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1062275 No. 1062275 ID: 08229c

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The first bite refreshes me. I can feel my mind wake and I'm aware of myself once more.

But, the meat is sour. It is from an emergency stash. One that I would only use as a last resort.
And this is definitely a last resort. Parts of me are still splattered all over the place. Another tick and I've have become one of the feral lost ones.

It's gross. A brain from some forgotten place. A building where those who were deemed unfit for society were kept. Still, with half of my own head blown off I don't really have much of a choice, do I?

I ward off the sour taste and focus on healing. My own brain starts to restore, along with my head, my face.

I'll have to get a new eye again.
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No. 1062276 ID: 08229c
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And new clothes apparently?
Don't know where those went.

Around the girl is a battlefield. Red crystals are strewn about along with already rotting hunks of meat.

Fucking garbage-men. That was an old one, too. I'm gonna have a lot of words with that man when I see him again. I used entirely too much blood magic. Rookie move. This is why you're supposed to carry your iron, Jane. To avoid this EXACT sort of thing.
No. 1062277 ID: 53e039

Find pants. And a coat.
No. 1062278 ID: 63a1ed

Inspect the crystals
No. 1062280 ID: a7a180

Equip hole.
No. 1062281 ID: 2a86c3

Is there anything around that can be scavenged? Clothes, or at least a cloth that could be used as a cloak?
No. 1062283 ID: 08229c
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What the actual f-

Oh. Vestiges. Uh

Hi. Yeah, sorry. You're the lingering will of whoever the brain I ate belonged to.

You'll be gone soon so

If there's any last wish uh...

Well, I can try and grant it in the next 30 ticks of your temporary half-life??
No. 1062284 ID: 53e039

Vestiges? Last wish? Then... I wanna smooch a girl.
No. 1062285 ID: 63a1ed

I don't suppose you can tell us how we got here. Metaphorically speaking.
No. 1062286 ID: a7a180

I wish for more ticks.
Maybe keep the rest of that brain tucked away for a rainy day.
No. 1062287 ID: 3d32ce

Fuck yeah we're your new brainworms
No. 1062288 ID: 530a11

Hello I would like thirty seconds of exposition please. And how are you feeling?
No. 1062289 ID: 5c8d2c

You might be stuck with us longer then that. We're sticky, some of us more then others.
So, why are you eating brains and missing an eye and covered in holes?
Do the red crystals taste good?
No. 1062290 ID: 5d9787

Last wish? Show us something cool! ... or naughty...
No. 1062291 ID: f3fa97

Well we kinda sorta lost our memories after you... ate us like a cannibal, so i guess our last wish is to help you with whatever it is your doing.
No. 1062293 ID: 273c18

Temporary? You'd like to think that, wouldn't you.
What are the red crystals? Any use to you?
No. 1062294 ID: 1effd3

Who are you exactly and why are we your new brainworm friends?
No. 1062295 ID: 79582c

Suck on your fingers.
No. 1062296 ID: 6f4507

Wanna hear the most annoying song in the world?
Joking aside, hi, i'm sure whoever we were didn't mind getting eaten to much!
No. 1062298 ID: a7a180

I guess if vore was our greatest wish, then mission accomplished.
No. 1062299 ID: 3cb1a5

There's a man named Ted about three hours south, the son of a bitch owes me $50. Kill him and get my money back.
No. 1062302 ID: 2aa5f0


da fuck is going on?
No. 1062305 ID: 2b6ba0

Hi lady! You have cute boobs!
No. 1062307 ID: 58c090

Oh shit, you ate OUR brain? Lady, we were quarantined for a reason!
No. 1062308 ID: 2a86c3

Uhhhh....Probably wasn't a good idea to snack on that one then, It was a little crowded in there, haha, But uh....besides the obvious cravings of the more ID bounds ones of us, I don't think we want anything in particular.
No. 1062311 ID: adc866

Uh, shit. Just.. look down?
No. 1062312 ID: a758c7

last wish? masturbate? >:3
No. 1062318 ID: 340403

Dot not find pants and a coat
No. 1062320 ID: e5709d

I thought we were insane already. Did you just say something about the apocalypse?
I miss the internet.
No. 1062321 ID: dee951

I don't wanna diiieeee!!!
No. 1062338 ID: dee951

...But if I'm going to die soon, I want to experience an earth shattering orgasm! PLEASE BE QUICK!
No. 1062344 ID: 08229c
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Huh. Interesting. I've never heard of multiple vestiges speaking from one brain. That must have been a very unusual one.

>Uh, shit. Just.. look down?
>Last wish? Show us something cool! ... or naughty...
>Hi lady! You have cute boobs!

Look, boobs.

The woman squishes her breasts while looking down. They feel vaguely cold but soft in her hands.

>Vestiges? Last wish? Then... I wanna smooch a girl.

What a coincidence, I'm the best at smooching girls. Sadly there are none even somewhat close to me so you'll have to just settle for this.

>Who are you exactly and why are we your new brainworm friends?

Jane. "Calamity" Jane. Like the old text-tale? I'm a hunter. You are a Vestige. The last remnant of a person that lives on in their brain. Sometimes us zombos can hear you if we eat the brain. I try to avoid such a thing since it's a bit disturbing but difficult times call for difficult actions.

>What are the red crystals? Any use to you?

That's my blood magic. Turns a few drops of my blood into crystals I can use. Was starting to run low on blood.

>...But if I'm going to die soon, I want to experience an earth shattering orgasm! PLEASE BE QUICK!

Sorry, but this is near the end of your time limit. It was nice meeting you. Have fun wherever you end up.
No. 1062345 ID: 08229c
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>You might be stuck with us longer then that. We're sticky, some of us more then others.


oh no

This is a problem.
No. 1062346 ID: e51896

Eh, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I wouldn't see this as a problem. For instance, we can see things you can't see and let you know about it, like for instance, we see red crystals behind you!

see? you can use us to guide you if you can't get rid of us.
No. 1062348 ID: a11156

Why are you naked? Not enough blood for fashionable crystal clothes? Or do they chafe?
No. 1062350 ID: 6f4507

Enjoy the endless chaos of a hundred screaming horny voices! Maybe we can help? maybe?
No. 1062351 ID: e5709d

...You're not getting rid of us that easily.
I don't remember what our previous host did. But I remember the depths that some of our past hosts have stooped to. The things they achieved while forced under our influence.

I remember Kronos teasing a soul-devouring abomination into misfiring at a pantheon, then stabbing the pantheon's vessel in the dick while they were busy deleting the cache of their loyal and impulsive servant, effectively marking them for complete annihilation.

I remember Nan watching in horror as Pablo stabbed the vessel of an eldritch beast, marking himself as its new vessel, allowing her to execute him in cold blood and ensure the beast starved.

I remember how we murdered the daughter of Freddy Kruger. Then plowed a goat and a bird and got a bratty warrior and a truck full of boobs.

You've gone insane, and soon you shall go further insane with power.

Congratulations, you've become the protagonist. Welcome to Hell.
No. 1062352 ID: a7a180

Just another parasite.
No. 1062355 ID: 53e039

So what exactly are you doing here? You said your head got blown off?
No. 1062356 ID: 6f4507

We don't talk about these things anymore come on man!
No. 1062357 ID: 2b6ba0

Don't worry, you can wash us off. You just need to get... wet. wink wink.
No. 1062359 ID: 5d9787

>Look, boobs.
They are nice but I was hoping for something more elaborate, maybe leaning more toward cool.

>This is a problem.
Don't take it like that, we are good company.
Beside, we are very good at math and occasionally remember a pletora of weirdly specific scientific knowledge. We are useful.

Do you want to tell us about your current predicament? We may be able to help you decide what is the best course of action.
No. 1062363 ID: 06095b


Nutritionally speaking, should have gone for the liver. Besides being rich in iron and other nutrients, it's statistically far less likely to be haunted.
No. 1062364 ID: 5c8d2c

Why's it a problem? It means adventure! Also sometimes paperwork as we try to get a stick in the mud to make sexy monsters. But mostly adventure!
So has sticky multiple vestiges happened before? Also, we kind of need a sitrep on literally everything ever.
No. 1062366 ID: dc4bad

For you maybe, we just got a ourselves a cool new window into the world.

Still, can't be all bad for yourself though; we're usually pretty good at giving advice, suggesting courses of action and memory puzzles.

Cool power by the way, blood crystals are rad.
No. 1062367 ID: d12415

Plus prions. Eating brains is a good way to get prions.
No. 1062370 ID: 1effd3

Brain you ate probably had worms. And that'd be us, so now we're YOUR worms!
No. 1062379 ID: 63a1ed

Well, for now lets just start exploring. Just think of us as weord passangers. And you're a taxi...I guess?
No. 1062382 ID: bcda6c

if it's any help, we're somewhat psychic. we view the world in third person, have occasional meta-knowledge, and we operate somewhat disconnected from the normal flow of time allowing us to plan out moment to moment actions over the span of what is, to us, days or even weeks.

the downside, of course, is that we are ghastly neets who built our social mores off creepy japanese import cartoons and videogames.
No. 1062383 ID: dee951

I'm... still here? And there are a bunch of us. Oh, whew. Good, I guess.

Um. Hi. My memories are so messed up and other people's are probably messed up too. Can you give us, uh, a medium length description of... what's going on, who you are, what happened recently, what we need to know about current events? And what your goals and needs are? Maybe also capabilities? That might help jog some memories or maybe help you or something. Cause if we're stuck in here, your best interests are also our best interests!
No. 1062388 ID: 53560f

Can you look at the guy you got us from? We straight up don’t remember why we’re all together or why we all seem to know different things.
No. 1062391 ID: f2320a

We could be magic prions growing in the brain like wires as i am folding this protein currently
No. 1062392 ID: dee951


Oh, right, aren't you not supposed to eat brains cause the prions can permanently fuck you up? That makes sense that we are that if magic is a thing!
No. 1062396 ID: 2aa5f0

wonderful, we've upgraded from fading voice to shady conscience, neat.

But now that we got that figured out what exactly is going on? All I have been able to figure out so far is that you were in a fight, you won at a cost, you're undead, you use blood to power you magic, you can use magic, and you enjoy fondling yourself.

Very interesting all that but what exactly happened here, why were you close to ending 6 feet under for a second time, and uh... Oh and were you the one who killed us or did you just stumble across our body in a ditch or something?

if you were the one who killed us then fuck you, if you found us in a ditch that fuck whoever did kill us instead but still not cool.
No. 1062399 ID: d12415

That isn't the only way to get prions, but yeah.
No. 1062404 ID: 606f85

she has contamination and mutants in her brain
No. 1062421 ID: 08229c
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Yes, I get the feeling this is going to be a problem. Gonna have to see the doc about this or something.

Wow there's a lot of you, huh? I guess this was a pretty weird brain.

>We could be magic prions growing in the brain like wires as i am folding this protein currently


I can't tell if you're fucking with me or not. Still, I don't feel like I'm dying? And you're not getting louder or anything.

>Cool power by the way, blood crystals are rad.

Thanks. I got it from this oreator arm. It's all burnt out now, though. Gonna have to get a new one.

>What exactly is going on? All I have been able to figure out so far is that you were in a fight, you won at a cost, you're undead, you use blood to power you magic, you can use magic, and you enjoy fondling yourself.

>Very interesting all that but what exactly happened here, why were you close to ending 6 feet under for a second time, and uh... Oh and were you the one who killed us or did you just stumble across our body in a ditch or something?

>If you were the one who killed us then fuck you, if you found us in a ditch that fuck whoever did kill us instead but still not cool.

Wow you guys talk a lot.

What's going on? I'm wrapping up a hunting mission. I was sent to kill this garbage-man but I fucked up a bit. He's a triple-brain. Older garbage-men can sometimes get a new head to work with the node. They're stronger, bigger, sometimes even have magic.

Cause of that, I got caught off guard. I left my iron at home so all I had some this shitty blood crystal magic to fight off a fucking triple-brain. Yeah, they got me clean. Blasted off most of my head.

You can only heal brains with brains. Eye for an eye, brain for a brain. Those laws are ironclad among us Romeos. Was able to fix up the rest of me, though. Any longer, though, and I would have gone feral.

I can use a bit of magic on my own. Starting fires and stuff like that. Complicated stuff I gotta borrow.

Also, wow, who doesn't like fondling themselves? Rude.

I didn't kill you, by the way. You're from forever ago, preserved in some cryro. Traded you cheap.

Ah, there we go.
No. 1062427 ID: 08229c
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The girl pulls out a stinking and dirty cloak. Still, it was better than nothing. She looks it over to make sure nothing else is hitching a ride on it.

>Um. Hi. My memories are so messed up and other people's are probably messed up too. Can you give us, uh, a medium length description of... what's going on, who you are, what happened recently, what we need to know about current events? And what your goals and needs are? Maybe also capabilities? That might help jog some memories or maybe help you or something. Cause if we're stuck in here, your best interests are also our best interests!

I'm not trying to be rude but my head is already fucked up enough without people hitching a ride. You guys seem nice but I really don't need more voices besides my own.

Still, guess there's no harm in making convo until then.

What's going on? I finished a hunt.

Who am I? "Calamity" Jane Doe.

What has happened recently/currently? ... How far back do your memories go? I'm not big into history text-tales. I mean... Unless they're uh... Westerns. Not sure if you're familiar with the concept. Basically there are these awesome iron warriors called Cowboys. They road atop a creature called a Horse.

... I'm getting sidetracked. But uh... Stuff like that? All just old text or vid tales at this point. Humanity kinda fucked up.

We looked too deep into how things worked and I guess god got mad. Smacked things so it was all shook up. Old rules got replaced by new rules. Magic is in the air.

The dead rose once more... I'm a newer gen so I can't give a full explanation but if I find a text-tale on it I'll skim it for you.

Getting to more recent stuff... No clue. I don't really pay attention to that kinda stuff.


There's a lot to go over, huh? You all seem real eager to assist. I'm a zombie. Undead, Romeo, Walker, Corpse, etc, etc. So, I'm immune to disease, cold doesn't bother me much, and I can recover from wounds.

I can also swap limbs and eat flesh to heal very quickly. I'm not feral, so I can still think for myself and control all my impulses. If I get too hurt or give up I can go feral and I'll probably be put down.

I don't know about goals. Maybe find some nice clothes to replace the outfit that exploded?

Beyond that, I just wanna make all the money and smooch as many cute girls as possible.
No. 1062428 ID: a7a180

Shouldn't that be Romero..?
Temporary clothing acquired, so you should go turn in this job. It's very important I tell you to do the thing you were already going to do so you don't forget to do it.
No. 1062429 ID: 6f4507

Smooching cute girls and wearing snazzy clothes? if you wanted to get rid of us, you just made a mistake, I'm pretty sure most of us are in it for the long haul now, could be weeks, could be years. Shoulda just acted uninteresting to poke at or watch.
No. 1062430 ID: e51896

well, time to go back to wherever you came from and let the one(s) who sent you know you completed the hunting task.
No. 1062431 ID: ff08ac

Huh, man the housing market crashed harder then I thought it would. Oh well, off to town to get new clothes I guess. You got some stashed away or are you going to have to get paid first to be able to buy me clothes. Don’t mean any harm with that question I’m just not seeing a coin purse or wallet on you so I’m not sure if you carried all you money on you or if you have it stashed away somewhere.
No. 1062432 ID: 58c090

and garbage-men?
No. 1062433 ID: dc4bad

wow, we were too late for the cowboy age but too early for the magic apocalypse.
oh well at least the internet was cool.

anyhoo, understandable you'd want rid of us. but in the offchance we end up being a bit difficult to oust, I'm sure we'll try and be as ideally helpful or at least entertaining a burden as possible during our stay.

huh, speaking of; think you could transplant us to a new body proper? doesn't need to be anything fancy, we'd take a magic 8 ball so long as we can change the text.
No. 1062434 ID: dee951

Zombie. Zombie.

Uh. I think we're pre-magic. Or at least I am? But I do know that we have a TON of mutually exclusive definitions of the term 'zombie', from religion and multiple dramatically different types of fictional media.

Could you go into a bit more detail on what you mean by that, including the little stuff, so we can map what you are to a mostly correct version?

Cause right now, I'm more thinking of you as some sort of a blood ghoul or something, rather than most depictions of a zombie.
No. 1062435 ID: 777518

Ok so the fact that you think a Horse might be something new and unheard of means this is either way, WAY into the future or we're from a different timeline entirely. This is kinda worrying.

Also feel free to ditch the cloak, your boobs are nice and I like your tummy.
No. 1062436 ID: b8a833

Ok this is super important, you understand? You gotta answer these questions. Is there a blue orb anywhere nearby? Did you recently get a really nice hoodie? Do you know any girls with tentacles and blue marks all over their body?
No. 1062437 ID: 273c18

Just how old was the brain you ate? We have some fucking ancient memories, if what you're saying about Cowboys matches what we remember.

Now that the hunt's over, what's your next destination?
No. 1062440 ID: 2a86c3

Yeah Sounds like we're pre uh....God-smacking, Cause all of this is new to us...and if we're THAT old, well, Maybe this is just how parts that old make things work? No idea honestly, But, Yeah figure while we're here we might as well try to give ya a hand.
No. 1062449 ID: 90c451

I'm assuming from what I'm seeing these "garbage men" are basically just a bunch of organs in a big bag?
No. 1062451 ID: bcda6c


hahahaha oh my god, this is great

ok ok so, context: ROMERO, with a second R? film director, made some good movies, largely associated with the creation of zombie cinema as a whole.

ROMEO, with one R? some dumbass teenager that commit suicide with his girlfriend and started a civil war in a stage play. for some reason this became synonymous with romance because culture prior to the apocalypse was kind of a wash and should not be missed.

someone confused the two somewhere, it caught on, and now your culture is essentially calling you a horny teenager because you're slightly dead.

this is EXTREMELY funny.
No. 1062452 ID: 936bd9

Well, it could also be that zombies were given the designation of R on the NATO phonetic alphabet though why they'd use that instead of Zulu is beyond my reasoning.
No. 1062454 ID: 61235c

I don’t know about 100% of the others but I’m a pataphysical entity. So long as you’re connected to us, our narrative weight on your layer of reality will continue to draw plot devices (inciting actions, archetypal characters, and arcs) to you.

This means as long as we stick together, interesting things will happen to you. Which fortunately bodes well for your prospects of kissing cute girls, though the cash flow will probably be pretty boom-and-bust.

To a more specific point, I’m not sure what exactly you mean by a garbage man, but if you’re hunting down our noble public sanitation workers I’m going to be cross. Public utility workers are the backbone of our society.
No. 1062455 ID: 5d9787

Don't take this the wrong way, but from your description aren't you a superspreader? The cute girls you smooch must also be imune to diseases.
No. 1062458 ID: e5709d

Cowboys... weren't that glorious.
Cowboy culture did set the stage for using flair in one-handed irons, though. Before that, most flashy showoff moves were relegated to one-hand melee weapons.
Also, cowboys were endemic to a specific region of the Old World, so you might be living on what was once the North American continent, the part of the world northwest of the center of humanity's origin.

We lived about a century after the end of the era of cowboys. Back when sapient AIs were on the verge of being born. Y'know, I always thought that when humanity inevitably destroyed the planet, the higher powers wouldn't care. That they might not have even known our world existed. Guess I was wrong.

Let's talk about cyberware. You said that the rules changed and magic came back, right? How did it affect cybernetics? Iron limbs, mental manipulation, connection to the greater computer network, stuff like that.
No. 1062459 ID: 521f51

The Wild West era, the setting for most Westerns, was 1865-1895. As far as Cryonics, Alcor was founded in 1972, and the Cryonics Institute was founded in 1976. So we'd be sometime after that.
No. 1062460 ID: 521f51


Keep in mind a lot of 'cowboys' in Westerns weren't literal Cowboys. Some Westerns used the term more precisely, some didn't. Many had the protagonists be Outlaws, Gunslingers, Lawmen, and the like, rather than the actual cattle-drivers.
No. 1062479 ID: 06095b


Well, you won't get any girls smelling like a corpse. We'll teach you how to make detergent later.
No. 1062496 ID: 08229c
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>Smooching cute girls and wearing snazzy clothes? if you wanted to get rid of us, you just made a mistake, I'm pretty sure most of us are in it for the long haul now, could be weeks, could be years. Shoulda just acted uninteresting to poke at or watch.

I'm sure you'll get bored of me eventually. My life isn't that crazy. But if you insist on sticking around and I can't get rid of you, why not enjoy it? If you have old world knowledge and can see things I can't, I'm not seeing too many downsides to this.

You know, besides there being voices in my head.

>Don't take this the wrong way, but from your description aren't you a superspreader? The cute girls you smooch must also be imune to diseases.

I'm not diseased. That's not how this works. Uh... How do I describe my "condition"... I'm basically, constantly, fighting against degrading. When I am full and not stressed I actually look pretty alive. I have warm skin. But then my skin goes cold. My body stops breathing (not that it needed to). Things that make me seem human begin to fade.

In return I get stronger the less human I am, though I teeter on the brink to madness.

It's not a disease, more like a really weird curse. I have smooched many a girl and none have died. Or complained.

I sometimes even get repeat customers.

The trick is finding someone that doesn't mind the occasional biological hiccup. Nothing kills the mood faster than your hand falling off.

I think anyone can become like me. You just have to die and really REALLY not want to stay dead.

>Well, you won't get any girls smelling like a corpse. We'll teach you how to make detergent later.

Fuck you, I smell nice! . . . Okay, I don't smell nice right now but that is not my usual state.

>someone confused the two somewhere, it caught on, and now your culture is essentially calling you a horny teenager because you're slightly dead.

... I don't believe you.

>We lived about a century after the end of the era of cowboys. Back when sapient AIs were on the verge of being born. Y'know, I always thought that when humanity inevitably destroyed the planet, the higher powers wouldn't care. That they might not have even known our world existed. Guess I was wrong.

>Let's talk about cyberware. You said that the rules changed and magic came back, right? How did it affect cybernetics? Iron limbs, mental manipulation, connection to the greater computer network, stuff like that.

First of all, cowboys were great. Second of all wow you're old then... Still not old enough to have seen the iron warriors of old, but still pretty old.

Cybernetics... That's under the jurisdiction of the Web lads. Most arch-tech is. I don't really mess with that kinda stuff on my own. I mean, I have a few trinkets but nothing to get their attention.

>well, time to go back to wherever you came from and let the one(s) who sent you know you completed the hunting task.

Actually, that ties into arch-tech. The garbage-men, undead that have fallen to madness that results in them wanting to collect stuff, tend to have some good trinkets.

The woman digs her hands into the garbage-man's guts. It's mostly just literal trash. Cans, body parts, rotten food.

She feels something solid and metal and pulls it out.

Here we go, that's the good stuff. An arch-tech disc player. Bit fucked up but still this is gonna be worth at least a few thousand bucks.

She digs around more and finds mostly just cables and a few chunks of tech.

Hmm. Not bad, not bad.
Alright, let's head back. First we're going to my place. I want my cash to buy a new outfit. After that there's a few places t

... Hmm.

I can't... Decide what to do after that. That's odd.
Maybe I should see the doc? But, first let's go home.
No. 1062498 ID: 08229c
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>I don’t know about 100% of the others but I’m a pataphysical entity. So long as you’re connected to us, our narrative weight on your layer of reality will continue to draw plot devices (inciting actions, archetypal characters, and arcs) to you.

>This means as long as we stick together, interesting things will happen to you. Which fortunately bodes well for your prospects of kissing cute girls, though the cash flow will probably be pretty boom-and-bust.

>To a more specific point, I’m not sure what exactly you mean by a garbage man, but if you’re hunting down our noble public sanitation workers I’m going to be cross. Public utility workers are the backbone of our society.

That sounds like a lot of hassle. But, if you guys help me you can stick around. And no, these are not the waste-disposal guys. Totally different people. I don't kill for no reason. Now if the waste guy was going through my stuff...

>I'm assuming from what I'm seeing these "garbage men" are basically just a bunch of organs in a big bag?

Organs and other stuff. This one was filled with a few bits of tech and lots of trash. And some body parts. If I were desperate I could have healed off of it. But, I have standards.

>Also feel free to ditch the cloak, your boobs are nice and I like your tummy.

There are still decency laws where I'm going. If I waltz in naked it might cause a stir. But, thank you for the compliment.

>Oh well, off to town to get new clothes I guess. You got some stashed away or are you going to have to get paid first to be able to buy me clothes. Don’t mean any harm with that question I’m just not seeing a coin purse or wallet on you so I’m not sure if you carried all you money on you or if you have it stashed away somewhere.

I'm pretty well off. But, I don't carry much money with me on a hunt. Cause what happened could happen. I'd be pissed if I blew a few hundred cause some feral decided to take a chomp out of my thigh and ate my wallet.

So, we're going to my home to pick up cash.

But, it's a bit of a walk. If you have any more questions go ahead. This is actually kinda fun.
No. 1062499 ID: 1effd3

Feel free to just to refer to us as "The Brainworms".
No. 1062500 ID: 58c090

>I can't... Decide what to do after that. That's odd.
That is odd, people don't start having trouble coming up with ideas on their own until after a while of having us constantly shouting advice inside their heads. Having it happen immediately is weird, and asking a doctor about it may help.
No. 1062501 ID: ec1979

>There are still decency laws where I'm going. If I waltz in naked it might cause a stir.
fukken hell, centuries if not millennia in the future but people are still not over this prude shit?
No. 1062503 ID: 2aa5f0

>Maybe I should see the doc? But, first let's go home.
Well you were just in a fight were you lost a lot of blood and eat a strange thing that now is making you hear voices. A check up probably wouldn't hurt.

>If you have any more questions go ahead. This is actually kinda fun.
So what do you do for a living? You a bounty hunter, mercenary, "trouble shooter", or ... what?
No. 1062504 ID: a7a180

Executive function disorder? Been there, done that.
...Plug the disc-player into yourself.
No. 1062509 ID: 7b9414

>Traded you cheap.
Got what you paid for
No. 1062519 ID: e5709d

...One thousand dollars. For a @#$%ing disc player.
Those had better be for playing discovered obsolete government-files discs.

We need more information about the world if we're going to get a long-term strategy going.
First off, maps. We have a rough memory of the shape of important nations and continents from the old world. We need to see how much has changed and how much you know of.
Second is a list of general... techniques. You've got guns and magic, but what kinds and what else? Chi-casting, pymarics, perception layers, random bull^&*( that gets harder the more you scientifically understand? We're not experts in magic but we've seen enough to get an intuitive grasp of rules. There's also the potential for Rigging, in which you apply cyberware to your brain and use to to pilot some killer robots. In your case, installing cyberware may be your best long-term option for survival; cyberware may need repairs but it 'rots' far slower than flesh, meaning you won't need to replace as often. Okay, you'd need some kind of quick-install tech for when your attachments inevitably rot out of their bioports, but it'd still mean you'd have a more consistent loadout of long-term powers.
Third is what you know about yourself and your species. Who were you before you died? How does authority react to revenant zombies? Do you have a base rot rate multiplier, or does every part you graft consistently rot at its own rate regardless of the zombie who wields it? And of course, I figure eating another zombie is a bad idea, but how badly does it go?
No. 1062522 ID: dee951

Regarding the Romeo/Romero thing? Yea, he's right. The William Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet was written between 1591 and 1596. The NATO Phonetic Alphabet, as of the 1956 version's last ten letters are: Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. The filmmaker and writer George Andrew Romero was born in 1940 and died in 2017, and his work includes the 1968 Horror film, 'Night of the Living Dead', which is identified as the first modern-style zombie film. The film was unintentionally released without a copyright notice, allowing the subsequent flourishing of the zombie movie genre. Before then, the theme had only been in occasional movies here and there, like the 1932 film 'White Zombie'.

I have a LOT more zombie, ghoul, and undead facts. Including about an entire genre of 'Zombies and Cowboys' style fiction. Would you like some more facts?
No. 1062523 ID: 5d9787

I was more concern with whatever is constantly degrading you body to be contagious than your undead state be transmissible. If you are sure you didn't get anyone sick so far I will assume you're safe.

>Web lads
We used to be web lads back in our days. What are those like now?

>disc player
I used to save my photos on discs like this. They are convenient because they were cheap and if stored in reasonable conditions never degrade.
If this one happen to be full of pictures of birds it might be one mine.

Don't give too much credit to this religious talk. If you convince yourself you are the protagonist of the world you might start making stupid decisions out of egocentrismo.
No. 1062526 ID: dee951


Hey the original compact disc player cost almost that much when it came out, in the dollars of the time. As did the first laserdisc player. And the first blu ray! Not DVDs though, they bucked the trend. Also this isn't accounting for inflation. We don't know what inflation/deflation, the apocalypse, various reissuings of currency, etc. did to money either, or what they're using for currency here.
No. 1062532 ID: d12415

Romeo could also be for Resurrected, since calling them Zulus may have seemed culturally insensitive. Alternatively, zulus may be the term for ferals and romeos are the ones that still have their minds (and thus are more like resurrected individuals, rather than zombies).

