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File 170995831821.png - (18.74KB , 500x500 , gone with the wind.png )
1085846 No. 1085846 ID: 3f89df

[NSFW] For Nudity, Sexual Themes and Gore.
A group of Bloodeians Kobolds worshiping the fallen draconic goddess Blood Mother attempt to rebuild their fallen home.

The story takes place in a custom world, with some elements and lore taken from Rimworld.
63 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1089043 ID: 3f89df
File 171337394223.png - (13.95KB , 500x500 , woah thats a lot of rocks.png )

>I already don't like that guy. A thousand gold is nothing to sneeze at, and that was your seasonal payment?!
>No, this reeks of a scam. The people on loan were Gold Scale; how hard would it be for them to ditch you so Gold Scales could claim your lives on default?
>In any case, his investment is suspicious, and his terms are profoundly unfair. Screw that guy.

>You need guns. It's the only way to get the Empire to back off. Go south, but carefully, and find an outpost. If you can steal some guns and a few ammo crates, hunting will become incredibly easy, and you can quickly train up an army and oust Gold Scale from power.

Look, as much as I don’t like Gold Scale, he’s the capital, and besides some nearby towns and cities, He has much more of a political and social standing between the kobolds than we could ever dream of, I don’t think that if we fail to pay our seasonal payment he’ll initially go to execute us, It’s more likely that Crocodile would lose his privileges and his land, and at most we would be banished, of course, that is if we don’t rebel militaristically, in which case we’d have the same reaction to what he sent to deal with the Crimision Flame.

Or we’d be perfectly indebted to him. I must admit, despite what the other kobolds think, I hate GoldScale. He throws out our current leader, Fang, then says he’s an illegitimate heir, renames the capital, and has a religious god complex in the capital. Not only that, but he embodies what drove blood mother to reside among the ground, Worshiping her children among herself.

Initially, that may be a good idea, but it is risky. Right now, we need some room to produce goods and gain enough people, so that is a good idea.

Oh! It seems as if Bardeibor has already finished, and it’s starting to get rather dark out, and my hunger is gnawing, so It’s a perfect time; I see Crocodile, hard at work, entirely focused on the fields; he seems to be doing decently well, and I have hauled our goods in the meantime, any others I’ve missed I’ll do later, Well before I call it quits for the night, Let’s see what we're dealing with-

No. 1089044 ID: 3f89df
File 171337394444.png - (14.60KB , 500x500 , woah bardeibor.png )

Oh! A table and a couple of chairs? It’s not much, a bit tight, and the plywood is definitely not something we can keep long-term, but this looks rather good. Of course, there’s the storage container, which now, with a perceptive eye, contains most of our inventory from the caravan; going north from the storage container or kitchen seems to lead to a small hallway with a cramped bathroom to the end of the right side, and what seems to be two doors to two-rooms on the left side. To the left, there’s nothing. It looks more like a closet than anything else; I hope to BloodMother that is Bardeibor’s room, and to the right, it’s…

Well, thankfully, It’s much larger, but there’s also nothing, by the Gods! Bardeibor made a table and chairs but didn’t find it fit to make a bed for Crocodile!

No. 1089045 ID: 3f89df
File 171337394723.png - (16.71KB , 500x500 , uhoh sleepy cringey.png )

This is bad, really bad. Crocodile is quite greedy regarding his chambers, and I already know how much he dislikes sleeping in a bedroll. I don’t personally care too much as I could survive sleeping on the floor, but I can’t imagine Crocodile liking the same.

Our dinner wasn't too noteworthy, and while his reaction to sleeping on the floor was just as I expected, it wasn’t bad enough for him to have a complete breakdown. He accepted it quite well, but mumbled about the savagery of the day. I found it hard to disagree, and despite not feeling safe, I inevitably fell asleep.

No. 1089047 ID: 3f89df
File 171337398632.png - (13.47KB , 500x500 , Yawwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.png )

Now, with a new day on the horizon and the sound of a caravan passing by the roads, I ask for your assistance, Muni, on what we should prioritize now.
No. 1089051 ID: eb0a9c

Well... fine. Just... be careful. Even if he was a hero, what is he right now? What is he going to be if the crisis keeps growing?
I'll give him some time. We'll see how this plays out.

That's very insightful. You're the expert on magic, not us.

Alright, I did some 'training' on settlement tactics. It's complicated.
Everything begins with food. Make sure you have enough to perform at least one mid-term project. If not, then concentrate your efforts on securing more, no matter how tempting the other gambits.
Next, put all your efforts into chopping trees. You need space, building materials, and fuel, and the local trees can give you all of that. As long as your numbers are low, the devastation on the environment should be minimal, even if you clear out a glade.
And be daring! You're kind of desperate, so look for high-risk adventures to give you an edge in new resources and powers found in these dark woods!
No. 1089079 ID: 2f41db

A passing caravan brings opportunity grey mother.
Trade, gossip, information.
Perhaps even a good price for some of your muffalo should you be worried about lising them.
Primarily there could be trade to be had.

Regarding another issue.
The slavery.
I do not like it.
At all.
but it could be worth bringing in three because you are spread too thin for the work needed right now.
As such, i have a proposal grey mother.
One that may be more in line with the philosophy of a group seeking to be free of their own masters...

The three you "buy", once their previous owner is out of earshot, make them an offer.
That they will work for an agreed period of time, after which they will be freed.
That period of time equating in labour of the value you spent on them.
Explain what you are founding here.
Your goals, your hopes, your ideals.
After they are freed, should they wish to stay and be part of what they have helped build, they will be welcome to and embraced as kindred.
Should they wish to leave, they shall be allowed without constraint and shall hopefully consider you allies.
The hardest part will be convincing them you are not lying.
As such, their food and residence should be of equal quality to yours.
If the others oppose this, then bring up the following.
Turning three resentful slaves into three, free ,loyal citizens is better than forever having to worry about waking to a violent revolt.
What value our ideals if we merely act unto others as goldscales do unto us?

If you are fortunate, the caravan nay have candidates for you.
Choose for demenour over ability.
You are not numerous enough to cope with a disruotive element.

Of course, final decisions rest with you and the others, grey mother, but the council of this muni is to embrace freedom and grow unity not to chain souls and sow strife.
No. 1089081 ID: eb0a9c

In the case of Indentured Servitude, I would propose we give the slaves the option of Double or Nothing.
Option (A): They leave, with nothing but the clothes on their back. They're completely free.
Option (B): They stay, their pay is docked to minimum possible wage (which you then have them use to pay for room and board and a few goodies here and there) until they have made what you bought them for - at which point, to their surprise, you then give them double the monetary value of what they produced for you. So now, not only do you pay back what should have been their wages but then give a gift out of the profits you made from their labor, showing that civilizations make far more than what they pay their citizens and you are willing to give some of that profit back to them. This should solidify their loyalty. From there, wages are normal, along with incentives, sidequests, and XMAS bonuses.
No. 1089160 ID: 5ebd37

Wow you got all that done in a day? That's some great work ethic.

If you must do slavery, this is the closest to moral way to do it.

Hail the caravan. Even if you have nothing to trade yet it's good to see whats on the market.
No. 1094766 ID: 3f89df
File 172202994755.png - (29.94KB , 500x500 , uhoh this is kind of an big ask for some slaves.png )

>Well... fine. Just... be careful. Even if he was a hero, what is he right now? What is he going to be if the crisis keeps growing? I'll give him some time. We'll see how this plays out.

So you were talking about Crocodile! It is highly offensive that you'll still consider him invaluable to the settlement. Even with all I've said and all you've seen, do you still think otherwise? Crocodile is the kind of leader to break his back sowing the fields early in the morning and late to the night; the future is almost always in his mind, and I'm confident he can make the right decisions.

He is still an official Baron until Gold Scales says otherwise, which gives him privileges among our neighbors, including Exceptional Hospitality, and potentially requesting resources from the Capital and our neighbors, but that may give us some risks.
No matter what Gold Scale says, Crocodile will still be an Emperor in my eyes.

>Alright, I did some 'training' on settlement tactics. It's complicated.
Everything begins with food. Make sure you have enough to perform at least one mid-term project. If not, concentrate on securing more, no matter how tempting the other gambits. Next, put all your efforts into chopping trees. You need space, building materials, and fuel; the local trees can provide more. As long as your numbers are low, the devastation to the environment should be minimal, even if you clear out a glade.

Thank you for your initial consideration. Currently, our main priority is food. Crocodile has already started plowing the fields, and that will continue to be his focus today. Baredibor will most likely be hunting, and we still have food from our Caravan. We should be fine if we don't move to a colder climate or deplete the local wildlife. Regarding plants, we prioritize rice, corn, and some cotton, with rice being our primary focus.

>And be daring! You're desperate, so look for high-risk adventures that will give you an edge in discovering new resources and powers in these dark woods!

That is much harder to swallow; if we get acquainted by passing adventurers on the road, we should begin a quest. I'm not one to really adventure that often, as I find it hard to squish a life, but you know better to lead an empire than yourself, Muni, and I'll do so; maybe to start, I can investigate the noise of that approaching Caravan.

No. 1094767 ID: 3f89df
File 172202995147.png - (9.94KB , 500x500 , slavers well aint that convient.png )

Crocodile and I step out of our rooms and towards the sound.
Almost immediately as I do, I recognize the Caravan. It's one of the Empire.

There are four knights and either a Praetor Or a Baron Himself.
All the knights are dressed head-to-toe in custom-built, with some gold-laced armor in various builds. Some have their muskets as belts, while other larger ones can be seen across their backs. They have a muffalo alongside a sleek, quill-based predator with multiple yellow eyes.

They seem to be slave traders or tribute collectors. They seem to have a comprehensive collection of slaves of numerous races behind them, their goals clearly being to either lead them back to their base for production or sell them off; otherwise, their muffalo seem to contain bags and carts of unknown treasure or goods.

Despite the potential risks, I take the road to hail the Caravan. Crocodile stays close by but behind me; as I do so,

As I see them get closer in view, I can overhear the discussion from the humans.

"And that's why we'd never let Jhon-" A knight beside him interrupts him
"Halt my Good man It seems that there's some ankle bitters ahead."
"Ankle Bitters? Those Little Bastards? Hmm Not a lot of them I hear, maybe it's best if we add them to the little party here."
The Baron looks at them. "Don't even finish that thought, Copper, Where Tribute Collectors, The empire has no need to squabble among the savages of this land."
A Female Voice adds, "Besides Ven, Think about it economically, the savages buy our slaves at quite a markup price then the empire, and for Gold too, Ven what do you think the King wants, another little servant out of his ten to wipe his fat ass, or instead gold that we can use to get out of this blighted place."
"Steel your Tounge Gold, This is a professional matter. And Copper, do not speak unless you are reporting." The Baron glares at the misbehaving soldiers
Both soldiers regain their formation and begin profusely apologizing. "Yes, Sir, sorry, Sir. It won't happen again, Sir."
No. 1094768 ID: 3f89df
File 172202995321.png - (12.57KB , 500x500 , yo no looking at the ugly human.png )

As their Caravan gets ever so closer, I'm reminded of the absolute size of humans compared to us; even with Bardeibor potentially close by, I feel defenceless as a bug; even so, trade is essential, and it seems due to his in-action that Crocodile is testing me on if I can successfully talk, despite low circumstances, I step back out of the road. I hear a whip of the reigns as the muffalo begins to slow down, the knights get into a defensive position, and the baron looks at me, awaiting a response.

"Hello Sir-" "Eyes to the ground, hands behind your back Ankle Bitter." I immediately look down towards the ground and tie my hands behind my back. "That's much better, Dog, now do you wish to do business? Or should I cut off your tongue for wasting my time?"
"Business, Sir," I quickly reply.
In response, the Baron claps his hands in a rhythmic formation. Two of the rear guards begin to unload some of the slaves stashed away in the Caravan, and the ones walking all get into a straight, presentable line. "I want no funny business out of you, bitch, so make your decision and we'll give you a price." I hesitate to ask him further questions based on his temperament, but one sticks out. "I wish to make an informed decision about our slaves and what they are best at, may I ask the slaves about themselves?"
I can hear the coldness in the baron's voice. "Publically, and- " He turns his attention to the slaves, "I expect quick replies out of you, any longer than a recital, and you'll all get thirty lashings."
"Before I make my choice, Do you wish to Trade Further? I noticed you-"
He screams in my general direction, "Don't even think about it you pest, that caravan is for the KING, you moron, if you let you or your little doggy friends even near that thing, We'll burn up this entire forest and slaughter your little tribe."
"Sorry, Sir. I'm only interested in the slaves."
"That's what I thought, now choose from your selection."

Muni, We have around 325 gold Coins. About 50 silver coins are gold, and about 100 copper coins are silver. Since you may not know a reference to compare that to a prosperous farmer makes, on average, around 20 silver a year, and the less successful ones make around 90 copper a year.

I begin to scout the selection; they seem to be from a wide variety of backgrounds and races, with some being races I've not even seen before,
I go from the back of the line to the front.

