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1031913 No. 1031913 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]

Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of some old forgotten god lay hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the fertility god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted upon without care.

There are also myths about a great treasure, hidden in the deepest catacombs, far below the surface, forever watched over by mighty guardians and fiendish traps. The corridors are said to twist and turn with a serpent-like suggestion, their writhing path hiding many dangers and foes, but if you stay vigilant they will lead you to your greatest desire. Many before you have been seduced by the myth and been enthralled by the ravenous desire…

…Of the Lascivious Labyrinth.
Expand all images
No. 1031914 ID: 681cb5
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But you don’t care about any of that. You’re here to find a strong mate, that’s all. After all, if there’s treasure here, then there has to be strong guardians here as well, right?

You are Kahi, a tracker of the Great Dune Tribe. Though your tribe still welcomes you, you’re considered weak and scrawny by the others and thus has been unable to impress a male, leaving you mateless. But that will change today. You have made the long trek to this place for one reason and one reason only. To find a suitable mate and continue your legacy.
With timid steps, you enter the old halls of antiquity, unsure if you truly are prepared and ready for what to come… but it seems you’re not given a choice, as the door closes behind you as soon as you’re inside, trapping you. You’re just lucky there are lights in here…

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A ration.
A flimsy cloth armor.

Your base species is Sakkilian.
Strength: 1
Agility: 0
Vitality: 1
Magic: 0
Senses: 0
Charisma: 0
No. 1031915 ID: 681cb5
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Looking around, you spot a small bowl on a pedestal, right below an odd symbol that you don’t recognize. Inside it there are a handful of copper coins, a few silver ones as well as one tinted with gold, shining like a beacon in the night, tempting you with its lustrous opulence.

Otherwise, the only things of note in the room are the odd statues, a few urns and some glowing mushroom that are lighting up the place. Finally, there’s an exit leading deeper into the ruins, a portal to several twisting corridors, all alike. A lone echo of an urn crashing echoes through the crooked paths, signaling that you’re clearly not alone in here.
No. 1031917 ID: 96c896

Clearly we must take the money and continue deeper.
No. 1031918 ID: c92a02

Take the bowl. The entire bowl. Just the bowl. Wear it as a helmet.
No. 1031921 ID: a9af05

This seems like it could be a test to see how greedy/generous you are. The bowl could be pressure sensitive and adding/removing coins will trigger something.

Try looking around to see if there are any clues on what the symbol on the wall means. It'd be really embarrassing if you end up failing the first test.
No. 1031924 ID: 629f2e


Any other decision would clearly be ridiculous. You can take the money, sure, but really you just want the hat.
No. 1031925 ID: e5709d

Pour milk into the bowl.
No. 1031929 ID: 160fdc

... Maybe it's just be the nature of this place, or maybe I'm crazy, but that image seems to resemble an ant's view of the female anatomy. That, or a sperm and an egg?

Don't take any coins until you're more confident about the puzzle. Does it look like you could feasibly sit in the bowl? It seems to want an offering, but all I can think is your ass, or sperm...
And don't forget to watch you're back: as was pointed out, you're not alone.
No. 1031947 ID: 61b860

What type of mate do you want? And you also want a legacy too right like a special skill or bloodline or do you want a harem of guys to plow for a small empire of children? Do you have a love interest back at the tribe? You might have to hurry and become strong or you might get ntr'd. Also what do you find good in a guy long tail, large genitals, or... a big butt? Maybe even... large family jewels.
No. 1031948 ID: 61b860

Also, listen to your heart girl its the strongest part you right now and I know you can become a legend.
No. 1031950 ID: 72c39e

Check the pots, they might have goodies.
No. 1031965 ID: 2a82d3

>Your base species is Sakkilian.
Well, that this stat is relevant means your quest is going to be very interesting indeed.

Forget about the bowl for a sec, and check the other stuff. Look inside the urns, maybe you could find coin to donate to the bowl. What do you find odd about the statues? Could the mushrooms double as a torch if you take one? If you dare, you could lick one. Might even get magic powers...
No. 1031974 ID: f2320a

when you entered between the statutes behind you was this exact symbol with what seems like text
No. 1031977 ID: 36784c

Yeah, you're right! It's on the door that closed behind her!
No. 1031979 ID: f2320a

it would be number one priority and the only real clue... other then that i find these vases odd from there shape and the blueband i would assume they are actually meant for water storage, could it be that people assume the symbol means money beacuse of the symbols in the symbol like the round shape like a coin and also long round shape with a hole like some currencies are possibly due to the sort of golden looking bowl or something??
then balbalab from me water is the source of life thus fertility. mostly thinking about water due to the talk of weight puzzles and its connections to life and also because seems like a desert environment meaning water is worth way more also water is very heavy
No. 1031980 ID: 96c896

Oh, there's writing on the door. Read that before you do anything.
No. 1031981 ID: f2320a

on the floor i am only seeing it on the doors walls and i think the roof in the second picture that zigzag on the darker brown
No. 1031983 ID: f2320a

oh sorry, but atleast i brought up the fact it seems there could be symbols on the roof
No. 1032013 ID: 681cb5
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>Try looking around to see if there are any clues on what the symbol on the wall means.
The only thing you managed to figure out is that it’s clearly important, because it reappears everywhere in here. The doors have it, there’s a large on the ceiling and there was even one outside indicating where the entrance was… in fact, you’re pretty sure the person who told you the directions to this place had the same symbol on their robes, if you’re not mistaken.
>Maybe it's just the nature of this place, or maybe I'm crazy, but that image seems to resemble an ant's view of the female anatomy. That, or a sperm and an egg?
All you can see are two moons, a bunch of circles and a squiggly line. You’re no expert on the subject, but surely there aren’t two moons in there, right? Or is just symbolic maybe?
>Oh, there's writing on the door. Read that before you do anything.
“You have penetrated the sacred realm of He who Seeds, She who Births. Only those that have shown reverence and carried out the burden in their name will be able to leave.” …and then there’s that weird symbol again.

>What do you find odd about the statues?
That they are huge busts depicting pregnant bellies? What isn’t odd about that? Sure, you guess this place used to be a temple for some love god, but why are they so big? They are bigger than you are even!
>Check the pots, they might have goodies.
Whatever used to be in them, it’s long gone. They are all… wait, there’s something here… huh, why is there a needle and thread in here? [You found a clothes repair kit]
>Could the mushrooms double as a torch if you take one?
As soon as you pick one its light flickers and dies, so no.
>If you dare, you could lick one. Might even get magic powers...
Your mother thought you to never eat a mushroom you don’t recognize, which is something you’ve taken to heart… especially after what happened to one of your sisters when you were small. She still seizes up from time to time even now…

>This seems like it could be a test to see how greedy/generous you are.
…but who’s supposed to judge you? …and what do you get if you pass? The doors are already unlocked, after all, and you can’t see anything else that might open up. Well, most of the doors are open, with the exception of the one leading outside that is. Of course, seeing how you have no coin to give in the first place it’s kind of a moot point anyway…
>The urns are meant for water storage. Water is the source of life thus fertility. Water is heavy. Pour water into the bowl.
You pour some water from your waterskin (which is included in the ration) into the bowl and… nothing. How anti-climactic.
>Pour milk into the bowl.
…where would you get the milk from? Not that it matters, because you have no flaked corn to put in the bowl in the first place.
>Does it look like you could feasibly sit in the bowl? It seems to want an offering, but all I can think is your ass…
…the only person you’re going to offer your ass to is your future mate, thank you very much… and maybe a hunk or two on the way…

>Take the bowl. The entire bowl. Just the bowl. Wear it as a helmet.
It’s clearly too big, heavy and unwieldy to use as a helmet, yet still you put it on expecting it to work. All you succeed with is blinding yourself as the rim of the bowl slides over your eyes... still, it felt nice being a bit silly.
>The bowl could be pressure sensitive and adding/removing coins will trigger something.
You just remove the bowl completely and nothing happened, so there probably isn’t a pressure plate here… at least not one that notices if you remove something.
No. 1032014 ID: 681cb5
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>Continue deeper.
You return the bowl and the coins before heading towards the door leading deeper into the ruins.

>What type of mate do you want?
A strong one, who can give you strong hatchlings, so you can show those tarts back home that you aren’t completely useless.
>You also want a legacy too right like a special skill or bloodline or do you want a harem of guys to plow for a small empire of children?
…while a harem does sound like a dream come true, you have to be realistic here. No, what you mean with legacy are strong children who will carry on your bloodline.
>Do you have a love interest back at the tribe?
The whole point of coming here was because no one back home wanted to be your mate… because you were to weak…
>What do you find good in a guy? A long tail, large genitals, or... a big butt? Maybe even... large family jewels?
Your instincts tell you to find someone smaller than you that you can bully, but seeing that most males are larger than you, that might be difficult. …and family jewels? You… you haven’t actually ever seen a pair of those before… you think they are supposed to be like a pair of eggs, right? Eggs that hangs from a mushroom?

Taking a swift glance out from the room you quickly notice how big and confusion this place is, as several corridors and doors seemingly leads off in every direction, every last of them looking exactly alike making it impossible to figure out where you’re supposed to go. Then you spot something on the ground… are those tracks? You have to lean over for a better look, but there are indeed tracks in the sand and dust covering the floor… in fact, there are several different tracks. One is made by small paws, clearly from something that was walking on two legs, the second track is made by a large snake, who has slithered by and finally there is… um… slime? Something slimy has passed by? Your snout also catches a whiff of something cooking deeper into the catacombs, but your senses aren’t honed enough to figure out where it’s coming from.

So where do you go… do you follow one of the three tracks or do you just pick a random corridor and follow that? …and what should you do with the bowl and coin?
No. 1032015 ID: 629f2e

Follow the paw tracks and see where they lead.
No. 1032021 ID: 160fdc

Small might be good for bullying, but you're here for a strong mate. Besides, if your partner is of the right temperament, you don't need the size advantage, just a quick tongue, the right words, or perhaps a flash of pink.

>like a pair of eggs
A pair of eggs to give you eggs, rather apt. This place held rituals, perhaps there are some that would help achieve a clutch large enough to match those busts. Would that help you impress your tribe?

If it's not unwieldy, take the bowl and leave the coins, and follow the snake trail, carefully. You may find competition before you find a mate.
No. 1032023 ID: 9a2966

Take all the copper coins, leave the bowl and rest of the coins and head down a random corridor.
No. 1032029 ID: c92a02

The instructions seemed pretty clear. Follow the snake trail.
No. 1032033 ID: eab761

Follow the snake trail.
No. 1032039 ID: 2aa5f0

snake maybe?

also maybe start marking the paths you've taken so you can find your way back if you ever need to back track. Wither mark the walls if you can or if not just grab one of the many pots laying around and flip one of them upside down to mark where you have been.
No. 1032054 ID: 61b860

Im thinking that following the slime would be good because it seems the freshest or the food smell if your hungry.
No. 1032055 ID: 61b860

Do you feel self-conscious for your small tail but big butt does this make you weaker or slower than others of your tribe? You should think of the upsides of a tiny tail to cheer you up because confidence is the key to success.
No. 1032057 ID: 61b860

You've never mated right, you should not just give yourself up to the first weak small male you find, you want a strong mate so maybe you can convince one if you say you've never mated before. That way you can gain strength and brag to those loose cactus flowers at the tribe bullying you for not even taking a single mate.
No. 1032064 ID: f2320a

If you mate with a small male just means all your children will be EVEN SMALLER, IMAGINE It they will have it even worse then you perhaps a head or two shorter,you need NO Must do the opposite then and find the most feminine male you can find BIG, fat and Muscular perhaps dominant do some eugenics while its not classical beuty and perhaps not to your taste at all its the price too pay for your bloodline.

you see small tracks on the floor and on the walls are symbols of those small mammals but walking on 2 legs strange while samesize on the walls they must be smaller right?, Giant snakes are predators that eat eggs from nests and strangle smaller prey too death...... such as males perhaps? or well...... you who is even smaller and weaker so totally sane fear, so that only leaves the small tracks or slime i am for slime as it means moisture thus water and we just wasted water
No. 1032065 ID: f2320a

Basically slime or try and figure out where food smell comes from seems like we must mark our way can our Khopesh scratch arrows into the walls?
No. 1032069 ID: 8a1056

All or nothing baby, go for big, and never stop. Anyways you probably should avoid close contact with the enemies in the dungeon, or you’re gonna end up with children sooner than you think…
No. 1032074 ID: 36784c

Maybe try looking for where the food is coming from?

If not then do this >>1032065 .
No. 1032079 ID: a68c82

You need to make yourself strong, and then, find a strong mate. If you go for a weakling, being one yourself, your children will be twice as weak. You have to earn your mate, you have to be worthy of one.

I agree, go for the food, but be cautious.
No. 1032080 ID: 2a82d3

Partial to following the paws, but finding the source of that smell is a good idea. It might turn up nothinh, bu no time like the present to hone your senses.
No. 1032084 ID: 61b860

Your not shortstack small right, I'm pretty sure your below average but it would be easier to tell if you had a small, medium, large, and very large height scale to measure up to.
No. 1032085 ID: f2320a

i think the doorway is supposed to be normal height? just where the circle is in the perspective on the door so about 3 or so heads shorter then normal
No. 1032090 ID: 8dc7ba

Go look for the source of the food.
No. 1032134 ID: 681cb5
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>If it's not unwieldy, take the bowl and leave the coins.
It’s big, heavy and clearly not built to be carried, forcing you to use both hands to handle it. No, the bowl and coin will stay where they are for now. If you need something to store liquid it, or if you just want to smash something over someone’s head, you can just pick up one of the smaller urns instead.

>You’re not shortstack small right? I'm pretty sure you’re below average…
Hey! You might be on the shorter side, but you’re not that small! Sure, most males back home were taller than you, but you at least weren’t the shortest person around… well, the shortest lady, sure, but…
>I think the doorway is supposed to be normal height?
Everything in here is huge, including the doors. Clearly it was built to accommodate bigger people than just you Sakkilians.
>Do you feel self-conscious for your small tail but big butt?
Your egg-laying hips were the only thing the males back home actually liked about you…

>You should not just give yourself up to the first weak small male you find.
Of course not. Giving up on the starting line would be dumb… though, maybe if he was really cute…
>If you go for a weakling, being one yourself, your children will be twice as weak. You have to earn your mate, you have to be worthy of one.
While you would like the find the strongest mate you can, you’re not sure how you’ll be able to convince them to be your mate in the first place.
>You need to make yourself strong, and then, find a strong mate.
But how do you get stronger? You’ve trained your whole life but you’re still weak… that’s not going to change now, will it?
>You've never mated right?
You are indeed a virgin… in fact, you’ve never even seen a male naked before.
>Maybe you can convince one if you say you've never mated before.
…you’re not sure why that would convince anyone? Most males prefer a female who has experience, right?
>This place held rituals, perhaps there are some that would help achieve a clutch large enough to match those busts. Would that help you impress your tribe?
That would indeed impress the tribe, though you’re not sure your body would be able to handle it… nor would you be able to take care of so many young at once either… no, you rather just find a strong mate and get one egg for now.
>Anyways you probably should avoid close contact with the enemies in the dungeon, or you’re gonna end up with children sooner than you think…
Being with child is kind of your end goal… though you’ll need to make sure whoever knocks you up is willing to take responsibility as well. So, first find mate, then get knocked up. Let’s try and keep it in that order.

>Start marking the paths you've taken so you can find your way back if you ever need to back track. Can our Khopesh scratch arrows into the walls?
Your khopesh can indeed carve symbols into the walls, so that you can find your back out again. You really don’t want to get lost down here and starve to death or something.
>Finding the source of that smell is a good idea. It might turn up nothing, but no time like the present to hone your senses.
Using your mighty snout, you try your hardest locate where that delicious aroma is emanating from, but in the end you only managed to get lost. Then you feel it, as if someone is guiding you, a draft… it’s small, but there. Following it you soon find the entrance to a large chamber, which is the same room the cooking scent is coming from.

The source of the smell is a pair of large beetles being cooked over a fire pit, the smoke from the pit billowing towards a small hole in the ceiling. A handsome, battle-scarred Varkian warrior turns the cooking spit before reaching for his waterskin, clearly the owner of said meal. He hasn’t noticed you yet… what do you do?

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A ration.
A cloth repair kit.
A flimsy cloth armor.
No. 1032135 ID: c92a02

Ambush. Tasty bird will make a fine meal for your future mate.
No. 1032136 ID: 96c896

Looks like another delver. Go say hi, see if you can get some info from him about what sorts of creatures are here that would make a good mate. Is he here for the same thing?
No. 1032138 ID: 2a82d3

Approach with diplomatic intent. Prepare yourself to triblal exchanges. You must know his secrets, among other things.
No. 1032139 ID: f2320a

So either kill and cook as thats alot of fine meat gor diplomancy? How is your races relationships
No. 1032146 ID: 2a82d3

A compromise then: ask if he'd let her eat him. If he decides to run to Daddy just from a mere request, then he wouldn't be a strong enough mate anyway. If he's familiar enough with Sakkillian norms to recognise the request as the overly forward pick up line it is, then he's an interesting pick to consider mating with. Would he actually accept, it's a sign of deep respect and he's practically her soulmate.
No. 1032147 ID: 6a2a09

what would a mix between that guy and your species's look like?
No. 1032152 ID: f2320a

Is that not mutually exclusive options
No. 1032158 ID: 61b860

Are you as tall as an average varkian female? Maybe if you find magic in this place to help you have a kid with a really strong creature. (Also kactus have you ever drawn a dragon in your style of art I think that would look really cool.)
No. 1032159 ID: 2a82d3

I meant if he died from natural causes. I was assuming she'd be barred from eating him if she straight up murdered him.

Having her act awkward is funny, and would be an inversion of the bird-lizard dynamic rather than retread.
No. 1032162 ID: e5709d

Rush at him, screaming "BREED ME" over and over as you attack.
No. 1032165 ID: d51989

He's hot, and skilled. Worth befriending if nothing else, since he can probably teach you something. Any tension between your species? If you were more sly, perhaps you could use it to your advantage, but proceed with some caution. Hmm, are Varkian males referred to as cocks?

Alert him to your presence, compliment his cooking, seeing as it brought you to him, and get to introductions. See what it would take to get him to share a meal with you.
No. 1032184 ID: b75541

Either spy on him for a while with your tracking skills or else just say hello like a normal person. Make a friend! Ask where he got those scars.
No. 1032185 ID: 681cb5
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>Maybe if you find magic in this place to help you have a kid with a really strong creature.
Do you really need magic for that? They just need to put their thing inside your thing and fill you up to make an egg, right? Now, to convince them to do that and then come back home with you on the other hand… that you might need magical help with.

>Looks like another delver.
And a well prepared one at that. He’s armed with a Khopesh of his own, as well as a pair of quality bolas, not to mention he got a rather large sack filled with who knows what.
>Are you as tall as an average varkian female?
You’re a head shorter than him, and seeing how Varkian males and females are about the same height…
>Hmm, are Varkian males referred to as cocks?
…no idea… maybe?
>What would a mix between that guy and your species's look like?
Going by him being a bird and you being a lizard… half lizard, half bird? You guess? You’ve never seen a Varkian / Sakkilian hybrid before so... *shrug*

>How are your races relationships?
Shaky at best. While there are trade between the Sakkilian tribes and the Varkian caravans, your kind still consider them prey. Your tribe would raid any weaker caravan they found and capture any adult Varkian they could get their claws on. Though it’s their own damn fault, being so gosh darn tasty and everything… well, at least you’ve heard that they are really tasty. You’ve never actually had Varkian before… mostly because you eat what you capture and… well… you’re not a really good huntress.
>That’s a lot of fine bird meat.
He is indeed a big, handsome slab of meat… making it hard to decide if you rather have him breed you and become your mate or if you just want to gobble him up. Oh, maybe both?
>Is that not mutually exclusive options.
Not if you do it in the right order.
>Tasty bird will make a fine meal for your future mate.
Even if you were to somehow defeat this hunk, you have no way to restrain him and carry him around… not to mention that you have no idea if your future mate will even like a Varkian meal (Heck, they might even be a Varkian themselves). If you decide he’s food instead of a mate then it’s better to just gobble him up yourself.

>Alert him to your presence, compliment his cooking, seeing as it brought you to him, and get to introductions.
It doesn’t take long for him to notice you when you start walking into the room, his first reaction is to immediately draw his Khopesh while readying the bolas in his other hand. For a second, you think he’s actually going to attack you, but he seems content with just eying you suspiciously while having his weapons on the ready. You give him a little wave, “Hi, I’m Kahi, who are you?”. He on his part simply stares at you for a long time before answering in a deep voice, ”What is a little Sakkilian doing here all alone?”. ”HEY!” you put your knuckles to your hips and pout a bit at him, ”I’m not a little girl! I’ll have you know I’ve experienced the long dark almost six hands full of fingers.” It takes him a bit, including several glances down towards his own hand, before he figures out how old you are, ”I still question why you are here, small lady. But let me introduce myself. I am Soth, a mighty warrior!” He puffs out his chest and point towards himself with a smug grin, ”I am the hunter of huntresses, slayer of rock worms and hero of the caravans! Beware, little lass, as I am not one to be trifled with!”
>Ask where he got those scars.
”A far more fearsome Sakkilian huntress than yourself attacked me. We fought. I won.”
>See if you can get some info from him about what sorts of creatures are here that would make a good mate.
”You are looking for a mate? Here? Ha! Like a weakling like yourself would ever have a chance with a strong mate here. No, go find a ratling or a slime, little lass, and mate with someone your own size.”
>Is he here for the same thing?
”Of course not. I am here to find treasure and defeat ferocious beasts! I shall return to my caravan with such booty of gold and such an epic beast trophy that all the caravans of the land will speak my name! Even your tribe will learn to fear the mighty Soth, the awesome warrior!”
>Rush at him, screaming "BREED ME" over and over as you attack.
He’s got a sword and is on the defensive, rushing him now would be really dumb… but you can still ask him that. “Hey, do you want to breed me?” ”No.” …he didn’t even hesitate! ”Why not!?” He looks you up and down before answering, seemingly not impressed with what he sees, ”Because you’re weak. I will only mate with someone strong enough to best me in fair combat, which you clearly cannot. Not to mention, weakling, you’re a Sakkilian. I don’t like your kind.”
>See what it would take to get him to share a meal with you.
”Why would I share anything with a stranger I just met, especially a Sakkilian one? No, I only have food for myself… if you want to eat, then you’ll simply have to find your own food.”
>A compromise then: ask if he'd let her eat him.
”Then can I eat you?” He is visibly stunned as he just stares at you, slowly blinking… ”W-what?” Your question clearly caught him off guard, as he becomes flustered and at a loss on how to react, ”W-what kind of d-daft question is… is… err… is that!?”

He finally lowered his guard… if you wanted the opportunity…
No. 1032187 ID: d51989

>a rather large sack filled with who knows what.
Gonna have to empty that, given the chance.

The ego on this one. Establish dominance: get inside the reach of his sword, bring him to his knees, lick his face and/or get rid of that loincloth so he doesn't have his bag of tricks. Soth, "Hunter of Huntresses", hunk of a Varkian warrior, yet flustered at the thought of feeding small Sakkilian woman.
He also has some bolas, so you could always restrain him with those, if you can get them from his hand and around him fast enough.
No. 1032192 ID: 2a82d3

Oh he is adorable, and you are taking him home with you when this is done. Better not let your sisters lay a finger on him; you'll raise a nest with this one.

Use the distraction to declare a challenge for the right to mate. Since he's open, you could disarm him. Tell him not to worry: you're not going to eat him (yet~) when he has other ways to satisfy you.
No. 1032198 ID: 6a2a09

show him that a body is not the only important part of a mate, skill is too! ...Which you lack, but when has that ever stopped anyone?
No. 1032208 ID: 36784c

Offer an exchange. You can suck his dick if he’ll share some of his food with you.

>taking him home with you
Kahi has implied that she wasn’t going to take the first guy she meets as a mate. And Soth just told us that he’s not interested in a weakling like Kahi and he doesn’t like Sakkilians.

I’m pretty sure this means that he’s not going to be Kahi’s mate. But we can have him as a quick fling on the way to finding a strong mate for Kahi.
No. 1032217 ID: 61b860

You might not get feathered dinos this time but maybe when your strong you can have a few, don't let this get you down your optimism in coming here has helped you so far.
No. 1032219 ID: 61b860

Maybe he can help you find a mate if you team up with him, and you can climb into small places he can't reach to get treasure. You're also a lightly skilled skirmisher right?
No. 1032227 ID: 82995f

You were just thinking guys prefer girls with experience, right? Even if he doesn't want to mate with you, you could still have some fun together and get you some of that experience by 'eating' him. As for actually eating him he's probably a better fighter than you and unless you have magic he's not going to get to enjoy being eaten if he's into that so that's off the table. Plus it doesn't seem to be what this temple is for, you get your belly filled from the other direction around here.
No. 1032230 ID: 2a82d3

If he proves an easy conquest, sure. But if turns the tables on us dispute our initiative, and he has fought off a lizard Amazon before, that would make him a bar to measure our own improvement within this labyrinth.

>that you might need magical help with.
You don't think those coins were magic? Not that it matters. Other people here might have taken them by now, anyway.
No. 1032238 ID: c92a02

Stab him, go straight for the low blow with the fury of the small. He has insulted your honor! He is not worthy of mating with a tree stump!
No. 1032254 ID: 681cb5
File 165257069145.png - (72.53KB , 700x550 , 8.png )

>Gonna have to empty that sack, given the chance.
You definitely going to make sure that sack of his is empty by the time you’re done here… and you’re going to make sure to plunder that leather satchel he has as well.
>The ego on this one.
The Sakkilian huntresses that beat their chest the hardest are usually the ones who catch the smallest prey… you’re sure it’s the same for these Varkians.
>Oh he is adorable, and you are taking him home with you when this is done.
Mmm… this might just be your future mate… but you’re not sure yet…
>Better not let your sisters lay a finger on him; you'll raise a nest with this one.
Oh, for someone like him it won’t be long until he either ends up in one of their beds or one of their tummies. You just hope he last long enough to help you raise your clutch.

>Kahi has implied that she wasn’t going to take the first guy she meets as a mate.
The first WEAK mate. If this Soth proves himself to be half the warrior he claims to be he might just be really decent mate material… but if he proves an easy conquest… well, maybe he’s better off as food.
>And Soth just told us that he’s not interested in a weakling like Kahi and he doesn’t like Sakkilians.
If you kick his ass you’ve proved that you’re no weakling… and you’re sure you can convince him that you Sakkilian aren’t all that bad.
>I’m pretty sure this means that he’s not going to be Kahi’s mate. But we can have him as a quick fling on the way to finding a strong mate for Kahi.
If he either proves unworthy or simply refuses, then yes, maybe he’ll just be a quick fling… you do need some practice anyway, after all…
>As for actually eating him unless you have magic he's not going to get to enjoy being eaten if he's into that so that's off the table.
…the meal usually doesn’t enjoy being eaten? Isn’t that how it works? Of course, this place seems to be some kind of magical kink dungeon, so who knows what might work and not work!
>Plus it doesn't seem to be what this temple is for, you get your belly filled from the other direction around here.
Well, it feels like you should just gobble him up! …or maybe that’s just your grumbling tummy talking while it’s constantly bombarded with that sweet aroma of cooked bugs… yeah, you’re probably just hungry and doing some wishful thinking…
>Maybe he can help you find a mate if you team up with him, and you can climb into small places he can't reach to get treasure.
Hmm… a mutual beneficial relationship? That might work… though, you better make sure he knows you’re the boss first if you go that route.
>You're also a lightly skilled skirmisher right?
A skirmisher wouldn’t be the right word… you’re mostly just good at tracking smaller beast and not… well, actually fighting and stuff.

>Offer an exchange. You can suck his dick if he’ll share some of his food with you.
”Huh?” Soth visibly relax as what you just said register in his brain, ”oh, that’s what you meant when you said ‘eat you’. You weren’t actually-”
>Establish dominance: get inside the reach of his sword, declare a challenge for the right to mate and get rid of that loincloth so he doesn't have his bag of tricks.
While he’s completely distracted, you sneak up really close to him before declaring, ”I challenge you to combat for mating rights!” and swing your khopesh towards his only real garment. The avian doesn’t even have the time react before you rip off one of the rings holding it up, making him scream in a shrill voice, ”My loincloth!”, before he tries in vain to cover his now naked form.

Kahi does a sneak attack towards Soth’s loincloth and managed to completely destroy it!
Soth is now naked and very embarrassed!

Soth is still unbalanced and skips his turn.

”Tsk, Soth, ‘Hunter of Huntresses’, hunk of a Varkian warrior…” You cross your arms and shake your head for dramatic effect before continuing, ”Yet flustered at the mere thought of feeding a small Sakkilian woman.” He doesn’t answer; instead he’s too preoccupied trying to cover himself. Taking a step forward, you open up your arms as if to hug him, ”Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat you…” You look him in the eyes and mouths ‘yet~’ while winking, ”You still have other way to satisfy me, after all.”

Kahi taunts Soth and humiliates him.
Soth is close to surrendering from embarrassment.
No. 1032256 ID: 681cb5
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Suddenly he grabs the cloth between your breasts and rips it off, taking your whole top with it. ”There! A taste of your own medicine!”

Soth uses his strength and rips off Kahi’s top, destroying it completely!
Kahi chest is now bare and she’s rather embarrassed about it.

Combat: All participants will take turns to either try and knock out or force their enemies to surrender through embarrassment. Embarrassment will build up from destroying clothes as well as humiliating / dominating / seduce your enemy. It is currently your turn to act!

Kahi is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover her chest. She currently has a Khopesh in her right hand. She is rather embarrassed about her current situation.

Soth is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover his manhood. He’s currently unarmed. He is close to surrendering from embarrassment.

On the floor there are:
Soth’s Khopesh.
Soth’s Bolas.
Soth’s Loincloth.
Small Urn.
Small Rocks.

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A ration.
A cloth repair kit.
A flimsy cloth armor.
No. 1032259 ID: d51989

No wonder he covers up; his red makeup and blush may be striking, but they almost blend in to his feathers compared to... well, you know. A tad surprised Soth didn't apply a little red down there as well, but he likely wasn't expecting to be 'seen' so soon.

Smack his hand, ass, or thigh with the flat of your Khopesh, he'll probably uncover himself reflexively and may collapse as well if you smack the leg right.
Or, if you're feeling confident, shamelessly show off a little chest, since he was so desperate to get you undressed as well: if he gets turned on, hard for him to deny liking Sakkilions, hard for him to cover up, and just hard in general.

He may be upset that it wasn't a 'fair' fight, but he was the one to drop his guard. And even if he doesn't become your mate, he really is fun to tease, and could make a good partner/ally/snack in the future. He certainly looks impressive at least.
No. 1032260 ID: 6a2a09

wait, why not try going for his balls? not like slice them off, but like, just grab him.
Then you got him by the balls!
...And then you can like, tug it i guess? To show you're serious about sucking his dick
No. 1032261 ID: 2a82d3

Girl, you literally built for this. Flaunt your strength and tank through that embarrassment like it's world war two.
No. 1032280 ID: b75541

You need to get him finished before he can do more damage to your clothes! It'll be a self-damaging move, but find a way to flash him what's under your skirt, that should polish him off. How high can you kick? If you pull back to lean against the wall and defensively keep your hands covering your chest, you can lift a leg ready to fend him away with and 'accidentally' lift your knee enough for him to get a view.
No. 1032286 ID: f2320a

Does not matter that your chest is BARE FIGHT FUCKING MAUL
No. 1032288 ID: 26a54e

Defending yourself and getting him aroused at the same time would be ideal, gonna have to agree with this idea.
No. 1032294 ID: 61b860

Is this a spar for whos dominant in the partnership? He seems like good practice at least for when you get a mate.
No. 1032295 ID: 61b860

Maybe hes good practice for mating too.
No. 1032309 ID: 03bf8a

Seeing as we can't seem to decide whether we want to fuck him or eat him I vote that once we subdue him we try and see if the magic of this place will somehow let us combine these actions.
No. 1032318 ID: 61b860

Maybe you can use those bolas.
No. 1032327 ID: 681cb5
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>Seeing as we can't seem to decide whether we want to fuck him or eat him I vote that once we subdue him we try and see if the magic of this place will somehow let us combine these actions.
Well, the easiest way would just be to do one after the other, no magic required… as long as you do it in the right order. Still, might be prudent to figure out just what kind of magic this place is submerged in… you’ve already noticed that your Khopesh can’t actually cut flesh in here, as you accidently slid across Soth’s tight while cutting off his loincloth and it didn’t even leave a mark.
>He may be upset that it wasn't a 'fair' fight, but he was the one to drop his guard.
You were standing right in front of him and loudly declared your intention to challenge him! How much fairer can it be?

>No wonder he covers up; his red makeup and blush may be striking, but they almost blend in to his feathers compared to... well, you know.
That big, black snake is definitely enticing… you just need him to stop covering himself so you can get a proper look!
>A tad surprised Soth didn't apply a little red down there as well, but he likely wasn't expecting to be 'seen' so soon.
He clearly didn’t consider losing his loincloth in here… in fact, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t know what this place is famous for.

>Is this a spar for who’s dominant in the partnership? He seems like good practice at least for when you get a mate.
It’s a battle of strength, to see who the prey is and who the predator is! The victor will decide what the other will end up as, be it a mate, a companion, a toy or simply a meal.
>Maybe he’s good practice for mating too.
No matter what, you definitely are going to take that thing for a ride!
>Even if he doesn't become your mate, he really is fun to tease, and could make a good partner/ally/snack in the future. He certainly looks impressive at least.
Muscular, handsome and fun to bully… he might just be mate material… or at least a lackey to push around… heh, and all those muscles does make him high on protein… just saying…

>Girl, you literally built for this. Flaunt your strength and tank through that embarrassment.
This isn’t at all what you were preparing for! Not to mention, you’ve been teased all your life about your body, so you’re really not confident in that department.
>if you're feeling confident, shamelessly show off a little chest, since he was so desperate to get you undressed as well.
…yeah, no, you rather not… you really aren’t confident about that…
>Defending yourself and getting him aroused at the same time would be ideal.
You’re pretty sure any attack you do against him will arouse him somehow… Soth is just too easy to fluster!

>Smack his ass with the flat of your Khopesh, he'll probably uncover himself reflexively.
You sidestep around him, before quickly rushing him from the side while swinging your Khopesh towards his bare bottom. ”You have a really cute butt!” you whisper to him right before your blade hit his cheek with a loud slap, ”I can’t wait to gobble it up!” Soth on his part yells out a rather happy sounding ‘VARK’, though he keeps his hands over his crotch the whole time, denying you even a little peek of his manhood.

Kahi spanks Soth’s ass!
Soth is on the brink of surrendering from embarrassment!
Soth enrages! (+attack, +1 turn)

No. 1032328 ID: 681cb5
File 165263770510.png - (105.68KB , 700x550 , 11.png )

Suddenly he dashes towards you, grabbing you around your midsection and lifting you up. His far superior strength makes it so you have no chance to fight back, and he easily position your large rump right next to his stomach. ”You know what, maybe I should just pin you to the floor and breed that fat ass of yours!” he says in a mocking tone as he ready his attack, his hand smacking across your rear cheek, making you yip in excitement, ”Before leaving you to take care of the hatchling all by yourself!”

Soth uses his strength to grapple Kahi and spanks her ass!
Kahi is close to surrendering from embarrassment.
Soth gets an extra turn from his enrage!

He gives your tush another slap as he continues ”The mighty huntress being completely dominated by her prey!”, the word prey being punctuated with one last slap before he finish his little monolog, ”The predator becoming nothing but a stress relief for her quarry!”

Soth spanks Kahi’s ass twice!
Kahi on the brink of surrendering from embarrassment!

This is it! Both of you are close to being defeated, but you’re the one who will act first! Make it count! …or you can just surrender and let him breed you…
No. 1032329 ID: 10c07d

I think I like the surrender and get bred option
No. 1032335 ID: abaa91

Tilt your upper body forwards, grab his ankles, use the momentum to roll through and get him on his back- and you're in prime dick-sucking position, or cowgirling, if you want to tempt him first with what wonders lie beneath.
No. 1032336 ID: f2320a

Nah fight until the end likely the same end result but dont give up
No. 1032337 ID: f2320a

Also Dont know about fat ass he has a fatter ass by fat i mean far.
Also if our blade does not work what of our teeth? Lets bite
No. 1032338 ID: 10c07d

If we aren’t giving up I’d say use your hands to spread his ass cheeks and give a cheeky comment about his hole. That will be sure to fluster him
No. 1032341 ID: d51989

>might be prudent to figure out just what kind of magic this place is submerged in
Indeed, it has effected how you fight, so there may be more. Perhaps eating would boost/restore 'stamina?' And does the God/Goddess play matchmaker at all, or just let nature take its course?
>pretty sure he doesn’t know what this place is famous for.
His mistake, but he will learn rather quickly. Plus, an opportunity to practice some 'snake charming' would be good.
>The mighty huntress being completely dominated by her prey!
He's even admitting that he is the prey here. Though what he is proposing is quite hot, he'll have to earn that.

Submitting is rather tempting, but he's insulted you, and implied you'll be left on your own; he deserves everything you've got, even you still wind up pinned and bred, temple magic ensuring you're with a hatchling... Perhaps you could imply your surrender, moan Soth's name and fill his head with thoughts of victory, and snatch it away when he gets distracted. Ultimately smothering him in that fat ass he likes so much, though that would be difficult in your current position.

Of course, his own sensitive, wide rump is very exposed, could always peek behind/tug on that feathery curtain, and give another smack or a love bite. Slip a hand between his thighs and get an authoritative and firm grasp on that sack, seeing as it will belong to yours soon.

... Say, what happens in a tie? Would you be equals, or both be prey to someone else?