Also you missed a great opportunity to end that with "would you like to know more?"
No. 1062533 ID: dee951



Well, shit, you're right. I shall turn in my geek card, then.
No. 1062537 ID: 53560f

>I can't... Decide what to do after that. That's odd.
Hoo boy, either we are taking up more space in your brain than is strictly safe or you are still recovering from the critical blood loss & brain damage.
Hope cybernetics have advanced enough that you can get more storage for us in your brain, otherwise this could be a problem.
No. 1062541 ID: 340403

>There are still decency laws where I'm going. If I waltz in naked it might cause a stir.
Seems like you shouldn't be going there then. Le's go make our own place, with (naked) blackjack and hookers.
No. 1062542 ID: dee951


You can't decide? Oh dear. We've altered your brain function and are causing decision paralysis until you get some suggestions from us. Are you still capable of telling when we give you bad ideas and ignoring those, at least? Cause what if some of us aren't in a safe frame of mind??
No. 1062551 ID: 906f12

Is your iron big? Is it a big iron that you can carry on your hip? I'd love a big iron on my hip. your hip, in this case... Or is it our hips now too?
No. 1062572 ID: d12415

inb4 we live in Agua Fria.
No. 1062574 ID: 08229c
File 168307208985.png - (205.19KB , 1000x600 , 10.png )

>fukken hell, centuries if not millennia in the future but people are still not over this prude shit?

Some things never change. In my personal opinion I think all people should just go around naked. Wait, no, then there wouldn't be girls in cute clothes.

Truly this is a complicated issue.

>You can't decide? Oh dear. We've altered your brain function and are causing decision paralysis until you get some suggestions from us. Are you still capable of telling when we give you bad ideas and ignoring those, at least? Cause what if some of us aren't in a safe frame of mind??

You're familiar with this... Condition? Hmm... I think I can ignore you guys. But I feel like... I don't know. Like your paths are the right one? It's an interesting sensation. I can't tell if the paths are -actually- right or I've just gone mad.

Well, I did suffer brain damage...

>I was more concern with whatever is constantly degrading you body to be contagious than your undead state be transmissible. If you are sure you didn't get anyone sick so far I will assume you're safe.

>We used to be web lads back in our days. What are those like now?

Eh. As long as I eat regularly my body is perfectly fine. It doesn't even have to be people! I prefer not to eat people, even. I will eat some walkers in a pinch if I have to. But that tends to have the least powerful results when it comes to healing and they taste bad.

Web lads are a buncha racist asses. They're from the Coalition of the Fallen Web. Basically they like to hoard all the arch-tech they can. But, they pay -very- well for it and tolerate me cause I bring in the good stuff. Like my new disk thing.

>First off, maps. We have a rough memory of the shape of important nations and continents from the old world. We need to see how much has changed and how much you know of.

>Second is a list of general... techniques. You've got guns and magic, but what kinds and what else? Chi-casting, pymarics, perception layers, random bull^&*( that gets harder the more you scientifically understand? We're not experts in magic but we've seen enough to get an intuitive grasp of rules. There's also the potential for Rigging, in which you apply cyberware to your brain and use to to pilot some killer robots. In your case, installing cyberware may be your best long-term option for survival; cyberware may need repairs but it 'rots' far slower than flesh, meaning you won't need to replace as often. Okay, you'd need some kind of quick-install tech for when your attachments inevitably rot out of their bioports, but it'd still mean you'd have a more consistent loadout of long-term powers.

>Third is what you know about yourself and your species. Who were you before you died? How does authority react to revenant zombies? Do you have a base rot rate multiplier, or does every part you graft consistently rot at its own rate regardless of the zombie who wields it? And of course, I figure eating another zombie is a bad idea, but how badly does it go?

... That's a lotta fucking words, what the fuck.

Uh... I can see about getting a map, I guess? Some general stuff around but I don't think you'll get anything crazy detailed.

Techniques... Well, by myself I'm pretty good with a gun. I'm actually pretty shitty at casting magic but if I swap limbs I can channel things better. Cyberware is.. I think you're talking tech? Yeah there's some places that sell mods like that but they're insanely expensive and unlike the rest of me don't heal if they take damage. I prefer organics over tech. Well, save my iron.

Uh... I'm human? Just undead. No idea who I was before I died or from when. In general people who aren't undead are skittish around the undead. Even the 'good ones'. You eat one brain and suddenly you're a cannibal. I don't really have to worry too much about rotting since I 'heal' that by eating as well.

The biggest danger to an undead like myself is actually going feral. If I...

Can you guys see the image in my head?

So, basically, I uh... Let's call it Humanity. So, when an undead has humanity they rot slower, they look more alive, they're more sane. But they're also about as strong as any other person, just harder to kill.

Now, let's say I decided to abandon my humanity. Went all out with organic upgrades. I'm talking quad tittied, tentacle dick, smasher appendages, giant teeth. My strength goes way up! But my humanity has taken such a dip that even the weather being bad that day might trigger me into going feral.

Humanity is defined by different undead as different things. Like having something you cherish, retaining a human form, maybe being religious?
No. 1062575 ID: 08229c
File 168307212140.png - (138.76KB , 1000x600 , 11.png )

>I have a LOT more zombie, ghoul, and undead facts. Including about an entire genre of 'Zombies and Cowboys' style fiction. Would you like some more facts?


Yes. Yes I would.
No. 1062577 ID: 08229c
File 168307234470.png - (121.53KB , 1000x600 , 12.png )

>So what do you do for a living? You a bounty hunter, mercenary, "trouble shooter", or ... what?

Hunter. Protector. Spelunker. I do lots of things. If you have a tough job and need it done? I'm your gal. Mostly hunting, though.

>...Plug the disc-player into yourself.

Jane attempts to plug the disc-player into herself. It doesn't have any effect.

. . .

Don't know why I thought that would do anything.

Either way, brainworms, here we are. Home.

Well, home/workplace. Office is downstairs, everything else is in the back and upstairs. I know, my OWN building. It's in the fringes but still, I'm actually pretty well off.

Jane enters the building. She's hit with the immediate relief that comes with being home after a long trip. She finds the nearest chair and sinks into it.
No. 1062579 ID: 08229c
File 168307267501.png - (234.00KB , 600x1000 , 13.png )

A woman approaches Jane from behind and wraps her arms around her. Jane's too tired to fight back against them. They move the hair covering Jane's face to the side and click their tongue.

"You lost your eye again," the woman says.

"Yeah. It was the wrong size. Like I told you."

"Mmm. You smell like shit."

"Yeah, well, I just got through fighting a garbage-man. What's your excuse?"

"I accidentally brushed against your door."

This wonderful specimen is Lotte. She's my... Roommate? Doctor? She lives here. Before you ask she is not someone I care for smooching. She has a really weird thing about eyeballs. It's hard to make out with someone when they're licking your eye.

"Fuck you. I'm tired. I almost died. And I got brain worms."

"Oh no, they might actually make you smarter."

"No, really. I ate a spoiled brain. Now I'm hearing voices."

"Truly?" She asks, a genuine note of concern in her voice.

"Yeah. They're not bad. They got a lot of old world knowledge. Might be useful for missions. Not like I can remove them anyway, right?"

"No, not if the brain has already fused with yours.. You have to be more careful out there."

"And you have to give me an eyeball that fits."

"When you start paying me for good eyes I'll give you good eyes."


If she weren't so useful and wasn't helping me pay this place off I'd kick her out.

She's not letting go of me, though. And she's not saying anything.


I'm trying to do something but I... Can't? Hm. Let's try this. Give me ideas of what to do.
No. 1062580 ID: 58c090

>Wait, no, then there wouldn't be girls in cute clothes.
>Truly this is a complicated issue.
People should be free to be either naked, clothed, or anywhere in between. That leaves the possibility of cute outfits and nakedness, and sometimes both at the same time.

>Can you guys see the image in my head?
Huh, I actually can. That's not usual, most often we're just limited to internal monologues. I guess you're just good at picturing stuff? That may come in handy.

>It's hard to make out with someone when they're licking your eye.
Id be down, tbh. But you do you.

>I'm trying to do something but I... Can't? Hm. Let's try this. Give me ideas of what to do.
Maybe mention this to her? She's the doctor, after all.
No. 1062581 ID: a7a180

Who did you negotiate the mortgage for a house with after the apocalypse, and do you have the key to that vending machine?
Try turning around to return the hug. You ever try licking eyeballs yourself?
No. 1062582 ID: 1effd3

We the brainworms would like to say hi to Lotte.
Hi Lotte! tell us about yourself.

Also yeah, quite evident we have given you choice paralysis, but thankfully we can cause your brain to hyperprocess our suggestions as if you wernt.

... huh, kinda makes us like V.A.T.S., right guys? Except we'd be...uhhh someone make a cool acronym.
No. 1062583 ID: 5d9787

Tell your friend about George Romero and how his name was confused with Romeo and Juliet.

Since you enjoy american cowboys would you like to hear about cowboys from other countries? I can tell a little about the gauchos: they dressed with sillier cloths and used bolas (three weighted balls connected by ropes) that were more efficient at capturing cows than the noose you might know from the movies.
No. 1062584 ID: 2a86c3

>Licking your eye
aaaaaaaa...But on that subject do you uh, feel pain normally, or is it deadened or whatever?

But idea, if you're not opposed to it, what if you hide an emergency weapon somewhere inside your body? Like, a knife or something, that you can get out if you ever have an emergency, Since you're already a dead-head, it won't mess with your body too much, right?
No. 1062587 ID: 4534a6

Hard ban on any and all eye licking, yuck
Also make sure to avoid her giving your empty socket a fucking
Ask her to run you a bath, that should free you from her grasp
No. 1062588 ID: 4534a6

Hard ban on any and all eye licking, yuck
Also make sure to avoid her giving your empty socket a fucking
Ask her to run you a bath, that should free you from her grasp
No. 1062591 ID: 136506

Go take a shower, you’re a mess and smell from being covered in treashman guts.
No. 1062595 ID: dee951


My pleasure.

Sit down, young lass, and let me tell you about the genre of fiction known as the 'Weird West', as it was eventually codified from it's prototypical form, the 'Supernatural Western'. First of all, there was only one notable 'Supernatural Western' series actually published during the time of the Wild West, which lasted from 1865-1900. That was the 'Deadwood Dick' character that appeared in a series of dime novels published between 1877 and 1897 by Edward Lytton Wheeler.

Supernatural Westerns mostly languished until the later examples, like Robert E Howard's story 'The Horror from the Mound' in 1932, and the genre wouldn't have it's name until 1972 with DC Comic's 'Weird Western Tales' series of comic anthologies, which feature a bounty hunter antihero named Jonah Hex encountering various supernatural entities.

A notable book series in this genre that you might actually find is the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, which started with 'The Gunslinger', released in 1982. The series follows Roland Deschain, the last gunslinger in his quest to find the Dark Tower, and combines Western, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror. These genres are typical of 'Weird West'.

Also notable is a related genre, 'Steampunk', which features implausibly advanced technology with a 'Victorian' aesthetic, a genre named by K W Jeter in 1987. The similarities of Steampunk and Weird West caused many hybrid works, such as the novel 'Boneshaker' by Cherie Priest in 2009, a novel set in an alternate-history Seattle during the Civil War, where zombies roam the streets and steampunk airships fly above the city.

Of course, Weird West wouldn't be complete without mentioning the pen and paper role playing game (think of this as a set of rules for a form of cooperative improvisational storytelling) series known as 'Deadlands', published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, with the first of many many books by many authors being released by them in 1996.

Unfortunately, to my memory, there weren't many true Weird West movies; video games tended to be more popular for the genre as far as things that require electricity.

Also, entirely separately from this genre stuff, I do not think 'Zombie' is a mythologically or folklorically, accurate term for you. Neither is pretas, strigoi, mara, adze, ekimmu, or vampir a close match. No, I believe you are 'ghulah' or 'ghula', a female version of a 'ghoul' or 'ghul'. These creatures are a form of undead, the tales of which arose in the Islamic golden age (750-1258), which were generally depicted as more powerful, free willed, magical, capable of independent action, and in the case of ghoulah, seductive, than the 'reanimated and enslaved' zombies inspired by much later Haitian Voudou beliefs, which came up with the term 'Zonbi'.

What would you like to know more about?
No. 1062596 ID: dee951

Also hug her and say 'you're good people'. It can be a non-romantic side hug or partial hug to get some friendly human contact, if you wish.
No. 1062597 ID: d12415

You need to move getting cybernetic eyes up as high on the to-do list as realistically possible. More durable than the natural jelly ones and if it gets knocked out, you only need to reconnect the optic nerve rather than try to find a new eyeball that may or may not fit.

Speaking of eyes, your friend has to be missing a significant portion of her frontal lobe to fit that third eye socket. Is she doing alright? I mean, I am no neurosurgeon, but losing that much of your lingual and cingulate gyri, along with parts of the cuneus likely causes some interesting issues with visual processing and mood stability.
No. 1062601 ID: e5709d

Orb Assisted Technomancy System

Speaking of which, there was once this magical gem called the Orb of Infinite Psyche that we were originally attached to. Whoever touched the gem developed a connection to us; not permanent, but connections could last for years. Fragments fell off and we discovered that potential hosts making skin contact with mere fragments caused us to possess them. Methinks you eating that brain caused some orb particles to infect you.

We might be bloodborne. Try transferring some of your blood into Lotte, see if we can connect to her.
No. 1062602 ID: 2b6ba0

Oh no, if you -can't- do things without our prompting, then I'm afraid this is a terminal infection. You will never be free; eventually our connection to this world, and you, will be severed, and you will remain frozen in place forever, like a story whose author got distracted and decided to write something else.

Also tell your friend that I think her third eye is cute and would be happy to let her lick mine if I had any.
No. 1062603 ID: dee951


Please, now you're just making shit up.

Alas, you have limited ways to determine if we are, in fact, making shit up.
No. 1062610 ID: 58c090

>like a story whose author got distracted and decided to write something else.
Well that's just mean.
MAQ when?
No. 1062613 ID: 26a442

You should take a shower or bath and put on clothes. That always helps me stay feeling human.
No. 1062614 ID: f890d2

Are we really set on the "brainworm" term? It's not like we exist as seperate biological entities, at least on our hosts layer of existence.

Might I suggest a name like "the choir" "the chorus" or "the forum" something that invokes the idea of discussion and/or collection of voices
No. 1062621 ID: 2a86c3

I like brainworms,
No. 1062623 ID: fe2332


I like The Forum! Though we need a collective term for us that fits that. Citizens? Senators? Speakers?
No. 1062624 ID: 9a2966

Hey, try this one for size:

Do what you normally would in this sorta situation.
No. 1062625 ID: 620192

Obviously we are a Shoulder Council: your shoulder angels and demons in one confusing package.

Also, seconding the shower. Time to smell good.
No. 1062627 ID: 906f12

Well, what would you usually do when you come back home, you smell like death, have no clothing, and you are tired as heck?

Take a shower, rest a little, get some clothes on and then go sell your junk.
No. 1062629 ID: bcda6c

honk like a goose and defecate upon your roommate
No. 1062635 ID: e5709d

Jane loves Westerns.
We need a name that's sufficiently Western.
Posse? No.
I got it:
Call us... Graves.
No. 1062639 ID: 340403

Lotte seems a good person and could be a great friend.

Go find somebody who can see death or can instill love with sight and give their eyes to her.
No. 1062641 ID: dc4bad

huh, none of her eyes match. So do you only get the spares from pairs she takes?

I... yeah okay that's genius
I for one am all in on the Graves idea
No. 1062642 ID: 288652

I dunno. I think that we should steer clear of selling bodyparts for now. You never know when they might come in handy.
No. 1062643 ID: 6f4507

I can dig Graves.
No. 1062647 ID: 58c090

I feel like I'm missing a reference.
No. 1062676 ID: d12415

Could be referring to Peter Graves who was an actor that was in Fury and Whiplash. Also there is the massive godawful pun of calling ourselves Graves with the whole undead thing.

I have mixed feelings on calling ourselves Graves.
No. 1062768 ID: a4ab72

I actually like posse.
No. 1062769 ID: b7be69


I prefer Posse to Graves!
No. 1062790 ID: f3d25e

WELP. Gotta test if the audio/visual is two-way now. Got the perfect test though. Very classic gunfighter ballad.
No. 1062797 ID: 6f4507

Wonder if she can watch that.
No. 1062928 ID: 2a86c3

Graves or posse works for me, Graves sounds cooler, but posse accounts for the fact that y'know there's a lot of us and we aren't in fact just one being?
No. 1062989 ID: d12415

I would like to humbly recommend a new name: Ghost Riders (or Sky Riders, or something along those lines), referring to the amazing song by Stan Jones and subsequently performed by many artists including Vaughn Monroe, Marty Robbins, and Johnny Cash.
No. 1063088 ID: 08229c
File 168359991396.png - (241.19KB , 1000x600 , 14.png )

>A notable book series in this genre that you might actually find is the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, which started with 'The Gunslinger', released in 1982. The series follows Roland Deschain, the last gunslinger in his quest to find the Dark Tower, and combines Western, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror. These genres are typical of 'Weird West'.

Oh, I have the second volume of that series! I've been trying to hunt down the rest. Ugh.... Thanks for reminding me about it. Fuck. I wanna talk about this more but I actually find it hard to focus super hard on you lot and the world outside my head.

>aaaaaaaa...But on that subject do you uh, feel pain normally, or is it deadened or whatever?
>But idea, if you're not opposed to it, what if you hide an emergency weapon somewhere inside your body? Like, a knife or something, that you can get out if you ever have an emergency, Since you're already a dead-head, it won't mess with your body too much, right?

I can feel pain but like... My body doesn't really scream at me to avoid it? For me it's more like 'oh, that part is damaged'. Like someone touching me but with urgency.

Also I -do- store things inside my stomach. There's quite a few organs that aren't needed so I try and keep important things or spare organs inside. I got my body modded to have a zipper to make it even easier to access them.

>Wonder if she can watch that.

I sense you're trying to do something but I can't see or hear it.

>Tell your friend about George Romero and how his name was confused with Romeo and Juliet.

>Since you enjoy american cowboys would you like to hear about cowboys from other countries? I can tell a little about the gauchos: they dressed with sillier cloths and used bolas (three weighted balls connected by ropes) that were more efficient at capturing cows than the noose you might know from the movies.

I would love to know more...

But, first.

"Hey, Lotte?"


That hand of hers is getting uncomfortably close to my eye socket.

"Did you know that we shouldn't be called Romeo's? It should be Romero. Apparently they're a famous creator that made zombie tales."

"That so? Something lost to time, I suppose. Does Romeo have a meaning?"

"Yeah. Horny teenager."

"... That's tragic."

"Right? Also the uh... The Posse say hi."


She unhands Jane and moves over to her side. She throws up a peace side and smiles

"Hello, Posse. I hope that Jane has taught you nothing but good things about me."

"Of course. Also it seems like it's hard for me to make choices for myself sometimes. Like..." She holds up a hand and flexes it. "I can do stuff like this just fine. Hell, I can do things fine most of the time. Certain junctures cause me to freeze up a bit."

"Hmm. That is interesting. You should let me take a look at that brain of yours."

"Promise you won't touch my eye?"

"I will do my best."

"Fine. I'm taking a bath first."

"A wise choice. You may be immune to an infection but there is a certain decorum you must maintain. Even if you are dead."

"Yeah, yeah."
No. 1063090 ID: 08229c
File 168360073989.png - (122.31KB , 1000x600 , 15.png )

Jane goes to the bathroom after a quick trip to her own room. In her arms are her cleaning supplies, her spare arm, and a towel.

After she washes all the blood and grime and muck off she goes into the warm bath and sinks in.

>I dunno. I think that we should steer clear of selling bodyparts for now. You never know when they might come in handy.

Bodyparts are totally a thing I would sell. Just not my own. And not stuff that I use regularly. I like having a stockpile of stuff. I'm low on brains and eyes, almost perpetually. I could use a new arm. This one gets stiff.

But, the things I normally do when I get home?

I like to read. Sometimes I will watch a vid-tale with Lotte. Or I'll go off to the bar and hit on girls. Or get hit on.


You know, I think this makes my life sound kinda boring when I lay it out like that.

>Also tell your friend that I think her third eye is cute and would be happy to let her lick mine if I had any.

Hmm.. Yeah, it's interesting. I can reject your plan but I also feel compelled to do it.

Meanwhile, when I followed the Posse's plan of 'go get washed' it went really well. I actually felt like I could take the BEST shower ever.

Let's see how far we can push this. Whether it's just a feeling or if you guys do give some extra oomph to my actions.

Give me some more suggestions.
No. 1063091 ID: 6f4507

Your a badass bounty hunting cowgirl that has good taste in ladies and kill monsters and men for sport and body parts, you don't gotta worry about sounding boring to us!
Also, find your kit, or make a check list for the things you need! You need a Vest with shiny buttons, bluejeans, good boots, and at least 6 guns to pack heat with!
A pair of Revolvers and a Nice rifle work at the basic level, but some kinda Shotgun would fit well, as well as some Dynamite, A hatchet maybe...
Can you get your hands on a good Lasoo? Those are important for kinky stuff AND rassling cattle and bounty targets.
No. 1063092 ID: d12415

Get some cybernetic eyes so you don't keep losing your jelly ones.

Replacing your most delicate parts with metal and tech is a good idea since it gets rid of the vulnerability.

But first, get dressed, give us a tour of your place and show us your belongings so we know what we have to work with.
No. 1063093 ID: 6f4507

You have any pets you forgot to feed? A puppy, cat, racoon, fish and or Horse? Fish horse? (Seahorse?)
No. 1063094 ID: a7a180

Careful, if you get addicted your decision making center might burn out completely.
You should go find a new arm. One with high digital dexterity.
No. 1063095 ID: d12415

As charming as the whole cowboy look is, lets try to add some more modern touches when applicable. You know, mag-fed rifles, revolvers with speed-loaders, vests with kevlar or plating, etc. Dynamite is just dangerous and basically plastic explosives and grenades fill any potential use-case much more effectively.

Cowboy hats, tall boots, and dusters are good though.
No. 1063096 ID: 6f4507

Don't forget a really nice cowboy hat! Those are the MOST IMPORTANT PART of any and all cowboy outfits! unless, of course, your trying to go with that rustic business man vibe, in which case your gonna need a handle bar mustache.
No. 1063097 ID: e5709d

>Name: Posse
I JUST SAID- *deep breath*

>What now
Well, let's get started.
First, you need to reinforce your house. Stuff happens around our hosts. Wherever we strike, it's gonna get weird. Be ready. Lead-line your basement. Dig a basement.

Second, a list of what we could do. Emphasis on could.
Our primary purpose is sending information. Back in our oldest adventures, we were some kind of glorified magical courier/advisor hybrid.
A couple of us were trying to send you video clips we have in our Archive, a log of all the stuff we've ever done and heard and said and beyond. It's not perfect, but having memory retention has made all the difference in life-or-death scenarios.
In one particular dimension, we could even warp the fabric of reality itself! Unfortunately, the empire we helped build there has a death grip on the Orb, so most of our power is now stuck waaay over there. If you ever wanted that power, you'd have to deal with three all-consuming factions and their many eldritch gods.
So really, all we can do these days is send you plaintext psychic messages and recieve stills of audio and video.

Third, a full stress-test of your body to ensure everything is working properly. Weights, yoga, cardio, the usual, followed by problem solving, observation with whichever new eye you install, and a recap of social skills. The six-stat works.
No. 1063098 ID: 53e039

Why have you not smooched cute girls yet? Do it. Do it now!
No. 1063099 ID: d12415

Anybody have a good singing voice? Sing Big Iron. The rest of us can a cappella the instruments.
No. 1063100 ID: 61269f

So you more often than not loose your eyes and brains? We gonna have to do something with that. Have you tried using head gear? A helmet with a visor, for example; we should look for those, and also body armor, maybe for the limbs at least, you seem to lose those a lot too.
No. 1063102 ID: 16aff0

Uh, go out back and fire your side arm some to get a better aim?
No. 1063105 ID: 1effd3

aww no more brainworms...
serious thing: new arm that is better
less serious thing: fondle your boobs
No. 1063115 ID: 4fa4e7

this is the part where you masturbate
No. 1063117 ID: 777518

Look I'm sorry but when a cute girl gets naked in the bathtub and asks me to tell her what to do, the first thing that comes to mind is find the donate button and the second will probably make you wanna slap me, which would probably just mean slapping yourself, and I don't wanna make you slap yourself.
No. 1063121 ID: 58c090

Huh, yeah, I suppose she doesn't necessarily hear is in a monotone, does she? Well, I've been told my singing's not bad. Should I try it?
No. 1063124 ID: 58c090

Well, I have that book... memorized, so to speak. Would you like me to read it to you?

[insert first chapter of The Gunslinger, since actually posting it here would be illegal and probably against site rules]
No. 1063129 ID: 5d9787

One curiosity about the gauchos: they obsessively drank chimarrão. It was a tea made in a mug shaped like a boob, filled to the top with green mate and drank using a complicate metal straw. In four countries around that region it was a strong costume to share mate with people during any social interaction.

I assume you occasionally saw charros in cowboy movies. Those are the guys with magnificent sombreros. I love that hat.

>Sometimes I will watch a vid-tale with Lotte.
What are those recorded in? Are they as expensive as that disk you said was valuable?

>... first thing that comes to mind is find the donate button...
That's sad...
No. 1063131 ID: 58c090

Huh, didn't know there were gauchos up in Brazil. Live and learn, I guess... well, our equivalent of "live", I suppose.
No. 1063132 ID: 08229c
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>So you more often than not loose your eyes and brains? We gonna have to do something with that. Have you tried using head gear? A helmet with a visor, for example; we should look for those, and also body armor, maybe for the limbs at least, you seem to lose those a lot too.

I lost my best gear so... Uh... No. Not right now. I just have some clothes.

>Why have you not smooched cute girls yet? Do it. Do it now!

There's only Lotte nearby and... Yeah, I'm good. But I -did- feel the pull of that thought. So that's still a thing.

>You have any pets you forgot to feed? A puppy, cat, racoon, fish and or Horse? Fish horse? (Seahorse?)

Goodness no. I'm not that rich.
W-wait... You uh... Know a place where I can get a horse?

Ah, no, nevermind. It's a silly thought.

>First, you need to reinforce your house. Stuff happens around our hosts. Wherever we strike, it's gonna get weird. Be ready. Lead-line your basement. Dig a basement.

That's a lot of effort. And money. I'll put it on the to-do list.

>Cowboy gear.

I uh... Actually have most of that stuff... Some of them are antiques. I even have a real cowboy hat! It's in my room, under lock and key.

However, my gun isn't really arch-tech. Just a relatively modern handgun. I only have like five bullets let, though, so I'm not keen on wasting them for practice.

>[insert first chapter of The Gunslinger]

. . .

This gunslinger guy is so cool...
No. 1063133 ID: 58c090

>Know a place where I can get a horse?
Our info is a bit out of date, remember?
No. 1063134 ID: 6f4507

Give us a map and maybe we can scour the wastes for a Honse.
No. 1063135 ID: 08229c
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You guys have officially earned your keep.

>I assume you occasionally saw charros in cowboy movies. Those are the guys with magnificent sombreros. I love that hat.

They're really nice hats. I don't think I've seen uh... A proper movie. Like with the tape stuff?

Seen some vid-tales.

>What are those recorded in? Are they as expensive as that disk you said was valuable?

They're stored in data sticks. Are they expensive? Yes. Yes they are. The vids themselves aren't expensive if you can get to a data store but the sticks are ridiculously rare. I try and keep some good stuff for myself.

Got my own viddy screen, data sticks, a disk reader, and a small collection of music-disks and vid-disks.

>fondle your boobs
>this is the part where you masturbate



Yeah, that definitely feels stronger? Like I can find new bits and stuff that feel real good


I'm keeping you lot for sure now.
No. 1063136 ID: 08229c
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Shit, I don't really wanna get too into this right now. I got things to do.

The woman rises from her bath and dries herself off. Her spare arm freezes a few times or goes slack but she still manages to get the job done.

She puts on some underwear and goes off to her own room.

>Also, find your kit, or make a check list for the things you need! You need a Vest with shiny buttons, bluejeans, good boots, and at least 6 guns to pack heat with!
>A pair of Revolvers and a Nice rifle work at the basic level, but some kinda Shotgun would fit well, as well as some Dynamite, A hatchet maybe...
>Can you get your hands on a good Lasoo? Those are important for kinky stuff AND rassling cattle and bounty targets.

As I said, I have most of that stuff. My armor is sorely lacking now, though.

So, you wanted a stock of what I have? I assume you don't just mean my rare gadgets. They're nice but they're not exactly something that's vital to survival.

For hunting I have...

No spare arms
No spare eyes
No spare brains

Enough meat for 2 full regens

My iron, 5 bullets

No armor

And about ten thousand bucks in loose cash. I got a bit more stashed away as gold or rare arch-tech but that's just some liquid funds.

Oh and uh...

Hold on.

The girl gets a key and approaches a locked cabinet. She undoes the simple lock and then closes her eyes before touching the cabinet more. The Posse can't see what she's doing but there is the vaguest of thoughts that she is touching the cabinet in a way to prevent it from unleashing some form of booby trap.

When she's done she opens it.

Check it out.

This is probably the rarest thing I own. Pre-slap figures. Hardly any of them survived things going to shit. I never even seen 'em come up in a scrap spot.

Whenever I'm out and around I keep an eye out for these.

I guess I sorta have a dream of finding a fully intact one?


A-anyway. Enough about that stupid stuff.

Gear. I need gear. You guys keep suggesting I get a new arm so I guess we can do that first. Unless there are better ideas.
No. 1063137 ID: a7a180

You're going to need a spare torso before you get a horse. ...In case you get kicked in the ribs, dummy. But first, let's get some armies up our sleevies!
No. 1063139 ID: 6f4507

I bet we can describe it good enough for you to MAKE your own, if you wanted.
Also only five bullets? girl you make me weep...
Well we got a checklist, but lets not keep your girl waiting too long, she wanted to have a look at you, didn't she? Get some fancy duds on, or semi fancy, since this is your own home and all, don't gotta button up the vest or nothin.
No. 1063140 ID: 1effd3

Question: Which Final Fantasy are you on? Our last one was... 16?

