant for you...

(otherwise Finnie is in so much shit it's mind-boggling).
No. 200404 ID: 9939f6


If we are your decisions, Ridder, then I decide this:

Help him.

Help him because you are his friend, and he yours. Help him because you will remind him of his childhood, and the ideals that he held, the happiness he once had. Help him so that you can protect him from the world that will be his enemy, and so that you can protect the world from him. Help him because he will listen to you.

Help him because, no matter what evil he has done, it is a result only of your parents' deeds. They took his kingdom, and that debt passes to you to be repaid. The Knight Blades thought that they did good, no doubt; but you can see before you the result of their plans, the growth of a noble prince into a noble demon. The world may burn in blood for their folly, and your friend's hand soaked in it, if you can not repair the damage.

Help him, because in many ways, you are the only one who can.
No. 200406 ID: 9939f6

And if he only does dark deeds for the necessity of his future throne? Then the more resources he has, the less often he will find such actions necessary.
No. 200410 ID: 1a99f0

Mentioning that it was an aphrodisiac might lighten the mood. It might lighten the mood more than you know.
No. 200412 ID: 40cb26

Ok now would be the time to realize YOU SENT THE FUCKING PALADIN BRIGADE AFTER HIM.
No. 200415 ID: e24759

Yes. Let's lighten things up a bit. Tell of the aphrodisiac.. in fact. Why not? Does he knows the details of your wild, troubled and troubling sex life? Why not share with him?

I believe.... yes. You can admit to him the Blades exist. But... not right noooow. You might want to admit that are things unsaid.... but admit your family, well, mostly your dad apparently, is responsible by the downfall of the Malto house?

He'll end up declaring war on the blad--

SHIT. The paladins! You gotta tell him about the paladins! :O
No. 200425 ID: 8bdb6a

So. He says he was GOING to set it on fire, and then ACCIDENTALLY set it on fire, so that makes it okay?

New plan: Arrest him and lock him up. Inform the paladin squad that you've taken care of the problem.
No. 200427 ID: 1a99f0

he wasn't gonna set it on fire he was just gonna be a dick. He is a misguided soul, he just needs a nudge in the right direction.
No. 200436 ID: f4e4f9

Actually, he specifically said he did NOT intend to raze Iniziare Citta.
No. 200438 ID: 49182e

Don't tell him about the paladins until a solution/ verdict has been reached. If he joins you then tell him, if not, then don't.
No. 200439 ID: b4b04d

>He says he was GOING to set it on fire
He never said that.
No. 200443 ID: c5628c

We should tell him about the Knight Blades, and now would be a good time, cause if Muschio aims on reviving his kingdom and the Blades hear about this, they might come back. Plus it is a good way to reaffirm his trust in you, besides the sooner the problem is known, the sooner it is solved. But it is up to you if you wish to tell that your parents were involved.


I agree to this.
No. 200446 ID: a594b9

If we do tell him about the Knight Blades, we are not to mention our parents' involvement. I don't think Muschio will be so quick to forgive mom.
No. 200471 ID: 1a99f0

It's no secrets time. Each of you gets one of the rings, each of you hold on tight to the orb. If you live through the process, your minds will be one.
No. 200531 ID: 73751f

Ridder, I really think you need to reconcile with Muschio. He really needs guidance and you need to make up for your family's mistakes. And the first step along this path is HUG HIM WITH YOUR DICK
No. 200537 ID: d97d76

Or we should at least wait until she isn't in the immediate vicinity before telling him.

I would suggest postponing any concrete decisions until we've taken him up on his offer of visiting his own place of residence (at some admittedly vague future date)... but if we are going to bring up the Knight Blades, particularly any involvement on our family's part, it would probably be an even worse decision to do so whilst surrounded by more of his followers than our own. This is a precarious matter to be sure.
No. 200552 ID: 2eac65

This is distressing. I know how important your old friendship is to you, and I want to believe he is still a good man, but there is little room for doubt. It is terribly clear that Muschio is no longer the man you knew and loved. He has become hateful and cruel in these past years, and though there may have been some necessity to it, I can scarcely imagine what he stood to gain in Iniziare Citta.