No. 1032343 ID: b75541

Win-win, huh? And hey, even if your overall sizes just balance out, a kid of the two of you would have the biggest hips and butt in the land, from what I can see. You could try grabbing his and making a comment along those lines to finish him off, but, kind of a dull option. Better to reach victory or defeat by attempting something more spectacular. See if you can get bent far enough forward and down that you can get your hands or face under between his legs, and reach his other kopesh and bolas. If nothing else, he should be aiming higher before you finish this.
No. 1032344 ID: 61b860

It would be cool to see some feathered dino hatchlings but you've come to far to settle for just a varkian warrior, no offense obviously even if he does have a large bottom and large things on that bottom.
No. 1032349 ID: 899c9f

Escalate to tail-pulling. You'll pluck this bird bare.
No. 1032350 ID: 96c896

Go for the kill. Stick a finger in his butt.
No. 1032377 ID: 681cb5
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>Win-win, huh?
No matter what happens, you’re going to get Soth inside you in one way or another, so clearly everyone wins!
>Submitting is rather tempting, but he's insulted you, and implied you'll be left on your own; he deserves everything you've got, even you still wind up pinned and bred, temple magic ensuring you're with a hatchling...
He got a lot of pent up emotions and all your teasing has railed him up… you almost want to surrender just to see how hard he would plow you… but no, he’s the prey here… he’s yours to conquer.

>Perhaps you could imply your surrender, moan Soth's name and fill his head with thoughts of victory, and snatch it away when he gets distracted.
”Oh, mighty Soth…” you sensually whisper, ”I want you to breed me hard.” He chuckles a little bit, before moving his hand over to your butt to strokes it while smugly declaring, ”Ha! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.” You shiver as his hand moves over your panties, trying to find the edge of them so he can rip them off, ”Don’t worry, I’ll breed you real good and hard, yo-”
>If we aren’t giving up I’d say use your hands to spread his ass cheeks and give a cheeky comment about his hole. That will be sure to fluster him.
While he’s distracted with his victory speech you grab two handfuls of his ass, making him jump, ”W-what are y-you- VARK!” You give him a squeeze and pull his cheeks apart, so that you can get a proper look at him down there. ”I was just thinking… you got such a nice, big ass… so even if our overall sizes balance out…”, you give him another squeeze to emphasize the point you’re about to make, ”Our hatchling will have the biggest, fattest hips and ass in the whole land.” Soth tries to answer, but all you can hear is some ineligible stammering.
>Go for the kill. Stick a finger in his butt.
And then you go for the killing blow. As you slowly move your finger towards his rump, you whisper into his ear, ”You wouldn’t mind if I poked your butt a bit, would you?” He immediately tenses up and practically starts shouting ”H-HEY, LEAVE MY BUTT ALONE!” The brave warrior then tries his best to defend his rear, covering it with both hands so that you can’t attack him from that angle. Of course, this also means he lets go of you, ensuring that you fall to the floor with newfound freedom.

Kahi squeezes Soth’s ass and makes some lewd comments!
Soth surrenders from sheer embarrassment!
Soth has been defeated! He has fully submitted to Kahi!
No. 1032378 ID: 681cb5
File 165265929395.png - (108.66KB , 700x550 , 13.png )

>Maybe you can use that bolas.
It’s almost as if it is a sign, but you land right next to Soth’s discarded bolas, which you quickly grab as you get back to your feet. As he already has his hand behind his back, still trying to protect his butt, it’s child play for you to quickly wrap the bolas around his wrist and restrain him. Soth on his part simply fall to his knees with a sigh, ”A-alright, I a-admit it… I’m your prey… y-you caught me…” You can’t help but smile at your prey admitting defeat. ”Damn right you’re my prey!”, you smugly say as you finish with the last knot, ”This huntress never fails to catch her next meal!” The Varkian shivers as you call him a meal, clearly enjoying his current predicament quite a bit, ”Please… I’m y-yours… do w-whatever you want w-with me…”

>He's even admitting that he is the prey here.
And you’re the huntress! You’ve dominated him completely, ensuring that he’s yours to toy with!
>Say, what happens in a tie? Would you be equals, or both be prey to someone else?
…can there even be a tie? You both can’t give up at the same time, can you?
>Indeed, it has effected how you fight, so there may be more. Perhaps eating would boost/restore 'stamina?'
You Sakkilian do have an old belief, that consuming dangerous prey will let you absorb their powers, so that you’ll become an even greater huntress! Of course, you don’t really have any experience in that, as you’ve never been good at catching prey… at least before now… which might explain why you’re so small and weak… but you digress, maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s just your rumbling tummy talking, because you’re starting to get really hungry.
>And does the God/Goddess play matchmaker at all, or just let nature take its course?
How would you know that? You don’t even know who this god even is! Nobody does! Nobody even knows who built this temple in the first place even!

>It would be cool to see some feathered dino hatchlings but you've come too far to settle for just a varkian warrior, no offense obviously even if he does have a large bottom and large things on that bottom.
Even with a surprise attack and luck on your side, this battle was a really close call. One wrong move and he would have won, and you would currently be pinned to the floor in a mating press. You’re not sure you can defeat anyone stronger than Soth, let alone convince them to be your mate.

Of course, you’ve yet decided what you will do with your lovely little prey that you’ve captured, have you? What will you do with him? Do you take him as a mate? Do you make him your toy? …or is he just food? You’ll play with your food first, of course, but still… he’s your prey, what do you do with him?
No. 1032381 ID: 6a2a09

rip the food on the stick, its burnt now. But on another note, you should perhaps keep him as your pet, since its too early to determine if you should eat him.
No. 1032382 ID: a68c82

I think eating him would be a waste. We don't know if eating him would suddenly increase your power. But, if we have him around, we can use him however we please, toy with and to help us find more toys.

Hey, here is an ambitious idea! Why instead of one mate, we collect multiple mates? You can create a harem! Why just stick with one? Let's get more! Soth can help you with that!

Yeah, it would be really bad for you to achieve, but not impossible. You already got one, so its a start. You don't need to be powerful, you need to be seductive, igneous. You ned to become a succubus!
No. 1032383 ID: a68c82

Ingenious, you need to be ingenious, not igneous, that would be bad.
No. 1032386 ID: 899c9f

Well you said you'd eat him, so get out the cutlery.
No. 1032389 ID: 708905

See how much of him you can fit inside yourself
No. 1032390 ID: 96c896

Jeez, it's like he wants to get eaten. Tell him you're gonna bring him back to your village, and he's gonna make you a strong child, then when he's finally of no use to you, you and your sisters are gonna eat him. Ask him how he wants to be cooked. See if he'll pop a boner from talking about his final recipe, as an ingredient. Hey, maybe you'll only cut off a leg so he gets to see himself eaten.
No. 1032402 ID: 61b860

Maybe you can shake your little tail and butt in a victory dance he does kinda deserve it as that was a good fight he put up and it was cool how you climbed all over him like a gecko on a wall and got to a weak spot.You also need a plan to get a strong mate so make up with your shortness with cunning and agility.
No. 1032404 ID: 61b860

Maybe one day you'll have larger thighs and boobs and big fertilized belly like the busts outside if work and fight hard enough. Maybe you'll even be as tall as the busts.
No. 1032405 ID: 61b860

Where did you get those pink panties, did you inherit them?
No. 1032406 ID: 160fdc

Don't eat him (yet). He's proven capable of procuring and cooking a decent meal, since that's what drew you to him, and surely he can provide that for both you and your potential child, one way or another. Or at least while you're here.
I'd say mate with him cowgirl style, having him look up at you while you see how much his meat fills you, and decide in the heat of the moment whether or not to have his egg, like a proper predator. I'm in favor of having it, since he's pretty evenly matched with you, and physically impressive. Plus, the prospect of mightier birthing hips is appealing.

Though, if you're itching to go for a limited penetration pet/partner route, letting him show his loyalty with his mouth while you practice your oral skill seems appropriate. He deserves a peak beyond those pink panties after a fight like that.
No. 1032407 ID: 36784c

Take his dick up your butt. That way you don't risk getting pregnant in the middle of this dungeon.

I honestly don't think this should be our mate. He's literally the first guy we met and I'm sure we can find someone better than him.
No. 1032408 ID: 160fdc

>don't risk getting pregnant in the middle of this dungeon
>Only those that have shown reverence and carried out the burden in their name will be able to leave.
>He who Seeds, She who Births.
There is magic in place to prevent physical damage, and the door seemed to imply there is no escape until Kahi is knocked up (or Soth, until he has knocked someone up). Anal could be fun though.
No. 1032409 ID: 10c07d

Ride him cowgirl!
No. 1032410 ID: 61b860

Maybe the egg will grow quickly because of magic and you can carry around eggs from those who've seeded you.
No. 1032411 ID: 61b860

Will you get stronger with every new type of egg you've laid?
No. 1032412 ID: 61b860

You would probably need to be pretty big to lay a dragon egg,
No. 1032415 ID: 160fdc

>You’re not sure you can defeat anyone stronger than Soth, let alone convince them to be your mate.
Missed that line, somehow. Seems taking down Soth was the upper limit of our luck and skill, and anyone else we could beat would be less than or about as capable as him, with the same/more risk of losing...
No. 1032418 ID: 36784c

>there is no escape until Kahi is knocked up
Then we should get her knocked up by someone else.

We were given stats at the beginning of the quest here: >>1031914 . We're probably going to find ways to raise our stats in order to let us get strong enough to challenge stronger opponents, which gives us a wider selection of potential mates.
No. 1032420 ID: 2a82d3

Not settling early is one thing, but just because we isn't the best mate doesn't mean he wouldn't be a good one. Nor does it mean we have to leave, if we have new motivation. Like looking into just what is up with this place.

This, basically.

I will add that there may be a way to eat our cake and have it too. Given the harm-prevention magic of this place, perhaps he'll pop out somewhere else if she eats him. This may require a higher level of magic aptitude to pull off right (much like exhibition skills need charisma). I wouldn't test it out then.

I'd much rather get our fill of him the other way.
No. 1032421 ID: 2a82d3

>…can there even be a tie? You both can’t give up at the same time, can you?
Perhaps, mutual vulnerability would lead into closer mateship. Most likely, both parties would be too embarrassed to do anything to each other and leave each other alone. Not likely to happen since it looks like embarrassment happens to one side on the other's turn. Initiative will be important here, not to mention understanding your partner's kinks enough to have attacks hit their mark.
No. 1032423 ID: 160fdc

>We're probably going to find ways to raise our stats
>which gives us a wider selection of potential mates.
True, but between the overarching theme/very simple goal (getting a decent mate and knocked up), the title card, and those same said stats that list a base species, I'm pretty sure getting knocked up is what is gonna help our stats, one way or another, either due to magic or Rogue Legacy style (the latter meaning getting knocked up is absolutely the way forward). Of course, it's a bit of a leap, as we're still learning how this works. Though, it very well could be that our stats will go up when this 'encounter' is over.
No. 1032425 ID: 61b860

Will she grow from magic if she's knocked up? What would a tall shortstack look like? Does the mate have to be a guy maybe she will magic up a mate stick from her lizard gizard and make another girl lay her eggs,
No. 1032445 ID: b75541

How can you ever make a decision like that before you see how good he is? First, tease him by seeing how far you can fit your mouth over his face. Since there's some magic here that stops you really hurting each other, the only way you even could eat him is by somehow magically eating him whole, so see what happens. If there is some magic like that, don't use it yet! Give him a chance to prove himself. If the eating teasing didn't get him totally ready for you, then 'eat' him for a bit, then take him for a ride. If you get pregnant, well, probably there'd be some lingering blessing to go with you from here to help you out until the kid's grown. Plus, even if you ate him, I'd wonder if in this place doing that would get you pregnant too. Sorta reincarnate him or something. Or maybe here you can get more pregnant while already pregnant? Well, anyway! Sex! Take the chance to get that experience you need!

... Maybe rescue those bugs, they're burnt but maybe that's just the carapace and there's meat inside that's still good.
No. 1032448 ID: f2320a

I guess first eat bug on sticks, can always fuck then murder and cook over fire
No. 1032489 ID: 681cb5
File 165274396092.png - (116.86KB , 700x550 , 14.png )

>Maybe you can shake your little tail and butt in a victory dance.
You’re practically dancing already, your tail waggling in excitement as you look down on the very first prey you’ve ever caught. Not only is he a large, handsome hunk of delicious meat, but also a potential mate!
>Rip the food on the stick, its burnt now.
Aw man, they are ruined! And you’re really hungry too…
>Where did you get those pink panties, did you inherit them?
…you bought them from a tailor, like most people do?
>Hey, here is an ambitious idea! Why instead of one mate, we collect multiple mates? You can create a harem! Why just stick with one? Let's get more!
While a harem sounds nice on papyrus, you’re not sure how you should actually handle it, even if you managed to catch several mates here. After all, having a proper mate takes work… not to mention you’ll need to defend them from all the other girls in the tribe… especially your sisters… no, maybe getting one mate for now might be for the best.

>Well you said you'd eat him, so get out the cutlery.
Why would you bring cutlery on a hunt when you can just eat him with your claws?
>You should perhaps keep him as your pet, since it’s too early to determine if you should eat him.
He is a cute pet, sure… but you’re also really hungry right now… decisions, decisions…
>He's proven capable of procuring and cooking a decent meal, since that's what drew you to him, and surely he can provide that for both you and your potential child, one way or another.
That makes him really good mate material. After all, decent food is one of the most important things to get a strong hatchling!
>We don't know if eating him would suddenly increase your power.
Of course, the only way to know for sure that works is to eat him in the first place.
>You and your sisters are gonna eat him when you bring him back home.
No way are you going to share him with those jerks! They never shared their prey with you!
>Ask him how he wants to be cooked. Maybe you'll only cut off a leg…
Cooking? Cut off a leg? That’s not the Sakkilian way! You eat him raw and still wriggling… at least, that how your sisters usually do it. Of course, they never catch prey that is bigger than them either, so it might not work in this case…
>How can you ever make a decision like that before you see how good he is?
You’re right! You need to take that snake of his for a dance before you can decide what he’ll be!

>Jeez, it's like he wants to get eaten.
He’s clearly getting off to the thought of it… but you’re not sure if he’s just into the predator / prey role-play or if actually wants to be eaten for real.
>See if he'll pop a boner from talking about his final recipe, as an ingredient.
You lean him over towards you, letting his head rest on your stomach as you gently strokes his head before whispering, ”This is where you’re going to end up, oh mighty warrior…” as if on command, your stomach growls hungrily, ”Do you hear how much it desires you, little Soth…?” He nuzzles your stomach with a wide smile, which combined with his slowly hardening cock is a clear indicator that he’s loving every last second of this. ”...I am Soth, a mighty warrior…” he finally says in a rather timid voice, ”I am the h-hunter of huntresses, slayer of r-rock worms and hero of the c-caravans… I was born under the star of great destiny, fated and foretold to a have a future filled with glory!” he shivers before giving your stomach another nuzzle, ”And my final fate is to slide down into the gullet of a small Sakkilian woman of no renown… *huff* it’s… it’s exhilarating just to imagine…”

>Tease him by seeing how far you can fit your mouth over his face. Since there's some magic here that stops you really hurting each other, the only way you even could eat him is by somehow magically eating him whole, so see what happens. If there is some magic like that, don't use it yet! Give him a chance to prove himself.
Your maw unhinges a lot easier than you’re used to, and the Varkians face… no, his whole head easily slips into your hungry jaws. As his eager eyes disappear into your mouth, you feel his now rock hard member twitch against your leg as he’s clearly enjoying this. It’s never felt this easy to simply consume something, as even when you reaches his shoulders, you have the feeling you can slurp him down with ease… but yet you stop yourself there. After all, you still aren’t done playing with your prey yet.
No. 1032490 ID: 681cb5
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>The door seemed to imply there is no escape until Kahi is knocked up (or Soth, until he has knocked someone up).
Well, then it’s a good thing the whole reason you’re here is to find a mate and get knocked up!
>If you get pregnant, well, probably there'd be some lingering blessing to go with you from here to help you out until the kid's grown.
…you know, that is possible… but you can’t rely on it, can you?
>I'm pretty sure getting knocked up is what is gonna help our stats, one way or another, either due to magic or Rogue Legacy style (the latter meaning getting knocked up is absolutely the way forward).
You’re here to build a legacy, to find a strong mate and have a strong hatchling, who can come back here and find an even stronger mate and have an even stronger hatchling! Eventually, your bloodline will be so strong that they mate with the very GODS!
>Maybe the egg will grow quickly because of magic?
…it’s possible? Only way to be sure is to get knocked up…
>I will add that there may be a way to eat our cake and have it too. Given the harm-prevention magic of this place, perhaps he'll pop out somewhere else if she eats him.
Which means you can eat him again! Perfect! Of course, this is all speculation… you have no idea what kind of magic is on this place after all…
>Even if you ate him, I'd wonder if in this place doing that would get you pregnant too. Sorta reincarnate him or something.
…okay that’s just weird. How does he even get from your tummy into your womb? Well, magic, duh, but still… that seems a bit too farfetched.

>Take his dick up your butt. That way you don't risk getting pregnant in the middle of this dungeon.
Hey, the whole point of you being here is to get pregnant! But you’re right… until you’ve decided if he’s your mate or not, you better take it up the bum.
>Ride him cowgirl!
After getting undress you forces him onto his back, making his member point straight up towards the ceiling,”Alright, enough teasing! Let’s get to the fun part!” After lubing yourself up with your own eager juices, you take your place right above his cock, using one of your hands to aim it towards your tight little rump before you take your rightful seat on top of it. ”*huff* you’re a big one, aren’t you…” His large member fills you up completely and it takes several tries before you manage to press yourself all the way down on it, hilting him inside you, making both you and Soth yip and Vark respectively. Moving your hips, you start to bounce on him in a steady rhythm, almost pulling him out from you before forcing him into your deepest depths once again. All the while one of your hands are between your legs, plunging your fingers deep into your folds while you pretend it’s his cock plowing a baby into you.

>Decide in the heat of the moment whether or not to have his egg, like a proper predator.
As his fat dick is buried inside your tight ass, it comes to no surprise that your body is demanding that you let him breed you… but there is still some parts of your brain that aren’t as convinced.
>I'm in favor of having it, since he's pretty evenly matched with you, and physically impressive. Plus, the prospect of mightier birthing hips is appealing.
He is indeed strong, stronger than you are even… and he got some nice hips…
>I honestly don't think this should be our mate. He's literally the first guy we met and I'm sure we can find someone better than him.
Possibly… or you won’t find anyone as big of a hunk as Soth here… or you won’t be able to convince them to be your mate. Still, there is a point there… he was the first one you found… and there’s bound to be stronger mates down here somewhere, no?

”P-please, Kahi…” you stop your bouncing on his mighty Khopesh, letting him catch his breath, though you still make sure to move your hips in a circular motion, to ensure he keep himself hard, ”…let m-me breed y-you… put a baby in you…” he looks up at you with desperation in his eyes, ”…let me be y-your mate… even if it’s just a short while…”

You’re currently equipped with:
Soth’s fat cock.
No. 1032491 ID: 6a2a09

to quote a certain maniacal force wielding overlord - "Dew it"
No. 1032492 ID: 96c896

Well you only barely managed to beat him. He's an appropriate power level for you, you just lucked out and encountered him first.
Let's take him.

>There is magic in place to prevent physical damage
I can't find where it says that.
No. 1032494 ID: 160fdc

Do it.
Your descendants will return here stronger and perhaps a little better prepared, and thank you for it... plus Soth is literally begging you. You could consider it his last request, keeping him around for a little while to help a little with the child and prove you got a good mate, with the looming promise of his ultimate fate sealed by his request to sire your child, to be carried out at any moment you desire (though, this place does seem quite ready to let you two indulge yourselves on that front, if you can't wait).
Besides, no need to deny your kin a good mate by being too greedy, or potentially stumble at the start. Your lineage are going to be making God Fuckers, after all. Maybe that what Soth's great destiny is, his part played in your family's ascension.
No. 1032495 ID: 160fdc

>you’ve already noticed that your Khopesh can’t actually cut flesh in here, as you accidently slid across Soth’s tight while cutting off his loincloth and it didn’t even leave a mark.
When Kahi smacked Soth's ass with her Khopesh
No. 1032497 ID: 61b860

Will this be like rogue legacy like each time a descendant comes back they are stronger and each time we get a sexy scene or?
No. 1032516 ID: 36784c

If he’s going to beg like that, then you might as well let him put a baby in you.
No. 1032521 ID: 10c07d

He can put a baby inside of you, but only if he says out loud that he belongs to you now
No. 1032532 ID: 9ed2cd

Fuck it, let him do it, we don't know how this place works, sho we'll jsut have to try and see. At the worst case scenario, you get stuck with this one. But your hatchling will be stronger than you and will ha better chances of a better mate.
No. 1032533 ID: 61b860

If you do get offspring will you leave and your offspring to come back and get a strong mate like a tradition or will you stay and do other stuff like get resources and strength?
No. 1032535 ID: b75541

Make him prove his strength and vigor if he wants to be your mate. Tell him to get up and serve by putting in the work to breed you himself, while you sit back and enjoy yourself. Me, I think you got pretty lucky with this guy (actually I think he's a tutorial fight to show all the mechanics with but hey), and it'd be a shame to waste him!
No. 1032536 ID: 36784c

We tied him up. I don’t think he’ll be able to stand up and do that.
No. 1032562 ID: f2320a

Let him turn the tables and mate you, perhaps he will tie you up keep you here like a broodmother or he will surrender after
No. 1032563 ID: 2a82d3

Another reason to take him as a mate: if his talk isn't all bluster, he has good standing among his people. Your union creates an opportunity to call for a truce, maybe even peace, between your tribes. They could even see it as destiny to build the infrastructure for your children, your new tribe, to thrive. And that makes get a better start if they want to have another crack at the Labyrinth, no magic (at first glance) needed.

Of course, this means the exact details of your "prenuptial arrangements" have to be kept to yourselves. Bad look for the alliance to have one representative eating the other, even figuratively. He could say he found a treasure in the dungeon, at least.
No. 1032564 ID: e5709d

What a wimp.
No. 1032570 ID: 708905

I'm curious after that thing with your mouth let's see how much of him we can fit up the ol' babymaker
No. 1032575 ID: fce3fc

While I agree he might not be the est mate candidate we should still eat him
No. 1032580 ID: f3c9f0

Eat him
No. 1032583 ID: 265b02

Quit playing with your food.
No. 1032584 ID: f2320a

Would be funny if the bowl at the start is a egg cup for a egg that large and you actually yourself hatch from that egg making it so "you" never actually can escape
No. 1032586 ID: a9af05

Let him give you a baby (or babies), then keep him around long enough to help raise the child (or children). Once that's done, grant him his wish of becoming your food.
No. 1032590 ID: 7bb260

Nah if we try to keep him long term survival instinct will probably eventually override fetish plus if we leave the labyrinth we'll probably lose the ability to swallow him and how many huntresses can say theyve consumed prey larger than themselves whole?
No. 1032591 ID: 61b860

Why is everyone saying he should be eaten? Im not saying he shouldn't but I don't want him to die so I only want it to happen and he doesn't die and helped by magic and stuff.
No. 1032601 ID: 567477

This place is supposed to lead you to your greatest desire, right? Acts of unbridled hedonism indulged in wild abandon, where instinct and impulse is acted on without care, to please the god it's dedicated to? I think this guy's been led to his greatest desire. And why else would he have come here? He says he wants gold and a monster trophy and fame, but come on, man, you can do that practically anywhere, go slay a dragon or something. You don't come to the hedonism fertility temple for it. So, since you're in a temple: have faith. Get bred, then get fed. The god who lives here is clearly powerful. Give them the show they want, and trust you will both be favored, and the promise of the labyrinth fulfilled.
No. 1032615 ID: a9af05

>Why is everyone saying he should be eaten?
Because it's part of the Sakkilian culture in this quest and both characters clearly want to do that.
No. 1032657 ID: 708905

This ^. It seems like too big a coincidence that a guy with a vore fetish just happens to run into one of his species sapient predators, I think indulging him will give the labyrinth what it wants and hopefully let us proceed.

Also willing vore is hot AF especially if it's somehow nonfatal
No. 1032723 ID: 681cb5
File 165291933207.png - (132.86KB , 700x550 , 16.png )

>If he’s going to beg like that, then you might as well let him put a baby in you.
His eyes betray his desperate desire to breed you. He wants you. He NEEDS you. He HAS to put a baby in you before his demise, no matter. Besides, who are you to deny a meal’s last request?
>Well you only barely managed to beat him. He's an appropriate power level for you, you just lucked out and encountered him first.
He is indeed a lot stronger than most mates you’d thought you would find here… he will make a good father…
>Your lineage are going to be making God Fuckers, after all. Maybe that what Soth's great destiny is, his part played in your family's ascension.
His great destiny is to be the first seed of your grand dynasty? Possible… or maybe his great destiny is to simply pad out your rump as fat after you eat him, but who knows?
>Another reason to take him as a mate: if his talk isn't all bluster, he has good standing among his people. Your union creates an opportunity to call for a truce, maybe even peace, between your tribes.
There has been Varkian / Sakkilian relationship before, so this isn’t going to change things much. Besides, as you said before, while things are tense you can still coexist and do trade between the caravans and the tribes. They just need to be careful not to show weakness around you, that’s all.

>He can put a baby inside of you, but only if he says out loud that he belongs to you now.
”I’m your prey, Kahi, I’m all yours!” He gasps as you start bouncing on his dick again, massaging his hard member with your tight rump,”Heh, you can do louder than that, cutie.” He tries his best to catch his breath, but the fact that he has a beautiful Sakkilian riding his dick is making it hard, as all he can muster is another weak showing, ”I’m nothing but your toy! Nothing but your plaything!” You hilt him inside you before stopping your movement, instead opting to move your hips in a circular motion, as if you’re dancing on his dick. ”Louder! Or don’t you want to breed this fat ass of mine?” you tell him as you smack your own ass to entice him further. This time, he takes a proper deep breath before bellowing, ”I’M NOTHING BUT KAHI’S NEXT MEAL!” loud enough to make it echo through the ruined halls of the temple.
>Make him prove his strength and vigor if he wants to be your mate. Tell him to get up and serve by putting in the work to breed you himself, while you sit back and enjoy yourself.
”B-but… I’m t-tied up!” You simply slowly shake your head at him, make a few tsk sounds before continuing, ”Then break lose…” you let your hands travel over his chiseled chest, feeling every muscles under your claws as you slowly move up towards his head, ”…or do you not want to breed me?” As your hand stroke him under his beak, you can outright see his eyes fill with determination,”…you want to see me break free and breed you? F-fine… I’ll breed you alright!”

He turns to the side, forcing you to get off him (and him out of you) before quickly getting onto his knees and then his feet. Taking a step back, you watch as he prepares himself by taking a deep breath and relaxing his shoulders, before he tenses up and trying to pull his arms apart. It takes a moment filled with several grunts and a false start, but in the end the bolas breaks, freeing him from your clutches. With his body running high on adrenaline, he looks over at you with a hunger in his eyes that you recognize and yells, ”GET READY TO GET FUCKING BRED, LIZARD!”
No. 1032724 ID: 681cb5
File 165291934216.png - (112.45KB , 700x550 , 17.png )

The Varkian warrior quickly pins you to the ground with his superior strength, holding you down with enough force that it would be impossible for you to free yourself with might alone. Using one hand to aim his member, he slides his lower head across your lower lips in search for your cave of wonders. Even though it takes a few seconds for him to find the entrance he wants, when he does he immediately slam himself into you, going balls deep instantly and making you yip loudly as he takes your virginity. Of course, he doesn’t let up afterwards, instead he starts pounding you as fast as he can in a desperate attempt to put a child in your tummy. Not that you mind, as you quickly get lost in pure bliss as his member slams into your deepest depths over and over again in a rhythmic beat, massaging your clit each time he pulls himself out from you. The only time he even remotely slows down is when he stops to reposition himself, so that he can get an even deeper penetration into you. You’re not sure if it has been just a few minutes, hours or even days, but you’re so lost in your own orgasm that you can’t really tell anymore. Then you feel him lose his rhythm, his thrust becoming more and more uneven before he finally slow down and almost pulls out completely from you. With one final slam, he hilts himself deep inside you and you can feel his large member twitch as it pumps rope after rope of his virile seed into your hungry womb, ensuring that you are with his child.

Even after he filled your Sakkilian nest full of his Varkian warriors, Soth continue hump against you, though a lot slower and more unregularly compared to before.”Sky mother, I c-can’t believe I’m pounding the ass I’m soon going to be a part off.” you hear him whisper to himself, ”I want to be fat on those hips so damn badly…” he shivers before he continues, ”I wan’t to be nothing but nutrients for our child…”

>You could consider it his last request, keeping him around for a little while to help a little with the child and prove you got a good mate, with the looming promise of his ultimate fate sealed by his request to sire your child, to be carried out at any moment you desire.
You do need help with the child…
>Quit playing with your food.
But it’s so fun…
>Nah if we try to keep him long term survival instinct will probably eventually override fetish plus if we leave the labyrinth we'll probably lose the ability to swallow him.
That’s right, this might be your only chance!
>How many huntresses can say they’ve consumed prey larger than themselves whole?
Not many! This is an opportunity you might never get again!
>It seems like too big a coincidence that a guy with a vore fetish just happens to run into one of his species sapient predators.
It’s almost like the temple guided you here, so that you should give him his greatest desire…
>This place is supposed to lead you to your greatest desire, right? Acts of unbridled hedonism indulged in wild abandon, where instinct and impulse is acted on without care, to please the god it's dedicated to? I think this guy's been led to his greatest desire. And why else would he have come here? He says he wants gold and a monster trophy and fame, but come on, man, you can do that practically anywhere, go slay a dragon or something. You don't come to the hedonism fertility temple for it. So, since you're in a temple: have faith. Get bred, then get fed. The god who lives here is clearly powerful. Give them the show they want, and trust you will both be favored, and the promise of the labyrinth fulfilled.
The god here must indeed be powerful, and so far it seems to have been aiding both of you in getting what you want. You, a mate, while Soth is becoming a meal… and surely the temple will protect you… and make sure all your desires are fulfilled, right?
>I'm curious after that thing with your mouth let's see how much of him we can fit up the ol' babymaker.
You can easily fit his whole cock up there, so- wait, did you mean his whole body? How… would that even work? Nevermind, you can think about that later.

Your tummy rumbles, hungry for the hunk that’s currently breeding you, telling you to make him part of you… but another part of you want him to stay, as a proper mate and not just a meal. Would it be possible to do both? Surely, the magic in this temple will protect him? It protected both of you from bodily harm, so it should protect Soth from permanently becoming a part of your rear, right? Though, the only way to be sure is to try…

Do you eat him now, or do you take him home to your tribe?

No. 1032726 ID: 899c9f

If you're gonna eat somebody it might as well be him.
No. 1032734 ID: 96c896

Good time to experiment. Eat him, see if the temple protects him or not. Personally, I hope it does.
No. 1032735 ID: 629f2e

I mean he did just say that he wanted to be the fat in your ass-cheeks. And eating him has gotta provide a lot of nice nutrients for your future offspring to take in. Go for it, he seems down.
No. 1032741 ID: 10c07d

Consume bird
No. 1032744 ID: 61b860

Let him be reborn through you as you have feathered dino babies. Grow strong and large to lay an even larger baby maybe eating him will even speed up gestation.
No. 1032746 ID: a507ff

He wants it so badly, it would be rude to deny him. Go for it
No. 1032753 ID: 61b860

Its strange now that I think about it, why isn't there a settlement next to this place? Maybe you can make one with your children.
No. 1032756 ID: 160fdc

How much does it matter to you that your tribe sees you come back with a powerful mate? Are you willing to risk someone else attempting to eat him, or him never having the chance to be your meal after leaving this place?

So long as you can stand the risk of him becoming a permanent part of yourself, rather than the magic working in both your favors, I'd say go for it. He will be there for you and your child, whether as your mate, in spirit (do ghosts exist?), or as a part of both of you. Maybe just hold your desire for a mate and father for your child in mind as you devour him; the god of the temple seems happy to grant you both your desires so far.

Say, what are the odds of a son or a daughter? Can't recall if they might be skewed.
No. 1032774 ID: a5c27f

it's going to be awkward to explain the child rtaht we ate his father... But hey, that is how he wanted to go down!
No. 1032788 ID: 36784c

He wants it, so go ahead and eat him.
No. 1032790 ID: 708905

You both want it go for it, though if you want to try sending his whole body to your womb that sounds pretty exciting
No. 1032800 ID: 2a82d3

I know looks like he gave his consent to be vored, but... Does he, can be, believe he can be more than nutrients for your child, and you?
If so, his consent makes no sense to read as consent to be vored, given the usual outcome. Being a good cook, he should already know other ways to provide nutrients for child and ass that don't involve giving up his life.
If not, it implies that either 1) he believes this is his best option if you can't protect him (from your tribeswomen or other preds), which would be at least insulting, or 2) deep down he thinks so little of himself that he kind of expected to die here, which would be kind of sad.

You're taking him home to your tribe, to make sure he raises his kid. Both of you better be damned sure he'd pull through this, if you go through on eating him. Pray to this fertility god this is meant to please, if it helps.
No. 1032819 ID: 61b860

Im just thinking, will this story follow her descendants or follow her? Will it be more story oriented or game oriented? Will she stay at this place or leave for the tribes, will there be more characters?
No. 1032820 ID: 61b860

Im pretty sure its going to be super nsfw no matter where the story goes though.
No. 1032824 ID: f2320a

What if you stay here or contruct a settlment outside if we dont eat him now we could keep him feeding us fattening us up like a turkey
No. 1032831 ID: fec07f

Agreed this is a hell of an opportunity to experiment with the magic of this place with a willing participant
No. 1032835 ID: 2a82d3

Sorry to keep being a wet blanket (vore isn't exactly my fetish), another thing to consider: why assume this magic, of a labyrinth filled with hostile potential mates (her included), is so benevolent? The same magic that protected him during this fight might also be compelling, or moulding, him to fit the subconscious desires of who dominated him. Any consent he could give would be on literally dubious grounds of pleasure, and the reverse could have easily happened to us.

There's a way she to test how far she can take this magic: imagine him fat* before she eats him, and see if that works. *Dad-bod fat, if not turkey fat. (Inflation is kinda my fetish.)
No. 1032836 ID: b75541

I'm not normally interested in seeing people being eaten, but I am interested in scientific inquiry! So get him in there, and let's see how powerful and how pleased the local deity is.
No. 1032841 ID: f2320a

I sort vore into just murder read some comic where they rant about misgendering being bad but in the samebreath as murdering and eating someone.
also this guy is way more practical alive he is much stronger then us and can hunt something us as a runt cant really do even more so heavily pregnant.
Been also considering why should we ever return to our tribe
No. 1032844 ID: d42ad9

So lets aim for vore without murder. Is he really dead if he's still concious after becoming part of our body (spirit guid aquired) or reborn as our child? Heck for all we know anyone who dies here just respawns at the entrance.
No. 1032846 ID: d3a624

My question is wtf are rock worms and how big are they?
No. 1032881 ID: 681cb5
File 165300338389.png - (92.61KB , 700x550 , 18.png )

>It's going to be awkward to explain to the child that we ate their father... But hey, that is how he wanted to go down!
Hey, your mother ate your father when you were young as well! …of course, he was trampled to death by a sand strider first, but still…
>Does he, can be, believe he can be more than nutrients for your child, and you?
That was just dirty talk. You’re overthinking it. He just gets off from being degraded like that.
>How much does it matter to you that your tribe sees you come back with a powerful mate?
While you do want to show to those back home that you can get a mate on your own, the important part is getting knocked up. You need to continue your bloodline, after all.
>Why should we ever return to our tribe?
While they are a bit mean, they are still your family and you love them… and you won’t survive the long dark without a tribe.
>Its strange now that I think about it, why isn't there a settlement next to this place?
Because it’s in the middle of the wilderness, far away from any water and fertile soil? Not to mention not a lot of people supposedly know about this place.

>Are you willing to risk someone else attempting to eat him, or him never having the chance to be your meal after leaving this place?
After all that teasing, all that playing around with him… you can’t just not eat him, right?
>So long as you can stand the risk of him becoming a permanent part of yourself, rather than the magic working in both your favors, I'd say go for it. He will be there for you and your child, whether as your mate, in spirit (do ghosts exist?), or as a part of both of you. Maybe he’ll be reborn as our child?
…you would say most of those things sound rather implausible, but you have no idea how the magic here works. For all you know he can become sentient fat on you or something stupid like that…

>I mean he did just say that he wanted to be the fat in your ass-cheeks. And eating him has gotta provide a lot of nice nutrients for your future offspring to take in.
You’re right. Not only is this want he truly wants, but it’s good for your child as well! Then it’s decided, he’s food!
>If you want to try sending his whole body to your womb that sounds pretty exciting.
Hey, your womb is already occupied by your future child!
>There's a way she to test how far she can take this magic: imagine him fat* before she eats him, and see if that works. *Dad-bod fat, if not turkey fat.
…you try and imagine him with a proper dad-bod… but nothing happens? Which is kind of what you expected?

He’s still pinning you to the ground, mating you, making it hard to simply grab him and shoving him into your mouth. Instead, you’ll try to use his own weight against him to tip him into your maw... but as soon as you open your jaws he catches you by surprise. Soth immediately dives head first into your mouth as you open it, desperate to become part of you as he starts wriggling into your throat and your tummy. You barely have to do anything at first, as he happily shoves himself deeper and deeper into you, though he loses his footing when you finally reach his hips with your snout. As you grab his fat ass to start to cram him into your stomach, his excitement becomes too much and he orgasms, splattering the floor with his virile seed while you work his big rump into your maw. Then it’s just a matter of tilting your head upwards, making his legs easily slid down to their final destination with the rest of Soth. The proud Varkian warrior wriggles for a bit inside you, clearly enjoying his current predicament, before finally stopping as you start to digest him and absorb his body into your own.

