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1062275 No. 1062275 ID: 08229c

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The first bite refreshes me. I can feel my mind wake and I'm aware of myself once more.

But, the meat is sour. It is from an emergency stash. One that I would only use as a last resort.
And this is definitely a last resort. Parts of me are still splattered all over the place. Another tick and I've have become one of the feral lost ones.

It's gross. A brain from some forgotten place. A building where those who were deemed unfit for society were kept. Still, with half of my own head blown off I don't really have much of a choice, do I?

I ward off the sour taste and focus on healing. My own brain starts to restore, along with my head, my face.

I'll have to get a new eye again.
623 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1076104 ID: 668a32

Ask the twins if they wanna smash
Waggle eyebrows
No. 1076105 ID: e5709d

>Where do you put the dick on a centaur?
Based on research, any-@#$%ing where.

>What else
We need big guns. Artillery. A contingency plan, in case we need to cut losses and destroy the dungeon before the lich escapes.
No. 1076130 ID: d06299

Gotta find out about the experiment. Regardless they did a good job on everything else. Next up is... Time to double check supplies, get anything that's missing, and get extras with anything we have left.

The centaur will have to remain a dream for now. Maybe someday
No. 1076206 ID: 278ae5

Human one up front and horse between the rear legs.
No. 1076236 ID: dd3fe0


Mortars are easier to make at a low tech level. Also good at flinging things around that might be magically tough; always useful.
No. 1076276 ID: 08229c
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>Ask the twins if they wanna smash

I'm not horny. Also Olivia might still be mad at me... Maybe. It's hard to tell with that girl sometimes. Also they have work to do. And so do I, for that matter!
Get your thoughts out of the gutter, posse.
Cause then you put MY thoughts there too.

>So does having more brain give you more room to think or are we still taking up too much processing power?

Hmm... I don't FEEL smarter? But I definitely feel like some of the burden of hearing you guys has gone done. I'm not sure what that means.

>Can we haunt your boobs?


>Ask what the others got.

I got the basics of what they want. I know Magda wants a stronger heart and Gungrave wants to upgrade her freaky coffin thing.

>It doesn't hurt to ask if they have horse legs. For later.
>Ask if they have horse parts.

"So, uh... Before I go a few questions. Do you guys uh... Did you run into any horse parts..?"
No. 1076277 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1076278 ID: 08229c
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The twins have a big smile between the two of them.



"Ah, nothing~ We were just concerned about how your recent brain damage may have changed you~"
"But I guess we were worried for nothing."
"Still as horse obsessed as ever~"
"You asked us about it not too long ago. You know how rare foreign meat is?"
"It's okay, she has a dream~ She's gonna be the prettiest pony~"

"Stallion! Horse! Not pony! And they have strong muscles! It might be useful for the mission! It's nothing weird!"

"Mhmm, of course Jane~"
"It's not weird at all."

"It's not!"
No. 1076281 ID: 08229c
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"Whatever! Is there anything on the brain experiment?"

"Ah, that~"
"We're still on the initial testing phase."

They reveal a minor chimera. Jane can see where the brain piece was grafted.

"I thought you said you were taking a small bit."

"It's the least we could take while still being effective~"
"The chunk is already regrown."
"We have a minor undead warding artifact, keyed to a specific phrase only we know~"
"To ward off thieves."
"And your brain doesn't seem to give it any innate resistance to mind control effects~"
"Which is half of what necromancy is, really."
No. 1076282 ID: 06095b


Testing. Testing. Brain 1 to Brain 2. Condor to rat-tlesnake. Do you read?
No. 1076283 ID: a7a180

Is there a tiny chunk of us in there too?
I dub thee 'Klaatu'.
No. 1076284 ID: 1effd3

<Imput Command: Move Foreword 1 ft, do a 90 degree turn to our left, move foreword 2 ft, face jane, Attempt a backflip.
No. 1076285 ID: eb0a9c

Jane the 'Stallion' is the horse gender with the cock

Okay let's see if we can rig this
[Assign ID to Chimera: 31a99dc8-79f0-11ee-b962-0242ac120002]
[Assign Name to Chimera: Patarat]
[Patarat: Waddle Menacingly]
No. 1076287 ID: 5b2941

Aw, how cute, she thinks she has a choice. It's nice and comfy here, I ain't leavin'.