This is all the more reason why you must remain close to him now. Corrupt he may be, but he has shown that his connection with you has not faded from his heart. If you repair your relationship, you could help steer him back to the path of good. And if not, we may have to imprison him, for his own good and the world's.
No. 200785 ID: 950529
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"True strength is not found in a perfect decision. Rather, true strength is the ability to reflect and admit one made a mistake. We must all find in ourselves the ability to learn and redeem ourselves, and as such learn to forgive another. True strength, my son, is to show weakness."
Suddenly the words of my father rang through my head.
I find myself kneeling at my beloved friend and lords feet, my eyes cast down, my posture rigid and confident, an open hand on my side despite the blade being absent, and a determined fist on the floor.
I represent a foundation on which the prince can rely. I will guide him through these dark times and let him find himself again.

"My loyalty is equally unwavering, my lord."

A silence follows.
I can feel his surprise.
No. 200787 ID: 950529
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But just then his thin cold fingers meet my shoulder.
"Stand up."
His other hand takes mine, gripping it firmly.
"I no longer hold the title for you to look up to. Please bow to me no more. I wish to work with you as equals, my beloved friend."
No. 200788 ID: 0b2a05

Give him a hug instead then. Or a brohug/handshake.
No. 200790 ID: 8ce2bf

Ridder and Muschio need to jump up into the air and slam hug each other in mid-air while the camera pans around.
No. 200791 ID: 7282fc

I sure hope you know what you're doing.
No. 200792 ID: 5a2e05

You better realize what you're getting into. Be ready to accept the consequences.
No. 200798 ID: 2cbe3e

Ask him one more thing.

Ask him if more people are going to have to die.
No. 200804 ID: 51dde2

Ask who else is going to have to die.
No. 200805 ID: 8bdb6a

Muschio: Say "Heh heh. Hehehahahah. HAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA! BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!"

Continue for several minutes.
No. 200812 ID: df217c

Ridder, you need to brofist Muschio and then lean back. This will show that you are now truly bros.
No. 200826 ID: 2a421d

Remember Ridder, if you wish to be a good influence then you must retain your own opinions, your own will. Do not let your ideals become compromised or subsumed by those of friends.

It is good then in that respect that Muschio wishes to treat us as an equal.
No. 200867 ID: 2eac65

Take a step closer and put your arms around him. Show that you trust him to be close to you, and you're willing to be there when he needs you.
No. 200869 ID: 1a99f0

Brohug time, right now. It's okay to cry.
No. 200878 ID: 40cb26

Ahem..? Ridder? PALADINS!
No. 200886 ID: 2eac65

In due time. With all Riddler's been through, he deserves to enjoy a moment of tenderness when he has the chance.
No. 200936 ID: 950529
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You're right! I can't stand it any more!
I have to show him my affection!
He resists but I hold him tight until he resists no more.
No. 200938 ID: f58d30

WOAH! what the hell?!
No. 200940 ID: 407b5b

No. 200944 ID: fddd61

Don't forget the tongue.
No. 200945 ID: a594b9
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Hey! Cut it out.
No. 200947 ID: 950529
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Fu fu fu fu~
That's totally what should happen next~
No. 200950 ID: 97187a

No. 200951 ID: d6cb21

No. 200952 ID: 407b5b

AHahahahahha oh wow STEEEXXX you crazy little catgirl... this is twice you've got me.
No. 200953 ID: 4f6e37

No. 200955 ID: f58d30
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Oh Sticks, you devious kitten!
No. 200956 ID: 51dde2



No. 200957 ID: d6cb21

Sure is hivemind in here
No. 200958 ID: a594b9

Oh u.

Amazing how friends will stick by eachother no matter what kind of mistakes they make, right? Wait... how much of their conversation did you hear?
No. 200959 ID: 8ce2bf

Finesse thinks you're crazy right now, explain to her what you're thinking of.
No. 200961 ID: 1a99f0

in great detail. And finish.
No. 200962 ID: f58d30

Damn... you're right! For how long they've been there?
No. 200967 ID: 2eac65
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You interrupted an emotional moment.