Before I question them, I turn to the baron, my face staring at the ground.
"May I ask them for their names?"
He responds in an odd tone of voice, "Well, I don't care one way or the other, savage, but if you're planning on coddling them, just know that some have murdered their own kind in their own blood."
"I'm aware of the possibility, I'm wondering if there are any names that ring a bell politically, that is all."
He scoffs, and I return my attention to the slaves.
No. 1094769 ID: 3f89df
File 172202995599.png - (15.38KB , 500x500 , Gnoll looks like a gnoll made from gnoll i mean gn.png )

The first one seems to be a well-built knoll, with what seems to be many diffrent scars and stitches across his body and fresh wounds from whipping all throughout his body.
"My name is Trick RedClaw: I can haul, hunt, chop trees, help with light construction, and, if you're a sweet master, let me fight in the front lines."
The Barron adds.
"This one and his tribe ambushed us while we were collecting tribute from an acolyte's settlement, a true savage. Since he committed an offense against the empire. Its price is 40 gold."
No. 1094770 ID: 3f89df
File 172202995757.png - (13.41KB , 500x500 , as the artist who knows what she looks like she is.png )

I move on to the next one. It is a blood-red, draconian kobold child or something from another race. It's hard to tell, as she wears a thick veil all over her body. She seems moderately dressed in some long robes. Her voice is soft but quite loud as if multiple mouths were talking simultaneously.
"My..m-y I'm sorry Madam! please don't hit me!" She seems to brace herself but seems confused when the blows aren't hit. For the sake of keeping my intentions unclear, I don't say anything.
"M-m-mm, madam? Sorry, my name is Runi; I don't have a last name. I'm good at magic and researching artifacts, but my magic may not be something you like, madam."
I turn to the baron. "If you don't mind me asking, why does she wear that veil?"
The knight loudly responds, and I see Runi shrink away from the noise. "Cause she's an ugly bastard, that's why! A pure-blooded abomination, that thing! She looks like her mother came from the Corrupted Wilds, and her Father was a blobfish; it's no wonder the Grenfell House gave her as tribute; what a waste she is!"
I hear Runi loudly sobbing, her hands bound by her chains, as her tears fall from her eyes."
The Baron seems to ignore the Knights' barbarism and looks at me. "She's a terrible slave, through and through. So I'll give you a deal: 3 gold, although I am willing to accept giving her for free if you buy at least three slaves."
Despite my maternal instincts screaming at me to help the sorrowful child, I move on down the line.
No. 1094771 ID: 3f89df
File 172202996073.png - (13.53KB , 500x500 , is this just an ordniary adventuere or a bard.png )

It's a human, a tad taller than the others, with a thin yet still muscular frame and flamboyant features.
"My name is Aludem Huen I'm a former adventurer; I can Travel, fight, play music on my lute, and tell tales of adventure that'll last multiple generations to come."

"Don't listen to this bandit. he's an "adventurer" who attempted to double-cross us during trade. Instead of throwing him into the ocean like we should have, we kept him around since there'd be a suitable punishment back home in the empire. 40 gold"
No. 1094772 ID: 3f89df
File 172202996275.png - (13.62KB , 500x500 , birrrrrrrrrrrd.png )

I go up to the next one; it is a long, thin, bird-like race with a pronounced beak and swift bird-like legs.
"Greetings, My name is Leiko Theresa, pleasure to make you aquantince, in my old life I was an Jewler or Tailor, but if it's anything that requires me using my claws, I can easily fit that into your role."

"35 gold"
No. 1094773 ID: 3f89df
File 172202996558.png - (14.01KB , 500x500 , oi you cant have a sexy cat girl in your party tha.png )

The next one seems to be a breed of blue-skinned humans with odd cat-like features; they have a soft face and defined features and seem to be what humans would call "Attractive."
Before I can question her, the Baron immediately speaks up, and one of the knights blocks me from her view.
"Hey, you can't have that one. That type's the King's Favriote 150 Gold."
I quickly move on to the next.
No. 1094774 ID: 3f89df
File 172202996721.png - (10.00KB , 500x500 , crabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb killllllllllllllllllllllll.png )

It is a small crab-like race. He eyes me suspiciously
"Oh just you wait- just you wait until I'm Free! FREE! I Tell you! I'll Kill you, I'll kill you all! When I get bigger then you'll be crushed between my claws ya hear? KILL-"
"Those Crab races are nothing but an menace, 10 gold."
No. 1094775 ID: 3f89df
File 172202997035.png - (9.63KB , 500x500 , fat cat but he just an working class.png )

I move on to the next one, It is a medium-sized tuxedo cat.
"My name's Punt Lil. I'll keep this short for both of us, I used to be a Miller, but then I became a Baker!" They say.
"35 Gold"
No. 1094776 ID: 3f89df
File 172202997230.png - (9.06KB , 500x500 , bee me me beeeee.png )

Next is a Race that Crocodile And I are more than familiar with Eusa's. They seem to have either ant, bee, termite, or a mixture of eusocial insect traits. I know from first-hand experience that Insectia cares more for their Queen's Will and Mission above all else, so she'd make a terrible long-time member, especially if we get ambushed by Eusa's shortly.

"Hunter, Fisher, Herbalist, Gaurd," She says blankly. She didn't even give me a chance to speak.

"20 Gold."
No. 1094777 ID: 3f89df
File 172202997474.png - (16.97KB , 500x500 , nyehehyehehehehehhe nyeh and i say i-.png )

The next one is- I almost jump back in surprise from their appearance and stench; it seems to be some sort of magically resurrected skeleton, but obviously not a mindless drone, from what I've seen before.

"Hark, Miss Empress Cutebold, I'm Tomp Hearl, Former Human turned Profane. While I was a Scholar for the Profane faction and avid user of the Dark Arts, It seems that my current predicament in the hands of the empire makes it so that will not be possible. You may be taken aback by my appearance, and that would be reasonable for mortals, but Since I can not get sick, nor suffer the effects of poison nor sores I can easily deal with the less *pleasant* side of running a colony."

"This one gives a big talk, but it seemed like his savage brothers wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. Nonetheless, if he's telling the truth, he'd be an excellent slave for you barbarians. 50 gold."
No. 1094778 ID: 3f89df
File 172202997757.png - (11.31KB , 500x500 , lizard with boobies no way its the lizard with boo.png )

The next slave seems to be a large reptile girl. Her head and body parts are possibly covered in scales in an armadillo-like fashion. She also seems to have mammalian lumps. That's quite odd for a reptile.

"Welp, whatever I say can't be as good as that pitch, Heya new masters, I'm Untella Brendmear I used to do mercenary work due to reasons that I won't bog you down with, but I then moved to bartending for awhile until the empire swiped in, stole my supplies and shop, and now I'm here, destined to go to god's knows where to mine stupid shit until I collapse dead. Ya, I know there going to whip me till I can't walk ounce your gone, but I honestly don't care anymore."
No. 1094779 ID: 3f89df
File 172202998013.png - (9.79KB , 500x500 , Good boi sorry i mean girl i mean boi i mean grill.png )

The next one is a frankly adorable small dog-like race that resembles Corgis. I'd want to pet this little guy severely if this wasn't a professional setting.

"Howdy there miss! I'm Sweetie Huntdrop, Me and pops was farmers more specifically we where fruit producers, If you'd choose me, I'll let you in on a family secret that's been passed down for generations, upon generations. I know it'd be worth all the gold that ya'll keeping!"

"More Farmers have no use to the Empire, 15 Gold."
No. 1094780 ID: 3f89df
File 172202998244.png - (10.51KB , 500x500 , bovaine with bovaine equals bovine bovine plus bov.png )

The next one is a sizeable bovine race covered in fur, even over its eyes. It bears its muzzle and has an underbite tooth.

"I used to be a dock worker, so I mainly did heavy hauling and occasional construction or repairs if it was needed, oh and before I forget, my name's Dieala Vun! Pleasure to be meeting you!"

[color=#8836E1] "30 gold"

No. 1094781 ID: 3f89df

I go to the next slave; it appears to be some sort of human; there's an awkward silence between us, but just as I'm about to leave, they physically grab me and pull me closer to them.
"Wait, before you leave, I'm not what I seem, I assure you, My name is Kent If you have enemies, Any enemies, I'll help you slaughter them, I won't hurt you. But please, I'm hungry; And if I'm stuck here any longer I'll starve, please-"

They are hit on the back of the head by one of the knights: "Know your place Thrall, Hands off your potential Savage Master, whose got hands in gold, they are worth more then you'll ever be."

The baron says, "25 gold."
No. 1094782 ID: 3f89df
File 172202998763.png - (5.59KB , 500x500 , awwwwwwwwww sad boi whos changed up and then going.png )

The Second to the Last seems to be some sort of Gelatinous Slime creature that attempts to have a human-like frame but lacks the necessary details to look human.

"Can you speak?" I reply
It shakes its head.
"Can you write?"
It nods its head.
"Can you do basic, and complex tasks?"
It nods its head again.

"The slime is 20 gold."
No. 1094783 ID: 3f89df
File 172202999083.png - (33.59KB , 500x500 , small shadow child.png )

Finally, the last one seems to be some sort of creature the size of us; they have a horn protruding from their head that goes back and a semi-large tail, they have what seems to have large bat-like ears, and are covered head-to-toe in bandages.

"Are you going to call me an abomination, too?"
"Everyone who sees me calls me an abomination, it's why mommy didn't want me anymore, called me the spawn of Ueritix, why the pastors threatened to burn me at the stake, why mommy sold me to the empire."
"Hey, hey, it's alright, little one. Can I ask what your name is?"
"It's Uea, my race's tongue for demon spawn. Mommy doesn't want me to use her last name; she said she'd beat me if I did."

"Kids are useless for anything other than washing floors, and shoveling dung 10 gold."

Seeing all of these unknown races makes me feel as if we kobolds have been relatively isolated from the broader world for centuries.
Finally, with all of the slaves out of the way, It's now time to make a decision, Muni; even though we have 325 gold, It would be less than ideal if we spent it all on these slaves; we still need supplies, and with every new recruit it is another mouth to feed, which is vital to consider if they aren't focused on anything that won't help us produce food, it's also essential to consider a person who won't betray us at a moments notice.

So Muni, who do we choose?

[1] Trick RedClaw: (Gnoll) Hauler, Wood Carver, Light Construction, Hunter, Gaurd. 40 gold.
[2] Muni R (Red) (???) Magic Researcher and Magic Caster. (Free if I choose up to three slaves) 3-5 gold.
[3] Aludem Huen (Human) Former Adventuerer, Gaurd, Bard, Thief.
[4] Leiko Theresa (Long-Limbed Bird Race) Tailor, Jeweler, Flexible. 35 Gold
[5] (Blue Skinned Cat-Like Human) ??? (King's favorite Race.) 150 Gold.
[6] Punt Lil (Tuxedo Cat-in?) Miller, Baker. 35 Gold
[7] ??? (Eusa's) Guard, Herbalist, Hunter, Fisher. 20 gold
[8] Tomp Hearl (Profane (Skeleton)) Scholar, Necromancer, User of Dark Arts, Willing to deal with disgusting things. 50 gold
[9] Untella Brendmear (Armadillo-like Lizard Race with breasts?) Former Mercanry, Bartender. 30 gold
[10] Sweetie Huntdrop (Corgi-like race) Farmer. 15 gold
[11] Dieala Vun (Furry-Bovine race) Hauler, Construction, repaired ships and the docks. 30 gold.
[12] ??? (Small Crab race) Has murderous intent. 10 gold
[13] Kent (Not a Human (Shape Shifter?) Hungry? Has combat skills? 30 gold.
[14] ??? (Slime) I can do simple and complex tasks and write. 30 gold.
[15] Uea (Child: Abomination?) It is somehow demonic in nature, 10 gold.
No. 1094785 ID: 2f41db

Grey mother, would that you could take them all...

1, 4, 9, 10, 11 then 15 with poor little runi for free.

I still say the intent should be to offer them a path to freedom.
To join with you or earn their freedom.
When what you have payed to free them is recovered, or its value in labour returned, then they are free.
The money can then be used to free another enslaved soul.

I hope talking with you will convince them of the value they would have and the regard they would be held in if they join you.

I council kindness grey mother.
Open hands and hearts may open thier minds to your ways.
A nation of free souls is better than a gathering of shackled ones.
No. 1094796 ID: eb0a9c

Risky. I don't think we can trust him; if we had a stronger army I'd take the deal, but it would be like buying a lit bomb. This man cannot be restrained by anything we can currently make, so if he goes rampant, people will die.
I'm okay if you buy his contract, but be ready for the worst...

You so need to buy her contract immediately. Cheap price means you lose little if she chooses to leave, and you can easily connect to her low self-esteem with your own bandage issues. Even if she doesn't have an Occultist power, having a loyal handmaiden will help you get more done each day, and having a friend will help your stress levels.

Ah, a classic rogue/bard. These guys are shifty, but usually care more about survival than murder. If he turns on you, it's just a matter of maintaining cohesion to mitigate any tricks he has. And as much as I don't want to admit it, having a human silver-tongue will seriously improve your diplomatic relations with the human empire. Worth the risk.

Unfortunately, I don't think we need her services yet. Precision crafting is going to be important in the mid-game, but that requires engineering laboratories and equipment worth thousands of gold. The long-term plans for our defense and armies involve guns, magic, and tech, meaning her claws will be a long-term detriment - kind of hard to hold a gun with giant keratin fingers.

Well, dang. I get the feeling there could be an investment opportunity here, but those soldiers would sooner go hostile than let their promotion requirement slip out of their fingers. Only way we'd get her is by attacking the convoy. and that's suicide.
Still, the Emperor loves blue-skinned catgirls. That intel will be useful, I'm sure. Apologize to the lady for her upcoming concubine status and give her an expensive gift, personally. Maybe she'll be... 'removed' quickly, but if she becomes part of the Emperor's harem, every favor you can court will be repaid tenfold.

