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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
177 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1092874 ID: 681cb5
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Bahravus: “And what do you get from this?” you ask, “You’re not doing this free, are you?”

Before answering, the beautiful Priestess leans down and kisses you, making your heart jump a beat.

Priestess: ”Eight grandchildren, wasn’t it?” her tongue flickers next to your ear, “That is what I desire from you, Bahravus, that and you becoming my child… or grandchild.”
Bahravus: “You wish that I should be your child?”
Priestess: ”I do love you, little goat, more than anything…” there is a sadness to her voice, but she tries to hide it, “And all I wish is to watch you grow anew, as my own. That is my price.” Pulling her head back a bit, she boop your snout with her finger, “After giving my grandchildren you will be free to do as you will… though I would oh so prefer if you would stay with us, my child.”
Bahravus: “…will I even be cursed if I’m reborn?”
Priestess: ”Does it even matter?” the snake shrugs, “After all, you will fulfill the necessary steps to break it either way.”

Bahravus: “…if I’m going to agree to this, I want something in return.” Standing tall, you point towards the Serpent Priestess, “I want you. Or possible your daughter Tabi. I wish for one of you to carry my young.”
Priestess: ”That would be acceptable.” she laugh under her breath, “You may breed one of us before being unbirthed by the other… unless you wish to breed both of us and become your own father, hmm?”
Tabi: ”Hey!” the smaller snake suddenly shouts, “Don’t I get a say in this?”
Priestess: ”…do you not wish to consume him like I did to you, daughter?”
Tabi: ”Well, I… um…” Tabi’s cheeks glows red as she looks away, “Alright, fine… I want to either breed or unbirth him. Happy now?”
Priestess: ”So… if you wish to join us up here, then you’ll need to agree to become one of our future children.” She once again leans in closer to you, “I do hope you want that, little Bahravus… because my womb hungers for you.” before whispering, “It desire you… it needs you…”

Priestess: ”Or… maybe we can make it a bit more fun?” the snake suddenly pulls away from you, “I will allow you to leave and try and break the curse on your own. If you managed to breed at least four other predators, I will allow you to return and breed me and my daughters.” waggling her finger in front of her, she continues, “But if you get eaten before that… well, you’ll be teleported directly into my waiting womb.”
Bahravus: “Hey… that… that was my idea.”
Priestess: ”Was it? Oh, I’m so sorry…” she looks genuine flustered for a moment, “Sometimes I forgot who it was that had the thought in the first place…” Taking a deep breath, she regain her composure, “But there is one more thing. I will send someone to hunt you down, someone whose whole purpose is to consume you. Of course, you will have a head start, but you will have to be cunning and quick if you don’t want to be another prey to my hunter.”

Priestess: ”So now, my beloved Bahravus…” she gives your snout another kiss, “Choose your fate.”

A) Just leave. Continue your adventure from before you were captured.
B) Take the challenge. Try and breed four predators before you’re caught.
C) Make sweet, sweet love to the priestess. Breed that snussy… before feeding it.
No. 1092875 ID: 1231e5

No. 1092877 ID: 3f96cc

B, one last hurrah before rebirth
No. 1092881 ID: 7b74f5

No. 1092884 ID: f2320a

B we are a mighty wizard if we gave up now we would never survived beyond being a teen
No. 1092892 ID: c8380b

Would her offer still be good if we break our curse first and come back victorious through our own efforts?
No. 1092893 ID: 9d3b39

C Snussy is worth it
No. 1092895 ID: 2a82d3

B, definitely. Have her respect you enough to take you as future hubbie and consider bearing snake-tailed goat kids. If only there'd be a lion around to complete the That's the hunter, isn't it.

Do use your divination to see how she honors her word, before you agree. Countering magic to against magic is fair play.

>She clearly doesn’t like the D word.
Unfortunately, "D words" have the only ones to answer your summons recently. Do you have any creatures closer to Neutral, or even Lawful, on the spectrum to call upon? They could have an interest in your situation now.

>“No, it’s the law of the dungeon. This place was built as a hunting ground for us predators… one that you prey would brave for the ultimate reward.” Before looking back at you with her usual smile, “Thus, only predators may guard its halls… and only a prey may enter its lowest depths and received the greatest gift Wjares can bestowed upon us mortals.”
If the prey were smart, each attempt would focus on pacifying one floor, or guardian, of the dungeon such that success would be inevitable for the last to attempt it. Of course, that level of coordination and selflessness would require nothing short of divine intervention. Just an idle thought.