Oh? Not a mare? Then we're definitely gonna need that horse cock after all. Stallions are breeding males, after all.
No. 1076312 ID: 5fee00

Not to be weird, but I think your boobs look a bit bigger. I think the twins might have added some fatty tissue to them to make you -think- they put the brain in there. As a joke.
No. 1076325 ID: b98f9f

The twins sure are giving you a lot a shit when someone in town turned themselves into a train.

Also hello little buddy, can you wave please?
No. 1076326 ID: d06299

Cute. I'll try making it do a backflip but it's possible we didn't transfer, sorry for the brain damage then.

Anyway they did everything we wanted so that'll do regardless of initial success. Maybe they'll have more for us if we survive.
No. 1076328 ID: 629fe4

Eat some zombie kibble, little rat. You need to grow up big and strong with a fat snake tail.
No. 1076385 ID: 08229c
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>Oh? Not a mare? Then we're definitely gonna need that horse cock after all. Stallions are breeding males, after all.

>Jane the 'Stallion' is the horse gender with the cock

Sh-shut up. I knew that... I'll be a... Mare?
Stallion sounds so much cooler though.

>The twins sure are giving you a lot a shit when someone in town turned themselves into a train.

Right!? And look at them! They're a two headed romeo!

>Not to be weird, but I think your boobs look a bit bigger. I think the twins might have added some fatty tissue to them to make you -think- they put the brain in there. As a joke.

I think you guys just have boobs on the brain. My tits are the same size as ever.

>Also hello little buddy, can you wave please?
><Imput Command: Move Foreword 1 ft, do a 90 degree turn to our left, move foreword 2 ft, face jane, Attempt a backflip.

"Hey, little guy. Can you move?"


"Do a wave? A backflip?"


Hmm. Yeah. Sorry guys. It's a bust.

>Testing. Testing. Brain 1 to Brain 2. Condor to rat-tlesnake. Do you read?

Actually, let's try that.

Jane focuses all of her mental energy to try and communicate to the chimera to move. She feels a headache behind her eyes from how hard she's thinking.

It doesn't move.

Nope. Nothing. Ah well.
No. 1076386 ID: 08229c
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Actually... What if we both gave the same mental command at the same time?

>Waddle Menacingly

Waddle for me little guy.

The same headache.

The creature waddles.

Holy shit.
No. 1076387 ID: 5b2941

Ok. Connection established. Now let's see... <change POV to chimera>
No. 1076388 ID: 1effd3

...Now is it worth strapping a bomb to it and having it just RUN to the necromancer?
No. 1076389 ID: 5d7584

hey I'm in there don't blow me up!
No. 1076395 ID: a7a180

Who else wants to try mind welding with Jane?
No. 1076400 ID: 06095b


If the twins have an amulet of undead repelling, then the best object test is to try to command the little guy to waddle toward the thing while it tries to force him back.

If we want a simpler test for early mapping that is distinct.

> Cover your eyes with your paws until we tell you to stop.
No. 1076407 ID: 2aa5f0

sweet, now pet it as a reward
No. 1076408 ID: 273c18

Ooooh. New tech unlocked! If you put that brain part in a body that's actually durable and dangerous, we could use it as another team member. Better focus on the durable quality though since it's going to be hard to give it detailed combat advice. The rat might still have some use though. Either as a disposable bomb delivery device or a scout, depending on how well it follows detailed instructions, and if it can communicate back in any way.

Anyway, tell the twins you can control it, and demonstrate by making it do a headstand.

Rat: Do a headstand.
No. 1076412 ID: d06299

You'll be a Night-mare! That's pretty cool.

Anyway. Does this make you a psychic? Guess it's got kind of an investment needed. I do think the initial plan won't work if both of us need to order simultaneously, and the others aren't going to like being puppeted. But still, an interesting and useful new trick.
No. 1076413 ID: 3a02c7


Means you/we can give mental commands to ourselves or anyone or thing that has bits of our brain in it. There’s strain to doing so. Maybe it uses magic for this persuasion of the self?

So maybe we can’t protect against the necromancer - we’re still undead - but we might be able to give suggestions you can choose to pick instead of their commands.

If we play that right, you might even trick them into thinking the control magic won’t work on you at all. That should proper terrify them. Or you csn pretend to be under their control and use that to get close.