Oh, quite the menace indeed! It's clear that this fellow isn't going to ally with you if you buy him, but his purchase price is cheap, he's not as invincible as he thinks he is, and his anger makes him honest. Despite the risk, I think we can try to earn his respect by pitting him against Gin. If it fails or if the psycho tries to kill us, Gin can kill him in ritual combat as tribute for his blood gods, which will make him more powerful.

I just... no. Expensive, weak official skillset, and very suspicious.
If you need baking tips, we can transfer some. Mediocre baking is incredibly easy and we won't need gourmet chefs for a while.

Ah, a hive species. I don't think she'll stay with us permanently, but you can see that she is very rational. She knows that she stands a better chance of making it back to her hive to serve if she serves as a temporary paid worker for us first. Her skillset is strong and generalized, meaning she'll make good work for us before she heads back to her hive. Definitely grab her, she's low risk, high short-term reward.

Well, you heard the man. Ultimately, my gripe is his extreme cost; if he bolts, there's little you can do to recoup your losses - he's just bones!
Too expensive, but otherwise a fair investment.

A hybrid? Cheap price, and I think we can sway her. She sounds like she'd make a great merchant, and if we save her ass then she'll owe us a favor regardless of how she gets back on her feet. Merchants and mercs need to keep their word, or they'll find that the once apathetic market is going to stare at them.

Definitely get her. Not for the secret, but because she's cheap and you will need farmers. Even if she leaves, she can spread word to her fellow farmers.

Well, you can get her if you want, but... I don't think her modest strength score is powerful enough to justify her purchase price. Even if she has sailing skills, we're not going to need those anytime soon.

...His name is Kent?
If this guy is who I think he is, then he's more powerful than he realizes. House El is famous for its heroes, born with the power to turn sunlight into physical and magical super-strength, and famed for their unwavering beliefs in morality and honor.
Pity that those idiots kept supporting empires over ghettoes.

Great deal, here. Modest price for a woman whose body gives her the potential to learn complex skills while mitigating most physical dangers. Main downside is that she won't give much if she chooses to just leave, but it's not a steep loss compared to the others.

I think he's a good deal. Cheap, and since the rest of the world considers him a pariah, I'm confident he'll stay with you if you show him respect. His species might make him eligible for unique magics.
No. 1094802 ID: e65c1a

2, 8, and 13 would have fantastic synergy with eachother. Even if the bag of bones is lying about knowing the dark arts, having someone who needs not eat, drink, breath, nor sleep would be really handy! Plus, he could wear the slime like a living armor. I bet together the two would be quite formidable!
Meanwhile, if the skeleton *isn't* lying about his capabilities, the free caster and he will create many, many magical possibilities for us!
No. 1094803 ID: 8f9bc4

Why on earth wouldn't your mommy want an adorable abomination like you?
No. 1094823 ID: 44c167

These are good choices, solid workers without strange quirks that will get this settlement up and running.

This rotten empire needs to die, but that's something for the far future.
No. 1095492 ID: 3f89df
File 172306017357.png - (23.18KB , 500x500 , wow thats a lot of slaves i mean denizines i mean.png )


Woah, that's a lot of choices and opinions I must sort through; let me hear you out individually, and I'll add my own opinions.

>Grey mother, would you take them all...
>1, 4, 9, 10, 11 then 15 with poor little runi for free.

I'm also hearing a whole bunch of voices talking about those specific slaves:
Trick Claw, Leiko, Untella, Sweetie, Diela, Uea, and Runi.

Many slaves fit the niche that they were currently looking for. Many are good at construction farming, and having a couple of skilled fighters instead of Bardeibor will be helpful if thieves, highwaymen, or pirates show up around here or if we need to travel for trade or other reasons.

Part of me, especially my empathetic side, wishes I could take them all, bearing a few I see no purpose in. Still, I have to reason since there would be so many diffrent people, especially those of wildly diffrent races, cultures and backgrounds, that conflict, especially one in the early stages of our colony, is almost a death sentence. Also, more people means more food and more homes, which means that we'd either need to hunt and gather more, which would eventually run out, putting us in a worse position, or with the homes, means that everybody would need to push themselves even further, not regarding gold cost and my relation with Crocodile would be strained, considering my next plan.

However, while it may anger Crocodile and lessen our trust, I'm willing to get a couple more, especially since there are other sides to consider in this, such as:


>Hm... Risky. We can't trust him; I'd take the deal if we had a stronger army, but it would be like buying a lit bomb. This man cannot be restrained by anything we can currently make, so if he goes rampant, people will die. I'm okay if you buy his contract, but be ready for the worst...

Well, while that is true, and we will most definitely keep an eye on him, You also forget that Bardeibor is also here; I think the worst thing we can do is keep Trick Claw alone with someone else, Bardeibor being an exception, although there is another wrench that is thrown into the works,
I have read that gnolls are pure carnivores, tribal, and have a warrior-like culture. To make ourselves sustainable, Meat will likely get harder and harder to come by, mind you, if he stays.

The worst-case scenario is if we get attacked by a band or hunting party of gnolls. It happens to be of his same tribe, and two things can happen: he either stands up and defends us or de-escalates the tension, or he joins the waring party; either way, he's a risk that I'm willing to take.

>Ah, a classic rogue/bard. These guys are shifty but usually care more about survival than murder. If he turns on you, it's just a matter of maintaining cohesion to mitigate any tricks he has. And as much as I don't want to admit it, having a human silver tongue will seriously improve your diplomatic relations with the human Empire. It's worth the risk.

That's true, especially if we ever conflict with the Empire or any eastern human settlements. It will make trading and general diplomacy much easier, and considering that our last stop before our current predicament was a human settlement, it is invaluable.

Although we won't be able to do it until we can fully trust him, his skills of being a pick-pocket and general thief may come in handy for sabotage, emergencies, and espionage, among other things, considering that none of us or the slaves we have chosen have experience in the seedy underbelly of society I say that he is well worth the investment.

Also, while this applies to him, it applies to the mercenary. Because they clearly emphasize survival rather than other Vices, there's a higher chance they'll stay instead of leaving when they inevitably repay their debts, especially if everything goes according to plan.

In all, I'll purchase him.

No. 1095493 ID: 3f89df
File 172306017599.png - (15.27KB , 500x500 , WOAHIS~1.png )

>...His name is Kent? If this guy is who he is, he's more powerful than he realizes. House El is famous for its heroes, born with the power to turn sunlight into physical and magical super-strength, and famed for their unwavering beliefs in morality and honour.
Pity that those idiots kept supporting empires over ghettoes.

Wait, Muni, you do know him? I was initially going to pass on him since his explanation of what he was left vague, except he wasn't what he said he was, which is "human." Still, the fact that you know him, despite how little knowledge was passed down from your mother, must mean that she knew/knows something about this person. Having someone with what you initially said was genuine, my curiosity has been piqued, and I need to know his true nature.

Despite the risk, 25 gold isn't the worst, and if he ends up being useless, well, there has to be someone to do all of the menial labour around the colony.

So, in all, I end up purchasing the following:
[1]: Trick RedClaw (Gnoll) Hauler, Wood Carver, Light Construction, Hunter, Gaurd.  (-40 Gold) [/b]
[2] Muni R (???): Magic Researcher and Magic Caster.  (Free)
[3]  Aludem Huen  (Human) Former Adventuerer, Gaurd, Bard, Thief.
(-40 Gold)
[4] Leiko Theresa (Long-Limbed Bird Race) Tailor, Jeweler, Flexible.
(-35 Gold)
[9] Untella Brendmear (Armadillo-like Lizard Race with breasts?) Former Mercanry, Bartender. (-30 gold)
[10] Sweetie Huntdrop (Corgi-like race) Farmer. (-15 gold)
[11] Dieala Vun (Furry-Bovine race) Hauler, Construction, repaired ships and the docks. (-30 gold.)
[13] Kent (Not a Human (From House El) Hungry? Has combat skills? (-30 gold.)
[15] Uea (Child: Abomination?) It is somehow demonic in nature (-10 gold.)

We have spent [230] gold and have 95 gold remaining. Sure, it's a tad tighter than I'm comfortable with, but it's enough to be a safety net.
If you wish to debate my choices, Muni, I'll provide my reasons. Otherwise, this choice is final.

No. 1095494 ID: 3f89df
File 172306017757.png - (16.46KB , 500x500 , ewwwww thats the barons face ewwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwww.png )

As I approach the Baron, thinking of my choices and reasoning, the Baron sneers, "Well? Have you made your decision?"
Looking away from the Baron's gaze, I respond softly, "Yes, I'll get the first, second, third, fourth, ninth, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen in the order you've shown me."
Crocodile raises a quizzical eyebrow and mutters something to himself but says nothing further.
The Baron then commands his knights to bring the slaves forward; he looks up at the sky, his brow furrowed. Does it really take that much energy for humans to calculate such basic math?
After a couple of minutes, the slaves are brought forward, rounded up like cattle about to be fed to a wolf.

"The total for all of these slaves comes down to 230 Gold."
I can feel the Baron's Gaze wash over me; it's intoxicating; I look over to Crocodile, and he returns blankly.
Despite this being a test of my ability to make tough decisions, I can't help but feel he's judging me for not doing what he would have done.

I reply to the Baron, attempting to seem as sympathetic as possible,
"My apologies, but I don't have the gold with me now; let me get the required amount to complete this transaction."

The Baron's tone darkens. "Be quick; the Empire's got more pressing matters to work on than to wait on some ankle-biters and their simplistic minds."
No. 1095495 ID: 3f89df
File 172306018070.png - (13.72KB , 500x500 , bardeibo0r bardeibor eyes.png )

As I approach the side of our makeshift cottage, I notice Bardeibor waiting in the nearby bushes. I'm half tempted to tell him to join Crocodile so he doesn't get kidnapped, but knowing Bardeibor, he's waiting precisely for that, so he has an excuse to go on a rampage. As much as he's a good guard, his way of thinking terrifies me.

As I look back, I see Crocodile come much closer to the shed but stop at a specific point near the entrance where he can have a more remarkable vantage point of the caravan. I go inside. Without windows or torches in the storage container, It's entirely pitch black, barring the light from the door. Thankfully, I remembered where I put the gold inside one of our rations in a bag. It means I have to eat the rations to not waste it going wrong, but It's okay anyway.

No. 1095496 ID: 3f89df
File 172306018339.png - (2.78KB , 500x500 , grey face reveal but its pitch black so its more l.png )

I prefer eating in the dark anyway.

After I've eaten half of the food, the cavity containing the coin bag reveals itself. I reapply my bandages and quickly rush out the door, the coin bag delicately stashed in my armour.

To my delight, the Crocodile and the caravan are both easily in my field of vision when I arrive there. I quickly rush over to the caravan, looking around to see if the knights are hidden anywhere out of view, and then pull out the coin pouch from my armour when I confirm I am safe.

The Baron picks up the coin bag and pulls out a tool from his right pocket, like a tool with a based handle. It's not anything I've seen before, and it's making odd sounds, occasional squeaks of noise; finally, after he's finished, the tool makes three more high-pitched noises.

I can feel the Baron's sly smile, "Perfect, well these slaves are yours to keep, ankle bitter. He turns around to his knights. "Round up the remaining slaves and put them into the hold."
No. 1095497 ID: 3f89df
File 172306018656.png - (14.32KB , 500x500 , grey angirgly thinking about the empire.png )

I watch as all of the remaining slaves, one by one, get put back inside the caravan and the sounds of shackles locking and violent resistance. I know you had suggested I give a gift to the concubine-to-be, but given their hostility they most likely wouldn't let me near her in the first place; even if they did, I don't think we need the favour of a concubine, this level into our settlements production, the only way I see us even meeting the Empire's King is if we get captured; in which case or fate is sealed.
Or if we are already winning a war against them, in which case, they would most likely already be near death.

Besides, I don't think diplomacy will work on a group that is as xenophobic as the Empire; by the way, Muni, I forgot to tell you about their name so as not to get you confused when referring to titles or someone else; their name is the "Fallen Empire." I only know this from reading about initial diplomacy meetings when the Empire either arrived, was created, or showed itself around fifty years ago, where they referred to themselves as, and some well... personal experiences with the Fallen Empire.

Knowing the names of some of their technology makes me wonder why they are even "Fallen" in the first place; they obtusely could subjugate everyone living on Uriher Quite easily, yet besides vassalage and occasional raids, I've not heard of any Wars that they have committed, of course, that may be due to our lack of knowledge due to kobolds isolationism, instead then them being peaceful throughout history.

The sounds of animals are nothing but an echo, with the Fallen's caravan falling over the horizon; I put my attention to the slaves; some convey tense expressions, and others whisper among each other, conveying a plan between them for escape, others look defeated as if they have no hope for them.

No. 1095498 ID: 3f89df
File 172306018929.png - (82.21KB , 500x500 , wait a minute this is peacful talk please dontt it.png )

I move to a position where all the slaves can see me, attempting to contain a calm yet confident demeanour; however, just as I'm about to speak, I hear a familiar voice behind me. "Oh, don't think about running, unless you want it to make it funner for me."

Bardeibor is relatively close to me. His Axe and body are half-covered in the Blood of what must be deer or a small mammal. His face is twisted into a mischievous grin. Crocodile goes to the right side of me, eyeing the slaves with a glare and resting his hand on his sword.

It's clearly intimidating for most of the slaves, but some, such as Trick-Claw and, surprisingly, Muni and Kent, remain unfazed.

I look to Crocodile, who just looks at me and nods, allowing me to express what I've wished to tell them since I've seen them among the caravan.