Get a cool machinegun arm like Vash the STampede or Barret.
No. 1063141 ID: 4fa4e7

You probably should put them in something with a seal to prevent them from getting dusty. A jar, perhaps
No. 1063143 ID: 6f4507

I'll turn you into a STAMP if you dare bring that up in this poor girl's mind! She's pure, innocent! Don't bring that Sin here!
No. 1063144 ID: 6f4507

On god we're gonna find a way to stream movies into your brain, and if not, we can find a way to have you record em FROM your brain so you can watch it for real! Science has the answer!
No. 1063145 ID: 777518

So, considering the market for body parts, are there people who, like, grow bespoke limbs as a service? Or who hunt specific sorts of creatures on commission to recover specific bits? Because if you can't have a horse, perhaps you can BE the horse.
No. 1063146 ID: 777518

Ignore this voice, he speaks of forbidden things.
No. 1063147 ID: 16aff0

Well you seem to be low on spare bits, maybe get some spares before you run off into danger again… and some more bullets cause five ain’t doing shit in a prolonged fight.

Oh and don’t forget to drop off the thing and get paid for your last job. Getting paid is good.
No. 1063156 ID: 777518

If we've got ten thousand dollars laying around but only 5 bullets, then I assume either bullets aren't freely available or inflation went HELLA hard.
No. 1063157 ID: e5709d

Actually, you have like 1.3 of a horse right there; the parts don't exactly fit but the core concepts are intact; thin yet strong legs, extended muzzle, hefty torso. The leftmost is the closest you've gotten to a headless horse. Add some of the details of the neck from the center piece, and then stick the horse head from the right on there. You'll need long ears and eyes on the sides of the head.
One of the details we can fill in is that horse 'tails' are actually short-ass stubs but covered in long strands of hair. It's like if you shaved your head and stuck the strands to your butt. No I am serious, horses were weird.
One last detail is that you're going to hear me occasionally use the 'horse-@#$%er' swear. Let's just say that the old worlders who stooped to bestiality (screwing non-sapient beasts) would frequently pick horses for a big reason. And we'll leave it at that.

Back in our time, that was half the amount needed to buy a car, or enough to buy five top-tier computers. As you can tell, inflation and apocalypse shifts mean we no longer know the market price of anything.
I'd say, spend a quarter of that on spare parts and another quarter on weapons and armor.
Say, our archive has some weapon schematics. Maybe we can help you build basic versions from spare parts.
No. 1063158 ID: 777518

No. 1063160 ID: 4a2cef

You know, I know you're a fighter, and one of your arms is on the fritz right now. But maybe long-term you could pick up sculpting. Make your own figures; resurrect that little piece of the past.
No. 1063163 ID: 4534a6

Okay, I gotta ask
Are you limited to just using human body parts?
Or is becoming a centaur Cowboy(girl) in yhe cards?
No. 1063165 ID: 6f4507

Well now she's gonna want to be that, and what if we can't find the parts, hmm? She's just gonna get disappointed.
No. 1063166 ID: d12415

Just so we can get an idea of what stuff is worth, is there a shop nearby? Do they sell bottled water or soup or some sort of non-rare food item that is considered cheap? How much is it?

>No horse
A good substitute for a horse would be a motorcycle. A steel horse, if you will, as described in Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi.

Lets see your piece. Depending on what it is, it may be possible to make your own bullets. You would need raw materials like lead, brass, copper, saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, along with tools.

Also, new rule: ALWAYS collect your used bullet casings. Much easier to reload empties than cast new ones. Speaking of, would it be possible for you to buy empty bullet casings in the right caliber?

What the fuck.
No. 1063170 ID: 5ade57

I've heard that the fabled horse wiener increases ATK and hit rate, and requires less time to adapt to than the full quadrupedal configuration.
No. 1063173 ID: dee951


Let's not get too lewd, right?

Ugh, lots of us DO give bad ideas.
No. 1063175 ID: dee951

Why don't you have a crossbow, then? Gun-styled repeating crossbows, even pistol crossbows, hell, LEVER-ACTION repeating crossbows are fairly simple to make, and have ammunition that is reusable. In the 2010's and 2020's, repeating crossbows and similar things like repeating longbows, slingshot-bows, and the like went through a renaissance due to the actions and popularity of one hobbyist engineer in Germany named Joerg Sprave. Also, even if infrastructure and technological know-how went to shit, people should still have access to musket and bayonet style weapons with as much ammunition and black powder and light cannon the like as they can make. Don't you have a bunch of that?
No. 1063178 ID: 53e039

What would you name a horse if you found one?
No. 1063183 ID: 58c090

>A good substitute for a horse would be a motorcycle. A steel horse, if you will, as described in Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi.
I wholeheartedly approve of this idea, if it is at all possible.

>lots of us DO give bad ideas
Well, that's kind of the point, quantity has a quality of its own. Throw enough darts at a dartboard, and one's bound to hit the bullseye, even if it's because every other space is full.
No. 1063200 ID: 6f4507

Could always turn her useless organs into a PSI system to shoot enemies with! Course then she would have to deal with getting shot equalling having her main gun turned off... Damn, mutant fire arms are a bad idea now that I think about it.
No. 1063202 ID: 1effd3

Get a Giant Centipede, and equip it as your new arm.
No. 1063205 ID: 357b7c


A giant centipede, should such a thing exist, would need magical reinforcement to be able to breathe and not collapse it's legs, once it got more than somewhat big. It'd also be better as an independently mobile pet. Centipedes are mobile hunters, you know? Like having a pet dog if you could tame the thing.
No. 1063224 ID: 08229c
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... I...

What the fuck.

>What would you name a horse if you found one?


>If we've got ten thousand dollars laying around but only 5 bullets, then I assume either bullets aren't freely available or inflation went HELLA hard.

Bullets are extremely rare. At least, to common people. They're still not common the higher you go up the social ladder but they're still rare. If I had the access to them I could purchase a few. But, as it stands, it's like 500 bucks a bullet.

I'm not keen on wasting them. Especially since these aren't even regular bullets. These particular bullets are coated in a substance that can permanently harm the undead.

Though, I think you're correct in that I should be better at recycling the shell casings. It never occurred to me to do so. At the very least they'd sell for a good bit.

>Get a Giant Centipede, and equip it as your new arm.
>Are you limited to just using human body parts?
>Or is becoming a centaur Cowboy(girl) in yhe cards?
>So, considering the market for body parts, are there people who, like, grow bespoke limbs as a service? Or who hunt specific sorts of creatures on commission to recover specific bits? Because if you can't have a horse, perhaps you can BE the horse.

I would love nothing more than to have a horse body. But that presents a few issues. Remember earlier I was talking about humanity? Yeah. Getting a horse body would definitely count as moving 'away' from humanity. And while I could adjust to it over time it would still require a lot of effort to not lose myself to it.

I try and stick to simpler stuff.

But a horse body IS very tempting. Thankfully I've never seen one come to market.

There are groups that specialize in actually crafting limbs. We'll be visiting one of the people in said group shortly since I -do- need a new arm.

>Just so we can get an idea of what stuff is worth, is there a shop nearby? Do they sell bottled water or soup or some sort of non-rare food item that is considered cheap? How much is it?

Uh... I can get a bottle of water for 50 cents. Does that help?
There's a food vendor around that sells these cheap noodle things for about that much too.

>Why don't you have a crossbow, then? Gun-styled repeating crossbows, even pistol crossbows, hell, LEVER-ACTION repeating crossbows are fairly simple to make, and have ammunition that is reusable. In the 2010's and 2020's, repeating crossbows and similar things like repeating longbows, slingshot-bows, and the like went through a renaissance due to the actions and popularity of one hobbyist engineer in Germany named Joerg Sprave. Also, even if infrastructure and technological know-how went to shit, people should still have access to musket and bayonet style weapons with as much ammunition and black powder and light cannon the like as they can make. Don't you have a bunch of that?

The weapons are less of the issue and more of just how hard it is to keep down what I hunt. Magic and my own bullets are the best means of inflicting actual wounds on these creatures.

But hey if you guys have ideas for weapons I'm all ears. I would love to get better at killing.

>Well we got a checklist, but lets not keep your girl waiting too long, she wanted to have a look at you, didn't she? Get some fancy duds on, or semi fancy, since this is your own home and all, don't gotta button up the vest or nothin.

Jane puts on some normal clothes. Her spare arm freezes up frequently and by the end of her dressing it hangs limply by her side.

This is what happens when you buy cheap.
No. 1063226 ID: 6f4507

To be fair on the whole "won't kill them" front, a big crossbow bolt covered in barbed wire doesn't need to kill, just slow and aggravate the enemy, can't fight if your foot has a hole filled with horrible bits, can ya?
No. 1063230 ID: 08229c
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When Jane goes downstairs she finds Lotte reading a text-tale. She calls out to her and gestures to Lotte's "office".

The room is just barely better than Lotte's bedroom. There's an examination chair, table, and jars of eyeballs. Jane sits down on the chair and sighs.

I hate this.

Lotte cleans her hands and locks Jane's head in place with straps. Jane can hear the buzz of a saw. She can feel the blade slicing into the top of her head until enough of her skull is removed to show her brain.

Lotte clicks her tongue as she looks over the organ.


"How bad is it?"

"Bad. Your brain is super messed up my friend."

"Fuck. Am I going to die?"

"Again? No. But I can distinctly see where your brain stops and the other begins. And it has multiple tendrils drilled into your own brain. It's woven in there pretty good."


"Fuck indeed. I don't foresee it getting worse. Hell, it could get better. But it's definitely a fairly permanent change."

"Can't you scoop out the other bits? You know. Worst come to worst."

Not that I don't like you guys. Just, you know. Backup plans.

"Of course I could. But it would do so much damage to your own brain. And I'm not sure how it would respond to healing. You might be perfectly fine after healing or you might end up even more of a complete nerd than you already are."

"Wow. Fuck you. Put my skull back on."

"Of course."

Lotte replaces the bit of skull she took off and cleans up Jane before undoing the straps keeping her in. She hands the girl some jerky to heal the wound.

"Alright," Jane says, fully healed, "Thanks, Lotte."

"Anytime. You know I love looking at your lovely organs. If you ever wish to repay me, see if the dealer has any rare eyeballs."

"Yeah, yeah."

I know for a fact she's licked my brain at least once.

I hate that girl sometimes.

Alright, let's turn in our loot.
No. 1063238 ID: 08229c
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Jane says goodbye to Lotte before heading off. The door to their home is locked and a sign placed saying the office is close.

She hums an old song to herself as she makes her way to the mission board.

The sound of metal groaning makes her stop. A figure emerges from an alleyway, well over six feet tall. She looks at Jane with empty eyes.

"Jane." The woman says, staring at Jane.

"Magda. I'm not interested in fighting today."

"And neither am I... I would like very much if you could hand over whatever you got from the outside without fuss."

"I got it fair and square. The New Law says it's mine by right of combat, of victory."

"Rrr..." There's a huff. Jane can see steam. "Indeed. That mission should have been mine. That quest should have been mine. The victory, mine. I will beat you and take it from your corpse along with whatever spare parts you got..."


I am NOT equipped for a showdown right now. I'm not wasting a bullet on the bitch.
No. 1063241 ID: 1effd3

Ok dudes, time to enter O.A.T.S. and get ready to analyze this bitch at hyperspeed.
No. 1063248 ID: 273c18

The coating on your bullets... can you get it by itself? You could coat crossbow bolts with it.

>not equipped
Ok, then your choices are to use gun (which you said you don't want to do) or run away and lose her for long enough to sell your loot. The steam implies she has something that generates heat, so maybe you can overheat her by making her run around.

In a battle, you could also try to aim for where the steam is coming from... but it sounds like your only real weapon is the gun, so you might as well just shoot her in the brain.
No. 1063249 ID: f15498

She looks large and sometimes that means slow, think you can outrun her? Just need a place where casual violence won't get her anything.
No. 1063254 ID: dee951


How good are you at parkour and freerunning and when attempting to escape her, like are you significantly better in this sort of chase compared to her? Could you get away from her in a way that puts a bunch of obstructions in her path, enough to pull away and make her give up?

Also I have a bunch of ideas for weapons that will help you kill undead. For when things have calmed down. SO MANY IDEAS.
No. 1063273 ID: 4a2cef

She doesn't look like she's doing any better than you, honestly.

Challenge her to a makeout/heavy petting duel. There's no way you lose, and she'll have to accept. Unless she's yella.
No. 1063276 ID: 8f9bc4

Long arms, heavily augmented, cannot engage in close quarters, but exposed wiring/tubing on abdomen, might be a weak point. Purpose of the mask: armor? Exposure? Exposed underboob, might be vulnerable to honking.

You could just give her the disk player. Not like you're a garbage man or anything. Still, using up all your blood, almost dying and/or going feral, and accidentally eating a zombie brain that also really REALLY not wanted to stay dead... hard pill to swallow for no reward.

Maybe she'd sympathize if you told her that it *should* have been her mission, and you almost bit it when they picked you instead, but you killed that garbage man, you won anyway, and you're going to get some fucking clothes.

Should it have been her mission? How powerful is she? What do you think her odds would have been against that giant triple headed OP garbage man?
No. 1063284 ID: 4534a6

.... So what are your thoughts on trading the device to her for sex?
No. 1063285 ID: 777518

This chick is not cute. By all the old laws she therefore has no rights, human or otherwise. Tear her mouthplate from her skull and use the edge of it to cut her throat, then reach in and pull her voicebox out and play it like a harmonica.
No. 1063286 ID: 41152d

Kiss her
No. 1063287 ID: 777518

Also: was that a good "what the fuck" or a bad one, it's hard to tell through text and people can go either way when they hear about massive throbbing horse wangs.
No. 1063289 ID: 1effd3

If her legs are still flesh, take your gun and smack the side of her knee. it'll cause her to crumple to the ground
No. 1063291 ID: 4fa4e7

Ok, then die I guess.
No. 1063294 ID: fb1002

Any way you can take advantage of her cybernetics? They look kind of crude and I’m seeing exposed wires. Anything you know you could rip out or brake to at least slow the bitch down and run away long enough to sale your loot?
No. 1063299 ID: ae9e42

Can you outrun her?
No. 1063300 ID: 58c090

>The weapons are less of the issue and more of just how hard it is to keep down what I hunt. Magic and my own bullets are the best means of inflicting actual wounds on these creatures.
Except that sometimes you're not necessarily aiming to kill. Like, say, right now. Yes, right now would be a nice time to have some nonlethal but still kneecapable regular bullet. But you don't have any, so running will have to do.

Dunno peeps, her arms look kinda long. Jane'll be inside her range long before she can do anything.
No. 1063301 ID: a7403d

Well, you could bluff. Just take aim and tell her to back off. Or else.
No. 1063302 ID: adc866

See, if you had equipped some horse stuff you might have been able to outpace her, or charm her.
No. 1063303 ID: 6f4507

Go on the offence, Flirt with her to catch her off guard, and if that works, keep on, if it doesn't stab? Compliment her fierce frame and obvious strength!
No. 1063304 ID: 6f4507

Parkour is hard when an arm is about to fall off and you don't have any depth perception.
No. 1063311 ID: 4f3277

Use this line:
“And you think that little toy you’ve got strapped to your back is going to let you beat me?”

Then, vamoose/skedaddle/flee while she tries to check her back.
No. 1063320 ID: e5709d

...Well, they're not wrong... just rude.

Do this and prepare to murder an entitled horse-@#$%er.
No. 1063366 ID: 288652

What is the deal with damage not being "permanent"? If you cut off all of something's locomotion, is it going to stop moving? A large axe might be able to cut off limbs faster than they can grow back, and fighting without limbs is pretty difficult.

Can they regenerate through stuff? A dagger or chisel lodged into a spine or joint might remove function until it can be removed.

Do they destroy or expel foreign matter? A crossbow bolt with one-way spines and a long tether might leave a critter with a bunch of lines hanging off of it that can be tangled with the environment to restrict movement.

How strong are they? It might be that bolas or nets would work. Or maybe heavy-duty handcuffs? Maybe single cuffs with tethers to lock an opponent to the terrain.

Anti-sensory attacks might be useful. Some sticky gunk to throw into faces, or hiring an offsider to hold a bright light on eyes. possible some cheap explosives with some additives to make them burn really bright.

Fire might work. If the target is slower than you, then just packing a flame-thrower and applying a new coat every time the fire dies down ought to do something. Then again, that could be pretty bad for loot.

A bit of a nuclear option, but you could try a ballista. Get a giant crossbow, spend an hour winding it, start a battle launching a lump of metal bigger than your leg, fast enough to leave a shockwave, shaped to make an extra-large exit-wound or just carry the target with it... it'd probably make the fight easier if it hits... just be mindful of the recoil...

loosely-attached armour panels might help. If something grabs your arm, and you can just yank your arm away and leave it holding a lump of metal, then that sounds like an upgrade. You are going to have to make your own choice with regards to looking cool versus wearing a functional helmet. A chest-guard makes sense, if for nothing else than to present a smooth hard surface that deflects blows, rather than a bouncy blobby surface that can be groped at.

Mobility is important to consider. finding something good is difficult though. Grapples are slow, wheeled boots are unstable, retracting tethers leave you attached to something strong enough to pull you, and pretty much lock you to a single angle to attack from...
No. 1063374 ID: dee951


Well shit, if we're giving long winded weapon suggestions...

Alright. So fancy bullets. Here's some things you want to do in order to get that price down.

ONE: Don't use bullets for your super rare ammo type. They're hard to make out of odd materials; there's a reason people use lead for bullets! If the method of making them is based on a substance, you don't want to do finicky specialized techniques to make that into a functional revolver bullet. As an example, people have tried to make silver bullets due to their place in folklore, and it is ludicrously difficult and finicky.

No, you just wanna load that shit into a shotgun shell and fire it out of your shotgun! MUCH easier to handle! And perfectly Western too. And presumably cheaper due to requiring less labor.

Alternately, if it does require the shape of the substance or etching or inlay or whatever, you want it to be in an inherently reusable form -- like a crossbow bolt, which CAN be made out of mostly metal, and can often be repaired if they're damaged. I'd suggest a breakbarrel style, magazine-fed pistol grip repeating crossbow in the style of the Mey Interceptor (perhaps with a bayonet attachment?), and just get a specially marked magazine full of the weird bolts to go with your normal magazines. These specialized bolts shouldn't need as much crazy precision machining as bullets would, and should thus be cheaper, and you can use normal bolts too. This would also be relatively quiet of a weapon. You could also use throwing weapons with whatever specialized undead killing materials are needed; tomahawks, javelins, kpinga, chakram, whatever, as long as it isn't some tiny dinky 'mall ninja' throwing star shit.

Another option is a good melee weapon. If you fight monsters, I'd suggest something like a hewing spear or a partisan or a boar spear. You know, a long, two handed polearm with an extended spear like end that is good at both slashing and stabbing, and has some pointy out bits going out the side of the sort that give you more options with hooking or binding or punching things with the points, and also useful for keeping horrible things away from you. The whole business end can ideally have made out of whatever weird material you need that can kill odd things. Very good at warding things away and finding an opening and killing things, great at one on one duels, good leverage, also good at fighting groups.

Also, here are some substances in several categories of things, which folklore and mythology says might harm undead or are used in various different religious protective rituals around the world: garlic, sage, thyme, black pepper, rosemary, dragon tree resin, rue, angelica root, salt, silver, jade, iron, obsidian, ebony wood, sandalwood, cedar wood, oak wood, ash wood, lacquer tree sap, shellac, beeswax, tung oil, and gesso. Get as many of those as you can reasonably get your hands on for cheap, put each in a few otherwise normal shotgun shells, and then you can do some SCIENCE! to whatever hard to harm undead specimen you've found and wish to kill for testing purposes, once it is appropriately tied up and at your mercy or whatever.

Speaking of tied up or bound up and the aforementioned throwing things, how good are you with bolas or lasso or other rope based weapons like the meteor hammer?
No. 1063383 ID: d12415

What we really need are tools to reload casings and cast bullets.
No. 1063394 ID: dee951


Have you NOT seen the Mythbusters Episode 'Silver Bullet Saga'?!?!?

The things are horrible to make, you require a high temperature iron or steel mold, they shrink a lot more than lead and don't fill out well, they deform a ton, and on and on. There's a REASON I suggested just put silver in a shotgun shell!
No. 1063395 ID: 58c090

Who said anything about silver? Let's just make regular lead bullets.
No. 1063397 ID: e5709d

Let's not advocate the spread of brain-damaging pollutants
We don't want the world to get even angrier than it already is
No. 1063403 ID: 1effd3

No. 1063443 ID: dee951


And what about the primer and powder? You know, the harder to fabricate parts? Also apparently normal bullets are NOT that hard to get!
No. 1063458 ID: d12415

Powder can be made via mortar and pestle with the right ingredients. They aren't uncommon.

As for primers, you can reload spent primers. It is a bit tricky, but possible. You can also cast the metal bits to make new primers.
No. 1063461 ID: b2ff10

And getting the right materials for all of this stuff that isn't centuries old and degraded IS the problem. Ultimately, if you want to make quality ammunition in large quantities, you need a chemical industry and a functional economy to support it.
No. 1063463 ID: 61269f

NO, stop, hold on. Explain HOW was that bounty supposed to be YOURS if you weren't even there! I did all the job, I deserve the reward.

The law is on our side, she can't just ambush us, tell us we don't deserve our prize and then try to take it from us! Tell her to fuck off! And if she gets any ideas, just use poquet sand on her eyes... or blood, like a spiky lizard.
No. 1063468 ID: 08229c
File 168383669870.png - (447.43KB , 1000x1200 , 22.png )

Hey, wow, that's a lotta cool info and like

Trust me

I =really= understand how important disabling weapons can be now that I need one



>Can you outrun her?

No. 1063469 ID: 08229c
File 168383730677.png - (84.02KB , 1000x600 , 23.png )

I can't run.

I can't fight.

I hesitate to flirt with her.

I can't run, she'll catch me.

I can't fight, she'll win and I don't want to kill her.

I can't flirt, she's my sorta-kinda ex and I ghosted her...
No. 1063471 ID: e5709d

Our camera position was off, I thought she was shorter than you.

Stay still and simply say:
"Spoiled brat."
No. 1063472 ID: 08229c
File 168383818991.png - (84.58KB , 1000x600 , 24.png )

>Maybe she'd sympathize if you told her that it *should* have been her mission, and you almost bit it when they picked you instead, but you killed that garbage man, you won anyway, and you're going to get some fucking clothes.

>Should it have been her mission? How powerful is she? What do you think her odds would have been against that giant triple headed OP garbage man?

>Go on the offence, Flirt with her to catch her off guard, and if that works, keep on, if it doesn't stab? Compliment her fierce frame and obvious strength!

She could have done it, probably. I was caught off guard. Horribly underprepared. But most of her weapons are attached to her so she isn't really one to go around underequipped.

Fuck it.

"Magda, look. I'm not in any condition to fight you right now." Jane says, "That mission that you wanted so badly? Yeah, it was fucked from the start. Triple headed garbage man. Nearly killed me. Took out my eye.

And you would have completed it without issue, I'm sure.

But, I was chosen and somehow I survived. Now, if you'll excuse me I really want to turn in my stuff and move on from this.

Or we could do this dance and one of us will have a very pleasant rest of the day."

"You really think you'd have a chance at coming out victorious?"

"Honestly? Probably not. It's clear you've gotten some upgrades since I last saw you. Is that a new spine frame?"

"It is."

"I think it looks nice on you. You may want to consider a plate to cover those wires, though."

". . ." The woman stares down at Jane for a long moment before lumbering off. "Whatever... I don't want to fight you while you're so pathetic..."

H-holy shit

That actually -worked-?

Is this the power of the Posse?
No. 1063474 ID: e5709d

Our weakness does not come from a lack of power, but from a lack of control and application over it.
We learned so much, yet used so little. We did not want to crush the world beneath our feet and laugh as our future died with everyone else.
Those that did steamrolled over us.

What you saw was us exploiting our knowledge of a roaring lion. Strong? Yes. Intimidating? Yes. Filled with weaknesses and flaws that they refuse to address? Yes.
The world has forgotten the square-cube law. Every time you double a beast's height, you have to octuple the integrity needed to keep them from crushing under their own weight. She didn't.
No. 1063475 ID: 08229c
File 168383891205.png - (88.71KB , 600x1000 , 25.png )

Jane decides to continue with a bit more speed. You know. In case her ex decides she actually wants to murder and loot her corpse.

She comes to a spire of polished white stone. The only beautiful looking place in the entire fringe. Before she can enter the place an arch-tech camera turns to look at her. Jane holds up her hands and glares at the thing.

A light, its source hidden within the wall, gleams a sickly green light and she's let in.

Despite the massive size of the spire there is but a single room open to her kind. And in that room is a desk with a single occupant.

They nod towards Jane. When he speaks Jane can practically hear the amusement in his voice.

"Ah, Ms. Doe. I was wondering when you would return."

"Oh yeah? Sorry I was a bit late with your request. See, there was a triple garbage-man in the area. Report didn't say anything about that."

"Well, as smart as the Coalition of the Fallen Web is, we aren't omniscient. Did you manage to recover anything?"

Jane hands the man the disk reader she found. He looks it over, touching it like one would a lover. It creeps Jane out.

"Marvelous. Nothing we don't already have but one could always use extras. I'm sending 500 bucks to your account. And I will give you an additional 500 for the reader."

"What!? That is a fully intact disk reader! I want 2000."

"Intact? Dear, the wire is shredded down near to the base. It's barely fit for spare parts. I will increase the offer to 550 bucks since you went through such hardship to obtain it."
No. 1063480 ID: 06095b


If you want to make some quick cash and get in good with the weirdo, let us look at the device. We can probably tell you more about what it is. Hell, with how far in retrograde most things seem to be, we could probably tell them how half the crap they're collecting is actually supposed to be used.
No. 1063481 ID: 5c8d2c

Bullshit, he's got at least an inch of wire to work with. If these guys are so tech savvy, they should know how to splice cut power cord. Otherwise they could easily pop open the case and replace it.
Also, look at that, there's no damage, crushing or dents. That means that the most important part, the optical disc drive should be fine.
He can give us at least 1000 for it alone. He's totally trying to lowball you.
No. 1063482 ID: 6f4507

Oho, he wants to play hard ball? let's see how wrecked this is, then.
No. 1063485 ID: 58c090

Yeah, you can see here there's like an inch of wire left. Hell, it even has the sleeve!
No. 1063486 ID: 6f4507

If you let us ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL and check...
No. 1063487 ID: a7a180

They're stiffing you. The wire is one of the easiest parts to replace if you have any electronics know-how, you can just splice new ones in. Considering the age, this is pretty much intact.
No. 1063488 ID: 1effd3

Dudes trying to scam you. Wire is easy to replace, plus the contents could be valuble.

If he wants to play, you could always mention that he could be dealing with big angry and bitchy instead.
No. 1063489 ID: 2aa5f0

would threatening to sell it to a pawn shop be a viable tactic here?
No. 1063490 ID: 5c8d2c

Oh yeah, see if there's any discs in it. If so, he needs to pay extra for that.
No. 1063491 ID: 06095b


It occurs to me that there is probably a lot that you haven't considered in your transactions with these guys in the past. The others are right that the individual in question is almost certainly trying to scam you.

First off, that wire that he's complaining about? They can fix it easily with a little bit of time, tape, and solder. Solder, if you don't know is a silvery metal that usually comes in spools like thread, and can be used to attach bits of wire to other bits of wire or metal to form a complete circuit. Try to be on the lookout for this in the future, and we can probably help you improvise some tools to start repairing your own tech. Even if you don't want to fuss with that, they will probably pay a fair amount for it.

Anyway, the long and short is that the drive is fully intact, the important and hard to repair bits, at any rate.

Second, is that you should manually eject the disk drive to check its contents. There might be a valuable disk tucked away inside this thing that could drastically up your price. How you do this with most disk drives is that you acquire a small piece of metal, like a paper clip and insert it into a small hole around where the disk goes in and out. This is a mechanical failsafe so that if the device isn't getting power, like it currently isn't, the owner can still recover the disk.

That should be enough tricks for this one exchange, but there's a lot more that we can teach you.
No. 1063492 ID: d12415

Fuck it. Keep the disk reader. We can probably fix it.

The stuff isn't that complex. It would take some time, but we could make everything we need. If stuff is degraded, melt it down and recast it. Bullets have been around for a while and the massive chemical industry didn't always exist.
No. 1063493 ID: b2ff10


Which is why I mentioned muskets!! Without the chemical industry, you have muskets and smoky black powder!
No. 1063494 ID: 61269f

Don't this these jobs supposed to have already established reward? Does this happen in every delivery? Because if it does is a shity sistem.

They give you a job with unreliable information; the parts that you might obtain might be of poor quality, or straight up junk, which will determine the amount of money that you get paid; you might or might not die, or lose a limb, or your clothes, or equipment. Is all up to chance and doesn't seem to be worth the effort. You just have to get lucky. Or be good enough to gain more than you lose, or not lose nothing at all.
No. 1063495 ID: e5709d

Don't listen to him.
The wire may be shot, but it's just a matter of using a replacement wire with the appropriate resistance. There are also special types of tools called 'crimpers' (don't look at me, I didn't come up with that name) that can salvage and re-attach the connector at the end of the wire to a clean spool of pure wiring.