>Priestess: ”…do you not wish to consume him like I did to you, daughter?”
>Tabi: ”Well, I… um…” Tabi’s cheeks glows red as she looks away, “Alright, fine… I want to either breed or unbirth him. Happy now?”
It's possible the Priestess has overlooked a very un-Pred-like aspect of her daughter: a desire to be the one eaten. As a wizard who thinks the natural order a mere guideline, you should more understanding of her.
Be a good daddy,
Be willing to eat her,
Especial' if y' gonna breed her,
Just make sure she comes back.
Why yes, it did take effort to make that cringe rap.

Fulfilling the other's desires, not denying them (unless they're into it), is practically another rule of the dungeon. Understanding the predator better than she knows herself is how you're going to pull through this.
No. 1092936 ID: 77189b

plus there has to be more than one path to eternal youth in this place.
No. 1093590 ID: 681cb5
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>Do use your divination to see how she honors her word, before you agree.
You can see her belly heavy with a child of your blood… but is it from your seed or your body, you cannot tell. You do not dare look any further, least you decide your fate too soon.
>Do you have any creatures closer to Neutral, or even Lawful, on the spectrum to call upon?
The demons are the one thing you are capable to summon and control. Any other outworldly creatures would need Arcane knowledge you do not possess.
>It's possible the Priestess has overlooked a very un-Pred-like aspect of her daughter: a desire to be the one eaten.
Does she? You can assume she does on some level, as all predators do. After all, what’s more forbidden than a prey eating a predator, hmm?

>One last hurrah before rebirth!
Priestess: ”Ah, a final farewell to your old body, little goat?” her head moves away from you, letting you see her genuine smile, “I will watch it with great interested.”
Bahravus: ”And I’ll make sure to put on quite the show, High Priestess- I mean mommy- I mean-” you’re cut short as she darts down and gives your hard cock a deep kiss, “Ngg, wha-”
Priestess: ”Just as I’ve said goodbye to you, Bahravus, I have to do the same with your cute little member.” her long, tender tongue starts to wrap itself around you, “After all, I’ll miss him just as much as I will you, my son.”
Bahravus: ”Huff…” the feeling of her kissing the side of your rod, as well as her tongue constricting around it is driving you mad, “T-take it easy, or I’ll-”
Priestess: ”Just relax and let mommy take care of you, dear…” it doesn’t take long before your member starts to twitch, before firing off a long rope of your seed, “There… that wasn’t that hard, was it?”
Bahravus: ”Fuck…” try as you might, you can’t stop the flood of pleasure drowning your body, “H-how did you… ah…”
Priestess: ”And more of that will await you here, little goat.” With one final peck, she move her head away from you, “Now, do hurry back… as we will truly miss you, Bahravus my dear.” looking over towards her daughter, she snaps her tail in front of her snout, “Isn’t that right, daughter?”
Tabi: ”Huh?” Tabi on her part had been completely mesmerized by the show, “Err… y-yeah, I’ll be w-waiting for you to return, goat.”
Bahravus: ”Ah…” taking a moment to catch your breath, you continue, “Then I shall take my leave, ladies.” Giving them a gracious bow, you add, “I will not disappoint you, High Priestess.”
Priestess: ”Indeed, you shall not.”

Wordlessly, she makes a small, barely noticeable gesture, making two of the guards slither up on each side of you to escort you out. Your future mother gives you one last smile before you turn around and leave…
No. 1093591 ID: 681cb5
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After a quick wardrobe change you’re lead through several heavily guarded outposts and fiendishly hidden secret passages, until you find yourself on what you assume is the first floor. In front of you a massive hall filled to the brim with everything from stalls, to carts, to whole buildings that’s either been carved directly into the wall or outright built inside the grand chamber. Everywhere you look there are shops, signs and merchants peddling their wares, while around them a huge sea of predators mingles. Still even now, you can spot a few prey species walking around as well, completely unmolested.

This has to be the market you’ve heard about.

Maz: ”Mortal.” The deep voice of your imp echoes through the darkness near the ceiling, “I have returned.”
Bahravus: ”So you have, Maz.” you muses as the imp flies down and perches on your shoulder, “Where have you been?”
Maz: ”Observing from afar, to make sure you got out in one piece.” Maz gives you a smile that cannot be trusted, “After all, I am still bound to your service, am I not?”
Bahravus: ”Been breeding some poor guard is more like it…” you sigh, “Anything you can do to help me on my quest?”
Maz: ”Why, I’m glad you asked, mortal.” he smirks, “I did take a moment to scout this market here, before finding you.” Lifting from your shoulder, he hovers next to you as he points towards the chaos in front of you, “While you ruminate let me illuminate the possibility before you.”