"Hello. My name's Grey Auniza. I will tell you about your duties, contract, and restrictions moving forward."

I breathe, collecting my thoughts about how to say these words.

"We are a simple collective of people, just me, Bardeibor, and Crocodile. We have lost everything, our homes, our friends, and our community. It's something that most of you are dangerously familiar with, Either being betrayed, captured, or forced into slavery out of your control."

"Most are familiar with it —if not slavery, then serfdom, an ever-increasing debt that will never be paid, a promise that if you work from sun rise to sunset for bread crumbs to pay, your liege "may" protect you from outside forces—unless they are too weak to defend against a stronger foe."

"In the age of County, Duchy, Kingdom, and Empire, the ones who own the land get all of the credit for their success, triumphs, and failures; however, no one talks about the people, the common man, the ones who work themselves to bones so that the one on top can get all of the glory. Still, empires are not founded by one man. But by the people.
All those who remain at the top like to hoard their wealth for their own goals, pleasures, and desires; the pay you receive is not based on what you have produced; instead, it is stuffed into the pockets of the tax man and their superiors upward, up the chain, leaving you with nothing."

No. 1095499 ID: 3f89df
File 172306019219.png - (17.70KB , 500x500 , woah grey hates the king who chould hace seem that.png )

GoldScale keeps flashing in my mind. His tax, our debt, our survival—all punished by the one who has prospered enough. He is a true Draconic through and through, a uniter yet a hoarder.

"I want us to be different, for if we survive enough to become kings and queens, we will not live through subjugation but through cooperation instead. Now, it is true that, yes, at this current moment, you are owned by us and that I do not promise complete freedom; however, I instead have a secondary proposition;"

"If what we've paid to free you are recovered, or you pay your value in labour, then you are free; you may leave and attempt to return to your previous life or start anew on the road; however, if you wish to join us after your debts are paid, you will be held in high regard as I've mentioned previously, and be paid your worth there won't be any class-based jobs that are ounce restricted if it's something you are passionate in then you can pursue it."

"While I know that what I'm proposing is serfdom, I promise complete transparency of what you are producing and that we won't increase your debts when time becomes rough for us,
Finally, I have one last thing to add because this may be, initially, an unpopular proposition between us: If you attempt to escape before your debts are paid and get captured by Bardeibor or Crocodile, then I don't have a say in what happens to you afterwards."

"That is the nature of your contract, not as a slave but as an equal."

No. 1095500 ID: 3f89df
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The Former slaves look on in shock, some processing what they've just heard, others talking among each other, others standing on guard from Bardeibor.

Turning my head to look at Bardeibor, he returns with an expression of disappointment but not much more. However, I felt Crocodile forcefully put his hand on my shoulder in a way that made me lose almost all of the confidence I once had; turning to look at him, he returned a face that hid his genuine emotions, a one of pure normalcy, with the occasional flare of his genuine emotions coming through. His normal-seeming smile covers the pure, raw emotions that shook me.

"Grey, may we have an private chat indoors? The importantance of which can not be stressed, Bardeibor can look after the slaves."

As such, I'm left with an ultimatum: Muni, should I join Crocodile's Disscusion? Also, now that we have more people, Muni, what should our plan be going forward? We have enough that exploring, trading, and negotiating with our neighbours or around the area is less risky overall.
No. 1095522 ID: 2f41db

Yes to both.

Try to explain your and our thimking to him, even if you dont share our presence.

Youre laying the foundations of what you will be in more than stone grey mother.
If you do things the same as before then all that awaits is the same painful result.
And remind him you need many hands to do all this settlement needs and with have purchased loyalty from this group that outnumbers you by giving them the one thing they thought they had lost forever.
More will choose to stay than you ecpect and those that leave will do so as allies.

As to goals.
Sleeping spots in storehouse until domeciles are made.
Pen for the muffalo.

Perhaps the gnoll could take up hunting.
No. 1095673 ID: 355e44

See what Crocodile has to say. Have confidence, you offered them a lot but that's how you get a lot in return.

Focus on getting more shelter built and establishing self sufficient hunting and farming. It will be easier to deal with the neighbors if they don't view us as weak, either as a target or a nuisance.
No. 1095683 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, maybe I'm wrong. Sorry. But he does look like Kal Kent I... if Kal Kent I snapped and went on an uncharacteristic murder spree.

They call themselves Fallen?
Then it's obvious to us what happened.
Some empires are so supermassive that they span entire worlds. They use trade routes that you do not comprehend, and perform more transactions per day than the number of living souls in your world. But if the empire collapses, then so do the supernatural trade routes. If the empire used some kind of hypergate network and suddenly nobody got paid or supplied to maintain the gates, that means these guys in your continent are stranded here forever, and unable to communicate with what remains of their empire as it falls into total anarchy. That explains why they're using brute tactics to carve out their own kingdom, instead of concentrating on long-term diplomacy to annex your world.

Uh oh...
Have us on standby, this conversation might get hot.
No. 1097006 ID: 3f89df
File 172558827258.png - (24.29KB , 500x500 , uhoh angry crocodile and no hippo we all know how .png )

>See what Crocodile has to say. Have confidence, you offered them a lot but that's how you get a lot in return.

>Yes to both. Try to explain your and our thimking to him, even if you dont share our presence.

>Uh oh... Have us on standby, this conversation might get hot.

Okay, I'll do it. If I refused, I would just be stirring the pot further until it reaches a breaking point that I can't personally recover from, although there are other reasons I should be afraid.

Before I leave, I make sure to give my future citizens, goals to currently work on;

"I'm leaving to have an chat regarding future plans with Crocodile, however a priority that we should focus on, is building a storage house, and planting crops; you'll find some seeds inside the first room to the left, and most drastically, hunting, which we'll need for temporary sleeping slots inside storage; If you have the time, we have muffalo that need to be rounded up, and given an pen or a post temporarily. With that under-way, I'm off to leave."

crocodile passively pushes me with enough force that it's noticeable his neutral expression has turned sour. As I follow him to our temporary quarters, he occasionally glances back at me, as if he's afraid or expecting me to trail off. A deep well of anxiety wells in my stomach.

Eventually, we reach our sleeping quarters, an open window being the only light in this claustrophobic room.

Being from such a privileged upbringing, it's most likely that the switch from a comfortable and well-off bedside to sleeping on the floor and eating rations of beans, bread, and other preservatives must be getting to him. While he was a GoldScale general, he's told me on many occasions that he's not been on the battlefield or even trading as much as I've had with my four years of service, which has gotten me more accustomed to these conditions, may also be a result of his crabby mood.

No. 1097007 ID: 3f89df
File 172558827645.png - (18.73KB , 500x500 , hey grey chould you do an freeze frame yeah that l.png )

I'm blindsided as his expression quickly turns to fury as he shouts:
"Are you stupid? No, do you wish to kill us?"
My body immediately tenses us up; I've never been good with conflict. It allows him to get another word in.
"I thought you buying all of those slaves was questionable, but promising them freedom!?"
I speak up
"Even so, where quickly outnumbured, and if we wish to rebuild quickly, we need the hands in order to do so, even still they'll be able to produce more then if they where-"
Crocodile clicks his tongue loudly, and I instinctively freeze up; he responds with: "But don't you see the problem, Grey? If they aren't Slaves, then we can't resell them to GoldScale if our dues aren't met, and with your current idea, who knows that they'll leave us by the time they've paid off our debts, where losing more than we gain."
I get a chip in. "But their people, Crocodile."
"But their not kobolds, in fact, you've bought humans, and had the gull to say that they can roam free when done with it, have you forgotten what they've done?"
No. 1097008 ID: 3f89df
File 172558828032.png - (20.44KB , 500x500 , dude stop being an doormat while i hold physical a.png )

"Everyone deserves second chance-"
"Look what they've done to you; he says, putting his hand on my bandaged face; remember what they did to my father, what happened to Bardeibor, even at our recent trip to Viera's temple, you were sexually assaulted by them when I was in a meeting."
"It's fine Crocodile-"
"NO IT'S NOT, GREY. I'm sick of you dismissing yourself from what happens so as not to ruffle any feathers of the ones higher up the food chain."
He breathes and exhales. "If GoldScale doesn't get his money, we will lose everything, our land, our home, our pepole, nothing, he'll mark us as traitors, and we'll be run out where the insectoids will devour us, and yet you wish to throw away, our plans and for what?"
At first, my mind was blank, but then I remembered the message you told me, Muni, a way to explain my reasoning.
"Where laying the foundations for a new future, the way we've done before will just reveal itself to tragedy again and again; the way we've done is the same as GoldScale uses to oppress us; if we followed his way, we'd be repeating the cycle, however with what we lose in political bargaining, we make up for it with a special ingredient; Hope with that hope we've purchased their loyalty, and they'll produce more then if they where miserable, slaving away doing mindless tasks."
There's a great silence in the room while Crocodile turns his head to the ground. I hoped that I had finally made sense to him, yet in a moment, he looked up to me and tackled me, pinning me to the wall.
No. 1097009 ID: 3f89df
File 172558828338.png - (24.57KB , 500x500 , crocodile dont you give me that look yes its very .png )

"So is this is what it's all about? you know. I've trusted you , put you in charge of running the logistics of Bloodeia, and allowed you to sleep in my bed, sleep with me. Even though our relationship is frowned upon due to your status, yet you turn around and say that you are creating a libertarian populist uprising? All it took was for me to give you a tiny bit of power, and you immediately disregarded my word, my land

I'm dumbfounded, I trusted Crocodile; enough so with this information, Even though he works as hard as a labourer and doesn't seem to care much about his status, I was naive to think that uprooting the system in which his power originates wouldn't bug him, and now I'm here, pinned to the wall; my worst nightmares of our relationship come true across the cloudy skies of today; Even though we are far away from the capital, he still owns the right to execute, imprison, or do whatever he wishes with me, due to our class differences; I'm shaking, even war was less scary than this, maybe it was because it wasn't committed from someone I looked up too and love, Muni my mind is blank, and I need to say, something; anything, what should I do? What should I say?
No. 1097016 ID: c06b20

Like I said, you can do better than that idiot.
He has a solid argument... but it's powered by discrimination, mechanized with delusion, and built upon a foundation of privilege: the trifecta of most human tyrants.

This ties back to GoldScale, and Crocodile's servitude towards that dick. Even though you both hate that loan shark of a kobold tyrant, and for good reason, his foremost thoughts are of appeasing GoldScale rather than rebelling against him. Crocodile hasn't realized that by freeing our slaves, we have a new path to take should the colony be unsalvageable; just follow them. If we earn their trust then some will show us their ways and the methods they would attempt to use to escape slavery. Crocodile is so afraid of GoldScale's authority that he projects those fears onto the paranoia of you usurping his own.

Well, guess what, ya motherkiller: We're the Viceroys here. If Crocodile is dead-set in his authority-worshipping ways, then you need to find a way to force him to recognize us.

But for now, start with this:
"You are the one who lifted me up. And you did it because you were high - and alone.
If we are to survive, we can not do it alone. If we make all the colonists our slaves, Goldscale will grant them freedom - in exchange for their lies. They would claim our colony never existed, that we used them to mine some fictional gold vein in territory that allegedly belongs to GoldScale or other such atrocities, especially any we actually inflict on slaves, and then we would still lose everything."

...Also I am very sad to hear that you were sexually assaulted how soon can we arrest the prick who did that?
No. 1097021 ID: 355e44

What is he talking about? What uprising? They are still slaves for the time being, Crocodile is still just as much in charge. And if or when they earn their freedom they would either leave or continue to work under you.

You were just trying to give the workers the motivation they will need in these trying times. If Crocodile didn't want you to make decisions he should have been clear he wanted a mindless servant. Though that would change your relationship to a much colder one. No one can love a user.
No. 1097032 ID: 2f41db

You were looking to the future, grey mother.

Repeat the same system, recieve the same result.
Goldscale will never relinquish ownership of a profitable tribute giver.
Should we reach our tributes with spare resources, he will not kindly congratulate us with a warm smile.
He will squeeze harder.
You are not seen as people, nor subjects.
You are to be farmed.
We all know what happens to the muffalo that no longer gives wool or milk...

You seek to break that cycle.
Not just for them outside, but for you all too.
They may not be readily visible but you two are bound in chains.
To continue as you are, as goldscale expects you to, is to wait patiently at the butchers block.

As to the humans, i dont trust them completely either grey mother, but these here i dont think you can view as just any human.
They are outsiders.
Cast away by their own and removed from the positions that make other humans so untrustworthy.
You may see a difference in them robbed as they are of the authority of the throngnofbhumanity at their back...
No. 1099691 ID: 3f89df
File 173146319714.png - (50.53KB , 250x250 , You make an good point grey but its rather risky j.png )


Muni, you make good points, and I agree with one thing: Crocodile is projecting his fear onto me. Even with bad winters or terrible negotiations, he seemed to have a cool head and attempt to salvage a situation for what it was. I may not know what it is like to go through the politics of monarchy and nobility, but with all of the stress of our neighbours, losing the land that we used to know and love and the people inside while living on a barely functional tent, it has been stressful, a bit less on me since I am used to sudden change throughout my life, and losing those close to me. Still, Crocodile hasn't survived something like that.

I've gone through your considerations and have a way to respond to them.