You’ve consumed a Varkian Warrior and gain the following buff:
+1 Strength
+1 Agility
Note: You can only be affected by one Food buff at the time, and all buffs only last for the rest of the current run.
No. 1032882 ID: 681cb5
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Kahi’s Epilogue:
After leaving the Temple with her quest to find a mate completed, Kahi sets up camp for the night right outside the entrance, sleeping soundly as her body absorbs what’s left of the Varkian in her tummy. But as morning comes, she’s greeted by a happy surprise. Soth has returned no worse to wear, even after she consumed him. The Varkian on his part tells her about how the temple protects all those who enter it from harm, and how he’s been blessed for partaking in his deepest, most hidden desire inside its sacred halls. Soth can easily be consumed and digested by anyone now, yet will always return a short time later unharmed.

Kahi celebrates their reunion by having Soth for breakfast.

Several weeks later, Kahi returns to her tribe with her new mate Soth as well as a large egg-filled belly, showing the other tribes people that her quest was a success. She is welcomed back with open arms, though many of the female Sakkilian in the tribe is a bit skeptical about her choice in mate, wondering why she hasn’t consumed her prey yet. When they were told the truth about Soth’s blessing they quickly changed their minds and promptly ate him.

Thus both of their greatest desires have been fulfilled: Kahi on her part got her strong mate and strong child, while Soth got his dream of filling the bellies of a whole tribe of Sakkilian woman, often with himself though a few of them ended up with eggs in them.
No. 1032883 ID: 681cb5
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Kahi’s linage now contains Varkian Warrior blood, giving her future children the following:
+2 Strength
+1 Vitality
+1 Agility

You have unlocked the Warrior class! The Warrior class gains the following:
+1 Strength
+1 Agility
Extra gear
Enrage (When defeated, instead gain +atk, +1 turn. Can only occur once).

Current species:
Your base species is Sakkilian.
Other species: Varkian Warrior, None, None, None, None.
Strength: 3
Agility: 1
Vitality: 2
Will: 1
Magic: 0
Senses: 0
Charisma: 0

Please create Kahi next descendant:

Are they Male or Female?

Chose one of these Class/Trait combo:
Class: Warrior.
Trait: Proud (Will never back down from a challenge!)
Class: Warrior.
Trait: Timid (Cautious but easily embarrassed and dominated).
Class: Warrior.
Trait: Nearsighted (You need glasses).
If you wish, you can also name them.
No. 1032888 ID: d11bd6

male and proud
No. 1032889 ID: 629f2e

Let's name them Soka, after their parents ("So" from Soth, "Ka" from Kahi).

Soka is a Male Wrrior, who suffers from Nearsightedness.
No. 1032890 ID: 899c9f

Well, the gods certainly chose to make it weird.
Female, nearsighted. Who needs bows?
No. 1032893 ID: 2ca2f9

Male Sakkilian who is too proud.
No. 1032895 ID: 61b860

Male timid small stick and stones but huge dumpster has red feathers and wants female to dominate him but embarrassed from lacking prowess and endurance wants to find magic and look prettier.
No. 1032896 ID: 10c07d

Proud male
No. 1032897 ID: 61b860

If you somehow choose those bland "proud males" make all their junk tiny.
No. 1032898 ID: 61b860

When they meet a mate make them roll to see if they like their tiny junk, also make them a femboy.
No. 1032906 ID: 5822c5

A proud male Sakkilian that inherited the combined power of both of his parent's large butts! He's got a mega ass!
No. 1032907 ID: 160fdc

Entertaining options all around. Proud could be fun, but is kinda begging for some comeuppance. Timid is also potentially fun.

Female Warrior Nearsighted: I'm a sucker for strong women, and a buff 'nerd' with a great ass would be amusing, though unlikely.
No. 1032911 ID: e5709d

Ar'kho the (timid) Warrior Girl
Sub-Class: Collar-Whipper
(This unit can go into a berserker rage when unclaimed by a dominant mate, without the berserker class. If defeated in battle, they will lose access to their berserker ability and be permanently dominated until the master relinquishes authority or dies.)
No. 1032914 ID: 61b860

Tiniwee a sakkilian with red feathers, white-green scales and small genitals, brought up to be a warrior but wants to be able to talk to doms and have magic, has the largest ass and thighs in the tribe.
No. 1032918 ID: 355d36

Proud male worrior.
No. 1032936 ID: f2320a

Can support this also kahi suprised she did not get fat from eating her mate
No. 1032940 ID: 2a82d3


Bonus challenge: Find a mage or artificer, because it never said the tribe has glasses available/known to them yet.
No. 1032954 ID: b75541

Proud or timid, either way female just to see how big the hips and butt can get.
No. 1032955 ID: 36784c

No. 1032958 ID: 5900c4

Proud warrior, female sakkilian

Also this.
No. 1032961 ID: e51896

timid female warrior
No. 1032963 ID: 681cb5
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>Male and proud
You are Soka, a proud warrior of the Great Dune Tribe. Though your tribe considers you a warrior, they still don’t see your true greatness! But that will change today. You have made the long trek to this place for one reason and one reason only. To find treasure and glory, so that your name will live on for eternity! Oh, and find a strong lady to knock up.
With confident steps, you enter the old halls of antiquity, self-assured that you are prepared and ready for what to come… though even if you should ever even play with the idea of being a coward, the door closes behind you as soon as you’re inside, ensuring that you’re stuck in here until you’re done with your quest. You’re just lucky there are lights in here…

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A pair of Bolas.
Flint and tinder.
A Healing kit.
A well-made cloth armor.
A few copper coins.

Your base species is Sakkilian.
Other species: Varkian Warrior, None, None, None, None.
Strength: 4
Agility: 2
Vitality: 2
Will: 1
Magic: 0
Senses: 0
Charisma: 0
No. 1032964 ID: 681cb5
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Looking around, you spot a small bowl on a pedestal, right below an odd symbol that you don’t recognize. Inside it there are a handful of copper coins, a few silver ones as well as one tinted with gold, shining like a beacon in the night, tempting you with its lustrous opulence.

Otherwise, the only things of note in the room are the statues of pregnant woman, a few urns and some glowing mushroom that are lighting up the place. Finally, there’s an exit leading deeper into the ruins, a portal to several twisting corridors, all alike. You can hear the dripping of water echoing through the passages, and the smell of old vinegar fills the air…

…let’s find something so that you can kick their ass already!
No. 1032965 ID: e51896

Wear that bowl on your head Tail for protection!
No. 1032967 ID: 629f2e

Take the bowl with you. It may help you on your journey.
No. 1032968 ID: fec07f

Seeing as you don't seem to have brought a bag how are you planning to keep things like these coins? Eat them?
No. 1032969 ID: 355d36

Hmm, why don't we try to put the coins in the pot? If people started puting money in it, it might do somthing, the place is magical in the end, and i doubt there are shops here, so it won't hurt to be caritative.
No. 1032971 ID: e51896

(also, lets not go for the first person we see, lets see our options first)
No. 1032972 ID: 96c896

Old vinegar? Trace that smell.
No. 1032975 ID: 61b860

Ha, no bulge! Got it in one.
No. 1032976 ID: 5900c4

>You are Soka, a proud warrior of the Great Dune Tribe.
And proud owner of the biggest hips and ass in the whole tribe!

>bowl with coins
Try putting your coins in there. With how magical this place is, giving up some coins now might reward you with something even more valuable later.

>where go?
Try following the sound of water. You didn't bring any with you, so stopping to get a drink real quick wouldn't hurt.
No. 1032983 ID: 681cb5
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>Seeing as you don't seem to have brought a bag how are you planning to keep things like these coins? Eat them?
Of course you got a bag! Where else would you be keeping all your stuff? It’s a good quality “hammer space” bag, given to you by your own father before you started your journey.
>Ha, no bulge! Got it in one.
You’re wearing a skirt, so it’s a given that your bulge isn’t showing. But there is a bulge down there! A massive one! The cock between your legs is so huge that the ladies whisper among themselves as if it was a mythical legend of yore! …okay, you admit, it’s actually average sized, but still…
>And proud owner of the biggest hips and ass in the whole tribe!
Your fat hips on the other hand, they are some real curves!

>Wear that bowl on your head Tail for protection!
…how are you supposed to get it stuck on your tail? It’s way too heavy for it alone to hold it aloof.
>Take the bowl with you. It may help you on your journey.
Hmm… a bit heavy and unwieldy… but you guess you can throw it at something? …or fill it with liquid?
>Hmm, why don't we try to put the coins in the pot? With how magical this place is, giving up some coins now might reward you with something even more valuable later.
This place is supposedly very magical, so erring on the side of caution might be prudent… then again, you’ll lose your coin as well as the kick ass bowl…

>Old vinegar? Trace that smell.
You lift your mighty snout up into the air, sniffing it in an attempt to figure out where that smell is coming from. It’s hard, but you’re pretty sure you know from which direction the scent is originating from now. There is also another aroma that your snout manages to snap up, which is the smell of… myrrh? Other than that there isn’t anything else your nose can detect, not counting the stench of mildew emanating from the dungeon walls.
>Try following the sound of water.
Closing your eyes and listening, you can hear the echo of the water dripping down on the stone floor far away, as well as something breaking the surface of the water... it shouldn’t be that hard to find the source of it, if you try. While you’re listening intensely you also manage to hear something else interesting; voices. There are people deeper inside talking… but who, why or about what you cannot say.
>You didn't bring any with you, so stopping to get a drink real quick wouldn't hurt.
Of course you brought water; you just drank it all before you entered. Honestly, you thought it would be easier to find water in the wilderness outside the temple but… well, you’re not a tracker like your mother. Besides, you’re not thirsty right now… though you’re getting a bit famished, actually…

So… four options. Do you follow your snout towards either the vinegar or the myrrh? Or do you follow your ears towards either the water or the voices? …or you can just go in a random direction and see where you end up, you guess?

Oh, and what do you do with the bowl? Do you leave money in it or to you just grab it?
No. 1032985 ID: 629f2e

Take the bowl and go towards the water! Then you can fill the bowl with water.
No. 1032994 ID: 19ea25

Head towards the scents of vinegar.
No. 1032995 ID: 61b860

Oh I love myrrh, but im thinking a "proud" and "courageous" warrior can go in any random direction and find what you want.
No. 1032996 ID: 5b0071

head towards the water and voices. perhaps its some sexy priestesses having a communal bath
No. 1032997 ID: 61b860

Are there other tribes going to this temple as well? What sakkilian tribes are there? Like how many, is 5 a good number, like they all look different and do different things and have different cultures?
No. 1032998 ID: 61b860

Your just as tall as your mom right?
No. 1033004 ID: 96c896

Leave bowl, put a single coin in to see what happens.

Go to the myrrh. I don't think going to voices is a good idea since you're not here to take two wives; just one.
No. 1033005 ID: a9af05

Go to the myrrh.

Leave the bowl and put some coins in it.
No. 1033018 ID: 355d36

No. 1033020 ID: 5900c4

You should leave the bowl and put some coins in it. And then go look for that myrrh smell.
No. 1033022 ID: 36784c

No. 1033026 ID: f2320a

Do you smell anything else, cooking, blood, prey? is it only insence and vingegar i can guess at the myrr but vinegar? Hope its not a vinegaron
No. 1033027 ID: 61b860

Do you have any siblings?
No. 1033041 ID: 899c9f

Take the bowl to the water.
No. 1033062 ID: 61b860

Do you have a tiny sakkilian dick or a tiny varkian dick or maybe a tiny dick that is unique and has special features?
No. 1033069 ID: f2320a

Did kaktus mistake you for several people
No. 1033081 ID: f2320a

Random direction for m3
No. 1033082 ID: 96c896

Could you try to limit suggestions to 1 or 2 per update?
No. 1033215 ID: 681cb5
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>Did kaktus mistake you for several people?
Don’t worry, I try and keep an eye on people’s ID so I don’t count them twice on votes and such.

>Are there other tribes going to this temple as well?
You have no idea. So far you haven’t heard anyone else but your parents talking about it, so it’s possible they don’t even know it exist?
>What Sakkilian tribes are there? Like how many?
There’s bound to be hundreds, if not thousands of tribes out there… if not more. The world is a big place after all…
>Your just as tall as your mom right?
What? No, you’re just as tall as your dad. Actually taller even!
>Do you have any siblings?
Tons of them. Mom and dad are… let just say frisky… and you have a lot of half-siblings as well, as your father is very popular among the huntresses in your tribe. But you are the oldest, and thus you are the one who will continue your family’s legacy! You’re also the strongest, obviously. And the smartest. And the most handsome. You’re the best, it’s that simple, really.
>Do you smell anything else, cooking, blood, prey?
No, those are the smells your limited senses can pick up… you never where any good at tracking prey after all. But who needs tracking skills when you can kick ass, right? Though thinking about prey is making you hungry…
>Do you have a tiny sakkilian dick or a tiny varkian dick or maybe a tiny dick that is unique and has special features?
Seriously, your dick if freaking amazing! Stop trying to imply it’s tiny, dammit! It’s big and fat and… stuff!

>Take the bowl and go towards the water! Then you can fill the bowl with water.
…but why would you need a bowl of water in the first place?
>Leave the bowl and put some coins in it.
Bah, this bowl is too heavy to carry around anyway. Let’s just leave the few coins you have in it and be on your way. It’s not like you can’t loot it again on the way out.
>Head towards the water and voices. Perhaps it’s some sexy priestesses having a communal bath.
Just to clarify, the sound of water and the voices are coming from different directions… though finding some nubile maidens taking a bath wouldn’t be all bad, would it?
>I don't think going to voices is a good idea since you're not here to take two wives; just one.
Hey, you can take as many mates as you want! In fact, you’re so freaking badass that you’ll take home at least a dozen mates from this place, just you watch and see!

>Go look for that myrrh smell.
You decide to follow the smell of myrrh, mostly because you know someone that would pay good coin for fresh incense made of the stuff. It doesn’t take long before you start hearing a quiet chanting from the same direction that the aroma is originating from, and soon enough you find yourself in the doorway to a small altar room dedicated to whatever god this place used to be a temple for. The room itself has recently been defiled, with its holy symbols painted over and the traces of a recently smashed statuette clearly visible on the floor. In the center of the room, a small Ratling in peculiar clothes are chanting something while burning the myrrh in a bowl in front of her.
No. 1033216 ID: 681cb5
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Agility vs. Senses = success!

She doesn’t seem to notice you arrive, as she’s too preoccupied with her strange ritual.

”Oh, hear me mighty goddess of purity and restraint!” she squeaks, trying her best to sound authorities but failing miserably with her high pitched voice, ”I am but a humble maiden, celibate and sinless, please hear my plea!” She makes some strange motions in the air before continuing with her chanting, ”Purge this den of hedonism! Cleanse these halls of indulgence and defilement! Let your word echo through these corridors and absolve them from sin!” as she moves around, it’s clear that her strange looking robe is clearly a few sizes too small for her… and that she’s been blessed with some real nice assets that doesn’t mesh well with her “purity” ideals, ”Oh, great goddess, lend me your aid so that I may save these fools from their deviate thoughts and lustful ways, so that they can see the light and be pure once again!”

Of course, the thing that really catches your attention is sitting on the altar. Are those solid gold orbs? A treasure like that is bound to be worth a lot! Sadly, they seems to be part of the ratling priestess ritual, so you can probably not just walk up and grab them balls just like that.

No. 1033217 ID: 5137d4

... You can catch a bigger fish than this. Attempt to knock out.

"I was born because of this 'den of corruption'. My destiny lies within its folds. I will not let you purge this temple, you fascist crusader."
No. 1033218 ID: 96c896

This one looks weak. Let's defeat her and take her stuff. If the temple didn't grant her protection due to her being a heretic, killing her is on the table, but it might be amusing to seduce her during combat to cause her to break her vows...

Sneak attack! Slice off her robe.
No. 1033219 ID: f2320a

Nice proportions and all but is she not short? Not mating material.
Also could you not literally walk up lift the balls see if they are solid gold.
Pour some water on the myrr so it does not burn away dont be like mom who burns the beetles
No. 1033220 ID: 71ea3c

Oh, that won't do at all. Your lineage and others are reliant on this place, so we can't have some busty prude messing things up, plus she's already destroyed a sacred artifact. We should learn what her strengths are before completely dismissing her as a mate (our magic, charisma, and senses could all use a boost, plus a nun class could be fun), but she may be useful as a distraction or bait. Grapple and grope that stacked rat from behind and see if you can't expose her chest/hypocrisy. You've got the strength and size advantage, so restraining her should be a piece of cake. Hopefully she'll be moaning either your name or the temple god's name soon enough, as that should mess up her ritual.
No. 1033221 ID: f2320a

Also sometimes forget you dont wear a hat
No. 1033225 ID: b75541

Why I think this calls for a healthy theological debate! And you certainly need to teach her a lesson about respect for other faiths. How would she like it if you penetrated her sacred spaces and defiled them by painting the inner walls? Your beliefs don't need to be incompatible, after all. This place has its own purity! Pure indulgence! And as for restraint, well, you should be able to put her in some restraints pretty easily. You have rope. Go put the cum in ecuminical ok no that one was too far, sorry.
No. 1033227 ID: 61b860

She seems weak enough that you could just grab her and you want more than one mate, like your father and the tribe. So you can capture and corr- I mean purify her and capture more beauties, maybe the magic of this place will make your jewels grow if get a ton of mates.
No. 1033228 ID: 36784c

Sneak attack! Make an attempt to rip off those robes!

Then try to embarrass her by telling her that you think it’s hilarious that she’s talking about purity when her body’s generous assets are only inspiring impure thoughts!
No. 1033231 ID: 01fe07

No. 1033232 ID: 2ca2f9

Look at that body, perfect to bear your children, and that gold? Yours to take. Dina sneak attack a rip off those clothes.
No. 1033234 ID: 355d36

Let's do this!
No. 1033236 ID: 629f2e

Sneak Attack!
No. 1033243 ID: 61b860

Now that I think about it, we did not think of any type of diplomacy and it seems like everyone is a bit hot blooded even me earlier.
No. 1033247 ID: 6a2a09

Ew, diplomacy? She’s trying to defile the temple for gods sake! We must stop her dastardly deeds, by *any* means possible.
No. 1033259 ID: 681cb5
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>Pour some water on the myrrh so it does not burn away. Don’t be like mom who burned those beetles.
Frist off, you have no water on you. Second, why would you want some wet, half-burned incense? If you’re going to sell it, you’ll need to grab some that hasn’t already been burned.

>Look at that body, perfect to bear your children.
While she does have some nice, egg laying hips and a fine rack, she’s also rather… small?
>This one looks weak..
Hmm… indeed, she do look rather weak… she’ll probably bear weak children as well.
>You can catch a bigger fish than this.
Exactly, there’s bound to be more dangerous stuff down here you can knock up! Plowing a Ratling seems a bit… beneath you, really.
>Let's defeat her and take her stuff.
Now that you can get behind! You really want her stuff after all!
>She seems weak enough that you could just grab her and you want more than one mate, like your father and the tribe.
Well, true… but what are you supposed to do with her while you’re exploring the rest of this temple? You can’t really tie her up and carry her around over your shoulder all the time, can you?
>She may be useful as a distraction or bait.
Oooh, now that’s interesting idea… leave her as bait for something more dangerous so you can make a proper ambush! That’s clever.
>Maybe the magic of this place will make your jewels grow if get a ton of mates.
While you admit this place is rather magical, you’re unsure how that would actually work? Don’t you need more mass to make your junk bigger? So… you need to… absorb something into it? Somehow?
>If the temple didn't grant her protection due to her being a heretic, killing her is on the table.
…killing her seems a bit much? She hasn’t really done anything too bad yet… at least, not to you. Anyone who worships this god might disagree, though.
>But it might be amusing to seduce her during combat to cause her to break her vows. Hopefully she'll be moaning either your name or the temple god's name soon enough, as that should mess up her ritual.
Oh, now that seems a bit more fun! And a more fitting punishment! Alright, that’s the plan, let’s see if you can get her all hot and bothered!

>Sneak attack! Make an attempt to grab her and rip off those robes!
Strength vs. Strength = Success!

She is so focused on her ritual of purification that she doesn’t notice you at all as you walk up behind her. It isn’t until you grab her robe and rip it open, releasing her massive bosom from their prison, that her attention is brought to the Sakkilian warrior now fondling her breasts. ”What are you doing!?” she squeaks in surprise, trying in vain to get out of your grasp, ”Unhand me, you brute!” Of course, you do the opposite, grabbing two handfuls of her massive orbs and squeezing them, before answering her question with a chuckle, ”I just though your fine fucking tits needed some fresh air, little lady.”

Soka does a sneak attack towards Jadeite’s robe and managed to destroy the top part of it!
Jadeite chest is now naked and she is rather embarrassed!
Soka successfully grapples Jadeite!

Agility vs Agility = Failure! Jadeite the Acolyte goes first!

”How dare you, you… you… barbarian!?” The Ratling tries once again to get out of your grip, but she’s far weaker than you and thus doesn’t stand a chance. Instead, she huffs and starts blabbering on about her goddess, ”Agnieszka the pure one will not stand for this, heathen, and will punish your sinful ways! She will cleanse your filth from the blah blah blah savage blah blah blah ravage me blah blah blah…” …she goes on and on and on, which really kills the mood, as well as distract you.

Jadeite preaches to Soka!
Soka attack and defense is lowered!
No. 1033260 ID: 681cb5
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>Why I think this calls for a healthy theological debate!
”You certainly need to learn to show some respect for the other faiths and their ways of life, little lady.” you give her breasts a bit of a massage while you speak, as if it would somehow prove a point, ”How would you like it if I penetrated your sacred halls and defiled them by painting their inner walls?” It takes her a second to figure out the innuendo, but before she can get over her embarrassment and answer, you continue, ”Our beliefs doesn’t need to be incompatible… after all, this is a place of purity.” you press her large milkers together, enjoying the feeling of the soft orbs in your hands, ”Of pure indulgence!” She finally manages to stutter out a reply, ”Y-you need to learn r-restraint, you brute!” which makes you chuckle a bit, ”Oh, I can show you restraint alright. After all, I do have some rope with me, love.” You start to softly stroke her chest as you prepare your final argument, one that will surely leave her unbalanced, ”I do find it interesting how someone with such… generous assets is a priestess of purity, as they are bound to inspire impure thoughts. Especially when you aren’t wearing a bra under your robe. Then again… maybe that’s why you’re here? To be… ravaged by a brute, hmm?” she struggles in your grasp, clearly embarrassed of what you just told her, ”I w-would never!”

Soka taunts Jadeite as he gropes her breasts, embarrassing her!
Jadeite is now very embarrassed!

”Agnieszka! Give me the power to punish this brute!” her eyes lights up with an unnatural glow, as you can feel her body becoming warmer. ”You need to learn some manners, savage!” she squeaks loudly as a magical hand suddenly appears out of nowhere and slaps you hard across your face, hard enough to almost knock you over! ”Oh goddess of purity! Lend me your strength! Aid me now so that this fiend will ravage m- I mean not! Not ravage me! Just give me some power!” you feel her body growing even warmer, as if she’s amassing even more magical power inside her. It might be time to finish this before she does something worse!

Jadeit casts holy slap, hitting Soka in the face and doing some knockout damage!
Soka is slightly scuffed!
Jadeit is powering up her magic to make a strong attack next turn! +magic atk!

It’s your turn!

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A pair of Bolas.
Flint and tinder.
A Healing kit.
A well-made cloth armor.
No. 1033261 ID: 96c896

>You can’t really tie her up and carry her around over your shoulder all the time, can you?
Maybe she'd be into that, considering her religion.

Pin her to the floor, stick your tongue in her mouth to interrupt her spell.
No. 1033262 ID: 19ea25

It seems she has actual magic! Might be worthy as a mate indeed. It's time to tear downward to expose the rest of her.
No. 1033263 ID: d11bd6

this and start grinding on her
No. 1033265 ID: 10c07d

No. 1033269 ID: 629f2e


This is a nice idea. We also have rope, which we could use to muzzle her if we stuff her mouth with fabric (Her robes will do) and tie it in there.
No. 1033270 ID: 2ca2f9

Well we don’t want to kill her so I don’t think you should use the Khopesh (or maybe just to threaten her) for what she said early she probably want to be ravage by a brute. Maybe if you stimulate her enough her link to her goodness will weaken and once she stops being “pure” she could no longer contact her.
No. 1033272 ID: 61b860

You can tie her up and corrupt her on your journey through the temple, you should bind her power through pleasure. If you went home would you have to share her with your more pleasurable father?
No. 1033275 ID: 61b860

Heh, its almost like your last name is "thicctail".
No. 1033276 ID: 61b860

You should absorb those magic balls into you balls, they might make you the biggest balled sakkilian to ever live, though your below average meat stick might need more help than you would admit.
No. 1033282 ID: e5709d

Slit her throat and force her to expend her magic healing herself.
No. 1033284 ID: d123df

Magic would definitely be a boon for your children, though she really does seem a bit weak over all. Spin her round, grope her ass, and lift her up like the shortstack she is so you can kiss her and block off that magic and sanctimonious preaching in one fell swoop. Hmm, may you let her get a word in edgewise, to show her goddess her straying from the path? Moght be worth tugging her tail next round, ripping open the bottom of her robes.

Or you could just shove her face in your crotch.

The temple has magic to shield against major physical damage, like cutting with our Khopesh (see Kahi slapping Soth's ass).
No. 1033295 ID: b75541

It might be that she needs to be able to speak to call on her magical power? She's been very vocal about it, being all 'oh goddess do this and that for me'. Perhaps if you gag her somehow she'll be safer to handle. Then you can say something about how instead of just praying for things, the gods help those who help themselves, so you're going to help yourself right now. And then you do a thing.
No. 1033297 ID: 36784c

Tell her that you heard that! You heard her say that she wanted you to ravage her before she corrected herself! If she wants you to ravage her, then she needs to beg for it!
No. 1033310 ID: 6a2a09

Yo, you need to chill out, just have one response instead of three
No. 1033314 ID: 2a82d3

On the one hand, you could probably use your turn to dodge her incoming attack. If you can see it coming, it's gonna be a strong one.

On the other hand, this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your god's protection given to anyone who sets foot in their temple even heretics (or potential converts). Use your khopesh to utterly disrobe her from her nun outfit.
No. 1033441 ID: 681cb5
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>Slit her throat.
Whoa there, no need to get that violent! You don’t want to get blood all over yourself, do you? Besides, both your mom and dad said that this temple didn’t allow for lethal force anyway.
>Demonstrate your god's protection given to anyone who sets foot in their temple.
Wait, your god? This temple doesn’t belong to the goddesses you worship. Heck, you’re not even sure which god this temple even belongs to, all you know is that they are a kinky son of a... um… or is it a daughter?
>You should absorb those magic balls into you balls, they might make you the biggest balled sakkilian to ever live.
…how would that even… work? Sure, this place is magical and all but… absorbing golden balls into your own somehow? Of course you want a bigger dick, but… you’re not sure that will work?

>It seems she has actual magic! Might be worthy as a mate indeed.
But does the magic come from her, or from her goddess? Will her children also have magic? Hmm…
>Though she really does seem a bit weak over all.
She’s a Ratling, they are all weak and pathetic. As you said before, they are kind of beneath you.
>You can tie her up and corrupt her on your journey through the temple.
While funny, it would make you more vulnerable against ambushes and traps, wouldn’t it?
>If you went home would you have to share her with your more pleasurable father?
Have to? Of course not. Besides, your father is into large woman, who can… well… you rather not think about your father’s official position in the tribe, it’s kind of embarrassing. But you might share her with the other males, though seeing how small she is one of them might just eat her if given the chance.

>On the one hand, you could probably use your turn to dodge her incoming attack. If you can see it coming, it's gonna be a strong one.
Dodging would be the strategic way to do this… but also the cowards way! No, a real woman takes it full force and returns it tenfold! At least, that what your warrior trainer back home used to say…
>if you stimulate her enough her link to her goodness will weaken and once she stops being “pure” she could no longer contact her.
Oh, now that’s one way to nullify her incoming attack! A great offence is the best defense and all that…
>It might be that she needs to be able to speak to call on her magical power? She's been very vocal about it, being all 'oh goddess do this and that for me'. Perhaps if you gag her somehow she'll be safer to handle.
Gag her you say? Hmmm… but what can you gag her with?

>Pin her to the floor, stick your tongue in her mouth to interrupt her spell.
You quickly turn her around, forcing her snout into your chiseled stomach, before pushing her down on to her back with your body weight. ”Unhand me, yo- MMF!?” she doesn’t managed to get more than that out before you silence her by shoving your long tongue down her throat, locking your snout against her. There is a feeble struggle from her for a moment, before she gives up on trying escaping your hold.

Soka kisses Jadeite as he pins her to the ground, embarrassing her!
Jadeite is on the brink of surrendering from embarrassment!
Jadeite lost focus and stopped charging “Holy nutbuster”!

>Start grinding on her.
It’s very awkward, as she’s way smaller than you, making it so that your crotch is grinding against the lower part of her legs. But as you’re distracted by that, she managed to turn her head away from you and break the kiss for a moment, letting her utter some weak words to her goddess, ”Agnieszka… save me…” The answer is imminent, as a small hammer appears from nowhere and slams into your head, giving you a slight headache. You simply ignore the pain and force her into another kiss, ensuring that she can’t cast another one. Honestly, if this is the best her goddess can muster, she’s clearly a weak goddess that is simply prey for your own. It’s a bit pathetic…

Jadeit casts holy bonk, hitting Soka on the head and doing a lot of knockout damage!
Soka is a bit groggy!

>It's time to tear downward to expose the rest of her.
With one hand holding her to the ground, you use the other to grab her robe and pull it off her completely, revealing her naked form for all to see. What a naughty little rat, she wasn’t even wearing any underwear at all!
>If she wants you to ravage her, then she needs to beg for it!
”You know, I heard what you said earlier…” you whisper into her ear after breaking the kiss for a second time, ”that you wanted to be ravished…”, you let one of your hand travel down her body slowly, making sure to caress each and every curve of it before ending its journey on her bare tight, ”Not to mention, you weren’t wearing anything, as if you wanted this... you just have to beg if you do…” It’s clear she’s extremely embarrass by her current predicament, as she tries to avert her gaze from you while squirming under your weight. ”Ravish me…” she whispers, almost completely inaudible, before her gaze regains a bit of defiance and she tells you, ”Kiss my butt, you stupid brute…”

Soka taunts Jadeit while ripping her robe off completly!
Jadeit surrenders from sheer embarrassment!
Jadeit has been defeated! She has fully submitted to Soka!

Now the question is… what do you do with your little prey?
No. 1033443 ID: e51896

You're not going to keep her as your wife until you find more suitors to choose from as we search through the temple. her powers might be useful to help as pass through this dungeon. Carry her over your shoulder and continue exploring this place.
No. 1033446 ID: 61b860

I think we should savor her as we go through the temple, no need to do everything at once, but I do want. To see your butt and sack on full display and she did say to kiss her butt, maybe you are more skilled with your tongue than your lower half, you have used your tongue all your life after all and your tongue does seem longer than your stick ,no bulge and all.
No. 1033447 ID: 26a54e

>”Kiss my butt, you stupid brute…”
Well, you heard the lady.
No. 1033449 ID: 8780bf

Well, I guess first we can play with her, see what she likes. We can also ask some questions about the goddess, because imagine if you could actually fuck the god, even a minor one…
Finally, we should probably restrain her legs with the bolas, since she’s quite weak.
No. 1033450 ID: a9af05

>Now the question is…what do you do with your little prey?
Exactly what she said: Kiss her butt. Just pick a hole and stick your tongue in it.
No. 1033452 ID: f2320a

I sort of want to go deeper in the temple use her as bait or healslut
No. 1033459 ID: 758a7d

You heard her; give that rat's ass a tongue lashing! Do it on the alter she was using to 'sanctify' this place. In fact, maybe encourage her to call on/cry out to her goddess (or the temple god for mercy); see if you can make her watch this depraved act and/or lure her into this place of such a depraved god.
Hmm, those golden orbs from earlier did look sorta like anal beads, didn't they.

Purity given willfully is probably best, since that would be a blow at her goddess, and she has a deep link with her goddess to call on her in this place, when under such duress. If the link is deep enough, could you make a goddess of purity moan like a whore? An exciting thought.

Perhaps you could consider a pilgrimage, with her as both the sin and 'sacrifice' to be given to the temple for favor. You may not worship the God(dess) of the temple, but you could at least pay tribute, seeing as you benefit from them (speaking of, those golden orbs she brought with her would be great for that, maybe toss them in the bowl in the foyer). Or you could bind her to the alter, since that would also be a sacrifice of sorts.
No. 1033460 ID: 10c07d

Have her renounce her goddess and prove her sumbbission to you by sucking you off. Also we could 69 her to fullfill that buttkissing request at the same time.
No. 1033462 ID: 629f2e

Show her a nice time, and make her question the hell out of her faith. Is the goddess of purity and restraint really for her when she has desires like this?
No. 1033472 ID: febf37

Use this one for a quickie and move on, she's not a keeper
No. 1033473 ID: 370df1

"Well, don't mind if i do!"
No. 1033497 ID: 2ca2f9

Breed her, make her moan.
No. 1033518 ID: e5709d

Hogtie her and leave her here. You do not want her magic or her virginity if it comes attached to this weak-willed arrogant preacher.

Press on!
No. 1033530 ID: f3c9f0

She wants to be ravaged, do it!
No. 1033556 ID: 681cb5
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>Hmm, those golden orbs from earlier did look sorta like anal beads, didn't they.
You’re not sure what these “anal beads” are, but it seems like all the orbs are connected by a string going through the center of them. They aren’t even solid gold either! Still, there’s enough gold here to make you very rich.
>We should probably restrain her legs with the bolas, since she’s quite weak.
Or you can just use your rope? No need to use one of your weapons to restrain this one.

>She wants to be ravaged, do it!
What with her giving up so easily, the slipups with her tongue as well as her not wearing any underwear, it’s quite clear why she came to this temple in the first place. To be ravished by a handsome brute like yourself!
>Purity given willfully is probably best, since that would be a blow at her goddess, and she has a deep link with her goddess to call on her in this place, when under such duress.
Oh, you’re sure you can convince her to give away her purity to you, don’t you worry. She’s basically giving herself to you already!
>If the link is deep enough, could you make a goddess of purity moan like a whore? An exciting thought.
You’re not sure how gods work, but you’re sure more than that would be required to make one moan… she can’t be the first disciple to be this naughty, after all.

>Well, you heard the lady.
You grab her and force her down onto the altar, making sure her ass is high in the air and making her squeak,”What are you doing!?” Bending down a bit, you stroke her massive cheek a bit before you give her an answer, ”I’m just doing what I’m told, little lady.” She noticeably perks up when she hears that, her ear even twitching a bit in excitement, though she tries her best to hide it, ”I didn’t mean li- Squeak!” you interrupt her by giving her a long lick across her rump, getting a taste of her delicious rear end… mmm, she taste really sweet… ”Heh, and ass like this deserves to be worshipped a bit.” a sentence you punctuate by squeezing one of her buns. Jadeite on her part just pouts and lifts her ass up higher, ensuring that you get an even better view, followed by a low whisper, ”Stupid brute…”
>We could 69 her to fullfill that buttkissing request at the same time.
Sadly, she’s way too short for that to work.
>Ask some questions about the goddess, because imagine if you could actually fuck the god, even a minor one…
”So who is this goddess of yours anyway?” you casually ask while you start to tie her arms behind her back with your rope, just to make sure she doesn’t try anything. ”Agnieszka is the goddess of purity. She exist to purge sinners like you from this world! Now stop with the inane questions and worship my ass, you heathen!” she squeaks with an adorable voice, trying her best to sound forceful but failing horribly. You can’t help but chuckle a bit as you say, ”Yes, ma’am!”
No. 1033557 ID: 681cb5
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>Just pick a hole and stick your tongue in it.
Lifting her up from the altar, you plunge your tongue deep into her rear end, enjoying the sweet taste of her body as you thrust yourself into her over and over. You try and go deeper and deeper, forcing her body downwards as you lick her depths, and soon enough her whole rump is in your maw. Not that she minds, as she’s too busy screaming her goddesses name to even notice, ”Oh Agnieszka, don’t stop!”
>Make her question the hell out of her faith. Is the goddess of purity and restraint really for her when she has desires like this?
”I’m a sinner! Punish me, you stupid savage! Ngg… punish me with that magnificent tongue of yours!”
>Have her renounce her goddess
”Don’t’ stop…” she squirms as you lift her up from your maw, letting your tongue escape her rear end so that you can speak. ”Renounce your goddess, or I won’t let you finish.” you say with a grin, before engulfing her rear once again. ”What? No, I would never…” she stammers out, but it’s clear that your tongue is slowly changing her mind, ”Ngg… please… don’t…” you don’t let up, making sure that she’s on the edge as you lick her insides, ”I can’t…” she squirms a bit more, but in the end it’s pointless to resist. ”I… I renounce Agnieszka! She is a f-false… false goddess… please… just let me…” you plunge your tongue deep into her one final time, making her squeak loudly as she experience the first orgasm in her life.

