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1014275 No. 1014275 ID: 681cb5

To explore new frontiers, to experience new realities, to embrace new worlds… and embrace the life on them, be it women, men or something else.

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!


Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609
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No. 1014276 ID: 681cb5
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With the invention of a new and improved FTL drive new opportunities presented themselves. Now were not only the ways between stars open for you, but the ways between the very galaxies as well! The new drive, though still experimental, started a race for all species to be the first to discover new galaxies, and your species were no different. The Sakkilian with their industrial might were quick to construct a fleet for the sole purpose to explore the closes galaxy, and you were quick to sign up as one of the captains of said fleet when you got the opportunity.

Three massive colony ships where built, designed to land on suitable planets and fold into complete cities for the passengers to inhabit, as well as two dozen explorer ships, capable of housing over 200 passenger while they swam between the new stars on a mission to find new life. The trip to the new galaxy would be a one way trip, taking nearly a hundred years on the outside of the hyperspace bubble it would use to travel, but the 10.000 crewmates that has signed up for the adventure knew this all too well and were eager to explore new frontiers even if it meant to never return to their home again.
No. 1014277 ID: 681cb5
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But as the Colony fleet traveled through Hyperspace with its new experimental FTL drive, something went horribly wrong. As they was nearing their destination the very reality around them started to bend and warp, contorting the very ships they were in as if they were made of soft clay. Alarms blared out as ships was torn asunder and thrown in every direction out from Hyperspace, into destinations unknown.

In the chaos and panic, a brave Captain and a small crew decides the best course of is to board one of the smaller explorer ships and launch themselves out from Hyperspace, opting to take their chances with a destination unknown instead of staying on the now collapsing colony ship. As the ship barreled out the hanger, barely avoiding the debris from the failing ships, the crew opted to engage the cryo sleep procedure to secure themselves and wait for rescue.
No. 1014278 ID: 681cb5
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An unknown time later, you’re woken up from your cryo-sleep by the blaring alarm of the ship, signaling that it’s close to run out of fuel. With no rescue in sight, it comes down to you as Captain to handle the situation and turn things around. You’re currently stuck who know where, in a ship that has the bare minimum modules installed to fly, with a crew of only 5 people and no fuel or possibly food… but you didn’t become a captain to have it easy, did you? It’s time to get to work and save your sorry tails!

Please design a Captain (Main protagonist) and a second of command (Secondary protagonist). Any character not chosen might become one of the 3 redshirts on board as well.
You are a Sakkilian, a lizard person walking on two legs, thus your choices are as followed:

Scale color (Any color is applicable)
Body Type
Length (general, not exact)
No. 1014279 ID: 7324a0


No. 1014281 ID: e2f5cc

Name - Regina
Sex - Female
Scales - Violet
Body Type - 100% pure MILF

Name - Tana
Sex - Futa
Scales - Black
Body type - Built like a tank
No. 1014282 ID: 031458

What does length define?

Bi-Color - Blue/White

Too much Cardio
No. 1014285 ID: a9af05

Name: Shara
Sex: Female
Scale color: Pink
Body Type: Heavyset, mostly muscles but also a little chubby (which was caused by sitting in the captain's chair all the time with nothing to do)

Second in command:
Name: Darien
Sex: Male
Scale color: Blue
Body Type: Athletic
Length: 11 inches

>What does length define?
Considering this is a sex quest, it's probably related to penis length.
No. 1014286 ID: 9396b0

Capitan: Iris
Buffed tomboy

Second Comand: Zlatam
Tall and athletic
No. 1014291 ID: 4d48a8

+1 for Captain Iris and Second in Command Damien
No. 1014310 ID: cdbcf8

Name: Zento
Sex: Male
Scale color: Black
Body Type: Think the tallest, scariest, most cryptic looking Sakkilian you can imagine. The multiply it by 2 then you have Zento.
Length: 4 inches

Second in command:
Name: Doxy
Sex: Female
Scale color: Dark Blue
Body Type: Extremely fat shortstack
No. 1014317 ID: 3513c8

Voting for Shara to be captain.

Voting for Doxy to be second in command.
No. 1014318 ID: f3f534

No. 1014321 ID: 36784c

>Shara to be captain
>Doxy to be second in command
No. 1014323 ID: bc15b4

This but with a ten inches cock.
No. 1014325 ID: 9786b2

Yeah a tall male Sakkilian but with a 12 inches cock and a sexy shotstack sounds good.
No. 1014328 ID: 0f93e3

Male (an experienced DILF with years of triaining)

Female (young but very talented she quickly advance in the ranks due to her intellect)
No. 1014355 ID: f8fa51

Voting for Shara for captain.
No. 1014367 ID: 334296

Voting for these ones
No. 1014377 ID: 462e5c

We need more Lizard DILFS!
No. 1014379 ID: 19ea25

Tossing my vote for this one!
No. 1014392 ID: bbdaaf

No. 1014395 ID: 73e8f3

Average height but really long tail

Dark grey
Somewhat muscular
Very tall
no breasts
No. 1014398 ID: 7ffb59

Supporting Shara for captain and Doxy for second in command.
No. 1014402 ID: 681cb5
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>What does length define?
It was supposed to be body height, but I guess I accidently wrote the wrong word :V

As the coldness of the cryo sleep leaves your limbs, you take a moment to reflect of what happened. You are Captain Zento, of the Sakkilian Colony fleet, and you just woke up after surviving a disastrous hyperspace jump between galaxies. It’s uncertain if commandeering this ship and launching yourself out from hyperspace was the best choice, but at the time it seemed like the only way to survive… which you did. You did manage to rally a small crew on the way at least, but you have no idea how many or who actually made it on the ship before it launched. But going by the blaring alarms you’re not out of the sandpit just yet… *sigh*… you signed up to bang cute alien chicks, not… this…

As you’re exiting your cryo chamber you’re met with a rather small, pink and round woman who practically bounces towards you, obviously delighted to see you.

:DoxySA: Captain Zento? Commander Doxy reporting for duty, sir!
:ZentoSA: Ah, yes, you must be… … …(geez, she’s short…)
:DoxySA: Is something wrong?
:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy you said? You must be highest ranked officer on the ship, barring myself, correct?
:DoxySA: You’re right, sir! It’s just the two of us, as well as three Ensigns, sir!
:ZentoSA: I’d hoped more people would have made it onto the ship before the auto pilot lunched us, but we simply have to do with the five of us.
:DoxySA: It’s not looking very good, sir.
:ZentoSA: Eh, I’ve dealt with worse.
:DoxySA: …really, sir?
:ZentoSA: Honestly, no, but we need to stay positive. Commander, go get the Ensigns ready for duty and gather more information about our current predicament. Meanwhile, I’ll see if I can get the bridge up and running. Meet me there in an hour.
:DoxySA: I’ll bounce right to it, Zenny.
:ZentoSA: What was that?
:DoxySA: I’ll bounce right to it, Zenny, sir!
No. 1014403 ID: 681cb5
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Running a quick diagnostic on the ship shows that it’s completely undamaged, that all installed modules are fully functioning and that all life support systems are going at 100%, which is good. You then take a quick look at what is actually available to you at the moment:
The interplanetary propulsion system is fully functional, so you will be able to travel between planets in a star system, at least.
The Hyperspace drive is also operational, but will require at least 10 crew members to safely use, which means you’re stuck in whatever star system you’re currently in for the time being.
You have a universal Fabricator as well, which means you can create pretty much anything as long as you have the material for it.
The Hanger and launch bay are undamaged, which means you can both launch and build new ships if necessary.
The main Laz cannon are online, so you can at least defend yourself in a pinch… huh, why does it say here that they’ve been fired recently? That’s odd…
You have Crew quarters that can comfortably house up to 20 crew members at the moment.
There is also a small hydroponics bay for growing food, which can feed up to 20 crew members if you have at least 2 crew members working in it.
Finally, you have a medical bay with a Cryo / organic growing Vat system installed. Not only will it let you put people on ice if needed, but also regrow any lost limbs as well, either by cloning it (or outright cloning a new body completely) or by putting the crew in it and regrowing it from scratch (or outright grow them a new body). Heck, you’ve heard it’s possible to grow an egg into a full grown person in a day or two with those things.

Then there is the storage unit, which is a depressing sight, as it’s only contain the following:
10 units of food (will last 2 days at most, though you can grow more)
5 units of basic metals (you’ll need a lot more if you want to build anything of notice)
3 units of fuel (will last for 3 days. After that it’s pretty much game over.)

Your attention is drawn away from the computer as Doxy arrives at the bridge.

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, what do you have to report?
:DoxySA: All three Ensigns has successfully been defrosted and are ready for duty.
:ZentoSA: Good. Can you give me any details on them?
:DoxySA: Certainly, sir. First off we have Ensign Shara, a rather buff, blue scaled woman who has combat training.
:ZentoSA: A soldier then? Might be useful.
:DoxySA: Then there is Zell, a slightly older, if still fit, purple scaled man who is a former asteroid miner, sir.
:ZentoSA: He will surely know his way around a lander then…
:DoxySA: Lastly there is Regina. She is a middle aged woman of slightly rounder proportions, who has a background as an engineer.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… it’s an odd crew, but it will do…

:DoxySA: I went through the hanger bay and found a few functional ships as well, sir.
:ZentoSA: HA! Glorious! What do have to work with? Battle cruisers? A few wraiths perhaps? At least an avenger or two?
:DoxySA: We got two planetary landers and one light cruiser, sir.
:ZentoSA: … … …fuck.
:DoxySA: Sir?
:ZentoSA: No, no, I’m just… hoping for better news. The cruiser should be enough to defend us with… and those landers, even if they are designed for mining minerals, might work in a pinch as well.
:DoxySA: The cruiser is only outfitted with a small laz cannon sir.
:ZentoSA: …then I guess we’re completely knackered if we are attacked then. Ugh, at least the cruiser’s improved sensory range might become useful.
:DoxySA: The Explorer flag ship main cannons are still functioning, right?
:ZentoSA: Indeed they are, but we really don’t want to bring our only source of air and food into a fight, do we?

:DoxySA: I have also made a quick scan of the surrounding area, sir, if you would take a quick peek?
No. 1014404 ID: 681cb5
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:DoxySA: The strategic map is not to scale, sir.
:ZentoSA: I am fully aware, Doxy.
:DoxySA: As you can see, we’re currently located in some unknown star system, orbiting around a large gas giant.
:ZentoSA: I can’t say I recognize any of the star patterns in the sky around us, so I can only assume we succeeded in getting to the new galaxy, at least.
:DoxySA: The system has four planets orbiting it’s green star, as well as a large asteroid belt. We will need to make a more thorough scan if we want to know what each planetoid contain or what dangers they might hide. There might also be few object picked up on the visual scan I haven’t noticed as well.
:ZentoSA: At what capacity are our scanning bay operating at?
:DoxySA: Currently it will take a full day for one crew member to make a proper scan, focusing either on finding minerals and fuel, energy signatures or communication signals. While we can’t hasten the scan by letting more of the crew work on it, we can scan for multiple things at once if we have the manpower to spare.
:ZentoSA: And can we scan for more crew?
:DoxySA: I would suggest scanning of either energy signatures or communications signals for that, sir. Though I highly doubt we’ll find any more Sakkilian just hanging around nearby. There were some odd readings, though, indicating that there is or has been something unnatural in the system… like another ship or station, sir.
:ZentoSA: I see… speaking of ships, are our ready for action?
:DoxySA: They are ready for takeoff at your command, sir. It will take any ship manned by at least one crew one full day to explore any point of interest we send them to, sir.
:ZentoSA: The planetoid landers are rather fragile, but is a lot better at gathering resources compared to the cruiser… but the cruiser better scanner and combat capabilities makes it a lot more hardy against any dangers they might find out there…
:DoxySA: Err, yes…
:ZentoSA: Let’s review our goals before we start making decisions. Our overarching goal will be to find the rest of the Colony fleet, at least what’s left of it, and aid them in building the colony properly. Our primary goal at the moment is the find more fuel a.s.a.p., as we will not survive for long without it and we only have three days left before we run out. Our secondary goal is to increase our crew to at least 10, or we won’t be able to use the Hyperdrive and leave this star system.
:DoxySA: …where do you expect us to find more crew? There aren’t any stations or hangers around were we can just employ more, is there?
:ZentoSA: I will come up with something, I’m sure. We either need to find some crew out there, Sakkilian or alien, or we simply… I don’t know, make our own somehow?
:DoxySA: I’m sure you’ll come up with something, sir. In the meantime, what are our orders, sir? They Ensigns are ready to act.

Alright, no need to panic just yet. Let’s take this step by step. First order of business, find some fuel. You need to figure out where there is possible fuel in this system and send an Ensign there with one of the ships to collect it.

Second step, find some cute aliens and recruit them. That would solve your crew problem, wouldn’t it? Though… maybe there’s a better solution? A simpler one?
No. 1014405 ID: bc11b8

Appears we're near a gas giant. Lets roll out to one of the inner planets, get a scan on it and look for chemical components we can use for fuel. As for the crew problem, whether or not we find new species, it can't hurt to get started on making some more Sakkilian stock. A few born-on-boards can be expected... but there shouldn't be any need to pull rank. Discuss the idea with Doxy.
No. 1014407 ID: 769845

What do you use for fuel? Can you harvest some from this gas giant here? I have to imagine your ships are equipped to get more independent of a supply chain, does the fabricator work as a refinery? Speaking of planets, isn't there some basic information you can gather from what you know now? Habitable zone, likely atmosphere from light reflection, et cetera? Would scanning the gas giant's moons be quick? You could all pile in to do the work on those, since they're so nearby.
No. 1014408 ID: 640e39

well if we're next to a planet I guess have one person scan it since it's right there and have the other 2 work on the hydroponics bay to grow some more food.
No. 1014409 ID: 9396b0

I think this is the best course of action for now. We need fuel and food before me get more mouths to feed.
No. 1014410 ID: cdbcf8

>Second step, find some cute aliens and recruit them. That would solve your crew problem, wouldn’t it? Though… maybe there’s a better solution? A simpler one?
Solution: Recruit non-traditionally-cute aliens, I'm talking barely shares a shingle trait (Both physical and psychological), because they both work the hardest and fu*k like there's no tomorrow.

Get as much fuel from that gas giant, their is fuel in them right? Right.

>it can't hurt to get started on making some more Sakkilian stock. A few born-on-boards can be expected... but there shouldn't be any need to pull rank. Discuss the idea with Doxy.
We probably shouldn't get to making more crew just yet, we only have so much food after all and no place to get more of it.
No. 1014413 ID: bc15b4

We should get some fuel first, and maybe the soldier should be assaigned to the hydroponics bay for the time being.
No. 1014417 ID: a7f254

First priority is getting a picture of this system. Dedicate three people to scanning: you want a comprehensive picture.

The remaining 2 operate the hydroponics bay, you want to stockpile some food to free people up later for refueling, mining and whatever you come up with to boost crew size.
No. 1014418 ID: a7f254

Oh and if you can spare someone, check the firing logs and diagnostics on the laz cannon. What was it fired at and when?
No. 1014419 ID: 36784c

>The main Laz cannon are online, so you can at least defend yourself in a pinch…huh, why does it say here that they’ve been fired recently? That’s odd…
So there’s possibly another person on board or the ship has an AI in it. Either way, someone was operating the ship while you and the crew were on ice.

Do this.
No. 1014426 ID: 681cb5
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>What do you use for fuel?
All your ships runs on a synthetically created crystalline substance that does not exist naturally, which powers not only the engine and drivers, but also all other electrical systems on the ship. Thus it’s rather pointless looking for the substance itself, but instead to scan for substances like certain noble gases or radioactive materials used to synthesize the fuel itself.
>Does the fabricator work as a refinery?
The whole point of the Universal Fabricator is that it can create pretty much anything as long as you have the base components for it and the necessary blueprint. So yes, it can synthesize fuel.
>Can you harvest some from this gas giant here?
Chances are very high that the gas giant will indeed have the material needed to make fuel, though you’d be careful, as it’s usually dangerous to harvest it from gas giants like these without the proper tools… tools that you lack.

>Check the firing logs and diagnostics on the laz cannon. What was it fired at and when?
:ZentoSA: Roughly a week ago our cannons automatically fired at something at these coordinates. Do you know anything about that, Doxy?
:DoxySA: Can’t say I do, Zenny… though, there is some kind of anomaly near the position you gave me.
:ZentoSA: An anomaly?
:DoxySA: We’re not sure what it is, but it’s… something? We might want to give it a quick check with one of the smaller ships, captain.
:ZentoSA: I’ll consider it.
>So there’s possibly another person on board or the ship has an AI in it. Either way, someone was operating the ship while you and the crew were on ice.
Going by the logs then it was the automatic systems that fired the shot. You can only assume that the ship felt threatened by something and opened fired. Sadly, the AI driving the ship isn’t smart enough to talk to, as it’s only designed to keep the ship operational.

>As for the crew problem, whether or not we find new species, it can't hurt to get started on making some more Sakkilian stock. A few born-on-boards can be expected... but there shouldn't be any need to pull rank. Discuss the idea with Doxy.
:DoxySA: Huh? You want us to make more crew ourselves?
:ZentoSA: The Vat system would make it possible in a timely manner, correct?
:DoxySA: At the moment, no. If we want to actually get people who can work on the ships we’ll need a few upgrades. I’m checking through the possibilities right now and it seem we can construct them if we are willing to spend 10 basic metals and 5 noble metals.
:ZentoSA: And then it’s just the question of making eggs.
:DoxySA: Eh!? Eggs? I thought you meant we would just donate some blood and clone people… um… but I g-guess we can do it that way as well? It would be slightly more energy efficient, take less time and require less organic material, not to mention we wouldn’t have to deal with several Doxy’s around, right? Though we’d need to synthesize some substances that will make the egg growth outside the vat significantly faster.
:ZentoSA: Then it’s just a question of getting volunteers.
:DoxySA: Heh, heh… um… I’m s-sure you wouldn’t have a hard time to find someone willing to test the system?
:ZentoSA: I guess not…
>We need fuel and food before me get more mouths to feed.
:DoxySA: Fuel is indeed the biggest concern, sir, though filling our food storage wouldn’t be a dumb idea either. Besides, we can’t really get any more mouths to feed until we’ve… err… upgraded the Vat systems, right?
:ZentoSA: Or find some more crew somewhere else.
:DoxySA: Um… sure…
>Solution: Recruit non-traditionally-cute aliens, I'm talking barely shares a shingle trait (Both physical and psychological), because they both work the hardest and fu*k like there's no tomorrow.
Cute is subjective. When you say cute aliens you mean aliens you find attractive and not just aliens that are cute by everyone’s standards. After all, if you didn’t want weird stuff you’d just bang another Sakkilian’s right? Well, not that you mind banging Sakkilian’s, but still…

>Speaking of planets, isn't there some basic information you can gather from what you know now? Habitable zone, likely atmosphere from light reflection, et cetera?
:ZentoSA: Can you tell me anything about potential dangers on these planets from visuals alone?
:DoxySA: Err… don’t land on the star because it’s hot?
:ZentoSA: …thank you Doxy, that was very helpful. But speaking of sun, the planet closes to it seems a bit too close to comfort. Any ship we send there will probably be in danger from the heat. As for the other planets… none of them seem to be capable of supporting life, at least life as we know it.
:DoxySA: Wow, you do seem to know your planets, boss.
>Would scanning the gas giant's moons be quick?
:DoxySA: A full scan will take a full day, sir, but both the moons and the gas giant is within range of a single scan.
:ZentoSA: …remind me, what are the effective range of these scans? I am unfamiliar with this kind of Explorer class ship after all.
:DoxySA: The mineral scan will generally only reach any nearby planets, including their moons and other satellites. The energy scan is slightly larger and will cover most of the system. The signal scan on the other hand is huge and will easily not only cover the whole system, but might even catch signals coming from other nearby stars, sir.
:ZentoSA: I’ll keep that in mind, then. Thank you, Doxy.
>If we're next to a planet I guess have one person scan it since its right there.
:ZentoSA: Put Ensign Regina on scanning duty then. A mineral scan, if you please.
:DoxySA: Got it, boss.
>Have the other 2 work on the hydroponics bay to grow some more food.
:ZentoSA: Lets have Ensign Shara and Ensign Zell work the farm for now to make sure we are well stocked on food. Those two won’t mind getting their hands dirty.
:DoxySA: Right away, sir!
:ZentoSA: And that’s all, Doxy.
:DoxySA: … err… Zento?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:DoxySA: What are we supposed to do while we wait?
:ZentoSA: …oh, right, we’re very low on manpower, aren’t we?
>Dedicate three people to scanning: you want a comprehensive picture.
:ZentoSA: Very well, we’ll help with the scanning as well, to make sure we get the complete picture.
:DoxySA: As you wish, big man!
No. 1014427 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 5 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Ensign Shara and Ensign Zell works in the hydroponics bay and harvests 20 units of food.
Your food storage is now full.
Ensign Shara and Ensign Zell got into a heated argument and now dislike each other.
Cap. Zento, CDR. Doxy and Ensign Regina do a complete Scan of the surrounding area.

:ZentoSA: Doxy, report.
:DoxySA: Our food storage is currently full, sir, but Ensign Shara and Ensign Zell got in a bit of a tumble will working together.
:ZentoSA: *sigh* not surprising, considering the stress we’re currently under. I’ll see if I can take the time and deal with it later. And the scans?
:DoxySA: All three scans are completed and all three gave us several points of intrest, sir.
:ZentoSA: Give me the mineral scan first.
:DoxySA: We have found three points of interest nearby, boss. Several of the asteroids nearby have a lot of Basic Metals in them. The gas giant contains the gasses needed to make fuel with, but we also detected that the atmosphere of it is extremely harsh and will put anyone who goes into it into danger. Lastly, we have detected Noble Metals on the larger moon of the gas giant.
:ZentoSA: And the energy scan?
:DoxySA: We have detected two strange energy signatures in the system, sir. The first one is orbiting the nearby red planet and is clearly some kind of alien made object, be it a satellite or space ship. The second energy signature is a bit more particular, as there is a very dim, but still noticeable, signature out in the middle of space, not far from an odd beacon I will mention later.
:ZentoSA: Huh… so we’ve already found sings of alien activities, then? And the last scan?
:DoxySA: The signal scan was the most surprising, as we’ve detected not one, not two but three emergency signals nearby. The first is a Sakkilian Storage Module Beacon that is located on a nearby asteroid. These are all installed in storage modules of our ships and will start broadcasting if they are jettisoned for any reason. The second is an odd Beacon floating in space, near those odd energy signatures I mentioned earlier. We’re not sure what it’s about, but it seems to indicate some kind of abandoned alien cache.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… that does indeed sound a bit odd… and the last signal?
:DoxySA: It’s originating from the nearby red planet, broadcasted in some kind of alien language. Our universal translator did manage to translate it and… well, listen…

*Scrch* Emergancy -*scrhc* -shot- *schr* -pirate- *screech- *Food for- *scrh* - few days. *Sch* Requesting- *schry* Help!

:DoxySA: And then it repeat itself, boss.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… interesting…
:DoxySA: So… what are your orders, sir?

The quiet part of space you find yourself in is suddenly very loud, isn’t it?
No. 1014428 ID: 2aa5f0

so how many personal does it take to do an action, like harvest noble gases for fuel or check the alien distress beacon? Also what is the range of the smaller craft as I'm wondering if we'll have to move the main ship closer to these anomalies or if the smaller vessels have enough power of their own to make the trip and come back?

Because honestly I feel we're going to need to gather that fuel ASAP as we are dangerously low. That distress signal also sounds time sensitive... assuming that it isn't and old signal stuck on a loop and everyone is either already dead or has been rescued and just forgot to turn the broadcast off.

also what sort of resources would it take to make the tools needed to safely harvest the fuel? Because I'm thinking send the recommend number of people down to collect fuel, have someone make tools for them to use to collect the fuel safely, and depending on who's left kind of shuffle them around where needed. Would also like to take some time to talk to the two ensigns that got into a fight before that can grow into something nasty but we're so short on resources right now I really don't think we have the time unless gathering fuel is only a 1 or 2 man job as well as only needing 1 person for making tools.
No. 1014430 ID: bc15b4

We definitely should make the necessary tools to gather resources and make fuel before doing any expedition. You should talk to Zell and ask him what he needs for that to happened.
No. 1014431 ID: bc11b8

"Very Young Orangutans, Could Grow Bananas, Perhaps Rather Well"... Lets see what fuel it will cost to get those noble metals from the larger moon. Then we can see about what it might take to harvest the gas giant, or to get heat shielding on a cruiser if perhaps the closest planet has a bare atmosphere (where we could approach the dark side to avoid the intense heat, but perhaps harvest some good reactives).
No. 1014432 ID: bc11b8

closet planet, to the sun, is what i meant to say.
No. 1014433 ID: 681cb5
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>So how many personal does it take to do an action, like harvest noble gases for fuel or check the alien distress beacon?
You need to send at least one ship to gather materials or investigate other oddities, and each ship needs one crew member to operate them. Sending more crew and ships out does increase the amount of minerals and/or the safety of the expedition, though. All actions takes one full day as well.
>Let’s see what fuel it will cost to get those noble metals from the larger moon.
The fuel needed for interplanetary travel inside a system is so low that it can be ignored. You’re currently using up 1 unit of fuel a day keeping all systems online on the flagship, and you will need a lot of fuel later if you want to leave the system with your Hyperspace drive.
>Also what is the range of the smaller craft as I'm wondering if we'll have to move the main ship closer to these anomalies or if the smaller vessels have enough power of their own to make the trip and come back?
All ships can easily travel the width of the system in a day, so they can reach any given point of the system at any time.

>Honestly I feel we're going to need to gather that fuel ASAP as we are dangerously low.
Considering you’re going to run out in two days and die horribly when that happens… yes, yes you need fuel and you need it right freaking now.
>That distress signal also sounds time sensitive... assuming that it isn't and old signal stuck on a loop and everyone is either already dead or has been rescued and just forgot to turn the broadcast off.
Either way, if you’re going to go check on it, you’ll probably need to deal with whatever is orbiting above it first, be it a ship or a satellite or what have you.

>We definitely should make the necessary tools to gather resources and make fuel before doing any expedition. You should talk to Zell and ask him what he needs for that to happened.
:ZellSA: Ah’m sorry to say, lad, but there’s nah way in the cold depths of ‘ell that we can outfit the ships with the necessities with ah current ‘anger. And we can’t upgrade ah ‘anger without a lot more material and manpowah we nah ‘ave, boy.
:ZentoSA: So we can’t make it safe to extract gas from the planet then? Hmm, Ensign Zell, what do you recommend we do?
:ZellSA: Find the fuel somewhere else, lad. Might be some ship wreck or cache of goods lying around with the stuff, eh? But if we can’t find it anywhere else, then send me down there in the cruiser and I’ll see what ah can do.
:ZentoSA: You want to put your life on the line?
:ZellSA: Ah want to send that troglodyte Shara down there in a planet lander so ah can laugh as she flies right into a corrosive cloud and melts, capt, that what ah want. But if we ever want to leave this place we need the fuel, and I’m the best yah got when it comes to mining, boy. Ah still say find another way, eh?
:ZentoSA: What did you and Shara fight about anyway?
:ZellSA: She thought ah was working to slow, so she called me a fat slug who deserves to die a virgin and then punched me in the gut, capt.
:ZentoSA: …and you didn’t do anything to deserve it?
:ZellSA: …ah might ‘ave called ‘er a bitch, lad, but that was after the fat slug comment, you ‘ear?
>Or to get heat shielding on a cruiser if perhaps the closest planet to the sun has a bare atmosphere (where we could approach the dark side to avoid the intense heat, but perhaps harvest some good reactives).
:ZellSA: We don’t ‘ave the facilities to upgrade the ships, capt… but yah idea about the dark side might actually work. Of course, we ‘ave no idea if there’s even anything down there, so might be prudent to check that first, eh?
>"Very Young Orangutans, Could Grow Bananas, Perhaps Rather Well".
:ZellSA: That’s just an old miners tale, Capt. Don’t believe it.
No. 1014437 ID: bc11b8

Hell, lets check the storage module. What's the worst that could happen?
No. 1014442 ID: bc15b4

Yeah we can check out the dark side first, if we dom't find anything useful then let Zell do his thing.
No. 1014443 ID: 36784c

So we can’t gather fuel from the gas giant because we don’t have the equipment to do so. We can’t make the equipment because we need to upgrade the hanger. And we can’t upgrade the hanger because we don’t have the materials or the manpower to do that.

Looks like the best thing we can do is go check the Sakkilian Storage Module Beacon and hope it has some fuel in it.

>Shara and Zell argument
Let’s go talk with Shara and see what she has to say. We should at least hear her side of the story on why she felt the need to punch Zell.

I’m sure they’ll eventually work things out, but for now, we should make sure they’re assigned to different tasks to prevent further arguments.
No. 1014456 ID: 96c896

A crashed ship should still have fuel. Go blow up the pirate and rescue the survivors, see if their ship can be repaired, if not then we just scavenge what we can and take the fuel and the new crewmembers.
No. 1014469 ID: 681cb5
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>So we can’t gather fuel from the gas giant because we don’t have the equipment to do so. We can’t make the equipment because we need to upgrade the hanger. And we can’t upgrade the hanger because we don’t have the materials or the manpower to do that.
We can’t get fuel safely from the gas giant. If we send someone down there, we should be prepared for either the ship coming back broken beyond repair, the Ensign coming back dead or neither coming back at all. Otherwise, we’re indeed in a bit of a sandpit here, as we need a lot of materials to upgrade our ship if we want to be effective at gathering said materials.

>Yeah we can check out the dark side first…
:ZellSA: With all due respect, SIR, ah would prefer if ah knew what was down there before ah threw away mah life trying to land. But if yah insist, then ah will not disobey yah orders, lad.
>Hell, let’s check the storage module. What's the worst that could happen?
:ZellSA: Probably nothing worse than what would ‘appen on that flaming death ball of death over by the star, eh? Ah will grab a planet lander and grab those supplies in a jiffy, nah problem.
>Get those noble metals from the larger moon.
:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, can you send out Ensign Regina on a planet lander to retrieve the gold located on the larger moon?
:DoxySA: Right away, boss!

Ensign Zell is currently retrieving Sakkilian Storage Module from asteroid.
Ensign Regina is currently retrieving Noble Metals from Moon 2.
You still have 3 crew members that are idle…
No. 1014470 ID: 681cb5
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>Let’s go talk with Shara and see what she has to say. We should at least hear her side of the story on why she felt the need to punch Zell.
:SharaSA: Why I punched the bastard? Because he’s a weak fuck and called me a bitch, that’s why.
:ZentoSA: And he called you that because?
:SharaSA: Because that stupid sod tried to sleep instead of work and I woke him up.
:ZentoSA: …by calling him names?
:SharaSA: Because he is a fat slug that refuse to work!
:ZentoSA: *sigh* This is going nowhere…
>I’m sure they’ll eventually work things out, but for now, we should make sure they’re assigned to different tasks to prevent further arguments.
Right, let’s keep those two idiots far away from each other for the time being…
No. 1014471 ID: 681cb5
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>A crashed ship should still have fuel. Go blow up the pirate and rescue the survivors, see if their ship can be repaired, if not then we just scavenge what we can and take the fuel and the new crewmembers.
You will need to deal with that emergency beacon sooner rather than later… and if that is a pirate orbiting the planet, then you really want to make this quick.

:ZentoSA: Finally, the best part of this job. Ready the Laz cannons, we’re going in. Heh, they will make short work of such a small vessel.
:DoxySA: Sir, the Explorer is not built to handle ship to ship combat that close to a planet.
:ZentoSA: …then warm up the Cruiser and put that soldier in it. We need to bring out the big stick before they call us to beg for mercy.
:DoxySA: We’re receiving a transmission right now, sir.
:ZentoSA: Hmm, too soon for a surrender… bring it on.

:IkekekiSA: Attention unidentified interloper! Have it be known that this is the mighty pirate Captain Ikekeki speaking by the authority of the Kelshin Pirate Lords! These waters belong to the Kelshin and this caged catch is mine to feast upon! Turn around immediately or you will face the wrath of my twin plasma throwers! KEKEKEKEKE!!! Tremble before their terrifying presence and despair, planetlubber, because I will make you walk out the airlock if you come any closer!
No. 1014474 ID: 285b61

Do we have a way to scan their veseal? They might be bluffing. Is it a single ship?
No. 1014476 ID: bc15b4

We should be cautious, try to scan his ship. Also is there anyway we can hack onto his ship?
No. 1014480 ID: 96c896

She is not to use physical violence for discipline.
That said, sleeping on the job isn't allowed either.

Twin plasma throwers? What are our chances if that's really what's on their ship?
If we've got a high chance of victory, then engage. If not, can we lure the pirate away from the planet so the Explorer can engage with its cannons?

Keep the pirate busy while you analyze the situation. Like, introduce yourself, ask why they are hanging around this planet when there's a distress signal being broadcast, and what it would take for them to go away peacefully.
No. 1014487 ID: 36784c

Are those bubbles? Does that mean their entire ship is flooded with water so the crew can breathe?

Scan the ship to see what you're up against.
No. 1014488 ID: b4677c

There's no way their ship is filled with water. It would be too heavy to ever reach space. Even if it could reach space, it would have too much mass to be maneuvered. And even if it could be maneuvered, the lack of atmospheric pressure would force all the oxygen out of the water, so the alien would suffocate.
No. 1014490 ID: f2320a

Well yeah but also does it need too lift off from a planet if it was made in space
No. 1014492 ID: 96c896

First one can be worked around by delivering the water to a ship once it's launched. Second problem might not be possible to avoid, maybe water-pirate ships just move slowly. Third problem doesn't sound like a thing. Where would the oxygen go exactly? There's pressure inside the ship anyway, it's not like the water is exposed to vacuum. They can have bubblers or some kind of re-oxygenation system with water flow vents instead of air flow vents.
No. 1014494 ID: 681cb5
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>She is not to use physical violence for discipline.
:SharaSA: Fine, fine, I won’t kick his sorry behind again. He isn’t worth it anyway.
>That said, sleeping on the job isn't allowed either.
:SharaSA: Damn straight it isn’t!

>Keep the pirate busy while you analyze the situation.
:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, open up communications with this Ikekeki. If she… he? If they want to talk then let’s keep them talking.
:DoxySA: Aye aye, sir!
:ZentoSA: Greetings Captain Ikekeki, this is Captain Zento of the… wait, does this ship even have a name?
:DoxySA: No sir, not yet.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! Your ship doesn’t even have a name? How pathetic! You will make easy prey!
:ZentoSA: This is Captain Zento of this Explorer class Flagship, from the Sakkilian colonization initiative.
:IkekekiSA: Sakkilian? That name doesn’t exist on my computers… which mean you must be an exotic species that is worth a lot of credits! Yes, as soon as I’m done dealing with these pathetic planetlubbers I will make sure to capture you in the name of the Kelshin Pirates! In fact, I will…. wait, are you male or female?
:ZentoSA: …I am a man?
:IkekekiSA: In fact, I will capture you personally, Captain, to keep as my own personal concubine, to show of the might of the Ikekeki the pirate captain!
:ZentoSA: Uh huh…

>Is it a single ship?
Your sensor only pick up one lonely ship… which is odd, as not even a pirate would be foolhardy enough to travel completely alone out here, surely?
>Twin plasma throwers? What are our chances if that's really what's on their ship?
You have no idea what kind of weapon that even is. You’re dealing with completely alien life forms here, remember?
>Are those bubbles? Does that mean their entire ship is flooded with water so the crew can breathe?
…there seem to be some kind of liquid in there with them, which might be water, correct.
>There's no way their ship is filled with water. It would be too heavy to ever reach space. Even if it could reach space, it would have too much mass to be maneuvered. And even if it could be maneuvered, the lack of atmospheric pressure would force all the oxygen out of the water, so the alien would suffocate.
Yet here we are. Of course, they said the same thing about going faster than light, but you just bent time and space to travel over a million light years in just a few days to get here, remember? Getting some water into a spaceship seems like child play compared to that.

:ZentoSA: I assume the distress signal coming from the planet is you’re doing?
:IkekekiSA: That is my catch caught in the net, and as soon as their pathetic shield fails them, I will grab the booty that rightfully belongs to me!
:ZentoSA: Oh, mighty Ikekeki, now you just most honor us with brave tales of how you managed to shot down such a dangerous ship.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! I knew you would start to tremble to my might! Very well, I will tell you of my deeds so keep those eyestalks listening. A group of those weakling Raolme Traders came to this system looking for something, but instead they only found our ambush! Those fools went right for the beacon and my sisters were all over them before they should even get their shields up! KEKEKE! It was like shooting fish on land!
:ZentoSA: An ambush you say? But where are the rest of your pirate sisters? You’re the only around, aren’t you?
:IkekekiSA: Why, most of them went back to home bay with their booty! The others that stayed behind asked me, the mighty Ikekeki, to deal with this pesky crashed Raolme ship while they set up another ambush for the next fool that comes by. KEKEKE! They will never see it coming!
:ZentoSA: And how are you going to deal with the crashed ship?
:IkekekiSA: Those weaklings are well known for their defensive capacities, so I will simply wait until they run out of fuel for their shields before I attack! KEKEKE!
:ZentoSA: I see…

>Do we have a way to scan their vessel?
:DoxySA: While you were talking we’ve been able to make a quick scan of the ship and it’s specs. It is a small ship, roughly the size of the cruiser we possess and can only house one crew member. It barely has any armor or shielding but its engine is rather powerful for its size, which means it can outrun everything we can currently field easily. There’s also two rather large energy signature at the front of the ship, which I guess is these “Plasma throwers” they spoke of, which while rather powerful, seem to have abysmal range.
:ZentoSA: Small, fast, fragile but deadly… made for hit and run tactics then. Fitting for a pirate.
:DoxySA: It also have some kind of device that lets it hide the energy it emits, letting it stay hidden from scans and the like.
:ZentoSA: Which explains why they can ambush people. We need to keep that in mind in the future.
>Also is there any way we can hack onto his ship?
:DoxySA: Even if we had the expertise and the facilities for it, this is an completely alien ship. So no, boss, no we cannot.

:ZentoSA: Can we not do this diplomatically? What do you want to leave peacefully?
:IkekekiSA: Ah, the prey wants to parley? Very well, what kind of booty can you offer me?
:ZentoSA: Well… um… we have some technological specs we’d be willing to trade?
:IkekekiSA: …I will take one of your crew. That is the bargain!
:ZentoSA: A crewmember?
:IkekekiSA: One of you exotic… Sakini or what you were called. Yes, that is the booty I desire! In fact, I’m willing to sweeten the deal even! Is there something other I have you desire?
:ZentoSA: …we are awfully low on fuel…
:IkekekiSA: Then how about, if you give me one of your crewmates as a slave, then I will not only leave peacefully, but I will also give you 30 units of fuel! More than enough to reach the nearby star systems!
:ZentoSA: Hmm…
:DoxySA: …you can’t seriously consider this deal, can you, boss?
:IkekekiSA: If you act now, I’ll even throw in the coordinates of a nearby black market, were you can sell off even more of your crew!

>If we've got a high chance of victory, then engage.
Your lone cruiser is clearly outmatched against their ship if it managed to get close enough, so the only chance you’ll have is if Shara is enough of a crackshot to take them down before they manage to close the distance. So… no, the chance is probably in the pirate favor if you engage right now.
>Can we lure the pirate away from the planet so the Explorer can engage with its cannons?
Now that would be a plan. They won’t have a chance against the Explorer’s main cannons… or in the worst case, they’ll probably run away in fear if we somehow managed to corner them with the ship. But how do you lure them out? They are clearly not the brightest sun around, so it shouldn’t be too hard, would it?
No. 1014495 ID: 285b61

I like the idea of luring them out. They have the advantage of speed and range tho. Look around you, see we we can find some sore to choke point... in Space. Maybe some asteroid field or something. In the meantime keep talking to them, they seem chatty enough, with a massive ego. Exploit that and make everyone to get ready for engagement.
No. 1014497 ID: 2aa5f0

you could say you're going to take them up on their deal and ask them to follow you back to your ship pick which crew member they want, then radio ahead and let them know to arm the big guns and fire away once in effective range. Maybe even see if you can't get that black market info out of them before you make it back to the ship.

Though part of me is kind of hoping we can just use the cruiser you're in now to take out it's engines making it dead in the water... er space, and then take out it's guns from range so we can just syphon the fuel on her ship. But I don't think it's worth the rest when we are within range of some supply caches from the expedition fleet which is bound to have fuel and even if not we can always risk mining the gas giant.
No. 1014498 ID: f2f29f

You can pretend you will give a crew member as a slave but the gravity force of the planet is fucking with the ship systems so you have to get away from it so you can do the transaction, then you shot her ship but try to not destroy it, you can take their fuel and maybe recruit her?
No. 1014503 ID: 73e8f3

Feign interest to distract the bastard.
Say you're willing to trade, but need to get further away from the planet due to ship-to-ship shuttles not being designed for use in orbit of planets.

Meanwhile... a ​big powerful engine is a big obvious target.
Lance the thing with your laser cannon. If disabling the engine doesn't blow the ship up, you can approach safely and take it otherwise intact.
No. 1014505 ID: a9af05

Don't we have another ship?

Right here >>1014471 it shows our ship's status and in the bottom left corner it shows our resource gathering ships are empty. But what's that in the top left corner? Is that another ship we can use or is that just supposed to show what our weapons are?

>maybe recruit her?
This isn't a situation where we can recruit her.

Agreed. Taking out the engines will prevent them from getting close enough to hit us with their weapons, since they have terrible range.
No. 1014507 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't we have another ship? Right here >>1014471 it shows our ship's status and in the bottom left corner it shows our resource gathering ships are empty.
You have 3 smaller ships on total stationed on the flagship. 2 planetary landers, designed to gather resources and are currently out doing so, as well as 1 Sakkilian Cruiser, which is designed to handle more dangerous situation, like combat or hazardous environments. It is currently still in the hanger and ready to launch at your command.

>Keep talking to them, they seem chatty enough, with a massive ego. Exploit that and make everyone to get ready for engagement.
You give Doxy a small hand sign that she should ready the ship for combat.
:ZentoSA: So why are we so valuable anyway?
:IkekekiSA: Exotic species are worth a whole chest of doubloons ever since the IOD Collective came and took over. Now the space outside their influence is free seas for people like me!
:ZentoSA: IOD Collective?
:IkekekiSA: You haven’t met those scoundrels yet? Lucky you, because they are some real nasty sharks. Came in and took over most of the systems around here and imposed a bunch of ridiculous laws! It’s no wonder why people become pirates! KEKEKE!
:ZentoSA: I’ll keep that in mind of I ever run into them.
>Maybe even see if you can't get that black market info out of them.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! I’m not dumb, you scurvy crab! I’m not giving you anything until I got my booty in my ship.
:ZentoSA: Well, aren’t you a clever girl…
:IkekekiSA: That’s right! I’m the cleverest girl around! KEKE!

>Say you're willing to trade, but need to get further away from the planet due to ship-to-ship shuttles not being designed for use in orbit of planets.
:IkekekiSA: …really?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:IkekekiSA: …this sound fishy… what if you attack me with that big ship of yours?
:ZentoSA: Doesn’t the pirate code say that it’s dishonorable to attack while parleying?
:IkekekiSA: Oh! It does! Very well, I’m heading right over then! Do bring out your most handsome men so I can choose a fitting concubine!
:DoxySA: …how did you know about the pirate code?
:ZentoSA: I didn’t.

>When you shot her ship try to not destroy it, you can take their fuel and maybe recruit her?
Fuel is generally the first thing that explodes when you shot things, but you’ll try and minimize the damage. If anything you might at least get some metal scrap from it. As for recruiting her… well, you guess you can try? If anything she might be a valuable source of information even if you’ll need to keep her prisoner.
>A big powerful engine is a big obvious target. Lance the thing with your laser cannon. If disabling the engine doesn't blow the ship up, you can approach safely and take it otherwise intact.
:ZentoSA: Ensign Shara, do you think you can take out their engine without destroying them completely?
:SharaSA: I’m a better shot with a rifle, chief, but I’ll do my best!
:ZentoSA: Then engage the enemy as soon as they get into range, ensign.
:SharaSA: With pleasure!

:IkekekiSA: Hey, I just noticed that you’re powering up your main guns? Why ar- GAAAH!!!
As the ship is moving in a rather predicable way, it’s easy for Shara to hit the bullseye with the laz cannons. The enemy ships engine explode, stranding them in space and leaving a hefty chunk of the ship for you to salvage. You wonder if the captain survived…
:ZentoSA: Shara, go retrieve what remains of that ship with Cruiser.
:SharaSA: Aye aye, captain!
No. 1014508 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 5 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Ensign Zell successfully retrieves a storage unit containing: 5 unit of fuel, 10 units of basic metals and a set of basic hanger equipment.
Ensign Regina successfully mines 10 unites of noble metals.
Cap. Zento, CDR. Doxy and Ensign Shara engage the enemy in glorious combat! The enemy Kelshin Raider was flawlessly defeated!
Ensign Shara successfully salvage 2 units of fuel and 5 units of basic metals from the wrecked ship.
Ensign Shara successfully captures Ikekeki the Kelshin Pirate.

The basic hanger equipment allows you to construct the following on your ship:
Planetary lander using 10 basic metals.
Sakkilian Cruiser using 20 basic metals and 5 noble metals.
In addition, your Sakkilian Cruiser are now outfitted with twin Laz turrets, increasing their combat prowess.

