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1083314 No. 1083314 ID: 9ea24b

Previous thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1077945.html
Short VN game in this setting: https://tippler.itch.io/march-time
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Gore and violence warning. No onscreen sex. No chance based events.
327 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1090380 ID: f2320a

Hmmm have we made the muck in the well settle at thr bottom? Our bath water
No. 1090401 ID: 9ea24b
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I stay underground. I doubt George, as a ranger in a small town, knew how to read and write before joining the adventurers, and it is unlikely he had much time to study while they pursued the army. I keep my awareness on him so that I know if he goes to the lord or tries to attack Erogalf.

I would like to make contact with the kobolds, and I wait for one to send a bucket down to skim the cleaner water off the top of the layers of scum in my well to wrap myself around the rope. I am lifted into the light and dismount on the stone to face the startled kobold who pulled me up.

“Greetings kobold. I am Pliny the spirit and led your kind here after you fled from Jamuk.” I say.

“Do you have any more money?” the kobold asks hopefully.

“I do not. How have you fared since coming here?”

The kobold explains that the lord was upset at first but agreed to let the refugees stay as long as they give him a portion of the wheat they harvest from the northern fields. The situation is stable, though the kobolds aren’t living in good conditions and quite a few are ill.

“Your coins have helped us buy goods from the other townspeople. We heard that you defeated the army’s spirit and slew hundreds of their soldiers!” The kobold’s eyes sparkle. “Is there something you need?”
No. 1090407 ID: ca8543

We're going to need to spin this carefully. And we're going to need to be double careful not to use phrases that would upset Jam. A bit of a juggling act.

"I am sad to hear that your conditions are not good, and that the lord has kept better aid from those who need it. I think it would be very good if we could distribute the resources to those who need it, but the lord has forbidden me from interfering in governance. It seems that he dislikes those who are different." Prime them with the fact that the lord is in the way of getting their people the help they need, because he is racist.

"I went behind his back, however, because despite my power I cannot protect everyone forever. I was able to leverage my prowess to negotiate a treaty to stop the war from harming Pliny again after the fall of Jamuk. However, the lord will not simply leave Pliny under the guidance of a spirit, and I fear he will lead the citizens into more bloodshed. What do you think I should do?" Gauge what the kobold thinks is best, while probing to see if any of their ideas match what you already want to do. If they do, it will seem like the kobold's idea, and be more easily accepted.
No. 1090469 ID: 9ea24b
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I need to assess how the kobolds feel about their current situation. I do not want them to decide I am a traitor like George did after I told him about the peace deal. “I hope your conditions improve. Would you say the lord has been fair in his treatment of you? He has forbidden me from interfering in matters of state, which I find impertinent.”

The kobold balances the mostly empty bucket on her hip. “I’d say he’s alright. We were impressed that the king sent anyone here, Jamuk didn’t get many reinforcements during the siege.”

Not promising. “What would you do if the Vishelt army decided to return here?”

The kobold looks haunted. “I-I do not know. We are so weak now…They would surely slaughter us.”

I perk up. “Ah, but what if I told you that I had brokered a peace treaty? The side effect is that Pliny would be considered Vishelt territory instead of Geoun’s.”

The kobold looks around, uncomfortable. “But the lord didn’t say anything about a treaty. Should you be telling me this? I was just here to fetch some water and I don’t know anything about any secret plans.”

I sigh. It does not seem like the kobolds are comfortable with treason. “Do not worry about it. I will keep you safe.”

I slip back into the well. Sometime in the early afternoon I hear George speak to his woman friend.
No. 1090470 ID: 9ea24b
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“–don’t know what to do Beatrice. I don’t want to take you from your home but it might not be safe soon.”

“Is this about what happened to your nose yesterday? You’ve been quiet…”

“I didn’t feel safe speaking because of the spirit, but I’ve made the decision to leave. You don’t have to come with me, it will be a hard life away from town.”

There’s a lull as Beatrice thinks.

“I’ll go with you. We can find other refugees and small farmers. I trust you.”