>I think we should savor her as we go through the temple.
Hmm… having a portable ass like this would be nice… but she is surprisingly heavy for being so small, though… and you don’t trust her either…
>You're not going to keep her as your wife.
She’s clearly too weak to be your mate, that’s obvious. Any children that spring from your loins will be strong; a weak womb like this will not carry them! No, she doesn’t deserve to sire your children, that much is obvious.
>Hogtie her and leave her here. You do not want her magic or her virginity if it comes attached to this weak-willed arrogant preacher.
Hmm… just leaving her here might be a good idea. At least it’s the easiest thing to do. Though, you feel like you’re wasting her if you just leave her here like this.
>Her powers might be useful to help as pass through this dungeon. Carry her over your shoulder and continue exploring this place.
But does she even have any powers anymore? Her goddess probably won’t help her anymore, after all… and carrying her around will be a bother…
>I sort of want to go deeper in the temple use her as bait or healslut.
Bait you can understand, but healslut? How would she heal you? Dad said that eating food would give you back your will to fight, but you’re not sure how she would help with that.
>Perhaps you could consider a pilgrimage, with her as both the sin and 'sacrifice' to be given to the temple for favor. You may not worship the God(dess) of the temple, but you could at least pay tribute, seeing as you benefit from them.
Wouldn’t giving her to the goddesses for favor just imply doing hedonistic things to her? That’s what they desire, after all... fulfilling your deepest carnal desires with wild abandon.
>Or you could bind her to the alter, since that would also be a sacrifice of sorts.
Or you can do that…

”Stupid brute….” she whimpers, ”Just pin me to the floor and breed me already! Give me a litter!” It’s clear she’s a bit annoyed at you for not following her script, but sadly you’ll have to dash her dreams, ”Heh, sorry little lady, but you’re too weak to carry my seed.” It’s clear this wasn’t the answer she was hoping for, as she quickly retorts, ”B-but… come on!” she squirms, still sitting on your snout, ”You’re supposed to ravage me! Use me!” You can’t help but to raise an eyebrow at her outburst, ”Are you really that desperate?” She gives you a bit of a pout as she tries to explain, ”You captured me, savage! So use me like a savage would already! Do whatever you want with me!”

So, what to do with your little prey? Do you just tie her up and leave her here on the altar, as some kind of sacrifice? Or do you take her with you further into the temple? Or is there something else you can do with her? She is yours to play with, after all… her fate is in your hands.
…and how can you make your dick even bigger than it is? Surely, there has to be a way to do that in here, right? Because you deserve the biggest cock around, dammit!
No. 1033558 ID: 10c07d

Hogtie and leave her as a sacrifice on the alter to make your dick bigger.
No. 1033570 ID: 61b860

You might gain some of her talent from her if you defile her on the altar and leave her there to be continuously defiled and maybe pick her up later as you go home.
No. 1033582 ID: 2ca2f9

Just breed her, she will probably stop bothering you. Think of her as just a simple warm up for the real deal.
No. 1033584 ID: 629f2e


Tie her up on the altar and leave her here for the next person who comes in this room. She clearly likes the "savage" treatment, so this'll make for both a nice sacrifice, and something she'll enjoy. The labyrinth will ensure that she'll eventually be matched up with a fitting partner.

If you're feeling rather aroused, then blow your load over her chest. Don't want to walk into your next encounter with a sensitive handicap between your legs, a worthy opponent would take advantage.
No. 1033588 ID: 96c896

Lol you ate her entire ass.

Tie her up and leave her on the altar. Take her stuff. I suppose you could give her a fuck but pull out, or cum in her ass...
No. 1033591 ID: 61b860

Does nobody want a litter from her? She might not give you quality but she will definitely give you quantity.
No. 1033592 ID: 845625

Let's just tie her and have sex , after that just leave her here.
No. 1033621 ID: f2320a

if we impregnate her they would not be our heir atleast to us the proud warrior and when we do it then she would probably be on the altar tied to it like a lamb a cow or a pig dont really know with teats that big and a fat ass like that with a some smooth tummy but with some curves its good and meaty looking ratling. can ratlings eat stuff Sakkilian, or varkians cant eat? something that could be feed for them thinking we eat people so why not take it a step further with domesticate selective breeding and such? if we dont take her for a wife
No. 1033622 ID: f2320a

also either stuff these anal beads into her while fucking or sort of ritualistically i guess or take them with you as loot
No. 1033623 ID: 96c896

Oh, leaving her tied up on the altar for public use sounds like something she might be into...
No. 1033624 ID: e5709d

No. 1033626 ID: 22b491

Maybe the golden orbs would be a better offering in the bowl with the coins? They're clearly more valuable, so maybe something will happen if they were put in the bowl?
No. 1033627 ID: 2a82d3

Now that she's renounced her faith, she must be shopping for a new religion. Good news, she's in a place of worship right here, and she must understand the appropriate rituals here because they were her antithesis. That's why they make for great converts.

You don't give a toss about religious rituals, but your (rat-)kids probably will. If she doesn't know them, there must be clues deeper into the labyrinth. She might be worth to have hanging around to help with that.
No. 1033644 ID: 5c9cc3

Ask her about how she joined her faith and if she was a part of a religious community. Perhaps she can lure a more promising mate from her order if we put breeding her as a reward.
No. 1033659 ID: f3c9f0

Just breed her, the kids will be her problem.
No. 1033665 ID: b75541

She just renounced her old goddess, so she needs something new to worship. You maybe don't worship the deity here yourself, but you owe them something for your parents' meeting. Put her to trial as a new priestess for this place. Ravish her over the altar and tell her to cry and beg for the favor of this place's god until you both receive some sign of approval. If she doesn't do a good enough job, just pull out and make a mess of her, and leave her tied up there for the next worshipper to come along. If she gets accepted, give her some company to have later, a donation to the temple from yourself, and go see what other ladies you can find.
No. 1033695 ID: f2320a

not bad ideas at all and i do want to go deeper into this labyrinth
No. 1033742 ID: 681cb5
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>We eat people so why not take it a step further with domesticate selective breeding and such?
Because it takes away the fun of the hunt, not to mention it’s both time consuming and resource heavy to take care of someone for 18 years just so you can have someone to eat. No, you let them worry about that, before you swing by and grab the fat, plump ones. Besides, you can’t even do the fun part of the breeding, seeing how you can’t really eat your own kids, can you?
>You ate her entire ass.
And with how sweet she tasted, you had to hold back from eating the rest of her as well!

>Take her stuff.
Sadly, she didn’t really have anything on her. Just her robes, which are now in tatters, and some incense, which she’s already burned.
>Maybe the golden orbs would be a better offering in the bowl with the coins? They're clearly more valuable, so maybe something will happen if they were put in the bowl?
You’re not sure if the god here would take kindly to you stealing their stuff and then give it back to them as an offering, would they? Those golden orbs clearly are part of the temple that used to be here, after all.

>Hogtie and leave her as a sacrifice on the altar to make your dick bigger.
Grabbing your rope, you place Jadeite on her stomach on the altar and start tying her hands behind her back, making her squeak in confusion, ”Hey, w-what are you doing?” You don’t answer right away, instead making sure that the Ratling is properly bound first before giving your reply, ”I’m going to sacrifice you to the god in this temple, so that I can get a bigger dick.” She squirms a bit as you grab her legs and pulling them behind her back as well, which is surprisingly easy. This lass is rather agile, you have to say… ”You’re going to sa- wait, bigger dick!? Is your di- Squeak!” you interrupt her by spanking her ass, before continuing restraining her with the rope, ”Shush, sacrifices don’t talk.”
>Leave her here for the next person who comes in this room. She clearly likes the "savage" treatment, so this'll make for both a nice sacrifice, and something she'll enjoy.
”Y-you can’t just leave me here!” she squeaks as you finish tying her up, ”You still need to ravish me!” You take a moment to enjoy your handiwork, watching as she can barely move with both her arms and legs tied behind her back, ”I already said, you’re too weak to be my mate. Besides, the labyrinth will ensure that you'll eventually be matched up with a fitting partner, I’m sure.” She squirms as you turn her over onto her back, making her tits wiggle a little bit as she tries to move in vain. You make sure that her massive chest and fat ass is on full display for anyone who enter the room, to ensure they know what she’s for. ”But don’t you want to dominate me a bit first? Just fuck me for fun?” she says with what you assume is an attempt to a sexy voice, all the while she wiggle her ass at you, ”Plow my tight rat pussy until I’m nothing but a blissful mess?” Glancing down at her wet lower lips, eager to be pounded, you realize that you still haven’t gotten off and are rather horny, so what is the harm in having some fun? ”Well, when you put it that way…”

>If you're feeling rather aroused, then blow your load over her chest. Don't want to walk into your next encounter with a sensitive handicap between your legs, a worthy opponent would take advantage.
Watching those fat tits bounce around has made you eager to mate, yes, so you better deal with it before you go further. Being dominated by the next lady because you get hard would be embarrassing. Though, while you do like her tits, just jerking off to them seems a bit lacking when you got her whole body to have fun with.
>Does nobody want a litter from her? She might not give you quality but she will definitely give you quantity.
You want to sire strong children, not a horde of them. Still, the thought of pumping her full of your offspring is rather enticing…
>You might gain some of her talent from her if you defile her on the altar.
If anything, the god of this place might reward you for defiling her on the altar… like a proper sacrifice to their honor. And it will allow you to pound that fat ass of hers for a bit.
>Just breed her, she will probably stop bothering you. Think of her as just a simple warm up for the real deal.
hmm… to breed or not to breed… that is the question…
>The kids will be her problem.
You know what, you’re right. If she wants to have your children grow inside her, then she’ll get it… but she’ll have the handle the consequences!

Jadeite looks outright giddy when you start undressing yourself, but there’s a slight hint of fear in her eyes when she spots your massive sword and realize just how big you are compared to her, though it’s quickly replaced but sheer determination. Stroking your lower head against her opening, you wonder how exactly you’re going to fit, as even with how well lubricated she is you can tell it’s going to be tight. Ensuring your aim is true, you lay on top of her and use your body weight to press yourself against her, slowly forcing yourself into her lower lips, though it doesn’t take long before her body give out and lets you penetrate her all the way to the base, making your heavy sack smack against your fat ass.

>Tell her to cry and beg for the favor of this place's god until you both receive some sign of approval.
You tell her to pray to the god of this temple as you start plowing her, and while she tries, she quickly resorts to spouting gibberish as her mind becomes clouded by the sheer bliss of you fucking her. This is after all a quick breeding. You don’t have time for foreplay or taking it slow, no, instead you start thrusting into her as hard and fast as you can. You’re doing this for one reason only, and that is to pump this cute gal full of your young, no matter what. Her tight pussy clenches around your throbbing member as she orgasms, milking it in an eager attempt to become a mother, which has the desired effect as to bring you ever closer to fulfilling her wish. You can’t hold out for long, as you’re forced to hilt yourself inside her sacred folds one final time as you reach your limit as well. Unleashing your army of Sakkilian warrior on the defenseless Ratlings, you flood her deepest depths with your love and desire, ensuring that she will carry your young. While you didn’t think you would lose your virginity to a Ratling of all things, nor that her womb would carry the first batch of your children, you don’t really care at the moment because damn, fatherhood feels good…
No. 1033743 ID: 681cb5
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”This is indeed a suitable display of indulgence.” a female voice comments next to your ear, ”A donation of lust and desire that is well received, little warrior.” Looking over your shoulder, you notice a floating head of a strange creature, bathed in purple light, ”Huh? What? Who are you? How did- what are you!?” The creature looks over at you and gives you a warm smile before answering in a calm voice, ”I am Ptamet, guardian of the sacred way to the garden of indulgence. Do not fret, little one, I am simply talking to you through magical means.” She look down at the Ratling you just fucked senseless as she continues, ”Your ‘sacrifice’ brought my attention to you, little warrior, and I saw you yourself was conceived in these halls, just as you are spreading your seed now.” Ptamet looks back over at you, giving you a huge smile as she closes her eyes, ”This is the greatest gift that you may bestow on us, to satisfy your basic urges and desire while making new, stronger life. Know this, little one, that we are ever grateful.” You perk up as you hear that word, ”Grateful? Really?” because it means you might get rewarded. ”If your family line continue like this, then I am sure they will soon enough gain access to the garden…”
No. 1033744 ID: 629f2e

Hell yeah it'll be a descendant of yours that makes it to the garden, and they will plow the god of fertility and bear suitably wonderful offspring.
No. 1033746 ID: ba2320

Well, thank you, o sacred guardian! That's good to hear - though it also sounds a little like a judgement? What's to stop you going deeper yourself, finding more mates along the way? Or just coming back again, later?

Anyway pull out your dick and ask Ptamet if she thinks you're big enough. Your little friend here seems to think so, but you've had some niggling thoughts about needing a bit more, so why not get a second opinion and ask what improvements she thinks would be good?
No. 1033747 ID: 61b860

Will you get a reward for making children? If you get more children I think the best breeder and or most fertile should be your heir because only the best of your family line should be worthy to continue it.
No. 1033748 ID: 61b860

You, a prideful warrior will open up the garden of all indulgences for all the tribes and be remembered as a progenitor, and maybe a little nepotism for your children to get all the rewards for your genes.
No. 1033754 ID: 96c896

Stat boost please, so we can go find a better mate.
No. 1033760 ID: c819d1

What is the garden?

You know, being in good favour with gods its a good thing. If we keep pleasing them by pleasing ourselves, the rewards will be even greater.

How should we serve them?
No. 1033769 ID: 2ca2f9

Now you have a strong desire to breed the guardian. Maybe if you breed enough gals you may have the chance.
No. 1033773 ID: 681cb5
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>Now you have a strong desire to breed the guardian. Maybe if you breed enough gals you may have the chance.
She’s bound to be strong, so she’ll give you strong children… not to mention, she’s kind of cute. Yeah, she’s definitely on your breeding list…

>What is the garden?
”It is a place where all that you desire and covet will become a reality, where your every wish is but a suggestion away. It is a gathering place for our more devoted followers, a place for lust and indulgence aplenty. It is a haven for all those that crave to sate their cardinal hunger.”
>Hell yeah it'll be a descendant of yours that makes it to the garden, and they will plow the god of fertility and bear suitably wonderful offspring.
”While I appreciate your enthusiasm, little one, He who Seeds, She who Births do not reside in the garden... but the grand mother of all mothers, the temple of the birth of gods, resides beyond it. By the words of the moaning oracles, it is said that He who Seeds, She who Births slumbers within its halls, dreaming of the unbridled hedonism and profane rituals that has happen, will happen and is happening.”

>You, a prideful warrior will open up the garden of all indulgences for all the tribes and be remembered as a progenitor, and maybe a little nepotism for your children to get all the rewards for your genes.
”Aw, aren’t you just the cutest, thinking that you stand a chance to ever see the garden… No offence, little one, you may be strong, but you aren’t that strong.”
>What's to stop you going deeper yourself, finding more mates along the way?
”Nothing is stopping you to venture deeper, but only those that can face my challenge and stand victorious may enter the garden. You are simply too weak to stand a chance, little one.” she gives you a warm smile as if she didn’t just call you a weakling, ”Hey! I’m the strongest warrior of my tribe! I can beat your stupid challenge easily!” One of her eyebrows rises as she looks at you skeptically, ”…where you really the strongest warrior in your tribe, little one? Is that the truth?” You stand tall, meeting her gaze head on… but in the end you have to falter to her stare and admit the lie, ”…okay, I was the strongest male, alright? It’s not my fault that the females in my tribe are huge, dammit. But that doesn’t’ matter, I can still beat your challenge!” you say as you beat your chest, showing of your muscles. ”Hmm… very well. This will be a test of strength, agility, vitality and willpower, as well as magical prowess… so you can start by conjuring a flame with your magical abilities.” Hand still on your chest, you stare at her for a moment before replying with a defeated tone, ”I… um… don’t know any magic?” She once again beams at you as she declares, ”Then you’ve failed the challenge! May your descendant have better luck!”
>Or just coming back again, later?
”Only those that He who Seeds, She who Births finds interesting can find this place. Only those with delicious desires and the potential for greatness may enter… if you leave, you will not find this place again, little one.”

>Will you get a reward for making children? If you get more children I think the best breeder and or most fertile should be your heir because only the best of your family line should be worthy to continue it.
”While we desire more disciples spreading our ways, what we really crave is improvement and progression. Quality over quantity.”
>How should we serve them?
”Find the strongest mate you can and sire a child that is stronger than both of you… and let them find someone even more powerful and sire someone even more powerful. Breed and grow, that is our desire. Oh, that and pure hedonism, where you act on instinct and impulses without care. Let your dreams and desires be reality, little one… everything is possible here in the Lascivious Labyrinth.”

>Stat boost please, so we can go find a better mate.
”Can you make me… stronger?” you ask her with an uncertain voice. ”Only the union of two creatures can improve the abilities of someone. By impregnating this Ratling, you’ve made sure both your and her strength will carry on to the next generation, making your child even more powerful than you are.” She nods as she speaks, as if it’s clear as day what she’s telling you, ”But how do I get more powerful right now?” once again, she gives you a warm smile, ”As I said, only the union of two creatures can improve the abilities of someone. Consume, absorb, transform, become one with them and gain their powers. Grow and become stronger with the help of others.”
>Anyway pull out your dick and ask Ptamet if she thinks you're big enough. Your little friend here seems to think so, but you've had some niggling thoughts about needing a bit more, so why not get a second opinion and ask what improvements she thinks would be good?
”Aw, little one, isn’t that just the cutest little thing!” you can see her hand appear in the magical cloud, ‘poking’ your dick, ”H-hey!” She gives of a quiet giggle before she continues, ”Oh, don’t fret, I don’t mean it in that way. That is quite the breeding tool, a perfect size, which will make many ladies (and men) happy.” she looks up at you before continuing, ”But if you desire to become bigger… well, as I said before, consume, absorb, transform. Feed it more power and it will grow.” You can only meet her gaze with confusion, ”…what do you mean by that?” Once again, she smiles and nods at you as she states, ”Let your desires do as they please, Soka, and things will be fine. Indulge in your cravings, let loose and do the impossible. Have fun... and then find a strong mate.”
No. 1033775 ID: 61b860

What are Soka's desires? Or fetishes? Will he keep going and find ultimate pleasure, or will he be premature? Find out next in the Lascivious Labyrinth!
No. 1033776 ID: 61b860

Can we get a look at their proportions to motivate him and if he fails to go that far to motivate his descendants?
No. 1033777 ID: 61b860

Heh, his genitals are just like him, short and prickly on the outside like his dick, but a big softy like his balls on the inside.
No. 1033778 ID: 2ca2f9

Well you heard the lady, find strong mates and become stronger, the maybe you’ll get the chance to mate her.
No. 1033784 ID: 629f2e

Better make sure you find a strong mate who knows something about magic. Then your heir can get past the first step in this test.
No. 1033785 ID: c819d1

We have to make sure that your family is part of the garden! So let's get fucking! A good mate that is!
No. 1033787 ID: 36784c

>everything is possible here in the Lascivious Labyrinth.
>Feed it more power and it will grow.
Wait, is she saying that Soka needs to literally feed something into his dick to make it bigger?!
No. 1033817 ID: ba2320

"So neither me nor my cute little thing have any chance of meeting you in person? That's a shame."
No. 1033823 ID: 96c896

I mean we already know vore makes you stronger, and it sounds like you can absorb someone with your cock to make IT stronger?

Consider if you want that. Is consumption of a live person one of your base desires, regardless of the result?
No. 1033828 ID: 2a82d3

Put in plain terms, it seems there are two ways to pass her challenge, both involving the ratkin priestess: 1) have your future heir do it, or 2) eat her and gain her divine magic.

I don't think you have it in you to vore anyone carrying your child. Dispite what you may think, this ratkin priestess, as a wielder of divine magic, is strong enough to raise a heir that can rise to this goddess' challenge. Don't believe that? Let her try out her "Holy Nutbuster" on you.

Hey, she's right there.

It sounds more like participating in a fusion of some kind. It'd explain the battles for dominance anyway. Better question: Does he take more pride in "self-improvement" or raising a good kid?
No. 1033866 ID: 681cb5
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>What are Soka's desires? Or fetishes?
That’s a good question… what are your kinks? You want to be the best and find a strong mate, but beyond that… well, you’re not sure? Maybe you should give it some thought and figure it out?
>Better question: Does he take more pride in "self-improvement" or raising a good kid?
The stronger you are, the stronger your kid will be, it’s that simple. You want to be… no, you deserve to be the strongest around, the cleverest… and have the biggest dick of the tribe! Only then can you properly raise a strong child!

>"So neither me nor my cute little thing have any chance of meeting you in person? That's a shame."
”While you do have potential, little one, I don’t mate with mortals that has just begun the journey to the garden. Of course, if you still want to visit we can still have some fun… I might even help you to grow a bit, if you know what I mean.”
>Wait, is she saying that Soka needs to literally feed something into his dick to make it bigger?!
”That would be the quickest and easiest way to do it, indeed… though there are other ways if that isn’t to your taste.” …you knew this place was a place of weird fantasies, but… you honestly didn’t expect that…
>It sounds more like participating in a fusion of some kind. It'd explain the battles for dominance anyway.
”That’s exactly right! You can ‘borrow’ some power from someone that is bigger than you to make yourself grow… or you can simply turn someone else into a part of you. Hmhm… in fact… oh, I shouldn’t contemplate this but… I might just consider merging with your… you know. Why, just imagine, the immortal Ptamet dangling between the legs of some lowly mortal for a lifetime…” Okay, she might be some kind of immortal sex creature living in a temple devoted to hedonism, but does Ptamet really have to be so brazen with her kinks? Maybe you should take what she says with a grain of sand, as she clearly is reflecting her own fetishes more than anything else at this point.
>I mean we already know vore makes you stronger, and it sounds like you can absorb someone with your cock to make IT stronger? Consider if you want that. Is consumption of a live person one of your base desires, regardless of the result?
If you’re hungry, then sure? You’ve eaten a Varkian before, after all… and they are really tasty, you know. And surprisingly willing…
>Put in plain terms, it seems there are two ways to pass her challenge, both involving the ratkin priestess: 1) have your future heir do it, or 2) eat her and gain her divine magic.
Hmm… will eating her even give you any power? You’d think her goddess wouldn’t give her power over to you if that was the case, right? And while she might sire children with magical powers, you’re sure you can find someone stronger with even better magical powers in here somewhere that you can turn into your mate. Still, she’s a good backup plan if anything…
>I don't think you have it in you to vore anyone carrying your child.
…does Jadeite even carry your children at this point? Doesn’t it take a few weeks before a child start growing in her or something? You’re not sure, you’re not really an expert on those things. But even disregarding that, she won’t actually be harmed by it, right? The same thing that happens to dad will happen to her… she’ll just appear somewhere else no worse to wear, you think? Better ask Ptamet about it first just to be sure, ”No permanent harm or death is allowed within these sacred halls, as proclaimed by He who Seeds and She who Births, and thus it is so for now and ever more! So yes, you don’t need to fret your little head, little one, as your Ratling mate will be safe.”

>Well you heard the lady, find strong mates and become stronger, the maybe you’ll get the chance to mate her.
”Oh, you’re an eager little mortal, aren’t you? Though I hate to curb your enthusiasm, but as I said before, I do not mate and carry the children of someone so… new. But I will help you on your way, so that maybe one of your descendants will have the honor to impregnate me… or be impregnated by me, depending on what shape I’ll be in…”
>Better make sure you find a strong mate who knows something about magic.
”A magician you say? Why, I’m sure I can locate someone like that for you nearby, if you so desire. Let me see…”

Ptamet puts on a pair of glasses and starts reading from a piece of papyrus, humming to herself happily as her finger slowly moves across it, ”Ah, yes, here we are… this one might spark your interest, little one. There is a Serpent nearby, you know, those snake people that is known to possess both telepathic as well as telekinetic powers, so any children she might bare is bound to have an magical affinity. But it gets better, as she’s an exiled princess on the run, searching for a brave warrior to save her. Of course, she came into this temple with two of her kin following her in hot pursuit, so you’ll need to deal with them first. Don’t fret, little one, you’ll be just in time to save her… or someone will, at least.” she continues down the papyrus in silence, before giving off a happy sounding gasp as she finds another entry of interest, ”Ah, here we have quite the fascinating one! There are two Varkian ladies in here, hunting for a male to drag back to their caravan for snu-snu. One of them is an elementalist, a mage who can control the very elements to some degree while the other is a proud warrior... and even though she’s a lady, she got a bigger cock than you, little one. So if you’re interested in ‘borrowing’ it… or just take her completely to grow bigger, the two of them might be something for you. Of course, if you want to be bigger, you might just give little old me a visit instead, little one…” there’s a slight blush on her cheeks as she progress further down the papyrus, ”Let’s see… but if you want someone really strong, then there’s an Angler Beast in one of the pools nearby. Though be warned, she is far the strongest creatures you’ll face here in the ruins, before you gain access to the Garden. Oh, and so far she’s eaten all the other suitors who’s visited her. Other than that… well, there’s a slime nearby… who got a fat ass… so… um… that’s it?” Ptamet raises her gaze to look at you, giving you a warm smile, ”So, my little warrior, which one interested you the most?”
No. 1033869 ID: 629f2e

Ooh, princess on the run seems like fun. You get to fight two people, be the hero, AND get a nice strong mate with magical affinity in the end? Sign yourself up!

Also, why not take Ptamet up on her idea? Forget just having a bigger dick, imagine having a dick empowered by a powerful immortal! Now that's the kind of cock you're looking for. Invite her to fuse with it, and see to it that the serpent princess is safe.
No. 1033870 ID: 61b860

Well what is there to think about hmm, well there's that broken dil- idol. Your ass, thighs and tail are crazy thick and im thinking of going in this order, go eat or absorb the snake guys, or varks first and get impregnated by snake guys, get princess, morph with big dicked varkian and get bigger dick and tits, take elementalist, get fat booty slime, and force yourself on the fish lady then get rewards from Ptamet.
No. 1033872 ID: 2ca2f9

The princess is the best option, let’s go save her.
No. 1033873 ID: 10c07d

Let’s go save the princess and use her guards to make our dick bigger because it must be done.

But before then we should eat some food to restore our knockout damage to normal.
No. 1033874 ID: 96c896

Sounds like there's no reason *not* to eat the ratkin girl. Just be sure to tell her ahead of time she won't die.
No. 1033875 ID: 36784c

Go for the princess.

>we should eat some food to restore our knockout damage to normal.
>no reason *not* to eat the ratkin girl
Eat the ratkin girl to restore our knockout damage to normal.
No. 1033876 ID: 61b860

You could probably store the ratkin in your body somewhere, eaten or absorbed to be held in the balls or butt or tail.
No. 1033879 ID: f2320a

okay that lady with a cock thats a extra part so no issue with literally stealing that dick and fusing it with ours, like just plonking POP it off like its a dildo
No. 1033880 ID: e51896

Varkian ladies
No. 1033881 ID: e5709d

Recruit the slime, save the prin-prin-prin
No. 1033882 ID: f2320a

i am either for stealing dick and becoming the most feminine male of Sakkilian descent as in big and muscular so we dont get called mommies cutest little boy (reverse amazon due to reversed sexual morality), or getting our dick stolen and becoming the most fat bottomed female Sakkilian in current history and not be underestimated and treated as a little boy as we are now female.
i am a mutually exclusive person either female or male while the utility is nice its nice being committed and also not having double the places where it hurts too be punched.

really liking the idea of saving a princess being a damn big hero FIGHTING THE ODDS even if we are a boy matching the power even surpassing any girl in our tribe and even more we will find treasures and defeat ferocious beasts! we shall return home with such big booty of gold and such an epic beast trophy and strong magic that all the tribes of the land will speak our name SOKA! the awesome warrior!”
No. 1033883 ID: f2320a

>>1033879 (me)
>>1033882 (me)
both are me sort of collection my thoughts.
so while i want to go save the princess now seems like we are in a wibbly woobly time scenario so time is not the biggest issue so we can and should gain strength and some magic so we can actually do it as fighting two mage/psychics as we are right now would be hard and more then usually foolish being defenseless.

so first thing on the agenda would be my actual Vote on the most immediate thing
>eat the little plumpling ratling telling her she is not going to die and if she continues being such a tasty meaty morsel we are going to ravage her even harder next time.

as she will not die and there is not reason not to do it and it will heal us but i hope she is still impregnated or we will impregnate her again.
also it would potentially give us the magic power we need to defeat our foes what we do after depends entirely upon if we get magic.
and also
>take her up at the offer of dick fusion no reason not too taking advantage of a gods strange kinks as our lifetime is but a blip for her and would potentially give favor.
OH BOY potential godly focus for magic
No. 1033910 ID: 2a82d3

>”That would be the quickest and easiest way to do it, indeed… though there are other ways if that isn’t to your taste.”
Yeah... Urethral? Wrong way, no. Anal? Maybe. Vaginal? If you had one, I guess.
Otherwise if you or your descendants are gonna vore someone to improve your dick or favoured sex trait, stick to your traditional methods.

>Serpent, runaway princess, pursued by two of her kin.
If you're going to fight off two people, you'd better be as prepared as you can be. Your bolas should be able take one out, or delay at least, while you handle the other.

>"No permanent harm or death is allowed within these sacred halls, as proclaimed by He who Seeds and She who Births, and thus it is so for now and ever more! So yes, you don’t need to fret your little head, little one, as your Ratling mate will be safe."
Leaving her to be used on display is one thing, but eating her unharmed would impress onto her a generous display of power and mercy. A kind of rebirth, if you will; there may be no better way to induction to her new religion.

Then again: maybe her old goddess, thus her adherents, is into denial. That's certainly one way to be diplomatic with the rest of the gods within this temple.
No. 1033959 ID: ba2320

Me, I prefer the usual method of mixing two people. You should do it with as many ladies as you can find. Start with that serpent princess and see how many you can get to.
No. 1033966 ID: 681cb5
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>Get your dick stolen and become the fattest bottomed female Sakkilian in current history.
You rather not lose your dick… you really like your dick, okay? And your butt isn’t that fat, is it?
>Recruit the slime.
How do you recruit a slime? They aren’t really known to be very… diplomatic, let say… or smart…
>Why not take Ptamet up on her idea? Forget just having a bigger dick, imagine having a dick empowered by a powerful immortal! Now that's the kind of cock you're looking for.
It is a tempting offer, even if it is a very, very weird one… you’re not sure how you should react to it, because… well, you’ve never even considered something like that before? How will it even work? What will happen to your dick? Will she be stuck there or can she- ”That’s right, you should take Ptamet offer… you won’t regret it, little one.” You jump a bit as her voice pulls you out from your thoughts, ”W-wait, you can’t read my mind, can you?” She chuckles a bit and give you one of her bright smiles, ”Of course not, little Soka… but I can feel your desires… and your desire when it comes to little old me…” While waving your hand in her direction, as if trying to shoo her away, you reply, ”Well, stop it! It’s getting a bit creepy.”

>Yeah... Urethral? Wrong way, no. Anal? Maybe. Vaginal? If you had one, I guess.
You’re unsure how any of those will work… or how they will feel but… well, this is going to be your one chance to experience it… though even then, do you want to? Geez, this place is starting to get to you…
>If you or your descendants are gonna vore someone to improve your dick or favoured sex trait, stick to your traditional methods.
But will that even help? You don’t get a bigger dick by eating prey, do you? Well… maybe there is a way to do so in here… somehow…
>Me, I prefer the usual method of mixing two people. You should do it with as many ladies as you can find.
Honestly, you really can’t beat the usual method… it’s just, you really want to make sure your heir… no, you deserve a heir that is the strongest in the tribe… which means you need to be strong as well… at least, stronger than you currently are.

>We should eat some food to restore our knockout damage to normal.
Sadly, you don’t have any food on you… though you have a small medkit that might work… hmm… and for some reason, you know that the thread and needle that’s part of the kit will heal some of your clothes as well… somehow? This place is weird…
>Eat the ratkin girl to restore our knockout damage to normal.
…well, she’s is your prey so… yeah, she’s food, you guess?
>You could probably store the ratkin in your body somewhere, eaten or absorbed to be held in the balls or butt or tail.
”Hey, Ptamet… is it possible to… store someone on your body?” the Jackal looks up at you with hungry eyes, clearly liking the way your think, ”Why, yes, at least for as long as they are willing to follow you around.” You scratch the back of your head as you a bit awkwardly tell her; ”So if I... say… eat Jadeite…?” She gives you a large smile, ”Then I’ll make sure she enjoys the ride on your rump, little one.”
>Sounds like there's no reason *not* to eat the ratkin girl. Just be sure to tell her ahead of time she won't die…
”You’re going to eat me, you stupid savage? That’s what it’s come to?” she struggles a bit in her current position in an attempt to get a better look at you, ”Don’t worry, you won’t be harmed… and if you continues being such a tasty meaty morsel I might just ravage you even harder next time.” The Ratling squirms in her bondage, her voice full of venom as she spits her words at you, ”First you ravage me, putting your children in me, and now I’m noting but food for you, you brute? Your kind clearly are uncultured barbarians, uncivilized and uncut! Nothing but animals!” You’re taken slightly aback, as you didn’t expect this kind of outburst, ”I mean, if you rather be left here, all tied up…” She looks up at you with wide eyes, the venom from her voice completely gone, ”What? No! Just eat me already! You’re ruining the fantasy, you cur!” It seems like she’s a better actor than you thought, ”Well, it is what you want…”

As her legs and hands are still tied behind her back, she’s really easy for you to just quickly gobble up. Lifting her up face first, you shove Jadeite into your hungry maw, ensuring that the Ratling is well on her way to her new home. With a big swallow, her body easily slides down your throat towards your stomach, with only her large rear giving of any kind of resistance… though you admit, you might have deliberately kept her fat ass in your mouth for far longer than necessary, only so you might play with her lower lips a bit with your tongue and savor her sweet taste. You can even feel her shudder in your throat as your exploration with your tongue makes her orgasm once again. With one final gulp, you send Jadeite down to her final destination, rounding out your belly nicely as it accommodates your meal. Though it doesn’t last long, as your body make short works of the little Ratling, digesting her body in just a few minutes and adding her to your already rather large rump.

You’ve been healed to full health!
You’ve consumed a Ratling Acolyte and gain the following buff:
+1 Agility
Note: You can only be affected by one Food buff at the time, and all buffs only last for the rest of the current run.

…well, that buff was a letdown…
No. 1033967 ID: 681cb5
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>Seems like we are in a wibbly woobly time scenario so time is not the biggest issue.
”Time in here is indeed a bit… woobly. Though that is only natural for a place that doesn’t reside on your plane of existence. So yes, you don’t need to fret your little head about getting anywhere in here on time.”
>Ooh, princess on the run seems like fun. You get to fight two people, be the hero, AND get a nice strong mate with magical affinity in the end? Sign yourself up!
”Ah, the princess caught your attention, then? Very well, my little warrior, I’ll make sure to lead you right to her. Just follow my directions, little one.”
>Use her guards to make our dick bigger because it must be done.
Ptamet said they were in hot pursuit of the princess, so they probably not her guards, no… still, seeing how it is the princess you’re interested, the other might as well be food... or cock… um… cock improvers? Or something?

Ptament leads you through the twisting passages of the temple, giving you seemingly random direction that doesn’t really make sense, ”-and take the next right and… stop. Here we are.” You look around, but all you can see is just another room of the temple, no different from the dozen others you just passed through, ”Huh, are you sure this is the right spot? I can’t see anyone…” She doesn’t answer you… and when you turn around she’s gone. Where did she go?

You’re not allowed to ponder Ptamet disappearance for long, as you hear someone slithering towards you. A beautiful snake appears from around the corner, dressed in gold and green, with opal scales that shimmer in the light… and some really nice curves you’d love to get a closer look at. ”A Sakkilian? Here? Not who I expected, but by the twins grace, you’ll have to do.” she says in a feminine voice with a rather regal tone, one that makes it clear that she’s been trained to speak by tutors instead of learning it from her surroundings, ”Well met, noble warrior. I am crown princess Wadji of the high river lands. By my word, I command thee to do my bidding, commoner, and aid me in my time of need. You will be richly rewarded with… food or water or whatever it is you pedestrian value.” The snake looks over her shoulder, as if she’s expecting someone to come running down the corridor at any moment, before she continues, ”I am being pursued by some lowborn ruffians who are after my head, so you will hide me somewhere safe.” Wadji looks you up and down, clearly admiring your muscles for a bit, though her eyes stops at the Khopesh on your back, ”Or help me fight of those plebeians. Is that understood, philistine? This is not a request, it is a command.” …well, someone needs to be taught some respect…

>If you're going to fight off two people, you'd better be as prepared as you can be. Your bolas should be able take one out, or delay at least, while you handle the other.
Your bolas would indeed come in handy if you’re planning on facing off both of these “ruffians” at once… though, even then, you really should come up with a bit of a plan on how to deal with them seeing as you have some time before the arrive.

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
A pair of Bolas.
Flint and tinder.
A Healing kit.
A well-made cloth armor.
Golden balls on a rope (Treasure)
Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling (on your butt)
No. 1033968 ID: 899c9f

Sure, we'll rescue a damsel in distress. Do you plan to lift a finger yourself, princess?
No. 1033969 ID: e5709d

She's even more annoying than the ratling...

Hm. Use your initiative to communicate with the pursuers, challenge them in combat, but ask why the rebellion deposed her family.
No. 1033971 ID: 61b860

I guess you should prepare an ambush and subdue them and maybe restrain the princess too to question them, but all I can think about is bipedal snake sakkilians with even thicker tails than yours.
No. 1033973 ID: 96c896

Eh, +1 agility is still something. Also, free heal.

I'm sure there will be time to humble her after the battle. You were told she knows magic, so the both of you should share your abilities with eachother, to better coordinate when the fight starts.
Set up an ambush somewhere. A blind corner? This very room? Remember, you can't cause any permanent harm, so knockout attacks will be most effective. Perhaps the opening attack could be something like smashing one of them with an urn? Perhaps the princess could be "caught" in the open, to encourage her pursuers to rush blindly into the room!
No. 1033975 ID: 160fdc

Is not a woman with power, authority(, those curves), and self assurance attractive? A little humility can kindness would do her good though. Fat chance of her losing her head here, though she doesn't seem to know that.

Play the part of the willing servant, for now. She won't be tricked lightly, so tread carefully. She is magically capable, correct? Perhaps you could request a boon or some assistance in ensuring her safety, simultaneously draining some of her energy if you have to fight later. At the very least, some heads up to who/what you will be fighting.