All that remains is testing it against the repelling charm. Use the test subject - and yourself, for good measure. Move on through, past the effect. If the strain is much, we need to look into ways of lessening it.
No. 1076678 ID: 0bf2fd

You know, if you really really want horse parts, give yourself appropriately sized legs, tail, ears, and unmentionables and call it a day.

Staying bipedal is a must. You can lie down, sit down, easily take stairs, fit in elevators and vehicles, crouch, go prone, etc.
Plus you lose less humanity.
No. 1076679 ID: eb0a9c

Yes to the first no to the second. Remember, sustaining humanity is linked to fetters, such as relationships and obsessions, so by feeding into her horse hobby she loses less humanity than her current bioware.

Well, we know what we're doing for the rest of the week. How much do low-grade brains cost?
No. 1081728 ID: 08229c
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>You know, if you really really want horse parts, give yourself appropriately sized legs, tail, ears, and unmentionables and call it a day.

Maybe? I know plenty of people who've done that with dogs or even big cats. Those were supposed to be super common back in the day? At least in the cities. Where did all the horses go, if there was so much on them...

... Horse ears would be cute, right?

No, ugh, not thinking about that. We have more important stuff right now.

Like this little guy.

>Change POV.

I try to swap places with the guy but... There's a massive barrier in the way, it's giving me a huge headache to even TRY.

>Anyway, tell the twins you can control it, and demonstrate by making it do a headstand.

"Hey, guys, come over and check this out," Jane says. She waits for the twins to be in place "I'm gonna make it do a handstand. Watch."

And the command is issued. The creature does it, but with some difficulty mostly owing to its construction. Jane pats it on the head while the twins watch in amazement. Jane explains that if herself and the posse agree on a command that she can control the thing.

"Look at 'em go."

"There's something we should test~"
"You're thinking what I'm thinking, brother?"

They bring the chimera to the undead warding Talisman. With the posse's support Jane urge the chimera forward. It moves towards the talisman.

So it CAN resist necromancer commands? Potentially. That means that my secondary brain might too? This is huge.
Hell we can try and use the little guy to scope out the place if we attach some bio tech to it. This changes the whole scope of the mission!

"How interesting~ I think it might be that your mind control is stronger than what the warding talisman gives off~?"
"Not that we'd really know."
"We're not magic experts, of course~"

Hm. It might be worth speaking to an actual magic expert. But I hate the librarium.
No. 1081729 ID: 1effd3

Librarium? someone we havnt met yet?
No. 1081731 ID: a7a180

You might not like them, but the piece of your brain in that mouse right now hasn't formed an opinion yet! Go introduce them.
No. 1081733 ID: eb0a9c

Definitely need a magic expert, we've got a compendium of magical research but none of it is verified and most of the works contradict each other. However, I'm worried they'll figure out what you're doing and steal your idea.

Prepare a contract with the Library. Give them a cut of the profits in exchange for a patent on this technique.
No. 1081735 ID: 5b2941

That took A LOT out of us, tho. The last few seconds felt like two months.
No. 1081737 ID: 273c18

Go to the librarian. DO NOT RESIST OUR COMMAND
No. 1081754 ID: 2271a9


But yeah, a magic expert would be veryvuseful, if we can afford their help.
No. 1081763 ID: 5fee00

Uugh, talking to NERDS? Actually, maybe it won't be so bad. All nerds are secretly into girls with animal parts, so all it'd take is hinting at your own interest and BOOM they'll treat you like a goddess.
No. 1081768 ID: dd3fe0


They strongly favor canidae and felidae, though. So that's a thing. Liking people with horse parts is an older thing and didn't quite stand up to to the competition.
No. 1081774 ID: 2aa5f0

>It might be worth speaking to an actual magic expert. But I hate the librarium.

Still would probably be worth it just to see if they have any more info they can give us. Would hate to go on the mission only for something to fail cause apparently our ability to resist is on a time limit or something annoying like that.
No. 1081777 ID: 53560f

Make sure to bring your librarium cardium if you want to take out any bookiums!
No. 1081779 ID: 08229c
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>Go to the librarian. DO NOT RESIST OUR COMMAND
>You might not like them, but the piece of your brain in that mouse right now hasn't formed an opinion yet! Go introduce them.
>Librarium? someone we havnt met yet?
>Still would probably be worth it just to see if they have any more info they can give us. Would hate to go on the mission only for something to fail cause apparently our ability to resist is on a time limit or something annoying like that.