:ZentoSA: That would have been good to have before we engaged with the pirate…
:ZellSA: The container also ‘ad large cold unit full of food, but it seem to ‘ave failed years ago so there were nothing useful left in it.

Ikekeki the Kelshin Pirate is currently being held prisoner in a makeshift prison in the crew quarters.

:SharaSA: The prisoner has been stripped and secured, chief!

Well, things are looking up. You no longer need to panic about the fuel… though you still want to gather some more before leaving the system completely. Of course, you’re not leaving anything until you’ve gotten at least 10 Crew anyway…

But it’s a new day and new possibilities… and you can actually relax for a second now, can’t you?
No. 1014515 ID: a9af05

Try to get in contact with the Alien Emergency Beacon on the planet. Let them know that you've captured the pirate that was orbiting above them.

Can we upgrade our ships so we can safely gather fuel from the gas giant now?
No. 1014519 ID: 285b61

I vote this approach. The sunner we get to gather fuel, the better.
No. 1014522 ID: 96c896

Yeah let's save the aliens now. Also, note to self: those tiny energy readings are pirates. That "odd beacon" is the lure. That would mean our new prisoner was lying about the pirates going home, but not the ambush method? Hmm, maybe it's a separate group of pirates.

Also let's go scan the Anomaly after the rescue mission.
No. 1014527 ID: bc11b8

make it so
No. 1014529 ID: a9af05

Forgot to mention that we should talk with Regina, our engineer, when we try to make those upgrades I was talking about. She should have a good idea on if it's possible or not.
No. 1014540 ID: 73e8f3

Ask our engineer what we'll need in order to safely harvest gas from the gas giant.

I said we avoid the alien beacon. If it's looping, then it's likely been on a long, long time. We should NOT go down there until we know exactly what happened and have appropriate gear to combat it.
No. 1014546 ID: 36784c

>The container also ‘ad large cold unit full of food, but it seem to ‘ave failed years ago so there were nothing useful left in it.
Years ago? So that means that when the fleet started falling apart, random pieces got thrown out of hyperspace at different points in time. That explains why this piece of the Sakkilian fleet is aged years before we arrived here.

Let's try to make contact with the crashed ship to see if we can somehow offer any assistance.

What combat? Ikekeki literally told us that there was a crashed Raolme ship on the planet's surface and she was waiting for them to run out of power for their shields so she could go down and attack them. The ship on the planet is stranded and needs assistance, so let's show them we're friendly and try to help them.
No. 1014550 ID: 5b1c8c

We’ll send someone to investigate the distress signal and have some talk/interrogate our new prisoner.
No. 1014581 ID: bc15b4

This, also but first ask the pirates what does she knows about the beacon.
No. 1014610 ID: 73e8f3

Ah, for some reason I thought the distress beacon was somewhere else. My bad.
No. 1014617 ID: 681cb5
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>Years ago? So that means that when the fleet started falling apart, random pieces got thrown out of hyperspace at different points in time. That explains why this piece of the Sakkilian fleet is aged years before we arrived here.
It’s possible, seeing how the Intergalactic Hyper Drive did mess around with time. There’s also a question just how long you’ve been in Cryo sleep as well… for all you know you might have been drifting out here for years.
>Note to self: those tiny energy readings are pirates. That "odd beacon" is the lure.
That does indeed seem to be the case. Now, do you just ignore it or can you use this information somehow?
>That would mean our new prisoner was lying about the pirates going home, but not the ambush method?
She said most of them headed home, but there were some of them that stayed, including her. You can only assume that this means it will be a rather small pirate force waiting in ambush near that beacon.

>Let's go scan the Anomaly after the rescue mission.
You’re sure you can spare someone to get check on it while you rescue whoever is down on that planet. As long as you specify which crewmember should go and what ship they should use to Doxy, then she’ll do the rest.
>Have some talk/interrogate our new prisoner.
Let them stow for a little bit… you’ll talk to her after the rescue mission.

>Ask our engineer what we'll need in order to safely harvest gas from the gas giant.
:ReginaSA: Safely? Oh, hun, I’m so sorry, but I don’t think we’ll ever be able to harvest from a place like that safely in our current little tussle.
:ZentoSA: So… do you have any recommendations?
:ReginaSA: Fret not, dear, I do have an idea. Though, if you don’t want to take the risk then all I can say that you’ll have to look for fuel elsewhere. That gas giant will be dangerous no matter what we do, hun.
:ZentoSA: And this idea you mentioned, Ensign Regina?
:ReginaSA: I can overclock the shields on one of our smaller ships. This would increase the protection of the pilot significantly, allowing them to gather fuel with far less risk. But, this will with 100% damage the ship in question, ensuring that it will be out of commission for several days afterwards as we repair it, dear.
:ZentoSA: And how quickly can you do that?
:ReginaSA: Just point me at a ship with the pilot you want to send there and I can get it’s blood pumping in no time. Do make sure you send someone who know what they are doing, hun, because I don’t like the look of that gas giant…
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I’ll need to consider this for now… thank you, Regina.
:ReginaSA: Do not mention it, Captain Zento, dear.
No. 1014618 ID: 681cb5
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>Try to get in contact with the Alien Emergency Beacon on the planet. Let them know that you've captured the pirate that was orbiting above them.
:ZentoSA: Do anyone read me? This is Captain Zento of… … …(right, you still haven’t named the ship).
:TozlanSA: By the endless dark, someone finally answered our distress call! And a follow Raolme as well! Thank the rivers!
:TizliSA: They sound weird, are you sure about this, Tozlan?
:TozlanSA: Though, my friend, there seems to be some kind of malfunction on our sonar audio. I cannot identify your trade clan markings at all…
:TizliSA: They might be pirate in disguise!
:TozlanSA: Nevertheless, friend, I am Trade Prince Tozlanaskthen tol Tauzaka, Est de tetrasen o Tauz, kez Tezlenaskthen and this is my sister… Tizli.
:TizliSA: No! Don’t give them our names and titles, Tozlan! They are pirates!
:ZentoSA: We’ve already successfully captured the pirate that was orbiting your position, Captain Toz… um…
:TizliSA: AGH! That’s just what a pirate would say! Divert all power to the shield! Arm the Sonic Stingers!
:TozlanSA: Call me Tozlan, Captain.
:TozlanSA: Please ignore my sister back there, she’s a bit… strung up from being stuck down here for this long.
:TizliSA: We’re up to our head in scum down here!
:TozlanSA: We beg of you, friend, as we’re at the end of the river here. We request immediate assistance! Our ship is badly damaged and is completely out of commission!
:TizliSA: And we’re out of food!
:TozlanSA: We only have a few days of food left and our life support systems will fail any day now!
:TizliSA: I’m not eating another IOD rations! They taste like rotten insects!
:TozlanSA: We need immediate evacuation! Do so and we’ll reward you anyway we can!
:TizliSA: You better have a proper restaurant up there!
No. 1014621 ID: 285b61

Well, we are not Raolme, i'm afraid, we are sakilian. We appear to be a new species in this part of the gallaxy.

In any case, we are willing to provide assistance, we have food and are capable of making accommodations for your particular alien needs.

But in exchange, we would ask you to join our crew. We are currently trying to find more of our brethren scatter around this sector. To achieve that we need more man power. I believe we can help each other if we join forces, at least temporarily, and who knows, perhaps we can establish a fruitful alliance between our species in the future.

I'm not sure if we can fix your ship with our current tools. Maybe we can come back later to recuperate it.
No. 1014622 ID: 2aa5f0

might as let them know that you're not the same species as they are but instead are a Sakkilian and you and you're crew where part of a explorer fleet that was struck with some kind of catastrophe failure during travel that tore the fleet apart and forcing you and your crew to brake off and escape on the ship you have here. You were looking for other survivors and supplies and came across their distress beacon. You will gladly give them a ride... as long as you're not fired upon while trying to help, but being stranded in an unknown part of space you do not know what lies beyond this system so they're going to need to give you directions if they want to return home.

Probably should ask how many people we're going to bring aboard. Our food stores are full but I'm not sure how many people we can comfortably house. I doubt they have enough people to overpopulate our ship but still would be nice to know what our maximum capacity is for crew.
No. 1014624 ID: 96c896

Alright let's send the cruiser to scan the Anomaly, one of the landers to rescue the Raolmes, and send our best pilot with the overcharged shields to harvest gases. Better to do that now, while we're occupied and have nothing else to send the second lander out to do.

Name the ship: The Shed Scale.
No. 1014625 ID: 73e8f3

Well, if they were putting on some kind of act, they certainly wouldn't have the sister deliberately act crazy, so I think we can trust them.
Bring them on board.

"We're not Raolme; we're Sakkalians, new arrivals in this galaxy."
No. 1014626 ID: a9af05

Zell volunteered himself to go down to the gas giant with the cruiser, since he said that he's the best we've got when it comes to mining. And Regina recommended that we send someone that knows what they're doing to the gas giant. So let's listen to what our crew said we should do.

Have Regina overclock the cruiser's shields and send Zell to the gas giant to gather fuel.

Correct them on your species and tell them that you're new to the galaxy.

We should send a friendly face down to get them. Would Doxy be willing to go pick them up? If not, we can send Shara to go get them.

>You better have a proper restaurant up there!
Sorry, you're out of luck on that.

>still would be nice to know what our maximum capacity is for crew.
I think 20 is our maximum.
No. 1014668 ID: 36784c

Do this
No. 1014669 ID: 5b1c8c

> Have Regina overclock the cruiser's shields and send Zell to the gas giant to gather fuel.

Wait wouldn’t we want to send a cargo shuttle or whatever they’re called since those are the ships good at collecting stuff? The cruiser is for fights and scouting.
No. 1014674 ID: 36784c

Wait, you’re right. So why did Zell recommend he should use the cruiser to gather fuel? That doesn’t make sense!
No. 1014675 ID: 094652

"... Audiographic Etchings? Are you telling me you can see LED-quality screen lights with your ears? Please tell me there are residents in the area who have eyeballs...
This is Escape Pod 01 of the former S.C. Starlight. Our long-range navigation systems are compromised and our main cruiser is a pile of temporally-warped slag. We are currently searching for the nearest friendly orbital station. The good news is, we stocked up on quality supplies, but the only things on the menu are protein shakes and milk. We'll trade you your safety for directions."
No. 1014681 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: Let’s get the misunderstanding cleared up first. We are not Raolme and we do not belong to any trade clan. What we are is Sakkilian colonists who arrived in your galaxy rather recently.
:TozlanSA: What? You’re aliens from another galaxy? Surely, that’s a jest?
:TizliSA: Just look at their ship! It’s super weird and briny as the dark… not to mention huge! I’ve never heard anything like it!
:ZentoSA: While we do have similar face shape, the “markings” on our head are our eyes. Though, speaking of eyes… I have to ask, do actually have eyes hidden somewhere or can you actually somehow hear those screens there behind you?
:TozlanSA: Um… different colors bounce different amount of our sonar clicks, which means-
:TizliSA: You can show off each other’s biology later. We need help right now!
:ZentoSA: In any case, we are willing to provide assistance. We have food and are capable of making accommodations for your particular alien needs.
:TozlanSA: Oh, thank the rivers flow! We’re saved!
:ZentoSA: Though, seeing as we’re currently been stranded in part unknown, you’ll need to give directions if you want to return home.
:TozlanSA: Just give me a star chart and I’ll lead the way, friend.
:TizliSA: Just don’t expect us to give away where our colonies are.

>Probably should ask how many people we're going to bring aboard.
:TozlanSA: While our Defender class ship usually deploy with a group of 5 crew, there’s only the two of us down here.
:TizliSA: We took a direct hit from one of those Kelshin Pirate Pillager class ships and lost the others.
:TozlanSA: Their harpoon tube penetrated our outer hull and sucked our three other crewmember right out into their own ship, capturing them to sell as slaves later.
:TizliSA: Which is horrible as one of them owned me 18 credits.
>I doubt they have enough people to overpopulate our ship but still would be nice to know what our maximum capacity is for crew.
Your current crew quarters can house 20 members, though it is possible to have more people onboard at any given time. Doing so will probably result in a quick and rapid decline in morale, seeing as people won’t have anywhere to sleep and relax.

>But in exchange, we would ask you to join our crew.
:TozlanSA: You what?
:TizliSA: Huh?
:ZentoSA: We are currently trying to find more of our brethren scatter around this sector. To achieve that we need more man power. I believe we can help each other if we join forces, at least temporarily, and who knows, perhaps we can establish a fruitful alliance between our species in the future.
:TozlanSA: While we will gladly accept you help, friend, the IOD Collective strongly forbids aiding anyone not a member of their unity.
:TizliSA: …we’re not even in IOD space currently, bro.
:ZentoSA: Our colony fleet was struck with some kind of catastrophe failure during our travel here that tore the fleet apart, so we need all the help we can get.
:TozlanSA: While we’d love to help but… err… y-you know, maybe it’s for the best if don’t come aboard your ship? How about we just trade… um… this fuel we have for some food and you can just leave us here for now?
:TizliSA: What!? Oh no, you don’t!

The sound is cut out as Tizli slithers up to her brother and… um… you hope they are just having an argument...
:DoxySA: …that’s a lot of teeth.
:ZentoSA: …is that her leg or…?

:TozlanSA: Me and my sister has… come to an agreement that will board your ship… though as guests, and not crewmembers.
:TizliSA: Speak for yourself. I’m joining them as soon as they show me one of their restaurants.
:ZentoSA: Sorry, you’re out of luck on that. We only have protein shakes and similar easy to make food from the tubers we grow. You know, what with us having survived a catastrophe failure and being stranded here, we really don’t have a lot of options for food.
:TizliSA: Then build a briny restaurant or something on that huge ship of yours, you scum sucker! I’m not joining anyone until a get a proper meal for once, because I’m sick and tired of these damn IOD regulated rations!
:ZentoSA: We’ll see if we can do, Tizli. Though, I have to ask, who are the IOD Collective anyway and why are they regulating your food?
:TozlanSA: They are currently de facto rulers of this sector… or at least, a majority of it. And they don’t take kindly to anyone who doesn’t join them and follow their rules, friend.
:TizliSA: And they regulate and outright forbids pretty much everything! Food, music, holovids, games…
:TozlanSA: Information, education, sex, love, who gets to travel etc.
:ZentoSA: They don’t sound very pleasant.
:TizliSA: No scum! They are the worst!
:TozlanSA: And the Raolme race on the whole are their Thralls, including our trade clan. We have to follow their rulings, even out here outside their sphere of influence.
:TizliSA: It’s not like they are going to find out, you coward.

>I'm not sure if we can fix your ship with our current tools. Maybe we can come back later to recuperate it.
:DoxySA: Our hanger would be able to repair it, if we had the right materials, Sir.
:ZentoSA: Then let us retrieve it from the surface and house it in the hanger for the time being.
:TozlanSA: Thank you, we very much appreciate your help, friend.
>We should send a friendly face down to get them. Would Doxy be willing to go pick them up?
:DoxySA: Um… sure? It seems safe enough?
:ZentoSA: Tozlan, Tizli? We’re sending someone down to rescue you and retrieve your ship. Please prepare yourself for extraction.
:TizliSA: Finally!
No. 1014682 ID: 681cb5
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>Have Regina overclock the cruiser's shields and send Zell to the gas giant to gather fuel.
:ZellSA: Ah guess dying down there beats the slow death up ‘ere.
:ReginaSA: Oh, don’t fret hun, it will be fine after I’ve done my wizardry with your ship.
:ZellSA: Ah do ‘ope so, lass, ah do.
>Alright let's send a lander to scan the Anomaly.
:SharaSA: Right away, chief! I’m itching to blow something up!
>Wait wouldn’t we want to send a cargo shuttle or whatever they’re called since those are the ships good at collecting stuff? The cruiser is for fights and scouting.
While the Planetary lander can more easily collect and store more resources, the Cruiser has a more advance shield system, making it more durable against the harsh atmosphere of the gas giant.

A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 7 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Ensign Shara successfully scavenge the remains of a unknown ship containing: 2 units of fuel, 20 units of basic metals and 5 unites of noble metals.
Ensign Regina overclocks a Sakkilian Cruiser used by Ensign Zell.
Ensign Zell failed to return from the gas giant. Ensign Zell is MIA! You have lost a Sakkilian Cruiser!
CDR. Doxy Successfully towed a Raolme Defender ship into the hanger.
CDR. Doxy Successfully rescued Ensign Tizli and Lt. Tozlan from a wrecked ship and was rewarded with 15 fuel!
Ensign Tizli and Lt. Tozlan are now guests on the ship.

Warning: You basic metals storage is overfilled. You cannot travel without losing any excess units.

:ZentoSA: Doxy, report.
:DoxySA: Ensign Shara successfully scavenged all useful material from that anomaly we found. It turned out to be the wreckage of what we assume was a pirate ship that had been shot by our automated defenses.
:ZentoSA: Good… and Ensign Zell?
:DoxySA: …still no sign of him, sir. We completely disappeared as soon as he entered the gas clouds of the planet, boss.
:DoxySA: Some good news though, I managed to successfully tow the Raolme ship to the hanger, and Ensign Regina thinks we can repair it, with an exception for its hyperdrive, with just some metal and corrosive materials.
:ZentoSA: And the Raolme?
:DoxySA: Both Lt. Tozlan and Ensign Tizli has retreated to their new quarters to rest and eat, sir. You can visit them at any time you see fit.
:ZentoSA: I see…
:DoxySA: What are your orders, sir?
:ZentoSA: … … …as we’re no longer in immediate danger, now that we have enough fuel to last us for some time, I think it would be prudent to slow down a bit. Our next step is to increase our crew so we can finally leave this system, but that is not as urgent as the fuel situation was. We’ll keep orbit around the gas giant for a few days so that our crew can relax for a bit. In the meantime, we should upgrade our ship and extend our fleet. Commander Doxy, see to it that our current materials is put to good use. Maybe mine some of the asteroids if we need more metals.
:DoxySA: Right away, boss!

The Captain seems a bit down after we lost contact with Zell, so you better work super hard so that he’ll brighten up a bit! That’s why you’ve made a list of everything you might need on the ship… note that you’ve abridged the material cost as follows: Basic Metal = BM, Noble Metal = NM, Organic Material = OM, Corrosives = C.

Vat upgrade: Will let us clone / fast grow eggs into more crew if necessary. Cost: 10 BM, 5 NM.
Security station: Let’s us deploy security to keep the peace. Cost: 15 BM.
Brig: We need somewhere to put prisoners, like that pirate. Cost: 20 BM.
Storage Upgrade: Lets us store more, ‘nuff said. Cost: 25 BM, 25 NM.
Crew Quarters Upgrade: Lets us store more people, ‘nuff said. Cost: 10 BM, 10 NM, 10 OM.
Research Lab: If we want to learn more about this galaxy, we need a dedicated place for research. Cost: 5 NM, 5 OM, 5 C.

Mess Hall: Eating proper food will do wonders for morale. It’s also what Tizli asked for if we want her to join the crew. Cost: 10 BM, 5 NM.
Sun deck: Sakkilian loves laying in the sun, would boost morale significantly. Cost: 15 BM, 5 NM.
Swimming hall: While our Sakkilian crew will avoid it, all three of our alien friends seem to love water. Cost: 15 BM, 5 NM.
Garden: Having somewhere to cool down will ensure less fights happens. Cost: 15 OM.

Planetary Lander: Good for mining, not much else. Cost: 10 BM.
Sakkilian Cruiser: Our basic combat ship. Cost: 20 BM, 5 NM.
Repair the Raolme Defender: They would probably be glad if we fixed their ship. Cost: 20 BM, 5 C.

There might be other modules you want to construct that are not on the list, if you come up with any. Oh, and you have to remember you have both guest and a prisoner that might need attention from either you or the Captain as well.

>Name the ship: The Shed Scale.
That is kind of a fitting name. Unless someone comes up with a better one we might just go with it.

[You can now control both Commander Doxy and Captain Zento]
No. 1014686 ID: 094652

Buy the Vat Upgrade to replenish crew, then a second Mining Ship to explore.
We're running out of food, ask our guests where the nearest biodiverse planet is so we can unsportingly shoot down some galloping meat.
No. 1014688 ID: 36784c

>Their harpoon tube penetrated our outer hull and sucked our three other crewmember right out into their own ship, capturing them to sell as slaves later.
That’s something important we need to remember! Beware of Kelshin Pirate Pillager class ships, they can steal crew from our ship with their harpoons!

>Ensign Zell failed to return from the gas giant. Ensign Zell is MIA! You have lost a Sakkilian Cruiser!
Oh no! Have someone get on the scanners and start looking for Sakkilian energy signatures or communications signals. Hopefully we’ll be able to find Zell that way.

Let’s get the Vat upgrade, the Mess Hall, and the Sakkilian Cruiser.

I like The Shed Scale. That can be our ship’s name.
No. 1014691 ID: 2aa5f0

can we put someone on the ship's scanners to look for our missing crew member?

As for upgrades, vat upgrade, mess hall, and I guess a replacement cruiser for the one we maybe lost.
No. 1014693 ID: a9af05

Shouldn't there be something involving medical facilities on that list of upgrades? Our Vat system is good for treating Sakkilians, but what about any aliens we recruit? Our Vat systems might not be compatible with aliens or the aliens may not like how the Vats work and simply refuse to use them.

We should have an alternative to the Vats, just in case we need it.

Someone should go talk to the Raolme and show them our scans of the current area we're in. They might be able to figure out which way we need to take them so they can get home.
No. 1014694 ID: 96c896

Mess Hall, Vat Upgrade.
No. 1014695 ID: 73e8f3

Yup, Shed Scale works for me.

Combine sun deck and swimming hall to make beach deck
No. 1014697 ID: fd0201

Build the vat upgrade, mess hall and a replacement cruiser. We'll need the cruiser not just for the firepower but also for if my some miracle Zell is still alive we're gonna need it to attempt to rescue him.

Put Regina on scanning the gas giant for any signs of Zell's cruiser, and Shara on rescanning this star system for energy signatures. This is just in case more ships enter the system or what we presume are pirate ships waiting in ambush start moving to our position.

Commander Doxy should take a bit to look up all the known materials that can be used to make fuel, what kinds of places they are commonly found and how dangerous each is to gather. I want to know for later on options for fuel materials that are less risky than trying to suck them out of a gas giant. And while she's at it, she ought to check if there are any gas harvester plans in the database and, if so, figure out what resources would be needed to make one and how many crew to man it.

Captain Zento should visit the Raolme with a astronomical scan so they can figure out not just where they want to go but to mark out other notable star systems. In particular you want ones with either fuel for sale, preferably not under the IOD Collective's watch, or materials to make fuel, also preferably not under IOD Collective watch.

If possible, every member of the crew under Captain Zento's command ought to submit genetic samples suitable as a cloning source and genetic samples suitable for creating eggs (artificially or naturally) to be stored. Also, if possible, they should also provide neuro scans to be the basis of memory implantation for cloned or rapid aged crew.

Also, I want to know what the line of thought was to send Zell down to gather material for fuel when even after the shield overclocking there was still a risk of him or the ship being lost when we had 8 days of fuel to work with. There really wasn't a urgent need there.
No. 1014722 ID: 285b61

I think this sums up all we need to do.
No. 1014724 ID: a9af05

>Why send Zell for fuel?
I think the idea was to build up enough fuel so that we wouldn't need to worry about it for a while.
No. 1014728 ID: f3f534

Do this. It's better than anything I can think of.
No. 1014748 ID: fd0201

Okay, personally I would have suggested holding off 'till we found out if we'd get fuel from the Raolme before risking a crew member, especially since we need at least ten crew to do a hyperspace jump out of this system. Every crew member lost runs the risk of not being able find or grow enough to get ten before our fuel reserves dip below what's needed to jump out of this system, and then we'll have to risk scooping fuel materials from the gas giant again. Lose that bet and we may lose the crew member and cost us time we don't have to make another, or lose the cruiser and then may not be able to get the materials to build another. The risk just didn't make sense.

But this line of thought brought a few questions to mind that we ought to get answers to in order to make educated choices on what to do:

First, how much fuel it takes to perform a hyperspace jump? Is it a fixed amount to jump, variable based on distance to the destination star system or something else?

Second, what materials does the cloning system need to make a clone and how long does it take?

Third, what materials does the rapid aging method of creating crew need and how long does it take?

And relatedly to the third question: An egg takes several months to gestate before it's laid, right? So will pregnant crew members have to be put in the rapid aging pod to speed that up or is there another way to accelerate gestation that doesn't end up shaving months off the crew member's life?
No. 1014834 ID: 681cb5
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>I like The Shed Scale. That can be our ship’s name.
Then The Shed Scale it is. You’ll notify the captain and we’ll properly christen it when things calm down a bit.
>That’s something important we need to remember! Beware of Kelshin Pirate Pillager class ships, they can steal crew from our ship with their harpoons!
We should be careful about all those pirate ships, really. Though, it seems so far all those Kelshin ships prefers getting in close and personal really quickly… while our upgraded Cruisers Laz weaponry are designed to take out hard to hit ships from a really long range. As long as we see them coming we shouldn’t have a problem, should we?
>I want to know what the line of thought was to send Zell down to gather material for fuel when there was still a risk of him or the ship being lost when we had 8 days of fuel to work with.
What with everything going super swell otherwise, you can only guess that the Captain felt sure that nothing would happen. Zell’s disappearance did clearly shake him a bit, as he was brought back to reality. Hmm… you really should do something to brighten his day, because having a gloomy Captain just won’t do, no sir!

>Shouldn't there be something involving medical facilities on that list of upgrades?
There is already a small Med-bay operational on the ship, but upgrading it as we gain more crew might be a super duper idea, so that we can take care of more people and faster. The only problem is that we will need an actual doctor to man it… but if we get our Vat systems running we can always just grow a doctor, can’t we? Upgrading the Medical Bay will cost 5 OM and 5 C.
>Our Vat system is good for treating Sakkilians, but what about any aliens we recruit?
Both the medical applications and the… reproductive ones should work for them? But it might be a super good idea to build a research lab and take a closer look at them just in case… so we know how they tick, you know?

>Can we put someone on the ship's scanners to look for our missing crew member?
:ZentoSA: I’ll see to that personally, Doxy. It’s my duty as Captain to ensure we do everything we can to find him again.
>Put someone on rescanning this star system for energy signatures. This is just in case more ships enter the system or what we presume are pirate ships waiting in ambush start moving to our position.
:DoxySA: Sir, I’ve detected something on the energy scan. The pirates are on the move. I don’t think they know we’re here, but they are moving towards the blue planet in the system.
:DoxySA: Are you listening sir?
:ZentoSA: Yes, but something more important just came up. A very weak signal just pierced through the stratosphere of the gas giant. Send someone immediately with a ship to check on it!
:DoxySA: I’m on it!
No. 1014835 ID: 681cb5
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Ensign Shara manages to tow the heavily damaged Cruiser back to the ship.

:ZellSA: *Cough* Ensign Zell reporting for duty, lad…
:SharaSA: Geez, you’re in a bad shape... what the fuck happened?
:ZellSA: Ah got greedy *Cough* went to deep… then the left engine exploded on me, lass…
:ZentoSA: Try not to talk too much, Zell, save your energy. Ensign Shara, escort him to the medical bay immediately.
:SharaSA: Got it, chief.
:ZellSA: *Cough*Cough* May ah request a day or two off, sir?
:ZentoSA: Granted, Ensign. Now get some rest.

Zell have successfully been saved but will need a few days in the med-bay to recuperate. The cruiser he used has been badly damaged and will also need a few days with the Hangers automatic repair system. The good news is that he came back with his tank full of Noble Gases, which enable you to synthesize 30 units of fuel.


>Buy the Vat Upgrade to replenish crew.
You ask Regina to upgrades the Vats, costing you 10BM and 5NM.
:ReginaSA: We’ll be baking buns in the oven in no time, hun, don’t you fret about it.
>The Mess Hall.
Tizli the Raolme volunteer to construct the Mess Hall herself, costing you 10Bm and 5NM.
:TizliSA: So I just follow these instructions? By the eternal dark, this ship is effective at making these neat new modules. Before the river calms, we’ll be baking buns in these ovens, you’ll see! …wait, why are you smiling like that?
>I guess a replacement cruiser for the one we might have lost.
…seeing that the only one that’s not busy elsewhere, you guess Shara will make a new Cruiser? But you’re sure she’ll be fine. It’s super easy, after all. Either way, it costs you 20BM and 5NM
:SharaSA: Um… most of this shit is automatic, right? Because I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.
>Combine sun deck and swimming hall to make beach deck.
While that might please both parts, you sadly do not have the resources (or manpower, currently) to build either of those. But you’ll keep it in mind.

>If possible, every member of the crew under Captain Zento's command ought to submit genetic samples suitable as a cloning source and genetic samples suitable for creating eggs (artificially or naturally) to be stored.
While you wouldn’t mind “helping” either the Captain or Zell with leaving some genetic samples, it might a bit more difficult with us ladies. Though, this is probably more the Captain’s job… and he’ll need to decide how he’ll pass out this information, because you have no idea how you tell people that you might start cloning them or need them to start “getting it on”. Hmm… do you do it personally one-on-one or with ship wide announcement?
>Also, if possible, they should also provide neuro scans to be the basis of memory implantation for cloned or rapid aged crew.
The Vat upgrade we’re currently building will let us implant pre-made memories into the new crew, but sadly we can’t do any kind of neuro scan to base it of someone here.
>What materials does the cloning system need to make a clone and how long does it take?
Making a clone from scratch require a DNA sample from one or more people and takes 5 days. It will consume 1 unit of food under each of these days as well. It’s also rather power consuming, so baking several people at once will start consuming fuel.
>what materials does the rapid aging method of creating crew need and how long does it take?
It require 1 egg, 1 unit of food and takes only one day… not counting the gestate period of the egg, of course. While it is faster than cloning, we still need people to… get it on, so to speak.
>An egg takes several months to gestate before it's laid, right? So will pregnant crew members have to be put in the rapid aging pod to speed that up or is there another way to accelerate gestation that doesn't end up shaving months off the crew member's life?
We can synthesis some substances that will enable super growth of eggs still in the belly, so they’ll be laid after just a single day! So, to be clear… Day 1: Have fun -> Day 2: Big belly -> Day 3: Egg gets laid and put in the Vat -> Day 4: New recruit, ready for action. In the end, it’s 2 days faster than cloning them from scratch.

>Commander Doxy should take a bit to look up all the known materials that can be used to make fuel, what kinds of places they are commonly found and how dangerous each is to gather. I want to know for later on options for fuel materials that are less risky than trying to suck them out of a gas giant.
Fuel that we can harvest ourselves will be found either on Gas Giants or planets very close to a star, not counting wrecked ships and the like. While the planets will always be dangerous thanks to them being super hot, the danger of the gas giant will vary wildly. Of course, seeing as there’s aliens around, any gas giant that’s easy to harvest has probably already been claimed by someone else.
>While she's at it, she ought to check if there are any gas harvester plans in the database.
There are upgrades to the planetary landers to protect against most dangers that we might face on a planet, but we sadly do not have the facilities to upgrade them. We either need to research a way to build these upgrades on the ship or find another facilities to use.
>How much fuel it takes to perform a hyperspace jump? Is it a fixed amount to jump, variable based on distance to the destination star system or something else?
It’s depends on the distance, but a minimum of 5 is to be expected. Of course, if you want to be on the super safe side, you should have about 15 fuel before you start traveling somewhere.
No. 1014836 ID: 681cb5
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>The Captain should go talk to the Raolme and show them our scans of the current area we're in. They might be able to figure out which way we need to take them so they can get home.
:TizliSA: Bleh, do even need to return home? Can we go somewhere cool instead, brother?
:TozlanSA: Yes, yes we do. Don’t worry, friend, I’ll mark the location of the rendezvous point we had with the trade fleet… which… we were supposed to be at over a week ago.
:TizliSA: Heh, guess we’re completely scummed, eh?
:TozlanSA: I better mark the next point I knew the trade fleet will be at… even if it’s some time before they get there.
>Also mark out other notable star systems. In particular you want ones with either fuel for sale, preferably not under the IOD Collective's watch, or materials to make fuel, also preferably not under IOD Collective watch.
:TozlanSA: Obviously, you’ll want to visit our clans nearby trade post. You won’t find brinier deals anywhere!
:TizliSA: I’m sure they’ll find better deals in the Kelshin Freeport sphere.
:TozlanSA: The only things they’ll find there is pirates!
:TizliSA: But it sounds so… romantic. The freedom, the exotic clubs, the briny food… ah… I’ve always wanted to visit.
:TozlanSA: Then next time get kidnapped by those scumsucking pirates, Tizli, and they’ll sell you right there in one of their black markets.
:TizliSA: You’re such a bore, Tozlan.
:ZentoSA: And somewhere we can harvest our own fuel?
:TozlanSA: I don’t know about that, friend. I’m a trader, not a miner.
>We're running out of food, ask our guests where the nearest biodiverse planet is so we can unsportingly shoot down some galloping meat.
While we don’t need to hunt for food seeing as we can grow our own, capturing some cattle like animals and putting them in a pen would ensure that we have more varied food on the ship.
:TozlanSA: Well, I think there is a rather biodiverse planet just one system over, but it’s rather dangerous.
:TizliSA: Isn’t that the one with man eating plants?
:ZentoSA: Really? That does sound rather bad.
:TozlanSA: Otherwise… I’m pretty sure we detected some fungal life on that blue planet nearby, if you’re desperate for Organic Materials.
:ZentoSA: I’ll keep that in mind.
:TozlanSA: Hey, friend, you wouldn’t mind me keeping this star chart for a while? You can’t enter Hyperspace yet anyway, right? I might want to add a few more details later.
:ZentoSA: As long as I get it before we jump, then go ahead.

:TozlanSA: Now, Captain, my friend, may I ask you a favor?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:TozlanSA: Can you please, for the eternal dark sake, convince my sister to not stay here? She refuses to listen to reason!
:TizliSA: Hey! I already said that I’m joining the crew for a while if I get some decent pearls on my plate.
:TozlanSA: You’re swimming right at the end of the river, sis!
:TizliSA: Don’t worry, brother. It’s not like I’m stuck for life! I’m just going to enjoy life for a bit, cruise through the star and leave when I’ve collected enough pay to… wait, I’m getting paid, right?
:TozlanSA: What if the IOD Collective finds out?
:TizliSA: Try and live a little and stop worrying about them.
:TozlanSA: Well, I for one will refuse to join, no matter what kinds of pearls or brine they might offer me!
:TizliSA: Then go home and be boring, while I have some fun.
:TozlanSA: Captain, please! You can’t let her join your crew!
:TizliSA: Psst, I’m getting paid, right?
No. 1014838 ID: b7d01e

Noble Gasses are actually useless as fuel because they don't chemically react with anything. They're actually used to flush out gasses that would react when welding.

Standard rocket fuel is liquid hydrogen.
No. 1014843 ID: 96c896

>Psst, I’m getting paid, right?
We don't know what passes for credits in this system. Do we have some system for paying our crew normally? Wait, can we even access the ship's funds?
I guess once we do some trading we can arrange for a crew stipend.

Tell the brother you will fully inform his sister of your situation, but after that it's her choice, and he should respect it.

>blue planet has unknown signal
Hmm, can we get two cruisers out and operational in time to intercept the pirates?
Interrogate the prisoner, find out if that unknown signal is the pirates' home base. Also, find out how big their fleet is. If we can raid a pirate hive, we can get some good loot I bet, and our weapons seem to be a good match for theirs, but if they have enough of a numbers advantage we'd better avoid them.
No. 1014846 ID: a9af05

>Pirates moving towards blue planet
>blue planet nearby has Organic Materials
Shit. We need those to fix the Raolme ship and for some of the upgrades.

Since a few of our ships are out of commission, we'd better avoid the pirates. We'll also need more crew members before we engage in combat. We got lucky that we only ran into a single pirate by herself.

>Stop my sister from joining your crew!
"She's a grown adult and is capable of making her own decisions. If she wants to join, then I won't stop her."

Ask the brother why he's so desperate to meet up with the trade fleet?
No. 1014856 ID: fd0201

>Shit. We need those to fix the Raolme ship and for some of the upgrades.
Their ship requires corrosives, not organic compounds, to repair. Corrosives are also needed for the research lab and for the med-bay upgrade, so we best be looking for them 'cause we won't be able to come up with new ship and module plans on our own 'till we got a research lab.

Best look up the common places corrosive materials are located naturally so we get some idea how likely they're in this system. If it's a low or less chance then we'll probably either have to hyperspace jump out to find them, or beat up the pirates in the hope they've got some.
No. 1014869 ID: 769845

We have no idea what you use for money. Presumably something that can't be fabricated easily?

By the way pardon me captain but I just heard that Doxy said she would be fine making some eggs with you or Zell. Just so you know. If I were you I'd make a broad announcement that people can start making more crewmembers at their own discretion for now, and we'll worry about more detailed genetic planning once we have a few extra hands to start with.
No. 1014879 ID: 36784c

>Zell was rescued!
Yay! He’s back!

>he brought fuel
Ok, with how much we have, we don’t need to gather anymore for a while.

>Shara helping Zell
It’s good to see that despite their argument they can still get along.

>need people to start “getting it on”
Doxy, isn’t it tradition for the Captain and Second in Command to be the first to “get it on”? You should probably go make this suggestion to the Captain and let him know that you’re ready to get started.

>out of materials
We’d better assign someone to go mine some Basic Metals.

>Captain, please! You can’t let her join your crew!
“Just to be sure, both of you are considered to be adults of your species, correct? Because if she’s an adult, then I believe that means that she’s old enough to make her own decisions. Also, she hasn’t officially joined yet, so I have no authority to order her to not join my crew.”

“If you’re so worried about her getting into trouble, then you should stay here with her, so that you can get her out of trouble.”
No. 1014880 ID: 2aa5f0

speaking of money, do we have anything worth money, and what is the common accepted currency right now. It might be nice if we could trade down the line instead of having to scavenge for everything.

Oh, would now be a good time to talk to our prisoner?

As for the request about the siblings... Well truth be told we are kind of desperate for crew at the moment but I'm not sure we have anything to pay you with at the moment seeing how we are survivors desperately looking for any trace of our fleet and other survivors. Regardless though until we reconnect with your home fleet you're both welcome to stay aboard and we'd greatly appreciate it if you could help out on the ship as we're stuck in system until we have at least 10 crew to help operate the ship.

>because you have no idea how you tell people that you might start cloning them or need them to start “getting it on”. Hmm… do you do it personally one-on-one or with ship wide announcement?
probably best 1 on 1 and see which each crew member prefers. I mean you only have 3 ensigns to ask as I doubt it would be a good idea to ask the aliens we just rescued if they are up for sex. Might send the wrong first impression.
No. 1014898 ID: fd0201

Best put somebody on energy scans every day to keep a eye on where the pirates are; Doxy will handle that for today. Also send out a lander to scoop up those basic metals, with a cruiser escort, just to dissuade any lone pirates that may head their way, that we don't spot on scanners, from pouncing on the lander. But if we see any pirate ships heading that way on scanners, warn our ships ahead of time, (on tight directional comms to prevent being picked up on scanners) so they can flee and take a circuitous and evasive path back to the main ship to try and keep our position hidden for now. Rather not let the pirates know we're here 'till we're prepared to face 'em. And hopefully we get enough basic metals to build a brig 'cause we're probably gonna bag more prisoners if we take those pirates down.

Heh, maybe them being called "noble gasses" could be put down to a typo and Sakkilians actually call them "ignoble gasses," so named for being as, or often way more, reactive as the noble gasses are unreactive.
No. 1014900 ID: c09f5e

>you wouldn’t mind “helping” either the Captain or Zell with leaving some genetic samples
That's quite the "mom energy" you're putting out there. How healthy, or plenty, do you think your first clutch would be? Lucky enough to roll a good doctor?

Actually if Zell impressed Shara with his stucnt, he might be a tougher catch now. Some might be uncomfortable with having more than one "donor", or sharing their "donor" with other people. While flexibility is important in unfortunate times and circumstances, there might be something resilient in deeper bonds. You could do well to leave them alone, unless they still hate each other's guts...

>ship wide announcement?
"(ascending PTA ring) Attention: All current crewmembers are to provide biological samples to the cloning chambers. If you wish to only be cloned, in the event of death or otherwise, only blood will be necessary. If wish to donate fertilized eggs with a partner, your genetic contribution will be much more appreciated. If you have questions, or can be of assistance, please see your Commander or Captain when we are available. (decending PTA ring)"

>The Vat upgrade we’re currently building will let us implant pre-made memories into the new crew, but sadly we can’t do any kind of neuro scan to base it of someone here.
- Loss of skill/expertise on death, still need to train recruits
+ Less existential crisis (can be treated as different person). Still recommend to mutate scale color on clone, should original remain on board.

>leave when I’ve collected enough pay to… wait, I’m getting paid, right?
Unless your currency is also standardized around the least efficient material we can fit into our fabricators (that's what I remember about Star Control 2), we're going to need a rain check on your salary. That's why we need to stop at a trade depot.

Wait, "pay to"? Who do you owe, and what are they packing?
No. 1014949 ID: 681cb5
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>Noble Gasses are actually useless as fuel because they don't chemically react with anything. They're actually used to flush out gasses that would react when welding. Standard rocket fuel is liquid hydrogen.
Liquid hydrogen would work wonders if the ship used some kind combustion engine, but it doesn’t. Instead, the hyperdrive bend reality itself into a goddessdamned pretzel making the distance from point A to point B significantly shorter. As for the Noble gasses, it’s used somewhere in the process of synthetically creating the crystalline substance Elerium that power the ship, though you’re not exactly sure where or how.
>Best look up the common places corrosive materials are located naturally so we get some idea how likely they're in this system.
If you remember correctly, the easy to harvest corrosive materials is usually found on planets with a lot of volcanic activities… or just planets close to the sun. Which is to say, hot planets.

>Just to be sure, both of you are considered to be adults of your species, correct?
:TozlanSA: Of course I’m an adult, friend, but her…?
:TizliSA: I’m a year older than you, scumsucker.
:TozlanSA: Yet you don’t act like it, you briny tart!
:TizliSA: Because I can’t act older than a grumpy old man, can I?
>Tell the brother you will fully inform his sister of your situation, but after that it's her choice, and he should respect it. She's a grown adult and is capable of making her own decisions.
:TizliSA: Hear that, Tozlan? I can do whatever I want.
:TozlanSA: Ugh, don’t let her flow down river, Captain!
:TizliSA: Besides, I’m not staying forever, am I?
:ZentoSA: You’ll be free to leave any time you want.
:TizliSA: And this work will probably not be any more dangerous that guarding the caravans.
:TozlanSA: Still, it’s… but… ugh!
>If you’re so worried about her getting into trouble, then you should stay here with her, so that you can get her out of trouble.
:TozlanSA: I’d rather keep her out of the eternal dark in the first place, friend.
:TizliSA: Hehe, like you’ve ever been able to keep me out of the scum.

>Do we have some system for paying our crew normally? Wait, can we even access the ship's funds?
…any kind of payment would have been controlled by the main Colony ships and their leadership, so you have no funds at all currently. Not that they would be worth anything in this galaxy anyway.
>We have no idea what you use for money. Presumably something that can't be fabricated easily?
:TozlanSA: See, they can’t even pay you!
:TizliSA: They said they were new here, I’m sure they can pay me somehow.
:TozlanSA: Most of the galaxy are using credits, friend, which is recorded on certified cred-sticks. They are distributed and controlled by several of the more influential species around here and have some tight security to make it hard to counterfeit them.
:TizliSA: Trust me, tall boy, don’t try and fiddle with them. I speak from experience.
>I guess once we do some trading we can arrange for a crew stipend.
:TizliSA: See, I’m still going to get paid.
:TozlanSA: If they manage to get some money, yes.
:ZentoSA: You will be paid for each day of work, do not worry. I’ll make sure everyone is compensated properly.
:TizliSA: I hope so.
:TozlanSA: You better pay her, friend… or I will be very cross.
>Do we have anything worth money? It might be nice if we could trade down the line instead of having to scavenge for everything.
:TozlanSA: …I’m not sure. Most people won’t buy base materials in the small quantities you seem to carry… and I’m not sure you have anything else to trade?
:TizliSA: I was talking to that rad purple gal, Regina I think her name was, and she said some interesting things about your “Cruiser” ships. I’m sure our clan will be willing to pay handsomely for a few of those ships.
:ZentoSA: For Cruisers? Really?
:TozlanSA: The what now?
:TizliSA: Their specs seems almost tailor made to deal with those pesky pirates, and you know how much trouble we’ve had with those scumsuckers recently.
:ZentoSA: I’ll keep that in mind.
>Wait, "pay to"? Who do you owe, and what are they packing?
:TizliSA: Huh? Nobody? I just want enough cash to have some pearls and brine, tall boy.

