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1028895 No. 1028895 ID: 0838d6

A quest disguised as a CYOA chart inspired by that one chart about the girls in towers.

Written by EDMANGO and illustrated by TIPPLER

DISCUSSION: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134892.html
EDMANGO'S PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Edmango
TIPPLER'S PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/tippler

EDMANGO NOTE: This quest will likely contain 18+ content including violence, arguments, and light sexual content. You've been warned!

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No. 1028896 ID: 0838d6
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Read the prompt on the first page and spend your gems on Items and Characters! To make things easier, please organize your votes with what you want the most at the top of the list. If you want less than 3 characters, please state that at the top of your list.

And feel free to discuss and convince other suggestors to help your waifu/husbando get picked! Character creation is next!

EDMANGO NOTE: BIG WARNING, you'll likely get injured in this quest, and while there are no instant-kills, your character or even favorite waifu could die! But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine… probably.
No. 1028900 ID: e8db93

Tool of Trust (my beloved)
Sword boar
Rabbit Witch

Time of Hardlight
Random Potions
The Perfect Gift
Bag of infinite rations
No. 1028901 ID: e7c7d3

-The otter-croc druid
-The feline beserker
-The sword boar farmhand

-Flower of embrace (for the druid)
-Pocket estate (for the farmhand to work)
-Magic arsenal, a fire falchion (for the beserker)
-Amorphous blob (a pet for us)
No. 1028902 ID: 344f1d

Pocket Estate
Bell of Souls
Golem Companion
random potions
No. 1028903 ID: c92a02

I would prefer 2 characters, but should we take three my third pick is the Tool of Trust, replacing the second half of the item list.
-The rabbit witch for certain.
-The Swordboar.
-Horse-drawn wagon
-Potion of Giant Size (or 3 random)
-Historical Parasite
-Pocket Estate
Items to take instead of the Trusty Tool:
-Amorphous blob
-Perfect gift
-The Omnibus
-Magical Blood Armor!
No. 1028904 ID: 086d06

Racoon plush
Rabbit witch

The otter-gator to and Raccoon plush to pick up items
The rabbit witch to store said items.

Flower of embrace (for hugs and to grab stuff and pull us towards stuff)
Historical Parasite
Golem companion

IDEA: we can give Historical parasite the body of GOLEM COMPANION since it is mindless!

All of these items are in some way living things. We gotta save as much lives as we can!
No. 1028907 ID: f6f6cb

Let's just call this the 'yeah we're definitely the heroes' kit.

The Rabbit Witch
The Tool of Trust
The Otter-Croc Druid

Bell of Souls
Historical Parasite
Magical Arsenal (Upgrade the Tool of Trust for blood powers, only take if Tool of Trust is picked)
Tome of Hard-Light Manipulation
No. 1028916 ID: 96c896

I'll vote for this loadout too.
No. 1028923 ID: 61735f

-Raccoon Plush-kin cute and collects helpful items
-Otter-croc Druid makes helpful gifts and attracts friendly creatures?!
-Swordboar is a baddie AND a mage who won't give up
-Flower of embrace
-Bell of Souls
-Dances of Unfortunate Travel (sometimes randomized untraceable getaways are the way to go also just too cool to pass on)
Visions of the Damned (excellent for sleuthing)
No. 1028924 ID: e5709d

Rabbit Witch
Raccoon Rogue
Otter-Croc Druid

Golem Companion
Bag of Infiinte Rations
Blood Sword
No. 1028925 ID: 629f2e


-1: Raccoon Plush-kin - Adorable! Her stats are very close to the Druid's, so admittedly there's going to be some overlap in what they're good with, but that just tells us how NOT to stat ourselves out when we get to designing ourselves. Besides, going off of the information listed, it seems like she'll complement our druid well hopefully. Otter-Croc hates waste, and our Raccoon will passively collect useful items. Plush-kin has wanderlust, and Druid is nearly maxed out wild. Synergy!

-2: Otter-Croc Druid - Strong Wild, unique and cool design, and just has a nice energy to her. I'm all for this

-3: SwordBoar Farmhand - He has a lot of Power and Reflex, which my other picks lack. I think he'll synergize well with the others I've chosen too, as his farmhand profession should earn some respect from the druid. She's all about nature, and farms mean fewer people coming into the woods and eating all the grub nature provides.

FTR, if I was going to pick anybody else, I would take the Tool of Trust, because living weapon is just super fun. But I'm happy with these choices.


-1: Dances of Unfortunate Travel - It's terrible and I want it. I don't care if anybody else chooses this, I want this awful awful item in my life. For however bad it may be though, it isn't completely useless. If you're clever, you could probably resolve a few situations with it.

-2: Potions! - Take 3 random ones, because frankly there are very few there which will not be at least semi-helpful. There are no true duds, so just take three helpful potions.

-3: Golem Companion - Literally an extra fighter for combat, we should take this.

-4: Historical Parasite - Polt talked me into it by mentioning that we could give them the Golem Companion's body since it's mindless. I like that idea!
No. 1028926 ID: ce39da

1: The Avatar of Purity - by far the most useful individual ally. I think we should mostly build around this guy to have both insta-kill levels of offensive power and nonlethal takedown options.
2: The Tool of Trust - vital for our insta-kill option.
3: The Racoon Plushkin - one of the only other allies that has synergy with the "nonlethal take-down and run" side of our strategy.

4: Magical Arsenal (Slashing) on the Tool of Trust
5: Magical Arsenal (Mana) on the Tool of Trust - this is our insta-kill strat.
6: Contacts - having friends wherever we go can be essential for avoiding fights we don't need to get into.
7: Kamal Lin Omnibus - Just a really solid item all around.
No. 1028928 ID: 5b0071

Character: Berserker (4 pts)
Item: Magical Armament: sword with all affinities (12 pts)

rip and tear
No. 1028974 ID: 8483cf

Top Pick: Sword Boar
Second Pick: Rabbit Witch
Third Pick: Otter-Croc

Dances of Unfortunate Travel
Bell of Souls
Visions of the Damned
Tome of Hard-Light Manipulation
No. 1029035 ID: ba2bc3

- Rabbit witch
- Swordboar
- Half-golem artificer

- Bell of souls
- Tome of hard-light manipulation
- Historical parasite
- Poket state

I think historical parasite can work well with rabit witch and Half-golem artificer. Pocket state works well with Swordboar and Half-golem artificer. Tome of hard-light and bell of souls to protect our companions.

I like Tool of trust because I am a sucker for inteligent artifacts but jealousy can be hard to manage (maybe tool of trust instead of the four items).

I think the optimal choice is 3 characters and 4 magic items because each character is a life you are saving and 4 items to protect what you want (and because they are cool as hell)
No. 1029069 ID: 0838d6
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There’s no easy way to handle a runoff with the amount of choices present here, so I’ve taken record of everyone’s votes and did the next best thing. I’ve made groupings of characters and items for you to vote on!

Pick your top 2 selections in the format of [LETTER/NUMBER], the first selection will be allotted 2 points, the second, 1. This will help me decide the true selections should there be another tie.

- The Rabbit Witch
- The Otter-Croc Druid
- The Raccoon Plush-Kin
- The Rabbit Witch
- The Otter-Croc Druid
- The Swordboar Farmhand
- The Rabbit Witch
- The Swordboar Farmhand
- The Tool of Trust


- Magical Arsenal (You will pick it’s form after character creation)
- Bell of Souls
- Flower of Embrace
- Tome of Hard-Light
BONUS - The Perfect Gift
- Flower of Embrace
- Pocket Estate
- Dances of Unfortunate Travel
- Bell of Souls
BONUS - 3 Random Potions
- Magical Arsenal (You will pick it’s form after character creation)
- Golem Companion
- Bell of Souls
BONUS - Amorphous Bloblet

No. 1029070 ID: 61735f

My first choice is Team A/2 , Team C/1 is a close second
No. 1029072 ID: c92a02

B3, or c2.
No. 1029074 ID: 344f1d

A2 or B2
No. 1029077 ID: 629f2e

A2 and A3
No. 1029078 ID: ce39da

A2 seems good.
No. 1029080 ID: 894419

No. 1029083 ID: a037ea

1. C2
2. C3
No. 1029085 ID: e7c7d3

B2, A3
No. 1029089 ID: ba2bc3

C3, B2

A question: There will be oter options to learn magic? The hard light book looks so cool...

--- (no need to read, just me mumbling about unuseful strategy and speculation)

Sorry if I overanalyze, but what are CYOAs for if not for overanalize? Of course I might have misunderstood synergies or rules, so don't take it very seriously.

I like almost all options so I picked my choices in what I think open more narrative options.
-> C3, a powerful trope with a mission (resurrect historical parasite, find the memories of tool of trust, make a farm for swordboar, ...). I can see character progresion and the sweet sweet drama I live for.
-> B2, a traveler group with a settled home. The best of both worlds: traveling and exploration but with a place to call home and playing sandbox. Looks like a dream.

I think there can be some interesting synergies (or absence of):
- Flower of Embrace might synergize very well with otter druid (as stated before)
- Team C might have a poor synergy with item set 1 because Magical Arsenal (the weapon don't look very useful for blood mage or swordboar, and sword of trust is jealousy with other tools).
- The later doesn't happen with item set 3 because we can give the weapon to the golem (and make it blood-elemnt for history parasite).
- Team A looks very useful but squisier than the other, so I think the item set 1 which is more combat focused would work better. (I really like A1, but only two options)
No. 1029091 ID: 96c896

C3, C1
No. 1029096 ID: 0838d6

You will be given opportunities as the player character to learn magics of many types either in quest over time by being taught by someone, or as part of your choice of starting faction.

Character creation is up next and will explain the pros and cons of each stat.
No. 1029098 ID: ce39da

Ah, missed the "secondary" part of the prompt - my secondary vote is A1.
No. 1029105 ID: 860487


Otter croc and racoon plush will give us items whilr rabbit witch will store those items.

Mainly 3 so that we can give parasite a body with the golem companion
No. 1029179 ID: 7bcfbf

A2, B2
No. 1029190 ID: 0838d6
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Team Popular Characters will join you!
You've gained the Wild Paradise item package!
Your BONUS random potion allotment is as follows:
- Potion of Gaseous Form
- Potion of Sex Change
- Potion of your choice



No. 1029191 ID: 0838d6
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You slot the [PURPLE GEMS] into the various slots lining the vessels in the Crystal Spire. For a moment, nothing happens, but then there's a bright light and the sound of shattering as three individuals and your several items break free from their shells. You feel a quaking begin, knocking several crystals from their places on the wall. You act quickly, escorting the disoriented individuals from the spire as you feel it lift from the ground. You step off and watch it shatter, scattering Crystals across the landscape. You let out a pained gulp, unsure of what the consequences of this action might be.

It's in this moment that your trio of companions approaches you, confused, and asks you who you are.

No. 1029192 ID: 0838d6
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Who are you? These three pages will help you decide that! Please provide that information in the following format:

Racial Bonus:

Votes will be tallied up on MONDAY 4/18, after which you will be given an opportunity to pick your free abilities, spells, cantrips, and potion that you lucked into.

Though if you want to suggest spells/abilities now, I won't stop you!

No. 1029193 ID: f373c9

Name: (No idea :V)
Sex: Male(?)
Race: Feral Beast-kin (Dragon, maybe L o n g Dragon?)
Racial Bonus: +3 Reflex +1 Power
Background: Guard
Faction: Curiosity Sect
No. 1029194 ID: 629f2e

Name: Chara
Sex: F
Race: Feral-Beat Kin, Kangaroo specifically (Polt talked me into it).
Racial Bonus: +3 Power +1 Reflex
Background: Merchant, let's be rich and have contacts!
Faction: Nomads. Magic is cool, but we're going to be surrounded with it in this party. Do you know what we don't have? Somebody who specializes in physical abilities. So I think we should put our focus on becoming the best warrior we can be without magic, and if we pick up a spell or two from our allies during the journey, then there's nothing wrong with that.
No. 1029195 ID: 344f1d

Name: (intentionally left blank)
Sex: NB
Race: Anthro Beastkin
Racial Bonus: +2 power/+1 skill/+1 reflex
Background: Guard
Faction: Arcanus Mountains
-Mage Hands
-Flame Lance

Bonus potion: invisibility
No. 1029198 ID: ba2bc3

Name: Mona
Sex: Female
Race: Anthro cat-kin
Racial Bonus: +2 Reflex, +1 Skill, +1 Power
Background: Astrologer
Faction: Arcanus Mountain

Mona is an apprentice magician who has set out in search of the Crystal Spire to get magical artifacts to continue paying for her studies. She bought the map and gems from a shady fellow student. Who would have thought that there would be people in the tower? And who would have thought that the tower would destroy itself with so many artifacts and people inside it? Why she has an omnious chill on her spine like she has sealed her own fate with some sort of curse? This seems like a major mystery where she could put her hard-gained powers to use at last.
No. 1029209 ID: 33f0ce

Name: Thick
Sex: Male
Race: Object-Kin
Racial Bonus: +2 Power
Background: Guard
Faction: The Nomads

Apply weapon to problems face = problem is gone now.
No. 1029212 ID: c92a02

Hunter Webb, anthro beast-kin (Spider) +2 to reflex, +1 to power
BG: Guard, despite the name.
Faction: Woodkin Forest
-spell: Web shot (Shoot your goo to tangle up foes, drag them closer, or yank yourself up and away!)
-reflex ability: silent step
stat bonus abilities:
-reflex: Keen eye: Pick up small details, like gaps which will let you bypass armor.
-power: War-caster.

Potion: pick giant size!

Alternative lifestyle choices: Mr. Webb could be a hunter named Copper, or a miner named Wedge.
As a guard, Mr. Webb is a handy man who keeps troublemakers at arm's length and spread his web far and wide to protect people. Nothing moves through the forest without disturbing one of his threads, especially not giant purple towers.
No. 1029216 ID: a9af05

No. 1029222 ID: 3096bb

This, except change name to Colleen
No. 1029230 ID: e5709d

Synfe the Charred Ogre
+2 Power, 1 Cantrip (Rivers of Life)
* Extremely well-endowed but butt-ugly beyond belief
* Torso covered in sickening pustules and scales, slight weakness / stun to all physical attacks. As she is injured it will be harder for her to concentrate. However, her disgusting deformities are extremely malleable when casting blood magic, and help her ethically self-source stronger-tier blood spells.
* Rivers of Life - Unique Blood Cantrip. Causes Synfe's pus to temporarily gain minor healing properties. When cast on herself, she can easily recover from the wounds that caused the pus to explode.
* Is Aggressive yet Shy.
No. 1029239 ID: 8483cf

Name: Carla
Sex: Female
Race: Anthro Kangaroo with pouch
Racial Bonus: +2 Reflex, +1 Skill, +1 Power
Background: Merchant because we carry so much
Faction: Nomads

We carry our team with our money and pouch!
No. 1029241 ID: e51896

Updated my post now that I'm home (I deleted my old one

Name: Charlie. If female, Charissa. Whichever it is, they prefer to be called CHA as a nickname.
Sex: male for the most part, but he has a pouch to carry kin and items in for some reason despite being male (maybe hermaphrodite in that case) (could be female tho, gender isn't too important to me as long as we get pouch, and we can always change our gender with the potion)
Race: Feral Beast-kin KANGAROO or Antrho Beast-kin KANGAROO. I want a pouch to carry other kin, and items in. It'd be super cute.
Racial Bonus: 2 power, 2 reflex if Feral
or 2 power, 1 skill, 1 reflex if Antrho
Background: Merchant
Faction: Nomad, as himitsu said, we already got magic users, so we'll focus on physical strength, reflex, and skill. As a kangaroo, we got powerful legs for kicks and jumps, and use our skill to help us sell stuff as a merchant.
No. 1029243 ID: 36784c

I like this one.
No. 1029487 ID: 96c896

No. 1029493 ID: d0108b

kangaroo, no spider
No. 1029497 ID: 5d9787

Name: Swift
Sex: Female
Race: Feral-Beat Kin, Ferret
(Do you know what happen to a female ferret that doesn't mate during heat?)
Racial Bonus: +3 reflex +1 power
Background: Astrologer
Faction: The Forrest of Woodkin

The stats should be:

6 Reflex (1+3+1+1)
2 Power (1+1)
3 Skill (1+2)
4 Wild (1+3)

1 Ability Reflex
2 Spells Wild (1+1)
4 Cantrips Wild

Ability: Dodge Roll
Spells: Rapid Regeneration, Beast-Tongue, Growth
Cantrips (No examples given, I'm taking from D&D): Shillelagh, Magic Stone, Druidcraft, Mending
No. 1029499 ID: afe7de


Name: Barnabas

Sex: Male

Race: Polar Bear Anthro Beast Kin (+2 Power +1 Skill +1 Reflex)

Background: Miner (+3 Power +1 Skill +1 Reflex)

Faction: Arcananus Mountains (Mana Casting)
No. 1029556 ID: 770192

Name: whatever
Sex: whatever
Race: Anthro Beast-Kin, if possible an underground or burrowing creature
Racial Bonus: +2 Reflex, +1 Skill, +1 Power
Background: Miner
Faction: The Curiosity Sect
Bonus potion : we can't go wrong with Healing

They learned to meditate as they mine and use the Energy to sustain themself on long mining trips.
Suggested power : something that use Energy to replace the needs of the body like rest, nutrition, air...
Maybe also something to sense anything around them that's touching ground, by using the flow of their Energy in it.
No. 1029567 ID: 8cb13f

Let's do this.
No. 1029595 ID: 274b8a


And heres an idea, if we go with spider, we probably will not need the flower of embrace since our web will be able to do the same thing the flower does to grab items towards us, and pull us and our teammates towards high places, and our many arms can give better hugs than two arms, and probably the flower to lower stress. so I suggest we sell it ASAP. Don't forget, we'd also have to take care of it or it will die making it useless and using up our time.

Plus it's probably a really rare flower that can give us a lot of money anyway to get us started early on. Sell it and free up inventory space.
No. 1029601 ID: d98cb8

I'm gonna throw my vote behind either...

Carla the female anthro kangaroo


Mona the female kat-kin
No. 1029616 ID: f373c9

Since Dergun isnt even close to winning...

Voting for >>1029194
No. 1029619 ID: 0838d6
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The votes are close enough that I feel it's only fair if we do a second runoff for character selection. There were a lot of votes for two characters, so they'll be the one up to bid.

Also of note is that since I'm giving you Racial Abilities and Penalties for your Anthro/Feral Beast-Kin, I'm adding a few more things not listed on the chart, give the changes a read!

Honorable mention goes to Mona the Feline Beast-Kin, I'll have her show up later since she's kind of cute, but you made her sad by not picking her.
No. 1029620 ID: 0838d6
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- You can produce a thick and ropy silk that can be used to entrap foes. It's not built for speed and will take time to set up. You can traverse webs at no penalty. Can be upgraded.
- You gain combat knowledge for both monsters and sapients.
- You gain a special blunt sword shaped like a needle that matches your race
- You gain a leather poncho of [+1 ARMOR]
- The shards from the spire will land with a preference towards the Woodkin territory
- You gain 1 [POWER] Ability from reaching rank 4
- You gain 1 [REFLEX] Ability from reaching rank 4
- You gain 2 free [WILD] spells and 1 free [REFLEX] ability from your Faction and Stats
- [NEW] Instead of Cantrips you gain the [WILDCRAFT] Ability, granting you Survival Knowledge, allowing you to blend into the forests, and track creatures. The higher your wild, the more you become [ONE WITH THE FOREST]

4 POWER/2 REFLEX/3 SKILL (+3 free points)

- You have a pouch that holds your belongings and sometimes even kin! Can hold one kin and a few items at no movement penalty. Can be upgraded.
- You have stunted hands that are clawed, meant for minor digging and slashing, for the purposes of dealing damage you are treated as always having a weapon. You can pick things up, but fine manipulation requires high SKILL and specialized tools. Can be upgraded.
- You gain one helpful contact in each settlement you visit.
- You gain 50 Funds.
- You gain a set of Fancy Clothes
- You buy and sell with a 10% profit
- The shards from the spire will not land with bias towards any one faction
- You gain 1 [POWER] Ability from reaching rank 4
- You gain 2 free [PHYSICAL (POWER/REFLEX/SKILL)] Abilities from your Faction
- You gain +3 free skill points to distribute and will gain Abilities per normal depending on their placement
- [NEW] As a Nomad, instead of Cantrips you gain 1 [SKILL] Ability from reaching rank 2 (And will receive a skill ability every 2 ranks instead of at 4 and 7)

AUTHORS NOTE: After Character selection we will move to Potion selection, Ability/Spell and point distribution. Sorry for the number crunching this early on, but I believe in you all!
No. 1029621 ID: f373c9


No. 1029622 ID: ce39da

Hunter Webb, I choose you!
No. 1029623 ID: c92a02

A. Shaw!
No. 1029624 ID: 8483cf

B! Go team Roo!
No. 1029626 ID: 46378a

For the 3 extra skills, go for 2 on skill, one on power. We'll need some skill for our merchant lifestyle. Plus, we'll be strong.

Plus, we got the flower, which is similar to Webb's web ability.
No. 1029627 ID: ba2bc3

A) Go team spider!
No. 1029628 ID: 629f2e

Naturally, I'm voting for B, our lovely kangaroo nomad!

Most of us have already given our opinions on which is cooler between roo and spider, so I won't make any argument on that front. Webs, pouch, both are cool, and you probably already know which excites you more. Instead, I want to bring up a couple of the long-term benefits of Charissa.

Firstly, MERCHANT BACKGROUND! While the GUARD background's monster knowledge is certainly helpful, I think it's worth considering the flexibility of starting as a merchant. For starters, we begin with a nice chunk of currency, meaning we could easily pick up items that suit us in whatever town we visit. Even when that starting bonus runs dry, and the items we purchased expended, we'll permanently be able to buy and sell for better prices, which will can up over the quest. Finally, we'll always have contacts that we can rely on, opening up services that we may not always be able to rely on otherwise. The GUARD background is more directly helpful with combat, but the MERCHANT background gives us the flexibility to be good with anything, so long as we take the time to prepare and use our wealth accordingly.

And secondly, overtime we're going to pick up more abilities than the spider, while still having better stats overall. This is because of the newly listed NOMAD bonus of gaining a SKILL ability for every two ranks we put into it (which we can immediately take advantage of for just 1 of our +3 skill points). Just counting up the abilities both choices offer, you can already see it:

- 1 [POWER] Ability
- 2 [REFLEX] Abilities
- 2 [WILD] Spells

- 1 [POWER] Ability
- 1 [SKILL] Ability
- 2 free [PHYSICAL (POWER/REFLEX/SKILL)] Abilities
- Between 0 and 2 more Abilities depending on how we spend our skill points (+1 SKILL for another there, +2 REFLEX for another there)

Now, how much better spells are than abilities is a question for another time, but measuring them as equivalents for the moment, the starting selection is about equal. And that's important, because that means over time, it's going to get less and less equal due to Charissa having fewer stats to put points into.

To put it simply, If you gave both character 12 skill points to spend, and they distributed them equally, all of Charissa's stats would be one higher than Hunter's (And we'd get 2 SKILL abilities compared to the 1 Spell he'd learn). THAT is the biggest strength of the NOMAD faction. Since they have less to focus on, they end up more proficient in what they have.

TL;DR: Kangaroo and spider are both awesome, but Charissa got the better surrounding details as well, and that's why you should definitely pick roo.
No. 1029629 ID: 344f1d

pulling for spider on this one
No. 1029630 ID: d98cb8

Everyone is terrible for making Mona sad!

But I guess if we have to pick between the other options

B please, gimme that Roo
No. 1029633 ID: d0108b

No. 1029634 ID: cbc4a6

A, let's go spider guy!
No. 1029635 ID: 8b82ee

No. 1029637 ID: a9af05

A for the spider.
No. 1029639 ID: 3ec67f

No. 1029640 ID: 5d9787

No. 1029641 ID: d236e5

No. 1029645 ID: 060b37

No. 1029655 ID: e5709d

No. 1029674 ID: 36784c

No. 1029679 ID: f683de

A pls!
No. 1029686 ID: 4b11a7

I vote A
No. 1029700 ID: 45335e

No. 1029701 ID: afe7de

EDMANGO NOTE: Voting will end at 12PM PST tomorrow, 4/19. So at Noon. Should a tie still be in effect I will roll a dice using the questden rng.

An ODD number will be HUNTER WEBB
An EVEN number will be CHARISSA

May the elder gods favor your choice!

No. 1029703 ID: 96c896

B, because we already have a near-maxed-out wild caster in the party.
No. 1029717 ID: e7292a

No. 1029742 ID: d7dbae

A for the spider man!
No. 1029745 ID: a1457f

No. 1029771 ID: 0838d6
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There is a moment, a beat, where you're confused at their question, as if there could ever be any doubt as to who you are. You are of course a former guard of the woodkin, HUNTER WEBB. Your bond with the wild is raw and untamed, but budding and ready to erupt. Your insect heritage and natural silk production made you an invaluable asset in protecting the small village you called home. But you sold your silk and what you had on you to make it here, to get that map and those [PURPLE GEMS].

You take a moment to think to yourself about those Skills, Spells, Abilities, and Talents you have and for the briefest of moments they feel... mutable, changing, in flux.

You may suggest an ability under the restrictions of each category, upvote a suggestion someone else had, or pick one of the examples I provide.

Please pick one extra ability per choice you have, these will be added to the running total with your first ability chosen in each category being worth 2 points and the subsequent ones being worth one point. This is to make tallying votes and tiebreakers easier, and also give you the opportunity to upvote other suggestions!

POWER ABILITIES (1 choice remaining)
- Power abilities are anything related to melee, athleticism, tanking and dealing damage, and physicality.
A1. War-Casting - You can cast spells mid combat and are not interrupted if attacked, no check required!
A2. Iron-Skin - Your body is treated as [+1 ARMOR] at base
A3. [RACIAL] Venom fangs - You produce paralytic neurotoxins from your fangs that can be milked or directly injected.

REFLEX ABILITIES (2 choices remaining)
- Reflex abilities are anything related to ranged attacks, acrobatics, dexterity, dodging, and instinct.
B1. Silent Step - Your footsteps no longer produce sound, even while running!
B2. Dense Musculature - You can dodge and jump greater distances with less wind-up time
B3. [RACIAL UPGRADE] Grappling Silk - Your silk gland can now be used to grapple and ensnare targets with surprising speed, even mid-combat.

WILD SPELLS (2 choices remaining)
- Wild Spells are spells that are anything related to speaking with creatures, accelerated healing and growth, shape-changing, and manipulating how you perceive the forest.
C1. Beast-Shape - Convert to a feral form, you blend with the forest more, but also are a giant spider.
C2. Beast-Sight - You can see through foliage, finding optimal paths as if it were an empty field, nothing is hidden from you when you are in the forest.
C3. Rapid Regeneration - target heals at 4x the natural rate, wounds visibly close at rapid rates.
C4. Wild Mark - Mark a target, all of the foliage in the area will always help you find them until they are unmarked. You can only have marks equal to your Wild.

POTIONS (1 choice remaining)
- Go look at the chart and pick 2 potions, same deal as spells, first vote counts as 2 points, second as 1, I'll break the tie myself if it comes down to it.
No. 1029776 ID: c92a02

Power: Wrestler: you're strong enough to grab and hold onto a medium creature with a single limb. Useful for dragging away whole groups of troublemakers, and for hitting a dude with another dude. Secondary: War Casting.
Reflex: Silent Step, Grappling Silk, secondary: sailing silk: Lighter, stronger silk is adept at catching the wind.
Spells: Beast Shape, Wild Mark, secondary: rapid regen.
Potions: Giant-size, secondary: mouse size.
No. 1029777 ID: 8b82ee

Power and abilities are for this spider to be a loving and devoted husband with two children
No. 1029780 ID: e5709d

Titan's Tremor - You borrow a sliver of power from an unknown legendary giant, causing a single of your attacks to tremble with sheer force of might. This attack has a 40% chance to hit (100% to hit non-living targets, guaranteed against the ground or walls) but deals 300% standard damage, while also causing a minor shockwave. If the attack connects, the backlash will then deal ''double'' the damage to whatever you used to hit. Best used with disposable weaponry. Punching definitely not recommended.

Silent Ascension - You can slowly crawl up any vertical surface without being seen or heard.
Evasion Silk - You can use your silk to quickly evade attacks.

Beast Sight, Wild Mark
No. 1029785 ID: 629f2e


Honestly, IRON-SKIN is pretty damn good on its own, and VENOM FANGS ain't bad either. Still, I wouldn't like to come up with one or two of my own, so let's see what else we could try.

> [RACIAL] Multi-Hit - With your extra arms, it's easy for you to sneak in bonus strikes. While dealing melee damage, you can launch bonus melee attacks for extra damage. These will be weaker quick strikes, and you can obviously only do this when your hands are free or carrying a weapon you could strike with.

> Stand Your Ground - You're an unmovable wall. It's INCREDIBLY difficult for you to be moved if you have your feet planted on the ground. Even when you take powerful blows, you won't be knocked away.

> Showoff - You've got a bit of a boastful streak, and will flex your skills whenever you get the chance. Whenever you have an audience, you will gain a number of temporary stat points in POWER and REFLEX depending on the size of your audience and how badly you want to impress them. Your party only counts for a single point of POWER.

> Trained Combatant - While in combat with a sword in your hand, gain two temporary points of REFLEX and one temporary point of POWER.

As for what I'm actually gonna vote for, I think I'mma go with:

1: Showoff
2: Multi-Hit


Silent Step seems REALLY good, and who doesn't want to be spider man? Here are a couple more anyways.

> Stupid Finesse - You can use anything you can hold as a weapon, especially if you REALLY shouldn't use it as such. Be it a feather, a can of beans, another party member, a garbage can lid, or a simple piece of parchment, you will understand how best to fight with it.

> Escape Artist - You're a pretty hard guy to keep down. You become incredibly efficient at breaking out of grapples or other physical restraints such as tape, rope, handcuffs, etc.

> On Your Guard - You've got a good sense for danger. You can sense killing intent when it's near, even in targets that you're currently unaware of.

As for my votes:

1: Stupid Finesse
2: Silent Step
3: Escape Artist
4: On Your Guard


Welp, if we're gonna have some magic, may as well come up with some really fun stuff!

> Beast-Hearing - Shift the inner workings of your ears so that your hearing is as good as that of the greatest beasts. Allows you to pinpoint specific sounds from a distance, even among the loudest of environments.

> Territorial Interjection - For a short time, shift the physical landscape around an area to resemble the familiar forests of home, giving you your advantages in even the most unfamiliar terrain.

> Sweet Nectar - Bait unsuspecting prey towards your location by excreting a sweet smelling nectar from your mouth. This works on sapient creatures, but will not be effective against foes actively resisting the temptation. Those aware will find it far easier to ignore.

> Decomposer - Cause non-living organic materials or substances to rapidly decay. The targeted item will become coated with mold and/or fungi as this takes place

> Metamorphosis - Incite growth in a willing ally. Increase the rate of improvement by training or study in up to two targets of your choice by a fair amount. This takes a physical toll on the targets however, causing them to require more food and sleep as a result.

My picks are:

1: Decomposer
2: Sweet Nectar
3: Rapid Regneration
4: Beast Shape


Let's keep this one simple:

1: Raise Dead
2: Beauty
No. 1029786 ID: 96c896

Oh! Spider paws! We have made the correct decision.

Iron Skin
Venom Fangs

Grappling Silk
Dense Musculature
OTHER: Silk Flail: Can swing weapons or objects via silk threads with increased speed, range, and accuracy.
Silent Step

Rapid Regeneration
OTHER: Summon Forest Sprite: summons a small magical creature that will perform tasks for the caster.
No. 1029794 ID: ce39da

1: Iron Skin is ideal for a guard.
2: Venom Fangs. Poison on command is always fun. (Didn't pick War Caster because most of our spell options (both premade and suggested) seem mostly supportive.)

1: Grappling Silk. That seems like an incredibly useful utility ability. Even discounting the disabling effect, you can get up to some bullshit with that kind of positioning tool, depending on the environment.
2: Himitsu's On Your Guard ability. No ambushes for you!
3: Silent Step. Sneak attacks made easy.
4: Himitsu's Escape Artist. Being as mobile as possible is always good - I'd have picked Dense Musculature, but Grappling Silk might render that somewhat redundant.

1: Rapid Regeneration. A must-have if we're getting into fights on the regular.
2: Himitsu's Sweet Nectar. Just great all-around synergy with our racial abilities - set up your "territory," then make some of the enemies break away from the pack to walk right into your kill zone.
3: Himitsu's Territorial Interjection. Great for overruling when your gator-ott ally's (likely more environment-specific) spells aren't "supposed" to apply.
4: Himitsu's Decomposer. More environmental and utility shenanigans, ahoy!

1: Raise Dead. Fucking duh.
2: Giant Size. For when your gator-ott or boar needs to smash something thoroughly.
No. 1029803 ID: e51896

Primary: >>1029785 SUPPORT Showoff. Become like Skidder the buff spider from CATALYST.
Secondary: showoff again. hoping that will add one extra point to showoff :P But if i'm not allowed to do that, then Wrestler >>102977.

Reflex: Grappling Silk, On Your Guard >>1029785,
Secondary, Escape Artist >>1029785, silent step

Wild Power:
Primary: Beast-Sight, Rapid Regeneration. SHARDS and Plush Quest had us miss lots of things because of low perception. lets fix that with this quest with beast sight.
Secondary: beast form, Decompose >>1029785 for clothing damage

primary: Raise dead
secondary: Antidote
No. 1029860 ID: 4d8523

Supporting all of these.
No. 1029870 ID: ba2bc3

My vote goes for this.