Not a someone, a something. An institute of magic that studies... Well, fucking magic. They're a bunch of goddamn nerds though and I genuinely dislike them so much. They're just.. You'll see.
I'm gonna go and see them but NOT because you're TELLING me to. It's just a good idea.

"Well," Jane sighs heavily and straightens herself, "I'm gonna go to the Librarium."

"Oh~? After you flunked out~?"
"On month 3."
"The first student to flunk out of this branch too...~"
"You were crying."


"You did so~ Cried right into Lotte's shoulder~"
"You were drunk."

"F-fuck off! I'm taking this mouse thing with me!"

"Go ahead~ Just be delicate with it~"
"We'll put it on your tab."

"Hmph. The others should be outside. Hook them up. And uh... Thanks for everything again."

"Of course, Jane~"
"Yeah, whatever."

Jane leaves them after giving a small nod. As she walks down the dirty streets she straightens her clothes and ties her hair back up. She's in a foul mood now, even after her amazing discovery. Her scowl is deeper than ever.

>Uugh, talking to NERDS? Actually, maybe it won't be so bad. All nerds are secretly into girls with animal parts, so all it'd take is hinting at your own interest and BOOM they'll treat you like a goddess.
>They strongly favor canidae and felidae, though. So that's a thing. Liking people with horse parts is an older thing and didn't quite stand up to to the competition.

Yeah, well, that's cause they're stupid. Everyone and their mother got cat ears last year. There was a whole fad. Now the only ones who have them are the die hard supporters. Or crazy people.

But, we can't get distracted with how amazing I'd look with horse parts right now. It's going to take everything I have to deal with this one.
No. 1081782 ID: 08229c
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> Make sure to bring your librarium cardium if you want to take out any bookiums!

I fucking hate you so much right now.

The Librarium thankfully requires not nearly that much to enter. Jane speaks to a magical eyeball and utters a secret phrase. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have changed since she was last here and the door opens.

She is immediately hit by a sterile smell. The place is kept immaculately free of grime and dirt. But under all that is also the faint scent of ancient paper and ink. All around Jane can hear the faint shuffling of different students and teachers alike. A few hushed whispers that move off to more private areas where the arcane can be discussed.

Or maybe they're going to make out. Do nerds make out? A mystery for the ages.

It doesn't take Jane long to find them. Their former sponsor, teacher, enemy.

"Hey, Fio." Jane calls out to them with a small wave.
No. 1081784 ID: 08229c
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Fio seems surprised. They look down to where Jane is and smile. But the smile is fleeting. They sigh and shake their head.

"Thou hast forsaken thy manners, Jane. 'Tis not 'hey.' Thou must address thy tutor in a proper fashion, even if we no longer partake in such a relationship."


"... Lo', Fio."

Fio smiles.

"Ah, Jane, 'tis a pleasure to behold thee once more. Hast thou at last resolved to dedicate thyself to the mystic arts and to mine own humble company?"

"I just came to ask you a few questions, that's all."

"What a lamentable circumstance. Thou wert proficient in the art of blood magic, if memory serveth me right. I had dared to entertain the hope that thou hadst undergone a change of heart."

"Do you... Can we just talk normally for once? This is important. It involves a necromancer."

"The significance of thy inquiries doth diminish in the face of decorum. I impose not upon thee to alter thy speech, for thou art no longer mine apprentice. However, I shall not modify mine own linguistic habits to cater to thy preferences. If thou hast queries, pose them forthwith. I shall strive to respond, though I find myself deeply engrossed in matters of great import."

No. 1081787 ID: a7a180

By matters of great import do you mean 'levitating this big floppy hat in the air'?

Forsooth, we seeketh to kill a necromancer deadeth. Hark! Less the perils of mind control filling our head with lies and misdirection, and then lead. Perchance.
No. 1081788 ID: 273c18

It's so big...!

Oh. Well, I guess undead have to latch onto *something* to keep themselves stable. You should stop judging her so much.

Anyway show her our rat.
No. 1081789 ID: 2aa5f0

...so, is the reason they removed all the flesh from their chest because they were flat but still wanted people to look at her chest? I mean she even got rid of her eyes and put a L.E.D in her chest to bring people's attention to it more.