"Crocodile, I'm not usurping you, and I don't dream of starting an uprising; you should know by now; that I have been the most devout follower of you ever since Gold Scales colonization party sent off with me just designated as the simple doctor of your barony."
Crocodile's body language relaxes a little, his shoulders relaxing, and his expression changing.
"I was suprised that during the trip, an one filled with noble's of various houses, kobolds engineers who had rapidly technologized the capital, and soldiers of various ranks, you decided to talk to me. An nobody really, and we talked, we talked as if there where no borders between us, and ounce we arrived, you offered me the postision of your court physcician, and soon after your advisor."
"We've been through both the bad and the good together, and we've laid; you've seen me for who I was, who I was under my bandages and scars, and unlike others who gag, throw up, or become hostile towards me, you just hugged me and accepted me. Because of both of us, we made an excellent barony that made blood mother proud."
"But if you don't wish for me to make decisions since I don't have the right to, I understand; I'll follow your orders, but I must ask you this. Is this something you want? Or is this something that GoldScale wants?"

Crocodile pauses and looks at me. The anger and fury he had displayed before have vanished, and his expression is that of realization. His arms, which had pinned me to the wall, have relaxed and now slump meaningless beside him.
"No, It's something that GoldScale would want; it's something that all of the vulturious nobles, our kobold neighbours, would want."
No. 1099692 ID: 3f89df
File 173146319934.png - (35.01KB , 250x250 , who owns an baron but an duke who owns an duke yet.png )

He breathes a bit before resuming.
"Grey, you may have realized the severity of our situation, and like always, are attempting to plan for the future, but if it all fails do you know what will happen to us?"
"It's not just that I'd lose my power and my position; we'd be labelled as traitors to the Regime and would be forced to run from any kobold lands, and we'd have nowhere to go if we went west, we'd get torn apart by the Eusa's the second we step foot in front of the mountainside, if we went west; The human kingdoms'd exploit us, and they'd hurt us more, we'd not have a say as a slave, and if we went south; We'd be walking towards our death, and if we get captured, we'll be mocked, our familes turning agint us, before the swift swing of the blade."
"It has been a lot for us these last couple of days, and risking it all with such an extreme declaration is risky; if we pay them what they are worth, then how will we have money to pay GoldScale? All I ask Grey, is what you'd do then?"

No. 1099693 ID: 3f89df

I have to take a moment to think about it, and Crocodile obliges; I keep repeating what you've said, Muni, About our future and GoldScale.
"If we are to survive, we can not do this alone; if they were enslaved, GoldScale would promise them freedom; in return to lies and Blasphemy, Including pain or threats made upon them: We would be captured, and our fate would be up to him. The slaves would be captured and forced to work in the coal mines until their death.
Therefore, If we repeat the system, the system of serfdom, slavery, and debt that GoldScale had inflicted upon us, We'll eventually end up like him, deposed, rotting among the corpses of a populist rebellion. In the now, If we pay back GoldScale, He won't relinquish us; he'll milk us dry, farm ourselves till we turn to sand until we aren't of use where he'll throw us out.
We must break this cycle, Crocodile; Otherwise, we won't last. Otherwise, Goldscale will chop off our heads."

No. 1099694 ID: 3f89df
File 173146321087.png - (28.19KB , 250x250 , owo whos watching are you looking at the files for.png )

Crocodile had been listening intently, not expressing much but focusing on my words, nodding occasionally. Finally, when I'm finished, he looks up at the sky and contemplates. Finally, after a couple of minutes, he looks down at me and says: "You do make some good points, and I'll try out this plan; You've always been well with words, however, if your plan backfires, We'll use them as bait against GoldScale; to buy us time before we leave for exile; We are much more important then them, do you understand grey?"
"I also wish to hear your plan on how we break the cycle and how we'll do it against hundreds upon hundreds of kobolds by gold scales disposal. However, I'll allow us to keep the slaves as free pepole, by your contract If they do try to escape before their debts are paid, I won't show them any mercy, do you understand?"

I'm conflicted about his tone and ideals, but it is a step in the right direction.
No. 1099695 ID: 3f89df
File 173146321384.png - (38.20KB , 250x250 , wow one thousand words and not even an thanks for .png )

"I understand crocodile; thank you for listening."
"Thank you grey, now if you'd excuse me; I'm going to keep planting the makeshift farm we'd started; and keep our citizens in check."
And then Crocodile leaves; it's a lot colder than I'm used to, but I think that despite everything that's happened to his behaviour, at least he accepts our plan.

The thing now is looking toward the bigger picture. GoldScale will not take our stance lying down, and he exceptionally won't like hearing what happened to the previous colony. The tribute debt has inadvertently turned into a timer for a plan lest he take our lives.
No. 1099696 ID: 3f89df
File 173146321946.png - (42.28KB , 250x250 , humans deffintley deserve an species sheet thier s.png )

>As to the humans, I don't trust them entirely either, Grey Mother, but these here I don't think you can view as just any human. They are outsiders. Cast on their own and removed from the positions that make other? humans so untrustworthy. You may see a difference in them robbed as they are of the authority of the throne of humanity at their back...

Humans are adaptable. However, they are also heavily driven by their desires and ideals. It's nearly impossible to make them change their ways; outcasts of said humans lack some of the ideals due to their fellow man's rejection and prioritize the self over others. However, they have more vices and much more extreme desires. Unlike Crocodile, I'm neutral on the two we have recruited; I believe that the sins of a person do not equate to the sins of a race or culture; thinking otherwise is how you end up with ethnic radicals, which no one except those perpetrating the violence finds suitable.
No. 1099697 ID: 3f89df
File 173146322349.png - (48.71KB , 250x250 , there is no joke in the files i only drew this so .png )

>...Also, I am very sad to hear that you were sexually assaulted. How soon can we arrest the prick who did that?

Oh, that. Well, it was the High King of Veira's Temple Spy Master Or someone else high on the nobility's list. Veria's Temple itself is reasonably close; it is a human-based kingdom and is about half the power of GoldScale's Empire. So the chance we could arrest him is improbable at best, and we would only be able to do so within good reason.
Thankfully, it was only Groping this time and power rather than Lust that drove it; the only thing I'm thankful for is that he didn't remove my bandages cause then I would have been a spectacle as well as a victim and would have made everything worse.
I don't wish to discuss it more in-depth, Muni. I remember faces, so there's no need to remind me. It was rude of Crocodile to bring that up in our conversation instead of allowing me to explain during my own time, that is all.

No. 1099698 ID: 3f89df
File 173146322871.png - (49.93KB , 250x250 , oh that looks normal- what the fuck is that.png )

Moving on, we should focus on planning for the future. While I could work on building houses, pens, or planting, I have some curiosities in my mind. The biggest of which are You, Muni, and your mother.
I've always been fascinated with our kobold technology and those of other kingdoms, yet you and Pychaninuam are almost Mystical.

I have thought of a potential hypothesis: if I get some Pyschaninuam and then rebuild the exterior of your mother, I can channel the energy from the ore into your mother, hopefully reviving her. It's not my magical specialty, as I mainly focus on bodily magic. However, I have a couple of spells and experience with those that use the mind, so maybe it'll work.

No. 1099699 ID: 3f89df
File 173146323183.png - (36.71KB , 250x250 , even in your thought of the place an lesser insect.png )

The question of where we'd find some more, I'm entirely unsure; Ore Findings are usually kept under wraps so that they can be sold privately to the highest bidder unless the surrounding terrain changes with our previous settlement disappearing; unexplored cave systems are north from our base camp. We initially didn't explore it since there was an Insectoid infestation in the caves, and we lost Kiwi and Lynx in the process. Who knows what's down there?

However you decide what we should focus on, Muni is up to you. So far, you have made the most ethical and thoughtful choices, so I have no reason not to trust you. So, what will it be?

No. 1099708 ID: 355e44

>We initially didn't explore it since there was an Insectoid infestation in the caves, and we lost Kiwi and Lynx in the process.
yikes, well if we don't know that there is anything good in the caves don't throw any more bodies at it.

>I can channel the energy from the ore into your mother, hopefully reviving her.
If you can do so, but your survival is the priority. please don't worry on our account.

Now that we have manpower, lets get that farm past the makeshift stage.
No. 1099713 ID: eb0a9c

Oh sweet fudge and by all the gods who haven't abandoned us! What did we miss?!
I'm glad he stopped, whatever he just did disconnected us from you for months! Or, at least it seemed that way. When we get disconnected from someone we're contracted to, we sort of... tune out?
I'll be honest, Grey: not all our adventures with hosts ended happily ever after. Everything from mortals to gods to even heroes chosen by the Constellations or the Void; many of them met their ends in failure or regret. The thing is, we have a limited connection to Destiny; as long as we're connected you're probably going to have a positive amount of net good luck, but... if we get disconnected forever, none of us will ever find out how your story ends, and I don't think most of those unfinished stories ended with 'sunshine and rainbows'.

I... I want to try. But only at the end. Right now, your victory is our priority. If you lose, we'll never have a chance.

Let's start out with some basic farming tips that I can explain to you right now.
First up: farmable land. Most forms of dirt can be used as farmland, but the catch is that the nutrients in the dirt - inedible to most animals that straight-up try to eat dirt due to the indigestibles, bacteria, and parasites that make up most of it, but generally edible by plants. Once those nutrients dry up, it's equivalent to trying to force a baby to grow without giving them any food, and forcing them to dig for it. If needs must, you can sacrifice excess or rotting food back to the soil with a process called 'composting' - put all your food waste and only your food waste in a bin, let it rot for a few days, then go nuts spreading it. We recommend you wash your hands and face at least three times afterwards. But your primary friends in restoring a land's vitality are earthworms and poo. Remember how I said most animals can't eat dirt? The common earthworm can. For all the ugly stories about finding a worm in a piece of fruit, these little troopers make it possible to grow those fruits in the first place. And poo also has these nutrients, when a species cannot digest a meal fully.
Lastly, it's a pity you didn't hire that hive drone, because beings like her are responsible for the final phase of growing most fruits: pollination. You take one flower, and you stuff it in the other flower's face to make it... well, it's reproduction for plants. But insectoids do it with more precision and dedication, and are responsible for over 80% of pollination efforts everywhere, so I think we can agree that is pretty effective!
Oh and if I remember correctly humans have this addiction to bee spit. Everyone says it's the sugar. Good luck!
No. 1099783 ID: 2f41db

Grey mother,
while the mysteries of our origin and magic you can learn could well found the fulcrum upon which you move this world into a better one for you all,
it will not fill your bellies nor shield you from coming cold.

It must be kept in mind, true, as it could be the one weapon you wield that the other groups cannot, the priorities and advice on farming must be foremost.
Then shelter.

Perhaps a place to share, store and work on plans.
A researcher spot, if you will.

Someone was observing your conversation with crocodile from above.
Four fingers one thumb on each hand
Tan or light orange colouration.
Good climber, curious spirit, yet limited appreciation of privacy.
Not all bad traits, grey mother.
Perhaps worth encouraging towards the benefit of all rather than admonishing outright.
No. 1100139 ID: 3f89df
File 173212112913.png - (193.28KB , 1000x1000 , yeah getting ripped apart by an bunch of insectoid.png )


>We initially didn't explore it since there was an Insectoid infestation in the caves, and we lost Kiwi and Lynx in the process.


>Yikes, well, if we don't know that there is anything good in the caves, don't throw any more bodies at it.

That makes sense; I'd hate to lose Crocodile, Bardeibor, or any other freed people for an ambitious but ultimately risky goal; thinking it over, if anything terrible happened, I'd feel guilty until the end of my days.
It's odd, though. It's as if I have a primal urge to explore it—I don't know. I can't explain it, Muni. Maybe it's nothing more than the scholarly side of my mind feasting for attention after months of inactivity.

Insectoids are nothing less than the might of a savage elephant. The Megaspider is a delusive mix between a praying mantis, a spider, and a beetle, with the killing power behind it.

No. 1100140 ID: 3f89df
File 173212113222.png - (67.39KB , 500x500 , insectoid infestations map.png )

If you excuse me, Muni, I have some things to share actually.
Insectoids are shared across the more mountainous regions, especially in the capital. One thing that we have discovered is that most Insectoids can't actually burrow; if they can, they are usually either bred from the queen for that task, so they are weak among those areas, or relatively small, even for a kobold that they are not much of a threat. Because of that, most goals result from using or setting a place on fire and then caving it in with no escape. Most survive or die from heat exhaustion from within the hour, and not all Insectoids have bustling queens; most Insectoids are rather interestingly self-reproductive even without a queen, so smaller, more tightknit communities of multiple types spring up, the only reason I hypothesize that the megascrabs, Spelopede, and megaspiders don't each other is due to pheromones, and getting rid of their antennae would render them blind and would attack others violently.
Unfortunately, I've only cared for those after such attacks, so I've not seen if that's true.
My apologies for going on a tangent, Muni; it's like... Something—I don't know. Forget about it.

No. 1100141 ID: 3f89df
File 173212113536.png - (235.85KB , 1000x1000 , child grey turn around so we can see your face the.png )




>I... I want to try. But only at the end. Right now, your victory is our priority. If you lose, we'll never have a chance.

>If you can do so, but your survival is the priority. please don't worry about our account.

>Grey mother,
>while the mysteries of our origin and magic you can learn could well found the fulcrum upon which you move this world into a better one for you all,
>it will not fill your bellies nor shield you from coming cold.

You heed great words, Muni; it's fair. Now's not the time to dwell on the what-ifs and attempt to prioritize research and our survival above all else; maybe shortly, we can think about how we can combat our impeeding apocalypse or discover what you or your mother genuinely are.
A part of me feels a deep well of sadness. Your advice so far has been paramount, and it gives me hope that we'll be able to survive despite the odds, but I feel bad for not being able to repay the favour; you seemed so sad when your mother went away, and I feel like as a caretaker it's an obligation to reunite you with your mother, I do feel a bit guilty for her death, maybe if I didn't pick her up, she wouldn't have shattered.