Don't let him know we have tech knowledge. Time to act as arrogantly stupid as possible, with just enough knowledge that you could barely glean from all your handling and a complete misunderstanding of the core concepts. Take the disk back, then claim you'll just keep it until you can rip the wire out and stick a new wire in with your saliva. Demand to be paid in weaponized tech scrap, like 'screwshivs' and 'crimping maces'.
If that fool decides to sell you his obsolete repair tools, we can work on your stuff in secret.
No. 1063496 ID: 89c5cd

Should have mentioned she was your ex before. Would have changed how we reacted. Either way I see 2 reasons why she let that go. 1, she's worried about going feral with all those bio-augs. 2, she still has feelings despite the ghosting, hence why flattery was effective. Quite curious why you ghosted her though. Especially curious why you decided she was worth sparing. Should she have emotionally hurt you badly there would be little hesitation to kill. Well, either way, this guy is lowballing you so haggle. Should he continue to lowball, do you have no place to sell this besides to these guys? Threatening to go to the competition usually gets a deal sweetened.
No. 1063498 ID: 08229c
File 168384706073.png - (156.74KB , 1000x600 , 26.png )

>Don't this these jobs supposed to have already established reward? Does this happen in every delivery? Because if it does is a shity sistem.

>They give you a job with unreliable information; the parts that you might obtain might be of poor quality, or straight up junk, which will determine the amount of money that you get paid; you might or might not die, or lose a limb, or your clothes, or equipment. Is all up to chance and doesn't seem to be worth the effort. You just have to get lucky. Or be good enough to gain more than you lose, or not lose nothing at all.

Depends on the person I'm working for. I do freelance stuff and the Coalition have always been shitheads. I was sent to clear out the area and fight a garbage-man that had appeared. If I found anything I could sell it to them. 500 bucks is a real good amount of money and the reader is a great bonus.

THIS fucker though is trying to rip me off.

>Dudes trying to scam you. Wire is easy to replace, plus the contents could be valuble.

Yeah, okay. I knew it.



>Second, is that you should manually eject the disk drive to check its contents. There might be a valuable disk tucked away inside this thing that could drastically up your price. How you do this with most disk drives is that you acquire a small piece of metal, like a paper clip and insert it into a small hole around where the disk goes in and out. This is a mechanical failsafe so that if the device isn't getting power, like it currently isn't, the owner can still recover the disk.

Oh shit. I didn't even think of that. There's a thing to open these?

Okay, wow, hold on. This is a lotta info...

"Bullshit. There's a good inch of wire there. I know you guys know how to deal with that kinda stuff."

"An inch is still so little... It will take precious resources to restore it."

"It's perfectly intact. Those precious resources will get you a full working disk-reader. 2000 bucks or I take it to a pawn shop. Maybe they'll pay me more for it."

"Ah, Miss Doe... What happened to our relationship? When did it go so sour?"

"When you tried to rip me off. 2000 bucks."

"I'm afraid I am only authorized to offer 600 for the relic in such a condition."

"Even if it has a disk in it?"

"Ah, well if it had a disk in it that would be an entirely different matter. But, there is no way to check for such a thing with the relic as damaged as it is."

Jane glares at the man before sliding the reader back to herself. Her lame arm is able to grasp the thing while her good one finds a spot in the back. She temporarily appropriates his pen and pushes the hole.

A disk pops out.

Holy shit.

The man seems shocked. He reaches out to it with trembling fingers but Jane snaps it shut and pulls it back.

Alright, web-head. Let's play ball.

"2500 bucks."

"Guh... You are so cruel Jane... Would you give me a moment to speak to my superior..?"

"I'm a busy girl. You got a minute."

"Of course."

He ducks away. A door opens in a previously seamless wall and he steps in.

Not even half a minute later he comes back out.

"I have been authorized to offer you... 2200 bucks..."


"... Very well."

"And I want the copy of the contents for my data stick."

"Of course..."

"Sweet. Nice doing business with you."

With the transaction complete, she leaves.

Fucking -score-. You guys are great.
No. 1063499 ID: 08229c
File 168384724465.png - (113.62KB , 1000x600 , 27.png )

>Should have mentioned she was your ex before. Would have changed how we reacted. Either way I see 2 reasons why she let that go. 1, she's worried about going feral with all those bio-augs. 2, she still has feelings despite the ghosting, hence why flattery was effective. Quite curious why you ghosted her though. Especially curious why you decided she was worth sparing. Should she have emotionally hurt you badly there would be little hesitation to kill.

I doubt she was worried about going feral. Girl has held up so far. Sorry I didn't mention it. It's just something I knew so... Yeah. Took it for granted.

Why did I ghost her? She uh... She wanted to make things serious. When you have the potential to live forever the idea of being with someone forever is just...

Yeah, not my thing.

Sorry, I'll try and warn you guys if we run into any more of my ex's but I think she's the only one that can like... Rip me into pieces.

She's actually really sweet when you get past all the uh... Stuff.

She'd actually really like it if I took off her augments before we had s....


So, I still have a few things on my to-do list.

We can go see the twins for some body parts or see if the scraper has any tech to use.
Or if you guys can think of something else I'm all ears. Nothing but good advice so far.
No. 1063500 ID: 1effd3

Hopefully they wont keep a closer eye on us because of that...

I'd say visit the twins, get a less limp arm. Then check tech merchant for some cool shit.
No. 1063501 ID: e5709d

First off, unless this belonged to someone paranoid, the label on the disc said it had a bunch of children's video shows from Japan (that's a country northeast of the continent of origin, their civilization was kind of complicated). DBZ is about magical martial artists becoming superheroes, Trigun is - kind of similar to the weird post-apocalypse you're finding yourself living in right now, I've heard of Love Hina but never seen it, and I dunno what that last one is. Good stuff, but nothing practical.

Right, pawn shops. Go to one and look at the set of tools and trinkets. We'll pick stuff out that can be used for repairs and upgrades to your tech scrap. Just note that while we have extensive knowledge of physics, materials, tech scrap, and hacking, we only have the bare bones of AI and cyberware, and might get a bad deal if you try to buy with our knowledge. That stuff's borderline magic. Also, we have a large archive of magic spells, but we don't really understand how it works or which versions currently work, so don't expect to learn any spellcasting from us.
No. 1063502 ID: 58c090

how dare

>Love Hina
kinda dumb vanilla harem stuff

>I dunno what that last one is
NGE. Evangelion.

I think you might like Trigun, Jane.
No. 1063503 ID: a7a180

Do you need more ears? You can never have too many ears.
Visit the scraper first, tech's more expensive than flesh.
No. 1063504 ID: b2ff10

Good news! That disk had mostly useless bootleg fictional videos on it, AND it is extremely unlikely that, due to the specific method of copying used for that sort of recording, that it stayed stable! If you like we can give you summaries of the listed fictional media on it.

Pity it was probably a DVD-RW with screwed up ink on it or something making it likely unreadable. Trigun is a 'Space Western', a crossover genre between Western and Sci Fi.
No. 1063505 ID: 06095b


It'd be helpful if we knew what our budget works out to. An old expression was that something could cost an arm and a leg, meaning it was very expensive. But we don't exactly know the going rate for an arm these days.

Going in blind, I'd recommend the arm offhand in case there is something very nice that will eat up most of the available spare funds.
No. 1063510 ID: 6f4507

So what I'm hearing is she's upset you ghosted her when you had a pretty good relationship because of your issues relating to immortality and commitment? Don't worry, we can deal with those easily enough.
No. 1063511 ID: b2ff10

...If you're immortal, shouldn't fixed term marriages that can be renewed be a thing??? Shouldn't that be normal for immortals?
No. 1063513 ID: 6f4507

Yo we got Trigun AND DBZ on this thing? lets fucking gooooo, you gotta watch those.
No. 1063514 ID: b2ff10

DVD-RW lasts maybe 10 years at most. Hell, even normal dvd's or blu rays last maybe at most 20, depending on manufacturing technique. Especially if they've been exposed to heat...
No. 1063519 ID: 53e039

Find a cool eye. With lasers. And smoochable meters!
No. 1063520 ID: 53e039

How did you get your nickname Calamity Jane anyway?
No. 1063524 ID: 58c090

like hell they do, I still have DVD-RW from 20 years ago. I had to get something from one and it worked just fine
No. 1063525 ID: 61269f

>Fucking -score-. You guys are great.
You know it girl, we slay.

>someone forever is just...
Yeah, not my thing.

You should probably start with that when you hookup with someone. It will help you decrease the amount of exes trying to kill you for ditching them. And, you know, is the proper way to manage relationships. I know you are a badass bitch, but at least have some class.

>what do
I think you need body parts ASAP. You can't go around like that. Last time we got lucky with some silver tongue, but next time we might need to throw some hands.
No. 1063536 ID: 53560f

You have a shopping list, get the body parts you need first to make sure you don’t run out of money before picking up the necessities, then you can go browse the fun stuff.
Also visit a pawn/junk shop, we can tell you what old world stuff is actually useful or valuable enough to resell.
No. 1063545 ID: 4534a6

>Why did I ghost her? She uh... She wanted to make things serious. When you have the potential to live forever the idea of being with someone forever is just...

That's a yikes and a half girl..
Yeah, no wonder she would want to kill you.

Words, words are the ammunition for that kind of fight, not running away.
But well what's done is done, you can try and fix it if you want to, but probably better to just focus on avoiding ending up in that scenario again.

Now rather than ruminating on your mistakes and faults, go grt you a new arm yo.
No. 1063552 ID: 08229c
File 168386741995.png - (179.25KB , 1000x600 , 28.png )

>So what I'm hearing is she's upset you ghosted her when you had a pretty good relationship because of your issues relating to immortality and commitment? Don't worry, we can deal with those easily enough.

I don't have issues with commitment. I don't commit at all. Thus, no issues.

> ...If you're immortal, shouldn't fixed term marriages that can be renewed be a thing??? Shouldn't that be normal for immortals?

Ugh... marriage is uh... Not even what I was thinking about. No, she just... I dunno. Wanted to be a thing? Like a real thing. Going on lots of dates and shit...

Just... Yeah. I'm good.

>You should probably start with that when you hookup with someone. It will help you decrease the amount of exes trying to kill you for ditching them. And, you know, is the proper way to manage relationships. I know you are a badass bitch, but at least have some class.

H-hey! I'm very good with girls. I tried to tell her but she didn't listen. So then I just... Stopped responding to her letters. Or hanging out in our old haunts.

... I feel like I'm a bad person when I say it like that.

>How did you get your nickname Calamity Jane anyway?

. . . I gave it to myself..

>DVD-RW lasts maybe 10 years at most. Hell, even normal dvd's or blu rays last maybe at most 20, depending on manufacturing technique. Especially if they've been exposed to heat...

You're talking about data-rot, right? Yeah that actually doesn't happen until we start looking at things. But then it happens quick. So data disks are archived and, if possible, pressed into new disks.

New data rots very slowly but the old stuff is sorta just frozen in time until we start poking around on it. Thank god for that, otherwise we'd be boned.

I really can't wait to see what was on that disk.
From what you guys describe, Trigun seems really good.

>I'd say visit the twins, get a less limp arm. Then check tech merchant for some cool shit.
>I think you need body parts ASAP. You can't go around like that. Last time we got lucky with some silver tongue, but next time we might need to throw some hands.
>You have a shopping list, get the body parts you need first to make sure you don’t run out of money before picking up the necessities, then you can go browse the fun stuff.
>Now rather than ruminating on your mistakes and faults, go grt you a new arm yo.

Sounds like a plan.

Jane makes her way to the Twin's shop. When she enters time pauses for a brief moment.

Ah, wait, you don't know who they are... Shit shit uh... Okay. Data dump.

The Twins.

Gabriel and Olivia. Growers of notable skill. They live in the fringes since it's close to where they lived in life. An accident many years ago severely wounded them both. And yet, even halfway to their second and true death, they managed to use their impressive surgical skills to save each other.

They did that by combining their ruined bodies into one.

Honestly I think they're happier like this.

The twins see Jane. The dark haired one smiles bright while the white haired one seems impassive

"Ah, Jane~ I was wondering when you'd stop by~"
"We were just talking about that awful arm you bought."
"And we were just wondering when it was gonna break down~"
"And you'd come to us again."
"Not that we're mad that you went to some inferior grower~"
"I'm mad."
"Ehehehe... What can we do for you~?"

So they'll uh... Basically make me whatever I want. They're the best of the best, but expensive. It might cost me like a thousand bucks if I want a natural style arm. One that synches with me perfectly.

Or I can go for something more attack oriented.
No. 1063553 ID: 1effd3

hmm what to do what to do... can they make your an organic crossbow type thing?
No. 1063554 ID: 61235c

Let’s go original flavor arm. That’s the type of hand that guns get designed for anyways, QuickDraw McGraw.
No. 1063555 ID: 273c18

Can you get an arm with a chainsaw in it?
No. 1063557 ID: 53e039

No. 1063558 ID: dee951


Standard organic arm. We can discuss various transhuman augmentation ideas later. Besides, those would have to work with whatever weapons you get, we can always get you more money and stuff.

What did you think of the various weapon ideas?

Now that things have calmed down a bit. Can you ruminate a bit about the previous weapons discussion we had a bit ago?
No. 1063559 ID: 61269f

Show us what they got.
No. 1063563 ID: 4534a6

Just get yourself a normal functional arm for now
Hit in the twins
No. 1063564 ID: 6f4507

natural style arm *probably* should be gotten, but... maybe some kind of blade would be a good idea? Up to you.
Also yes that girl wanted dates and you threw her away, you're horrible and need to make it up to her at LEAST as a friend! Get her a cuddly teddy bear or something, that would work.
No. 1063565 ID: e5709d

I read about this back in the old world. Let me check the archive... yep.
In addition to the 'techrot' you just described - you run the risk of damaging anything you use, and in the case of your flesh rot it constantly has to use itself to sustain from resource shortages and defend against diseases, a war it's already losing - there's what you could call a radiation meteor.
At any point in time, countless bits of unstable radioactive particles are zooming along in space, minding their own business, until they eventually hit something. In an extremely rare but depressingly non-negligent occurrence, one of these little radioactive @#$%s reaches our planet, passes through the sky's oxygen and even through plastic and metal because radiation can @#$%ing do that, and somehow manages to hit one of your memory components, radically changing the information and thus corrupting the data, without causing a scratch. The odds of a particle actually hitting anything important are extremely low. Now try thinking about quadrillions of particles hitting us every goddamn year. This means that anything more complex than a rock, at any time, could be hit by one of these invisible cancer-spreading @#$%s and mutate, which includes the effects of techrot. We had to come up with an entire system called ECC to make sure our data wasn't garbled up by teeny-tiny space meteors, which was as annoying as you'd think it is.
You're saying the New World doesn't have this problem? All that data should be @#$%ed with glitches by now! Maybe the New World is not in the same universe as the Old World, if radiation in space is so artificially low.

Go for attack arm. You can take the hit to humanity now that we can reel you back.
Look for options that allow you to attach tools, knives, and the occasional handgun to a stump with a socket port that can twist and clench/release.
No. 1063566 ID: 2b6ba0

Do they have three boobs in there or four? Do they have two pussies? Do they have two butts or is it a three-cheek situation?
No. 1063567 ID: 4a2cef

You ever smooch either of them?
No. 1063568 ID: e0ca85

How likely are you to get into a fight while on the job? Hell seeing how you almost go ripped apart walking across town it might be smart to spend a bit of extra cash and get a combat arm just encase you get jumped again you won’t be defenseless.
No. 1063577 ID: 90c451

Natural arm is probably the best option, might be expensive but there's all sorts of things those dexterous fingers can do.
Also, can we save money by not including a pinky finger or something?
No. 1063579 ID: a7a180

Dehumanize yourself and arm to bloodshed.
No. 1063581 ID: 06095b


The classic arm is probably the way to go. Also, ask about a replacement eye. If the combo isn't too expensive on its own, we can ask after upgrades. Offhand, a dark acclimated eye or a hand with hidden blades might not be a bad idea.
No. 1063582 ID: 3384c2

Schmooze: Yeah they're right. It's given up the ghost. But you were going on a risky mission so you needed something you wouldn't stay too attached to.

Now you've got some funds, what would they recommend for a QUALITY arm?

You want something that sets you up well for more missions. Something intimidating, but versatile! How about an oversized arm ending in big chompy jaws> One with tentacle 'tongues' to serve as very long, very flexible fingers when chomping isn't required.
No. 1063586 ID: a6bc85


You mentioned arms could come preloaded with spells earlier. If you could get a naturally destrous normal arm with some sort of osteomancy add-on, it'd be a super flexible magic skill set to have.

If you're expecting a big hit? Reinforce the bone. If your enemy has joints? Fuse them. If you need a quick blade? Extend the bone of the finger tip bone to a point.
No. 1063596 ID: 58c090

>Do they have three boobs in there or four? Do they have two pussies?
Gabriel ain't a girl's name, bub. Could be a dong in there.
No. 1063670 ID: 777518

It is indeed a dong down there.
A cute one, even.
Low-key wanna suck it, bros.
No. 1063671 ID: 58c090

so do I but I don't think Jane swings that way
No. 1063711 ID: 8f9bc4

Hey, now they're not the only one with two brains! Share the good news!
No. 1063715 ID: 1ed92d

Get an arm even better than perfect!
No. 1063720 ID: 08229c
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>Now that things have calmed down a bit. Can you ruminate a bit about the previous weapons discussion we had a bit ago?

Uh... With all the ideas and stuff? I think they sound great but I have no idea how to do any of the things you asked. I mostly just use whatever magic arms I can get my hands on. Or my own gun. It's really neat to have something that can kill undead in one hit.

Still, I think some disabling weapons would be nice.

>Do they have three boobs in there or four? Do they have two pussies? Do they have two butts or is it a three-cheek situation?

0 pussies. Tragic, I know. Also only one boob. And one normal butt. Don't ask how I know.

>Hit in the twins
>Normal arm
>Show us what you got

"First of all, you guys are right. It was a shitty arm and I should have gone to you first. But the mission I went on had too many unknowns. I didn't wanna take something you guys made where it could get damaged."

"Aww, you're so sweet, Jane~" Gabriel says in his singsong voice.
"She's just trying to butter us up." Olivia replies, deadpan.
"It's working~ I can feel your heart go all aflutter, Liv~"
"... Shut up."

"Heh. I could use a standard type of arm. The best you got, if possible. The nerves on the other one were shit."

"Of course~"
"Anything else?"

"You guys still have any hot-swap plugs?"

"We do~"

"Okay. Maybe one of those. Depends on what other arms you have in stock. Oh and eyes."

"Is this for your dear friend~?"
"The crazy one."

"Yeah. I promised her I'd see."

"Of course. We'll show you what we have in stock~"
No. 1063721 ID: 08229c
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The twins lay down some of their wares.

"These are just what we have right now~"
"We'll custom fit them all to you, of course."
"Free of charge~"

Gabriel gestures to the arms.

"We have a perfect synch one ready to go~"
"We knew you'd need one eventually."
"She worked so hard on it~"
"Shut up..."

He points to another one with a seam down the middle.

"This here is a combat arm~ It has a very low mental penalty to it cause it looks so much like a normal arm~"
"But, you can have it hold a long weapon in the center."
"And that weapon can even discharge~"
"But you'll have to retrieve said weapon to reload it."

Gabriel points to the one below it. An arm embedded with crystals

"Another blood gem magic arm~"
"This one has eight shots."
"So many~"
"Also, we got a hot-swap plug for you if you want it."

Ah, so. Without some tech limbs are a pain in the ass to swap. I would need Lotte or these guys to do it. A hot-swap plug lets me do that much more easily. They tend to burn out after a while but it'd be good for a decent bit. They're cheap as far as tech enhancements go and basically seamless.

"As for eyes~"
"We don't have as many in stock. People always need eyes."
"We have normal, one that can cast Binding, and one that can see perfectly in the dark~"
"Your choice."


I feel I should get the normal arm above all things. But, we have some options for body parts. What do you guys think?
No. 1063722 ID: a7a180

The blood magic arm's cheap? Suspiciously so. Ask about it, but buy the normal arm, normal eye, and Binding eye. Does your friend have one of those yet?
No. 1063723 ID: 1effd3

I'd say normal arm. Also get the dark-vision eye for Lotte, unless she's got one already.
No. 1063724 ID: 06095b


Dark vision eye, normal arm, and hotswap plug should be the priorities. I'm curious about that osteamancy arm, and if it's an actual option.
No. 1063725 ID: 08229c
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"Oh, also, I forgot to mention dear Jane but if you want us to make anything, we can~"
"Our base price is 1000 bucks for a perfect fit arm. You can add a trait to it for an additional 300 bucks."
"We can also do spell arms~"
"They degrade quickly though. The price is 500 bucks for eight charges of a spell on the arm. After the charges are up the arm is basically useless."
"Still, magic~"

"Remind me, what are the limits to the spells again?"

"Well~ We're not really the best at magic ourselves~"
"So we can only put basic things~"
"The blood gems are an example. Or missiles of pure arcane energy."
"Or fireballs~"
"Or shooting lightning."
"Or lifting things~"
"Simple stuff."

>Also get the dark-vision eye for Lotte, unless she's got one already.

I genuinely have no idea if she has one or not.

>The blood magic arm's cheap? Suspiciously so.

It's cause those arms degrade quickly. They're not built to last long, they just have spells woven into them.

Sorry, I'll let you guys keep musing among yourselves for a bit.
No. 1063726 ID: 520a3f

Backing >>1063724. Seems like what we want.
No. 1063727 ID: 4534a6

How much for a normal arm that has some Tentacles in it for restraining girls, erm ahem I mean enemies
No. 1063737 ID: 58c090

>"She worked so hard on it~"
that's such a mean thing to say, now we can't choose any other without feeling like dicks

But hey, if you want a normal one anyway it works out. What's a Binding eye do?
Also, definitely get the plug.
No. 1063741 ID: 2b6ba0

How much to commission an arm with tentacle fingers. For uh, personal uses.

Oh, also ask them if they ever smooch each other.
No. 1063744 ID: 2aa5f0

I'd say get the combat arm since your ex proved you live in a dangerous neighborhood so always having something to protect yourself sounds smart. As for eyes... The see in the dark one sounds useful though I have to ask if it's sensitive to light or not? If so I guess you can get an eye patch or just wrap a rag around your head and just switch it to the other eye when you walk in somewhere dark.

Also I guess get the normal eye as well to give to your roommate so she will leave you alone for a bit.
No. 1063763 ID: dee951


I was referring to the shotgun stuff and the polearm discussion and all that.

...Do you honestly think a polearm of whatever material your bullets are made of WOULDN'T kill an undead in one hit? Bullets that get fired from a revolver aren't *more* lethal than a two handed sword or two handed polearm when functioning within their engagement range. They're arguably less lethal! Whyever wouldn't you be able to end a fight in a single telling blow against an opponent that isn't used to parrying or blocking? WHAT is it that your special bullets actually use to be so good against undead? Where do you get them? Who do you get them from? How are they made? Which of the mentioned materials of religious significance might you have access to?
No. 1063769 ID: 8f9bc4


The lethality of a bullet is in its hypersonic speed and momentum. It could be made out of strawberry candy and still kill someone.

That being said, "substance that can permanently harm the undead," is a very good thing to learn more about. If it's a fluid, darts might arguably be the most lethal weapon you could use against undead. Also what to do when it gets into your own wounds is super important to know.
No. 1063771 ID: dee951


It's about the number of joules that are transferred into the target, and in what way, and what sort of trauma is done and where. There are massive differences in bullets and ammo loads, and the sort of damage done. It's possible that whatever rounds she is using are subsonic. Further, this is even before weird magical effects; that itself might actually be the main benefit. We know that her weird ammo in her revolver against the enemies she faces can manage a one shot kill. We don't know ANYTHING else, and we need a TON more information!
No. 1063807 ID: 4a2cef

An arm of magically growing arms of magically growing arms would be pretty convenient, but likely out of scope here.
No. 1063820 ID: e5709d

Get a normal arm, a blood arm (Nice, Hematic Weapons! We used to have stories about these, now we get to play with them!), and a hot-swap. Normal or Binding eye. That leaves you with about $100-$200 for groceries.
No. 1063842 ID: de3a8b

Doesn't hurt to ask tho.

What was the 200 thing?
No. 1063843 ID: 90c451

Honestly we don't need the hot-swap attachment if we just get the normal arm and the combat arm and swap them out based on what we're doing, the hot-swap would only be useful with the bloodmancy arm but that doesn't seem that useful.
If we just get the normal and the combat arm with the money we got from the disc reader then if we want some eyes we'll have to dip into our savings. I recommend just getting a normal eye for now, depth perception is more important than cool eye powers.
No. 1063850 ID: a4eb7b

A fully tech eye would likely be better than a wetware one. It would be much more robust. Get the normal arm.
No. 1063970 ID: 08229c
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>WHAT is it that your special bullets actually use to be so good against undead? Where do you get them? Who do you get them from? How are they made? Which of the mentioned materials of religious significance might you have access to?

>We know that her weird ammo in her revolver against the enemies she faces can manage a one shot kill. We don't know ANYTHING else, and we need a TON more information!

Wow. I mean I get that I'm basically your only source of information of this strange new land but, like... I'm not an encyclopedia?

I can answer a few questions at least. The material probably has like a legit scientific name but we call it voidsteel. It has a few interesting properties and the one that is most pertinent is that it forces 'observation'. If a romeo is struck by it we cease being undead and just become dead dead.

They're one shot though. I have a bit of it surrounding the center of my bullets. If you have a polearm made purely out of the stuff it might go completely inert. Also you'd basically be a billionaire if you had a full metal weapon of the stuff.

Where do -I- get them from? I have a few friends that let me know when such a thing comes to market.

How are they made? Ask the web heads.

Actually, when we visit the nerd I'll ask HER everything.

>Oh, also ask them if they ever smooch each other.

They're VERY close.

"Hook me up with a hot-swap and one of those eyes for Lotte."

We'll see about getting an inorganic one for ourselves, yeah?

"Ah, of course~ Well, come in to our operating room~"
"We'll fix you up."

"Oh, uh... Are uh... Is an arm that becomes tentacles a thing you can do..?"

"Oh myyyy~ What are you going to use that for, Jane~?"

"Capturing enemies."

"Is that what you're calling them these days~?"
"I can do it. You'll need a glove to keep things contained."

"How much would it be?"

"About... 1,300 bucks~"

"Hmm... Okay. I'll get that, the combat arm, and the perfect fit."

Honestly getting the perfect fit one might be a bit needless since the other two will be perfect as well... But Olivia is a dear and I don't want her work to go to waste. Besides, it's not like having an extra arm is a bad thing.

Jane goes with them to the operating room. She sits down in a chair as the twins prepare her hot-swap.

As they install the piece of tech they talk.

"Are you okay, Jane~? Olivia thinks you're being unusually quiet~"
"Shut up."

"Am I? Uh... Just going through some stuff right now. It's nothing major."

"Ah. Well, you're always welcome to talk to us, Jane~"
"Not while I'm working."
"Oh, hush you, you love it when she talks with us~"
"Shut up."

"Heh. No, it's really nothing major. Just uh... I guess thinking about goals in life?"

"Oh~?" "Oh?"

"Yeah uh. It never really occurred to me til today. I don't know what I'm really doing in life. Just going day by day. Doing what I have to to survive. Enjoying myself when I can."

"Is that so wrong~?"

"I guess it's not wrong, really. I... Yeah, sorry, I'm just thinking a lot about it. Like I said, just stupid stuff."

"It's not stupid, Jane~"
"Romeos who have no goal go feral, you know that."

"Yeah, obviously. Like I have my hobbies and stuff. Still avoiding the edge. I guess I have no major goal."

"What about getting a full horse figure~?"

"Oh. Hmm.. Yeah, that counts, huh?"


"... Hey, do you guys uh... Could you graft horse parts onto people? Like if I found the meat of one."

"Of course we could, Jane~"
"You'd be closer to the edge."

"I know just... Idle musing."
No. 1063971 ID: 08229c
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When the work is done and Jane has her new arms the total comes out to 4000 bucks. The twins gave her a discount.

As the pair say goodbye Jane flexes her perfect fit arm. The other two are in a backpack, too big to store in her gut.

Wow. It really is perfect. I'd almost think it was my born arm.
Alright. One more shopping trip

I don't want to think about how I spent ALL the money I just got and then some.

But, the cost of doing business I suppose. And it's not like I buy arms ALL the time.

Just most.

The walk is, thankfully, uneventful. Bright red letters shine at the front of the shop. C C. She enters and an electric bell goes off.

A woman with poofy hair poses dramatically against her desk. There's the hiss of tech behind her and the rumbling of pipes.

"I knew it," She says, "You have finally pissed off every woman in the fringes and now you come to me. Well, I don't want to be anyone's last resort but for you, Jane, I'll make an exception."

"... Hi, C.C."

She grins.

"Hiya, Jane. What can the humble mech tech do for you?"

This is C.C. She's also bonkers but I'll be damned if she's not good at her job. If the tech exists she's shoved it into some poor sap.

If you guys have any tech questions, she's the one to ask them.
No. 1063972 ID: 1effd3

Is she a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and does she praise the Machine Spirit?
No. 1063973 ID: 212fe6

Well, let's take a look at her inventory that is relevant to us, and let's gather all the questions you couldn't answer and ask her instead.
No. 1063980 ID: e5709d

Hm. Observation was a key word in Quantum Physics, a branch of pseudo-science in which microparticles smaller than atoms would behave erratically, as if they were actually phasing in from fluctuating alternate dimensions until observed. Stuff just wouldn't behave according to standard vector forces until you did deep recording, almost like children doing their own thing until the parents were watching. It was weird and messed up, and if you don't believe it, then that's perfectly rational.
If the world was made by a higher power then this was the closest we got to tangible evidence. If said higher power decided to completely change the very laws of physics, this is where we'd start researching.

