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File 170863018546.png - (235.76KB , 1295x1295 , 022124_FromNothingTitle.png )
1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1093659 ID: 1effd3
File 171987492226.png - (365.75KB , 900x750 , 063024_FromNothing108_SilvUsedLesserBlast.png )

>The arena has a bunch of spikes in it now. Think you could use tremor to hurl one at the foe quickly enough to still dodge?
>Ah, it's got roots? Start using Tremor to pull up dirt. Uproot the plant, or at least expose its roots! Then you can attack the roots, and those should be more vulnerable than the main body. If you can get a good sized stone out of the ground you can smack the body or the voidling flesh part of it to deal some better damage, probably.
“I can’t stand still long enough to use Tremor in any way!” , says Silv, dodging another row of root spikes heading towards her.

>You are not only wielder of runes, but Runelearner. Use your learning, and conjure a Lesser Blast; it will be a dire strait before we threaten the home of the Florafolk with an explosion whose ferocity we know not how to gauge
Silv quickly uses a Lesser Blast on the roots that tried to hit her, shattering several of them to splinters. The Runeling screeches in anger as it pulls its roots back into the ground.

“Hey, that worked Tetsi! Maybe a Blast rune will work--”

The Florafolk chitter loudly towards Silv as the ground begins to rumble again. Roots begin to close in on the clearing, forcing Silv closer to the Runelings vines.

“Uh oh.”
No. 1093660 ID: 1effd3
File 171987494248.png - (461.73KB , 900x750 , 063024_FromNothing109_EXPLOOOOOSION.png )

>Think of blast runes as grenades. You need to stuff it in the beast's fleshy interior for the bomb to have a full effect! For now, use everything in your arsenal and see what sticks!
>Throw a Blast rune. If it doesn't go off on impact, use a Flare to detonate it.
>The wood its absorbed looks like it may be giving structural support to the amalgam. Destroy that at it may not be able to hold together. Try to get the blast rune into that hollow or opening.
“I don’t know what a grenade is, but I’ll throw this like one!”
Silv pulls a rune out of her bag, and converts it into a Blast rune while dodging the incoming vines. She throws it just like if she was throwing Flare, and it arcs towards the Runeling. It braces its vines in front of itself for protection, as it had previously.

With a thunderous crack, multiple vines are torn to bits, momentarily stunning it. Silv converts and throws another Blast rune at the Runeling, detonating right beside its main body. Suddenly snapping back to its senses, the Runeling lets out an ear-shattering screech, forcing Silv and the Florafolk to cover their ears.
No. 1093661 ID: 1effd3
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It begins to thrash it vines around erratically in a panic, kicking up the dirt as it does so. It’s gone berserk!

>Flare+Blast then throw that, or if it offers a new spell, FIREBALL!
>Oh, more ideas: Try casting flare through us, maybe we can empower spells. Try casting flare multiple times without throwing it, to make a bigger ball of fire! A more intense fire is more likely to get through the enemy's defense.
“I don’t think now is the time for experimenting--””


Oh, that’s going to hurt.
Silv and Tetsi got hit by a thrashing vine, and are sent tumbling some distance.
No. 1093662 ID: 1effd3
File 171987500255.png - (146.79KB , 900x750 , 070124_FromNothing111_.png )

”--Time for review. What are spells?”

”Spells are a means to give █▚██▟ instructions and direction?”

”True, but WHAT is a spell?”
”Spells, no matter the Origin or type of spellcasting, are composed of █▚███▟██ components. The core component is immutable by itself, but with the addition of other components, alters the core, and thus, the spell produced. With the same two components, you can ██▟█▚ several different spells.”


”The simplest example is with Fire as a core, and Inertia to alter it. Inertia can be applied in multiple ways to the Fire; sending the core ▚██▚█ as a projectile, or spreading the Fire out around you. If constructed incorrectly--.”
No. 1093663 ID: 1effd3
File 171987503497.png - (285.86KB , 672x750 , 070124_FromNothing112_ThrashAndBash.png )

All Silv hears is muffled sounds as she slowly regains consciousness. Grabbing Tetsi once more, she knows what she has to do.
No. 1093664 ID: 1effd3
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No. 1093666 ID: 273c18

Oh you have to stand still to use Tremor? Bad drawback...

Flare as the core, Breeze to give Inertia... how about Blast or Harm to make it stronger?
No. 1093671 ID: 0db8d3

Here's several I can think of.