But yeah ask what tips and tricks they have for dealing with a necromancer and how they think your own tricks would stand up to one.
No. 1081791 ID: 740310

OK sure she can keep up her old timey wizard cosplay talk if that's what she wants. But you have an important question about mice, brains and necromancer mind control.
No. 1081792 ID: d35427

Fine-eth. Just know I will mock-eth thine annoying-eth dialect-eth if you don't speak normal.
No. 1081795 ID: 1effd3

Hark honored teacher, for i bring magics to be tested in the fight against those who control the unliving. Also my brain is possesed, say Hi Posse
No. 1081798 ID: 5b2941

>I had dared to entertain the hope that thou hadst undergone a change of heart
Nope, just a change of brain.

I don't. She's being completely reasonable here.
No. 1081800 ID: dd3fe0

Can we use formal speech from a different era? We aren't that great on Elizabethan English. That said, ACTUALLY I have a fun tidbit about it: 'thou' was informal and 'you' was formal in it, and it was merely more modern popular culture, especially Hollywood, that had them swapped! Also, Shakespeare wrote his plays in the common vernacular of the day, that's why they are full of Thee's and Thou's.
No. 1081804 ID: 803393

that ain't quite right. the reason why 'ol spear shaker used "thou" is that "you" was plural only back then
No. 1081816 ID: ba4248

Inform her that it's "thine speech" not "thy speech" and she's a Latin poser.
No. 1081819 ID: 6fec12

Not only that, but also that the -eth suffix is a third-person construction, not a first-person one. But we shouldn't be nitpicking the same person we're asking something of if we want to get anywhere.
No. 1081820 ID: eb0a9c

Maybe we can help you get that diploma. We know things about blood that would be worth three theses each.

Example: The immune system is not just white blood cells. There's literally thousands of on-hand protein 'utilities' floating through the bloodstream that work in concert with pheromone trails from automated defense systems to make viruses die faster.
No. 1082033 ID: 08229c
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I get that everyone has their 'thing' but theirs is so freaking annoying. And they got the rest of the students doing it too. But at least those nerds will knock it out if I start asking them questions. This lady, however...

>OK sure she can keep up her old timey wizard cosplay talk if that's what she wants. But you have an important question about mice, brains and necromancer mind control.

Yeah, alright.

Jane takes a moment to explain a few things. The vestiges, the rat, the necromancer, her current job. Fio takes a greater interest and Jane can see the crystal orbs turn to direct their attention on her. She can feel Fio's intense focus resting on her shoulders. It's heavy. She forgot how much she disliked that feeling til just now.

Fio floats down to Jane, a grin on their face.

Ah, right. So Fio's a master of soul stones. This puppet here is made out of meat, bone, and cloth. Fashioned to look similar but not quite like the real Fio. That nerd is probably in their room or something.

"A vestige hath found abode within thy cranial confines? 'Twould elucidate thy sudden presence hither. Only the affliction of cerebral detriment would compel thy return. Nevertheless, I surmise I can assist thee in probing the boundaries of thy mystic craft. Yet, be mindful, for such collaboration would once more bestow upon thee the mantle of mine apprentice."

"Yeah, no. I'm good. I just need to know if I have any immunity to the thing or if it's just this chimera? And what are the limits of this resistance?"

"Thou dost possess knowledge that I seek in turn."
No. 1082034 ID: 08229c
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"Come, Jane, let us not inflict such cruelty upon each other. I acknowledge our parting was not on the most amicable terms, yet let us engage in discourse for a brief span. Subsequently, we may mutually aid one another. Permit me to conduct experiments upon thee, and in return, I shall bestow upon thee the knowledge thou dost seek. What sayest thou, my erstwhile apprentice?"

"What kind of experiments?"

"Thine cerebral organ is amongst the most singular I have ever beheld. I harbor a fervent desire to scrutinize it more intimately. I vouchsafe to restore it to its initial state upon the completion of my examination."

"No, no thanks. I'm kinda tired of people poking at my brain today. Gonna get a headache. If we can do something a bit less opening-me-up-like."

"A more straightforward trial, perchance? One aligned with rudimentary experiments. I intend to wield certain necromantic arts upon thee, and we shall ascertain thine resilience. However, should thou falter, thou wouldst essentially subject thyself to mine dominion. Dost we still harbor that measure of trust, Jane?"