:ZentoSA: Hmm… until we reconnect with your home fleet you're both welcome to stay aboard. Though we'd greatly appreciate it if you could help out on the ship as we're stuck in system until we have at least 10 crew to help operate the Hyperdrive.
:TozlanSA: You don’t have enough crew to even leave the system?
:TizliSA: They did say they were in a bit of scum, didn’t they?
:ZentoSA: And as I said before, I will not stop Tizli from making her own decisions concerning her joining us or not.
:TozlanSA: Ugh… fine…
:TizliSA: Heh, I knew you were rad, tall boy!
Tizlli unfurls herself from her coils, her limbs bending in all the wrong directions as she turn herself from a snake pile into a quadruped, before she slides over to you and rub her head against your… you’re going to say waist, even if it dangerous close to something else.
:ZentoSA: Um… is this… normal?
:TizliSA: It just means we’re friends now.
:TozlanSA: She’s just marking you with her scent so she’ll know when you’re coming.
:TizliSA: Shush, don’t ruin my plan!
:ZentoSA: Okay… that’s fine, I guess? But it’s been nice talking with you two.
:TizliSA: Don’t be stranger, Zento.
:TozlanSA: We’ll talk again later, I’m sure, my friend.
No. 1014950 ID: 681cb5
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>Doxy said she would be fine making some eggs with you or Zell.
As the Captain, you should let the lower ranks approach you concerning that matter, as not to accidently pull rank on them and force them into an awkward situation. Even then… maybe you should visit her later this evening for a private debriefing.
>Doxy, isn’t it tradition for the Captain and Second in Command to be the first to “get it on”? You should probably go make this suggestion to the Captain and let him know that you’re ready to get started.
:DoxySA: (You’ve never heard of a tradition like that… but you really should see if the Captain is willing to help you “get it on”. Though, how do you approach him? Do you just ask? Or use innuendo? Maybe wait in his quarters? Hmm… regrettably, you don’t have any sexy lingerie or anything…)
>That's quite the "mom energy" you're putting out there. How healthy, or plenty, do you think your first clutch would be?
:DoxySA: (Sadly, your clutch will probably just be one egg… but you’re sure it will be super-duper healthy! This body was made to be a mom!)
>Lucky enough to roll a good doctor?
:DoxySA: (Now that’s up to the Vats to decide what training the eggs gets… but you’re sure you can change some variables here or there, hihi…)
>Actually if Zell impressed Shara with his stunt, he might be a tougher catch now. Some might be uncomfortable with having more than one "donor", or sharing their "donor" with other people.
:DoxySA: (The important part is that they keep “donating”, though it’s a super bummer if Zell decides to just focus Shara, because you wouldn’t mind calling him daddy, no sir!)

>If I were you I'd make a broad announcement that people can start making more crewmembers at their own discretion for now, and we'll worry about more detailed genetic planning once we have a few extra hands to start with.
It’s better to just get this over with, true. The sooner we get more crew, the better.
>I doubt it would be a good idea to ask the aliens we just rescued if they are up for sex. Might send the wrong first impression.
Hmm… then let’s not broadcast the announcement in their quarters then… actually, seeing as you only really have four people that need to hear this, you’ll just broadcast it directly to their radios.

:ZentoSA: Attention: All current crewmembers are implored to provide biological samples to the Vat chamber. If you wish to only be cloned, in the event of death or otherwise, only blood will be necessary. If wish to donate fertilized eggs with a partner, your genetic contribution will be much more appreciated. If you have questions, or if we can be of assistance, please see your Commander or Captain when we are available. End of message.

>We’d better assign someone to go mine some Basic Metals. With a cruiser escort, just to dissuade any lone pirates that may head their way.
You’ll try and remember that until tomorrow, as currently we have neither a cruiser nor manpower to do so.
>Hmm, can we get two cruisers out and operational in time to intercept the pirates?
One Cruiser is so badly damaged that it will take a few days before it’s operational, so no, we probably won’t.
>Since a few of our ships are out of commission, we'd better avoid the pirates. We'll also need more crew members before we engage in combat.
It might be for the best to simply ignore them. While they might have a lot of booty over there, unless we can come up with a really good plan it’s probably not worth the risk.
>Our weapons seem to be a good match for theirs.
As Tizli said, “their specs seems almost tailor made to deal with those pesky pirates”. As long as they don’t ambush you, you’ll be able to blast most of them out of the sky before they get into range with their own weapons… err… blast them out of space, you mean.

>Interrogate the prisoner!
You enter the crew quarters that has hastily been converted into a brig to find the Kelshin Pirate Ikekeki in some rather ill-fitting clothes.
:IkekekiSA: Finally someone comes by that I can complain to! I’m dry as a beached whegatron here! Don’t you have someplace water filled to keep me? …or at least a pool?
:ZentoSA: There’s a shower in the room over there, if that’s enough.
:IkekekiSA: A what now?
:ZentoSA: It’s… a rain making machine.
:IkekekiSA: Eh… it will have to do, but I’d much prefer a proper bath… so what do you want, you scurvy crab? Here to gloat before you make me walk the plank?
:ZentoSA: I’m here for information. I’m sure your pirate code says something about sharing information?
:IkekekiSA: The same pirate code you broke when you attacked me in the middle of parley?
:ZentoSA: Yes, that one. My apologies for breaking it.
:IkekekiSA: Hey, don’t be! Making others follow it before breaking it yourself when it suits you is what a real badass pirate would do, KEKEKE! Besides, the code is clear, we free Kelshin are to follow the strongest, as seeing how your badass ship completely keelhauled my ship…
:ZentoSA: …so you’ll follow us?
:IkekekiSA: What? No, of course not. I meant I’m willing to parley. Properly this time. Though I’m putting down my claw right now when it comes to selling out my sisters or working against them, otherwise… I’ll talk. I like talking.
:ZentoSA: I’ve noticed…
>find out if that unknown signal is the pirates' home base.
:IkekekiSA: Oh that? Why, you should really go check on it, it’s not dangerous! KEKEKE!
:ZentoSA: So it’s defended then.
:IkekekiSA: What? But I didn’t say anything about the booty being defended!
:ZentoSA: Booty?
:IkekekiSA: Nnnnooo? It’s nothing. Nope. I don’t see why you’re asking me about it anyway.
:ZentoSA: Because your pirate “sisters” are heading over there right now.
:IkekekiSA: WHAT!? Those backstabbing shrimps, why I ought… gah! That’s my booty!
:ZentoSA: Okay, what exactly is it. If you tell us what it is I might be able to help you get the booty back.
:IkekekiSA: …fine, I’ll talk, I’ll talk. We hid our treasure there, so it shouldn’t slow us down while we were still in the system.
:ZentoSA: Your other friends didn’t take all the booty with them when they left?
:IkekekiSA: No way anyone would trust their booty with someone else! They’ll just plunder it! Just like those scurvy crabs are about to do to my booty! We better go stop them!
:ZentoSA: We?
:IkekekiSA: Err… you better go stop them? Because… I’ll share the booty? Well, their part of the booty, not mine.
:ZentoSA: Uh huh…
>Also, find out how big their fleet is.
:IkekekiSA: …I guess they’ve already backstabbed me so… we were 8 in total.
:ZentoSA: 8 ships? Really?
:IkekekiSA: No, 8 Kelshin. It was me and another in these small one crew Raiders, as well as six in one of the bigger Pillager ships.
:ZentoSA: So there’s two ships out there, one small Raider and one Pillager class.
:IkekekiSA: Oh, and there’s two anti-spacecraft auto cannons on the surface of the planet, but they’ll probably be uninstalling them if they are about to leave. They’ll fire on anything unless you broadcast the right code sequence to them.
:ZentoSA: Auto cannons, you say? Those to sound bothersome…

:IkekekiSA: So… um… what now?
:ZentoSA: What do you mean, what now?
:IkekekiSA: What are you going to do with me? You’re not letting me go, right?
:ZentoSA: No, we’re not.
:IkekekiSA: So… you’re going to cast me out the airlock? Sell me like booty? Maroon me on a planet with a bottle of Bashk? Or are you going to turn me into your personal slave like I tried with you?
No. 1014954 ID: 2aa5f0

>So… you’re going to cast me out the airlock? Sell me like booty? Maroon me on a planet with a bottle of Bashk? Or are you going to turn me into your personal slave like I tried with you?

Join the crew? I mean don't pirates sometimes recruit some of the members by forced conscription? Good way to fill out a lacking crew with some more bodies... kind of like how our crew is right now. Plus she said she'll follow us... for now anyways. Still though probably best to pair her with someone just so they can watch her. Probably Shara when she's free since she has shown she isn't afraid to get into a tumble if needed.

Also might as well ask what her kinds eat just to make sure the mess hall will be able to feed her... and also what treasure she and her sisters have stashed away. If it's good enough we might actually consider trying to go after it before they run off with it. (really I'm hoping they'll have money to make dealing with other aliens easier should we decide to hire more crew or to possibly purchase goods and materials if needed)
No. 1014956 ID: 96c896

Personal slave sounds pretty good actually. Have her working as a farmer or cook or whatever. So long as you don't have any poison lying around there isn't anything she can sabotage that way without also getting herself killed.
No. 1014961 ID: 584042

"Well, seeing as how you'd probably be a danger anywhere else, you're part of the crew now. I don't trust you much so I'm not going to give you free roam of the ship just yet.

We plan to install a beach deck somewhere down the line, so you'll eventually have a proper place to relax."

Are you capable of working a hydroponics bay?"
No. 1014962 ID: 584042

I'm fairly sure she means sex slave.
No. 1014966 ID: 36784c

Did you hear that announcement, Doxy? Now’s your chance! Go find the Captain and, if he’s not busy, tell him that you’re reporting for fertilization duty!

>You’ll try and remember that until tomorrow, as currently we have neither a cruiser nor manpower to do so.
Since we can’t gather resources for now, let’s assign people to work the Farm and assign someone to the new Mess Hall.

>I’m dry as a beached whegatron here! Don’t you have someplace water filled to keep me? …or at least a pool?
Let’s make it a priority to get that Swimming hall once we’re able to get the resources for it. Uh, we’re not doing it for Ikekeki, we’re doing it for our Raolme friends.

>Yes, that one. My apologies for breaking it.
Technically, you didn’t break anything, since the code only applies to pirates and you’re not a pirate. So you didn’t need to apologize for that.
No. 1014976 ID: 4d48a8

... You could always get yourself a piece of that pirate booty (not talking about space junk), though slavery doesn't seem to be your shtick, and neither do you seem the sort to pressure a lady on that. She's cute in her own way, but no doubt treacherous. Be careful.

>I’m dry as a beached whegatron here!
Ah, so she wants you to make her wet then. More seriously, with just under half the occupants of your ship being fairly amphibious, water and water based activities have shifted up the priority list a fair bit.
Figure out what she can do. You need to know what worth she has regardless, but if she's useful and helpful, that would be great. She'll have to be on a tight leash, but you need all the help you can get.

And Doxy? If you're interested in eggs with the Cap in the short term (or just being first), you may want to act quick. Zell is out of commission for a little bit, so the others have limited options if there interest is eggs.
No. 1014998 ID: c09f5e

>Their specs seems almost tailor made to deal with those pesky pirates, and you know how much trouble we’ve had with those scumsuckers recently.
You might want to keep your tech advantage close to the chest, for now. You don't know how the balance of power will fall if you don't; you're entering Prime Directive territory here.

>Sell me like booty?
Is that what pirates call being turned to the proper authorities? Kind of sad if true, even if a bounty's involved. Domination fetish aside, where's the respect for the dignity of sapient life around here?

Perhaps you should turn her in. OTOH, you've already broken one IOD law...

>your personal slave
When she awkwardly misinterprets your offer (to help the crew, pray to whatever gods you still believe in that no one else walks in on you as you deny that/her. Especially if they're following the order you just gave out.
No. 1015133 ID: bbdaaf

>You’ve never heard of a tradition like that…
It's a new one that you can start right now since the rest of the fleet isn't here to tell you that isn't a real tradition.
No. 1015137 ID: 681cb5
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>...You could always get yourself a piece of that pirate booty (not talking about space junk), though slavery doesn't seem to be your shtick, and neither do you seem the sort to pressure a lady on that.
While you wouldn’t mind plunder her booty and leave a little a treasure in that cute tummy of hers (if that even is how their species work), you really don’t want to force yourself onto someone like that. If you want to sample the Kelshin with Ikekeki, you’ll need to make sure she’s fully onboard with it and not just because she’s your prisoner. It’s a tricky situation.
>She's cute in her own way, but no doubt treacherous. Be careful.
No matter how cute and silly she might seem, she is still a pirate. Let’s not forget that.

>Sell me like booty? Is that what pirates call being turned to the proper authorities? Kind of sad if true, even if a bounty's involved.
:IkekekiSA: What? No, why would it mean that? It means that you sell like the other booty you might have. Crew is just as valuable as doubloons, planetlubber.
:ZentoSA: So slavery?
:IkekekiSA: It’s only slavery if the people that buys them force them to work instead of paying them a fair salary. We just make sure that the employers can find new workers quickly… for a fee…
:ZentoSA: Against said workers will?
:IkekekiSA: Pff, details.
:ZentoSA: And in the details is where the dune devils hides… or in this case, slavery.
>Where's the respect for the dignity of sapient life around here?
:IkekekiSA: Hey, you can’t reconquer your home systems by showing your enemies some dignity, can you? Especially if they are scurvy crabs that doesn’t deserve it!
:ZentoSA: Oh? You’ve lost your home world?
:IkekekiSA: Huh? You seriously don’t know about the Grand Alliance of the United Stars and the great galaxy war?
:ZentoSA: We’re new to the galaxy, so no, we haven’t heard about it. Can you enlighten me?
:IkekekiSA: Huff… well, I’m not good with the details but… when that horrid IOD Collective started their invasion in earnest, most of the known species joined forces to repel them. At least, those that hadn’t already been conquered and turned into battle thralls. We Kelshin fought valiantly, losing billions of our people to try and keep them at bay, but it was for naught. In the end, they attacked our home world and boiled the very seas on it, forcing most of us to flee and rebuild elsewhere as the Kelshin Freeports, or else be turned into their slaves.
:ZentoSA: And the Raolme you’re attacking fits into this how? Did they join the IOD Collective side or…?
:IkekekiSA: No, they did something far worse! Those cowards just stayed away from the conflict, only slithering in when it was over and used their poisonous words to make a deal with the IOD’s. They watched as my home world boiled and billions of my people died, AND DID NOTHING!
:ZentoSA: I can understand where your hatred for both them and the IOD is coming from.
:IkekekiSA: I just see it like Karma to grab those Roalme, because it’s what they deserve. Besides, we’re not he only scurvy crabs who pillage crew from people, they do too. Sure, they call them contract workers, but they are just as entrapped as those we take. And the less I say about the IOD the better.

>Perhaps you should turn her in.
:IkekekiSA: Pff, to where. The is uncontrolled space, there’s no authority here, you planetlubber.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… maybe I can give you over to the Raolme, seeing how you were attacking them…
:IkekekiSA: They would keelhaul me before making me walk to plank out the airlock. I don’t think you’re the kind of guy, captain, to let something like that happen to a cutie like me.
:ZentoSA: Maybe not… but maybe I’ll take you to the IOD’s then?
:IkekekiSA: What? No! They’d make me into a drone without question! Throw me out the airlock instead, because I rather die a pirate’s death in space than become one of their drones!
:ZentoSA: Drones, huh?
:IkekekiSA: I said they were even worse when it comes to slaves! Trust me, they are!
>Figure out what she can do. You need to know what worth she has regardless, but if she's useful and helpful, that would be great.
:IkekekiSA: I’m a pirate! I can fly my ship, plunder some booty and sail back to the home bay to party the pants of all you planetlubbers!
:IkekekiSA: I know my way around a ship and how to maintain it. Otherwise I’m mostly good at destroying stuff and scavenging… I’m a pirate, okay? That’s what I do!
:ZentoSA: Uh huh… I’m sure we can find some work for you somewhere around here.
>Personal slave sounds pretty good actually. Have her working as a farmer or cook or whatever. Plus she said she'll follow us... for now anyways.
:IkekekiSA: Oh! I wouldn’t mind being the personal slave of someone so muscular… and long… heh…
:ZentoSA: Are you capable of working a hydroponics bay?
:IkekekiSA: I… um… what? You want me to dig up tubers?
:ZentoSA: We are rather desperate for crew at the moment, so you’ll need to pull your weight like all the others. Though, you do seem rather disappointed… what exactly where you expecting?
:IkekekiSA: Aren’t personal slaves supposed to… you know, lie on pillows next to your throne looking sexy when you taunt your prey over the transmitter? Maybe fan you a bit with a big leaf? Get your drinks and a little massage? You know… like a concubine?
:ZentoSA: You do know that a concubine mostly just have sex, right?
:IkekekiSA: …wait, they do?
:ZentoSA: Yes.
:IkekekiSA: …no wonder the others giggled when I mentioned wanting to have one. Huh… but if we’re going to be completely honest here, I’d rather suck your cock then work in the hydroponics bay right now.
:ZentoSA: While tempting, we currently are in a dire need of food, so if you want to eat a proper meal, one that wasn’t sucked out of me, then you better go pick a few tubers tomorrow.
:IkekekiSA: Then keelhaul me sideways… fine, I’ll pick those pesky tubers.
>We plan to install a beach deck somewhere down the line, so you'll eventually have a proper place to relax.
:IkekekiSA: Good, because being this dry is driving me mad!
:ZentoSA: Test out that shower I told you about, I’m sure you’ll feel better if you do.
:IkekekiSA: I will, as soon as you leave, Captain.
>Might as well ask what her kinds eat just to make sure the mess hall will be able to feed her...
:IkekekiSA: Eh? Oh, we mostly eat fish and crustaceans… oh, and some really tasty algae and plankton soups never misses the mark.
:ZentoSA: I’ll see if I can get the food synther in the Mess Hall to work with those recipes.
>Ask what treasure she and her sisters have stashed away.
:IkekekiSA: Oh, it’s what we managed to plunder from those Raolme cowards. Mostly their wrecked ships that we were going to salvage, but they also had a bunch of copper, gold and silver with them. Oh! And credits! A lot of credits! Those greedy scoundrels always have a bunch of cred sticks with them!
:ZentoSA: So Noble metals and Credits, as well as some ship salvage. Not a bad haul.
:IkekekiSA: It’s was real booty! Both treasure and doubloons that we were going to share equally and bring home. But those scurvy crabs are trying to steal my share of the treasure! You can’t let them do that, captain! I’ll owe you big time if you grab my booty and bring the treasure to me!
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for your time… Ike? Keke?
:IkekekiSA: Call me Eki… and… um… you know where to find me? What with me being a prisoner and all…
>Probably best to pair her with someone just so they can watch her. Probably Shara when she's free since she has shown she isn't afraid to get into a tumble if needed.
You really don’t gain anything if you need to have someone follow her around all the time… hmm, but if you constructed a security station, Shara would be able to keep a close watch on most of the ship, including Eki. That might be something to consider.

As you leave the makeshift prison you run into Commander Doxy, who’s even more excited than usual.
:DoxySA: Captain! I’m glad I found you before the other ladies!
:ZentoSA: Hmm? Oh, greeting Commander. What are you referring too? Do the Ensigns what something with me?
:DoxySA: Your announcement, boss, remember? I’m sure they would be super excited to ask for your assistance to… make more crew, sir!
:ZentoSA: Hmm… yes, I’d see why they would require some aid in the matter.
:DoxySA: That’s why I needed to find you as soon as possible, sir! I’m reporting in for fertilization duty, sir!
:ZentoSA: That’s good, Command, but I’d advise you to go easy on poor Zell. He’s still wounded, after all.
:DoxySA: Huh? What? No, that’s not-
:ZentoSA: But I do actually need to see you in my quarters, privately, for a moment, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Ah? Oh! Of course! For a private “debriefing”~
:ZentoSA: So that we can plan for what we’ll do tomorrow concerning those pirates.
:DoxySA: What.
:ZentoSA: Of course, first I’m going to plow you so fucking hard that you’re going to turn into a blissful wreck before pumping a pair of triplets into that cute belly of yours.
:DoxySA: Wai-
No. 1015138 ID: 681cb5
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Captain Zento massive flagship successfully plunges deep into the hanger-bay of Commander Doxy, releasing his fleet of smaller ships in an attempt to impregnate her last defenses around her core.

The mission was a complete success.

No. 1015139 ID: 681cb5
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You wake up with the beautiful Doxy in your arms, enjoying the afterglow of your little tryst in the starlight. As the new “morning” dawns, you simply lie there and enjoy her sleeping presence in silence...

:DoxySA: Ngg…?
:ZentoSA: Good morning.
:DoxySA: It’s morning already? *Huff* It feels like I ran a marathon yesterday…
:ZentoSA: Heh… we did go a bit wild, Doxy. Though, honestly… I think the best part is just lying here cuddling like this… I wish we could do this all day…
:DoxySA: I don’t, because I’m super hungry… ugh, that fast gestate formula didn’t mention how hungry it would make you.
:ZentoSA: Well, you are eating for two now, aren’t you?
:DoxySA: I’m eating for 6 months of egg growth in one day… Pink Commander need food badly.
:ZentoSA: Hehe…
No. 1015140 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 8 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Ensign Regina upgraded The Vat system, enabling new crew creation.
Guest Tizli constructed a Mess Hall, increasing morale and decreasing chances of food poisoning.
Ensign Shara constructed a Sakkilian Cruiser.
Ensign Zell was rescued and is currently resting in the med-bay.
Cap. Zento and CDR. Doxy do an Energy and Signal Scan of the surrounding area.

Ensign Shara and Ensign Zell have buried the hatched and are now indifferent towards each other.
Guest Tizli and Ensign Regina bond over pie recipes in the Mess Hall and are now friends.
Guest Tizli hasjoinedthe crew as Ensign Tizli.
Prisoner Ikekeki has been made into a ”personal slave”.
CDR. Doxy is pregnant.
Ensign Shara is pregnant.

>Let’s make it a priority to get that Swimming hall once we’re able to get the resources for it. With just under half the occupants of your ship being fairly amphibious, water and water based activities have shifted up the priority list a fair bit.
:DoxySA: It would probably help our alien friends greatly to integrate into the crew if we did, sir. Though, while many of these asteroids will probably contain basic metals, we still need more noble ones if we’re to construct a proper and secure swimming hall.
:ZentoSA: If we’re lucky, one of the remaining planets might contain some… or one of the asteroids we haven’t yet scanned.
>You might want to keep your tech advantage close to the chest, for now. You don't know how the balance of power will fall if you don't; you're entering Prime Directive territory here.
:DoxySA: Prime Directive? Sir, this isn’t an episode of Sun Trek. We here to build colonies and make allies, not just stand by and observe instead of intervening.
:ZentoSA: Still, might be prudent to not sell it off to cheaply. Or to the wrong people.
:DoxySA: If you’re afraid that they’ll reverse engineer it, then it’s just a question of time before they discover a wrecked cruiser somewhere and use that instead. Going by that storage pod we found, we’ve been leaving parts of our colony fleet all over the sector.
>Since we can’t gather resources for now, let’s assign people to work the Farm and assign someone to the new Mess Hall.
:DoxySA: Don’t worry, sir, I’ll make sure to assign anyone without duties at the end of the day to those kind of jobs. Though, seeing as we’re about to run out of food, maybe make sure there at least one person that can farm today, okay boss?
>We’d better assign someone to go mine some Basic Metals. With a cruiser escort, just to dissuade any lone pirates that may head their way.
:DoxySA: We are in dire need of resources, yes… and those pirates might be planning something dastardly.
:ZentoSA: I’m pretty sure they don’t even know we are here… or that we captured Ikekeki.
:DoxySA: Either way, we better be careful. Oh, and I might advise that we scan more of the system for minerals, because both the yellow planet and blue planet are unscanned, as well as most of the asteroids.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… before we send anyone off to mine anything, we should really decide what we are to do with them… the pirates, I mean.
:DoxySA: They are currently in orbit around the blue planet, sir, but we have no idea how long they will stay that way. They might be leaving the system as soon as tomorrow, so if we want to act, we need to do so now. As we only have one operational Cruiser and two landers at our disposal, a direct confrontation near the planet is very much ill-advised. If we’re plunder their booty, we’ll need to be more creative.
:ZentoSA: Or we can always ignore them…
:DoxySA: Or that, yes.

:DoxySA: So, what are your orders for today, sir? We have 6 crewmembers to deploy as you please… 7 if you manage to convince Tozlan to do something.
:ZentoSA: …well, first off we’re going to need to get out of this bed, clean up and get dressed...
:DoxySA: I mean after that, sir.
No. 1015146 ID: 96c896

>shara is pregnant
Guess they buried something else, as well.

>pirate solution
Hmm, how about we ambush THEM? Put the damaged cruiser in orbit around the gas giant, and have it send out a distress signal loud enough that the pirates can hear it. Lurk behind one of the moons or something and then once the pirates come over to try to pick up a new slave we can blow them out of the sky.

>food issues
I thought we put the prisoner to work on that? Maybe she didn't have time to do much since the day was almost over? Anyway, put two people on that. Send someone to mine minerals from that asteroid with a lander while we set up the ambush.

Also ask our Raolme guests for their side of the story. Did they really avoid the conflict then sell themselves to the IOD? Who are the IOD anyway, why are they so powerful?
I hope there's a resistance force we can join...
No. 1015151 ID: 0b4def

Shara and Ikekeki on farming, and I'm too tired to remember who anyone else is 😎
No. 1015154 ID: c09f5e

>the Grand Alliance of the United Stars and the great galaxy war
Condolences to her homeworld, but remember your main mission is to recover what's left of your old colony ship. Reuniting the Alliance is a noble goal, but there's not much you can do for now.

>I said they were even worse when it comes to slaves! Trust me, they are!
You can certainly imagine it. Of course the Collective would have methods to suppress feelings and individuality. Their society couldn't maintain their abstinence, and micro-manage their population, otherwise. But if they wanted to just drone everyone, they wouldn't be open to negotiations in the first place.

Of course, this might be because they know how play the long game on assimilation. You should see what Prince Tozlan what he thinks of them, and what a "contract" involves. If you need to throw him off, imply that you're interested in one.
Also let him know that's he and his people is always welcome on ship (in case his employer starts to "alter deals".)

If you think you'd come off too suspicious, send Doxy instead. If she's like you, she'd love the excuse. Advise her to pay close attention to him and note to how he acts.

>I think the best part is just lying here cuddling like this… I wish we could do this all day…
Good on you for not making that an order. Request that you spend every night with her anyway, if only for the duration of her first pregnancy. Blame the nesting instincts.
(Just look away when she lays.)
No. 1015164 ID: 2aa5f0

Defiantly going to want to put two people on the farm to grow some food but other then that... how long until our first cruiser is up and running again? If we're going after the pirates to get the treasure... and maybe more crew depending on how it turns out, I'd like a bit more fire power on our side. Granted we could just fly our main ship over their since it seems to have more than enough fire power but if the ground to orbital canons are still up that might not be the case, best ask for that code sequence if we do go over that way.
No. 1015236 ID: 36784c

>Doxy is pregnant
So did you give her triplets like you said you would?

We’d better assign someone to the scanners, so we can continue scanning for the pirates. That way we can know their location and keep an eye out for any other pirates that might show up.

We know what to expect from one of the ships, since we scanned Ikekeki‘s Raider class ship and learned its specs. But we don’t know what the Pillager class ship is capable of doing and that’s what worries me.

Either way, Tizli said our Cruisers were almost tailor made to deal with the pirate ships, so we’d need at least one of them to deal with the pirates.

>ambush pirates
That could work.

We’d need our main ship to hide behind the gas giant because of its size, but our working Cruiser can definitely hide behind one of the moons for an ambush.

Once the Cruiser begins the attack, our main ship will have to come out from behind the gas giant to offer support. Especially if we manage to lure in both the pirate ships instead of just one of them.
No. 1015237 ID: bc15b4

Wait who impregnated Shara?
Now that Shara is pregnant we should ask if she can help with the pirates.
No. 1015241 ID: c09f5e

Actually, you should make her breakfast first, or share rations at least. After a fun night like that, it's the nice thing to do. Growth may kick in after nourishment, but that couldn't be a bad thing, right?

How would pregnancy affect a crewmember anyway? Hunger cravings could be an concern, but could their hormones enhance their performance to compensate?
No. 1015242 ID: 36784c

>Wait who impregnated Shara?
Pretty sure it was Zell.
No. 1015245 ID: a9af05

Shouldn't we wait until Shara lays her egg? She's our fighter, so we'll need her to be ready to fight and not have a sudden urge to lay her egg distract her in the middle of the fight.
No. 1015275 ID: 681cb5
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>So did you give her triplets like you said you would?
While you tried your best, you’re not some genetically enhanced super breeder so there’s probably only one of your eggs in there.
>Request that you spend every night with her anyway, if only for the duration of her first pregnancy. Blame the nesting instincts.
:DoxySA: Nesting instincts, eh? Are you sure this isn’t just an excuse to cuddle my big tummy tonight?
:ZentoSA: Heh, you got me there, Doxy.
:DoxySA: As if I would keep the father of my first child away from rubbing my tummy, though you do know I’ll probably be laying this thing tomorrow, right?
:ZentoSA: Just the more reason why I need to cuddle you even more tonight~
:DoxySA: *giggle* I guess so, Zento…
>Actually, you should make her breakfast first, or share rations at least. After a fun night like that, it's the nice thing to do.
:DoxySA: You can synth something up in the Mess Hall for me and I’d be super grateful, boss.
:ZentoSA: Eating a proper meal for once would do us all some good.
>Growth may kick in after nourishment, but that couldn't be a bad thing, right?
:DoxySA: It’s already kicking off at it is! Look, I’m already getting a bit round! By lunchtime, I’m going to have a huge belly.
:ZentoSA: Heh… well, I for one think a big belly suits you just fine.
:DoxySA: Big belly or not, I’m starving. Can we go already?

The two of you share a rather simple breakfast of toast and cereal… which considering you’ve been living off tasteless rations and bitter tubers for the last few days is a goddessend.

>How would pregnancy affect a crewmember anyway? Hunger cravings could be a concern, but could their hormones enhance their performance to compensate?
:DoxySA: Yeah, I’m definitely eating for two here, so you can expect food consumption to go up a bit.
:ZentoSA: And work? Do you want a day off?
:DoxySA: Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a day off tomorrow when I’m due, sir… but today? Nah, I’m fit to fight and super eager to do my part! If anything, I’m more excited to get things done than usual! Maybe we can even bust a few extra skulls around here!?
:ZentoSA: *sigh* You ladies always were stubborn and hotheaded even at the best of times… but of course you’ll get a day off if possible.
:DoxySA: We’re fighters and you know it! Having an egg in me won’t stop that!
:ZentoSA: Still, we might be prudent to not send one of you out in a ship if you’re sporting a belly like that, just to keep the both of you safe.
:DoxySA: I guess…
>Wait who impregnated Shara?
:DoxySA: …boss, there’s only one other man on board of the ship… and last we saw, she was carrying him to the med-bay personally.
:ZentoSA: True… though there’s also Tozlan.
:DoxySA: I mean… it’s possible? Very improbable, but not impossible? Wait, can we even get interspecies eggs? Hmm… this might need to be researched…
:ZentoSA: I guess they buried something else than just the hatched, eh? *Eyebrow wiggle*
:DoxySA: Ugh…

>I thought we put the prisoner to work on the food? Maybe she didn't have time to do much since the day was almost over?
You recruited her rather late yesterday… and you rather not have a prisoner out and about while everyone else is sleeping.
>Shara and Ikekeki on farming.
:DoxySA: I’ll make sure Shara keeps an eye on Eki, just in case she get any ideas, sir.
>Send someone to mine minerals from that asteroid with a lander.
:DoxySA: I’ll put Regina on the task, boss.
>We’d better assign someone to the scanners, so we can continue scanning for the pirates. That way we can know their location and keep an eye out for any other pirates that might show up.
:DoxySA: I’ll personally see to it, sir, don’t you worry.
:ZentoSA: So… who’s left?
:DoxySA: Um… just you, sir. Zell is still in the med-bay, Tizli volunteered to work in the Mess Hall and Tozlan is… well, he’s not part of the crew, sir.

>How long until our first cruiser is up and running again? If we're going after the pirates to get the treasure... I'd like a bit more fire power on our side and maybe more crew.
:DoxySA: It will still take a few days, sir, so you shouldn’t count on having it ready before they move.
>Granted we could just fly our main ship over there since it seems to have more than enough fire power but if the ground to orbital canons are still up that might not be the case.
:DoxySA: We really shouldn’t put our ship anywhere near those orbital cannons. While I can’t say how powerful they might be, suffering any damage to The Shed Scale would be a catastrophe!
>Best ask for that code sequence if we do go over that way.
:IkekekiSA: Huh? You want the codes?
:ZentoSA: It would be helpful, Eki, so yes, I want them.
:IkekekiSA: Well, if it helps getting my booty back… the code is “Yarr harr we pirates be free!” and you need to broadcast it on frequence 240.34.
:ZentoSA: …is that really it? (You really can’t tell if she’s pulling your tail or not).
:IkekekiSA: That’s right! And if you send “Enough Pillage” they’ll go completely offline, while sending “Protect the booty!” will rearm them.
:ZentoSA: Right.

>We know what to expect from one of the ships, since we scanned Ikekeki‘s Raider class ship and learned its specs. But we don’t know what the Pillager class ship is capable of doing and that’s what worries me.
:DoxySA: We know it can house up to 6 crew members… and that it has some kind of “torpedo” that can suck people out of ships directly to capture them, but other than that, it’s a mystery... either way, it sounds like they need to get close to be effective, at least?
>Hmm, how about we ambush THEM? Put the damaged cruiser in orbit around the gas giant, and have it send out a distress signal loud enough that the pirates can hear it. Lurk behind one of the moons or something and then once the pirates come over to try to pick up a new slave we can blow them out of the sky.
:DoxySA: Hey, that’s a great idea captain! I’ll make sure the damaged cruiser is in position and ready for the ambush. Maybe just not today, though, seeing as we’ve sent out everyone else to do other work.
>We’d need our main ship to hide behind the gas giant because of its size, but our working Cruiser can definitely hide behind one of the moons for an ambush.
While your ship is rather large, it’s not the size of a freaking moon. Besides, you generally detect people by their energy signatures being caught on sensors and not with visuals. We’re in space; after all, the sheer distance of our effective combat range boggles the mind.
>Shouldn't we wait until Shara lays her egg? She's our fighter, so we'll need her to be ready to fight and not have a sudden urge to lay her egg distract her in the middle of the fight.
:DoxySA: Hmm… it might be prudent, boss, though we don’t know much longer the pirates will stay in the system. It’s up to you if you’re willing to risk the wait or not.

>Also ask our Raolme guests for their side of the story. Did they really avoid the conflict then sell themselves to the IOD? Who are the IOD anyway, why are they so powerful?
:DoxySA: We do need more information, so taking some time and talking with our friends is a super idea, boss.
>You should see what Prince Tozlan what he thinks of the IOD. If You think you'd come off too suspicious, send Doxy instead. If she's like you, she'd love the excuse.
:DoxySA: I’ll go chat with Tozlan after I’ve scanned the system, sir.
:ZentoSA: And I’ll go have a conversation with Tizli after I complete my daily duties…
No. 1015276 ID: 681cb5
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You find Tizli behind the counter of the Mess Hall, preparing what you can only assume will be dinner. She gives you a wave with her… um… hand? Or is that her hind leg? Okay, you have no idea how her limbs work because she clearly have too many of them right now.

:ZentoSA: Ensign Tizli.
:TizliSA: Captain Zento! Hiya!
:ZentoSA: Not going to synthesize a finished meal for tonight, I see?
:TizliSA: Everything taste way better if you make it with your own four claws, Captain.
:ZentoSA: I have to agree with that.
:TizliSA: So, what can I help you with? Or are you just here to find out what’s for dinner?
:ZentoSA: I actually wanted to ask you about the IOD and the Grand Alliance of the United Stars.
:TizliSA: Eh? Oh, that… it’s boring stuff, but sure, I can talk and make some brine at the same time. So, what about it? The war, I mean?
:ZentoSA: For starters, who are the IOD anyway? Why are they so powerful?
She makes a weird gesture with her arms but you have no idea what it means.
:TizliSA: No idea. I don’t think our Clan knows. In fact, I don’t think anyone knows. They just kind of appeared out of the eternal dark one day and started wreaking havoc.
:ZentoSA: Is it true that you stayed out of the conflict?
:TizliSA: Hey, we’re traders, you scumsucker. I’m not proud about it, but we’re not fighters.
:ZentoSA: So you stayed out of it?
:TizliSA: Yeah, yeah, that’s what we did… not that it mattered, as they just came after us afterwards anyway.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… and this “drone” thing they do?
:TizliSA: Oh, yeah, that… they put a bunch of cybernetics in criminals, mostly pirates and other sludge dwellers. It makes them… “compliant”… or, you know, brain dead zombies that can’t really do anything but the most basic tasks.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… and they haven’t made everyone into drones yet because…?
:TizliSA: Because they need people to actually work? And, you know, they probably don’t want to actually kill us all, just… you know, rule over us?
:ZentoSA: …if they are as bad as you make them sound, then surely there’s some resistance out there?
:TizliSA: Probably. They are rather brutal with snuffing out those kinds of groups though. Otherwise I would join them myself because the IOD can lick my scum.
:ZentoSA: Oh? Anything in particular you dislike about them?
:TizliSA: Other than they subjugating and repressing us? I guess the thing that really made me go over the edge was when they added a bunch of new rules last year. The food got a lot worse, I can’t listen to the music I like and they even forbade sexual intercourse! Who are they to say if I’m allowed to get a big cock in my bum or not!
:ZentoSA: I see…
:TizliSA: That’s part of the reason why I convinced my brother to take this job, to travel out here to find some alien artifacts or something, just so we could get away from it all… though you saw how that ended.

:ZentoSA: Another thing… what is this about contracts?
:TizliSA: Huh? Contracts? Have you been talking with Tozlan about that?
:ZentoSA: I’ve heard that you Raolme had them? Care to enlighten me?
:TizliSA: It’s just a fancy worth of debt. You get into debt, you sign a contract and then you work it off. Of course, if you’re unlucky you might just get deeper in debt, have to sign a worse contract and get worse work and suddenly you find yourself at the end of the river.
:ZentoSA: And how do these contracts work?
:TizliSA: You sell them to the highest bidder, and then the one who signed the contract have to work with them until they’ve paid off their dues.
:ZentoSA: And you’re under a contract?
:TizliSA: We were, until we were shot down. Now we’re just… “freelancers”, which is even worse in some ways.
:ZentoSA: Just so you know, you and your people will always be welcome on this ships, no matter what.
:TizliSA: … … …thanks Captain. I’ll remember that.

>Remember your main mission is to recover what's left of your old colony ship.
While your current main objective is to find the colony ships, true, you still have to consider what happens afterwards. If these IOD’s are as aggressive and harsh as people make them out to be, then you’re going to need to deal with them sooner or later. Your newly made colony will be a prime target for them, after all.
>Reuniting the Alliance is a noble goal, but there's not much you can do for now.
…you can contact the other species of the galaxy and maybe collect some kindling for the coming revolution. It’s clear that the IOD’s iron fist is clamping slightly too hard at the moment, and it’s just a question of time before things start getting unstable around here.
No. 1015277 ID: 681cb5
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Meanwhile, in the bridge…

:DoxySA: Tozlan! Just who I wanted to see!
:TozlanSA: Err… yes? You asked me to come here… Doxy?
:DoxySA: Yes, because I have some question for you.
:TozlanSA: Then ask away, friend.
:DoxySA: I wanted to know about the IOD and the Grand Alliance of the United Stars. Do you know anything about the subject?
:TozlanSA: … … …I guess I can explain a few things about it, if you don’t mind a bit of a history lesson?
:DoxySA: Not at all. The more information, the better.
:TozlanSA: The IOD first appeared about 70 years ago, in the center of the sector. They kept to themselves for the most part, though sometime before the war they started conquering nearby systems. It wasn’t until they laid waste to one of the Flaûgnir war fleets that people started noticing something was very off. Around 40 years ago most of the remaining species formed an alliance, the Grand Alliance of the United Stars, but after 20 long years of war the IOD broke them and became the main force of the sector. Since then we’ve all been… well, sucking their scum, if you know what I mean.
:DoxySA: …and what part did the Raolme play in the war?
:TozlanSA: As we’re not fighters we instead focused our attention on what we know best, trading. We supplied the alliance with most of the materials they needed for their fleets, for a fair price, of course.
:DoxySA: …you sold them the things they needed to protect you with!?
:TozlanSA: You must understand, friend, that it’s a very scummy thing to give away something free in our culture. Getting something for no brine or pearls means that they think you’re a real sludge dweller who can’t give anything in return. As I said, we’re traders and even as the eternal dark comes, we will trade.
:DoxySA: Surely, there must still be a resistance against-
:TozlanSA: Don’t mention any resistances, please. I don’t want my sisters to get any more ideas.

:DoxySA: Then let me ask something else. What is this about contracts?
:TozlanSA: Contracts? You mean our work certificates? It just shows who you works for, that’s all.
:DoxySA: And people can force you to work?
:TozlanSA: If you’re in debt, yeah. They can sell your contract to someone else, so you’ll have to work there instead. But only until your debt is paid. It’s not that bad, really.
:DoxySA: And if you can’t pay?
:TozlanSA: Then you continue to work?
:DoxySA: Hmm… either way, contract or not, just remember that you and your people are always welcome here on our ship.
:TozlanSA: Thanks, friend. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to reward your hospitality with pearls if we can.
:DoxySA: … … …Tozlan, are you alright? You seem a bit… nervous?
:TozlanSA: Eh? Oh, it’s… it’s nothing really. It’s just… you’ve grown since yesterday?
:DoxySA: Yes?
:TozlanSA: Is… that normal for your species?
:DoxySA: Well, you see, when a man loves a-
:TozlanSA: I meant the speed. Do you always grow this fast?
:DoxySA: Ah, no, of course not silly. It’s growing at super speed because we need some new crew immediately.
:TozlanSA: Ah… I… I see… so you… oh… so… um… that’s yours and…?
:DoxySA: The Captains.
:TozlanSA: Of course… of course… it’s… it’s a nice belly?
:DoxySA: Thanks?
:TozlanSA: No, wait, I didn’t… err… that’s not… um… I’m paddling right into the dark, aren’t I?
:TozlanSA: …*cough*

>Remember your main mission is to recover what's left of your old colony ship.
Your main mission is to turn this galaxy into the best freaking galaxy it can be! Which just includes making a few colonies on the way.
>Reuniting the Alliance is a noble goal, but there's not much you can do for now.
Of course there is! You can lead the charge and gather all the heroes of old before taking the fight to those evil IOD’s! Just like in the movies! …of course, the Captain will probably say no…

[Note: Both Captain Zento and Commanders Doxy conversations are happening at the same time, so you can suggest for both of them if you wish.]
No. 1015279 ID: 2aa5f0

how many people can we put on a cruiser again? Because I'm wondering if cruiser follow the "more people you assign to them the more effective they'll be" rule. Because I'm somewhat tempted to put Eki in the crew. She did say her only real skills are in combat but I'd only even consider it if we could have at least one other person in the ship with her to make sure she doesn't just take off with it.

Also Doxy, ask if Tozlan wants to touch your belly. He seems curious, but is probably worried that it might be rude so is trying to hold himself back.
No. 1015282 ID: 96c896

I suspect that your quick-grow technology might be completely new to this sector. Maybe it's the one tech that could turn the tide against the IOD? They just forbade reproduction, so let's do the opposite. Increase birth rates so high the resistance becomes an overwhelming swarm. Just gotta get enough of a food supply to compensate. Speaking of which even with the farms and mess hall fully staffed we're running out of food. I guess making new crew puts a large strain on our stocks. We're going to have to upgrade our food storage, and if possible put in another farm... wait how is it going down so fast? If both pregnant crew members are eating for five then we effectively have 16 crew's worth of food consumption. Max crew is 20, why isn't the ship's food production enough? Is it taking time to ramp up or something? Also I am *extremely* concerned about the food storage cap. If we're using this much every day then a full 25 units of food is barely enough for one day's worth of food at max crew size. Shouldn't we be able to store at least a couple weeks' worth of dry rations?

Ask what the IOD's species looks like. I suspect they are robots. Or... plants.

If detecting ships in space has to do with energy signatures more than visual range then... we'd want to run the main ship on low power mode to disguise the ambush. Though I wonder what the pirates' scanning range is. Lower than ours, most likely.
No. 1015292 ID: 36784c

>Codes for the orbital cannons
You know, if we manage to only lure one of the pirate ships over here to our ambush and the other one is still near the planet, we could use the orbital cannons against them, since they won’t expect us to know the codes. We’ll ambush one ship, approach the planet, broadcast the codes while the pirate ship is between us and the planet, and the cannons will attack the pirates, since they’d be closer to the planet.

But it all depends on if we only lure in one of the pirate ships to our ambush.

>Also Doxy, ask if Tozlan wants to touch your belly. He seems curious, but is probably worried that it might be rude so is trying to hold himself back.
Do this.

>wait how is it going down so fast?
It’s not going down really fast. The farms are currently being worked on right now and the food doesn’t get collected and counted until the end of the day. We’re currently still in the middle of the day, so nothing has been collected and counted yet.

For example: Regina is out mining an asteroid for Basic Metals, but the number hasn’t gone up yet because she’s not done working yet.

You’ve gotta wait until the end of the day before the numbers will go up.
No. 1015319 ID: c09f5e

>They just kind of appeared out of the eternal dark one day and started wreaking havoc.
Could it be...
>the Intergalactic Hyper Drive did mess around with time.
>for all you know you might have been drifting out here for years.
How smart was your old ship's AI? Ship AI's take over when crew is incapacitated, right? If the situation back at the colony ship back was that dire, if they weren't as lucky as your crew, resources would have been scarce enough to demand excessive rationing... which over time, be entrenched in their culture... enforced onto subject cultures...
This couldn't be your doing, could it?