“There is a bathhouse nearby. Naked ladies are bound to be found there.”
“Look at that sign. ‘Madam Olga’s trinkets and fortunes’. Aren’t you a fortune teller as well?”
“There is a restaurant called the ‘Breed and Feed’ just around the corner. Of course, most what they will serve will be prey and not predators.”
“The Thrall market for breeding stock is thriving… though again, most of them will be prey.”
“Ah, and I spotted a shop that was called ‘Portable Breeders’, which might be interesting.”
“’New Cocks for sale’? I mean, why not?”
“Oh, and there are a lot of ‘public use’ locations hidden here. If we are lucky, we might find one that isn’t knocked up yet.”
“Then there’s the arena, if you want to try your mettle.”
“The Sakkilian warriors have set up a breeding ground just outside, to bolster their numbers. Of course, they will probably breed you instead of the other way around.”
“Or we should always venture deeper into the passage, and into the maw of this den of vore and war.”
“Still, there might be other locations I’ve yet spotted, mortal. Maybe there’s something else?”

Bahravus: ”That’s a lot of information…” looking over at the imp, your raise a single eyebrow, “Did you really find all that out while I was away?”
Maz: ”Of course, mortal.” he tries his best to give you an innocent looking smile, “I am, after all, a diligent imp, at your service.”
Bahravus: ”Of course you are…” you mutter with a voice dripping of sarcasm, “Of course…”
Maz: ”So… where off first, Master? Where does your breeding spree begin?”
No. 1093592 ID: a7a180

Do you have any money? Or can you create some long enough to fool a merchant with transmutation? Check out the trinket shop, or the thrall market.
No. 1093595 ID: 5ebd37

Maybe you can make something cool at the trinket shop. Enough to impress the proprietor even.
No. 1093597 ID: 20e88c

>Naked ladies are bound to be found there
If he did do any scouting at all, it was most likely there.

You're surrounded by numerous individuals you are unlikely to encounter again: surely you can start using your ability of foresight to figure out what dangers are around, based on their fates, as well as some of the hidden public use locations before they stumble across them themselves. If someone is about to be consumed, taking a little something from them won't change their fate. Portable Breeders would be about as easy to eliminate: guess which ones you can reasonably afford/get currency for in short order, eliminate prey, find out which ones will bear your child: no requirement for you to purchase and fuck them if you aren't going to knock them up, after all. Could do the same for any Public Use individuals. Assume Maz will have knocked up any that he knows about... Which would have added to your total, no? Double check that little spell on him.

What would a new cock net you? You've got a respectable tool, and it may not help in the coming conflicts. Madam Olga could be a charlatan, or a rival, but she will have something of interest, no doubt. Tread carefully around her.

Public use should be priority based on time, but Madam Olga's Trinkets/Fortunes would be very helpful. Not to mention the Madam herself.
No. 1093612 ID: f2320a

Some disguising of yourself would be helpful to slow down being spotted and reported on to our hunters
No. 1093629 ID: 9d3b39

Definitely gotta check out Madam Olga's.
No. 1093641 ID: 2a82d3

Remember there's a hunter on the loose. Assume anywhere you go, she'll be there. Keep a low profile, and don't stay too long in one place without good reason. Ideally, the hunter would be another notch for your curse but that's going to need a lot of prep work.

The bathhouse would indeed be hot. If there's more than one to "keep quiet", though, it's going to attract the kind of heat you're not ready for (yet).

If there are glory holes, use your divination before you even think of using one. If you don't think you can't get tucked by the d' through a small hole, you haven't been paying attention.

The fortune teller is such an obvious place for a divination mage that it'd be the first one the hunter would check. If you think it's worth it, keep on the lookout for traps or an ambush.

Don't write off dealing with prey at the restaurant or breeding pens just because the imp is dismissive of it. A little quid pro quo could help you in the long run, and you might be lucky enough to find someone suited to your tastes. If nothing else, a to-go box from the Breed and Feed, or the Portable Breeders, could be used to distract the hunteress.

If you never have a chance to catch her by surprise, there is the option to challenge your pursuer at the Arena. Having the fight official could keep her fair and honest.
No. 1093696 ID: 30193a

I would be careful of the resturant so you dont end up on the menu also how would you even "cook" living prey willing weirdos or freerange, cooking would that just involve fattening them up like poultry basically preparing them.
Would it be high class or like fastfood?
No. 1094017 ID: 681cb5
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>Remember there's a hunter on the loose.
And not just any hunter, but a huntress sent by the very High Priest of Wjares herself. This will not be some two copper mercenary, but an expert of the field.
>Some disguising of yourself would be helpful to slow down being spotted and reported on to our hunters.
She will not hunt you by sight or smell… no, that kiss the High Priestess gave you down below… it magically marked you for the huntress to track.