Lesser Fireball

Lightning Bolt

Lesser Thunderstorm


Stone Buckshot

Air Bullets


Strange Regeneration

Cone of Anti-Life


Create lesser Undead

Life Drain

Mutate Self

Healing Word


Fox Fire

Earth Spike

Honestly I think Fox Fire might be the best one. A weak but ranged fire attack using all basic runes should be safe, effective, and mana efficient. That said, Lesser Fireball and and Flamethrower could end things more quickly at the cost of more mana, given they use more advanced runes. Buckshot or Lightning Bolt could probably end this near instantly, but do we have that much mana?
Alternatively I suppose we could just keep doing what we're doing, and use a healing spell to win the battle through attrition...
Or we could do something... Crazy.
No. 1093674 ID: 5ebd37

Would applying potion to flare and tremor make a lob-able magma chunk?
Gale with static and flare might make a fire storm.
No. 1093681 ID: 2f41db

Even if foxfire is one of the less potent ones itd have to be stronger than unaltered flare.

I think youve both got fireball figured out too, but collateral damage chances spike higher with that.

Only thing i can think of is a flare core, gale momentum, static augment.
A firebolt that clings. Fire that dances across the target like electricity would.
Net of fire, if its a valid combination.
No. 1093686 ID: 7c1f1c

By learning will we triumph. Our knowledge of runes will be our overpowering strength. We know its runic affinity is Nature, and we have seen already the effectiveness of the Lesser Blast against the foe. Let us imbue our Blast with the element we know to be most deleterious to an avatar of Nature: the Eldritch.

Flare + Flare + Eldritch
No. 1093690 ID: 9bbb0e

Flare with Breeze and Harm attached sounds powerful but also widespread, more like a Burning Hands. Will it catch the Florafolk in the fire?
No. 1093698 ID: 5b2941

well ain't that the question we're all asking
No. 1093969 ID: 1effd3
File 172047520982.png - (312.66KB , 900x750 , 070824_FromNothing114_.png )


>Would applying potion to flare and tremor make a lob-able magma chunk? Gale with static and flare might make a fire storm.
>Flare as the core, Breeze to give Inertia... how about Blast or Harm to make it stronger?

x3 runes consumed.
No. 1093970 ID: 1effd3
File 172047524592.png - (388.66KB , 900x750 , 070824_FromNothing115_FlareMortar.png )

Time seems to slow down for Silv as she raises Tetsi towards the rampaging Runeling.

“...Flare as the core…”

“...Breeze to provide inertia…”

“...Blast to augment the core to detonate on impact…”

The air crackles and burns in front of Silv and Testi, as something new is created from nothing.

”...Flare Mortar!”
No. 1093971 ID: 1effd3
File 172047527133.png - (838.46KB , 900x750 , 070824_FromNothing116_Kwispy.png )

The spell impacts the Runeling, engulfing it in a brilliant blast of cinders. It reels and screeches from the fire, its body burnt and torn, but ultimately not yet defeated. Silv launches another Flare Mortar, wherein it once again impacts the Runeling. Silv collapses and drops Tetsi after being drained of her remaining mana, unable to witness the effort of her labors.
No. 1093972 ID: 1effd3
File 172047528826.gif - (70.73KB , 720x600 , 070824_FromNothing117_Kwispy.gif )

...You get to see a cool explosion though.
No. 1093973 ID: 1effd3
File 172047532178.png - (429.30KB , 900x750 , 070824_FromNothing118_HeroesWelcome.png )

The Florafolk enter the clearing once the dust settles, and quickly bring you and SIlv back to their home, where they lie her on a pile of soft(?) leaves. After some time, Silv finally wakes up, surrounded by many Florafolk.

“Ow… Did I win?”

Cheers erupt from the Florafolk as they surround Silv. The Florafolk Leader even gives her a pat on the head. Suffice to say she indeed won, although a little worse for wear. Silv is still recovering and mana is fairly depleted, so using Recovery at the moment might not be possible.

Several Florafolk come up and deposit everything that came from the Nature Runeling near to you and Tetsi.
“Oh, thank you! That’s a lot of stuff…”
x8 Voidmatter obtained.
x27 Nature runes obtained.
For some reason you feel like this is more than what Silv can put in her bag…

What should you do now? You should return home soon.
Pack up and leave.
No. 1093974 ID: a7a180

Use some of the resources you can't pack with you to cast some helpful spells for the florafolk. Or maybe you can even craft them into items!
No. 1093975 ID: 273c18

If we can't carry all these runes then we should use them. I feel as though the best way we can do that right now is to try new rune combinations!
Life+Harm (death?) Wait, did you try inverting Life?

Hmm, can you think of a combination that might lead us to more abstract meanings like intelligence or strength?
No. 1093976 ID: 273c18

Oh but maybe some self-reflection first. How are you doing?
No. 1093977 ID: 79993d

Self reflection! Show us the stats!

Also, cant we find a box or something to carry stuff back? You need a box
No. 1093981 ID: 0db8d3

Let's wait a little bit for some mana to recover. Eat a bit and rest up. I have an idea.