>…you can contact the other species of the galaxy and maybe collect some kindling for the coming revolution. It’s clear that the IOD’s iron fist is clamping slightly too hard at the moment, and it’s just a question of time before things start getting unstable around here.
You still need a cover story, or thing will be stomped out too early. Your life goal is to have a girl from every race, is it not?

It'll be fine if you prioritize compatibility over power/money. You don't want to be a king; for one, inheritance is a total pain in the ass to manage.

>Don’t mention any resistances, please. I don’t want my sisters to get any more ideas.
That was too quick. He knows something. Distract him with the preg to find out what.

If you want to, a good trade for the info would be to give him a chance to father your next egg...
No. 1015335 ID: fd0201

>We’ll ambush one ship, approach the planet, broadcast the codes while the pirate ship is between us and the planet, and the cannons will attack the pirates, since they’d be closer to the planet.
Wait, do we know if the cannons will auto-fire at any ship that comes into range or if they have some kinda IFF system to ID the pirate ships and avoid firing on them? Zento better ask Ikekeki about that. However, when we make our plans we best keep in mind we can't 100% trust what she says.
No. 1015355 ID: ae7e5a

Doxy, while we are talking about bebes and such, why don't you ask him how do they work in that regard? It'll be fun, i think he is very shy about the subject.
No. 1015372 ID: 681cb5
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>How many people can we put on a cruiser again? Because I'm wondering if cruiser follow the "more people you assign to them the more effective they'll be" rule.
Currently they can only use one pilot effectively, but you know for a fact that they are supposed to have a crew of 5. The main problem is that the blueprints you have access to were designed for exploration and not combat, meaning that you’ll probably need to research a cruiser to if you want to get access to the combat variant.
>Because I'm somewhat tempted to put Eki in the crew. She did say her only real skills are in combat but I'd only even consider it if we could have at least one other person in the ship with her to make sure she doesn't just take off with it.
While the captain seems to trust her somewhat, you’re still super skeptical about her. Honestly, you rather have her stay away from any ships as long as she’s not a proper crew member. Though, even if she took a ship, she can’t really go anywhere? None of your current ships have a Hyperspace drive after all, with the exception of The Shed Scale.
>If detecting ships in space has to do with energy signatures more than visual range then... we'd want to run the main ship on low power mode to disguise the ambush. Though I wonder what the pirates' scanning range is. Lower than ours, most likely.
Considering that they haven’t detected us yet, it’s definitely worse than our own. Heck, with their small ships, their scanner range can’t be really that big. Proper scanning equipment takes up super much space, after all.

>Ask if Tozlan wants to touch your belly. He seems curious, but is probably worried that it might be rude so is trying to hold himself back.
:TozlanSA: Eh!? Y-you want me to w-what?
:DoxySA: I’m not asking you to, but if you want to rub it a bit, then it’s fine.
:TozlanSA: Oh… err… I… um…
Hesitantly, he reaches out with both of his front claws and starts to carefully rub your stomach.
:DoxySA: It feels nice, doesn’t it?
:TozlanSA: It feels lovely, friend…
As he manage to find his courage, he even leans his head against it, as if he’s listening to it… then suddenly, his “ears” shots up in surprise.
:TozlanSA: Oh! I think… I t-think I heard something move in there!
:DoxySA: *Giggle* They don’t start to move until after they’ve been laid, silly.
:TozlanSA: Oh…

>I suspect that your quick-grow technology might be completely new to this sector.
:TozlanSA: Y-yeah, I’ve never listened to something like this… or heard about anything even close to this kind of… it’s a miracle, really! I never thought I’d… not now… no…
:DoxySA: *Giggle* It’s a little miracle alright.
:TozlanSA: It’s… really the brine in the morning breeze…
:DoxySA: You know… maybe it's the one tech that could turn the tide against the IOD?
:TozlanSA: Huh? Making babies is going to beat the IOD?
:DoxySA: They just forbade reproduction, so let's do the opposite! Increase birth rates so high the resistance becomes an overwhelming swarm!
:TozlanSA: They just illegalized sexual intercourse, we can still reproduce artificially… um… which is heavily regulated by them… so only the scumsuckers that float in the same river as the IOD’s gets to do it… and even then it’s just to keep our numbers stable... err, maybe you have a pearl there but… isn’t that going to be our kids you send out to fight?
:DoxySA: Everyone is someone’s kid, no?
:TozlanSA: I mean… yes… but… err… that’s not… I mean it’s true?

>Doxy, while we are talking about bebes and such, why don't you ask him how do they work in that regard? It'll be fun, i think he is very shy about the subject.
:TozlanSA: Huh!? I mean… err… eternal dark, you can’t just…
:DoxySA: Why not? I can tell you how the captain gave me this belly yesterday, if you want to.
:TozlanSA: I… I rather not hear that but… I think we’re similar? I mean, as species? We… um… a man put their thing in a woman and… they get a big belly and lay an egg?
:DoxySA: Oh? No details?
:TozlanSA: If you want details go ask my sister or something! Her mind is already stuck in the sludge as it is.
>That was too quick. He knows something about the resistance. Distract him with the preg to find out what.
:DoxySA: So… anyway… about that resistance you mentioned?
:TozlanSA: …what?
:DoxySA: No more belly rubs unless you tell me about them.
:TozlanSA: I d-don’t know anything about those scumsuckers!?
>If you want to, a good trade for the info would be to give him a chance to father your next egg...
:TozlanSA: Y-y-you what!?
:DoxySA: You heard me, cutie. If you… actually, if you join our crew, I’ll let you be the daddy of my next child~
:TozlanSA: Err… is t-this normal for your kind!?
:DoxySA: No really… but you’re kind of cute when you’re blushing…
:TozlanSA: W-we can’t even- We’re different species!?
:DoxySA: I’m willing to still try… if you are as well.
:TozlanSA: This isn’t… um… that’s… I… I… I need… time to think?
:DoxySA: Take your time Tozlan. I’m not going anywhere.
:TozlanSA: R-right… um… b-by the eternal dark, I… I’ll… I need to go? I’ll get back to you?
:DoxySA: I’ll be waiting.

And he scurries off with his tail wagging like crazy… heh…
No. 1015373 ID: 681cb5
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Meanwhile, in another time and place with the Captain…

>You still need a cover story, or thing will be stomped out too early. Your life goal is to have a girl from every race, is it not?
Maybe not your life goal, but having the pleasure of spending a nice evening with as many different species as possible is indeed something that you strive for. Though, something tells you that telling these IOD’s that you’re going around to everyone because you’re horny won’t really work.
>It'll be fine if you prioritize compatibility over power/money. You don't want to be a king; for one, inheritance is a total pain in the ass to manage.
Especially considering that you’re going to probably have a dozen or more kids by the end of this… wait, why are we talking about kings and money all the sudden? You’re here to build a colony for the sake of the Sakkilian people, not become some kind of ruler or millionaire. Though, if you’re going to be a bit selfish, you’d prefer if you ended the journey with enough cash to settle down somewhere sunny with a few charming alien ladies.

>You know, if we manage to only lure one of the pirate ships over here to our ambush and the other one is still near the planet, we could use the orbital cannons against them, since they won’t expect us to know the codes.
Using their own weapons against them would be a glorious maneuver, though as much as you want to show off you’d like to keep The Shed Scale out of any firefight if possible.
>Wait, do we know if the cannons will auto-fire at any ship that comes into range or if they have some kinda IFF system to ID the pirate ships and avoid firing on them?
The ID was the code Eki gave you, so they’ll probably not fire on any pirate that’s already there… unless the auto-cannons removes the stack of ID’d ships when they shut down and start with an empty one… hmmm….
>Keep in mind we can't 100% trust what Eki says.
It’s impossible to tell if she’s just making shit up or if she’s just that silly normally… it’s infuriating!

>Even with the farms and mess hall fully staffed we're running out of food. I guess making new crew puts a large strain on our stocks.
Shara and Eki has already collected enough food to feed everyone onboard for a day and they are far from done, so no, it isn’t putting that much of a strain on your food consumption. Remember, resources are only counted at the start of a new day.
>We're going to have to upgrade our food storage, and if possible put in another farm...
Our farm can easily sustain up to 20 crewmembers, so no need to worry. Though, it would be good to capture some wild animals and build a Pen for them, so that you’ll have access to some actual meat proteins to synth food with. As for storage, more storage is always good to have.
>Shouldn't we be able to store at least a couple weeks' worth of dry rations?
We currently have no way to make rations that will last for a while. We either need to find some upgrades to our Mess Hall, or have research look into how to add some new programming to the Food Synth there.

>Ask what the IOD's species looks like. I suspect they are robots. Or... plants.
:TizliSA: I’ve never heard them myself but… I think they are like machines or something?
:ZentoSA: So robots?
:TizliSA: No one has made an AI even close to being that intelligent, so it’s probably just some really briny power armor and the real scumsuckers are hiding in it.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… really?

>How smart was your old ship's AI? Ship AI's take over when crew is incapacitated, right?
The AI in all the smaller ships is rather simple in complexity, but the ones installed in the main Colony ships were rather advance. They should be smart enough to be able to build the colony and run most things in it without intervention.
>If the situation back at the colony ship was that dire, if they weren't as lucky as your crew, resources would have been scarce enough to demand excessive rationing... which over time, be entrenched in their culture... enforced onto subject cultures...
Oh no…
>This couldn't be your doing, could it?
It… it can’t be… right?

:TizliSA: A pearl for your thoughts, Captain?
:ZentoSA: Hmm?
:TizliSA: You seemed to be lost in the stream there, tall boy. What’s swimming?
:ZentoSA: Oh, I was considering some new information. Say, have you ever seen one of IOD’s ships?
:TizliSA: I’ve never heard them with my own ears, no, but I’ve been told that they look rather wicked if effective. No pearls and brine, just pure function.
:ZentoSA: And colors? What colors do they have?
:TizliSA: Grey? I think? And some blues like… cyan? Their symbol is grey and blue, so…
:ZentoSA: And their symbol?
:TizliSA: It’s like… a circle with a dot in it?
:ZentoSA: Hmm… and they are machines? How do they look like? Do they look anything like say… us Sakkilian or you Raolme?
:TizliSA: Um… I heard they that they don’t look like any species we’ve ever heard of before?
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

It doesn’t sound like anything that would emerge from the colony ship… but you can’t discard the theory just yet, can you?

:ZentoSA: So what are you cooking for tonight anyway, Tizli?
:TizliSA: I’m doing some algae covered seaweed pie!
:ZentoSA: Pie? Really?
:TizliSA: I was talking to Regina yesterday and we shared some pie recipes… so I thought I’d show her one of my favorites.
:ZentoSA: It sounds… um… delicious?
:TizliSA: It’s the briniest pie you’ll ever eat, trust me!
:ZentoSA: I’ll take your word for it.
:TizliSA: And, Captain, if you can assign Regina to the Mess Hall sometime soon, we’ll both be very grateful. She promised me that she would make some rhubarb pie if you did.
:ZentoSA: I’ll see what I can do, Tizli.
:TizliSA: And maybe get some meat on the ship, so we can make a proper insect pie.
:ZentoSA: Catching a few animals and building a pen is on the to do list.
She lifts up the wooden spoon she was using in her cooking and gives it a really long lick, before looking up with a sheepish smile at you.
:TizliSA: Oh! I forgot to ask… do you want to lick the spoon and get a taste?
No. 1015385 ID: 96c896

Taste preferences between species can differ. You should probably taste it, yeah, but warn her you don't know if Sakkilian diets compare well to Raolme ones.
No. 1015393 ID: ae7e5a

We are talking about the spoon, right? Sure, give it a good, long lick.
No. 1015394 ID: ae7e5a

Oh, and if you are feeling daering, clean her snout too.
No. 1015401 ID: 36784c

That’s been coming up so often, I’m starting to think that Kaktus is telling us that we should get the Research upgrade next!

>Oh! I think…I t-think I heard something move in there!
It’s entirely possible what he heard was the sound of the egg growing. Not entirely sure about that.

>And he scurries off with his tail wagging like crazy…heh…
Looks like we’ve discovered something Tozlan is interested in. He might be willing to join the crew if it means he gets to see big bellies more often! Just don’t force it on him or you’ll scare him away from wanting to join.

>It doesn’t sound like anything that would emerge from the colony ship…but you can’t discard the theory just yet, can you?
No, you can’t. Also you probably shouldn’t mention it to anyone yet. At least, not until we discover more evidence to either prove or disprove that theory.

>assign Regina to the Mess Hall for some rhubarb pie
Definitely should do this later.

>Oh! I forgot to ask…do you want to lick the spoon and get a taste?
If she gets a different spoon, then yes, you’ll give it a taste. Gotta keep an open mind and be willing to taste different alien cuisines.
No. 1015407 ID: bc15b4

Sure give the sppon andlong seductive lick (if we are lucky she won't stop licking the spoon too) also try to hide the big fucking erection you are having right now,
No. 1015423 ID: c09f5e

>And he scurries off with his tail wagging like crazy… heh…
Aw... he's a sweetheart... and clearly a virgin. Be gentle with him. Be good to him.

So was that following through on orders, or are you plotting your own little harem? You may not be as much a "lady killer" as the captain, but you certainly got a knack for bringing the dad out of people.

>It doesn’t sound like anything that would emerge from the colony ship… but you can’t discard the theory just yet, can you?
Then keep an eye out for any war veterans. If they keep hybridizing themselves from assimilation, most younglings wouldn't know what they used to look like.

Or you could test your ship command codes against an IOD vessel. It'd be an old code, but if it checks out... You'd know what happened to the ship.

>do you want to lick the spoon and get a taste?
Go ahead, but brace yourself should her saliva be a minor aphrodisiac, sedative, or psychedelic.
No. 1015434 ID: fd0201

>The ID was the code Eki gave you, so they’ll probably not fire on any pirate that’s already there… unless the auto-cannons removes the stack of ID’d ships when they shut down and start with an empty one… hmmm….
Well, if that's the case, the pirates would start radioing the shutdown code the second the cannons start firing on them, which would negate that plan... However, if right after we send the command codes we start blasting a garbage signal out on 240.34 at max power to jam it, the pirates wouldn't get a chance to. The downside is blasting out on the radio like that would make us easily show up on sensors, probably even enough we'd show on the low end ones in the little ships. It'd make targeting whichever ship is jamming way easier. Probably we'd only want to do it long enough to find out if the cannons would target the pirate ships.
No. 1015435 ID: fd0201

Actually, we ought to run any plan, like this one, that involves risking killing Ikekeki's pirate "sisters" by her before enacting them, just to check if she's on board with going that far. Don't want to find out after the fact that she'll be furious or some such if that happens.
No. 1015440 ID: a9af05

>That’s been coming up so often, I’m starting to think that Kaktus is telling us that we should get the Research upgrade next!
It seems that way, doesn't it?

Honestly, she seemed to be furious at the fact the other pirates are stealing her booty. So I think that as long as we don't accidentally destroy her booty, she won't care if the other pirates get killed or not.
No. 1015451 ID: 681cb5
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>You probably shouldn’t mention that theory about the colony and IOD to anyone yet. At least, not until we discover more evidence to either prove or disprove it.
Indeed, let’s not start unnecessary speculations until after we’re sure that they are connected.
>Keep an eye out for any war veterans. If they keep hybridizing themselves from assimilation, most younglings wouldn't know what they used to look like.
While trying to find people that served in the war would be a great source of information, you’re not sure if these IOD’s have been changing forms or even assimilated people in that manner.
>Or you could test your ship command codes against an IOD vessel. It'd be an old code, but if it checks out... You'd know what happened to the ship.
If you ever get close enough to try, maybe…
>That’s been coming up so often, I’m starting to think that Kaktus is telling us that we should get the Research upgrade next!
You have no idea why some cacti would be telling you anything, but you should definitely get a Research lab if you want to start understanding all these new aliens and their tech… not to mention reinventing the wheel a bit when it comes to your own tech as well.

>Try to hide the big fucking erection you are having right now.
…you’re a captain; it’s your duty to control your emotions in dire situations like this. Not getting a boner while talking to a pretty gal is child’s play, no matter how attractive that tongue is.

>Definitely should assign Regina to the Mess Hall later.
:TizliSA: We both would very much appreciate it, Captain. And I’m sure both of our pies are going to be the pearls of the day, eh?
:ZentoSA: I’m sure they will be… though, she’ll probably not have the time to make pie while we’re still dealing with these pirates.
:TizliSA: Hey, no need to rush. All pie taste better the longer you wait for it, be it a seaweed, insect, cream, brine or whatever this rhubarb is.
:ZentoSA: That is true.
>Taste preferences between species can differ. You should probably taste it, yeah, but warn her you don't know if Sakkilian diets compare well to Raolme ones.
:TizliSA: Oh, right! You’ve never had our cuisine, so you don’t know if it’s the brine or the scum. Just a fair warning, most of our food is usually rather… salty… and sour at times.
:ZentoSA: Sour? Really? A bit odd of a taste for a proper dinner. We Sakkilian usually prefer sweet foods.
:TizliSA: Sweet? Like candy sweet?
:ZentoSA: I would say the same about your sour food.
:TizliSA: I mean… I guess there’s sour candy as well, huh…

>We are talking about the spoon, right? Sure, give it a good, long lick.
You give the spoon a long lick, from base to top, trying your best to make it as sensual as possible while looking dreamingly into her eyes. It… doesn’t work to well, as she not only lack eyes to look dreamingly into, but the sour taste of the pie crust makes you wrinkle your snout slightly.
:TizliSA: No good, tall boy?
:ZentoSA: It’s just… surprisingly sour, that’s all.
:TizliSA: I hope it isn’t completely in the sludge.
:ZentoSA: No, it’s good, it’s just been a while since I ate something so sour.
:TizliSA: That’s good to hear.
>Brace yourself should her saliva be a minor aphrodisiac, sedative, or psychedelic.
:TizliSA: Heh, no need to worry, Captain, while my teeth has a rather potent paralyzing venom in them, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to, that is~
:ZentoSA: Heh, is that a promise?
:TizliSA: Maybe?
>Oh, and if you are feeling daring, clean her snout too.
You slowly lean in towards her, giving her ample of time to interject before you give her a quick lick on the top of her snout, removing the food that was stuck there.
:TizliSA: C-Captain!?
:ZentoSA: Just helping you to clean up a bit, Tizli. Can’t let you have food stuck on your cute little snout, can we?
:TizliSA: Pff, do you usually clean of your crew with your tongue?
:ZentoSA: Only those that are especially beau-
You’re cut off midsentence as one of the oven alarms goes off.
:TizliSA: AH! Sorry Captain, but I really need to swim over and deal with this. We’ll need to continue this another time.
:ZentoSA: Very well, I’ll leave you to your duties, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Don’t be stranger, Zento.
:ZentoSA: I won’t, trust me.
No. 1015452 ID: 681cb5
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After a long day of work you find yourself back where you began, in your bedroom with the lovely Doxy, though this time her belly is a lot rounder… and yours is filled with sour tasting pie.

>Aw... he's a sweetheart... and clearly a virgin.
:DoxySA: Hey, how do you know he’s a virgin, hmm?
:ZentoSA: Because they outlawed sex?
:DoxySA: Only a year ago… but yeah, Tozlan is super obviously a virgin… and a dork… as well as a sweetheart~
>Be gentle with him. Be good to him.
:DoxySA: Pff, I’ll try to be nice… *giggle*
>It’s entirely possible what he heard was the sound of the egg growing. Not entirely sure about that.
:DoxySA: (With the quick growth… who knows? He seemed to hear something, at least…)

>So was that following through on orders, or are you plotting your own little harem?
:DoxySA: You’re not the only who have big dreams, boss.
:ZentoSA: Heh, I can’t blame you…
:DoxySA: You’re not mad that I’m having more partners, are you?
:ZentoSA: Of course not. I’m a bit jealous that I’m not going to get make another kid with you for a while, but other than that... no, it’s fine. Besides, I’m not going to stop with just you either, you know.
:DoxySA: …by the goddess, we’re a weird couple, aren’t we?
:ZentoSA: Weird times makes weird people and all that, Doxy.
>You may not be as much a "lady killer" as the captain, but you certainly got a knack for bringing the dad out of people.
:DoxySA: (Seeing a large belly like this does that to most boys, you know…)

>Looks like we’ve discovered something Tozlan is interested in. He might be willing to join the crew if it means he gets to see big bellies more often!
:DoxySA: *giggle* I’m pretty sure he’s more interested in making the bellies than just seeing them, sir.
:ZentoSA: Well, who wouldn’t be? It’s one of the best parts, after all.
:DoxySA: Only most? Which part is the best?
:ZentoSA: To rub the belly, of course.
:DoxySA: Typical…
>Just don’t force it on him or you’ll scare him away from wanting to join.
:DoxySA: I’ll try and be gentle… but no promises. Now, can you stop admiring my tummy and join me in bed? I’m tired and want a good night sleep, alright?
:ZentoSA: Just want to enjoy the view as long as I can, Doxy…
:DoxySA: …you know that I’m probably going to lay it tomorrow, right?
:ZentoSA: Which means I need to seize the opportunity now and enjoy it, no?
:DoxySA: *giggle* Join me in bed already, you dork.
No. 1015453 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 10 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Ensign Shara and ”personal slave” Ikekeki works in the hydroponics bay and harvests 20 units of food.
Ensign Regina successfully mines 10 unites of Basic Metals.
Ensign Tizli cooked up a meal in the Mess Hall, giving the crew a large morale boost.
Ensign Zell is currently resting in the med-bay.
CDR. Doxy did an Energy Scan of the surrounding area.

Guest Tozlan and ”personal slave” Ikekeki got into a brutal fight and are now Hated Enemies.
Ensign Tizli and ”personal slave” Ikekeki got into a brutal fight and are now Hated Enemies.
Ensign Shara got slightly wounded from breaking up said fight.
CDR. Doxy has taken the day off to lay her egg.
Ensign Shara has taken the day off to lay her egg.

After a long time of eating rations and bitter tasting tubers, having a proper meal has made your whole crew excited to work harder. All tasks this day will have higher chance of success and lower chance of massive failure!

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, report.
:DoxySA: Ensign Shara and Prisoner Ikekeki worked well together yesterday, though Eki left a message for you afterwards.
:ZentoSA: Oh? What is it?
:DoxySA: “If I have to work another day digging up tubers I’m going to riot!”
:ZentoSA: I see… and the others? Anything out of the ordinary?
:DoxySA: Ensign Regina found 10 units of Basic Metals, Ensign Zell is still healing and Ensign Tizli made those delicious pies, sir.
:ZentoSA: Those pies where a goddessend, I have to agree.
:DoxySA: Oh, and our guest Tozlan has asked if there’s anything he can do, because he’s getting a bit bored hanging around the crew quarters all day.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I’ll see what I can come up with.
:DoxySA: And then there was a bit of a… ah… fight, sir. Our prisoner and Raolme friends ran into each other and… considering they tried to kill each other last time they met, well… we’re just lucky Shara was there to break it up, even if she got a few bruises.
:ZentoSA: I see…
:DoxySA: Finally, the pirates are moving, sir. It’s clear that they are about to leave the system, so if you want to do anything with them, then you need to do it today. They’ve also uninstalled those auto-cannons we were worried about earlier, so that’s one less thing we need to keep in mind.
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

>Actually, we ought to run any plan, like this one, that involves risking killing Ikekeki's pirate "sisters" by her before enacting them, just to check if she's on board with going that far. Don't want to find out after the fact that she'll be furious or some such if that happens.
She seemed to be furious at the fact the other pirates are stealing her booty, so as long as you don’t destroy it, she probably won’t care. No honor among pirates and all that, apparently. Still, can’t hurt to ask… 
No. 1015469 ID: bc15b4

Week ask her before executing the plan.
No. 1015470 ID: 16d082

well, we’ve definitely got to move Ikekeki to another position. Her stress regarding the botany work she doesn’t like may not have caused the tension with our slippery friends (considering their history) but it definitely exacerbated it. I’m thinking something like an off-the-record secretary for the CIC in order to take care of some of the more minor and prosaic tasks that used to split CDR. Doxy’s attention. Eki seems to like the Captain and he’ll want to treat his dear Doxy to something nice, though we’ll have to see what Doxy herself thinks of the idea.
No. 1015479 ID: 5b0071

We should probably put a bit more priority on taking those pirates.
Didn't our Ralome guests say the rest of their crew was taken captive? Ikekeki may simply consider them part of the booty.
No. 1015506 ID: fef7f5

>Guest Tozlan and ”personal slave” Ikekeki got into a brutal fight and are now Hated Enemies.
>Ensign Tizli and ”personal slave” Ikekeki got into a brutal fight and are now Hated Enemies.
General morale may be high, but don't think the Salome siblings wouldn't question your leadership for having the pirate who raided them among your crew. You should set aside some time to mediate the situation. Even if relations are only one step improved, it lessens the chance of any plans against the pirates from going belly up.

>She seemed to be furious at the fact the other pirates are stealing her booty, so as long as you don’t destroy it, she probably won’t care. No honor among pirates and all that, apparently. Still, can’t hurt to ask…
Be careful to not show all your cards yet. If she plans to betray you, I'd bet she'd try to commandeer a high-tech ship that's worth more than some stash of booty.

Maybe you can lean into that: Put Ikekeki on scanner duty, but bug her station to catch any secret messages. Also might be worthwhile to send Tezli and Regina off to get enough resources to build a Security station, to make any pirate boarding crew be in for an nasty surprise.

>lay her egg
So do we name them now, or when they walk off the vats?
No. 1015519 ID: 36784c

With Zell still in the med-bay and Doxy and Shara taking time off to lay their eggs, we might not be able to pull off the ambush on the pirates with almost half the crew unable to do anything today.

Maybe we should let them leave?
No. 1015524 ID: 96c896

If the pirates are leaving orbit, then we can engage them with our big ship, and we have one functional smaller ship. Let's go get em.

>eki is complaining about farming
Tell her a slave has no choice in the matter. If she won't work then perhaps she'd prefer to rot in her room until we find someone to sell her to.
No. 1015525 ID: a9af05

That depends on how long it will take them to get over here. If it takes them a whole day to reach us, then that would give Shara and Doxy enough time to lay their eggs today and get ready to fight tomorrow.

I think we should do it. Send out the distress signal from our damaged cruiser and lure the pirates over here. We'll have someone in the other cruiser attack one of the pirate ships while we use the Shed Scale to attack the other ship.

If we can catch both ships off guard and disable one or both of them, that'll make things easier.
No. 1015529 ID: a9af05

Don't forget to have someone on the scanners so we can know if the pirates are coming over here or not.
No. 1015534 ID: f3f534

We should get ready. Have our ambush set up so we can take out those pirates!
No. 1015542 ID: 19ea25

It should be time to ensure we get that pirate cache. In case there's things that could be vital to helping us in the future.
No. 1015554 ID: fef7f5

Now I know something easy Tozlan can do today: take over for his sister at Mess Hall; Regina can take over tomorrow. He has to be at least as good a cook as his sister, shouldn't he?
No. 1015561 ID: 96c896

I thought we were already sending out the distress signal, and they didn't take the bait?
No. 1015569 ID: 681cb5
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First thing first, you make sure to walk with Doxy over to the Med-bay, where she’ll be spending most of her day thanks to your… gift to her.

:DoxySA: You didn’t need to come with me, you know.
:ZentoSA: But I wanted to come, Doxy. I need to make sure our little miracle is both healthy and growing like it should.
:DoxySA: No need to worry, sir, I’ve been keeping an eye on him. Though, I’m super grateful that you did come… oh, and it’s a boy, Zento…
:ZentoSA: A little boy, huh? Oh, and I see Ensign Shara is already here. At ease, Ensigns.
:SharaSA: Captain.
:ZellSA: Good to see yah, lad. Ah’m just taking a quick break from bed rest to make sure our coming child is doing fine.
:SharaSA: I’m happy to report that mine and Zell attempt to increase the crew is going well, even though I’m going to have to take the day off, chief.
:ZellSA: …Ah’ll be fit for duty tomorrow, boy, still need to let mah eye ‘eal fully.
:ZentoSA: No need to rush, Zell. I rather have you in proper condition than a day early.
:SharaSA: And I see that Doxy here reported to you for fertilization duty as well, Captain.
:ZentoSA: It’s everyone’s duty to keep our crew levels stable. So, I gather that the two of you have made up and become friends?
:SharaSA: Made up? Sure… but friends? Eh… I wouldn’t go that far…
:ZellSA: We just worked out our differences in a rather physical way, lad.
:SharaSA: I apologize for what I said and for hitting him, he apologized for what he said, I suggested that I would help him get into better shape by training together. So we wrestled for a bit, he pinned me down, put me in a mating press and pounded this gal into my tummy.
:ZentoSA: …you got pinned by a wounded man half your size who’s out of shape?
:SharaSA: Maybe?~

>So do we name them now, or when they walk off the vats?
:DoxySA: If you want to give him a name than we need to do it before he’s finished cooking in the vat. Otherwise the vat will give him a name on its own.
:SharaSA: Well, fuck, then we need to come up with a name too. A strong name, fitting a warrior! Something like…
:ZellSA: Tescia. I always wanted a Tescia…
:SharaSA: …Tescia? I like it… yeah, there’s a little Tescia in there… that seems right…
:DoxySA: Well, Captain, got any suggestion for our little guy?
:ZentoSA: …heh, how about Zento junior?
:DoxySA: …I’m not laying a junior as my first egg. *giggle* We can do better than that, Zento… though no need to rush… we’ll have until tonight, after all.
:ZentoSA: I’m sure we’ll come up with something great, Doxy.

>We’ve definitely got to move Ikekeki to another position. Her stress regarding the botany work she doesn’t like may not have caused the tension with our slippery friends (considering their history) but it definitely exacerbated it.
:DoxySA: I’m sure they would come to blows no matter what we did, sir.
:SharaSA: That shrimp girl did really loathe picking tubers with me, though… not to mention I’m pretty sure she lost more and more of her color as the day went on. Is she feeling well?
:DoxySA: Hmm… maybe we should keep her from the farm for now, boss.
>I’m thinking something like an off-the-record secretary for the CIC in order to take care of some of the more minor and prosaic tasks that used to split CDR. Doxy’s attention. Eki seems to like the Captain and he’ll want to treat his dear Doxy to something nice, though we’ll have to see what Doxy herself thinks of the idea.
:DoxySA: Well… maybe tomorrow… I’m a bit busy today, after all. So I’ll get back to you with that idea?

:ZentoSA: I’ll need to get going, I got duties that are calling for me. Good luck with today, you two.
:DoxySA: You know where to find me, sir.
:SharaSA: Yeah, we’re going to be fucking stuck here for a while…
:ZellSA: … … …Ah’m going for a nap before things really get going…
No. 1015570 ID: 681cb5
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>General morale may be high, but don't think the Raolme siblings wouldn't question your leadership for having the pirate who raided them among your crew. You should set aside some time to mediate the situation. Even if relations are only one step improved, it lessens the chance of any plans against the pirates from going belly up.
:IkekekiSA: Eh? They came out of nowhere and did a broadside on my face, what else is there to talk about?
:ZentoSA: I rather not have people on my ship fight, so if you should at least be cordial and tolerate their presence it would be a start.
:IkekekiSA: You need to talk to them about that. They are the one that started it.
:ZentoSA: You did shoot them down, didn’t you?
:IkekekiSA: That wasn’t personal. They were cowardly Raolme and I was a brave Kelshin Pirate. It’s what we do. And while they are still cowardly Raolme that deserve a good keelhaul, I’m just a Kelshin prisoner now, so no need to fight anymore, is there?
:ZentoSA: Hmm… are you feeling well, by the way?
:IkekekiSA: Huh? Oh, the wound? It’s just a shell wound, it will heal…
:ZentoSA: You look a bit ill, though…
:IkekekiSA: I’m just drying up. The shower thingy didn’t really help… but I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.
>Didn't our Ralome guests say the rest of their crew was taken captive? Ikekeki may simply consider them part of the booty.
:IkekekiSA: They would have been my booty if you didn’t turn me into booty instead, KEKEKE.

>Tell her a slave has no choice in the matter. If she won't work then perhaps she'd prefer to rot in her room until we find someone to sell her to.
:IkekekiSA: Hey, you can at least work with me here!
:ZentoSA: You do realize being a slave means being forced to do something against your will, correct?
:IkekekiSA: Yeah, but… a proper and honorable Captain, like yourself, is supposed to keep the slaves happy so they don’t revolt! That’s what the pirate code says!
:ZentoSA: Or I can simply hire a few taskmasters with guns that forces you to be “happy” or get shot.
:IkekekiSA: But… b-but that’s not what proper captains are supposed to do…
:ZentoSA: Most people that buy slaves aren’t proper captains, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: … … … oh…

>Ask Eki before executing the plan. Be careful to not show all your cards yet. If she plans to betray you, I'd bet she'd try to commandeer a high-tech ship that's worth more than some stash of booty.
:IkekekiSA: Wait, you’re not going to tell me the plan?
:ZentoSA: Just in case, no. I’m just asking to see what you think of us attacking them.
:IkekekiSA: …just… don’t kill them? Maybe just rough them up a bit and let them flee? …or grab them like booty, like you did me! Oh! And don’t forget my booty either!
:ZentoSA: I’ll make sure to keep all that in mind, Eki.
>Maybe you can lean into that: Put Ikekeki on scanner duty, but bug her station to catch any secret messages.
:IkekekiSA: You want me to scan?
:ZentoSA: We’re dangerously low on crew at the moment. I need you to do your part and keep an eye on the other pirates, just in case. I’ll show you how you can call me directly so you can report anything abnormal.
:IkekekiSA: I’ll do my best! Trust me!
:ZentoSA: (Or not.)
No. 1015571 ID: 681cb5
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>We should probably put a bit more priority on taking those pirates.
You gather the little crew that you have available right now in the hanger, to see what needs to be done with this pirate menace.

:ReginaSA: Ready for action, Captain.
:TozlanSA: I’m willing to help dealing with these pirates, friend.
:TizliSA: Yeah! Let’s kick their tails! I’m ready to blast those scumsuckers into pieces!
:TozlanSA: …sis, you can’t even drive any of theirs ships, seeing as they are designed for people with eyes.
:TizliSA: I can aid with those big damn briny cannons The Shed Scale has. Those pearls will do some real damage, and seeing as I’ve personally heard how these pirates fly, I’m clearly the best one to shot them down!
:ZentoSA: I see that the two of you have some emotional stake in the coming battle. I have to ask you to keep yourself composed if you want to play a part of it.
:TozlanSA: I’ll try my best, friend, but you know full well what they did to us.
:TizliSA: I’m not promising anything, because I’m going full scream on those sludge dwellers!
:ZentoSA: Hmm… and I heard that there was an accident with our prisoner as well yesterday?
:TozlanSA: Please excuse Tizli here for acting so rashly.
:TizliSA: She deserved a claw to the face!
:TozlanSA: While we’ve calmed down a bit when we were told she was your prisoner, I would suggest that you throw her out the airlock as soon as possible, friend.
:TizliSA: Or shot a sonic blast right into that ugly head of hers.
:ZentoSA: I have yet decided what will be done to her, but until then I need to be sure the two of you won’t do anything stupid.
:TozlanSA: …I can respect that, Captain. I’ll keep my distance.
:TizliSA: Yeah, yeah, I won’t try and kill her again…

>If the pirates are leaving orbit, then we can engage them with our big ship, and we have one functional smaller ship. Let's go get em.
Hmm… while you’ve already prepared an ambush, just flying over there and blasting them right before they jump is another option, sure…
>Also might be worthwhile to send Tezli and Regina off to get enough resources to build a Security station, to make any pirate boarding crew be in for an nasty surprise.
There is no way you’ll have enough time to gather any materials before they leave, let alone build a security station. So no, that won’t work.
>That depends on how long it will take them to get over here. If it takes them a whole day to reach us, then that would give Shara and Doxy enough time to lay their eggs today and get ready to fight tomorrow.
It will take them an hour or two, tops. Traveling inside a system between planets is fast, so you can’t count on it giving you enough time for anything important.
>I thought we were already sending out the distress signal, and they didn't take the bait?
We’ve yet to send the distress signal. So far we’ve only prepared the Cruiser as bait, nothing more.
>It should be time to ensure we get that pirate cache. In case there's things that could be vital to helping us in the future.
The pirate cache is no doubt filled with vital material that we need, but it is a risk engaging them in the first place. High risk, high rewards… if we succeed.

:ReginaSA: So what are your orders, hun?
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

>With Zell still in the med-bay and Doxy and Shara taking time off to lay their eggs, we might not be able to pull off the ambush on the pirates with almost half the crew unable to do anything today. Maybe we should let them leave?
:ReginaSA: Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, sir.
:TizliSA: What? No! You can’t just let those scumsuckers get away.
:TozlanSA: …I have to agree with Regina. If you don’t think we can take them, that is…
>I think we should do it. Send out the distress signal from our damaged cruiser and lure the pirates over here.
:TizliSA: Yeah! That’s it! I’m all for blasting those crabs! I’ll handle the main cannons, no problem!
:ReginaSA: I’m ready to pilot the cruiser if needed, hun.
:TozlanSA: I… um… not sure what I can do, really.
>Now I know something easy Tozlan can do today: take over for his sister at Mess Hall; Regina can take over tomorrow. He has to be at least as good a cook as his sister, shouldn't he?
:TozlanSA: Food, you say? I mean… I guess I can cook some lunch and dinner, friend, but… don’t expect it to be as good as Tizli’s stuff.

You communicator buzzes to life, as the bug you placed on Eki is picking up something.
:IkekekiSA: Come in, Crab Queen, do you read me?
:KPirateSA: What? Ikekeki? You’re still alive?
:IkekekiSA: I’ve been captured and-
:KPirateSA: KEKEKE! Then we don’t need to worry about you asking for your booty back!
:IkekekiSA: Hey! That’s my-
:KPirateSA: It’s our booty now!
:IkekekiSA: Y-you’re not going to save me!?
:KPirateSA: And let all these doubloons and treasure go unclaimed! KEKEKE! Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to pillage your home den as well!
:KPirateSA: Dibs on her Holo-player!
:IkekekiSA: … … …
:KPirateSA: So have fun being slave, you scurvy crab.
:IkekekiSA: I can disable their weaponry and shields!
:KPirateSA: Pssh, of course you can.
:IkekekiSA: All you need to is-
:KPirateSA: I know you’re lying. Unless you disable all their power and we see an emergency signal, we’re leaving.
:IkekekiSA: Just give me a few minutes.
:KPirateSA: You better hurry, because we’ve already started preparing to jump.
Your communicator grew silent once again… though not for very long.
:IkekekiSA: Captain! Do you hear me!
:ZentoSA: Loud and clear, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: I… uh… the pirates are preparing to jump and… I kind of contacted them?
:ZentoSA: …and?
:IkekekiSA: I told they I could sabotage the ship… to try and get them to lower their guard and come over. Though they won’t sail over here unless they see an emergency beacon from you planetlubbers.
:ZentoSA: I see… can you still contact them?
:IkekekiSA: …yes? Is there anything you want me to tell them? Err… s-sorry for contacting them behind your back…
:ZentoSA: …I’ll get back to you about that. Keep an eye on them, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: Yes, Captain.

:ReginaSA: So… what are your orders, sir?
:TizliSA: Are we attacking those scumsuckers?
:TozlanSA: Or are we sitting this one out? I mean, I’m making some soup tonight either way so…

It’s time to make a proper decision. If you want to deal with the pirates you need to do it now, even if it means doing it without most of your crew and only one cruiser.

You have already prepared an ambush with the broken cruiser, which only needs an emergency signal as bait. Of course, you can also fly over and start blasting them right as they are about to jump, to try and catch them while they are vulnerable. There’s also the fact that Eki can talk to them directly, which might be useful, either to increase the chances of another plan or to fuel a new one. Of course, you can always just let them leave… it’s the safe option, though you won’t get any of their loot for it.

Right… time to make a decision.
No. 1015574 ID: 19ea25

It's starting to sound like Ikekeki joined the pirates without actually knowing what pirating detailed or the issues of what they actually do.. Kind of like how Tizli is wanting to jump into the unknown with her adventures without thinking first of the things that could come about from it.

I say we go for it. They already blew Ikekeki off so we could use that as a distraction while ambushing them.
No. 1015575 ID: 0b4def

There's no way that was an earnest attempt at deceiving them from Ikekeki. She clearly just tried to betray us - but it doesn't matter. We can still use the situation to our advantage... and deal with Ikekeki later.

Let them come. Make the ship appear weak. Lure them in.
No. 1015579 ID: ed699d

I agree, we will deal with Her later, we might actually make her turn to our side, after a stern talking to. Let's proceed with the ambush.
No. 1015580 ID: 36784c

>name for baby boy?
How about Vex?

>drying out
Seems like we should prioritize making that Swimming Hall so that she doesn’t end up getting sick from being too dry.

I’m not sure if the Raolme will also dry out, but the Swimming Hall will help prevent that from happening to them too.

If Tizli believes she can shoot the pirates, then let her handle the Shed Scale’s cannons.

Regina can handle the cruiser like she said she could.

>Ikekeki attempts to betray us
>she’s rejected by the other pirates
Now that the other pirates have revealed that they don’t actually care about her, she might be willing to help us take them out.

Let’s send out that distress signal from the wrecked cruiser and prepare to ambush the pirates!

Make sure you warn everyone in the med-bay that we’re going into combat!

>There's no way that was an earnest attempt at deceiving them from Ikekeki. She clearly just tried to betray us
Duh. It’s pretty obvious that’s what happened. But she immediately confessed that she got into contact with them after they mocked her and said they weren’t going to help her, so I don’t think she’s going to be willing to help them anymore.

Still shouldn’t tell her our plan, just in case.
No. 1015588 ID: fd0201

>Seems like we should prioritize making that Swimming Hall so that she doesn’t end up getting sick from being too dry.
Might not get the materials in time for that, or we'll have more pressing needs to use the materials for. In that case, a make-do measure would be just a tub large enough for her to lay fully in, then continually filled with water with the overflow into the drains; A section of hydroponics basin might work, if it's wide enough. If she needs the water aerated (like a aquarium) run a air hose from the life support lines down into it and clip it to the tub edge to keep in place.
No. 1015592 ID: 96c896

Definitely set the ambush. Ikeki's attempted betrayal has sweetened the bait.

I get the feeling she's very young, and new to the pirate profession. Once we deal with her former crewmates, she'll probably be decently loyal... but there's still a significant risk to keeping her around.
Absolutely do not let her anywhere near stations where she could actually disable our weapons and shields.
No. 1015597 ID: c09f5e

>Is there anything you want me to tell them?
That she just took the captain hostage, and already hijacked their only cruiser. Then, there will be a "struggle" and "explosion". After that, emergency signal.

Also, do remind her to take her job as scanner seriously. You don't want to lose crew to pirate trickery. In fact: if everyone makes it to day's end because of her, you'd be happy enough to drop this "personal slave" nonsense and treat her like a proper captain for once.
No. 1015600 ID: c09f5e

>I’m sure we’ll come up with something great, Doxy.
Something with an A, maybe: Aelto? Aleto? Aleph?
No. 1015639 ID: c09f5e

One more thing to consider: Can you trigger the broken cruiser to detonate when they get close? You'd lose the cruiser, but the point of an ambush is to weaken them before they mount a counterattack. It depends on what you'd consider an acceptable loss: tech, or crew.
No. 1015644 ID: 681cb5
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>Something with an A, maybe: Aelto? Aleto? Aleph?
…Aetius? Albus? Agrippa? …Augustus? Arthur? Hmm…
>How about Vex?
Vex… Vex does sound nice… maybe he’s a Vex? You’ll need to consider this more later.

>There's no way that was an earnest attempt at deceiving them from Ikekeki. She clearly just tried to betray us - but it doesn't matter. We can still use the situation to our advantage... and deal with Ikekeki later.
She tried to get her pirate sisters to rescue her, but when they refused… well, let just say you should hear her soul being crushed there for a moment.
>But she immediately confessed that she got into contact with them after they mocked her and said they weren’t going to help her, so I don’t think she’s going to be willing to help them anymore.
It seems like little Ikekeki finally learned what being a pirate actually means… and she’s not happy about it.
>It's starting to sound like Ikekeki joined the pirates without actually knowing what pirating detailed or the issues of what they actually do... Kind of like how Tizli is wanting to jump into the unknown with her adventures without thinking first of the things that could come about from it.
Hmm… while you can only speculate, it’s probable that these Kelshin aren’t living the best life right now, having to abandon their home worlds and all. Becoming a pirate might be one of the few ways to escape that life.
>I get the feeling she's very young, and new to the pirate profession. Once we deal with her former crewmates, she'll probably be decently loyal... but there's still a significant risk to keeping her around.
What other options to you really have? Kick her out the airlock? There aren’t anyone else out there that wants her… unless you sell her as a slave?
>We might actually make her turn to our side, after a stern talking to.
You definitely need to talk to her after all this, no doubt about that. Let just hope she behaves while we fight her former crewmembers.
>Absolutely do not let her anywhere near stations where she could actually disable our weapons and shields. And you still shouldn’t tell her our plan, just in case.
She’s locked inside the scanner room right now, so she’s not disabling anything… and you’ve made sure not to mention the cruiser or the ambush to her.
>One more thing to consider: Can you trigger the broken cruiser to detonate when they get close?
…we needed to rig up any explosives before we sent it out if we wanted to do that… though, seeing that you currently don’t have any explosives…

>If Tizli believes she can shoot the pirates, then let her handle the Shed Scale’s cannons.
:TizliSA: I’ll send them right into the eternal dark, captain!
>Regina can handle the cruiser like she said she could.
:ReginaSA: I’ll be ready to deploy in a minute or two, sir!
:ZentoSA: And Tozlan…
:TozlanSA: …I’ll start making some soup, I guess? Geez, it sounds rather anticlimactic…
>Make sure you warn everyone in the med-bay that we’re going into combat!
:ZellSA: Very well, lad, Ah’ll tell the other’s. Though, things are ‘eating up ‘ere as well, so… don’t get ‘it?
>Do remind Eki to take her job as scanner seriously. You don't want to lose crew to pirate trickery.
:IkekekiSA: …yes, captain. I’ll keep both of my eyes on them…
>In fact: if everyone makes it to day's end because of her, you'd be happy enough to drop this "personal slave" nonsense and treat her like a proper captain for once.
:IkekekiSA: Yes, sir! I’ll do my best!