>Do you have any money? Or can you create some long enough to fool a merchant with transmutation?
You have enough money to last, and enough sense to not try and fool a merchant with false gold. That’s how you get eaten.
>Would the restaurant be high class or like fast-food?
Knowing this place, it will be both. You are getting a bit peckish, though…
>You're surrounded by numerous individuals you are unlikely to encounter again: surely you can start using your ability of foresight to figure out what dangers are around, based on their fates.
As you pass by, you can’t help but prod into the near futures of those around you. Breeding, eating and vorgies galore, but nothing that is a direct danger to you. What is interesting, though, is that none of the prey around here actually gets eaten… though they wouldn’t last long here if they didn’t know how to handle a predator, would they?

>Assume Maz will have knocked up any that he knows about... Which would have added to your total, no? Double check that little spell on him.
Maz: ”Forgive me, mortal.” Maz whispers in your ear, “But I did not have the time to find a suitable mate. All I found was a muscular man suitable to be my cockfood.”
>Madam Olga's Trinkets/Fortunes would be very helpful. Not to mention the Madam herself.
You enter the massive purple tent that’s bears the sign of the Madame, a crystal ball with a fox’s tail growing from it. Inside, among the smell of cheap perfume and myrrh, there’s a sea of all kind of useless trinkets and baubles. Looking around, you can’t spot anyone that might be a Madame, as the only foxes around are two male ones. Possibly twins?

Fox: ”There we go…” a fox clad in purple clasp a fine amulet around the neck of a rabbit, “It really brings out your eyes, little ruby.”
Bunny: ”It does?” she says, her voice strangely confident, “Why, I’m sure it looks lovely… and what did it do again?”
Fox: ”It will make you more… ah… attractive.” choosing his word carefully, the fox continues, “Smoothen your fur, make you smell good… taste good… not to mention, it’s easily digest-” he stops himself, “I mean cleaned. It’s easily cleaned.”
Bunny: ”Hmm, I don’t know…” the rabbit clearly fakes her disinterest, “I need to see for myself if it really bring out my eyes first…”
Fox: ”We do have a fitting room with a mirror, little ruby.” licking his lips, he practically salivates as he says, “If I may…” his tummy growls, “Escort you? That way we can test out your new amulet, yes?”
Bunny: ”Why, lead the way, handsome…”
No. 1094018 ID: 681cb5
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You close your eyes and focus on the bunny’s future…

Fox: ”Ngg!” the fox whines as she rides him, “P-please let me knot you!”
Bunny: ”No can do, fox boy.” with a smirk she adjust herself tiny bit before doubling her speed, “This is just a warmup. After me you’re going to knock up all fourteen of my sisters.” With a loud slam, she takes his whole knot before quickly pulling him out again with a pop, “In a row.”
Fox: ”Please… your fertileness…“ the poor lad is barely conscious, “Have mercy…”
Bunny: ”After your cock have kissed all the wombs of Bunrule...” the fox under her squirms as his member start to throb, clearly filling that bunny up once more, “Then we can talk about mercy!”

It looks like that fox got more than he bargained for.
No. 1094019 ID: 681cb5
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Fox: ”Ah, are you looking for something monsieur?” the soft voice of another fox drags you out from your vision, “Or do you wish to see the Madame?”
Bahravus: ”Eh?” it takes a moment for you to find your bearing again, “Oh, I’m here for the Madame, I believe.”
Fox: ”We must apologize, but the Madame is currently with her dinn-” just like his brother, he stops himself for a moment before continuing, “With another patron as we speak.” He gives you a small smile, “Do not worry, she will be done soon. Meanwhile, may I interest you in something in our humble shop, yes?”
Bahravus: “…very well.”
Fox: ”Let us start with these lovely potions.” the fox gesture towards a nearby shelf filled with pink vials, “This one will make you irresistible to all those around you… while this…” his hand moves toward an elixir that looks exactly the same as the other one, “This will make you have the stamina to please all those around you. Very useful, yes?”
Bahravus: “Useful, indeed”
Fox: ”And here we have a tiny man. A zebra to be exact.” he shrugs, “Do with him as you will, monsieur, if you buy him.”
Zebra: ”Help!” the squeaky voice of the tiny zebra tries to yell, ”They’ve imprison me!”
Bahravus: ”What did he do?”
Fox: ”Did not reciprocate the blowjob I gave him, even after he promised.”
Bahravus: ”Ah…”
Fox: “How about a magical amulet?” the fox looks down at several necklaces, right next to a sign about some special offer, “We have everything from fertility, stamina, attractiveness, tastiness, quick digestion, quick digestion and of course enlargement...” he giggles and gives you a wink, “Be it of body or… other places…”
Bahravus: ”A magical amulet wouldn’t be amiss…”