Anyways, I bring this up because the Old World's strongest theory about magic is that it's just 'physics imported from another dimension by quantum mechanics' or whatever. Want an easy fireball? Build a portal to a volcano. Want to live forever? Find the alternate universe among infinites that does that. Want magic? Decide what ruleset you want and quantum import the whole corebook to reality. If your bullets force a simulated 'observation', then those imported physics simply stop working.


Let's begin with the basics of computers: Power Supply Unit (heart), Motherboard (brain fat with neural components), Random Access Memory (short-term memory), Memory Storage Drive (long-term memory, HDD or SSD), and Central Processing Unit (essential neurons). These are the absolute basics you need to build a functioning computer. Secondary priorities include the cooling system (the CPU and Power Supply in particular generate enough heat to fry an egg) and the Graphics Processing Unit (think of this as a secondary brain that processes sight and hearing beyond boring giant glowy blocks and screeching noises). You need to ask for one of each and make sure they fit in the components we instruct.

Now let's get technical. Thermal Paste. She will know what that means. Buy a tube. You only need a little but it's essential to connecting the cooling system to the CPU. Discuss the last model before the apocalypse; what model of RAM was everyone using? DDR5? DDR6? Or hell, DDR10? The higher the number the more stuff the computers could remember about their 'breakfast orders'.

And then we get into cyberware. You're capable of regenerating from brain damage - a rarity even among our hosts - which means you can take on cranial cyberware with minimized risks. Have her graft any 'elastic' cyberware that loosely sticks to your brain while effectively holding it in place, preventing concussions and increasing connection contact between your neurons and your connectors.

We want the full list. Just note that we don't have a handle on market prices for cyberware; that stuff was hella expensive even before the apocalypse.
No. 1063987 ID: dee951


No no, the way you ask this is: "So, do you want help imitating a specific machine-worshiping cargo cult from pre-apocalypse fiction? Like the Mechanists from Thief, The Adeptus Mechanicus from Warhammer 40k, the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout, the Brotherhood of Nod from Command and Conquer, or the Church of Technology from Judge Dredd? And if I help you kit yourself and your shop out in one of these aesthetics, what will you get me in return?"


Sigh. No, no, not at all. Okay. HERE'S what's going on. There is an actual branch of REAL SCIENCE called quantum physics. The details of it, and some of the thought experiments involving it, seem mystical. Various different fiction authors and religious kooks took one look at the weirdness and level of difficulty of understanding the science, and immediately started making up a bunch of bullshit magic about it for their religious beliefs and/or their science fiction novels (where they generally wanted magic which people wouldn't realize was make believe magic and would think might be plausible).

Eventually, some specific storytelling tropes emerged, tropes which were inspired by common misunderstandings of quantum physics, of 'magical' things it could maybe eventually do. This observation effect seems to be based on one of these tropes. That said... we don't yet see evidence of magic doing some of the OTHER things these tropes say you should be able to do if your now-magical reality is referencing these stories. For example: does anyone use 'quantum precognition', that is, looking at many possibilities of near-future actions to determine the immediate consequences of a proposed action? Or use quantum manipulation to turn the air molecules in the chair next to them into something very improbable and more desirable, like a pure gold bar?

Anyway, questions!

What's the mechanism of function and limitations of voidsteel? If I wanted to place a core of the stuff into some other type of weapon that is not destroyed when it acts, like into the middle of a spearhead or the tip of a bolt, would it still function? Does it only function out to certain volumes or masses of materials? Does it have to be introduced to the inside of the body, and if so, why aren't we using suspensions of it in dart guns or making a poison to coat things with or mixing small amounts into shotgun loads, or just tip bullets with the stuff? Why put it exactly where it is placed in otherwise normal bullets?
No. 1064005 ID: 273c18

Okay so, having weird fleshy replacements can drive you insane, but do weird cybernetics do the same thing?
No. 1064011 ID: f80db4

Take her up on that offer and get a smooch.
No. 1064014 ID: e0ca85

Ask her about weapons. Your last job kind of drained you of gear and limbs and now you’re restocking. I guess ask about guns and if the guns themselves are special or just the ammo. Also since it was brought up earlier ask about bows and crossbows. Like could she build you one and some special ammo for them? Like an exploding bolt or an electrified one. Might not be as effect as your magic bullet but if they’re cheap enough they could be a useful weapon to help out on jobs that don’t need to much firepower.
No. 1064015 ID: 53560f

Not relevant but have you ever considered taking up whittling? It was a fairly popular hobby back in the Wild West and I’m sure if you got decent at it you’d have a veritable collection of horses. All you need is a strong knife, some wood and practice.
No. 1064017 ID: 708905

No. 1064020 ID: 06095b


You know, its a bit analogue, but a forearm mounted slingshot isn't a terrible weapon. The ammo is whatever you can find that'll fit in the pocket, the weight is negligible, and the mechanics are simple enough to fix on your own. Plus, you don't need to shove it into you. You can just wear it. An adjustable attachment to turn it into a crossbow could also be doable.

Anyway, that's just musings. I honestly don't know what tech works well for fighting undead, hence that first suggestion going for a combo of piercing and blunt force trauma. Is electricity effective at all? What about fire? If we go with the slingshot, you could even make explosive shot like grenades.

First and foremost, I'd get her to show off her current wares. That'll give us an idea where we sit technologically and where she specializes.

Last thought, get a soldering iron, a wire stripper, and some crimping tools. We're going to teach you how to fix up tech as you find it.
No. 1064021 ID: dee951


Please, if you want a slingshot, it shouldn't be mounted on a body part. That actually offers no benefit, just the illusion of one. If you want a slingshot, it should be pump action and repeating or something. Or maybe a slingbow! Go watch your JoergSprave videos!
No. 1064022 ID: dee951

I want to put together a computer capable of playing, and which has, as many of the following weird west genre video games as possible: Hard West, Evil West, Weird West, and Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, and I need help finding those games. I'm also looking for ebooks in the genre, especially Stephen King's Dark Tower novels, and for the computer to be able to show those too. Hell, while we're at it, how about displaying ecomics, and a collection of the Jonah Hex comics. Can you help me with any of that?
No. 1064175 ID: 99f29a

Vibrating strapon.
No. 1064429 ID: 08229c
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>Not relevant but have you ever considered taking up whittling? It was a fairly popular hobby back in the Wild West and I’m sure if you got decent at it you’d have a veritable collection of horses. All you need is a strong knife, some wood and practice.

That actually sounds really fun... I'll have to look into that.

>Okay so, having weird fleshy replacements can drive you insane, but do weird cybernetics do the same thing?

Depends. Like if I get a mechanical eye that perfectly replicates a normal one I should be perfectly fine. But if I get 8 mechanical tentacles I'd be affected.

"I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me, C.C."

"But of course, Jane. What knowledge shall I inject into your silly meat brain today?"

"It's about voidsteel."

"Ah ha. The anti-law. What do you wanna know about it?"

"Uh. Everything. Like I know it kills us dead and that's about it."

"Hehehe... Well, I'm sure you know the tale of how god punched our world. Personally I think it was a meteor but... Anyway, since then things have been a bit weirdo. Like you and I being alive!

Voidsteel returns things to how they were, forcing them out of the states of 'what-if' and into solid 'is'. How do I explain this... So right now you're not alive or dead. Your soul remains where it is, anchored to all that meat. Voidsteel inflicts upon you a rejection of the current status quo, forcing you to be or not to be. And, because at some point you died, you just go back to that and die again. It won't have any effect on a completely normal person since they still follow the old ways.

Do you get it?"


"Good! That's the first step to true understanding."

"Is there any particular restrictions to it? I know I can load my own bullets just fine but if I get hurt by one I'll fall apart. How much is needed? Can I just shoot someone with pellets of the stuff?"

"If you got enough material FOR a pellet, sure. You can make your knife edge out of the stuff too. The reason your bullets are the way they are is cause voidsteel can be pounded really flat and has to puncture dead flesh to have an effect on it. It also goes completely inert and turns into normal steel the instant it has a reaction with something. So, if you wanna kill something far away and use as little of the stuff as possible bullet coatings are the way to go in my opinion."

"Could I coat like... A crossbow bolt with it."

"Of course!"

"I guess my next question is -why- does it do that?"

"Who knows!"

"... You?"

"Haha nope. I don't understand how half the stuff I work with works. Actually I'd say I don't really get like 90% of it."

". . ."

"You see, dear Jane, understanding is what got us into this problem in the first place! We dug too deep, Jane. We saw too much! And so, the world changed around us. The way things work now would make absolutely no sense to those who came before us!

But, it allows people like me to thrive! I don't understand it. But, I know it. I know that if I put this chip into your brain meats and wire it just right you can think faster!

I don't know why it does it, it just does. And I think if I dug too deep into the -why- it might be bad for everyone. We can turn blood into spires of crystal, air into flame, fuse tech into flesh. I don't ask why we can, I just work with it."

"Doesn't that bother you? Not really knowing exactly how it works?"

"Why should it? I can still do what I love! And speaking of which, do you need any work done?"

"Uh. Well, I'm going back into the field and I lost most of my stuff. I need a new eye for sure."

"And you came to meeee~ How sweet."

"And also some stuff for field work. Like uh... Wire strippers. And a soldering iron. Stuff like that."

"I can get you a little kit."

She works a lot with biomech stuff. So I could get an eye that shoots lasers, an extra arm that is actually a flamethrower. Stuff like that.

So if you guys got any bright ideas, I'm all ears.

>Vibrating strapon.

No. 1064430 ID: 0f3563

She's cute. Why do you not want to smooch her again?
No. 1064431 ID: 2aa5f0

is your new weapon arm already armed or do you still need to slot a weapon into it? If it isn't then see if you can't have it turn into a cool crossbow arm, if it is then just ask for some fire bombs since fire can solve most problems.
No. 1064432 ID: 4534a6

Ask her if she wants to help you "test out" your new "capturing arm"
Give into temptation
No. 1064436 ID: 1effd3

can we get a slag gun? i wanna shoot molten metal at people
No. 1064437 ID: 7a937f

>an extra arm that is actually a flamethrower
An arm with a hidden weapon in it, like Vash the Stampede! Sweet. But something with a blade might work better. Bullets are scarce. We need something more durable.
We need some way to kill undead reliably and with lots of uses. Does C.C have something like that? Any ideas of an item like that? Or maybe some ways to learn new magic?

Explosions seem to do the trick quite well.

>Vibrating strapon.
We someone to use it on first. Preferable someone that won't try to KILL us latter, JANE.
No. 1064438 ID: e5709d

Ask if she can install a cybereye that is linked to a module on your gun. Basic stuff, like "is my gun currently pointing in the direction of the thing I am staring at?", or "can you make me see a vector coming out of my gun so I get red dot sight without aiming down sights or the enemy seeing the obvious laser in the fog?"

Oh right, ask for a laser pointer module for your gun. Adds weight, but it can help you target key weak spots if you know where to find them. You can also ask for a flashlight-laser combo mod, those can be finnicky but it's still cheap.
No. 1064439 ID: 1effd3

ah yes, upgrades for O.A.T.S.
No. 1064445 ID: 06095b


So, your universe effectively function on Ork logic. Good to know. That said, if the tech just works when she does it, we don't have to ground ourselves too hard in reality.

Honestly, this (>>1064438) probably works well. Rather than getting an eye, though, see if you can get the eye integrated into a patch of some kind. The patch means that impact loads will be distributed through your entire skull rather than a small, squishy component.
No. 1064452 ID: 4a2cef

A retractable paralytic needle under your tongue so you can smooch people even if you can't trust them, which is most people.
No. 1064455 ID: 8f9bc4

> I don't know why it does it, it just does. And I think if I dug too deep into the -why- it might be bad for everyone.

I love her
No. 1064457 ID: a7a180

An extra robot arm would be neat. Maybe not one full of volatile fuel, but if you had an ace up your sleeve with a vice grip or implanted chainsaw it could make getting handcuffed a real pain in the butt for your enemies.
Also, equip holes. Speed holes. For style points.
No. 1064466 ID: e5649c

tell her we say hi!
No. 1064468 ID: 08229c
File 168495242276.png - (226.77KB , 1000x600 , 35.png )

>Is your new weapon arm already armed or do you still need to slot a weapon into it? If it isn't then see if you can't have it turn into a cool crossbow arm, if it is then just ask for some fire bombs since fire can solve most problems.
>Ask if she can install a cybereye that is linked to a module on your gun. Basic stuff, like "is my gun currently pointing in the direction of the thing I am staring at?", or "can you make me see a vector coming out of my gun so I get red dot sight without aiming down sights or the enemy seeing the obvious laser in the fog?"
>Rather than getting an eye, though, see if you can get the eye integrated into a patch of some kind. The patch means that impact loads will be distributed through your entire skull rather than a small, squishy component.
>Can we get a slag gun? I wanna shoot molten metal at people
>An arm with a hidden weapon in it, like Vash the Stampede! Sweet. But something with a blade might work better. Bullets are scarce. We need something more durable.
>We need some way to kill undead reliably and with lots of uses. Does C.C have something like that? Any ideas of an item like that? Or maybe some ways to learn new magic?

There's not much of a way to learn magic beyond, well, learning it. And it's such a pain.

Still, these are good ideas.

"I got a bio arm from the twins. Can you hook it up with some tech? I was thinking another shooter in it. And a blade. I want to be able to shoot molten metal slugs at people with it. You know. To dissuade them."

"Pah. Trivial work! Anything else?"

"Yeah. I still need an eye. I want an implant in my brain that can help me aim, too. Like a laser sight sorta thing. But without actually being fully dependent on the eye."

"Oooh. You're trusting me with your brain meats? I'm so honored~"

>tell her we say hi!

"Ah, actually uh... So I kinda have a vestige in my brain? And they're lingering way longer than usual. I think they might be there for the long run. Try not to mess with them too much?"

"Wait, really? Huh. That sounds like some machine spirit echo. But biological. That's really interesting. Well, don't worry. I will be extra gentle."

I am letting too many people mess with my body today.

Jane pays the mad doctor 3,000 bucks for all the modifications. She's put under and sleeps a dreamless sleep while C.C. works.

When she wakes she can see out of both eyes once more. C.C. grins in triumph

"How ya feeling? Can you see? Can you talk? What's 4 + 4?"

"8. I feel fine."

Jane holds up her arm and splits it. A blade and barrel are within the flesh.

"That's the slag gun and a fold out blade. I noticed an ejection muscle so I incorporated that. You can fire out the blade whenever you want but you'll have to load it back. And the slug gun? It can use ANY material. Well. Mostly any. If you shove it with something flammable it'll just burn. But you can either shoot a pile of pebbles or some nails. And if you heat it up it'll melt the stuff inside of it! Cool, huh?"

"It is indeed cool. Good job, C.C."

No. 1064470 ID: 08229c
File 168495309512.png - (166.94KB , 1000x600 , 36.png )

>We need someone to use it on first. Preferable someone that won't try to KILL us latter, JANE.

H-hey... shut up...

The only people who wanna kill me that I was romantically involved with is Magda. And maybe Lotte. And maybe Olivia.



"You know the tricky part wasn't even taking your brain out, it was actually putting it back in. I had to squish some stuff around but it all came together perfectly! In f-"

>Ask her if she wants to help you "test out" your new "capturing arm"

You know what, I'll prove it.

"Hey, C.C."

"Mm? Yes? Are you going to sing my praises?"
No. 1064471 ID: 08229c
File 168495386430.png - (134.00KB , 1000x600 , 37.png )

"You did a great job. But I was wondering if you could help me with one more thing."

"Of course, dear Jane! What do you need?"

"I got a new arm that can help me restrain people. Lots of tentacles. Wanna help me test it out?"

"Of course! I'd love to help! I got a few dummies in the back we can-"

"Oh, no. I want to use the tentacles on you."

". . ." Her face flushes. That actually takes a decent bit of effort considering her state of undeath. "Eh.. Uhm... Did I... Did I fuck up the surgery? Are you alright? Is your brain working good?"

"My brain is 'working good', thank you. I've just had a tough day. I think having some fun with my adorable mech-tech is just what I need."

"... I am unsure if this is ethical considering you DID just come out of brain surgery..."

"You care about ethics?"

"I'm stalling while I try to process this."

I'm trying to say something but it's not coming out

Help me, I guess.
No. 1064472 ID: 0f3563

So you'll "prove it" by having us handle it. Stellar play, Doe.
No. 1064474 ID: 3b641c

Hey. I'm just trying out actually saying what I want and how I feel. And I think you're cute, and I really want to have some fun with people I like. That's not a problem or anything, is it?
No. 1064475 ID: 8f0a56

if she wants to process, let her process. just tell her it's just for fun and no pressure
No. 1064476 ID: 69c7cf

So her weaknesss is confidence, good to know.
No. 1064477 ID: 1effd3

so she DOES praise the machine spirit!

Activate OATS, and observe her
No. 1064480 ID: 17b3c7

Tell her that you are going to perform the ancient Machine spirit right of percussive maintenance on her
Besides she offered (kinda) when we came in, or does she usually bluff like that?
No. 1064483 ID: a7a180

If you're hitting on every cute girl you see, that means your brain is working just fine. This doesn't fall under doctor patient confidentiality, it's more of a... second opinion. Or third if you count the twins separately.
No. 1064484 ID: 06095b


I'd consider whether or not you want to deal with the possible fallout of this decision. Yes, she's cute, but skipping straight to intimacy is going to change a relationship going forward.

If you're okay with that, go for it. If not, just explain it as you teasing her back after she mocked throwing herself at you when you came in.
No. 1064485 ID: 4a2cef

"Process DEEZ NUTS"
No. 1064486 ID: 04b9d7

Using your best "sweet nothings" voice, "Oh?" (Sashay closer) "Well, how about I make that processing..." (draw her face to yours as lightly as you have the ability to) "...very smooth?" (remove glasses, go for kiss). Should she push away at any point, back off. Otherwise, you are GO!
No. 1064488 ID: 1effd3

Just gonna also mention this: lock the door and put up the "closed" sign, juuuust in case Magda decides to show up
No. 1064489 ID: 2aa5f0


Tell her the reason you need someone that can fight back is because you want to test how effective the arm is if you were to try and disarm someone. That and you want to see how hard it is for someone to escape a grab from and how strong it is so if she's willing maybe see if she'd be willing to arm wrestle it and than after winning or losing try to see how easily she can escape it's grip.

She's a girl of science... kind of, tell her you want to figure these things out for science!
No. 1064521 ID: 4fa4e7

Youre literally incapable of finishing the job and need us to step in, can you really say that youre good with girls?
No. 1064523 ID: 777518

Fuck man I got nothing, usually by the time you're whipping tentacles out you either get an enthusiastic yes or you get shot.
No. 1064528 ID: 1efbdf

You are good with "chicks", not with "woman".

"Do you need help with the 'processing'? I could give you a hand with that. Thanks to you a have a good one that would do the trick."
No. 1064589 ID: 53560f

>machine spirit
Is she referring to AI or machines that have developed souls?
Actually, not important right now, I can see you’re preoccupied but make sure to find out for us later!
No. 1066351 ID: f8083d

Add that you're simply hitting on her for a casual hookup, take it or leave it.
No. 1066557 ID: 5c2013

Entity Yielded Essence System connection to new entity fully established new neural tissue fully integrated thanks to our nanos and thank you to our new pal all our stored entities where getting a bit desperate for new organic stimuli
No. 1067302 ID: d9b982

This one's easy. Just tell her you're sure and that the only thing left to decide is if she's interested. I mean, she DID mention not minding earlier.
No. 1067704 ID: 08229c
File 168920278492.png - (193.46KB , 1000x600 , 38.png )

>Youre literally incapable of finishing the job and need us to step in, can you really say that youre good with girls?

This is also your fault, you know that right!?

I have never had issues with seducing people before! Just... Give me a second to think...

"Process deeze nuts..?"


"Nothing! Fuck... Just..." Jane shakes her head and tries her best to smile at the woman. It works. "If you need to process this, I can help."

She takes off C.C.'s glasses and leans close.

"Adsjgfdfs" The woman is completely flustered. Jane can hear steam escaping somewhere deep in the back of the shop.

"After all, I do have a brand new arm to test out too. I'm willing to give you a hand."

"... Was that a fucking pun? Are you trying to get my servos going with a pun..?"

"I don't think I need to, I can feel how warm you are, I can practically smell the blood pumping through you."

"Hnn... Fuck you... I never thought you'd ever really... You've been coming here for a while and never showed any interest in such a thing..."

"You caught me in a mood. Not for anything serious, of course. Just some fun. Is that alright?"

"Logic dictates that it would be best to leap upon this highly unlikely event, lest it slip between my fingers... Fuck yes, let's do this."
No. 1067705 ID: 08229c
File 168920348016.png - (246.31KB , 1000x600 , 39.png )

Jane kisses the woman. It's a confident kiss that sends the poor tech-mech's undead possibly robotic heart aflutter. Jane's experience takes over and her hands move before she even has to think about it.

Wow, everyone's done a great job on my body. I feel like new again. Then again, it could be because of what I'm doing.
I'm not sure what sex was like for you guys in the time before the great slappening but it's... Something interesting for us Romeos. It helps keep us tethered, brings us even farther away from the brink. It has a greater result the closer you are to someone or the more into the act you are, of course. It also has some other interesting benefits.

Whoa, I did not expect how modded this girl is.

Jane already has her half naked. Most of the woman's body is gone, replaced with mechanical parts. But, the important bits seem to be flesh. If it was hers originally is impossible to tell. But, she responds to it being touched all the same.

Jane's fingers are already working the girl over when she finally manages to say something that isn't a moan.

"B-bedroom..?" She manages to sputter out.

"Of course."

>Just gonna also mention this: lock the door and put up the "closed" sign, juuuust in case Magda decides to show up


Jane makes sure to lock the door and put the closed sign first.


When the pair are done and C.C. has fallen asleep, Jane remains awake, staring at the ceiling.

Yeah. I still got it.

She was surprisingly cute, actually. I think I saw sparks come out of her when she came, though.


What was I talking about before?

Oh, yeah, sex benefits.

I guess this is technically benefits for relationships but sex helps bond with people.
Fetters are a type of bond we form with others. They can be good, bad, or neutral. But nurturing them in different directions has different sorta benefits longterm.

We all visualize them differently. Let me see if there's a better way of explaining it...
No. 1067706 ID: 08229c
File 168920431376.png - (179.45KB , 1000x600 , 40.png )

Jane closes her eyes and thinks of her immediate relationships.
Her mind drifts to the day and the people she met.

Hmm. Yeah. I can see it.

These are some of my fetters. The people in my life that I'm connected to.

Some are stronger and more complex than others. some are weaker, shakier. Some are... Angry. Filled with thorns and negative feelings.

And as long as I have some it's hard for me to slip and go feral. Especially if they're close to me.

If I hate a uh... Rockier relationship with someone I can sometimes struggle to keep my cool around them but they can also keep me from the brink.

There's some other stuff that goes into more serious relationships but... I'm not gonna go over that. It's not pertinent to me anyway.

Either way, I'm all refreshed and feeling pretty good.
I can head home but if there's anything you guys wanna see or do I'm game.
No. 1067708 ID: a7a180

Hi game, I'm Dad.
I want to see what the cables attach to.
No. 1067709 ID: 1effd3

Do you still have trains? I like trains.
Especially steam trains. You'd be surprised how reliable they are compared to electric or diesel.
No. 1067710 ID: dd3fe0

Is there anyone who you've come to an agreement to foil each other's plans, but in an entertaining and thematic way?
No. 1067711 ID: 53e039

Smooch more girls. SMOOCH ALL OF THE GIRLS!
No. 1067722 ID: 2f7f6e

Should probably leave a short note for when C.C. wakes up. Nothing complicated, just a 'see you later' kinda thing. It'd feel rude to just leave without saying anything.
No. 1067739 ID: 5b9fd9

Soooooo, how was the tentacle arm?
Does it grapple good? How is your tactile senses through the tentacles?
It doesn't appear tonhave left any marks on C.C. so I'm guessing they don't have suckers or teeth on them.
No. 1067808 ID: 2a86c3

Interesting note, We didn't see most of that, too bad. Oh well so it goes.
No. 1067881 ID: 53560f

Fun fact: we can’t feel shit, so all we get is the strange pleasure of the voyeur who can’t touch themself.

Anyway make a quick visit to a pawn shop or junk shop.If we recognise any old world stuff we can help you turn into an advantage or fix up for a profit we’ll let you know.
No. 1068116 ID: 08229c
File 168965194860.png - (188.44KB , 1000x600 , 41.png )

>Interesting note, We didn't see most of that, too bad. Oh well so it goes.

Ha. That's weird. I wonder if it's my state of mind? Well, I won't complain too hard.

>Fun fact: we can’t feel shit, so all we get is the strange pleasure of the voyeur who can’t touch themself.

That's tragic.

>I want to see what the cables attach to.

They attach to the floor. The girl's body is mostly mechanical it looks like. It goes down her back in two spots and then feeds into the wall. She took it off when we were actually doing the sex but when it was done she slapped them back on and went to sleep.

I didn't pry too much into their purpose. Seemed like it would be rude. Also my lips were occupied.

>Is there anyone who you've come to an agreement to foil each other's plans, but in an entertaining and thematic way?

I think I'd just shoot them? I'd rather not have any of my plans foiled, even if it's in an amusing way.

>Do you still have trains? I like trains.
>Especially steam trains. You'd be surprised how reliable they are compared to electric or diesel.

Well, you're in luck. There's a few trains that go through the place. I don't know if I would call them steam or diesel or electric but... They run.

I think it might be steam?

Let's go see one. I'll let you nerd out over trains or whatever.

>Soooooo, how was the tentacle arm? Does it grapple good? How is your tactile senses through the tentacles? It doesn't appear ton have left any marks on C.C. so I'm guessing they don't have suckers or teeth on them.

It grapples very good.

Jane untangles herself from the woman who is still sleeping soundly. She begins to get dressed, finding bits of her clothes scattered around.

And I have a great amount of tactile feedback on it. And control. I was able to get into a uh... Very comfortable rhythm with the girl. It was kinda funny seeing a spark shoot out of her torso when I made her cum twice in a row.

No suckers, though. I would like to get some more grip but the length and power should let me crush and control things easily enough.

>Should probably leave a short note for when C.C. wakes up. Nothing complicated, just a 'see you later' kinda thing. It'd feel rude to just leave without saying anything.

I'm not a dick. I'll leave her a note.

After Jane gets dressed she does just that. Instead of going out the door she climbs out of the window, closing it behind her.
No. 1068117 ID: e5709d

[Suddenly, orgasm]
No. 1068118 ID: 08229c
File 168965264521.png - (156.31KB , 1000x600 , 42.png )

Hmm. It's already dark out. Which makes you guys double lucky. The Corpse Runner only rides at night. I think you'll like the conductor.

Jane makes her way through the city at night. Everyone is inside save for a few scrap bots skittering about on unknowable missions.

The train yard is almost completely empty save for a single train. It's short. Only a few carts long. Just enough for fuel, steering, and room for passengers and cargo.

Bits of skin are stretched over chunks of it and riveted to its rusty shell. A spike protrudes out of the front, ready to impale any monster that tries to obstruct its path.

As Jane approaches it she can hear it begin to hum. Like it knows someone is near. Like it wants to greet them. The humming gets louder the closer she gets. The engine slowly rumbles to life. Lights flicker on.

No. 1068121 ID: 08229c
File 168965313895.png - (65.57KB , 1000x600 , 43.png )

Jane stands in front of one of the doors. The engine is awake now. She can already hear the steam. It rumbles and with a horrible creak the door swings open.

Jane sighs. She knows what's coming.

No. 1068122 ID: 08229c
File 168965383656.png - (203.27KB , 1000x600 , 44.png )

A loud, shrill, whistle emerges from the train. At the same time a severed head on a noose swings down.

"Welcome to the Corpse Runner-! Next destination, hel-Oh. It's only you."

"Sup, Ace. You really gotta stop trying to spook people. It's a small town. Everyone knows what you're about."

"Hmph. Disappointing. We need fresh blood. This used to scare you all the time."

"I was a rookie. And unless Romeo's magically gain the ability to pop out babies you're out of luck."

She pouts.

"What are you doing here, Jane? You never visit me anymore."

"Well that's cause I don't have any jobs that take me out of here. At least not far enough to need a train," She says with a shrug, "I came here to uh..."

She thinks for a moment before explaining what's happened to her. Ace listens, making a few conversation noises.

"I see," She says, "So, they have not yet met me. And have no memory of me."


"... Did I scare them?"

"... Maybe?"

"I see... Well. Vestiges. Would you like to..."
No. 1068123 ID: 08229c
File 168965410343.png - (163.52KB , 1000x600 , 45.png )

"Come inside of me..?"


We can just say no. I'll leave it to you guys. be warned, she's really proud of the train and hasn't had a chance to show it to anyone so...

We'll be here for a sec if we do this.
No. 1068124 ID: 0f3563

>Ha. That's weird. I wonder if it's my state of mind? Well, I won't complain too hard.
I'm not sure if it's you. We don't quite see things as a continuous stream, but kind of a series of still images? As you already know, we can see your mental images with them, but what you may not know is that we don't always see from your own eyes but sometimes a bit further back, so we can actually see you from the outside some times. Also we still get to know what happens in between them, but it's non-visual and less detailed.