Mostly what I had in mind but I would have changed venom fang for the boring but reliable fencing master (Being very good with weapons) but venom is also both powerful AND funny.
No. 1029873 ID: 7c0da2

Power Ability
-Finisher, a powerful blow meant to end a fight in one strike. Hard to pull off against targets able to defend themselves.

Reflex Abilities
-Silent Step
-Himitsu's Escape Artist
-Climbing, climb anything with ease and hang on the ceiling like a true spider
-Dense Musculature

Wild Spells
-Eyes of the Forest, see through the senses of wild animals around you.
-Memories of the Wood, touch a living plant to gain an understanding of past events in the area. The more plants there is in the target area, the better.
-Heart of Sap, slowly heal and recuperate from any wound or illness by linking your life with the life of the forest as a whole. Better in spring, worse in winter.
-Calm Wildlife, useless on domesticated animals.

-Raise Dead, unless it raises the dead as zombies or ghosts or something
No. 1029962 ID: 0838d6
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You may view your character, their abilities, and stats on this handy Wiki page.


Items have been added. Most notably are the [SMALL SILK DOLL], [RATIONS], and [SLEEPING BAG]. Also included is a bit of lore on factions and how your [BONDS] see you! I'll (do my best) to keep this page updated as the quest goes on.

The doubt, the mutability, it leaves you in a flash, one that felt like days, but in truth was seconds. You know what you can do, you're HUNTER WEBB after all. You keep your skills close to the vest, but not to brag, you are KINDA TOUGH, and are a bit QUIETER than most of your ilk. You might even say that you excel at being an AMBUSH PREDATOR with your skillset.

Your reverie is broken, and you leave the confines of your mind, the narration you've grown accustomed to in your alone-time to regard these individuals you unwittingly rescued.

Rabbit: Ughhhh, my head hurts
Otter-Croc: This one agrees, *gags* I one might vomit.
Plush: …

You look to your surroundings, you're out of the blast zone, and while the ground is still shaking slightly, you think all of the shards from the [CRYSTAL SPIRE] have landed by now. You're surprised at how well you're handling this situation. The destruction of a monument visible across the world should be harrowing, but instead you feel a bit giddy, and also a bit nauseous. And then the headache hits. You feel information trickle into your mind, but this trickle is like a spike to your brain, through your slightly fuzzy carapace. It hurts.

But you power through it and wince, you let out a grunt and they look towards you again, this time with concern. And then the pain stops.

You let out a breath and think about the information you've just gained. It's all a mess, but essentially it boils down to knowledge of how to use the ARTIFACTS you've collected. They're in your bag, under your poncho, safe for now. There's some other details there, about your new companions following you for now, but it's... fuzzy. But before you get to them, you should introduce yourself.
No. 1029963 ID: 0838d6
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You: I'm Hunter, Hunter Webb
You: I uh... saved you all?
You: From the uh... Spire?

Perfect start Hunter, great job, very authoritative. Now you just have to let them come into the web of conversation you've just laid. Any moment now.

Rabbit: Crystal?!?
Otter-Croc: Spire?
Plush: … Crystal?
Rabbit: Hmmm, the Mana density feels different here
Rabbit: Why can't I remember...
Plush: ... How can we be sure... didn't...
Otter-Croc: And mine Demesne, I... this one... No...
Otter-Croc: A decade of work... Decayed...
Rabbit: Hmmm
Rabbit: Oh right, names
Rabbit: The name's Anemia, or An, or Mia, or whatever
Otter-Croc: You smell like the forest, like the WILD.
Otter-Croc: Like creeping vines, like freshly dewed moss.
Otter-Croc: And blood.
Rabbit: Ah droppings, lemme recast

You feel a pulse of energy, it's light and tingly and you suddenly smell peaches, fresh, juicy, succulent and sweet peaches.

Otter-Croc: Ah right, this one goes by Key.
Plush: ...Nuki...

No. 1029964 ID: 0838d6
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Well, this is incredibly awkward, but you are all just [STRANGERS] at this point. Ugh why isn't there alcohol when you need it, or icebreakers, or just... something to do… In lightly monster infested territory…

You look up at the sky, it's a bit past [NOON], soon it'll be [EVENING] and then [NIGHTFALL], too dark to move in the thick jungle.

Actions will typically advance the clock by a segment, taking [TIME] to do. Days are segmented into 4 parts, [MORNING], [NOON], [EVENING], and[NIGHTFALL]. Sometimes you can do multiple actions in a time segment, or that segment will stretch out over several updates. There’s also always a risk that some actions won’t end up successful, or that there might be a COMPLICATION.

A. Find a campsite and share a meal
- Consumes 4 Rations
- You will have 1 ration remaining
- Lets everyone get a chance to calm down
- Nuki will help you

B. Hunt for food
- Get a fresh meal for your companions
- Nuki and Anemia will try to find camp
- Key will help you

C. Look for fallen [SPIRE SHARD]
- Chance to get a random item from the chart
- Chance to encounter an enemy
- Anemia will help you

D. Other
- Use an Item
- Do something else!
- Feel free to suggest [CONVERSATION TOPICS]
- Stats/Items: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats[/i][/b]
No. 1029965 ID: 629f2e

C, take Mia and hunt down extra loot. I think Anemia and Key will respect the pragmatism of grabbing rare items asap, while Nuki will, if nothing else, relate to the desire to collect and hoard stuff. Plus, Anemia seems to be the one holding up best after being released, so the others may appreciate the cooldown period to get their bearings.

Key and Nuki can set up camp while you're away. As a bonus, you could give them your flower while you're away. It is supposed to help ease stress, right?
No. 1029966 ID: f683de

> A. Find a campsite and share a meal

Everyone got some kind of magical headache, and settling down for the night might be the best bet to get introduced and unpack what actually happened here.
so that's what I would suggest.
No. 1029970 ID: 96c896

A. We need to recover a bit before doing anything.
No. 1029971 ID: ce39da

A: Blitzing off to find early loot is the sort of psycho-pragmatic thing you could only get away with by way of prior knowledge. Do the sensible rescuer thing. Maybe do a better job of explaining how and where you found them, maybe get their stories of what they can remember.
No. 1029976 ID: f683de

I'm sure that we've had to deal with confused people in places they don't belong as a guard, so it shouldn't be too hard! (To be fair most of them were probably stuck on our web than anywhere else.)
No. 1029977 ID: 4ee644

B they deserve the best fresh food after what they been through

And D. Whatever action we do, Be a bit of a show-off and start flexing while you do it. For example, If A, pick up the heavier materials like heavier logs for the campfire to show how strong you are. If we come across an enemy with C, taunt them! If B, tell them to watch your hunting skills and do a unnecessary trick while you hunt an animal. Just a few examples we can do to be a showoff to impress these strangers.
No. 1029979 ID: e5709d

C - Grab the rare loot while it's still hot.
No. 1029986 ID: a9af05

A. Find a campsite and share a meal
No. 1029997 ID: c92a02

A. Everyone needs to stretch and shake all the crystal dust off. Maybe you can explore your new pocket house afterward.
No. 1030016 ID: bdef6e

Drink the Potion of Raise Dead and stare de helix fossil!

Jokes apart, A). I personally would press to get sweet sweet loot or even save rations, but is not right to save someone and then leaving them. Is our job to make sure they are ok and put them on day of what is happening.

In other words, we shouldn't leave a group of ammnesiac and confused people in middle of the forest.
No. 1030022 ID: 7c0da2

We will have to find a campsite anyway, better now than at the last minute. And right now is the best time for everyone to properly introduce themselves while we calm down.
No. 1030116 ID: 0838d6
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You: I think we're all a bit shell shocked from the escape. There's a clearing a little bit to the south. Or was it a cave... Well it should be clear of MONSTERS anyway.
Nuki: ...Monsters?
You: Uh, let's walk and talk, just keep a lookout.

You head south from your location, meandering a bit from the path you took to get here, passing by the occasional bloodstain from some creature's recent kill. There's no body or bits left.

Key: No waste, good.
You: Well, it keeps the big predators away from an easy meal I guess…

You continue moving but hear a slight gulp noise, turning around you just see Mia, her arms behind her back. Though, you feel like she got a little bigger... especially in the thighs, or maybe her hat... Or maybe it's the social isolation making you constantly question everything in this lovely monster infested forest. Definitely that. You disregard your thoughts and continue moving, deciding instead to just ramble about something you do know about. Monsters.

You: So monsters are basically non-sapient creatures, more than just beasts they're inherently violent.
Key: Can you not commune with the beasts like I?
You: It’s… not impossible, but most won’t listen. They have a distinct level of [PRIDE] and are almost fanatic, like [THE PANTHEON] even. They refuse to get off their high webs, and truly only listen if you prove yourself overwhelmingly superior or use force.
Mia: So it’s not that they're inherently violent, but that they’re [STUBBORN] and [GREEDY], causing interactions to lean towards violence due to the lack of easy compromise.
You: And inherently stronger, like a Demi-Kin that has been pumped with magic. And that’s only If you can commune with them. Otherwise they’ll just kill and eat you.

No. 1030119 ID: 0838d6
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You continue onward, passing a few rocks, your party’s movements causing a few corvids on the branches to scatter. You almost forgot what it was like to travel as a group, it’s unfortunate that none of them are as stealthy as you.

The clearing itself is nothing special, a small grassy field with around 40 meters of clear space. You notice a discarded log and with a first, second, and then a third tug you manage to lift it up, shaking free some detritus and various insects. It’s heavy, but doable, so you drag it to the opening and set it down, just so there’s something to sit at or use as a table. Nuki then helps clean up an area in front of it, placing stones and preparing a setup for a CAMP-FIRE, since you’ll likely be staying here for the night.

You: Soooo uhhh
Key: Food *drools*
Mia: Same
Nuki: ...Thank you for the meal

The three of them tear into the food with a feral fury rivaling the hungriest of companions you’ve ever had. It’s messy and wild and when they’re done you’re only halfway through. You can tell that they’re still hungry, but not nearly as ravenous as before. Mia seems to be full though.

Mia: I feel like I haven’t eaten in a decade
Nuki: ... Same
You: Well I imagine if you’ve been there for as long as it’s existed it’s probably been hundreds of years.

No. 1030120 ID: 0838d6
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The three pause and look at you in a massive state of confusion. They gesture for you to go on, so you indulge them to the best of your capabilities.

You: Well uh, it’s said the [CRYSTAL SPIRE] has existed for a thousand years or so
You: If you were trapped when it was made then that would make you pretty old
You: Do… do any of you know of the [CRYSTAL SPIRE]?
Everyone: No.
Mia: Well, I feel like I should though…
Key: It’s… fuzzy
Nuki: …

You spend the NOON catching up with your party on current events, giving them a vague picture of the world. Telling them how you came to the spire and about that strange plush-kin who sold you the map and gems. About how you live on a massive floating landmass in the sky called a World-Plate, about the Spire that (once) dominated the landscape and was visible from anywhere in the world. The biggest thing to tip you off to something strange is that none of them know the name of your world, of CURIO.

Maybe they're from some other world-plate, not that any have been discovered in recorded history. They’ve never heard of [THE PANTHEON], or any of the factions that exist either, but they do know about MANA, WILD, and ENERGY, so the place they’re from can’t be too different. Right?

- Key, whilst devastated at the loss of her demesne, looks like she understands something now. She appreciates your recollection and appears to look at you in a new light.
- Mia looks distant, in thought. You see her constantly cast glances to the EAST for some reason. She appreciates your story but looks deep in thought.
- Nuki looks absolutely ecstatic, she’s still soft spoken, but you get the idea that a new place to explore is exactly what she wanted. She appears to look at you in a less wary light.

No. 1030121 ID: 0838d6
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You’re trying too hard not to think about the implications of a thousand-year old landmark being completely decimated, and your companions thankfully don’t press you on it. It's the [EVENING] now, and you have a bag full of trinkets with some nice free space to mess with them.

You have [2 ACTIONS] that you can take at the moment. You are currently in a [SAFE LOCATION] where a monster attack has a less than 1/20 chance to surprise you. Safe locations are hard to find in the wild, so take advantage of them when you can!

- Perform a cursory examination over your objects
- You may ask specific questions about said object’s functions
- You and your party will experiment with them unless you expressly forbid them from doing so
- Everyone would be interested in seeing your loot

- Deploy your pocket estate and go inside of it
- You may describe ONE thing that is inside of the estate other than the building itself
- This will be added as a new feature inside of it.
- Ex. an abandoned farm, a copse of trees, a tunnel system, a river, a giant crystal, etc.
- Everyone would be interested in going inside

- You’re low on rations, and you can tell they’d be willing to eat more
- You’ll get a private moment with Key as she joins you
- Everyone else will be left to their devices

- Get to know a specific party member (Pick 1)
- You can ask them something and they’ll ask you something
- Increases your bond with them

- Give someone a gift
- Do something else
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1030122 ID: 629f2e


Show off your loot in full and get some opinions.

Mia might find The Bell of Souls very interesting, being part of The Organization Group and all. Not sure how much Blood magic and Souls have to do with each other, but of the party you've gathered she seems like she'd have the most to say about it.

Naturally, your WILD companion Key may take to the Flower of Embrace. Ask if she knows anything about it, with her WILD stat she may just be able to pull up an extra factoid or two.

And as for Nuki, while none of our items may directly appeal to her, the Dances of Unfortunate Travel could perhaps stoke her [CURIOSITY].

The Pocket Estate meanwhile will grant a nice and safe place to rest up. As for what to add as a feature, I'll suggest something simple that EVERYONE will appreciate to some degree.

A nice bathroom. Shower, sink, and toilet included.
No. 1030123 ID: 344f1d

C - gotta keep supplied while we can (and bring the bell of souls to test on any animals killed for food)

then B - check the estate out, discover a pool filled not with water but the softest, fluffiest pillows ever
No. 1030124 ID: e51896

A. let your new friends experiment with your new items.
- Give Key the flower of embrace to keep so she can have its benefits. Does it look familiar to her? because you never seen this flower before. Maybe it went extinct and can reintroduce this flower species to the world? I want to know the best way to take care of it, and how to breed it if it comes to it.
- Give Mia the bell of souls to look at.
- Give Nuki the pocket estate. Since she loves traveling, having a pocket estate to go back to during her travels might be useful.
- as for us, lets practice dancing with the Dances of Unfortunate Travel book, the earlier we start the better

C is important for food. Whatever we do, let us do this as one of our actions. Do this after A so they can continue inspecting the items while you hunt with Key.
No. 1030128 ID: e51896

Oh and if we choose B, here is what is inside:

A fairy or spirit butler/maid. Unfortunately they cannot escape the pocket estate even though they can help you get in and out, because unfortunately for them, they have been imprisoned in there for some reason and does not remember why or how. They are an amnesiac like your companion. He/She hopes to one day find a way to escape the pocket estate and hopes you'll help them, but for now, he/she is just happy to serve you. For some reason, it's their instinct to serve whoever owns the pocket estate. (if it's a spirit, they just want to leave into the afterlife.)

They serve as your guide in the pocket estate, and can help set furnishings up for you.
No. 1030133 ID: c92a02

B, C. Mansion feature: A giant beehive, containing a dripping lake of honey. Although, a river that runs through it would be very useful in certain environments, as well as for washing off.
No. 1030137 ID: 96c896

A, c.
No. 1030150 ID: e5709d

B - Mushroom Farm
What was once a sprawling and luxurious mansion has been overrun by fields of mushrooms. Enough to last a lifetime. You'll also want to consider selling and further cultivating these things.
Supplement Shroom - A species cultivated over generations to nourish most living beings. Made with the intention of strengthening armies and creating geniuses, it was eventually abandoned during the Dark Ages of Curio, when fanatics spouted unfounded nonsense about plague-like illnesses borne from consuming mushrooms. The work had to continue in secret, and inevitably, the last lineage of the noble mushroom cultivators died in obscurity from an inevitable accident. While the potency of these wild strains is weakened, their propagation has soared beyond the original cultivators' dreams.
* Supplement Shrooms cannot properly sustain a person; three servings of Supplement Shrooms must be eaten to temporarily replace a day's worth of rations. After three consecutive meals of Supplement Shrooms only, the consumer begins to starve.
* However, when combined with a single serving of basic rations, this one serving will now last four meals. When combined with regular meals, you gain Well-Rested bonuses after a short rest or enhanced Well-Rested bonuses after a long rest.
* When consuming Supplement Shrooms with certain high-quality, roll a Constitution skill check against a certain attribute associated with that meal. On success, permanently increase that attribute by 1.
* Supplement Shrooms can be sold, but there will be consequences if someone finds out what you're really selling. Try to sell these as side orders in simple dishes.

D - Talk to Anemia, ask about hemomancy and what she can do to improve people with its blood-strengthening effects.
No. 1030152 ID: ce39da

Get to know Key by way of C. Save the socializing once you've bagged a decent amount. Now that she's less confused, maybe we can talk about what she wants to do, now that she's here? Perhaps, in turn, she might be curious about what exactly we want. What are our goals, come to think of it?

Second, A: How do we care for the plant? How can we best train our unfortunate dance safely? Does the bell use actual souls or just their memory? How does it determine what's been "killed" by you, and how would it react to edge cases? Expressly forbid experimenting with the limited consumables, at least for now, and be VERY careful with the unfortunate travel dance - that's a potential run-fucker if you aren't.
No. 1030212 ID: bdef6e

I would like to go to the tower ASAP. We have a resurrection potion and maybe we can find someone before three days has passed (or before a monster eat their corpse). In adition, searching the spire while is recent could give them clues of what happened to them.

If someone don't want to go, we can first open the pocket state so they are a bit safer (B).

It would be cool if there were a pool of potable water inside like a lake. With water we can grow crops and with any luck there will be fishes. Having a source of food and water can be critically good in situations where we have wounded copanions or we must hide inside the state for a while.
No. 1030219 ID: 629f2e



I am certain that nothing good will come out of trying this, it does seem like if we try to get an extra party member it'll go awry SOMEHOW (my guess is either we find someone with bad synergy, or we rez somebody who hates us for not saving them), but I love the idea and kind of want to go for it later anyways. Not this update, let everyone recover first, but over the next two days it could be worth a try.
No. 1030262 ID: e5709d

Seconding this course of action. We can leave spare party members in the pocket manor or have them guard the escape routes.
No. 1030273 ID: 80918a

A and C seem like the best options right now.
No. 1030296 ID: afe7de
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You look at your sole ration and the hungry kin near you and decide it might be for the best that you go and get some more food. If not for now, then for later.

You: I think I’m going to go hunt for some nearby wildlife
You: Maybe find some berries or something.
Key: A good plan, Key will join you.
Mia: I’ll stay behind with Nuki so we can make some shelter for the night
You: Well… it’s not going to rain and it’s the warm season, but go ahead I guess?

You set off into the forest, Key close behind you. Your footsteps remain silent even as you brush against leaves and ferns. At first, you hear Key making a lot of noise as she moves, but then you smell fresh dew and her movements sync with yours. You become the staunch predators of the forest and it takes you barely any time at all to find and slay a wild buck. It’s quick and painless for the buck and you now have more than enough meat to eat. You tie the creature into a makeshift pack and with Key’s help hoist it onto your back, making the job of carrying it quietly a breeze.

Key: And a proficient hunter he is, good, good.
Key: An excellent find, nothing shall go to waste.
Key: I’m sure you feed your family-clutch well.
You: Oh, we parted ways long ago.
Key: Oh?
You: Difference of opinions I suppose.
You: I… yeah, couldn’t really stay.
Key: Why not?
Key: A demesne cloistered near others only grows more potent and secured!

You don’t really want to touch that nerve quite just yet with a total stranger. Your hand instinctively reaches for the small silk doll you hold dear, but you hesitate. This was what you wanted after all, to socialize, but it’s time to get her on your web, not in her lake. You start walking back to camp.

You: What about you, any plans?
You: You seem capable, potent in the [WILD]
You: I imagine you’re still in shock, but…
Key: Key wants to forge a new Demesne.
Key: … I… not impotent, but weakened.

No. 1030298 ID: afe7de
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You put your arm on her shoulder and give her a gentle six fingered squeeze. Her pelt is silky and well maintained, despite the crystal dust you were all hit with as you left. She looks at you and gives a small toothy smile. And let her unasked question linger. What about you, you wonder to yourself, do you have any plans? You think you might reflect on that tonight, after the dust settles.

The journey back is uneventful, however you do hear the rumblings and stompings of MONSTERS in the forest. You pray that they don’t find your campsite in the middle of the night, hoping to give your companions some sleep, and to the end, you decide to gather everyone together and investigate the POCKET ESTATE. Everyone is excited for this, especially Mia and Key. They express interest in your other artifacts, but you hold off for now, wanting to see if you can have a more permanent and safe form of shelter from MONSTERS.

You pull out the orb and with a thought and a toss it vanishes into the middle of the clearing. You feel a slight tug on your mind. It’s subtle, but it almost feels uncomfortable to stand near it when it’s deployed. You pay that no mind and chant the incantation, warping you and your companions inside.

Your consciousness fades for a brief moment before you’re jolted back and notice yourself standing in the middle of a rather wide clearing. The roof of the estate has a hipped roof style of architecture reminiscent of the kind that the [CURIOSITY SECT] uses. The building itself is made of an amazing smelling lacquered wood, but the sliding doors are completely rotted and displaced. There’s foliage overrunning the place, but it smells distinctly of the [WILD] of insects chirping, of [LIFE]. It’s beautiful. Mia and Nuki scatter and explore the place while you take a seat at the edge of the building and look out. Key joins you and you can tell that she feels at home in this environment. The [WILD] is just so incredibly potent here. But you feel a tug on your mind as you notice something else about this place.

What else is in the pocket estate?

- Cleaning yourself and collecting uncontaminated water will no longer be an issue
- Water magically refills, but is not infinite

- Resting in the estate is twice as effective
- Mia will love this

- Is knowledgeable in the pocket estate and can maintain it for you while you are away
- Has Amnesia

- Comes with a lake of honey and friendly, palm-sized bees!
- Nuki will absolutely lose her mind if this exists

- A steady and easy supply of mushrooms meant to SUPPLEMENT meals, not replace them
- Meals will be tastier and provide more energy to your companions
- Hunter (you) would love some better-tasting meals

- A rather wide lake filled with fresh water, fish, algae, and various plants
- Water can easily be diverted to water crops for you
- Key would love this

- Instead of picking one of the above options, allow the author to pick 2
- A COMPLICATION will be added to the Pocket estate that must be dealt with before you can treat this location as a [SAFE LOCATION]
- [EDMANGO] dares you to pick this

No. 1030299 ID: 629f2e

G, he dared us to.
No. 1030300 ID: e7c7d3

Gimme dem shrooms
No. 1030301 ID: 344f1d

Let's get dangerous
No. 1030302 ID: c3f1f9

D, with fallback support for G.
No. 1030303 ID: f683de

No. 1030306 ID: ce39da

... Alright, fine, G. Although I'll feel a bit silly if A and F are both selected.
No. 1030307 ID: 83a6e0

C, new friend!
No. 1030308 ID: c92a02

Hm, the estate being a bit overgrown is actually quite useful for our WILD, isn't it? We should fix up the doors and at least one of the floors, eventually. We can hang a bunch of giant webs in the attic... But we're getting ahead of ourselves. D!
No. 1030368 ID: 96c896

G. Fucking do it. HURT ME PLENTY
No. 1030369 ID: e5709d

G - More bang, more buck.
No. 1030468 ID: a9af05

No. 1030470 ID: 761d3b

My logic says F, but my pride tell me G. Come on bring us PAIN!
No. 1030537 ID: d1a880

Complications are fun.
No. 1030608 ID: afe7de
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Your rest is short lived as you hear the sounds of... Barking?, the sounds of shifting furniture, and some yelling. You look inside the building and notice a lone chair standing in the main entrance. It DEFINITELY wasn't there before and that's a bit unnerving. You decide to head towards the barking and see Mia yelling at... a pillow.

Mia: Yeah you tell em, Bitey!!

You can see her hat barking, which would unnerve you if… No, it’s pretty weird. You watch Mia kick the pillow that conveniently stopped moving when you came close and dragged Mia away. In the distance you spy a pool just filled to the brim with similar pillows. Nuki joins you a moment later, looking very pleased and you can see her suckling on one of her paws, absolutely covered in honey.

Nuki: Nothing like that unsweetened meat…

You turn around and notice that behind you, a flock of objects has appeared. Stools, hat stands, flowers, a thin tree, and pillows, lots of pillows just a few meters from your group. You spot one of the objects moving like it’s chewing something yellow and fuzzy. A few moments later it burps out a pile of fuzz and a pair of translucent wings you imagine came from a bee.

You: Nope!

You immediately chant the incantation and teleport your group out of there.
No. 1030609 ID: afe7de
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You: Uh, Mia…
Mia: There’s a whole mimic colony in there!
You: Were they… the pillows?
Mia: I mean *some* were, but typically they copy the appearance of stuff they’ve seen
Mia: And they bite!
Mia: If they got any closer it’d be a problem.

It looks like your safe house just got a lot less safe. You decide to not focus on that for now, and instead set your group towards dressing, skinning, and prepping the buck you caught. It’s a process that both Key and Mia help you with. Mia openly practices [BLOOD MAGIC] siphoning the blood and making the process way less messy than it ought to be. You mention that the [THE PANTHEON] would hunt her down for doing that, but she just waves you off. Not like you particularly care about making followers of [THE PANTHEON] happy.

The rest of your party seems to not care about her magic either, so you just go with the flow. You’re not ruining a newly budding friendship over a little blood… yet. You start a campfire and roast some of the meat, saving and using Mia’s magic to dry the skin into leather, and the meat into jerky. Nuki takes the horns.

You gained [5 RATIONS]
- It’s pretty dry, but you treat the jerky as a ration, it’ll stave off hunger at least
You and your companions are now [WELL FED] after eating the rest of the meat
- Your companions have nearly fully relaxed after their traumatic experience
Your companions have collected parts from the deer
- They might give you something later

No. 1030610 ID: afe7de
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As the dusk comes and your companions sit in a fulfilled silence due to their meal, you think to yourself about the future. About what you want to do. As far as you know, these kin don’t have homes anymore, at least, not here. And while you could go back to your former village, would you even want to? This is a time for a fresh start, something new, something less depressing. You let out a sigh and the three look at you expectantly. Time to not choke, gotta say something cool!

You: So what do you ladies want to do?
You: I mean, after we get past the monster infested territory

Nailed it.

Key: Key already shared her thoughts, but a new demesne would be nice
Key: Maybe one in a nice and portable package…
Nuki: I just want to wander…
Nuki: ... and have more honey…
Mia: I want to know more about you, and where we are
Mia: Oh and investigate all your magical trinkets
Mia: But if I had to pick a destination…
Mia: That way.

You see her sit up and look directly to the WEST. There are two things in that direction. The first is the home of [THE WOODKIN], the second is [THE ARCANUS MOUNTAINS]. They’re both fairly far from each other, at least by foot. Though you think you could find a settlement or two, even if they might be a little out of the way. You curse your lack of a map of the area. That darn plushie price gouged you nearly into debt!! Time to use that little brain of yours to plan ahead, lay some silk. Build a nice hammock.
No. 1030611 ID: afe7de
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Upon setting a destination, you will begin traveling. Travel can be fraught with danger, or an easy time depending on where you are. Civilized lands tend to have less conflicts but also suffer from BANDITRY, whereas the Wild lands tend to have a larger frequency of MONSTERS. You will get travel activities based on how [SAFE] a location is and how much [FOOD] you have. Travel activities aren’t as in depth as ones you can perform in [SAFE LOCATIONS] like a city or tavern, but they allow you to bond with party members and maybe get a little practice on some skills.

What is your plan?
- Will begin a [MANA] or [BLOOD] subplot
- Mia wants to do this

- Will begin a [WILD] subplot
- Key wants to do this

C. Head to the closest settlement - [EST 2 DAYS]
- Will begin the [RIVAL] Subplot
- Nuki thinks this might be a good idea

D. Deal with the COMPLICATION in the pocket estate - [EST ??? depends on approach]
- Once dealt with, when resting you will always be considered to be [SAFE]
- You will be able to access the PILLOW POOL - You will always rest well in the estate
- You will be able to access the GIANT BEEHIVE - You’ll have access to energy-filled honey
- You will have access to ??? Depending on how the complication is completed

E. Look for nearby Spire Shards - [EST ???]
- 25% chance that increases by 25% with each day
- Ex. After 3 days if you have not found a shard your likelihood will be 75%
- There is a 66% chance that you will have to deal with a COMPLICATION at the shard[/i]
F. Actively hunt monsters - [EST ???]
- Experience the joy of combat!
- Gain monster parts!
- Get injured! (maybe)
- Hunter (you) thinks this will provide you with a good cash influx… if you survive

G. Head to [ANOTHER] location
- Name a location or a faction from the chart, and try to find them!
- You can also describe a subplot you want to see happen

You feel the social pressures descending on you, what do you tell them about yourself?
1. Talk about being a guard
- Suggest something cool you did as a guard
2. Talk about your deceased loved one
- Suggest a happy memory, or a sad memory
3. Talk about an old aspiration you never got to achieve
- Suggest something you always wanted to do
4. Other
- Suggest them something unexpected about yourself, or dodge and talk about something else
- Different stories will bring you closer to different characters!

No. 1030613 ID: c92a02

Head towards the nearest settlement. You need money! Once you have the lay of the land, monster hunting sounds good. And Mia should be able to help you identify the mimics, later. Could mimics be as valuable, if not more so, than hunting other monsters?
Once we have some hunting experience, I would put the forest down as a future destination.
Talk about being a guard: The bear attack. A giant honey badger was attacking the Bear family, they lived on the outskirts of the village so you were the only one nearby who could help! With its fearsome claws and jaws, you spent as much time blocking with your webbed shields as you did poking back at the beast! Papa Bear chucked a honey glazed ham from their pantry to try and lure it away, the honey badger did not care. You think it only left because it got bored of getting webbed up.
No. 1030614 ID: e5709d

E twice (or more), followed by A.
No. 1030616 ID: 629f2e

For the moment, E and F. If everyone is gung-ho about leaving though, then C.

There were other people in that spire, people who might have survived the explosion due to the crystals trapping them. Maybe they lived, or maybe they died, but either way you owe it to them to at least try to find them. If we just find an item... Well, we could either sell it to make some cash, or keep it. I wouldn't want to spend more than 2-3 days on this personally.

Speaking of cash: You don't have any. Perhaps you can set Key and Mia on hunting duty so that if you don't turn up anything, you at least have some things to sell. Plus, you only have 5 rations, and you're quickly going to find yourself with just 1 left again after a single meal. Key could probably handle hunting alone, but it's better to go in pairs due to the potential of encountering monsters.

A seems like the more interesting story, but C seems like a good place to start. Gives us a place to sell some goods for money (which will come in handy if we want to visit the Arcanus Mountains, those guys are cheapskates), and will give us an opportunity to buy supplies and just be out of the woods for a bit. After a few days of hunting for rations and shards, taking a break in a city will be a good change of scenery.

Plus, kangaroo rival.

As for the peer pressure: 3. Tell them about how you always wanted to learn a little bit of every kind of magic, become some sort of SUPER WIZARD!

You realized it was silly when you got older, as some of the types were just impractical. You didn't want anything to do with The Pantheon, but even if you did that would pretty quickly rule out BLOOD magic. And while you could save up to learn at Arcanus, going too school in the mountains for however long it takes to learn is too far out of your comfort zone as someone raised in the forests. Maybe if you knew somebody who could taught it outside of that area, but if anyone like that is out there then you haven't run into them.

Never gave up on ENERGY though, there was just never a good opportunity for you to learn it. Not opposed to BLOOD either, but those who practice it aren't exactly vocal about it, for good reasons. Plus, you were always worried as a guard that the stigma would cost you your job, so you never really shared your interests. So for the time being, you've mostly worked on your WILD magic and your body.
No. 1030621 ID: 344f1d

F for cash, then A, assuming they're the most likely to have whatever we need to tame a gaggle of mimics.

Talk about why Hunter set out adventuring in the first place.
No. 1030629 ID: 0ffab9

C, lets meet our spunky rival Charissa. If we couldnt be Kangaroo, then lets at least do her subplot and meet her! Please!

1. Lets gloat about how awesome and strong of a guard you are! While flexing the muscles to show how strong you got from being a guard. (Will think of a story later
No. 1030631 ID: ce39da

I'm torn between E and C - if the former, we shouldn't discount any companion corpses we find, either. "From what I've told you, I'm sure you all put together that you weren't the only people I could have freed. I'd love to find an intact shard out there, but if we end up finding at least one corpse that belongs to someone else I could have rescued, I know what I'm using the 'raise dead' potion for."

1: "Well... I've caught a few servants of the [PANTHEON] trying to set fire to the forest I was guarding. Never did find out why that was, considering they otherwise never really showed any signs of being hostile toward us, and wound up too dead to tell tales. Er... Hope none of you have any compunctions toward me taking 'defense of self and others' as far as I have so far." Even if you were carrying out your duties, that was probably you at your guiltiest, it involving men of the cloth and all. I'm sure they'll appreciate you being forthright with the parts that don't fit the 'perfectly heroic rescuer' image.
No. 1030651 ID: e51896


Mia was looking EAST earlier, but she wants to go WEST, which is the opposite. ask Mia what she was looking for Eastward.

Alright, guard story, one about how you had cemented your position as one of the top guards of your village at the time

So one night, you were assigned the NIGHT SHIFT to protect your little village within THE FOREST OF THE WOODKIN, along with your FERAL PRAYING MANTIS friend who was also a guard. The mantis didn't require weapons as his arms could crush skulls, and impressively, even sturdy or sharp weapons like swords as if they were nothing! You volunteered to take the position for that night because you really wanted to hang out with your best bud that night as you never really had the chance to ever talk to him ever since you married to your deceased sweetheart and spent most your time with her (bless her soul) while the rest of the times were spent guarding the town. Plus, nothing really happens at night, so really, it was a chance to just goof off and share stories, have some debates, sing songs, maybe sneak a drink.

but you were wrong...