The ruffians have to be dealt with, so set an ambush or trap, even if you plan open combat. They have numbers, so you must rely on wit. Too bad you don't have any oil, as that could make some quick work of clothing.
No. 1033977 ID: 629f2e

The Princess' attitude is gonna have to be corrected later, but let's deal with the pursuers first.

Show them her tail from around the corner slithering away, while you wait with your bolas and Khopesh ready to strike them.
No. 1033979 ID: 61b860

Maybe you can use the rope as a lasso.
No. 1033982 ID: 5b0071

Could always hide her by absorbing her. Of course, getting her to believe you, let alone agree, might be difficult.. though you could separate from Jadeite to prove its only a temporary measure.

And, of course a 'lowly commoner' would never lie to royalty.
No. 1033986 ID: 61b860

Can't wait to fill her with your half-breed spawn, maybe make her mate with the other guys in your tribe even.
No. 1033990 ID: 36784c

>You will be richly rewarded with…food or water or whatever it is you pedestrian value.
She said whatever we value and right now we value a mate. So we'll be taking her as our mate when we're done here. Just don't tell her yet.

>what do?
Ptamet said that the princess should have telekinetic powers, right? Are we in a room that has plenty of urns and random objects lying around? If so, then she should be able to throw things at one of the attackers, while we attack the other one.

But if there aren't a bunch of things lying around for her to throw, then we should move to a different room that has plenty of objects for her to use.

There probably isn't time to do that, so let's not try to explain anything yet.
No. 1033992 ID: 2ca2f9

Look at that fertile body, ideal to give birth to your children and your children alone. Maybe you can make the two ruffians follow you and while you turn into a corner the princess can use her telekinetic power on the ropee you have so both of those bastards fall down and you beat them unconscious.
No. 1033993 ID: 2c1e23

>use her telekinetic power on the ropee you have so both of those bastards fall down
How is she supposed to trip them with the rope when none of them have legs to trip on the rope?
No. 1033995 ID: 2a82d3

Well, she looks like a keeper. Your feathered lizard snake kids will be adorable.

... this is another ERP scenario, isn't it? Or rather, a setup. Her body language, and expectation of a ”savior”, all but say it. Probably hired two random guards or commoners to help her. Don't hold it against her: any plan that can possibly end in an orgy should be a good one in your book. Better save the bolas for the "big finale."

It's not like you have any other options to gain her respect. Fat chance if you want to swing your barbarian charm on her, so you going to have to play "fight off the ruffians". Maybe you can teach her a lesson in respect by proving yourself more likeable to them than her, or even a better lover. ;)
No. 1034039 ID: 681cb5
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>Eh, +1 agility is still something. Also, free heal.
You’re not complaining over the meal, because her ass was super tasty. You were just hoping for some magical powers or something.

>She's even more annoying than the ratling...
Princess Wadji does have a bit of a rough personality, doesn’t she?
>Is not a woman with power, authority(, those curves), and self-assurance attractive?
You have to admit, they are… especially when you can dominate them. That… might be one of your kinks, actually…
>She said whatever we value and right now we value a mate. So we'll be taking her as our mate when we're done here. Just don't tell her yet.
Of course she’s going to be your mate! She doesn’t have anything else that would interest you!
>Look at that fertile body, ideal to give birth to your children and your children alone. Can't wait to fill her with your half-breed spawn.
It takes all your willpower to stop yourself from simply ripping off her clothes right now and pin her to the floor so you can breed her. Her belly needs to grow big and fat with your children as soon as possible!
>Could always hide her by absorbing her. Of course, getting her to believe you, let alone agree, might be difficult…
While it would be lovely to feel those fat tits of hers slide down into your gullet, you’re sure you’ll never be able to get her to agree to it… and even if you do, those ruffians will probably have caught up to her by then.

>Play the part of the willing servant, for now. She won't be tricked lightly, so tread carefully.
”It is good to hear that you know your place, slave. Now do as I ask before I lose my patience.”
>Ask why the rebellion deposed her family.
”Rebellion!? Bah, it was my stupid twin sister who did this!” She practically spits out the word ‘sister’, while her fags comes out on full display to show just how angry that word makes her, ”She took my birthright! I was supposed to be the Queen of the High River Lands, but she and mother thought otherwise. But know this, plebian…” she gives your chest an angry poke for effect, ”I will take back my rightful place as a divine… and by the grace of the twins, they will pay for ever dreaming of crossing me!”
>Do you plan to lift a finger yourself, princess?
”Do not take me for some harmless waif, lowborn, I will fight by your side and I will destroy them.”
>You were told she knows magic, so the both of you should share your abilities with each other, to better coordinate when the fight starts.
”What do you take me for? Some innocent maiden fresh from the temple of the sun? No, I am Wadji, princess of the High River, chosen by the moon twin and conqueror of the high wastes. My water magic will tear my enemies apart, while my powerful telekinetic powers will clean up their sorry remains. And you, warrior, what kind of abilities do you have?” She looks at you expectantly, though it’s clear her expectations aren’t very high, ”Um… I got a Khopesh… and a pair of Bolas?” With an audible sigh, she replies, ”That will have to do. Use them as you see fit, warrior.”
>Perhaps the opening attack could be something like smashing one of them with an urn?
”Please, we’re not brutes here, plebian. Well, one of us isn’t. No, I will use my magical powers to rip their clothes to shreds before completely dominating them. They will be on the ground, begging for forgives, as they kiss my tail before I am done with these buffoons! No one crosses me without feeling my wrath. I suggest you try the same tactics, slave.”
>The princess can use her telekinetic power on the rope you have so both of those bastards fall down.
”…I know you are uneducated and probably inbred, lowborn, but they don’t have legs. They won’t fall over a rope like that.”

>Set up an ambush somewhere. A blind corner? This very room?
”Yes, an ambush will be fine. This room will probably do, unless you know a better place? We won’t have much time, seeing as you’ve already wasted too much of it with your inane questions.”

Princess Wadji has joined the party!
No. 1034040 ID: 681cb5
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(Soka): Senses vs. Agility = Failure!
(Wadji): Senses vs. Agility = Success!

”Did you hear that?” she looks down the corridor from which she arrived, though as far as you can see it’s completely empty, ”Hear what?” You’re silenced as she holds up a finger in front of you, followed by her simply standing there, listening to the silence of the catacombs. Suddenly, she whispers, ”They are already here! Quick, slave, hide!” and slithers away from you. After quickly finding a dark corner to hide in, one that makes it hard to spot you while giving you a good viewpoint over the whole room, you watch as the princess clumsily knocks over an urn she’s trying to hide behind, shattering it on the ground.

(Soka): Agility vs. Senses = Success!
(Wadji): Agility vs. Senses = Failure!

”We heard you, princess! Come out and we’ll make it quick!” you hear a rather gruff female voice yell, followed by a whinier sounding male one, ”There’s no point in slithering away, little princess, there’s nowhere to hide.” They let the words hang in the air for a bit, waiting for an answer, but when no response comes the lady snake continues, ”If you don’t give up now we might just have some fun with you before we bring you back.” Before she can even finish you can hear the man chuckle to himself, ”Hehe, I’ve never had royal snussy before…” and you’re pretty sure you hear someone hitting him with their elbow right before the female voice returns, ”I’m sure your sister won’t mind if you’re carrying the child of a mercenary when you return, little princess.” followed again the male one, ”Oh, maybe she’ll even let us keep you as a breeding slave.” Once again they let their message sink in as they wait for a reply of some kind, but when all they get is silence the woman starts to get irritated, ”But if you give up now, we’ll promise not to hurt you... and keep you unspoiled.” followed by a very low ‘let’s go’… they are on their way.

>I'm sure there will be time to humble her after the battle.
You’ll make sure teach her some respect when you get the time, after you deal with these clowns.
>Maybe restrain the princess too…
It might come to that, indeed… she does seem rather feisty.
>Show them her tail from around the corner slithering away, while you wait with your bolas and Khopesh ready to strike them.
They already know she’s here, though they don’t seem to have heard you yet. Your Khopesh is ready, as are your bolas… you just need the right moment to strike…
>...this is another ERP scenario, isn't it? Or rather, a setup. Her body language, and expectation of a ”savior”, all but say it. Probably hired two random guards or commoners to help her. Don't hold it against her: any plan that can possibly end in an orgy should be a good one in your book.
While it’s possible this is some kind of act she’s putting on, you can’t really disregard the possible danger. If this is just some roleplaying, then you can’t hurt them anyway, can you? Meanwhile, if they are actually dangerous and you don’t fight properly… yeah, it will end badly. So let’s just assume for now that this is real.

Right, there are two of them and they seem to mean business. It won’t be long before they charge into the room to attack the princess, so you better act fast while you still have the element of surprise.
No. 1034041 ID: 10c07d

Hand the other end of your rope to the princess. You and her can pull it tight when the mercs run through the door to cartoonishly trip them!
No. 1034042 ID: 629f2e

Have the princess move to one side of the room and make noise for them to follow. Wait on the other end. You can have her shout at the pursuers as they get near to help mask your presence. Strike from behind while their attention is on her.
No. 1034051 ID: 61b860

She is a lot larger when she's next to you, I think we should take out the male first then have penetrative wrestling with the female.
No. 1034052 ID: 61b860

Man, don't you just wanna put your head between her breasts and pretend your a third one, and think of her snake snatch imagine how long, wide, and large it is, would she even feel you putting it in?
No. 1034053 ID: 96c896

The princess can draw them in, and we will use bolas on one to disable them as the opening attack. Then dogpile on the active one, possibly involving smashing urns on them.
No. 1034059 ID: e5709d

You made noise, so make some more!
Plug your ears, then throw a large rock into the pots while screeching. While they're clutching their heads, stab them in the weak spots.
No. 1034066 ID: 8b6634

As soon as one of them shows up, throw your bolas to tie up the arms of one of the snakes! While that enemy is trying to get free, focus on the other enemy.

Did you not read the update? We were just now told that isn't going to work because the snake people don't have legs to trip on the rope!

That can wait until after we finish fighting the enemy.
No. 1034068 ID: 160fdc

If they weren't so close, I'd say let the princess have one of the bolas so you can both strike with them at the same time and get some blows in.
For now, let the princess draw them both in before binding the second one with some rope, or using your Khopesh to get a good strike at their clothing. That should draw both their attention, and allow princess
a window of opportunity against her opponent. Maybe Wadji could get one or both of them to let their guard down by getting them talking or acting afraid? If they were smaller, perhaps you could try tying them together with the rope, but they're big, at least based on Wadji.

>uneducated and probably inbred, lowborn
...The former might not be untrue by her standards, but her attitude really doesn't show her class. Or perhaps it shows it too well. On one hand, getting caught up in a royal snek's coils could be fun, but on the other, tapping that royal virgin snussy would be very fun, and her attitude makes it seem like she needs it. At least you'll hopefully be seeing two sets of snake tits today.

Not this, given we've already been told they're legless.
No. 1034120 ID: 681cb5
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>...The former might not be untrue by her standards, but her attitude really doesn't show her class. Or perhaps it shows it too well.
It’s clear that she’s a spoiled brat that thinks everyone is far beneath her. You’ll hopefully change that.
>On one hand, getting caught up in a royal snek's coils could be fun, but on the other, tapping that royal virgin snussy would be very fun, and her attitude makes it seem like she needs it.
Just imagining her royal virgin snussy quivering in pleasure around your large member as you pump child after child into her waiting womb gives you determination to fuck these mercenaries up as fast as you can! (+1 attack this turn!)
>At least you'll hopefully be seeing two sets of snake tits today.
Hopefully you’ll pound two sets of snussy today, because damn these snakes deserve a good breeding.

>Have the princess move to one side of the room and make noise for them to follow. Wait on the other end.
You gesture towards Wadji in an attempt to tell her to make some noise, though you’re not sure how successful you really are. At first she doesn’t even notice you, as she’s busy mumbling something in a language you can’t understand while drawing some kind of rune in the dust on the floor, but as soon as she sees your desperate flailing she gets distracted and topples another urn. As the sound of the smashed urn echo through the empty halls, you can hear the mercenaries start slithering faster towards the room you’re in, the female one barking, ”We heard that, princess!”, as they enter the room.

There are two of them, one male and one female, and it’s clear they mean business. While it’s obvious that they are the same snake species as the princess, most of their bodies are covered in hard leather armor and black painted bronze masks, giving off the impression that these two are ready for a fight. They are also wielding bronze spears while at the same time telekinetically hovering a small bronze dagger near them, making them far better armed than either you or Wadji.

>Maybe Wadji could get one or both of them to let their guard down by getting them talking or acting afraid? Strike from behind while their attention is on her.
The princess puts her arms up as she calmly asks, ”Can we not negotiate? I’m sure we can make a deal that will benefit both parties?” Both of the mercenaries laugh loudly before the female one answers, ”Ha! Like you have anything to offer us! Your sister is willing to pay our weight to gold if we bring you back alive to your execution, princess!” the male one makes a motion with his hand over his throat to reinforce the point while the female one continues, ”And she didn’t specify if you should be unspoiled either! So you better give up now, or I’ll let this fool here impregnate your ass, highness!” The male one bashes his free hand against his chest as he declares, ”I really hope you put up a fight, because I like them feisty!”
No. 1034121 ID: 681cb5
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>Throw your bolas to tie up the arms of one of the snakes!
While they are distracted, you start spinning your bolas and throw them towards the mercenaries.

Strength(Soka) vs. Agility(Male Merc) = Success!
Soka throws his bolas towards the Male Merc, entangling him in it!
Male Merc is now entangled and can’t use his arms! (-attack, -defense!)

The bolas hits its mark, tying themselves around the Male Merc and restricting his arm movement, ”Hey! What the hell!?” The Female Merc turns around to look at you, ”She got a freaking Sakkilian!” but as she’s distracted she accidently slithers over the weird rune Wadji was painting earlier.

Magic(Wadji) vs. Senses(Female Merc) = Success!
Wadji activates her ice trap and destroys the Female Mercs leather chest armor!
Female Merc is now only wearing a bra on her chest and is a smidge embarrassed!

A large spike of pure ice shoots up from the floor, cutting open the chest plate of the Female Merc right across the chest, making it fall to the ground in pieces, ”Gah! What was that!?”

>Then dogpile on the active one, possibly involving smashing urns on them.
With your determination for virgin princess snussy, you act extra quick and grab a nearby urn to throw at the Female Merc, but in your excitement you accidently hit the male one instead.

Soka throws an urn into the back of the head of the Male Merc!
It is not very effective thanks to his armor…

”You deal with the princess, fool!” the Female Merc yells as she turns to face you while raising her spear, ”I’ll handle this Sakkilian hunk. Come on, handsome, let’s dance!” The male just whimpers quietly, ”Aren’t you going to untie me?”, while he struggles with the bolas.

Female Merc goes into a defensive stance with her spear!
Male Merc is preparing a telekinetic blade flurry aimed at Princess Wadji!

Turn Order:
Female Merc
Male Merc
Princess Wadji

It is your turn to act! (You can also suggest actions for Wadji, though she might choose not to listen.)
No. 1034122 ID: 629f2e

Aim for the male, as he's preparing an attack. Cut his skirt off with your Khopesh and shove him against the ice spike from Wadji's trap. It's not exactly a cold shower, but he needs to cool down.
No. 1034125 ID: 61b860

Attack the females skirt armor to get at her insides, and the pricess to attack the daggers.
No. 1034126 ID: dd94fa

I don't know if we can cut it, but perhaps we could just pull it down, the effect would be the same. Then push him to the ice, if you can.
No. 1034127 ID: 2a82d3

Time to put that butt to good use! Tackle her with your behind, and set up a boobjob or a face sit if you're lucky.

>”Aren’t you going to untie me?”
"No. What are you going to do about that?" Worst case scenario he frees himself after this. You can still use this to strip off his armor, to prepare to tease him relentlessly for his announcement to impregnate you. No way you going to let a lesser breed screw up your succession rights.
No. 1034132 ID: 36784c

>Female Merc goes into a defensive stance with her spear!
That is a counter attack stance! Do NOT charge at her, she will instantly attack once you're in range!

You need to bait out her attack to make her miss, then attack while she's off balance from her missed attack!

Or you can try throwing the Golden balls on a rope at her to distract her. When she catches it or knocks it away, you can rush in to attack! And when you attack, make an upward swing with your Khopesh to try and cut her bra and/or knock that mask off her face!
No. 1034143 ID: 160fdc

If you can get the male's dropped weapon, you'll have something with better reach and have (partially) disarmed him for the foreseeable future, plus something to block the female merc's weapon with. And/or, if you can catch the back of his armor with your Khopesh or the hook of his weapon, you might expose him enough to break his concentration and save the princess some trouble. Gonna take a beating from the female merc though. Perhaps you could charm her a bit, since she seems rather interested; as sexy as the mysterious lady vibe is, there's no need to hide her lovely face behind a mask.

As for Wadji, perhaps you could strike the female merc from behind, and distract her from your servant? Assuming the opportunity to absolutely humiliate the male merc doesn't come up.
No. 1034145 ID: 6a2a09

you should totally taunt the tied up man, imply that he likes to take up the butt. That might embarrass this "strong warrior man", eh?
No. 1034183 ID: 35cbdd

>Soka throws an urn into the back of the head of the Male Merc!
>It is not very effective thanks to his armor…
That doesn't make any sense! The urn hit him in the back of the head, where his head is exposed and isn't being protected by his mask! That should've done a normal amount of damage, since it hit him where there's no armor!

>counter attack, don't rush in
I agree with this.

>throw something to bait attack
Or we could throw sand in her face. The mask isn't covering her eyes, so the sand should be able to get in through the eye holes on her mask.

>get the male's dropped weapon
This is also something that could work.
No. 1034195 ID: 61b860

That's cause a concussion usually happens after or the last moments of a fight.
No. 1034196 ID: 96c896

Don't attack the female.
Try to cut the mask off the male.
No. 1034200 ID: 61b860

Are the masks enchanted? Also should we let the guy cut the princesses clothes off?
No. 1034238 ID: 681cb5
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>That doesn't make any sense! The urn hit him in the back of the head, where his head is exposed and isn't being protected by his mask!
Honestly, you’re going to blame temple magic, as you’ve noticed that your own skirt has protected more of your legs than it’s actually covering. It seems like they are shielding the whole body part, and not just what they are actually coating?
>Are the masks enchanted?
Or the masks might just be enchanted to protect them or something… you don’t know...
>That is a counter attack stance! Do NOT charge at her, she will instantly attack once you're in range!
Right, keep away from the lady, got it…

>If you can get the male's dropped weapon, you'll have something with better reach and have (partially) disarmed him for the foreseeable future, plus something to block the female merc's weapon with.
You run up and grab the Male Merc’s spear, seeing as the snake can’t really stop you when he’s tied up like that. It’s a fine spear and will be rather useful, mostly thanks to its extended reach.

Gained special ability Defensive stance (Spear): Counter attack all melee attacks this turn! Usable once per combat as a free action.

>Aim for the male, as he's preparing an attack. Cut his skirt off with your Khopesh and shove him against the ice spike from Wadji's trap. It's not exactly a cold shower, but he needs to cool down.
Sadly, the ice spike is already cracking and falling apart, making it useless… but you can easily cut apart his leather skirt with the new spear you found. Its shape even makes it easy to simply rip the pants right off him. ”Hey! Leave my skirt alone!”

Soka attacks the Male Merc’s skirt, ripping it apart!
Male Merc is a smidge embarrassed!
Male Merc loses his concentration and fumbles with his dagger! (-accuracy on next attack!)

You watch as the dagger levitates towards Princess Wadji as the Male exclaims, ”Take this, you slut!” before it starts whirling around her in what is clearly a well-trained maneuver. But as he’s distracted by his sudden loss of pants, the blade barely scratches the female snake and only manages to cut off part of her top before she’s able to deflect it.

The Male Merc does a triple attack with his blade flurry! He only hits once!
Wadji got one of her nips out and she’s a smidge embarrassed about it!

>Wadji, Absolutely humiliate the male merc.
A quick nod towards the princess is all it takes for her to focus on bringing down the Male Merc, which she does by telekinetically ripping his underwear right off his crotch! ”Gah! Not my underpants too!”

Princess Wadji uses her telekinetic abilities to rip the Male Mercs undergarment off!
Male Merc crotch is bare and he’s rather embarrassed about it!

>You should totally taunt the tied up man, imply that he likes to take up the butt. That might embarrass this "strong warrior man", eh?
”Why, look at your cute little butt! I bet you like to get it plowed by a real man like myself, don’t you, you wuss?”

Soka taunts the Male Merc!
The Male Merc very embarrassed!

”Fuck off! I don’t l-like butt stuff! No, I’m a proper breeder! And I’m not going to stop until I’ve plowed this princess hard enough that she’ll forget all about this ‘royalty’ stuff! I’ll slide right into her tight cunt, you’ll see!”

The Male Merc taunts Princess Wadji!
Princess Wadji is rather embarrassed!

>Wadji, prepare to tease him relentlessly for his announcement to impregnate you. No way you going to let a lesser breed screw up your succession rights.
”Oh, please… like I would ever let a lowborn like yourself anywhere near my precious, royal vagina. No, a small dicked plebian like yourself isn’t even good for breeding more slaves, as the only thing you’re good for is as a toy for the real breeders to plow when they have no females to impregnate.”

Princess Wadji taunts the Male Merc!
The Male Merc close to surrendering from embarrassment!

”D-dammit! Let me lose already!” the Male Merc whimpers as he brings the dagger back to him.

The Male Merc cuts through the bolas, freeing himself!
The Male Merc is no longer entangled!
No. 1034239 ID: 681cb5
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With the Male Merc under control, you turn your attention towards the female one. It’s clear that’s she’s planning something…

>Perhaps you could charm her a bit, since she seems rather interested; as sexy as the mysterious lady vibe is, there's no need to hide her lovely face behind a mask.
”You know, as sexy this whole mysterious lady skit is, there’s no need for you to hide your beautiful face behind a mask like that.” you puff out your chest and tense your muscles, making sure she can see just how big of a hunk you are, ”After all, I want to watch you scream out in orgasmic bliss as I breed you later.” The snake is a bit skeptical, but it’s clear she’s checking you out under that mask of hers, ”...really?” You give her a quiet chuckle before you answer, ”The most beautiful thing in the world is the face on a lady orgasming as I’m putting a child in her belly. I’m sure I can make you into such a work of art myself, if you give me a chance.”

Soka flirts with the Female Merc!
The Female Merc is rather embarrassed!

>As for Wadji, perhaps you could strike the female merc from behind, and distract her from your servant?
But the moment is cut short as an icicle suddenly swishes past and cuts off the Female Merc’s bra, leaving her chest completely bare, ”What the-”

Princess Wadji shoots an icicle at the Female Merc’s bra, destroying it!
Princess Wadji is too far away for Female Merc’s counter attack!
The Female chest is not bare and she’s very embarrassed about it!

”That’s it!” she raises her spear, ready to strike, ”Time to stop playing around and deal with you idiots!” Before you can even react she swings it at lightning speed, ripping your skirt clean off with one quick motion. ”Taste my fury, you cretin!”

The Female Merc attacks Soka’s skirt with her spear, destroying them!
Soka is rather embarrassed!

”And taste my wrath, you imbecile!” keeping the momentum from her last swing, she turn the spear around and swing past you once more, this time ripping off your underwear!

The Female Merc attacks Soka’s underwear with her spear, destroying them!
Soka’s crotch is bare and he’s very embarrassed about it!

”I admit, I was considering keeping you as a breeding slave, Sakkilian… but seeing how small your dick is I’ve changed my mind! I bet the Varkian’s might pay a few coins for your hide, because that’s the only thing you’re good for, limp dick.”

The Female Merc taunts Soka!
Soka is close to surrendering from embarrassment!

”Enough is enough!” she throws the spear away and turns towards her male friend, ”Come on, you fool, let’s finish this already!” Her stance changes slightly, making it look like she’s ready to bounce as she lower her head and coils her tail into a circle, ”Attack them with all you got!”

The Female Merc is preparing an all-out attack! (++attack, -defense)
The Male Merc is preparing an all-out attack! (++attack, -defense)

Soka is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover his manhood. He’s currently has a Spear in his right hand. He is close to surrendering from embarrassment!
Female Merc is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover her chest. She currently unarmed! She is very embarrassed about her current situation!
Male Merc is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover his manhood. He’s currently has a small dagger wielded by his telekinetic powers. He’s close to surrendering from embarrassment!
Wadji is only fighting with one hand, using the other to cover her chest. She currently unarmed. She is rather embarrassed about her current situation.

You’re currently equipped with:
Your trusty Khopesh.
The Male Merc spear.
Flint and tinder.
A Healing kit.
Golden balls on a rope (Treasure)
Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling (on your butt)

…where are Soka even keeping all this stuff? Also note: turn order was a bit whack this update to make it flow better, but as everyone got 3 actions each and no one was defeated it shouldn’t matter much in the end.
No. 1034240 ID: 10c07d

Jump behind the male snake guy and grind your now bare dick on his backside while taunting him about how much he’d like it if you fucked him.
This way we can take out the male and put a wall between ourselves and the female charging her all-out attack.

Also tell the princess to use her telekinetic powers to tear off the females skirt, majorly embarrassing her as well.
No. 1034241 ID: 629f2e

You and Wadji both seem to be doing better handling your respective gender's mercs. So, why not stick to that?

Soka, finish off the male mercenary before he can get his attack. Since you were disrobed, why not turn that around to your advantage. Follow up on your previous taunt, and distract him by plowing his ass. It should build your own confidence back up to, which is a nice bonus. Maybe tear off his mask too while you're grappling him, as it may make him feel more vulnerable.

Wadji, the other chick is fighting one-handed right now. Take out her last line of clothing, and she won't be able to cover everything. Stay out of her ideal range. Either pepper her skirt and underwear with ice from a distance, or get in too close for her to use the spear effectively if she charges you.

Since you can't control her and have to communicate this verbally, just warn her to keep the spear's ideal range in mind, and not to fear pushing closer to avoid getting swiped at.
No. 1034242 ID: f41e72

Wedji: Use a turn for a strong spell, while Soka takes out the male.

Soka: Ready your Defensive stance, and Provoke/Taunt both mercs into attacking you, as Wedji is casting her spell. The Female Merc is likely a fellow Warrior, which means both of you would have Enrage stacks. It sucks to tank, but you'll have snake boobs for comfort later.
No. 1034244 ID: 61b860

You better win this or you're probably gonna have to watch that large merc breed the princess in front of you which you're not sure you want and he might try to breed you too. And finally we got to see your big breedable butt, but be confident and just say you're a grower and growers are better warriors anyway.
No. 1034245 ID: 61b860

Also be careful about the male he might break free and take that virgin snussy away from you and you might not fit anymore after that and if you did get her afterwards you would have to raise his clutch first.
No. 1034246 ID: 61b860

Is the female merc drooling over your butt or does she have poison?
No. 1034247 ID: 629f2e

Keep in mind rn that you're carrying Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling in your butt, so if it looks fatter than normal then that is a natural consequence of that.
No. 1034248 ID: 61b860

You could grind your butt or your dick against his dicks to distract him while the princess takes out the other merc and grind their boobs together.
No. 1034249 ID: 160fdc

That ass is glorious, and it seems like it may get bigger (based on Wadji, at least).

Attacking with one hand simply won't do. Quick! Slip your dick into the male merc's ass, and arm yourself with one of his 'weapons!' That should take him out, hinder the female merc's attack, and potentially entice the female merc (and Wadji) if you do well enough. They're much larger than you, so you should show that skill and stamina is what really matters here, plus this place allows for growth anyway. Grinding your ass on his dicks is a viable, if more dangerous alternative if dick-in-butt will leave you exposed.

Wadji should keep her distance and take out that skirt. Seems like she may be the one to 'survive' this fight, which could be interesting for you. Or, the female merc will focus Wadji, allowing you to 'backstab' her as well.

Assuming turn orders are the same, doing this will allow the female merc two attacks (Soka and potentially Wadji) before Wadji will be able to get her spell off, with a third from Enrage (if she is indeed a warrior).
No. 1034251 ID: 2a82d3

Almost right, but Soka's first on initiative. Taking the male out first means eating two attacks, instead of three.
No. 1034255 ID: a9af05

>Gained special ability Defensive stance (Spear): Counter attack all melee attacks this turn! Usable once per combat as a free action.
We can counter ALL melee attacks this turn?! That theoretically means that if both of the enemies targeted us with melee attacks, we should be able to counter both of them!

>Her stance changes slightly, making it look like she’s ready to bounce as she lower her head and coils her tail into a circle
It looks like she's going to pounce at you.

If that's a melee attack, then she's just screwed herself! Let's use the Defensive Stance ability and knock her on her ass when she tries to attack us!
No. 1034272 ID: 61b860

If you absorbed one of them after this into your tail to imprison them would it make your cheeks spread?
No. 1034274 ID: 96c896

Oh yeah definitely use Defensive Stance.
No. 1034327 ID: 10c07d

Yeah actually defensive stance seems like the best idea here if they’re going to go all out
No. 1034329 ID: 681cb5
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>That ass is glorious, and it seems like it may get bigger (based on Wadji, at least).
Both your mother and father has big assess, so it’s a given that you would have one as well… though, it feels bigger than it used to somehow…
>Keep in mind that you're carrying Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling in your butt, so if it looks fatter than normal then that is a natural consequence of that.
Oh right, Jadeite. You kind of forgot about her for a moment there… but you do feel her happily jiggle a bit back there every now and then.
>If you absorbed one of them after this into your tail to imprison them would it make your cheeks spread?
How should you know? You’ve never been able to do this to people before, have you? At least, not this precise… of course, you can always try and see? The mercenary female is going right into your cock, though… somehow… because you need to make it bigger and she just called it small and all…
>You better win this or you're probably gonna have to watch that large merc breed the princess in front of you which you're not sure you want and he might try to breed you too.
…that’s kind of hot… but you have to agree, you rather breed all three snakes yourself instead of just watching it, so let’s kick their butts! …err… tails… let’s kick their tails?
>The Female Merc is likely a fellow Warrior, which means both of you would have Enrage stacks.
There’s no way these pathetic mercenaries has the training of a real Varkian Warrior! No, they may have similar skills, but it’s clear that they can’t harness the rage within them like you can.

>Tell the princess to use her telekinetic powers to tear off the females skirt, majorly embarrassing her as well.
”Don’t you dare order me around, slave. I will deal with these insects as I see fit.”
>Seems like she may be the one to 'survive' this fight, which could be interesting for you.
…you know, you might want to try and ensure you’re actually left standing at the end of this, because you can’t really trust that Princess Wadji won’t just tie you up with the mercs and leave you here without payment… or do something even worse…

>It looks like she's going to pounce at you. If that's a melee attack, then she's just screwed herself! Let's use the Defensive Stance ability and knock her on her ass when she tries to attack us!
Sadly, you probably won’t be able to stop her actually pouncing you, but you’ll make sure you do enough damage to her that she’ll regret it! Let’s go into a defensive stance!
>Is the female merc drooling over your butt or does she have poison?
That’s clearly venom dripping from her tooth… which isn’t a good sign…

>Soka, finish off the male mercenary before he can get his attack. Since you were disrobed, why not turn that around to your advantage.
While it’s embarrassing to have your cock hanging out like this, you can use said embarrassment in your favor, by spreading it to your enemies!
>You could grind your dick against his dicks to distract him.
But how do you get close enough to do that without him fighting back… unless…
”You! Male! I challenge you to the ancient tradition of a dick contest!” you bellow while pointing towards the Male Merc, who sheepishly tries to hide his doubts before he answers, ”A d-dick contest? R-right! You’re on, savage!”

The two of you walk up to each other with your arms behind your back, as is stated in the old scrolls dictating the rules of the dick measuring contest. Both the mercenary female and the princess ceases their aggression, honoring the sacred ancient tradition the two of you are about to partake in. The Male Merc steals a few glances aimed at the bare chest of his female counterpart, to help himself grow as big as he can down there… though not that you blame him, as you make sure to give the Princess and her big stonking tits a good once over to make sure your cock is fully erect and throbbing by the time the two of you meet. ”Heh, seems like we have a clear winner.” you smugly announce as both his dicks quiver in fear from the mere sight of your gigantic beast… well, okay, it’s only slightly larger, but it’s till bigger than his! ”But I got two! That has to count for something!” he whines as you start to rub your member against his twins, enjoying the feeling of being just two bros having fun for a moment, though you’re forced to bring it to an end by asserting your victory, ”You know the rules, brother. Biggest dick wins.” The merc starts to thrust slightly, letting your dick slide between his own, almost as if he’s jerking you off with his twin members, ”But check out my piercings! That clearly makes my dick better!” as you shake your head, you simply state, ”They are some sweet piercing, sure, but you know very well what the old text says… besides, I got this fat, beautiful sack hanging from my cock, while you… well, you don’t.” it’s clear that he’s about to admit his loss, as his shoulder sags a bit and his twin dicks loses some of their size, ”It was cold and… and… f-fine, I admit defeat… you won… you got the bigger spear…”

Soka wins a cock measuring contest over the Male Merc!
Soka gains some confidence and are slightly less embarrassed!
The Male Merc surrenders from sheer embarrassment!
The Male Merc has been defeated! But the Male Merc doesn’t fully submit himself to Soka.
The Male Merc is under the effect of “Work until you drop”; defeated Mercenaries can still do grapples, distractions and other non-damaging actions as long as there is at least one undefeated Mercenary / Employer in combat.

>Attacking with one hand simply won't do. Quick! Slip your dick into the male merc's ass, and arm yourself with one of his 'weapons!'
Slowly, you let your dick slip downward, past the snakes members and towards his butthole, located right under them. ”H-hey, what are you doing!?” he questions as you slip your lower head over his entrance, ”Just plunging my mighty spear into its holster. I need both my hands free to jerk off these twins off, after all.” You give him a slight prod, to see just how tight he will be, and you feel his whole body shiver, ”No homo?” a statement you can only answer with a giant smile, ”Yes homo! All the fucking homo! I’m going to breed you just as hard as I’m going to breed these two ladies afterwards. I’m going to plow you so hard that you’ll think y-”
No. 1034330 ID: 681cb5
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You quickly grab your spear and turn around, just at the right time to catch the female merc pouncing right towards you. It’s clear she was waiting for you to be distracted, now that the ancient tradition of the dick contest is over. Though even as you manage to get the spear into position, you’re unable to stop her from landing on top of you, but at least you make her pay for it as your spear rips her skirt to bits as she flies by.
Soka is in defensive stance and counterattacks the Female Merc, hitting her skirt and ripping it apart!
Female Merc is close to surrendering from embarrassment!
No. 1034331 ID: 681cb5
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She quickly engulf you with her body, her many coils slithering around you and constricting you into a cocoon, making it impossible for you to move. When she’s certain that you can’t escape, she turns towards her male counter parts and yells, ”Dammit, you fool! Deal with the princess already! I got this hunk covered!” The male one starts slithering towards the princess with defeat written all over him, though seeing as he’s too busy hiding his shame from the world at large with both his hands, he can’t do much more than to be in the way for Wadji as she tries to attack the female one, ”Get away from me, you lowborn ruffian!”

The Male Merc distracts Princess Wadji!
Princess Wadji attacks the Female Merc’s underwear with her telekinetic powers, but fails as she’s being distracted.

The female mercenary squeezes you in her coils, rubbing your back with her bare chest and starts to whisper in your ear, ”Just give up, Sakkilian, and let me turn you into a breeding slave.” You feel a slight prick on your neck, as her fangs pierces your skin… but instead of feeling the pain of her venom, your body is bathed a warmth that is slowly spreading through your body with each beat of your heart, ”You’ll sell well as a breeder on the market… or maybe one of the nobles will buy you as a toy… heh, maybe the queen might even get you as a personal pussy pounder.” As the warmth reaches your groin, your dick grows even harder than before and throbs with a lustful intent. The snakes tail slowly slides across your member, exploring its size and shape, before settling by your sack and carefully massaging it, ”Mmm… just feel how heavy they are with my future children… but it feels like they aren’t completely full, do they?” Her tail lifts up your balls, as if to feel their weight, ”Tsk, have you been breeding people without my knowledge? Aren’t you a naughty slave… a naughty slave who deserves to be punished!” The tip of her tail quickly slithers up to the head of your member, prodding its entrance gently. As she plunges herself into you, you wince in an expectation of pain, but instead the only thing you can feel is pure pleasure as her tail easily slides into your member, ”But don’t worry, I might just allow my male friend to feed you his seed, so that you’ll have some nice, full orbs hanging between your legs…” She continues to thrust her tail into your cock head, pleasuring you in a way you never thought possible, ”And then you’ll breed a pair of twins into me, stud… if you just surrender now…” Your body gives in… why fight on? This is what you want… to be dominated by a strong lady and be bred over and over again. Just give in, Soka, it’s what your body wants… give up… and become a toy…

The Female Merc constricts Soka and poisons him!
Soka is ensnared (can’t move) and poisoned (double embarrassment / lust damage)!
The Female Merc is sounding Soka’s cock with her tail!
Soka is on the brink of surrendering from lust!
Soka enrages! (+attack, +1 turn)

You remember the words your father told you, how you should take control of your anger and forge it into a weapon, to be used in dire times. To take that primal emotion and bend it to your will! As your body gives up, your mind screams at you to fight on, to get up again and keep going! No, you’re not defeated yet… you still have some fight in you! But you’re stuck in her coils… and if you don’t defeat her with your next two attacks you will be done for… you need to give her your all and take her down quickly and efficiently. You can’t let her continue to play with you… and you can’t let the princess be the only one left standing… you need to act!

It is your turn.
No. 1034332 ID: 10c07d

Use your considerable strength to bite the merc's tail and break free from her coils. If your father could break free from his restraints you can break free from these coils.

Use your next turn to tear off her underwear so she surrenders from embarrassment.
No. 1034333 ID: 629f2e

Okay, how do we want to approach this?