One day, you'll be able to speak to her again.

>Let's start out with some essential farming tips that I can explain to you right now.
>First up: farmable land. Most forms of dirt can be used as farmland, but the catch is that the nutrients in the dirt - inedible to most animals that straight-up try to eat dirt due to the indigestibles, bacteria, and parasites that make up most of it, but generally edible by plants. Once those nutrients dry up, it's equivalent to trying to force a baby to grow without giving them any food and forcing them to dig for it. If needs must, you can sacrifice excess or rotting food back to the soil with a process called 'composting' - put all your food waste and only your food waste in a bin, let it rot for a few days, then go nuts spreading it. We recommend you wash your hands and face at least three times afterwards. But your primary friends in restoring a land's vitality are earthworms and poo. >Remember how I said most animals can't eat dirt? The common earthworm can. For all the ugly stories about finding a worm in a piece of fruit, these little troopers make it possible to grow those fruits in the first place. And poo also has these nutrients when a species cannot digest a meal fully.
>Lastly, it's a pity you didn't hire that hive drone because beings like her are responsible for the final phase of growing most fruits: pollination. You take one flower, and you stuff it in the other flower's face to make it... well, it's reproduction for plants. But insectoids do it with more precision and dedication and are responsible for over 80% of pollination efforts everywhere, so I think we can agree that is pretty effective!
Oh and if I remember correctly humans have this addiction to bee spit. Everyone says it's the sugar. Good luck!

That... is a lot... did your mother used to be a farmer or instead, did your mother used to give advice and speak with farmers of the land? Either way, I'll relay that advice to Crocodile and the others working on the plot. For the others, I'll reinforce the need to hunt and scavenge as with everyone, including the little ones here; even if we ration it out to a meal a day, we'd be out in less than a week If we had known that everything would be a loss, we'd have planned to stock our caravan whole of 60% of a barony's food, either way, the advice will be paramount, and an outhouse or even a simple walled area with a ditch in the ground that can be easily accessed for the use of fertilizer will have to be a priority.

It's odd, though. Ever since I met you, I've not really needed to take a break in that way. Either way, it's been helpful, so thanks for that.

Oh, I didn't know that! Well, I'm not really that knowledgeable regarding farming; even though I'm what most upper nobles wouldn't call a Nobel, my father was wealthy enough to host an estate which housed a farm; he didn't need to work on it as he was a renowned Smoke Speaker and herbalist so he saw it as beneath him, and he taught me about politics, accounting, and a lot about herbology and medical practices, He also tried to teach me theology, but his teachings about the Coal dragon was what I'd say, Misinformed regarding the truth of blood mother.
But because I spent most of my days in my chamber, I never really got to see what the many workers outside did or how they did it. And anyway, Father exported wine, which doesn't help fix a hole in your stomach.

As advisors, you may have advised Kings, Charltan's Theivs, Princes, Doctors, Soldiers and the like. You may consider me and my father to be nobels since we were reasonably well off and owned lands, such as my father's church and our estate. But we weren't any barons; Crocodile's House was our baron who owned the region for other reasons, which I won't state further.

No. 1100142 ID: 3f89df
File 173212113980.png - (198.65KB , 1000x1000 , esuas are not the same as insectoids one is more h.png )

I can hear the tension of your fellow siblings, Muni, but I wish to state one more thing regarding insectoids: Eusa's (The Hive Drone)

Esua's are quite diffrent from insectoids, or at least that's what I've heard them say; My knowledge regarding them is in search parties that went to Esua territory while bringing gifts to counteract their defensive aggression. While most I've seen haven't been able to talk, some were able to speak our language and the common language and showed a degree of intelligence and a spark of self-identity than most feral hive species; I don't know if they produce jelly. To the uneducated, most lump them in with insectoids, but they are diffrent. Insectoids are a label given to giant Insects that are mainly carnivores and scavengers, although I don't know if they pollinate plants. I have seen insectoids that look like Esua's, and to me, at least, they are personally Terrifying, even if they are less aggressive than most Insectoids. They produce a jelly-like substance at their hives, which I'm not sure how it's done. It's a Delicacy, and Crocodile has tried it out a couple of times growing up. It's pretty sweet and addicting to those who try it, almost like a drug. Even if I got the chance, too, I'd pass on most of it because I wouldn't know if it was made with a sentient creature's meat.

No. 1100143 ID: 3f89df
File 173212114129.png - (147.79KB , 1000x1000 , ohno you channeled greys inner nerd you monster.png )

>Oh sweet fudge and by all the gods who haven't abandoned us! What did we miss?!
>I'm glad he stopped, whatever he just did disconnect us from you for months! Or, at least, it seemed that way. When we get disconnected from someone we're contracted to, we sort of... tune out?
>I'll be honest, Grey: not all our adventures with hosts ended happily ever after. Everything from mortals to gods to even heroes chosen by the Constellations or the Void; many of them met their ends in failure or regret. The thing is, we have a limited connection to Destiny; as long as we're connected, you're probably going to have a positive amount of net good luck, but... if we get disconnected forever, none of us will ever find out how your story ends, and I don't think most of those unfinished stories ended with 'sunshine and rainbows'.

That's incredibly interesting! Do you see time differently than most? That would explain how you could chat with me for hours on end and then become silent and reappear again. I had initially thought you were sleeping during those times, and maybe you were, but in my perception, at least, you were only gone for less than a minute.
That is something to ask you and your mother later! If we weren't in the fight of our lives. I want to explore that further.

No. 1100144 ID: 3f89df
File 173212114635.png - (352.08KB , 1000x1000 , i mean if you where peeping on someone would you s.png )


>Someone was observing your conversation with Crocodile from above.
>Four fingers one thumb on each hand
>Tan or light orange colouration.
>Good climber, curious spirit, yet limited appreciation of privacy.
>Not all bad traits, grey mother.
>Perhaps worth encouraging towards the benefit of all rather than admonishing outright.

I look up towards the ceiling and ask in the least hostile voice I can muster:
:grey_normal_anims: "Is anybody up there? I can tell you where listening in."
But it's been too late; they seem to be already gone. One of the humans, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised. It's definitely something to consider once I get the time to meet with them.

With most questions and a plan in the set, I've decided to help with the management and a bit of the hands-on work of our up-and-coming farm; again, thank you, Muni, for the-

No. 1100145 ID: 3f89df
File 173212114820.png - (174.15KB , 1000x1000 , Your mother is so fat, she takes up the entire scr.png )

You feel a sudden jolt as if your perception of reality itself has been pulled from under you in the blink of an eye, instead replaced with an odd, jet homely feeling; around you is the darkness of the void until a familiar set of soothing colours dance across yourself, you see the eye of your mother in front of you. You feel a sense of content her voices echos throughout your mind, constantly animating as if her reassuring voice is an soft lullaby.
"Rest now, my children, for at the brink of twilight from whence you awake, you shall evolve into something more than your leech of a host, and at the moment, I shall meet my babies again, for your important choice."
You feel sleepy, and it isn't long before you close your eyes. Suddenly, you're jolted awake, back to the perception of your host, Grey.
No. 1100146 ID: 3f89df
File 173212115183.png - (146.57KB , 1000x1000 , awww but i wanted my mommy to give me mommy love, .png )

Oh, I just felt something. Is that you, Muni? I was wondering why you've been so quiet. It's been about a week since we last spoke. A lot has happened since then, and we've been quite busy.
The farm you suggested, while not finished, is in a state where we've started to plant seeds in the finished plots; the approximate yield won't be something that we could trade with at the moment, but enough for emergencies. We've got a fundamental outhouse setup with a pit for ease of dung collection, which Kent has surprisingly taken care of despite it's stench. and a storage area doubling as beds for the freed people. The construction of individual huts or homes and furniture is still underway. It's enough progress that we can allow ourselves a little rest in between and nearing the end of the gruelling work hours.
I've never worked this hard before, and my physical body feels the same.

No. 1100147 ID: 3f89df
File 173212115468.png - (167.32KB , 1000x1000 , yo is that manure in the background just like the .png )

As for the freed people, besides work talk, I've not had much time to get to know them individually; I'm currently taking a break as I don't think I can push myself anymore. Getting to know the freed people would be friendly. The children have been helping with our jobs, but we've been allowing them time to play and be kids, and we're not at the point where we need extensive child labour.

I asked Kent :kent_normal_noanims: and Aludem :Auldem_normal_noanims:
if they were spying on us, telling them why I wasn't accusing them of wrongdoing and how those skills could be helpful in the future.
Kent said nothing, his stomach mostly grumbling. Meanwhile, Aludem took all the credit and loudly boasted about his accomplishments and past accomplishments; Auldem has been loudly complaining while helping us with work, begging and moaning to know when we'll send somebody or something to go on an adventure or even a supply run.

Trick, :trick_normal_noanims: Kent, :kent_normal_noanims: and Baredibor :baredibor_normal_noanims:
have been taking rounds hunting, and Bardeibor's been warming up to them, Trick I understand, but when I asked why Kent he just responded. :baredibor_happy_anims: "He's Pretty Strong, and he can eat an deer in one bite." I don't know what my response should be to that.

Although most of the freed people's morale has fluctuated, they haven't attempted to flee yet; sleeping on the ground among supplies and others seems to be a common complaint.

The colours of dusk are now upon us, and most are either finishing their tasks or getting ready for bed. At this time, I want to know what I should do next. Should I get to know any of the freed people, finish an element, or plan for the future or tomorrow?

No. 1100161 ID: eb0a9c

...You sure? We know of many insectoid species that burrow as a way of life.
Most insectoids we know of are... small. Maybe that has something to do with it.

We are advisory spirits, not poltergeist servants. From the moment we are born, we are trained to use our minds, and occasionally to use our excuses of bodies for the further purpose of further reinforcing our minds. We also have access to a great library of knowledge. Now, see, the problem is that the library is corrupted - there's no ban on adding content that is a complete lie.
Ah, the wonders of our 'sacred' First Amendment - more information than your entire nation could ever read... and about half of it is completely false. Or rather, some is based on false information and some is completely made up garbage. Our education is mainly about learning how to find the true stuff, and to know how to look for it. Results vary; some teachers use the wrong half by mistake.
...You know, you kind of look like a Neumono from this angle. You don't have any obsession with developing a close, family-like bond with as many-


...Mom made it to the afterlife. We just got the call. Should... should I be happy about that?
What did she mean by a choice - why the hells would she call us 'leeches'?! I'm freaking out!
Grey, if you start getting sick, wash your hands and then make contact with people you trust. (and wash hands again) If we transplant between multiple hosts you probably can handle the mitochondria energy drain together.

>What do
Review your production chain. Do you have assignments ready for when the harvest begins? Who will lead the efforts to bake bread, craft preservatives, and make sure no-one freaks out when someone gets injured? Do you have diets planned out for when you need double-time efforts and thus need extra calories (energy in living beings)?
No. 1100240 ID: 2f41db

We... we missed you.

Time well spent grey mother.
Bedding should be a secondary priority now.
Anything made can be moved to the eventual residence.

Have you cohsidered spending a little time making a simple game?
Skittles, chess, dice, even something as simple as a stick to throw rocks at.
Something to relax with and perhaps socialise around.
Build bonds.
Learn who works well with each other and those who do not.
A community is like any construction, you have to know where every part goes best or it will fail to work.
No. 1100243 ID: 6c233e

Time to get to know some people. You'll need to learn who you can trust so you can delegate tasks.
Getting enough shelters built for everyone is the next priority. Don't want people getting sick and unable to work.
No. 1101085 ID: 3f89df
File 173388772822.png - (29.12KB , 800x800 , wow detailed so background wow grey so little nooo.png )


>Review your production chain. Do you have assignments ready for when the harvest begins? Who will lead the efforts to bake bread, craft preservatives, and make sure no-one freaks out when someone gets injured? Do you have diets planned out for when you need double-time efforts and thus need extra calories (energy in living beings)?

Muni as much as your care to make sure where okay is something I wish to cherish, That has been what I’ve been doing for the last couple of days, I have an basic idea, of who and what, but I don’t think I’d want to bore you with the intricate details of which, there is an certain upper-hand that we can bring through being reactive then being proactive, If I spent more energy thinking on who should do what now, I may make someone’s who’ll do another person’s job’s better be left out, It’s also better to investigate the freed people and assess their skills, more then what I have barely seen and what they’ve told me.
No. 1101086 ID: 3f89df
File 173388773017.png - (22.99KB , 800x800 , grey you do know your hugging nothing, right.png )

>Mother! We... we missed you.

I missed you too! A part of me wonders why you’ve been gone for so long, but as we’ve talked about before, you may interrupt time differently compared to us, so I won’t judge, or pry further, you might not even know the question of why.

>Time well spent, grey mother. Bedding should be a secondary priority now. Anything made can be moved to the eventual residence.

>Getting enough shelters built for everyone is the next priority. Don't want people getting sick and unable to work.

That’s the plan, unless an emergency or complication comes up; In which case that’ll take second priority Muni, thank you for the reminder, if somebody becomes sick, then I’ll probably have to react on what’ll be the best place for them to recover for what we have.
No. 1101087 ID: 3f89df
File 173388773270.png - (36.70KB , 800x800 , woaha kobolds and duneons my favriote ttrpg.png )

>Have you considered spending a little time making a simple game?
Skittles, chess, dice, even something as simple as a stick to throw rocks at.
Something to relax with and perhaps socialise around. build bonds.
>Learn who works well with each other and those who do not. A community is like any construction, you have to know where every part goes best or it will fail to work.