Apparently, while you and your PRAYING MANTIS friend were patrolling outside the village for anything out of the ordinary, while also finding opportunities to take breaks to slack off, MANTIS friend heard some noises you couldn't hear, found some unfamiliar footprints that you could barely see, and an unnatural ammount of leaves on the floor, despite it being summer. your PRAYING MANTIS buddy has VERY GOOD PERCEPTION and was able to alert you to what was happening. So thanks to his perception, he lead you to a a gang of bandits hiding out above the trees, and thanks to your SILENT STEP, you both were able to sneak over and see who was in the trees, and listen in. Apparently, the thieving bandits were lead by a cloaked SKUNK, and you heard their plans on how they were going to raid the village with the intention of stealing everything that wasn't nailed down in people's home, and other treasures the village had, and maybe kidnap some kins. Boy, these bandits were sneaky and hard to see. one would have trouble spotting them in the darkness. But thankfully, with your PRAYING MANTIS buddy's perception, and your sneakiness, you both were able to spot the incoming danger before it was too late.

So what you and your praying mantis did was after listening into their plans, decided to set a bunch of traps all throughout town with your WEBS based off of the locations they were going to attack. web net in the middle of someone's chimney, a pitfall in front of your village's treasure, stuff like that. The mantis even used his arms to help make more complicated traps with your webs using wood and other materials

And thanks to the two of you, you were able to watch as the bandits fall into all your praying mantis friend's and your traps while the two of you enjoy a drink, enjoying the show. Didn't even wake anyone up either

The chief was impressed by how well the two of you protected the town, that he promoted the two of you as higher ranking guards with more responsibilities.


Funny thing is, you and the praying mantis friend forgot to undo the traps after the bandits were imprisoned, so every so often, a villager would fall into one of your traps... especially the POLE TRAP where they would get distracted by something you hung from your web, and they'd walk into the POLE. whoops
No. 1030654 ID: 36784c

Hey, Hunter, here’s something for you to think about: You’re a guy and you currently have 3 pretty ladies with you right now. If someone else saw all of you, they might think that you’re trying to start a harem or something!

>What do?
C and 1
No. 1030662 ID: bdef6e

E), I wouldn't leave for dead anyone until 3 days has passed. We still can save someone from that spire. That's one more clue of what happened and at least we can find more tresaure in which Mia might be interested. Later we can go to anywhere, but this has a clock on it.

The catch is that we would need somewhere to rest, so we need either to clear the state (which might be way soo slow) or finding a safe spot and hunting regularly (which is slow).

About ourselves ¿2/3?:
"I had that... companion in the guard. He was stubborn to the bone and picked fights with me (He was so annoying). We had some kind of rivalry, but he was SO STRONG that I was always just out of his league.

One day a monster appeared, a big one, and he saved us all baiting the monster to the woods. When we searched for him we found him dead alongside the corpse of the monster. He killed the beast alone, but died in the process. It was then when I started to really apreciate his... friendship. Yeah, we always discussed, but the village was so lonely since he left. Now I can't never surpase him because he is not here to compete. Now I can't spar with him after traing. Now I can't talk with him and say I appreciate discussing with him..."
No. 1030671 ID: d0108b

I don't think the rival is going to be Charissa, I think it was supposed to be someone we didn't save like the feline beserker
No. 1030673 ID: 850144

E and F
We are not yet too late to save someone with the potion, and we need trade goods before we go to any town.
If we absolutely need to go somewhere else let's go to B, more shards fell toward the Forest of the Woodkin.

A story about how you always wanted to be a treasure hunter, that's why you bought the map to the crystal spire.
No. 1030679 ID: e51896

EDMANGO had said on discord during the Kangaroo and Spider vote that whoever came in second place between Charissa and Hunter to become the main character would become the rival.
No. 1030811 ID: afe7de
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You let out a meek cough, the stares of your companions boring deep into your fluff covered carapace. Now's as good a time as any to decide what you'll be doing.

You: Well, we're pretty deep in what would've been called the [SPIRELANDS]. It's basically a deep forest that's hard to navigate. I kind of figure that we should take the chance to look for some [SPIRE SHARDS] while we are here.
Mia: OOOH and we can maybe find some stuff. Oh, and also study those darn crystals that imprisoned us!
Key: What about the Mimics?
You: We can deal with them later, this clearing is safe enough for now right? I plan to lay some webbing before the night is over just to be safe.
Key: This saddens me that we cannot clear out the estate yet
Mia: Look on the bright side, more loot!
Nuki: Loot!

Ok, phew, at least they're mostly on board. You pause for a moment and see they're still staring, uh oh, looks like they still want you to talk... about yourself... time to bring out a story about the ol' guard days. That always works!

You: So I uh... I was a guard for a while.
You: A fairly competent one at that!
You: Fought off a honey badger once and he did not care, uh…

You're blowing it Hunter, gotta focus, gotta dig deep, gotta come up with a relatable tale that's realistic, if not true...
No. 1030812 ID: afe7de
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You: Ah, okay I've got one, so uh, I wasn't always a lone-wolf-spider kinda guy. I had a partner! He was this cool Praying mantis, had better hearing than me, and had a shinier carapace. He didn't talk much but I did look up to him. Before this fateful day there were periodic fires near our home, but it was the hot and dry season, so we thought nothing of it.
You: Anyway, We hung out on night shift and he caught wind of something sneaking through the woods. It turns out there was a small bandit encampment and we snooped, finding out THEY were the ones causing the fires, testing our defenses.
You: They wanted to kill and kidnap our kin!!!!

You pause for a moment, partially for dramatic effect, and partially because you're getting a little bit heated. You take a moment to regain composure, but instead continue with a bit more fervor than you expected.

You: So we set up traps, I laid my webs and my Mantis friend created some rather intricate bladed pitfalls. Suffice it to say we were pissed and out for blood.
You: And then the flies flew into the spider's nest, it was a swift victory. They had hurt others before, and strangely enough, their leader was a skunk that had the symbol of [HOPE] on her neck.
You: [HOPE] is a spidershit set of spells by the way, we caught her, only for her to get out with no injuries and flee. She was the only one to escape.

You let out your long held breath, the memories of that night still haunting you. It takes a moment, but you calm back down, and feel a little bit better. You notice Key is now by your side, a paw on your leg.

Mia: So you killed the rest of the dastards right?
You: What? Of course.
Nuki: ... isn't always the answer...
Key: Hunter did right, no one burns the forest.
Mia: Though I wonder what happened to that leader bandit.
You: Never saw her again, but I heard she started a new gang in the forest. Or at least someone using [HOPE] powers.
Key: What was your Mantis friend called?
You: Ah, Kris. Like the dagger. He had wavy claws.

No. 1030814 ID: afe7de
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It dawns on you at this very moment that you are surrounded by ladies, a situation that hasn't happened to you for a long time. You think about your dead husband, how he would have urged you to move on, you pull out your sleeping bag and the palm sized doll, looking at it for a moment before putting it away and setting up the sleeping bag like an oversized mattress. He’s probably smirking at you, in this situation, from beyond the grave.

After a check of the perimeter and some routine laying of webs, you think it's secure enough for the night. You give everyone their goodnights and drift off to a dreamless sleep.

You awake the next morning to notice Key snuggled up at your feet, curled into a ball with her back against the hairy carapace of your legs. Mia is also on the mat, but is on the far end of it. You look around for Nuki and see her sitting up, watching the surroundings. You were so tired you completely forgot to set someone to do watches! It’s been a while since you traveled with companions after all. Nuki immediately perks up as you sit straight, but calms when she realizes it's you.

You wake everyone up and share your remaining rations, bringing your stock down to [2 RATIONS]. Since you are choosing to look for [SPIRE SHARDS], it’s time to delegate tasks to the others!!

A. Hunt for [SPIRE SHARDS] (25% chance of success) (0% foe chance)
- You will be doing this activity
- Mia is interested in this activity (+25% success) (+50% foe chance)
- Key is not interested in this activity (+10% success) (+0% foe chance)
- Nuki is interested in this activity (+10% success) (+25% foe chance)

B. Hunt for food (guaranteed success)
- Mia doesn't want to do this (25% foe chance)
- Key is interested in this activity (0% foe chance) (50% chance of bonus food)
- Nuki is interested in this activity (25% foe chance)

C. Let someone else try to solve the pocket estate problem
- Mia would LOVE to do this (10% success chance)
- Key is interested in this activity (10% success chance)
- Nuki is interested in this activity (5% success chance)
- WARNING, they will make their own judgment calls on resolving the situation
- You can always advise them how you’d like them to solve the problem

D. Free time
- Let them do whatever they want
- May have unpredictable results

E. Other
- Get them to do something else

Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats
No. 1030815 ID: 629f2e

A and B:

A - Mia and Nuki
B - Key

Take the high foe chance with Mia to ensure a decent likelihood of finding a shard. Meanwhile, if you set Key on hunting then there's no chance of her running into trouble while on her own.
No. 1030817 ID: 96c896

A: you, Nuki
B: Key
C: Mia
No. 1030819 ID: e5709d

Mia: Shard Hunting
Key: Hunt for Food
Nuki: Do whatever
No. 1030821 ID: ce39da

Yeah, I don't like the idea of any of them tackling the estate alone.

Definitely assign Key to B - good WILD is busted for such a task.

Assign Mia and Nuki to A. Yes, Nuki technically adds more risk than benefit, but I'd feel better having three party members instead of two, should an encounter happen.

Of course, do ask if they at all agree with these assignments.
No. 1030824 ID: c92a02

Ask Mia how she would solve the mimic problem. Take her shard hunting.
Send Key hunting.
...Let Nuki try to solve the estate problem. I want to see what she tries.
No. 1030837 ID: 850144

A: Mia and Nuki.
The 75% chance of encountering foes just means extra loot. We will need to be careful and scout a bit so we are not surprised, but otherwise we should be strong enough.

B : Key

We need to check on the Flower of Embrace when possible, maybe water it?
No. 1030841 ID: e51896

Mia: A
Key: B
Nuki: is she tired? I know we saw her up in the morning watching the surroundings. If she needs sleep, then E: let her sleep.
But if she is good, then B, let her hunt with Key.
No. 1030848 ID: e9c6f0

Have Mia and Nuki help us with A.

Have Key go do B.
No. 1031004 ID: bdef6e

Seconding this
No. 1031021 ID: 0838d6
File 165153258297.png - (10.25KB , 500x500 , p25.png )

You attempt to muster your most authoritative tone, but as you start speaking your voice cracks and you cough a little bit. This elicits a chuckle from one of your companions and you nearly kick yourself for the blunder, so you just talk normally.

You: I think that Key should get us food and that me, Mia, and Nuki should look for the [SPIRE SHARD].
Nuki & Mia: Loot!
Key: Key can agree to this.
You: Uh, no questions or anything?

Your party shakes their heads, agreeing to your arrangements. You expected to have to convince them harder, especially after your verbal plunder. Guess you must've read the room right and figured out what they wanted to do.

Key: Key will hunt for some poultry today!

Key sets off to hunt for food, she should be back with at least [6 RATIONS] worth of food. You imagine she'll have some free time if she gets lucky and finds your meal early.
No. 1031022 ID: 0838d6
File 165153259969.png - (8.00KB , 500x500 , p26.png )

You bring your two companions along, trying to find any signs of crystal or an object that may have landed. You find nothing for a long while, not even a wandering Monster. Your steps are silent, but your companion's are not. At first you were concerned that they might get caught, but Nuki is fast, unnaturally fast. She moves with bursts of speed that are a bit too noisy for your taste, but you doubt that she'll be caught by anything she's aware of.

Mia on the other hand is a mixed bag, she's silent half the time and extremely eager the other half of the time. There were a few moments that she saw a monster that she claimed was "mana dense" and both you and Nuki had to physically restrain her from starting a fight. Not because you were scared or anything, but because you had to focus on your priorities.

After that incident she wised up and cast some sort of spell, one that actually led you to some small bits of the spire. You're close, you can feel it.

After a few tense moments you can see the telltale purple glint of what appears to be a MASSIVE chunk of purple crystal, what luck! But then you get closer and see that there's a bit of a COMPLICATION at your destination.
No. 1031024 ID: 0838d6
File 165153352558.png - (8.39KB , 500x500 , p27.png )

The crystal itself is a beautiful lavender that shines with the evening sun. Inside is what looks like some sort of AUTOMATON, a golem if your assessments are accurate. It's fully intact, but you'll have to get it out of the crystal to use it.

The second thing you notice is that the crystal has embedded itself into a bloodied tent. The kin inside did not survive. There's also a skewered corpse of a TIGER-BEAR next to the tent. Looks like it was sneaking up on them before taking a long crystal shard to the cranium. This, itself wouldn't be a big issue, the bigger problem is that a swarm of about 8 IRONBEAK-CROWS has been feasting on said corpses, making an already gruesome scene that much worse.

You think for a moment about the creatures in front of you. The Ironbeak-Crow. They're vulture-like creatures with beaks evolved to penetrate monster hides. They tend to scavenge for carrion and small prey. They travel in flocks of 5-12, and most importantly, get loud as all heck if you interrupt their meal, potentially attracting an extra foe.

They're not known to assault most humanoids, finding them more trouble than they're worth. But they have good memories and can become a nuisance if they hold a grudge.

A. Mia: Let me puppet a corpse and lead them away!
- Mia uses Blood magic to attempt to draw away the crows
- Unknown chance to backfire

B. Nuki: I could let out a shout to distract them...
- Nuki will attract their attention and meet you back at camp
- The Ironbeak-Crows will likely carry a grudge against her

C. Hunter: Hm, maybe we could avoid dealing with them entirely?
- Use the [POCKET ESTATE] to store the encased golem and then leave
- 20% chance to agitate the Ironbeak-Crows
- You won't be able to loot the rest of the campsite
- The golem will be inaccessible until you solve the complication in the estate

D. Other
- Use an item from your inventory
- Stats/Inventory Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1031025 ID: c92a02

Ah, and to have left our animal expert back at camp... Let's use Mia's idea to take all those blood and guts and push it somewhere else.
No. 1031028 ID: ce39da

D: Use the bell of souls to summon a deer at the group. They'll end up holding a grudge against a deer that doesn't exist.
No. 1031029 ID: 96c896

Use the Bell of Souls to summon the deer and have it lure away the birds without implicating anyone in the party. Make sure everyone is out of sight when doing this.
No. 1031034 ID: 629f2e

I feel like C is the best idea, but A sounds like so much more fun. Let Mia show off!

I don't think the D idea y'all are suggesting will pan out, but I admire the creativity. The thing is, the deer we summon would be alive, and I'm not sure what would happen to its body after we kill it. Even if it hung around, they would most likely split between the corpses instead of all rushing to the fresh kill. Or maybe not, maybe they'd all swarm it in hopes of getting first dibs on the fresh body. It's too many possible failure points for my taste, but I'll be interested to see how it pans out if it wins.
No. 1031040 ID: 96c896

Nobody said to kill the deer summon.
No. 1031042 ID: bdef6e

Let's bard it out. Use [Dances of Unfortunate Travel] And select the crows (number and target). If they don't see us do it, then they can't hold a grudge against us.
No. 1031048 ID: 629f2e


Nevermind, this is my new answer, I want this. Show us your dance moves Hunter!
No. 1031053 ID: 344f1d


Bust a move, pray it doesn't hilariously backfire
No. 1031056 ID: 36784c

A. Let Mia move the birds’ food away and they’ll follow it.

>use the spirit deer to lure the birds away
These bird scavenge for carrion and small prey. The spirit deer is not a small prey and it is not dead, so the birds will not follow the deer.
No. 1031083 ID: 210f04

No. 1031085 ID: e5709d

Use the Dances of Unfortunate Travel to teleport the Ironbeaks as far as you can imagine.
No. 1031089 ID: 96c896

Lol can we actually do this? I assumed it only worked on friendly targets...
No. 1031145 ID: ce39da

Uhhhhh... If we're using the Dance, we should be focusing "number of targets" and "choice of targets." I imagine the odds of transporting a piddly amount is unlikely, whereas the odds of one of us getting yeeted is very likely if we don't pick those exact parameters.

And I'm not saying we should, in the first place! For all we know, the user might be a required target!
No. 1031153 ID: 96c896

Ah, you're right.
- Direction
- Distance
- Travel Method
- Number of Targets
- Specific targets

Pick 2. In this case we only want to move the crows, so that's "Specific targets". We also want to move all of them, so that's "Number of Targets".
Unfortunately, we also want to move them a decent distance away, but maybe the distance has enough of a range that it won't matter?
No. 1031161 ID: b96587

Switching my vote to A, dancing is starting to sound risky.

If we do dance, still make it a tap dance, and do number of targets, and specific targets.
No. 1031162 ID: 629f2e

I'll stand by the Dances. As long as we use our two controlled factors to specifically target the full group of birds,, then it just becomes RNG on how great the distance we get is, with the chance for a lucky Travel Method or Direction to get the job done as well.
No. 1031186 ID: 7c0da2

D. Dance of Unfortunate Travel
It's a good opportunity to try out the Dance of Unfortunate Travel.
We will need to experiment with it at some point, and that way we are doing the first experiment on some birds rather than us.
Let's pick Specific Targets (the birds and their food) et Number (the total number of birds + the total number of corpse parts).
No. 1031211 ID: afe7de
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The three of you throw a few ideas around, Mia's idea of animating one of the corpses to draw away the Ironbeak-Crows is intuitive and cool. But she's too eager to do that and you get the feeling it'll backfire. Or maybe it won't and you're being paranoid. And also you really really want to use this book you just got.

You pull out the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL] and flip through some of the pages. It's a short but detailed manual where each element of the dance corresponds to a different component of the transportation. A few pages are set to each factor, and you can tell that it's not hard to mix and match components, but more that it just takes practice, lots of practice, and maybe a partner. After a minute you've got the gist of it.

It's time to perform the [TAPDANCE OF "HEY YOU GO AWAY"]. Your companions take a few steps back from you as you start this weird dance. At first you're worried that you're going to attract the attention of the crows, but you smirk as you realize that your silent steps are obscuring the taps. They just can't hear you.

- When using the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL] you make no sound with your feet!
- It looks like to control all 5 factors you'll need a partner or an obscene amount of practice.
- Faster dances tend to be louder.

You feel something flow through you, it's not really [MANA] or [WILD or even [ENERGY]. You feel it, you feel the spirit of the [DANCE] and it feels good! It takes a few minutes of concentrated dancing to finish successfully. The amount of targets is a bit too much for a beginner like yourself. But eventually you finish the dance and for a brief moment you're concerned that nothing happens.
No. 1031212 ID: afe7de
File 165169998401.png - (10.15KB , 500x500 , p29.png )

Nothing is still happening, did it fail? You see Mia start to get impatient, she's so ready to animate that corpse, almost too ready. You're about to let her do so when you hear the sound of... meat? Slopping against the floor?

And then you see it, a sprawling wagon filled with meat on wheels made of meat that stops in front of the Ironbeak-Crows. They stare at it, confused for a moment before flying to it and starting to consume the flesh piled atop it.

You: Oh, oh gosh
Nuki: EEEEP!
Mia: Woah, that's a lot of blood and meat!
Mia: Can we keep it? Pleaaaaaseeee!!!!!

Before you can respond to her, or even vomit, the wagon starts moving. The crows, seemingly unbothered, stay on the wagon and continue eating as it rides off into the forest, its destination unknown.

In fact, you wonder how it's even driving in the forest at all, the foliage is THICK. Best not to think about this too deeply, they’re gone, and your loot awaits.

Nuki packs up the non-fleshy-bits in her bag, as well as some shards broken off of the spire. Mia then orders her hat to “store” the corpses. You would normally be shocked by this kind of display, but the meat wagon has humbled you, and you don’t even blink an eye when the hat hops off of her head and eats the corpses whole. You give her a look and cock your eyebrow.

You gained a TIGER-BEAR corpse
- All it’s parts are worth a fair bit of funds
You find the following in the abandoned tent
- 2 unrecognizable meat puddles of former kin
- A decimated tent
- A book on Mineralogy
- A set of climbing gear
- 10 FUNDS
You gained a [SPIRE SHARD]
- Inside is the GOLEM COMPANION
- You’ll have to break it out in order to use it

No. 1031214 ID: afe7de
File 165170004670.png - (8.05KB , 500x500 , p30.png )

Mia: They’re totally secure now!
Mia: Bitey’s got a lot of room in there
Nuki: Isn’t that heavy?
Mia: Pshh, I’ve got a strong neck
Mia: Wait did you call Bitey fat?
You: He does look like he put on some weight
Mia: He’s just TIGER-BEAR-BIG-BONED okay!?!?

Mia then Harrumphs before sucking up the blood, her thighs getting a bit wider and her body looking a bit plumper. You decide not to prod the weight issue any farther. You’re strong enough to bring back the crystallized golem, in fact, the crystals are surprisingly light, it’s strange how TOUGH and LIGHT it is. You can't put into words how you know that you can break this thing open, but instinctually, deep in your carapace, you know it to be possible. Why do you have this feeling?

You set that feeling aside for now and make it back, the smell of roasted poultry assaults you as you enter the clearing and you drool. You all chow down on the meal and notice a neat stack of rations, and also something bundled up in large leaves, antlers and feathers poking out of it. Looks like Key was making something.

Everyone had a good meal!
- You gained 6 rations, you now have 8 rations in storage
- Nuki and Mia are pleased that you found something so quickly

As the dusk descends and night falls, you start to wind down and everyone gathers by the slightly smoldering fire. Everyone has agreed to take watches during the night. What do you talk about?

A. Talk about yourself
- Share another story about yourself
- Slightly increase your bond with everyone

B. Take interest in a certain companion
- Increase your bond with that kin
- The other two will talk amongst themselves
- Feel free to bring up specific topics

C. Release the [ARCANE GOLEM]
- Immediately gain access to the arcane golem
- The crystal that encases it will be unusable for any crafting ventures
- How do you know how to do this?

D. Other - Practice and Reading
- You could start a group conversation
- You could study the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL]
- You could read that book on Mineralogy
- Get closer to a [COMPANION] to be taught something by them
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1031215 ID: e5709d

Study the book. It's clearly a game-breaker in stealth.
No. 1031218 ID: c7fbfe

D, use resurrection potion on the camper who died from the crystal falling on them

Either that or C

(Study Dancing is tempting too)

Also, ask Key if she can water your flower. Actually, Maybe just give it to her since she is connected to nature.
No. 1031219 ID: 629f2e

B, talk to Nuki. She was clearly uncomfortable before, so it might be good to give her some special attention, make sure she's okay and see if she still has doubts about you. Plus, you might be able to learn ENERGY magic if you get close to her, which you may be able to make great use of.
No. 1031220 ID: e5709d

According to the narrative, the Tiger-Bear isn't sapient, and the kin who was inside the tent is permadead.
No. 1031223 ID: bdef6e

I also would like, but I think the corpse has to be in a minimum state to work.

I also would like to group study the book because it's basiaclly dancing in group. The problem is that they must be tired and dancing without music is not the same. (Maybe leave it to celebrate when we free the state?)

Maybe ask the group if they have an idea of how to solve the mimic problem (which probably means asking Mia how she want to deal with the mimic problem).
No. 1031226 ID: c92a02

The golem companion's handy, since you can fight pretty well! Let's keep it in the estate until we read the mineralogy handbook.
Use the resurrection potion on a meat puddle, it's unfortunate that we can't help both but it's in our nature to help who we can. That still counts as a corpse, right?

Otherwise, A. Enough about work, tell them about the time you went bungee jumping off a giant tree! unfortunately, the cord stretched too far to stop you and you landed in a giant pile of wet leaves.
No. 1031247 ID: ce39da

Honestly, it's probably good that neither camper-corpse is in a state to be drinking a potion; reviving one and not the other would lead to a pretty awkward conversation.

Leading a group convo two nights in a row seems a little odd to me. Let's do B: With Mia. She's pretty eager to avoid the East. Why? Is it because the Pantheon's territory is in that direction? To be fair, for reasons already stated, they aren't on the best terms with us, either. If she's confused by that statement, maybe it'll be your duty to warn her that the Pantheon's followers don't tolerate blood magic - you won't snitch, of course.
No. 1031298 ID: 7c0da2

Practice the Dance of Unfortunate Travel as a group. By dancing together around the campfire.
No. 1031299 ID: 36784c

>what do?
B: Talk to Nuki

>practice dancing
I don’t think we should because it might cause something to happen and we don’t want to be moved right now.
No. 1031301 ID: 37a47a

B talk to Key.

>To be fair, for reasons already stated, they aren't on the best terms with us, either.
Are you saying that Mia isn't on the best of terms with us?
No. 1031302 ID: e51896

He's saying the Pantheons are not on the best terms with us considering we had bandits following the Pantheons' hope god trying to kill and kidnap kin from the forest village we were from, and some paladins and clerics from the Pantheons even tried to torch a chunk of the forest.
No. 1031328 ID: a9af05

Talk to Mia. Ask about her magic and her hat.
No. 1031331 ID: 96c896

D: practice Dances of Unfortunate Travel.

Set Distance to 0, or as small as you can get it.
Set a Direction that wouldn't cause problems if the Distance has some minimum value. I assume Direction includes up and down? If it's only lateral distance, then practice setting Specific Targets to your party instead.
No. 1031430 ID: 629f2e


Support giving Key the flower, she'll treat it well.
No. 1031438 ID: afe7de
File 165188617312.png - (13.42KB , 600x600 , p31.png )

For a moment an idea flits to the front of your consciousness, for you to revive one of the meat puddles with that [POTION OF RAISE DEAD]. And then it leaves because you realize that it's a stupid idea. A pile of meat isn't really a corpse, you need a body, even if it's damaged with a head, chest, and limbs, or it's equivalent to those.

You know that it can do some basic healing so that the revival process is successful, but imagine that using it on the meat pile is a waste and would get you a living pile of meat that would promptly die in the best case of scenarios.

No, instead you pull out the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL] and the [FLOWER OF EMBRACE]. The flower itself is [HEALTHY], but you can tell that tomorrow it will start to wilt. You offer it to Key to have her take care of it and she accepts whole-heartedly.

Key: Ooooooh, it smells wonderful!
Key: Key will protect it with her life!
You: Uh, no need to go that far.
Key: With.
Key: Her.

The amount of reverence that she's looking at both you and the plant is starting to get a tad bit uncomfortable. But you also kind of like it in a [WILD] kind of way. Feelings are weird and it's time for a distraction, namely dancing.

Key is now holding onto the [FLOWER OF EMBRACE] and will use it of her own volition
- You sometimes notice key giving you glances that are a bit intense

No. 1031444 ID: afe7de
File 165188663543.png - (11.91KB , 600x600 , p32.png )

You get everyone's attention together and decide that the best use of your time at the moment would be to practice the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL]. There are some GROUP DANCES that you could perform that would let you control 3 or even 4 factors and this easily excites you. But they take a long while to do, the moves are tricky, everyone's constantly referencing the book.

You can swear you heard music going as you danced, maybe it's something that the [DANCE] energy produces. Dancing with everyone was a fun distraction and you feel a little closer to everyone.

You grew a little closer to Anemia!
- There's a point where you put a hand on her hip and found it soft and squishy. She caught your expression as you noticed that and danced roughly, tripping you multiple times.
You grew a little closer to Nuki!
- Nuki awkwardly fell on top of you multiple times during the performance. She would bow and apologize each time, but you were fine, plus she was way lighter than you expected.
You grew a little closer to Key!
- Key's a bit shorter than you, so she's dancing whilst looking up from your chest. You swear her hand touched your abdomen a few times, but she just gave you those cute otter-croc eyes so you assume it was an accident.
- You gained bonus XP for practicing in a new and novel way
- Everyone can now perform the a dance at a 2/5 proficiency without needing the book
- Performing with 2 or more dancers can let you control 3 factors!
- You are 2/4 of the way towards the next rank of proficiency
- Next rank your group dancing will let you control 4/5 factors
- Next rank your solo dancing will allow you to control 3/5 factors

No. 1031445 ID: afe7de
File 165188664503.png - (10.86KB , 600x600 , p33.png )

EDMANGO’S NOTE: Rations are deducted in the morning phase, and they fulfill the meal for the day. Any segments saying you eat in the evening or night will take this into account and not deduct anything from your ration total. It’s more for my stat management’s sake, but if you prefer, you can assume it’s you eating ½ a ration in the morning and ½ in the evening.

The night proceeds as normal, during your watch you could have sworn you heard a metallic clinking, but after a few minutes it leaves. No one else reports anything strange during their watch.

Morning comes and you find Key snuggled up slightly higher than before, nearing your hip, but in a similar position. The crystal housing the Golem sits in the middle, ominously. You get the feeling that you’ll need to move if you want to find another spire shard. You give Key’s head a pat as you get up and serve everyone a meal made of some scavenged eggs and leftover poultry.

You consumed 4 rations, you have 4 rations remaining!
You completed your objective early!
What do you do now?
A. Set off for a new destination (pick one)
- [ARCANUS MOUNTAINS] - [EST 3 DAYS] - [Mia’s choice]
- [SOMEWHERE ELSE] - name a destination

B. Deal with the pocket estate - [Key’s choice] [Nuki’s choice]
- Everyone will chip in their ideas
- Gives you access to the PILLOW POOL, GIANT BEEHIVE, ???
- Gives you a permanent campsite that is a [SAFE LOCATION]

C. Hunt more monsters
- Gain more loot!
- Get injured! (maybe)

D. Stay here and do something else.
- Like what?
- Don’t forget to hunt for food!
- You’ll get to assign tasks if you decide to stay in place or do other stuff
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1031446 ID: 629f2e

Majority rules. I think when we finally do leave the woods, we should head to Arcanus, which Mia will like. So for now, let's go with Nuki and Key's wishes of dealing with the Pocket Estate's mimic problem.
No. 1031448 ID: c92a02

Deal with the estate.
No. 1031450 ID: 96c896

free him
No. 1031457 ID: 820483

Deal with the estate, most our new friends wanna do this.

Im more for closest settlement myself. When we leave

Take the shard containing the golem in the estate too, that way no one can steal it if we leave it out in the open.
No. 1031459 ID: e5709d

Deal with the Estate so we can stuff everything inside.
No. 1031490 ID: 7c0da2

B. We need a place to enable our inevitable hoarding tendencies. Mia has a pet mimic, maybe she could explain more about them?

On another note, I wonder if with more dance practice we could use it in combat.
We could also try dancing with music and/or song next time we practice. If we free the golem we could get it something simple like drums.
No. 1031626 ID: e5b672

No. 1031636 ID: bdef6e

B) but...

Pocket state will make travel safer, but we might end wounded in the process. Maybe we can go to the nearest safe place and stay in town for a day or two while dealing with the problem... unless Mia or Nuki has safe idea...
No. 1031663 ID: 0838d6
File 165212361928.png - (12.10KB , 500x500 , p34.png )

After some back and forth you all collectively decide to deal with the [POCKET ESTATE]. You decide to sneak in quietly and scope out the place one more time before returning to your group and hatching a plan.

You're... terrified isn't the right word, anxious is also a bit too much as well. You guess you would say that you feel TENSE throughout the excursion. This tension is more from the unknown. Mia gives you a few tips to spot Mimics, but you don't really know all that much about them. They're a RARE creature, hard to find in the first place.

You can’t get all too close, so your estimates are based on what you see at a distance out of pure caution. You make a route around the whole estate and then snake through the major segments. The edge of the estate is made of a frosted glass, light shining through as if it was placed outside normally even though it's technically intangible and invisible. Weird.

There's an overgrown forest filled with lush and healthy plants. Vines cover the estate, you assume it to be the excess growth caused by the bees, but as you look around, you don't see any source of water, just the lake of honey and a few rivers of the stuff, which is confusing as the plants are obviously growing and healthy.

The bees on the other hand are very chill. They buzz around aimlessly and you can tell that there’s a rather large population inside their main hive. They even let the mimics come close and drink from the honey-pits.

Only a handful of the pillows in the pit are mimics, and it’s plain to your eyes that any furniture in the manor itself is a Mimic. The foliage in the forest is dense, but you manage to peek through and catch a glimpse of the Mimic Colony's nest. There’s a pile of stones surrounded by some overly-protective looking trees and flowers.

Mia told you that young mimics typically imitate a stone because it's an easy survival technique and that no one assumes a stone is a Mimic. The mimics are also rather lithe, which is hard to tell because they assume the form of different objects. You assume they go into some form of stasis between meals and have learned to coexist with the bees to some extent so that they have a sustainable food source and somehow don't overfeed. Strange.
No. 1031665 ID: 0838d6
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You exit the pocket estate just as a few mimics turn to your location with suspicion. But you assume that they’re none the wiser. You relay your information to the group and they offer their thoughts.