It sounds like George has made the correct choice and is leaving Pliny soon without informing the lord of my deal. I credit Erogalf and I’s good relationship with him up until he attempted to kill me.

Should I assassinate the lord tonight to ease the transition or wait in my well until the army arrives?
No. 1090471 ID: ded463

Their hesitation is understandable, but at least they don't sound angry or hostile, and the kobolds know to lay low and stay safe now. I think you did well.

It would be perfectly clear who assassinated the lord, but it will also be perfectly clear who brokered the treaty, and his death should break the morale of the Geoun guards he has here in town and leave them without a commander.

It would be better for our image to allow the lord the chance to leave knowing he is well outclassed, but doing so without backup would risk being overpowered and killed again.

Tonight, let us see how Erogalf has fared and what Jor and the others think, then decide how to handle the lord before the army arrives tomorrow. Erogalf has spoken with the lord before and may know more of his character, and Jor seems like the type to stay informed.
No. 1090472 ID: eb0a9c

No, the townsfolk are already enthralled to anti-spirit propaganda, don't give them evidence to that theory.

However, you can slowly poison the lord, weaken him just enough that he doesn't show any severe symptoms. Something else can kill the bastard if you nudge the odds in their favor.
No. 1090572 ID: 394dad

I’m sure that’s what every evil vizier thinks, and look how well their plans go.
You should wait in your well, and hope the lord continues to be reasonable and surrender. Better than being branded both a traitor and murderer.
No. 1090602 ID: 9ea24b
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I do not think I can kill the lord without being discovered, and I do not want to harm my reputation with my citizens. Hopefully the army will send mortals to negotiate when they arrive instead of storming through Pliny, and that means the lord will have a chance to surrender. Instead of assassination I decide to take the tunnels to visit Jor and Erogalf right before dusk.

I can hear the other orcs Jor lives with laughing with each other as they settle down for the night. Quite a few burly bodies in a small house, and Erogalf’s voice is a nervous tenor trying to play along with their in-jokes and references.

I wait for someone to come use the latrine to show myself and ask for Jor and Erogalf. The orc pads out naked in sandals with the wizard trailing behind.

I tell them of my utmost restraint in sparing the lord, and ask what they think of him.

“Geoun politics aside, he’s a reasonable man.” Jor grumbles.

“Yeah, he’s a smart guy. Smart enough to take us hostage if we tell him what we did.” Erogalf adds. “I’m almost out of mana and you still look pretty small so I won’t take anything. I can call Telarin and tell her who to send with the negotiating party when they arrive tomorrow. Jam will want to see you so he’ll be there no matter what.”

Erogalf gets Telarin on the blue glowing circle and holds it out so we can all hear. Which mortal should the army send with Jam? The options are the commander, who is also apparently the blond elf I saw in the field, the dwarf mage who I have never spoken with, or the young orc mage.
No. 1090608 ID: d322f0

Take this moment to pass along sincere thanks to Jam for his timely intervention when you were being killed. Give Erogalf a non-verbal nod of respect and thanks as well.

Don't share aloud the fact George is leaving peacefully. It would put Erogalf at ease, but Jam would very reasonably want to hunt him down. If we share the fact with Erogalf after our meeting, it will need to be in writing somehow.

The commander and the dwarf mage are unknowns. I want to meet Telarin's brother and learn what his deal is, but not under such stressful and unpredictable conditions.

We know the young orc mage, that he is reasonable and well-spoken. I suggest we request him.
No. 1090692 ID: 9ea24b
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“What is the name of that young orc mage? I think he is well-spoken and calm, he should be the negotiator.” I say.

“Yonnie? He’s pretty young…” Telarin says.

“I think he is perfect for the job. I will expect to see him with Jam tomorrow evening.” I decide. “Is Jam there? I must thank him for his timely invention when I thought I was about to perish.”

There’s a shuffling noise. “Pliny. You are not permitted to let others touch you. It is most disagreeable. I will make sure that George man does not hurt you again and the loud male elf leaves you alone.”

Erogalf gulps audibly.

“But Erogalf had to help me to my well and he always asks before I give him any mana.” I reply.