To be perfectly honest, not really. Fio is a very strict teacher and I'm worried that if we fail this they're just gonna carry on with their tests.

How important is all this, really? Am I willing to open myself up to potential necromatic control just to see if... Well, to see if I can avoid it?
No. 1082035 ID: 5b2941

oh no, she's cute

>I harbor a fervent desire to scrutinize it more intimately
hey now, get us dinner first

>How important is all this, really? Am I willing to open myself up to potential necromatic control just to see if... Well, to see if I can avoid it?
look, I'm up to it but if you don't wanna, you don't wanna. It's your body, and like 95% your brain
No. 1082036 ID: 4beab8


Up to you in the end, boss, but if you plan to take care of the necromancer, this is sadly probably the safest way you have to test your limits.

We can barter knowledge if you want additional assurances before taking the plunge, because they're not getting that or anything else out of us if they fuck you up too hard.
No. 1082037 ID: 1effd3

Don't worry! You've got the power of friendship, and this gun we found!
No. 1082038 ID: 6ccff3

Jane, you can deal with her or an actual necromancer getting you if it fails because you failed to test it.

How cute is the real Fio? Lets make it a condition that the real Fio has to do it. Also if she's cute you can smooch her.

But in all honesty, as the other entities in your brain, we'd rather not have to deal with you being a necromancer stooge.

Annoying cosplay doll fetishist vs actual factual necromancer puppet like coffin girl.

If you choose poorly we will bully you.
No. 1082039 ID: 273c18

Someone using necromancy on you is the only way to be sure you can resist it. DO IT.
No. 1082042 ID: eb0a9c

If she tries to dominate you, we can unleash a meme nuke and overload her brain with the Old World's twisted sense of humor.

Worked on an elder god once.
No. 1082061 ID: a7a180

It's important, and she didn't do anything to betray that trust, yet. Let the puppet pull on the strings!
No. 1082089 ID: 5fee00

The way I see it, this experiment is an opportunity to tweak her nose in a way she can't get mad at. Maybe literally tweak her nose.
No. 1082102 ID: 58b8b1

While she tests her spells, you can test counter-techniques. Test if a necromancer can control you while getting a full face kiss.
No. 1082164 ID: dd3fe0

I mean, there are ways to maintain trust for someone who you place in a position of power over you. They're culturally specific, though. Binding oaths. Legally attestations left with a trusted third party. Blackmail. Leaving instructions with others you trust. Blind failsafes that are done on your behalf, that kind of thing. Anything along those lines that can be set up quickly and would work reasonably well?
No. 1087083 ID: 08229c
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Imagine getting bullied by your own brain.
Wait, that's just how life is normally. Whatever. I guess we can go along with this. If we're going to have to fight a necromancer let's try it on easy mode first I guess.

"Alright, fine."

"Wondrous! We shall commence the experiment anon. I shall require a larger effigy f-"

"If you're going to make me into a puppet you may as well do it to me face to face. You still creep about in the same spot?" Jane says, making her way to her former teacher's study.

"Ah! Jane! Thou canst not venture thither! I stand in an immodest state!"

"It's fine. You've busted into my room plenty of times and seen the kinda mess I left. Yours can't be so bad."

Jane continues her march, not listening to the tiny doll floating desperately after her.
No. 1087084 ID: 08229c
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"Jane, I beseech thee, heed my earnest entreaty! Thou canst not intrude upon mine domain! 'Tis fraught with perilous puppetry experiments of grave danger! Grant me but a half-hour respite, and then shall we commence! I pledge no cruelty shall befall thee in our endeavors!"

Jane ignores her.
No. 1087085 ID: 08229c
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She opens the door to her former mentor's study. It is strewn with doll parts. Books and papers litter the area, along with the occasional bit of clothing or plate.

"Wow, you live like this?"

"Thou! How dare thee trespass into a mage's sacred abode! I shall dispatch thee forthwith!"

"I was -"
No. 1087086 ID: 08229c
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And then Jane stops. Everything about her stops. Her thoughts, feelings, any movement. She would be scared or upset by this, but she can not even begin to start conjuring those emotions.

Some vague and small part of her is aware of Jane's legs moving. Her knees bend as she gets ready to throw herself into a wall.