Fox: ”But here! Behold our most prized possession!” with a grand gesture using both his arms, he directs your attention to a massive, spiky stone schlong, “A petrified cock taken from none other than the demon lord Nehzanall-”
Maz: ”Hey!” your imp suddenly interrupts, “You can’t just sell people dicks like that!”
Fox: ”Ah, monsieur!? Is that an imp I see?” the fox claps his hands and does a little dance on the top of his toes, “May we buy him from you? The Madame will be very pleased to have a real demon for her collection, yes?”
Maz: ”You can’t be foolish enough to even consider selling me, mortal.”
Bahravus: ”Hmm…”
Maz: ”…really?”
Fox: ”Of course, we will not force you to sell.” he sigh, before giving you a hopeful look, “Though if you find anything else demon related we will pay a premium for it.” Closing his eyes for a second, he takes a deep breath before looking you straight into your eyes, “Now, was there anything that caught your attention, handsome?”
No. 1094021 ID: a7a180

You're an old man, a stamina amulet would be a good idea if you need to run from the hunter. A tiny guy is one more guy you can enchant to spread your seed too.
No. 1094022 ID: c8380b

Could we buy the zebra, TF him into a foxgirl, impregnate her, and make her wear an amulet that prevents her from cumming unless she's recently given oral to whoever is stimulating her?

If that's too complicated, buy their entire stock of bones and transmute them into a bone golem. Then bone the bone golem.
No. 1094025 ID: 5ebd37

I wonder if the CTF would be enough to hide you from the hunter? A shame you can't take the time to risk it.

A stamina boost would be good for your trial, can you tell wether its real or a scam?

seems Maz would make a good bargaining chip, but don't accept any offers from the underling, save him for Olga herself.
No. 1094039 ID: 2a82d3

Selling the whole demon is out, but you might consider milking some seed out of him if the terms were favorable.

The elixirs seem dubious, possibly watered down. Inspect them closely before you buy. You can never have enough amulets and charms, though. Stamina is useful, but you can get away with more with attractiveness and charm. Just ask the rabbit.

The zebra is a must buy. You have a hunch you'll give an opportunity for him to pay his debts real soon.

The CTF a fox board is interesting. It is a way to keep the fox busy for the day. The fox has to be busy, or he would've come to his brother's rescue in your divination. Pay the price for your magic now to avoid paying later.
No. 1094040 ID: 273c18

The Madame collects demon stuff? I wonder if she's enemies with the snake priestess. Ask about The Madame! Find out how much the imp is worth.
No. 1094060 ID: 77189b

do you know anything about that demon lord? could maz?

we need to know costs here
but it may be smarter and more in line with this bizarre to make an offer, giving them access to demon dicks sounds like a start.
stamina potion is a must
you already nearly bit it (heh) from old- uh er i mean middle aged, man sleepiness.

asking about the tf seems wise too
No. 1094061 ID: 77189b

hes practically loyal...
No. 1094078 ID: 9d3b39

An amulet of stamina would help with both staying ahead of your hunter and impregnating multiple partners without tiring you out too much... Though I do notice he seems to be trying to shift the quick digestion ones considering he mentioned them twice.
No. 1094081 ID: c8380b

Could we afford to buy the demon dick and just chuck it through a portal back to its owner? I'm sure whoever's missing their dick would be very happy to have it back.
No. 1094087 ID: 273c18

I think one is for digesting quicker, and the other is for being digested quicker.
No. 1097699 ID: 681cb5
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>I do notice he seems to be trying to shift the quick digestion ones considering he mentioned them twice.
One is for quickly digesting someone and the other for being quickly digested yourself, obviously.
>I wonder if the CTF would be enough to hide you from the hunter?
As fun as it would be to hang between the legs of a fox for a few days, you’re here to breed, not run away like a coward. Besides, you’ve already spent a few years as the massive bosom on your third wife, no need to do it again right now.

>Could we buy the zebra, TF him into a foxgirl and impregnate her?
After paying a few coins, you release the zebra from his cage much to his relief. You then promptly use your magic to turn him into a cute fox gal, much to his chagrin.
Bahravus: ”Here, Maz, she’s about your size.” you tell the imp as you hand over the newly created fox gal, “Breed her for me.”
Maz: ”Why, thank you for your offering, Mortal.” Sitting down, the imp gesture for the fox to get closer, letting her awkwardly sit down on top of him, “I will consider consuming you last when the end times comes.”
Bahravus: “Of course you will, you little scamp.”