>"... Did I scare them?"
I was startled! because I have a script that makes a loud sound when a QM updates a quest, but still

>"Come inside of me..?"
Well, if you insist...
No. 1068126 ID: 1effd3

Do you really need to ask?

and also that can be taken really out of context ace...! I'm going assume ace IS the train then?
No. 1068127 ID: 6ccff3

Yes. Visit the train.

Also flirt. Being only a head means Ace is probably real good at smooching.
No. 1068128 ID: efe718

Please tell her directly that we are perverts who interpenetrated that lewdly. Also yes, I wanna cum in her train hole.
No. 1068129 ID: 343950

>"Come inside of me..?"
That's nasty.
No. 1068130 ID: 6718dc

Damn, you guys really go all out in your trains, the ones we had were just metal tubes with wheels… unless it was a bullet train, those used magnets.

Though I got to ask, is her body the train? And even if not how does she keep her humanity with such an off script body?
No. 1068131 ID: a7a180

Hell yes let’s nerd out inside the zombie train.
No. 1068132 ID: 53560f

>We can just say no.
We absolutely can not.
Show us your mighty train o conductor!

>"... Did I scare them?"
Scaring us is a little difficult, our ability to process things seems to fluctuate. Sometimes things are fast, sometimes slow.
She’s welcome to keep trying though, we’ll be sure to let you know if she succeeds!
No. 1068141 ID: 1effd3

simple, she just loves trains so much that she identifies as a train
No. 1068144 ID: 8feda9

No. 1068145 ID: e5709d

>Come inside of me?
Well... you asked for it. Literally.
Inspect everything and find out where her pleasure centers are.
No. 1068146 ID: 38c83d

Come inside if you? You know we're all perverts, right?
No. 1068346 ID: 44def3

Hell yeah. Also, we were so scared. We definitely yelled and recoiled in terror.
No. 1068470 ID: c09aad

U could get inside two women in one night
No. 1068834 ID: 08229c
File 169025017812.png - (175.88KB , 1000x600 , 46.png )

"Well, how can we turn down such an offer, especially by such a cute girl."

Ace grins and leaps off of her noose. She lands on the ground on hidden hands and skitters til she's facing up to Jane.

"Then, welcome to the Corpse Runner. I won't charge you a fee this time. Especially since I actually get to give a tour."

Heh. I haven't seen her this excited in a while.

"Lead on. Pretend I know nothing. Also, the posse says you totally scared them."

This seems to please Ace even more. She gestures her head and Jane follows the woman as she leads her into the train. All along she can see patches of still fresh looking, if a bit dusty, skin. The patches cover holes in the walls and roof. Every once in a while she can see them twitch and move.

>Inspect everything and find out where her pleasure centers are.
>U could get inside two women in one night
>Also flirt. Being only a head means Ace is probably real good at smooching.

Wow you guys are perverts. I mean. I'm down. Maybe. I dunno how it'd work. But she's cute.

>Though I got to ask, is her body the train? And even if not how does she keep her humanity with such an off script body?

She's basically the train, yeah. It's more train than her but her parts keep the thing going and she feels what goes on it in. Her nerves are spread all through the systems and she can control it with a thought.

Humanity is a tricky thing to manage. However, I should note that she is absolutely bonkers. This can help her stave off going feral. It also helps that her body is ALSO her greatest fetter and her hobby. So long as her train remains undamaged and she can keep conducting it I think she'll stay human for a long long while. Though this can certainly affect her. Like she goes a bit mad if her train gets damaged. And she sulks if you insult it.
No. 1068835 ID: 08229c
File 169025059027.png - (228.55KB , 1000x600 , 47.png )

Ace takes Jane to a place she calls The Infernal Engine. It is a large box with a single burning lump inside of it. Muscles flex and open the box, allowing Jane and the posse to look inside.

"The firebox, or as I like to call it, the Infernal Engine, is the heart of the train. So, I decided to use my own heart to fuel it. As it burns up I heal it using a stash of meat I got. It burns hotter than any other fuel I've been able to find."

"Does it hurt?"

"Nah. I removed all my nerves and put them in different places. It helps me talk to my own body more efficiently." She says, as she points to the Infernal Engine door, "My muscles help open and close things automatically. Normal trains don't do that."

Heh. She's so proud. It's getting really hard to resist bullying her.

"I've always found that convenient. What about the pistons and stuff?"

"I use tendons and a bit of muscle for that. My lungs also help keep the fire hot by blowing air into them."

Another hinge opens showing a pair of lungs with the windpipe still attached. The expand and contract, each exhale timed to help keep the fire burning.


"Yes. Yes it is. So, with this I am able to make the steam needed to keep the Corpse Runner going. I've not failed a single voyage since I opened up."

"What about the skin?"

"Most of my skin is used to repair holes. Skin is pretty easy to regrow too so I can patch up easily."
No. 1068836 ID: 08229c
File 169025070490.png - (172.83KB , 1000x600 , 48.png )

"So does the vent come out of your ass? Or maybe your 'trussy'?"

"-do you want me to fucking eat your entire face I will kill you if you make fun of my train-"

No. 1068837 ID: a7a180

Wow, why so steamed?
No. 1068838 ID: 08229c
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"Now, now, don't get so steamed."


The train rumbles ominously. Jane decides it's wise to quit while she's still got a head.

"I'm just teasing you, your train is awesome and you're awesome."

"Hmph..." The woman immediately calms down, "Don't make fun of my train... It's the best."

"It is."

"In the whole world."


Ace nods, mollified, and hops back down to the ground.

"Actually, Jane, it's good that you're here. I was wondering if I could hire you for something."

"Oh? You actually need my skills? What's up?"

"Lately whenever I move along my track I've been finding myself attacked at roughly the halfway distance. I'm going too fast for them to deal any serious damage but I'm worried it won't take long before the dick manages to... To put a dent in my beloved train."

"Hm. Any details on them?"

"I'm going too fast to get a good luck. Maybe a feral? I can't tell. I know it's not much to go on but no one else I know cares about some random romeo taking pot shots at a train."

That's... Not much to go on at all. If I go in unprepared it could be extremely dangerous. I mean... You guys saw the result of the last time that happened.
No. 1068839 ID: 0f3563

she's adorable
No. 1068840 ID: 375532

Well they haven’t targeted the tracks so hopefully that’s a sign it is just a territorial feral. Though I guess you could ask if it’s attacking her with ranger or melee weapons. Also if anyone has a map of all the local rail lines are if she can point to where she keeps getting attacked we could probably scout it out and plan from there.
No. 1068841 ID: 1effd3

I will go to WAR for this train.
If they're taking pot shots, means they've got range. Can Ace tell if its like magic, bullet, or giant spears?
No. 1068843 ID: e5709d

The standard Kinetopede uses human hearts as headlights. I don't know how the 'heartlights' work, but some types of monsters loathe any light generated by it, even if your locomotive is carrying four tons of edibles and barely limping.

Let her know so she has a fallback plan if them monsters swarm the train.

Take the job, but let's spend most of the advance on upgrading her. We can work on researching basic defenses so she won't have this problem in the future.
(She'll have maintenance problems that we'll gladly assist her with instead.)
No. 1068849 ID: 4a2452

A smarter thing then a feral would have bombed the tracks or got something fast enough to chase the train down, so probably a feral? Does she want you to ride along and defend the train or go to the halfway point on the tracks and deal with it?
No. 1068851 ID: a7a180

Uh, phrasing?
Agree, but we're gonna need a closer look at the target, so let's do a drive-by shooting before we hop off. Can we get some keen eyes, or a camera? And be prepared to shoot back from a moving train.
No. 1068868 ID: 1effd3

Our price: Free train rides for unlife!
This means doing jobs will be easier, faster, and cheaper. We can also go to other towns for jobs.
No. 1068869 ID: 0f3563

free and fast transport is always a good thing
No. 1068877 ID: 53e039

Is she a girl? Smooch her.
No. 1068878 ID: 273c18

It's safe to scout. Just look out a window at the time of the attack, or hang onto the top of the train, or something. If it's too tough to fight, then don't. If it's something you can handle, tell her to slow down and hop off to engage the foe.
No. 1068881 ID: 44def3

Of course agree. But ask if she can't estimate the damage those pot shots could do. At least you should be able to tell what you gotta defend against, generally.

Also she's got a really clever solution to her humanity. Really shows how much she cares about her train/self.
No. 1068882 ID: 53560f

Get as many details as possible. Even if she has trouble remembering it’s always good to ask.
Ask her to explain exactly what happens as best as she can recall when she gets attacked. How many are there? Are they using weapons, if so, what kind? Can she circle the area on a map where it happens?
No. 1068889 ID: 06095b


She doesn't know what's attacking her, but she knows the where. Having her slow down at the halfway mark where she's likely to suffer damage isn't probably our best option. It just makes her an easier target.

Good detective work would be to go to the halfway point on foot and setup a good position to stake out the location until she comes back through. Then, if it's a loud projectile or a loud enough collision, you could follow the trajectory to the assailant and intercept.

A riskier plan would be to ride along until you hear an impact and then tuck and roll out of the train. This saves you a significant amount of travel on foot, but will possibly leave you injured and disoriented in hostile territory. To counteract some of that potential damage, I recommend getting a shield you can thread your tentacle arm through. It will give you padding during your exit and cover against additional inbound projectiles.
No. 1068891 ID: e5709d

Maybe half-and-half: Have her carry you half the way, then scout out the rest on foot.
No. 1068892 ID: 616d5a

We need info first. We should probably scout the area. Once we know what we are dealing with, we can set up a proper ambush.
No. 1068951 ID: 08229c
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I think you guys are right. It's almost definitely a territorial feral. We should gather more information.

>Take the job, but let's spend most of the advance on upgrading her. We can work on researching basic defenses so she won't have this problem in the future. (She'll have maintenance problems that we'll gladly assist her with instead.)

Hahaha fucking no. I -like- having money. She -makes- money doing her train thing. I make mine helping people like her. I'm not gonna give her my money. I mean if she needs help or something I'll help but I'm not funding her enterprise. She's a grown woman, she can give herself a cannon.

>Also she's got a really clever solution to her humanity. Really shows how much she cares about her train/self.

People make due. She's definitely one of the most unique cases I've seen.

>she's adorable

Isn't she?

"I'm interested but I need more information to go on. Anything, really. Like what type of weapon they used, where you get attacked, anything in the surrounding area."

"Hm. Alright. I'm going pretty fast but I'm familiar with the general area and such. Give me a moment."

Ace hops onto a desk and crawls over to a pencil. Biting it between her teeth, she begins to scribble on a paper.
No. 1068953 ID: 08229c
File 169034761115.png - (143.51KB , 600x1000 , 51.png )

Ace drops her pencil when she's done and walks off of the paper.
It's extremely crude.

"The attacks always come at about the halfway point. There's no civilization I know of out there. And it's always with a slug. The slug is about the size of a fist and mostly just bounces off of me. I think it's cause it's shot from far away.

The one time I got a look at them they were definitely humanoid. But I could barely see them.

Also they're surrounded by some hills that give them cover so attacking them from afar might not work. I don't know. I leave the plan of attack up to you."

"Hm. Could you take us about halfway to the feral and wait there? I want to be able to scout things out before I make my move."

"Of course. The sounds of the Corpse Runner might give you away, though."

"Hn. I could try and make it on foot. How long of a walk is it?"

"From here to halfway to The Bandit? Maybe 8 hours."

Hmm. I could get all my gear and make the trek. Take some time to scope the place out. It would take a lot of time and if I screw up on prep and don't bring something I need I might be in trouble.

But she's right, if the feral is listening they might be able to catch the sounds of the Corpse Runner before I can get too close. It really depends on what they have set up. There's a lot of unknowns here.
No. 1068955 ID: a7a180

It's best to walk there and try to catch them outside as the train's passing. It sounds like they're firing a cannon at her, and they have the tracks dialed in. The perils of rail transport... Doesn't look like you'd need any special equipment outside of mountain hiking gear.
No. 1068957 ID: 53e039

Hey, if you could remove your head, do you think you would use it to... you know. Might be an upgrade to get.
No. 1068958 ID: 1effd3

Looks like we're in for a walk then... also a slug the size of a fist? That's not a slug, that's a damn artillery shell! We DO NOT want to be spotted at range.
No. 1068962 ID: 273c18

We could sneak over there, then arrange for the Corpse Runner to be traveling past as we get close. Distract the target, so that you can get close enough to get into its blind spot and move to attack.
No. 1068966 ID: 375532

Guess you could ask the next time she’s planning on heading out? If you wanted and she doesn’t mind you could probably head out to the mountains and us her as bait to get the feral to focus on something else besides you and if your close by to have it give away it’s position.
No. 1068975 ID: 53560f

We can use the sound of the corpse runner. The feral will be focused on the corpse runner as it passes so as long as we keep a wide berth we will have plenty of room to get up behind and ambush. Just gotta time things a little but that’s not too hard.
No. 1068984 ID: 44def3

Yeah, unfortunately the safest choice for you is to use the corpse runner as bait. Being bait is probably going to lower the reward but you're a little low in parts to go up against torso destroying slugs. Remember when we showed up? You weren't careful enough and it went south.
No. 1068989 ID: 5180f7


Pretty much this. The shield is probably a good idea either way in case you get spotted on your approach.
No. 1069004 ID: 4fe157

I don't like using our clients as bait, but seeing that she didn't got hurt that time, it might be worth while.
No. 1069223 ID: 08229c
File 169060797554.png - (111.86KB , 1000x600 , 52.png )

"Alright, I think I've got a plan. So, would you be willing to ride the Corpse Runner past the feral? If so, they'll take a pot shot at you and that'll give away their location. I'll already be there having gone on foot hours before. I figure if you leave at your usual time I should be there with time to spare.

Are you willing to do this?"

Ace nods.

"I am willing to do anything for the Corpse Runner."

"Good. And speaking of anything, time to discuss payment."

"Ah, of course, what's your fee?"

Hmm. My normal fee is 500 bucks for taking down a feral. But I'm gonna be doing a lotta leg work and going into a bit of a unknown battle.
No. 1069224 ID: 6ccff3

500, a favor and some smooches
No. 1069228 ID: a7a180

Bill her for eight hoursof work, plus travel expenses. Do ferals usually have cannons? That's hazard pay.
No. 1069229 ID: 4a2452

...I want to say get a proper contract set up for this, but she's trustworthy.
Also, there's a chance this isn't a feral, ferals generally probably don't do cannons
If it's not, we might need to renegotiate, but the loot from an active combatant probably makes up for the price if its NOT a feral?
also ask for a smooch on the cheek of course, to seal the deal.
No. 1069232 ID: 44def3

Getting a free pass to ride the corpse runner whenever you need takes precedent over the fee, in the long run, but I'm not sure a single feral is enough for that? Don't know the cost after all.

If not just take the usual fee and a favor.
No. 1069244 ID: 1effd3

Free train rides for un-life, makes it cheaper for us in the long run. Also easier to get to new jobs.
No. 1069264 ID: e5709d

Bill her $200 for your time, with the cleaner score dependent on the level of the fiend($400 for one varmint, $1600 for a horde, $6,400 for a boss monster). You'll accept train tickets if you can get a better deal.
No. 1069546 ID: 08229c
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"Typical feral stuff is 500 bucks. But this isn't typical. It might be more. Let's say 500 down and if any difficulties come up we can discuss it.

Also, some free rides will be nice."

"If you can do this then you can have all the rides you want."

Oh shit.

"Great. And maybe when I win we can go on another date?"

". . . You really are the worst, having interest in someone with my.. Body the way it is. Absolutely terrible."

"Hey, you are still a beautiful woman. If thinking you're attractive makes me terrible, then I guess I'm the devil."

"... Awful."

"C'mon. We can see a vid. Ever seen the Great Train Robbery?"

"... That sounds interesting. I'll think about it."

"Sweet. Alright, I'll meet you there then. I should be in position by the time you drive by. Do you still leave at the same time?"

"Yep. I'll have the train closed for tonight. So, tomorrow."

"Sounds good. See you then."
No. 1069547 ID: 08229c
File 169093492794.png - (112.45KB , 1000x600 , 54.png )

Jane says her goodbyes and departs the Corpse Runner. Ace also says farewell to the Posse as they leave with Jane.

Hm. Today's been a really really good day. Finished the job, found an artifact, got some new data, got my arm fixed, had sex.

Extremely productive.

Since you guys are gonna be with me tomorrow I guess we should iron out some stuff before we get thrown into danger.

I am not sure how often I'll pause when I'm fighting, but to make sure things go smoothly I'll explain a few things.
No. 1069548 ID: 708905

So where are Ace's genitals anyway?
No. 1069549 ID: 08229c
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When Romeo's battle we first put ourselves in a mental state. It's simple to swap between them so long as they're adjacent but hard to do if they're apart.

The three mental states are Hades, Limbo, and Eden.

Hades brings us closer to the edge. We hit harder, shoot wilder, and generally ignore just about all damage until a body part is done. However, it's hard to think and going too deep into Hades means you're not coming out. It also lets us -do- more (+1 AP).

Typically most ferals are perpetually in Hades. They can do more and their attacks are more wild but it also means they're not smart.

Limbo is basically how we are normally. It lets us think, plan, and fight within normal bounds.

Eden is a Romeo on the defensive. It protects the heart and body but delving too far into Eden can make it hard to fight. Once you go too deep in that direction you don't really want to do much of anything. Good in a desperate situation but as unhealthy as Hades. Also we're slower so (-1 AP)

AP is the term I came up with (stole) to show how much I can do every few seconds. The more body parts we have with AP the more AP we can burn up.

So, for example, if I were fighting in Limbo I can do up to two things, one for each of my arms.

I wish I had a more interesting body but uh... I'll go over what I can do and what I got on currently as an example.

Aiming Eye: Aiming is now instant.
Hot Swap: Swapping the arm in the Hot Swap location takes 1 AP instead of 2 rounds.
Weapon Arm: Hidden weapon within. Can be fired or used. +1 AP
Normal Arm: +1 AP
'Inventory': Storage that specializes in keeping meat fresh. Allows instant healing when full.
Gun: Used to shoot things. Well loved.
Voidsteel Bullets (5): Instantly kills a Romeo if struck.

... Saying all this out loud makes it sound really complicated but I swear it's not.

When I fight I don't even think about these things. I just do them.
No. 1069550 ID: c3abe6

goddammit we forgot to get regular bullets
No. 1069551 ID: 4a2452

Guys, I think we need to protect this smile.
No. 1069552 ID: 08229c
File 169093714909.png - (254.81KB , 1000x600 , 56.png )

>So where are Ace's genitals anyway?

There is only one way to find out my friend.
Bet I could make her cum with just kissing, though. Girl loves to kiss.

>goddammit we forgot to get regular bullets

Hahaha! We'll score some before we head off, yeah?

Jane arrives back at her home. Lotte walks into the living room to greet her. Her eyes go wide and her smile brightens when Jane presents her an eyeball she picked up just for her.

"Aw. You thought about me. How nice of you, Jane."

"Yeah, don't say I never do anything for you. All good here?"

"Mhmm... Oh, Magda came by today."

".. Shit, seriously? What happened?"

"She asked about you."

"What did you say?"

"I said you'd probably be gone all night. I'm not your mom."

"Oh, that's good."

"Yeah. She's waiting for you in your room."

"Fucking -what-. You let her into my room!?"

"Well, yeah. I wasn't gonna have her just waiting outside all night. And considering you've kissed all her lips I thought it'd be okay."

"Lotte! Dude! We're not dating anymore!"

"Mm. Yes, I guess that might be a problem, huh? Dating is so weird."


I guess we can just run away and crash at someone else's place for tonight.
No. 1069554 ID: c3abe6

Oh, you think avoiding her again is gonna be a good idea? Hell, she's in your room, you don't wonder what she could do to your stuff if you don't come by and she's in the mood for violence? Just bite the bullet, see where things go. Stop running from her.
No. 1069558 ID: 4a2452

Alright, put ya big girl pants and and try and talk with her over this. She clearly cared about you to some degree, maybe more then some if you ain't just fibbin about her not getting the hint about not wanting to be more then fuck buddies. It's rude and maybe even a bit crude to not try and calm things down and try to talk this out like a pair of dead Romeos.
No. 1069565 ID: 5fee00

No way, it's your room. But the other voice has the wrong idea. This isn't a place for big girl pants. Take OFF your pants, to establish dominance. There's nothing more powerful than somebody who strips off their defenses without any worry.

Besides, you're home right now. Who wears pants at home, much less in their own room? Absolutely nobody. Don't be weird, take off your pants.
No. 1069566 ID: 1effd3

Hell yeah free transport achieved! Too bad she can't pick us up once we get the job done, might be a lot of loot we cant carry.
Ok hopefully she isn't here to kill us, and hopefully we can just talk it out like adults.
...Just be ready to activate OATS at anytime.
No. 1069568 ID: 2aa5f0

I doubt she'll start a fight in your own home, She'd have to pay for all the damages. Might as well see what she wants while keeping an exit in sight and clear to make a brake for incase shit does go south.
No. 1069573 ID: 44def3

Girls do love to kiss.

Hey, it's finally a chance to apologize for ghosting and explain that you weren't ready for commitment! Unless you did try to get that through to her directly and she's just crazy. At least you can talk to her, she's there for a reason, maybe she has something important to say.
No. 1069575 ID: 273c18

She's in her room that means she's considering dating you again, or something. Don't ruin your chance at peace by leaving her there alone. You can establish some boundaries and make sure she knows you don't hate her. If you don't want to start dating again that's fine but you can at least be uh, jovial with eachother and stop fighting.
No. 1069577 ID: a7a180

You have a job in the morning, so no angry makeup sex tonight. Go see what she wants.
(maybe it's angry makeup sex)
No. 1069579 ID: 99ce67

Hey perhaps she just wants to team up. Start off as "teammates" as a segue to "mating" or whatever idea she's got in her head. Or she's worried because you almost feralized so she wishes to protect you so she can eventually change your mind.
No. 1069581 ID: e5709d

Talk to her, but make sure you're on the other side of the door. Does your roomie have combat skills or traps?
No. 1069585 ID: 08229c
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>Does your roomie have combat skills or traps?

She can hold herself up in a fight but I get the feeling that if it came down to it she'd just abandon me. Her loyalty is fickle at best.

>You have a job in the morning, so no angry makeup sex tonight. Go see what she wants. (maybe it's angry makeup sex)

I'm a bit sexed out right now but somehow I doubt this is what she's here for.

>Besides, you're home right now. Who wears pants at home, much less in their own room? Absolutely nobody. Don't be weird, take off your pants.

Guh... Don't give me useless suggestions... I almost took my pants off.

>Stop running from her.


Jane sighs and heads to her room. She hesitates in front of the door. Her own door. She knows Magda heard her. It would be impossible not too.

She takes a deep breath and calms herself before opening the door.

Magda is waiting inside. The room is dark but her eyes glimmer in the dark. She stares at Jane. The two of the watch each other, the air tense.

"Hey." Jane says, "Sup?"


"Lotte told me you just sorta invited yourself in. You still wanna fight? Cause if so I'd rather take it outside."


"Or you can stare at me all creepy-like. But you'll have to leave eventually, I need to sl-"

"Are you okay?"

The question catches Jane off guard. She takes a moment to process it.

"Uh... Yeah? I'm fine."

"I came here to battle but... Lotte told me how you looked when you came back... " Magda's words are slow. She hesitates, as if unsure of how to continue.

"Pfft. Were you worried about me? That's adorable."

".... Forget it. I'm leaving."

"No, no, wait, I'm sorry." Jane settles the woman down. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Got a new arm and eye and everything."

Magda just nods before going back into silence.

... You know for someone who came to fight she's missing her stim-mask.
Unless she felt she could beat me without it.


She's just gonna keep staring at me, huh?

The fuck do I say?
No. 1069586 ID: 4fa4e7

"Why are we like this"
No. 1069587 ID: 6ccff3

Hug her.Thank her for the concern. Maybe talk through whatever caused your falling out. She went and like came to check on you, least you can do is be a good host. Its like, bad karma to be a bad host.
No. 1069590 ID: 5fee00

Is she okay? I don't know, but I suspect she cleaned up better than this when you two were dating.
No. 1069592 ID: a7a180

I don't think a fight is what we really need right now. How about a talk?
No. 1069593 ID: 777518

Her mouth looks pretty kissable not gonna lie
No. 1069595 ID: 073609

“So you’ve put the effort in coming here, don’t seem to be because you were looking for a fight, guess that means you wanted to talk about something. What would you like to talk about?”
No. 1069596 ID: e5709d

"Wanna see my horse collection?"
No. 1069597 ID: 4a2452

....Was she concerned about you? Damn, she likes you more then I thought huh.
No. 1069601 ID: 44def3

Well, you didn't come back unchanged. I mean, hi, various personalities infecting you here. You could be vulnerable, tell her about it.
Or turn it around, ask if she's okay. That's maybe the better move, at least for now.
No. 1069602 ID: 273c18

Go on, apologize.
No. 1069605 ID: 2c4716

Just air the dang grievances. "...We're the worst aren't we? Ghosting you because you were pushing me down a path I never wanted to go. Still, we're here so we going to let this tension dictate us both?" Give her a shot to play nice, if she does perhaps you could do jobs as partners. She'd never leave you behind.
No. 1069610 ID: 1effd3

"...wow we suck."
"wow being undead sucks sometimes."
No. 1069613 ID: f1ccab


The question you have to ask yourself is, are you really fine? You almost died the other day, and only came back at the cost of giving yourself brain worms. Your next plan: go out wandering into the dark unknown chasing the next thing that might actually be up to the task. And if all that goes well, you come back to a town with no one you really trust and do it all over again.

On a certain front,that's fine. A girl's gotta eat, and danger pays well, but having no connections more intimate than those formed during a brief shag or at least almost no connections deeper than that is concerning.

Despite that, you have your Ex, who despite your best efforts to push her away, is concerned enough about you to come around asking after your well-being. Your immediate response: laugh her off and try to create more distance between you. Why is that?

Does having someone care about you make you that uncomfortable? Or are you afraid that if they care too much, stick around too close for too long, you might start to care about them in kind? Are you afraid of what might happen after that, if that mutual trust and love you've fostered is then suddenly broken apart by the dangerous world you live in or more slowly dissolved by your own ineptitude with himan interaction. Is it tempting right now to try to avoid these questions by being flirtatious, maybe shag her and ditch in the morning before more questions pop up? Is that healthy?

The bottom line: I think you have trust issues and a fear of attachment that will ultimately lead you down a road of self-destructive behavior. Time to stop running and talk.
No. 1069615 ID: c3abe6

How about maybe you take the opportunity to apologize? Not wanting to commit is valid, doing it by ghosting is not. Just say you're sorry and explain why you did it, and no matter how she takes it then it will clear the air between you; it's pretty obvious she hasn't had any closure on your relationship yet.
No. 1069620 ID: 53e039

Hug it out bro. Hugs make everything better.
No. 1069679 ID: 08229c
File 169111219172.png - (282.88KB , 1000x868 , 58.png )

"... Are YOU okay?"

"I'm fine."

The conversation dies again. Jane can hear the voices chastising her. She takes a deep breath and sighs before sitting down next to Magda. The woman doesn't react, not even to move away.

Jane stares off. She tries to figure out a way to express all her feelings but she's still trying to puzzle out what they even are.

She sighs again.

No. 1069680 ID: 08229c
File 169111228685.png - (283.99KB , 1000x868 , 59.png )

"That was really shitty of me to do to you. The uh... Ghosting you. It was a shitty thing to do and I'm a shitty person for it. I'm sorry."

". . ."

No. 1069681 ID: 08229c
File 169111304659.png - (285.23KB , 1000x868 , 60.png )

"... Was I so terrible to be around?"

"What? No. I just said it was all me."

"It's not you it's me, hmm?"

"Yeah, I know it's cliche as fuck but it's true. I just... I don't wanna get in too deep with anyone. Not ever.

You know what it's like. What if we fall too hard for someone and they die? I've seen what happens. Romeos snap. Go feral instantly. They kill people around them. And it's just... This big awful chain of death and destruction.

I don't want that for myself or anyone I'm with. Would you?"

"I would. If it meant..."

"It's... It can't happen with me. I'm sorry. I thought I'd been clear about it before but something must have gotten mixed up. I'm sorry."

"..... Okay."

"... We can still be friends though. If you want that."

"... Okay."

Magda's always been more of a romantic than me. You might not be able to tell from her looks but she is really into romance text and vids.

I regret how things ended but there's no other way. I have to keep myself away from the edge, you know? I can't afford to lose it. I'd rather just be sad if someone passes than devastated.

"Alright, Mags, I got a mission tomorrow and I need my bed. Maybe we can catch up after it's done."

"... Do you need a partner for it?"



I'd have to split the money...
No. 1069682 ID: c3abe6

You JUST got an unexpected windfall, splitting this one shouldn't be a problem. That said, I'd rather have you be the one who decides how you feel about this.
No. 1069683 ID: 1effd3

I don't think its a terrible idea, just dont go hurting yourself and go wasting money. Friendship rebuilding exercise!

>Also Magda can carry any heavy loot we find
No. 1069684 ID: a7a180

You still get free train rides. Bring the backup, you have no clue what to expect!
No. 1069685 ID: 06095b


Give her a rundown on the situation so she can properly prepare herself and offer an even split on the contract reward, excluding the train rides.
No. 1069687 ID: e5709d

"...I can't promise good pay. This one's a gamble for a friend. For all I know, maybe she's getting shot at by a gremlin with stilts. You still in?"
No. 1069692 ID: 44def3

Hmm... Well we haven't seen the edge yet, can't speak on it. Rough sounding though, condolences.