Mia: Hrm, so the colony is self sustaining, interesting.
You: I counted at least 8 wandering and then around that many in the forest.
You: No idea how many eggs were there though…
Mia: Well the young are easy to deal with, but the others are a bit tricky
You: I would have thought you were the mimic expert
Mia: I acquired bitey as an egg, raising mimics isn’t a problem.
Mia: Domesticating existent ones though, now that’s a chore.
Nuki: You aren’t suggesting…
Mia: What? We kill the adults and raise the young-uns.
Mia: They’re emaciated, and likely weaker right?
Nuki: They’re just living their life…
Mia: And this is m- Hunter’s estate now.
Key: Growls... Why not commune with the creatures
Mia: They’re too stupid
You: I dunno about that, they seem to commune with the bees enough
Mia: No, I mean they actually have low intelligence
Mia: They only know things like tasty, hungry, sleepy, thirsty, sneaky, etc.
Mia: Not that they’re not capable of learning, Bitey here could, but it’d take forever
Nuki: Can’t we just feed them and befriend them…
Mia: Logistically that’s a nightmare, you’d need to get a LOT of meat
Key: Then we get meats!
Mia: They take a long time to digest, but what if we run out of meat?
Mia: We’d need something sustainable
Mia: Culling the horde is the logical, optimal solution.
Nuki: *Grumble Grumble*
You: I dunno, having a whole army of mimics on our side in a portable and deployable way sounds… useful.
Mia: UGh, listen Hunter, armies take a lot of maintenance
Nuki: They seem to be doing fine, what if we offered them more “Tasties”
Key: Maybe Key and Hunter strike a deal with them?
Mia: Okay, theoretically that’s possible, HOWEVER, if it has been literal centuries
Mia: They likely lost all knowledge of deals or language in their isolated demesne!
You: Oookay let’s just take a step back for a moment.
Mia: *scoffs* yeah, take her side.
You: We could also just yeet them out
Mia: And WASTE the potential GAINS?!?!
Mia: Also think about what a rampant Mimic colony let out into the world will do!
Mia: They eat MEAT Hunter! We are meat! Bees are technically meat!

No. 1031669 ID: 0838d6
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You let out a flustered groan and rub your temples. There’s no real easy solution to this, each having their pros and their cons. You plan to warp in the golem to the estate anyway, just to keep it safe.

A. Mia: Cull the horde! [EST 2-3 DAYS]
- Kill any adult mimics and raise the children
- The Estate will become available to use
- Low chance that some party members will sustain an injury
- Gain access to the resource BABY MIMICS
- Gain access to the Estate
- Nuki will dislike this

B. Nuki: Let’s get supplies to feed them… [EST ??? DAYS]
- Head to the nearest settlement [ETA 2 DAYS]
- Will allow you to get supplies/help at the cost of FUNDS
- You’ll likely have to sell some things or figure out another source of income.
- Likely the solution that will take the longest to see results
- You can selectively reveal the estate and bring others in it as well
- Results may vary based off of approach
- Nuki will like that you picked this

C. Key: Key and Hunter will commune with the creatures [EST ??? DAYS]
- You will attempt diplomacy
- If successful, you will presented options with costs and benefits
- You might not like the terms that the mimics will set
- Potential for both of you to sustain injuries and to anger the colony if you fail
- If you fail and sustain injuries, Nuki and Mia will react violently towards the mimics
- If you fail, Key will become depressed

D. Hunter: We could also let them out. [EST 2-3 DAYS]
- You will attempt to capture and release the mimics
- 20% chance of at least 2 party members sustaining injuries
- You will lose access to the MIMIC resource
- You will gain access to the estate
- Low chance some friendly mimics stay hidden in the estate
- [MIMIC] encounters will become more frequent for everyone on the world-plate
- Mia will dislike this

E. Other
- Do something else, or mix ideas together
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1031675 ID: e5709d

B - We need supplies anyway. Negotiations will go better if we feed the mimics first - and we'll have medical resources to spare if they don't.

Moving the shard is going to be a pain. Use a group dance to move "targets that are half-golem" in the direction and distance you're moving towards.
No. 1031689 ID: 96c896

B+C. We need to figure out a source of income regardless, and by doing so we can buy some meat, use it to calm down the mimics before attempting to negotiate with them. No risk of violence then.
I bet we can sell honey! Hunter was able to get close to the honey rivers without aggroing the mimics, he should be able to collect honey and sell it to get meat to feed the mimics.
No. 1031694 ID: 96c896

And of course if that doesn't work we do A.
No. 1031696 ID: c92a02

A. We are a trained monster hunter! Culling the herd is our forte, and we have a mimic tamer in the party. Nuki has to understand, they are dangerous animals.
No. 1031697 ID: 629f2e

Give C a go. You've got two WILD folk here, you may be able to pull it off. And if you don't, and you get hurt trying, then that'll be enough justification for Nuki to kick their asses and steal their children.

If they're being assholes and you're having trouble talking to them, maybe you could use your Potion of Gaseous Form to prevent physical attacks while still communing? You only have one, so either split it if you do, or give it to Key while you hang too high up for them to nibble on with your webs.
No. 1031698 ID: 1c6255

B, C: Supplies first, then commune.
No. 1031700 ID: 32ecce

B first, C later
No. 1031806 ID: 7c0da2

B and then C seems a good idea.
No. 1031810 ID: 409c25

C/E, The real power brokers here are not the mimics, we need to commune with the bees. They seem to be friendly, and as the major food source, they actually control the mimic situation.
No. 1031903 ID: 0838d6
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You: I think we should listen to Nuki on this one
Mia: Huh?
Nuki: What? Yay!
You: I still want to give diplomacy with Key a try though
Key: Yes~
You: BUT! I think selling the corpse and getting supplies might be prudent. Plus then you all get to see civilization, we can get supplies for a proper attempt, etc.
Mia: So are we going to just shove off handling it when we get there again?
You: No, I'll put my fuzzy toes down on that one. We'll be dealing with it in town, or after a job to get the money to deal with it, before traveling anywhere else.
Mia: Okay good because having a good rest spot is important!
You: Also I think that if we can sneak in when they're not looking, that honey could sell for some FUNDS which should help.

You look at the group and they nod. Nuki on the other hand just drools when you mention the honey, her eyes glinting with lust towards the idea of some sweet nectar. It only takes a few moments for your group to pack up and set out. You put the Golem inside of the Estate for safekeeping and pack up your things. You estimate the journey to take around 2 days depending on if you have any [ENCOUNTERS].

Today turned out to be a rather easy journey. You even encountered a warren of [DUSK RABBITS] that Key sniffed out, tucked away just barely along your trail. They are small, fanged creatures with red eyes similar to a rabbit. Their meat is also lean and full of protein, what luck!

You gained [2 RATIONS]! You now have [6 RATIONS] total.
No. 1031904 ID: 0838d6
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As the night crests you attempt to find a campsite, unfortunately, there isn't one that is particularly suitable for your needs. You gather everyone together and they share their opinions.

A. Mia: Uh, I could lay an alarm in a small clearing I guess.
- Pick a nearby spot for the night
- Mia will lay a magic alarm that will alert you if anyone approaches
- You'll lay some webs as a precautionary measure.
- 50% chance of a night-time encounter

B. Hunter: We could sleep in the canopy
- Create web hammocks for everyone
- Everyone but you will be uncomfortable
- 20% of a night-time encounter
- You will likely have to handle the encounter on your own due to everyone being... tied up.

C. Key: Key smells cave moss and cave weed
- Attempt to find a nearby cave
- 30% chance it's inhabited by a monster
- 20% chance it's inhabited by a humanoid

D. Nuki: I... I could scout ahead!
- Nuki will attempt to find a [SAFE LOCATION]
- She will be on her own as she searches
- 40% chance of success
- If she fails there will be a 75% chance of a night-time encounter

E. Other
- Use an item in your inventory to do something else
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

You mull over the decision while everyone discusses the pros and cons of the situation, but feel something tug at you and you realize that you haven't properly spoken one on one with anyone but Key so far. Maybe it's time to fix that once you have a rest-spot decided.

1. Get to know Mia better
2. Get to know Nuki better
3. Get to know Key better
4. Read a book or practice something, screw socializing

EDMANGO’S NOTE: You can also suggest what they talk about for bonus points if there’s something you want to hear about specifically.
No. 1031905 ID: 96c896

1, ask what she can do with her magic.
No. 1031906 ID: 629f2e

D, Nuki volunteered and she hasn't had the chance to do much yet. Between the two rolls you'd make, there's a 55% chance of avoiding nighttime encounters, which beats out A and C. And if we land a SAFE LOCATION, we'll sleep better than those options as well.

1, Ask about blood magic. Maybe fill Mia in that it's gotten pretty contrivertial due to the Pantheon, and warn her that she'll probably run into trouble if she doesn't keep it on the downlow in town. Don't disparage it though, Hunter gives no shits for the Pantheon and probably just finds it cool. Ask about how it works, and how she got into it.
No. 1031908 ID: c92a02

B, 1. Try it once, you're pretty sure it'll work!
No. 1031931 ID: e5709d

Moss is more useful than you'd think.
No. 1031961 ID: e51896

Hey, what is stopping us from doing A WITH C combo?

Also, i have an idea, before sleeping in the cave, ask Mia to bring out the TIGER-BEAR corpse from storage, and have it lay somewhere in sight from anyone outside. That way, if evil travelers like bandits, or lesser predators see the TIGER-BEAR corpse, they'll think it is asleep and they'll get scared off by the monster to try not to disturb it and not bother us.

1. Ask about blood magic.
No. 1031988 ID: bdef6e

C) seems the most prudent, attacking is easier than defending while resting. But it would be a problem if it was inhabited by a non-hostile humanoid which don't want to share his's home.

In other hand, A) seems good enought. We could be better prepared if we use the bell of souls past midnight to get an improvised guard by the night. I doubt the deer will be able to defend us by itself, but at least it will give us some time to get up and grab a weapon.
No. 1032105 ID: 7c0da2

We can probably manage a monster if we attack it first. Surprise attacks on monsters is something we should be really good at.

1. Talk about Bitey.
No. 1032109 ID: 0838d6
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You opt into following Key's enhanced sense of smell and after a few minutes you find the mentioned cave. Mia magics up a light for you all, it's soft and warm on your carapace.

But as you walk deeper in, you hear the sound of heavy breathing, feel a charge in the air, and can practically taste the ozone. It looks like the cave is occupied, and you don't need the soft light to see the sparks emanating off of a large dog-sized creature. It looks like a LIGHTNING COBRA.

You only know one thing about them. That they're annoying and territorial. You're not sure if they're venomous, or how "in control" of their lightning they are. You look at your companions with a questioning look, but none of them have seen the beast before.

You: Drat.
You: Well, it's either this or the tree...

A. Nuki: The tree's still an option...
- 30% chance of a night-time encounter
- Additional 20% chance the Lightning Cobra gets involved
- You and Mia will prep as previously stated

B. Key: Key could try to commune with the beast
- 50% chance the beast will let you stay at a cost
- 50% chance the beast will be pissed you woke them up
- Should the beast be pissed, your group will fight it
- 60% chance someone is injured in the fight

C. Mia: Oooh, Oooh, can I, can I pleaaaaase
- Let Mia dispose of the creature
- Unknown chance of success
- 60% chance someone is injured in the event of failure

D. Hunter: It’s sleeping, we could just… y’know
- Attempt to assassinate the beast
- You will kill the beast using your sneaking skills
- 40% chance of sustaining an injury due to it’s unknown biology and response time

E. Other
- Do something else or use an item
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

EDMANGO'S NOTE: Two things. First, regardless of the result, you'll be talking with Mia next update. It's just been delayed until this is resolved. Second, combat is automated in situations like the above. In this case, should you get into combat, it will resolve without any input and injuries will be rolled for.

Unless otherwise stated, you will win most combat encounters you come across since you are a GUARD, you are experienced enough in this field. No die rolls for winning *most* basic fights, though you’ll still have to roll for injuries.

No. 1032111 ID: 96c896

C, let's see what she can do. She said please!
No. 1032112 ID: 6b01d0

D. Stabbety stab!
No. 1032114 ID: 629f2e

C, she did say please after all. Let Mia do some funky blood junk!
No. 1032116 ID: d5ef73

C, she said the magic word.
No. 1032118 ID: e5709d

Group Dances of Unfortunate Travel
Specific Target: Lightning Cobras
Distance: 500 miles
Type: Distracted by extreme sexual attraction
No. 1032126 ID: d0108b

reminds me of Nooodle, B
No. 1032128 ID: f779ec

Either this (specific target, far distance, direction)

Or C. She really wants to do this.
No. 1032132 ID: bdef6e

C) We should trust more in Mia, didn't follow any of her plans and we all should work as a team. We should show we trust everyone opinions.
No. 1032145 ID: 7c0da2

Group Dance of Unfortunate Travel.
Let's specify Target (the snake), and a combination of Direction and Distance that puts it in a solid object like the middle of the cavern wall, to see if that's possible and what happens.
No. 1032148 ID: 36784c


Let’s give Mia a chance to show us what she can do.
No. 1032391 ID: afe7de
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Part of you thinks the smarter, safer option would be to just teleport the dang cobra out of here with a group dance. But the other, slightly guilty part of you thinks that you should let Mia have her chance in the spotlight. You’ve listened to the other so far, why not her too?

You: Alright, Mia. Yer up!
Mia: EEEEEEEeeeeeee yes.

She skips happily into the cave, not at all worried about the noise she’s making. The remaining three of you peek your head around a nearby rock, watching her play. As she takes steps forward, you notice her body exude a potent red aura. You can practically taste the killing intent from her. The LIGHTNING COBRA stirs, but it’s too late. It starts to fill with a red aura and…
No. 1032392 ID: afe7de
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You blink once, and then twice, getting the blood and viscera out of your eyes. Yeah, she just detonated the darn thing. There’s uh… Yeah this won’t be edible, or usable for anything. Ugh, and that noise…

You: Uh, good work Mia, though could you uh
Key: Key is covered in goo!
Nuki: Nuki is also covered in goo…
Mia: Oh yeah totes!
Mia: Helped that it was sleeping and a more young creature
Mia: No wards, no resistances, just an easy detonation of it’s core and POW!

It takes a moment but you watch Mia attract the mass of blood and viscera from your bodies and the walls. The blood then coalesces into a dense rock, about the size of a peach in her hand. She takes a bite out of it and gestures for the group to set up camp. You do.

It doesn't take long to set up some webs and an alarm ward at the entrance. Now that that’s out of the way, you leave two of your companions behind so that they can rest and take the first watch with Mia.

You: Soooooo
Mia: Soooooo?
You: Was that [BLOOD] magic?
Mia: Partial application of [MANA] and [BLOOD] yes
Mia: [MANA] to form an aura, invest it in the eyes, let me pierce their body, locate the core, and then expend a good chunk of [BLOOD] to overload the core aaaaand yeah!
You: So you can just DO that to anyone?
Mia: Naw, silly, it takes a good bit to set up, and if the thing had any basic resistances…
Mia: We just had a good set of circumstances is all.
Mia: *CRUNCH* Mmm, though crystallized monster blood
Mia: Stuff hits the spot
Mia: Want a bite?
You: Uhhh, is it safe?
Mia: Full of vitamins, nutrients, proteins from the viscera. It’s pretty healthy.

You take a bite and it strangely tastes like peaches.
No. 1032393 ID: afe7de
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You: Hmm, pretty good actually
Mia: Old family recipe!
You: Pfff
Mia: Okay that was a lie, you saw me make it from a monster
You: So what can [BLOOD] magic even do? Just detonate things?
Mia: It’s more nuanced than that
Mia: It’s the manipulation of LIFE itself, more bio-alchemical than anything else
Mia: And it takes my own blood, or uh, acquired blood to use it.

You take a look at the girl and notice that she’s a fair bit skinnier than she was before. Her hips are still pretty wide, but all the surplus is gone. If what she’s saying is accurate, another spell like that and she’ll be practically skin and bones, anemic even.

Mia: Yeah, the blood part is the problem, hence a secondary application of Mana
Mia: Oh, and eating this, it stimulates the production of red blood cells, so more to cast with.
You: Well, I just learned more about [BLOOD] magic then I think anyone else has in years
Mia: Why’s that? It’s super common I thought
You: Well, about that…
You: The pantheon kind of… hunts down any practitioners
Mia: Psh, and what, the [BLOOD] mages are losing? Fat chance.
You: Uh yeah, they are. They’re basically forced into hiding.
Mia: That…

You see her disposition falter for a bit, her right eye twitching for the faintest of moments while she contemplates a response.

Mia: That’s bad, like really bad.
You: Yeah… No one knows why they’re hunting them either
You: Well, the story goes that the [ORGANIZATION GROUP]-
Mia: Stupid name.
You: Detonated a few towns and raised mass swarms of undead.
You: Decimating a neighboring world-plate nation.
Mia: There are other world-plates?
You: Apparently, even though no one’s found one
Mia: So they’re lying
You: Most kin think so, but the [PANTHEON] has the numbers to make it so we can’t just…
You: *Sigh*
Mia: Big dick diplomacy huh?
You: I… guess? I thought it was “stick”.
Mia: Yeah, no, it’s dick, whoever told you otherwise is a liar and a charlatan.

No. 1032394 ID: afe7de
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You leave Mia after a little while, informing her of some potential issues she might encounter. She promises to behave for the most part, and you head off to bed, slinking into your spot next to Key. Morning comes, far too quickly in your opinion, along with no issues that you can detect, so you eat breakfast and carry on.

Your party consumed [3 RATIONS] leaving you with 3 remaining.
- Mia did not consume a ration and instead is still eating her crystallized blood

The trees start thinning as you reach the edge of the SPIRELANDS, eventually finding a slightly less forested trail, and a more civilized and well worn dirt path. At the center of the path lies a signpost pointing in three directions.

Pick a destination.
A. The town of Blanketburg
- A majority plush-kin settlement
- You’ll typically find Candy Crops, Entertainment, and little to no weapon shops
- A good place to find nonviolent jobs
- Nuki seems apprehensively curious about this place
- 20% chance of a random encounter

B. The town of Canitus
- A majority beast-kin settlement
- Filled with Monster hunters, merchants, and very little entertainment
- A good place to find violent jobs
- Mia seems very interested in this place
- 30% chance of a random encounter
C. Fort Meadshire
- A human outpost on the fringe of the forest
- Filled with merchants, luxury goods, mercenaries, and priests
- A good place to find violent people
- No you are not biased, it’s true!
- Fine, okay, it’s a good place to find expensive and hard to get resources
- No one seems interested in this place
- 100% chance of a random encounter? Man I don’t know.
D. Mantisleaf village
- A woodkin town in the middle of nowhere
- Definitely not Hunter’s former home
- Why would he say that, I dunno
- They’ve got a general mix of goods and one asshole merchant
- Key seems VERY interested in this place
- Hunter is praying no one wants to go here
- 100% chance that Hunter feels embarrassed at some point.

No. 1032396 ID: 629f2e

We don't really need weapons, and I'd really just like to meet a bunch of Plushkin. Plus, I like avoiding the obvious options, so screw you D, I pick A.
No. 1032398 ID: 899c9f

D. Go to Mantisleaf! It's good to check in every once in a while, and if that merchant has any more leads on crystals - Take them. No questions asked. Buy him out before someone else takes him up on it!
No. 1032399 ID: 96c896

Key convinces everyone that D is the best option.
No. 1032400 ID: e51896

C or D
No. 1032401 ID: 8483cf

D is for Donut
No. 1032403 ID: bdef6e

D is also for Diplodocus. We must trust in diplodocus!
No. 1032413 ID: ce39da

A. We need somewhere safe to have a breather and take stock of our situation.
No. 1032416 ID: e5709d

Most of your funds need to go towards buying food and rations. Get supplies for cheap at a farming town.
No. 1032609 ID: afe7de
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Key: Well Key thinks that she would like to see Mantisleaf Village
Nuki: Nuki wants to see that place too…
Mia: Oh goddess she’s being influenced by Key
You: Uh, I mean it’s a bit boring, and small, and uhhhh

Quick, you’ve got to come up with some sort of reason, some sort of excuse not to go.

You: Uhhhhhhhhh its… embarrassing I JUST left.
You: I mean we could go to Blanketburg, there’s a hug-house there

You catch a brief amount of interest and a blush from Nuki before her normal, reserved, expression returns.

Key: Yes, and Key thinks they would appreciate knowing you were alive
Mia: Despite any… misunderstandings you might’ve had before.

UGHHHHHHH, YOU JUST WANTED AN ADVENTURE, UGHHHHHH BLLUUUUUUGHH. Okay, a quick visit is fine, you guess. You’ll just… stay out the outskirts, yeah, that’s it, they can go in, no one will spot you, and it’ll be fine.

You: Fine…

The group squeals in that way that you recognize as distinctly “Excitement at getting away with something they shouldn’t.” You let out a deep and baritone sigh as you lead them through a circuitous and unmarked path. At least this way you won’t encounter anything untoward.
No. 1032610 ID: afe7de
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You would have done your best to avoid walking quickly through the path if it wasn’t for your familiarity with the place. You make good time, traveling through twice the distance in half the time, pushing your companions a bit too hard as you stew in mild frustration and anxiety, hoping beyond hopes that nothing happens.

Eventually, you reach a clearing, a clearing that tugs at your heartstrings ever so subtly. You feel a warm sense of melancholy as you park your thorax on a log. Its edges are etched with notes, tips, ideas, and jokes. Ones you and yours once wrote all those years ago. You rub the etchings for a moment as the party looks at you.

You: Oh, right.
You: Yeah, just follow that path right over there to town
You: It’s like 3 minutes away, can’t miss it
Mia: Won’t they find it weird or anything
You: Nah, none of ya are human so they won’t bat an eye
You: Just tell the guard you want to trade or something and they’ll let you in.
Nuki: Why don’t you guide us
You: Uhhhhhhhhhh

Congratulations, you chose the one decision guaranteed to make our protagonist uncomfortable. Hunter will operate under less than ideal conditions until he has left the area, or the source of this uncomfortableness is resolved.

A. Guide them through the town
- Hunter will end up in an argument with someone
- There will be consequences for picking this action
- Start the [RIVAL] subplot

B. Stay behind by yourself
- Someone will come visit you
- Start the [???] subplot

C. Go visit Kris
- You know his hidey hole
- Start the [OLD GUARD] subplot

D. Have someone hang back with you
- Pick a companion
- Have a [FLASHBACK] and explain why you left

E. You could also just leave them here, avoid responsibility, and run off
- Uh, what are you doing?
- Don’t pick this!

F. Other
- Do something else!
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1032612 ID: 96c896

No. 1032614 ID: 899c9f

C or B.
No. 1032617 ID: bdef6e

>> Congratulations, you chose the one decision guaranteed to make our protagonist uncomfortable.

Anything for our beloved spider-person.
A) of course
No. 1032619 ID: 629f2e

C! Visit our good buddy, and pray our companions aren't learning all of our embarrassing childhood moments that everybody in town knows.
No. 1032642 ID: 325f24

A. Cant have an adventure without drama
No. 1032703 ID: a9af05

What's wrong? Are you afraid of someone seeing you traveling with 3 women and everyone starting a rumor about you having a harem?

Or are you worried that you'll meet your parents and they'll tell your companions some embarrassing childhood stories about you?

>what do?
No. 1032826 ID: f8fa51

E... is a terrible idea. Let's go B. I don't know what the [???] subplot is, but I want to find out.
No. 1032843 ID: 1c6255

Embarrassment and rival? Sign me up!
No. 1032848 ID: de5f3b

Let’s C our old pal and hope they don’t bite our head off.
No. 1032872 ID: 055dbd

A. If this leads where I think it does, this is gonna be capital-F Fun.
No. 1032875 ID: 0838d6
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Why, why, why, why, why, why. You didn't want to come here, you didn't want to be here, you didn't want the sights, the smells, the SADNESS. But no, you just let your new "friends" just run all over you with their honeyed words and eager interest and now you're here, going through the motions, leading them through the town.

You're answering the questions asked of you in a near lifeless manner. Trying not to look too deeply at it, and luckily your companions are not paying too much attention to you to notice your growing melancholy.

???: Hey

You ignore the voice, that one specific voice you really don't want to hear.

???: Hey Hunter!!!

You point out the tavern and inn, they've got some good mead and mushroom sauteed. Then to the town square, the general store, and the weaver's hut. You pause for a moment, looking at it, hoping your mom isn't home. Which, of course, is a fool's errand. She's always home.


You finally deign to acknowledge the voice, turning around to see, practically in slow motion, a massive foot, inches from your face. It impacts.

You're no stranger to pain, and honestly you probably deserved it, but it still takes a moment for both you and your body to register what happened. And then the moment passes and you are knocked into a cart, over it, and onto a nearby pile of hay. You're definitely bleeding and probably have a concussion, but you sit there, lifeless. You don't want to have this conversation, but here you are, a glutton for punishment.

You look at your aggressor, and you feel a pang in your heart as you notice your companions holding her back, and one Mia priming herself to do something a bit more lethal than is necessary. You let out a sigh, and a cough, and they all look towards you.
No. 1032876 ID: 0838d6
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You: H-*spit*-hey Char
Charissa: It's CHARISSA to you, you... you...
You: You guys can let her go, it's fine.
Mia: What?!? She hit you?!!?

You get up, wiping yourself off, happy you didn't break anything in your body or outside of it. You spit out some more blood and hay before she continues. You can practically feel the guilt oozing down your thorax.

Charissa: So what, you just leave?!!?
Charissa: And then come waltzing back a month later?!!?
Charissa: Claiming you were gonna "Slay the Spire"
Charissa: And then it fluffing breaks?!?!!?
You: Nice to see you too Char.
Charissa: No, no it's not!

Please don't talk about it, please don't talk about it.

Charissa: So, did he tell you about why he left?
Key: No, but why does that matter?
Charissa: I uh, because he just gathered a harem
Mia: Pf, yeah, this is *his* harem, sure
Key: Key is Key's own keeper, thank you
Charissa: Well, whatever shrimp, I'm just saying
Charissa: He just ran away!
Charissa: One big old failure and that's it.
You: You know that's not-
Charissa: What? Not true?!?!
Charissa: Not that you left after he died?!?
Charissa: That you couldn't even come to his funeral??!?
Charissa: That you left me hanging too!?!?!?
You: just wanted a new start...
Charissa: What? Speak up ya baby!
You: I just wanted a new start!

No. 1032877 ID: 0838d6
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Charissa: Oh boo, our best friend died, which…
Charissa: And you don’t even talk to me?!? Or seek me out?!?!
Charissa: So I have to find out SECONDHAND?!?!?

Your companions chime in quietly, but you can’t hear them, in fact, hearing anything is becoming difficult. You resist the very real urge to curl up into a ball at this very moment to be as small as possible in the hopes that she’ll ignore you. You have to say or do something, but your brain isn’t working properly. Your chest is tight, and your breathing is intensifying.

Why is it that you can react calmly in the middle of combat, that you can see your best friend and lover slain and then mercilessly and cruelly tear that fiend limb from limb. Your brain is just a swirling web of emotions, like there’s too many flies, or a rival spider is trying to take it down or, or, or. You reach deep, deep inside, and…

What happens?

EDMANGO’S NOTE: Hunter’s currently in the middle of a pretty big panic attack. It's up to you on how he resolves it, does someone help, does he snap out of it, does he go deeper? Careful not to break him!
No. 1032878 ID: 629f2e

Send in our key duo, Key and Nuki, for emotional support! Mia is on "Don't let the roo make things worse" duty, and has enough sense not to do anything too harmful in that mission hopefully.
No. 1032879 ID: 899c9f

Mia can sense your heartbeat, perhaps she can use her blood magic to help return it to normal.
Use your webs as a shield. Put up a barrier between the cart and the ground, and you and Char. If she wants to work out her frustrations on you physically, let her have at it. She'll be stuck there on your webs in the middle of town, and you can just leave.
No. 1032891 ID: 9a2966

>You reach deep, deep inside, and…
And take an even deeper breath and say "I'm sorry."

Sorry you ran away from reality and couldn't hack it, sorry you didn't have the courage to face her at all. You let them down, and then you let her down, and that's not okay, and it will never be okay, but you... really needed the space and time, to do something wild and crazy.

So you could someday manage to come back and feel it worth it, even if you hate every moment of this and deserve it besides. Thank your new acquaintances over there - if they hadn't unknowingly pushed you into coming... ugh, it'd have been a lot longer. And that's awful, too.

But that's who you are. You're not okay. You're also, somehow, doing better, and you're here. How are they?

(You're rambling, but it's better to say what should be said than to keep it all inside and stew/implode in abject shame.)
No. 1032903 ID: 5822c5

>does someone help
Hunter's Mom comes to help!

Her Spider Mother Sense starts to tingle, letting her know that her baby boy is in trouble somewhere nearby. She comes outside and sees what's happening, then she webs Charissa's mouth shut to prevent her from saying anymore hurtful things. She then asks Charissa if her friend would want to see her yelling at Hunter like this?

And with Charissa's mouth webbed shut, it gives Hunter a chance to speak without Charissa interrupting him. When Hunter speaks, he should say all of this right here >>1032891 .
No. 1032904 ID: 96c896

It's been a month... The body might still be intact enough for the potion of raise dead to work, unless it was cremated.
No. 1032921 ID: e51896

Kris jumps in between Hunter and Char. Apparently he heard Hunter was in town and wanted to check and see if he was okay.

Being a mantis of a few words, He simply tells Char that she has customers waiting at her merchant stand. Charissa tries to argue otherwise, but Kris simply repeats the same thing but more sternly. Charissa gives up and leaves, but not before announcing that she's not through with Hunter yet.

Kris then decides to take the silent Hunter and his companions to Hunter's mother's, or his hiding place, and assures Hunter he can take all the time he needs to rest and think until he is ready.

(Mia is really attracted to how intimidating Kris was)
No. 1032922 ID: e51896

True, but keep in mind that on the wiki for that potion, it reads
"Can bring a corpse found within 3 days of death back to life as they were. Creates mindless undead if used on an older corpse"

If we use the potion on Hunter's dead friend, he'd unfortunately be a mindless zombie as it has been way past three days
No. 1032924 ID: 8483cf

No. 1032928 ID: 96c896

Oh yeah I forgot.
No. 1032939 ID: 1c6255

Use your panic.

Tell her the grief was too strong for you to bear thinking about, so you ran away because you were in too much pain.
No. 1032950 ID: bdef6e

I like this!

Also, maybe Hunter went to the spire to get that resurrection potion for his friend? Only to find it has to be used up to three days latter and it took him more than one month? And now he has returned with the shame of leaving like that only to return empty handed?
No. 1033015 ID: a2aeab

One other thing!
Whatever we decide to do, and Whether we do this during or after this confrontation, let Key use the flower of embrace to hug and calm Hunter down.
No. 1033105 ID: 0838d6
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Your vision darkens and hyperfocuses, it's... it's really hard to focus on anything right now. You think your friends are around you but it's hard to even tell that. You catch a glimpse of a shining blade and close your eyes, trying not to cry, trying not to remember his shining carapace, those compound eyes, that badass stinger. You let out a quiet sob and feel yourself being moved... somewhere.

You're not sure how much time passes, but eventually you feel a warm embrace, a [WILD] embrace, it's constricting, like a cocoon, but you feel the stress and anxiety slowly fade. It takes you longer than you are willing to admit to break out of this state. You could probably count the number of times you've had a meltdown this big on one hand, considering how one of your hands only has three fingers, that's kind of wild.

Eventually you look at the room, and at your situation and realize that you're laying in a bed, wrapped in some vines with Key. She's staring at you with her beady and compassionate eyes and you flush slightly. Then there's the other set of eyes, Nuki is looking at you concernedly, and then there's Kris. His eyes are stern, but filled with care. Mia's just staring at Kris, kind of drooling.
No. 1033106 ID: 0838d6
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And then there's Mamita. She looks pissed. Uh Oh. She raises her wooden cane, carved with various forest animals.


And lightly, but firmly baps you on the noggin, more times than necessary really.

Mamita: There! See! The BONK always gets Fuzzy here back
You: Uhhh, hi Mamita...
Mamita: Hmph, you're too skinny Fuzzy.
Mamita: Here, soup.

She pushes some soup into your hands, and with her many other hands also hands some soup to your companions. You smell the soup, and it smells like home, your mom's secret meat surprise soup. Well, it's more of a stew, but Common was never your mom's best language. Unfortunately, it also has the (probably) intended side effect of making the consumers sleepy, so everyone, even Kris, passes out after a bit.
No. 1033107 ID: 0838d6
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You feel rested, rested enough anyway to get out of your room and find Kris seated with Mamita, a chair open at the table, waiting for you. You gulp and head over, seating yourself at the offered position.

You: Sorry...
Mamita: *BONK*
You: OW, what was that for?!?
Kris: You know what it was for.

You pout and let out a sigh, waiting for them to talk. A few moments pass in silence and you can't bring yourself to look at them. Kris taps one of his claws on the table rhythmically before speaking in short, forceful bursts.

Kris: I told her to deal with her customers.
You: And she... did?
Kris: No, so I told her again and THEN she did.
Mamita: *BONK*
You: Ow, what?!
Mamita: No sad face! You make the... the face when in deep.
Mamita: In that web of thoughts, bah!
Kris: You do tend to do that.
Mamita: Talk out your feelings!

It takes you a bit of time to talk through your feelings, your ideas, your intense drive and motives to just... leave. You let them down, you let your mom down, you let Kris down, and you let Char down most of all.

Well, you imagine Mamita is more disappointed, but she won't phrase it as openly as Char would. You're... You're not okay. You're doing better, and you're here thanks to your new acquaintances, no, Your Friends pushing you unknowingly. You know it would have been worse if you waited. It's a rambling sort of discussion that pauses abruptly as Mamita comes over and gives you a warm hug. You cry an ugly cry, the one you've held in this whole time, and you feel that tightness in your heart loosen ever so slightly.

You're not fully healed, but you think you can face the world again.
No. 1033109 ID: 0838d6
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Eventually your companions enter the room, claiming to have just woken up. Key wanders over and tugs at your poncho.

Key: Key hopes Hunter feels better.
Key: Loss is... hard to deal with.
Key: Key lost her demesne, her home, her everything
Nuki: We... all lost our past
Mia: Treasure what you do have.
Mia: Also, is this Kris?!?!
Mia: He's so hunky!
Mia: When he stepped in front of that binch he was like!!!!
Mia: So cool!!!!
Kris: Uh…

You can practically see the sparkles in her eyes as she stares at him. You let out a chuckle, and then a laugh. You're not sure if her intent was to change the mood, but it worked, seeing Kris flustered like that. It's a new day and you're as ready as you will be to figure stuff out.