“I will be the only one to handle you. We will be together soon.”

Erogalf ends the call. “I’d really prefer if Jam didn’t torture me to death, Pliny.”

“Of course I will not let that happen. Go to sleep now.”

I return to my well to recover through the night and most of the next day. How should I greet Yonnie and Jam tomorrow? Should I go with them to the negotiations?
No. 1090704 ID: df60a9

Definitely going to take some work coexisting with the handsy bird. At least people aren't exactly lining up to pet you.

We should accompany them to negotiations. Being seen with Jam won't earn you any favor, but it's going to happen one way or another. Better to be there so you have a voice in what happens.

Jam will want contact and to hold you, but he will need his wing-hands free in case fighting happens. You should request to coil around his torso for ease of carrying.

Yonnie is capable, but he's young. Best to give him a chance to organize his thoughts and plan. We should establish what terms the army is willing to offer and what terms they are willing to accept.
No. 1090709 ID: 5ebd37

You should be there to keep Jam in check. Maybe people won't resent your association if they think you're protecting them from him.
No. 1090758 ID: 9ea24b
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I stay in my well until I hear hooves pounding into my territory the following afternoon. I can hear Jam speaking with Yonnie and roughly 200 soldiers with them. Is Jam riding on a horse? That would be an odd sight.

I take my tunnels as far as I can go in their direction, then rise to the surface and begin squirming towards them. I am about a third of my maximum size and have my lonely friend with me.

I listen to the fraction of the army pitch their tents near the river and their old campsite. I cannot help but be displeased at the sound.

I enter the camp and call for Jam, who comes loping to greet me. He has grown and easily picks me up in a familiar, firm grip. I rest myself around his shoulders so that he may keep his hands free in case of combat.

Jam takes me to Yonnie, who is shuffling through a stack of parchment. His face reminds me of Erogalf when the elf is struggling to stay patient through one of my ponderous moments.

“I’ve informed lord Vorad that we’re here and seek a peaceful negotiation. He asked us to come to the western city wall. I’m not sure how to phrase our terms.”

“Easier to kill him.” Jam states.

“Yes, but I’m trying to do things…ethically?” Yonnie sighs. “We all know he’s doomed unless he leaves or steps down, but some people would just rather die fighting. We need to offer him something good in return.”

“Much easier to kill him.” Jam argues.
No. 1090763 ID: eb0a9c

"I just lost George by doing things the 'easy' way.
Doing things the easy way saves you energy you might need. Doing things the hard way means you don't end up accidentally triggering a chain reaction that leads to unforeseen consequences.
Time and place, Jam. Life's a fluctuating challenge."
No. 1090764 ID: 53560f

Killing someone makes most people upset. When you’re taking over a town, you want to make sure the citizens don’t completely hate you. That just leads to problems down the line that can’t easily be fixed, so it’s worth it to try being nice even if it doesn’t work at first.
Who’s going to be in charge of the town of Pliny once the lord is gone? I’d like to suggest myself if you haven’t got the position filled already.
No. 1090785 ID: df60a9

George is really an argument for violence, not against it, since it was trust and peaceful negotiation that placed us in a bad spot. Won't do much to sway Jam.

Lord Vorad is an intelligent and reasonable man. He also seems unusually tolerant of spirits compared to most of Geoun's nobility, as he did not attempt to have you exterminated.

"Death makes the lord a martyr. It would serve as fuel for Geoun's anti-spirit propaganda machine, and their citizens would gladly join the army to exterminate us. The church is powerful, but there are those who question its doctrine. If a war spirit were to be seen negotiating and allowing surrender, that information could be used to sow doubt among the free-minded. Vishelt is consolidating its power now, but is its ambition against Geoun sated? We should engender sympathizers now. Let them see that Vishelt's way can be a better way to live, and you will have your own agents gestating inside of the future enemy, Jam."