To start with: We currently have Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling stored in our ass, but can we take her out? Doing so would shrink our ass, which would loosen the grip around us for at least a moment until snek lady adjusts. In addition, Jadeite would be out and able to fight.

Assuming that isn't possible however, I see two strong moves you could attempt still.

The first is simple, you can pay the female merc back for that bite with one of your own. Except you won't be quite so tender. Your tribe eats people, and you yourself have consumed others while here. Chomp down hard into her scales, and I think you'll cause her grip to loosen. (Even if the temple will protect from the damage, maybe she likes it rough?)

You just need one opening. The moment her grip on you slackens, counterattack. Force your own body to move, slip past her grip, and wrap your own limbs around her. See how she likes being pinned down, and fully establish your dominance.

The second... well there's no nice way to say it, it's gonna be a little gross.

The tip of her tail is in your dick. Maybe you could... Y'know. Suck her in? Absorb her?

It sounds impossible, but if your true desire is to make your dick better, then it might just be doable.

But yeah, that's still weird and icky, definitely prefer plan A over plan b.
No. 1034334 ID: 96c896

I'm *really* not into cock vore but sucking some of her tail into your dick should be at least shocking enough for her to let you go, at which point you can rip off her underwear to finish her off. Do the impossible, just as you were challenged to do.
No. 1034336 ID: 61b860

You could pull on her nipple rope or as a last act sort of thing you can use your golden balls artifact. Can you also transfer jadeite into your tail to escape and use the now longer tail to pull on the nipple rope?
No. 1034339 ID: 61b860

Absorb her into your balls and turn your avocados into dinosaur avocados. When you go back to your clan you can use that snake guy as a eunuch by absorbing his balls through his dicks into your balls and consuming them.
No. 1034357 ID: 36784c

>The tip of her tail is in your dick. Maybe you could... Y'know. Suck her in? Absorb her?
I don't think we can until we beat her and make her submit. If we try now, she might put up too much of a fight for us to be able to do it.
No. 1034371 ID: 01fe07

Break free of her coils and dominate her! Rip off her underwear, then force her to submit to your superior strength!
No. 1034377 ID: ba2320

Her underwear is just down there beside your right arm. Reach under there and fingerblast her until she gives in.
No. 1034389 ID: 2ca2f9

Maybe you can get Jadeite out of your ass and make you thinner (and she will be distracted not knowing what the fuck is happening) then you can use your anger and hate fuck her.
No. 1034399 ID: 36784c

I don't think we have time to try and figure out how to do that. Let's just break free and subdue her normally.
No. 1034510 ID: 681cb5
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[Warning, contains cock vore. You’ve been warned]

>As a last act sort of thing you can use your golden balls artifact.
…and do what exactly? They aren’t magical or anything… at least, you’re pretty sure they aren’t magical…
>Use your anger and hate fuck her.
While you want to just pin her down and impregnate her, you can’t do that while she’s keeping you constricted with her tail. You need to break out of her grip first!
>Use your superior strength to break free of her coils and dominate her!
While you are probably stronger than her, your current position doesn’t allow you to use that ability to its fullest potential. Not to mention the venom coursing through your veins makes it hard to give it your fullest right now…

>You could pull on her nipple rope.
Sadly, her tits are rubbing against your back, making it impossible for you to reach her piercing.
>Use your considerable strength to bite the merc's tail and break free from her coils. If your father could break free from his restraints you can break free from these coils.
You try your hardest to lean your head forward, but her tail is just out of reach from your mouth. You need to make her coil herself upwards if you want to bite her.
>Her underwear is just down there beside your right arm. Reach under there and fingerblast her until she gives in.
Reaching out with your fingers you can feel the fabric of her panties, but you can’t get them into a proper position to slip them into her snussy, seeing as your arm is pinned to your side.
>We currently have Jadeite the Acolyte Ratling stored in our ass, but can we take her out? Doing so would shrink our ass, which would loosen the grip around us for at least a moment until snek lady adjusts. In addition, Jadeite would be out and able to fight.
First off, your ass won’t get that much smaller… second, last time you saw Jadeite she was naked, tied up and roughly fucked, meaning she’s in no condition to fight… and last but not least, how do you even release her!? You have no idea how to get her out from there! …and you really hope she’ll just appear out of thin air just out of view like father does, and not take the way your food usually does…

>The tip of her tail is in your dick. Maybe you could... Y'know. Suck her in? Absorb her?
…can you do that? Ptamet did mention something like that but… how? Do you flex a muscle down there or…?
>I don't think we can until we beat her and make her submit. If we try now, she might put up too much of a fight for us to be able to do it.
You just need her to loosen her grip a bit… and while she might fight back, you’re sure getting sucked down a dick will embarrass her even further. As long as you can get her to submit before she gets the chance to strike back, there shouldn’t be a problem.
>It sounds impossible, but if your true desire is to make your dick better, then it might just be doable.
…you deserve the biggest dick around… and if the only way to achieve it is to feed it cute gals, then so be it…

>Do the impossible, just as you were challenged to do.
The female snake jolts to attention as she feels her tail getting tugged, ”Did… d-did your dick just…?” You can’t answer, as your mind is consumed by pure bliss of feeling her tail slide into you… as well as a new hunger you’ve never felt before. You need her inside you… you need to consume her! With a flex of a muscle, another foot of her long tail slides into your gluttonous shaft, making the snake quiver. ”Y-you’re actually sucking me down into your sack!?” she says as she finally starts releasing you from her coils, but before you can take advantage of that fact she catches you off guard by forcing herself even deeper into you. At first you think she did a mistake, but it’s soon clear that she’s deliberately wiggling herself into you, to make sure she keeps slipping deeper. ”B-by the twins, that’s so… so… fucking hot…” she stammers out as her tail tip enters your sack, making it grow bigger with every inch of her tail that follows. Wiggling her tail, you can feel how she’s exploring what will soon be her new home while she whispers into your ear, ”Come on, slave, suck me up like the noodle I am already!”

Soka starts feeding the Female Merc into his cock!
Critical hit! Female Merc’s secret desire found!
The Female Merc surrenders from sheer lust and horniness!
The Female Merc has been defeated! The Female Merc has fully submitted to Soka’s cock!

>Use your next turn to tear off her underwear so she surrenders from embarrassment.
As more and more of the female snake is consumed by your ravenous cock, you take the opportunity when her hips gets close to your lower head to grab and rip off her panties, exposing her wet snussy to the world. Not that she seems to mind, as she immediately plunges one of her hands into it and start masturbating feverously, shivering in delight from the mere thought of being cockfood. ”Ah… t-that’s right… let me slide into your heavy orbs…” she moans, ”Make me fill out those balls, you naughty slave, or I’ll have to punish you!” Both her wiggling and hand moments gets more and more intense the more of her body is filling out your balls. But her eager decent is suddenly brought to an end, as her fat hips hits the top of your lower head and is seemingly too large to slide it. The snake starts trying to force herself deeper, screaming ”Shove me down there and turn me into baby batter already!” in irritation, as she gets more and more desperate to enter your sperm factory. You can’t help but gasp as she finally manage to slip her large rump into you, making your dick bulge more than ever before and almost knocking your unconscious from sheer pleasure, letting her quickly slide down the rest of the way without any problems. ”Mff… churn me, please… make me into a load…” she manage to moan right before her head finally slips inside…
No. 1034511 ID: 681cb5
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She finally settles into your heavy sack, making it swell up way larger than you ever thought possible. You can even feel her squirm inside you, clearly enjoying herself as you’re sure you can feel her masturbating in there. Hopefully, she’ll shrink soon so that you can move properly, as having a fat nut like this will make it hard to get up on your feet.

>Absorb her into your balls and turn your avocados into dinosaur avocados.
You can feel your balls start to work her over, slowly absorbing her into themselves… she’ll soon be part of you just like Jadeite is…

The princess slither up to you, giving your full sack a curious look, ”I can see that you’ve dealt with the female one, if in a rather… crude manner… not that I was expecting more from a lowborn like yourself.” She points behind her, and you can clearly see the male snake being bound in ice manacles when you follow her gesture, as she continues ”The male one has been dealt with, so we’re safe for now.” The male writhes around a bit, before looking over at the princess and begs to her, ”Please, honor my last request! Let me dive into those precious fold of yours… let me become your next egg!” The princess on her part barely acknowledges him, instead opting to focus her attention on you. ”I have no more need for your services, plebian… and I am a lady of my word. What do want as a reward? …and please don’t tell me that you want to slide into my royal womb like that other cretin.” The male snake struggle against his frozen binding while he whimpers, ”It’s not fair… s-she gets to go down a cock and I can’t slither into a snussy?”
No. 1034515 ID: 629f2e

You don't want to go too deep. just the length of your shaft will do.

Seriously though, just be honest and say that you want her to bear your kin, so that they will be born strong and with the potential for magic that you lack. If she agrees, you will stay by her side and keep her safe. Whether that means taking her into your clan, or helping her take back the throne, you can figure that out once you leave the labyrinth.
No. 1034516 ID: 1bb7b8

>not that I was expecting more from a lowborn like yourself.
Fuck off, I just swallowed a hole serpent with my dick, you opinion is invalid.

As for a reward... hmm can we learn magic? If we can, we want her to teach us.

If not... She is here for a reason. We have to make her ours. If we can convince her to keep going deeper into the labyrinth, we might get another chance to seduce her, show her how strong and cool we are.

Say, can we fuck the other guy? He is cute.
No. 1034519 ID: a4b8bf

What's on the table? An heir is what you're truly after, and in a few moments, you'll be carrying the potential of two capable warriors (three if things go well) to give to the next generation.
Seems like it will likely be on her terms though.

>I can’t slither into a snussy?
You've got another ball: perhaps he'd like to join his partner and get a taste of that snussy from the inside? Technically, he'd be having some fun with two snake ladies.
Though, getting to go a round with him would be fun, maybe even steal a few inches from him if you can... Hmm, have you ever considered piercings?
No. 1034520 ID: 61b860

You can absorb the guy into your tail and get the trinity of bottom heaviness. Also should we go after the other options to get stronger to open this place?
No. 1034521 ID: 96c896

You want her as your mate. She is being pursued, but your clan is powerful, and gaining power by producing strong heirs thanks to this temple. She will be safe with you.

Ask her if there is any secret desire she wishes to indulge in while she is here. The impossible is possible, clearly... and you will not judge her for whatever it is she wants.

Lastly, weren't we going to get a god-infused cock? Don't forget!
No. 1034529 ID: 2a82d3

We're in furry cartoon bullshit territory now. Gotta commit.

>”I have no more need for your services, plebian… and I am a lady of my word. What do (you) want as a reward?
You need to unload those balls soon, and she's a water priestess. If she loves her job, she must has an inflation fetish you can tempt her with.

>”Please, honor my last request! Let me dive into those precious fold of yours… let me become your next egg!”
Or you could request a spitroast, his face to her snatch. Once she gets lost in pleasure, she won't notice him going in. Just don't cum until she gets in.
No. 1034530 ID: 2ca2f9

Ask her to wait a minute so you can do your thing and think clearly. Seems like we will have to do a quike surprise attack... Wait, we should check out what skill we just learn, maybe we can do the same ability the female merc did with her bite but with our semen!
No. 1034531 ID: fec07f

Wait guys here me out we DO want to go into her snussy. The whole reason we can't complete the labyrinth ourself is that we don't have magic right? So if we go into her get egged and then come out as a hybrid we can get magic! Screw lettung some hypothetical progeny get the glory we can do it ourselves!
No. 1034532 ID: 36784c

>What do you want as a reward?
Remind her that she said you’d be richly rewarded with whatever we value, then tell her that what you value is to have a mate and you want her as your mate.

>Lastly, weren't we going to get a god-infused cock?
No, we weren’t going to do that.

That’s not how that works. So no, we’re not going to do that.
No. 1034533 ID: 96c896

>no god-cock
Why not? It's probably just going to be a possession thing, not more cock vore. I'm imagining it going all glowy or maybe getting special colors.
No. 1034535 ID: fec07f

How do you know that won't work?
No. 1034539 ID: 36784c

That's the problem. We don't need someone else to be in control of our dick.

We've already been told that we'll only get 1 stat buff per run and we've already gotten our buff from the rat girl.

Also the point of the game is to have the next generation come in stronger than their parents, until we eventually get a kid strong enough to pass the goddess' trials.
No. 1034540 ID: 4bc569

Her as a mate.

>god cock
>go into her snussy
I'm against these. They don't sound very fun at all.
No. 1034543 ID: 8bbe6c

Let's ask our spirit guide if the whole "get reborn with magic" thing will work. If yes then I say go for it if no then just breed her.
No. 1034545 ID: 708905

Point out that she might as well let the merk dive into her snussy because the magic of this place prevents us from killing them so it's probably the only way to ensure they don't cause problems in the near future
No. 1034546 ID: dc9df3

This, check out if we can get the merc’s ability, if we have to get rid of the rat do it.
No. 1034552 ID: a9af05

Her as our mate.

Tell her that she can't go home, so she'll need a safe place to stay. Coming home with you would be a good place for her to hide from everyone that's hunting her.

>male merc
Try to convince her to grant this guy his request. There's really no harm in her fulfilling the request.

>god-infused cock
No thanks. I don't want someone else in control of our dick.
No. 1034590 ID: f2320a

I dont think god dick would have control that would not be humiliating enough ruining the fantasy.
So snake testicle i guess if soka does not Nut her out before leaving chance his children will be part purple Sakkilian+snakeSakkilian hybrid
No. 1034605 ID: 681cb5
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>If we can convince her to keep going deeper into the labyrinth, we might get another chance to seduce her, show her how strong and cool we are.
Your clothes are in shambles, your mind is drowning in a lustful mist and your sack is overfilled with snake batter. You’re in no shape to continue going deeper, as the first lady you would meet would easily dominate you just by saying a few sweet words right now.
>Seems like we will have to do a quick surprise attack...
Even with a surprise on your side, you’re not sure you’ll be able to beat the princess in your current condition. She’ll just need to grab your member and you’ll probably swear that you’ll be her personal breeding slave or something.
>Hmm, have you ever considered piercings?
Can’t say you have much experience with those, as no one in your tribe knows how to do them. It’s mostly a custom of those that live near the great river.
>Say, can we fuck the other guy? He is cute.
Well, you did promise to breed him like the girl he is… but you’ll see what the princess want to do with him first, if anything.

>You don't want to go too deep. Just the length of your shaft will do.
”Cute, but I’m not here to hear your inane jokes, lowborn. Tell me your request now or I will simply leave you here without it.”
>Hmm can we learn magic? If we can, we want her to teach us.
”No, you cannot. I can feel that you have no magical ability to speak of, not to mention even if you had it takes years to master even the simplest of magic. It would probably take a few lifetimes for someone as dull as you even, plebian.”
>Seriously though, just be honest and say that you want her to bear your kin, so that they will be born strong and with the potential for magic that you lack. If she agrees, you will stay by her side and keep her safe. Whether that means taking her into your clan, or helping her take back the throne, you can figure that out once you leave the labyrinth.
”No. That won’t be happening.” Wadji states without a second of consideration, though you do try and make her at least think about it, ”Didn’t you specifically tell me you would richly reward me with whatever I valued? Well, I value a strong mate that can carry my future children.” She simply looks at you for a bit before answering, ”Then I will give you a strong breeding slave later, lowborn. You’re not going to become my mate just like that.” You feel the snake in your sack move around, enjoying herself as she slowly melts, ”But… virgin princess snussy?” She scoffs at that, ”Virgin? Oh, please, do you really believe a princess of the great kingdom of the High River Lands wouldn’t have a harem filled with muscular hunks with big, fat twin cocks, ready to pound every last hole I have at a moment notice?” she waves her hand towards you dismissively, ”And you’re not getting this snussy, as you call it. My royal womb will not only carry the future heir of our great kingdom, but it is my greatest bargaining chip to create a new alliance that I sorely need. This womb will give me an army to be used to reclaim my kingdom, and I won’t let some lowborn Sakkilian defile it just because he wants a strong mate.” The movements in your sack grows weaker and weaker, at the same time as the ball itself become more smooth, letting you concentrate more on what the princess is actually saying, ”My tribe is strong, princess, I can give you that army you want!” Wajdi actually stops for a bit, letting her aim wander aimlessly as she thinks about what you said, ”Hmm….an army of furious savages attacking from the dune sea while the royal soldiers loyal to me attack from the river… yes, that might just work. Not to mention, the threat of ending up in a Sakkilian tummy will keep the slaves in line… or entice them to work harder. …but you are clearly just a common warrior, isn’t that true, lowborn? …who are your parents?” You weren’t expecting her to ask about your parents, so you just let the truth slip out without thinking, ”Um… I’m indeed a warrior of my tribe, while my mother is a trapper and my father… well, his official title is ‘food’…” The princess raises an eyebrow at that last word, ”…food? How can you- never mind, I don’t care about your weird Sakkilian customs. While I might have considered it if you were the tribe leader or their son, you’re just another lowborn who cannot give me the army I need. Besides, even if I had access to bitter leaf, I don’t mate with someone with such a small member as yours.” As on reflex you say, ”H-hey! It’s average sized!” to which she quickly answers, ”Exactly, average sized like a commoner’s dick. I am princess Wadji, the celestial tear of the twin moon made manifest, a divine being that has been given the very heavens blessing to rule this world. I will not settle for anything but a god like cock.”
>You need to unload those balls soon, and she's a water priestess. If she loves her job, she must have an inflation fetish you can tempt her with.
”…I have to admit I am slightly tempted to feel that large sack of yours empty inside me, but I still stand by what I said. No, I need this womb to reclaim my kingdom, something you cannot help me with, lowborn.”

>Wait, we should check out what skill we just learn, maybe we can do the same ability the female merc did with her bite but with our semen!
You’re not sure if you can learn new abilities like that, but you’ll try. With one final twitch of your sack, you can finally feel the snake cease her moments in there, finally submitting completely to your body and letting herself become nothing but your next orgasm.

You’ve consumed a Serpent Mercenary and gain the following buff:
+1 Will
+1 Magic
+1 Dick size.
+A few billions sperms
You’ve lost the Ratling Acolyte buff:
-1 Agility

”Did your member just become larger, lowborn?” Wadji states with a hint of curiosity as she watches your member grow slightly in size, ”I guess it’s… more sufficient now than before…” she looks away, rubbing her chin for a bit before continuing, ”Maybe we should find more slave girls to feed that thing… I’m curious to see just how big you can get.”

>Ask her if there is any secret desire she wishes to indulge in while she is here. The impossible is possible, clearly... and you will not judge her for whatever it is she wants.
”You wish to fulfill my secret desire? Ha! Where are you expecting to find ten thousand harem slaves who has abs you can grate meat on and cocks as big as my arm, all of whom will worship me like the transcendent being that I am! I want them to do everything I desire without a second thought, even throwing their worthless lives away on a vim for my amusement. That is my desire, lowborn, something you can only dream off.”
>Try to convince her to grant this guy his request. There's really no harm in her fulfilling the request.
”You know, you might as well let him dive into your snussy. The magic of this place doesn’t let anyone come to harm, so it’s probably the only way we can ensure he won’t cause problems in the future.” Wadji looks back over at the male merc, who’s still struggling with the ice manacles she gave him, before turning back towards you, ”I was thinking about just leaving him tied up here for someone else to find and do as they wish with him, be it turning him into a mate, food or a toy. But I have to admit, having a lowborn like that worship my very body as they are consumed by my most holy folds, giving their very life and soul to be forever bound to my divine body… it is tempting… I’ll consider it” You rub your now unmoving sack for a moment before looking up at her, ”…you know they won’t actually die, right?” to which she gives you a slight scowl, ”Shush, you’re ruining the fantasy, lowborn.”
>You could request a spitroast, his face to her snatch. Once she gets lost in pleasure, she won't notice him going in. Just don't cum until she gets in.
…that’s kind of an hot idea, though you’re pretty sure she’ll notice him slipping inside… then again, she did seem to consider unbirthing him earlier…
>You've got another ball: perhaps he'd like to join his partner and get a taste of that snussy from the inside? Technically, he'd be having some fun with two snake ladies.
It’s clear that he rather become part of Wadji instead of you.

>Wait guys here me out we DO want to go into her snussy. The whole reason we can't complete the labyrinth yourself is that we don't have magic right? So if we go into her get egged and then come out as a hybrid we can get magic! Screw letting some hypothetical progeny get the glory we can do it ourselves!
Will that even work? Being turned into one of her future children does sound strangely exciting, though you’re not sure if that’s just your overfilled sack talking. Might be something to consider…
>Let's ask our spirit guide if the whole "get reborn with magic" thing will work. If yes then I say go for it if no then just breed her.
”Ptamet! Are you there? How does this whole reborn with magic thing work!?” With a loud pop the head of jackal appears from nowhere, making princess Wadji jump a bit, ”Oh! Are you thinking of being born anew, little one!?” Her head bounces around happily for a bit, ”It’s very simple, really. Just turn yourself into an egg or batch of seed by entering the body of another... then let them either fertilize you or use you to fertilize someone else. Just like Sslama the mercenary decided to become your seed and future child.” The princess quickly regain her composure as she watches Ptamet ramble on, ”Though it is not perfect for you mortal to do this, as you won’t remember your past life perfectly. It will be more like a lucid dream, but you’ll still be you… just in a new body, that is.” as the Jackal finishes, the snake looks down at you with a raised eyebrow, ”…you have a direct link to a demi-god and you use it for advice on your fetishes? Really?” Ptamet giggles a bit, ”Well, little snake, it’s what I’m here for, technically.”
>Lastly, weren't we going to get a god-infused cock? Don't forget! Ask how it will work.
”It’s very simple, little one. I’ll come over in person and then you’ll simply absorb me in any way you wish, be it by letting me slide down into you, by putting it in my butt and transforming me into it or if you want to be quick, just letting me touch it and merge with it.”
>That's the problem. We don't need someone else to be in control of our dick.
”Do not fret, little one, I won’t control anything. After all, the whole idea is that I’ll helplessly hang between your legs, being forced to breed any lady or man that you wish without any control myself. Exciting, isn’t it?”

Before you can ask anything else, you can hear Wadji sigh loudly before she speaks, ”Fine, if your reward is to become my next child, then so be it.” the princess waves her hand towards you again, as if she’s dismissing you, ”I rather do that then letting you impregnate me and ruin my plans, lowborn.” she stops talking for a second, before deciding to add one final thing, ”Unless you can get me an army to reclaim my kingdom, that is.”

So, it’s time for a decision. You’re sure you can convince her to become your mate and breed her, given time... but just diving into her and becoming her next child does sound strangely enticing, doesn’t it? Then there’s what you’ll do with Ptamet as well as the Male Merc… he definitely needs to be dealt with.

[Note: If Soka unbirths himself, you’ll continue playing as Princess Wadji until she finds a mate to fertilize him with.]
No. 1034621 ID: 273c18

Look, the solution is simple here. Go get that god cock, and fulfill the princess's literal statement. A pleasant side effect of this path is that you're actually going to use that giant testicle for what it's meant for, instead of wasting it by becoming an egg.

As for how the absorption will be done, I vote for a quick one, but actually getting to fuck Ptamet would be fun for some "foreplay". Wait, we can't waste the snake-load doing that though... dang. How about just a little fooling around?
No. 1034623 ID: 629f2e

Look, the cock vore suggestion was pure strategy, that was a solution to win the fight. Presently, we have options, so it is with great pleasure that I say:

No. Absolutely not. Do not let her unbirth you.

You can convince her to bear your children with time, and getting that god-infused cock will surely help sell her on the idea. Just please stay the fuck out of that snussy. Let's keep the limit to two acts of vore per run max please.
No. 1034628 ID: 61b860

How's the next run gonna work if we have so many children to choose from and or being reborn and is this story going to get more complex and do we raise sslama as our daughter but she will be reborn, man this is getting really complicated.
No. 1034633 ID: 641d7a

Don’t let her unbirth you,. Fuse your cock and see how the process reacts.
No. 1034635 ID: fec07f

Our whole prideful warrior thing means that we personally want to be the one to achive the glory of completing the labyrinth. Therefore I say yes to the unvirthing as it's the only way we can really do that.
No. 1034642 ID: 2a82d3

This, pretty much. With the aid of your goddess, she will be the ocean or lake from which new life springs forth. Bonus: Should the Male Merc transform into her egg, both of them will be able to "fuse" in there (like he probably wants) but they won't necessarily be your heir.

You will need to talk to her about apparently abandoning her harem to the whims of her rival (they pretty much belong to her now, one way or another), that whole slavery thing (no way in hell you'll be one), and her general treatment toward the "lower classes" (best time to introduce her to the concept of "class mobility"). You can discuss as you talk her into mating you, or she may bemore amicable to it after becoming a snake ball.

The thing is she also challenged him, if unintentionally, to find a way to raise an army. If he even cares about the former challenge, this one seems doable right now. Becoming a "general", or "new tribe leader" can be another path to glory.
No. 1034643 ID: 36784c

>god possessed dick, no control
Hmmm, if we make any children while Ptamet is possessing our dick, would there be a chance that those children would inherit a little bit of a her godly power?

Because if that’s what will happen, then that might be enough to convince Wadji to be our mate. A chance to give birth to children that have a little bit of a god’s power should be something that she’d enjoy.

>“Unless you can get me an army to reclaim my kingdom, that is.”
Look at us right now. We could literally give you an army, if you’re willing to give birth to that many children. Just be our mate and we’ll give you what you want.

No. 1034652 ID: 0d7b35

While I'm personally in favour of getting unbirthed it's pretty clear that's not what everyone else wants.

That said I still think the princess should unbirth the male merc because if nothing else I don't think tying up a telekinetic snake would be very effective.
No. 1034655 ID: 5b0071

Let's be patient. The temple can't be empty of prospective mates.
No. 1034687 ID: a9af05

>No. Absolutely not. Do not let her unbirth you.
I agree with this. She can do that to the male merc, but not to us!

Yes to all of this.
No. 1034694 ID: e5709d

Find a way to fuse yourself to Wadji as her new cock.
No. 1034709 ID: f2320a

Being unbirthed is basically being eaten so its just suicide
No. 1034838 ID: 681cb5
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>Let's be patient. The temple can't be empty of prospective mates.
Of course there are more mates to be found down here… the problem is that you’re in no shape to take them on.
>Our whole prideful warrior thing means that we personally want to be the one to achieve the glory of completing the labyrinth.
While conquering this temple and finding this mythical garden Ptamet talked about does seem like a fitting legacy for someone as great as yourself, but becoming the god king of a grand kingdom and breeding their divine queen every day seem even better…

>Do not let her unbirth you.
”So you chose to be a coward at the last moment? Clearly not brave enough to venture deep into my sensual depths?” The princess slither towards you, letting her hands slowly traverse across her body, taking care to show of her large butt in particular, ”To slide into these curvy hips and be squeezed into my womb, to feel it massage and kneed and hug you tightly as it slowly embraces your whole body and transforms it into another egg to be fertilized…” With one hand on her hip, she slowly rubs her stomach to elevate her point further before continuing, ”You truly sure you don’t wish to be reborn as a prince… or princess?” You simply shake your head and give her a wicked grin, ”I rather become king by breeding you as my mate!” There is a slight disappointment in her stance, but she tries to hide it, ”Hmpf, at least you have confidence, I give you that.”
>Being unbirthed is basically being eaten so it’s just suicide.
The magic of this temple is protecting everyone from actual fatal outcomes, which would include being eaten in any way it’s possible. After all, your father gets eaten all the time and he always come back no worse to wear… not to mention, Ptamet said that you would be reborn as Wadji’s child if you went through with it.
>Find a way to fuse yourself to Wadji as her new cock.
While you wouldn’t be surprised if that was possible, you’re here to find a mate and make an heir, not become a cock. Of course, if you were to become a dick, you would be without a doubt the biggest dick there ever was.

>Look, the solution is simple here. Go get that god cock, and fulfill the princess's literal statement.
…not only would you be able to use her own words against her, but surely she’ll see just how amazing you are if you manage to get a demi-god to fuse with your body! Right, let’s do this!
>You can convince her to bear your children with time, and getting that god-infused cock will surely help sell her on the idea.
”With the help of Ptamet, I will be the river where new life spring forth, to rejuvenate your followers and create the army you so desire and deserve. Just become my mate, and you will give birth to a legion mighty enough to conquer any kingdom!” She crosses her arms and looks at you like you’re a complete fool, ”…there is so many things wrong with that. Firstly, I only got two eggs ready to be fertilized… maybe three if I have to deal with that mercenary, so making an army that way will take ages. Second, I need my army ready when the river recedes and the flood beds become available in a month, as I cannot let my sister muster her own forces before I strike. So no, you cannot give me the army I deserve or desire, lowborn.” Puffing up your chest and pointing towards it with your thumb, you assert; ”Oh, but I can! Don’t you see? I’ve convinced an immortal demi-god to become nothing but my cock, to give away her very being for my own personal pleasure!” Ptamet gives you a look that says ‘really?’, but she keep silent and lets you continue, ”Do you honestly believe I won’t be able to convince my tribe to aid your quest to regain your kingdom!?” The royal snake seems to consider your argument for a few moments, before a slight smile spreads across her snout as she answers, ”Hmm… I am impressed that this ‘Ptamet’ is willing to become part of you… and honestly I might not find a better option than this. Very well, I’ll become your mate, Warrior; you may breed me so that I can carry our future heirs.”
>Hmmm, if we make any children while Ptamet is possessing our dick, would there be a chance that those children would inherit a little bit of a her godly power?
”Sadly, I may not spread my power to those that hasn’t yet showed that they are ready…” Ptamet says as her head bounces around you, before she stops and gives you a warm smile, ”…but I might just sneak in a blessing or two for you, little one.” With a huge grin, you look over at a rather disinterested looking Wadji, ”Did you hear that, Wadji? If you become my mate the heirs of your kingdom might just have a bit of a demi-gods power in them.” One of her eyebrow raises as she looks at you, taking a moment before she states, ”I’ve already accepted your proposal to become mates, Soka… besides, while I do care to make a strong heir, I need to get my kingdom back from my sister first. Not to mention I’m already a divine being, being born of the very tears from the moon twin.”
>A pleasant side effect of this path is that you're actually going to use that giant testicle for what it's meant for, instead of wasting it by becoming an egg.
True, you are rather looking forward to emptying these huge nuts… not to mention that getting pumped into an womb is probably what Sslama or what she was called wanted… either that or getting splattered against a wall or something. Good news though is that your sack is starting to even out, now that she’s nothing but liquid spunk.

>That said I still think the princess should unbirth the male merc because if nothing else I don't think tying up a telekinetic snake would be very effective.
”You do have a point… and I can’t just let cretin leave as he might crawl back to my traitorous sister and squeal about what he saw here. I do not wish for her to know about our union just yet, so I cannot let that happen.” You watch as the male merc perks up as he comes up with a cunning plan, which consists of him yelling; ”That’s right! I’ll tell the queen everything! S-so you need to silence me!” The princess gives off a quiet sigh before turning around and starting to slither towards him, ”…well, I guess it’s settled then. I’ll deal with the mercenary while you… do whatever you’ll do with Ptamet, Soka.”
>Bonus: Should the Male Merc transform into her egg, both of them will be able to "fuse" in there (like he probably wants) but they won't necessarily be your heir.
”Our heir to the throne will be the first tadpole that slithers onto land from my first laid batch. That is the tradition of our kingdom.”

>As for how the absorption will be done, I vote for a quick one.
”Really? You want to do this quick?” The jackal turns around and look at you with a half-smile before adding, ”Aw, you’re not fun, little one… wouldn’t you rather feel how my whole body slowly become one with yours instead?” You return her look with a stern one as you assert, ”Ptamet, I’m trying to impress the princess, nothing more.” she gives of a small sigh, ”Fine, fine, I’ll do it quickly, don’t you fret.” though before she can continue you ask, ”Well… can’t we have some fun first? Can I at least see you in person?” Ptamet gives of a quiet chuckle as she answers, ”Only if we do this the fun way, little one.” she looks up at you with the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen, but you still manage to stay vigilant, ”I’m not changing my mind, Ptamet.” she gives you a bit of a pout before she speaks, ”Well, it was worth a try… now, relax and let me my thing, Soka…”

Ptamet floats down towards your dick, winking at you as she gives it a long lick from the base all the way to the head, making it twitch in delight. You’re about to ask her what she’ll actually do when she pucker her lips and give your lower head a kiss, which is followed by a very strange but pleasurable sensation of heat spreading through your mighty rod. She gives your tip a slight suckle while looking deep into your eyes…
No. 1034839 ID: 681cb5
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And the whole world turns white as your body is rocked by a wave of pure ecstasy.
No. 1034840 ID: 681cb5
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When the light dissipates Ptamet is nowhere to be see. Instead, there’s a huge, black cock throbbing against your chest, which shape clearly reminds you of the former demi-god. She actually did it, she actually became your member!

”By the three goddess, I’m huge!” The princess looks over at you in awe, nearly forgetting about the male she’s currently consuming, ”Now that’s a cock worthy of my royal womb. I’ve never seen someone that big before.” Your new dick throbs eagerly, sending out waves of pleasure through your whole body and making you shiver, ”And it’s sensitive too…” It’s clear that Wadji is delighted in what she sees, though there are some hesitation in her voice, ”…will that even fit in me?” With a deadpan expression, you look over at her and the male merc who’s hips just reached her lower lips, the rest of him deep inside her, ”…Wadji, you got a whole Serpent inside your snussy right now.” She looks down at the snake that’s halfway down her birth canal and simply states, ”Oh, right…”

>You will need to talk to her about apparently abandoning her harem to the whims of her rival (they pretty much belong to her now, one way or another)
”Trust me, one of the first thing I will do after reconquering my kingdom, is to make sure my sister hasn’t defiled my personal harem.” She starts pressing the male merc into herself as she speaks, forcing his hips into her body. Just before his twin cocks are consumed, they throb and shoot a few meager ropes of his seed onto the floor, one final orgasm before he’s unbirthed completely. You turn your attention away from the weird show and focus on Wadji instead, ”But aren’t I your mate? Why do you need a harem?” She closes her eyes and moan as more of the male slides into her, before looking back at you, ”Did I mention that the royal mate also get his own personal harem? And seeing how your loins don’t carry the divine lineage, you’ll be free to breed as many of them as you wish.” A personal breeding harem? Really? ”Well, you’ve convinced me. The harems stay.”
>that whole slavery thing (no way in hell you'll be one).
”You’ll be a king, not a slave, Soka. And your tribe will be free within our kingdom. Only those we conquer will become the lowest of the low… like my sister and whoever is aiding her, including my mother.”
>and her general treatment toward the "lower classes" (best time to introduce her to the concept of "class mobility").
”Soka, you will be a king, not some lowborn cretin. While it is our divine birthright to lead the lowborn into prosperity, they are so far beneath us that they might as well be insects. When you die, there will be songs, art and myths about your greatness told onto the end of all ages, but when one of these lowborn dies, they will be completely forgotten from history within a generation or two.” She makes a rather pleasant sigh as more of the male snake’s tail is slurped into her, before she lets you continue your argument, ”Still… feels a bit iffy to judge someone for whom they were born from.” The look she gives you makes you feel stupid, ”Don’t you Sakkilian eat the weak?” a bit awkwardly you answer while rubbing the back of your head, ”We eat prey, who are weak, yes.” The sound of the both the snakes’ tails happily wagging against each other echo’s through the room, though the princess voice quickly drowns it out, ”The lowborn are weak. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be lowborn, would they?” Your thoughts are brought towards your own ass… which currently houses that Ratling you ate earlier, ”Well… I guess you got a point…”

”Now, enough inane chattering. Let us consummate our alliance.” Princess Wadji states while looking around, with only a bit of the tail of the male snake hanging out from her, ”While I would prefer a royal sleeping pool, this place will have to do. So how do you want to do this?” She looks over at you, expecting a response, ”Do you wish for me to take charge or do you want to do the main duty?” Wadji stops to give of another moan as more of the merc slither into her, before adding; ”I am ready to carry your young, Soka, please impregnate me.”
No. 1034842 ID: d98cb8

Honestly if she needs an army quickly, on top of just a Soka's tribe, surely with his new deity-dick and her divine snussy they could manage.

The labyrinth seems willing to accommodate ridiculous stuff, considering Soka's dad.

No reason why she can't fertilize and just begin popping out eggs like a machine gun, hatching full grown divine warriors from her loins already prepared to do battle in her name.
No. 1034846 ID: 273c18

Yeah, if we do the breeding here, it might be possible to produce an army... After all, time flows strangely in this place, and the impossible is possible. Only real problem is educating and training them. We'd have to do that here, too. Well, perhaps the rapidly growing newborns could gain knowledge from the two mercenaries? Yes, that's it. We'll just try to produce many many children that inherit memories from those two. Instead of one egg, fertilized by one load, they will be multiplied until we are satisfied.

Also I vote dominate that princess, at least for the first round. Gonna be a lot of mating to make a lot of eggs, so there will be multiple rounds! Or maybe the magic of this place will make her super-pregnant and we'll only have to do it once.
No. 1034847 ID: 629f2e

Wadji is more experienced, having a harem and all. She'll be doing a lot to make the experience better for both of them, but Soka can at least try to take charge. Be confident, and feel around for how she likes it.
No. 1034861 ID: 61b860

Its almost time for a new generation huh, I wonder what choices we will get. Though if she does birth and army of various occupations and snake bird lizards, if they win the kingdom thats a lot of nobles who will be directly related to one another, also that small clergy of lizard bird rats from jadeite, which reminds me of protomammals.
No. 1034863 ID: b90535

Take control and breed her!
No. 1034871 ID: f2320a

Like a big constrictor that can lay hundreds of eggs in a clutch or do it termite style.
Also kaktus on the suicide thing its more the giving up thing also liking rebirthing on practical side as a way of genetic memory reincarnation sort of thing good way for "Soka" to complete this labyrinth or becoming a immortal king but it would be interesting if he never left and encounter him
No. 1034886 ID: 36784c

>raise family here in labyrinth
We’re NOT going to live in this place!