While you are in town, you are considered to be in a [SAFE PLACE]. Mamita will make food for you, so food and shelter is also covered. However, each day you stay here will have you skip MORNING as you do chores and work for Mamita unless you decide to stay at an INN. Your party will act independently unless you give them direction otherwise, this is what they plan to do:

- Mia looks like she’ll be spending time with Kris
- Key looks like she’ll be following you around
- Nuki looks like she’ll be wandering around randomly

You have [1 ACTION], pick 2, with your preferred option first.

- Sell your gains and start getting supplied to deal with the [POCKET ESTATE]
- Guarantees an encounter with Charissa
- Advances the [RIVAL] Subplot
- Feel free to describe any items or tools you want to find!

- Pay your respects to the dead
- You’ll visit the graves of your dad and your partner
- Start the [???] Subplot

- Get a drink and go Rumor hunting
- You’ll feel better!
- Learn more details about the different plots that are available
- Find out exactly what is happening in the world now that the [CRYSTAL SPIRE] has shattered

- Visit his hidey hole and find out his plans
- Mia does NOT want you to interrupt her flirting

- Pick someone to spend time with, you’ll go to the park, or a scenic location
- Increase your relationship with someone
- Depending on who it is, you might pick up a new skill or start a new subplot

- Do something else, it is a town after all
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1033110 ID: 629f2e

A, and talk to Key about what items you could get that'd help with the mimics.
No. 1033111 ID: 899c9f

C, D. One's important, the other is amusing.
No. 1033116 ID: 36784c

>You have [1 ACTION], pick 2, with your preferred option first.
C.) Going to the Tavern will give us more details on the current available plots. This will help us when we have to go get supplies and we run into Charissa again.

B.) It’s important to go pay respect to those that have passed.

>Mia does NOT want you to interrupt her flirting
……you know what? I want to see how successful she is.

Hunter, you know Kris the best. Do you have any tips you could share with Mia before she leaves? I’m sure she’d appreciate knowing just 1 thing about Kris that could help her flirting.
No. 1033138 ID: 440dbe

A or B is fine with me. Mostly leaning towards A, just to get the encounter with Charissa out of the way.
No. 1033143 ID: 96c896

A, B.
No. 1033156 ID: ce39da

A, followed by C - I would have swapped them, except I remembered how early in the day it is to be drinking.
No. 1033194 ID: e51896

Actually, I'll change my vote and go with C as my main choice. It's probably best to feel better from the tavern just like the prompt said it would before meeting with Char.

I want my secondary choice to be C as well, but if I can't, i'll just go with E (mamamita) for secondary.
No. 1033238 ID: 01fe07

C or A

As long as we only drink just enough to relax a little. It's too early in the day to be getting tipsy.

>help Mia flirt with Kris
Yeah, just for fun, tell her something that'll help her flirt with Kris before you all split up.
No. 1033290 ID: a9af05

>Mamita used bonking stick
Hunter should consider himself lucky that his Mamita doesn't use the dreaded chancla!

>pick 2 with preferred being 1st
No. 1033309 ID: bdef6e

B) A)
It seems Hunter have some unresolved issues in B). I would only say to go to A) when those issues has been resolved.
No. 1033348 ID: 0838d6
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You're torn between the Tavern and the Market, but decide that talking to Key over a pint at the tavern might be the right move. Nuki suggests that she go to the market for you.

Nuki: I was just going to wander anyway...
Nuki: Maybe I...
Nuki: Can do the sales!
Nuki: I'm soft and friendly, I'm sure I can get a good deal!

You see a small fire in her eyes, not literal of course, but of passion. You see no harm in letting her attempt to trade for goods. You eye her pack and notice that it's bulging slightly. It must have slipped your notice, but was Nuki *collecting* things as you journeyed? You assent, recommending that she and Mia talk over recommended supplies since she knows the most about mimics.

You pull Mia aside as you're heading out of the house. You know that look, that allure of the shiny carapace. The green twinkle in her eyes. She's got a thing for Kris, and you're going to help!

You: So he's kind of curt and short with his words
You: But fundamentally I think you two'd get along
Mia: Huh with who?!? What're you talking about!?!?
You: You're going to flirt with Kris right?
Mia: How dare you slander me as such!
Mia: I'm going to do more than flirt!
You: Keh okay, well he really likes FRUIT, sweet stuff
You: Maybe bring some to help you out.
Mia: HAH, You fail to grasp my power of observation!
Mia: Of course I knew he'd like fruits!
You: Oh, and compliment his shiny eyes or shell!
You: He works hard on that!

You see her shuffle around something in her hat before chucking it out of sight. You didn't catch what it was. She then speeds off, Nuki lets you know that they’ll meet you at the Tavern later before she quietly calls out after Mia
No. 1033349 ID: 0838d6
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You wander over to your old haunt, the weepin' oak, the leaky oak, the sappy tree, ol musty. Ah, what a tavern this place was. You give the place a look of nostalgia, it's only been a month, but you did kind of miss the place. You find a seat, your usual corner, and order you and Key a meal.

-2 [FUNDS]. You have 12 [FUNDS] remaining

There's a silence between the two of you, not an awkwardness, but one of comfort. Like the kind of feeling you get from reading a book next to someone for a few hours. The two of you drink a bit from your mugs, nibbling on some skewers of questionable meat and quality whilst listening in to the conversations going around you, and what you learn is... concerning.

Mantis Patron: You hear about [HUNTER] and [CHARISSA]?
Chihuahua Patron: Oh yeah, the [SPIRE SLAYER] and the [VIPER OF BLANKETBURG], what about em?
Mantis Patron: So [HUNTER] came back and got his ass beat
Chihuahua Patron: Heh
Chihuahua Patron: Well he also had a harem of hot kin with him to protect him
Mantis Patron: Fluffin' what?!?!
Mantis Patron: Thought he was gay
Chihuahua Patron: Maybe they're friends, but this one girl was just SMOKIN hot
Chihuahua Patron: Short, scaled -
Mantis Patron: Dude, she's looking right at you with a glare
Chihuahua Patron: UHHHHH

Shrimp Patron: You hear about the [MANA PULSES]?
Cat Patron: No? The drek is that?
Shrimp Patron: I'm talkin' about the quakes to the [WEST]
Cat Patron: Oh yeah, what about em, I mean it's weird n' all
Shrimp Patron: Yeah well, turns out kin are gettin' sick if they're too close
Shrimp Patron: Somethin about [MANA POISONING], but also learnin' mana use is easier
Cat Patron: Won't a lotta kin die cause of that?
Shrimp Patron: Who knows.

No. 1033350 ID: 0838d6
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Mantis Patron: Those damn Parasites of the land
Cat Patron: Oh here we go again
Mantis Patron: Those pantheonic fluffers, they're at the [EASTERN] borders again
Cat Patron: Yeah, yeah
Mantis Patron: No, seriously, they're planning on invading this time
Chihuahua Patron: He's right, they're after the giant purple rocks
Cat Patron: The ones that look like the spire?
Mantis Patron: Yeah, they want what's inside, but apparently they're hard to open
Chihuahua Patron: Heard they had some kinda [ARTIFICER] who was crackin em open
Mantis Patron: Another kin abducted huh
Chihuahua Patron: Actually, heard he was half-golem-half-human
Cat Patron: Ughhh, I'm sitting at another table
Cat Patron: I'm too sober for this shit

Cat Patron: Seat taken?
Wine-Glass Patron: Nah, heard you talkin about the spire
Cat Patron: Yeah, what about it?
Wine-Glass Patron: Well, I was on a nearby mountain when it happened.
Wine-Glass Patron: Guess where most of the shards landed?
Cat Patron: Please, not the Pantheonic territories....
Wine-Glass Patron: Nope, about half landed in woodkin territories
Wine-Glass Patron: Probably just as bad though
Wine-Glass Patron: I made a map of where they fell using my [SPYGLASS]
Wine-Glass Patron: Wanna buy a copy?
Cat Patron: I look like I'm made of [FUNDS]?!?
Wine-Glass Patron: Yes.
Cat Patron: What else you see up there, the rumors true?
Wine-Glass Patron: Oh, that some of the shard pieces moved?
Wine-Glass Patron: Yup, almost like they were [LIVING CRYSTAL]
Cat Patron: Yeah, I'll buy a copy, how much?
Wine-Glass Patron: 10 [FUNDS]
Cat Patron: That's highway Robbery!

No. 1033351 ID: 0838d6
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You and Key chat a bit over what you just heard, concerned with some of what you’ve heard. But you’re just not sure what you could even do about most of those situations, the Pantheon is just too big to handle on your own. And you’re sure Mia would want to investigate those Mana pulses, heck she probably felt them. The conversation trickles back to your core objective, the [POCKET ESTATE].

Key: Key is… unsure of what could help convince them
Key: Key is also unsure if the Mimics are the ones in control
You: Yeah, kinda weird that the bees still exist at all, given Mimics are carnivores
Key: Key just thinks Hunter should get a lot of food or bug meat
Key: Or find an Ap-Ap-Apoiriary?
You: Apiary?
Key: Yes, bee-house-kin
Hunter: Or historian, to see what would evolve given the unique climate?
Hunter: Maybe a monster hunter/tamer?

Key shrugs and you return the gesture, sipping your drink. The perfect solution might just take too long, though it’s not like you’re in a rush or anything, you still feel… anxious for some reason. Not exactly like you’re watched, and it’s not the feeling of melancholy and sadness that constantly weighs you down. You also think about the BONK-ing, glad that you didn’t get hit with the dreaded CHANCLA, you shudder at the thought. A few moments pass before you let out a sigh, Key takes that moment to speak up.

Key: Feeling better? Worse?
You: Yeah, a bit better, thanks for uh, vibing.
Key: Key finds pleasure in vibes with Hunter!
Key: Key was just worried about…
Key: … sigh … Key’s no good with words.
Key: Key is better with her paws.

You look at her paws, they’re calloused, half clawed, half fingered digits. You can sense a dexterity from them that you can't match up to. She reaches down into her little pack and pulls out a bundle before shuffling out of her seat and sitting next to you, handing it to you, looking at you with those cute, expectant eyes.

What do you get?
- A lovely crown-like object
- There’s a few green feathers adorning it
- A pin made from a spinal bone from the Tiger-Bear
- There’s small river critters engraved on it
- An anklet made from the sinew of the buck you felled
- There are colored feathers and small symbolic ivory shapes adorning it

She’s eyeing you expectantly, awaiting your response and actions.
No. 1033356 ID: bdef6e

A) so you can count the beads to relax.
No. 1033358 ID: 629f2e

B, because it has small river critters engraved onto it, and Key is at least partly a small river creature! It'll make you think of her :)
No. 1033359 ID: 96c896

B. Tell her you love it. You'll have to get her something too.
No. 1033362 ID: 899c9f

The bone charm.
No. 1033364 ID: 36784c


Look at it closely and admire it. Then tell her that you love it, while reaching over and giving her a hug!
No. 1033377 ID: 8caac5

Also take a good look at it, specifically the designs. I have a thought that maybe she subconsciously engraved her old friends on the bone charm without realizing because of her amnesia. It might be best to keep those engravings in mind, even if they're are probably deceased.

Also tell her you're impressed by the engravings
No. 1033548 ID: 0838d6
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You open the bundle, unsure what to expect when you find a neatly crafted charm. You can tell that it's made from a spinal bone and has been sanded down. Upon closer examination you can also see small, simplistic engravings of a river and various critters.

There's an otter playing with a crocodile, a rabbit sipping at a stream, a raccoon lounging in the grass, a spider in a tree, a sparrow in the sky, and a few lizards peeking their heads out of the water. You subconsciously let out a few oohs and ahs at the detail.

The backside can easily clip to your poncho, so you place it on your chest with a smile before turning to a very eager Key.

You: I love it, it's got cute little details
You: Is this all of us?
Key: *Nods vigorously*
You: Beautiful…

You lean over and grab Key, she goes limp at the motion as you pull her into a deep hug. It takes her a moment to register the action before she returns the hug, she tries to put a lot of force into the hug, but doesn't come close to what you can do with six arms on her. You sit in silence for a moment, enjoying the embrace before you release. Key doesn't.

You silently promise yourself to get her a good gift in return. And maybe something for your other companions too. Maybe Mamita can make you some silk dolls, or teach you how to do it so you can make them on the go.
No. 1033549 ID: 0838d6
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A minute passes before your other companions return. Nuki's carrying a bag and Mia is looking all starry eyed. Nuki lets out a small cough to announce her presence and Key's fur bristles slightly as she flushes a slight green and tries to pretend nothing happened. You let out a chuckle at the sight.

You: So, how’d it go?
Nuki: I got a good deal!
Nuki: I think… anyway…
Mia: Ahhh, the world is great and all is right~

Mia lays her head on the table, her ears flumping against it as she runs a finger along its grooves. She seems to be the most relaxed that she’s been in a long while.

You: I take it you had fun with Kris
Mia: He was putty in my soft, beany paws
Mia: Heh, Heh, Heh

She lets out a chuckle which is more than a little unsettling. After a few moments, the group decides to ignore Mia’s musings to talk about what Nuki got from selling the goods. Nuki managed to scrounge together [20 FUNDS] from selling the Tiger-Bear corpse and an unspecified amount from her various findings. You can see that her bag is significantly lightened now. She hands you the [20 FUNDS] and says she’s keeping the rest for herself, which is fair since she’s the one who collected all the random stuff to sell after all.
No. 1033551 ID: 0838d6
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Nuki orders herself and Mia a drink, something sweet, and she seems rather pleased with herself. The conversation then starts to flow in a more natural state as you discuss gossip and plans. Nuki heard the rumor about the [PANTHEON] and is concerned, not wanting to head in that direction. Mia wants to investigate the [MANA PULSES], as if she wanted to do anything else. And Key wants to keep at your current objective.

It takes a moment of back and forth, but the group agrees that resolving the pocket estate comes as a top priority before anything else. Everyone lays out a plan and various options given the new resources you have available to you.

A. Nuki: I found a few meat stalls!
- Spend [20 FUNDS] on a lot of various meats
- Your group will tame the mimic Colony
- There is little chance of injury
- Takes [7 DAYS]

B. Mia: We could get Kris’s help to slaughter them!
- Cull the horde of adult Mimics
- Near 0% chance of injury for anyone if you get Kris’s help
- Takes [2-3 DAYS]

C. Hunter: Key said we should commune and I think that’s still a good idea
- Attempt diplomacy with the creatures in the estate, takes the [REST OF THE DAY]
- Failure could result in injury, success could be met with unfavorable terms
- Key suggests bringing a [PEACE OFFERING] to increase your odds of success
- You can spend [2 FUNDS] to get something appropriate (or multiple for 2 each)
- Meat from some larva cattle
- A small portion of the Tiger-Bear meat
- Meat from creatures made of paper
- A thick, meaty plant that is sweet and attracts pollen

D. Key: Key is second guessing herself, perhaps we should find the Api-ory?
- Takes the [REST OF THE DAY]
- There’s a chance the Apiary will want to see the mimic colony and will withhold information
D1. Don’t bribe the Apiary
- 60% chance the Apiary withholds information
- You won’t know if you got the full information, or completely truthful information
- You will be presented with a choice to show the Apiary the Pocket Estate to gain the info should you fail.
D2. Bribe the Apiary
- Spend [10 FUNDS]
- Get the full story

E. Other
- Do something else, or mix ideas together
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1033553 ID: 96c896

Just use all the offerings. It's 8 funds, still lower than the cost of taming or bribing.
No. 1033554 ID: 899c9f

D1, since there's a chance we could get the info without having to spend the ten funds, but I'd be happy spending them anyway if we failed or didn't bee-lieve their story. Then we can decide what to do - I'm still leaning towards solution B(ee) though. Bees.
No. 1033572 ID: bdef6e

D2) Information can be a powerful weapon worth many FUNDS. If the information ends being unuseful, then proced with Key plan (or an alternative).
No. 1033601 ID: e5709d

A) It will take time, but you don't need the manor right away. Get that colony under control and you're self-sustaining for life.
No. 1033650 ID: 379fcb

No. 1033656 ID: 1e26b3

No. 1033658 ID: 629f2e

C, and I agree to using 8 funds of offerings, though I'd actually suggest doubling up on the Honey Cane and Monster Meat. Monster Meat because it's something we will generally be picking up as we adventure and fight monsters, so good to get them used to it, and Honey Cane because pollen, so if the bees are mimics then they may take to it more.
No. 1033662 ID: e51896

D2, it will help us get a better understanding as to how to proceed.
No. 1033736 ID: 275839

No. 1033749 ID: 0838d6
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It’s a slight trek outside of the village to the old wasp’s place, she’s the only Apiary you know in the area, not that you need many to maintain these forests. She tends to the bees in the area and has a bubbly personality contrary to her more… aggressive heritage. You hear her before you see her, her buzzing loud and accentuated by the peacefulness of her meadow completely filled with beehives.

Wryn: Bzzz~
Wryn: Oh boy guezzzts!
Wryn: Ooooooh and it’zzz Hunter~
Wryn: Got tired of flirting with the carapaced and want something with more fur huh~
Wryn: Can’t blame ya, have you ever hugged a plushie?!?!
Nuki: EEP!

You catch Nuki squirming under the gaze of Wryn as she flits around your group. It’s not an uncomfortable squirm and you swear you see a light blush appear on Nuki’s face briefly. You examine the Wasp as she flits about. She’s smaller than the average kin, about half a meter in height, larger than a fairy, but smaller than a kid. Her stinger is scythe-shaped, and while she lacks legs, she instead has 6 arms, similar to yourself. Her compound eyes aren’t that expressive, but her mouth sure is, she smiles a fangy grin at you and guides you deeper into her abode.

Wryn: So, you finally wander your way into my hive my fangy friend~
Wryn: Finally ready to accept the marriage proposal?
Mia: Woah, marriage?
You: There was a time with a thing and-
You: I uh- this girl has marriage papers on her at ALL times okay!!
Wryn: Listen, you have no idea how hard it is to find someone reasonable to date~
Wryn: Look at how small I am!
Wryn: I’m older than Hunter!!!!
Mia: You could always learn magic to grow bigger
Wryn: But that costs [FUNDS]!
Mia: You just got some funds
Wryn: Yes but beekeeping is a necessary public service…
Wryn: I’m only compensated by selling honey…

No. 1033750 ID: 0838d6
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After a back and forth that takes MUCH longer than you anticipate you slide [10 FUNDS] to the table towards Wryn and she shuts up, listening to you intently. After hearing your tale (making sure to omit the exact location of the mimic colony) she ponders for a moment, flits over and snags a few books before skimming through them and finding a few pages. That’s the only way to get her to shut up, is to agree to a date or to pay her the funds, that or she starts to pry, and the sky above knows that she loves to gossip about anything unless she’s bribed. You’ve learned that lesson more than once.

Wryn: Okay, so according to my understanding~
Wryn: The bees and mimics have formed a sort of symbiotic relationship~
Wryn: If they can live together in that space and not be in a constant state of fighting~
Mia: Mimic biology means they spend most of their time dormant anyway
Wryn: So likely the Queen bee is intelligent and manipulated the mimics~
Wryn: Though this is probably like some 10th generation bee or something~
Wryn: And if they’re palm sized that’s just an evolutionary trait probably to provide nutrients~
You: Woah
Wryn: Yeah, given enough time things can change pretty rapidly, especially in monsters~
Nuki: The bees are Monsters?
Nuki: But they’re so friendly!
Wryn: Well, they probably weren’t once, cutie, but evolved over the time period~
Wryn: They’re probably deadly in *some* regards?

You see Nuki fluster under the compliment and Wryn lets you a fangy grin of satisfaction.

Wryn: Anyway, likely the mimics are likely fond of INSECT MEAT~
You: I’m insect meat
Wryn: Yeah, so unless you figure out a compromise you’ll get eaten~
Wryn: And they’ve still got their natural instincts, so a fight is a fight is a fight~
Wryn: Man, I wish I could see this place, a place full of giant bee friends?!?!
Wryn: If you ever find a way to bring me a queen so I can start a hive here I’d be really grateful!
Wryn: Maybe get a grant from the [COUNCIL] so I can learn to use [MANA or WILD] something…

You hear her grumble something about low aptitude and [WILD] as the conversation peters away.

You spent [10 FUNDS], you have [22 FUNDS] remaining
No. 1033751 ID: 0838d6
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You spend a little more time on pleasantries before heading out from her place. Your journey back has you watch the dusk settle, a beautiful view of the horizon settles as you crest a hill.

Nuki: I… I will get something the queen will like tomorrow…
Mia: Ughhhh this would have been so much easier if we just killed themmmmm
You: But they’re not even hostile?
Mia: Yeah, it would have been so easy to take them out!
Key: Key is satisfied with this information!

- The mimics are non-hostile unless provoked
- The mimics are insectivores and will likely try to nip at or eat Hunter
- The mimics are being manipulated by the [QUEEN BEE]
- If you can convince the queen, then you can share the estate and it’s benefits
- There will likely be other queen larvae for you to groom/use/capture
- There is likely a secondary hidden food source hidden underground

EDMANGO NOTE: You will be given an updated list of approaches in the next in-game day, but feel free to speculate and come up with other solutions in the meantime as I will use those thoughts to influence what appears.

You’re feeling good, great even as the night crests. You reach your house with little fanfare and decide what to do before bed.

A. Gather everyone together
- Gather around the fireplace with your companions and Mamita
- Everyone will chat aimlessly
- 100% chance Mamita emberasses you with some childhood story

B. Talk to Mamita
- You could ask her to make you some silk dolls as presents
- Or you could get her to start teaching you [SEWING], it probably wont be hard to pick up
- Or you could just talk to her…. HAH, just kidding.

C. Talk to a companion
- Get closer to someone
- You feel like something good will happen if you try to get closer to Key or Nuki soon
- You also get the feeling that Mia might sneak out to be with Kris unless you snag her

D. Other
- Read a book, practice a thing, do something else!
- Stats/Inventory: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1033752 ID: 899c9f

A. Visits with Mamita are important.

So pruning the mimic population is still the go-to plan, but now you and Key should talk to the queen bee first, see what she thinks of it.
No. 1033753 ID: 629f2e

C, We spent some time with Key earlier, so let's give Nuki some attention.
No. 1033759 ID: c31a2c

B. Lets spend time with our mother, it's been a long time since we seen her, and we can get her to teach us how to sew some dolls of our friends

Also, maybe give the Mineralogy Book to Mia or Nuki to read later, whoever wants it more. Mia can make crystalized blood, maybe she'll get something out of it?
Or Nuki might be able to read it and then be more perceptive of some valuable minerals to pick up later since she is known to pick up helpful things.

Not sure who to give it to more
No. 1033864 ID: 36784c

Have Mamita teach you how to make silk dolls for your friends. The presents will be more meaningful if you make them yourself.

>You also get the feeling that Mia might sneak out to be with Kris unless you snag her
Let Mia go to Kris. Give her a wink and tell her that you hope she has fun!
No. 1033924 ID: 01fe07

No. 1033947 ID: 0838d6
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You hand off the book on Mineralogy to Nuki after she showed interest in it and gave Mia a playful wink when she tried to quietly split off towards Kris’s place. She looks off guard and exasperated that you would ever imply she did such a thing. And then heads his way anyway. You chuckle.

After arriving home, you decide to spend some time with Mamita. It’s obvious she’d love to see you and spend some personal time with her. Unfortunately you feel just the bit awkward just *talking* to her, so you decide to ask her for some help in learning to [SEW]. You always did some of the more menial work but never truly dived into it due to your lack of [SKILL], but now you feel it might be more worth learning. At least to make some small gifts.

Mamita: Well, well, well, well, well.
You: I-
Mamita: Well, well, well well, well weeeeeellllll, wellllllll
Mamita: Fuzzy FINALLY wants to learn to sew
Mamita: It only took him 27 YEARS!
You: Mamita I-


Mamita: No interrupt!
Mamita: You hear that?
You: …
Mamita: That’s the sound of me being right!
Mamita: Fluffy always said “Noooo, I dont need to learn”
Mamita: BAH!

You’re starting to regret this, but she bonks you on the head a few more times.

No. 1033948 ID: 0838d6
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She tells you that she’ll teach you in the mornings instead of doing chores, knowing full well you plan to leave a bit after you learn it. It’s not like she has anything important to do at the moment anyway… that is by her own admissions, not you just assuming. You really don't want her to get out the chancla, not since the last time you made a comment like that. Oh, the horror.

It will take 2 days to learn the [SEWING] skill from the specialized trainer [MAMITA]
You’ll also have a chance to increase your [SKILL] stat.
The longer you stay at Mamita’s place, the more likely you are to get a rank up
Mamita will gift you a [POCKET SEWING KIT] as thanks for spending time with her

Skills can be learned in a few ways, the first is by being trained by someone, taking time, and meeting the specific threshold. The other is by ranking up a stat and reaching its threshold. When learning by ranking up, you also don’t need to spend time training it, it’s totally weird and makes no sense, but everyone understands that that’s just how the world works.
No. 1033949 ID: 0838d6
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> [NIGHT, DAY 5] - DREAM - ?????
Eventually, you get too tired to listen anymore and fall asleep on the couch. You feel something warm cover you, and a familiar presence cuddle up next to you. It feels nice, warm, comforting even, and you drift off to dream-land. But tonight’s dreams feel… different, wilder, more ephemeral, more about possibilities and coincidences, about routes not taken, about funnier or even sadder things.

What do you dream about?

EDMANGO NOTE: It! Wonder what it’d be like if the protagonist was Charissa? What if we got the Avatar of purity? Wanna see what's happening on the other side of the continent? Sure!

Basically now's your chance to ask for any wacky and fun stuff you wanna see. I’ll be taking around 6 suggestions and then making very brief blurbs of them with tippler art. Consider it the mid-thread fanart segment instead of it being at the end.

You can also totally ask for canon stuff or sneak previews of any problems coming. It’ll all be in the form of Hunter’s dreamscape, so have fun!

No. 1033952 ID: 96c896

Avatar of Purity pls
No. 1033957 ID: e51896

You dream of your past life being a famous buff wrestler with awakened sliding super powers and winning the championship belt with a crowd cheering for you!
No. 1033958 ID: bdef6e

B) Learn to sew. Pass time with your mother and chit-chat. You don't know how much time will pass before you see her again when you leave.
No. 1033960 ID: 899c9f

What if Key was a Bee? Can't help but covet dat carapace.
No. 1033961 ID: bdef6e

What would have happen should the third Item set [THE PARASITE’S FAITHFUL] (Magical Arsenal, [HISTORICAL PARASITE], Golem Companion, Bell of Souls and Amorphous Bloblet) had been won.
No. 1033972 ID: 36784c

>What do you dream about?
Dream about what Kris and Mia might be doing right now. It's probably something lewd, like holding hands.
No. 1033978 ID: ce39da

You wonder how the supposedly pacifist Avatar of Purity would feel about the [PANTHEON] faction's actions, or maybe even speculation about their true motives. Perhaps asking a party member who could have been for insight on this matter in a dream is odd, but dreams do be like that sometimes.
No. 1033980 ID: 2c1e23

The dreaded chancla is coming for you! Look out!
No. 1034133 ID: afe7de
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You fall into a deep slumber, it’s quicker than most, and you have no idea if that’s good or bad.

There’s the flashing of some sort of device in front of you, and a language you don’t recognize being spoken. You respond in that language to the kin in front of you. It’s in that moment that you realize something. You’re incredibly buff, and are sliding around. You feel like a king in the ring as you face off against this skunk.

It’s moments later where you’re punching this girl, it feels good. But then you’re in the place of the girl, and she’s punching you, you both laugh. Then it’s you punching yourself. Yeah, that seems about right for a dream. Wait, this is a dream?
No. 1034134 ID: afe7de
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There’s a pause as the world freezes in front of you. You get up, knocking over the clone of yourself and look around. Huh, if it’s a dream, maybe you can dream about not getting beat up. Maybe… about Key?

Your vision fades to black, and a beat later you’re somewhere else, somewhere where the edges of your vision blurs. You take a step forward and see that it’s a beautiful landscape covered in foliage and green and it smells delightful.

There’s the comforting warmth of someone you know. It’s Key, but… different. She’s buzzing around a wildly large garden, but… she’s a BEE! She’s just so big and fluffy and cute! You head over to her, noticing three statues, one destroyed. The other two statues are of a crocodile and of an otter.

Key-Bee: Hunterrrr!!!!
You: Keyy!!!!

The two of you frolic in the garden for a few moments, laughing and enjoying yourself before you feel yourself wrenched from this place.
No. 1034135 ID: afe7de
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It’s jarring, this lucid dreaming. You’re walking the fine line on your silk just trying not to foist yourself awake, so you *have* to go along with the dreams wishes at times. This time you see someone else, it’s Mia and Kris. She’s on top of him, pinning him down. She’s got a feral grin on her face. Oh boy! Are they fucking?

You head closer and see that they are, in fact, not fucking. She’s holding his claws and nuzzling him. You see her crying and him holding her.

You try to take a few steps closer, but Kris spots you and shakes his head. And then the dreamscape shifts again.
No. 1034136 ID: afe7de
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You’re starting to get a feel for this now, but the thought occurs to you, are you traversing other kin’s dreams? Are you imagining all of this? Does it really matter?

You decide against taking a moment to care about it and instead look around. You see a bloody chamber, several dozen monster corpses arrayed in some sort of formation. Charissa is there, and she’s talking to… something… or someone, you can’t tell.

Charissa: Damn fucking shame about Hunter
Charissa: Tried to stop him, yknow
Charissa: …
Charissa: How was I supposed to expect SPIRELINGS?
Charissa: …
Charissa: You want the damned body or not?
Charissa: You promised you could bring him back didn’t you?
Charissa: We can’t all have ungodly RNG

You see in the center of this room the golem, the same one you have encased in crystal. Only, it’s covered in blood. In fact, the whole room has floating globules of this.

Charissa: Allright you damned parasite, let’s change the fucking world!

And then you’re no longer there.
No. 1034137 ID: afe7de
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This time you wander somewhere different. You can feel… a presence, it reminds you of the [PANTHEON] but it’s… different. Almost calmer in a way. You look around and see a white expanse. After a few minutes of wandering you find a familiar campsite, two familiar faces, and one unknown face.

[PURITY]: And that’s why blood magic is blasphemous
Mia: La-de-da of course the supremacist would feel that way
[PURITY]: I will admit that the current iteration of my/our followers is lacking
[PURITY]: But the power to reach the [FAITHFUL] completely unobstructed
[PURITY]: It’s just unsightly
Mia: Yeah, and you forget that it was my kind that let you gain those powers
[PURITY]: Debatable history

You look over and see a very upset otter-croc. Her form is shifting with her mood, you can see fangs extending and scales flexing and vanishing in moments. She’s attempting to focus on the fishing rod, attempting to ignore the others next to her, and failing miserably. And then a green cat in a witches hat appears, her voice is high pitched and kind of annoying.

Mona: Now listen here y’all we’re not gonna fight in this house okay
[PURITY]: I/we cannot cause harm to anyone
Mona: With words, y’all can do a lotta harm
Mia: He started it
Mona: Well if you don’t calm down I won’t share my moonshine or let you give me belly rubs

There’s a distinct pause for a moment as everyone lets that last statement fall.

[PURITY]: What?
No. 1034138 ID: afe7de
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The last dream, at least you hope it’s the last dream, comes up, and this one feels… stressful. It’s a thicket of cobwebs everywhere. But in each of the cobwebs lies a portrait. You see dozens if not hundreds of portraits of you and some of your now deceased siblings. Unfortunately, spider infant mortality is pretty damn high considering a clutch of about a hundred eggs happens and half of them are stillborn. No amount of [WILD] can fix that, or the ravenous HUNGER that comes from birth. But you can just see the love and care Mamita put in… all by herself it seems. Weird, she always said you had a dad, but you don’t see any pictures of a man, or woman for that matter. Strange…

As you’re walking, you pause, hearing something in the distance. Something whistling through the air. If you could sweat, you would be drenched. You know that dreaded sound. You start to run, and in the most unfortunate of ways, the hallway you’re in just expands and continues to grow in front of you. There’s no escape, there’s never any escape. You turn around, dreading what you see.

The Chancla.

No. 1034139 ID: afe7de
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You wake up shaking, shivering. Key’s at your feet as normal, and then you’re back. You let out a deep sigh of relief and then try to recall just what got you so rattled. But like most dreams, it starts to fade quickly. You latch on to a few key memories, but lose most of them, oh well.

You have breakfast like normal, Key sitting quite close to you, and she even helps with some of the chores so that you can spend more time with Mamita learning.

Mia and Nuki don’t come by, but they’ve left you a note, letting you know that they’ll be back when you get free for the day. They must’ve been antsy and excited.
No. 1034140 ID: afe7de
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You head out from the place, having learned a thing or two to meet with everyone at the town square. It’s time to do something about the [POCKET ESTATE]. You’ve already got the [PERFECT OFFERING], so now it’s time to figure out who to bring to confront the [QUEEN BEE]?

EDMANGO NOTE: My read on the prior suggestions is that you all wish to perform diplomacy first before escalating, as such, keep in mind that whoever you bring to confront her will show the Queen your [INTENTIONS]. Who you bring and how you handle the following scene will change the way the mimics and bees will act for you going forward.