>Tell Eki to send a message to the pirates, that she just took the captain hostage, and already hijacked their only cruiser. Then, there will be a "struggle" and "explosion". After that, emergency signal.
:IkekekiSA: Crab Queen! I’ve disabled their shields and weapon systems, as well as taken their captain hostage!
:KPirateSA: Now you’re clearly making things up.
:IkekekiSA: They are completely defenseless, you need to pillage them before they call for help!
:KPirateSA: Are yo- Wait, an emergency signal just came on and large one at that! She’s telling the truth! KEKEKE! They will be easy prey! Let us pillage and take all of them as slaves! …yes, that includes Ikekeki… what do you mean I didn’t press the button properly? Oh, yo- *Kzh*
>Let’s send out that distress signal from the wrecked cruiser and prepare to ambush the pirates!
:IkekekiSA: They’ve swallowed the bait and are sailing right towards that signal you put out, Captain.

:ZentoSA: It’s go time. Everyone, report in.
:ReginaSA: I’m nearing maximum effective range, hun.
:TizliSA: Main cannons online and heated up!
:IkekekiSA: I have them on visuals. One Pillager Class and One Raider Class. Both ships approaching fast.
:TozlanSA: I’ve finally gotten the food synth to boil water, captain.
:ZentoSA: Tozlan, I meant everyone that participating in the battle.
:TozlanSA: Sorry, friend.
:IkekekiSA: They have arrived at the signal and are slowing down… um… one of your cruisers are there?
:ZentoSA: That’s our cue!
No. 1015645 ID: 681cb5
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:ZentoSA: Engage the enemy!
:ReginaSA: Engaging.
:TizliSA: HA! Squidthroat! A direct hit!
:ReginaSA: …squid what?
:IkekekiSA: The Raider is just debris after that shot. The Pillager is turning portside and empting out one of their cargo bays as cover.
:TizliSA: Tsk, I can easily blow right through it with these bad boys.
:ZentoSA: Belay that. That cargo is what we’re after.
:IkekekiSA: They are powering their hyperdrive! They are going to do a blind jump to escape!
:TizliSA: Oh, come on, are we just letting them go?
:ZentoSA: We go-
:ZentoSA: …Redirect free power to shields. Regina, keep on the defensive. Eki, find me that ship.
:ReginaSA: Roger. Taking defensive measures.
:IkekekiSA: Energy reading coordinates 178.991!
:ZentoSA: Tizli, fire on coordinates 178.991.
:TizliSA: But there’s no-
:ZentoSA: FIRE!
No. 1015646 ID: 681cb5
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:ReginaSA: AAH!! I’M HIT! I’M HIT!!!
:ZentoSA: Regina, report!
:ReginaSA: Life support critical! Hull integrity critical! Weapon systems and shields is offline! I’m barely hanging in here but I’m unhurt, hun. One second more and I would have been toast.
:ZentoSA: Return to the ship immediately.
:ReginaSA: Roger!
:IkekekiSA: The pillager ship just left the system. No more energy readings detected.
No. 1015647 ID: 681cb5
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:ReginaSA: All crewmembers, report.
:TizliSA: Did we get them all? Aw…
:ReginaSA: The ship is falling apart, but I’ll make it, dear. I hope I get a bonus for this…
:IkekekiSA: I’m still locked in here…
:ZentoSA: The bread is rising nicely…
:ZellSA: Two eggs have been laid in med-bay, lad.

>Seems like we should prioritize making that Swimming Hall so that she doesn’t end up getting sick from being too dry.
It’s clear that those Kelshin prefer being underwater, though will she actually get sick from getting to dry? No matter, building a swimming hall will make it a lot easier to convince her to join us properly, not to mention it’s an unnecessary risk to assume she’ll not get worse if we don’t.
>I’m not sure if the Raolme will also dry out, but the Swimming Hall will help prevent that from happening to them too.
So far it seems like these Raolme prefer dry land most of the time, though their constant talking about rivers and swimming does show that they like getting wet as well. Either way, they’ll probably be grateful if you build a proper pool for them.
>A make-do measure would be just a tub large enough for her to lay fully in, then continually filled with water with the overflow into the drains; A section of hydroponics basin might work, if it's wide enough. If she needs the water aerated (like an aquarium) run an air hose from the life support lines down into it and clip it to the tub edge to keep in place.
…while it might be necessary to save her life, you’re not going to start messing with the life support or destroying parts of your only source of food unless there are no other options.

:ZentoSA: Do a quick scan to see what they dropped.
:IkekekiSA: I’m detecting the following…

Basic Metals: 20 units. (Mostly from the wrecks.)
Noble Metals: 15 units. (Gold, silver and copper, a real treasure, yaar!)
Corrosives: 5 units.
Cred sticks: A whole box of the suckers. Unknown exact value.
Kelshin terminal: 1. (Can contain blueprints and other information.)
IOD dry rations: 10 unites. (Expiration date: About 300 years from now.)

:IkekekiSA: No… no s… survivors detected, sir.
:TizliSA: Please let me blow up those horrid IOD rations. They don’t deserve to exist.
No. 1015652 ID: 19ea25

Much as I'd like to say blow up the rations. Food is ultimately food, and we'd like to actually study them and get a good look at what they actually are.

Time to also gather the materials, and let Ikekeki out and talk to her. It's clear that even if they turned on her and were going to make her a slave she still held some fondness for them and their deaths probably aren't going to weigh well on her mind.
No. 1015653 ID: 96c896

Looks like we came out ahead, and most importantly we now have money. Shame that blind shot blew up the pirate ship instead of crippling it, but combat can't always be nonlethal.

Collect yon loot. We're out of ships... do we have the resources to repair one and additionally get the beach room constructed?
Keep the IOD rations, they can be emergency food supplies since they don't take up food cargo space. At worst we can recycle them into the hydroponics bay's nutrition systems so that we have more biomass for food production.

Let Ikekeki out and offer condolences for her loss, even though it turned out they weren't really her friends.
No. 1015656 ID: f8fa51

We should definitely store away the rations in case of dire emergency. If nothing goes wrong, we'll never have to think about them again. If something goes very wrong, we'll be glad to have them.
No. 1015658 ID: 36784c

>Let us pillage and take all of them as slaves! …yes, that includes Ikekeki
Thanks to that little slip up of them not turning off their comms, Ikekeki heard them clearly state that they weren’t going to rescue her, they were going to make her a slave. I’m sure now that she’s heard that, she’s not going to want to return to them ever again.

Let everyone that participated in the battle know that they did a good job. This includes Ikekeki because if she didn’t call out where the cloaked ship was, Regina would’ve died.

Grab it and get Regina back into the Shed Scale.

Too bad there wasn’t any Organic Materials. We’ve got everything except for the 5 Organic Materials needed for that Research Lab. Looks like we’re gonna have to wait for our ships to be repaired before we can go get some Organic Materials from the blue planet the pirates came from.

We do have what we need to make that Swimming Hall, but I’m not sure if we should start on that now or if we should wait a little.

>Please let me blow up those horrid IOD rations. They don’t deserve to exist.
Don’t destroy the food. It may taste bad, but if we suddenly have a food shortage, they’ll come in handy in an emergency.
No. 1015659 ID: ed699d

>Please let me blow up those horrid IOD rations. They don’t deserve to exist.
We do NOT wast resourses. Take everything.
Make sure they didn't left anything dangerous behind

After all that, we talk with Ikekeki. She must have things to get off her chest. But she needs to be scolded as well. She clearly didn't know what a true pirate is. Both we and her ex-crew members showed her. I say we let it sink in. If after all this, she wants to be part of a real crew, she has to prove herself. She clearly has her ways with the scanner, but she needs to be disciplined. I say we put her on probation, limit her access to only the scan and her quarters. We can drop her status as a slave. Once she has proven her loyalty and abilities, she can be a proper Ensign.
No. 1015664 ID: 0b4def

To Tizli:
"I'm afraid food is food. You can have one to burn, if you like."

To Ikekeki:
"Excellent work - you saved our ensign's life... so I won't punish you for trying to betray us. However, if I have even the slightest hint that you're attempting to betray us again, I will arrange an all-expenses paid trip for you into the core of the sun.
In light of your so-called friends' betrayal, I have fewer doubts about your loyalty. We should have a place for you to soak in a day or two, and if I'm sure you're not a threat by then, you can have free roam of the ship."
No. 1015665 ID: 0b4def

...and do a thorough scan before picking anything up. They may well have boobytrapped the booty.
No. 1015684 ID: c09f5e

>I’m still locked in here…
>No… no s… survivors detected, sir.
Frankly, I'm inclined to just let her off this ride at the next trade port. She's looks depressed, not happy to be here, and completely in her rights to walk away from this as a "free shrimp". But it might be starting to sink in about the target on her back when word of this gets out. (Denying her involvement could help, but we don't have to know the Crab Queen as well as she does to know who'd she pin the missing Raiders on.) Still, it'd be nice to let her know she's becoming less our prisoner now and more under our protection.

>The ship is falling apart, but I’ll make it, dear. I hope I get a bonus for this…
A cushy spot at Mess Hall will have to do, for now. Let Tozlan down easy. Do ask him what he can work with.

>I’m detecting the following…
There's cargo-shaped people missing that should or should not be in that space.

>"Please let me blow up those horrid IOD rations. They don’t deserve to exist."
"Burnt rations will not get your people back, Ensign. I'm sorry."
No. 1015717 ID: bbdaaf

Gather up the cargo and check on Regina to make sure she really is ok.
No. 1015732 ID: 681cb5
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>Let everyone that participated in the battle know that they did a good job. This includes Ikekeki because if she didn’t call out where the cloaked ship was, Regina would’ve died.
:ZentoSA: Listen up, people, fantastic job today from everybody. We followed the plan and executed it perfectly.
:ReginaSA: It was a bit close there near the end…
:TizliSA: Tsk, plan or not, I just wanted to shot those scumsuckers…
:ZentoSA: And that includes you, Eki, as without your help Regina might have been lost.
:ReginaSA: Thank you, hun.
>Check on Regina to make sure she really is ok.
:ReginaSA: Physically, I’m fine. Otherwise I’m a bit shaken, dear, but I’ll manage. My life did pass by my eyes for a moment there. I hope I might expect some kind of bonus for a job well done?
:ZentoSA: …I don’t know what kind of bonus I would be able to give out, Ensign, at least at the moment.
:ReginaSA: For starters, hun, maybe I can take the rest of the day off? I really need to relax for a bit and unwind, because my stress levels are through the roof.
:ZentoSA: Of course. In fact, how about this…
Your communicator let out a low buzz as you switch it to ship wide announcement mode.
:ZentoSA: Attention, this is your Captain speaking. After our success today with the pirates, I’ll like to reward the whole crew with the rest of the day off. I’ll see to it that drinks and snacks will be available after dinner as well. That is all.
:ReginaSA: That’s sweet of you, hun.
:TizliSA: Brine.
>A cushy spot at Mess Hall will have to do, for now.
:ReginaSA: A cushy work day in the Mess Hall wouldn’t be wrong. I’ll report there tomorrow, Captain.

>Shame that blind shot blew up the pirate ship instead of crippling it, but combat can't always be nonlethal.
…you’re pretty sure Tizli would have gone for the kill shot no matter what. But yes, you can’t expect to catch everyone alive… which might be for the best, as you still lack a proper brig. Your just lucky Eki doesn’t seem to want to even try and escape.
>We're out of ships... do we have the resources to repair one and additionally get the beach room constructed?
The Hanger bay will automatically repair the Cruiser free of charge, given time, so no worries there.
>Too bad there wasn’t any Organic Materials. We’ve got everything except for the 5 Organic Materials needed for that Research Lab. Looks like we’re gonna have to wait for our ships to be repaired before we can go get some Organic Materials from the blue planet the pirates came from.
We still have two Planetary Landers available, as in, the ships we’re supposed to use to gather materials. Seeing that the pirates landed on the blue planet without any trouble, there shouldn’t be any danger sending them there to gather materials when we get the time.
>We do have what we need to make that Swimming Hall, but I’m not sure if we should start on that now or if we should wait a little.
Our Basic Metal storage is going to be overfilled, so we better build something unless we want to leave some of it here. Not to mention that Eki seems to need one badly… but either way, it will need to wait until tomorrow, as everyone been busy enough today as it.

>Much as I'd like to say blow up the rations. Food is ultimately food, and we'd like to actually study them and get a good look at what they actually are.
:TizliSA: Trust me, they are the worst food ever made. Just destroy them now before they spread!
:ZentoSA: If we face a sudden food shortage or similar emergency we’ll be glad that we saved them.
:TizliSA: …I rather starve that eat that sludge.
:ZentoSA: I rather eat bad tasting food then die, personally…
>At worst we can recycle them into the hydroponics bay's nutrition systems so that we have more biomass for food production.
:TizliSA: Hmpf, I just hope the place doesn’t start to stink of those rations if you do that…
:TozlanSA: They are completely odorless, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Exactly! It’s horrid!

>Looks like we came out ahead, and most importantly we now have money.
Not only did we manage to get both valuable materials and money, we did so without any permanent damage. We took a dangerous risk and it paid off… this deserve to be celebrated.
>Time to also gather the materials.
You just need to get close enough to them for The Shed Scales tractor beam to suck them up.
>There's cargo-shaped people missing that should or should not be in that space.
Eki said that they already left with all the slaves they caught before we even woke up, so it’s a given there aren’t any cargo people here.
>...and do a thorough scan before picking anything up. They may well have boobytrapped the booty.
:ZentoSA: …Eki, do you know if the pirates usually booby trap their cargo? …and if so, can you detect it?
:IkekekiSA: …one of the Kelshin boxes seems to be completely empty.
:ZentoSA: Tizli, you may fire on that box at will.
:TizliSA: Got it! FIRE!
The box explode in a noticeable bigger way than expected.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… seem there was indeed some kind of booby trap in-
You feel the ship vibrate slightly as it fires another shot.
And another.
:ZentoSA: What are you shooting at?
:TizliSA: Oh, just an asteroid or two…
:ZentoSA: Cease that immediately, Tizli. Now.
:TizliSA: Tsk, you’re no fun… heh…

Materials Gained:
Basic Metals: 20 units. Noble Metals: 15 units. Corrosives: 5 units. Non-Perishable food: 10 unites.
As well as a box of Cred sticks and a Kelshin terminal, both which require further study before they can be used.
No. 1015733 ID: 681cb5
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>After all that, we talk with Ikekeki. She must have things to get off her chest.
You’ll make sure she’s escorted back to her room so you can have a proper conversation with her in private.
>But she needs to be scolded as well. She clearly didn't know what a true pirate is. Both we and her ex-crew members showed her. I say we let it sink in.
That girl is clearly confused on how the world works, so everything that has happen will probably hit her hard. You… you’re not sure how she’s going to react to it all.
>It's clear that even if they turned on her and were going to make her a slave she still held some fondness for them and their deaths probably aren't going to weigh well on her mind.
Most of them managed to escape, though even if only one of them died it will still probably sting just the same. Maybe you shouldn’t be too harsh on her today?
>Frankly, I'm inclined to just let her off this ride at the next trade port. She's looks depressed, not happy to be here, and completely in her rights to walk away from this as a "free shrimp".
And then where should she go? She has no credits or anyone to turn to out there. Leaving her at the next trade port like this would probably end with her just starving to death.

As you walk towards her room several ways of approaching her goes through your mind, everything from how to scold her to how to praise her actions today. From chewing her out from almost betraying you to thanking her for saving Regina’s life. To kicking her out to letting her join the crew completely. But as soon as you enter her room most of those ideas die away from what you find in there.

Ikekeki is sitting down on the floor near the corner, facing the wall while making some strange sounds. Is she… sobbing? Or whatever the Kelshin equivalent of sobbing is?

…you’ll need to rethink your approach.
No. 1015734 ID: 094652

"Ikekeki, you're on hydroponics duty for a week."

Build the Security Station and Sun Deck. Everyone will feel safer if all future interpersonal violence is quickly replied with ship-automated nonlethal pillow fights.
No. 1015735 ID: ed699d

Well, this was to be expected. I wonder how old she actually is. She must be a really young adult.

How about we ask her if she wants to do the talking. Sit besides her bed. See how she reacts.
No. 1015736 ID: bc15b4

Ask her if she is alright, better not to bring her betrayal ay least not now.
No. 1015740 ID: 19ea25

Let her have a moment for herself. It's clear she really didn't have an understanding of things and for now we need to let her know of how things work. She thought pirates were her friend and that there was some pirates code was in effect but the reality is pirates at their core only take and harm others. They force others into doing things and slaves aren't treated nicely at all, but often cruelly.

You need to explain how things will work from then on, and maybe explain about pirates and how they truly do things in the universe.
No. 1015745 ID: c09f5e

You seem confused. I don`t think she's doing breathplay because it's her kink.

[sarcasm]Congradulations. You broke her spirit by isolating her from the crew and ordering her to fire on her only family. If you had this galaxy's guidebook on enslavement, you'd have followed it to a T. Here is your prize.[/sarcasm]

The xeno-psychologist cannot come in fast enough, but you'll have to do.

Regardless of what her (now former) family deserve, and they clearly don't feel the same way, it was her family she shot at from her perspective. It actually fares well for her future that she feels less vengeful and more empathic about this. If she feels weak or unpiratey for feeling this way, reassure her of that. Empathy is a strong foundation for good moral character.

It may shoulder too much she blame on herself, though. You gave the order, you share the responsibility. It may give her relief if you both acknowledge this, and let her hit you. Once, mind you.

Remember to invite her out to the Pool. It doesn't look like she'd be going out on her own. If ordering her won't help, make it look like a date.
No. 1015746 ID: 0b4def

Stand there and wait for her to speak.
No. 1015756 ID: 36784c

Ikekeki honestly thought being a pirate would be like it was in One Piece, where the pirates are the good guys and they look after each other like family.

Now that she’s learned the truth, her entire world has come crashing down around her. You should talk to her and ask how she’s feeling. Try to get her to open up to you.

Correction: We didn’t order Ikekeki to fire on anyone. We ordered Tizli to fire on the pirates.

>Remember to invite her out to the Pool. It doesn't look like she'd be going out on her own.
That’s going to have to wait, since the Swimming Hall hasn’t been built yet. And construction on it isn’t going to start until tomorrow, since we’ve already given everyone the rest of the day off today. But even if we did start building it tomorrow, it’ll take an entire day to be fully finished, so Ikekeki won’t be able to use it until the day after tomorrow. Hope she doesn’t get sick from drying out too much.
No. 1015771 ID: c09f5e

>Correction: We didn’t order Ikekeki to fire on anyone. We ordered Tizli to fire on the pirates.
To which I'm still surprised/impressed that her reaction is this, and not a thrown pot to the face.

>That’s going to have to wait, since the Swimming Hall hasn’t been built yet. And construction on it isn’t going to start until tomorrow, since we’ve already given everyone the rest of the day off today. But even if we did start building it tomorrow, it’ll take an entire day to be fully finished, so Ikekeki won’t be able to use it until the day after tomorrow. Hope she doesn’t get sick from drying out too much.
Still might be better for her to be among the crew now, and not hole herself in her room. We did promise to treat her better if she saved the crew, and she did. She should see that they appreciate her work.
No. 1015776 ID: 16d082

“Commander Doxyyyy! These Raolme thighs got me acting straaange!”
Anyways, Zento should comfort Ikekeki by sitting on the bed next to her and telling her that treachery and operational fatalities are just part and parcel of pirate life. Live by the sword, die by the sword and all that. She’s been distanced from that life and no longer needs to worry about it, and has, in fact, just made herself a hero here. Afterwards, let’s debrief Regina in person, who is still shaken and has partaken in heroics herself.
No. 1015801 ID: 681cb5
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>“Commander Doxyyyy! These Raolme thighs got me acting straaange!”
Joking aside, you know fully well what the sight of those nice tights makes you want to do. They awake a burning desire inside you, a desire that demands that you take the ship and park it before an awe-inspiring vista, followed by inviting the beautiful Tizli to a three course dinner on the observation deck overlooking said sight… and finally ending with making a new crewmember with her right there under the starlight.
>Let’s debrief Regina in person, who is still shaken and has partaken in heroics herself.
You definitely need to check on her, as having the ships only engineer feeling unwell won’t really do. You’ll do it as soon as you’re done with the current situation.

>Build the Security Station. Everyone will feel safer if all future interpersonal violence is quickly replied with ship-automated nonlethal pillow fights.
Sadly, the security station comes with Stun rods, sleeper guns and shock rifles, not automated pillow fights. Still, having a way to properly deal with any interpersonal fights, not to mention possible boarding parties, is important. You’ll consider it for tomorrow.
>And a Sun Deck.
Hmm… weren’t you going to combine the sun deck with the swimming hall? You’ll need some more Basic metals to build both, but those asteroids should contain more of it. You just need to find it by scanning them.

>The xeno-psychologist cannot come in fast enough, but you'll have to do.
…actually getting someone that’s an expert on Xeno-psychology isn’t that bad of an idea… and a therapist as well… but that’s for the future. Currently, it’s your duty as a Captain to be there for your crew when they need it.
>[sarcasm]Congratulations. You broke her spirit by isolating her from the crew and ordering her to fire on her only family. If you had this galaxy's guidebook on enslavement, you'd have followed it to a T. Here is your prize.[/sarcasm]
While the situation might have been handled better, you didn’t force her to attack her own people. She did aid you in the battle, true, but simple by helping you get a pair of extra eyes on the pirates. Not to mention, her main contribution was saving the life of one of your own at the cost of one of the pirates, which seems to indicate that she chosen a side. After all, she could have just stayed quiet if she wanted them to get away without losses.
>Ikekeki, you're on hydroponics duty for a week.
Now that would be enslavement… and very mean.

>Let her have a moment for herself.
…if she ask to be left alone, you’ll respect that. Otherwise you rather not let this stew and get worse.
>Stand there and wait for her to speak.
…she doesn’t seem to notice you.
>Sit beside her bed. See how she reacts.
…maybe you should cough or-
:IkekekiSA: Captain Zento?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:IkekekiSA: …did… did you want something?
>Ask her if she is alright, better not to bring her betrayal at least not now.
:ZentoSA: …are you alright?
:IkekekiSA: …no.
:ZentoSA: …can I help somehow?
:IkekekiSA: …I don’t know…
:ZentoSA: Do you want anything?
:IkekekiSA: … … …
:ZentoSA: …maybe something to eat or-
:IkekekiSA: I want to go home.
:ZentoSA: …I’m sure we can stop by whatever system you live in and-
:IkekekiSA: I don’t have anywhere to live anymore. I don’t… I don’t have a home to go back to…
:ZentoSA: …did something happen?
:IkekekiSA: …the planet isn’t properly terraformed yet… the soil isn’t fertile… the farm barely produced enough food for us to survive. One bad year was enough and… my father starved to death… mother died in disease… there weren’t anything left after that.
:ZentoSA: …so you sought the stars to find a new home?
:IkekekiSA: …the only way of those barren rock for someone like me was to join the pirates, you know…
:ZentoSA: I see…
>It's clear she really didn't have an understanding of things and for now we need to let her know of how things work. She thought pirates were her friend and that there was some pirates code was in effect but the reality is pirates at their core only take and harm others. They force others into doing things and slaves aren't treated nicely at all, but often cruelly.
:IkekekiSA: That’s not true… that’s not… not all of them are like that.
:ZentoSA: Really? You’ve been with better company?
:IkekekiSA: I joined the crew that was led by the Pirate Lord Krem, he was a honorable admiral who often recruited people like me, to help us do something with our lives. He was the one that thought me about the Pirate Code and followed it vigorously.
:ZentoSA: …but something happened?
:IkekekiSA: …for slightly more than a year I sailed with him and his pirate armada… but about a month ago one of our daring raids against the cowardly Raolme went south. They had gone crawling to their IOD masters and begged them for help… and suddenly there were a massive ambush waiting for us. Admiral Krem was captured, but his last act was to sacrifice himself to let the rest of the fleet escape.
:ZentoSA: Things weren’t the same after that, was it?
:IkekekiSA: Without him the group fractured. I didn’t know where to go so… I just kind of drifted… and ended up with the group you met. This was supposed to be our first mission together… there were rumors about an exotic artifact in this system and we knew the Raolme would come… but you saw how it turned out.
:ZentoSA: But this new group, they weren’t like Krem, where they?
:IkekekiSA: I… I deluded myself that they were but… no, no they weren’t.

>Regardless of what her (now former) family deserve, and they clearly don't feel the same way, it was her family she shot at from her perspective. It actually fares well for her future that she feels less vengeful and more empathic about this.
:IkekekiSA: They weren’t family, not those ones… I… I don’t think they were even friends but… I didn’t want anyone of them to die…
:ZentoSA: …you did save Regina. Remember that.
:IkekekiSA: And someone had to die for it… I… I don’t know, did I do the right thing?
:ZentoSA: …that’s up for you to decide, Eki.
>If she feels weak or unpiratey for feeling this way, reassure her of that. Empathy is a strong foundation for good moral character.
:IkekekiSA: …it is?
:ZentoSA: Feeling bad means that you regret what you did. Even if it was wrong, you’ll learn from it and do better next time.
:IkekekiSA: …I guess…
>You gave the order, you share the responsibility. It may give her relief if you both acknowledge this, and let her hit you. Once, mind you.
:IkekekiSA: No… I don’t want to hit you… I rather hug something right now… and I don’t know… I’m not sure how I should feel about it... honestly, I just want to go home and lie down and just… sleep… but… I don’t have a home to go to.

>I wonder how old she actually is. She must be a really young adult.
:ZentoSA: …Eki, how… how old are you exactly?
:IkekekiSA: Eh?
:ZentoSA: I wish to know to know you a bit better, that’s all.
:IkekekiSA: …I’m an adult if that’s what you’re asking. I’m 21.
:ZentoSA: I see…
>Remember to invite her out to the Pool. It doesn't look like she'd be going out on her own.
:IkekekiSA: …going for a walk would be really nice right now… when can I…?
:ZentoSA: We’re going to start constructing it tomorrow… so the day after that.
:IkekekiSA: Oh… that’s… I guess I can wait a day or two… though, I’m getting really dry…
:ZentoSA: I’ll make sure it’s completed as soon as possible.
:IkekekiSA: …actually, I… remember that Kelshin terminal you found?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:IkekekiSA: If I’m lucky, it might contain the blueprints for an Aqua Armor.
:ZentoSA: …a what now?
:IkekekiSA: It’s a low capacity power armor, designed for when we Kelshin spend time on non-Kelshin ships or worlds. It’s… um… a bowl of water you wear.
:ZentoSA: …and the power part?
:IkekekiSA: Water is heavy so… it require some strength enhancements? It should only cost you a single unit of Basic Metals to fabricate.
:ZentoSA: …I’ll consider it.
:IkekekiSA: It would really help me from drying out…
>Still might be better for her to be among the crew now, and not hole herself in her room. We did promise to treat her better if she saved the crew, and she did. She should see that they appreciate her work.
:IkekekiSA: Huh? You want to let me go free?
:ZentoSA: Maybe not without supervision just yet but… I was planning to hold a celebration tonight, right after dinner. You can join us if you wish?
:IkekekiSA: Oh… I’d… I’d like that, yeah… that sounds… fun?
:ZentoSA: Good to hear.
:IkekekiSA: Though… considering what happened last time I ran into those Raolme…
:ZentoSA: Don’t worry about that, I’ll make sure they’ll behave. Besides, you just made yourself into a hero by saving Regina, I’m sure the rest of the crew will want to thank you for that.
:IkekekiSA: Heh… maybe I’m not all bad… um… Captain?
:ZentoSA: Yes?
:IkekekiSA: …did you mean what you said earlier? That you would make me a proper member of your crew? Or… or am I still going to be your “personal slave”? I mean… I don’t really mind…
No. 1015810 ID: 19ea25

Hug her! And tell her yes she can join the crew. And that whole personal thing.. Well she can certainly choose to be that, but it'll be her choice from now on as part of the crew.

Though we are certainly going to have some issues in the future since that means we have Tizli and her as crew, but we will certainly be testing and proving our commander ability by navigating those waters.
No. 1015817 ID: ed699d

>Part of crew
Let's put it like this: You will be on parole. Someone, probably Doxy, will keep an eye on you, as a formality, given our recent encounters and our Raomole friends on board. If you show that you know how to behave and don't fight with the rest of the crew for some time, i will formally wolcome you as a true ensign.

You will be assigned to scan duty for now, you seem to be good at that.

>Personal slave
I personally don't like the idea of owning slaves.
I do however, have a thing for xenos. So, like i said before, if you are a good girl, i'll ask your help to increase the ships population. And we can keep teh slave thing as a roleplay.

And do give her a hug.
No. 1015821 ID: 96c896

>make the captive a full crewmember?
This is a big decision. Especially considering the Raolmes on the crew; they might strongly object to Eki being given any boost to social status.

Hmm, there's a compromise. Since she doesn't mind too much, why don't you tell her she'll keep her slave title (and slave-like low rank duties) for appearances' sake, but you're going to give her more trust and privileges. If she continues to perform well she can even get a salary like the others. How does she feel about mining duty?

>water/power armor
Well if we do make it, it would only be after we get the security room, and we'd have to put limits on where she can wear it; I imagine it would be all too easy for her to overpower our currently-unarmed crew while wearing that thing, and despite being an honorable sort, don't think she won't be tempted to at least assume command by right of combat. Or, we can see if we can adapt the technology for use on all crewmates, then nobody will feel (rightly) intimidated by the ex-pirate walking around in power armor.

Can we vote on construction yet?
No. 1015840 ID: 73300b

Get someone on the crew with engineering experience to take a close look at the Aqua Armor specs and figure out how to make sure it just helps her satisfy her biological needs, without being a tactical advantage. At least until she's earned enough trust to be given a tactical advantage. (Her actions in the battle went a long way in that regard, but I hope she'll be understanding if we can't hand her an unvetted suit of power armor.)

But if we can nerf it enough, or confirm it doesn't need nerfing, then yeah, build her the mobile fishtank.

> Hmm, there's a compromise. Since she doesn't mind too much, why don't you tell her she'll keep her slave title (and slave-like low rank duties) for appearances' sake, but you're going to give her more trust and privileges.

I don't think we should establish the precedent of keeping slaves, even just for appearances' sake. Giving her a probationary status seems fine, though.

And by all means let's suggest to her that if she enjoys the role she's welcome to play it any time she likes, or all the time if she wants. Let's make sure she feels safe choosing not to, though. After her time with the pirates she may have some distorted ideas of whether she's allowed to say "no" to things like that.
No. 1015845 ID: bc15b4

I think we should make the aqua armore
No. 1015847 ID: a63e3f

With how poorly Ikekeki is looking, we ought to see about getting that Kelshin terminal hooked up and operational today, though we best be careful and figure out exactly what kind of power it requires; Don't want to smoke it by pulling the equivalent of plugging a 110V appliance into a 220V socket. Actually, Ikekeki would probably be of help getting it working and operating it, since it's both designed for Kelshin and using their language.

However, if pulling the data off the terminal is gonna take something like the research lab, or otherwise take more time, then a temporary stopgap measure might be to fabricate a large water tub and the plumbing to install it in Ikekeki's quarters.
No. 1015853 ID: 9b31bc

Hug that girl. Hug her and don't let go until she's feeling at least a little better. Things have been rough for her.

Slavery isn't going to last. Your peers probably wouldn't stand for it in the long run. Keep it to the bedroom.

Surely the captain's quarters has a bathtub, right? If so, let Ikekeki have some quality water time, she needs it. The armor seems like a decent investment for her health, though knowing how strong it is would be good. Maybe an emergency means to disable it's motor systems, depending on how powerful the "power" armor is.
No. 1015854 ID: c09f5e

When haven't you been treating her like an honorary Ensign? You could say she's just been on probation ever since she got on board.

Admiral Krem must have treated his slaves quite well for her to be still enthusiastic about being one.

>They had gone crawling to their IOD masters and begged them for help… and suddenly there were a massive ambush waiting for us.
If you learn nothing else about his fate, learn about the importance about keeping a low profile. Sooner or later, we'll need a station to monitor communications to alert us if they send security.

>They weren’t family, not those ones… I… I don’t think they were even friends but… I didn’t want anyone of them to die…
Classic reflexive sympathy. Had she not drawn the short straw to ambush you at the crash site, perhaps she and her target would've swapped places.

Electronics installed in her suit to lock movements by remote... or codeword...

Well Zepto, that makes it official: you're her domme now.
No. 1015885 ID: 36784c

>you know fully well what the sight of those nice tights makes you want to do.
Yes, those tights Tizli is wearing are nice. They leave little to the imagination, don’t they?

>take the ship and park it before an awe-inspiring vista, followed by inviting the beautiful Tizli to a three course dinner on the observation deck overlooking said sight…
[sarcasm]Yes, invite the species with no eyes to observe something. I’m sure there isn’t a problem with that at all.[/sarcasm]

>No…I don’t want to hit you…I rather hug something right now…
Offer to give her a hug.

>Kelshin terminal
>If I’m lucky, it might contain the blueprints for an Aqua Armor.
Then she better hope she’s lucky. Because that terminal might not have those blueprints on them.

>suggestions on how to disable the armor
I really don’t think we need anything like that! We’d pretty much be giving her a wearable prison if we did anything like that! And if our modifications mess up the armor, it might not work properly or it could possibly kill her!

And because her and the Raolme still have the “Hated Enemies” status towards each other, we’d have to make sure neither of the Raolme mess with it to make it hurt Ikekeki.

>…did you mean what you said earlier? That you would make me a proper member of your crew? Or…or am I still going to be your “personal slave”? I mean…I don’t really mind…
Yes, you meant it.
No. 1015907 ID: 0b4def

"You seem far more decent now than when we first met. I'll have the water armor fabricated, and permit you free roam of the ship when it's ready... provided you do your best to avoid the Raolme without others around. Continue contributing valuably like you did today, and you'll be a regular member in no time."

Sure, we can fabricate the armor. It's cheap.
Let's go see Regina next after putting in the order for that.
No. 1015923 ID: a9af05

>Risks of tampering with the armor to disable it
Yeah, I agree. I don't feel comfortable with tampering with something that's meant to keep someone alive. Let's just leave it alone.
No. 1015956 ID: 681cb5
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>Yes, those tights Tizli is wearing are nice. They leave little to the imagination, don’t they?
You guess they need to keep their… “ball” joints free from obstruction, because you swear you’ve seen her rotate her legs more than 360 degrees. Not that you’re going to complain if she shows a bit of scale, though…
>[sarcasm]Yes, invite the species with no eyes to observe something. I’m sure there isn’t a problem with that at all.[/sarcasm]
…maybe you need to rethink your approach and not rely on your old tricks. Hmm… maybe some music? And some scented candles?
>If you learn nothing else about Admiral Krem’s fate, learn about the importance about keeping a low profile. Sooner or later, we'll need a station to monitor communications to alert us if they send security.
Honestly, you rather try and keep yourself on friendly terms with whoever might be able to call security, so that they’ll never even consider it in the first place.

>We are certainly going to have some issues in the future since that means we have Tizli and her as crew, but we will certainly be testing and proving our commander ability by navigating those waters.
Having Tizli and Tozlan on the same crew as Eki will definitely be challenging… you’ll need to keep them separated for now... and hope that time will mellow things out? Hmm… you definitely need a better plan than that…
>When haven't you been treating her like an honorary Ensign?
When you locked her in her room, like a prisoner? Or when you shot her down and captured her?
>Since she doesn't mind too much, why don't you tell her she'll keep her slave title (and slave-like low rank duties) for appearances' sake, but you're going to give her more trust and privileges.
…you rather not get a reputation of being a slaver. That would damage our possible Xeno relations in the future, after all.
>Slavery isn't going to last. Your peers probably wouldn't stand for it in the long run.
While you can’t say how the Xeno’s will react, you do know for a fact that Sakkilian in general are not the biggest supporters of the subject. We’re known for our love of workers’ rights and fair work environments… so as soon as you get something like 10 Sakkilian’s on board you’re to expect things like unions to start popping up.
>Keep it to the bedroom.
…wait, do you mean the slavery or the unions? Because only one of those is really sexy… well, that’s not true… you’re sure you can make unions sexy too, if you put your mind to it… hmm…

>Hug that girl. Hug her and don't let go until she's feeling at least a little better. Things have been rough for her.
You sit down behind her and embrace her, letting your arm envelop her body into protective shell and placing your head on top of hers. The two of you sit there in silence for some time before the tranquility is broken by her soft voice…
:IkekekiSA: …thanks… I needed that…
>Admiral Krem must have treated his slaves quite well for her to be still enthusiastic about being one.
:IkekekiSA: He didn’t treat them any worse than he did anyone else… it felt like… they just became part of the crew as well, you know…

>Let's put it like this: You will be on parole. Someone, probably Doxy, will keep an eye on you, as a formality, given our recent encounters and our Raomole friends on board. If you show that you know how to behave and don't fight with the rest of the crew for some time, i will formally welcome you as a true ensign.
:IkekekiSA: Oh, that sounds… good? Kekeke, I guess I really did impress you then, captain.
:ZentoSA: You did.
:IkekekiSA: Then I promise to be the mightiest part-ole that you’ve ever had the pleasure of sailing with!
>You will be assigned to scan duty for now, you seem to be good at that.
:IkekekiSA: Scanner duty? I… guess? It beats going full planetlubber and doing farm work.
:ZentoSA: What would you rather do then?
:IkekekiSA: To sail through the stars and collect booty?
>How does she feel about mining duty?
:IkekekiSA: Oh! That would be fun! To fly through the stars and dig up treasure full of doubloons! Though… um… maybe not while I’m this dry… I… I honestly feel like I’ve got scurvy…
:ZentoSA: I see…
:IkekekiSA: So maybe you can make that Aqua armor first?

>Well if we do make it, it would only be after we get the security room, and we'd have to put limits on where she can wear it; I imagine it would be all too easy for her to overpower our currently-unarmed crew while wearing that thing, and despite being an honorable sort, don't think she won't be tempted to at least assume command by right of combat.
:IkekekiSA: I swear on the pirate code that I wouldn’t keelhaul any of your crew for their booty, captain! But… I can understand your… um… hesitation.

:IkekekiSA: …so what does part-ole even mean? Is that like… soon to be recruited slave?
:ZentoSA: It’s a conditional release of a prisoner. In this case, you will be kept under scrutiny and if you can prove that you can behave and be a good girl, you’re a free shrimp.
:IkekekiSA: So… a prisoner that tried out to be a crewmember… and not a slave?
:ZentoSA: No slaves, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: …and what is a shrimp?
:ZentoSA: Err… never mind that.
:IkekekiSA: …is that like a slave?
:ZentoSA: *Sigh*
:IkekekiSA: I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Kekeke, I’m not that obsessed with slaves.
No. 1015957 ID: 681cb5
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>I personally don't like the idea of owning slaves. I do however, have a thing for xenos. So, like i said before, if you are a good girl, I’ll ask your help to increase the ships population. And we can keep the slave thing as a roleplay.
:IkekekiSA: Eh? Oh… um… err… w-wait, what do you mean with increasing the ships population?
:ZentoSA: Shara was helping us increasing the ships population earlier, so… you know…
:IkekekiSA: …OH! OH! YOU MEAN! WITH ME!?
:ZentoSA: If you wish to, of course.
:IkekekiSA: Err… I… um… I’ll… think… about it?
:ZentoSA: Please, consider it thoroughly… and don’t feel like you’re being forced too… this is completely about what you want, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: …It just a bit… sudden… but… um… I’ll think about it?

>Well Zepto, that makes it official: you're her domme now.
Dom, sub, what does it matter if in the end you get some alien puss?
No. 1015958 ID: 681cb5
File 163771509772.png - (189.68KB , 1125x550 , 50.png )

>With how poorly Ikekeki is looking, we ought to see about getting that Kelshin terminal hooked up and operational today, though we best be careful and figure out exactly what kind of power it requires; Don't want to smoke it by pulling the equivalent of plugging a 110V appliance into a 220V socket.
It already got its own power source, so you don’t need to worry about that. What you need to worry about is that most of its memory seems to have been fried, which makes it hard to figure out what exactly is in this scrambled mess. Of course, if you know what you’re looking for its significantly easier, with you only need to type in “Aqua armor” to find something that look like a schematic. You’ll need to take some time to figure out what else might be on the terminal, though.
>Actually, Ikekeki would probably be of help getting it working and operating it, since it's both designed for Kelshin and using their language.
Hmm… maybe you should ask Doxy to take a look through it with Eki later. That seems like a good idea.

>Let's go see Regina next.
You find her in the hanger, polishing some of the tools. You guess she finds it calming?
:ReginaSA: Yes, dear?
:ZentoSA: I just wanted to check if you’re doing alright, Ensign Regina.
:ReginaSA: …well, hun, I’m a bit high strung still, but I’m sure I’ll calm down soon enough.
:ZentoSA: That’s good to hear.
:ReginaSA: I’m looking forward towards the celebration later. A few drinks and some friends will help me destress in no time, sir.
:ZentoSA: That’s in part why I wanted to celebrate. Do drink responsible, though.
:ReginaSA: Of course, hun.

>Get someone on the crew with engineering experience to take a close look at the Aqua Armor specs and figure out how to make sure it just helps her satisfy her biological needs, without being a tactical advantage.
:ReginaSA: Um… while it doesn’t give her that much of a tactical advantage, the things that do are essential to the suit, hun. If she’s not covered in armor plating the water won’t stay put while removing the mechanical muscle structure will just make her immovable. So no, that’s not possible. If she’s to wear this you’re just going have to live with her wearing armor and being slightly stronger than everyone else, dear.
>Maybe an emergency means to disable it's motor systems, depending on how powerful the "power" armor is. Electronics installed in her suit to lock movements by remote... or codeword...
:ReginaSA: …I can easily put in a kill switch that’s voice activated.
>We’d pretty much be giving her a wearable prison if we did anything like that! And if our modifications mess up the armor, it might not work properly or it could possibly kill her!
:ReginaSA: …I was thinking of just disabling the legs. That wouldn’t kill her, hun, but… well, she would be stuck in a prison until we got her out of the suit, I suppose… but only after we use the codeword, of course.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… it might be prudent to have the extra security… but it might put Eki at risk…
:ReginaSA: It’s up to you, sir.
>Because her and the Raolme still have the “Hated Enemies” status towards each other, we’d have to make sure neither of the Raolme mess with it to make it hurt Ikekeki.
:ReginaSA: Just don’t tell them the code word, hun?
>A temporary stopgap measure might be to fabricate a large water tub and the plumbing to install it in Ikekeki's quarters.
:ReginaSA: …we’re not building a large tub of water in a hyperspace faring ship without the necessary facilities to contain said water in place, hun. It’s a disaster waiting to happen, trust me. If you want a tub of water, build a proper swimming hall… otherwise said water will end up in the ceiling or something after a while…
>Surely the captain's quarters has a bathtub, right?
…why would your quarters be any different from the rest of the crew?

:ReginaSA: Actually, hun, there is something you can do for me.
:ZentoSA: Yes, Regina?
:ReginaSA: Now that we’ve collected a bit more crew, it might be time to start assign people to less essential yet necessary jobs. I’ve been doing some basic maintenance when I have the time for example, but it would be great if you would have someone doing it properly, dear.
:ZentoSA: Hmm, you’re correct. I might need to assign someone to do some extra cleaning too… the automatic systems work for the most part, we still need someone to remove whatever it misses…
:ReginaSA: And when we’re on the subject, maybe getting a few more engineers around? If we ever find some Xeno trade post or something, maybe hire a few? Just getting a few new faces around here wouldn’t be all too bad either, hun.
:ZentoSA: I’ll see what I can do.