You have no respect for real connections.
No. 200970 ID: 1a99f0

she hasn't interrupted she's not in the room.
No. 201085 ID: 5a2e05

She interrupted it for us.
No. 201100 ID: 34470e

Sticks, one of these days, you'll see something some extremely horrifying Yaoi and you'll no longer troll us like that. Just you wait... Just you wait...
No. 201818 ID: 2c4b6b

So... Does Sticks have the ring now or was the force of her yaoi-ing so big it just broke through the fourth wall?
No. 201820 ID: ccaf53


I don't even think boku no sexual harrassment would horrify steex.
No. 201824 ID: 34470e

Two. Naked. Old. Doobies.
No. 201826 ID: 1a99f0

she'd love it
No. 201837 ID: 31cbfc

ಠ_ಠ You'd better keep such things to yourself. You'd better.
No. 201865 ID: 8ce2bf

She has the ring on one of her FAT CAT FINGERS.
No. 202257 ID: f58d30

Oh crap... she can still hear us?
No. 202294 ID: d02930

Quick, everyone switch to talking in wingdings!
No. 203084 ID: 950529
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Little more was said after that. I believe both of our minds and hearts were too full to discuss anything else.
If I had known this was coming I would have also anticipated it as the highlight of the visit.

Our followers mingled pleasantly, promises were made upon leaving and the chained Grey Fang was taken to a brighter future.

Now I sit in my room, pondering the aftermath.

Perhaps if my mother had not told me about the Knight Blades I would feel more disturbed, but now I can only say I am relieved.
It is the first time that knowing not everything is flawless has calmed me down.
Have I grown stronger? Or more flexible?
I suppose it matters not.
Right now, my main concern is how I present this abrupt end to our mission to my followers and how I can still fulfil their expectations of me.
No. 203090 ID: badf27

Ridder: Squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk.
No. 203099 ID: 701a19

End? This isn't even close to the end.
The kingdom, such as it is, is in shambles. There is plenty of work to be done, and you're in a very good position to do it.
Did you start this quest to fight the evil in the cave? No! You started it in order to reestablish order and justice in the land.
You still have bandits and slavers to fight, and there are plenty of cities run by the corrupt, with the worst of those having betrayed the Malto family for coin.

No, your work is far from over. It's just beginning.
No. 203101 ID: 8c0848

No. 203102 ID: 9cb4b3

That sounds like a plan.
No. 203103 ID: 8ce2bf

You must present this new information to the rest of the crew in the form of a play. Sticks can play the part of Muschio because she already knows.
No. 203108 ID: f4e4f9

And then, there are the Knight's blades to consider...what should happen if you or your friend Muschio's plans come close to fruition?

Will the two of you be 'trimmed out' from their precious "garden"?
No. 203109 ID: 8e18cd


I see no way other than this
No. 203110 ID: 8bdb6a

Man up and admit it was all a giant, embarrassing misunderstanding.

Patiently await the arrival of Knight Blades for you to fight. Squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk to help pass the time.
No. 203118 ID: badf27


Ridder I honestly think you should tell them it's been a misunderstanding and you're going to fold into Muschio's army now. If they are good soldiers they will follow you.

Do not neglect to mention that this whole evil and the boss thing may be a false reading from timotei who may or may not be entirely sane, and it could be residue from the fact that Red Fang used to live in the Vault which Muschio now lives. When you guys went there, Red Fang had only just been killed and his aura could've still been all over that mountain.

Also, shit on your desk and squawk like an imbecile.
No. 203123 ID: d02930

shit like an imbecile and squawk on your desk, but seriously.. um.. I'm mostly curious to see how this latest encounter with your gnoll friend tied up in the basement will go..
No. 203135 ID: ca97fb

End? Perhaps for some, but I don't think it is the end for your little band. T'lear, for example, came to you as an embassy and may wish to go home afterwards, but the others were not here to make war. Terva follows you because he looks to your leadership. Sticks follows you because she likes you. Iesgip and Nakraska have followed you since you hired them, and honestly, I think they appreciate the work and security you provide them. Grek and Petal as well. Ritari follows you because, well, can you think of a mother abandoning their child?

For now, gather everyone together and explain what is happening. You clearly won't be going after Muschio, at least not now, and they all deserve to know why. However, they have banded around your leadership and values, not around killing some guy in a cave. Certainly offer to transport anyone home who wishes to go, but the rest of you still have work you can do.