>The CTF a fox board is interesting.
Bahravus: ”Fuck! Y-you’re tight, boy!” try as you might, no matter how hard you slam into this cute fox tush, you can’t get yourself balls deep, “I can barely h-hilt myself inside you!”
Fox: ”Ah… ah… I’ve b-been saving… ah… myself… ah…” his moans are soft and cute, “S-still a… ah… virgin back t-there… ah…”
Bahravus: ”Ngg… damn shame…” you tell him, giving his ass a quick smack, “An ass like this deserves t-to be pounded regularly.” Moving your legs a bit to change your position, you grab his hips and start pounding him even harder, “N-never gotten transformed either I g-gather?”
Fox: ”Ah… y-you’re m-my first, s-sir…” the fox shivers, “And y-you’ll… ah… make it permanent too… ah…” before arching his back, “Fuck that’s hot…”
Bahravus: ”D-don’t worry, son… t-this isn’t my first time.” taking a moment to throw a glance towards the imp, you watch him hard at work impregnating that fox gal with your seed, “Y-you’ll even join my second wife down there.” As the two of you find a proper rhythm, you prepare yourself to absorb him, “R-ready to stop being a fox?”
Fox: ”I’m… ah… ah… j-just future goat dick, sir…” he bends over slightly, trying his best to meet your crotch with his hips, “Turn me into your fat cock, daddy! Please!”
Bahravus: ”H-here we go…” you mutter as you grip around his hips hardens, “Hope you’re r-ready to become p-part of me, lad!”

No. 1097700 ID: 681cb5
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With one final thrust, you manage to hilt yourself inside his cute tush, and when you try to pull out you only manage to pull him with you, as you can feel his body merge with yours. He’s starting to turn into a part of you.

>Ask about The Madame!
Bahravus: ”Ngg… so… son… about y-your grandmother…” you grunt while thrusting into him, each movement making more and more of his body turn into cock meat, “Is she and t-the priestess e-enemies?”
Fox: ”N-no… ah… ah… m-more like… ah… fuck… competitors?” he squeals as your bodies become one, as each twitch of your penis pulses through his body, “Oh gosh… I… ah… s-she’s going t-to turn t-that oversized noodle into… ah… ngg… womb food one of these d-days… ah…”
Bahravus: ”Oh? So they are f-fighting?” you take a deep breath, “Yet, she lets her… ah… let her set up shop in h-her temple?”
Fox: ”She d-doesn’t… ah… t-think… fff… I’m… ah…” as your own orgasm start washing over you, you can feel his whole body shake, twitching as if it was your own member trying to unleash its seed, “I c-can feel my b-body… oh fuck… fuck… nggg… FUCK!!!” He fires rope after rope of his young seed across the table in front of him, just as the transformation takes a hold of him properly. He tries to say something, but his head has already started turning into the tip of your new member, “Mmfff…”
Bahravus: ”Well, time to get c-cocked I guess.” you muse, “Mmm… nice knowing you, kid.”
Fox: “Mff…ggnn…”

No. 1097701 ID: 681cb5
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You almost fall over when his body transforms, turning the cute fox into a proper goat cock once and for all. The feeling of his body twitching and squirming as your member feels amazing, making your legs shake as the pleasure washes over you. You can’t even begin imagining how he feels…

As the last of the foxes consciousness joins your loins you can’t help but loudly bleat, the feeling of him becoming nothing more than a fat slab of meat for your to use overwhelms you.

Goddess, you’ve forgotten how good this feels… why didn’t you absorb more people like this after your second wife anyway?

No. 1097702 ID: 681cb5
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And with that, he’s gone. No more fox, only cock. You let out a sigh of relief… that was almost too much…

>You're an old man, a stamina amulet would be a good idea if you need to run from the hunter.
The amulet is working wonders, as you’ve barely broken a sweat even after turning that cute fox lad into a new cock. You still want a nap, though…

>Do you know anything about that demon lord? could Maz?
Bahravus: ”Hey Maz…” you say, catching your breath, “Do you know anything about that demon lord fellow?”
Maz: ”…huh?” the small imp looks over his bloated, fox filled stomach, “Nah, don’t ring a bell, mortal.”
Bahravus: ”You’d think he’d be grateful if we chucked his dick back at him?”
Maz: ”You shouldn’t trust demons, mortal.” he waves his hand dismissingly in the air, “Besides, he probably already grew it back by now.”
Bahravus: ”Really?” it is clear he’s not telling you something, but that can wait… “If you say so…”
Maz: ”Now shut up and let me digest this slut.”

What were you doing again? Oh right, the Madame! She still haven’t finished with her last client, it seems. Well, at least you got a new, nice cock… and Maz impregnated another lady for you, leaving only three more if you want to beat the Priestesses challenge. Let just hope that assassin isn’t on your tail just yet.