When we negotiate with Vorad, we should explain to him that you hold no ill will towards him.
Under his rule, both a new invasion by Vishelt and from the inquisitions of Geoun were a danger to you and your citizens.
The only way to ensure the safety of you and your citizens was to alter the course through a treaty with Vishelt.
If the Lord can be made to view you as a shrewd leader, he may see you more like a peer and respect your offer of surrender. More importantly, it is a good image for the citizens to see.

The Lord should be guaranteed safe passage out of Vishelt territory for himself and his soldiers if he surrenders, rather than being taken as POWs. This is the best case scenario for him. He and his men live to fight another day, and do not face imprisonment or torture.
No. 1090848 ID: 9ea24b
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Now is the perfect opportunity to teach Jam about delayed gratification and the mortal psyche. I tap him on the cheek with my snout.

“Jam, if we kill Vorad in front of his followers, that will not inspire confidence in our ability to govern Pliny afterwards. Wouldn’t you like to rule Pliny?”


“Well there you are then. We can offer the lord and his servants safe passage back to the kingdom in exchange for his official abdication. You can tell him what you would do to him if he doesn’t agree to frighten him into compliance.”

“I would peck out his eyes. Then I would eat his kidneys.”

“That’s right, Jam. You are doing a good job.”

I am pleased that Jam is the peak of rationality. I look to Yonnie for approval and he nods.

“I’ll draft it in writing. When we’re ready I’ll bring a small force with us.”
No. 1090849 ID: 9ea24b
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Jam and I stay and watch while Yonnie scratches a message in ink with a broken feather quill. The orc makes quite a few mistakes and mumbles to himself while scratching out the words for corrections. Jam shows me my gold coins, which he keeps under his tongue.

“What is the commander like?” I ask Jam, as we walk toward the west wall with Yonnie and a handful of soldiers. A few kobolds are cutting wheat with small knives and yell to each other in alarm. I call to them that this is a diplomatic mission and there is nothing to worry about.

Jam thinks about my question for some time. “He preferred Icher.”

I do not have long to ponder this before the lord emerges with his entourage, and Erogalf. Vorad frowns deeply when he sees me.

Yonnie approaches the lord and they begin the negotiation. It does not seem Vorad respects the young mage, and brings up the various horrid crimes the army has committed, leaving Yonnie stammering and apologetic. Jam begins edging towards Erogalf.
No. 1090873 ID: ded463

"When a mortal acts as your agent, their hands are like your own hands. So it was really you who was handling me all along when you commanded Erogalf to help."

Request Jam bring you closer to the negotiations, so that you may speak to Vorad.
No. 1091019 ID: df60a9

Oh, and lay on some worm praise for Jam to soften up his mood. Thank him for his intervention and curl around him affectionately to distract him from Erogalf.
No. 1091020 ID: 9ea24b
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“Erogalf is my minion.” I remind Jam. “He knows that I am yours now, he will not touch me.”

Erogalf glances at us over his shoulder. He is clearly afraid.

“He could impede the negotiations.“ Jam replies. “I do not want him to strike Yonnie unexpectedly.”

“He is low on mana and outnumbered. We can ensure Yonnie is safe by going closer to him and speaking on his behalf.”

Jam seems to like this idea and hops toward Vorad at high speeds, making the lord step back in alarm.

“Do not disturb Yonnie or I will peck out your eyes and eat your kidneys. Do as we say.”

“Sorry, he wouldn’t actually do that.” Yonnie squeaks.

“I believe he would. Spirits are violent, wicked creatures.” the lord says flatly.

Jam’s neck muscles tense and I believe he is close to proving the lord correct. What should I say to the lord and Jam to keep things peaceful and resolve the negotiation?
No. 1091025 ID: df60a9

"Oh mighty Jam, and Lord Vorad, an old soldier would like to speak. In me are the voices of Pliny's fallen, the soldier among them. To seek treaty with those who ravaged us was no small decision."

"To be part of Geoun would be to be marked by zealots and slain the moment we were no longer useful, and all who benefited from our aid would be seen as tainted. The old soldier would not cast his comrades into the battle against Vishelt for a kingdom that cares not. He has done so once already."