First We'll use Static as a base- The essence of the spell is a field of energy.

We will then use Eldritch To modify that field. We need it to stay in an arbitrary place in space, and we need it to function indefinitely. To do so falls afoul of the natural laws of physics. We'll tie it directly to the arcane to draw it's power and to exert our will upon the arbitrary space.

Finally, The field will be infused with an aspect we can borrow from the Flare rune: Light.

The resulting spell should create a permanent source of light in a place of our choosing. When placed near the highest point of the island, it should act as a brilliant star in the void. So long as it persists, we'll be able to find our way back here to visit our new friends!
No. 1093982 ID: 9bbb0e

If we leave the large cache of nature runes here, it may help us locate the island again in the future. Once we have a more effective way of keeping track of islands, we could put them to use expanding our island with natural growth and possible look into the florafolk joining us there as we develop it.
No. 1093984 ID: 861ceb

>What should you do now?
rest until you can defend yourself again then thank the plant people for their hospitality and then head out.
No. 1093986 ID: 51ed13

Do they do parties? This seems like an appropriate time for a small party.
No. 1093997 ID: 2f41db

Good idea.
Rune concentrations as nav points.

Perhaps silv could use one or two to give this land a kickstart in its healing.
Side benefit would be it being good practice but mainly itd get the florafolk back on thier feet quicker.
No. 1094002 ID: 2a82d3

I bet your Recovery runes would more effective if you combine with another rune that matches the affinity of the target. Nature to natural things, Eldritch to eldritch. If you can stretch the definition of Recovery enough, you could even rebuild a better hous waitaminute

If everything we've done, are doing, and are going to do is going to lead to recovering your memories, that would imply we're highly in sync with you. That doesn't happen easily by accident. Did you mean to seek us out? If so, why? If you didn't mean to, how?
No. 1094003 ID: 9bbb0e

Unfortunately, I think we can only use them to shape land around our stone circle. Which is why I'd like the florafolk to join us over there eventually, or ideally find a way to get their land mass to ours'. These weird facilities are too unique to warrant just abandoning, and they already have homes and attachments here they just fought to protect.
No. 1094004 ID: 8f9bc4

Congratulations, Silv! You're starting to remember a few things! Sad things, but better than no things. It gives you something to strive for, building your little home here in the void.
No. 1094013 ID: 2f41db

Ah damn.
Could potentially try for a renewal spell though in the meantime.
Drawing the lands together would be a good long term goal.
No. 1094159 ID: 7c1f1c

Reflect, runelearner. You are starting to remember more and more of your previous learning; your craft is returning to you. Think on these things. What can you recall about your former education? Who was it that gave it to you? How did you come to learn these secrets?
No. 1094373 ID: 1effd3
File 172126122663.png - (129.08KB , 482x750 , 071624_FromNothing119_StatusUp.png )

>some self-reflection first. How are you doing?
>Self reflection! Show us the stats!
>Reflect, runelearner.

— — —
Name: Silv Mithra:


Class Archetype: Spellcaster
Class: Thaumaturge


Runelearner: Can learn the fundamentals of the universe, runes. Silv can combine, invert, and convert physical runes, among some other uses.
Skitter: Increased speed for movement and actions.

Spells: Flare, Tremor, Stream, Breeze, Lesser Blast, Recovery, Static

Equipment: Tetsi, Worn Bag
New Abilities:
Spellcrafter: No matter the origin or type of spellcasting, spells are constructed from components and instructions. Silv can create templates for new spells out of physical runes, up to her maximum spell count. The runes are consumed by this process, but the spell can be used until it's replaced with a different spell.
Maximum Spells: 1 (Flare Mortar)

— — —
Name: Tetsi

Class: Artifact

Illuminate: Lights up the area around the Eye.
Identify(shared): Can be used to identify creatures and objects.
Dowsing: Locates the closest ‘target’ to self, guides in a direction. Can also place markers on objects and locations to find them again. Limit 1 marker.
Updated Abilities:
Identify(shared): Now capable of gaining more information from a target, such as runic affinity..
Dowsing: Marker limit increased to two. “Home” is now a permanently remembered location.
— — —
”Looks like we got some new abilities Tetsi. You can mark more stuff now, and we can always find home! What’s ‘thaumaturge’ though?”

>If we leave the large cache of nature runes here, it may help us locate the island again in the future.
>Good idea. Rune concentrations as nav points.
”I think dowsing getting improved kind of negates this, but maybe a useful idea later.”