There’s no way Wadji would approve of that idea. She’s not going to want to be sleeping on the sand covered floor all the time. We’d also need to be constantly fighting anyone and everyone that shows up, while raising a family at the same time. There’s NO WAY we could do that!

We should just go home to Soka’s tribe after we finish breeding Wadji. The tribe will help us raise and protect the children, since an army of children would be impossible for Soka and Wadji to care for if it’s just the two of them.

Do this.
No. 1034888 ID: 4edf94

Soka may be confident, and try to take charge, but between Wadji's experience and size, and the fat nut Soka is dealing with, it seems that he might just wind up coiled up and milked for all he's worth. At least Soka will be getting some royal snussy, and they'll get to enjoy the thrill of divine dick.
No. 1034890 ID: 763552

Agreed. The labyrinth is no place for raising children.
No. 1034925 ID: 2a82d3

She may have a point, but you don't need to share her attitude about it. Perhaps as ascendant king, it'd be respectful to view the lowborn less as insects and more as children. Build up your legacy as a paternal figure, and if your future harem calls you "Daddy" for this so be it.

>”Do you wish for me to take charge or do you want to do the main duty?”
Take charge. The Size Queen likes them huge. She will be huge by the end of this. Her new occupant is going to reinforce her womb, maybe even give her child-bearing hips. Emptying your balls will turn her into a ball. Be amazed if she can still walk/slither after that.

He forgets that Magic can make a snake ball defy the laws of physics.
No. 1034926 ID: e5709d

>We're NOT going to live in this place!
Oh yes, they are.
Overpopulate the temple until it bursts open with a tide of Titan tiddies!
We'll get a new enemy type - Praetorian Guard - with the option to recruit ancestral relatives or start breeding of sidekick lineages!
No. 1035256 ID: 681cb5
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>She may have a point, but you don't need to share her attitude about it. Perhaps as ascendant king, it'd be respectful to view the lowborn less as insects and more as children. Build up your legacy as a paternal figure, and if your future harem calls you "Daddy" for this so be it.
You’re the three goddesses gift to the world, so having some of those lesser ones worship you as the god you are doesn’t sound half bad. Of course, people will definitely be calling you daddy by the time you’re done, seeing how you’re planning on breeding every last lady in the whole kingdom if possible!

>Honestly if she needs an army quickly, on top of just a Soka's tribe, surely with his new deity-dick and her divine snussy they could manage.
”My snussy is indeed a divine gift from the very heavens… and your cock has a demi-god inside it… it might just work, my king.” Hearing her call you her king puts a big smile on your snout, though it might have made you a bit too eager as well, ”I’m going to overpopulate this temple until it burst open with a tidal wave of titanic titties and colossal cocks, large enough to blot out the very sun!” She gives you a genuine chuckle before she says, ”…a tidal wave can’t block out the sun, doofus.”
>The labyrinth seems willing to accommodate ridiculous stuff, considering Soka's dad.
”Your dad? What is so special about him?” Squirming a bit in embarrassment, you tell her, ”He was blessed in this temple to always come back after he was eaten.” You watch as the cogs move in her head, ”So he’s immortal? That would be ever so useful in the coming battle, to have a warrior that can never die.” Shaking your head, you clarify, ”I’m pretty sure he only comes back if he’s specifically eaten… though, he’s never tried to die in a different way… for obvious reasons…” a wave of disappointment washes over her face for a bit, before she return to her cocky smile, ”hmpf… I guess I can be an emergency ration or something then…”
>No reason why she can't fertilize and just begin popping out eggs like a machine gun, hatching full grown divine warriors from her loins already prepared to do battle in her name.
You have no idea what this machine gun thingy is, but seeing how much divine seed is sloshing around inside your balls right now you’re sure you can breed her hard enough for her to give birth to a whole army. Preferably one that is already ready for combat even.
>Only real problem is educating and training them. We'd have to do that here, too. Well, perhaps the rapidly growing newborns could gain knowledge from the two mercenaries? Yes, that's it. We'll just try to produce many many children that inherit memories from those two.
…is that possible? You guess this place has done stranger things… so maybe? They were honorable warriors, so they will make your children just as strong warriors! …well, the female one was until she decided to slide into your dick, but still.
>We’re NOT going to live in this place!
Of course not! You have a kingdom to conquer after all! Let just hope you won’t have to carry a hundred eggs out of here…

>Take charge. The Size Queen likes them huge. She will be huge by the end of this. Her new occupant is going to reinforce her womb, maybe even give her child-bearing hips. Emptying your balls will turn her into a ball. Be amazed if she can still walk/slither after that.
That’s right! She’s your queen! So you better breed her hard enough to satisfy a queen! When you’re done with her, she’ll be nothing but a cum-filled wreck lost in a mist of lust!
>Soka may be confident, and try to take charge, but between Wadji's experience and size, and the fat nut Soka is dealing with, it seems that he might just wind up coiled up and milked for all he's worth. At least Soka will be getting some royal snussy, and they'll get to enjoy the thrill of divine dick.
Hmm… getting coiled up and milked by that fine snussy does sound divine as well… maybe you should just let her have her way with you? …no, you’re the king! You’re the one who plows the-

While you were distracted thinking about plowing your soon to be mate and queen, Wadji snuck up on you and coiled her tail around your waist, ”While I do prefer just laying back and enjoying the worship of my royal snussy… I do like being in control as well.” she starts to drag you behind her towards a large pillow pile in the corner as she continues, ”So don’t struggle, little king, let me use you as a toy for a bit.” You squirm a bit in her grip, but deliberately don’t give it your all, seeing as you don’t really mind being constricted and dragged around by the soon to be mother of your coming children, though you do play along for a bit, ”Hey, don’t I get a say in this?” she looks back at you and smirks, before laying down on the pillows and commands, ”No. Now shut up so I can finish slurping up that mercenary, because I want that big cock of yours inside me as soon as possible!” which to you can only answer, ”Yes, my queen!” too. She give you a warm smile as she leans in and whisper, ”Good little king.”

”Um… though, were did this pillow pile come from? It wasn’t here before…” she looks at you with an raised eyebrow, ”Do you really need to ask?” she says while gesturing towards your member.
No. 1035257 ID: 681cb5
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She guides you towards her snussy, and you easily slides into her tight depths, penetrating deep into her eager body. You aren’t even halfway before her whole body shudder, making her give off a cute moan, ”Heh, can’t handle my divine cock, huh?” Her tails loses it’s grip of you and it’s clear she has trouble concentrating, ”Ngg… no, it’s… y-you just helped my womb squeeze that mercenary into an egg…” she squirms under your body, unable to continue using you as her toy, ”By the twins above, that felt amazing… I h-have to start unbirthing the lesser endowed slaves of my harem when I get my kingdom back, because… ngg… it was amazing…” You give her a playful kiss on her snout before you ask in a clearly fake hurtful voice, ”Aw, it felt even better than getting pounded by my god dick?” she smiles and tries to look over at you, but her gaze is unfocused by the sheer bliss she’s going through right now, ”Y-yes… b-but this is… ah… this is… ngg… just shut up and breed me already, king!” You smirk at her, ”Gladly!”

>Take control and breed her!
As your Queen commands, you start to breed her. After pinning her below you, you smash your hips against hers, hilting your massive dong inside her eager snussy. Just as with Jadeite, you don’t care to take it slow, instead you go full speed ahead and start plowing her mercifulness as hard as you can. She deserves to become a mother as fast as you can make her one, it’s just that simple! As you thrust into her over and over, you watch with some delight as your god cock bulges out from her stomach, clearly too large for her body to handle normally, but her divine snussy is all too eager to accommodate you. It is clear that her body is desperate to get impregnated, as her tight birth canal is milking you as best as it can, all to hungry for your seed, though you’ll gladly fulfill that wish.
No. 1035258 ID: 681cb5
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It doesn’t take long for you to reach your peak, as her tight snussy doesn’t make it easy for you to keep yourself in check. With one final thrust, you feel your hips smack together as you completely bury your sword within her and start pumping her full of your virile seed. As you release your massive army of soldiers into her waiting womb, her stomach start to swell from the sheer amount of it. As more and more of the former merc turned cumstain is shoot into her, the larger she becomes and the more she screams in pleasure. You’re also sure you can hear Ptamet in the back of your mind moaning each time another rope of the snake turned semen splatters inside the princess, clearly enjoying herself as your member. As you pump more and more of your load into her, you can feel your sack start to shrink… but your orgasm ends right as it’s only halfway empty, forcing you to continue if you wish to make sure to get your sack to a regular size again. You’re sure she won’t mind if you breed her again, right?
No. 1035259 ID: 681cb5
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You start mating with her again, eager to fill her womb with even more of your seed, but suddenly the head of your cock hits something hard. As you pull out, your dick is soon followed by an egg, as Princess Wadji has begun giving birth to your future children. With each egg that is laid, her stomach starts to shrink again, and her whole body shudders as she orgasms from the feeling of creating new life. You watch eagerly as at least half a dozen eggs is slowly squeezed out from Wadji’s divine snussy, the sight of it turning your excitement up to heights you didn’t know possible. It can’t be helped, you need to continue breeding her, something to witch your cock agrees, as it fires another rope of your seed all over the princess chest and snout, coating her with your handiwork.
No. 1035260 ID: 681cb5
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You need to breed her, to fill her, to pump load after load of the former mercenary into her greedy womb. As soon as the last egg leaves her lower lips, you thrust yourself into her and continue with your earlier pace, making sure to give that thirsty body of hers another batch of eggs that it so desires. It doesn’t take long for another orgasm to hit you, and once again you pump her full of your seed… and once again she give birth to a batch of your soon to be children. This intimate dance continues for what feels like an eternity, as the cycle keeps going and going. You breed her, she lays her eggs and you breed her again… over and over again. Sometimes she only lays two eggs… other, up to six… once even eight… you’re not sure how many eggs she’s laid by now, but you have to continue, she needs to be bred! Fan the desire, mold the lust, we are raising an army!
No. 1035261 ID: 681cb5
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As you pull out once again to let Wadji give birth, a female voice drags you out from your breeding frenzy, ”Mom…? Dad?” …your first thought is that they sneaked up on you to ambush you… but as you look around and see the hatched eggs all around you, you realize what you’re looking at. These are your children, all grown up and ready to serve…

Seeing as Princess Wadji is currently laying another batch of eggs, it’s up to you to… um… react to the situation? They are just standing there, staring awkwardly…
No. 1035264 ID: e5709d

Holy crap, you came so fast it put you in time dilation!

But seriously, time to seize an empire. Have the majority of your children march on the capital but leave a small regiment here to assist the Crown Heirs as 'sidekicks'.
No. 1035266 ID: b90535

Hi kids! In a moment me and mommy will name you just have to make some more brothers and sisters. Also I guess the tribe will have to train you so you can become warriors or four you remembres some previous knowledge?
No. 1035268 ID: 629f2e

Greet them, and direct them to a neighboring room to wait for Wadji to finish. Pretty sure none of them want to stare at their mother giving birth to their siblings.

After that, you can address them all and catch them up to speed on the situation. With Wadji and all your children by your side, you can leave the labyrinth and begin your quest to take back the throne.
No. 1035270 ID: 273c18

How's the size of your sack? Drained yet?
Welcome them as new citizens of the High River Lands. Tell them to make two orderly groups, one for soldiers or engineers, and one for workers or other civilians. An army needs support, after all, can't just recruit them all.

If the breeding is likely to continue for some time, give one of them directions to your tribe and instruct them to bring all able bodied men and women there. They are to introduce themselves as your children and begin work on building temporary living quarters for themselves and those to come. We can't march on the capital immediately, because these folk don't have any weapons! It'll take some time to arm everyone, and to put your army in proper order, with squads and generals and whatnot.
...I think your dad is going to have to feed a lot of them until you claim your rightful kingdom, since you don't have the agricultural infrastructure to support them. I'm not sure hunting/gathering will be enough, though it will certainly help. Just try not to damage the ecosystem too much.
Every now and then you will have to pause breeding to form groups to leave the temple. Once you're finally finished you and your queen can lead the last group.
No. 1035287 ID: 5d166d

Huh. Wonder how long they've been watching their parents make an army together, though they don't seem traumatized at least. Kinda curious what that snek boi is rocking, and where the feathers and scales start and end under that daughter's skirt. Say, were the male merc and female merc reborn/reincarnated at all? They weren't half bad, though they happily chose their fates.

Anyway, all that is unimportant; get them to help clear some space and move their unhatched siblings there. From there, have them start determining their skills and delegate a bit; you might not be done making that army yet.
... Do you think Wadji is going to be good to lead after this? Between stretching her out with some divine dick and birthing an army, she'll probably be tired and fucked silly. Though, this is the sort of feat that would earn her a title to be remembered by. Queen Wadji, Mother of War, perhaps?
No. 1035297 ID: 61b860

How should one of the first clutch become the heir, there seems to be warriors and magic users in the back there, should the most endowed with bleesings be the heir, I in particular like the giant red hooded one, can't tell if they're male or female though.
No. 1035298 ID: 17c812

Big clutches are great, and I'd like it if she leaves looking bellied, but they might have to slow down a tad. If not soon, then outside the labyrinth. Vore or unbirthing is an option in family planning (or keeping troublemakers in check), but prevention is still a thing.

Address your feather-scale daughter, your snake son, and the rest of your children in a manner befitting a King. Be the Dad your army, if not your kingdom, needs (to balance out your Queen's LE vibes). Hopefully, they're organised enough to not only form an army, but also build up the to-be-conquered kingdom even better than was. Of course, you have to provide them each a mate as a reward, so not every eligible female in the kingdom will be available for your harem. Your subjects have claim to call you "Daddy", either way.

If Ptamet is responsible for this, is it for now, or is our lineage now blessed to have its' chosen heir fast grow instant within the labyrinth going forward?

Also, designs look great. Those two are definitely in consideration for next dungeon delver. Leaning towards the girl for that.

Good plans, even if I think the other half looks about done for now. Cross your fingers and hope there's a couple of farmers in there. Or a cook, at least.

River King Soka, Father of Fertility?
No. 1035299 ID: 36784c

To no one’s surprise, all of the kids have inherited your large ass. Nice!

>What do?
Ptamet said that He who Seeds, She who Births allows only those with delicious desires and the potential for greatness to find and enter this labyrinth. And once we leave, we won’t be able to find this place again.

Doesn’t that mean that all of your hatched and fully grown children won’t be able to return here once all of you leave? If so, you’ll need to take Wadji outside, so that any more children she lays will be eligible to return and continue the family tradition of coming here.

>I'd like it if she leaves looking bellied
We could try plugging her up with a small enough urn. It’d keep the eggs in so we won’t have to worry about her laying them while traveling home.
No. 1035303 ID: 7d8322

Deflower all you daughters
No. 1035304 ID: 273c18

No incest! That's not good for stats.
No. 1035305 ID: 5d166d

Supporting all this. They may be made to be an army, but they're still our children, so they'll need a little TLC now and then.
>Leaning towards the girl for that.
Same. Alternating genders between the generations is probably best anyway.

Probably shouldn't do that when we've got a perfectly good egghole in front of us. That said...
Considering the blessing Soth received, and the army that was birthed and aged to adulthood in a day, incest within the debauched god's temple probably isn't terrible. A pair of siblings could wind up with a similar level of skill but different stat spread, which could lead to a bump in the average stats. I mean, we are aiming for opponents of similar or slightly higher skill, correct? The family might be numerous enough that rivals might be a thing as well.
No. 1035308 ID: ee520c

If the god could use her powers to make it so that we could leave our dick in her throughout this conversation/conflict over the throne (matching connected portal panties or detachable cock for example) it would allow us to continue to expand our army/children throughout this situation. Plus it will give her an almost continuous euphoria of sex pregnancy and birth throughout.
No. 1035311 ID: 36784c

I agree. Absolutely no incest!
No. 1035315 ID: dee951

Since the pro-incest and anti-incest lobbies are fairly closely matched, can we get some information about, uh, the cosmic rules for that stuff as they exist here?
No. 1035318 ID: a9af05

Do this.

>plugging her up
>prevent laying while traveling
I suppose we could try that. The magic of the labyrinth would at least prevent that from hurting her, right?

Just mentioning that is a HUGE red flag for me. I do not want that at all.
No. 1035322 ID: 211b7e

Supporting this.

Gross. Let's not do that.
No. 1035323 ID: fec07f

So are those two the mercs reborn?
No. 1035324 ID: 273c18

>plugging her up, magic of labyrinth
That's not going to be useful. Stuffing an urn up her might be harmless while we're in the labyrinth, but unless it's something related to her deepest desires the labyrinth won't protect her once she leaves.

Also I don't see the point. She's laying eggs so quickly all we have to do to avoid the egg issue is not mate her while traveling.
No. 1035394 ID: 5caef0

Portal panties, it could mean doing our duties as her husband and doing our duties for her at the same time. Plus she could use our dick as a plug instead of anything else if need be. Also it could be lent to (and eventually taken back from) any of her sebordinates/herem/slaves in the future she favors to give them the gift of a child or just to spice things up.
No. 1035406 ID: 36784c

I don't think something like that exists in this setting.
No. 1035493 ID: f2320a

Wonder if snake tits make milk
No. 1035496 ID: f2320a

Also if there is any ratling in the group or its only in his dumpy i hope soka unbirths so he can reincarnate
No. 1035499 ID: 36784c

>i hope soka unbirths so he can reincarnate
We already voted "No" on that, so it's not going to happen.
No. 1035527 ID: 681cb5
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>Do you think Wadji is going to be good to lead after this? Between stretching her out with some divine dick and birthing an army, she'll probably be tired and fucked silly.
Of course she’s tired and fucked silly! But that won’t matter, will it? She’s not going to lead the attack right now, is she?
>How's the size of your sack? Drained yet?
It’s definitely getting drained, but it’s still at least twice as large than it usually is… the only thing to do is to keep draining it, right?
>Say, were the male merc and female merc reborn/reincarnated at all? They weren't half bad, though they happily chose their fates.
…you have no idea… you can’t really ask Ptamet about it right now and… well, you can’t really tell otherwise, can you?

>Huh. Wonder how long they've been watching their parents make an army together, though they don't seem traumatized at least. Kinda curious what that snek boi is rocking, and where the feathers and scales start and end under that daughter's skirt.
Going by the wagging tails and the obvious tents several of them are sporting, it’s clear that they don’t mind what they are seeing… though you’re not sure how long they’ve been there… heck, you don’t really know how long you’ve been mating with Wadji either.
>Deflower all you daughters.
Well… they do deserve the best mate to deflower them… and who better than yourself with your demi-god cock, right?
>No incest! That's not good for stats.
…alright, fine, you won’t plow your daughters or sons…
>We've got a perfectly good egghole in front of us.
Well, that’s true…
>Considering the blessing Soth received, and the army that was birthed and aged to adulthood in a day, incest within the debauched god's temple probably isn't terrible.
If anything, they’ll probably bless you a little extra for doing even more debauchery than normal. This place is a den for the weirdest and most hidden desires after all.
>Vore or unbirthing is an option in family planning (or keeping troublemakers in check), but prevention is still a thing.
…while you rather not eat your own young, you guess if one really give you some trouble you’ll just put them back and give them another chance? It probably won’t happen but… it’s worth keeping in mind.
>Of course, you have to provide them each a mate as a reward, so not every eligible female in the kingdom will be available for your harem. Your subjects have claim to call you "Daddy", either way.
You’re sure most of them will make their own harems... but that doesn’t mean they can’t share, does it?

>Direct them to a neighboring room to wait for Wadji to finish. Pretty sure none of them want to stare at their mother giving birth to their siblings.
You stand up, your now flaccid, massive dong swinging around a bit between your legs from the sudden motion, before you look out over the sea of young you just produced, ”Alright, children, show’s over. You can wait in the room outside for a bit.” You make a shooing motion before continuing, ”In a moment me and mommy will come by and name you, just have to make some more brothers and sisters.” A loud murmur fills the room as a majority of your children do as they are told and start clearing out, but there are a few stranglers left behind, one of whom speak up in a rather shaky voice, ”But if we want to watch?” You look over the half a dozen sons and daughters that still remain, unsure what to answer, ”Err… I… guess you can stay? I think? Ma-” but you aren’t allowed to finish, as a quite irritated Wadji pipes in, ”King Soka, stop blabbering and knock me up already! I still got eggs in me that are unfertilized!” and with that it’s already decided, you don’t really care if they are there or not, ”Coming, my queen!”
>If the breeding is likely to continue for some time, give one of them directions to your tribe and instruct them to bring all able bodied men and women there.
While you’re planning on breeding her until you run dry, it won’t take that long, will it? They can wait outside for a few hours, no problem.
>I'd like it if she leaves looking bellied, but they might have to slow down a tad.
For each clutch she lays, the slower the next one grows… and the smaller your sack becomes. Finally, her belly stops growing and stays in a few months pregnant state, though you still try and put a few more loads in here just to be sure. Of course, by now you’re running completely dry, your sack having gone back to their original size, so it’s a moot point anyway.

>With Wadji and all your children by your side, you can leave the labyrinth and begin your quest to take back the throne.
And with that, you leave the labyrinth with the pregnant princess Wadji and all your children, heading towards your tribe… and after that, the kingdom of the High River…
No. 1035528 ID: 681cb5
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Soka’s Epilogue:
Soka returned to his tribe with the heavily pregnant princess in tow, as well as his army of adult children, and while the tribe as a whole was impressed by his return, even his demi-god dick shouldn’t impress the tribe leader. She simply refused to submit to Princess Wadji, saying that this lying snake’s quest to retake her kingdom was a fools errant and that Soka had endangered the tribe by brining so many of his children with him. It didn’t seem like Soka’s tribe would aid him and Wadji in the end…

But Princess Wadji challenged the mighty Sakkilian leader to a duel for control over the tribe, and in her hubris the leader accepted the challenge, which was promptly followed by Wadji shoving her into her royal snussy to be reborn as one of her children. It is still debated if the tribe leader was simply caught off guard by this maneuver or if she intentionally threw the duel, but in the end it didn’t matter. Soka was now the leader of his tribe, leading it with his divine god member to a better future!

With the Sakkilian tribe attacking from the harsh sand dunes and the Serpents loyalist from the river, the traitor’s forces didn’t stand a chance, especially when the children of Soka and Wadji joined the fray. The war was over before it even began and Princess Wadji reclaimed her throne with minimal casualties on both side, not counting the few snakes that willingly ended up in lizard bellies on the way.

As her first degree as Queen, Wadji sentenced her traitorous sister and mother to take an extended trip to Soka’s sack, before being splattered against a random wall for all of eternity… or at least until the poor janitor is forced to clean them up. And so the reign of Queen Wajdi, the ever pregnant river of life, and her King Soka, the god cock, began…
No. 1035529 ID: 681cb5
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After leaving the butt of Soka, Jadeite the Acolyte started preaching in the High river kingdom about her newly found religion, the worship of He who seeds, She who births. With her teaching gaining popularity and spreading, so did the influence of the dreaming god as well, changing the world outside the Labyrinth to reflect their will more and more.

The people worshipping them started gaining odd abilities, mimicking the ones experienced inside the temple proper, including things like Soth’s resurrection abilities, Wadji’s ability to quickly lay her eggs, Soka’s ability to grow his member and Kahi’s unending appetite as well as the ability to feed said appetite in the oddest of ways.

But as their influence spread, so does her enemies. Agnieszka, the goddesses of purity, has amassed more of her followers to stop this corruption, once and for all, and will send more of them into the temple to destroy it. More of her minions will now roam the halls of the labyrinth, trying their best to purge it from any kind of debauchery!
No. 1035530 ID: 681cb5
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Soka’s linage now contains Serpent Elementalist blood, giving his future children the following:
+2 Magic
+1 Senses
A weak telekinetic skill.

You have unlocked the Mage class! The Mage class gains the following:
+1 Magic
+1 Will
+1 Senses
Weak armor and a dagger.
Basic Fire and Ice magic.
Keen mind (Know all enemies special skills at start of combat)
Empower spell (Empower a spell, skipping a turn but dealing 3 times the damage the next).

The warrior class has been upgraded! The Warrior class gains the following:
+1 Strength
+1 Agility
+1 Vitality (new)
Strong armor, a pair of bolas and either a spear or a Kopesh and shield. (New)
Weapon Proficiency (Allow the use of special weapon skills) (New)
Enrage (When defeated, instead gain +atk, +1 turn. Can only occur once).

Weapons Skills:
Spear (Defensive stance: Free action, Counter attack all melee attacks for one round once per combat)
Shield (Shield Wall: Full action, negate all damage of one round once per combat)

Current species:
Your base species is Serpent.
Other species: Sakkilian Trapper, Varkian Warrior, None, None, None.
Strength: 3
Agility: 1
Vitality: 2
Will: 1
Magic: 2
Senses: 1
Charisma: 0
Special: A weak telekinetic skill.

The first three eggs from the first batch Princess Wadji laid didn’t hatch immediately; instead they happily waited for the few months Serpent eggs usually take to crack. One of these eggs will be a great king or queen, remembered over the ages as someone that ushered in a golden age that will change the very world around them… and one of the other eggs will randomly stumble into the Lascivious Labyrinth and maybe continue the linage or something… I don’t know…?

Please create Soka’s next descendant:

A) Are they Male or Female?

B) Chose on of the following:
1)Be the reborn form of Qeb, the male mercenary.
Bonus Trait: Submissive (And breedable)
2) Be the reborn form of Sslama, the female mercenary.
Bonus Trait: Dominant (And also breedable)
3) Be a new life.
Bonus Trait: Proud (but still breedable…)

C) Chose one of these Class/Trait combo:
1) Class: Mage.
Trait: Nearsighted (You need glasses).
2) Class: Mage.
Trait: Asexual (Isn’t interested in sex, but someone needs to continue the linage… or maybe you have another reason to enter the temple?)
3) Class: Warrior.
Trait: Intersex (You’re a lady with a dick / gentleman with a puss)

D) Chose an age:
1) Young: A virgin that’s just reached adult age, eager to breed/ be bred.
2) Mature: Experienced but still childless, looking for a strong mate to start a family with.
3) Milf / Dilf: Middle age with already adult children. Looking for a new mate to make more children with. Might have an adult son / daughter accompany them, looking for their own mate.

E) If you wish, you can also name them.
No. 1035533 ID: 629f2e

A: Female. Let's keep going back and forth!

B: 1 or 2 would be nice, but I'm going to say 1 specifically, as that seems pretty different.

C: 2222222 hell yeah 2. Aesexual in the labrynth of lust, I need to know how their story goes.

D: 1, let's have them be young. To come to this labyrinth at their age, despite not having an interest in sex, implies some other reason for their coming. That could lead to a rather interesting plot. I'd also be cool with 2, being middle-aged yet still childless. That could be interesting in its own way. After all, with how many siblings they must have, surely they don't NEED to have children of their own. That they come here and choose to anyway tells something of them. Perhaps, despite their distaste of sex, they actively seek to become a parent?

E: Soka and Wadji had a lot of kids. A lot of kids needed names. To their credit, both parents did try to pick out nice and meaningful ones as much as possible.

Anyways, this character's name is Shelli, named because she took the longest to hatch, staying in her egg far longer than her siblings.

...Yeah, she isn't happy with it either.
No. 1035534 ID: 273c18

A: male.
B: 3
C: 2, seeking forbidden magics, ultimate power of unstoppable destruction, that sort of thing.
D: 3. They're not a son or daughter though. They're someone who agreed to accompany you and take on the sex stuff so you're free to analyze the magical energies that are sure to surround such acts.
No. 1035535 ID: 10c07d

A) Male
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
Their greatest desire which they seek in the labyrinth is to be the greatest mage of all time.
No. 1035536 ID: 19ea25

A: Female
B: 1
C: 2
D: 1
No. 1035537 ID: e5709d

Female 331
No. 1035538 ID: 6bb66d

2: Sslama
1: Near-Sighted Mage
3: Milf
A dominant MILF nerd reincarnation of the female merc, teaching her daughter (or son) the ways of finding a good mate, the fun uses of magic, and the family duty of protecting the temple sounds entertaining and rather different to me.
Dude with a pussy would be interesting to play/see as well.
No. 1035543 ID: b90535

3) You are a DILF, your name is Oros.
No. 1035547 ID: 899c9f

Female, Sslama, Asexual mage, young. They wish to do better than last time, which isn't a high bar to clear.
No. 1035548 ID: 17d6a7

2)Be a new life
1) Mage (we need glassses)
3) We are a DILF and our young virgin son follow us.
Our name is Eracles
No. 1035551 ID: 61b860

B:1 I want to see a submissive in action.
C:1 cause glasses are cute.
D:1 I want to see what a guy as a girl will be like.
E:Maybe like Qube or another name related to what she will look like.
No. 1035552 ID: 30b187

Male, Qeb, Mage with glasses, Mature "Guk".
No. 1035566 ID: 3a6ba6

Does the intersex trait mean we have both sets of equipment or just a surprising one?
No. 1035599 ID: dc9df3

A) Male
B)Reborn of Sslama
C) 1 Mage
D)Dilf we are accompanied by our daughter (maybe we can let her see that we are the perfect mate for her).
No. 1035624 ID: 681cb5
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>Does the intersex trait mean we have both sets of equipment or just a surprising one?
Just the “surprising” one. Both sets will be named something else in the future.

>A young, nearsighted asexual female mage who former life was that of a submissive male mercenary.
You are Princess Shelli, a mighty mage of the High River Kingdom. Though your kingdom considers you a fine mage, they still haven’t witness the true power you will possess! But that will change today. You have made the long trek to this place for one reason and one reason only. You’re seeking knowledge long forgotten and the forbidden magic of the very gods that might be hidden here, so that your wisdom will forever change the world for the better! …even if you might get knocked up in here or something…

With curious tail movements, you enter the old halls of antiquity, certain that you are prepared and ready for what to come, as you’ve doubled checked your gear at least twice before going in… though even if you should have forgotten something, the door closes behind you as soon as you’re inside, ensuring that you’re stuck in here until you’re done with your quest. You’re just lucky there are lights in here… wait, why do you get this strange sense of déjà vu? It’s like you’ve been here before… huh…

You’re currently equipped with:
A small dagger.
A full water skin.
A full Oil lantern.
Papyrus, a pen and ink to write with.
A ration.
A well-made robe.
A few silver and gold coins.

A weak telekinetic skill. (You can manipulate small objects with your mind!)
Basic fire magic (You can create a small burst of fire as well as manipulate larger fires)
Basic water magic (You can create a small burst of water as well as manipulate water, including freezing it.)
Keen mind (Know all enemies special skills at start of combat).
Empower spell (Empower a spell, skipping a turn but dealing 3 times the damage the next).

Your base species is Serpent.
Other species: Sakkilian Trapper, Varkian Warrior, None, None, None.
Strength: 3
Agility: 1
Vitality: 2
Will: 2
Magic: 3
Senses: 2
Charisma: 0
No. 1035625 ID: 681cb5
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Looking around, you spot a small bowl on a pedestal, right below a symbol that you recognize as the holy icon of He who seed, She who births. Inside it there are a handful of copper coins, a few silver ones as well as one tinted with gold, shining like a beacon in the night, tempting you with its lustrous opulence.

Otherwise, the only things of note in the room are the statues of pregnant woman, a few urns and some glowing mushroom that are lighting up the place. Finally, there’s an exit leading deeper into the ruins, a portal to several twisting corridors, all alike. You can hear the moaning of people echoing through the passages, and the fresh smell of a green garden fills the air, reminding you of the palace you grew up in…

Oh! Wait! There’s something more! There is a hidden text on the sign with the holy symbol, masked by weak magic, as to be invisible to the magically inept. It says… “Seven stars, three moons and two suns in the night sky, held aloft on the shoulder of those that are worthy.” Huh, you wonder what that means…
No. 1035626 ID: 273c18

>seven stars, three moons, two suns
Put seven copper, three silver, two gold, then carry the bowl to see what happens.
No. 1035628 ID: 61b860

You're not afraid of some big dumb male forcefully screwing you, you're more afraid of charismatically being seduced and deflowered like so many of your sisters and unknowingly being left with bastards until you start showing a larger belly.
No. 1035629 ID: b90535

Do this
No. 1035640 ID: 629f2e

First, put the bowl on your head and admire your new hat.

Then, stop being silly and do this >>1035626

Actually, there are coins in the bowl already, so to be clearer place or remove coins until you have the right amount of each.
No. 1035641 ID: 899c9f

You need to hold the bowl once it's got the correct amount of change. Once you get bored of screwing with the bowl, explore the portal.
No. 1035668 ID: e5709d

Didn't your grandparents say something about 'starting a tradition'? Place the anointed crown upon yonder head.
No. 1035669 ID: 2a82d3

Better keep an eye out for those purity goddess worshipers. Even if you wouldn't qualify to join their ranks, your unique sexual perspective from your family makes you more agreeable to their philosophy than you'd like. Hopefully, you can talk them out of sacking this important place of knowledge, or stop them if you can't.
No. 1035739 ID: 681cb5
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>Better keep an eye out for those purity goddess worshipers. Even if you wouldn't qualify to join their ranks, your unique sexual perspective from your family makes you more agreeable to their philosophy than you'd like.
While you have no desire to partake in it yourself, you’re not against people having sex like those puritans do. Or doing anything else fun for that matter. They forbid everything from alcohol, music, dancing and even tasty food for the twins sake!
>Hopefully, you can talk them out of sacking this important place of knowledge, or stop them if you can't.
Those kind of people can’t be talked down, seeing that they are complete zealots who refuses to even listen to another point of view… besides, you’re not really the most charismatic person, are you? …or someone that can really argue either… you’re really bad at actually standing up to people, honestly…

>You're not afraid of some big dumb male forcefully screwing you, you're more afraid of charismatically being seduced and deflowered like so many of your sisters and unknowingly being left with bastards until you start showing a larger belly.
Oh please, like anyone would be able to seduce you. You’re not even into men… or women for that matter. Sure, you do want to find someone to spend your life with and maybe raise a child together, but you’re really not interested in this whole… deflower thing. Though, while you would prefer coming out of this unscathed, you’re sure any forbidden knowledge or powerful magic you’ll find down here will be worth being pinned to the floor and bred by some foolish nitwit. It’s just a sacrifice you might need to make.

>First, put the bowl on your head and admire your new hat.
… … …why in the twins name would you even consider that? Only a complete fool would try and wear that thing like a hat.
>Didn't your grandparents say something about 'starting a tradition'? Place the anointed crown upon yonder head.
Your grandmother and father started a tradition to come here and find a mate, a tradition you’re planning to break if you’re able to. You’re here to uncover whatever secret this place holds… and maybe get your hands on some magical artifacts or tomes. So no, you’re not going to wear that stupid bowl.

>Put seven copper, three silver, two gold, then carry the bowl to see what happens.
Magic check = Success!

You focus your magical abilities on the text, to make sure you were reading it correctly, before removing a few of the copper and silver coins, as well as putting in a single gold one, so that there are in total seven copper, three silvers and two gold ones in it. Then, you put your hands under it and pick it up… or at least you try to. It’s way heavier than it looks… almost… almost like magic is making it heavier somehow? Still, if you just got into the right position, maybe…

Strength check = Success!

It takes all your strength to even dislodge it from the stand and lift it up slightly. You’re just lucky that both your father and grandfather insisted that you would train your body with them and not just rely on the magic your mother thought you. That, and you got good genes for muscles, it seems. As you lift the heavy bowl away from its original location, the panel behind it slides open, revealing several buttons with magical letters inscribed into them, as well as a magical runic text that’s active and is spelling out- Wait, sh-

No. 1035740 ID: 681cb5
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Will check = Failure!

No. 1035741 ID: 681cb5
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-and… and… what… w-what just happened? You remember seeing those… the runes! It must have been a trap of some kind, one that was playing tricks on your mind! Sadly, your mind wasn’t ready for it… not that it would really help, because you’re a bit weak willed to be honest. At least you didn’t do anything to stupid while under the effect… you hope…

>Once you get bored of screwing with the bowl, explore the portal.
The one thing that you seem to have done was to slither into the doorway leading deeper into the labyrinth, and continued down several corridors at random in a vain attempt to find this Sslama you were dreaming about. Which accidently means that you have no idea how to get back out again… which might become a problem later. You’re currently standing in the middle of a crossing with passages leading in nearly every direction, all of them completely alike. There’s no way to know which direction you actually came from, so you guess the only thing you can do is to continue on?

That moaning you heard earlier is a lot closer now, and you can hear that there’s at least four people, two males and two females, in that direction having… “fun”. You can also hear the rustle of leaves nearby, as well as smell the sweet aroma of flowers, coming from the opposite direction as the moaning. A Varkian war cry made by a woman can be heard in a third direction as well, followed by the sound of clashing steel. Finally, you feel a gentle breeze carrying water against your scales coming from a forth direction, though what really gives the direction away is the massive splash that echo’s loudly through the corridor. Whatever that was it must have been huge to make so much noise…

”Why, hello little one.” You jump as you suddenly as you hear a very deep, manly voice right next to you, ”It’s so good to see the child of Soka and Wadji has followed their footsteps. Though, I’m sad to say that you failed my little test. Well, maybe your descendant will have better luck.” turning around to face the source of the voice, you spot a floating head of a male jackal hovering right behind you, ”Huh!? Who are you!?” There’s a slight moment of surprise going across his features before he says, ”Oh, didn’t your father tell you about little old me?” he gives you a big, warm smile as he continues, ”I am Ptamet, demi-god and a descendant of He who seeds, She who births.” Ptamet? Wait, wasn’t she lady? And more importantly, isn’t she hanging between your fathers… err… ”Wait… didn’t father say you were a woman?” He chuckles, ”Oh, how cute, little one, that you think I would be concern about that. Gender is something you mortal fret about and not something we with divine blood need to adhere to.” floating closer to you, his smile widens even more as he looks you over, ”Now, I’m here to help, little mage, so… how can I be of service, princess?”
No. 1035743 ID: 629f2e

Two questions for Ptamet:

One: What was up with those runes? It obviously messed with your head, but why? What was at the end of that puzzle?