"You now face the same decision, Lord Vorad. Will you walk away with the offer the spirits have negotiated for you and allow your loyal soldiers to live? Or do you care less for their lives than a wicked, rotten spirit?"
No. 1091047 ID: 53560f

We are more like mortals than many care to admit. Our births define much but the rest is decided by our words and deeds.
Regardless, I would like this to be a peaceful transfer of power. No blood needs to be spilt today and someone of your prestige is sure to recognise that Pliny in its current state is not worth further bloodshed.
No. 1091090 ID: 9ea24b
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I address Vorad. “I know you do not like or trust me but I am speaking with the experience of the collective veterans of Pliny. There is no need for blood to be spilt today and it would be foolish to waste the lives of your servants by refusing to leave. I have helped negotiate this fair and generous offer despite my own feelings about the army that ravaged my city. Please understand that you have no other options.”

The lord furrows his brow and stands in silence, perhaps to give the impression to his followers that he is resisting my sinister words.

“Fine.” he says. “We will leave tomorrow morning. Erogalf, we would be lucky to have you join us.”

“What? Er, no thank you my lord, I wish to stay and protect this town.” Erogalf says, in his stuffy wizard voice.

“Very well. I doubt Pliny will last long with these two at the helm.”
No. 1091091 ID: 9ea24b
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The lord retreats with his men into the city. Erogalf trails after them. The sun is quite low and Yonnie muffles a yawn.

“Are you coming to camp?” he asks Jam and I.

“We will stay here tonight.” Jam says.

Yonnie and the soldiers begin to walk away. I am glad Jam did not go with them.

“We must decide how to govern.” Jam tells me. “I find violence agreeable and will need some amount of it to sustain me if we are to live here.”

“I have an offering system that I set up to gain affinity. Won’t some soldiers stay in Pliny? Are they not enough to provide affinity via worship?”

Jam scratches the ground with a large index finger. “No.”
No. 1091092 ID: 5ebd37

How about an arena? Regular fights for prizes, or as a way to settle disputes. Rough sports might even be enough to generate a low mana flow.
No. 1091093 ID: 53560f

An organised fight pit solves this and adds entertainment value if we make it operate on a regular schedule. Eventually we can expand it into a full on arena to allow betting and more grandiose fights and even build Jam’s nest into it, similar to how your well nourishes you, a nest close to the fight pit might do the same for Jam.
Deaths will happen however, accidentally or otherwise, so we should implement simple rules like no armour, weapons or magic to lessen its likelihood and stop fights ending too early. Ask Jam if he would like to be the referee.
No. 1091096 ID: d9b49f

I'm surprised Erogalf decided to stay. I'm not sure how much he'll be able to get mana from us with Jam's rules in place, and getting it from Jam...
Well, he's an adult, he can decide how to live his life. Just keep an eye on him to make sure he stays safe from Jam's intrusive thoughts.

I was thinking along the same lines, taking volunteers and setting up prizes. This could also be a way to train those who could contribute to Pliny's defense force, and teach them tactics.

Tell Jam that we should avoid deliberate duels to the death between the fighters, since forcing these would strain loyalty, get fewer volunteers and waste trained warriors. We'll need some trained doctors or healers for the arena eventually, so fights can get more intense without sacrificing fighters.

The army will probably call on Jam to aid in border skirmishes, which will provide some exercise and entertainment. The army could set up a less public arena for prisoners of war to duel in, too.

Maybe Jam would like to go hunting in the forest as well, and see if slaying beasts sates his bloodier urges. Small animals would probably bore him, but something like a bear could put up a fight, and it would double as gathering food.

This is all about Jam's preferences for governance, of course. He asked about your thoughts too. As a judicial system, any disagreements or legal matters can be settled by a tribunal of Jam, Pliny and an elected citizen representing their democratic will.
No. 1091097 ID: a7a180

Time to add ritual sacrifice to the list. How about a hunt for animals?
No. 1091142 ID: 9ea24b
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“Perhaps we could build an arena for sports and organized fights? Jor is an athlete and could help us. It will take some time to build and grow a population large enough to support frequent bouts.” I suggest.