>Can we vote on construction yet?
While you might plan ahead a bit, you’re not going to start constructing anything until tomorrow. So far you’ve only thought about the security station and a sun deck / swimming hall combo… if you can find some more Basic Metals in the asteroids that is.
Though more importantly, do you synth up an Aqua Armor for Eki or not?
No. 1015962 ID: 96c896

Ah, it's only "slightly stronger", which means she won't be able to fight the whole crew. So yeah go ahead, and leave the killswitch out. Just make it clear to her that if another fight breaks out between her and the Raolmes, she is not to use the armor's strength to fight back. It's fine if the armor is damaged, it's not fine if the crew is damaged.
No. 1015975 ID: 9b31bc

Make that armor, and don't install any countermeasures. It's a risk, but she needs the water to work and live a healthy life, and the countermeasures could probably be used by someone else if we're not careful. Besides, something like that full of water is bound to be slow enough that outrunning it should be possible, and she's outnumbered in a firefight. Just don't get stepped or sat on by it, and you'll be fine.
No. 1015983 ID: bc15b4

Can we make one of the Salkilian that have borne today and engineer? We could also make one with her.
No. 1015984 ID: 5b0071

one thing we could attempt to do: work with the Ralome to figure out how much of the salvage is actually theirs. They may feel better knowing they actually have money to their names, again.
No. 1015985 ID: 16d082

I think we should abstain from synthesizing the aqua immersion suit until she is able to appreciate the swimming hall for a day or two, as to be much happier when the suit is presented to her by Zento. Perhaps more importantly, we don’t want Tozlan and Tizli questioning Cpt. Zento’s command capability after being disturbed by the “prisoner”’s sudden increase in privileges, and an actuated armoured suit would likely cause them unease regardless of it’s function. If we aren’t able to have the swimming deck built tomorrow, though, it’s definitely better to just give her the suit rather than making the poor crab wait more.
No. 1015986 ID: 36784c

>“ball” joints
Don’t you think those “ball” joints look kinda like a butt? You like big butts and you cannot lie about that.

>aqua armor
Just give it to Ikekeki as is. Don’t add any fail safes or anything like that.

Let her know that you know of another way she can destress. She can come to your room for a special private “party” for just the two of you. But only if she’d feel up to it, you don’t want to force her or anything.

>Eggs/Clones: 3/10
Huh? When did we get a 3rd egg? Did one of the pregnant ladies lay a second egg or something?

Speaking of eggs, we still haven’t decided on a name for Zento’s and Doxy’s egg. I still think Vex would be a good name!

>If we aren’t able to have the swimming deck built tomorrow, though, it’s definitely better to just give her the suit rather than making the poor crab wait more.
It’s already been established that the swimming hall isn’t going to be finished until the day after tomorrow.
No. 1015989 ID: c09f5e

>Hmm… you definitely need a better plan than that…
It would help if the ship had a section that would help lower their defenses; literal common ground to establish peace. A Swimming Hall for all shows less blatant favoritism than Power Armor for one. Does it come have a hot tub and sauna?

>He didn’t treat them any worse than he did anyone else… it felt like… they just became part of the crew as well, you know…
Then it seems you and the Pirate Lord had a lot in common. Expect to meet a lot of claimants, biological or otherwise, to his throne. That title cannot be a stable position.

>To sail through the stars and collect booty?
So she put her proficiency in Survival (Wis)? Her scan rolls did look like it had a circumstance bonus. wait, too gamey, uh...
Is that what she calls mining planets for materials? She must have gotten lucky with scan duty because she knows how pirates tick.

>Just getting a few new faces around here wouldn’t be all too bad either, hun.
"So Regina, how are you getting on with the other crewmembers? Jealous of Shara taking Zell, or is your preference to clone yourself if need arises?"

Nothing against her, but you're already carrying baggage for 3 complicated relationships. If it's another alien princess, sweet, but literally everyone asking for a piece of you would be exhausting. Not that you'd say no if she asks for it anyway...

Regina did have to test cloning, somehow. Could she have done it when she built the thing? Or did she set up an AI routine to clone on death, and it tripped up when her cruiser went critical?
No. 1015992 ID: f8fa51

She's not going to be superhuman. Slightly stronger is one thing, but unlikely to best actual weapons. Yes to the armour, no to countermeasures. Also no to letting her have weapons, though.
No. 1016008 ID: 72d36a

>Aqua armor
Let's do it. Without the fail safe. She'll have to be more responsible with it tho.

>More crew
Has she thought of having an egg? That might speed things up a bit.

>What do?
After the celebration, we should focus on getting more materials to construct the new facilities. They should increase the overall moral of the crew.
No. 1016080 ID: 73300b

Make it, make sure it's possible to add the code word later (if that has to be decided in advance), but don't actually add any code word. If she misbehaves with it at any point, or if she expresses any interest in playing in other ways, we can always change our minds later.
No. 1016107 ID: 584042

Yes, fabricate the suit.

If there's someone who wouldn't mind doing it, we really should get the remaining materials needed for the beach deck.
No. 1016189 ID: 681cb5
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>Don’t you think those “ball” joints look kinda like a butt? You like big butts and you cannot lie about that.
Big butts, small butts, any butt in between... be it a Lizbutt, Robutt or Bugbutt, you do love them all. You can’t wait to sample some of the more exotic butts as this “adventure” goes on.
>It seems you and the Pirate Lord had a lot in common. Expect to meet a lot of claimants, biological or otherwise, to his throne. That title cannot be a stable position.
…is it even a heritable title? For all you know you’re a pirate lord as soon as you get a fleet of pirate ships. But knowing pirates, you have no doubt that you’re going to find his bastard kids in every port he’s visited.

>It would help if the ship had a section that would help the Raolme and Kelshin lower their defenses; literal common ground to establish peace. A Swimming Hall for all shows less blatant favoritism than Power Armor for one.
You wouldn’t say its favoritism when it concerns someone’s health, but even then you’re thinking about building both, to make sure both parties will be satisfied.
>Does it come have a hot tub and sauna?
The swimming hall comes with a lot of different pools and habitats of different temperatures, while the sun deck will have at least a dry sauna… though if you combine them, it wouldn’t be hard to build a wet sauna either.

>Ah, it's only "slightly stronger", which means she won't be able to fight the whole crew.
:ReginaSA: While it’s far from the usual power armor we use, it’s will still be strong enough to beat Shara in a little wrestling tussle, hun. But if there were two Sharas? Then I wouldn’t know who to bet on.
:ZentoSA: ...so it has the strength of two well-trained women, huh?
>Besides, something like that full of water is bound to be slow enough that outrunning it should be possible, and she's outnumbered in a firefight.
:ReginaSA: I’m not sure, dear, but going by the schematic it seems to be surprisingly agile. Still, it will probably not move faster than jogging speed, so a well-trained man like yourself would have no problem outrunning it, sir.
>Just don't get stepped or sat on by it, and you'll be fine.
… … …by the suit, of course. You don’t want to be crushed by the armor. You wouldn’t mind if any of the ladies would step on your or sit on you otherwise.

>Just make it clear to her that if another fight breaks out between her and the Raolmes, she is not to use the armor's strength to fight back. It's fine if the armor is damaged, it's not fine if the crew is damaged.
:ReginaSA: Damage the armor? It’s made out of synth-steel, you’re not going to punch… um… well, I heard from Shara that those blind aliens have really sharp claws, so maybe… though I also heard that the shrimp girl didn’t fight back at all as well, so… problem already solved, hun?
:ZentoSA: Hmm… as long as Eki doesn’t get too big of a head from wearing the armor.
>Make that armor, and don't install any countermeasures. It's a risk, but she needs the water to work and live a healthy life, and the countermeasures could probably be used by someone else if we're not careful.
:ReginaSA: I’ll set the Fabricator to build it during the night. It should be finished in the morning, dear.
>Make sure it's possible to add the code word later (if that has to be decided in advance), but don't actually add any code word.
:ReginaSA: …give me an hour and access to it, and I’ll give it a kill switch whenever you need it, no problem, hun.

>Can we make one of the Salkilian that have born today and engineer?
It’s sadly a bit too late for that. They are already cooking in the Vats.
>Nothing against Regina, but you're already carrying baggage for 3 complicated relationships. If it's another alien princess, sweet, but literally everyone asking for a piece of you would be exhausting.
If you’re considering making new crew with Regina then it will be purely for professional reasons. It is your duty as Captain to make sure that you always have enough manpower and that all your crew mentally relaxed… wait, speaking of princesses… didn’t Tozlan say he was some kind of prince? Doesn’t that mean Tizli is a princess? …you really need to ask them about that before you accidently knock Tizli up with the next King of their people or something…

>So Regina, how are you getting on with the other crewmembers?
:ReginaSA: Not bad, all thing considered, dear. Zell is an old grump, Shara is too proud for her own good and I haven’t really interacted with that blind alien boy, though he is kind of cute, I suppose. I did have a rather nice gossip session with that adorable little Tizli, though. I do like her…
:ZentoSA: That’s good to hear.
>Jealous of Shara taking Zell, or is your preference to clone yourself if need arises?
:ReginaSA: …dear, why would I be jealous? I’m not some youngling who’s starved for affection… or looking for a serious relationship for that matter. Besides, Zell reminds me a bit of my old hubby… though nowadays I’d rather prefer someone a bit younger, someone that’s lively and has some spirit.
:ZentoSA: …hubby? You’re married?
:ReginaSA: Was married, hun. He died a few years ago… well, a lot of years ago now, what with the galaxy jump, but either way it’s in the past. Have two kids as well, though they’ve both grown up and left the nest a long time ago.
>Let her know that you know of another way she can destress. She can come to your room for a special private “party” for just the two of you. But only if she’d feel up to it, you don’t want to force her or anything.
:ReginaSA: Hmhm, is that really your move, hun?
:ZentoSA: I’m sorry if I was to forward, Regina.
:ReginaSA: Forward? Oh, no, not at all… While I am a bit surprised that such a beautiful young man like yourself would be interested in an old tart like me-
:ZentoSA: You know what they say about fine wine…
:ReginaSA: Why, aren’t you a charmer, dear… but going back to my original point, what’s most surprising is that if a virile young man like yourself is so eager to make me a mother again, I’d expect them to simply bend me over the table and make me one. That’s what I did when I was young and saw someone I desired…
No. 1016190 ID: 681cb5
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Captain Zento “Plaps” the raw material necessary for constructing a new engineer into Reginas Baby factory. Completion time is estimated to be 2 days.
No. 1016191 ID: 681cb5
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After successfully starting the process of making a new engineer, the rest of the day is spent preparing for the celebration later tonight, as well as making sure that Eki’s armor is being fabricated. Your workday ends with a large bowl of salty soup courtesy of Tozlan cooking skills, followed by drinks and snacks on the captain to commemorate today’s victory!

:DoxySA: The “party”, if you want to call it that, is going rather well.
:ZentoSA: I’m happy that our Raolme siblings and Eki manages to be in the same room without fighting for once.
:DoxySA: I think they are trying to stay as far away as they can from each other… though I’m sure they don’t want to spill their drinks arguing either. I’m impressed that you managed to get everyone something to drink on such short notice.
:ZentoSA: The drink the Raolme wanted was easy enough to synth, what with Tozlan being in the kitchen helping me. The “Grog XD” that Eki wanted on the other hand… let just say that thing would eat right through our mugs if I didn’t change the recipe. But it seemed to work out in the end, as everyone is drinking with gusto.
:DoxySA: …I did spot Regina grabbing a non-alcoholic drink, though… do you know why?
:ZentoSA: …I’m sure she has her reasons.
:DoxySA: Of course she does.

>One thing we could attempt to do: work with the Ralome to figure out how much of the salvage is actually theirs. They may feel better knowing they actually have money to their names, again.
:DoxySA: Um… wasn’t all the loot stolen from the Raolme in the first place? Reminding them about that fact might mean they want all of it back.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… though telling them might give you political favor later.
:DoxySA: I’m not sure how their laws might say about this… or if there even is any laws out here.
>Huh? When did we get a 3rd egg? Did one of the pregnant ladies lay a second egg or something?
:DoxySA: A 3rd egg? Oh no, I’m sure you’re just seeing things, sir. Neither me nor Shara laid twins.
:ZentoSA: …you know something about this 3rd egg, don’t you?
:DoxySA: I’m sure it’s just a glitch in the system, honest!
:ZentoSA: Uh huh…
>Speaking of eggs, we still haven’t decided on a name for Zento’s and Doxy’s egg. I still think Vex would be a good name!
:DoxySA: I was going to ask you about that, because I need a name before the end of the hour.
:ZentoSA: …Vex?
:DoxySA: Vex?
:ZentoSA: Vex.
:DoxySA: … … …Vex… yeah, I like it… it’s a super nice name, isn’t it… Vex…
:ZentoSA: Vex it is then.
>After the celebration, we should focus on getting more materials to construct the new facilities. They should increase the overall moral of the crew.
:DoxySA: We need more Basic metals for sure…
:ZentoSA: There should be more than enough of it in these asteroids.
:DoxySA: And the blue planet should have some organic materials.
:ZentoSA: But it will have to wait until tomorrow.

:DoxySA: So are we just going to stand here or are we going to socialize?
:ZentoSA: We definitely should take the opportunity to see what is on the minds of the crew… let’s split up to increase our efficiency.
:DoxySA: …not everything needs to be your “Captain’s duty”, Zento.
:ZentoSA: Sorry.
No. 1016192 ID: 72d36a

>…not everything needs to be your “Captain’s duty”, Zento.
Can't fight my nature. I was born to be a captain.

Say, we had an expectator, or listener in this case. Who do you think it was?

> …you really need to ask them about that before you accidently knock Tizli up with the next King of their people or something…
That's a great topic. Zento, get to it. Ask her about her family.

Doxy, i have the feeling Rozlan was snooping around when the captain was making the engineer. Let's investigate, he seems to have a soft spot for the ladies here.
No. 1016193 ID: 72d36a

Oh wait, i think it was Tizli, she has a smoother face.
No. 1016200 ID: 19ea25

I am actually curious why Eki wanted a drink that would be more suited for scraping stains off of metal then drinking. Maybe we might need some stronger mugs in the future.. And some discussion with Regina of course too.
No. 1016217 ID: a9af05

The most obvious reason Eki would ask for something like that is because she's consumed it before and her biology allows her to consume it safely.
No. 1016240 ID: 2aa5f0

captain can start with tizili and doxy can start with her brother since both the siblings are already fairly familiar with them. Plus I'm sure tizili has some questions for the captain seeing what she heard the other day in the hanger.
No. 1016243 ID: 094652

Insist on the egg. If it's a baby monster egg scavenged from the scuttled remains of the pirates, fine. But you need to know.
No. 1016246 ID: c09f5e

>If you’re considering making new crew with Regina then it will be purely for professional reasons.
That goes triple for Shara, as in she'll need three more eggs to personally man her own Sakkilian Cruiser. And if Zell isn't up to the task, remind her that you're decent "competition" yourself and you don't mind "losing" ;)

Actually, this may be too soon for Shara. She just laid her egg. It's not like women get stronger and taller as they lay more eggs, do they? How's Doxy holding up?

>…you really need to ask them about that before you accidently knock Tizli up with the next King of their people or something…
Warn Doxy about this too. That goes double for her, since "princess" can mean different things between matriarchal and patriarchal cultures, if they take gender seriously at all. She should look into how serious a relationship he wants and why he'd want kids. Preempt spawn custodial conflicts with a prenup!

>I’m not some youngling who’s starved for affection… or looking for a serious relationship for that matter. Besides, Zell reminds me a bit of my old hubby…
It'd still be nice if they'd develop a closer work relationship. He can better utilize her engineering, she can learn from his field experience to refine her work to be more durable and repairable. We can't keep wrecked ships, there's only so much room on our docks.

>I’m sure it’s just a glitch in the system, honest!
Very well, assign someone to look into it tomorrow then. I suspect mis-accounting errors like this will keep cropping up if we keep crewmembers too busy with morning orders. Regina did say they should be professional enough to handle general maintenance provided free hours, and it helps to have a some free crew on hand for emergencies.

Can we stockpile eggs, like keep them in stasis til we need them?

Dr. Vex does have a nice ring to it. Just hope he becomes the ethical kind of doctor or scientist.

>…not everything needs to be your “Captain’s duty”, Zento.
Hold on. Are you... jealous? Regina isn't looking for anything serious, and...

...I admit I have been fond of our "night briefings". We can keep having them regardless if they end up "productive", and forgo oversight of the "project I assigned" to Regina. But in regards to our current and future alien friends, understand I'm not able to spend every night in my quarters.
No. 1016259 ID: 62d6aa

Its crazy how many generations you can get with vats right? Like on a ship you can even see the great grandchildren of your crew mingling.
No. 1016260 ID: bc15b4

Let’s go with the boyz, ask them how for options on entertainment, maybe sports?
No. 1016264 ID: 36784c

>…you know something about this 3rd egg, don’t you?
>I’m sure it’s just a glitch in the system, honest!
Zento is supposed to be the tallest, scariest, most cryptic looking Sakkilian multiplied by 2, so I’d like to see him be a little intimidating here.

Have him tower over Doxy and insist that if she knows something about a 3rd egg, she should tell him now. But if it’s honestly just a glitch, then apologize for doubting her.

>split up
Zento go visit with Zell and Tolzan.

Doxy go visit with Shara and Tizli.

>Ikekeki and Regina are hanging out.
I guess since Ikekeki helped save Regina, that helped them form a bond of friendship. Maybe through Regina, Tizli and Ikekeki can work things out? I’m not expecting them to become instant best friends, but hopefully they’ll at least stop being hostile to each other.
No. 1016336 ID: 681cb5
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>Zento is supposed to be the tallest, scariest, most cryptic looking Sakkilian multiplied by 2.
While you are the tallest Sakkilian man you’ve ever met, that still puts you at about equal high of the taller ladies around, like Shara. As for being scary… well, you don’t really try to, but your dark scales combined with your stoic nature does unnerve people at times…
>Say, we had a spectator, or listener in this case. Who do you think it was?
…you thought you saw something green moving around outside the hanger, but you’re not sure…
>Can we stockpile eggs, like keep them in stasis until we need them?
We can always place the eggs in a cryo-pod… or just let them mature normally. It takes about 2 months for an egg to hatch normally, after all.

>Can't fight my nature. I was born to be a captain.
:DoxySA: …you mean in a metaphoric sense and not that you’re a vatborn, right?
:ZentoSA: I’m not from a vat Doxy, no… but my mother is a space pilot, so I’ve grown up hearing the stories of the far reaches of the galaxy.
:DoxySA: Really?
:ZentoSA: And… it was the first true night I experienced that I can remember, when all three sun set at once and the sky became aglow with the faint lights of distant worlds… as I looked upon the sea of stars above me… I knew it was my destiny to sail between them. I wasn’t more than 7 years old then, yet here we are.
:DoxySA: Huh… that’s kind of cute…
>Hold on. Are you... jealous? Regina isn't looking for anything serious, and...
:DoxySA: …what? No? I didn’t even know about you or… wait, you’ve been with Regina? Never mind, what I mean was that you don’t need to be in Captain mode all the damn time, sir. Just go out and have some fun socializing, dammit! It doesn’t have to be about increasing the crew morale or picking their brains for information!
:ZentoSA: Ah… yes… I apologize, Doxy, you’re right.
>I admit I have been fond of our "night briefings". We can keep having them regardless if they end up "productive", and forgo oversight of the "project I assigned" to Regina. But in regards to our current and future alien friends, understand I'm not able to spend every night in my quarters.
:DoxySA: While I wouldn’t mind spending more quality time with you, sir, I’m not going to be in my quarters most of the nights either. Though honestly, after today I rather just have a really good night of sleep… and something tells me I won’t have that if I go to your quarters, sir.
:ZentoSA: Probably not, no.
>You might want to have some discussions with Regina too.
…maybe you should ask her if she wants to snuggle a bit tonight… hmm…

>Dr. Vex does have a nice ring to it. Just hope he becomes the ethical kind of doctor or scientist.
:DoxySA: The Vats wouldn’t give him either the mental deficiencies or the childhood required go off the rails immediately… so as long as we keep him on the straight and narrow it wouldn’t be a problem.
>How's Doxy holding up?
:DoxySA: Huh? Why do you ask?
:ZentoSA: Well… seeing what you and Shara went through today…
:DoxySA: Oh, no, we’re fine, really. I’m just super tired, but otherwise I’m fine… though I should find something egg shaped to sleep on…
>Its crazy how many generations you can get with vats right? Like on a ship you can even see the great grandchildren of your crew mingling.
:DoxySA: There’s a reason why it’s only used in emergencies like this, you know. It quickly goes out of control and… well, it gets hard figuring out who’s related to who after a while…
:ZentoSA: …we really need to get some new blood on the ship, don’t we.
:DoxySA: Definitely, sir.
>Insist on the egg. If it's a baby monster egg scavenged from the scuttled remains of the pirates, fine. But you need to know.
:DoxySA: Monster egg? Why would they have some kind of… there isn’t any extra eggs, sir, honest.
You gaze downwards towards her, watching unflinchingly as she start to squirm from the attention.
:DoxySA: I’m t-telling the truth, boss. There are only two eggs the Vats right now!
One of your eyebrows raises a bit and she starts fidgeting even more.
:DoxySA: … … …alright, alright, fine! I admit it, we… um… we needed to do some quick tests before using it on the eggs and… um… you were the only one whose blood was in the system at the time?
:ZentoSA: …you’re cloning me?
:DoxySA: We started the cloning process, sir. I was going to cancel it but… I forgot? It’s… um… still not going to be a person for a few more days so you can always just cancel it yourself?
:ZentoSA: Doxy, please, if you ever feel the urge to clone someone in the future, ask for their permission first.
:DoxySA: …s-sorry, sir…
:ZentoSA: …and I’ll take some time later to consider what I will do with that clone of mine.

>I am actually curious why Eki wanted a drink that would be more suited for scraping stains off of metal then drinking. Maybe we might need some stronger mugs in the future.
:DoxySA: Um… because it’s something she can drink, probably?
:ZentoSA: …I’m not surprised that anyone calling themselves pirates would drink the strongest stuff around.
:DoxySA: I’ll see if I can figure out what they usually use for mugs, sir.
>I guess since Ikekeki helped save Regina, that helped them form a bond of friendship.
:DoxySA: They do seem to get along really well, sir… though Regina seem to get along with everyone, really.
>Warn Doxy about the Raolme’s titles too. She should look into how serious a relationship he wants and why he'd want kids. Preempt spawn custodial conflicts with a prenup!
:DoxySA: …oh yeah, he said he was some kind of prince, didn’t he? I really need to… follow up on that… (and how I can become Princess Doxy) *Giggle*

>Captain can start with Tizli and Doxy can start with her brother since both the siblings are already fairly familiar with them.
:DoxySA: I’ll go check on the boys, sir.
:ZentoSA: While I deal with the ladies, then.
No. 1016337 ID: 681cb5
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:SharaSA: -a way to express honor or goodwill. To celebrate our victory!
:TizliSA: …by clinking our glasses together?
:SharaSA: Exactly!
:TizliSA: …but… why?
:SharaSA: …because… um… fucking tradition?
:TizliSA: …well, if it is fucking tradition, I guess I- Oh, hello Captain.
:ZentoSA: Ladies.
:SharaSA: Sir.
:ZentoSA: At ease Shara, no need to salute me now.
:SharaSA: If you say so, sir.

>That's a great topic. Zento, get to it. Ask Tizli about her family.
:TizliSA: My family?
:SharaSA: Oh yeah, I heard that your dork of a brother were like a prince or some shit, right?
:ZentoSA: I do wish to know what kind of guest we’re currently being hosts to, Tizli.
:TizliSA: Tsk… don’t you too get all riled up about that river of scum. It’s just stupid title. My kind is just obsessed with the sludge.
:ZentoSA: Still… I wish to know.
:SharaSA: Titles are fucking cool, sister.
:TizliSA: Fine fine… yeah, I’m a trade princess… which just means I’m related to the Trade Queen of our Trade Clan. I’m 143rd in line, by the way.
:ZentoSA: So we only need to take care of 143 people to make you queen, huh?
:SharaSA: Shara…
:TizliSA: That’s not how it works, sister. You only go down the line if it’s an emergency, and only until the next Queen or King can be elected. Of course, they usually chose someone in the family to take their place… and even if they don’t, the one chosen usually gets adopted into the family first… you know, to keep the Clan in the family, so to speak.
:ZentoSA: …so you’re some kind of elective monarchy?
:TizliSA: What? No, that’s just the Clan. We’re a democracy… but you’ll need to go to our home world and nearby systems to really experience that. Out here, the Clan generally make most of the decisions… though they still follow the Prime Magistrates’ laws, of course.
:ZentoSA: Interesting…
>I'm sure tizili has some questions for the captain seeing what she heard in the hanger.
:TizliSA: EH!? Um… I just… heard something strange… and… err… smelled it and… um… haha… it’s wasn’t anything?
:ZentoSA: Really? You don’t have any questions about it?
:SharaSA: …am I missing something here?
:TizliSA: HAHA! No, it’s nothing! Forget about it… hah… um…
:ZentoSA: Well, if you’re ever curious, you can always ask me, Tizli.

>That goes triple for Shara, as in she'll need three more eggs to personally man her own Sakkilian Cruiser.
Hmm… having her family pilot her ship? That’s an interesting thought… still, would be a tragedy if they were shot down… you really need some new blood, so that morale won’t go through the floor if someone passes away…
>Actually, this may be too soon for Shara. She just laid her egg. It's not like women get stronger and taller as they lay more eggs, do they?
Sadly, they do not get stronger from making eggs, no. And you’re sure she won’t be in the mood right now… of course, you’re not in the mood yourself. You already made one child today and that’s enough, really… you’re a Captain, not some kind of egg making machine after all.
>If Zell isn't up to the task, remind her that you're decent "competition" yourself and you don't mind "losing" ;)
:SharaSA: …did you just tell me to ignore rank and make you my boytoy, Captain?
:TizliSA: Huh? Did I miss something?
:ZentoSA: All I said is to feel free to ask me anytime you feel like it, Shara.
:SharaSA: Pff, asking is weaklings. A proper woman takes what they want… um… if I have consent for it, of course.
:TizliSA: Err… wait… are you talking about what I think you’re talking about?
:SharaSA: Because then I might just drag you back to my den and use you until I’m satisfied whenever I feel like it. I mean, not today, because I’m tired as fuck, but maybe tomorrow?
:TizliSA: By the eternal dark, are you always this forward!? Is this normal!? Are you guys… um… a thing?
No. 1016338 ID: 681cb5
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Meanwhile, from Doxy’s perspective…

:ZellSA: -but the best way is through their stomach. Make them a good meal, really show off that yah can cook.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… but I’m not a very good chef, friend…
:ZellSA: Then just give ‘er some snacks, son. Find out what she likes and synth some up for ‘er. She’ll appreciate it way more than some flowers. Ah’m sure of it.
:TozlanSA: You think so?
:ZellSA: Trust me, lad, Ah ‘now my women like Ah ‘now my planetary lander.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… snacks, you say… you don’t happen to know what the girls like on this ship, friend?
:ZellSA: Ah ‘now that Shara likes the spicy stuff… while Regina is fond of something sweet to suck on… as for Doxy…
:TozlanSA: Err… can we talk about this later?
:ZellSA: Hmm? What’s wrong, boy?
:TozlanSA: Someone else is on their way over.
:DoxySA: Hello there, mind if I join you two?
:ZellSA: Eh? Oh! Oh, not at all, lass. We don’t mind at all, do we, lad?
:TozlanSA: Of course not, friend.

>Doxy, I have the feeling Tozlan have a soft spot for the ladies here.
You have a feeling he’s pent up and frustrated.
>Let’s go with the boyz, ask them how for options on entertainment, maybe sports?
:ZellSA: Kind of ‘ard to catch a game of Scrumball when we’re the in the wrong galaxy lass. Though we really need some new entertainment around ‘ere… watching holo-disks in the crew quarters common room is getting a bit stale, yah ‘ear?
:TozlanSA: This place is way better than being stuck in one of our scumsuckingly small defender class ships. Barely enough room to even enjoy the brine without trampling over someone else’s tail. You don’t know how good you got it, friend.
:ZellSA: Heh, really lad? Ah’ll ‘ave yah ‘now that ah’m a former miner. We ‘ad to share small borrowing pod that barely fitted one for days on end with nothing to do but mine and sleep. You were just lucky if yah weren’t matched with a gal, because otherwise yah pelvis would give out long before yah ever reached the surface, hehe.
:TozlanSA: What.
:DoxySA: We’re not that bad, Zell.
:ZellSA: Heh… trust me, lass…
:TozlanSA: Err… speaking of changing the subject, I do believe we still have a few briny board games in the ship, so if you want something new to do, friend…?
:ZellSA: Hmm, Ah think we ‘ave a deck o’ card lying around ‘ere somewhere as well… though, what we really need is somewhere to play some real scrumball, to get the blood flowing, yah ‘ear?
:TozlanSA: Or a swimming hall. Hey… um… Doxy… if we ever build one, maybe I can show you how to play some pearlcross in it?
:DoxySA: While that does sound super fun, Tozlan, I can’t really swim.
:TozlanSA: …err… really? Maybe… I can try and… teach you?
:ZellSA: None of us can swim, boy. Our bones are too dense or something, so we sink like stones.
:TozlanSA: Is that true?
:ZellSA: We’re from a desert planet. We didn’t evolve to swim, lad.
:TozlanSA: Oh.
No. 1016339 ID: 094652

Tozlan: Ask where dem built-in emergency floats came from, then.
No. 1016342 ID: 97c813

> Are you guys… um… a thing?
Not really no. Sakkilian practice polygamy, especially in situations like these, in which population is scarce and you need womanpower. It's not the norm, but it is common enough.

>We didn’t evolve to swim, lad.
Yeah, we even sleep in sand beds.
But maybe we can do something about that in the future. Maybe make like a mud ground or something. With a bit of water and a bit of earth, or sand. I'm sure we can find something for all of us to enjoy.
Like mud fight, that sounds like a great way of exercising.
No. 1016360 ID: 2aa5f0

>We didn’t evolve to swim, lad.
well when we get around to building the pool we could make it to have adjustable water levels and have it come up to the waste of the lizard folk. Maybe. How deep does the water need to be for pearlcross? Just spitballing ideas.
No. 1016365 ID: 36784c

>Zento clone
We should mix someone else’s DNA in there, so that it’s not an exact clone of the Captain. It’d be confusing to have 2 people looking exactly alike on board.

And if for some reason the clone decided to take over, all he’d have to do is switch clothes with the real Zento. I’m not saying that it will happen, but there’s a possibility that it could happen, so it’s best we do something to prevent it from happening.

Then again, we could just change the clone’s gender to female. Then she wouldn’t be able to switch places with Zento, since everyone already knows the real Zento is a male.

>By the eternal dark, are you always this forward!?

>Is this normal!?

>Are you guys…um…a thing?
“Not really.”

>as for Doxy…
“I also like having something sweet. Preferably I could go for some ice cream, but I’ll take whatever.”

>none of us can swim
I honestly think it’d be pretty funny if Tozlan says, “Are you sure you can’t swim? Does that mean those aren’t floatation devices on the chests of the females of your species?”
No. 1016370 ID: 908530

Delete clone.
No. 1016377 ID: 96c896

Delete the clone. It's going to be really annoying having someone around that looks exactly like the captain but doesn't hold the same rank.
No. 1016378 ID: 73300b

Yeah, ditch the clone. If anyone else wants a clone of themselves, they're welcome to do so, but let's avoid the confusion of a physical duplicate of the captain.
No. 1016379 ID: 73300b

> Then again, we could just change the clone’s gender to female.

If this is an option, that'd be fun.
No. 1016381 ID: c09f5e

>By the eternal dark, are you always this forward!?
"Like I was often told by my fathers, I am my mother's child. Not in philandering, mind you, but in boldness."

>Is this normal!?
"This happens when a group of us find ourselves sharing a living space long term. We call it 'lounging'. A lot of families form this way. Most Sakkil tend to settle down with their longterm partners when they raise their nest. Well, most Sakkil..."

>Are you guys… um… a thing?
"Just an idle fantasy I have. Shara, how about another: Imagine if Doxy were here. Two woman competing over one man. Surely this will not end in a reverse Sakkilian cuddle pile.

Wish to join in, Tizli?"

>as for Doxy…
"Ooo! Veggies and dip! I was wondering where the healthy snacks are. They always lose something when they're rations."

>Maybe… I can try and… teach you?
"Sure, you and I might learn something. I can't wait to figure out doing 'respiratory'." ;)
No. 1016382 ID: 62d6aa

I think the upsides and downsides of vats is you can get a sakkilian that has a focus on something but you don't know what they like or want to do after an emergency situation. And using vats is like using a nuke, once you use it its hard to stop using it.
No. 1016383 ID: 094652

Keep it on ice. We can use it as a body double to fake the captain's death if the IOD discover our existence.
No. 1016384 ID: cd354d

Delete the clone. Now. Cloning never ends well.
No. 1016385 ID: a9af05

I agree with these.
No. 1016401 ID: bc15b4

Can we change the clone sex?
No. 1016402 ID: 62d6aa

Yes a female clone of the captain that is even taller would be nice.
No. 1016407 ID: 9b31bc

A female clone could be interesting. If not, then keep it on ice. If nothing else, having a backup for preservation of genetic diversity is really worth consideration at this point.
No. 1016418 ID: 97c813

There can only be one capitan. No clone.
No. 1016421 ID: 62d6aa

If we get a research lab can we do genetic modification like strength and butts that that are more bouncy and get one of those dragonball glass pods to change in?
No. 1016422 ID: 62d6aa

If we do get futa clone it should be tana.
No. 1016517 ID: 681cb5
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>I think the upsides and downsides of vats are you can get a sakkilian that has a focus on something but you don't know what they like or want to do after an emergency situation.
As long as you make sure to keep people happy, you’re sure they’ll be content to stay… though even then, you will need to ready that some crew might want to leave whenever we dock at a station or colony… especially if we manage to get a proper Sakkilian colony running.
>And using vats is like using a nuke, once you use it it’s hard to stop using it.
…you have to admit, the thought of becoming some kind of brood queen and personally build an army of children has struck you… but you can quit making eggs whenever you want, don’t you worry.

>If we get a research lab can we do genetic modification like strength?
With a research lab we should be able to find a way to build a proper cybernetic bay with our current resources, yes.
>and butts that that are more bouncy?
…it would also be able to do bio-enhancement like that, yes… though you’re unsure how it would help? Hmm… you wonder if the aliens are super into bouncing butts? Just a thought…
>and get one of those dragonball glass pods to change in?
…you’re not sure what a dragon’s balls have to do with changing, so probably not?

:TozlanSA: Wait, if you can’t swim, why do both of you have those built-in emergency floats, friend?
:DoxySA: Our whats?
:TozlanSA: The airbags on your chests? I mean, we got similar brine in our bodies, but they are hidden inside us.
:DoxySA: …you mean our breasts?
:ZellSA: *Snrk* Those aren’t airbags, lad. They are used to feed our young ones before they can eat proper food. They are also one of the things the lasses use to attract the lads, hehe.
:TozlanSA: …wait, you’re female, Zell!?
:DoxySA: *Snrk*
:ZellSA: …no, Ah’m just fat. These things are just extra fat ah’m storing for a harsh drought.
:TozlanSA: Oh…
>Sure, you and I might learn something. I can't wait to figure out doing 'respiratory'.
:TozlanSA: …I think I’m missing something here… why is breathing so interesting?
:DoxySA: Because, silly, I might need some help to breathe…
:TozlanSA: ???
:ZellSA: She wants to kiss yah, lad.
:TozlanSA: Oh! She wants to… wait, what does kissing have to do with breathing?
:DoxySA: …you don’t kiss with your mouths? By locking lips?
:TozlanSA: …we just lick each other?
:ZellSA: Well, Ah’m sure Doxy ‘ere just became even more interested in getting kissed in certain places.
:DoxySA: Hey!
:TozlanSA: Geez, you guys are a bit odd…
>Yeah, we even sleep in sand beds.
:TozlanSA: Huh… a bit like the Kelshin then? Though, they sleep under water…
:DoxySA: They just lay down at the bottom of a lake to sleep?
:TozlanSA: They bury themselves under the sand, waiting for their prey like the scum they are…
:ZellSA: Personally, Ah prefer the standard multi-species bed that we ‘ave. Never ‘ave to worry about dragging sand everywhere and Ah’ve always found it better for my back.
:DoxySA: But the best part of a sand bed is just to dig down and enjoy the heat from it as it engulfs you…
:ZellSA: A lot easier to invite alien lady friends back to a soft bed too…
:DoxySA: …um… I guess?
:TozlanSA: …you are a strange lot…

>But maybe we can do something about that in the future. Maybe make like a mud ground or something. Like mud fight, that sounds like a great way of exercising.
:TozlanSA: Mud!? Ugh, no, that sounds horrid, friend.
:DoxySA: No fan of mud?
:TozlanSA: Mud, sludge and everything like it is like the scum at the end of the river! Hate the stuff.
:ZellSA: Heh, someone is afraid of getting a bit dirty.
:TozlanSA: I’m fine being dirty, but mud… no thank you.
:DoxySA: Well, it was just an idea…
>Well when we get around to building the pool we could make it to have adjustable water levels and have it come up to the waste of the lizard folk. Maybe.
:ZellSA: …doesn’t the swimming ‘all come with pools of all kind of sizes already?
:DoxySA: It does? Maybe it does, huh?
>How deep does the water need to be for pearlcross?
:TozlanSA: At least 3 meters… 5 if you want to play with tournament rules.
:DoxySA: Wow, that deep, huh?
:ZellSA: Yeah, Ah’m not going to play that pearl game anytime some…
:TozlanSA: …I guess it isn’t something for your species, huh…

>I also like having something sweet. Preferably I could go for some ice cream, but I’ll take whatever.
:TozlanSA: …Ice scream? Why does it scream?
:ZellSA: Cream, as in the food stuff, son.
:TozlanSA: Hmm… so frozen cream, huh?
:DoxySA: You can just check to food synth for what it is, Tozlan.
>Ooo! Veggies and dip! I was wondering where the healthy snacks are. They always lose something when they're rations.
:TozlanSA: …but how will I get a hold of fresh veggies? You can’t really synth those, can you?
:DoxySA: I’m sure you can find a way to get your claw on some if you try hard enough, handsome *giggle*
:ZellSA: Now, let’s stop our yapping about things we don’t ‘ave and enjoy the snacks we got. ‘ere, sit down, enjoy yah pint and grab some of these chips ‘ere, lass.
:TozlanSA: Yeah, they were really crunchy, friend! And salty!
:DoxySA: Well, I guess drinking a glass or two won’t hurt…
No. 1016518 ID: 681cb5
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>We should mix someone else’s DNA in there, so that it’s not an exact clone of the Captain. It’d be confusing to have 2 people looking exactly alike on board.
…if you want to combine two different people you’ll need to do it the old fashioned way by making an egg.
>We could just change the clone’s gender to female.
Now that’s an interesting idea… it would mean that there’s no way anyone would mistake her for yourself… and you’d get some extra crew on the ship for “free”. Now, the big question is… does knocking up your clone count as masturbation, incest or neither? Hmm… a question of the ages…
>Keep it on ice. We can use it as a body double to fake the captain's death if the IOD discover our existence.
You can make it a brainless clone, and keep it around in cryo just in case you need to fake your death for some reason, yes. Though, the IOD’s will probably just take the whole ship anyway…
>If nothing else, having a backup for preservation of genetic diversity is really worth consideration at this point.
…your blood is already in the system, they can clone you whenever they need to. Though you really need to find some more Sakkilians out there for some more diversity…
>Delete the clone. Now. Cloning never ends well.
That might probably be for the best… you’ll take some time to consider your options, but just deleting it is the simplest solution by far.

>Like I was often told by my fathers, I am my mother's child. Not in philandering, mind you, but in boldness.
:SharaSA: Ha! I won’t call you bold before I see you meet someone face to face in some real combat.
:TizliSA: All of you scumsuckers seems really bold from where I’m swimming… are your standard for boldness really that deep?
:ZentoSA: Shara has higher expectation when it comes to boldness than most of us, Tizli.
:SharaSA: Pff, I’m just the only one here who’s taken a Uredo flaying dagger to the face and lived. Besides, it’s when the storm starts you really known how brave someone is. I’ve seen woman standing taller than everyone else falter at the first danger… and meek men who’s stared death in the eyes without a drop of fear in them.
She glances over towards the table where the rest of the boys are sitting when she says the last part.
:TizliSA: That thing about the dagger sounds rad! You have to tell me the story sometime, Shara.
:SharaSA: Heh, sure, I’ll tell you all about it in a bit, Tizli.
:TizliSA: But you didn’t answer my question about the… um… getting cuddly?
>Sakkilian practice polygamy, especially in situations like these, in which population is scarce and you need womanpower. It's not the norm, but it is common enough.
:SharaSA: Heh. Normally a gal like me just grab a man or two that she likes and just keep them around.
:TizliSA: So normally you have lifelong partners?
:ZentoSA: Yes, usually. Most of us settle down with one partner when they take care of a nest. Though it happens when a group of us find ourselves sharing a living space long term that we start to share a bit more than that. We call it 'lounging'. A lot of families form this way.
:SharaSA: Or you just call it “casual fucking” like normal people.
:TizliSA: …r-right…

>Just an idle fantasy I have. Shara, how about another: Imagine if Doxy were here. Two woman competing over one man. Surely this will not end in a reverse Sakkilian cuddle pile.
:SharaSA: HA! You honestly believe Doxy has a chance against me? That little twerp?
:TizliSA: I’m sure there’s more to Sakkilian courting than just raw strength?
:ZentoSA: Yes, there is… and Doxy already has the lead, doesn’t she, Shara?
:SharaSA: …I’m going to make you fuck so many eggs into me that you won’t be walking straight for weeks afterwards… “sir”.
:TizliSA: By the eternal dark, this is getting out of hand!
:ZentoSA: Wish to join in, Tizli?
:SharaSA: I’m going to kick your ass if you do! …I mean in love making, not… actually kick your ass.
:TizliSA: Err… I’ll… consider it? Um… *cough* ...?
:SharaSA: So, about that story I promised you. See, we were fighting some Uredo pirates in a-
:TizliSA: Wait, hold up, what in the scum is an Uredo?
:SharaSA: Oh, right… see, it’s like a plant alien that-

You guess Doxy was right, you really need to stop being captain and just relax for a bit. And listening to Shara’s war stories with a drink is as good opportunity as any.

Though you have to remember to ask Regina if she want to cuddle later…
No. 1016519 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 10 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Guest Tozlan cooked up a meal in the Mess Hall, keeping the morale high.
Cap. Zento, Ensign Regina and ”personal slave” Ikekeki engage the enemy in glorious combat! The enemy Kelshin Pirate Fleet fled the battle, leaving behind loot. There was no loss of ships or personnel!
CDR. Doxy and Ensign Shara are back on duty.
The Fabricator build an Aqua Armor for 1 Basic Metal.
2 eggs in the Vats will “hatch” today.

Guest Tozlan and ”personal slave” Ikekeki begrudgingly accepted each other’s presence and now onlydislike each other.
Ensign Tizli and ”personal slave” Ikekeki begrudgingly accepted each other’s presence and now onlydislike each other.
Ensign Regina and ”personal slave” Ikekeki bonded under the celebration and are now friends.
Ensign Shara and Ensign Tizli bonded under the celebration and are now friends.
Ensign Zell and Guest Tozlan bonded under the celebration and are now Bros.

Yesterday’s celebration has made your whole crew excited to work harder. All tasks this day will have higher chance of success and lower chance of massive failure!

:ZentoSA: Commander Doxy, report.
:DoxySA: Sir? Why are you calling me on the communicator instead of doing this in person like usual?
:ZentoSA: …let just say I have some other matters to attend to.
:ReginaSA: *Snore*…
:DoxySA: Just don’t let her keep you for too long, Sir. Now, for my report… The bad news about yesterday’s battle is that the Cruiser we used will be out of action for several days. The good news is the Cruiser that Zell used will be ready for action in just 2 days.
:ZentoSA: That is good news… I don’t like leaving ourselves undefended like this…
:DoxySA: To continue the good news, the celebration yesterday was a huge success. Morale is high across the board and I’ve seen several people growing closer. Tizli isn’t trying to kill Eki on sight either, which is a good sign.
:ZentoSA: The less infighting the better… continue, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Our s- …the 2 eggs we put into the Vats will be fully grown in just an hour or two, sir.
:DoxySA: Oh, and some bad news, boss. When Shara went to wake up Eki barely an hour ago, there were some complications.
:ZentoSA: Complications?
:DoxySA: Eki collapsed and had a hard time getting up again, all the while she acted almost drunk.
:ZentoSA: The dehydration is affecting her harder and harder. We need to get her wet right now.
:ReginaSA: *snrk*Snore*
:DoxySA: I already took the opportunity to put her into that Aqua Armor you fabricated for her earlier, sir, and she recovered almost immediately. She says she’s fit for duty, but I’m unsure…
:ZentoSA: Hmm… might be prudent to assign her to something simple today…
:DoxySA: As for today, I have to remind you that we’re running low of food, so we will need at least one person on farm duty today… and our Basic Metal storage is completely full, so we better start building something as well.
:ZentoSA: Noted.

And finally, there’s the clone… you’ll need to decide what to do with it, as it will start to consume food from now on. The biggest part of you want to simply cancel the process and forget about it, but your pragmatic side wants to either put it on ice for later use… or turn it into a female version of yourself so that you get some more crew. Either way, it’s time to decide its fate…

Oh, and you got 8 people to assign to different task for today as well.
No. 1016523 ID: 97c813

If we decide to have the clone, if has to have a lower rank, and it will only be captain if you are KIA.We can also make her female, so she can make some eggs, or a hermaphrodite for double the eggs.

Make hat pool for starters, i can't remember if we need something else with the basic materials. Maybe explain your cargo capacity?