Maz: “What now, mortal? Who do we consume next?” the little imp gives of a small burp, “I should go for some dessert…”

The fox hanging from your loins twitches, eager to fulfill his new purpose… to breed…

No. 1097703 ID: c8380b

Looks like you have someone interested peeping on you.
No. 1097712 ID: 355e44

Looks like there is an interested party around the corner. Although they are armed, but that's easily dealt with.
No. 1097713 ID: 30d506

That lady that was peeping on you is holding a blade rather conspicuously. Your hand is already against the wall: transmute it and pull her ass through the wall. Bleat again to distract her, if need be.
That condom full of cum could serve as a further weapon/distraction, whether dropped on her head or toss in her face.

Things to be concerned about:
Maz IS the previous owner of that dick. He is a demon lord. The fox was saying his name backwards, or perhaps forwards, that's why he interrupted him. Reaffirm your bond to both names at the absolute first chance you get.
You also need to confirm that he's still pumping out your seed, and your seed hasn't been replaced with the fox's seed, just to avoid losing on technicality.
That collar the fox was wearing is on your dick, and will probably do something, so removing it may be prudent as well.
No. 1097729 ID: 77189b

ok so we all saw the gal with the sword
but shark face here or whoever that is with the purple silhouette was also in the bazaar outside
which is
whoever that was with the sword didnt want to interrupt you so they may not be the assassin
keep your head on a swivel
maybe have maz watch out for anyone creeping up on you. ambush from under and death form above are classics.
No. 1097740 ID: 2a82d3

Is there a rug or carpet on the floor, and can you transmute it into a rope snare trap to anyone standing on it? The answer to that question may be surprisingly relevant soon. Though, it may be less surprising to you if you divine where your "assassination" is going to be. It's that one weird trick assassins hate.

Apparently, according to the sign, it's proper to notify the Madam of the house before you go. In fact, you may be of help producing replacements for her. Take a puppy, leave a puppy, as they say. You could even compensate for the rabbit, if you can make yourself fertile enough.

One concern: While not all fox's have innate magical talent, clearly, no one runs a shop of curios without some talent in divination magic. Between her innate magic and her age, Madame Olga may be a real trickster of a fox. A "kitsune", if you will. Not that she won't be fun, but keep your wits about you if you see her.

>Maz IS the previous owner of that dick. He is a demon lord. The fox was saying his name backwards, or perhaps forwards, that's why he interrupted him.
If that's true, he... wasn't "breeding some poor guard" in your absence, was he...
Don't feed the little shit shit until he starts being straight with you, specifically about what he may or may not have discussed with the "fortune teller" after finding that dick. That old fox has a plot, a long one, and it's not certain if you should want a part in it yet.
No. 1097743 ID: c32dca

Looks like a Tharan. Could be the real assassin, and the one with the blade an apprentice/intermediary, or the stabby tabby could be an opportunistic predator. Felines and red garb are affiliated with Wjares, but we're still in the heart of her temple.

>divine where your "assassination" is going to be
Too many unknowns: in learning where and who, there is a solid chance we learn how they succeed, ensuring our loss.
And considering we're a guest in the Madam's "house", we should absolutely follow the rules, though she likely already knows.
No. 1097866 ID: 379404

No breeding gets done if you keep eating them
No. 1098083 ID: 681cb5
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>Apparently, according to the sign, it's proper to notify the Madam of the house before you go. In fact, you may be of help producing replacements for her. Take a puppy, leave a puppy, as they say.
The whole plan is to leave her with a lot of puppies, remember? Still, you have to actually see her first…

>Maz IS the previous owner of that dick. He is a demon lord. The fox was saying his name backwards, or perhaps forwards, that's why he interrupted him.
Maz? Demon Lord? He’s a small imp, not some giant demonic beast. Besides, You’ve never heard of a demon actually doing any long term planning before, but Maz is a tricky one… hmm…
>You also need to confirm that he's still pumping out your seed, and your seed hasn't been replaced with the fox's seed, just to avoid losing on technicality.
He’s still bound to your contract, just like that twink was. As for the one between your loins, he’s more goat than fox by this point.
>That collar the fox was wearing is on your dick, and will probably do something, so removing it may be prudent as well.
…hmm, it’s definitely magical… and you can feel it react to you. Possibly a fertility charm? Or maybe a amulet that makes it easier to keep hard? But why would he wear that? Did the Madame tip him off about his fate beforehand?