It is a small part. But in this utter stillness it is everything.

No. 1087087 ID: 273c18

Nuh uh. Don't do that. Just stand there and cross your arms at her. Tell her to clean her room.
No. 1087093 ID: b3eab7

Take two more steps like a boss, then >>1087087
No. 1087094 ID: 6ccff3

Jane, still yourself, then step forward, grab her by the chin and stare her down. "If you dare such, then I too shall dare" and smooch her hard.

Assert dominance.
No. 1087095 ID: dd3fe0


No. 1087096 ID: 2b20ca

Redirect leg movement towards the target of opportunity rather than the wall. Throw yourself at her.
No. 1087097 ID: 2fe576


Realign your trajectory, using the compatible part of the command to get in a ready position to leap, and then throw yourself at her. Smooching is optional.
No. 1087098 ID: 2f41db

Jane and us in unisen.
One thought.
Stand your ground.

A cowboy stands tall, jane, and shoots as straight with words as their irons.
If you can talk, promise youll keep the arcane mysteries of her hermitage a secret to all.
No. 1087101 ID: 5b2941

[Assume direct control]
No. 1087107 ID: 1effd3

"We reject your reality and substitute our own."
No. 1087119 ID: a7a180

Aim yourself at Fio. Put your arm out to stop yourself at the wall. Kabedon the puppeteer.
No. 1087186 ID: ba4248

This is our chance, bros, we can take over and get her a FAT HORSECOCK
No. 1087201 ID: eb0a9c

I want to say yes, but that's crossing lines into personal intrusiveness that even we aren't supposed to breach.

Maybe if we satisfy her deepest desires and get her a centauress body. [i]Maybe[i].
No. 1087204 ID: ea63b3

Hey. Hey. Hey Jane-Body. Raise your middle finger in an insulting gesture at the wizard for doing that without warning.

Then do a backflip and land successfully. Jane's cool and physically fit, she can totally do backflips.
No. 1087239 ID: 7657d6

Yes, do the kabedon!
No. 1090962 ID: 8c3db1

Watchout Jane! But wait can you? Focus on that small sensation of your legs and redirect yourself away from the wall!
No. 1091101 ID: 08229c
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A voice tries to reach her. It's a faint whisper, the faintest of whispers, barely a trickle of thought that isn't her own. Yet in this complete and utter stillness, it resounds as loudly as the mightiest roar. It shatters the silence, casting bright colors across the void.

She steps forward, her footfalls gentle yet deliberate. Once, then twice. Fio backs against a wall, heart racing.


>A cowboy stands tall, jane, and shoots as straight with words as their irons.

A bolt of lightning severs the bindings.

She remembers.

That's right. I'm Calamity Fucking Jane.

She backs Fio into a corner, staring down at her the whole time. Finally, her arm thrusts forward. She looks down at her former teacher.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone your secrets. Also, looks like I can resist necromancy."

"Ha... I truly reckoned not that thou wouldst breach my spell... Know that I held back naught in our contest..."
No. 1091102 ID: 08229c
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"Thy mind, Jane, is a singular and invaluable marvel at present. Amongst our kind, none could aspire to surmount such formidable enchantments. I know not what manner of quest thou now pursuest, but thou dost embody a degree of power hitherto unseen.

Tis exhilarating. Pray, enlighten me, Jane."
No. 1091103 ID: 08229c
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"Dost thou seek any further companions for thy company?"
No. 1091104 ID: 1effd3

Did we just add her to our party by being so badass?
No. 1091105 ID: ba4248

No. 1091106 ID: a7a180

Okay but you can't just send one of your dolls with us. You can stay at base camp to control them.
No. 1091112 ID: b3eab7

Congratulations, Jane.

Dude please stop being rude.
No. 1091117 ID: 93db89

I can’t tell if she asking to join the hunt or asking to bed you.
No. 1091119 ID: d6f0f6

A puppet master would be a handy companion.
also Calamity Jane huh? Maybe you should start wearing a cowboy hat.
No. 1091122 ID: c10e31

Why can't it be both~
No. 1091123 ID: 2f41db

I do believe we did.
No. 1091125 ID: dd3fe0

Yes, bed her, yes, have her join the party.

Also ignore the one obsessed voice. Sometimes voices get stuck on a topic.
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