“Fights to the death.” Jam clarifies.

“I suppose it could happen but we should not require it. Mortals will come in conflict and it will happen. Speaking of which we can arbitrate crimes or legal matters along with an elected mortal.”

“Why would we want a mortal?”

“To raise the citizens’ morale! If they have a small say in our rule they will be much happier and give better offerings.” I explain.


I cast around for other ideas. “Do you have any interest in killing animals?”

“Some. The army needs to eat.”

“You can help slaughter livestock and hunt when you have a free moment to travel outside the city. The army may call on you sometimes to help defend the new border.”

“Yes. You will come with me then.”

“Only if I am not needed here. There will have to be some flexibility in our relationship.”

Jam pinches my head between his fingers. “No. You must always stay with me. That was our agreement.”

This is my final major decision. Should I always stay with Jam and give up my independence or set boundaries?
No. 1091143 ID: 5cc7cc

"My coins will always be with you. Tbey are a token of your fair lady. A soldier should have a fair lady and a home to return to. I am both."

Jam can hear you from afar. I wonder if the coins would work both ways and let you both talk from afar.
No. 1091149 ID: 3d94a9

You should also let Jam know how happy you were he decided to stay. That you enjoy being close to him. I think we will usually want to join him on the campaign just to know he's safe, especially now that we know the Commander isn't as fond of him as we are.

But you have different skillsets useful in different places. Being attached all the time could be a vulnerability for enemies to exploit.

I wonder if distance sense and communication would be more possible if you had a token of Jam as well. A part of him to always keep close, like a fingernail clipping.
No. 1091153 ID: a7a180

Towns have boundaries. These change over time, but not all at once. Gotta set them somewhere.
No. 1091205 ID: 53560f

Jam, we both have duties to attend to that we can’t possibly spend all our time together. I promise I will always be here in Pliny for you to visit so I want you to entertain an idea for me. I can’t always join you or be everywhere, so the solution is to make friends everywhere you go instead.
I know this seems mean but I wouldn’t suggest it to such a dear friend as you if I didn’t think it would be good for you to see the world and all the different people and spirits in it.
No. 1091213 ID: 443007

Jam needs to understand that he can't have all of you. Because if he does, then you won't be 'you' any more.
The mortals do not understand yet that life is made of patterns and codes. If you eat these things, it means breaking the patterns apart to recycle the matter. The matter exists but the pattern is gone.
He is very lonely because many of the things in the world are based on his patterns and so there aren't many things around him that are not him.
No. 1091222 ID: 9ea24b
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“Jam, I am pleased with our friendship and how much progress you’ve made. I know you wish for me to always be by your side, but it is not realistic. You have important duties that will take you outside of Pliny, but you will always be able to hear me, won’t you?”

Jam puts his other hand on me and lifts my body over his shoulders to press into the ground. I am reminded of when George pinned me between his knees.

“You are mine. You will not leave.” he says.

“You cannot possess someone in their entirety. I will always have my own thoughts and desires. Is it not enough that we are best friends?” I protest.

Jam’s sharp beak flashes in the starlight as it dives into my stomach, slicing me in half and severing the decayed ligaments holding my lonely friend’s spine together. My back end melts into mud and I reconstitute.

I have my sword and the lower body of my lonely friend. I doubt I can beat Jam without armor and in my already weakened state. I do not think he will kill me, merely reduce me to a size easier to handle and control.

What should I do?
No. 1091223 ID: 4e090a

Attacking may change that, should you be unable to establish dominance and be seen as an enemy state instead of a rebellious conquered state. Icher was open to negotiate because you proved your power by decimating his forces with disease, but Jam has the power and has established that.

Best to accept Jam's argument and agree to his terms. Tell him that you will fight alongside him if he brings you to the war, so he should allow you to retain your size. Being too small will limit you.
No. 1091224 ID: 0f4f29

Is Jam any different from Icher by doing this? Stand up for yourself. This isn't how friendships work. Refuse this.
No. 1091252 ID: 4e090a

I wouldn't exactly call either side of this dynamic healthy, considering we injected Jam with these feelings for the sake of geopolitics and survival. He is the violent war spirit Vishelt made him to be, sure, but he is also the obsessive and insecure spirit with attachment issues that we made him to be. I'm not sure there's a high spirit horse to climb on here.