Tell her about the gig, see if she thinks she could help, if she wants to. Split the cash evenly of course. Sucks but if we're looking at it in a mercurial sort of way, you gain a powerful ally, useful for more profitable jobs. But yeah, you get to rebuild something that matters to you, and that's important.
No. 1069699 ID: 073609

… how hurting are you for money right now? I don’t think you’re desperate… and it might help you bury the hatchet her so you don’t have to worry about your crazy ex gunning you down after a tough mission when you’ve burned through all your resources. And hell, if she really is looking for a partner and not just a fling you could probably wing man for her if she’s still clingy
No. 1069700 ID: 273c18


Yeah team up. You're friends, this is the kind of thing friends do.
No. 1069703 ID: 53560f

Bring her in.
Remember how we make you freeze up? I’m not eager to see how that goes down in an active battlefield without someone to cover you just in case.
The freezing might not even be that bad but let’s not risk it without a safety net first, then if it turns out to be a non-issue we can forego help in the future.
No. 1069829 ID: 08229c
File 169134847221.png - (136.21KB , 1000x600 , 61.png )

>Bring her in. Remember how we make you freeze up? I’m not eager to see how that goes down in an active battlefield without someone to cover you just in case.

>… how hurting are you for money right now? I don’t think you’re desperate… and it might help you bury the hatchet her so you don’t have to worry about your crazy ex gunning you down after a tough mission when you’ve burned through all your resources.

Yeah, alright. You guys have a fair point. I'm not exactly keen on it but... I think that's more just my feelings than being pragmatic about it. It won't hurt to have someone watching my back.

And it'll be even better having someone who knows how I fight.


... Nice.

>Hmm... Well we haven't seen the edge yet, can't speak on it. Rough sounding though, condolences.

I've seen what it does to people. I would prefer to avoid it. I try and manage my fetters very well and keep to my hobbies.

Jane sighs.

"Look, I can't promise good pay. This one's a gamble for a friend. For all I know, maybe she's getting shot at by a gremlin with stilts. You still in?"

"Yes." She replies.

"... Well, alright then," Jane goes over the details of the mission. The two of them agree to meet at the edge of town at a specific time, so they can reach the halfway point before the Corpse Runner gets there.

With everything ironed out, Magda rises to depart. Jane walks her to the front door. Before she leaves, Magda turns to glance at Jane.

"Jane," Once again Jane can sense the hesitation in her words, "I don't want to.. Burden you. But... You are the only fetter I have left. I was afraid to lose you. And so I tried to keep you close. And then I tried to make you my enemy.

It's... Hard for me to make friends. So... If we can at least continue to be friends... I'm okay with that."


"Uh... Yeah, Magda. I think I can work with that."

The taller woman stares for a moment before giving a silent nod and heading off.


Why did she have to dump that on me. What a downer to end the night..

Still, at least it explains things a bit...

Like I said, she's not a -bad- person. Just a bit intense sometimes.


Alright, rest time.
No. 1069833 ID: 08229c
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Jane rests. Her dreams are disturbed by the sounds of gunshots and screams. But, when she wakes, it's forgotten.

She rises from her bed and stretches. Her joints crack and pop. She flexes her new arm, making sure the connections are still tight. The twins did a fantastic job, as usual, and the arm behaves as if it were her own.

You guys still there? Yeah you are. I can feel you.

Hm. Alright. I think I'll get some supplies before I head off. We still got plenty of time.

She unzips her torso. The muscles and flesh easily part, giving her access to her innards. The majority of her organs have been removed and replaced with a fleshy sack that splits open easily.

She begins to feed bits of meat into the sack.

That should be enough to heal me to full in case things go south. I'll be a tiny bit heavier but its well worth the trade off.

Don't call me fat, though.

Next we'll get some bullets like you guys suggested. You'll get to meet Alan. He's a good guy.
No. 1069835 ID: 08229c
File 169135040976.png - (174.11KB , 600x1000 , 63.png )

Jane gets dressed and heads outside, saying goodbye to Lotte on the way.

She goes into several alleyways and kicks over a specific can in each one. She picks up a newspaper and turns it to a specific page. Then she coughs into her hand before turning back and entering a different alleyway.

When she reaches a dead end, Alan steps out of the shadows.

"Jane. I'm glad to see you're doing well. Our business must conclude in 10 minutes. At that point I will be spreading voiddust in the area."

"Good to see you too, Alan. Shouldn't take too long. I need the usual stuff."

"Hm. Yes, there is an issue with that, Jane. My usual supplier at The Bandit hasn't done his regular dropoff so I'm afraid my supplies are limited. I can stock you with a mere 10 bullets of the regular variety. That will be 200 bucks."

"Something happening at The Bandit?"

"Indeed. Shall we proceed with the transaction?"

"Yeah, yeah, 200 bucks. Got anything else?"

"Nothing that you are trained with, I'm afraid."

With a shrug Jane pays the man. She now has 10 regular bullets alongside her voidsteel bullets.
No. 1069837 ID: 08229c
File 169135149033.png - (149.16KB , 1000x600 , 64.png )

"So, what's going on at The Bandit?"

"I'm afraid I don't have the full measure of what is happening. Probably another Romeo trying to claim leadership. All I do know is that it is bad for business.

Speaking of which, is there anything else you require?"

"Any explosives?"

"I have a grenado. It is 200 bucks. Would you like it?"


Their transaction is complete.

"You have 6 minutes remaining, Jane. Can I assist you with anything else?"

"No, Alan, I think that's everything. Thanks."

"Have a wonderful day, Jane. I highly advise you avoid this alleyway for at least 20 minutes. I will place a sign up front, just in case."

"Yep. Take care, Alan."

"You as well, Jane."

He's a nice guy.

Also, fucking sweet. A grenade.
Not every day I get my hands on one of those bad boys.

I think that takes care of our arms. Anything else I should grab before we head off?
No. 1069838 ID: 4a2452

OOf, so you the last thing keeping her sane? We gotta wingman it up and get her some new fetters, maybe a hobby or five.
Also, grenada, bollet, and your weapon arm and tentacle arm? Everything looks clear to me.
No. 1069839 ID: f2cf5a

Think you're good to go.
No. 1069840 ID: c34ce9

No nonsense guy. I like him.

Agreed. We should see if we can get her to make friends with Ace after the mission. I don't expect it to be easy, tho, she clearly has trouble expressing herself. Too bad we can't help her ourselves, we do like her.
No. 1069841 ID: 2b6ba0

Cute tummy. Is your womb still installed or did you take that one out?
No. 1069842 ID: 8f9bc4

Voiddust? Why does he need to spread something called voiddust? Is there some seriously messed up "state of 'what-if'" in that alleyway? You don't get outright reality breaches, do you?

I mean it's his business, and you're sure as hell not coming back if you go ask for details while he's spraying anti-you powder everywhere. So whatever. Just seemed a little... odd.
No. 1069843 ID: c3abe6

You know how voidsteel kills Romeos? Three guesses as to what voiddust does.
No. 1069844 ID: 1effd3

Is Alan like a voidborne or something so he can't rly stay still without spreading his void dandruff?
No. 1069847 ID: d9b875

With all her augs its surprising she has no closeness regarding her aug supplier or suppliers... Either way - smoke grenades. Great to blind enemies for a flank or escape. Would suggest flashbangs but who knows if they have eye augs that no-sell flashbangs?
No. 1069848 ID: 2aa5f0

so what's the reason he's so... secretive with his work? Last I check it wasn't illegal to sell weapons and ammo and that was back before the apocalypse where half the wild life hadn't mutated to want to kill you for walking by. I'd imagine his Services would be even more in demand these days? Unless he needs to take such precautions to prevent being jumped by some yahoos who think it would be cheaper to take then to buy.
No. 1069910 ID: 44def3

Oh huh did not notice how Cronenberg that stomach situation was.

Nah, any more planning is just overkill. Which is fine, but you're already teaming up with overkill anyway. ...gotta get her more fetters. Lotta good people in this town.
No. 1069916 ID: e5709d

I don't usually say this, but we need to give that girl a makeover. I keep forgetting your weird post-apocalypse requires charisma as an essential stat.

I'd ask why you didn't install a pouch in your breasts, but I dunno if that hurts.

Seems like a reasonable price. Back in the Old World, bullets could be sold for as little as five bucks for a 20-pack... but that would explain all the child murders.

Corpos were practically donating reams of ammunition to maniacs so they would go on their insane racist massacres, make the world more violent, and justify the government's billion-dollar purchases of their superweapons.

Be paranoid of uncharacteristic charity, especially from the rich.

I keep taking grenades for granted. They're hard to handle but they can turn the tide in a tactical rout.
Rule of thumb is that grenades are for time and consistency. If you need a group of enemies taken out now and can't afford to miss, throw it. Otherwise, risk the injuries by attrition.
No. 1070218 ID: 08229c
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>OOf, so you the last thing keeping her sane? We gotta wingman it up and get her some new fetters, maybe a hobby or five.

hurg... That's... Not my responsibility... But now I feel obligated to, you know? She's not a bad girl. I'm sure someone would be interested in her. Or at least get her some friends.

She does have a hobby, reading. So I guess we can get some text-tales for her.

>With all her augs its surprising she has no closeness regarding her aug supplier or suppliers.

Not everyone is as charming as me.

>So what's the reason he's so... secretive with his work?

Dude's a paranoid nutcase. I won't be able to go to this alleyway for a hot minute and probably won't be able to use the same method of contacting him. I got a few more ways but I'll have to bug him for some new ones.

But yeah, dude's just crazy.

I know I say that a lot for us Romeos but that just keeps being true.

>Cute tummy. Is your womb still installed or did you take that one out?

Ah, it's still there. I mostly lost my intestine track. I know it's dumb to keep my womb, especially since it works about as well as a wheel-less wagon but... I dunno.

Feels weird to ditch it, you know?

>I'd ask why you didn't install a pouch in your breasts, but I dunno if that hurts.

Also weird. Actually Lotte has eyes where her nipples would be. But she's crazy.

>Nah, any more planning is just overkill. Which is fine, but you're already teaming up with overkill anyway.

Haha that's true. Alright, let's go meet up with miss Overkill.

Jane makes sure she has everything she needs once again and heads off.

Magda is waiting for her on the edge of the town. She is fully equipped for combat and it shows. She practically towers over Jane and she can hear the hiss of her augments.


"Heya, Mags. You look nice today. Very murdery. You ready?"

No. 1070220 ID: 08229c
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They walk in silence through the barren land. A few critters make sure to give them plenty of room. Outside of the occasional shrub or slight hill there is very little cover.

Magda doesn't talk much. Jane doesn't either. There is a sort of tension in the air. At least, one that Jane imagines. It's entirely possible that Magda is quite happy just walking in silence. But, Jane doesn't know.

She realizes that she never really did know what the woman was thinking. They were close, for a time, but she never delved too deep into what makes her, her. She knows her hobbies, a bit about her life, but she had never bothered to go deeper than that. There wasn't a point in doing so.

She opens her mouth, ready to ask a question.

Then she closes it again.

She has nothing to say.

It's dark when they reach the halfway point. Using the sparse cover and the shroud of darkness, the pair hunker down.

"Alright, so." Jane points, "If Ace's intel is accurate, we should expect a shot from over there. It'll happen right when the Corpse Runner goes by."


"When that happens the two of us are gonna grave walk to the other side. You practice it much?"


"Alright. So I want us to stick together until we can determine more about our enemy. Just follow my lead, yeah?"


"Good talk, Mags."

"... Sorry."

I guess she's feeling a bit awkward too. I get it, it's not every day you team up with someone you've been eager to kill til now.
No. 1070222 ID: 08229c
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Right on time, always on time, the Corpse Runner rides by.

There's a flash of light, a harsh -ping-, and a crack in the air.

"Got 'em." Jane says, under her breath. "Wow, look at Ace go. You saw it, Mags?"

"Yeah. I got them."
No. 1070223 ID: 08229c
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The two of them stick low to the ground and begin to move. Jane takes a deep breath and starts to grave walk. She feels the pull of her soul as it tries to sink to the ground, to finally leave her body behind.

It's a dreadful feeling that chills her bones and makes her feel like she's drowning. And yet, in this state, walking the border between life and death, she is almost unnoticeable. Magda's arms barely leave a mark on the ground as they drag behind her.

They stay like this for dozens of agonizing minutes as they sneak up to the feral that's been harassing Ace.

And then they see her.

That's a big gun.

Magda looks at Jane. She's waiting for an order.

Well, we've seen the thing. I'd struggle to call them a feral? They seem really composed.

Also one shot from that gun, assuming it doesn't have a voidsteel bullet, would still leave a good sized hole in me.

I don't like that coffin she's got.

She's super cute though.

If we're going to engage the girl I've got to prep myself mentally and pick where I want my mindset. Remember the briefing I gave? That.

What do you guys think?
No. 1070224 ID: e70412


You know, a shield would be really helpful right now. Failing that, you have your launcher arm, tentacle arm, and not much else...

Could you launch your tentacle arm at her and tangle her up?
No. 1070225 ID: 1effd3

Well i assume the coffin is bad, as well as the big gun. For mental state I say limbo, and get rid of big-ass gun first, then the coffin. finally, we get to utilize our O.A.T.S.
No. 1070226 ID: c1b203

I can guess which one Magda’s in. Go into Eden, ignoring damage until a body parts gone doesn’t help if you lose the body part in one go.

Heaven or Hell, let’s rock.
No. 1070227 ID: 5b2941

>That's... Not my responsibility... But now I feel obligated to, you know?
Don't think of it like a responsibility. Think of it like a favor to a friend. It's normal to want your friends to be alright, right?

Let's go for Limbo. We don't know how dangerous she is so let's not go to Hades just yet. And Eden as an opener is as good as leaving Magda on her own.
No. 1070230 ID: e5709d

Is that coffin what I think it is?
Flank to one of her sides while Magda sneaks behind her. Aim for her left arm with your revolver to disable her main weapon, then close the distance and shoot center mass with your augment. Try to separate her from her coffin.
No. 1070232 ID: 2aa5f0

huh, the way you described ferals in the past made me think they'd look more... well less human. More banged up, less humanoid shape, some random bits and pieces sticking out her and there. This chick could probably pass as alive if she wasn't wearing sunglasses at night and had more clothes on then just a jacket and panties.

...how does one tell the deference between a feral and a Romeo anyways? Is there a tell?

Anyways as for what to do. you have ranged option and your ex seems to be one hell of a brawler. I say have her sneak around the maybe feral and wait for you to engage it with your gun, when the thing turns to face you have close in quick to her sweep it's legs out from under it, try and get that gun away from it (don't mind if she has to remove a limb or two from the thing to do so) and subdue the "feral". Then once it's captured we figure out if it's actually feral or if she's just a bitch and then either finish it off and get paid or decide what to do from there if she's the latter.
No. 1070242 ID: f88c45

...if she's not feral then why would she do the same thing over and over and not get results? Some sort of message?

Gotta be limbo. You need to be flexible physically and mentally to get that gun from her. That coffin, whatever it is, let's save Hades for that.
No. 1070323 ID: 8f9bc4


That is not a feral. There's something weird going on here. Someone with a preoccupation for that spot? Something they're defending that Ace got too close to? Something they're hiding?

Speaking of hiding, please tell me that they aren't carrying around a feral in a coffin to swing them around like some kind of screaming flailing morning star?
No. 1070361 ID: ba7425

Get your head out of the gutter. What's that coffin? You know what it could be?
Also, this place has WAY to many hot undead chicks, what's up with that? Where are the hot guys at??
No. 1070752 ID: 08229c
File 169294566996.png - (200.72KB , 1000x600 , 69.png )

Jane takes a deep breath. She can feel her lungs fill with unneeded air. She lets it out.

Entering combat, by the New Law I swear to abide.

No. 1070753 ID: 08229c
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>Get your head out of the gutter. What's that coffin? You know what it could be?

Not a goddamn clue and I don't like it. Not at all.

>Also, this place has WAY to many hot undead chicks, what's up with that? Where are the hot guys at??

They're probably around but uh... I don't really go to them often. Sorry, bias.

>That is not a feral. There's something weird going on here. Someone with a preoccupation for that spot? Something they're defending that Ace got too close to? Something they're hiding?
>...how does one tell the deference between a feral and a Romeo anyways? Is there a tell?

You'd be able to tell if it's a feral just by looking at them. They look kinda like-

Magda screams and runs out of cover.

Like that, actually. Don't worry she's just fighting. We have a system, the two of us. She sees me enter my trance and she fights.

Speaking of which-

Though time had slowed for Jane it hadn't stood still. The Romeo in front of her was already lifting her gun.

2 AP

Jane plays it all out in her head. Like a script that she has to follow. Once it is set out she simply has to play her part.

She quickly swaps out her bladed arm for her tentacle arm. At the same time she aims at the feral's gun arm.

There's a crack of thunder and a normal bullet pierces the woman's arm, forcing her to drop her gun. The feral Romeo doesn't even react beyond a blank stare.

Jane doesn't have the time to think about it. Everything is already playing out-

She launches her tentacle arm out and wraps it around the woman.

As she's doing all this, Magda continues her charge.

No. 1070754 ID: 08229c
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The coffin cracks open.
No. 1070755 ID: 08229c
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A massive mound of guns and flesh emerge from the coffin, already aiming at Magda.

Jane can hear them getting ready to fire.

No. 1070756 ID: 273c18

You grabbed the humanoid, who is strapped to the coffin. Yank them. That'll mess up the coffin's aim.
No. 1070758 ID: e5709d

Stuff the gun in her mouth.
"Voidsteel bullets. Please surrender. Now."
No. 1070760 ID: fc6979

Go with this.
No. 1070762 ID: 285e36

We can try that after someone isn't in the direct line of fire of
many many guns
pull this Romeo off her feet first, at least
No. 1070764 ID: 2aa5f0

toss sunglasses chick into the flesh guns to throw off it's aim!
No. 1070768 ID: 1effd3

we need to force those guns to miss, or make it a non-lethal hit at least. force her to the ground where her movement options of those guns are limited.
No. 1070773 ID: a89fdc

Maybe grab and pull the legs?
No. 1070776 ID: 16c5bf

Throw her to the ground. Magda isn't about to hesitate now, give her the opening she needs.
No. 1070891 ID: 08229c
File 169302167534.png - (219.74KB , 1000x600 , 73.png )



Jane pulls down hard on the feral Romeo. She drops to the ground, hard, and her guns all fire off into the air. The bullets would have shredded Magda to pieces. Instead they go off to terrorize some birds.

Magda either knew Jane would do that or just didn't care about the attack in her current state. She does make a small duck but she otherwise continues her charge.

One AP left, just in case.

But, I think-
No. 1070892 ID: 08229c
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Magda leaps from behind the girl and tears her coffin off. It clatters shut onto the ground.

Jane barely has enough time to withdraw her tendril before her partner grabs the feral's arms.

She squeezes hard. Jane can hear bones crack and smell fresh blood.

Then, Magda pulls. It's a swift and sudden yank that sees the Romeo without her arms.

She falls to the ground without so much as a cry of pain or shock.

No. 1070893 ID: 08229c
File 169302189762.png - (199.81KB , 1000x600 , 75.png )

Yeah, I knew she'd do it.

Like I said, we make a pretty good team when we're not uh... Well, when -I'm- not being me. I guess.


Magda backs off and Jane kicks the feral's feet from under her. She pulls out her gun and loads it with a voidsteel bullet.

"This is voidsteel. You understand that? Now, you ready to talk? Or am I gonna have to end this right now?"

The feral doesn't move. She doesn't make any effort to do anything. Jane feels her heart chill.

No. 1070894 ID: 08229c
File 169302208770.png - (144.62KB , 1000x600 , 76.png )

Jane reaches up and removes the woman's glasses. Her stomach drops.

SHIT! Shit shit shit shit!

"Magda, necromancer!"

Her companion immediately drops her combat stance.

Fuck, yeah, that explains everything! There's a necromancer somewhere!


They must have set this girl here to guard something maybe. A rudimentary set of instructions. So that means they don't check on her constantly.


This just got WAY more complicated.

Oh, right, vestiges uh

Okay so you know how there's magic and stuff? There's a branch of magic that deals with the undead and animating them and stuff.


Fuuuuucking hell, I -knew- she was acting weird.

"Jane?" Magda's voice is soft, "What do we do?
No. 1070895 ID: a7a180

Well, she's not worth the bullet clearly. Can you snap her out of it?
No. 1070897 ID: 725f83

Would removing her eyes help? We don't know enough about this situation to give advice. If it's safe I'd lug the whole ass romeo home. Free parts make low paying jobs worthwhile and it'd serve as proof of necromancy?

Also, is it just me or is she looking exceptionally fresh? Depending on what the bandages conceal.
No. 1070898 ID: 1effd3

How close does a necromancer have to be to fuck you up, and will a generous amount of guns we just obtained and a genade work?
No. 1070902 ID: e5709d

>What do
Like you said, they don't check up on her if Ace has been tripping her security protocols like clockwork.
Hm. If I remember correctly, Ace didn't have this problem in the morning for about a week. Which means there's a daily guard shift of some kind.
You have two options: raid the necromancer's base, or just grab the thrall and her equipment and leave.
Hogtie what's left of the thrall, mostly to stop the bleeding.
Option 1: Cannibalize her coffin-sentry for guns, give them a quick checkup for any wards, ID triggers, and ammo types, then gear up and raid the place.
Option 2: Leave. The necromancer will escape but you won't go into a risky situation blind. Take the loot back with you and get the sentry reverse-engineered so you can deploy feral zombies who shoot everything that isn't you.
I say go with option 1. The necromancer isn't well-prepared if they overlooked their security system attacking false alarms like clockwork.
No. 1070907 ID: 285e36

I imagine that a necromancer is more then just a YOU situation, this is a "Everyone needs to fucking know about this" situation, yeah? Take the body, destroy it or save it, whichever will get the necromancer's attention less, and fucking book it.
No. 1070908 ID: 74d0e7

Either of these two are ok I guess. Maybe this could actually solve the immediate problem with the train girl getting attacked, for now.
No. 1070910 ID: 08d793

Heh bet you've waited a long time to use this line. "We round up a posse. We got a varmint to kill."
No. 1070912 ID: 2aa5f0

so can a necromancer take control of you, just shut your body down, or what? Also do they do so by just snapping their fingers or do they a whole ritual with special ingredients and what not to do their thing? I'm getting their scary and kind of counter your everything just by existing but kind of hard to plan around their bullshit if all you're telling us is "they scary."

Guess for a more immediate question, can they see through the eyes of their thralls or no. If they can't than their is still a good chance that they don't know you're in the area, especially if they're not here either... guess that leads to the second question, what is the range of a necromancer's spells/control?
No. 1070919 ID: 06095b


We should offer a modicum of protection against mental/spiritual intrusions. We can't exactly do that for Magda, though. Maybe have her range a bit with that long range rifle and cover your 6 as you stealthily scout the area.
No. 1070920 ID: 16c5bf

If you can break the link, do it. If you need to kill the necromancer first, tie her up. If not, end her.

Then yeah, loot for something strong that doesn't require a lot of thought, shotgun maybe. You're taking the lead next time, Magda has to stick to cover for this, assuming that helps against a necromancer.

We don't know if we help against this sort of thing, but we absolutely know Magda doesn't have something. Let's get this guy.
No. 1070933 ID: 1effd3

How about a good ol' grenade with a tripwire for the necromancers return?
No. 1071268 ID: 06095b


I have a really dumb idea. We don't know how effective we are against necromancers yet, and this girl has nothing left to lose. Why not give her a piece of us? We can scope out her brain try to fix the nonsense, and figure out if we can do peer to peer communication.
No. 1071269 ID: 273c18

Retrieve the victim (and her arms) and vacate the area. You'll just have to report back and have a necromancer hunter deal with it. This is beyond the scope of the contract.
Is the coffin construct worth taking?
No. 1071647 ID: 08229c
File 169386896294.png - (120.63KB , 1000x600 , 77.png )

"... We gotta go. Mags, grab the coffin and her arms. Then help strap her too me. I want you to run ahead. I'll catch up."


"I think what's wrong with my brain might help me fight the necromancer off if I get caught. You don't have that protection so you gotta get out of here as fast as possible."

Magda nods and grabs the coffin. It rumbles a bit but she's able to help Jane out and keep the coffin closed. Once the girl is strapped in, she heads off.

>How close does a necromancer have to be to fuck you up, and will a generous amount of guns we just obtained and a grenade work?

They still have to hit you with the spell to control you so pretty close. But once you're their thrall they can be a pretty long distance away. Like they could be back in the town and still controlling this girl.

But that's probably why she's just going on loop. Necromancer is too far to give direct orders.

Guns would work but it's hard to shoot someone when they can fire mind control bullets back.

>I have a really dumb idea. We don't know how effective we are against necromancers yet, and this girl has nothing left to lose. Why not give her a piece of us? We can scope out her brain try to fix the nonsense, and figure out if we can do peer to peer communication.

Not a bad idea but I'm not a brain surgeon. If I start scooping parts of my brain out and I fuck up I'm just gonna drop and be about as helpful as a sack of potatoes.

Lotte might be able to do it.

>Guess for a more immediate question, can they see through the eyes of their thralls or no. If they can't than their is still a good chance that they don't know you're in the area, especially if they're not here either... guess that leads to the second question, what is the range of a necromancer's spells/control?

They can get a general feel for what their thralls are doing and fully control their bodies if they're close. But, considering how little this one's reacting I'm guessing the necromancer isn't close by.

If we can bring her out of range she'll snap out of it. Or I could rip out her brain and carry it in me so there's even less of a danger. Or just kill her.

Still, I will admit I have a weakness and she is hitting it.

We'll see if we can get this one fixed up and out of the necromancer's control.
No. 1071648 ID: 08229c
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Really a necromancer isn't much stronger than an ordinary human with magic. The problem is specifically when =I= have to fight one.

Shit and the webheads won't do anything about it either. Having one so close to a romeo settlement is not good at all.

This is way way beyond what I'm set for.

I honestly should just kill the girl, pack my bags, and leave the place. Go west or something.
No. 1071649 ID: 08229c
File 169386930573.png - (126.64KB , 1000x600 , 79.png )

Yeah. West. Maybe I'll find more horse stuff there. I c-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The girl wakes and screams very loudly right into Jane's ear.
No. 1071650 ID: f293e0

Quit that you oaf. I'm helping you here!
Do you remember anything about getting abducted?
No. 1071651 ID: 1effd3

...I think the necromancer is out of range.
No. 1071653 ID: a7a180

Silence, mortal! You got thralled, you big palooka.
Protect your ear.
No. 1071654 ID: 06095b


Either we left their range, or they sensed something was up and cut the feed. Either way, say hello to the currently panicking girl! Maybe assure her that we have her arms stowed somewhere safe.
No. 1071661 ID: 273c18

Did you even move?
...could the coffin be the necromancer?
No. 1071663 ID: 2aa5f0

oh neat, it looks like her eye's aren't glowing anymore, think you managed to get out of the spell caster's range.

Anyways I guess now would be a good time to welcome the girl back to the land of the unliving and ask if she has any idea about who and where the necromancer is.

...Oh and induce yourself as well once she stops screaming, believe that's the polite thing to do unless somethings changed since the world ended.
No. 1071667 ID: a7a180

If he was, we have a new problem.
No. 1071674 ID: 61a1f2

The necromancer could hear her scream. Silence her with a smooch til she's calm!
No. 1071678 ID: e5709d

"Just so you know, I was paid to stop you from shooting trains in any manner I chose. Now stop begging me to murder you."
No. 1071681 ID: 173fe7

I just realised if the necromancer gets close to Corpse Runner you'll lose your free rides
No. 1071689 ID: 1ca80a

Just a light backwards headbutt should give you the time to explain. She has to hand it to you, you did give her a hand just now, even if you had to render her 'armless first.

So the necromancer is the opposite direction of the town, and more than the town's distance away from the sniper perch. Well, that's incredibly far away at least, a problem for another day.
No. 1071697 ID: c03871

If you have something fabric-y on hand, start by shoving it in her mouth. Then you can start explaining. >>1071653 sounds good.
No. 1071704 ID: f14228

Having one this close to a Romeo settlement is something that can rile the entire town and put them on your side. Imagine the bounty you could earn on that, too. At least if it turns out we can negate the necromancer's commands.

The girl can be kept alive as a witness, and she might have some intel on who this necrodude is and how he goes about capturing people. And if she can remember anything about what the point of her posted position was. Does the necroguy intend to capture himself a train Romeo?
No. 1071769 ID: 08229c
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"H-hey! You're okay! You're fine!"


"Stop screaming for a sec-!" She bops her with her head.



She back-headbutts her. This, combined with the woman's thrashing, breaks her out of the bonds and sends her to the ground.

She doesn't have the ability to catch herself, cause her arms are gone, so she hits the ground with all her weight. Jane can feel a dark emotion welling up inside of her. She is able to maintain control but she is -very- irritated.

"You know I wasn't paid to keep you alive and you're REALLY not giving me any incentive to keep you this way."

"Who are you!? Where am I!? Where's my stuff?"

"Jane, I don't know, and I don't know."

"Did you have to break my nose!?"

"Did you have to yell in my goddamn ear?"

"W-wait... You're not the necromancer."

"No. I'm not. But now that you mention them, tell me everything about them."

"They... Shit wait where are my arms."

"I had to remove them. You kept shooting us. Don't worry my friend has them so unless she decided to eat them we should be able to get them put back on."

"Oh. WAIT! Where's my cat!?"


"My cat! I-I have this coffin with a familiar in it and... My cat's in there-!"