>Looks like there is an interested party around the corner.
Why, hello there, little lion… while she has a blade, it’s clear she’s no real warrior.
>Shark face here or whoever that is with the purple silhouette was also in the bazaar outside.
The Tharan? Yes, you did notice that she followed you into the Madam’s… but is it just a coincidence, or is she the assassin?

>No breeding gets done if you keep eating them.
Maz: ”Hey, the curse never specified that they needed to carry them to terms. Besides, she’ll still be pregnant with your child when she’s reborn as a demon, you know.”
>Have Maz watch out for anyone creeping up on you. Ambush from under and death form above are classics.
Maz: ”Of course Mortal.” he points behind you, “Look, there’s a Kat’ka about the pounce right now.”
Assassin: ”Greetings, Goat!” with a quick jump, she reveal herself from her hiding spot, “The Priestess sent me to ensure you meet your proper fate!” She smirks, “The fate of being fat on my ass, that is! Now prepare yourself, Bahravus, for the fight of y-”
Bahravus: ”I meant someone actually dangerous, Maz.” you make a show to look behind the lioness, “Like that Tharan that followed us inside.”
Maz: ”I will keep an eye out, mortal.” the small imp flies up onto a nearby shelf, “Nothing will escape my gaze.”
Assassin: ”Hey, I’m talking here!” the young Kat’ka stomps the floor in annoyance, “Are you even listening!?”

Bahravus: ”I can’t decide…” you mutter, “How should I deal with this one?”
Assassin: ”What? Are you ask-”
Bahravus: ”I’m talking with the Imp, miss.”
Maz: ”Let me eat her?”
Bahravus: ”That’s your answer to everything.”
Assassin: ”You should do well to not underestimate me, prey, as I am not one to be trifled with” striking a pose, with her blade pointed straight at you, she goes on a clearly rehearsed spiel, “I am the blade of Wjares, the huntress of the war goddess! The end of all things! FEAR ME IF YOU DARE!”
Bahravus: ”That’s nice.”
Assassin: ”What the-“ she sputters a bit before yelling, “Hey! Stop ignoring me!”

You can’t really see her giving you any trouble, with the exception on deciding just how you should knock her up…
A) Mating Press!
B) Full Nelson!
C) Anvil Position on the table!
D) Standing doggy style over the table!
E) Reverse Cowgirl (Let her be in control)
F) Fuck her face while Maz does the Breeding.

Or maybe you should just eat her and be done with it. You need a nap, after all.
1) Oral.
2) Anal.
3) Cock.
4) Feed them to Maz.
5) Let her eat you.

Breed and Feed COMBO!
(Combine a A-F with a 1-5)

Assassin: ”What are you doing!? Fight me!”
Bahravus: ”I’m considering my options on how I should breed you, lass.”
Assassin: ”Oh~” the muster in her voice falters slightly, “I’ll… um… I’ll just give you a moment then.”
No. 1098084 ID: 72ff97

C, and make sure that she'll bear YOUR child, and not just the Madame's fox. As long as he's considered your boy, too, then it should be fine.

It's sweet of Maz to spend his time with us in our golden years instead of getting up to whatever crazy shit a demon lord would be in constant demand for. I think he'd genuinely miss you if you finished your challenge and retired with the High Priestess. Would he like us to remake him as a mortal so he doesn't have to hide from her if he wants to stay with or visit us?
No. 1098091 ID: 750b36

C, and you need a replacement for the zebra Max just ate so how about making her look as small and insignificant as she feels? You can have her as a snack later after she’s slapped against your rump a few times.
No. 1098095 ID: 355e44

E4 combo, bounce her in your lap while Maz swallows her from the top. That will keep her busy while you keep an eye out for the real assassin.
No. 1098098 ID: 2a82d3

You familiar with Caves of Qud?
C5, with a twist.

She will become what she eats, literally. You, master of transmutation, will take over her body* from the inside, mold it as close to your original form as you can, and shunt her consciousness to an appropriate body part. (I recommend pussy, if you don't mind being pregnant, and futa if you could regrow your dick.) If, as the priestess spoke of, you're strong-willed enough to survive your unbirth, that same logic should apply here. Hopefully, your enchantments will carry over.
No. 1098101 ID: b8585e

No. 1098108 ID: a7a180

Don't get cocky. Are you sure she isn't a distraction from the real assassin?
B4, and quickly.
No. 1098115 ID: 77189b

you know
she seems more prideful than smart

maybe you can use that?
find out what she can do AND get someone to watch your back for a full second without getting distracted by ass. even if she cant do garbage beginners tend to be lucky right?
something like
"ok kid tell you what, iv dealt with a LOT of would be killers in my years. show me what you can do to the next chump to try and jump me.
if you impress me well have a fight. maybe ill even show you a couple moves that never made there way down here before."
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