We should check on her ourlsefs and then decide what she should do.

Put people into making food ASAP, we are starting to have more mouths to feed.
No. 1016524 ID: 5b0071

Currently hurting for crew too badly to toss the clone. If you can adjust the clone's sex, perhaps you can activate recessive genes, too. They'll probably resemble one of your ancestors than being fem-you that way.
No. 1016526 ID: 744892

Delete the damned clone.
No. 1016527 ID: 629f2e

Okay, let's start with the easy ones. Ensign Regina is on cushy Mess Hall duty, as decided yesterday.

We need food, so two people are going on farm duty of course.

And we're building that darn pool/sun room combo. Adding the sun room means we're probably going to want to mine for some more materials, as we'll be running out fast after that. Not to mention organic materials from the blue planet. If we don't have enough basic materials immediately for the combo room, prioritize mining those over the organic material.

Eki is with Doxy today as part of her parole, but let's visit her first to see if she's actually ready to be working or if she needs time to rest and recover. If she isn't, she can stay in the med bay today.

Our immediate priority as captain will be to go see new new crew members of course. As for the clone, we should keep them. Definitely flip their gender to prevent confusion, but otherwise there isn't really any great reason to toss them out.

If we have anyone to spare, put them on basic maintenance and cleaning, with priority on the former. It may be a nice and easy job for our newest recruits.
No. 1016531 ID: 9c97c7

might as well keep the clone, we need the all the hands we can get
No. 1016550 ID: c09f5e

>…I guess it isn’t something for your species, huh…
You should think of a way to participate, it could be fun. You could look up the blueprint of the Aqua Armor, and just have the air and water swap places. That's how tech research works, right?

>Or you just call it “casual fucking” like normal people.
Surely, she knows what a group of lizards home for the polygamous, polyamorous, and polyfidelitous is called, right? Not as classy as you, apparently.

>Err… I’ll… consider it? Um… *cough* ...?
OK teasing her IS pretty fun, but it'd be best to handle her invitation to your quarters one-on-one. The culture shock of your mating habits seems quite severe to aliens. That's a shame; it'd be pretty cool if she and Ike buried the hatchet by burying into you.

You're already planning out your Lounge at the first colony, aren't you?

>I’m going to kick your ass if you do! …I mean in love making, not… actually kick your ass.
Warn Doxy that Shara may try to assert dominance against her today. Request that, should the competition "finish" in a way that would be of interest to you, she spare no detail.

An important question you should ask about that: would Doxy or your clone better to take command in your death or absence? How ready is she to take the wheel?

>Oh, and you got 8 people to assign to different task for today as well.
Should Tozlan start the day on farming, or building the Pool? Ask him. Too bad he can't work with his bro, but Zell's our best man when it comes to mining.

Today is the day to say goodbye to gas giant, and hello to blue planet. ...the pirates DID take their auto-cannons with them before they left, right? And if they haven't, that passcode Ike gave you SHOULD work, right? If there's any doubt, she's on scan duty again.
No. 1016552 ID: 62d6aa

Do we currently have the capability of genetic engineering and futas?
No. 1016554 ID: b1476c

Flip the clone's gender, and keep it.

Check on Eki in person, talk to her, see how she's doing. Let's put her on some light task that will raise both her morale and that of people interacting with her: have Regina staff the mess hall and make her rhubarb pie, and have Eki assist.

Drop by at some point during the day, to bend Regina over a counter again. And see about plundering Eki's booty, too, since she was clearly interested.
No. 1016556 ID: 96c896

Flip clone's gender, keep it. More crew is good at this juncture.
Take a volunteer for farm duty.
I don't know what "simple" tasks we can put Eki on for her rehabilitation period. Cleaning or mess hall probably?
Send someone to gather Organic Materials from the blue planet. Maybe this is something Eki can do alongside someone else? She should know the area better, and thus could get us more stuff out of it.
Have someone on maintenance duty as well. A sakkilian since the raolmes aren't familiar with the ship.
Send another lander out to gather basic metals. Uh, there's still basic metals to get, right?
We need to scan more stuff.
Put at least one person on cleaning duty because we haven't done that yet and it probably needs doing. Volunteer is fine.

Security Station 15BM
...despite being overcapped on metal that's pretty much all we can do. I'd like to make the swimming hall but it's 15BM too and we only have 29 now.
Is there a limit to how many facilities we can fit on the ship? Like, what space are we using to make these specialized rooms?
No. 1016584 ID: 62d6aa

We can then screw shara and staff her children in security.
No. 1016586 ID: 9b31bc

Keep the clone and make it female. Probably best you discuss with Doxy first the ramifications of it before you actually do though. At low crew levels, everyone basically does everything anyway, and at a high enough crew, she could take on her own ship (possibly with her own Doxy), but it does create some confusion in the command structure when there is suddenly two of 'you'.

Also, personally check on Eki. She may be feeling better than she was, but that doesn't mean she's truly recovered. Making sure she's actually okay (and checking out that armor) seems fairly important.
... Wondering if the armor is designed with any 'ports' for 'quick access.' Seems like it would be hard to do with the water to account for, but someone at some point has to have had a similar thought. Maybe there is a modification for it at least.
No. 1016588 ID: 62d6aa

If we're getting of female clone of you ther should be a male clone of doxy. Its just fair.
No. 1016602 ID: cd354d

No. 1016646 ID: cd354d

Also, for the love of god, abort the clone. Imagine being created knowing you're literally just a test copy.
No. 1016647 ID: 62d6aa

Being a clone isnt bad remember that hero general that was a low level clone?
No. 1016648 ID: 62d6aa

So the choice is female or futa because no clones that are identical to those cloned or it would be weird. This will satifie those naysayers who dont want a identical clone.
No. 1016649 ID: 094652

Permanently store the clone in-vitro. If you need an emergency crewmember, or spare body parts, or a body to fake your death, you'll have them.
No. 1016651 ID: 62d6aa

Either a futadom or femdom she has to be DUMMY THICC!
No. 1016669 ID: 681cb5
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>Surely, she knows what a group of lizards home for the polygamous, polyamorous, and polyfidelitous is called, right? Not as classy as you, apparently.
Consider her constant swearing and rather brutish way of thinking; you wouldn’t say Shara is a very classy lady, no. In fact, she probably prefers it that way.
>OK teasing Tizli IS pretty fun, but it'd be best to handle her invitation to your quarters one-on-one.
These alien will all require a lot more tact if you wish to enjoy a pleasant evening with them… which will most of the time probably include spending time together just the two of you.

>The culture shock of your mating habits seems quite severe to aliens.
It was a culture shock to the aliens back in your old galaxy as well, but you managed to get past that eventually. After all, their ways will probably be just as odd in your eyes.
>That's a shame; it'd be pretty cool if she and Ike buried the hatchet by burying into you.
…you’re sure that’s still possible. Though, isn’t it you who’s going to be doing the burying?
>You're already planning out your Lounge at the first colony, aren't you?
... … …perhaps…

>Is there a limit to how many facilities we can fit on the ship? Like, what space are we using to make these specialized rooms?
This ship is designed to be modular, and seeing that there were barely anything installed on it when you made your emergency launch, there still a lot of space for more module facilities to be built. Besides, this ship was designed to crew about 200 people, so you’re not going to run out of space anytime soon.
>Today is the day to say goodbye to gas giant, and hello to blue planet.
…you’ve been orbiting that damn gas giant for way to long, so a change of scenery will be most welcome. Heck, you’ve had the urge to just make all the monitors display the endless, empty space on the other side of ship instead…
>...the pirates DID take their auto-cannons with them before they left, right?
If they didn’t, then they won’t be activated as you didn’t find any more energy signatures down there.

>Okay, let's start with the easy ones. Ensign Regina is on cushy Mess Hall duty, as decided yesterday.
:DoxySA: …um… I think you have to tell her that yourself, sir.
:ZentoSA: Regina? It’s time to wake up, beautiful.
:ReginaSA: Hrrmm… five more minutes, hon…
:ZentoSA: You’re on Mess Hall duty, so I expect a rhubarb pie later…
:ReginaSA: Don’t fret, dear… I’ll make sure there will be a slice over for you…
>Eki is with Doxy today as part of her parole.
You don’t have the womanpower to have someone solely to keep an eye on her right now… but you can always assign her to something that will need more than one person, though.
>Let's put her on some light task that will raise both her morale and that of people interacting with her, have her assist Regina in the mess hall.
:DoxySA: …I’ll tell Eki she’s working with Regina today, boss.
:ZentoSA: Did you hear that? You’re working with Eki today, Regina.
:ReginaSA: That lovely little girl? Why, I would be delighted, hun.
>Bend Regina over a counter again today.
Why wait until later? She’s lying next to you right now, completely naked…
:ReginaSA: Hmhm, I see that someone else is also waking up, dear… someone that’s poking little old me in the side~
:ZentoSA: Can you really blame them, what with it waking up to the beautiful sight of a pregnant mother right next to it.
:ReginaSA: Hmhm, you young ones are always so eager to please…
:ZentoSA: If you let me finish what I’m doing to Doxy, I’ll show you just how pleasing I can be~
:ReginaSA: Nope. Mommy needs big black cock right now. Roll over so I can ride you, dear.
:ZentoSA: Heh, just… take it slow while I talk, alright?
:ReginaSA: No promises, hun.
>See about plundering Eki's booty, too, since she was clearly interested.
While she’s clearly shown some attraction to you, you don’t think she’ll just throw herself at you at the first opportunity. You’ll need to play it slow with her… besides, Regina is riding your dick right now already and you’re not some kind of sex maniac. Generally you aren’t really in the mood for it more than once a day…

>Take a volunteer for farm duty, we are starting to have more mouths to feed.
:DoxySA: Hmm… Tozlan did volunteer for any work that was free, so… I guess I’ll send Tozlan?
>Send another lander out to gather basic metals. Uh, there's still basic metals to get, right?
:DoxySA: There should be, sir… though we’ll need to scan for it to find it. I’ll send Zell out to mine it when we do, sir. Oh, and are you alright? You sound a bit… off.
:ZentoSA: I’m fine, Doxy.
>We need to scan more stuff.
:DoxySA: I’ll put… Tizli on the job, I guess? She can scan for the materials that Zell need.
>Not to mention organic materials from the blue planet.
:DoxySA: Of course… I’ll send Shara down to see what she can find. There shouldn’t be anything dangerous down there anymore.
>Maybe this is something Eki can do alongside someone else? She should know the area better, and thus could get us more stuff out of it.
You’re not sending Eki out with a ship. Not until you know she’s recovering properly… and that you can really trust her completely.

>We're building that darn pool/sun room combo for starters.
:DoxySA: I’ll see to it myself sir, though we’ll need some more material before we can finish it. Um… I’m going to need a hand with it too, sir, and… we’re a bit short on crew?
:ZentoSA: I guess I’m needed then… mmm… I’ll help you as soon as I’m done with my other… ah… duties…
:DoxySA: …you’re still sounding super odd, sir.
>Build: Security Station.
:DoxySA: That will have to wait until tomorrow, boss. We’re both out of material and womanpower.
>We can then screw Shara and staff her children in security.
Well, she’s already said she wanted more eggs so… and she’s bound to lay strong gals…

>If we have anyone to spare, put them on basic maintenance and cleaning, with priority on the former.
:DoxySA: As I said, we’re completely out of womanpower.
>It may be a nice and easy job for our newest recruits.
:DoxySA: …that would actually work. It would let them explore the ship at their leisure as well. As long as they aren’t super tired from… well, waking up.
>Warn Doxy that Shara may try to assert dominance against her today.
:DoxySA: Please, she won’t break rank willingly… and I’ve stared down bigger ladies than her.
:ZentoSA: Just giving you a warning, Doxy.
:DoxySA: Thank you sir. Now, I’ll leave you two love birds to… do you thing. A bit rude call me while you’re busy, sir.
:ZentoSA: To be fair, she was to one who… huff… who took the initiative while I was already talking to you.
:DoxySA: Either way, over and out, sir.
:ZentoSA: See you later, Dox. Now, where were we…?
:ReginaSA: Hmhm, why, I do believe we were somewhere around me riding you senseless, hun.

[Ensign Regina is pregnant.]
No. 1016670 ID: 681cb5
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>If you need spare body parts…
One of the main functions of the Vats is to replace lost body parts quickly, so you don’t need to keep a clone ready for that.
>Currently hurting for crew too badly to toss the clone.
…you really need the extra hands… and you can’t really replace the whole crew with eggs, can you?
>Definitely flip their gender to prevent confusion.
That should be possible… as well as maybe change the scale color? Hmm…
>Do we currently have the capability of genetic engineering and futas?
We’ll need better equipment before we can start genetically engineer anything… but giving her a dick? …it should be possible. It’s an intriguing idea, if anything…
>She has to be DUMMY THICC!
Sadly, you can’t decide that. She’ll be just as thick as you would have been if you were born a woman.
>Imagine being created knowing you're literally just a test copy.
Imagine your parents making you just because the ship needed an engineer. The whole idea with using the Vats for emergencies like this is in the end rather… peculiar… but if you are to survive… well…

>If we decide to have the clone, it has to have a lower rank, and it will only be captain if you are KIA.
As only your body is getting cloned, and not your mind and experiences, she’ll not come out the Vats as a captain ready to go. No, she’ll be an Ensign like everyone else; it’s as simple as that. Doxy is the one that will become Captain if you ever… failed.
>It does create some confusion in the command structure when there is suddenly two of 'you'.
She’ll have a different gender, a different personality and different skills. You’re sure there won’t be much confusion to spot which one is which.
>How ready is Doxy to take the wheel?
…she isn’t. But she’ll have to do if things ever get that bad.
>If we're getting of female clone of you there should be a male clone of doxy. It’s just fair.
It’s up to her if she wants to clone herself or not… but you’ll mention it next time you see her.
>Our immediate priority as captain will be to go see the new crew members of course.
They won’t be done for a while yet, so you’ll still have time to do other things first.

Hmm… and concerning the clone… you’ve decided to keep it but… you’re not sure if you’re just going to turn her into a woman or turn her into a woman with a dick. Oh, and scale color… do you keep her black like yourself or… maybe green? You like green… you’ll need to decide before you visit the new recruits later.

>Check on Eki in person, talk to her, see how she's doing.
You walk with Regina to the Mess Hall and manage to catch Eki on the way there. Regina leaves to get breakfast ready for everyone, while you stop and talk the Kelshin for a moment.
:ZentoSA: Eki, calm down.
:IkekekiSA: Thank you! This is the best! Really! I feel like a complete new crab in this! It’s amazing!
:ZentoSA: Glad you like it.
:IkekekiSA: It’s the greatest haul a scurvy crab like myself could ever plunder, KEKEKE!
:ZentoSA: And how are you? Are you feeling alright?
:IkekekiSA: I’m full of grog and sailing the stars, cap’, it’s the best life this is! It isn’t until you get back into the salty brine of the sea that you really understand how much you missed his kiss on your cheek.
:ZentoSA: You do look a lot better, what with all your colors returning… and you’re clearly a lot more energetic compared to yesterday.
:IkekekiSA: I’m feeling amazing, really, cap’. Oh, speaking of… I know I’m on that parole thingy but… can I have some quick access to your fabber thingy? The one that Doxy said should make pretty much anything?
:ZentoSA: …why do you want to use the fabricator?
:IkekekiSA: Well… I… see… I would want to… um… I want to make some booty for you… some personal booty… as a thank you… for the suit…
:ZentoSA: Hmm…
:IkekekiSA: Err… and was Regina… did she have a large belly just now?
:ZentoSA: She did indeed, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: … … …are you two… a pair? Or is she like… a pleasure slave but… not slave? Like… pleasure crew? Or… is she booty?

>Wondering if the armor is designed with any 'ports' for 'quick access.'
…you’re going to go with no; considering it’s filled with water… and you don’t think the Kelshin is that horny. You’ll just need to get her out of the suit first if you want to have some fun with her.
No. 1016674 ID: 96c896

Again, I say just make them female. Green scales are fine, we don't have a green crewmember yet after all.

>Eki's question
Tell her about the Vats, and how standards of sexual behavior seem to be different in this galaxy.
Also she's still under probation so if she's using the fabber someone's going to have to monitor her. Alternatively she could just give blueprints to someone and they can make it for her.
No. 1016680 ID: 62d6aa

I think a blackish green scales and maybe a darker eye color. Also HUMONGOUS GENITALIA! Also Tara would be a good name.
No. 1016682 ID: 868dae

>are you two… a pair?
We are going to hear that one a lot, don't we? No, Eki, we are not a couple. As i informed you before, we are lacking womenpower, so all personal is authorised to provide eggs in order to increase the numbers of crewmates. You may also contribute with any other willing ensing, including me.

Us sakkilians, while usually monogamous, we also participate in polygamy. We are also very foward, not as modest as the aliens in this sector seem to be, so don't be afraid to say no if you dont want to do anything, we will understand.

As i said before, you will be monitored. So if you are creating something safe, the want watching you won't spoil the surprise and inform me, but you'll have to show them what they are doing.

Make them green, femmale and put them a dick too.
No. 1016685 ID: 62d6aa

Though I've said some questionable things due to being incredibly horny due to nnn, I quite enjoy what little story has been shown so far.
No. 1016686 ID: c92a02

Just make them female. Same scale color. Enhance knockers. Don't add anything else. Gotta be oddly specific about these things, for some reason.
Anyway, keep your wits about you and deny access for now. Remember, it's the thought that counts.
No. 1016688 ID: 908530

I really don't want any clones, regardless of gender swap.
No. 1016689 ID: 96c896

No. 1016691 ID: c09f5e

>I’ve stared down bigger ladies than her.
Wonder how she does it... Overwhelming charm? Flirt with her opponent until it's either "no homo" or "full homo"? She'd have to be super confident in her (bi-)sexuality to pull it off, but it could work...

Having all three lizard ladies in your quarters tonight will be interesting, that's for sure. Feel bad for leaving Zell out, but unless he's can also build a crewmember within himself, that's a given.

>you’re not sure if you’re just going to turn her into a woman or turn her into a woman with a dick. Oh, and scale color… do you keep her black like yourself or… maybe green?
Let's go for green-sheathed dick! She still got the other one, right?

>you’ll need to decide before you visit the new recruits later.
None of them better turn out dark grey, that's a terrible color. Dark blue is much cooler.

>are you two… a pair? Or is she like… a pleasure slave but… not slave? Like… pleasure crew? Or… is she booty?
Booty? More like a cargo ship you maintain very well until it makes its' delivery.
Or put it like this: If you're called on to bake, you like to take good care the oven you use, but accept that it doesn't necessary mean you own that oven. You could say that, if anything, you'd be proud to build a bakery of diverse ovens baking their own kinds of bread the whole galaxy can enjoy. But that last part would stretch the metaphor to be more than just egg making.

Sorry, what's that about "personal booty"?
No. 1016718 ID: 36784c

>Of course…I’ll send Shara down to see what she can find. There shouldn’t be anything dangerous down there anymore.
Do we have any weapons and/or armor? If so, we should let Shara have those when we send her down there. That way she’ll be able to protect herself if she runs into something dangerous down there.

>Eki wants to use the fabricator to make a thank you surprise for Zento
She’ll need someone to watch her and make sure what she’s making isn’t dangerous. Because of the difference of our species, what she thinks is safe for use, might actually be harmful for us. So if what she’s going to make needs a few changes, she’ll need someone with her to help her.

……unless she’s going to make a weapon to give to Zento for him to use. Then there’s no way to make it safe, but she can still have help to make it so that Zento will be able to use it.

>You’ll just need to get her out of the suit first if you want to have some fun with her.
Let’s save that for some other time. Right now isn’t really the best time, since we still need to make sure she’s recovering from being dried out for so long.

>Enhance knockers.
Can’t do that. We’ve been told that we’ll need better equipment before we can start genetically engineering anything. Which means we’d probably need to build the Research Lab first.
No. 1016720 ID: 19ea25

Thought that power armor was going to be bulkier, but no it's pretty sleek and looks very good against that frame of hers.

Allow her to make the gift.. with proper supervision of course. As for her question, answer it simply enough.
No. 1016730 ID: 62d6aa

Should tana be greenish black or blackish green? Also when we get more female sakkillians on board will you be personally acquainted with all of them or let some other guys be there and will you know all of them or will we only know important people? I also want to get a cute guy crew member and they can be anything but they can fit in small spaces or other things and maybe be blue or orange.
No. 1016731 ID: 62d6aa

Like a cute spy or diplomat or assassin.
No. 1016761 ID: bc15b4

Make the clone female with green color and nothing else. Explain that you and Regina aren’t a pair and made a children to have more crew.
No. 1016774 ID: 62d6aa

Are the crews of sakkilians closer than other species crews?
No. 1016797 ID: cd354d

"We Sakkalians often practice polygamy, depending on circumstances. Some of us are monogamous, some of us are polygamous, some are fine with either. I just want to enjoy hole."

Clone: If we have to keep it, make it a woman, not a futa. Making someone a futa just because you think it's interesting seems kinda gross to me, and I'm already really against the cloning in the first place.

By the way, being vat-born is no more cloning than a normal child. It's just an accelerated creation of a life. Throughout history people were born with their lives set out for them by circumstance. Being a direct clone of someone is far more existentially terrifying.

I remain firmly against using the clone for anything. It will not end well.
No. 1016807 ID: 62d6aa

Fine I get that you have to appeal to the masses but maybe make it possible to add penises or wombs to more complete crew in the future.
No. 1016817 ID: 681cb5
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>Standards of sexual behavior seem to be different in this galaxy.
The sexual behavior you’re currently displaying isn’t the norm, and is a product of the situation of the moment finds yourself in. Most species of the old galaxy, including other Sakkilians, would probably raise their eyebrow a bit if they saw you right now.
>Are the crews of sakkilians closer than other species crews?
On a whole, not really? We’re just few enough right now that everyone will know everyone else by default. Though, in the end all Sakkilian knows that they are all cogs in the same machine… and all cogs are equally important to make it run in the end.
>We are going to hear that one a lot, don't we?
It’s a given, as your methods are a bit peculiar.
>Thought that power armor was going to be bulkier, but no it's pretty sleek and looks very good against that frame of hers.
Of course it won’t be very bulky if it’s designed to be used in everyday situations. It’s just there to keep her moist after all, and not make her into a mechanical killing machine or something.

>No, Eki, we are not a couple. As i informed you before, we are lacking womenpower, so all personal is authorized to provide eggs in order to increase the numbers of crewmates.
:IkekekiSA: …wait, let me get this straight… you’re literally banging each other to recruit more people?
:ZentoSA: Indeed. Though we only do that in the most extreme circumstances.
:IkekekiSA: I mean… I’m all for free sex and all, but… you guys don’t have mates then? At all?
:ZentoSA: We Sakkalians often practice polygamy, depending on circumstances. Some of us are monogamous, some of us are polygamous, some are fine with either.
:IkekekiSA: Oh… so… you’re…?
:ZentoSA: Polygamous at the moment, yes.
>More like a cargo ship you maintain very well until it makes its' delivery.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE, got to protect the valuable treasure hidden in that belly! Though you’ll need to protect her from scurvy crabs for months, no?
:ZentoSA: With our current technology, she’ll lay the egg tomorrow… and it will hatch into a fully grown person the day after that.
:IkekekiSA: Oh! It’s like a breeding slave! Without the slave part.
:ZentoSA: …you have breeding slaves?
:IkekekiSA: The Kelshin population is rather unstable, thus the pirate lords has to resort to employing people to repopulate it at a faster rate. Though, it is still a lot slower than what you are capable of.
:ZentoSA: I see.

>If you're called on to bake, you like to take good care the oven you use, but accept that it doesn't necessary mean you own that oven. You could say that, if anything, you'd be proud to build a bakery of diverse ovens baking their own kinds of bread the whole galaxy can enjoy.
:IkekekiSA: …are you saying that you’re building a brothel to make babies in!?
:ZentoSA: …well, not exactly. It was more of a… metaphor?
:IkekekiSA: Oh, of course… though, I’m sure it would be rather popular.
:ZentoSA: Really?
:IkekekiSA: I know for a fact that the Kelshin at least would be ready to sail into abysmal maw itself to get some booty as valuable as that quick breeding technology you have! It might just be the thing we need to save our species! That and… um… better terraforming tech.
:ZentoSA: Oh, now that’s interesting to know… (Especially considering that the colony ships terraforming technology is rather powerful as well…)
>You may also contribute with any other willing ensign, including me.
:IkekekiSA: …I… um… I’ll c-c-consider it?
>Don't be afraid to say no if you dont want to do anything, we will understand.
:IkekekiSA: You’ve already proven to me that I’m no slave, Captain! KEKEKE!

>Sorry, what's that about "personal booty"?
:IkekekiSA: I want to give you some of my personal booty, captain!
:ZentoSA: And by that you mean…
:IkekekiSA: I want to say “Thank you, you scurvy crab”, by giving you a gift, of course!
:ZentoSA: Oh, of course.
>She's still under probation so if she's using the fabber someone's going to have to monitor her.
Because of the difference of our species, what she thinks is safe for use, might actually be harmful for us.
:IkekekiSA: Oh… um… of course… but… um… well, one of the things might be a bit… embarrassing? And they might ruin the surprise?
:ZentoSA: If you are creating something safe, the one watching you won't spoil the surprise and inform me, but you'll have to show them what they are doing.
:IkekekiSA: …I guess I can ask Regina to watch me… she won’t… judge…
:ZentoSA: You have my permission to do so after you’re done with today duties, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: Yes captain!
>Unless she’s going to make a weapon to give to Zento for him to use.
:ZentoSA: …you’re making something safe and not some kind of weapon, of course?
:IkekekiSA: Eh? Of course I’m making something safe! I’m not so foolish that I’ll give you a gift that might hurt you, KEKEKE.
:ZentoSA: Good… hmm? I think I heard Regina calling for you. You better get going and help her with breakfast.
:IkekekiSA: I’m on it, Captain!

Time to deal with that clone… Well, after a quick breakfast, that is.
No. 1016818 ID: 681cb5
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>Wonder how Doxy stare someone like Shara down... Overwhelming charm? Flirt with her opponent until it's either "no homo" or "full homo"? She'd have to be super confident in her (bi-)sexuality to pull it off, but it could work...
Or she does what you would do, show off your authority of your superior rank and simply stare them down. You will not tolerate disobedience and that’s final.
>Having all three lizard ladies in your quarters tonight will be interesting, that's for sure.
…wait, from where are you getting that all three ladies will visit you tonight? Doxy clearly has her sight on Tozlan right now, Regina probably want a night of proper sleep before she lays her egg and Shara… Shara might come by and just hoist you over her shoulder at any moment, so that she can drag you back to her den for snu snu. Well, at any moment after she return from her mission on the planet, of course…
>Do we have any weapons and/or armor? If so, we should let Shara have those when we send her down there.
Sadly no. We’ll need to build a security station to get our hands on some basic, non-lethal weaponry.

Your train of thought is interrupted as you find yourself in the Vats, looking at the glass cylinder containing your growing clone… though currently it’s nothing but a lump of flesh, but that will change soon enough. Well, time to make some decisions…

>Green scales are fine, we don't have a green crewmember yet after all.
It’s a bit odd, considering green is the most common color among Sakkilian usually… but you do like green. It’s a nice color… and your father was green… so it’s a familiar color as well.
>Make the clone female with green color and nothing else.
Let’s see… change the hormone cocktail that will be pumped into it slightly and… a quick, standardized gene for green scales… there we go… that should do it.
>Enhance knockers.
…sadly, you don’t have the necessary hardware to do that… we’ll need a cybernetics bay for that.
Once again, don’t have the hardware. Hmm… but bigger dicks and nicer curves would probably help with diplomacy with these new species…
>Also Tara would be a good name.
Tara? …hmm… maybe… you were considering Tana there for a while but… you’re not sure… you’ll need to think about it.

Right, the clone is cooking and will emerge as a green scaled lady in a few days. It has been done.

>When we get more female sakkillians on board will you be personally acquainted with all of them?
…you’ll try, but as the crew grows, the less time you’ll have to become acquainted with people. There will be a point where it would simply be impossible to get to know everyone.
>I also want to get a cute guy crew member and they can be anything but they can fit in small spaces or other things and maybe be blue or orange.
Sadly, you can’t just materialize people out of thin air. You’ll just have to hope that you find someone like that out there… somewhere… in the endless expand of space.
>Like a cute spy or diplomat or assassin.
…you’re not sure what use you have for an assassin right now, but a diplomat? Hmm… that would be very useful, indeed…
No. 1016819 ID: 681cb5
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Your train of thought is once again interrupted, this time by the Vat containing your child signaling that it’s about to hatch. Thus you walk out into the med-bay, so you can properly greet your new crew after they’ve had a moment to dress themselves and get their bearings in private.
[Vex the Doctor has hatched!]
[Tescia the Pilot has hatched!]

:ZentoSA: Greetings, Ensign Tescia and Ensign Vex. Welcome to The Shed Scale. I expect you’ve been briefed on our situation before you woke up?
:VexSA: We’ve indeed been informed about our predicament.
:ZentoSA: That is good to hear.
:VexSA: And you’re Captain Zento, correct? …my… father?
:ZentoSA: …you sound uncertain?
:VexSA: I just remember you… older, that’s all. You look just like you did when I was only a few years old, father, it’s a bit… peculiar, that’s all. Though, given these facts, it’s quite easy to come to a logical conclusion why that is.
:ZentoSA: Oh?
:VexSA: Combining the facts of where we woke up, the situation of the ship and that you are only about 7 or 8 years older than me, father-
:ZentoSA: I’m 6 years older.
:VexSA: -clearly shows that emergency protocol Regrowth-51Delta is under effect. Ergo, we’re Vat born, quod erat demonstrandum.
:ZentoSA: …I see that you were quick figure it out.
:VexSA: It’s the only sound explanation of the irregularities I’ve been presented with, father. Well, unless you’ve invented time travel, but that seems slightly farfetched.
:ZentoSA: And how do you feel? Are you alright?
:VexSA: I feel the need to have a deep philosophical discussion about the nature of memories and time, how they reflect the personal reality of the subject and the true difference of the real and false pasts that exist in all people in the form of-
:ZentoSA: And physically, Vex?
:VexSA: I cannot detect any irregularities or other notable faults in my body at the moment, so I seem to be fine.
:ZentoSA: And Tescia, how do you feel? Are you alright?
:TesciaSA: … … …sir.
:ZentoSA: …I’ll take that as a yes.
No. 1016821 ID: f498c5

Well, they'll develop more of their own personalities and less of the ready-made ones over time. Less of the formality. For now they seem to be falling back on what they feel more certain of, hopefully they'll loosen up comfortably. Some hugs might be a good place to start, from the appropriate people. Then some light duties, for them to feel valued but also not overwhelmed, considering they'll likely have some extra stuff on their mind for a while? Arrange some proper dedicated socializing between the whole crew, later. Maybe a regular hello-knew-crew or getting-to-know-each-other would be a good idea? Some dedicated time and/or place to drop concerns of rank and such. Shared mealtimes? Communal bathing?
No. 1016822 ID: c8cc96

Oh boy isn't she a sweet heart? Whose child is her?
No. 1016823 ID: 62d6aa

A good old knock up party would be good for socializing and the woman can pick any man to screw.
No. 1016825 ID: 62d6aa

Will we eventually settle down on base planet and have multiple ships and do we need breeders anytime soon to deal with genetic diversity, because real breeders are quite smart scientists. Though would it be weird to have children with your children as sakkilians or do parents take their children's first times like the right of first night for nobles and or parents? Do we need merchant nobles to be bred?
No. 1016826 ID: 62d6aa

Do sakkilians have nobles and are they different than regular sakkilians like unique markings or colors or better breeding tools?
No. 1016827 ID: 62d6aa

Do sakkilians get breeders to breed their spouses?
No. 1016828 ID: 5d9787

Reflect for a moment on the tragedy of your son having lost the opportunity of having a real childhood and bonding with his parents.
No. 1016829 ID: 62d6aa

I want to see a representation of the average breeder male and female, do the woman have bigger breasts and thighs and do males have better balls and penises, do they have adaptations that are better for breeding line penis spines to scrape out rival sperm and do females have suction and larger frames for more eggs?
No. 1016830 ID: 62d6aa

Are breeders often futas though?
No. 1016842 ID: c09f5e

>There will be a point where it would simply be impossible to get to know everyone.
That's why officers are a thing. Even if you wanted a flat hierarchy, you'd do well as a captain to have a point of contact for every field of expertise you have on ship. Of course, I'd assume you'd want to promote based on merit and, to be frank, projected longevity. See any Ensigns worth promoting yet?

I've been making a lot of fairly lewd suggestions, but can we all agree to exempt gen 2 (and later) lizards from breeding duties, or at least disallow cross-generation "recruitment drives"? Good to clear the air on that, because Tescia's stunning display of personality might be correlated.

That, or the vats didn't prioritize her social/mental development as much as they did your son's. What was it like growing in the vats, and how well do the kids know their own parents? Philosophy aside, it'd be nice to hear how well "you" and "your wife" raised your son, to feel like you were there. Are there logs or recordings to review?

Suppose a tour of the ship is warranted. Like you said, you won't be able to do this every time. In fact, crew orientation is looks like something you'd need to assign someone to. It'd be so efficient if the crew synchronized their breeding days...
No. 1016844 ID: 96c896

Well, they weren't added to the deployable crew count so I'm guessing they need some downtime to adjust to conscious life. Mess hall and socialization, then.
Maybe delegate Vex's existential issues to Doxy, and recommend Tescia have a meal in the mess hall to relax.
No. 1016845 ID: 36784c

That was an adorable little booty shake Eki did there.

>Sadly no. We’ll need to build a security station to get our hands on some basic, non-lethal weaponry.
No, no, no. Lethal weaponry. If we’re sending people down to planets with unknown dangers, they’re going to need lethal weaponry to defend themselves.

The non-lethal weaponry can be used while on the ship.

Remember: Give them light duties to help them get familiarized with the ship.
No. 1016846 ID: 36784c

Her parents are Shara and Zell.
No. 1016855 ID: c8cc96

I see. She doesn't look like them at all.
No. 1016857 ID: c09f5e

1) Our current weapons tech looks meant to be defensive in nature. In exploring a random planet, we'd probably be blocked off from resources before we start losing crew.
2) Doing lethal damage using non-lethal weaponry is easier than you'd think, especially if they've only been tested against your own species. They probably have a setting that can kill, or will reconfigured as such if required. Even a modern gun shooting blanks or rubber bullets can be lethal if mishandled.
3) For hunting animals, it's better to take them in with the least amount of shock and damage required. You'd get better quality meat with a sleeper dart and knife, than a bullet. There's probably better ways to gather organic material, though.
No. 1016862 ID: c8cc96

Are we talking about kinetic weapons or energy weapons?
No. 1016879 ID: c09f5e

We're talking about a tangent that got away from me. Forget overclocked energy rigs, now I want a place to keep pets! We should build up more Essentials first, this isn't a pleasure cruise.

What I was trying to say is: Unless we're doing some aggressive colonization, we only need a deterrent. A deterrent should say "i'm not prey, leave me alone", and not "you're going to die/lose either way, so...".
No. 1016894 ID: cd354d

"Ensign Tescia, is everything alright?"

Perhaps she's just the quiet type.

bro calm down
No. 1016912 ID: 681cb5
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>That's why officers are a thing.
Indeed, and this ship is currently lacking a proper lieutenant. Maybe it’s time for a promotion?
>Of course, I'd assume you'd want to promote based on merit and, to be frank, projected longevity. See any Ensigns worth promoting yet?
Hmm… all the ensigns, not counting the two you just recruited, all have their merits and flaws when it comes to giving them a promotion. You do know Tozlan is some kind of lieutenant already in whatever hierarchy he’s currently part of, but seeing that he’s still not technically part of the crew, he’s not an option. No, choosing a future lieutenant will not be easy.
>Crew orientation is something you'd need to assign someone to, it looks like.
When you get enough crew then yes, you definitely will need someone that can take care of new recruits… both those from the vats as well as those we hire from off-ship.
>It'd be so efficient if the crew synchronized their breeding days...
Or you can just hoard the eggs for a bit, only letting them hatch when you have maybe 2 or 3 of them ready at once.

>Can we all agree to exempt gen 2 (and later) lizards from breeding duties, or at least disallow cross-generation "recruitment drives"?
They are fully grown adults, and you’re not going to stop two consenting adults from doing what they do. Besides, you’re not exactly doing recruitment drives, are you? They are just encourage to have some fun, that all.
>Tescia's stunning display of personality might be correlated.
You’re pretty sure she’s just quiet… or shy… She’s definitely not... ill.
>Or the vats didn't prioritize her social/mental development as much as they did your son's.
You’ve had one conversation with her. You really can’t judge her from one conversation.
>Oh boy isn't she a sweet heart? Whose child is her?
Her parents are Shara and Zell, remember? They made her to… “bury” the hatchet between them.
>She doesn't look like them at all.
…She got both her mother’s eyes and ear fins… and her father’s snout and… his constant sour expression? Her scales are clearly a mix of both of theirs and finally… …um… okay, you have no idea how she came out so lithe. Maybe that’s what Zell would look like if he lost some weight?
:TesciaSA: …is there something on my uniform, sir?
:ZentoSA: Huh? Oh, no, I was just… never mind.

>"Ensign Tescia, is everything alright?"
:TesciaSA: …’m fine, sir?
:ZentoSA: …you’re a bit quiet, though.
:TesciaSA: …like the quiet.
:VexSA: Better to be quiet and thought of as a fool than open your mouth and confirm it, as a wise woman once said.
:TesciaSA: (She gives Vex a quick glance before looking back at you, raising an eyebrow to indicate that Vex just proved himself right.)
>What was it like growing in the vats, and how well do the kids know their own parents?
…you’re unsure how much information the Vats had on you, but surely it needed to fill in a lot of blanks?
:VexSA: I don’t really remember the growing in the vat part. Last thing I remember is being put into cryo before taking off with the colony fleet, and then I just kind of woke up when the Vat opened up. Before that… well, we had a full life time together, father…
:ZentoSA: Hmm… and you, Tes?
:TesciaSA: …Ah remember my father singing me lullabies…
:VexSA: Hmm? I didn’t know you had an accent?
:TesciaSA: No.
:VexSA: But-
:TesciaSA: No, Ah don’t.
:VexSA: There it-
:ZentoSA: Vex, drop it.
:VexSA: …okay…
:TesciaSA: …thanks.
>Reflect for a moment on the tragedy of your son having lost the opportunity of having a real childhood and bonding with his parents.
:VexSA: Huh? But I did have a childhood, father, and I’ve bonded with you over several years. I remember every birthday cake, every Scrumball tournament we went to, even how you love making a bowl of popmaj, grab a cold cider and watch that “The murders of HighWinter” detective show.
:ZentoSA: I do love that show… and popmaj… and cider… but still, those memories aren’t real, are they?
:VexSA: And what you remember is? Our minds aren’t made to remember things perfectly, they aren’t computers. Not only is your memory slightly flawed, but it’s scientifically proven that over time, the more you think about an experience, the more it warps and contort. Especially if your ideals and outlook on life has changed over the years. That’s why everything is always better when you were young.
:ZentoSA: …that might be true, but they are still based on real events.
:VexSA: Are you sure? Can you go back and prove it? That the past actually happened? Isn’t it possible that it didn’t? Is it possible that you walked out of a Vat just like I did when you woke up on this ship? Are you even sure reality existed before you walked out of that Vat? For all we know, reality might have begun when you left your cryo sleep, with everything in the past before that not existing at all… or maybe reality began when I woke up? It’s worth considering…
:TesciaSA: …this is why Ah like the quiet.
:ZentoSA: Right, I don’t have time to have this debate right now, Vex.

>Philosophy aside, it'd be nice to hear how well "you" and "your wife" raised your son, to feel like you were there.
:VexSA: I couldn’t ask for better parents, Father.
:TesciaSA: …’s nice.
:ZentoSA: (Even if you didn’t actually do it, you still feel the pride…)
>Are there logs or recordings to review?
…there should be logs about everything they learned as they grew up… it’s might be prudent to take a look at them later. Just to make sure…
>Some hugs might be a good place to start, from the appropriate people.
:TesciaSA: …not a ‘ugger.
:VexSA: Well, I’ll take a hug later… right now I just want to stretch these legs. Feels like I haven’t moved them in forever… which is technically true, but I digress.
>They weren't added to the deployable crew count so I'm guessing they need some downtime to adjust to conscious life.
...the display doesn’t update automatically. Someone needs to actually put in the data first. It’s not magic.
>Remember: Give them light duties to help them get familiarized with the ship.
:ZentoSA: Tes, Vex, if you wish then feel free to do some light maintenance duty and cleanup detail. It would help you to get your bearings on the ship.
:TesciaSA: (Tescia’s eyes light up as soon as she hear the word Maintenance.) Ah’ll do Maintenance.
:VexSA: The Med bay does need a proper cleaning… so sure, I’ll make sure things get cleaned.
:ZentoSA: Good to hear.
>Maybe delegate Vex's existential issues to Doxy.
...you’re sure Vex will find someone to talk their ear off, be it his mother or someone else.

:ZentoSA: Everything seems to be in order here. Very well, I’ll be leaving now, I got to help Commander Do- your mother with the plumbing.
:TesciaSA: Her plumbing!?
:ZentoSA: We’re building a swimming hall.
:TesciaSA: Oh.
:VexSA: Goodbye father, I’ll come by and talk later.
:ZentoSA: Goodbye.
:TesciaSA: Sir.
:VexSA: … … …so, do you think reality is defined by the one experiencing it or-
No. 1016913 ID: 681cb5
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>We should build up more Essentials first, this isn't a pleasure cruise.
Keeping the crews morale high is still a high priority, so keeping the recreational side of the ship up to date is still important. It’s also helpful if you’re planning on having diplomatic meetings with the aliens, as diplomacy is always smoother after some pleasantries.
>Will we eventually settle down on base planet and have multiple ships?
The original purpose of the colony fleet was to find and settle on three different planets, to create a proper starting point to colonize this galaxy. Your current mission is to find whatever remains of the colony fleet and aid them in any way you can to complete their mission.
>That was an adorable little booty shake Eki did there.
…she’s a real cutie, that one…

>No, no, no. Lethal weaponry. If we’re sending people down to planets with unknown dangers, they’re going to need lethal weaponry to defend themselves.
You’re jumping ahead, skipping a few steps there. You’ll need a security station first, to make sure you can store those dangerous weapons somewhere safe. After all, you rather not have an accident if someone decides to do something foolish… or just snaps.
>Are we talking about kinetic weapons or energy weapons?
All your weapons are energy based. The Laz weaponry is heat based, while your non-lethal options attack the nervous system directly.
>Doing lethal damage using non-lethal weaponry is easier than you'd think, especially if they've only been tested against your own species.
The trance gun and stun rod is designed to be 100% non-lethal, though they might have problems working at all on these alien minds. The shock rifle on the other hand… it can definitely fry someone if used wrong, though it’s a very ineffective way to kill someone.
>For hunting animals, it's better to take them in with the least amount of shock and damage required. You'd get better quality meat with a sleeper dart and knife, than a bullet.
…you’re not really planning to hunt for meat. What you were hoping for was to find or buy some kind of docile animals to keep in a pen, so that you’ll have a more permanent source of meat and nectar… or milk or whatever they might produce.
>There's probably better ways to gather organic material, though.
The optimal way is to gather plant matter… like sawing down a few mushrooms or… those tree things or similar, large plants.

As you and Doxy are working on the “beach deck” her communicator starts beeping as she gets a few new messages.
:DoxySA: Sir, I’m glad to report that they found some more metals for construction, and Zell is on his way to dig them out.
:ZentoSA: Good, then we’ll be able to finish building this place today.
:DoxySA: And Shara reports that she’s found a bunch of moss, some gutted ship wrecks and that she’s freezing her ass off and the smell is… a lot of swear words, sir.
:ZentoSA: Organic materials, possibly some basic metals and a grumpy Shara, then? By the way, can you give me that wrench over there?
:DoxySA: Oh? You need to tighten some nuts?
:ZentoSA: No, this constructer is acting up and needs a good whack.
:DoxySA: Oh…

>Arrange some proper dedicated socializing between the whole crew, later. Maybe a regular hello-knew-crew or getting-to-know-each-other would be a good idea? Some dedicated time and/or place to drop concerns of rank and such.
There is a common room in the crew quarters, where most of people on the ship tend to spend their time after work. You’re sure they’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other there.
>Shared mealtimes?
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served at the same time for everyone, so we already have shared mealtimes in the Mess Hall.
>Communal bathing?
…and where would you do that? The crew quarters only come equipped with showers for one, while the Swimming Hall is for relaxation, to cleaning yourself.
>A good old knock up party would be good for socializing and the woman can pick any man to screw.
While an orgy would be fun, you really don’t think your crew is that close. It’s a bit much, don’t you think?

>Do we need breeders anytime soon to deal with genetic diversity?
…you need more Sakkilian from outside the ship, not… breeders? Why would you even need someone like that? Maybe if there was only like 5 guys in the whole galaxy and a thousand gals, but you’re kind of even here on the ship, aren’t you?
>Would it be weird to have children with your children as sakkilians?
…why is this even a question? Yes, yes it is. Weird is a very big understatement as well.
>Do sakkilians have nobles and are they different than regular sakkilians like unique markings or colors?
Every last Sakkilian of “noble” decent was crushed beneath the claw of the people, their bodies thrown into the endless sea of dust to never again haunt our proud people under the great revolution, more than a thousand years ago. There aren’t any more left.
>I want to see a representation of the average breeder male and female, do the women have bigger breasts and thighs and do males have better balls and penises?
…why the sudden interest in these breeders anyway? This isn’t really helping you survive your current situation, does it?
>Are breeders often futas though?
With all the body modding going on you’re sure you’ll find someone like that somewhere.