A. Nuki: I got the present, maybe I can help more!
- Nuki will help your group seem [HARMLESS] to the Queen Bee
- Nuki probably just wants more honey

B. Mia: You better not leave me behind…
- Mia will help your group seem [AGGRESSIVE] to the Queen Bee
- Mia would probably love a chance to be violent

C. Key: Key is ready
- Key will help your group seem [DIPLOMATIC] to the Queen Bee
- Key can use her [WILD] abilities to commune with the creature

D. Kris: Huh?
- Mia says that Kris could help you seem [STRONG] to the Queen Bee
- Mia says she didn’t tell Kris anything, but mentions how strong and cool he is

E. Other:
- You could bring someone else
- Wryn would likely be extremely excited and [INQUISITIVE] at the idea.
- Mamita would help you seem [STRICT] towards the Queen Bee

No. 1034141 ID: 629f2e

A, C, and D.

You want to appear Diplomatic and Non-violent, but you are not prey. They'll be more willing to negotiate with you then.

Maybe ask Mia to check up on Charissa while you're doing this?
No. 1034142 ID: 899c9f

B. Show the queen bee you've got this pest control action in the bag, and also Mia's ability to tame mimics.
Alternatively E, but we can show her later.
No. 1034144 ID: 96c896

C primarily, but I like the idea of bringing Kris too.
No. 1034147 ID: 344f1d


but if Nuki does get picked, we might want to put her on a tether so she doesn't just dive face-first into the honey.
No. 1034149 ID: ce39da

C and maybe D or E (Mamita).
No. 1034161 ID: bdef6e

In negociations the best things to show is to be able to negociate and to have a reason to do so. I would say C) and D). I'm not sure about A), but she got the gift so she deserves to be there.

We also should do something about Mia. She seems upset because we aren't taking any of her advice. If this goes in that line, she might want to leave (not now, but maybe in a near future). We could promise her to go where she wants next as apology.
No. 1034199 ID: d2bcfe

C and D. Mia will be happy if we use her idea to have Kris help.
No. 1034231 ID: f75bba

C and D should be the ideal combination for a diplomatic solution.
No. 1034286 ID: 0838d6
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You decide to let Kris in on the big secret. He's your buddy, your friend, your long-time companion, and you get a feeling Mia let him in on the secret even if she said she didn't.

As you head over to Kris's place, Key in tow, you think about something that occured to you in the moment. That Mia might want to *leave*. It does make sense, you aren't really taking much of her advice, and do tend to say no more than yes, even if you're right, which you totally are in those situations. Right?

You: ...
Key: Key wonders what you are thinking right now.
You: Are we being too hard on Mia?
Key: Nope!

Ah, probably not the best source of advice at the moment. But you should consider going where Mia wants to go next, she seemed pleased you heeded her advice here, but you know deep in your heart that you certainly are a bit more biased towards your other two party members.
No. 1034287 ID: 0838d6
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Eventually you reach Kris's place. It's a literal hole in the ground, you knock on the wooden door and hear him invite you in, a staircase leading briefly down. The inside of his place is spartan, sparing a few small FIGURES that you don't look too closely at. One eerily similar to your deceased lover.

Kris: Hunter.
You: Kris.
Kris: Feeling better?
You: Yes... surprisingly so.
Kris: Good, need anything?
You: Actually…

You then explain the situation, and at first he's silent, but as you begin to detail the ARTIFACTS you collected, specifically the one you want help with, his mandibles start clicking in excitement. You've got him hooked, and after a quick jaunt outside of the town, somewhere isolated just in case something goes wrong, you dive in. Nuki and Mia remain outside, ready to dive in and attempt to pull you out if you don't come back in a while. Best to be cautious, just in case. You begin to chant the incantation to bring your selected companions inside the estate when you think you hear a tinkling of crystal off in the distance. You shrug it off and continue on anyway.

You, Key, and Kris enter the estate and make a bee-line towards the hive. It's a large and cavernous thing, but surprisingly not deep. The bees vibrate excitedly as you wander in. They're bumping against you a bit forcefully as you wander through, but they don't sting you. You get the feeling they don't want you wandering this way, but it's not long before you reach the Queen.
No. 1034288 ID: 0838d6
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The queen is around Wryn sized, and she's even got a little crown. Only her abdomen is rather large, possibly engorged and ready to give birth to some eggs. The chamber is surrounded in honeycombs of what you imagine to be royal jelly or honey or some combination of the two. You can hear some wriggling in the distance, likely the larvae chamber. She looks at you, lazily at first, then with confusion, and then with hesitation and concern. There's a sharp buzz that comes from her as the once-peaceful bees distance themselves from you and point their stingers towards you.

The scent of the [WILD] pours out of Key and permeates the room and your bodies. Her scales fluctuate and her fur recedes slightly, replaced with more crocodile-like features. She takes a deep bow, which you and Kris reciprocate before speaking.

Key: [Queen, We have come to parlay, please accept this gift.]

Key, with more grace than you expected of her, flourishes the package, mixing in a few pleasantries. It's a mix of high pollen count flowers, sweet reeds, spiced honey, and a little bit of herbs that most insect races go wild for. The Queen eyes it warily and gestures for some of the worker drones to take the package away. You can tell that she is pleased from her body language, but Key looks nervous.


No. 1034289 ID: 0838d6
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There's a raucous cacophony of buzzing that fills the room, it's like laughter, but you can feel it vibrate the jelly inside your carapace. It's a bit uncomfortable.


Key pushes you forward, having taken the opening gambit and allowing you your moment. Your mind begins to process things at a ridiculous speed and you start to wonder, what do you want out of this?

A. You: We want to share the space
+ Gain access to a small amount of the resources within the space
+ You can occupy the manor and decorate it as you like
- You won't be able to profit heavily off of the space
- Tributes and discussions will be needed to assure mutual defense against attackers
- The Queen Bee will want a simple shrine created in her honor [NO TIME COMMITMENT]
- You will be unable to make the space into a Demesne

B. You: We want help defending the space
+ Gain access to a normal amount of resources within the space
+ Mimics will become defensive furniture in the manor itself
- The Queen Bee will require a fancy shrine created in her honor [1 DAY OF WORK]
- The Queen Bee will require a colony of her kin to be seeded outside of the estate.
- That new colony will take some Mimics when they leave
- You will need to negotiate should you or Key want to turn a portion of the estate into a Demesne

C. You: We want everything
+ Allows you to exploit the estate however you like
+ Gain access to a hidden resource
+ Mimics will become defensive furniture in the Manor
+ There will be no limitations on making the Estate a Demesne
- The Queen bee will want freedom for herself and for a majority of the mimics
- The supply of honey will become limited until you rear the Queen larva that will be left behind
- 30% chance of making an Enemy out of the [QUEEN BEE]

D. Other
- Feel free to suggest requests/demands/concessions or alterations.

No. 1034290 ID: e5709d

B seems like a mutual compromise. Still, if only there was some way to demand C...
You are a spider after all.

As a gesture of sportsmanship, challenge her champion to a duel, for favored negotiation conditions.
No. 1034291 ID: 629f2e

B + D, Mostly just B, but start negotiating about forming a demesne in the estate early. A fair few of those favors they'll want in return could be rolled over to Wyrm, paying them in some mixture of bux and getting to see the special bees. Just make sure to get yourselves a good deal on the demesne request, and don't let the queen ask for too much. She may have been jere for a while, and you're respecting that by not kicking her out and compensating her for your intrusion. But this is your estate now, and if you want to claim a part of it as your own, then you will do so one way or another.
No. 1034292 ID: 899c9f

Weren't we supposed to tell the queen bee what we planned to do with the mimics, and ask how she was coexisting with them? We seem to have skipped a few steps.
C seems to align with all of our goals, however. We'll have a new queen bee to raise, our manor, our demesne, our mimics... in other words, everything. Due to the easily foreseen consequences of using mimics as guards, if she does sally forth we should ask to limit the number of mimics she brings along, and to settle far from our hometown.
No. 1034294 ID: ce39da

C is extremely tempting, but this suggestor has learned secondhand that dice are not to be thrown lightly. B is a decent compromise, especially if "future negotiations" means we aren't permanently locked out of that "hidden resource."

... Whatever you decide, decide it quickly. That tinkling sound was ominous; I'm more worried about what might be happening outside than what's going on in here.
No. 1034298 ID: 96c896

D: we want to use this entire space for a Demesne, but honey access is negotiable (we'll probably wind up trading for it). IDK what the hidden resource is but I'm guessing it's royal jelly or wax, which doesn't seem super important, but it would be nice to know what it is and maybe have access to trading for it as well. The house is supposed to be secure so I don't know why we'd need to defend it, but I'd expect anyone who invades would want to wipe out the mimics anyway so they'll wind up defending the place just from being there.

So basically, we want to use the place for what it's best used for-- a secure base, and a good spot for a Demesnse. Its resources are not that important.
No. 1034321 ID: 36784c

B seems like what we wanted in the first place, so let’s go with that.
No. 1034407 ID: bdef6e

b), though I would love if everyone could at least decorate their own room or part of the manor. (maybe we could trade it in the future for a new statue?)
No. 1034458 ID: 8483cf

C. I'm feeling lucky!
No. 1034459 ID: 8dca14

No. 1034467 ID: c0bd54

This, B+D(demesne) sounds best to me.
No. 1034476 ID: 0838d6
File 165454428592.png - (10.48KB , 500x500 , p78.png )

You: [We want help defending the space as we make it our home]
You: [And want to talk about potentially making this place a Demesne]

The negotiations with the Queen take some time. You’re on even diplomatic ground thanks to those you have brought, but the thing you want, no, the thing you *need* is to let this place be your demesne. A portable one would be an incredible boon, and you’re sure there are some exploits you could use to even let your demesne leak into the outside world while in a city. The possibilities send your mind reeling but the Queen wants compromise. She’s firm, but not inflexible.

Unfortunately, your [WILD] is still a bit too low for you to forge your own Demesne, but you get the feeling that will start to change soon, likely with Key’s help. Time passes as you negotiate before you finally reach an agreement for the estate proper.

You can now freely navigate the [POCKET ESTATE] and have gained the following:
- Anyone resting in the estate will always be well-rested
- You can take a good amount of pillows out of the estate to sell or use as gifts
- If you take out too many, the Mimics and Bees might get upset!

- The honey found within is full of potent [ENERGY] and will help you stave off exhaustion
- You can take a good amount of honey out of the estate to sell or use as gifts
- If you take out too much, the Mimics and Bees might get upset!

- The mimics will help defend the place against intruders
- You and Key have learned how to mark kin with [PHEROMONES] to prevent them from assaulting guests
- You have the Queen’s permission to train some mimics if you so choose
- Untrained mimics taken out of the estate not at the behest of the queen will flee at the earliest convenience

- A nice place to rest, there’s room for you, your friends, and a few guests
- Are there other secrets hidden inside?

No. 1034480 ID: 0838d6
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You try to push for negotiations on the Demesne, and the Queen demands you complete her demands before kicking you out, a swarm of soft bees pushing your bodies out from the place. She claims that she needs her [BEE-UTY TORPOR].

You will have to complete these demands within a [WEEK] or the Queen will become [HOSTILE]
> Create a fancy shrine [1 DAY OF WORK]
- You can use the resources present or bring some in from outside
- The nicer it is, the more lenient the Queen will be to future demands/requests

> Allow a [YOUNG QUEEN] and her [MIMIC HONOR GUARD] to leave the demesne
- They’ll likely settle near where you release them from
- You should probably talk to Wryn about this

You’ve gained some new opportunities!
- Hunter must fight the queen’s honor guard consisting of 2 mimics and one bee warrior
- If you win solo against them, she will concede to your requests
- A loss will result in the queen forcing a [DEMAND] on you

- Promise to only take small amounts of resources for personal, not commercial use
- If you do this and the Queen finds out you broke your oath she will become [HOSTILE]
- You can [TRADE] for resources to sell and this will not break your oath
- The queen will will concede to your demesne related requests

- Talk to the Queen more during free time segments
- Maybe there’s a different form of compromise you can reach
- You’ll have to deal with whatever weird temperament the queen is in…

Something good will happen when you sleep tonight!

You: Well that went well.
Key: Key is pleased!
Kris: This place is nice.
You: Thanks!

You snag a cup of honey to give to Nuki on your way out. You know she’ll be excited by it, and you warp your group out, excited to share the news.
No. 1034481 ID: 0838d6
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It takes you a moment to adjust as you leave the place, and the first thing you notice is purple, lots and lots of purple. Your eyes adjust and you finally place what you’re seeing into your mental registry. It’s a bunch of [CRYSTAL SHARDS] from the [SPIRE], and flesh, and limbs, and [SWORD TUSKS]. You’re about to shout out for Nuki or Mia, but they dash towards you. Much to your surprise, Nuki tackles you in a hug, causing you to drop the mug of honey. Less surprisingly is when Mia tackles Kris in a hug, who immediately starts stuttering and flushing red.

You: What happened?
Mia: I took care of it is what.
Kris: T-t-t-took c-c-care of w-w-what?
Nuki: A boar, a big one, corrupted in crystals, so scary!
Mia: Please, Nuki, you drop-kicked that thing so hard it broke that tree
Nuki: I meant Mia was scary…
Mia: Listen, something comes to attack, I dismember it.
Mia: I could do another three of those and be fine!
You: Why didn’t you come and get us?
Mia: Blame her!
Nuki: ... didn’t want you to be mad at us for ruining diplomacy…

No. 1034482 ID: 0838d6
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You take a moment to look at Mia and she is positively GAUNT. She’s nearly fur and bones and looks emaciated. You’ve got a feeling she’s exaggerating her current state a bit, but let her have her moment. Then you look a bit to the right and see the tree that broke, it’s uh, yeah, that’s a big tree to get cut nearly in half. Reminder to self, don’t piss off Nuki.

You: So what was that?
Mia: Some sort of [SPIRELING] I guess.
Mia: Looks corrupted by the spire
You: Or maybe by someone instead…
Key: What does Hunter mean?
You: Nothing, just a weird dream I had.
Nuki: So what do we do with it?

A. Let Mia consume the blood/body
- She’ll be back in fighting shape immediately
- Mia: I’m hungry…

B. Gather the body together for research
- There must be something you can find out from it’s parts
- Mia: I can set up a [LAB] in the [POCKET ESTATE] right?!?

C. Bury the Corpse
- Create an unmarked grave in the graveyard
- Nuki: This was still a kin and they still deserve respect

D. Leave it and do something else
- The animals of the [WILD] will be given nutrients from this death
- Hunter: I can spit out some [SWEET NECTAR] to attract animals faster
- Suggest something else you do with your time instead of worrying about this
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1034484 ID: 629f2e

Ask Mia whether she'd rather do A or B, and go with whatever she picks. If she picks B, then get her something nice to eat as a treat, she's earned it.

Ease any dissatisfaction Nuki has with the lack of proper burial with a gift of honey (However much is left in the mug) and the knowledge that there will be plenty more to come, as negotiations have gone well.
No. 1034485 ID: ad294f

Let mia snack
No. 1034486 ID: 078e23

Let Mia snack on the spoils of war.
We’ve got a shrine to build, and a duel to fight!
No. 1034489 ID: 96c896

>surprise hug by Nuki
Wow, lewd.

I think Mia should eat the fleshy parts and blood, and research the crystals. Keep a sample of flesh if she needs it for research reasons.
Sorry Key, but we gotta feed the blood mage. We'll have to settle for efficient (and thus respectful in a way) use of corpses, rather than burial. Wait, is burial even a WILD thing to do? The natural way of the predator is to consume prey, after all.
No. 1034493 ID: 7323c0

A and B
Let Mia eat as much as she wants, and let her decide what she wants to keep for when she builds a lab at the estate. (Tho if she wants to eat it all, let her, but still allow her to make a lab.)
No. 1034542 ID: 4bc569

A. Mia needs to recover her strength.

Don't forget to remind Nuki to not take too much honey or the Queen will become hostile!
No. 1034544 ID: bdef6e

I like the "A REDUCTION OF RESOURCES" option. It forces us to not abuse honey use and at the same time we are left as comercial intermediaries of sweet honey.


D) seems like an horrible idea. That kin was corrupted and we don't want to risk animals corrupting too.

I think B) is the best option so we can prevent this to happen again or know what exaclty happened, but Mia needs blood soon. Can we spare a bit of ours? (Also I'm not totally ok with killing and blood-eating people)
No. 1034674 ID: 0838d6
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You decide to let Mia do her thing, she absorbs most of the parts and blood into a crystal and starts chowing down on it. It’s kind of disturbing how her body starts to regain mass with speed like that. [BLOOD] magic is just weird you guess.

Nuki picks up the crystals, putting them in a little bag for research later, they don’t seem any different from the larger chunks, but who knows, maybe you can find something out. Key picks up the tusks with a gleam in her eye. You get the feeling she’s going to try to make something with them.

And like that, the scene is cleared. You pocket the estate and head back to Mamita’s that talk and everyone’s fight took a lot out of you, you slide up to Nuki as you’re heading back and hand her the slightly-less-filled mug of honey, which she appreciatively sips.

You: So we can access the stuff in the estate now
You: That means honey!
Nuki: Yay!
You: Though, uh, be careful not to take too much and upset the Queen Bee…
Nuki: Less enthusiastic yay!
You: Pff, okay well, glad that’s taken care of
Kris: So are you leaving again?
You: Hrm.
You: We’ll figure it out tomorrow.
Kris: At least say goodbye this time.
You: Yeah, yeah.

No. 1034675 ID: 0838d6
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You reach your home, Mamita scolding you for being out so late. She’s not really mad, but she does bonk you a few times. You think she’s worried you’ll leave and not say goodbye again, which is fair…

You think briefly about what happened, about the attack. It was easily rebuffed, Mia’s [BLOOD] has been recharged in case something happens again, but it strikes you as weird. Where did that creature come from, was it following you? Your companions? The pocket estate?

You get the feeling that anything like that will be stronger next time…

And then there were the rumors you heard the other day, about potential conflict with the [PANTHEON], or the [MANA PULSES]. You could, of course, just ignore it and head out somewhere, take those you care about and skip town again. The pocket estate certainly makes it easy. But you also have to fulfill your [OBLIGATIONS] and that’ll take some time. You sneeze once, your snot tasting ever so slightly like vines and herbs, almost like the beginnings of a cold, but… healthy? Weird. You head out to the rooftop to catch some air, swiftly climbing it with ease.
No. 1034676 ID: 0838d6
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The stars are beautiful tonight, it fills you with a pleasant feeling, but you push that feeling aside and think, what do you do before bed?

A. Spend time with someone
- Pick someone to spend time with (you can pick more than one)
- You feel like something good will happen if you get closer to Key or Nuki soon
- You feel like Mia’s being a little distant lately
- You heard that Charissa is drinking heavily at the bar
- Kris looks to be deep in thought about something

- You haven't touched it in a while after all
C. Visit the graveyard
- Pay your respects to the dead
D. Just wander around
- Receive an ominous encounter
E. Do something else
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1034677 ID: 629f2e

A, Mia.

As much as I'd love to sit down with Key or Nuki and potentially either improve our WILD or learn ENERGY, it sounds like Mia's feeling left out. That or something else is going on with her. Either way, it's worth checking in with her. Share a drink, talk to each other, gauge how she's feeling. Maybe ask her flat out if something is eating at her.
No. 1034680 ID: ce39da

I'm thinking D, on the off chance we encounter our "rival" again, and if not, it'd be good to get some forewarning on something. I get the feeling we shouldn't just ignore the [RIVAL] plotline we started.
No. 1034682 ID: 899c9f

I feel like we've wandered into enough threads to chase already, let's spend the night with Nuki and Mia.
No. 1034688 ID: a9af05

Yeah, let's check on Mia to see if she's doing alright.
No. 1034708 ID: 9ebc4a

So many things to do, so little time...

A) Check on Mia.

Before getting out of town you should: Check on Miranda to make amends, pass some time with Kriss because he is your friend, and visit the cementery to pay respect to the deceased.
No. 1034715 ID: 36784c


>Pick someone to spend time with
Spend time with Mia. Maybe start the conversation by asking if she’s having any luck with flirting with Kris? Then maybe we can transition to whatever is bothering her.

>(you can pick more than one)
We should also check on Charissa. She’ll probably be honest with us and tell us what her problems are, since she’s going to be really drunk with how heavily she’s been drinking.
No. 1034721 ID: bef759

We already know our rival is at the bar. I'm intetested to see our chances are with reasoning with a drunken matrial artist, but I think spending time with Mia to reconnect might be pressing.
So, A. Let's chat with Mia first. Let's hear about that crazy ass pig
No. 1034723 ID: e51896

Oof, Charissa must be really taking Hunter leaving her behind after his partner's death real hard, can see that since we basically returned with new friends leaving her behind, and didn't explain ourselves to her... We really need to speak with her before we leave at some point.

I kinda want to take Mia to the bar and talk to her there, and then speak with Charissa at the bar... but I'm not sure how things will go if we get into another argument, Mia did pity us after our panic attack from Charissa after all.

I'll go A, either talk to Mia alone and see if everything is alright, or talk to Mia and Charissa at the bar.

Whatever the case, if we don't see Charissa tonight, we really need to talk to her tomorrow.
No. 1034729 ID: 0838d6
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You continue to sit there, thinking, when you hear the door creak open. You peek over the ledge to see Mia attempting to sneak out. Well, sneak is a pretty loose definition since she’s not under house arrest, and she’s really bad at it.

You: Sup
Mia: Gah!

She looks up at you, like she’s been caught with her hand in a jar of juicy aphids. Might as well talk to her since she’s already here.

You: Why don’t you hop on up here, we haven’t really talked have we?
Mia: Uh, yeah, sure.

She hops up, her normal demeanor returning. But she still seems bothered. Time to bite the arrow.

You: Sooooooooo
You: You doing okay?
You: I feel like something’s eating at you
Mia: Hmph, like you care.
You: What do you mean?

No. 1034730 ID: 0838d6
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Mia: What I said, I don’t think you really care.
Mia: Yeah, you helped me out back at the spire, you’re obviously capable…
Mia: But you care more about the other two more than me
You: I haven-
Mia: Exactly, you don’t particularly care for my opinions
Mia: And while I do particularly want to use violence a lot of the time…
Mia: I have no agency with you
Mia: At least with Kris I can be in [CONTROL]
You: I’m s-
Mia: No, this is Mia’s talking time, shut up.

You do so, not quite sure what you did wrong, but are hoping you can figure it out through her monologue.

Mia: You have YOUR cool magic items
Mia: YOUR cool home and kin
Mia: Me? I got nothing, I checked out a map, I’m not even on the same land mass as my home!
Mia: I don’t have a place to go and it’s stifling to be tethered to the first kin I met!
Mia: Back in my past I had my own crew, my own disciples, my own sect!
Mia: Now I’m fluffing fourth fiddle! Do you know how infuriating that is?

No. 1034731 ID: 0838d6
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Mia: I want to travel, I want to go out and do stuff, I want to go go go!
Mia: And you’re so slow, we spent so much time just here
Mia: Those [MANA PULSES] sound cool as shit!
Mia: The [BLOOD] magic persecution sounds like I should find them!
Mia: Heck, I’ll even settle for punching some racist [PANTHEON] members in the face
Mia: But I’m obviously ill equipped, yeah I can handle monsters or whatever
Mia: And I can carry supplies and survive in a pinch
Mia: But I have no INFORMATION, well, I’m getting some
Mia: That Charissa broad actually has good info
Mia: You should apologize by the way.
Mia: And I’m grateful, but like…
Mia: So yeah, I dunno, thanks for rescuing me or whatever
Mia: But do you even need me?
Mia: Or want me here?
You: …

Well shit. What do you even say or do in this situation?
No. 1034733 ID: 273c18

Tell her she is an extremely powerful mage and you're glad to have her with you. You appreciate her energy and drive, and even if you don't go with what she wants she should know you don't think her ideas are bad. You're sorry you're not moving as fast as she'd like (though it just sounds like she's bored with this small town?) and you can pick up the pace a bit.

I think we're leaving tomorrow? Just after Sewing is learned; if that won't be done tomorrow can we hurry it up somehow? The mana pulses do sound cool, we might go that direction. Should be safer than trying to fight the Pantheon for sure... though maybe we could rescue another Blood Mage...
No. 1034734 ID: e5709d

>Do you even need me? Or want me here?
"... Are you for real?
Mia, it's taken every ounce of impulse control to not simp over you.
We do things your way. Constantly.
Whenever there's a corpse, you always got dibs.
You're the one who fights on the front lines. You're the one I think about listening to first. You're the hero of this story.
If anything, I'm constantly afraid Key and Nuki will abandon us because I pay too much attention to you! I've been balancing out our time together just so I don't look like the miserable creep that I am!
And now it turns out you like Kris more than... more than you like me.
And I don't know how to feel like that."
No. 1034735 ID: e51896

Go with her to get some information from Charissa. You were actually planning on going to check the mana pulses anyways tomorrow... maybe something from their could help protect the town too against the pantheonic invaders.

Also tell her you want to come with her to see Charissa because She's right, we need to apologize to Charissa right now. and you want... no, NEED Mia's help to make things right again with Charissa because when it comes to it...

you're scared... you've pretty much been scared ever since you failed to save your partner, and felt like you failed everyone in doing so, and you need her help to regain that confidence...

Give her the bell of souls as well. Even if she decides to leave our party, she can keep it to help herself. With her want for violence and death, the bell of souls could be useful to her.
No. 1034736 ID: 899c9f

Have we not been communicating our appreciation sufficiently? Because that's definitely not how we feel about you. I've been a guard, so I appreciate the value of force. If there's anyone's opinions we've been neglecting, it's our own, somehow.
>You’re so slow, we spent so much time just here
It's been three days, and the powers that be only give us so many hours in a day to do stuff! Heck, we're still working on getting our mobile home in order. Like you just pointed out, we're ill equipped and still working on that. We don't plan on sitting around at home while crystal shards are out there waiting to be discovered.
Lastly, I'm not interested in apologizing to Charissa, who took our trauma as a personal attack, until she stops mercilessly attacking us on sight. Reacting with hostility to our withdrawal sure as hell doesn't encourage coming back out of that shell. We ran away, but she burned that bridge behind us.
No. 1034739 ID: 629f2e

You want her here. If it doesn't make her happy, then you understand if she leaves, but you really do want her. You're sorry if you ever made her feel like you didn't.

You don't care about the others more than her. Granted, you may have clicked a little faster with Key due to your shared WILD roots, but honestly you've spent just about as much time with Mia as you have Nuki so far. The whole reason you came out here tonight was because you wanted to rectify that, and deepen your bonds. All her power aside, you think she's just a fun person to talk to and have always been glad that she was here with you all.

And yeah, you may take the safer/less murdery options that those two suggest more often than not, but you can honestly say that you've always at least listened to Mia's suggestions and considered them before making your own choice.

More than anything else, you want everyone to be happy. Not just Key and Nuki, but Mia as well. Key wants to build her demesne, so you've been ensuring there's space in your pocket estate for her to do so. You aren't sure what Nuki wants right now, so you need to talk to her too. If Mia wants to travel though, then you want to give her that. Partly because you feel obligated, as they don't have a place on this plate after you freed them from the tower, so you want to see this quest through and help them find their way. And partly because you just like to hang out with them. They're all so different and interesting that you've always been thankful for the opportunity to spend time together.

So if Mia wants to leave town, then you will say your goodbyes this time and go with her, if she'll have you. And if she doesn't want you to come with, then you'll wish her the best of luck on her journey, and give her some supplies before she leaves. If she doesn't want to travel with Key or Nuki specifically for some reason, then you'll all have to figure something out. You will respect her wishes, whatever they are.


But there is no fucking way you're apologizing to Charissa. You step into town for the first time since that shit went down, and she kicks your ass, sends you into a panic attack, and then doesn't check in again while you're here? Yeah, you're gonna need a bit of a longer break from that friendship.
No. 1034740 ID: e51896

>Lastly, I'm not interested in apologizing to Charissa, who took our trauma as a personal attack, until she stops mercilessly attacking us on sight. Reacting with hostility to our withdrawal sure as hell doesn't encourage coming back out of that shell. We ran away, but she burned that bridge behind us.

I think she did that because she's dealing with trauma just like Hunter, especially after he abandoned her after up and leaving without telling her after his partner died, and is angered and can't think straight because of that. She probably felt justified in attacking Hunter because she saw us as a best friend once, and we just abandoned her without saying a word.

Honestly, I think we should give one more chance to make amends with each other. We did things to her that we need to apologize for and she did things she needs to apologize for. If she's being unreasonable despite our best efforts to apologize, then we can make the decision to go our separate ways from the kangaroo.

She's probably drinking heavily because she's depressed on how we abandoned her, and continue to ignore her after all, maybe even feels a little guilt for attacking us too as she does not know how to communicate with us due to her trauma of being abandoned by us, and losing our partner who died as well since the three of them were a team before.
No. 1034742 ID: 7a43b5

Tell her you dont want to see Charissa ever again after what she done to you. You dont even want to hear her apologize to you. If she is truly sorry, she'll leave you alone forever.
No. 1034743 ID: 629f2e


Okay, I wouldn't go that far exactly. She still has been your friend for a long time. That was just a really really harsh reunion that you didn't need.


Torn on this. Admittedly nipping this in the bud now might save us having a Cannie in our lives in the long run.

But on the other hand, as mad as she was at US for abandoning her, the moment you step out of your comfort zone and return home she immediately made you regret it and sent you right back to how you felt when the wounds were fresh. And she has made ZERO efforts to apologize or reconnect with us for this, despite us still being here in town and totally available if she wanted to have a real conversation with us.

So yeah, I think the ball is in her court rn. If she doesn't want to make ammends, then maybe she wasn't worth keeping as a friend in the first place.
No. 1034746 ID: 9ebc4a

When you went for the tower you didn't know what to expect. At the very least you didn't expect people traped in cristals. You saved them because you value life, a learning of WILD. And started to help them because it felt wrong to let them alone in the world, though all of them are cool as hell and very funny to hang out with.

You can't return them their past lifes, family and home, but you can offer them a new one. The demesne is that and thats why you are so centered in that. Of course she is free of leaving if she don't like it or simply want to see more world. No hard feelings and always can return if she changes opinion.

You are happy of having her with you and are sorry to not being able to show it better. And don't she dare to tell you don't like having her with you. You certanly avoid violent resolutions because you value life, a learning of WILD, which will not change unless you face a mortal enemy. If there is no other good option... well... WILD is either compassionate and savage.

If it's worth something for her, you expect to explore the world. Yeah, you might be "slow", but what sense is in rushing over the life? You have to apreciate every moment and taking your time to make things right. That and that you don't want to mess up with the pocket state.

And about Charisa, she didn't reacted properly but neither you did. She deserve that apologie, specially before leaving.

Mental note: Searching for a magical artifact for Mia. Maybe the golem? She looks like the kind of people that enjoys bossing minions.
No. 1034749 ID: 273c18

Oh I forgot to address the Charissa issue.
My stance is that it would probably be a good idea to try to talk to her, now that we're not so busy.
No. 1034901 ID: 0838d6
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You think over what she’s said and take a deep breath, composing your thoughts.

You: Of course I want you here
Mia: But-
You: No butts! Only listen!

Oops, a bit of Mamita came out there, but you’ve got her attention anyway.

You: You ever notice how you get first dibs on the corpses?
You: Or how when we really have to go violent you’re the go to.
You: As a [GUARD] I appreciate the value of force
You: While I’m not necessarily the most comfortable with Kinnabalism…
You: It’s certainly the way of the [WILD] in some areas for the deceased to be treated as such.
You: I’ve barely pushed for anything other than vague direction too!
You: I don’t *think* I’ve said anything along the lines of not appreciating you…
You: Because I do, I thought we all did…
You: I’m just… bad about it I guess, you’re so boisterous and I’m a bit reserved

There’s a pause, you roll your hands through the straw roof, chucking a reed off the roof and into the distance.
No. 1034906 ID: 0838d6
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You: Sorry if I made you feel unwanted.
You: You know, if you’d be happier you can go right?
You: I’m not your keeper or anything.
Mia: …
You: I can’t really offer you your old life
You: Nor would I want to try
You: But I can offer you this one, with us, on our journey
You: Which, by the way, is barely a week old, and we’ve only been here for THREE DAYS!
Mia: *grumble*

You clear your throat, trying to hide your exasperation at that claim, which you totally believe to be unreasonable. The rest though, holds at least some merit.

You: Maybe we just have different cultural values.
Mia: Probably…
You: Y’know the [WILD] is very important to me
Mia: Nooooooo
You: It’s true, the nature, the demesne, the home
You: To me and my ilk it’s the journey that matters, to take it slow
You: To find that place that home, that nature
You: I ran away because I couldn’t feel that connection anymore
You: If I’m honest I was worried I’d never grow in the [WILD] again

No. 1034907 ID: 0838d6
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A breeze picks up, wafting through the forest, rustling its leaves as you both let out a sigh.

You: I could promise we go somewhere you want next if you want
Mia: No… I’ve just been…
Mia: I dunno, I just don’t like being on this end of a relationship
Mia: Platonic, romantic, whatever
Mia: I spent too long working my way up from bottom with no safety net
Mia: I was used to being the safety net for others, the one at the top holding things together
Mia: And going back to then is just
Mia: *gags*
Mia: I don’t even know what I’d do if we split
Mia: Other then go investigate the [MANA PULSES]
Mia: Or probably the [BLOOD] magic persecution
Mia: Okay maybe I do have things I want to do
Mia: I don’t think I wanna leave, at least not yet
Mia: Though I probably would’ve if we didn’t talk
You: Glad I could help!
Mia: Now go have sex with an otter or stuffed lady or something
You: Huh?
Mia: I see how you look at eachother
You: She just likes cuddling with me at night?
You: And I think this was the first time Nuki gave me a hug?
Mia: Oh, you sweet sweet idiot spider
Mia: Kris said you were bad, but c'mon

No. 1034908 ID: 0838d6
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You feel confused at this statement, could there be something deeper with Key? With Nuki?!!? You have had… fantasies, but you rescued them, of course you’d think about frolicking in the fields with Key, or about how warm Nuki’s hug earlier was. If you had skin you’d probably be blushing at the moment. So instead your mandibles are twitching and your thorax is swaying slightly.