Who hired the Fangs? What are the Knight Blades doing now? The land still has its own problems, and as long as you wish to continue, there will be issues that request a calm mind and steady sword.

It may not be the quest of today, but there is little reason to think that you will not be needed tomorrow.
No. 203138 ID: f95872

>and how I can still fulfil their expectations of me.
Well, lets see... The elf, goblin, gnoll, cat-halfling and kobolds will come with you regardless of mission. They follow you because of who you are, not because of what you do. I think only the bug might feel that his services are no longer needed.
No. 203140 ID: f21281
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"Good news, everyone! We're going to war, with everyone!"
No. 203150 ID: 8bdb6a

Changing my vote to this.
No. 203153 ID: 1a99f0

No. 203157 ID: 2a421d

Well it's a little awkward that our mission has ended and we don't really have anything to show for it, aside from having gained yet another rung in the chain of command.

You should also consider that your expressed interest in Ashadel will likely cause yet more tension at the base. Sticks for instance is likely to leave if the truly thinks she has no hope of winning you.

This will give us an important chance to show Terva how a Knight is to honor their lord however. Should he still wish to learn the path of chivalry.
No. 203158 ID: d3dfb8

So many kinds of this.
No. 203159 ID: a41aaf

Remember Grek only joined you as an UP YOURS to Finesse.
No. 203174 ID: 8ce2bf

Grek won't leave Petal, though.
No. 203190 ID: a7a85a

The joining of forces might spur her to even more intense rivalry. If Muschio and Ridder are equals on the the same path it would provide motive to show Muschio's team up in a tech race.
No. 203336 ID: 896c31


This man is obviously a genius of some kind!
No. 203356 ID: 7ff337


Ridder, Muschio wants you not as a vassal, but as an ally. He said, himself, that you would make a fine King. I think that is part of his wish for you.

You can continue as you were before. Accumulate allies, seek out injustice, do battle with evil. You can go beyond it: lay claim to lands that other rulers do not. Extend your protection to their inhabitants, be fair and noble to those above whom you stand. Become a power in this realm. Begin the path to being a king. You can do it. It needs to be done. You can do what you've already been trying to do. All you need tell your followers is that now, you are allied with Muschio and his people. You may have lost "The Boss" as a convenient focus, but villainy still exists in this world.

Perhaps with the land divided between the two of you (and your allies, of course), perhaps you can bring back the same peace that Muschio's father brought, and pacify the needs of the Knight Blades for diversity, at the same time. And if you can't stand to be king... well, you would still be counted a lord, under Muschio, and you would still hold responsibility for your lands and your people. That's all you need to do.

Did you tell Muschio about the paladins, by the way?
No. 203529 ID: b36407

...you did warn him about the Paladins coming to hunt down and KILL the "Big Boss" right? 'cause in any case it's going to be a problem. Can we perhaps delay or speak with them?
No. 206790 ID: 950529
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You're right. Though my mission has not come to an end, I can now safely rest responsibility in the prince's capable hands.
I will clear this up with my companions. They are good folk, and I am sure they will understand.

Thank you for your advice, voices. I can finally lay my mind to rest.

No. 206832 ID: f58d30

Wait.... what? ô-ò
No. 206836 ID: d3dfb8

It's over so Reaver can leave and Weaver can go back to never updating.
No. 206846 ID: 40cb26

...A little abrupt perhaps, but good show on finishing what you started. It's been fun.

I guess DiveQuest still (sorta) being around makes an epilogue here unfeasable. But in the same way Ridder and friends can still show up there too. This is... kinda weird actually. A wide open closure.
No. 206873 ID: a83ce3

Well you found out how to serve the Malto line and also you 'defeated' the growing evil.

I suppose we can call it a victory.
No. 206884 ID: f58d30

awwwww man... and here we are not knowing who was Ridder's choice for a mate =(

I still say STEEEEEEX!!
No. 206885 ID: cf68aa

He kinda just proposed to Ashedel so I think it'll be her.
No. 206911 ID: a41aaf

Ends Knight Blades proper in order to fold the characters into DiveQuest (which I guess will inherit the plot surrounding the Knight Blades themselves).
No. 206912 ID: 407b5b

Farewell, good friend...
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