The rest of the day passes without anything of note happening…
No. 1016914 ID: 681cb5
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A whole day passes…
Your crew consumes 12 unites of food.
Your ship consumes 1 unit of fuel.
Guest Tozlan works in the hydroponics bay and harvests 10 units of food.
Ensign Zell successfully mines 10 unites of Basic Metals and 3 unites of Noble Metals.
Ensign Shara successfully harvest 5 units of Organic Material and salvage 6 unites of Basic Metals from the old pirate nest.
Ensign Regina and ”personal slave” Ikekeki cooked up a meal in the Mess Hall, including a delicious rhubarb pie, keeping the crews morale steady.
Ensign Tizli did a Mineral Scan of the surrounding area.
Cap. Zento and CDR. Doxy constructed the “Beach deck”.
2 ensigns did basic tasks.

Ensign Regina has taken the day off to lay her egg.

:ZentoSA: Doxy report.
:DoxySA: Right, sir. Let’s see… with Tizli’s scanning results, Zell managed to find 10 unites of Basic metals and 3 units of noble metals in the asteroids.
:ZentoSA: And Shara?
:DoxySA: She found the place where the pirates set up their base sir. Nothing there but a few gutted Raolme ship wrecks, which she managed to salvage some metals from. She also managed to collect some super smelly moss that we can use as 5 units of Organic Material, sir. It was apparently growing on the underside of the ice that covers the whole planet, near some volcanic vents.
:ZentoSA: I don’t need those details, Dox. Anything more?
:DoxySA: Tizli detected a few Corrosive materials on the planet closes to the star… but it look rather dangerous to collect sir.
:ZentoSA: About as dangerous as the Gas giant… continue.
:DoxySA: …the Beach Deck is completed?
:ZentoSA: I know, I was there.
:DoxySA: Ensign Regina has asked to take the day of because… you know…
:ZentoSA: Uh huh…
:DoxySA: …we had a nice rhubarb pie?
:ZentoSA: Thank you Doxy, that was all.
:DoxySA: Sir.

Remember, your primary goal is to locate the rest of the Colony fleet, with your current objective being getting out from this system. As you have now gathered 10 crew members, you can activate the Hyperdrive and leave at any time you want… after Regina has laid her egg, of course. Though it might be prudent to finish up anything you have left hanging first, because this is a rather calm system all things considered.

Right, a new day, new possibilities… you have 9 crew members to deploy. It’s time for decisions.
No. 1016926 ID: 96c896

Don't forget to update the ship repair ETA!

Is Tescia our most skilled pilot now? We could send her to get corrosives, with whatever additional safety measures we can manage. Make sure she knows that her safety is the first priority; returning with less material than planned will be fine if it gets too dangerous.
Alright so we need two people on farming duty today... Take volunteers since it seems to be an unpopular job. Only one person needed at the mess hall. We have a bunch of spare crew now, we can catch up on cleaning and maintenance. Especially maintenance.
Scan the remaining asteroids, see if we can get the last bits of basic metals out of this system. Is there any more organic material on the blue planet? Hey... did we even scan the red planet? We went there due to the distress signal, not from a scan...

We have materials to make both the security station and the research station today. Wait, shouldn't we have more basic metals than that? We should've had 14 BM after making the swimming hall. Surely we didn't get just 1 BM from the asteroids?
No. 1016928 ID: c8cc96

I guess we could focus on gathering more materials, fly around points of interests to make scans and find useful stuff. Cna't think on anything else at the moment. Put people to work on somthing.

What about the "children's" first day? Has Doxy met his son yet?
No. 1016935 ID: f498c5

You could make some genetic depth in the pool by mixing it up intergenerationally. Any ladies fathered by Zall could have children by you, for example, and vice versa. You might consider creating a switched-sex clone of each of the original crew, to add further possibilities?... I'd recommend making a chart.
No. 1016961 ID: c09f5e

>You’re pretty sure she’s just quiet… or shy… She’s definitely not... ill.
Oh Goad, that's not what I meant. I mean, it's good she's not the type to call you Daddy, right?
>Her plumbing!?
Nevermind, spoke too soon. Well, her mom claimed you for tonight. If she's interested in breeding, check if your son wants to volunteer first. They literally grew up together, perhaps their minds were linked while in the vats.

>Tizli detected a few Corrosive materials on the planet closes to the star…
Since Corrosive material is in reach, let's ask Tozlan about his Defender. He's should be enjoying the beach, likely with Doxy (perfect location for a date). It could be worth disassembling a Cruiser to repair it, assuming the run goes well. Zell should gave his daughter tips.

I think the "Beach deck" is a combined Sun Deck/Swimming Pool, so the math adds up. Sadly, this means picking between Security or Research today. I vote Research.
No. 1016966 ID: a9af05

I honestly don't think we should send any one to get those Corrosive Materials. Even if we boosted the shields on one of our ships like we did last time, I'm not sure if the ship would be able to survive the heat.

>New day
Let's build that Research Lab. Then we could possibly research ways to make our ships better able to handle extreme conditions. That would make it safer to explore places like the gas giant or that planet close to the sun.
No. 1016987 ID: cd354d

Beach deck and security, that's what we should prioritize.
No. 1016995 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't forget to update the ship repair ETA!
You give the screen a quick tap and the ETA updates… it seems like there’s some bugs in the system after everything this ship has been through.
>Wait, shouldn't we have more basic metals than that? We should've had 14 BM after making the swimming hall. Surely we didn't get just 1 BM from the asteroids?
You also built the Sun Deck, costing you an additional 15 BM… well, you combined the Sun Deck and the Swimming Hall to make some kind of “Beach Deck”, so your BM count is correct.

>I guess we could focus on gathering more materials, fly around points of interests to make scans and find useful stuff.
:DoxySA: I’ll send… um… Eki to the scanning bay. And Zell can mine anything she finds, I guess?
>Hey... did we even scan the red planet? We went there due to the distress signal, not from a scan...
:DoxySA: She’ll scan both the planet and the asteroids if possible, sir.
>We need two people on farming duty today... Take volunteers since it seems to be an unpopular job.
:DoxySA: Actually, Tozlan seemed to really like it and… well, he did volunteer for it again… and so did Tizli, kind of. She said she wanted to be with her brother today so… we got two volunteers, sir.
>Only one person needed at the mess hall.
:DoxySA: I’ll take care of that myself, sir. I got this noodle dish I’m super excited to make.
>We have materials to make both the security station and the research station today.
:DoxySA: Your son and… Shara, I guess, can take care of that, boss.
>We could possibly research ways to make our ships better able to handle extreme conditions. That would make it safer to explore places like the gas giant or that planet close to the sun.
:DoxySA: Upgrading the Landers would be doable if we used some R&D time to figure out a efficient way to do so, boss.

>We have a bunch of spare crew now, we can catch up on cleaning and maintenance. Especially maintenance.
:DoxySA: Actually… everyone is assigned to some duties already, sir. Wait, no, Tescia is still free.
:ZentoSA: I might have other plans for her.
:DoxySA: Oh… in that case, sorry boss, we are all out of crew… with the exception of yourself, of course.
:ZentoSA: I guess I can check out the brig to make sure everything is working correctly when I have the time… see if I can flush out those bugs I noticed earlier.
>Is there any more organic material on the blue planet?
:DoxySA: There is, but if we start extracting more we will permanently destroy a lot of the planets ecosystem, which is kind of against unity rules… I mean, we’re not in unity space right now… or even in the same galaxy…
:ZentoSA: Then let’s leave the planet alone. Even if it’s a frozen over ball of ice, I’m not going to exploit and ravage a planet full of life for profit. We’re not that desperate for Organic Material.
>What about the "children's" first day? Has Doxy met his son yet?
:DoxySA: We had a quick talk… and we decide to share some dinner later so we can talk some more. You’re free to come by to, “daddy” *giggle*
:ZentoSA: I’ll… consider it… “mommy”.
No. 1016996 ID: 681cb5
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>You might consider creating a switched-sex clone of each of the original crew, to add further possibilities?
If people want to have their own clone, then they’ll clone themselves. You’re not going to make clones out of people without permission… “Accidental” or otherwise.
>You could make some genetic depth in the pool by mixing it up intergenerationally. Any ladies fathered by Zell could have children by you, for example, and vice versa.
The genetic depth you need is more Sakkilian from off-ship… but if people want to have fun between the generations then you’re going to let them. It’s their choice, not yours.
>I mean, it's good Tescia is not the type to call you Daddy, right?
...she might, if you ever have a pleasant evening together. But she’s probably calling Zell her father first and foremost.
>If she's interested in breeding, check if your son wants to volunteer first. They literally grew up together, perhaps their minds were linked while in the vats.
You’re not going to play matchmaker. He’s old enough to pursue his own mate.
>Well, her mom claimed you for tonight.
Shara actually claimed you last night, but she never showed up. You guess she wasn’t in the mood yesterday after that trip to the blue planet. Of course, this means she might come by and claim you at any moment, when you least expect it! …you know, maybe she planned it this way? To make it more exciting? Hmm… or maybe you should just talk to her about it?
>I'd recommend making a chart.
… … …that will probably be needed if things continue like this, indeed.

>Is Tescia our most skilled pilot now?
:TesciaSA: ...top of the academy, sir. Even did the Keszh’len run in less than twelve parsecs.
:ZentoSA: …parsecs are a measure of distance, not time…
:TesciaSA: …took a shortcut, sir.
>We could send her to get corrosives, with whatever additional safety measures we can manage. Make sure she knows that her safety is the first priority; returning with less material than planned will be fine if it gets too dangerous.
:TesciaSA: …very well, sir.
>Zell should gave his daughter tips.
:ZellSA: Yah’re not sending mah daughter out into danger like that, lad.
:TesciaSA: Pop?
:ZellSA: If anyone is going, it would be me. She might be a better pilot, but Ah’m the one best suited to mine the corrosive substances, yah ‘ear?
:TesciaSA: …Ah’m the one that should go, pop, you already nearly died on the gas giant.
:ZellSA: Exactly. This is just as dangerous… Ah was lucky once, Ah might be lucky again.
:TesciaSA: …Ah rather not rely on luck at all.
:ZellSA: No matter what we do, it will be dangerous. If we’re unlucky, Ah might lose… we might lose someone.
:ZentoSA: Hmm…

>I honestly don't think we should send any one to get those Corrosive Materials. Even if we boosted the shields on one of our ships like we did last time, I'm not sure if the ship would be able to survive the heat.
It’s a risk… but we need those corrosives… of course, if the ship can’t make it back in the first place, we can’t really use them, can we? There’s a risk… and a reward…
>Since Corrosive material is in reach, let's ask Tozlan about his Defender. He's should be enjoying the beach, likely with Doxy (perfect location for a date).
He’s currently working… and you rather not disturb him if he’s having fun with Doxy later. Still it would be prudent to talk to him about that ship when the two of you have the time, so you know how you should prioritize it. Maybe right before dinner, after your work shifts are done?

Right, time to make a decision. Do you send Tescia to gather those Corrosives, do you send Zell… or do take the safe option and forget about it? You can always get Corrosives somewhere else… and while you can get crew somewhere else as well, you rather not lose Zell or Tescia right now. On the other claw, you are in need of those Corrosive materials down there… hmm…
No. 1016997 ID: 96c896

We could loiter around the system until we research a better lander, then go get it?
Meh. Probably better to just leave the system at this point and get corrosives at another location. Even if it's also dangerous, we'll have time to research a better lander in the meantime, and will be able to progress on other things as well.
There's enough objection to the risk that I'd rather just not do it. We *needed* fuel from the gas giant before, we don't *need* corrosives.

Let's leave tomorrow, once we have one of our cruisers back online.
No. 1016999 ID: 629f2e

I want to play it safe. We can take out time and research a safer lander before going down there. Once we have that, I think we should let Tescia go. The better our pilot, the better odds they come back.
No. 1017008 ID: 911f86

We already tried to get materials from somewhere dangerous before and almost lost a crew member. I don't want to risk it again. Not until we have the proper tools for the job. Let's leave it alone for now.
And while i'm warmed by the display of family love, they need to remember that it is ultimately your decision for someone to do or not do something. They are welcome to object and make another proposition, but not to disobey orders.
No. 1017021 ID: c09f5e

>she might come by and claim you at any moment, when you least expect it! …you know, maybe she planned it this way? To make it more exciting? Hmm… or maybe you should just talk to her about it?
Likely she'd jump you before you go to bed. Unlock your door for her. Will save you some repairs.

>… … …that will probably be needed if things continue like this, indeed.
At least you don't have to make a list of influential people within the galaxy, with their hierarchies, so you can expand your influence by marrying your crewmembers off to them. Like some sort of... Crusader King.

>Right, time to make a decision.
The father in you would feel the same if it was your son that was sent out. Regardless, the captain in you should ask if the risk of getting materials when you can get them outweighs the dangers of not having those materials, and thus the Defender, when you need them. For want of a space nail, ...

Part of the point of sending Tescia over Zell is that she'd have the sense to bail the mission if it gets too hot for her. It's less risky than a better guarantee of treasure but ultimately losing Zell. We're not pirates. Getting more corrosives is ideal, but not essential. It's not like you can, or should, cram both of them in the Lander together.

Actually... If a decent pilot got him back home earlier, his stunt in the overclocked Cruiser could have worked out better for him. If he agrees to work with her in mining the planet, or the next hazardous planet, you could postpone the mission.
No. 1017024 ID: b1476c

Let's not send anyone to get those corrosive materials until we've upgraded the lander. Go ahead and start R&D on a hardened, safer lander as soon as possible.
No. 1017028 ID: 36784c

We needed fuel earlier, we don’t need those corrosives yet. We can wait on sending Tescia for now.

Since Tescia is free now, let’s assign her to either cleaning or maintenance.

>50 fuel remaining
……uh, remind me again, how much fuel do we need to leave the system? It wasn’t exactly 50, right?

>she'd have the sense to bail the mission if it gets too hot for her.
Actually, I think Tescia is just as much of a risk taker as her father. Remember how she said she did the Keszh’len run in less than twelve parsecs because she took a shortcut? I’m guessing the Keszh’len run is a notoriously difficult thing to do in the academy, so taking a shortcut was a risky thing to do, even though she got lucky and managed to pull it off.

So I’m guessing that sending either of them would try to do something risky to try and get more materials.
No. 1017048 ID: 681cb5
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>The father in you would feel the same if it was your son that was sent out.
Seeing things from someone else’s perspective is a good skill to have, and understanding their point of view is really important. Regardless, the captain in you will instead of focusing on emotional objections, ask if the risk of getting said materials outweighs the dangers of not having those materials.
>For want of a space nail...
This is why you like having several nails lying around, just in case… or just send out several messengers at once, so that it won’t matter if one of them loses their dune strider.
>It's not like you can, or should, cram both of them in the Lander together.
Well, you can… a lander can easily fit several people… but it won’t really help.

>Part of the point of sending Tescia over Zell is that she'd have the sense to bail the mission if it gets too hot for her. It's less risky than a better guarantee of treasure but ultimately losing Zell.
Are you sure about that? You haven’t actually seen her in action yet… or know how she’ll react to danger.
>Actually, I think Tescia is just as much of a risk taker as her father.
Just as possible as her taking less risks. You really need to get to know her better before you can say what she’ll do with certainty.
>Remember how she said she did the Keszh’len run in less than twelve parsecs because she took a shortcut? I’m guessing the Keszh’len run is a notoriously difficult thing to do in the academy, so taking a shortcut was a risky thing to do, even though she got lucky and managed to pull it off.
The Keszh’len run is a training course taken by space pilots both as training and as an exam, and it is done at sublight speeds. Taking some kind of shortcut would immediately fail you as you didn’t finish the course properly. There’s also the problem that 12 parsec is about 40 light years long, which is not a distance you’ll ever be able to travel in a non-FTL capable craft. She was clearly just bullshitting you.
>Actually... If a decent pilot got him back home earlier, his stunt in the overclocked Cruiser could have worked out better for him.
Possibly... or they might have fought over the controls and crashed completely? It’s hard to say…
>We *needed* fuel from the gas giant before, we don't *need* corrosives.
Need and need, while you do need it, you’re not dying without it like with the fuel.

:ZentoSA: Very well, let’s belay this operation for the time being. The risk is clearly not worth it.
:ZellSA: Huh? So we’re not going after those corrosive materials?
:ZentoSA: No, we are not. We are not in desperate needs of those right now.
:TesciaSA: …understood, sir.
:ZellSA: As you wish, lad. Yah probably did the right choice.

>Since Tescia is free now, let’s assign her to either cleaning or maintenance.
:ZentoSA: Is something wrong?
:TesciaSA: …was looking forward to flying, Sir.
:ZellSA: Sugarplum, why don’t we switch places? Ah’ll get cleaning duties while yah ‘elp the lass with the scanner to find some more metals with the lander, eh?
:TesciaSA: Really, pop!?
:ZellSA: Of course, lass!
:TesciaSA: Thank you… oh, ah’m allowed to switch places, sir?
:ZentoSA: Or course, Ensign Tescia.
:TesciaSA: … …thank you, sir.
>Go ahead and start R&D on a hardened, safer lander as soon as possible.
It will be the first project you’ll focus on as soon as the Research Lab is completed.
No. 1017049 ID: 681cb5
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>Likely Shara will jump you before you go to bed. Unlock your door for her. Will save you some repairs.
…you’ll keep the door unlocked… just in case…
>At least you don't have to make a list of influential people within the galaxy, with their hierarchies, so you can expand your influence by marrying your crewmembers off to them.
You really hope you won’t need to forcibly marry away your crew to someone just for some extra diplomatic clout. Can’t you just… put an egg in their belly instead? …or let them put an egg in Doxy’s belly? You’re sure Doxy would love that kind of diplomacy.
>Like some sort of... Crusader King.
Let the pawns unite, and throw the corrupt king down for pawns everywhere.
>Remind me again, how much fuel do we need to leave the system? It wasn’t exactly 50, right?
A hyperspace jump will take a minimum of 5 unites of fuel, but the amount needed will increase as the distance increases. As Doxy put it: “if you want to be on the super safe side, you should have about 15 fuel before you start traveling somewhere”.

>We could loiter around the system until we research a better lander, then go get it?
You have no idea how long it will take to upgrade the landers and you really don’t want to hang around too long twiddling your tail. Just staying put will make the crew restless, lowering morale, not to mention that it will increase the chances of running into something dangerous. The pirates know you’re here after all…
>Probably better to just leave the system at this point and get corrosives at another location. Even if it's also dangerous, we'll have time to research a better lander in the meantime, and will be able to progress on other things as well.
That might be for the best.

>Let's leave tomorrow, once we have one of our cruisers back online.
Leaving tomorrow might be a good idea. Not only everyone one the crew be available, but you’ve pretty much stripped this system to the bones already. You really should check those star charts you gave Tozlan, so you can decide on your next desti-
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a large hat is placed on your head.

:IkekekiSA: YARKEKEKE! You can’t be a proper pirate captain without a proper hat, Zento!
:ZentoSA: Huh? What is this?
:IkekekiSA: Remember that personal booty I was talking about? Well, here it is, you scurvy crab! As a thank you for my suit, I’ll give you the gift of not looking like a clueless planetlubber any longer, captain.
:ZentoSA: A hat? Really? That was your booty.
:IkekekiSA: And a fine booty it is, no?
:ZellSA: *snrk* Yah do have a fine booty, lass, Ah ‘ave to agree.
:IkekekiSA: See! Your crew agrees!
:TesciaSA: … … …looks stupid.
:IkekekiSA: Don’t make me keelhaul you, little girl. KEKEKE, I am only kidding… but don’t disrespect that hat or I might pinch you.
:ZentoSA: Yes, yes, no need to fight, ladies. Thank you for the… booty, Eki.
:IkekekiSA: OH! And speaking of treasure, where are my doubloons? Didn’t you grab my booty earlier, capt’?
:ZellSA: Heh…
:IkekekiSA: What?
:ZentoSA: Your booty, Eki?
:IkekekiSA: Yeah! The one you plundered from the other pirates, remember? That booty! There were a bunch of credits and everything! Where is my cut?
:ZentoSA: Oh, that booty.
No. 1017050 ID: 96c896

Ah, we do have credits now so it's time to decide how much we're paying the crew every day. And decide how much of the recovered pirate funds belong to Eki by right of former ownership. She can't have all of it, obviously.
No. 1017056 ID: 62d6aa

For sharing some of your booty I will give you my booty like the honorable sakkilians of old.
No. 1017058 ID: 911f86

I guess we split the credits? Some of it should go to a spending purse, to trade and such.
No. 1017060 ID: a9af05

>Pirate hat
Remind Eki that this isn't a pirate ship. However, you do appreciate the gift.

You could probably wear it for the rest of the day then leave it in your room for safekeeping. You'll have to reassure the Raolme that it's just a gift and you're not about to start doing pirate things.
No. 1017061 ID: f3f534

>okay, you have no idea how she came out so lithe. Maybe that’s what Zell would look like if he lost some weight?
Zell could be the way he is because of his genetics. Who knows? Maybe in few days, Tescia will end up being half her father's size?

>What is real?
Wow, your son is super smart! You must be so proud of him!

So what kind of doctor is Vex? Is he a physical doctor, a psychological doctor, or a scientific doctor? You could use all 3 of those kinds of doctors, but it'd be unfair to ask your son to fill in for all of those roles at once.

>Ensign Regina has taken the day off to lay her egg.
You should probably go visit Regina and try to come up with a name for the child both of you made.

>Eki's booty
Mess with her by asking if she's feeling alright and asking if the water needs to be changed in her suit? Because her booty is right there on her backside where it belongs!

But seriously, tell her that you'll go over that later at the end of the day. That way everyone can get back to work. Especially you Captain. Gotta flush out those bugs before we get a serious infestation issue!
No. 1017062 ID: 094652

"We can't spend credits until we find someone who won't shoot first. Eki, go stuff it in a tuber chest and bury it in the beach somewhere, like the pirates of old."
No. 1017064 ID: b1476c

Let her continue to unknowingly provide double entendres, and make a few yourself so she's in good company. "I'll go search around and get hold of your booty." "The longer you serve with us, the more bountiful your booty will be." That kind of thing. Let her know about it afterwards, rather than in front of the rest of the crew.. See if she blushes.

Offer her both kinds of booty, let her think about the lewd kind while you're getting her (and others) paid.
No. 1017066 ID: cd354d

Split the credits evenly between anyone who desires them, but keep a large chunk in a "we might actually need to buy something" fund. Make it clear that this is not your money - it's money for the ship and survival.
No. 1017091 ID: c09f5e

>Let the pawns unite, and throw the corrupt king down for pawns everywhere.
That's the game of Star Control for you, you win or you die getting a torrent of plasma fire on your throne.

Dragon would be a cool nickname... ...take off that pirate hat before you really do raid a cargo ship.

>Where is my cut?
Ask how many people were on her crew before, divide by that, and that's her cut. Hopefully, the quality of the ship's necessities means the crew is more understanding that their compensation is lacking in monetary form.

A crew salary is good, but doesn't really make sense without a stable source of income. What can we sell? Updated star charts? Research data? Pool time? Actually being a pleasure cruise could make bank for you.
No. 1017179 ID: 681cb5
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>That's the game of Star Control for you, you win or you die getting a torrent of plasma fire on your throne.
Or you break the stupid game of power once and for all. As they say, if you don’t like the rules, change them. If you don’t like the game, make a new one.
>Zell could be the way he is because of his genetics. Who knows? Maybe in few days, Tescia will end up being half her father's size?
If Zell is rotund because of his genes, then surely Tescia would have come out from the vats just as rotund.
>Wow, your son is super smart! You must be so proud of him!
…he’s also what you in the academy would call a pretentious wanker. Let’s just hope more of your stoic charm will rub off on him with time, making him less talkative… … …but yes, you are very proud of his logical capabilities and skill of rhetoric. He’s a good boy… and you’re sure he’ll make you even prouder soon enough.
>So what kind of doctor is Vex? Is he a physical doctor, a psychological doctor, or a scientific doctor? You could use all 3 of those kinds of doctors, but it'd be unfair to ask your son to fill in for all of those roles at once.
He’s a Unity Navy doctor… which is to say, he’s not specialized in any of the fields, but he’s good enough to be useful in all of them. Though, when it comes to science, he’ll be more helpful for biological research. An engineer like Regina would be more helpful if it’s more on the mechanical side.

>You could probably wear the hat for the rest of the day then leave it in your room for safekeeping.
It might be for the best not to wear this whenever you leave the system… you really don’t want the first impression for other aliens to be “Pirate hat”.
>Take off that pirate hat before you really do raid a cargo ship.
The chances of a cargo ship appear in this system today is near zero and getting closer as time goes on. Wearing it today won’t hurt.

>Remind Eki that this isn't a pirate ship. However, you do appreciate the gift.
:IkekekiSA: KEKEKE! I knew you would love it, Captain!
:ZellSA: Heh, it’s looks nice on yah, lad.
:TesciaSA: …pff…
:IkekekiSA: And pirate ship or not, a proper captain is supposed to have a grand hat to show off their authority and power! How else will people know that you’re not just any scurvy crab they can keelhaul?
:ZentoSA: I don’t think making people believe we’re pirates will stop them from keelhauling us, Eki… more likely the opposite, in fact.
>Dragon would be a cool nickname...
:IkekekiSA: Oh! Now that’s a name! The Dread Dragon!
:ZellSA: Ha! Now that’s a name on a ship if I ever ‘eard one!
:TesciaSA: …dragon, huh? Hmm… the ship does shoot fire after all…
:ZentoSA: Damn, The Dread Dragon is kind of sweet, actually…
:IkekekiSA: And you’d be the Dragon Captain, the scourge of the stars!
>For sharing some of your booty I will give you my booty like the honorable sakkilians of old.
:IkekekiSA: You want to give me a gift as well? Oh! I’d love that, captain!
:ZellSA: Hehe…
:ZentoSA: I’ll… tell you the details later, Eki.
>Mess with her by asking if she's feeling alright and asking if the water needs to be changed in her suit? Because her booty is right there on her backside where it belongs!
:IkekekiSA: Eh? Oh! My other booty is back there, yeah… but didn’t you tell me I wasn’t a slave, though?
:ZentoSA: Yes… but you’re still a real treasure back there.
:IkekekiSA: Captain, my real treasure is buried away… I only show where it’s buried to people I really like. If you’re a nice boy I might just show where it is, Zento.
:ZentoSA: Oh? I’ll hold you to that.

>We can't spend credits until we find someone who won't shoot first.
:IkekekiSA: Oh! But I know just the place! I know where this black market is located! Know the code phrase and everything!
:ZellSA: A black market? Sounds dangerous.
:TesciaSA: Sounds fucking sweet.
:IkekekiSA: I can also point you toward this trading post located at the edge of “The Free Ports” sphere of influence, if you want a safer option.
:ZentoSA: Hmm, that’s good to know, Eki.
>Eki, go stuff your share in a chest and bury it in the beach somewhere, like the pirates of old.
:IkekekiSA: Hey, don’t steal my ideas.
:ZellSA: …you’re going to bury your booty? Really?
:TesciaSA: …where?
:IkekekiSA: You just built a Beach deck, didn’t you? I just bury it in the deepest part under the sand there. KEKEKE, it will be safe there, because I know that you planetlubbers can’t swim… and I know that those Raolme cowards… err… I mean, those Raolme won’t dig through the sand underwater because they are so afraid they might dirty their claws a little bit! It’s perfect!
:ZentoSA: Just don’t dig to deep and break anything.
:IkekekiSA: It’s just sand, Captain, no need to worry.
>Tell her that you'll go over that later at the end of the day. That way everyone can get back to work.
:IkekekiSA: Aye aye, captain! I’ll come by later! Now, back to the scanning bay! Even though we haven’t found anything yet…
:ZellSA: Hmpf… guess Ah’ll jump into a EVA suit and start cleaning the hull a bit… this lad need a proper scrubbing.
:TesciaSA: …Ah’ll jump in a lander and see if Ah can find any more minerals out there, sir.
:ZentoSA: Good, good, carry on, people.
>Especially you Captain. Gotta flush out those bugs before we get a serious infestation issue!
…you’re talking about computer bugs, not… actual bugs. Still, it needs doing…
No. 1017180 ID: 681cb5
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After a long day of defragging and system cleaning, you meet up with your Raolme guest to discuss those credits you found and what they might be worth. After all, you have no idea the value of anything in this galaxy.

:TozlanSA: By the eternal dark, this is a lot of credits!
:TizliSA: There’s no way we had this much when left. They must have nabbed someone else as well before us.
:ZentoSA: Oh? Is it really that much?
:TozlanSA: Well… um… for one person, sure, but for a whole ship this size? Friend, it’s still a sizable amount but…
:TizliSA: There’s like at least a million creds in these! We’re fucking rich!
:ZentoSA: But that’s not a lot for a ship like this?
:TozlanSA: My friend, a million credits is enough for someone like me to live a pleasant life for a few years… but to put things in perspective, our ship, the small one that is current parked in the hanger, costs nearly a million creds to purchase. A ship the size of this “Shed Scale” probably cost way more to keep running… but then again, you’ll probably earn way more money with it too.
:TizliSA: To scum with that, let’s just retire to some river somewhere and just float for the rest of our lives.
:TozlanSA: Yeah, it’s not that much, sis… and it isn’t ours, anyway.
:ZentoSA: We did grab these from the pirates, who was plundering from you, weren’t they?
:TizliSA: Not us personally. We still have our credits on our ship, together with the cash the rest of the-
:TozlanSA: Yes, our money is safe and sound on the our Defender, friend. But you’re right that these cred sticks were probably stolen from other Raolme, but seeing that they are currently being enslaved in parts unknown and there’s no way to prove it belongs to them… well… there’s really isn’t anyone to give it back too?
:ZentoSA: I see… (Tozlan is trying to trick you a bit here. There were five of them on that ship earlier, before they were attacked by pirates, so the credits on their ship aren’t just his and his sisters, but… is it even worth bringing up at this point?)

>You'll have to reassure the Raolme that it's just a gift and you're not about to start doing pirate things.
:TozlanSA: Huh? What are you talking about?
:ZentoSA: …the hat?
:TizliSA: …it’s a nice hat, yes? What about it?
:ZentoSA: …can’t you see the symbol?
:TozlanSA: I can’t hear anything special with it, no?
:TizliSA: It smell a bit salty, I guess?
:ZentoSA: Nevermind then.

>Split the credits evenly between anyone who desires them.
As fun as it would be to split it like a real pirate, this is a proper Unity Navy vessel. These credits will be used to keep this ship functioning, which includes paying your crew proper salaries. Though, if there is enough cash here, a nice bonus on their paycheck will of course be given.
>Hopefully, the quality of the ship's necessities means the crew is more understanding that their compensation is lacking in monetary form.
While the Sakkilian crew will probably still work for a while longer without pay, you’re pretty sure your alien friends will become rather cross if you don’t start paying them soon.
>Ah, we do have credits now so it's time to decide how much we're paying the crew every day.
:TozlanSA: Here you go sir, this is about the average daily pay for a contract worker on similar ships like this.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… why does Tizli’s suggestion have an extra zero on the end?
:TozlanSA: Sis!
:TizliSA: Aw, come on! You can’t blame me for trying to get some extra credits.
:TozlanSA: *Sigh* Tizli… fine, I’ll dig up my old contracts so I can show the Captain that I’m giving him the right salary.
:ZentoSA: No need, I trust you. But I will do some changes, I think…
:TozlanSA: …that’s a rather high salary for normal crew members, friend.
:TizliSA: Hey, who’s salary is that? The one at the end?
:ZentoSA: That would be mine.
:TozlanSA: What!? That’s yours!? As a captain!?
:ZentoSA: Yes? Is it too much?
:TozlanSA: It’s barely twice the normal salary! Captain of ships like these usually have like… ten times the salary!
:TizliSA: Or a hundred…
:ZentoSA: Well, it’s a good thing it’s so low, because then I can pay the rest of the crew more, no?
:TozlanSA: I mean… I’m not going complain about free brine but… um…
:TizliSA: You guys are weird…

>A crew salary is good, but doesn't really make sense without a stable source of income.
You’re probably never going to find a really stable income out here… not to mention, most people won’t want to work without pay.
>And decide how much of the recovered pirate funds belong to Eki by right of former ownership. She can't have all of it, obviously.
Considering the recovered pirate funds was stolen from somewhere else first, you don’t think Eki actually have the right of ownership over any of it. Hmm… though maybe you should give her a small bonus… just to keep her happy?
>Some of it should go to a spending purse, to trade and such.
You’ve decided to split it down the middle, half of it will be for salaries and such, while other will be spent for trade and upgrades to the ship.
>Make it clear that this is not your money - it's money for the ship and survival.
:TozlanSA: Of course it is, friend.
:TizliSA: So this is how you do it, huh?
:ZentoSA: I’m serious, these credits belong to the ship as whole.
:TozlanSA: Well, if it is for the ship… start counting it in mega-credits instead.
:TizliSA: Easier to keep track of high amounts that way.
:ZentoSA: Mega-credits?
:TozlanSA: It’s about 10.000 credits per mega-credit.
:TizliSA: So you have 50Mc on your “ship survival” account right now.
:TozlanSA: I’ve checked and one of your “units of fuels” are worth about one Mega-credit, so it’s kind of easy for you to keep tabs on it.
:ZentoSA: I see. Well, if you say it’s easier… 50Mc it is.

>What can we sell? Updated star charts? Research data? Pool time? Actually being a pleasure cruise could make bank for you.
:TozlanSA: It depends on who you’re selling to. Your research, your ships, star charts of faraway systems, basic material, crew members, even just renting out your workforce might net you some credits if you find the right buyer.
:TizliSA: And the pool idea isn’t half bad. Sure, most colonies will have better places to relax at, but if you find some mining facilities or ships on patrol out there, I’m sure they’ll pay for a day in the foam. Though, you might need more than just a few pools and saunas to entice them completely.
:TozlanSA: Not to mention, friend, that I’m sure there’s more than one person out there willing to hire a ship like this for a lot of different jobs. Be it security, hauling or exploring.
:TizliSA: Don’t worry about it, Zento, I’m sure you’re going to find some pearls to sell off. Just think about something that you can provide that no one else can.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… are you done with those star charts I gave you Tozlan? I want to know who might be close by.
:TozlanSA: Of course, friend, just give me a minute and I’ll dig them up from my den.
:ZentoSA: I’ll call in Commander Doxy while you go get it…
No. 1017182 ID: 681cb5
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:DoxySA: Here we go sir, I’ve updated the charts with all the data Tozlan gave us. We’re currently located in the system with a green star in the middle of the screen, sir. I’ve also took the liberty to add a distance grid in standard units, boss.
:ZentoSA: (Which means, each red square will take us about 5 units of fuel to traverse.)
:TozlanSA: As you can see, I started by drawing out the sphere of influence of all the nearby parties, which includes our trade house, Tauzaka, the Kelshin Free Ports where the pirates come from and the IOD’s.
:TizliSA: Pretty much all the systems inside a sphere is either colonized or owned by said party and you should expect to find both ship patrols and the like everywhere in there. The exception are the IOD’s, as their sphere is so scummy huge that they can’t swim around it all the time. Don’t expect to run into them on the outskirts of it, but the closer to the center, the more of them there will be.
:ZentoSA: What about the green circle? The… Vegol? Vegel?
:TozlanSA: Vegöl Republic. Don’t go there. They are just a bunch of con artists.
:DoxySA: We’ve actually detected signals from one of the stars there, the one located three squares to the south of our current location, boss. It seems to be some kind of advertising? Though even as its broadcasted with FTL technology, we can’t really make out what it’s about from this distance.
:TizliSA: Eh, they are just trying to lure you in, don’t fall for it. They might speak like they are pure pearls and brine, but they are nothing but a bunch of scumsuckers.
:DoxySA: We do know for certain that one of these “commercials” includes the word Sakkilian and had pictures of what seemed to be one of us, sir.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… I see… it might be worth looking into.
:TozlanSA: If you want to do some real trading, then our trade house main colony is not far. It located in the system with a large white star, just to the right of us right now… um… four squares away, friend. It’s also where me and my sister want to return to as soon as possible.
:TizliSA: Speak for yourself, bro, I’m staying. But speaking of trade, there’s also the trade port at the edge of Kelshin space. Our trade fleet usually stops there, so it’s not completely pirate controlled. It’s only three squares north of us, Captain.
:ZentoSA: Hmm… That fits the coordinates Eki gave me… she also gave me the coordinates to a “black market”, located near the purple star not far from that very trade port.
:DoxySA: We’ve also picked up signals from the nearby red star… there have to be some kind of smaller colony located there.
:TozlanSA: If I remember correctly, there’s a small Flaûgnir colony there… I think they mine metals and refine fuel there? The trade fleet used to stop by there, but we haven’t been there in a while for some reason.
:DoxySA: One of the signals from them seemed to be a request for freelance ships, sir.
:ZentoSA: And the “Organic Materials” tag right south of us?
:TozlanSA: Oh, right, that! You asked me if I knew where you should find some OM, remember? Well, friend, there’s a planet right there teeming with life, so you can just fly by and grab as much as you want! Um… well, the fauna is super dangerous and kind of eat people whole, though, so… be careful?
:DoxySA: It seems like we have a few destinations to choose from, sir.
:TizliSA: Let’s go on an adventure! Woo!

Hmm… we’re not leaving until tomorrow, but still… would be good to decide now what to expect next.

>You should probably go visit Regina and try to come up with a name for the child both of you made.
When you’re done with your duties today you’ll visit her… which is to say, when you’re done here. You probably should start thinking about some names, though… you think you heard that it’s going to be a girl…
No. 1017192 ID: 094652

Go to the colony, you can trade your credits for supplies needed to make the trip to either nation.
No. 1017198 ID: 911f86

We can also see if we can get some new crew members. Realme are supposedly a very working race and willing to make work contracts. And surely, we might also find some jobs we can apply to. Tozlan can put on a good word with his family and connections, so that helps with recruiting and finding jobs as well.
No. 1017199 ID: 911f86

Also name daughter Xaila.
No. 1017202 ID: 19ea25

Given how tightly controlled things are within the various systems. The Black Market seems like the best bet for things that may be more interesting and useful to us.
No. 1017203 ID: 96c896

>Tizli just slapped an extra zero on her salary to try to get more money
Jesus. That really lowers my opinion of her. It's a bit late to reprimand her for it though... Tozlan might be right about her not being mature enough to work on a ship. However, now that they know about the Vats, we need some reassurance that if we bring them home they won't sell that information to the IOD. Last thing we need is for the IOD to be hunting us *and* the other colony ships in search of fast-breeding/cloning tech.

Let's just warp into the Flaugnir Colony system to see what's up. It's right there, and not too far out of the way from the route to the Raolme trade colony, which I think we should go to soon. We can drop off the Raolme siblings then after making them sign some kind of binding agreement preventing them from revealing the existence of the Vats, which is... like a trade secret I guess? If the IOD does hunt us down they might not kill us, so we would be able to enforce the contract, making it a legitimate incentive for them to keep quiet. We could also give them some generous severance pay.

...one concern is that the Flaugnir Colony is now home to pirates. Wait, wouldn't Eki know what system the pirate base is in? We should ask her, so we don't wind up warping there unknowingly.
No. 1017217 ID: 62d6aa

Lets think positives, though hopefully they aren't enslaving sakkilians and advertising it as you would be very much filled with righteous anger.
No. 1017225 ID: 36784c

>(Which means, each red square will take us about 5 units of fuel to traverse.)
Jeez, if we’re not careful, we could end up using a lot of fuel when traveling!

>Vegöl Republic. Don’t go there. They are just a bunch of con artists.
>We do know for certain that one of these “commercials” includes the word Sakkilian and had pictures of what seemed to be one of us, sir.
None of our alien friends even knew what a Sakkilian was, but these Vegöl guys do know what we are. That kinda shows that, despite being known con artists, they aren’t lying this time.

>Flaûgnir colony
>mine metals and refine fuel
We could use both of those things.

>Wait, wouldn't Eki know what system the pirate base is in? We should ask her, so we don't wind up warping there unknowingly.
Pretty sure the name “Kelshin Free Ports” is a dead giveaway that the Kelshin pirates have a base somewhere up there.
No. 1017233 ID: 96c896

Oh, ask what Tozlan meant by con artists. Examples please.
No. 1017243 ID: c09f5e

>Or you break the stupid game of power once and for all. As they say, if you don’t like the rules, change them. If you don’t like the game, make a new one.
Real talk: have you been getting my references? If so, have they been too much? If so, I'm sorry.
OK, one more.
>I see. Well, if you say it’s easier… 50Mc it is.
Make sure to label the ship stash clearly. The crew can't touch this.(sorry) Intruders will know where it is, but then you'd know where to place the concussive shock traps.(i'm done)

>You guys are weird…
They do not understand that what intangibles some value more than all the credits in the universe. Like the simple pleasures of a well-operated ship. ...almost like you were made for this. ...you hungry? Dinner with your son can't come soon enough.

>And the pool idea isn’t half bad. Sure, most colonies will have better places to relax at, but if you find some mining facilities or ships on patrol out there, I’m sure they’ll pay for a day in the foam. Though, you might need more than just a few pools and saunas to entice them completely.
That explains how the pirates keep getting new recruits. Build a Party Ship, or build rumors to such, and they'll flock right up. It's almost tempting to spec the ship into that, instead of the classic Science build, but to do it we need to deal with man-eating plants.

>Organic Materials
Pro tip: Plant a colony into a niche not many other people could live in, and no will contest it. With decent guns and research, the planet with the man-eating plants would pretty impenetrable short of glassing from orbit. Prime real estate, assuming no ancient civilization still there.

>Flaûgnir colony
Who are the Flaûgnir? They must be pretty far from home if their territory is so isolated.
No. 1017246 ID: b1476c

> Just think about something that you can provide that no one else can.

We could be the finest fertility clinic slash brothel this side of the galaxy.
No. 1017367 ID: cd354d

There's no sense rolling up to the markets when we don't know how much anything we might want for the ship would really cost, so I say we go to the Flaugnir colony first, to see what's up there. Make some money, help some people out. They'll also be able to provide us with additional information on the surrounding locations. We can decide what to go next afterwards - probably Kelshin Trade Port, then maybe to "Advertising" to see why they're mentioning Sakkilians. Don't think we should roll up to that situation until we've gotten plenty of information and money.
No. 1017404 ID: 681cb5
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>Real talk: have you been getting my references? If so, have they been too much? If so, I'm sorry.
I think I got most of them and I don’t mind, just don’t expect the Captain to react to them, though.

>Jeez, if we’re not careful, we could end up using a lot of fuel when traveling!
…yes? Traveling long distances is the main purpose of fuel, no? As long as we keep our fuel supply high we’ll be fine.
>Make sure to label the ship stash clearly. The crew can't touch this.
If they try and get to it you’ll make sure to stop them and hammer it home time after time that it will only be used to fund the ships survival.
>Intruders will know where it is, but then you'd know where to place the concussive shock traps.
That will probably just end with you accidently activating the traps yourself. No, you’ll make a fake stash and then booby trap that instead… hmm… The captains safe will do for now, though. Further security will have to wait.

>That really lowers my opinion of Tizli. It's a bit late to reprimand her for it though... Tozlan might be right about her not being mature enough to work on a ship.
You’re not sure about her being immature or not, she clearly has a thing for acting first and thinking about consequences later. Otherwise, she’s been an exemplary crew member, working to the fullest no matter what task you give her. Though, trying to trick you out of credit you sorely need was bit much…
>However, now that they know about the Vats, we need some reassurance that if we bring them home they won't sell that information to the IOD. Last thing we need is for the IOD to be hunting us *and* the other colony ships in search of fast-breeding/cloning tech.
If the IOD decide to try and hunt you down it will probably be for more than just the Vats… and they are bound to have better way to track you down than listening to some random Raolmes.
>Given how tightly controlled things are within the various systems. The Black Market seems like the best bet for things that may be more interesting and useful to us.
…that might be true, but we really don’t have a lot of credits to spend on said useful things, do we?

>Let's just warp into the Flaugnir Colony system to see what's up. It's right there, and not too far out of the way from the route to the Raolme trade colony, which I think we should go to soon.
:DoxySA: Transmitting coordinates, vector locked in. Course has been set, sir, we’ll leave for the system Tarkus Alpha tomorrow.
:TozlanSA: The Flaûgnir colony, huh? A good, safe choice, friend.
:TizliSA: It will be nice to get planet side again… maybe find a good briny river to swim in…
>You can trade your credits for supplies needed to make the trip to either nation.
:TozlanSA: Don’t expect them to swimming in supplies, Captain, they are after all just a small colony.
:TizliSA: They should have a lot of fuel for trade, though…
:ZentoSA: Which is exactly what we need.
>We can also see if we can get some new crew members.
:TizliSA: There’s always a few contract workers looking for new employment in those end of the river systems. I’m sure you might even find a pearl or two among them, Zento.
:DoxySA: Having some new blood on the ship would do us good, sir.