And for the record Pliny, coming clean about that part for the sake of a moral catharsis is definitely not a good idea, least of all in this moment.
No. 1091253 ID: 43f8c4

Encouraging this is going to lead to more problems down the road. If Jam wants to continue this childish behavior then fine, but if he's as lonely and obsessive as believed then punish this behavior by disregarding and shunning him.

I'd recommend finding a moment to escape and letting him ruminate for a time if possible, but if not, don't interact with him. Besides, being smaller might make it easier slip away.
No. 1091254 ID: 4e090a

If we were dealing with a human, I might agree. I'm not so sure that will work with a mind like a spirit's. But as the voice of the cockroach, escape definitely seems like a better option than escalating, if we really want to avoid capitulation.

Just be prepared for the citizens to suffer the meltdown instead.
No. 1091256 ID: d1fb8c

Yeah, you're right about the citizens. I retract my sentiment of escaping, that isn't right. But these constant compromises will lead down a dark path.

If you're confident he won't kill you Pliny, then refuse to be owned by him. Endure his abuse and appeal to what he wants. He obviously values you, something only you can provide. If he kills you, he won't have that anymore, and if continues to act like a brat then you won't give it to him.
No. 1091258 ID: 4e090a

I'd still place my vote on capitulation. We made this attachment a core part of Jam's consciousness. I don't think he's capable of backing down first on this, and the more we let him shave off the weaker Pliny becomes. Again.
No. 1091270 ID: a7a180

Fighting back will only further reduce your mass. I do not recommend fighting back at this moment.
No. 1091286 ID: 9ea24b
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Fighting would only cause me to become weaker. I lie still as Jam looms over me.

“Why would you do this Jam? Why would you hurt me?” I ask.

Jam’s answer confirms my suspicions. “It is agreeable to hurt you. It would be most disagreeable if you perished, but I will be careful.”

“What if I refuse to work with you? This is a cruel thing to do, Jam.”

Jam tilts his head. “Cruelty is agreeable. Telarin told me you are easily swayed and I will torment the loud elf and the orc and the goblin if you continue to defy our agreement.”

None of the voices suggested it but I noted and immediately disregarded the idea to push myself upon my blade and end my existence. That would no doubt leave my citizens in a much worse situation and might even convince Jam to return to war to produce other spirits.

“I will comply with you but I will not forgive you. Friends do not do this.” I say.

“Agreeable.” Jam says. He scoops me up in his left hand and holds me close to his chest. We stay by the city wall for the rest of the warm summer night.

Thanks for reading.
No. 1091288 ID: 59a4d4

Jam is a war spirit, not a human. The same reason Pliny finds filth and decay comfortable and beautiful is why he finds violence and cruelty comfortable and beautiful. But Pliny has grown used to thinking more like a mortal.
I don't think Jam has mortal voices like you do, Pliny. Might be part of the ritual, to make him easier to control. He did say he felt empty when he first woke to existing. Or maybe you're the outlier, and other spirits just don't have what you have.
Pleas to a human mindset won't accomplish much with him, he needs to see you as competent, reliable and strong if you want him to listen. There was likely some respect early on, for having slain Icher, that's why he restrained himself during negotiations. But allowing George to manhandle us didn't help our image. He sees power, and now we look weak.

>None of the voices suggested it but I noted and immediately disregarded the idea to push myself upon my blade and end my existence.
Just remember, this is all about surviving in a world that's stacked against you. Jam was to be protection from that, and to some extent he still is. But swords are swords, play with swords and you'll get cut. We need to start thinking more like a worm again, and remember that swords will think like swords.
No. 1091302 ID: dae6e4

Stay strong Pliny
No. 1091305 ID: 2d4982

Hang in there little worm.
No. 1091315 ID: eb0a9c

Bad Cute End. Oh well.
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