Two: You're seeking powerful magics. Could he recommend a path forward that might lead to such a discovery? Ideally avoiding any overly forceful sex maniacs between you and it.
No. 1035747 ID: 273c18

Tell him you are seeking arcane knowledge. A magical tome of some sort would suffice, or... a teacher?
No. 1035749 ID: 899c9f

Investigate the splashing sounds.
Oh, well if there's a god handy, ask him where the forbidden knowledge is kept! Simple.
No. 1035760 ID: 6bb66d

Seems that lust might be locked away deep inside, but not non existent? Unless the spell literally forced it into existence. Don't suppose you ever experience memory loss or black outs, do you? You seem no worse for wear, unless you somehow lost your undergarments or something. You might've been out for a while.
Still, a spell like that could be quite useful (and fun), if a bit of a doozy (and fun) to fight. No learning via osmosis? Might help with charisma down here if you could learn it. The alternative is finding someone both willful and charismatic and waiting a generation.

Anyway, you have an (adorable and delightfully perverted) ancient male demi-god of fertility in front of you. Perhaps you should get on your knees and bl-, ask politely for him to teach you the arcane secrets of the universe (or at least a magic book/teacher in this temple). A better understanding of what those runes did could be useful as well.

Assuming that doesn't work, the Varkian woman may be someone fighting some puritans? Perhaps you could lend her a hand, and then she could lend a hand in helping you explore this place in the pursuit of knowledge. And maybe stop to smell the flowers along the way.
No. 1035768 ID: 9ab792

Ask him to point you in the direction of an ancient magics and/or knowledge, so you can take share them outside the labyrinth. Then Ptamet will end up leading us to someone that also shares the same interests as us, which would make them the ideal mate for us.
No. 1035772 ID: 61b860

I'm thinking of going towards the flowers though if your feeling lustful go towards the orgy.
No. 1035807 ID: 681cb5
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>Seems that lust might be locked away deep inside, but not nonexistent? Unless the spell literally forced it into existence.
Just like a fear spell would make you irrationally panic and a fury spell would make you feel irrational anger, this spell clearly made you feel an irrational lust for… things you usually don’t desire. It’s an illusion, but instead of making you believe there’s a wall there that doesn’t exist, it make you feel an emotion that doesn’t exist instead. Honestly, it felt really weird, because you’re not at all used to feeling anything like that!
>Don't suppose you ever experience memory loss or black outs, do you?
As far as you know, no… you do have these odd dreams though... or… well, it’s more like you remember these dreams you never actually had, about how you used to be man who worked as a bounty hunter together with someone called Sslama. The creepiest part though is that you accidently call your brother, the crown prince, Sslama at times… and he sometimes calls you Qeb which… is oddly familiar… as if it has been your name before? It’s really weird…

>You seem no worse for wear, unless you somehow lost your undergarments or something. You might've been out for a while.
Your undergarments are safe and sound, so the only thing that seem to have happen is that you slithered blindly into the labyrinth without a care in world. Could have been worse, really.
>Still, a spell like that could be quite useful (and fun), if a bit of a doozy (and fun) to fight. No learning via osmosis? Might help with charisma down here if you could learn it.
Sadly, learning by being the victim of a spell is not really an effective way to do things. You’ll need a few scrolls or a book about how those runes works if you want to be able to even start learning the art of… um… “sexomancy”? Would that be the right word?
>The alternative is finding someone both willful and charismatic and waiting a generation.
…eeeh, that’s not really an ideal plan. Both because you want to find the magical artifacts yourself and it will be rather hard to find someone down here who’s willing to be your mate and be okay with not having intercourse for fun all the time. This is a freaking fetish dungeon after all, people like that won’t really hang around here, will they? …present company excluded, of course.

>You have an (adorable and delightfully perverted) ancient male demi-god of fertility in front of you.
It’s clearly a magical projection and not the actual demi-god in person, but he is indeed taking an interest in you, which is quite intriguing. Though, while you admit he is kind of adorable at times, you don’t really find any kind of perversion “delightful”, be it from a fertility demi-god or otherwise.
>What was up with those runes? It obviously messed with your head, but why? What was at the end of that puzzle?
”Why, little one, it is a test to find those worthy of entering the garden of indulgence.” he float over towards you with a bit grin on his face as he continues talking, ”It is designed to make sure that whoever wishes to ascend is ready for what comes next… and that they are strong enough to continue He who seeds, She who births will.” You give him a stern look, returning his smile with a bit of a scowl, ”But d-did it really need to… to make me feel like that!?” He just smiles harder, ”It is a test of your whole body, be it your magical abilities, strength, agility, sense, vitality and finally your willpower. If your will was strong enough to handle the garden, then it would have been strong enough to handle that runic trap, little one.” With a huff, you look away from him, ”…I still found it really… really… r-really rude!” You can hear him chuckle softly before he says, ”Oh, I’m sorry, little mage… but do not fret, it is designed to be harmless.”
>Tell him you are seeking arcane knowledge. A magical tome of some sort would suffice, or... a teacher?
”Why, aren’t you an enthusiastic one. While I am forbidden to teach you directly, little one, I can show you this…” His eyes lights up with a strong purple glow as the air around him starts to twist and turn in unnatural directions, followed with loud snap as a large tome appears from thin air. As soon as it make its presence know, you can feel the magic from it wash over you. It’s super powerful! ”OH MY GOSH!? Is that… t-that’s a… a… a… oh gosh, that’s a t-tome of ancient magic from the lost age!?” It is bound in a type of leather you’ve never seen before… and the pages are not made of paper, but… you’re not sure, but it feels weird to the touch. You’re so engrossed with the book that you almost don’t hear Ptamet speak up, ”It is indeed a tome of magic and powerful magic at that, but it’s not that old.” You stroke it, feeling the magical energies seeping from it between your fingers… this is it… the real thing… right here in your hands… ”The only other book like this is my mother old family heirloom, the one that has been passed down for generation of the royal family! This is amazing! …w-w-wait, there’s a… a magical seal here that is hiding most of the text?” You look over at the Jackal demi-god, and he’s giving you the biggest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen, ”While you are free to read it to your heart content, if you wish to truly master it you’ll need to prove yourself worthy to wield its content first. A small proof of your devotion, that’s all.” With a sigh of relief, you say, ”Oh, that doesn’t seem to bad…” but somehow Ptamet’s grin grows even wider, ”You’ll just need to have the essence from three different species growing inside you, and the book will be yours forever... though for each essence you collect, more of the tome will reveal itself to you.” You look back at the book and examine the seal again, ”Three essences? What do you mean by that? Do you want me to… w-wait… w-wait… oh no… y-you can’t mean…”
No. 1035808 ID: 681cb5
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”You’ll just need to do horizontal tango with three other species to unlock the magic of the tome.”

”…I knew it… dammit…”
No. 1035809 ID: 681cb5
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”You’ll need to bake the potato, maybe butter a few biscuits, plant a few parsnips, get some horizontal refreshments, putting a few buns in your oven, do a few squats in the cucumber patch, maybe even do the bam-bam in the ham-ham.”

”Y-yes, I heard you the first time.”
No. 1035810 ID: 681cb5
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”Roll a bit in the hay, bump some uglies, put the want in the chamber of secrets, get your cave of wonders plundered, take the old one eye to the optometrist, doing the He who seeds, She who birth dance, making some hanky panky while shaking the she-”

”Enough! T-that’s… t-that’s enough…”

”Hehe, I apologize, little one, I was just having some fun… heh… still, you’ll need to bring the al dente noddle to the spaghetti house if you want that magical tome!”


Okay, you shouldn’t be surprised. This is a temple dedicated to the god of these desires, so of course anything that’s bound to them will be connected to that act. And even if you’re not interested in doing it yourself, if it means getting this sweet magical tome… it’s worth it, right? Now, where do you start…?

>Oh, well if there's a god handy, ask him where the forbidden knowledge is kept! Simple.
”Oh, but my deepest apologies, little one, but that is not something I can tell. See, there are a couple provisos, a few quid pro quos, one of which is that I can’t directly tell you how to find the nearby library.” you look over towards the jackal with his stupid grin… ”…but you can tell me indirectly.” He looks down towards the book… or into your cleavage, you’re not sure, before he answer, ”I can tell you that the book you have has a map to it, though you won’t be able to read it until you’ve unlocked at least two thirds of the magical seal. So you need to find two willing mates first…” you give another sigh, ”Of course I do…”
>Investigate the splashing sounds.
Hmm, maybe you can ask Ptamet about that as well? ”Ah, I see you’ve heard the old Angler Beast diving around in one of the larger pools, little one. He is by far the strongest creature down here right now, so he would be quite a catch as a mate… of course, he’s not the most welcoming… and you know, the stronger they are, the harder it is to tame them.”
>The Varkian woman may be someone fighting some puritans? Perhaps you could lend her a hand, and then she could lend a hand in helping you explore this place in the pursuit of knowledge.
Having some help with this task might be good idea… ”The two Varkian warriors? Why, they are down here hunting for strong mates to drag back to their caravan, not all too different from what your father and grandmother did. One of them have a really big girl sword too, if you know what I mean *Eyebrow wiggle*”
>Maybe stop to smell the flowers along the way.
Wait, wasn’t he talking about a garden earlier? Maybe that’s what you smelled… ”Oh, that’s not the garden, little one, that’s just… well, it’s a garden, but not THE garden. But it quite a serene place if you wish to take a break… if it wasn’t for the plant creature that lurks there. He loves putting his newly gained dick inside the butt of any non-plant person that comes by, so you better have a taste for tentacles if you want to go there, little mage.”
>If your feeling lustful go towards the orgy.
…of course you’re not feeling lustful. You aren’t into those things at all! ”Orgy? Oh, no, that’s not an orgy, little one. It’s is actual two rhinoceros, a father and a son, having a competition of who can find and impregnate three mates first… and seeing how they both have caught two so far, you might just be the winning mate.”

Right… so you need to do it with at least two people to find this library… and three if you want to fully unlock the book… you guess it should be worse, because while you don’t really care for it, you don’t actively hate the act either.
No. 1035811 ID: 899c9f

If cross pollinating is your aim, then go to the garden.
No. 1035812 ID: 10c07d

Might as well get started to get this over with. Head towards the rhinos.
No. 1035813 ID: 629f2e

Well obviously the garden would be the worst place to visit. Cum in the ass is just a waste, you'd need that plant to plant its seeds in your pussy.

The rhino father-son pair seems the best option. They're actively seeking mates right now, and you can use their contest to maintain some control of the situation. If one of them seems really abhorrent, then you can give yourself to the other. And if they're both fine, then it'll let you make a more thorough choice. Which would be gentler with you, do you want one of them to win more than the other, etc.
No. 1035814 ID: 61b860

I think you should head towards the varkian ladies seeing as they might be the most agreeable of the bunch since you have a mostly varkian head. I wonder what type of bird those varkians are? Maybe after you get some experience with them you can try rhino on for size.
No. 1035815 ID: 273c18

Avoid the varkian warriors, they'll try to drag you away and that's a loss condition. (also we already have Varkian and Warrior unlocked)
The garden seems fine, but it's not time limited. Go for the father and son, get knocked up by one of them and then it's time for plant.
No. 1035821 ID: 708905

Could Ptamet knock us up? It would be pretty convenient to het st least one of the three out of the way here and now.
No. 1035826 ID: 6bb66d

If Ptamet was physical, you would be remiss not to hug him, and slap him... and get knocked up by him, seeing as he would definitely help with progress towards the book. Also, that eyebrow wiggle.
Can you glean anything interesting from the Kama Sutra-Nomicon as is?

Water boi needs preparation and help. The varkians could be interesting, but you stand to lose more than you gain by going right for them and getting double teamed is a possibility. You have the advantage on Garden boi with fire magic, but tentacles are going to leave you rather tired, whether physically or magically. Probably enough spare fluids to knock yourself up though.
The father son rhino duo are already competing and have beaten and fucked two mates each, so perhaps you could turn them on each other by declaring a challenge, and then finishing off the victor? A solid start, new meat, a chance to gauge your enemy (based on their mates), and you might actually wind up with some muscle on your side. Assuming you even have to fight them. Scope them out, if you can.
No. 1035843 ID: 2a82d3

I'd go for birds over rhinos. It's the most urgent, as you did hear them mid-battle. Tricking rhinos seems like that'd need a Charisma check, but she'd be able to catch the birds by surprise to take one out.

>you guess it should be worse, because while you don’t really care for it, you don’t actively hate the act either.
If it helps, keep a journal to write about it later. I'm sure your descendants would appreciate a record of the tests, tricks, and traps here.

>Though, while you admit he is kind of adorable at times, you don’t really find any kind of perversion “delightful”, be it from a fertility demi-god or otherwise.
How funny would it be if it turned out this pure goddess Agnieszka was ace like you, but also bland (unlike you, you woman of culture), so her followers were basically like fanboys trying to impress her?

Unless there's some bad news when we come back, guys... Think about where she's calling from.
No. 1035849 ID: 36784c

Go for the Varkian warriors.

If they’re in the middle of a fight or they just recently finished fighting, then that means that they’re going to be tired, which would make it easier for us to beat them.

>Tricking rhinos seems like that'd need a Charisma check
>Charisma: 0
Yeah, you’re right. Going after the rhinos sounds like a bad idea.
No. 1035853 ID: a9af05

No. 1035922 ID: adc37c

No. 1036013 ID: 681cb5
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>If it helps, keep a journal to write about it later. I'm sure your descendants would appreciate a record of the tests, tricks, and traps here.
Just like your parents did and their parents before them, you’ll keep an oral tradition going to tell the next one in your line who dares venture here everything they’ll need to know.
>Can you glean anything interesting from the Kama Sutra-Nomicon as is?
While the instruction of actually using the magic within this magical tome still eludes you, there are few describing texts that you can discern. What’s clear is that this book is filled with all kinds of fetish spells, but there are a few that still will have practical applications outside the intended purpose. Sure, “Bigdick’s fondling hand” and “Milf’s cum arrow” might have very few uses outside the bedroom, things like enlarging or reducing the size of objects and people as well as the ability to gain endless stamina will be quite powerful spells no matter where you are.

>If Ptamet was physical, you would be remiss not to hug him, and slap him... and get knocked up by him, seeing as he would definitely help with progress towards the book.
You would definitely slap him… more than once… but hug him? No, you don’t think so… as for him knocking you up, well… it’s for the book, nothing more.
>Also, that eyebrow wiggle.
>Could Ptamet knock us up? It would be pretty convenient to have at least one of the three out of the way here and now.
”Sadly, little one, I am not allowed to pass on my genes to just anyone. Only those worthy of my body will be allowed to embrace it.” You look over at him with a quizzical look, ”…and when will someone be worthy?” As he answers he gives you a wink and a broad smile, ”What do you think the last step of the test is, hmm?” to which you only roll your eyes.
>Unless there's some bad news when we come back, guys... Think about where she's calling from.
”Wait, aren’t y-you… err…” Ptament cuts you off, already knowing what you’re about to ask, ”Hanging between your father’s legs as his manhood? Why yes, yes I am… but I’m not mortal like you, I don’t need to worry about just existing at one place at the time.” He deflates slightly as you looks around the corridor, ”At least not while in the temple, where He who seeds, She who birth influence is… ngg… strong… *huff*” A bright blush is starts appearing on his cheek while his breathing start getting rather irregular, ”Are you alright?” His ears flops backwards as he start panting, clearly enjoying whatever it is that’s happening, ”Ah… I’m… ah… fine… it’s just t-that y-your… ngg… father and mother are… *huff*… having some private time… ah…” You look at him and sigh, ”I… I really didn’t need to know that…”

>Might as well get started to get this over with.
Right, the sooner you’re done here the better.
>Water boi needs preparation and help.
That angler beast seems rather though, you’re right… though you’re not sure how you should get help?
>If cross pollinating is your aim, then go to the garden.
This plant creature does sound interesting… you haven’t had any experience with those plant people before after all… and he wouldn’t mind pollinating you if what Ptamet is telling you is true.
>Well obviously the garden would be the worst place to visit. Cum in the ass is just a waste, you'd need that plant to plant its seeds in your pussy.
Obviously you’ll need to either convince him to put it in the right hole or trick him somehow. It’s not going to be so easy that you can just slither in, ask them to mate and leave.
>The garden seems fine, but it's not time limited.
”Time d-doesn’t… ngg… flow like that in here. *huff* you’ll always be right on t-time… no matter… ah… what. By her g-grace, with how h-hard your f-father is breeding your m-mother, you’ll have a sibling soon…” You look over at him with skepticism, ”…my mother was already pregnant when I left. I highly doubt that she’d laid those eggs by now.” it’s clear that he’s getting worse, as the blush just keeps growing, ”Ngg… yet this snussy is begging to be impregnated… fuck… wait… it’s clearly a virgin snussy too, so this has to be a new member of the harem.” You have to gag a bit from the image he’s giving you, ”Ugh, I really don’t n-need to know this.” but he doesn’t get the hint and continues,”S-she’s eager t-to… ah… to get his s-” though this time you stop him before he can go too far, interrupting him with a rather stern; ”Ptamet.“ Finally he gets it, as he starts to slowly disappear, ”T-then call me when you n-need me, little one… I’ll… ah… I’ll be… *huff* around…”
>You have the advantage on Garden boi with fire magic, but tentacles are going to leave you rather tired, whether physically or magically.
You’re sure all of these challenges will drain your power… though you’re not sure if you should use your fire magic against him. You need him to mate with you, which might be hard if you burn him to a crisp.

>The rhino father-son pair seems the best option. They're actively seeking mates right now, and you can use their contest to maintain some control of the situation.
They do seem to be one of the simpler options, true… but… hmm…
>The father son rhino duo are already competing and have beaten and fucked two mates each, so perhaps you could turn them on each other by declaring a challenge, and then finishing off the victor?
That might be possible… though, hearing that they’ve already beaten two mates already do give you a bit of a pause. Maybe they are stronger than you think?
>Tricking rhinos seems like that'd need a Charisma check.
…and you have the charisma of a rock. Yeah, that’s clearly not your strong suit… maybe you should focus on someone else first?

>Go for the Varkian warriors. They might be the most agreeable of the bunch since you have a mostly varkian head.
Well, Varkians are usually more defensive than aggressive, seeing as they are considered prey of a lot of the other species. If anyone, they might be the most diplomatic option of the bunch.
>If they’re in the middle of a fight or they just recently finished fighting, then that means that they’re going to be tired, which would make it easier for us to beat them. You’ll be able to catch the birds by surprise to take one out.
…or if you’re not feeling diplomatic, you might be able to use them being distracted to your advantage. If you can just take out one of them then maybe…
>Avoid the varkian warriors, they'll try to drag you away and that's a loss condition.
There’s risk with all four of these challenges. Sure, the Varkians want to drag you back to the their caravan, but it’s a given that the father son duo want to drag all their mates back to their clan as well. And the angler beast… yeah, those things eat anything it deems weak if you remember correctly. Finally, the plant… um… the plant… actually, you’re not sure what the plant might do if you submit to it, other than pollinate your butt.

Either way, you’ve decided! You’re going toward those Varkian gals and see what they are fighting! Let’s go!
No. 1036014 ID: 681cb5
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Slithering down the corridors as silently as you can, you start making your way towards the sound of battle. Though it becomes quite clear pretty soon that the battle is already over, as the sound of clashing steel is replaced by the sound of two males screaming in orgasmic bliss, one shortly after the other has gone quite… and then, silence. For a moment you’re worried that you’ve lost the trail, but as you get closer you can hear the voices of two women chatting, making it easy to find the exact location of these Varkian ladies. As you peek into the room, you spot two Varkians standing over a pile of clothes, one white and muscular while the other pink and rather tall, though both of them are clearly battle hardened and covered in scars. You take a moment to analyze what you’re seeing…

Varkian Scout (Pink): High agility, specials: Backstabber (+sneak attack), Vanish (can hide during combat).
Varkian Warrior (White): High strength, specials: Weapon proficiency: Bolas, Enrage (+attack +1 turn instead of being defeated once).

White: ”So, did those losers even have any good loot?”
Pink: ”They mostly had these drab garments to cover up their bodies with and little else. Not surprising, seeing as those purity worshippers are a dull bunch, love. Though, they did have a few pairs of these metallic underwear…”
White: ”…are you even supposed to wear that shit? Seems hard to get off.”
Pink: ”That’s the point, dear. They don’t want us to mate, remember?”
White: ”Bah, a bunch of sissies if you ask me, sissies who needed a real woman to fuck them. Never fought Sakkilians so weak before, even if they were male ones. And what was that weird cage thing they were wearing?”
Pink: ”They are the same as the underwear, but for men, love.”
White: ”Weirdoes…”
Pink: ”Maybe we should start moving. Where there are Sakkilian boys there usually are Sakkilian huntresses, and I rather not end up sliding down a lizard gullet.”
White: ”You know, my grandfather told me a story about a Varkian Warrior who ventured here in hope of doing just that. He was a strange one, apparently.”
Pink: ”That’s clearly just a myth. After all, dear, how would we know where he ended up if he became Sakkilian food?”
White: ”That’s the thing, the fucker just came back after being eaten. Like magic! Apparently he started living with the Sakkilian tribe and everything!”
Pink: ”Oh, please… that just sound farfetched…”
White: ”I’m telling you, girl, this place is magical. And how can you be skeptical after what we did with those cute Sakkilian boys?”
Pink: ”That was an accident… but I get your point. I still haven’t gotten used to how sensitive he is… but still, who would even want to be eaten anyway?”
White: ”Hey, don’t kink shame, girl.”
Pink: ”…don’t tell me you want to do it, girlfriend?”
White: ”Oh, shut the fuck up. That’s not… bah, let’s just get out of here and find some other boys to play with. I really want to knock up a bussy.”
Pink: ”…a what?”
White: ”Bussy? Boy pussy?”
Pink: ”…boys don’t have pussies and you can’t knock one up, even if you have a dick now.”
White: ”Pff, this place is fucking magic, girl. I can impregnate a boy butt if I try hard enough I’m sure of it. But enough talk, let’s go already!”
Pink: ”Wait, should we grab a few of these metal underwear to take back to the caravan? It’s some good metal in them after all.”
White: ”…where would we even put them?”
Pink: ”…the same place where we have everything else?”
White: ”Oh right… well… hmm… they are quite valuable, but also rather cumbersome… hmm…”

>I wonder what type of bird those varkians are?
If you’re not mistaken, that’s a Cattle egret on the right… and a scarlet ibis on the left… or maybe she’s a flamingo? Hard to tell… either way, if you want to catch them by surprise, now is the time to act.
No. 1036021 ID: 273c18

>You need him to mate with you, which might be hard if you burn him to a crisp.
Ah, you forget. True injury is impossible here. Your fire magic will just knock people out. Or burn off their clothes and embarrass them.

Start Empowering a spell. Flame, water, both have uses here- fire is obvious, but with water you could splash the ground or them then freeze the water to disable them. Hmm, I'm not sure which one to target first. Probably the warrior-- you don't want to get hit with those bolas.
No. 1036022 ID: 10c07d

I think the water strategy is the best plan here. Especially because if the scout tries to vanish you can still see her movement in the displacement of the water. And if you successfully freeze them in place it’s two bird with one stone.
No. 1036024 ID: 10c07d

Or we could just talk to them. Tell them what our purpose is here. If they want a strong mate to butt fuck you can lead them to the angler fish boy. And in return, all they need to do is fuck your own pussy and let you use the angler fish once they’re done with him.
No. 1036029 ID: 629f2e


Yeah, opening up on combat isn't really necessary, and it'd be two against one. They may be slightly weakened from fighting a purity follower, but the numbers still ain't in your favor. Diplomacy's the way to go here.

Go introduce yourself. Make some conversation with them, get an idea of where they're from and tell them about yourself, etc. Then, after you're at least slightly acquainted, bring up the stupid quest you've been put on and ask if you can trade some information about nearby encounters they could seek out or avoid for a load in your cooch.
No. 1036152 ID: 2a82d3

>metallic underwear
If they're still on the floor and noone's watching, try to get your hands on one somehow. Wearing it would defeat the point of your "magic" gathering, but you could use it against the birds if they get too handsy. Do apologise if you do it, that's not really your thing.

>now is the time to act.
Go for >>1036029
Loads of conversation starters here: your grandfather, your shared distaste for purity followers, your noble quest to build your kingdom through knowledge, boy pussy?

... you know if they're into bussy, you could mention a brother of yours. A proud warrior and man in every sense of the word, except in that area. Hooking them up with your siblings would them off your ass, so to speak.

Does the black book mention sex change as one of the spells? Finding that ritual could be a noble quest in itself. Your brother would appreciate it; it'd make heir-making less awkward at least.
No. 1036153 ID: 273c18

...we avoided the rhino encounter because of low charisma. Why are people suggesting that we try to handle this encounter via charisma?
No. 1036168 ID: 6032bf

Couple of good looking birds. Should probably prioritize Pink, considering she's the scout and she'll probably be squishier and the DPS (and is the more intelligent, it seems). Wonder if subspecies would count at all towards the book pregnancies. How long can you hold an Empower Spell? Might want to start charging that one up in case you get noticed.
And if you do have to talk, be careful about mentioning any Sakillian heritage. They might think you're just a birb-snek, which could be useful. Commiserating on what the puritans are doing to the people might work for finding common ground.

This. If our charisma is too low to make two competing males work against each other, why would it be high enough to persuade a cooperative duo, only one of which being interested in bussy, not to take a lone and naturally submissive female? Granted, we might be able to negotiate something with the info we have, our low demands, and offering of temporary alliance for the sake of more respectable mates, but it's not going to favor us.
No. 1036169 ID: 629f2e


Just because our charisma is untrained doesn't mean all social encounters are off the table. It.just restricts some of what we can do. We probably won't be bluffing, intimidating, or persuading through words alone. And yet all of these things could be conveyed through our actions.

We want something from them. If they want to give it to us, then that's a hard check to fuck up. If they're neutral on screwing.us, then offering some reward such as information would sweeten the pot. This is likely only going to be a failure if they aren't up for it, in which case yes, we will lose the element of surprise. It's a worthwhile trade though, as we're going to have to get three different mates, so we'll need to be comservative about how often we fight. There are two warriors in this room who have already shown themselves capable enough to defeat followers of Purity, a group who you know to have their own form of magic. You would be alone, whereas they would be fighting together. All in all: It would be an unfavorable situation. Thus, the diplomacy check is worth making first.
No. 1036253 ID: 273c18

Wait a minute. Why don't we just offer a deal: be impregnated by the scout, and you'll guide them to the rhinos. They can get some "bussy" and maybe even capture them. Plus, once we get there, it should be possible to get a sandwich going with the rhino who gets pounded.
No. 1036304 ID: a0679d

Empower a spell, then freeze the one that can vanish in the middle of a fight. Hopefully that will prevent that one from being able to do anything for a few turns.

It would take Charisma to convince them to only fuck us and not tie us up and drag us with them to their caravan as their mate.

Unless both of them also have 0 Charisma, I don't see diplomacy working for us.

We don't know where they are, so we can't guide them anywhere!
No. 1036325 ID: 2a82d3

We don't know them, but they know us. From what they're saying, our lineage earned us a Reputation among the Varkians. That could be enough of a drop in DC to pass the check of least one of them, even at 0 Charisma.

She's "Submissive", right? Taking initiative doesn't seem right for her. Worst case scenario, she's used as stress relief or tool tester. Maybe she'd can pass a Will check instead to stay in the labyrinth, and she has a bonus to that because she accepts she's submissive.
No. 1036339 ID: 681cb5
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>Ah, you forget. True injury is impossible here. Your fire magic will just knock people out. Or burn off their clothes and embarrass them.
Your father did say something about that, didn’t he? That’s good… because then you won’t need to hold back, do you?
>Does the black book mention sex change as one of the spells? Finding that ritual could be a noble quest in itself.
You’d be surprised if it didn’t contain a spell like that. Heck, you can’t fathom that book not containing even weirder transformation spells, like giving yourself some third, eldritch gender or… you don’t know, dicks for nipples or something just as deranged. This is a tome of fetish magic after all.

>Couple of good looking birds.
The pink one does look rather regal, you have to say… though the white one is a bit to brutish for your taste. Remind too much of your brothers back home.
>Wonder if subspecies would count at all towards the book pregnancies.
With your luck, no, definitely not. Ptamet specified species, so it’s very unlikely… though you might need to test it, just in case?
>If they're still on the floor and noone's watching, try to get your hands on one of those metal underwear somehow. Wearing it would defeat the point of your "magic" gathering, but you could use it against the birds if they get too handsy.
Those things are clearly designed for people with legs, so you can’t really wear one yourself. Not that you want to, seeing how you still need to collect… essences. But they might be useful to use on someone else, just in case they are getting a bit too eager.

>Go introduce yourself. Make some conversation with them, get an idea of where they're from and tell them about yourself, etc.
Ugh, you’ve never been one for small talk… how do you even begin?
>Loads of conversation starters here: your grandfather, your shared distaste for purity followers, your noble quest to build your kingdom through knowledge…
Eh… you have a feeling bringing up your grandfather is a bad idea… and you don’t really know a lot about those purity fellows…
>boy pussy?
…what even is that!?
>... you know if they're into bussy, you could mention a brother of yours. A proud warrior and man in every sense of the word, except in that area. Hooking them up with your siblings would them off your ass, so to speak.
…well, you guess he would count as having a… *sigh*… “bussy”… though you’re not sure how willing he’ll be to become a mate of some random Varkian woman. Can’t really sell him without his consent, after all.
>Bring up the stupid quest you've been put on and ask if you can trade some information about nearby encounters they could seek out or avoid for a load in your cooch.
Two problems. One is that most people don’t to leave their future children just like that. Breeding is all about making strong children after all, so it’s a given that you want to make sure they grow up properly. Second, the pink one is a trained scout. She’s probably better than you at tracking down and identifying the dangers and prey of this place, even with Ptamet’s help.
>From what they're saying, our lineage earned us a Reputation among the Varkians.
A lineage that is known for feeding themselves to their sworn enemy… yeah, it probably won’t be worth much.
>if you do have to talk, be careful about mentioning any Sakillian heritage. They might think you're just a birb-snek, which could be useful.
That’s right, if they know about your Sakkilian heritage they might just become more aggressive... not that you can blame them, seeing how the Sakkilian part of your brain is telling you to just gobble them both up and be done with it.

>Opening up on combat isn't really necessary, and it'd be two against one.
While there are two of them, you are the decedent of a divine being and powerful mage with royal tutelage. You’re sure you can handle these two ruffians.
>There are two warriors in this room who have already shown themselves capable enough to defeat followers of Purity, a group who you know to have their own form of magic.
This also means that they are weary and bruised. The perfect time to strike is when your enemy is at their weakest!
>As we're going to have to get three different mates, so we'll need to be conservative about how often we fight.
True… but then again, you can always regain your power between battles, right? If anything, if you can beat these two and make them your slaves, you’ll have two more fighters on your side, right? Or you can just eat one of them to regain your strength, that works too…

>If our charisma is too low to make two competing males work against each other, why would it be high enough to persuade a cooperative duo, only one of which being interested in bussy, not to take a lone and naturally submissive female? It would take Charisma to convince them to only fuck us and not tie us up and drag us with them to their caravan as their mate.
…that’s right. Why wouldn’t they just make you their mate instead, given the chance? You’re not really… good at talking, so it’s fully possible that they’ll simply convince you to do so willingly if you talk to them… After all, you’re siblings usually just slither all over you when you’re arguing, as they usually get their way from the simple fact that you rather not argue in the first place…
>Worst case scenario, she's used as stress relief or tool tester.
Worst case scenario is that they’ll drag you back to their caravan to be used as an egg factory to replenish their numbers. Right, let’s not talk to them… you really don’t like talking anyway…

>Start Empowering a spell. Flame, water, both have uses here- fire is obvious, but with water you could splash the ground or them then freeze the water to disable them.
While you don’t have any fire to draw from to make the empowered spell even more powerful, you do have a water skin full of… well, water. That might be useful…
>And if you successfully freeze them in place it’s two bird with one stone.
…and if you freeze them, they can’t get into close range of you, letting you pelt them with magic to your heart content.
>if the scout tries to vanish you can still see her movement in the displacement of the water.
She can’t actually become invisible, you know. She’ll just throw a distraction before hiding behind a bush, a wall or on the ceiling just long enough to make a surprise attack. Or she’ll use a smoke bomb… they do love their smoke bombs…

Silently, you open up your water skin and let it pour out onto the floor, slowly guiding it towards the birds with your magic all the while you start collecting power to freeze it solid when the times right. The Varkian’s are too busy discussing the worth of metals to even notice the water slowly creeping towards them, as it is far too late when the white one finally feel it splash against her talon, ”Hey, where did this wa- VARK!” With a flick of your wrist, you unleash all the magical power you’ve been absorbing, empowering the magical cold spell to its fullest potency and instantly freezing the water that’s now completely covering the two warriors lower legs. The white one doesn’t stand a chance, as she’s instantly frozen to the floor, while you can see that the pink you get ready to jump out of the way, but she too is just a second to late and is caught in your trap. You managed to catch both of them in your spell, freezing both of their legs to the floor and ensuring that they are stuck where they are. Let’s finish this.

Shelli empowers a freezing spell and successfully cast it on both the Varkians, taking them by surprise and trapping them both!
Both Varkian’s are stuck to the floor and can’t move! (Move speed = 0, -2 agility!)
The Varkian Warrior’s will to fight is very low!
The Varkian Scout’s will to fight is very low!

”Agh! A sneak attack! I’m stuck!” You watch as both of the birds tries to feebly get out of your ice prison to no avail, before the pink one finally notice you, ”Over there! It’s some kind of… Serpent / Varkian hybrid!” As on command, both of them pull out their weapons ready for combat. The warrior pulls out a Kopesh and their bolas (which you notice is their only ranged weapon) while the pink one brings out a handful of throwing daggers. ”I can smell Sakkilian blood in her… let’s bring her down quick!” the white one growls as she start spinning her bolas around, making her intention quite clear.

Turn order:
Shilli (Agility 1, Protagonist priority)
Scout (Agility 1 (3-2))
Warrior (Agility -1 (1-2))

Right, let’s see if you can end this quick and painlessly. It is your turn to act.

You’re currently equipped with:
A small dagger.
An empty water skin.
A full Oil lantern.
Papyrus, a pen and ink to write with.
A ration.
A well-made robe.
A few copper, silver and gold coins.

A weak telekinetic skill. (You can manipulate small objects with your mind!)
Basic fire magic (You can create a small burst of fire as well as manipulate larger fires)
Basic water magic (You can create a small burst of water as well as manipulate water, including freezing it.)
Keen mind (Know all enemies special skills at start of combat).
Empower spell (Empower a spell, skipping a turn but dealing 3 times the damage the next).
No. 1036343 ID: 6bb66d

Nice view, and I can see why you might favor the pink one. If she's got a good head on her shoulders, perhaps you could keep her around.

Can you grab multiple things with your telekinesis? I think keeping that general look (smiling while radiating energy) and grabbing both their nuts should be enough.

If not, grasp your dagger and press the cold steel against the brute's sack/dick. Even if she knows you can't hurt her, it should trigger fight or flight and cause enough stress to finish her off.
From there, you should be able to reason with the pink one: she's immobilized, on her own, and we possess magic that can do far worse. We also have plans that are more mutally beneficial and pleasureable to all parties than simply consuming them.
No. 1036344 ID: 6bb66d

Also, the white one is going to have one opportunity to attack with the bolas when she goes down. Telekinesis won't be strong enough to remove it from her grasp, and getting closer is too risky, so keep your distance and part of your tail up to catch it?
No. 1036361 ID: 708905

Dont use fire magic that will just free them. I say keep hitting them with water and ice until they're completely bound. Also be prepared to telekinesis objects to intercept thrown bolas/daggers.

Side question: Do we actually have to have sex to count as obtaining essence or can we collect and self insert or unbirth?
No. 1036362 ID: 629f2e

Ink is mostly water you know, about 95 percent. You may not have full control over it, but combined with your more general basic telekinesis skill, it should be enough for you to manipulate it well enough for this suggestion. Blast ink in their eyes, blinding them to throw off their aim. Since they're both going for ranged attacks, it should raise the odds of them missing quite significantly. If you can only get one, then focus the warrior. Your really don't want to be bound by bolas, as that would make this fight a lot more even in their favor.
No. 1036379 ID: 63cbf0

Can your telekinesis work on the bolas? You could send it back at them and have it wrap around the pink one to prevent her from throwing daggers.

Or maybe you can use the vines in the room? Use telekinesis to make the vines reached behind them and yank off parts of their clothing.

But if they're too far away for your telekinesis, then just keep shooting water at them to try and freeze them even more. If you manage to hit their hands, you can prevent them from throwing things at you!

>you should be able to reason with the pink one
We were just told that talking would be a bad idea because Shelli knows that if she tried to talk to these Varkians, they can convince her to willing go with them to their caravan.

She also said that she doesn't want to talk to them.
No. 1036382 ID: 6c3553

Missed the line about being convinced to go back with them, and was hoping simply stating facts would be sufficient to break her will in that event (I believe we've taunted before, and there has been no Charisma requirement for that), but flat out not wanting to talk to them is a fair point. It will have to happen, but that can wait until after the fight.
Counter point to the water thing though, we used our flask of water to immobilize them, and can't create water or fire from nothing.

So the water part of this might not work. Good question though.
No. 1036389 ID: 3a3b7c

Correction: Ignore me, I'm an illiterate idiot. We CAN make fire and water, the flask just enhanced the potential of the empowered spell. Gonna have to try and collect it/more after this.