No. 1071770 ID: 08229c
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Magda continues to run through the land with the coffin in hand. She's doing such a good job, she's certain Jane will be pleased.

Maybe she'll even praise her??

A girl can dream...

No. 1071772 ID: 08229c
File 169396903484.png - (172.83KB , 1000x600 , 82.png )

"Your cat is reasonably fine. They're with a friend of mine." Jane replies. The woman visibly calms down, "Now, can you tell me what happened? How did you run into a necromancer? Do you remember anything?"

"Y-yeah... My group was going after a pre-end cache of treasure. Lots of stuff. Cryo-meat, arch-tech.
We stumbled across this vault a few weeks back and finally got enough stuff to crack it open... We didn't think there'd be a tomb there. The... The others didn't make it. I was holding off as well as I could when the necromancer showed up and enthralled me.

I don't remember much after that but I've been guarding the tomb since."

"Guarding the... Wait, hold on but the spell just barely broke. We're not even that far away."

She nods.

"The tomb's underground. Deep deep underground. Some arch-tech still works and got us below faster than any vehicle could."

"That tracks... How long have you been doing this?"

"Not too long I don't think."

"What's your name?"


"I mean like your real name. Not your codename or whatever."

"It's Gungrave."

"Oh. Uh. Nice to meet you, Gungrave."

Now that she's not screaming in my ear she seems more reasonable.
Also the necromancer is a bit closer than I thought. At least close enough that they can shoot the Corpse Runner. And in a tomb. Filled with potentially hundreds of thousands of bucks worth of loot.
No. 1071773 ID: 1effd3

...So is it time for a dungeon raid?
Also i hesitate to say this,but we *might* want a non-undead person like the WebHeads to help out with the necromancer, especially if theres archtech
No. 1071774 ID: a7a180

Ya know, not shooting the train every time it passed would have kept the vault more hidden. Did the necromancer follow you, or did they live down there?
No. 1071775 ID: e5709d

Yeeep. She's a weeb.
That's an adult show. Undead mobster with a coffin full of killing machines.
The last game in the franchise was considered too slow-paced to be a shooter, even with all the carnage around a stomping tank.
"Okay but seriously if you don't give me a better codename, imma call you Harry." (She knows what that means)

Well. Dang.
You can't take on this mission but you can't just leave it behind. Is there a guild you can post the information to, get a finder's fee for guiding a non-undead party there?
No. 1071779 ID: 273c18

This is not the time. You can come back later. First priority is to deliver the victim to town so they can get their arms sewed back on.

You might consider finding out if we really are protecting your brain from a necromancer. Wouldn't it suck if you ended up just like Gungrave?
No. 1071780 ID: 8c745f

Guess for now you should bring gun home and reattach her arms. Maybe pump her for more information about the tomb and the necromancer. Like does she believe they’d leave the tomb or are they likely to come topside and cause trouble with the nearby towns.

If the tomb sounds manageable I guess you could round up a posse and see about raiding it but if it sounds above you we should probably tell people about it just so they’re aware of the necromancer.
No. 1071798 ID: 5b2941

That's a good description of what happened but not much of the necromancer. She didn't give us a description, not even a gender. We need to be able to recognize the necromancer at a glance, don't wanna get caught by surprise.
No. 1071799 ID: 5b2941

Also, Magda's doing a great job. You should praise her.
No. 1071804 ID: 285e36

Magda's doing a amazing job, praise her when you see her.
Also wow we need more boolet to deal with this, are we certain we can go dungeon diving right now? It might be better to get paid tomorrow and take you and magda and gungrave and maybe a few others to blow up a giant undead crypt.
No. 1071806 ID: 1ca80a

Well let's head back. Guess the necromancer is down, not across the tracks, but still, it's not like they're going to come out. Get paid, get Gungrave healed and her cat back, definitely gotta do your best to praise Magda, then we start planning a dungeon crawl.

Need more supplies, some favors, some recruiting. Gungrave might join for revenge if you let her in on the brain worms.

Well it's a long walk, maybe you should start broaching that topic now.
No. 1071807 ID: 1effd3

maybe leave a grenade tripwire just in case
No. 1071819 ID: d321ca


Head back into town, fix up your new ally, praise Magda, and pet the cat. After that, we have a choice, either keep out of the necromancer's backyard and pray their plans don't bring them to your door, or get ready for a fight.

I suggest fight, but we'll need to prepare. First off, the Twins can make magic arms, so they know a bit of magic. If we're lucky, they can probably also do a good impression of necromancer magic. To that end, we'll want them to stress test your brain to see if we're effective against necromantic influence. If we are, I suggest we move forward with the following.

Names can be workshopped, but if we're a good curative against necromancer mind control, I suggest having Lotte scrape some of our mass from your noggin and transfer it to Gun, assuming revenge is worth picking up some psychic hitchhikers. If the install is successful, we can go from there, testing peer to peer communication and if the transplant can similarly stave off necromantic influence. If so, we can deputize whoever is willing and take the fight to the necromancer.

Recommended loadout: flashbangs and smoke grenades paired with thermal capable eyes. They probably can't enslave what they can't see. So the plan would be to hit them hard and fast.
No. 1071842 ID: f293e0

This is both good and bad. On one hand, we kinda solved, or found out the source of Ace's attacker, and we also found a possible lucrative enterprise. The bad thing is that this made things completely more complicated.
The necromancer probably knows what happened and will expect retaliation. Also, I don't know how to fight those things, and if a group of Romeros couldn't do it, we are going to have a hard time. We need more hands.
No. 1071866 ID: 1effd3

...but Grave has none!
No. 1071894 ID: 708905

It is an extemely tempting target unfortunatly that necromancer means that we'd be fighting on the home turf of someone who only needs line of sight to instantly take us out.
No. 1071901 ID: 5b5b7a

Hang on, so the necromancer is inside the bunker, right? Could you guys find the ventilation shafts and gas the whole thing? If it doesn't have vents and instead has oxygen scrubbers or some shit, that would actually make it work better since there would be nowhere for the gas to go.

I think if you get yourselves some good gas masks (or if nothing else, pee into a rag and tie it over your mouth and nose) and then gas the whole thing, it should be pretty easy to deal with this fuck.
No. 1071934 ID: 1ca80a

Look, I'm sure there's something to this suggestion, but I'm absolutely certain that gas masks could be procured and relatively easily.
No. 1071940 ID: 0bf2fd

I would hope so, but then I was thinking that filters may be a rare commodity (if not extinct), so if that is the case, then back to WW1 French pissing on a rag.

But yes, if they can get gas masks, that is infinitely better. For several reasons.
No. 1071946 ID: 5b2941

can Romeos even pee? We know Jane has removed most of her internal organs, that may include her bladder.
No. 1072051 ID: 1effd3

You guys know zombies dont breathe right?
No. 1072100 ID: 4efd82

No, they do. They just don't need to. I'm guessing it's just something that "feels human" to do. Not that every romeo would necessarily have that habit. Additionally, filtering out toxic fumes from getting inside the body even through standard air flow isn't a bad idea.
No. 1072157 ID: 0bf2fd

Okay, okay, so if they don't breathe and stuff, then we just need to get something more toxic like Sarin Gas.

Sarin is a nerve agent, so this should disrupt the nervous system of the target. No idea if it could outright kill a Romeo, but it will absolutely paralyze them since all of their neural pathways would go kaput. It gets absorbed through all channels, so not only breathing it, but also having your skin and eyes touch it.

Sarin isn't that difficult for a decent chemist to make. You should be able to get someone to make some for you (maybe one of your bodymod/scientist friends?).

You will absolutely need some sort of airtight suit for this stuff. While it generally causes permanent damage, given your constitution you probably would be alright if you had someone drag you out to get fixed. That being said, the guy in the bunker doesn't have someone to drag them out, meaning you could potentially gas the fuck out of the bunker, wait for it to subside, and then go in. Even if the guy can somehow recover from it by themself eventually, it would take a while to knit an entire nervous system together again.
No. 1072173 ID: 748572

Well... we did take her arms... We could help her reattach them? Not for free mind you. but we could really use the help.
No. 1072177 ID: 5b2941

I wouldn't assume things work like that. Remember, the rules of how reality works changed, old-world science need not apply. Also, did we get confirmation of the necro being a Romeo?
No. 1072185 ID: 0bf2fd

Idk man, this stuff works on a chemical level. You unplug a device from an outlet and it stops working (in this case, the outlet is a nerve). At a certain point you have to assume some things like chemistry and physics or the whole world unravels. I mean, nerves are important or the bodymodders wouldn't be in business.

But yeah, it could all not work at all for reasons.
No. 1072646 ID: 08229c
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>You guys know zombies don't breathe right?

>can Romeos even pee? We know Jane has removed most of her internal organs, that may include her bladder.

>I mean, nerves are important or the bodymodders wouldn't be in business.


First of all, weird question bro.

Second of all-
No. 1072647 ID: 08229c
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Abandon all reason, ye who enter here.

Jane detaches her hot swap arm and holds it up. It takes a bit of effort but she manages to wiggle her fingers.

Enough effort that she can feel something start to slip, in her soul. She quickly puts the arm back on.

I'll explain this again but like... My arm only works when attached to my nerves cause that's how it -should- work. Likewise I don't... Well, I don't HAVE to breath. The air entering my lungs doesn't do anything to me, mechanically. But it feels nice to do so. And seeing my limbs moving when not attached to me is just... Weird and creepy.

Things that work biologically for a living person also sorta work for me. But I can also make it not work if I concentrate really hard on it. This really only applies to organic stuff, though. I can't make a robot arm that got ripped off of me still function.

As for the gas, if I noticed the room was filling with an obvious gas then yeah it would hurt me. I could completely ignore the gas effects but that would hurt me in a different way. Also caustic chemicals STILL burn my flesh. But like I can ignore the pain if I wanted to.

... Honestly not sure how a nerve gas would work on me but let's not get ourselves in a situation where we have to find out, yeah?
No. 1072651 ID: 08229c
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Going after the necromancer would certainly be lucrative... But it's not something we can do on a whim. We have to be prepared. We'll need people to go with us.

We'll need... A posse.

Smoking them out is a good idea. Or maybe the entire place has vents to cover that. There has to be someone, somewhere, who knows how that building works...

And if we can get a mage to do some necromancy on us and see if we resist that'd be great. But necromancy is a highly taboo art. It'd have to be either someone really shady or someone who really trusts me and is willing to reveal they know the art.

And also we'll need some more gear... And people... And-


Jane turns to Gungrave. The woman stares back at her. Jane helps the woman back onto her feet.

"Can you walk?" Jane asks.

"Yeah. I can walk."

"Good. Let's walk and talk."

And so they do, walking down the same path Jane used to get to her in the first place.

"Any other details on the necromancer? Gender, name, anything?"

"No," She shakes her head, "Sorry. My memories of the whole thing are muddled. I don't even remember their voice."

"Maybe a safety measure. Any info about the place itself? Is it well guarded?"

"Only the necromancer as far as I could tell."

"Gotcha. Tell me, do you want to get revenge on them?"


"How far would you be willing to go to get revenge on them?"

"I'd do anything. They killed all my friends."

"... Alright. I'm taking you back to my place. We're gonna patch you up and see what happens from there. You mind sticking around for a few days?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go, so, sure. Why not. You okay with a cat?"

"I've never had one."

"Cats are great. Mine is named Nathaniel and he-"

The entire rest of the walk is filled with cat talk.
No. 1072652 ID: 8f9bc4

The effect would probably be like removing all of your limbs and then trying to fight with them detached. Do-able but it would rip your soul right loose from reality, so you kind of need your nerves to keep you grounded in what's possible. Please do be careful with sarin gas.

The necromancer is quite honestly out of your league. Anyone who stands a chance against them wouldn't be undead. You can't negotiate with him because he'd enthrall you. You can't fight him because he'd enthrall you. You could try to gas him, but... seems like his hidey hole might be a little more well defended with arch-tech, so who knows what would stop the gas from reaching him? And if it doesn't, then he enthralls you, game over.

Maybe just... steer clear of him, and warn your friend not to take that route anymore? It's a humiliating setback, but you don't have any way to fight this.

Unless you think your weird schizo brain can resist enthralling. Then you can just go talk with him and make friends!
No. 1072653 ID: 08229c
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When they arrive back at the trainyard they find Magda and Ace are already there. Ace declined all customers that night and was already heading back by the time they had taken out Gungrave.

Magda gives Grave back her arms and coffin and the cat nestled within. The cat immediately pops out and avoids Graves attempts at touching him. Possibly due to the fact that she clearly abandoned him for the most uncomfortable ride ever. Grave's arms are stitched back on without much issue, though a quick test of her finger dexterity reveals she'll need a proper surgeon to fix the nerves.

Once that's taken care of Jane gives her report.

"Alright. Mission accomplished. There's your shooter."

"Her?" Ace glares at the woman, her eyes going dark.

"Yeah, wait, listen. Before you gnaw her neck off you should know, there's a necromancer involved."

That snaps Ace out of her building rage. She looks at Jane in horror.


"Yeah. It's that bad. I'm.. Honestly not sure if you should keep running tha Corpse Runner along that route. Not while they're still out there."

"But... I don't have another route. I'd have to get one built and that could take years."


The girl looks like she's about to cry.

fuuuuuuucking hell

I don't WANT to fight a necromancer. It would genuinely be easier to just pack up and go. I'm not some hero. This is so above my pay grade.
No. 1072654 ID: 53b46b

It seems to me that the necromancer only really has a big advantage if they're up against undead. What we really need if we're going after them is some non-Romeo allies.

Do you know/trust any living folks? Or I dunno robots or something?
No. 1072656 ID: 5b2941

Ahem. Jane? Didn't we ask you to praise someone?
No. 1072657 ID: 675c41

Could we make a round track for her temporarily?
No. 1072658 ID: a797d7

Ace deals with people a lot right? Since she fairies them around all day? Maybe ask if she knows anyone she thinks would be able to help you take down a necromancer.
No. 1072661 ID: a7a180

Big loot, bigger reward. See if there's anyone else you can recruit for your posse. Maybe someone who isn't dead?
No. 1072662 ID: 1effd3

down side: it WILL become your problem later when it decides to get worse.
upside: you get to lord it over the entire town for saving thier asses.
more discounts!
No. 1072667 ID: 273c18

Do it for your friend. And also money.
No. 1072669 ID: e5709d

We don't have to confront the necromancer directly. We know where they are, and they are lazy. The real question is how much you're willing to risk to get that sweet precursor loot.
Because we could just buy a truckload of concrete, load it onto ace, and then pour straight into the cavern. Necromancer is neutralized but alive and the town will have a new X-factor to unleash on the next apocalypse. But that means all the tech and artifacts will be ruined.

I vote we buy some drones and steal what we can before burying the @#$%er with explosions to the mine.
No. 1072672 ID: 6b7fdd

They killed Gungraves friends when they could have mind controlled them, that reveals to us that they really can't do more THAN mind control one, maybe a few more. Its strange that they only put out one guard, and a badly commanded one considering she started shooting anything that moves...
either the necromancer is bad and dumb and unrealized, or whatever they are looting is a big enough deal, and worth enough cash, to get veeerrrry fast and dirty with that kinda stuff, yeah?
No. 1072674 ID: 6b7fdd

Yeah where are them head pats and praises, calamity Jane!
No. 1072677 ID: d971dc

If we don't deal with this necromancer is going to be a pain in the ass for everyone sooner rather than latter. It doesn't have to be NOW, but we can't leave them alone for too much time.
No. 1072683 ID: 5d8541

Let's not get sidetracked with necromancer talk before this is handled.

Alright. Ace needs to be reminded that if it's a problem, she should hire people to solve it. If the bounty is low, a necromancer could definitely inspire a pot with donations from various folks in town. Plus whatever goodies are down there.

Make sure Magda is on board and then start thinking about who else you could get. And you mentioned someone who could figure out the layout. Any ideas? I guess we could just ask all the smart people we know.
No. 1072684 ID: 273c18

Oh, one thing that should set your mind at ease. If it was a smart necromancer, then after you took out their guard they'd leave on their own as fast as they could.
That means you won't have to fight a smart necromancer! If there's anyone still there when you show up, it's going to be a dumb necromancer.
No. 1072833 ID: cecad0

See if you can increase Ace's proffered reward to include a double feature and some cuddles. Perhaps throw on Emperor of the North for some hobo fisticuff action-adventure?
No. 1072856 ID: 06095b


Packing up and finding a new place means cutting all of your ties, and granted how you function in a stable way relies on keeping those, I think you might want to view this as a practical matter, not a matter of altruism.

If necromancers are really bad news, that can inspire a really good pot for taking one down, granted you let the town know before you go knocking down their door. That nets you a stronger foothold and some much needed clout in this neck of the woods. It might even net you some backup.

As for ways to scout the building, there was a lot of tech back in the day that could work for this sort of thing. A flying drone is probably too noisy, but a repurposed Roomba with a spy camera or an RC car with the same could go ahead reasonably quietly with no chance of mind fuckery. Strap a smoke grenade or flashbang to that, detonate and move in quickly.

I still am thinking having a brain plug as a backup isn't bad, but getting someone with the skill to reliably test your brain's resistance doesn't seem likely to happen.
No. 1072857 ID: 06095b


Actually, thought. Are there undead animals about? You know, like rats? Maybe we could try a little brain surgery on one of those little guys to check peer-to-peer. If we can route our awareness through a common vermin, we can be even more stealthy in infiltrating the compound to feed you details on what to look out for.
No. 1072893 ID: 0bf2fd

Just lay it out for her. This job is over, but you are willing to work on the necromancer too, however; you will need a lot more trustworthy people, money, and resources. Resources like nerve gas and hazmat suits cuz that is probably the best way to flush the necromancer out. Luck dictates that the necromancer will probably be super disciplined and have less of a grip on humanity allowing them to brush off any other sort of gas or smoke with sheer willpower, thus making them ineffective at flushing them out.

Ideally, the play would be to flood the bunker and then just wait for them to come outside.
No. 1072896 ID: b1c89b

Ace isn’t the only one who benefits from you clearing out this necromancer, everyone who rides the train does. (Whether they commute or prefer the other kind of riding, like you.) You should see if anyone in the next town over can help you too, and also you could try shaking them down for money instead of double dipping on her.
No. 1073007 ID: 08229c
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Jane gives a deep sigh.

Alright. Fine.



"My payment."

"Oh. Right. Uh..."

She pushes a bundle of money in Jane's direction. Jane counts the reward money and nods.

"Perfect. I'm sorry but our date will have to wait a bit. Got a necromancer to deal with, I guess."


"Yeah, yeah. I mean. I guess it's in everyone's benefit if it's dead, right? So... We should do it." Jane says with a shrug. Ace seems amazed. "For pay, of course. Don't think I'm doing this out of the kindness of my cold dead heart. I figure we can put up a community pot or something. Maybe see if we can gather a posse to help us take the bastard down. But if the pay ain't good or I feel we don't have a chance in hell at this I'm not going. Alright?"

"I wouldn't blame you," Ace says, "No one would."

I think you guys would.

"We're gonna need stuff. We're gonna need people. And if you guys know where we could get any of that I'm all ears."

The group things but Jane gets the feeling that no one really has too many friends here. Ace is the one to break the silence

"I can ask around," She says, "Between here and the city there might be someone interested. Maybe even a webhead."

"If you find one that's willing that'd be fantastic. As for gathering the others... Guess I'll put up some fliers. See if anyone bites. Be upfront that it's a dangerous necromancer related job."
No. 1073009 ID: 08229c
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"Graves," Jane continues, "I know you're in. But what about you, Mags?"

"... I suppose. But I want my pick of the loot."

That bitch.

"Sure. Oh and uh... You did a great job today. You were good backup. I appreciate that."

"... I did not do it to impress you. It was a job. I did it as I would for anyone else."

"Alright. Still, uh... Thanks."

No. 1073011 ID: 08229c
File 169552170722.png - (169.29KB , 1000x600 , 89.png )

... Weird. I thought I caught a flash of something from Mags.

Gotta clear my head. This is gonna be an intense job.

Jane, Magda, and Graves depart. Ace promises that she will be on the lookout. She will report back in a few days if anyone has come.

Jane and the rest go back to her place and begin to work on fliers to try and attract people. The three of them spend a day putting them up around town asking for those with the skillset to join them for a chance at taking down a nearby necromancer and getting some sweet loot.

It also asks that if anyone has any funds they'd like to add to a pool dedicated to taking out the necromancer to also attend the meeting.

On the day of the meeting Jane sets up the her living room with chairs and some snacks.

Absolutely no one new shows up.


This is about what I expected.

No. 1073012 ID: 08229c
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Jane is about to call it when there's a knock at the door.

The twins step inside.

"Gabe? Olivia? You guys wanna fight the necromancer with us?"

"Oh, heavens no~ We have so little combat skill~ Buuuut~ We would be more than willing to offer you our services free of charge~"
"At a discount."
"A heavy discount~"
"Small discount."
"Olivia was soooo worried about you when she heard you were going on this job. She kept pestering me all all day saying we should help~"
"You were already going to and you know it."
"Yes but I wanted to see if you would admit it~ And she did~ Oh and C.C. can't make it but she says if you need anything from her to just visit her shop~"

Huh. I... Didn't actually expect this.

I'm kinda


Not even sure what to ask for, though. Maybe a mouth that can ignore poison or new nerves? What do you guys think?
No. 1073015 ID: 5b2941

>I think you guys would.
Nah. We're not sending you on a suicide quest, if you can't do it you can't do it, and if it's not worth it it's not worth it. We're on your side, Jane.

Mags is so cute.

>... Weird. I thought I caught a flash of something from Mags.
Oh shit, you saw that? You weren't supposed to see that.
No. 1073016 ID: 1effd3

I'd say new nerves if it makes us react faster.

Also we get to shove this in everyones face when we pull this off.
You'll probably get more jobs because of it too.
No. 1073017 ID: e5709d

>Nobody wants to go
Damnit, they all know that the necromancer will use their initiative to try and brainwash you three into infighting. And you can't blame them, it's what I'd suggest if we were working for the necromancer.
You need to hire a living specialist, some long-range noncombatant who can set up traps or bury the @#$%er in environmental damage.

>Biotech Discounts
Good to see the community knows how to maintain itself. Alright, let's mod everyone up!
Start by directly transplanting some of your brain matter to the others, followed by consumption of a high-level (but unsellable) brain.
Magda needs improvements to increase her humanity. Shop for some efficient models so she won't go feral.
Gungrave is going to need her nerves re-attached if she's going to be useful in this fight.

As for purchases, get that blood arm.
You're going into a combat zone against multiple organic-based monsters and undead, so have the arm modded to contain flesh-eating bacteria within environmentally-rich milk sacs with a layer of mucus. You can perform hit-and-run attacks on the hordes, forcing the necromancer to spend increasing maintenance costs to keep their undead army's ligaments intact. Same should go for the rest of your party.
Remember, this job isn't time sensitive but it's high-risk high-reward. To minimize risk you should go for multiple surgical strikes to weaken the necromancer and then crush them with an environment-based attack from a distance while their manpower is critical.
No. 1073021 ID: 6321cb

Something to make us stealthier. If the necromancer gets line of sight it's likely to be game over so anything that can help us sneak and ambush would be cherry
No. 1073026 ID: 777518

A dick. You should get a dick. A nice big one.
No. 1073027 ID: a7a180

New nerves sounds good. You're going into a lair, and lairs have traps. You need the reflexes to avoid said traps. Or the eyes to spot them, but I think your roommate has those covered.
No. 1073030 ID: 4e250a

A discount? This is your chance to buy horse legs. Become a centaur. It’s the next best thing to being a cowgirl!
No. 1073031 ID: 06095b


Eyes with heat sensing capability, maybe sonic resistant eardrums. I still think that scouting remotely, smoking or flash banging the room, and then rushing in while everything is obscured visually is your best bet.
No. 1073033 ID: 273c18

Hmmm... how about an anti-necromancer device? Something that will keep you attacking a target no matter what? Hmm no the more I think about it the more invasive it would have to be to do its job without the rest of your body getting in the way. It would have to control your arms and your legs, at the very least.

Some indirect weaponry would be nice. A grenade, or some kind of trap. Also, something to look around corners so you can see the necromancer without them seeing you.
No. 1073043 ID: 1effd3

We have a grenade
No. 1073052 ID: 580aa8

No dicks
No. 1073067 ID: e5709d

Later. If anyone's getting a fashion makeover before a boss battle, it's Magda.
Post-apocalypse Charisma requirements are still weird.
No. 1073072 ID: 5d8541

New nerves sounds good. Something to blind the necromancer too, might make it harder for them to attack your buds.
No. 1073168 ID: 0bf2fd

Lots of nerve gas.
No. 1073204 ID: a5d9c7

>I think you guys would.
That's because we are moralists. Don't mind us, ultimately, it's your decision. We can only influence you that much. We wouln't make you do it for free either.
No. 1073205 ID: a5d9c7

>... Weird. I thought I caught a flash of something from Mags.
She's smitten by you. She really cares about your opinions and what you think of her. You have to be very careful how you behave towards her.
>Not even sure what to ask for, though. Maybe a mouth that can ignore poison or new nerves? What do you guys think?
Well thank her, you dolt!
As for what we might need... I'm not sure right now. Does she have something new in stock?
No. 1073213 ID: 5d8541

Eh. It's her life. I think she's capable of doing good at the risk of her life but there's nothing shameful about running from a suicide mission.
No. 1073356 ID: 56bade

Magda has low Humanity, so I would suggest a upgraded heart. A strong heartbeat should hopefully be soothing, and better blood circulation would make her more energetic and improve her stim-mask.

Ask C.C. if she has a blood powered turbine for Magda. That would pair with the heart, and allow the power of galvanism to overclock her mechanical parts, zap things, and possibly zap herself out of necromantic mind control.

For Gungrave, add more meat to the coffin in the form of cheap spindly limbs. As a sniper she might need to quickly reposition and this can be expediently achieved by riding the coffin like a sort of spider-horse. Also you can nibble on the legs in an emergency to heal.

For yourself, a gunslinger needs to be fast on the draw! Nerve upgrades sound great. Can you get ones that are a little haunted to give yourself a touch of precognition or extrasensory feeling?

I think we'd be resistant to it but for insurance against necromantic mind control, I'd suggest a secondary brain. It can have some simple reflexes and autonomous behaviour in the event you freeze up or your main brain is disabled. You don't want to remove any more internal organs, so put it in your boobs.
No. 1076067 ID: 08229c
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>A discount? This is your chance to buy horse legs. Become a centaur. It’s the next best thing to being a cowgirl!

I mean... If you think about it... A centaur would be the ultimate cowgirl, no? Like... You're rider and mount... And it'd be so cool to gallop across the land, shooting a bunch of romeos...

But horse parts are so rare and-
No. 1076068 ID: 08229c
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>A dick. You should get a dick. A nice big one.

No. If I wanted a dick I could have given myself one ages ago.

Where do you even put the dick on a centaur?

That wouldn't make any sense at all.
No. 1076073 ID: 08229c
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Jane shakes her head to remove the intrusive thoughts.

"Uh... Wow. Thanks guys, really. I think we'll definitely take you up on that, right?" She looks around the room. Everyone but Lotte nods. "Can we get a moment to talk things over and meet you at the shop?"

"Of course, Jane~"
"Don't take too long. We have other work."
"We're free all day~"

She flicks her brothers cheek and the two excuse themselves.

"Well well," Lotte, grins wide and smiles at Jane. "Look at you. You've got a bright big smile on your face. That's cute. You look cute."

"I do..?" Jane touches her face. She was, in fact, smiling. Everyone else nods. "... That's not important. Look, let's discuss tactics. I have a few ideas for some mods. Let's try and limit to like one bio mod per person. I don't want them wasting all their resources on us."

The group agrees. Everyone, except Lotte, thinks about what they want. Jane brings up her (your) ideas to the group. There is some back and forth before everyone settles on what they want. They make their way to the Twins shop. Jane's up first.

She sits down at the twins' operating table.

"It's always nice to have you Jane~"
"Did you decide on what you wanted?"

"I got a few ideas. First I want my nerves upgraded. And I want them to attach to a secondary brain to help me fight against the necromancer. Is that possible?"

"Hmm. Well, it's untested~"
"But possible."
"At the very least we can give your nerves an upgrade~"

"Also, uh... I want you to remove a chunk of my brain. Let's see if we can spread these voices to others. Maybe that might help against necromancy?"

"That sounds dangerous~"
"And also untested."
"We can take out a small bit and run some tests. Is that fine~?"

Jane nods and tells them to do it. She feels a sharp pinch at the base of her neck and then nothing. Instead she can hear the sounds of flesh being cut and pulled away. If she focuses really hard she can feel her nerves being pulled out. The twins work their magic, letting the thin tendrils slip out of her skin and muscle without any resistance.

"Jane, we were thinking~"
"It's so unusual to see you doing work like this~ Dangerous work. And to ask others for help."
"And you have Magda back."
"Is all well~?"


"It's okay, you don't have to talk. Sorry for prying~"
"Ah, brother, I don't think she can move anymore."
"Oh. Right~ Hehe, we do have her half out so..."
No. 1076076 ID: 08229c
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Jane is put all back together and fed some meat to help her recover to full. She stands up and flexes her limbs. She feels good. Better than good, even.

"Another wonderful project done~ We added what you wanted and made some modifications. You have new nerves, modified to allow you to move faster, react faster, and they're somewhat resistant to cuts."
"There's also the secondary brain you wanted to help facilitate all that."
"We think it might allow you to still move while under a necromancer control~"
"Maybe. Also I know you wa