Mia: Gross, get to bed loser!

She playfully kicks you off the roof, giggling at your reaction, and you head to bed, Key joining you at your legs shortly. You fall asleep, and dream of the forests, of the greenery, of the [WILD]. You feel the warm embrace of the earth around you. The comfort of the [ORIGINAL MOTHER] as some call it.

You feel yourself grow closer to the land, more dependent on it, and yet, it's also dependent on you. You feel the fruit of your wild start to fill to bursting. And then it does, you feel yourself absolutely flush with the bursting energies of the [WILD] and gain intimate knowledge that taints you, but it feels good, right even.

Your [WILD] has improved to [RANK 4]!
- [ORIGINAL MOTHER]: Continue on this path, oh carapaced one, seed your domain.
- Entering Non-Wild settlements will exhaust you depending on their deviation from nature
- You can now plant a [SEED OF HUNTER] to form a demesne
- A new spell will manifest itself within you soon!

No. 1034909 ID: 0838d6
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You wake up feeling better than ever, Key seems especially excited by your growth in the [WILD] and notice that she’s actually sitting on your chest, her tail wagging excitedly.

Key: Hunter smells better today!
Key: More Viney!
Key: More [WILD]!!!!
You: Yeah, I uh, I think I broke through

You get up and she clings to your chest in a comical fashion, excited, so you just walk out into the living room and help Mamita with the chores, learning the basics of [SEWING] and having a good meal.

You’ve learned the [SEWING] Skill from [MAMITA]!
- Mamita has gifted you a [POCKET SEWING KIT]
- If you stay here for a while longer you might rank up in [SKILL]

You briefly think about Charissa, and about her situation. You’re torn, part of you wants to apologize, part of you wants an apology, and another part of you just wants to ignore her because she burnt that bridge after you ran across it.

But she’s also only a kin, and is prone to mistakes, and has been a good friend for years… You have very mixed feelings about Charissa right now.

Time to figure out what you’re doing with your day.

A. Mia: I think you should go to the bar
- Have an encounter with Charissa
- Mia looks smug about something

B. Nuki: Should we pack up and get ready to leave?
- Have a strategy meeting about where to go next
- You will be given an opportunity to invite companions to join in the estate or traveling party

C. Key: Key wonders if we should start on the [POCKET ESTATE] tasks
- Start dealing with those [OBLIGATIONS]
- You could probably convince Wryn to help you out

D. Hunter: Or we could do something else
- Do something else
- Stats Page: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1034910 ID: 629f2e

Alright fine, we'll deal with Charissa. A.

Meet up with her. See what she says, see what Hunter says, and see if you can figure out whether Charissa got involved with shady shit. Then we can see how we're feeling about her.

You could ask Key or Nuki to talk to Wyrm while you do.
No. 1034912 ID: 273c18

We're probably leaving today but we can't do that without talking to her.

Also yeah delegate a little, see if anyone wants to talk to Wryn or start work on the shrine.
No. 1034914 ID: 899c9f

C. We didn't mention anything about Charissa to Mia... Share the good (and other) news with Wryn about the queen!
No. 1034917 ID: 820483

A to make Mia happy.
No. 1034924 ID: e51896

OH! when we visit the bar, we should totally buy that map Wine-Glass Patron was selling.
No. 1034936 ID: f2320a

So mias mass is her ammo so perhaps bulk up more?
No. 1034957 ID: 9ebc4a

Would going to the bar while your friends start with the pocket state be impolite?
No. 1035062 ID: a9af05


Good idea.

You can't tell a lady to bulk up! That's just plain rude!

Also that would require blood, which she'd need to use in order to cast spells to kill something and drain its blood. She'd either end up using more than she'd gain or she'd just get back the same amount she used.
No. 1035142 ID: 0838d6
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You decide to delegate, letting your party handle the [FANCY SHRINE] and [YOUNG QUEEN] situations. They’ll be handling it without your supervision, so the results may vary, but you trust them!

You take a deep breath, probably been doing that a bit too often lately out of stress, that and sighing. And head into the Tavern, you see Charissa sitting there, her hood up and face obscured and decide to sit in front of her.

Neither of you says anything for several minutes and you can feel an imaginary sense of tension rising since no one is around but the barkeep, who looks at the two of you with a frown on their face. Hunter and Charissa both feel [ANGER] and [REMORSE] at the situation but refuse to take the first step towards resolution.

You get the feeling how you handle this situation will be [IMPORTANT] in how Charissa interacts with you going forward.

A. Hunter: Sorry…
- Apologize
B. Hunter: …
- Say nothing and wait
C. Hunter: So I heard…
- Suggest something to talk about to ease tension
D. Other
- Describe something else that you do

No. 1035143 ID: 629f2e

D, Punch her in the face, call it even with her for earlier, and then apologize

You can have a serious talk about things afterwards, but you gotta open up strong. Trust me: Face punch. Punch her in the face.

Consider the possibilities:

-If you apologize first, then you're a weak bitch.
-If she apologizes first, then she's a weak bitch.
-If you ignore the situation and go on about other shit, then honestly neither of you are really being good friends and the best you'll ever get is casually acquainted, but this awkwardness will hang over you for the rest of your lives.
-If you slap her shit in first and then apologize, you're square

I've run the numbers, the math checks out. Return that beating from earlier, and from the seeds of violence will bloom your beautiful friendship once more.


Okay, in all seriousness, this really is my suggestion.

Partly because I'm stubborn, and I don't really like Charissa based on the few interactions we've had with her, but also don't think Hunter should lose his pal by being shitty back to her, so this is the best compromise of outcomes in my mind.

Partly because she just strikes me as the type who would respond well to bold violent actions like face punch, moreso than a simple apology but especially if paired with one.

And partly just because it's funny. It's a funny thing we can do, and why the fuck would we choose to just apologize when punching her in the face first is an option? Granted, there is a chance she doesn't take well to it at all, but would we really want her friendship if she's a square who can't handle a small punch to the face? She wants us to be her friend even after kicking our teeth in, seems a little hypocritical to me. Either we avoid a shitty pal, or we win back our wonderful abrasive companion. It's a win either way when you follow the path of the fist.
No. 1035149 ID: abcc39

D: Fight. Start slinging barstools and webs! Unleash your inner ambush predator.
No. 1035152 ID: ce39da

Yeah, the "D: Paunch, now we're even, lol" option by >>1035143 is looking good. If she complains that her hitting you was to get back at you for noping out, so you aren't 'even' anymore: "Oh yeah? Let's take it outside, then! Let's trade hits until we both lose track of who's 'up!' Sound good?!"

Once you've beaten the shit out of each other, just like the good old times, only then do you apologize for leaving.
No. 1035157 ID: fa1ed4

Punch and web, but not violent to the point of throwing barstools and wine bottles. Weave a web around the tip of your little arm too (like a boxing glove.)

Basically like Detective and Himitsu's idea, fight the hate outta each other.

(Basically make the pic like this: >>1032875 but with Hunter's web boxing glove fist instead for a humourous callback)
No. 1035158 ID: ab23d4

D: Offer to make her a sandwich. Come back with a plate and fancy lid. Tell her it's a dish best served cold. Open it up and serve the most delicious knuckle sandwich in history.
No. 1035339 ID: 761d3b

I like the sandwitch idea.
No. 1035359 ID: afe7de
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This silence is stupid, it’s frustrating, you’re tense, and you hate being this way, so you get up and walk over to her side of the table. You’re tempted to pull a knuckle sandwich joke with a platter and dish, but don't have the supplies at the moment. Next time. Charissa tilts her head up to you slightly but her face is obscured by her hood.

You: Get up

She doesn't. So you reel back and punch her. It’s a gratifying thing, and you fail to notice the barkeep put their head into their hands.

Barkeep: This is the sixth [WILD]-be-damned time

There’s a distinct pause as Charissa’s hood falls and you finally see her expression. Regret, deep, harrowing regret. Her eye twitches with furrowed brows, but you think you can see her trying to resist the sides of her mouth from curling upwards as she gets up.

Charissa: Ah, yes. Let’s have a good ol’ fashioned “Conversation”
You: Just like he’d have wanted.
Barkeep: At least do it outside this time…

A small miracle occurs (for the barkeep) in that you both leave the tavern. Then the brawl begins.
No. 1035360 ID: afe7de
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No words were spoken in the hours that followed. Instead, it was like your bodies, fists, legs, webs, tears, and blood were notes, all towards a melody only you could see, telling a story only the two of you could understand.

The first strike: Your anger at the world
The second strike: Charissa’s frustration at your callousness
The third strike: Your sadness towards your loss
The fourth strike: Charissa’s sadness towards her loss

Each strike a beat, each teardrop a memory shared. You think back to a happier time, as does she. You think back to the lover, the husband, the friend.

The fifth strike brings back a memory. You think of the lake he loved, you met him there when you were both barely sapient children. His smile was so friendly and warm, his teeth were so ridiculously sharp. You immediately knew you’d become best friends.

The sixth strike has you both thinking of his absolute obsession with fish, and how it got him in trouble with Charissa in the first place. He stole a massive fish she was trying to sell, she got caught in your web, you both laughed until she cried, then apologized and shared the fish and promised to pay her back.

The seventh strike reminds you of the first bar fight you had with Charissa. And about how he joined in, just for fun.

The eighth strike reminds you of the night you spent fixing it, your group penance. You couldn’t have been happier

No. 1035364 ID: afe7de
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You’ve lost count of the number of strikes that have passed, but the memories continue to flow. The first time you beat him in a wrestle. The first time you were kicked by Charissa. The first time you kissed each other, in the moonlight by the lake.

You think about the time you caught him making out with Charissa and how relieved you were that it wasn’t Kris for some reason. It was a petty thought, and you aren’t a jealous spider, but you still thought it.

You feel the tears that he shed the night Charissa said she wanted to travel to be a true [MERCHANT]. The frustration that she felt when you wanted to be a [GUARD] and he chose to [STAY].

You feel the joy he expressed upon her return. The complete and palpable relief that she was stronger for it. Your jealousy of the attention he gave her, however brief. You feel the [PASSION] behind the hug she gave you, the surprise you felt that she missed you nearly as much as she missed him.

No. 1035367 ID: afe7de
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You think about how you watched him be dismembered in front of you by a massive [LIGHTNING BEAR]. You think about the smile on his face that just said “It’s okay.” You think about how you blacked out and were standing over the corpse of that bear, about the fear you could see in its dead eyes.

You feel the raw emotion Charissa felt at hearing about the loss. You feel her concern and worry when you couldn’t be found. You feel the absolute despair she felt when she thought that you were dead too.

You feel her resentment, her love, her understanding. You feel your anger, your anxiety, your loss of self worth. And you think you start to really understand Charissa.

And then you both stop. You’re bloodied, you at some point webbed up a hand to use as a makeshift boxing glove when it wouldn’t punch anymore. Charissa’s face is an absolute mess, covered in bruises, but she’s smiling. You touch your fangs and notice that you’re smiling as well. You look to your right. Huh, guess you wandered up to his grave.
No. 1035368 ID: afe7de
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You see a gravestone, engraved on it is his epitaph and a drawing of him, etched with skill.

You: “Sal Webb, he was just as obsessed with fish and pranks as the [WILD] was with his life”
You: Don’t give the [ORIGINAL MOTHER] a hard time okay?
Charissa: Can you imagine that guy actually talking to her?
You: He’d probably ask her if she likes fish and then walk past her to a pond or something
Charissa: Guy made a damned good salmon bake
You: And he was great with his fins
Charissa: And he never ate that Aqua-kin
You: Yup, there wasn’t even situational evidence at best.

There’s silence for a moment before the two of you burst into laughter. The two of you apologize and stand there for a while, reminiscing, you feel closer than before and your anger is mostly dissipated. That’s just how she is, and how you were.

A. Talk to Charissa
- Suggest stuff to talk about
- Charissa will be HONEST and has a lot of INFORMATION

B. Talk about Sal’s death
- Do you want fish death lore?
- This is how you get fish death lore.

C. Do something else
- Suggest something else to do/work on
- Your companions will report back at night on their progress

No. 1035369 ID: 899c9f

C: Talk to Wryn about the pocket estate tasks, you need to hurry with those so you can get what you need in town and then work on them on the go.
No. 1035372 ID: e51896

A. Tell her your dream about her. Maybe give her your golem as an apology gift to fit with that dream you had since she had it in your dream. But also let her know you will be adventuring again soon, and this time you want to say goodbye, like Kris suggested. You felt like you betrayed her and the town when you couldnt save Sal amd thats why you left without saying anything, but you realize that you actually betrayed her when you left without explaining yourself, but assure her you'll come back after your adventure as You're looking into mana pulses and crystals.

As you finish your conversation, watch as the meat wagon full of IRONBEAK-CROWS from days ago drive by off into the distance. Be like... wtf?
No. 1035377 ID: 629f2e

A, but no giving up the golem (>>1035372)

Tell Charissa straight up about your weird dream, and ask if she knows what it might mean.
No. 1035386 ID: fa94e5

C. Do something else
Give the girl a hug, you missed your friend.
No. 1035431 ID: 761d3b

A) Tell her what have you have been into. Also tell her to be aware of cristal monsters. Not that she can't handle that, but be prepared.

>>1035369 Good idea, but I wouldn't give the golem so freely. All the party risked to find it, so the spoils are property of everyone until there is a formal distribution.
No. 1035440 ID: 36784c


Ask her if anything interesting happened while you were away?

>give golem
Don’t do that.
No. 1035539 ID: afe7de
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You: So, has anything happened lately?
Charissa: In what way?
You: I mean outside of town, since y’know, you go there a lot
Charissa: Oh, that, yeah, I changed up my route a bit.
Charissa: Meant I got to check out some of the [BORDER VILLAGES]
You: Just on the [WILD] side right?
Charissa: On both sides, though not too deep into the [PANTHEON’S] space
Charissa: Those guys give me the jeebies
You: The heebies?
Charissa: The very same ones.
Charissa: They also looked more [ARMED] than before, but you heard the rumors
Charissa: It’s not like they’ve never seen me or other traders or anything
You: They’re just racist
Charissa: But they have random kin and, lots of Plush kin what with the hug houses
You: Maybe it’s better deeper in their colonies
You: I just don’t like them, they breed bandits over there
Charissa: Y'know anyone can be a bandit, like that one skunk
You: Ugh, don’t remind me about that one
Charissa: I heard she was sighted near the crossroads out of here
You: Hrmm…
Charissa: I know you’re tough but uh…
You: What? Gonna tell me not to hunt down that rank woman?
Charissa: Hell no, I was just gonna say that she probably has a [STASH] somewhere
Charissa: Can you imagine the mad [LOOT] she might be hiding?!
Charissa: Considering she just [HOPES] so hard and escapes
You: *grumble-grumble-spider-droppings-grumble*

No. 1035540 ID: afe7de
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You: I had a weird dream
Charissa: You only ever have weird dreams
Charissa: Okay fine, spill
You: I just saw you talking to yourself and with a big golem and my corpse is all
Charissa: Uh, you okay?
You: No, but I’m coping.
You: Maybe be careful if you hear about a [PARASITE] or something
Charissa: Yup, sure.

Blugh, you feel better, but her default is just a bit ABRASIVE. Might as well get to some of the meat of the situation.

You: So you see any [CRYSTAL MONSTERS] out there?
Charissa: Not yet, no
You: Keep an eye out, we bumped into one on the outskirts
Charissa: So like what kinda crystal monster? Like a Golem? An Object kin? A Bear?
You: It was apparently a boar covered in crystal-like growths, real sharp tusks like blades
You: Looked like a Beast-Kin and not a monster though…
You: Just… corrupted
Charissa: …
Charissa: Was it something you saw when you visited the [CRYSTAL SPIRE]
You: … Yeah. It was someone I couldn’t save.
Charissa: … fuck.

No. 1035541 ID: afe7de
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You give her a hug, it’s not brief, but it’s not long either. You’re both just too tired, emotionally and physically. So you walk back into town proper. That’s when you see it, the dreaded MEAT WAGON. There’s just so many [IRONBEAK CROWS]. It’s causing a MASSIVE racket and you’re just enraptured as it sloooowly moves through town avoiding bumping into anyone. Will it ever stop its journey? There’s no way to know for sure. Everyone’s tense when for a moment you think it’s going to stop in the town square.

A. The Meat Wagon
- A general complication that affects everyone
- The meat wagon will reach it’s destination somewhere inconvenient for you and funny for me
- It will be absolute chaos for anyone accosting you as well
- The main plot will continue to be free form and slice-of-lifey

B. The Pantheon Strikes
- A faction-based complication
- The pantheon will invade the [WILD] at the outskirts
- Artifacts from the [SPIRE] will be allotted to random members of the [WILD] to fight back
- The main plot will lean towards the [PANTHEON]

C. The Mana Wastes
- An environmental complication
- The fringes of the [WILD] start to become corrupted by the [MANA PULSES]
- Users of [MANA] will experience explosive fluctuations in power
- Users of [WILD] will feel a duty towards investigating this phenomena
- The main plot will lean towards [MANA]’s effect on the [WILD]

D. The Bandit Queens
- A new faction complication
- Your old skunk nemesis has gained a strange companion and some artifacts
- Kin with [ARTIFACTS] will appear and accost you every time you travel
- The main plot will lean towards the [BANDITS AND SPIRELINGS]

No. 1035542 ID: 899c9f

Hmm... D.
No. 1035544 ID: 629f2e

In lieu of a choice, I present a ranking.

C > D > B > A
No. 1035546 ID: f24ab3

No. 1035549 ID: 273c18

C or A.
No. 1035550 ID: bf7d5b

No. 1035557 ID: 894419

No. 1035564 ID: 275839

No. 1035565 ID: 970bc6

A, or C if A falls short
No. 1035572 ID: 629f2e

Since 'A' is tied for the lead rn, I'd like to bring up one small reason I don't think it's a good option at this time.


Remember that conversation we got into with Mia where she expressed frustration at the fact that we're moving too slowly, and wanted to explore some of the surrounding rumors that involved factions that meant a fair bit to her?

> Mia: And you’re so slow, we spent so much time just here
> Mia: Those [MANA PULSES] sound cool as shit!
> Mia: The [BLOOD] magic persecution sounds like I should find them!
> Mia: Heck, I’ll even settle for punching some racist [PANTHEON] members in the face

A is the only option listed here that fulfills none of Mia's desires, and if we go with it then we do so at the risk of losing her interest. Considering we just assured her that she was a valued member of the party, I don't think we should so quickly go back on that sentiment and make a choice that risks losing her.
No. 1035574 ID: 36784c

No. 1035575 ID: 273c18

Well, the thing is, we can choose to go investigate any of these things. The complication changes the... uh, flavor of our journey from here on, not the destination.
No. 1035576 ID: 629f2e


True, but if things keep happening in town, then we're going to continue staying in town to deal with them. There is no guarantee of further adventure, and the odds of exploring beyond this town dwindle the more time we spend in it. The less time we would have to spend on an issue like the Pantheon, Mana Veins, or Bandits, the less likely we are to spend any time on them. After all, would Ed really introduce a problem that we didn't have time to solve in the remaining length of the quest?

Here's the deal with A:

> - The main plot will continue to be free form and slice-of-lifey

If we pick A, we shouldn't do so with the idea in mind that we can come back to any of the other options. This is it, this is the choice. If you want to explore something, you should pick it now, because you're not getting any guarantees afterwards beyond the guarantee that this thread will eventually come to an end. Probably sooner then you'll want.
No. 1035600 ID: 02e7e9

Hm. B, or C
No. 1035601 ID: f7757a

C > D > A > B
No. 1035602 ID: ce39da

No. 1035620 ID: a9af05


We should look into those Mana Pulses that Mia was talking about.
No. 1035627 ID: db7660

No. 1035679 ID: 215320

No. 1035822 ID: 0838d6
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You feel a slight quake and for a moment think it's the meat wagon, but no, it comes from something deeper, it comes from the ground. It's subtle, and you would almost tell yourself that it was your imagination, only every other individual aligned with the [WILD] in the town square looks at each other, and they [KNOW]. Something is happening, and it is more important than a petty land dispute.

You feel an urge to head [WEST] to investigate this phenomenon.
You get the feeling that should you try to avoid it, the phenomena will come to you.

You forget about the wagon and head home, Key looks just as disturbed as you are, if not more disturbed. You tuck yourself into bed, too unnerved to discuss the progress of your companions at the moment.
No. 1035823 ID: 0838d6
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You wake up in the morning, feeling slightly better and everyone recaps what they've done.

Key, Mia, and Kris have worked together to sculpt a statue of the Queen out of some fancy rock along with using some nice wood to make a small wooden lean-to, which adds some ambience. It's rough, but symbolic and most importantly [WILD]. It feels like a part of the world and not like some sort of inorganic city structure.

> Create a fancy shrine - COMPLETE!
- You can spend more time on it in the future, adding to it
- You're not sure if there are any gains to be made by doing so…

Nuki on the other hand has spent the day hashing out details with Wryn about what bees need, how their ecosystems function, and suitable locations for colonies nearby. You get the feeling you should probably talk to Wryn if you want her to be in on the secret.

> Find a home for a [YOUNG QUEEN and MIMICS] has been updated
- Nuki now has vague knowledge to help them establish a colony
- You get the feeling Wryn would love to be contacted
- You can also ignore their advice and just let them free somewhere else

No. 1035824 ID: 0838d6
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You do your daily work with Mamita, but make no progress on improving your skill. You felt SO CLOSE, but alas, today was not the day.

It's time to consider your next moves.

A. Nuki: Go talk to Wryn!
- Wryn will provide you a solution to your other obligation
- She's buzzing with excitement

B. Mia: Let's go shopinggggggg!!!!!
- Suggest items you think would be useful
- Generic survival gear is understood to just be had by your party
- Only significant items will be found in the shop
- ex. Chains, candles, tonics, specific weaponry, gems, gifts etc.
- You can buy that map

C. Key: We must go [WEST]
- Leave early
- You will be given an opportunity to select anyone you want to join your party

D. Hunter: Hrmmmm
- Or do something else entirely
- Feel free to set some of the others to different tasks
- Stats: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats

No. 1035827 ID: 273c18

>today was not the day.
Goddamn it.

A and B both seem like important things to do.
No. 1035830 ID: 899c9f

A, buy the map.
No. 1035832 ID: 629f2e

A, take Nuki and go to Wyrn. Since Key knows the situation you've gotta check out already, ask her and Mia to shop for supplies, as you intend to travel WEST very soon. They're free to invite Kris and/or Charisse if they run into them.

Enjoy the quality time with Nuki, you haven't had any with her yet. Maybe offer a piggyback ride, she seems small and easy to carry, and you really really want to hold her.
No. 1035833 ID: 9de1c9

B. Lets buy stuff!
No. 1035846 ID: 761d3b

A and B seems important, but C looks urgent. Have a brief meeting to keep your companions on the loop with the [WILD] thing.

You and Nuki go to A. Mia and Key go to B. Tomorrow early we march WEST.

In the case Mia can also percieve the mana AND thinks its dangerous: Go today to WEST with Mia and Key. Nuki can handle A meanwhile or go with everyone.
No. 1035850 ID: 36784c

>A, take Nuki and go to Wyrn
>Have Key and Mia go shopping
Do this.
No. 1035851 ID: ce39da

Hmm, but Nuki would be the best pick for a shopping trip. She doesn't need to physically go to Wryn, does she? I'm sure Key would be able to follow along if we take her with us instead. (Other than that, I'm in support of this plan.)
No. 1035944 ID: 0838d6
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You split up, asking Mia and Key to go shopping for supplies. You also hand Key [10 FUNDS] so that she can buy that map of the spire shard locations, you have a feeling it'll be useful.

You and Nuki on the other hand, head over to Wryn's place. You offer Nuki a piggyback ride and she looks embarrassed, only accepting when you hit the edge of town. She's surprisingly light, that or you're too strong. You think it's the latter, after all, you're a buff spider who carried that big rock. You hum contently as you continue your walk.

Nuki remains quiet most of the stroll, glancing at the scenery and enjoying the flower patches you cross by. Occasionally you speak up and point out what a specific vine or moss is and she oohs at it. You sort of get the feeling that Nuki is quiet a lot of the time because she’s taking everything in.

She’s just [CURIOUS] you guess, but comfortable in the silence. It’s a little nice, and your walk is almost too short. You arrive and hear the excited buzzing of Wryn. She's pampering her bees without a care in the world and only stops as you reach the edge of her meadow.
No. 1035945 ID: 0838d6
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Wryn: Hey there you two!
Wryn: How's my favorite plush and 5th favorite bug!

You deflate now knowing your ranking in her hierarchy whilst Nuki blushes and mumbles something about her not being all that special.

You: Uh, we're fine, though Nuki says you might have a SOLUTION to a problem we're facing
Wryn: Oh yeah your MARRIAGE problem right, Nuki?
Wryn: Here just sign these papers~

She flies over, some paper appearing out of... you're not sure you even saw where she took it out of. She flies it over and hands the paper to Nuki who shakes her head and holds onto you tighter. Wryn sucks in on her mandibles with an audible *tsk*

Wryn: Can't blame a lass for trying~
Wryn: What about you fluffy?~
You: You know my position on the matter
You: This is about my *actual* problem
Wryn: Okay yeah your hive troubles
Wryn: Gotta say, you were holding out on me
Wryn: You talked with them too, and you asked for my help anyway
Wryn: For shame hunter, FOR. SHAME.

No. 1035946 ID: 0838d6
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You roll your eyes, it's clear that Nuki only gave the bare necessities in terms of information. Time to solve the problem.

> How do you resolve the [YOUNG QUEEN]'s dilemma
A. Escort Wryn to the edges of the [WILD]
- She'll help raise the colony of bees there
- You'll need to defend the outpost for a few days
- Members of the [COUNCIL] will then arrive to assist
- This will help stop the spread of the [MANA WASTES]

B. Give Wryn the young queen and the mimic guard
- They'll set up a colony in the village
- No need to defend the colony
- Members of the [COUNCIL] will arrive to reward Wryn after you leave
- This will help protect your hometown should the [MANA WASTES] expand

C. Have Wryn tell you of a good spot to let them nest
- You will stop halfway to your next destination
- The colony will establish itself on it's own
- There is a high likelihood you will have to fight something there
- The [WILD] will grow in power across the land

D. Other
- Perhaps you can convince Wryn of a different course of action

No. 1035949 ID: e51896

C sounds most adventurous, plus we get to help the wild grow in power, which might help the village against THE PANTHEON if they decide to attack since villagers from the wild will be able to protect themselves farther from the village. Even give us some more strength from our WILD as we venture towards the mana pulses.

Also, a fight sounds fun, we haven't had one for awhile.
No. 1035950 ID: 629f2e

Both B and C seem best, but I'm gonna go with C. Like Polt points out, helping to spread the wild may help the town defend itself against the Mana Wastes.

Plus, then we get to fight!
No. 1035951 ID: 899c9f

A because I want to hang out with Wryn and it will incidentally somehow help with the mana wastes' spread.
No. 1035953 ID: 273c18

B. Honey for the hometown!
No. 1035954 ID: ef5d95

B. Give Wryn the young queen and the mimic guard
No. 1035982 ID: a9af05


Let Wryn handle things so we can start moving towards whatever is causing the Mana Wastes to spread.
No. 1035998 ID: f3f534

No. 1036020 ID: 9bcb00

We should go with B.
No. 1036211 ID: 0838d6
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After some back and forth you come to a decision. It’s best if the bees and mimics stay near your hometown. You’ve got a lot of sentimentality towards this place, as much as you tried to avoid it, and you don’t want anything to happen to the kin inside.

Wryn is positively ecstatic at hearing the news and lets you know that she actually already had space set up in case something like this would happen. You’d roll your eyes at this, but that’s just the kind of girl she is. She DOES keep a marriage certificate on her at all times after all, makes sense that she’d prepare for any eventuality.

You let out the Mimics and Young Queen who immediately take a liking to Wryn seeing as she’s nearly a bee too, just the more aggressive kind, that’s more related to ants than bees. Maybe it’s that their colors match? Either way, it’s a job well done!

- Your hometown will be protected from hostile forces
- The [WILD] in the nearby area will flourish

- You have no obligations remaining!
- The [QUEEN BEE] is impressed by your speed and efficiency.
- Due to leaving a good impression, you might find these OPPORTUNITIES to be easier
- The [QUEEN BEE] would like to have a word with you

No. 1036212 ID: 0838d6
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Wryn gives you both as big of a hug as she can with her little body, to which you pat her head in response. She’s really fluffy around the cheeks. After a few moments she breaks the hug and shoos the two of you away, ready to take care of “boring beekeeping business”.

The trail you take back home is nice and carries the scent of a job well done. You look at Nuki who is practically beaming with pride.

You: You look really pleased!
Nuki: We did the thing!
Nuki: We helped the kin and the bees and the mimics!
Nuki: And nobody died…

It’s true, no one died, but you were beat up twice, and did suffer through some mental trauma throughout the process. But you also grew and learned and feel a little better now. Now there’s nothing holding you back from investigating the [MANA WASTES] and whatever is happening over there.

You: Got anything else you need to do in town?
Nuki: No, I did everything, already got my supplies
You: Then it sounds to me like tomorrow we set off
Nuki: Mhmm

Nuki then starts humming a tune, it gives you vibes that make you think of some sort of [PLANTIMAL]? Though you’ve never heard of the term before, you do get that very specific vibe. It’s comforting, and after a while you get the general flow of the song and join in.

The walk doesn't take that much longer and you meet with your companions at the tavern to report their gains from shopping.
No. 1036213 ID: 0838d6
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Key: Key got a new fishing rod!
Key: And some seeds!
Key: And other tools!
Mia: I got us some blankets.
Mia: And general survival goods.
Mia: Oh and we got you that map.
You: So we’re ready?
Mia: About as much as we can be.
Mia: We’re basically out of [FUNDS] so any last minute purchases are on you
Mia: Might I suggest… Booze?
Key: Key would like drinks on the road!
Nuki: I wonder if I can figure out how to make honeyed mead…
You: Hmmmm

Do you make any last minute purchases?
A. Buy a few kegs of alcohol!
- Adds the option to get drunk at night in the pocket estate!
B. Get instruments!
- Adds the option to play music at night in the pocket estate!
C. Get Lights!
- Lets you do activities that require more than just a campfire light!
D. Other
- Suggest something to add to some night-time fun!

And do you invite anyone to join your journey?
1. Invite Charisse
- Will reduce the normal supplies brought to and from your hometown
- Will trade for you to get the BEST DEALS if you need anything
- Key: Key does not like her

2. Invite Kris
- Will leave your hometown less defended
- Will make fights trivial against similar numbers
- Mia: PUH-LE-AZ-E

3. Invite Mamita
- If something happens to the estate, her safety will be directly threatened
- Will take care of the estate and make you hot food, but not leave the estate
- Hunter: Please don’t bring Mamita!

4: Invite someone else!
- You can’t invite Wryn, she’s busy!
- The more you bring, the less that will remain in your hometown!
- Remember to keep [GROUP DYNAMICS] in mind

No. 1036228 ID: bf7d5b

Booze is good, and if Kris thinks the town will be alright without him we might as well bring him along.
No. 1036231 ID: 629f2e

A and C!

2, Invite Kris. He's a good pal, gets along with everyone in the party, and we can let home be a little less defended since we placed the bees there to help protect them. Plus, Charisse can ensure that the town has access to whatever supplies they need.

Don't bring Mamita, it's already bad enough if you lose the pocket estate somehow. Also, if you get down and dirty with anyone in there, she will inevitably catch you.

If you really want to bring someone else, I will toss out a fun idea you could go with:

4, That one skunk bandit you hate. She seems pretty WILD judging from appearances, so she might be incentivized to deal with the Mana Pulses as well. Plus, if anything it'll make town safer, since you'll be removing a bandit. Your party won't like her, and you'll constantly worry that she'll steal your valuables. But who knows, you might just make a friend in the end.
No. 1036246 ID: a5761c

A or C. Lights are important.

3 or nobody. I think with rumors of the Pantheon invading, i'd say we leave Kris and Charissa at the town to guard it. They need all the protection they can get.

I'd say either being nobody
Bring Mamamita (to protect her and have her watch the estate)

Himitsu's idea to recruit the skunk bandit is interesting. But would she want to join us? Would Hunter like that idea? She might try to fight instead, and the town might not be too happy if we join up with the bandit that tried to kidnap kin from our village,
I initially thought it would be a cool ideq since this might be a situation that effects everyone, good and bad, something that would require a temporary truce between enemies to fix, but thinking it through, I think it's better personally that skunk bandit and Hunter remain enemies and not join up.
No. 1036249 ID: 273c18

No. 1036270 ID: 899c9f

Our party is perfectly fine as is! Three's company, as they say.
Get instruments! How expensive could those be, right? And you can provide the strings section.
No. 1036301 ID: a0679d

B. Get instruments. In case we need to party!

2. Invite Kris. The town has bees and mimics to help defend it, so it should be ok to bring Kris with us. (And we can tease Kris when Mia flirts with him.)
No. 1036373 ID: 761d3b

A) Because you all deserve to throw a little party.

2) Because mantis-pal is nice to be with and because then Mia can't complain
No. 1036378 ID: 63cbf0

No. 1036402 ID: 7c0da2

B, it will last longer than booze, and we could try to use them with the Dance of Unfortunate Travels.
A if there is Funds left.

Let's not invite anyone, the town needs them more than us. Or maybe Mamita, why not.
No. 1036426 ID: a9af05

No. 1036484 ID: c3e059

B. Instruments will last longer.

2. Kris gets along with everyone and the town has bees and mimics protecting it,so t should be fine to bring him with us.