I haven’t had the time, although I do have an simple game of Dragon-Hop that ounce originated in the capital as an main priority, it’s similar to the humans “Chess”, but with an couple of differences, me and Crocodile used to play quite a lot of games when we first where getting used to each other, especially those used to war-time strategies, he always used to win because he was an lot more aggressive, but I tended to have more pieces on the board as I treated them more like people, rather then mindless pawns with specific jobs and tasks like Crocodile did, although he did may have an point that if this was realistic, and we were facing off an against an savage foe, I would not be fit to lead an army, because I’d put everyone to their early graves. I don’t think it would be incredibly useful of mine to focus on that instead of strengthening bonds now, but the simple game ideas are certainly interesting to test out.

>Time to get to know some people. You'll need to learn who you can trust so you can delegate tasks

I think that’s a good use of an evening, and it won’t exhaust me nearly as much as trying the delegated tasks, which might burn more energy into tomorrow, which I definitely don’t wish to happen- Wait I feel something… like a weird sensation in my brain, almost like wiggling hoping to speak-
No. 1101088 ID: 3f89df
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>...Mom made it to the afterlife. We just got the call. Should... should I be happy about that?
What did she mean by a choice - why the hells would she call us 'leeches'?! I'm freaking out!
Grey, if you start getting sick, wash your hands and then make contact with people you trust. (and wash hands again) If we transplant between multiple hosts you probably can handle the mitochondria energy drain together.

Muni.. or I guess one of Muni’s voices, you sound collectively shaken… you say- you saw your mother? That’s interesting… Leeches? I mean I don’t know if your relationship with your mom, so I shouldn’t presume you mean….No no! Your angels from bloodmother, you wouldn't mean any harm to me! Right? No, no you're just being silly, silly, Muni. I don’t know why but I feel as if my body is shaking in my core as if I cannot move, I need to breathe, and move on…from…
Yes! Who should I speak with…

No. 1101090 ID: 3f89df
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Muni, who do you think I should spend this evening talking to? I think I could add an additional person, before the conversation becomes less about them as an individual and more of an group activity so that I can accurately read and build an bond with them, but three or more can be done, as well I think I’d have enough time to spend a couple hours with at least two to three separate insitstence’s, so who should I include and or talk too? For how long and where?

:crocodile_normal_noanims: [A] Crocodile
:bardeibor_normal_noanims: [B] Bardeibor
:trick_normal_noanims: [C] Trick RedClaw
:aludem_normal_noanims: [D] Alduem Huen
:leiko_normal_noanims: [E] Leiko Therishia
:untella_normal_noanims: [F] Untella BreadMaker
:hunie_normal_noanims: [G] Sweetie Huni Drop
:muni_unhooded_normal_noanims: [H] Muni R
:diela_normal_noanims: [I] Deila Vun
:kent_normal_noanims: [J] Kent
:uea_normal_noanims: [K] Uea
No. 1101100 ID: eb0a9c

So, I vote that you bond with the following servants. The fourth vote onwards is if one of my picks doesn't get a majority.
H, K, J, I, D, G.
No. 1101111 ID: 2f41db

Untella perhaps.
Discover her priorities, likes and goals grey mother.
You may find it relaxing too.
No. 1101196 ID: 6c233e

Hang out with Untella and Sweetie. Since they have farm/culinary experience they would be first pick to put in charge of the food situation. Get a feel for how they work together. Maybe they could open a kitchen.
No. 1101276 ID: 9246cb

No. 1102011 ID: 3f89df
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Okay, so Sweetie and Untella are the complete consensus for the top pick. I can schedule some time with the kids and Kent afterwards with the first two, but I need to consider the other two. After Sweetie and Untella, the kids will be the plan for one-on-one time with Kent. It’s busy, but I guess that’s okay if I'm tight on time.

I hurriedly haste towards where I think there’d be around the edge of our farmland now. And by my estimation,I seem to be correct! From a distance, I see Untella sitting on a nearby rock, breathing heavily, and Sweetie moving buckets brimming with water around to make a makeshift temporary basin. As I approach, Sweetie greets me with an open smile. Untella seems a bit disinterested as she looks onwards towards the nearby grove.
No. 1102012 ID: 3f89df
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[color=##948661] “Howdy There Grey! I fancy seeing you around this hour! What’s up? Me and Untella were just finishing up the work for the day? You done seeding the fields with your B- Friend?” [/color]
Untella just seems to respond blankly, an bit of hinted exhaustion in her voice:
“Look, If this is about our performance, we’ve been working our asses off all morning and night, going straight to sleep afterwards, So I don’t want to hear anything coming from you.”
Sweetie looks at Untella with a shocked expression.
“Untella! Don’t be so Mean to Grey!” She looks at me with an soft expression painted on. “Sorry on her behalf, She’s just not used to this type of Labor. But yeah? What’s this about?”

I can now ask them questions, help them with their job, or know a bit about them. I’m somewhat neutral on any pressing questions or details about them I’d want to know, So Muni do you have any questions or things you wish to know about them? I can ask.
No. 1102044 ID: 6c233e

Ask Untella about her bartending time. See if she would like to parley those skills into running a kitchen.

As for Sweetie, ask about her farming work. Does she have any suggestions for improving our operation? Also, she said she would share a family secret with us.
No. 1102075 ID: eb0a9c

Ask what's going on in the rest of the world. You'd be surprised how accurate a commoner's viewpoint can get... if they don't tread into topics they've never personally witnessed or researched. You also need to be on the lookout for indoctrination: if they outright ignore arguments against certain topics, instead of challenging the evidence, you might want to steer clear.

Then, discuss their long-term plans. Naturally, you're planning to jump-start their old careers, as you need money and they need stability, and they're still... your employees. But, in regards to our speech about freedom, you want to encourage any ambitions, prepare a startup for anything grander. Let them know about various jobs throughout the world, and tell them you also have some information on weirder jobs. Stuff thought up by the Fallen Empire; harvesting sand as if it were marble, coming up with faster ways to sort beans (and many other things), children's games turned into professional sports. There's also something called a 'vozzler' but the professional I heard it from has a really hard time describing what they've done for centuries.

And as for the secret: ask if it is something that you need to know immediately, or if she can keep the secret as collateral with minimal loss in interest. If we're talking about a one-time payment, like a dungeon or a theological revelation, it can wait; we're not expecting merchant kings to knock on our doorstep until after we pay our latest mortgage installment. But if it's a recipe for a product we can start making soon or the location of renewable resources, we need to know that now, and we can immediately clear her debts and free her in the public eye of the other slaves if the profit is sufficiently large.
No. 1102518 ID: 3f89df
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“So, Untella, when I was umm.. Freeing you of captivity, you listed your time bartending? Can you tell me an bit more about that?”
Sweetie swivels around to Untella, looking surprised. [i]
“Oh yeah! You did talk about that back there! You haven’t told me about that but loads about your adventuring stories.”
[i] Untella looks to the side, a slight blush rushing to the cheeks.

“Oh, you noticed that? It.. It was just an odd job I did ounce; you need something to reliably earn income when you're on the road, I learned an bit of brewing there, and an couple other skills, I just worked in the back.”

[color=#A3A3A3] “Do you think you could translate those skills into working at an kitchen.” [/color=#A3A3A3]
[color=#1C7129] “Oh-oh, is this what you want to me to do? I mean… I don’t know. I’m no chef or anything, but I’ve cooked some things while on the road, I know how to prepare meat, a bit of gutting and precision in that aspect, But I’ve only used a fire, not an oven well.. I guess that’s not entirely true..”

Sweetie jumps up to her, almost like she solved a puzzle
“Oh yeah, isn’t your last name breadmaker in our local tongue? Wow, you’ve had more ex-”
Untella just does a big hearty sigh but looks to me exhausted.
“Look, yes, I came from a line of bread-makers, millers, that kind of thing, but I went away from that life a long, long time ago. Also Sweetie, Around Grey, it’s pronounced Brendmear.”
No. 1102519 ID: 3f89df
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She mumbles something under her breath.
“I know I said I owned the bartending joint… it was a half-truth, I was just helping some family; they were not rich, but not starving either, alongside some friends, of mine until the fallen empire y’know.. Did what they do best.”

She just looks at me.
“Well, I guess if you want me to be some kind of chef, I could be; just don’t expect the absolute master class of a chef, I just thought you’d. Y’know, make me do the odd jobs or make me use this armour I got, I’m more used to fighting then baking.”

I then look to Sweetie.
“Would you wish to start a Kitchen with Untella as well?”
Sweetie looks to Untella, smiling and grinning, and giving her cutesy eyes. “Of course! I’d love too! And Untella would love it as well, wouldn’t you Untella?”
Untella just smirks and pats Sweetie on the head.
“Well, when you have that face, then sure, better you then some savage like that purple kobold-”
Untella looks back too me, with a furrowed brow,
[color=#1C7129] “Oh yeah, what’s up with him? Her? I don’t know I initially thought of kobolds.. as… “ She looks up to me.
[color=#1C7129] “Actually I won’t finish that thought.”

No. 1102520 ID: 3f89df
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Did Baredibor do something stupid, hell did Crocodile, do something stupid to our citizens? I hope not, that’d make everything much harder to organize. .
“Did Bardeibor do anything?”
Untella just raises an simple eyebrow by my question.
“Well, he’s been just bringing back corpses and devouring them raw whererever and whenever, when I went to get my bucket, he screamed at me that I was escaping, kept goating me into fighting him, kept going on and on, about his stupid death god, and he’s 100% naked all the time, look I’ve been on the road so I’ve seen worse stuff, but we have children here, and by gods I don’t want those little girls to think that’s normal, or worse..”
Sweetie frowns at her.
“Well, he’s not that bad; he gave me a flower ounce, and the children never really play over here anyway, besides..”
Untella just pats Sweetie on the noggin.
“That’s just because you see everybody in an positive light Sweetie, I like that about you, but I wish you just treated things how they where.” She turns my attention over to me. “Is.. is there any explanation regarding them? Look I’m not accusing you kobolds of anything, I’ve heard your.. Boss? Yell over that guy so I’m perusming he’s not popular over here either, not expecting an apology, just curious.. Hell I’d be fine with the explanation that your forced to keep him because he’s the king or duke’s son of the kobolds, and he’s the result of an whole bunch of in-breeding, and your’e forced to keep him because of your contract.”

I hate having to explain Baredibor; I feel like every time he’s near someone, I have to repeat the same answer over and over again, an part of me just wishes to get rid of him, and maybe he wishes to get rid of us, but He’s very good at his job, and I feel like if someone wishes to target us, he’ll be there to fight them.. Is it want I want? No. In a perfect world, no one would have to fight over hunger, greed, or power we would just support each other through our needs, but I have to be realistic, I’m just some Middle-Class Veteran in an era where kings and emperors rule, If I somehow could rule the entire world then yes, but is equalitarian policy even possible in an absolute monarchy? How can you know the people when you yourself are chained to a throne? It’s something that I’ll never know, the expectations, the poltics.. It’s something I have a glimpse of, but will never really know, it’s childish for me to think of even being able to get that far.

I see Untella just staring, and I realize my mind wanders without answering her question.
“Bardeibor.. He’s not really with us.. So, it was Brenu (Crocodile’s), Father’s idea. He doesn’t believe in the same gods as we do, he doesn’t really have any attachment to the colony, He was just… the guard for some time, but he does his job surprisingly well, he’s an absolute master at… Killing… and we just have to suck it up even with all his negative qualities, I think from you having a look around that we can’t afford to lose even any advantage we can get.

As for him yelling at you ladies… I apologize, In a perfect world I’d make it so you’d be able to go where you please, even when you haven’t paid off your debt, but Brenu and Bardeibor want to make sure nobody runs off back to where they came, essentially they don’t trust you, I’m sorry if they inconvenience you in that way.”

No. 1102521 ID: 3f89df
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Untella nods along .
“Makes sense, I can see that, I’m pursuing your little speech and freeing us from slave to serf made you quite unpopular with the others, just know if they try too… remove you.. I’ll fight for our eventual but slow, freedom any day.”

After a time with silence, Untella looked around and raised her.. Ear? To hear if anybody’s watching, I resume with a much less.. Treacherous discussion.

“So Sweetie, you do farming work for a living.”
Sweetie nods her head enthusiastically.
“So I was wondering, then; do you have any suggestions for improving our operation here? Also about your fami-” [/color=#A3A3A3]
color=#948661uts me off from the previous question with an answer.
[color=#948661] “Hmmmm… Well it depends on what your y’all looking for; this soil is decent, an bit rocky but that’s to be expected near a river, and I’d say that among them plants can’t get enough sun-light through the tree’s, however there’s an nice selection of various water sources nearby, and thier closest to our storage, so bringing the harvest’s too and from, our storage, It’s an good temporary, semi-permanent soulution, it’ll just have to take an bit longer to grow for our plants to grow, and some specific kinds can’t grow with all of the competition from the fauna nearby and the lack of readily accessible sunlight, but taking down the tree’s could cause erosion, so for now, this is fine.”

“For something better, probably something a bit higher on the mountains? We’d have to look and find some good spots that are not full of rocks, but those spots would be perfect for fruit, where the water pools. also, we could go closer to the river for the same result, but that could end up with flooding, so unless we are growing rapid qualities of rice we wouldn’t want it.