>Use some of the resources you can't pack with you to cast some helpful spells for the florafolk. Or maybe you can even craft them into items!
>If we can't carry all these runes then we should use them. I feel as though the best way we can do that right now is to try new rune combinations!
”I’m too tired to try this at the moment though…
No. 1094374 ID: 1effd3
File 172126125087.png - (173.31KB , 900x750 , 071724_FromNothing120_SQUARE.png )

>Also, cant we find a box or something to carry stuff back? You need a box
Silv asks the Leader and other Florafolk about a box or container to put the stuff from the Runeling in. Some of the Florafolk run off and should be back in a bit.

>Do they do parties? This seems like an appropriate time for a small party.
”They seem like they’re already celebrating.”

>Perhaps silv could use one or two to give this land a kickstart in its healing. Side benefit would be it being good practice but mainly itd get the florafolk back on thier feet quicker.
>Unfortunately, I think we can only use them to shape land around our stone circle. Which is why I'd like the florafolk to join us over there eventually, or ideally find a way to get their land mass to ours'. These weird facilities are too unique to warrant just abandoning, and they already have homes and attachments here they just fought to protect.
>Ah damn. Could potentially try for a renewal spell though in the meantime. Drawing the lands together would be a good long term goal.
”I don’t understand much about runes or how you work Tetsi, but I think the stone circle back home is important somehow. I was hoping you’d know more than me.”
No. 1094376 ID: 1effd3
File 172126127695.png - (221.56KB , 900x750 , 071724_FromNothing121_I_Feel_Like_this_is_against_.png )

>Congratulations, Silv! You're starting to remember a few things! Sad things, but better than no things. It gives you something to strive for, building your little home here in the void.
>Reflect, runelearner. You are starting to remember more and more of your previous learning; your craft is returning to you. Think on these things. What can you recall about your former education? Who was it that gave it to you? How did you come to learn these secrets?
”I don’t know who that is in my memories, but I feel they were important to me for some reason… as for knowledge, I’m not sure it’s supposed to… intentionally apply to runes? I don’t know how to explain it.”

After a bit, some Florafolk return with… the tree trunk that was part of the Runeling, and some smaller pieces of wood and vines. Looks like they’ve wrapped it all together to make a fairly flimsy container, but it should work on a one way trip.
“Looks like we should be going now Tetsi. I think I’m rested enough to head home.”
No. 1094377 ID: 1effd3
File 172126130413.png - (305.69KB , 900x750 , 071724_FromNothing122_.png )

The Florafolk help carry Silv’s belonging to the edge of the island as she sets up a marker with Dowsing. She waves goodbye to the Florafolk, and ventures into the darkness towards her home.
— — —
The air has gotten a little colder once Silv returns to her island, where her voidlings are waiting for her.
“Hey we’re back, did you behave while we were gone?”,Silv asks as the voidlings swarm around her. Silv is too tired at the moment to unpack and check everything, so she decides to go rest some more in her little shelter, leaving you to stand by and watch.
No. 1094378 ID: 1effd3
File 172126132279.png - (237.95KB , 900x750 , 071724_FromNothing123_Quiet.png )

No. 1094379 ID: 1effd3
File 172126134256.png - (244.15KB , 900x750 , 071724_FromNothing124_Stowaway.png )

No. 1094381 ID: 5b2941

oh hey, new pet
No. 1094387 ID: 273c18

Ah, your new friend seems to have stowed away in the container. Sleepover I guess?

Hmm, Thaumaturge is basically just another word for wizard, but it specifically means "worker of miracles". I dunno what it means in this context.

...we should try to Identify the stone circle later.
No. 1094399 ID: eb0a9c

Well, as long as they don't kill each other...

We'd better make sure the Root didn't regenerate.
No. 1094407 ID: 9bbb0e

That must be why the stump was so heavy.
We should make sure the florafolk knows the local voidlings are friendly. They haven't had the best experiences with them.

>Identify the stone circle
Good idea, it should give us more information now.
No. 1094408 ID: 44c167

An admirer, or could they be, an apprentice? I hope they're not being missed back home. And that we have something they can eat while they're here.

The voidlings are going to eat that wood aren't they.
No. 1094410 ID: 07a5ab

Might as well invite them over to rest next to the snuggle bug and make sure they don’t attack. Any of the voidlings or vis versa
No. 1094412 ID: 0db8d3

I see a cute stowaway!

Cuddle Tiems?
No. 1094414 ID: 2f41db

Rest well silv, youve more than earne-
...brave little thing arent they?
Guess they really like you silv.
Oh well.
Ŕoll out the guest bed.
Well, guest bit of floor then.
Ŵe could do with finding you some mossy growth to harvest...
No. 1094567 ID: 0db8d3

You know...

We really should douse for an abandoned furniture store or something...
No. 1094568 ID: 5b2941

Not a bad idea, but how would Silv carry it?
No. 1094577 ID: 24c12e

Maybe we can figure out a telekinesis spell?
No. 1094581 ID: 9bbb0e

Ride it like a surfboard.
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