>(And we can tease Kris when Mia flirts with him.)
This is another reason to bring him with us.
No. 1036532 ID: 0838d6
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You go shopping for final supplies, eventually settling on getting a small amount of [ALCOHOL], enough for a few days of drinking, and [INSTRUMENTS].

You get an [OCARINA] and a [BANJO] with your remaining [FUNDS], leaving you pretty much broke, but now that you have the pocket estate, you figure you can just trade for supplies instead of relying on a currency. Everyone’s excited as you shuffle things into the Pocket Estate from your home. You also plan to take your bed with you when you head out, no way you’re leaving that thing home, a bed is just too comfy to pass up.

As the sun begins to crest on the horizon and your packing has been completed you hear a knock on the door. It’s Kris, and he’s got a bundle with him.

Kris: Evening.
Mamita: Come! Eat! Put more meat in you!
Kris: You know that doesnt work with bugs right?
Mamita: Semantics! Put it in the abdomen, ladies love big abdomens!
Key: Key agrees, It’s true!
You: Maaamiiitaaaaaaa….

No. 1036533 ID: 0838d6
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The group laughs as you have a nice family dinner. Well, not everyone here is your family in the biological sense, but they’re the ones closest to you. That’s the thing about the [WILD], it’s free and chaotic and about the homes you make, so if you say this is your family, then it is, and it feels good.

Kris: So you’re sure?
You: Yup, we’ve got the bees and mimics which’ll help the town with your loss
Kris: Hrmmm I suppose so.
You: And I’m sure that Wryn has gotten the attention of the [COUNCIL]
You: That just means more protection from the town and maybe someone really strong comes!
Kris: Well, the council has been reliable in the past…
Key: Council?
You: Basically those closest to the [WILD] that hear whispers from the [ORIGINAL MOTHER]
You: They respond to threats in the domain and help the land grow
Kris: They live in the [OVERGROWN METROPOLIS]
You: It’s a place of concrete, overgrown and retaken by the wild
Kris: Incredible that civilization and the [WILD] can coexist like it does there
Mia: Sounds more like the [WILD] is in control there
You: It grows with what exists, rather than destroying what exists to establish itself
You: So that perspective isn’t really wrong.

- Mia is pleased
- Kris is worried for what he’s leaving behind
- Combat will become trivial unless you are outnumbered

No. 1036534 ID: 0838d6
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You say your goodbyes to Mamita in the hackles of the night. She says that she doesn't want to watch you leave the town again in the morning, so she’ll sleep in, not that it’s hard with her old carapace and aging body.


What?! You didn’t say it out loud, how did she know what you were thinking… Guess it must be her [MOTHERLY INSTINCTS]. You shudder and don’t think anything ruder before cuddling up in bed.

You head out at the crack of dawn and reach the clearing near the exit to town. Everyone looks to you and the map in your hands, time to figure out where you’re headed.

A. Follow the [SPIRE SHARD MAP]
- Head to a shard near the edges of the [WILD]
- The shard will have something to do with the source of the [MANA PULSES]

B. Follow your [WILD INSTINCTS]
- Head to the edges of the [WILD]
- You will reach the most urgent problem in the [MANA WASTES]

C. Follow Mia’s [MANA SENSE]
- You will find researchers studying the [MANA PULSES]

EDMANGO NOTE: The time to reach these destinations is all the same. We’ll be fast forwarding through overland travel unless you pick the choice that has an event attached to it. Instead the focus will be on your downtime events in the estate. You worked hard to get the estate, time to use it!
No. 1036538 ID: 273c18

B. After that we can head to the researchers.
No. 1036540 ID: 899c9f

A. Use the map!
No. 1036542 ID: 629f2e

C, there are people who are already studying this phenomena, and who are experts with MANA. If we go there first, we can pool our knowledge and work more efficiently by collaborating on the problem rather than going at it separately.

Plus, it'll take us to the Arcanus Mountains, which is somewhere new and exciting that we haven't been to before.

Plus plus, it's guaranteed to introduce us to some new characters, which will probably be fun and exciting.
No. 1036557 ID: 2e008f

We bought that map for a reason! And we want to get our moneys worth. Time to use it.
No. 1036615 ID: 7c0da2

A. We paid quite a lot of funds for this map, let's put it to use before it becomes outdated.
No. 1036616 ID: a9af05

>What?! You didn’t say it out loud, how did she know what you were thinking…
Just be glad she didn't use the Chancla!

Go with A. Time to put this map to good use.
No. 1036619 ID: 761d3b

Be sure to met Charisa this time!
Either A) or B). Both are near and we have good reason to go for either (a promise and a potential danger for your old home)
No. 1036622 ID: a9af05

>Be sure to met Charisa this time!
What are you talking about?
No. 1036627 ID: 7c0da2

Don't forget to say goodbye to Charissa before leaving this time.
No. 1036632 ID: 2abdb5

>Put it in the abdomen, ladies love big abdomens!
>Key agrees, It’s true!
That explains why Key is always staring at Hunter's butt. She likes what she sees!

A. We bought the map, so let's use it before it's out of date.

Too late for that, we've already left town.
No. 1036706 ID: 0838d6
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A bead of sweat forms on your brow as you remember that you haven't *exactly* said goodbye to Charissa, sure, you let her know that you'd be leaving soon, and around when it would happen. And you did bump into her to get the instruments...

You sprint back to town and let a groggy Charissa know that you're leaving before you sprint away. She looks back at you almost as if comical question marks are floating above her head.

Charissa: HEY!!!
Charissa: *Grumble* itsy bitsy asshole *grumble*

No. 1036707 ID: 0838d6
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Okay, NOW you head off to your decided destination, the nearest [SPIRE SHARD] on the edges of the [WILD]. This area is apparently lightly polluted by a plague known as [BANDITS] because it's a route often taken by trade caravans coming to and fro from the area. Though, with the party you’ve got accrued at the moment, any untrained fools will easily die by your blade.

Mia: Hunter you look a bit… livelier
Key: Key agrees
Kris: Because we’re nearing bandit territory.
You: What? I’m always lively!
Nuki: That’s a lie
Kris: False
Mia: Nuh Uh
Key: Key thinks Hunter has plenty of life essence!
Mia: You’re usually kinda mopey and quiet unless we get you going

You pout, which is hard considering you don’t really have a traditional mouth and have more these… mandible-fang things. Really it just looks like you clacking them in excitement. Shit, you are excited. You’re kind of itching to beat up, possibly maim some bandits.

Guess you were kind of pent up being home and all, which you didn’t want to do in the first place, even if the results were GOOD and you came to some CLOSURE, and you got one of your best friends. You’d grumble, but you’re not actually upset.
No. 1036708 ID: 0838d6
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There was that one encounter with a [WATER BEAR] but those things can’t die. Literally, they’re immortal or something. You fought it off and got injured, but with everyone’s combined capabilities and your [RAPID REGENERATION] spell, it only took a few moments before you continued your journey until late evening.

Now that you don’t have to worry about finding a campsite, travel has become a breeze. You expect to reach your destination in a few days, barring any incidents, but you still climb a nearby tree and scope out the area. It doesn't hurt to be too careful.

You spot something in the distance, a small plume of smoke. Likely from a campfire given the color and density of the smoke in the distance. It’s too far away for you to reach, you get the feeling you’ll probably bump into whoever it is tomorrow. You head back down and go over your options for your downtime.

Pick two things, with the first being what you spend the most time on, and the second being something that you only touch on briefly.

A. Talk to the [QUEEN BEE]
- She wants to talk to you
- She wants attention
- You could always have Nuki take care of it

B. Get D R U N K
- Have a party in the pocket estate
- Pick a companion to focus your attention on
- Something special might happen
- You can do this a maximum of 3 times

C. Pop open the [ARCANE GOLEM]
- Everyone will do their own thing
- You’ll spend the night figuring out how to use it
- Something weird is up with it

D. Explore the pocket estate
- Wander the premises in more detail
- Pick a companion to waltz around with you
- Is this a date?

E. Other
- Do something else
- You could always practice the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL]
- You get the feeling adding [INSTRUMENTS] might cause a synergistic effect
- Stats: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire_Stats#Stats

No. 1036710 ID: e5709d

Explore the Estate, then train dancing with instruments.
No. 1036711 ID: 273c18

The party can wait until after the shard.

D, Key, yes it's a date.
No. 1036712 ID: 894419

D with key, then B focusing on Mia
No. 1036715 ID: 629f2e

E, Practice the Dances of Unfortunate Travel with your partners while Kris supplies the tunes.

Do B simultaneously, just get real rowdy and rrunk. Spend your time with Mia.
No. 1036718 ID: 7c0da2

E, Dance of Unfortunate Travels with music;
D, Key, of course it's a date, talk about what it's like to create a Demesne,if it's possible to share and where in the estate is suitable.
No. 1036720 ID: 761d3b

B) Key
D) All

I feel like we are leaving the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL] aside (specially by how OP it is) but also don't want to lose those oportunities.
No. 1036774 ID: 36784c

D with Key, then go do A.
No. 1036795 ID: e51896

Changing my vote a bit, as I had an idea

Spend most of our time doing D: dating Key

spend the other small part of our time with E: Practicing the Dances of Unfortunate Travel with your partners while Kris supplies the tunes like Himitsu suggested

And while you are dating Key, or maybe towards the end of the day: ask her to use the Flower of Embrace on the two of you, just to see how it works.
But then have the vines of the flower entangle and tie your cuddly bodies close together with Key in a sensation of a comforting hug. And maybe if it's late and we got nothing else to do, stay like that for the rest of the night as you both fall asleep together in the embrace of the flower, and each other.
No. 1036849 ID: a9af05

Go do D with Key.

Then go and do A since it seems important and we shouldn't ignore it for too long.
No. 1037134 ID: 0838d6
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You set up the [POCKET ESTATE] and everyone piles on in. It’s a strange sensation, being inside of it, knowing that you’re safe. You look up at the “sky” of the place and are reminded of the frosted-glass styled nature of the edge you looked into when you scouted the place out. You can see the sun cresting on the horizon, or a light that’s vaguely blurry, shining through the estate.

Your companions are setting up some torches and a campfire, you note that Nuki is staying VERY far away from the campfire and any torches. You decide to do something fun and bring out the instruments and the [DANCES OF UNFORTUNATE TRAVEL]. The group of you try using them in conjunction. There’s a single page in the back about instrumentation and performative dance procedures improving the efficacy of [DANCE] energy and it’s synergistic properties on the density of-

Yeah, you just did the thing and got better. The actual metaphysics behind [DANCE] energy are kind of beyond you. Maybe if you met a [BARD] or something you could figure it out, but it doesn't seem that important. What is important is that playing music lets you dance faster somehow.

- You gained bonus XP for practicing in a new and novel way
- You ranked up! You are now at [RANK 2]
- Everyone can now perform the dance at 3/5 proficiency without needing the book!
- Performing with 2 or more dancers can let you control 4 factors!
- You are 0/5 of the way towards the next rank of proficiency
- Performing with musical accompaniment will double the speed of casting
- Performing with musical accompaniment will leave the musician [VULNERABLE] to attacks

No. 1037135 ID: 0838d6
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After a moment’s contemplation you approach Key, asking if she wants to take a walk with you. Her face lights up like a moonstone in the night, she happily comes to your side, a bit closer than normal as you begin your walk through the estate.

You decide to wander through the Mimic’s territory. The nicely wooded forest. You don’t really find anything new, but notice there’s a lot of herbs, fruits, and wild roots around. The plant life and vines are positively thriving and it smells comfortably earthy. No words are spoken for a while, and it starts to darken. You realize that you forgot a torch.

You: It’s getting dark, I should have thought this through…
Key: Key has this!

Several pulses of energy softly emanate from Key. You can taste the ozone, the… pungent, almost metallic sign of [MANA] use, only it’s different. It’s more earthen, more [WILD]. You feel the environment… differently, it’s not that it’s getting lighter in the darkness, but more that it’s… stopping being as dark in the first place. It’s as if your eyes are adjusting to an all-too-bright room. You hear Key let out a grunt of effort and can feel the energy recede for a moment.

And then it doesn't.
No. 1037136 ID: 0838d6
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The smell and taste of [MANA] intensifies in the air and your vision warps, you feel your eyes strain and you start to… see new colors. You feel your eyes strain.

You: Ugh, Key, what
Key: Gah!

You look to Key with your distorted vision and see that she’s… morphing, becoming slightly more furred on her crocodile parts and becoming slightly more crocodile in her otter parts. Her clawed hands become softer, she gains a few inches, half her teeth are becoming more omnivorous and less carnivorous. She’s breathing heavily. You shut your eyes, the vibrance too much from your several eyes. It’s overstimulating.

You: Breath Key, breathe

She takes several shuddering breaths, in, and out. You think you hear light sobbing, You open your eyes, risking a peek and the eye straink to see her morphing, clutching her chest and looking at the sky. A minute passes and the scent of [MANA] vanishes. You feel the strain on your eyes lessen and your vision returns to what you assume was the intended effect, night-vision.

You look at Key and she’s slightly different from before, she’s got more scales on her chest, but softer paws, and her tail is slightly less spiny. She’s staring at the floor.

Key: Key uh..
Key: Key isnt…
Key: Key is sorry Hunter…
You: Are you okay?
Key: No.

No. 1037137 ID: 0838d6
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She slumps down, a tree trunk conveniently in its place. She looks down, surprised to see one there, but does not question it. You sit up next to her and edge closer, making sure to make physical contact and you put a hand on her thigh, squeezing slightly.

Key: What does Hunter know of Demesnes?
You: Only that I have this seed and need to plant it.
Key: Does Hunter know what the seed is?
You: Uh? It’s… the [WILD]? And me?
Key: Yes and no.
Key: Hunter’s seed *is* Hunter, not the [WILD]
Key: Once it is planted, Hunter becomes the [WILD]
Key: The seed embodies Hunter in the [WILD]
Key: And if Hunter’s tree dies…
You: I die?
Key: No, but a part of Hunter dies, and this…

She gestures, her hand morphing slightly between Otter and Croc features

Key: Happens.
You: You lose control.
Key: *nods*
You: And the [MANA]?
Key: Key doesen’t understand that one…
Key: Maybe stress?

You get the distinct feeling that [MANA FLARE] was more related to the [MANA WASTES] than anything.
No. 1037138 ID: 0838d6
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You: What was your old Demesne like?
Key: Key’s Demesne was less a meadow and more a grove
Key: Key’s seed became a beautiful tree, surrounded by bushes and a river.
Key: Others planted their seeds too, and together…
Key: Together…

You can tell she wants to cry, that she’s thinking of some painful memories. But she coughs and puts on her normal cheery expression.

Key: But Key can make a new one with Hunter
Key: A third demesne…
Key: A bigger demesne, a better demesne, a safer!
Key: In a place no one can hurt it…

A. Embrace Key
- Hug Key
- She will cry
- The [Flower of Embrace] will tangle the two of you together until morning

B. Plant your seeds
- Create your demesne with Key
- You will both become incredibly horny
- The [Flower of Embrace] will evolve

C. Ask about what happened
- Learn more about Key’s past
- She will cry HARD
- You will learn about an alternative way to create a demesne

D. Other
- Do something else and get different info
- Feel free to combine approaches

No. 1037139 ID: 629f2e

No. 1037141 ID: 273c18

B. Eyebrow waggle.
No. 1037142 ID: 899c9f

C. More knowledge, is this a safer way to make a demesne? Or a stronger one..?
No. 1037153 ID: 275839

No. 1037163 ID: 5ea13d

A. This feels the most heartwarming thing to do.
Failing that, B because I rather not make Key cry hard. Give her space, give her boundaries!

OR consider A AND B
No. 1037180 ID: 02e7e9

B for good outcome and trying to cheer her up, she was walking awfully close earlier, and with what she just said about before
No. 1037195 ID: 761d3b

A) Go wholesome team!
No. 1037196 ID: e5709d

Get the full story.
Then Sexasaurus Rex!
No. 1037255 ID: afe7de
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Part of you is INSANELY curious about what happened, mostly about what this third demesne business she’s referring to could be, you didn’t realize someone could live after losing a demesne twice!

But another part of you feels like instead, you should show a gesture, a strong one. So you think back to your days with Sal, you think back to what exactly flirting was even like. And you draw a blank. How the hell do you even flirt?!?! How do you comfort someone? And then it hits you, the oldest trick in the book.

You return her gaze and cock your eyebrows, wiggling them as seductively as possible.

You: Wanna make this place our demesne?
You: Our home?

No. 1037256 ID: afe7de
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Her smile cracks for a moment and you see a mix of several emotions, at first it’s fear and distress, then it's confusion, then it’s understanding, and then a manic sort of happiness that you thought you could only really see on very few people. She pounces on you, knocking you to the ground.

Key: Key would love to!

You both, using a knife, cut out the seed from your chests, there is no blood when you go to do this, and the wound is healed instantly. Her seed is smaller, less filled with energy, but yours is bulbous, like a peach pit, and potent with fresh [WILD]. The two of you don’t bother picking an optimal spot, it’s the way of the [WILD] to do things freely.

You plant your seeds close to one another and the energy intertwines, and you can feel the [WILD] pour through you. And you can feel Key pour through you. And uh, it looks like Key can feel you flowing through you. You know those eyes, that expression, that cock of the hips, how she’s licking her lips. Those are the eyes of [LUST]. And you can’t say you’re not looking at her with the same expression.

The two of you kiss, and become a blur of limbs and sex as you fill eachother both literally and metaphorically. You fill the surrounding area with the [WILD] and it tastes strangely of fresh mint, vines, and… peaches? Huh.
No. 1037257 ID: afe7de
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At one point you pause in your ecstasy and Key comes close, whispering to you.

Key: Call Key by Key’s real name
You: I.. your name isn’t Key?
Key: No, Key’s name is Tchotchke
Key: Key wants Hunter to call Key that in private

She nuzzles against you as you call her by her true name. And you feel the last of the barriers break down between the two of you.

You don’t wake up the next morning because you didn’t sleep. You were so wired and so excited and so… [WILD]. Yet you don’t feel exhausted, you don’t feel stressed, and… You feel oddly complete. As if there was this gnawing, aching void in your chest that has been packed to the brim with… something else. You still miss Sal, but the aching feels almost distant, and ephemeral. Not replaced, but… filled. You’re not sure how to feel about it, but notice the time and decide to handle the day. You’ll have time for introspection later.

You have formed a demesne with Tchotchke (Key)!
- Your [WILD] spell will be manifesting soon
- Your Demesne will provide you with bonus options when the time comes
- Changes are taking place with the [POCKET ESTATE] itself
- You now have a slight sympathetic link with Key and are able to vaguely feel her emotions

No. 1037258 ID: afe7de
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Mia snickers as you exit the forest with Key, your group heads out on your journey, but it doesn't take long for you to bump into someone. It’s a beast-kin lizard. They’re sitting absentmindedly, poking a fire with a very burnt fish skewered through it.

Lizard: …Oh, I thought I had a few more minutes before you’d get here.
You: What do you mean, already? Were you expecting us?
???: YOU!

The stick he’s holding suddenly changes shape. It grows wider and sharper at one end, transmuting into metal. It forms a handle in the man’s hands, and you recognize it as a Sword.

Lizard: …Lilith was looking for you.
Lizard: …Oh, she’s the sword. I’m Francis.
Lilith: Franciiiiiiiss stop greeting the enemy! Swing now! Cut him into twenty billion pieces.
Francis: That would take a lot of swinging. I think my arms would get tired.
Lilith: Then I’ll settle for two!
Key: Hunter will remain in one piece. Key likes him better this way.
Nuki: ...I swear I’ve seen that sword before.

She was right, you had seen it too, back in the spire. You remember staring at a blade that looked exactly like the one now calling for your dismemberment. You hadn’t rescued it back then, and it was rightfully mad. A twinge of shame fills you, despite knowing you couldn’t save them all.
No. 1037260 ID: afe7de
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Francis: …So, I promised Lilith that I would help her kick your butt, since she can’t do it herself.
Francis: But I don’t really like hurting people for no reason.
Francis: Plus, you’re on an important quest to fix the MANA WASTES. Stopping you from doing that would be bad.
You: … How do you know about that?
Francis: …Anyways, I did promise Lilith I'd fight you, so how about a compromise?
Francis: How about… a duel? First to ten clean hits wins. …Is that okay with you, Lilith?
Lilith: …They'd better be good hits.
Francis: He’ll be nursing welts for weeks, promise.

He rubs the sword like one would a pet. You swear it’s purring.

Francis: I know you don’t have much incentive to fight me,
Francis: And I can’t really force you to with all your friends here.
Francis: But Lilith isn’t the only [SPIRE SHARD] I found.
Francis: If you agree to fight one-on-one, then whether you win or lose, I’ll let you take one for yourself!
Francis: …But if you agree and I win, then I want one of yours in return.
Francis: The golem that you’re keeping in the estate.

He knows about that too? So far he knew that you would arrive, what your quest was, and now what items you’ve brought with you. You aren’t sure who could have told him, but it’s not impossible you’ve been spied on, but you’re amazed that none of you noticed.

He’s laid out his terms. What will you do?

A. Kris: Two on one seems… improper...
- Make it a 2v2 fight
B. Mia: Fight, fight, FIGHT!
- Accept the duel
C. Nuki: Hunter doesen’t need to do this, right?
- Deny the request
D. Key: …
- Key will do something
- Key’s current vibe is [ANXIETY]

E. Hunter: uhhh
- Do something else (Other)

No. 1037268 ID: 629f2e

A or B! I crave violence, and this seems like a pretty harmless encounter. You get an item if you participate, and if you lose then you lose an item you've never found a use for. All things considered, you pretty much always come out ahead.

If you do bring a partner, make it Nuki. Mia would kill him immediately, and Key would kill him slowly if he got any good hits in. Nuki is the safest bet.
No. 1037271 ID: 557c0e

E Ask if he... you know... GRADUATED from any sort of combat or sword fighting school. Just so you know how to prepare yourself

Trust me. Mentioning graduation is gonna probably freak him out in some way... or maybe catch him off guard... maybe even forfeit if we're lucky!

Otherwise, >>1037268
This, but with Kris. I dont think Nuki wants to fight and will be upset. Let Kris know it's just a friendly duel.
No. 1037272 ID: bf7d5b

Just GIVE him the golem, you've got enough on your plate as it is.
No. 1037274 ID: 557c0e

Also, assure Nuki this is just for fun so she doesnt get too upset.
No. 1037275 ID: 899c9f

The tool isn't the only one with mysterious powers. I want this to be a 2v2 with Mia. Remember, nonlethal.
This is, worst case scenario, a trade of a spire item, and best case, an additional spire item. We don't have to worry about ordinary combat. It's time for Hunter to show off his webslinging!
No. 1037276 ID: 15c72a

B. We never got around to activating the golem, and our group is big enough already, so we don't need it for a fifth party member. If we lose it, no big deal.

Hell, if we win I want to offer to trade it.
No. 1037290 ID: 36784c

A. Since there's two of them, it's only fair that you get a partner.

Team up with Kris and show them your bug power!

>Trust me. Mentioning graduation is gonna probably freak him out in some way...or maybe catch him off guard...maybe even forfeit if we're lucky!
What are you talking about???
No. 1037292 ID: e51896

(Read Himitsu's quest Perpetuity to find out. Basically, Francis is pretty much a reference to Franklin from Perpetuity, and graduation is a term in that quest)
No. 1037294 ID: e5709d

Dooo eeet...
No. 1037304 ID: e51896

Gonna make small changes to my original vote: If we can convince him to do A without any other rule changes, then great. But if he changes the rules a bit after making it two on two (like not letting us choose a spire shard even if we lose because we wanted 2 v 2) then just stick with B. Our newfound WILD I think will be enough for this I think.

Though I think I prefer B over A to see Hunter's combat abilities at his best. but if we go the direction of A and the tool of trust has any issues with that, tell her you actually see her as a person and more than just a tool, and ask if she doesn't see herself as one.

alternatively, I'd also say consider using our golem if A happens since Franklin is using a spire item, we can use one too... but I'm not sure if when the golem is linked to someone, if they are linked with them forever permanently, or if it can switch people it is linked with.

still want to mention GRADUATION tho. BUT the only change I'd make is that We can actually probably do it at some point DURING the match rather than before the match now that I think about it as an advantage, like if he's getting the upper hand, we say "wow, you're really good! did you GRADUATE from a combat or sword-fighting school?
No. 1037306 ID: 36784c

Just because he’s a reference to a character from a different quest, that doesn’t mean anything from that quest will carry over to this quest.

Even if we do what you want, he’s probably not going to react the way you want him to.
No. 1037333 ID: a9af05

Since he can apparently read minds, ask him how this is going to be a fair fight? He can read your mind and know what you're going to do in order to block or dodge your attacks, which would prevent you from landing any hits on him.
No. 1037414 ID: 761d3b

At least try to negotiate A). State out loud that that sword seems way too much capable. If it don't work maybe you could try the duel, but renounce to the shard exchange (I doubt he is doing this without thinking he can surpass you)

I don't feel like leting them be will do any good against someone who can spy on you so easily. Try to resolve this mess.
No. 1037428 ID: 629f2e

Just realized I never specified my preference between these two, so I'm gonna say B. Have Hunter fight alone so that he can try out his own powers. All of his friends are as strong or stronger, so they'll probably outshine him if they fight too. Let Hunter have a chance to show off.

Plus, it seems pretty fair. It's not like a weapon can do very much independently of the person holding it. It's more like 1.5 VS. 1, it's gonna be a little imbalanced no matter how you slice it.
No. 1037460 ID: f2320a

Thought spider was a female
No. 1037523 ID: afe7de
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Kris: Two on one seems… improper
Nuki: Uhhh
Francis: I don’t think Lilith can fight by herself though, and it wouldn’t mean much if I just hurt you for her.
You: Well if you’ll be fighting alongside her, then maybe I should get an ally of my own?
Francis: …That’s fine. It’s still a bit imbalanced though, is that okay?
Kris: You tell us. It’s your side that’s at a disadvantage, don’t you think?
Francis: …Is that what you think?
Lilith: Two on two is fine! No more than that though, I didn’t come here to fight your friends, I wanna fight you!
Francis: Speaking of fighting, can you change out of this form? I think a sword is a little too… lethal for a duel.
Lilith: Yeah yeah, fine, just stop me when I hit one you like.

The sword in front of you shifts between several forms, a boomerang, a yoyo, a single claw, eventually settling on a parasol with hooked tips at its edges. It’s about as tall as a staff and is swirled around with [SKILL], before Francis firmly plants it to the ground with a dull thud.

Mia: How is this even remotely fair?
Mia: He can read minds!
Francis: I can? How do I do that?
Mia: Oh please, you just happen to know where we’re going, what we’re doing, and items that have been in storage for days now?
Francis: …Ohhhh, that stuff. I didn’t find that out, somebody told me.
You: Who? Someone from Mantisleaf?
Francis: Hmm… I don’t think she’s from there…
Francis: …Oh, if I’m fighting two of you now
Francis: Then I get one of your potions too if I win.
Francis: Should we say it’s ten clean hits each? Or still just Hunter?

No. 1037524 ID: afe7de
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After a bit of bickering back and forth between your party members, you decide to fight with Nuki. She’s extremely hesitant, but Mia brings up how Nuki nearly one-shot that boar. Key also brings up how Nuki is deceptively fast. You think she’s the best bet against a wild-card like this.

There’s also this… look that she gives him. One of [CURIOSITY] one where she’s gauging his strength, itching to move forward. Part of her hesitance feels almost forced, but less that she’s worried about being hurt, more that she’s worried about hurting them. You’ve got a gut feeling that this will be tougher than you expect.

Francis: …Oh right, I have to do the thing.

His free hand begins moving in strange and arcane gestures not unlike the use of some more complex spells you’ve seen those with [FAITH] or [MANA] use. After around ten seconds he stops and opens his hand, a small cube of [HARD LIGHT] sits, it’s a teal, similar to his body color.

Francis: This is just to make sure nobody else steps in.
Lilith: Hee hee~ It’s happening!
You: What?

No. 1037525 ID: afe7de
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There’s a brief flash of light as the four of you are enclosed in a slightly transparent cube around 4 feet off of the ground. Your companions outside the cube are completely in shock, your mouth is agape, as is Nuki’s. You see a bright flash of light, an explosion outside, and only see a light crack appear in the cube that, after a few moments, begins to repair itself. The dust settles and you see a very angry Mia holding an outstretched arm to the cube.

You: Uh, what?
Francis: See, that’s what I mean by stepping in. We don’t want that.
Francis: [HARD LIGHT] constructs are hard to maintain though, so I’m handicapping myself a little bit here.
Francis: But I promised Lilith ten hits, so I want to make sure she gets them all.
Lilith: No running away now! You’re gonna fight and see just what you missed out on!
You & Nuki: …

The two of you face your opponents. You can hear an ominous cackling coming from the closed parasol, while Francis’s expression remains impassive. And then he moves, and he’s… slower than you expected? Almost… amateurish? Or even… slovenly?
No. 1037529 ID: afe7de
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He just walks forwards, and yet the hairs on the back of your neck scream to move, so you do. Nuki dashes forwards and Franklin swings the tool towards her.


There’s a loud BOOM as the air is displaced and Nuki is knocked back against the wall, another crack forming. She falls to the ground, and gets back up. There’s a frown on her face and mania in her beady eyes. The two of you trade blows with francis and… you think you understand what’s going on.

Francis is an [ENERGY] user, only, he appears to have very low reflexes, and is compensating with his high skill to, for the briefest of moments, spike his reflexes and power, minimizing his [ENERGY] expenditure.

There was no way you’d win a one on one fight with this guy. But then you feel a pulse, one that comes from inside you, and it’s a big one. Your stomach fills with… something, it almost feels like you’re full of bile and want to vomit, but in a good way. You’ve experienced this twice before, when your [SPELLS] manifested. Maybe… maybe you can do something to swing the tables in your favor.

You watch as Nuki and Francis duke it out, she’s at a slight disadvantage, you’ve got to make a move that swings the tide in your favor.

What [WILD SPELL] do you manifest?
- When cast you manifest part of your demesne outside of the pocket estate
- Applies penalties to your opponents
- Expands your true demesne by stealing small, unnoticeable things from the environment
- You received this option as a bonus for making your demesne in the pocket estate!

- Forgo a wild spell to become part mimic
- You can change your body shape
- Key will gain full control of her shapeshifting

- When cast Your spider silk takes on properties of the [FLOWER OF EMBRACE]
- Your silk becomes temporarily prehensile
- Your silk has soothing properties when used to make things

D. Other
- Idk come up with something to solve the immediate problem!
- Or forgo the golem for long term gains.
- None of these spells are guaranteed to win you the conflict, but some help more than others

No. 1037532 ID: 629f2e

> - Key will gain full control of her shapeshifting

So that's gonna be a B from me. Like, the other options aren't even under mild consideration.
No. 1037536 ID: e51896

A or C.

A because we pretty much have a portable DEMESNE wherever we go to power ourself out without being confined to one area like most people with WILD. Also, this buff will apply to Key too because it's her demesne too!

C because we can lasso Francis or Lilith up and swing them around pull Nuki out of danger, or and comfort them to the point of either slowing down more. (we might be able to pull Lilith out of Francis' grasp with this move). AND we can comfort Nuki if she gets too nervous

I think I lean towards A
No. 1037538 ID: 15c72a

Use Grappling Silk!

B! Though, A is very tempting.
No. 1037540 ID: 899c9f

B. Mimic blood? Too cool. You can use that to compress your body, giving yourself more room to maneuver in this box that cheater's trapped you in.

Remember that while you may be faster than him, he thinks ahead. To an absurd, unfair degree, apparently. So while you may be fast enough to take advantage of opportunities, you need to gauge whether it's really an opportunity or a trap before you close in for the kill. Strike first, strike often, and feint.
No. 1037546 ID: e51896

On the stats page:

>She's buzzing with excitement
>Or wait... did she smuggle a bee into her bag?
>She definitely smuggled a bee into her bag.

That gives me an idea:
Tell Nuki to deploy that bee she smuggled out of her bag, have it try to distract Francis and Lilith!
No. 1037547 ID: 15c72a

Oh, and summon the deer via the Bell. It's not a very good summon, might as well use it in a nonserious fight.
It won't count as outside interference because it's your equipment!
No. 1037586 ID: 01fe07


Applying penalties to our opponents might be enough to turn things in our favor.
No. 1037599 ID: b0b5f8

rolled 2 = 2

A sounds good for the short term, B sounds good for the long term.

I'm gonna roll for this one. Now with the correct keyword!
No. 1037666 ID: a9af05


>this box that cheater's trapped you in.
He already told us it's to make sure the rest of our party doesn't interfere in the duel. He's not cheating, he's making sure that we don't cheat.
No. 1037787 ID: afe7de
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Flashes of sensations and ideas breeze past your mind, one where your demesne forms outwards, one where your silk gains properties similar to the flower of embrace, but no. You think back to that moment with Key, to how distraught she was at the lack of control over her form. And to Mimics. Wouldn’t learning from them be a good solution to that.

So you tug, and you tug some more, and like a fruit coming off of a tree, you feel something pop and then slide into your existence. Its sensation is warm and creamy and your mind fractures for a moment as you live through several different experiences in a fraction of a second. You see your life as a pebble, then as a small pile of moss, hobbling around, encouraged by the other mimics. You see your first kill, a bee, it was so tasty. And then you see yourself grow, and grow, and grow, until you’re the tallest tree in the forest. You fear nothing, for you are the forest, and then you died because you grew too large and couldn’t sustain yourself. Oops.

You feel whiplash as you re-enter your body, less fragmented, and now have the acute knowledge on how to change your body's shape and form. You get the impression that it’ll be easier to shift into forms that are vaguely shaped s