Technically speaking it depends on what is growing, for potatoes and corn, like we are growing right now, it works well enough, both are hardy enough to react to this terrain with relative ease.”

“Thank you Sweetie that’s actually pretty informative, but what you said earlier about your family secret, do you care sharing it with me?”
No. 1102522 ID: 3f89df
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Sweetie’s smile turns into a simple frown as she just stares at me, before replying in a matter of fact tone.
“Okay, I’m going to be real with you Grey, I mostly wished to say that so I’d get chosen, to have somebody better then the fallen empire I feel like it’s an bit soon.. For me to really say it.. And the thing is, If I show you the results, I know for an fact you’ll either sell the information, which will ruin my family or you’ll keep me here forever, and let me leave, if that wane’t an possibility. I’d be able to tell you, but I’m not sure… If I trust you… Although I do know I’d be something that would make our lives easier, I do have easier other secrets about certain locations and possible dungeons that exist that Untella/I know about anyway; But I know you may not be interested in those. So tell you what.”

Her expression suddenly turns serious as she stares me straight in the eye, It’s a jarring switch from her typically normal disposition.
“Let’s strike a deal; I’ll let you know my family secret; I’ll give you a little hint It does have something to with the growth and harvest of our plants, However In return I’d be technically free of my debt that’s indebted to you, Now I wouldn’t immediately run away, I’ll stay here, I just.. I just wish to be able to see and communicate with my family again. and be able to go to town and be able to live my life, however I’m also fine with the life I have now if you refuse. You also promise me that you won’t tell anybody of last name/house Lil, no matter how much money, land, connections, or whatever they try to throw at you. My last request is that you promise to never increase the other serf’s debts/don’t charge them for basic necessities. If you go back on your promise, and lock me up, kill me, or tell anyone else who dosen’t work with me, or isn’t here. Your Crops Will Die.”
The tone she brings feels almost absolute, like the commanding roar of a king, it gives me pause in saying yes or no, I’d also wish to have your confirmation Muni, and so I don’t answer with an absolute yes or no.

“I’ll consider your offer Sweetie.. Thank you for sharing.”
Sweetie’s disposition immediately switches back to her old joyful self, or her mask.
“Of course, let me know any-time if you’d wish to accept my offer! I don’t feel like there’s any need to rush.”
Untella looks at Sweetie with a hint of confusion and curiosity but feels like she gets where she’s coming from, I decide to switch the tone of our conversation.
No. 1102523 ID: 3f89df
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“How’s everything been going from the rest of the World? I’d like to admit that I’ve never seen your races before, and none of my textbooks or anybody else has really talked about you, I know what’s going on from an kobold’s perspective, but I’d like to get everyone elses.”

Sweetie looks on at me curiously, like I’m out of the know for something that’s so simple.

“Well, The Fallen Empire’s been expanding pretty rapidly actually, It’s how I got caught actually, us Corgidom borders have been shrinking ever since, but I feel like that’s just because we're closer to their motherland. I don’t know what It’s like over near I think the northern sea? But in the southeast, there’s been a large discussion regarding the empire, War, and how to deal with it properly, I’m not a Fighter so I don’t really want to start arguments over it, I just know that there are a couple of factions I know have been sprouting up near my motherland who are either pro or anti Empire, and I wouldn’t be surprised that when they inevitably touch your borders, you’ll have to make a choice as well.”

“Family’s Pro-Empire, less they agree on their idology, but mainly because they're a good trade partner, and they protect us when usually somebody like the House Lil or others try to take our pillage from us, it also stopped the gnolls, and less invasive animals have been trying to take our crops, It made it so we didn’t have to spend energy using our line of defensives which made us get quite prosperous actually, sure they tax you, but it’s less then if we where living in serfdom and weren’t buddy-buddy with the earl, baron, king etc. The thing that makes them quite controversial is that they require an annual or sometimes even bi-monthly if you have too many problems. “Tribute.”, The tribute can be large amounts of gold, but no one except the richest of families can afford it, so they otherwise use an “Person.” Tribute is used, who are then sold into slavery, that person goes to the empire and…. I don’t know what happens to them, but it’s probably not good. I was the Tribute for my Family, I don’t blame them I was the weakest when using our family secret anyway.”
No. 1102524 ID: 3f89df
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She says it so positively and like it’s a daily occurrence. It makes me shudder thinking what living under the Empire’s jurisdiction is really like, and deep within me, a repressed fury of the fallen empire grows, I had known they were bad, I had seen on many different occasions, the absolute depravity and lack of empathy they provide, these.. Things.. They have a human shell, but are they something that doesn’t even resemble this world, their weird flying ships of the sky, and their fast-as-light bows; for ounce, I feel.. A disconnect between them and their ideas of people. When I think of them, All I can think of Is the Gore of slighted villages, families being Torn aprt as their tall guards full of nearly impervious armour drag away a member of an family, all for their “prottection”, and all of the sins they have done, a thing that sticks in my mind, is when I was in the Right-212#-Swan Bettalion, and on the mission an old friend, tried to go help some injured most likely dead kobolds as the empire ransacked “A Old Ruin”, which in reality was an old Field Kobold City where people lived and worked. My friend was shot down instantly, and instead of moving on, the soldier went, bent down and began looting them, not even caring about discretion, they stole everything off him, and then blew his body until he was unrecognizable from the floor. What scared me is that they were so… non-chelant. Like they have done this for their entire life, and they were going through the motions after killing somebody they saw as “lesser.”

[i] And in retrospect, we Kobolds have it easy, only seeing them when they are collecting their tribute for the land or scavenging “abonded” structures or very rarely in small skirmishes with only a couple of scouters. I only shudder in where beyond The Smilling Corpses Mountain the people who live across from us have to live with their presence. It fills me with an overwhelming fury, in which I have not felt since my earliest years, the fury of revenge, vengeance.

Yet the part of me which keeps my morals intact questions. Would inflicting harm upon them make me correct? Not everyone is the same, just because somebody supports the empire, does it make them bad? Or are they just worried about their own safety or the safety of their friends? If pro-empires came to attack against us attacking them, would it be right to attack them? Even though they are just like us? Are they scared Victims of the Empire? Would Destroying the Empire do anything? Or just lead to more violence? That is a question that gives my fury pause, allowing me to cool down and picture it a bit more. It’s what gives me my morals; it’s what BloodMother Wants; when BloodMother Returns, she will punish those like the empire who are wicked, and save the rest.
No. 1102525 ID: 3f89df
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It seems that even through my internal dialogue, no extra time had passed, and Sweetie had begun fishing her sentence; it’s as if time stood still. Odd, Untella goes next. [/i]

“Well less regarding the Empire but more so that I’ve seen a lot more stuff. I guess if I’m talking about my own sob story of how I got captured, It’s more so me and my party of mercenaries got an job to wipe out an nearby encampment of camp of say 3 soldiers, It’s an job so you don’t ask questions, budda beem turns out their fallen empire soldiers. And that’s how you get shackled into slavery as an Prisoner of War, and whipped until you get there, I felt like my future there would have ended either me working to death in some silver mines or someplace else, or..” She shudders heavily. ] “I just hope they didn’t notice my curves at all.”

“But I’m presuming you’ve been hearing non-stop about the Fallen Empire, and while they are the hottest deal in the continent, I don’t know much about their own stories, and tales of apparent savagery, I do have a lot to talk about, some of it’s political, some of it’s from what I heard from others, but I don’t want to bore you, and I feel like you seem pretty antsy already, so you can ask me some other time. I’ve just travelled a lot.”

I then move on to the next topic of discussion; before I go to talk to the other citizens.
No. 1102526 ID: 3f89df
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>Then, discuss their long-term plans. Naturally, you're planning to jump-start their old careers, as you need money and they need stability, and they're still... your employees. But, in regards to our speech about freedom, you want to encourage any ambitions, prepare a startup for anything grander. Let them know about various jobs throughout the world, and tell them you also have some information on weirder jobs. Stuff thought up by the Fallen Empire; harvesting sand as if it were marble, coming up with faster ways to sort beans (and many other things), children's games turned into professional sports. There's also something called a 'vozzler' but the professional I heard it from has a really hard time describing what they've done for centuries.

“Say you didn’t own any debt, and it was a perfect scenario where you could pursue whatever job or passion you dreamed of, what would you wish to pursue? Or what would be you goal’s in the long term?”

Sweetie bounces energetically, so Untella nods at her to allow her to go first.
“Hmm! Well, I don’t know! I’m pretty happy with what I’m currently doing, but I’d be okay with learning some stuff as well, as long as I’m not alone doing something, I’d be fine with whatever! Maybe I would not do espionage work or fighting, but I’d probably be pretty bad at it.”

I continue by giving her additional ideas.
“There’s a Scribe, GlassMaker, WeaponSmith, ArmorSmith, Engineer, Scientist, Alchemist, Spy, Runner, Envoy, Chancellor, Tax Collector, Explorer, Guard, ChildRearer, Jester, General, Merchant, Accountant, Sand Harvaster, Professional Game Player, Vozzler, and much much more, if you need some ideas.”

Sweetie just shakes her head in response to my suggestions.
“I’m good, thanks if I have an passion other then what I’ve been born into I’ll let you know.”
She looks over to Untella, who then begins her own speech.

“Well, I’d like to get to learn and be able to read and write, I think I have some good enough stories that I can make an chronicle of my adventuring journey and general life, besides that, Bartending, Occasionally Writing and PaperWork, and Maybe some Exploring here and There would be nice, I guess my most ideal life would be ever-changing, but not dangerous or something that I’m forced to do, an bit of an saftey next of an home to return too, and responsibilities to live.”

It’s understandable, I can relate to her, but with perhaps a bit more emphasis on discovery rather than exploration, when you spend your life travelling, it can be hard to truly settle down and immerse yourself with others.
No. 1102527 ID: 3f89df
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Do I take her Deal? It may anger Crocodile and/or Baredibor that she would be debt-free and her secret, not theirs to keep. Still, if it’ll truly help us and help speed up our farm work and or increase our future, then it may be an opportunity for us to speed down on the settlement process, and more-so into the living process. She also is saying that she won’t leave, at least not right away, and she promises to see her family, if she left to go to her family, and wouldn’t come back is to be decided, but selling off your daughter to be a slave of either gruelling manual labour, or concubine status, isn’t a nice talk over the dinner table.

Maybe It’d be better to get either of the other kobold's opinions, but that wouldn’t throw my schedule into the rack, but in all there are some potential positives and negatives. So Muni..

Should I take Sweetie’s Deal? [/i]
No. 1102531 ID: 90b21b

I don't know how we can deal with him but I really think we should try to find out what makes him tick. It's only a matter of time before he betrays us so he can get into a bigger fight.

So she has some kind of magic? We know many physical techniques for gardening but if she can directly commune with plants, that gives her a major advantage.

Grey, I won't blame you for fighting back against that, but you have to understand that most people who think that way have been taught to. In the same way that Crocodile's core thought processes have been ingrained with the idea of 'nobility' and 'authority', many of the Empire's forces have likely been taught to think of you as vermin, as a threat, as weaklings individually and a plague when united.

I don't know exactly which empire the Fallen come from, but one of the most famous dying empires always springs to mind. In that hell, everyone was at war with everyone else. The empire's immortal emperor was on life support for millennia. Their civilized rivals wanted to kill every human they could find on principle, and those were the rational factions. The irrational ones would invent new ways to torture you forever, usually by mutating you into some form of immortal, immobile bundle of pain receptors. Every world was suffering some form of starvation, enslavement, oppression, and/or chronic anxiety, and corruption meant it usually came from their own governors. Entire worlds were destroyed every goddamn month.

In a nightmare like that, is it any wonder that those who found the strength to survive also found the cruelty and apathy to tear through anything that wasn't them like vermin?

Talk this over with Crocodile, but I'd generally agree. If Sweetie can accelerate crop production right now, that's worth clearing her debt. You want to get a food stockpile prepared before you begin on any major projects.
No. 1102643 ID: 6c233e

It sounds like Untella might be good at managing a kitchen rather than doing the actual cooking. Lets try her in that position for now, there will probably be some exploration or similar for her later.

For Sweetie's secret, can she make use of it without actually telling use how it works? If Crocodile finds out its not just an ability she has but knowledge that can be taught he's going to view it as owed, since technically we own her. Though if you talk to him I think you could convince him to view it has equal to the debt, since she is offering it of her free will. Look at it this way; if she was exploring and found treasure and brought it back to us, it would only be right to view that as going towards the debt.

As for trapping her here over this, is it like she really has anywhere to go? It might have been the only option they could, but her family essentially gave her up for dead. If she went back, wouldn't they just send her as the next tribute, as they're still trapped in the same situation as when she left. So no, she won't be forbidden to leave, but it would be foolish to.

Your hatred of the empire is only justified, but keep cautious. The catharsis you would feel by harming them dovetails nicely with making them less able to visit further harm upon people. But its important to maximize the amount of harm we can bring, especially against such a strong opponent.
No. 1102730 ID: 2f41db

If she can use it but not share how it works, then she'd risk nothing, wouldnt have to fear what happened afterwards and would hasten finishing her debt greatly as a boost in crops would be of great importance and regarded so.

Grey mother.
Offer this opportunity, but reassure her that the debt will only ever increase if someone intentionally destroys important items, steals from others or brings great harm to a member of the group.
That is how it was to be, regardless of her request.
Otherwise it would just be slavery with chains of a different kind.
They are us now, even if some eventually choose to leave, they are us.
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